diff options
authorJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
committerJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
commit71bdb35d52747e6d7d9f55df4524d57c2966be94 (patch)
parentb41263ea7578fa9742486135c762803b52794105 (diff)
Lout 3.17.
git-svn-id: http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lout/trunk@2 9365b830-b601-4143-9ba8-b4a8e2c3339c
473 files changed, 227103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82749f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+BASSER LOUT VERSION 3 COPYRIGHT (C) 1994, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+Basser Department of Computer Science
+The University of Sydney 2006
+Telephone (direct): 61 2 692 4216
+Telephone (messages): 61 2 692 3423
+Email: jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au
+Fax: 61 2 692 3838
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+(file gnu.gpl in this directory); if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+This directory contains everything needed to install the Lout document
+formatting system. It contains the following directories:
+ data Lout databases (in Lout)
+ doc Lout documentation (in Lout)
+ font Adobe Systems font metrics files
+ hyph Lout hyphenation files (see hyph/README for info)
+ include Lout packages (in Lout)
+ locale Locale-specific error messages
+ man Lout and c2lout manual entries
+ maps Lout Character Mapping (LCM) files
+ setup Lout setup files (in Lout)
+ software Information about Lout-related software from elsewhere
+and the following files:
+ READMEPDF A description of the PDF back end
+ blurb A news blurb describing Lout
+ blurb.short A short news blurb describing Lout
+ c2lout.c c2lout source code (all in one file)
+ externs.h z*.c Lout source code
+ gnu.gpl A copy of the GNU General Public License
+ makefile A makefile for installing Lout
+ maillist Information about a public mailing list about Lout
+ notes.dsc Notes on the degree of Lout's conformance with the
+ PostScript Document Structuring Conventions
+ whatsnew A brief informal update on recent changes
+See the makefile for installation instructions.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df03071
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+to do: manually created links
+PDF backend instructions and notes
+By Vincent Tan
+To create a PDF file from your Lout files, use the -Z switch.
+$ lout -Z < all > outfile.pdf
+[lout -PDF is now an alternative - JeffK]
+If the file has previously been processed by Lout, you should first
+delete all the ".ld" and ".li" files generated by the previous runs
+of Lout. Doing this will avoid spurious error messages from Lout.
+General notes
+The PDF backend automatically supports text output and has custom
+handlers for graphics via the use of special @Graphic keywords.
+All such keywords begin with "__" (double underscore). Anything
+else is passed verbatim into the PDF output stream.
+One of the best way of learning how to use the backend is to study
+the standard Lout libraries, which have been converted to generate
+PDF files as best as possible. Many of the trickier conversions
+have comments next to them to help you.
+Standard packages
+The PDF backend implements a subset of the Lout packages. The PDF versions
+of the standard Lout packages are described below.
+All packages are "safe", in the sense that using them will not produce
+any snippets of PostScript in the PDF file, which would otherwise cause
+rendering errors.
+Packages marked "complete" or "no change" will work fully and
+correctly, with a few small provisos. Packages marked "incomplete" will
+have problems when viewed or printed with a PDF rendering program.
+The packages that are affected the worst are the figure, diagram and
+graph packages. Most or all of the uses of these packages will not
+produce any PDF output. In the basic document layout package, only
+a few Lout commands are not implemented; they are listed below.
+ fig [ incomplete ]
+ diag [ incomplete ]
+ dl [ incomplete ]
+ unimplemented definitions:
+ @Background/LoutPageSet,
+ @MargSet/LoutMargSet,
+ @MargPut/LoutMargShift
+ doc [ no change ]
+ eq [ complete ]
+ graph [ incomplete ]
+ unimplemented definitions:
+ @GraphObj,
+ @GraphSolid,
+ @GraphDashed,
+ @GraphDotted,
+ @Graph
+ report [ no change ]
+ slides [ no change ]
+ tab [ complete ]
+ tbl [ complete - done by JeffK (not a guarantee of quality!) ]
+Currently, there is no work-around for this lack of functionality.
+[ ? add a mechanism to include external graphical files (such as
+JPEG compressed images) into the PDF file ? ]
+Minor point: surd characters in the 'eq' package will look slightly
+odd when viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader: the top of the surd
+character will be "short" of the top. This seems to be a problem
+with the way Acrobat renders surds (Lout typically requests that the
+surd be rendered at a slightly larger than normal size but it appears
+that Acrobat renders this enlarged surd incorrectly).
+If you have used custom snippets of PostScript (usually with a
+@Graphic command) then you will to modify it so that it produces a
+PDF file that can be rendered. At the very least, you should suppress
+the PostScript from appearing in the PDF file using a modification
+like this:
+from the original:
+{ "0 0 moveto" xsize ysize "lineto stroke" } @Graphic { obj }
+to the modified version:
+@BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "0 0 moveto" xsize ysize "lineto stroke" } @Graphic { obj }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ # PDF version produces no output [ safe but useless ]
+ }
+better yet, translate the PostScript operators into PDF operators:
+@BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "0 0 moveto" xsize ysize "lineto stroke" } @Graphic { obj }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "0 0 m" __xsize __ysize "l S" } @Graphic { obj }
+ }
+More information about how to do this is given below.
+PDF support for text is automatic. Text that would usually produce
+marks on a page in PostScript will instead produce marks on a page
+in PDF. Lout commands that change text location, size, font, style,
+colour, etc. will work fine.
+If you are using custom pieces of PostScript to generate rendering
+marks, you will need to modify them for PDF output. These pieces of
+PostScript typically occur within @Graphic commands. At the very
+least, you should modify them so that the PostScript is not placed
+into the PDF file, since this will produce errors when the PDF file
+is rendered. A description of this is described in the Compatibility
+Since PDF is not a programming language whereas PostScript is one,
+it will not be possible to translate all PostScript operators into
+PDF operators which produce the same functionality. If the
+PostScript is straight-forward (eg, move pen to a location, draw a
+few lines, stroke and fill the shape) then it will be possible to
+write equivalent PDF code. If the PostScript code is more
+sophisticated, then it will probably not be possible to write
+equivalent PDF. Currently there is no work-around for this
+The possible PostScript to PDF changes are now listed:
+ PostScript PDF
+ xsize __xsize
+ ysize __ysize
+ xmark __xmark
+ ymark __ymark
+ <val>in __mul(<val>, __in)
+ <val>cm __mul(<val>, __cm)
+ <val>pt __mul(<val>, __pt)
+ <val>em __mul(<val>, __em)
+ <val>vs __mul(<val>, __loutv)
+ <val>ft __mul(<val>, __loutf)
+ <val>sp __mul(<val>, __louts)
+ setlinewidth w
+ stroke S
+ closepath stroke s
+ closepath h
+ moveto m
+ lineto l
+ fill f
+ stroke fill B
+ gsave q
+ grestore Q
+ setgray g [fill] G [stroke]
+ setrgbcolor rg [fill] RG [stroke]
+ setcmykcolor k [fill] K [stroke]
+ setdash d
+ concat cm
+ curveto c
+It is also possible to convert arcs to curves but it is not a
+straight-forward procedure because you need to calculate
+Bezier control points.
+There are also more PDF marking operators. See the PDF v1.2
+specification, available from <http://www.adobe.com>, for
+more information.
+For expressions, the PDF backend supports a simple prefix
+notation expression evaluator. The syntax is:
+ <expr> = <operator> | <value>
+ <operator> = __add(<subexpr>, <subexpr>) | __sub(<subexpr>, <subexpr>) |
+ __mul(<subexpr>, <subexpr>) | __div(<subexpr>, <subexpr>) |
+ __sin(<subexpr>) | __cos(<subexpr) |
+ __pick(<cardinal number>, <list of expr>)
+ <value> = __in | __cm | __pt | __em | __loutv | __loutf | __louts |
+ __xsize | __ysize | __xmark | __ymark
+ <subexpr> = <expr> | +<subexpr> | -<subexpr> | <constant>
+ <constant> = 0-9.[0-9]*
+Note that expressions must start with an <operator> or a <value>. It cannot
+start with a <subexpr> (or a <constant>) although negation is simple to do:
+use __sub(0, <expr>).
+Of the operators, add, sub, mul, div, sin and cos do as you would expect. The
+pick operator picks the nth expression from the list of expressions where n
+is the first parameter of the __pick() command: eg, __pick(2, 4, 5, 6) produces
+5. The list in the __pick() command can also be whitespace delimited: eg,
+__pick(2, 7 8 9) produces 8.
+ "xmark ymark moveto xmark xsize add ymark ysize 2 mul add lineto stroke"
+ "__xmark __ymark m __add(__xmark, __xsize) __add(__ymark, __mul(2, __ysize)) l S"
+For more examples, please look in the Lout library files (in the include
+EPS files
+EPS files will not be included into PDF files. Currently, there is
+no work-around for this lack of functionality.
+The PDF backend supports the creation of hyperlinks. Some hyperlinking is
+automatic and it is possible to specify your own hyperlinks should you so
+Hyperlinks can be specified to be either accessible from an external file
+(either another PDF file or by external sources such as a hyperlink in an
+HTML document) or which can only be accessed from within the same file.
+Automatic links
+Links are automatically generated for the following document layout items:
+@Chapter and any other item that uses the @LargeScaleStructure item
+The name of the link is the @Title parameter passed to these items.
+Items in @Index entries are kept internal to the document (they cannot
+be linked to from external documents) but items that use
+@LargeScaleStructure can be externally linked.
+Index entries are coloured blue. Clicking on the page number in Adobe
+Acrobat Reader will take you to the page. Items that use the
+@LargeScaleStructure item will have no visible indication that they
+have been linked to but moving the mouse over them changes the cursor
+to a pointing finger. For example, mousing over the Table of Contents
+of a document will change the cursor. Clicking on an entry in the Table
+takes you to the page that that entry lies on.
+User-defined links
+To create a link, you need to specify a starting (or source) location and
+a destination (or target) location. Source locations often appear visually
+distinctive - for example, hyperlinks appear as blue underlined text,
+like what is seen in web browsers. Clicking on such links often produces
+some kind of highlighting. Releasing the mouse button then transports
+you to the destination location. For each source location, you can specify
+a change in the document's zooming for the target location. Finally,
+target locations can be "exported" so that you can link to them from
+external documents.
+Here are the possible link keywords available for the PDF backend:
+(1) specifying a source location/link which targets a location internal
+to the PDF document:
+ syntax: "__link_source=<<name_of_target_link [dest_link_option]>>"
+ example: "__link_source=<<chapter6>>"
+ example: "__link_source=<<part7 __FitH>>"
+The possible destination link options are:
+__FitNoChange no change to the zoom state of the window
+__Fit change zoom to fit the page to the window
+__FitH change zoom to fit the width of the page to the window
+__FitV change zoom to fit the height of the page to the window
+__FitR change zoom to fit the rectangle of the target to the window
+__FitB change zoom to fit the page's bounding box to the window
+__FitBH change zoom to fit the width of the page's bounding box to the window
+__FitBV change zoom to fit the height of the page's bounding box to the window
+The default option is __FitNoChange.
+(2) specifying a source location/link which targets a location external
+to the PDF document:
+for external files:
+ syntax: "__link_external=<<name_of_target_link __link_to=file_spec>>"
+ example: "__link_external=<<chapter6 __link_to=/usr/bin/file.pdf>>"
+for URLs:
+ syntax: "__link_external=<<name_of_target_link __link_to=<< /FS /URL /F (url)>>>>"
+ example: "__link_external=<<chapter6 __link_to=<< /FS /URL /F (ftp://ftp.cs.su.oz.au/jeff/lout/user.pdf) >>>>"
+ ** note the special format required for URL links **
+ ** note the need to have balanced "<<" and ">>" pairs! **
+(3) specifying a source location/link which targets a URI:
+ syntax: "__link_URI=<<URL>>"
+ example: "__link_URI=<<http://www.adobe.com>>"
+(4) specifying a target location which cannot be linked to from external
+ syntax: "__link_target=<<name_of_target_link>>" where
+ name_of_target_link is in the PDF file
+ example: "__link_target=<<chap6.subsection2.paragraph3>>"
+(5) specifying a target location which can be linked to from external
+ syntax: "__link_target_for_export=<<name_of_target_link>>"
+ where name_of_target_link is in the PDF file
+ example: "__link_target_for_export=<<chapter5>>"
+PDF Document Information
+PDF files can have some pieces of information such as author, keywords
+included in them, to facilitate searching. The PDF backend supports
+the ability to set these pieces of information, using special keywords:
+example: "__author=John Smith" @Graphic ""
+__title=<document title>
+example: "__title=PDF backend for Lout" @Graphic ""
+example: "__subject=Lout PDF support" @Graphic ""
+__keywords=<list of keywords>
+example: "__keywords=Lout PDF PostScript" @Graphic ""
+(1) strange error messages, esp. the PDF backend complaining about
+ unresolved links. Did you delete the ".ld" and ".li" files from
+ previous runs of Lout for PostScript output? Lout needs to
+ create PDF-specific versions of these cross references. Do not
+ mix the PostScript and PDF versions of these files!
+(2) "left parameter of @Graphic is bad" - usually from @Title statements
+ which include definitions. For example: "@Title { Using @Tex styles }"
+ where @Tex is defined as: "def @Tex { @Onecol {TEX} }". When the PDF
+ backend tries to create a target entry for a hyperlink, this error
+ message will be generated. The PDF output will still work but the
+ actual title of the link will be "Usingstyles".
+(3) figures, diagrams and graphs don't appear in the PDF file. This is
+ currently unimplemented.
+(4) EPS files are ignored. EPS files cannot be included in PDF files.
+(5) when viewing or printing the PDF file, the renderer complains that
+ it is unable to properly render the page or that there were
+ rendering errors. Solution: check that you are not accidentally
+ including snippets of PostScript into the PDF file. See the
+ Compatilibity section above.
+(6) surd (square root) symbols look strange. This appears to be a
+ rendering problem in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
diff --git a/blurb b/blurb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c748a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blurb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Version 3.17 of the Lout document formatting system is now available
+(free of charge). The system reads a high-level description of a
+document similar in style to LaTeX and produces a PostScript, PDF or
+plain text output file.
+Lout offers an unprecedented range of advanced features, including
+optimal paragraph and page breaking, automatic hyphenation, PostScript
+EPS file inclusion and generation, equation formatting, tables, diagrams,
+rotation and scaling, sorted indexes, bibliographic databases, running
+headers and odd-even pages, automatic cross referencing, multilingual
+documents including hyphenation (most European languages are supported,
+including Russian), formatting of C/C++ programs, and much more, all
+ready to use. Furthermore, Lout is easily extended with definitions
+which are very much easier to write than troff of TeX macros because
+Lout is a high-level language, the outcome of an eight-year research
+project that went back to the beginning.
+Lout is written in highly portable ANSI C. It is distributed under the
+GNU public license as follows:
+ ftp://ftp.cs.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout/lout-3.17.tar.gz
+In other words, in a gzipped tar file called "lout-3.17.tar.gz" in the
+"jeff/lout" subdirectory of the home directory of "ftp ftp.cs.usyd.edu.au"
+with login name "ftp" or "anonymous" using any non-empty password. The
+distribution contains
+ * Complete C source code
+ * Standard library packages of definitions for ordinary documents,
+ technical reports, books, overhead transparencies, stand-alone
+ illustrations, plain text documents, equations, tables, diagrams,
+ graphs, C and C++ program formatting, and Pascal
+ * Complete documentation for all these features consisting of a
+ User's Guide plus an Expert's Guide
+ * A makefile and installation instructions
+For those who want to browse first, a PostScript version of the User's
+Guide may be found in the same ftp directory:
+ ftp://ftp.cs.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout/lout-3.17.user.ps.gz
+Lout was designed and implemented by Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au)
+of the Basser Department of Computer Science at the University of Sydney.
diff --git a/blurb.short b/blurb.short
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c31792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blurb.short
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Lout is a document formatting system similar in style to LaTeX. It
+offers a very full range of features, including PostScript, PDF, and
+plain text output, optimal paragraph and page breaking, automatic
+hyphenation, PostScript EPS file inclusion and generation, equation
+formatting, tables, diagrams, rotation and scaling, sorted indexes,
+bibliographic databases, running headers and odd-even pages, automatic
+cross referencing, multilingual documents including hyphenation (most
+European languages are supported, including Russian), formatting of
+C/C++ programs, and more. Lout may be extended by writing definitions
+which are much simpler than the equivalent troff of TeX macros.
+Lout is written in highly portable ANSI C and runs on most platforms.
+It is distributed under the GNU public license. Its primary web site is
+ ftp://ftp.cs.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout/
+Consult the README file in that directory for information about the
+latest version.
+Lout was designed and implemented by Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au)
+of the Basser Department of Computer Science at the University of Sydney.
diff --git a/c2lout.c b/c2lout.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f5bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c2lout.c
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1993 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define C2LOUT_VERSION "c2lout Version 3.15 (May 1999)"
+#define BOOLEAN unsigned
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+#define MAX_LINE 1024
+/* print styles */
+#define NO_STYLE 0
+#define FIXED_STYLE 1
+#define VARYING_STYLE 2
+#define SYMBOL_STYLE 3
+static char file_name[MAX_LINE]; /* current input file name */
+static int line_num; /* current input line number */
+static int line_pos; /* current input column number */
+static FILE *err_fp; /* where error messages go */
+static BOOLEAN headers_option; /* TRUE if no -n option (headers) */
+static int style_option; /* value of -p option, or NO_STYLE */
+static char *font_option; /* value of -f option, else null */
+static char *size_option; /* value of -s option, else null */
+static char *line_option; /* value of -v option, else null */
+static char *tabin_option; /* value of -t option, else null */
+static char *tabout_option; /* value of -T option, else null */
+static BOOLEAN tab_by_spacing; /* TRUE if using space chars to tab */
+static int tab_in; /* tab interval, value of -t option */
+static float tab_out; /* tab interval width (-T option) */
+static char tab_unit; /* unit of measurement for tab */
+static BOOLEAN Scan();
+extern void ProcessStandAlone(char *fname, FILE *in_fp, FILE *out_fp);
+#define Error0(str) \
+{ \
+ if( line_num > 0 ) \
+ fprintf(err_fp, "c2lout %s %d,%d: ", file_name, line_num, line_pos);\
+ else \
+ fprintf(err_fp, "c2lout: "); \
+ fprintf(err_fp, str); \
+ fprintf(err_fp, "\n"); \
+#define Error1(str, arg) \
+{ \
+ if( line_num > 0 ) \
+ fprintf(err_fp, "c2lout %s %d,%d: ", file_name, line_num, line_pos);\
+ else \
+ fprintf(err_fp, "c2lout: "); \
+ fprintf(err_fp, str, arg); \
+ fprintf(err_fp, "\n"); \
+#define GetArg(arg, message, null_ok) \
+{ if( strcmp(argv[i]+2, "") != 0 ) \
+ arg = argv[i]+2; \
+ else if( !null_ok && i < argc-1 && *argv[i+1] != '-' ) \
+ arg = argv[++i]; \
+ else if( null_ok ) \
+ arg = (char *) NULL; \
+ else \
+ { Error0(message); \
+ exit(1); \
+ } \
+} /* end GetArg */
+/* */
+/* main(argc, argv) */
+/* */
+/* Read command line and process each file in turn. */
+/* */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+{ FILE *in_fp, *out_fp = stdout;
+ BOOLEAN at_least_one_file, raw_seen; int i;
+ char *infilename, *outfilename, *errfilename, *str;
+ /* read command line */
+ in_fp = out_fp = NULL;
+ err_fp = stderr;
+ line_num = 0;
+ raw_seen = FALSE;
+ tab_by_spacing = TRUE;
+ style_option = NO_STYLE;
+ tab_in = 8;
+ tab_out = 3;
+ tab_unit = 'f';
+ at_least_one_file = FALSE;
+ headers_option = TRUE;
+ font_option = size_option = line_option =
+ tabin_option = tabout_option = (char *) NULL;
+ for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
+ { if( *argv[i] == '-' ) switch( *(argv[i]+1) )
+ {
+ case 'r':
+ if( i > 1 )
+ { Error0("-r must be first if it occurs at all");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ raw_seen = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ /* read name of input file */
+ if( !raw_seen )
+ { Error0("-i illegal without -r");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if( in_fp != NULL )
+ { Error0("-i seen twice");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ GetArg(infilename, "usage: -i<filename>", FALSE);
+ /* open the file */
+ in_fp = fopen(infilename, "r");
+ if( in_fp == NULL )
+ { Error1("cannot open input file %s", infilename);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* initialize file position */
+ strcpy(file_name, infilename);
+ line_num = 1;
+ line_pos = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ /* read name of output file */
+ if( out_fp != NULL )
+ { Error0("-o seen twice");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ GetArg(outfilename, "usage: -o<filename>", FALSE);
+ out_fp = fopen(outfilename, "w");
+ if( out_fp == NULL )
+ { Error1("cannot open output file %s", outfilename);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ /* read name of error file */
+ GetArg(errfilename, "usage: -e<filename>", FALSE);
+ err_fp = fopen(errfilename, "w");
+ if( err_fp == NULL )
+ { Error1("cannot open error file %s", errfilename);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ /* read print style */
+ if( raw_seen )
+ { Error0("-p illegal with -r option");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ GetArg(str, "usage: -p<printstyle>", FALSE);
+ if( style_option != NO_STYLE )
+ { Error0("-p option appears twice");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(str, "fixed") == 0 )
+ { style_option = FIXED_STYLE;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(str, "varying") == 0 )
+ { style_option = VARYING_STYLE;
+ tab_by_spacing = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if( strcmp(str, "symbol") == 0 )
+ { style_option = SYMBOL_STYLE;
+ tab_by_spacing = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ { Error1("unknown -p option %s", str);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ /* read font family */
+ if( raw_seen )
+ { Error0("-f illegal with -r option");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ GetArg(font_option, "usage: -f<font>", FALSE);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ /* read font size */
+ if( raw_seen )
+ { Error0("-s illegal with -r option");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ GetArg(size_option, "usage: -s<size>", FALSE);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ /* read line spacing */
+ if( raw_seen )
+ { Error0("-v illegal with -r option");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ GetArg(line_option, "usage: -v<vsize>", FALSE);
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ /* read tab interval */
+ GetArg(tabin_option, "usage: -t<number>", TRUE);
+ if( tabin_option != NULL && sscanf(tabin_option,"%d",&tab_in) != 1 )
+ { Error0("usage: -t<number>\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if( tab_in <= 0 )
+ { Error0("-t: tab interval must be greater than 0\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ /* read tab_out and tab_unit */
+ GetArg(tabout_option, "usage: -T<number><unit>", TRUE);
+ if( tabout_option != NULL )
+ { if( sscanf(tabout_option, "%f%c",&tab_out,&tab_unit) != 2 )
+ { Error0("usage: -T<number><unit>\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if( tab_out <= 0 || tab_out >= 50 )
+ { Error0("-T: unreasonably large or small tab interval");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if( tab_unit != 'c' && tab_unit != 'i' && tab_unit != 'p' &&
+ tab_unit != 'm' && tab_unit != 'f' && tab_unit != 's' &&
+ tab_unit != 'v' )
+ { Error0("-T: tab unit must be one of cipmfsv\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ tab_by_spacing = FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if( raw_seen )
+ { Error0("-n illegal with -r option");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ headers_option = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case 'V':
+ if( raw_seen )
+ { Error0("-V illegal with -r option");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ Error1("%s", C2LOUT_VERSION);
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ if( raw_seen )
+ { Error0("-u illegal with -r option");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ Error0("usage: c2lout C-files or c2lout -r Lout-files");
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error1("unknown command line flag %s", argv[i]);
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* argument is source file, so open it */
+ if( raw_seen )
+ { Error0("file parameter illegal with -r flag!");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ at_least_one_file = TRUE;
+ in_fp = fopen(argv[i], "r");
+ if( in_fp == NULL )
+ { Error1("cannot open input file %s", argv[i]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* initialize file position */
+ strcpy(file_name, argv[i]);
+ line_num = 1;
+ line_pos = 0;
+ ProcessStandAlone(argv[i], in_fp, out_fp == NULL ? stdout : out_fp);
+ }
+ } /* for */
+ /* raw case: filter in_fp to out_fp using Scan() */
+ if( raw_seen )
+ {
+ /* check that input and output files are open */
+ if( in_fp == NULL )
+ { Error0("-r: missing -i option");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if( out_fp == NULL )
+ { Error0("-r: missing -o option");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* scan the file and leave unchanged if an error occurred */
+ if( !Scan(in_fp, out_fp) ) exit(1);
+ }
+ /* finish of non-raw case with end text */
+ else if( at_least_one_file )
+ fprintf(out_fp == NULL ? stdout : out_fp, "@End @Text\n");
+ return 0;
+} /* end main */
+/* */
+/* ProcessStandAlone(fname, in_fp, out_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Process one file consisting completely of C code. */
+/* */
+void ProcessStandAlone(char *fname, FILE *in_fp, FILE *out_fp)
+{ static BOOLEAN first = TRUE;
+ char *style_str, *font_str, *size_str, *line_str, *face_str,
+ *tabin_str, *tabout_str;
+ /* print heading information on out_fp */
+ if( first )
+ {
+ /* sort out the options' values */
+ switch( style_option )
+ {
+ case NO_STYLE:
+ style_str = "fixed";
+ face_str = "Base";
+ font_str = font_option != NULL ? font_option : "Courier";
+ size_str = size_option != NULL ? size_option : "9p";
+ line_str = line_option != NULL ? line_option : "1.1fx";
+ tabin_str = tabin_option != NULL ? tabin_option : "8";
+ tabout_str = tabout_option != NULL ? tabout_option : "8s";
+ break;
+ style_str = "varying";
+ face_str = "Slope";
+ font_str = font_option != NULL ? font_option : "Times";
+ size_str = size_option != NULL ? size_option : "10p";
+ line_str = line_option != NULL ? line_option : "1.1fx";
+ tabin_str = tabin_option != NULL ? tabin_option : "8";
+ tabout_str = tabout_option != NULL ? tabout_option : "3f";
+ break;
+ style_str = "symbol";
+ face_str = "Slope";
+ font_str = font_option != NULL ? font_option : "Times";
+ size_str = size_option != NULL ? size_option : "10p";
+ line_str = line_option != NULL ? line_option : "1.1fx";
+ tabin_str = tabin_option != NULL ? tabin_option : "8";
+ tabout_str = tabout_option != NULL ? tabout_option : "3f";
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error0("internal error in -p option");
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* now print the initial @Use clauses etc.*/
+ fprintf(out_fp, "@SysInclude { cprint }\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "@SysInclude { doc }\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "@Use { @CP\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, " style { %s }\n", style_str);
+ fprintf(out_fp, " font { %s }\n", font_str);
+ fprintf(out_fp, " size { %s }\n", size_str);
+ fprintf(out_fp, " line { %s }\n", line_str);
+ fprintf(out_fp, " tabin { %s }\n", tabin_str);
+ fprintf(out_fp, " tabout { %s }\n", tabout_str);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "{}\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "}\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "@Document\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, " @InitialFont { \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" }\n",
+ font_str, face_str, size_str);
+ fprintf(out_fp, " @InitialBreak { lines \"%s\" nohyphen }\n", line_str);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "//\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "@Text @Begin\n\n");
+ first = FALSE;
+ }
+ else fprintf(out_fp, "@NP\n\n");
+ /* print file name and contents */
+ if( headers_option )
+ fprintf(out_fp, "{ Times Bold \"+3p\" } @Font \"%s\"\n@DP\n", fname);
+ if( !Scan(in_fp, out_fp) ) exit(1);
+} /* end ProcessStandAlone */
+/* */
+/* EmitTab(out_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Emit the equivalent of one tab character, depending on whether we */
+/* are using spaces or Lout tab operators to simulate it. */
+/* */
+void EmitTab(FILE *out_fp)
+ if( tab_by_spacing )
+ { putc(' ', out_fp);
+ while( line_pos % tab_in != 0 )
+ { putc(' ', out_fp);
+ line_pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { while( line_pos % tab_in != 0 )
+ { line_pos++;
+ }
+ fprintf(out_fp, " $>%.1f%ct ",
+ (line_pos/tab_in) * tab_out, tab_unit);
+ }
+} /* end EmitTab */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN Scan(in_fp, out_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Scan the C source beginning in file in_fp and write it in modified */
+/* Lout source form onto out_fp. Return TRUE if successful. */
+/* */
+/* states of scanner */
+#define C_REGULAR 1
+#define C_SLASH 2
+#define C_COMMENT 3
+#define CPP_COMMENT 4
+#define LOUT_INSERT 5
+#define CPP_LOUT_INSERT 6
+#define C_COMMENT_STAR 8
+#define C_STRING 9
+#define C_CHAR 11
+#define C_CHAR_BACKSLASH 12
+static BOOLEAN Scan(FILE *in_fp, FILE *out_fp)
+{ int state, ch;
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ while( (ch = getc(in_fp)) != EOF )
+ {
+ if( ch == '\n' )
+ { line_num++;
+ line_pos = 0;
+ }
+ else line_pos++;
+ switch( state )
+ {
+ case C_REGULAR: /* in ordinary C code */
+ if( ch == '\f' )
+ { fprintf(out_fp, "\n@NP\n");
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\t' )
+ { EmitTab(out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '#' )
+ { fputs("$$", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\\' )
+ { fputs("\"\\\\\"", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '{' ) /*}*/
+ { fputs("${", out_fp); /*}*/
+ }
+ else if( ch == /*{*/ '}' )
+ { /*{*/ fputs("$}", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '@' )
+ { Error0("@ character in C program text");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '/' )
+ { state = C_SLASH;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\'' )
+ { fputs("{@L \"", out_fp);
+ state = C_CHAR;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '"' )
+ { fputs("{@S \"", out_fp); /*}*/
+ state = C_STRING;
+ }
+ else
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case C_SLASH: /* in ordinary C code just after / */
+ if( ch == '*' )
+ { int nextch = getc(in_fp);
+ if( nextch == EOF )
+ { Error0("unexpected end-of-file");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if( nextch == '@' )
+ { state = LOUT_INSERT;
+ }
+ else
+ { ungetc(nextch, in_fp);
+ if( nextch == '\n' ) line_num--;
+ fputs("{@C \"/*", out_fp);
+ state = C_COMMENT;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( ch == '/' ) /* C++ comment */
+ { int nextch = getc(in_fp);
+ if( nextch == EOF )
+ { Error0("unexpected end-of-file");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if( nextch == '@' )
+ { state = CPP_LOUT_INSERT;
+ }
+ else
+ { ungetc(nextch, in_fp);
+ if( nextch == '\n' ) line_num--;
+ fputs("{@C \"//", out_fp);
+ state = CPP_COMMENT;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { putc('/', out_fp);
+ ungetc(ch, in_fp);
+ if( ch == '\n' ) line_num--;
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ break;
+ case C_COMMENT: /* inside a C comment */
+ if( ch == '\t' )
+ { fputs("\"}", out_fp);
+ EmitTab(out_fp);
+ fputs("{@C \"", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\n' )
+ { int nextch = getc(in_fp);
+ if( nextch != EOF )
+ { fputs("\"}\n{@C \"", out_fp);
+ }
+ ungetc(nextch, in_fp);
+ if( ch == '\n' ) line_num--;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\\' )
+ { fputs("\\\\", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '"' )
+ { fputs("\\\"", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '*' )
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ state = C_COMMENT_STAR;
+ }
+ else
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPP_COMMENT: /* inside a C++ comment */
+ if( ch == '\t' )
+ { fputs("\"}", out_fp);
+ EmitTab(out_fp);
+ fputs("{@C \"", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\n' )
+ { fputs("\"}\n", out_fp);
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\\' )
+ { fputs("\\\\", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '"' )
+ { fputs("\\\"", out_fp);
+ }
+ else
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case LOUT_INSERT: /* inside C comment which is a Lout insert */
+ if( ch == '*' )
+ { state = LOUT_INSERT_STAR;
+ }
+ else
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case LOUT_INSERT_STAR: /* inside Lout insert comment just after * */
+ if( ch == '/' )
+ { state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '*' )
+ { putc('*', out_fp);
+ }
+ else
+ { putc('*', out_fp);
+ putc(ch, out_fp);
+ state = LOUT_INSERT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CPP_LOUT_INSERT: /* inside C++ comment which is a Lout insert */
+ if( ch == '\n' )
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ else
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case C_COMMENT_STAR: /* inside C comment just after * */
+ if( ch == '/' )
+ { fputs("/\"}", out_fp);
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '*' )
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\t' )
+ { fputs("\"}", out_fp);
+ EmitTab(out_fp);
+ fputs("{@C \"", out_fp);
+ state = C_COMMENT;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\n' )
+ { fputs("\"}\n{@C \"", out_fp);
+ state = C_COMMENT;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\\' )
+ { fputs("\\\\", out_fp);
+ state = C_COMMENT;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '"' )
+ { fputs("\\\"", out_fp);
+ state = C_COMMENT;
+ }
+ else
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ state = C_COMMENT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case C_STRING: /* inside a C string */
+ if( ch == '\t' )
+ { Error0("replaced tab character in string by \\t");
+ fputs("\\\\t", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\\' )
+ { fputs("\\\\", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '"' )
+ { /*{*/ fputs("\"}", out_fp);
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\n' )
+ { Error0("unterminated C string");
+ /*{*/ fputs("\"}\n", out_fp);
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ else putc(ch, out_fp);
+ break;
+ case C_STRING_BACKSLASH: /* inside a C string just after \ */
+ if( ch == '\t' )
+ { Error0("replacing literal tab character after \\ by t");
+ putc('t', out_fp);
+ state = C_STRING;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\\' )
+ { fputs("\\\\", out_fp);
+ state = C_STRING;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '"' )
+ { fputs("\\\"", out_fp);
+ state = C_STRING;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\n' )
+ { Error0("multi-line string printed as two strings, sorry");
+ fputs("\"}\n{@S \"", out_fp);
+ state = C_STRING;
+ }
+ else
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ state = C_STRING;
+ }
+ break;
+ case C_CHAR: /* inside char literal */
+ if( ch == '\t' )
+ { Error0("replacing literal tab character by \\t");
+ fputs("\\\\t", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\\' )
+ { fputs("\\\\", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '"' )
+ { fputs("\\\"", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\n' )
+ { Error0("unterminated C character constant");
+ fputs("\"}\n", out_fp);
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\'' )
+ { /*{*/ fputs("\"}", out_fp);
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ else putc(ch, out_fp);
+ break;
+ case C_CHAR_BACKSLASH: /* inside quoted char just after \ */
+ if( ch == '"' )
+ { fputs("\\\"", out_fp);
+ state = C_CHAR;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\\' )
+ { fputs("\\\\", out_fp);
+ state = C_CHAR;
+ }
+ else if( ch == '\n' )
+ { Error0("unterminated C character constant");
+ /*{*/ fputs("\"}\n", out_fp);
+ state = C_REGULAR;
+ }
+ else
+ { putc(ch, out_fp);
+ state = C_CHAR;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error1("unknown case %d", state);
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check that final state is reasonable */
+ switch( state )
+ {
+ case C_REGULAR: /* in ordinary C code */
+ break;
+ case C_SLASH: /* in ordinary C code just after / */
+ fputs("/\n", out_fp);
+ break;
+ case C_COMMENT: /* inside a C comment */
+ case CPP_COMMENT: /* inside a C++ comment */
+ case C_COMMENT_STAR: /* inside C comment just after * */
+ /*{*/ fputs("\"}\n", out_fp);
+ Error0("C text ended inside a comment");
+ break;
+ case LOUT_INSERT: /* inside C comment which is a Lout insert */
+ case CPP_LOUT_INSERT: /* inside C++ comment which is a Lout insert */
+ case LOUT_INSERT_STAR: /* inside Lout insert comment just after * */
+ Error0("C text ended inside a Lout inclusion");
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ case C_STRING: /* inside a C string */
+ case C_STRING_BACKSLASH: /* inside a C string just after \ */
+ /*{*/ fputs("\"}\n", out_fp);
+ Error0("C text ended inside a string literal");
+ break;
+ case C_CHAR: /* inside char literal (has been quoted) */
+ case C_CHAR_BACKSLASH: /* inside quoted char just after \ */
+ /*{*/ fputs("\"}\n", out_fp);
+ Error0("C text ended inside a character literal");
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error0("unknown final state");
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+} /* end Scan */
diff --git a/data/README b/data/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a7cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/README
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Directory lout/data
+This directory contains Lout database files:
+ loutrefs.ld References used in the Lout documentation
+ oldrefs.ld More references used in the Lout documentation
+ refstyle.ld Standard reference printing styles
+ standard.ld Roman numerals, months, etc.
+Corresponding .li files will be created during the initializing
+"lout -x" run, or else the first time each database is accessed.
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+30 March 1999
diff --git a/data/loutrefs.ld b/data/loutrefs.ld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcff3cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/loutrefs.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { knuth1984tex }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Donald E. Knuth }
+ @Title { The {@TeX}Book }
+ @Publisher { Addison-Wesley }
+ @Year { 1984 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { adobe1990ps }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Adobe Systems, Inc. }
+ @Title { PostScript Language Reference Manual, Second Edition }
+ @Publisher { Addison-Wesley }
+ @Year { 1990 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { jensen1975pascal }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { K. Jensen and N. Wirth }
+ @Title { Pascal User Manual and Report }
+ @Publisher { Springer-Verlag }
+ @Year { 1975 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { meyer1992eiffel }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Bertrand Meyer }
+ @Title { Eiffel: The Language }
+ @Publisher { Prentice-Hall }
+ @Year { 1992 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { reid1980scribe }
+ @Type { InProceedings }
+ @Author { Brian K. Reid }
+ @Title { A High-Level Approach to Computer Document Production }
+ @InTitle { Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on the Principles
+of Programming Languages (POPL), Las Vegas NV }
+ @Pages { 24--31 }
+ @Year { 1980 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { strunk1979style }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { William Strunk and E. B. White }
+ @Title { The Elements of Style }
+ @Publisher { Macmillan }
+ @Edition { Third Edition }
+ @Year { 1979 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { ossanna1976troff }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Joseph F. Ossanna }
+ @Title { "Nroff/Troff" User's Manual }
+ @Number { 54 }
+ @Institution { Bell Laboratories }
+ @Address { Murray Hill, NJ 07974 }
+ @Year { 1976 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kernighan1975eqn }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Brian W. Kernighan and Lorinda L. Cherry }
+ @Title { A system for typesetting mathematics }
+ @Journal { Communications of the ACM }
+ @Volume { 18 }
+ @Pages { 182--193 }
+ @Year { 1975 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { lesk1976tbl }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { M. E. Lesk }
+ @Title { Tbl -- a program to format tables }
+ @Number { 49 }
+ @Institution { AT"&"T Bell Laboratories }
+ @Address { Murray Hill, NJ 07974 }
+ @Year { 1976 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kernighan1982pic }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Brian W. Kernighan }
+ @Title { PIC -- A language for typesetting graphics }
+ @Journal { Software Practice and Experience }
+ @Volume { 12 }
+ @Pages { 1--21 }
+ @Year { 1982 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { bentley1984grap }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Jon L. Bentley and Brian W. Kernighan }
+ @Title { GRAP -- a language for typesetting graphs }
+ @Number { 114 (Computing Science) }
+ @Institution { AT"&"T Bell Laboratories }
+ @Address { Murray Hill, NJ 07974 }
+ @Year { 1984 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { ellis1990cpp }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Margaret A. Ellis and Bjarne Stroustrup }
+ @Title { The annotated C++ reference manual }
+ @Publisher { Addison-Wesley }
+ @Year { 1990 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston1995lout.program }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
+ @Title { The Basser Lout Document Formatting System (Version 3) }
+ @TitleNote { Computer program }
+ @Year { 1995 }
+ @Note { Publicly available in the
+@I jeff subdirectory of the home directory of @I ftp to host
+@I ftp.cs.su.oz.au with login name @I anonymous or @I ftp and any
+non-empty password (e.g. {@I none}). Lout distributions are also
+available from the @I comp.sources.misc newsgroup, and by electronic
+mail from the author. All enquiries to {@I "jeff@cs.su.oz.au" }. }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston1995lout.expert }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
+ @Title { An Expert's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting
+System (Version 3) }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer Science }
+ @Address { University of Sydney }
+ @Year { 1995 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston1995lout.user }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
+ @Title { A User's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting
+System (Version 3) }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer Science }
+ @Address { University of Sydney }
+ @Year { 1995 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston1994lout.overheads }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @TRType { Overhead transparencies }
+ @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
+ @Title { A Practical Introduction to the Lout Document Formatting
+System }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer Science }
+ @Address { University of Sydney }
+ @Year { 1994 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston1993lout.design }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
+ @Title { The design and implementation of the Lout document
+formatting language }
+ @Journal { Software---Practice and Experience }
+ @Volume { 23 }
+ @Pages { 1001--1041 }
+ @Year { 1993 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { wirth1971pascal }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { N. Wirth }
+ @Title { The programming language Pascal }
+ @Journal { Acta Informatica }
+ @Volume { 1 }
+ @Year { 1975 }
+ @Pages { 35--63 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { brooks1991lilac }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Kenneth P. Brooks }
+ @Title { Lilac: a two-view document editor }
+ @Journal { IEEE Computer }
+ @Pages { 7--19 }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { furuta1982survey }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Richard Furuta, Jeffrey Scofield, and Alan Shaw }
+ @Title { Document formatting systems: survey,
+concepts, and issues }
+ @Journal { Computing Surveys }
+ @Volume { 14 }
+ @Pages { 417--472 }
+ @Year { 1982 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kernighan1988c }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie }
+ @Title { The C programming language (second edition) }
+ @Publisher { Prentice Hall }
+ @Year { 1988 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { vanleunen1992handbook }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Mary-Claire van Leunen }
+ @Title { A Handbook for Scholars }
+ @Publisher { Oxford }
+ @Edition { Revised Edition }
+ @Year { 1992 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { homer.odyssey }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Homer }
+ @Title { The Odyssey }
+ @TitleNote { Translated by E. V. Rieu }
+ @Pinpoint { Chapter VI }
+ @Pages { 102--111 }
+ @Page { 102 }
+ @Publisher { Penguin Books }
+ @Address { Harmondsworth, Middlesex }
+ @Edition { Penguin Classics Edition }
+ @Month { August }
+ @Year { 1942 }
+ @Note { The date of composition is unknown, but
+is thought to be about the tenth century BC. }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { rieu1942intro }
+ @Type { InBook }
+ @Author { E. V. Rieu }
+ @Title { Introduction to @I { The Odyssey } }
+ @InAuthor { Homer }
+ @InTitle { The Odyssey }
+ @Publisher { Penguin }
+ @Year { 1942 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { christofides1976tsp }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { N. Christofides }
+ @Title { Worst-case analysis of a new heuristic
+for the travelling salesman problem }
+ @Number { 388 }
+ @Institution { Graduate School of Industrial
+Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University }
+ @Address { Pittsburgh, PA }
+ @Year { 1976 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { lamport1986latex }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Leslie Lamport }
+ @Title { @LaTeX User's Guide and Reference Manual }
+ @Publisher { Addison-Wesley }
+ @Year { 1986 }
diff --git a/data/oldrefs.ld b/data/oldrefs.ld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda4992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/oldrefs.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { knuth84 }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Knuth, Donald E. }
+ @Title { The T{ /0.2fo E}XBook }
+ @Publisher { Addison-Wesley }
+ @Year { 1984 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { adobe85 }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Adobe Systems, Inc. }
+ @Title { PostScript Language Reference Manual }
+ @Publisher { Addison-Wesley }
+ @Year { 1985 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { reid80 }
+ @Type { InProceedings }
+ @Author { Reid, Brian K. }
+ @Title { A High-Level Approach to Computer Document Production }
+ @InTitle { Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on the Principles
+of Programming Languages (POPL), Las Vegas NV }
+ @Pages { 24--31 }
+ @Year { 1980 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { strunk79 }
+ @Type { Book }
+ @Author { Strunk, William and White, E. B. }
+ @Title { The Elements of Style }
+ @Publisher { Macmillan }
+ @Edition { Third Edition }
+ @Year { 1979 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { ossanna76 }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Joseph F. Ossanna }
+ @Title { "Nroff/Troff" User's Manual }
+ @Number { 54 }
+ @Institution { Bell Laboratories }
+ @Address { Murray Hill, NJ 07974 }
+ @Year { 1976 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kernighan75 }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Kernighan, Brian W. and Cherry, Lorinda L. }
+ @Title { A system for typesetting mathematics }
+ @Journal { Communications of the ACM }
+ @Volume { 18 }
+ @Pages { 182--193 }
+ @Year { 1975 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { lesk76 }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Lesk, M. E. }
+ @Title { Tbl -- a program to format tables }
+ @Number { 49 }
+ @Institution { Bell Laboratories }
+ @Address { Murray Hill, NJ 07974 }
+ @Year { 1976 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kernighan82 }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Kernighan, Brian W. }
+ @Title { PIC -- A language for typesetting graphics}
+ @Journal { Software Practice and Experience }
+ @Volume { 12 }
+ @Pages { 1--21 }
+ @Year { 1982 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston91 }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }
+ @Title { Document Formatting with Lout }
+ @Number { 408 }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer
+Science, The University of Sydney, Australia }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston91basser }
+ @Type { Misc }
+ @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }
+ @Title { The Basser Lout Document Formatter }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+ @Note { Computer program; Version 2 publicly available
+in the @I pub subdirectory
+of the home directory of @I ftp to host
+@I ftp.cs.su.oz.au with login name
+@I anonymous and no password. Distribution
+via email is available for non-{@I ftp} sites. All enquiries to "jeff@cs.su.oz.au". }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston91begin }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }
+ @Title { A beginners' guide to Lout }
+ @Number { 409 }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer
+Science, The University of Sydney, Australia }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston91eq }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }
+ @Title { Eq -- a Lout package for typesetting mathematics }
+ @Number { 410 }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer
+Science, The University of Sydney, Australia }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+ @Note { (Contains an appendix describing the Pas Pascal formatter.) }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston91fig }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }
+ @Title { Fig -- a Lout package for drawing figures }
+ @Number { 411 }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer
+Science, The University of Sydney, Australia }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston91over }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }
+ @Title { A new approach to document formatting }
+ @Number { 412 }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer
+Science, The University of Sydney, Australia }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston91tab }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }
+ @Title { Tab -- a Lout package for formatting tables }
+ @Number { 413 }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer
+Science, The University of Sydney, Australia }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { kingston91design }
+ @Type { TechReport }
+ @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }
+ @Title { The design and implementation of a document formatting language }
+ @Number { @Null }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer
+Science, The University of Sydney, Australia }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+ @Note { @I { In preparation. } }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { wirth71 }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Wirth, N. }
+ @Title { The programming language Pascal }
+ @Journal { Acta Informatica }
+ @Volume { 1 }
+ @Year { 1975 }
+ @Pages { 35--63 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { brooks91 }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Brooks, Kenneth P. }
+ @Title { Lilac: a two-view document editor }
+ @Journal { IEEE Computer }
+ @Pages { 7--19 }
+ @Year { 1991 }
+{ @Reference
+ @Tag { furuta82 }
+ @Type { Article }
+ @Author { Furuta, Richard, Scofield, Jeffrey,
+and Shaw, Alan }
+ @Title { Document formatting systems: survey,
+concepts, and issues }
+ @Journal { Computing Surveys }
+ @Volume { 14 }
+ @Pages { 417--472 }
+ @Year { 1982 }
diff --git a/data/refstyle.ld b/data/refstyle.ld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a92e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/refstyle.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# #
+# refstyles.ld #
+# #
+# Standard reference styles database. #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# August 1994 (@NumSep added in Version 3.13, February 1999). #
+# #
+# #
+# Large works: Book, Proceedings (identical to Book), PhDThesis. #
+# #
+{ Book @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @I @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { . @TitleNote } @If @TitleNote
+ { . @HowPublished } @If @HowPublished
+ { . @Publisher } @If @Publisher
+ { . @Organization } @If @Organization
+ { . @Institution } @If @Institution
+ { , @Address } @If @Address
+ { . @Edition } @If @Edition
+ { , @Month @Year } @If @Year @And @Month
+ { , @Year } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
+{ Proceedings @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @I @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { . @TitleNote } @If @TitleNote
+ { . @HowPublished } @If @HowPublished
+ { . @Publisher } @If @Publisher
+ { . @Organization } @If @Organization
+ { . @Institution } @If @Institution
+ { , @Address } @If @Address
+ { . @Edition } @If @Edition
+ { , @Month @Year } @If @Year @And @Month
+ { , @Year } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
+{ PhDThesis @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @I @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { . @TitleNote } @If @TitleNote
+ { . @Word&&phdthesis } @If @True
+ { , @HowPublished } @If @HowPublished
+ { , @Publisher } @If @Publisher
+ { , @Organization } @If @Organization
+ { , @Institution } @If @Institution
+ { , @Address } @If @Address
+ { . @Edition } @If @Edition
+ { , @Month @Year } @If @Year @And @Month
+ { , @Year } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
+# #
+# Small works not appearing within anything else: TechReport, Manual, #
+# MastersThesis, Seminar, Misc #
+# #
+{ TechReport @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { . @TitleNote } @If @TitleNote
+ { . @TRType } @If @TRType
+ { . @Word&&techrep } @If @Not @TRType
+ { {} @Number } @If @Number
+ { {} (@Month @Year) } @If @Year @And @Month
+ { {} (@Year) } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { , @HowPublished } @If @HowPublished
+ { , @Publisher } @If @Publisher
+ { , @Organization } @If @Organization
+ { , @Institution } @If @Institution
+ { , @Address } @If @Address
+ { . @Edition } @If @Edition
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
+{ MastersThesis @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { . @TitleNote } @If @TitleNote
+ { . @Word&&mastersthesis } @If @True
+ { {} @Number } @If @Number
+ { {} (@Month @Year) } @If @Year @And @Month
+ { {} (@Year) } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { , @HowPublished } @If @HowPublished
+ { , @Publisher } @If @Publisher
+ { , @Organization } @If @Organization
+ { , @Institution } @If @Institution
+ { , @Address } @If @Address
+ { . @Edition } @If @Edition
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
+{ Seminar @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @I @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { . @TitleNote } @If @TitleNote
+ { . @HowPublished } @If @HowPublished
+ { . @Publisher } @If @Publisher
+ { . @Organization } @If @Organization
+ { . @Institution } @If @Institution
+ { , @Address } @If @Address
+ { . @Edition } @If @Edition
+ { , @Day @Month @Year } @If @Year @And @Month @And @Day
+ { , @Month @Year } @If @Year @And @Month @And @Not @Day
+ { , @Year } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
+{ Misc @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { . @TitleNote } @If @TitleNote
+ { . @HowPublished } @If @HowPublished
+ { , @Publisher } @If @Publisher
+ { , @Organization } @If @Organization
+ { , @Institution } @If @Institution
+ { , @Address } @If @Address
+ { . @Edition } @If @Edition
+ { , @Month @Year } @If @Year @And @Month
+ { , @Year } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
+# #
+# Small works appearing within an ongoing forum: Article. #
+# #
+{ Article @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} @TitleNote. } @If @TitleNote
+ { {} @I @Journal } @If @Journal
+ { {} @Word&&nopublisher } @If @Not @Journal
+ { {} @B @Volume } @If @Volume
+ { {} (@Number) } @If @Number @And @Volume
+ { {} @Number } @If @Number @And @Not @Volume
+ { , @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @Page } @If @Page
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { {} (@Day @Month @Year) } @If @Year @And @Month @And @Day
+ { {} (@Month @Year) } @If @Year @And @Month @And @Not @Day
+ { {} (@Year) } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
+# #
+# Small works appearing within large works: InBook, InProceedings #
+# (identical to InBook). #
+# #
+{ InBook @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { . @Word&&in {} } @If @True
+ { @InAuthor, {} } @If @InAuthor
+ { @I @InTitle } @If @InTitle
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @InTitle
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { . @TitleNote } @If @TitleNote
+ { . @HowPublished } @If @HowPublished
+ { . @Publisher } @If @Publisher
+ { . @Organization } @If @Organization
+ { . @Institution } @If @Institution
+ { , @Address } @If @Address
+ { . @Edition } @If @Edition
+ { , @Month @Year } @If @Year @And @Month
+ { , @Year } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
+{ InProceedings @RefStyle @Style
+ { @Reference&&reftag @Open
+ {
+ { @Author. {} } @If @Author
+ { @Title } @If @Title
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @Title
+ { . @Word&&in {} } @If @True
+ { @InAuthor, {} } @If @InAuthor
+ { @I @InTitle } @If @InTitle
+ { @Word&&notitle } @If @Not @InTitle
+ { , @Pinpoint } @If @Pinpoint
+ { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages } @If @Pages
+ { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page } @If @Page
+ { . @TitleNote } @If @TitleNote
+ { . @HowPublished } @If @HowPublished
+ { . @Publisher } @If @Publisher
+ { . @Organization } @If @Organization
+ { . @Institution } @If @Institution
+ { , @Address } @If @Address
+ { . @Edition } @If @Edition
+ { , @Month @Year } @If @Year @And @Month
+ { , @Year } @If @Year @And @Not @Month
+ { . } @If @True
+ { {} URL @I { @URL }. } @If @URL
+ { {} @Note } @If @Note
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/data/standard.ld b/data/standard.ld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23934c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/standard.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,2176 @@
+# #
+# standard.ld Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# February 1995 #
+# February 1999 #
+# #
+# Database of commonly used symbols: #
+# #
+# @Word language-specific words #
+# @Roman lower case Roman numerals #
+# @UCRoman upper case Roman numerals #
+# @Alpha lower case Roman alphabet #
+# @UCAlpha upper case Roman alphabet #
+# @Months months of the year #
+# @ShortMonths months of the year, abbreviated #
+# @WeekDays days of the week #
+# @ShortWeekDays days of the week, abbreviated #
+# @TwelveHours hours on twelve-hour clock #
+# @ShortHours short hours on 24-hour clock #
+# @MeriDiem a.m. or p.m. #
+# @ShortMeriDiem am or pm #
+# @DateTimeFormat format of date and time. #
+# #
+{ contents @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Obsah }
+ Danish @Yield { Indhold }
+ Dutch @Yield { Inhoudsopgave }
+ English @Yield { Contents }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Contents }
+ Finnish @Yield { Sis{@Char adieresis}lt{@Char odieresis} }
+ French @Yield { Table des Mati{@Char egrave}res }
+ German @Yield { Inhalt }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Tartalom }
+ Italian @Yield { Contenuto }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Innhold }
+ Polish @Yield { Spis tre{@Char sacute}ci }
+ Russian @Yield { "\363\317\304\305\322\326\301\316\311\305" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Vsebina }
+ Spanish @Yield { Contenidos }
+ Swedish @Yield { Inneh{@Char aring}ll }
+ }
+{ references @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Odkazy na literaturu }
+ Danish @Yield { Referencer }
+ Dutch @Yield { Referenties }
+ English @Yield { References }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { References }
+ Finnish @Yield { Viitteet }
+ French @Yield { R{@Char eacute}f{@Char eacute}rences }
+ German @Yield { Literaturverzeichnis }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Hivatkoz{@Char aacute}sok }
+ Italian @Yield { Riferimenti }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Referanser }
+ Polish @Yield { Odno{@Char sacute}niki }
+ Russian @Yield { "\354\311\324\305\322\301\324\325\322\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Reference }
+ Spanish @Yield { Referencias }
+ Swedish @Yield { Referenser }
+ }
+{ bibliography @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Seznam literatury }
+ Danish @Yield { Bibliografi }
+ Dutch @Yield { Bibliografie }
+ English @Yield { Bibliography }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Bibliography }
+ Finnish @Yield { Kirjallisuusluettelo }
+ French @Yield { Bibliographie }
+ German @Yield { Literaturverzeichnis }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Irodalomjegyz{@Char eacute}k }
+ Italian @Yield { Bibliografia }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Litteratur }
+ Polish @Yield { Literatura }
+ Russian @Yield { "\354\311\324\305\322\301\324\325\322\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Literatura }
+ Spanish @Yield { Bibliograf{@Char iacute}a }
+ Swedish @Yield { Bibliografi }
+ }
+{ figure @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Obr{@Char aacute}zek }
+ Danish @Yield { Figur }
+ Dutch @Yield { Figuur }
+ English @Yield { Figure }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Figure }
+ Finnish @Yield { Kuva }
+ French @Yield { Figure }
+ German @Yield { Abbildung }
+ Hungarian @Yield { {@Char aacute}bra }
+ Italian @Yield { Figura }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Figur }
+ Polish @Yield { Rysunek }
+ Russian @Yield { "\362\311\323\325\316\317\313" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Slika }
+ Spanish @Yield { Figura }
+ Swedish @Yield { Figur }
+ }
+{ figurelist @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ?? }
+ Danish @Yield { Figurliste }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { List of Figures }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { List of Figures }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { Liste des figures }
+ German @Yield { Abbildungsverzeichnis }
+ Hungarian @Yield { {@Char Aacute}br{@Char aacute}k jegyz{@Char eacute}ke }
+ Italian @Yield { Elenco delle Figure }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Spis rysunk{@Char oacute}w }
+ Russian @Yield { "\363\320\311\323\317\313 \311\314\314\300\323\324\322\301\303\311\312" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Seznam slik }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ table @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Tabulka }
+ Danish @Yield { Tabel }
+ Dutch @Yield { Tabel }
+ English @Yield { Table }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Table }
+ Finnish @Yield { Taulukko }
+ French @Yield { Table }
+ German @Yield { Tabelle }
+ Hungarian @Yield { t{@Char aacute}bl{@Char aacute}zat }
+ Italian @Yield { Tabella }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Tabell }
+ Polish @Yield { Tabela }
+ Russian @Yield { "\364\301\302\314\311\303\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Tabela }
+ Spanish @Yield { Tabla }
+ Swedish @Yield { Tabell }
+ }
+{ tablelist @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Seznam tabulek }
+ Danish @Yield { Tabelliste }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { List of Tables }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { List of Tables }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { Liste des tables }
+ German @Yield { Tabellenverzeichnis }
+ Hungarian @Yield { T{@Char aacute}bl{@Char aacute}zatok jegyz{@Char eacute}ke }
+ Italian @Yield { Elenco delle Tabelle }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Spis tabel }
+ Russian @Yield { "\363\320\311\323\317\313 \324\301\302\314\311\303" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Seznam tabel }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ definition @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Definice }
+ Danish @Yield { Definition }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { Definition }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Definition }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { D{@Char eacute}finition }
+ German @Yield { Definition }
+ Hungarian @Yield { defin{@Char iacute}ci{@Char oacute} }
+ Italian @Yield { Definizione }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Definicja }
+ Russian @Yield { "\357\320\322\305\304\305\314\305\316\311\305" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Definicija }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ lemma @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Lemma }
+ Danish @Yield { Lemma }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { Lemma }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Lemma }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { Lemme }
+ German @Yield { Lemma }
+ Hungarian @Yield { lemma }
+ Italian @Yield { Lemma }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Lemat }
+ Russian @Yield { "\354\305\315\315\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Lema }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ theorem @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Teor{@Char eacute}m }
+ Danish @Yield { S{@Char ae}tning }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { Theorem }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Theorem }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { Th{@Char eacute}or{@Char egrave}me }
+ German @Yield { Theorem }
+ Hungarian @Yield { t{@Char eacute}tel }
+ Italian @Yield { Teorema }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Twierdzenie }
+ Russian @Yield { "\364\305\317\322\305\315\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Teorem }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ proposition @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { P{@Char rcaron}edpoklad }
+ Danish @Yield { Proposition }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { Proposition }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Proposition }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { Proposition }
+ German @Yield { Satz }
+ Hungarian @Yield { {@Char aacute}ll{@Char iacute}t{@Char aacute}s }
+ Italian @Yield { Proposizione }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Za{@Char lslash}o{@Char zdotabove}enie }
+ Russian @Yield { "\360\322\305\304\314\317\326\305\316\311\305" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Predpostavka }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ corollary @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { D{@Char uring}sledek }
+ Danish @Yield { Korollar }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { Corollary }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Corollary }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { Corollaire }
+ German @Yield { Korollar }
+ Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
+ Italian @Yield { Corollario }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Wniosek }
+ Russian @Yield { "\363\314\305\304\323\324\327\311\305" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Sklep }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ example @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { P{@Char rcaron}{@Char iacute}klad }
+ Danish @Yield { Eksempel }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { Example }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Example }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { Exemple }
+ German @Yield { Beispiel }
+ Hungarian @Yield { p{@Char eacute}lda }
+ Italian @Yield { Esempio }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Przyk{@Char lslash}ad }
+ Russian @Yield { "\360\322\311\315\305\322" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Primer }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ claim @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Tvrzen{@Char iacute} }
+ Danish @Yield { P{@Char aa}stand }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { Claim }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Claim }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { Affirmation }
+ German @Yield { Behauptung }
+ Hungarian @Yield { kijelent{@Char eacute}s }
+ Italian @Yield { Affermazione }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Stwierdzenie }
+ Russian @Yield { "\365\324\327\305\322\326\304\305\316\311\305" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Trditev }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ proof @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { D{@Char uring}kaz }
+ Danish @Yield { Bevis }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { Proof }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Proof }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { Preuve }
+ German @Yield { Beweis }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Bizony{@Char iacute}t{@Char aacute}s }
+ Italian @Yield { Dimostrazione }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { Dow{@Char oacute}d }
+ Russian @Yield { "\344\317\313\301\332\301\324\305\314\330\323\324\327\317" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Dokaz }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ abstract @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Abstrakt }
+ Danish @Yield { Synopsis }
+ Dutch @Yield { Samenvatting }
+ English @Yield { Abstract }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Abstract }
+ Finnish @Yield { Yleiskatsaus }
+ French @Yield { R{@Char eacute}sum{@Char eacute} }
+ German @Yield { Zusammenfassung }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Kivonat }
+ Italian @Yield { Riassunto }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Sammendrag }
+ Polish @Yield { Abstrakt }
+ Russian @Yield { "\341\302\323\324\322\301\313\324" } #correct!
+ Slovenian @Yield { Povzetek }
+ Spanish @Yield { Sinopsis }
+ Swedish @Yield { {@Char Odieresis}versikt }
+ }
+{ preface @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { P{@Char rcaron}edmluva }
+ Danish @Yield { Forord }
+ Dutch @Yield { Voorwoord } # or { Woord vooraf }
+ English @Yield { Preface }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Preface }
+ Finnish @Yield { Esipuhe }
+ French @Yield { Pr{@Char eacute}face }
+ German @Yield { Vorwort }
+ Hungarian @Yield { El{@Char odblacute}sz{@Char oacute} }
+ Italian @Yield { Prefazione }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Forord }
+ Polish @Yield { Przedmowa }
+ Russian @Yield { "\360\322\305\304\311\323\314\317\327\311\305" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Predgovor }
+ Spanish @Yield { Prefacio }
+ Swedish @Yield { F{@Char odieresis}rord }
+ }
+{ abbreviations @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ?? }
+ Danish @Yield { ?? }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { Abbreviations }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Abbreviations }
+ Finnish @Yield { ?? }
+ French @Yield { ?? }
+ German @Yield { ?? }
+ Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
+ Italian @Yield { ?? }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
+ Polish @Yield { ?? }
+ Russian @Yield { ?? }
+ Slovenian @Yield { ?? }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { ?? }
+ }
+{ introduction @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char Uacute}vod }
+ Danish @Yield { Indledning }
+ Dutch @Yield { Inleiding }
+ English @Yield { Introduction }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Introduction }
+ Finnish @Yield { Johdanto }
+ French @Yield { Introduction }
+ German @Yield { Einleitung }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Bevezet{@Char eacute}s }
+ Italian @Yield { Introduzione }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Innledning }
+ Polish @Yield { Wst{@Char eogonek}p }
+ Russian @Yield { "\367\327\305\304\305\316\311\305" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Uvod }
+ Spanish @Yield { Introducci{@Char oacute}n }
+ Swedish @Yield { Inledning }
+ }
+{ chapter @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Kapitola }
+ Danish @Yield { Kapitel }
+ Dutch @Yield { Hoofdstuk }
+ English @Yield { Chapter }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Chapter }
+ Finnish @Yield { Luku }
+ French @Yield { Chapitre }
+ German @Yield { Kapitel }
+ Hungarian @Yield { fejezet }
+ Italian @Yield { Capitolo }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Kapittel }
+ Polish @Yield { Rozdzia{@Char lslash} }
+ Russian @Yield { "\347\314\301\327\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Poglavje }
+ Spanish @Yield { Cap{@Char iacute}tulo }
+ Swedish @Yield { Kapitel }
+ }
+{ appendix @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { P{@Char rcaron}{@Char iacute}loha }
+ Danish @Yield { Appendiks }
+ Dutch @Yield { Appendix }
+ English @Yield { Appendix }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Appendix }
+ Finnish @Yield { Liite }
+ French @Yield { Annexe }
+ German @Yield { Anhang }
+ Hungarian @Yield { f{@Char udieresis}ggel{@Char eacute}k }
+ Italian @Yield { Appendice }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Tillegg }
+ Polish @Yield { Dodatek }
+ Russian @Yield { "\360\322\311\314\317\326\305\316\311\305" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Dodatek }
+ Spanish @Yield { Ap{@Char eacute}ndice }
+ Swedish @Yield { Appendix }
+ }
+{ lecture @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Lecture }
+ Danish @Yield { Lecture }
+ Dutch @Yield { Lecture }
+ English @Yield { Lecture }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Lecture }
+ Finnish @Yield { Lecture }
+ French @Yield { Lecture }
+ German @Yield { Lecture }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Lecture }
+ Italian @Yield { Lecture }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Lecture }
+ Polish @Yield { Lecture }
+ Russian @Yield { Lecture }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Lecture }
+ Spanish @Yield { Lecture }
+ Swedish @Yield { Lecture }
+ }
+{ index @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Index }
+ Danish @Yield { Indeks }
+ Dutch @Yield { Index }
+ English @Yield { Index }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Index }
+ Finnish @Yield { Hakemisto }
+ French @Yield { Index }
+ German @Yield { Index }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Index }
+ Italian @Yield { Indice }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Register }
+ Polish @Yield { Skorowidz }
+ Russian @Yield { "\351\316\304\305\313\323" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Indeks }
+ Spanish @Yield { Indice }
+ Swedish @Yield { Index }
+ }
+{ notitle @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Bez n{@Char aacute}zvu }
+ Danish @Yield { Ingen titel }
+ Dutch @Yield { Zonder titel }
+ English @Yield { No title }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { No title }
+ Finnish @Yield { Ei nime{@Char adieresis} }
+ French @Yield { Sans titre }
+ German @Yield { Ohne Titel }
+ Hungarian @Yield { C{@Char iacute}m n{@Char eacute}lk{@Char udieresis}l }
+ Polish @Yield { Bez tytu{@Char lslash}u }
+ Italian @Yield { Senza titolo }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Utel tittel }
+ Russian @Yield { "\342\305\332 \316\301\332\327\301\316\311\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Brez naslova }
+ Spanish @Yield { Sin t{@Char iacute}tulo }
+ Swedish @Yield { Ingen titel }
+ }
+{ pages @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { stranky }
+ Danish @Yield { sider }
+ Dutch @Yield { pagina's } # or {bladzijden}, {pag.}, {blz.}
+ English @Yield { pages }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { pages }
+ Finnish @Yield { sivut }
+ French @Yield { pages }
+ German @Yield { Seiten }
+ Hungarian @Yield { oldal }
+ Italian @Yield { pagine }
+ Norwegian @Yield { sider }
+ Polish @Yield { strony }
+ Russian @Yield { "\323\324\322\301\316\311\303\331" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { strani }
+ Spanish @Yield { p{@Char aacute}ginas }
+ Swedish @Yield { sidor }
+ }
+{ page @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { strana }
+ Danish @Yield { side }
+ Dutch @Yield { pagina } # or {bladzijde}, {pag.}, {blz.}
+ English @Yield { page }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { page }
+ Finnish @Yield { sivu }
+ French @Yield { page }
+ German @Yield { Seite }
+ Hungarian @Yield { oldal }
+ Italian @Yield { pagina }
+ Norwegian @Yield { side }
+ Polish @Yield { strona }
+ Russian @Yield { "\323\324\322\301\316\311\303\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { stran }
+ Spanish @Yield { p{@Char aacute}gina }
+ Swedish @Yield { sida }
+ }
+{ nopublisher @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Bez vydavatele }
+ Danish @Yield { Intet forlag }
+ Dutch @Yield { Ongepubliceerd } # or {Zonder uitgever}
+ English @Yield { No publisher }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { No publisher }
+ Finnish @Yield { Ei kustantamo }
+ French @Yield { Sans {@Char eacute}diteur }
+ German @Yield { Ohne Verleger }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Kiad{@Char oacute} n{@Char eacute}lk{@Char udieresis}l }
+ Italian @Yield { Senza editore }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Upublisert }
+ Polish @Yield { Bez wydawcy }
+ Russian @Yield { "\302\305\332 \311\332\304\301\324\305\314\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Brez zalo{@Char zcaron}nika }
+ Spanish @Yield { Sin editor }
+ Swedish @Yield { Inget f{@Char odieresis}rlag }
+ }
+{ techrep @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Technick{@Char aacute} zpr{@Char aacute}va }
+ Danish @Yield { Teknisk rapport }
+ Dutch @Yield { Technisch rapport }
+ English @Yield { Tech. Rep. }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Tech. Rep. }
+ Finnish @Yield { Tekn. rap. }
+ French @Yield { Rapport technique }
+ German @Yield { Techn. Ber. }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Techn. jel. }
+ Italian @Yield { Rapporto tecnico }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Tekn. Rapp. }
+ Russian @Yield { "\324\305\310. \304\317\313\314\301\304" }
+ Polish @Yield { Sprawozdanie techniczne }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Tehn. por. }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { Tekn. rap. }
+ }
+{ phdthesis @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Doktorsk{@Char aacute} disertace }
+ Danish @Yield { Ph.D.-afhandling }
+ Dutch @Yield { Proefschrift } # or {Dissertatie}
+ English @Yield { Ph.D. thesis }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Ph.D. thesis }
+ Finnish @Yield { tohtorinv{@Char adieresis}it{@Char odieresis}skirja }
+ French @Yield { Th{@Char egrave}se de Doctorat }
+ German @Yield { Doktorarbeit }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Doktori disszert{@Char aacute}ci{@Char oacute} }
+ Italian @Yield { Tesi di dottorato }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Doktorgradsavhandling }
+ Polish @Yield { Praca doktorska }
+ Russian @Yield { "\313\301\316\304\311\304\301\324\323\313\301\321"
+"\304\311\323\323\305\322\324\301\303\311\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Doktorska disertacija }
+ Spanish @Yield { Tesis Doctoral }
+ Swedish @Yield { doktorsavhandling }
+ }
+{ mastersthesis @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { Diplomov{@Char aacute} pr{@Char aacute}ce }
+ Danish @Yield { Specialeafhandling }
+ Dutch @Yield { Doctoraalscriptie }
+ English @Yield { Master's thesis }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Master's thesis }
+ Finnish @Yield { diplomity{@Char odieresis} }
+ French @Yield { M{@Char eacute}moire de Ma{@Char icircumflex}trise }
+ German @Yield { Magisterarbeit }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Diplomamunka }
+ Italian @Yield { Tesi di laurea }
+ Norwegian @Yield { Diplomoppgave }
+ Polish @Yield { Praca magisterska }
+ Russian @Yield { "\304\311\320\314\317\315\316\301\321"
+"\322\301\302\317\324\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { Diploma }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { diplomarbete }
+ }
+{ in @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { V }
+ Danish @Yield { I }
+ Dutch @Yield { In }
+ English @Yield { In }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { In }
+ Finnish @Yield { teoksessa }
+ French @Yield { dans }
+ German @Yield { In }
+ Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
+ Italian @Yield { In }
+ Norwegian @Yield { I }
+ Polish @Yield { W }
+ Russian @Yield { "\327" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { V }
+ Spanish @Yield { En }
+ Swedish @Yield { I }
+ }
+{ am @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { a.m. }
+ Danish @Yield { a.m. }
+ Dutch @Yield { a.m. }
+ English @Yield { a.m. }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { a.m. }
+ Finnish @Yield { a.m. }
+ French @Yield { a.m. }
+ German @Yield { a.m. }
+ Hungarian @Yield { de. }
+ Italian @Yield { a.m. }
+ Norwegian @Yield { a.m. }
+ Polish @Yield { a.m. }
+ Russian @Yield { a.m. }
+ Slovenian @Yield { a.m. }
+ Spanish @Yield { a.m. }
+ Swedish @Yield { a.m. }
+ }
+{ pm @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { p.m. }
+ Danish @Yield { p.m. }
+ Dutch @Yield { p.m. }
+ English @Yield { p.m. }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { p.m. }
+ Finnish @Yield { p.m. }
+ French @Yield { p.m. }
+ German @Yield { p.m. }
+ Hungarian @Yield { du. }
+ Italian @Yield { p.m. }
+ Norwegian @Yield { p.m. }
+ Polish @Yield { p.m. }
+ Russian @Yield { p.m. }
+ Slovenian @Yield { p.m. }
+ Spanish @Yield { p.m. }
+ Swedish @Yield { p.m. }
+ }
+{ shortam @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { am }
+ Danish @Yield { am }
+ Dutch @Yield { am }
+ English @Yield { am }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { am }
+ Finnish @Yield { am }
+ French @Yield { am }
+ German @Yield { am }
+ Hungarian @Yield { de }
+ Italian @Yield { am }
+ Norwegian @Yield { am }
+ Polish @Yield { am }
+ Russian @Yield { am }
+ Slovenian @Yield { am }
+ Spanish @Yield { am }
+ Swedish @Yield { am }
+ }
+{ shortpm @Word @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { pm }
+ Danish @Yield { pm }
+ Dutch @Yield { pm }
+ English @Yield { pm }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { pm }
+ Finnish @Yield { pm }
+ French @Yield { pm }
+ German @Yield { pm }
+ Hungarian @Yield { du }
+ Italian @Yield { pm }
+ Norwegian @Yield { pm }
+ Polish @Yield { pm }
+ Russian @Yield { pm }
+ Slovenian @Yield { pm }
+ Spanish @Yield { pm }
+ Swedish @Yield { pm }
+ }
+{ ?? @Roman ?? }
+{ 1 @Roman i }
+{ 2 @Roman ii }
+{ 3 @Roman iii }
+{ 4 @Roman iv }
+{ 5 @Roman v }
+{ 6 @Roman vi }
+{ 7 @Roman vii }
+{ 8 @Roman viii }
+{ 9 @Roman ix }
+{ 10 @Roman x }
+{ 11 @Roman xi }
+{ 12 @Roman xii }
+{ 13 @Roman xiii }
+{ 14 @Roman xiv }
+{ 15 @Roman xv }
+{ 16 @Roman xvi }
+{ 17 @Roman xvii }
+{ 18 @Roman xviii }
+{ 19 @Roman xix }
+{ 20 @Roman xx }
+{ 21 @Roman xxi }
+{ 22 @Roman xxii }
+{ 23 @Roman xxiii }
+{ 24 @Roman xxiv }
+{ 25 @Roman xxv }
+{ 26 @Roman xxvi }
+{ 27 @Roman xxvii }
+{ 28 @Roman xxviii }
+{ 29 @Roman xxix }
+{ 30 @Roman xxx }
+{ 31 @Roman xxxi }
+{ 32 @Roman xxxii }
+{ 33 @Roman xxxiii }
+{ 34 @Roman xxxiv }
+{ 35 @Roman xxxv }
+{ 36 @Roman xxxvi }
+{ 37 @Roman xxxvii }
+{ 38 @Roman xxxviii }
+{ 39 @Roman xxxix }
+{ 40 @Roman xl }
+{ 41 @Roman xli }
+{ 42 @Roman xlii }
+{ 43 @Roman xliii }
+{ 44 @Roman xliv }
+{ 45 @Roman xlv }
+{ 46 @Roman xlvi }
+{ 47 @Roman xlvii }
+{ 48 @Roman xlviii }
+{ 49 @Roman xlix }
+{ 50 @Roman l }
+{ 51 @Roman li }
+{ 52 @Roman lii }
+{ 53 @Roman liii }
+{ 54 @Roman liv }
+{ 55 @Roman lv }
+{ 56 @Roman lvi }
+{ 57 @Roman lvii }
+{ 58 @Roman lviii }
+{ 59 @Roman lix }
+{ 60 @Roman lx }
+{ 61 @Roman lxi }
+{ 62 @Roman lxii }
+{ 63 @Roman lxiii }
+{ 64 @Roman lxiv }
+{ 65 @Roman lxv }
+{ 66 @Roman lxvi }
+{ 67 @Roman lxvii }
+{ 68 @Roman lxviii }
+{ 69 @Roman lxix }
+{ 70 @Roman lxx }
+{ 71 @Roman lxxi }
+{ 72 @Roman lxxii }
+{ 73 @Roman lxxiii }
+{ 74 @Roman lxxiv }
+{ 75 @Roman lxxv }
+{ 76 @Roman lxxvi }
+{ 77 @Roman lxxvii }
+{ 78 @Roman lxxviii }
+{ 79 @Roman lxxix }
+{ 80 @Roman lxxx }
+{ 81 @Roman lxxxi }
+{ 82 @Roman lxxxii }
+{ 83 @Roman lxxxiii }
+{ 84 @Roman lxxxiv }
+{ 85 @Roman lxxxv }
+{ 86 @Roman lxxxvi }
+{ 87 @Roman lxxxvii }
+{ 88 @Roman lxxxviii }
+{ 89 @Roman lxxxix }
+{ 90 @Roman xc }
+{ 91 @Roman xci }
+{ 92 @Roman xcii }
+{ 93 @Roman xciii }
+{ 94 @Roman xciv }
+{ 95 @Roman xcv }
+{ 96 @Roman xcvi }
+{ 97 @Roman xcvii }
+{ 98 @Roman xcviii }
+{ 99 @Roman xcix }
+{ 100 @Roman cc }
+{ 101 @Roman ci }
+{ 102 @Roman cii }
+{ 103 @Roman ciii }
+{ 104 @Roman civ }
+{ 105 @Roman cv }
+{ 106 @Roman cvi }
+{ 107 @Roman cvii }
+{ 108 @Roman cviii }
+{ 109 @Roman cix }
+{ 110 @Roman cx }
+{ 111 @Roman cxi }
+{ 112 @Roman cxii }
+{ 113 @Roman cxiii }
+{ 114 @Roman cxiv }
+{ 115 @Roman cxv }
+{ 116 @Roman cxvi }
+{ 117 @Roman cxvii }
+{ 118 @Roman cxviii }
+{ 119 @Roman cxix }
+{ 120 @Roman cxx }
+{ 121 @Roman cxxi }
+{ 122 @Roman cxxii }
+{ 123 @Roman cxxiii }
+{ 124 @Roman cxxiv }
+{ 125 @Roman cxxv }
+{ 126 @Roman cxxvi }
+{ 127 @Roman cxxvii }
+{ 128 @Roman cxxviii }
+{ 129 @Roman cxxix }
+{ 130 @Roman cxxx }
+{ 131 @Roman cxxxi }
+{ 132 @Roman cxxxii }
+{ 133 @Roman cxxxiii }
+{ 134 @Roman cxxxiv }
+{ 135 @Roman cxxxv }
+{ 136 @Roman cxxxvi }
+{ 137 @Roman cxxxvii }
+{ 138 @Roman cxxxviii }
+{ 139 @Roman cxxxix }
+{ 140 @Roman cxl }
+{ 141 @Roman cxli }
+{ 142 @Roman cxlii }
+{ 143 @Roman cxliii }
+{ 144 @Roman cxliv }
+{ 145 @Roman cxlv }
+{ 146 @Roman cxlvi }
+{ 147 @Roman cxlvii }
+{ 148 @Roman cxlviii }
+{ 149 @Roman cxlix }
+{ 150 @Roman cl }
+{ 151 @Roman cli }
+{ 152 @Roman clii }
+{ 153 @Roman cliii }
+{ 154 @Roman cliv }
+{ 155 @Roman clv }
+{ 156 @Roman clvi }
+{ 157 @Roman clvii }
+{ 158 @Roman clviii }
+{ 159 @Roman clix }
+{ 160 @Roman clx }
+{ 161 @Roman clxi }
+{ 162 @Roman clxii }
+{ 163 @Roman clxiii }
+{ 164 @Roman clxiv }
+{ 165 @Roman clxv }
+{ 166 @Roman clxvi }
+{ 167 @Roman clxvii }
+{ 168 @Roman clxviii }
+{ 169 @Roman clxix }
+{ 170 @Roman clxx }
+{ 171 @Roman clxxi }
+{ 172 @Roman clxxii }
+{ 173 @Roman clxxiii }
+{ 174 @Roman clxxiv }
+{ 175 @Roman clxxv }
+{ 176 @Roman clxxvi }
+{ 177 @Roman clxxvii }
+{ 178 @Roman clxxviii }
+{ 179 @Roman clxxix }
+{ 180 @Roman clxxx }
+{ 181 @Roman clxxxi }
+{ 182 @Roman clxxxii }
+{ 183 @Roman clxxxiii }
+{ 184 @Roman clxxxiv }
+{ 185 @Roman clxxxv }
+{ 186 @Roman clxxxvi }
+{ 187 @Roman clxxxvii }
+{ 188 @Roman clxxxviii }
+{ 189 @Roman clxxxix }
+{ 190 @Roman cxc }
+{ 191 @Roman cxci }
+{ 192 @Roman cxcii }
+{ 193 @Roman cxciii }
+{ 194 @Roman cxciv }
+{ 195 @Roman cxcv }
+{ 196 @Roman cxcvi }
+{ 197 @Roman cxcvii }
+{ 198 @Roman cxcviii }
+{ 199 @Roman cxcix }
+{ 200 @Roman cc }
+{ ?? @UCRoman ?? }
+{ 1 @UCRoman I }
+{ 2 @UCRoman II }
+{ 3 @UCRoman III }
+{ 4 @UCRoman IV }
+{ 5 @UCRoman V }
+{ 6 @UCRoman VI }
+{ 7 @UCRoman VII }
+{ 8 @UCRoman VIII }
+{ 9 @UCRoman IX }
+{ 10 @UCRoman X }
+{ 11 @UCRoman XI }
+{ 12 @UCRoman XII }
+{ 13 @UCRoman XIII }
+{ 14 @UCRoman XIV }
+{ 15 @UCRoman XV }
+{ 16 @UCRoman XVI }
+{ 17 @UCRoman XVII }
+{ 18 @UCRoman XVIII }
+{ 19 @UCRoman XIX }
+{ 20 @UCRoman XX }
+{ 21 @UCRoman XXI }
+{ 22 @UCRoman XXII }
+{ 23 @UCRoman XXIII }
+{ 24 @UCRoman XXIV }
+{ 25 @UCRoman XXV }
+{ 26 @UCRoman XXVI }
+{ 27 @UCRoman XXVII }
+{ 28 @UCRoman XXVIII }
+{ 29 @UCRoman XXIX }
+{ 30 @UCRoman XXX }
+{ 31 @UCRoman XXXI }
+{ 32 @UCRoman XXXII }
+{ 33 @UCRoman XXXIII }
+{ 34 @UCRoman XXXIV }
+{ 35 @UCRoman XXXV }
+{ 36 @UCRoman XXXVI }
+{ 37 @UCRoman XXXVII }
+{ 38 @UCRoman XXXVIII }
+{ 39 @UCRoman XXXIX }
+{ 40 @UCRoman XL }
+{ 41 @UCRoman XLI }
+{ 42 @UCRoman XLII }
+{ 43 @UCRoman XLIII }
+{ 44 @UCRoman XLIV }
+{ 45 @UCRoman XLV }
+{ 46 @UCRoman XLVI }
+{ 47 @UCRoman XLVII }
+{ 48 @UCRoman XLVIII }
+{ 49 @UCRoman XLIX }
+{ 50 @UCRoman L }
+{ 51 @UCRoman LI }
+{ 52 @UCRoman LII }
+{ 53 @UCRoman LIII }
+{ 54 @UCRoman LIV }
+{ 55 @UCRoman LV }
+{ 56 @UCRoman LVI }
+{ 57 @UCRoman LVII }
+{ 58 @UCRoman LVIII }
+{ 59 @UCRoman LIX }
+{ 60 @UCRoman LX }
+{ 61 @UCRoman LXI }
+{ 62 @UCRoman LXII }
+{ 63 @UCRoman LXIII }
+{ 64 @UCRoman LXIV }
+{ 65 @UCRoman LXV }
+{ 66 @UCRoman LXVI }
+{ 67 @UCRoman LXVII }
+{ 68 @UCRoman LXVIII }
+{ 69 @UCRoman LXIX }
+{ 70 @UCRoman LXX }
+{ 71 @UCRoman LXXI }
+{ 72 @UCRoman LXXII }
+{ 73 @UCRoman LXXIII }
+{ 74 @UCRoman LXXIV }
+{ 75 @UCRoman LXXV }
+{ 76 @UCRoman LXXVI }
+{ 77 @UCRoman LXXVII }
+{ 78 @UCRoman LXXVIII }
+{ 79 @UCRoman LXXIX }
+{ 80 @UCRoman LXXX }
+{ 81 @UCRoman LXXXI }
+{ 82 @UCRoman LXXXII }
+{ 83 @UCRoman LXXXIII }
+{ 84 @UCRoman LXXXIV }
+{ 85 @UCRoman LXXXV }
+{ 86 @UCRoman LXXXVI }
+{ 87 @UCRoman LXXXVII }
+{ 88 @UCRoman LXXXVIII }
+{ 89 @UCRoman LXXXIX }
+{ 90 @UCRoman XC }
+{ 91 @UCRoman XCI }
+{ 92 @UCRoman XCII }
+{ 93 @UCRoman XCIII }
+{ 94 @UCRoman XCIV }
+{ 95 @UCRoman XCV }
+{ 96 @UCRoman XCVI }
+{ 97 @UCRoman XCVII }
+{ 98 @UCRoman XCVIII }
+{ 99 @UCRoman XCIX }
+{ 100 @UCRoman CC }
+{ 101 @UCRoman CI }
+{ 102 @UCRoman CII }
+{ 103 @UCRoman CIII }
+{ 104 @UCRoman CIV }
+{ 105 @UCRoman CV }
+{ 106 @UCRoman CVI }
+{ 107 @UCRoman CVII }
+{ 108 @UCRoman CVIII }
+{ 109 @UCRoman CIX }
+{ 110 @UCRoman CX }
+{ 111 @UCRoman CXI }
+{ 112 @UCRoman CXII }
+{ 113 @UCRoman CXIII }
+{ 114 @UCRoman CXIV }
+{ 115 @UCRoman CXV }
+{ 116 @UCRoman CXVI }
+{ 117 @UCRoman CXVII }
+{ 118 @UCRoman CXVIII }
+{ 119 @UCRoman CXIX }
+{ 120 @UCRoman CXX }
+{ 121 @UCRoman CXXI }
+{ 122 @UCRoman CXXII }
+{ 123 @UCRoman CXXIII }
+{ 124 @UCRoman CXXIV }
+{ 125 @UCRoman CXXV }
+{ 126 @UCRoman CXXVI }
+{ 127 @UCRoman CXXVII }
+{ 128 @UCRoman CXXVIII }
+{ 129 @UCRoman CXXIX }
+{ 130 @UCRoman CXXX }
+{ 131 @UCRoman CXXXI }
+{ 132 @UCRoman CXXXII }
+{ 133 @UCRoman CXXXIII }
+{ 134 @UCRoman CXXXIV }
+{ 135 @UCRoman CXXXV }
+{ 136 @UCRoman CXXXVI }
+{ 137 @UCRoman CXXXVII }
+{ 138 @UCRoman CXXXVIII }
+{ 139 @UCRoman CXXXIX }
+{ 140 @UCRoman CXL }
+{ 141 @UCRoman CXLI }
+{ 142 @UCRoman CXLII }
+{ 143 @UCRoman CXLIII }
+{ 144 @UCRoman CXLIV }
+{ 145 @UCRoman CXLV }
+{ 146 @UCRoman CXLVI }
+{ 147 @UCRoman CXLVII }
+{ 148 @UCRoman CXLVIII }
+{ 149 @UCRoman CXLIX }
+{ 150 @UCRoman CL }
+{ 151 @UCRoman CLI }
+{ 152 @UCRoman CLII }
+{ 153 @UCRoman CLIII }
+{ 154 @UCRoman CLIV }
+{ 155 @UCRoman CLV }
+{ 156 @UCRoman CLVI }
+{ 157 @UCRoman CLVII }
+{ 158 @UCRoman CLVIII }
+{ 159 @UCRoman CLIX }
+{ 160 @UCRoman CLX }
+{ 161 @UCRoman CLXI }
+{ 162 @UCRoman CLXII }
+{ 163 @UCRoman CLXIII }
+{ 164 @UCRoman CLXIV }
+{ 165 @UCRoman CLXV }
+{ 166 @UCRoman CLXVI }
+{ 167 @UCRoman CLXVII }
+{ 168 @UCRoman CLXVIII }
+{ 169 @UCRoman CLXIX }
+{ 170 @UCRoman CLXX }
+{ 171 @UCRoman CLXXI }
+{ 172 @UCRoman CLXXII }
+{ 173 @UCRoman CLXXIII }
+{ 174 @UCRoman CLXXIV }
+{ 175 @UCRoman CLXXV }
+{ 176 @UCRoman CLXXVI }
+{ 177 @UCRoman CLXXVII }
+{ 178 @UCRoman CLXXVIII }
+{ 179 @UCRoman CLXXIX }
+{ 180 @UCRoman CLXXX }
+{ 181 @UCRoman CLXXXI }
+{ 182 @UCRoman CLXXXII }
+{ 183 @UCRoman CLXXXIII }
+{ 184 @UCRoman CLXXXIV }
+{ 185 @UCRoman CLXXXV }
+{ 186 @UCRoman CLXXXVI }
+{ 187 @UCRoman CLXXXVII }
+{ 188 @UCRoman CLXXXVIII}
+{ 189 @UCRoman CLXXXIX }
+{ 190 @UCRoman CXC }
+{ 191 @UCRoman CXCI }
+{ 192 @UCRoman CXCII }
+{ 193 @UCRoman CXCIII }
+{ 194 @UCRoman CXCIV }
+{ 195 @UCRoman CXCV }
+{ 196 @UCRoman CXCVI }
+{ 197 @UCRoman CXCVII }
+{ 198 @UCRoman CXCVIII }
+{ 199 @UCRoman CXCIX }
+{ 200 @UCRoman CC }
+{ ?? @Alpha ?? }
+{ 1 @Alpha a }
+{ 2 @Alpha b }
+{ 3 @Alpha c }
+{ 4 @Alpha d }
+{ 5 @Alpha e }
+{ 6 @Alpha f }
+{ 7 @Alpha g }
+{ 8 @Alpha h }
+{ 9 @Alpha i }
+{ 10 @Alpha j }
+{ 11 @Alpha k }
+{ 12 @Alpha l }
+{ 13 @Alpha m }
+{ 14 @Alpha n }
+{ 15 @Alpha o }
+{ 16 @Alpha p }
+{ 17 @Alpha q }
+{ 18 @Alpha r }
+{ 19 @Alpha s }
+{ 20 @Alpha t }
+{ 21 @Alpha u }
+{ 22 @Alpha v }
+{ 23 @Alpha w }
+{ 24 @Alpha x }
+{ 25 @Alpha y }
+{ 26 @Alpha z }
+{ 27 @Alpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ?? }
+ Danish @Yield { @Char ae }
+ English @Yield { ?? }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ Finnish @Yield { @Char aring }
+ French @Yield { @Char ae }
+ German @Yield { ?? }
+ Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
+ Italian @Yield { @Char ae }
+ Norwegian @Yield { @Char ae }
+ Polish @Yield { ?? }
+ Russian @Yield { ?? }
+ Slovenian @Yield { ?? }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { @Char aring }
+} }
+{ 28 @Alpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ?? }
+ Danish @Yield { @Char oslash }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { ?? }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Finnish @Yield { @Char adieresis }
+ French @Yield { ?? }
+ German @Yield { ?? }
+ Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
+ Italian @Yield { ?? }
+ Norwegian @Yield { @Char oslash }
+ Polish @Yield { ?? }
+ Russian @Yield { ?? }
+ Slovenian @Yield { ?? }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { @Char adieresis }
+} }
+{ 29 @Alpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ?? }
+ Danish @Yield { @Char aring }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { ?? }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Finnish @Yield { @Char odieresis }
+ French @Yield { ?? }
+ German @Yield { ?? }
+ Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
+ Italian @Yield { ?? }
+ Norwegian @Yield { @Char aring }
+ Polish @Yield { ?? }
+ Russian @Yield { ?? }
+ Slovenian @Yield { ?? }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { @Char odieresis }
+} }
+{ ?? @UCAlpha ?? }
+{ 1 @UCAlpha A }
+{ 2 @UCAlpha B }
+{ 3 @UCAlpha C }
+{ 4 @UCAlpha D }
+{ 5 @UCAlpha E }
+{ 6 @UCAlpha F }
+{ 7 @UCAlpha G }
+{ 8 @UCAlpha H }
+{ 9 @UCAlpha I }
+{ 10 @UCAlpha J }
+{ 11 @UCAlpha K }
+{ 12 @UCAlpha L }
+{ 13 @UCAlpha M }
+{ 14 @UCAlpha N }
+{ 15 @UCAlpha O }
+{ 16 @UCAlpha P }
+{ 17 @UCAlpha Q }
+{ 18 @UCAlpha R }
+{ 19 @UCAlpha S }
+{ 20 @UCAlpha T }
+{ 21 @UCAlpha U }
+{ 22 @UCAlpha V }
+{ 23 @UCAlpha W }
+{ 24 @UCAlpha X }
+{ 25 @UCAlpha Y }
+{ 26 @UCAlpha Z }
+{ 27 @UCAlpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ?? }
+ Danish @Yield { @Char AE }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { ?? }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Finnish @Yield { @Char Aring }
+ French @Yield { @Char AE }
+ German @Yield { ?? }
+ Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
+ Italian @Yield { @Char AE }
+ Norwegian @Yield { @Char AE }
+ Polish @Yield { ?? }
+ Russian @Yield { ?? }
+ Slovenian @Yield { ?? }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { @Char Aring }
+} }
+{ 28 @UCAlpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ?? }
+ Danish @Yield { @Char Oslash }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { ?? }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Finnish @Yield { @Char Adieresis }
+ French @Yield { ?? }
+ German @Yield { ?? }
+ Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
+ Italian @Yield { ?? }
+ Norwegian @Yield { @Char Oslash }
+ Polish @Yield { ?? }
+ Russian @Yield { ?? }
+ Slovenian @Yield { ?? }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { @Char Adieresis }
+} }
+{ 29 @UCAlpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ?? }
+ Danish @Yield { @Char Aring }
+ Dutch @Yield { ?? }
+ English @Yield { ?? }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Finnish @Yield { @Char Odieresis }
+ French @Yield { ?? }
+ German @Yield { ?? }
+ Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
+ Italian @Yield { ?? }
+ Norwegian @Yield { @Char Aring }
+ Polish @Yield { ?? }
+ Russian @Yield { ?? }
+ Slovenian @Yield { ?? }
+ Spanish @Yield { ?? }
+ Swedish @Yield { @Char Odieresis }
+} }
+{ 1 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { leden }
+ Danish @Yield { januar }
+ Dutch @Yield { januari }
+ English @Yield { January }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { January }
+ Finnish @Yield { tammikuu }
+ French @Yield { janvier }
+ German @Yield { Januar }
+ Hungarian @Yield { janu{@Char aacute}r }
+ Italian @Yield { gennaio }
+ Norwegian @Yield { januar }
+ Polish @Yield { stycze{@Char nacute} }
+ Russian @Yield { "\321\316\327\301\322\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { januar }
+ Spanish @Yield { Enero }
+ Swedish @Yield { januari }
+} }
+{ 2 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char uacute}nor }
+ Danish @Yield { februar }
+ Dutch @Yield { februari }
+ English @Yield { February }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { February }
+ Finnish @Yield { helmikuu }
+ French @Yield { f{@Char eacute}vrier }
+ German @Yield { Februar }
+ Hungarian @Yield { febru{@Char aacute}r }
+ Italian @Yield { febbraio }
+ Norwegian @Yield { februar }
+ Polish @Yield { luty }
+ Russian @Yield { "\306\305\327\322\301\314\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { februar }
+ Spanish @Yield { Febrero }
+ Swedish @Yield { februari }
+} }
+{ 3 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { b{@Char rcaron}ezen }
+ Danish @Yield { marts }
+ Dutch @Yield { maart }
+ English @Yield { March }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { March }
+ Finnish @Yield { maaliskuu }
+ French @Yield { mars }
+ German @Yield { M{@Char adieresis}rz }
+ Hungarian @Yield { m{@Char aacute}rcius }
+ Italian @Yield { marzo }
+ Norwegian @Yield { mars }
+ Polish @Yield { marzec }
+ Russian @Yield { "\315\301\322\324\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { marec }
+ Spanish @Yield { Marzo }
+ Swedish @Yield { mars }
+} }
+{ 4 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { duben }
+ Danish @Yield { april }
+ Dutch @Yield { april }
+ English @Yield { April }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { April }
+ Finnish @Yield { huhtikuu }
+ French @Yield { avril }
+ German @Yield { April }
+ Hungarian @Yield { {@Char aacute}prilis }
+ Italian @Yield { aprile }
+ Norwegian @Yield { april }
+ Polish @Yield { kwiecie{@Char nacute} }
+ Russian @Yield { "\301\320\322\305\314\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { april }
+ Spanish @Yield { Abril }
+ Swedish @Yield { april }
+} }
+{ 5 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { kv{@Char ecaron}ten }
+ Danish @Yield { maj }
+ Dutch @Yield { mei }
+ English @Yield { May }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { May }
+ Finnish @Yield { toukokuu }
+ French @Yield { mai }
+ German @Yield { Mai }
+ Hungarian @Yield { m{@Char aacute}jus }
+ Italian @Yield { maggio }
+ Norwegian @Yield { mai }
+ Polish @Yield { maj }
+ Russian @Yield { "\315\301\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { maj }
+ Spanish @Yield { Mayo }
+ Swedish @Yield { maj }
+} }
+{ 6 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char ccaron}erven }
+ Danish @Yield { juni }
+ Dutch @Yield { juni }
+ English @Yield { June }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { June }
+ Finnish @Yield { kes{@Char adieresis}kuu }
+ French @Yield { juin }
+ German @Yield { Juni }
+ Hungarian @Yield { j{@Char uacute}nius }
+ Italian @Yield { giugno }
+ Norwegian @Yield { juni }
+ Polish @Yield { czerwiec }
+ Russian @Yield { "\311\300\316\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { junij }
+ Spanish @Yield { Junio }
+ Swedish @Yield { juni }
+} }
+{ 7 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char ccaron}ervenec }
+ Danish @Yield { juli }
+ Dutch @Yield { juli }
+ English @Yield { July }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { July }
+ Finnish @Yield { hein{@Char adieresis}kuu }
+ French @Yield { juillet }
+ German @Yield { Juli }
+ Hungarian @Yield { j{@Char uacute}lius }
+ Italian @Yield { luglio }
+ Norwegian @Yield { juli }
+ Polish @Yield { lipiec }
+ Russian @Yield { "\311\300\314\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { julij }
+ Spanish @Yield { Julio }
+ Swedish @Yield { juli }
+} }
+{ 8 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { srpen }
+ Danish @Yield { august }
+ Dutch @Yield { augustus }
+ English @Yield { August }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { August }
+ Finnish @Yield { elokuu }
+ French @Yield { ao{@Char ucircumflex}t }
+ German @Yield { August }
+ Hungarian @Yield { augusztus }
+ Italian @Yield { agosto }
+ Norwegian @Yield { august }
+ Polish @Yield { sierpie{@Char nacute} }
+ Russian @Yield { "\301\327\307\325\323\324\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { avgust }
+ Spanish @Yield { Agosto }
+ Swedish @Yield { augusti }
+} }
+{ 9 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { z{@Char aacute}{@Char rcaron}{@Char iacute} }
+ Danish @Yield { september }
+ Dutch @Yield { september }
+ English @Yield { September }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { September }
+ Finnish @Yield { syyskuu }
+ French @Yield { septembre }
+ German @Yield { September }
+ Hungarian @Yield { szeptember }
+ Italian @Yield { settembre }
+ Norwegian @Yield { september }
+ Polish @Yield { wrzesie{@Char nacute} }
+ Russian @Yield { "\323\305\316\324\321\302\322\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { september }
+ Spanish @Yield { Septiembre }
+ Swedish @Yield { september }
+} }
+{ 10 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char rcaron}{@Char iacute}jen }
+ Danish @Yield { oktober }
+ Dutch @Yield { oktober }
+ English @Yield { October }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { October }
+ Finnish @Yield { lokakuu }
+ French @Yield { octobre }
+ German @Yield { Oktober }
+ Hungarian @Yield { okt{@Char oacute}ber }
+ Italian @Yield { ottobre }
+ Norwegian @Yield { oktober }
+ Polish @Yield { pa{@Char zacute}dziernik }
+ Russian @Yield { "\317\313\324\321\302\322\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { oktober }
+ Spanish @Yield { Octubre }
+ Swedish @Yield { oktober }
+} }
+{ 11 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { listopad }
+ Danish @Yield { november }
+ Dutch @Yield { november }
+ English @Yield { November }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { November }
+ Finnish @Yield { marraskuu }
+ French @Yield { novembre }
+ German @Yield { November }
+ Hungarian @Yield { november }
+ Italian @Yield { novembre }
+ Norwegian @Yield { november }
+ Polish @Yield { listopad }
+ Russian @Yield { "\316\317\321\302\322\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { november }
+ Spanish @Yield { Noviembre }
+ Swedish @Yield { november }
+} }
+{ 12 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { prosinec }
+ Danish @Yield { december }
+ Dutch @Yield { december }
+ English @Yield { December }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { December }
+ Finnish @Yield { joulukuu }
+ French @Yield { d{@Char eacute}cembre }
+ German @Yield { Dezember }
+ Hungarian @Yield { december }
+ Italian @Yield { dicembre }
+ Norwegian @Yield { desember }
+ Polish @Yield { grudzie{@Char nacute} }
+ Russian @Yield { "\304\305\313\301\302\322\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { december }
+ Spanish @Yield { Diciembre }
+ Swedish @Yield { december }
+} }
+{ 1 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { leden }
+ Danish @Yield { jan }
+ Dutch @Yield { jan }
+ English @Yield { Jan }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Jan }
+ Finnish @Yield { tammikuu }
+ French @Yield { jan }
+ German @Yield { Jan }
+ Hungarian @Yield { jan }
+ Italian @Yield { gen }
+ Norwegian @Yield { jan }
+ Polish @Yield { sty }
+ Russian @Yield { "\321\316\327" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { jan }
+ Spanish @Yield { Ene }
+ Swedish @Yield { jan }
+} }
+{ 2 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char uacute}nor }
+ Danish @Yield { feb }
+ Dutch @Yield { feb }
+ English @Yield { Feb }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Feb }
+ Finnish @Yield { helmikuu }
+ French @Yield { f{@Char eacute}v }
+ German @Yield { Feb }
+ Hungarian @Yield { feb }
+ Italian @Yield { feb }
+ Norwegian @Yield { feb }
+ Polish @Yield { luty }
+ Russian @Yield { "\306\305\327" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { feb }
+ Spanish @Yield { Feb }
+ Swedish @Yield { feb }
+} }
+{ 3 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { b{@Char rcaron}ezen }
+ Danish @Yield { mar }
+ Dutch @Yield { mrt }
+ English @Yield { Mar }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Mar }
+ Finnish @Yield { maaliskuu }
+ French @Yield { mar }
+ German @Yield { M{@Char adieresis}r }
+ Hungarian @Yield { m{@Char aacute}rc }
+ Italian @Yield { mar }
+ Norwegian @Yield { mar }
+ Polish @Yield { marz }
+ Russian @Yield { "\315\301\322" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { mar }
+ Spanish @Yield { Mar }
+ Swedish @Yield { mar }
+} }
+{ 4 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { duben }
+ Danish @Yield { apr }
+ Dutch @Yield { apr }
+ English @Yield { Apr }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Apr }
+ Finnish @Yield { huhtikuu }
+ French @Yield { avr }
+ German @Yield { Apr }
+ Hungarian @Yield { {@Char aacute}pr }
+ Italian @Yield { apr }
+ Norwegian @Yield { apr }
+ Polish @Yield { kwie }
+ Russian @Yield { "\301\320\322" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { apr }
+ Spanish @Yield { Abr }
+ Swedish @Yield { apr }
+} }
+{ 5 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { kv{@Char ecaron}ten }
+ Danish @Yield { maj }
+ Dutch @Yield { mei }
+ English @Yield { May }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { May }
+ Finnish @Yield { toukokuu }
+ French @Yield { mai }
+ German @Yield { Mai }
+ Hungarian @Yield { m{@Char aacute}j }
+ Italian @Yield { mag }
+ Norwegian @Yield { mai }
+ Polish @Yield { maj }
+ Russian @Yield { "\315\301\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { maj }
+ Spanish @Yield { May }
+ Swedish @Yield { maj }
+} }
+{ 6 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char ccaron}erven }
+ Danish @Yield { jun }
+ Dutch @Yield { jun }
+ English @Yield { Jun }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Jun }
+ Finnish @Yield { kes{@Char adieresis}kuu }
+ French @Yield { juin }
+ German @Yield { Jun }
+ Hungarian @Yield { j{@Char uacute}n }
+ Italian @Yield { giu }
+ Norwegian @Yield { jun }
+ Polish @Yield { czer }
+ Russian @Yield { "\311\300\316\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { jun }
+ Spanish @Yield { Jun }
+ Swedish @Yield { jun }
+} }
+{ 7 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char ccaron}ervenec }
+ Danish @Yield { jul }
+ Dutch @Yield { jul }
+ English @Yield { Jul }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Jul }
+ Finnish @Yield { hein{@Char adieresis}kuu }
+ French @Yield { juil }
+ German @Yield { Jul }
+ Hungarian @Yield { j{@Char uacute}l }
+ Italian @Yield { lug }
+ Norwegian @Yield { jul }
+ Polish @Yield { lip }
+ Russian @Yield { "\311\300\314\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { jul }
+ Spanish @Yield { Jul }
+ Swedish @Yield { jul }
+} }
+{ 8 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { srpen }
+ Danish @Yield { aug }
+ Dutch @Yield { aug }
+ English @Yield { Aug }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Aug }
+ Finnish @Yield { elokuu }
+ French @Yield { ao{@Char ucircumflex} }
+ German @Yield { Aug }
+ Hungarian @Yield { aug }
+ Italian @Yield { ago }
+ Norwegian @Yield { aug }
+ Polish @Yield { sier }
+ Russian @Yield { "\301\327\307" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { avg }
+ Spanish @Yield { Ago }
+ Swedish @Yield { aug }
+} }
+{ 9 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { z{@Char aacute}{@Char rcaron}{@Char iacute} }
+ Danish @Yield { sep }
+ Dutch @Yield { sep }
+ English @Yield { Sep }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Sep }
+ Finnish @Yield { syyskuu }
+ French @Yield { sep }
+ German @Yield { Sep }
+ Hungarian @Yield { szept }
+ Italian @Yield { set }
+ Norwegian @Yield { sep }
+ Polish @Yield { wrze }
+ Russian @Yield { "\323\305\316" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { sep }
+ Spanish @Yield { Sep }
+ Swedish @Yield { sep }
+} }
+{ 10 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char rcaron}{@Char iacute}jen }
+ Danish @Yield { okt }
+ Dutch @Yield { okt }
+ English @Yield { Oct }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Oct }
+ Finnish @Yield { lokakuu }
+ French @Yield { oct }
+ German @Yield { Okt }
+ Hungarian @Yield { okt }
+ Italian @Yield { ott }
+ Norwegian @Yield { okt }
+ Polish @Yield { pa{@Char zacute} }
+ Russian @Yield { "\317\313\324" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { okt }
+ Spanish @Yield { Oct }
+ Swedish @Yield { okt }
+} }
+{ 11 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { listopad }
+ Danish @Yield { nov }
+ Dutch @Yield { nov }
+ English @Yield { Nov }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Nov }
+ Finnish @Yield { marraskuu }
+ French @Yield { nov }
+ German @Yield { Nov }
+ Hungarian @Yield { nov }
+ Italian @Yield { nov }
+ Norwegian @Yield { nov }
+ Polish @Yield { list }
+ Russian @Yield { "\316\317\321" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { nov }
+ Spanish @Yield { Nov }
+ Swedish @Yield { nov }
+} }
+{ 12 @ShortMonths @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { prosinec }
+ Danish @Yield { dec }
+ Dutch @Yield { dec }
+ English @Yield { Dec }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Dec }
+ Finnish @Yield { joulukuu }
+ French @Yield { d{@Char eacute}c }
+ German @Yield { Dez }
+ Hungarian @Yield { dec }
+ Italian @Yield { dic }
+ Norwegian @Yield { des }
+ Polish @Yield { gru }
+ Russian @Yield { "\304\305\313" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { dec }
+ Spanish @Yield { Dic }
+ Swedish @Yield { dec }
+} }
+{ 1 @WeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ned{@Char ecaron}le }
+ Danish @Yield { s{@Char oslash}ndag }
+ Dutch @Yield { zondag }
+ English @Yield { Sunday }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Sunday }
+ Finnish @Yield { sunnuntai }
+ French @Yield { dimanche }
+ German @Yield { Sonntag }
+ Hungarian @Yield { h{@Char eacute}tf{@Char odblacute} }
+ Italian @Yield { domenica }
+ Norwegian @Yield { s{@Char oslash}ndag }
+ Polish @Yield { niedziela }
+ Russian @Yield { "\327\317\323\313\322\305\323\305\316\330\305" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { nedelja }
+ Spanish @Yield { Domingo }
+ Swedish @Yield { s{@Char odieresis}ndag }
+} }
+{ 2 @WeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { pon{@Char ecaron}l{@Char iacute} }
+ Danish @Yield { mandag }
+ Dutch @Yield { maandag }
+ English @Yield { Monday }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Monday }
+ Finnish @Yield { maanantai }
+ French @Yield { lundi }
+ German @Yield { Montag }
+ Hungarian @Yield { kedd }
+ Italian @Yield { luned{@Char igrave} }
+ Norwegian @Yield { mandag }
+ Polish @Yield { poniedzia{@Char lslash}ek }
+ Russian @Yield { "\320\317\316\305\304\305\314\330\316\311\313" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { ponedeljek }
+ Spanish @Yield { Lunes }
+ Swedish @Yield { m{@Char aring}ndag }
+} }
+{ 3 @WeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char uacute}ter{@Char yacute} }
+ Danish @Yield { tirsdag }
+ Dutch @Yield { dinsdag }
+ English @Yield { Tuesday }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Tuesday }
+ Finnish @Yield { tiistai }
+ French @Yield { mardi }
+ German @Yield { Dienstag }
+ Hungarian @Yield { szerda }
+ Italian @Yield { marted{@Char igrave} }
+ Norwegian @Yield { tirsdag }
+ Polish @Yield { wtorek }
+ Russian @Yield { "\327\324\317\322\316\311\313" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { torek }
+ Spanish @Yield { Martes }
+ Swedish @Yield { tisdag }
+} }
+{ 4 @WeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { st{@Char rcaron}eda }
+ Danish @Yield { onsdag }
+ Dutch @Yield { woensdag }
+ English @Yield { Wednesday }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Wednesday }
+ Finnish @Yield { keskiviikko }
+ French @Yield { mercredi }
+ German @Yield { Mittwoch }
+ Hungarian @Yield { cs{@Char udieresis}t{@Char odieresis}rt{@Char odieresis} }
+ Italian @Yield { mercoled{@Char igrave} }
+ Norwegian @Yield { onsdag }
+ Polish @Yield { {@Char sacute}roda }
+ Russian @Yield { "\323\322\305\304\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { sreda }
+ Spanish @Yield { Mi{@Char eacute}rcoles }
+ Swedish @Yield { onsdag }
+} }
+{ 5 @WeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char ccaron}tvrtek }
+ Danish @Yield { torsdag }
+ Dutch @Yield { donderdag }
+ English @Yield { Thursday }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Thursday }
+ Finnish @Yield { torstai }
+ French @Yield { jeudi }
+ German @Yield { Donnerstag }
+ Hungarian @Yield { p{@Char eacute}ntek }
+ Italian @Yield { gioved{@Char igrave} }
+ Norwegian @Yield { torsdag }
+ Polish @Yield { czwartek }
+ Russian @Yield { "\336\305\324\327\305\322\307" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { {@Char ccaron}etrtek }
+ Spanish @Yield { Jueves }
+ Swedish @Yield { torsdag }
+} }
+{ 6 @WeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { p{@Char aacute}tek }
+ Danish @Yield { fredag }
+ Dutch @Yield { vrijdag }
+ English @Yield { Friday }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Friday }
+ Finnish @Yield { perjantai }
+ French @Yield { vendredi }
+ German @Yield { Freitag }
+ Hungarian @Yield { szombat }
+ Italian @Yield { venerd{@Char igrave} }
+ Norwegian @Yield { fredag }
+ Polish @Yield { pi{@Char aogonek}tek }
+ Russian @Yield { "\320\321\324\316\311\303\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { petek }
+ Spanish @Yield { Viernes }
+ Swedish @Yield { fredag }
+} }
+{ 7 @WeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { sobota }
+ Danish @Yield { l{@Char oslash}rdag }
+ Dutch @Yield { zaterdag }
+ English @Yield { Saturday }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Saturday }
+ Finnish @Yield { lauantai }
+ French @Yield { samedi }
+ German @Yield { Samstag }
+ Hungarian @Yield { vas{@Char aacute}rnap }
+ Italian @Yield { sabato }
+ Norwegian @Yield { l{@Char oslash}rdag }
+ Polish @Yield { sobota }
+ Russian @Yield { "\323\325\302\302\317\324\301" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { sobota }
+ Spanish @Yield { S{@Char aacute}bado }
+ Swedish @Yield { l{@Char odieresis}rdag }
+} }
+{ 1 @ShortWeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { ne }
+ Danish @Yield { s{@Char oslash}n }
+ Dutch @Yield { zo }
+ English @Yield { Sun }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Sun }
+ Finnish @Yield { su }
+ French @Yield { dim }
+ German @Yield { So }
+ Hungarian @Yield { H }
+ Italian @Yield { dom }
+ Norwegian @Yield { s{@Char oslash}n }
+ Polish @Yield { niedz }
+ Russian @Yield { "\327\323" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { ned }
+ Spanish @Yield { Dom }
+ Swedish @Yield { s{@Char odieresis} }
+} }
+{ 2 @ShortWeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { po }
+ Danish @Yield { man }
+ Dutch @Yield { ma }
+ English @Yield { Mon }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Mon }
+ Finnish @Yield { ma }
+ French @Yield { lun }
+ German @Yield { Mo }
+ Hungarian @Yield { K }
+ Italian @Yield { lun }
+ Norwegian @Yield { man }
+ Polish @Yield { pon }
+ Russian @Yield { "\320\316" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { pon }
+ Spanish @Yield { Lun }
+ Swedish @Yield { m{@Char aring} }
+} }
+{ 3 @ShortWeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char uacute}t }
+ Danish @Yield { tir }
+ Dutch @Yield { di }
+ English @Yield { Tue }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Tue }
+ Finnish @Yield { ti }
+ French @Yield { mar }
+ German @Yield { Di }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Sze }
+ Italian @Yield { mar }
+ Norwegian @Yield { tir }
+ Polish @Yield { wto }
+ Russian @Yield { "\327\324" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { tor }
+ Spanish @Yield { Mar }
+ Swedish @Yield { ti }
+} }
+{ 4 @ShortWeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { st }
+ Danish @Yield { ons }
+ Dutch @Yield { wo }
+ English @Yield { Wed }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Wed }
+ Finnish @Yield { ke }
+ French @Yield { mer }
+ German @Yield { Mi }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Cs }
+ Italian @Yield { mer }
+ Norwegian @Yield { ons }
+ Polish @Yield { {@Char sacute}ro }
+ Russian @Yield { "\323\322" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { sre }
+ Spanish @Yield { Mie }
+ Swedish @Yield { on }
+} }
+{ 5 @ShortWeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { {@Char ccaron}t }
+ Danish @Yield { tor }
+ Dutch @Yield { do }
+ English @Yield { Thu }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Thu }
+ Finnish @Yield { to }
+ French @Yield { jeu }
+ German @Yield { Do }
+ Hungarian @Yield { P }
+ Italian @Yield { gio }
+ Norwegian @Yield { tor }
+ Polish @Yield { czw }
+ Russian @Yield { "\336\324" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { cet }
+ Spanish @Yield { Jue }
+ Swedish @Yield { to }
+} }
+{ 6 @ShortWeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { p{@Char aacute} }
+ Danish @Yield { fre }
+ Dutch @Yield { vr }
+ English @Yield { Fri }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Fri }
+ Finnish @Yield { pe }
+ French @Yield { ven }
+ German @Yield { Fr }
+ Hungarian @Yield { Szo }
+ Italian @Yield { ven }
+ Norwegian @Yield { fre }
+ Polish @Yield { pi{@Char aogonek}t }
+ Russian @Yield { "\320\324" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { pet }
+ Spanish @Yield { Vie }
+ Swedish @Yield { fr }
+} }
+{ 7 @ShortWeekDays @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { so }
+ Danish @Yield { l{@Char oslash}r }
+ Dutch @Yield { za }
+ English @Yield { Sat }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { Sat }
+ Finnish @Yield { la }
+ French @Yield { sam }
+ German @Yield { Sa }
+ Hungarian @Yield { V }
+ Italian @Yield { sab }
+ Norwegian @Yield { l{@Char oslash}r }
+ Polish @Yield { sob }
+ Russian @Yield { "\323\302" }
+ Slovenian @Yield { sob }
+ Spanish @Yield { Sab }
+ Swedish @Yield { l{@Char odieresis} }
+} }
+{ 00 @TwelveHours 12 }
+{ 01 @TwelveHours 1 }
+{ 02 @TwelveHours 2 }
+{ 03 @TwelveHours 3 }
+{ 04 @TwelveHours 4 }
+{ 05 @TwelveHours 5 }
+{ 06 @TwelveHours 6 }
+{ 07 @TwelveHours 7 }
+{ 08 @TwelveHours 8 }
+{ 09 @TwelveHours 9 }
+{ 10 @TwelveHours 10 }
+{ 11 @TwelveHours 11 }
+{ 12 @TwelveHours 12 }
+{ 13 @TwelveHours 1 }
+{ 14 @TwelveHours 2 }
+{ 15 @TwelveHours 3 }
+{ 16 @TwelveHours 4 }
+{ 17 @TwelveHours 5 }
+{ 18 @TwelveHours 6 }
+{ 19 @TwelveHours 7 }
+{ 20 @TwelveHours 8 }
+{ 21 @TwelveHours 9 }
+{ 22 @TwelveHours 10 }
+{ 23 @TwelveHours 11 }
+{ 00 @ShortHours 0 }
+{ 01 @ShortHours 1 }
+{ 02 @ShortHours 2 }
+{ 03 @ShortHours 3 }
+{ 04 @ShortHours 4 }
+{ 05 @ShortHours 5 }
+{ 06 @ShortHours 6 }
+{ 07 @ShortHours 7 }
+{ 08 @ShortHours 8 }
+{ 09 @ShortHours 9 }
+{ 10 @ShortHours 10 }
+{ 11 @ShortHours 11 }
+{ 12 @ShortHours 12 }
+{ 13 @ShortHours 13 }
+{ 14 @ShortHours 14 }
+{ 15 @ShortHours 15 }
+{ 16 @ShortHours 16 }
+{ 17 @ShortHours 17 }
+{ 18 @ShortHours 18 }
+{ 19 @ShortHours 19 }
+{ 20 @ShortHours 20 }
+{ 21 @ShortHours 21 }
+{ 22 @ShortHours 22 }
+{ 23 @ShortHours 23 }
+{ 00 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 01 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 02 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 03 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 04 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 05 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 06 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 07 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 08 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 09 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 10 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 11 @MeriDiems @Word&&am }
+{ 12 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 13 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 14 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 15 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 16 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 17 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 18 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 19 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 20 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 21 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 22 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 23 @MeriDiems @Word&&pm }
+{ 00 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 01 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 02 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 03 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 04 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 05 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 06 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 07 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 08 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 09 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 10 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 11 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortam }
+{ 12 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 13 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 14 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 15 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 16 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 17 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 18 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 19 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 20 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 21 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 22 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ 23 @ShortMeriDiems @Word&&shortpm }
+{ date @DateTimeFormat @Value { @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { @DayNum. @Month @Year }
+ Danish @Yield { @DayNum. @Month, @Year }
+ Dutch @Yield { @DayNum @Month @Year }
+ English @Yield { @DayNum @Month, @Year }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { @DayNum @Month, @Year }
+ Finnish @Yield { @DayNum. @Month"ta" @Year }
+ French @Yield { @DayNum @Month @Year }
+ German @Yield { @DayNum. @Month @Year }
+ Hungarian @Yield { @Year. @Month @DayNum. }
+ Italian @Yield { @DayNum @Month @Year }
+ Norwegian @Yield { @DayNum @Month, @Year }
+ Polish @Yield { @DayNum @Month @Year }
+ Russian @Yield { @DayNum @Month @Year }
+ Slovenian @Yield { @DayNum @Month @Year }
+ Spanish @Yield { @DayNum "de" @Month, @Year }
+ Swedish @Yield { @DayNum @Month @Year }
+ } }
+{ time @DateTimeFormat @Value { @CurrLang @Case {
+ Czech @Yield { @ShortHour "hodin" @Minute "minut" }
+ Danish @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ Dutch @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ English @Yield { @TwelveHour.@Minute @MeriDiem }
+ EnglishUK @Yield { @TwelveHour.@Minute @MeriDiem }
+ Finnish @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ French @Yield { @ShortHour"h"@Minute }
+ German @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ Hungarian @Yield { @ShortHour {@Char oacute}ra @Minute perc }
+ Italian @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ Norwegian @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ Polish @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ Russian @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ Slovenian @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ Spanish @Yield { @ShortHour:@Minute }
+ Swedish @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
+ } }
diff --git a/doc/README b/doc/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62f2260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/README
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Directory lout/doc
+This directory contains directories holding the four documents
+that describe the Lout document formatting system:
+design `The design and implementation of the Lout document
+ formatting language,' Software--Practice and Experience,
+ vol. 23, pp1001-1041 (September 1993)
+expert An Expert's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System
+slides A Practical Introduction to the Lout Document Formatting
+ System (overhead transparencies)
+user A User's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+17 November 1997
diff --git a/doc/design/README b/doc/design/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e7a8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/README
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Directory lout/doc/design
+This directory contains the Lout source files
+for the report entitled `The design and
+implementation of the Lout document formatting
+language' which appeared in Software--Practice
+and Experience, vol 23, pp1001-1041 (September
+1993). To produce the report, type the command
+ lout all > outfile.ps
+in this directory. This must be done three
+times to completely resolve all cross references,
+although the PostScript file outfile.ps is
+printable after the first run. Auxiliary files
+with .li and .ld suffixes will be created in
+this directory. A copy of the final outfile.ps
+is included.
+The second and third runs should produce no error
+messages (although changing the paper size might
+produce one or two benign ones).
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+17 September 1999
diff --git a/doc/design/all b/doc/design/all
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2755e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/all
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+@SysInclude { eq }
+@SysInclude { tab }
+@SysInclude { fig }
+@SysInclude { report }
+@SysDatabase @Reference { oldrefs }
+ @Title { The Design and Implementation
+of the
+Lout Document Formatting Language }
+ @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
+ @Institution { Basser Department of Computer Science,
+The University of Sydney 2006,
+Australia }
+ @DateLine { 27 January, 1993 }
+ @InitialLanguage { English }
+ @OptimizePages { Yes }
+ @AbstractTitle { SUMMARY }
+ @Abstract
+Lout is a high-level language for document formatting, whose ease of use
+has permitted an unprecedented number of advanced features to be added
+quickly and reliably. This paper charts the evolution of the design and
+implementation of Lout from conception in mid-1984 to public release in
+October 1991. It includes extensive discussions of remaining problems
+and possible solutions.
+{@B Keywords} document formatting typesetting
+@Include { s1_0 }
+@Include { s2_0 }
+@Include { s2_1 }
+@Include { s2_2 }
+@Include { s2_3 }
+@Include { s2_4 }
+@Include { s2_5 }
+@Include { s2_9 }
+@Include { s3_0 }
+@Include { s3_1 }
+@Include { s3_2 }
+@Include { s3_3 }
+@Include { s3_4 }
+@Include { s3_9 }
+@Include { s4_0 }
+@Include { s5_0 }
+@Include { s5_1 }
+@Include { s5_2 }
+@Include { s5_3 }
+@Include { s5_4 }
+@Include { s5_5 }
+@Include { s5_9 }
+@Include { s6_0 }
+@Include { s6_1 }
+@Include { s6_2 }
+@Include { s6_9 }
+@Include { s7_0 }
diff --git a/doc/design/mydefs b/doc/design/mydefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5473fbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/mydefs
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+def @TeX { T{ /0.2fo E}X }
+def @Code
+ right x
+{ { Helvetica Base -1p } @Font lines @Break x
+# #
+# Nodes and trees. #
+# #
+import @Fig
+def @FBox
+ named width { 0.6c }
+ named height { 0.4c }
+ named margin { 0.1c }
+ right x
+ @Box margin { margin }
+ { width @Wide height @High
+ { /0.5rt |0.5rt @OneCol @OneRow 0.8f @Font x
+ }
+ }
+import @Fig
+def @FEllipse
+ named width { 0.6c }
+ named height { 0.4c }
+ named margin { 0.1c }
+ right x
+ @Ellipse margin { margin }
+ { height @High
+ { /0.5rt |0.5rt @OneCol @OneRow 0.8f @Font x
+ }
+ }
+import @Fig
+def @FCircle
+ named width { 0.4c }
+ named height { 0.4c }
+ named margin { 0.1c }
+ right x
+ @Circle margin { margin }
+ { width @Wide height @High
+ { /0.5rt |0.5rt @OneCol @OneRow 0.8f @Font x
+ }
+ }
+import @Fig
+def @JoinFigures
+ left A
+ named linestyle { solid }
+ named linewidth { 0.5 pt }
+ named linecap { round }
+ named dashlength { 0.15 cm }
+ named arrow { noarrow }
+ named headstyle { open }
+ named headwidth { 0.05 cm }
+ named headlength { 0.15 cm }
+ right B
+ @Line
+ from { {A"@CTR"} ++ {{A"@CTR"} @Angle {B"@CTR"} A"@CIRCUM"} }
+ to { {B"@CTR"} ++ {{B"@CTR"} @Angle {A"@CTR"} B"@CIRCUM"} }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ {}
+import @Fig
+export @LeftSub @RightSub @FirstSub @NextSub @StubSub @Node
+def @Tree
+ named hmargin { 0.2c }
+ named vmargin { 0.3c }
+ named linestyle { solid }
+ named linewidth { 0.5 pt }
+ named linecap { round }
+ named dashlength { 0.15 cm }
+ named arrow { noarrow }
+ named headstyle { open }
+ named headwidth { 0.05 cm }
+ named headlength { 0.15 cm }
+ body x
+ def @LeftSub
+ precedence 90
+ associativity left
+ left root
+ named hmargin { hmargin }
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ { /vmargin {L::x} } |hmargin root |
+ L@T @JoinFigures
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ T
+ }
+ def fixroot
+ precedence 90
+ left root
+ {
+ |0.5rt root
+ }
+ def firstsub
+ precedence 90
+ associativity left
+ named hmargin { hmargin }
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ S::x &
+ S@T @JoinFigures
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ T
+ }
+ macro @FirstSub { fixroot //vmargin |0.5rt firstsub }
+ def @NextSub
+ precedence 90
+ associativity left
+ left others
+ named hmargin { hmargin }
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ others &hmargin S::x &
+ S@T @JoinFigures
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ T
+ }
+ def @RightSub
+ precedence 90
+ associativity left
+ left root
+ named hmargin { hmargin }
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ root |hmargin { /vmargin {R::x} } |
+ R@T @JoinFigures
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ T
+ }
+ def @StubSub
+ precedence 90
+ associativity left
+ left root
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ {
+ root |
+ @Figure
+ shape { T@SW
+ T@W -- { 0.1 cm 0.7 cm }
+ T@E -- {-0.1 cm 0.7 cm }
+ T@SE
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ { @Null }
+ }
+ def @Node
+ # named mark {}
+ right root
+ {
+ T:: root
+ # & T@W ++ { -0.2 cm 0.1 cm } @BaseOf mark
+ }
+ @OneCol @OneRow x
+@End @Tree
+def @ShowMarks
+ named linewidth { 0.015 cm }
+ named linestyle { dashed }
+ named dashlength { 0.15 cm }
+ named paint { lightgrey }
+ named marks { both } # none, horizontal, vertical, or both
+ right x
+ @Fig
+ { @Box margin { 0c } linewidth { linewidth } paint { paint }
+ { @Figure
+ shape {
+ marks @Case {
+ { horizontal both } @Yield
+ { -0.3 cm ymark {xsize ymark} ++ {0.3 cm 0} }
+ else @Yield {}
+ }
+ marks @Case {
+ both @Yield []
+ else @Yield {}
+ }
+ marks @Case {
+ { vertical both } @Yield
+ { xmark -0.3 cm {xmark ysize} ++ {0 0.3 cm} }
+ else @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ import @Fig
+ def @DagBox
+ named top {}
+ named mid {}
+ named base {}
+ {
+ @OneRow {
+ TOP:: @FBox top
+ // MID:: @FBox mid
+ // BASE:: @FBox base
+ }
+ }
+ import @Fig
+ def @BlackDot
+ named diameter { 0.07c }
+ {
+ @Circle
+ margin { 0c }
+ paint { black }
+ { diameter @Wide diameter @High {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Fig
+ def @TVShape # television shape enclosing points ne, nw, se, sw
+ named nw {}
+ named ne {}
+ named sw {}
+ named se {}
+ named delta { 0.5 cm }
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ { {nw @Min sw @Min ne @Min se} -- { delta 0 } } @Label BL
+ { {nw @Max sw @Max ne @Max se} ++ { delta 0 } } @Label TR
+ BL ++ { 0 BL @YDistance TR } @Label TL
+ BL ++ { BL @XDistance TR 0 } @Label BR
+ BL
+ BR [ BR ++ {0 delta} ]
+ BR ++ {delta delta}
+ TR ++ {delta -delta} [ TR -- {0 delta} ]
+ TR
+ TL [ TL -- {0 delta} ]
+ TL -- {delta delta}
+ BL ++ {-delta delta} [ BL ++ {0 delta} ]
+ BL
+ }
+ {}
+ }
+ import @Fig
+ def @FunnyArrow
+ named from {}
+ named to {}
+ named arrow { forward }
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {from from ++ {0 from @YDistance to} to}
+ arrow { arrow }
+ {}
+ }
+ def "->" { {Symbol Base} @Font "\256" } #174 decimal
+ def "=>" { {Symbol Base} @Font "\336" } #222 decimal
+ macro @JP { /0.5v }
+ ###################################################
+ # #
+ # Lout keywords. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################
+ def @@Begin { @Code "@Begin" }
+ def @@Break { @Code "@Break" }
+ def @@Case { @Code "@Case" }
+ def @@Database { @Code "@Database" }
+ def @@End { @Code "@End" }
+ def @@Font { @Code "@Font" }
+ def @@Galley { @Code "@Galley" }
+ def @@Graphic { @Code "@Graphic" }
+ def @@HExpand { @Code "@HExpand" }
+ def @@HScale { @Code "@HScale" }
+ def @@High { @Code "@High" }
+ def @@Include { @Code "@Include" }
+ def @@Key { @Code "@Key" }
+ def @@LClos { @Code "@LClos" }
+ def @@LEnv { @Code "@LEnv" }
+ def @@LInput { @Code "@LInput" }
+ def @@Moment { @Code "@Moment" }
+ def @@Next { @Code "@Next" }
+ def @@Null { @Code "@Null" }
+ def @@OneCol { @Code "@OneCol" }
+ def @@OneRow { @Code "@OneRow" }
+ def @@Open { @Code "@Open" }
+ def @@Prepend { @Code "@Prepend" }
+ def @@Rotate { @Code "@Rotate" }
+ def @@Space { @Code "@Space" }
+ def @@SysDatabase { @Code "@SysDatabase" }
+ def @@SysInclude { @Code "@SysInclude" }
+ def @@SysPrepend { @Code "@SysPrepend" }
+ def @@Tag { @Code "@Tag" }
+ def @@Tagged { @Code "@Tagged" }
+ def @@Use { @Code "@Use" }
+ def @@VExpand { @Code "@VExpand" }
+ def @@VScale { @Code "@VScale" }
+ def @@Yield { @Code "@Yield" }
+ def @@Wide { @Code "@Wide" }
+ ###################################################
+ # #
+ # Miscellaneous, mostly graphical definitions. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################
+ def @Leaders
+ { .. @Leaders
+ }
+ def @HLine {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto stroke }
+ @Graphic {}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { 0 0 m __xsize 0 l S }
+ @Graphic {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VDashLine
+ right length
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ length @High
+ { 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto [ 3 pt ] 0 setdash stroke }
+ @Graphic {}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ length @High
+ { [ __mul(3, __pt) ] 0 d 0 0 m 0 __ysize l stroke }
+ @Graphic {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LBox
+ right offset
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @OneCol @OneRow
+ {
+ { //0.2c
+ 0.6c @High 1.2c @Wide
+ { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto closepath
+ gsave 0.9 setgray fill grestore stroke }
+ @Graphic {}
+ }
+ ||offset @VDashLine 1c
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @OneCol @OneRow
+ {
+ { //0.2c
+ 0.6c @High 1.2c @Wide
+ { 0 0 m __xsize 0 l
+ __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize l h
+ q 0.9 g f Q S }
+ @Graphic {}
+ }
+ ||offset @VDashLine 1c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Arrow
+ right length
+ { @OneCol @OneRow
+ {
+ 30d @Rotate {0.12c @Wide @HLine}
+ //
+ length @Wide @HLine
+ //
+ "-30d" @Rotate {0.12c @Wide @HLine}
+ }
+ }
+ def @DoubleArrow
+ right length
+ { @OneCol @OneRow
+ {
+ & 180d @Rotate @Arrow length
+ |0io @Arrow length
+ }
+ }
+ def @Put
+ left coord
+ right x
+ { @OneCol @OneRow
+ { coord / | @OneCol @OneRow x
+ }
+ }
+ macro @At { //0io }
+ ###################################################
+ # #
+ # Interpolated example documents. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################
+ def @LittleEndRunPlace { @Galley }
+ def @LittleEndRun
+ force into { @LittleEndRunPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ def @LittleTextPlace { @Galley }
+ def @LittleText into { @LittleTextPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ { x
+ }
+ def @LittleFootPlace { @Galley }
+ def @LittleFootNote into { @LittleFootPlace&&following }
+ right x
+ { x
+ }
+ def @LittlePageColumn
+ right x
+ {
+ 9px @Break 8p @Font
+ 2.8c @Wide x
+ }
+ def @LittlePage
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto
+ 0 ysize lineto closepath stroke } @Graphic
+ { //0.3c ||0.3c
+ 9px @Break 8p @Font
+ 2.8c @Wide 3.8c @High x
+ ||0.3c //0.3c
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { 0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize l s } @Graphic
+ { //0.3c ||0.3c
+ 9px @Break 8p @Font
+ 2.8c @Wide 3.8c @High x
+ ||0.3c //0.3c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LittleFootSect
+ { 1c @Wide @HLine
+ //0.3v @LittleFootPlace ||0.5c
+ }
+ def @LittlePageList
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @LittlePage { # |0.5rt @PageNum //0.8v
+ //0.3v @LittleTextPlace
+ //1rt @LittleFootSect
+ }
+ //
+ @LittlePageList @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ def @LittleDocument
+ { @LittlePage
+ { @LittleTextPlace
+ //1rt @LittleFootSect
+ }
+ // @LittlePageList 2
+ // @LittleEndRunPlace
+ }
+ def @Strange
+ named @Format right @Val { [@Val] }
+ right x
+ { @Format x
+ }
diff --git a/doc/design/outfile.ps b/doc/design/outfile.ps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f7525a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/outfile.ps
@@ -0,0 +1,11727 @@
+%%Creator: Basser Lout Version 3.17 (September 1999)
+%%CreationDate: Fri Sep 17 11:56:58 1999
+%%DocumentData: Binary
+%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend)
+%%DocumentMedia: Plain 595 842 0 white ()
+%%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)
+%%Pages: (atend)
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutStartUp
+/m { 3 1 roll moveto show } bind def
+/s { exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show } bind def
+/k { exch neg 0 rmoveto show } bind def
+/ul { gsave setlinewidth dup 3 1 roll
+ moveto lineto stroke grestore } bind def
+/in { 1440 mul } def
+/cm { 567 mul } def
+/pt { 20 mul } def
+/em { 120 mul } def
+/sp { louts mul } def
+/vs { loutv mul } def
+/ft { loutf mul } def
+/dg { } def
+/LoutGraphic {
+ /louts exch def
+ /loutv exch def
+ /loutf exch def
+ /ymark exch def
+ /xmark exch def
+ /ysize exch def
+ /xsize exch def
+} def
+/LoutGr2 { gsave translate LoutGraphic gsave } def
+{ findfont exch scalefont setfont
+} bind def
+/LoutRecode {
+ { findfont dup length dict begin
+ {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+ /Encoding exch def
+ currentdict end definefont pop
+ }
+ stopped pop
+} bind def
+/BeginEPSF {
+ /LoutEPSFState save def
+ /dict_count countdictstack def
+ /op_count count 1 sub def
+ userdict begin
+ /showpage { } def
+ 0 setgray 0 setlinecap
+ 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin
+ 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath
+ /languagelevel where
+ { pop languagelevel
+ 1 ne
+ { false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint
+ } if
+ } if
+} bind def
+/EndEPSF {
+ count op_count sub { pop } repeat
+ countdictstack dict_count sub { end } repeat
+ LoutEPSFState restore
+} bind def
+%%BeginResource encoding vec2
+/vec2 [
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash
+/zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven
+/eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question
+/at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G
+/H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
+/P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W
+/X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore
+/quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g
+/h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o
+/p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+/x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef
+/quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /ellipsis /OE /oe /quotedblleft /quotedblright /fi
+/fl /endash /emdash /bullet /dagger /daggerdbl /florin /fraction
+/dotlessi /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent
+/dieresis /.notdef /ring /cedilla /.notdef /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron
+/space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section
+/dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron
+/degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered
+/cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown
+/Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+/Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
+/Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply
+/Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls
+/agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
+/egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide
+/oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
+] def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutTabPrependGraphic
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/tabf.lpg
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Tab %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names %
+% of all these symbols begin with "ltab". %
+% %
+% Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% 24 September 1991 %
+% 22 December 1992 %
+% %
+% linewidth ltabhs -
+% horizontal single line
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhsp -
+% horizontal single line with projecting ends
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhd -
+% horizontal double line
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch 3 mul moveto xsize exch 3 mul lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdb -
+% horizontal double line below mark
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch -3 mul moveto xsize exch -3 mul lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdnw -
+% horizontal double line with northwest corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize exch 3 mul moveto
+ -3 mul exch 3 mul lineto
+ -3 mul 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdne -
+% horizontal double line with northeast corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch 3 mul moveto
+ 3 mul xsize add exch 3 mul lineto
+ 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdsw -
+% horizontal double line with southwest corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize exch -3 mul moveto
+ -3 mul exch -3 mul lineto
+ -3 mul 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdse -
+% horizontal double line with southeast corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch -3 mul moveto
+ 3 mul xsize add exch -3 mul lineto
+ 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvs -
+% vertical single line
+{ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvd -
+% vertical double line
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ -3 mul 0 moveto -3 mul ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvdr -
+% vertical double line to right of mark
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ 3 mul 0 moveto 3 mul ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutFigPrependGraphic
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/figf.lpg
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Fig Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% Version 2.0 (includes CIRCUM label) January 1992 %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names of all symbols %
+% defined here begin with "lfig". However, this is not feasible %
+% with user-defined labels and some labels used by users. %
+% %
+% <point> is two numbers, a point. %
+% <length> is one number, a length %
+% <angle> is one number, an angle in degrees %
+% <dashlength> is one number, the preferred length of a dash %
+% %
+errordict begin
+ /handleerror
+ {
+ { /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ 0 setgray 4 pt 4 pt moveto
+ $error /errorname get
+ dup lfigdict exch known
+ { lfigdict exch get }
+ { 30 string cvs } ifelse
+ show
+ ( Command: ) show
+ $error /command get 30 string cvs show
+ } stopped {} if
+ showpage stop
+ } def
+% concat strings: <string> <string> lfigconcat <string>
+% must be defined outside lfigdict since used in lfigpromotelabels
+{ 2 copy length exch length add string
+ dup 0 4 index putinterval
+ dup 3 index length 3 index putinterval
+ 3 1 roll pop pop
+} def
+% <string> lfigdebugprint -
+% must be defined outside lfigdict since used in arbitrary places
+% /lfigdebugprint
+% { print
+% (; operand stack:\n) print
+% count copy
+% count 2 idiv
+% { ==
+% (\n) print
+% } repeat
+% (\n) print
+% } def
+/lfigdict 120 dict def
+lfigdict begin
+% error messages
+/dictfull (dictfull error: too many labels?) def
+/dictstackoverflow (dictstackoverflow error: labels nested too deeply?) def
+/execstackoverflow (execstackoverflow error: figure nested too deeply?) def
+/limitcheck (limitcheck error: figure nested too deeply or too large?) def
+/syntaxerror (syntaxerror error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/typecheck (typecheck error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/undefined (undefined error: unknown or misspelt label?) def
+/VMError (VMError error: run out of memory?) def
+% push pi onto stack: - lfigpi <num>
+/lfigpi 3.14159 def
+% arc directions
+/clockwise false def
+/anticlockwise true def
+% maximum of two numbers: <num> <num> lfigmax <num>
+/lfigmax { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% minimum of two numbers: <num> <num> lfigmin <num>
+/lfigmin { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% add two points: <point> <point> lfigpadd <point>
+/lfigpadd { exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } def
+% subtract first point from second: <point> <point> lfigpsub <point>
+/lfigpsub { 3 2 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub exch } def
+% max two points: <point> <point> lfigpmax <point>
+/lfigpmax { exch 3 1 roll lfigmax 3 1 roll lfigmax exch } def
+% min two points: <point> <point> lfigpmin <point>
+/lfigpmin { exch 3 1 roll lfigmin 3 1 roll lfigmin exch } def
+% scalar multiplication: <point> <num> lfigpmul <point>
+/lfigpmul { dup 3 1 roll mul 3 1 roll mul exch } def
+% point at angle and distance: <point> <length> <angle> lfigatangle <point>
+/lfigatangle { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul lfigpadd } def
+% angle from one point to another: <point> <point> lfigangle <angle>
+/lfigangle { lfigpsub 2 copy 0 eq exch 0 eq and {pop} {exch atan} ifelse } def
+% distance between two points: <point> <point> lfigdistance <length>
+/lfigdistance { lfigpsub dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
+% difference in x coords: <point> <point> lfigxdistance <length>
+/lfigxdistance { pop 3 1 roll pop sub } def
+%difference in y coords: <point> <point> lfigydistance <length>
+/lfigydistance { 3 1 roll pop sub exch pop } def
+% stroke a solid line: <length> <dashlength> lfigsolid -
+{ pop pop [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% stroke a lfigdashed line: <length> <dashlength> lfigdashed -
+{ 2 copy div 2 le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch dup ] 0 setdash }
+ { dup [ exch 4 2 roll 2 copy div
+ 1 sub 2 div ceiling dup 4 1 roll
+ 1 add mul sub exch div ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a lfigcdashed line: <length> <dashlength> lfigcdashed -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch dup ] dup 0 get 2 div setdash }
+ { dup [ 4 2 roll exch 2 copy exch div
+ 2 div ceiling div 1 index sub
+ ] exch 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a dotted line: <length> <dashlength> lfigdotted -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch 0 exch ] 0 setdash }
+ { 1 index exch div ceiling div
+ [ 0 3 2 roll ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a noline line: <length> <dashlength> lfignoline -
+{ pop pop
+} def
+% painting (i.e. filling): - lfigwhite - (etc.)
+/lfignopaint { } def
+/lfignochange { fill } def
+/lfigdarkblue { 0.0 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigblue { 0.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightblue { 0.5 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgreen { 0.0 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggreen { 0.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgreen { 0.5 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkred { 0.5 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigred { 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightred { 1.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkcyan { 0.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigcyan { 0.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightcyan { 0.5 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkmagenta { 0.5 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigmagenta { 1.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightmagenta { 1.0 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkyellow { 0.5 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgray { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggray { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgray { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgrey { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggrey { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgrey { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigblack { 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigwhite { 1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+% line caps (and joins, not currently used)
+/lfigbutt 0 def
+/lfiground 1 def
+/lfigprojecting 2 def
+/lfigmiter 0 def
+/lfigbevel 2 def
+% shape and labels of the @Box symbol
+ 0 0 /SW lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0 /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize ysize /NE lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize /NW lfigpointdef
+ SE 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ NW 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ W SE lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ S NW lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ NE 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ [ CTR NE lfigpsub /lfigboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @CurveBox symbol
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize 0.5 mul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul 0 /S lfigpointdef
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul /E lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize /N lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul /W lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0.293 mul xmark 0.293 mul /SW lfigpointdef
+ xsize xmark 0.293 mul sub xmark 0.293 mul /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize xmark 0.293 mul sub ysize xmark 0.293 mul sub /NE lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0.293 mul ysize xmark 0.293 mul sub /NW lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul xmark /lfigcurveboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ xmark 0
+ xsize xmark sub 0
+ [ xsize xmark sub xmark ]
+ xsize xmark
+ xsize ysize xmark sub
+ [ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark sub ]
+ xsize xmark sub ysize
+ xmark ysize
+ [ xmark ysize xmark sub ]
+ 0 ysize xmark sub
+ 0 xmark
+ [ xmark xmark ]
+ xmark 0
+} def
+% shadow of the @ShadowBox symbol
+% its shape and labels are done, somewhat inaccurately, with lfigbox
+{ xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
+ xmark 2 mul xmark lineto closepath fill
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Square symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize xsize ysize ysize lfigpmax 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 135 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 225 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 315 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SE lfigpointdef
+ SW 0.5 lfigpmul SE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /S lfigpointdef
+ NW 0.5 lfigpmul NE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ SW 0.5 lfigpmul NW 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /W lfigpointdef
+ SE 0.5 lfigpmul NE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ [ CTR NE lfigpsub /lfigboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Diamond symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ S W lfigpadd /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR W lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR S lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /lfigdiamondcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S E N W S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Ellipse symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ S W lfigpadd /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR W lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR S lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd lfigpsub /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR lfigpsub 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR lfigpsub lfigpsub /SW lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /lfigellipsecircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Circle symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 ysize 0 lfigpmax 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 45 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 90 lfigatangle lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 135 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 180 lfigatangle lfigpadd /W lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 225 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 270 lfigatangle lfigpadd /S lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 315 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SE lfigpointdef
+ [ S E lfigpsub /lfigellipsecircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @HLine and @HArrow symbols
+ 0 ymark lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+ xsize ymark lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @VLine and @VArrow symbols
+ xmark ysize lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0 lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef
+} def
+% points of a polygon around base with given no of sides, vert init angle:
+% <sides> <angle> figpolygon <point> ... <point>
+{ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ 90 sub CTR 2 copy lfigmax 5 3 roll
+ [ 4 copy pop /lfigpolycircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ exch dup 360 exch div exch
+ 1 1 3 2 roll
+ { 4 string cvs (P) exch lfigconcat cvn
+ 6 copy pop pop lfigatangle 2 copy 10 2 roll
+ 3 2 roll lfigpointdef
+ dup 3 1 roll add exch
+ } for
+ pop lfigatangle
+} def
+% next array element: <array> <index> lfiggetnext <array> <index> <any> true
+% or <array> <index> false
+{ 2 copy exch length ge
+ { false }
+ { 2 copy get exch 1 add exch true } ifelse
+} def
+% check whether thing is number: <any> lfigisnumbertype <any> <bool>
+{ dup type dup
+ /integertype eq exch /realtype eq or
+} def
+% check whether thing is an array: <any> lfigisarraytype <any> <bool>
+/lfigisarraytype { dup type /arraytype eq } def
+% get next item: <array> <index> lfiggetnextitem <array> <index> 0
+% or <array> <index> <array> 1
+% or <array> <index> <point> 2
+{ lfiggetnext
+ { lfigisarraytype
+ { 1
+ }
+ { lfigisnumbertype
+ { 3 1 roll
+ lfiggetnext
+ { lfigisnumbertype
+ { 4 3 roll exch 2
+ }
+ { pop 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 0
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% set arc path: bool x1 y1 x2 y2 x0 y0 lfigsetarc <angle> <angle> <dist>
+% the path goes from x1 y1 to x2 y2 about centre x0 y0,
+% anticlockwise if bool is true else clockwise.
+% The orientations of backwards pointing and forwards pointing
+% arrowheads are returned in the two angles, and
+% the length of the arc is returned in <dist>.
+ 20 dict begin
+ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ 2 copy translate 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 4 2 roll lfigpsub 6 2 roll lfigpsub
+ dup /y1 exch def dup mul /y1s exch def
+ dup /x1 exch def dup mul /x1s exch def
+ dup /y2 exch def dup mul /y2s exch def
+ dup /x2 exch def dup mul /x2s exch def
+ y1s y2s eq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { y1s x2s mul y2s x1s mul sub y1s y2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /da exch def
+ x1s x2s eq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { x1s y2s mul x2s y1s mul sub x1s x2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /db exch def
+ da 0 gt db 0 gt and
+ { /LMax da sqrt db sqrt lfigmax def
+ /scalex da sqrt LMax div def
+ /scaley db sqrt LMax div def
+ scalex scaley scale
+ 0 0 LMax
+ 0 0 x1 scalex mul y1 scaley mul lfigangle
+ 0 0 x2 scalex mul y2 scaley mul lfigangle
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 anticlockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if lfigpi mul LMax mul 180 div
+ }
+ { 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance 0 0 x2 y2 lfigdistance eq
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance 0 gt and
+ { 0 0
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigangle
+ 0 0 x2 y2 lfigangle
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 clockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if lfigpi mul 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance mul 180 div
+ }
+ { x2 y2 lineto pop
+ x2 y2 x1 y1 lfigangle
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 lfigangle
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 lfigdistance
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ 4 -1 roll setmatrix
+ end
+} def
+% lfigsetcurve: set up a Bezier curve from x0 y0 to x3 y3
+% and return arrowhead angles and length of curve (actually 0)
+% x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 lfigsetcurve <angle> <angle> <length>
+{ 8 copy curveto pop pop
+ lfigangle
+ 5 1 roll
+ 4 2 roll lfigangle
+ exch
+ 0
+} def
+% lfigpaintpath: paint a path of the given shape
+% /paint [ shape ] lfigpaintpath -
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0 newpath
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ { lfiggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ { 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /curveseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr
+ lfigsetcurve pop pop pop
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ lfigsetarc pop pop pop
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr moveto
+ } ifelse
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop pop pop cvx exec
+ end
+} def
+% stroke a path of the given shape in the given linestyle and dash length.
+% Return the origin and angle of the backward and forward arrow heads.
+% dashlength /linestyle [shape] lfigdopath [<point> <angle>] [<point> <angle>]
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ /backarrow [] def
+ /fwdarrow [] def
+ {
+ lfiggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ {
+ 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /prevseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { newpath xprev yprev moveto
+ curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr lfigsetcurve
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ lfigsetarc
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ xcurr ycurr xprev yprev lfigangle dup 180 sub
+ xprev yprev xcurr ycurr lfigdistance
+ } ifelse
+ 6 index 6 index cvx exec
+ [ xprev yprev 5 -1 roll ]
+ backarrow length 0 eq
+ { /backarrow exch def }
+ { pop } ifelse
+ [ xcurr ycurr 4 -1 roll ] /fwdarrow exch def
+ } if
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop
+ pop pop pop pop
+ backarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { backarrow } ifelse
+ fwdarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { fwdarrow } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% lfigdoarrow: draw an arrow head of given form
+% dashlength /lstyle /pstyle hfrac height width [ <point> <angle> ] lfigdoarrow -
+{ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ dup 0 get 1 index 1 get translate
+ 2 get rotate
+ [ 2 index neg 2 index 0 0
+ 3 index 3 index neg
+ 1 index 10 index mul 0
+ 7 index 7 index ]
+ 4 1 roll pop pop pop
+ dup 3 1 roll
+ gsave lfigpaintpath grestore lfigdopath pop pop
+ setmatrix
+} def
+% arrow head styles
+/lfigopen 0.0 def
+/lfighalfopen 0.5 def
+/lfigclosed 1.0 def
+% stroke no arrows, forward, back, and both
+/lfignoarrow { pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop } def
+/lfigforward { 7 -1 roll lfigdoarrow pop } def
+/lfigback { 8 -2 roll pop lfigdoarrow } def
+/lfigboth { 8 -1 roll 7 copy lfigdoarrow pop 7 -1 roll lfigdoarrow } def
+% lfigprevious: return previous point on path
+{ lfigisnumbertype
+ { 2 copy }
+ { lfigisarraytype
+ { 2 index 2 index }
+ { 0 0 }
+ ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% label a point in 2nd top dictionary: <point> /name lfigpointdef -
+ % (Entering lfigpointdef) lfigdebugprint
+ [ 4 2 roll transform
+ /itransform cvx ] cvx
+ currentdict end
+ 3 1 roll
+ % currentdict length currentdict maxlength lt
+ % { def }
+ % { exec moveto (too many labels) show stop }
+ % ifelse
+ def
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigpointdef) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% promote labels from second top to third top dictionary
+% <string> lfigpromotelabels -
+ % (Entering lfigpromotelabels) lfigdebugprint
+ currentdict end exch currentdict end
+ { exch 20 string cvs 2 index
+ (@) lfigconcat exch lfigconcat cvn exch def
+ } forall pop begin
+ % (Leaving lfigpromotelabels) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% show labels (except CIRCUM): - lfigshowlabels -
+ % (Entering lfigshowlabels) lfigdebugprint
+ currentdict end
+ currentdict
+ { 1 index 20 string cvs (CIRCUM) search % if CIRCUM in key
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ { pop cvx exec 2 copy
+ newpath 1.5 pt 0 360 arc
+ 0 setgray fill
+ /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ moveto 0.2 cm 0.1 cm rmoveto 20 string cvs show
+ }
+ ifelse
+ } forall
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigshowlabels) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% fix an angle to 0 <= res < 360: <angle> lfigfixangle <angle>
+ % (Entering lfigfixangle) lfigdebugprint
+ { dup 0 ge { exit } if
+ 360 add
+ } loop
+ { dup 360 lt { exit } if
+ 360 sub
+ } loop
+ % (Leaving lfigfixangle) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of box: alpha a b lfigboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ 0 0 a b lfigangle /theta exch def
+ % if alpha <= theta, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha theta le
+ { a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 - theta, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ alpha 180 theta sub le
+ { b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 + theta, return (-a, -a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha 180 theta add le
+ { a neg a neg alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 360 - theta, return (-b*cot(alpha), -b)
+ alpha 360 theta sub le
+ { b neg alpha cos mul alpha sin div b neg }
+ {
+ % else 360 - theta <= alpha, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find quadratic roots (assume a != 0): a b c lfigqroots x1 x2 2
+% or x2 1
+% or 0
+ 4 dict begin
+ /c exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /disc b b mul 4 a c mul mul sub def
+ disc 0 lt
+ { 0
+ }
+ { disc 0 eq
+ { b neg 2 a mul div
+ 1
+ }
+ { b neg disc sqrt add 2 a mul div
+ b neg disc sqrt sub 2 a mul div
+ 2
+ }
+ ifelse
+ }
+ ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% work our which quadrant: <angle> lfigquadrant <0-3>
+{ dup 90 lt
+ { pop 0
+ }
+ { dup 180 lt
+ { pop 1
+ }
+ { 270 lt
+ { 2
+ }
+ { 3
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% find curvebox circum, assuming upper right quadrant: alpha a b xmk lfigcb x y
+ 6 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ /theta1 0 0 a b xmk sub lfigangle def
+ /theta2 0 0 a xmk sub b lfigangle def
+ alpha theta1 le
+ { % if alpha <= theta1, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ }
+ { alpha theta2 ge
+ { % else if alpha > theta2, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b
+ }
+ {
+ % else, return the intersection of line and circle
+ a xmk sub b xmk sub xmk 0 0 alpha lfigcircleintersect
+ dup 0 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return any reasonable point
+ pop
+ a b 0.5 lfigpmul
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return the point on top of stack
+ }
+ { % the usual case, two points on stack, return the larger
+ lfigpmax
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% find point on circumference of curvebox: alpha a b xmk lfigcurveboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigcurveboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 5 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ % work out which quadrant we are in, and reflect accordingly
+ /quad alpha lfigquadrant def
+ quad 0 eq
+ { alpha a b xmk lfigcb
+ }
+ { quad 1 eq
+ { 180 alpha sub a b xmk lfigcb exch neg exch
+ }
+ { quad 2 eq
+ { alpha 180 sub a b xmk lfigcb neg exch neg exch
+ }
+ { 360 alpha sub a b xmk lfigcb neg
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigcurveboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of diamond: alpha a b lfigdiamondcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigdiamondcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos abs mul a alpha sin abs mul add /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigdiamondcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of ellipse: alpha a b lfigellipsecircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigellipsecircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos mul dup mul a alpha sin mul dup mul add sqrt /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigellipsecircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of two lines each defined by two points
+% x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 lfiglineintersect x y
+ % (Entering lfiglineintersect) lfigdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /y4 exch def
+ /x4 exch def
+ /y3 exch def
+ /x3 exch def
+ /y2 exch def
+ /x2 exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ x2 x1 sub /x21 exch def
+ x4 x3 sub /x43 exch def
+ y2 y1 sub /y21 exch def
+ y4 y3 sub /y43 exch def
+ y21 x43 mul y43 x21 mul sub /det exch def
+ % calculate x
+ y21 x43 mul x1 mul
+ y43 x21 mul x3 mul sub
+ y3 y1 sub x21 mul x43 mul add
+ det div
+ % calculate y
+ x21 y43 mul y1 mul
+ x43 y21 mul y3 mul sub
+ x3 x1 sub y21 mul y43 mul add
+ det neg div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfiglineintersect) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of polygon
+% alpha radius num theta lfigpolycircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigpolycircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /num exch def
+ /radius exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ % calculate delta, the angle from theta to alpha
+ alpha theta sub lfigfixangle
+ % calculate the angle which is the multiple of 360/num closest to delta
+ 360 num div div truncate 360 num div mul theta add /anglea exch def
+ % calculate the next multiple of 360/num after anglea
+ anglea 360 num div add /angleb exch def
+ % intersect the line through these two points with the alpha line
+ anglea cos anglea sin angleb cos angleb sin
+ 0 0 alpha cos 2 mul alpha sin 2 mul
+ lfiglineintersect radius lfigpmul
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigpolycircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of a point and a circle
+% x0 y0 r x1 y1 theta lfigcircleintersect xa ya xb yb 2
+% or xb yb 1
+% or 0
+ % (Entering lfigcircleintersect) lfigdebugprint
+ 15 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ /r exch def
+ /y0 exch def
+ /x0 exch def
+ % if sin(theta) = 0 then line is horizontal and y must be y1
+ theta sin abs 0.00001 lt
+ {
+ /a 1 def
+ /b -2 x0 mul def
+ /c x0 dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c lfigqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 1
+ }
+ { y1 exch y1 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ {
+ /ct theta cos theta sin div def
+ /a ct ct mul 1 add def
+ /b ct x1 x0 sub mul y1 add y0 sub 2 mul def
+ /c x1 x0 sub dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c lfigqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xb yb 1
+ }
+ { y1 add /ya exch def
+ ya y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xa exch def
+ y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xa ya xb yb 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigcircleintersect) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% add CIRCUM operator with this body: <array> lfigcircumdef -
+{ % (Entering lfigcircumdef) lfigdebugprint
+ /CIRCUM exch cvx
+ currentdict end
+ 3 1 roll
+ % currentdict length currentdict maxlength lt
+ % { def }
+ % { exec moveto (too many labels) show stop }
+ % ifelse
+ def
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigcircumdef) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutBasicSetup
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/bsf.lpg
+% width height linethickness louteuro -
+% draw a Euro symbol of this width and height with this line thickness
+% Author: Jeff Kingston, based on code from Andrew Beardsley
+/louteuro {
+ 20 dict begin
+ /eurothick exch def
+ /euroheight exch def
+ /eurowidth exch def
+ /eurostrokewidth euroheight 0.8 mul def
+ /eurostep eurothick 60 cos mul 60 sin div def
+ /eurotheta 40 def
+ % llx lly width thickness louteurobox -
+ % draw angled box starting at (llx, lly) with given width and thickness
+ /louteurobox
+ {
+ /euroboxthick exch def
+ /euroboxwidth exch def
+ newpath moveto euroboxwidth 0 rlineto
+ eurostep euroboxthick rlineto
+ euroboxwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath fill
+ } def
+ % lower cross stroke
+ 0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 1.5 mul sub
+ eurostrokewidth eurothick louteurobox
+ % upper cross stroke
+ 0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 0.5 mul add
+ eurostrokewidth eurostep 2 mul add eurothick louteurobox
+ % circular part
+ /eurohctr eurowidth euroheight 2 div eurotheta cos mul sub def
+ /eurovctr euroheight 2 div def
+ newpath
+ eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurotheta 350 eurotheta sub arc
+ eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurothick sub 365 eurotheta sub eurotheta arcn
+ closepath fill
+ end
+} def
+% path for @FullWidthRule symbol
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+} def
+% path for @Box symbol
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto
+ closepath
+} def
+% path for @CurveBox symbol
+{ xmark 0 moveto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark xmark 270 360 arc
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark sub xmark 0 90 arc
+ xmark ysize xmark sub xmark 90 180 arc
+ xmark xmark xmark 180 270 arc
+ closepath
+} def
+% path for @ShadowBox symbol
+{ xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
+ xmark 2 mul xmark lineto
+ closepath
+} def
+% set up dictionary containing margin note data: parity LoutMargSet -
+{ /LoutMargDict 12 dict def
+ LoutMargDict begin
+ /parity exch def
+ /matr matrix currentmatrix def
+ /rightx xsize def
+ /lefty ysize def % highest allowable point for top of next left note
+ /righty ysize def % highest allowable point for top of next right note
+ /max { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+ /min { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+ end
+} def
+%translate coordinate system for marginal notes: type LoutMargShift -
+% where type 0 is left margin, 1 is right margin, 2 is outer, 3 is inner
+{ LoutMargDict begin
+ % y coordinate of top of note, in margin coords, before vertical adjust
+ 0 ysize transform matr itransform exch pop
+ % decide whether left or right margin based on type and parity
+ exch [ 0 1 parity 1 parity sub ] exch get 0 eq
+ {
+ % left margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
+ lefty min
+ % bottom of note is new lefty position and also translate position
+ ysize sub dup /lefty exch def
+ % want right edge of note at coordinate zero
+ xsize neg exch
+ }
+ {
+ % right margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
+ righty min
+ % bottom of note is new righty position and also translate position
+ ysize sub dup /righty exch def
+ % want left edge of note at coordinate rightx
+ rightx exch
+ } ifelse
+ % stack now contains coord of bottom left corner in margin coordinates
+ matr setmatrix translate
+ end
+} def
+% create LoutPageDict with left, right, foot, top for @Place symbol users
+ /LoutPageDict 5 dict def
+ LoutPageDict begin
+ /matr matrix currentmatrix def
+ /left 0 def
+ /right xsize def
+ /foot 0 def
+ /top ysize def
+ end
+} def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman
+/Times-Romanfnt82 vec2 /Times-Roman LoutRecode
+/fnt82 { /Times-Romanfnt82 LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Bold
+/Times-Boldfnt84 vec2 /Times-Bold LoutRecode
+/fnt84 { /Times-Boldfnt84 LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic
+/Times-Italicfnt83 vec2 /Times-Italic LoutRecode
+/fnt83 { /Times-Italicfnt83 LoutFont } def
+%%Page: i 1
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+%%+ font Times-Bold
+%%+ font Times-Italic
+/pgsave save def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+240 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 240 288 60 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 14006 0 14006 240 288 60 1417 -15423 LoutGr2
+1 LoutMargSet
+240 fnt84 2897 12401(The)m 3352(Design)s 4099(and)s 4540(Implementation)s
+4239 11998(of)m 4511(the)s 2589 11595(Lout)m 3141(Document)s 4250(F)s 6(ormatting)k
+5468(Language)s 240 fnt83 3630 11097(J)m 6(ef)k 4(fr)k 8(e)k 7(y)k
+4310(H.)s 4577(Kingston)s 240 fnt82 2551 10596(Basser)m 3248(Department)s
+4436(of)s 4707(Computer)s 5724(Science,)s 3007 10308(The)m 3435(Uni)s 6(v)k 3(ersity)k
+4489(of)s 4760(Sydne)s 3(y)k 5530(2006,)s 4095 10020(Australia)m
+3739 9568(27)m 4027(January)s 15(,)k 4863(1993)s 240 fnt84
+3901 8775(SUMMAR)m 8(Y)k 240 fnt82 480 8320(Lout)m 992(is)s
+1202(a)s 1367(high-)s 1861(le)s 6(v)k 3(el)k
+2371(language)s 3291(for)s 3628(document)s 4632(formatting,)s 5746(whose)s
+6414(ease)s 6881(of)s 7151(use)s 7526(has)s 7895(permit)s
+8518(-)s 480 8032(ted)m 839(an)s 1131(unprecedented)s 2593(number)s
+3394(of)s 3674(adv)s 6(anced)k 4639(features)s 5454(to)s
+5703(be)s 5994(added)s 6633(quickly)s 7414(and)s 7828(reliably)s 15(.)k
+480 7744(This)m 942(paper)s 1518(charts)s 2125(the)s 2458(e)s 6(v)k 4(olution)k
+3395(of)s 3651(the)s 3985(design)s 4652(and)s 5042(implementation)s
+6584(of)s 6841(Lout)s 7338(from)s 7847(concep)s 8518(-)s
+480 7456(tion)m 913(in)s 1161(mid-)s 1601(1984)s 2139(to)s
+2383(public)s 3038(release)s 3761(in)s 4008(October)s 4843(1991.)s
+5491(It)s 5701(includes)s 6553(e)s 3(xtensi)k 6(v)k 3(e)k
+7505(discussions)s 480 7168(of)m 751(remaining)s 1773(problems)s 2714(and)s
+3118(possible)s 3958(solutions.)s 240 fnt84 480 6664(K)m 6(eyw)k 2(ords)k
+240 fnt82 1623 6665(document)m 2627(formatting)s 3688(typesetting)s
+pgsave restore
+%%Page: 1 2
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+%%+ font Times-Bold
+%%+ font Times-Italic
+/pgsave save def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+240 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 240 288 60 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 14006 0 14006 240 288 60 1417 -15423 LoutGr2
+1 LoutMargSet
+240 fnt84 2897 12401(The)m 3352(Design)s 4099(and)s 4540(Implementation)s
+4239 11998(of)m 4511(the)s 2589 11595(Lout)m 3141(Document)s 4250(F)s 6(ormatting)k
+5468(Language)s 240 fnt83 3630 11097(J)m 6(ef)k 4(fr)k 8(e)k 7(y)k
+4310(H.)s 4577(Kingston)s 240 fnt82 2551 10596(Basser)m 3248(Department)s
+4436(of)s 4707(Computer)s 5724(Science,)s 3007 10308(The)m 3435(Uni)s 6(v)k 3(ersity)k
+4489(of)s 4760(Sydne)s 3(y)k 5530(2006,)s 4095 10020(Australia)m
+3739 9568(27)m 4027(January)s 15(,)k 4863(1993)s 240 fnt84
+0 8926(1.)m 291(Intr)s 4(oduction)k 240 fnt82 480 8495(Lout)m
+985([1,)s 1284(2])s 1515(is)s 1718(a)s 1877(high-le)s 6(v)k 3(el)k
+2885(language)s 3798(for)s 4129(document)s 5126(formatting,)s 6234(designed)s
+7136(and)s 7533(implemented)s 8832(by)s 0 8207(the)m 341(author)s 13(.)k
+1096(The)s 1517(implementation,)s 3117(kno)s 6(wn)k 3814(as)s
+4057(Basser)s 4747(Lout,)s 5299(is)s 5502(a)s 5661(fully)s
+6159(operational)s 7282(production)s 8368(v)s 3(ersion)k 0 7919(written)m
+736(in)s 983(C)s 1198(for)s 1540(the)s 1891(Unix)s
+2429(operating)s 3389(system,)s 153 fnt82 4100 8008(1)m 240 fnt82
+4223 7919(which)m 4869(translates)s 5824(Lout)s 6340(source)s 7023(code)s
+7535(into)s 7964(PostScript,)s 153 fnt82 8993 8008(2)m 240 fnt82
+0 7631(a)m 201(de)s 6(vice-independent)k 2164(graphics)s 3061(rendering)s
+4066(language)s 5021(accepted)s 5951(by)s 6281(man)s 3(y)k
+6900(high-resolution)s 8454(output)s 0 7343(de)m 6(vices,)k 833(including)s
+1805(most)s 2346(laser)s 2871(printers.)s 3779(Basser)s 4492(Lout)s
+5019(is)s 5244(a)s 4(v)k 6(ailable)k 6168(free)s
+6609(of)s 6895(char)s 4(ge)k 7600([3].)s 8057(It)s
+8278(includes)s 0 7055(installation)m 1118(instructions,)s 2339(C)s 2550(source,)s
+3281(se)s 6(v)k 3(en)k 3873(standard)s 4740(packages,)s
+5723(and)s 6127(complete)s 7058(documentation)s 8536(in)s 8778(the)s
+0 6767(form)m 524(of)s 795(six)s 1129(technical)s 2046(reports)s
+2760(and)s 3164(a)s 3330(manual)s 4089(page.)s 480 6393(The)m
+900(Lout)s 1404(project)s 2118(arose)s 2670(out)s 3027(of)s
+3290(the)s 3629(author')s 13(s)k 4442(desire)s 5060(to)s
+5290(bring)s 5840(to)s 6070(document)s 7066(formatting)s 8118(languages)s
+0 6105(the)m 343(ele)s 3(g)k 1(ance)k 1225(of)s
+1491(e)s 3(xpression)k 2562(found)s 3174(in)s 3411(programming)s
+4761(languages)s 5763(lik)s 2(e)k 6170(Algol-)s 6783(60)s
+7072(and)s 7471(P)s 3(ascal.)k 8236(This)s 8706(em)s
+8998(-)s 0 5817(phasis)m 638(on)s 924(e)s 3(xpressi)k 6(v)k 3(eness)k
+2373(has)s 2731(produced)s 3669(an)s 3941(order)s 4493(of)s
+4753(magnitude)s 5808(reduction)s 6757(in)s 6988(the)s 7325(cost)s
+7759(of)s 8018(de)s 6(v)k 3(eloping)k 0 5529(document)m
+998(formatting)s 2053(applications.)s 3366(F)s 3(or)k 3748(e)s 3(xample,)k
+4656(an)s 4933(equation)s 5807(formatting)s 6862(application,)s 8025(which)s
+8660(may)s 0 5241(be)m 282(dif\207cult)s 1098(or)s 1357(impossible)s
+2449(to)s 2688(add)s 3092(to)s 3331(other)s 3882(systems,)s
+4746(can)s 5135(be)s 5417(written)s 6150(in)s 6393(Lout)s
+6905(in)s 7148(a)s 7314(fe)s 6(w)k 7720(days.)s
+480 4867(When)m 1099(e)s 3(xpert)k 1742(users)s 2274(can)s
+2652(implement)s 3724(such)s 4209(applications)s 5405(quickly)s 15(,)k
+6204(non-)s 6632(e)s 3(xperts)k 7360(bene\207t.)s 8164(Although)s
+0 4579(Lout)m 509(itself)s 1053(pro)s 3(vides)k 1922(only)s
+2398(a)s 2560(small)s 3129(k)s 2(ernel)k 3775(of)s
+4042(carefully)s 4941(chosen)s 5659(primiti)s 6(v)k 3(es,)k
+6721(packages)s 7646(written)s 8375(in)s 8614(Lout)s 0 4291(and)m
+399(distrib)s 4(uted)k 1470(with)s 1946(Basser)s 2638(Lout)s
+3145(pro)s 3(vide)k 3923(an)s 4201(unprecedented)s 5649(array)s
+6187(of)s 6453(adv)s 6(anced)k 7404(features)s 8204(in)s
+8442(a)s 8602(form)s 0 4003(accessible)m 1035(to)s 1286(non-)s
+1714(e)s 3(xpert)k 2380(users.)s 3047(The)s 3487(features)s
+4305(include)s 5076(rotation)s 5888(and)s 6304(scaling,)s 7100(fonts,)s
+7697(paragraph)s 8722(and)s 0 3715(page)m 500(breaking,)s 1436(displays)s
+2263(and)s 2659(lists,)s 3141(\210oating)s 3917(\207gures)s 4611(and)s
+5007(tables,)s 5662(footnotes,)s 6651(chapters)s 7490(and)s 7886(sections)s
+8698(\(au)s 8998(-)s 0 3427(tomatically)m 1128(numbered\),)s 2272(running)s
+3070(page)s 3579(headers)s 4361(and)s 4765(footers,)s 5536(odd-)s
+5964(e)s 6(v)k 3(en)k 6464(page)s 6973(layouts,)s
+7772(automatically)s 0 3139(generated)m 975(tables)s 1570(of)s 1829(contents,)s
+2720(sorted)s 3350(inde)s 3(x)k 3(es)k 4113(and)s
+4505(reference)s 5435(lists,)s 5914(bibliographic)s 7229(and)s 7621(other)s
+8159(databases)s 0 2851(\(including)m 1038(databases)s 2008(of)s 2281(formats)s
+3064(for)s 3405(printing)s 4217(references\),)s 5386(equations,)s 6412(tables,)s
+7079(diagrams,)s 8065(formatting)s 0 2563(of)m 271(P)s 3(ascal)k
+933(programs,)s 1943(and)s 2347(automatically)s 3701(maintained)s 4821(cross)s
+5363(references.)s 480 2189(This)m 1015(paper)s 1666(charts)s 2347(the)s
+2755(e)s 6(v)k 4(olution)k 3766(of)s 4097(Lout)s
+4669(from)s 5253(conception)s 6420(in)s 6723(mid-1984)s 7768(to)s
+8067(the)s 8475(public)s 0 1901(release)m 722(of)s 997(Basser)s
+1699(Lout)s 2215(in)s 2462(October)s 3297(1991.)s 3945(Lout)s
+4461(is)s 4676(or)s 4(g)k 1(anized)k 5676(around)s
+6403(four)s 6866(k)s 2(e)k 3(y)k 7265(concepts)s
+8157(\211)s 8342(objects,)s 0 1613(de\207nitions,)m 1131(g)s 1(alle)k 3(ys,)k
+1925(and)s 2343(cross)s 2899(references)s 3944(\211)s 4138(and)s
+4556(the)s 3(y)k 5033(were)s 5567(de)s 6(v)k 3(eloped)k
+6614(in)s 6871(the)s 7233(order)s 7811(listed,)s 8449(so)s
+8730(this)s 0 1325(paper)m 593(will)s 1022(treat)s 1508(each)s
+2006(in)s 2252(turn,)s 2747(discussing)s 3800(its)s 4079(design,)s
+4814(implementation,)s 6424(problems,)s 7424(and)s 7831(prospects)s 8788(for)s
+1134 0 0 0 240 288 60 0 574 LoutGr2
+0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto stroke
+122 fnt82 0 379(1)m 192 fnt82 58 309(Unix)m 485(is)s
+653(a)s 786(trademark)s 1609(of)s 1825(A)s 21(T&T)k
+2370(Bell)s 2733(Laboratories.)s 122 fnt82 0 112(2)m 192 fnt82
+67 42(PostScript)m 900(is)s 1068(a)s 1201(trademark)s 2024(of)s
+2240(Adobe)s 2796(Systems,)s 3519(Incorporated.)s
+pgsave restore
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+%%+ font Symbol
+%%+ font Times-Italic
+%%+ font Helvetica
+/pgsave save def
+%%IncludeResource: font Symbol
+/fnt78 { /Symbol LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
+/Helveticafnt35 vec2 /Helvetica LoutRecode
+/fnt35 { /Helveticafnt35 LoutFont } def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+240 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 240 288 60 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 14006 0 14006 240 288 60 1417 -15423 LoutGr2
+0 LoutMargSet
+4348 13844(-)m 4476(2)s 4650(-)s 0 13256(further)m 709(impro)s 3(v)k 3(ement.)k
+240 fnt84 0 12463(2.)m 291(Objects)s 240 fnt82 480 11987(The)m
+923(essence)s 1725(of)s 2011(an)s 3(y)k 2424(mo)s 3(v)k 3(e)k
+3021(to)s 3276(a)s 3457(higher)s 4144(le)s 6(v)k 3(el)k
+4669(is)s 4895(the)s 5258(introduction)s 6500(of)s 6786(some)s
+7363(abstraction)s 8484(which)s 0 11699(serv)m 3(es)k 639(to)s
+872(or)s 4(g)k 1(anize)k 1740(the)s 2082(lo)s 6(w-)k
+2503(le)s 6(v)k 3(el)k 3006(operations,)s 4103(resulting)s
+4986(in)s 5223(a)s 5383(more)s 5923(succinct)s 6760(e)s 3(xpression)k
+7831(of)s 8096(their)s 8586(com)s 8998(-)s 0 11411(mon)m
+475(combinations)s 1806(at)s 2030(the)s 2369(cost)s 2805(of)s
+3068(some)s 3620(loss)s 4034(of)s 4297(detailed)s 5102(control.)s
+5934(The)s 6354(early)s 6876(part)s 7298(of)s 7561(the)s
+7900(Lout)s 8403(project)s 0 11123(w)m 2(as)k 426(spent)s
+996(in)s 1245(the)s 1598(de)s 6(v)k 3(elopment)k
+2891(of)s 3167(such)s 3668(an)s 3957(abstraction)s 5067(for)s
+5411(the)s 5764(b)s 4(uilding)k 6616(blocks)s 7298(of)s
+7574(documents,)s 8724(one)s 0 10835(which)m 635(could)s 1217(e)s 3(xplain,)k
+2017(not)s 2375(just)s 2772(the)s 3113(simple)s 3798(phenomena)s
+4954(of)s 5217(w)s 2(ords,)k 5899(lines,)s 6450(and)s
+6846(paragraphs,)s 7994(b)s 4(ut)k 8348(also)s 8778(the)s
+0 10547(alignment)m 1016(of)s 1287(columns)s 2149(in)s 2392(tables,)s
+3056(and)s 3460(the)s 3808(comple)s 3(x)k 4684(nested)s
+5353(structures)s 6332(of)s 6603(equations.)s 240 fnt84 0 9898(2.1.)m
+471(The)s 926(genesis)s 1697(of)s 1969(the)s 2343(object)s
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+445(tw)s 2(o)k 872(parameters)s 1987(of)s 220 fnt35
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+0 52(W)m 19(ashington)k
+end end restore
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+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 3396 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+end end restore
+0 1468(Missing)m 879(objects)s 1662(are)s 2065(replaced)s
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+192 fnt78 56 105(0)m 192 fnt83 195 111(.)m
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+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
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+118 105(d)m
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+(S) lfigpromotelabels
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+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
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+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
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+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
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+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+end end restore
+240 fnt82 0 11151(to)m 239(mak)s 2(e)k
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+6085(tree)s 6498(for)s 6836(ef\207cienc)s 3(y)k 7829(later)s 13(.)k
+480 10777(The)m 970(required)s 1887(semantic)s 2851(information)s 4099(is)s
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+1722(ro)s 6(w)k 2162(mark.)s 2837(These)s 3484(numbers)s
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+2222(recursi)s 6(v)k 3(e)k 3152(rules.)s 3788(Suppose)s
+4664(that)s 240 fnt83 5090 9253(hgap)m 240 fnt78 5583 9245(\()m
+240 fnt83 5675 9253(x)m 240 fnt78 5801 9245(,)m 240 fnt83
+5932 9253(g)m 240 fnt78 6066 9245(,)m 240 fnt83 6197 9253(y)m
+240 fnt78 6319 9245(\))m 240 fnt82 6453 9251(returns)m 7175(the)s
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+6580(by)s 6866(g)s 1(ap)k 240 fnt83 7255 8965(g)m
+240 fnt82 7369 8963(:)m 240 fnt83 7527 8965(right)m 240 fnt78
+8000 8957(\()m 240 fnt83 8075 8965(x)m 240 fnt78 8185 8957(\))m
+8298(+)s 240 fnt83 8473 8965(length)m 240 fnt78 0 8669(\()m
+240 fnt83 89 8677(g)m 240 fnt78 221 8669(\))m 376(+)s
+240 fnt83 594 8677(left)m 240 fnt78 920 8669(\()m 240 fnt83
+1009 8677(y)m 240 fnt78 1129 8669(\))m 240 fnt82 1261 8675(when)m
+1842(the)s 2196(g)s 1(ap)k 2600(mode)s 3193(is)s
+3409(edge-to-edge,)s 4770(the)s 5124(lar)s 4(ger)k 5741(of)s
+240 fnt83 6018 8677(length)m 240 fnt78 6629 8669(\()m 240 fnt83
+6718 8677(g)m 240 fnt78 6850 8669(\))m 240 fnt82 6982 8675(and)m
+240 fnt83 7391 8677(right)m 240 fnt78 7878 8669(\()m 240 fnt83
+7968 8677(x)m 240 fnt78 8091 8669(\))m 8246(+)s 240 fnt83
+8464 8677(left)m 240 fnt78 8790 8669(\()m 240 fnt83 8880 8677(y)m
+240 fnt78 9000 8669(\))m 240 fnt82 0 8387(when)m 576(the)s
+924(mode)s 1512(is)s 1722(mark-to-mark,)s 3155(and)s 3559(so)s
+3825(on.)s 4229(Gi)s 6(v)k 3(en)k 4862(an)s
+5145(object)s 240 fnt83 480 7892(X)m 240 fnt78 720 7884(=)m
+240 fnt83 933 7892(x)m 168 fnt78 1039 7799(1)m 240 fnt78
+1249 7884(|)m 240 fnt83 1294 7892(g)m 168 fnt78 1405 7799(1)m
+240 fnt78 1615 7884(\274)m 200 fnt83 1973 7900(^)m 240 fnt78
+2069 7884(|)m 240 fnt83 2114 7892(g)m 168 fnt83 2225 7805(i)m
+168 fnt78 2291 7799(-)m 2403(1)s 240 fnt83 2613 7892(x)m
+168 fnt83 2719 7805(i)m 240 fnt78 2907 7884(\274)m 3265(|)s
+240 fnt83 3310 7892(g)m 168 fnt83 3421 7805(n)m 168 fnt78
+3523 7799(-)m 3635(1)s 240 fnt83 3845 7892(x)m 168 fnt83
+3951 7805(n)m 240 fnt82 0 7348(we)m 335(may)s 801(calculate)s
+1705(its)s 1981(size)s 2408(as)s 2658(follo)s 6(ws:)k
+240 fnt83 740 6845(left)m 240 fnt78 1060 6837(\()m 240 fnt83
+1144 6845(X)m 240 fnt78 1312 6837(\))m 1474(=)s 240 fnt83
+1687 6845(left)m 240 fnt78 2007 6837(\()m 240 fnt83 2091 6845(x)m
+168 fnt78 2197 6752(1)m 240 fnt78 2275 6837(\))m 2413(+)s
+240 fnt83 2614 6845(hgap)m 240 fnt78 3099 6837(\()m 240 fnt83
+3183 6845(x)m 168 fnt78 3289 6752(1)m 240 fnt78 3367 6837(,)m
+240 fnt83 3474 6845(g)m 168 fnt78 3585 6752(1)m 240 fnt78
+3663 6837(,)m 240 fnt83 3770 6845(x)m 168 fnt78 3876 6752(2)m
+240 fnt78 3968 6837(\))m 4106(+)s 4307(\274)s 4593(+)s
+240 fnt83 4794 6845(hgap)m 240 fnt78 5279 6837(\()m 240 fnt83
+5363 6845(x)m 168 fnt83 5469 6758(i)m 168 fnt78 5535 6752(-)m
+5647(1)s 240 fnt78 5725 6837(,)m 240 fnt83 5832 6845(g)m
+168 fnt83 5943 6758(i)m 168 fnt78 6009 6752(-)m 6121(1)s
+240 fnt78 6199 6837(,)m 240 fnt83 6306 6845(x)m 168 fnt83
+6412 6758(i)m 240 fnt78 6468 6837(\))m 240 fnt83 579 6442(right)m
+240 fnt78 1060 6434(\()m 240 fnt83 1144 6442(X)m 240 fnt78
+1312 6434(\))m 1474(=)s 240 fnt83 1687 6442(hgap)m 240 fnt78
+2172 6434(\()m 240 fnt83 2256 6442(x)m 168 fnt83 2362 6355(i)m
+240 fnt78 2418 6434(,)m 240 fnt83 2525 6442(g)m 168 fnt83
+2636 6355(i)m 240 fnt78 2692 6434(,)m 240 fnt83 2799 6442(x)m
+168 fnt83 2905 6355(i)m 168 fnt78 2971 6349(+)m 3084(1)s
+240 fnt78 3162 6434(\))m 3300(+)s 3501(\274)s 3787(+)s
+240 fnt83 3988 6442(hgap)m 240 fnt78 4473 6434(\()m 240 fnt83
+4557 6442(x)m 168 fnt83 4663 6355(n)m 168 fnt78 4765 6349(-)m
+4877(1)s 240 fnt78 4955 6434(,)m 240 fnt83 5062 6442(g)m
+168 fnt83 5173 6355(n)m 168 fnt78 5275 6349(-)m 5387(1)s
+240 fnt78 5465 6434(,)m 240 fnt83 5572 6442(x)m 168 fnt83
+5678 6355(n)m 240 fnt78 5770 6434(\))m 5908(+)s 240 fnt83
+6109 6442(right)m 240 fnt78 6590 6434(\()m 240 fnt83 6674 6442(x)m
+168 fnt83 6780 6355(n)m 240 fnt78 6872 6434(\))m 240 fnt83
+485 6039(abo)m 2(ve)k 240 fnt78 1060 6031(\()m 240 fnt83
+1144 6039(X)m 240 fnt78 1312 6031(\))m 1474(=)s 240 fnt83
+1687 6039(abo)m 2(ve)k 240 fnt78 2262 6031(\()m 240 fnt83
+2346 6039(x)m 168 fnt78 2452 5944(1)m 240 fnt78 2530 6031(\))m
+2680(\255)s 2901(\274)s 3199(\255)s 240 fnt83 3420 6039(abo)m 2(ve)k
+240 fnt78 3995 6031(\()m 240 fnt83 4079 6039(x)m 168 fnt83
+4185 5950(n)m 240 fnt78 4277 6031(\))m 240 fnt83 480 5636(below)m
+240 fnt78 1060 5628(\()m 240 fnt83 1144 5636(X)m 240 fnt78
+1312 5628(\))m 1474(=)s 240 fnt83 1687 5636(below)m 240 fnt78
+2267 5628(\()m 240 fnt83 2351 5636(x)m 168 fnt78 2457 5541(1)m
+240 fnt78 2535 5628(\))m 2685(\255)s 2906(\274)s 3204(\255)s
+240 fnt83 3425 5636(below)m 240 fnt78 4005 5628(\()m 240 fnt83
+4089 5636(x)m 168 fnt83 4195 5547(n)m 240 fnt78 4287 5628(\))m
+240 fnt82 0 5041(where)m 240 fnt78 693 5035(\255)m 240 fnt82
+943 5041(returns)m 1678(the)s 2046(lar)s 4(ger)k 2679(of)s
+2971(its)s 3267(tw)s 2(o)k 3698(parameters.)s 4930(Similar)s
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+866(purposes)s 1765(of)s 2033(e)s 3(xposition)k 3081(we)s
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+4862(the)s 5207(simplifying)s 6358(assumptions)s 7589(that)s 8004(all)s
+8294(g)s 1(aps)k 8779(are)s 220 fnt35 0 4088(0i)m
+240 fnt82 156 4091(,)m 248(all)s 525(column)s 1285(marks)s
+1904(lie)s 2183(at)s 2399(the)s 2732(left)s 3093(edge,)s
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+6816(four)s 7274(formulas)s 8174(reduce)s 8867(to)s 240 fnt83
+555 3300(width)m 240 fnt78 1094 3292(\()m 240 fnt83 1178 3300(x)m
+168 fnt78 1284 3207(1)m 240 fnt78 1434 3292(|)m 1551(\274)s
+1849(|)s 240 fnt83 1966 3300(x)m 168 fnt83 2072 3213(n)m
+240 fnt78 2164 3292(\))m 2326(=)s 240 fnt83 2539 3300(width)m
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+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt78 156 121(|)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 789 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ L@T@CTR L@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle L@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR L@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 902 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 200 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 200 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 123 105(b)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(R) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 1240 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ R@T@CTR R@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle R@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR R@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(L) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 1353 1016 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 200 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt78
+136 106(\244)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 1691 1298 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ L@T@CTR L@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle L@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR L@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+1240 846 56 790 240 288 12 1804 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 200 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 200 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 200 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 128 128(c)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(L) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 451 508 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 200 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt78 156 121(|)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 789 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ L@T@CTR L@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle L@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR L@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 902 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 200 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 200 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 118 105(d)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(R) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 1240 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ R@T@CTR R@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle R@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR R@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(R) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 3044 1298 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ R@T@CTR R@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle R@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR R@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+end end restore
+0 11614(by)m gsave
+480 8904 translate
+240 fnt83 6248 2370 0 2314 240 288 12 LoutGraphic
+grestore save gsave 70 dict begin lfigdict begin
+3293 338 56 282 240 288 12 2955 2032 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt78 136 106(\244)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+3096 1862 0 1806 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+1717 338 56 282 240 288 12 1379 1524 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt78 156 121(|)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+1520 1354 0 1298 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+1067 338 56 282 240 288 12 453 1016 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+614 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 56 107(SPLIT)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+732 846 0 790 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+608 338 56 282 240 288 12 124 508 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+484 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83
+56 107(COL)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 123 128(a)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 338 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 394 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 128 128(c)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+732 846 0 790 240 288 12 788 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+628 338 56 282 240 288 12 104 508 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+524 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 56 107(R)m 7(O)k 9(W)k
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83
+123 128(a)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 338 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 394 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 123 105(b)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 1520 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 1520 1298 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+1520 1354 0 1298 240 288 12 1576 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+1067 338 56 282 240 288 12 453 1016 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+614 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 56 107(SPLIT)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+732 846 0 790 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+608 338 56 282 240 288 12 124 508 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+484 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 56 107(COL)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 123 105(b)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 338 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 394 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83
+118 105(d)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+732 846 0 790 240 288 12 788 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+628 338 56 282 240 288 12 104 508 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+524 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 56 107(R)m 7(O)k 9(W)k
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 123 128(a)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 338 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 394 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 123 105(b)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 1520 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 3096 1298 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 3096 1806 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+3096 1862 0 1806 240 288 12 3152 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+1717 338 56 282 240 288 12 1379 1524 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt78
+156 121(|)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+1520 1354 0 1298 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+1067 338 56 282 240 288 12 453 1016 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+614 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 56 107(SPLIT)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+732 846 0 790 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+608 338 56 282 240 288 12 124 508 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+484 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 56 107(COL)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 123 128(a)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 338 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 394 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 128 128(c)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+732 846 0 790 240 288 12 788 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+628 338 56 282 240 288 12 104 508 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+524 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83
+56 107(R)m 7(O)k 9(W)k
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 128 128(c)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 338 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 394 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 118 105(d)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 1520 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 1520 1298 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+1520 1354 0 1298 240 288 12 1576 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+1067 338 56 282 240 288 12 453 1016 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+614 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 56 107(SPLIT)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+732 846 0 790 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+608 338 56 282 240 288 12 124 508 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+484 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83
+56 107(COL)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 123 105(b)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 338 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 394 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 118 105(d)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+732 846 0 790 240 288 12 788 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+628 338 56 282 240 288 12 104 508 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+524 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigellipse ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 56 107(R)m 7(O)k 9(W)k
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83
+128 128(c)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 338 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 394 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+currentdict end 70 dict begin begin
+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 0 0 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigcircle ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+192 fnt83 118 105(d)m
+(T) lfigpromotelabels
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 732 282 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 1520 790 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 3096 1298 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+(S) lfigpromotelabels
+0 0 0 0 240 288 12 6248 1806 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ S@T@CTR S@T@CTR T@CTR lfigangle S@T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+T@CTR T@CTR S@T@CTR lfigangle T@CIRCUM lfigpadd lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+end end restore
+0 8453(In)m 244(f)s 2(act,)k
+693(common)s 1576(sube)s 3(xpressions)k 3060(are)s 3395(identi\207ed)s
+4343(\(tri)s 6(vially\))k 5286(and)s 5678(the)s 6013(result)s
+6591(is)s 6788(a)s 6942(directed)s 7756(ac)s 3(yclic)k
+8469(graph;)s 0 8165(each)m 486(af)s 6(fected)k 1296(leaf)s
+1716(has)s 2076(tw)s 2(o)k 2477(parents,)s 3264(one)s
+3657(for)s 3985(width)s 4578(and)s 4972(one)s 5365(for)s
+5693(height;)s 6394(and)s 6788(each)s 240 fnt83 7274 8167(COL)m
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+240 fnt82 8604 8165(node)m 0 7877(has)m 360(one)s 752(parent)s
+1398(and)s 1792(one)s 2184(child)s 2709(for)s 3037(each)s
+3521(object)s 4155(lying)s 4690(on)s 4976(the)s 5314(corresponding)s
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+3116(occurs)s 3791(only)s 4271(rarely)s 4881(in)s 5124(practice.)s
+480 7215(This)m 956(method)s 1732(can)s 2121(cope)s 2629(with)s
+3111(an)s 3(y)k 3508(le)s 3(g)k 1(al)k
+4023(input,)s 4622(including)s 220 fnt35 480 6714({ a // c | d } | { b / e })m 480 6426(/ { f / i } | { g | h // j })m
+240 fnt82 0 5927(which)m 642(produces)s 1557(o)s 3(v)k 3(erlapping)k
+2747(spanning)s 3665(columns:)s gsave
+480 3779 translate
+240 fnt83 1699 1808 0 1695 240 288 60 LoutGraphic
+grestore save gsave 200 dict begin lfigdict begin
+1133 452 113 339 240 288 60 0 1356 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+230 fnt83 511 178(a)m
+566 452 113 339 240 288 60 1133 1356 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+230 fnt83
+228 150(b)m
+566 452 113 339 240 288 60 0 904 LoutGr2
+0.5 pt setlinewidth lfiground setlinecap
+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+230 fnt83 234 178(c)m
+566 452 113 339 240 288 60 566 904 LoutGr2
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+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
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+230 fnt83 222 150(d)m
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+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+230 fnt83 235 178(e)m
+566 452 113 339 240 288 60 0 452 LoutGr2
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+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
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+230 fnt83 235 173(f)m
+566 452 113 339 240 288 60 566 452 LoutGr2
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+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+230 fnt83
+228 200(g)m
+566 452 113 339 240 288 60 1132 452 LoutGr2
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+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
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+230 fnt83 228 149(h)m
+566 452 113 339 240 288 60 0 0 LoutGr2
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+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
+pop pop
+230 fnt83 253 153(i)m
+1133 452 113 339 240 288 60 566 0 LoutGr2
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+0.15 cm /lfigsolid [ lfigbox ] lfigdopath
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+end end restore
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+7488(formally)s 240 fnt78 480 2770(\()m 564(\()s 240 fnt83
+648 2778(width)m 240 fnt78 1187 2770(\()m 240 fnt83 1271 2778(a)m
+240 fnt78 1398 2770(\))m 1548(\255)s 1769(\()s 240 fnt83
+1853 2778(x)m 240 fnt78 2031 2770(+)m 240 fnt83 2232 2778(y)m
+240 fnt78 2346 2770(\))m 2424(\))s 2562(+)s 240 fnt83
+2763 2778(z)m 240 fnt78 2866 2770(\))m 3016(\255)s 3237(\()s
+240 fnt83 3321 2778(x)m 240 fnt78 3499 2770(+)m 3700(\()s
+3784(\()s 240 fnt83 3868 2778(y)m 240 fnt78 4042 2770(+)m
+240 fnt83 4243 2778(z)m 240 fnt78 4346 2770(\))m 4496(\255)s
+240 fnt83 4717 2778(width)m 240 fnt78 5256 2770(\()m 240 fnt83
+5340 2778(j)m 240 fnt78 5418 2770(\))m 5496(\))s 5574(\))s
+240 fnt82 0 2274(where)m 240 fnt83 480 1773(x)m 240 fnt78
+670 1765(=)m 240 fnt83 883 1773(width)m 240 fnt78 1422 1765(\()m
+240 fnt83 1506 1773(c)m 240 fnt78 1620 1765(\))m 1770(\255)s
+240 fnt83 1991 1773(width)m 240 fnt78 2530 1765(\()m 240 fnt83
+2662 1773(f)m 240 fnt78 2823 1765(\))m 2973(\255)s 240 fnt83
+3194 1773(width)m 240 fnt78 3733 1765(\()m 240 fnt83 3817 1773(i)m
+240 fnt78 3892 1765(\))m 240 fnt83 480 1222(y)m 240 fnt78
+666 1214(=)m 240 fnt83 879 1222(width)m 240 fnt78 1418 1214(\()m
+240 fnt83 1502 1222(d)m 240 fnt78 1688 1214(\))m 1838(\255)s
+240 fnt83 2059 1222(width)m 240 fnt78 2598 1214(\()m 240 fnt83
+2682 1222(g)m 240 fnt78 2808 1214(\))m 240 fnt83 480 671(z)m
+240 fnt78 655 663(=)m 240 fnt83 868 671(width)m 240 fnt78
+1407 663(\()m 240 fnt83 1491 671(b)m 240 fnt78 1617 663(\))m
+1767(\255)s 240 fnt83 1988 671(width)m 240 fnt78 2527 663(\()m
+240 fnt83 2611 671(e)m 240 fnt78 2722 663(\))m 2872(\255)s
+240 fnt83 3093 671(width)m 240 fnt78 3632 663(\()m 240 fnt83
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+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
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+0 LoutMargSet
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+338 338 56 282 240 288 12 2944 1188 LoutGr2
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+123 105(b)m
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+(D) lfigpromotelabels
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+0.15 cm 0.05 cm lfigforward
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+BL ] lfigdopath
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+0.5 cm 0.5 cm TL lfigpsub
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+currentdict end 100 dict begin begin
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+200 fnt83
+226 226(HEAD)m
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+(B) lfigpromotelabels
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+currentdict end 100 dict begin begin
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+0.15 cm 0.05 cm lfigforward
+end end restore
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+6485(v)s 6(aluable)k 7424(discussions)s 8644(with)s 0 5823(Douglas)m
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+732(comments)s 1766(on)s 2063(presentation)s 3288(by)s 3582(the)s
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+1388(for)s 1726(non-)s 240 fnt83 2154 1844(ftp)m 240 fnt82
+2459 1842(sites.)m 3047(All)s 3407(enquiries)s 4334(to)s 4573(jef)s 6(f@cs.su.oz.au.)k
+0 1339(4.)m 480(Furuta,)s 1211(Richard,)s 2075(Sco\207eld,)s 2965(Jef)s 6(fre)k 3(y)k 15(,)k
+3710(and)s 4113(Sha)s 3(w)k 15(,)k 4734(Alan.)s
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+480 1051(concepts,)m 1424(and)s 1828(issues)s 2390(.)s 240 fnt83
+2554 1053(Computing)m 3673(Surve)s 7(ys)k 240 fnt84 4465 1050(14)m
+240 fnt82 4699 1051(,)m 4806(417\211472)s 5700(\(1982\))s 6327(.)s
+0 546(5.)m 480(K)s 6(ernighan,)k 1645(Brian)s 2287(W)s 22(.)k
+2649(and)s 3107(Cherry)s 15(,)k 3917(Lorinda)s 4789(L..)s
+5213(A)s 5497(system)s 6275(for)s 6667(typesetting)s 7824(mathematics)s
+9022(.)s 240 fnt83 480 260(Communications)m 2158(of)s 2439(the)s
+2784(A)s 7(CM)k 240 fnt84 3351 257(18)m 240 fnt82
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+3033(\211)s 3236(a)s 3425(Lout)s 3961(package)s 4824(for)s
+5185(dra)s 3(wing)k 6042(\207gures)s 6684(.)s 6871(T)s 16(ech.)k
+7460(Rep.)s 7973(411)s 8392(\(1991\))s 9019(,)s 480 12964(Basser)m
+1177(Department)s 2365(of)s 2636(Computer)s 3653(Science,)s 4503(The)s
+4931(Uni)s 6(v)k 3(ersity)k 5985(of)s 6256(Sydne)s 3(y)k 15(,)k
+7064(Australia)s 7939(.)s 0 12459(7.)m 480(Reid,)s 1042(Brian)s
+1633(K..)s 2033(A)s 2266(High-)s 2813(Le)s 6(v)k 3(el)k
+3406(Approach)s 4410(to)s 4652(Computer)s 5672(Document)s 6732(Production)s
+7779(.)s 7946(In)s 240 fnt83 8205 12461(Pr)m 10(oceed)k
+240 fnt82 8998 12459(-)m 240 fnt83 480 12173(ings)m 935(of)s
+1217(the)s 1564(7th)s 1926(Symposium)s 3074(on)s 3370(the)s
+3716(Principles)s 4755(of)s 5037(Pr)s 10(o)k 2(gr)k 3(amming)k
+6421(Langua)s 2(g)k 2(es)k 7526(\(POPL\),)s 8376(Las)s
+8779(V)s 26(e)k 240 fnt82 8998 12171(-)m 240 fnt83
+480 11885(gas)m 868(NV)s 240 fnt82 1192 11883(,)m 1299(pages)s
+1895(24\21131)s 2470(,)s 2577(1980)s 3052(.)s 0 11378(8.)m
+480(Joseph)s 1207(F)s 19(.)k 1443(Ossanna.)s 2436(Nrof)s 6(f/T)k 8(rof)k 6(f)k
+3605(User')s 13(s)k 4284(Manual)s 5010(.)s 5193(T)s 16(ech.)k
+5777(Rep.)s 6285(54)s 6597(\(1976\))s 7224(,)s 7349(Bell)s
+7821(Laboratories)s 9019(,)s 480 11090(Murray)m 1251(Hill,)s 1729(NJ)s
+2051(07974)s 2645(.)s 0 10585(9.)m 480(Knuth,)s 1186(Donald)s
+1949(E..)s 240 fnt83 2319 10587(The)m 2731(T)s 2882 10539(E)m
+3033 10587(XBook)m 240 fnt82 3675 10585(.)m 3839(Addison-W)s 19(esle)k 3(y)k
+5419(,)s 5526(1984)s 6000(.)s 0 10082(10.)m 480(Kingston,)s
+1485(Jef)s 6(fre)k 3(y)k 2212(H..)s 2629(Eq)s
+2973(\211)s 3173(a)s 3359(Lout)s 3892(package)s 4752(for)s
+5110(typesetting)s 6232(mathematics)s 7430(.)s 7614(T)s 16(ech.)k
+8200(Rep.)s 8711(410)s 480 9794(\(1991\))m 1107(,)s 1248(Basser)s
+1980(Department)s 3203(of)s 3509(Computer)s 4561(Science,)s 5446(The)s
+5909(Uni)s 6(v)k 3(ersity)k 6998(of)s 7304(Sydne)s 3(y)k 15(,)k
+8147(Australia)s 9022(.)s 480 9506(\(Contains)m 1461(an)s 1744(appendix)s
+2677(describing)s 3726(the)s 4074(P)s 3(as)k 4454(P)s 3(ascal)k
+5116(formatter)s 13(.\))k 0 9003(11.)m 480(Kingston,)s 1478(Jef)s 6(fre)k 3(y)k
+2198(H..)s 2608(A)s 2851(be)s 3(ginners')k 3903(guide)s
+4504(to)s 4756(Lout)s 5208(.)s 5385(T)s 16(ech.)k
+5964(Rep.)s 6467(409)s 6891(\(1991\))s 7518(,)s 7638(Basser)s
+8348(Depart)s 8998(-)s 480 8715(ment)m 1018(of)s 1289(Computer)s
+2306(Science,)s 3156(The)s 3584(Uni)s 6(v)k 3(ersity)k
+4638(of)s 4909(Sydne)s 3(y)k 15(,)k 5717(Australia)s
+6592(.)s 0 8212(12.)m 480(Kingston,)s 1475(Jef)s 6(fre)k 3(y)k
+2193(H..)s 2600(T)s 19(ab)k 3017(\211)s 3207(a)s
+3384(Lout)s 3907(package)s 4757(for)s 5106(formatting)s 6177(tables)s
+6725(.)s 6900(T)s 16(ech.)k 7476(Rep.)s 7977(413)s
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+2636(Computer)s 3653(Science,)s 4503(The)s 4931(Uni)s 6(v)k 3(ersity)k
+5985(of)s 6256(Sydne)s 3(y)k 15(,)k 7064(Australia)s
+7939(.)s 0 7421(13.)m 480(Brooks,)s 1279(K)s 6(enneth)k
+2141(P)s 26(..)k 2472(Lilac:)s 3068(a)s 3234(tw)s 2(o-vie)k 6(w)k
+4183(document)s 5187(editor)s 5744(.)s 240 fnt83 5908 7423(IEEE)m
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+%%+ font Symbol
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+%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset LoutStartUp
+%%+ procset LoutTabPrependGraphic
+%%+ procset LoutFigPrependGraphic
+%%+ procset LoutBasicSetup
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+%%Pages: 41
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ @Title { Introduction }
+Lout [1, 2] is a high-level language
+for document formatting, designed and implemented by the author. The
+implementation, known as Basser Lout, is a fully operational production
+version written in C for the Unix operating system,
+@FootNote { Unix is a trademark of "AT&T" Bell Laboratories. }
+which translates Lout source code into PostScript,
+@FootNote { PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. }
+a device-independent graphics rendering language accepted by many
+high-resolution output devices, including most laser printers. Basser
+Lout is available free of charge [3]. It includes
+installation instructions, C source, seven standard packages, and complete
+documentation in the form of six technical reports and a manual page.
+The Lout project arose out of the author's desire to bring to document
+formatting languages the elegance of expression found in programming
+languages like Algol-60 and Pascal. This emphasis on expressiveness
+has produced an order of magnitude reduction in the cost of developing
+document formatting applications. For example, an equation formatting
+application, which may be difficult or impossible to add to other
+systems, can be written in Lout in a few days.
+When expert users can implement such applications quickly, non-experts
+benefit. Although Lout itself provides only a small kernel of carefully
+chosen primitives, packages written in Lout and distributed with Basser
+Lout provide an unprecedented array of advanced features in a form
+accessible to non-expert users. The features include rotation and scaling,
+fonts, paragraph and page breaking, displays and lists, floating figures
+and tables, footnotes, chapters and sections (automatically numbered),
+running page headers and footers, odd-even page layouts, automatically
+generated tables of contents, sorted indexes and reference lists,
+bibliographic and other databases (including databases of formats for
+printing references), equations, tables, diagrams, formatting of
+Pascal programs, and automatically maintained cross references.
+This paper charts the evolution of Lout from conception in mid-1984 to the
+public release of Basser Lout in October 1991. Lout is organized around
+four key concepts -- objects, definitions, galleys, and cross references --
+and they were developed in the order listed, so this paper will treat each
+in turn, discussing its design, implementation, problems, and
+prospects for further improvement.
+@End @Section
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s2_0
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ @Title { Objects }
+The essence of any move to a higher level is the introduction of some
+abstraction which serves to organize the low-level operations,
+resulting in a more succinct expression of their
+common combinations at the cost of some loss of detailed control. The
+early part of the Lout project was spent in the development of such an
+abstraction for the building blocks of documents, one which could
+explain, not just the simple phenomena of words, lines, and paragraphs,
+but also the alignment of columns in tables, and the complex nested
+structures of equations.
diff --git a/doc/design/s2_1 b/doc/design/s2_1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee4c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s2_1
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ @Tag { genesis }
+ @Title { The genesis of the object abstraction }
+When one examines previous document formatting systems [4]
+looking for ideas for abstractions, as the author did in 1984, the Eqn
+formatting language [5] stands out like a beacon. In
+Eqn, a mathematical formula such as
+@ID @Eq { { x sup 2 + 1 } over 4 }
+is produced by typing
+@ID @Code "{ x sup 2 + 1 } over 4"
+in the input file; @Code sup and @Code over are binary operators, and
+braces are used for grouping. This is document formatting at a very
+high level, close to the language of mathematics itself, with all
+reference to font changes and spacing suppressed.
+Eqn provides a single data type (let us call it the {@I expression}),
+built up recursively in context-free style: where one expression may appear,
+any expression may appear. This approach is common in algebra and
+programming languages, where its simplicity and expressiveness have long
+been appreciated; but Eqn was the first language to demonstrate its
+utility in document formatting.
+Each expression is treated by Eqn as a rectangle with a
+{@I {horizontal axis}}, used for alignment with adjacent expressions:
+@ID @ShowMarks marks { horizontal } @Eq { { x sup 2 + 1 } over 4 }
+The size and rendering of the expression on the printed page are
+known only to the implementation, never explicitly calculated or
+accessed by the user. This prohibition is
+crucial to the maintenance of the context-free property in practice. In
+Lout, for example, equations, figures, tables, and arbitrary objects may
+be mixed together freely. This would be impossible if size information
+was hidden from the implementation in user calculations.
+The object abstraction of Lout is a direct descendant of the Eqn
+expression. It employs the same context-free recursive style of construction,
+and each object is treated by Lout as a rectangle:
+@ID @Fig {
+@ShowMarks { 1c @Wide ^| 2c @Wide 0.45c @High ^/ 0.35c @High }
+The horizontal axis, called a @I { row mark } in Lout, has a
+vertical analogue called a {@I {column mark}}, creating a valuable
+symmetry between horizontal and vertical. Multiple column and row marks
+are permitted:
+@ID @OneRow @Fig {
+A:: @Box margin { 0c } paint { grey } { 1.2c @Wide 0.8c @High }
+B:: @Box margin { 0c } paint { grey } { 1c @Wide 0.8c @High }
+C:: @Box margin { 0c } paint { grey } { 0.7c @Wide 0.8c @High }
+D:: @Box margin { 0c } paint { grey } { 1.3c @Wide 0.8c @High }
+// @Line linestyle { dashed }
+ from { A@W -- { 0.3 cm 0 } }
+ to { B@W ++ { 1.6 cm 0 } }
+// @Line linestyle { dashed }
+ from { C@W -- { 0.3 cm 0 } }
+ to { D@W ++ { 1.6 cm 0 } }
+// @Line linestyle { dashed }
+ from { A@NW ++ { 0 0.3 cm } }
+ to { C@SW -- { 0 0.3 cm } }
+// @Line linestyle { dashed }
+ from { B@NW ++ { 0.3 cm 0.3 cm } }
+ to { D@SW ++ { 0.3 cm -0.3 cm } }
+so that objects are able to represent tables.
+This abstraction has some limitations, the most obvious being the restriction
+of size calculations to rectangular bounding boxes. Non-rectangular and
+disconnected shapes arise naturally in figures and in the characters of
+fonts; the extension to them is conceptually straightforward and might
+help to explain some fine points of layout such as kerning. However,
+there are implementation and language design problems, particularly
+when filling non-rectangular shapes with text, and so the author chose
+to keep to Eqn's rectangles.
+A more fundamental limitation of the object abstraction arises from the
+inability of recursive data types to describe cross-linked structures,
+which seem to require some means of naming the multiply referenced
+parts. Lout is obliged to introduce additional abstractions to cope
+with cross linking: galleys for inserting text into pages
+(Section {@NumberOf galleys}), cross references (Section {@NumberOf cross}),
+and labelled points in figure drawing [6]. An
+abstraction closer to hypertext might form a more unified basis for
+these features.
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s2_2 b/doc/design/s2_2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4a3818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s2_2
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ @Tag { lexical }
+ @Title { Grammatical and lexical structure }
+If objects are to be constructed like mathematical expressions, the
+natural notation is a functional language based on operators, as in
+Eqn. The grammar of Lout objects is accordingly
+@ID @OneRow @Eq {
+matrix {
+--> above --> above --> above --> above --> above --> above --> above -->
+{ object ``` infixop ``` object }
+labove gap { "1fx" }
+{ prefixop ``` object }
+labove gap { "1fx" }
+{ object ``` postfixop }
+labove gap { "1fx" }
+{ noparsop }
+labove gap { "1fx" }
+{ literalword }
+labove gap { "1fx" }
+{ @Code "{" ``` object ``` @Code "}" }
+labove gap { "1fx" }
+{ object ``` object }
+labove gap { "1fx" }
+where {@Eq {infixop}}, {@Eq {prefixop}}, {@Eq {postfixop}}, and
+{@Eq {noparsop}} are identifiers naming operators which take 0, 1
+or 2 parameters, as shown, and @Eq {literalword} is a sequence of
+non-space characters, or an arbitrary sequence of characters
+enclosed in double quotes. Ambiguities are resolved by precedence
+and associativity.
+The last production allows a meaning for expressions such as
+{@Code "{}"}, in which an object is missing. The value of this
+@I {empty object} is a rectangle of size 0 by 0, with one column
+mark and one row mark, that prints as nothing.
+The second-last production generates sequences of arbitrary objects
+separated by white space, called {@I paragraphs}. Ignoring
+paragraph breaking for now, the natural meaning is that the two
+objects should appear side by side, and Lout's parser accordingly
+interpolates an infix horizontal concatenation operator (see below)
+between them. This operator is associative, so the grammatical
+ambiguity does no harm. However, the Algol-60 rule that white space
+should be significant only as a separator is necessarily broken by
+Lout in just this one place.
+Algol-like languages distinguish literal strings from identifiers by
+enclosing them in quotes, but literals are far too frequent in document
+formatting for this to be viable. The conventional solution is to
+begin identifiers with a special character, and Lout follows Scribe
+[7] in using "`@'" rather than the "`\\'" of troff
+[8] and @TeX [9].
+However, Lout takes the unusual step of making an initial "`@'"
+optional. The designers of Eqn apparently considered such
+characters disfiguring in fine-grained input like equations, and
+this author agrees. The implementation is straightforward: "`@'" is
+classed as just another letter, and every word is searched for in
+the symbol table. If it is found, it is an identifier, otherwise it
+is a literal. A warning message is printed when a literal beginning
+with "`@'" is found, since it is probably a mis-spelt identifier. No
+such safety net is possible for identifiers without "`@'".
+Equation formatting also demands symbols made from punctuation
+characters, such as @Code "+" and {@Code "<="}. It is traditional to
+allow such symbols to be juxtaposed, which means that the input
+@ID @Code "<=++"
+for example must be interpreted within the lexical analyser by searching
+the symbol table for its prefixes in the order {@Code "<=++"},
+{@Code "<=+"}, {@Code "<="}. Although this takes quadratic time, in
+practice such sequences are too short to make a more sophisticated
+linear method like tries worthwhile.
+@End @SubSection
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..341ea74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s2_3
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+ @Tag { objects }
+ @Title { Basic structural operators }
+A programming language may be considered complete when it attains the
+power of a Turing machine, but no such criterion seems relevant to
+document formatting. Instead, as the language develops and new
+applications are attempted, deficiencies are exposed and the operator set is
+revised to overcome them.
+Lout has a repertoire of 23 primitive operators
+(Figure {@NumberOf primitives}),
+ @Caption { The 23 primitive operators of Lout, in order of
+increasing precedence. }
+ @Tag { primitives }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @I A ! @Col B }
+ A { object {@Code "/"}gap object }
+ B { Vertical concatenation with mark alignment }
+ A { object {@Code "//"}gap object }
+ B { Vertical concatenation with left justification }
+ A { object {@Code "|"}gap object }
+ B { Horizontal concatenation with mark alignment }
+ A { object {@Code "||"}gap object }
+ B { Horizontal concatenation with top-justification }
+ A { object {@Code "&"}gap object }
+ B { Horizontal concatenation within paragraphs }
+ A { {@Code "@OneCol"} object }
+ B { Hide all but one column mark of @I object }
+ A { {@Code "@OneRow"} object }
+ B { Hide all but one row mark of @I object }
+ A { font @Code "@Font" object }
+ B { Render @I object in nominated font }
+ A { breakstyle @Code "@Break" object}
+ B { Break paragraphs of @I object in nominated style }
+ A { spacestyle @Code "@Space" object }
+ B { Render spaces between words in nominated style }
+ A { length {@Code "@Wide"} object }
+ B { Render @I object to width @I length }
+ A { length {@Code "@High"} object }
+ B { Render @I object to height @I length }
+ A { {@Code "@HExpand"} object}
+ B { Expand horizontal gaps to fill available space }
+ A { {@Code "@VExpand"} object}
+ B { Expand vertical gaps to fill available space }
+ A { {@Code "@HScale"} object }
+ B { Horizontal geometrical scaling to fill available space }
+ A { {@Code "@VScale"} object }
+ B { Vertical geometrical scaling to fill available space }
+ A { angle {@Code "@Rotate"} object }
+ B { Rotate @I object by @I angle }
+ A { PostScript {@Code "@Graphic"} object }
+ B { Escape to graphics language }
+ A { @Code "@Next" object }
+ B { Add 1 to an object denoting a number }
+ A { object @Code "@Case" alternatives }
+ B { Select from a set of alternative objects }
+ A { identifier @Code "&&" object }
+ B { Cross reference }
+ A { cross-reference @Code "@Open" object }
+ B { Retrieve value from cross reference }
+ A { cross-reference @Code "@Tagged" object}
+ B { Attach cross referencing tag to object }
+which has proven adequate for a wide variety of features, including equations,
+tables, and page layout, and so seems to be reasonably complete in this
+pragmatic sense. In this section we introduce the eight concatenation and
+mark-hiding operators. To them falls the basic task of assembling complex
+objects from simple ones, and they were the first
+to be designed and implemented.
+Many of the operators of Eqn can be viewed as building small tables. A
+built-up fraction, for example, has one column and three rows
+(numerator, line, and denominator). Numerous investigations of this
+kind convinced the author that operators capable of assembling the rows
+and columns of tables would suffice for building all kinds of objects.
+The simplest objects are empty objects and literal words like
+{@Code metempsychosis}, which have one column mark and one row mark:
+@ID {
+@ShowMarks metempsychosis
+To place two arbitrary objects side by side, we use the infix
+operator {@Code "|"}, denoting horizontal concatenation. For
+@ID {
+@Code "USA |0.2i Australia"
+produces the object
+@ID {
+@ShowMarks USA |0.2i @ShowMarks Australia
+The row marks are merged into one, fixing the vertical position of
+the objects relative to each other; their horizontal separation is
+determined by the @I gap attached to the operator, in this case 0.2
+inches. We think of the gap as part of the operator, although
+strictly it is a third parameter. It may be omitted, defaulting to
+{@Code "0i"}.
+@I {Vertical concatenation} & , denoted by the infix operator {@Code "/"},
+is the same apart from the change of direction:
+@ID {
+@Code "Australia /0.1i USA"
+produces the object
+@ID {
+@ShowMarks Australia /0.1i
+@ShowMarks USA
+with column marks merged and a 0.1 inch gap.
+Consider now what happens when horizontal and vertical are combined:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+ |1m "{" USA |1m "|0.2i" |1m Australia "}"
+/1vx "/0.1i" | "{" Washington | "|" | Canberra "}"
+The two parameters of @Code "/" now have two column marks each, and
+they will be merged with the corresponding marks in the other
+parameter, yielding the object
+@ID @OneRow {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @ShowMarks USA &
+ { 0 ymark moveto xsize 10 pt add ymark lineto [ 3 pt ] 0 setdash stroke }
+ @Graphic {1c @Wide }
+ |0.2i @ShowMarks Australia
+/0.1i @ShowMarks Washington | @ShowMarks Canberra
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @ShowMarks USA &
+ { [ __mul(3, __pt) ] 0 d 0 __ymark m __add(__xsize, __mul(10, __pt)) __ymark l S }
+ @Graphic {1c @Wide }
+ |0.2i @ShowMarks Australia
+/0.1i @ShowMarks Washington | @ShowMarks Canberra
+ }
+ }
+The @Code "0.2i" gap separates columns, not individual items in
+columns, so a gap attached to the second @Code "|" would serve no
+purpose; any such gap is ignored. If the number of marks to be merged
+differs, empty columns are added at the right to equalize the number. The
+four marks protruding from the result are all available for merging
+with neighbouring marks by other concatenation operators. The precedence
+of @Code "|" is higher than the precedence of {@Code "/"}, so the braces
+could be omitted.
+When lines of text are concatenated, it is conventional to measure
+their separation from baseline to baseline (mark to mark in Lout),
+rather than from edge to edge as above. This idea of different
+reference points for measurement evolved over the years into a
+system of six @I {gap modes} (Figure {@NumberOf gapmodes}), expressed
+by appending a letter to the length. For example, @Code "|0.2i" is
+an abbreviation for {@Code "|0.2ie"}, meaning 0.2 inches measured
+from edge to edge; @Code "|0.3ix"
+produces a 0.3 inch gap measured from mark to mark and widened if
+necessary to prevent overstriking; and @Code "|2.5it" places its right
+parameter 2.5 inches from the current left margin, irrespective of
+the position of the left parameter. There is also a choice of
+eleven units of measurement (inches, centimetres, multiples of the
+current font size, etc.), the most interesting being
+the @Code r unit: one @Code r is the column width minus the width of
+the following object, so that @Code "|1rt" produces sufficient space
+to right justify the following object, and @Code "|0.5rt" to center
+it. These features implement spacings needed in practice rather
+than suggested by theory. They work with all five concatenation
+operators, horizontal and vertical.
+ @Tag { gapmodes }
+ @Caption { The six gap modes (@I length is any length). Hyphenation
+mode has an extra property not shown here. }
+@Fig {
+{ /2.5vx Edge-to-edge |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I length} &1p {@Code e}
+ /4.2vx Hyphenation |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I length} &1p {@Code h}
+ /4.2vx Overstrike |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I length} &1p {@Code o}
+ /4.2vx Mark-to-mark |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I length} &1p {@Code x}
+ /4.2vx Kerning |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I length} &1p {@Code k}
+ /4.2vx Tabulation |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I length} &1p {@Code t}
+@Box margin { 0c } 6c @Wide 14.5c @High 9p @Font
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 2.2c @Wide 1.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 1.8c }
+ @At { 2.2c @Wide 1.6c @High } @Put { 1.8c @Wide { &0.5rt @I length } }
+ }
+ //4vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 2.2c @Wide 1.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 1.8c }
+ @At { 2.2c @Wide 1.6c @High } @Put { 1.8c @Wide { &0.5rt @I length } }
+ }
+ //4vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.5c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 3.3c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.7c @High } @Put { 3.3c @Wide { &0.5rt @I length } }
+ }
+ //4vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.5c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 3.3c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.7c @High }
+ @Put 3.3c @Wide { |0.5rt @Eq { max(length, a+b) } }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 0.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 1.0c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 0.2c @High } @Put { 1.0c @Wide { &0.5rt @I a } }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 0.5c }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.2c @High } @Put { 0.5c @Wide { &0.5rt @I b } }
+ }
+ //4.5vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.5c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 3.3c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.7c @High }
+ @Put { 3.3c @Wide { |0.5rt @Eq { max(length, a, b) } } }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 0.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 1.0c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 0.2c @High } @Put { 1.0c @Wide { &0.5rt @I a } }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 0.5c }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.2c @High } @Put { 0.5c @Wide { &0.5rt @I b } }
+ }
+ //4vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 0.0c @Wide 1.6c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 4.0c }
+ @At { 2.8c @Wide 1.8c @High } @Put { @I length }
+ }
+ //5vx
+ @DoubleArrow 6c
+ //0.1c |0.5rt @I { current bound }
+When we construct a built-up fraction, the result has three row marks, but
+only the second should be visible outside the object:
+@ID @Eq { @ShowMarks { X over Y } }
+This is a common problem, and accordingly a @Code "@OneRow" operator was
+introduced for hiding all but one of the row marks of its
+parameter. Normally, the first mark is the survivor, but a later mark can
+be chosen by prefixing @Code "^" to the preceding concatenation operator:
+@ID @Code "@OneRow { X ^/2p @HLine /2p Y }"
+has the desired result, where {@Code "2p"} is two points and @Code "@HLine"
+is an easy combination of Lout's graphics operators. A similar operator,
+{@Code "@OneCol"}, hides column marks.
+A variant of @Code "/" called @Code "//" is provided which performs
+vertical concatenation but ignores all column marks and simply
+left-justifies its two parameters:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"Heading //0.1i"
+"A |0.2i B /0.1i"
+"C | D"
+has result
+@ID { Heading //0.1i A |0.2i B /0.1i C | D }
+showing that spanning columns in tables motivate the inclusion of this
+operator. There is an analogous @Code "||" operator. The author
+would have preferred to leave out these operators, since they
+complicate the implementation, and it is interesting to examine the
+prospects of doing so.
+The @Code "//" operator is formally redundant, because in general
+the expression @Code "x // y" can be replaced by
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@OneCol { | x } /"
+"@OneCol { | y }"
+for any objects {@Code x} and {@Code y}. By concatenating an empty
+object at the left of @Code x and hiding all but that empty object's
+column mark, we effectively shift {@Code x}'s column mark to its left
+edge. The same goes for {@Code y}, so the @Code "/" operator has just
+one column mark to merge, at the extreme left, and its effect is
+indistinguishable from {@Code "//"}.
+Unfortunately, if @Code y consists of two rows separated by {@Code "/"},
+as in the example above, both rows must be placed inside the
+{@Code "@OneCol"}, and the table cannot be entered in the simple
+row-by-row manner that non-expert users naturally expect. Another
+advantage of @Code "//" is that its left parameter can be printed
+before its right parameter is known; this is important when the left
+parameter is an entire page.
+The fifth and final concatenation operator, {@Code "&"}, is an explicit
+version of the horizontal concatenation operator interpolated when
+objects are separated by white space. It is formally identical to
+@Code "|" except for taking higher precedence and being subject to
+replacement by @Code "//1vx" during paragraph breaking
+(Section {@NumberOf style}).
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s2_4 b/doc/design/s2_4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d25e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s2_4
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+ @Tag { objects.impl }
+ @Title { Implementation of objects and concatenation }
+In this section we discuss the implementation of objects and concatenation,
+and especially mark alignment. The first step is to use an operator
+precedence parser to convert input such as
+@ID @Code "a |0.5i b /0.2i c | d"
+into parse trees such as
+@ID @Eq {
+@Fig {
+@Tree {
+@Node @FCircle fraction
+@FirstSub {
+ @Node @FCircle bar
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FEllipse 0.5i }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle b }
+@NextSub { @Node @FEllipse 0.2i }
+@NextSub {
+ @Node @FCircle bar
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle d }
+Missing objects are replaced by empty objects, and sequences of
+concatenation operators are consolidated:
+@ID @Eq {
+@Fig {
+@Tree {
+@Node @FCircle bar
+@FirstSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+@NextSub { @Node @FEllipse 0.2i }
+@NextSub {
+ @Node @FCircle bar
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FEllipse 0.3i }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle d }
+&2m ==> &2m
+@Fig {
+@Tree {
+@Node @FCircle bar
+@FirstSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+@NextSub { @Node @FEllipse 0.2i }
+@NextSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+@NextSub { @Node @FEllipse 0.3i }
+@NextSub { @Node @FCircle d }
+to make manifest their associativity and reduce the depth of the tree
+for efficiency later.
+The required semantic information is the size of each subobject,
+consisting of four integers: width to left and right of the
+distinguished column mark, and height above and below the distinguished
+row mark. These numbers are always non-negative in Basser Lout, but
+this restriction is unnecessary and should be dropped.
+For the leaves, which are simple words, the numbers are obtained from
+font tables. For the higher levels we apply recursive rules. Suppose
+that @Eq { hgap(x, g, y) } returns the desired distance between the
+column marks of objects @Eq { x } and @Eq { y } when they are separated by
+gap @Eq { g }: @Eq { right(x) + length(g) + left(y) } when the gap mode is
+edge-to-edge, the larger of @Eq { length(g) } and
+@Eq { right(x) + left(y) } when the mode is mark-to-mark, and so on. Given
+an object
+@ID @Eq {
+X = x sub 1 ````` bar g sub 1 ````` ... ````` { "-2p" @Font "^"}bar g sub i-1
+````` x sub i ````` ... ````` bar g sub n-1 ````` x sub n
+we may calculate its size as follows:
+@ID @Eq {
+left(X) ^= left( x sub 1 ) + hgap( x sub 1 , g sub 1 , x sub 2 )
++ ... + hgap( x sub i-1 , g sub i-1 , x sub i )
+right(X) ^= hgap( x sub i , g sub i , x sub i+1 )
++ ... + hgap( x sub n-1 , g sub n-1 , x sub n ) + right( x sub n )
+"above"(X) ^= "above"(x sub 1 ) up ... up "above"(x sub n )
+"below"(X) ^= "below"(x sub 1 ) up ... up "below"(x sub n )
+where @Eq { non up } returns the larger of its two parameters. Similar
+formulas are easily derived for the other operators.
+For purposes of exposition we will now make the simplifying
+assumptions that all gaps are {@Code "0i"}, all column marks lie at
+the left edge, and all row marks lie at the top edge. Then the size
+of each object can be expressed by just two numbers, width and
+height, and the four formulas reduce to
+@ID @Eq {
+width( x sub 1 rel bar ... rel bar x sub n ) ^=
+width( x sub 1 ) + ... + width( x sub n )
+height( x sub 1 rel bar ... rel bar x sub n ) ^=
+height( x sub 1 ) up ... up height( x sub n )
+The corresponding formulas for vertical concatenation are
+@ID @Eq {
+width( x sub 1 rel "/" ... rel "/" x sub n ) ^=
+width( x sub 1 ) up ... up width( x sub n )
+height( x sub 1 rel "/" ... rel "/" x sub n ) ^=
+height( x sub 1 ) + ... + height( x sub n )
+According to these formulas, the height of
+@ID @Eq { @Fig { @Tree {
+@Node @FCircle fraction
+@LeftSub {
+ @Node @FCircle bar
+ @LeftSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+ @RightSub { @Node @FCircle b }
+@RightSub {
+ @Node @FCircle bar
+ @LeftSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+ @RightSub { @Node @FCircle d }
+@ID @Eq {
+[ height(a) up height(b)] + [ height(c) up height(d)]
+which is correct, but for width they yield
+@ID @Eq {
+[ width(a) + width(b)] up [ width(c) + width(d)]
+which is not, since it does not take the merging of column marks into
+account. The asymmetry between horizontal and vertical has come
+about because the row entries, such as @Eq {a} and {@Eq {b}}, are
+adjacent in the tree, but the column entries, such as @Eq {a} and
+{@Eq {c}}, are not. It would be possible to solve this cross-linking
+problem by augmenting the size information stored in each node to
+record the number of marks and the size of each, but the author has
+preferred the following method which makes structural changes to the
+tree instead.
+If @Eq { a } and @Eq { c } share a column mark, they each might as well
+have width { @Eq {width(a) up width(c) }}, since all width calculations
+apply to entire columns. Accordingly, we introduce a new operator,
+@Eq {COL}, defined by
+@ID @Eq { width( x sub 1 bin COL ... bin COL x sub n ) =
+width( x sub 1 ) up ... up width( x sub n )
+and replace both @Eq { a } and @Eq { c } by {@Eq { a bin COL c }}. To
+prevent @Eq { COL } operators from disturbing height calculations, we
+define a binary operator called @Eq { SPLIT } by
+@ID @Eq { width( x bin SPLIT y) ^= width(x)
+height( x bin SPLIT y) ^= height(y) }
+which switches height and width calculations onto different
+subtrees. Then the transformation
+@ID @Eq {
+@Fig { @Tree {
+ @Node @FCircle a
+&2m ==> &2m
+@Fig { @Tree {
+ @Node @FEllipse SPLIT
+ @LeftSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse COL
+ @LeftSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+ @RightSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+ }
+ @RightSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+# where @Eq { S } denotes a @Eq { SPLIT } node and @Eq { C } denotes a
+# @Eq { COL } node,
+widens @Eq { a } to @Eq {width(a) up width(c) } without affecting its height;
+it is applied to every object that shares its column mark with at least
+one other object. A similar transformation involving a @Eq { ROW } operator
+deals with shared row marks. The effect on our little table is to replace
+@ID @Eq { @Fig { @Tree {
+@Node @FCircle fraction
+@LeftSub {
+ @Node @FCircle bar
+ @LeftSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+ @RightSub { @Node @FCircle b }
+@RightSub {
+ @Node @FCircle bar
+ @LeftSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+ @RightSub { @Node @FCircle d }
+@ID @Eq { @Fig maxlabels { "70" } { @Tree hmargin { "0.1c" } {
+@Node @FCircle fraction
+@FirstSub {
+ @Node @FCircle bar
+ @FirstSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse SPLIT
+ @FirstSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse COL
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+ }
+ @NextSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse ROW
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle b }
+ }
+ }
+ @NextSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse SPLIT
+ @FirstSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse COL
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle b }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle d }
+ }
+ @NextSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse ROW
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle b }
+ }
+ }
+@NextSub {
+ @Node @FCircle bar
+ @FirstSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse SPLIT
+ @FirstSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse COL
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle a }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+ }
+ @NextSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse ROW
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle d }
+ }
+ }
+ @NextSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse SPLIT
+ @FirstSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse COL
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle b }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle d }
+ }
+ @NextSub {
+ @Node @FEllipse ROW
+ @FirstSub { @Node @FCircle c }
+ @NextSub { @Node @FCircle d }
+ }
+ }
+In fact, common subexpressions are identified (trivially) and the result
+is a directed acyclic graph; each affected leaf has two parents, one for
+width and one for height; and each @Eq { COL } or @Eq { ROW } node has
+one parent and one child for each object lying on the corresponding
+mark. The data structure roughly doubles in size, and this occurs only
+rarely in practice.
+This method can cope with any legal input, including
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ a // c | d } | { b / e }"
+"/ { f / i } | { g | h // j }"
+which produces overlapping spanning columns:
+@ID @I @Fig {
+ @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 1.6c } 1.2f @Font a |
+ @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 0.6c } 1.2f @Font b |
+// @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 0.6c } 1.2f @Font c |
+ @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 0.6c } 1.2f @Font d |
+ @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 0.6c } 1.2f @Font e |
+// @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 0.6c } 1.2f @Font f |
+ @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 0.6c } 1.2f @Font g |
+ @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 0.6c } 1.2f @Font h |
+// @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 0.6c } 1.2f @Font i |
+ @FBox margin { 0.2c } width { 1.6c } 1.2f @Font j |
+The boxes have been added to clarify the structure. The width of this
+object is formally
+@ID @Eq { ((width(a) up (x + y)) + z) up (x + ((y + z) up width(j))) }
+@ListItem @Eq { x = width(c) up width(`f`) up width(i) }
+@ListItem @Eq { y = width(d`) up width(g) }
+@ListItem @Eq { z = width(b) up width(e) up width(h) }
+It seems clear that @Eq { y } at least must appear twice in any
+expression for the width of this object made out of simple addition
+and maxing operations, showing that an ordinary tree
+structure is insufficient for overlapping spanning columns. The Basser
+Lout interpreter actually rejects such structures, owing to the author's
+doubts about the implementability of @I Constrained and @I AdjustSize
+(Section {@NumberOf constraints}) on them; but with hindsight this caution
+was unnecessary.
+The directed acyclic graph is ordered in the sense that the order of
+the edges entering and leaving each node matters. The structure is
+highly dynamic, and traversals both with and against the arrows are
+required. After a few ad-hoc attempts to extend the usual tree
+representation had failed, the author developed a representation based
+on doubly linked lists of records denoting links, whose flexibility more
+than compensated for the somewhat excessive memory consumption. For example,
+@ID @Eq { @Fig {
+ A:: @FCircle a |2c |2c B:: @FCircle b
+/1.5c C:: @FCircle c | D:: @FCircle d
+// A @JoinFigures arrow { forward } C
+// A @JoinFigures arrow { forward } D
+// B @JoinFigures arrow { forward } D
+is represented by
+@CD @Eq { @Fig maxlabels { "300" } {
+A:: @DagBox mid { @BlackDot } base { a } |2c |2c |2c |2c
+B:: @DagBox mid { @BlackDot } base { b }
+/1c L:: @DagBox top { @BlackDot } mid { @BlackDot } base { LK }
+| M:: @DagBox top { @BlackDot } mid { @BlackDot } base { LK }
+| | N:: @DagBox top { @BlackDot } mid { @BlackDot } base { LK }
+C:: @DagBox top { @BlackDot } base { c } | |
+D:: @DagBox top { @BlackDot } base { d }
+// @TVShape nw { A@MID@CTR } ne { A@MID@CTR } sw {L@MID@CTR } se { M@MID@CTR }
+// @TVShape nw { L@TOP@CTR } ne { L@TOP@CTR } sw {C@TOP@CTR } se { C@TOP@CTR }
+// @TVShape nw { M@TOP@CTR } ne { N@TOP@CTR } sw {D@TOP@CTR } se { D@TOP@CTR }
+// @TVShape nw { B@MID@CTR } ne { B@MID@CTR } sw {N@MID@CTR } se { N@MID@CTR }
+where @Eq { LK } tags a record representing a link. The first list
+in any node contains all the incoming links, the second contains the
+outgoing ones. The node serves as the header for both lists. The
+required operations reduce to simple appends, deletes, and traversals
+of doubly linked lists, all having small constant cost. There is a
+highly tuned memory allocator, and care is taken to dispose of each node
+when the last incoming link is deleted, so that there is no need for
+garbage collection.
+In normal use the number of nodes at higher levels of the dag is small
+in comparison with the leaves and their incoming links, so we may
+estimate the space complexity at about 60 bytes per input word (20 bytes
+per link, 40 per leaf node). Careful optimization could easily halve
+this, but since memory is reclaimed after printing each page there is
+little need.
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s2_5 b/doc/design/s2_5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d826b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s2_5
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ @Tag { style }
+ @Title { Context-sensitive attributes of objects }
+Although we are free to place any object in any context, the context
+must influence the appearance of the object, since otherwise
+@ID @Code "A short paragraph of text."
+could not appear in a variety of fonts, column widths, etc. This
+influence cannot take the purely static form that block-structured
+languages use to associate values with identifiers, for then an operator
+could not influence the appearance of its parameters; and a state
+variable solution is not compatible with the overall functional design.
+The information needed from the context seems quite limited, comprising
+the font family, face, and size to use, the style of paragraph breaking
+required, how much space to substitute between the words of paragraphs,
+and how much horizontal and vertical space is available to receive the
+object. These four items constitute the so-called `style information'
+of Lout. As graphics rendering hardware improves, the style information
+will probably grow to include colour and texture information.
+The way to deal with fonts at least is very clear:
+@ID @Code "{ Times Slope 12p } @Font { Hello, world }"
+should have result
+@ID { { Times Slope 12p } @Font { Hello, world } }
+Lout also provides @Code "@Break" and @Code "@Space" symbols for
+controlling the paragraph breaking and space styles mentioned
+above. These work in the same way, returning their right
+parameters in the style of their left. The implementation is very
+simple: one merely broadcasts the style information down into the parse
+tree of the right parameter. A font, for example, is converted to an
+8-bit internal name and stored in each leaf, while a breaking style is
+stored in the root node of each paragraph.
+The same language design can be used for available width and height,
+only here the implementation is much more demanding:
+@ID @Code {
+"2i @Wide {"
+"(1) |0.1i An example"
+"containing a small"
+"paragraph of filled text."
+is guaranteed to be two inches wide:
+@ID {
+2i @Wide {
+(1) |0.1i An example
+containing a small
+paragraph of filled text.
+One must calculate that 1.9 inches minus the width of @Code "(1)" is
+to the paragraph, and break it accordingly; Basser Lout does this in two
+stages. In the first, upward-moving stage, widths are calculated using the
+formulae of Section {@NumberOf objects}, which assume that available
+space is infinite. If the upward movement reaches a @Eq { WIDE }
+node, corresponding to a @Code "@Wide" operator, and
+the calculated width exceeds that allowed, a second, downward-moving stage
+is initiated which attempts to reduce the width by finding and breaking
+paragraphs. This second stage is quite routine except at @Code "|" nodes,
+whose children are the columns of a table. It is necessary to apportion
+the available width (minus inter-column gaps) among the columns. Basser
+Lout leaves narrow columns unbroken and breaks the remaining columns to
+equal width, using up all of the available space.
+The size of an object is not clearly determined when the upward-moving
+size is less than the downward-moving available space, and the object
+contains constructs that depend on available space (e.g. right
+justification). For example, in
+@ID @Code "2i @Wide { Heading // a |1rt b }"
+it seems natural to assign a width of two inches to the subobject
+@Code "a |1rt b" because of the right justification, but it would be
+equally plausible if the width of @Code Heading was assigned to the
+subobject instead. The author is conscious of having failed to resolve
+this matter properly; an extra operator for controlling available space
+is probably necessary.
+The actual paragraph breaking is just a simple transformation on the
+parse tree; the real issue is how to describe the various styles: ragged
+right, adjusted, outdented, and so on. Their diversity suggests that
+they should somehow be defined using more basic features; but then there
+are algorithms for high-quality paragraph breaking, which presumably
+must be built-in. This dilemma was not clearly grasped by the author in
+1985, and he included a built-in paragraph breaker, with the @Code
+"@Break" operator selecting from a fixed set of styles. A much better
+solution based on galleys will be given in Section {@NumberOf horizontal},
+but, regrettably, it is not implemented.
+@End @SubSection
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648a1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s2_9
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@End @Section
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index 0000000..3f42ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s3_0
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ @Title { Definitions }
+The need to provide a means of packaging useful pieces of code for easy
+repeated use was recognised in the very earliest programming
+languages. This need is even more acute in document formatting, if that
+is possible, because the majority of users are not programmers and do
+not understand the code they invoke.
diff --git a/doc/design/s3_1 b/doc/design/s3_1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fb44c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s3_1
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ @Tag { operators }
+ @Title { Operators }
+It is evident from the example of Eqn that user-defined operators are
+needed that mimic the primitive ones in taking objects as parameters
+and returning objects as results. For example, to define a superscript
+operator so that
+@ID @Code "2 sup n"
+appears as {@Eq {2 sup @R n}}, the following operator definition may
+be used:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def sup"
+" precedence 50"
+" associativity right"
+" left x"
+" right y"
+" @OneRow { | {-2p @Font y} ^/0.5fk x }"
+The @Code "sup" operator has precedence 50, is right associative, takes
+two objects as parameters passed on the left and right, and returns the
+object between braces as result. This object has the structure
+@ID @I +2p @Font {
+| @ShowMarks @Code y / @ShowMarks @Code x
+but with the first row mark hidden by the @Code "@OneRow" operator,
+and @Code y two points smaller than it would otherwise have been. The
+length @Code "0.5f" specifies half the current font size; Figure
+{@NumberOf gapmodes} describes the @Code k gap mode. In the Eq equation
+formatting package [10] the equation as a whole is
+set in italic font, and @Code 2 is an identifier whose body contains
+a font change back to Roman. The digits @Code 0 to @Code 9 are classed
+as punctuation characters, permitting @Code 234 for example to be
+interpreted as a sequence of three identifiers.
+These definitions are easily implemented by a standard symbol table
+and an operator precedence parser. Algol block structure with the
+usual scope rules was adopted as a matter of course.
+Operators are limited to at most two parameters, left and
+right, and the parameters cannot be given default values. @I Named
+parameters solve both problems:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Preface"
+" named @Tag {}"
+" named @Title { Preface }"
+" right @Body"
+" Bold @Font @Title"
+" //0.3v @Body"
+The default value appears just after the parameter's declaration,
+between braces. Invocations have a natural syntax:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { About this book }"
+" Few observers would have supposed in 1984, that ..."
+with the actual named parameters following directly after the
+operator, before any right parameter. In this example, @Code "@Tag"
+will receive its default value, and a less expert user could safely
+omit the @Code "@Title" parameter as well.
+Lout permits named parameters to have parameters, a feature with
+applications to bibliographic databases, running headers, and other
+places where a format has to be supplied before content is
+known. One could go further and provide a complete lambda calculus,
+with functions as first-class objects, provided care was taken not
+to intimidate the non-expert user.
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s3_2 b/doc/design/s3_2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c5fd70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s3_2
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ @Tag { recursion }
+ @Title { Recursion and page layout }
+Design and implementation should proceed together in exploratory projects,
+since otherwise the design too easily becomes unrealistic. Sometimes the
+implementation does more than its designer intended. The author wrote the
+following purely as a testing scaffold:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Page right x"
+" 8i @Wide 11i @High"
+" {"
+" //1i ||1i x ||1i"
+" //1i"
+" }"
+Only afterwards did he realize its significance: the concept of a page
+had been defined outside the implementation, removing the need for
+commands for setting page width and height, margins, and so on.
+Defining a sequence of pages is harder, since their number is not known
+in advance. A simple version of this same problem is afforded by the
+leaders found in tables of contents:
+@ID {
+4i @Wide { Chapter 7 @Leaders 53 }
+This seemed to require recursion, specifically the definition
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Leaders { .. @Leaders }"
+Note that both @Code ".." and @Code "@Leaders" are objects, so the two
+spaces separating them are significant. No base case is given, and indeed
+we have no boolean or conditional operators with which to express it;
+but we can adopt the implicit base `if space is not sufficient, delete
+{@Code "@Leaders"} and any preceding space'. Then the expression
+@ID @Code "4i @Wide { Chapter 7 @Leaders 53 }"
+will produce the object shown above. It is hard to see how this base
+could be made explicit, without violating the general principle of
+keeping all size information internal. In the implementation,
+@Code "@Leaders" remains unexpanded while sizes are being
+calculated; then it is treated similarly to a receptive symbol, with
+its body as an incoming galley (Section {@NumberOf flushing}).
+With this settled, it is now clear how to define a document which is a
+numbered sequence of pages. Let @Code "@Next" be a prefix operator
+which returns its parameter plus one. Then
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @PageList"
+" right @PageNum"
+" @Page {"
+" |0.5rt - @PageNum -"
+" //1v @TextPlace"
+" //1rt @FootSect"
+" }"
+" //"
+" @PageList @Next @PageNum"
+when invoked in the expression {@Code "@PageList 1"}, has for its result
+the potentially infinite object
+@ID @OneRow {
+@LittlePage {
+|0.5rt - 1 -
+//1.2vx @Code "@TextPlace"
+//1rt @Code "@FootSect"
+@LittlePage {
+|0.5rt - 2 -
+//1.2vx @Code "@TextPlace"
+//1rt @Code "@FootSect"
+8p @Font @Code "@PageList 3"
+Similarly, we may define @Code "@FootSect" like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @FootSect"
+" def @FootList"
+" right @Num"
+" {"
+" @FootPlace"
+" //1v"
+" @FootList @Next @Num"
+" }"
+" 1i @Wide @HLine"
+" //1v"
+" @FootList 1"
+so that an invocation of @Code "@FootSect" produces
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+1i @Wide @HLine
+The expansion process is very similar to a BNF derivation, and would be
+attempted only on demand.
+Clearly, deciding which expansions to take and replacing @Code "@TextPlace"
+and {@Code "@FootPlace"} by the appropriate actual text will not be easy;
+this is the subject of Section {@NumberOf galleys}. The important point
+for now is that we have here a very simple and flexible method of specifying
+the layout of pages, which requires no specialized language features.
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s3_3 b/doc/design/s3_3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d04a8db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s3_3
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ @Tag { modules }
+ @Title { Modules }
+It is well accepted that the visibility of symbols is not adequately
+controlled by Algol block structure. The author is aware of several
+major problems of this kind in document formatting.
+One problem is that some symbols should be visible only within
+restricted parts of a document. For example, we naturally expect
+equation formatting to be accomplished like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"surrounding text"
+"@Eq { {x sup 2 + 1} over 4 }"
+"surrounding text"
+with the symbols {@Code "sup"}, {@Code "over"}, etc., visible only within
+the equation, not in the surrounding text.
+It seems natural to define these symbols within {@Code "@Eq"}, since
+they are local to equations. It only remains then to decree that
+symbols local to @Code "@Eq" are to be visible within its actual right
+parameter, and this is done by replacing the right formal parameter with a
+@I body parameter:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"export sup over"
+"def @Eq"
+" body @Body"
+" def sup ..."
+" def over ..."
+" Slope @Font @Body"
+The @Code export clause lists the identifiers which are permitted to be
+visible outside their usual range, the body of {@Code "@Eq"}; and the
+@Code body declaration imports them into (makes them visible within)
+the actual right parameter of each invocation of {@Code "@Eq"}. This
+arrangement has proven very convenient for defining a variety of
+special-purpose packages.
+Another problem arises when global symbols, such as the ones used for
+headings and paragraph separators, call on values that the non-expert
+user will need to modify, such as the initial font or paragraph
+indent. These values are like parameters of the document as a whole, so
+it is natural to try this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"export @Heading @PP ..."
+"def @BookLayout"
+" named @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }"
+" named @InitialBreak { adjust 14p }"
+" named @ColumnWidth { 6i }"
+" ..."
+" def @Heading ..."
+" def @PP ..."
+Now @Code "@Heading" and @Code "@PP" may invoke @Code "@InitialFont"
+and the other parameters. To make @Code "@Heading" and @Code "@PP"
+visible throughout the document, we need only add a body parameter to
+@Code "@BookLayout" and present the entire document as
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @InitialFont { Helvetica Base 10p }"
+" @InitialBreak { adjust 12p }"
+" The document."
+but for practical reasons given below we prefer not to enclose the
+entire document in braces. Instead, we write
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Use { @BookLayout"
+" @InitialFont { Helvetica Base 10p }"
+" @InitialBreak { adjust 12p }"
+"The document."
+which has the same effect: @Code "@Use" makes the exported symbols of
+@Code "@BookLayout" visible for the remainder of the document, and is
+permitted only at the beginning.
+The third feature that affects visibility, and which will prove useful
+for cross referencing (Section {@NumberOf cross}), is the @Code "@Open"
+symbol. It makes the exported symbols of its left parameter visible
+within its right parameter, and is therefore similar to the Pascal @Code
+with statement.
+It could be argued that Lout is over-supplied with these visibility modifying
+features: the body parameter, @Code "@Use" and @Code "@Open" do not seem
+sufficiently different from each another. The @Code "@Open" symbol is
+the most general, being capable of replacing the other two. For
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Use { x }"
+"@Use { y }"
+"Body of document"
+can be replaced by
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"x @Open {"
+"y @Open {"
+"Body of document"
+and, taking the @Code "@Eq" symbol above as example, we could eliminate
+its body parameter, add
+@ID @Code "def @Body right x { Slope @Font x }"
+to the exported definitions of {@Code "@Eq"}, and replace
+@ID @Code "@Eq { object }"
+@ID @Code "@Eq @Open { @Body { object } }"
+If @Code "@Eq" is a galley (Section {@NumberOf galleys}), @Code "@Body"
+must take over that function. But one would not want to write these
+clumsy expressions in practice, and the enclosure of large quantities
+of input in extra braces could cause Basser Lout to run out of memory
+(Section {@NumberOf lookahead}).
+A quite separate kind of visibility problem arises when expert
+users wish to define an object or operator for repeated use within, say,
+@ID @Code "def isum { sum from i=1 to n }"
+As it stands this can only be placed within the @Code "@Eq" package itself,
+where @Code "sum" and the other symbols are visible, but it is not desirable
+to modify the source code of a standard package. Lout provides an
+@Code "import" clause to solve this problem:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"import @Eq"
+"def isum { sum from i=1 to n }"
+may appear after @Code "@Eq" is defined, and it will make the exported symbols
+of @Code "@Eq" visible within the body of {@Code "isum"}. This feature
+complicates the treatment of environments (Section {@NumberOf defs.impl}),
+and even introduces an insecurity, when @Code isum is invoked outside an
+equation. A simpler approach would be to allow only one symbol in an
+@Code import clause, and treat the following definition exactly like a
+local definition of that symbol; but then it would not be possible
+to define symbols using the resources of more than one of the standard
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s3_4 b/doc/design/s3_4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b0f5bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s3_4
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ @Tag { defs.impl }
+ @Title { Implementation of definitions }
+Input is processed by a hybrid parser which employs operator precedence
+for objects and simple recursive descent for the headers of
+definitions. A symbol table stores the body of each definition as a
+parse tree, except for macros which are lists of tokens, and manages the
+usual stack of static scopes, accepting @I PushScope and @I PopScope
+operations as the parser enters and leaves scope regions, including
+actual body parameters and the right parameter of the @Code "@Open"
+As the parse proceeds, a complete call graph is constructed, recording,
+for each symbol, which symbols are invoked within its body. Immediately
+after the last definition is read, the transitive closure of the call
+graph is computed, and used to determine whether each non-parameter
+symbol is recursive or receptive (Section {@NumberOf galleys}), and
+whether each parameter is invoked exactly once or not.
+Purely functional systems may evaluate symbol invocations in applicative
+order (where parameters are evaluated before substitution into bodies),
+or in normal order (substitution before evaluation), and they may also
+share the value of a parameter among all uses of it. But in Basser
+Lout, the presence of context-sensitive style information (Section
+{@NumberOf style}) forces normal order evaluation and prevents sharing
+of parameter values.
+To evaluate an unsized object (pure parse tree), its {@I environment},
+the equivalent of the stack frames in Algol-like languages, must be
+available, containing the actual values of all formal parameters
+that are visible within the unsized object. Environment handling is
+a well-known implementation technique, so it will be discussed
+only briefly here.
+Environments are extra subtrees hung from the objects they refer
+to. This organization makes excellent use of the ordered dag to
+permit environments to be shared, and deleted when the last
+reference to them is removed. Several optimizations have been
+implemented. Actual parameters known to be invoked only once are moved
+in from the environment, not copied; copying could lead to quadratic time
+complexity. Actual parameters of the form @Code "@Next" @I object
+receive an applicative pre-evaluation which prevents long chains of
+@Code "@Next" symbols from forming during the generation of large page
+numbers. Some environments which provably contribute nothing are
+deleted, most notably when a symbol invocation has no symbols within its
+actual parameters and no import list, so that only the environment of its
+body need be kept; this saves a great deal of space when objects with
+environments are written to auxiliary files (Section {@NumberOf cross}).
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s3_9 b/doc/design/s3_9
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648a1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s3_9
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@End @Section
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f89426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s4_0
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ @Tag { functional }
+ @Title { Implementation of the functional subset }
+The objects and definitions of Lout are very similar to those found in
+other functional languages, and they form a natural subset of the
+language. So we pause here and present an overview of the Basser Lout
+object evaluation algorithm.
+The problem is to take an unsized object (pure parse tree), its
+environment (Section {@NumberOf defs.impl}), and its style
+(Section {@NumberOf style}), and to produce a PostScript file for
+rendering the object on an output device. This file is essentially a
+sequence of instructions to print a given string of characters in a
+given font at a given point.
+Before the algorithm begins, the parse tree must be obtained, either by
+parsing input or by copying from the symbol table. Afterwards the data
+structure must be disposed. The algorithm proper consists of five
+passes, each a recursive traversal of the structure from the root down
+to the leaves and back.
+@I {1. Evaluation of unsized objects.} On the way down, calculate
+environments and replace non-recursive, non-receptive symbols by their
+bodies (Section {@NumberOf defs.impl}); broadcast fonts to the leaves,
+and paragraph breaking and spacing styles to the paragraph nodes. On the
+way back up, delete @Eq { FONT }, @Eq { BREAK }, and @Eq { SPACE } nodes,
+and insert @Eq { SPLIT }, @Eq { COL }, and @Eq { ROW } nodes
+(Section {@NumberOf objects}).
+@I {2. Width calculations and breaking.} Calculate the width of every
+subobject from the bottom up. As described in Section {@NumberOf objects},
+@Eq { WIDE } nodes may trigger object breaking sub-traversals during this pass.
+@I {3. Height calculations.} Calculate the height of every subobject,
+from the bottom up.
+@I {4. Horizontal coordinates.} Calculate the horizontal coordinate of
+each subobject from the top down, and store each leaf's coordinate in
+the leaf.
+@I {5. Vertical coordinates and PostScript generation.} Calculate the
+vertical coordinate of every subobject from the top down, and at each
+leaf, retrieve the character string, font, and horizontal coordinate,
+and print the PostScript instruction for rendering that leaf.
+Figure {@NumberOf components} gives the amount of code required for each
+ @Tag { components }
+ @Caption { Major components of the Basser Lout interpreter, showing
+the approximate number of lines of C code. }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @RR A ! @Col B ! @Col @RR C }
+ @Fmtb { @Col @RR A ! @Col B ! @Col C }
+ @Rowa A { 1. } B { Initialization } C { 200 }
+ @Rowa A { 2. } B { Memory allocation, ordered dag operations } C { 400 }
+ @Rowa A { 3. } B { Lexical analysis, macros, file handling } C { 1,350 }
+ @Rowa A { 4. } B { Parsing of objects and definitions } C { 1,150 }
+ @Rowa A { 5. } B { Symbol table and call graph } C { 600 }
+ @Rowa A { 6. } B { Evaluation of pure parse trees } C { 1,650 }
+ @Rowa A { 7. } B { Reading, storing, and scaling of fonts } C { 600 }
+ @Rowa A { 8. } B { Cross references and databases } C { 1,000 }
+ @Rowa A { 9. } B { Width and height calculations, and breaking } C { 700 }
+ @Rowa A { 10. } B { @I Constrained and @I AdjustSize } C { 700 }
+ @Rowa A { 11. } B { Transfer of sized objects into galley tree } C { 450 }
+ @Rowa A { 12. } B { Galley flushing algorithm } C { 1,500 }
+ @Rowa A { 13. } B { Coordinate calculations and PostScript output } C { 700 }
+ @Rowa A { 14. } B { Debugging and error handling } C { 1,200 }
+ @Rowb vmargin { 0.1c } C { @Line }
+ @Rowa C { 12,200 }
+@End @Figure
+pass. Symmetry between horizontal and vertical is exploited throughout
+Basser Lout, and passes 2 and 3, as well as 4 and 5, are executed on
+shared code.
+The author can see no simple way to reduce the number of passes. The
+introduction of horizontal galleys (Section {@NumberOf horizontal})
+would remove the need for the object breaking transformations within this
+algorithm that are the principal obstacles in the way of the merging of
+passes 2 and 3.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/design/s5_0 b/doc/design/s5_0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d176f77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s5_0
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ @Title { Galleys }
+With objects and definitions under control, the author faced the problem
+of getting body text, footnotes, floating figures and tables,
+references, index entries, and entries in the table of contents into
+their places. The resulting investigation occupied three months of
+full-time design work, and proceeded approximately as described in
+Section {@NumberOf galleys}; the implementation occupied the years 1987-89.
diff --git a/doc/design/s5_1 b/doc/design/s5_1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab65bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s5_1
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ @Tag { galleys }
+ @Title { The galley abstraction }
+Let us take the footnote as a representative example. At some point in
+the document, we wish to write
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@FootNote { footnote text }"
+"following text"
+and we expect the formatter to remove the footnote from this context and
+place it at the bottom of the current page, possibly splitting some or
+all of it onto a following page if space is insufficient.
+An object appears in the final document at the point it is invoked, but
+this basic property does not hold for footnotes: the point of
+invocation and the point of appearance are different. In some way, the
+footnote is attached to the document at both points, introducing a cross
+linking (Section {@NumberOf genesis}) that cannot be described in purely
+functional terms.
+Since the interpretation of any object depends on an environment and
+style inherited from the context, the first question must be whether
+the footnote inherits them through the invocation point or through
+the point(s) of appearance.
+If symbols are to be interpreted statically as heretofore, then environments
+must be inherited through the invocation point alone. Dynamic inheritance
+through the point of appearance is enticing in some ways: it might
+replace the body parameter, and it might help with automatic numbering,
+since the number of a footnote is known only at the point of appearance;
+but the implementation problems are severe, and static inheritance seems
+much simpler and more comprehensible to the user. Style, at least its
+available width and height part, must of necessity be inherited through
+the point of appearance. For consistency, the entire style should be
+inherited in this way. There is a suggestive analogy here with actual
+parameters, which have a point of invocation from which they inherit an
+environment, and a point of appearance within the body of the enclosing
+definition, from which they inherit a style. It may be possible to treat
+a footnote as the actual parameter of some symbol, therefore, although
+the details seem very obscure.
+But the most profound consequence of having two types of attachment
+point is that it leads to two distinctive tree structures. Considering
+invocation points only leads to static trees like this one:
+@ID @I @Fig margin { 0.3c } { @Tree {
+@Node @Ellipse { body text }
+@LeftSub { @Node @Ellipse footnote }
+@RightSub {
+ @Node @Ellipse figure
+ @FirstSub { @Node @Ellipse footnote }
+which shows that the body text contains a footnote and a figure, the
+latter itself containing a footnote. Considering points of appearance
+only gives a completely different, dynamic tree:
+@ID @I @Fig margin { 0.3c } { @Tree {
+@Node @Ellipse { sequence of pages }
+@FirstSub { @Node @Ellipse { body text } }
+@NextSub { @Node @Ellipse { footnote } }
+@NextSub { @Node @Ellipse { figure } }
+@NextSub { @Node @Ellipse { footnote } }
+The tree can be deeper, for example with sections appearing within
+chapters which appear within the body text, which appears within the
+final sequence of pages. Document formatting languages generally shirk
+the issues raised by this dual tree structure, by making the dynamic
+tree built-in, by limiting one or both trees to two levels, and so on,
+providing a classic example of the impoverishing effect of failing to
+permit language features to attain their natural level of generality.
+We are thus led to propose a second abstraction for document formatting,
+which we name the @I galley in recognition of its similarity to the
+galleys used in manual typesetting. A galley consists of an object (such
+as a footnote) together with a sequence of places where that object may
+appear (such as the bottoms of the current and following pages). Splitting
+occurs quite naturally when space at any place is insufficient to hold
+the entire object.
+In Lout, a footnote galley and its place of appearance are defined
+as follows:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @FootPlace { @Galley }"
+"def @FootNote into { @FootPlace&&following }"
+" right x"
+"{ x }"
+The @Code "@FootPlace" symbol contains the special symbol {@Code "@Galley"},
+indicating that it is a point of appearance for a galley. By placing
+invocations of @Code "@FootPlace" at the bottoms of pages, as in Section
+{@NumberOf recursion}, we define the desired points of appearance for
+footnotes. Symbols whose body contains @Code "@Galley" either directly
+or indirectly are called receptive symbols, meaning receptive to
+galleys, and they are expanded only on demand. The effect of the
+@Code "into" clause is to make each invocation of @Code "@FootNote" a
+galley whose object is the result of the invocation in the usual way,
+and whose sequence of points of appearance is specified by the @Code "into"
+clause; in this example, the sequence of all @Code "@FootPlace" symbols
+following the invocation point.
+Lout permits galleys to be invoked within other galleys to arbitrary
+depth, so that one may have footnotes within figures within the body
+text galley, for example, creating arbitrary static trees. Receptive
+symbols like @Code "@FootPlace" may appear within any galley, creating
+arbitrary dynamic trees as well. The root of the dynamic tree, which
+would normally consist of the sequence of pages of the complete assembled
+document, is considered to be a galley whose point of appearance is the
+output file. Points of appearance may be @Code preceding or @Code following
+the invocation point; entries in tables of contents are the main users
+of {@Code preceding}.
+The galley abstraction is adequate for all of the applications listed at
+the beginning of this section, except that there is no provision for
+sorting index entries and references. Sorting of galleys has been added
+to Lout as a built-in feature, invoked by adding a special @Code "@Key"
+parameter to the galleys, and using its value as the sort key. The author
+was at a loss to find any other way, or any useful generalization of this
+feature. Its implementation will be discussed in Section
+{@NumberOf cross.impl}.
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s5_2 b/doc/design/s5_2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a81630d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s5_2
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+ @Tag { flushing }
+ @Title { The galley flushing algorithm }
+Galley components are promoted one by one into the point of appearance in
+the dynamic parent galley, then carried along with it, ultimately to the
+root galley and the output file. This process is called @I galley
+{@I flushing}: the galleys are rivers running together to the sea, and
+each component is a drop of water.
+Here is a snapshot of a small dynamic tree, based on the @Code "@PageList"
+definitions of Section {@NumberOf recursion}:
+@ID @Fig {
+@I 10p @Font { output file } A:: @Box linestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@I 10p @Font { root galley }
+B:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline }
+@LittlePage {
+|0.5rt - 1 -
+//1.2vx &2m A small
+//1.2vx @Code "@Galley" * C:: @Box margin { 0.01c } linestyle { noline }
+//1rt @Code "@FootSect"
+@Box margin { 0.3c } 2.8c @Wide 8p @Font @Code "@PageList 2"
+//0.9c @I 10p @Font { body text }
+//0.2c D:: @Box margin { 0.3c } 2.8c @Wide 8p @Font paragraph
+// @Box margin { 0.3c } 2.8c @Wide 8p @Font { of text. }
+// @Box margin { 0.3c } 2.8c @Wide @Code 8p @Font "@Input"
+// @Arrow from { B@W } to { A@E }
+// @Arrow from { D@W } to { C@E }
+The components of the body text galley are lines, except for the special
+receptive symbol @Code "@Input" which is a placeholder for as yet unread
+input (Section {@NumberOf lookahead}). The components of the root galley are
+pages, except for the concluding unexpanded invocation of {@Code "@PageList"},
+which is an inexhaustible source of more pages, expanded on demand.
+The concrete data structure used by Basser Lout permits the galley
+flushing algorithm to navigate the dynamic tree and find significant
+features quickly:
+@ID 10p @Font @Fig maxlabels { 100 } {
+A:: @Ellipse @I { HEAD }
+@OneCol @OneRow {
+B:: @Ellipse @I { RECEIVING * }
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle B@W A@CIRCUM} } to { B@W }
+C:: @Ellipse @I { RECEPTIVE }
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle C@W A@CIRCUM} } to { C@W }
+D:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline }
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle D@NW A@CIRCUM} } to { D@NW }
+@LittlePage {
+|0.5rt - 1 -
+//1.2vx &2m A small
+//1.2vx E:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline } @Code "@Galley "
+//1rt F:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline } @Code "@FootSect "
+// @FunnyArrow arrow { forward } from { B@E } to { E@E }
+// @FunnyArrow arrow { forward } from { C@E } to { F@E }
+C:: @Ellipse @I { GAP }
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle C@W A@CIRCUM} } to { C@W }
+C:: @Ellipse @I { RECEPTIVE }
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle C@W A@CIRCUM} } to { C@W }
+D:: @Box margin { 0.3c } 2.8c @Wide 8p @Font @Code "@PageList 2"
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle D@NW A@CIRCUM} } to { D@NW }
+// @FunnyArrow from { C@E } to { D@W ++ { 1.8 cm 0 } }
+A:: @Ellipse @I { HEAD }
+& @Arrow from { B@E } to { A@W }
+@OneCol @OneRow {
+B:: @Box margin { 0.3c } 2.8c @Wide 8p @Font paragraph
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle B@W A@CIRCUM} } to { B@W }
+B:: @Ellipse @I { GAP }
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle B@W A@CIRCUM} } to { B@W }
+B:: @Box margin { 0.3c } 2.8c @Wide 8p @Font { of text. }
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle B@NW A@CIRCUM} } to { B@NW }
+B:: @Ellipse @I { GAP }
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle B@W A@CIRCUM} } to { B@W }
+B:: @Ellipse @I { RECEPTIVE }
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle B@W A@CIRCUM} } to { B@W }
+C:: @Box margin { 0.3c } 2.8c @Wide 8p @Font @Code "@Input"
+// @Arrow from { A@CTR ++ {A@CTR @Angle C@NW A@CIRCUM} } to { C@NW }
+// @FunnyArrow from { B@E } to { C@W ++ { 1.2 cm 0 } }
+Each galley has a @Eq { HEAD } node whose children are its component
+objects, separated by @Eq { GAP } nodes recording the inter-component
+Each component is preceded by zero or more @I {galley index nodes} of
+various types. Every receptive symbol has a @Eq { RECEPTIVE } index pointing
+to it, so that it can be found without searching through its
+component. If the symbol is currently the target of a galley, it has a
+@Eq { RECEIVING } index instead which is also linked to the incoming
+galley. Galleys that are currently without a target are linked to the
+dynamic tree by @Eq { UNATTACHED } galley indexes, either just after their
+most recent target if there has been one, or else at their point of
+Each galley should be thought of as a concurrent process, although the
+implementation in C uses coroutines implemented by procedures. A galley
+may promote its first component only if it has a target, sufficient space
+is available at the target to receive the component, and the component
+contains no receptive symbols. This last condition seems to be the key
+to galley synchronization: it forces a bottom-up promotion regime,
+preventing pages from flushing to output before text flushes into them,
+for example.
+Each galley contains a number of binary semaphores, shown as asterisks
+in our snapshots when set. At any given moment, a galley process is
+either running or else is suspended on one of its own semaphores. The
+@Eq { HEAD } node contains a semaphore which is set when the galley has tried
+to find a target and failed. Each receptive symbol has a semaphore
+which is set when that symbol is preventing the first component from
+being promoted.
+For example, in the snapshot at the beginning of this section, the root
+galley is suspended on the @Code "@Galley" symbol, but the text galley
+is running. It will suspend on the @Code "@Input" symbol after the
+first two components are promoted.
+Every galley {@I G}, be it a list of pages, body text, a footnote, or
+whatever, executes the following algorithm in parallel with every other
+1. Initially @I G is unattached. Search forwards or backwards from its
+@Eq { UNATTACHED } index as required, to find a receptive symbol @I S which
+can expand to reveal a target for {@I G}.
+2. If no @I S can be found, suspend on the attachment semaphore. Resume
+later from step 1.
+3. Expand @I S to reveal the target of {@I G}. Preserve {@I S}'s
+semaphore by moving it to the first receptive symbol within the
+expansion of {@I S}.
+4. Calculate the available width and height at the target, and if
+@I G is still a pure parse tree, use the environment attached to @I G
+and the style information from the target to evaluate @I G as in
+Section {@NumberOf functional}.
+5. Examine the components of @I G one by one. For each component there
+are three possibilities:
+@I ACCEPT. If the component fits into the available space, and has
+no other problems, then promote it into the target. If this is the
+first component promoted into this target, and @I G is a forcing
+galley (Section {@NumberOf lookahead}), delete every receptive symbol
+preceding the target in the parent galley. If @I G is the root galley,
+render the component on the output file and dispose it;
+@I REJECT. If the component is too large for the available space, or a
+@Eq { FOLLOWS } index (described below) forbids its promotion into this
+target, then detach @I G from the target. If this was the first component
+at this target, @I S has been a complete failure, so undo step 3 (Basser
+Lout is not able to undo step 4); otherwise delete the target. Return to
+step 1 and continue immediately;
+@I SUSPEND. If the component contains a receptive symbol, it cannot be
+promoted yet. If this symbol is the target of a galley that was written
+to an auxiliary file on a previous run, read in that galley and flush
+it. Otherwise suspend on the receptive symbol's semaphore; resume later
+from step 4.
+6. Terminate when the galley is empty.
+At various points in this algorithm, receptive symbols (and their
+semaphores) are deleted in the dynamic parent galley, possibly
+permitting it to resume flushing. When this happens, Basser Lout resumes
+the parent immediately after @I G suspends or terminates. Also,
+whenever a component is promoted, any child galleys connected to
+it by @Eq { UNATTACHED } indexes must be resumed, since these
+galleys may be able to find a target now. A good example of this
+situation occurs when a line of body text with one or more footnotes
+is promoted onto a page. Basser Lout gives priority to such children,
+suspending @I G while each is given a chance to flush.
+Basser Lout searches for the first target of @I G only in regions of the
+dynamic tree that will clearly precede or follow {@I G}'s invocation
+point in the final printed document, whichever is specified in the
+@Code into clause; subsequent targets are sought later in the same
+galley as the first. An exception to this rule, whose necessity will
+be made clear later, is that a first @Code following target will be
+sought within a dynamic sibling galley preceding {@I G}'s invocation
+@ID 10p @Font @Fig {
+@I { dynamic parent }
+@Box 2.8c @Wide 4.5c @High
+ //0.5c A:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline } @Code "@XTarget"
+ //1.0c C:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline } @Eq { UNATTACHED }
+ //1.3c @Code "@XTarget"
+B:: @Box margin {0c} linestyle {noline} @Code "X into { @XTarget&&following }"
+@Box 2.8c @Wide 1.5c @High { //0.8c @Code "@GTarget" }
+D:: @Box margin {0c} linestyle {noline} @Code "G into { @GTarget&&following }"
+@Box 2.8c @Wide 2.5c @High {}
+// @Arrow from { A@E ++ {0.2 cm 0} } to { B@W -- {0.2 cm 0} }
+// @Arrow from { C@E ++ {0.2 cm 0} } to { D@W -- {0.2 cm 0} }
+Here @I G will find the @Code "@GTarget" target within {@I X}. This is
+dangerous, since if the first component of @I G is then promoted via
+@I X into the first {@Code "@XTarget"} rather than into the second,
+{@I G}'s target will not appear later in the final printed document than
+its invocation point, as required by the @Code into clause.
+Accordingly, when such a target is chosen, two special galley indexes
+are inserted and linked together: a @Eq { PRECEDES } index at {@I G}'s
+invocation point, and a @Eq { FOLLOWS } index at the first component of
+{@I G}. The algorithm checks before promoting any @Eq { FOLLOWS } index
+that its promotion would not place it earlier than the corresponding
+@Eq { PRECEDES } index in the same galley, and rejects the component if
+it would. Since @Eq { PRECEDES } and @Eq { FOLLOWS } indexes are rarely used,
+this check can be implemented by linear search.
+When two components are separated by {@Code "/"}, as opposed to the more
+usual {@Code "//"}, each influences the horizontal position of the
+other. Because of this, the @I SUSPEND action is in fact taken if a
+receptive symbol occurs in any component separated from the first by
+{@Code "/"} operators only. Again, linear search forwards to the first
+{@Code "//"} suffices for this check.
+A good illustration of these unusual cases is afforded by the
+@Code "@Align" symbols from the standard DocumentLayout package. These
+are used to produce displayed equations, aligned on their equals signs
+despite being separated by arbitrary body text.
+The @Code "@Align" symbols are packaged neatly for the convenience of
+the non-expert user, but we will show just the essence of the
+implementation here. First, an @Code "@AlignList" galley is created
+which contains an infinite supply of @Code "@AlignPlace" receptive
+symbols separated by @Code "/" operators:
+@ID @Fig {
+@I { body text galley }
+@Box 2.8c @Wide 4.0c @High
+{ //1.5c
+ A:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline } @Code "@Galley"
+B:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline } @Code "@AlignList"
+@Box {
+ @Code "@AlignPlace"
+//1vx @Code "@AlignPlace"
+//1vx @Code "..."
+//1vx @Code "@EndAlignList"
+// @Arrow from { A@E ++ {0.2 cm 0} } to { B@W -- {0.2 cm 0} }
+Then equations like
+@ID @ShowMarks @Eq { f(x) ^= g(x) + 2 }
+are created and sent to @Code "@AlignPlace&&following" targets. They
+collect in the @Code "@AlignList" galley and are aligned there:
+@ID @Fig {
+@I { body text galley }
+@Box 2.8c @Wide 4.0c @High
+{ //1.5c
+ A:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline } @Code "@Galley"
+B:: @Box margin { 0c } linestyle { noline } @Code "@AlignList"
+@Box {
+ @Line linestyle { dashed } from { xmark ysize } to { xmark 0 }
+ {
+ @Eq { f(x) ^= g(x) + 2 }
+ /1vx @Eq { f(x) - g(x) ^= 2 }
+ /1vx @Code "..."
+ /1vx @Code "@EndAlignList"
+ }
+// @Arrow from { A@E ++ {0.2 cm 0} } to { B@W -- {0.2 cm 0} }
+The @Code "@AlignList" galley does not flush, because its first
+component is connected to a receptive symbol by @Code "/" operators.
+After the last equation, an empty forcing galley is sent to
+{@Code "@EndAlignList"}, deleting the two remaining receptive symbols from
+the @Code "@AlignList" galley and permitting it to flush. @Eq { FOLLOWS }
+indexes ensure that each equation finds a target placed in the body text
+just after its point of invocation, so the equations return, aligned, to
+approximately the points where they were invoked. Notice that the flushing
+of body text is suspended until the list of equations is completed, as it
+must be, since the horizontal position of the first equation cannot
+be known until the last equation is added to the list.
+Layout quality can occasionally be improved by rejecting a component
+that could be promoted -- for example, a component of body text that
+carries a footnote too large to fit on the current page. Since Lout
+does not specify how breaking decisions are made, beyond the basic
+constraints imposed by available space and @Code into clauses, in
+principle such high quality breaking could be added to the
+implementation with no change to the language. However, the
+generality of the galley flushing algorithm, and its already
+considerable complexity, make this a daunting problem in practice,
+although a fascinating one. @TeX [9], with its unnested
+set of `floating insertions' clearly identifiable as each page is begun,
+has the advantage in this respect.
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s5_3 b/doc/design/s5_3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ff9881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s5_3
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ @Tag { constraints }
+ @Title { Size constraints and size adjustments }
+The galley flushing algorithm needs to know the available width and
+height at each receptive symbol. These symbols may lie within
+arbitrarily complex objects, and they may compete with each other for
+available space (as body text and footnote targets do), so this
+information must be extracted from the tree structure when required.
+For example, consider the object
+@ID @Code "5i @Wide { a / b }"
+and suppose that the width of @Code { a } is @Eq { 1i, 2i } (@Eq {1i} to
+the left of the mark, @Eq { 2i } to the right). What then is the
+available width at {@Code { b }}? If we let the width of @Code b be
+@Eq {l,r}, we must have
+@ID @Eq { (1i up l) + (2i up r) <= 5i }
+with the @Eq {non up } (i.e. max) operations arising from mark
+alignment. Eliminating them gives
+@ID @OneRow @Eq {
+matrix {
+ { 1i + 2i ^<= 5i }
+mabove { l + 2i ^<= 5i }
+mabove { 1i + r ^<= 5i }
+mabove { l + r ^<= 5i }
+and since we assume that @Code a fits into the available space, the
+first inequality may be dropped, leaving
+@ID @OneRow @Eq {
+matrix {
+ { l ^<= 3i }
+mabove { l + r ^<= 5i }
+mabove { r ^<= 4i }
+Object @Code b may have width @Eq {l, r} for any @Eq { l } and
+@Eq { r } satisfying these inequalities, and no others.
+Here is another example:
+@ID @Code "5i @High { a /2ix b }"
+Assuming that @Code a has height @Eq {1i,1i}, the height @Eq {l, r} of
+@Code b must satisfy
+@ID @Eq { 1i + ((1i + l) up 2i) + r <= 5i }
+This time the @Eq { non up } operation arises from the mark-to-mark gap
+mode, which will widen the @Eq { 2i } gap if necessary to prevent
+@Code a and @Code b from overlapping. This inequality can be rewritten as
+@ID @OneRow @Eq {
+matrix {
+ { l ^<= infinity }
+mabove { l + r ^<= 3i }
+mabove { r ^<= 2i }
+In general, Lout is designed so that the available width or height at
+any point can be expressed by three inequalities of the form
+@ID @OneRow @Eq {
+matrix {
+ { l ^<= x }
+mabove { l + r ^<= y }
+mabove { r ^<= z }
+where @Eq {x }, @Eq {y} and @Eq {z} may be @Eq { infinity }. We
+abbreviate these three inequalities to @Eq { l, r <= x, y, z }, and we
+call @Eq {x, y, z} a {@I{size constraint}}.
+The two examples above showed how to propagate the size constraint
+@Eq { infinity, 5i, infinity } for
+@Code "a / b" down one level to the child {@Code b}. Basser Lout
+contains a complete set of general rules for all node types, too
+complicated to give here. Instead, we give just one example of how
+these rules are derived, using the object
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Eq {x sub 1} @Code "/" @Eq {x sub 2} @Code "/" @Eq {ldots} @Code
+"/" @Eq {x sub n}
+where @Eq { x sub j } has width @Eq { l sub j , r sub j } for all @Eq {j}.
+Suppose the whole object has width constraint @OneCol @Eq {X,Y,Z}, and we
+require the width constraint of {@Eq { x sub i }}. Let
+@Eq { L = max sub j ` l sub j } and @Eq { R = max sub j ` r sub j },
+so that @OneCol @Eq {L, R} is the width of the whole object. We assume
+@Eq {L, R <= X,Y,Z}. Then @Eq { x sub i } can be enlarged to any size
+@Eq { l sub i ` , r sub i } satisfying
+@ID @Eq { ( l sub i up L), ( r sub i up R) <= X, Y, Z }
+which expands to eight inequalities:
+@ID @OneRow @Eq {
+matrix {
+ { l sub i ^<= X }
+mabove { L ^<= X }
+mabove { l sub i + r sub i ^<= Y }
+mabove { l sub i + R ^<= Y }
+mabove { L + r sub i ^<= Y }
+mabove { L + R ^<= Y }
+mabove { r sub i ^<= Z }
+mabove { R ^<= Z }
+Three are already known, and slightly rearranging the others gives
+@ID @OneRow @Eq {
+matrix {
+ { l sub i ^<= X }
+mabove { l sub i ^<= Y - R }
+mabove { l sub i + r sub i ^<= Y }
+mabove { r sub i ^<= Z }
+mabove { r sub i ^<= Y - L }
+Therefore the width constraint of @Eq { x sub i } is
+@ID @Eq { min(X, Y-R), Y, min(Z, Y-L) }
+The size constraint of any node can be found by climbing the tree to a
+@I WIDE or @I HIGH node where the constraint is trivial, then propagating
+it back down to the node, and this is the function of procedure
+{@I Constrained} in Basser Lout.
+After some components have been promoted into a target, the sizes stored
+in its parent and higher ancestors must be adjusted to reflect the
+increased size. This is done by yet another set of recursive rules,
+upward-moving this time, which cease as soon as some ancestor's size
+does not change. These rules are embodied in procedure @I AdjustSize
+of Basser Lout. The adjustment must be done before relinquishing
+control to any other galley, but not after every component.
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s5_4 b/doc/design/s5_4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b91d7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s5_4
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ @Tag { lookahead }
+ @Title { The limited lookahead problem }
+Basser Lout assumes that there will be enough internal memory to hold
+the symbol table plus a few pages, but not an entire document. This
+section describes the consequent problems and how they were solved.
+Other interpreters, notably interactive editors running on virtual
+memory systems, would not necessarily need this assumption.
+Although Basser Lout can read and format any legal input, its memory
+consumption will be optimized when the bulk of the document resides in
+galleys whose targets can be identified at the moment they are
+encountered. Let us take the typical example of a root galley which
+is a list of pages, a @Code "@BodyText" galley targeted into the
+pages, @Code "@Chapter" galleys targeted into {@Code "@BodyText"},
+and @Code "@Section" galleys targeted into the @Code "@Chapter"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Chapter {"
+" @Section { ... }"
+" @Section { ... }"
+" ..."
+" @Section { ... }"
+"@Chapter {"
+" ..."
+Basser Lout is able to read and process such galleys one paragraph at
+a time (strictly, from one @Code "//" at the outer level of a galley
+to the next), as we now describe.
+When the parser encounters the beginning of a galley, like @Code "@Chapter"
+or {@Code "@Section"}, it initiates a new galley process. The special
+receptive symbol @Code "@Input" is substituted for the as yet
+unread right parameter of the galley. As each paragraph of the right
+parameter is read, it is deleted from the parse tree and injected into
+the galley's {@Code "@Input"}. The galley is then resumed. The parser
+thus acts as an extra
+concurrent process; it has low priority, so that input is read only when
+there is nothing else to do. Since galleys may be nested, a stack of
+@Code "@Input" symbols is needed, each with its own environment and
+style. If a galley is encountered for which a target is not immediately
+identifiable (a footnote, for example), it is read in its entirety and
+hung in pure parse tree form from an @I UNATTACHED index in the usual way,
+with an environment but without a style. It will be flushed later
+when its component is promoted.
+In addition to producing a steady flow of components from input, we must
+also ensure that receptive symbols do not unduly block their
+promotion. The @Code "@FootSect" symbol at the foot of each page is a
+typical example: until it is deleted the page cannot be printed.
+Receptive symbols are expanded only on demand, so @Code "@FootSect" can
+be deleted as soon as we can prove that it is not wanted. The symbol
+table can tell us that only @Code "@FootNote" galleys (with
+@Code "@FootPlace&&following" targets) want it, so it might be possible
+to deduce that @Code "@FootSect" may be deleted as soon as body text
+enters the following page.
+The author was unable to make this work, so Basser Lout requires the
+user to identify those galleys which will carry the bulk of the document
+({@Code "@Chapter"}, {@Code "@Section"}, {@Code "@BodyText"}) as
+{@I {forcing galleys}}, by writing @Code "force into" instead of
+@Code "into" in their definitions. As described in the previous
+section, when a forcing galley attaches to a target, all receptive
+symbols preceding the target in its galley are deleted, removing all
+impediments to flushing. For example, when a forcing body text galley
+enters a new page, the @Code "@FootSect" symbol on the preceding page
+will be deleted. It seems likely that a system which could afford to
+wait until all input was read before deleting any receptive symbols
+would not need forcing galleys.
+Galleys whose targets are a long way from their invocation points can be
+a problem. If the direction is {@Code "following"}, such galleys are
+held in internal memory for a long time, unless they are to be
+sorted. If the direction is
+{@Code "preceding"}, then either the entire intervening document must be
+held in memory (prevented by the target from flushing), or else some
+forcing galley prematurely deletes the target, leaving the galley bereft.
+The typical example of the latter case occurs when the galley is an
+entry in the table of contents, launched backwards from the beginning of
+a chapter or section. Its target in the table of contents will have
+been deleted long before, to permit the rest of the document to print,
+so the galley ultimately emerges as an unattached galley promoted out of
+the root galley. All such galleys are written to an auxiliary file,
+indexed by the missing target. On the next run, just before that target
+is deleted, the auxiliary file is checked and any galleys for it are
+read in and flushed.
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s5_5 b/doc/design/s5_5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af4d88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s5_5
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ @Tag { horizontal }
+ @Title { Horizontal galleys }
+There is a strong analogy between breaking a column of text into
+page-sized pieces, and breaking a paragraph into line-sized pieces. In
+fact, the two differ only in direction: vertical for body text,
+horizontal for paragraphs. In this section we define {@I{horizontal
+galleys}}, and show how they provide an unlimited number of paragraph
+breaking styles, as well as solve some other problems. Regrettably,
+lack of time has prevented their incorporation into the Basser Lout
+Imagine a galley whose components are separated by horizontal
+concatenation operators instead of vertical ones, perhaps indicated by a
+@Code { horizontally into } clause. Then all object breaking, including
+paragraph breaking, could be replaced by galley component promotion like
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Paragraph right x"
+" def @LinePlace { @Galley }"
+" def @LineList"
+" {"
+" @HExpand @LinePlace"
+" //1vx @LineList"
+" }"
+" def @Par horizontally into { @LinePlace&&preceding }"
+" right x"
+" { x }"
+" @LineList // @Par { 0.2i @Wide {} &0i x &1rt }"
+The @Code "@HExpand" operator, which is a primitive of Basser Lout,
+horizontally expands the gaps in its right parameter until the result
+fills the available space, thus implementing line adjustment, except
+when the parameter contains tabulation gaps like {@Code "&1rt"}, which
+cause the parameter to be already expanded. The result of
+@ID @Code "@Paragraph { A short paragraph of text. }"
+would then be something like
+@ID 1.5i @Wide {
+0.2i @Wide {} & A short paragraph of text.
+depending on the available horizontal space. An unlimited range of
+paragraph breaking styles could be defined, including ragged right, ragged
+left, break-and-center, and so on.
+In Basser Lout, indented paragraphs are produced by preceding them with
+a horizontal concatenation operator, for example {@Code "|0.5i"}. This
+has the unfortunate effect of making an indented paragraph into a single
+component of the enclosing galley, so that it will always be kept
+together on one page. Horizontal galleys solve this problem with a
+simple change to {@Code "@LineList"}:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @LineList"
+" |0.5i @HExpand @LinePlace"
+" //1vx @LineList"
+showing the flexibility that comes from bringing the full power of the
+Lout language to bear on paragraph layout. It is easy to make provision
+for a tag on the first line.
+Although Basser Lout permits receptive symbols within paragraphs, they
+are of little use, because their available width is calculated after
+paragraph breaking, and the incoming galley cannot spread over more than
+one line. With horizontal galleys, such symbols would have infinite
+available width, and we could easily produce a filled paragraph of
+footnotes like this:
+@ID 3.5i @Wide {
+@OneRow { -2p @Font 1 ^/0.3vo } & See Jones and Saunders (1982). &2m
+@OneRow { -2p @Font 2 ^/0.3vo } & Or so Jacobsen (1973) asserts. &2m
+@OneRow { -2p @Font 3 ^/0.3vo } & {@I ibid}, p. 327.
+based on an infinite horizontal sequence of @Code "@FootPlace" symbols
+inside a horizontal galley.
+When body text is placed on pages, the length of each column varies
+depending on the available vertical space. Horizontal galleys could
+analogously produce lines of varying length, and so could fill
+non-rectangular shapes.
+An important theoretical benefit of horizontal galleys is that they
+would permit horizontal and vertical to be treated in a perfectly
+symmetrical way, whereas at present paragraph breaking is horizontal
+only, and galley breaking is vertical only. This must simplify the
+treatment of non-European languages which fill in unusual directions,
+although it is not itself sufficient to implement them.
+There are a few minor problems with horizontal galleys. First, the
+syntactic overhead of enclosing each paragraph in @Code "@Paragraph { ... }"
+or whatever is unacceptable. Permitting user-defined operators to have lower
+precedence than the white space between two words might help here. Second,
+the built-in paragraph breaker includes hyphenation, and it permits line
+breaks in the input to determine line breaks in the output, if
+desired. These features must somehow be preserved. Finally, we have
+explained how the Basser Lout interpreter assigns equal width to the
+wider columns of tables (Section {@NumberOf style}). The equivalent
+situation in vertical galleys occurs when two receptive symbols compete
+for vertical space (e.g. @Code "@TextPlace" and {@Code "@FootSect"}),
+and there it is conventional to grant as much as required to the first
+arrival. It is not clear to the author how these different approaches
+can be reconciled.
+@End @SubSection
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648a1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s5_9
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@End @Section
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07fb62e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s6_0
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ @Title { Cross references }
+Cross references, such as `see page 57' and `see Figure 5,' are a useful
+but highly error-prone feature of documents. Scribe [7]
+introduced a method of keeping them up to date automatically as the
+document changes: the user gives each referenced entity a tag, and
+operators are provided that return the page or sequence number of the
+entity with a given tag.
+A cross reference takes an object (such as a page number) from one point
+in the document and copies it to another, and this generalization
+suggests other applications. For example, a running header is copied
+from the title of a nearby chapter, and a reference is copied from a
+bibliographic database. Making the unity of these applications manifest
+is an interesting language design problem.
diff --git a/doc/design/s6_1 b/doc/design/s6_1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ffc70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s6_1
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ @Tag { cross }
+ @Title { The cross reference abstraction }
+In developing the cross reference abstraction, it seemed best to begin
+with the database application, since it is the simplest. Database
+relations are naturally mapped into Lout definitions:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Reference"
+" named @Tag {}"
+" named @Author {}"
+" named @Title {}"
+" named @Journal {}"
+The set of all invocations of @Code "@Reference" is a relation whose
+attributes are the parameters, and whose tuples are the invocations. To
+complete the correspondence, we need only declare that the @Code "@Tag"
+parameter is special, serving as the key attribute.
+Following the database model, we next need a notation for retrieving the
+invocation with a given tag:
+@ID @Code "@Reference&&kingston91"
+This @I {cross reference} is like an arrow pointing to the invocation. To
+access its attributes, we write
+@ID @Code "@Reference&&kingston91 @Open { @Author, @Title }"
+The @Code "@Open" operator evaluates its right parameter in an
+environment which includes the exported parameters of its left.
+An invocation is chosen to be a running header because of its proximity
+to the place where it is used, rather than by its tag. Such proximity
+is naturally expressed by two special tags, {@Code preceding} and
+{@Code following}; for example, @Code "@Sym&&following" will point to
+the closest following invocation of @Code "@Sym" in the final printed
+document. This is much simpler conceptually than reference to the
+internal state of the document formatter at a critical moment, the usual
+approach to running headers.
+It turns out that the above design solves all the cross referencing
+problems encountered in practice except one, which may be typified by
+the problem of finding the number of the page on which the chapter whose
+tag is @Code "intro" begins. Two cross referencing steps are needed,
+first to {@Code "@Chapter&&intro"}, then from there to
+{@Code "@Page&&preceding"}, where the page number is known.
+Given our success so far, this last problem proves to be
+surprisingly difficult. We first try
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Chapter&&intro @Open {"
+" @Page&&preceding @Open { @PageNum }"
+but this fails because @Code "@Page&&preceding" is evaluated in the
+present context, not in the context of @Code "@Chapter&&intro" as
+required. So our next attempt is
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Chapter"
+" named @PageNum { @Page&&preceding @Open { @PageNum } }"
+" ..."
+with the @Code "@Page&&preceding" cross reference attached to the
+chapter; we write
+@ID @Code "@Chapter&&intro @Open { @PageNum }"
+This also fails, because parameters are evaluated after substitution, so
+once again @Code "@Page&&preceding" is evaluated in the wrong context. We
+could of course define a new operator specifically for this case:
+@ID @Code "@Page&&{ @Preceding @Chapter&&intro }"
+or some such. This is free of the annoying context-sensitivity, but it
+seems quite complex, and the expected cross reference @Code "@Page&&preceding"
+does not appear.
+The author was lost in these obscurities for some time, and ultimately
+rescued himself by looking ahead to the implementation of the
+@Code preceding and @Code following tags, to see if a simple extension
+of it would solve the problem. This led to the @Code "@Tagged" operator:
+@ID @Code "@Page&&preceding @Tagged intro"
+placed at the beginning of the body of the chapter will attach @Code intro
+as an extra tag to the closest preceding invocation of {@Code "@Page"},
+so that
+@ID @Code "@Page&&intro @Open { @PageNum }"
+yields the desired page number. There is something low-level and ad hoc
+about the @Code "@Tagged" operator, but the two cross references do
+appear naturally, and it works.
+@End @SubSection
diff --git a/doc/design/s6_2 b/doc/design/s6_2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2df5478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s6_2
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ @Tag { cross.impl }
+ @Title { Implementation of cross references }
+Before an object can be sized and printed, the values of any cross
+references within it must be known. If they refer to invocations that
+have not yet been read, there is a problem. Scribe [7]
+solves it by capitalizing on the fact that documents are formatted
+repeatedly during the drafting process. All tagged invocations are
+copied to an auxiliary file during the first run, and indexed for quick
+retrieval on the second. A new auxiliary file is written during the second
+run, for retrieval on the third, and so on. Cross references always lag
+one run behind the rest of the document; a perfect copy may be produced
+by formatting the same version twice, except in a few pathological cases
+that fail to converge.
+Cross referencing in Lout is implemented on top of a simple database
+system. Each database is either writable or readable but not both at
+once, and holds a set of key-value entries: the keys are @S ASCII
+strings, and the values are Lout objects, possibly with environments,
+written in Lout source. Operations are provided for writing an entry,
+converting from writable to readable, retrieval by key, and sequential
+retrieval in key order.
+The implementation, which is quite unsophisticated, employs one or more
+@S ASCII {@I{ database files}}, containing the values, and one @S ASCII
+{@I{ index file}} per database, containing the keys. To write an entry,
+the value is first appended to a database file, then a line like
+@ID @Code "@Chapter&&intro ch1.ld 57"
+is appended to the index file, giving the file and offset where the value
+is stored. To convert from writable to readable, the index file is
+sorted. Then retrieval by key requires a binary search of the index
+file and one seek into a database file, and sequential retrieval by key
+is trivial.
+This database system is used in several ways. For an external database,
+say of bibliographic references, the user creates the database file of
+values (without environments), Lout creates the index file whenever it
+cannot find one, and retrievals by key proceed as usual. Cross
+references with tags other than @Code preceding and @Code following are
+treated as described above, by writing all tagged invocations (with
+environments) to a single database, which is converted to readable at
+the end of the run for retrievals on the next run. Sorted galleys, such
+as index entries, are written out indexed by target and key and retrieved
+sequentially on the next run. Unsorted galleys with preceding targets
+which pop off the top of the root galley without finding a target, such
+as entries in tables of contents, are treated similarly, except that they
+are indexed by target and a sequence number that preserves their relative
+order during the sort.
+When Lout processes a multi-file document, one cross reference database
+file is written for each input file, but they share a common index
+file. At end of run, the new index file is sorted and merged with the
+old one in such a way as to preserve entries relating to files not read
+on the current run. This provides some support for piecemeal
+formatting, but eventually the files must all be formatted together.
+When a @Code preceding or @Code following cross reference is found,
+it is attached to a galley index of type @Eq { CROSS_PREC } or
+{@Eq { CROSS_FOLL }}, together with an automatically generated tag composed
+of the current file name and a sequence number. When a tagged
+invocation is found, it is attached to a @Eq { CROSS_TARG } index. These
+galley indexes are carried along through the dynamic tree, and
+eventually pop off the top of the root galley, at which point it is easy
+to determine which cross references refer to which invocations, since
+the indexes are now in final printed document order. Each referenced
+invocation is then written to the cross reference database, multiply indexed
+by the generated tags of the associated cross references. On the next
+run, when the same @Code preceding and @Code following cross references
+are found, chances are good that the same tags will be generated, and
+the appropriate values can be retrieved from the database immediately.
+This approach was the genesis of the @Code "@Tagged" operator, whose
+implementation is now immediate: for each @Code "@Tagged" operator we
+produce one @Eq { CROSS_PREC } or @Eq { CROSS_FOLL } galley index,
+replacing the generated tag with the right parameter of the @Code "@Tagged"
+operator. Nothing more is required.
+@End @SubSection
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index 0000000..648a1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s6_9
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@End @Section
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/s7_0
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ @Title { Conclusion }
+Since its public release in October 1991, the Basser Lout interpreter
+has been ported without incident to a wide variety of Unix systems and
+hardware. It was tested extensively before release on its own
+documentation, and the few minor bugs which have emerged since then have
+all been fixed in the second release, scheduled to appear in mid-1992.
+Seven substantial packages of definitions are distributed with Basser
+Lout. The DocumentLayout package, and its variants ReportLayout and
+BookLayout, provide the standard features that all documents
+require: pages, columns, paragraphs, headings, footnotes, floating
+figures and tables, chapters and sections, displays and lists, access
+to bibliographic databases, cross references, and so on
+[11]. The BookLayout package has extra features
+needed by books, including an automatically generated table of contents,
+Roman page numbers for the prefatory material, running page headers,
+odd and even page layouts, and a sorted index. The Eq package formats
+equations, and Pas formats Pascal programs [10]; Tab
+formats tables [12]; and Fig draws figures
+The non-expert user who uses these packages perceives a system of a
+standard quite similar to other fully developed batch formatters,
+although the interface is considerably more coherent than, say, the troff
+family's [8]. The expert user perceives a system which
+is radically different from previous ones, in which a great deal can be
+achieved very quickly. To take an extreme example, Pas was designed,
+implemented, tested, and documented in one afternoon. Eq took about
+a week, but most of that time was spent in marshalling the vast
+repertoire of mathematical symbols, and fine-tuning the spacing. Most
+of the effort seems to go into designing a good interface; most symbols
+are implemented in just one or a few lines of Lout.
+A group of about 20 satisfied non-expert users has grown up within
+the author's department, mainly Honours students with no investment
+in older systems to hold them back. Basser Lout has been advertised
+on the Internet news as available via anonymous {@I ftp}, so the
+extent of its outside user community is hard to gauge. About 50
+people have mailed comments or questions to the author; many
+of these people have ported the program, written small definitions,
+and modified the standard packages.
+Future work could usefully begin with the improvements suggested in this
+paper: overlapping spanning columns, better semantics for available
+space, and especially horizontal galleys. Support for non-European
+languages is also needed. However, the main task is the development of
+an interactive document editor based on Lout. A structure editor similar
+to Lilac [13], which already has objects and user-defined
+symbols, is envisaged; since cross references are easy when the whole
+document is available, the only major new problem is the treatment of
+galleys, including the expansion and retraction of receptive symbols.
+@B { Note. } Since the above was written the author has completed a
+revised version of Basser Lout, in which the problem concerning
+available space mentioned in Section {@NumberOf style} has been resolved.
+@B { Acknowledgment. } The author gratefully acknowledges many
+valuable discussions with Douglas W. Jones, especially during the
+development of the galley abstraction; and also many helpful comments on
+presentation by the anonymous referee.
+@Heading { References }
+@LI @RefPrint kingston91
+@LI @RefPrint kingston91over
+@LI @RefPrint kingston91basser
+@LI @RefPrint furuta82
+@LI @RefPrint kernighan75
+@LI @RefPrint kingston91fig
+@LI @RefPrint reid80
+@LI @RefPrint ossanna76
+@LI @RefPrint knuth84
+@LI @RefPrint kingston91eq
+@LI @RefPrint kingston91begin
+@LI @RefPrint kingston91tab
+@LI @RefPrint brooks91
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/README b/doc/expert/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b9c3e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Directory lout/doc/expert
+This directory contains the Lout source files
+for the Expert's Guide to the Lout Document
+Formatting System. To produce the Guide, type
+the command
+ lout all > outfile.ps
+in this directory. This must be done five times to
+completely resolve all cross references, although
+the PostScript file outfile.ps is printable after
+the first run. Auxiliary files with .li and .ld
+suffixes will be created in this directory. A
+copy of the final outfile.ps is included. There
+should be no warning messages on the fifth run.
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+!7 September 1999
diff --git a/doc/expert/all b/doc/expert/all
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46471c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/all
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+@SysInclude { eq }
+@SysInclude { tab }
+@SysInclude { fig }
+@SysInclude { book }
+@SysDatabase @Reference { loutrefs }
+ @Title { An Expert's Guide to the
+Document Formatting System }
+ @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
+ @Edition { Version 3.17
+September, 1999 }
+ @Publisher { @I { @CopyRight Copyright 1991, 1999, Jeffrey
+H. Kingston, Basser Department of Computer Science, The University
+of Sydney 2006, Australia.} }
+ @InitialLanguage { English }
+ @OptimizePages { Yes }
+@Include { preface }
+@Include { pri }
+@Include { det }
+@Include { pre }
+@Include { exa }
diff --git a/doc/expert/det b/doc/expert/det
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0018d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ @Title { Details }
+ @Tag { details }
+@Include { det_lexi }
+@Include { det_name }
+@Include { det_visi }
+@Include { det_filt }
+@Include { det_prec }
+@Include { det_size }
+@Include { det_gall }
+@Include { det_sort }
+@Include { det_hori }
+@Include { det_opti }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/expert/det_filt b/doc/expert/det_filt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d5405d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_filt
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ @Title { Filtered right and body parameters }
+ @Tag { filters }
+A right or body parameter may be filtered by some other computer
+program before being included by Lout. As an example of such a program
+we will use the Unix @Code sort command:
+@ID @Code "sort -o outfile infile"
+This causes file @Code outfile to contain a sorted copy of file
+{@Code infile}. We incorporate this into a Lout definition as follows:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Sort"
+" named @Options {}"
+" right x"
+" def @Filter { sort @Options -o @FilterOut @FilterIn }"
+" lines @Break x"
+The presence within @Code "@Sort" of a definition of a symbol called
+@Code "@Filter" tells Lout that the right parameter of @Code "@Sort"
+is to be filtered before inclusion. When @Code "@Sort" is invoked,
+@Code "@Filter" is evaluated and its value executed as a system
+command. In addition to the symbols ordinarily available within the
+body of {@Code "@Filter"}, there are three others:
+@TI { @Code "@FilterIn" } {
+the name of a file which will, at the time the system command is
+executed, contain the actual right or body parameter of the
+symbol, exactly as it appears in the input file;
+@TI { @Code "@FilterOut" } {
+the name of a file of Lout text whose contents Lout will read after
+the system command has finished, as a replacement for what was put
+into file {@Code "@FilterIn"};
+@TI { @Code "@FilterErr" } {
+the name of a file that Lout will attempt to read after the system
+command has finished, containing error messages produced by the
+command that Lout will pass on to the user as non-fatal errors. Use
+of this file is optional.
+It is a fatal error for the system command to return a non-zero status.
+Now the @Code sort command has options @Code -u for deleting duplicate
+lines, and @Code -r for reversing the sorting order. So the result of
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Options { -r -u }"
+"Austen, Jane"
+"Dickens, Charles"
+"Eliot, George"
+"Hardy, Thomas"
+"Bront{@Char edieresis}, Charlotte"
+@ID @OneRow lines @Break
+Hardy, Thomas
+Eliot, George
+Dickens, Charles
+Bront{@Char edieresis}, Charlotte
+Austen, Jane
+Unlike all the other examples in this manual, this output
+is simulated. This was done so that the ability to format this
+manual is not dependent on the existence of the Unix {@Code "sort"}
+command, and it highlights the fact that filtered actual parameters
+are by their nature of uncertain portability.
+There is no need for an actual filtered parameter to obey the lexical
+rules of Lout, since it is passed directly to the other program. However,
+Lout must be able to work out where the parameter ends, which gives
+rise to the following rules. As with a body parameter, a symbol
+@Code "@Sym" with a filtered parameter must be invoked in either the
+form @Code "@Sym { ... }" or the form {@Code "@Sym @Begin ... @End @Sym"},
+plus options as usual. In the former case, braces within the
+actual parameter must match; in the latter case, the actual parameter
+may not contain {@Code "@End"}.
+If an actual filtered parameter contains @@Include, this is taken to
+begin a Lout @@Include directive in the usual form (Section
+{@NumberOf include}):
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Sort {"
+"Austen, Jane"
+"@Include { authors }"
+"Hardy, Thomas"
+The included file becomes part of {@Code "@FilterIn"}, but any braces,
+@@Include, or @@End within it are not noticed by Lout.
+The first character of file @Code "@FilterIn" will be the first
+non-white space character following the opening @Code "{" or @@Begin,
+or the first character of an included file if @@Include comes first. The
+second-last character of file @Code "@FilterIn" will be the last non-white
+space character preceding the closing @Code "}" or {@Code "@End @Sym"},
+or the last character of an included file if @@Include comes last. One
+newline character is always appended and is the last character of file
+{@Code "@FilterIn"}. This effects a compromise between the Lout convention,
+that spaces following @Code "{" or preceding @Code "}" are not significant,
+with the Unix convention that all text files end with a newline character.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/det_gall b/doc/expert/det_gall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e68d58f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_gall
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ @Title { Galleys and targets }
+ @Tag { targets }
+The behaviour of galleys and their targets, as described in Section
+galley.feature.in.detail @SubIndex { in detail }
+targets.in.detail @SubIndex { in detail }
+{@NumberOf galleys}, can be summarized in three laws:
+{@I {First Law}}: The first target is the closest invocation of the
+target symbol, either preceding or following the invocation point of the
+galley as required, which has sufficient space to receive the first
+{@I {Second Law}}: Each subsequent target is the closest invocation of
+the target symbol, following the previous target and lying within the same
+galley, which has sufficient space to receive the first remaining component;
+{@I {Third Law}}: A receptive symbol that does not receive at least one
+component of any galley is replaced by @@Null.
+The terms `closest,' `preceding,' and `following' refer to position in
+the final printed document. This section explains the operation of
+these laws in Basser Lout.
+When a galley cannot be fitted into just one target, Lout must find
+points in the galley where it can be split in two. The object lying
+between two neighbouring potential split points is called a @I component
+component @Index { Components of a galley }
+of the galley. By definition, a component cannot be split.
+To determine the components of a galley, expand all symbols other than
+recursive and receptive ones, discard all @@Font, @@Break, @@Space,
+@@SetColor, @@SetColour, and @@Language symbols, perform paragraph
+breaking as required, and discard all redundant braces. Then view the
+galley as a sequence of one or more objects separated by vertical
+concatenation symbols; these are the components and split points,
+except that concatenation symbols whose gaps are unbreakable
+(Section {@NumberOf concatenation}) are not eligible to be split
+points. For example, given the definition
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Section into { @SectionPlace&&preceding }"
+" named @Title {}"
+" right @Body"
+" 15p @Font { @Title //0.7f }"
+" //"
+" @Body"
+the galley
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Introduction }"
+"{ This is a subject that really"
+"needs no introduction. }"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"This is a subject that really needs"
+"no introduction."
+with four components. If @Code "@Body" had been preceded by @Code "|1.0c" in
+the definition, the result would have been
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"|1.0c { This is a subject that really needs //1vx no introduction. }"
+with @Code "//1vx" buried within one component and hence not a
+potential split point. If @Code "0.7f" had been {@Code "0.7fu"},
+the gap would have been unbreakable and @Code "//0.7fu" would not
+have been a potential split point.
+Version 3.03 has liberalized this somewhat in the following way. When
+a component consists of a horizontal sequence of two or more objects
+@Eq { A sub 1 ,..., A sub n } separated by @Code "|" (not {@Code "||"},
+not {@Code "&"}), Lout will investigate the component to see whether
+it can be broken up. It looks at each @Eq { A sub i } to see whether it
+is a vertical concatenation of objects @Eq { A sub i1 ,..., A sub im }; if
+two or more of the @Eq { A sub i } satisfy this condition, the component
+will not be broken up. So now suppose we have just one @Eq { A sub i }
+which is a vertical concatenation. Lout will break the component into
+one component for each of the @Eq { A sub i1 ,..., A sub im }, provided
+that they are separated by @Code "//" symbols (not {@Code "/"}), and
+provided this can be done without introducing any apparent change into
+the appearance of the component (this second rule will be satisfied if
+the other @Eq { A sub j } are not very large). The example above
+satisfies all these rules and will be broken up into two components,
+so the @Code "//1vx" becomes a potential split point after all.
+The lines of a paragraph become separate components if the paragraph
+occupies an entire component before breaking; otherwise they are
+enclosed in a @@OneRow symbol within one component. The same is true of
+incoming components of other galleys. If a @@Galley symbol occupies an
+entire component by the rules above, then the incoming components that
+replace it become components of their new home:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col lines @Break B ! @Col @Code C }
+ A {
+"An example"
+ B {
+@Eq { ==> }
+ C {
+"An example"
+"Incoming components"
+"from some other galley"
+Otherwise the incoming components are grouped within a @@OneRow symbol
+and lie within one component.
+This distinction has a marked effect on the vertical concatenation
+b.unit.use @SubIndex { use in @Code "//1.1b" }
+symbol {@Code "//1.1b"}, which calls for more space than is available
+(Section {@NumberOf concatenation}). There is no room for this symbol
+within any component, so it will force a split and be discarded in that
+case. But it can be promoted to between two components.
+Components may be separated by @Code "/" as well as by {@Code "//"},
+giving rise to column mark alignment between adjacent components:
+@ID @ShowVMark {
+@HContract @GreyBox { 1c @Wide ^| 1c @Wide 0.6c @High }
+@HContract @GreyBox { 2c @Wide 0.6c @High }
+@HContract @GreyBox { 0.5c @Wide ^| 0.8c @Wide 0.6c @High }
+When aligned components are promoted into different targets, the meaning
+of alignment becomes very doubtful. For example, what if the targets
+mark.alignment.in.detail @SubIndex { in detail }
+are in different columns of one page, or what if one lies within
+{@Code "90d @Rotate"}?
+The truth is that @Code "/" causes all the objects that share a mark to
+have equal width:
+@ID @ShowVMark {
+@TightBox @HContract @GreyBox { 1c @Wide ^| 1c @Wide 0.6c @High }
+@TightBox @HContract @GreyBox { 2c @Wide 0.6c @High }
+@TightBox @HContract @GreyBox { 0.5c @Wide ^| 0.8c @Wide 0.6c @High }
+This is a consequence of the `as wide as possible' rule (Section
+{@NumberOf size}). Mark alignment occurs {@I incidentally}, whenever
+the fragments are placed into similar contexts.
+In this connection we must also consider the special case of a @@Galley
+symbol which shares its column mark with some other object:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+(The @@Galley may or may not occupy an entire component; that doesn't
+matter here.) If incoming components are separated by @Code "//" rather
+than by {@Code "/"}, the meaning is so doubtful that this is forbidden. In
+fact, a galley whose components replace such a @@Galley must have a
+single column mark running its full length; that is, its components must
+all share a single column mark. This mark will be merged with the
+column mark passing through each @@Galley that these components replace;
+all the objects on the resulting merged mark will have equal width.
+The root galley, where everything collects immediately prior to output,
+root.galley.in.detail @SubIndex { in detail }
+is created automatically, not by a definition. Its target is the output
+file, and its object is the entire input, which typically looks like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Text {"
+" Body text of the document ..."
+where @Code "@PageList" expands to a sequence of pages containing
+@Code "@TextPlace" symbols (see Section {@NumberOf definitions}), and
+@Code "@Text" is a galley:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @TextPlace { @Galley }"
+"def @Text into { @TextPlace&&preceding }"
+" right x"
+" x"
+The spot vacated by a galley -- its invocation point -- becomes a @@Null
+object, so this root galley is effectively @Code "@PageList" alone, as
+required. The @Code "@Text" galley will find its first target preceding
+its invocation point, within {@Code "@PageList"}.
+Printing {@PageMark rootg} the root galley on the output file is
+somewhat problematical,
+root.galley.printing @SubIndex { printing of }
+because Lout has no way of knowing how large the paper is. Basser Lout
+simply prints one root galley component per page (except it skips
+components of height zero), and the user is responsible for ensuring
+that each component is page-sized. Gaps between root galley
+components, even unbreakable ones, have no effect on the result.
+Basser Lout will promote a component only after any receptive symbols
+components.promotion @SubIndex { promotion of }
+promotion @Index { Promotion of components }
+within it have been replaced, either by galleys or by @@Null, since
+until then the component is not complete. A component which shares a
+mark with following components is held up until they are all complete,
+since until then their width is uncertain.
+Consider a page with @Code "@TextPlace" and @Code "@FootSect" receptive
+symbols. The rule just given will prevent the page from being printed
+until @Code "@TextPlace" is replaced by body text, quite rightly; but
+@Code "@FootSect" will also prevent its printing, even when there are no
+Basser Lout is keen to write out pages as soon as possible, to save memory,
+and it cannot afford to wait forever for non-existent footnotes. A variant
+of the galley concept, called a @I {forcing galley},
+forcing.galley @Index { Forcing galley } {@PageMark forcing}
+is introduced to solve this problem. A forcing galley is defined like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Text force into { @TextPlace&&preceding }"
+" ..."
+and so on. When such a galley replaces a @@Galley symbol, Lout replaces
+every receptive symbol preceding the @@Galley by @@Null, thus ensuring that
+as soon as text enters a page, for example, everything up to and including
+the preceding page can be printed. This does not take care of the very last
+page, but Basser Lout replaces all receptive symbols by @@Null when it realizes
+that its input has all been read, thus allowing the last page to print.
+A forcing galley causes the Third Law to be applied earlier than
+expected, and this creates two problems. First, the replacement by
+@@Null may be premature: a galley may turn up later wanting one of the
+defunct targets. Such galleys (entries in tables of contents are
+typical examples) are copied into the cross reference database and read
+in during the next run just before their targets are closed, and so they
+find their targets in the end. Care must be taken to ensure that
+large galleys such as chapters and sections do not have defunct targets,
+since the cost of copying them to and from the database is unacceptably high.
+It is actually an over-simplification to say that these replacements
+occur when the forcing galley replaces its @@Galley. What really happens
+is that from this moment on Lout understands that it has the right to make
+these replacements, and it will do each one at the first moment when not
+doing it would hold things up. So there is a short period of grace when
+galleys, such as the entries in tables of contents just alluded to,
+can sneak into these receptive symbols.
+The @Code "into" and @Code "force into" forms are actually just abbreviations
+for the true way that galleys are defined, which
+is by giving the symbol that is to be a galley a parameter or nested
+target.sym @Index { @Code "@Target" symbol }
+definition with the special name {@Code "@Target"}:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Text"
+" right x"
+" def @Target { @TextPlace&&preceding }"
+" x"
+A forcing galley is obtained by using @Code "&&&" instead of
+{@Code "&&"}. @Code "@Target" may be an arbitrary object,
+provided that it yields such a cross reference when evaluated. In
+this way, different invocations may have different targets.
+The forcing galley effect can be obtained in another way, by replacing
+the @Code "@Galley" symbol to which the galley is attached by
+{@Code "@ForceGalley"}. The advantage of this form is that the galley
+can then be forcing at some places and not at others, using the formula
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @SomePlace right x"
+" x @Case {"
+" noforce @Yield @Galley"
+" force @Yield @ForceGalley"
+" }"
+Now a galley may have @Code "@SomePlace" for its target, and if it
+happens to attach to
+@ID @Code "@SomePlace force"
+it will have the effect of a forcing galley, while if it happens to
+attach to
+@ID @Code "@SomePlace noforce"
+it will not.
+Although it doesn't matter whether a galley is declared as a forcing
+galley or merely arrives at a {@Code "@ForceGalley"} symbol from the
+point of view of the effect on nearby targets, there is one way in
+which Lout treats the two cases differently. If a forcing galley's
+first component does not fit into the available space, that component
+will be scaled vertically until it does. The rationale for this is
+that forcing galleys are meant to carry the bulk of the document and
+cannot afford to be held up because the user has inadvertently included
+an over-high component, which for all Lout knows to the contrary may
+not fit on any page. If this scaling is not wanted but forcing is,
+the galley may be declared not forcing but all its targets may be set
+to contain {@Code "@ForceGalley"}.
+Within a galley, a symbol whose name is @@Enclose has a special
+enclose.sym @Index @@Enclose
+meaning: when components of the galley replace a @@Galley or @@ForceGalley
+symbol, that symbol is first replaced by @@Enclose @@Galley or
+@@Enclose @@ForceGalley. For example,
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Enclose"
+" right x"
+" @Box x"
+within some galley definition causes each @@Galley or @@ForceGalley
+symbol that receives components of the galley to be replaced by
+{@Code "@Box @Galley"} or {@Code "@Box @ForceGalley"}, assuming an
+appropriate definition of @Code "@Box". This is useful, for example,
+when producing multi-page boxed displays, figures, and tables.
+An @@Enclose symbol may have only one parameter, which must be a
+right parameter. It would not make sense to allow more parameters,
+since there is no suitable value to assign to them. However, the
+@@Enclose symbol may contain inner definitions, and it may make use
+of any symbol that is available at that point, in the usual way.
+A @Code "following" galley may fail to find a first target lying in a
+following component of the same galley as its invocation point. This is
+a deficiency of Basser Lout, which occurs if the target has not been
+read from input at the time the galley tries to find it. A workaround
+is to use a @Code "preceding" galley instead, defined like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @AGalley into { @AGalleyPlace&&preceding }"
+" right @Body"
+" //1.1b"
+" @Body"
+and invoked like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@AGalleyPlace | @AGalley { content of galley }"
+The first @Code "@AGalleyPlace" receives only the initial empty object,
+since the @Code "//1.1b" forces a split; and the Second Law puts Basser
+Lout on the right track thereafter.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/det_hori b/doc/expert/det_hori
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad81dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_hori
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ @Title { Horizontal galleys }
+ @Tag { horizontal }
+All the galleys so far have been @I { vertical galleys }: galleys
+whose components are separated by vertical concatenation symbols. There
+are also horizontal galleys, whose components are separated by the
+horizontal concatenation operator @Code "&" (or equivalently, by
+spaces). These work in the same way as vertical galleys, except for
+the change of direction. For example, the following defines the
+equivalent of an ordinary outdented paragraph, except that an option
+is provided for varying the size of the outdent:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @OutdentPar"
+" named outdent { 2f }"
+" right x"
+" def @ParPlace { @Galley }"
+" def @LineList"
+" {"
+" outdent @Wide {} | @PAdjust @ParPlace"
+" //1vx @LineList"
+" }"
+" def @ParGalley force horizontally into { @ParPlace&&preceding }"
+" right x"
+" {"
+" x"
+" }"
+" @PAdjust @ParPlace"
+" // @ParGalley { x &1rt }"
+" //1vx @LineList"
+Notice the use of @Code "&1rt" to cancel the effect of @Code "@PAdjust"
+on the last line of the paragraph. This definition has a problem in
+that there will be a concluding unexpanded @Code "@LineList" symbol
+which will hold up promotion of the enclosing galley; this problem
+may be fixed by the same method used to end a list.
+In an ideal world, there would be nothing further to say about horizontal
+galleys. However there are a few differences which arise from various
+practical considerations and limitations. Perhaps some day a more
+perfect symmetry will be implemented.
+Each vertical galley has a fixed finite width, and every component is
+broken to that width. This is needed basically to trigger paragraph
+breaking. However, there is no equivalent of paragraph breaking in
+the vertical direction, so horizontal galleys do not have any particular
+fixed height. Instead, each component has its own individual height.
+When two objects are separated by {@Code "/"}, they
+are assigned the same width (Section {@NumberOf targets}), and
+this holds true even if the two objects are subsequently separated
+by being promoted into different targets. For example, two aligned
+equations will have the same width, and hence their alignment will be
+preserved, even if they appear in different columns or pages. However,
+even though @Code "&" aligns the marks of its two parameters, it does
+not assign them a common height. This means that the height of any
+component of a horizontal galley promoted into one target does not
+affect the height consumed by the components promoted into any other
+target. The other horizontal concatenation operator, {@Code "|"},
+does assign a common height to its two parameters; but sequences of
+objects separated by this operator cannot be the components of a
+horizontal galley.
+Lout is able to read vertical galleys one paragraph at a time; in this
+way it processes the document in small chunks, never holding more than
+a few pages in memory at any time. However, horizontal galleys are
+always read in completely, so they should not be extremely long.
+In principle Lout should be able to hyphenate the components of
+horizontal galleys when they are simple words, but this is not
+implemented at present.
+In an ideal world, every paragraph would be treated as a horizontal
+galley. However, to do so in practice would be too slow and would
+lead to excessive clumsiness in notation, so at present Lout has
+two competing mechanisms in this area: the built-in paragraph
+breaker with its limited set of options as given under the @Code
+"@Break" operator, and horizontal galleys. As the example above
+shows, horizontal galleys are in principle capable of implementing
+many more paragraph styles than the built-in paragraph breaker
+could ever hope to do. The recommended practical strategy is to use
+the built-in paragraph breaker most of the time, and switch to
+horizontal galleys only for occasional tricks, such as paragraphs
+with drop capitals, circular outlines, etc.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/det_lexi b/doc/expert/det_lexi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0ad9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_lexi
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+ @Tag { lexical }
+ @Title { Lexical structure (words, spaces, symbols) and macros }
+The input to Lout consists of a sequence of @I {textual units},
+textual.unit @Index {Textual unit }
+which may be
+either {@I{white spaces}},
+@I identifiers,
+@I delimiters,
+@I {literal words}. Each
+is a sequence of @I characters chosen from:
+letter @Index { Letter character }
+other @Index { Other character }
+quote @Index { Quote character }
+escape @Index { Escape character }
+comment.char @Index { Comment character }
+underscore.char @Index { Underscore character }
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
+@Rowa A { letter } B { @Code "@ab-zAB-Z_" }
+@Rowa A { white space } B { @I { space formfeed tab newline } }
+@Rowa A { quote } B { @Code "\"" }
+@Rowa A { escape } B { @Code "\\" }
+@Rowa A { comment } B { @Code "#" }
+@Rowa A { other } B { @Code "!$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?[]^`{|}~" }
+Notice that @Code "@" and @Code "_" are classed as letters. Basser
+Lout accepts the accented letters of the ISO-LATIN-1 character set
+(depending on how it is installed), and these are also classed as
+letters. The ten digits are classed as `other' characters, and in
+fact the `other' class contains all 8-bit characters (except octal 0)
+not assigned to previous classes.
+A @I {white space} is a sequence of one or more white space characters.
+white.space @Index { White space }
+formfeed @Index { Formfeed }
+space.f @Index { Space }
+ Lout treats the formfeed character exactly like the space character;
+it is useful for getting page breaks when printing Lout source code.
+A @I delimiter is a sequence of one or more `other' characters which
+delimiter @Index { Delimiter }
+is the name of a symbol. For example, @Code "{" and @Code "//" are
+delimiters. When defining a delimiter, the name must be enclosed
+in quotes:
+@ID @Code {
+"def \"^\" { {} ^& {} }"
+but quotes are not used when the delimiter is invoked. A delimiter may
+have delimiters and any other characters adjacent, whereas identifiers
+may not be adjacent to letters or other identifiers. The complete list
+of predefined delimiters is
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+ "/"
+ @JL "//"
+ @JL "^/"
+ @JL "^//"
+} |2.2cx {
+ "|"
+ @JL "||"
+ @JL "^|"
+ @JL "^||"
+} |2.2cx {
+ "&"
+ @JL "^&"
+} |2.2cx {
+ "&&"
+ @JL "{"
+ @JL "}"
+A longer delimiter like @Code "<=" will be recognised in
+preference to a shorter one like {@Code "<"}.
+An @I identifier is a sequence of one or more letters which is the name of a
+identifier @Index { Identifier }
+symbol. It is conventional but not essential to begin identifiers with
+{@Code "@"}; Basser Lout will print a warning message if it finds an
+unquoted literal word (see below) beginning with {@Code "@"}, since such
+words are usually misspelt identifiers. The ten digits are not letters
+and may not appear in identifiers; and although the underscore character
+is a letter and may be used in identifiers, it is not conventional to
+do so. The complete list of predefined identifiers is
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+{ "@BackEnd"
+ @JL "@Background"
+ @JL "@Begin"
+ @JL "@Break"
+ @JL "@Case"
+ @JL "@Common"
+ @JL "@Char"
+ @JL "@CurrFace"
+ @JL "@CurrFamily"
+ @JL "@CurrLang"
+ @JL "@Database"
+ @JL "@End"
+ @JL "@Enclose"
+ @JL "@Filter"
+ @JL "@FilterErr"
+ @JL "@FilterIn"
+ @JL "@FilterOut"
+ @JL "@Font"
+ @JL "@ForceGalley"
+ @JL "@Galley"
+ @JL "@Graphic"
+ @JL "@HAdjust"
+ @JL "@HContract"
+ @JL "@HCover"
+ @JL "@HExpand"
+ @JL "@High"
+ @JL "@HLimited"
+ @JL "@HScale"
+ @JL "@HShift"
+ @JL "@HSpan"
+} |4.4cx {
+ "@Include"
+ @JL "@IncludeGraphic"
+ @JL "@Insert"
+ @JL "@KernShrink"
+ @JL "@Key"
+ @JL "@Language"
+ @JL "@LClos"
+ @JL "@LEnv"
+ @JL "@LInput"
+ @JL "@LVis"
+ @JL "@LUse"
+ @JL "@Meld"
+ @JL "@Merge"
+ @JL "@Minus"
+ @JL "@Moment"
+ @JL "@Next"
+ @JL "@NotRevealed"
+ @JL "@Null"
+ @JL "@OneCol"
+ @JL "@OneOf"
+ @JL "@OneRow"
+ @JL "@Open"
+ @JL "@Optimize"
+ @JL "@PAdjust"
+ @JL "@PageLabel"
+ @JL "@PlainGraphic"
+ @JL "@Plus"
+ @JL "@PrependGraphic"
+ @JL "@RawVerbatim"
+ @JL "@Rotate"
+} |4.4cx {
+ "@Rump"
+ @JL "@Scale"
+ @JL "@SetColor"
+ @JL "@SetColour"
+ @JL "@Space"
+ @JL "@StartHSpan"
+ @JL "@StartHVSpan"
+ @JL "@StartVSpan"
+ @JL "@SysDatabase"
+ @JL "@SysInclude"
+ @JL "@SysIncludeGraphic"
+ @JL "@SysPrependGraphic"
+ @JL "@Tag"
+ @JL "@Tagged"
+ @JL "@Target"
+ @JL "@Underline"
+ @JL "@Use"
+ @JL "@VAdjust"
+ @JL "@VContract"
+ @JL "@VCover"
+ @JL "@Verbatim"
+ @JL "@VExpand"
+ @JL "@VLimited"
+ @JL "@VScale"
+ @JL "@VShift"
+ @JL "@VSpan"
+ @JL "@Wide"
+ @JL "@Yield"
+ @JL "@YUnit"
+ @JL "@ZUnit"
+plus the names of the parameters of @@Moment. The symbols @@LClos, @@LEnv,
+lclos @Index { @@LClos symbol }
+lenv @Index { @@LEnv symbol }
+linput @Index { @@LInput symbol }
+lvis @Index { @@LVis symbol }
+luse @Index { @@LUse symbol }
+@@LInput, @@LVis and @@LUse appear in cross reference databases generated
+by Lout and are not for use elsewhere.
+A sequence of characters which is neither a white space, an identifier, nor a
+delimiter, is by default a @I {literal word}, which means that it will
+word @Index { Word }
+literal.word @Index { Literal word }
+quoted.word @Index { Quoted word }
+pass through Lout unchanged. An arbitrary sequence of characters
+enclosed in double quotes, for example @Code "\"{ }\"", is also a
+literal word. Space characters may be included, but not tabs or
+newlines. There are special character sequences, used only between
+quotes, for obtaining otherwise inaccessible characters:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
+@Rowa A { @Code "\\\"" } B { produces @Code "\"" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "\\\\" } B { "\\" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "\\ddd" } B { the character whose ASCII code is }
+@Rowa A { } B { the up to three digit octal number {@Code ddd} }
+So, for example, @Code "\"\\\"@PP\\\"\"" produces {@Code "\"@PP\""}.
+When the comment character
+comment @Index { Comment }
+@Code "#" is encountered, everything from
+that point to the end of the line is ignored. This is useful for
+including reminders to oneself, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"# Lout user manual"
+"# J. Kingston, June 1989"
+for temporarily deleting parts of the document, and so on.
+@I Macros
+macro @Index { Macro }
+provide a means of defining symbols which stand for a
+sequence of textual units rather than an object. For example, the macro
+@ID @Code {
+"macro @PP { //1.3vx 2.0f @Wide &0i }"
+makes Lout replace the symbol @Code "@PP" by the given textual units
+before assembling its input into objects. A similar macro to this
+one is used to separate the paragraphs of the present document. The
+enclosing braces and any spaces adjacent to them are dropped, which can
+be a problem: @Code "@PP2i" has result {@Code "//1.3vx 2.0f @Wide &0i2i"}
+which is erroneous.
+The meaning of symbols used within the body of a macro is determined by
+where the macro is defined, not by where it is used. Due to implementation
+problems, @@Open symbols will not work within macros. Named and body
+parameters will work if the symbol that they are parameters of is also
+present. There is no way to get a left or right brace into the body of
+a macro without the matching brace.
+Macros may be nested within other definitions and exported, but they may
+not be parameters. They may not have parameters or nested definitions
+of their own, and consequently a preceding @Code export clause (Section
+{@NumberOf visibility}) would be pointless; however, an @Code import
+clause is permitted.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/det_name b/doc/expert/det_name
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae3dac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_name
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ @Tag { named }
+ @Title { Named parameters }
+In addition to left and right (or body) parameters, a symbol may have
+any number of {@I {named parameters}}:
+parameter.named @SubIndex { @Code named parameter }
+named.par @Index { @Code named parameter }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Chapter"
+" named @Tag {}"
+" named @Title {}"
+" right x"
+" ..."
+Their definitions appear in between those of any left and right
+parameters, and each is followed by a @I {default value} between
+default @Index { Default value of parameter }
+braces. When @Code "@Chapter" is invoked, its named parameters are
+given values in the following way:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Tag { intro }"
+" @Title { Introduction }"
+" ..."
+That is, a list of named parameters appears immediately following the
+symbol, each with its value enclosed in braces. Any right parameter
+follows after them. They do not have to appear in the order they were
+defined, and they can even be omitted altogether, in which case the
+default value from the definition is used instead.
+If the keyword @Code "compulsory" appears after @Code "named" and
+before the parameter's name, Lout will print a warning message whenever
+this parameter is missing. However it will still use the default value
+as just described.
+A named @Code "@Tag" parameter
+tag.par @Index { @Code "@Tag" parameter, default value of }
+does not take its default value from the definition; instead, if a default
+value is needed, Lout invents a simple word which differs from every other
+tag. This is important, for example, in the production of numbered
+chapters and sections (Section {@NumberOf chapters}). The same thing occurs
+if there is a @Code "@Tag" parameter but its value is the empty object: the
+value will be replaced by an invented one.
+Named parameters may have parameters, {@PageMark strange} as in the
+following definition:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Strange"
+" named @Format right @Val { [@Val] }"
+" right x"
+" @Format x"
+The named parameter @Code "@Format" has right parameter {@Code "@Val"},
+and the default value of @Code "@Format" is this parameter enclosed in
+brackets. When @Code "@Format" is invoked it must be supplied with
+a right parameter, which will replace {@Code "@Val"}. Thus,
+@ID @Code {
+"@Strange 27"
+equals @Code "@Format 27" and so has result
+@ID {
+@Strange 27
+The @Code "@Format" symbol is like a definition with parameters whose
+body can be changed:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Format { Slope @Font @Val. }"
+still equals {@Code "@Format 27"}, but this time the result is
+@ID {
+ @Format { Slope @Font @Val. }
+In practice, examples of named parameters with parameters all have this
+flavour of format being separated from content; running headers (Section
+{@NumberOf pagelayout}) and printing styles for bibliographies
+(Section {@NumberOf biblio}) are two major ones.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/det_opti b/doc/expert/det_opti
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..981b468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_opti
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ @Title { Optimal galley breaking }
+ @Tag { optimal }
+As explained in Section {@NumberOf targets}, the components of a galley
+optimal.gall @Index { Optimal galley breaking }
+are promoted one by one into a target. When space runs out there, the
+galley searches for a new target and promotion resumes.
+This process is exactly analogous to placing words onto a line until
+space runs out, then moving to another line. But, as we know, that
+simple method is inferior to the optimal paragraph breaking used by
+Lout (copied from the @TeX system), which examines the entire paragraph
+and determines the most even assignment of words to lines.
+Lout offers @I { optimal galley breaking }, the equivalent for galleys
+of optimal paragraph breaking. Optimal galley breaking can reduce the
+size of ugly blank spaces at the bottom of pages preceding large
+unbreakable displays, sometimes quite dramatically.
+Optimal galley breaking is applied to each galley, horizontal or
+vertical, that possesses a parameter or nested symbol called
+@Code "@Optimize" whose value is {@Code Yes}. Like cross referencing,
+optimize.sym @Index { @Code "@Optimize" symbol }
+it takes two runs to have effect. On the first run, Lout records the
+sizes of the galley's components and gaps, and also the space available
+at each of its targets. At end of run this information is used to find
+an optimal break, which is written to the cross-reference database. On
+the second run, the optimal break is retrieved and used.
+Considering that this process must cope with floating figures,
+new page and conditional new page symbols, breaks for new chapters, and
+evolving documents, it is surprisingly robust. If it does go badly
+wrong, removing file @Code "lout.li" then running Lout twice without
+changing the document may solve the problem. However, cases are known
+where the optimization never converges. These are usually related to
+figures and footnotes whose anchor points fall near page boundaries.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/det_prec b/doc/expert/det_prec
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index 0000000..c2dd72d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_prec
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ @Title { Precedence and associativity of symbols }
+ @Tag { precedence }
+Every symbol in Lout has a {@I precedence},
+preceden @Index { Precedence }
+which is a positive whole number. When two symbols compete for an object,
+the one with the higher precedence wins it. For example,
+@ID @Code {
+"a | b / c"
+is equivalent to @OneCol @Code { "{" a "|" b "}" "/" c } rather than
+{@OneCol @Code { a "|" "{" b "/" c "}"} }, because @Code "|" has higher
+precedence than @Code "/" and thus wins the {@Code b}.
+When the two competing symbols have equal precedence, Lout applies a
+second rule. Each symbol is either @I left-associative or
+associativity @Index { Associativity }
+{@I right-associative}. The value of @OneCol @Code { a op1 b op2 c} is taken
+to be @OneCol @Code { "{" a op1 b "}" op2 c } if the symbols are both
+left-associative, and @OneCol @Code "a op1 { b op2 c }" if they are
+right-associative. In cases not covered by these two rules, use braces.
+It sometimes happens that the result is the same regardless of how the
+expression is grouped. For example, @OneCol @Code { "{" a "|" b "}" "|" c }
+and @OneCol @Code { a "|" "{" b "|" c "}" } are always the same, for any
+combination of objects, gaps, and variants of {@Code "|"}. In such cases
+the symbols are said to be {@I associative}, and we can confidently omit
+the braces.
+User-defined symbols may be given a precedence and associativity:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Super"
+" precedence 50"
+" associativity right"
+" left x"
+" right y"
+" @OneRow { | -2p @Font y ^/0.5fk x }"
+They come just after any @Code into clause and before any parameter
+definitions. The precedence may be
+any whole number between 10 and 100, and if omitted is assigned the
+value 100. The higher the number, the higher the precedence. The
+associativity may be @Code left or {@Code right}, and if omitted
+defaults to {@Code right}. Lout's symbols have the following
+precedences and associativities:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @CC A ! @Col @CC B ! @Col C }
+ A { Precedence }
+ B { Associativity }
+ C { Symbols }
+ A { 5 }
+ B { associative }
+ C { @Code "/ ^/ // ^//" }
+ A { 6 }
+ B { associative }
+ C { @Code "| ^| || ^||" }
+ A { 7 }
+ B { associative }
+ C { @Code "& ^&" }
+ A { 7 }
+ B { associative }
+ C { @Code "&" in the form of one or more white space characters }
+ A { 10-100 }
+ B { @Code left or @Code right }
+ C { user-defined symbols }
+ A { 100 }
+ B { @Code right }
+ C { @@Wide, @@High, @@Graphic, etc. }
+ A { 101 }
+ B { - }
+ C { @Code "&&" }
+ A { 102 }
+ B { associative }
+ C { @Code "&" in the form of 0 spaces }
+ A { 103 }
+ B { - }
+ C { Body parameters and right parameters of @@Open }
+Actually the precedence of juxtaposition (two objects separated
+by zero spaces) is a little more complicated. If either of the
+two objects is enclosed in braces, the precedence is 7 as for
+one or more spaces. If neither object is enclosed in braces,
+the precedence is 102 as shown above. This complicated rule
+seems to accord better with what people expect and need in
+practice than a pure precedence rule can do.
+@End @Section
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index 0000000..aea894b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_size
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ @Title { The style and size of objects }
+ @Tag { size }
+This section explains how Lout determines the style and size of each
+object. Together, these attributes determine the object's final
+appearance in the output.
+style @Index { Style of an object }
+The style of an object comprises the following:
+@ListItem { Which font family, face and size to use (also defining the
+@Code f unit); }
+@ListItem { Whether small capitals are in effect or not; }
+@ListItem { What gap to replace a single space between two objects by (also
+defining the @Code s unit); }
+@ListItem { The interpretation to place on white space separating
+two objects ({@Code lout}, {@Code compress}, {@Code separate}, {@Code troff},
+or {@Code tex} as in Section {@NumberOf space}); }
+@ListItem { The current value of the @Code y and @Code z units of
+measurement (Section {@NumberOf yunit}); }
+@ListItem { The kind of paragraph breaking to employ ({@Code adjust},
+{@Code ragged}, etc.) }
+@ListItem { What gap to insert between the lines of paragraphs
+(also defining the @Code v unit); }
+@ListItem { Whether to permit hyphenation or not; }
+@ListItem { What colour the object is to appear in; }
+@ListItem { The language of the object; }
+@ListItem { Whether @@VAdjust, @@HAdjust and @@PAdjust are in effect. }
+The style of an object depends on where it appears in the final
+document. For example, the style of a parameter depends on where it is
+used; the style of a galley is the style of the first target that it
+attempts to attach itself to. Of course, the style of any object can be
+changed by using the @@Font, @@Break, @@Space, @@SetColour or
+@@SetColor, and @@Language symbols.
+There are no standard default values for style, except that small capitals
+are initially off, the interpretation of white space is initially {@Code
+lout}, and the values of the @Code y and @Code z units are zero. Therefore
+one must ensure that the root galley or each of its components is enclosed
+in @@Font, @@Break, @@SetColour or @@SetColor, and @@Language symbols. From
+there the style is passed to incoming galleys and the objects within
+them. Enclosure in @@Space is not required because the @Code "s" unit
+is also set by @@Font (Section {@NumberOf space}).
+width. @Index { Width of an object }
+height. @Index { Height of an object }
+size. @Index { Size of an object }
+The remainder of this section explains how the size of each object (its
+width and height on the printed page) is determined. We will treat width
+only, since height is determined in exactly the same way, except that the
+complications introduced by paragraph breaking are absent.
+With three exceptions (see below), the width of an object is as large as
+it possibly could be without violating a @@Wide symbol or intruding into
+the space occupied by neighbouring gaps or objects. As an aid to
+investigating this rule, we will use the definition
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @TightBox right x"
+" \"0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto closepath stroke\""
+" @Graphic x"
+which draws a box around the boundary of its right parameter (Section
+{@NumberOf graphic}) with no margin. The result of
+@ID @Code {
+"5c @Wide @TightBox metempsychosis"
+@ID {
+5c @Wide @TightBox metempsychosis
+The widest that @Code "@TightBox metempsychosis" could possibly be is five
+centimetres, and accordingly that is its width. The same applies to
+{@Code metempsychosis}, which is five centimetres wide as well. Note
+carefully that there is no object in this example whose width is equal
+to the sum of the widths of the letters of {@Code metempsychosis}.
+The first of the three exceptions to the `as wide as possible' rule is the
+@@HContract symbol, which causes the width of its right parameter to be
+reduced to a reasonable minimum (a formal definition will not be attempted):
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"5c @Wide @HContract @TightBox metempsychosis"
+@ID {
+5c @Wide @HContract @TightBox metempsychosis
+The object @Code "@HContract @TightBox metempsychosis" is still five centimetres
+wide, but the object @Code "@TightBox metempsychosis" has been reduced.
+The second of the three exceptions is the horizontal concatenation symbol
+@Code "|" (and also {@Code "&"}). Consider this example:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"5c @Wide @TightBox { A |1c B |1c C }"
+As usual, the right parameter of @@Wide is five centimetres wide, and
+the result looks like this:
+@ID {
+5c @Wide @TightBox { A |1c B |1c C }
+Lout has to apportion the size minus inter-column gaps among the three
+If the columns are wide enough to require paragraph breaking, Lout will
+assign sizes to the columns in such a way as to leave narrow columns
+unbroken and break wider columns to equal width, occupying the full
+size. Otherwise, paragraph breaking is not required, and each column
+will be assigned a reasonable minimum size in the manner of @@HContract,
+except that the last column receives all the leftover width. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"5c @Wide { @TightBox A |1c @TightBox B |1c @TightBox C }"
+has result
+@ID {
+5c @Wide { @TightBox A |1c @TightBox B |1c @TightBox C }
+If it is desired that the leftover width remain unused, rather than
+going into the last column, an empty column can be appended, or the last
+column can be enclosed in @@HContract. Two other ways to apportion the
+leftover width are provided by the @@HExpand and @@HAdjust symbols
+(Sections {@NumberOf hexpand} and {@NumberOf hadjust}).
+The third and final exception to the `as wide as possible' rule concerns
+the components of the root galley. Each is considered to be enclosed
+root.galley.size @SubIndex { size of components of }
+in @@HContract and @@VContract symbols.
+Up to this point we have treated width as a single quantity, but of
+course it has two parts: width to left and right of the mark. The
+`as wide as possible' rule applies to both directions:
+@ID @Code {
+"@HContract { @TightBox 953^.05 /0.5c @TightBox 2^.8286 }"
+has result
+@ID {
+@HContract { @TightBox 953^.05 /0.5c @TightBox 2^.8286 }
+Leftover width usually goes to the right, as we have seen, but here some
+width was available only to the left of {@Code "2.8286"} owing to the
+column mark alignment.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/det_sort b/doc/expert/det_sort
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab3ebeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_sort
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ @Title { Sorted galleys }
+ @Tag { sorted }
+When footnotes are placed at the bottom of a page, they appear there in
+first come, first served order. To make galleys appear in sorted order, as
+sorted.galley @Index { Sorted galleys }
+is needed in bibliographies and indexes, a parameter or nested definition
+with the special name @@Key
+key. @Index { @@Key parameter }
+is added to the galley definition, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @IndexEntry into { @IndexPlace&&following }"
+" left @Key"
+" right x"
+"{ x }"
+@@Key must be set to a simple word, or several words with nothing more
+complex than font changes within them, when the galley is invoked:
+@ID @Code {
+"{ cities compare } @IndexEntry { cities, comparison of, 27 }"
+and this key is used to sort the galleys.
+If several sorted galleys with the same key are sent to the same place,
+the default behaviour is to print only the first of them; the assumption
+is that the others are probably unwanted duplicates. This holds good
+for sorted reference lists, for example: we don't want two copies of
+a reference just because we happen to cite it twice. However, the
+other common example of sorted galleys, index entries, requires something
+different: @I merged galleys.
+Suppose that at some point of the document we insert the index entry
+@ID @Code "aardvarks @IndexEntry { Aardvarks, 23 }"
+while at another point we insert
+@ID @Code "aardvarks @IndexEntry { Aardvarks, 359 }"
+How the page numbers are worked out is not relevant here. Clearly we
+would like to merge these two entries into one entry that comes out as
+@ID "Aardvarks, 23, 359"
+The following definition will merge two objects in this way:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Merge left x right y"
+" {x @Rump y} @Case"
+" {"
+" \"\" @Yield x"
+" else @Yield { x, x @Rump y }"
+" }"
+The @@Rump symbol is the subject of Section {@NumberOf rump}; this
+says `if the two things to be merged are equal, the result is one
+of them; otherwise it is the first followed by a comma and space
+and then the rump of the second.' Our only problem is that this
+symbol has to be applied to two galleys from widely separated
+parts of the document.
+Lout makes this possible by the following special rule: if a
+sorted galley contains a nested definition of a symbol whose name
+is @@Merge (@@Merge must have just two parameters, left and right),
+merge. @Index { @@Merge symbol }
+and if that sorted galley is preceded in the list of
+sorted galleys destined for some target by another sorted galley
+with the same key, then rather than being discarded, the second
+galley is merged into the first using the @@Merge symbol.
+The natural thing to do when more than two galleys have the same
+key is to merge the first two, then merge the third with the
+result of that, then the fourth with the result of that, and
+so on. For efficiency reasons beyond our scope here, Lout does
+the merging in a different order: it merges @Eq { n } galleys
+by merging the first @Eq { lfloor n slash 2 rfloor } together,
+then the last @Eq { lceil n slash 2 rceil } together, then
+merging the result. Of course, if the @@Merge symbol is
+associative this has the same effect. The @@Merge symbol above
+is not strictly associative, but it is close enough in practice. The
+total time it takes to merge @Eq { n } galleys with equal keys
+is @Eq { O ( n sup 2 ) } or somewhat higher (but always polynomial
+in @Eq { n }) depending on how many times the parameters occur
+within the body of @@Merge; to do it in the natural linear order
+would take Lout exponential time.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/det_visi b/doc/expert/det_visi
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index 0000000..870f781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/det_visi
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ @Tag { visibility }
+ @Title { Nested definitions, body parameters, extend, import, and export }
+A definition may contain
+nested.def @Index { Nested definitions }
+other definitions at the beginning of its body:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @NineSquare"
+" right x"
+" def @Three { x |0.2i x |0.2i x }"
+" @Three /0.2i @Three /0.2i @Three"
+A parameter like @Code x may be invoked anywhere within the body of the
+symbol it is a parameter of, including within nested definitions. A
+nested symbol like @Code "@Three" may be invoked anywhere from the
+beginning of its own body to the end of the body of the symbol it is
+defined within. So, assuming an appropriate definition of
+{@Code "@Box"},
+@ID @Code {
+"@NineSquare @Box"
+has result
+@ID @Fig {
+@NineSquare @Box { 0.2i @Wide 0.2i @High }
+Nested definitions may themselves contain nested definitions, to
+arbitrary depth.
+There are three special features which permit a nested symbol or
+parameter to be invoked outside its normal range; that is, outside the
+body of the enclosing symbol. The first and simplest of these features
+is the {@I {body parameter}},
+parameter.body @SubIndex { @Code body parameter }
+body.par @Index { @Code body parameter }
+an alternative form of right parameter. The Eq equation formatting
+package @Cite { $kingston1995lout.user, Chapter 7 } is a classic example
+of the use of a body parameter. In outline, it looks like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"export \"+\" sup over"
+"def @Eq"
+" body x"
+" def \"+\" ..."
+" def sup ..."
+" def over ..."
+" ..."
+" Slope @Font x"
+First we list those nested symbols and parameters that we intend to
+refer to outside the body of @Code "@Eq" in an @Code export clause,
+export @Index { @Code export clause }
+preceding the definition as shown. Only exported symbols may be
+invoked outside the body of {@Code "@Eq"}. The body parameter is like a
+right parameter except that the exported symbols are visible within it:
+@ID @Code {
+"@Eq { {x sup 2 + y sup 2} over 2 }"
+calls on the nested definitions of @Code "@Eq" to produce the result
+@ID {
+@Eq { {x sup 2 + y sup 2} over 2 }
+The body parameter's value must be enclosed in braces. The term `body
+parameter' is a reminder that the value is interpreted as if it was
+within the body of the symbol.
+A body parameter may not be exported, and in fact a body parameter may
+be invoked only within the body of the enclosing symbol, not within
+any nested definitions. For example, @Code "x" above may not be invoked
+within {@Code "sup"}. This restriction is needed to avoid the
+possibility of recursion, when the actual body parameter invokes an
+exported nested definition which invokes the body parameter, etc.
+The second place where exported symbols may be used is in the right
+parameter of the @@Open symbol, and following its alternative form,
+@@Use (Section {@NumberOf open}).
+Exported nested symbols and parameters may be made visible within
+a subsequent definition or macro by preceding it with an @Code import
+import @Index { @Code import clause }
+clause, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"import @Eq"
+"def pythag { sqrt { x sup 2 + y sup 2 } }"
+Note however that @Code pythag can only be used with some invocation of
+{@Code "@Eq"}: within the body parameter of an invocation of {@Code "@Eq"},
+within the right parameter of an {@Code "@Eq&&tag @Open"}, or following
+a {@Code "@Use { @Eq ... }"}. There may be several symbols in the
+@Code import clause.
+In a similar way to {@Code "import"}, a definition may be preceded
+by {@Code "extend"} followed by a symbol name:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"extend @Eq"
+"def pythag { sqrt { x sup 2 + y sup 2 } }"
+The effect of this is just as though the definition of @Code "pythag"
+had occurred directly after the existing definitions within
+{@Code "@Eq"}, with {@Code "pythag"} added to {@Code "@Eq"}'s
+export list. This is useful for extending the capabilities of a
+package of definitions like @Code "@Eq" without modifying its source
+file. The essential differences to @Code "import" are that all the
+symbols of @Code "@Eq" become visible within {@Code "pythag"}, not
+just the exported ones, and only one symbol may follow the
+@Code "extend" keyword.
+Actually, more than one symbol may follow {@Code extend}, but this
+usage indicates a `path name' of the symbol. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"extend @DocumentLayout @ReportLayout"
+"def @Keywords ..."
+causes the definition of @Code "@Keywords" to occur directly after
+the existing definitions of {@Code "@ReportLayout"}, which itself
+lies within {@Code "@DocumentLayout"}.
+A named parameter may also be preceded by an @Code "import" clause.
+As usual, the meaning is that the visible local definitions of
+the import symbol(s) are visible within the body (the default
+value) of the named parameter. But furthermore, those symbols
+will be visible within all invocations of the parameter. For
+example, suppose we define
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Diag"
+" import @Algebra named linewidth { 1p }"
+" import @Algebra named dashlength { 2p }"
+" ..."
+Then, if @Code "@Algebra" exports symbols {@Code "+"},
+{@Code "-"}, and so on, we may write
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" linewidth { 1f - 2p }"
+" dashlength { 1f + 2p }"
+using the symbols from {@Code "@Algebra"}. There may be several
+symbols after the @Code "import" keyword. All these symbols
+share an important restriction: they may not have parameters.
+This is necessary because Lout would be unable to determine
+suitable values for any such parameters, if they did exist.
+As an exception to the rule just given, a named parameter may
+import the symbol it is a parameter of:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"export @Cell"
+"def @Tbl"
+" import @Tbl named @Format { ... }"
+In this example the exported definitions of @Code "@Tbl" (i.e.
+{@Code "@Cell"}) will be visible within {@Code "@Format"}. However,
+they may only be used in actual parameters, not in the default
+value of the named parameter. This is owing to implementation
+problems: at the time the default value of {@Code "@Format"} is
+read, the exported symbols have not been read and are consequently
+not known.
+Since @Code "@Cell" is nested within {@Code "@Tbl"}, the
+value of an invocation of @Code "@Cell" may depend on the value
+of parameters of {@Code "@Tbl"}. If @Code "@Cell" is used within
+an actual {@Code "@Format"} parameter, its value depends on the
+value of parameters of the invocation of {@Code "@Tbl"} of which
+the {@Code "@Format"} parameter is a part.
+A definition, macro, or named parameter may have several alternative
+names, like this:
+@ID @Code "macro @CD @CentredDisplay @CenteredDisplay { ... }"
+This is useful for abbreviated and alternative spellings, as shown. The
+names appear together, and they may subsequently be used interchangeably.
+If one name of a symbol appears in an export or import list, its other
+names are automaticaly included as well, and should not also appear
+in the list.
+@End @Section
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+++ b/doc/expert/exa
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+ @Title { Examples }
+ @Tag { examples }
+This chapter presents some examples taken from the various
+packages available with Basser Lout. The reader who masters these
+examples will be well prepared to read the packages themselves. The
+examples have not been simplified in any way, since an important part of
+their purpose is to show Lout in actual practice.
+@Include { exa_equa }
+@Include { exa_para }
+@Include { exa_page }
+@Include { exa_chap }
+@Include { exa_bibl }
+@End @Chapter
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+ @Title { Bibliographies }
+ @Tag { biblio }
+bibliographies @Index { Bibliographies }
+The first step in the production of a bibliography is to create a
+database of references based on the definition
+reference.example @Index { @Code "@Reference" example }
+@ID @Code {
+ "export @Type @Author @Title @Institution @Number @Publisher"
+//1vx " @Year @Proceedings @Journal @Volume @Pages @Comment"
+//1vx ""
+//1vx "def @Reference"
+//1vx " named @Tag" |2f "{ TAG? }"
+ /1vx " named @Type" | "{ TYPE? }"
+ /1vx " named @Author" | "{ AUTHOR? }"
+ /1vx " named @Title" | "{ TITLE? }"
+ /1vx " named @Institution" | "{ INSTITUTION? }"
+ /1vx " named @Number" | "{ NUMBER? }"
+ /1vx " named @Publisher" | "{ PUBLISHER? }"
+ /1vx " named @Year" | "{ YEAR? }"
+ /1vx " named @Proceedings" | "{ PROCEEDINGS? }"
+ /1vx " named @Journal" | "{ JOURNAL? }"
+ /1vx " named @Volume" | "{ VOLUME? }"
+ /1vx " named @Pages" | "{ PAGES? }"
+ /1vx " named @Comment" | "{ @Null }"
+//1vx "{ @Null }"
+For example, the database might contain
+@LI @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { strunk1979style }"
+" @Type { Book }"
+" @Author { Strunk, William and White, E. B. }"
+" @Title { The Elements of Style }"
+" @Publisher { MacMillan, third edition }"
+" @Year { 1979 }"
+@LI @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { kingston92 }"
+" @Type { TechReport }"
+" @Author { Kingston, Jeffrey H. }"
+" @Title { Document Formatting with Lout (Second Edition) }"
+" @Number { 449 }"
+" @Institution { Basser Department of Computer"
+"Science F09, University of Sydney 2006, Australia }"
+" @Year { 1992 }"
+Since named parameters are optional, we have one for every conceivable
+type of attribute, and simply leave out those that do not apply in any
+particular reference. We can print a reference by using the @@Open
+symbol to get at its attributes:
+@ID @Code {
+"@Reference&&strunk1979style @Open"
+"{ @Author, {Slope @Font @Title}. @Publisher, @Year. }"
+The right parameter of @@Open may use the exported parameters of the
+left, and so the result is
+@ID {
+@Reference&&strunk1979style @Open
+{ @Author, {Slope @Font @Title}. @Publisher, @Year. } &0io
+Incidentally, we are not limited to just one database of references;
+several @@Database symbols can nominate the same symbol, and invocations of
+that symbol can appear in the document itself as well if we wish.
+The second step is to create a database of print styles for the various
+types of reference (Book, TechReport, etc.), based on the following
+@ID @Code {
+"export @Style"
+"def @RefStyle"
+" left @Tag"
+" named @Style right reftag {}"
+Notice that the named parameter @Code "@Style" has a right parameter
+{@Code "reftag"}. The style database has one entry for each type of
+@ID @Code {
+"{ Book @RefStyle @Style"
+" { @Reference&&reftag @Open"
+" { @Author, {Slope @Font @Title}. @Publisher, @Year. @Comment }"
+" }"
+"{ TechReport @RefStyle @Style"
+" { @Reference&&reftag @Open"
+" { @Author, {Slope @Font @Title}. Tech. Rep. @Number (@Year),"
+"@Institution. @Comment }"
+" }"
+and so on. The following prints the reference whose tag is
+@Code strunk1979style in the Book style:
+@ID @Code {
+"@RefStyle&&Book @Open { @Style strunk1979style }"
+It has result
+@ID {
+@RefStyle&&Book @Open { @Style strunk1979style } &0io
+Notice how the @Code "@Style" parameter of @Code "@RefStyle" is given the
+parameter {@Code strunk1979style}, which it uses to open the appropriate
+We can consult the @Code "@Type" attribute of a reference to find out
+its style, which brings us to the following definition for printing out
+a reference in the style appropriate to it:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @RefPrint"
+" right reftag"
+"{ @RefStyle&&{ @Reference&&reftag @Open { @Type } }"
+" @Open { @Style reftag }"
+For example, to evaluate {@Code "@RefPrint strunk1979style"}, Lout first
+@ID @Code {
+"@Reference&&strunk1979style @Open { @Type }"
+whose result is {@Code { @Reference&&strunk1979style @Open { @Type } }},
+and then evaluates
+@ID @Code {
+"@RefStyle&&Book @Open { @Style strunk1979style }"
+as before. Complicated as this is, with its two databases and clever
+passing about of tags, the advantages of separating references from
+printing styles are considerable: printing styles may be changed
+easily, and non-expert users need never see them.
+Finally, we come to the problem of printing out a numbered list of
+references, and referring to them by number in the body of the
+document. The first step is to create a numbered list of places that
+galleys containing references may attach to:
+referencesection.example @Index { @Code "@ReferenceSection" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @ReferenceSection"
+" named @Tag {}"
+" named @Title { References }"
+" named @RunningTitle { dft }"
+" named style right tag { tag. }"
+" named headstyle right @Title { @Heading @Title }"
+" named indent { @DispIndent }"
+" named gap { @DispGap }"
+" named start { 1 }"
+" def @RefList right num"
+" {"
+" @NumberMarker num & indent @Wide {style num} | @RefPlace"
+" //gap @RefList @Next num"
+" }"
+" @Protect headstyle @Title"
+" // @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag"
+" // @Title @MajorContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}"
+" // @Runner"
+" @FootEven { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }"
+" @FootOdd { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }"
+" //@DispGap @RefList start"
+" // @Runner"
+" @TopEven { @B @PageNum }"
+" @TopOdd { @I {@RunningTitle @OrElse @Title} |1rt @B @PageNum }"
+We place the expression @Code "@ReferenceSection" at the point where we
+want the list of references to appear; its value is something like
+@ID @Code {
+"1. @RefPlace"
+"2. @RefPlace"
+"3. @RefPlace"
+where @Code "@RefPlace" is @Code "@Galley" as usual. We can scatter
+multiple lists of references through the document if we wish (at the end
+of each chapter, for example), simply by placing @Code "@ReferenceSection"
+at each point.
+Our task is completed by the following definition:
+ref.example @Index { @Code "@Ref" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Ref right x"
+" def sendref into { @RefPlace&&following }"
+" right @Key"
+" {"
+" @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged x &"
+" @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged x &"
+" @RefPrint x"
+" }"
+" @NumberMarker&&x @Open { @Tag } sendref x"
+Given this definition, the invocation {@Code "@Ref strunk1979style"} has result
+@ID @Code "@NumberMarker&&strunk1979style @Open { @Tag }"
+plus the galley {@Code "sendref strunk1979style"}. We first
+follow what happens to the galley.
+According to its @Code into clause, the galley will replace a
+@Code "@RefPlace" in the nearest following {@Code "@ReferenceSection"}. If
+every such galley is a sorted galley whose key is the reference's tag, as
+this one is, they will appear sorted by tag. The galley's object is
+@ID @Code {
+"@NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged strunk1979style &"
+"@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged strunk1979style &"
+"@RefPrint strunk1979style"
+The result of the @@Tagged symbol is always @@Null, so this prints the
+@Code strunk1979style reference in the appropriate style at the
+{@Code "@RefPlace"}, as desired.
+Now @Code "@NumberMarker&&preceding" is the nearest preceding invocation of
+@Code "@NumberMarker" in the final document. This must be the invocation of
+@Code "@NumberMarker" just before the @Code "@RefPlace" that received
+the galley, and so this invocation of @Code "@NumberMarker" is given @Code
+strunk1979style as an additional tag by the @@Tagged symbol. Its original tag
+was the number of the reference place, which means that
+@ID @Code {
+"@NumberMarker&&strunk1979style @Open { @Tag }"
+has for its result the number of the reference place that received the
+@Code strunk1979style galley, and this is the desired result of
+{@Code "@Ref strunk1979style"}.
+It might seem that if we refer to the @Code strunk1979style reference twice,
+two copies will be sent to the reference list and it will appear
+twice. However, when more than one sorted galley with the same key is sent
+to the same place, only one of them is printed (Section {@NumberOf galleys});
+so provided that sorted galleys are used there is no problem.
+@End @Section
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index 0000000..51926c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/exa_chap
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+ @Title { Chapters and sections }
+ @Tag { chapters }
+The definitions of chapters and sections from the DocumentSetup package
+chapters. @Index { Chapters and sections }
+of Version 2 (in Version 3, the BookSetup extension of DocumentSetup)
+form the subject of this section. They allow a chapter to be entered
+like this:
+document.layout.chapters @SubIndex { chapters and sections }
+@ID @Code {
+" @Title { ... }"
+" @Tag { ... }"
+" ..."
+"@End @Chapter"
+Within the chapter a sequence of sections may be included by writing
+@ID @Code {
+"@Section { ... }"
+"@Section { ... }"
+These are numbered automatically, and an entry is made for each in a
+table of contents.
+The user of the DocumentSetup package can find the number of the chapter or
+section with a given tag by writing @Code "@NumberOf tag" at any point
+in the document. This feature is based on the following definitions:
+numberof.example @Index { @Code "@NumberOf" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"export @Tag"
+"def @NumberMarker right @Tag { @Null }"
+"def @NumberOf right x"
+"{ @NumberMarker&&x @Open { @Tag } }"
+Each chapter and section will contain one invocation of
+{@Code "@NumberMarker"}; a full explanation will be given later.
+A sequence of places for receiving chapters is easily defined:
+@ID @Code {
+"export @Tag"
+"def @ChapterList right @Tag"
+" @Galley"
+" //@ChapterGap @ChapterList @Next @Tag"
+@Code "@ChapterGap" will usually be {@Code "1.1b"}, ensuring that each
+chapter begins on a new page. The @Code "@Chapter" galley itself is
+defined as follows:
+chapter.example @Index { @Code "@Chapter" example }
+@LI @Code {
+"export @FootNote @BeginSections @EndSections @Section"
+"def @Chapter force into { @ChapterList&&preceding }"
+" named @Tag {}"
+" named @Title {}"
+" named @RunningTitle { dft }"
+" body @Body"
+" def @FootNote right x { @ColFootNote x }"
+" def @BeginSections ..."
+" def @EndSections ..."
+" def @Section ..."
+@LI @Code {
+" def @ChapterTitle"
+" {"
+" @ChapterNumbers @Case {"
+" {Yes yes} @Yield { Chapter {@NumberOf @Tag}. |2s @Title }"
+" else @Yield @Title"
+" }"
+" }"
+" def @ChapterNum"
+" {"
+" @ChapterNumbers @Case {"
+" {Yes yes} @Yield { Chapter {@NumberOf @Tag} }"
+" else @Yield @Null"
+" }"
+" }"
+@LI @Code {
+" ragged @Break @BookTitleFormat @ChapterTitle"
+" // @NumberMarker {"
+" @ChapterList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }"
+" }"
+" // @ChapterList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag"
+" // @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag"
+" // @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag"
+" // { @ChapterTitle } @MajorContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}"
+" // @Runner"
+" @FootEven { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }"
+" @FootOdd { |0.5rt 0.8f @Font @B @PageNum }"
+" // @Body"
+" //@SectionGap @ChapRefSection"
+" // @Runner"
+" @TopEven { @B @PageNum |1rt @I @ChapterNum }"
+" @TopOdd { @I {@RunningTitle @OrElse @Title} |1rt @B @PageNum }"
+We will see the symbols for sections shortly. Notice how their use has
+been restricted to within the right parameter of {@Code "@Chapter"}, by
+nesting them and using a body parameter.
+The meaning of @Code "@FootNote" within @Code "@Chapter" has been set
+to {@Code "@ColFootNote"}, which produces a footnote targeted to
+{@Code "@ColFootList"} (see Section {@NumberOf pagelayout}). In other
+words, footnotes within chapters go at the foot of the column, not at
+the foot of the page. (Of course, in single-column books this
+distinction is insignificant.) @Code "@ChapterTitle" and
+@Code "@ChapterNum" are trivial definitions which vary depending on
+whether the user has requested numbered chapters or not.
+Each invocation of @Code "@Chapter" has its own unique {@Code "@Tag"},
+either supplied by the user or else inserted automatically by Lout. We
+now trace the cross referencing of chapter numbers on a hypothetical
+third chapter whose tag is {@Code "euclid"}.
+@Code "@ChapterList&&preceding @Tagged euclid" attaches @Code "euclid"
+as an extra tag to the first invocation of @Code "@ChapterList"
+preceding itself in the final printed document. But this
+@Code "@ChapterList" must be the target of the chapter, and so
+@ID @Code "@ChapterList&&euclid @Open { @Tag }"
+is 3, the number of the chapter ({@Code "@Tag"} refers to the parameter
+of {@Code "@ChapterList"}, not the parameter of {@Code "@Chapter"}).
+ Consequently the invocation of
+@Code "@NumberMarker" within the chapter is equal to
+{@Code "@NumberMarker 3"}.
+@Code "@NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged euclid" attaches @Code "euclid"
+to {@Code "@NumberMarker 3"} as an extra tag, and so
+{@Code "@NumberOf euclid"}, which expands to
+@ID @Code "@NumberMarker&&euclid @Open { @Tag }"
+must be equal to 3, as required. This scheme could be simplified by
+placing the invocation of @Code "@NumberMarker" within
+@Code "@ChapterList" rather than within {@Code "@Chapter"}, but it turns
+out that that scheme does not generalize well to sections and subsections.
+There is a trap for the unwary in the use of @Code preceding and
+{@Code following}. Suppose that the invocation of @Code "@NumberMarker"
+within @Code "@Chapter" is replaced by the seemingly equivalent
+@ID @Code "@NumberMarker { @ChapterList&&preceding @Open { @Tag } }"
+Now suppose that @Code "@NumberOf euclid" appears somewhere within
+Chapter 7. It will expand to
+@ID @Code "@NumberMarker&&euclid @Open { @Tag }"
+which would now be equal to
+@ID @Code "@ChapterList&&preceding @Open { @Tag }"
+whose value, evaluated as it is within Chapter 7, is 7, not 3. Use of
+@Code preceding or @Code following within the parameter
+of a symbol, rather than within the body, is likely to be erroneous.
+Much of the remainder of the definition of @Code "@Chapter" is fairly
+self-explanatory: there is a heading, a tag sent to mark the page on
+which the chapter begins, a @Code "@ContentsEntry" galley sent to the
+table of contents, galleys for the figures and tables of the chapter to
+collect in, @Code "@Body" where the body of the chapter goes, and
+@Code "@ChapRefSection" to hold a concluding list of references. This
+leaves only the two invocations of @Code "@Runner" to explain.
+The first @Code "@Runner" is just below the heading. It will be the target
+of the @Code "@Runner&&following" cross reference at the beginning of the
+first page of the chapter (see Section {@NumberOf pagelayout}), which
+consequently will have null running headers and the given footers.
+The second @Code "@Runner" appears at the very end of the chapter, hence
+on its last page. Since no invocations of @Code "@Runner" lie between
+it and the first {@Code "@Runner"}, it will be the target of
+@Code "@Runner&&following" on every page from the second page of the
+chapter to the last, inclusive, and will supply the format of their
+headers and footers.
+The interested reader might care to predict the outcome in unusual
+cases, such as when the heading occupies two pages, or when a chapter
+occupies only one, or (assuming a change to the gap between chapters)
+when a chapter starts halfway down a page. Such predictions can be made
+with great confidence.
+The expression @Code "@RunningTitle @OrElse @Title" appearing in the second
+@Code "@Runner" returns the value of the @Code "@RunningTitle" parameter
+of @Code "@Chapter" if this is not equal to the default value
+{@Code "dft"}, or @Code "@Title" otherwise:
+orelse.example @Index { @Code "@OrElse" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @OrElse"
+" left x"
+" right y"
+" x @Case {"
+" dft @Yield y"
+" else @Yield x"
+" }"
+This produces the effect of
+@ID @Code {
+"named @RunningTitle { @Title }"
+which unfortunately is not permissible as it stands, because @Code "@Title"
+is not visible within the default value of {@Code "@RunningTitle"}.
+Finally, the definitions for sections omitted earlier are as follows:
+section.example @Index { @Code "@Section" example }
+@LI @Code {
+"def @EndSectionsPlace { @Galley }"
+"def @EndSections force into { @EndSectionsPlace&&preceding } {}"
+"macro @BeginSections { //@SectionGap @SectionList 1 // @EndSectionsPlace // }"
+@LI @Code {
+"def @Section force into { @SectionList&&preceding }"
+" named @Tag {}"
+" named @Title {}"
+" named @RunningTitle { dft }"
+" body @Body"
+" def @SectionTitle"
+" {"
+" @SectionNumbers @Case {"
+" {Yes yes} @Yield { {@NumberOf @Tag}. |2s @Title }"
+" else @Yield @Title"
+" }"
+" }"
+" @Heading @Protect @SectionTitle"
+" // @NumberMarker {"
+" {@ChapterList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}.{"
+" @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}"
+" }"
+" // @ChapterList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag"
+" // @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag"
+" // @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag"
+" // @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag"
+" // { &3f @SectionTitle } @ContentsEntry {@PageOf @Tag}"
+" //0io @Body"
+The @Code "@BeginSections" macro invokes {@Code "@SectionList"},
+preceded by the appropriate gap and followed by an @Code "@EndSectsPlace"
+for closing the list of sections when the @Code "@EndSections" symbol is
+found. @Code "@Section" itself is just a copy of @Code "@Chapter" with
+slight changes to the format. The parameter of @Code "@NumberMarker" is
+a simple generalization of the one within {@Code "@Chapter"}. Notice
+that we have taken care that the value of this parameter be
+a juxtaposition of simple words: although
+@ID @Code {
+"{@ChapterList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}. &"
+"{@SectionList&&@Tag @Open { @Tag }}"
+is formally equivalent, @Code "&" was not permitted within a
+@Code "@Tag" parameter until recently.
+The DocumentSetup package also contains definitions for subsections in the
+same style. They raise the question of whether Lout is capable of
+producing subsections should the user place {@Code "@BeginSections"},
+{@Code "@Section"}, and {@Code "@EndSections"} within a {@I section},
+and whether such nesting could proceed to arbitrary depth. Arbitrary
+nesting of sections within sections is available now, although the
+numbering would of course be wrong. The author has worked out
+definitions which provide correct numbering to arbitrary depth, with an
+arbitrary format for each level. These were not incorporated into
+DocumentSetup because the author considers sub-subsections to be poor
+style, and he prefers separate names for the symbols at each level.
+@End @Section
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index 0000000..67852b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/exa_equa
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ @Title { An equation formatting package }
+ @Tag { eq }
+In this section we describe the design and implementation of the Eq
+eq. @Index { Eq equation formatting package }
+equation formatting package. Equation formatting makes a natural first
+example, partly because its requirements have strongly influenced the
+design of Lout, and partly because no cross references or galleys are
+To the author's knowledge, Eq is the first equation formatter to be
+implemented as a collection of high-level definitions. This approach
+has significant advantages: the basics of language and layout are
+trivial, so the implementor can concentrate on fine-tuning; and the
+definitions, being readily available, can be improved, extended, or even
+As described in the User's Guide @Cite { $kingston1995lout.user }, an
+equation is entered in a format based on the one introduced by the eqn
+language of Kernighan and Cherry @Cite { $kernighan1975eqn }:
+kernighan.b @Index { Kernighan, B. }
+cherry.l @Index { Cherry, L. }
+@ID @Code {
+"@Eq { { x sup 2 + y sup 2 } over 2 }"
+The result is
+@ID @Eq { { x sup 2 + y sup 2 } over 2 }
+In outline, the definition of the @Code "@Eq" symbol is
+eq.example @Index { @Code "@Eq" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"export sup over \"+\" \"2\" \"<=\""
+"def @Eq"
+" body @Body"
+" def sup precedence 60 left x right y { ... }"
+" def over precedence 54 left x right y { ... }"
+" def \"2\" { Base @Font \"2\" }"
+" def \"+\" { {Symbol Base} @Font \"+\" }"
+" def \"<=\" { {Symbol Base} @Font \"\\243\" }"
+" ..."
+" Slope @Font 1.2f @Break 0c @Space @Body"
+A body parameter is used to restrict the visibility of the equation
+formatting symbols (there are hundreds of them). The equation as a whole
+is set in Slope (i.e. Italic) font, and symbols such as @Code "\"2\"" and
+@Code "\"+\"" are defined when other fonts are needed. Precedences are
+used to resolve ambiguities such as {@Code "a sup b over c"}. Eq takes
+all spacing decisions on itself, so to prevent white space
+typed by the user from interfering, the equation is enclosed in
+{@Code "0c @Space"}. We will discuss the {@Code "1.2f @Break"} later.
+Thus have we disposed of the language design part of the equation
+formatting problem; it remains now to define the twenty or so symbols
+with parameters, and get the layout right.
+Every equation has an {@I axis}: an imaginary horizontal line through
+the centre of variables, through the bar of built-up fractions, and so
+on. We can satisfy this requirement by ensuring that the result of each
+symbol has a single row mark, on the axis. For example, the
+superscripting symbol is defined as follows:
+sup.example @Index { @Code "sup" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def sup"
+" precedence 60"
+" associativity left"
+" left x"
+" named gap { @SupGap }"
+" right y"
+" @HContract @VContract {"
+" | @Smaller y"
+" ^/gap x"
+" }"
+The @Code "@VContract" and @Code "^/" symbols together ensure that the axis
+of the result is the axis of the left parameter. A @Code "gap"
+parameter has been provided for varying the height of the superscript,
+with default value @Code "@SupGap" defined elsewhere as
+{@Code "0.40fk"}. It is important that such gaps be expressed in units
+that vary with the font size, so that they remain correct when the size
+changes. Collecting the default values into symbols like @Code
+"@SupGap" ensures consistency and assists when tuning the values. Here
+is another characteristic definition:
+over.example @Index { @Code "over" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def over"
+" precedence 54"
+" associativity left"
+" left x"
+" named gap { 0.2f }"
+" right y"
+" @HContract @VContract {"
+" |0.5rt @OneCol x"
+" ^//gap @HLine"
+" //gap |0.5rt @OneCol y"
+" }"
+Both parameters are centred, since we do not know which will be the
+wider; we use @@OneCol to make sure that the entire parameter is
+centred, not just its first column, and @@HContract ensures that the
+fraction will never expand to fill all the available space, as Lout objects
+have a natural tendency to do (Section {@NumberOf size}). @Code "@HLine"
+is a horizontal line of the width of the column:
+hline.example @Index { @Code "@Hline" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @HLine"
+" named line { \"0.05 ft setlinewidth\" }"
+"{ "
+" { \"0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto\" line \"stroke\" } @Graphic {}"
+Here we are relying on the expanding tendency just mentioned.
+The remaining symbols are quite similar to these ones. We conclude with
+a few fine points of mathematical typesetting mentioned by a leading
+authority, D. E. Knuth @Cite { $knuth1984tex }.
+knuth.d @Index { Knuth, D. }
+Some symbols, such as @Eq {lessequal} and @Eq { notequal }, should have a
+thick space on each side; others, such as @Eq {plus} and @Eq {minus},
+have a medium space; others have a thin space on the right only. This
+would be easy to do except that these spaces are not wanted in
+superscripts and subscripts:
+@ID @Eq { r sup n+1 - 1 }
+In effect, the definition of such symbols changes depending on the
+context; but Lout does not permit such a change. Luckily, the so-called
+`style' information set by the @@Font, @@Break, and @@Space symbols can
+change in this way. Accordingly, Eq uses the @Code y unit, which is
+part of style, for these spaces:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @MedGap { 0.20y }"
+"def \"+\" { &@MedGap plus &@MedGap }"
+"def @HSqueeze right x { 0.2f @YUnit x }"
+In the equation as a whole, the y unit is initially set to
+{@Code 1f}, and so @Code "@MedGap" ordinarily supplies 20% of this
+amount. But superscripts and subscripts are enclosed in the
+@Code "@HSqueeze" symbol, which, by changing the y unit, ensures that
+any @Code "@MedGap" within them is much smaller than usual.
+@End @Section
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31ab1d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/exa_page
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ @Title { Page layout }
+ @Tag { pagelayout }
+The page layout
+page.layout.inpractice @SubIndex { in practice }
+document.layout.page.layout. @SubIndex { page layout }
+definitions given in Section {@NumberOf definitions},
+although correct, are very basic. In this section we present the
+definitions used by the DocumentLayout package for laying out the pages
+of books, including running page headers and footers, different formats
+for odd and even pages, and so on. The present document is produced with
+these definitions.
+We begin with a few definitions which permit the user to create cross
+references of the `see page 27' variety which will be kept up to date
+automatically. The user marks the target page by placing
+@Code {"@PageMark intro"}, for example, at the point of interest, and
+refers to the marked page as @Code "@PageOf intro" elsewhere:
+pageof.example @Index { @Code "@PageOf" example }
+@LI @Code {
+"export @Tag"
+"def @PageMarker right @Tag { @Null }"
+@LI @Code {
+"def @PageMark right x"
+" @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged x"
+@LI @Code {
+"def @PageOf right x"
+" @PageMarker&&x @Open { @Tag }"
+We will see below that an invocation of @Code "@PageMarker" appears before
+each page, with @Code "@Tag" parameter equal to the
+page number. Suppose that {@Code "@PageMark intro"}, which expands to
+@ID @Code "@PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged intro"
+happens to fall on page 27 of the final printed document (of course, its
+value is @@Null which makes it invisible). Then the effect of @@Tagged
+is to attach @Code "intro" as an extra tag to the first invocation of
+{@Code "@PageMarker"} preceding that final point, and this must be
+{@Code "@PageMarker 27"}. Therefore the expression
+@ID @Code "@PageMarker&&intro @Open { @Tag }"
+will open the invocation {@Code "@PageMarker 27"} and yield the value of
+its @Code "@Tag" parameter, 27. Thus, {@Code "@PageOf intro"} appearing
+anywhere in the document yields 27.
+Next we have some little definitions for various parts of the
+page. {@Code "@FullPlace"} will be the target of full-width body text:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @FullPlace { @Galley }"
+{@Code "@ColPlace"} will be the target of body text within one column:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @ColPlace { @Galley }"
+{@Code "@TopList"} will be the target of figures and tables:
+@ID @Code {
+"export @Tag"
+"def @TopList right @Tag"
+" @Galley"
+" //@TopGap @TopList @Next @Tag"
+We have taken a shortcut here, avoiding an unnecessary @Code "@TopPlace"
+symbol. @Code "@FootList" and {@Code "@FootSect"} define a sequence of
+full-width targets at the foot of the page for footnotes,
+preceded by a short horizontal line:
+footsect.example @Index { @Code "@FootSect" example }
+@LI @Code {
+"export @Tag"
+"def @FootList right @Tag"
+" @Galley"
+" //@FootGap @FootList @Next @Tag"
+@LI @Code {
+"def @FootSect"
+" @FootLen @Wide @HLine"
+" //@FootGap @FootList 1 ||@FootLen"
+Similarly, @Code "@ColFootList" and @Code "@ColFootSect" provide a
+sequence of targets for footnotes within one column:
+@ID @Code {
+"export @Tag"
+"def @ColFootList right @Tag"
+" @Galley"
+" //@FootGap @ColFootList @Next @Tag"
+"def @ColFootSect"
+" @ColFootLen @Wide @HLine"
+" //@FootGap @ColFootList 1 ||@ColFootLen"
+The next definition provides a horizontal sequence of one or more columns:
+collist.example @Index { @Code "@ColList" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @ColList right col"
+" def @Column"
+" { @VExpand { @ColPlace //1rt @OneRow { //@MidGap @ColFootSect } } }"
+" col @Case {"
+" Single @Yield @Column"
+" Double @Yield { @DoubleColWidth @Wide @Column ||@ColGap @ColList col }"
+" Multi @Yield { @MultiColWidth @Wide @Column ||@ColGap @ColList col }"
+" }"
+Each column consists of a @Code "@ColPlace" at the top and a
+@Code "@FootSect" at the foot. The @@VExpand symbol ensures that
+whenever a column comes into existence, it will expand vertically so
+that the bottom-justification @Code "//1rt" has as much space as
+possible to work within. The @Code "col" parameter determines whether
+the result has a single column, double columns, or multiple columns.
+The {@Code "@Page"} symbol places its parameter in a page of fixed width,
+height, and margins:
+page.example @Index { @Code "@Page" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Page right x"
+" @PageWidth @Wide @PageHeight @High {"
+" //@PageMargin ||@PageMargin"
+" @HExpand @VExpand x"
+" ||@PageMargin //@PageMargin"
+" }"
+@@HExpand and @@VExpand ensure that the right parameter occupies all the
+available space; this is important when the right parameter is unusually
+small. The @@High symbol gives the page a single row mark, ensuring that
+it will be printed on a single sheet of paper (page {@PageOf rootg}).
+Next we have {@Code "@OnePage"}, defining a typical page of a book or
+other document:
+onepage.example @Index { @Code "@OnePage" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @OnePage"
+" named @Columns {}"
+" named @PageTop {}"
+" named @PageFoot {}"
+" @Page {"
+" @PageTop"
+" //@MidGap @TopList"
+" //@MidGap @FullPlace"
+" //@MidGap @ColList @Columns"
+" // //1rt @OneRow { //@MidGap @FootSect //@MidGap @PageFoot }"
+" }"
+The page top and page foot, and the number of columns, are parameters
+that will be given later when @Code "@OnePage" is invoked. The body of
+the page is a straightforward combination of previous definitions. The
+@Code "//" symbol protects the following @Code "//1rt" from deletion in
+the unlikely event that all the preceding symbols are replaced by
+@@Null. The following object is enclosed in @@OneRow to ensure that
+all of it is bottom-justified, not just its first component.
+Before presenting the definition of a sequence of pages, we must detour
+to describe how running page headers and footers (like those in the
+present document) are produced. These are based on the
+@Code "@Runner" symbol:
+runner.example @Index { @Code "@Runner" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"export @TopOdd @TopEven @FootOdd @FootEven"
+"def @Runner"
+" named @TopOdd right @PageNum { @Null }"
+" named @TopEven right @PageNum { @Null }"
+" named @FootOdd right @PageNum { @Null }"
+" named @FootEven right @PageNum { @Null }"
+" named @Tag {}"
+"{ @Null }"
+The four parameters control the format of running headers and footers on
+odd and even pages respectively. Invocations of {@Code "@Runner"}, for
+@ID @Code {
+" @TopEven { @B @PageNum |1rt @I { Chapter 4 } }"
+" @TopOdd { @I { Examples } |1rt @B @PageNum }"
+will be embedded in the body text of the document, and, as we will see
+in a moment, are accessed by @Code "@Runner&&following" cross references
+on the pages. Notice how the @Code "@PageNum" parameter of each
+parameter allows the format of the running header to be specified while
+leaving the page number to be substituted later.
+We may now define {@Code "@OddPageList"}, whose result is a sequence of
+pages beginning with an odd-numbered page:
+oddpagelist.example @Index { @Code "@OddPageList" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @OddPageList"
+" named @Columns {}"
+" right @PageNum"
+" def @EvenPageList ..."
+" @PageMarker @PageNum"
+" // @Runner&&following @Open {"
+" @OnePage"
+" @Columns { @Columns }"
+" @PageTop { @TopOdd @PageNum }"
+" @PageFoot { @FootOdd @PageNum }"
+" }"
+" // @EvenPageList"
+" @Columns { @Columns }"
+" @Next @PageNum"
+Ignoring @Code "@EvenPageList" for the moment, notice first that the
+invocation of @Code "@OnePage" is enclosed in
+{@Code "@Runner&&following @Open"}. Since {@Code "@Runner&&following"}
+refers to the first invocation of @Code "@Runner" appearing after itself
+in the final printed document, the symbols @Code "@TopOdd" and
+@Code "@FootOdd" will take their value from the first invocation of
+@Code "@Runner" following the top of the page, even though @Code "@FootOdd"
+appears at the foot of the page. Their @Code "@PageNum" parameters are
+replaced by {@Code "@PageNum"}, the actual page number parameter of
+{@Code "@OddPageList"}.
+After producing the odd-numbered page, @Code "@OddPageList" invokes
+{@Code "@EvenPageList"}:
+evenpagelist.example @Index { @Code "@EvenPageList" example }
+@ID @Code {
+"def @EvenPageList"
+" named @Columns {}"
+" right @PageNum"
+" @PageMarker @PageNum"
+" // @Runner&&following @Open {"
+" @OnePage"
+" @Columns { @Columns }"
+" @PageTop { @TopEven @PageNum }"
+" @PageFoot { @FootEven @PageNum }"
+" }"
+" // @OddPageList"
+" @Columns { @Columns }"
+" @Next @PageNum"
+This produces an even-numbered page, then passes the ball back to
+@Code "@OddPageList" -- a delightful example of what computer
+scientists call mutual recursion. The two page types differ only in
+their running headers and footers, but other changes could easily be made.
+It was foreshadowed earlier that an invocation of @Code "@PageMarker"
+would precede each page, and this has been done. Although this @Code
+"@PageMarker" is a component of the root galley, it will not cause a
+page to be printed, because Basser Lout skips components of height zero.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/exa_para b/doc/expert/exa_para
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b9f60f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/exa_para
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ @Title { Paragraphs, displays, and lists }
+ @Tag { paras }
+The remaining sections of this chapter are all based on Version 2 of
+the DocumentLayout package. Version 3, which is similar but more elaborate,
+is described from the user's perspective in the
+document.layout @Index { DocumentLayout package }
+User's Guide @Cite { $kingston1995lout.user }. In 26 pages of Lout, the
+DocumentLaytout package defines many features required in the formatting
+of simple documents, technical reports, and books, including displays,
+lists, page layout, cross references, tables of contents, footnotes,
+figures, tables, references, chapters, sections, and sorted indexes.
+The symbols used for separating paragraphs and producing displays and
+document.layout.paras @SubIndex { paragraphs }
+lists may lack the excitement of more exotic features, but they can
+teach some important lessons about robust design. The following macro
+for separating paragraphs produces a 0.3 cm vertical space and a 1 cm
+indent on the following line, and is clearly on the right track:
+@ID @Code "macro @PP { //0.3c &1c }"
+Nevertheless it has several major problems.
+The @Code "&" symbol is subject to widening during line adjustment, so
+it should be replaced by {@Code "1c @Wide {}"}. But then white space
+following the symbol will affect the result, so an extra @Code "&0i" must
+be added. If the document is printed double spaced, this paragraph gap
+will fail to widen: it should be expressed in terms of the @Code "v" unit,
+with mark-to-mark spacing mode. Similarly, the paragraph indent should
+probably be made proportional to the font size.
+`Magic numbers' like @Code "0.3c" should not be buried in definitions
+where they cannot be changed easily, or kept consistent with similar
+definitions during tuning. They are much better placed as symbols,
+possibly parameters of the enclosing package:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @DocumentLayout" pp.example @Index { @Code "@PP" example }
+" named @ParaGap { 1.3vx }"
+" named @ParaIndent { 2f }"
+" ..."
+" macro @PP { //@ParaGap @ParaIndent @Wide &0i }"
+" macro @LP { //@ParaGap }"
+" ..."
+"@End @DocumentLayout"
+and we have arrived at the definition of @Code "@PP" as it appears in
+the DocumentLayout package.
+A display is a table in which the first column is blank:
+document.layout.displays @SubIndex { displays }
+@ID lines @Break {
+@I { preceding text }
+@Code "//@DispGap |@DispIndent" @I display
+@Code "//@DispGap"
+@I { following text }
+Edge-to-edge is the appropriate spacing mode before and after displays,
+since the display could be a table or figure whose mark does not
+correspond to a baseline. Thus, @Code "1v" is a reasonable value for
+{@Code "@DispGap"}.
+The ordinary user cannot be expected to type the Lout source shown
+above; a more appropriate syntax is
+indented.display.example @Index { @Code "@IndentedDisplay" example }
+@ID lines @Break {
+@I { preceding text }
+@Code "@IndentedDisplay {" @I display @Code "}"
+@I { following text }
+This presents a problem: if @Code "@IndentedDisplay" is made a definition
+with a right parameter, its result will be an object separated from the
+surrounding text only by white space, hence part of the paragraph; while
+if it is a macro, the final @Code "//@DispGap" cannot be included in it.
+ The solution adopted in the DocumentLayout package uses a galley and a macro:
+@ID @Code {
+" def @DispPlace { @Galley }"
+" def @Disp into { @DispPlace&&preceding }"
+" right x"
+" {"
+" @OneRow x"
+" }"
+" macro @IndentedDisplay"
+" {"
+" //@DispGap |@DispIndent @DispPlace |"
+" //@DispGap // @Disp"
+" }"
+@Code "@DispPlace" and @Code "@Disp" are not exported, so there is
+no danger of a name clash with some other symbol. The ordinary user's
+syntax expands to
+@ID lines @Break {
+@I { preceding text }
+@Code "//@DispGap |@DispIndent @DispPlace |"
+@Code "//@DispGap // @Disp {" @I display @Code "}"
+@I { following text }
+and the @Code "@Disp" galley appears at the preceding
+{@Code "@DispPlace"}, being itself replaced by @@Null. The @Code "//"
+symbol protects the preceding @Code "//@DispGap" from being deleted by
+this @@Null when there is no following text.
+An automatically numbered list
+document.layout.lists @SubIndex { lists }
+numbered @Index { Numbered list }
+could have an arbitrarily large number of
+items, so, by analogy with sequences of pages, we see immmediately that
+recursion must be involved:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @List right num"
+" @DispIndent @Wide num. | @ItemPlace"
+" //@DispGap @List @Next num"
+Notice how the @@Next symbol works in conjunction with the recursion to
+produce an ascending sequence of numbers; the result of @Code "@List 1"
+will be
+@ID @Code {
+"1. @ItemPlace"
+"2. @ItemPlace"
+"3. @ItemPlace"
+We can follow this with items which are galleys targeted to
+{@Code "@ItemPlace&&preceding"}, and @Code "@List" will expand just
+enough to accommodate them.
+The usual problem with recursive-receptive symbols now arises: there is
+always one unexpanded {@Code "@List"}, and until it can be removed the
+galley containing it will appear to be incomplete and will be prevented at
+that point from flushing into its parent (see page {@PageOf forcing}). We
+adopt the usual solution: a forcing galley into a later target will
+replace the last @Code "@List" by @@Null. This brings us to the
+definitions as they appear in DocumentLayout:
+indented.list.example @Index { @Code "@IndentedList" example }
+@LI @Code {
+"def @ItemPlace { @Galley }"
+"def @ListItem into { @ItemPlace&&preceding }"
+" right x"
+"{ x }"
+@LI @Code {
+"def @EndListPlace { @Galley }"
+"def @EndList force into { @EndListPlace&&preceding }"
+@LI @Code {
+"def @RawIndentedList"
+" named style right tag {}"
+" named indent { @DispIndent }"
+" named gap { @DispGap }"
+" named start { 1 }"
+" def @IList right num"
+" {"
+" indent @Wide {style num} | @ItemPlace"
+" //gap @IList @Next num"
+" }"
+" @IList start // @EndListPlace"
+Now given the input
+@ID @Code {
+"@ListItem { first item }"
+"@ListItem { second item }"
+"@ListItem { last item }"
+@Code "@RawIndentedList" will expand to receive the items, and will be
+closed off by {@Code "@EndList"}.
+The {@Code indent}, {@Code gap}, and {@Code start} parameters are
+straightforward (note that the burden of typing @Code 1 has been lifted
+from the ordinary user), but the @Code style parameter has a parameter
+of its own (see page {@PageOf strange}). It is used like this:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @RawNumberedList { @RawIndentedList style { tag. } }"
+"def @RawParenNumberedList { @RawIndentedList style { (tag) } }"
+In {@Code "@RawNumberedList"}, @Code "style" is given the value
+{@Code "tag."}, where @Code tag is its own right parameter, so the value
+of @Code "{style num}" within @Code "@IList" is {@Code "num."}; while in
+{@Code "@RawParenNumberedList"}, @Code "{style num}" is {@Code "(num)"}. In
+this way we achieve an unlimited variety of numbering formats without
+having to rewrite @Code "@RawIndentedList" over and over.
+These list symbols are objects without surrounding space, so macros
+similar to those used for displays are needed:
+@ID @Code {
+"macro @NumberedList { //@DispGap @RawNumberedList //@DispGap }"
+"macro @ParenNumberedList { //@DispGap @RawParenNumberedList //@DispGap }"
+and so on.
+Lists numbered by Roman numerals
+roman @Index { Roman numerals }
+present a problem, because @@Next will
+not increment Roman numerals. Instead, they must be stored in a
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Roman"
+" left @Tag"
+" right @Val"
+"{ @Val }"
+"@SysDatabase @Roman { standard }"
+@Code "@SysDatabase" is preferred over @Code "@Database" here because
+this database should be kept in a standard place and shared by
+everyone. The database itself, a file called @Code "standard.ld" in
+Basser Lout, contains invocations of {@Code "@Roman"}, each enclosed in
+@ID @Code {
+"{ 1 @Roman i }"
+"{ 2 @Roman ii }"
+"{ 100 @Roman c }"
+Then @Code "@Roman&&12" for example has value {@Roman&&12}, and
+@ID @Code {
+"def @RawRomanList { @RawIndentedList style { {@Roman&&tag}. } }"
+produces a list numbered by Roman numerals. The counting still
+proceeds in Arabic, but each Arabic numeral is converted to Roman by the
+cross reference. Since arbitrary objects may be stored in databases,
+arbitrary finite sequences of objects may be `counted' in this way.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/mydefs b/doc/expert/mydefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f0d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/mydefs
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+ def "->" { {Symbol Base} @Font "\256" } #174 decimal
+ def "=>" { {Symbol Base} @Font "\336" } #222 decimal
+ macro @JP { /0.5v }
+ def @Code right x
+ { { Helvetica Base -1p } @Font lines @Break x }
+ macro @JL { //1vx }
+ ###################################################
+ # #
+ # Lout keywords. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################
+ def @@BackEnd { @Code "@BackEnd" }
+ def @@Background { @Code "@Background" }
+ def @@Begin { @Code "@Begin" }
+ def @@Break { @Code "@Break" }
+ def @@Case { @Code "@Case" }
+ def @@Char { @Code "@Char" }
+ def @@Common { @Code "@Common" }
+ def @@CurrLang { @Code "@CurrLang" }
+ def @@CurrFamily { @Code "@CurrFamily" }
+ def @@CurrFace { @Code "@CurrFace" }
+ def @@Database { @Code "@Database" }
+ def @@End { @Code "@End" }
+ def @@Enclose { @Code "@Enclose" }
+ def @@Font { @Code "@Font" }
+ def @@ForceGalley { @Code "@ForceGalley" }
+ def @@Galley { @Code "@Galley" }
+ def @@Graphic { @Code "@Graphic" }
+ def @@HAdjust { @Code "@HAdjust" }
+ def @@HCover { @Code "@HCover" }
+ def @@HContract { @Code "@HContract" }
+ def @@HExpand { @Code "@HExpand" }
+ def @@HLimited { @Code "@HLimited" }
+ def @@High { @Code "@High" }
+ def @@HScale { @Code "@HScale" }
+ def @@HShift { @Code "@HShift" }
+ def @@HSpan { @Code "@HSpan" }
+ def @@Include { @Code "@Include" }
+ def @@IncludeGraphic { @Code "@IncludeGraphic" }
+ def @@KernShrink { @Code "@KernShrink" }
+ def @@Key { @Code "@Key" }
+ def @@Language { @Code "@Language" }
+ def @@LClos { @Code "@LClos" }
+ def @@LEnv { @Code "@LEnv" }
+ def @@LInput { @Code "@LInput" }
+ def @@LUse { @Code "@LUse" }
+ def @@LVis { @Code "@LVis" }
+ def @@Meld { @Code "@Meld" }
+ def @@Merge { @Code "@Merge" }
+ def @@Moment { @Code "@Moment" }
+ def @@Next { @Code "@Next" }
+ def @@NotRevealed { @Code "@NotRevealed" }
+ def @@Null { @Code "@Null" }
+ def @@OneCol { @Code "@OneCol" }
+ def @@OneOf { @Code "@OneOf" }
+ def @@OneRow { @Code "@OneRow" }
+ def @@Open { @Code "@Open" }
+ def @@PAdjust { @Code "@PAdjust" }
+ def @@PageLabel { @Code "@PageLabel" }
+ def @@PlainGraphic { @Code "@PlainGraphic" }
+ def @@PrependGraphic { @Code "@PrependGraphic" }
+ def @@RawVerbatim { @Code "@RawVerbatim" }
+ def @@Rotate { @Code "@Rotate" }
+ def @@Rump { @Code "@Rump" }
+ def @@Insert { @Code "@Insert" }
+ def @@Scale { @Code "@Scale" }
+ def @@SetColor { @Code "@SetColor" }
+ def @@SetColour { @Code "@SetColour" }
+ def @@Space { @Code "@Space" }
+ def @@StartHSpan { @Code "@StartHSpan" }
+ def @@StartVSpan { @Code "@StartVSpan" }
+ def @@StartHVSpan { @Code "@StartHVSpan" }
+ def @@SysDatabase { @Code "@SysDatabase" }
+ def @@SysInclude { @Code "@SysInclude" }
+ def @@SysIncludeGraphic { @Code "@SysIncludeGraphic" }
+ def @@SysPrependGraphic { @Code "@SysPrependGraphic" }
+ def @@Tag { @Code "@Tag" }
+ def @@Tagged { @Code "@Tagged" }
+ def @@Underline { @Code "@Underline" }
+ def @@Use { @Code "@Use" }
+ def @@VAdjust { @Code "@VAdjust" }
+ def @@VContract { @Code "@VContract" }
+ def @@VCover { @Code "@VCover" }
+ def @@VExpand { @Code "@VExpand" }
+ def @@Verbatim { @Code "@Verbatim" }
+ def @@VLimited { @Code "@VLimited" }
+ def @@VScale { @Code "@VScale" }
+ def @@VShift { @Code "@VShift" }
+ def @@VSpan { @Code "@VSpan" }
+ def @@Wide { @Code "@Wide" }
+ def @@Yield { @Code "@Yield" }
+ def @@YUnit { @Code "@YUnit" }
+ def @@ZUnit { @Code "@ZUnit" }
+ ###################################################
+ # #
+ # Miscellaneous, mostly graphical definitions. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################
+ def @TeX
+ { @OneCol { T &0.4fo {-0.2f @VShift E} &0.45fo X }
+ }
+ export sp sb
+ def @Equation
+ body x
+ @Begin
+ def sp left x right y { @OneRow { | "-2p" @Font y ^/0.5fk x } }
+ def sb left x right y { @OneRow { x ^/0.5fk | "-2p" @Font y } }
+ Slope @Font x
+ @End @Equation
+ def @Super
+ left x
+ right y
+ { @OneRow { | -2p @Font y ^/0.5fk x }
+ }
+ def @NineSquare
+ right x
+ {
+ def @Three { x |0.2i x |0.2i x }
+ @Three /0.2i @Three /0.2i @Three
+ }
+ def @Leaders
+ { .. @Leaders
+ }
+ def @HLine
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { {0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto stroke} @Graphic {} }
+ PDF @Yield { {0 0 m __xsize 0 l s} @Graphic {} }
+ }
+# { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto stroke } @Graphic {}
+ }
+ def @VDashLine
+ right length
+ {
+ length @High {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { { 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto [ 3 pt ] 0 setdash stroke } @Graphic {} }
+# VT: double quotes required:
+ PDF @Yield { { "__pt 3 0 d 0 0 m 0 __ysize l s" } @Graphic {} }
+ }
+# { 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto [ 3 pt ] 0 setdash stroke } @Graphic {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @LBox
+ right offset
+ { @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ { //0.2c
+ 0.6c @High 1.2c @Wide
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto closepath
+ gsave 0.9 setgray fill grestore stroke } @Graphic {}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { 0 0 m __xsize 0 l
+ __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize l h
+ q 0.9 g f Q s } @Graphic {}
+ }
+ }
+# { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+# xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto closepath
+# gsave 0.9 setgray fill grestore stroke }
+# @Graphic {}
+ }
+ ||offset @VDashLine 1c
+ }
+ }
+ def @Arrow
+ right length
+ { @OneCol @OneRow
+ {
+ 30d @Rotate {0.12c @Wide @HLine}
+ //
+ length @Wide @HLine
+ //
+ "-30d" @Rotate {0.12c @Wide @HLine}
+ }
+ }
+ def @DoubleArrow
+ right length
+ { @OneCol @OneRow
+ {
+ & 180d @Rotate @Arrow length
+ |0io @Arrow length
+ }
+ }
+ def @Put
+ left coord
+ right x
+ { @OneCol @OneRow
+ { coord / | @OneCol @OneRow x
+ }
+ }
+ macro @At { //0io }
+ ###################################################
+ # #
+ # Interpolated example documents. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################
+ def @LittleEndRunPlace { @Galley }
+ def @LittleEndRun
+ force into { @LittleEndRunPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ def @LittleTextPlace { @Galley }
+ def @LittleText into { @LittleTextPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ { x
+ }
+ def @LittleFootPlace { @Galley }
+ def @LittleFootNote into { @LittleFootPlace&&following }
+ right x
+ { x
+ }
+ def @LittlePageColumn
+ right x
+ {
+ 9px @Break 8p @Font
+ 2.8c @Wide x
+ }
+ def @LittlePage
+ right x
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto
+ 0 ysize lineto closepath stroke } @Graphic
+ { //0.3c ||0.3c
+ 9px @Break 8p @Font
+ 2.8c @Wide 3.8c @High x
+ ||0.3c //0.3c
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { 0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l
+ 0 __ysize l h s } @Graphic
+ { //0.3c ||0.3c
+ 9px @Break 8p @Font
+ 2.8c @Wide 3.8c @High x
+ ||0.3c //0.3c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto
+# 0 ysize lineto closepath stroke } @Graphic
+# { //0.3c ||0.3c
+# 9px @Break 8p @Font
+# 2.8c @Wide 3.8c @High x
+# ||0.3c //0.3c
+# }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LittleFootSect
+ { 1c @Wide @HLine
+ //0.3v @LittleFootPlace ||0.5c
+ }
+ def @LittlePageList
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @LittlePage { # |0.5rt @PageNum //0.8v
+ //0.3v @LittleTextPlace
+ //1rt @LittleFootSect
+ }
+ //
+ @LittlePageList @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ def @LittleDocument
+ { @LittlePage
+ { @LittleTextPlace
+ //1rt @LittleFootSect
+ }
+ // @LittlePageList 2
+ // @LittleEndRunPlace
+ }
+ def @ShowMarks
+ named linewidth {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { 0.015 cm }
+ PDF @Yield { __mul(0.015, __cm) }
+ }
+ }
+ named linestyle { dashed }
+ named dashlength {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { 0.15 cm }
+ PDF @Yield { __mul(0.15, __cm) }
+ }
+ }
+ named paint { lightgrey}
+ right x
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract @Fig
+ { @Box margin { 0c } linewidth { linewidth } paint { paint }
+ { @Figure
+ shape {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ -0.3 cm ymark
+ {xsize ymark} ++ {0.3 cm 0} []
+ xmark -0.3 cm
+ {xmark ysize} ++ {0 0.3 cm}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield { "" # VT: PDF currently has no output
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ShowVMark
+ named linewidth { 0.015 cm }
+ named linestyle { dashed }
+ named dashlength { 0.15 cm }
+ named paint { light }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Fig
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ xmark -0.3 cm
+ {xmark ysize} ++ {0 0.3 cm}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield { "" # VT: PDF currently has no output
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ def @ShowHMark
+ named linewidth { 0.015 cm }
+ named linestyle { dashed }
+ named dashlength { 0.15 cm }
+ named paint { light }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Fig
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ -0.3 cm ymark
+ {xsize ymark} ++ {0.3 cm 0}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield { "" # VT: PDF currently has no output
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ def @Strange
+ named @Format right @Val { [@Val] }
+ right x
+ { @Format x
+ }
+ def @TightBox right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto closepath stroke"
+ @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize l h s"
+ @Graphic x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @GreyBox right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto closepath 0.8 setgray fill"
+ @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize l h 0.8 g f"
+ @Graphic x
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/doc/expert/outfile.ps b/doc/expert/outfile.ps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..477b7da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/outfile.ps
@@ -0,0 +1,15746 @@
+%%Creator: Basser Lout Version 3.17 (September 1999)
+%%CreationDate: Fri Sep 17 12:08:04 1999
+%%DocumentData: Binary
+%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend)
+%%DocumentMedia: Plain 595 842 0 white ()
+%%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)
+%%Pages: (atend)
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutStartUp
+/m { 3 1 roll moveto show } bind def
+/s { exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show } bind def
+/k { exch neg 0 rmoveto show } bind def
+/ul { gsave setlinewidth dup 3 1 roll
+ moveto lineto stroke grestore } bind def
+/in { 1440 mul } def
+/cm { 567 mul } def
+/pt { 20 mul } def
+/em { 120 mul } def
+/sp { louts mul } def
+/vs { loutv mul } def
+/ft { loutf mul } def
+/dg { } def
+/LoutGraphic {
+ /louts exch def
+ /loutv exch def
+ /loutf exch def
+ /ymark exch def
+ /xmark exch def
+ /ysize exch def
+ /xsize exch def
+} def
+/LoutGr2 { gsave translate LoutGraphic gsave } def
+{ findfont exch scalefont setfont
+} bind def
+/LoutRecode {
+ { findfont dup length dict begin
+ {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+ /Encoding exch def
+ currentdict end definefont pop
+ }
+ stopped pop
+} bind def
+/BeginEPSF {
+ /LoutEPSFState save def
+ /dict_count countdictstack def
+ /op_count count 1 sub def
+ userdict begin
+ /showpage { } def
+ 0 setgray 0 setlinecap
+ 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin
+ 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath
+ /languagelevel where
+ { pop languagelevel
+ 1 ne
+ { false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint
+ } if
+ } if
+} bind def
+/EndEPSF {
+ count op_count sub { pop } repeat
+ countdictstack dict_count sub { end } repeat
+ LoutEPSFState restore
+} bind def
+%%BeginResource encoding vec2
+/vec2 [
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash
+/zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven
+/eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question
+/at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G
+/H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
+/P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W
+/X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore
+/quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g
+/h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o
+/p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+/x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef
+/quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /ellipsis /OE /oe /quotedblleft /quotedblright /fi
+/fl /endash /emdash /bullet /dagger /daggerdbl /florin /fraction
+/dotlessi /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent
+/dieresis /.notdef /ring /cedilla /.notdef /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron
+/space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section
+/dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron
+/degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered
+/cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown
+/Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+/Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
+/Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply
+/Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls
+/agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
+/egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide
+/oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
+] def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutTabPrependGraphic
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/tabf.lpg
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Tab %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names %
+% of all these symbols begin with "ltab". %
+% %
+% Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% 24 September 1991 %
+% 22 December 1992 %
+% %
+% linewidth ltabhs -
+% horizontal single line
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhsp -
+% horizontal single line with projecting ends
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhd -
+% horizontal double line
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch 3 mul moveto xsize exch 3 mul lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdb -
+% horizontal double line below mark
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch -3 mul moveto xsize exch -3 mul lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdnw -
+% horizontal double line with northwest corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize exch 3 mul moveto
+ -3 mul exch 3 mul lineto
+ -3 mul 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdne -
+% horizontal double line with northeast corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch 3 mul moveto
+ 3 mul xsize add exch 3 mul lineto
+ 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdsw -
+% horizontal double line with southwest corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize exch -3 mul moveto
+ -3 mul exch -3 mul lineto
+ -3 mul 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdse -
+% horizontal double line with southeast corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch -3 mul moveto
+ 3 mul xsize add exch -3 mul lineto
+ 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvs -
+% vertical single line
+{ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvd -
+% vertical double line
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ -3 mul 0 moveto -3 mul ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvdr -
+% vertical double line to right of mark
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ 3 mul 0 moveto 3 mul ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutFigPrependGraphic
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/figf.lpg
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Fig Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% Version 2.0 (includes CIRCUM label) January 1992 %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names of all symbols %
+% defined here begin with "lfig". However, this is not feasible %
+% with user-defined labels and some labels used by users. %
+% %
+% <point> is two numbers, a point. %
+% <length> is one number, a length %
+% <angle> is one number, an angle in degrees %
+% <dashlength> is one number, the preferred length of a dash %
+% %
+errordict begin
+ /handleerror
+ {
+ { /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ 0 setgray 4 pt 4 pt moveto
+ $error /errorname get
+ dup lfigdict exch known
+ { lfigdict exch get }
+ { 30 string cvs } ifelse
+ show
+ ( Command: ) show
+ $error /command get 30 string cvs show
+ } stopped {} if
+ showpage stop
+ } def
+% concat strings: <string> <string> lfigconcat <string>
+% must be defined outside lfigdict since used in lfigpromotelabels
+{ 2 copy length exch length add string
+ dup 0 4 index putinterval
+ dup 3 index length 3 index putinterval
+ 3 1 roll pop pop
+} def
+% <string> lfigdebugprint -
+% must be defined outside lfigdict since used in arbitrary places
+% /lfigdebugprint
+% { print
+% (; operand stack:\n) print
+% count copy
+% count 2 idiv
+% { ==
+% (\n) print
+% } repeat
+% (\n) print
+% } def
+/lfigdict 120 dict def
+lfigdict begin
+% error messages
+/dictfull (dictfull error: too many labels?) def
+/dictstackoverflow (dictstackoverflow error: labels nested too deeply?) def
+/execstackoverflow (execstackoverflow error: figure nested too deeply?) def
+/limitcheck (limitcheck error: figure nested too deeply or too large?) def
+/syntaxerror (syntaxerror error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/typecheck (typecheck error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/undefined (undefined error: unknown or misspelt label?) def
+/VMError (VMError error: run out of memory?) def
+% push pi onto stack: - lfigpi <num>
+/lfigpi 3.14159 def
+% arc directions
+/clockwise false def
+/anticlockwise true def
+% maximum of two numbers: <num> <num> lfigmax <num>
+/lfigmax { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% minimum of two numbers: <num> <num> lfigmin <num>
+/lfigmin { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% add two points: <point> <point> lfigpadd <point>
+/lfigpadd { exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } def
+% subtract first point from second: <point> <point> lfigpsub <point>
+/lfigpsub { 3 2 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub exch } def
+% max two points: <point> <point> lfigpmax <point>
+/lfigpmax { exch 3 1 roll lfigmax 3 1 roll lfigmax exch } def
+% min two points: <point> <point> lfigpmin <point>
+/lfigpmin { exch 3 1 roll lfigmin 3 1 roll lfigmin exch } def
+% scalar multiplication: <point> <num> lfigpmul <point>
+/lfigpmul { dup 3 1 roll mul 3 1 roll mul exch } def
+% point at angle and distance: <point> <length> <angle> lfigatangle <point>
+/lfigatangle { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul lfigpadd } def
+% angle from one point to another: <point> <point> lfigangle <angle>
+/lfigangle { lfigpsub 2 copy 0 eq exch 0 eq and {pop} {exch atan} ifelse } def
+% distance between two points: <point> <point> lfigdistance <length>
+/lfigdistance { lfigpsub dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
+% difference in x coords: <point> <point> lfigxdistance <length>
+/lfigxdistance { pop 3 1 roll pop sub } def
+%difference in y coords: <point> <point> lfigydistance <length>
+/lfigydistance { 3 1 roll pop sub exch pop } def
+% stroke a solid line: <length> <dashlength> lfigsolid -
+{ pop pop [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% stroke a lfigdashed line: <length> <dashlength> lfigdashed -
+{ 2 copy div 2 le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch dup ] 0 setdash }
+ { dup [ exch 4 2 roll 2 copy div
+ 1 sub 2 div ceiling dup 4 1 roll
+ 1 add mul sub exch div ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a lfigcdashed line: <length> <dashlength> lfigcdashed -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch dup ] dup 0 get 2 div setdash }
+ { dup [ 4 2 roll exch 2 copy exch div
+ 2 div ceiling div 1 index sub
+ ] exch 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a dotted line: <length> <dashlength> lfigdotted -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch 0 exch ] 0 setdash }
+ { 1 index exch div ceiling div
+ [ 0 3 2 roll ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a noline line: <length> <dashlength> lfignoline -
+{ pop pop
+} def
+% painting (i.e. filling): - lfigwhite - (etc.)
+/lfignopaint { } def
+/lfignochange { fill } def
+/lfigdarkblue { 0.0 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigblue { 0.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightblue { 0.5 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgreen { 0.0 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggreen { 0.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgreen { 0.5 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkred { 0.5 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigred { 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightred { 1.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkcyan { 0.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigcyan { 0.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightcyan { 0.5 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkmagenta { 0.5 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigmagenta { 1.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightmagenta { 1.0 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkyellow { 0.5 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgray { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggray { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgray { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgrey { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggrey { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgrey { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigblack { 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigwhite { 1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+% line caps (and joins, not currently used)
+/lfigbutt 0 def
+/lfiground 1 def
+/lfigprojecting 2 def
+/lfigmiter 0 def
+/lfigbevel 2 def
+% shape and labels of the @Box symbol
+ 0 0 /SW lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0 /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize ysize /NE lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize /NW lfigpointdef
+ SE 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ NW 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ W SE lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ S NW lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ NE 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ [ CTR NE lfigpsub /lfigboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @CurveBox symbol
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize 0.5 mul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul 0 /S lfigpointdef
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul /E lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize /N lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul /W lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0.293 mul xmark 0.293 mul /SW lfigpointdef
+ xsize xmark 0.293 mul sub xmark 0.293 mul /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize xmark 0.293 mul sub ysize xmark 0.293 mul sub /NE lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0.293 mul ysize xmark 0.293 mul sub /NW lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul xmark /lfigcurveboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ xmark 0
+ xsize xmark sub 0
+ [ xsize xmark sub xmark ]
+ xsize xmark
+ xsize ysize xmark sub
+ [ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark sub ]
+ xsize xmark sub ysize
+ xmark ysize
+ [ xmark ysize xmark sub ]
+ 0 ysize xmark sub
+ 0 xmark
+ [ xmark xmark ]
+ xmark 0
+} def
+% shadow of the @ShadowBox symbol
+% its shape and labels are done, somewhat inaccurately, with lfigbox
+{ xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
+ xmark 2 mul xmark lineto closepath fill
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Square symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize xsize ysize ysize lfigpmax 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 135 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 225 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 315 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SE lfigpointdef
+ SW 0.5 lfigpmul SE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /S lfigpointdef
+ NW 0.5 lfigpmul NE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ SW 0.5 lfigpmul NW 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /W lfigpointdef
+ SE 0.5 lfigpmul NE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ [ CTR NE lfigpsub /lfigboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Diamond symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ S W lfigpadd /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR W lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR S lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /lfigdiamondcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S E N W S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Ellipse symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ S W lfigpadd /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR W lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR S lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd lfigpsub /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR lfigpsub 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR lfigpsub lfigpsub /SW lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /lfigellipsecircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Circle symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 ysize 0 lfigpmax 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 45 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 90 lfigatangle lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 135 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 180 lfigatangle lfigpadd /W lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 225 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 270 lfigatangle lfigpadd /S lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 315 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SE lfigpointdef
+ [ S E lfigpsub /lfigellipsecircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @HLine and @HArrow symbols
+ 0 ymark lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+ xsize ymark lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @VLine and @VArrow symbols
+ xmark ysize lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0 lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef
+} def
+% points of a polygon around base with given no of sides, vert init angle:
+% <sides> <angle> figpolygon <point> ... <point>
+{ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ 90 sub CTR 2 copy lfigmax 5 3 roll
+ [ 4 copy pop /lfigpolycircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ exch dup 360 exch div exch
+ 1 1 3 2 roll
+ { 4 string cvs (P) exch lfigconcat cvn
+ 6 copy pop pop lfigatangle 2 copy 10 2 roll
+ 3 2 roll lfigpointdef
+ dup 3 1 roll add exch
+ } for
+ pop lfigatangle
+} def
+% next array element: <array> <index> lfiggetnext <array> <index> <any> true
+% or <array> <index> false
+{ 2 copy exch length ge
+ { false }
+ { 2 copy get exch 1 add exch true } ifelse
+} def
+% check whether thing is number: <any> lfigisnumbertype <any> <bool>
+{ dup type dup
+ /integertype eq exch /realtype eq or
+} def
+% check whether thing is an array: <any> lfigisarraytype <any> <bool>
+/lfigisarraytype { dup type /arraytype eq } def
+% get next item: <array> <index> lfiggetnextitem <array> <index> 0
+% or <array> <index> <array> 1
+% or <array> <index> <point> 2
+{ lfiggetnext
+ { lfigisarraytype
+ { 1
+ }
+ { lfigisnumbertype
+ { 3 1 roll
+ lfiggetnext
+ { lfigisnumbertype
+ { 4 3 roll exch 2
+ }
+ { pop 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 0
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% set arc path: bool x1 y1 x2 y2 x0 y0 lfigsetarc <angle> <angle> <dist>
+% the path goes from x1 y1 to x2 y2 about centre x0 y0,
+% anticlockwise if bool is true else clockwise.
+% The orientations of backwards pointing and forwards pointing
+% arrowheads are returned in the two angles, and
+% the length of the arc is returned in <dist>.
+ 20 dict begin
+ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ 2 copy translate 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 4 2 roll lfigpsub 6 2 roll lfigpsub
+ dup /y1 exch def dup mul /y1s exch def
+ dup /x1 exch def dup mul /x1s exch def
+ dup /y2 exch def dup mul /y2s exch def
+ dup /x2 exch def dup mul /x2s exch def
+ y1s y2s eq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { y1s x2s mul y2s x1s mul sub y1s y2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /da exch def
+ x1s x2s eq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { x1s y2s mul x2s y1s mul sub x1s x2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /db exch def
+ da 0 gt db 0 gt and
+ { /LMax da sqrt db sqrt lfigmax def
+ /scalex da sqrt LMax div def
+ /scaley db sqrt LMax div def
+ scalex scaley scale
+ 0 0 LMax
+ 0 0 x1 scalex mul y1 scaley mul lfigangle
+ 0 0 x2 scalex mul y2 scaley mul lfigangle
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 anticlockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if lfigpi mul LMax mul 180 div
+ }
+ { 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance 0 0 x2 y2 lfigdistance eq
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance 0 gt and
+ { 0 0
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigangle
+ 0 0 x2 y2 lfigangle
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 clockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if lfigpi mul 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance mul 180 div
+ }
+ { x2 y2 lineto pop
+ x2 y2 x1 y1 lfigangle
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 lfigangle
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 lfigdistance
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ 4 -1 roll setmatrix
+ end
+} def
+% lfigsetcurve: set up a Bezier curve from x0 y0 to x3 y3
+% and return arrowhead angles and length of curve (actually 0)
+% x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 lfigsetcurve <angle> <angle> <length>
+{ 8 copy curveto pop pop
+ lfigangle
+ 5 1 roll
+ 4 2 roll lfigangle
+ exch
+ 0
+} def
+% lfigpaintpath: paint a path of the given shape
+% /paint [ shape ] lfigpaintpath -
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0 newpath
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ { lfiggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ { 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /curveseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr
+ lfigsetcurve pop pop pop
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ lfigsetarc pop pop pop
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr moveto
+ } ifelse
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop pop pop cvx exec
+ end
+} def
+% stroke a path of the given shape in the given linestyle and dash length.
+% Return the origin and angle of the backward and forward arrow heads.
+% dashlength /linestyle [shape] lfigdopath [<point> <angle>] [<point> <angle>]
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ /backarrow [] def
+ /fwdarrow [] def
+ {
+ lfiggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ {
+ 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /prevseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { newpath xprev yprev moveto
+ curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr lfigsetcurve
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ lfigsetarc
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ xcurr ycurr xprev yprev lfigangle dup 180 sub
+ xprev yprev xcurr ycurr lfigdistance
+ } ifelse
+ 6 index 6 index cvx exec
+ [ xprev yprev 5 -1 roll ]
+ backarrow length 0 eq
+ { /backarrow exch def }
+ { pop } ifelse
+ [ xcurr ycurr 4 -1 roll ] /fwdarrow exch def
+ } if
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop
+ pop pop pop pop
+ backarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { backarrow } ifelse
+ fwdarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { fwdarrow } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% lfigdoarrow: draw an arrow head of given form
+% dashlength /lstyle /pstyle hfrac height width [ <point> <angle> ] lfigdoarrow -
+{ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ dup 0 get 1 index 1 get translate
+ 2 get rotate
+ [ 2 index neg 2 index 0 0
+ 3 index 3 index neg
+ 1 index 10 index mul 0
+ 7 index 7 index ]
+ 4 1 roll pop pop pop
+ dup 3 1 roll
+ gsave lfigpaintpath grestore lfigdopath pop pop
+ setmatrix
+} def
+% arrow head styles
+/lfigopen 0.0 def
+/lfighalfopen 0.5 def
+/lfigclosed 1.0 def
+% stroke no arrows, forward, back, and both
+/lfignoarrow { pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop } def
+/lfigforward { 7 -1 roll lfigdoarrow pop } def
+/lfigback { 8 -2 roll pop lfigdoarrow } def
+/lfigboth { 8 -1 roll 7 copy lfigdoarrow pop 7 -1 roll lfigdoarrow } def
+% lfigprevious: return previous point on path
+{ lfigisnumbertype
+ { 2 copy }
+ { lfigisarraytype
+ { 2 index 2 index }
+ { 0 0 }
+ ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% label a point in 2nd top dictionary: <point> /name lfigpointdef -
+ % (Entering lfigpointdef) lfigdebugprint
+ [ 4 2 roll transform
+ /itransform cvx ] cvx
+ currentdict end
+ 3 1 roll
+ % currentdict length currentdict maxlength lt
+ % { def }
+ % { exec moveto (too many labels) show stop }
+ % ifelse
+ def
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigpointdef) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% promote labels from second top to third top dictionary
+% <string> lfigpromotelabels -
+ % (Entering lfigpromotelabels) lfigdebugprint
+ currentdict end exch currentdict end
+ { exch 20 string cvs 2 index
+ (@) lfigconcat exch lfigconcat cvn exch def
+ } forall pop begin
+ % (Leaving lfigpromotelabels) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% show labels (except CIRCUM): - lfigshowlabels -
+ % (Entering lfigshowlabels) lfigdebugprint
+ currentdict end
+ currentdict
+ { 1 index 20 string cvs (CIRCUM) search % if CIRCUM in key
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ { pop cvx exec 2 copy
+ newpath 1.5 pt 0 360 arc
+ 0 setgray fill
+ /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ moveto 0.2 cm 0.1 cm rmoveto 20 string cvs show
+ }
+ ifelse
+ } forall
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigshowlabels) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% fix an angle to 0 <= res < 360: <angle> lfigfixangle <angle>
+ % (Entering lfigfixangle) lfigdebugprint
+ { dup 0 ge { exit } if
+ 360 add
+ } loop
+ { dup 360 lt { exit } if
+ 360 sub
+ } loop
+ % (Leaving lfigfixangle) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of box: alpha a b lfigboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ 0 0 a b lfigangle /theta exch def
+ % if alpha <= theta, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha theta le
+ { a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 - theta, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ alpha 180 theta sub le
+ { b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 + theta, return (-a, -a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha 180 theta add le
+ { a neg a neg alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 360 - theta, return (-b*cot(alpha), -b)
+ alpha 360 theta sub le
+ { b neg alpha cos mul alpha sin div b neg }
+ {
+ % else 360 - theta <= alpha, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find quadratic roots (assume a != 0): a b c lfigqroots x1 x2 2
+% or x2 1
+% or 0
+ 4 dict begin
+ /c exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /disc b b mul 4 a c mul mul sub def
+ disc 0 lt
+ { 0
+ }
+ { disc 0 eq
+ { b neg 2 a mul div
+ 1
+ }
+ { b neg disc sqrt add 2 a mul div
+ b neg disc sqrt sub 2 a mul div
+ 2
+ }
+ ifelse
+ }
+ ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% work our which quadrant: <angle> lfigquadrant <0-3>
+{ dup 90 lt
+ { pop 0
+ }
+ { dup 180 lt
+ { pop 1
+ }
+ { 270 lt
+ { 2
+ }
+ { 3
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% find curvebox circum, assuming upper right quadrant: alpha a b xmk lfigcb x y
+ 6 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ /theta1 0 0 a b xmk sub lfigangle def
+ /theta2 0 0 a xmk sub b lfigangle def
+ alpha theta1 le
+ { % if alpha <= theta1, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ }
+ { alpha theta2 ge
+ { % else if alpha > theta2, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b
+ }
+ {
+ % else, return the intersection of line and circle
+ a xmk sub b xmk sub xmk 0 0 alpha lfigcircleintersect
+ dup 0 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return any reasonable point
+ pop
+ a b 0.5 lfigpmul
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return the point on top of stack
+ }
+ { % the usual case, two points on stack, return the larger
+ lfigpmax
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% find point on circumference of curvebox: alpha a b xmk lfigcurveboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigcurveboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 5 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ % work out which quadrant we are in, and reflect accordingly
+ /quad alpha lfigquadrant def
+ quad 0 eq
+ { alpha a b xmk lfigcb
+ }
+ { quad 1 eq
+ { 180 alpha sub a b xmk lfigcb exch neg exch
+ }
+ { quad 2 eq
+ { alpha 180 sub a b xmk lfigcb neg exch neg exch
+ }
+ { 360 alpha sub a b xmk lfigcb neg
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigcurveboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of diamond: alpha a b lfigdiamondcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigdiamondcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos abs mul a alpha sin abs mul add /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigdiamondcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of ellipse: alpha a b lfigellipsecircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigellipsecircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos mul dup mul a alpha sin mul dup mul add sqrt /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigellipsecircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of two lines each defined by two points
+% x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 lfiglineintersect x y
+ % (Entering lfiglineintersect) lfigdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /y4 exch def
+ /x4 exch def
+ /y3 exch def
+ /x3 exch def
+ /y2 exch def
+ /x2 exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ x2 x1 sub /x21 exch def
+ x4 x3 sub /x43 exch def
+ y2 y1 sub /y21 exch def
+ y4 y3 sub /y43 exch def
+ y21 x43 mul y43 x21 mul sub /det exch def
+ % calculate x
+ y21 x43 mul x1 mul
+ y43 x21 mul x3 mul sub
+ y3 y1 sub x21 mul x43 mul add
+ det div
+ % calculate y
+ x21 y43 mul y1 mul
+ x43 y21 mul y3 mul sub
+ x3 x1 sub y21 mul y43 mul add
+ det neg div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfiglineintersect) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of polygon
+% alpha radius num theta lfigpolycircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigpolycircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /num exch def
+ /radius exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ % calculate delta, the angle from theta to alpha
+ alpha theta sub lfigfixangle
+ % calculate the angle which is the multiple of 360/num closest to delta
+ 360 num div div truncate 360 num div mul theta add /anglea exch def
+ % calculate the next multiple of 360/num after anglea
+ anglea 360 num div add /angleb exch def
+ % intersect the line through these two points with the alpha line
+ anglea cos anglea sin angleb cos angleb sin
+ 0 0 alpha cos 2 mul alpha sin 2 mul
+ lfiglineintersect radius lfigpmul
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigpolycircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of a point and a circle
+% x0 y0 r x1 y1 theta lfigcircleintersect xa ya xb yb 2
+% or xb yb 1
+% or 0
+ % (Entering lfigcircleintersect) lfigdebugprint
+ 15 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ /r exch def
+ /y0 exch def
+ /x0 exch def
+ % if sin(theta) = 0 then line is horizontal and y must be y1
+ theta sin abs 0.00001 lt
+ {
+ /a 1 def
+ /b -2 x0 mul def
+ /c x0 dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c lfigqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 1
+ }
+ { y1 exch y1 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ {
+ /ct theta cos theta sin div def
+ /a ct ct mul 1 add def
+ /b ct x1 x0 sub mul y1 add y0 sub 2 mul def
+ /c x1 x0 sub dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c lfigqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xb yb 1
+ }
+ { y1 add /ya exch def
+ ya y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xa exch def
+ y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xa ya xb yb 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigcircleintersect) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% add CIRCUM operator with this body: <array> lfigcircumdef -
+{ % (Entering lfigcircumdef) lfigdebugprint
+ /CIRCUM exch cvx
+ currentdict end
+ 3 1 roll
+ % currentdict length currentdict maxlength lt
+ % { def }
+ % { exec moveto (too many labels) show stop }
+ % ifelse
+ def
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigcircumdef) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutBasicSetup
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/bsf.lpg
+% width height linethickness louteuro -
+% draw a Euro symbol of this width and height with this line thickness
+% Author: Jeff Kingston, based on code from Andrew Beardsley
+/louteuro {
+ 20 dict begin
+ /eurothick exch def
+ /euroheight exch def
+ /eurowidth exch def
+ /eurostrokewidth euroheight 0.8 mul def
+ /eurostep eurothick 60 cos mul 60 sin div def
+ /eurotheta 40 def
+ % llx lly width thickness louteurobox -
+ % draw angled box starting at (llx, lly) with given width and thickness
+ /louteurobox
+ {
+ /euroboxthick exch def
+ /euroboxwidth exch def
+ newpath moveto euroboxwidth 0 rlineto
+ eurostep euroboxthick rlineto
+ euroboxwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath fill
+ } def
+ % lower cross stroke
+ 0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 1.5 mul sub
+ eurostrokewidth eurothick louteurobox
+ % upper cross stroke
+ 0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 0.5 mul add
+ eurostrokewidth eurostep 2 mul add eurothick louteurobox
+ % circular part
+ /eurohctr eurowidth euroheight 2 div eurotheta cos mul sub def
+ /eurovctr euroheight 2 div def
+ newpath
+ eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurotheta 350 eurotheta sub arc
+ eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurothick sub 365 eurotheta sub eurotheta arcn
+ closepath fill
+ end
+} def
+% path for @FullWidthRule symbol
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+} def
+% path for @Box symbol
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto
+ closepath
+} def
+% path for @CurveBox symbol
+{ xmark 0 moveto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark xmark 270 360 arc
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark sub xmark 0 90 arc
+ xmark ysize xmark sub xmark 90 180 arc
+ xmark xmark xmark 180 270 arc
+ closepath
+} def
+% path for @ShadowBox symbol
+{ xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
+ xmark 2 mul xmark lineto
+ closepath
+} def
+% set up dictionary containing margin note data: parity LoutMargSet -
+{ /LoutMargDict 12 dict def
+ LoutMargDict begin
+ /parity exch def
+ /matr matrix currentmatrix def
+ /rightx xsize def
+ /lefty ysize def % highest allowable point for top of next left note
+ /righty ysize def % highest allowable point for top of next right note
+ /max { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+ /min { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+ end
+} def
+%translate coordinate system for marginal notes: type LoutMargShift -
+% where type 0 is left margin, 1 is right margin, 2 is outer, 3 is inner
+{ LoutMargDict begin
+ % y coordinate of top of note, in margin coords, before vertical adjust
+ 0 ysize transform matr itransform exch pop
+ % decide whether left or right margin based on type and parity
+ exch [ 0 1 parity 1 parity sub ] exch get 0 eq
+ {
+ % left margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
+ lefty min
+ % bottom of note is new lefty position and also translate position
+ ysize sub dup /lefty exch def
+ % want right edge of note at coordinate zero
+ xsize neg exch
+ }
+ {
+ % right margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
+ righty min
+ % bottom of note is new righty position and also translate position
+ ysize sub dup /righty exch def
+ % want left edge of note at coordinate rightx
+ rightx exch
+ } ifelse
+ % stack now contains coord of bottom left corner in margin coordinates
+ matr setmatrix translate
+ end
+} def
+% create LoutPageDict with left, right, foot, top for @Place symbol users
+ /LoutPageDict 5 dict def
+ LoutPageDict begin
+ /matr matrix currentmatrix def
+ /left 0 def
+ /right xsize def
+ /foot 0 def
+ /top ysize def
+ end
+} def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman
+/Times-Romanfnt82 vec2 /Times-Roman LoutRecode
+/fnt82 { /Times-Romanfnt82 LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
+/Helveticafnt35 vec2 /Helvetica LoutRecode
+/fnt35 { /Helveticafnt35 LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Symbol
+/fnt78 { /Symbol LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica-Oblique
+/Helvetica-Obliquefnt36 vec2 /Helvetica-Oblique LoutRecode
+/fnt36 { /Helvetica-Obliquefnt36 LoutFont } def
+%%Page: i 1
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+%%+ font Helvetica
+%%+ font Symbol
+%%+ font Helvetica-Oblique
+/pgsave save def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+240 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 240 288 60 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 14006 0 14006 240 288 60 1417 -15423 LoutGr2
+1 LoutMargSet
+600 fnt35 1355 12125(An)m 2215(Exper)s -24(t')k 30(s)k
+4518(Guide)s 6258(to)s 6902(the)s 3956 10685(Lout)m 616 9245(Document)m
+3500(F)s 18(or)k -15(matting)k 6490(System)s 240 fnt35
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+480 5999( else @Y)m 4(ield @Title)k 480 5711( })m 480 5423( })m 480 4847( def @ChapterNum)m
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+480 1763( })m 480 1475( // @ChapterList&&preceding @T)m 26(agged @T)k 26(ag)k 480 1187( // @NumberMar)m -3(k)k 4(er&&preceding @T)k 26(agged @T)k 26(ag)k
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+480 11191( {)m 480 10903( @SectionNumbers @Case {)m 480 10615( {Y)m 30(es y)k 4(es} @Y)k 4(ield { {@NumberOf @T)k 26(ag}.)k 13( |2s @Title })k
+480 10327( else @Y)m 4(ield @Title)k 480 10039( })m 480 9751( })m 480 9175( @Heading @Protect @SectionTitle)m
+480 8887( // @NumberMar)m -3(k)k 4(er {)k 480 8599( {@ChapterList&&@T)m 26(ag @Open { @T)k 26(ag }}.{)k
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+1091(the)s 1461(question)s 2350(of)s 2643(whether)s 3494(Lout)s
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+480 5520( @T)m 26(ype { Book })k 480 5232( @A)m 6(uthor { Str)k -3(unk, )k 8(William and )k 8(White)k 3(, E.)k 13( B)k 4(.)k 13( })k
+480 4944( @Title { )m 11(The Elements of Style })k 480 4656( @Pub)m 4(lisher { MacMillan, third edition })k 480 4368( @Y)m 30(ear { 1979 })k
+480 4080(})m 480 3588({ @Ref)m 6(erence)k 480 3300( @T)m 26(ag { kingston92 })k
+480 3012( @T)m 26(ype { )k 11(T)k 26(echRepor)k -8(t })k
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+480 1284( @Y)m 30(ear { 1992 })k 480 996(})m 240 fnt82 0 502(Since)m
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+5762 11415(.)m 5926(Macmillan,)s 7068(1979.)s 0 10916(Incidentally)m 15(,)k
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+480 4726( { @Ref)m 6(erence&&reftag @Open)k 480 4438( { @A)m 6(uthor)k 11(, {Slope @F)k 6(ont @Title}.)k 13( )k 11(T)k 26(ech.)k 13( Rep)k 7(.)k 13( @Number \(@Y)k 30(ear\),)k
+480 4150(@Institution.)m 13( @Comment })k 480 3862( })m 480 3574(})m 240 fnt82
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+240 fnt82 4933 6049(g)m 1(ap)k 5331(mode)s 5866(,)s
+5973(37)s 4816 5761(T)m 19(ables)k 5432(,)s 5539(2)s
+4816 5473(T)m 19(ab)k 4(ulation)k 5886(g)s 1(ap)k
+6284(mode)s 6819(,)s 6926(37)s 220 fnt35 4816 5182(@T)m 26(ag)k
+240 fnt82 5439 5185(parameter)m 9(,)k 6491(def)s 2(ault)k
+7212(v)s 6(alue)k 7780(of)s 7998(,)s 8105(16)s
+220 fnt35 4816 4894(@T)m 26(agged)k 240 fnt82 5805 4897(symbol)m
+6512(,)s 6619(59)s 4816 4609(T)m 19(ar)k 4(get)k
+5476(of)s 5747(cross)s 6289(reference)s 7179(,)s 7286(8)s
+4816 4321(T)m 19(ar)k 4(get)k 5476(of)s 5747(a)s
+5913(g)s 1(alle)k 3(y)k 6494(,)s 6601(11)s
+220 fnt35 4816 4030(@T)m 26(arget)k 240 fnt82 5703 4033(symbol)m
+6410(,)s 6517(30)s 5056 3745(in)m 5299(detail)s 5831(,)s
+5938(25)s 4816 3457(T)m 4912 3409(E)m 5020 3457(X)m 5056 3169(h)m 1(yphenation)k
+6243(,)s 6350(39)s 5056 2881(optimal)m 5841(paragraph)s 6854(breaking)s
+7691(,)s 7798(39)s 4816 2593(T)m 16(e)k 3(xtual)k
+5582(unit)s 5961(,)s 6068(13)s 220 fnt35 4816 2014(@Under)m -3(line)k
+240 fnt82 6031 2017(symbol)m 6738(,)s 6845(67)s 4816 1729(Underscore)m
+5974(character)s 6855(,)s 6962(13)s 220 fnt35 4816 1438(@Use)m
+240 fnt82 5481 1441(symbol)m 6188(,)s 6295(60)s 220 fnt35
+4816 862(v)m 240 fnt82 4985 865(unit)m 5364(,)s 5471(37)s
+5056 577(ef)m 6(fect)k 5652(on)s 5949(paragraph)s 6962(breaking)s
+7799(,)s 7906(42)s 220 fnt35 4816 286(@V)m 17(Adjust)k
+240 fnt82 5833 289(symbol)m 6540(,)s 6647(49)s
+pgsave restore
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+/pgsave save def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Bold
+/Times-Boldfnt84 vec2 /Times-Bold LoutRecode
+/fnt84 { /Times-Boldfnt84 LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic
+/Times-Italicfnt83 vec2 /Times-Italic LoutRecode
+/fnt83 { /Times-Italicfnt83 LoutFont } def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+240 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 240 288 60 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 14006 0 14006 240 288 60 1417 -15423 LoutGr2
+0 LoutMargSet
+240 fnt84 0 13840(94)m 240 fnt83 8539 13843(Inde)m 4(x)k
+220 fnt35 0 13246(@VContr)m 2(act)k 240 fnt82 1252 13249(symbol)m
+1959(,)s 2066(48)s 220 fnt35 0 12958(@VCo)m 3(v)k 5(er)k
+240 fnt82 1006 12961(symbol)m 1713(,)s 1820(50)s 220 fnt35
+0 12670(@V)m 17(erbatim)k 240 fnt82 1129 12673(symbol)m 1836(,)s
+1943(67)s 0 12385(V)m 26(ertical)k 797(concatenation)s 2129(,)s
+2236(36)s 220 fnt35 0 12094(@VExpand)m 240 fnt82 1161 12097(symbol)m
+1868(,)s 1975(48)s 220 fnt35 0 11806(@VLimited)m 240 fnt82
+1123 11809(symbol)m 1830(,)s 1937(48)s 220 fnt35 0 11518(@VScale)m
+240 fnt82 969 11521(symbol)m 1676(,)s 1783(49)s 220 fnt35
+0 11230(@VShift)m 240 fnt82 863 11233(symbol)m 1570(,)s 1677(48)s
+220 fnt35 0 10942(@VSpan)m 240 fnt82 927 10945(symbol)m 1634(,)s
+1741(50)s 220 fnt35 0 10366(w)m 240 fnt82 216 10369(unit)m
+595(,)s 702(37)s 0 10081(White)m 640(space)s 1174(,)s
+1281(13)s 240 9793(when)m 816(signi\207cant)s 1819(,)s 1926(38)s
+220 fnt35 0 9502(@Wide)m 240 fnt82 774 9505(symbol)m 1481(,)s
+1588(47)s 0 9217(W)m 9(idth)k 646(of)s 917(an)s
+1200(object)s 1791(,)s 1898(24)s 0 8929(W)m 19(ord)k
+531(,)s 638(14)s 220 fnt35 0 8350(x)m 240 fnt82
+168 8353(g)m 1(ap)k 566(mode)s 1101(,)s 1208(37)s
+220 fnt35 0 7774(@Y)m 4(ield)k 240 fnt82 753 7777(symbol)m
+1460(,)s 1567(56)s 220 fnt35 0 7486(@YUnit)m 240 fnt82
+814 7489(symbol)m 1521(,)s 1628(44)s 220 fnt35 0 6910(@ZUnit)m
+240 fnt82 802 6913(symbol)m 1509(,)s 1616(44)s
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+%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset LoutStartUp
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+%%Pages: 100
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre b/doc/expert/pre
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72a4fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ @Title { Predefined symbols }
+ @Tag { symbols }
+@Include { pre_begi }
+@Include { pre_conc }
+@Include { pre_font }
+@Include { pre_brea }
+@Include { pre_spac }
+@Include { pre_yuni }
+@Include { pre_colo }
+@Include { pre_lang }
+@Include { pre_oner }
+@Include { pre_wide }
+@Include { pre_hshi }
+@Include { pre_hexp }
+@Include { pre_hcon }
+@Include { pre_hlim }
+@Include { pre_hadj }
+@Include { pre_hsca }
+@Include { pre_cove }
+@Include { pre_span }
+@Include { pre_scal }
+@Include { pre_rota }
+@Include { pre_back }
+@Include { pre_kshr }
+@Include { pre_rump }
+@Include { pre_inse }
+@Include { pre_oneo }
+@Include { pre_next }
+@Include { pre_case }
+@Include { pre_mome }
+@Include { pre_null }
+@Include { pre_gall }
+@Include { pre_notr }
+@Include { pre_cros }
+@Include { pre_tagg }
+@Include { pre_open }
+@Include { pre_data }
+@Include { pre_grap }
+@Include { pre_plai }
+@Include { pre_incg }
+@Include { pre_prep }
+@Include { pre_incl }
+@Include { pre_bend }
+@Include { pre_verb }
+@Include { pre_unde }
+@Include { pre_page }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_back b/doc/expert/pre_back
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37de5c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_back
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ @Title { "@Background" }
+ @Tag { background }
+background.sym @Index { @@Background symbol }
+The @@Background symbol will print its left parameter in the
+background of its right parameter. That is, the result has
+the size of the right parameter, but the left parameter will
+be printed first in the same space, with its marks aligned with
+the marks of the right parameter.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_begi b/doc/expert/pre_begi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9adbb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_begi
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ @Title { "@Begin" and "@End" }
+ @Tag { begin }
+The body of a symbol @Code "@Sym" may be enclosed in @@Begin and
+begin. @Index { @@Begin symbol }
+end. @Index { @@End symbol }
+@@End @Code "@Sym" instead of the more usual braces:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Section"
+" named @Title {}"
+" right @Body"
+" @Title //2v @Body"
+"@End @Section"
+They may also enclose the right or body parameter of a symbol invocation:
+@ID @Code {
+" @Title { Introduction }"
+"This subject needs no introduction."
+"@End @Chapter"
+Apart from their utility as documentation aids, these forms allow Basser
+Lout to pinpoint mismatched braces, which can otherwise create total
+havoc. For this reason, they should enclose the major parts of documents,
+such as chapters and sections. Note that braces cannot be
+replaced by @@Begin and @@End in general.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_bend b/doc/expert/pre_bend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f742a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_bend
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ @Tag { backend }
+ @Title { "@BackEnd" and the PlainText and PDF back ends }
+backend.sym @Index { @@BackEnd symbol }
+The @@BackEnd symbol, which takes no parameters, has for its result a
+string naming the back end currently in use. Three back ends are available,
+PostScript, PDF and PlainText. The symbol is generally used like this:
+@ID @Code {
+"@BackEnd @Case {"
+" PlainText @Yield { ... }"
+" PostScript @Yield { ... }"
+" PDF @Yield { ... }"
+to obtain different objects depending on the back end. No @Code else
+is required since these are the only possible values.
+When a @Code "@Case" symbol has @Code "@BackEnd" for its left parameter
+and the left parameter of each @Code "@Yield" symbol within it consists
+of a sequence of one or more literal words (including {@Code else}), Lout
+will optimize by evaluating the @Code "@Case" symbol at the time it is
+read. This optimization ensures that there is only a small once-only
+performance penalty for multiple back ends, and it permits these
+@Code "@Case" symbols (but no other symbols) to appear within the object
+following @Code "@Include" and @Code "@PrependGraphic" symbols.
+The PlainText back end differs from the PostScript one in two main
+respects. First, there is effectively just one font: although all
+the font commands work exactly as usual, they don't actually change
+anything. Each character in this font is taken to be one tenth
+of one inch wide and 20 points high. Second, the output is an
+ordinary text file, not a PostScript file.
+Clearly, with ordinary text output the possibility of advanced graphics
+features such as rotation and scaling is curtailed. Nevertheless, all
+symbols have well-defined (possibly null) effects in the PlainText
+back end, so there is no additional danger of crashing the system or
+obtaining grossly unreasonable output by a change to PlainText.
+The PlainText back end is obtained by the @Code "-p" option to Basser
+Lout. The character size can be changed by adding two lengths to
+the @Code "-p" option, like this:
+@ID @Code "lout -p0.1i12p ..."
+which invokes the PlainText back end with each character being 0.1
+inches wide and 12 points high. However, experience suggests that
+the best approach is to define all horizontal lengths as multiples of
+the @Code "s" unit (the width of a space, hence the width of all
+characters) and to define all vertical lengths as multiples of the
+@Code "f" unit (the font size, equal to the height of every character),
+and not to change the character size in the command line.
+There is a @Code "-P" option which is identical with the @Code "-p"
+option except that it inserts a form-feed character between each two
+components of the output, but not before the first or after the last.
+The PDF back end is obtained by typing {@Code "lout -Z"}. It is similar
+to PostScript but much more limited in functionality. Consult a separate
+document distributed with Lout for further information.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_brea b/doc/expert/pre_brea
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b91b2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_brea
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ @Title { "@Break" }
+ @Tag { break }
+The @@Break symbol influences the appearance of paragraphs (Section
+{@NumberOf concatenation}), offering a fixed set of nine styles:
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code adjust @@Break @I object }
+adjust.break @Index { @Code adjust @@Break }
+|2m Break the paragraphs of {@I object} into lines, and apply @@PAdjust
+(Section {@NumberOf hadjust}) to every line except the last in
+each paragraph;
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code outdent @@Break @I object }
+outdent.break @Index { @Code outdent @@Break }
+|2m Like {@Code adjust}, except that @Code "2.0f @Wide {} &0i" is
+inserted at the beginning of every line except the first, creating
+an outdented paragraph;
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code ragged @@Break @I object }
+ragged.break @Index { @Code ragged @@Break }
+|2m Break the paragraphs of {@I object} into lines, but do not adjust
+the lines (`ragged right');
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code cragged @@Break @I object }
+cragged.break @Index { @Code cragged @@Break }
+|2m Like {@Code ragged}, except that each line will be centred with
+respect to the others;
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code rragged @@Break @I object }
+rragged.break @Index { @Code rragged @@Break }
+|2m Like {@Code ragged}, except that each line will be right-justified with
+respect to the others (`ragged left');
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code oragged @@Break @I object }
+oragged.break @Index { @Code oragged @@Break }
+|2m The obvious combination of {@Code ragged} and {@Code outdent};
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code lines @@Break @I object }
+lines.break @Index { @Code lines @@Break }
+|2m Break the paragraphs of {@I object} into lines at the same points
+that they are broken into lines in the input, and also at concatenation
+symbols of the form {@Code "&"}{@I k}{@Code "b"} for any {@I k} greater
+than 1. Do not adjust the lines. Any spaces at the start of a line
+other than the first line will appear in the output;
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code clines @@Break @I object }
+clines.break @Index { @Code clines @@Break }
+|2m Break the paragraphs of {@I object} into lines as for @Code "lines"
+@@Break, then centre each line with respect to the others;
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code rlines @@Break @I object }
+rlines.break @Index { @Code rlines @@Break }
+|2m Break the paragraphs of {@I object} into lines as for @Code "lines"
+@@Break, then right-justify each line with respect to the others.
+If the paragraph was an entire component of a galley, so will each of
+its lines be; otherwise the lines are enclosed in a {@Code "@OneRow"}
+symbol after breaking.
+The length of the gap used to separate the lines produced by paragraph
+breaking is always {@Code 1v}. However, the @Code v unit itself and the
+v.unit.effect @SubIndex { effect on paragraph breaking }
+gap mode may be changed:
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @I gap @Code "@Break" @I object }
+|2m Within {@I object}, take the value of the @Code "v" unit to be the
+length of {@I gap};
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt + & @I gap @Code "@Break" @I object }
+|2m Within {@I object}, take the value of the @Code "v" unit to be
+larger by the length of @I gap than it would otherwise have been;
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt -- & @I gap @Code "@Break" @I object }
+|2m Within {@I object}, take the value of the @Code "v" unit to be
+smaller by the length of @I gap than it would otherwise have been.
+In each case, the mode of @I gap is adopted within {@I object}.
+The @@Break symbol also controls hyphenation:
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code "hyphen @Break" @I object }
+hyphen.break @Index { @Code hyphen @@Break }
+|2m Permit hyphenation within the paragraphs of {@I object};
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code "nohyphen @Break" @I object }
+nohyphen.break @Index { @Code nohyphen @@Break }
+|2m Prohibit hyphenation within the paragraphs of {@I object}; all
+hyphenation gaps without exception revert to edge-to-edge mode.
+The @@Break also has options which control widow and orphan lines:
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code "unbreakablefirst @Break" @I object }
+hyphen.break @Index { @Code hyphen @@Break }
+|2m Prevent column and page breaks (i.e. prevent a galley from splitting)
+between the first and second lines of the paragraphs of {@I object};
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code "unbreakablelast @Break" @I object }
+nohyphen.break @Index { @Code nohyphen @@Break }
+|2m Prevent column and page breaks between the last and second
+last lines of the paragraphs of {@I object}.
+These options work by adding the @Code "u" (unbreakable) suffix to the
+appropriate gaps during paragraph breaking, so their precise effect is
+as described for this suffix. These options may be countermanded by
+@Code "breakablefirst @Break" and @Code "breakablelast @Break".
+Several options may be given to the @@Break symbol simultaneously, in
+any order. For example,
+@ID @Code "{ adjust 1.2fx hyphen } @Break ..."
+is a typical initial value. There may be empty objects and @@Null objects
+in the left parameter of @@Break; these are ignored.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_case b/doc/expert/pre_case
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0f22e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_case
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ @Title { "@Case" }
+ @Tag { case }
+case.sym @Index { @@Case symbol }
+yield.sym @Index { @@Yield symbol }
+The @@Case symbol selects its result from a list of alternatives,
+depending on a tag:
+@ID @Code {
+"@Day @Case {"
+" { 1 21 31 } @Yield st"
+" { 2 22 } @Yield nd"
+" { 3 23 } @Yield rd"
+" else @Yield th"
+In this example the result will be st if @Code "@Day" is 1, 21, or 31,
+and nd if @Code "@Day" is 2 or 22, etc. The effect is similar to
+accessing a database, though in a more compact form. The right parameter
+is a sequence of @@Yield symbols, each with a left parameter whose value is
+a sequence of one or more juxtapositions of simple words, and a right
+parameter which may be any object.
+We first describe the behaviour when the value of the left parameter of
+@@Case is a juxtaposition of one or more simple words. Then the result of
+the @@Case is the right parameter of the first @@Yield whose left parameter
+contains either the value of the left parameter of the @@Case, or the special
+value {@Code else}. If there is no such @@Yield it is an error.
+When the left parameter of @@Case is not a juxtaposition of simple
+words, the result is the right parameter of the first @@Yield whose
+left parameter is {@Code else}, or an error otherwise. This permits
+examples like
+@ID @Code {
+"@RunningTitle @Case {"
+" dft @Yield @Title"
+" else @Yield @RunningTitle"
+where a running title is returned unless it has the value {@Code dft}
+(which presumably means that no running title was supplied), in which
+case an ordinary title is returned instead.
+When a receptive symbol is placed within a @@Case, it should be included
+in each alternative, since otherwise Basser Lout may become confused when
+trying to predict whether the symbol will be a part of the result or
+not. Alternatively, if it can be guaranteed that the receptive symbol
+will never be searched for when the cases that it does not lie within
+are selected, that is all right too.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_colo b/doc/expert/pre_colo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21ae85b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_colo
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ @Title { "@SetColour" and "@SetColor" }
+ @Tag { colour }
+The @@SetColour and @@SetColor symbols,
+setcolour.sym @Index { @@SetColour symbol }
+setcolor.sym @Index { @@SetColor symbol }
+which have identical effect, return their right parameter in
+the colour specified by their left parameter. The form of
+the left parameter is implementation-dependent; in Basser Lout
+it must be an object whose value is a sequence of words comprising
+a PostScript command for setting colour. For example,
+@ID @Code "{ 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor } @SetColour { hello, world }"
+produces the red result
+@ID {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor } @SetColour { hello, world }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { 1.0 0.0 0.0 rg 1.0 0.0 0.0 RG } @SetColour { hello, world }
+ }
+ }
+Of course, a colour output device is needed to see the effect; on
+a monochrome device the result will be some shade of grey. The
+@@SetColour command will not accept an empty left parameter
+(it refuses to believe that this could cause a change of colour),
+but otherwise it trusts the user to supply something sensible.
+The @@SetColour command accepts the special value {@Code "nochange"}
+for the left parameter. This value causes the right parameter to have
+the colour it would have had without the @@SetColour command.
+There is no default colour, so the user must ensure that the root galley
+or each of its components is enclosed in a @@SetColour symbol whose
+left parameter is not {@Code "nochange"}.
+Lout makes no attempt to understand colour, it simply prints
+the PostScript commands when appropriate. This has the advantage
+of permitting access to any of PostScript's colour models (some
+require initialization which can be supplied using @@PrependGraphic),
+but the disadvantage of offering no way to make relative changes
+(`as before only redder,' and so on).
+For those who wish to obtain colour without working very hard,
+the @Code setrgbcolor command used above is available in every
+version of PostScript, requires no initialization, and is simple
+to use. The three numbers, which range from 0.0 to 1.0, determine
+the intensity of red, green, and blue respectively. Some useful
+values for the left parameter are
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @I B }
+@Rowa A { 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor } B { red }
+@Rowa A { 0.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor } B { green }
+@Rowa A { 0.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor } B { blue }
+@Rowa A { 1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor } B { white }
+@Rowa A { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor } B { grey }
+@Rowa A { 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor } B { black }
+Colouring an object white is useful for producing an empty space
+whose size is that of some object.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_conc b/doc/expert/pre_conc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ce6e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_conc
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ @Title { Concatenation symbols and paragraphs }
+ @Tag { concatenation }
+There are ten concatenation symbols, in three families:
+concatenation. @Index { Concatenation symbols }
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code C ! @Col @Code D ! @Col E }
+@Rowa A { "/" } B { "^/" } C { "//" } D { "^//" } E { Vertical concatenation }
+@Rowa A { "|" } B { "^|" } C { "||" } D { "^||" } E { Horizontal concatenation }
+@Rowa A { "&" } B { "^&" } C { } D { } E {In-paragraph concatenation}
+Each symbol produces an object which combines together the two
+parameters. The right parameter must be separated from the symbol by at
+least one white space character.
+The vertical concatenation symbol @Code "/" places its left parameter
+vertical.concatenation @Index { Vertical concatenation }
+above its right parameter with their column marks aligned. If one
+parameter has more column marks than the other, empty columns are
+inserted at the right to equalize the numbers. The variant @Code "//"
+ignores column marks and left-justifies the objects.
+The horizontal concatenation symbols @Code "|" and @Code "||" are horizontal
+horizontal.concatenation @Index { Horizontal concatenation }
+analogues of @Code "/" and {@Code "//"}: they place their two parameters side
+by side, with row mark alignment or top-justification respectively. The
+in.paragraph.concatenation @Index { In-paragraph concatenation }
+in-paragraph concatenation symbol @Code "&" produces horizontal concatenation
+within a paragraph; its special properties are treated in detail at the
+end of this section.
+The concatenation symbols in any one family are @I { mutually associative },
+which means that
+@ID {
+@Code "{" @I x {@Code "|"}{@I p} @I y @Code "}" {@Code "|"}{@I q} @I z
+is always the same as
+@ID {
+@I x {@Code "|"}{@I p} @Code "{" @I y {@Code "|"}{@I q} @I z @Code "}"
+for any objects {@I x}, {@I y}, and {@I z}, any gaps @I p and @I q (defined
+below), and any choice of {@Code "|"}, {@Code "^|"}, {@Code "||"}, and
+{@Code "^||"}. In practice we always omit such braces, since they are
+redundant and can be misleading. The result of the complete sequence of
+concatenations will be called the {@I{whole concatenation object}}, and
+the objects which make it up will be called the {@I components}.
+One mark is designated as the @I { principal mark }, usually the mark of
+principal.mark @Index { Principal mark }
+the first component. A later mark can be chosen for this honour by
+attaching {@Code "^"} to the preceding concatenation symbol. See Section
+{@NumberOf onerow} for examples.
+A {@I gap},
+gap @Index Gap
+specifying the distance between the two
+parameters, may follow any concatenation symbol. There may be no spaces
+between a concatenation symbol and its gap. A missing gap is taken
+to be {@Code 0ie}. The gap is effectively a third parameter of the
+concatenation symbol, and it may be an arbitrary object provided that it
+evaluates to a juxtaposition of simple words. In general, the gap must
+be enclosed in braces, like this:
+@ID @Code {
+"//{ @Style&&mystyle @Open { @TopMargin } }"
+but the braces may be omitted when the object is a juxtaposition of
+simple words or an invocation of a symbol without parameters, as in
+@Code "//0.3vx" and {@Code "||@Indent"}.
+A gap consists of a length plus a gap mode plus an optional indication
+of unbreakability. A @I length
+length @Index { Length }
+is represented by an decimal number (which may not be negative) followed
+by a unit of measurement. For example, @Code "2.5c" represents the
+length 2.5 centimetres. Figure {@NumberOf units} gives the full selection
+of units of measurement.
+c.unit @Index { @Code c unit }
+p.unit @Index { @Code p unit }
+m.unit @Index { @Code m unit }
+f.unit @Index { @Code f unit }
+s.unit @Index { @Code s unit }
+v.unit @Index { @Code v unit }
+w.unit @Index { @Code w unit }
+b.unit @Index { @Code b unit }
+r.unit @Index { @Code r unit }
+d.unit @Index { @Code d unit }
+ @Caption { The thirteen units of measurement provided by Lout. }
+ @Tag { units }
+ @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.3v }
+ side { yes }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ {
+ @Rowa above { yes } A { c } B { Centimetres. }
+ @Rowa A { i } B { Inches.
+ @Rowa A { p } B { Points ({@Code 72p} = {@Code 1i}).
+ @Rowa A { m } B { Ems ({@Code 12m} = {@Code 1i}).
+ @Rowa A { f } B {
+One @Code f equals the size of the current font, as specified by
+the @@Font symbol (Section {@NumberOf font}). This unit is
+appropriate for lengths that should change with the font size.
+ @Rowa A { s } B {
+One @Code s equals the preferred gap between two words in the
+current font, as specified in the definition of the font, or by the
+@@Space symbol (Section {@NumberOf break}).
+ @Rowa A { v } B {
+One @Code v equals the current gap between lines introduced during
+paragraph breaking, as specified by the @@Break symbol (Section
+{@NumberOf break}). This unit is appropriate for lengths, such as the
+spaces between paragraphs, which should change with the inter-line gap.
+ @Rowa A { w } B {
+One @Code w equals the width of the following component, or its height if the
+symbol is vertical concatenation.
+ @Rowa A { b } B {
+One @Code b equals the width of the whole concatenation object,
+or its height if the symbol is vertical concatenation.
+ @Rowa A { r } B {
+One @Code r equals one @Code b minus one {@Code w}. This unit is used
+for centring, and for left and right justification.
+ @Rowa A { d } B {
+Degrees. This unit may only be used with the @Code "@Rotate" symbol.
+ @Rowa A { y } B {
+One @Code y equals the current value set by the @Code "@YUnit"
+symbol (Section {@NumberOf yunit}). This unit is not used internally
+by Lout; it is included for the convenience of application packages.
+ @Rowa below { yes } A { z } B {
+One @Code z equals the current value set by the @Code "@ZUnit"
+symbol (Section {@NumberOf yunit}). This unit is not used internally
+by Lout; it is included for the convenience of application packages.
+ }
+@End @Figure
+After the length comes an optional @I {gap mode},
+gap.mode @Index { Gap mode }
+which is a single letter following the length, indicating how the length
+is to be measured. As shown in Figure {@NumberOf gapmodes},
+ @Tag { gapmodes }
+ @Caption { The six gap modes provided by Lout. }
+@Fig {
+{ /2.5vx Edge-to-edge |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I l} &1p {@Code e}
+ /4vx Hyphenation |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I l} &1p {@Code h}
+ /4vx Overstrike |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I l} &1p {@Code o}
+ /4vx Mark-to-mark |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I l} &1p {@Code x}
+ /4vx Kerning |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I l} &1p {@Code k}
+ /4vx Tabulation |0.3i {@Code "|"} &1p {@I l} &1p {@Code t}
+@Box margin { 0c } 6c @Wide 13.2c @High 9p @Font
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 2.2c @Wide 1.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 1.8c }
+ @At { 2.2c @Wide 1.6c @High } @Put { 1.8c @Wide { &0.5rt @I l } }
+ }
+ //4vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 2.2c @Wide 1.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 1.8c }
+ @At { 2.2c @Wide 1.6c @High } @Put { 1.8c @Wide { &0.5rt @I l } }
+ }
+ //4vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.5c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 3.3c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.7c @High } @Put { 3.3c @Wide { &0.5rt @I l } }
+ }
+ //4vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.5c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 3.3c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.7c @High }
+ @Put 3.3c @Wide { |0.5rt { max( {@I {l, a+b+l"/10"}}) } }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 0.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 1.0c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 0.2c @High } @Put { 1.0c @Wide { &0.5rt @I a } }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 0.5c }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.2c @High } @Put { 0.5c @Wide { &0.5rt @I b } }
+ }
+ //4vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.5c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 3.3c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 1.7c @High }
+ @Put { 3.3c @Wide { |0.5rt max( {@I {l, a, b}})}}
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 0.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 1.0c }
+ @At { 1.2c @Wide 0.2c @High } @Put { 1.0c @Wide { &0.5rt @I a } }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.4c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 0.5c }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.2c @High } @Put { 0.5c @Wide { &0.5rt @I b } }
+ }
+ //4vx
+ @OneRow {
+ @At { 1c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.2co }
+ @At { 4c @Wide 0.5c @High } @Put { @LBox 0.5co }
+ @At { 0.0c @Wide 1.6c @High } @Put { @DoubleArrow 4.0c }
+ @At { 2.8c @Wide 1.8c @High } @Put { @I l }
+ }
+ //5vx
+ @DoubleArrow 6c
+ //0.1c |0.5rt @I { current bound }
+@End @Figure
+with edge-to-edge gap mode
+edge.to.edge @Index { Edge-to-edge gap mode }
+e.gap.mode @Index { @Code e gap mode }
+the length @I l is measured from the trailing edge
+of the first object to the leading edge of the second. Edge-to-edge is the
+default mode: the @Code e may be omitted. Hyphenation gap mode is
+hyphenation.gap @Index { Hyphenation gap mode }
+h.gap.mode @Index { @Code h gap mode }
+similar, except as explained at the end of this section.
+mark.to.mark @Index { Mark-to-mark gap mode }
+x.gap.mode @Index { @Code x gap mode }
+overstrike @Index { Overstrike gap mode }
+o.gap.mode @Index { @Code o gap mode }
+and kerning
+kerning.mode @Index { Kerning gap mode }
+k.gap.mode @Index { @Code k gap mode }
+measure the length from the last mark
+of the first object to the first mark of the second. In the case of
+mark-to-mark, if the length is too small to prevent the objects
+almost overlapping, it is widened until they no longer do. (The extra
+@I { "l/10" } is not applied when plain text output is in effect.) Kerning
+also widens, with the aim of preventing the mark of either object from
+overlapping the other object; this mode is used for subscripts and
+tabulation @Index { Tabulation gap mode }
+t.gap.mode @Index { @Code t gap mode }
+centring @Index { Centring }
+right.justif @Index { Right justification }
+Tabulation ignores the first object and places the leading edge of the
+second object at a distance @I l from the left edge of the whole
+concatenation object. It is the main user of the @Code b and @Code r
+units of measurement; for example, @Code "|1rt" will right-justify the
+following component, and @Code "|0.5rt" will centre it.
+The value @Code "|0rt" separating the first and second items in a
+sequence of horizontally concatenated objects is somewhat special in
+that it denotes left justification of the object to its left in the
+available space. This is identical with @Code "|0ie" when the object to
+the left also has the principal mark; but when it does not, @Code "|0rt"
+will cause the object to the left to appear further to the left than it
+would otherwise have done, if space to do so is available.
+A gap is optionally concluded with an indication of unbreakability,
+which is a letter @Code "u" appended to the gap. A paragraph will
+never be broken at an unbreakable gap, nor will a galley be broken
+across two targets at such a gap. Basser Lout's implementation is
+slightly defective in that it ignores any unbreakable indication
+in the gap separating the first component promoted into any target
+from the second.
+When two objects are separated only by zero or more white space
+white.space.when @SubIndex { when significant }
+space.f.when @SubIndex { when significant }
+characters (spaces, tabs, newlines, and formfeeds), Lout inserts
+{@Code "&"}{@I k}{@Code "s"} between the two objects, where @I k is the
+number of spaces. Precisely, @I k is determined by discarding all space
+characters and tabs that precede newlines (these are invisible so are
+better ignored), then counting 1 for each newline, formfeed or space,
+and 8 for each tab character. The gap will be unbreakable if @I k
+is zero.
+A sequence of two or more objects separated by @Code "&" symbols is a
+paragraph.breaking.in.detail @SubIndex { in detail }
+{@I paragraph}. Lout breaks paragraphs into lines automatically as
+required, by converting some of the @Code "&" symbols into
+{@Code "//1vx"}. Unbreakable gaps are not eligible for this
+conversion. `Optimal' line breaks are chosen, using a
+method adapted from @TeX @Cite { $knuth1984tex }.
+tex @RawIndex { @TeX }
+tex.optimal @SubIndex { optimal paragraph breaking }
+If an @Code "&" symbol whose gap has hyphenation mode
+hyphenation @Index { Hyphenation gap mode }
+tex.hyphenation @SubIndex { hyphenation }
+is chosen for replacement by {@Code "//1vx"}, a hyphen will be appended to
+the preceding object, unless that object is a word which already ends with
+a hyphen. For example,
+@ID @Code {
+Long words may be "hyph &0ih enat &0ih ed."
+could have the following result, depending where the line breaks fall:
+@ID 2i @Wide {
+Long words may be hyph &0ih enat &0ih ed.
+Basser Lout inserts hyphenation gaps automatically as required, again
+following the method of @TeX, which approximates the hyphenations in
+Webster's dictionary. To prevent the hyphenation of a single word,
+enclose it in quotes. Further control over paragraph breaking and
+hyphenation is provided by the @@Break and @@Space symbols (Sections
+{@NumberOf break} and {@NumberOf space}).
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_cove b/doc/expert/pre_cove
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5cf45e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_cove
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ @Title { "@HCover" and "@VCover" }
+ @Tag { hcover }
+hcover. @Index { @@HCover symbol }
+vcover. @Index { @@VCover symbol }
+The @@VCover symbol vertically scales its right parameter so that it
+covers every object that shares its row mark. For example,
+@ID @Code "@VCover ( 45d @Rotate Hello @VCover )"
+@ID @ShowHMark { @VCover ( 45d @Rotate Hello @VCover ) }
+The row mark has been added to show clearly where it lies. This should be
+compared with
+@ID @Code "@VScale ( 45d @Rotate Hello @VScale )"
+which produces
+@ID @ShowHMark { @VScale ( 45d @Rotate Hello @VScale ) }
+Scaling abandons mark alignment and so is able to exactly cover the
+rest of the row, whereas covering preserves mark alignment and so
+is obliged in general to more than cover the rest of the row.
+If the parameter of @@VCover has zero vertical size, this is taken
+to mean that covering is not required after all and the @@VCover is
+silently ignored. If however the parameter has non-zero size above
+the mark but zero size below, or vice versa, this is taken to be an error
+since scaling cannot make the parameter cover the rest of the row.
+@@HCover is similar, horizontally covering all objects that share
+its column mark. Neither symbol works well near galley targets,
+because the scale factor to apply is determined before any galley
+flushing takes place.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_cros b/doc/expert/pre_cros
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d300e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_cros
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ @Title { The cross reference symbols "&&" and "&&&" }
+ @Tag { crossref }
+The cross reference symbol @Code "&&" takes the name of a symbol (not an
+object) for its left parameter, and an object whose value must be a
+simple word, or several simple words, for its right parameter. The
+result is a cross reference, which may be thought of as an arrow pointing
+from the cross reference symbol to the beginning of an invocation of the
+named symbol.
+The invocation pointed to, known as the @I target of the cross
+reference, is generally one whose @@Tag parameter has value equal
+to the right parameter of the cross reference symbol. Three special tags,
+{@Code preceding}, {@Code following}, and {@Code foll_or_prec}, point
+respectively to the first invocation preceding the cross reference in
+the final printed document, to the first invocation following it, and
+to the first following it if such exists else to the first preceding it.
+A cross reference may be used in four ways: where an object is
+expected, in which case its value is a copy of the target; with the
+@@Open and @@Use symbols; with the @@Tagged symbol; and in the
+@Code into clause or @Code "@Target" symbol of a galley definition, in
+which case the value of the tag must be {@Code preceding},
+{@Code following}, or {@Code foll_or_prec}.
+Within an @Code "into" clause or @Code "@Target" symbol, the alternative
+form @Code "&&&" is acceptable and indicates a forcing galley (Section
+{@NumberOf targets}).
+Except within an @Code into clause or @Code "@Target" symbol, the symbol
+referred to must have a @@Tag parameter. This is so even if the right
+parameter of the cross reference is {@Code preceding}, {@Code following},
+or {@Code foll_or_prec}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_data b/doc/expert/pre_data
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7bb643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_data
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ @Title { "@Database and @SysDatabase" }
+ @Tag { database }
+database.sym @Index { @@Database symbol }
+The @@Database symbol is used to declare the existence of a file
+of symbol invocations that Lout may refer to when evaluating cross
+references. In Basser Lout, for example,
+@ID @Code {
+"@Database @Months @WeekDays { standard }"
+means that there is a file called @Code "standard.ld" containing
+invocations of the previously defined symbols @Code "@Months" and
+{@Code "@WeekDays"}. A @@Database symbol may appear anywhere a definition
+or a @@Use symbol may appear. Different definitions packages may refer to a
+common database, provided the definitions they give for its symbols are
+compatible. An entry is interpreted as though it appears at the point
+where the cross reference that retrieves it does, which allows symbols
+like @Code "@I" for @Code "Slope @Font" to be used in databases. The
+database file may not contain @@Database or @@Include symbols, and each
+invocation within it must be enclosed in braces.
+Basser Lout constructs an {@I {index file}},
+index.file @Index { Index file (for databases) }
+which in this example is called {@Code "standard.li"}, the first time it
+ever encounters the database, as an aid to searching it. If the database
+file is changed, its index file must be deleted by the user so that
+Basser Lout knows to reconstruct it. There is also an installation
+option which allows this deletion to be done automatically on suitable
+systems (including Unix).
+Basser Lout searches for databases in the current directory first, then
+in a sequence of standard places. To search the standard places only, use
+sysdatabase.sym @Index { @@SysDatabase symbol }
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_font b/doc/expert/pre_font
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f014e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_font
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ @Title { "@Font" and "@Char" }
+ @Tag { font }
+A @I font
+font. @Index { Fonts }
+is a collection of characters which may be
+printed. Many fonts come in {@I families},
+family @Index { Family of a font }
+face @Index { Face of a font }
+which are groups of fonts that
+have been designed to go together. For example, the Times family
+includes the following fonts:
+@ID { Times Base } @Font {
+ Base @Font { Times Base }
+//1vx Slope @Font { Times Slope }
+//1vx Bold @Font { Times Bold }
+//1vx BoldSlope @Font { Times BoldSlope }
+Thus, each font has two names: its @I { family name } (Times,
+Helvetica, etc.) and its @I { face name } (Base, Slope, etc.). Times
+Base is more commonly called Times Roman, and Times Slope is more
+commonly called Times Italic. Lout avoids these names in favour of
+generic names which can be applied to many font families.
+ligatures @Index Ligatures
+kerning @Index Kerning
+such as fl for {@OneCol f}l and fi for {@OneCol f}i, are considered by
+Basser Lout to be an integral part of the font: if the font definition
+(see below) mentions them, they will be used. Similarly, kerning (fine
+adjustment of the space between adjacent characters to improve the
+appearance) is done whenever indicated in the font definition. Enclosing
+one of the letters in @@OneCol is one sure way to disable a ligature or kern.
+The @@Font symbol
+font.sym @Index { @@Font symbol }
+returns its right parameter in a font and size specified by its left:
+@ID {
+@Code "{ Times Base 12p } @Font" @I object
+The family and face names must have appeared together in a {@Code fontdef};
+the size is arbitrary and may be given in any one of the {@Code "c"},
+{@Code "i"}, {@Code "p"}, {@Code "m"}, {@Code "f"}, {@Code "s"}, and
+{@Code "v"} units of measurement (Section {@NumberOf concatenation}),
+although @Code 10p and @Code 12p are the most common sizes for text. There
+may be empty objects and @@Null objects in the left parameter of @@Font;
+these are ignored.
+When a @@Font symbol is nested inside the right parameter of
+another @@Font symbol, the inner one determines the font of its
+own right parameter. However, it may be abbreviated so as to inherit
+part of the outer symbol:
+@ID @Code {
+"{ Times Base 12p } @Font"
+"{ hello, Slope @Font hello, 15p @Font hello }"
+has result
+@ID {
+{ Times Base 12p } @Font
+{ hello, Slope @Font hello, 15p @Font hello }
+The first inner @@Font inherits the outer family and size, changing only
+the face; the second inherits the outer family and face. When a family
+name is given, it must be followed immediately by a face name. A size
+change may appear first or last.
+Sizes of the form +{@I length} and --{@I length} may also be used,
+meaning that the font size is to be @I length larger or smaller than
+the inherited value. For example, --{@Code "2p"} is often used for
+superscripts and subscripts. These forms are highly recommended, since
+they don't need to be changed if a decision is made to alter the font
+size of the document as a whole.
+The @@Font symbol also switches to and from small capitals:
+"smallcaps" @Index { small capitals }
+@ID @Code {
+"smallcaps @Font ..."
+"nosmallcaps @Font ..."
+These may be nested, and they cooperate with other font changes. The
+precise effect depends on the font (see below). There is a default
+value (@Code {"nosmallcaps"}), so it is not necessary to mention this
+attribute when giving an initial font.
+There are two predefined symbols, @@CurrFamily and @@CurrFace, which
+respectively return the family and face names of the current font. For
+example, right now @@CurrFamily is @CurrFamily and @@CurrFace is
+When Lout runs, the first thing it reads is a list of font definitions,
+font.def @Index { @Code fontdef }
+like these:
+@ID {
+ @Code "fontdef Times Base {" @I implementation-dependent @Code "}"
+//1vx @Code "fontdef Times Slope {" @I implementation-dependent @Code "}"
+Each line tells Lout of the existence of a font, and assigns it a family
+name and a face name. There are a few fonts which are the only members
+of their families; even though these fonts do not need a face name, they
+must be given one by their {@Code fontdef}. The part between braces may
+vary with different implementations of Lout; it is supposed to contain
+the information Lout needs to work with the font.
+In Basser Lout Version 3, this implementation-dependent part consists of
+a PostScript font name, an
+adobe @Index { Adobe Systems, Inc. }
+Adobe font metrics (formerly AFM) file whose FontName entry must agree
+with the PostScript font name just mentioned, the name of a Lout
+Character Mapping (LCM) file, and the word @Code Recode or {@Code NoRecode}:
+@ID @Code
+"fontdef Times Base { Times-Roman Ti-Ro LtLatin1.LCM Recode }"
+It seems to have become an invariable rule at Adobe Systems that the font
+name and the file name should be the same, but some operating systems do
+not permit such long file names, so Lout does not use them. The files are
+searched for in standard places. Consult the PostScript Reference Manual
+@Cite { $adobe1990ps } for general information about fonts and encoding
+vectors; briefly, an 8-bit
+lcm. @Index { LCM file }
+character code @I c in Lout's input is mapped to the character in the
+Adobe font metrics file whose name appears on the line labelled @I c in the
+LCM file. The LCM file also defines various character-to-character
+mappings, such as upper-case to lower-case, which are used for various
+purposes, such as the production of small capitals. If the word
+@Code NoRecode appears, Lout assumes that the given encoding vector is
+already associated with this font in the PostScript interpreter, and
+optimizes its output accordingly.
+If there are two font definitions with the same family and face name,
+it is an error unless the second one has the same font name and file name
+as the first, in which case it is silently ignored. A PostScript font
+name and file may appear in two or more font definitions, allowing one
+PostScript font to have two or more equally valid Lout names, and
+different LCM files.
+The @@Char symbol
+char @Index { @@Char symbol }
+allows a character to be specified by its name (its PostScript name in
+Basser Lout) rather than by its code:
+@ID @Code "@Char nine"
+is equivalent to @Code "9" in most fonts. This is useful as a
+documentation aid and to be sure of getting the right character even if the
+encoding vector of the font is changed. However @@Char will fail if the
+character named is not in the encoding vector of the current font.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_gall b/doc/expert/pre_gall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a13aab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_gall
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ @Title { "@Galley" and "@ForceGalley" }
+ @Tag { galley }
+These symbols
+galley.sym @Index { @@Galley symbol }
+galley.sym @Index { @@ForceGalley symbol }
+both act as a placeholder for a galley. That is, they may be replaced
+by components of a galley. In the case of @@ForceGalley the galley will
+then have a forcing galley effect at this point although it need not be
+declared using {@Code "force into"}. See Section {@NumberOf targets}
+for a detailed discussion of galleys, forcing galleys, and targets.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_grap b/doc/expert/pre_grap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e75dd21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_grap
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ @Title { "@Graphic" }
+ @Tag { graphic }
+graphic.sym @Index { @@Graphic symbol }
+diagrams @Index { Diagrams }
+Lout does not provide the vast repertoire of graphical objects (lines,
+circles, boxes, etc.) required by diagrams. Instead, it provides an
+escape route to some other language that does have these features, via
+its @@Graphic symbol:
+postscript.graphic @SubIndex { used by @@Graphic }
+@ID @OneRow @OneRow @Code {
+"{ 0 0 moveto"
+" 0 ysize lineto"
+" xsize ysize lineto"
+" xsize 0 lineto"
+" closepath"
+" stroke"
+"{ //0.2c"
+" ||0.2c hello, world ||0.2c"
+" //0.2c"
+The result of the above invocation of the symbol @@Graphic is
+@ID @OneRow @OneRow {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { 0 0 moveto
+ 0 ysize lineto
+ xsize ysize lineto
+ xsize 0 lineto
+ closepath
+ stroke
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { //0.2c
+ ||0.2c hello, world ||0.2c
+ //0.2c
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { 0 0 m
+ 0 __ysize l
+ __xsize __ysize l
+ __xsize 0 l
+ s
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { //0.2c
+ ||0.2c hello, world ||0.2c
+ //0.2c
+ }
+ }
+ }
+The right parameter always appears as part of the result, and indeed the
+result is always an object whose size is identical to the size of the
+right parameter with @@OneCol and @@OneRow applied to
+it. From now on we refer to this part of the result as the {@I base}.
+The left parameter is implementation-dependent: that is, its
+meaning is not defined by Lout, and different implementations could
+require different values for it. The following description applies to
+Basser Lout, which uses the PostScript page description language
+@Cite { $adobe1990ps }. Similar but more restricted possibilities exist
+with the PDF back end (see a separate document distributed with Lout);
+to include both, use the @@BackEnd symbol like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ @BackEnd @Case {"
+" PostScript @Yield"
+" {"
+" ..."
+" }"
+" PDF @Yield"
+" {"
+" ..."
+" }"
+" }"
+" @Graphic"
+" {"
+" ..."
+" }"
+Returning to PostScript, the left parameter refers to a coordinate system
+whose origin is the bottom left-hand corner of the base. It may use the symbols
+@Code xsize and @Code ysize to denote the horizontal and vertical size
+of the base; similarly, @Code xmark and @Code ymark denote the positions
+of the base's column and row marks:
+@ID @OneRow 9p @Font @Fig {
+ { &1rt @I ysize /0ik &1rt @I ymark /0ik &1rt 0 } |0.4c
+ { /
+ |0ik @ShowMarks { 1c @High 1.5c @Wide ^| 3c @Wide ^/ 2c @High }
+ |0ik /
+ }
+ /0.2c
+ | 0 | @I xmark | @I xsize
+In addition to these four symbols and 0, lengths may be denoted in
+centimetres, inches, points, ems, f's, v's and s's using the notation
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ hmargin { 1m }
+ @Fmta { @Col {@I l @Code A} ! @Col {instead of Lout's} ! @Col {{@I l}B} }
+@Rowa A { cm } B { c }
+@Rowa A { in } B { i }
+@Rowa A { pt } B { p }
+@Rowa A { em } B { m }
+@Rowa A { ft } B { f }
+@Rowa A { vs } B { v }
+@Rowa A { sp } B { s }
+Note that there must be a space between the number and its unit,
+unlike Lout proper.
+A point within the base (and, with care, a point outside it) may
+be denoted by a pair of lengths. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"xmark ymark"
+is the point where the marks cross, and
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"0 2 cm"
+is a point on the left edge, two centimetres above the bottom left-hand
+corner. These two numbers are called the @I {x coordinate} and the
+@I {y coordinate} of the point.
+The first step in specifying a graphic object is to define a
+{@I path}. A path can be thought of as the track of a pen moving over
+the page. The pen may be up (not drawing) or down (drawing a line or
+curve) as it moves. The entire path is a sequence of the following
+2i @Wide { |1rt @I {x y} @Code moveto }
+|2m Lift the pen and move it to the indicated point.
+2i @Wide { |1rt @I {x y} @Code lineto }
+|2m Put the pen down and draw a straight line to the indicated point.
+2i @Wide { |1rt @I {x y r angle1 angle2} @Code arc }
+|2m Put the pen down and draw a circular arc whose centre has
+coordinates @I x and @I y and whose radius is {@I r}. The arc begins
+at the angle @I angle1 measuring counterclockwise from the point
+directly to the right of the centre, and proceeds counterclockwise to
+{@I angle2}. If the arc is not the first thing on the path, a straight
+line will be drawn connecting the current point to the start of the arc.
+2i @Wide { |1rt @I {x y r angle1 angle2} @Code arcn }
+|2m As for arc, but the arc goes clockwise from @I angle1 to
+{@I angle2 }.
+2i @Wide @Code { |1rt closepath }
+|2m Draw a straight line back to the point most recently moved to.
+The first item should always be a {@Code moveto}, {@Code arc}, or
+{@Code arcn}. It should be clear from this that the path given earlier:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"0 0 moveto"
+"0 ysize lineto"
+"xsize ysize lineto"
+"xsize 0 lineto"
+traces around the boundary of the base with the pen down.
+Once a path is set up, we are ready to @I paint it onto the page. There
+are two choices: we can either @I stroke it, which means to display it
+as described; or we can @I fill it, which means to paint everything
+inside it grey or black. For stroking the two main options are
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @I length @Code setlinewidth }
+|2m The pen will draw lines of the given width.
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code "[" @I length @Code {"]" 0 setdash} }
+|2m The pen will draw dashed lines when it is down, with the dashes each
+of the given length.
+These options are followed by the word {@Code "stroke"}. So, for example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto"
+" 2 pt setlinewidth [ 5 pt ] 0 setdash stroke"
+"@Graphic { 3i @Wide }"
+has result
+@ID @OneRow {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 2 pt setlinewidth [ 5 pt ] 0 setdash stroke
+ }
+ @Graphic { 3i @Wide }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { [ __mul(5, __pt) ] 0 d __mul(2, __pt) w 0 0 m __xsize 0 l S
+ }
+ @Graphic { 3i @Wide }
+ }
+ }
+When filling in the region enclosed by a path, the main option is
+{@Code setgray}, which determines the shade of grey to use, on a scale
+from 0 (black) to 1 (white). So, for example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto 0 ysize lineto closepath"
+" 0.8 setgray fill"
+"{ 2c @Wide 2c @High }"
+has result
+@ID @OneRow {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto 0 ysize lineto closepath
+ 0.8 setgray fill
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 2c @Wide 2c @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { 0 0 m __xsize 0 l 0 __ysize l h
+ 0.8 g f
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 2c @Wide 2c @High }
+ }
+ }
+There are many other options. The value of the left parameter of
+@@Graphic may be any fragment of the PostScript page description language
+@Cite { $adobe1990ps }. Here are two other examples:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+xsize 2 div
+denoting a length equal to half the horizontal size of the base, and
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+gsave fill grestore stroke
+which both fills and strokes the path. Since Basser Lout does not check
+that the left parameter is valid PostScript, it is possible to cause
+mysterious errors in the printing device, resulting in no output, if an
+incorrect value is given. It is a good idea to encapsulate graphics
+objects in carefully tested definitions, like those of the Diag figure
+drawing package @Cite { $kingston1995lout.user, Chapter 9 },
+diag @Index { Diag diagram-drawing package }
+to be sure of avoiding these errors.
+PostScript experts may find the following information helpful when
+designing advanced graphics features. The left parameter of @@Graphic
+may have two parts, separated by {@Code "//"}:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code "{" @I {first part} @Code "//" @I {second part} @Code "} @Graphic"
+@I object
+If there is no {@Code "//"}, the second part is taken to be empty. The
+PostScript output has the form
+@ID @OneRow lines @Break {
+@Code gsave
+@I x @I y @Code translate
+@I {Code which defines {@Code xsize}, {@Code ysize}, {@Code xmark}, {@Code ymark}, {@Code ft}, {@Code vs}, and {@Code sp} }
+@Code gsave
+@I {first part}
+@Code grestore
+@I {Code which renders the right parameter in translated coordinates}
+@I {second part}
+@Code grestore
+where @Eq {x, y} is the position of the lower left corner of the
+base. Having two parts permits bracketing operations, like @Code save
+and @Code restore or @Code begin and {@Code end}, to enclose an
+object. See the source file of the Diag package for examples.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_hadj b/doc/expert/pre_hadj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ca9fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_hadj
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ @Title { "@HAdjust", "@VAdjust", and "@PAdjust" }
+ @Tag { hadjust }
+padjust. @Index { @@PAdjust symbol }
+hadjust. @Index { @@HAdjust symbol }
+vadjust. @Index { @@VAdjust symbol }
+adjustment @Index { Adjustment of object }
+These symbols spread their right parameter apart until it occupies
+all the space available to it; @@HAdjust adjusts @Code "|" sequences,
+@@VAdjust adjusts @Code "/" sequences, and @@PAdjust adjusts @Code "&"
+sequences. For example,
+@ID @Code {
+"4i @Wide @PAdjust { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }"
+has result
+@ID {
+4i @Wide @PAdjust { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }
+More precisely, the widening is effected by enlarging the size of each
+component except the last by an equal fraction of the space that would
+otherwise be left over -- just the opposite of the usual procedure,
+which assigns all the leftover space to the last component (Section
+{@NumberOf size}).
+@@PAdjust is used by the @Code adjust and @Code outdent options of
+the @@Break symbol (Section {@NumberOf break}). It has a slight
+peculiarity: it will not enlarge components when the immediately
+following gap has width 0. This is to prevent space from appearing
+(for example) between a word and an immediately following comma. The
+other two symbols will enlarge such components.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_hcon b/doc/expert/pre_hcon
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d409c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_hcon
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ @Title { "@HContract" and "@VContract" }
+ @Tag { hcontract }
+hcontract. @Index { @@HContract symbol }
+vcontract. @Index { @@VContract symbol }
+contraction @Index { Contraction of object }
+The @@HContract symbol reduces the size of its right parameter to a
+reasonable minimum (after paragraph breaking). For example,
+@ID @Code "5i @Wide @HContract { A |1rt B }"
+has result
+@ID { 5i @Wide @HContract { A |1rt B } }
+in which the B is much closer to the A than it would otherwise have
+been. @@VContract is similar, but in a vertical direction. See
+Section {@NumberOf size} for a more extensive discussion.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_hexp b/doc/expert/pre_hexp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..937e746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_hexp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ @Title { "@HExpand" and "@VExpand" }
+ @Tag { hexpand }
+hexpand. @Index { @@HExpand symbol }
+vexpand. @Index { @@VExpand symbol }
+expansion @Index { Expansion of object }
+The @@HExpand symbol causes its right parameter to be as wide as it
+possibly could be without violating a @@Wide symbol or intruding into
+the space occupied by neighbouring gaps or objects. The @@VExpand
+symbol is similar, but it affects height. For example, in the object
+@ID @Code {
+"8i @Wide 11i @High {"
+" //1i ||1i @HExpand @VExpand x ||1i"
+" //1i"
+object @Code x could have any size up to six inches wide by nine inches
+high, so the @@HExpand and @@VExpand symbols cause it to have exactly
+this size. This is important, for example, if @Code x contains
+@Code "|1rt" or {@Code "/1rt"}; without the expansion these might not
+move as far across or down as expected.
+As Section {@NumberOf size} explains in detail, most objects are
+already as large as they possibly could be. Consequently these symbols
+are needed only rarely. @@HExpand includes a @@OneCol effect, and
+@@VExpand includes a @@OneRow effect.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_hlim b/doc/expert/pre_hlim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccf9548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_hlim
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ @Title { "@HLimited" and "@VLimited" }
+ @Tag { hlimited }
+hlimited. @Index { @@HLimited symbol }
+vlimited. @Index { @@VLimited symbol }
+The @@HLimited symbol limits the width available to recursive
+and receptive symbols within its right parameter to whatever
+is available without increasing the existing size of the
+@@HLimited object. So this symbol acts like @@Wide with
+respect to limiting the space occupied by recursive and receptive
+symbols, except that instead of enforcing a fixed constant limit,
+it enforces whatever size is already in place.
+The @@VLimited symbol is exactly the same, except that it
+applies vertically rather than horizontally.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_hsca b/doc/expert/pre_hsca
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e224685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_hsca
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ @Title { "@HScale" and "@VScale" }
+ @Tag { hscale }
+hscale. @Index { @@HScale symbol }
+vscale. @Index { @@VScale symbol }
+scaling @Index { Scaling of object }
+@@HScale causes its right parameter to expand to fill the space available,
+by geometricallly scaling it:
+@ID @Code {
+"4i @Wide @HScale { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }"
+has result
+@ID {
+4i @Wide @HScale { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }
+@ID @Code {
+"0.5i @Wide @HScale { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }"
+has result
+@ID {
+0.5i @Wide @HScale { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }
+@@HScale first applies @@HContract to its parameter, then horizontally
+scales it to the actual size. The principal mark of the right parameter
+has no effect on the result; the parameter is scaled to the actual size
+and positioned to fill the space available. (Taking account of alignment
+of the principal mark only causes trouble in practice.)
+@@VScale is similar, but in a vertical direction. @@HScale and @@VScale
+each have both a @@OneCol and a @@OneRow effect.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_hshi b/doc/expert/pre_hshi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d28222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_hshi
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ @Title { "@HShift" and "@VShift" }
+ @Tag { hshift }
+The @@HShift symbol
+hshift.sym @Index { @@HShift symbol }
+returns its right parameter with principal mark shifted as prescribed
+by its left parameter:
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code + & @I length @@HShift @I object }
+|2m Principal mark shifted to the right by {@I length};
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @Code - & @I length @@HShift @I object }
+|2m Principal mark shifted to the left by {@I length};
+@LI {
+2i @Wide { |1rt @I length @@HShift @I object }
+|2m Principal mark shifted so as to lie @I length to the right
+of the left edge of {@I object};
+In each chase @@HShift includes a @@OneCol effect.
+The units of measurement of @I length may be {@Code "c"}, {@Code "i"},
+{@Code "p"}, {@Code "m"}, {@Code "f"}, {@Code "s"}, {@Code "v"}, or
+{@Code "w"}. In the latter case, @Code "1w" is taken to be the width
+of the right parameter, so that, for example, @Code "0.5w @HShift" will
+centre the principal column mark within the right parameter.
+vshift.sym @Index { @@VShift symbol }
+The @@VShift symbol is similar except that it applies vertically to the
+principal row mark: @Code + & @I length shifts it down, @Code - & @I
+length shifts it up, and @I length shifts it to @I length below the top
+edge of the object. With @@VShift, @Code "1w" is taken to be the height
+of the right parameter.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_incg b/doc/expert/pre_incg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a370c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_incg
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ @Title { "@IncludeGraphic" and "@SysIncludeGraphic" }
+ @Tag { includegraphic }
+includegraphic.sym @Index { @@IncludeGraphic symbol }
+sysincludegraphic.sym @Index { @@SysIncludeGraphic symbol }
+postscript.includegraphic @SubIndex { used by @@IncludeGraphic }
+These symbols instruct Lout to incorporate a separately created
+@ID @Code "@IncludeGraphic \"myportrait.eps\""
+The parameter is implementation-dependent; in Basser Lout it is an
+object whose value is a simple word denoting the name of a file. This
+file should ideally be a PostScript EPS Version 3.0 file
+@Cite { $adobe1990ps }, since then Lout will keep careful track of what
+resources are required for printing that file. However, any PostScript
+file containing the @Code "%%BoundingBox:" comment and not requiring
+unusual resources is likely to work.
+The result of @@IncludeGraphic is an ordinary Lout object with marks
+through its centre. It may be rotated, scaled, and generally
+treated like any other object. Basser Lout determines its size by
+consulting the bounding box information in the file. If this cannot be
+found, a warning message is printed and the result object has zero size.
+@@IncludeGraphic searches the same directories that @@Include does
+(Section {@NumberOf include}). @@SysIncludeGraphic is the same as
+@@IncludeGraphic, except that it searches only the directories searched
+by @@SysInclude.
+If the file name ends in any of {@Code ".gz"}, {@Code "-gz"}, {@Code ".z"},
+{@Code "-z"}, {@Code "_z"}, or {@Code ".Z"}, the file will first be
+uncompressed using the @Code "gunzip" command into a temporary file
+called @Code "lout.eps" in the current directory. This file is removed
+immediately after it is copied into the output file.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_incl b/doc/expert/pre_incl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c531096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_incl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ @Tag { include }
+ @Title { "@Include and @SysInclude" }
+include.sym @Index { @@Include symbol }
+sysinclude.sym @Index { @@SysInclude symbol }
+These symbols instruct Lout to temporarily switch to reading another
+file, whose name appears in braces following the symbol. For example,
+@ID @Code {
+"@Include { \"/usr/lout/fontdefs\" }"
+will cause the contents of file "/usr/lout/fontdefs" to be read at the
+point it occurs. After that file is read, the current file is resumed. The
+included file may contain arbitrary Lout text, including other
+@@Include commands. The file is searched for first in the current
+directory, then in a sequence of standard places which are not necessarily the
+same places that databases are searched for. @@SysInclude searches the
+standard places only.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_inse b/doc/expert/pre_inse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e981359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_inse
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ @Title { "@Insert" }
+ @Tag { insert }
+insert.sym @Index { @@Insert symbol }
+The @@Insert symbol inserts its left parameter at the beginning of the
+first paragraph of its right parameter:
+@ID @Code "X @Insert { A B // C // D }"
+is equivalent to
+@ID @Code "{ XA B // C // D }"
+Notice that a zero-width space separates @Code { X } from the first
+paragraph, so if some wider space is required it must be placed at the
+end of @Code { X }. The @Code "@Insert" operation is applied to the
+value of the right parameter after evaluation.
+The only known use for this symbol is to attach something like
+@B { Figure 6 } to the front of a multi-paragraph caption.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_kshr b/doc/expert/pre_kshr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517cb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_kshr
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ @Title { "@KernShrink" }
+ @Tag { kernshrink }
+kernshrink. @Index { @@KernShrink symbol }
+This symbol returns its right parameter unchanged in appearance but
+occupying a slightly smaller bounding box. The reduction is by the
+amount of kerning that would be applied if the right parameter was
+immediately @I followed by the left parameter. For example,
+@ID @Code ". @KernShrink P"
+has result
+@ID @Box margin { 0c } { . @KernShrink P }
+where a box of size 0 has been drawn around the result to make its
+extent clear. Compare this with `P' alone:
+@ID @Box margin { 0c } { P }
+in which the bounding box exactly encloses the object, or at least
+is supposed to. The bounding box is smaller on the right by the
+amount of kerning that would be applied between `P' and `.'.
+The only known use for this symbol is to produce tucked-in subscripts
+in the Eq equation formatting package.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_lang b/doc/expert/pre_lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50d3539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_lang
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ @Title { "@Language" and "@CurrLang" }
+ @Tag { language }
+The @@Language symbol informs Lout that its right parameter is written
+language.sym @Index { @@Language symbol }
+in the language of its left parameter:
+@ID @Code "Danish @Language { ... }"
+Basser Lout Version 3 uses this information in two ways: to hyphenate
+words appropriately to that language, and to change the value of the
+@@CurrLang symbol (see below). Other uses, such as right-to-left
+formatting of certain languages, may be added in the future.
+The left parameter must either be empty (which means to leave the current
+language unchanged) or else it must have been given in a @Code "langdef"
+langdef.sym @Index { @Code langdef language definition }
+language definition at the beginning of the input:
+@ID {
+@Code "langdef Danish Dansk {" @I implementation-dependent @Code "}"
+After @Code "langdef" comes a sequence of one or more simple words,
+which are alternative names for the language being defined. Following
+them comes an implementation-dependent part between braces. In Basser
+Lout Version 3 this part contains the name of the Lout hyphenation
+information file (minus its .lh suffix) to be used when hyphenating
+words in this language, followed by a sequence of words which define
+the ends of sentences. For example:
+@ID @Code "langdef English { english . : ? ! .) ?) !) }"
+defines a language called English with hyphenation patterns file
+{@Code english.lh} and seven ways to end a sentence. The use of
+these sentence endings is described in Section {@NumberOf space}. If
+there is no hyphenation file available, this is indicated by writing
+@Code "-" for the file name; if there are no sentence ends, they are
+simply omitted.
+The @@CurrLang symbol, which has no parameters, evaluates to the first
+currlang.sym @Index { @@CurrLang symbol }
+name given in the @Code "langdef" of the language in force at the point
+where it is invoked:
+@ID @Code "Dansk @Language { This is @CurrLang. }"
+has result
+@ID { Dansk @Language { This is @CurrLang. } }
+It is typically used with the @@Case symbol like this:
+@ID @Code {
+"@CurrLang @Case {"
+" Danish @Yield tirsdag"
+" English @Yield Tuesday"
+" French @Yield Mardi"
+This example evaluates to the name of the third day of the week in the
+current language.
+The current language is part of the style of an object, like its
+font. As explained in Section {@NumberOf size}, style is inherited
+through the point of appearance, which for language can be
+unexpected. For example, an index entry which originates in a French
+chapter but appears in an English index will have English for its
+language, so must be explicitly set to French using @@Language.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_mome b/doc/expert/pre_mome
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4d377c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_mome
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ @Title { "@Moment" }
+ @Tag { moment }
+The predefined symbol @@Moment
+moment.sym @Index { @@Moment symbol }
+has the following definition:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Moment"
+" named @Tag {}"
+" named @Second {}"
+" named @Minute {}"
+" named @Hour {}"
+" named @Day {}"
+" named @Month {}"
+" named @Year {}"
+" named @Century {}"
+" named @WeekDay {}"
+" named @YearDay {}"
+" named @DaylightSaving {}"
+It may be used like any other symbol. Lout provides an invocation of
+@@Moment with tag {@Code now}, whose other parameters are numbers
+encoding the current date and time:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { "@Second" }
+ B { the current second, usually between 00 and 59 }
+ A { "@Minute" }
+ B { the current minute, between 00 and 59 }
+ A { "@Hour" }
+ B { the current hour, between 00 and 23 }
+ A { "@Day" }
+ B { the current day of the month, between 1 and 31 }
+ A { "@Month" }
+ B { the current month, between 1 (January) and 12 (December) }
+ A { "@Year" }
+ B { the current year of the century, between 00 and 99 }
+ A { "@Century" }
+ B { the current century, e.g. 19 or 20 }
+ A { "@WeekDay" }
+ B { the current day of the week, between 1 (Sunday) and 7 (Saturday) }
+ A { "@YearDay" }
+ B { the current day of the year, between 0 and 365 }
+ A { "@DaylightSaving" }
+ B { an implementation-dependent number that may encode the
+daylight saving currently in effect }
+date @Index { Date, printing of current }
+Unix manual entries state that @Code "@Second" can be as high as 61, to
+allow for leap seconds. Judicious use of databases can convert these
+numbers into useful dates. For example,
+@ID @Code {
+"@Moment&&now @Open { @Day {@Months&&@Month}, @Century{@Year} }"
+produces something like
+@Moment&&now @Open { @Day {@Months&&@Month}, @Century{@Year} }
+given a suitable database of months.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_next b/doc/expert/pre_next
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c65d7db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_next
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ @Title { "@Next" }
+ @Tag { next }
+next.sym @Index { @@Next symbol }
+The @@Next symbol returns its parameter
+plus one. It is rather clever at working this out: it hunts through
+the parameter from right to left, looking for a number to increment:
+@ID @Code {
+"@Next (3.99)"
+has result {@Next (3.99)}. If @@Next cannot find a digit inside
+its parameter, it is an error. Roman numerals are handled by storing
+them in a database, as explained in Section {@NumberOf paras};
+@@Next will not increment a Roman numeral.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_notr b/doc/expert/pre_notr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169faeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_notr
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ @Title { "@NotRevealed" }
+ @Tag { notrevealed }
+The @@NotRevealed symbol
+notrevealed.sym @Index { @@NotRevealed symbol }
+exerts fine control over the process of expanding receptive symbols. It
+may appear only within the body of a definition, immediately following
+the name of a receptive symbol. For example:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def A { @Galley }"
+"def B { @Galley }"
+"def ABList"
+" A"
+" // B @NotRevealed"
+" // ABList"
+The meaning is that the symbol immediately preceding @@NotRevealed, @Code B
+in this example, is not revealed to galleys which encounter @Code "ABList"
+while searching for targets; to such galleys it appears that @Code "ABList"
+contains @Code A only, not {@Code B}, hence only galleys targeted to
+@Code A will expand {@Code "ABList"}. However, after @Code "ABList"
+is expanded by such a galley, @Code B will be available as a target in
+the usual way.
+Apart from this meaning, @@NotRevealed has no effect at all, and the
+body of the definition may be understood by deleting @@NotRevealed and
+any preceding space. Thus, the symbol preceding @@NotRevealed may have
+named and right parameters in the usual way; these would follow after
+the @@NotRevealed symbol.
+This symbol was introduced to overcome a problem with floating figures
+treated as displays. It turned out to be essential to specify the
+layout of a column (in part) as
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"// @FigurePlace"
+"// @BodyTextPlace"
+"// @FigurePlace"
+"// @BodyTextPlace"
+so that figures could alternate with body text down the column. However,
+some means was needed to ensure that in the absence of any figures there
+could only be one @Code "@BodyTextPlace" in the column, since otherwise
+various problems arose, for example the @Code "@NP" symbol merely causing
+a skip from one @Code "@BodyTextPlace" to the next in the same column,
+rather than to the first in the next column. Also, without this feature
+the optimal page breaker's attempts to end a column early would be
+frustrated by Lout then discovering that plenty of space existed at a
+following @Code "@BodyTextPlace" in the same column. The solution is
+based on @Code "ABList" above; each occurrence of @Code "@BodyTextPlace"
+after a @Code "@FigurePlace" is not revealed in the enclosing definition,
+and so cannot be found by body text galleys unless a figure has
+previously attached to the preceding {@Code "@FigurePlace"}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_null b/doc/expert/pre_null
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b97081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ @Title { "@Null" }
+ @Tag { null }
+This symbol
+null.sym @Index { @@Null symbol }
+provides a convenient way to remove unwanted
+concatenation symbols. If there is a concatenation symbol
+preceding @@Null, the @@Null and the
+concatenation symbol are both deleted. Otherwise, if there is a
+following concatenation symbol, it and the @@Null are both deleted.
+Otherwise, @@Null becomes an empty object.
+These rules apply to a fully parenthesized version of the expression. For
+example, in
+@ID @Code {
+"... //1vx @Null |0.5i ..."
+it is the horizontal concatenation symbol following @@Null that
+disappears, because in the fully parenthesized version
+@ID @Code {
+"... //1vx { @Null |0.5i ... }"
+there is no concatenation symbol preceding the @@Null.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_oneo b/doc/expert/pre_oneo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc662cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_oneo
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ @Title { "@OneOf" }
+ @Tag { oneof }
+oneof.sym @Index { @@OneOf symbol }
+The @@OneOf symbol returns one of the sequence of objects which is
+its right parameter as its result:
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+@OneOf {
+ @ResultA
+ @ResultB
+ @ResultC
+The choice is made to ensure that whatever galley target is required
+at the moment is found. For example, if we are evaluating @@OneOf
+as part of an attempt to attach a galley whose target is
+{@Code "@SomeTarget"}, then the result above will be
+{@Code "@ResultA"} if it contains {@Code "@SomeTarget"}, or else
+{@Code "@ResultB"} if it contains {@Code "@SomeTarget"}, or else
+{@Code "@ResultC"} (whether or not it contains the target, or
+if there is no target).
+Use of @@OneOf in conjunction with recursive symbols can lead
+to problems. Consider this example:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Recursive {"
+" def @ChoiceA { @APlace // @Recursive }"
+" def @ChoiceB { @BPlace // @Recursive }"
+" @OneOf {"
+" @ChoiceA"
+" @ChoiceB"
+" }"
+Lout believes that expanding @Code "@Recursive" is the right thing
+to do when searching for either of the galley targets {@Code "@APlace"}
+and {@Code "@BPlace"}. When searching for @Code "@BPlace" this leads
+Lout to expand {@Code "@Recursive"}, then {@Code "@ChoiceA"}, then
+the {@Code "@Recursive"} symbol within {@Code "@ChoiceA"}, and so on
+infinitely. This problem can be avoided by attaching a
+@Code "@NotRevealed" symbol to each of the inner @Code "@Recursive"
+symbols: these are then not available for expansion until a
+decision has been made to expand the symbol they lie within. In
+this particular example it would be simpler to write
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Recursive {"
+" @OneOf {"
+" @APlace"
+" @BPlace"
+" }"
+" // @Recursive"
+but this factoring is not possible when the recursive calls have
+parameters that are required to differ in the two cases.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_oner b/doc/expert/pre_oner
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e0dbce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_oner
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ @Title { "@OneCol" and "@OneRow" }
+ @Tag { onerow }
+The @@OneRow symbol
+onerow.sym @Index { @@OneRow symbol }
+principal.mark.effect @SubIndex { effect on @@OneCol and @@OneRow }
+returns its right parameter modified so that only the principal row mark
+protrudes. This is normally the first row mark, but another one may be
+chosen by preceding it with @Code "^/" or {@Code "^//"}. For example,
+@ID @Code {
+"@OneRow { |0.5rt Slope @Font x + 2 ^//1p @HLine //1p |0.5rt 5 }"
+has result
+@ID {
+@OneRow { |0.5rt Slope @Font x + 2 ^//1p @HLine //1p |0.5rt 5 }
+with one row mark protruding from the bar as shown. Compare this with
+@ID @Code {
+"@OneRow { |0.5rt Slope @Font x + 2 //1p @HLine //1p |0.5rt 5 }"
+where the mark protrudes from the numerator:
+@ID {
+@OneRow { |0.5rt Slope @Font x + 2 //1p @HLine //1p |0.5rt 5 }
+onecol.sym @Index { @@OneCol symbol }
+@@OneCol has the same effect on columns as @@OneRow does on rows, with
+the symbols @Code "^|" and @Code "^||" (or {@Code "^&"}) determining
+which mark is chosen.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_open b/doc/expert/pre_open
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d332570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_open
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ @Title { "@Open and @Use" }
+ @Tag { open }
+The @@Open symbol
+open.sym @Index { @@Open symbol }
+takes a cross reference or symbol
+invocation for its left parameter, and an arbitrary object, which must
+be enclosed in braces, for its right parameter. The right parameter
+may refer to the exported parameters and nested definitions of the invocation
+denoted by the left parameter, and its value is the @@Open
+symbol's result. The target of the cross reference may lie in an
+external database (Section {@NumberOf database}). Any symbol available
+outside the @@Open which happens to have the same name as one of the
+symbols made available by the @@Open will be unavailable within the @@Open.
+use.sym @Index { @@Use symbol }
+The @@Use symbol is an @@Open symbol in a
+different form. It may only appear among or after the definitions
+in Lout's input, and it is equivalent to enclosing the remainder of the
+input in an @@Open symbol. For example,
+@ID @OneRow {
+ @I definitions
+//1vx @Code "@Use" @Code "{" @I x @Code "}"
+//1vx @Code "@Use" @Code "{" @I y @Code "}"
+//1vx @I { rest of input }
+is equivalent to
+@ID @OneRow {
+ @I definitions
+//1vx @I x @Code "@Open"
+//1vx @Code "{" &4mt @I y @Code "@Open"
+//1vx &4mt @Code "{" @I { rest of input }
+//1vx &4mt @Code "}"
+//1vx @Code "}"
+The @@Use symbol allows a set of standard packages to be opened without
+the inconvenience of enclosing the entire document in @@Open symbols. Such
+enclosure could cause Basser Lout to run out of memory.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_page b/doc/expert/pre_page
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cccff13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_page
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ @Tag { pagelabel }
+ @Title { "@PageLabel" }
+pagelabel.sym @Index { @@PageLabel symbol }
+The @@PageLabel symbol associates a page label in the PostScript
+output file with the page within which (or just before which) the symbol
+occurs, so that PostScript viewers are able to index the page
+by this label. (The label is printed in the @Code "%%Page" comment
+preceding the page in the PostScript output file.) For example,
+@ID @Code "@PageLabel iv"
+associates the label @Code "iv" with the page. The label may be
+an arbitrary object; if its value is not a simple word, it will
+be replaced by {@Code "?"}.
+@@PageLabel is unrelated to Lout's cross referencing mechanism;
+it is for communicating a label to the PostScript output file, not to
+other parts of Lout. The result of @@PageLabel is a null object.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_plai b/doc/expert/pre_plai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f0319e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_plai
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ @Title { "@PlainGraphic" }
+ @Tag { plaingraphic }
+plaingraphic.sym @Index { @@PlainGraphic symbol }
+The @@PlainGraphic symbol is avery rudimentary analogue for plain text
+output of the @@Graphic symbol for PostScript output. Its result is
+its right parameter printed on a background created by repeated
+printings of its left parameter, which must be a simple word. For
+@ID @Verbatim { "." @PlainGraphic 5s @Wide }
+would produce five dots. @@PlainGraphic is used in the @Code tbl
+table-drawing package to produce plain-text rules.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_prep b/doc/expert/pre_prep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d53845b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_prep
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ @Tag { prependgraphic }
+ @Title { "@PrependGraphic and @SysPrependGraphic" }
+prependgraphic.sym @Index { @@PrependGraphic symbol }
+sysprependgraphic.sym @Index { @@SysPrependGraphic symbol }
+postscript.prependgraphic @SubIndex { used by @@PrependGraphic }
+These symbols, which may appear anywhere that a definition or @@Use
+symbol may appear, tell Lout to include the contents of a file in the
+preamble of its output. For Basser Lout this means that the file must
+contain PostScript (and ideally it would begin and end with the
+@Code "%%BeginResource" and @Code "%%EndResource" comments of
+DSC 3.0). For example,
+@ID @Code {
+"@SysPrependGraphic { diagf.lpg }"
+appears at the start of the Diag package; the file @Code diagf.lpg
+contains a number of PostScript definitions used by Diag for drawing
+diagrams. It saves a lot of space to include them just once at the
+start like this, rather than with every diagram. @@PrependGraphic and
+@@SysPrependGraphic search for the file in the same places as @@Include and
+@@SysInclude respectively.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_rota b/doc/expert/pre_rota
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00e28ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_rota
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ @Title { "@Rotate" }
+ @Tag { rotate }
+rotate.sym @Index { @@Rotate symbol }
+rotation @Index { Rotation of object }
+The @@Rotate symbol will rotate its
+right parameter counterclockwise an amount given in degrees (positive or
+negative) by its left parameter. For example,
+@ID @Code {
+"30d @Rotate { hello, world }"
+has result
+@ID {
+30d @Rotate { hello, world }
+Before rotating the object, @@OneCol and @@OneRow are applied to it. The
+result is a rectangle whose marks pass through the point where the
+original marks crossed:
+@ID {
+ @ShowMarks
+ { 0.6c @Wide 0.3c @High ^| 2.2c @Wide ^/ 0.2c @High }
+&4m => &4m
+ @ShowMarks
+ {
+ 30d @Rotate
+ { @ShowMarks
+ { 0.6c @Wide 0.3c @High ^| 2.2c @Wide ^/ 0.2c @High }
+ }
+ }
+As this example shows, rotation by an angle other than a multiple of
+ninety degrees introduces quite a lot of white space. So, for example, the
+result of
+@ID {
+@Code { "-30d" "@Rotate" 30d "@Rotate" } @I object
+is a much larger object than {@I object}, despite the fact that one
+rotation cancels the other.
+Rotation of objects containing receptive and recursive symbols is
+permitted, but for angles other than multiples of ninety degrees it is
+best to make the size of the rotated object clear with @@Wide and
+@@High symbols:
+@ID @Code {
+"30d @Rotate 5i @Wide 4i @High"
+"{ //1i @TextPlace"
+" //1i"
+This is because for angles other than multiples of ninety degrees the
+space available for @Code "@TextPlace" to occupy is indeterminate, and
+the result is poor.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_rump b/doc/expert/pre_rump
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0270202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_rump
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ @Title { {"@Common"}, {"@Rump"}, and "@Meld" }
+ @Tag { rump }
+common.sym @Index { @@Common symbol }
+rump.sym @Index { @@Rump symbol }
+meld.sym @Index { @@Meld symbol }
+The @@Common and @@Rump symbols compare two paragraph objects:
+@ID @Code "{ Aardvark, 29 } @Common { Aardvark, 359 }"
+If either parameter is not a paragraph object, it is converted into
+a single-object paragraph first. The result of @@Common is the
+common prefix of the two paragraphs; that is, those initial objects
+which are equal in the two paragraphs. In the example above, the
+result is {@Code "Aardvark,"}. The result of @@Rump is that part of
+the second object which is not included in @@Common; the result of
+@ID @Code "{ Aardvark, 29 } @Rump { Aardvark, 359 }"
+is {@Code "359"}.
+If the two objects have nothing in common, the result of @@Common will
+be an empty object and the result of @@Rump will be the second
+object. If the two objects are identical, the result of @@Common will
+be the first object, and the result of @@Rump will be an empty object.
+The only known use for @@Rump and @@Common is to implement merged index
+entries (Section {@NumberOf sorted}).
+The @@Meld symbol returns the minimum meld of two paragraphs, that
+is the shortest paragraph that contains the two original paragraphs
+as subsequences. For example,
+@ID @Code "{ Aardvark , 1 , 2 } @Meld { Aardvark , 2 , 3 }"
+@ID { Aardvark , 1 , 2 } @Meld { Aardvark , 2 , 3 }
+The result is related to the well-known
+longest common substring, in that the meld contains everything not in
+the lcs plus one copy of everything in the lcs. This function is
+well-suited to melding complex index entries. Note that there must be
+a non-zero amount of space before each comma, otherwise each will become
+part of the preceding word, and, since @@Meld compares the two paragraphs
+word by word, the result will be different and less satisfactory.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_scal b/doc/expert/pre_scal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e1b1a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_scal
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ @Title { "@Scale" }
+ @Tag { scale }
+scale. @Index { @@Scale symbol }
+This symbol geometrically scales its right parameter by the scale factor
+given in its left parameter:
+@ID @Code "1.0 @Scale Hello 2.0 @Scale Hello 0.5 @Scale Hello"
+has result
+@ID { 1.0 @Scale Hello 2.0 @Scale Hello 0.5 @Scale Hello }
+The left parameter can be two scale factors, in which case the first
+applies horizontally, and the second vertically:
+@ID @Code "{0.5 2.0} @Scale Hello"
+has result
+@ID { {0.5 2.0} @Scale Hello }
+The left parameter may be empty, in which case Lout will scale the
+object by a common factor horizontally and vertically so as to occupy
+all available horizontal space:
+@ID @Code "{} @Scale { Hello world }"
+has result
+@LD {} @Scale { Hello world }
+The right parameter may be any object. @@Scale has both a @@OneCol and
+a @@OneRow effect, and the marks of the result coincide with the principal
+marks of the right parameter.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_spac b/doc/expert/pre_spac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f44d840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_spac
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ @Title { "@Space" }
+ @Tag { space }
+The @@Space symbol
+space.sym @Index { @@Space symbol }
+changes the value of the @Code s unit of measurement (Section
+s.unit.space @SubIndex { and @@Space symbol }
+{@NumberOf concatenation}) within its right parameter to the value
+given by the left parameter:
+@ID {
+@Code "1c @Space { a b c d }"
+has result
+@ID {
+1c @Space { a b c d }
+As for the @@Break symbol, the left parameter of @@Space may be given
+relative to the enclosing @Code s unit, and it may include a gap
+mode. Note that the @@Font symbol also sets the @Code s unit.
+The left parameter of the @@Space symbol may also hold any one of the
+five special values {@Code lout}, {@Code compress}, {@Code separate},
+{@Code troff}, and {@Code tex}, which control the way in which Lout
+treats white space separating two objects. The names {@Code troff}
+and {@Code tex} indicate that the behaviour of these options is
+inspired by these other document formatting systems.
+The default setting, {@Code lout}, produces as many spaces in the output as
+there are in the input. The {@Code compress} setting causes all sequences
+of two or more white space characters to be treated the same as one white
+space character. The {@Code separate} setting is like {@Code compress}
+but also causes zero white spaces between two objects (but not within
+one word) to be treated the same as one white space character.
+The {@Code troff} setting is the same as {@Code lout} except that
+wherever a sentence ends at the end of a line, one extra space is
+added. Formally, when two objects are separated by white space
+characters which include at least one newline character, and the
+first object is a word ending in any one of a certain set of
+sequences of characters, the extra space is added. The set of
+sequences of characters depends on the current language and is defined
+in the @Code langdef for that language (see Section {@NumberOf language}).
+The {@Code tex} option is the most complicated. First, the
+{@Code compress} option is applied. Then, at every sentence ending,
+whether or not at the end of a line, one extra space is added. A
+sentence ending is defined as for {@Code troff} except that, in addition
+to the preceding word having to end in one of a certain set of sequences of
+characters, the character preceding that sequence must exist and must
+be a lower-case letter. A character is a lower-case letter if, in the
+Lout Character Mapping file (Section {@NumberOf font}) associated with
+the current font, an upper-case equivalent of the character is defined.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_span b/doc/expert/pre_span
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e527652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_span
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ @Title { "@StartHSpan","@StartVSpan", "@StartHVSpan", "@HSpan", and "@VSpan" }
+ @Tag { hspan }
+starthspan. @Index { @@StartHSpan symbol }
+startvspan. @Index { @@StartVSpan symbol }
+starthvspan. @Index { @@StartHVSpan symbol }
+hspan. @Index { @@HSpan symbol }
+vspan. @Index { @@VSpan symbol }
+These symbols work together to produce spanning columns and rows in
+a more flexible way than is possible in practice with @Code "//" and
+{@Code "||"}. An object
+@ID @Code "@StartHSpan object"
+causes @Code object to be printed, but occupying all the horizontal space
+to the right on the row mark on which it lies up to and including the rightmost
+@@HSpan symbol on that mark not preceded by @@StartHVSpan, @@StartHSpan,
+@@StartVSpan, or @@VSpan. The column mark of this spanning object is not
+constrained to align with any of the column marks of the columns it spans.
+If there is no @@HSpan symbol anywhere to the right of @@StartHSpan, then
+the object spans only its own column. This means that it occupies that
+column as usual but its mark is not constrained to align with those of the
+other objects in the column.
+Similarly, the @@StartVSpan symbol causes its object to occupy all
+the vertical space below it on the column mark on which it lies, down to and
+including the bottommost @@VSpan symbol on that mark not preceded by a
+@@StartHVSpan, @@StartHSpan, @@StartVSpan, or @@HSpan; and if there
+is no @@VSpan symbol anywhere below it on that mark, then the object
+spans only its own row, occupying its row but with its mark not constrained
+to align with the row mark.
+The @@StartHVSpan symbol combines the effects of @@StartHSpan and
+@@StartVSpan, allowing an object to span both columns and rows
+simultaneously. For example, in
+@ID @Code {
+"@StartHVSpan x | | @HSpan"
+"@VSpan | |"
+the object @Code x will occupy a rectangular area spanning three columns,
+two rows, and the gaps between them.
+The objects lying in the region spanned should all be empty, or the
+@@HSpan and @@VSpan symbols can be used to document the spanning that
+is occurring. At present there may be no galley targets or recursive symbols
+within the right parameter of @@StartHSpan, @@StartVSpan, or
+@@StartHVSpan. However, the right parameter may otherwise be an
+arbitrary object, including paragraphs of text that require breaking.
+If the right parameter of @@StartHSpan, @@StartVSpan, or @@StartHVSpan
+occupies more horizontal or vertical space than all of the spanned columns
+or rows combined require, the extra space goes into the last spanned column
+or row. Overlapping spanning rows and columns are permitted. Gaps spanned
+by span objects are unbreakable (their @Code "u" indicator is set
+automatically and cannot be revoked).
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_tagg b/doc/expert/pre_tagg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df6cdc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_tagg
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ @Title { "@Tagged" }
+ @Tag { tagged }
+The @@Tagged
+tagged.sym @Index { @@Tagged symbol }
+symbol takes a cross reference for its left parameter and an object, whose
+value must be a juxtaposition of simple words, or several words, or an empty
+object, for its right parameter. It has the effect of attaching its
+right parameter as an additional tag to the invocation denoted by its
+left parameter, unless the right parameter is empty, in which case @@Tagged
+does nothing. The result of @@Tagged is always @@Null, which makes it
+effectively invisible.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_unde b/doc/expert/pre_unde
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index 0000000..1261449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_unde
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ @Tag { underline }
+ @Title { "@Underline" }
+underline.sym @Index { @@Underline symbol }
+The @@Underline symbol underlines its right parameter, but only if that
+parameter is a word or a paragraph:
+@ID @Code "We @Underline { really do } mean this."
+@ID { We @Underline { really do } mean this. }
+It is not possible to underline an arbitrary object using this symbol;
+the @@Underline symbol will be ignored if this is attempted.
+It is very easy to @I define a symbol which will underline an arbitrary
+object, using the @@Graphic symbol. This raises the question of why
+@@Underline is needed at all. The answer is that @@Underline has two
+properties that distinguish it from symbols based on @@Graphic.
+First, when @@Underline both contains a paragraph and is used within a
+paragraph, as in the example above, the inner and outer paragraphs are
+merged into one, permitting the underlined text to break over several
+lines. This is how the @@Font symbol works too, but symbols based on
+@@Graphic do not permit this merging.
+Second, Adobe font files specify the correct position and thickness of
+underlining for each font, and the @@Underline symbol follows these
+specifications. The font used is the font of the first object underlined,
+if it is a simple word, or else the font of the enclosing paragraph.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_verb b/doc/expert/pre_verb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..725df85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_verb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ @Tag { verbatim }
+ @Title { "@Verbatim and @RawVerbatim" }
+verbatim.sym @Index { @@Verbatim symbol }
+rawverbatim.sym @Index { @@RawVerbatim symbol }
+These symbols instruct Lout to read the following text (enclosed in braces)
+verbatim, that is, turning off all special character meanings. For example,
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+@Verbatim { "hello" }
+@ID @Verbatim { "hello" }
+@@Verbatim ignores all characters after the opening brace up to but not
+including the first non-white-space character. @@RawVerbatim differs from
+@@Verbatim only in that it ignores all characters after the opening brace
+up to but not including the first non-white-space character, or up to and
+including the first newline character, whichever comes first. This
+variant is useful in cases such as
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+@RawVerbatim {
+ var x: Real
+where the first line of the verbatim text begins with white space which
+would be ignored by @@Verbatim. Both symbols ignore all white spaces
+at the end of the verbatim text, preceding the closing brace.
+@End @Section
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_wide
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ @Title { "@Wide" and "@High" }
+ @Tag { wide }
+The @@Wide symbol
+wide.sym @Index { @@Wide symbol }
+returns its right parameter modified to have the width given by its left
+parameter, which must be a length (Section {@NumberOf concatenation})
+whose unit of measurement is {@Code "c"}, {@Code "i"}, {@Code "p"},
+{@Code "m"}, {@Code "f"}, {@Code "s"}, or {@Code "v"}. If the right
+parameter is not as wide as required, white space is added at the right;
+if it is too wide, its paragraphs are broken (Section {@NumberOf break})
+so that it fits. A @@OneCol operation is included in the effect of @@Wide,
+since it does not make sense for an object of fixed width to have two column
+high.sym @Index { @@High symbol }
+The @@High symbol similarly ensures that its result is of a given height,
+by adding white space at the bottom. In this case it is an error for the
+right parameter to be too large. A @@OneRow operation is included.
+@End @Section
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_yuni
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ @Title { "@YUnit" and "@ZUnit" }
+ @Tag { yunit }
+The @@YUnit symbol
+yunit.sym @Index { @@YUnit symbol }
+zunit.sym @Index { @@ZUnit symbol }
+changes the value of the @Code y unit of measurement (Section
+{@NumberOf concatenation}) within its right parameter to the value
+given by the left parameter:
+@ID {
+@Code "1c @YUnit { ... }"
+ensures that the value of @Code "1y" within the right parameter will
+be {@Code "1c"}. The @@ZUnit symbol is similar, setting the value
+of the @Code z unit in its right parameter. Both units have default
+value zero. The left parameter may not include a gap mode, nor may it
+use the {@Code w}, {@Code b}, {@Code r}, or of course {@Code d} units,
+but it may begin with @Code "+" or @Code "-" to indicate that value is
+to be added to or subtracted from the current value. Any negative result
+of using @Code "-" will be silently replaced by zero.
+These units are not used internally by Lout. They are supplied as
+part of the style information for the convenience of application
+packages. For example, the Eq equation formatting package uses them
+to fine-tune the appearance of equations.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/preface b/doc/expert/preface
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+++ b/doc/expert/preface
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ @Tag { preface }
+This manual is addressed to those who wish to become
+expert users of the Lout document formatting system. An expert user
+is someone who understands the principles of document formatting
+that Lout embodies, and is able to apply them, for example to design
+a document format or a special-purpose package. In contrast, a non-expert
+user is someone who simply uses Lout to format documents.
+Chapter {@NumberOf principles} explains these principles, and it
+should be read carefully and in sequence. Chapters {@NumberOf details}
+and {@NumberOf symbols} are for reference; respectively, they
+contain descriptions of the detailed operation of Lout's major
+components, and a complete description of each predefined symbol. The
+final chapter presents a collection of advanced examples.
+This manual presents Version 3 of Basser Lout, publicly released in
+September 1994 @Cite { $kingston1995lout.program }. This manual was
+rendered into PostScript
+postscript @Index { PostScript }
+by Version 3.17 of the Basser Lout interpreter, using the symbols
+described in the User's Guide @Cite { $kingston1995lout.user }.
+@Heading { Acknowledgment. } Version 3 has benefited from hundreds of
+comments received since the release of Version 1 in October 1991. Not
+every suggestion could be followed, but many have been, and the
+encouragement was greatly appreciated.
+@End @Preface
diff --git a/doc/expert/pri b/doc/expert/pri
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pri
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ @Title { Principles }
+ @Tag { principles }
+The Lout document formatting language is based on just four key ideas:
+objects, definitions, cross references, and galleys. This chapter
+concentrates on them, postponing the inevitable details.
+@Include { pri_obje }
+@Include { pri_defi }
+@Include { pri_cros }
+@Include { pri_gall }
+@End @Chapter
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index 0000000..677794e
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+++ b/doc/expert/pri_cros
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ @Tag { cross }
+ @Title { Cross references }
+A cross reference
+cross.ref @Index { Cross reference }
+in common terminology is something like `see Table 6'
+or `see page 57' -- a reference within a document to some other part of
+it. Readers find them very useful, but they are a major
+problem for authors. As the document is revised, Table 6
+becomes Table 7, the thing on page 57 moves to page 63, and all the
+cross references must be changed.
+The Scribe
+scribe @Index { Scribe }
+document formatter, developed by Brian K. Reid @Cite { $reid1980scribe },
+reid.brian @Index { Reid, Brian K. }
+introduced a scheme for keeping track of cross
+references. It allows you to give names to tables, figures, etc., and to
+refer to them by name. The formatter inserts the appropriate numbers in
+place of the names, so that as the document is revised, the
+cross references are kept up to date automatically. Lout has adopted
+and extended this scheme.
+In Lout, automatic cross referencing works in the following way. First
+define a symbol with a parameter with the special name @Code "@Tag":
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Table"
+" left @Tag"
+" right @Value"
+" ||1i @Value"
+When this symbol is invoked, the value given to @Code "@Tag" should be a
+simple word like {@Code "cities"}, or several simple words juxtaposed
+like {@Code "cities compare"}; it serves to name the invocation:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ cities compare } @Table"
+" Washington |0.5i Canberra"
+We may now refer to this invocation elsewhere in the document, using the
+@I {cross reference} @Code "@Table&&{ cities compare }". Here @Code "&&"
+is the {@I {cross reference symbol}}; its left parameter is a symbol and
+its right parameter is the value of the @Code "@Tag" parameter of some
+invocation of that symbol. Of course it's simplest if you use just a
+one-word tag; then no braces are needed.
+A cross reference is not an object; the reader should think of it as
+an arrow in the final printed document, beginning at the cross reference
+and ending at the top of the target
+target.cr @Index { Target of cross reference }
+#@ID 8p @Font {
+# { @LittlePage // @LittlePage }
+# ||0io ||0.7c
+# { //2c
+# { @Code "@Table&&cities" }
+# //0.1c
+# ||0.5c 90d @Rotate @Arrow 2.5c
+# //0.05c
+# @HContract @VContract
+# @Fig { @Box margin { 0c } paint { grey } { 1.5c @Wide 1c @High } }
+# }
+invocation. Three special values may be given to the right parameter of
+{@Code "&&"}: {@Code preceding}, {@Code following}, and
+preceding. @Index { @Code preceding }
+following. @Index { @Code following }
+foll_or_prec. @Index { @Code following }
+{@Code foll_or_prec}. The cross
+reference @Code "@Table&&preceding" points to some table
+appearing earlier in the final printed document than itself; that is, the
+arrow is guaranteed to point backwards through the document. Usually it
+points to the nearest preceding invocation. Similarly,
+@Code "@Table&&following" points forwards, usually to the
+nearest following invocation. @Code "@Table&&foll_or_prec" is the same as
+@Code "@Table&&following" if it exists, otherwise it is the same as
+{@Code "@Table&&preceding"}.
+This section has been concerned with what a cross reference is -- an
+arrow from one point in a document to another -- but not with how it is
+used. One simple way to use a cross reference is to put it where an
+object is expected, like this:
+@ID @Code {
+"a | @Table&&cities | c"
+In this case the cross reference will be replaced by a copy of the
+invocation it points to: in the example just given, a table will appear
+between @Code a and @Code c. Other applications of cross references may be
+found in Chapter {@NumberOf examples}, including finding the number of
+the page where something appears, producing running page headers and footers,
+and accessing databases of Roman numerals, references, etc. Cross
+references are also used by galleys, as will be explained in the next section.
+The implementation of cross referencing copies every symbol invocation with
+a @Code "@Tag" parameter into the @I { cross-reference database },
+a collection of files whose names end in {@Code ".ld"} indexed by one file
+whose name is {@Code "lout.li"}. It is generally the case that the bulk
+content of a symbol such as the table above is contained in its right or
+body parameter, and that this bulk content is not needed by cross references
+to the symbol. Hence, to save space in the database, Lout replaces the
+right parameter of each symbol it writes into it by the word "???" whenever
+the right parameter appears to be large. The table above would appear as
+"???" because of this optimization, and in general, the user must ensure
+that any content required by cross references is contained in parameters
+other than the right or body parameter. This optimization does not apply
+when the symbol being written into the cross-reference database is a galley.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pri_defi b/doc/expert/pri_defi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..002db15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pri_defi
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ @Title { Definitions }
+ @Tag { definitions }
+The features of Lout are very general. They do not assume that documents
+are composed of pages, nor that there are such things as margins and
+footnotes, for example. @I Definitions
+definitions. @Index { Definitions }
+bridge the gap between Lout's general features and the
+special features -- footnotes, equations, pages -- that particular
+documents require. They hold the instr&-uct&-ions for producing these
+special features, conveniently packaged ready for use.
+For example, consider the challenge posed by `@TeX', which is the name of
+one of Lout's most illustrious rivals @Cite { $knuth1984tex }. Lout solves it
+easily enough, like this:
+@ID @Code {
+"T{ /0.2fo E }X"
+but to type this every time @TeX is mentioned would be tedious and
+error-prone. So we place a definition at the beginning of the document:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @TeX { T{ /0.2fo E }X }"
+Now @Code "@TeX" stands for the object following it between
+braces, and we may write
+@ID @Code {
+consider the challenge posed by "`@TeX'", ...
+as the author did earlier in this paragraph.
+A @I symbol
+symbol. @Index Symbol
+is a name, like {@Code "@TeX"}, which stands for
+something other than itself. The initial @Code "@" is not compulsory,
+but it does make the name stand out clearly. A @I definition of a symbol
+declares a name to be a symbol, and says what the symbol stands for. The
+@I body of a definition
+body.of @Index { Body of a definition }
+is the part following the name, between the braces. To @I invoke
+invocation @Index { Invocation of a symbol }
+a symbol is to make use of it.
+Another expression ripe for packaging in a definition is
+@ID @Code {
+"@OneRow { | -2p @Font n ^/0.5fk 2 }"
+which produces @OneRow { | -2p @Font n ^/0.5sk 2 } (see
+Chapter {@NumberOf details}). But this time we would like to be able to write
+@ID {
+@I object @Code "@Super" @I object
+so that @Code { a "@Super" 2 } would come out as {a @Super 2}, and so
+on, for in this way the usefulness of the definition is greatly
+increased. Here is how it is done:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Super"
+" left x"
+" right y"
+"{ @OneRow { | -2p @Font y ^/0.5fk x }"
+This definition says that @Code "@Super" has two {@I parameters},
+parameter @Index Parameter
+@Code x and {@Code y}. When @Code "@Super" is invoked, all occurrences
+of @Code x in the body will be replaced by the object just to the left
+of {@Code "@Super"}, and all occurrences of @Code y will be replaced by
+the object just to the right. So, for example, the expression
+@ID @Code {
+"2 @Super { Slope @Font n }"
+is equal to
+@ID @Code {
+"@OneRow { | -2p @Font { Slope @Font n } ^/0.5fk 2 }"
+and so comes out as {2 @Super {Slope @Font n}}.
+Lout permits definitions to invoke themselves, a peculiarly circular
+thing to do which goes by the name of
+recursion @Index Recursion
+@I recursion. Here is an example
+of a recursive definition:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @Leaders { .. @Leaders }"
+The usual rule is that the value of an invocation of a symbol is a copy of
+the body of the symbol's definition, so the value of @Code "@Leaders" must be
+@ID @Code {
+".. @Leaders"
+But now this rule applies to this new invocation of {@Code "@Leaders"};
+substituting its body gives
+@ID @Code {
+".. .. @Leaders"
+and so on forever. In order to make this useful,
+an invocation of a recursive symbol is replaced by its body only if
+sufficient space is available. So, for example,
+@ID @Code {
+"4i @Wide { Chapter 7 @Leaders 62 }"
+has for its result the object
+@ID {
+4i @Wide { Chapter 7 @Leaders 62 }
+with Lout checking before each replacement of @Code "@Leaders" by
+@OneCol @Code { ".." "@Leaders" } that the total length afterwards,
+including the other words, would not exceed four inches.
+The remaining issue is what happens when Lout decides that it is time to
+stop. The obvious thing to do is to replace the last invocation by an
+empty object:
+@ID @Code {
+".. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. {}"
+As the example shows, this would leave a small trailing space, which
+is a major headache. Lout fixes this
+by replacing the last invocation with a different kind of empty object,
+called @@Null, whose effect is to make an adjacent concatenation symbol
+disappear, preferably one preceding the @@Null. Thus, when Lout
+replaces @Code "@Leaders" by @@Null in the expression
+@ID @Code {
+".. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. @Leaders"
+the trailing space, which is really a horizontal concatenation symbol,
+disappears as well. This is taken into account when deciding
+whether there is room to replace @Code "@Leaders" by its body.
+The remainder of this section is devoted to showing how definitions may
+be used to specify the @I {page layout}
+page.layout @RawIndex { Page layout }
+page.layout.basic @SubIndex { principles of }
+of a document. To begin with,
+we can define a page like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @Page"
+" //1i ||1i"
+" 6i @Wide 9.5i @High"
+" { @TextPlace //1rt @FootSect }"
+" ||1i //1i"
+Now @Code "@Page" is an eight by
+eleven and a half inch object, with one inch margins, a place at the top for
+text, and a section at the bottom for footnotes (since @Code "//1rt"
+bottom-justifies the following object). It will be
+convenient for us to show the effect of invoking @Code "@Page" like this:
+@ID @Code
+{ { //0.5ix 8p @Font "@Page" &2m => } &2m
+@LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+with the invoked symbol appearing to the left of the arrow, and its body to
+the right.
+The definition of a vertical list of pages should come as no surprise:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @PageList"
+" @Page // @PageList"
+This allows invocations like the following:
+@ID @Code @HExpand @HScale {
+{ //0.5ix 8p @Font "@PageList" }
+||1m { //0.5ix => } ||1m
+{ @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+ //0.2c 8p @Font "@PageList"
+||1m { //0.5ix => } ||1m
+{ @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+ // @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+ //0.2c 8p @Font "@PageList"
+||1m { //0.5ix => } ||1m
+{ @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+ // @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+setting @Code "@PageList" to @Code @@Null on the last step. Any
+number of pages can be generated.
+A definition for @Code "@TextPlace" is beyond us at present, since
+@Code "@TextPlace" must be replaced by different parts of the text
+of the document on different pages. But we can
+define @Code "@FootSect" to be a small space followed by a
+horizontal line followed by a list of places where footnotes go:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @FootList "
+"{ "
+" @FootPlace //0.3v @FootList"
+"} "
+" "
+"def @FootSect"
+"{ "
+" //0.3v 1i @Wide @HLine"
+" //0.3v @FootList "
+"} "
+assuming that @Code "@HLine" will produce a horizontal line of the
+indicated width. With this definition we can generate pages like this:
+@ID @Code {
+@LittlePage { "@TextPlace"
+ //1rt
+ "@FootSect"
+ }
+||2m { //0.5ix => } ||2m
+@LittlePage { "@TextPlace"
+ //1rt
+ @OneRow { 1c @Wide @HLine
+ //0.1c
+ "@FootList"
+ }
+ }
+||2m { //0.5ix => } ||2m
+@LittlePage { "@TextPlace"
+ //1rt
+ @OneRow { 1c @Wide @HLine
+ //0.1c
+ "@FootPlace"
+ //0.1c
+ "@FootList"
+ }
+ }
+and so on for arbitrarily many footnotes.
+We will see in the next section how invocations of @Code "@PageList",
+@Code "@FootSect" and @Code "@FootList" are replaced by their bodies only
+when the need to insert text and footnotes obliges Lout to do so;
+otherwise the invocations are replaced by @@Null. In this way, the
+right number of pages is made, the small line appears only on pages that
+have at least one footnote, and unnecessary concatenation symbols
+This approach to page layout is the most original contribution Lout has
+made to document formatting. It is extraordinarily flexible. Two-column
+pages? Use
+@ID @Code {
+"{2.8i @Wide @TextPlace} ||0.4i {2.8i @Wide @TextPlace}"
+instead of {@Code "@TextPlace"}. Footnotes in smaller type? Use
+@Code { -2p "@Font" "@FootPlace" } instead of {@Code "@FootPlace"}. And
+on and on.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pri_gall b/doc/expert/pri_gall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9efb3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pri_gall
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ @Title { Galleys }
+ @Tag { galleys }
+It is time to pause and ask ourselves how close we are to achieving our
+aim of producing neatly formatted documents. We can certainly produce
+the pieces of a document:
+@ID {
+nohyphen @Break @LittlePageColumn {
+|0.5rt {@B PURCELL}{ 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}
+In the world of music England is supposed to be a mere province. If she
+produces an indifferent composer or performer, that is regarded
+elsewhere as perfectly normal and natural; but if foreign students of
+musical history have to acknowledge a British musical genius, he is
+considered a freak.
+Such a freak is Henry Purcell. Yet if we make a choice of fifteen of
+the world's musical classics, as here, we find that we cannot omit this
+English master.
+{ { 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}Blom, Eric. @I {Some Great Composers.} Oxford, 1944.
+@Code {
+ @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+// @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+// @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+//0.2c 8p @Font "@PageList"
+but when we try to merge them together, we encounter two obstacles.
+First, when an object is entered at a certain place in the document, it
+appears at that place. But a footnote is naturally entered immediately
+after the point it refers to (`{-2p @Font PURCELL}' in this case), yet it
+appears somewhere else: at the bottom of a page.
+Second, all our features build up larger objects out of smaller ones,
+but the -2p @Font PURCELL object, for example, must be broken down into
+page-sized pieces. This occurs when the available space at the
+`somewhere else' is insufficient to hold the entire object, so this
+second obstacle arises out of the first.
+Lout's last major feature, which we introduce to overcome these
+obstacles, is the @I galley
+galley.feature @Index { Galleys }
+(the name is borrowed from the galleys
+used in manual typesetting). A galley is an object plus a cross
+reference which points to where the object is to appear. The example
+above has three galleys:
+@ID {
+nohyphen @Break @LittlePageColumn {
+|0.5rt {@B PURCELL}{ 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}
+In the world of music England is supposed to be a mere province. If she
+produces an indifferent composer or performer, that is regarded
+elsewhere as perfectly normal and natural; but if foreign students of
+musical history have to acknowledge a British musical genius, he is
+considered a freak.
+Such a freak is Henry Purcell. Yet if we make a choice of fifteen of
+the world's musical classics, as here, we find that we cannot omit this
+English master.
+} { //0.4c 180d @Rotate @Arrow 2.0c }
+||0io ||4.8c
+@Code {
+ @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+// @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+// @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+//0.2c 8p @Font "@PageList"
+} 180d @Rotate @Arrow 1i @I -2p @Font {to printer}
+||0io ||2.0c
+{ @Arrow 1.7c } nohyphen @Break @LittlePageColumn
+{ { 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}Blom, Eric. @I {Some Great Composers.} Oxford, 1944.
+A galley replaces the invocation pointed to by its cross reference. If
+space is not sufficient there to hold it all, the remainder of the
+galley is split off (the vertical concatenation symbol preceding it
+being discarded) and it replaces later invocations of the same symbol.
+This is exactly what is required to get text and footnotes onto pages.
+To create a galley, first define a symbol with a
+special @Code into
+into @Index { @Code into clause }
+clause, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def @FootNote into { @FootPlace&&following }"
+" right x"
+" 8p @Font x"
+An invocation of such a symbol will then be a galley whose object is the
+result of the invocation, and whose cross reference is given by the
+@Code into clause. The right parameter of the cross reference must be
+one of {@Code preceding}, {@Code following}, and {@Code foll_or_prec}.
+A symbol, like @Code "@FootPlace", which is the @I target of a galley,
+target.g @Index { Target of a galley }
+must contain the special symbol @@Galley exactly once in its body; often
+this is all that the body contains:
+@ID @Code {
+"def @FootPlace { @Galley }"
+It is this special symbol that is replaced by the incoming galley, in
+fact, not the @Code "@FootPlace" symbol as a whole.
+A symbol which contains @@Galley, either directly within its body or
+indirectly within the body of a symbol it invokes, is called a @I receptive
+receptive @Index { Receptive symbol }
+symbol, meaning receptive to galleys. @Code "@FootPlace" is receptive, which
+makes @Code "@FootList", @Code "@FootSect" and @Code "@PageList"
+receptive since they invoke @Code "@FootPlace". If no galley replaces
+any @@Galley within some invocation of a receptive symbol, that
+invocation is replaced by @@Null. The advantages of this rule for page
+layout were explained at the end of Section {@NumberOf definitions}.
+Let us now follow through the construction of our example
+document. Initially there is just the one @I root
+root.galley @Index { Root galley }
+galley, containing an unexpanded invocation of @Code "@PageList":
+@ID { ||5c
+10p @Font @Code "@PageList" 180d @Rotate @Arrow 1i @I -2p @Font {to printer}
+Then the -2p @Font PURCELL galley appears, targeted to a @Code
+"@TextPlace". Lout knows that there is a @Code "@TextPlace" hidden
+inside @Code "@PageList", so it expands @Code "@PageList":
+@ID {
+nohyphen @Break @LittlePageColumn {
+|0.5rt {@B PURCELL}{ 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}
+In the world of music England is supposed to be a mere province. If she
+produces an indifferent composer or performer, that is regarded
+elsewhere as perfectly normal and natural; but if foreign students of
+musical history have to acknowledge a British musical genius, he is
+considered a freak.
+Such a freak is Henry Purcell. Yet if we make a choice of fifteen of
+the world's musical classics, as here, we find that we cannot omit this
+English master.
+} { //0.4c 180d @Rotate @Arrow 2.2c }
+||0io ||5c
+@Code {
+ @LittlePage { "@TextPlace" //1rt "@FootSect" }
+//0.2c 8p @Font "@PageList"
+} 180d @Rotate @Arrow 1i @I -2p @Font {to printer}
+After promoting the first line into @Code "@TextPlace", the footnote
+galley attached to it appears and demands an invocation of
+@Code "@FootPlace" following its attachment point
+(`{-2p @Font PURCELL}'). Such a @Code "@FootPlace" is found at
+the bottom of the first page, inside @Code "@FootSect", which is
+accordingly expanded, and the footnote is promoted onto the page:
+@ID {
+nohyphen @Break @LittlePageColumn {
+In the world of music England is supposed to be a mere province. If she
+produces an indifferent composer or performer, that is regarded
+elsewhere as perfectly normal and natural; but if foreign
+students of musical history have to acknowledge a British musical genius,
+he is considered a freak.
+Such a freak is Henry Purcell. Yet if we make a choice of fifteen of
+the world's musical classics, as here, we find that we cannot omit this
+English master.
+} 180d @Rotate @Arrow 2.2c
+||0io ||5c
+nohyphen @Break @LittleDocument
+@LittleText {
+|0.5rt {@B PURCELL}{ 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}
+{ { 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}Blom, Eric. @I {Some Great Composers.} Oxford, 1944.
+//1vx @Code "@FootList"
+//1vx @Code "@TextPlace" }
+//0.2c 8p @Font @Code "@PageList"
+} 180d @Rotate @Arrow 1i -2p @Font @I {to printer}
+Now the promotion of the -2p @Font PURCELL galley resumes. When the
+first page is filled, Lout searches forwards for another @Code "@TextPlace"
+to receive the remainder, once again expanding a @Code "@PageList":
+@ID {
+nohyphen @Break @LittlePageColumn {
+performer, that is regarded
+elsewhere as perfectly normal and natural; but if foreign
+students of musical history have to acknowledge a British musical genius,
+he is considered a freak.
+Such a freak is Henry Purcell. Yet if we make a choice of fifteen of
+the world's musical classics, as here, we find that we cannot omit this
+English master.
+} 180d @Rotate @Arrow 2.2c
+||0io ||5c
+nohyphen @Break @LittleDocument
+@LittleText {
+|0.5rt {@B PURCELL}{ 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}
+{ { 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}Blom, Eric. @I {Some Great Composers.} Oxford, 1944.
+ @HExpand {In the world of music}
+//1vx @HExpand {England is supposed to}
+//1vx @HExpand {be a mere province. If}
+//1vx @HExpand {she produces an indifferent composer or}
+// @LittlePage { @Code "@TextPlace" //1rt @Code "@FootSect" }
+//0.2c 8p @Font @Code "@PageList"
+} 180d @Rotate @Arrow 1i -2p @Font @I {to printer}
+and so on. All these expansions and replacements are done with total
+integrity. For example, if Lout finds after expanding @Code "@FootSect"
+that the page is too full to accept even the first line of the footnote,
+@Code "@FootSect" is reset to unexpanded and the search for a target for
+the footnote moves on. And the cross reference direction, @Code
+preceding or @Code following, is always obeyed (although lack of space
+sometimes prevents Lout from choosing the nearest target). Only the
+root galley contains receptive symbols in our running example, but
+any galley may contain them.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/expert/pri_obje b/doc/expert/pri_obje
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb9177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/expert/pri_obje
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ @Title { Objects }
+ @Tag { objects }
+Since our aim is to produce neatly formatted documents, we should begin by
+looking at a typical example of such a document:
+@ID {
+nohyphen @Break @LittleDocument
+@LittleText {
+|0.5rt {@B PURCELL}{ 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}
+{ { 0.8f @Font 1 ^//0.2v}Blom, Eric. @I {Some Great Composers.} Oxford, 1944.
+In the world of music England is supposed to be a mere province. If she
+produces an indifferent composer or performer, that is regarded
+elsewhere as perfectly normal and natural; but if foreign students of
+musical history have to acknowledge a British musical genius, he is
+considered a freak.
+Such a freak is Henry Purcell. Yet if we make a choice of fifteen of
+the world's musical classics, as here, we find that we cannot omit this
+English master.
+It is a large rectangle made from three smaller rectangles -- its
+pages. Each page is made of lines; each line is made of words,
+although it makes sense for any rectangle (even a complete document) to
+be part of a line, provided it is not too large.
+Lout deals with something a little more complicated than rectangles:
+@I objects. An object
+objec @Index { Object }
+is a rectangle with at least one @I {column mark}
+column.mark @Index { Column mark }
+mark.alignment @Index { Mark alignment }
+alignment @RawIndex { Alignment @I see mark alignment }
+protruding above and below it, and at least one @I {row mark}
+row.mark @Index { Row mark }
+protruding to the left and right. The simplest objects contain words like
+metempsychosis, and have one mark of each type:
+@ID {
+@ShowMarks metempsychosis
+The rectangle exactly encloses the word; its column mark is at the left
+edge, and its row mark passes through the middle of the lower-case
+letters. The rectangle and marks do not appear on the printed page, but
+to understand what Lout is doing you have to imagine them.
+To place two objects side by side, we separate them by the
+symbol @Code "|", which denotes the act of @I {horizontal
+concatenation}. So, if we write
+@ID {
+@Code "USA | Australia"
+the result will be the object
+@ID {
+@ShowMarks USA | @ShowMarks Australia
+Notice that this object has two column marks, but still only one row mark,
+because @Code "|" merges the two row marks
+together. This merging of row marks fixes the vertical
+position of each object with respect to the other, but it does not
+determine how far apart they are. This distance, or {@I gap},
+may be given just after the symbol, as in @Code "|0.5i" for example,
+which specifies horizontal concatenation with a gap of half an inch. If
+no gap is given, it is assumed to be {@Code "0i"}.
+@I {Vertical concatenation} & , denoted by {@Code "/"},
+is the same apart from the change of direction:
+@ID {
+@Code "Australia /0.1i USA"
+has result
+@ID {
+@ShowMarks Australia /0.1i
+@ShowMarks USA
+The usual merging of marks occurs, and now the gap determines the
+vertical separation. Horizontal and vertical can be combined:
+@ID @Code {
+ |1m USA |1m "|0.2i" |1m Australia
+/1vx "/0.1i" | Washington | "|" | Canberra
+has result
+@ID {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @ShowMarks USA &
+ { 0 ymark moveto xsize 10 pt add ymark lineto [ 3 pt ] 0 setdash stroke }
+ @Graphic {1c @Wide }
+ |0.2i @ShowMarks Australia
+/0.1i @ShowMarks Washington | @ShowMarks Canberra
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @ShowMarks USA &
+ { [ __mul(3, __pt) ] 0 d 0 __ymark m __add(__xsize, __mul(10, __pt)) __ymark l S }
+ @Graphic {1c @Wide }
+ |0.2i @ShowMarks Australia
+/0.1i @ShowMarks Washington | @ShowMarks Canberra
+ }
+ }
+tables @Index { Tables }
+There are several things to note carefully here. White space (including
+tabs and newlines) adjacent to a concatenation symbol is ignored, so
+it may be used to lay out the expression clearly. The symbol
+@Code "|" takes precedence over {@Code "/"}, which means that the rows
+are formed first, then vertically concatenated. The symbol @Code "/" will
+merge two or more column marks, creating multiple
+columns (and @Code "|" will merge two or more row marks). This
+implies that the gap @Code "0.2i" used above is between
+columns, not individual items in columns; a gap in the second row
+would therefore be redundant, and so is omitted.
+A variant of @Code "/" called @Code "//" left-justifies
+two objects instead of merging their marks.
+By enclosing an object in braces, it is possible to override the
+braces @Index { Braces }
+set precedences. Here is another expression for the table
+above, in which the columns are formed first:
+@ID @Code {
+ |1m "{ USA" |1m "/0.1i" |1m "Washington }"
+/1vx "|0.2i" | "{ Australia" | "/" | "Canberra }"
+Braces have no effect other than to alter the grouping.
+@I {Paragraph breaking} occurs when an object is too wide to fit
+paragraph.breaking @Index { Paragraph breaking }
+into the space available to it; by breaking its paragraphs into lines,
+its width is reduced to an acceptable amount. The available
+space is determined by the @@Wide symbol, whose form is
+@ID {
+@I length @@Wide @I object
+and whose result is the given object modified to have exactly the given
+length. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"5i @Wide {"
+"Macbeth was very ambitious. This led him to wish to become king of"
+"Scotland. The witches told him that this wish of his would come true. The"
+"king of Scotland at this time was Duncan. Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth"
+"murdered Duncan. He was thus enabled to succeed Duncan as king. (51 words)"
+"Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth achieved his ambition and realized the"
+"prediction of the witches by murdering Duncan and becoming king of Scotland"
+"in his place. (26 words)"
+has for its result the following five inch wide object
+@Cite { $strunk1979style }:
+@ID {
+5i @Wide {
+Macbeth was very ambitious. This led him to wish to become king of
+Scotland. The witches told him that this wish of his would come true. The
+king of Scotland at this time was Duncan. Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth
+murdered Duncan. He was thus enabled to succeed Duncan as king. (51 words)
+Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth achieved his ambition and realized the
+prediction of the witches by murdering Duncan and becoming king of Scotland
+in his place. (26 words)
+A paragraph of text can be included anywhere, and it will be broken
+automatically if necessary to fit the available space. The spaces
+between words are converted into concatenation symbols.
+These are the most significant of Lout's object-building symbols. There
+are others, for changing fonts, controlling paragraph breaking, printing
+graphical objects like boxes and circles, and so on, but
+they do not add anything new in principle.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/slides/README b/doc/slides/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a494b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/slides/README
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Directory lout/doc/slides
+This directory contains the Lout source of
+a set of overhead transparencies entitled
+`A Practical Introduction to the Lout
+Document Formatting System.' To format
+the transparencies, type
+ lout all > outfile.ps
+in this directory. This needs to be done
+twice to resolve all cross references.
+There should be no error messages at all
+after the second run. A copy of the final
+outfile.ps is included.
+Jeff Kingston
+17 September 1999
diff --git a/doc/slides/all b/doc/slides/all
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98c7d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/slides/all
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+@SysInclude { eq }
+@SysInclude { tab }
+@SysInclude { fig }
+@SysInclude { pas }
+@SysInclude { graph }
+@SysInclude { cprint }
+@SysInclude { slides }
+@SysDatabase @Reference { loutrefs }
+ @Title { A Practical Introduction to the
+Document Formatting System
+ @RunningTitle { lout }
+ @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
+ @Institution {
+Basser Dept. of Computer Science
+The University of Sydney
+ @InitialLanguage { English }
+ @Title { A simple input file }
+@ID @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"Hello, world"
+"@End @Text"
+@Heading { How to format it }
+@ID @Code {
+"lout filename > out.ps"
+"ghostview out.ps"
+"mpr out.ps"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+Hello, world
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Headings and paragraphs }
+@ID @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@Heading { Introduction }"
+"The design of the Lout formatting"
+"system was undertaken with the"
+"needs of the @I { ordinary user }"
+"very much in mind."
+"@End @Text"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+@Heading { Introduction }
+The design of the Lout formatting
+system was undertaken with the
+needs of the @I { ordinary user }
+very much in mind.
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Displays }
+@ID @Code {
+"You certainly don't want to return to"
+"his office and report:"
+"@IndentedDisplay @I {"
+"`I can't find an efficient algorithm, I"
+"guess I'm just too dumb.'"
+"To avoid serious damage to your"
+"position in the company, it would"
+"be better if ..."
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+You certainly don't want to return to
+his office and report:
+@IndentedDisplay @I {
+`I can't find an efficient algorithm, I
+guess I'm just too dumb.'
+To avoid serious damage to your
+position in the company, it would
+be better if ...
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Paragraph breaking styles }
+@ID @Code {
+"You certainly don't want to return to"
+"his office and report:"
+"@ID { ragged nohyphen } @Break @I {"
+"`I can't find an efficient algorithm, I"
+"guess I'm just too dumb.'"
+"To avoid serious damage to your"
+"position in the company, it would"
+"be better if ..."
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+You certainly don't want to return to
+his office and report:
+@ID { ragged nohyphen } @Break @I {
+`I can't find an efficient algorithm, I
+guess I'm just too dumb.'
+To avoid serious damage to your
+position in the company, it would
+be better if ...
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Lists }
+@ID @Code {
+"@Heading { Operating Instructions }"
+"@ListItem { Press small green lever. }"
+"@ListItem { Wait approximately 10 seconds"
+"until red light flashes. }"
+"@ListItem { If smoke emerges from rear of unit,"
+"call Service Department. }"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+@Heading { Operating Instructions }
+@ListItem { Press small green lever. }
+@ListItem { Wait approximately 10 seconds
+until red light flashes. }
+@ListItem { If smoke emerges from rear of unit,
+call Service Department. }
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Technical reports }
+@ID @Code {
+"@SysInclude { report }"
+" @Title { ... }"
+" @Author { ... }"
+" @Institution { ... }"
+" @DateLine { ... }"
+"@Abstract { ... }"
+"@Section { ... }"
+"@Section { ... }"
+"@Section { ... }"
+"@Appendix { ... }"
+"@Appendix { ... }"
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Sections }
+@ID @Code {
+" @Tag { dfs }"
+" @Title { Depth-first search }"
+"We turn now to our first algorithm"
+"on general graphs ..."
+"@End @Section"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+@Heading { 10.6. Depth-first search }
+We turn now to our first algorithm
+on general graphs ...
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Cross references }
+@ID @Code {
+"For further information, consult"
+"Section @NumberOf dfs on page"
+"@PageOf { dfs }."
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+For further information, consult
+Section 10.6 on page 245.
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { References }
+@ID @Code {
+"@Database @Reference { myrefs }"
+"For the details, consult the User's"
+"Guide @Cite { $kingston1995lout.user }."
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+For the details, consult the User's
+Guide [1].
+@Heading { References }
+@LI @RefPrint kingston1995lout.user
+@LI ...
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Database file myrefs.ld }
+@ID @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { kingston1995lout.user }"
+" @Type { Book }"
+" @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }"
+" @Title { A User's Guide to the Lout"
+"Document Formatting System (Version 3) }"
+" @Institution { Basser Department of"
+"Computer Science }"
+" @Address { University of Sydney"
+"2006, Australia }"
+" @Year { 1994 }"
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Books (and theses) }
+@LI { Title page, preface, introduction }
+@LI { Automatic table of contents }
+@LI { Prefatory pages numbered in Roman numerals }
+@LI { Chapters, sections, subsections, appendices }
+@LI { References at end of chapters or book }
+@LI { Running page headers }
+@LI { Odd-even page formats }
+@LI { Sorted index }
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Making a sorted index }
+@ID @Code {
+"There are several possible ways to implement the"
+"@I Partition procedure,"
+"partition @Index { @I Partition (in {@I Quicksort}) }"
+"but the following seems to be the best. Starting ..."
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+@Heading { Index }
+@LD lines @Break {
+partial order, 227
+@I Partition (in {@I Quicksort}), 189
+postorder traversal
+ of binary tree, 19
+ topological ordering, 229
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Equation formatting }
+@ID @Code {
+"@SysInclude { eq }"
+"Since @Eq { T(n-i) = T(0) = 0 } we have"
+"@IndentedDisplay @Eq {"
+"T(n) = big sum from i=0 to n-1 2 sup i = 2 sup n - 1"
+"for the number of disk moves made by the Towers"
+"of Hanoi algorithm, given @Eq { n } disks."
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+Since @Eq { T(n-i) = T(0) = 0 } we have
+@IndentedDisplay @Eq {
+T(n) = big sum from i=0 to n-1 2 sup i = 2 sup n - 1
+for the number of disk moves made by the Towers of Hanoi
+algorithm, given @Eq { n } disks.
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Another equation }
+@ID @Code {
+"@CenteredDisplay @Eq {"
+"big int supp 1 on 0 `"
+"dx over sqrt { 1 - x sup 2 }"
+"= pi over 2"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+@CenteredDisplay @Eq {
+big int supp 1 on 0 `
+dx over sqrt { 1 - x sup 2 }
+= pi over 2
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Tables }
+@ID @Code {
+"@SysInclude { tab }"
+" @Fmta { @Col @I A ! @Col B }"
+" A { Fortran }"
+" B { The first ... language }"
+" A { Algol-60 }"
+" B { Said to be ... successors }"
+" A { Pascal }"
+" B { The famous ... successors }"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+ vmargin { 0.4v }
+ @Fmta { @Col @I A ! @Col B }
+ A { Fortran }
+ B { The first high-level
+programming language }
+ A { Algol-60 }
+ B { Said to be a better
+language than most of its successors }
+ A { Pascal }
+ B { The most famous of
+Algol-60's successors }
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Another table }
+@RID @Code {
+" hmargin { 0.4c }"
+" vmargin { 0.3v }"
+" side { single }"
+" @Fmta { @Col @B @CC X @Over A,B,C }"
+" @Fmtb { @Col @I A ! @Col B !! @Col C }"
+"@Rowa above { single }"
+" X { Value of mathematical ... dollars) }"
+"@Rowb above { double }"
+" A { Quadratic formula }"
+" B { @Eq { x ^= { ... } over 2a } }"
+" C { 3^.5 }"
+"@Rowb below { single }"
+" A { Binomial theorem }"
+" B { @Eq { ( a + b ) sup n ^= ... b sup n-k } }"
+" C { 12^ }"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+0.6 @Scale @Tab
+ hmargin { 0.4c }
+ vmargin { 0.3v }
+ side { single }
+ @Fmta { @Col @B @CC X @Over A,B,C }
+ @Fmtb { @Col @I A ! @Col B !! @Col C }
+ above { single }
+ X { Value of mathematical formulae (millions of dollars) }
+ above { double }
+ A { Quadratic formula }
+ B { @Eq { x ^= { minus b +- sqrt { b sup 2 - 4ac } } over 2a } }
+ C { 3^.5 }
+ below { single }
+ A { Binomial theorem }
+ B { @Eq { ( a + b ) sup n ^= big sum from k=0 to infty
+matrix atleft { ( } atright { ) } { n above k } a sup k b sup n-k
+} }
+ C { 12^ }
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Pascal programs }
+@ID @Code {
+"@SysInclude { pas }"
+"@ID @Pas {"
+"procedure DoPriAbstract(root: PriEntry);"
+" if root^.leftchild <> nil then begin"
+" DoPriAbstract(root^.leftchild);"
+" write(', ');"
+" end;"
+" PriKeyAbstract(root^.key);"
+" write(':');"
+" PriValueAbstract(root^.value);"
+" if root^.rightchild <> nil then begin"
+" write(', ');"
+" DoPriAbstract(root^.rightchild);"
+" end;"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+@Pas {
+procedure DoPriAbstract(root: PriEntry);
+ if root^.leftchild <> nil then begin
+ DoPriAbstract(root^.leftchild);
+ write(', ');
+ end;
+ PriKeyAbstract(root^.key);
+ write(':');
+ PriValueAbstract(root^.value);
+ if root^.rightchild <> nil then begin
+ write(', ');
+ DoPriAbstract(root^.rightchild);
+ end;
+} &0io
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Basic graphics }
+@ID @Code {
+"45d @Rotate 1.5 @Scale @Box {"
+" Hello, world"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+@ID @Code {
+45d @Rotate 1.5 @Scale @Box {
+ Hello, world
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Advanced graphics }
+@ID @Code {
+"@SysInclude { fig }"
+"@Fig {"
+" margin { 0c }"
+" paint { black }"
+" linestyle { noline }"
+" paint { white }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+@Fig {
+ margin { 0c }
+ paint { black }
+ linestyle { noline }
+ paint { white }
+{ Hello, world }
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Point labelling }
+@ID @Code {
+"@Fig {"
+" 1:: @Ellipse { 3c @Wide 2c @High }"
+" //3c"
+" 2:: @Box { 3c @Wide 2c @High }"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage {
+@Fig {
+ 1:: @Ellipse { 3c @Wide 2c @High }
+ //3c
+ 2:: @Box { 3c @Wide 2c @High }
+@End @Overhead
+ @Title { Graphs }
+@ID -1p @Font @Code {
+" abovecaption { New South Wales road deaths"
+"(per 100 million vehicle km) }"
+" @Data points { plus } pairs { dashed }"
+" { 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4"
+" 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0 }"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage @Graph
+ width { 9 cm }
+ height { 6 cm }
+ abovecaption { New South Wales road deaths
+(per 100 million vehicle km) }
+ @Data
+ points { plus }
+ pairs { dashed }
+ {
+ 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0
+ }
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@RID @Code {
+"-2p @Font @Graph"
+" style { axes }"
+" xorigin { 0 } yorigin { 0 }"
+" xticks { 10@ 50@ 100@ 200@ 500@ }"
+" objects { @NE at { 300 2 } @I { Exponential }"
+" @SE at { ... } @I { Uniform } }"
+" belowcaption { @I n }"
+" @Data points { filledcircle } { ... }"
+" @Data points { filledcircle } { ... }"
+" @Data pairs { dashed }"
+" { 10 2 500 2 }"
+" @Data pairs { dashed }"
+" {"
+" xloop from { 10 } to { 500 } by { 20 } do"
+" {"
+" x sqrt { pi*x / 4 } + 1"
+" }"
+" }"
+@End @Overhead
+@Overhead @Begin
+@ShowPage -2p @Font @Graph
+ style { axes }
+ xorigin { 0 }
+ yorigin { 0 }
+ width { 10 cm }
+ height { 7 cm }
+ xticks { 10@ 50@ 100@ 200@ 500@ }
+ objects {
+ @NE at { 300 2 } @I { Exponential }
+ @SE at { 300 sqrt { pi*300/4 } + 1 } @I { Uniform }
+ }
+ belowcaption { @I n }
+ belowgap { 0 cm }
+ @Data points { filledcircle }
+ { 10 1.97 50 2.01 100 2.00 200 2.0 500 2.00 }
+ @Data points { filledcircle }
+ { 10 3.53 50 7.45 100 9.32 200 13.41 500 21.63 }
+ @Data pairs { dashed }
+ { 10 2 500 2 }
+ @Data pairs { dashed }
+ {
+ xloop from { 10 } to { 500 } by { 20 } do
+ {
+ x sqrt { pi*x / 4 } + 1
+ }
+ }
+@End @Overhead
diff --git a/doc/slides/mydefs b/doc/slides/mydefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69417f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/slides/mydefs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+def @Code right x { { Helvetica Base -2p } @Font lines @Break x }
+import @BasicSetup
+def @ShowPage right x
+ @Box margin { 1i } 4i @Wide 5i @High { x // }
diff --git a/doc/slides/outfile.ps b/doc/slides/outfile.ps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed978e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/slides/outfile.ps
@@ -0,0 +1,4470 @@
+%%Creator: Basser Lout Version 3.17 (September 1999)
+%%CreationDate: Fri Sep 17 11:58:48 1999
+%%DocumentData: Binary
+%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend)
+%%DocumentMedia: Plain 595 842 0 white ()
+%%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)
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+%%BeginResource: procset LoutStartUp
+/m { 3 1 roll moveto show } bind def
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+/ul { gsave setlinewidth dup 3 1 roll
+ moveto lineto stroke grestore } bind def
+/in { 1440 mul } def
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+/em { 120 mul } def
+/sp { louts mul } def
+/vs { loutv mul } def
+/ft { loutf mul } def
+/dg { } def
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+/LoutGr2 { gsave translate LoutGraphic gsave } def
+{ findfont exch scalefont setfont
+} bind def
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+ { findfont dup length dict begin
+ {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+ /Encoding exch def
+ currentdict end definefont pop
+ }
+ stopped pop
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+ { pop languagelevel
+ 1 ne
+ { false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint
+ } if
+ } if
+} bind def
+/EndEPSF {
+ count op_count sub { pop } repeat
+ countdictstack dict_count sub { end } repeat
+ LoutEPSFState restore
+} bind def
+%%BeginResource encoding vec2
+/vec2 [
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash
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+/H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
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+/h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o
+/p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+/x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef
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+/Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+/Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
+/Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply
+/Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls
+/agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
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+/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide
+/oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
+] def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutTabPrependGraphic
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/tabf.lpg
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Tab %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names %
+% of all these symbols begin with "ltab". %
+% %
+% Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% 24 September 1991 %
+% 22 December 1992 %
+% %
+% linewidth ltabhs -
+% horizontal single line
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhsp -
+% horizontal single line with projecting ends
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhd -
+% horizontal double line
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch 3 mul moveto xsize exch 3 mul lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdb -
+% horizontal double line below mark
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch -3 mul moveto xsize exch -3 mul lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdnw -
+% horizontal double line with northwest corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize exch 3 mul moveto
+ -3 mul exch 3 mul lineto
+ -3 mul 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdne -
+% horizontal double line with northeast corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch 3 mul moveto
+ 3 mul xsize add exch 3 mul lineto
+ 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdsw -
+% horizontal double line with southwest corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize exch -3 mul moveto
+ -3 mul exch -3 mul lineto
+ -3 mul 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdse -
+% horizontal double line with southeast corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch -3 mul moveto
+ 3 mul xsize add exch -3 mul lineto
+ 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvs -
+% vertical single line
+{ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvd -
+% vertical double line
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ -3 mul 0 moveto -3 mul ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvdr -
+% vertical double line to right of mark
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ 3 mul 0 moveto 3 mul ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutFigPrependGraphic
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/figf.lpg
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Fig Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% Version 2.0 (includes CIRCUM label) January 1992 %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names of all symbols %
+% defined here begin with "lfig". However, this is not feasible %
+% with user-defined labels and some labels used by users. %
+% %
+% <point> is two numbers, a point. %
+% <length> is one number, a length %
+% <angle> is one number, an angle in degrees %
+% <dashlength> is one number, the preferred length of a dash %
+% %
+errordict begin
+ /handleerror
+ {
+ { /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ 0 setgray 4 pt 4 pt moveto
+ $error /errorname get
+ dup lfigdict exch known
+ { lfigdict exch get }
+ { 30 string cvs } ifelse
+ show
+ ( Command: ) show
+ $error /command get 30 string cvs show
+ } stopped {} if
+ showpage stop
+ } def
+% concat strings: <string> <string> lfigconcat <string>
+% must be defined outside lfigdict since used in lfigpromotelabels
+{ 2 copy length exch length add string
+ dup 0 4 index putinterval
+ dup 3 index length 3 index putinterval
+ 3 1 roll pop pop
+} def
+% <string> lfigdebugprint -
+% must be defined outside lfigdict since used in arbitrary places
+% /lfigdebugprint
+% { print
+% (; operand stack:\n) print
+% count copy
+% count 2 idiv
+% { ==
+% (\n) print
+% } repeat
+% (\n) print
+% } def
+/lfigdict 120 dict def
+lfigdict begin
+% error messages
+/dictfull (dictfull error: too many labels?) def
+/dictstackoverflow (dictstackoverflow error: labels nested too deeply?) def
+/execstackoverflow (execstackoverflow error: figure nested too deeply?) def
+/limitcheck (limitcheck error: figure nested too deeply or too large?) def
+/syntaxerror (syntaxerror error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/typecheck (typecheck error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/undefined (undefined error: unknown or misspelt label?) def
+/VMError (VMError error: run out of memory?) def
+% push pi onto stack: - lfigpi <num>
+/lfigpi 3.14159 def
+% arc directions
+/clockwise false def
+/anticlockwise true def
+% maximum of two numbers: <num> <num> lfigmax <num>
+/lfigmax { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% minimum of two numbers: <num> <num> lfigmin <num>
+/lfigmin { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% add two points: <point> <point> lfigpadd <point>
+/lfigpadd { exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } def
+% subtract first point from second: <point> <point> lfigpsub <point>
+/lfigpsub { 3 2 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub exch } def
+% max two points: <point> <point> lfigpmax <point>
+/lfigpmax { exch 3 1 roll lfigmax 3 1 roll lfigmax exch } def
+% min two points: <point> <point> lfigpmin <point>
+/lfigpmin { exch 3 1 roll lfigmin 3 1 roll lfigmin exch } def
+% scalar multiplication: <point> <num> lfigpmul <point>
+/lfigpmul { dup 3 1 roll mul 3 1 roll mul exch } def
+% point at angle and distance: <point> <length> <angle> lfigatangle <point>
+/lfigatangle { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul lfigpadd } def
+% angle from one point to another: <point> <point> lfigangle <angle>
+/lfigangle { lfigpsub 2 copy 0 eq exch 0 eq and {pop} {exch atan} ifelse } def
+% distance between two points: <point> <point> lfigdistance <length>
+/lfigdistance { lfigpsub dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
+% difference in x coords: <point> <point> lfigxdistance <length>
+/lfigxdistance { pop 3 1 roll pop sub } def
+%difference in y coords: <point> <point> lfigydistance <length>
+/lfigydistance { 3 1 roll pop sub exch pop } def
+% stroke a solid line: <length> <dashlength> lfigsolid -
+{ pop pop [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% stroke a lfigdashed line: <length> <dashlength> lfigdashed -
+{ 2 copy div 2 le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch dup ] 0 setdash }
+ { dup [ exch 4 2 roll 2 copy div
+ 1 sub 2 div ceiling dup 4 1 roll
+ 1 add mul sub exch div ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a lfigcdashed line: <length> <dashlength> lfigcdashed -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch dup ] dup 0 get 2 div setdash }
+ { dup [ 4 2 roll exch 2 copy exch div
+ 2 div ceiling div 1 index sub
+ ] exch 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a dotted line: <length> <dashlength> lfigdotted -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch 0 exch ] 0 setdash }
+ { 1 index exch div ceiling div
+ [ 0 3 2 roll ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a noline line: <length> <dashlength> lfignoline -
+{ pop pop
+} def
+% painting (i.e. filling): - lfigwhite - (etc.)
+/lfignopaint { } def
+/lfignochange { fill } def
+/lfigdarkblue { 0.0 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigblue { 0.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightblue { 0.5 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgreen { 0.0 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggreen { 0.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgreen { 0.5 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkred { 0.5 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigred { 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightred { 1.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkcyan { 0.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigcyan { 0.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightcyan { 0.5 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkmagenta { 0.5 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigmagenta { 1.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightmagenta { 1.0 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkyellow { 0.5 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgray { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggray { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgray { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgrey { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggrey { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgrey { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigblack { 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigwhite { 1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+% line caps (and joins, not currently used)
+/lfigbutt 0 def
+/lfiground 1 def
+/lfigprojecting 2 def
+/lfigmiter 0 def
+/lfigbevel 2 def
+% shape and labels of the @Box symbol
+ 0 0 /SW lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0 /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize ysize /NE lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize /NW lfigpointdef
+ SE 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ NW 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ W SE lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ S NW lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ NE 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ [ CTR NE lfigpsub /lfigboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @CurveBox symbol
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize 0.5 mul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul 0 /S lfigpointdef
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul /E lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize /N lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul /W lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0.293 mul xmark 0.293 mul /SW lfigpointdef
+ xsize xmark 0.293 mul sub xmark 0.293 mul /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize xmark 0.293 mul sub ysize xmark 0.293 mul sub /NE lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0.293 mul ysize xmark 0.293 mul sub /NW lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul xmark /lfigcurveboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ xmark 0
+ xsize xmark sub 0
+ [ xsize xmark sub xmark ]
+ xsize xmark
+ xsize ysize xmark sub
+ [ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark sub ]
+ xsize xmark sub ysize
+ xmark ysize
+ [ xmark ysize xmark sub ]
+ 0 ysize xmark sub
+ 0 xmark
+ [ xmark xmark ]
+ xmark 0
+} def
+% shadow of the @ShadowBox symbol
+% its shape and labels are done, somewhat inaccurately, with lfigbox
+{ xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
+ xmark 2 mul xmark lineto closepath fill
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Square symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize xsize ysize ysize lfigpmax 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 135 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 225 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 315 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SE lfigpointdef
+ SW 0.5 lfigpmul SE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /S lfigpointdef
+ NW 0.5 lfigpmul NE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ SW 0.5 lfigpmul NW 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /W lfigpointdef
+ SE 0.5 lfigpmul NE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ [ CTR NE lfigpsub /lfigboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Diamond symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ S W lfigpadd /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR W lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR S lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /lfigdiamondcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S E N W S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Ellipse symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ S W lfigpadd /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR W lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR S lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd lfigpsub /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR lfigpsub 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR lfigpsub lfigpsub /SW lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /lfigellipsecircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Circle symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 ysize 0 lfigpmax 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 45 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 90 lfigatangle lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 135 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 180 lfigatangle lfigpadd /W lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 225 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 270 lfigatangle lfigpadd /S lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 315 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SE lfigpointdef
+ [ S E lfigpsub /lfigellipsecircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @HLine and @HArrow symbols
+ 0 ymark lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+ xsize ymark lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @VLine and @VArrow symbols
+ xmark ysize lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0 lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef
+} def
+% points of a polygon around base with given no of sides, vert init angle:
+% <sides> <angle> figpolygon <point> ... <point>
+{ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ 90 sub CTR 2 copy lfigmax 5 3 roll
+ [ 4 copy pop /lfigpolycircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ exch dup 360 exch div exch
+ 1 1 3 2 roll
+ { 4 string cvs (P) exch lfigconcat cvn
+ 6 copy pop pop lfigatangle 2 copy 10 2 roll
+ 3 2 roll lfigpointdef
+ dup 3 1 roll add exch
+ } for
+ pop lfigatangle
+} def
+% next array element: <array> <index> lfiggetnext <array> <index> <any> true
+% or <array> <index> false
+{ 2 copy exch length ge
+ { false }
+ { 2 copy get exch 1 add exch true } ifelse
+} def
+% check whether thing is number: <any> lfigisnumbertype <any> <bool>
+{ dup type dup
+ /integertype eq exch /realtype eq or
+} def
+% check whether thing is an array: <any> lfigisarraytype <any> <bool>
+/lfigisarraytype { dup type /arraytype eq } def
+% get next item: <array> <index> lfiggetnextitem <array> <index> 0
+% or <array> <index> <array> 1
+% or <array> <index> <point> 2
+{ lfiggetnext
+ { lfigisarraytype
+ { 1
+ }
+ { lfigisnumbertype
+ { 3 1 roll
+ lfiggetnext
+ { lfigisnumbertype
+ { 4 3 roll exch 2
+ }
+ { pop 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 0
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% set arc path: bool x1 y1 x2 y2 x0 y0 lfigsetarc <angle> <angle> <dist>
+% the path goes from x1 y1 to x2 y2 about centre x0 y0,
+% anticlockwise if bool is true else clockwise.
+% The orientations of backwards pointing and forwards pointing
+% arrowheads are returned in the two angles, and
+% the length of the arc is returned in <dist>.
+ 20 dict begin
+ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ 2 copy translate 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 4 2 roll lfigpsub 6 2 roll lfigpsub
+ dup /y1 exch def dup mul /y1s exch def
+ dup /x1 exch def dup mul /x1s exch def
+ dup /y2 exch def dup mul /y2s exch def
+ dup /x2 exch def dup mul /x2s exch def
+ y1s y2s eq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { y1s x2s mul y2s x1s mul sub y1s y2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /da exch def
+ x1s x2s eq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { x1s y2s mul x2s y1s mul sub x1s x2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /db exch def
+ da 0 gt db 0 gt and
+ { /LMax da sqrt db sqrt lfigmax def
+ /scalex da sqrt LMax div def
+ /scaley db sqrt LMax div def
+ scalex scaley scale
+ 0 0 LMax
+ 0 0 x1 scalex mul y1 scaley mul lfigangle
+ 0 0 x2 scalex mul y2 scaley mul lfigangle
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 anticlockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if lfigpi mul LMax mul 180 div
+ }
+ { 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance 0 0 x2 y2 lfigdistance eq
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance 0 gt and
+ { 0 0
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigangle
+ 0 0 x2 y2 lfigangle
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 clockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if lfigpi mul 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance mul 180 div
+ }
+ { x2 y2 lineto pop
+ x2 y2 x1 y1 lfigangle
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 lfigangle
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 lfigdistance
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ 4 -1 roll setmatrix
+ end
+} def
+% lfigsetcurve: set up a Bezier curve from x0 y0 to x3 y3
+% and return arrowhead angles and length of curve (actually 0)
+% x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 lfigsetcurve <angle> <angle> <length>
+{ 8 copy curveto pop pop
+ lfigangle
+ 5 1 roll
+ 4 2 roll lfigangle
+ exch
+ 0
+} def
+% lfigpaintpath: paint a path of the given shape
+% /paint [ shape ] lfigpaintpath -
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0 newpath
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ { lfiggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ { 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /curveseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr
+ lfigsetcurve pop pop pop
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ lfigsetarc pop pop pop
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr moveto
+ } ifelse
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop pop pop cvx exec
+ end
+} def
+% stroke a path of the given shape in the given linestyle and dash length.
+% Return the origin and angle of the backward and forward arrow heads.
+% dashlength /linestyle [shape] lfigdopath [<point> <angle>] [<point> <angle>]
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ /backarrow [] def
+ /fwdarrow [] def
+ {
+ lfiggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ {
+ 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /prevseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { newpath xprev yprev moveto
+ curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr lfigsetcurve
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ lfigsetarc
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ xcurr ycurr xprev yprev lfigangle dup 180 sub
+ xprev yprev xcurr ycurr lfigdistance
+ } ifelse
+ 6 index 6 index cvx exec
+ [ xprev yprev 5 -1 roll ]
+ backarrow length 0 eq
+ { /backarrow exch def }
+ { pop } ifelse
+ [ xcurr ycurr 4 -1 roll ] /fwdarrow exch def
+ } if
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop
+ pop pop pop pop
+ backarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { backarrow } ifelse
+ fwdarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { fwdarrow } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% lfigdoarrow: draw an arrow head of given form
+% dashlength /lstyle /pstyle hfrac height width [ <point> <angle> ] lfigdoarrow -
+{ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ dup 0 get 1 index 1 get translate
+ 2 get rotate
+ [ 2 index neg 2 index 0 0
+ 3 index 3 index neg
+ 1 index 10 index mul 0
+ 7 index 7 index ]
+ 4 1 roll pop pop pop
+ dup 3 1 roll
+ gsave lfigpaintpath grestore lfigdopath pop pop
+ setmatrix
+} def
+% arrow head styles
+/lfigopen 0.0 def
+/lfighalfopen 0.5 def
+/lfigclosed 1.0 def
+% stroke no arrows, forward, back, and both
+/lfignoarrow { pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop } def
+/lfigforward { 7 -1 roll lfigdoarrow pop } def
+/lfigback { 8 -2 roll pop lfigdoarrow } def
+/lfigboth { 8 -1 roll 7 copy lfigdoarrow pop 7 -1 roll lfigdoarrow } def
+% lfigprevious: return previous point on path
+{ lfigisnumbertype
+ { 2 copy }
+ { lfigisarraytype
+ { 2 index 2 index }
+ { 0 0 }
+ ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% label a point in 2nd top dictionary: <point> /name lfigpointdef -
+ % (Entering lfigpointdef) lfigdebugprint
+ [ 4 2 roll transform
+ /itransform cvx ] cvx
+ currentdict end
+ 3 1 roll
+ % currentdict length currentdict maxlength lt
+ % { def }
+ % { exec moveto (too many labels) show stop }
+ % ifelse
+ def
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigpointdef) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% promote labels from second top to third top dictionary
+% <string> lfigpromotelabels -
+ % (Entering lfigpromotelabels) lfigdebugprint
+ currentdict end exch currentdict end
+ { exch 20 string cvs 2 index
+ (@) lfigconcat exch lfigconcat cvn exch def
+ } forall pop begin
+ % (Leaving lfigpromotelabels) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% show labels (except CIRCUM): - lfigshowlabels -
+ % (Entering lfigshowlabels) lfigdebugprint
+ currentdict end
+ currentdict
+ { 1 index 20 string cvs (CIRCUM) search % if CIRCUM in key
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ { pop cvx exec 2 copy
+ newpath 1.5 pt 0 360 arc
+ 0 setgray fill
+ /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ moveto 0.2 cm 0.1 cm rmoveto 20 string cvs show
+ }
+ ifelse
+ } forall
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigshowlabels) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% fix an angle to 0 <= res < 360: <angle> lfigfixangle <angle>
+ % (Entering lfigfixangle) lfigdebugprint
+ { dup 0 ge { exit } if
+ 360 add
+ } loop
+ { dup 360 lt { exit } if
+ 360 sub
+ } loop
+ % (Leaving lfigfixangle) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of box: alpha a b lfigboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ 0 0 a b lfigangle /theta exch def
+ % if alpha <= theta, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha theta le
+ { a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 - theta, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ alpha 180 theta sub le
+ { b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 + theta, return (-a, -a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha 180 theta add le
+ { a neg a neg alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 360 - theta, return (-b*cot(alpha), -b)
+ alpha 360 theta sub le
+ { b neg alpha cos mul alpha sin div b neg }
+ {
+ % else 360 - theta <= alpha, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find quadratic roots (assume a != 0): a b c lfigqroots x1 x2 2
+% or x2 1
+% or 0
+ 4 dict begin
+ /c exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /disc b b mul 4 a c mul mul sub def
+ disc 0 lt
+ { 0
+ }
+ { disc 0 eq
+ { b neg 2 a mul div
+ 1
+ }
+ { b neg disc sqrt add 2 a mul div
+ b neg disc sqrt sub 2 a mul div
+ 2
+ }
+ ifelse
+ }
+ ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% work our which quadrant: <angle> lfigquadrant <0-3>
+{ dup 90 lt
+ { pop 0
+ }
+ { dup 180 lt
+ { pop 1
+ }
+ { 270 lt
+ { 2
+ }
+ { 3
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% find curvebox circum, assuming upper right quadrant: alpha a b xmk lfigcb x y
+ 6 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ /theta1 0 0 a b xmk sub lfigangle def
+ /theta2 0 0 a xmk sub b lfigangle def
+ alpha theta1 le
+ { % if alpha <= theta1, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ }
+ { alpha theta2 ge
+ { % else if alpha > theta2, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b
+ }
+ {
+ % else, return the intersection of line and circle
+ a xmk sub b xmk sub xmk 0 0 alpha lfigcircleintersect
+ dup 0 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return any reasonable point
+ pop
+ a b 0.5 lfigpmul
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return the point on top of stack
+ }
+ { % the usual case, two points on stack, return the larger
+ lfigpmax
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% find point on circumference of curvebox: alpha a b xmk lfigcurveboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigcurveboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 5 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ % work out which quadrant we are in, and reflect accordingly
+ /quad alpha lfigquadrant def
+ quad 0 eq
+ { alpha a b xmk lfigcb
+ }
+ { quad 1 eq
+ { 180 alpha sub a b xmk lfigcb exch neg exch
+ }
+ { quad 2 eq
+ { alpha 180 sub a b xmk lfigcb neg exch neg exch
+ }
+ { 360 alpha sub a b xmk lfigcb neg
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigcurveboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of diamond: alpha a b lfigdiamondcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigdiamondcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos abs mul a alpha sin abs mul add /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigdiamondcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of ellipse: alpha a b lfigellipsecircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigellipsecircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos mul dup mul a alpha sin mul dup mul add sqrt /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigellipsecircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of two lines each defined by two points
+% x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 lfiglineintersect x y
+ % (Entering lfiglineintersect) lfigdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /y4 exch def
+ /x4 exch def
+ /y3 exch def
+ /x3 exch def
+ /y2 exch def
+ /x2 exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ x2 x1 sub /x21 exch def
+ x4 x3 sub /x43 exch def
+ y2 y1 sub /y21 exch def
+ y4 y3 sub /y43 exch def
+ y21 x43 mul y43 x21 mul sub /det exch def
+ % calculate x
+ y21 x43 mul x1 mul
+ y43 x21 mul x3 mul sub
+ y3 y1 sub x21 mul x43 mul add
+ det div
+ % calculate y
+ x21 y43 mul y1 mul
+ x43 y21 mul y3 mul sub
+ x3 x1 sub y21 mul y43 mul add
+ det neg div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfiglineintersect) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of polygon
+% alpha radius num theta lfigpolycircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigpolycircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /num exch def
+ /radius exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ % calculate delta, the angle from theta to alpha
+ alpha theta sub lfigfixangle
+ % calculate the angle which is the multiple of 360/num closest to delta
+ 360 num div div truncate 360 num div mul theta add /anglea exch def
+ % calculate the next multiple of 360/num after anglea
+ anglea 360 num div add /angleb exch def
+ % intersect the line through these two points with the alpha line
+ anglea cos anglea sin angleb cos angleb sin
+ 0 0 alpha cos 2 mul alpha sin 2 mul
+ lfiglineintersect radius lfigpmul
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigpolycircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of a point and a circle
+% x0 y0 r x1 y1 theta lfigcircleintersect xa ya xb yb 2
+% or xb yb 1
+% or 0
+ % (Entering lfigcircleintersect) lfigdebugprint
+ 15 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ /r exch def
+ /y0 exch def
+ /x0 exch def
+ % if sin(theta) = 0 then line is horizontal and y must be y1
+ theta sin abs 0.00001 lt
+ {
+ /a 1 def
+ /b -2 x0 mul def
+ /c x0 dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c lfigqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 1
+ }
+ { y1 exch y1 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ {
+ /ct theta cos theta sin div def
+ /a ct ct mul 1 add def
+ /b ct x1 x0 sub mul y1 add y0 sub 2 mul def
+ /c x1 x0 sub dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c lfigqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xb yb 1
+ }
+ { y1 add /ya exch def
+ ya y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xa exch def
+ y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xa ya xb yb 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigcircleintersect) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% add CIRCUM operator with this body: <array> lfigcircumdef -
+{ % (Entering lfigcircumdef) lfigdebugprint
+ /CIRCUM exch cvx
+ currentdict end
+ 3 1 roll
+ % currentdict length currentdict maxlength lt
+ % { def }
+ % { exec moveto (too many labels) show stop }
+ % ifelse
+ def
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigcircumdef) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutGraphPrependGraphic
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/graphf.lpg
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Graph (Version 1.0) %
+% %
+% Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, December 1993. %
+% %
+errordict begin
+ /handleerror
+ {
+ { /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ 0 setgray 4 pt 4 pt moveto
+ $error /errorname get
+ dup lgraphdict exch known
+ { lgraphdict exch get }
+ { 30 string cvs } ifelse
+ show
+ ( Command: ) show
+ $error /command get 30 string cvs show
+ } stopped {} if
+ showpage stop
+ } def
+/lgraphdict 200 dict def
+lgraphdict begin
+% error messages
+/dictfull (dictfull error) def
+/dictstackoverflow (dictstackoverflow error) def
+/execstackoverflow (execstackoverflow error: expression too complex?) def
+/limitcheck (limitcheck error: graph too complex or too large?) def
+/syntaxerror (syntaxerror error: syntax error in text of graph?) def
+/typecheck (typecheck error: syntax error in text of graph?) def
+/undefined (undefined error: unknown or misspelt symbol?) def
+/rangecheck (rangecheck error: undefined expression (e.g. divide by zero)?) def
+/VMError (VMError error: run out of memory?) def
+% random number between x and y inclusive: x y dorand num
+/dorand { 1 index sub 1 add rand exch mod add } def
+% log to given base: base num dolog num
+/dolog { ln exch ln div } def
+% maximum of two numbers: <num> <num> max <num>
+/max { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% add two points: <point> <point> padd <point>
+/padd { exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } def
+% subtract first point from second: <point> <point> psub <point>
+/psub { 3 2 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub exch } def
+% distance between two points: <point> <point> distance <length>
+/distance { psub dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
+% point at angle and distance: <point> <length> <angle> atangle <point>
+/atangle { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul padd } def
+% angle from one point to another: <point> <point> angle <angle>
+/angle { psub 2 copy 0 eq exch 0 eq and {pop} {exch atan} ifelse } def
+% set up for line
+% - linesetup <length> <dashlength>
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint xprev yprev trpoint
+ 4 copy moveto lineto distance dashlength
+} def
+% set up for icon-avoiding line
+% - ilinesetup <length> <dashlength>
+{ newpath
+ xprev yprev trpoint xcurr ycurr trpoint 4 copy
+ 4 copy angle symbolsize 1.5 mul exch 4 2 roll pop pop atangle
+ 6 2 roll 4 2 roll
+ 4 copy angle symbolsize 1.5 mul exch 4 2 roll pop pop atangle
+ 4 copy moveto lineto distance dashlength
+} def
+% stroke a solid line: <length> <dashlength> solid -
+{ pop pop [] 0 setdash linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a dashed line: <length> <dashlength> dashed -
+{ 2 copy 2 mul le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt max [ exch dup ] 0 setdash }
+ { dup [ exch 4 2 roll 2 copy div
+ 1 sub 2 div ceiling dup 4 1 roll
+ 1 add mul sub exch div ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a cdashed line: <length> <dashlength> cdashed -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt max [ exch dup ] dup 0 get 2 div setdash }
+ { dup [ 4 2 roll exch 2 copy exch div
+ 2 div ceiling div 1 index sub
+ ] exch 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a dotted line: <length> <dashlength> dotted -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt max [ exch 0 exch ] 0 setdash }
+ { 1 index exch div ceiling div 0.99999 mul
+ [ 0 3 2 roll ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse gsave 1 setlinecap linewidth setlinewidth stroke grestore newpath
+} def
+% stroke a noline line: <length> <dashlength> noline -
+{ pop pop
+} def
+% stroke a y histogram: - yhisto -
+{ xprev yleft trpoint yextra sub moveto
+ xprev yprev trpoint lineto
+ xcurr yprev trpoint lineto
+ xcurr yleft trpoint yextra sub lineto
+ linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke an x histogram: - xhisto -
+{ xleft yprev trpoint exch xextra sub exch moveto
+ xcurr yprev trpoint lineto
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint lineto
+ xleft ycurr trpoint exch xextra sub exch lineto
+ linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a surface y histogram: - surfaceyhisto -
+{ firstpair
+ { xprev yleft trpoint yextra sub moveto
+ xprev yprev trpoint lineto
+ }
+ { xprev yprev trpoint moveto
+ } ifelse
+ xcurr yprev trpoint lineto
+ lastpair
+ { xcurr yleft trpoint yextra sub lineto
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr trpoint lineto
+ } ifelse
+ linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a surface x histogram: - surfacexhisto -
+{ firstpair
+ { xleft yprev trpoint exch xextra sub exch moveto
+ }
+ { xprev yprev trpoint moveto
+ } ifelse
+ xcurr yprev trpoint lineto
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint lineto
+ lastpair
+ { xleft ycurr trpoint exch xextra sub exch lineto
+ } if
+ linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a filled y histogram: - filledyhisto -
+ linewidth setlinewidth
+ xprev yleft trpoint exch currentlinewidth 2 div add exch yextra sub moveto
+ xprev yprev trpoint exch currentlinewidth 2 div add exch lineto
+ xcurr yprev trpoint exch currentlinewidth 2 div sub exch lineto
+ xcurr yleft trpoint exch currentlinewidth 2 div sub exch yextra sub lineto
+ closepath fill
+} def
+% stroke a filled x histogram: - filledxhisto -
+ linewidth setlinewidth
+ xleft yprev trpoint currentlinewidth 2 div add exch xextra sub exch moveto
+ xcurr yprev trpoint currentlinewidth 2 div add lineto
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint currentlinewidth 2 div sub lineto
+ xleft ycurr trpoint currentlinewidth 2 div sub exch xextra sub exch lineto
+ closepath fill
+} def
+% cross: show a small cross
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize neg rmoveto
+ symbolsize 2 mul symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ 0 symbolsize -2 mul rmoveto
+ symbolsize -2 mul symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% plus: show a small plus
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg 0 rmoveto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize neg rmoveto
+ 0 symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% square: show a small square
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize neg rmoveto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ 0 symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ symbolsize -2 mul 0 rlineto
+ closepath [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% filledsquare: show a small filled square
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize neg rmoveto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ 0 symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ symbolsize -2 mul 0 rlineto
+ closepath gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill
+} def
+% diamond: show a small diamond
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg 0 rmoveto
+ symbolsize symbolsize neg rlineto
+ symbolsize symbolsize rlineto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize rlineto
+ closepath [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% filleddiamond: show a small filled diamond
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg 0 rmoveto
+ symbolsize symbolsize neg rlineto
+ symbolsize symbolsize rlineto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize rlineto
+ closepath gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill
+} def
+% circle: show a small circle
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint symbolsize 0 360 arc [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% filledcircle: show a small filled circle
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint symbolsize 0 360 arc gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill
+} def
+% triangle: show a small triangle
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ 0 symbolsize 1.5 mul rmoveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize -2.5 mul rlineto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ closepath [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% filledtriangle: show a small filled triangle
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ 0 symbolsize 1.5 mul rmoveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize -2.5 mul rlineto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ closepath gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill
+} def
+%plog: like log only with a base, and protected from failing if <= 0
+% base x plog res
+/plog { dup 0 le { pop pop 0 } { ln exch ln div } ifelse } def
+% xtr: transform one x value logarithmically if xlog > 1
+% <num> xtr <num>
+{ xlog 1 gt
+ { xlog exch plog
+ } if
+} def
+% ytr: transform one y value logarithmically if ylog > 1
+% <num> ytr <num>
+{ ylog 1 gt
+ { ylog exch plog
+ } if
+} def
+% % trpoint: transform (x, y) in graph space into (x', y') in print space
+% % x y trpoint x' y'
+% /trpoint
+% { exch xtr trxmin sub trxmax trxmin sub div xwidth mul xextra add
+% exch ytr trymin sub trymax trymin sub div ywidth mul yextra add
+% } def
+% trpoint: transform (x, y) in graph space into (x', y') in print space
+% x y trpoint x' y'
+{ exch xtr xdecr { trxmax exch sub } { trxmin sub } ifelse
+ trxmax trxmin sub div xwidth mul xextra add
+ exch ytr ydecr { trymax exch sub } { trymin sub } ifelse
+ trymax trymin sub div ywidth mul yextra add
+} def
+% yonly: interpolate x values 1, 2, ... into data
+% [ data ] yonly [ newdata ]
+{ dup /tmp exch def
+ length [ exch 1 exch 1 exch
+ { dup tmp exch 1 sub get
+ } for
+ ]
+} def
+% xonly: interpolate y values 1, 2, ... into data
+% [ data ] yonly [ newdata ]
+{ dup /tmp exch def
+ length [ exch 1 exch 1 exch
+ { dup tmp exch 1 sub get exch
+ } for
+ ]
+} def
+% xandy: no interpolation of x or y values
+% [ data ] xandy [ data ]
+/xandy {} def
+% expstringwidth: calculate width of string containing optional exponent
+% <string> expstringwidth <width>
+{ (^) search
+ { exch pop stringwidth pop exch stringwidth pop 0.7 mul add }
+ { stringwidth pop }
+ ifelse
+} def
+% expstringshow: show string containing optional exponent
+% <string> expstringshow -
+{ (^) search
+ { exch pop show 0 0.5 ft rmoveto
+ gsave currentfont 0.7 scalefont setfont show grestore
+ }
+ { show
+ }
+ ifelse
+} def
+% concatenate two strings: <string> <string> strconcat <string>
+{ 2 copy length exch length add string
+ dup 0 4 index putinterval
+ dup 3 index length 3 index putinterval
+ 3 1 roll pop pop
+} def
+% lgen: generate one label automatically
+% num lgen num string
+/lgen { dup 20 string cvs } def
+% loglgen: generate one logarithmic label (with exponent)
+% <base> <exponent> loglgen <string>
+{ 20 string cvs exch 20 string cvs
+ (^) strconcat exch strconcat
+} def
+% printxtick: print one x tick
+% xpos printxtick -
+{ newpath
+ yleft trpoint moveto 0 yextra neg rmoveto
+ 0 xticklength neg rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printxlabel: print one x label
+% (xlabel) xpos printxlabel -
+{ yleft trpoint moveto 0 yextra neg rmoveto
+ 0 xticklength neg rmoveto 0 0.9 ft neg rmoveto
+ xlog 1 gt { 0 0.3 ft neg rmoveto } if
+ dup expstringwidth -2 div 0 rmoveto expstringshow
+} def
+% printytick: print one y tick
+% ypos printytick -
+{ newpath
+ xleft exch trpoint moveto xextra neg 0 rmoveto
+ yticklength neg 0 rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printylabel: print one y label
+% (ylabel) ypos printylabel -
+{ xleft exch trpoint moveto xextra neg 0 rmoveto
+ yticklength neg 0 rmoveto -0.3 ft -0.3 ft rmoveto
+ dup expstringwidth neg 0 rmoveto expstringshow
+} def
+% printrtick: print one r tick
+% ypos printrtick -
+{ newpath
+ xright exch trpoint moveto xextra 0 rmoveto
+ rticklength 0 rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printrlabel: print one r label
+% (rlabel) ypos printrlabel -
+{ xright exch trpoint moveto xextra 0 rmoveto
+ rticklength 0 rmoveto 0.3 ft -0.3 ft rmoveto
+ expstringshow
+} def
+% printticks: print ticks and labels
+% /tickproc /labelproc [ tickandlabeldata ] min printticks -
+{ /prev exch def
+ { dup type dup dup /integertype eq exch /realtype eq or
+ { pop dup /prev exch def 2 index cvx exec
+ }
+ { /stringtype eq
+ { prev 2 index cvx exec
+ }
+ { pop
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } forall
+ pop pop
+} def
+% printxaxistick: print one x axis tick
+% xpos printxaxistick -
+{ newpath
+ yaxis trpoint moveto 0 xticklength -2 div rmoveto
+ 0 xticklength rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printxaxislabel: print one x axis label
+% (xlabel) xpos printxaxislabel -
+{ yaxis trpoint moveto
+ 0 xticklength -2 div rmoveto 0 0.9 ft neg rmoveto
+ xlog 1 gt { 0 0.3 ft neg rmoveto } if
+ dup expstringwidth -2 div 0 rmoveto expstringshow
+} def
+% printyaxistick: print one y axis tick
+% ypos printyaxistick -
+{ newpath
+ xaxis exch trpoint moveto
+ yticklength -2 div 0 rmoveto
+ yticklength 0 rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printyaxislabel: print one y axis label
+% (ylabel) ypos printyaxislabel -
+{ xaxis exch trpoint moveto
+ yticklength -2 div 0 rmoveto -0.3 ft -0.3 ft rmoveto
+ dup expstringwidth neg 0 rmoveto expstringshow
+} def
+% <val> minmax -
+% perform minv := min(minv, val); maxv := max(maxv, val)
+% allowing for the possibility of minv, maxv, val being false (undefined)
+{ dup false eq
+ { pop }
+ { minv false eq
+ { dup /minv exch def /maxv exch def }
+ { dup minv lt
+ { /minv exch def }
+ { dup maxv gt
+ { /maxv exch def }
+ { pop }
+ ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% <ticks> ticksundef <ticks> <bool>
+% returns true iff the ticks array is undefined (one false entry)
+{ dup length 1 eq
+ { dup 0 get false eq
+ }
+ { false }
+ ifelse
+} def
+% <number> integral <boolean>
+% true if the number has an integral value
+/integral { dup round eq } def
+% ticksep ticks xory alldata minval maxval axis base ticksandlimits ticks min max base
+% ticksandlimits: sort out value of x or y ticks and limits and log base
+{ /base exch def
+ /minv false def
+ /maxv false def
+ % min and max of user-supplied minval, maxval, and axis
+ minmax minmax minmax
+ % min and max of data points
+ { 0 get dup dup length 1 sub 3 index exch 2 exch
+ { get minmax dup
+ } for pop pop
+ } forall
+ pop dup
+ % min and max of tick values
+ { dup type /stringtype eq
+ { pop } { minmax } ifelse
+ } forall
+ % fix minv and maxv if undefined (false) or equal
+ minv false eq
+ { /minv -1 def /maxv 1 def }
+ { minv maxv eq
+ { minv 0 lt
+ { /minv 2 minv mul def /maxv 0 def
+ }
+ { minv 0 eq
+ { /minv -1 def /maxv 1 def
+ }
+ { /minv 0 def /maxv 2 maxv mul def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } if
+ } ifelse
+ % invent ticks if undefined
+ ticksundef
+ { pop /ticksep exch def
+ % if base is reasonable and minv is positive, logarithmic ticks
+ base 1 gt minv 0 gt and
+ {
+ % get integral log of minv and maxv
+ /logminv base minv plog floor cvi def
+ /logmaxv base maxv plog ceiling cvi def
+ % if minv close to base, make it 1; reset minv and maxv
+ logminv 1 eq logmaxv 4 ge and { /logminv 0 def } if
+ /minv base logminv exp def
+ /maxv base logmaxv exp def
+ % ticks := [ base**logminv, ... , base**logmaxv ]
+ [ logminv 1 logmaxv
+ { dup base exch exp
+ exch base exch loglgen
+ } for
+ ]
+ }
+ { % non-logarithmic ticks
+ {
+ % fix tick separation if undefined (0) or too small
+ /base 0 def
+ /delta maxv minv sub def
+ ticksep delta 30 div le
+ { /ticksep 10 delta log 1 sub ceiling exp def
+ ticksep delta 2 div ge
+ { /ticksep ticksep 2 div def }
+ { ticksep delta 5 div lt
+ { /ticksep 2 ticksep mul def
+ } if
+ } ifelse
+ } if
+ % adjust minv and maxv to be multiples of ticksep
+ /minv minv ticksep div floor ticksep mul def
+ /maxv maxv ticksep div ceiling ticksep mul def
+ /delta maxv minv sub def
+ % if minv or maxv near zero, move to zero and redo
+ minv ticksep eq
+ { /minv 0 def }
+ { maxv ticksep neg eq { /maxv 0 def } { exit } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop
+ % if minv, maxv, and ticksep are all integral, set "makeint" to true
+ /makeint minv integral maxv integral ticksep integral and and def
+ % ticks := [ minv, minv+ticksep, ... , maxv ]
+ [ 0 1 delta ticksep div round
+ { ticksep mul minv add makeint { cvi } if lgen }
+ for
+ ]
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { exch pop
+ } ifelse
+ minv maxv base
+} def
+% xset: set up all data for x axis, including limits and ticks
+% xticksep xticks 0 alldata xmin xmax xlog xextra xdecr xaxis xticklength xset -
+{ /xticklength exch def
+ /xaxis exch def
+ /xdecr exch def
+ /xextra exch def
+ xaxis exch ticksandlimits
+ /xlog exch def /xmax exch def /xmin exch def /xticks exch def
+ /xleft xdecr { xmax } { xmin } ifelse def
+ /xright xdecr { xmin } { xmax } ifelse def
+ /xwidth xsize xextra 2 mul sub def
+ /trxmin xmin xtr def /trxmax xmax xtr def
+} def
+% yset: set up all data for y axis, including limits and yticks
+% yticksep yticks 0 alldata ymin ymax ylog yextra ydecr yaxis yticklength yset -
+{ /yticklength exch def
+ /yaxis exch def
+ /ydecr exch def
+ /yextra exch def
+ yaxis exch ticksandlimits
+ /ylog exch def /ymax exch def /ymin exch def /yticks exch def
+ /yleft ydecr { ymax } { ymin } ifelse def
+ /yright ydecr { ymin } { ymax } ifelse def
+ /ywidth ysize yextra 2 mul sub def
+ /trymin ymin ytr def /trymax ymax ytr def
+} def
+% rset: set up all data for y axis (again), but including limits and rticks
+% rticksep rticks 0 alldata ymin ymax ylog yextra ydecr yaxis rticklength rset -
+{ /rticklength exch def
+ /yaxis exch def
+ /ydecr exch def
+ /yextra exch def
+ yaxis exch ticksandlimits
+ /ylog exch def /ymax exch def /ymin exch def /rticks exch def
+ /yleft ydecr { ymax } { ymin } ifelse def
+ /yright ydecr { ymin } { ymax } ifelse def
+ /ywidth ysize yextra 2 mul sub def
+ /trymin ymin ytr def /trymax ymax ytr def
+} def
+% norset: set up data for no rticks
+% - norset -
+{ /rticklength 0 def
+ /rticks [] def
+} def
+% framestyle: print a frame around the graph
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto
+ 0 ysize lineto closepath stroke
+ /printxtick /printxlabel xticks xleft printticks
+ /printytick /printylabel yticks ymin printticks
+ /printrtick /printrlabel rticks ymin printticks
+} def
+% nonestyle: print nothing around the graph
+} def
+% axesstyle: print axes for the graph (unless axis values missing)
+ xaxis false eq yaxis false eq or
+ { framestyle }
+ { xaxis yaxis trpoint dup 0 exch moveto xsize exch lineto
+ dup 0 moveto ysize lineto stroke
+ /printxaxistick /printxaxislabel xticks xleft printticks
+ /printyaxistick /printyaxislabel yticks ymin printticks
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% rundata: run all data sets
+{ alldata
+ { gsave
+ dup dup dup dup
+ 4 get /dopaint exch def
+ 3 get /initrun exch def
+ 2 get /pairs exch def
+ 1 get /points exch def
+ 0 get /data exch def
+ dopaint
+ { data length 4 ge
+ { initrun
+ newpath
+ data 0 get ymin trpoint yextra sub moveto
+ 0 2 data length 2 sub
+ { dup 1 add
+ data exch get /ycurr exch def
+ data exch get /xcurr exch def
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint lineto
+ } for
+ data dup length 2 sub get ymin trpoint yextra sub lineto
+ closepath fill
+ } if
+ } if
+ initrun
+ data length 2 ge
+ {
+ /xcurr data 0 get def
+ /ycurr data 1 get def
+ points
+ data length 4 ge
+ { 2 2 data length 2 sub
+ { /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ dup dup 2 eq /firstpair exch def
+ data length 2 sub eq /lastpair exch def
+ dup 1 add
+ data exch get /ycurr exch def
+ data exch get /xcurr exch def
+ pairs
+ points
+ } for
+ } if
+ } if
+ grestore
+ } forall
+} def
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutBasicSetup
+% @PrependGraphic file /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib/include/bsf.lpg
+% width height linethickness louteuro -
+% draw a Euro symbol of this width and height with this line thickness
+% Author: Jeff Kingston, based on code from Andrew Beardsley
+/louteuro {
+ 20 dict begin
+ /eurothick exch def
+ /euroheight exch def
+ /eurowidth exch def
+ /eurostrokewidth euroheight 0.8 mul def
+ /eurostep eurothick 60 cos mul 60 sin div def
+ /eurotheta 40 def
+ % llx lly width thickness louteurobox -
+ % draw angled box starting at (llx, lly) with given width and thickness
+ /louteurobox
+ {
+ /euroboxthick exch def
+ /euroboxwidth exch def
+ newpath moveto euroboxwidth 0 rlineto
+ eurostep euroboxthick rlineto
+ euroboxwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath fill
+ } def
+ % lower cross stroke
+ 0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 1.5 mul sub
+ eurostrokewidth eurothick louteurobox
+ % upper cross stroke
+ 0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 0.5 mul add
+ eurostrokewidth eurostep 2 mul add eurothick louteurobox
+ % circular part
+ /eurohctr eurowidth euroheight 2 div eurotheta cos mul sub def
+ /eurovctr euroheight 2 div def
+ newpath
+ eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurotheta 350 eurotheta sub arc
+ eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurothick sub 365 eurotheta sub eurotheta arcn
+ closepath fill
+ end
+} def
+% path for @FullWidthRule symbol
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+} def
+% path for @Box symbol
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto
+ closepath
+} def
+% path for @CurveBox symbol
+{ xmark 0 moveto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark xmark 270 360 arc
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark sub xmark 0 90 arc
+ xmark ysize xmark sub xmark 90 180 arc
+ xmark xmark xmark 180 270 arc
+ closepath
+} def
+% path for @ShadowBox symbol
+{ xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
+ xmark 2 mul xmark lineto
+ closepath
+} def
+% set up dictionary containing margin note data: parity LoutMargSet -
+{ /LoutMargDict 12 dict def
+ LoutMargDict begin
+ /parity exch def
+ /matr matrix currentmatrix def
+ /rightx xsize def
+ /lefty ysize def % highest allowable point for top of next left note
+ /righty ysize def % highest allowable point for top of next right note
+ /max { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+ /min { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+ end
+} def
+%translate coordinate system for marginal notes: type LoutMargShift -
+% where type 0 is left margin, 1 is right margin, 2 is outer, 3 is inner
+{ LoutMargDict begin
+ % y coordinate of top of note, in margin coords, before vertical adjust
+ 0 ysize transform matr itransform exch pop
+ % decide whether left or right margin based on type and parity
+ exch [ 0 1 parity 1 parity sub ] exch get 0 eq
+ {
+ % left margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
+ lefty min
+ % bottom of note is new lefty position and also translate position
+ ysize sub dup /lefty exch def
+ % want right edge of note at coordinate zero
+ xsize neg exch
+ }
+ {
+ % right margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
+ righty min
+ % bottom of note is new righty position and also translate position
+ ysize sub dup /righty exch def
+ % want left edge of note at coordinate rightx
+ rightx exch
+ } ifelse
+ % stack now contains coord of bottom left corner in margin coordinates
+ matr setmatrix translate
+ end
+} def
+% create LoutPageDict with left, right, foot, top for @Place symbol users
+ /LoutPageDict 5 dict def
+ LoutPageDict begin
+ /matr matrix currentmatrix def
+ /left 0 def
+ /right xsize def
+ /foot 0 def
+ /top ysize def
+ end
+} def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman
+/Times-Romanfnt82 vec2 /Times-Roman LoutRecode
+/fnt82 { /Times-Romanfnt82 LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica
+/Helveticafnt35 vec2 /Helvetica LoutRecode
+/fnt35 { /Helveticafnt35 LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Helvetica-Oblique
+/Helvetica-Obliquefnt36 vec2 /Helvetica-Oblique LoutRecode
+/fnt36 { /Helvetica-Obliquefnt36 LoutFont } def
+%%Page: 1 1
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+%%+ font Helvetica
+%%+ font Helvetica-Oblique
+/pgsave save def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+400 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 12588 0 12588 400 480 100 1417 -14005 LoutGr2
+1 LoutMargSet
+160 fnt82 0 12479(lout)m 9002(1)s 600 fnt35 691 11623(A)m
+1250(Pr)s 6(actical)k 3667(Introduction)s 6922(to)s 7566(the)s
+3956 10183(Lout)m 616 8743(Document)m 3500(F)s 18(or)k -15(matting)k
+6490(System)s 400 fnt35 2882 6881(Jeffre)m 8(y)k 4180(H.)s
+4656(Kingston)s 400 fnt36 1395 5779(Basser)m 2794(Dept.)s 3834(of)s
+4333(Computer)s 6242(Science)s 2251 5299(The)m 3058(Univ)s 10(ersity)k
+4951(of)s 5450(Sydne)s 8(y)k
+pgsave restore
+%%Page: 2 2
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+%%+ font Times-Bold
+%%+ font Helvetica
+/pgsave save def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Bold
+/Times-Boldfnt84 vec2 /Times-Bold LoutRecode
+/fnt84 { /Times-Boldfnt84 LoutFont } def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+400 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 12588 0 12588 400 480 100 1417 -14005 LoutGr2
+0 LoutMargSet
+160 fnt82 0 12479(lout)m 8990(2)s 400 fnt84 2988 11377(A)m
+3363(simple)s 4565(input)s 5575(\207le)s 360 fnt35 800 9646(@SysInclude { doc })m
+800 9166(@Doc @T)m 43(e)k 10(xt @Begin)k 800 8686(Hello)m 14(, w)k 3(or)k -5(ld)k
+800 8206(@End @T)m 43(e)k 10(xt)k 400 fnt84 0 6379(Ho)m 4(w)k
+889(to)s 1313(f)s 10(ormat)k 2579(it)s 360 fnt35
+800 5633(lout \207lename > out.ps)m 800 5153(ghostvie)m 7(w out.ps)k 800 4673(mpr out.ps)m
+pgsave restore
+%%Page: 3 3
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+/pgsave save def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+400 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 12588 0 12588 400 480 100 1417 -14005 LoutGr2
+1 LoutMargSet
+160 fnt82 0 12479(lout)m 8997(3)s gsave
+0 667 translate
+400 fnt82 8640 10080 1440 8457 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+LoutBox stroke
+1440 8367(Hello,)m 2505(w)s 4(orld)k
+pgsave restore
+%%Page: 4 4
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+%%+ font Times-Bold
+%%+ font Helvetica
+/pgsave save def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Bold
+/Times-Boldfnt84 vec2 /Times-Bold LoutRecode
+/fnt84 { /Times-Boldfnt84 LoutFont } def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+400 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 12588 0 12588 400 480 100 1417 -14005 LoutGr2
+0 LoutMargSet
+160 fnt82 0 12479(lout)m 8990(4)s 400 fnt84 2339 11377(Headings)m
+4026(and)s 4762(paragraphs)s 360 fnt35 800 9646(@SysInclude { doc })m 800 9166(@Doc @T)m 43(e)k 10(xt @Begin)k
+800 8686(@Heading { Introduction })m 800 8206(@PP)m 800 7726(The design of the Lout f)m 10(or)k -9(matting)k
+800 7246(system w)m 5(as under)k -14(tak)k 7(en with the)k 800 6766(needs of the @I { ordinar)m -10(y user })k
+800 6286(v)m 9(er)k -10(y m)k 3(uch in mind.)k 800 5806(@End @T)m 43(e)k 10(xt)k
+pgsave restore
+%%Page: 5 5
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+%%+ font Times-Bold
+%%+ font Times-Italic
+/pgsave save def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Bold
+/Times-Boldfnt84 vec2 /Times-Bold LoutRecode
+/fnt84 { /Times-Boldfnt84 LoutFont } def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic
+/Times-Italicfnt83 vec2 /Times-Italic LoutRecode
+/fnt83 { /Times-Italicfnt83 LoutFont } def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+400 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 12588 0 12588 400 480 100 1417 -14005 LoutGr2
+1 LoutMargSet
+160 fnt82 0 12478(lout)m 8995(5)s gsave
+0 666 translate
+400 fnt82 8640 10080 1440 8456 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+LoutBox stroke
+400 fnt84 1440 8364(Intr)m 7(oduction)k
+400 fnt82 2240 7742(The)m 2953(design)s 4090(of)s 4543(the)s
+5123(Lout)s 1440 7262(formatting)m 3215(system)s 4423(w)s 4(as)k
+5123(undertak)s 4(en)k 1440 6782(with)m 2245(the)s 2825(needs)s
+3818(of)s 4271(the)s 400 fnt83 4851 6784(or)m 14(dinary)k
+6328(user)s 400 fnt82 1440 6302(v)m 6(ery)k 2234(much)s
+3217(in)s 3622(mind.)s
+pgsave restore
+%%Page: 6 6
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+%%+ font Times-Bold
+%%+ font Helvetica
+/pgsave save def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Bold
+/Times-Boldfnt84 vec2 /Times-Bold LoutRecode
+/fnt84 { /Times-Boldfnt84 LoutFont } def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+400 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 12588 0 12588 400 480 100 1417 -14005 LoutGr2
+0 LoutMargSet
+160 fnt82 0 12479(lout)m 8991(6)s 400 fnt84 3817 11376(Displays)m
+360 fnt35 800 9652(Y)m 50(ou cer)k -14(tainly don't w)k 5(ant to retur)k -9(n to)k
+800 9172(his of\207ce and repor)m -14(t:)k 800 8692(@IndentedDispla)m 10(y @I {)k 800 8212(`I can't \207nd an ef\207cient algor)m -5(ithm, I)k
+800 7732(guess I'm just too dumb)m 14(.)k 36(')k 800 7252(})m 800 6772(T)m 43(o a)k 7(v)k 9(oid ser)k -5(ious damage to y)k 7(our)k
+800 6292(position in the compan)m 5(y)k 36(, it w)k 3(ould)k 800 5812(be better if ...)m
+pgsave restore
+%%Page: 7 7
+%%PageResources: font Times-Roman
+%%+ font Times-Italic
+/pgsave save def
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic
+/Times-Italicfnt83 vec2 /Times-Italic LoutRecode
+/fnt83 { /Times-Italicfnt83 LoutFont } def
+0.0500 dup scale 10 setlinewidth
+0 0 translate
+400 fnt82 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor 11900 16840 0 16840 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+0 16840 translate
+0.0000 rotate
+9066 12588 0 12588 400 480 100 1417 -14005 LoutGr2
+1 LoutMargSet
+160 fnt82 0 12479(lout)m 8994(7)s gsave
+0 668 translate
+400 fnt82 8640 10080 1440 8457 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+LoutBox stroke
+1440 8367(Y)m 44(ou)k
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+2909(serious)s 4124(damage)s 5458(to)s 5857(your)s 1440 4850(position)m
+2822(in)s 3227(the)s 3807(compan)s 6(y)k 26(,)k
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+800 8212(`I can't \207nd an ef\207cient algor)m -5(ithm, I)k 800 7732(guess I'm just too dumb)m 14(.)k 36(')k
+800 7252(})m 800 6772(T)m 43(o a)k 7(v)k 9(oid ser)k -5(ious damage to y)k 7(our)k
+800 6292(position in the compan)m 5(y)k 36(, it w)k 3(ould)k 800 5812(be better if ...)m
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+2909(serious)s 4124(damage)s 5458(to)s 5857(your)s 1440 4850(position)m
+2822(in)s 3227(the)s 3807(compan)s 6(y)k 26(,)k
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+800 7724( @Title { A User')m 18(s Guide to the Lout)k 800 7244(Document F)m 10(or)k -9(matting System \(V)k 28(ersion 3\) })k
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+800 8686(@I P)m 14(ar)k -14(tition procedure)k 5(,)k 800 8206(par)m -14(tition @Inde)k 10(x { @I P)k 14(ar)k -14(tition \(in {@I Quic)k 7(ksor)k -14(t}\) })k
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+800 8205(@IndentedDispla)m 10(y @Eq {)k 800 7725(T\(n\) = big sum from i=0 to n-1 2 sup i = 2 sup n - 1)m 800 7245(})m 800 6765(f)m 10(or the n)k 3(umber of disk mo)k 5(v)k 9(es made b)k 7(y the )k 18(T)k 43(o)k 5(w)k 3(ers)k
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+800 6291( wr)m -5(ite\(', '\);)k 800 5811( end;)m 800 5331( Pr)m -5(iK)k 14(e)k 7(yAbstr)k 3(act\(root^.k)k 7(e)k 7(y\);)k
+800 4851( wr)m -5(ite\(':'\);)k 800 4371( Pr)m -5(iV)k 25(alueAbstr)k 3(act\(root^.v)k 9(alue\);)k
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+340 fnt35 800 9035(@Gr)m 3(aph)k 800 8555( abo)m 5(v)k 8(ecaption { Ne)k 6(w South )k 13(W)k 13(ales road deaths)k
+800 8075(\(per 100 million v)m 8(ehicle km\) })k 800 7595({)m 800 7115( @Data points { plus } pairs { dashed })m 800 6635( { 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4)m
+800 6155( 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0 })m 800 5675(})m
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+9066 12588 0 12588 400 480 100 1417 -14005 LoutGr2
+0 LoutMargSet
+160 fnt82 0 12479(lout)m 8909(40)s gsave
+0 667 translate
+400 fnt82 8640 10080 1440 8640 400 480 100 LoutGraphic
+LoutBox stroke
+1631 8367(Ne)m 10(w)k
+2463(South)s 3491(W)s 32(ales)k 4540(road)s 5347(deaths)s
+1717 7887(\(per)m 2460(100)s 3151(million)s 4400(v)s 6(ehicle)k
+5639(km\))s 5103 3402 0 3402 400 480 100 1440 4116 LoutGr2
+gsave xsize ysize lgraphdict begin /ysize exch def /xsize exch def
+/alldata [ [ [ 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0 ] xandy
+{ plus }
+{ ilinesetup dashed }
+{ /dashlength 0.2 ft def
+ /linewidth currentlinewidth def
+ /symbolsize 0.15 ft def }
+{ false }
+] ] def
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+1 LoutMargSet
+160 fnt82 0 12479(lout)m 8922(41)s 360 fnt35 800 10484(-2p @F)m 10(ont @Gr)k 3(aph)k
+800 10004( style { ax)m 10(es })k 800 9524( xor)m -5(igin { 0 } y)k 7(or)k -5(igin { 0 })k
+800 9044( xtic)m 7(ks { 10@ 50@ 100@ 200@ 500@ })k 800 8564( objects { @NE at { 300 2 } @I { Exponential })m 800 8084( @SE at { ...)m 21( } @I { Unif)k 10(or)k -9(m } })k
+800 7604( belo)m 5(wcaption { @I n })k 800 7124({)m 800 6644( @Data points { \207lledcircle } { ...)m 21( })k
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+800 1364( })m 800 884( })m 800 404(})m
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+0 LoutMargSet
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+0 668 translate
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+LoutBox stroke
+1440 4671 translate
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+gsave xsize ysize lgraphdict begin /ysize exch def /xsize exch def
+/alldata [ [ [ 10 1.97 50 2.01 100 2.00 200 2.0 500 2.00 ] xandy
+{ filledcircle }
+{ }
+{ /dashlength 0.2 ft def
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+{ false }
+[ [ 10 3.53 50 7.45 100 9.32 200 13.41 500 21.63 ] xandy
+{ filledcircle }
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+{ /dashlength 0.2 ft def
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+{ false }
+[ [ 10 2 500 2 ] xandy
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+{ linesetup cdashed }
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+{ false }
+[ [ 10 20 500 { /xval exch def xval 3.14159 xval mul 4 div sqrt 1 add } for ] xandy
+{ }
+{ linesetup cdashed }
+{ /dashlength 0.2 ft def
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+{ false }
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+0 false 0 0.5 ft xset
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+0 false 0 0.5 ft yset
+rundata axesstyle
+1953 535 0 535 360 480 90 0 -535 LoutGr2
+300 2 trpoint translate 0 ysize translate gsave
+360 fnt83 108 182(Exponential)m
+1428 533 0 533 360 480 90 0 -533 LoutGr2
+300 3.14159 300 4 div mul sqrt 1 add trpoint translate 0 0 translate gsave
+360 fnt83 108 182(Uniform)m grestore
+360 fnt83 4189 3901(n)m
+pgsave restore
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+%%+ encoding vec2
+%%Pages: 42
diff --git a/doc/user/README b/doc/user/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd69ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/README
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Directory lout/doc/user
+This directory contains the Lout source files for the User's Guide
+to the Lout Document Formatting System. To produce the Guide,
+type the command
+ lout all > op
+in this directory. This must be done five times to completely
+resolve all cross references, although the PostScript file op is
+printable after the first run. Auxiliary files with .li and .ld
+suffixes will be created in this directory.
+The first run will produce a large number of error messages,
+nearly all beginning with "unresolved cross reference". These
+should gradually go away on later runs. The following shows the
+error message output on the fifth run for A4 size printing:
+lout file "cpp_tabs" (from "cpp" line 24, from "all" line 38):
+ 53,23: c2lout: C text ended inside a comment
+ 55,35: c2lout: C text ended inside a comment
+These two warnings point to two places where a C program text ended
+inside a comment, which in these cases was deliberate so is no problem.
+If you set the document in Letter size paper, you will also get a
+couple of other warning messages pointing to places where Lout had
+to slightly scale a display to fit the smaller page.
+Optimal page breaking has been turned off for this document owing to
+repeated failure to converge, caused by footnotes and floating figures
+close to large unbreakable displays.
+A copy of the final PostScript output file (A4 paper size) is
+stored at "ftp://ftp.cs.su.oz.au/jeff/lout/lout.3.17.user.ps.gz".
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+17 September 1999
diff --git a/doc/user/all b/doc/user/all
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b131f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/all
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+@SysInclude { tab }
+@SysInclude { tbl }
+@SysInclude { eq }
+@SysInclude { fig }
+@SysInclude { graph }
+@SysInclude { pas }
+@SysInclude { diag }
+@SysInclude { cprint }
+@SysInclude { book }
+# @Include { letterbook } # for testing Letter size formatting
+@SysDatabase @Reference { loutrefs }
+ @Title { A User's Guide to the
+Document Formatting System
+ @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
+ @Edition { Version 3.17
+September, 1999 }
+ @Publisher {
+Copyright @CopyRight 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston,
+Basser Department of Computer Science,
+The University of Sydney 2006, Australia. ISBN 0 86758 951 5.
+ @InitialLanguage { English }
+ # @OptimizePages { Yes }
+@Include { preface }
+@Include { bas }
+@Include { str }
+@Include { typ }
+@Include { fmt }
+@Include { ref }
+@Include { tbl }
+@Include { equ }
+@Include { bgr }
+@Include { dia }
+@Include { gra }
+@Include { cpp }
+@Include { pascal }
+@Include { ap_qck }
+@Include { ap_byp }
diff --git a/doc/user/ap_byp b/doc/user/ap_byp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c1bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/ap_byp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ @Title { Bypass Symbols }
+ @Tag { bypass }
+The `bypass' symbols described in this appendix are intended to be
+used only in Lout which is generated by computer programs. Their
+purpose is to bypass the Lout cross reference database, and so reduce
+the number of passes needed to finalise a document. These symbols
+should not be used by people, because that would only lead back to the
+consistency problems that prompted the introduction of cross references
+in the first place.
+To produce a bypass table of contents, set the @Code "@MakeContents"
+setup file option to @Code "Bypass" and use @Code "@BypassContentsEntry"
+symbols at the outermost level just before the introduction or first
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col ! @Col B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ A { "@BypassContentsEntry" }
+ A { " indent { 0f }" }
+ B { the indent, e.g. {@Code "0f"}, {@Code "2f"}, {@Code "4f"} ... }
+ A { " number {}" }
+ B { the section (etc.) number e.g. {@Code "5.2"} }
+ A { " title {}" }
+ B { the section (etc.) title e.g. @Code "Azaleas" }
+ A { " pagenum {}" }
+ B { the page number e.g. @Code "@PageOf azaleas" }
+For major entries such as chapters, use @Code "@BypassMajorContentsEntry"
+with the same options. This increases the vertical spacing and uses
+bold font. When @Code "@MakeContents" is {@Code "Bypass"}, no contents
+entries will be produced automatically.
+To bypass Lout's automatic numbering of large-scale structure symbols,
+use the @Code "@BypassNumber" option:
+@ID @Code {
+" @Title { Azaleas }"
+" @Tag { azaleas }"
+" @BypassNumber { 5.2 }"
+Give the full `path number' (5.2, B.3 or whatever) of the symbol. There is
+a @Code "@BypassNumber" option for every symbol that has a @Code "@Title"
+option and is usually assigned a number automatically by Lout, plus
+@Code "@Figure" and {@Code "@Table"}. No changes to the setup file are
+required in order to use {@Code "@BypassNumber"}, and it is permitted
+for some large-scale structure symbols to have this option and others not.
+To produce a bypass reference list, set the @Code "@MakeReferences"
+setup file option to @Code "Bypass" and place reference entries at the
+end of the document, after the last chapter or other large-scale structure
+symbol but before any bypass index entries (see below), like this:
+@ID @Code {
+" label { [Kin94a] }"
+" value { @RefPrint kingston1995lout.expert }"
+The two options are objects which become the label and value of the
+reference entry. The @Code "value" option can be any object, including
+an explicit reference; but @Code "@RefPrint" does not introduce any
+cross-referencing delay if the @Code "@Reference" symbols lie in a
+separate database file. No sorting or removal of duplicate entries
+will be done by Lout. When @Code "@MakeReferences" is {@Code "Bypass"},
+@Code "@Cite" and related symbols are ignored.
+There is also @Code "@BypassChapReference" with the same options for
+producing bypass chapter reference lists; these symbols should be
+placed at the outer level immediately after the preface, introduction,
+chapter or appendix that they refer to.
+To produce bypass indexes, set the @Code "@MakeIndex" setup file
+option to {@Code Bypass} and use the @Code "@BypassRawIndex" symbol
+repeatedly at the very end of the document, enclosed in
+@Code "@BypassBeginIndex" and @Code "@BypassEndIndex" symbols:
+@ID @Code {
+"@BypassRawIndex indent { 0f } { Azaleas, @PageOf azaleas }"
+The @Code "indent" option gives the indent ({@Code "0f"}, @Code {"1f"},
+@Code {2f}, etc.), and the right parameter is as for @Code "@RawIndex". No
+@Code "@PageMark" operations, sorting, merging, or attachment of page
+numbers will be done by Lout. When @Code "@MakeIndex" is {@Code Bypass},
+@Code "@Index" and related symbols are ignored. At present, bypass
+index symbols work only in books, not with ordinary documents or
+technical reports. There are corresponding symbols for creating
+bypass indexes A and B.
+@End @Appendix
diff --git a/doc/user/ap_qck b/doc/user/ap_qck
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ea7ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/ap_qck
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ @Title { Lout Quick Reference Guide }
+10p @Font 1.15fx @Break @OneCol
+@Tab @Fmta { @Col 20c @Wide A ! @Col 20c @Wide B }
+@Rowa A {
+@Heading { 1. Running Lout }
+@LD @Code {
+"lout filename > postscript.ps"
+@Heading { 2. Ordinary documents (simple form) }
+@LD @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+@Heading { 3. Ordinary documents (full form) }
+@LD @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+" @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }"
+" @InitialBreak { adjust 1.2fx hyphen }"
+" @InitialLanguage { English }"
+" @PageHeaders { Simple }"
+" @FirstPageNumber { 1 }"
+" @ColumnNumber { 1 }"
+" @PageOrientation { Portrait }"
+"@Text @Begin"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+"@End @Text"
+@Heading { 4. Technical reports }
+@LD @Code {
+"@SysInclude { report }"
+" @Title { ... }"
+" @Author { ... }"
+" @Institution { ... }"
+" @DateLine { No }"
+" @CoverSheet { Yes }"
+" @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }"
+" @InitialBreak { adjust 1.2fx hyphen }"
+" @InitialLanguage { English }"
+" @PageHeaders { Simple }"
+" @FirstPageNumber { 1 }"
+" @ColumnNumber { 1 }"
+"@Abstract ... @End @Abstract"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+"@Appendix ... @End @Appendix"
+B {
+@Heading { 5. Large-scale structure symbols }
+@LI @Code {
+" @Title { ... }"
+" @RunningTitle { ... }"
+" @Tag { ... }"
+"@End @Section"
+@LI lines @Break {
+@Code "@Section / @SubSection / @SubSubSection"
+@Code "@Appendix / @SubAppendix / @SubSubAppendix"
+@Code "@BeginSubSections" ... @Code "@EndSubSections" if inner.
+@Heading { 6. Cross references }
+@LD @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col ! @Col @Code B }
+ A { "@Tag { foo }" }
+ B { "@PageOf foo" }
+ A { "@PageMark foo" }
+ B { "@NumberOf foo" }
+@Heading { 7. Font changes }
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ A { "@B { bold font }" }
+ B { "@I { italic font }" }
+ A { "@BI { bold-italic font }" }
+ B { "@R { Roman font }" }
+ A { "@S { small-caps font}" }
+ B { "@F { fixed-width font }" }
+ B { "@II { italic bold or Roman }" }
+@LI @Code {
+"{ family face size } @Font { ... }"
+@LI @Code {
+"Times Helvetica Courier ..."
+"Base Slope Bold BoldSlope ..."
+"10p 12p +2p -2p 2.0f ..."
+@Heading { 8. Paragraph breaking styles }
+@LI @Code {
+"{ breakstyle linesep hyphen } @Break { ... }"
+@LI @Code {
+"adjust ragged lines clines ..."
+"1.2fx 2vx 0.9vx ..."
+"hyphen nohyphen"
+@Heading { 9. New paragraph and new page }
+@LD @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+@Rowa A { "@PP" } B { Plain paragraph }
+@Rowa A { "@LP" } B { Left paragraph }
+@Rowa A { "@LLP" } B { New line }
+@Rowa A { "@DP" } B { Display paragraph }
+@Rowa A { "@NP" } B { New page }
+@Rowa A { "@CNP" } B { Conditional new page }
+} # end first table
+10p @Font 1.15fx @Break @OneCol
+@Tab @Fmta { @Col 20c @Wide A ! @Col 20c @Wide B }
+@Rowa A {
+@Heading { 10. Displays and headings }
+@LI @Code {
+"@CD @Heading { A centred heading }"
+"@ID { An indented display }"
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+@Rowa A { "@D" } B { "@Display" }
+@Rowa A { "@LD" } B { "@LeftDisplay" }
+@Rowa A { "@ID" } B { "@IndentedDisplay" }
+@Rowa A { "@QD" } B { "@QuotedDisplay" }
+@Rowa A { "@CD" } B { "@CentredDisplay" }
+@Rowa B { "@CenteredDisplay" }
+@Rowa B { "@RightDisplay" }
+@Heading { 11. Lists}
+@LI @Code {
+"@ListItem { A list item }"
+"@ListItem { Another list item }"
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ A { "@L" }
+ B { "@List" }
+ A { "@LL" }
+ B { "@LeftList" }
+ A { "@IL" }
+ B { "@IndentedList" }
+ A { "@QL" }
+ B { "@QuotedList" }
+ A { "@CL" }
+ B { "@CentredList" }
+ B { "@CenteredList" }
+ A { "@NL" }
+ B { "@NumberedList" }
+ A { "@RL" }
+ B { "@RomanList" }
+ A { "@UCRL" }
+ B { "@UCRomanList" }
+ A { "@AL" }
+ B { "@AlphaList" }
+ A { "@UCAL" }
+ B { "@UCAlphaList" }
+ A { "@PNL" }
+ B { "@ParenNumberedList" }
+ A { "@PRL" }
+ B { "@ParenRomanList" }
+ A { "@PUCRL" }
+ B { "@ParenUCRomanList" }
+ A { "@PAL" }
+ B { "@ParenAlphaList" }
+ A { "@PUCAL" }
+ B { "@ParenUCAlphaList" }
+ A { "@BL" }
+ B { "@BulletList" }
+ A { "@SL" }
+ B { "@StarList" }
+ A { "@DL" }
+ B { "@DashList" }
+@LI @Code {
+"@TagItem { label } { A list item }"
+"@TagItem { label } { Another list item }"
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ A { "@TL" }
+ B { "@TaggedList" }
+ A { "@WTL" }
+ B { "@WideTaggedList" }
+ A { "@VWTL" }
+ B { "@VeryWideTaggedList" }
+@Heading { 12. Footnotes, endnotes, margin notes }
+@LD @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ A { "@FootNote { ... }" }
+ B { "@EndNote { ... }" }
+ A { "@LeftNote { ... }" }
+ B { "@RightNote { ... }" }
+ A { "@OuterNote { ... }" }
+ B { "@InnerNote { ... }" }
+B {
+@Heading { 13. Floating figures and tables }
+@LD @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col @Code B }
+ A {
+" @Caption { ... }"
+" @Tag { ... }"
+"@End @Figure"
+ B {
+" @Caption { ... }"
+" @Tag { ... }"
+"@End @Table"
+@Heading { 14. Tables }
+@LD @Code {
+"@SysInclude { tbl }"
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+" aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B }"
+" marginvertical { 0.5vx }"
+" A { ... }"
+" B { ... }"
+" ..."
+@Heading { 15. Equations }
+@LD @Code {
+"@SysInclude { eq }"
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Eq { sum from i=0 to n { r sup i over sqrt pi } }"
+@Heading { 16. Basic graphics }
+@LD @Code {
+"grey @Colour { ... }"
+"gray @Color { ... }"
+"@Box { ... }"
+"@CurveBox { ... }"
+"@ShadowBox { ... }"
+"60d @Rotate { ... }"
+"0.71 @Scale { ... }"
+"@QuotedDisplay @Scale { ... }"
+"@IncludeGraphic filename.eps"
+@Heading { 17. Miscellaneous }
+@LD lines @Break {
+@Code "@Underline { will be underlined }"
+@Code "@Date"
+@Code "@Time"
+@Code "German @Language { ... }"
+@Code "\# comment to end of line"
+@Code "\"#&/@^{}|~\"" (enclose these characters in quotes)
+} # end second table
+@End @Appendix
diff --git a/doc/user/bas b/doc/user/bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..239d35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ @Title { The Basics }
+ @Tag { basics }
+The Lout document formatting system has been designed with the needs of
+the ordinary user very much in mind. Although the features of Lout are
+virtually endless, and include mathematical equations, diagrams made from
+lines and shapes, bibliographic databases, and so on, the system is very
+simple to use.
+@Include { bas_star }
+@Include { bas_objs }
+@Include { bas_spac }
+@Include { bas_char }
+@Include { bas_empt }
+@Include { bas_font }
+@Include { bas_head }
+@Include { bas_par1 }
+@Include { bas_par2 }
+@Include { bas_line }
+@Include { bas_hyph }
+@Include { bas_unde }
+@Include { bas_date }
+@Include { bas_lang }
+@Include { bas_supe }
+@Include { bas_verb }
+@Include { bas_drop }
+@Include { bas_conv }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_char b/doc/user/bas_char
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7efa566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_char
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ @Title { Characters }
+ @Tag { characters }
+The usual way to get characters into a document is simply to type them as
+characters. @Index characters
+we have been doing all along. However, for some characters this is not
+possible, either because they have some special meaning, as @Code "{"
+and @Code "}" do, or because the keyboard has no button for them. This
+section explains how to get every possible character: every printable
+character in the ISO-LATIN-1 character set, every character in the Adobe
+Systems Symbol font, plus the characters {@Char quotesinglbase},
+{@Char quotedblbase}, {@Char ellipsis}, {@Char OE}, {@Char oe},
+{@Char quotedblleft}, {@Char quotedblright}, {@Char fi},
+{@Char fl}, {@Char endash}, {@Char emdash}, {@Char bullet}, {@Char dagger},
+{@Char daggerdbl}, {@Char florin}, {@Char fraction}, and @Euro. If it
+exists at all, you will find it here. ISO-LATIN-2 and Russian characters
+are available separately. In principle, there is no limit to the characters
+available, but to go beyond those given in this section requires expertise
+in defining encoding vectors and fonts @Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert}.
+First up we have the characters that you get simply by typing
+them. The characters themselves are shown at the left, and what you
+type to get them at the right:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @CC A ! @Col @Code A ! @Col ! @Col @CC B ! @Col @Code B !
+ @Col ! @Col @CC C ! @Col @Code C ! @Col ! @Col @CC D ! @Col @Code D !
+ @Col ! @Col @CC E ! @Col @Code E ! @Col ! @Col @CC F ! @Col @Code F }
+@Rowa A { ! } B { $ } C { % } D { ' } E { ( } F { ) }
+@Rowa A { * } B { + } C { , } D { - } E { 0 } F { 1 }
+@Rowa A { 2 } B { 3 } C { 4 } D { 5 } E { 6 } F { 7 }
+@Rowa A { 8 } B { 9 } C { : } D { ; } E { < } F { = }
+@Rowa A { > } B { ? } C { A } D { B } E { C } F { D }
+@Rowa A { E } B { F } C { G } D { H } E { I } F { J }
+@Rowa A { K } B { L } C { M } D { N } E { O } F { P }
+@Rowa A { Q } B { R } C { S } D { T } E { U } F { V }
+@Rowa A { W } B { X } C { Y } D { Z } E { [ } F { ] }
+@Rowa A { _ } B { ` } C { a } D { b } E { c } F { d }
+@Rowa A { e } B { f } C { g } D { h } E { i } F { j }
+@Rowa A { k } B { l } C { m } D { n } E { o } F { p }
+@Rowa A { q } B { r } C { s } D { t } E { u } F { v }
+@Rowa A { w } B { x } C { y } D { z } E { } F { }
+Next come characters that have buttons but have a special meaning if
+they are typed directly, and consequently have to be enclosed in double
+quotes to turn off this meaning:
+quote.chars @Index { quote characters }
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @CC A ! @Col @Code B ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC C ! @Col @Code D ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC E ! @Col @Code F ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC G ! @Col @Code H ! @Col I
+ }
+ A { "\"" } B { "\"\\\"\"" }
+ C { "#" } D { "\"#\"" }
+ E { "&" } F { "\"&\"" }
+ G { "/" } H { "\"/\"" }
+ A { "@" } B { "\"@\"" }
+ C { "\\" } D { "\"\\\\\"" }
+ E { "^" } F { "\"^\"" }
+ G { "{" } H { "\"{\"" }
+ A { "|" } B { "\"|\"" }
+ C { "}" } D { "\"}\"" }
+ E { "~" } F { "\"~\"" }
+ G { } H { "\" \"" }
+ I { (space character) }
+If you think you want {@Code "\""}, you probably really want `` and '',
+for which see below. You can place whole sequences of characters, special
+or not, inside one pair of double quotes:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col ! @Col @Code B }
+ A { "jeff/includes/su_crest.eps" }
+ B { "\"jeff/includes/su_crest.eps\"" }
+ A { "\"@PP\"" }
+ B { "\"\\\"@PP\\\"\"" }
+Next we have some miscellaneous characters which have been deemed
+sufficiently important to deserve their own symbols:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col @Code B ! @Col ! @Col C ! @Col @Code D !
+ @Col ! @Col E ! @Col @Code F }
+ @Rowa
+ A { `` }
+ B { "``" }
+ C { ,, }
+ D { ",," }
+ E { -- }
+ F { "--" }
+ @Rowa
+ A { '' }
+ B { "''" }
+ C { ... }
+ D { "..." }
+ E { --- }
+ F { "---" }
+ @Rowa
+ A { @Bullet bullet @Index @Code "@Bullet" }
+ B { "@Bullet" }
+ C { @Star star @Index @Code "@Star" }
+ D { "@Star" }
+ E { @ParSym parsym @Index @Code "@ParSym" }
+ F { "@ParSym" }
+ @Rowa
+ A { @SectSym sectsym @Index @Code "@SectSym" }
+ B { "@SectSym" }
+ C { @Dagger dagger @Index @Code "@Dagger" }
+ D { "@Dagger" }
+ E { @DaggerDbl daggerdbl @Index @Code "@DaggerDbl" }
+ F { "@DaggerDbl"}
+ @Rowa
+ A { @CDot cdot @Index @Code "@CDot" }
+ B { "@CDot" }
+ C { @Sterling sterling @Index @Code "@Sterling" }
+ D { "@Sterling" }
+ E { @Yen yen @Index @Code "@Yen" }
+ F { "@Yen" }
+ @Rowa
+ A { @Florin florin @Index @Code "@Florin" }
+ B { "@Florin" }
+ C { @Degree degree @Index @Code "@Degree" }
+ D { "@Degree" }
+ E { @Minute minute @Index @Code "@Minute" }
+ F { "@Minute" }
+ @Rowa
+ A { @Second second @Index @Code "@Second" }
+ B { "@Second" }
+ C { @Lozenge lozenge @Index @Code "@Lozenge" }
+ D { "@Lozenge" }
+ E { @Multiply multiply @Index @Code "@Multiply"}
+ F { "@Multiply" }
+ @Rowa
+ A { @Divide divide @Index @Code "@Divide" }
+ B { "@Divide" }
+ C { @CopyRight copyright @Index @Code "@CopyRight" }
+ D { "@CopyRight"}
+ E { @Register register @Index @Code "@Register" }
+ F { "@Register" }
+ @Rowa
+ A { @TradeMark trademark @Index @Code "@TradeMark" }
+ B { "@TradeMark"}
+ C { @Euro euro @Index @Code "@Euro" }
+ D { "@Euro"}
+Next we have the complete ISO-LATIN-1 character set, whose members you
+iso.latin.1 @Index { ISO-LATIN-1 character set }
+char. @Index { @Code "@Char" symbol }
+get with the @Code "@Char" symbol followed by the name of the character
+you want:
+@ID @OneRow -3p @Font @Tab
+ hmargin { 0.1c }
+ vmargin { 0.4vo }
+ @Fmta { @Col @CC @Char A ! @Col @Code { "@Char" A } ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC @Char B ! @Col @Code { "@Char" B } ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC @Char C ! @Col @Code { "@Char" C } ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC @Char D ! @Col @Code { "@Char" D } }
+ @Fmtb { @Col @CC @Char A ! @Col @Code { "@Char" A } ! @Col !
+ @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col }
+@Rowa A { space } B { exclam } C { quotedbl } D { numbersign }
+@Rowa A { dollar } B { percent } C { ampersand } D { quoteright }
+@Rowa A { parenleft } B { parenright } C { asterisk } D { plus }
+@Rowa A { comma } B { hyphen } C { period } D { slash }
+@Rowa A { zero } B { one } C { two } D { three }
+@Rowa A { four } B { five } C { six } D { seven }
+@Rowa A { eight } B { nine } C { colon } D { semicolon }
+@Rowa A { less } B { equal } C { greater } D { question }
+@Rowa A { at } B { A } C { B } D { C }
+@Rowa A { D } B { E } C { F } D { G }
+@Rowa A { H } B { I } C { J } D { K }
+@Rowa A { L } B { M } C { N } D { O }
+@Rowa A { P } B { Q } C { R } D { S }
+@Rowa A { T } B { U } C { V } D { W }
+@Rowa A { X } B { Y } C { Z } D { bracketleft }
+@Rowa A { backslash } B { bracketright } C { asciicircum } D { underscore }
+@Rowa A { quoteleft } B { a } C { b } D { c }
+@Rowa A { d } B { e } C { f } D { g }
+@Rowa A { h } B { i } C { j } D { k }
+@Rowa A { l } B { m } C { n } D { o }
+@Rowa A { p } B { q } C { r } D { s }
+@Rowa A { t } B { u } C { v } D { w }
+@Rowa A { x } B { y } C { z } D { braceleft }
+@Rowa A { bar } B { braceright } C { asciitilde } D { dotlessi }
+@Rowa A { grave } B { acute } C { circumflex } D { tilde }
+@Rowa A { macron } B { breve } C { dotaccent } D { dieresis }
+@Rowa A { ring } B { cedilla } C { hungarumlaut } D { ogonek }
+@Rowa A { caron } B { space } C { exclamdown } D { cent }
+@Rowa A { sterling } B { currency } C { yen } D { brokenbar }
+@Rowa A { section } B { dieresis } C { copyright } D { ordfeminine }
+@Rowa A { guillemotleft } B { logicalnot } C { hyphen } D { registered }
+@Rowa A { macron } B { degree } C { plusminus } D { twosuperior }
+@Rowa A { threesuperior } B { acute } C { mu } D { paragraph }
+@Rowa A { periodcentered } B { cedilla } C { onesuperior } D { ordmasculine }
+@Rowa A { guillemotright } B { onequarter } C { onehalf } D { threequarters }
+@Rowa A { questiondown } B { Agrave } C { Aacute } D { Acircumflex }
+@Rowa A { Atilde } B { Adieresis } C { Aring } D { AE }
+@Rowa A { Ccedilla } B { Egrave } C { Eacute } D { Ecircumflex }
+@Rowa A { Edieresis } B { Igrave } C { Iacute } D { Icircumflex }
+@Rowa A { Idieresis } B { Eth } C { Ntilde } D { Ograve }
+@Rowa A { Oacute } B { Ocircumflex } C { Otilde } D { Odieresis }
+@Rowa A { multiply } B { Oslash } C { Ugrave } D { Uacute }
+@Rowa A { Ucircumflex } B { Udieresis } C { Yacute } D { Thorn }
+@Rowa A { germandbls } B { agrave } C { aacute } D { acircumflex }
+@Rowa A { atilde } B { adieresis } C { aring } D { ae }
+@Rowa A { ccedilla } B { egrave } C { eacute } D { ecircumflex }
+@Rowa A { edieresis } B { igrave } C { iacute } D { icircumflex }
+@Rowa A { idieresis } B { eth } C { ntilde } D { ograve }
+@Rowa A { oacute } B { ocircumflex } C { otilde } D { odieresis }
+@Rowa A { divide } B { oslash } C { ugrave } D { uacute }
+@Rowa A { ucircumflex } B { udieresis } C { yacute } D { thorn }
+@Rowb A { ydieresis }
+Of course, many of these characters can also be typed directly, or with the
+aid of double quotes, as we have seen. If your keyboard has accented
+accented @Index { accented characters }
+characters on it, you can type them directly too; if not, you need to
+use the @Code "@Char" symbol, in which case you will probably need
+braces as well:
+@ID @Code "gar{@Char ccedilla}on"
+to distinguish the @Code "@Char" symbol and the character name from
+adjacent letters.
+Next we have the Adobe Systems Symbol font, a treasure trove of
+symbol. @Index { Symbol font }
+sym. @Index { @Code "@Sym" symbol }
+exotic characters obtained with the @Code "@Sym" symbol:
+@ID @OneRow -3p @Font @Tab
+ hmargin { 0.1c }
+ vmargin { 0.4vo }
+ @Fmta { @Col @CC @Sym A ! @Col @Code { "@Sym" A } ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC @Sym B ! @Col @Code { "@Sym" B } ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC @Sym C ! @Col @Code { "@Sym" C } ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC @Sym D ! @Col @Code { "@Sym" D } }
+@Rowa A { space } B { exclam } C { universal } D { numbersign }
+@Rowa A { existential } B { percent } C { ampersand } D { suchthat }
+@Rowa A { parenleft } B { parenright } C { asteriskmath } D { plus }
+@Rowa A { comma } B { minus } C { period } D { slash }
+@Rowa A { zero } B { one } C { two } D { three }
+@Rowa A { four } B { five } C { six } D { seven }
+@Rowa A { eight } B { nine } C { colon } D { semicolon }
+@Rowa A { less } B { equal } C { greater } D { question }
+@Rowa A { congruent } B { Alpha } C { Beta } D { Chi }
+@Rowa A { Delta } B { Epsilon } C { Phi } D { Gamma }
+@Rowa A { Eta } B { Iota } C { theta1 } D { Kappa }
+@Rowa A { Lambda } B { Mu } C { Nu } D { Omicron }
+@Rowa A { Pi } B { Theta } C { Rho } D { Sigma }
+@Rowa A { Tau } B { Upsilon } C { sigma1 } D { Omega }
+@Rowa A { Xi } B { Psi } C { Zeta } D { bracketleft }
+@Rowa A { therefore } B { bracketright } C { perpendicular } D { underscore }
+@Rowa A { radicalex } B { alpha } C { beta } D { chi }
+@Rowa A { delta } B { epsilon } C { phi } D { gamma }
+@Rowa A { eta } B { iota } C { phi1 } D { kappa }
+@Rowa A { lambda } B { mu } C { nu } D { omicron }
+@Rowa A { pi } B { theta } C { rho } D { sigma }
+@Rowa A { tau } B { upsilon } C { omega1 } D { omega }
+@Rowa A { xi } B { psi } C { zeta } D { braceleft }
+@Rowa A { bar } B { braceright } C { similar } D { Upsilon1 }
+@Rowa A { minute } B { lessequal } C { fraction } D { infinity }
+@Rowa A { florin } B { club } C { diamond } D { heart }
+@Rowa A { spade } B { arrowboth } C { arrowleft } D { arrowup }
+@Rowa A { arrowright } B { arrowdown } C { degree } D { plusminus }
+@Rowa A { second } B { greaterequal } C { multiply } D { proportional }
+@Rowa A { partialdiff } B { bullet } C { divide } D { notequal }
+@Rowa A { equivalence } B { approxequal } C { ellipsis } D { arrowvertex }
+@Rowa A { arrowhorizex } B { carriagereturn } C { aleph } D { Ifraktur }
+@Rowa A { Rfraktur } B { weierstrass } C { circlemultiply } D { circleplus }
+@Rowa A { emptyset } B { intersection } C { union } D { propersuperset }
+@Rowa A { reflexsuperset } B { notsubset } C {propersubset} D {reflexsubset}
+@Rowa A { element } B { notelement } C { angle } D { gradient }
+@Rowa A { registerserif } B { copyrightserif } C {trademarkserif} D {product}
+@Rowa A { radical } B { dotmath } C { logicalnot } D { logicaland }
+@Rowa A { logicalor } B { arrowdblboth } C { arrowdblleft } D { arrowdblup }
+@Rowa A { arrowdblright } B { arrowdbldown } C { lozenge } D { angleleft }
+@Rowa A { registersans } B { copyrightsans } C {trademarksans} D {summation}
+@Rowa A { parenlefttp } B { parenleftex } C { parenleftbt } D {bracketlefttp}
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+@Rowa A { bracketleftex } B { bracketleftbt } C {bracelefttp} D {braceleftmid}
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+@Rowa A { braceleftbt } B { braceex } C { angleright } D { integral }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+@Rowa A { integraltp } B { integralex } C { integralbt } D { parenrighttp }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+@Rowa A {parenrightex} B {parenrightbt} C {bracketrighttp} D {bracketrightex}
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+@Rowa A { bracketrightbt } B {bracerighttp} C {bracerightmid} D {bracerightbt}
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+There is only one Symbol font; it does not come in bold or italic faces
+like the other fonts. Typing @Code "@B @Sym alpha" is therefore useless,
+and anyway there is no bold @Sym alpha character in any font distributed
+with Lout (except see Section {@NumberOf teq}).
+Finally we have a few more characters that you get with the @Code "@Char"
+symbol, although they aren't ISO-LATIN-1 characters.
+@ID @OneRow -3p @Font @Tab
+ hmargin { 0.1c }
+ vmargin { 0.4vo }
+ @Fmta { @Col @CC @Char A ! @Col @Code { "@Char" A } ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC @Char B ! @Col @Code { "@Char" B } ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC @Char C ! @Col @Code { "@Char" C } ! @Col !
+ @Col @CC @Char D ! @Col @Code { "@Char" D } }
+ @Fmtb { @Col @CC @Char A ! @Col @Code { "@Char" A } ! @Col !
+ @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col }
+@Rowa A { quotesinglbase } B { quotedblbase } C { ellipsis } D { OE }
+@Rowa A { oe } B { quotedblleft } C { quotedblright } D { fi }
+@Rowa A { fl } B { endash } C { emdash } D { bullet }
+@Rowa A { dagger } B { daggerdbl } C { florin } D { fraction }
+Most of these characters are also in the list of `characters important
+enough to deserve their own symbols' given above.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_conv b/doc/user/bas_conv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd971b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_conv
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ @Title { Alternative conventions for white space }
+ @Tag { white }
+As Section {@NumberOf spaces} explains, when two objects are separated
+by one or more white space characters (spaces, tabs, and newlines), this
+same amount of white space will separate the two objects in the output.
+Two other conventions for interpreting these white spaces have been
+used in other document formatting systems. Roughly, they are:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
+ A { troff }
+ B { Like Lout, except that at every point where a sentence ends at
+the end of an input line, add one extra space in the output. }
+ A { @TeX }
+ B { Replace all sequences of two or more white spaces by one. Then,
+at every point where a sentence ends, whether or not it is at the end
+of a line, add one extra space in the output. }
+Lout offers these two alternative conventions by means of the
+initialspace. @Index { @Code "@InitialSpace" option }
+@Code "@InitialSpace" option. This is similar to the
+@Code "@InitialFont" option described at the end of Section
+{@NumberOf fonts}, in that you can set it at the beginning of your
+document, like this:
+@ID @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+" @InitialSpace { lout }"
+"@Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+or you can set it in the setup file. The above example shows the
+default value, {@Code lout}, which produces Lout's usual spacing;
+lout.space @Index { @Code lout spacing }
+troff.space @Index { @Code troff spacing }
+tex.space @Index { @Code tex (@LaTeX) spacing }
+the alternative values are @Code "troff" and {@Code "tex"}.
+How to tell whether a sentence has ended is a vexed question. For
+the @Code "troff" method, Lout looks for a word at the end of a line
+ending in one of `.', `:', `?', or `!' optionally followed by either
+a right quote character or a right parenthesis. Actually, this depends
+on the current language (Section {@NumberOf languages}); the rule just
+given is for English, and other languages may differ.
+The @Code "tex" rule for where a sentence ends is slightly more
+complicated. Lout looks for a word, not necessarily at the end
+of an input line, which ends as described for @Code "troff" but
+in addition has a lower-case letter preceding that.
+In all cases you must use a paragraph symbol, such as @Code "@PP" or
+{@Code "@LP"}, to separate your paragraphs. The common convention of
+other systems, that a blank line marks a paragraph, is never true of Lout.
+Whatever rule is adopted, there are occasional exceptions where you
+will have to indicate explicitly whether you want an ordinary space
+or a between-sentences space. For this there are two symbols,
+@Code "~" (ordinary space) and {@Code "~~"} (between-sentences
+space). For example,
+@ID @Code "Dr.~Kingston"
+will produce an ordinary space between the two words, even with
+@Code "tex" which would otherwise consider that spot to be the end
+of a sentence. Spaces adjacent to these two symbols have no effect on
+the result. Please note however that @Code "~" produces an
+unbreakable space (that is, one that will never be replaced by the end of
+a line) in contrast to just leaving a space, which is breakable.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_date b/doc/user/bas_date
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16ee433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_date
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ @Title { The current date and time }
+ @Tag { date }
+The @Code "@Date" and @Code "@Time" symbols produce the current date
+date. @Index @Code "@Date"
+time. @Index @Code "@Time"
+and time:
+@ID @Code "It is now @Time on @Date."
+produces something like
+@ID { It is now @Time on @Date. }
+The result depends on the current language.
+Both symbols have a @Code "@Format" option that changes the format of
+the result:
+@ID @Code "@Date @Format { @DayNum\"/\"@MonthNum\"/\"@ShortYear }"
+The result is the @Code "@Format" option with the symbols replaced by
+the appropriate values:
+@ID { @Date @Format { @DayNum"/"@MonthNum"/"@ShortYear } }
+The @Code "/" characters have been enclosed in double quotes for the
+usual reason (Section {@NumberOf characters}).
+Here is the full list of symbols that you can use within both
+@Code "@Format" options:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ A { "@Year" }
+ B { The year, e.g. @Code "1994" }
+ A { "@ShortYear" }
+ B { The last two digits of the year, e.g. @Code "94" }
+ A { "@Month" }
+ B { The month, e.g. @Code "December" }
+ A { "@ShortMonth" }
+ B { The month abbreviated, e.g. @Code "Dec" }
+ A { "@MonthNum" }
+ B { The number of the month, between @Code "1" and @Code "12" }
+ A { "@Day" }
+ B { The day of the week, e.g. @Code "Saturday" }
+ A { "@ShortDay" }
+ B { The day abbreviated, e.g. @Code "Sat" }
+ A { "@DayNum" }
+ B { The day of the month, between @Code "1" and @Code "31" }
+ A { "@MeriDiem" }
+ B { @Code "a.m." or @Code "p.m." }
+ A { "@ShortMeriDiem" }
+ B { @Code "am" or @Code "pm" }
+ A { "@Hour" }
+ B { The hour, between @Code "00" and @Code "23" }
+ A { "@ShortHour" }
+ B { The hour, between @Code "0" and @Code "23" }
+ A { "@TwelveHour" }
+ B { The hour, between @Code "1" and @Code "12" }
+ A { "@Minute" }
+ B { The minute, between @Code "00" and @Code "59" }
+ A { "@Second" }
+ B { The second, almost always between @Code "00" and @Code "59" }
+The default format for @Code "@Date" in English is
+@ID @Code "@Date @Format { @DayNum @Month, @Year }"
+and the default format for @Code "@Time" in English is
+@ID @Code "@Time @Format { @TwelveHour.@Minute @MeriDiem }"
+Both default formats depend on the current language, and
+so do {@Code "@Month"}, {@Code "@ShortMonth"},
+{@Code "@Day"}, and {@Code "@ShortDay"},{@Code "@MeriDiem" }
+and {@Code "@ShortMeriDiem" }.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_drop b/doc/user/bas_drop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0978123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_drop
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ @Title { Drop capitals }
+ @Tag { dropcaps }
+There are two symbols for producing drop capitals, {@Code "@DropCapTwo"}
+drop.cap.two.sym @Index @Code "@DropCapTwo"
+drop.cap.three.sym @Index @Code "@DropCapThree"
+and {@Code "@DropCapThree"}. Place the capital to be dropped just
+before the symbol, and the rest of the paragraph after it:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"I @DropCapTwo {"
+"t is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man"
+"in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
+produces the object
+@ID 3i @Wide {
+I @DropCapTwo {
+t is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
+@Code "@DropCapThree" is the same except that the capital is larger
+and spreads over three lines.
+Because Lout occasionally gets the height of the enlarged capital
+slightly wrong, there is a @Code "height" option which allows you
+to change the height if you need to:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"H @DropCapTwo height { 1.5v }"
+" ..."
+This shows the default value for the height of the capital in
+{@Code "@DropCapTwo"}: 1.5 times the current inter-line
+spacing. The default height in @Code "@DropCapThree" is {@Code "2.5v"}.
+These symbols produce an object which may appear anywhere in the
+usual way. A paragraph symbol will be needed after the paragraph. The
+paragraph breaking style of the body of the paragraph will be
+{@Code "adjust nohyphen"}; this cannot be changed at present.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_empt b/doc/user/bas_empt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9f615d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_empt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ @Title { The empty object }
+ @Tag { empty }
+It is possible to produce examples in which an object is clearly
+empty. @Index { empty object }
+@ID @Code "{ @I }"
+The @Code "@I" symbol is supposed to italicize the following object,
+but in this example there isn't one. A more plausible example is
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+There are supposed to be paragraph objects between paragraph symbols,
+but here there aren't.
+Wherever an object is clearly missing, Lout inserts an @I { empty object },
+which is a rectangle of size zero by zero that prints as nothing. Here
+are two other ways to get an empty object:
+@ID @Code "{} \"\""
+Braces always enclose an object, so Lout is obliged to insert an empty
+object between them; the two double quotes make a word with no characters
+in it, which is taken to be an empty object.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_font b/doc/user/bas_font
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65d711e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_font
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+ @Title { Fonts and font sizes }
+ @Tag { fonts }
+A @I font is a collection of characters that may be printed. For
+font. @Index { font }
+example, here is the Times Roman font:
+@ID @OneRow { Times Base } @Font 0.05c @Space {
+{ @Char space }
+{ @Char exclam }
+{ @Char quotedbl }
+{ @Char numbersign }
+{ @Char dollar }
+{ @Char percent }
+{ @Char ampersand }
+{ @Char quoteright }
+{ @Char parenleft }
+{ @Char parenright }
+{ @Char asterisk }
+{ @Char plus }
+{ @Char comma }
+{ @Char hyphen }
+{ @Char period }
+{ @Char slash }
+{ @Char zero }
+{ @Char one }
+{ @Char two }
+{ @Char three }
+{ @Char four }
+{ @Char five }
+{ @Char six }
+{ @Char seven }
+{ @Char eight }
+{ @Char nine }
+{ @Char colon }
+{ @Char semicolon }
+{ @Char less }
+{ @Char equal }
+{ @Char greater }
+{ @Char question }
+{ @Char at }
+{ @Char bracketleft }
+{ @Char backslash }
+{ @Char bracketright }
+{ @Char asciicircum }
+{ @Char underscore }
+{ @Char quoteleft }
+{ @Char A }
+{ @Char B }
+{ @Char C }
+{ @Char D }
+{ @Char E }
+{ @Char F }
+{ @Char G }
+{ @Char H }
+{ @Char I }
+{ @Char J }
+{ @Char K }
+{ @Char L }
+{ @Char M }
+{ @Char N }
+{ @Char O }
+{ @Char P }
+{ @Char Q }
+{ @Char R }
+{ @Char S }
+{ @Char T }
+{ @Char U }
+{ @Char V }
+{ @Char W }
+{ @Char X }
+{ @Char Y }
+{ @Char Z }
+{ @Char a }
+{ @Char b }
+{ @Char c }
+{ @Char d }
+{ @Char e }
+{ @Char f }
+{ @Char g }
+{ @Char h }
+{ @Char i }
+{ @Char j }
+{ @Char k }
+{ @Char l }
+{ @Char m }
+{ @Char n }
+{ @Char o }
+{ @Char p }
+{ @Char q }
+{ @Char r }
+{ @Char s }
+{ @Char t }
+{ @Char u }
+{ @Char v }
+{ @Char w }
+{ @Char x }
+{ @Char y }
+{ @Char z }
+{ @Char braceleft }
+{ @Char bar }
+{ @Char braceright }
+{ @Char asciitilde }
+{ @Char dotlessi }
+{ @Char grave }
+{ @Char acute }
+{ @Char circumflex }
+{ @Char tilde }
+{ @Char macron }
+{ @Char breve }
+{ @Char dotaccent }
+{ @Char dieresis }
+{ @Char ring }
+{ @Char cedilla }
+{ @Char hungarumlaut }
+{ @Char ogonek }
+{ @Char caron }
+{ @Char space }
+{ @Char exclamdown }
+{ @Char cent }
+{ @Char sterling }
+{ @Char currency }
+{ @Char yen }
+{ @Char brokenbar }
+{ @Char section }
+{ @Char dieresis }
+{ @Char copyright }
+{ @Char ordfeminine }
+{ @Char guillemotleft }
+{ @Char logicalnot }
+{ @Char hyphen }
+{ @Char registered }
+{ @Char macron }
+{ @Char degree }
+{ @Char plusminus }
+{ @Char twosuperior }
+{ @Char threesuperior }
+{ @Char acute }
+{ @Char mu }
+{ @Char paragraph }
+{ @Char periodcentered }
+{ @Char cedilla }
+{ @Char onesuperior }
+{ @Char ordmasculine }
+{ @Char guillemotright }
+{ @Char onequarter }
+{ @Char onehalf }
+{ @Char threequarters }
+{ @Char questiondown }
+{ @Char Agrave }
+{ @Char Aacute }
+{ @Char Acircumflex }
+{ @Char Atilde }
+{ @Char Adieresis }
+{ @Char Aring }
+{ @Char AE }
+{ @Char Ccedilla }
+{ @Char Egrave }
+{ @Char Eacute }
+{ @Char Ecircumflex }
+{ @Char Edieresis }
+{ @Char Igrave }
+{ @Char Iacute }
+{ @Char Icircumflex }
+{ @Char Idieresis }
+{ @Char Eth }
+{ @Char Ntilde }
+{ @Char Ograve }
+{ @Char Oacute }
+{ @Char Ocircumflex }
+{ @Char Otilde }
+{ @Char Odieresis }
+{ @Char multiply }
+{ @Char Oslash }
+{ @Char Ugrave }
+{ @Char Uacute }
+{ @Char Ucircumflex }
+{ @Char Udieresis }
+{ @Char Yacute }
+{ @Char Thorn }
+{ @Char germandbls }
+{ @Char agrave }
+{ @Char aacute }
+{ @Char acircumflex }
+{ @Char atilde }
+{ @Char adieresis }
+{ @Char aring }
+{ @Char ae }
+{ @Char ccedilla }
+{ @Char egrave }
+{ @Char eacute }
+{ @Char ecircumflex }
+{ @Char edieresis }
+{ @Char igrave }
+{ @Char iacute }
+{ @Char icircumflex }
+{ @Char idieresis }
+{ @Char eth }
+{ @Char ntilde }
+{ @Char ograve }
+{ @Char oacute }
+{ @Char ocircumflex }
+{ @Char otilde }
+{ @Char odieresis }
+{ @Char divide }
+{ @Char oslash }
+{ @Char ugrave }
+{ @Char uacute }
+{ @Char ucircumflex }
+{ @Char udieresis }
+{ @Char yacute }
+{ @Char thorn }
+{ @Char ydieresis }
+and here is the Times Italic font:
+@ID @OneRow { Times Slope } @Font 0.05c @Space {
+{ @Char space }
+{ @Char exclam }
+{ @Char quotedbl }
+{ @Char numbersign }
+{ @Char dollar }
+{ @Char percent }
+{ @Char ampersand }
+{ @Char quoteright }
+{ @Char parenleft }
+{ @Char parenright }
+{ @Char asterisk }
+{ @Char plus }
+{ @Char comma }
+{ @Char hyphen }
+{ @Char period }
+{ @Char slash }
+{ @Char zero }
+{ @Char one }
+{ @Char two }
+{ @Char three }
+{ @Char four }
+{ @Char five }
+{ @Char six }
+{ @Char seven }
+{ @Char eight }
+{ @Char nine }
+{ @Char colon }
+{ @Char semicolon }
+{ @Char less }
+{ @Char equal }
+{ @Char greater }
+{ @Char question }
+{ @Char at }
+{ @Char bracketleft }
+{ @Char backslash }
+{ @Char bracketright }
+{ @Char asciicircum }
+{ @Char underscore }
+{ @Char quoteleft }
+{ @Char A }
+{ @Char B }
+{ @Char C }
+{ @Char D }
+{ @Char E }
+{ @Char F }
+{ @Char G }
+{ @Char H }
+{ @Char I }
+{ @Char J }
+{ @Char K }
+{ @Char L }
+{ @Char M }
+{ @Char N }
+{ @Char O }
+{ @Char P }
+{ @Char Q }
+{ @Char R }
+{ @Char S }
+{ @Char T }
+{ @Char U }
+{ @Char V }
+{ @Char W }
+{ @Char X }
+{ @Char Y }
+{ @Char Z }
+{ @Char a }
+{ @Char b }
+{ @Char c }
+{ @Char d }
+{ @Char e }
+{ @Char f }
+{ @Char g }
+{ @Char h }
+{ @Char i }
+{ @Char j }
+{ @Char k }
+{ @Char l }
+{ @Char m }
+{ @Char n }
+{ @Char o }
+{ @Char p }
+{ @Char q }
+{ @Char r }
+{ @Char s }
+{ @Char t }
+{ @Char u }
+{ @Char v }
+{ @Char w }
+{ @Char x }
+{ @Char y }
+{ @Char z }
+{ @Char braceleft }
+{ @Char bar }
+{ @Char braceright }
+{ @Char asciitilde }
+{ @Char dotlessi }
+{ @Char grave }
+{ @Char acute }
+{ @Char circumflex }
+{ @Char tilde }
+{ @Char macron }
+{ @Char breve }
+{ @Char dotaccent }
+{ @Char dieresis }
+{ @Char ring }
+{ @Char cedilla }
+{ @Char hungarumlaut }
+{ @Char ogonek }
+{ @Char caron }
+{ @Char space }
+{ @Char exclamdown }
+{ @Char cent }
+{ @Char sterling }
+{ @Char currency }
+{ @Char yen }
+{ @Char brokenbar }
+{ @Char section }
+{ @Char dieresis }
+{ @Char copyright }
+{ @Char ordfeminine }
+{ @Char guillemotleft }
+{ @Char logicalnot }
+{ @Char hyphen }
+{ @Char registered }
+{ @Char macron }
+{ @Char degree }
+{ @Char plusminus }
+{ @Char twosuperior }
+{ @Char threesuperior }
+{ @Char acute }
+{ @Char mu }
+{ @Char paragraph }
+{ @Char periodcentered }
+{ @Char cedilla }
+{ @Char onesuperior }
+{ @Char ordmasculine }
+{ @Char guillemotright }
+{ @Char onequarter }
+{ @Char onehalf }
+{ @Char threequarters }
+{ @Char questiondown }
+{ @Char Agrave }
+{ @Char Aacute }
+{ @Char Acircumflex }
+{ @Char Atilde }
+{ @Char Adieresis }
+{ @Char Aring }
+{ @Char AE }
+{ @Char Ccedilla }
+{ @Char Egrave }
+{ @Char Eacute }
+{ @Char Ecircumflex }
+{ @Char Edieresis }
+{ @Char Igrave }
+{ @Char Iacute }
+{ @Char Icircumflex }
+{ @Char Idieresis }
+{ @Char Eth }
+{ @Char Ntilde }
+{ @Char Ograve }
+{ @Char Oacute }
+{ @Char Ocircumflex }
+{ @Char Otilde }
+{ @Char Odieresis }
+{ @Char multiply }
+{ @Char Oslash }
+{ @Char Ugrave }
+{ @Char Uacute }
+{ @Char Ucircumflex }
+{ @Char Udieresis }
+{ @Char Yacute }
+{ @Char Thorn }
+{ @Char germandbls }
+{ @Char agrave }
+{ @Char aacute }
+{ @Char acircumflex }
+{ @Char atilde }
+{ @Char adieresis }
+{ @Char aring }
+{ @Char ae }
+{ @Char ccedilla }
+{ @Char egrave }
+{ @Char eacute }
+{ @Char ecircumflex }
+{ @Char edieresis }
+{ @Char igrave }
+{ @Char iacute }
+{ @Char icircumflex }
+{ @Char idieresis }
+{ @Char eth }
+{ @Char ntilde }
+{ @Char ograve }
+{ @Char oacute }
+{ @Char ocircumflex }
+{ @Char otilde }
+{ @Char odieresis }
+{ @Char divide }
+{ @Char oslash }
+{ @Char ugrave }
+{ @Char uacute }
+{ @Char ucircumflex }
+{ @Char udieresis }
+{ @Char yacute }
+{ @Char thorn }
+{ @Char ydieresis }
+As their names imply, these two fonts belong to the @I { Times family },
+a collection of fonts designed to go well together. Every font has a
+@I { family name }, such as Times, Helvetica, or Courier, and a
+family.name @Index { family name of font }
+face.name @Index { face name of font }
+@I { face name }, such as Roman or Italic. To find out how to
+get the unusual characters, see Section {@NumberOf characters}.
+Documents look best when they use just one font family, so the most
+common need is to change to a different face within the current
+family. We have already seen {@Code "@I"}, which changes to the Italic
+face of the current family; there are six such symbols:
+b. @Index @Code "@B"
+i. @Index @Code "@I"
+bi. @Index @Code "@BI"
+ii. @Index @Code "@II"
+s. @Index @Code "@S"
+r. @Index @Code "@R"
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { "@B { Hello World }" }
+ B { @B { Hello World } }
+ A { "@I { Hello World }" }
+ B { @I { Hello World } }
+ A { "@BI { Hello World }" }
+ B { @BI { Hello World } }
+ A { "@II { Hello World }" }
+ B { @II { Hello World } }
+ A { "@S { Hello World }" }
+ B { @S { Hello World } }
+ A { "@R { Hello World }" }
+ B { @R { Hello World } }
+The symbols' names stand for Bold, Italic, Bold-Italic, Italic-Italic
+(see below), Small capitals, and Roman. It is conventional to use Bold
+for headings; Italic for emphasis, terms being defined, and subsidiary
+headings; and Roman for the rest. Small capitals are not really a
+different font; they are
+small.caps @Index { small capitals }
+made on demand from the current font. So you can write, for example,
+@ID @Code "@I @S { Hello World }"
+and get @I @S { Hello World }.
+The @Code "@R" symbol is almost unnecessary, since the document as a
+whole is set in a Roman face; but it is occasionally useful:
+@ID @Code "@I { An Italic sentence with one @R Roman word }"
+@ID @I { An Italic sentence with one @R Roman word }
+This illustrates the general principle that the effect of a font symbol
+on the following object is subject to font symbols within that object.
+When part of a title is to be set in italic font, neither @Code "@I"
+nor @Code "@BI" is suitable because the part should appear in bold
+italics in the title itself, but in ordinary italics in running headers
+and the table of contents. The @Code "@II" symbol is the one for this
+situation: it produces bold italics when the current font is bold,
+and ordinary italics otherwise.
+Changing families is a little more complicated. Here is the complete
+list of font families and their faces available with Basser Lout Version 3:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col { ragged nohyphen } @Break @Code B }
+ A { AvantGarde }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope BoldObl Book BookOblique
+CondBold CondBook CondDemi CondMedium Demi DemiOblique
+ExtraLight ExtraLightObl Medium MediumObl }
+ A { Bookman }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope BoldItalic Demi DemiItalic
+Light LightItalic Medium MediumItalic }
+ A { Chancery }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope
+Roman Bold Italic Light Demi LightItalic MediumItalic
+ A { Courier }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope BoldOblique Oblique }
+ A { Helvetica }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope Black BlackOblique
+BoldOblique Compressed Cond CondBlack CondBlackObl
+CondBold CondBoldObl CondLight CondLightObl
+CondOblique ExtraCompressed
+Light LightOblique Narrow NarrowBold NarrowBoldObl
+NarrowObl Oblique UltraCompressed }
+ A { Schoolbook }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope BoldItalic Italic Roman }
+ A { Palatino }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope BoldItalic
+BoldItalicOsF BoldOsF Italic ItalicOsF Roman SC }
+ A { Symbol }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope }
+ A { Times }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope BoldItalic
+BoldItalicOsF BoldSC ExtraBold Italic ItalicOsF
+Roman RomanSC Semibold SemiboldItalic }
+ A { Dingbats }
+ B { Base Slope Bold BoldSlope }
+Lout understands all these fonts, but your printing device may not. Times,
+Helvetica, Courier, and Symbol at least seem to be ubiquitous, although
+not in every face. These fonts work only with languages that use the
+Latin1 character set; consult Section {@NumberOf languages} for more
+information about this. It is not difficult for a Lout expert to extend this
+list @Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert }.
+It is a convention in Lout that every font family should at least
+base. @Index { @Code Base font }
+slope. @Index { @Code Slope font }
+bold. @Index { @Code Bold font }
+boldslope. @Index { @Code BoldSlope font }
+contain faces called @Code { Base }, @Code { Slope }, @Code { Bold },
+and @Code { BoldSlope }, and these faces are what the @Code { "@R" },
+@Code { "@I" }, @Code { "@B" }, and @Code { "@BI" } symbols give you. But
+this convention is something of a fiction for two reasons. First,
+some font families don't have faces that could reasonably be described as
+bold or whatever. In particular, the @Code Symbol family contains just
+one face, and all four conventional face names produce that face. Second,
+the four conventional face names are not names that typographers actually
+use, @Code { Bold } excepted. @Code { Slope } produces an italic face
+in some families and an oblique one in others. As the table shows, the
+true names are available if you want to use them, but it is very convenient
+to have a @Code { Slope } face that is guaranteed to exist no matter which
+family is used.
+The @Code "@Font" symbol changes the font of the following object. For
+font.sym @Index @Code "@Font"
+@ID @Code "{ Helvetica Slope } @Font { Hello World }"
+@ID { Helvetica Slope } @Font { Hello World }
+When changing to a different family, a face name must follow the family
+name; but when changing face within a family, just the face name is
+To make the characters larger or smaller, you need to change the
+font.size @Index { font size }
+@I { font size }, which can also be done with the @Code "@Font"
+symbol. Font sizes are traditionally measured in {@I points}: there
+are 72 points to one inch, and the most common font sizes are 12 point
+and 10 point. However, as Section {@NumberOf objects} explains in
+detail, any length including fractional lengths is acceptable:
+@ID @Code "24p @Font { Hello World }"
+changes to 24 point size, producing
+@ID 24p @Font { Hello World }
+It is also possible to specify a font size relative to the current
+size: @Code "+2p" means two points larger, @Code "-2p" means two
+points smaller, and @Code "1.5f" means 1.5 times the current font
+For the convenience of people who use fixed width fonts such as
+Courier, there is an @Code "@F" symbol which switches to a
+fixed width font family:
+@ID @Code "@F { Hello world }"
+@ID @F { Hello world }
+It is the same as writing @Code "{ Courier Base -1p } @Font ..."
+with the @Code "-1p" included to compensate for the relatively
+large appearance of the Courier font.
+The document as a whole will be set in @Code { Times Base 12p }. To
+change this you need to change the @Code "@InitialFont" option, for
+initialfont. @Index @Code "@InitialFont"
+example to
+@ID @Code "@InitialFont { Helvetica Base 10p }"
+to get Helvetica 10 point. You must give all three parts in
+{@Code "@InitialFont"}: family, face, size. If you are using your own
+setup file, as explained in Section {@NumberOf setup}, you can find the
+@Code "@InitialFont" option there. If not, you can set it at the
+beginning of your document as explained in Section {@NumberOf ordinary}.
+There are two features that make fonts look better on the
+page. @I Ligatures are pairs of letters run together; the most
+ligatures. @Index { ligatures }
+common ligatures are `fi' and `fl.' @I Kerning is moving adjacent
+kerning. @Index { kerning }
+letters closer together, for example in `VA.' Lout considers
+ligatures and kerning to be integral parts of each font; you can prevent
+them from happening only by enclosing one of the letters in a
+@Code "@OneCol" symbol, as in {@Code "@OneCol { V }A" }.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_head b/doc/user/bas_head
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4410c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_head
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ @Title { Headings }
+ @Tag { headings }
+The @Code "@Heading" symbol makes the following object into a
+heading. @Index @Code "@Heading"
+heading. Actually, all it does is change the font, so if you want a
+centred heading you have to display it as well:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Display @Heading { A Centred Heading }"
+"Following text"
+If you want a left-justified heading, use @Code "@LeftDisplay" instead
+of @Code {"@Display"}. Alternatively, you can use no display symbol at
+all, but then you will need paragraph symbols before and after:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Heading { A Left-Justified Heading }"
+"Following text"
+The font used is @Code Bold in the current family, although you can
+change this by changing the @Code "@HeadingFont" option in the setup
+headingfont. @Index @Code "@HeadingFont"
+file (Section {@NumberOf setup}).
+The @Code "@Heading" symbol may be used with any type of document, but it
+is really intended only for simple ones. In complex documents, large-scale
+structure symbols (Section {@NumberOf largescale}) are usually more
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_hyph b/doc/user/bas_hyph
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6997f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_hyph
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ @Title { Hyphenation }
+ @Tag { hyph }
+The @Code "@Break" symbol also controls hyphenation: @Code "hyphen"
+hyphenation. @Index hyphenation
+@Code "@Break" turns it on, @Code "nohyphen" @Code "@Break" turns it
+off. For example, ragged breaking is often done without hyphenation:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@IndentedDisplay { ragged nohyphen } @Break {"
+"This little paragraph will appear with"
+"ragged ends to its lines."
+Lout's method of choosing hyphenation points is copied from the @TeX
+tex.hyph @SubIndex { hyphenation }
+system, except that Lout will never place a hyphen within a sequence
+of characters that form a ligature (fl and
+ligatures.hyph @SubIndex { and hyphenation }
+fi are the most common ligatures).
+Hyphenation usually works well by itself; you should never need to
+interfere with its ideas of what to do. However, if you do want
+to tell Lout where you think a hyphen could be inserted, you can
+use the @Code "&-" symbol:
+@IndentedDisplay @Code {
+If @Code "&-" occurs directly after a hyphen character, hyphenation
+will be permitted but no extra hyphen will be inserted. To prevent
+hyphenation of a word, enclose the word in a @Code "@OneCol" symbol.
+To turn hyphenation off throughout the document, you need to set the
+@Code "@InitialBreak" option to {@Code "nohyphen"}, as described at the
+end of Section {@NumberOf linespace}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_lang b/doc/user/bas_lang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b32a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_lang
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ @Title { Languages other than English }
+ @Tag { languages }
+When part of a document is written in a language other than English,
+languages. @Index { languages other than English }
+Lout should be informed of this using the @Code "@Language" symbol:
+language. @Index @Code "@Language"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"... the garter, he said: French @Language { `Honi soit qui mal y"
+"pense' }, and this saying ..."
+Changing language is quite analogous to changing font using the
+@Code "@Font" symbol.
+Since accented characters (Section {@NumberOf characters}) are always
+available irrespective of the language, at first sight it might seem
+that there is no need to bother informing Lout what language you are
+writing in. However, words are hyphenated differently depending on the
+hyphenation.languages @SubIndex { in languages other than English }
+language, and some symbols have different results in different
+languages. For example,
+@ID @Code "Danish @Language @Date"
+@ID { Danish @Language @Date }
+date.languages @SubIndex { in languages other than English }
+time.languages @SubIndex { in languages other than English }
+lists.languages @SubIndex { in languages other than English }
+and the alphabetic list symbols of Section {@NumberOf lists} also
+vary with the current language. So it's worth doing for the sake of
+knowing that non-English parts will appear as they should.
+At the time of writing, the following languages were available:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+Czech Cesky Cestina
+Danish Dansk
+Dutch Nederlands
+Finnish Suomi
+French Francais Fran{@Char ccedilla}ais
+German Deutsch
+Hungarian Magyar
+Italian Italiano
+Norwegian Norsk
+Polish Polski
+Slovenian Slovenia Slovenija
+Spanish Espa{@Char ntilde}ol
+Swedish Svenska
+As shown, most languages have alternative names, all equally acceptable
+to the @Code "@Language" symbol. @Code "EnglishUK" differs from
+@Code "English" only by applying hyphenation rules said to be more
+appropriate for British English. Hungarian does not yet allow
+If your entire document is in a language other than English, you need
+to change the @Code "@InitialLanguage" option:
+initiallanguage. @Index @Code "@InitialLanguage"
+@ID @Code "@InitialLanguage { Deutsch }"
+If you are using your own setup file (Section {@NumberOf setup}), you
+can change it there. If not, you can change it at the start of your
+document, as explained in Section {@NumberOf ordinary}.
+Czech, Polish, and Slovenian use the ISO-LATIN-2 character set, and
+users of these languages have to place
+@ID @Code "@SysInclude { latin2 }"
+at the very start of their documents in order to get access to the
+ISO-LATIN-2 versions of the fonts. These have family names such as
+TimesCE, CourierCE, HelveticaCE, and so on, to distinguish them
+from the same fonts encoded in ISO-LATIN-1. The face names are
+unchanged. Consult file @Code "latin2.fd" in the standard include
+directory for a complete list of these fonts.
+Russian uses Cyrillic characters. In principle, users of Russian
+have to place
+@ID @Code "@SysInclude { russian }"
+at the very start of their documents in order to get access to
+Cyrillic fonts. However no such fonts are distributed
+with the current version of Lout, so this line does nothing at
+present. Other left-to-right languages are easily added, so
+consult the author if your language is not listed.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_line b/doc/user/bas_line
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3210cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_line
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ @Title { Line spacing }
+ @Tag { linespace }
+The @Code "@Break" symbol also controls the amount of space placed
+line.spacing @Index { line spacing }
+between the lines of paragraphs. This distance is best given using the
+@Code "v" unit of measurement: @Code "1v" is the current line
+separation (see Section {@NumberOf objects} for a description of
+lengths in general). For example,
+@ID @Code "2vx @Break ..."
+produces double spacing in the paragraphs of the following object, and
+double.spacing @Index { double spacing }
+@ID @Code "0.9vx @Break ..."
+produces cramped spacing, which can be useful in large tables that don't
+quite fit on one page. The @Code "x" following the @Code "v" is required,
+but its meaning is beyond our scope @Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert }.
+To set the entire document in a different line spacing from the
+initialbreak @Index @Code "@InitialBreak"
+default, you need to change the @Code "@InitialBreak" option. If you
+are using your own setup file (Section {@NumberOf setup}),
+change it there. If not, you can change it at the beginning of your
+document, as described in Section {@NumberOf ordinary}.
+The default value of the @Code "@InitialBreak" option produces the
+@Code "adjust" paragraph breaking style with a line spacing of 1.20
+times the current (that is, the initial) font size, and hyphenation
+@ID @Code "@InitialBreak { adjust 1.20fx hyphen }"
+To get double spacing, change it to
+@ID @Code "@InitialBreak { adjust 2.40fx hyphen }"
+To get ragged paragraphs with hyphenation off, change it to
+@ID @Code "@InitialBreak { ragged 1.20fx nohyphen }"
+and so on. It is a good idea to define the initial line spacing using
+the @Code "f" unit, since then if you change the initial font size the
+line spacing will change with it. However, any length (Section
+{@NumberOf objects}) with an @Code "x" appended will do: @Code "14px"
+for 14 point, @Code "0.5cx" for 0.5 centimetres, etc. Don't use the
+@Code "v" unit though, because it refers to some @I previous line
+spacing, whereas here we are defining the line spacing for the first time.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_objs b/doc/user/bas_objs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6a2f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_objs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ @Title { Objects, symbols, options, and lengths }
+ @Tag { objects }
+Lout is not concerned with the exact shapes of individual characters,
+only with the rectangular areas they occupy:
+@ID {
+@Box margin { 0c } B &
+@Box margin { 0c } i &
+@Box margin { 0c } o &
+@Box margin { 0c } l &
+@Box margin { 0c } o &
+@Box margin { 0c } g &
+@Box margin { 0c } y
+When letters join together into a word, the result is a larger rectangle
+enclosing them all:
+@ID @Box margin { 0c } Biology
+When words join into lines we get even larger rectangles:
+@ID @Box margin { 0c } { Biology is the study of living things. }
+and so on up through paragraphs and columns to the largest rectangles,
+which are pages. We call any such rectangle, whether made up of one
+character, one word, one line, one paragraph, one page, or anything
+object. @Index { object }
+else, an @I { object }.
+We also often say, for example, `the object
+{@Code "@I { Hello world }"},' referring to a piece of Lout's input as
+an object. This makes sense because we are anticipating the result
+produced, in this case the object @I { Hello world }. It's true that if
+a line break happens to fall between @I Hello and @I { world }, the
+result of @Code "@I { Hello world }" is not a single rectangle. We
+answer this by thinking of objects as existing before paragraph breaking
+rearranges them.
+Not everything is an object, however. @Code "@I" alone is not an object,
+merely a symbol with the potential of producing an object when given an
+object to work on. To understand this, ask yourself what rectangle
+@Code "@I" alone could possibly represent: there is no such rectangle.
+It helps to imagine the assembly of objects taking place before your
+eyes. Look at @Code Hello and imagine the objects H, e, l, l, o being
+assembled into the larger object Hello; look at @Code "Hello world"
+and imagine Hello and world being assembled into Hello world. When
+looking at
+@ID @Code "@I { Hello world }"
+you need to imagine the @Code "@I" symbol consuming the following object,
+Hello world, and replacing it with the object @I { Hello world }. Here
+is another example:
+@ID @Code "@CurveBox { Hello world }"
+The @Code "@CurveBox" symbol (Section {@NumberOf boxes}) consumes
+Hello world and replaces it with the object
+@ID @CurveBox { Hello world }
+This brings us to a basic principle of Lout: @I { Where you can put
+one object, you can put any object }. A few examples will show the
+vast range of possibilities opened up by this:
+@ID @Code "@CurveBox { @I Hello world }"
+@ID @CurveBox { @I Hello world }
+It doesn't bother @Code "@CurveBox" if one of the words inside
+it is in italics. Next:
+@ID @Code "@I @CurveBox { Hello world }"
+@ID @I @CurveBox { Hello world }
+The object following @Code "@I" cannot be just @Code {"@CurveBox"},
+since that is not an object by itself (it needs to be applied to some
+object first). So the object following @Code "@I" is
+@Code {"@CurveBox { Hello world }"}, and it is this that is consumed by
+@Code "@I" and modified. The @Code "@I" symbol is happy to hunt
+through the object looking for words to italicize. We could go on
+indefinitely in this way, producing
+@ID @CurveBox { @CurveBox Hello @CurveBox world }
+for example by {@Code "@CurveBox { @CurveBox Hello @CurveBox world }"}.
+Symbols like @Code "@CurveBox" often have @I { options }, which are
+option. @Index { option }
+subsidiary symbols that modify the result. For example, @Code "@CurveBox"
+has @Code "margin" and @Code "paint" options:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" margin { 0.5c }"
+" paint { lightgrey }"
+"{ Hello world }"
+Options come immediately after the main symbol, before any following
+object. Each consists of the option name followed by the value we want
+the option to have, always enclosed in braces. Setting out options on
+separate lines as we have done above makes them easy to see but is not
+compulsory (end of line and space are the same to Lout). The result,
+naturally enough, is a curved box with a 0.5 centimetre margin around
+its contents, painted light grey:
+@ID @CurveBox
+ margin { 0.5c }
+ paint { lightgrey }
+{ Hello world }
+Options are optional: if you leave out an option, Lout supplies a
+sensible @I default value for it. Options may be given in any
+order. They are a very useful way of adding flexibility to symbols
+without cluttering things up when they aren't needed. They also help
+with learning: you can learn the basic symbol first and worry about
+the options later.
+Whenever a length is required, as in the @Code margin option above, it
+length. @Index { length }
+centimetres. @Index { centimetres }
+inches. @Index { inches }
+point.unit @Index { point (unit of measurement) }
+em.unit @Index { em (unit of measurement) }
+f.unit @Index { @Code f unit of measurement }
+s.unit @Index { @Code s unit of measurement }
+v.unit @Index { @Code v unit of measurement }
+units.of @Index { units of measurement }
+may be given using any one of the following seven units of measurement:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+@Rowa A { c } B { Centimetres }
+@Rowa A { i } B { Inches ({@Code "1i"} = {@Code "2.54c"}) }
+@Rowa A { p } B { Points ({@Code "72p"} = {@Code "1i"}) }
+@Rowa A { m } B { Ems ({@Code "12m"} = {@Code "1i"}) }
+@Rowa A { f } B { @Code "1f" is the current font size }
+@Rowa A { s } B { @Code "1s" is the current width of a space character }
+@Rowa A { v } B { @Code "1v" is the current inter-line spacing }
+The first four all define absolute distances and are strictly
+interchangeable. It is traditional to measure font sizes in points; typical
+sizes are @Code "12p" and {@Code "10p"}, but fractional sizes are allowed.
+If you use the @Code "f" unit, the length will depend on the current
+font size. This can be very useful. For example, the default value of
+the @Code "margin" option of @Code "@CurveBox" is @Code "0.3f" (0.3
+times the current font size). If you use a large font, for example in
+an overhead transparency, you get a correspondingly large margin without
+having to ask for it.
+The @Code "s" and @Code "v" units are less useful. The @Code "v" unit
+is used within paragraph symbols (Section {@NumberOf paragraphs}) to
+ensure that the space between paragraphs widens with the inter-line spacing.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_par1 b/doc/user/bas_par1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de3da37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_par1
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ @Title { Starting a new line, paragraph, or page }
+ @Tag { paragraphs }
+The usual way to start a new paragraph is with the @Code "@PP" `plain
+pp. @Index @Code "@PP"
+paragraphs. @Index { paragraph symbols }
+paragraph' symbol. It produces a small vertical space and indents the
+first line of the new paragraph. Some document formatting systems
+interpret a blank line as a request to start a new paragraph. This is
+not the case with Lout: a blank line is two line-endings, equivalent to
+two spaces.
+The @Code "@LP" `left paragraph' symbol produces the same
+lp. @Index @Code "@LP"
+vertical space as {@Code "@PP"}, but omits the indent. The @Code "@LLP"
+`left line paragraph' symbol starts a new paragraph using
+llp. @Index @Code "@LLP"
+the usual inter-line spacing and no indent, or in other words it starts a
+new line. If you are using it to create single lines, you need the
+@Code "lines" paragraph breaking style instead (Section {@NumberOf paras}).
+The @Code "@DP" `display paragraph' symbol produces a somewhat larger
+dp. @Index @Code "@DP"
+vertical space, equal to the amount used before and after displays
+(Section {@NumberOf displays}), with no indent. To get even larger
+vertical spaces, use @Code "@DP" repeatedly. Another symbol,
+{@Code "@LOP"}, leaves a paragraph break the size of the gap left
+lop. @Index @Code "@LOP"
+outside (that is, before and after) lists (Section {@NumberOf lists}). This
+is usually equal to {@Code "@DP"}.
+The {@Code "@NP"} `new page' symbol causes the following paragraph to
+page. @Index { page, skipping to next }
+new.page @Index { new page }
+np. @Index @Code "@NP"
+begin on a new page or column. Of course, Lout starts a new page or
+column automatically when the old one is full, so @Code "@NP" is needed
+only rarely.
+To make each section begin on a new page you must set the @Code "@SectionGap"
+sectiongap. @Index @Code "@SectionGap"
+setup file option (Section {@NumberOf largescale}). To make one particular
+section start on a new page or column, place @Code "@NP" within the previous
+section, at the end. Placing @Code "@NP" between sections will not work.
+Occasionally Lout will start a new page or column directly after a heading,
+which looks very poor. The obvious answer is to place an @Code "@NP"
+just before the heading, but when the document is later revised and the
+heading no longer falls near the page or column ending, this @Code "@NP"
+will have to be taken away again.
+A better answer is to precede the heading with a @Code "@CNP" `conditional
+cnp. @Index @Code "@CNP"
+new page' symbol, which checks whether enough space remains in the page or
+column for a heading and at least two lines of text. If so, @Code "@CNP"
+does nothing; if not, @Code "@CNP" causes a new page or column to be begun,
+like {@Code "@NP"}. The recommended arrangement is
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"end of previous part."
+"@Heading { A Heading }"
+"First paragraph of next part ..."
+The @Code "@CNP" symbol should be preceded by either @Code "@DP" or
+@Code "@LP", preferably {@Code "@DP"}, and this determines the amount of
+space when the @Code "@NP" action does not occur.
+The ultimate answer to the conditional new page problem is to recognise
+that the heading is the beginning of a new section of the document, and
+to use a large-scale structure symbol like @Code "@Section" (Section
+{@NumberOf largescale}). Conditional new page is just one of many
+services provided automatically by these symbols.
+Some people do not like to see the first line of a paragraph alone at
+the bottom of a page, or the last line of a paragraph alone at the
+top (these blemishes are sometimes called widows and orphans). You
+can instruct Lout not to allow these; see the next section for details.
+You can modify the effect of the paragraph symbols by changing options
+in the setup file. For general information about setup files and their
+options, consult Section {@NumberOf setup}; here we just explain how
+the relevant options work. The options and their default values are
+paragap @Index @Code "@ParaGap"
+paraindent @Index @Code "@ParaIndent"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@ParaGap { 1.30vx }"
+"@ParaIndent { 2.00f }"
+"@DisplayGap { 1.00v }"
+The values are lengths (Section {@NumberOf objects}), except that
+for reasons beyond our scope @Code "@ParaGap" must be a length with
+an @Code "x" appended, as shown. The @Code "@ParaGap" option determines
+how much vertical space will be
+inserted by @Code "@PP" and {@Code "@LP"}. The default value,
+{@Code "1.30vx"}, is 30% more than the normal inter-line spacing;
+to get no extra spacing, change it to {@Code "1.00vx"}. The
+@Code "@ParaIndent" option determines the width of the indent produced
+by {@Code "@PP"}, and its default value is twice the current font
+size. The @Code "@DisplayGap" option determines the amount of vertical
+space inserted by {@Code "@DP"}, as well as the vertical space before
+and after displays.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_par2 b/doc/user/bas_par2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51f674c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_par2
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ @Title { Paragraph breaking }
+ @Tag { paras }
+@I { Paragraph breaking } is the process of
+paragraph.breaking @Index { paragraph breaking }
+inserting line breaks into praragraphs at places appropriate to the column
+width. Lout works out suitable column widths and performs paragraph
+breaking automatically, finding an `optimal' break with the method
+used by the @TeX
+tex.paragraph @SubIndex { paragraph breaking }
+system. It offers nine styles of paragraph breaking,
+which we will explore with the aid of this example:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+It is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+Changing the paragraph breaking style is similar to changing the font,
+colour, or language, and is done using the @Code "@Break" symbol:
+break. @Index @Code "@Break"
+@ID @Code "ragged @Break ..."
+This example causes every paragraph in the following object to be
+broken using the @Code ragged style, of which more below.
+The first two of the nine styles perform @I { line adjustment }, which
+line.adjustment @Index { line adjustment }
+means that they enlarge the spaces between the objects making up each
+line so as to fill the lines completely:
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 6c @Wide @Code A ! @Col 7c @Wide B }
+ A { "adjust @Break ..." }
+ B { adjust @Break {
+It is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 6c @Wide @Code A ! @Col 7c @Wide B }
+ A { "outdent @Break ..." }
+ B { outdent @Break {
+It is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+The @Code adjust style is frequently used, so it has been chosen as the
+default style. Outdenting adds a small space at the start of each line
+outdent. @Index { outdented paragraphs }
+except the first, and is much less common.
+The next four styles do not adjust lines, leaving the paragraph
+ragged. @Index { @Code ragged paragraph breaking style }
+cragged. @Index { @Code cragged paragraph breaking style }
+rragged. @Index { @Code rragged paragraph breaking style }
+oragged. @Index { @Code oragged paragraph breaking style }
+{@I ragged}:
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 6c @Wide @Code A ! @Col 7c @Wide B }
+ A { "ragged @Break ..." }
+ B { ragged @Break {
+It is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 6c @Wide @Code A ! @Col 7c @Wide B }
+ A { "cragged @Break ..." }
+ B { cragged @Break {
+It is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 6c @Wide @Code A ! @Col 7c @Wide B }
+ A { "rragged @Break ..." }
+ B { rragged @Break {
+It is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 6c @Wide @Code A ! @Col 7c @Wide B }
+ A { "oragged @Break ..." }
+ B { oragged @Break {
+It is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+The paragraph is broken in the same places as @Code adjust breaks it,
+but the resulting lines are left-justified, centred, or right-justified
+with respect to each other, rather than adjusted; @Code "oragged"
+is like @Code "outdent" except the resulting lines are not adjusted.
+If you have a few words that must be kept together on one line, the
+preventing. @Index { preventing line breaks }
+keeping. @Index { keeping things on one line }
+recommended way is to separate them by an @Code "~" symbol:
+@ID @Code "According to Prof.~Jones, the effect of ..."
+It's best not to bother about this until you actually get a bad line
+break, since chances are good that the words will fall on one line anyway.
+The last three styles differ from the first five in breaking the
+paragraph at the points where it is broken in the original input:
+lines. @Index { @Code lines paragraph breaking style }
+clines. @Index { @Code clines paragraph breaking style }
+rlines. @Index { @Code rlines paragraph breaking style }
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 6c @Wide @Code A ! @Col 7c @Wide B }
+ A { "lines @Break ..." }
+ B { lines @Break {
+It is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 6c @Wide @Code A ! @Col 7c @Wide B }
+ A { "clines @Break ..." }
+ B { clines @Break {
+It @PageMark clines is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+@LI @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 6c @Wide @Code A ! @Col 7c @Wide B }
+ A { "rlines @Break ..." }
+ B { rlines @Break {
+It is a truth universally
+acknowledged, that a single man
+in possession of a good fortune,
+must be in want of a wife.
+The lines are left-justified, centred, or right-justified with respect
+to each other in the same way as for the ragged styles.
+When using the @Code lines style, there are some fine points concerning
+the proper use of white space. Consider this example:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@IndentedDisplay lines @Break @I {"
+"Teach me to hear Mermaides singing,"
+"Or to keep off envies stinging,"
+" And finde"
+" What winde"
+"Serves to'advance an honest minde."
+The result is the indented display
+@IndentedDisplay lines @Break @I {
+Teach me to hear Mermaides singing,
+Or to keep off envies stinging,
+ And finde
+ What winde
+Serves to'advance an honest minde.
+This style is the only one for which it is useful to indent individual
+lines in the input; as the result shows, such indents will be
+respected, as will blank lines. However, Lout's rule that only white
+space separating objects affects the result (Section {@NumberOf spaces})
+still holds, which means that indenting the first line is not
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@IndentedDisplay lines @Break @I {"
+" And finde"
+" What winde"
+"Serves to'advance an honest minde."
+@IndentedDisplay lines @Break @I {
+ And finde
+ What winde
+Serves to'advance an honest minde.
+This may seem awkward at first, but actually it is extremely convenient
+because you don't have to worry about whether the first line of the
+paragraph should appear on a new line as above, or immediately after
+the opening brace: space at that point does not separate two objects,
+so it has no effect. The indent can be obtained by
+starting the first line with an empty object (Section {@NumberOf empty}):
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@IndentedDisplay lines @Break @I {"
+"{} And finde"
+" What winde"
+"Serves to'advance an honest minde."
+The result is
+@IndentedDisplay lines @Break @I {
+{} And finde
+ What winde
+Serves to'advance an honest minde.
+as desired. To set the entire document in a paragraph breaking style other
+than {@Code "adjust"}, you need to change the @Code "@InitialBreak" option,
+as explained at the end of Section {@NumberOf linespace}.
+Some people don't like to see the first line of a paragraph alone at the
+widows @Index { widow lines }
+orphans @Index { orphan lines }
+unbreakablefirst. @Index { @Code unbreakablefirst }
+unbreakablelast. @Index { @Code unbreakablelast }
+foot of a page or column (the rest appearing on the next page). You can
+instruct Lout not to allow this with
+@ID @Code "unbreakablefirst @Break ..."
+meaning that the first line cannot be broken off from the rest of the
+paragraph. Similarly,
+@ID @Code "unbreakablelast @Break ..."
+instructs Lout to prevent the last line of a paragraph from appearing
+alone at the top of a page or column. These features would probably be
+invoked in the @Code "@InitialBreak" option, like this:
+@Code "@InitialBreak { unbreakablefirst unbreakablelast hyphen adjust 1.2fx }"
+You can turn them off with @Code "breakablefirst @Break"
+and @Code "breakablelast @Break". In both cases Lout makes it happen by
+breaking at the previous place, either between paragraphs or two lines from
+the end of a paragraph. Alternatively, both features are compatible with
+Lout's @Code "@OptimizePages" option, which will optimize the overall page
+layout of the document subject to these requirements.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_spac b/doc/user/bas_spac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7546c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_spac
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ @Title { Spaces and braces }
+ @Tag { spaces }
+Every symbol in Lout either consists entirely of letters ({@Code "@"}
+symbols. @Index { symbols, makeup of }
+is considered to be a letter) or entirely of punctuation characters. Here
+are some examples of each type:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @I @CC A ! @Col @I @CC B }
+ @Fmtb { @Col @Code @CC A ! @Col @Code @CC B }
+@Rowa A { From letters } B { From punctuation }
+@Rowb A { "@PP" } B { "{" }
+@Rowb A { "margin" } B { "}" }
+Now if two symbols made from letters are run together like this:
+@ID {
+@Code "@CurveBox@I Hello" &8ct @I (wrong!)
+Lout will take this to mean one word or symbol called {@Code "@CurveBox@I"},
+which is wrong. In the same way, a letter-type symbol cannot be run
+together with a word. However, punctuation-type symbols can be run together
+with anything. For example, in
+@ID @Code "@CurveBox{ Hello @I { world }}."
+Lout understands that @Code "@CurveBox" and @Code "{"
+# }
+are separate, and it also sorts out
+# {{
+@Code "}}." into two right brace symbols and a full stop. It might
+seem strange to treat punctuation and letters so differently,
+but computer programming languages have done it like this for
+many years, and it works well. This is the first use for
+spaces. @Index { spaces, significance of }
+spaces: to separate letter-type symbols from each other and from words.
+To see the second use for spaces, consider two words side by side:
+@ID @Code "Hello world"
+We want this to produce Hello world, so a space between two words in
+the input must mean a space between them in the result. Apply the
+golden rule (where you can put one object, you can put any object) and
+you get this: @I { a space between two objects in the input produces
+a space between them in the result }. For example,
+@ID @Code "@CurveBox Hello @CurveBox world"
+@ID { @CurveBox Hello @CurveBox world }
+The space between the two objects @Code "@CurveBox Hello" and
+@Code "@CurveBox world" appears between them in the result; the other
+two spaces do not separate objects so do not appear in the result.
+Two objects may be separated by a number of spaces other than one. If
+they are separated by no spaces, they will appear immediately adjacent
+in the result; if separated by two spaces, they will appear two spaces
+apart; and so on. In English it is correct to leave two spaces between
+the end of one sentence and the beginning of the next, for example. See
+Section {@NumberOf white} for two alternative ways to interpret white
+space in Lout.
+Occasionally the two uses for spaces conflict. For example, to produce
+@ID { { @CurveBox Hello }{ @CurveBox world } }
+we need to have no spaces between the two objects, but then @Code "Hello"
+and the following @Code "@CurveBox" would be run together, which will
+not work. The solution is to use braces:
+@ID @Code "{ @CurveBox Hello }{ @CurveBox world }"
+None of the six spaces in this example lie between two objects.
+However, the main use of braces is to inform Lout that the object
+within them is to be kept together, so that any nearby symbols are to
+apply to all of it. For example, leaving the braces out of
+@Code "@I { Hello world }" would mean that @Code "@I" applies only to
+{@Code "Hello"}.
+When an object-consuming symbol like @Code "@I" is followed by an
+braces. @Index { braces, effect of }
+object enclosed in braces, that is the object consumed. For example,
+@ID @Code "This is @I { absolutely necessary }, since otherwise ..."
+@ID { This is @I { absolutely necessary }, since otherwise ... }
+with the object @Code "absolutely necessary" italicized, but not the
+following comma. If there are no braces, the object consumed is
+everything up to the next object-separating space:
+@ID @Code "This is @I necessary, since otherwise ..."
+@ID { This is @I necessary, since otherwise ... }
+with an undesirable italic comma. In practice, this means you can
+avoid braces only when italicizing a single word with no punctuation
+One common pitfall is to use unnecessary braces, like this:
+@ID {
+@Code "@I { @CurveBox { Hello world } }" &8ct @I (bad!)
+Another is to think that all spaces produce space in the result, and so
+@ID {
+@Code "@I{@CurveBox{Hello world}}" &8ct @I (worse!)
+Use braces only when necessary, and add extra spaces where they do not
+separate objects, and your documents will be far easier to read while
+you are working on them. Don't be fooled by the argument that says it
+doesn't matter because it doesn't affect the final printed result.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_star b/doc/user/bas_star
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef65eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_star
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ @Title { Getting started }
+ @Tag { start }
+Suppose you want to produce the following little document:
+@CD @Box margin { 1.3c } 7.0c @Wide 9c @High {
+@Display @Heading { Introduction by W. J. Harvey }
+harvey.w.j @Index { Harvey, W. J. }
+For Virginia Woolf, @I Middlemarch was `the magnificent book
+which for all its imperfections is one of the few English novels
+written for grown-up people.'
+She was, no doubt, thinking of George Eliot's unblinking but
+eliot.g @Index { Eliot, George }
+compassionate delineation of her characters, of the subtlety of
+psychological analysis and the maturity of moral comment which
+underlie this complex and varied novel of English provincial
+life in the early nineteenth century.
+Unlike word processing and desktop publishing systems, with Lout you
+cannot see and edit your document on the screen in this finished
+form. Instead, you edit an ordinary text file, in which your text is
+augmented with symbols that mark out the headings, paragraphs, and so
+on. Although it would be nice to be able to see and edit the finished
+form, working with a text file and symbols does have some compensating
+The first step in producing your introduction to @I Middlemarch is to
+use the text editor of your choice to construct this text file:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@Display @Heading { Introduction by W. J. Harvey }"
+"For Virginia Woolf, @I Middlemarch was `the magnificent book which for all its"
+"imperfections is one of the few English novels written for grown-up people.'"
+"She was, no doubt, thinking of George Eliot's unblinking but compassionate"
+"delineation of her characters, of the subtlety of psychological analysis and"
+"the maturity of moral comment which underlie this complex and varied novel"
+"of English provincial life in the early nineteenth century."
+"@End @Text"
+Comparing this with the finished form, it's easy to guess that
+@Code "@I" is a symbol that causes the following thing to be printed
+in italics, and that @Code "@PP" starts a new paragraph. The other
+symbols are not much harder.
+@Code "@SysInclude { doc }" instructs Lout to read a @I { setup file }
+called {@Code "doc"}, in which the symbols are defined. Setup files
+are the subject of Chapter {@NumberOf changes}, but you can go a long
+way without worrying about them. @Code "@Doc @Text @Begin" and
+@Code "@End @Text" have no visible effect, but they must bracket the
+document as a whole. Again, you don't have to know what they are for.
+That explains everything except the part that produces the heading. It's
+an interesting glimpse of the way that Lout's symbols cooperate with
+each other:
+@ID @Code "@Display @Heading { Introduction by W. J. Harvey }"
+The @Code "@Display" symbol does the centring and leaves space above
+and below, while @Code "@Heading" switches to a bold font. The braces
+group the words of the heading together so that these symbols apply to
+all of it; without them they would apply to just the first word. All
+this is explained in detail in Sections {@NumberOf objects}
+and {@NumberOf spaces}.
+Once the file is ready, the next step is to get it processed by the
+Basser Lout interpreter. If the file's name is {@Code "intro"},
+the command for this on the Unix
+@FootNote { Unix is a trademark. }
+operating system is
+@ID @Code "lout intro > intro.ps"
+The output is the PostScript
+@FootNote { PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. }
+file {@Code "intro.ps"}, which is suitable for printing on many laser
+printers and other devices. There are programs that show you the
+result on your screen as well, although you won't be able to edit it
+there. You can also get plain text output (Section {@NumberOf plain})
+and PDF output.
+There are a few points that often confuse people as they begin, so we'll
+treat them briefly now with pointers to later sections where they are
+done properly.
+Some characters are symbols that produce special effects -- for
+example, @Code "{" and @Code "}" produce grouping -- and to turn off
+these effects the characters must be enclosed in double quotes: @Code
+"\"{\"" produces "{". The complete set of these special characters is
+@ID @Code "/ | & { } # @ ^ ~ \\ \""
+Section {@NumberOf characters} treats unusual characters in full detail.
+Symbols like @Code "@Doc" and @Code "@Text" must be separated from
+each other by one or more spaces, otherwise Lout will think they are part
+of one symbol. See Section {@NumberOf spaces} for the details.
+People familiar with other systems might expect that leaving a blank line would
+cause Lout to start a new paragraph; but this is not so, you must use a
+paragraph symbol. Lout will ordinarily take notice of how many spaces you type
+between words (Section {@NumberOf spaces}), but it will mimic the spacing rules
+of two other systems, troff and @TeX, if you prefer (Section {@NumberOf white}).
+When Lout runs, you might see some error messages beginning with
+error.messages @Index { error messages }
+`unresolved cross reference' -- not on file @Code "intro" above, but on
+more complicated ones (anything with a footnote, for example). These
+just mean that you have to run the @Code "lout" command again to finish off
+the complicated things (Section {@NumberOf cross}), and they will gradually
+go away. Of course, if you see error messages about missing braces, unknown
+symbols, and so on, you need to revise your file. Lout will tell you the
+line number of the problem, and how far along the line it is.
+@BI { WARNING: } Lout allows documents to cause arbitrary system commands
+to be executed. These typically do useful things such as format computer
+programs and uncompress graphics files, but it is possible for a
+malicious person to send you a document which includes a command to delete
+all your files, send abusive mail to the President of the United States in
+your name, etc. You can protect yourself against this possibility by using
+the `safe execution' flag:
+@ID @Code "lout -S suspect.document > out.ps"
+Then no system commands will be executed; instead, Lout will print them so
+that you can confirm for yourself that they are safe before running again
+without the flag. These system commands are Lout's only potentially unsafe
+features, but you also need to worry about whether the resulting PostScript
+file contains malicious code, since the document may direct Lout to include
+arbitrary PostScript code in the output. The safe execution of PostScript
+programs is a matter for PostScript interpreters, not for Lout. For example,
+the popular Ghostview program has a @Code "-safer" command line option,
+which is rumoured to disable unsafe PostScript features.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_supe b/doc/user/bas_supe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40faf92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_supe
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ @Title { Superscripts and subscripts }
+ @Tag { super }
+There are @Code "@Sup" and @Code "@Sub" symbols for producing
+superscripts and subscripts:
+@ID @Code "2 @Sup nd"
+@ID { 2 @Sup nd }
+and the @Code "@Sub" symbol works in a similar way. These symbols
+are probably never required in English language text, since the
+only uses for them are in footnotes, which produce the superscript
+automatically, and equations, which have their own versions of these
+symbols. Both symbols have a @Code "gap" option which determines the
+vertical spacing.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_unde b/doc/user/bas_unde
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f7ea94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_unde
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ @Title { Underlining }
+ @Tag { underlining }
+The @Code "@Underline" symbol underlines the following object:
+underline.sym @Index @Code "@Underline"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"This little paragraph of text will have"
+"@Underline { three underlined words } in it."
+@ID @OneRow 1.6i @Wide {
+This little paragraph of text will have
+@Underline { three underlined words } in it.
+The underlining is continuous unless a line break intervenes. You
+can't use this symbol to underline an arbitrary object: it is carefully
+designed to produce high-quality underlining of single words and
+parts of paragraphs, and it works only for those objects.
+Each font contains information about how words in that font should be
+underlined: how far below the baseline the line should be drawn, and how
+thick. The @Code "@Underline" symbol uses this information; the font
+it bases its underlining on is the font of the first object underlined
+if it is a word, or else the font of the enclosing paragraph.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_verb b/doc/user/bas_verb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6da835a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_verb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ @Title { Verbatim text }
+ @Tag { verbatim }
+The @Code "@Verbatim" symbol
+@FootNote { Prior to Version 3.13 the @Code "@Verbatim" symbol was
+implemented in a way that restricted its availability to Unix
+systems only. This restriction no longer applies. }
+prints the following object exactly as
+verbatim.sym @Index @Code "@Verbatim"
+it appears in the input file. All special meanings for characters,
+symbols, etc. are turned off; there is one result line for
+each input line. For example,
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+@IndentedDisplay @Verbatim {
+A line of "verbatim" text
+Another line, with a \ character
+has result
+@IndentedDisplay @Verbatim {
+A line of "verbatim" text
+Another line, with a \ character
+Use @Code "@F @Verbatim { ... }" to get the result in a fixed-width font.
+If the verbatim text contains @Code "{" or @Code "}" characters, then
+they should either be balanced or else you need to use the alternative
+@ID @Code {
+"@Verbatim @Begin"
+"@End @Verbatim"
+so that there is no doubt about where the verbatim text ends. Although
+we have said that there are no special meanings, there is one exception
+to this rule: @Code "@Include" and @Code "@SysInclude" commands are
+recognized, allowing all or part of the verbatim text to come from some
+other file.
+Occasionally the first line of some verbatim text begins with some
+spaces that have to be preserved. This is a problem for @Code "@Verbatim"
+because it ignores all white spaces following the opening brace and
+all white spaces preceding the closing brace. However, the alternative
+@Code "@RawVerbatim" symbol stops ignoring white spaces at the opening
+as soon as a newline character is reached; in other words, it will
+preserve all white spaces following the first newline.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr b/doc/user/bgr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9452ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bgr
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ @Title { Basic Graphics }
+ @Tag { graphics }
+This chapter introduces some basic graphics symbols for colour, rotation,
+scaling, and included illustrations. These are all from the standard
+BasicLayout package, so no @Code "@SysInclude" line is needed to
+get them.
+@Include { bgr_colo }
+@Include { bgr_boxs }
+@Include { bgr_rota }
+@Include { bgr_scal }
+@Include { bgr_incl }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr_boxs b/doc/user/bgr_boxs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c6460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bgr_boxs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ @Title { Boxes and rules }
+ @Tag { boxes }
+The @Code "@Box" symbol causes the following object to be enclosed in a
+box. @Index @Code "@Box"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@QuotedDisplay @Box {"
+"@CentredDisplay @Heading Cheating"
+"The Department uses assignments ... of that student alone."
+The result of this is
+@QuotedDisplay @Box {
+@CentredDisplay @Heading Cheating
+The Department uses assignments both as a teaching device and as a
+major component of its assessment of each student. It therefore
+requires that all programs, exercises etc. handed in bearing an
+individual student's name be the work of that student alone.
+showing that a box may enclose an arbitrarily complicated object.
+The @Code "@Box" symbol has a @Code margin option which determines the
+margin between the box and what it encloses. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" margin { 0.1c }"
+requests a box with a 0.1 centimetre margin enclosing an empty object,
+so the result is a square whose width and height are 0.2 centimetres:
+@ID @Box margin { 0.1c } {}
+If the @Code "margin" option is omitted, it is assigned the default
+value {@Code "0.3f"}, which means 0.3 times the current font size. It
+is very useful to tie the margin to the font size in this way, because
+large headings (in overhead transparencies, say) need large margins.
+There is a @Code "linewidth" option which determines the width
+(thickness) of the line drawn around the boundary of the box:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" linewidth { 0.1c }"
+"{ Hello world }"
+@ID @Code {
+ linewidth { 0.1c }
+{ Hello world }
+Lout does not take the line width into account when working out how
+large everything is: as far as Lout is concerned, the line always
+has width zero. If you draw really thick lines you might need a larger
+margin and more space near the box. The default value of @Code linewidth
+is empty, which means to use whatever width the PostScript interpreter
+in your output device thinks is a good default value.
+There is also a @Code "paint" option which paints a background of the
+nominated colour:
+@ID @Code "@Box paint { grey } WARNING!"
+has result
+@ID @Box paint { grey } WARNING!
+This is quite different from {@Code "grey @Colour @Box WARNING!"},
+which produces
+@ID grey @Colour @Box WARNING!
+The @Code "paint" option may be given any colour from the list in
+Section {@NumberOf colour}; its default value is {@Code "none"}, which
+is a special value (not a colour) which means no painting. White paint
+comes into its own inside painted boxes:
+@ID @Code "@Box paint { nochange } white @Colour { Hello world }"
+produces a box painted in whatever colour we happen to be using at
+the moment, with white text inside:
+@ID @Box paint { nochange } white @Colour { Hello world }
+This works because the box is painted before the object it encloses
+is drawn on the page.
+There are @Code "@CurveBox" and @Code "@ShadowBox" symbols that
+curvebox. @Index @Code "@CurveBox"
+shadowbox. @Index @Code "@ShadowBox"
+produce other kinds of boxes:
+@CD @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col ! @Col B }
+ A { @CurveBox { A curve box } }
+ B { @ShadowBox { A shadow box } }
+These also have @Code "margin" and @Code "paint" options, and
+@Code "@ShadowBox" has a @Code "shadow" option which determines
+the thickness of the shadow (its default value is {@Code "0.2f"}).
+Boxes are quite at home inside paragraphs, as @Box { a box },
+@CurveBox { a curve box }, and @ShadowBox { a shadow box }
+show. Simply proceed as usual:
+@ID @Code "... paragraphs, as @Box { a box }, @CurveBox { a curve box }, ..."
+Boxes within paragraphs are never broken across two lines.
+There are two symbols for producing horizontal rules. @Code "@FullWidthRule"
+fullwidthrule. @Index @Code "@FullWidthRule"
+rules. @Index rules
+produces a rule which occupies the full page (or column) width:
+@DP @FullWidthRule @DP
+More precisely, the rule occupies as much horizontal space as it
+legally can. @Code "@FullWidthRule" produces an object in the usual
+way, so you will need paragraph or display symbols to separate it from
+preceding and following things.
+A variant called @Code "@LocalWidthRule" is more timid about zooming
+localwidthrule. @Index @Code "@LocalWidthRule"
+across the whole page:
+@ID @Code {
+"@OddPageTop { { My lovely document @LP @LocalWidthRule } @Right @PageNum }"
+will draw a rule under just the three words. Of course, underlining using
+the @Code "@Underline" symbol might be a better way to do this. Both
+symbols have a @Code "linewidth" option which works like the one for
+boxes described above. In particular, Lout leaves zero space for the
+line, no matter how wide you make it.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr_colo b/doc/user/bgr_colo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a48fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bgr_colo
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ @Title { Colour }
+ @Tag { colour }
+Colour is obtained in much the same way that fonts and language changes
+colour. @Index @Code "@Colour"
+color. @Index @Code "@Color"
+are, using the @Code "@Colour" (or equivalently {@Code "@Color"}) symbol:
+@ID @Code "grey @Colour { Hello, world }"
+@ID grey @Colour { Hello, world }
+The @Code "@Colour" symbol will accept any of the following colours:
+@QD @HAdjust @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.7vx }
+ hmargin { 0.2c }
+ @Fmta { @Col A @Colour @FilledBox ! @Col @Code A ! @Col !
+ @Col B @Colour @FilledBox ! @Col @Code B ! @Col !
+ @Col C @Colour @FilledBox ! @Col @Code C }
+ @Fmtb { @Col A @Colour @FilledBox ! @Col @Code A ! @Col !
+ @Col B @Colour @FilledBox ! @Col @Code B ! @Col !
+ @Col ! @Col }
+@Rowa A { darkred } B { red } C { lightred }
+@Rowa A { darkgreen } B { green } C { lightgreen }
+@Rowa A { darkblue } B { blue } C { lightblue }
+@Rowa A { darkcyan } B { cyan } C { lightcyan }
+@Rowa A { darkmagenta } B { magenta } C { lightmagenta }
+@Rowa A { darkyellow } B { yellow } C { lightyellow }
+@Rowa A { darkgrey } B { grey } C { lightgrey }
+@Rowa A { darkgray } B { gray } C { lightgray }
+@Rowb A { black } B { white }
+Monochrome output devices will render them as shades of grey. Colouring
+something @Code white makes it invisible, which is sometimes useful.
+In addition to the list of colours given above, there is a special
+colour called {@Code nochange} which produces the colour you already
+happen to be using.
+Whether or not the colours produced by @Code "@Colour" actually
+correspond with the names depends on the output device; the same
+nominal colour can look quite different on screen and on paper. The
+standard Lout @Code "@SetColour" symbol can provide many more colours
+setcolour. @Index @Code "@SetColour"
+@Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert}, although they must be specified
+using numbers rather than names.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr_incl b/doc/user/bgr_incl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57ac4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bgr_incl
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ @Title { Including an illustration }
+ @Tag { include }
+The @Code "@IncludeGraphic" symbol incorporates into a Lout document an
+include.graphic @Index @Code "@IncludeGraphic"
+include.illus @Index { including an illustration }
+illustration (that is, an encapsulated PostScript or EPS file)
+produced by other means. For the opposite process, using Lout to produce
+an illustration for inclusion in some other document, see
+Section {@NumberOf illustrations}.
+For example, suppose the encapsulated PostScript file @Code "su_crest.eps"
+contains the University of Sydney crest. Then
+@ID @Code "@IncludeGraphic su_crest.eps"
+@ID @IncludeGraphic su_crest.eps
+In general, the result produced by @Code "@IncludeGraphic" is an object
+that may be scaled, rotated, made into a display or placed within a
+paragraph, just like any other object. Accolades for this remarkable
+flexibility should go to the PostScript page description language,
+whose extraordinary power makes the provision of this feature in Lout
+almost trivial.
+The @Code "@IncludeGraphic" command understands that files ending
+with any of the suffixes {@Code ".gz"}, {@Code "-gz"}, {@Code ".z"},
+{@Code "-z"}, {@Code "_z"}, and {@Code ".Z"} are compressed files,
+and it will uncompress such files using the @Code "gunzip" command
+before including them. The uncompressed version is stored in a file
+called @Code "lout.eps" in the current directory, and removed after
+being copied into the output file.
+If you place an included illustration in a line of text, or anywhere
+where you care about its alignment with things on either side of it,
+it will be positioned with its centre at the same height as the
+centre of the letter x. If this is not where you want it, use the
+@Code "@VShift" symbol:
+vshift. @Index @Code "@VShift"
+@ID @Code "... +0.5f @VShift @IncludeGraphic ..."
+prints the illustration half of the current font size higher on the
+page than would otherwise have been the case, and
+@ID @Code "... -0.5f @VShift @IncludeGraphic ..."
+prints it half the current font size lower. Any length (Section
+{@NumberOf objects}) is allowed, and the object following @Code "@VShift"
+may in fact be arbitrary as usual.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr_rota b/doc/user/bgr_rota
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4bcc72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bgr_rota
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ @Title { Rotation }
+ @Tag { rotation }
+The @Code "@Rotate" symbol rotates the following object by any positive
+rotate. @Index @Code "@Rotate"
+or negative angle, measured in degrees:
+@ID @Code "45d @Rotate @Box WARNING!"
+has result
+@ID { 45d @Rotate @Box WARNING! }
+As usual, the object to be rotated may be arbitrary. However, it is
+difficult for Lout to choose appropriate column widths for paragraphs
+inside rotated objects, so if a rotated object contains paragraphs that
+should be broken it is best to define the object's width explicitly,
+using the @Code "@Wide" symbol:
+wide @RawIndex { @Code "@Wide" }
+wide.rotate @SubIndex { with @Code "@Rotate" }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"-90d @Rotate 4.5c @Wide {"
+"Papal initiatives and influence from the crowning of"
+"Charlemagne to the First Crusade"
+The result here is
+@ID {
+-90d @Rotate 4.5c @Wide {
+Papal initiatives and influence from the crowning of
+Charlemagne to the First Crusade
+The @Code "@Wide" symbol fixes the width of the following object, in
+this example to the length 4.5 centimetres, which is all Lout needs to
+decide the column widths of any paragraphs within it.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr_scal b/doc/user/bgr_scal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad73f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bgr_scal
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ @Title { Scaling }
+ @Tag { scaling }
+The @Code "@Scale" symbol performs a geometrical scaling of the
+scale. @Index @Code "@Scale"
+following object:
+@ID @Code {
+"0.5 @Scale @Box WARNING!"
+@ID {
+0.5 @Scale @Box WARNING!
+A scale factor of 0.5 means half the original size, 2.0 means double size,
+and so on. No unit of measurement appears in the scale factor, because
+it makes no sense to have one. As usual, the object to be scaled may be
+It is also possible to supply two scale factors, in which case the
+first is applied horizontally and the second vertically:
+@ID @Code "{0.5 2.0} @Scale @Box WARNING!"
+has result
+@ID {0.5 2.0} @Scale @Box WARNING!
+Practical uses for this kind of scaling are rare.
+If an empty object is given instead of a scale factor, like this:
+@ID @Code "{} @Scale @Box WARNING!"
+the @Code "@Scale" symbol will choose the largest scale factor that
+does not overrun the available horizontal space. It is often possible
+to omit the {@Code "{}"}, since Lout inserts an empty object
+automatically whenever an object is clearly missing (see Section
+{@NumberOf objects}). For example,
+@ID @Code "@QuotedDisplay @Scale @Box WARNING!"
+@QuotedDisplay @Scale @Box WARNING!
+@Code "@QuotedDisplay" and @Code "@LeftDisplay" go well with this form
+of {@Code "@Scale"}. However, some care is needed because Lout foolishly
+takes no account of the available @I vertical space when choosing the
+scale factor. The chosen scale factor could enlarge the vertical size so
+much that the object no longer fits on the page, with disastrous results.
+By using a @Code "@Wide" symbol to restrict the available horizontal
+space, this form of scaling can also be used to scale to a nominated
+width. For example,
+wide @RawIndex { @Code "@Wide" }
+wide.scale @SubIndex { with @Code "@Scale" }
+@ID @Code "5c @Wide @Scale @Box WARNING!"
+@ID { 5c @Wide @Scale @Box WARNING! }
+which is 5 centimetres wide.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/cpp b/doc/user/cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b413ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ @Title { C and C++ Programs }
+ @Tag { cprint }
+This chapter describes how to typeset C and C++ program text using the
+cp. @Index @Code "@CP"
+c. @Index { C++ }
+@Code "@CP" symbol in conjunction with the @Code c2lout filter. The
+@Code "@CP" symbol looks after printing keywords in bold, variables
+in italic, and so on, depending on a style you choose. It does not lay
+out programs in the sense of choosing indenting, it preserves the layout
+you give to the program. From now on, `C' means `C or C++' wherever
+it occurs.
+It is possible to simply print out one or more C files; we call this
+@I { stand-alone mode }. Alternatively, the C program text may be printed
+as part of a larger Lout document; we call this @I { embedded mode }.
+@Include { cpp_lone }
+@Include { cpp_embe }
+@Include { cpp_chan }
+@Include { cpp_comm }
+@Include { cpp_tabs }
+@Include { cpp_eiff }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/cpp_chan b/doc/user/cpp_chan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddedd51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/cpp_chan
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ @Title { Changing the default values }
+ @Tag { cpsetup }
+We have just seen that the @Code "@CP" symbol has many options for
+changing the appearance of the C text. However, most people would
+not want to have a different style for every C text in their document;
+they want to define the style once at the start, and have all their
+C texts come out in that style without laboriously setting options
+on every @Code "@CP" symbol. This is done by copying the setup file
+and changing it.
+For general information about how to make your own setup file, consult
+Section {@NumberOf setup}. The options that determine the default
+values are in the @Code "@CPSetup" @Code "@Use" clause near the end of
+cprint. @Index @Code "@CPSetup"
+the @Code "cpsetup." setup file:
+@ID @Code @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B ! @Col C}
+ @Fmtb { @Col { " #" A } ! @Col { "{" B } ! @Col "}" }
+@Rowa A { "@Use { @CPSetup" }
+@Rowb A { "style" } B { fixed }
+@Rowb A { "fixedfont" } B { Courier }
+@Rowb A { "fixedstrings" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "fixedidentifiers" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "fixedcomments" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "fixedkeywords" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "fixednumbers" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "fixedoperators" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "fixedsize" } B { -1.0p }
+@Rowb A { "fixedline" } B { 1.0vx }
+@Rowb A { "fixedtabin" } B { 8 }
+@Rowb A { "fixedtabout" } B { 8s }
+@Rowb A { "varyingfont" } B { }
+@Rowb A { "varyingstrings" } B { Slope }
+@Rowb A { "varyingidentifiers" } B { Slope }
+@Rowb A { "varyingcomments" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "varyingkeywords" } B { Bold }
+@Rowb A { "varyingnumbers" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "varyingoperators" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "varyingsize" } B { 1.0f }
+@Rowb A { "varyingline" } B { 1.0vx }
+@Rowb A { "varyingtabin" } B { 8 }
+@Rowb A { "varyingtabout" } B { 3f }
+@Rowb A { "symbolfont" } B { }
+@Rowb A { "symbolstrings" } B { Slope }
+@Rowb A { "symbolidentifiers" } B { Slope }
+@Rowb A { "symbolcomments" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "symbolkeywords" } B { Bold }
+@Rowb A { "symbolnumbers" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "symboloperators" } B { Base }
+@Rowb A { "symbolsize" } B { 1.0f }
+@Rowb A { "symbolline" } B { 1.0vx }
+@Rowb A { "symboltabin" } B { 8 }
+@Rowb A { "symboltabout" } B { 3f }
+@Rowa A { "}" }
+These show the default font families, font faces, font sizes, line
+spacings, and tab settings in force for the three styles, and also that
+the default style is {@Code "fixed"}. Notice that the font family name
+for @Code "fixed" style is {@Code "Courier"}, but for the other styles is
+empty. This causes the @Code "fixed" style to always switch to Courier,
+and the other styles to use the same font family as in the surrounding
+To change a default value, delete the preceding @Code "#" and change the
+part between braces. For example, suppose you are happy with @Code "fixed"
+except that you want bold keywords. Then one line needs to be changed, to
+@ID @Code "fixedkeywords { Bold }"
+Or suppose you like @Code "varying" as it stands, but would like it to be
+the default style rather than {@Code "fixed"}. Again, only one line needs
+to be changed, to {@Code "style { varying }"}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/cpp_comm b/doc/user/cpp_comm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f877c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/cpp_comm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ @Title { Lout inside C comments }
+ @Tag { cpcomm }
+It is possible to embed Lout text inside C and C++ comments, by
+starting off the comment with an @Code "@" character. The entire
+comment after the @Code "@" character should be Lout text. For
+example, to force Lout to start a new page at some point within a C
+program, place
+@ID @Code "/*@ @NP */"
+at that point. Or you could make a heading like this:
+@ID @Code "/*@ @Display @Heading { treeprint() } */"
+Other possible uses for this feature include index entries and margin
+notes. Incredible as it may seem, you can even write
+@ID @Code "/*@ @CD @Heading { Function @CP { treeprint() } } */"
+with a @Code "@CP" symbol and some C code inside the Lout code
+inside the C code. You probably can't go further, however, since
+that would require a C comment inside a C comment.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/cpp_eiff b/doc/user/cpp_eiff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0ec6df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/cpp_eiff
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ @Title { Eiffel program printing }
+ @Tag { eiffel }
+There is an @Code "@Eiffel" symbol for typesetting Eiffel programs
+in conjuction with a filter called {@Code "eif2lout"}. Apart from
+the change of language, everything is identical to C printing. The
+file and symbol names are different, of course:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
+ A { @Code cprint }
+ B { @Code eiffel }
+ A { @Code c2lout }
+ B { @Code eif2lout }
+ A { @Code "@CP" }
+ B { @Code "@Eiffel" }
+ A { @Code "@CPSetup" }
+ B { @Code "@EiffelSetup" }
+but everything works in an exactly analogous way: you place
+@ID @Code "@SysInclude { eiffel }"
+at the top of your document, enclose Eiffel program texts in
+@Code "@Eiffel { ... }", embed Lout into Eiffel using comments
+beginning with {@Code "--@"}, and so on. The default style has been
+changed to {@Code varying}, so as to conform to the style guidelines
+in the standard Eiffel reference @Cite { $meyer1992eiffel }. Some care
+has gone into making this conformance strict; in particular, if you
+enclose identifiers within comments in ` and ', as the style guidelines
+say you should, they will come out in italics; in fact, arbitrary text
+between ` and ' within comments will be set as Eiffel code.
+The files needed for Eiffel printing are distributed separately from
+Basser Lout. You can get them from the author's @Code ftp directory
+(see the preface of this guide).
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/cpp_embe b/doc/user/cpp_embe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ca2dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/cpp_embe
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ @Title { Embedded mode }
+ @Tag { embedded }
+When the C program texts are to be embedded in a larger Lout document,
+the procedure is somewhat different. You need to include the
+@Code "cprint" setup file, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { cprint }"
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+This file includes everything needed to set up for C program formatting.
+The C parts of the document are enclosed in @Code "@CP { ... }" like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@IndentedDisplay @CP {"
+"#include <stdio.h>"
+"treeprint(p) /* print tree p recursively */"
+"struct tnode *p;"
+" if (p != NULL) {"
+" treeprint(p->left);"
+" printf(\"%4d %s\\n\", p->count, p->word);"
+" treeprint(p->right);"
+" }"
+Although C programs violate the rules of legal Lout input in many ways,
+these rules are suspended by the @Code "@CP" symbol, allowing the C
+text to be incorporated with absolutely no modifications. The result is
+@ID @OneRow @CP {
+#include <stdio.h>
+treeprint(p) /* print tree p recursively */
+struct tnode *p;
+ if (p != NULL) {
+ treeprint(p->left);
+ printf("%4d %s\n", p->count, p->word);
+ treeprint(p->right);
+ }
+We have chosen to use the @Code "@IndentedDisplay" symbol from Section
+{@NumberOf displays} to obtain an indented display, but in fact
+@Code "@CP" may appear anywhere at all. When including a C text within
+a paragraph, use @Code "@OneCol @CP { ... }" to prevent it being broken
+across two lines, if desired.
+In cases where the C text has unbalanced braces, it is necessary to
+use the alternative form @Code "@CP @Begin ... @End @CP" so that
+Lout does not confuse C braces with Lout braces.
+The @Code "@CP" symbol has a @Code "style" option for changing the
+printing style. The default value of @Code "style" is {@Code "fixed"},
+which produces the style shown above. To obtain a varying-width font
+style, use @Code "style { varying }" like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" style { varying }"
+"#include <stdio.h>"
+"treeprint(p) /* print tree p recursively */"
+"struct tnode *p;"
+" if (p != NULL) {"
+" treeprint(p->left);"
+" printf(\"%4d %s\\n\", p->count, p->word);"
+" treeprint(p->right);"
+" }"
+The result in this case will be
+@ID @OneRow @CP style { varying }
+#include <stdio.h>
+treeprint(p) /* print tree p recursively */
+struct tnode *p;
+ if (p != NULL) {
+ treeprint(p->left);
+ printf("%4d %s\n", p->count, p->word);
+ treeprint(p->right);
+ }
+There is also a third style called @Code "style { symbol }" which is
+similar to @Code "varying" except that it uses characters from the
+Adobe Symbol font to produce a more mathematical-looking result:
+@ID @OneRow @CP style { symbol }
+#include <stdio.h>
+treeprint(p) /* print tree p recursively */
+struct tnode *p;
+ if (p != NULL) {
+ treeprint(p->left);
+ printf("%4d %s\n", p->count, p->word);
+ treeprint(p->right);
+ }
+The @Code "@CP" symbol has additional options which allow a finer
+control over the style. Here they all are, with their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" style { fixed }"
+" font { Courier }"
+" strings { Base }"
+" identifiers { Base }"
+" comments { Base }"
+" keywords { Base }"
+" numbers { Base }"
+" operators { Base }"
+" size { -1.0p }"
+" line { 1.0vx }"
+" tabin { 8 }"
+" tabout { 8s }"
+" ..."
+We are already familiar with {@Code "style"}. After that comes
+{@Code "font"}, which determines the font family to use, followed
+by six options giving the particular faces within that family in which to
+print C strings, identifiers, comments, keywords, numbers, and
+operators. {@Code "Base"} means the basic face; other commonly available
+choices are {@Code "Slope"} and {@Code "Bold"}. These options may all be
+set to different faces if desired. The default values shown are correct
+for @Code "style { fixed }" only; the other styles have other defaults
+(Section {@NumberOf cpsetup}).
+The @Code "size" option is the font size to use, and @Code "line" is the
+inter-line spacing. The default values specify that @Code "size" is
+to be one point smaller than in the surrounding document; this was done
+to compensate for Courier's relatively large appearance compared
+to other fonts of the same nominal size. Again, these defaults are
+different for different values of {@Code "style"}.
+The @Code "tabin" and @Code "tabout" options are the subject of
+Section {@NumberOf tabs}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/cpp_lone b/doc/user/cpp_lone
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d8e367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/cpp_lone
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ @Title { Stand-alone mode }
+ @Tag { alone }
+Printing of C files in stand-alone mode is accomplished by the following
+c2lout @Index { @Code "c2lout" filter }
+Unix pipeline:
+@ID @Code "c2lout options C-files | lout -s > out.ps"
+As usual with Lout, the output will be a PostScript file. Each input
+file will begin on a new page of the output, starting with its name
+in bold type. The options provide control over the final appearance,
+as follows:
+@TI { {@Code-p}{@I style} } {
+Select a printing style. Your choices are {@Code -pfixed},
+{@Code -pvarying}, and {@Code -psymbol}, with the default being
+{@Code -pfixed}. Consult Section {@NumberOf embedded} for examples
+of these styles.
+@TI { @Code -n } {
+Do not print file names.
+@TI { {@Code -f}{@I font} } {
+Select a Lout font family. The default is @Code "-fCourier" for
+{@Code -pfixed}, and @Code "-fTimes" for @Code -pvarying and {@Code -psymbol}.
+@TI { {@Code -v}{@I vsize} } {
+Select an inter-line spacing size in Lout units. The default is
+@Code -v1.1fx meaning 1.1 times the font size measured from baseline
+to baseline.
+There are also {@Code -t} and {@Code -T} options for dealing with tab
+characters (Section {@NumberOf tabs}).
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/cpp_tabs b/doc/user/cpp_tabs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1157a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/cpp_tabs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ @Title { Tab characters }
+ @Tag { tabs }
+Tab characters provide a convenient way to indent and align parts of C
+tab.c @Index { tab characters in C programs }
+programs. With care, this alignment can be preserved in the final
+print even with varying-width fonts.
+The distance between two tab stops in the input file is by default taken
+to be 8 characters, which is standard for Unix. This can be changed with
+the @Code "tabin" option. For example,
+@ID @Code "@CP tabin { 4 }"
+informs Lout that tab stops occur every 4 characters in the input file.
+The distance between two tab stops in the output file (on the printed
+page) is quite a different thing, and it is determined by the value of
+the @Code "tabout" option, which must be a Lout length. For example,
+@ID @Code "@CP tabout { 0.5i }"
+requests that tab stops be placed at half-inch intervals. In other
+words, a distance of one tab stop in the input will be equivalent to a
+distance of half an inch in the output. For example,
+@ID @Code "@CP style { varying } tabout { 3f }"
+might produce the following, where tab characters in the input file
+have been used for indenting and also to align the comments:
+@ID @OneRow @CP style { varying } tabout { 3f } {
+struct tnode { /* the basic node */
+ char *word; /* points to the text */
+ int count; /* number of occurrences */
+ struct tnode *left; /* left child */
+ struct tnode *right; /* right child */
+The value {@Code "3f"} means three times the current font size, and
+it is the default value of @Code "tabout" for the @Code { varying }
+and @Code { symbol } styles (Section {@NumberOf cpsetup}). In a
+12 point font this is 36 points, or half an inch.
+If @Code "tabout" is made too small, there is a danger that the
+alignment might fail. For example,
+@ID @Code "@CP style { varying } tabout { 0.2i }"
+@ID @OneRow @CP style { varying } tabout { 0.2i } {
+struct tnode { /* the basic node */
+ char *word; /* points to the text */
+ int count; /* number of occurrences */
+ struct tnode *left; /* left child */
+ struct tnode *right; /* right child */
+given the same C text as the previous example. The problem here is that
+we are asking for @CP { /* } to appear four tab stops or 0.8 inches
+from the left edge, and yet the material to its left on the line is
+wider than this. This causes @CP { /* } to be shifted further to the
+right than expected, and the alignment is lost. The only solution is
+to increase {@Code "tabout"}.
+In stand-alone mode there are @Code "-t" and @Code "-T" options
+equivalent to @Code "tabin" and @Code "tabout" respectively. For
+example, @Code "-T0.5i" produces a half-inch tab width.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia b/doc/user/dia
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4029cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ @Title { Diagrams }
+ @Tag { diagrams }
+This chapter describes how to use the @@Diag symbol
+diag. @Index { @@Diag }
+@FootNote {
+Prior to Version 3.09 of Lout, this chapter described a symbol called
+fig. @Index @Code "@Fig"
+{@Code "@Fig"} which was similar to but more primitive than
+{@Code "@Diag"}. For backward compatibility the @Code "@Fig" symbol
+is still available and still works exactly as described in the old
+documentation, but there is no reason to use it in new documents.
+to make diagrams like this one:
+diag. @Index @Code "@Diag"
+@CD @Diag
+ margin { 0.2c }
+-2p @Font
+{ A:: @Ellipse { 25, 39 }
+/0.3c |0.2c B:: @Ellipse { 43 } |0.1c |0.8c E:: @Box outlinestyle {noline} {Problem node}
+/0.3c C:: @Ellipse { 40, 41 } | | D:: @Ellipse paint { lightgrey } {44, 45, 46}
+// @Link from { A } to { B }
+// @Link from { B } to { C }
+// @Link from { B } to { D }
+// @Arrow from { E } to { D }
+@@Diag offers nodes and links, arrows, labels, positioning using coordinates,
+and tree diagrams.
+@Include { dia_intr }
+@Include { dia_node }
+@Include { dia_link }
+@Include { dia_tags }
+@Include { dia_labe }
+@Include { dia_posi }
+@Include { dia_tree }
+@Include { dia_erro }
+@Include { dia_defi }
+@Include { dia_geom }
+@Include { dia_summ }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_cons b/doc/user/dia_cons
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..569b756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_cons
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ @Tag { dia_cons }
+ @Title { Consistency within and between diagrams }
+@I { still to do }
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_defi b/doc/user/dia_defi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed27887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_defi
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+ @Tag { dia_defi }
+ @Title { Expert usage: defining new shapes }
+@@Diag permits you to create your own node outlines and link paths, by
+giving non-standard values to the @Code outline and @Code path
+options. This section shows how to do this for very simple shapes
+only; the following section introduces the large repertoire of geometrical
+symbols that @@Diag offers for helping you create complex shapes.
+As explained earlier, a node outline is drawn over its {@I base}, which
+is a rectangle containing the following object plus margins. The base
+defines a coordinate system with the point (0, 0) at the bottom left
+corner, and @Eq { (xsize, ysize) } at the top right:
+@CD @OneRow @Diag {
+ nodelabelmargin { 0.3f }
+ blabel { @Eq { ysize } }
+ blabelprox { E }
+ clabel { @Eq { 0 } }
+ clabelprox { E }
+ dlabel { @Eq { xsize } }
+ dlabelprox { N }
+ alabel { @Eq { 0 } }
+ alabelpos { SW }
+ alabelprox { N }
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ margin { 0c }
+{ 3c @Wide 2c @High }
+The value of the @Code outline option is a sequence of points defined in
+this coordinate system:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" outline {"
+" 0 0"
+" xsize 0"
+" 0 ysize"
+" 0 0"
+" }"
+@Diag {
+ margin { 0c }
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ outline {
+ 0 0
+ xsize 0
+ 0 ysize
+ 0 0
+ }
+ margin { 0c }
+{ 3c @Wide 2c @High }
+As shown, the resulting outline is created by joining each point to the
+next with a straight line. It is conventional to proceed anticlockwise
+around the outline, but you may start anywhere.
+The {@Code paint}, {@Code outlinestyle}, {@Code outlinedashlength},
+and {@Code outlinewidth} options of @Code "@Node" work for user-defined
+outlines exactly as they do for the standard ones:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" outline {"
+" 0 0"
+" xsize 0"
+" 0 ysize"
+" 0 0"
+" }"
+" paint { lightgrey }"
+" outlinestyle { solid dashed }"
+@Diag {
+ outline {
+ 0 0
+ xsize 0
+ 0 ysize
+ 0 0
+ }
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ margin { 0c }
+{ 3c @Wide 2c @High }
+Each line in the outline is one segment for {@Code outlinestyle}.
+If two points in an outline are separated by {@Code "[]"}, no line is
+drawn between them, and the outline is treated as two separate,
+disconnected regions when painting.
+Two points may also be separated by {@Code "["}{@I point}{@Code "]"},
+where @I point stands for any point. This causes the two points to be
+joined by an arc whose centre is at the given point:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" outline {"
+" 0 0"
+" ysize 0"
+" [ 0 0 ]"
+" 0 ysize"
+" 0 0"
+" }"
+@Diag {
+ margin { 0c }
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ outline {
+ 0 0
+ ysize 0
+ [ 0 0 ]
+ 0 ysize
+ 0 0
+ }
+ margin { 0c }
+{ 3c @Wide 2c @High }
+The arc will be circular if possible, otherwise it will be part of
+elliptical. @Index { elliptical arcs }
+an ellipse whose axes are oriented horizontally and vertically. The
+arc goes anticlockwise; to get a clockwise arc, use
+{@Code "["}{@I point}{@Code " clockwise]"}.
+Two points may be separated by
+@Eq { [x sub 1 ``` y sub 1 ``` x sub 2 ``` y sub 2 & ] }, which requests
+that a Bezier curve be drawn between them with control points
+bezier.curve @Index { Bezier curve }
+@Eq { (x sub 1 & , y sub 1 & ) } and
+@Eq { (x sub 2 & , y sub 2 & ) }:
+@CD @Diag {
+ outline {
+ A:: { xsize*0.2 ysize*0.5 }
+ B:: { xsize*0.4 ysize*0.9 }
+ C:: { xsize*0.9 ysize*0.4 }
+ D:: { xsize*0.3 ysize*0.1 }
+ A B C D A
+ }
+ alabelpos { A }
+ blabelpos { B }
+ clabelpos { C }
+ dlabelpos { D }
+ alabelprox { SE }
+ blabelprox { SW }
+ clabelprox { SW }
+ dlabelprox { NW }
+ outlinestyle { cdashed cdashed cdashed noline }
+ alabel { @Eq { ( x sub 0 , y sub 0 ) } }
+ blabel { @Eq { ( x sub 1 , y sub 1 ) } }
+ clabel { @Eq { ( x sub 2 , y sub 2 ) } }
+ dlabel { @Eq { ( x sub 3 , y sub 3 ) } }
+{ 6c @Wide 2c @High }
+ path { A [B C] D }
+The curve is attracted toward the control points, without reaching
+them; it is tangent to the straight line from the start point to the
+first control point, and from the second control point to the finishing
+point, and it lies wholly inside the quadrilateral formed by the four
+points. Owing to the author's laziness, dashes and dots do not fit as
+neatly onto Bezier curves as they do onto lines and arcs.
+Tags (Section {@NumberOf dia_tags}) may be assigned to points within
+the outline option, like this:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" outline {"
+" LR:: { xsize 0 }"
+" UL:: { 0 ysize }"
+" 0 0 LR UL 0 0"
+" }"
+@Diag {
+@ShowTags @Node
+ outline {
+ LR:: { xsize 0 }
+ UL:: { 0 ysize }
+ 0 0 LR UL 0 0
+ }
+ { 2c @High 3c @Wide }
+The tagged point does not have to lie on the outline, and it
+is not automatically added to the outline. Once defined, a
+tag stands for a point in the usual way; it may be used later in the
+outline, as was done above, relabelled, and so on, exactly like the tags
+of the standard nodes.
+Once a point has been tagged, a @I direction may be associated
+with it, to inform @@Diag which way the outline or
+link path is going at that point. The standard outlines have directions:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+"@Ellipse { 3c @Wide 1c @High }"
+@Diag {
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Ellipse { 3c @Wide 1c @High }
+@Code CTR has no direction. If available, direction information
+is used when placing labels, in the proximity step (by {@Code above}, for
+example) and in the angle step if the label is aligned, perpendicular,
+parallel, or antiparallel. A direction is given using the
+@Code ":<" symbol within an outline:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" outline {"
+" LR:: { xsize 0 }"
+" LR:< 0d"
+" UL:: { 0 ysize }"
+" UL:< 270d"
+" 0 0 LR UL 0 0"
+" }"
+@Diag {
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline {
+ LR:: { xsize 0 }
+ LR:< 0d
+ UL:: { 0 ysize }
+ UL:< 270d
+ 0 0 LR UL 0 0
+ }
+ { 2c @High 3c @Wide }
+It is often helpful when creating outlines to check where the tagged
+points and directions really are, by printing them out as is done
+above. For this there is a @Code "@ShowTags" symbol whose result is
+the following (arbitrary) object with its tagged points visible, and
+a @Code "@ShowDirections" symbol which works similarly and shows the
+directions. The diagram above was printed using
+{@Code "@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node ..."}. There is also a
+@Code "@ShowPoints" symbol which is like @Code "@ShowTags" except
+that it omits the tags, just placing circles on the points.
+Link paths are similar to node outlines, created
+using the @Code path option of @Code "@Link" instead of the
+@Code outline option of {@Code "@Node"}. The major difference is that
+links have no base, so @Code xsize and @Code ysize cannot be
+used. Indeed, even @Code "0 0" does not have any useful
+meaning inside a link path.
+Within a link path, the symbols @Code from and @Code to denote the
+values of the link's @Code from and @Code to options, and these
+form the basis of constructing the link path:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" path {"
+" FROM:: from"
+" TO:: to"
+" }"
+@VContract @Diag {
+3c @Wide 1c @High
+@ShowTags @Link
+ path {
+ FROM:: from
+ TO:: to
+ }
+ from { 0,1 }
+ to { 1,0 }
+This simple example creates two tagged points and joins them with
+a straight line. If you want a link that can carry arrowheads, it is
+best to ensure that it creates @Code FROM and @Code TO tags, with
+directions pointing along the link from @Code FROM to @Code TO at
+both points, since then the default values of the various arrow
+options will do the rest. Similarly, if you want labels you need to
+define {@Code LFROM}, {@Code LMID}, and {@Code LTO} labels, ideally
+also with directions.
+Once the outline or path is complete, unless it is really a one-off
+production the best thing to do with it is to add it to your
+extend. @Index { @Code extend keyword }
+@Code "mydefs" file in the following form:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"extend @DiagSetup @Diag"
+"macro @MyNode {"
+" @Node"
+" outline {"
+" LR:: { xsize 0 }"
+" LR:< 0d"
+" UL:: { 0 ysize }"
+" UL:< 270d"
+" 0 0 LR UL 0 0"
+" }"
+This says that we are `extending' the @@Diag symbol by adding a new
+symbol, {@Code "@MyNode"}, which stands for what follows it between
+braces. @Code "@MyNode" will then behave exactly like @Code "@Circle"
+and the other standard node symbols. The same pattern works for links:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"extend @DiagSetup @Diag"
+"macro @MyLink {"
+" @Link"
+" path {"
+" FROM:: from"
+" TO:: to"
+" }"
+If it is worth the effort to construct a new outline or link path, it
+is worth packaging it like this and thinking up a good name for it,
+for then it will be available, easily, forever.
+This same approach is also useful to define common combinations of
+options, even when there is no new outline or path:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"extend @DiagSetup @Diag"
+"macro @BigOctagon {"
+" @Polygon"
+" sides { 8 }"
+" hsize { 5c }"
+" vsize { 5c }"
+" font { Bold }"
+Such definitions are very useful if the combinations occur
+frequently. Any options not mentioned have their usual default values,
+and may be set in the usual way:
+@ID @Code "@BigOctagon outlinestyle { dashed } ..."
+Attempts to reset an already set option will elicit a warning message.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_erro b/doc/user/dia_erro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ad02d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_erro
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ @Tag { dia_erro }
+ @Title { Errors }
+Lout normally produces an output file that will print without mishap on
+any PostScript device. However, some of the options of {@Code "@Diag"}'s
+symbols are passed through Lout to the output file without checking,
+including anything containing @Code "@Diag" lengths, angles, points, and
+tags. Any errors in these options will not be detected until the file
+is printed.
+The most likely errors are {@I syntax @I errors}, as in
+@Code "outline { 0 0 [ 0 xsize }" for example, in which a @Code "]" is
+missing; @I { type errors }, as in @Code "SE:: 45d" where the
+following object should have been a point; and @I { undefined errors },
+arising from labels misspelt or used before being defined. Less commonly,
+the options may all be correct but the figure is too large in some way: too
+many labels, too deeply nested, and so on.
+When an error is detected, @@Diag arranges for the offending page to
+be printed up to the point where the error occurred, with a message nearby
+describing the error. Printing of the document is then aborted. It is
+often quite easy to find the problem, because it lies in whatever should
+have been printed next.
+If you see {@Code VMerror} in an error message, it means that the printer
+vmerror. @Index { @Code VMerror PostScript error }
+is running out of memory. In that case, one thing you can try is
+@ID @Code {
+" save { yes }"
+This causes the memory used by @@Diag to be reclaimed as soon
+as the diagram is printed, rather than at the end of the current page
+as is usual. However, if the diagram is nested inside some other
+major Lout package, such as {@Code "@Graph"}, use of this option may
+cause other PostScript errors.
+If you see @Code "dictfull" in an error message, it means that you are
+dictfull. @Index { @Code dictfull PostScript error }
+using an old version of PostScript. Increasing the @Code "maxlabels"
+option of @@Diag (Section {@NumberOf dia_summ}) might fix the problem.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_geom b/doc/user/dia_geom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc9c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_geom
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ @Tag { dia_geom }
+ @Title { Expert usage: numbers, lengths, angles, and points }
+@@Diag has many options whose values contain lengths, angles, and
+points. Options such as @Code margin and {@Code vsize}, which affect the
+size or appearance of the base of a node, may contain only the kinds of
+lengths described in Section {@NumberOf objects}; but in all other cases
+arbitrarily complex algebraic expressions may be used to specify the
+The usual mathematical operations may be applied to numbers, angles, and
+@ID @Code "2.0f + 3.0f * sin { 30d }"
+is a valid length. Since this is just ordinary algebra on real numbers,
+the unsurprising details are deferred to the summary
+(Section {@NumberOf dia_summ}). Grouping is always done with braces,
+never parentheses.
+More interesting are the geometrical symbols that @@Diag provides. The
+most fundamental is not a symbol at all: two lengths side by side define
+a point. For example,
+@ID @Code "xsize ysize * 0.5"
+within an outline is the point at the far right of the base, halfway
+There are @Code "++" and @Code "--" symbols for vector addition and
+subtraction of two points, and @Code "**" for multiplication by a
+scalar. For example,
+@ID @Code "A@CTR ++ { 1.0f 0 }"
+is the point @Code 1f to the right of {@Code "A@CTR"}. It is a good idea
+to distinguish between @I { absolute points }, like {@Code "A@CTR"}
+and @Code "0.5,1", which denote fixed positions on the page, and
+@I { relative points }, like {@Code "1.0f 0"}, which serve as offsets
+from absolute points. The difference of two absolute points is a relative
+point; adding two absolute points gives an unpredictable result because
+it depends on the origin of the coordinate system. However, the expression
+@ID @Code "P1 ** x ++ P2 ** {1 - x}"
+is safe for any two absolute points {@Code P1} and {@Code P2} and any
+number {@Code x}; it produces a point on the line through the two
+These remarks on safety do not apply within the @Code outline option of
+{@Code "@Node"}, because there the coordinate system is clearly
+specified. Vector operations, with the aid of a few well-chosen tags,
+can greatly simplify the production of outlines:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" outline {"
+" SB:: {0 ysize} ** 0.4"
+" ST:: {0 ysize} ** 0.6"
+" HB:: {xsize 0} ** 0.7"
+" SB"
+" SB ++ HB"
+" HB"
+" xsize ysize * 0.5"
+" HB ++ {0 ysize}"
+" HB ++ ST"
+" ST"
+" SB"
+" }"
+" paint { grey }"
+"{ 6c @Wide 2c @High }"
+@Diag {
+@ShowTags @Node
+ outline {
+ SB:: {0 ysize} ** 0.4
+ ST:: {0 ysize} ** 0.6
+ HB:: {xsize 0} ** 0.7
+ SB
+ SB ++ HB
+ HB
+ xsize ysize * 0.5
+ HB ++ {0 ysize}
+ HB ++ ST
+ ST
+ SB
+ }
+ paint { grey }
+{ 6c @Wide 2c @High }
+But absolute sums like @Code "SB ++ HB" are not safe
+in link paths and stray options like {@Code "alabelpos"}.
+Sometimes it is useful to define tags
+which are not wanted afterwards and are better forgotten. For
+this there is the @Code ":=" symbol, which works in much the same
+way as @Code "::" except that the tag is forgotten after the outline
+or path option ends. The value assigned does not have to be a point, it
+can be a length or angle, or even a sequence of values. It is
+permissible to change the value assigned to a tag by reassigning.
+Two very useful symbols, {@Code angleto} and {@Code atangle}, bring
+angleto. @Index { @Code angleto symbol in @Code "@Diag" }
+atangle. @Index { @Code atangle symbol in @Code "@Diag" }
+angles into the algebra. The {@Code angleto} symbol finds the angle
+from one point to another. For example,
+@ID @Code "SB angleto ST"
+in the outline above would produce {@Code 90d}. The @Code atangle symbol
+finds the point at a given length and angle from the origin. For example,
+@ID @Code "1.4142f atangle 45d"
+is the point {@Code "1f 1f"}, and
+@ID @Code "B@NE ++ 2f atangle 115d"
+is the point @Code 2f from {@Code "B@NE"} to its northwest.
+There is a @Code prev symbol, used only within {@Code outline} and
+prev. @Index { @Code prev symbol in @Code "@Diag" }
+{@Code path}, which returns the previous point on the outline or
+path, ignoring points within {@Code "[]"}. It makes relative movements
+very easy:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" outline {"
+" 0 0"
+" { 2c atangle 30d }"
+" prev ++ { 2c atangle 90d }"
+" prev ++ { 2c atangle 150d }"
+" prev ++ { 2c atangle 210d }"
+" prev ++ { 2c atangle 270d }"
+" 0 0"
+" }"
+@Diag { ||2.5c
+ outline {
+ 0 0
+ { 2c atangle 30d }
+ prev ++ { 2c atangle 90d }
+ prev ++ { 2c atangle 150d }
+ prev ++ { 2c atangle 210d }
+ prev ++ { 2c atangle 270d }
+ 0 0
+ }
+{ 4c @Wide 4c @High }
+This example is rather naughty because the outline does not grow and
+shrink with the base as it should. Such outlines, while tempting, are
+always regretted later.
+There are {@Code xcoord} and {@Code ycoord} symbols for finding the
+xcoord. @Index { @Code xcoord symbol in @Code "@Diag" }
+ycoord. @Index { @Code ycoord symbol in @Code "@Diag" }
+@I x and @I y coordinates of a point:
+@ID @Code {
+"{xcoord P1} min {xcoord P2}" "{ycoord P1} max {ycoord P2}"
+is the point at the top left-hand corner of the smallest rectangle
+containing points {@Code P1} and {@Code P2}. And there is a
+@Code distance symbol which produces the (non-negative) distance between
+two points:
+@ID @Code "CTR ++ { CTR distance NW } atangle { CTR angleto NW }"
+equals {@Code NW}.
+The rest of this section is concerned with how the `special virtue'
+of the @Code from and @Code to options, their ability to accept a node
+tag as well as a point, is implemented behind the scenes. A good
+user-defined link should also have this virtue, because it is extremely
+The solution is based on a symbol called {@Code boundaryatangle},
+whose preceding object should be either a point or else the tag
+of a node with one of the standard shapes, and whose following object
+is an angle:
+@ID @Code {
+"{ xsize ysize*0.5 } boundaryatangle 45d"
+"A boundaryatangle 45d"
+In the first case the result is the point, regardless of the
+angle. In the second case, the result is the point on the boundary of
+the node whose tag is given, at the given angle from the centre.
+There is a second symbol with a similar adaptive ability, called
+{@Code "??"}, which is defined to be @Code "@" whenever that would
+make sense, and otherwise to produce the preceding object for its
+result. For example, @Code "A??CTR" will equal @Code "A@CTR" if there
+is such a thing; but
+@ID @Code "{ xsize ysize*0.5 }??CTR"
+will have result {@Code "{ xsize ysize*0.5 }"} since replacing
+@Code "??" by @Code "@" does not produce anything sensible.
+Now suppose we want a link path that connects @Code "from" and
+@Code "to" by a straight line, where @Code "from" and @Code "to" may be
+either node tags or points. In either case a suitable direction for the
+line to take is
+@ID @Code "from??CTR angleto to??CTR"
+and so the desired path is
+@ID @Code {
+"path {"
+" FROM:: from boundaryatangle { from??CTR angleto to??CTR }"
+" TO:: to boundaryatangle { to??CTR angleto from??CTR }"
+" FROM"
+" TO"
+The first line defines point @Code FROM to be on the boundary of
+@Code from at the appropriate angle, if @Code "from" is a node tag;
+otherwise @Code "FROM" is just the point {@Code from}. The second
+line defines point @Code TO similarly, and then the last two lines
+join these two points. The @Code line standard link type is exactly
+this plus a few additional tags and directions.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_intr b/doc/user/dia_intr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52a9d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_intr
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ @Tag { dia_intr }
+ @Title { Introduction }
+To use the @@Diag symbol you first need to include its setup file. For
+example, suppose you have an ordinary document with tables:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { tbl }"
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+Change this to
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { tbl }"
+"@SysInclude { diag }"
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+This provides everything you need for making diagrams.
+The result of the @@Diag symbol is an object in the usual way. A diagram
+is commonly made into a centred display, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@CentredDisplay @Diag {"
+" ..."
+or into a floating figure, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Caption { ... }"
+"@Diag {"
+" ..."
+but it could be an entry in a table, a word in a paragraph, or anything
+Most uses of @@Diag contain a @I { nodes part } and a @I { links part }:
+@ID @OneRow lines @Break {
+@Code "@Diag {"
+ @I { nodes part }
+ @Code "//"
+ @I { links part }
+@Code "}"
+This reflects @@Diag's view of the world as consisting of {@I nodes}
+(circles, squares, and so on), which have to be put in their right
+places and then joined with @I links (lines, arrows). The technical
+meaning of the {@Code "//"} symbol does not concern us here; it
+simply serves to divide the two parts.
+For example, here is a nodes part containing two nodes separated by
+a @Code "@DP" symbol that (as usual) leaves some vertical space
+between them:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 7c @Wide A ! @Col B }
+ A { @Code {
+"@Ellipse { Hello, world }"
+"@Square @I x"
+} }
+ B { @Diag {
+@Ellipse { Hello, world }
+@Square @I x
+} }
+Node symbols like @Code "@Ellipse" and @Code "@Square" follow a familiar
+pattern: they consume the following object, which may be arbitrary, draw
+a shape around it, and give back the resulting object. To insert links, the
+nodes must first be given names, called {@I tags}, using the @Code "::" symbol:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"A:: @Ellipse { Hello, world }"
+"B:: @Square @I x"
+Then a link from @Code A to @Code B may be added to the links part:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 7c @Wide A ! @Col B }
+ A { @Code {
+"@Diag {"
+" A:: @Ellipse { Hello, world }"
+" @DP"
+" B:: @Square @I x"
+" //"
+" @Link from { A } to { B }"
+} }
+ B { @Diag {
+A:: @Ellipse { Hello, world }
+B:: @Square @I x
+@Link from { A } to { B }
+} }
+Subsequent examples will often omit the enclosing {@Code "@Diag { }"}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_labe b/doc/user/dia_labe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c449367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_labe
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+ @Tag { dia_labe }
+ @Title { Labels }
+Diagrams often contain small @I labels adjacent to their nodes and links:
+@CD @Diag
+ nodelabelformat { @I @Body }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col B ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col C }
+ B { B:: @Circle alabel { b } }
+ A { A:: @Circle alabel { a } }
+ C { C:: @Circle dlabel { c } }
+@Arrow from { A } to { B } ylabel { 10 }
+@Arrow from { A } to { C } ylabel { 15 }
+@Arrow from { B } to { C } ylabel { 20 }
+Each node may have up to four labels, called {@Code alabel}, {@Code blabel},
+label. @Index { label options in @Code "@Diag" }
+alabel. @Index { @Code alabel option in @Code "@Diag" }
+blabel. @Index { @Code blabel option in @Code "@Diag" }
+clabel. @Index { @Code clabel option in @Code "@Diag" }
+dlabel. @Index { @Code dlabel option in @Code "@Diag" }
+{@Code clabel}, and {@Code dlabel}:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" alabel { a }"
+" blabel { b }"
+" clabel { c }"
+" dlabel { d }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@VContract @Diag {
+ alabel { a }
+ blabel { b }
+ clabel { c }
+ dlabel { d }
+{ Hello, world }
+Links also have labels, five in fact:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" fromlabel { f }"
+" xlabel { x }"
+" ylabel { y }"
+" zlabel { z }"
+" tolabel { t }"
+@VContract @Diag {
+3c @Wide 1c @High
+ from { 0 0 }
+ to { 1,1 }
+ fromlabel { f }
+ xlabel { x }
+ ylabel { y }
+ zlabel { z }
+ tolabel { t }
+The {@Code fromlabel} and {@Code tolabel} options are positioned directly
+over the endpoints of the link, and {@Code fromlabel} is by default printed
+at a funny angle, because these labels are the means of attaching
+arrowheads to links:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" tolabel { @SolidArrowHead }"
+@VContract @Diag {
+3c @Wide 1c @High
+ from { 0 0 }
+ to { 1,1 }
+ tolabel { @SolidArrowHead }
+@Code "@SolidArrowHead" is a symbol available for use anywhere whose value
+is an object in the shape of a small solid arrowhead. The arrowhead
+options of Section {@NumberOf dia_link} work by setting {@Code fromlabel}
+and {@Code tolabel} in exactly this way. Usually it is best to forget
+about {@Code fromlabel} and {@Code tolabel}, and think of links as having
+three labels: {@Code xlabel} near the start, {@Code ylabel} in the
+middle, and {@Code zlabel} near the end.
+Adding a label will not change the size of the diagram or the position
+of any node, link, or other label. Although a label may be an arbitrary
+object, it is treated as having zero size and will overstrike anything
+that happens to be where it wants to go.
+There are options for controlling the appearance and position of
+labels. These are described below mainly for {@Code alabel}, but there
+are corresponding options for all nine labels.
+The {@Code alabelfont} and {@Code alabelbreak} options determine the
+font and paragraph breaking style of the label:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" alabel { a }"
+" alabelfont { -2p }"
+" alabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@VContract @Diag {
+ alabel { a }
+ alabelfont { -2p }
+ alabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }
+{ Hello, world }
+This example shows the default values of these two options; @Code "-2p"
+explains why the labels in earlier examples were printed in a smaller
+font size. There is also an {@Code alabelformat} option which allows
+for more radical changes in appearance:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" alabel { a }"
+" alabelformat { @Box @I @Body }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@Diag {
+ alabel { a }
+ alabelformat { @Box @I @Body }
+{ Hello, world }
+The value attached to the ellipse will be the value of {@Code alabelformat},
+with any @Code "@Body" symbol within it replaced by the value of the
+{@Code alabel} option. This example produces boxed italic labels.
+Nodes also have {@Code nodelabelfont}, {@Code nodelabelbreak}, and
+{@Code nodelabelformat} options which work in the same way but affect all
+of the node labels, not just one:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" nodelabelformat"
+" { @Box @I @Body }"
+" alabel { a }"
+" blabel { b }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@Diag {
+ nodelabelformat { @Box @I @Body }
+ alabel { a }
+ blabel { b }
+{ Hello, world }
+Links similarly have {@Code linklabelfont}, {@Code linklabelbreak}, and
+{@Code linklabelformat} options which affect all the link labels
+(except {@Code fromlabel} and {@Code tolabel}, since that would produce
+results that people do not expect.) The @Code "@Diag" symbol also has
+these options, in the usual way, and they are extremely useful there:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" nodelabelfont { Slope -2p }"
+" linklabelformat { \"/\"@Body\"/\" }"
+" hsize { 1.8c }"
+" A:: @Ellipse alabel { a } { OK }"
+" @DP"
+" @DP"
+" B:: @Ellipse alabel { b } { FAULT }"
+" //"
+" @Arrow from { A } to { B } ylabel { sig }"
+@VContract @Diag
+ nodelabelfont { Slope -2p }
+ linklabelformat { "/"@Body"/" }
+ hsize { 1.8c }
+ A:: @Ellipse alabel { a } { OK }
+ @DP
+ @DP
+ B:: @Ellipse alabel { b } { FAULT }
+ //
+ @Arrow from { A } to { B } ylabel { sig }
+These settings specify that every node label will be set in italics,
+two points smaller than the surrounding text, and that every link label
+will appear between two @Code "/" characters, also two points smaller
+because the default value of @Code "linklabelfont" still applies. Of
+course, it remains open to any node or link to override these settings
+by supplying its own label options.
+The remaining five label options, {@Code alabelpos}, {@Code alabelangle},
+{@Code alabelprox}, {@Code alabelmargin}, {@Code alabelctr}, and
+{@Code alabeladjust},
+affect the position of the label. Don't be daunted by the number of
+options. As previous examples have shown, they all have sensible
+default values and thus need to be set only rarely.
+Each label inhabits its own characteristic region of the node or
+link: {@Code alabel} in the north-east corner of the node,
+{@Code ylabel} halfway along the link, and so on. This general
+location of the label is defined by the {@Code alabelpos} option. Here
+are the default values for all nine labels:
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" alabelpos { NE }"
+" blabelpos { NW }"
+" clabelpos { SW }"
+" dlabelpos { SE }"
+@VContract @Diag {
+@ShowTags @Ellipse { 3c @Wide 2c @High }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" fromlabelpos { FROM }"
+" xlabelpos { LFROM }"
+" ylabelpos { LMID }"
+" zlabelpos { LTO }"
+" tolabelpos { TO }"
+@VContract @Diag {
+2c @Wide 2.2c @High
+@ShowTags @Link
+ from { 0,0.7 }
+ to { 1,0 }
+ # tolabel { @SolidArrowHead }
+Thus, by changing @Code clabelpos to @Code S you can move the position
+of the @Code clabel label to beneath the node. You can do this for every
+node by setting this option in the @Code "@Diag" symbol, as was done for
+the formatting options above.
+In a similar vein, there is an @Code { xindent } option which controls how
+far from the start of the link the @Code "LFROM" tag, and hence the
+{@Code xlabel}, will appear. A similar option, @Code { zindent }, determines
+how far from the end of the link the @Code "LTO" tag and hence the
+{@Code zlabel} will appear:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" xindent { 1f }"
+" zindent { 2f }"
+@VContract @Diag {
+2c @Wide 1.2c @High
+@ShowTags @Link
+ xindent { 1f }
+ zindent { 2f }
+ from { 0,0.7 }
+ to { 1,0 }
+Both options have default value {@Code 0.8f}.
+The @Code alabelangle option determines the angle at which the label is
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { "alabelangle { horizontal }" }
+ B { Horizontal (the default) }
+ A { "alabelangle { aligned }" }
+ B { Aligned with the node outline or link path }
+ A { "alabelangle { perpendicular }" }
+ B { Perpendicular to the outline or link path }
+The @Code "alabelprox" option determines where in the proximity of
+@Code alabelpos the label is printed:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { "alabelprox { above }" }
+ B { Above the node outline or link path (the default for link labels) }
+ A { "alabelprox { below }" }
+ B { Below the node outline or link path }
+ A { "alabelprox { left }" }
+ B { To the left of the node outline or link path }
+ A { "alabelprox { right }" }
+ B { To the right of the node outline or link path }
+ A { "alabelprox { inside }" }
+ B { Inside the node outline or on the left of the link path
+going from @Code from to @Code to }
+ A { "alabelprox { outside }" }
+ B { Outside the node outline or on the right of the link path
+going from @Code from to @Code to (the default for node labels) }
+The {@Code alabelmargin} option adds a margin around all four sides of
+the label, thereby moving it away from {@Code alabelpos} irrespective of
+which direction it happens to lie in:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" alabel { a }"
+" alabelmargin { 0f }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@VContract @Diag {
+ alabel { a }
+ alabelmargin { 0f }
+{ Hello, world }
+The default value is {@Code 0.2f}, and so there is scope for some
+reduction as well as increase.
+@@Diag takes careful account of the @Code alabelangle option, the
+@Code alabelprox option, the direction that the node outline or link
+path is heading, and which label it is, and places the label in a way
+that looks good nearly always. When it doesn't, the remainder of this
+section should help.
+The @Code alabelangle option may be given an arbitrary angle, and then
+the label will be printed at that angle. There are also the special
+values @Code parallel and {@Code antiparallel}, which give the direction
+that the node outline or link path is going at that point and its
+opposite. These are the default values for @Code tolabelangle and
+@Code fromlabelangle respectively, which explains why arrowheads point the
+right way. The @Code aligned value above is one of these two angles,
+the one closest to {@Code 0d}.
+The @Code alabelprox option may be {@Code N},
+{@Code S}, {@Code E}, {@Code W}, {@Code NE}, {@Code SE}, {@Code NW},
+{@Code SW}, or {@Code CTR}:
+@CD @Diag {
+@ShowTags @Box margin { 0.5c } { 24p @Font grey @Colour @I label }
+meaning that the indicated point of the label will coincide with
+{@Code alabelpos}. These points lie on the outside of the margins
+added by {@Code alabelmargin}.
+The six values of @Code alabelprox given earlier (@Code { above },
+@Code { below }, etc.) all produce one of {@Code N}, {@Code S} etc. for
+their ultimate result; which one they produce depends on the direction
+the outline or link is going at that point. For example, @Code { above }
+produces @Code { SE } when the outline or link is going from northeast
+to southwest or vice versa, @Code { SW } when the outline or link is
+going from northwest to southeast and vice versa, and @Code { S } when
+it happens to be exactly horizontal. There is also a dependence
+on which label it is: for example, if it is @Code "xlabel" and the
+direction happens to be vertical, the result is {@Code "NW"}.
+The preceding discussion is all under the assumption that the
+@Code "alabelctr" option is {@Code no}. When it is {@Code "yes"},
+a small adjustment is made to the position of the label. The selected
+corner or side midpoint of the label will no longer coincide with
+{@Code alabelpos}, although it will still lie on the straight line passing
+through {@Code alabelpos} at the angle of {@Code alabelpos}. The corner
+or side midpoint slides up or down this line to the point which
+minimises the distance from {@Code alabelpos} to the centre of the
+label. Only @Code ylabelctr has @Code "yes" for its default value; the
+@Code y label often looks better centred when this adjustment is made,
+particularly on lines with shallow but non-zero slope:
+@CD @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @CC A ! @Col ! @Col @CC B }
+ A { @Code "ylabelctr { no }" }
+ B { @Code "ylabelctr { yes }" }
+ A { @Diag ylabelctr { no } {
+ A:: @Square //0.5c &3c B:: @Square
+ //
+ @Link from { A } to { B } ylabel { @I { ylabel } }
+ } }
+ B { @Diag ylabelctr { yes } {
+ A:: @Square //0.5c &3c B:: @Square
+ //
+ @Link from { A } to { B } ylabel { @I { ylabel } }
+ } }
+since it is then the centre of the label which is centred on the link,
+rather than one of its corners.
+Finally, when all else fails there is an {@Code alabeladjust} option
+which translates the label by an arbitrary amount:
+@ID @Code "alabeladjust { -0.5c 1.5c }"
+causes the label to appear 0.5 centimetres to the left of and 1.5 centimetres
+above the point where it otherwise would have done.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_link b/doc/user/dia_link
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b71f9d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_link
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ @Tag { dia_link }
+ @Title { Links }
+@Code "@Diag" has one basic symbol for creating links, called
+link. @Index { @Code "@Link" symbol from @Code "@Diag" }
+{@Code "@Link"}. It draws a link between two points or nodes
+given by {@Code from} and {@Code to} options, along a path
+given by a {@Code path} option:
+@ID @Code {
+" path { ... }"
+" from { ... }"
+" to { ... }"
+Unlike {@Code "@Node"}, {@Code "@Link"} has no following object.
+The @Code "path" option may be used to produce a link of any shape, as
+Section {@NumberOf dia_defi} explains. There are also values
+that produce standard paths. These are listed in full in the summary
+(Section {@NumberOf dia_summ}); here is a sample:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code { path "{" A "}" } ! @Col ! @Col B }
+ A { line }
+ B {
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle //1c ||2c B:: @Circle
+// @Link from { A } to { B } path { line } arrow { yes }
+ A { acurve }
+ B {
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle //1c ||2c B:: @Circle
+// @Link from { A } to { B } path { acurve } arrow { yes }
+ A { ccurve }
+ B {
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle //1c ||2c B:: @Circle
+// @Link from { A } to { B } path { ccurve } arrow { yes }
+ A { rvlcurve }
+ B {
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle //1c ||2c B:: @Circle
+// @Link from { A } to { B } path { rvlcurve } arrow { yes }
+The name of the last one is a reminder that it goes right, then vertically,
+then left, with curved corners. The @Code acurve and @Code ccurve values
+produce circular arcs, anticlockwise and clockwise respectively, lying on
+the circle passing through the endpoints, or through the centres of the
+endpoints when they are tags denoting nodes. There is also @Code "curve"
+which is an abbreviation for {@Code "acurve"}. All these standard paths
+are defined in a way that makes sense no matter where the two nodes are
+relative to each other, except that no promise of a sensible result is
+made for two nodes very close together.
+@Code "@Link" has two options, @Code bias and {@Code radius}, that may be
+used to fine-tune the path. The @Code "bias" option determines the
+maximum distance that a curve is permitted to stray:
+@CD @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col ! @Col B }
+ A { @Diag vstrut { no } margin { 0.5c } {
+A:: @Circle //1.5c ||2c B:: @Circle
+LA:: @Line pathstyle { cdashed } from { A } to { B }
+LB:: @Curve from { A } to { B }
+@Line arrow { both } from { LA@LMID } to { LB@LMID }
+ ylabel { @I bias } # ylabeladjust { 0.15c 0 }
+} }
+ B { @Diag vstrut { no } margin { 0.5c } {
+A:: @Circle //1.5c ||2c B:: @Circle
+LA:: @RVLCurve from { A } to { B }
+LB:: @Line pathstyle { cdashed } from { B@E } to { B@E ++ {0 2.5c} }
+@Line arrow { both } from { LB@LMID } to { LA@LMID }
+ ylabel { @I bias } ylabeladjust { 0 0.05c }
+} }
+The @Code radius option does @I not apply to @Code acurve and
+{@Code ccurve}; rather, it determines the radius of the arcs at
+the corners of @Code rvlcurve and its kin. A very large radius will be
+reduced to the largest reasonable value, which provides a way to get
+a semicircle at the right in an {@Code rvlcurve}.
+Lout has no idea where the path is wandering, and cannot take it into
+account when placing a diagram on the page:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" path { ccurve }"
+" bias { 2c }"
+@Diag vstrut { no } {
+A:: @Circle &3c B:: @Circle
+@Link path { ccurve } bias { 2c } from { A } to { B }
+In such cases you have to arrange for the extra space yourself, by adding
+an extra paragraph symbol, blank row or column in a table, or whatever.
+As with the options of {@Code "@Node"}, the options of {@Code "@Link"}
+may all be given to {@Code "@Diag"} as well, where they apply to every
+link in the diagram, unless overridden in the usual way. They also appear
+in the setup file, where they apply to every link in every diagram of the
+document, unless overridden.
+There are {@Code pathstyle}, {@Code pathdashlength} and {@Code pathwidth}
+options which affect the appearance of the path in the same way as the
+{@Code outlinestyle}, {@Code outlinedashlength} and {@Code outlinewidth}
+options of {@Code "@Node"} affect the outline. When {@Code pathstyle}
+contains just one value (as opposed to a sequence of values) @Code "@Diag"
+tries to divide the path into fewer segments than it would otherwise, to
+make dashed and dotted paths look as good as possible. There is also
+a {@Code pathgap} option which affects only @Code doubleline paths; it
+determines the gap between the centres of the two lines.
+The @Code "@Link" symbol has an @Code arrow option, which adds an
+arrow. @Index { arrows }
+arrowhead to the end of the link:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" arrow { yes }"
+@Diag {
+1c @High 3c @Wide
+ from { 0,0 }
+ to { 1,1 }
+ arrow { yes }
+Its value may be {@Code no} (the default), {@Code yes}, {@Code forward}
+(which is the same as {@Code yes}), {@Code back}, or {@Code both}:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" arrow { both }"
+@Diag {
+1c @High 3c @Wide
+ from { 0,0 }
+ to { 1,1 }
+ arrow { both }
+@Code "@Link" has three options for controlling the appearance of
+arrowheads: {@Code arrowstyle}, {@Code arrowwidth}, and
+{@Code arrowlength}. Although every link symbol has these options, for
+consistency it is almost always better to set the corresponding options
+to the @Code "@Diag" symbol, which applies them to every arrow in the
+@ID @Code {
+" arrowstyle { solid }"
+" arrowwidth { 0.3f }"
+" arrowlength { 0.5f }"
+" ..."
+This shows the default values: a solid arrowhead like the ones above,
+@Code "0.3f" wide (across) and @Code "0.5f" long. The @Code "arrowwidth"
+and @Code "arrowlength" options may be any length; it may be necessary to
+decrease @Code "arrowwidth" when many arrows enter one node. The full list
+of possible values for @Code "arrowstyle" is
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code { "arrowstyle {" A "}" } ! @Col B }
+ vmargin { 1.0vx }
+ A { solid }
+ B { @Diag vstrut { no } { A:: @Circle |2c B:: @Circle
+ // @Link from { A } to { B } arrow { yes } arrowstyle { solid } } }
+ A { halfopen }
+ B { @Diag vstrut { no } { A:: @Circle |2c B:: @Circle
+ // @Link from { A } to { B } arrow { yes } arrowstyle { halfopen } } }
+ A { open }
+ B { @Diag vstrut { no } { A:: @Circle |2c B:: @Circle
+ // @Link from { A } to { B } arrow { yes } arrowstyle { open } } }
+ A { curvedsolid }
+ B { @Diag vstrut { no } { A:: @Circle |2c B:: @Circle
+ // @Link from { A } to { B } arrow { yes } arrowstyle { curvedsolid } } }
+ A { curvedhalfopen }
+ B { @Diag vstrut { no } { A:: @Circle |2c B:: @Circle
+ // @Link from { A } to { B } arrow { yes } arrowstyle { curvedhalfopen } } }
+ A { curvedopen }
+ B { @Diag vstrut { no } { A:: @Circle |2c B:: @Circle
+ // @Link from { A } to { B } arrow { yes } arrowstyle { curvedopen } } }
+ A { circle }
+ B { @Diag vstrut { no } { A:: @Circle |2c B:: @Circle
+ // @Link from { A } to { B } arrow { yes } arrowstyle { circle } } }
+ A { box }
+ B { @Diag vstrut { no } { A:: @Circle |2c B:: @Circle
+ // @Link from { A } to { B } arrow { yes } arrowstyle { box } } }
+The reader is invited to admire the beautifully sharp points on these
+@FootNote {
+The outlines of all nodes and arrowheads are drawn on the inside of the
+geometrical curve defining them, not centred over the curve as is common in
+PostScript documents. Hence, the arrowheads and node outlines intersect at
+a true geometrical point; they do not overlap by one line width. Furthermore,
+the standard link paths terminate at the base of the arrowhead, not at
+the point; the arrowhead itself is responsible for continuing the link
+path, at the appropriate width (although never dashed or dotted), from its
+base to its point, and hence can and does ensure that the link path does
+not overstrike and thicken the point of the arrow.
+It is possible to place an arbitrary object at the beginning or
+end of a link, using the @Code "fromlabel" and @Code "tolabel" options
+of Section {@NumberOf dia_labe}.
+To save time in common cases, @Code "@Diag" provides link symbols,
+each of which is just @Code "@Link" with one of the standard paths
+already set: {@Code "@Line"}, {@Code "@Curve"}, {@Code "@CCurve"},
+{@Code "@RVLCurve"}, and so on. There are also symbols in which
+the @Code "arrow" option is set to @Code yes in addition: {@Code "@Arrow"},
+{@Code "@CurveArrow"}, {@Code "@CCurveArrow"}, {@Code "@RVLCurveArrow"},
+and so on. See the summary (Section {@NumberOf dia_summ}) for the
+full list of these symbols. You will still need the @Code "arrow" option
+to get backward arrows and double-ended arrows.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_node b/doc/user/dia_node
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b72c6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_node
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+ @Tag { dia_node }
+ @Title { Nodes }
+@Code "@Diag" has one basic symbol for creating nodes. It is called
+node. @Index { @Code "@Node" }
+{@Code "@Node"}, and it takes the following object and encloses it in an
+outline whose shape is determined by the {@Code "outline"} option:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" outline { curvebox }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@Diag {
+ outline { curvebox }
+{ Hello, world }
+As Section {@NumberOf dia_defi} explains, the @Code outline option may be
+used to produce an outline of any shape. There are also nine values that
+produce standard shapes: {@Code box}, {@Code curvebox}, {@Code shadowbox},
+{@Code square}, {@Code diamond}, {@Code polygon}, {@Code isosceles},
+{@Code ellipse}, and {@Code circle}.
+The shape of the outline is determined by the @Code outline option, but
+its size and position depend on the size and position of its
+{@I base}: the following object with a small margin around it. For
+example, this is how a circle is positioned over its base (shown in
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" outline { circle }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+ outline { circle }
+{ Hello, world }
+Lout works only with the base, having no idea where the outline is, which
+explains why this circle is too high for the space allowed
+it. Section {@NumberOf dia_summ} shows how each of the standard
+outlines is positioned over its base.
+The @Code "@Node" symbol has many options, but all of them without
+exception share the following very useful property: they may be given
+to the @Code "@Diag" symbol as well, where they apply to every node in
+the diagram:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" outline { circle }"
+" @Node @I a"
+" @DP"
+" @Node @I b"
+ outline { circle }
+ @Node @I a
+ @DP
+ @Node @I b
+These options also appear in the setup file ({@Code diag});
+if set there, they apply to every node in every diagram of the
+document. As the number of nodes increases, it becomes very tedious and
+error-prone to duplicate options at all the nodes. Giving each option
+just once, at the @Code "@Diag" symbol or in the setup file, saves time
+and makes it easy to change all the nodes into squares or any other shape
+later on. Any setup file option may be overridden in a diagram by
+giving the option to its @Code "@Diag" symbol; any @Code "@Diag" option
+or setup file option may be overridden at any node by giving the option
+again there.
+To save time in simple cases, @Code "@Diag" provides nine other
+node symbols called
+{@Code "@Box"},
+box.fig @Index { @Code "@Box" in @Code "@Diag" }
+{@Code "@CurveBox"},
+curvebox.fig @Index { @Code "@CurveBox" in @Code "@Diag" }
+{@Code "@ShadowBox"},
+shadowbox.fig @Index { @Code "@ShadowBox" in @Code "@Diag" }
+{@Code "@Square"},
+square. @Index @Code "@Square"
+{@Code "@Diamond"},
+diamond. @Index @Code "@Diamond"
+{@Code "@Polygon"},
+{@Code "@Isosceles"},
+isosceles. @Index @Code "@Isosceles"
+{@Code "@Ellipse"},
+ellipse. @Index @Code "@Ellipse"
+and {@Code "@Circle"}. These are just abbreviations for @Code "@Node"
+with the appropriate value of {@Code outline}, nothing more. They take
+the same options as {@Code "@Node"} (except that @Code outline is
+already fixed), and everything works in the same way.
+There is a @Code shadow option which determines the depth of the shadow
+in shadow boxes:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" outline { shadowbox }"
+" shadow { 0.4f }"
+"{ WARNING }"
+@Diag {
+ outline { shadowbox }
+ shadow { 0.4f }
+This example shows the default value, 0.4 times the current font
+size. For polygons there is a @Code sides option for specifying the number
+polygon. @Index @Code "@Polygon"
+of sides, and an @Code angle option for rotating the outline:
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" sides { 5 }"
+@Diag {
+ sides { 5 }
+{ 1c @High 1c @Wide }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" sides { 5 }"
+" angle { 0d }"
+@Diag {
+ sides { 5 }
+ angle { 0d }
+{ 1c @High 1c @Wide }
+Setting @Code angle to @Code 0d causes the first vertex to be placed
+directly underneath the centre, and as the angle increases, the
+position of the first vertex rotates anticlockwise. The defaults are
+3 sides and the angle that gives the polygon a
+horizontal base (i.e. 180 degrees divided by the number of sides). Thus
+the two cases with symmetry about a vertical axis are obtained by the
+default angle and @Code "0d" respectively, which is convenient. The
+{@Code "shadow"}, {@Code "sides"}, and {@Code "angle"} options may be
+given to any node, and also to {@Code "@Diag"} and in the setup file,
+where they apply to every node as usual. However, they only affect the
+appearance of shadow boxes and polygons, respectively.
+The {@Code outlinestyle}, {@Code outlinedashlength}, and {@Code outlinewidth}
+options apply to any node and affect the appearance of the outline:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" outlinestyle { solid }"
+" outlinedashlength { 0.2f }"
+" outlinewidth { thin }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@Diag {
+ outlinestyle { solid }
+ outlinedashlength { 0.2f }
+ outlinewidth { thin }
+{ Hello, world }
+This example shows the default values of these options. The
+{@Code outlinestyle} option may be {@Code solid}, {@Code dashed},
+dashed. @Index { dashed lines }
+dotted. @Index { dotted lines }
+{@Code cdashed}, {@Code dotted}, or {@Code noline}:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" outlinestyle { cdashed }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@Diag {
+ outlinestyle { cdashed }
+{ Hello, world }
+The @Code dashed option makes all dashes the same length, whereas
+@Code cdashed halves the length of the first and last dash on each segment,
+which usually looks better. The length of dashes is {@Code outlinedashlength},
+and the distance between dashes or dots is at most {@Code outlinedashlength},
+reduced to make the dashes or dots fit evenly. The @Code outlinewidth
+option determines the width of the line, dashes, or dots, and may be
+{@Code thin}, {@Code medium}, {@Code thick}, or any length. The values
+used for {@Code thin}, {@Code medium}, and {@Code thick} are
+{@Code 0.04f}, {@Code 0.08f}, and {@Code 0.12f}.
+The {@Code outlinestyle} option may contain a sequence of the values
+mentioned above, meaning that they are to be applied in turn to each
+segment of the outline:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" outlinestyle { solid cdashed }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@Diag {
+ outlinestyle { solid cdashed }
+{ Hello, world }
+If there are more segments than values, {@Code outlinestyle} cycles back
+to the first value again; this is why a single value is applied to all
+segments. Section {@NumberOf dia_summ} shows how each of the
+standard shapes is divided into segments.
+Nodes may be painted any of the colours listed in Section
+{@NumberOf colour}, using the @Code "paint" option:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" paint { grey }"
+" outlinestyle { noline }"
+" paint { white }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@Diag {
+ paint { grey }
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ paint { white }
+{ Hello, world }
+In this example the object following @Code "@Box" is a diamond containing
+{@Code "Hello, world"}. The default value of @Code "paint" is
+{@Code nopaint}, a special value (not a colour) meaning don't use any paint.
+When painting it is important to know what order things are done in, because
+anything put down earlier will disappear under the paint. This is why
+@Code nopaint and @Code white are different. Painting is done first, then
+boundaries, and finally the following object.
+Each node symbol has
+@Code "font" and @Code "break" options which may be used to
+set the font and paragraph breaking style of the following object:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" font { Helvetica Base }"
+" break { clines }"
+@Diag {
+ font { Helvetica Base }
+ break { clines }
+Both options have empty default values, which leave the font and break
+style unchanged. There is also a @Code "format" option for making more
+radical changes to the appearance of the following object:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" format {"
+" {0.8 1.5} @Scale @S @Body"
+" }"
+"Dangerous Penguins"
+@Diag {
+ format { { 0.8 1.5 } @Scale @S @Body }
+Dangerous Penguins
+The result is the @Code "format" option with any @Code "@Body" symbol
+within it replaced by the following object. These are very useful when
+attached to the @Code "@Diag" symbol:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" font { Helvetica Base }"
+" break { clines }"
+" format { { 0.8 1.5 } @Scale @S @Body }"
+" ..."
+since then they apply to every node, as usual, thereby eliminating
+a lot of tedious, error-prone duplication of formatting information
+at each node.
+The @Code margin option determines the size of the margin added to
+the following object:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" margin { 0c }"
+"{ Hello, world }"
+@Diag {
+ margin { 0c }
+{ Hello, world }
+These margins are included in the node's base (described above), so a
+larger margin enlarges the base and hence the outline as well. The
+default value of @Code margin is {@Code 0.6f} (six-tenths of the current
+font size), and so the margin will automatically increase when the font size
+does, for example in overhead transparencies.
+The @Code margin option adds the same margin to all four sides. For
+finer control, the @Code hmargin option determines the horizontal (left
+and right) margins only, overriding {@Code margin}. Similarly, the
+@Code vmargin option determines the vertical (top and foot) margins. There
+are also {@Code leftmargin}, {@Code rightmargin},
+{@Code topmargin}, and {@Code footmargin} options which override
+{@Code margin}, {@Code hmargin}, and {@Code vmargin}.
+When nodes appear side by side, the {@Code valign} option is
+useful for controlling their vertical position with respect to each
+other. For example,
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" valign { foot }"
+"@Box font { 24p } Big"
+"@Box font { 8p } Small"
+ valign { foot }
+@Box font { 24p } Big
+@Box font { 8p } Small
+causes the feet of the boxes to be aligned. In this example it is
+applied to all nodes at once, but of course it can be applied
+to individual nodes as well. The value of {@Code valign} can be a
+length, which means that the point of alignment is
+to be that far down from the top of the base (including margins); or
+it may be {@Code top}, {@Code ctr}, or {@Code foot}, meaning alignment
+through the top, centre (the default value), or foot.
+The {@Code vsize} option specifies a particular
+height for a node (not including margins):
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" vsize { 2f }"
+"@Box font { 24p } Big"
+"@Box font { 8p } Small"
+ vsize { 2f }
+@Box font { 24p } Big
+@Box font { 8p } Small
+The font size used when calculating @Code vsize is not affected by
+the value of any @Code font option. If the following object is too
+tall for the chosen height, Lout will print a warning message (`forced
+to enlarge {@Code "@High"}', probably) and enlarge the base.
+There is a @Code vindent option which is effective only when @Code vsize
+is used. It controls where in the vertical space the following object
+is to appear:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" vsize { 3f }"
+"@Box vindent { top } Top"
+"@Box Centre"
+"@Box vindent { foot } Foot"
+ vsize { 3f }
+ vindent { ctr }
+@Box vindent { top } Top
+@Box Centre
+@Box vindent { foot } Foot
+The value may be {@Code top} for at the top, {@Code ctr} (the default
+value) for in the centre, {@Code foot} for at the foot, or a length,
+meaning that distance down from the top. These values are the same as
+for the @Code valign option.
+Small discrepancies in the size of nodes can be very annoying,
+particularly when the nodes appear side by side:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Box Hole @Box in"
+"@Box my @Box pocket"
+@Box Hole @Box in
+@Box my @Box pocket
+These are caused by the slightly different heights of the objects within
+the nodes. Selecting a fixed vertical size for all nodes goes some way
+towards solving this problem:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" vsize { 1f }"
+"@Box Hole @Box in"
+"@Box my @Box pocket"
+ vsize { 1f }
+@Box Hole @Box in
+@Box my @Box pocket
+The size @Code "1f" is a good choice because most fonts are designed to
+be @Code "1f" high from the top of the tallest character to the foot of the
+deepest. However, there is still a problem with the baselines of the words
+being misaligned. A better solution is to insert a @I { vertical strut }
+into each node: an invisible object with zero width and height equal to
+{@Code 1f}. This is done using the @Code vstrut option:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" vstrut { yes }"
+"@Box Hole @Box in"
+"@Box my @Box pocket"
+ vstrut { yes }
+@Box Hole @Box in
+@Box my @Box pocket
+The @Code vstrut option may be {@Code yes}, {@Code no} (the default value), or
+a length, meaning to insert a strut of this height. So @Code "vstrut { yes }"
+is equivalent to {@Code "vstrut { 1.0f }"}.
+There are {@Code halign}, {@Code hsize}, {@Code hindent}, and {@Code hstrut}
+options which work horizontally exactly as {@Code valign}, {@Code vsize},
+{@Code vindent}, and {@Code vstrut} work vertically, except that they
+use {@Code left} and {@Code right} where the vertical ones use
+{@Code top} and {@Code foot}. The best way to fix horizontal size
+discrepancies is with {@Code hsize}, not {@Code hstrut}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_posi b/doc/user/dia_posi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..727d3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_posi
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ @Tag { dia_posi }
+ @Title { Positioning }
+Once the nodes of the diagram are in place, @@Diag can be trusted to look
+after the rest: links to standard outlines will terminate neatly on their
+boundaries, labels will not overstrike links no matter what direction they
+are heading, and so on. The great weakness of @@Diag is in positioning
+the nodes. This is partly because `what pleases the eye' is the
+positioning rule in many diagrams, and an interactive system is really
+needed in such cases; and partly because, even when the rule is more formal
+(for example, when the nodes are to be laid out in a grid), @@Diag does not
+have symbols to produce it anyway.
+Previous examples have used @Code "@DP" for getting nodes one under
+another, and white space between nodes for getting them side by side, but
+this is very primitive. This section suggests three better ways: using
+{@Code "@Tbl"}, using {@Code "@Graph"}, and using coordinates; and the
+following section adds a fourth, using @@Diag's tree-drawing symbols. It's
+a bit of a jumble.
+The {@Code "@Tbl"} symbol (Chapter {@NumberOf tables}) is a good choice when
+the nodes have any kind of grid-like arrangement:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Diag {"
+" aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }"
+" marginhorizontal { 0.5c }"
+" marginvertical { 0.25c }"
+" B { A:: @Square }"
+" A { B:: @Square }"
+" C { C:: @Square }"
+" B { D:: @Square }"
+"@Arrow from { A } to { B }"
+"@Arrow from { A } to { C }"
+"@Arrow from { B } to { D }"
+"@Arrow from { C } to { D }"
+"@Arrow from { A } to { D }"
+@Diag {
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ marginhorizontal { 0.5c }
+ marginvertical { 0.25c }
+ B { A:: @Square }
+ A { B:: @Square }
+ C { C:: @Square }
+ B { D:: @Square }
+@Arrow from { A } to { B }
+@Arrow from { A } to { C }
+@Arrow from { B } to { D }
+@Arrow from { C } to { D }
+@Arrow from { A } to { D }
+The table occupies the nodes part. Tags may have the same name
+as columns; the two can never conflict.
+Similarly, the @Code "@Graph" symbol from Chapter {@NumberOf graphs}
+has an @Code "objects" option which can place arbitrary objects,
+including labelled nodes, anywhere on a graph:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Diag {"
+" xmin { 0 }"
+" xmax { 100 }"
+" ymin { 0 }"
+" ymax { 100 }"
+" objects {"
+" @CTR at { 20 30 } { A:: @Square }"
+" @CTR at { 60 70 } { B:: @Square }"
+" }"
+"@Link from { A } to { B }"
+@Diag {
+ xmin { 0 }
+ xmax { 100 }
+ ymin { 0 }
+ ymax { 100 }
+ objects {
+ @CTR at { 20 30 } { A:: @Square }
+ @CTR at { 60 70 } { B:: @Square }
+ }
+@Link from { A } to { B }
+Once again the @Code "@Graph" symbol occupies the nodes part. You can
+get rid of the axes by setting the @Code "style" option of @Code "@Graph"
+to {@Code none}, and then it won't look like a graph at all.
+@@Diag has a system of node positioning based on coordinates which is
+somewhat similar to the @Code "@Graph" one. It is often the easiest way
+to scatter nodes about a diagram at random. The first step is to create
+a nodes part that is just an empty space of whatever size you want the
+final diagram to be:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Diag {"
+" 4c @High 6c @Wide"
+" //"
+" ..."
+As shown, this is done with the @Code "@Wide" and @Code "@High" symbols
+from basic Lout; the above diagram will be four centimetres high by
+six centimetres wide.
+@@Diag has a @Code "," symbol that allows you to specify a point by
+its coordinates in the diagram's base. For example,
+@Code "0,0" denotes the bottom left-hand corner of the base,
+@Code "1,0" denotes the bottom right-hand corner, and
+@Code "0.5,0.5" denotes the centre of the base. Coordinates should
+usually be between 0 and 1, since otherwise they denote points
+outside the base (which is allowed but seldom useful).
+Every node symbol has a @Code "translate" option which allows you
+to move the node about on the diagram's base (or off it if you use
+coordinates less than 0 or greater than 1). If you use this option,
+the node effectively has zero size and overstrikes anything else
+in the area you put it (like labels do). It is best to put these
+nodes in the links part:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Diag {"
+"@Box margin { 0c } 4c @Wide 5c @High"
+"A:: @Square"
+" translate { CTR to 0.5, 0.67 }"
+" { @I A }"
+"B:: @Circle"
+" translate { CTR to 0.8, 0.25 }"
+" { @I B }"
+@Diag {
+@Box margin { 0c } 4c @Wide 5c @High
+A:: @Square
+ translate { CTR to 0.5, 0.67 }
+ { @I A }
+B:: @Circle
+ translate { CTR to 0.8, 0.25 }
+ { @I B }
+A box with margin zero has been drawn around the empty space to
+show its extent. The value of @Code "translate" should always
+be {@I point} @Code to {@I point}; the first point lies within
+the node, the second lies within the nodes part, and the translation
+makes these two points coincide.
+You are free to have nodes in the nodes part as well, or any object
+at all. Here is an example which shows what a little ingenuity
+can accomplish:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Diag {"
+" sides { 5 }"
+" outlinestyle { noline }"
+" hsize { 4c }"
+" vsize { 4c }"
+"A:: @Circle translate { N to P1 } {}"
+"B:: @Circle translate { N to P2 } {}"
+"C:: @Circle translate { N to P3 } {}"
+"D:: @Circle translate { N to P4 } {}"
+"E:: @Circle translate { N to P5 } {}"
+"@Link arrow { both } from { A } to { B }"
+"@Link arrow { both } from { B } to { C }"
+"@Link arrow { both } from { C } to { D }"
+"@Link arrow { both } from { D } to { E }"
+"@Link arrow { both } from { E } to { A }"
+@Diag {
+ sides { 5 }
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ hsize { 4c }
+ vsize { 4c }
+A:: @Circle translate { N to P1 } {}
+B:: @Circle translate { N to P2 } {}
+C:: @Circle translate { N to P3 } {}
+D:: @Circle translate { N to P4 } {}
+E:: @Circle translate { N to P5 } {}
+@Link arrow { both } from { A } to { B }
+@Link arrow { both } from { B } to { C }
+@Link arrow { both } from { C } to { D }
+@Link arrow { both } from { D } to { E }
+@Link arrow { both } from { E } to { A }
+This uses the tags of a phantom polygon to position the
+real nodes. It would be a rare interactive system that could
+position nodes with this precision; @@Diag shines whenever there
+is a formal positioning rule to follow.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_summ b/doc/user/dia_summ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9dc9e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_summ
@@ -0,0 +1,1680 @@
+ @Tag { dia_summ }
+ @Title { Summary }
+Here is the complete list of standard node outlines that may be given
+to the @Code "@Node" symbol. Each shows the outline name, any extra
+options relevant to this outline, base (shown as a grey
+box), segments (shown using {@Code "outlinestyle { solid dashed }"}),
+tags, and directions (shown as a thick arrowhead wherever defined):
+@IndentedList gap { 3v }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" outline { box }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { box }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" outline { curvebox }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { curvebox }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" outline { shadowbox }"
+" shadow { 0.4f }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { shadowbox }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" outline { square }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { square }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" outline { diamond }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { diamond }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" outline { polygon }"
+" sides { 3 }"
+" angle { 180d / sides }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { polygon }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+&0.5c ... &0.5c
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { polygon }
+ sides { 10 }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+&0.5c ...
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" outline { isosceles }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { isosceles }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" outline { ellipse }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { ellipse }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" outline { circle }"
+@Diag {
+@Box paint { lightgrey } outlinestyle { noline } margin { 0c }
+@ShowTags @ShowDirections @Node
+ outline { circle }
+ outlinestyle { solid dashed }
+ outlinewidth { 0.03f }
+ vsize { 1.0c } hsize { 2.0c }
+Here are the abbreviations for the standard shapes:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code { outline "{" A "}" } ! @Col @Code { "@"B } }
+ A { box }
+ B { Box }
+ A { curvebox }
+ B { CurveBox }
+ A { shadowbox }
+ B { ShadowBox }
+ A { square }
+ B { Square }
+ A { diamond }
+ B { Diamond }
+ A { polygon }
+ B { Polygon }
+ A { isosceles }
+ B { Isosceles }
+ A { ellipse }
+ B { Ellipse }
+ A { circle }
+ B { Circle }
+Here are all the options to the @Code "@Node" symbol, their default
+values, and their ranges of allowed values. Definitions of {@I number},
+{@I length}, {@I angle}, and {@I point} appear later in this summary. The
+options related to {@Code alabel}, {@Code blabel}, {@Code clabel}, and
+{@Code dlabel} have mostly been omitted since they are the same as
+the {@Code nodelabel} options except for {@Code nodelabelpos}.
+1fx @Break @Tab
+ hmargin { 1s }
+ # vmargin { 0.6vx }
+ @Fmth { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code " " ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code " " !
+ @Col 1.0c @Wide ! @Col C }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code "{" ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code "}" !
+ @Col 1.0c @Wide ! @Col C }
+ A { "@Node" }
+ A { " outline" }
+ B { box }
+ C { {@Code box}, {@Code curvebox}, {@Code shadowbox}, {@Code square},
+{@Code diamond}, {@Code polygon}, {@Code ellipse}, {@Code circle}, or
+any outline }
+ A { " margin" }
+ B { 0.6f }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " shadow" }
+ B { 0.4f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " sides" }
+ B { 3 }
+ C { any @I number (it will be rounded to the nearest integer) }
+ A { " angle" }
+ B { 180d "/" sides }
+ C { any @I angle }
+ A { " translate" }
+ B { }
+ C { empty, or @I point @Code to @I point }
+ A { " outlinestyle" }
+ B { solid }
+ C { {@Code solid}, {@Code dashed}, {@Code cdashed}, {@Code dotted},
+{@Code noline}, or any sequence of one or more of these values }
+ A { " outlinedashlength"}
+ B { 0.2f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " outlinewidth" }
+ B { thin }
+ C { {@Code thin}, {@Code medium}, {@Code thick}, or any @I length }
+ A { " paint" }
+ B { nopaint }
+ C { @Code nopaint or any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { " font" }
+ B { }
+ C { any value suitable for the @Code "@Font" symbol }
+ A { " break" }
+ B { }
+ C { any value suitable for the @Code "@Break" symbol }
+ A { " format" }
+ B { "@Body" }
+ C { any object, usually containing {@Code "@Body"} }
+ A { " valign"}
+ B { ctr }
+ C { {@Code "top"}, {@Code "ctr"}, {@Code "foot"}, or any length
+from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " vsize"}
+ B { }
+ C { empty, or any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " vindent"}
+ B { ctr }
+ C { {@Code "top"}, {@Code "ctr"}, {@Code "mctr"}, {@Code "foot"}, or any
+length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " vstrut"}
+ B { no }
+ C { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, or any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " vmargin" }
+ B { margin }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " topmargin" }
+ B { vmargin }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " footmargin" }
+ B { vmargin }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " halign"}
+ B { ctr }
+ C { {@Code "left"}, {@Code "ctr"}, {@Code "right"}, or any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " hsize"}
+ B { }
+ C { empty, or any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " hindent"}
+ B { ctr }
+ C { {@Code "left"}, {@Code "ctr"}, {@Code "mctr"}, {@Code "right"}, or any
+length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " hmargin" }
+ B { margin }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " leftmargin" }
+ B { hmargin }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " rightmargin" }
+ B { hmargin }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " hstrut"}
+ B { no }
+ C { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, or any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " nodelabel"}
+ B { }
+ C { any object }
+ A { " nodelabelmargin"}
+ B { 0.2f }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " nodelabelfont"}
+ B { -2p }
+ C { any value suitable for the @Code "@Font" symbol }
+ A { " nodelabelbreak"}
+ B { ragged nohyphen }
+ C { any value suitable for the @Code "@Break" symbol }
+ A { " nodelabelformat"}
+ B { "@Body" }
+ C { any object, usually containing @Code "@Body" }
+ A { " nodelabelpos"}
+ B { }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " nodelabelangle"}
+ B { horizontal }
+ C { {@Code horizontal}, {@Code aligned}, or {@Code perpendicular};
+{@Code parallel}, {@Code antiparallel}, or any @I angle }
+ A { " nodelabelprox"}
+ B { outside }
+ C { {@Code above}, {@Code below}, {@Code left}, {@Code right},
+{@Code inside}, or {@Code outside}; {@Code CTR}, {@Code N}, {@Code S},
+{@Code E}, {@Code W}, {@Code NE}, {@Code NW}, {@Code SW}, or {@Code SE}
+ A { " nodelabelctr"}
+ B { no }
+ C { @Code yes or @Code no }
+ A { " nodelabeladjust"}
+ B { 0 0 }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " alabelpos"}
+ B { NE }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " blabelpos"}
+ B { NW }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " clabelpos"}
+ B { SW }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " dlabelpos"}
+ B { SE }
+ C { any @I point }
+Here is the complete list of standard link paths that may be given
+to the @Code "@Link" symbol. Each entry shows the link path name,
+any extra options relevant to this path, segments (shown using
+{@Code "outlinestyle { solid dashed }"}, and tags. All tags
+have directions pointing along the link from @Code FROM to
+{@Code TO}; these have been omitted for clarity. The @Code frompt
+and @Code topt options of @Code bezier are compulsory and denote the
+two control points (Section {@NumberOf dia_defi}).
+@IndentedList gap { 2v }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { line }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { line } from { A } to { B }
+#@Diag {
+#|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+#@ShowTags @Link
+# pathstyle { solid dashed }
+# path { line } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { doubleline }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { doubleline } from { A } to { B }
+#@Diag {
+#|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+#@ShowTags @Link
+# pathstyle { solid dashed }
+# path { line } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { curve }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { curve } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { curve } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { ccurve }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { ccurve } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { ccurve } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { bezier }"
+" frompt { A@CTR ++ { 3f 0 } }"
+" topt { B@CTR ++ { 3f 0 } }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { bezier } from { A } to { B }
+ frompt { A@CTR ++ { 3f 0 } }
+ topt { B@CTR ++ { 3f 0 } }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { bezier } from { A } to { B }
+ frompt { A@CTR ++ { 3f 0 } }
+ topt { B@CTR ++ { 3f 0 } }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { vhline }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { vhline } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { vhline } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { hvline }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { hvline } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { hvline } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { vhcurve }"
+" radius { 1.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { vhcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { vhcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { hvcurve }"
+" radius { 1.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { hvcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { hvcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { lvrline }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { lvrline } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { lvrline } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { rvlline }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { rvlline } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { rvlline } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { lvrcurve }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+" radius { 1.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { lvrcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { lvrcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { rvlcurve }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+" radius { 1.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { rvlcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { rvlcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { dwrapline }"
+" tbias { 2.0f }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+" fbias { 2.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle /2f
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { dwrapline } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle /2f
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { dwrapline } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { uwrapline }"
+" tbias { 2.0f }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+" fbias { 2.0f }"
+@Diag {
+/2f A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { uwrapline } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+/2f |1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { uwrapline } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { dwrapcurve }"
+" tbias { 2.0f }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+" fbias { 2.0f }"
+" radius { 1.0f }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle /2f
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { dwrapcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+|1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle /2f
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { dwrapcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@LI {
+@Code {
+" path { uwrapcurve }"
+" tbias { 2.0f }"
+" bias { 2.0f }"
+" fbias { 2.0f }"
+" radius { 1.0f }"
+@Diag {
+/2f A:: @Circle /0.8c |1.5c B:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { uwrapcurve } from { A } to { B }
+@Diag {
+/2f |1.5c B:: @Circle /0.8c A:: @Circle
+@ShowTags @Link
+ pathstyle { solid dashed }
+ path { uwrapcurve } from { A } to { B }
+Here is the list of abbreviations for the standard paths (note
+that @Code curve and @Code acurve are the same). Each
+path also has an abbreviation which adds a forward arrow:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code { path "{" A "}" } ! @Col @Code "@"B ! @Col @Code "@"C }
+ A { line }
+ B { Line }
+ C { Arrow }
+ A { doubleline }
+ B { DoubleLine }
+ C { DoubleArrow }
+ A { curve }
+ B { Curve }
+ C { CurveArrow }
+ A { acurve }
+ B { ACurve }
+ C { ACurveArrow }
+ A { ccurve }
+ B { CCurve }
+ C { CCurveArrow }
+ A { bezier }
+ B { Bezier }
+ C { BezierArrow }
+ A { hvline }
+ B { HVLine }
+ C { HVArrow }
+ A { vhline }
+ B { VHLine }
+ C { VHArrow }
+ A { hvcurve }
+ B { HVCurve }
+ C { HVCurveArrow }
+ A { vhcurve }
+ B { VHCurve }
+ C { VHCurveArrow }
+ A { lvrline }
+ B { LVRLine }
+ C { LVRArrow }
+ A { rvlline }
+ B { RVLLine }
+ C { RVLArrow }
+ A { lvrcurve }
+ B { LVRCurve }
+ C { LVRCurveArrow }
+ A { rvlcurve }
+ B { RVLCurve }
+ C { RVLCurveArrow }
+ A { dwrapline }
+ B { DWrapLine }
+ C { DWrapArrow }
+ A { uwrapline }
+ B { UWrapLine }
+ C { UWrapArrow }
+ A { dwrapcurve }
+ B { DWrapCurve }
+ C { DWrapCurveArrow }
+ A { uwrapcurve }
+ B { UWrapCurve }
+ C { UWrapCurveArrow }
+Here is the complete list of options to the @Code "@Link" symbol. The
+options related to {@Code xlabel}, {@Code ylabel}, and {@Code zlabel}
+have been omitted where they are the same as the {@Code linklabel} options.
+1fx @Break @Tab
+ hmargin { 1s }
+ # vmargin { 0.6vx }
+ @Fmth { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code " " ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code " " !
+ @Col 1.0c @Wide ! @Col C }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code "{" ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code "}" !
+ @Col 1.0c @Wide ! @Col C }
+ A { "@Link" }
+ A { " path" }
+ B { line }
+ C { {@Code "line"}, {@Code "doubleline"}, {@Code "curve"}, {@Code "acurve"},
+{@Code "ccurve"}, {@Code "bezier"},
+{@Code "vhline"}, {@Code "hvline"}, {@Code "vhcurve"}, {@Code "hvcurve"},
+{@Code "lvrline"}, {@Code "rvlline"}, {@Code "lvrcurve"}, {@Code "rvlcurve"},
+{@Code "dwrapline"}, {@Code "uwrapline"}, {@Code "dwrapcurve"},
+{@Code "uwrapcurve"}, or any path }
+ A { " from"}
+ B { 0,0 }
+ C { any @I point or node label }
+ A { " to"}
+ B { 1,1 }
+ C { any @I point or node label }
+ A { " bias"}
+ B { 2.0f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " fbias"}
+ B { 2.0f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " tbias"}
+ B { 2.0f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " radius"}
+ B { 1.0f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " xindent"}
+ B { 0.8f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " zindent"}
+ B { 0.8f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " frompt"}
+ B { 0 0 }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " topt"}
+ B { 0 0 }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " pathstyle" }
+ B { solid }
+ C { {@Code solid}, {@Code dashed}, {@Code cdashed}, {@Code dotted},
+{@Code noline}, or any sequence of one or more of these values }
+ A { " pathdashlength"}
+ B { 0.2f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " pathwidth" }
+ B { thin }
+ C { {@Code thin}, {@Code medium}, {@Code thick}, or any @I length }
+ A { " pathgap" }
+ B { thin }
+ C { {@Code thin}, {@Code medium}, {@Code thick}, or any @I length }
+ A { " arrow"}
+ B { no }
+ C { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, {@Code forward}, {@Code back},
+or {@Code both} }
+ A { " arrowstyle"}
+ B { solid }
+ C { {@Code solid}, {@Code halfopen}, {@Code open}, {@Code curvedsolid},
+{@Code curvedhalfopen}, or {@Code curvedopen} }
+ A { " arrowwidth"}
+ B { 0.3f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " arrowlength"}
+ B { 0.5f }
+ C { any @I length }
+ A { " linklabel"}
+ B { }
+ C { any object }
+ A { " linklabelmargin"}
+ B { 0.2f }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " linklabelfont"}
+ B { -2p }
+ C { any value suitable for the @Code "@Font" symbol }
+ A { " linklabelbreak"}
+ B { ragged nohyphen }
+ C { any value suitable for the @Code "@Break" symbol }
+ A { " linklabelformat"}
+ B { "@Body" }
+ C { any object, usually containing @Code "@Body" }
+ A { " linklabelpos"}
+ B { }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " linklabelangle"}
+ B { horizontal }
+ C { {@Code horizontal}, {@Code aligned}, or {@Code perpendicular};
+{@Code parallel}, {@Code antiparallel}, or any @I angle }
+ A { " linklabelprox"}
+ B { above }
+ C { {@Code above}, {@Code below}, {@Code left}, {@Code right},
+{@Code inside}, or {@Code outside}; {@Code CTR}, {@Code N}, {@Code S},
+{@Code E}, {@Code W}, {@Code NE}, {@Code NW}, {@Code SW}, or {@Code SE}
+ A { " linklabelctr"}
+ B { no }
+ C { @Code yes or @Code no }
+ A { " linklabeladjust"}
+ B { 0 0 }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " xlabelpos"}
+ B { LFROM }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " ylabelpos"}
+ B { LMID }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " ylabelctr"}
+ B { yes }
+ C { @Code yes or @Code no }
+ A { " zlabelpos"}
+ B { LTO }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " fromlabel"}
+ B { }
+ C { any object }
+ A { " fromlabelmargin"}
+ B { 0f }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " fromlabelfont"}
+ B { }
+ C { Any value suitable for the @Code "@Font" symbol }
+ A { " fromlabelbreak"}
+ B { ragged nohyphen }
+ C { Any value suitable for the @Code "@Break" symbol }
+ A { " fromlabelformat"}
+ B { "@Body" }
+ C { any object, usually containing @Code "@Body" }
+ A { " fromlabelpos"}
+ B { FROM }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " fromlabelangle"}
+ B { antiparallel }
+ C { {@Code horizontal}, {@Code aligned}, or {@Code perpendicular};
+{@Code parallel}, {@Code antiparallel}, or any @I angle }
+ A { " fromlabelprox"}
+ B { W }
+ C { {@Code above}, {@Code below}, {@Code left}, {@Code right},
+{@Code inside}, or {@Code outside}; {@Code CTR}, {@Code N}, {@Code S},
+{@Code E}, {@Code W}, {@Code NE}, {@Code NW}, {@Code SW}, or {@Code SE}
+ A { " fromlabelctr"}
+ B { no }
+ C { @Code yes or @Code no }
+ A { " fromlabeladjust"}
+ B { 0 0 }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " tolabel"}
+ B { }
+ C { any object }
+ A { " tolabelmargin"}
+ B { 0f }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " tolabelfont"}
+ B { }
+ C { Any value suitable for the @Code "@Font" symbol }
+ A { " tolabelbreak"}
+ B { ragged nohyphen }
+ C { Any value suitable for the @Code "@Break" symbol }
+ A { " tolabelformat"}
+ B { "@Body" }
+ C { any object, usually containing @Code "@Body" }
+ A { " tolabelpos"}
+ B { TO }
+ C { any @I point }
+ A { " tolabelangle"}
+ B { parallel }
+ C { {@Code horizontal}, {@Code aligned}, or {@Code perpendicular};
+{@Code parallel}, {@Code antiparallel}, or any @I angle }
+ A { " tolabelprox"}
+ B { W }
+ C { {@Code above}, {@Code below}, {@Code left}, {@Code right},
+{@Code inside}, or {@Code outside}; {@Code CTR}, {@Code N}, {@Code S},
+{@Code E}, {@Code W}, {@Code NE}, {@Code NW}, {@Code SW}, or {@Code SE}
+ A { " tolabelctr"}
+ B { no }
+ C { @Code yes or @Code no }
+ A { " tolabeladjust"}
+ B { 0 0 }
+ C { any @I point }
+Here is the complete list of options to the @Code "@Tree" symbol:
+@DP @OneRow 1fx @Break @Tab
+ hmargin { 1s }
+ # vmargin { 0.6vx }
+ @Fmth { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code " " ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code " " !
+ @Col 1.0c @Wide ! @Col C }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code "{" ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code "}" !
+ @Col 1.0c @Wide ! @Col C }
+ A { "@Tree" }
+ A { " treehindent" }
+ B { ctr }
+ C { {@Code left}, {@Code ctr}, {@Code right}, or any length from
+Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+The @Code "@HTree" option has a similar @Code "treevindent" option,
+which may be {@Code "top"}, {@Code ctr}, {@Code foot}, or any length
+from Section {@NumberOf objects}.
+The @Code "@Diag" symbol and to the {@Code "@DiagSetup"} setup
+file symbol have all of the options of {@Code "@Node"}, {@Code "@Link"},
+{@Code "@Tree"}, and {@Code "@HTree"}. They also have the following
+1fx @Break @Tab
+ hmargin { 1s }
+ # vmargin { 0.6vx }
+ @Fmth { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code " " ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code " " !
+ @Col 1.0c @Wide ! @Col C }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code "{" ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code "}" !
+ @Col 1.0c @Wide ! @Col C }
+ A { "@Diag" }
+ A { " maxlabels" }
+ B { 200 }
+ C { any whole number }
+ A { " save" }
+ B { no }
+ C { @Code no or @Code yes }
+ A { " treehsep" }
+ B { 0.5f }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+ A { " treevsep" }
+ B { 0.5f }
+ C { any length from Section {@NumberOf objects} }
+The following lists define all the ways to specify numbers, lengths,
+angles, points, and booleans. Brief explanations appear to the right,
+with the symbols' precedences in parentheses.
+1fx @Break @Tab
+ # vmargin { 0.6vx }
+ @Fmth { @Col { &@DisplayIndent A } ! @Col }
+ @Fmta { @Col { &@DisplayIndent &2s A } ! @Col B }
+@Rowh A { @I number } vmargin { 0.2vx }
+ A { {@Sym minus}27.56 }
+ B { or any literal number }
+ A { @Code sqrt @I number }
+ B { square root (99) }
+ A { @Code abs @I number }
+ B { absolute value (99) }
+ A { @Code ceiling @I number }
+ B { least integer greater than or equal to (99) }
+ A { @Code floor @I number }
+ B { greatest integer less than or equal to (99) }
+ A { @Code truncate @I number }
+ B { delete fractional part (99) }
+ A { @Code round @I number }
+ B { round to nearest integer (99) }
+ A { @Code sin @I angle }
+ B { sine of angle measured in degrees (99) }
+ A { @Code cos @I angle }
+ B { cosine of angle measured in degrees (99) }
+ A { @I number @Code atan @I number }
+ B { arc tangent of first over second (98) }
+ A { @I number @Code exp @I number }
+ B { first number raised to second number (98) }
+ A { @I number @Code log @I number }
+ B { logarithm of second number to base first (98) }
+ A { @I number @Code rand @I number }
+ B { random real number in this range inclusive (98) }
+ A { @I number @Code max @I number }
+ B { the larger of two numbers (98) }
+ A { @I number @Code min @I number }
+ B { the smaller of two numbers (98) }
+ A { @I number @Code "*" @I number }
+ B { the product of two numbers (97) }
+ A { @I number @Code "/" @I number }
+ B { real-valued division (96, left associative) }
+ A { @I length @Code "/" @I length }
+ B { the ratio of two lengths (96, left associative) }
+ A { @I angle @Code "/" @I angle }
+ B { the ratio of two angles (96, left associative) }
+ A { @I number @Code idiv @I number }
+ B { integer division of two numbers (96, left associative) }
+ A { @I number @Code mod @I number }
+ B { integer remainder when first divided by second (96) }
+ A { @I number @Code "+" @I number }
+ B { sum of two numbers (96, left associative) }
+ A { @Code "+" @I number }
+ B { identity operation (96) }
+ A { @I number @Sym minus @I number }
+ B { difference of two numbers (96, left associative) }
+ A { @Sym minus @I number }
+ B { negation (96) }
+ A { @Code sides }
+ B { ({@Code outline} only) value of the node's @Code sides option }
+@Rowh A { @I length } vmargin { 0.2vx }
+ A { 0 }
+ B { zero }
+ A { @Code xsize }
+ B { ({@Code outline} only) distance to right boundary }
+ A { @Code ysize }
+ B { ({@Code outline} only) distance to top boundary }
+ A { @Code xmark }
+ B { ({@Code outline} only) distance to column mark }
+ A { @Code ymark }
+ B { ({@Code outline} only) distance to row mark }
+ A { @Code margin }
+ B { ({@Code outline} only) value of the node's @Code margin option }
+ A { @Code shadow }
+ B { ({@Code outline} only) value of the node's @Code shadow option }
+ A { @I number @Code i }
+ B { @I number inches (100) }
+ A { @I number @Code c }
+ B { @I number centimetres (100) }
+ A { @I number @Code p }
+ B { @I number points (100) }
+ A { @I number @Code m }
+ B { @I number ems (100) }
+ A { @I number @Code s }
+ B { @Code 1s is the current width of a space (100) }
+ A { @I number @Code v }
+ B { @Code 1v is the current inter-line space (100) }
+ A { @I number @Code f }
+ B { @Code 1f is the size of the current font (100) }
+ A { @Code "xcoord" @I point }
+ B { the @I x coordinate of the point (99) }
+ A { @Code "ycoord" @I point }
+ B { the @I y coordinate of the point (99) }
+ A { @Code abs @I length }
+ B { absolute value (99) }
+ A { @I length @Code rand @I length }
+ B { random real length in this range inclusive (98) }
+ A { @I length @Code max @I length }
+ B { the larger of two lengths (98) }
+ A { @I length @Code min @I length }
+ B { the smaller of two lengths (98) }
+ A { @I point @Code "distance" @I point }
+ B { (non-negative) distance between two points (98) }
+ A { @I length @Code "*" @I number }
+ B { length multiplied by number (97) }
+ A { @I number @Code "*" @I length }
+ B { length multiplied by number (97) }
+ A { @I length @Code "/" @I number }
+ B { length divided by number (96, left associative) }
+ A { @I length @Code "+" @I length }
+ B { sum of two lengths (96, left associative) }
+ A { @Code "+" @I length }
+ B { identity operation (96) }
+ A { @I length @Sym minus @I length }
+ B { difference of two lengths (96, left associative) }
+ A { @Sym minus @I length }
+ B { negation (96) }
+@Rowh A { @I angle } vmargin { 0.2vx }
+ A { @I number @Code d }
+ B { @I number degrees (100) }
+ A { @I number }
+ B { @I number degrees (@Code d is optional) (100) }
+ A { @Code parallel }
+ B { ({@Code labelangle} options only) angle parallel to curve at label point }
+ A { @Code antiparallel }
+ B { ({@Code labelangle} options only) angle antiparallel to curve at label point }
+ A { @Code perpendicular }
+ B { ({@Code labelangle} options only) angle perpendicular to curve at label point }
+ A { @Code antiperpendicular }
+ B { ({@Code labelangle} options only) angle antiperpendicular to curve at label point }
+ A { {@I label}{@Code "??ANGLE"} }
+ B { angle parallel to curve at {@I label} if known, else @Code "0d" (99) }
+ A { @Code anglefix @I angle }
+ B { @I angle normalized to between @Code 0d inclusive and @Code 360d exclusive (99) }
+ A { @Code abs @I angle }
+ B { absolute value (99) }
+ A { @I length @Code atan @I length }
+ B { arc tangent of first over second (98) }
+ A { @I point @Code "angleto" @I point }
+ B { angle from first point to second (98) }
+ A { @I angle @Code rand @I angle }
+ B { random angle in this range inclusive (98) }
+ A { @I angle @Code max @I angle }
+ B { the larger of two angles (98) }
+ A { @I angle @Code min @I angle }
+ B { the smaller of two angles (98) }
+ A { @I angle @Code "*" @I number }
+ B { angle multiplied by number (97) }
+ A { @I number @Code "*" @I angle }
+ B { angle multiplied by number (97) }
+ A { @I angle @Code "/" @I number }
+ B { division of angle by number (96, left associative) }
+ A { @I angle @Code "+" @I angle }
+ B { sum of two angles (96, left associative) }
+ A { @Code "+" @I angle }
+ B { identity operation (96) }
+ A { @I angle @Sym minus @I angle }
+ B { difference of two angles (96, left associative) }
+ A { @Sym minus @I angle }
+ B { negation (96) }
+ A { @Code angle }
+ B { ({@Code outline} only) value of the node's @Code angle option }
+@Rowh A { @I point } vmargin { 0.2vx }
+ A { @I label }
+ B { a previously defined label }
+ A { {@I any}{@Code "??"}{@I label} }
+ B { {@I any}{@Code "@"}{@I label} if sensible, else {@I any} (99) }
+ A { @Code "prev" }
+ B { the previous point in a shape }
+ A { @I length @Code "atangle" @I angle }
+ B { point at distance and angle from origin (89) }
+ A { @I "point/tag" @Code "boundaryatangle" @I angle }
+ B { @I {point}, or point on boundary of @I tag at @I angle (89) }
+ A { @I point @Code "**" @I number }
+ B { multiplication of point by number (88) }
+ A { @I point @Code "++" @I point }
+ B { vector sum of two points (87) }
+ A { @I point {@Sym minus}{@Sym minus} @I point }
+ B { vector difference of two points (87) }
+ A { @I {number, number} }
+ B { @I x and @I y coordinates with respect to base (70) }
+ A { @I {length length} }
+ B { @I x and @I y distance from origin (5) }
+ A { @Code from }
+ B { ({@Code path} only) the value of the link's @Code from option }
+ A { @Code to }
+ B { ({@Code path} only) the value of the link's @Code to option }
+@Rowh A { @I boolean } vmargin { 0.2vx }
+ A { @I number @Code "=" @I number }
+ B { @Eq { non = }; also between lengths (79) }
+ A { @I number @Code "!=" @I number }
+ B { @Eq { non != }; also between lengths (79) }
+ A { @I number @Code "==" @I number }
+ B { @Eq { non = } between angles (79) }
+ A { @I number @Code "!==" @I number }
+ B { @Eq { non != } between angles (79) }
+ A { @I number @Code "<=" @I number }
+ B { @Eq { non <= }; also between lengths (79) }
+ A { @I number @Code "<" @I number }
+ B { @Eq { non < }; also between lengths (79) }
+ A { @I number @Code ">=" @I number }
+ B { @Eq { non >= }; also between lengths (79) }
+ A { @I number @Code ">" @I number }
+ B { @Eq { non > }; also between lengths (79) }
+ A { @Code "not" @I boolean }
+ B { Logical not (78) }
+ A { @I boolean @Code "and" @I boolean }
+ B { Logical and (77) }
+ A { @I boolean @Code "or" @I boolean }
+ B { Logical or (76) }
+ A { @I boolean @Code "xor" @I boolean }
+ B { Logical exclusive or (76) }
+A length is represented in PostScript by a single number on the operand
+stack; so is an angle. Therefore all number operations can be applied
+to lengths and angles as well, but the results will not always be
+useful. For example, rounding a length to the nearest integer is
+not a useful thing to do because the result depends on the basic unit
+(what does 1 equal as a length?) which is implementation-dependent and
+genuinely subject to change. Rounding the @I ratio of two lengths does
+make sense. The above is an attempt to list only the useful operations;
+but if you really need the logarithm of an angle, you can have it.
+Angles are a little more amenable to this kind of thing because they are
+always measured in degrees. However, angles suffer from the problem that
+{@Code 0d} is really the same angle as {@Code 360d}. For this reason,
+separate equality and inequality operators for angles are provided which
+ignore multiples of {@Code 360d}, and less than and similar relations
+are not defined for angles, because they inherently are not well
+defined. See also the @Code anglefix symbol above.
+A point is represented by two lengths (which are numbers) on the
+stack. Those familiar with PostScript and willing to sacrifice portability
+and increase their risk of error can therefore write, for example,
+@OneCol { @I point @Code "exch" } to obtain the reflection of a point about
+the main diagonal, and so on.
+The following may have a result of any type, depending on
+their options. The options and result may be a
+sequence of things as required in shapes, including @Code "[]" and
+so forth.
+@LI @OneRow lines @Break {
+@Code if
+ @Code "cond {" @I boolean @Code "}"
+ @Code "then {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "else {" @I anything @Code "}"
+@LI @OneRow lines @Break {
+@I angle @Code quadcase
+ @Code "0 {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "0-90 {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "90 {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "90-180 {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "180 {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "180-270 {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "270 {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "270-360 {" @I anything @Code "}"
+@LI @OneRow lines @Break {
+@I number @Code signcase
+ @Code "neg {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "zero {" @I anything @Code "}"
+ @Code "pos {" @I anything @Code "}"
+@LI @OneRow lines @Break {
+@Code "xloop from {" @I number "} to {" @I number "} by {" @I number "} do {"
+ @I anything
+@Code "}"
+@LI @OneRow lines @Break {
+@Code "yloop from {" @I number "} to {" @I number "} by {" @I number "} do {"
+ @I anything
+@Code "}"
+@LI @OneRow lines @Break {
+@Code "zloop from {" @I number "} to {" @I number "} by {" @I number "} do {"
+ @I anything
+@Code "}"
+The @Code "if" symbol returns @Code "then" or @Code "else" depending on
+the value of {@Code "cond"}, and @Code "signcase" returns {@Code "neg"},
+{@Code zero}, or {@Code pos} depending on whether @I number (which
+may also be an angle or a length) is negative, zero, or positive. The
+@Code "quadcase" symbol decides whether the given angle points in
+one of the four horizontal or vertical directions, or into the quadrants
+between them, and returns the appropriate option. Don't be misled by
+the unorthodox option names; it is not possible to give your own
+ranges, only these ones.
+The loops return a sequence of
+repetitions of {@I anything}; any occurrences of {@Code x} in
+{@Code xloop} will be replaced by the current value of the loop counter,
+and similarly for the other loops.
+Symbols not covered in this summary are the retagging symbol @Code "::"
+(Section {@NumberOf dia_tags}); the symbols available within the
+{@Code "@Tree"} symbol (Section {@NumberOf dia_posi}); and {@Code ":<"},
+{@Code ":="}, {@Code "@ShowPoints"}, {@Code "@ShowTags"}, and
+{@Code "@ShowDirections"} from Section {@NumberOf dia_defi}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_tags b/doc/user/dia_tags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91cd7a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_tags
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ @Tag { dia_tags }
+ @Title { Tags }
+In addition to drawing the outline, each of the standard node
+types also attaches names, called {@I tags}, to certain points. For
+example, the @Code "@Ellipse" symbol creates nine tags:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+@Diag {
+@ShowTags @Ellipse
+ vsize { 1.5c }
+ hsize { 3.0c }
+The standard link symbols also create tags:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+@Diag {
+2.5c @High 2c @Wide
+@ShowTags @Arrow
+ from { 0,0.8 }
+ to { 1,0 }
+The names and positions of all standard tags may be found in the summary
+(Section {@NumberOf dia_summ}) at the end of this chapter. Each tag
+stands for a point, and may be used wherever a point is required:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+"@Ellipse { Hello, world }"
+"@Link from { SW } to { SE }"
+@Diag {
+@Ellipse { Hello, world }
+@Link from { SW } to { SE }
+A tag may only be used later in the text of the diagram than the place
+where it is defined.
+Standard tags like @Code N and @Code S are not much use as they are,
+since in general there will be many nodes and hence many @Code N and
+@Code S tags. The retagging symbol, {@Code "::"}, solves this problem:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+"A:: @Ellipse"
+@Diag {
+@ShowTags {
+A:: @Ellipse
+ vsize { 1.5c }
+ hsize { 3.0c }
+Within the following object, the points have their original tags, but
+afterwards the names are changed by prefixing the word preceding
+{@Code "::"}, plus a @Code "@" character, to each one. These longer
+tags may be used exactly like the others:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+"A:: @Ellipse { Hello, world }"
+"@Link from { A@SW } to { A@SE }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Ellipse { Hello, world }
+@Link from { A@SW } to { A@SE }
+The retagging symbol may be applied to links, and indeed to arbitrary
+objects; it will retag every tag within the following object, even
+tags that have already been retagged:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+"A:: {"
+" 1:: @Ellipse"
+" vsize { 1.0c }"
+" hsize { 2.5c }"
+" @DP"
+" @DP"
+" 2:: @Ellipse"
+" vsize { 1.0c }"
+" hsize { 2.5c }"
+@Diag {
+@ShowTags {
+A:: {
+ 1:: @Ellipse
+ vsize { 1.0c }
+ hsize { 2.5c }
+ @DP
+ @DP
+ 2:: @Ellipse
+ vsize { 1.0c }
+ hsize { 2.5c }
+In practice one usually only retags individual nodes. It is best to
+use only upper-case letters and digits in tags, because Lout and
+PostScript have tags of their own containing lower-case letters, and
+any mixup causes total disaster.
+When a tag lies within the object following some node, it is
+automatically retagged in this way with tag {@Code IN}. For example, in
+@ID @Code {
+"@Circle Hello"
+the circle lies within the square, and what you get in effect is
+@ID @Code {
+"IN:: @Circle Hello"
+This prevents confusion between the tags of the inner and outer nodes. This
+retagging cannot be left to the user's discretion, owing to unexpected
+effects on the positioning of labels of the outer node if inner tags are
+not retagged.
+Although @Code from and @Code to are just two of several options within
+@Code "@Diag" where a point is expected, and hence where a tag may be
+given, they have a special virtue not shared by any other options. It is
+possible to give the name of an entire node, not just a tag denoting one
+point, to them:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+"A:: @Circle"
+"B:: @Ellipse { Hello, world }"
+"@Link from { A } to { B }"
+@Diag {
+A:: @Circle
+B:: @Ellipse { Hello, world }
+@Link from { A } to { B }
+This will select a point on the outline of the named node, appropriate
+to the type of link being drawn. It is extremely useful, of course, but
+potentially confusing: @Code A and @Code B do not denote points and are
+not tags, strictly speaking, at all.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_tree b/doc/user/dia_tree
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d16f2bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/dia_tree
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+ @Tag { dia_tree }
+ @Title { Trees }
+@@Diag offers some symbols for producing tree diagrams, using the
+tree. @Index { @Code "@Tree" symbol in @@Diag }
+@Code "@Tree" symbol, which may appear anywhere within the nodes part:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Diag {"
+" ..."
+" @Tree { ... }"
+" ..."
+Within this symbol, new symbols {@Code "@LeftSub"}, {@Code "@RightSub"},
+{@Code "@FirstSub"}, {@Code "@NextSub"}, and {@Code "@StubSub"} become
+available. The first two are used to get a (non-empty) binary tree:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Tree {"
+" @Circle A"
+" @LeftSub {"
+" @Circle B"
+" @LeftSub @Square C"
+" @RightSub @Square D"
+" }"
+" @RightSub @Circle E"
+@Diag {
+@Tree {
+ @Circle A
+ @LeftSub {
+ @Circle B
+ @LeftSub @Square C
+ @RightSub @Square D
+ }
+ @RightSub @Circle E
+The root of the tree, which must be a single node but may have any
+outline, comes first. After that comes the @Code "@LeftSub" symbol
+followed by the left subtree, which must be enclosed in braces unless
+it consists of a single node. After that comes the @Code "@RightSub"
+symbol followed by the right subtree, again enclosed in braces unless it
+consists of a single node. These rules apply recursively and will
+produce a binary tree of arbitrary size and depth. If a node has no
+left or right subtree, leave out the corresponding @Code "@LeftSub" or
+@Code "@RightSub" symbol.
+A similar system using @Code "@FirstSub" and @Code "@NextSub" produces
+trees in which each node may have arbitrarily many children:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Tree {"
+" @Circle A"
+" @FirstSub {"
+" @Circle B"
+" @FirstSub @Square C"
+" @NextSub @Square D"
+" }"
+" @NextSub @Circle E"
+" @NextSub @Circle F"
+@Diag {
+@Tree {
+ @Circle A
+ @FirstSub {
+ @Circle B
+ @FirstSub @Square C
+ @NextSub @Square D
+ }
+ @NextSub @Circle E
+ @NextSub @Circle F
+The first subtree is preceded by {@Code "@FirstSub"}, and subsequent
+trees are preceded by {@Code "@NextSub"}. The subtrees are spaced
+at equal separations from each other, with the root centred over
+them, in contrast to the binary tree arrangement in which the two
+subtrees are positioned to the left and right of the root, never
+intruding into the space beneath it.
+Although each subtree must contain a node for its root, it is not hard
+to get around this:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@FirstSub @Circle"
+"@NextSub pathstyle { noline }"
+" @Circle outlinestyle { noline }"
+" ..."
+"@NextSub @Circle"
+@Diag {
+@FirstSub @Circle
+@NextSub pathstyle { noline }
+ @Circle outlinestyle { noline }
+ ...
+@NextSub @Circle
+Clumsy as this is, it often assists in placing the unenclosed object
+in a way consistent with the surrounding nodes, and offers margins
+and so forth which help with fine-tuning its position.
+The fifth subtree symbol, {@Code "@StubSub"}, produces a stub subtree:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Tree {"
+"@Circle @Eq { a }"
+"@StubSub @Eq { T tsub a }"
+@Diag {
+@Tree {
+@Circle @Eq { a }
+@StubSub @Eq { T tsub a }
+Unlike the other subtree symbols, {@Code "@StubSub"} is not followed
+by a subtree with a node for its root; rather, it is followed by an
+arbitrary object, and the path is drawn around this stub object, which
+is placed directly underneath the parent node with zero vertical
+separation. In practice, it is usually necessary to attach margins to
+the following object; the easiest way to do that is to enclose it in
+{@Code "@Box outlinestyle { noline }"}. An example appears below.
+It is possible to mix the three subtree types, by having binary tree
+symbols following some nodes, non-binary tree symbols following
+others, and a single {@Code "@StubSub"} following others. However,
+at any one node the subtrees must be all either binary, non-binary,
+or stub.
+The subtree symbols have all of the options of {@Code "@Link"}, and
+these apply to the link drawn from the parent of the root of the subtree
+to the root of the subtree (or anticlockwise around the stub object):
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Tree {"
+" @Circle A"
+" @LeftSub"
+" arrow { yes }"
+" xlabel { 1 }"
+" @Circle B"
+" @RightSub"
+" arrow { yes }"
+" xlabel { 2 }"
+" @Circle C"
+@Diag {
+@Tree {
+ @Circle A
+ @LeftSub
+ arrow { yes }
+ xlabel { 1 }
+ @Circle B
+ @RightSub
+ arrow { yes }
+ xlabel { 2 }
+ @Circle C
+To get reverse arrows use @Code "arrow { back }" as usual.
+The subtree symbols do not need @Code from and @Code to options,
+because they already know which nodes they are linking together. However,
+you may use @Code from or @Code to to give a tag specifying a particular
+point within the node:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Tree {"
+"@LeftSub from { S } to { N }"
+" @Isosceles vsize { 2f }"
+"@RightSub from { S } to { N }"
+" @Isosceles vsize { 2f }"
+@Tree {
+@LeftSub from { S } to { N }
+ @Isosceles vsize { 2f }
+@RightSub from { S } to { N }
+ @Isosceles vsize { 2f }
+In this example both links go from the @Code S tag of the parent node to the
+@Code N tag of the child node (at the apex of the iscosceles triangle). These
+options also work for {@Code "@StubSub"}, where they refer to the start and
+end of the stub path:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Tree {"
+"@Circle @Eq { a }"
+" from { SW }"
+" to { SE }"
+"@Box outlinestyle { noline }"
+" @Eq { T tsub a }"
+@Diag {
+@Tree {
+@Circle @Eq { a }
+ from { SW }
+ to { SE }
+@Box outlinestyle { noline }
+ @Eq { T tsub a }
+and so the tags both refer to points in the parent node in this case.
+The @Code "@LeftSub" and @Code "@RightSub" symbols have variants called
+@Code "@ZeroWidthLeftSub" and @Code "@ZeroWidthRightSub" which are the
+same except that the resulting subtrees consume no width:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@Tree {"
+"@LeftSub {"
+" @Circle"
+" @LeftSub @Square"
+" @RightSub @Square"
+"@RightSub {"
+" @Circle"
+" @LeftSub {"
+" @Circle"
+" @ZeroWidthLeftSub @Square"
+" @ZeroWidthRightSub @Square"
+" }"
+" @RightSub @Square"
+"} }"
+@Diag {
+@LeftSub {
+ @Circle
+ @LeftSub @Square
+ @RightSub @Square
+@RightSub {
+ @Circle
+ @LeftSub {
+ @Circle
+ @ZeroWidthLeftSub @Square
+ @ZeroWidthRightSub @Square
+ }
+ @RightSub @Square
+There is nothing analogous for the other subtree symbols.
+The @Code "@Diag" symbol has a few options for adjusting the appearance
+of the tree. The @Code "treehsep" option determines the horizontal space left
+between a root and its left subtree, between a root and its right subtree,
+and between one subtree and the next when @Code "@NextSub" is used. The
+@Code "treevsep" option determines the vertical space left between a root
+and its subtrees:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+" treehsep { 0c }"
+" treevsep { 0c }"
+" @Circle A"
+" @LeftSub @Square B"
+" @RightSub @Square C"
+ treehsep { 0c }
+ treevsep { 0c }
+ @Circle A
+ @LeftSub @Square B
+ @RightSub @Square C
+These options may also be given to individual subtree symbols, although
+@Code "treevsep" works as expected only with @Code "@LeftSub" and
+{@Code "@FirstSub"}, since these determine the vertical separation of
+all children of their parent.
+The @Code "treehindent" option determines where the root of a non-binary
+tree is positioned over its subtrees; the value may be @Code "left"
+for at left, @Code "ctr" for centred over them (the default),
+@Code "right" for at the right, or any length, meaning that far from
+the left. Owing to problems behind the scenes, this option may not be
+given to individual subtree symbols; so as a consolation, it is permitted
+as an option to the @Code "@Tree" symbol.
+It is not possible to attach tags to nodes within a tree, because
+tags are attached automatically by the tree symbols and any extra
+tags would disrupt the linking. However, you can use @Code "@ShowTags"
+to find out what these automatic tags are, and use them in a subsequent
+links part. For example, the tag attached to the right child of the left
+child of the root of a binary tree is {@Code "L@R@T"}, and in general the
+tag records the path from the root to the node, with @Code "T" added to
+the end. The root always has tag {@Code "T"}. The tree as a whole may
+be retagged in the usual way.
+There is an @Code "@HTree" symbol which is the same as
+htree. @Index { @Code "@HTree" symbol in @@Diag }
+@Code "@Tree" except that the tree grows horizontally (from left to
+right) instead of vertically. The same symbols are available within
+@Code "@HTree" as within {@Code "@Tree"}; @Code "@LeftSub" and
+@Code "@FirstSub" produce what might be called the top subtree, and
+@Code "@RightSub" and @Code "@NextSub" produce lower trees. @Code "@HTree"
+has no @Code "treehindent" option; instead, it has an exactly analogous
+@Code "treevindent" option.
+@Code "@HTree" may be used to get horizontal lists:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Code {
+"@I @Diag"
+" arrow { yes } treehsep { 1c } {"
+"@HTree {"
+" @Node A"
+" @FirstSub {"
+" @Node B"
+" @FirstSub @Node C"
+" }"
+@I @Diag arrow { yes } treehsep { 1c } {
+@HTree {
+@Node A
+@FirstSub {
+ @Node B
+ @FirstSub @Node C
+The braces are clumsy but necessary. The first node has tag {@Code "T"}, the
+second has tag {@Code "S@T"}, the third has tag {@Code "S@S@T"}, and so on.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/draft.eps b/doc/user/draft.eps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfc6e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/draft.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+%%Creator: Basser Lout Version 3.00 (July 1994)
+%%CreationDate: Fri Sep 9 10:46:13 1994
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+8580(nothing)s 9370(more.)s 153 fnt86 9921 -7312(ii)m 240 fnt86
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+8964(\207rst)s 9436(section.)s 10334(It)s 6233 -8858(too)m 6610(is)s
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+9516(short,)s 10133(just)s 6233 -10010(a)m 6407(test)s 6806(section,)s
+7611(nothing)s 8411(more.)s 9030(This)s 9523(is)s 9750(the)s
+10110(\207rst)s 6233 -10298(section.)m 7071(It)s 7257(too)s 7604(is)s
+7804(v)s 3(ery)k 8267(short,)s 8846(just)s 9232(a)s
+9379(test)s 9751(section,)s 6233 -10586(nothing)m 7076(more.)s 7738(This)s
+8274(is)s 8544(the)s 8947(\207rst)s 9429(section.)s 10337(It)s
+6233 -10874(too)m 6610(is)s 6840(v)s 3(ery)k 7333(short,)s
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+6233 -11162(more.)m 240 fnt88 6233 -11761(1.1)m 6533(.)s 6713(The)s
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+9479(which)s 10190(are)s 6233 -12768(starting)m 7009(no)s 6(w)k 15(.)k
+240 fnt87 6233 -13415(The)m 6652(\207r)s 2(st)k 7082(sub-subsection)s
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diff --git a/doc/user/equ b/doc/user/equ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a87fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/equ
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ @Title { Equations }
+ @Tag { equations }
+This chapter explains how to produce mathematical formulas in Lout,
+equations. @Index { equations }
+mathematics. @Index mathematics
+eq. @Index @Code "@Eq"
+using the @Code "@Eq" symbol like this:
+@ID @Code {
+"@Eq { big int supp 1 on 0 ` dx over sqrt {1 - x sup 2} = pi over 2 }"
+This example produces
+@ID @Eq { big int supp 1 on 0 ` dx over sqrt {1 - x sup 2} = pi over 2 }
+The @Code "@Eq" symbol looks after all the details of spacing for
+you, and it provides several hundred mathematical symbols.
+@Include { equ_intr }
+@Include { equ_symb }
+@Include { equ_vert }
+@Include { equ_spac }
+@Include { equ_disp }
+@Include { equ_defs }
+@Include { equ_summ }
+@Include { equ_tequ }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_defs b/doc/user/equ_defs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e38da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/equ_defs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ @Title { Defining new equation formatting symbols }
+Whenever you type particular equations or parts of equations repeatedly,
+you can save time by using definitions. Definitions are the subject of
+Section {@NumberOf definitions}, so here we will just give a few examples
+of their use in equation formatting.
+Suppose for example that @OneCol @Eq { p sub i ` log sub 2 ` p sub i }
+occurs frequently in your document. Then
+@ID @Code "def epi { p sub i ` log sub 2 ` p sub i }"
+makes the symbol @Code "epi" stand for the object between the braces:
+@ID {
+@Code "big sum from i=1 to n ` epi"
+@Eq { big sum from i=1 to n ` epi }
+Parameters are very useful when parts of the symbol vary:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"def ep"
+" right x"
+"{ p sub x ` log sub 2 ` p sub x"
+The parameter @Code x will be replaced by the object just to the right
+of {@Code "ep"}:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+"big sum from i=1 to k ` ep i +"
+"big sum from j=k+1 to n ep j"
+@Eq {
+big sum from i=1 to k ` ep i +
+big sum from j=k+1 to n ep j
+The precedence of the symbols you define will be 100 by default.
+To make the symbols of @Code "@Eq" available within such definitions,
+each must be preceded by {@Code "import @Eq"}. As explained in Section
+{@NumberOf definitions}, the definitions go into a file called
+{@Code "mydefs"}, which might then look like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"import @Eq"
+"def epi { p sub i ` log sub 2 ` p sub i }"
+"import @Eq"
+"def ep right x { p sub x ` log sub 2 ` p sub x }"
+Use of @Code "epi" and @Code "ep" outside @Code "@Eq" will cause an error.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_disp b/doc/user/equ_disp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0167b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/equ_disp
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ @Title { Displaying equations }
+ @Tag { mathdisplays }
+The result of the @Code "@Eq" symbol is an object which, according to the
+displayed.equations @Index { displayed equations }
+golden rule (Section {@NumberOf objects}), may appear anywhere: inside
+a paragraph, inside a table, and so on. In particular, equations are
+often displayed using the @Code "@CentredDisplay" or @Code "@IndentedDisplay"
+symbols from Section {@NumberOf displays}:
+@ID @Code "@IndentedDisplay @Eq { ... }"
+Now displayed equations are often numbered, and often aligned with one
+another on their equals signs. For this there are special display
+symbols which are the the subject of this section. These symbols can
+align and number any display at all, but since in practice they seem to
+be used only with equations, we discuss them here rather than in
+Section {@NumberOf displays} where they really belong.
+Let's begin by looking at a first example of a numbered display:
+aligned.displays @Index { aligned displays }
+aligned.equations @Index { aligned equations }
+numbered.displays @Index { numbered displays }
+numbered.equations @Index { numbered equations }
+ @Tag { fibeq }
+@Eq { F sub n ^= F sub {n-1} + F sub {n-2} }
+After the display we might have some more text for a while, and then
+we might want a second display, aligned on its equals sign with the
+first, and also numbered in sequence with it:
+@Eq { F sub n - F sub {n-1} ^= F sub {n-2} }
+Notice that the two displays are centred as a block as well as
+aligned. Altogether there are four ways in which displays vary:
+@LI { A display can be raw or not raw (see below); }
+@LI { It can be a {@Code "@Display"}, {@Code "@LeftDisplay"},
+{@Code "@IndentedDisplay"}, {@Code "@QuotedDisplay"},
+{@Code "@CentredDisplay"}, {@Code "@CenteredDisplay"},
+or {@Code "@RightDisplay"}; }
+@LI { It can be aligned or not aligned; }
+@LI { It can be numbered or not numbered. }
+All possible combinations are allowed. The display that has everything
+is called
+@ID @Code "@RawCentredAlignedNumberedDisplay"
+By leaving out some or all of {@Code Raw}, {@Code Aligned}, and
+{@Code Numbered}, and by changing or leaving out {@Code Centred},
+we get all these combinations. Here
+numbereddisplay. @Index @Code "@NumberedDisplay"
+aligneddisplay. @Index @Code "@AlignedDisplay"
+then is how the two displays given earlier were made:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"... a first example of a numbered display:"
+" @Tag { fibeq }"
+"@Eq { F sub n ^= F sub { n-1 } + F sub { n-2 } }"
+"After the display we might ... numbered in sequence with it:"
+"@CentredAlignedNumberedDisplay @Eq { F sub n - F sub { n-1 } ^= F sub { n-2 } }"
+"Notice that the two displays are centred ..."
+All numbered displays have an optional @Code "@Tag" option which is
+used for cross referencing (see Section {@NumberOf cross}). Alignment
+and numbering work quite independently; they don't have to start or end
+together, and there can be non-aligned and non-numbered displays among
+the others.
+When aligned displays are used, it is necessary to indicate where the
+aligned group begins and ends, by placing @Code "@BeginAlignedDisplays"
+beginaligneddisplays @Index @Code "@BeginAlignedDisplays"
+endaligneddisplays @Index @Code "@EndAlignedDisplays"
+just before the first, and @Code "@EndAlignedDisplays" just after the
+last. The alignment points are indicated by preceding them by the
+symbol {@Code "^"}, so you aren't restricted to aligning at equals
+signs. @Code "@BeginAlignedDisplays" and @Code "@EndAlignedDisplays"
+cannot span across several sections or subsections: the equations
+aligned by them must lie within a single large-scale structure symbol.
+In our example of aligned and numbered displays, the two displays
+were separated by some ordinary text. Very often, though, aligned
+displays follow directly after each other. This is a problem, because
+if you have one display directly following another there will be too
+much vertical space between them. This problem was mentioned in
+Section {@NumberOf displays}, and the recommended solution was to
+use a list. However, there are no aligned or numbered (in this sense)
+To solve this problem, each display symbol has a `raw' version, which
+means that no space is inserted above or below the display. Instead,
+raw.displays @Index { raw displays }
+you must insert it yourself using paragraph symbols:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@RawAlignedDisplay @Eq { ... }"
+"@RawAlignedNumberedDisplay @Eq { ... }"
+"following text"
+You get the right spacing by placing {@Code "@DP"} symbols before,
+between, and after each display; and you get to use the specialized
+displays that you need. Raw and non-raw displays may be numbered and
+aligned together.
+Numbered displays are numbered automatically. Depending on where in
+the document they appear, the number might include a chapter number
+or section number, etc. This is controlled by options in the setup
+file; for example, setting @Code "@ChapterNumInDisplays" to @Code Yes
+ensures that numbered displays will be numbered afresh at the beginning
+of each chapter, and that the number will include a chapter number. There
+is also a @Code "@DisplayNumStyle" option which controls the style of
+displays; the default value, {@Code "(num)"}, encloses the number in
+parentheses as is conventional when numbering equations.
+Every display symbol has an abbreviated form consisting of @Code "@"
+followed by its capital letters only. For example,
+@Code "@BeginAlignedDisplays" may be abbreviated to {@Code "@BAD"}, and
+the display that has everything to {@Code "@RCAND"}. Owing to an
+unfortunate clash between the initial letters of `raw' and `right',
+@Code "@RightDisplay" and the other right displays have no abbreviations.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_intr b/doc/user/equ_intr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..882aaff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/equ_intr
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ @Title { Introduction }
+The Lout definitions for the @Code "@Eq" symbol are accessed via a setup
+file called {@Code "eq"}, which you must include at the start of your
+document if
+eq.file @Index { @Code "eq" file }
+you want equations, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { tbl }"
+"@SysInclude { eq }"
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+This shows what to do if you want both tables and equations, but you
+may leave out the line for tables if you don't want them. Setup files
+for specialized packages, such as like {@Code "tab"} and {@Code "eq"},
+are best included before the main setup file, but may be included in
+any order.
+With the @Code "eq" file included, you may write
+eq. @Index { @Code "@Eq" }
+@ID @Code "@Eq { ... }"
+at any point in your document, and the symbols of @Code "@Eq" will be
+available between the braces. Any symbols available outside continue
+to be available inside, which means that equations may be freely mixed
+with other symbols, without restriction.
+Equations may appear within a paragraph of text, or they may be
+displayed. {@Code "@Eq"}'s job is to produce an object containing the
+equation; it neither knows nor cares where this equation goes.
+To get an equation within a paragraph, simply place @Code "@Eq { ... }"
+at the desired point. To make the optimal paragraph breaker work hard to
+arrange the paragraph so that the equation does not spread over two
+lines, use {@Code "@OneCol @Eq { ... }"}. This is needed so frequently
+that a symbol @Code "@E" is defined in @Code "eq" along with @Code "@Eq"
+e. @Index { @Code "@E" }
+which is an abbreviation for {@Code "@OneCol @Eq"}.
+To display an equation, use a display symbol like @Code "@IndentedDisplay"
+or @Code "@CentredDisplay" (Section {@NumberOf displays}). For example,
+@ID @Code "@CentredDisplay @Eq { int supp pi on 0 sin ` x = 0 }"
+@CentredDisplay @Eq { int supp pi on 0 sin ` x = 0 }
+There are also symbols for aligned and numbered displays, which are
+very commonly used with equations. These symbols are the subject of
+Section {@NumberOf mathdisplays}.
+In this chapter we show the Lout input at the left, and its
+result at the right:
+@ID {
+@Code "@Eq { {x sup 2 + y sup 2} over 2 }"
+@Eq { {x sup 2 + y sup 2} over 2 }
+Subsequent examples will omit the enclosing {@Code "@Eq { ... }"}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_spac b/doc/user/equ_spac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a79fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/equ_spac
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ @Title { Spacing }
+There is a basic rule governing the use of white space characters (space,
+tab, and newline) in the input to Lout: white space between two objects
+affects the result; white space between a symbol and its parameter does
+not. This is explained at length in Section {@NumberOf spaces}.
+Although this rule is just right most of the time, it is not adequate
+for equation formatting. Getting the horizontal spacing right in
+equations is a very fiddly business, involving four different sizes of
+space (zero, thin, medium, and thick), and different rules for spacing
+within superscripts and subscripts to those applying outside, according
+to a leading authority @Cite { $knuth1984tex }. {@Code "@Eq"} therefore
+takes the spacing decisions upon itself, and consequently chooses to
+ignore all white space in its input, even between two objects. (The
+simplest way to restore the effect of white space to part of an equation
+is to enclose that part in a @Code "@Font" symbol.)
+Every symbol provided by {@Code "@Eq"} has a @I {full name}, which
+full.name @Index { full name of equation symbol }
+denotes the symbol without any space attached. Many symbols also
+have a @I {short name}, which denotes the same symbol with what
+short.name @Index { short name of equation symbol }
+{@Code "@Eq"} considers to be an appropriate amount of space for that
+symbol attached to it. For example, @Eq { lessequal } has full name
+@Code lessequal and short name {@Code "<="}:
+@LI {
+@Code "a lessequal b"
+@Eq { a lessequal b }
+@LI {
+@Code "a <= b"
+@Eq { a <= b }
+{@Code "@Eq"} puts a thick space around relation symbols like {@Code "<="},
+relations @Index { relation symbols in equations }
+a medium space around binary operator symbols like {@Code "+"}, and a thin
+binary.op @Index { binary operators in equations }
+space after punctuation symbols (@Code ";" and {@Code ","}); except that
+punctuation @Index { punctuation in equations }
+in places where the symbols appear in a smaller size (superscripts,
+subscripts, etc.), these spaces are omitted. No other horizontal space
+is ever inserted.
+The short names have been carefully designed to produce good-looking
+mathematics most of the time. It is best to rely on them in the first
+instance and only think about spacing when the result is not pleasing. In
+that case, {@Code "@Eq"}'s space can be removed by using the full names,
+and thin, medium and thick space can be added using the following symbols:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
+ A { @Code "`" }
+ B { {@Code "0.18f"} ({@Code "0.018f"} in subscripts, etc.) }
+ A { @Code "``" }
+ B { {@Code "0.24f"} ({@Code "0.024f"} in subscripts, etc.) }
+ A { @Code "```" }
+ B { {@Code "0.30f"} ({@Code "0.030f"} in subscripts, etc.) }
+where @Code "1f" is the current font size. These symbols have low
+precedence. The @Code "&" symbol from raw Lout is also available;
+the @Code "s" unit has value 0 and so is not very useful, but one can
+write @Code "&2m" for example for a two em space. The full names are
+tedious to remember, so {@Code "@Eq"} provides a @Code "non" symbol
+non. @Index { @Code "non" in equations }
+which removes spaces from its right parameter; thus @Code "non <=" is
+equivalent to {@Code "lessequal"}. There are also {@Code "rel"},
+{@Code "bin"}, and {@Code "punct"} symbols for telling {@Code "@Eq"}
+to add space to the following symbol as though it was a relation symbol,
+binary operator, or punctuation symbol.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_summ b/doc/user/equ_summ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcfbeb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/equ_summ
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+ @Title { Summary }
+This section is a complete list of the symbols provided by
+{@Code "@Eq"}. We divide them into auxiliary, parameterized, short names
+(further divided into relations, binary operators, and punctuation),
+and full names. The auxiliary symbols are:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
+ A { @Code "`" }
+ B { Thin space }
+ A { @Code "``" }
+ B { Medium space }
+ A { @Code "```" }
+ B { Thick space }
+ A { @Code "bin x" }
+ B { Treat @Code x as a binary operator }
+ A { @Code "rel x" }
+ B { Treat @Code x as a relation }
+ A { @Code "punct x" }
+ B { Treat @Code x as a punctuation symbol }
+ A { @Code "non x" }
+ B { Remove spaces normally put into @Code x }
+ A { @Code "vctr x" }
+ B { Centre @Code x vertically }
+ A { @Code "big x" }
+ B { Make @Code x larger }
+Here are all the parameterized symbols, shown in groups of equal
+precedence, with the precedence itself at right:
+@ID @OneRow lines @Break {
+@Code "matrix pmatrix bmatrix brmatrix fmatrix cmatrix amatrix not" (100)
+@Code "dot dotdot hat tilde vec dyad overbar underbar" (62)
+@Code "sup sub tsub supp" (60) @Code "on ton" (61)
+@Code "from to widefrom wideto" (58)
+@Code "sqrt root" (56)
+@Code "over frac" (54)
+@Code "col lcol ccol rcol mcol" (52)
+@Code "row axisrow" (50)
+# @Code "above labove cabove rabove mabove" (52)
+# @Code "nextcol" (50)
+See Section {@NumberOf symbols} for examples of matrices. Here are some
+examples of the other symbols:
+@LI {
+@Code "x dot"
+@Eq { x dot }
+@LI {
+@Code "x dotdot"
+@Eq { x dotdot }
+@LI {
+@Code "x hat"
+@Eq { x hat }
+@LI {
+@Code "x tilde"
+@Eq { x tilde }
+@LI {
+@Code "x vec"
+@Eq { x vec }
+@LI {
+@Code "x dyad"
+@Eq { x dyad }
+@LI {
+@Code "x+y overbar"
+@Eq { x+y overbar }
+@LI {
+@Code "x+y underbar"
+@Eq { x+y underbar }
+These marks are centred over the preceding object, except the last two
+which are extended to the width of the object.
+@LI {
+@Code "a sup b"
+@Eq {a sup b}
+@LI {
+@Code "a sub b"
+@Eq {a sub b}
+@LI {
+@Code "W tsub b"
+@Eq {W tsub b}
+@LI {
+@Code "a supp b on c"
+@Eq {a supp b on c}
+@LI {
+@Code "W supp b ton c"
+@Eq {W supp b ton c}
+Note that @Code "supp" and @Code "on" (or {@Code "ton"}) must be used
+together as shown; @Code "tsub" and @Code "ton" are exactly like
+@Code "sub" and @Code "on" except that the subscript is tucked in.
+@LI {
+@Code "big sum from i"
+@Eq {big sum from i}
+@LI {
+@Code "big prod to j"
+@Eq {big prod to j}
+@LI {
+@Code { "{a, ... , z} widefrom"
+"{90d @Rotate blbrace}" }
+@Eq { {a, ... , z} widefrom {90d @Rotate blbrace} }
+@LI {
+@Code "{a, ... , z} wideto minus"
+@Eq { {a, ... , z} wideto minus }
+@Code "widefrom" and @Code "wideto" are like @Code "from" and
+@Code "to" except that they horizontally scale the right parameter
+to the width of the left.
+@LI {
+@Code "sqrt {x over y}"
+@Eq { sqrt {x over y} }
+@LI {
+@Code "3 root {x over y}"
+@Eq { 3 root {x over y} }
+The left parameter of @Code "root" may be any object. Here are
+four ways to denote division:
+@LI {
+@Code "2 over 3"
+@Eq { 2 over 3 }
+@LI {
+@Code "2 frac 3"
+@Eq { 2 frac 3 }
+@LI {
+@Code "2 div 3"
+@Eq { 2 div 3 }
+@LI {
+@Code "2 slash 3"
+@Eq { 2 slash 3 }
+The @Code "div" symbol is a binary operator (see below), and
+@Code "slash" is the full name for the @Code "/" character from
+the Adobe Symbol font. You can't use @Code "/" itself, because
+it is one of Lout's special symbols.
+The following short names define relations (that is, they have a thick
+space on each side):
+ragged @Break {
+"<" @Dbl @Eq { < }
+">" @Dbl @Eq { > }
+"=" @Dbl @Eq { = }
+"<=" @Dbl @Eq { <= }
+"prec" @Dbl @Eq { prec }
+"preceq" @Dbl @Eq { preceq }
+"<<" @Dbl @Eq { << }
+"subset" @Dbl @Eq { subset }
+"subseteq" @Dbl @Eq { subseteq }
+"sqsubseteq" @Dbl @Eq { sqsubseteq }
+"in" @Dbl @Eq { in }
+"vdash" @Dbl @Eq { vdash }
+"smile" @Dbl @Eq { smile }
+"frown" @Dbl @Eq { frown }
+">=" @Dbl @Eq { >= }
+"succ" @Dbl @Eq { succ }
+"succeq" @Dbl @Eq { succeq }
+">>" @Dbl @Eq { >> }
+"supset" @Dbl @Eq { supset }
+"supseteq" @Dbl @Eq { supseteq }
+"sqsupseteq" @Dbl @Eq { sqsupseteq }
+"ni" @Dbl @Eq { ni }
+"dashv" @Dbl @Eq { dashv }
+"mid" @Dbl @Eq { mid }
+"parallel" @Dbl @Eq { parallel }
+"==" @Dbl @Eq { == }
+"~" @Dbl @Eq { ~ }
+"-~" @Dbl @Eq { -~ }
+"asymp" @Dbl @Eq { asymp }
+"~~" @Dbl @Eq { ~~ }
+"=~" @Dbl @Eq { =~ }
+"bowtie" @Dbl @Eq { bowtie }
+"propto" @Dbl @Eq { propto }
+"models" @Dbl @Eq { models }
+"doteq" @Dbl @Eq { doteq }
+"perp" @Dbl @Eq { perp }
+"notsub" @Dbl @Eq { notsub }
+"notin" @Dbl @Eq { notin }
+"!=" @Dbl @Eq { != }
+"<->" @Dbl @Eq { <-> }
+"<--" @Dbl @Eq { <-- }
+"-->" @Dbl @Eq { --> }
+"up" @Dbl @Eq { up }
+"down" @Dbl @Eq { down }
+"<=>" @Dbl @Eq { <=> }
+"<==" @Dbl @Eq { <== }
+"==>" @Dbl @Eq { ==> }
+"dblup" @Dbl @Eq { dblup }
+"dbldown" @Dbl @Eq { dbldown }
+":" @Dbl @Eq { : }
+"::" @Dbl @Eq { :: }
+":=" @Dbl @Eq { := }
+These can be negated by preceding them with {@Code "not"}, as in
+negation. @Index { negation of equation symbols }
+{@Code "not =="}, for example, which yields {@Eq { not == }}. The
+following short names define binary operators (medium space on each side):
+ragged @Break {
+"+" @Dbl @Eq { + }
+"-" @Dbl @Eq { - }
+"+-" @Dbl @Eq { +- }
+"-+" @Dbl @Eq { -+ }
+"setminus" @Dbl @Eq { setminus }
+"cdot" @Dbl @Eq { cdot }
+"times" @Dbl @Eq { times }
+"*" @Dbl @Eq { * }
+"circ" @Dbl @Eq { circ }
+"div" @Dbl @Eq { div }
+"cap" @Dbl @Eq { cap }
+"cup" @Dbl @Eq { cup }
+"uplus" @Dbl @Eq { uplus }
+"sqcap" @Dbl @Eq { sqcap }
+"sqcup" @Dbl @Eq { sqcup }
+"triangleleft" @Dbl @Eq { triangleleft }
+"triangleright" @Dbl @Eq { triangleright }
+"wr" @Dbl @Eq { wr }
+"bigcirc" @Dbl @Eq { bigcirc }
+"bigtriangleup" @Dbl @Eq { bigtriangleup }
+"bigtriangledown"@Dbl @Eq { bigtriangledown }
+"vee" @Dbl @Eq { vee }
+"wedge" @Dbl @Eq { wedge }
+"oplus" @Dbl @Eq { oplus }
+"ominus" @Dbl @Eq { ominus }
+"otimes" @Dbl @Eq { otimes }
+"oslash" @Dbl @Eq { oslash }
+"odot" @Dbl @Eq { odot }
+"dagger" @Dbl @Eq { dagger }
+"daggerdbl" @Dbl @Eq { daggerdbl }
+"amalg" @Dbl @Eq { amalg }
+The following names define arrow symbols (no extra space):
+ragged @Break {
+"leftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { leftarrow }
+"longleftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { longleftarrow }
+"dblleftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dblleftarrow }
+"dbllongleftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dbllongleftarrow }
+"rightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { rightarrow }
+"longrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { longrightarrow }
+"dblrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dblrightarrow }
+"dbllongrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dbllongrightarrow }
+"leftrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { leftrightarrow }
+"longleftrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { longleftrightarrow }
+"dblleftrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dblleftrightarrow }
+{ 1.15i @Wide @HScale "dbllongleftrightarrow" } @Dbl @Eq { dbllongleftrightarrow }
+"mapsto" @Dbl @Eq { mapsto }
+"longmapsto" @Dbl @Eq { longmapsto }
+"hookleftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { hookleftarrow }
+"hookrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { hookrightarrow }
+"leadsto" @Dbl @Eq { leadsto }
+"leftharpoonup" @Dbl @Eq { leftharpoonup }
+"rightharpoonup" @Dbl @Eq { rightharpoonup }
+"leftharpoondown" @Dbl @Eq { leftharpoondown }
+"rightharpoondown" @Dbl @Eq { rightharpoondown }
+"rightleftharpoons" @Dbl @Eq { rightleftharpoons }
+"uparrow" @Dbl @Eq { uparrow }
+"dbluparrow" @Dbl @Eq { dbluparrow }
+"downarrow" @Dbl @Eq { downarrow }
+"dbldownarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dbldownarrow }
+"updownarrow" @Dbl @Eq { updownarrow }
+"dblupdownarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dblupdownarrow }
+"nearrow" @Dbl @Eq { nearrow }
+"searrow" @Dbl @Eq { searrow }
+"swarrow" @Dbl @Eq { swarrow }
+"nwarrow" @Dbl @Eq { nwarrow }
+The following names define punctuation symbols (thin space on the
+right-hand side):
+ragged @Break {
+";" @Dbl @Eq { ; }
+"," @Dbl @Eq { , }
+"col" @Dbl @Eq { col }
+The following symbols are used in ways typified by the large sum and
+product symbols. In display equations they should be preceded by the
+@Code "big" symbol:
+ragged @Break {
+"sum" @Dbl @Eq { sum }
+"prod" @Dbl @Eq { prod }
+"coprod" @Dbl @Eq { coprod }
+"int" @Dbl @Eq { int }
+"oint" @Dbl @Eq { oint }
+"bcap" @Dbl @Eq { bcap }
+"bcup" @Dbl @Eq { bcup }
+"bvee" @Dbl @Eq { bvee }
+"bwedge" @Dbl @Eq { bwedge }
+"bodot" @Dbl @Eq { bodot }
+"botimes" @Dbl @Eq { botimes }
+"boplus" @Dbl @Eq { boplus }
+"buplus" @Dbl @Eq { buplus }
+The following symbols are defined so that they will appear in Roman,
+as is conventional for them in equations:
+ragged @Break {
+"arccos" @Dbl @Eq { arccos }
+"arcsin" @Dbl @Eq { arcsin }
+"arctan" @Dbl @Eq { arctan }
+"arg" @Dbl @Eq { arg }
+"cos" @Dbl @Eq { cos }
+"cosh" @Dbl @Eq { cosh }
+"cot" @Dbl @Eq { cot }
+"coth" @Dbl @Eq { coth }
+"csc" @Dbl @Eq { csc }
+"deg" @Dbl @Eq { deg }
+"det" @Dbl @Eq { det }
+"dim" @Dbl @Eq { dim }
+"exp" @Dbl @Eq { exp }
+"gcd" @Dbl @Eq { gcd }
+"hom" @Dbl @Eq { hom }
+"inf" @Dbl @Eq { inf }
+"ker" @Dbl @Eq { ker }
+"lg" @Dbl @Eq { lg }
+"lim" @Dbl @Eq { lim }
+"liminf" @Dbl @Eq { liminf }
+"limsup" @Dbl @Eq { limsup }
+"ln" @Dbl @Eq { ln }
+"log" @Dbl @Eq { log }
+"max" @Dbl @Eq { max }
+"min" @Dbl @Eq { min }
+"Pr" @Dbl @Eq { Pr }
+"sec" @Dbl @Eq { sec }
+"sin" @Dbl @Eq { sin }
+"sinh" @Dbl @Eq { sinh }
+"supr" @Dbl @Eq { supr }
+"tan" @Dbl @Eq { tan }
+"tanh" @Dbl @Eq { tanh }
+"mod" @Dbl @Eq { mod }
+The following symbols are also defined to ensure that they will appear
+in Roman:
+ragged @Break {
+"0" @Dbl @Eq { 0 }
+"1" @Dbl @Eq { 1 }
+"2" @Dbl @Eq { 2 }
+"3" @Dbl @Eq { 3 }
+"4" @Dbl @Eq { 4 }
+"5" @Dbl @Eq { 5 }
+"6" @Dbl @Eq { 6 }
+"7" @Dbl @Eq { 7 }
+"8" @Dbl @Eq { 8 }
+"9" @Dbl @Eq { 9 }
+"!" @Dbl @Eq { ! }
+"?" @Dbl @Eq { ? }
+"%" @Dbl @Eq { % }
+"(" @Dbl @Eq { ( }
+")" @Dbl @Eq { ) }
+"[" @Dbl @Eq { [ }
+"]" @Dbl @Eq { ] }
+The following symbols make good @Code atleft and @Code atright parameters
+of the @Code matrix symbol:
+ragged @Break {
+"lpar" @Dbl @Eq { lpar }
+"blpar" @Dbl @Eq { blpar }
+"rpar" @Dbl @Eq { rpar }
+"brpar" @Dbl @Eq { brpar }
+"lbrack" @Dbl @Eq { lbrack }
+"blbrack" @Dbl @Eq { blbrack }
+"rbrack" @Dbl @Eq { rbrack }
+"brbrack" @Dbl @Eq { brbrack }
+"lbrace" @Dbl @Eq { lbrace }
+"blbrace" @Dbl @Eq { blbrace }
+"rbrace" @Dbl @Eq { rbrace }
+"brbrace" @Dbl @Eq { brbrace }
+"lfloor" @Dbl @Eq { lfloor }
+"blfloor" @Dbl @Eq { blfloor }
+"rfloor" @Dbl @Eq { rfloor }
+"brfloor" @Dbl @Eq { brfloor }
+"lceil" @Dbl @Eq { lceil }
+"blceil" @Dbl @Eq { blceil }
+"rceil" @Dbl @Eq { rceil }
+"brceil" @Dbl @Eq { brceil }
+"langle" @Dbl @Eq { langle }
+"blangle" @Dbl @Eq { blangle }
+"rangle" @Dbl @Eq { rangle }
+"brangle" @Dbl @Eq { brangle }
+Here are some miscellaneous symbols:
+ragged @Break {
+"hbar" @Dbl @Eq { hbar }
+"Re" @Dbl @Eq { Re }
+"Im" @Dbl @Eq { Im }
+"partial" @Dbl @Eq { partial }
+"infty" @Dbl @Eq { infty }
+"prime" @Dbl @Eq { prime }
+"nabla" @Dbl @Eq { nabla }
+"surd" @Dbl @Eq { surd }
+"top" @Dbl @Eq { top }
+"bot" @Dbl @Eq { bot }
+"dbar" @Dbl @Eq { dbar }
+"triangle" @Dbl @Eq { triangle }
+"backslash" @Dbl @Eq { backslash }
+"forall" @Dbl @Eq { forall }
+"exists" @Dbl @Eq { exists }
+"neg" @Dbl @Eq { neg }
+"circle" @Dbl @Eq { circle }
+"square" @Dbl @Eq { square }
+"ldots" @Dbl @Eq { ldots }
+"cdots" @Dbl @Eq { cdots }
+"vdots" @Dbl @Eq { vdots }
+"ddots" @Dbl @Eq { ddots }
+"del" @Dbl @Eq { del }
+"grad" @Dbl @Eq { grad }
+"..." @Dbl @Eq { ... }
+",...," @Dbl @Eq { ,..., }
+"half" @Dbl @Eq { half }
+"third" @Dbl @Eq { third }
+"'" @Dbl @Eq { ' }
+"empty" @Dbl @Eq { empty }
+Finally, here is the long list of full names from the Adobe Symbol font;
+these are the same characters as you get with the @Code "@Sym" symbol
+of Section {@NumberOf characters}, but within equations you don't need
+to type {@Code "@Sym"}:
+ragged @Break {
+"space" @Dbl @Eq { space }
+"exclam" @Dbl @Eq { exclam }
+"universal" @Dbl @Eq { universal }
+"numbersign" @Dbl @Eq { numbersign }
+"existential" @Dbl @Eq { existential }
+"percent" @Dbl @Eq { percent }
+"ampersand" @Dbl @Eq { ampersand }
+"suchthat" @Dbl @Eq { suchthat }
+"parenleft" @Dbl @Eq { parenleft }
+"parenright" @Dbl @Eq { parenright }
+"asteriskmath" @Dbl @Eq { asteriskmath }
+"plus" @Dbl @Eq { plus }
+"comma" @Dbl @Eq { comma }
+"minus" @Dbl @Eq { minus }
+"period" @Dbl @Eq { period }
+"slash" @Dbl @Eq { slash }
+"zero" @Dbl @Eq { zero }
+"one" @Dbl @Eq { one }
+"two" @Dbl @Eq { two }
+"three" @Dbl @Eq { three }
+"four" @Dbl @Eq { four }
+"five" @Dbl @Eq { five }
+"six" @Dbl @Eq { six }
+"seven" @Dbl @Eq { seven }
+"eight" @Dbl @Eq { eight }
+"nine" @Dbl @Eq { nine }
+"colon" @Dbl @Eq { colon }
+"semicolon" @Dbl @Eq { semicolon }
+"less" @Dbl @Eq { less }
+"equal" @Dbl @Eq { equal }
+"greater" @Dbl @Eq { greater }
+"question" @Dbl @Eq { question }
+"congruent" @Dbl @Eq { congruent }
+"Alpha" @Dbl @Eq { Alpha }
+"Beta" @Dbl @Eq { Beta }
+"Chi" @Dbl @Eq { Chi }
+"Delta" @Dbl @Eq { Delta }
+"Epsilon" @Dbl @Eq { Epsilon }
+"Phi" @Dbl @Eq { Phi }
+"Gamma" @Dbl @Eq { Gamma }
+"Eta" @Dbl @Eq { Eta }
+"Iota" @Dbl @Eq { Iota }
+"thetaone" @Dbl @Eq { thetaone }
+"Kappa" @Dbl @Eq { Kappa }
+"Lambda" @Dbl @Eq { Lambda }
+"Mu" @Dbl @Eq { Mu }
+"Nu" @Dbl @Eq { Nu }
+"Omicron" @Dbl @Eq { Omicron }
+"Pi" @Dbl @Eq { Pi }
+"Theta" @Dbl @Eq { Theta }
+"Rho" @Dbl @Eq { Rho }
+"Sigma" @Dbl @Eq { Sigma }
+"Tau" @Dbl @Eq { Tau }
+"Upsilon" @Dbl @Eq { Upsilon }
+"sigmaone" @Dbl @Eq { sigmaone }
+"Omega" @Dbl @Eq { Omega }
+"Xi" @Dbl @Eq { Xi }
+"Psi" @Dbl @Eq { Psi }
+"Zeta" @Dbl @Eq { Zeta }
+"bracketleft" @Dbl @Eq { bracketleft }
+"therefore" @Dbl @Eq { therefore }
+"bracketright" @Dbl @Eq { bracketright }
+"perpendicular" @Dbl @Eq { perpendicular }
+"underscore" @Dbl @Eq { underscore }
+"radicalex" @Dbl @Eq { radicalex }
+"alpha" @Dbl @Eq { alpha }
+"beta" @Dbl @Eq { beta }
+"chi" @Dbl @Eq { chi }
+"delta" @Dbl @Eq { delta }
+"epsilon" @Dbl @Eq { epsilon }
+"phi" @Dbl @Eq { phi }
+"gamma" @Dbl @Eq { gamma }
+"eta" @Dbl @Eq { eta }
+"iota" @Dbl @Eq { iota }
+"phione" @Dbl @Eq { phione }
+"kappa" @Dbl @Eq { kappa }
+"lambda" @Dbl @Eq { lambda }
+"mu" @Dbl @Eq { mu }
+"nu" @Dbl @Eq { nu }
+"omicron" @Dbl @Eq { omicron }
+"pi" @Dbl @Eq { pi }
+"theta" @Dbl @Eq { theta }
+"rho" @Dbl @Eq { rho }
+"sigma" @Dbl @Eq { sigma }
+"tau" @Dbl @Eq { tau }
+"upsilon" @Dbl @Eq { upsilon }
+"omegaone" @Dbl @Eq { omegaone }
+"omega" @Dbl @Eq { omega }
+"xi" @Dbl @Eq { xi }
+"psi" @Dbl @Eq { psi }
+"zeta" @Dbl @Eq { zeta }
+"braceleft" @Dbl @Eq { braceleft }
+"bar" @Dbl @Eq { bar }
+"braceright" @Dbl @Eq { braceright }
+"similar" @Dbl @Eq { similar }
+"Upsilonone" @Dbl @Eq { Upsilonone }
+"minute" @Dbl @Eq { minute }
+"lessequal" @Dbl @Eq { lessequal }
+"fraction" @Dbl @Eq { fraction }
+"infinity" @Dbl @Eq { infinity }
+"florin" @Dbl @Eq { florin }
+"club" @Dbl @Eq { club }
+"diamond" @Dbl @Eq { diamond }
+"heart" @Dbl @Eq { heart }
+"spade" @Dbl @Eq { spade }
+"arrowboth" @Dbl @Eq { arrowboth }
+"arrowleft" @Dbl @Eq { arrowleft }
+"arrowup" @Dbl @Eq { arrowup }
+"arrowright" @Dbl @Eq { arrowright }
+"arrowdown" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdown }
+"degree" @Dbl @Eq { degree }
+"plusminus" @Dbl @Eq { plusminus }
+"second" @Dbl @Eq { second }
+"greaterequal" @Dbl @Eq { greaterequal }
+"multiply" @Dbl @Eq { multiply }
+"proportional" @Dbl @Eq { proportional }
+"partialdiff" @Dbl @Eq { partialdiff }
+"bullet" @Dbl @Eq { bullet }
+"divide" @Dbl @Eq { divide }
+"notequal" @Dbl @Eq { notequal }
+"equivalence" @Dbl @Eq { equivalence }
+"approxequal" @Dbl @Eq { approxequal }
+"ellipsis" @Dbl @Eq { ellipsis }
+"arrowvertex" @Dbl @Eq { arrowvertex }
+"arrowhorizex" @Dbl @Eq { arrowhorizex }
+"carriagereturn"@Dbl @Eq { carriagereturn }
+"aleph" @Dbl @Eq { aleph }
+"Ifraktur" @Dbl @Eq { Ifraktur }
+"Rfraktur" @Dbl @Eq { Rfraktur }
+"weierstrass" @Dbl @Eq { weierstrass }
+"circlemultiply"@Dbl @Eq { circlemultiply }
+"circleplus" @Dbl @Eq { circleplus }
+"emptyset" @Dbl @Eq { emptyset }
+"intersection" @Dbl @Eq { intersection }
+"union" @Dbl @Eq { union }
+"propersuperset"@Dbl @Eq { propersuperset }
+"reflexsuperset"@Dbl @Eq { reflexsuperset }
+"notsubset" @Dbl @Eq { notsubset }
+"propersubset" @Dbl @Eq { propersubset }
+"reflexsubset" @Dbl @Eq { reflexsubset }
+"element" @Dbl @Eq { element }
+"notelement" @Dbl @Eq { notelement }
+"angle" @Dbl @Eq { angle }
+"gradient" @Dbl @Eq { gradient }
+"registerserif" @Dbl @Eq { registerserif }
+"copyrightserif"@Dbl @Eq { copyrightserif }
+"trademarkserif"@Dbl @Eq { trademarkserif }
+"product" @Dbl @Eq { product }
+"radical" @Dbl @Eq { radical }
+"dotmath" @Dbl @Eq { dotmath }
+"logicalnot" @Dbl @Eq { logicalnot }
+"logicaland" @Dbl @Eq { logicaland }
+"logicalor" @Dbl @Eq { logicalor }
+"arrowdblboth" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdblboth }
+"arrowdblleft" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdblleft }
+"arrowdblup" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdblup }
+"arrowdblright" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdblright }
+"arrowdbldown" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdbldown }
+"lozenge" @Dbl @Eq { lozenge }
+"angleleft" @Dbl @Eq { angleleft }
+"registersans" @Dbl @Eq { registersans }
+"copyrightsans" @Dbl @Eq { copyrightsans }
+"trademarksans" @Dbl @Eq { trademarksans }
+"summation" @Dbl @Eq { summation }
+"parenlefttp" @Dbl @Eq { parenlefttp }
+"parenleftex" @Dbl @Eq { parenleftex }
+"parenleftbt" @Dbl @Eq { parenleftbt }
+"bracketlefttp" @Dbl @Eq { bracketlefttp }
+"bracketleftex" @Dbl @Eq { bracketleftex }
+"bracketleftbt" @Dbl @Eq { bracketleftbt }
+"bracelefttp" @Dbl @Eq { bracelefttp }
+"braceleftmid" @Dbl @Eq { braceleftmid }
+"braceleftbt" @Dbl @Eq { braceleftbt }
+"braceex" @Dbl @Eq { braceex }
+"angleright" @Dbl @Eq { angleright }
+"integral" @Dbl @Eq { integral }
+"integraltp" @Dbl @Eq { integraltp }
+"integralex" @Dbl @Eq { integralex }
+"integralbt" @Dbl @Eq { integralbt }
+"parenrighttp" @Dbl @Eq { parenrighttp }
+"parenrightex" @Dbl @Eq { parenrightex }
+"parenrightbt" @Dbl @Eq { parenrightbt }
+"bracketrighttp"@Dbl @Eq { bracketrighttp }
+"bracketrightex"@Dbl @Eq { bracketrightex }
+"bracketrightbt"@Dbl @Eq { bracketrightbt }
+"bracerighttp" @Dbl @Eq { bracerighttp }
+"bracerightmid" @Dbl @Eq { bracerightmid }
+"bracerightbt" @Dbl @Eq { bracerightbt }
+The names given are the same as Adobe's, as used by the @Code "@Sym"
+symbol, except in a few places where the Adobe name contains a digit,
+which is not possible for a symbol name in Lout.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_symb b/doc/user/equ_symb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f56eca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/equ_symb
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+ @Title { Symbols }
+ @Tag { symbols }
+@Code "@Eq" prints characters in the fonts appropriate for mathematics:
+@ID {
+@Code "x - 2"
+@Eq { x-2 }
+Here @Eq { x } is in Italic, @Eq { 2 } is in Roman, and @Eq { minus } is
+from the Symbol font. The character @Code "-" is a @I symbol which
+stands for @Eq {minus}, and @Code "2" is also a symbol, standing for
+@Eq { 2 }. @Code "@Eq" includes a vast number of symbols:
+@ID {
+@Code "Omega delta int partial club"
+@Eq { Omega delta int partial club }
+The summary at the end of this chapter has the complete list.
+Symbols whose names are made from letters should be separated from each
+other by at least one space or end of line, as was done above, or else
+@Code "@Eq" will become confused:
+@ID {
+@Code "Omegadelta"
+@Eq { Omegadelta }
+Symbols whose names are made from digits and punctuation characters can,
+however, be run together with each other and with symbols made from
+@ID {
+@Code "Omega-delta<=2"
+@Eq { Omega-delta<=2 }
+This rule applies throughout Lout (Section {@NumberOf spaces}).
+Some symbols join objects together in mathematical ways:
+@ID {
+@Code "x sub 2"
+@Eq { x sub 2 }
+Here the @Code "sub" symbol has taken the object just to its left, and
+sub. @Index { @Code "sub" in equations }
+the object just to its right, and joined them into one object in the
+form of a subscript. The two objects are called the left and right
+parameters of {@Code "sub"}, and they may be arbitrary Lout objects.
+Other symbols of a similar kind include {@Code "sup"} for
+sup. @Index { @Code "sup" in equations }
+superscripting, @Code "over" for built-up fractions, and @Code "from"
+over.eq. @Index { @Code "over" in equations }
+from. @Index { @Code "from" in equations }
+to. @Index { @Code "to" in equations }
+and @Code "to" for the lower and upper limits of sums, products,
+etc. These symbols may be used together to produce complicated
+equations very easily:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+"big sum from i=0 to n r sup i"
+"= {r sup n+1 - 1} over r-1"
+@Eq { big sum from i=0 to n r sup i
+= {r sup n+1 - 1} over r-1
+Here @Code "sum" is just the @Eq { summation } symbol; @Code "from" and
+@Code "to" do all the work of placing the limits. They are quite
+independent, so either or both may be omitted. To get a superscript
+directly over a subscript, use the @Code "supp" and @Code "on" symbols:
+supp. @Index { @Code "supp" in equations }
+on. @Index { @Code "on" in equations }
+@ID {
+@Code "A supp b on a"
+@Eq { A supp b on a }
+These two symbols should always be used together as shown.
+Sometimes a subscript appears to be too far to the right, owing to
+the slope of italic letters: in @Eq { W sub n }, for example. You
+can fix this by using `tucked' subscripts, like this:
+@LI {
+@Code "W tsub n"
+@Eq { W tsub n }
+@LI {
+@Code "W supp b ton a"
+@Eq { W supp b ton a }
+The @Code "tsub" and @Code "ton" symbols are exactly like @Code "sub"
+and @Code "on" except for this tucking-in effect. However, the
+@Code "sub" symbol itself does a certain amount of tucking in; the
+amount is determined by kerning information in the font files and
+so is sensitive to the shape of the letters.
+As usual in Lout, braces are used to group something into an indivisible
+object. Leaving them out creates ambiguities:
+@ID @Code "a sup b over c"
+There are two possible interpretations for this:
+@LI {
+@Code "{a sup b} over c"
+@Eq { {a sup b} over c }
+@LI {
+@Code "a sup {b over c}"
+@Eq { a sup {b over c} }
+@Code "@Eq" chooses between them in the following way. Every symbol that
+takes a parameter also has a {@I precedence}, which is a number. For
+example, @Code "sup" has precedence 60 and @Code "over" has precedence
+54. The symbol with the highest precedence wins the object lying between
+them, so in the above case the first interpretation is chosen. If two
+symbols of equal precedence compete for an object, the association is
+towards the left:
+@ID {
+@Code "a sup b sub 2"
+@Eq { a sup b sub 2 }
+In this case it is more probable that the following right association
+was actually wanted:
+@ID {
+@Code "a sup { b sub 2 }"
+@Eq { a sup { b sub 2 } }
+When in doubt, use braces to make the grouping clear.
+White space between two objects is considered to be a symbol with
+precedence 7, which is lower than the precedence of any @Code "@Eq"
+symbol; but if the two objects are immediately adjacent and neither is
+enclosed in braces the precedence is 102, which is higher than the
+precedence of any @Code "@Eq" symbol. Compare these three examples:
+@LI {
+@Code "big sum from i=0 to n"
+@Eq { big sum from i=0 to n }
+@LI {
+@Code "big sum from {i = 0} to n"
+@Eq { big sum from {i = 0} to n }
+@LI {
+@Code "big sum from i = 0 to n"
+@Eq { big sum from i = 0 to n }
+and you will see that some care is needed on this point. Braces can
+always be used to override precedence and associativity, and when in
+doubt the easiest course is to insert them. Although Lout allows
+symbols to associate towards the left or right, @Code "@Eq" chooses
+to have only left associative symbols. The summary at the end of this
+chapter gives the precedence of every symbol.
+The @Code matrix symbol {@PageMark matrix} builds an array of objects:
+matrix. @Index { @Code "matrix" in equations }
+@ID {
+@Code {
+" atleft { blpar }"
+" atright { brpar }"
+" row col x sup 2 col y sup 2 col z sup 2"
+" row col x col y col z"
+" row col 1 col 1 col 1"
+@Eq {
+ atleft { blpar }
+ atright { brpar }
+ row col x sup 2 col y sup 2 col z sup 2
+ row col x col y col z
+ row col 1 col 1 col 1
+The @Code atleft and @Code atright options place vertically scaled
+versions of their values at each side; if either is omitted the value
+is taken to be an empty object of zero width by default. Although
+we have used @Code blpar and @Code brpar here, since the options are
+vertically scaled to the correct size some people prefer simply
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" atleft { ( }"
+" atright { ) }"
+The right parameter of @Code matrix is the array itself. It must be
+enclosed in braces, and it is a sequence of rows introduced by
+@Code row symbols; each row is a sequence of objects introduced by
+@Code col symbols.
+@FootNote {
+Older versions of Lout use different symbols, {@Code "above"} and
+{@Code "nextcol"}, at this point. For backward compatibility these
+symbols are still available, but they are obsolete and no longer documented.
+The @Code row and @Code col symbols have low precedence, but not
+as low as white space between two objects. Therefore, unless the
+entries in the array are very simple, it is safest to enclose each of
+them in braces.
+Entries built with the @Code col symbol have their objects centred in
+the column. Also available are @Code lcol for left-justified entries,
+@Code ccol meaning the same as {@Code col}, @Code rcol for
+right-justified entries, and @Code mcol for alignment along column
+marks. Each column may contain entries of different kinds, except
+that @Code mcol does not work well with any other sort.
+When several matrices appear side by side, slight differences in height
+can cause an unsightly appearance:
+@ID @Eq {
+ atleft { ( }
+ atright { ) }
+ row col a sub 11 col a sub 12
+ row col a sub 21 col a sub 22
+ atleft { ( }
+ atright { ) }
+ row col b sub 11 col b sub 12
+ row col b sub 21 col b sub 22
+ atleft { ( }
+ atright { ) }
+ row col c sub 11 col c sub 12
+ row col c sub 21 col c sub 22
+To assist in resolving this problem, the @Code "matrix" symbol has
+a @Code "strut" option, which causes a strut to be inserted into
+every row, guaranteeing that every row has height at least equal
+to the height of the strut. By using
+@ID @Code {
+" strut { Yes }"
+in each of the three matrices above, the result is improved to
+@ID @Eq {
+ atleft { ( }
+ atright { ) }
+ strut { Yes }
+ row col a sub 11 col a sub 12
+ row col a sub 21 col a sub 22
+ atleft { ( }
+ atright { ) }
+ strut { Yes }
+ row col b sub 11 col b sub 12
+ row col b sub 21 col b sub 22
+ atleft { ( }
+ atright { ) }
+ strut { Yes }
+ row col c sub 11 col c sub 12
+ row col c sub 21 col c sub 22
+By default, the strut has height @Code "0.5f" (half the current font
+size) both above and below the axis of the row. This can be changed
+by giving any length as the value of the @Code "strut" option:
+@Code "strut { 2.0c }" for two centimetres above and below
+the axis, and so on.
+Some symbols have been added which produce `matrices' with commonly needed
+@Code atleft and @Code atright options already set for you. Here are
+these symbols, on the left, with the equivalent @Code matrix symbol
+and, on the right, the result produced:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col ! @Col @Code B ! @Col ! @Col C }
+ A { "pmatrix" }
+ B { "matrix atleft { ( } atright { ) } { M }" }
+ C { @Eq { pmatrix { M } } }
+ A { "bmatrix" }
+ B { "matrix atleft { blbrack } atright { brbrack } { M }" }
+ C { @Eq { bmatrix { M } } }
+ A { "brmatrix" }
+ B { "matrix atleft { blbrace } atright { brbrace } { M }" }
+ C { @Eq { brmatrix { M } } }
+ A { "fmatrix" }
+ B { "matrix atleft { blfloor } atright { brfloor } { M }" }
+ C { @Eq { fmatrix { M } } }
+ A { "cmatrix" }
+ B { "matrix atleft { blceil } atright { brceil } { M }" }
+ C { @Eq { cmatrix { M } } }
+ A { "amatrix" }
+ B { "matrix atleft { blangle } atright { brangle } { M }" }
+ C { @Eq { amatrix { M } } }
+For example:
+@ID {
+@Code {
+"fmatrix { (n+1) over 2 }"
+@Eq {
+fmatrix { (n+1) over 2 }
+As this example shows, these symbols are very useful for getting large
+scaled delimiters around things that aren't necessarily matrices at all.
+Each of the @Code "@Eq" symbols that takes parameters also has a @Code gap
+option, which controls the amount of space inserted by the symbol:
+@LI {
+@Code "x over y"
+@Eq { x over y }
+@LI {
+6c @Wide @Code "x over gap { 3p } y"
+@Eq { x over gap { 3p } y }
+@Code "@Eq" usually gets the spacing right without help.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_tequ b/doc/user/equ_tequ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbb1d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/equ_tequ
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ @Title { An alternative version that uses @TeX's fonts }
+ @Tag { teq }
+There is an alternative version of the @Code "@Eq" symbol that
+tex.mathfonts @SubIndex { mathematical fonts }
+uses fonts taken from the @TeX document formatting
+system. These fonts are said to produce better-looking
+mathematics than the Adobe Systems Symbol font used by the
+standard @Code "@Eq" symbol.
+The fonts were converted from @TeX form to PostScript form by
+Basil K. Malyshev, who has attached a license to them permitting
+non-commercial use only. This is a much more stringent license
+than the one attached to Lout itself. For this reason, the files
+needed to use these @TeX fonts are distributed separately from the
+rest of Lout, although you can get them from the same place (see the
+preface of this guide).
+Once these files are installed, you change from the standard
+@Code "@Eq" symbol to the @TeX version by changing the initial
+@Code "@SysInclude { eq }" to {@Code "@SysInclude { teq }"}. Do
+absolutely nothing else.
+Unfortunately, the @TeX fonts are not usually resident on PostScript
+printing devices, which means that Lout is obliged to include them in its
+PostScript output file. You don't have to do anything to make this
+happen, but the cost is fairly large: changing to @Code "@SysInclude { teq }"
+increases the size of the PostScript output file by 252 kilobytes.
+It is possible to gain access to characters in the @TeX
+fonts that are not accessible directly from {@Code "@Eq"}, mainly
+script capitals and bold-italic Greek letters. For example, you can
+use @Code "{cmsy Base} @Font @Char \"A\"" to get a script A, and
+@Code "{cmmi Bold} @Font @Char \"pi\"" to get a bold-italic
+{@Sym pi}. For the full story, consult file @Code "teq" in the
+Lout system include directory for the names of these fonts, and then
+look in Lout's font directory for their font metrics files, which
+show the names and encodings of all the characters.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_vert b/doc/user/equ_vert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1595ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/equ_vert
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ @Tag { vpos }
+ @Title { Vertical positioning }
+Every equation and every object within every equation has an
+@I axis running through it which is used to position it vertically
+axis @Index { axis of equation }
+with respect to nearby objects. In the Expert's Guide to Lout
+@Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert } this is called a @I { row mark },
+but we'll stick with axis. Here are some examples with the axis
+shown as a dashed line:
+@ID {
+@ShowHMark @Eq { x sup 2 }
+@ShowHMark @Eq { non + }
+@ShowHMark @Eq { @ExA }
+When these objects are placed adjacent to one another, their
+axes are merged, giving the correct vertical positioning:
+@ID @ShowHMark @Eq { x sup 2 + @ExA }
+Most of the time you do not need to think about vertical
+positioning, because for most objects there is just one
+sensible place for the axis to go, and Lout puts it there.
+Matrices and the delimiters that enclose them are the two
+exceptions. Lout makes the axis of a matrix pass through
+its exact centre, and it shifts the axes of delimiters
+so that they exactly enclose the thing delimited. These
+choices are never disastrous, but there are other possibilities
+that might be better sometimes.
+The axis of a matrix could reasonably be set to the axis
+of any of its rows:
+@ID {
+@ShowHMark @Eq {
+matrix userow { yes } {
+ axisrow col { x sup 3 } col { y sup 3 } col { z sup 3 }
+ row col { x sup 2 } col { y sup 2 } col { z sup 2 }
+ row col { x } col { y } col { z }
+@ShowHMark @Eq {
+matrix userow { yes } {
+ row col { x sup 3 } col { y sup 3 } col { z sup 3 }
+ axisrow col { x sup 2 } col { y sup 2 } col { z sup 2 }
+ row col { x } col { y } col { z }
+@ShowHMark @Eq {
+matrix userow { yes } {
+ row col { x sup 3 } col { y sup 3 } col { z sup 3 }
+ row col { x sup 2 } col { y sup 2 } col { z sup 2 }
+ axisrow col { x } col { y } col { z }
+Alternatively, it could be set to where Lout usually places it,
+through the exact centre:
+@ID {
+@ShowHMark @Eq {
+matrix {
+ row col { x sup 3 } col { y sup 3 } col { z sup 3 }
+ row col { x sup 2 } col { y sup 2 } col { z sup 2 }
+ row col { x } col { y } col { z }
+Delimiters could reasonably keep the axes that they naturally
+have (approximately through their centres, but not exactly):
+@ID {
+@ShowHMark @Eq { pmatrix userow { yes } shiftdelim { no } { @ExA } }
+or they could have their axes moved in the way that Lout usually does,
+to the point which allows them to evenly cover the thing delimited:
+@ID {
+@ShowHMark @Eq { pmatrix userow { yes } { @ExA } }
+Altogether then there are four possibilities when these two alternatives
+@CD lines @Break @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 0.5w @VShift A ! @Col ! @Col B ! @Col ! @Col C }
+ A { }
+ B { Matrix axis
+uses row axis }
+ C { Matrix axis passes
+through centre }
+ A { Delimiter
+keeps its axis }
+ B { @ShowHMark @Eq { pmatrix userow {yes} shiftdelim {no } { @ExA } } }
+ C { @ShowHMark @Eq { pmatrix userow {no } shiftdelim {no } { @ExA } } }
+ A { Delimiter
+axis shifted }
+ B { @ShowHMark @Eq { pmatrix userow {yes} shiftdelim {yes} { @ExA } } }
+ C { @ShowHMark @Eq { pmatrix userow {no } shiftdelim {yes} { @ExA } } }
+To supply these possibilities, the @Code "matrix" symbol and all
+its variants (@Code "pmatrix" etc.) have two options whose
+values may be {@Code "yes"} or {@Code "no"}:
+@ID @Code {
+" userow { no }"
+" shiftdelim { yes }"
+" ..."
+The @Code "userow" option determines whether the axis of the
+matrix will use a row axis; the default is not to, i.e. to
+centre the axis instead. The @Code "shiftdelim" option
+determines whether the axis of the delimiter will be shifted
+so that the delimiter evenly covers the thing delimited; the
+default is to do this.
+If @Code "userow" is {@Code "yes"}, the next question is
+which row's axis to use to make the overall axis. If you
+do nothing, the first (or only) row's axis becomes the
+overall axis. To select some other row instead, replace
+the @Code "row" symbol that precedes the row by {@Code "axisrow"}:
+@ID @Code @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ hmargin { 1s }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col ! @Col B ! @Col ! @Col C ! @Col ! @Col D ! @Col }
+ @Fmtb { @Col A ! @Col " col {" ! @Col B ! @Col "} col {" ! @Col C ! @Col "} col {" ! @Col D ! @Col "}" }
+ A { "matrix userow { yes } {" &0io }
+ A { " row" }
+ B { "x sup 3" }
+ C { "y sup 3" }
+ D { "z sup 3" }
+ A { " axisrow" }
+ B { "x sup 2" }
+ C { "y sup 2" }
+ D { "z sup 2" }
+ A { " row" }
+ B { "x" }
+ C { "y" }
+ D { "z" }
+ A { "}" }
+The result of this is
+@ID @ShowHMark @Eq {
+matrix userow { yes } {
+ row col { x sup 3 } col { y sup 3 } col { z sup 3 }
+ axisrow col { x sup 2 } col { y sup 2 } col { z sup 2 }
+ row col { x } col { y } col { z }
+with the axis through the second row as desired.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/fmt b/doc/user/fmt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd5e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/fmt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ @Title { Changing the Overall Format }
+ @Tag { changes }
+The symbols of Lout make many decisions behind the scenes. Even the
+humble @Code "@PP" symbol has to decide how much vertical space to
+leave, and how far to indent the first line of the paragraph. How to
+change these decisions is the subject of this chapter.
+@Include { fmt_setu }
+@Include { fmt_size }
+@Include { fmt_marg }
+@Include { fmt_head }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/fmt_head b/doc/user/fmt_head
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77cbada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/fmt_head
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ @Title { Page numbers and running headers }
+ @Tag { headers }
+A @I { page header } is a line at the top of a page containing a page
+page.header @Index { page header }
+running.header @Index { running header }
+number or running title. A @I { page footer } is a similar line at
+page.footer @Index { page footer }
+the bottom of a page. This section describes the setup file options
+that control the appearance of page headers and footers.
+There are four basic styles, selected by the @Code "@PageHeaders" option:
+page.headers @Index @Code "@PageHeaders"
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code { "@PageHeaders {" A "}" } ! @Col B }
+ A { None }
+ B { No page headers, no page footers. }
+ A { Simple }
+ B { No footers, and a centred page number between hyphens for
+header on every page whose number is not 0 or 1. }
+ A { Titles }
+ B { Full running titles as in the present document. }
+ A { NoTitles }
+ B { Page numbers placed as for @Code { Titles }, but with the
+titles themselves blanked out. }
+@Code Titles and @Code NoTitles use Lout's cross-referencing machinery,
+so will require a few runs to settle down. @Code None and @Code Simple
+do not, so they work first time and may be used with the @Code "-s"
+command line flag. Section {@NumberOf cross} has a fuller discussion
+of these ramifications of cross referencing.
+The next step is to set the page numbers, using
+the @Code "@PageNumbers" and @Code "@FirstPageNumber" options. There
+page.numbers @Index @Code "@PageNumbers"
+are two useful values for {@Code "@PageNumbers"}:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code { "@PageNumbers {" A "}" } ! @Col B }
+ A { Arabic }
+ B { Arabic page numbers }
+ A { Roman }
+ B { Lower-case Roman page numbers }
+although the full range of choices is {@Code "None"}, {@Code "Arabic"},
+{@Code "Roman"}, {@Code "UCRoman"}, {@Code "Alpha"}, and
+{@Code "UCAlpha"}. @Code "@FirstPageNumber" is the number of the
+first.page.number @Index @Code "@FirstPageNumber"
+first page. Its default value is of course {@Code 1}, although
+@ID @Code "@FirstPageNumber { 0 }"
+might be useful if the first page is really an unnumbered cover
+sheet. @Code "@FirstPageNumber" must be an Arabic number even if
+@Code "@PageNumbers" is set to something other than {@Code "Arabic"}.
+Some document types, such as books and technical reports with cover
+sheets, have a separate introductory
+sequence of pages preceding the main sequence. For the page numbers on
+introductory pages there are two options, @Code "@IntroPageNumbers"
+intro.page.numbers @Index @Code "@IntroPageNumbers"
+intro.first.page.number @Index @Code "@IntroFirstPageNumber"
+and {@Code "@IntroFirstPageNumber"}, which are exactly analogous to
+@Code "@PageNumbers" and {@Code "@FirstPageNumber"}. It is traditional
+to number introductory pages using Roman numerals, so @Code Roman is
+the default value of {@Code "@IntroPageNumbers"}.
+Let's summarize the five options so far by looking at their values in
+the @Code book setup file, which was used to produce the present document:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@PageHeaders { Titles }"
+"@PageNumbers { Arabic }"
+"@FirstPageNumber { 1 }"
+"@IntroPageNumbers { Roman }"
+"@IntroFirstPageNumber { 1 }"
+The remainder of this section goes beyond these basic choices to explain
+how to change the detailed appearance of page headers
+and footers. Inevitably it gets quite a lot harder.
+Pages are classified by the page header options in three ways:
+@LI { @I { Odd vs. even }. The first page is odd, the second is even,
+odd.pages @Index { odd and even pages }
+the third is odd, and so on. If @Code "@FirstPageNumber" is set to
+an even number, the first page will have that number, but it will still
+be classified as odd. }
+@LI { @I { Start vs. non-start }. A start page is the first page of
+start.pages @Index { start and non-start pages }
+some major part of the document (a chapter, say); other pages are
+non-start. The @Code { Simple } header type uses a simpler
+definition: a page whose number is 0 or 1 is a start page, all others
+are non-start. }
+@LI { @I { Intro vs. non-intro }. Intro pages form a separate sequence of
+intro.pages @Index { intro and non-intro pages }
+pages that precede the main (non-intro) sequence. They typically contain
+prefatory material such as a title page, preface, and table of contents.
+In a book there will always be an even number of Intro pages, even if
+it means that the last one is empty. }
+These classifications are quite independent of each other: a page
+could be a non-intro start odd page, or an intro non-start even page,
+and so on. This makes eight (@Eq { 2 times 2 times 2 }) possibilities
+altogether. Depending on the type of document there may also be pages
+that Lout will never place a page header or footer on. For example, no page
+headers or footers will appear on pages containing part titles in books.
+If you choose {@Code "@PageHeaders { None }"}, there are no page headers
+or footers, so there is nothing more to say. If you choose
+{@Code "@PageHeaders { Simple }"}, then eight options become relevant
+for controlling the page headers on each of the eight kinds of
+pages. Here they are with their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@OddTop { @Centre { - @PageNum - } }"
+"@EvenTop { @Centre { - @PageNum - } }"
+"@StartOddTop { @Null }"
+"@StartEvenTop { @Null }"
+"@IntroOddTop { @Null }"
+"@IntroEvenTop { @Null }"
+"@IntroStartOddTop { @Null }"
+"@IntroStartEvenTop { @Null }"
+If the word @Code Start is missing from an option name, the option
+applies to non-start pages; if @Code Intro is missing, it applies to
+non-intro pages. Another eight options control footers in the same way:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@OddFoot { @Null }"
+"@EvenFoot { @Null }"
+"@StartOddFoot { @Null }"
+"@StartEvenFoot { @Null }"
+"@IntroOddFoot { @Centre @PageNum }"
+"@IntroEvenFoot { @Null }"
+"@IntroStartOddFoot { @Centre @PageNum }"
+"@IntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }"
+The value of the option is an object which becomes the header or
+footer. It may be any object, but there are some peculiarities that
+will be explained now.
+The full set of symbols of the BasicSetup package can be used
+when setting page header options (and indeed any of the options
+of the @Code "@BasicSetup" @Code "@Use" clause package), as well as
+symbols from special-purpose
+packages that have been included before this setup file. This means
+you can use any symbol you might reasonably expect to. But footnotes and
+floating figures and tables, for example, are not from BasicSetup so
+cannot be used.
+There are five symbols of special relevance to page headers and
+footers: {@Code "@Null"}, {@Code "@Centre"}, {@Code "@Center"},
+{@Code "@Right"}, and {@Code "@PageNum"}.
+The @Code "@Null" symbol is similar to the empty object in printing as
+null. @Index @Code "@Null"
+nothing, but in addition it removes the vertical space that ordinarily
+separates the header line from the page body. If there is no header
+there should be no vertical space either, so always use @Code "@Null"
+rather than the empty object in header and footer options.
+@Code "@Centre" and @Code "@Center" centre the following object, and
+centre. @Index @Code "@Centre"
+center. @Index @Code "@Center"
+right. @Index @Code "@Right"
+@Code "@Right" right-justifies it:
+@ID @Code "at left @Centre { - 27 - } @Right { at right }"
+@QD @HExpand { at left @Centre { - 27 - } @Right { at right } }
+The objects should be enclosed in braces if they contain spaces.
+The @Code "@PageNum" symbol produces the number of the current page, in
+page.num. @Index @Code "@PageNum"
+Arabic, Roman, etc. as specified by the @Code "@PageNumbers" or
+@Code "@IntroPageNumbers" option. @Code "@PageNum" is available only
+within page header and footer options.
+At this point you might like to pause and verify that the default
+values of the sixteen options given above produce what we said they
+would: no footers, and a centred page number between hyphens on every
+page whose number is not 0 or 1. It should be clear now what to do if
+you want to remove the hyphens, move the numbers to the page footer,
+make them bold, have them at the left on even pages and at the right on
+odd pages, and so on.
+A different set of sixteen options applies when @Code "@PageHeaders"
+is set to @Code Titles or {@Code "NoTitles"}. Here are the eight
+options for headers, with their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@RunningOddTop { @I { @MinorNum @DotSep @MinorTitle }"
+" @Right @B @PageNum }"
+"@RunningEvenTop { @B @PageNum"
+" @Right @I { @MajorNum @DotSep @MajorTitle } }"
+"@RunningStartOddTop { @Null }"
+"@RunningStartEvenTop { @Null }"
+"@RunningIntroOddTop { @Null }"
+"@RunningIntroEvenTop { @Null }"
+"@RunningIntroStartOddTop { @Null }"
+"@RunningIntroStartEvenTop { @Null }"
+Some options occupy two lines, but only because they are long: as
+usual, the end of a line is the same as one space. Here are the
+options for footers:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@RunningOddFoot { @Null }"
+"@RunningEvenFoot { @Null }"
+"@RunningStartOddFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }"
+"@RunningStartEvenFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }"
+"@RunningIntroOddFoot { @Right @PageNum }"
+"@RunningIntroEvenFoot { @PageNum }"
+"@RunningIntroStartOddFoot { @Null }"
+"@RunningIntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }"
+All these options are similar to the earlier ones, in providing one
+option for each of the eight kinds of pages. The names are the same
+except that @Code Running is added to each. Remember that a start
+page is now one that begins a major part of the document.
+In addition to the symbols described earlier for simple page headers
+and footers, these running header options may contain the symbols
+{@Code "@MajorNum"}, {@Code "@MajorTitle"}, {@Code "@MinorNum"},
+{@Code "@MinorTitle"}, {@Code "@DotSep"}, {@Code "@NoDotSep"},
+{@Code "@DotJoin"}, {@Code "@NoDotJoin"}, {@Code "@DashJoin"},
+and {@Code "@NumSep"} described below.
+major.num @Index @Code "@MajorNum"
+major.title @Index @Code "@MajorTitle"
+minor.num @Index @Code "@MinorNum"
+minor.title @Index @Code "@MinorTitle"
+The exact values of {@Code "@MajorNum"}, {@Code "@MajorTitle"},
+{@Code "@MinorNum"}, and {@Code "@MinorTitle"} depend on the document
+type, but they are intended to describe what is on the current page. Here
+are some values typical of books:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code B }
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ A { "@MajorNum" }
+ B { Chapter 2 }
+ A { "@MajorTitle" }
+ B { Adding Structure to Documents }
+ A { "@MinorNum" }
+ B { 2.7 }
+ A { "@MinorTitle" }
+ B { Tables of contents }
+It is not possible to change the values assigned to these symbols, but
+the sixteen options allow you to choose whether to use them and how to
+arrange them, in the usual way.
+The @Code "@DotSep" symbol consumes the objects to its left and right
+dot.sep @Index @Code "@DotSep"
+and produces them separated by a dot and two spaces:
+@ID @Code "@MinorNum @DotSep @MinorTitle"
+is the same as
+@ID @Code "@MinorNum. @MinorTitle"
+However, if either object is empty, the dot and two spaces are
+omitted. It's a fine point, needed mainly for unnumbered chapters
+and sections. @Code "@DotJoin" is the same as @Code "@DotSep" but
+dot.join @Index @Code "@DotJoin"
+without the two spaces. @Code "NoDotSep" is the same as
+nodot.sep @Index @Code "@NoDotSep"
+@Code "@DotSep" but leaving out the dot, @Code "@NoDotJoin" is the same
+nodot.join @Index @Code "@NoDotJoin"
+as @Code "@DotJoin" but again leaving out the dot, and @Code "@DashJoin"
+dash.join @Index @Code "@DashJoin"
+is the same as @Code "@DotJoin" except that `--' replaces the dot.
+Lout uses @Code "@DotSep" between numbers and titles by default. To
+get rid of all dots between numbers and titles it is necessary to
+change all occurrences of @Code "@DotSep" in the setup file to
+{@Code "@NoDotSep"}. There are about ten occurrences, depending
+on the setup file.
+@Code "@NumSep" {@PageMark numsep} is similar to @Code "@NoDotSep"
+except that one space
+num.sep @Index @Code "@NumSep"
+hungarian @Index { Hungarian and @Code "@NumSep" }
+is used, not two, and also the order of the two parts is reversed and
+a dot is added if the current language is Hungarian (apparently
+Hungarians write `3. Table' where other people write `Table 3').
+@Code "@NumSep" is used behind the scenes in a variety of places.
+The present document was produced using @Code "@PageHeaders { Titles }"
+with the default values of the sixteen options unchanged, as you might
+like to verify. @Code "@PageHeaders { NoTitles }" is identical to
+@Code "@PageHeaders { Titles }" except that {@Code "@MajorNum"},
+{@Code "@MajorTitle"}, {@Code "@MinorNum"}, and {@Code "@MinorTitle"}
+are always replaced by empty objects. The description given at the
+beginning of this section, `like @Code "Titles" but with the titles
+blanked out,' is therefore accurate.
+There is a @Code "@StructPageNums" setup file option that produces
+structpagenums. @Index @Code "@StructPageNums"
+structured page numbers when it is changed to {@Code Yes}; that is,
+page numbers that include a section number, subsection number, and so
+on. Precisely which structure numbers are included is determined by the
+@Code "@SectionNumInRunners" option and its relatives. @Code "@PageHeaders"
+must be @Code Titles when structured page numbers are used, and it is
+probably best to set @Code "@SectionGap" and some similar options to
+{@Code "2b"} (meaning new page) as well. The @Code "@NumberSeparator"
+setup file option (Section {@NumberOf largescale}) affects the format
+of the structured page numbers.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/fmt_marg b/doc/user/fmt_marg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b82d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/fmt_marg
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ @Title { Page margins, page boxes, and page backgrounds }
+ @Tag { margins }
+There are six options for setting the top and bottom margins on each
+margins. @RawIndex { margins }
+margins.in.pages @SubIndex { in pages }
+top.margin @Index @Code "@TopMargin"
+foot.margin @Index @Code "@FootMargin"
+odd.left.margin @Index @Code "@OddLeftMargin"
+odd.right.margin @Index @Code "@OddRightMargin"
+even.left.margin @Index @Code "@EvenLeftMargin"
+even.right.margin @Index @Code "@EvenRightMargin"
+page, and the left and right margins on odd and even pages. Here they
+are with their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@TopMargin { 2.50c }"
+"@FootMargin { 2.50c }"
+"@OddLeftMargin { 2.50c }"
+"@OddRightMargin { 2.50c }"
+"@EvenLeftMargin { 2.50c }"
+"@EvenRightMargin { 2.50c }"
+When setting these options you must ensure that
+@ID @Eq { @Code "@OddLeftMargin" + @Code "@OddRightMargin" =
+@Code "@EvenLeftMargin" + @Code "@EvenRightMargin" }
+In other words, the total margin on odd pages must be the same as on
+even pages.
+You can have a box drawn around each page if you wish. Here are the
+relevant options and their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@PageBoxType { None }"
+"@PageBoxMargin { 1.00c }"
+"@PageBoxLineWidth {}"
+"@PageBoxPaint { None }"
+"@PageBoxShadow { 0.06c }"
+You get boxes by changing the @Code "@PageBoxType" option:
+page.box.type @Index @Code "@PageBoxType"
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @CC B }
+ A { "@PageBoxType { None }" }
+ B { (no box) }
+ A { "@PageBoxType { Box }" }
+ B { @Box 1.0c @Wide 1.4c @High }
+ A { "@PageBoxType { CurveBox }" }
+ B { @CurveBox 1.0c @Wide 1.4c @High }
+ A { "@PageBoxType { ShadowBox }" }
+ B { @ShadowBox 1.0c @Wide 1.4c @High }
+Page boxes reduce the amount of space available to the page contents,
+so your columns will become somewhat narrower and shorter when you
+introduce them.
+The {@Code "@PageBoxMargin"}, {@Code "@PageBoxLineWidth"},
+{@Code "@PageBoxPaint"}, and {@Code "@PageBoxShadow"} options affect
+the page box exactly as the {@Code margin}, {@Code linewidth},
+{@Code paint}, and {@Code shadow} options described
+for other boxes in Section {@NumberOf boxes} do. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@PageBoxType { CurveBox }"
+"@PageBoxMargin { 1.0c }"
+"@PageBoxPaint { grey }"
+draws a curved box, painted grey, around each page, with a one
+centimetre margin between its boundary and the page contents. If the
+left margin is 2.5 centimetres, say, this gives a total left margin
+from the page edge to the page contents of 3.5 centimetres.
+Finally, it is possible to have something other than the usual white
+background on the page, using the @Code "@PageBackground" option:
+page.background @Index @Code "@PageBackground"
+@ID @Code {
+"@PageBackground { @Scale 60d @Rotate lightgrey @Colour DRAFT }"
+The value of the option is an object which is drawn on each page,
+within the margins, before the page contents are drawn. This
+example draws a large word DRAFT in light grey diagonally across each
+@ID @Box margin { 0c } 0.2 @Scale @IncludeGraphic draft.eps
+You have to find a suitable angle by experiment. As Section
+{@NumberOf scaling} explains, @Code "@Scale" with no scale factor
+only takes account of the available horizontal space, not the
+available vertical space, so if your angle is too steep the result
+will be too tall for the page and you will get a regrettably obscure
+warning message about a `broken size constraint.' The solution is
+to try a smaller angle.
+Another useful page background draws marks to show where the margins
+boundarymarks @Index @Code "@BoundaryMarks"
+cut.marks @Index { cut marks }
+@ID @Code "@PageBackground { @BoundaryMarks }"
+produces something like this around each page:
+@DP @DP
+@ID { |@DisplayIndent 3c @High 2c @Wide @HExpand @VExpand @BoundaryMarks }
+@DP @DP
+The @Code "@BoundaryMarks" symbol has options for controlling the
+line width (thickness), the line length, and the gap between the
+ends of the lines and the corner of the text area:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@PageBackground {"
+" @BoundaryMarks"
+" linewidth { 0.2p }"
+" length { 0.5c }"
+" gap { 0.5c }"
+This shows the default values: 0.2 points for line width,
+0.5 centimetres for the others.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/fmt_setu b/doc/user/fmt_setu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e1bb05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/fmt_setu
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ @Title { Setup files }
+ @Tag { setup }
+As mentioned briefly in Section {@NumberOf start}, each Lout document
+begins with an instruction to include (i.e. to read) a @I { setup file }:
+setup.file @Index { setup file }
+sysinclude. @Index @Code "@SysInclude"
+system.include @Index { system include directory }
+doc.file @Index { @Code "doc" file }
+@ID @Code "@SysInclude { doc }"
+The setup file's name in this example is @Code { doc }, and the @Code Sys
+in @Code "@SysInclude" means that @Code doc is stored in the @I { Lout
+system include directory }, which is where all the standard setup files
+are kept. Each document type (Chapter {@NumberOf types}) has its own
+setup file, and each specialized package (for equations, tables, and
+so on) has a setup file too.
+To change the overall format of a document, you need to create your own
+setup file by copying and modifying one of the standard ones. We will
+assume that you are making an ordinary document, with the @Code doc
+setup file, but a similar procedure works for any setup file.
+You first need to find out the name of the Lout system include
+directory, by typing
+@ID @Code "lout -V"
+in Unix. This causes Lout to print out various facts about itself. Then,
+supposing that this tells you that the Lout system include directory
+is @Code { "/usr/lout/include" }, type the Unix command
+@ID @Code "cp /usr/lout/include/doc mydoc"
+to place a copy of the @Code doc setup file in your directory,
+mydoc.file @Index { @Code "mydoc" file }
+renaming it @Code {mydoc}. Since @Code "doc" is read-only, you may
+also need to change the mode of @Code mydoc to be writable (by
+@Code "chmod +w mydoc" in Unix). Now replace
+@ID @Code "@SysInclude { doc }"
+at the beginning of your document by
+@ID @Code "@Include { mydoc }"
+and Lout will read @Code mydoc as the setup file instead of
+@Code { doc }. Since the two files are at present identical, this has
+changed nothing so far; but now any changes you make to @Code mydoc
+will affect your document. Notice the use of @Code "@Include"
+rather than @Code { "@SysInclude" }; @Code "@Include" will search your
+current directory for @Code { mydoc }, whereas @Code "@SysInclude"
+searches only the system directory.
+The remainder of this section is a tour through @Code {doc},
+explaining the various parts and how to modify them. The first lines
+that actually do anything are these:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { fontdefs }"
+"@SysInclude { langdefs }"
+"@SysInclude { bsf }"
+"@SysInclude { dsf }"
+"@SysInclude { docf }"
+We already know that @Code "@SysInclude" causes Lout to read a file from
+the Lout system include directory. Files @Code fontdefs and @Code langdefs
+fontdefs.file @Index { @Code "fontdefs" file }
+langdefs.file @Index { @Code "langdefs" file }
+tell Lout what fonts and languages there are. Files @Code "bsf" and
+@Code "dsf" contain
+bsf.file @Index { @Code "bsf" file }
+dsf.file @Index { @Code "dsf" file }
+the definitions of the BasicSetup and DocumentSetup packages, in which
+all the symbols of the first two chapters of this guide are defined. File
+@Code "docf" contains extra definitions specific to
+docf.file @Index { @Code "docf" file }
+ordinary documents (as distinct from technical reports, books, or the
+other document types of Chapter {@NumberOf types}). So this line
+will be different in the setup files for those other types.
+The next line is
+@ID @Code {
+"@Include { mydefs }"
+This searches your current directory for a file called @Code { mydefs },
+which (as Section {@NumberOf definitions} explains) is intended to hold
+your own personal set of definitions of new symbols. It does no harm
+if there is no @Code "mydefs" file in your current directory, because
+@Code "@Include" then searches the Lout system include directory for
+it, and there is an empty @Code mydefs file there. When using your own
+setup file, you might prefer to delete @Code "@Include { mydefs }" and
+put your definitions in its place, so that you have one file of setup
+material rather than two.
+Next we come to the BasicSetup @Code "@Use" clause. It looks like this:
+use. @Index @Code "@Use"
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+@Use { @BasicSetup
+ # @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }
+ # @InitialBreak { {adjust 1.20fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain {ragged 1fx nohyphen} }
+ # @InitialSpace { lout }
+ # @InitialLanguage { English }
+ # @InitialColour { black }
+ # @OptimizePages { No }
+ # @HeadingFont { Bold }
+ # @ParaGap { 1.3vx @OrIfPlain 1f }
+ # @ParaIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s }
+@Code "@BasicSetup" is a symbol, and @Code { "@InitialFont" },
+basic.layout @Index @Code "@BasicSetup"
+@Code { "@InitialBreak" }, etc. are its options. There are more options
+than we've shown; the display above just shows the first
+few. You change the overall format of your document by changing
+these options.
+As it stands, the options are all hidden within comments, so the
+default values (shown within braces) are in force. To change an
+option, delete the @Code "#" and change the value between
+braces. For example, to set the document in Helvetica 10 point
+font, change the @Code { "@InitialFont" } line to
+@ID @Code "@InitialFont { Helvetica Base 10p }"
+We won't go through all the options now, since they are the subject of
+following sections.
+The @Code "@OrIfPlain" symbol that appears within some setup file
+options is used to set the value of the option differently when
+plain text output (Section {@NumberOf plain}) is being produced. For
+example, the default value of @Code "@InitialBreak" is usually
+{@Code "adjust 1.20fx hyphen"}, but when plain text is being produced
+it switches to {@Code "ragged 1fx nohyphen"}. When changing such
+options you can leave the @Code "@OrIfPlain" symbol there and change
+one or both of the alternative values as you wish.
+Next comes a similar @Code "@Use" clause, for the DocumentSetup package:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Use { @DocumentSetup"
+" # @PageType { A4 @OrIfPlain Other }"
+" # @PageWidth { 80s }"
+" # @PageHeight { 66f }"
+" # @PageOrientation { Portrait }"
+" # @PageBackground {}"
+" # @TopMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f }"
+This one has many options, starting with options for page
+layout as shown, then going on to figures and tables, tables of
+contents, etc.
+The standard setup files are all much the same up to this point; the
+main variation is that in some files, some options are already set. The
+@Code "slides" setup file, for example, contains
+@ID @Code "@InitialFont { Times Base 20p }"
+so that overhead transparencies will have a large font size. However,
+now comes a third @Code "@Use" clause whose symbol and options depend
+on the document type. For ordinary documents (i.e. in the @Code "doc"
+setup file) this clause is
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Use { @OrdinarySetup"
+" # @IndexWord { index }"
+" # @AppendixWord { appendix }"
+" # @SectionNumbers { Arabic }"
+" # @AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha }"
+" # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold }"
+Once again this is just some of the options. In the @Code slides
+setup file for overhead transparencies, we find this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Use { @OverheadSetup"
+" # @DateLine { No }"
+" # @ContentsWord { contents }"
+" # @FirstOverheadNumber { 1 }"
+" # @OverheadNumbers { Arabic }"
+" # @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base 1.5f }"
+" # @OverheadHeadingFont { Bold }"
+" # @OverheadInContents { No }"
+In general this third @Code "@Use" clause assigns values to options
+specific to the document type we are using, whereas the first and
+second @Code "@Use" clauses assign values to options that are relevant to many
+or all document types.
+The setup file ends with a comment identifying a spot where database
+declarations may
+database.dec @Index { database declarations, where to put }
+be put, and one such declaration, for reference printing styles.
+The setup files used with other packages, such as C and C++ program printing,
+diagrams, and graphs, are similar to the @Code { doc } setup file we
+have just gone through. They contain a @@SysInclude line analogous to
+@Code "@SysInclude { dsf }" for reading the package's definition, followed
+by a @@Use clause for setting the package's options. The same procedure
+is followed for changing these options. For example, to change the
+options of the @Code "diag" package, copy file @Code "diag" from the
+Lout system include directory to your directory, replace the
+@ID @Code "@SysInclude { diag }"
+line at the top of your document by {@Code "@Include { mydiag }"}, then
+edit @Code "mydiag" and change the options as you wish.
+If you are using several packages and you would like a single setup file,
+that is quite easy to arrange. For example, suppose you have
+@ID @Code {
+"@Include { mydoc }"
+"@Include { mydiag }"
+"@Include { mycprint }"
+To create a single setup file, just concatenate these three files into
+one file (call it @Code { mysetup }, say), and replace the three lines by
+@ID @Code {
+"@Include { mysetup }"
+As explained earlier, you can even replace the @Code "@Include { mydefs }"
+line within the setup file by the actual definitions, giving just one
+file of setup material for the entire document.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/fmt_size b/doc/user/fmt_size
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e4a258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/fmt_size
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ @Title { Page size and page orientation }
+ @Tag { pagesize }
+This section explains how to use the setup file options that determine
+page size and page orientation. Here they are with their default values:
+page.type @Index @Code "@PageType"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@PageType { A4 }"
+"@PageWidth {}"
+"@PageHeight {}"
+"@PageOrientation { Portrait }"
+The usual way to determine the page size is to set the @Code "@PageType"
+option to the name of the paper you use:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmtb { @Col ! @Col ! @Col @I @RR B ! @Col @I @RR C }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code { "@PageType {" A "}" } ! @Col ! @Col @Code @CC B !
+ @Col @Code @CC C }
+@Rowb B { width in points } C { height in points }
+@Rowa A { Letter } B { 612p } C { 792p }
+@Rowa A { Tabloid } B { 792p } C { 1224p }
+@Rowa A { Ledger } B { 1224p } C { 792p }
+@Rowa A { Legal } B { 612p } C { 1008p }
+@Rowa A { Statement } B { 396p } C { 612p }
+@Rowa A { Executive } B { 540p } C { 720p }
+@Rowa A { A3 } B { 842p } C { 1190p }
+@Rowa A { A4 } B { 595p } C { 842p }
+@Rowa A { A5 } B { 420p } C { 595p }
+@Rowa A { B4 } B { 729p } C { 1032p }
+@Rowa A { B5 } B { 516p } C { 729p }
+@Rowa A { Folio } B { 612p } C { 936p }
+@Rowa A { Quarto } B { 610p } C { 780p }
+@Rowa A { 10x14 } B { 720p } C { 1008p }
+This will automatically assign the widths and heights shown above to
+the @Code "@PageWidth" and @Code "@PageHeight" options, so you don't
+have to worry about those options. If your paper size is not on this
+list, set @Code "@PageType" to @Code Other and supply your own width
+and height:
+page.width @Index @Code "@PageWidth"
+page.height @Index @Code "@PageHeight"
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A }
+@Rowa A { "@PageType { Other }" }
+@Rowa A { "@PageWidth { 12.0c }" }
+@Rowa A { "@PageHeight { 18.0c }" }
+The width and height may each be any length (Section {@NumberOf objects}),
+and do not have to be in points.
+The basic page orientations are @I portrait and @I landscape:
+page.orientation @Index @Code "@PageOrientation"
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 8c @Wide @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { "@PageOrientation { Portrait }" }
+ B { @Box 1.0c @Wide 1.4c @High { Hello } }
+ A { "@PageOrientation { Landscape }" }
+ B { @Box 1.4c @Wide 1.0c @High { Hello } }
+When changing to {@Code Landscape}, do not change the page type, page
+width, or page height, and do not change the way you feed your paper
+into the printer. Lout knows what to do.
+Two other orientations are provided which are 180@Degree rotations of
+the basic ones:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col 8c @Wide @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { "@PageOrientation { ReversePortrait }" }
+ B { @Box 1.0c @Wide 1.4c @High { //1rt &1rt 180d @Rotate Hello } }
+ A { "@PageOrientation { ReverseLandscape }" }
+ B { @Box 1.4c @Wide 1.0c @High { //1rt &1rt 180d @Rotate Hello } }
+@Code ReverseLandscape might be useful when post-processing the PostScript output
+to print two landscape pages per sheet. The @Code "@PageOrientation" symbol is
+available at the start of a document, as well as in the setup file, like
+{@Code "@InitialFont"} and {@Code "@PageHeaders"}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/gra b/doc/user/gra
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c73ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ @Title { Graphs }
+ @Tag { graphs }
+This chapter describes how to draw graphs, using the @Code "@Graph"
+graphs. @Index { graphs (statistical) }
+graph. @Index @Code "@Graph"
+symbol. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" abovecaption { New South Wales road deaths, 1960--1990"
+"(fatalities per 100 million vehicle km) }"
+" @Data points { plus } pairs { dashed }"
+" { 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0 }"
+produces the graph
+@CD @Graph
+ abovecaption { New South Wales road deaths, 1960--1990
+(fatalities per 100 million vehicle km) }
+ @Data
+ points { plus }
+ pairs { dashed }
+ {
+ 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0
+ }
+The features of @Code "@Graph" include captions, automatic and manual
+ticks and labels, logarithmic axes, histograms, and plotting of
+mathematical functions.
+@Include { gra_intr }
+@Include { gra_over }
+@Include { gra_capt }
+@Include { gra_tick }
+@Include { gra_data }
+@Include { gra_plac }
+@Include { gra_func }
+@Include { gra_keys }
+@Include { gra_erro }
+@Include { gra_summ }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/gra_capt b/doc/user/gra_capt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..089e6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_capt
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ @Title { Captions }
+ @Tag { captions }
+There are options for placing captions above, below, left, and right of
+captions.graphs @SubIndex { in graphs }
+the frame:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" abovecaption { This appears above }"
+" belowcaption { This appears below }"
+" leftcaption { At left }"
+" rightcaption { At right }"
+@CD @Graph
+ abovecaption { This appears above }
+ belowcaption { This appears below }
+ leftcaption { At left }
+ rightcaption { At right }
+The captions may be arbitrary Lout objects, so may include
+equations, {@Code "@Rotate"}, and so on. Each caption except
+@Code rightcaption is printed in the
+@Code "clines @Break" style, which means that multiple lines in one
+caption will be centred beneath each other. The @Code rightcaption
+option uses the @Code "lines @Break" style, in which the lines are
+left justified beneath each other. Incidentally, this example shows
+what happens if there is no data.
+There are options for controlling the amount of space between each
+caption (when non-empty) and the frame. Here they are with their
+default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" abovegap { 0.5 cm }"
+" belowgap { 0.5 cm }"
+" leftgap { 1.5 cm }"
+" rightgap { 0.5 cm }"
+" ..."
+This is particularly important in the case of {@Code "leftgap"} (and
+@Code "rightgap" if @Code rticks is used), because
+Lout has no idea how wide the ticks and labels attached to the y axis
+are; 1.5 cm is just a wild guess and often needs adjustment. On the
+other hand, Lout does know how high the ticks and labels on the x axis
+are; it allows 1.7 times the current font size for them, and
+@Code "belowgap" is additional to this.
+When a graph is to be presented as a centred display, it is generally
+best if the centring is done with respect to the frame alone, not the
+captions, ticks, and labels. The @Code "hidecaptions" option does this by
+making the left and right captions and gaps seem to Lout to have zero width:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" hidecaptions { yes }"
+" ..."
+Actually @Code "yes" has been made the default value, since the vast
+majority of graphs are centred displays. In the rare cases where
+this feature is not wanted (for example, if a graph appears as an entry
+in a table), use {@Code "hidecaptions { no }"}. The y and r ticks and labels
+seem to Lout to have zero width already, so do not need to be hidden.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/gra_data b/doc/user/gra_data
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323f155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_data
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ @Title { Changing the appearance of the data }
+ @Tag { data }
+The @Code "@Data" symbol has options for controlling the
+data. @Index @Code "@Data"
+appearance of its data. We have already seen the
+@Code "points" option, which controls what is printed at each data
+points.graphs @Index { @Code "points" option in graphs }
+@CD @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B ! @Col ! @Col @Code C ! @Col D }
+ A { cross }
+ B { @GraphCross }
+ C { plus }
+ D { @GraphPlus }
+ A { square }
+ B { @GraphSquare }
+ C { filledsquare }
+ D { @GraphFilledSquare }
+ A { diamond }
+ B { @GraphDiamond }
+ C { filleddiamond }
+ D { @GraphFilledDiamond }
+ A { circle }
+ B { @GraphCircle }
+ C { filledcircle }
+ D { @GraphFilledCircle }
+ A { triangle }
+ B { @GraphTriangle }
+ C { filledtriangle }
+ D { @GraphFilledTriangle }
+If the @Code "points" option is omitted or empty, nothing is printed. The
+symbols are centred over the data point. There is a @Code "symbolsize"
+option which controls the size (radius) of all these symbols:
+symbolsize. @Index { @Code "symbolsize" option in graphs }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" symbolsize { 0.15 ft }"
+shows the default, 0.15 times the current font size. More
+precisely, the default value is taken from an option
+to the @Code "@Graph" symbol, also called {@Code "symbolsize"}. By
+setting that option you can therefore set the symbol size of all data
+points in the graph at once; its default value is {@Code "0.15 ft"}.
+The @Code "@Data" symbol also has a @Code "pairs" option which
+pairs. @Index { @Code "pairs" option in graphs }
+determines how each pair of points is connected. The choices are
+@Code none (not connected, the default), @Code solid (a solid line),
+@Code dashed (a dashed line), or @Code dotted (a dotted line). For
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" abovecaption { Estimated population of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia }"
+" @Data points { plus } pairs { solid }"
+" { 1720 12000 1730 13000 1740 15601 1760 15631 1770 15877 }"
+" @Data points { plus } pairs { dashed }"
+" { 1720 7000 1730 8622 1740 10451 1750 14255 1760 18000 1770 22667 }"
+" @Data points { plus } pairs { dotted }"
+" { 1720 10000 1730 11500 1740 12654 1750 18202 1760 23750 1770 34583 }"
+@CD @Graph
+ abovecaption { Estimated population of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia
+ @Data points { plus } pairs { solid }
+ { 1720 12000 1730 13000 1740 15601 1760 15631 1770 15877 }
+ @Data points { plus } pairs { dashed }
+ { 1720 7000 1730 8622 1740 10451 1750 14255 1760 18000 1770 22667 }
+ @Data points { plus } pairs { dotted }
+ { 1720 10000 1730 11500 1740 12654 1750 18202 1760 23750 1770 34583 }
+(R. C. Simmons, @I { The American Colonies }, W. W. Norton, New York,
+1981.) We will see in Section {@NumberOf key} how to add an explanatory key to
+this graph. If the points have symbols, these connecting lines will stop 1.5
+symbolsizes away from the data points, so as not to overstrike them. If
+the points have no symbols and @Code "pairs" is {@Code "dashed"}, the
+first and last dash in each segment will have half the length of the
+A @Code "dashlength" option controls the length of dashes and also the
+separation between dots, and a @Code "linewidth" option controls the
+width (thickness) of the lines and dots:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" dashlength { 0.2 ft }"
+" linewidth { 0.5 pt }"
+" ..."
+This shows the default values, {@Code "0.2 ft"} for @Code "dashlength"
+and {@Code "0.5 pt"} (half a point) for {@Code "linewidth"}. Actually
+the default value for @Code "linewidth" is whatever happens to be
+already in use, but Lout sets line widths to half a point initially.
+This option also controls the separation between bars in histograms.
+The @Code "pairs" option is also used for producing histograms, like
+histograms. @Index { histograms }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" hidecaptions { yes }"
+" abovecaption { Computer Science 3 Results (1993) }"
+" leftcaption { Number of"
+"students }"
+" belowcaption { Final mark (%) }"
+" yextra { 0 cm }"
+" ymax { 80 }"
+" @Data pairs { yhisto }"
+" { 0 1 10 3 20 2 30 4 40 15 50 60 60 58 70 28 80 15 90 7 100 0 }"
+which has result
+@CD @Graph
+ hidecaptions { yes }
+ abovecaption { Computer Science 3 Results (1993) }
+ leftcaption { Number of
+students }
+ belowcaption { Final mark (%) }
+ yextra { 0 cm }
+ ymax { 80 }
+ @Data
+ pairs { yhisto }
+ { 0 1 10 3 20 2 30 4 40 15 50 60 60 58 70 28 80 15 90 7 100 0 }
+Note carefully that one y histogram rectangle occupies the space from
+one x value to the next, with height equal to the y value lying between
+these two x values. This means that the very last y value has no effect
+on the result (however, there must be a last y value anyway).
+There is an alternative to @Code "yhisto" called {@Code "surfaceyhisto"}:
+@CD @Graph
+ hidecaptions { yes }
+ abovecaption { Computer Science 3 Results (1993) }
+ leftcaption { Number of
+students }
+ belowcaption { Final mark (%) }
+ yextra { 0 cm }
+ ymax { 80 }
+ @Data
+ pairs { surfaceyhisto }
+ { 0 1 10 3 20 2 30 4 40 15 50 60 60 58 70 28 80 15 90 7 100 0 }
+As you can see, @Code "surfaceyhisto" draws just the surface of the
+histogram, not the descending lines.
+There are @Code "xhisto" and @Code "surfacexhisto" values of
+@Code "pairs" which produce a histogram whose bars are parallel to
+the x axis. There are also {@Code "filledyhisto" } and
+{@Code "filledxhisto" } values which produce filled rectangles rather
+than outlined ones:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" abovecaption { Fertility rates in some developing countries }"
+" xextra { 0 cm }"
+" yextra { 0 cm }"
+" xmax { 8 }"
+" yticks {"
+" 1.5 (Turkey) 2.5 (Thailand)"
+" 3.5 (Indonesia) 4.5 (Costa Rica)"
+" 5.5 (Colombia) 6.5 (Cameroon)"
+" 7.5 (Botswana) 8.5 (Bangladesh)"
+" }"
+" yticklength { 0 cm }"
+" @Data"
+" pairs { filledxhisto }"
+" { 0 1 3.2 2 2.2 3 3.0 4 3.5 5 2.8 6 5.9 7 4.8 8 5.3 9 }"
+@CD @Graph
+ abovecaption { Fertility rates in some developing countries
+ }
+ xextra { 0 cm }
+ yextra { 0 cm }
+ xmax { 8 }
+ yticks { 1.5 (Turkey) 2.5 (Thailand) 3.5 (Indonesia) 4.5 (Costa Rica)
+ 5.5 (Colombia) 6.5 (Cameroon) 7.5 (Botswana) 8.5 (Bangladesh) }
+ yticklength { 0 cm }
+ @Data
+ pairs { filledxhisto }
+ { 0 1 3.2 2 2.2 3 3.0 4 3.5 5 2.8 6 5.9 7 4.8 8 5.3 9 }
+(Bryant Robey, Shea O. Rutstein, and Leo Morros: The fertility decline in
+developing countries, @I { Scientific American }, December 1993.) Once
+again each bar goes from one y value to the next, with its x value
+equal to the x value lying between the two y values; this time the very
+first x value has no effect on the result.
+The colour of one set of data can be changed with a @Code "colour"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" colour { blue }"
+For the complete list of acceptable colour names, see Section
+{@NumberOf colour}. The @Code "colour" option's name may also be
+spelt @Code {"color"}.
+It is also possible to paint the area between the data points and
+the x axis (or frame if @Code "style" is not {@Code "axes"}), using
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" paint { yes }"
+The paint colour is determined by the @Code "colour" option just
+introduced; it will be @Code "black" if no colour is specified. Paint
+(including white paint) hides paint, points, and lines drawn by previous
+data sets. However the points and lines of each data set are drawn after
+painting that set, so they cannot be hidden under their own paint; and
+axes and frames are drawn last so that they too are never hidden.
+A @Code "dataformat" option is provided for changing the interpretation
+dataformat. @Index { @Code "dataformat" option in graphs }
+of the data. Ordinarily, as we know, the numbers are taken to be pairs of
+x and y coordinates, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" x y x y ... x y"
+However, by setting @Code "dataformat" to {@Code "yonly"}, the
+interpretation is changed to a sequence of y coordinates only:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" dataformat { yonly }"
+" y y ... y"
+and x values 1, 2, and so on are inserted automatically, just as though
+the original input had been
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" 1 y 2 y ..."
+There is also {@Code "xonly"}, which inserts y values 1, 2, and so on. The
+default value, {@Code "xandy"}, gives the usual interpretation. The
+layout of data on lines has no effect on the interpretation.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/gra_erro b/doc/user/gra_erro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c123a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_erro
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ @Title { Errors }
+ @Tag { grerrors }
+Lout normally produces output that will print without mishap on
+any PostScript device. However, some of the options of @Code "@Graph"
+and all of the data and labels are passed through Lout without
+checking. Any errors in this material will not be detected
+until the file is printed.
+The most likely errors are @I { rangecheck errors}, for example if
+an attempt is made to divide by zero or take the square root of a
+negative number, and @I { undefined errors }, arising from symbols
+misspelt, use of @Code "x" outside an {@Code "xloop"}, etc. Less commonly,
+everything may be correct but the graph is too large in some
+way: too much data, expression too deeply nested, and so on.
+When an error is detected, @Code "@Graph" arranges for the offending page
+to be printed up to the point where the error occurred, with a message
+nearby describing the error. Printing of the document is then
+aborted. The problem is usually easy to locate since it lies in whatever
+should have been printed next.
+If you see @Code VMerror in an error message, it means that the printer
+has run out of memory. All the data is stored in the printer while the
+graph is being printed, and it remains there until the end of the current
+page, when it is discarded and all memory consumed by the graph is
+reclaimed. If you do run out of memory, one option is to try
+@ID @Code {
+" save { yes }"
+This causes the memory used by the graph to be reclaimed as soon as
+the graph is printed, which might well solve your problem if you have
+several graphs on one page. However, if the graph is nested
+inside some other major Lout package, notably {@Code "@Diag"}, this
+option could cause PostScript errors in that package.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/gra_func b/doc/user/gra_func
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d30e82c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_func
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ @Title { Mathematical functions, loops, and tests }
+ @Tag { functions }
+@Code "@Graph" offers quite a large selection of mathematical functions,
+mathematical.functions @Index { mathematical functions in graphs }
+available everywhere that x and y coordinates are required: within
+the @Code xticks and @Code yticks options, within the points within
+the @Code "objects" option, and within the right parameter of the
+@Code "@Data" symbol. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" pairs { solid }"
+" 0 0 pi sin { pi/2 }"
+draws a solid line from @Eq {(0, 0)} to @Eq {(pi, sin(pi "/" 2))}. Section
+{@NumberOf grsummary} lists all the functions; they include the four
+arithmetical operators @Eq { non + }, @Eq { non - }, @Eq { non * }, and
+@Eq { "/" }, as well as {@Code "sin"}, {@Code "cos"}, {@Code "sqrt"}, and
+many others. Braces are used for grouping, never parentheses.
+For plotting functions there are three looping symbols, {@Code "xloop"},
+{@Code "yloop"}, and {@Code "zloop"}. For example, the following plots
+the two functions @Eq { y = 2 } and @Eq { y = sqrt { pi x "/" 4 } + 1 }
+for @Eq { x } from 10 to 500:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"-2p @Font @Graph"
+" style { axes }"
+" xorigin { 0 }"
+" yorigin { 0 }"
+" width { 8 cm }"
+" xticks { 10@ 50@ 100@ 200@ 500@ }"
+" objects { @NE at { 300 2 } @I { Exponential }"
+" @SE at { 300 sqrt { pi*300/4 } + 1 } @I { Uniform } }"
+" belowcaption { @I n }"
+" belowgap { 0 cm }"
+" leftcaption { Right shell nodes }"
+" @Data points { filledcircle }"
+" { 10 1.97 50 2.01 100 2.00 200 2.0 500 2.00 }"
+" @Data points { filledcircle }"
+" { 10 3.53 50 7.45 100 9.32 200 13.41 500 21.63 }"
+" @Data pairs { dashed }"
+" { 10 2 500 2 }"
+" @Data pairs { dashed }"
+" {"
+" xloop from { 10 } to { 500 } by { 20 } do"
+" {"
+" x sqrt { pi*x / 4 } + 1"
+" }"
+" }"
+The @Code "do" option of @Code xloop is replicated repeatedly with each
+occurrence of @Code x replaced by 10, 30, 50, ... up to 490. The
+result is
+@FootNote { Source: Jeffrey H. Kingston, Analysis of tree algorithms
+for the simulation event list. @I { Acta Informatica } {@B 22},
+pp. 15--33 (1985). }
+@CD -2p @Font @Graph
+ style { axes }
+ xorigin { 0 }
+ yorigin { 0 }
+ width { 8 cm }
+ xticks { 10@ 50@ 100@ 200@ 500@ }
+ objects {
+ @NE at { 300 2 } @I { Exponential }
+ @SE at { 300 sqrt { pi*300/4 } + 1 } @I { Uniform }
+ }
+ belowcaption { @I n }
+ belowgap { 0 cm }
+ leftcaption { Right shell nodes }
+ @Data points { filledcircle }
+ { 10 1.97 50 2.01 100 2.00 200 2.0 500 2.00 }
+ @Data points { filledcircle }
+ { 10 3.53 50 7.45 100 9.32 200 13.41 500 21.63 }
+ @Data pairs { dashed }
+ { 10 2 500 2 }
+ @Data pairs { dashed }
+ {
+ xloop from { 10 } to { 500 } by { 20 } do
+ {
+ x sqrt { pi*x / 4 } + 1
+ }
+ }
+The points are connected by straight line segments as usual, but a
+smallish @Code "by" option of about one-twentieth of the range creates
+the illusion of a smooth curve quite well.
+There is also an @Code "if" symbol which produces alternative results,
+depending on whether a condition evaluates to @Code "true" or
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"xloop from { -5 } to { +5 } by { 0.2 } do"
+" if cond { abs { x } > 0.1 } then { x 1/x } else {}"
+This plots the function @Eq { y = 1 "/" x }, skipping points near
+zero. Actually the @Code "else" part could be omitted since its default
+value is empty.
+Adventurous users might enjoy nesting a @Code "yloop" or @Code "zloop"
+within an {@Code "xloop"}, or using loops to generate ticks, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"xticks {"
+" xloop from { 0 } to { 20 } do"
+" {"
+" x if cond { x mod 5 = 0 } then { @ }"
+" }"
+The missing @Code "by" option defaults to 1, so this produces x ticks at
+0, 1, 2, ..., 20, with labels at 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20. It is quite all
+right to mix @Code "@" and even labels in with numbers, as long as the
+final result obeys the rules of Section {@NumberOf ticks}.
+You can define your own functions using Lout definitions, placed in your
+@Code "mydefs" file as explained in Section {@NumberOf definitions}. Here
+is an example of a function definition:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"import @Graph @Data"
+"def @Tan"
+" precedence 40"
+" right x"
+" sin x / cos x"
+This defines a function called @Code "@Tan" which implements the
+trigonometric tangent function. It may then be used in expressions
+just like any other function:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Data {"
+" yloop from { 0 } to { 0.95 } by { 0.05 } do"
+" {"
+" y @Tan { y / pi }"
+" }"
+Following is a detailed explanation.
+The first line, {@Code "import @Graph @Data"}, is the import clause. Its
+function is to grant the definition access to the three previously defined
+functions (symbols) that it uses, namely {@Code "sin"}, {@Code "cos"},
+and {@Code "/"}. These are found within the @Code "@Data" symbol within
+{@Code "@Graph"}.
+After the import clause comes the @Code "def" keyword, meaning
+`define,' and then the name of the symbol being defined, in this case
+@Code "@Tan". We have chosen @Code "@Tan" rather than @Code "tan"
+because symbols defined by the user in this way are visible throughout
+the document, and we do not want the literal word @Code "tan" to be
+taken as a symbol.
+Next comes the symbol's precedence, in this case the same as @Code "sin" and
+@Code "cos" (see Section {@NumberOf dia_summ} for the precedence of
+each symbol). Next is a list of the formal parameters, in this case
+just one, called {@Code "x"}, that is to be passed on the right.
+Finally comes the body of the definition enclosed in braces. When
+@Code "@Tan" is invoked, its value will be this body with each occurrence
+of the formal parameter @Code "x" replaced by the object following the
+@Code "@Tan" symbol. For example, the @Code "do" option of the @Code
+"yloop" above becomes
+@ID @Code "y sin { y / pi } / cos { y / pi }"
+as you would expect.
+@End @Section
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index 0000000..28dfd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_intr
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ @Title { Introduction }
+ @Tag { grintro }
+The Lout definitions for graph formatting are kept in a file called
+{@Code "graph"}, which you must include at the start of your document if
+graph.file @Index { @Code "graph" file }
+you want graphs, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { graph }"
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+Setup files for specialized packages, such as {@Code "graph"}, should be
+included before the main setup file. Once this is done, the @Code "@Graph"
+symbol used below will then be available for use anywhere within your document.
+@Code "@Graph" distinguishes between the overall graph, produced by the
+@Code "@Graph" symbol itself, and the data sets to be placed within it,
+each of which is enclosed by a @Code "@Data" symbol:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@CentredDisplay @Graph"
+" @Data points { plus }"
+" { 1 1.10 2 1.21 3 1.33 4 1.46 5 1.61 6 1.77 7 1.95 8 2.14 }"
+" @Data points { circle }"
+" { 1 1.20 2 1.44 3 1.73 4 2.07 5 2.45 6 2.99 7 3.58 8 4.30 }"
+Although it is good practice to lay the input data out neatly, layout
+has no effect on the result. It is not necessary to have one data point
+per line, for example. The result of this example is
+@CentredDisplay @Graph
+ @Data
+ points { plus }
+ { 1 1.10 2 1.21 3 1.33 4 1.46 5 1.61 6 1.77 7 1.95 8 2.14 }
+ @Data
+ points { circle }
+ { 1 1.20 2 1.44 3 1.73 4 2.07 5 2.45 6 2.99 7 3.58 8 4.30 }
+We have used the @Code "@CentredDisplay" symbol from Section
+{@NumberOf displays} to produce a centred display, but the
+@Code "@Graph" symbol produces an object which may appear anywhere
+at all -- in a figure, for example, or as an entry in a table.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/gra_keys b/doc/user/gra_keys
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index 0000000..089139a
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+++ b/doc/user/gra_keys
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ @Title { Adding a key to the graph }
+ @Tag { key }
+A @I key to a graph is an explanation of what each data set
+key. @Index { key in graph }
+represents. To assist you in constructing a key, some extra symbols
+are provided in addition to {@Code "@Graph"}:
+graph.cross @Index @Code "@GraphCross"
+graph.plus @Index @Code "@GraphPlus"
+graph.square @Index @Code "@GraphSquare"
+graph.filled.square @Index @Code "@GraphFilledSquare"
+graph.diamond @Index @Code "@GraphDiamond"
+graph.filled.diamond @Index @Code "@GraphFilledDiamond"
+graph.circle @Index @Code "@GraphCircle"
+graph.filled.circle @Index @Code "@GraphFilledCircle"
+graph.triangle @Index @Code "@GraphTriangle"
+graph.filled.triangle @Index @Code "@GraphFilledTriangle"
+graph.noline @Index @Code "@GraphNoLine"
+graph.solid @Index @Code "@GraphSolid"
+graph.dashed @Index @Code "@GraphDashed"
+graph.dotted @Index @Code "@GraphDotted"
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B ! @Col @Code C ! @Col D }
+ A { "@GraphCross" }
+ B { @GraphCross }
+ C { "@GraphPlus" }
+ D { @GraphPlus }
+ A { "@GraphSquare" }
+ B { @GraphSquare }
+ C { "@GraphFilledSquare" }
+ D { @GraphFilledSquare }
+ A { "@GraphDiamond" }
+ B { @GraphDiamond }
+ C { "@GraphFilledDiamond" }
+ D { @GraphFilledDiamond }
+ A { "@GraphCircle" }
+ B { @GraphCircle }
+ C { "@GraphFilledCircle" }
+ D { @GraphFilledCircle }
+ A { "@GraphTriangle" }
+ B { @GraphTriangle }
+ C { "@GraphFilledTriangle" }
+ D { @GraphFilledTriangle }
+ A { "@GraphNoLine" }
+ B { @GraphNoLine }
+ A { "@GraphSolid" }
+ B { @GraphSolid }
+ A { "@GraphDashed" }
+ B { @GraphDashed }
+ A { "@GraphDotted" }
+ B { @GraphDotted }
+These extra symbols may be used anywhere in your document except within
+the right parameter of {@Code "@Graph"}; they are commonly used within
+the caption options of {@Code "@Graph"}:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" rightcaption {"
+"@GraphPlus @GraphSolid @GraphPlus Boston"
+"@GraphPlus @GraphDashed @GraphPlus New York"
+"@GraphPlus @GraphDotted @GraphPlus Philadelphia"
+Recall that unlike the other captions, @Code rightcaption is set using
+the @Code "lines @Break" style rather than {@Code "clines @Break"}
+(Section {@NumberOf captions}). Adding this caption to the graph
+from Section {@NumberOf data}, the complete result is
+@CD @Graph
+ rightcaption {
+@GraphPlus @GraphSolid @GraphPlus Boston
+@GraphPlus @GraphDashed @GraphPlus New York
+@GraphPlus @GraphDotted @GraphPlus Philadelphia
+ @Data points { plus } pairs { solid }
+ { 1720 12000 1730 13000 1740 15601 1760 15631 1770 15877 }
+ @Data points { plus } pairs { dashed }
+ { 1720 7000 1730 8622 1740 10451 1750 14255 1760 18000 1770 22667 }
+ @Data points { plus } pairs { dotted }
+ { 1720 10000 1730 11500 1740 12654 1750 18202 1760 23750 1770 34583 }
+The first eight symbols have a @Code "symbolsize" option with the
+usual meaning and the usual default value ({@Code "0.15 ft"}). The
+last four symbols have @Code "dashlength" and @Code "linewidth" options
+with the usual default values, {@Code "0.2 ft"} and {@Code "0.5 pt"}
+respectively, and a @Code "length" option, which determines the length
+of the line drawn by each symbol; its default value is {@Code "1.0 ft"}.
+@End @Section
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_over
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ @Title { Changing the overall appearance of the graph }
+ @Tag { overall }
+The overall appearance of the graph is controlled by options to the
+@Code "@Graph" symbol. As usual, these options follow the @Code "@Graph"
+symbol, with their values enclosed in braces; they may appear in any order,
+and if omitted are assigned some sensible default value.
+There is a @Code "style" option for controlling the overall style of the
+style.graph @Index { @Code "style" option of @Code "@Graph" }
+axes. @Index { axes in graphs }
+graph, whose value may be either {@Code "frame"}, {@Code "none"},
+or {@Code "axes"}. The default value is {@Code "frame"}, and it produces
+a frame around the graph with ticks and labels along its left and bottom
+edges, as in previous examples. The {@Code "none"} style prints
+nothing (no frame, no ticks, no labels), which is useful for producing
+graphs that don't look like graphs, as it were.
+If the other value, {@Code "axes"}, is chosen, two other options called
+{@Code xorigin} and {@Code yorigin} become compulsory:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"-2p @Font @Graph"
+" style { axes }"
+" xorigin { 0 }"
+" yorigin { 0 }"
+" width { 12 cm }"
+" height { 7 cm }"
+" leftcaption { 90d @Rotate { counts (%) } }"
+" leftgap { 1.0 cm }"
+" belowcaption { time (min) }"
+" belowgap { 0 cm }"
+" @Data"
+" points { filledsquare }"
+" pairs { solid }"
+" { 0 0.0 1 4.8 2 7.0 3 15.2 4 19.8 5 20.0 6 21.0 7 25.0"
+" 10 29.5 15 31.2 20 35.0 30 40.0 60 50.8"
+" }"
+" @Data"
+" points { square }"
+" pairs { solid }"
+" {"
+" 0 0.0 1 3.7 1.5 43.1 2 99.1 3 85.6 4 69.1 5 47.0 6 44.1 7 40.8"
+" 10 35.0 15 29.4 20 25.0 30 21.1 60 15.5"
+" }"
+We have requested a smaller font size for this graph as a whole by
+preceding it with {@Code "-2p @Font"}, meaning two points smaller, and
+we have used some other options which will be explained shortly. The
+resulting graph has an x axis and a y axis instead of a frame, like this:
+@CD -2p @Font @Graph
+ style { axes }
+ xorigin { 0 }
+ yorigin { 0 }
+ width { 12 cm }
+ height { 7 cm }
+ leftcaption { 90d @Rotate { counts (%) } }
+ leftgap { 1.0 cm }
+ belowcaption { time (min) }
+ belowgap { 0 cm }
+ @Data
+ points { filledsquare }
+ pairs { solid }
+ { 0 0.0 1 9.5 2 15.0 3 18.2 4 20.1 5 22.1 7 25.0
+ 10 28.3 15 31.2 20 35.0 30 40.0 60 50.8
+ }
+ @Data
+ points { square }
+ pairs { solid }
+ {
+ 0 0.0 1 3.7 1.5 43.1 2 99.1 3 85.6 4 69.1 5 47.0 6 44.1 7 40.8
+ 10 35.0 15 29.4 20 25.0 30 21.1 60 15.5
+ }
+The point where the axes cross is ({@Code xorigin}, {@Code yorigin}).
+Although @Code "@Graph" does not provide explicit support for
+multiple axes, you can simulate them by overstriking two
+separate graphs of equal size. There is an @Code "@OverStrike"
+overstrike. @Index @Code "@OverStrike"
+symbol which overstrikes two objects, so
+@ID @Code "@Graph { ... } @OverStrike @Graph { ... }"
+will do the job. Typically one of the graphs would have y ticks,
+and the other would have r ticks (adjacent to the right-hand side of the
+There are @Code "xlog" and @Code "ylog" options which produce
+logarithmic.axes @Index { logarithmic axes in graphs }
+logarithmic x and y axes:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xlog { 10 }"
+" ylog { 10 }"
+" ..."
+The value is the base of the logarithm, usually 10 or 2, or
+{@Code none} (the default) meaning not logarithmic. Logarithms
+to different bases differ only by a constant factor, so the main effect
+of different bases is on the choice of ticks and labels. An @Code "xlog"
+option will be ignored if there are any negative or zero x data points,
+x ticks, or {@Code "xorigin"} or {@Code "xmin"} options; and similarly
+for {@Code "ylog"}.
+There are @Code "width" and @Code "height" options for setting the size
+of the total area enclosed:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" width { 6.0 cm }"
+" height { 4.0 cm }"
+" ..."
+This shows the default width and height, six centimetres and four
+centimetres. These lengths and others discussed below can be specified
+using a variety of units of measurement (see Section {@NumberOf grsummary}
+for the details).
+Within the frame or axes, a small margin is kept free of data points. The
+size of this margin is controlled by @Code "xextra" and @Code "yextra"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xextra { 0.5 cm }"
+" yextra { 0.5 cm }"
+" ..."
+Setting @Code "xextra" to @Code "0.5 cm" (the default value if the
+@Code style option is {@Code frame}) means that the smallest x value
+will be placed 0.5 centimetres to the right of the left boundary, and
+the largest will be placed 0.5 centimetres to the left of the right
+boundary. It is quite safe to set @Code "xextra" to @Code "0 cm" if
+desired, and indeed this is the default value when @Code style is
+{@Code axes} or {@Code none}. The @Code "yextra" option works in
+exactly the same way for y values.
+The @Code "xdecreasing" option plots the x values in decreasing order
+instead of increasing:
+@ID @Code {
+" xdecreasing { yes }"
+" abovecaption { New South Wales road deaths, 1960--1990"
+"(fatalities per 100 million vehicle km) }"
+" @Data"
+" points { plus }"
+" pairs { dashed }"
+" {"
+" 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0"
+" }"
+@CD @Graph
+ xdecreasing { yes }
+ abovecaption { New South Wales road deaths, 1960--1990
+(fatalities per 100 million vehicle km) }
+ @Data
+ points { plus }
+ pairs { dashed }
+ {
+ 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4 1982 2.9 1985 2.3 1988 2.0
+ }
+The value of @Code "xdecreasing" should be either @Code "no" (the default
+value) or {@Code "yes"}. A similar @Code "ydecreasing" option does the same
+thing to the y axis.
+@End @Section
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+++ b/doc/user/gra_plac
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ @Title { Placing arbitrary objects on the graph }
+ @Tag { arbobj }
+As we have just seen, the repertoire of symbols that @Code "@Data" is
+able to place on the graph is quite limited. However, there is a way
+to place any number of arbitrary Lout objects anywhere on the graph,
+using the @Code objects option to the @Code "@Graph" symbol:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" objects {"
+" @CTR at {2.5 6.0} @Eq { y = x sup 2 }"
+" @CTR at {4.5 7.0} @Eq { y = x sup 3 }"
+" }"
+where we have used the @Code "@Eq" symbol from Chapter {@NumberOf equations}
+twice to place two equations onto the graph at the points {@Code "2.5 6.0"}
+and {@Code "4.5 7.0"} respectively. An example result appears in the next
+In addition to {@Code "@CTR"}, there are eight other symbols which may
+be used within the @Code "objects" option in the same way: {@Code "@NW"},
+{@Code "@SW"}, {@Code "@SE"}, {@Code "@NE"}, {@Code "@N"}, {@Code "@W"},
+{@Code "@S"}, and {@Code "@E"}. These place the object just to the
+northwest of the point, to the southwest, and so on instead of centring
+it over the point. By `to the northwest' we mean that the object's bottom
+right corner coincides with the point, and similarly for the other symbols.
+Each of these symbols has a @Code "margin" option which enlarges the
+object by adding a margin around it before placing it:
+@ID @Code "@NW at {2.5 6.0} margin { 0.3 ft } @Eq { y = x sup 2 }"
+shows the default value, 0.3 times the current font size. As the margin
+is increased, the object moves further away from the point.
+The major advantage of the @Code "objects" option over the @Code "@Data"
+symbol is that arbitrary Lout objects may be used. The @Code "@Data"
+symbol however is able to place many copies of its symbols onto the graph,
+and also allow for them when connecting points together with lines. Also,
+the points within the @Code "objects" option are not taken into account
+when deciding on the permissible range of x and y values, whereas the
+points within the @Code "@Data" symbol are. Altogether it seems best
+to use the @Code "@Data" symbol for the bulk of the data points, and to
+use the @Code "objects" option for adding a small number of labels or
+other decorations.
+The @Code "objects" option may contain @Code "@Graph" symbols, but in
+that case, owing to a deficiency in the implementation, those symbols
+will need to have their @Code save options (Section {@NumberOf grerrors})
+set to {@Code yes}.
+@End @Section
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index 0000000..ea074b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_summ
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+ @Title { Summary }
+ @Tag { grsummary }
+The options to the @Code "@Graph" symbol, their default values, and
+their possible values are:
+@ID -2.1px @Break -1p @Font @Tab
+ hmargin { 0.15c }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code { " "A } ! @Col @Code "{" ! @Col @Code B !
+ @Col @Code "}" ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col C }
+ @Fmtb { @Col @Code A ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col }
+ A { "@Graph" }
+ A { style }
+ B { frame }
+ C { {@Code frame}, {@Code axes}, or {@Code none} }
+ A { width }
+ B { 6.0 cm }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { height }
+ B { 4.0 cm }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { xextra }
+ B { 0.5 cm }
+ C { any @I distance ({@Code axes} and {@Code none} default is {@Code "0 cm"}) }
+ A { yextra }
+ B { 0.5 cm }
+ C { any @I distance ({@Code axes} and {@Code none} default is {@Code "0 cm"}) }
+ A { xdecreasing }
+ B { no }
+ C { @Code yes or @Code no }
+ A { ydecreasing }
+ B { no }
+ C { @Code yes or @Code no }
+ A { leftcaption }
+ B { }
+ C { any Lout object }
+ A { rightcaption }
+ B { }
+ C { any Lout object }
+ A { abovecaption }
+ B { }
+ C { any Lout object }
+ A { belowcaption }
+ B { }
+ C { any Lout object }
+ A { leftgap }
+ B { 1.5 cm }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { rightgap }
+ B { 0.5 cm }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { abovegap }
+ B { 0.5 cm }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { belowgap }
+ B { 0.5 cm }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { hidecaptions }
+ B { yes }
+ C { @Code yes or @Code no }
+ A { xorigin }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none} or any @I number }
+ A { yorigin }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none} or any @I number }
+ A { xlog }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none} or any @I number greater than 1 }
+ A { ylog }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none} or any @I number greater than 1 }
+ A { xmin }
+ B { none }
+ C { @Code none or any {@I number} }
+ A { xmax }
+ B { none }
+ C { @Code none or any {@I number} }
+ A { ymin }
+ B { none }
+ C { @Code none or any {@I number} }
+ A { ymax }
+ B { none }
+ C { @Code none or any {@I number} }
+ A { xticksep }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none} or any @I number greater than 0 }
+ A { yticksep }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none} or any @I number greater than 0 }
+ A { rticksep }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none} or any @I number greater than 0 }
+ A { xticks }
+ B { auto }
+ C { @I sequence (of numbers and strings), or @Code auto meaning
+automatic }
+ A { yticks }
+ B { auto }
+ C { @I sequence (of numbers and strings), or @Code auto meaning
+automatic }
+ A { rticks }
+ B { }
+ C { @I sequence (of numbers and strings), or @Code auto meaning
+automatic }
+ A { xticklength }
+ B { 0.5 ft }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { yticklength }
+ B { 0.5 ft }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { rticklength }
+ B { 0.5 ft }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { objects }
+ B { }
+ C { sequence of {@Code "@CTR"}, {@Code "@NW"}, {@Code "@SW"}, {@Code "@SE"},
+{@Code "@NE"}, {@Code "@N"}, {@Code "@W"}, {@Code "@S"}, {@Code "@E"} symbols }
+ A { points }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none}, {@Code plus}, {@Code cross}, {@Code square},
+{@Code filledsquare}, {@Code diamond}, {@Code filleddiamond},
+{@Code circle}, {@Code filledcircle}, {@Code triangle}, {@Code filledtriangle} }
+ A { pairs }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none}, {@Code solid}, {@Code dashed}, {@Code dotted},
+{@Code yhisto}, {@Code xhisto}, {@Code filledyhisto}, {@Code filledxhisto},
+{@Code surfaceyhisto}, {@Code surfacexhisto} }
+ A { "colour/color" }
+ B { none }
+ C { {@Code none} or any colour name from Section {@NumberOf colour}}
+ A { paint }
+ B { no }
+ C { {@Code no} or {@Code yes} }
+ A { dataformat }
+ B { xandy }
+ C { {@Code xandy}, {@Code yonly}, {@Code xonly} }
+ A { dashlength }
+ B { 0.2 ft }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { linewidth }
+ B { 0.5 pt }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { symbolsize }
+ B { 0.15 ft }
+ C { any @I distance }
+@I Number means an ordinary decimal number; @I distance means a number
+followed by at least one space followed by any one of the following
+units of measurement:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { cm }
+ B { centimetres }
+ A { in }
+ B { inches }
+ A { em }
+ B { Ems (12 ems = 1 inch) }
+ A { pt }
+ B { Points (72 points = 1 inch) }
+ A { ft }
+ B { @Code "1 ft" is the size of the current font }
+ A { sp }
+ B { @Code "1 sp" is the width of the space character in the current font }
+ A { vs }
+ B { @Code "1 vs" is the current inter-line spacing }
+In general, numbers denote x or y values while distances denote lengths
+on the printed result.
+The minimum plottable x value is the minimum of all the x data,
+{@Code xticks}, {@Code xorigin}, {@Code xmin}, and {@Code xmax} whenever
+these are not {@Code none}. If @Code xticks is {@Code none}, this
+minimum may be reduced further to a `round' number. The maximum plottable
+x value is the maximum of the same values, and it may be increased further
+if {@Code xticks} is {@Code none}. Similar remarks apply to y values.
+The value of the @Code "objects" option is a sequence of zero or more of
+the following:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col { @Code "at {" @I expression @I expression
+@Code "}" } ! @Col @I object }
+@Rowa A { @Code "@CTR" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "@NW" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "@SW" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "@SE" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "@NE" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "@N" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "@W" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "@S" }
+@Rowa A { @Code "@E" }
+where @I object is an arbitrary Lout object. Each of these nine symbols
+also has a @Code "margin" option whose value may be any non-negative
+distance, with default value {@Code "0.3 ft"}.
+The options to the @Code "@Data" symbol, their default values, and
+their possible values are:
+@ID 0.85vx @Break @Tab
+ hmargin { 0.15c }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code { " "A } ! @Col @Code "{" ! @Col @I inherited !
+ @Col @Code "}" ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col C }
+ @Fmtb { @Col A ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col ! @Col }
+ A { @Code "@Data" }
+ A { points }
+ C { {@Code none}, {@Code plus}, {@Code cross}, {@Code square},
+{@Code filledsquare}, {@Code diamond}, {@Code filleddiamond},
+{@Code circle}, {@Code filledcircle},
+{@Code triangle}, {@Code filledtriangle} }
+ A { pairs }
+ C { {@Code none}, {@Code solid}, {@Code dashed}, {@Code dotted},
+{@Code yhisto}, {@Code xhisto}, {@Code filledyhisto}, {@Code filledxhisto},
+{@Code surfaceyhisto}, {@Code surfacexhisto} }
+ A { "colour/color" }
+ C { {@Code none}, or any colour name from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { paint }
+ C { {@Code no} or {@Code yes} }
+ A { dataformat }
+ C { {@Code xandy}, {@Code yonly}, {@Code xonly} }
+ A { dashlength }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { linewidth }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { symbolsize }
+ C { any @I distance }
+ A { @Code "{" @I sequence @Code "}" }
+ C { any @I sequence }
+@I Inherited means that the default value is taken from the
+@Code "@Graph" option with the same name.
+The right parameter of @Code "@Data" contains a @I sequence of zero
+or more {@I expressions}. The {@Code xticks}, {@Code yticks}, and
+{@Code rticks} options also are sequences, which may contain @Code "@"
+and labels as well as expressions. An @I expression is any of the
+following (operators are shown in decreasing precedence order, with
+the precedence, if relevant, at right):
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col ! @Col B }
+ A { @I number }
+ A { @Code x (within @Code xloop only) }
+ A { @Code y (within @Code yloop only) }
+ A { @Code z (within @Code zloop only) }
+ A { @Code pi }
+ A { @Code e }
+ A { @Code "{" @I expression @Code "}" }
+ A { @Code "sqrt" @I expression }
+ B { 40 }
+ A { @Code "abs" @I expression }
+ B { 40 }
+ A { @Code "ceiling" @I expression }
+ B { 40 }
+ A { @Code "floor" @I expression }
+ B { 40 }
+ A { @Code "truncate" @I expression }
+ B { 40 }
+ A { @Code "round" @I expression }
+ B { 40 }
+ A { @Code "cos" @I expression }
+ B { 40 }
+ A { @Code "sin" @I expression }
+ B { 40 }
+ A { @I expression @Code "atan" @I expression }
+ B { 39 }
+ A { @I expression @Code "exp" @I expression }
+ B { 38 }
+ A { @I expression @Code "log" @I expression }
+ B { 37 }
+ A { @I expression @Code "rand" @I expression }
+ B { 36 }
+ A { @I expression @Eq { non * } @I expression }
+ B { 35 }
+ A { @I expression @Code "/" @I expression }
+ B { 34 }
+ A { @I expression @Code "idiv" @I expression }
+ B { 34 }
+ A { @I expression @Code "mod" @I expression }
+ B { 34 }
+ A { @I expression @Eq { non - } @I expression }
+ B { 33 }
+ A { @Eq { non - } @I expression }
+ B { 33 }
+ A { @I expression @Code "+" @I expression }
+ B { 32 }
+ A { @Code "+" @I expression }
+ B { 32 }
+ A { @Code "if cond {" @I boolean @Code "} then {" @I expression
+@Code "} else {" @I expression @Code "}" }
+A @Eq { non - } immediately followed by a digit or decimal point is
+always taken to be a minus sign, never a subtraction. The left
+parameter of @Code "exp" and @Code "log" is the base of the
+exponentiation and logarithm respectively; @Code "idiv" is integer
+division; and @Code "rand" returns a uniform random integer lying between
+its two parameters (inclusive). Now a @I sequence is zero or more of
+the following:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A }
+ A { 2c @Wide "@" (within {@Code xticks}, {@Code yticks}, and {@Code rticks} only) }
+ A { 2c @Wide { ({@I label}) } (within {@Code xticks}, {@Code yticks}, and {@Code rticks} only) }
+ A { @I expression }
+ A { @Code "xloop from {" @I expression @Code "} to {" @I expression
+@Code "} by {" @I expression @Code "} do {" @I sequence @Code "}" }
+ A { @Code "yloop from {" @I expression @Code "} to {" @I expression
+@Code "} by {" @I expression @Code "} do {" @I sequence @Code "}" }
+ A { @Code "zloop from {" @I expression @Code "} to {" @I expression
+@Code "} by {" @I expression @Code "} do {" @I sequence @Code "}" }
+ A { @Code "if cond {" @I boolean @Code "} then {" @I sequence
+@Code "} else {" @I sequence @Code "}" }
+The @Code "by" part of the loop symbols is optional with default
+value 1; the @Code "else" part of @Code "if" is optional with
+default value equal to the empty sequence. A @I boolean is any one of
+the following things, again shown in decreasing precedence order, with
+the precedence at right:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col ! @Col B }
+ A { @Code true }
+ A { @Code false }
+ A { @Code "{" @I boolean @Code "}" }
+ A { @I expression @Code = @I expression }
+ B { 30 }
+ A { @I expression @Code != @I expression }
+ B { 30 }
+ A { @I expression @Code < @I expression }
+ B { 30 }
+ A { @I expression @Code <= @I expression }
+ B { 30 }
+ A { @I expression @Code > @I expression }
+ B { 30 }
+ A { @I expression @Code >= @I expression }
+ B { 30 }
+ A { @Code not @I boolean }
+ B { 25 }
+ A { @I boolean @Code and @I boolean }
+ B { 24 }
+ A { @I boolean @Code xor @I boolean }
+ B { 23 }
+ A { @I boolean @Code or @I boolean }
+ B { 22 }
+ A { @Code "if cond {" @I boolean @Code "} then {" @I boolean
+@Code "} else {" @I boolean @Code "}" }
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/gra_tick b/doc/user/gra_tick
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6079cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/gra_tick
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ @Title { Ticks and labels }
+ @Tag { ticks }
+@I Ticks are the short lines that mark off intervals along the axes, and
+ticks.graph @Index { ticks in graphs }
+labels.graph @Index { labels in graphs }
+@I labels are the numbers appearing near the ticks (not to be confused
+with captions). {@Code "@Graph"} produces ticks and labels automatically
+with some care, so it is probably best not to worry about them unless the
+result is not pleasing, in which case there are options for controlling them.
+One simple way to control the production of x ticks is with the
+{@Code xmin}, {@Code xmax}, and {@Code xticksep} options to @Code
+"@Graph". For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xmin { 0 }"
+" xmax { 5 }"
+" xticksep { 0.5 }"
+specifies that x values in the range 0 to 5 are to be expected, and that
+a tick and label is to appear every 0.5 units along the x axis. One or
+both of @Code "xmin" and @Code "xmax" may be omitted, in which case
+suitable values will be inferred from the data as usual.
+Alternatively, complete control over the appearance of x ticks and labels
+is provided by the @Code "xticks" option. For example,
+xticks.graph @Index { @Code "xticks" option to @Code "@Graph" }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xticks { 0@ 5 10@ 15 20@ }"
+specifies that x ticks are to be drawn at 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20. An
+@Code "@" following a number indicates that a label is to be printed as
+well, so the above example will produce labels at 0, 10, and 20. For
+even finer control, @Code "@" may be replaced by a label enclosed
+in parentheses:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xticks { 1 (Democrat) 2 (Republican) 3 (Other) }"
+As this example shows, a label does not have to be a number; it can be
+any string of characters, including spaces and balanced parentheses;
+but it may not be an arbitrary Lout object.
+The character @Code "^" in a label indicates that the
+remainder is to be treated as an exponent:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xlog { 10 }"
+" xticks { 1 (1) 10 (10) 100 (10^2) 1000 (10^3) 10000 (10^4) 100000 (10^5) }"
+" @Data points { plus }"
+" { 1 2.1 10 3.4 100 4.9 1000 6.1 10000 7.2 100000 7.6 }"
+In fact, the labels inserted automatically when @Code xticks is omitted have
+exponents when the axis is logarithmic, so @Code xticks is hardly necessary
+in this example. Anyway the result is
+@CD @Graph
+ height { 3 cm }
+ xlog { 10 }
+ xticks { 1 (1) 10 (10) 100 (10^2) 1000 (10^3) 10000 (10^4) 100000 (10^5) }
+ @Data points { plus }
+ {
+ 1 2.1 10 3.4 100 4.9 1000 6.1 10000 7.2 100000 7.6
+ }
+Setting @Code "xticks" to empty produces no x ticks (this is not the
+same as omitting {@Code xticks}).
+Similar options control ticks and labels on the y axis: {@Code "ymin"},
+{@Code "ymax"}, {@Code "yticksep"}, and {@Code "yticks"}. There are
+yticks.graph @Index { @Code "yticks" option to @Code "@Graph" }
+also @Code "xticklength" and @Code "yticklength" options which set
+the length of ticks:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" xticklength { 0.5 ft }"
+" yticklength { 0.5 ft }"
+shows the default values, half the current font size in both cases.
+There is also an {@Code "rticks"} option which is similar to
+{@Code "yticks"} except that the ticks it controls appear on the
+right-hand side of the frame (this option is relevant only when
+the @Code style option is {@Code frame}). Unlike @Code "xticks" and
+{@Code "yticks"}, {@Code "rticks"} has empty default value, which is
+why you don't usually see r ticks. They are most useful when overstriking
+two graphs using @Code "@OverStrike" as explained earlier; one graph will
+have y ticks in the usual way, the other will have r ticks and empty
+y ticks:
+@CD {
+ style { frame }
+ width { 6c }
+ height { 8c }
+ xextra { 0 cm }
+ yextra { 0 cm }
+ rightcaption { -90d @Rotate { Precipitation mm } }
+ rightgap { 3.0f }
+ hidecaptions { no }
+ xmin { 0 }
+ xmax { 12 }
+ ymin { 0 }
+ ymax { 450 }
+ xticks { }
+ xticklength { 0 cm }
+ rticks { 0@ 50@ 100@ 150@ 200@ 250@ 300@ 350@ 400@ 450@ }
+ yticks {}
+ @Data
+ pairs { filledyhisto }
+ colour { blue }
+ linewidth { 1 pt }
+ {
+ 0 340
+ 1 410
+ 2 430
+ 3 340
+ 4 290
+ 5 175
+ 6 140
+ 7 125
+ 8 110
+ 9 100
+ 10 85
+ 11 175
+ 12 0
+ }
+ style { frame }
+ width { 6c }
+ height { 8c }
+ xextra { 0 cm }
+ yextra { 0 cm }
+ leftcaption { 90d @Rotate { Temperature {@Degree}C } }
+ leftgap { 2.5f }
+ hidecaptions { no }
+ xmin { 0 }
+ xmax { 12 }
+ ymin { -30 }
+ ymax { 50 }
+ xticks {
+ 0.5 (J)
+ 1.5 (F)
+ 2.5 (M)
+ 3.5 (A)
+ 4.5 (M)
+ 5.5 (J)
+ 6.5 (J)
+ 7.5 (A)
+ 8.5 (S)
+ 9.5 (O)
+ 10.5 (N)
+ 11.5 (D)
+ }
+ xticklength { 0 cm }
+ yticks { -30@ -20@ -10@ 0@ 10@ 20@ 30@ 40@ }
+ @Data
+ pairs { solid }
+ colour { red }
+ linewidth { 1 pt }
+ {
+ 0.0 24
+ 1.0 24
+ 2.0 25
+ 3.0 26
+ 4.0 26
+ 5.0 26
+ 6.0 26
+ 7.0 27
+ 8.0 26
+ 9.0 27
+ 10.0 28
+ 11.0 28
+ 12.0 26
+ }
+Here the first graph has
+@ID @Code {
+"rticks { 0@ 50@ 100@ 150@ 200@ 250@ 300@ 350@ 400@ 450@ }"
+"yticks {}"
+for its ticks.
+Lout has only a hazy idea of how much space is occupied by ticks and
+labels. Unless @Code "xticks" is empty, Lout allows 1.7 times the
+current font size below the graph for x ticks and labels, which is
+usually about right; but it does not allow any space for y and r ticks and
+labels since it has no idea how wide the labels will be. The discussion
+of captions in Section {@NumberOf captions} explains how to use the
+@Code "leftgap" and @Code "rightgap" options to work around this deficiency.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/letterbook b/doc/user/letterbook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269f073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/letterbook
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for books #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# @SysInclude commands for standard packages. #
+# #
+ @SysInclude { fontdefs } # font definitions
+ @SysInclude { langdefs } # language definitions
+ @SysInclude { bsf } # BasicSetup package
+ @SysInclude { dsf } # DocumentSetup package
+ @SysInclude { bookf } # BookSetup extension
+# #
+# @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory. #
+# #
+ @Include { mydefs }
+# #
+# The @BasicSetup @Use clause - basics, lists, paragraphs, displays. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @BasicSetup
+ # @InitialFont { Times Base 12p } # initial font
+ # @InitialBreak {{adjust 1.2fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain {ragged 1fx nohyphen}}
+ # @InitialSpace { lout } # initial space style
+ # @InitialLanguage { English } # initial language
+ # @InitialColour { black } # initial colour
+ # @OptimizePages { No } # optimize page breaks?
+ # @HeadingFont { Bold } # font for @Heading
+ # @ParaGap { 1.3vx @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between paragraphs
+ # @ParaIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # first-line indent for @PP
+ # @DisplayGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap above, below displays
+ # @DisplayIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # @IndentedDisplay indent
+ # @DefaultIndent { 0.5rt } # @Display indent
+ # @DisplayNumStyle { (num) } # style of display numbers
+ # @WideIndent { 4.00f @OrIfPlain 10s } # @WideTaggedList indent
+ # @VeryWideIndent { 8.00f @OrIfPlain 20s } # @VeryWideTaggedList indent
+ # @ListGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between list items
+ # @ListIndent { 0s } # indent of list items
+ # @ListRightIndent { 0s } # right indent of list items
+ # @ListLabelWidth { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # width allowed for list tags
+ # @NumberSeparator { . } # separates nums like 2.3.7
+# #
+# The @DocumentSetup @Use clause - page layout plus figures, tables, etc. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @DocumentSetup
+ @PageType { Letter @OrIfPlain Other} # page type (width, height)
+ # @PageWidth { 80s } # page width if type Other
+ # @PageHeight { 66f } # page height if type Other
+ # @PageOrientation { Portrait } # Portrait, Landscape, etc.
+ # @PageBackground { } # background of each page
+ # @TopMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # top margin of all pages
+ # @FootMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # bottom margin of all pages
+ # @OddLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of odd pages
+ # @OddRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of odd pages
+ # @EvenLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of even pages
+ # @EvenRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of even pages
+ # @PageBoxType { None } # None Box CurveBox ShadowBox
+ # @PageBoxMargin { 1.00c } # page box margin
+ # @PageBoxLineWidth { } # page box line thickness
+ # @PageBoxPaint { none } # page box paint
+ # @PageBoxShadow { 0.60c } # shadow margin if ShadowBox
+ # @ColumnNumber { 1 } # number of columns (1 to 10)
+ # @ColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # column gap
+ # @FigureLocation { PageTop } # default figure location
+ # @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
+ # @FigureFormat { @CC @Body } # default figure format
+ # @TableFormat { @CC @Body } # default table format
+ # @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
+ # @TableWord { table } # "Table" word else anything
+ # @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
+ # @TableNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering tables
+ # @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @TableCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @CaptionFont { } # figure, table caption font
+ # @CaptionBreak { } # figure, table caption break
+ # @CaptionFormat { @B { number @DotSep @OneCol } } # figure, table caption format
+ # @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
+ # @MakeTableContents { No } # list of tables at start
+ # @MakeContents { No } # make contents? Yes or No
+ @MakeContents { Yes } # make contents? Yes or No
+ # @ContentsGap { 0.20v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap above minor entry
+ # @ContentsGapAbove { 0.80v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above major entry
+ # @ContentsGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below major entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapAbove { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above `part' entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below `part' entry
+ # @ContentsFormat { number @DotSep title } # contents entry format
+ # @ContentsLeader { .. } # leader symbol in contents
+ # @ContentsLeaderGap { 4s @OrIfPlain 2s } # gap between leaders
+ # @ContentsRightWidth { 3f @OrIfPlain 6s } # page numbers column width
+ # @MakeReferences { Yes } # make references? Yes or No
+ # @RefCiteStyle { [cite] } # citation style
+ # @RefCiteLabels { @RefNum } # citation items
+ # @RefNumbers { Arabic } # reference numbers
+ # @RefListFormat { Labels } # NoLabels, Labels, etc.
+ # @RefListLabels { [@RefNum] } # ref list label format
+ # @RefListTitle { references } # title of reference list
+ # @ChapRefListTitle { references } # title of chapter ref list
+ # @RefListIndent { 0s } # indent to left of labels
+ # @RefListRightIndent { 0s } # indent to right of items
+ # @RefListGap { @ListGap } # gap between ref list items
+ # @RefListFont { } # font used in reference list
+ # @RefListBreak { } # break style of ref list
+ # @RefListLabelWidth { @ListLabelWidth } # Labels column width
+ # @RefListSortKey { @Tag } # sorting key
+ # @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
+ @MakeIndex { Yes } # make index? Yes or No
+ # @IndexFont { } # index entries font
+ # @IndexBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexColumnNumber { 2 } # index columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index column gap
+ # @MakeIndexA { No } # make index A? Yes or No
+ # @IndexAFont { } # index A entries font
+ # @IndexABreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexAColumnNumber { 2 } # index A columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexAColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index A column gap
+ # @MakeIndexB { No } # make index B? Yes or No
+ # @IndexBFont { } # index B entries font
+ # @IndexBBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexBColumnNumber { 2 } # index B columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexBColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index B column gap
+ # @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
+ # @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
+ # @FootNoteNumbers { Arabic } # footnote numbers
+ # @FootNoteThrough { No } # numbered through chapter?
+ # @FootNoteLocation { ColFoot } # where the footnote appears
+ # @FootNoteFont { 0.80f } # font for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for footnotes
+ # @FootLen { 2.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # length of footnote line
+ # @FootAboveGap { @DisplayGap } # gap above footnote line
+ # @FootGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1fx } # gap between footnotes
+ # @MarginNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteBreak { ragged 1.10fx } # break style of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteHGap { 0.5c } # horizontal gap to notes
+ # @MarginNoteVGap { @DisplayGap } # min vertical gap between
+ # @MarginNoteWidth { 1.50c } # width of margin notes
+ # @EndNoteNumbers { Arabic } # endnote numbers
+ # @EndNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of endnotes
+ # @EndNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for endnotes
+ # @EndNoteGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between endnotes
+ # @TheoremWord { theorem } # "Theorem" word, etc.
+ # @DefinitionWord { definition } # "Definition" word, etc.
+ # @ClaimWord { claim } # "Claim" word, etc.
+ # @PropositionWord { proposition } # "Proposition" word, etc.
+ # @LemmaWord { lemma } # "Lemma" word, etc.
+ # @CorollaryWord { corollary } # "Corollary" word, etc.
+ # @ExampleWord { example } # "Example" word, etc.
+ # @ProofWord { proof } # "Proof" word, etc.
+ # @PageHeaders { Simple } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ @PageHeaders { Titles } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ # @PageNumbers { Arabic } # page numbers
+ # @FirstPageNumber { 1 } # number of first page
+ # @IntroPageNumbers { Roman } # intro page numbers
+ # @IntroFirstPageNumber{ 1 } # number of first intro page
+ # @StructPageNums { No } # make structured page numbers
+ # @OddTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} } # Simple page headers
+ # @OddFoot { @Null }
+ # @EvenTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} }
+ # @EvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @StartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroEvenFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # Titles, NoTitles headers
+ # @RunningOddTop { @I {@MinorNum @DotSep @MinorTitle} @Right @B @PageNum }
+ # @RunningOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningEvenTop { @B @PageNum @Right @I {@MajorNum @DotSep @MajorTitle} }
+ # @RunningEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartEvenFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroOddFoot { @Right @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenFoot { @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+# #
+# The @BookSetup @Use clause - options specific to books. #
+# #
+@Use { @BookSetup
+ # @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base} # title page font (not size)
+ # @SeparateIntroNumbering { Yes } # separate intro page numbers
+ # @PrefaceAfterContents { No } # Yes or No
+ # @ChapterStartPages { Any } # Any, Odd, or Even
+ # @ReferencesBeforeAppendices { No } # references before appendices
+ # @PrefaceWord { preface } # word for "Preface"
+ # @ContentsWord { contents } # word for "Contents"
+ # @FigureListWord { figurelist } # word for "List of Figures"
+ # @TableListWord { tablelist } # word for "List of Tables"
+ # @IntroductionWord { introduction } # word for "Introduction"
+ # @ChapterWord { chapter } # word for "Chapter"
+ # @AppendixWord { appendix } # word for "Appendix"
+ # @IndexWord { index } # word for "Index"
+ # @IndexAWord { index } # word for "Index" (A)
+ # @IndexBWord { index } # word for "Index" (B)
+ # @ChapterNumbers { Arabic } # kind of chapter numbers
+ # @FirstChapterNumber { 1 } # first chapter number (Arabic)
+ # @SectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of section numbers
+ # @FirstSectionNumber { 1 } # first section number (Arabic)
+ # @SubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subsection numbers
+ # @FirstSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first subsect number (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subs. numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first sub-sub number (Arabic)
+ # @AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha } # kind of appendix numbers
+ # @FirstAppendixNumber { 1 } # first appendix num (Arabic)
+ # @SubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subappendix numbers
+ # @FirstSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-app num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subapp. numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-sub num (Arabic)
+ # @PartHeadingFont { Helvetica Base 2.50f } # part head font
+ # @PartHeadingBreak { clines 1.2fx nohyphen } # part head break
+ # @PartHeadingFormat { @CD number @DP @CD title } # part head format
+ # @ChapterHeadingFont { Bold 2.00f } # chapter head font
+ # @ChapterHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # chapter head break
+ # @ChapterHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # format of chap. head
+ # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold } # section head font
+ # @SectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # section head break
+ # @SectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # section head fmt
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFont { Bold } # subs. head font
+ # @SubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subs. head break
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subs. head fmt
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-subs. head font
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-subs. head break
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # sub-subs. head fmt
+ # @AppendixHeadingFont { Bold 2.00f } # appendix head font
+ # @AppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # appendix head break
+ # @AppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # appendix head fmt
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFont { Bold } # subapp. head font
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subapp. head break
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subapp. head fmt
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-suba. head font
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-suba. head break
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat{ number @DotSep title } # sub-suba. head fmt
+ # @AbovePartGap { 4.00f } # gap above part title
+ # @AboveChapterGap { 3.00f } # above major titles
+ # @SectionGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between sections
+ # @SubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between subsects
+ # @SubSubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subs.
+ # @SubAppendixGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between subappendices
+ # @SubSubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subapps
+ # @IntroductionInContents { Yes } # add introduction to contents
+ # @PartInContents { Yes } # add parts to contents
+ # @ChapterInContents { Yes } # add chapters to contents
+ # @SectionInContents { Yes } # add sections to contents
+ # @SubSectionInContents { Yes } # add subsections to contents
+ # @SubSubSectionInContents { No } # add sub-subsects to contents
+ # @AppendixInContents { Yes } # add appendices to contents
+ # @SubAppendixInContents { Yes } # add subappendices to contents
+ # @SubSubAppendixInContents { No } # add sub-subapps to contents
+ # @ReferencesInContents { Yes } # add ref. section to contents
+ # @IndexInContents { Yes } # add index to contents
+ # @IndexAInContents { Yes } # add index A to contents
+ # @IndexBInContents { Yes } # add index B to contents
+ # @PartContentsIndent { 0.5rt } # indent of part contents entry
+ # @ChapterNumInTheorems { Yes } # theorem num has chapter num
+ # @SectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTheorems { Yes } # theorem num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems{ No } # theorem num has sub-sa. num
+ # @ChapterNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has chapter num
+ # @SectionNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays{ No } # display num has sub-sa. num
+ # @ChapterNumInFigures { Yes } # figure num has chapter num
+ # @SectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInFigures { Yes } # figure num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-sa. num
+ # @ChapterNumInTables { Yes } # table num has chapter num
+ # @SectionNumInTables { No } # table num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTables { Yes } # table num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-ss. num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-sa. num
+ # @PrefacePrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @ContentsPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @FigureContentsPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @TableContentsPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IntroductionPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @ChapterPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @AppendixPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @ReferencesPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexAPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexBPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+# #
+# @Database (and @SysDatabase) clauses go here. #
+# #
+@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } # reference printing styles
diff --git a/doc/user/mydefs b/doc/user/mydefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef9639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/mydefs
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+ ###################################################
+ # #
+ # Lout keywords and @Code symbol. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################
+ def @Code right x
+ { { Helvetica Base -1p } @Font lines @Break x }
+ def @@BackEnd { @Code "@BackEnd" }
+ def @@Begin { @Code "@Begin" }
+ def @@Break { @Code "@Break" }
+ def @@Case { @Code "@Case" }
+ def @@Database { @Code "@Database" }
+ def @@End { @Code "@End" }
+ def @@Font { @Code "@Font" }
+ def @@Char { @Code "@Char" }
+ def @@Galley { @Code "@Galley" }
+ def @@Graphic { @Code "@Graphic" }
+ def @@HAdjust { @Code "@HAdjust" }
+ def @@HContract { @Code "@HContract" }
+ def @@HCover { @Code "@HCover" }
+ def @@HExpand { @Code "@HExpand" }
+ def @@HScale { @Code "@HScale" }
+ def @@High { @Code "@High" }
+ def @@HShift { @Code "@HShift" }
+ def @@Include { @Code "@Include" }
+ def @@Insert { @Code "@Insert " }
+ def @@IncludeGraphic { @Code "@IncludeGraphic" }
+ def @@Key { @Code "@Key" }
+ def @@LClos { @Code "@LClos" }
+ def @@LEnv { @Code "@LEnv" }
+ def @@LInput { @Code "@LInput" }
+ def @@LVis { @Code "@LVis" }
+ def @@Moment { @Code "@Moment" }
+ def @@Next { @Code "@Next" }
+ def @@Null { @Code "@Null" }
+ def @@OneCol { @Code "@OneCol" }
+ def @@OneRow { @Code "@OneRow" }
+ def @@Open { @Code "@Open" }
+ def @@PAdjust { @Code "@PAdjust" }
+ def @@PrependGraphic { @Code "@PrependGraphic" }
+ def @@Rotate { @Code "@Rotate" }
+ def @@Scale { @Code "@Scale" }
+ def @@SetColor { @Code "@SetColor" }
+ def @@SetColour { @Code "@SetColour" }
+ def @@Language { @Code "@Language" }
+ def @@CurrLang { @Code "@CurrLang" }
+ def @@Space { @Code "@Space" }
+ def @@SysDatabase { @Code "@SysDatabase" }
+ def @@SysInclude { @Code "@SysInclude" }
+ def @@SysIncludeGraphic { @Code "@SysIncludeGraphic" }
+ def @@SysPrependGraphic { @Code "@SysPrependGraphic" }
+ def @@Tag { @Code "@Tag" }
+ def @@Tagged { @Code "@Tagged" }
+ def @@Use { @Code "@Use" }
+ def @@VAdjust { @Code "@VAdjust" }
+ def @@VContract { @Code "@VContract" }
+ def @@VCover { @Code "@VCover" }
+ def @@VExpand { @Code "@VExpand" }
+ def @@VScale { @Code "@VScale" }
+ def @@VShift { @Code "@VShift" }
+ def @@Wide { @Code "@Wide" }
+ def @@Yield { @Code "@Yield" }
+ ###################################################
+ # #
+ # Miscellaneous symbols used in the guide. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################
+ def @TeX
+ { @OneCol { T &0.4fo {-0.2f @VShift E} &0.45fo X }
+ }
+ def @LaTeX
+ { @OneCol { L &0.3fo { +0.1f @VShift 0.8f @Font A } &0.4fo @TeX }
+ }
+ import @BasicSetup
+ def @Batlow { Batlow Food Distributors Pty. Ltd. }
+ import @BasicSetup
+ def @GreyBox right x { @Box paint { lightgrey } x }
+ import @BasicSetup
+ def @HeadingBox left x right y
+ {
+ @Box { @CentredDisplay @Heading x y }
+ }
+ def @FilledBox
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto"
+ "closepath fill"
+ } @Graphic { 0.6f @High ^/ 0.4f @High 4f @Wide }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize l h f"
+ } @Graphic { 0.6f @High ^/ 0.4f @High 4f @Wide }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Eq
+ def epi { p sub i ` log sub 2 ` p sub i }
+ import @Eq
+ def ep right x { p sub x ` log sub 2 ` p sub x }
+ def @Dbl left x right y
+ { 1.95i @Wide
+ { 1.25i @Wide { |1rt @Code x } |0.2i @Eq {non y} }
+ }
+ import @Eq
+ def @ExA { 1 over sqrt { 1 - 4 x sup 2 } }
+ def @@Diag { @Code "@Diag" }
+ extend @DiagSetup @Diag
+ macro @MyNode {
+ @Node
+ outline {
+ LR:: { xsize 0 }
+ LR:< 0d
+ UL:: { 0 ysize }
+ UL:< 270d
+ 0 0 LR UL 0 0
+ }
+ }
+ extend @DiagSetup @Diag
+ macro @MyLink {
+ @Link
+ path {
+ FROM:: from
+ TO:: to
+ }
+ }
+ def @ShowHMark
+ named linewidth { 0.015 cm }
+ named linestyle { dashed }
+ named dashlength { 0.15 cm }
+ named paint { light }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Fig
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ -0.3 cm ymark
+ {xsize ymark} ++ {0.3 cm 0}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield { "" # VT: PDF currently has no output
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ def @ZeroWidth right x { @OneCol { |0io x |0io } }
+ def @SomeText
+ {
+Johnson suddenly uttered, in a strong determined tone, an apophegm, at
+which many will start: `Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.'
+ }
+ import @DiagSetup
+ def @OpenCircle { @Diag { @Circle margin { 0.2f } } }
+ import @DiagSetup
+ def @ClosedCircle { @Diag { @Circle paint { black } margin { 0.2f } } }
+ import @TblSetup @BasicSetup
+ def @AmberLight
+ {
+ @OneRow @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell A }
+ marginhorizontal { 0i }
+ marginvertical { 0i }
+ strut { no }
+ rule { no }
+ paint { no }
+ {
+ @Rowa A { @OpenCircle }
+ @MarkRowa A { @ClosedCircle }
+ @Rowa A { @OpenCircle }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/doc/user/pascal b/doc/user/pascal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41376df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/pascal
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ @Title { Pascal and Modula-2 Programs }
+There is a @Code "@Pas" symbol for printing Pascal programs
+pascal @Index { Pascal programs }
+pas. @Index @Code "@Pas"
+@Cite { $jensen1975pascal }. No attempt is made to follow any
+particular printing standard; the design simply reflects this author's
+taste. To use {@Code "@Pas"}, place @Code "@SysInclude { pas }" at the
+start of your document in the usual way. A Pascal program or program
+fragment is entered like this:
+@ID @Code {
+"@ID @Pas {"
+"procedure PriDelete(x: PriEntry; var Q: PriorityQueue);"
+" var i: integer;"
+" with Q^ do begin"
+" size := size - 1;"
+" if x^.back <= size then"
+" begin"
+" i := x^.back;"
+" A[i] := A[size + 1];"
+" A[i]^.back := i;"
+" PriAddRoot(i, Q);"
+" PriAddLeaf(i, Q)"
+" end"
+" end"
+This produces
+@ID @Pas {
+procedure PriDelete(x: PriEntry; var Q: PriorityQueue);
+ var i: integer;
+ with Q^ do begin
+ size := size - 1;
+ if x^.back <= size then
+ begin
+ i := x^.back;
+ A[i] := A[size + 1];
+ A[i]^.back := i;
+ PriAddRoot(i, Q);
+ PriAddLeaf(i, Q)
+ end
+ end
+Blank lines, line breaks, indents and spaces in the input are respected,
+with a tab being considered equal to eight spaces. @Code "@Pas" can also
+be used within a paragraph to produce a fragment like
+@OneCol @Pas { A[i..j] }. Use @Code "@OneCol @Pas { ... }" to prevent the
+result from breaking over two lines.
+@Code "@Pas" does not attempt to rearrange the program in any way. Each
+item is simply printed according to the following plan:
+@ID {
+7c @Wide {
+ @Code and |2.5ct @Pas { and }
+//1vx @Code array |2.5ct @Pas { array }
+//1vx @Code begin |2.5ct @Pas { begin }
+//1vx @Code case |2.5ct @Pas { case }
+//1vx @Code const |2.5ct @Pas { const }
+//1vx @Code div |2.5ct @Pas { div }
+//1vx @Code do |2.5ct @Pas { do }
+//1vx @Code downto |2.5ct @Pas { downto }
+//1vx @Code else |2.5ct @Pas { else }
+//1vx @Code end |2.5ct @Pas { end }
+//1vx @Code file |2.5ct @Pas { file }
+//1vx @Code for |2.5ct @Pas { for }
+//1vx @Code forward |2.5ct @Pas { forward }
+//1vx @Code function |2.5ct @Pas { function }
+//1vx @Code goto |2.5ct @Pas { goto }
+//1vx @Code if |2.5ct @Pas { if }
+//1vx @Code in |2.5ct @Pas { in }
+//1vx @Code label |2.5ct @Pas { label }
+//1vx @Code mod |2.5ct @Pas { mod }
+//1vx @Code nil |2.5ct @Pas { nil }
+//1vx @Code not |2.5ct @Pas { not }
+//1vx @Code of |2.5ct @Pas { of }
+//1vx @Code or |2.5ct @Pas { or }
+//1vx @Code otherwise |2.5ct @Pas { otherwise }
+//1vx @Code packed |2.5ct @Pas { packed }
+//1vx @Code procedure |2.5ct @Pas { procedure }
+//1vx @Code program |2.5ct @Pas { program }
+//1vx @Code record |2.5ct @Pas { record }
+//1vx @Code repeat |2.5ct @Pas { repeat }
+//1vx @Code set |2.5ct @Pas { set }
+//1vx @Code then |2.5ct @Pas { then }
+//1vx @Code to |2.5ct @Pas { to }
+//1vx @Code type |2.5ct @Pas { type }
+//1vx @Code until |2.5ct @Pas { until }
+//1vx @Code var |2.5ct @Pas { var }
+//1vx @Code while |2.5ct @Pas { while }
+//1vx @Code with |2.5ct @Pas { with }
+} | 7c @Wide {
+ @Code "0" |2.5ct @Pas { 0 }
+//1vx @Code "1" |2.5ct @Pas { 1 }
+//1vx @Code "2" |2.5ct @Pas { 2 }
+//1vx @Code "3" |2.5ct @Pas { 3 }
+//1vx @Code "4" |2.5ct @Pas { 4 }
+//1vx @Code "5" |2.5ct @Pas { 5 }
+//1vx @Code "6" |2.5ct @Pas { 6 }
+//1vx @Code "7" |2.5ct @Pas { 7 }
+//1vx @Code "8" |2.5ct @Pas { 8 }
+//1vx @Code "9" |2.5ct @Pas { 9 }
+//1vx @Code "." |2.5ct @Pas { . }
+//1vx @Code "," |2.5ct @Pas { , }
+//1vx @Code ":" |2.5ct @Pas { : }
+//1vx @Code ";" |2.5ct @Pas { ; }
+//1vx @Code "'" |2.5ct @Pas { ' }
+//1vx @Code "`" |2.5ct @Pas { ` }
+//1vx @Code "+" |2.5ct @Pas { + }
+//1vx @Code "-" |2.5ct @Pas { - }
+//1vx @Code "*" |2.5ct @Pas { * }
+//1vx @Code "/" |2.5ct @Pas { / }
+//1vx @Code "(" |2.5ct @Pas { ( }
+//1vx @Code ")" |2.5ct @Pas { ) }
+//1vx @Code "[" |2.5ct @Pas { [ }
+//1vx @Code "]" |2.5ct @Pas { ] }
+//1vx @Code "^" |2.5ct @Pas { ^ }
+//1vx @Code ".." |2.5ct @Pas { .. }
+//1vx @Code "=" |2.5ct @Pas { = }
+//1vx @Code "<" |2.5ct @Pas { < }
+//1vx @Code ">" |2.5ct @Pas { > }
+//1vx @Code "<>" |2.5ct @Pas { <> }
+//1vx @Code "<=" |2.5ct @Pas { <= }
+//1vx @Code ">=" |2.5ct @Pas { >= }
+//1vx @Code ":=" |2.5ct @Pas { := }
+Anything not mentioned here will appear in italic font.
+Unlike the @Code "@CP" symbol from the previous chapter, the @Code "@Pas"
+symbol is a quick-and-dirty production which does not offer you any options,
+or indeed attempt to solve every problem of Pascal formatting. In
+particular, Pascal strings need attention before formatting by
+{@Code "@Pas"}. Their interiors are best enclosed in double quotes to
+prevent the above transformations from occurring inside them. Any
+@Code "\\" or @Code "\"" characters inside strings will need to be
+replaced by @Code "\\\\" and @Code "\\\"" respectively, and the opening
+quote should be replaced by {@Code "`"}.
+Similar remarks apply to Pascal comments; don't forget that @Code "{"
+and @Code "}" must be enclosed in double quotes. Alternatively, a
+@Code "@Com" symbol can be placed in front of a comment enclosed
+in braces. It will add literal braces:
+@ID @Code {
+"@Com { A Pascal comment }"
+has result
+@ID @Pas {
+@Com { A Pascal comment }
+It may still be necessary to enclose the interior in double quotes.
+There is a @Code "@Modula" symbol which allows you to format Modula-2
+programs in the same way as @Code "@Pas" does for Pascal. You get it
+via {@Code "@SysInclude { modula }"}, and once again it is a quick-and-dirty
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/preface b/doc/user/preface
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eada554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/preface
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+@Preface @Begin
+This User's Guide brings together in one document everything needed
+for the day-to-day use of Version 3 of the Lout document formatting
+There are three other documents describing Lout: the Expert's Guide
+@Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert }, which you need if you want to add
+new features to Lout; a journal paper on the design and implementation
+of Lout @Cite { $kingston1993lout.design }; and a set of overhead
+transparencies @Cite { $kingston1994lout.overheads } that cover much
+the same ground as this Guide. These documents are all distributed
+with the software.
+Lout is distributed free of charge under the GNU Public License. The
+gnu. @Index { GNU Public License }
+primary source is directory
+@ID @Code "ftp://ftp.cs.su.oz.au/jeff/lout"
+in which may be found a gzipped tar file containing the main distribution
+(currently {@Code "lout-3.17.tar.gz"}), and various other things including
+a PostScript version of this guide. The distribution contains source code,
+libraries, documentation, license, and installation instructions.
+A mailing list has been set up for discussion of all topics related to
+Lout. To subscribe, send email to @Code "lout-request@ptc.spbu.ru"
+containing the word @Code "subscribe" in the Subject line. To post an
+item, send email to {@Code "lout@ptc.spbu.ru"}; it will be forwarded to
+all subscribers via email. To unsubscribe, send email to
+@Code "lout-request@ptc.spbu.ru" containing the word @Code "unsubscribe"
+in the Subject line.
+Lout began in 1984 as a research project into the design of a high-level
+language for document formatting. At that time my name for the subject
+was `document layout,' and this terminology survives in the name
+`Lout'. The initial design
+was strongly influenced by Brian W. Kernighan and Lorinda L. Cherry's eqn
+kernighan @Index { Kernighan, Brian W. }
+cherry.l @Index { Cherry, Lorinda L.}
+eqn. @Index { @Code eqn equation formatter }
+equation formatter @Cite { $kernighan1975eqn }, and also by Brian K. Reid's
+Scribe system @Cite { $reid1980scribe }. That
+scribe.influence @SubIndex { influence on Lout }
+reid.b @Index { Reid, Brian K. }
+research phase ended in October 1991 with the first public release of Lout.
+Since then the system has been steadily improved and extended. Optimal
+paragraph breaking and automatic hyphenation were copied from Donald
+knuth @Index { Knuth, D. E. }
+tex. @Index { @TeX }
+E. Knuth's @TeX system @Cite { $knuth1984tex }, and the optimal paragraph
+breaking algorithm was applied to the problem of producing optimal page
+breaks. The first implementations of horizontal galleys and optimal
+page breaking were by my student Gabor Inokai. Vincent Tan contributed
+the PDF back end. The strongest influence during this period has come from
+Lout's users; indeed the number of people who have offered comments and
+suggestions is so great that it is quite out of my power to acknowledge them
+individually. I hope that seeing their ideas adopted will be thanks enough.
+@RLD lines @Break {
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+Basser Department of Computer Science
+The University of Sydney 2006, Australia
+@Code "jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au"
+@End @Preface
diff --git a/doc/user/ref b/doc/user/ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ea5782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/ref
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ @Title { References }
+ @Tag { biblio }
+The simple way to make a list of references is to put them in a numbered
+references. @Index { references }
+or tagged list at the end of your document. If you use references only
+rarely, that is probably the best way, but if you use them frequently this
+chapter will save you hours of work in the long run.
+Some good general principles and many examples have been given by van Leunen
+van.leunen. @Index { van Leunen, Mary-Claire }
+@Cite { $vanleunen1992handbook }. Broadly speaking Lout follows her
+recommendations, with some unification and scaling back as is inevitable
+with software. Scribe @Cite { $reid1980scribe }
+latex. @Index @LaTeX
+scribe. @RawIndex Scribe
+scribe.reference @SubIndex { reference formatting }
+and @LaTeX @Cite { $lamport1986latex } followed the first edition of the
+same source, so translation from Scribe and @LaTeX references is
+fairly straightforward.
+@Include { ref_sett }
+@Include { ref_cite }
+@Include { ref_labe }
+@Include { ref_entr }
+@Include { ref_chan }
+@Include { ref_crea }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/ref_chan b/doc/user/ref_chan
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7114fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/ref_chan
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ @Title { Changing the appearance of citations and the reference list }
+ @Tag { changeref }
+By default, citations appear like this @Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert },
+and the reference list appears like the one at the end of this
+document, with the entries numbered, and sorted by their @Code "@Tag"
+options. This section explains how to change all this, by setting
+options in the setup file.
+For a general introduction to setup files and their options, see
+Section {@NumberOf setup}. Here we just describe the setup
+file options that relate to references. Here they are, with their
+default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@MakeReferences { Yes }"
+"@RefCiteStyle { [cite] }"
+"@RefCiteLabels { @RefNum }"
+"@RefNumbers { Arabic }"
+"@RefListFormat { Labels }"
+"@RefListLabels { [@RefNum] }"
+"@RefListTitle { references }"
+"@ChapRefListTitle { references }"
+"@RefListIndent { 0c }"
+"@RefListRightIndent { 0c }"
+"@RefListGap { 1.00v }"
+"@RefListFont { }"
+"@RefListBreak { }"
+"@RefListLabelWidth { 2.00f }"
+"@RefListSortKey { @Tag }"
+makereferences.sym @Index { @Code "@MakeReferences" }
+Setting @Code "@MakeReferences" to @Code "No" will cause Lout to ignore
+all citation symbols and omit all reference lists.
+@Code "@RefCiteStyle" and @Code "@RefCiteLabels" combine to
+refcitestyle.sym @Index { @Code "@RefCiteStyle" }
+determine the appearance of citations. The result of each @Code "@Cite"
+symbol is the value of @Code "@RefCiteStyle" with the @Code "cite"
+symbol replaced by the object following the @Code "@Cite" symbol. For
+example, the default value shown above encloses each citation in
+brackets. The @Code "cite" symbol must appear exactly once within
+{@Code "@RefCiteStyle"}.
+@Code "@RefCiteLabels" determines the appearance of each label within
+refcitelabels.sym @Index { @Code "@RefCiteLabels" }
+the citation. Within it, the @Code "@RefNum" symbol will produce the
+number of the reference, and you may also use any of the options of the
+@Code "@Reference" symbol listed at the beginning of Section
+{@NumberOf entries}:
+@ID @OneRow @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { "@RefCiteLabels { @RefNum }" }
+ B { [3] }
+ A { "@RefCiteLabels { @Label }" }
+ B { [Kin93] }
+ A { "@RefCiteLabels { @Author, @Year }" }
+ B { [Jeffrey H. Kingston, 1993] }
+The value of @Code "@RefCiteLabels" may be any object. The @Code "@Label"
+symbol will produce the @Code "label" option of @Code "$" or @Code "@Ref"
+if there is one, rather than the @Code "@Label" option of the reference;
+this @Code "label" option is explained in Section {@NumberOf labelled}.
+@Code "@RefNumbers" determines the kind of numbering produced by the
+refnumbers.sym @Index { @Code "@RefNumbers" }
+@Code "@RefNum" symbol used within @Code "@RefCiteLabels" above and
+@Code "@RefListLabels" below. Its value may be {@Code Arabic},
+{@Code Roman}, {@Code UCRoman}, {@Code Alpha}, or {@Code UCAlpha}, as
+usual for numbering in Lout. If you don't use {@Code "@RefNum"},
+@Code "@RefNumbers" has no effect.
+The remaining eleven setup file options are all concerned with the
+appearance of the reference list. The first, {@Code "@RefListFormat"},
+reflistformat.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListFormat" }
+determines the overall format of the list. Here is what its four
+@NoCite { $strunk1979style } possible values do:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @OneCol B }
+ vmargin { 0.3v }
+ A { "@RefListFormat { NoLabels }" }
+ B { @RefPrint strunk1979style }
+ A { "@RefListFormat { Labels }" }
+ B { 2f @Wide {{@NumberOf strunk1979style}.} | @RefPrint strunk1979style }
+ A { "@RefListFormat { DropLabels }" }
+ B { {@NumberOf strunk1979style}. //1vx
+ 2f @Wide {} | @RefPrint strunk1979style
+ }
+ A { "@RefListFormat { InLabels }" }
+ B { {@NumberOf strunk1979style}. &2s @RefPrint strunk1979style }
+@Code "@RefListFormat" is not concerned with the appearance of the
+labels and references, only with where they appear.
+@Code "@RefListLabels" determines the appearance of the labels in the
+reflistlabels.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListLabels" }
+reference list (and so has no effect if @Code "@RefListFormat" is
+{@Code "NoLabels"}). It is a combination of @Code "@RefCiteStyle"
+and {@Code "@RefCiteLabels"}; you can use @Code "@RefNum" and all the
+options of @Code "@Reference" within it. The default value,
+@ID @Code "@RefListLabels { @RefNum. }"
+produces a numbered reference list in the style of
+{@Code "@NumberedList"}. Another useful value is
+@ID @Code "@RefListLabels { [@Label] }"
+which produces the @Code "@Label" option of the reference, or the
+@Code "label" option of the citation if there is one, enclosed in
+brackets. If you do switch to non-numeric labels you will need to
+either use @Code "DropLabels" or else increase the
+@Code "@RefListLabelWidth" option described below.
+@Code "@RefListTitle" determines the heading placed just before the
+reflisttitle.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListTitle" }
+reference list at the end of the document:
+@ID @Code "@RefListTitle { Further Reading }"
+Two special values, @Code "references" and {@Code "bibliography"},
+produce References and Bibliography in English and their equivalents
+in other languages. @Code "@ChapRefListTitle" is the same as
+chapreflisttitle.sym @Index { @Code "@ChapRefListTitle" }
+{@Code "@RefListTitle"}, but applied to the reference list at the end
+of each chapter of a book when @Code "@ChapCite" is used.
+{@Code "@RefListIndent"}, {@Code "@RefListRightIndent"}, and
+reflistindent.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListIndent" }
+reflistrightindent.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListRightIndent" }
+reflistgap.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListGap" }
+{@Code "@RefListGap"} determine the left indent, right indent, and gap
+between reference list items, analogously to the {@Code "indent"},
+{@Code "rightindent"}, and {@Code "gap"} options of the @Code "@List"
+symbol (Section {@NumberOf lists}). @Code "@RefListFont" and
+@Code "@RefListBreak" determine the font and
+reflistfont.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListFont" }
+reflistbreak.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListBreak" }
+paragraph breaking style of the reference list. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@RefListFont { -2p }"
+"@RefListBreak { 1.2fx outdent }"
+switches to a smaller size with outdented paragraphs (these work well
+with {@Code NoLabels}). The empty default values produce the same
+font and break style as in the document as a whole.
+@Code "@RefListLabelWidth" determines the distance from the left
+reflistlabelwidth.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListLabelWidth" }
+edge of the labels to the left edge of the references, when
+@Code "@RefListFormat" is @Code Labels or {@Code DropLabels} (it
+has no effect when @Code "@RefListFormat" is @Code NoLabels or
+{@Code "InLabels"}). This is different to {@Code "@RefListIndent"},
+which determines the distance from the edge of the column to the
+left edge of the item.
+Particular care is needed when @Code "@RefListFormat"
+is @Code Labels and the labels are non-numeric, for then if the
+labels are too wide they will overstrike the references. The default
+value, {@Code 2.00f}, is twice the current font size. It may be
+changed to any length (Section {@NumberOf objects}). Regrettably,
+Lout is not clever enough to choose a good value by itself.
+Finally, @Code "@RefListSortKey" determines the sorting key used when
+sort.ref @Index { sorting of reference lists }
+reflistsortkey.sym @Index { @Code "@RefListSortKey" }
+ordering the reference list. The default value,
+@ID @Code "@RefListSortKey { @Tag }"
+sorts by tag; the other popular possibility is to sort by the
+@Code "@Label" option:
+@ID @Code "@RefListSortKey { @Label }"
+As usual @Code "@Label" will use the value of a @Code "label" option
+to the citation if there is one. There is no way to sort by order of
+first appearance in the document.
+@Code "@RefListSortKey" may be any sequence of words
+and options from the @Code "@Reference" symbol, but not @Code "@RefNum"
+for obvious reasons. A possible more elaborate sorting key is
+@ID @Code "@RefListSortKey { @Author:@Year:@Tag }"
+sorting first by author, then by year within each author, and finally
+by tag. However you
+are supposed to choose tags which have this effect, and that is more
+reliable since the modern practice is to put the authors' surnames
+after their given names. There seems to be little practical use for
+sorting keys other than {@Code "@Tag"} and {@Code "@Label"}.
+A colon within the @Code "@RefListSortKey" option is converted by Lout
+into a character smaller than any printable character, which ensures that
+the sorting is carried out separately on the three fields. It is essential
+that the sort key uniquely identify the reference, because if two sort
+keys are equal only one of the references will be printed. The easiest
+way to ensure this is to always include @Code "@Tag" in the sort key.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/ref_cite b/doc/user/ref_cite
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89958b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/ref_cite
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ @Title { Citation }
+ @Tag { citation }
+To cite one or more references, use the @Code "@Cite" symbol like this:
+citing @Index { citing references }
+cite. @Index @Code "@Cite"
+@ID @Code {
+"This feature is beyond our scope @Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert, page 97 }."
+The following object must be enclosed in braces. It may be an arbitrary
+object as usual. Within it the @Code "$" character is a symbol with a
+special meaning: it causes a citation to be made of the reference whose
+@Code "@Tag" option is the word following the @Code "$" symbol:
+@ID {
+This feature is beyond our scope @Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert, page 97 }.
+The reference itself will appear automatically in a reference list at
+the end of the document, and the citation(s) will be enclosed in brackets
+as shown. There is no need to write @Code "${kingston1995lout.expert},"
+as would normally be the case, because within @Code "@Cite" special
+arrangements are made to prevent commas and semicolons from being a
+A reference may be cited many times, but it will appear in the
+reference list only once. The references will ordinarily be sorted by
+tag and labelled with Arabic numbers, although this can be changed by
+setting options in the setup file (Section {@NumberOf changeref}).
+If you are making a book, there is a @Code "@ChapCite" symbol which is
+chap.cite @Index @Code "@ChapCite"
+the same as @Code "@Cite" except that its references come out at the
+end of the current preface, introduction, chapter, or appendix, rather
+than at the end of the document.
+It is quite all right to cite a reference from within a footnote, figure,
+table, or index entry. The reference will appear in the closest
+reference list following the citation point in the final printed document,
+or if there is no such list, the closest preceding reference list. This
+is fine in documents with just one reference list; but when using
+@Code "@ChapCite" in books, if the citation point appears after the intended
+reference list (because the footnote or figure has floated past the reference
+list at the end of the chapter), the reference will come out in the wrong list.
+Although it is frowned upon by the authorities, some people include
+references which are not cited anywhere in the body of their document. For
+this there is {@Code "@NoCite"}:
+no.cite @Index @Code "@NoCite"
+@ID @Code {
+"... our scope @NoCite { $kingston1995lout.expert, $kingston1993lout.design }."
+@ID {
+... our scope @NoCite { $kingston1995lout.expert, $kingston1993lout.design }.
+with the @Code "@NoCite" symbol and any preceding space removed. The
+references will nevertheless appear in the reference list as usual. There
+is a @Code "@NoChapCite" symbol that combines @Code "@NoCite" and
+no.chap.cite @Index @Code "@NoChapCite"
+{@Code "@ChapCite"}. For compatibility with previous versions of Lout,
+there is a @Code "@Ref" symbol:
+ref. @Index @Code "@Ref"
+@ID @Code "@Ref kingston1995lout.expert"
+is the same as @Code "@Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert }" without the
+brackets. There are analogous {@Code "@ChapRef"}, {@Code "@NoRef"},
+and {@Code "@NoChapRef"}
+chap.ref @Index @Code "@ChapRef"
+no.ref @Index @Code "@NoRef"
+no.chap.ref @Index @Code "@NoChapRef"
+symbols, which are not recommended.
+The @Code "@RefPrint" symbol will print a reference on the spot:
+ref.print @Index @Code "@RefPrint"
+resume. @Index { resumes }
+curriculum. @Index { curriculum vitae }
+@ID @Code "@RefPrint kingston1995lout.expert"
+has result
+@ID @RefPrint kingston1995lout.expert
+unrelated to any reference list. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Heading { Journal Articles }"
+"@LI @RefPrint kingston1985tree"
+"@LI @RefPrint kingston1993lout.design"
+might appear in someone's resume.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/ref_crea b/doc/user/ref_crea
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..994f8d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/ref_crea
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ @Title { Creating your own entry types and formats }
+ @Tag { refstyles }
+Although the set of options to the @Code "@Reference" symbol
+({@Code "@Tag"}, {@Code "@Type"}, {@Code "@Author"}, etc.) is fixed, you
+can add your own reference types and change the formatting of existing types.
+To do this you must be using your own setup file, as explained in
+Section {@NumberOf setup}. At the end of the setup file you will find
+this line:
+reference.print @Index { reference printing style }
+ref.style @Index @Code "@RefStyle"
+@ID @Code "@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle }"
+This tells Lout to consult a database file of reference styles called
+{@Code "refstyle.ld"}. These are not references, they are formatting
+styles, one for each reference type. The @Code "Sys" in @Code "@SysDatabase"
+sys.database @Index @Code "@SysDatabase"
+means that this file is stored in the @I { Lout system database directory },
+system.database.dir @Index { system database directory }
+refstyle.ld.file @Index { @Code "refstyle.ld" file}
+which is where all the standard databases are kept. To change the
+formatting of a reference type, or to add your own types, you need to
+create your own reference styles database file by copying and modifying
+{@Code "refstyle.ld"}.
+To find out the name of the Lout system database directory, type the
+Unix command
+@ID @Code "lout -V"
+Then, supposing that the Lout system database directory is
+{@Code "/usr/lout/data"}, type
+@ID @Code "cp /usr/lout/data/refstyle.ld mystyle.ld"
+to place a copy of the @Code "refstyle.ld" database file in your
+mystyle.ld.file @Index { @Code "mystyle.ld" file}
+directory, renaming it {@Code "mystyle.ld"}. Since @Code "refstyle.ld"
+is read-only, you may also need to change the mode of @Code "mystyle.ld"
+to be writable (by @Code "chmod +w mystyle.ld" in Unix). Now replace
+@ID @Code "@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle }"
+at the end of your setup file by
+@ID @Code "@Database @RefStyle { mystyle }"
+and Lout will read its reference styles from @Code "mystyle.ld" instead
+of {@Code "refstyle.ld"}. Since the two are at
+present identical, this has changed nothing so far; but now any changes
+you make to @Code "mystyle.ld" will affect your document. Changing
+@Code "@SysDatabase" to @Code "@Database" makes Lout search your
+current directory for {@Code "mystyle.ld"}, whereas @Code "@SysDatabase"
+searches only the system directory.
+In practice you will probably want to store your database of reference
+styles in some library directory, so that it can be used by
+many documents. A Unix pathname is appropriate for this:
+@ID @Code "@Database @RefStyle { \"/usr/jeff/lib/mystyle\" }"
+Quotes are needed because of the @Code "/" characters.
+The database entries within @Code "refstyle.ld" and @Code "mystyle.ld"
+might look something like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ Book @RefStyle @Style"
+" { @Reference&&reftag @Open"
+" {"
+" @Author. @I @Title. @Publisher, @Year."
+" }"
+" }"
+The meaning of the first two lines is beyond our scope, except that
+@Code "Book" on the first line means that this is the entry which
+defines how references of type @Code Book will be printed. Fortunately,
+apart from this one word these two lines are the same in every
+reference style entry so you don't need to understand them. The
+important part is in the middle:
+@ID @Code "@Author. @I @Title. @Publisher, @Year."
+The meaning should be clear: first print the author option and a full
+stop, then the title option and another full stop in italics, and so
+on. To change the formatting of books, change this object. To create
+a new reference type, copy the entire database entry, change @Code Book
+to a new name of your choice, and change the middle part. Don't forget
+to delete the index file @Code "mystyle.li" afterwards, if there is one,
+so that Lout knows to generate it afresh.
+Although the entry shown above is perfectly viable, the real entry for
+@Code Book is much more complicated, in part because there are more
+options than those basic four, but mainly because the real entry goes
+to great lengths to do the right thing when options are omitted:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.45vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code B }
+@Rowa A { "{ Book @RefStyle @Style" }
+@Rowa A { " { @Reference&&reftag @Open" }
+@Rowa A { " {" }
+@Rowa A { " { @Author. {}" } B { "} @If @Author" }
+@Rowa A { " { @I @Title" } B { "} @If @Title" }
+@Rowa A { " { @Word&&notitle" } B { "} @If @Not @Title" }
+@Rowa A { " { , @Pinpoint" } B { "} @If @Pinpoint" }
+@Rowa A { " { , @Word&&pages @NumSep @Pages" } B { "} @If @Pages" }
+@Rowa A { " { , @Word&&page @NumSep @Page" } B { "} @If @Page" }
+@Rowa A { " { . @TitleNote" } B { "} @If @TitleNote" }
+@Rowa A { " { . @HowPublished" } B { "} @If @HowPublished" }
+@Rowa A { " { . @Publisher" } B { "} @If @Publisher" }
+@Rowa A { " { . @Organization" } B { "} @If @Organization" }
+@Rowa A { " { . @Institution" } B { "} @If @Institution" }
+@Rowa A { " { , @Address" } B { "} @If @Address" }
+@Rowa A { " { . @Edition" } B { "} @If @Edition" }
+@Rowa A { " { , @Month @Year" } B { "} @If @Year @And @Month" }
+@Rowa A { " { , @Year " } B { "} @If @Year @And @Not @Month" }
+@Rowa A { " { ." } B { "} @If @True" }
+@Rowa A { " { {} URL @URL." } B { "} @If @URL" }
+@Rowa A { " { {} @Note" } B { "} @If @Note" }
+@Rowa A { " }" }
+@Rowa A { " }" }
+@Rowa A { "}" }
+The meaning is that each object to the left of an @Code "@If" will be
+if. @Index @Code "@If"
+printed only if the condition to the right of the @Code "@If" is
+true. The condition may contain options, which are considered to be
+true if they are not omitted (non-empty), and it may contain {@Code "@And"},
+and. @Index @Code "@And"
+or. @Index @Code "@Or"
+not. @Index @Code "@Not"
+true. @Index @Code "@True"
+{@Code "@Or"}, {@Code "@Not"}, and @Code "@True" with the usual precedence
+and meaning. Sub-conditions may be enclosed in braces if desired, although
+it is best to keep the conditions as simple as possible given the
+complexity of the whole setup.
+The objects subject to @Code "@If" are printed with no space preceding
+them; any space in the final print will be the result of space within
+them, not between them. This is why @Code "@If @True" is not redundant.
+The object @Code "@Word&&notitle" produces @Code "No title" in the
+current language; @Code "@Word&&pages" produces {@Code pages} in the
+current language, and so on. Consult database @Code "standard.ld" for
+standard.ld.file @Index { @Code "standard.ld" file }
+other standard words and phrases, and page {@PageOf numsep} for
+{@Code "@NumSep"}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/ref_entr b/doc/user/ref_entr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63516b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/ref_entr
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ @Title { Constructing database entries }
+ @Tag { entries }
+Here is the complete, fixed list of options that you may give to the
+@Code "@Reference" symbol:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { "{ @Reference" }
+ A { " @Tag {}" }
+ B { Used to cite this reference }
+ A { " @Type {}" }
+ B { The type of reference, for example {@Code Book}, {@Code Article} }
+ A { " @Abstract {}" }
+ B { Not used, intended to hold an abstract }
+ A { " @Address {}" }
+ B { The address of a publisher, organization, or institution }
+ A { " @Annote {}" }
+ B { Not used, intended for annotations }
+ A { " @Author {}" }
+ B { The author(s) or editor(s) }
+ A { " @Day {}" }
+ B { The day of the month, for newspaper articles }
+ A { " @Edition {}" }
+ B { The edition, for example @Code "Second Edition" }
+ A { " @HowPublished {}" }
+ B { How something strange has been published }
+ A { " @InAuthor {}" }
+ B { The author of the work that the cited work appears within }
+ A { " @InTitle {}" }
+ B { The title of the work that the cited work appears within }
+ A { " @Institution {}" }
+ B { The institution or school }
+ A { " @Journal {}" }
+ B { The journal name }
+ A { " @Keywords {}" }
+ B { Not used, intended to hold keywords }
+ A { " @Label {}" }
+ B { The label of a labelled reference }
+ A { " @Month {}" }
+ B { The month of publication or writing }
+ A { " @Note {}" }
+ B { Any additional helpful information }
+ A { " @Number {}" }
+ B { The number of a technical report }
+ A { " @Organization {}" }
+ B { The organization sponsoring the work }
+ A { " @Page {}" }
+ B { Page number if only one, for example @Code "23" }
+ A { " @Pages {}" }
+ B { Page numbers if more than one, for example @Code "23--47" }
+ A { " @Pinpoint {}" }
+ B { A point or part of the work, for example @Code "Chapter VI" }
+ A { " @Publisher {}" }
+ B { The publisher of the work }
+ A { " @Title {}" }
+ B { The title of the work }
+ A { " @TitleNote {}" }
+ B { Additional title information (series, editor, etc.) }
+ A { " @TRType {}" }
+ B { The type of a technical report, for example @Code "Research Note" }
+ A { " @URL {}" }
+ B { The URL of the reference }
+ A { " @Volume {}" }
+ B { The volume of a journal }
+ A { " @Year {}" }
+ B { The year of publication or writing }
+ A { "}" }
+Every reference may contain any of these options, although, depending
+on the {@Code "@Type"} option, only some will be printed. You can't give
+an option twice; in particular, multiple authors must be placed
+within one @Code "@Author" option, arranged as you want them to appear. Here
+is the complete set of values that you may give to the @Code "@Type" option:
+@ID @Tab
+ vmargin { 0.5vx }
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col @Code B ! @Col @Code C ! @Col @Code D }
+ @Rowa
+ A { Book }
+ B { TechReport }
+ C { Article }
+ D { InBook }
+ @Rowa
+ A { Proceedings }
+ B { MastersThesis }
+ C {}
+ D { InProceedings }
+ @Rowa
+ A { PhDThesis }
+ B { Misc }
+ C {}
+ D {}
+Each column represents one broad category of reference type: the first
+contains large works; the second contains small works not appearing
+within anything else (although possibly part of a series); the third
+contains small works appearing within an ongoing forum for such works;
+and the fourth contains small works appearing within large works. In each
+case, the reference may be to the work as a whole, or to one point or part
+of it (known as pinpointing).
+Some care is needed when choosing the @Code "@Tag" option, since references
+are both cited and sorted by tag. It is best to choose a three-part
+tag consisting of the first author's surname and possibly initial, the
+year of publication, and a brief reminder of the contents:
+@ID @Code "@Tag { kingston1995lout.expert }"
+Keep to lower-case letters, since mixed cases confuse the sorting, and
+give the full four digits of the year to avoid trouble in the year
+2000. Multi-word tags are possible but not recommended.
+Unusually for Lout, you can have unquoted @Code "/" and @Code "~"
+characters inside the @Code "@URL" option:
+@ID @Code "@URL { ftp://ftp.cs.su.oz.au/jeff/lout }"
+In fact it is better not to use quotes because then Lout will
+be able to break lines at @Code "/" characters, which is very useful
+since URLs tend to be long and prone to causing bad line breaks.
+Since the types within each broad category are similar, our plan is to
+give one example of each and briefly note how the others differ. Here
+is a @Code Book entry showing all its options:
+book.ref.type @Index { @Code Book reference type }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { homer.odyssey }"
+" @Type { Book }"
+" @Author { Homer }"
+" @Title { The Odyssey }"
+" @TitleNote { Translated by E. V. Rieu }"
+" @Pinpoint { Chapter VI }"
+" @Pages { 102--111 }"
+" @Page { 102 }"
+" @Publisher { Penguin Books }"
+" @Address { Harmondsworth, Middlesex }"
+" @Edition { Penguin Classics Edition }"
+" @Month { August }"
+" @Year { 1942 }"
+" @Note { The date of composition is unknown,"
+"but is thought to be about the tenth century BC. }"
+And here is what it produces:
+@ID @RefPrint homer.odyssey
+The only compulsory options are {@Code "@Tag"}, {@Code "@Type"}, and
+{@Code "@Title"}, and Lout will carefully adjust the formatting to the
+right thing when you omit others. A basic book would have just
+{@Code "@Tag"}, {@Code "@Type"}, {@Code "@Author"}, {@Code "@Title"},
+{@Code "@Publisher"}, and {@Code "@Year"} options.
+@Code Proceedings is similar, except you
+proceedings.ref.type @Index { @Code Proceedings reference type }
+may have an @Code "@Organization" or @Code "@Institution" option for
+the sponsoring organization if you wish, and the author will either be
+absent or an editor:
+@ID @Code "@Author { P. W. Lamb, editor }"
+There is no option specifically for editors, translators, and so forth.
+@Code PhDThesis is very similar again, with @Code "@Institution"
+phdthesis.ref.type @Index { @Code PhDThesis reference type }
+instead of {@Code "@Publisher"}, and the phrase `Ph.D. thesis'
+appearing by magic in the right spot. Like all words and phrases
+introduced automatically by Lout, it will be translated into the current
+language if this is not English.
+Moving now to the second broad category, here is a typical {@Code TechReport}:
+techreport.ref.type @Index { @Code TechReport reference type }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { christofides1976tsp }"
+" @Type { TechReport }"
+" @Author { Christofides, N. }"
+" @Title { Worst-case analysis of a new heuristic"
+"for the travelling salesman problem }"
+" @Number { 388 }"
+" @Institution { Graduate School of Industrial"
+"Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University }"
+" @Address { Pittsburgh, PA }"
+" @Year { 1976 }"
+Here is the result:
+@ID @RefPrint christofides1976tsp
+The two novelties here are the @Code "@Number" option, which is the
+number of the report, and the `Tech. Rep.' phrase. If you
+need some other phrase instead, use the @Code "@TRType" option:
+@ID @Code "@TRType { Programmer's Manual }"
+or whatever. The phrase will be `Master's Thesis' in the
+current language for type {@Code MastersThesis}, and absent in type
+mastersthesis.ref.type @Index { @Code MastersThesis reference type }
+misc.ref.type @Index { @Code Misc reference type }
+{@Code Misc}. You may use the pinpointing options ({@Code "@Pinpoint"},
+{@Code "@Page"}, and {@Code "@Pages"}) and {@Code "@TitleNote"},
+{@Code "@Month"}, and {@Code "@Note"} in the same way as for books.
+Journal articles are referenced by journal name, volume, number, and
+article.ref.type @Index { @Code Article reference type }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { kingston1993lout.design }"
+" @Type { Article }"
+" @Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }"
+" @Title { The design and implementation of the"
+"Lout document formatting language }"
+" @Journal { Software---Practice and Experience }"
+" @Volume { 23 }"
+" @Pages { 1001--1041 }"
+" @Year { 1993 }"
+The result of this is
+@ID @RefPrint kingston1993lout.design
+All are optional, as usual. Notice that @Code "@Pages" and @Code "@Page"
+refer to the whole article so are not available for pinpointing here,
+but you may still use {@Code "@Pinpoint"}.
+Finally, small works that appear within large works have @Code "@Author"
+inbook.ref.type @Index { @Code InBook reference type }
+and @Code "@Title" options for the work itself, and @Code "@InAuthor" and
+@Code "@InTitle" for the work that it appears within:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { rieu1942intro }"
+" @Type { InBook }"
+" @Author { E. V. Rieu }"
+" @Title { Introduction to @I { The Odyssey } }"
+" @InAuthor { Homer }"
+" @InTitle { The Odyssey }"
+" @Publisher { Penguin }"
+" @Year { 1942 }"
+@Code "@InAuthor" would often be absent or an editor. The result is
+@ID @RefPrint rieu1942intro
+The other options are as for large works. Type @Code InProceedings is
+inproceedings.ref.type @Index { @Code InProceedings reference type }
+similar to {@Code InBook}.
+A database usually has a long life, and some day it might find itself
+used in a document whose language is not the one its original compiler
+had in mind. For this reason, a truly meticulous compiler of database
+entries would enclose @I all language-specific options in
+@Code "@Language" symbols:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { zimand1986size.sets.strings }"
+" @Type { Article }"
+" @Author { French @Language { M. Zimand } }"
+" @Title { English @Language { On the topological size of sets of random strings } }"
+" @Journal { German @Language { Zeitschr. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen d. Math. } }"
+" @Volume { 32 }"
+" @Pages { 81--88 }"
+" @Year { 1986 }"
+(My apologies to M. Zimand if he or she is not French.) This ensures
+correct hyphenation whatever the language of the document in which the
+reference appears.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/ref_labe b/doc/user/ref_labe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b8cc54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/ref_labe
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ @Title { Labelled (as opposed to numbered) references }
+ @RunningTitle { Labelled references }
+ @Tag { labelled }
+Lout ordinarily assigns a number to each reference, and prints this
+labelled.refs @Index { labelled references }
+number beside the reference in the reference list and at the point(s)
+of citation. There is a way to make Lout use a label of your choice
+instead of a number for each reference. First change the following
+setup file options to the values shown (these options are explained
+in Section {@NumberOf changeref}):
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@RefCiteLabels { @Label }"
+"@RefListLabels { @Label. }"
+"@RefListLabelWidth { 4.00f }"
+"@RefListSortKey { @Label }"
+Then make sure that every reference you cite has a {@Code "@Label"} option:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { kingston1995lout.expert }"
+" @Type { TechReport }"
+" @Label { Kin94 }"
+" ..."
+@Code "@Label" may contain several words, and even font changes, but not
+an arbitrary object.
+The effect of these changes is that your references will now be labelled
+with their @Code "@Label" options instead of with numbers, and they will
+be sorted by label instead of by tag. However, tags are still used when
+The big problem with labels is that they vary from document to
+document, either because of a change of style or because the usual
+first few letters of the authors' names plus year has to be augmented
+with {@Code a}, {@Code b}, {@Code c} etc. to distinguish publications
+by the same authors in the same year. To help you overcome these
+problems, the @Code "$" symbol has a @Code "label" option:
+@ID @Code {
+"@Cite { $ label { Kin94a } kingston1995lout.expert, ... }"
+The @Code "@Ref" and @Code "@ChapRef" symbols also have a @Code label
+option. If you use this option, it will be used to label the reference
+instead of the @Code "@Label" option from the @Code "@Reference" symbol
+(indeed, the @Code "@Reference" symbol need have no @Code "@Label" option
+in this case). But note that using @Code "label" does not itself give
+you labelled references; you get them with the setup file options as
+explained above.
+If your labels turn out to be too wide for the space allowed for them
+in the reference list, you have two alternatives. One is to increase
+the @Code "@RefListLabelWidth" setup file option shown above, since it
+determines this space. The other is to change the @Code "@RefListFormat"
+setup file option to {@Code "DropLabels"}, which produces drop items:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@DTI { Kin94a. } @RefPrint kingston1995lout.expert
+Then it won't matter how wide your labels are.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/ref_sett b/doc/user/ref_sett
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..283cb11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/ref_sett
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ @Title { Setting up a bibliographic database }
+ @Tag { databases }
+The basic idea is to store your references in a separate
+database.file @Index { database file }
+@I { database file }, in a form which does not include formatting
+details such as font changes. This makes it easy to use the same
+references in many documents, and it leaves the formatting to Lout. Here
+is an example of a reference as it would appear in a database file:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"{ @Reference"
+" @Tag { vanleunen1992 }"
+" @Type { Book }"
+" @Author { Mary-Claire van Leunen }"
+" @Title { A Handbook for Scholars }"
+" @Publisher { Oxford }"
+" @Edition { Revised Edition }"
+" @Year { 1992 }"
+reference. @Index @Code "@Reference"
+@Code "@Reference" is a symbol, and {@Code "@Tag"}, {@Code "@Type"},
+{@Code "@Author"}, and so on are its options. The database file as
+a whole consists of a sequence of references, each enclosed in braces
+as shown.
+The @Code "@Tag" option is compulsory: since you cite a reference by
+giving its tag, there must be one. The @Code "@Type" option is also
+type. @Index { @Code "@Type" option }
+compulsory, since it says whether the reference is to a book, a journal
+article, or whatever, and this determines what other options are
+required. Section {@NumberOf entries} describes all the types provided
+by Lout, and Section {@NumberOf refstyles} explains how to add your own.
+Lout database file names must end in {@Code ".ld"}, so now suppose that
+you have made one called
+ld.file @Index { @Code ".ld" file }
+refs.ld.file @Index { @Code "refs.ld" file }
+@Code "refs.ld" and put it in the same directory as your document. Next,
+@ID @Code "@Database @Reference { refs }"
+database. @Index @Code "@Database"
+at the start of your document, just before {@Code "@Doc"},
+{@Code "@Document"}, {@Code "@Report"}, or whatever. Alternatively,
+you may place it at the end of your setup file. It informs Lout that
+you might be referring to @Code "@Reference" symbols in database
+@Code "refs" (that is, in file {@Code "refs.ld"}).
+If you want to maintain a central database, used by many documents, you
+won't want it in the same directory as any one of them. A Unix
+pathname will be more appropriate:
+@ID @Code "@Database @Reference { \"/usr/jeff/lib/refs\" }"
+or whatever. Quotes are needed because of the @Code "/" characters.
+With the database file created and the @Code "@Database" line in place,
+you are ready to start citing references. The first time that the
+database.index.file @Index { database index file }
+index.file @Index { index file }
+database is used, Lout will create an @I { index file } whose purpose
+is to speed up the retrieval of your references. Thanks to this file
+you can have hundreds or even thousands of references in your database,
+without slowing Lout down very much. However, whenever you change your
+database file @I { you must remove its corresponding index file }, so
+that Lout knows to create it afresh.
+@FootNote {
+Depending on how it was installed on your system, Lout may be able to
+use the time of last modification of the database file and its index
+file to determine automatically whether the index file needs to be
+created afresh, thus saving you the trouble of removing it. You can
+find out whether this is true of your system by typing the command
+{@Code "lout -V"}.
+ The index file is stored in the
+same directory as the database file, and it has the same name except
+that it ends in @Code ".li" rather than @Code ".ld" (e.g.
+li.file @Index { @Code ".li" file }
+{@Code "refs.li"}).
+If a separate database file is not convenient for some reason, perhaps
+because you need a self-contained document in a single file, the
+@Code "@Reference" symbols may be incorporated into the document
+itself, anywhere that ordinary text may appear. Nothing will appear
+where they are typed in, but Lout will notice them and treat them as if
+they had come from a database file. In this case no @Code "@Database"
+symbol is needed unless you are referring to a database as well.
+You may have multiple databases, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Database @Reference { myrefs }"
+"@Database @Reference { \"/usr/pub/refs/theoryrefs\" }"
+Lout will search the databases in the order you list them.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str b/doc/user/str
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0312dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ @Title { Adding Structure to Documents }
+ @Tag { structure }
+@Include { str_disp }
+@Include { str_list }
+@Include { str_foot }
+@Include { str_marg }
+@Include { str_theo }
+@Include { str_figs }
+@Include { str_larg }
+@Include { str_cros }
+@Include { str_cont }
+@Include { str_indx }
+@Include { str_colu }
+@Include { str_defs }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/str_colu b/doc/user/str_colu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b54a404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_colu
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ @Title { Multiple columns }
+ @Tag { columns }
+You can change the number of columns of text per page, and the width of
+columns. @Index columns
+multiple.columns @Index { multiple columns }
+the gap between the columns, by changing these two setup file options:
+columnnumber. @Index @Code "@ColumnNumber"
+columngap. @Index @Code "@ColumnGap"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@ColumnNumber { 1 }"
+"@ColumnGap { 1.00c }"
+If you are using your own setup file (Section {@NumberOf setup}), you can
+find and change them there. If not, @Code "@ColumnNumber" may be changed
+at the beginning of your document (Section {@NumberOf ordinary}).
+@Code "@ColumnNumber" may be any number between 1 and 10, with default
+value 1 as shown, and @Code "@ColumnGap" may be any length (Section
+{@NumberOf objects}). The column width is derived from these options
+column.width @RawIndex { column width }
+column.width.pages @SubIndex { on pages }
+using the obvious formula
+@ID @Eq { columnwidth = { pagewidth - margins -
+({@Code "@ColumnNumber"} - 1) times {@Code "@ColumnGap"} }
+over @Code "@ColumnNumber"
+You must ensure that this comes to something reasonable.
+These two options do not apply to pages containing an index. For them
+there are similar setup file options called @Code "@IndexColumnNumber"
+and @Code "@IndexColumnGap" (Section {@NumberOf indexes}).
+Most document types permit you to have multiple columns, but certain
+things will be kept full width regardless of the @Code "@ColumnNumber"
+option: figures and tables, chapter headings, and so on. The details
+vary with the document type, so are deferred to Chapter {@NumberOf types}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_cont b/doc/user/str_cont
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148447e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_cont
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ @Title { Tables of contents }
+ @Tag { contents }
+Lout takes note of the titles of all your large-scale structure symbols
+contents. @Index { contents, tables of }
+tables.of.contents. @Index { tables of contents }
+(Section {@NumberOf largescale}) and what pages they begin on, and it
+uses this information to produce a table of contents like the one at
+the start of the present document. It is totally automatic; you do
+Some details of the appearance of the table of contents, including
+whether to make one or not, are controlled by options in the setup
+file. The default setting is to make one in books but not to in
+other types of documents, but by changing the setup file you can have
+a table of contents in any type of document.
+Section @NumberOf setup describes setup files in general and how to
+change the options within them. The options relevant to tables of
+contents and their default values are:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@MakeContents { No }"
+"@ContentsGap { 0.20v }"
+"@ContentsGapAbove { 0.80v }"
+"@ContentsGapBelow { 0.00v }"
+"@ContentsLeader { .. }"
+"@ContentsLeaderGap { 4s }"
+"@ContentsRightWidth { 3f }"
+The @Code "@MakeContents" option may be @Code Yes or {@Code No}, and
+makecontents. @Index @Code "@MakeContents"
+determines whether a table of contents is made or not. Its default
+value is @Code No but it is set to @Code Yes in the @Code book setup
+@Code "@ContentsGap" determines how much vertical space to leave
+contentsgap. @Index @Code "@ContentsGap"
+above each line of the table of contents, in addition to the usual
+single line spacing; its value may be any length (Section
+{@NumberOf objects}). The default value, {@Code "0.20v"}, is twenty
+percent of the current inter-line spacing.
+Some entries, such as those for chapters and appendices in books, are
+more important than others. @Code "@ContentsGap" does not apply to these
+entries; instead, @Code "@ContentsGapAbove" and @Code "@ContentsGapBelow"
+contentsgapabove. @Index @Code "@ContentsGapAbove"
+contentsgapbelow. @Index @Code "@ContentsGapBelow"
+are used above and below each of them, again in addition to the usual
+single line spacing.
+@Code "@ContentsLeader" is the object which is repeated across the page
+contentsleader. @Index @Code "@ContentsLeader"
+to connect each entry with its page number; popular values are @Code ".."
+and @Code "." and the empty object. @Code "@ContentsLeaderGap" determines
+contentsleadergap. @Index @Code "@ContentsLeaderGap"
+how far apart these objects are; the default value, {@Code "4s"}, is
+four times the width of a space character. @Code "@ContentsLeaderGap"
+may be {@Code "0s"}, but only if @Code "@ContentsLeader" is non-empty.
+@Code "@ContentsRightWidth" reserves some
+contentsrightwidth. @Index @Code "@ContentsRightWidth"
+space at the far right for page numbers. Any entry wide enough to
+intrude into this space is broken into two or more lines to keep it
+In addition to these options, each document type has options that
+determine which large-scale structure symbols will be listed in the
+table of contents. For example, among the options to the
+@Code "@BookSetup" symbol in the @Code book setup file are these:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@ChapterInContents { Yes }"
+"@SectionInContents { Yes }"
+"@SubSectionInContents { Yes }"
+"@SubSubSectionInContents { No }"
+"@AppendixInContents { Yes }"
+"@SubAppendixInContents { Yes }"
+"@SubSubAppendixInContents { No }"
+Each may be either {@Code "Yes"} or {@Code "No"}; these default values
+produce entries for everything except sub-subsections and sub-subappendices.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_cros b/doc/user/str_cros
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eb74c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_cros
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ @Title { Cross references }
+ @Tag { cross }
+Cross references are a useful feature of documents, but they are a
+cross.ref @Index { cross references }
+problem for authors. Suppose that at one point of your document
+you have
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,"
+"that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights,"
+"that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness..."
+and that at some other point, earlier or later, you have
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"The anti-slavery cause, founded as it was on the Declaration"
+"of Independence (page 181), could appeal to patriotic as"
+"well as moral sentiments..."
+This is a @I { cross reference }, and the problem is that as the document
+is revised, the Declaration of Independence might move to page 185, and
+the cross reference must be found and changed.
+Lout has a simple solution to this problem. Instead of writing the
+pageof. @Index @Code "@PageOf"
+page number, write
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"The anti-slavery cause, founded as it was on the Declaration"
+"of Independence (page @PageOf { decl.of.ind }), could appeal to"
+"patriotic as well as moral sentiments..."
+instead, and at the point referred to, write
+pagemark. @Index @Code "@PageMark"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"We @PageMark decl.of.ind hold these truths to be self-evident, that..."
+Inserting @Code "@PageMark decl.of.ind" will not affect the result,
+but Lout makes a note of the number of the page on which the word
+preceding it appears, and inserts that number in place of
+{@Code "@PageOf decl.of.ind"}. The tag, {@Code "decl.of.ind"}, may be
+tag. @Index { tag }
+any simple word (actually Lout will accept a multi-word tag, but they
+are very inconvenient and better avoided). The braces are there, as
+usual, to control grouping: we don't want the following punctuation
+characters in the tag.
+One tag called @Code "last.page" is created automatically
+"last.page.tag" @Index { @Code "last.page" tag }
+for you. @Code "@PageOf last.page" gives the number of the last page
+of the document. For example, the result for this document is
+{@PageOf last.page}.
+Cross referencing also applies to large-scale structure symbols such as
+@Code "@Chapter" and @Code "@Section" (any symbol with a @Code "@Title"
+option), as well as @Code { "@FootNote" }, @Code { "@EndNote" },
+@Code { "@Figure" }, @Code { "@Table" }, the numbered display
+symbols, and @Code "@ListItem" and @Code "@DropListItem" (but not
+@Code "@TagItem" and {@Code "@DropTagItem"}). Each of these symbols
+has a @Code "@Tag" option:
+tag.sym @Index @Code "@Tag"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Cross references }"
+" @Tag { cross }"
+"Cross references are a useful ..."
+Now you can use the @Code "@PageOf" symbol to find the
+number of the page on which the symbol's result begins, and the
+@Code "@NumberOf" symbol to find its number:
+numberof. @Index @Code "@NumberOf"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"For further information on this point, please consult"
+"Section @NumberOf cross (page @PageOf { cross })."
+@QD {
+For further information on this point, please consult
+Section @NumberOf cross (page @PageOf { cross }).
+Like all tags, the value of the @Code "@Tag" option should be a simple
+word (although Lout does accept multi-word tags). Cross referencing of
+list items yields just the number of the item, in Arabic, Roman, or
+whatever; it does not include the surrounding parentheses or other
+decorations introducted by the list's @Code "style" option.
+To work cross references out, Lout has to process your document more
+multiple.runs @Index { multiple runs, why needed }
+than once, storing information between runs in special files it
+creates whose names end in @Code ".li" and {@Code ".ld"}. A complex
+document like this Guide requires five runs, but since every run
+produces a perfectly good PostScript file suitable for proof reading,
+in fact you need two runs to start with and one run per cycle of
+revision thereafter, only one more than would have been necessary
+in any case.
+The cross referencing system assumes that each Unix directory contains
+directories @Index { directories, Lout files and }
+only one Lout document (possibly spread over many files). If you keep
+several documents in one directory you can turn off the cross referencing
+with the @Code "-s" flag:
+@ID @Code "lout -s simple > simple.ps"
+Since this will cause question marks to replace footnote and section
+numbers, and other products of cross referencing, it is only feasible
+for simple documents. Alternatively, you can reset cross referencing
+when switching from one document to another, by removing file
+lout.li @Index { @Code lout.li file }
+{@Code "lout.li"}. You should also remove this file if your document
+changes radically -- from a report to a book, say.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_defs b/doc/user/str_defs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71bd71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_defs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ @Title { Defining new symbols }
+ @Tag { definitions }
+Whenever you find yourself typing the same thing repeatedly, you can
+definitions. @Index definitions
+save a lot of time by defining your own personal symbol to stand for that
+thing. For example, suppose you type your company's name, @Batlow,
+frequently. You can define your own symbol, {@Code "@Batlow"} say,
+so that
+@ID @Code {
+"Concerning your crate supply contract with @Batlow, @Batlow wishes to ..."
+@ID {
+Concerning your crate supply contract with @Batlow, @Batlow wishes to ...
+You will never have to type @Batlow again.
+The method is to create a file called @Code "mydefs" in your current
+mydefs.file @Index { @Code mydefs file }
+directory, containing definitions like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"import @BasicSetup"
+"def @Batlow { Batlow Food Distributors Pty. Ltd. }"
+The meaning of the first line, {@Code "import @BasicSetup"}, will
+be explained shortly. After that comes @Code "def" for `define,'
+then the name of the symbol being defined, then its value between
+braces. So this example defines a symbol called @Code "@Batlow" to
+stand for the object following it between braces. Lout will read this
+file during its setup phase (Section {@NumberOf setup}).
+Your symbols may have any names you wish made from letters and
+{@Code "@"}. However, it is good practice to have exactly one
+{@Code "@"}, at the start, and to choose distinctive names that
+have no chance of being the same as the name of any existing
+symbol. @Code "@Batlow" is a good choice, for example.
+The object between braces is quite arbitrary; in particular, it may
+contain symbols. For example, suppose you frequently need a small grey box:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"import @BasicSetup"
+"def @GreyBox { @Box paint { lightgrey } {} }"
+This defines a @Code "@GreyBox" symbol that produces {@GreyBox}. Most
+of the symbols in this guide are from the @I {BasicSetup package},
+import. @Index @Code import
+which is why @Code "import @BasicSetup" is required: it makes
+these symbols available to the definition, and can actually be omitted
+before definitions like the one for @Code "@Batlow" which do not use
+any symbols. However it does no harm, so we place it in front of every
+definition as a matter of course.
+@FootNote {
+Later chapters of this guide introduce specialized symbols for producing
+tables, equations, diagrams, graphs, and computer programs. You need a
+different @Code "import" clause when using those symbols within a
+definition, because they are not from the BasicSetup package. Examples
+may be found in the chapters concerned.
+Now suppose you frequently need a grey box, but enclosing different
+things: @GreyBox ENTRY one moment, @GreyBox EXIT the next. You could
+try omitting the @Code "{}" from the definition above, but that does
+not work, because Lout notices the missing object while reading the
+definition, and inserts an empty object in the usual way (Section
+{@NumberOf empty}).
+However, there is a way to define a @Code "@GreyBox" symbol so that
+@Code "@GreyBox ENTRY" produces {@GreyBox ENTRY}, @Code "@GreyBox EXIT"
+produces {@GreyBox EXIT}, and so on:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"import @BasicSetup"
+"def @GreyBox right x { @Box paint { lightgrey } x }"
+The addition of @Code "right x" immediately after the symbol's name
+places @Code "@GreyBox" into that class of symbols, like {@Code "@I"}
+and @Code {"@Box"}, which consume and transform the object to their
+right. The @Code "x" in @Code "right x" means that the object to the
+right will be referred to as @Code "x" within the definition. So in
+@ID @Code "@GreyBox { Hello world }"
+@Code "@GreyBox" consumes the following object, which becomes
+{@Code "x"}, so that the value is
+@ID @Code "@Box paint { lightgrey } { Hello world }"
+which produces @GreyBox { Hello world }.
+It is a good principle to choose symbol names that refer to what the symbol
+is for, rather than how it does what it does. Here is a good example:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"import @BasicSetup"
+"def @Poetry right x { lines @Break @I x }"
+This kind of name is very pleasant to use, since it allows you to
+forget about what is going on behind the scenes:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@IndentedDisplay @Poetry {"
+"Teach me to hear Mermaides singing,"
+"Or to keep off envies stinging,"
+" And finde"
+" What winde"
+"Serves to'advance an honest minde."
+Most of Lout's symbols follow this principle.
+You can define symbols that consume the object to their left as well
+as the object to their right, as the {@Code "@Font"}, {@Code "@Break"},
+and {@Code "@Colour"} symbols do:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"import @BasicSetup"
+"def @HeadingBox left x right y"
+"{ @Box { @CentredDisplay @Heading x y }"
+This definition occupies several lines only because it is long; as
+usual, end of line is the same as one space. Now
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"Cheating @HeadingBox {"
+"The Department uses assignments ... of that student alone."
+is much easier to type than the equivalent example in Section
+{@NumberOf boxes}. The result is the same:
+@QD Cheating @HeadingBox {
+The Department uses assignments both as a teaching device and as a
+major component of its assessment of each student. It therefore
+requires that all programs, exercises etc. handed in bearing an
+individual student's name be the work of that student alone.
+Do not use a paragraph, display, or list symbol at the beginning or end
+of a definition, since the result is not what people who do it are
+hoping for.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_disp b/doc/user/str_disp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4634103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_disp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ @Title { Displays }
+ @Tag { displays }
+The @Code "@Display" symbol displays the following object in the centre
+displays. @Index displays
+display. @Index @Code "@Display"
+of the page or column:
+@ID @Code "@Display @I { Invitation to Afternoon Tea }"
+has result
+@Display @I { Invitation to Afternoon Tea }
+Space is inserted automatically above and below the display; no
+paragraph symbols are needed.
+To make the display appear at the left margin instead of centred, use
+leftdisplay. @Index @Code "@LeftDisplay"
+{@Code "@LeftDisplay"} instead of {@Code "@Display"}. To make an indented
+display, use {@Code "@IndentedDisplay"} or {@Code "@QuotedDisplay"};
+indenteddisplay. @Index @Code "@IndentedDisplay"
+quoteddisplay. @Index @Code "@QuotedDisplay"
+the latter indents at the right margin as well as at the left. There are
+also @Code "@CentredDisplay" and @Code "@CenteredDisplay" symbols which
+centreddisplay. @Index @Code "@CentredDisplay"
+centereddisplay. @Index @Code "@CenteredDisplay"
+centre the display just like {@Code "@Display"} does, and
+rightdisplay. @Index @Code "@RightDisplay"
+@Code "@RightDisplay" which right-justifies the display.
+If you use displays frequently you might prefer abbreviated forms of
+their names. These are made from @Code "@" and the capital letters of
+d. @Index @Code "@D"
+ld. @Index @Code "@LD"
+id. @Index @Code "@ID"
+qd. @Index @Code "@QD"
+cd. @Index @Code "@CD"
+the full name: {@Code "@D"}, {@Code "@LD"}, {@Code "@ID"}, {@Code "@QD"},
+and {@Code "@CD"}. Owing to a clash with the name of another symbol,
+{@Code "@RightDisplay"} has no abbreviation.
+Displays often need to be set using a different font, paragraph
+breaking style, and so on to the surrounding text. It's best to set
+out such displays like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@CentredDisplay @I clines @Break {"
+"Invitation to Afternoon Tea"
+"Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Newington-Smith"
+You can have as many of these symbols as you like, including specialized
+ones like {@Code "@CurveBox"} and {@Code "@Tbl"}. The only rule is that
+the display symbol must come first: @Code "@I @Display ..." is wrong.
+It's not a good idea to have one display immediately followed by
+another one, because there will be too much vertical space between
+them. Use a list instead (Section {@NumberOf lists}). Displays
+at the ends of paragraphs look awkward and are best avoided.
+A display may come out partly on one page or column and partly on
+the next, if it has places where it obviously can be broken in two. For
+example, a display which is an ordinary paragraph of text might be
+broken in two between any two lines. To force a display to keep
+together on one page or column, use the @Code "@OneRow" symbol like
+this: @Code "@Display @OneRow { ... }".
+Other display symbols produce aligned and numbered displays, and raw
+displays (i.e. without vertical space). Although these can display any
+object as usual, in practice they are used for mathematics, so they are
+described in Section {@NumberOf mathdisplays}.
+Three setup file options control the appearance of displays. (For a
+general introduction to setup files and their options, consult
+Section {@NumberOf setup}.) Here they are with their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@DisplayGap { 1.00v }"
+"@DefaultIndent { 0.5rt }"
+"@DisplayIndent { 2.00f }"
+@Code "@DisplayGap" is the amount of vertical space inserted before and
+display.gap. @Index @Code "@DisplayGap"
+after displays, and may be any length (Section {@NumberOf objects}). The
+default value, @Code {"1.00v"}, is equal to the current inter-line spacing.
+@Code "@DefaultIndent" is the indent produced by
+default.indent @Index @Code "@DefaultIndent"
+{@Code "@Display"}; {@Code "0.5rt"} produces centring, although why it does
+so is beyond our scope
+@Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert }. @Code "@DisplayIndent" is the
+display.indent. @Index @Code "@DisplayIndent"
+indent for {@Code "@IndentedDisplay"}, and used at both margins by
+{@Code "@QuotedDisplay"}. Its default value, {@Code "2.00f"}, is twice
+the current font size.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_figs b/doc/user/str_figs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..285e097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_figs
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ @Title { Figures and tables }
+ @Tag { figures }
+Figures are created in a similar way to footnotes:
+figures. @Index { figures }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Caption { Basser Lout }"
+"@Diag vstrut { yes } treehsep { 1c } {"
+" @HTree { @Box Lout @FirstSub arrow { yes } @Box PostScript }"
+The @Code "@Figure" symbol places the following object (which in this example is
+figure. @Index @Code "@Figure"
+created using the advanced graphics features of Chapter {@NumberOf diagrams})
+at the top of the following column or page,
+ @Tag { figex }
+ @Caption { Basser Lout }
+@Diag vstrut { yes } treehsep { 1c } {
+ @HTree { @Box Lout @FirstSub arrow { yes } @Box PostScript }
+labelled by the @Code "@Caption" option and automatically numbered. You
+captions. @RawIndex { captions }
+captions.figures @SubIndex { in @Code "@Figure" and @Code "@Table" }
+can see this example at the top of page {@PageOf figex}. Tables are
+table. @Index @Code "@Table"
+obtained in the same way using {@Code "@Table"} instead of {@Code "@Figure"}.
+@Code "@Figure" and @Code "@Table" each have an @Code "@InitialLanguage"
+option which determines the language of the figure or table. If this is
+omitted, the language of the document as a whole will be used, not the
+language where the figure or table occurs.
+The two symbols also have a @Code "@CaptionPos" option, which determines
+whether the caption appears above or below the figure or table. The
+default is {@Code "Below"}, the alternative is {@Code "Above"}.
+The question of what is a suitable running header to print on pages
+containing figures and tables (possibly from different sections) is a
+rather awkward one. On any page with a figure or table at the top, Lout
+uses whatever running header was appropriate for the text on the previous
+page. In practice it seems to work quite well.
+If your document contains many figures, large figures, or multi-page
+figures, you are likely to encounter cases where Lout's assignment of
+figures to pages is not pleasing. In that case, you can improve things
+by moving the figures around within the body text, and by using the
+@Code "@Location" option of the @Code "@Figure" symbol, which determines
+location. @Index @Code "@Location"
+where the figure will appear. Its possible values are
+@DP @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { PageTop }
+ B { The figure will appear at the top of the following page, occupying
+the full page width; or, if there is insufficient space there (owing to other
+figures already present), at the top of the first subsequent page with
+sufficient space. }
+ A { EvenPageTop }
+ B { Like @Code PageTop except that the first page of the figure
+or table will be an even-numbered (left-hand or verso) page -- useful
+for double-pace spreads. }
+ A { FullPage }
+ B { Like {@Code PageTop} except that nothing else will appear on the
+same page as the figure except the usual running headers and footers, and
+possibly other @Code FullPage figures and tables.
+@FootNote { This location replaces the @Code "@FullPage" option of
+earlier versions of Lout, which has been withdrawn. }
+ A { EvenFullPage }
+ B { Like {@Code FullPage} except that the first page of the figure
+or table will be an even-numbered (left-hand or verso) page, like
+{@Code EvenPageTop}.
+ A { PageFoot }
+ B { The figure will appear at the foot of the current page, occupying
+the full page width; or, if there is insufficient space there, at the top
+of the following page and so on as for {@Code PageTop}. }
+ A { ColTop }
+ B { The figure will appear at the top of the following column,
+occupying the column width; or, if there is insufficient space there,
+at the top of the first subsequent column with sufficient space. This
+is different from @Code PageTop only in multi-column documents. }
+ A { ColFoot }
+ B { The figure will appear at the foot of the current column,
+occupying the column width; or, if there is insufficient space there, at
+the top of the following column as for {@Code ColTop}. This differs
+from @Code PageFoot only in multi-column documents. }
+ A { ColEnd }
+ B { The figure will appear in a column at the end of the document
+(or chapter, appendix etc. in the case of books). There is no
+@Code PageEnd value corresponding to {@Code ColEnd}. }
+ A { AfterLine }
+ B { The figure will appear as a column-width display immediately after
+the line in the final printed document in which it occurs. }
+ A { TryAfterLine }
+ B { The same as @Code {AfterLine} unless there is insufficient space
+in the current column to hold the displayed figure, in which case it
+switches to @Code {ColTop} instead. }
+ A { Display }
+ B { The figure will appear as a display at the point it occurs. There
+is no @Code TryDisplay value corresponding to {@Code Display}. }
+ A { Raw }
+ B { The figure will appear as an object, with no extra spacing, at
+the point it occurs. This is useful, for example, for getting two figures
+side by side in one display: use a displayed table containing two raw
+figures. }
+The @Code "@Table" symbol also has this option. The default location is
+{@Code "PageTop"}, but this can be changed by changing the
+figurelocation. @Index @Code "@FigureLocation"
+tablelocation. @Index @Code "@TableLocation"
+@Code "@FigureLocation" and @Code "@TableLocation" setup file options.
+The numbers assigned to figures and tables, and their ordering in any list
+of figures or tables, is based on where they appear in the final printed
+document, not on where they appear in the source files. This is better for
+the reader in the unusual case of a fixed figure being overtaken by a
+floating one. If a section number is printed as part of a figure number,
+and the figure floats forward from one section into another, the figure
+number will reflect the later section, not the earlier one as it should.
+You can fix this problem by moving the figure to an earlier point in
+the section, or by not having section numbers in figures (see below).
+@Code "@Figure" and @Code "@Table" each have a @Code "@OnePage" option,
+whose value may be @Code "Yes" or {@Code No}. Setting @Code "@OnePage"
+to @Code Yes causes the figure or table and its caption to be kept
+together on one page or column (enclosing the body of the figure or table
+in @Code "@OneRow" would have the same effect except that it would not
+incorporate the caption, hence the need for this option). You need to be
+certain that the whole assembly will fit on one page when setting
+@Code "@OnePage" to {@Code "Yes"}.
+The @I default value of the @Code "@OnePage" option for each figure or
+table depends on the value of its @Code "@Location" option as follows:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col ! @Col @Code B }
+ A { No }
+ B { PageTop ColTop ColEnd Raw }
+ A { Yes }
+ B { PageFoot ColFoot Display AfterLine TryAfterLine }
+These choices represent a guess that figures that the user is happy to
+see at the page foot or in a display are probably going to be small enough
+to keep on one page, but that other figures may not be. In any case, these
+are only default values and you may set @Code "@OnePage" as you wish.
+By default, the body of the figure will be centred, and this usually looks
+best, at least for small figures. @Code "@Figure" and @Code "@Table" each
+have a @Code "@Format" option which controls this format:
+@ID @Code {
+" @Format { @CurveBox @HExpand @CC @Body }"
+Within the @Code "@Format" option, the @Code "@Body" symbol stands for the
+body of the figure or table; it must appear exactly once. Display symbols
+such as @Code "@CentredDisplay" may not be applied to the {@Code "@Body"}
+symbol; instead, there are {@Code "@II"}, {@Code "@QQ"}, {@Code "@CC"}, and
+{@Code "@RR"}, which indent, quote, centre, or right-justify the following
+object. The example just given centres the figure inside a @Code "@CurveBox"
+which is horizontally expanded (by the @Code "@HExpand" symbol, which is not
+specific to figures) to occupy the full width of the page or column, rather
+than fitting snugly around the figure.
+The @Code "@Format" option applies to just the body of the figure, not to
+its caption. It applies to each page or column of a multi-page or
+multi-column figure; for example, the above format will draw a box around
+each page of a multi-page figure, and each page will be separately centred.
+@Code "ColEnd" and @Code "Raw" figures are exceptions to this rule: they
+always apply the format to the figure as a whole. This means that you cannot
+box multi-page figures of these two types, since the result would be an
+unbreakable object too large to fit on one page.
+There are setup file options for controlling the appearance of figures and
+tables. Only those for figures will be given here, since the ones for tables
+are identical except that @Code Table replaces @Code Figure in their
+names. Here they all are:
+@FootNote { These are as of Version 3.15 and above. Prior to that
+there were {@Code "@CaptionFont"}, {@Code "@CaptionBreak"}, and
+{@Code "@CaptionFormat"} options, and {@Code "@CaptionFormat"}
+took values that did not include the @Code "caption" symbol. }
+@ID @OneCol @Code {
+"@FigureLocation { PageTop }"
+"@FigureFormat { @CC @Body }"
+"@FigureWord { figure }"
+"@FigureNumbers { Arabic }"
+"@FigureCaptionPos { Below }"
+"@FigureCaptionFont { }"
+"@FigureCaptionBreak { }"
+"@FigureCaptionFormat { @B { word @NumSep number. &2s } @Insert caption }"
+"@MakeFigureContents { No }"
+"@FigureListWord { figurelist }"
+@Code "@FigureLocation" is the default value of the @Code "@Location"
+option of figures. Changing it, for example to
+{@Code "FullPage"}, changes the location of all figures at
+once. You may still override this location for any individual figure,
+however, by giving that figure a @Code "@Location" option. In a similar way,
+figureformat. @Index @Code "@FigureFormat"
+tableformat. @Index @Code "@TableFormat"
+@Code "@FigureFormat" is the default value of the @Code "@Format"
+option (this shows why figures are centred by default) and
+figurecaptionpos. @Index @Code "@FigureCaptionPos"
+tablecaptionpos. @Index @Code "@TableCaptionPos"
+@Code "@FigureCaptionPos" is the default value of {@Code "@CaptionPos"}.
+@Code "@FigureWord" determines the word that is part of the figure
+number. The default value, {@Code figure}, produces `Figure' or its
+equivalent in the current language; any other value produces itself.
+@Code "@FigureNumbers"
+figurenumbers. @Index @Code "@FigureNumbers"
+tablenumbers. @Index @Code "@TableNumbers"
+determines whether figures are
+numbered automatically or not; the choices are
+{@Code "None"}, {@Code "Arabic"}, {@Code "Roman"}, {@Code "UCRoman"},
+{@Code "Alpha"}, and {@Code "UCAlpha"}. Depending on the document
+type and where the figure or table occurs, the number might include
+a chapter number as well. This is determined by options in the
+setup file for your document type; for example,
+@ID @Code "@SectionNumInFigures { No }"
+appears in the @Code "report" setup file, and means that a section
+number will not appear in the figure number (unless you change the
+option to {@Code Yes}).
+@Code "@FigureCaptionFont" and @Code "@FigureCaptionBreak" determine the
+font and paragraph breaking style used in the captions of figures. Their
+default values are empty, meaning to use the initial font and break styles;
+but, for example, you could have
+@ID @Code "@FigureCaptionFont { -2p }"
+in your setup file to get a smaller font size in your captions.
+The @Code "@FigureCaptionFormat" option determines the format of the
+caption. Within it, the symbol @Code word stands for the `Figure'
+word as defined by {@Code "@FigureWord"}); the @Code number
+symbol stands for the number of the figure; and @Code caption stands
+for the body of the caption. The default value shown above prints
+the word and number and a period in bold, inserted together with a
+gap of two spaces into the first paragraph of the caption. If you
+don't use the @Code "@Insert" symbol you'll run into problems with
+multi-paragraph captions.
+You can get a list of figures at the start of your document by setting
+the @Code "@MakeFigureContents" setup file option to {@Code Yes}. The
+format of these lists will follow the format of tables of contents. These
+lists are only available in books (Section {@NumberOf books}). The
+title printed above the list of figures is determined by the
+@Code "@FigureListWord" option; the default value, {@Code "figurelist"},
+produces `List of Figures' or its equivalent in the current language; any
+other value produces itself.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_foot b/doc/user/str_foot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70e50a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_foot
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ @Title { Footnotes and endnotes }
+ @Tag { footnotes }
+A footnote is created by typing
+footnote. @Index @Code "@FootNote"
+@ID @Code "@FootNote { Like this. }"
+after the word that the footnote refers to. It will be numbered
+automatically and placed at the foot of the page or column;
+@FootNote { Like this. }
+or, if space there is insufficient, it may start on or run onto the
+following page or column. The footnote must be enclosed in braces.
+The @Code "@FootNote" symbol has a @Code "@Location" option which
+determines where it goes:
+@ID @Code {
+" @Location { ColFoot }"
+"{ ... }"
+places the footnote at the bottom of the column, and
+@ID @Code {
+" @Location { PageFoot }"
+"{ ... }"
+places it at the bottom of the current page, occupying the full page
+width even in a multi-column document (this is occasionally
+useful for footnotes to headings). Of course, in a single-column
+document there is no difference anyway. The default value of the
+@Code "@Location" option is {@Code "ColFoot"}.
+Endnotes work in exactly the same way as footnotes, except that the
+endnote. @Index @Code "@EndNote"
+symbol to use is @Code "@EndNote" and they appear either at the end
+of the document or at the end of some major part of it, depending on
+the type of document (Chapter {@NumberOf types}). Endnotes are
+always column width and so have no @Code "@Location" option.
+Footnotes are usually labelled with consecutive Arabic numberals, but
+you can tell Lout to label a footnote (not an endnote) with something
+else, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ @Label { @Dagger }
+{ This footnote will be labelled with a dagger, not a number. }
+whose result should appear at the bottom of this page.
+ @Label { @Dagger }
+{ This footnote will be labelled with a dagger, not a number. }
+Symbols commonly used for footnote labels include @Code "@Dagger" (@Dagger),
+@Code "@DaggerDbl" (@DaggerDbl), @Code "@Star" (@Star),
+@Code "@SectSym" (@SectSym), and @Code "@ParSym" (@ParSym),
+but you can use any object. If you want no label at all,
+use an empty object like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ @Label {}
+Footnotes with a @Code "@Label" option are excluded from the automatic
+numbering that applies to other footnotes.
+The language of a footnote or endnote will be the language of the
+document as a whole. This is not necessarily the same as the
+current language at the point where the footnote or endnote occurs,
+or even the language of the enclosing large-scale structure symbol. It
+may be necessary to enclose the body of the footnote in a language
+symbol, like this:
+@ID @Code "@FootNote { French @Language { ... } }"
+Doing it the other way ({@Code "French @Language @FootNote ..."}) is
+not effective.
+A footnote attached to the very last line of a chapter or appendix of
+a book occasionally runs onto the first page of the following chapter
+or appendix, and this looks very poor. If this happens, the solution
+is to place an @Code "@LP" after the last line (including the footnote).
+In the rare case where more than one footnote is attached to one word,
+use @Code "@AnotherFootNote" for the second and subsequent footnotes:
+anotherfootnote. @Index @Code "@AnotherFootNote"
+@ID @Code {
+"something or other."
+"@FootNote { The first footnote. }"
+"@AnotherFootNote { The second footnote. }"
+This ensures that the superscripts will be separated by
+commas, as convention demands.
+The setup file contains a number of options for controlling the
+appearance of footnotes. (See Section @NumberOf setup for a general
+introduction to setup files and their options.) Here are all the
+options, with their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@FootNoteThrough { No }"
+"@FootNoteLocation { ColFoot }"
+"@FootNoteNumbers { Arabic }"
+"@FootNoteFont { 0.80f }"
+"@FootNoteBreak { 1.20fx }"
+"@FootNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body }"
+"@FootLen { 2.00c }"
+"@FootAboveGap { 1.00v }"
+"@FootGap { 0.20c }"
+There are also setup file options for controlling endnotes. Since
+they are quite similar to the ones for footnotes, we won't say any
+more about them here.
+@Code "@FootNoteThrough" may be @Code "Yes" or @Code { "No" };
+footnotethrough. @Index @Code "@FootNoteThrough"
+@Code "Yes" means that the footnotes are numbered continuously
+through the document (or through each chapter in the case of books);
+@Code "No" means that the numbering begins afresh on each
+page. @Code "@FootNoteLocation" determines the default value of
+footnotelocatin. @Index @Code "@FootNoteLocation"
+the @Code "@Location" option mentioned above; it may be either
+@Code "ColFoot" or {@Code "PageFoot"}. @Code "@FootNoteNumbers"
+determines how the footnotes are numbered;
+footnotenumbers. @Index @Code "@FootNoteNumbers"
+it may be {@Code Arabic}, {@Code Roman}, {@Code UCRoman}, {@Code Alpha},
+or {@Code UCAlpha}.
+@Code "@FootNoteFont" and @Code "@FootNoteBreak" determine the
+footnotefont. @Index @Code "@FootNoteFont"
+footnotebreak. @Index @Code "@FootNoteBreak"
+font and paragraph breaking style of footnotes. The default value
+of @Code "@FootNoteFont" produces the same font family and face as the
+bulk of the document, but reduced to 0.8 times the original size.
+@Code "@FootNoteFormat" determines the format of the footnote. The
+@Code number symbol within it must appear exactly once, and is replaced
+by the number of the footnote (if numbered). The @Code body symbol is
+replaced by the body (that is, the content) of the footnote. The default
+value shown uses symbols from raw Lout to add a small space at the right of
+the number, then insert it at the beginning of the first paragraph of
+the body. Another suitable value might be
+@ID @Code "@FootNoteFormat { number |1fx body }"
+which places the body in a separate column to the number, one
+font width to the right of the left edge of the number.
+@Code "@FootLen" determines the length of the small horizontal line
+footlen. @Index @Code "@FootLen"
+drawn above the footnotes;
+@Code "@FootAboveGap" determines the minimum space to be left clear
+footabovegap. @Index @Code "@FootAboveGap"
+above this line; and @Code "@FootGap" determines the
+footgap. @Index @Code "@FootGap"
+vertical separation between footnotes. All three may be any length.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_indx b/doc/user/str_indx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ea2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_indx
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ @Title { Indexes }
+ @Tag { indexes }
+Although Lout is not clever enough to guess what entries should go in
+indexes. @Index { indexes }
+your index, it will do almost everything else for you: sort the
+entries and attach the correct page numbers automatically. As for
+tables of contents, the default setting is to have an index in
+books but not in other types of documents. This and a few aspects of
+the appearance of the index can be changed by changing the setup file,
+as explained at the end of this section.
+Now, suppose you are discussing Galileo and you want his name in your
+index. Let's be ambitious and say that you want the index to contain
+something like this:
+@ID @OneRow lines @Break {
+Galileo Galilei
+ life of, 201
+ telescope, his use of, 201--203
+ trial of, 205--211, 242, 395
+Each line shows off one of Lout's four tricks: the first is a
+@I { raw entry } (no page number attached); the second is a
+@I sub-entry (indented); the third has a @I { page number range }
+instead of a single page number; and the fourth is a @I { merged entry }
+(several page numbers or ranges within one entry).
+We'll take each of them in turn in a moment, but first, let's see how
+to get a basic entry, like this one:
+@ID { Galileo Galilei, 201 }
+To get this into your index, type
+@ID @Code "galileo @Index { Galileo Galilei }"
+at the point where you mention Galileo. Nothing will be printed there,
+but the object following the @Code "@Index" symbol will be placed in
+the index, with a comma and the correct page number appended
+The object preceding the @Code "@Index" symbol is a compulsory key
+which is used for sorting the index entries,
+@FootNote {
+The collating sequence used to decide what comes after what is the
+collating sequence used by the @Code "memcmp()" library routine (just
+the underlying binary character codes). Alternatively, the version
+of Lout installed on your system may use the @Code "strcoll()"
+collating sequence, which understands accented characters and whose
+effect depends on your locale. To find out whether @Code "strcoll()"
+is in use or not, type @Code "lout -V" which prints out several lines
+of this and similar information.
+If the sorting you get turns out to be not what you expected, the
+first thing to try is the replacement of all accented letters in index
+keys by unaccented ones. Sorting is quite an intractable problem: even
+if @Code "strcoll()" gets the sorting right for one language, there still
+remains the problem of sorting multilingual indexes.
+Lout's database mechanism assumes that the @I tab character is collated
+before any character that could appear in a sorting key. It seems that
+there are a few collating sequences in existence which do not satisfy this
+condition, and in these cases Lout will fail to produce the correct index.
+but which is not itself printed anywhere. It is best to construct these
+sorting keys from lower-case letters and the . character only, beginning
+with a letter, although multi-word keys are allowed. These sorting keys
+do not have to be distinct from the tags used in cross referencing;
+however, they do have to be distinct from each other, unless you want
+merged entries (see below).
+Our first trick, raw entries (no page number attached), is very
+easy: just use @Code "@RawIndex" instead of {@Code "@Index"}. So the
+first line of our ambitious example is obtained by
+@ID @Code "galileo @RawIndex { Galileo Galilei }"
+This could go anywhere, since no page numbers are involved.
+Another use for @Code "@RawIndex" is to get blank lines into the index
+between the letters of the alphabet, by inserting phantom entries:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"b @RawIndex {}"
+"c @RawIndex {}"
+"d @RawIndex {}"
+"z @RawIndex {}"
+In fact there is a symbol called @Code "@IndexBlanks" that makes
+indexblanks. @Index @Code "@IndexBlanks"
+exactly these 25 entries. Unfortunately, these blanks will occasionally
+appear at the top of a column, and if there are no tags beginning with
+x, for example, there will be two blank lines between the w and y
+entries. You can start off with @Code "@IndexBlanks" and replace it
+later by the appropriate subset, if necessary.
+@FootNote {
+For Lout to solve this problem automatically, it would need to be told
+which letter each index entry belongs under, perhaps by symbols
+{@Code "@AIndex"}, {@Code "@BIndex"}, etc. The author felt that this
+would have been too tedious.
+Our second trick, sub-entries, is also very easy, since a sub-entry
+differs from an ordinary entry only by having an indent. The symbol
+is {@Code "@SubIndex"}, so the second line of our ambitious example is
+produced by
+@ID @Code "galileo.life @SubIndex { life of }"
+You should always give sub-entries the same sorting key as their
+corresponding main entries, plus a . and another word, because then
+you can be certain that the sorting will place sub-entries directly
+after their main entries. There is a @Code "@SubSubIndex" symbol that
+produces a double indent, and there are @Code "@RawSubIndex" and
+@Code "@RawSubSubIndex" symbols.
+For our third trick, page number ranges, we use the @Code "to" option
+of the {@Code "@Index"}, {@Code "@SubIndex"}, and {@Code "@SubSubIndex"}
+symbols. For example, to produce the sub-entry
+@ID { telescope, his use of, 201--203 }
+@ID @Code {
+ "galileo.telescope @SubIndex to { gt.end } { telescope, his use of }"
+at the beginning of the range, and
+@ID @Code "@PageMark { gt.end }"
+at the end. You can use any tag you like inside the @Code "to" option,
+as long as it differs from every other tag (notice that sorting keys
+do not have to differ from tags, but @Code "to" options do: this
+is because @Code "to" options go into @Code "@PageMark" like other
+tags do, and if two tags are the same we would have an ambiguous
+result of {@Code "@PageOf"}). If both ends of the range fall on the
+same page, the @Code "to" option is ignored: you will never get
+Our fourth and final trick is the merged entry:
+@ID { trial of, 205--211, 242, 395 }
+The main thing to grasp is that this merged entry was originally three
+separate entries (sub-entries in this case):
+@ID @OneRow lines @Break {
+trial of, 205--211
+trial of, 242
+trial of, 395
+We already know how to produce these three entries, using three
+@Code "@SubIndex" symbols, one with a @Code "to" option. Now we have
+discovered that Lout is able to merge several entries into one
+entry. This raises two questions: how does Lout know which entries
+to merge? and given those entries, what does the merging produce?
+The answer to the first question is that Lout merges entries whose
+sorting keys are equal. The merged entry above is produced by these
+three entries, placed in the appropriate places:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"galileo.trial @SubIndex to { gtrial.end } { trial of }"
+"galileo.trial @SubIndex { trial of }"
+"galileo.trial @SubIndex { trial of }"
+The entries are merged because they have the same sorting key
+({@Code "galileo.trial"}), not because they happen to have the
+same content ({@Code "trial of"}). In fact, once the page numbers are
+added the content is not the same at all.
+Now, having decided that the three entries
+@ID @OneRow lines @Break {
+trial of, 205--211
+trial of, 242
+trial of, 395
+must be merged, what does Lout do? It takes the second entry, discards
+any initial part that is the same as the first entry ({@Code "trial of,"}
+in this case), and, if anything remains, it adds a comma, a space, and
+the remainder to the first entry, producing
+@ID { trial of, 205--211, 242 }
+in this case. This process is repeated on this and the third entry,
+@ID { trial of, 205--211, 242, 395 }
+in this case, and so on. The entries are merged in the order in which
+their points of origin appear in the final printed document.
+If nothing remains after discarding the common initial part, nothing is
+added to the growing merged entry; in effect, the entry that could
+contribute nothing new is deleted. With this in mind, let us return to
+our initial, ambitious example:
+@ID @OneRow lines @Break {
+Galileo Galilei
+ life of, 201
+ telescope, his use of, 201--203
+ trial of, 205--211, 242, 395
+We now know how to produce all four of these entries, but one problem
+of some practical importance remains. Suppose we delete the section on
+the life of Galileo. If we had put the entry that produces `Galileo
+Galilei' in that section, we might inadvertently delete it, and the
+other two sub-entries will lose their main entry. Before deleting
+anything, we must hunt through it for index entries and ponder their
+significance, an error-prone and time-wasting thing to do.
+The solution is as follows. When an index entry has sub-entries, make
+it raw, and repeat it just before each of its sub-entries:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"galileo @RawIndex { Galileo Galilei }"
+"galileo.life @SubIndex { life of }"
+at the first place,
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"galileo @RawIndex { Galileo Galilei }"
+"galileo.telescope @SubIndex { telescope, his use of }"
+at the second, and so on. Now it is easy to verify that every
+sub-entry has a main entry; and when deleting a sub-entry we can and
+should delete the adjacent main entry. After sorting, our index
+entries will be
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { galileo }
+ B { Galileo Galilei }
+ A { galileo }
+ B { Galileo Galilei }
+ A { galileo }
+ B { Galileo Galilei }
+ A { galileo }
+ B { Galileo Galilei }
+ A { galileo }
+ B { Galileo Galilei }
+ A { galileo.life }
+ B { {} life of, 201 }
+ A { galileo.telescope }
+ B { {} telescope, his use of, 201--203 }
+ A { galileo.trial }
+ B { {} trial of, 205--211 }
+ A { galileo.trial }
+ B { {} trial of, 242 }
+ A { galileo.trial }
+ B { {} trial of, 395 }
+The first five entries have the same sorting key, and will be merged
+as required.
+The language of the index entry will be the initial language of the
+document as a whole, which is not necessarily the language at the point
+where the index entry occurs. To get the correct language you will need a
+@Code "@Language" symbol following the @Code "@Index" symbol:
+@ID @Code "galileo. @Index French @Language { Galileo Galilei }"
+or whatever. If you don't do this your index entry might be hyphenated
+Although the page numbers in index entries will be kept up to date
+automatically as the document changes, as all cross references are,
+it is best to refrain from inserting index entries until the document
+is complete and an overall plan of the structure of the index can
+be made.
+The remainder of this section describes how to change the appearance of
+the index by setting options in the setup file. For setup files and
+their options in general, consult Section {@NumberOf setup}.
+There are five setup file options for the index. Here they are with
+their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@MakeIndex { No }"
+"@IndexFont { }"
+"@IndexBreak { oragged 1.2fx }"
+"@IndexColumnNumber { 2 }"
+"@IndexColumnGap { 1.00c }"
+The @Code "@MakeIndex" option, which may be @Code Yes or {@Code No},
+makeindex. @Index @Code "@MakeIndex"
+determines whether to produce an index or not. Although the default
+value is {@Code No}, any type of document may be given an index just
+by changing it to {@Code Yes}. This has already been done in the
+@Code book setup file, but not in the others.
+@Code "@IndexFont" determines the font and font size of index entries
+indexfont. @Index @Code "@IndexFont"
+(e.g. {@Code "Times Base 12p"}). Leaving it empty as above produces
+the same font as the rest of the document. @Code "@IndexBreak" is the
+indexbreak. @Index @Code "@IndexBreak"
+paragraph breaking style applied to index entries; @Code oragged is the
+traditional and best way.
+@Code "@IndexColumnNumber" and @Code "@IndexColumnGap" determine the
+indexcolumnnumber. @Index @Code "@IndexColumnNumber"
+indexcolumngap. @Index @Code "@IndexColumnGap"
+number of index columns per page, and the gap between them, and are
+exactly analogous to the @Code "@ColumnNumber" and @Code "@ColumnGap"
+options described in Section {@NumberOf columns}.
+Lout offers the possibility of having up to three independent indexes
+(useful for glossaries, author indexes, etc.). The other two are called
+index A and index B, and they precede the main index in the
+output. Just replace @Code Index by @Code IndexA to refer to index A,
+and by @Code IndexB to refer to index B. For example,
+@ID @Code "smith.j @IndexA { Smith, John }"
+will insert an index entry to index A, and @Code "@IndexBBlanks"
+will insert the usual 25 blank entries into index B.
+In large projects it might help to rename the @Code "@IndexA" symbol
+to something else, such as {@Code "@AuthorIndex"}. This can
+be done by placing
+@ID @Code {
+"import @DocumentSetup"
+"macro @AuthorIndex { @IndexA }"
+in the @Code mydefs file. See Section {@NumberOf definitions} for
+an introduction to the @Code "mydefs" file; the word @Code macro
+is needed here instead of @Code "def" because we are introducing
+a new name for an existing symbol, not defining a new symbol.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_larg b/doc/user/str_larg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..618e69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_larg
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ @Title { Large-scale structure: chapters, sections, etc. }
+ @RunningTitle { Large-scale structure }
+ @Tag { largescale }
+Lout's large-scale structure symbols vary with the type of document
+large.scale. @Index { large-scale structure }
+({@Code "@Chapter"} for books, @Code "@Overhead" for overhead
+transparencies, etc.), but they all work in the same way. Here is a
+typical example, {@Code "@Section"}, as it would actually be used:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Allocation of teachers }"
+"Apart from the usual need to avoid clashes, the allocation of teachers must"
+"ensure that no teacher teaches more than seven periods per day, or ..."
+"@End @Section"
+First comes the symbol itself, then any options in the usual way, and
+then the following object, enclosed in @Code "@Begin" and
+{@Code "@End @Section"}. The following object, also called the body
+of the section, may contain paragraphs, displays, and all the other
+features as usual. The body should begin with a paragraph symbol,
+which may be @Code "@PP" or @Code "@LP" as you prefer. The result is
+a section like the present one, automatically numbered, with the
+@Code "@Title" option for its heading, preceded by a conditional new
+title. @Index @Code "@Title"
+page symbol (Section {@NumberOf paragraphs}).
+When @Code "@Section" symbols are used within an ordinary document, they
+must be bracketed by @Code "@BeginSections" and @Code "@EndSections"
+symbols, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"preceding text"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+"@End @Text"
+This arrangement is reminiscent of the one for lists, and, as for
+lists, there may be no paragraph or new page symbols before, between,
+or after the sections. To change the gap between sections, you need
+to change the @Code "@SectionGap" option in the setup file, as explained
+in Chapter {@NumberOf types}.
+The @Code "@Begin ... @End @Section" that brackets the body of each
+section may be abbreviated to {@Code "{ ... }"}. However, the long
+form is recommended because it helps Lout to detect missing or extra
+braces within the body of the section.
+All large-scale structure symbols have a @Code "@Tag" option, whose
+use is explained in Section {@NumberOf cross}, and a @Code "@RunningTitle"
+runningtitle. @Index @Code "@RunningTitle"
+option. If running page headers have been requested, @Code "@RunningTitle"
+will be used if it is given, otherwise @Code "@Title" will be used for the
+running header. For example, the present section begins like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Large-scale structure: chapters, sections, etc. }"
+" @RunningTitle { Large-scale structure }"
+" @Tag { largescale }"
+The point is that the section title is rather long for a running
+title, and so we use @Code "@RunningTitle" to get an abbreviated
+version of it.
+Section titles typically appear in Bold face in the section heading,
+but in Roman face in tables of contents and running page headers. So
+if part of your title is in italics, enclose it in @Code "@II" rather
+than just @Code "@I" to ensure that you get the right kind of italics
+in both contexts.
+All large-scale structure symbols also have an @Code "@InitialLanguage"
+option which sets the current language for the duration of that
+symbol. However, footnotes, endnotes, figures, tables, references,
+and index entries are set in the initial language of the document as
+a whole, unless you change their language explicitly using the
+@Code "@Language" symbol.
+The remainder of this section describes the setup file options for
+controlling the appearance of large-scale structure symbols. (For an
+introduction to setup files, consult Section {@NumberOf setup}.) These
+options mainly appear in the third @Code "@Use" clause, since exactly which
+large-scale structure symbols exist depends on the type of document. For
+example, here are the setup file options from the @Code "doc" setup file
+relating to appendices:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@AppendixWord { appendix }"
+"@AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha }"
+"@FirstAppendixNumber { 1 }"
+"@AppendixHeadingFont { Bold }"
+"@AppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }"
+"@AppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title }"
+"@AppendixGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 2f }"
+"@AppendixInContents { Yes }"
+"@AppendixNumInTheorems { No }"
+"@AppendixNumInDisplays { Yes }"
+"@AppendixNumInFigures { No }"
+"@AppendixNumInTables { No }"
+"@AppendixPrefix { }"
+There are similar options for each large-scale structure symbol. Here is
+a brief explanation.
+@Code "@AppendixWord" contains the word that is to be prefixed to the
+appendix number in full headings. The special value @Code appendix
+produces Appendix or its equivalent translated into the current
+language. Any other value produces itself.
+@Code "@AppendixNumbers" determines the style of numbering of appendices,
+and may be {@Code Arabic}, {@Code Roman}, {@Code UCRoman}, {@Code Alpha},
+{@Code UCAlpha}, or {@Code None} meaning unnumbered. Most common is
+{@Code Arabic}, but appendices traditionally use upper-case
+letters, hence the value {@Code UCAlpha} given above.
+@Code "@FirstAppendixNumber { 1 }" is the number (always in Arabic) to
+assign to the first appendix. It is almost always 1, but a few people
+like to start their numbering from 0; this is only possible if the
+style of numbering specified by @Code "@AppendixNumbers" is {@Code Arabic}.
+@Code "@AppendixHeadingFont" and @Code "@AppendixHeadingBreak" specify
+the font and paragraph breaking style to be applied to the appendix
+heading (relative to {@Code "@InitialFont"} and {@Code "@InitialBreak"});
+the default values shown above produce Bold in the current font family
+and size, and ragged breaking without hyphenation.
+@Code "@AppendixHeadingFormat" defines the format of the appendix
+heading. Within it, the symbols @Code number and @Code title stand for the
+appendix number (including the appendix word) and title respectively. The
+@Code "@DotSep" symbol produces a dot and two spaces, except when there is
+no number, when it produces nothing. For example, to draw a full-width
+rule under the heading, change this option to
+@ID @Code "@AppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title @LP @FullWidthRule }"
+Arbitrary formats are acceptable.
+@Code "@AppendixGap" determines the vertical space to leave between
+appendices; the default above leaves {@Code 2v}, except that when plain
+text output is in effect it leaves @Code 2f instead. To get a new page
+between appendices, use the magic value {@Code 2b}, which is raw Lout for
+new page. In books, the major components (preface, introduction, tables
+of contents, parts, chapters, appendices, and indexes) always start on a
+new page and there is nothing you can do to change that.
+@Code "@AppendixInContents" determines whether the appendix will be listed
+in the table of contents, and may be @Code "Yes" or {@Code No}. The
+next few options determine whether an appendix number will be included
+in the numbers assigned to theorems etc., numbered displays, figures,
+and tables.
+There is a @Code "@StructPageNums" setup file option which determines
+whether page numbers will include the numbers of large-scale structure
+symbols. If it is {@Code "Yes"}, @Code "@AppendixPrefix" is prefixed
+to all page numbers of pages containing appendices. For example, setting
+@Code "@AppendixPrefix" to @Code { APP- } produces page
+numbers APP-A-1, APP-A-2, and so on. The object separating each element
+of such compound numbers is determined by the @Code "@NumberSeparator"
+numberseparator. @Index @Code "@NumberSeparator"
+setup file option, which has default value @Code "." but which can easily
+be set to @Code "-" or @Code "--" if desired.
+Running page headers above appendices always include the title of
+the appendix, so there is no option for specifying whether to do so or
+not. But for subappendices and other such smaller units, the choice of
+whether to mention them in running headers is left to the user:
+@ID @Code "@SubAppendixNumInRunners { Yes }"
+Despite the misleading name, this option determines whether the entire
+subappendix @I title as well as number will be used as a running header.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_list b/doc/user/str_list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0654ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_list
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+ @Title { Lists }
+ @Tag { lists }
+The @Code "@List" symbol introduces a sequence of items to be
+lists. @Index { lists }
+list. @Index @Code "@List"
+l. @Index @Code "@L"
+made into a displayed list:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@ListItem @I Emma"
+"@ListItem @I { Mansfield Park }"
+"following text"
+After the initial @Code "@List" symbol, each item is introduced by
+list.item. @Index @Code "@ListItem"
+li. @Index @Code "@LI"
+{@Code "@ListItem"}, and the list ends with {@Code "@EndList"}. The
+end.list. @Index @Code "@EndList"
+el. @Index @Code "@EL"
+result here is
+@ID @OneRow {
+preceding text
+@ListItem @I Emma
+@ListItem @I { Mansfield Park }
+following text
+with space inserted automatically before, between, and after
+the items.
+As the example shows, the @Code "@List" symbol causes the items to be
+indented. Also available are {@Code "@LeftList"}, {@Code "@IndentedList"},
+leftlist. @Index @Code "@LeftList"
+ll. @Index @Code "@LL"
+indentedlist. @Index @Code "@IndentedList"
+il. @Index @Code "@IL"
+{@Code "@QuotedList"}, {@Code "@CentredList"}, and {@Code "@CenteredList"},
+quotedlist. @Index @Code "@QuotedList"
+ql. @Index @Code "@QL"
+centredlist. @Index @Code "@CentredList"
+centeredlist. @Index @Code "@CenteredList"
+cl. @Index @Code "@CL"
+which format the items like the corresponding display symbols do.
+Other list symbols generate a @I label for each item. For example,
+@Code "@NumberedList" causes the items to be numbered:
+numberedlist. @Index @Code "@NumberedList"
+nl. @Index @Code "@NL"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Heading { Quiz }"
+"@ListItem { Which American statesman owned a two-storey clock? }"
+"@ListItem { Which Yankee commander from the Civil War cut a"
+"swathe of destruction through the State of Georgia? }"
+has result
+@ID @OneRow {
+@Heading { Quiz }
+@ListItem { Which American statesman owned a two-storey clock? }
+@ListItem { Which Yankee commander from the Civil War cut a
+swathe of destruction through the State of Georgia? }
+The generated labels are added at the left margin. Here is the full set
+of label-generating list symbols, showing the first label produced by each:
+parennumberedlist. @Index @Code "@ParenNumberedList"
+pnl. @Index @Code "@PNL"
+romanlist. @Index @Code "@RomanList"
+rl. @Index @Code "@RL"
+parenromanlist. @Index @Code "@ParenRomanList"
+prl. @Index @Code "@PRL"
+ucromanlist. @Index @Code "@UCRomanList"
+ucrl. @Index @Code "@UCRL"
+parenucromanlist. @Index @Code "@ParenUCRomanList"
+pucrl. @Index @Code "@PUCRL"
+alphalist. @Index @Code "@AlphaList"
+al. @Index @Code "@AL"
+parenalphalist. @Index @Code "@ParenAlphaList"
+pal. @Index @Code "@PAL"
+ucalphalist. @Index @Code "@UCAlphaList"
+ucal. @Index @Code "@UCAL"
+parenucalphalist. @Index @Code "@ParenUCAlphaList"
+pucal. @Index @Code "@PUCAL"
+bulletlist. @Index @Code "@BulletList"
+bl. @Index @Code "@BL"
+starlist. @Index @Code "@StarList"
+sl. @Index @Code "@SL"
+dashlist. @Index @Code "@DashList"
+dl. @Index @Code "@DL"
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @CC A ! @Col @Code B ! @Col ! @Col @CC C ! @Col @Code D }
+ A { 1. }
+ B { "@NumberedList" }
+ C { (1) }
+ D { "@ParenNumberedList" }
+ A { i. }
+ B { "@RomanList" }
+ C { (i) }
+ D { "@ParenRomanList" }
+ A { I. }
+ B { "@UCRomanList" }
+ C { (I) }
+ D { "@ParenUCRomanList" }
+ A { a. }
+ B { "@AlphaList" }
+ C { (a) }
+ D { "@ParenAlphaList" }
+ A { A. }
+ B { "@UCAlphaList" }
+ C { (A) }
+ D { "@ParenUCAlphaList" }
+ A { @Bullet }
+ B { "@BulletList" }
+ A { @Star }
+ B { "@StarList" }
+ A { -- }
+ B { "@DashList" }
+roman @Index { Roman numerals }
+The Roman numerals end at cc (200), but ordinary decimal numbers have
+no limit. The labels produced by the four alphabetical list symbols are
+determined by the current language; in English they start at @Code "a"
+and end at {@Code "z"}.
+You may also supply your own labels using the @Code "@TaggedList"
+taggedlist @Index @Code "@TaggedList"
+tl. @Index @Code "@TL"
+symbol. Each item is introduced by @Code "@TagItem" instead of
+tagitem. @Index @Code "@TagItem"
+ti. @Index @Code "@TI"
+{@Code "@ListItem"}. Since such labels tend to be quite wide,
+there are @Code "@WideTaggedList" and @Code "@VeryWideTaggedList" symbols
+widetaggedlist @Index @Code "@WideTaggedList"
+wtl. @Index @Code "@WTL"
+verywidetaggedlist @Index @Code "@VeryWideTaggedList"
+vwtl. @Index @Code "@VWTL"
+which leave extra space for them:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@TagItem { 9 a.m. } { Breakfast in the Ipamena Lounge,"
+"served with Irish coffee and fresh croissants. }"
+"@TagItem { 10 a.m. } { Prof. A. Smith"
+"speaks on `The Wealth of Nations.' }"
+Each @Code "@TagItem" symbol is followed by the desired label between
+braces, and then the item proper. The label may be empty, but still its
+enclosing braces must be there. The result here is
+@ID @OneRow {
+@TagItem { 9 a.m. } { Breakfast in
+the Ipamena Lounge, served with
+Irish coffee and fresh croissants. }
+@TagItem { 10 a.m. } { Prof. A. Smith
+speaks on `The Wealth of Nations.' }
+An alternative way to accommodate wide labels is the `drop item,'
+drop.item @Index { drop items }
+which looks like this:
+@ID @OneRow {
+@DTI { 10 a.m. } { Prof. A. Smith speaks on `The Wealth of Nations.' }
+Individual items are dropped in this way by using @Code "@DropTagItem"
+drop.tag.item @Index @Code "@DropTagItem"
+dti. @Index @Code "@DTI"
+instead of {@Code "@TagItem"}. There is also a @Code "@DropListItem"
+drop.list.item @Index @Code "@DropListItem"
+dli. @Index @Code "@DLI"
+symbol corresponding to {@Code "@ListItem"}, but it is very rarely
+needed. Lout is not able to decide for itself whether a label is wide
+enough to require a drop item.
+Each list has a `raw' version which omits the preceding space, and
+raw.lists @Index { raw lists }
+raw.list. @Index @Code "@RawList"
+raw.end.list. @Index @Code "@RawEndList"
+@Code "@EndList" has a raw version which omits the following
+space. These are mainly used when an item is itself a list:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@ListItem {"
+" @RawParenRomanList"
+" @ListItem { MV Nominees,"
+"hereinafter called the vendor, ... }"
+" @RawEndList"
+@ID @OneRow {
+@ListItem {
+ @RawParenRomanList
+ @ListItem { MV Nominees,
+hereinafter called the vendor, ... }
+ @RawEndList
+If @Code "@ParenRomanList" had been used instead of
+{@Code "@RawParenRomanList"}, (1) and (i) would have appeared on
+different lines; or if @Code "@EndList" had been used instead of
+{@Code "@RawEndList"}, there would have been too much space following
+the list.
+A list item may come out partly on one page or column and partly on
+the next, if it has places where it obviously can be broken in two. For
+example, a list item which is an ordinary paragraph of text might be
+broken in two between any two lines. To force a list item to keep
+together on one page or column, use the @Code "@OneRow" symbol like
+this: @Code "@ListItem @OneRow { ... }".
+Occasionally it is desirable to start a new page or column between
+two list items. This cannot be done by inserting @Code "@NP"
+between them, because the space between two list items is a kind
+of no-man's land where nothing is allowed to be. Instead, the
+@Code "@ListNewPage" symbol is used: it is permitted only between
+two list items, and its effect is to make the following list item
+appear at the top of the next page or column. It may be used within
+any kind of list.
+Another special list item is {@Code "@ListInterruptItem"}. This
+prints its content without any numbering or formatting:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@ListItem { This is the first list item. }"
+"@ListInterruptItem { This is an interruption to the list. }"
+"@ListItem { This is the second list item. }"
+@ID @OneRow {
+@ListItem { This is the first list item. }
+@ListInterruptItem { This is an interruption to the list. }
+@ListItem { This is the second list item. }
+Although @Code "@ListInterruptItem" is written like a list item, the
+result appears to be an interruption to the list. It may be used
+in any kind of list.
+Every symbol introduced in this section has an abbreviated form
+consisting of @Code "@" followed by its capital letters only. For
+example, @Code "@RawNumberedList" abbreviates to {@Code "@RNL"},
+and @Code "@ListItem" to {@Code "@LI"}. The sole exception is
+{@Code "@RawList"}, which has no abbreviation because @Code "@RL"
+is the abbreviation for {@Code "@RomanList"}.
+list.symbol.options @Index { list symbol options }
+Expert users will be interested to learn that all of the list symbols
+described in this section are derived from the two basic ones,
+@Code "@List" and {@Code "@RawList"}, merely by setting options. Here
+are all the options, together with their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" type { num }"
+" style { num }"
+" labelwidth { 2f }"
+" indent { 0c }"
+" rightindent { 0c }"
+" gap { 1v }"
+" start { 1 }"
+These options may be used with all of the list and raw list symbols,
+except that some combinations don't make sense, for example @Code "indent"
+with {@Code "@CentredList"} or @Code "style" with {@Code "@BulletList"},
+since the list symbol has clearly already set the option.
+The @Code "type" option determines the type of numbering (Arabic, Roman,
+etc.) and is not intended for ordinary use, since there are distinct
+symbols for each type, as we have seen. The @Code "style" option
+determines the format of the label, any @Code "num" symbol within it
+being replaced by the number (in Arabic, Roman, etc. as determined by the
+@Code "type" option) of the item. For example, @Code "@ParenNumberedList"
+is just
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" style { (num) }"
+and @Code "@BulletList" is just
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" style { @Bullet }"
+with @Code "num" not mentioned since no number is wanted. The
+@Code "@TaggedList" symbol and its variants also have the
+@Code "style" option; in their case, the @Code "num" symbol within
+it must be mentioned exactly once, and its value is set to produce
+the label supplied by the author.
+The @Code "labelwidth" option determines the width set aside for the labels;
+this is where @Code "@WideTaggedList" and @Code "@VeryWideTaggedList" differ
+from {@Code "@TaggedList"}. The @Code "indent" and @Code "rightindent"
+options determine the space left blank at the left and right margins. The
+value given to these three options may be any length, for example
+@Code "0.5i" (half an inch), or @Code "0.5f" (half the current font
+size). Section {@NumberOf objects} describes lengths in general. There
+are also three useful symbols denoting lengths: @Code "@DisplayIndent"
+is the amount by which indented and quoted displays are indented;
+@Code "@WideIndent" and @Code "@VeryWideIndent" are the indents used by
+@Code "@WideTaggedList" and {@Code "@VeryWideTaggedList"}. Using these
+symbols helps to keep documents consistent.
+The @Code "gap" option determines the vertical space inserted between
+items. Once again this must be a length, although since it is
+vertical rather than horizontal, somewhat different kinds of lengths
+are appropriate: @Code "1.5v" for 1.5 times the current vertical space
+between lines, or the default value, {@Code "@DisplayGap"}, which produces
+the amount of vertical space used before and after displays. Owing to
+problems behind the scenes, there is no list option for the space before or after
+the list as a whole. To change this space in one list, use a raw list and
+insert your own paragraph symbols; to change it in every list there is a
+setup file option, described below.
+The @Code "start" option is the number assigned to the first
+item. It must be decimal:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" start { 25 }"
+looks strange, but it is the correct way to number the first
+item (xxv).
+Here is a larger example of these options in action. Setting both
+@Code "indent" and @Code "rightindent" to @Code "@DisplayIndent"
+produces an effect similar to {@Code "@QuotedDisplay"}:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+" style { @I {Item num}: }"
+" indent { @DisplayIndent }"
+" rightindent { @DisplayIndent }"
+" labelwidth { @WideIndent }"
+" start { 10 }"
+"@ListItem { The vendor ... in the case of accident. }"
+"@ListItem { The vendor ... adjacent to the facility. }"
+"following text"
+The result is
+@ID @OneRow {
+preceding text
+ style { @I {Item num}: }
+ indent { @DisplayIndent }
+ rightindent { @DisplayIndent }
+ labelwidth { @WideIndent }
+ start { 10 }
+@ListItem {
+The vendor will not be liable for any injury caused by the escape of
+radiation or radioactive materials from the facility, nor for the
+costs of repair of any property damaged by nuclear blast or fallout
+in the case of accident.
+@ListItem {
+The vendor will not be liable for any injury caused by radioactive
+materials being transported to or from the facility, nor for injury
+caused by radioactive materials stored adjacent to the facility.
+following text
+You can change the @I default values of the {@Code "labelwidth"},
+{@Code "indent"}, {@Code "rightindent"}, and {@Code "gap"} options,
+by setting options called {@Code "@ListTagWidth"}, {@Code "@ListIndent"},
+{@Code "@ListRightIndent"}, and {@Code "@ListGap"} in the setup
+file (Section {@NumberOf setup}). These default values will then apply
+automatically to every list in the document unless overridden by an option,
+just as the usual default values do. The setup file also has a
+{@Code "@ListOuterGap"} option which determines the gap before the first
+and after the last list item in non-raw lists.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_marg b/doc/user/str_marg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f9f75d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_marg
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ @Title { Margin notes and arbitrary placement }
+ @Tag { marginnotes }
+A note can be placed in the left margin by typing
+leftnote. @Index @Code "@LeftNote"
+marginnote. @Index { margin notes }
+@ID {
+@Code "@LeftNote { A left note. }"
+@LeftNote { A left note. }
+after the word that the note refers to. The note will appear in the
+margin at the same height on the page as that word, unless that would
+cause it to overlap a previous margin note, in which case it will be
+shifted downwards (but never onto the next page). The note may be an
+arbitrary Lout object; for example, you might type
+@ID {
+@Code "@LeftNote @I { A left note. }"
+@LeftNote @I { A left note. }
+to make your note come out in italics.
+You can get a note in the right margin by using @Code "@RightNote"
+@RightNote { A right note. }
+rightnote. @Index @Code "@RightNote"
+instead of {@Code "@LeftNote"}. To get a note in the outer margin
+(left on even pages, right on odd pages), use {@Code "@OuterNote"};
+@OuterNote { An outer note. }
+outernote. @Index @Code "@OuterNote"
+and for the opposite, use {@Code "@InnerNote"}.
+@InnerNote { An inner note. }
+By default, Lout produces margins that are 2.5 centimetres wide, which
+is not really enough to accommodate reasonable margin notes. To
+change these margins, you need to change options in the setup file, as
+explained in Section {@NumberOf margins}.
+The appearance of the margin notes themselves is also determined by
+options in the setup file (for a general introduction to setup files
+and their options, consult Section {@NumberOf setup}). Here are
+the options and their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@MarginNoteFont { 0.80f }"
+"@MarginNoteBreak { ragged 1.10fx }"
+"@MarginNoteHGap { 0.5c }"
+"@MarginNoteVGap { 1.00v }"
+"@MarginNoteWidth { 1.50c }"
+@Code "@MarginNoteFont" determines the font; the default value
+produces the current font scaled to 0.8 times the current size.
+@Code "Slope 0.80f" would yield italic notes, and so
+on. @Code "@MarginNoteBreak" is the paragraph breaking style,
+similar to the @Code "@InitialBreak" setup file option.
+@Code "@MarginNoteHGap" determines how far away from the
+adjacent text column the margin note will appear; the default
+value is 0.5 centimetres. @Code "@MarginNoteVGap" is the minimum
+vertical separation between margin notes (i.e. it determines how
+far downwards a note will be shifted to avoid the previous
+one). @Code "@MarginNoteWidth" determines the width of the column
+in which margin notes (both left and right) are set; the default
+value of 1.5 centimetres is suited to the 2.5 centimetre page margins
+that are the default, but if you widen the page margins you will be
+able to increase @Code "@MarginNoteWidth" too.
+Left notes extend into the left margin a total distance of
+@Code "@MarginNoteHGap" plus {@Code "@MarginNoteWidth"}, and it is
+up to you to make sure that this does not put them off
+the page. Similar remarks apply to right notes. And since notes
+are never shifted to the next page, only downwards, there is also
+a risk that a note will be shifted off the bottom of the page, if
+it is very long or if preceding notes obstruct it. Again, it is
+up to you to avoid this problem by keeping your notes small and not
+too close together.
+Margin notes inside footnotes, figures and tables work well. Margin
+notes in multi-column documents are disastrous unless used very
+sparingly. Margin notes do not appear in plain text output
+(Section {@NumberOf plain}).
+A more radical way to place objects at arbitrary points on the current
+place. @Index @Code "@Place"
+page is provided by the @Code "@Place" symbol:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" x { right - 1 cm - xsize }"
+" y { { foot + top } / 2 }"
+" @Box { Hello }"
+The placed object may be any object. This particular example produces a
+box whose @I x (horizontal) position is such that its right edge is one
+centimetre from the right edge of the page, and whose @I y (vertical)
+position is halfway up &
+ x { right - 1 cm - xsize }
+ y { { foot + top } / 2 }
+ @Box { Hello }
+the page.
+In addition to numbers, Lout lengths (Section {@NumberOf objects}),
+and Diag lengths (Section {@NumberOf dia_summ}), the following symbols
+may be used inside the @Code "x" and @Code "y" options:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col @Code A ! @Col B }
+ A { left }
+ B { The left edge of the page }
+ A { right }
+ B { The right edge of the page }
+ A { foot }
+ B { The foot edge of the page }
+ A { top }
+ B { The top edge of the page }
+ A { "+" }
+ B { Addition (positive is to the right and up) }
+ A { "-" }
+ B { Subtraction (negative is to the left and down) }
+ A { "*" }
+ B { Multiplication }
+ A { "/" }
+ B { Division }
+ A { "xsize" }
+ B { The width of the object being placed }
+ A { "xmark" }
+ B { The column mark of the object being placed (for expert users) }
+ A { "ysize" }
+ B { The height of the object being placed }
+ A { "ymark" }
+ B { The row mark of the object being placed (for expert users) }
+The usual precedences and associativities apply to the mathematical
+operators; braces (not parentheses) may be used for grouping. It is
+best to give values to @Code "x" and @Code y that do not depend on
+any assumptions about where the coordinate system's origin is; this
+is true of the examples above. At the point where @Code "@Place" occurs,
+the result is an empty object. As with margin notes, Lout does not know
+what is happening and will not lay out the rest of the page around the
+placed object.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/str_theo b/doc/user/str_theo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d85c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/str_theo
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ @Title { Theorems, lemmas, corollaries, definitions, propositions,
+examples, and claims }
+ @RunningTitle { Theorems, lemmas, etc. }
+ @Tag { theorems }
+theorem. @Index @Code "@Theorem"
+A theorem is created like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@LD @Theorem"
+" @Title { Fermat's Last Theorem }"
+"@Eq { a sup n + b sup n != c sup n } for all positive integers @Eq { a },"
+"@Eq { b }, @Eq { c } and @Eq { n } when @Eq { n > 2 }."
+"@Proof I have a proof of this theorem, but the margin"
+"is too small to contain it. @EndProof"
+where we have used the @Code "@LD" `left display' symbol from
+Section {@NumberOf displays} to get a left-justified display,
+and the @Code "@Eq" symbol from Chapter {@NumberOf equations}
+for the equations. The result is
+@ID @Theorem
+ @Title { Fermat's Last Theorem }
+@Eq { a sup n + b sup n != c sup n } for all positive integers @Eq { a },
+@Eq { b }, @Eq { c } and @Eq { n } when @Eq { n > 2 }.
+@Proof I have a proof of this theorem, but the margin
+is too small to contain it. @EndProof
+The @Code "@Theorem" symbol produces an object with no adjacent
+vertical space, hence it needs to be used in conjuction with
+display or paragraph symbols. The theorem is numbered automatically,
+with the title and number inserted at the start of the first
+paragraph. @Code "@Title" may be omitted.
+@Code "@Proof" produces @Proof @Null
+proof. @Index @Code "@Proof"
+with the appropriate following space, and @Code "@EndProof" produces
+endproof. @Index @Code "@EndProof"
+a box at the end of the line. They may be used anywhere, not
+just within theorems.
+@FootNote { Occasionally @Code "@EndProof" does not
+appear as far to the right as it should. This problem can be fixed by using
+{@Code "@LD @HExpand @Theorem"}, which instructs Lout to make sure
+that as much horizontal space as possible is allocated to the theorem. }
+There are seven symbols that produce independently numbered sequences
+in this way. They are {@Code "@Theorem"}, {@Code "@Definition"},
+definition. @Index @Code "@Definition"
+claim. @Index @Code "@Claim"
+proposition. @Index @Code "@Proposition"
+lemma. @Index @Code "@Lemma"
+corollary. @Index @Code "@Corollary"
+example. @Index @Code "@Example"
+{@Code "@Claim"}, {@Code "@Proposition"}, {@Code "@Lemma"},
+{@Code "@Corollary"}, and {@Code "@Example"}.
+The setup file contains options which determine whether the theorem
+numbers include a chapter number ({@Code "@ChapterNumInTheorems"}),
+or a section number ({@Code "@SectionNumInTheorems"}), and so on. A
+section number automatically includes a chapter number, etc. There
+are also options to change the word printed. For example, if you
+need a sequence of conjectures, change the @Code "@ClaimWord" setup
+file option to
+@ID @Code "@ClaimWord { Conjecture }"
+and use the @Code "@Claim" symbol for your conjectures. You can even put
+@ID @Code {
+"import @DocumentSetup"
+"macro @Conjecture { @Claim }"
+into your @Code mydefs file (Section {@NumberOf definitions}) if you wish,
+so that you can write @Code "@Conjecture" in your documents instead of
+{@Code "@Claim"}.
+The setup file also contains two options which control the format of
+the theorem (claims and so on have corresponding options). Here they
+are with their default values:
+@ID @Code {
+"@TheoremTitleFormat { (title) }"
+"@TheoremFormat { { @B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s } @Insert body }"
+The first option is used only when a @Code "@Title" is given to the
+theorem, and it determines how the title is formatted: the @Code title
+symbol within the option stands for the @Code "@Title" option. The default
+value shown places parentheses around the title. The second option
+determines the format of the entire theorem. Within it, @Code word
+stands for the value of {@Code "@TheoremWord"};
+@Code "number" is the number of the theorem; @Code "title" is the title
+of the theorem after formatting by {@Code "@TheoremFormat"} (if there
+is a title; otherwise @Code title is {@Code "@Null"}, which prints as
+nothing and even deletes the preceding space as required); and
+@Code body is the body of the theorem. The default value prints the
+word, number and title with a colon in bold, and inserts them and two
+spaces into the first paragraph of the body; another value might be
+@ID @Code { "@TheoremFormat { @B { word @NumSep number title } @LP body }" }
+which places the header in bold on a line by itself, separated from the
+body by a paragraph break. For @Code "@NumSep" see page {@PageOf numsep}.
+Owing to problems behind the scenes, the @Code "@Theorem" symbol and its
+companions have a potential efficiency problem: although all numbers are
+finalized on the second run, it takes Lout time proportional to the square
+of the highest theorem number to do this. So large numbers of theorems
+numbered together might be slow.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/su_crest.eps b/doc/user/su_crest.eps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95bc0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/su_crest.eps
@@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 60 53
+%%Pages: 1
+%%Title: Crest for The University of Sydney
+%%Creator: jaa@cs.su.oz.au encapsulated by rex@cs.su.oz.au
+%%+ Converted for colour and bug fixes by Rex.
+%%CreationDate: Wed May 13 18:02:34 EST 1992
+%%+ Converted for colour: Tue Jul 7 20:06:30 EST 1992
+%%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Bold
+% PMS colours
+% red - 185
+% blue - 286
+% gold - 871
+.01 dup scale
+-1988 -1050 translate
+/colour 1 def % set to one if colour
+/pathtextdict 27 dict def
+ { pathtextdict begin
+ /spacing exch def
+ /offset exch def
+ /str exch def
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+ /offset offset str 0 1 getinterval stringwidth pop 2 div add def
+ /setdist offset def
+ /charcount 0 def
+ gsave flattenpath
+ {movetoproc} {linetoproc} {} {closepathproc} pathforall
+ grestore
+ newpath
+ end } def
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+ { /newy exch def /newx exch def
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+ /ovr setdist pathdist sub def
+ newx newy transform
+ /cpy exch def /cpx exch def } def
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+ dist 0 ne
+ { /dsx dx dist div ovr mul def
+ /dsy dy dist div ovr mul def
+ oldx dsx add oldy dsy add transform
+ /cpy exch def /cpx exch def
+ /pathdist pathdist dist add def
+ { setdist pathdist le
+ { charcount str length lt
+ {setchar} {exit} ifelse }
+ { /ovr setdist pathdist sub def
+ exit }
+ ifelse } loop } if } def
+ { firstx firsty linetoproc
+ firstx firsty movetoproc } def
+ { /char str charcount 1 getinterval def
+ /charcount charcount 1 add def
+ /charwidth char stringwidth pop def
+ gsave
+ cpx cpy itransform translate
+ dy dx atan rotate
+ charwidth -2 div 0 moveto char show
+ /charwidth str length charcount gt
+ { str charcount 1 getinterval stringwidth pop }
+ { 0 } ifelse charwidth add 2 div def
+ charwidth 0 moveto
+ currentpoint transform
+ /cpy exch def /cpx exch def
+ grestore
+ /setdist setdist charwidth spacing add add def } def
+/gold_colour {
+ colour 0 ne
+ { 0.9453 0.6206 0.004 setrgbcolor }
+ { 1 setgray }
+ ifelse
+} def
+/blue_colour {
+ colour 0 ne
+% { 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor }
+% { 1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor }
+ { 0.0599 0.0526 0.5493 setrgbcolor }
+ { 1 setgray }
+ ifelse
+} def
+/red_colour {
+ colour 0 ne
+ { 0.9375 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor }
+ { 1 setgray }
+ ifelse
+} def
+/c { curveto } def
+/m { moveto } def
+/l { lineto } def
+/sym1 { 5000 1939 m
+4974 2006 4971 2065 4924 2119 c
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+4432 2284 4332 2235 4201 2226 c
+3989 2210 3846 2323 3636 2356 c
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+3478 2372 3444 2415 3441 2463 c
+3358 2444 3304 2395 3250 2329 c
+3222 2365 3205 2402 3211 2447 c
+3179 2445 3148 2437 3135 2408 c
+3122 2378 3135 2351 3144 2320 c
+3092 2351 3046 2396 3050 2457 c
+3053 2509 3097 2544 3146 2563 c
+3104 2574 3073 2584 3030 2587 c
+3053 2628 3079 2655 3119 2679 c
+3070 2703 3031 2726 3003 2773 c
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+2961 2846 2934 2826 2909 2798 c
+2897 2844 2904 2890 2936 2925 c
+2999 2992 3096 2968 3185 2949 c
+3143 3062 3116 3145 3080 3260 c
+3056 3248 3037 3240 3012 3228 c
+3009 3255 3008 3275 3004 3303 c
+2954 3263 2914 3228 2851 3218 c
+2792 3210 2733 3215 2694 3260 c
+2657 3302 2652 3361 2676 3411 c
+2698 3457 2745 3480 2796 3479 c
+2848 3478 2888 3433 2900 3382 c
+2976 3532 2884 3672 2865 3839 c
+2853 3951 2882 4059 2972 4127 c
+3035 4175 3120 4184 3186 4141 c
+3233 4110 3249 4047 3232 3993 c
+3306 4030 3338 4126 3312 4204 c
+3286 4278 3221 4333 3143 4334 c
+3082 4335 3030 4290 3012 4231 c
+2987 4270 2970 4307 2979 4352 c
+2991 4411 3040 4445 3096 4466 c
+3052 4496 3012 4518 2959 4515 c
+2915 4512 2887 4486 2857 4455 c
+2857 4526 2870 4594 2928 4636 c } def
+/sym2 { 3004 4693 3106 4680 3188 4630 c
+3195 4668 3210 4699 3241 4721 c
+3280 4749 3325 4751 3370 4734 c
+3324 4681 3347 4603 3386 4544 c
+3428 4480 3447 4422 3454 4346 c
+3491 4560 3479 4786 3309 4922 c
+3309 4871 3298 4821 3255 4794 c
+3200 4760 3143 4771 3080 4784 c
+2987 4804 2933 4885 2837 4880 c
+2806 4878 2771 4868 2762 4837 c
+2750 4800 2777 4768 2801 4737 c
+2736 4747 2662 4782 2659 4848 c
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+2706 4986 2676 4992 2637 4986 c
+2650 5022 2666 5051 2700 5067 c
+2751 5090 2798 5075 2851 5060 c
+2854 5126 2881 5190 2942 5213 c
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+3043 5175 2983 5150 2972 5095 c
+2960 5029 2985 4969 3033 4922 c
+3045 4972 3068 5004 3102 5043 c
+3175 5126 3245 5203 3235 5313 c
+3228 5402 3182 5463 3122 5528 c
+3096 5557 3073 5580 3067 5618 c
+3059 5671 3076 5722 3118 5756 c
+3174 5801 3245 5811 3313 5787 c
+3350 5775 3378 5745 3382 5707 c
+3387 5660 3355 5625 3320 5594 c
+3378 5596 3424 5615 3465 5657 c
+3488 5680 3500 5709 3492 5741 c
+3479 5789 3422 5808 3372 5807 c
+3398 5849 3436 5877 3485 5879 c
+3540 5881 3582 5851 3621 5812 c
+3626 5868 3617 5910 3633 5965 c
+3647 6015 3678 6046 3720 6077 c
+3728 6032 3736 5996 3761 5957 c
+3793 6007 3828 6041 3883 6062 c
+3939 6083 3991 6081 4047 6060 c
+3996 6024 3964 5988 3935 5934 c
+3967 5942 3991 5948 4021 5962 c
+4016 5935 4014 5915 4008 5889 c
+4103 5911 4184 5919 4273 5880 c
+4323 5858 4354 5820 4374 5768 c
+4396 5801 4407 5829 4419 5867 c
+4426 5890 4435 5908 4453 5924 c
+4487 5953 4511 5975 4544 6004 c
+4556 5978 4563 5960 4575 5935 c
+4629 5971 4670 5993 4721 6033 c
+4730 5997 4739 5972 4751 5937 c
+4775 5951 4795 5964 4806 5990 c
+4816 6013 4815 6039 4797 6057 c
+4771 6083 4733 6075 4696 6068 c
+4704 6112 4719 6149 4757 6172 c
+4799 6198 4847 6189 4892 6169 c
+4896 6198 4905 6220 4923 6243 c
+4942 6267 4969 6275 5000 6276 c
+closepath 0 setgray fill } def
+/sym3 { 5000 6214 m
+4943 6214 4937 6122 4950 6067 c
+4900 6113 4830 6146 4770 6114 c
+4809 6102 4847 6083 4855 6044 c
+4876 5953 4780 5890 4699 5844 c
+4690 5859 4685 5870 4676 5885 c
+4687 5894 4695 5900 4705 5908 c
+4700 5925 4697 5938 4692 5955 c
+4663 5938 4642 5927 4615 5910 c
+4588 5893 4579 5868 4565 5840 c
+4549 5838 4538 5837 4522 5836 c
+4531 5867 4536 5892 4530 5924 c
+4495 5894 4471 5865 4457 5821 c
+4444 5776 4425 5744 4391 5712 c
+4388 5697 4383 5687 4376 5673 c
+4469 5733 4547 5769 4656 5786 c
+4818 5811 4930 5924 5000 6072 c
+closepath gold_colour fill
+5000 2189 m
+4938 2287 4857 2343 4746 2376 c
+4678 2396 4629 2419 4570 2459 c
+4567 2441 4563 2427 4557 2410 c
+4614 2373 4657 2348 4717 2315 c
+4676 2303 4642 2301 4606 2277 c
+4637 2276 4659 2271 4688 2262 c
+4643 2233 4615 2195 4602 2143 c
+4652 2176 4692 2196 4748 2215 c
+4749 2183 4753 2160 4763 2130 c
+4787 2168 4816 2203 4861 2204 c
+4925 2205 4976 2156 5000 2096 c
+closepath gold_colour fill
+4392 2432 m
+4408 2444 4419 2476 4402 2484 c
+4390 2489 4373 2482 4371 2469 c
+4368 2450 4354 2439 4337 2430 c
+4322 2422 4305 2425 4292 2436 c
+4269 2456 4267 2491 4281 2518 c
+4302 2562 4346 2582 4395 2588 c
+4443 2593 4494 2578 4515 2534 c
+4533 2497 4520 2455 4494 2422 c
+4429 2336 4347 2292 4241 2272 c
+4078 2243 3955 2308 3798 2362 c
+3712 2391 3644 2402 3552 2403 c
+3526 2403 3502 2415 3489 2438 c } def
+/sym4 { 3478 2458 3480 2484 3496 2500 c
+3511 2515 3533 2519 3552 2510 c
+3577 2498 3586 2477 3603 2454 c
+3616 2466 3627 2472 3641 2482 c
+3611 2524 3575 2566 3524 2561 c
+3489 2558 3459 2538 3448 2505 c
+3371 2498 3317 2460 3262 2407 c
+3251 2431 3260 2453 3265 2479 c
+3203 2492 3143 2480 3097 2436 c
+3096 2455 3095 2471 3107 2487 c
+3142 2535 3198 2539 3256 2554 c
+3211 2591 3168 2607 3111 2619 c
+3127 2634 3139 2645 3158 2654 c
+3250 2647 3315 2628 3406 2609 c
+3408 2621 3408 2631 3410 2643 c
+3340 2669 3285 2680 3211 2689 c
+3152 2696 3112 2723 3063 2756 c
+3103 2781 3140 2795 3187 2788 c
+3134 2861 3054 2899 2965 2890 c
+3045 2966 3170 2921 3265 2864 c
+3251 2897 3248 2926 3254 2962 c
+3340 2893 3343 2793 3410 2707 c
+3422 2716 3431 2723 3443 2732 c
+3372 2844 3351 2965 3233 3026 c
+3227 3016 3223 3008 3218 2997 c
+3175 3107 3141 3187 3116 3302 c
+3124 3313 3128 3322 3135 3333 c
+3160 3280 3179 3241 3192 3184 c
+3252 3221 3277 3279 3291 3349 c
+3355 3062 3431 2842 3621 2618 c
+3809 2396 4163 2253 4392 2432 c
+closepath gold_colour fill
+3039 4863 m
+2983 4908 2943 4954 2927 5024 c
+2915 5080 2929 5128 2960 5175 c
+2899 5138 2888 5055 2909 4986 c
+2847 5018 2791 5045 2724 5028 c
+2766 5018 2795 4995 2820 4959 c
+2781 4942 2744 4934 2720 4898 c
+2705 4875 2705 4845 2720 4822 c
+2727 4875 2775 4915 2829 4920 c
+2912 4928 2966 4873 3045 4844 c
+3043 4851 3042 4856 3039 4863 c
+closepath gold_colour } def
+/sym5 { 3771 5716 m
+3765 5719 3760 5721 3754 5724 c
+3770 5759 3789 5787 3823 5803 c
+3878 5829 3926 5846 3959 5896 c
+3928 5887 3906 5879 3877 5866 c
+3878 5934 3908 5984 3952 6036 c
+3868 6021 3814 5962 3770 5888 c
+3735 5918 3714 5947 3698 5990 c
+3657 5925 3671 5860 3657 5785 c
+3646 5724 3605 5682 3549 5656 c
+3576 5689 3603 5723 3592 5765 c
+3578 5817 3517 5835 3463 5835 c
+3513 5807 3554 5753 3539 5697 c
+3504 5571 3311 5510 3202 5581 c
+3175 5599 3155 5628 3162 5659 c
+3170 5697 3216 5709 3255 5709 c
+3264 5709 3272 5699 3272 5690 c
+3272 5682 3266 5673 3258 5672 c
+3242 5672 3219 5667 3219 5650 c
+3219 5634 3234 5620 3250 5619 c
+3283 5618 3311 5638 3327 5667 c
+3340 5692 3331 5728 3306 5741 c
+3261 5764 3210 5761 3167 5733 c
+3130 5710 3107 5670 3114 5627 c
+3125 5558 3186 5514 3254 5498 c
+3369 5471 3464 5510 3568 5565 c
+3734 5651 3855 5715 4032 5775 c
+4106 5801 4192 5825 4246 5767 c
+4264 5748 4269 5713 4249 5695 c
+4238 5684 4222 5684 4207 5688 c
+4197 5690 4189 5710 4198 5714 c
+4205 5717 4213 5722 4212 5729 c
+4210 5738 4203 5742 4196 5747 c
+4180 5756 4160 5757 4145 5747 c
+4128 5736 4119 5718 4119 5698 c
+4119 5657 4151 5616 4192 5612 c
+4242 5608 4293 5626 4316 5670 c
+4339 5715 4335 5769 4301 5806 c
+4259 5852 4200 5860 4138 5854 c
+4067 5848 4018 5824 3948 5818 c
+3890 5771 3825 5768 3771 5716 c
+closepath gold_colour fill
+3351 3504 m
+3316 3561 3252 3571 3187 3584 c
+3110 3600 3060 3641 3004 3697 c
+3016 3707 3025 3713 3037 3724 c
+3101 3660 3167 3625 3257 3613 c
+3312 3606 3361 3640 3388 3688 c
+3411 3731 3408 3781 3382 3822 c
+3364 3849 3334 3858 3302 3859 c
+3271 3861 3242 3842 3231 3813 c
+3222 3791 3221 3763 3240 3749 c
+3253 3739 3284 3740 3285 3757 c
+3286 3768 3301 3773 3312 3771 c
+3322 3769 3329 3757 3326 3747 c
+3322 3727 3305 3714 3284 3708 c
+3256 3700 3230 3704 3203 3718 c
+3115 3764 3064 3837 3037 3933 c
+3113 3879 3205 3865 3289 3905 c
+3595 4053 3667 4488 3532 4801 c
+3477 4929 3390 5011 3265 5073 c
+3297 5102 3328 5121 3371 5123 c } def
+/sym6 { 3413 5125 3443 5105 3479 5084 c
+3476 5132 3466 5167 3451 5214 c
+3527 5188 3578 5153 3638 5100 c
+3632 5179 3602 5235 3556 5299 c
+3590 5327 3613 5351 3634 5389 c
+3530 5370 3412 5363 3351 5450 c
+3310 5451 3280 5452 3240 5461 c
+3287 5354 3297 5242 3236 5142 c
+3194 5074 3147 5036 3101 4970 c
+3075 4931 3081 4876 3115 4844 c
+3144 4817 3187 4810 3223 4827 c
+3260 4844 3270 4889 3265 4928 c
+3262 4944 3246 4954 3230 4952 c
+3215 4951 3195 4943 3196 4927 c
+3198 4910 3191 4886 3174 4887 c
+3140 4888 3147 4960 3174 4980 c
+3197 4996 3221 5002 3248 4995 c
+3457 4941 3527 4682 3509 4467 c
+3501 4375 3484 4302 3429 4228 c
+3414 4238 3403 4244 3389 4254 c
+3422 4339 3411 4425 3360 4500 c
+3318 4562 3278 4620 3293 4695 c
+3239 4664 3226 4599 3234 4538 c
+3175 4590 3117 4626 3039 4626 c
+2987 4625 2949 4593 2920 4550 c
+3017 4578 3119 4523 3169 4436 c
+3099 4425 3027 4388 3017 4318 c
+3072 4363 3134 4389 3203 4373 c
+3269 4357 3316 4315 3344 4253 c
+3384 4164 3381 4054 3308 3990 c
+3269 3956 3220 3939 3171 3956 c
+3138 3948 3102 3956 3083 3984 c
+3070 4003 3072 4027 3084 4047 c
+3094 4064 3113 4077 3132 4073 c
+3145 4070 3154 4057 3153 4044 c
+3152 4035 3146 4027 3137 4025 c
+3130 4024 3125 4024 3119 4026 c
+3114 4015 3122 4001 3134 3997 c
+3152 3992 3170 4004 3181 4019 c
+3192 4037 3190 4058 3182 4078 c
+3173 4098 3158 4113 3137 4118 c
+3063 4138 2984 4100 2947 4034 c
+2887 3928 2905 3819 2938 3702 c
+2978 3561 2993 3351 2852 3312 c
+2826 3305 2798 3300 2778 3318 c
+2760 3335 2756 3368 2774 3386 c
+2782 3395 2797 3400 2806 3392 c
+2813 3385 2815 3372 2808 3364 c
+2804 3358 2809 3347 2816 3347 c
+2833 3346 2851 3352 2857 3367 c
+2865 3390 2850 3414 2830 3427 c
+2803 3444 2768 3445 2742 3426 c
+2715 3406 2703 3372 2710 3338 c
+2719 3293 2759 3258 2805 3257 c
+2904 3254 2972 3321 3034 3397 c
+3040 3365 3047 3342 3053 3310 c
+3088 3343 3108 3375 3125 3420 c
+3173 3371 3193 3321 3214 3256 c
+3249 3322 3255 3386 3240 3459 c
+3283 3440 3321 3428 3368 3437 c
+3376 3438 3379 3449 3376 3457 c
+3370 3475 3361 3487 3351 3504 c
+closepath gold_colour fill } def
+/sym7 {
+%main interior
+5000 2313 m
+4955 2385 4880 2430 4730 2470 c
+4670 2490 4630 2538 4621 2553 c
+4641 2530 4630 2538 4621 2553 c
+4585 2613 4538 2650 4472 2670 c
+4397 2694 4326 2682 4259 2639 c
+4193 2598 4169 2523 4172 2445 c
+3789 2440 3543 2822 3392 3344 c
+3431 3350 3458 3359 3495 3371 c
+3490 3425 3475 3465 3415 3578 c
+3530 3685 3540 3805 3441 3896 c
+3632 4058 3686 4286 3678 4536 c
+3673 4730 3650 4830 3573 4935 c
+3573 5041 l
+3596 5023 3630 4992 3667 4942 c
+3740 5075 3732 5205 3670 5295 c
+3713 5352 3745 5410 3780 5495 c
+3692 5468 3608 5445 3533 5440 c
+4026 5680 l
+4040 5593 4125 5530 4250 5530 c
+4310 5530 4415 5580 4453 5616 c
+4514 5658 4607 5693 4661 5699 c
+4823 5717 4930 5780 5000 5890 c
+closepath 1 setgray fill } def
+/sym8 {
+% Banner outside
+5000 1556 m
+4862 1556 4759 1613 4651 1699 c
+4509 1814 4423 1918 4279 2033 c
+4149 2137 4015 2173 3848 2182 c
+3697 2189 3587 2175 3436 2165 c
+3273 2154 3136 2138 2993 2218 c
+2923 2257 2875 2297 2823 2359 c
+2818 2365 2826 2373 2832 2378 c
+2864 2398 2887 2412 2919 2433 c
+2954 2455 2947 2512 2922 2545 c
+2881 2600 2850 2641 2823 2703 c
+2793 2771 2795 2830 2758 2894 c
+2745 2916 2720 2935 2696 2927 c
+2647 2911 2610 2902 2561 2886 c
+2557 2885 2552 2889 2550 2894 c
+2530 2941 2515 2976 2502 3027 c
+2500 3032 2505 3038 2510 3040 c
+2546 3054 2573 3062 2609 3075 c
+2626 3081 2638 3091 2645 3108 c
+2652 3125 2651 3142 2643 3159 c
+2619 3213 2586 3244 2561 3297 c
+2538 3350 2530 3393 2511 3448 c
+2500 3481 2452 3494 2421 3478 c
+2291 3413 2194 3370 2064 3305 c
+2034 3289 2015 3267 2004 3236 c
+1988 3194 2014 3153 2048 3124 c
+2053 3119 2059 3111 2065 3115 c
+2075 3120 2082 3124 2092 3130 c
+2102 3135 2116 3133 2121 3123 c
+2134 3092 2150 3073 2169 3046 c
+2174 3040 2177 3030 2171 3026 c
+2144 3007 2124 2995 2097 2977 c
+2081 2966 2072 2948 2074 2928 c
+2078 2872 2082 2830 2101 2778 c
+2125 2717 2157 2677 2203 2631 c
+2210 2624 2219 2620 2228 2623 c
+2254 2631 2274 2637 2300 2646 c
+2307 2648 2315 2644 2318 2638 c
+2330 2616 2332 2597 2339 2574 c
+2340 2568 2336 2562 2330 2558 c
+2303 2539 2280 2531 2251 2515 c
+2240 2509 2234 2497 2237 2484 c
+2293 2264 2369 2102 2522 1934 c
+2640 1804 2769 1740 2940 1699 c
+3122 1655 3264 1689 3451 1705 c
+3631 1720 3776 1743 3942 1673 c
+4083 1613 4148 1508 4263 1408 c
+4485 1215 4706 1090 5000 1090 c
+closepath 0 setgray fill } def
+/sym9 { 5000 1502 m
+4722 1503 4558 1710 4353 1898 c
+4199 2039 4042 2129 3833 2132 c
+3632 2136 3486 2109 3286 2101 c
+3149 2096 3040 2122 2923 2194 c
+2745 2303 2674 2468 2599 2664 c
+2500 2600 2426 2557 2324 2497 c
+2385 2294 2456 2143 2606 1994 c
+2761 1838 2945 1768 3165 1777 c
+3357 1784 3497 1797 3689 1807 c
+3873 1817 4023 1758 4161 1638 c
+4301 1516 4393 1411 4554 1319 c
+4703 1234 4828 1178 5000 1177 c
+closepath 1 setgray fill
+2660 2661 m
+2695 2563 2727 2492 2784 2405 c
+2798 2413 2808 2420 2822 2430 c
+2771 2508 2758 2578 2721 2663 c
+2712 2683 2692 2706 2671 2697 c
+2658 2692 2655 2674 2660 2661 c
+closepath 1 setgray fill
+2608 2857 m
+2597 2853 2589 2851 2577 2847 c
+2586 2839 2592 2833 2602 2826 c
+2606 2837 2606 2846 2608 2857 c
+closepath 1 setgray fill
+2390 2680 m
+2403 2655 2407 2634 2412 2607 c
+2482 2651 2535 2679 2607 2721 c
+2633 2736 2659 2747 2688 2739 c
+2726 2728 2751 2702 2766 2665 c
+2795 2595 2806 2539 2845 2474 c
+2853 2460 2869 2447 2883 2454 c
+2901 2463 2894 2490 2885 2508 c
+2851 2572 2813 2612 2784 2679 c
+2758 2740 2752 2789 2729 2851 c
+2722 2870 2709 2890 2689 2888 c
+2670 2887 2663 2864 2662 2845 c
+2660 2803 2625 2773 2586 2757 c
+2514 2728 2462 2707 2390 2680 c
+closepath 1 setgray fill
+2481 3136 m
+2479 3113 2479 3094 2486 3072 c
+2500 3078 2510 3082 2524 3088 c
+2512 3108 2500 3121 2481 3136 c
+closepath 1 setgray fill } def
+/syma {
+2429 3113 m
+2333 3058 2261 3021 2166 2965 c
+2173 2856 2202 2775 2261 2684 c
+2368 2725 2447 2754 2553 2799 c
+2482 2901 2455 2992 2429 3113 c
+closepath 1 setgray fill
+2472 3422 m
+2469 3434 2457 3445 2445 3441 c
+2434 3436 2427 3423 2430 3411 c
+2438 3381 2452 3362 2471 3338 c
+2373 3280 2300 3241 2200 3186 c
+2219 3144 2234 3114 2259 3077 c
+2326 3114 2374 3141 2441 3178 c
+2466 3191 2497 3200 2518 3182 c
+2549 3156 2567 3134 2593 3105 c
+2600 3136 2599 3166 2579 3190 c
+2552 3224 2532 3250 2514 3289 c
+2493 3336 2484 3372 2472 3422 c
+closepath 1 setgray fill
+2380 3392 m
+2379 3400 2368 3406 2361 3402 c
+2269 3354 2202 3321 2112 3270 c
+2093 3260 2096 3233 2102 3212 c
+2103 3210 2105 3206 2107 3208 c
+2210 3264 2288 3301 2391 3358 c
+2386 3370 2383 3380 2380 3392 c
+closepath 1 setgray fill } def
+/symb_colour {
+% cross in 'azure' blue
+5000 2313 m
+4955 2385 4880 2430 4730 2470 c
+4670 2490 l
+4670 3220 l
+3430 3220 l
+3392 3344 l
+3431 3350 3458 3359 3495 3371 c
+3490 3425 3475 3465 3415 3578 c
+3530 3685 3500 3805 3490 3813 c
+4670 3813 l
+4670 4582 l
+5000 4582 l
+closepath fill
+% Chief Gules
+5000 4582 m
+3675 4582 l
+3673 4730 3650 4830 3573 4935 c
+3573 5041 l
+3596 5023 3630 4992 3667 4942 c
+3740 5075 3732 5205 3670 5295 c
+3713 5352 3745 5410 3780 5495 c
+3692 5468 3608 5445 3533 5440 c
+4026 5680 l
+4040 5593 4125 5530 4250 5530 c
+4310 5530 4415 5580 4453 5616 c
+4514 5658 4607 5693 4661 5699 c
+4823 5717 4930 5780 5000 5890 c
+closepath fill
+% and now some lines around the cross, and at the base of the lion field
+0 setgray
+16 setlinewidth
+3675 4582 m 5000 4582 l stroke
+3490 3813 m 4670 3813 l 4670 4582 l stroke
+3430 3220 m 4670 3220 l 4670 2490 l stroke
+} def
+/book_clasp {
+2 copy
+50 0 rlineto
+0 50 rlineto
+-50 0 rlineto
+closepath fill
+2 copy
+0 setgray
+50 0 rlineto
+0 50 rmoveto
+50 0 rlineto
+} def
+/sym_book {
+% Book outline
+% First fill the outline
+1 setgray
+5000 3742 m
+4856 3798 4755 3804 4671 3700 c
+4671 3325 l
+5329 3325 l
+5329 3700 l
+5245 3804 5144 3798 5000 3742 c
+closepath fill
+% along the base of the book colour it gold
+5329 3315 m
+5227 3420 5114 3413 5000 3363 c
+4886 3413 4773 3420 4671 3315 c
+closepath fill
+% Clasps for the book
+% Firstly colour the clasps gold
+8 setlinewidth
+4671 3355 m
+4611 3355 l
+4611 3700 l
+4671 3700 l
+0 setgray
+% and strokes on the clasp holder
+3412 58 3644 { dup 4611 exch m 4671 exch l stroke } for
+4671 3300 m 4671 3700 l stroke
+% Now do the three book clasps
+5329 3400 book_clasp
+5329 3500 book_clasp
+5329 3600 book_clasp
+% then actually draw the book in black
+16 setlinewidth
+0 setgray
+5000 3742 m
+5000 3363 l
+4886 3413 4773 3420 4671 3315 c
+4671 3700 l
+4755 3804 4856 3798 5000 3742 c
+closepath stroke
+5329 3700 m
+5245 3804 5144 3798 5000 3742 c
+5000 3363 l
+5114 3413 5227 3420 5329 3315 c
+5329 3700 l
+closepath stroke
+5337 3300 m
+4663 3300 l
+% Stroke along the spine of the book
+5000 3300 m
+5000 3742 l
+% Line to the sides of the book
+22 setlinewidth
+4716 3360 m
+4716 3750 l
+5284 3360 m
+5284 3750 l
+0 setgray
+% finally some fine text lines on the book
+4 setlinewidth
+3470 60 3710 { dup dup dup dup dup dup dup
+ 4766 exch m 4840 exch l stroke
+ 5234 exch m 5160 exch l stroke
+ 4877 exch m 4953 exch l stroke
+ 5123 exch m 5047 exch l stroke
+ } for
+} def
+/symb_mono {
+0 setgray 30 setlinewidth
+% bottom most horizontal stroke
+4860 2400 m 5000 2400 l stroke
+% Horizontal strokes to base of book
+2500 100 3200 { dup 4670 exch m 5000 exch l stroke } for
+% strokes to the sides of the book
+3300 100 3700 { dup 3400 exch m 5000 exch l stroke } for
+% horiz strokes above the book
+3800 100 4500 { dup 4670 exch m 5000 exch l stroke } for
+% Vertical strokes to the top of the figure
+3614 5450 m 3614 5520 l stroke
+5060 5580 5620 5680 5720 5590 5570 5580 5620 5690 5720 5740 5770 5860 5950
+5000 -99 3614 { dup 4620 m exch l stroke } for
+% bottom dark horizontal line for cross
+84 setlinewidth 3400 3220 m 4696 3220 l stroke
+% Top dark horizontal line for cross
+56 setlinewidth 3460 3813 m 4696 3813 l stroke
+% Bottom dark line for vertical strokes
+92 setlinewidth 3650 4582 m 5000 4582 l stroke
+} def
+/sym { sym1 sym2 sym3 sym4 sym5 sym6 sym7 sym8 sym9 syma
+ colour 0 ne
+ { symb_colour }
+ { symb_mono }
+ ifelse
+} def
+% Draw the main body of the crest..
+0 setlinecap
+5000 0 translate -1 1 scale -5000 0 translate sym
+5000 0 translate -1 1 scale -5000 0 translate sym
+colour 0 eq
+ % draw the dark & light edges for the cross
+ 30 setlinewidth
+ 4681 3813 m 4681 4582 l stroke
+ 4681 3220 m 4681 2400 l stroke
+ 84 setlinewidth
+ 5346 3813 m 5346 4582 l stroke
+ 5346 3220 m 5346 2400 l stroke
+} if
+/star {
+-41 -82 rlineto
+-112 42 rlineto
+39 -90 rlineto
+-85 -52 rlineto
+87 -48 rlineto
+-28 -86 rlineto
+93 33 rlineto
+45 -89 rlineto
+44 83 rlineto
+90 -28 rlineto
+-27 106 rlineto
+75 45 rlineto
+-77 42 rlineto
+28 82 rlineto
+-90 -24 rlineto
+-41 66 rlineto closepath } def
+% Draw the lion in black
+0 setlinewidth
+5863 4715 m
+5825 4660 5740 4655 5695 4700 c
+5660 4670 5608 4670 5582 4700 c
+5553 4730 5555 4780 5588 4800 c
+5554 4852 5576 4902 5655 4895 c
+5668 4893 5678 4900 5678 4910 c
+5678 4970 l
+5607 4971 5546 4980 5481 5020 c
+5481 4875 l
+5363 4930 5323 4890 5364 4810 c
+5267 4842 5240 4830 5245 4735 c
+5174 4810 5112 4773 5146 4703 c
+5115 4655 5055 4640 5021 4678 c
+4972 4677 4934 4694 4923 4723 c
+4910 4757 4917 4798 4955 4822 c
+4932 4850 4952 4875 4983 4896 c
+5012 4918 5050 4911 5077 4892 c
+5190 4970 l
+5127 5061 l
+5010 4973 4928 4950 4870 4962 c
+4845 4910 4795 4875 4733 4858 c
+4659 4942 4610 4932 4602 4804 c
+4520 4855 4483 4842 4460 4757 c
+4422 4782 4393 4781 4367 4760 c
+4378 4710 4357 4672 4326 4659 c
+4285 4648 4240 4655 4223 4697 c
+4167 4693 4137 4720 4115 4752 c
+4112 4790 4130 4828 4183 4840 c
+4183 4875 4192 4901 4222 4920 c
+4248 4939 4272 4930 4313 4904 c
+4315 4980 4272 5010 4225 4994 c
+4233 5040 4231 5070 4195 5080 c
+4149 5060 4095 5062 4075 5090 c
+4050 5112 4045 5159 4074 5193 c
+4047 5238 4050 5270 4075 5301 c
+4108 5338 4162 5330 4196 5298 c
+4232 5320 4262 5315 4287 5285 c
+4304 5262 4312 5220 4275 5181 c
+4387 5072 l
+4430 5095 l
+4408 5132 4395 5145 4395 5175 c
+4375 5193 4355 5219 4347 5251 c
+4302 5293 4300 5330 4335 5367 c
+4283 5422 4314 5485 4393 5483 c
+4407 5531 4465 5552 4506 5530 c
+4545 5561 4615 5562 4655 5530 c
+4716 5543 4762 5522 4770 5472 c
+4835 5490 4855 5422 4813 5372 c
+4844 5313 l
+4960 5313 l
+4865 5422 4870 5514 5015 5575 c
+5035 5631 5067 5658 5114 5700 c
+5128 5713 5153 5702 5151 5672 c
+5150 5617 l
+5195 5656 5240 5660 5258 5628 c
+5267 5611 5259 5586 5204 5530 c
+5220 5511 5227 5470 5207 5423 c
+5255 5442 5300 5467 5334 5485 c
+5473 5565 5652 5553 5728 5450 c
+5771 5382 5770 5338 5708 5272 c
+5673 5245 5674 5200 5702 5173 c
+5745 5131 5802 5110 5865 5093 c
+5810 5033 5813 5010 5866 4968 c
+5795 4925 5795 4898 5863 4850 c
+5786 4791 5783 4760 5863 4715 c
+5539 5324 m
+5565 5327 5589 5328 5607 5348 c
+5620 5363 5615 5388 5601 5403 c
+5586 5421 5562 5419 5539 5418 c
+5470 5406 5386 5372 5332 5324 c
+5539 5324 l
+closepath 0 setgray fill
+% We firstly fix problems,
+% The hole in the tail
+5091 5462 m
+5083 5471 5073 5475 5062 5475 c
+5050 5475 5040 5471 5032 5462 c
+5023 5454 5019 5444 5019 5433 c
+5019 5421 5023 5411 5032 5403 c
+5040 5394 5050 5390 5062 5390 c
+5073 5390 5083 5394 5091 5403 c
+5100 5411 5104 5421 5104 5433 c
+5104 5444 5100 5454 5091 5462 c
+closepath fill
+% Inside of right fore paw
+4294 5212 m
+4287 5200 4282 5191 4274 5180 c
+4280 5173 4287 5171 4294 5164 c
+4294 5182 4295 5195 4294 5212 c
+closepath fill
+% Rest of the right fore paw
+4328 5261 m
+4328 5212 4328 5176 4328 5127 c
+4347 5110 4360 5098 4379 5080 c
+4386 5074 4401 5084 4400 5094 c
+4400 5120 4396 5138 4396 5164 c
+4395 5179 4386 5190 4375 5200 c
+4354 5219 4354 5250 4328 5261 c
+closepath fill
+% and now in the rest in gold
+% crotch
+5300 5162 m
+5326 5166 5354 5166 5371 5145 c
+5344 5139 5321 5146 5300 5162 c
+% Right hind leg
+closepath fill
+5316 4855 m
+5271 4863 5221 4835 5211 4791 c
+5188 4803 5166 4806 5141 4798 c
+5107 4787 5107 4741 5109 4704 c
+5096 4692 5085 4679 5067 4680 c
+5044 4682 5030 4709 5033 4731 c
+5034 4740 5010 4743 5009 4734 c
+5007 4723 4998 4712 4987 4713 c
+4962 4716 4939 4737 4939 4762 c
+4939 4784 4964 4797 4986 4797 c
+4995 4797 5003 4816 4995 4821 c
+4979 4831 4973 4859 4987 4872 c
+5010 4893 5051 4883 5071 4860 c
+5123 4892 5160 4917 5211 4950 c
+5221 4956 5224 4970 5218 4979 c
+5200 5007 5187 5027 5171 5056 c
+5162 5072 5157 5096 5173 5104 c
+5207 5121 5231 5135 5264 5152 c
+5299 5125 5338 5112 5382 5120 c
+5405 5088 5425 5067 5451 5037 c
+5450 4993 5449 4961 5449 4916 c
+5416 4926 5386 4940 5356 4924 c
+5330 4910 5318 4884 5316 4855 c
+closepath fill
+% Chest
+4631 5190 m
+4627 5148 4616 5095 4575 5091 c
+4535 5087 4514 5140 4511 5180 c
+4491 5152 4467 5122 4481 5091 c
+4494 5062 4515 5048 4537 5025 c
+4580 5046 4612 5060 4653 5085 c
+4673 5097 4681 5120 4680 5144 c
+4679 5168 4651 5175 4631 5190 c
+closepath fill
+% Main Body
+4306 4871 m
+4291 4896 4249 4908 4229 4888 c
+4212 4871 4212 4841 4227 4824 c
+4224 4819 4220 4817 4217 4812 c
+4195 4813 4169 4805 4166 4784 c
+4163 4765 4171 4745 4188 4737 c
+4207 4728 4229 4738 4243 4753 c
+4249 4748 4255 4746 4261 4742 c
+4255 4722 4259 4695 4278 4688 c
+4297 4682 4319 4681 4332 4696 c
+4346 4713 4336 4734 4330 4755 c
+4328 4762 4327 4769 4332 4775 c
+4358 4805 4401 4817 4438 4801 c
+4464 4849 4526 4868 4577 4851 c
+4579 4891 4612 4926 4652 4932 c
+4687 4936 4722 4923 4740 4892 c
+4781 4908 4812 4928 4835 4965 c
+4843 4977 4841 4989 4839 5002 c
+4835 5027 4826 5043 4815 5065 c
+4810 5074 4836 5085 4841 5076 c
+4856 5048 4864 5026 4873 4996 c
+4939 4998 4995 5004 5047 5045 c
+5138 5116 5212 5185 5328 5191 c
+5357 5192 5384 5181 5399 5156 c
+5462 5050 5572 5010 5694 4995 c
+5703 4994 5707 4984 5707 4975 c
+5707 4912 5707 4866 5707 4802 c
+5697 4802 5689 4802 5678 4801 c
+5677 4822 5674 4837 5672 4858 c
+5669 4883 5613 4876 5605 4853 c
+5597 4833 5615 4813 5633 4800 c
+5631 4793 5628 4787 5626 4780 c
+5610 4780 5592 4778 5587 4764 c
+5581 4748 5584 4729 5598 4719 c
+5613 4708 5630 4703 5649 4709 c
+5668 4714 5679 4728 5690 4745 c
+5698 4744 5703 4743 5711 4742 c
+5718 4710 5767 4698 5797 4712 c
+5769 4752 5770 4807 5801 4845 c
+5773 4874 5770 4922 5794 4954 c
+5772 4992 5773 5033 5791 5072 c
+5745 5094 5709 5112 5675 5150 c
+5643 5186 5635 5231 5647 5277 c
+5688 5310 5718 5357 5707 5410 c
+5691 5483 5604 5514 5529 5511 c
+5385 5505 5298 5418 5159 5379 c
+5109 5365 5062 5347 5019 5374 c
+4997 5388 4981 5409 4982 5436 c
+4983 5465 5003 5488 5030 5500 c
+5052 5510 5077 5511 5097 5497 c
+5118 5482 5125 5460 5127 5435 c
+5128 5423 5147 5413 5157 5419 c
+5175 5430 5187 5447 5185 5468 c
+5182 5495 5172 5513 5161 5537 c
+5187 5554 5199 5574 5217 5599 c
+5222 5606 5204 5619 5198 5613 c
+5175 5593 5153 5586 5128 5568 c
+5122 5563 5107 5568 5107 5576 c
+5110 5608 5110 5631 5109 5663 c
+5072 5629 5045 5590 5050 5541 c
+4992 5542 4922 5509 4919 5451 c
+4916 5384 4969 5341 5021 5300 c
+4954 5296 4904 5297 4836 5293 c
+4833 5276 4821 5264 4806 5256 c
+4798 5223 4777 5202 4749 5185 c
+4742 5157 4725 5138 4701 5122 c
+4694 5093 4682 5069 4657 5054 c
+4531 4981 4435 4936 4306 4871 c
+5207 5299 l
+5319 5353 5395 5408 5515 5439 c
+5555 5450 5594 5453 5625 5426 c
+5643 5411 5654 5391 5650 5368 c
+5645 5330 5611 5298 5573 5297 c
+5207 5299 l
+closepath fill
+% Mane below Left Ear
+4774 5350 m
+4765 5338 4761 5328 4755 5315 c
+4770 5303 4780 5293 4793 5279 c
+4800 5284 4804 5289 4810 5295 c
+4805 5296 4802 5296 4798 5296 c
+4798 5307 4798 5315 4797 5325 c
+4796 5338 4783 5342 4774 5350 c
+closepath fill
+% Mane below Right Ear
+4378 5312 m
+4368 5324 4365 5337 4362 5352 c
+4344 5342 4322 5328 4326 5308 c
+4328 5296 4333 5287 4342 5278 c
+4354 5292 4362 5302 4378 5312 c
+closepath fill
+% Mane below left Eye
+4690 5230 m
+4683 5217 4674 5209 4661 5200 c
+4677 5187 4687 5177 4700 5161 c
+4713 5173 4735 5196 4720 5207 c
+4709 5216 4701 5222 4690 5230 c
+closepath fill
+% Mane below right Eye
+4483 5195 m
+4466 5201 4452 5207 4443 5221 c
+4420 5208 4398 5174 4416 5155 c
+4425 5145 4432 5139 4442 5131 c
+4454 5156 4465 5173 4483 5195 c
+closepath fill
+% Face
+4426 5435 m
+4418 5454 4400 5481 4417 5491 c
+4440 5505 4461 5512 4487 5509 c
+4496 5508 4505 5506 4510 5498 c
+4521 5479 4526 5464 4536 5444 c
+4545 5445 4552 5447 4561 5447 c
+4556 5473 4519 5512 4545 5518 c
+4571 5524 4606 5536 4619 5512 c
+4632 5489 4639 5471 4645 5445 c
+4655 5447 4662 5447 4673 5448 c
+4669 5471 4658 5508 4681 5511 c
+4701 5514 4721 5508 4733 5493 c
+4744 5479 4724 5463 4711 5452 c
+4717 5445 4722 5440 4729 5433 c
+4752 5447 4788 5465 4803 5441 c
+4818 5417 4783 5392 4758 5378 c
+4754 5375 4750 5372 4747 5367 c
+4739 5350 4733 5338 4724 5321 c
+4721 5315 4723 5307 4729 5303 c
+4747 5289 4758 5276 4777 5262 c
+4769 5246 4759 5235 4743 5228 c
+4725 5241 4711 5250 4693 5263 c
+4693 5269 4694 5273 4694 5278 c
+4685 5278 4679 5279 4670 5278 c
+4671 5247 4642 5218 4610 5218 c
+4597 5218 4585 5226 4581 5239 c
+4575 5260 4600 5274 4620 5283 c
+4632 5288 4643 5297 4643 5310 c
+4643 5325 4644 5336 4643 5350 c
+4643 5357 4648 5363 4654 5366 c
+4668 5373 4678 5377 4692 5384 c
+4690 5393 4689 5400 4687 5410 c
+4665 5402 4650 5396 4629 5387 c
+4622 5385 4616 5379 4616 5371 c
+4615 5351 4611 5336 4612 5315 c
+4613 5307 4605 5300 4597 5300 c
+4575 5299 4560 5301 4539 5301 c
+4529 5301 4524 5312 4523 5322 c
+4521 5339 4520 5351 4519 5369 c
+4518 5376 4516 5384 4509 5386 c
+4486 5397 4470 5405 4446 5414 c
+4443 5405 4440 5399 4437 5390 c
+4458 5382 4472 5371 4492 5361 c
+4494 5340 4494 5325 4496 5304 c
+4498 5288 4516 5279 4533 5278 c
+4545 5277 4551 5262 4551 5249 c
+4551 5235 4541 5217 4526 5218 c
+4509 5220 4496 5219 4478 5222 c
+4456 5227 4461 5258 4459 5281 c
+4450 5281 4443 5281 4434 5281 c
+4435 5257 4423 5236 4402 5223 c
+4388 5214 4371 5235 4366 5251 c
+4360 5273 4387 5291 4409 5295 c
+4410 5301 4411 5305 4412 5311 c
+4394 5328 4388 5350 4388 5375 c
+4361 5387 4321 5414 4338 5437 c
+4355 5460 4391 5441 4414 5425 c
+4418 5428 4421 5432 4426 5435 c
+closepath fill
+% Tongue
+4564 5204 m
+4556 5198 4549 5194 4540 5192 c
+4543 5167 4546 5129 4571 5130 c
+4597 5130 4596 5170 4595 5195 c
+4583 5197 4574 5198 4564 5204 c
+closepath fill
+% Right Fore Paw
+4458 5072 m
+4429 5058 4408 5049 4379 5036 c
+4324 5086 4286 5124 4232 5174 c
+4255 5202 4277 5248 4249 5271 c
+4228 5288 4201 5264 4179 5248 c
+4158 5270 4127 5298 4103 5280 c
+4075 5260 4096 5216 4115 5188 c
+4094 5177 4077 5154 4084 5131 c
+4093 5101 4137 5086 4166 5100 c
+4186 5110 4208 5111 4227 5099 c
+4248 5084 4250 5059 4253 5034 c
+4304 5041 4346 4983 4351 4931 c
+4408 4961 4450 4983 4506 5014 c
+4487 5034 4471 5048 4458 5072 c
+closepath fill
+% Draw the stars (outline in black)
+0 setgray 60 setlinewidth
+3943 3714 m star stroke
+6077 3714 m star stroke
+5010 2943 m star stroke
+5010 4379 m star stroke
+% and fill in gold
+3928 3725 m star fill
+6062 3725 m star fill
+4995 2958 m star fill
+4995 4394 m star fill
+0 setgray
+%%IncludeResource: font Times-Bold
+/Times-Bold findfont [ 342 0 0 250 0 0 ] makefont setfont newpath
+2430 2395 m
+2460 2278 2514 2220 2555 2180 c
+2576 2140 2613 2090 2662 2053 c
+2730 1993 2812 1925 2910 1893 c
+2987 1870 3115 1851 3207 1855 c
+3290 1860 3400 1860 3495 1870 c
+3760 1890 3990 1834 4135 1732 c
+4195 1690 4273 1615 4320 1565 c
+4368 1513 4517 1435 4547 1390 c
+4666 1320 4847 1250 5000 1250 c
+5153 1250 5334 1320 5453 1390 c
+5483 1435 5632 1513 5680 1565 c
+5727 1615 5805 1690 5865 1732 c
+6010 1834 6240 1890 6505 1870 c
+6600 1860 6710 1860 6793 1855 c
+6885 1851 7013 1870 7090 1893 c
+7188 1925 7270 1993 7338 2053 c
+7387 2090 7424 2140 7445 2180 c
+7486 2220 7540 2278 7570 2395 c
+(SIDERE\264MENS\264EADEM\264MUTATO) 0 30 pathtext
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl b/doc/user/tbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..230c69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ @Title { Tables }
+ @Tag { tables }
+This chapter explains how to produce tables like this one:
+tables. @Index { tables }
+@CD @Tbl
+ aindent { ctr }
+ arulebelow { double }
+ aformat { @StartHSpan @Cell @B X | | @HSpan }
+ bformat { @Cell rr { no } @I A | @Cell rl { no } B | @Cell C }
+ rule { yes }
+ X { Value of mathematical formulae (millions of dollars) }
+ A { Quadratic formula }
+ B { @Eq { x ^= { minus b +- sqrt { b sup 2 - 4ac } } over 2a } }
+ C { 3^.5 }
+ A { Binomial theorem }
+ B { @Eq { ( a + b ) sup n ^= big sum from k=0 to infty
+matrix atleft { ( } atright { ) } { n above k } a sup k b sup n-k
+} }
+ C { 12^ }
+As the example shows, the tables may contain spanning columns, aligned
+columns, and rules, and the cells may contain arbitrary objects.
+@Include { tbl_intr } # introduction
+@Include { tbl_cell } # basic cell formatting: font, break, width, paint
+@Include { tbl_rows } # row formats and the @Row symbol
+@Include { tbl_marg } # margins
+@Include { tbl_widt } # width and height
+@Include { tbl_inde } # indenting and struts
+@Include { tbl_rule } # rules
+@Include { tbl_span } # spanning columns and rows
+@Include { tbl_mult } # multi-page tables
+@Include { tbl_alig } # aligned columns and headings over them
+@Include { tbl_mark } # @MarkRow
+@Include { tbl_plai } # plain text tables
+@Include { tbl_setu } # setup file options
+@Include { tbl_summ } # summary
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_alig b/doc/user/tbl_alig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24b6864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_alig
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ @Title { Aligned columns }
+ @Tag { tbl_alig }
+Columns of numbers are often presented with decimal points aligned:
+aligned.columns @Index { aligned columns in tables }
+@CD @OneRow @Tbl
+ marginvertical { 0.5vx }
+ aformat { @Cell A }
+@Rowa A { 5^.46 } marginabove { 0i }
+@Rowa A { 3^.4159 }
+@Rowa A { 5772^ } marginbelow { 0i }
+You can produce this by placing a @Code "^" symbol, which is used
+generally throughout Lout for alignment, just before the alignment point in
+each entry:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ marginvertical { 0.5vx }
+ aformat { @Cell A }
+@Rowa A { 5^.46 }
+@Rowa A { 3^.4159 }
+@Rowa A { 5772^ }
+The equals signs of equations can be aligned in the same way (see the
+example at the start of this chapter). Aligned cells should have no
+@Code indent option.
+Owing to problems behind the scenes, getting a heading over the top
+of an aligned column is a problem with no ideal solution. What most
+people want is for the heading to be centred in the column, and the
+aligned entries to be centred in the column as a block, but Lout cannot
+do this. One approximation is to make the heading cell a spanning
+cell with centring, like this:
+@FootNote { Lout does not currently accept single-column tables
+with {@Code "@StartHSpan"}, so we've had to add
+an empty second column. }
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ marginvertical { 0.5vx }
+ aformat { @StartHSpan @Cell indent { ctr } @B A | }
+ bformat { @Cell A | }
+@Rowa A { Heading }
+@Rowb A { 5^.46 }
+@Rowb A { 3^.4159 }
+@Rowb A { 5772^ }
+The spanning frees the heading from alignment, permitting
+@Code "indent { ctr }" to work:
+@CD @OneRow @Tbl
+ marginvertical { 0.5vx }
+ aformat { @StartHSpan @Cell indent { ctr } @B A | }
+ bformat { @Cell A | }
+@Rowa A { Heading } marginabove { 0i }
+@Rowb A { 5^.46 }
+@Rowb A { 3^.4159 }
+@Rowb A { 5772^ } marginbelow { 0i }
+But if the heading cell is wider than the aligned cells, you get this:
+@CD @OneRow @Tbl
+ marginvertical { 0.5vx }
+ aformat { @StartHSpan @Cell indent { ctr } @B A | }
+ bformat { @Cell A | }
+@Rowa A { A Wider Heading } marginabove { 0i }
+@Rowb A { 5^.46 }
+@Rowb A { 3^.4159 }
+@Rowb A { 5772^ } marginbelow { 0i }
+In other words, this will centre a heading with respect
+to aligned entries, but it will not centre aligned entries with
+respect to a heading. In these cases you could forget about
+@Code "@StartHSpan" and treat the heading as an aligned entry,
+either by placing a @Code "^" within it or by using
+@ID @Code "@Cell 0.5w @HShift A"
+which places the alignment point in the centre of the entry.
+#@CD @OneRow @Tbl
+# marginvertical { 0.5vx }
+# aformat { @Cell 0.5w @HShift @B A }
+# bformat { @Cell A }
+#@Rowa A { A Wider Heading } marginabove { 0i }
+#@Rowb A { 5^.46 }
+#@Rowb A { 3^.4159 }
+#@Rowb A { 5772^ } marginbelow { 0i }
+You can move the alignment point about by changing the 0.5. Of course,
+all this is a poor substitute for the real thing.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_cell b/doc/user/tbl_cell
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..159372e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_cell
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ @Title { Changing the appearance of cells }
+ @Tag { tbl_cell }
+The @Code "@Cell" symbol offers a few options for changing the appearance
+cell.option @Index { cell options in tables }
+of entries placed in it. Like all options, these
+appear immediately after the @Code "@Cell" symbol, with their values in braces:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ aformat { @Cell paint { lightgrey } font { Italic } break { clines } A }
+@Rowa A {
+Do not throw stones at this notice
+The result here is
+ aformat { @Cell paint { lightgrey } font { Italic } break { clines } A | @Cell B }
+@Rowa A {
+Do not throw stones at this notice
+with a light grey background, Italic font, and
+@Code "clines" paragraph breaking style. The paint colour
+may be any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour}. Another option,
+{@Code background}, allows an arbitrary object to be placed in the
+background of the cell, in front of any paint but behind the entry.
+Later sections introduce other @Code "@Cell" options, for
+fixed-width columns, indented entries, margins, and rules. It is also
+possible to combine other symbols from Lout with cell formatting, by
+placing them between the @Code "@Cell" symbol and its following letter,
+rotated.entries @Index { rotated entries in tables }
+like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ aformat { @Cell 90d @Rotate @S A | @Cell @B grey @Colour B }
+ A { Col A }
+ B { Col B }
+Think of the @Code "A" as standing for the value of the @Code "A"
+option of the @Code "@Rowa" symbol (which it does), and you'll see
+that this is just Lout's usual rule of symbols applying to the
+object that follows them. The result here is
+@CD @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell 90d @Rotate @S A | @Cell @B grey @Colour B }
+ A { Col A }
+ B { Col B }
+In simple cases @Code "@B" is easier than {@Code "font { Bold }"};
+the latter is useful as a default value, as we will see in a moment.
+Note the difference between a coloured background, obtained with
+{@Code "paint"}, and a coloured entry, obtained using the @Code "@Colour"
+@Code "@Tbl" offers many places where you can set cell options. The meaning
+of the option is the same wherever you set it;
+what changes is the extent of its application. Taking the @Code "paint"
+option as a representative example, the most specific place to set it
+is at a @Code "@Cell" symbol as above; then it affects only that cell
+in rows formatted using that format. Alternatively,
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ apaint { lightgrey }
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B }
+will paint every cell in the {@Code "aformat"}. And
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ A { ... }
+will paint every cell in a particular row. To paint the entire table, use
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ paint { lightgrey }
+And finally, there is a @Code "paint" option in the
+setup file (Section {@NumberOf tbl_setu}), which if set will paint every
+table in the document. When a more general setting of an option is
+contradicted by a more specific setting (e.g. when @Code "@Tbl" has
+@Code "paint { lightgrey }" but some cell or row has
+{@Code "paint { nopaint }"}), the more specific setting applies. For a
+precise description, see Section {@NumberOf tbl_summ}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_inde b/doc/user/tbl_inde
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a3471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_inde
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ @Title { Indenting and struts }
+ @Tag { tbl_inde }
+By default, entries appear at the left within cells, not counting the
+cell margin. The @Code indent option causes entries to be indented
+horizontally. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code "@Cell indent { ctr }"
+horizontally centres the entry within the cell. The other possible values
+centred.entries @Index { centred entries in tables }
+right.justified.entries @Index { right justified entries in tables }
+of this option are {@Code "left"}, {@Code "right"}, or any length (for
+example, {@Code 2f}) meaning that much indent.
+There is a corresponding @Code "indentvertical" option for vertical indenting
+within the cell. It takes the same values except that @Code "left" is
+renamed {@Code "top"}, and @Code "right" is renamed {@Code foot}.
+A common problem with vertical placement is that words that lack
+ascenders (parts of letters that rise up) or descenders (parts that
+sink down) can easily become misaligned with words that
+don't. Looking at
+@CD @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ marginvertical { 0i }
+ A { resume }
+ B { poppy }
+ C { title }
+which is the result of
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { resume }
+ B { poppy }
+ C { title }
+we see that the words are aligned correctly despite the absence of
+ascenders from the first two words, and of descenders from the first
+and last; and this despite the fact that these words are vertically
+placed at the top of the cell. This is because by default
+@Code "@Tbl" adds a @I { vertical strut } to each entry: an invisible
+object of zero width and height {@Code "1f"}, which covers for any absent
+ascenders and descenders. The option
+@ID @OneRow @Code "@Cell strut { no }"
+can be used to remove the strut; other acceptable values for this
+option are {@Code yes} (the default value), and any length, which will
+add a strut of that length.
+For completeness there is a corresponding @Code "struthorizontal" option; it
+takes the same values, its default value is {@Code no}, and it unlikely
+ever to be used.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_intr b/doc/user/tbl_intr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a46da18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_intr
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ @Title { Getting started }
+ @Tag { tbl_intr }
+The Lout definitions for table formatting
+@FootNote {
+The @Code "tbl" package described here replaces the @Code "tab"
+package of Version 3.12 and earlier. For backward compatibility
+the @Code "tab" package is still available and still works as
+described in older versions of this documentation. Users of
+@Code "tab" will find simple uses of @Code "tbl" to be very similar,
+replacing @Code "@Tab" by {@Code "@Tbl"}, @Code "@Fmta" by
+{@Code "aformat"}, @Code "@Col" by {@Code "@Cell"}, and
+@Code "!" by {@Code "|"}.
+are kept in a file called {@Code "tbl"}, which you must include at
+the start of your document if
+tbl.file @Index { @Code "tbl" file }
+you want tables, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { tbl }"
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+Specialized setup files, like {@Code "tbl"}, are included before the main
+setup file (@Code "doc" in this case). Alternatively, if you are using
+your own setup file, you may place the include commands within it, near the
+To begin with a very simple example, the table
+tbl. @Index @Code "@Tbl"
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { Austen }
+ B { Chaucer }
+ C { Donne }
+ A { Balzac }
+ B { Darwin }
+ C { Goethe }
+ A { Byron }
+ B { Dickens }
+ C { Homer }
+is produced by the following input:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }"
+" A { Austen }"
+" B { Chaucer }"
+" C { Donne }"
+" A { Balzac }"
+" B { Darwin }"
+" C { Goethe }"
+" A { Byron }"
+" B { Dickens }"
+" C { Homer }"
+Immediately after the @Code "@Tbl" symbol, which introduces the table,
+comes a @I { format option }, {@Code "aformat"}, describing the format of
+each row. It says that each row contains three cells: {@Code "@Cell A"},
+{@Code "@Cell B"}, and {@Code "@Cell C"}. The format option may have up
+to 26 cells, with names chosen freely from the upper-case letters from
+@Code A to {@Code Z}. The symbol @Code "|" separates each cell from the next.
+After the format option comes the body of the table, enclosed in
+braces. It consists entirely of a sequence of rows, each introduced by
+a @Code "@Rowa" symbol and containing one entry for each cell of the
+format option, as shown (the row may occupy any number of lines of the
+input file). The entries may be arbitrary Lout objects, such as words,
+paragraphs, equations, figures, and so on without restriction. An entry
+may be omitted altogether if it is empty. Lout will choose suitable widths
+for the cells, and break paragraphs in the entries to the right widths.
+The result of the @Code "@Tbl" symbol is an object. As usual with
+Lout, this object may appear at any point in the document,
+@FootNote {
+In rare cases, when the table occupies an entire paragraph but is not
+displayed, a bug in the current version of Basser Lout causes the second
+column to appear much too far to the right. Until the problem is fixed,
+the first thing to try if this occurs is to replace the very first
+row symbol ({@Code "@Rowa"}, {@Code "@Rowb"}, etc.) by {@Code "@FirstRowa"},
+{@Code "@FirstRowb"}, etc.
+# That should work, but if it doesn't, replacing
+# @Code "@Tbl" by @Code "@OneCol @Tbl" certainly will, although it also
+# prevents the table from breaking across page boundaries.
+even within a paragraph or another table. Most commonly, though, tables
+are displayed using the @Code "@IndentedDisplay" and @Code "@CentredDisplay"
+symbols (Section {@NumberOf displays}):
+@ID @Code "@CentredDisplay @Tbl ..."
+or else they go into the @Code "@Table" symbol (Section {@NumberOf figures}):
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Caption { ... }"
+"@Tbl ..."
+which centres them at the top of the following page and adds a
+caption. Note the difference between {@Code "@Tbl"}, which builds a
+table, and {@Code "@Table"}, which places an arbitrary object in an
+appropriate place. It's important to remember that the result
+is an object like any other, because from time to time one wants such
+things as rotated tables whose entire contents are to be italicised:
+@ID @Code "90d @Rotate @I @Tbl ..."
+and it helps to remember that the full power of Lout can be
+brought to bear on the @I entire table.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_marg b/doc/user/tbl_marg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89e63cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_marg
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ @Title { Margins }
+ @Tag { tbl_marg }
+The @Code "@Cell" symbol offers a @Code margin option for changing the
+margins @RawIndex { margins }
+margins.in.tables @SubIndex { margins in tables }
+amount of margin left between the entry and the boundary of the cell:
+@ID @Code "@Cell margin { 0.3f }"
+The default values are different for horizontal and vertical margins,
+which brings us to the @Code marginhorizontal and @Code marginvertical
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ marginhorizontal { 0.6f }
+ marginvertical { 0.3f }
+These are the default values, 0.6 and 0.3 times the current font size
+respectively. Another useful value is {@Code "marginvertical { 0.5vx }"},
+which asks for a vertical margin of half the current line separation, but
+measured from baseline to baseline (this is what the @Code "x" means).
+This produces a separation equal to the separation of the surrounding lines:
+@CD @Tbl
+ marginvertical { 0.5vx }
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { Austen }
+ B { Chaucer }
+ C { Donne }
+ A { Balzac }
+ B { Darwin }
+ C { Goethe }
+ A { Byron }
+ B { Dickens }
+ C { Homer }
+This margin does not work so well when the cells contain paragraphs,
+diagrams or other things that could not be described as single lines.
+There are {@Code "marginabove"}, {@Code "marginbelow"}, {@Code "marginleft"},
+and {@Code "marginright"} options for setting margins individually. For
+example, sometimes you don't want the extreme left and right margins in
+a table, and they can be got rid of like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ aformat { @Cell ml { 0i } A | @Cell B | @Cell mr { 0i } C }
+ A { Column A }
+ B { Column B }
+ C { Column C }
+We've used abbreviated versions of the options' names: @Code "ml" for
+{@Code marginleft}, and @Code "mr" for {@Code marginright}. Every option
+has such an abbreviated name, made from the first letters of the parts of
+its full name (Section {@NumberOf tbl_summ} lists all these names). The
+result is
+@CD @Tbl
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ aformat { @Cell ml { 0i } A | @Cell B | @Cell mr { 0i } C }
+ A { Column A }
+ B { Column B }
+ C { Column C }
+with the painting showing the reduced margins.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_mark b/doc/user/tbl_mark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8761979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_mark
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ @Title { Vertical alignment of tables }
+ @Tag { tbl_mark }
+Occasionally the vertical alignment of a table with objects to its left
+vertical.alignment @Index { vertical alignment of tables }
+and right becomes an issue. Examples are hard to find, but let's say
+that we need to construct a symbol
+@ID @AmberLight
+and include it in running text. The obvious first attempt at a table
+with three rows produces
+#@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+# aformat { @Cell A }
+# margin { 0i }
+# strut { no }
+#@Rowa A { @OpenCircle }
+#@Rowa A { @ClosedCircle }
+#@Rowa A { @OpenCircle }
+#where @Code "@OpenCircle" and @Code "@ClosedCircle" produce open and
+#closed circles (they may be defined using the @Code "@Diag" package);
+#but this produces
+ aformat { @Cell A }
+ margin { 0i }
+ strut { no }
+@Rowa A { @OpenCircle }
+@Rowa A { @ClosedCircle }
+@Rowa A { @OpenCircle }
+in running text, because vertical alignment is by default through the
+top boundary of the table. To make the alignment pass through one of
+the rows, replace its @Code "@Row" symbol by a corresponding
+@Code "@MarkRow" symbol. Here is the revised table, enclosed in a
+definition for ease of use:
+amberlight @Index { @Code "@AmberLight" symbol }
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+import @TblSetup
+def @AmberLight
+ @OneRow @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell A }
+ margin { 0i }
+ strut { no }
+ paint { no } rule { no }
+ {
+ @Rowa A { @OpenCircle }
+ @MarkRowa A { @ClosedCircle }
+ @Rowa A { @OpenCircle }
+ }
+Now when we write
+@ID @Code "produces @AmberLight in running text"
+we find that this definition produces @AmberLight in running text, as
+desired. We have enclosed the table in @Code "@OneRow" to ensure that
+its rows will never become separated, and added some options just in
+case the definition is ever used with a setup file (Section
+{@NumberOf tbl_setu}) that has default painting or rules.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_mult b/doc/user/tbl_mult
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84ce363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_mult
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ @Title { Multi-page tables }
+ @Tag { tbl_mult }
+The tables produced by @Code "@Tbl" permit page breaks (including breaking
+multi.page.tables @Index { multi-page tables }
+to a new column) between every two rows, except rows that have a
+vertically spanning cell in common. Page breaks cannot occur
+within rows. The choice of page breaks can either be left to Lout,
+or it can be forced by placing the new page symbol @Code "@NP" between two
+np.tables @Index { @Code "@NP" (new page) in tables }
+Some care is needed over where to put multi-page tables. They can't go
+within any of the display symbols, because display symbols are not clever
+enough to break tables between rows, even though they are sometimes able
+to break simpler displays. (A display symbol will scale a very high table
+to fit on one page, and it will go wrong on a table containing
+{@Code "@NP"}.) Multi-page tables can go inside @Code "@Figure" or
+@Code "@Table" symbols, because these symbols have been set up to accept
+multi-page objects. Or they can go into the body text of the document
+at full width with a paragraph symbol before and after, like this:
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+@Tbl ...
+An example of this kind of multi-page table appears in
+Section {@NumberOf tbl_summ}. You can simulate an indent by means of an
+empty cell at the left of each row format, although in the author's opinion
+a multi-page table looks better at full width anyway. Lout will expand the
+rightmost column to the full page width; one way to prevent this is to add
+a @Code "|" after the last cell within each {@Code format} option, creating
+an empty extra column.
+The simplest way to get rules right in multi-page tables is to set
+@Code "rulehorizontal" to {@Code yes}. This places a rule above every
+row including the first on each page, and a rule below every row including
+the last on each page.
+To prevent page breaks within a table, precede the @Code "@Tbl"
+symbol by {@Code "@OneRow"}:
+@ID @Code "@CD @OneRow @Tbl ..."
+@Code "@OneRow" is a general Lout symbol which binds the following
+object into a single, unbreakable row. Make sure your table is
+small enough to fit on one page when you do this, otherwise an error
+message will be printed and it will be scaled to fit. Of course, we
+have just said that display symbols like @Code "@CD" do this anyway,
+but that might change some day.
+To prevent a page break between two particular rows, but not in
+general, replace the @Code "@Row" symbol of the second row with
+the corresponding @Code "@NoBreakRow" symbol (@Code "@NoBreakRowa"
+instead of {@Code "@Rowa"}, @Code "@NoBreakRowb" instead of
+{@Code "@Rowb"}, and so on).
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_plai b/doc/user/tbl_plai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0813717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_plai
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ @Title { Plain text tables }
+ @Tag { tbl_plai }
+Tables work well with plain text output (Section {@NumberOf plain}):
+plain.text.tables @Index { plain text tables }
+@CD @OneRow -1px @Break @F @Verbatim {
+. . .
+. Johnson . Johnson suddenly uttered an .
+. suddenly . apophegm, at which many will .
+. uttered an . start: `Patriotism is the .
+. apophegm, at . last refuge of a scoundrel.' .
+. which many . .
+. will start: . .
+. `Patriotism .................................
+. is the last . . .
+. refuge of a . Johnson . Johnson .
+. scoundrel.' . suddenly . suddenly .
+. . uttered an . uttered an .
+. . apophegm, at . apophegm, at .
+. . which many . which many .
+. . will start: . will start: .
+. . `Patriotism . `Patriotism .
+. . is the last . is the last .
+. . refuge of a . refuge of a .
+. . scoundrel.' . scoundrel.' .
+. . . .
+. . . .
+................................... .
+. . .
+. Johnson suddenly uttered an . .
+. apophegm, at which many will . .
+. start: `Patriotism is the . .
+. last refuge of a scoundrel.' . .
+. . .
+. . .
+This table was produced by a separate run of Lout and pasted into this
+@Code "@Tbl" changes the default values of several options when used
+in a plain text document:
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+ marginvertical { 2f }
+ marginhorizontal { 2s }
+ rulehorizontalwidth { 1f }
+ ruleverticalwidth { 1s }
+ rulehorizontalgap { 0f }
+ ruleverticalgap { 0s }
+When using plain text it is advisable to make vertical distances whole
+multiples of {@Code "1f"}, and horizontal distances whole multiples of
+{@Code "1s"}, since this avoids fractional spacing which cannot be successful
+in plain text files and produces quite messy results. There is also a
+@Code ruleplainchar option for changing the character used to
+draw rules. For example,
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+ ruleplainchar { - }
+would be a good choice if you plan to draw only horizontal rules. This
+option can be set anywhere as usual.
+If you do use rules it is worth pondering the implications of the last
+part of Section {@NumberOf tbl_rule}. Right and below rules are drawn
+outside the boundary of the cell, which is unimportant
+in ordinary output, but means that they will appear one space to the
+right and one line below the cell in plain text output. This explains
+the slight asymmetry in the example above; you can correct it with
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+ marginright { 1s }
+ marginbelow { 1f }
+but you still have to worry about rules at the extreme right of the
+page going off the edge, and rules below the last line bumping into
+whatever follows the table. The first can be fixed by not using
+full width tables with right rules; the second by inserting an extra
+@Code "@DP" after a table that ends with a below rule.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_rows b/doc/user/tbl_rows
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d26b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_rows
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ @Title { Changing the appearance of rows }
+ @Tag { tbl_rows }
+We've seen that the @Code aformat option of @Code "@Tbl" determines the
+format of the rows introduced by the @Code "@Rowa" symbol. There are
+eight of these row format options: {@Code aformat},
+row.formats @Index { row formats in tables }
+{@Code bformat}, and so on up to {@Code hformat}, and for each there
+is a corresponding {@Code "@Row"} symbol: {@Code "@Rowa"}, {@Code "@Rowb"},
+and so on up to {@Code "@Rowh"}:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ aformat { @Cell @I A | @Cell @I B }
+ bformat { @Cell A | @Cell B }
+ A { Name }
+ B { Nationality }
+ A { Austen }
+ B { English }
+ A { Balzac }
+ B { French }
+The result of this is
+@CD @OneRow @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell @I A | @Cell @I B }
+ bformat { @Cell A | @Cell B }
+ A { Name }
+ B { Nationality }
+ A { Austen }
+ B { English }
+ A { Balzac }
+ B { French }
+The first row, being a {@Code "@Rowa"}, is formatted using
+{@Code aformat}; the others, being {@Code "@Rowb"} symbols, are
+formatted using {@Code bformat}.
+In addition to the eight @Code format options of {@Code "@Tbl"}, it is
+possible to specify the format of a row at the row itself, using the
+@Code "@Row" symbol like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ format { @Cell @B A | @Cell paint { lightgrey } B }
+ A { ... }
+ B { ... }
+All formats must contain the same number of cells, otherwise the table
+will not be rectangular.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_rule b/doc/user/tbl_rule
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..383ffab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_rule
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ @Title { Rules }
+ @Tag { tbl_rule }
+There is a @Code "rule" option for drawing a rule around a cell:
+@ID @OneRow @Code "@Cell rule { yes }"
+The other possible values are {@Code no} (the default),
+{@Code single} (the same as {@Code yes}), and {@Code double}, which
+draws a double rule.
+There are @Code "rulehorizontal" and @Code "rulevertical" options which
+draw only horizontal or vertical rules, and also {@Code "ruleabove"},
+{@Code "rulebelow"}, {@Code "ruleleft"}, and {@Code "ruleright"} options:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B }
+ ruleabove { yes }
+ A { Commercial property }
+ B { 10% }
+ A { Stock market }
+ B { 15% }
+ rulebelow { yes }
+@CD @OneRow @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B }
+ ruleabove { yes }
+ A { Commercial property }
+ B { 10% }
+ A { Stock market }
+ B { 15% }
+ rulebelow { yes }
+These options take the same values as {@Code "rule"}, but draw
+along only one or two of the four edges.
+Other options control the appearance of rules. Here they are with their
+default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ rulewidth { 0.05f }
+ rulegap { 0.15f }
+ rulecolour { black }
+These say that rules are to be @Code "0.05f" wide (thick), double rules
+are to appear @Code "0.15f" apart, and the colour of rules is to be black.
+Once again, more specific versions of these symbols exist for controlling
+above, below, left, and right rules:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell ml { 0i } A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ marginvertical { 0.5vx }
+ A { rulehorizontalwidth }
+ B { rulehorizontalgap }
+ C { rulehorizontalcolour }
+ A { ruleabovewidth }
+ B { ruleabovegap }
+ C { ruleabovecolour }
+ A { rulebelowwidth }
+ B { rulebelowgap }
+ C { rulebelowcolour }
+ A { ruleverticalwidth }
+ B { ruleverticalgap }
+ C { ruleverticalcolour }
+ A { ruleleftwidth }
+ B { ruleleftgap }
+ C { ruleleftcolour }
+ A { rulerightwidth }
+ B { rulerightgap }
+ C { rulerightcolour }
+As usual, all these options have abbreviated names; and @Code { colour }
+may be spelt @Code { color } wherever it appears. Section
+{@NumberOf tbl_summ} has a complete summary of all spellings of all
+To clarify exactly where the rules are drawn, let's start with
+a cell with no rules at all:
+@CD @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell width { 3c } height { 1.5c } paint { lightgrey } A }
+Above rules and left rules are drawn within the cell boundary, just
+touching it, with any above rule overstriking any left rule:
+@CD { @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell width { 3c } height { 1.5c } paint { lightgrey } A }
+@Background @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell width { 3c } height { 1.5c } A }
+ ruleleft { yes }
+ ruleabove { yes }
+ rulehorizontalwidth { 0.8v }
+ ruleverticalwidth { 0.5v }
+ ruleverticalcolour { grey }
+ rulehorizontalcolour { black }
+Below and right rules are drawn just outside the boundary of the
+cell, also touching it:
+@CD @Tbl aformat { @Cell A | @Cell | @Cell B }
+ A {
+ @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell width { 3c } height { 1.5c } paint { lightgrey } A }
+ {
+ @Rowa
+ }
+ @Background
+ @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell width { 3c } height { 1.5c } A }
+ rulebelow { yes }
+ rulehorizontalwidth { 0.8v }
+ ruleverticalwidth { 0.5v }
+ ruleverticalcolour { grey }
+ rulehorizontalcolour { black }
+ {
+ @Rowa
+ }
+ }
+ B {
+ @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell width { 3c } height { 1.5c } paint { lightgrey } A }
+ {
+ @Rowa
+ }
+ @Background
+ @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell width { 3c } height { 1.5c } A }
+ ruleright { yes }
+ rulehorizontalwidth { 0.8v }
+ ruleverticalwidth { 0.5v }
+ ruleverticalcolour { grey }
+ rulehorizontalcolour { black }
+ {
+ @Rowa
+ }
+ }
+When a right rule is present, any above and below rules are extended
+by the width of the right rule, and they overstrike it:
+@CD {
+ aformat { @Cell width { 3c } height { 1.5c } paint { lightgrey } A }
+ aformat { @Cell width { 3c } height { 1.5c } A }
+ ruleabove { yes }
+ ruleright { yes }
+ rulebelow { yes }
+ rulehorizontalwidth { 0.8v }
+ ruleverticalwidth { 0.5v }
+ ruleverticalcolour { grey }
+ rulehorizontalcolour { black }
+(These diagrams were produced by @Code "@Tbl" itself, using horizontal
+rules of width @Code 0.8v drawn in black, and vertical rules of width
+@Code 0.5v drawn in grey.) These arrangements ensure that even thick
+rules produce clean corners, and also that a right rule and a neighbouring
+left rule exactly overstrike each other, as do a below rule and its
+neighbouring above rule.
+For information about rules in plain text tables, consult Section
+{@NumberOf tbl_plai}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_setu b/doc/user/tbl_setu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74bdb9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_setu
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ @Title { Changing the overall format }
+ @Tag { tbl_setu }
+All of the options apart from the @Code format options can be changed
+setup.files.tables @Index { setup files for tables }
+in the @Code { tbl } setup file, in which case the new values become
+the default values for every table in the document. This section
+explains how to do it. Changing options in the setup file can save a
+lot of time, but its more important purposes are to promote consistency
+and to allow document-wide formatting changes to be carried out easily.
+The first step is to obtain your own copy of the setup file, @Code { tbl },
+from the Lout system include directory. You can find out where that
+is by typing
+@ID @Code { lout -V }
+This prints out various things about Lout. Supposing that it says
+that the Lout system include directory is @Code { "/usr/lout/include" }, for
+example, you can copy the setup file into your current directory,
+renaming it @Code { mytbl }, with the Unix command
+@ID @Code "cp /usr/lout/include/tbl mytbl"
+or its equivalent on your system. You will also need to make
+@Code { mytbl } writable.
+The next step is to replace the @Code "@SysInclude { tbl }" line at the
+start of your document with @Code { "@Include { mytbl }" }. This causes
+Lout to read your copy of the setup file, not the one in the system
+include directory. Since the two files are currently identical, this
+has changed nothing so far, but now you can change the options within
+@Code mytbl and the changes will affect your document.
+Your copy of the setup file has some lines beginning with @Code "#"
+that are ignored by Lout, and then it has @Code { "@SysInclude { tblf }" }.
+This line tells Lout to read file @Code tblf which contains the definition
+of the @Code tbl package, so it should not be changed. After it comes
+the @Code "@TblSetup" @Code "@Use" clause, which looks like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+@Use { @TblSetup
+ # paint { nopaint }
+ # font { }
+ # break { }
+Only a few of the options are shown here. To change a setup file
+option, delete the @Code "#" in front of it and change the value. For
+example, suppose you want all table entries two points smaller than the
+surrounding text:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+@Use { @TblSetup
+ # paint { nopaint }
+ font { -2p }
+ # break { }
+This relative specification of font size is available anywhere, not
+just in setup files (Section {@NumberOf fonts}).
+Some setup file options contain values which use the @Code "@OrIfPlain"
+@ID @Code "marginvertical { 0.3f @OrIfPlain 1f }"
+This means that the value of @Code marginvertical is to be @Code "0.3f"
+usually, but @Code 1f in plain text documents. Feel free to leave these
+symbols there when you change a value, or delete them if you prefer.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_span b/doc/user/tbl_span
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5621961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_span
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ @Title { Spanning columns and rows }
+ @Tag { tbl_span }
+To make a cell span across several columns, precede the @Code "@Cell"
+spanning.columns @Index { spanning columns and rows in tables }
+symbol with @Code "@StartHSpan" and replace each spanned cell's
+@Code "@Cell" symbol with {@Code "@HSpan"}, like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ rule { yes }
+ aformat { @StartHSpan @Cell indent { ctr } @B A | @HSpan | @HSpan }
+ bformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { Some famous authors }
+ A { Austen }
+ B { Chaucer }
+ C { Donne }
+ A { Balzac }
+ B { Darwin }
+ C { Goethe }
+The result of this is
+@CD @OneRow @Tbl
+ rule { yes }
+ aformat { @StartHSpan @Cell indent { ctr } @B A | @HSpan | @HSpan }
+ bformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { Some famous authors }
+ A { Austen }
+ B { Chaucer }
+ C { Donne }
+ A { Balzac }
+ B { Darwin }
+ C { Goethe }
+We've used a sample of options to show how naturally these go with
+spanning cells: they apply to the whole cell as usual, whatever
+its extent. It is quite acceptable to span just some of the columns,
+not all of them; indeed, there may be no @Code "@HSpan" symbols at
+all, and then the cell just spans its own column, which sounds redundant
+but actually has a use (Section {@NumberOf tbl_alig}).
+Spanning rows work in the same way; the spanning cell is preceded by
+{@Code "@StartVSpan"}, and the spanned cells are replaced by
+{@Code "@VSpan"}:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ rule { yes }
+ aformat { @StartVSpan @Cell @I A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ bformat { @VSpan | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { Mathematics }
+ B { MATH 1001 }
+ C { Differential Calculus }
+ B { MATH 1002 }
+ C { Linear Algebra }
+ A { Computer Science }
+ B { COMP 1001 }
+ C { Introductory Programming }
+ B { COMP 1002 }
+ C { Introductory Computer Science }
+The result of this is
+@CD @OneRow @Tbl
+ rule { yes }
+ aformat { @StartVSpan @Cell @I A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ bformat { @VSpan | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { Mathematics }
+ B { MATH 1001 }
+ C { Differential Calculus }
+ B { MATH 1002 }
+ C { Linear Algebra }
+ A { Computer Science }
+ B { COMP 1001 }
+ C { Introductory Programming }
+ B { COMP 1002 }
+ C { Introductory Computer Science }
+Here is a notorious larger example, the `spiral':
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+@QuotedDisplay @Tbl
+ rule { yes }
+ format { @StartVSpan @Cell A | @StartHSpan @Cell B | @HSpan }
+ A { @SomeText }
+ B { @SomeText }
+ format { @VSpan | @Cell B | @StartVSpan @Cell C }
+ B { @SomeText }
+ C { @SomeText }
+ format { @StartHSpan @Cell A | @HSpan | @VSpan }
+ A { @SomeText }
+The @Code "@SomeText" symbol produces a short paragraph of text. The
+result is
+@QD @Tbl
+ rule { yes }
+@Row format { @StartVSpan @Cell A | @StartHSpan @Cell B | @HSpan }
+ A { @SomeText }
+ B { @SomeText }
+@Row format { @VSpan | @Cell B | @StartVSpan @Cell C }
+ B { @SomeText }
+ C { @SomeText }
+@Row format { @StartHSpan @Cell A | @HSpan | @VSpan }
+ A { @SomeText }
+It is important when constructing mind-boggling tables like this one
+to ensure that every format has exactly the same number of @Code "|"
+symbols. Otherwise the number of columns will differ from row to row.
+The names given to the entries ({@Code "A"}, {@Code "B"}, {@Code "C"},
+etc.) are quite irrelevant: having a @Code "@Cell D" in one row and a
+@Code "@Cell D" in another does not mean that the cells will appear in
+the same column.
+There is an asymmetry in the spiral above: the first column
+occupies slightly more space than the other two. This arises
+because the left margin of the leftmost column is excluded from the
+calculation of how much space is available. This anomaly might be
+corrected some day.
+There is a @Code "@StartHVSpan" symbol which combines the effects
+of @Code "@StartHSpan" and {@Code "@StartVSpan"}. You need to
+use it in this arrangement:
+@ID @OneRow @Tbl
+ mv { 0.5vx }
+ aformat { @Cell @Code A | @Cell @Code B | @Cell @Code C }
+ A { "@StartHVSpan" }
+ B { "@HSpan" }
+ C { "@HSpan" }
+ A { "@VSpan" }
+ A { "@VSpan" }
+The blank positions should be left empty. For example:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+ rule { yes }
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D }
+ bformat { @Cell A | @StartHVSpan @Cell i { ctr } iv { ctr } B | @HSpan | @Cell D }
+ cformat { @Cell A | @VSpan | | @Cell D }
+ B { CPU }
+@CD @OneRow @Tbl
+ rule { yes }
+ strut { no }
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell D }
+ bformat { @Cell A | @StartHVSpan @Cell i { ctr } iv { ctr } B | @HSpan | @Cell D }
+ cformat { @Cell A | @VSpan | | @Cell D }
+ B { CPU }
+This example illustrates how Lout apportions space in the presence of
+spanning columns. If the spanning cell is naturally narrower than the
+cells it spans, it is widened to their size. If it is wider (as in
+the example above), then the last spanned cell is widened to take
+up the slack. This is why the third cell is wider than the second in the
+first row of this example.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_summ b/doc/user/tbl_summ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fed734
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_summ
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ @Title { Summary of options }
+ @Tag { tbl_summ }
+This summary applies to all @Code "@Tbl" options except the @Code format
+options described in Section {@NumberOf tbl_rows}. Here is the complete
+list of these options, one option per line, showing its alternative
+spellings, default values (PostScript and PDF, and plain text) from the setup
+file, and allowed range of values. Where one option is indented below
+another, it means that the indented option is a specialized version of
+the other, which affects its default value. For more on this see below.
+ marginvertical { 0.5vx }
+ aformat { @Cell ml { 0i } @Code A |
+ @Cell @Code B | @Cell @Code C | @Cell mr { 0i } D }
+ bformat { @Cell ml { 0i } indent { 1f } @Code A |
+ @Cell @Code B | @Cell @Code C | @Cell mr { 0i } D }
+ cformat { @Cell ml { 0i } indent { 2f } @Code A |
+ @Cell @Code B | @Cell @Code C | @Cell mr { 0i } D }
+ dfont { Italic }
+ dbreak { lines }
+ dformat { @Cell ml { 0i } A | @Cell B | @Cell C | @Cell mr { 0i } D }
+ fformat { @StartHSpan @Cell ml { 0i } @Code A |
+ @HSpan | @HSpan | @Cell mr { 0i } D }
+ gformat { @StartHSpan @Cell ml { 0i } indent { 1f } @Code A |
+ @HSpan | @HSpan | @Cell mr { 0i } D }
+ hformat { @StartHSpan @Cell ml { 0i } indent { 2f } @Code A |
+ @HSpan | @HSpan | @Cell mr { 0i } D }
+ A { Option names }
+ B { Default in
+PS, PDF }
+ C { Default in
+plain text }
+ D { Allowed values }
+ rulebelow { yes }
+ A { paint p }
+ B { nopaint }
+ D { any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { background bg }
+ D { any object }
+ A { font f }
+ D { any font e.g. @Code "Helvetica Slope -2p" }
+ A { break b }
+ D { any break e.g. @Code "ragged nohyphen" }
+ A { width w }
+ D { @Code "expand" or any length e.g. @Code 5c }
+ A { height h }
+ D { any length e.g. @Code 3c }
+ A { indent i }
+ D { {@Code left}, {@Code ctr}, {@Code mctr}, {@Code right}, or any length }
+ A { indentvertical iv }
+ D { {@Code top}, {@Code ctr}, {@Code mctr}, {@Code foot}, or any length }
+ A { strut s }
+ B { yes }
+ C { yes }
+ D { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, or any length }
+ A { struthorizontal sh }
+ B { no }
+ C { no }
+ D { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, or any length }
+ A { margin m }
+ B { }
+ C { }
+ D { any length }
+ A { marginhorizontal mh }
+ B { 0.6f }
+ C { 2s }
+ D { any length }
+ A { marginleft ml }
+ D { any length }
+ A { marginright mr }
+ D { any length }
+ A { marginvertical mv }
+ B { 0.3f }
+ C { 2f }
+ D { any length }
+ A { marginabove ma }
+ D { any length }
+ A { marginbelow mb }
+ D { any length }
+ A { rule r }
+ B { no }
+ C { no }
+ D { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, {@Code single}, or {@Code double} }
+ A { rulehorizontal rh }
+ D { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, {@Code single}, or {@Code double} }
+ A { ruleabove ra }
+ D { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, {@Code single}, or {@Code double} }
+ A { rulebelow rb }
+ D { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, {@Code single}, or {@Code double} }
+ A { rulevertical rv }
+ D { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, {@Code single}, or {@Code double} }
+ A { ruleleft rl }
+ D { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, {@Code single}, or {@Code double} }
+ A { ruleright rr }
+ D { {@Code no}, {@Code yes}, {@Code single}, or {@Code double} }
+ A { rulewidth rw }
+ B { 0.05f }
+ D { any length }
+ A { rulehorizontalwidth rhw }
+ C { 1f }
+ D { any length }
+ A { ruleabovewidth raw }
+ D { any length }
+ A { rulebelowwidth rbw }
+ D { any length }
+ A { ruleverticalwidth rvw }
+ C { 1s }
+ D { any length }
+ A { ruleleftwidth rlw }
+ D { any length }
+ A { rulerightwidth rrw }
+ D { any length }
+ A { rulegap rg }
+ B { 0.15f }
+ D { any length }
+ A { rulehorizontalgap rhg }
+ C { 0f }
+ D { any length }
+ A { ruleabovegap rag }
+ D { any length }
+ A { rulebelowgap rbg }
+ D { any length }
+ A { ruleverticalgap rvg }
+ C { 0s }
+ D { any length }
+ A { ruleleftgap rlg }
+ D { any length }
+ A { rulerightgap rrg }
+ D { any length }
+ A { rulecolour rulecolor rc }
+ B { black }
+ D { any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc }
+ D { any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac }
+ D { any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc }
+ D { any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc }
+ D { any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc }
+ D { any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc }
+ D { any colour from Section {@NumberOf colour} }
+ A { ruleplainchar rpc }
+ C { . }
+ D { any simple word e.g. @Code + }
+ rulebelow { yes }
+There are seven places where these options may be given, counting the
+setup file (Section {@NumberOf tbl_setu}). To make it clear that this
+summary applies to any of these options, we illustrate the seven places
+with a fictitious option called {@Code option}:
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+@Use { @TblSetup
+ option { 1 }
+ option { 2 }
+ aoption { 3 }
+ aformat { @Cell option { 4 } A }
+ @Rowa
+ option { 5 }
+ @Row
+ option { 6 }
+ format { @Cell option { 7 } A }
+Each occurrence of @Code option is of course optional. If there are
+none, the default value given in the table above applies. For any other
+combination of absent and present options, the value that applies is the
+present and relevant one with the largest number in the illustration
+just above. But before applying this rule, any general options must be
+thought of as being replaced by their more specialized versions:
+@ID @Code "rulehorizontal { yes }"
+is equivalent to
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+ruleabove { yes }
+rulebelow { yes }
+for example. Conflicts are resolved in the logical way:
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+margin { 0.5f }
+marginleft { 0.0f }
+is equivalent to the four specialized options
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+marginabove { 0.5f }
+marginbelow { 0.5f }
+marginleft { 0.0f }
+marginright { 0.5f }
+General options are really just abbreviations for sets of specialized
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_widt b/doc/user/tbl_widt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2e39ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_widt
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ @Title { Cell width and height }
+ @Tag { tbl_widt }
+Lout is quite good a choosing suitable widths for cells. It leaves
+narrow cells at their natural width, then uses paragraph breaking to
+reduce the wider cells to a common width which is as large as
+the available space allows:
+@QD @OneRow @Tbl
+ aformat { @Cell @I A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { Acacia }
+ B {
+Shrub or small tree with grey-green foliage and brilliant
+yellow blossom in late winter.
+ C {
+Distributed widely throughout Australia except in the most arid
+parts; many varieties.
+This usually looks good, but if you need something else, the @Code width
+option may be used to give a particular width to a cell:
+@ID @OneRow @Code "@Cell width { 3c }"
+Here we have asked for a cell width of three centimetres; this includes
+the cell margins. When using @Code width to fine-tune the appearance of
+a table wide enough to require paragraph breaking, it is best to use
+@Code width to make cells narrower, not wider.
+Regrettably, there is no way to request that several cells in a row be
+given a common width equal to the width of the widest. One simple way to
+approximate this is to give these cells the same @Code width value. The
+@Code width option also has a special value, {@Code "expand"}. All
+cells with @Code "width { expand }" are assigned a common width
+expand.cell.width @Index { @Code expand cell width in tables }
+equal to the maximum amount permitted by the available space. For example,
+@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
+@QuotedDisplay @Tbl
+ width { expand }
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { 23.56 }
+ B { 98.76 }
+ C { 65.00 }
+has result
+@QuotedDisplay @Tbl
+ width { expand }
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { 23.56 }
+ B { 98.76 }
+ C { 65.00 }
+We have used our usual trick of making the option apply to several cells
+by moving it to a more general level, in this case to {@Code "@Tbl"}.
+The available space can be reduced using the @Code "@Wide" symbol; if
+we replace @Code "@QuotedDisplay @Tbl" in the example above with
+@ID @OneRow @Code "@CentredDisplay 4i @Wide @Tbl"
+the result will be
+@CentredDisplay 4i @Wide @Tbl
+ width { expand }
+ paint { lightgrey }
+ aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B | @Cell C }
+ A { 23.56 }
+ B { 98.76 }
+ C { 65.00 }
+with the total table width reduced to four inches.
+There is an analogous @Code height option which makes a cell take on
+a particular fixed height, again including margins. Make sure there
+is enough height in the cell to hold its entry when you use this
+option. The @Code "expand" value is not available for height.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ b/doc/user/typ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ebe52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/typ
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ @Title { Types of Documents }
+ @Tag { types }
+Particular types of documents have specialized formatting requirements:
+title pages in books, abstracts in technical reports, and so on. Lout
+provides a range of @I { document types } with the appropriate
+specialized features for
+document.types @Index { document types }
+each type.
+There are five types: ordinary documents, technical reports,
+books, overhead transparencies, and stand-alone illustrations. The
+features of all other chapters are available within each document type,
+but the features of one type are not available within other types.
+@Include { typ_ordi }
+@Include { typ_repo }
+@Include { typ_book }
+@Include { typ_over }
+@Include { typ_illu }
+@Include { typ_plai }
+@Include { typ_apdf }
+@Include { typ_orga }
+@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_apdf b/doc/user/typ_apdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3203384
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/typ_apdf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ @Title { PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) documents }
+ @Tag { pdf }
+You can get Lout to produce PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) output as
+an alternative to PostScript, by adding @Code "-PDF" to the command line
+like this:
+pdf. @Index { PDF documents }
+@ID @Code "lout -PDF simple > simple.pdf"
+No other changes are required.
+The PDF output is superior to PostScript in providing links: when viewed
+with a PDF viewer, entries in tables of contents and indexes can be
+clicked on and this transports the viewer to the part of the document
+referenced by the link. (Recent versions of PostScript support this
+feature too, but Lout's PostScript doesn't.) However, the PDF output
+produced by Lout is inferior at graphics: the advanced features of the
+@Code "@Diag" and @Code "@Graph" packages do not produce any output. One
+can still format documents that contain them, but the results are disappointing.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_book b/doc/user/typ_book
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34abde2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/typ_book
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+ @Title { Books }
+ @Tag { books }
+To produce a book, start off with the @Code book setup file and the
+books. @Index { books }
+book. @Index @Code "@Book"
+@Code "@Book" symbol:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { book }"
+" @Title {}"
+" @Author {}"
+" @Edition {}"
+" @Publisher {}"
+" @BeforeTitlePage {}"
+" @OnTitlePage {}"
+" @AfterTitlePage {}"
+" @AtEnd {}"
+" @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }"
+" @InitialBreak { adjust 1.2fx hyphen }"
+" @InitialSpace { lout }"
+" @InitialLanguage { English }"
+" @PageOrientation { Portrait }"
+" @PageHeaders { Titles }"
+" @ColumnNumber { 1 }"
+" @FirstPageNumber { 1 }"
+" @IntroFirstPageNumber { 1 }"
+" @OptimizePages { No }"
+This shows all the options of @Code "@Book" with their default values. As
+usual, these options may be given in any order, and only those
+to be changed need be given at all. The meaning of the
+@Code "//" symbol after the last option is beyond our scope, but total
+disaster will ensue if it is forgotten.
+The {@Code "@Title"}, {@Code "@Author"}, and {@Code "@Edition"} options
+will appear on the title page, in the @Code "clines" paragraph breaking
+style which centres each line (Section {@NumberOf paras}). The
+@Code "@Publisher" option will appear at the foot of the title page.
+The {@Code "@BeforeTitlePage"} option will come out on the page (or
+pages) preceding the title page. This is where publishers
+advertise other books of a similar kind, perhaps from a series.
+If {@Code "@OnTitlePage"} is given it will replace the title page
+that usually appears, superseding the {@Code "@Title"}, {@Code "@Author"},
+{@Code "@Edition"}, and @Code "@Publisher" options in the process.
+The {@Code "@AfterTitlePage"} option will come out on the page
+(or pages) following the title page. This is where publishers
+traditionally put copyright notices, information about production,
+and cataloguing-in-publication data. If this option is empty or
+omitted, there will be no such pages.
+The {@Code "@AtEnd"} option will come out on a single unnumbered page
+with no page headers or footers, and using the same margins as for even
+pages, after the very last page of the book; even after the index if
+there is one. It is intended to make it possible to include a back
+cover, so @Code "@PageOf last.page" (Section {@NumberOf cross}) does
+not take account of any @Code "@AtEnd" page.
+The remaining options are a selection of setup file options (Section
+{@NumberOf setup}) that frequently need to be changed. If your changes
+to the overall formatting are confined to these options, you can change
+them here and avoid having your own setup file. If you already have
+your own setup file, change them in either place and omit them in
+the other.
+@Code "@InitialFont" is the font of the bulk of the book,
+and should contain a family, a face, and a size. The default
+value selects the Times family, the Base face, and the 12 point size.
+@Code "@InitialBreak" controls the behaviour of paragraph breaking in
+the bulk of the book. It should have three parts: a paragraph
+breaking style ({@Code adjust}, {@Code ragged}, etc.), an inter-line
+spacing ({@Code "1.2fx"} for single spacing, {@Code "2.4fx"} for
+double spacing, and so on), and either @Code "hyphen" or
+@Code "nohyphen" for turning hyphenation on or off. It may also
+have @Code "nobreakfirst" or @Code "nobreaklast" (or both), meaning
+to disallow a page break after the first line of a paragraph, or
+before the last, respectively.
+@Code "@InitialSpace" determines how Lout treats white space
+between two objects, as described in Section
+{@NumberOf white}. @Code "@InitialLanguage" determines the
+language of the bulk of the book.
+@Code "@PageOrientation" determines the orientation of the page. Its
+value may be {@Code Portrait} (the default), {@Code Landscape},
+{@Code ReversePortrait}, or {@Code ReverseLandscape}. See
+Section {@NumberOf pagesize} for further details.
+@Code "@PageHeaders" determines the appearance of page headers and
+footers. Its value may be {@Code None},
+{@Code Simple}, {@Code Titles}, or {@Code NoTitles}. Section
+{@NumberOf headers} has the details, but just briefly, {@Code None}
+and {@Code Simple} are not really suitable for books, @Code Titles
+produces full running titles as in the present document, and
+@Code "NoTitles" is like @Code "Titles" with the running titles
+omitted, leaving just the page numbers.
+@Code "@ColumnNumber" is the number of columns per page in the bulk of
+the book, and may be anything from {@Code 1} (the default value) to
+{@Code 10}. Irrespective of its value, all prefatory material, all
+chapter and appendix headings, and all figures and tables will be
+printed full width. There is a separate @Code "@IndexColumnNumber"
+option in the setup file which determines the number of columns in
+the index (Section {@NumberOf indexes}).
+@Code "@FirstPageNumber" is the page number to be given to the first
+non-introductory page. @Code "@IntroFirstPageNumber" is the
+page number of the first introductory page; it will usually appear
+in Roman but must be given in Arabic.
+Lout ordinarily places lines onto a page until space runs out, then moves
+to the next page and so on. This often produces ugly empty spaces at
+the bottoms of pages preceding large unbreakable displays. Setting the
+@Code "@OptimizePages" option to {@Code "Yes"} causes Lout to examine the
+overall situation and try to minimize the ugliness, using the @TeX
+optimal paragraph breaking algorithm. It takes two runs to do this,
+with intermediate results stored in Lout's cross reference database
+(Section {@NumberOf cross}); so deleting file {@Code lout.li} will reset
+it, which might be wise after major changes. It is possible for the
+optimizer to cycle, never settling on a single final best version; this
+is usually caused by footnotes or floating figures inserted at points
+which end up near page boundaries.
+After the compulsory @Code "//" comes an optional preface:
+preface. @Index @Code "@Preface"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { About this book }"
+"@End @Preface"
+Since the title of most prefaces is simply Preface, that is the default
+value in English of the @Code "@Title" option. After the preface there
+will automatically appear a table of contents listing the introduction,
+chapters, sections, subsections, appendices, sub-appendices, bibliography,
+and index as appropriate.
+The pages up to this point will be numbered in lower case Roman
+numerals; subsequent pages will be numbered in Arabic starting from
+the @Code "@FirstPageNumber" option of {@Code "@Book"}. There is
+a setup file option for changing this to a single numbering sequence
+(see below).
+Next comes an optional abbreviations sections, exactly like the
+preface except that its name is @Code "@Abbreviations" and the
+abbreviations. @Index @Code "@Abbreviations"
+default title in English is Abbreviation. There is no support for
+what goes inside; you need to use a list or table to lay out the
+abbreviations, in the usual way.
+Next comes an optional introduction, exactly like the preface except that
+its name is @Code "@Introduction" and the default title in English is
+introduction. @Index @Code "@Introduction"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@End @Introduction"
+After that comes a sequence of chapters in the usual style:
+chapter. @Index @Code "@Chapter"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Australian Native Plants }"
+"@End @Chapter"
+No @Code "@BeginChapters" or @Code "@EndChapters" symbols are
+beginchapters. @Index @Code "@BeginChapters"
+endchapters. @Index @Code "@EndChapters"
+needed, because these chapters are not inside any other large-scale
+structure symbol. Within a chapter, there may be a sequence of sections,
+each introduced by {@Code "@Section"}, all bracketed
+section.books @SubIndex { in books }
+by @Code "@BeginSections" and {@Code "@EndSections"}:
+beginsections.books @SubIndex { in books }
+endsections.books @SubIndex { in books }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+Within each section there may be subsections, each introduced by
+{@Code "@SubSection"}, and the sequence as a whole bracketed by
+@Code "@BeginSubSections" and {@Code "@EndSubSections"}:
+subsection.books @SubIndex { in books }
+beginsubsections.books @SubIndex { in books }
+endsubsections.books @SubIndex { in books }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@SubSection ... @End @SubSection"
+"@SubSection ... @End @SubSection"
+"@SubSection ... @End @SubSection"
+The subsections may contain sub-subsections, but
+subsubsection.books @SubIndex { in books }
+beginsubsubsections.books @SubIndex { in books }
+endsubsubsections.books @SubIndex { in books }
+there are no sub-sub-subsections.
+After the chapters comes an optional sequence of appendices. Each
+is introduced by @Code "@Appendix" in the usual way:
+appendix.books @SubIndex { in books }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Climatic Regions of Australia }"
+"@End @Appendix"
+No @Code "@BeginAppendices" or @Code "@EndAppendices" symbols are
+beginappendices.books @SubIndex { in books }
+endappendices.books @SubIndex { in books }
+needed, because (like chapters) these appendices do not lie inside
+any other large-scale structure symbol. The appendices are numbered
+A, B, C, etc., as is conventional for them. Within each appendix
+there may be a sequence of subappendices, obtained with the
+@Code "@SubAppendix" symbol and bracketed by
+subappendix.books @SubIndex { in books }
+@Code "@BeginSubAppendices" and {@Code "@EndSubAppendices"}:
+beginsubappendices.books @SubIndex { in books }
+endsubappendices.books @SubIndex { in books }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@SubAppendix ... @End @SubAppendix"
+"@SubAppendix ... @End @SubAppendix"
+"@SubAppendix ... @End @SubAppendix"
+There are sub-subappendices following the same pattern, but no
+subsubappendix.books @SubIndex { in books }
+beginsubsubappendices.books @SubIndex { in books }
+endsubsubappendices.books @SubIndex { in books }
+The book ends with the last chapter or appendix; any reference list or
+index will be appended automatically. Although we have described how to
+create books as though everything was in one large file, in practice it
+is much better to divide the book into multiple files, following the
+method given in Section {@NumberOf organizing}.
+In addition to the {@Code "@Title"} option, each large-scale structure
+symbol (i.e. {@Code "@Preface"}, {@Code "@Introduction"}, {@Code "@Chapter"},
+{@Code "@Section"}, {@Code "@SubSection"}, {@Code "@SubSubSection"},
+{@Code "@Appendix"}, {@Code "@SubAppendix"}, and {@Code "@SubSubAppendix"})
+has a @Code "@Tag" option for cross referencing (Section {@NumberOf cross}),
+an @Code "@InitialLanguage" option for changing the language of that
+part of the document, and a @Code "@RunningTitle" option which will be
+used in place of @Code "@Title" in running headers if given. This last
+is useful when the full title is rather long.
+The @Code "@Chapter" symbol has three additional options for dividing
+parts. @Index { parts of books }
+the book into parts:
+part.number @Index @Code "@PartNumber"
+part.title @Index @Code "@PartTitle"
+part.text @Index @Code "@PartText"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @PartNumber { Part A }"
+" @PartTitle { The Ancient World }"
+" @PartText { ... }"
+Any chapter with a non-empty @Code "@PartTitle" option will become the
+first chapter of a part. It will be preceded by two pages containing the
+part number, title, and text, and there will also be an entry
+made in the table of contents. @Code "@PartNumber" and @Code "@PartText"
+may be omitted. Parts are @I not numbered automatically: you
+have to supply your own numbers or letters as shown above.
+The features described in other chapters are all available within
+books. A table of contents and index will appear automatically, and
+you will need to change the setup file to avoid them. Endnotes will
+appear at the end of the enclosing preface, introduction, chapter, or
+appendix. The numbering of figures and tables includes a chapter or
+appendix number: the first figure of Appendix C will be Figure C.1,
+and so on. Figures and tables within the preface or introduction are
+numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. A figure or table will never appear on the
+same page as the beginning of a chapter or appendix. References work
+as described in Chapter {@NumberOf biblio}. As explained there, it is
+possible to have a list of references at the end of each chapter as well
+as at the end of the book.
+Within the @Code "book" setup file there is a @Code "@BookSetup"
+booksetup. @Index @Code "@BookSetup"
+symbol whose options control the appearance of features specific to books
+(in other words, the features described in this section). Here is a
+representative sample of these options, showing their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Use { @BookSetup"
+" # @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base }"
+" # @SeparateIntroNumbering { Yes }"
+" # @PrefaceAfterContents { No }"
+" # @ReferencesBeforeAppendices { No }"
+" # @ChapterStartPages { Any }"
+" # @ChapterWord { chapter }"
+" # @ChapterNumbers { Arabic }"
+" # @ChapterHeadingFont { Bold 2.00f }"
+" # @ChapterHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }"
+" # @ChapterHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title }"
+" # @AboveChapterGap { 3.00f }"
+" # @ChapterInContents { Yes }"
+Section {@NumberOf setup} explains how to make your own setup file and
+change its options. @Code "@TitlePageFont" is the font used on the title
+title.page.font. @Index @Code "@TitlePageFont"
+page of the book, not including a size. @Code "@ChapterStartPages"
+determines what kinds of pages chapters and other major components of the
+book may begin on, and may be {@Code Any}, {@Code Odd}, or {@Code Even},
+meaning any page, odd-numbered pages only, or even-numbered pages
+only. @Code "@SeparateIntroNumbering"
+separate.intro.numbering @Index @Code "@SeparateIntroNumbering"
+determines whether the introductory part of the book is to have a
+separate numbering sequence or not. @Code "@ReferencesBeforeAppendices"
+references.before.appendices @Index @Code "@ReferencesBeforeAppendices"
+determines whether any final list of references appears before or
+after any appendices. @Code "@ChapterWord" determines
+the word used in chapter titles; its default value, {@Code "chapter"},
+produces `Chapter' in the current language. The other six options control
+the appearance of chapters, and there are similar options for controlling
+the other large-scale structure symbols.
+@Code "@ChapterNumbers" determines how chapters will be numbered, and may
+be @Code { None }, @Code { Arabic }, @Code { Roman }, @Code { UCRoman },
+@Code { Alpha }, or @Code { UCAlpha }. The default value is @Code Arabic
+for chapters and also for all large-scale structure symbols except
+appendices, for which it is {@Code UCAlpha}. This produces the appendices
+numbered in upper-case letters (A, B, C, etc.) that were mentioned earlier.
+@Code "@ChapterHeadingFont" is the font used for chapter headings. The
+default value shown above produces the bold face of the initial font
+family, at twice the initial size. A family name is acceptable
+here as well. @Code "@ChapterHeadingBreak" is the break style for
+chapter headings.
+@Code "@ChapterHeadingFormat" allows you to change
+the format of the heading. The symbol @Code "number" within it will
+be replaced by the number of the chapter (actually including the word
+Chapter as well in the current language, e.g. {@Code "Chapter 12"}); the
+symbol @Code "title" within it will be replaced by the title. So you could
+write, say,
+@ID @Code
+"@ChapterHeadingFormat { @Box paint { lightgrey } { number @DP title } }"
+to get the title below the number, both enclosed in a box. The default
+value uses the @Code "@DotSep" symbol from Section {@NumberOf headers}
+to produce the number and title separated by a dot and two spaces, roughly
+the same as
+@ID @Code "@ChapterHeadingFormat { number. title }"
+except when there is no number. This option is applied
+to other major headings, in the preface, introduction, table of
+contents, appendices, reference list, and index. In all these other
+cases, @Code "number" is an empty object, except for appendices, when it
+contains @Code "Appendix A" or whatever.
+There is a @Code "@PartHeadingFormat" option for determining the
+format of part headings. It works in the same way as
+{@Code "@ChapterHeadingFormat"}, with @Code "number" and @Code "title"
+symbols standing for the relevant @Code "@PartNumber" and @Code "@PartTitle"
+options. The default value is
+@ID @Code "@PartHeadingFormat { @CD number @DP @CD title }"
+which centres the number and title. The default paragraph breaking
+style is {@Code "clines"}, but you may place a @Code "@Break" symbol
+within @Code "@PartHeadingFormat" to change this.
+The example of boxed titles for chapters given above suffers from two
+practical deficiencies. First, the box won't extend right across the
+page, and second, when there is no @Code "number" we don't want the
+@Code "@DP" either. Here is a value for @Code "@ChapterHeadingFormat"
+that solves both of these problems and looks good in practice:
+@ID @OneCol @Code {
+"@ChapterHeadingFormat {"
+" number @Case {"
+" {} @Yield @Box paint { lightgrey } @HExpand { title }"
+" else @Yield @Box paint { lightgrey } @HExpand { number @DP title }"
+" }"
+The @Code "@Case" symbol (Expert's Guide @Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert })
+distinguishes between the cases where @Code "number" is empty and non-empty;
+the @Code "@HExpand" symbol expands the horizontal space occupied by the
+heading to the maximum possible, so that when the box is drawn around it
+it will occupy the full page width. The format can be as
+complicated as you like, and there is no need to squeeze it all onto
+one line; as always, the end of a line is the same as one space.
+Every chapter and appendix begins on a new page. @Code "@AboveChapterGap"
+determines how much space is left blank above the chapter title; the
+default value is three times the initial font size. There are similar
+options for other large-scale structure symbols, which determine how
+much space is left before each one.
+@Code "@ChapterInContents" determines whether or not an entry is made in
+the table of contents for each chapter; it may be @Code Yes or {@Code No},
+but would always be {@Code Yes}. The default value of the corresponding
+options for sub-subsections and sub-subappendices, however, is {@Code No}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_illu b/doc/user/typ_illu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..532b42b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/typ_illu
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ @Title { Stand-alone illustrations }
+ @Tag { illustrations }
+This section describes how to use Lout to produce an illustration for
+stand.alone.illustrations. @Index { stand-alone illustrations }
+illustrations. @Index { illustrations }
+inclusion in some other document, which may itself be a Lout document
+but need not be. The opposite process, the inclusion of an illustration
+in a Lout document, is the subject of Section {@NumberOf include}.
+Suppose you want to produce the following logo
+for inclusion in some other document:
+@ID {
+45d @Rotate @CurveBox { ARMY @LP 180d @Rotate ARMY }
+This is just an object, and it is not hard to make it using Lout's
+graphics features:
+@ID @Code "45d @Rotate @CurveBox { ARMY @LP 180d @Rotate ARMY }"
+The problem is that objects ordinarily come out on pages with margins,
+page numbers, and so forth, which we don't want here. The solution
+is to use the illustration document type, whose setup file, curiously
+enough, is called {@Code "picture"}:
+illustration. @Index @Code "@Illustration"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { picture }"
+"@Illustration {"
+" 45d @Rotate @CurveBox { ARMY @LP 180d @Rotate ARMY }"
+After the usual @Code "@SysInclude" line comes one @Code "@Illustration"
+symbol. Following it is an arbitrary object which becomes the entire
+result, with no pages and no margins, ready for inclusion in some other
+document as an illustration.
+The @Code "@Illustration" symbol has options for setting the initial
+font, paragraph breaking style, colour, and language. Here they are
+with their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }"
+" @InitialBreak { adjust 1.2fx hyphen }"
+" @InitialSpace { lout }"
+" @InitialLanguage { English }"
+" @InitialColour { black }"
+" ..."
+You can specify any colour from the list in Section {@NumberOf colour},
+for example {@Code blue}, and then your illustration will have that
+colour wherever it is included.
+Because there are no pages, the width and height of the result are
+indeterminate, depending on how large the object turns out to be. This
+makes things very awkward for filled paragraphs and centring, which depend
+on knowing how much space is available to be occupied. So you should either
+avoid filled paragraphs and all displays and lists altogether in
+illustrations, or else enclose your object in a @Code "@Wide" symbol:
+wide @RawIndex { @Code "@Wide" }
+wide.illustrations @SubIndex { with illustrations }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Illustration 5c @Wide {"
+" ..."
+to make clear how wide you want your illustration to be.
+The technical name for a file containing a stand-alone illustration
+encapsulated.postscript @Index { encapsulated PostScript file }
+eps @Index { EPS file }
+is `encapsulated PostScript file' or `EPS file' for short. To get
+Lout to produce an encapsulated PostScript file instead of an ordinary
+PostScript file, you have to use the @Code "-EPS" Unix command line
+flag. For example, suppose the Lout file containing our example
+illustration is called {@Code "army"}; then the appropriate Unix
+command for formatting it is
+@ID @Code "lout -EPS army > army.eps"
+An EPS file is supposed to contain only one `page', so Lout will refuse
+to generate any second or subsequent pages when the @Code "-EPS" flag
+is given. There is also a minor difference in format between ordinary
+and encapsulated PostScript files, which is why the @Code "-EPS" flag
+is needed at all.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_ordi b/doc/user/typ_ordi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fbd07a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/typ_ordi
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ @Title { Ordinary documents }
+ @Tag { ordinary }
+Ordinary documents are the simplest kind, consisting of a plain sequence
+ordinary. @Index { ordinary documents }
+of numbered pages. To produce an ordinary document, use the @Code doc
+setup file and the @Code "@Doc" symbol:
+doc. @Index @Code "@Doc"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Doc @Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+where @Code ... stands for the body of your document. This is the
+arrangement from Section {@NumberOf start} for getting
+started. Alternatively, you can begin with
+@Code "@Document" instead of {@Code "@Doc"}:
+document. @Index @Code "@Document"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+" @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }"
+" @InitialBreak { adjust 1.2fx hyphen }"
+" @InitialSpace { lout }"
+" @InitialLanguage { English }"
+" @PageOrientation { Portrait }"
+" @PageHeaders { Simple }"
+" @FirstPageNumber { 1 }"
+" @ColumnNumber { 1 }"
+" @OptimizePages { No }"
+" @Unpaginated { No }"
+"@Text @Begin"
+"@End @Text"
+This shows all the options of {@Code "@Document"}, with their default
+values. As usual with options, the options of {@Code "@Document"}
+may be given in any order, and only the ones that need to be changed
+need be given at all. Notice the @Code "//" after the last option. Its
+meaning is beyond our
+"//" @Index { @Code "//" symbol }
+scope, but total disaster will ensue if it is forgotten. The @Code "@Doc"
+symbol is an abbreviation for {@Code "@Document //"}, which is why you don't
+need @Code "//" with {@Code "@Doc"}.
+The eight options are a selection of setup file options (Section
+{@NumberOf setup}) that frequently need to be changed. If your changes
+to the overall formatting are confined to these options, you can change
+them here and avoid having your own setup file. If you already have
+your own setup file, change them in either place and omit them in
+the other.
+@Code "@InitialFont" is the font of the bulk of the document,
+and should contain a family, a face, and a size. The default
+value selects the Times family, the Base face, and the 12 point size.
+@Code "@InitialBreak" controls the behaviour of paragraph breaking in
+the bulk of the document. It should have three parts: a paragraph
+breaking style ({@Code adjust}, {@Code ragged}, etc.), an inter-line
+spacing ({@Code "1.2fx"} for single spacing, {@Code "2.4fx"} for
+double spacing, and so on), and either @Code "hyphen" or @Code "nohyphen"
+for turning hyphenation on or off. It may also have @Code "nobreakfirst"
+or @Code "nobreaklast" (or both), meaning to disallow a page break after
+the first line of a paragraph, or before the last, respectively.
+@Code "@InitialSpace" determines how Lout treats white space between
+two objects, as described in Section
+{@NumberOf white}. @Code "@InitialLanguage" determines the language
+of the bulk of the document.
+@Code "@PageOrientation" determines the orientation of the page. Its
+value may be {@Code Portrait} (the default), {@Code Landscape},
+{@Code ReversePortrait}, or {@Code ReverseLandscape}. See
+Section {@NumberOf pagesize} for further details.
+@Code "@PageHeaders" determines the appearance of page headers and
+footers throughout the document, and may be {@Code None},
+{@Code Simple}, {@Code Titles}, or {@Code NoTitles}. Section
+{@NumberOf headers} has the details, but just briefly, {@Code None}
+means no page headers at all, {@Code Simple} means a
+page number between hyphens at the top of each page except the first,
+@Code Titles produces full running titles as in this guide,
+and @Code "NoTitles" is like @Code "Titles" with the running titles
+omitted, leaving just the page numbers.
+@Code "@FirstPageNumber" is the page number given to the first page.
+@Code "@ColumnNumber" is the number of columns per page in the bulk of
+the document, and may be anything from {@Code 1} (the default value) to
+{@Code 10}. It is possible to produce full-width ordinary
+text in a multi-column document, using the @Code "@FullWidth"
+full.width. @Index @Code "@FullWidth"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+" @ColumnNumber { 2 }"
+"@Text @Begin"
+"@FullWidth {"
+"@CentredDisplay @Heading { NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS }"
+"}Trespassers are hereby notified that, ..."
+"@End @Text"
+This produces a full-width heading above a two-column body. The word
+@Code Trespassers has been placed immediately after the closing brace
+of @Code "@FullWidth" because (regrettably) any space here will appear
+before @Code Trespassers in the output. Alternatively you could use
+a paragraph symbol:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@FullWidth {"
+"@CentredDisplay @Heading { NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS }"
+"Trespassers are hereby notified that, ..."
+You can have several @Code "@FullWidth" symbols,
+producing full-width text wherever you want. Just be aware that
+@Code "@FullWidth" always causes a fresh page to be begun, it will never
+appear on the same page as a figure or table, and it is not able to hold
+a table of contents, a section, or an appendix.
+Lout ordinarily places lines onto a page until space runs out, then moves
+to the next page and so on. This often produces ugly empty spaces at
+the bottoms of pages preceding large unbreakable displays. Setting the
+@Code "@OptimizePages" option to {@Code "Yes"} causes Lout to examine the
+overall situation and try to minimize the ugliness, using the @TeX
+tex.page @SubIndex { page optimization }
+optimal paragraph breaking algorithm. It takes two runs to do this,
+with intermediate results stored in Lout's cross reference database
+(Section {@NumberOf cross}); so deleting file {@Code lout.li} will reset
+it, which might be wise after major changes. It is possible for the
+optimizer to cycle, never settling on a single final best
+version; this is usually caused by footnotes or floating figures inserted
+at points that end up near page boundaries.
+The @Code "@Unpaginated" option, whose value is ignored unless plain text
+output is in effect, produces unpaginated output when changed to
+{@Code Yes} (see Section {@NumberOf plain}).
+Within the @Code "@Text" symbol, it is possible to have a sequence
+of sections:
+section. @RawIndex @Code "@Section"
+section.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+beginsections. @RawIndex @Code "@BeginSections"
+beginsections.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+endsections. @RawIndex @Code "@EndSections"
+endsections.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+"@Section ... @End @Section"
+as described in Section {@NumberOf largescale}. Within any
+section, a similar arrangement produces subsections:
+subsection. @RawIndex @Code "@SubSection"
+subsection.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+beginsubsections. @RawIndex @Code "@BeginSubSections"
+beginsubsections.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+endsubsections. @RawIndex @Code "@EndSubSections"
+endsubsections.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@SubSection ... @End @SubSection"
+"@SubSection ... @End @SubSection"
+"@SubSection ... @End @SubSection"
+Within any subsection, there may be sub-subsections, obtained
+using {@Code "@BeginSubSubSections"}, {@Code "@SubSubSection"},
+subsubsection. @RawIndex @Code "@SubSubSection"
+subsubsection.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+beginsubsubsections. @RawIndex @Code "@BeginSubSubSections"
+beginsubsubsections.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+endsubsubsections. @RawIndex @Code "@EndSubSubSections"
+endsubsubsections.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+and {@Code "@EndSubSubSections"}. There are no sub-sub-subsections.
+Also within the @Code "@Text" symbol only, there may be a sequence of
+appendix. @RawIndex @Code "@Appendix"
+appendix.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+beginappendices. @RawIndex @Code "@BeginAppendices"
+beginappendices.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+endappendices. @RawIndex @Code "@EndAppendices"
+endappendices.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@Appendix ... @End @Appendix"
+"@Appendix ... @End @Appendix"
+"@Appendix ... @End @Appendix"
+These will be `numbered' A, B, C etc. as is conventional. Within any
+appendix there may be a sequence of subappendices, obtained in the
+usual way using {@Code "@BeginSubAppendices"}, {@Code "@SubAppendix"},
+subappendix. @RawIndex @Code "@SubAppendix"
+subappendix.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+beginsubappendices. @RawIndex @Code "@BeginSubAppendices"
+beginsubappendices.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+endsubappendices. @RawIndex @Code "@EndSubAppendices"
+endsubappendices.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+and {@Code "@EndSubAppendices"}. There are sub-subappendices as well,
+following the same pattern, but no sub-sub-subappendices.
+subsubappendix. @RawIndex @Code "@SubSubAppendix"
+subsubappendix.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+beginsubsubappendices. @RawIndex @Code "@BeginSubSubAppendices"
+beginsubsubappendices.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+endsubsubappendices. @RawIndex @Code "@EndSubSubAppendices"
+endsubsubappendices.ordinary @SubIndex { in ordinary documents }
+In addition to the {@Code "@Title"} option, each large-scale structure
+symbol ({@Code "@Section"}, {@Code "@SubSection"}, {@Code "@SubSubSection"},
+{@Code "@Appendix"}, {@Code "@SubAppendix"}, and {@Code "@SubSubAppendix"})
+has a @Code "@Tag" option for cross referencing (Section {@NumberOf cross}),
+an @Code "@InitialLanguage" option for changing the language of that part
+of the document, and a @Code "@RunningTitle" option which will be used in
+place of @Code "@Title" in running headers if given. @Code "@RunningTitle"
+is useful when the full title is rather long.
+The features described in other chapters are all available within
+ordinary documents. Endnotes and references appear automatically at
+the end of the document. Figures are labelled Figure 1, Figure 2,
+etc., and tables are labelled Table 1, Table 2, etc.
+To get a table of contents, set the @Code "@MakeContents" option in
+the setup file to {@Code Yes}, and insert the symbol
+@Code "@ContentsGoesHere" at the point where you would like the
+contents.goes.here. @Index @Code "@ContentsGoesHere"
+table of contents to appear, anywhere before the first section:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { doc }"
+"@Text @Begin"
+"@CentredDisplay @Heading { Safety Procedures }"
+"@Heading { Contents }"
+"@End @Text"
+You must supply your own heading, as well as paragraph symbols
+before and after. Regrettably, @Code "@ContentsGoesHere" may
+not be placed inside a display, nor inside {@Code "@FullWidth"}.
+To get an index, set the @Code "@MakeIndex" option in the setup file
+to {@Code Yes}, and follow the instructions in Section
+{@NumberOf indexes}. The index will appear automatically at the end
+of your document.
+Within the @Code doc setup file there is an @Code "@OrdinarySetup"
+symbol whose options control the appearance of features specific to
+ordinary documents (in other words, the features described in this
+section). Here is a representative sample of these options, showing
+their default values:
+ordinary.setup @Index @Code "@OrdinarySetup"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Use { @OrdinarySetup"
+" # @IndexWord { index }"
+" # @AppendixWord { appendix }"
+" # @SectionNumbers { Arabic }"
+" # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold }"
+" # @SectionGap { 2.00v }"
+" # @SectionInContents { Yes }"
+Section {@NumberOf setup} explains how to make your own setup file and
+change its options.
+The @Code "@IndexWord" option determines what the index is called, if
+there is one. The default value, {@Code "index"}, produces the word
+`Index' in the current language. Any other value produces itself. The
+@Code "@AppendixWord" option is similar; its default value is `Appendix'
+in the current language.
+@Code "@SectionNumbers" determines how sections will be numbered, and may
+be @Code { None }, @Code { Arabic }, @Code { Roman }, @Code { UCRoman },
+@Code { Alpha }, or @Code { UCAlpha }. The default value is @Code Arabic
+for sections and also all other large-scale structure symbols except
+appendices, for which it is {@Code UCAlpha}. This produces the appendices
+numbered in upper-case letters (A, B, C, etc.) that were mentioned earlier.
+@Code "@SectionHeadingFont" is the font used for section headings. The
+default value produces the bold face from the family of the
+initial font. A family name or size is also acceptable:
+@ID @Code "@SectionHeadingFont { Helvetica Base +2p }"
+makes the section heading appear in the Helvetica font, two
+points larger than the initial size.
+@Code "@SectionGap" determines how much space is left blank before each
+section title; the default value shown above is twice the current
+inter-line spacing. The special value @Code "2b" may be used to get a
+page break rather than a space. There are similar options for other
+large-scale structure symbols, which determine how much space is left
+before each one.
+@Code "@SectionInContents" determines whether or not an entry is made in
+the table of contents for each section; it may be @Code Yes or {@Code No},
+but would always be {@Code Yes}. The default value of the corresponding
+options for sub-subsections and sub-subappendices, however, is {@Code No}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_orga b/doc/user/typ_orga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba6ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/typ_orga
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ @Title { Organizing large documents }
+ @Tag { organizing }
+It is not a good plan to store a large document in a single large
+organizing.large @Index { organizing large documents }
+file. It takes too long to find things in it, and if some catastrophe
+occurs, you lose the lot. Lout encourages you to break documents into
+pieces by its willingness to read a sequence of files
+({@Code "lout file1 file2 ..."}). For large documents, the following
+plan is recommended.
+Suppose you are making a book whose third chapter contains sections on
+banksias, grevilleas, acacias, and eucalypts. Place each section, from
+@Code "@Section" to {@Code "@End @Section"}, in a separate file, making
+four files called, say, {@Code banksias}, {@Code grevilleas},
+{@Code acacias}, and {@Code eucalypts}. Then make a single file for the
+chapter as a whole whose contents are as follows:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Australian Native Plants }"
+"Australian native plants provide a distinctive identity to the garden. Although"
+"less colourful than their European alternatives, some banksias and grevilleas do"
+"flower strongly, and of course the acacias (wattles) are unsurpassable in late winter."
+"@Include { banksias }"
+"@Include { grevilleas }"
+"@Include { acacias }"
+"@Include { eucalypts }"
+"@End @Chapter"
+The @Code "@Include" symbol causes Lout to read the file whose name follows
+include. @Index @Code "@Include"
+it between braces, just as though the contents of that file had been included
+at that point.
+With this arrangement you can easily rearrange the order of the
+sections: just swap their @Code "@Include" lines. You should be using
+Lout's automatic cross referencing features (Section {@NumberOf cross}),
+so you don't have to worry about keeping cross references up to date. You
+can also temporarily delete a section by placing a @Code "#" character at
+the start of its line:
+@ID @Code "# @Include { acacias }"
+This works because @Code "#" is the @I { comment character }: Lout will
+comment. @Index { comments }
+ignore this character (unless enclosed in double quotes) and everything
+following it up to the end of the line. You can even temporarily delete
+every section except the one you are working on at the moment, using
+these comments.
+Suppose now that this chapter file is called @Code { natives }, and you
+have others called @Code { preface }, @Code { flowers }, etc. Then you
+can make one file (call it @Code { garden }) for the whole book like this:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { book }"
+" @Title { The Australian Garden }"
+" @Author { Martha S. Vineyard }"
+"@Include { preface }"
+"@Include { flowers }"
+"@Include { shrubs }"
+"@Include { natives }"
+"@Include { trees }"
+You can play the same tricks here: swap chapters around, or temporarily
+delete one or more with a {@Code "#"}. When a chapter is finished
+you can temporarily delete it to save formatting time and paper, and
+bring it back at the end. To format the book, use
+@Code "lout garden > out.ps"
+in Unix. Lout will read each @Code "@Include" file as it comes to it,
+and if it finds an @Code "@Include" of a section while reading a chapter
+file, it will read the section too.
+If the order of your chapters is fairly stable, it might be advantageous
+to use the @Code "@BypassNumber" option of @Code "@Chapter" (described
+in Appendix {@NumberOf bypass}) to fix the numbers of all your chapters,
+so that you get correct chapter numbers even when formatting one
+chapter at a time.
+If you decide to store chapters in separate Unix directories, make sure
+that any @Code "/" characters in the file names are enclosed in double
+@ID @Code "@Include { \"natives.dir/acacias\" }"
+Be careful not to give the directory the same name as your chapter
+file. You might also find it useful to construct your book
+@I { top-down }, as computer scientists call it, laying out all the
+chapters and sections as empty skeletons and filling their contents in
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_over b/doc/user/typ_over
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd14e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/typ_over
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ @Title { Overhead transparencies }
+ @Tag { overheads }
+To produce overhead transparencies
+@FootNote {
+In Version 3.15 overhead transparencies were updated and brought into line
+with the other document types. Although existing source files do not need
+to be modified, their printed appearance may change (spacing, running
+headers). There are some new setup file options, and some changes to
+existing setup file options.
+(hereafter called overheads), start off
+overheads. @Index { overhead transparencies }
+slides. @RawIndex { slides @I see overhead transparencies }
+with the @Code slides setup file and the @Code "@OverheadTransparencies"
+overhead.transparencies. @Index @Code "@OverheadTransparencies"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { slides }"
+" @Title {}"
+" @RunningTitle {}"
+" @Author {}"
+" @Institution {}"
+" @DateLine { No }"
+" @InitialFont { Times Base 20p }"
+" @InitialBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }"
+" @InitialSpace { lout }"
+" @InitialLanguage { English }"
+" @PageOrientation { Portrait }"
+" @PageHeaders { Titles }"
+" @FirstPageNumber { 1 }"
+" @FirstOverheadNumber { 1 }"
+" @FirstLectureNumber { 1 }"
+" @OptimizePages { No }"
+This shows all the options of @Code "@OverheadTransparencies" with their
+default values. As usual with options, they may be given in any order, and
+only the ones whose values need to be changed need be given at all. The
+meaning of the @Code "//" symbol after the last option is beyond our
+scope, but disaster will ensue if it is forgotten.
+If @Code "@Title" is not empty, an initial overhead will be produced
+containing the {@Code "@Title"}, {@Code "@Author"}, {@Code "@Institution"},
+and {@Code "@DateLine"} options. @Code "@DateLine" may be set to
+{@Code "No"}, meaning no dateline, {@Code "Yes"}, meaning print the current
+date, or anything else, which is taken to be a date and printed.
+Each overhead has a running header printed in small type at the top
+left. The @Code "@RunningTitle" option goes into this header, or, if
+there is no @Code "@RunningTitle" option, @Code "@Title" is used instead.
+The remaining options are a selection of setup file options (Section
+{@NumberOf setup}) that frequently need to be changed. If your changes
+to the overall formatting are confined to these options, you can change
+them here and avoid having your own setup file. If you already have
+your own setup file, change them in either place and omit them in
+the other.
+@Code "@InitialFont" is the font in which the overheads will be set, and
+should contain a family, a face, and a size. A good font size for
+overheads is 20 points, so that is the default size.
+@Code "@InitialBreak" controls the behaviour of paragraph breaking in
+the overheads. It should have three parts: a paragraph
+breaking style ({@Code adjust}, {@Code ragged}, etc.), an inter-line
+spacing ({@Code "1.2fx"} for single spacing, {@Code "2.4fx"} for
+double spacing, and so on), and either @Code "hyphen" or @Code "nohyphen"
+for turning hyphenation on or off. Adjusted lines and hyphenated words
+are difficult to read from overheads, so the default is not to have them.
+@Code "@InitialSpace" determines how Lout treats white space between
+objects (Section {@NumberOf white}). @Code "@InitialLanguage"
+determines the language of the overheads.
+@Code "@PageOrientation" determines the orientation of the page. Its
+value may be {@Code Portrait} (the default), {@Code Landscape},
+{@Code ReversePortrait}, or {@Code ReverseLandscape}. See
+Section {@NumberOf pagesize} for further details.
+@Code "@PageHeaders" determines the appearance of page headers and
+footers. Its value may be {@Code None}, {@Code Simple}, {@Code Titles},
+or {@Code NoTitles}. Section {@NumberOf headers} has the details, but
+just briefly, {@Code None} produces no page headers, {@Code Simple} produces
+page numbers only, @Code Titles produces full running titles, and
+@Code "NoTitles" is similar to @Code "Simple" in this context.
+@Code "@FirstPageNumber" is the number given to the first page,
+@Code "@FirstOverheadNumber" is the number given to the first overhead,
+and @Code "@FirstLectureNumber" is the number given to the first lecture,
+of which more below. See preceding sections for {@Code "@OptimizePages"}.
+# Lout ordinarily places lines onto a page until space runs out, then moves
+# to the next page and so on. This often produces ugly empty spaces at
+# the bottoms of pages preceding large unbreakable displays. Setting the
+# @Code "@OptimizePages" option to {@Code "Yes"} causes Lout to examine the
+# overall situation and try to minimize the ugliness, using the @TeX
+# optimal paragraph breaking algorithm. It takes two runs to do this,
+# with intermediate results stored in Lout's cross reference database
+# (Section {@NumberOf cross}); so deleting file {@Code lout.li} will reset
+# it, which might be wise after major changes. It is possible for the
+# optimizer to cycle, never settling on a single final best
+# version; this is usually caused by footnotes or floating figures inserted
+# at points which end up near page boundaries.
+After the compulsory {@Code "//"} come the overheads themselves. There
+are two alternatives: a series of overheads, corresponding to a single
+lecture, or a series of series of overheads, corresponding to a series
+of lectures. If the first is wanted, use this arrangement:
+overhead. @Index @Code "@Overhead"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { slides }"
+" ..."
+"@Overhead ... @End @Overhead"
+"@Overhead ... @End @Overhead"
+"@Overhead ... @End @Overhead"
+@Code "@Overhead" is a large-scale structure symbol, similar to
+{@Code "@Section"}, with the usual options:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Trends in investment since 1980 }"
+" @RunningTitle { Investment }"
+" @Tag { investment }"
+" @InitialLanguage { English }"
+"@End @Overhead"
+If @Code "@Title" is given it will appear as a centred, bold display
+at the beginning of the overhead. As usual, these options may be given
+in any order or omitted altogether.
+The body of the overhead is quite arbitrary. Typically one tends to
+use lists and displays more than paragraphs, but all the usual features
+are available. Each overhead begins on a fresh page, but it may occupy
+more than one page.
+@Code "@Overhead" also has a @Code "@Format" option which allows you to
+specify an arbitrary format for the body of the overhead (that is,
+everything except its title). For example,
+@ID @Code "@Format { @CurveBox @HExpand @VExpand @Body }"
+encloses the body in a curvebox, with the box expanded to the full
+available width and height. Unlike the similar option for figures
+and tables, however, this @Code "@Format" option unfortunately has
+not been set up to work with multi-page overheads, so if you use the
+format just given you have to make sure your overheads all fit on one
+page. To draw boxes around the @I entire page, use the @Code "@PageBox"
+setup file options.
+Lout does not provide any special support for overlays. A good way to
+make them is to first produce one overhead containing all the layers
+simultaneously. Once this is correct, enclose the entire body of the
+overhead in {@Code "white @Colour"}, make one copy of the text of the
+overhead for each layer, separating the copies with @Code "@NP"
+(new page) symbols, and, in each copy, enclose the parts that are
+to appear in that layer in {@Code "black @Colour"} (or any other
+colour). This works because @Code "white @Colour" makes an object
+invisible without altering its size.
+We turn now to the second major alternative, which is a series
+of lectures, like this:
+lecture. @Index @Code "@Lecture"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { slides }"
+" ..."
+"@Lecture ... @End @Lecture"
+"@Lecture ... @End @Lecture"
+"@Lecture ... @End @Lecture"
+@Code "@Lecture" is a large-scale structure symbol, again with
+the usual options:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Macro-Economic Policies for the Nineties }"
+" @RunningTitle { Macro-economic policies }"
+" @Tag { macro-economics }"
+" @InitialLanguage { English }"
+"@End @Lecture"
+If @Code "@Title" is non-empty the series of overheads will begin with
+an overhead containing the title alone, centred on the page using the
+@Code "clines" paragraph breaking style. This means that it makes
+sense to have a multi-line title. Any text following the @Code "@Begin"
+will appear under the lecture title as you would expect.
+Within the body of {@Code "@Lecture"}, place a series of overheads
+bracketed by @Code "@BeginOverheads" and {@Code "@EndOverheads"}:
+beginoverheads. @Index @Code "@BeginOverheads"
+endoverheads. @Index @Code "@EndOverheads"
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Overhead ... @End @Overhead"
+"@Overhead ... @End @Overhead"
+"@Overhead ... @End @Overhead"
+The @Code "@Overhead" symbol is exactly as described earlier.
+The features described in other chapters are available with
+overheads. Endnotes and references appear automatically at the
+end of the overheads. You can have a table of contents, by setting
+the @Code "@MakeContents" option of the setup file to {@Code Yes}. It
+will appear automatically after any title overhead. The setup file
+options have been set on the assumption that you want your lectures
+to appear in the table of contents, but not individual overheads. It is not
+possible to have an index, and it is not possible to have multiple columns.
+Within the @Code slides setup file there is an @Code "@OverheadSetup"
+symbol whose options control the appearance of features specific to
+overhead.setup. @Index @Code "@OverheadSetup"
+overheads (in other words, the features described in this section). Here
+are some of these options and their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Use { @OverheadSetup"
+" # @DateLine { No }"
+" # @FirstOverheadNumber { 1 }"
+" # @FirstLectureNumber { 1 }"
+" # @ContentsWord { contents }"
+" # @LectureNumbers { Arabic }"
+" # @OverheadNumbers { Arabic }"
+" # @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base }"
+" # @LectureHeadingFont { Bold 1.20f }"
+" # @LectureHeadingFormat { @Centre number @DP @Centre title @DP }"
+" # @OverheadHeadingFormat { @Centre title @DP }"
+" # @OverheadHeadingFont { Bold }"
+" # @LectureInContents { Yes }"
+" # @OverheadInContents { No }"
+" # @ReferencesInContents { Yes }"
+For an introduction to setup files and their options, consult
+Section {@NumberOf setup}. The first four options are as for
+@Code "@OverheadTransparencies" as described above. @Code "@ContentsWord"
+determines the table of contents heading; its default value, {@Code contents},
+produces `Contents' in the current language. @Code "@LectureNumbers"
+and @Code "@OverheadNumbers" determine the style of numbering of lectures
+and overheads, and may be {@Code None}, {@Code Arabic}, {@Code Roman},
+{@Code UCRoman}, {@Code Alpha}, or {@Code UCAlpha} as usual. Next come
+options for setting the font of the overall title page, the
+title page of each lecture, and so on, and finally options which
+determine which entries are made in any table of contents.
+The @Code "@LectureHeadingFormat" option determines the
+format of the heading of each lecture. Within it, the symbol @Code "number"
+stands for the number of the lecture, including the `Lecture' word if
+there is one, and @Code "title" stands for the title of the lecture. The
+default value centres the number and title, with display gaps below
+each one. @Code "@OverheadHeadingFormat" is similar; it has the same
+symbols but the default value chooses not to use {@Code "number"}.
+Other setup file options exist which permit you to have a box drawn
+around each overhead, and to change the page size, margins, and
+orientation. These are described in Chapter {@NumberOf changes}.
+Section {@NumberOf headers} describes the setup file options that
+control the appearance of page headers and footers. With overheads,
+the values given to the {@Code "@MajorTitle"}, {@Code "@MinorTitle"},
+{@Code "@MajorNum"}, and {@Code "@MinorNum"} symbols within those
+options are as follows. If @Code "@Lecture" is being used:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
+ A { @Code "@MajorTitle" }
+ B { The @Code "@RunningTitle" option of
+{@Code "@OverheadTransparencies"}, or its @Code "@Title" option
+if @Code "@RunningTitle" is absent; }
+ A { @Code "@MinorTitle" }
+ B { The @Code "@RunningTitle" option of the current
+{@Code "@Lecture"}, or else its @Code "@Title" option if
+@Code "@RunningTitle" is absent; }
+ A { @Code "@MajorNum" }
+ B { The number of the current {@Code "@Lecture"}; }
+ A { @Code "@MinorNum" }
+ B { A two-part number, for example 5.2, containing the number of
+the current @Code "@Lecture" and the number within that lecture
+of the current overhead. }
+If @Code "@Lecture" is not being used:
+@ID @Tab
+ @Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
+ A { @Code "@MajorTitle" }
+ B { The @Code "@RunningTitle" option of
+{@Code "@OverheadTransparencies"}, or its @Code "@Title" option
+if @Code "@RunningTitle" is absent; }
+ A { @Code "@MinorTitle" }
+ B { Empty; }
+ A { @Code "@MajorNum" }
+ B { Empty; }
+ A { @Code "@MinorNum" }
+ B { The number of the current overhead. }
+The first page occupied by any overhead is a @Code Start page; subsequent
+pages are @Code NonStart pages. There are no @Code Intro pages.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_plai b/doc/user/typ_plai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a880ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/typ_plai
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ @Title { Plain text documents }
+ @Tag { plain }
+Occasionally you may need to produce an output file containing plain text
+plain.text. @Index { plain text documents }
+rather than PostScript, for example for an online manual entry or to send
+as electronic mail. Any document that can be produced by Lout in
+PostScript can be produced in plain text as well, by adding a @Code "-p"
+flag to the Unix command line:
+@ID @Code "lout -p simple"
+No other changes are required. Here we are sending the output directly to
+the screen, but it can be redirected to a file, or piped through the
+@Code more command for viewing one page at a time, etc.
+Of course, plain text is an extremely limited medium of communication
+compared with PostScript, and this forces Lout to make some rather
+drastic compromises:
+@BulletList gap { @ParaGap }
+@LI { Symbols like {@Code "@Bullet"}, which stand for unusual characters,
+produce printable characters which approximate the PostScript ones. For
+example, {@Code "@Bullet"} produces {@Code "o"}. However, the @Code "@Char"
+and @Code "@Sym" symbols often produce unprintable characters, and are best
+avoided; }
+@LI { All font and size changes are ignored, since plain text has only
+one font and size. Every character is taken to be @Eq { 1 frac 10 } inch
+wide and @Eq { 1 frac 6 } inch high; }
+@LI { No underlines are printed; }
+@LI { No margin notes are printed; }
+@LI { Scaled objects are not printed unless the scale factor happens to be 1; }
+@LI { Rotated objects are not printed unless the angle happens to be zero
+degrees. This means that page orientations (Section {@NumberOf pagesize})
+other than @Code Portrait do not work; }
+@LI { Ruled lines are not printed, and paint and colour options are
+ignored. This spoils the graphics and graphs of Chapters
+{@NumberOf graphics}, {@NumberOf diagrams}, and {@NumberOf graphs}. }
+Despite the problems, many things work surprisingly well. Tables, for example,
+look very good. It does no harm to try things and see if they work out.
+The worst problem with plain text is that characters cannot be placed at
+arbitrary points on the page. A superscript, for example, is impossible to
+place correctly, so Lout uses a different layout for footnote labels (and
+makes a mess of equations, which are best avoided). Because of this problem
+it's best to make all horizontal lengths multiples of @Eq {1 frac 10} inch
+(conveniently expressed as {@Code 1s}), and all vertical lengths multiples
+of @Eq { 1 frac 6 } inch (conveniently expressed as {@Code 1f}). To help
+you do this, the setup files contain many entries that look like this
+@ID @Code "# @InitialBreak { {adjust 1.2fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain {ragged 1fx nohyphen} }"
+The meaning is that the value of @Code "@InitialBreak" will be
+@Code "adjust 1.2fx hyphen" usually, but will switch to
+{@Code "ragged 1fx nohyphen"}, which is better suited to plain text,
+if the @Code "-p" command line flag is used. These setup file values
+allow you to switch from PostScript to plain text and back again without
+changing anything at all except the @Code "-p" command line flag.
+If you use @Code "lout -P" instead of {@Code "lout -p"}, the plain text
+output will contain a form-feed character (control-L) after each page
+form.feed @Index { form-feed in plain text }
+except the last. This character causes most printing devices to start
+a new page, which is very useful when your page height is not exactly
+The @Code "@Document" symbol (Section {@NumberOf ordinary}) has an
+unpaginated. @Index @Code "@Unpaginated"
+@Code "@Unpaginated" option which, when set to {@Code "Yes"}, causes
+the plain text output to appear unpaginated, that is, in one long
+continous stream with no page breaks. Its value is ignored if plain text
+output is not in effect, so it can be safely set to @Code "Yes" in
+documents intended for formatting both ways. The usual margins apply;
+footnotes appear at the end; figures and tables do not work. Lout
+stupidly reads the entire document before producing any output when
+this option is used, so if the document is long you might run out of memory.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_repo b/doc/user/typ_repo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b73671a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/typ_repo
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ @Title { Technical reports }
+ @Tag { reports }
+To make a technical report,
+start off with the @Code "report" setup
+reports. @Index { reports }
+technical.reports. @Index { technical reports }
+report. @Index @Code "@Report"
+file and the @Code "@Report" symbol:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@SysInclude { report }"
+" @Title {}"
+" @Author {}"
+" @Institution {}"
+" @DateLine { No }"
+" @AtEnd {}"
+" @CoverSheet { Yes }"
+" @ContentsSeparate { No }"
+" @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }"
+" @InitialBreak { hyphen adjust 1.2fx }"
+" @InitialSpace { lout }"
+" @InitialLanguage { English }"
+" @PageOrientation { Portrait }"
+" @PageHeaders { Simple }"
+" @ColumnNumber { 1 }"
+" @FirstPageNumber { 1 }"
+" @OptimizePages { No }"
+" @AbstractDisplay { Yes }"
+" @AbstractTitle { Abstract }"
+" @Abstract {}"
+This shows all the options of {@Code "@Report"}
+@FootNote {
+Version 3.13 of Lout is not completely upwardly compatible with
+previous versions in its handling of technical reports. The change
+concerns the abstract, and if you see the error message
+@ID @Code "symbol @Abstract unknown or misspelt"
+you probably need to convert your document. To convert an older
+document to Version 3.13, move any @Code "@Abstract" from after the
+@Code "//" to before it, delete any options to the @Code "@Abstract"
+symbol, and delete any initial paragraph symbol within the abstract.
+You can use the @Code "@AbstractTitle" option described in this section
+to change the title of the abstract.
+with their default values. As usual with options, they may be given in
+any order, and only the ones whose values need to be changed need be
+given at all. The meaning of the @Code "//" symbol is beyond our scope,
+but disaster will ensue if it is forgotten.
+The @Code "@Title" option holds the title of the report. It will be
+printed using the @Code clines paragraph breaking style (Section
+{@NumberOf paras}), which centres each line, so it makes sense
+to have multi-line titles:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title {"
+"The solution of real instances of"
+"the timetabling problem"
+" ..."
+With a multi-line title, each line after the first should begin
+at the left margin, not indented. It doesn't matter where the first
+line begins, because space following an open brace is ignored.
+The @Code "@Author" and @Code "@Institution" options hold the author's
+name and institution or address, and will also be printed using the
+@Code clines style. If there are several authors but only one
+institution, list all the authors in the @Code "@Author" option:
+@ID @Code "@Author { Tim B. Cooper and Jeffrey H. Kingston }"
+With more authors, or with more than one institution, it is best to
+ignore the @Code "@Institution" option and place all the information
+within the @Code "@Author" option, enclosing institution information
+in @Code "@I" symbols. In extreme cases, a table with columns of
+authors might be necessary (Chapter {@NumberOf tables}).
+@Code "@DateLine" may be set to {@Code No}, meaning no dateline,
+{@Code Yes}, meaning print the current date, or anything else, which is
+taken to be a date and printed:
+@ID @Code "@DateLine { 4 July, 1776 }"
+A good plan is to use @Code "@DateLine { Yes }" until
+the report is finalized.
+The {@Code "@AtEnd"} option will come out on a single unnumbered
+page with no page headers or footers, and using the same margins as for
+even pages, after the very last page of the report; even after the
+index if there is one. It is intended to make it possible to
+include a back cover, so @Code "@PageOf last.page" does not take
+account of any @Code "@AtEnd" page.
+The remaining options (except {@Code "@Abstract"}) are setup file options
+(Section {@NumberOf setup}) that frequently need to be changed. If your
+changes to the overall formatting are confined to these options, you can
+change them here and avoid having your own setup file. If you already have
+your own setup file, change them in either place and omit them in
+the other.
+If @Code "@CoverSheet" is {@Code Yes}, an unnumbered cover
+cover.sheet. @Index @Code "@CoverSheet"
+sheet will be produced containing the title, author, institution,
+abstract, and dateline. Otherwise they will appear on the
+first page. The `cover sheet' is in reality a sequence of Intro pages
+(Section {@NumberOf headers}), numbered by default with Roman numerals
+on pages after the first.
+In order to get a table of contents, it is necessary to use your
+own setup file (Section {@NumberOf setup} explains how to do this)
+and to set the @Code "@MakeContents" option within it to
+{@Code Yes}. The table of contents will ordinarily appear beginning
+on the first page, but if the @Code "@ContentsSeparate" option of
+@Code "@Report" is
+contents.separate @Index @Code "@ContentsSeparate"
+set to @Code "Yes" it will appear on separate pages. This is only
+effective if @Code "@CoverSheet" is {@Code No}, since a separate cover
+sheet and separate pages for the table of contents would leave nothing on
+the first page.
+@Code "@InitialFont" is the font of the bulk of the report,
+and should contain a family, a face, and a size. The default
+value selects the Times family, the Base face, and the 12 point size.
+@Code "@InitialBreak" controls the behaviour of paragraph breaking in
+the bulk of the report. It should have three parts: a paragraph
+breaking style ({@Code adjust}, {@Code ragged}, etc.), an inter-line
+spacing ({@Code "1.2fx"} for single spacing, {@Code "2.4fx"} for
+double spacing, and so on), and either @Code "hyphen" or
+@Code "nohyphen" for turning hyphenation on or off. It may also
+have @Code "nobreakfirst" or @Code "nobreaklast" (or both), meaning
+to disallow a page break after the first line of a paragraph, or
+before the last, respectively.
+@Code "@InitialSpace" determines how Lout treats white space between
+two objects, as described in Section
+{@NumberOf white}. @Code "@InitialLanguage" determines the language
+of the bulk of the report.
+@Code "@PageOrientation" determines the orientation of the page. Its
+value may be {@Code Portrait} (the default), {@Code Landscape},
+{@Code ReversePortrait}, or {@Code ReverseLandscape}. See
+Section {@NumberOf pagesize} for further details.
+@Code "@PageHeaders" determines the appearance of page headers and
+footers. Its value may be {@Code None},
+{@Code Simple}, {@Code Titles}, or {@Code NoTitles}. Section
+{@NumberOf headers} has the details, but just briefly, {@Code None}
+produces no page headers, {@Code Simple} produces a centred page number
+between hyphens on every page except the cover sheet and the first
+page, @Code Titles produces full running titles as in the present
+document, and @Code "NoTitles" is like @Code "Titles" with the running
+titles omitted, leaving just the page numbers.
+@Code "@ColumnNumber" is the number of columns per page in the bulk of
+the report, and may be anything from {@Code 1} (the default value) to
+{@Code 10}. However, there is nothing analogous to the @Code "@FullWidth"
+symbol of ordinary documents. Instead, the cover sheet, title material,
+and all figures and tables will be printed full width, and the rest will
+be set in columns. There is a separate @Code "@IndexColumnNumber" option
+in the setup file which determines the number of columns in the index
+(Section {@NumberOf indexes}).
+@Code "@FirstPageNumber" is the page number given to the first page.
+Lout ordinarily places lines onto a page until space runs out, then moves
+to the next page and so on. This often produces ugly empty spaces at
+the bottoms of pages preceding large unbreakable displays. Setting the
+@Code "@OptimizePages" option to {@Code "Yes"} causes Lout to examine the
+overall situation and try to minimize the ugliness, using the @TeX
+optimal paragraph breaking algorithm. It takes two runs to do this,
+with intermediate results stored in Lout's cross reference database
+(Section {@NumberOf cross}); so deleting file {@Code lout.li} will reset
+it, which might be wise after major changes. It is possible for the
+optimizer to cycle, never settling on a single final best version; this
+is usually caused by footnotes or floating figures inserted at points
+which end up near page boundaries.
+Finally we have three options that control the abstract.
+@Code "@AbstractDisplay" may be @Code { Yes } or {@Code No};
+it determines whether the abstract is displayed (occupying
+the full page width except for an indent at each side like a quoted
+display) or inline (occupying the column width).
+@Code "@AbstractTitle" is the title of the abstract; its default
+value is @Code Abstract or its equivalent in the current language.
+abstract. @Index @Code "@Abstract"
+Finally, @Code "@Abstract" contains the abstract itself; it may be
+empty or absent, in which case there will be no abstract.
+The abstract may contain footnotes in the usual way. Regrettably, each
+footnote in the abstract will generate one spurious `unresolved cross
+reference' error message that does not go away. This slight problem
+might be fixed in the future.
+After the compulsory {@Code "//"} comes the report body in the
+form of a sequence of sections:
+section.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Introduction }"
+"@End @Section"
+No @Code "@BeginSections" or @Code "@EndSections" symbols are needed. The
+beginsections.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+endsections.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+general rule is that you need these bracketing symbols only when you are
+inside something else. Sections lie inside
+@Code "@Text" in ordinary documents, but they don't lie inside anything
+else in technical reports.
+A section may have subsections, between
+subsection.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+beginsubsections.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+endsubsections.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+@Code "@BeginSubSections" and {@Code "@EndSubSections"}:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@SubSection ... @End @SubSection"
+"@SubSection ... @End @SubSection"
+"@SubSection ... @End @SubSection"
+Within each subsection there may be sub-subsections, each introduced
+by {@Code "@SubSubSection"}, with the whole sequence bracketed by
+subsubsection.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+beginsubsubsections.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+endsubsubsections.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+@Code "@BeginSubSubSections" and {@Code "@EndSubSubSections"}:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@SubSubSection ... @End @SubSubSection"
+"@SubSubSection ... @End @SubSubSection"
+"@SubSubSection ... @End @SubSubSection"
+There are no sub-sub-subsections.
+After the sections comes an optional sequence of appendices:
+appendix.reports @SubIndex { in technical reports }
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+" @Title { Derivation of the renewal formula }"
+"@End @Appendix"
+No @Code "@BeginAppendices" or @Code "@EndAppendices" symbols are needed,
+beginappendices.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+endappendices.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+because (like the sections above) these appendices do not lie inside
+any other large-scale structure symbol. The appendices are numbered
+A, B, C, etc., as is conventional for them. Within each appendix
+there may be a sequence of subappendices, obtained with the
+@Code "@SubAppendix" symbol and bracketed by @Code "@BeginSubAppendices"
+subappendix.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+beginsubappendices.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+endsubappendices.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+and {@Code "@EndSubAppendices"}:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"preceding text"
+"@SubAppendix ... @End @SubAppendix"
+"@SubAppendix ... @End @SubAppendix"
+"@SubAppendix ... @End @SubAppendix"
+There are sub-subappendices following the same pattern, but no
+subsubappendix.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+beginsubsubappendices.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+endsubsubappendices.reports @SubIndex { in reports }
+The report ends with the last section or appendix; any reference list or
+index will be appended automatically. Although we have described how to
+create reports as though everything was in one large file, in practice it
+is much better to divide the report into multiple files, following the
+method given in Section {@NumberOf organizing}.
+In addition to the {@Code "@Title"} option, each large-scale structure
+symbol ({@Code "@Section"}, {@Code "@SubSection"}, {@Code "@SubSubSection"},
+{@Code "@Appendix"}, {@Code "@SubAppendix"},
+and {@Code "@SubSubAppendix"}) has a @Code "@Tag" option for cross
+referencing (Section {@NumberOf cross}), an @Code "@InitialLanguage"
+option for changing the language of that part of the document, and a
+@Code "@RunningTitle" option which will be used in place of @Code "@Title"
+in running headers if given. @Code "@RunningTitle" is useful when the
+full title is rather long.
+The features described in other chapters are all available within
+technical reports. To get a table of contents, change the @Code
+"@MakeContents" option in the setup file to {@Code Yes}; the rest is
+automatic, and you don't need the @Code "@ContentsGoesHere" symbol from
+ordinary documents. To get an index, again you need only change the
+@Code "@MakeIndex" setup file option to {@Code Yes}. Endnotes and
+references appear at the end of the report. Figures and tables are
+numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.
+Within the @Code "report" setup file there is a @Code "@ReportSetup"
+symbol whose options control the appearance of features specific to
+report.setup @Index @Code "@ReportSetup"
+reports (in other words, the features described in this section). Section
+{@NumberOf setup} explains setup files and their options in general; here
+is a representative sample of these options, showing their default values:
+@ID @OneRow @Code {
+"@Use { @ReportSetup"
+" # @CoverSheet { Yes }"
+" # @DateLine { No }"
+" # @ReferencesBeforeAppendices { No }"
+" # @AbstractWord { abstract }"
+" # @ContentsWord { contents }"
+" # @SectionNumbers { Arabic }"
+" # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold }"
+" # @SectionGap { 2.00v }"
+" # @SectionInContents { Yes }"
+@Code "@CoverSheet" and @Code "@DateLine" are as for {@Code "@Report"};
+you can set them in either place as you prefer. @Code
+"@ReferencesBeforeAppendices" determines whether the reference list is
+printed out before or after any appendices. @Code "@AbstractWord"
+determines the value of the title of the abstract if none is given there;
+its default value, {@Code abstract}, produces `Abstract' in the current
+language. @Code "@ContentsWord" is similar; its default value produces
+`Contents' in the current language. The other four options
+control the appearance of sections, and there are similar options for
+controlling the other large-scale structure symbols.
+@Code "@SectionNumbers" determines how sections will be numbered, and may
+be @Code { None }, @Code { Arabic }, @Code { Roman }, @Code { UCRoman },
+@Code { Alpha }, or @Code { UCAlpha }. The default value is @Code Arabic
+for sections, and also for all large-scale structure symbols except
+appendices, for which it is {@Code UCAlpha}. This produces the appendices
+numbered in upper-case letters (A, B, C, etc.) that were mentioned earlier.
+@Code "@SectionHeadingFont" is the font used for section headings. The
+default value shown above produces the bold face from the family of the
+initial font. A family name and size is acceptable here as well:
+@ID @Code "@SectionHeadingFont { Helvetica Base +2p }"
+produces section headings in the Helvetica font, two points larger
+than the initial font size.
+@Code "@SectionGap" determines how much space is left blank before each
+section title; the default value shown above is twice the current
+inter-line spacing. The special value @Code "2b" may be used to get a
+page break rather than a space. @Code "@SectionInContents" determines
+whether or not an entry is made in the table of contents for each section;
+it may be @Code Yes or {@Code No}. There are similar options for other
+large-scale structure symbols.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/vbas b/doc/user/vbas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0004cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/vbas
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+vi bas bas_star bas_objs bas_spac bas_char bas_empt bas_font bas_head \
+ bas_par1 bas_par2 bas_line bas_hyph bas_unde bas_date bas_lang \
+ bas_supe bas_verb bas_drop bas_conv
diff --git a/doc/user/vfmt b/doc/user/vfmt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39d5efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/vfmt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+vi fmt fmt_setu fmt_size fmt_marg fmt_head
diff --git a/doc/user/vref b/doc/user/vref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55e3596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/vref
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+vi ref ref_sett ref_cite ref_labe ref_entr ref_chan ref_crea
diff --git a/doc/user/vstr b/doc/user/vstr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f4e2d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/vstr
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+vi str str_disp str_list str_foot str_marg str_theo str_figs str_larg \
+ str_cros str_cont str_indx str_colu str_defs
diff --git a/doc/user/vtbl b/doc/user/vtbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24f6a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/vtbl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+vi tbl tbl_intr tbl_cell tbl_rows tbl_marg tbl_widt tbl_inde tbl_rule \
+ tbl_span tbl_mult tbl_alig tbl_mark tbl_plai tbl_setu tbl_summ
diff --git a/doc/user/vtyp b/doc/user/vtyp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..003ff0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/vtyp
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+vi typ typ_ordi typ_repo typ_book typ_over typ_illu typ_plai \
+ typ_apdf typ_orga
diff --git a/externs.h b/externs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a68ff4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3407 @@
+/*@externs.h:External Declarations:Directories and file conventions@**********/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: externs.h */
+/* MODULE: External Declarations */
+/* */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <nl_types.h>
+extern nl_catd MsgCat;
+#define condcatgets(cat, set, msg, s) catgets(cat, set, msg, s)
+#define condcatgets(cat, set, msg, s) s
+/* */
+/* Include, font and database directories, and the DEBUG_ON and ASSERT_ON */
+/* flags (defined by -D options on the cc command line in the makefile). */
+/* */
+/* LATIN Non-zero means compile for ISO-LATIN-1 char set. */
+/* LIB_DIR The system directory where library files are kept */
+/* INCL_DIR The subdirectory of LIB_DIR where @Include files are kept */
+/* FONT_DIR The subdirectory of LIB_DIR where .AFM font files are kept */
+/* MAPS_DIR The subdirectory of LIB_DIR where .LCM files are kept */
+/* DATA_DIR The subdirectory of LIB_DIR where database files are kept */
+/* HYPH_DIR The subdirectory of LIB_DIR where hyphenation files kept */
+/* LOCALE_DIR The subdirectory of LIB_DIR where locale files are kept */
+/* CHAR_IN Determines assignment of input chars to lex classes */
+/* CHAR_OUT Determines appearance of literal chars in output */
+/* DEBUG_ON Non-zero means compile debug code (lout -d) */
+/* ASSERT_ON Non-zero means test assertions */
+/* LOCALE_ON Non-zero means compile setlocale() etc. code */
+/* */
+/* #define LIB_DIR "/usr/local/lib/lout" */
+/* #define INCL_DIR "include" */
+/* #define FONT_DIR "font" */
+/* #define MAPS_DIR "maps" */
+/* #define DATA_DIR "data" */
+/* #define HYPH_DIR "hyph" */
+/* #define LOCALE_DIR "locale" (only used if LOCALE_ON) */
+/* #define CHAR_IN 0 */
+/* #define CHAR_OUT 0 */
+/* #define DEBUG_ON 0 */
+/* #define ASSERT_ON 1 */
+/* #define LOCALE_ON 1 */
+/* */
+/*@::File naming conventions and version@*************************************/
+/* */
+/* File naming conventions and version */
+/* */
+/* LOUT_VERSION Version information */
+/* CROSS_DB The default name of the cross reference database */
+/* SOURCE_SUFFIX Optional suffix of source files and include files */
+/* INDEX_SUFFIX The suffix of database index files */
+/* NEW_INDEX_SUFFIX The suffix of new database index files */
+/* DATA_SUFFIX The suffix of database data files */
+/* NEW_DATA_SUFFIX The additional suffix of new database data files */
+/* HYPH_SUFFIX The suffix of unpacked hyphenation files */
+/* HYPH_PACKED_SUFFIX The suffix of packed hyphenation files */
+/* FILTER_IN The prefix of the name of the input file to filters */
+/* FILTER_OUT The prefix of the name of the output file to filters */
+/* FILTER_ERR The name of the error file to filters */
+/* */
+#define LOUT_VERSION AsciiToFull("Basser Lout Version 3.17 (September 1999)")
+#define CROSS_DB AsciiToFull("lout")
+#define SOURCE_SUFFIX AsciiToFull(".lt")
+#define INDEX_SUFFIX AsciiToFull(".li")
+#define NEW_INDEX_SUFFIX AsciiToFull(".lix")
+#define DATA_SUFFIX AsciiToFull(".ld")
+#define NEW_DATA_SUFFIX AsciiToFull("x")
+#define HYPH_SUFFIX AsciiToFull(".lh")
+#define HYPH_PACKED_SUFFIX AsciiToFull(".lp")
+#define FILTER_IN AsciiToFull("louti")
+#define FILTER_OUT AsciiToFull("lout")
+#define FILTER_ERR AsciiToFull("lout.err")
+/* */
+/* Operating system dependent things */
+/* */
+/* (1) File read and write modes for binary files, and directory character */
+/* */
+/* MS-DOS text file line endings differ from Unix line endings. This is */
+/* usually ignorable but causes problems with binary files and files where */
+/* you do arithmetic on fseek() values. In Lout the problematic files are */
+/* compressed trie and hyphenation files, and database index files. So */
+/* we must read and write these files in "binary mode" in MS-DOS. For */
+/* completeness we have included synonyms for all file modes used by Lout: */
+/* */
+/* READ_BINARY Mode passed to fopen() when reading a "binary file" */
+/* WRITE_BINARY Mode passed to fopen() when writing a "binary file" */
+/* READ_TEXT Mode passed to fopen() when reading a "text file" */
+/* APPEND_TEXT Mode passed to fopen() when appending to "text file" */
+/* WRITE_TEXT Mode passed to fopen() when writing a "text file" */
+/* STR_DIR Directory character used in file path names */
+/* */
+/* (2) System command and file name for uncompressing EPS files */
+/* */
+/* UNCOMPRESS_COM System command for uncompressing compressed EPS file */
+/* LOUT_EPS Name of temporary uncompressed EPS file */
+/* */
+/* There is one further call to system() in the Lout source code: the one */
+/* that implements filtered parameters such as c2lout. The strings passed */
+/* to this call to system() are the values of @Filter symbols within Lout */
+/* definitions. */
+/* */
+#if OS_UNIX
+#define READ_BINARY "r"
+#define WRITE_BINARY "w"
+#define READ_TEXT "r"
+#define APPEND_TEXT "a"
+#define WRITE_TEXT "w"
+#define STR_DIR AsciiToFull("/")
+#define UNCOMPRESS_COM "gunzip -c %s > %s"
+#define LOUT_EPS "lout.eps"
+#if OS_DOS
+#define READ_BINARY "rb"
+#define WRITE_BINARY "wb"
+#define READ_TEXT "rt"
+#define APPEND_TEXT "at"
+#define WRITE_TEXT "wt"
+#define STR_DIR AsciiToFull("/")
+#define UNCOMPRESS_COM "gunzip -c %s > %s"
+#define LOUT_EPS "lout.eps"
+#if OS_MAC
+#define READ_BINARY "r"
+#define WRITE_BINARY "w"
+#define READ_TEXT "r"
+#define APPEND_TEXT "a"
+#define WRITE_TEXT "w"
+#define STR_DIR AsciiToFull(":")
+#define UNCOMPRESS_COM "gunzip -c %s > %s"
+#define LOUT_EPS "lout.eps"
+If you're compiling this, you've got the wrong settings in the makefile!
+/*@::Significant limits@******************************************************/
+/* */
+/* Significant Limits (other insignificant ones appear in other files) */
+/* */
+/* MAX_FULL_LENGTH The maximum value storable in type FULL_LENGTH. */
+/* NB this cannot be 2**31 - 1 because there are */
+/* intermediate results that exceed MAX_FULL_LENGTH */
+/* and are subsequently reduced to MAX_FULL_LENGTH. */
+/* For example, some intermediate results may exceed */
+/* MAX_FULL_LENGTH by a factor of SF, which is defined */
+/* below to be 128 (2**7). The value given is 2**23-1, */
+/* which is about 148 metres in Lout's precision. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_SHORT_LENGTH The maximum value storable in type SHORT_LENGTH. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_FILES The maximum number of files. This could only be */
+/* increased if the file_num() field of type FILE_POS */
+/* is enlarged beyond its present 16 bits. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_LINE 1 + the maximum length of an input line in source */
+/* and database files. This is used for the lexical */
+/* analyser's input line buffer only, and could be */
+/* increased immediately to 4096, and even further if */
+/* more than the current 12 bits was assigned to the */
+/* col_num() field of type FILE_POS. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_WORD 1 + the maximum length of a word storable in an */
+/* object record, which includes all file path names */
+/* too. It is reasonable to make this MAX_LINE, since */
+/* a word longer than MAX_LINE cannot be read in. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_OBJECT_REC 1 + the maximum size of an object record, measured */
+/* in ALIGNs. The value chosen should exceed */
+/* ceiling( (wr + MAX_WORD - 4) / sizeof(ALIGN) ) */
+/* where wr = sizeof(struct word_rec), so that words of */
+/* length MAX_WORD-1 can be stored in an object record. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_BUFF 1 + the maximum length of a "standard buffer"; these */
+/* buffers are used in a variety of places throughout */
+/* the program for holding one line of a font file, */
+/* one file path name, one symbol full name, etc. This */
+/* may be increased immediately without limit. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_FONT The maximum number of sized fonts allowed. This */
+/* can be increased beyond 4096 only by setting aside */
+/* a larger word_font() field. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_COLOUR The maximum number of distinct left parameters of */
+/* @SetColour and @SetColor symbols allowed (after */
+/* evaluation). This can be increased beyond 4096 */
+/* only by setting aside a larger word_colour() field. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_LANGUAGE The maximum number of distinct languages allowed. */
+/* This can be increased beyond 256 only by setting */
+/* aside a larger word_language() field. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_LEX_STACK The maximum depth of @Includes and @Databases. This */
+/* can be increased immediately by any small amount. */
+/* */
+/* MAX_CHARS The maximimum number of characters in a font. This */
+/* cannot be increased easily. */
+/* */
+#define MAX_FULL_LENGTH 8388607 /* 2**23 - 1, about 148 metres */
+#define MAX_SHORT_LENGTH 32767
+#define MAX_FILES 65535
+#define MAX_LINE 2048
+#define MAX_WORD 2048
+#define MAX_OBJECT_REC ceiling(sizeof(struct word_type)+MAX_WORD,sizeof(ALIGN))
+#define MAX_BUFF 512
+#define MAX_FONT 4096
+#define MAX_COLOUR 4096
+#define MAX_LANGUAGE 64
+#define MAX_LEX_STACK 10
+#define MAX_CHARS 256
+/* */
+/* Miscellaneous Macros */
+/* */
+#define BOOLEAN unsigned
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+#define bool(x) (x ? AsciiToFull("TRUE") : AsciiToFull("FALSE") )
+#define CHILD 0
+#define PARENT 1
+#define COLM 0
+#define ROWM 1
+#define dimen(x) (x == COLM ? AsciiToFull("COLM") : AsciiToFull("ROWM") )
+#define nilobj ( (OBJECT) NULL )
+#define null ( (FILE *) NULL )
+#define find_max(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
+#define find_min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define ceiling(a, b) ( ((a) - 1)/(b) + 1 ) /* ceiling(a/b) */
+#define is_odd(x) ( (x) & 1 ) /* TRUE if x is odd number */
+/* */
+/* typedef ALIGN - used for forcing record alignment. */
+/* */
+typedef char *ALIGN;
+/* */
+/* typedef FULL_LENGTH - an integer physical distance. */
+/* */
+typedef int FULL_LENGTH;
+/* */
+/* typedef SHORT_LENGTH - an short integer physical distance. */
+/* */
+typedef short int SHORT_LENGTH;
+/* */
+/* FONT_NUM - internal name for a font. */
+/* */
+typedef unsigned FONT_NUM;
+/* */
+/* COLOUR_NUM - internal name for a colour. */
+/* */
+typedef unsigned COLOUR_NUM;
+/* */
+/* LANGUAGE_NUM - internal name for a language. */
+/* */
+typedef unsigned LANGUAGE_NUM;
+/* */
+/* MAPPING - internal name for a character mapping vector. */
+/* */
+typedef unsigned MAPPING;
+/* */
+/* LINE - a line from a database index file. */
+/* */
+typedef char *LINE;
+/* */
+/* typedef FULL_CHAR - one of the characters manipulated by Lout. */
+/* */
+/* This program does not deal with 7-bit ASCII characters. Instead, its */
+/* characters are defined by the FULL_CHAR typedef, and could be anything */
+/* from 7-bit ASCII to 8-bit ISO-LATIN-1 to 16-bit UNICODE and beyond. */
+/* */
+/* Unfortunately C favours signed 8-bit characters: literal strings are */
+/* pointers to them, argv[] and the standard libraries assume them. We get */
+/* around these problems by using our own library, including AsciiToFull() */
+/* to convert an ASCII string (such as a C string) into a FULL_CHAR string. */
+/* */
+/* Formally this library appears in module z39.c; however since this */
+/* implementation uses 8-bit unsigned characters, most of the routines */
+/* can be implemented by macros containing type-cast calls to C standard */
+/* library routines. These appear in the z39.c externs list below. */
+/* */
+typedef unsigned char FULL_CHAR;
+/* */
+/* typedef POINTER- name for type of generic pointer */
+/* */
+typedef void *POINTER;
+/*@::Character literals@******************************************************/
+/* */
+/* Character Literals */
+/* */
+/* The following macros ensure that no Lout source is ever compared to a */
+/* literal character other than '\0': */
+/* */
+#define CH_FLAG_ALTERR 'a' /* the -a command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_CROSS 'c' /* the -c command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_ENCPATH 'C' /* the -C command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_DEBUG 'd' /* the -d command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_DIRPATH 'D' /* the -D command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_ERRFILE 'e' /* the -e command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_EPSFIRST 'E' /* first letter of the -EPS flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_FNTPATH 'F' /* the -F command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_HYPHEN 'h' /* the -h command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_HYPPATH 'H' /* the -H command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_INCLUDE 'i' /* the -i command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_INCPATH 'I' /* the -I command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_NOKERN 'k' /* the -k command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_NOCOLLATE 'l' /* the -l command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_COLLATE 'L' /* the -L command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_MEMCHECK 'm' /* the -m command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_MEMCR 'M' /* the -M command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_OUTFILE 'o' /* the -o command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_PLAIN 'p' /* the -p command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_FFPLAIN 'P' /* the -P command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_SUPPRESS 's' /* the -s command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_SAFE 'S' /* the -S command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_USAGE 'u' /* the -u command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_UNSAFE 'U' /* the -U command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_VERSION 'V' /* the -V command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_INITALL 'x' /* the -x command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_OPTION '-' /* the -- command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_WORDS 'w' /* the -w command line flag */
+#define CH_FLAG_PDF 'Z' /* the -Z command line flag */
+#define CH_SPACE ' ' /* space character */
+#define CH_NEWLINE '\n' /* the newline character */
+#define CH_SYMSTART '@' /* extra letter symbols may have */
+#define CH_UNDERSCORE '_' /* extra letter symbols may have */
+#define CH_QUOTE '"' /* the quote character */
+#define CH_ZERO '0' /* the first digit character, zero */
+#define CH_EIGHT '8' /* the last even digit character */
+#define CH_NINE '9' /* the last odd digit character */
+#define CH_INCGAP '+' /* begins an incrementing gap */
+#define CH_DECGAP '-' /* begins a decrementing gap */
+#define CH_MINUS '-' /* minus sign */
+#define CH_HYPHEN '-' /* the hyphen character */
+#define CH_NOBREAK 'u' /* `unbreakable' character for gaps */
+#define CH_UNIT_CM 'c' /* unit of measurement: centimetres */
+#define CH_UNIT_IN 'i' /* unit of measurement: inches */
+#define CH_UNIT_PT 'p' /* unit of measurement: points */
+#define CH_UNIT_EM 'm' /* unit of measurement: ems */
+#define CH_UNIT_FT 'f' /* unit of measurement: fontsizes */
+#define CH_UNIT_SP 's' /* unit of measurement: spacewidths */
+#define CH_UNIT_VS 'v' /* unit of measurement: vspaces */
+#define CH_UNIT_WD 'w' /* unit of measurement: follwidths */
+#define CH_UNIT_BD 'b' /* unit of measurement: boundwidths */
+#define CH_UNIT_RL 'r' /* unit of measurement: relwidths */
+#define CH_UNIT_DG 'd' /* unit of measurement: degrees */
+#define CH_UNIT_YU 'y' /* unit of measurement: y unit */
+#define CH_UNIT_ZU 'z' /* unit of measurement: z unit */
+#define CH_MODE_EDGE 'e' /* spacing mode: edge-to-edge */
+#define CH_MODE_HYPH 'h' /* spacing mode: hyphenation */
+#define CH_MODE_MARK 'x' /* spacing mode: mark-to-mark */
+#define CH_MODE_OVER 'o' /* spacing mode: overstrike */
+#define CH_MODE_KERN 'k' /* spacing mode: kerning */
+#define CH_MODE_TABL 't' /* spacing mode: tabulation */
+#define octaldigit(ch) ( (ch) >= '0' && (ch) <= '7' )
+#define decimaldigit(ch) ( (ch) >= '0' && (ch) <= '9' )
+#define digitchartonum(ch) ( (ch) - '0' )
+#define numtodigitchar(ch) ( (ch) + '0' )
+#define beginsbreakstyle(ch) ( (ch) >= 'a' && (ch) <= 'z' )
+#define numericchar(ch) ( decimaldigit(ch) || (ch) == '.' )
+/*@::String literals, FULL_CHAR type@*****************************************/
+/* */
+/* String Literals. */
+/* */
+/* All significant string literals are defined here. The program has many */
+/* others, however: format strings, debug output, etc. */
+/* */
+#define STR_EMPTY AsciiToFull("")
+#define STR_QUOTE AsciiToFull("\"")
+#define STR_ESCAPE AsciiToFull("\\")
+#define STR_COMMENT AsciiToFull("#")
+#define STR_SPACE AsciiToFull(" ")
+#define STR_FORMFEED AsciiToFull("\f")
+#define STR_TAB AsciiToFull("\t")
+#define STR_NEWLINE AsciiToFull("\n")
+#define STR_LETTERS_LOWER AsciiToFull("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
+#define STR_LETTERS_SYMSTART AsciiToFull("@")
+#define STR_LETTERS_UNDERSCORE AsciiToFull("_")
+#if CHAR_IN==0
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA0 AsciiToFull("")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA1 AsciiToFull("")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA2 AsciiToFull("")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA3 AsciiToFull("")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA4 AsciiToFull("")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA5 AsciiToFull("")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA6 AsciiToFull("")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA7 AsciiToFull("")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA0 AsciiToFull("\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA1 AsciiToFull("\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA2 AsciiToFull("\320\321\322\323\324\325\326")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA3 AsciiToFull("\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA4 AsciiToFull("\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA5 AsciiToFull("\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\357")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA6 AsciiToFull("\360\361\362\363\364\365\366")
+#define STR_LETTERS_EXTRA7 AsciiToFull("\370\371\372\373\374\375\376\377")
+#define STR_STDIN AsciiToFull("-")
+#define STR_STDOUT AsciiToFull("-")
+#define STR_HYPHEN AsciiToFull("-")
+#define STR_EPS AsciiToFull("EPS")
+#define STR_POSTSCRIPT AsciiToFull("PostScript")
+#define STR_PLAINTEXT AsciiToFull("PlainText")
+#define STR_PDF AsciiToFull("PDF")
+#define STR_ELSE AsciiToFull("else")
+#define STR_NOCROSS AsciiToFull("??")
+#define STR_BADKEY AsciiToFull("badkey")
+#define STR_NONE AsciiToFull("none")
+#define STR_NOCHAR AsciiToFull("-none-")
+#define STR_ZERO AsciiToFull("0")
+#define STR_PS_SPACENAME AsciiToFull("space")
+#define STR_FONT_RECODE AsciiToFull("Recode")
+#define STR_FONT_NORECODE AsciiToFull("NoRecode")
+#define STR_COLOUR_NOCHANGE AsciiToFull("nochange")
+#define STR_BREAK_HYPHEN AsciiToFull("hyphen")
+#define STR_BREAK_NOHYPHEN AsciiToFull("nohyphen")
+#define STR_BREAK_ADJUST AsciiToFull("adjust")
+#define STR_BREAK_OUTDENT AsciiToFull("outdent")
+#define STR_BREAK_RAGGED AsciiToFull("ragged")
+#define STR_BREAK_CRAGGED AsciiToFull("cragged")
+#define STR_BREAK_RRAGGED AsciiToFull("rragged")
+#define STR_BREAK_ORAGGED AsciiToFull("oragged")
+#define STR_BREAK_LINES AsciiToFull("lines")
+#define STR_BREAK_CLINES AsciiToFull("clines")
+#define STR_BREAK_RLINES AsciiToFull("rlines")
+#define STR_BREAK_NOFIRST AsciiToFull("unbreakablefirst")
+#define STR_BREAK_FIRST AsciiToFull("breakablefirst")
+#define STR_BREAK_NOLAST AsciiToFull("unbreakablelast")
+#define STR_BREAK_LAST AsciiToFull("breakablelast")
+#define STR_SPACE_LOUT AsciiToFull("lout")
+#define STR_SPACE_COMPRESS AsciiToFull("compress")
+#define STR_SPACE_SEPARATE AsciiToFull("separate")
+#define STR_SPACE_TROFF AsciiToFull("troff")
+#define STR_SPACE_TEX AsciiToFull("tex")
+#define STR_SMALL_CAPS_ON AsciiToFull("smallcaps")
+#define STR_SMALL_CAPS_OFF AsciiToFull("nosmallcaps")
+#define STR_GAP_RJUSTIFY AsciiToFull("1rt")
+#define STR_GAP_ZERO_HYPH AsciiToFull("0ch")
+/*@::GAP, STYLE@**************************************************************/
+/* */
+/* typedef GAP - what separates one object from another. */
+/* */
+typedef struct
+{ unsigned ospare : 7; /* left for other things in STYLE */
+ BOOLEAN onobreak : 1; /* TRUE if this gap is unbreakable */
+ BOOLEAN omark : 1; /* TRUE if this gap is marked */
+ BOOLEAN ojoin : 1; /* TRUE if joins exist across gap */
+ unsigned ounits : 3; /* units of measurement: fixed, etc */
+ unsigned omode : 3; /* spacing mode: edge-to-edge, etc */
+ SHORT_LENGTH owidth; /* width of the gap */
+} GAP;
+#define nobreak(x) (x).onobreak
+#define mark(x) (x).omark
+#define join(x) (x).ojoin
+#define units(x) (x).ounits
+#define mode(x) (x).omode
+#define width(x) (x).owidth
+#define SetGap(x, xnobreak, xmark, xjoin, xunits, xmode, xwidth) \
+( nobreak(x) = xnobreak, mark(x) = xmark, join(x) = xjoin, \
+ units(x) = xunits, mode(x) = xmode, width(x) = xwidth \
+#define GapCopy(x, y) \
+( nobreak(x) = nobreak(y), mark(x) = mark(y), join(x) = join(y), \
+ units(x) = units(y), mode(x) = mode(y), width(x) = width(y) \
+#define ClearGap(x) SetGap(x, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FIXED_UNIT, NO_MODE, 0)
+/* */
+/* typedef STYLE - information about how to break text, etc. */
+/* */
+typedef struct
+{ union {
+ GAP oline_gap; /* separation between lines */
+ struct {
+ BOOLEAN ovadjust : 1; /* @VAdjust in effect */
+ BOOLEAN ohadjust : 1; /* @HAdjust in effect */
+ BOOLEAN opadjust : 1; /* @PAdjust in effect */
+ unsigned osmall_caps : 1; /* small capitals */
+ unsigned ospace_style : 3; /* space style: lout, troff, tex, .. */
+ } oss1;
+ } osu1;
+ union {
+ GAP ospace_gap; /* separation induced by white space */
+ struct {
+ unsigned ohyph_style : 2; /* hyphenation off or on */
+ unsigned ofill_style : 2; /* fill lines with text off/on */
+ unsigned odisplay_style : 3; /* display lines adjusted, ragged... */
+ } oss2;
+ } osu2;
+ SHORT_LENGTH oyunit; /* value of y unit of measurement */
+ SHORT_LENGTH ozunit; /* value of z unit of measurement */
+ FONT_NUM ofont : 12; /* current font */
+ COLOUR_NUM ocolour : 12; /* current colour */
+ LANGUAGE_NUM olanguage : 6; /* current language */
+ BOOLEAN onobreakfirst : 1; /* no break after first line of para */
+ BOOLEAN onobreaklast : 1; /* no break after last line of para */
+#define line_gap(x) (x).osu1.oline_gap
+#define vadjust(x) (x).osu1.oss1.ovadjust
+#define hadjust(x) (x).osu1.oss1.ohadjust
+#define padjust(x) (x).osu1.oss1.opadjust
+#define small_caps(x) (x).osu1.oss1.osmall_caps
+#define space_style(x) (x).osu1.oss1.ospace_style
+#define space_gap(x) (x).osu2.ospace_gap
+#define hyph_style(x) (x).osu2.oss2.ohyph_style
+#define fill_style(x) (x).osu2.oss2.ofill_style
+#define display_style(x)(x).osu2.oss2.odisplay_style
+#define font(x) (x).ofont
+#define colour(x) (x).ocolour
+#define language(x) (x).olanguage
+#define nobreakfirst(x) (x).onobreaklast
+#define nobreaklast(x) (x).onobreakfirst
+#define yunit(x) (x).oyunit
+#define zunit(x) (x).ozunit
+#define StyleCopy(x, y) \
+( GapCopy(line_gap(x), line_gap(y)), \
+ hyph_style(x) = hyph_style(y), \
+ fill_style(x) = fill_style(y), \
+ display_style(x) = display_style(y), \
+ small_caps(x) = small_caps(y), \
+ GapCopy(space_gap(x), space_gap(y)), \
+ font(x) = font(y), \
+ colour(x) = colour(y), \
+ language(x) = language(y), \
+ nobreakfirst(x) = nobreakfirst(y), \
+ nobreaklast(x) = nobreaklast(y), \
+ vadjust(x) = vadjust(y), \
+ hadjust(x) = hadjust(y), \
+ padjust(x) = padjust(y), \
+ space_style(x) = space_style(y), \
+ yunit(x) = yunit(y), \
+ zunit(x) = zunit(y) \
+/*@::CONSTRAINT, FILE_NUM, FILE_POS, LIST@************************************/
+/* */
+/* typedef CONSTRAINT - a size constraint. */
+/* */
+typedef struct
+ FULL_LENGTH osparec;
+#define bc(x) (x).obc
+#define bfc(x) (x).obfc
+#define fc(x) (x).ofc
+#define sparec(x) (x).osparec
+#define constrained(x) (bc(x) != MAX_FULL_LENGTH || \
+ bfc(x) != MAX_FULL_LENGTH || fc(x) != MAX_FULL_LENGTH)
+#define SetConstraint(c,x,y,z) (bc(c) = (x), bfc(c) = (y), fc(c) = (z))
+#define CopyConstraint(x, y) (bc(x) = bc(y), bfc(x) = bfc(y), fc(x) = fc(y))
+#define FitsConstraint(b, f, c) (b <= bc(c) && b + f <= bfc(c) && f <= fc(c))
+#define ig_fnum(x) bc(constraint(x))
+#define ig_xtrans(x) bfc(constraint(x))
+#define ig_ytrans(x) fc(constraint(x))
+/* */
+/* typedef FILE_NUM - the internal representation of a file. */
+/* */
+typedef unsigned short FILE_NUM;
+#define NO_FILE 0
+/* */
+/* typedef FILE_POS - a position in the set of input files. */
+/* */
+typedef struct
+{ unsigned char otype; /* space for object type field */
+ unsigned char orec_size; /* space for object record size */
+ FILE_NUM ofile_num; /* no. of file this record is from */
+ unsigned oline_num : 20; /* the line number of this record */
+ unsigned ocol_num : 12; /* column number this is related to */
+#define file_num(x) (x).ofile_num
+#define col_num(x) (x).ocol_num
+#define line_num(x) (x).oline_num
+#define FposCopy(x, y) \
+( file_num(x) = file_num(y), \
+ line_num(x) = line_num(y), \
+ col_num(x) = col_num(y) \
+/* */
+/* typedef LIST - two pointers used to make one doubly linked list */
+/* */
+typedef struct { union rec *opred, *osucc; } LIST;
+/* */
+/* typedef FIRST_UNION - first eight bytes of object record (after LISTs). */
+/* */
+/* The fpos is overwritten in WORDs and QWORDs during FixAndPrintObject by */
+/* the horizontal coordinate of the word, which has to be remembered. */
+/* */
+typedef union
+ FILE_POS ofpos;
+ struct
+ { unsigned char otype, orec_size;
+ int oword_save_mark;
+ } os11;
+/*@::SECOND_UNION, THIRD_UNION, FOURTH_UNION@*********************************/
+/* */
+/* typedef SECOND_UNION - four bytes holding various flags etc. */
+/* */
+typedef union
+ struct /* used by all tokens */
+ { unsigned char oprecedence;
+ unsigned char ohspace, ovspace;
+ } os21;
+ struct /* used by WORD objects only, except underline used by all */
+ /* objects, including GAP_OBJ */
+ { FONT_NUM oword_font : 12;
+ COLOUR_NUM oword_colour : 11;
+ LANGUAGE_NUM oword_language : 6;
+ unsigned ounderline : 2;
+ unsigned oword_hyph : 1;
+ } os22;
+ struct /* used by non-WORD objects */
+ { unsigned char ofoll_or_prec;
+ unsigned char ocross_type; /* CROSS objects only */
+ BOOLEAN onon_blocking: 1;
+ BOOLEAN osized : 1;
+ BOOLEAN othreaded : 1;
+ BOOLEAN oexternal_hor: 1;
+ BOOLEAN oexternal_ver: 1;
+ BOOLEAN oblocked : 1;
+ BOOLEAN otrigger_ext : 1;
+ BOOLEAN omust_expand : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ogall_dir : 1;
+ BOOLEAN oopt_hyph : 1;
+ BOOLEAN oopt_gazumped: 1;
+ BOOLEAN oadjust_cat : 1;
+ BOOLEAN oforce_gall : 1;
+ unsigned ounderline : 2;
+ /* don't forget ounderline from os22 applies in this union! */
+ } os23;
+ struct /* used by WORD and QWORD when they are database nodes */
+ { unsigned short oleft_pos;
+ unsigned char oreading;
+ unsigned char oin_memory;
+ } os24;
+ struct /* used by WORD and QWORD when they are font records */
+ { FONT_NUM ofont_num : 12;
+ unsigned short ofont_page;
+ } os25;
+ struct /* used by symbol table entries */
+ { unsigned char oprecedence;
+ BOOLEAN ois_tag : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_tag : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_lpar : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_rpar : 1;
+ BOOLEAN oright_assoc : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ois_target : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_target : 1;
+ BOOLEAN oforce_target : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_body : 1;
+ BOOLEAN oindefinite : 1;
+ BOOLEAN orecursive : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ouses_extern_target : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ois_extern_target : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ois_key : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_key : 1;
+ BOOLEAN odirty : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ovisible : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_mark : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_join : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_par : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ouses_galley : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohoriz_galley : 1;
+ BOOLEAN oimports_encl : 1;
+ } os26;
+/* */
+/* typedef THIRD_UNION - eight bytes usually holding an object size. */
+/* */
+/* In database records this space is used for a file pointer, or a pointer */
+/* to a LINE array if the database is in-memory; in certain */
+/* WORD objects used privately in z10.c it is used for a galley-position. */
+/* In font records it holds the font size, space width, etc. In filter */
+/* words it holds a pointer to the symbol being filtered. */
+/* */
+typedef union
+ struct
+ { FULL_LENGTH oback[2];
+ FULL_LENGTH ofwd[2];
+ } os31;
+ FILE *odb_filep;
+ LINE *odb_lines;
+ struct
+ { FULL_LENGTH ofont_size;
+ FULL_LENGTH ofont_xheight2;
+ FULL_LENGTH ofont_spacewidth;
+ MAPPING ofont_mapping : 7;
+ BOOLEAN ofont_recoded : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ofont_firstpage : 1;
+ } os32;
+ struct
+ { unsigned char ocs_type;
+ FILE_NUM ocs_fnum;
+ int ocs_pos;
+ int ocs_lnum;
+ } os33;
+ union rec *ofilter_actual;
+/* */
+/* typedef FOURTH_UNION - twelve bytes holding a STYLE or CONSTRAINT. */
+/* */
+typedef union
+ STYLE osave_style;
+ CONSTRAINT oconstraint;
+/* */
+/* typedef OBJECT - the general-purpose record used throughout Lout. */
+/* */
+/* This record is a complex union type. Which fields are defined in any */
+/* given record depends on its type() tag field, as follows. But first */
+/* we define some collections of fields that are commonly defined together. */
+/* */
+/* ALL - these fields are defined in all objects. They won't be mentioned */
+/* again, but they are always there. */
+/* */
+/* type Tag field for the record */
+/* rec_size Size of this record, in words (for memory allocator) */
+/* succ Next element on list of parents, children */
+/* pred Previous element on list of parents, children */
+/* fpos Position in input file which gave rise to this */
+/* object (could be null; overwritten by word_save_mark */
+/* locally in FixAndPrintOjbect). It sub-fields are: */
+/* */
+/* file_num internal file number */
+/* line_num line number in that file */
+/* col_num column number on that line */
+/* */
+/* Lout attempts to put a meaningful fpos into every */
+/* object, so that error messages related to that */
+/* object can have meaningful line numbers. This has */
+/* not been done in every case; it ought to be. */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN - these fields are defined for all objects that are input tokens, */
+/* They may be overwritten after parsing is completed. */
+/* */
+/* precedence Precedence of this token (0 if has no parameters) */
+/* hspace Horizontal space preceding this token */
+/* vspace Vertical space preceding this token */
+/* */
+/* SIZED - these fields are defined for all objects that represent Lout */
+/* objects and hence have a horizontal and vertical size. They */
+/* will be undefined until after MinSize() is called on the object, */
+/* and defined thereafter. */
+/* */
+/* back[COLM] Horizontal size to left of object's mark */
+/* fwd[COLM] Horizontal size to right of object's mark */
+/* back[ROWM] Vertical size above object's mark */
+/* fwd[ROWM] Vertical size below object's mark */
+/* */
+/* GAP - a gap between two Lout objects. */
+/* */
+/* nobreak TRUE if gap is unbreakable (has u tag) */
+/* mark TRUE if gap is marked (has ^ tag) */
+/* join TRUE if a mark-joining gap (e.g. | not ||) */
+/* units units of measurement (fixed, or r or d etc) */
+/* mode gap mode (mark-to-mark, etc.) */
+/* width width of gap in the given units */
+/* */
+/* STYLE - the style (attributes affecting the appearance) of an object. */
+/* */
+/* line_gap How much to separate lines by */
+/* vadjust TRUE when @VAdjust is in effect */
+/* hadjust TRUE when @HAdjust is in effect */
+/* padjust TRUE when @PAdjust is in effect */
+/* small_caps TRUE when small capitals wanted */
+/* space_style Spacing style (lout, troff etc. from @Space) */
+/* space_gap Object separation given a white space, i.e. "1s" */
+/* hyph_style Hyphenation (undefined, off, on) */
+/* fill_style Fill lines (undefined, off, on) */
+/* display_style Display style for lines (adjust, centre, etc.) */
+/* yunit Value of y unit of measurement */
+/* zunit Value of z unit of measurement */
+/* font Which internal font (including size) to use */
+/* colour Which internal colour to use */
+/* language Which internal language to use */
+/* nobreakfirst TRUE if break not allowed after first line of para */
+/* nobreaklastt TRUE if break not allowed before last line of para */
+/* */
+/* CONSTRAINT - a constraint on how large some object is allowed to be, */
+/* either horizontally or vertically */
+/* */
+/* bc how large back may be (MAX_FULL_LEN if infinite) */
+/* fc how large fwd may be (MAX_FULL_LEN if infinite) */
+/* bfc how large back + fwd may be (MAX_FULL_LEN if inf.) */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* Here now is the list of all object types, what they represent, and */
+/* what fields they contain. The list also indicates what children each */
+/* object of the given type can expect to have. */
+/* */
+/* LINK - one link in the directed acyclic graph which is Lout's universal */
+/* internal data structure. All the other types below are various */
+/* types of nodes. Has ALL only (and no fpos) except see CROSS_SYM */
+/* */
+/* GAP_OBJ - a gap between two Lout objects */
+/* */
+/* gap The gap itself (type GAP) */
+/* underline TRUE if continuous underlining crosses this gap */
+/* save_* These fields used by optimum paragraph breaker only */
+/* first child If the gap is not just white space, the gap object */
+/* */
+/* CLOSURE - an invocation of a user-defined symbol, not yet expanded */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED After sizing if indefinite (the sizes will be zero) */
+/* save_style Style to print this invocation in when expanded */
+/* actual The symbol table record defining this symbol */
+/* threaded TRUE if symbol lies on a vertical thread */
+/* external_ver TRUE if symbol is external in a vertical galley */
+/* external_hor TRUE if symbol is external in a horizontal galley */
+/* children PAR objects whose children are the actual parameters */
+/* */
+/* UNDER_REC - a temporary object inserted by FixAndPrintObject to help */
+/* with working out continuous underlining */
+/* */
+/* back(COLM) Horizontal position of start of underline */
+/* fwd(COLM) Horizontal position of end of underline */
+/* back(ROWM) [type clash] font determining underline appearance */
+/* */
+/* PAGE_LABEL - a @PageLabel object */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED Indefinite, so all sizes will be zero */
+/* first child The parameter of the @PageLabel object */
+/* */
+/* NULL_CLOS - a @Null object */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED Indefinite, so all sizes will be zero */
+/* */
+/* CROSS, FORCE_CROSS - a cross reference (or forcing cross reference) obj */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED Indefinite, so all sizes will be zero */
+/* cross_type Type of cross reference (preceding, following, etc.) */
+/* children The two parameters of the cross reference */
+/* */
+/* HEAD - the header record for a galley invocation */
+/* */
+/* force_gall TRUE if this is a forcing galley (i.e. "force into") */
+/* actual The symbol table record defining this galley */
+/* enclose_obj If galley has @Enclose, the enclose object */
+/* limiter Helps decide whether to break off or scale if stuck */
+/* opt_components If optimizing, the sequence of components */
+/* opt_constraints If optimizing, the sequence of size constraints */
+/* opt_counts If optimizing, the sequence of numbers of components */
+/* In each child of opt_counts, comp_count has the num */
+/* opt_comps_permitted number of components left before opt break */
+/* opt_hyph If optimizing, whether to hyphenate the galley */
+/* opt_gazumped If optimizing, galley has been gazumped recently */
+/* gall_dir Promotion direction (COLM for horizontal galleys) */
+/* ready_galls Galleys read in from cross reference database */
+/* must_expand TRUE if must expand galley object even if indefinite */
+/* sized TRUE after galley object has been sized */
+/* foll_or_prec Direction of search for target (forward, back, etc.) */
+/* whereto Symbol this galley is targeted at */
+/* seen_nojoin TRUE if // op found within galley anywhere */
+/* */
+/* SPLIT - a split object, used for building tables */
+/* */
+/* SIZED The size of the whole object */
+/* first child An object whose horizontal size is the overall size */
+/* second child An object whose vertical size is the overall size */
+/* */
+/* PAR - actual parameter of a symbol invocation (always child of CLOSURE) */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* actual The symbol table record defining this parameter */
+/* first child A Lout object, the value of this parameter */
+/* */
+/* WORD, QWORD - a literal word, or a literal word entered in quotes "" */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the word */
+/* word_font Font to print this word in (from style) */
+/* word_colour Colour to print this word in (from style) */
+/* word_language Language (for hyphenation) of this word (from style) */
+/* underline TRUE if continuous underlining goes under this word */
+/* word_hyph Hyphenation wanted for this word (from style) */
+/* word_save_mark Coord of column mark, temporarily in FixAndPrint */
+/* string[] The characters of the word, null-terminated */
+/* */
+/* WORD, QWORD when used as database header records */
+/* */
+/* string[] Database index file name */
+/* reading TRUE if this database can be read from */
+/* in_memory TRUE if this database's index is held in memory */
+/* db_filep Pointer to database file (if not in_memory) */
+/* left_pos Seek pos of 1st entry in db_filep (if not in_memory) */
+/* db_lines Pointer to database index lines (if in_memory) */
+/* db_lineslen Number of database index lines (if in_memory) */
+/* first child List of symbols held in this database */
+/* other children CROSS_SYM symbols of symbols in this database */
+/* The *links* to these have the following fields: */
+/* number An ID number for this sym in this db */
+/* db_targ TRUE if sym is a galley target */
+/* */
+/* WORD, QWORD when used as font records */
+/* */
+/* string[] Font name */
+/* font_num The number of this font */
+/* font_page Number of most recent page using this font */
+/* font_size Size of this font */
+/* font_xheight2 Half-x height of this font */
+/* font_spacewidth Preferred width of space between words in this font */
+/* font_mapping The mapping to apply with this font */
+/* font_recoded TRUE if font needs recoding in PostScript output */
+/* font_firstpage TRUE if this font is used on the very first page */
+/* */
+/* WORD, QWORD when used in hash table to check whether crs defined twice */
+/* */
+/* db_checksym Symbol of the cross reference */
+/* string[] Tag of the cross reference */
+/* */
+/* HSPANNER (VSPANNER) - An object that spans columns (rows) */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* spanner_broken TRUE after BreakObject() applied to this object */
+/* spanner_count Number of columns (rows) spanned by this spanner */
+/* spanner_sized Number of cols (rows) of this spanner sized so far */
+/* first child The object that is doing the spanning */
+/* */
+/* COL_THR (ROW_THR) - object representing all objects on a col (row) mark */
+/* */
+/* SIZED The horizontal (vertical) size only */
+/* thr_state Tells whether thread is sized or not yet */
+/* children The objects on the mark */
+/* parents The parents of the children (one-to-one) */
+/* */
+/* ACAT - a paragraph (sequence of objects separated by & or white space) */
+/* */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* save_style The style to print this paragraph in */
+/* children The paragraph's objects and gaps (obj-gap-obj...obj) */
+/* */
+/* HCAT (VCAT) - a horizontal (vertical) sequence of objects */
+/* */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* save_style The style to print this object in */
+/* children The objects and gaps (obj-gap-obj...obj) */
+/* adjust_cat Whether to perform adjustment (@VAdjust, etc.) */
+/* */
+/* WIDE (HIGH) - @Wide (@High) object */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* constraint The horizontal (vertical) size constraint */
+/* first child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* HSHIFT (VSHIFT) - @HShift (@VShift) object */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* shift_type left, right etc. */
+/* shift_gap The amount to shift */
+/* first child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* HSCALE (VSCALE) - @HScale (@VScale) object */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* save_mark used temporarily by FixAndPrintObject */
+/* constraint used temporarily by FixAndPrintObject */
+/* first child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* SCALE - @Scale object */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* bc(constraint) The horizontal scale factor */
+/* fc(constraint) The vertical scale factor */
+/* save_mark used temporarily by FixAndPrintObject */
+/* vert_sized TRUE if vertical size of object is known */
+/* first child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* ONE_COL (ONE_ROW) - @OneCol (@OneRow) object */
+/* HCOVER (VCOVER) - @HCover (@VCover) object */
+/* HCONTRACT (VCONTRACT) - @HContract (@VContract) object */
+/* HEXPAND (VEXPAND) - @HExpand (@VExpand) object */
+/* START_HSPAN, START_VSPAN - @StartHSpan, @StartVSpan */
+/* START_HVSPAN - @StartHVSpan */
+/* HSPAN (VSPAN) - @HSpan (@VSpan) symbols */
+/* KERN_SHRINK - @KernShrink object */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* first child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* PADJUST (HADJUST, VADJUST) - @PAdjust (@HAdjust, @VAdjust) symbols */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* first child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* ROTATE - @Rotate symbol */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* save_mark used temporarily by FixAndPrintObject */
+/* sparec(cons) Amount to rotate by (after manifesting) */
+/* first child Amount to rotate by (before manifesting) */
+/* last child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* BACKGROUND - @Background symbol */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* children The two parameters of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* GRAPHIC, PLAIN_GRAPHIC - @Graphic, @PlainGraphic symbols */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* save_mark used temporarily by FixAndPrintObject */
+/* children The two parameters of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* CASE - @Case symbol */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* first child The left parameter of @Case */
+/* last child The right parameter (sequence of @Yield objects) */
+/* */
+/* VERBATIM (RAWVERBATIM) - @Verbatim (@RawVerbatim) symbol */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* first child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* FILTERED - object recording filtered Lout object */
+/* */
+/* filter_use_begin TRUE if filter enclosed in @Begin ... @End */
+/* filter_actual The symbol this is an invocation of */
+/* first child WORD containing file name of filter output */
+/* */
+/* XCHAR - @Char symbol */
+/* NEXT - @Next symbol */
+/* ONE_OF - @OneOf symbol */
+/* UNDERLINE - @Underline symbol */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* last child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* FONT, SPACE, BREAK - @Font, @Space, @Break symbols */
+/* YUNIT, ZUNIT, COLOUR, LANGUAGE - @YUnit, @ZUnit, @Colour, @Language syms */
+/* PLUS, MINUS, - @Plus, @Minus symbols */
+/* MELD, COMMON, RUMP, INSERT - @Meld, @Common, @Rump, @Insert symbols */
+/* OPEN, TAGGED - @Open, @Tagged symbols */
+/* YIELD - @Yield symbol */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* first child The left parameter of this symbol */
+/* last child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* ENV_OBJ - a Lout object with environment attached */
+/* */
+/* first child The Lout object */
+/* last child Its environment (ENV object) */
+/* */
+/* ENV - environment of some Lout object */
+/* */
+/* children Components of the environment */
+/* */
+/* INCGRAPHIC, SINCGRAPHIC - @IncludeGraphic, @SysIncludeGraphic symbols */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* SIZED The size of the object */
+/* save_mark used temporarily by FixAndPrintObject */
+/* incgraphic_ok TRUE if file name pans out OK */
+/* last child The right parameter of this symbol */
+/* */
+/* TSPACE, TJUXTA - tokens representing white space */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* mark(gap) FALSE */
+/* join(gap) TRUE */
+/* */
+/* BEGIN - @Begin symbol */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* actual Symbol this @Begin starts parameter of */
+/* */
+/* END - @End symbol */
+/* LBR, RBR - tokens representing left brace and right brace */
+/* USE, NOT_REVEALED - @Use, @NotRevealed symbols */
+/* GSTUB_EXT, GSTUB_INT, GSTUB_NONE - stubs for transferred galleys */
+/* UNEXPECTED_EOF - unexpected end of file token */
+/* INCLUDE, SYS_INCLUDE - @Include, @SysInclude symbols */
+/* PREPEND, SYS_PREPEND - @PrependGraphic, @SysPrependGraphic symbols */
+/* ENVA, ENVB, ENVC, ENVD - @LEnvA, @LEnvB, @LEnvC, @LEnvD tokens only */
+/* CENV, CLOS, LVIS, LUSE, LEO - @LCEnv, @LClos, @LVis, @LUse, @LEO tokens */
+/* BACKEND - @BackEnd symbol */
+/* CURR_LANG, CURR_FAMILY, CURR_FACE - @CurrLang, @CurrFamily, @CurrFace */
+/* */
+/* TOKEN While still being parsed */
+/* */
+/* DEAD - an index of a dead galley */
+/* */
+/* UNATTACHED - the index of an unattached galley */
+/* */
+/* actual The galley referred to */
+/* non_blocking TRUE if this index should not block galley flushing */
+/* blocked TRUE if this index is now blocking galley flushing */
+/* pinpoint Exact anchor point of this index */
+/* */
+/* RECEPTIVE, RECEIVING - the index of a receptive or receiving object */
+/* */
+/* actual The object (symbol invocation) referred to */
+/* trigger_externs TRUE is this index's galley has external galleys */
+/* non_blocking TRUE if this index should not block galley flushing */
+/* blocked TRUE if this index is now blocking galley flushing */
+/* */
+/* RECURSIVE - the index of a recursive but definite object */
+/* */
+/* actual The recursive symbol invocation referred to */
+/* */
+/* PRECEDES - an index recording a precedes/follows flushing constraint */
+/* */
+/* first child Other parent of this is the corresponding FOLLOWS */
+/* */
+/* FOLLOWS - an index recording a precedes/follows flushing constraint */
+/* */
+/* blocked TRUE if this index is now blocking galley flushing */
+/* first child Other parent of this is the corresponding PRECEDES */
+/* */
+/* CROSS_LIT - not actually an object at all */
+/* */
+/* CROSS_PREC, CROSS_FOLL, CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC - the index of a cross ref */
+/* */
+/* actual The cross reference referred to */
+/* underline TRUE if continuous underline goes through here */
+/* first child Equal to actual */
+/* */
+/* GALL_PREC, GALL_FOLL, GALL_FOLL_OR_PREC - index of a galley */
+/* */
+/* actual The galley referred to */
+/* underline TRUE if continuous underline goes through here */
+/* pinpoint Exact anchor point of this index */
+/* */
+/* GALL_TARG - index of the target of a galley */
+/* */
+/* actual The galley target (symbol invocation) referred to */
+/* underline TRUE if continuous underline goes through here */
+/* */
+/* PAGE_LABEL_IND - the index of a @PageLabel object */
+/* */
+/* actual The @PageLabel object referred to */
+/* underline TRUE if continuous underline goes through here */
+/* first child Equal to actual */
+/* */
+/* SCALE_IND - the index of a @Scale symbol with empty left parameter */
+/* COVER_IND - the index of an @HCover or @VCover object */
+/* EXPAND_IND - the index of an @HExpand or @VExpand object */
+/* */
+/* actual The object referred to */
+/* underline TRUE if continuous underline goes through here */
+/* */
+/* THREAD - a sequence of threads (basically local to Manifest) */
+/* */
+/* children The threads */
+/* */
+/* CROSS_SYM - a record of the cross reference state of some symbol */
+/* */
+/* target_state Whether we currently have a preceding target */
+/* target_file Which file target is written to */
+/* target_val Value of target (if target_state == SEEN_TARGET) */
+/* target_seq A sequence number */
+/* target_pos Seek position of target in target_file */
+/* target_lnum Line number of target in target_file */
+/* gall_seq Sequence number for galleys targeted to here */
+/* symb The symbol table record of the symbol this is for */
+/* gall_tag I forget! */
+/* gall_tfile The most recent cr database file for this sym */
+/* children Cross references and galleys waiting for a target */
+/* These children have the following fields: */
+/* */
+/* string[] The sequence number */
+/* cs_type The cross reference type */
+/* cs_fnum File number where value written */
+/* cs_pos File seek position */
+/* cs_lnum File line number */
+/* */
+/* CR_ROOT - all CROSS_SYM objects are children of this singleton */
+/* */
+/* children All CROSS_SYM symbols */
+/* */
+/* MACRO - a symbol table entry for a symbol which is a macro */
+/* LOCAL - a symbol table entry for a symbol which is a local symbol */
+/* LPAR - a symbol table entry for a symbol which is a left parameter */
+/* RPAR - a symbol table entry for a symbol which is a right parameter */
+/* NPAR - a symbol table entry for a symbol which is a named parameter */
+/* */
+/* enclosing The symbol that this one is defined within, if any */
+/* sym_body The symbol body (token sequence if MACRO) */
+/* base_uses Local to symbol table, for calculating call graph */
+/* uses Call graph info */
+/* marker For call graph calculation */
+/* imports The import list preceding this symbol, if any */
+/* filter Child @Filter symbol, if any */
+/* use_invocation A @Use clause containing this symbol, if any */
+/* predefined If predefined symbol, its non-zero enum code */
+/* has_compulsory Number of parameters with "compulsory" tag */
+/* uses_count Number of times this symbol is used */
+/* npar_code One-letter abbreviation for this NPAR */
+/* cross_sym The CROSS_SYM record for this symbol, if any */
+/* recursive TRUE if symbol is recursive */
+/* has_body TRUE if symbol has a body parameter */
+/* imports_encl TRUE if symbol imports the symbol enclosing itself */
+/* right_assoc TRUE if this symbol has "associativity right" */
+/* precedence The precedence of this symbol */
+/* indefinite TRUE if this symbol is indefinite (e.g. receptive) */
+/* recursive TRUE if symbol is recursive */
+/* is_extern_target TRUE if symbol is the target of external galley */
+/* uses_extern_target TRUE if symbol uses target of an external galley */
+/* visible TRUE if symbol is exported */
+/* uses_galley TRUE if symbol uses a galley */
+/* horiz_galley if galley, ROWM if vertical, COLM if horizontal */
+/* is_compulsory TRUE if this is a parameter with "compulsory" tag */
+/* dirty TRUE if must copy this parameter, not link it */
+/* has_par TRUE if this symbol has at least one parameter */
+/* has_lpar TRUE if this symbol has a left parameter */
+/* has_rpar TRUE if this symbol has a right or body parameter */
+/* has_target TRUE if this symbol has a target (is a galley) */
+/* force_target TRUE if this symbol has a forcing target */
+/* is_target TRUE if this symbol is @Target, defining a target */
+/* has_tag TRUE if this symbol has a @Tag parameter */
+/* is_tag TRUE if this symbol is a @Tag parameter */
+/* has_key TRUE if this symbol has a @Key parameter */
+/* is_key TRUE if this symbol is a @Key parameter */
+/* has_optimize TRUE if this symbol has an @Optimize parameter */
+/* is_optimize TRUE if this symbol is an @Optimize parameter */
+/* has_merge TRUE if this symbol has a @Merge parameter */
+/* is_merge TRUE if this symbol is a @Merge parameter */
+/* has_enclose TRUE if this symbol has an @Enclose parameter */
+/* is_enclose TRUE if this symbol is an @Enclose parameter */
+/* */
+/* EXT_GALL - a record of an external galley, not actually read in yet */
+/* */
+/* eg_fnum Number of file read from */
+/* eg_fpos Position in that file */
+/* eg_lnum Line number in that file */
+/* eg_cont Continuation (where to look for next galley) */
+/* eg_symbol The symbol that is the target of this galley */
+/* first child The galley tag */
+/* second child The galley sequence string */
+/* */
+/* CR_LIST - a list of cross references */
+/* */
+/* children The cross-references */
+/* */
+/* DISPOSED - a disposed object (available for reallocation) */
+/* */
+typedef union rec
+ struct word_type /* all fields of WORD and QWORD, token and object */
+ { LIST olist[2];
+ FULL_CHAR ostring[4];
+ } os1;
+ struct closure_type /* all fields of CLOSURE, both as token and object */
+ { LIST olist[2];
+ union rec *oactual;
+ union
+ { union rec *owhereto;
+ union rec *opinpoint;
+ FULL_LENGTH osave_mark;
+ } oux;
+ /* union rec *oready_galls; */
+ } os2;
+ struct head_type /* all fields of HEAD, both as token and object */
+ { LIST olist[2];
+ union rec *oactual;
+ union
+ { union rec *owhereto;
+ union rec *opinpoint;
+ FULL_LENGTH osave_mark;
+ } oux;
+ union rec *oready_galls;
+ union rec *oopt_components;
+ union rec *oopt_constraints;
+ union rec *oopt_counts;
+ union rec *olimiter;
+ union rec *oenclose_obj;
+ int oopt_comps_permitted;
+ } os2a;
+ struct object_type /* the general OBJECT */
+ { LIST olist[2];
+ } os3;
+ struct link_type /* LINK */
+ { LIST olist[2];
+ unsigned char otype;
+ unsigned char onumber;
+ unsigned char odb_targ;
+ } os4;
+ struct gapobj_type /* GAP_OBJ */
+ { LIST olist[2];
+ GAP ogap;
+ int osave_badness; /* optimum paragraph breaker */
+ SHORT_LENGTH osave_space; /* optimum paragraph breaker */
+ SHORT_LENGTH osave_actual_gap; /* optimum paragraph breaker */
+ union rec *osave_prev; /* optimum paragraph breaker */
+ union rec *osave_cwid; /* optimum paragraph breaker */
+ } os5;
+ struct symbol_type
+ { LIST olist[2];
+ union rec *oenclosing;
+ union rec *osym_body;
+ union rec *obase_uses;
+ union rec *ouses;
+ union rec *omarker;
+ union rec *ocross_sym;
+ union rec *oimports;
+ union rec *ofilter;
+ union rec *ouse_invocation;
+ short unsigned opredefined;
+ short unsigned ohas_compulsory;
+ unsigned char ouses_count;
+ unsigned char onpar_code;
+ BOOLEAN ois_optimize : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_optimize : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ois_merge : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_merge : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ois_enclose : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ohas_enclose : 1;
+ BOOLEAN ois_compulsory : 1;
+ } os6;
+ struct cr_type
+ { LIST olist[2];
+ unsigned char otype;
+ unsigned char otarget_state;
+ FILE_NUM otarget_file;
+ /* FILE_NUM ocr_file; unused */
+ union rec *otarget_val;
+ int otarget_seq;
+ int otarget_pos;
+ int otarget_lnum;
+ /* int ocr_seq; unused */
+ int ogall_seq;
+ union rec *osymb;
+ union rec *ogall_tag;
+ FILE_NUM ogall_tfile;
+ } os7;
+ struct ext_gall_type
+ { LIST olist[2];
+ unsigned char otype;
+ FILE_NUM oeg_fnum;
+ int oeg_lnum;
+ long oeg_fpos;
+ long oeg_cont;
+ union rec *oeg_symbol;
+ } os8;
+ struct uses_type
+ { union rec *oitem;
+ union rec *onext;
+ } os9;
+#define USES_SIZE ceiling( sizeof(struct uses_type), sizeof(ALIGN) )
+ struct hash_entry_type
+ { LIST olist[1];
+ } os10;
+/*@::macros for fields of OBJECT@*********************************************/
+/* */
+/* Macros for fields of OBJECT. */
+/* */
+#define succ(x, dim) (x)->os1.olist[dim].osucc
+#define pred(x, dim) (x)->os1.olist[dim].opred
+#define type(x) (x)->os1.ou1.os11.otype
+#define rec_size(x) (x)->os1.ou1.os11.orec_size
+#define precedence(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os21.oprecedence
+#define hspace(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os21.ohspace
+#define vspace(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os21.ovspace
+#define word_font(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os22.oword_font
+#define spanner_count(x) word_font(x)
+#define word_colour(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os22.oword_colour
+#define spanner_sized(x) word_colour(x)
+#define word_language(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os22.oword_language
+#define spanner_broken(x) word_language(x)
+#define underline(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os22.ounderline
+#define word_hyph(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os22.oword_hyph
+#define filter_use_begin(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os22.oword_colour
+#define non_blocking(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.onon_blocking
+#define vert_sized(x) non_blocking(x)
+#define sized(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.osized
+#define threaded(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.othreaded
+#define external_ver(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.oexternal_ver
+#define external_hor(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.oexternal_hor
+#define blocked(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.oblocked
+#define seen_nojoin(x) blocked(x)
+#define trigger_externs(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.otrigger_ext
+#define must_expand(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.omust_expand
+#define gall_dir(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.ogall_dir
+#define opt_hyph(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.oopt_hyph
+#define opt_gazumped(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.oopt_gazumped
+#define adjust_cat(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.oadjust_cat
+#define force_gall(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.oforce_gall
+#define cross_type(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.ocross_type
+#define foll_or_prec(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os23.ofoll_or_prec
+#define thr_state(x) cross_type(x)
+#define incgraphic_ok(x) cross_type(x)
+#define left_pos(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os24.oleft_pos
+#define db_lineslen(x) left_pos(x)
+#define reading(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os24.oreading
+#define in_memory(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os24.oin_memory
+#define is_tag(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ois_tag
+#define has_tag(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohas_tag
+#define has_lpar(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohas_lpar
+#define has_rpar(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohas_rpar
+#define right_assoc(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.oright_assoc
+#define is_target(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ois_target
+#define has_target(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohas_target
+#define force_target(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.oforce_target
+#define has_body(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohas_body
+#define indefinite(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.oindefinite
+#define recursive(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.orecursive
+#define uses_extern_target(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ouses_extern_target
+#define is_extern_target(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ois_extern_target
+#define is_key(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ois_key
+#define has_key(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohas_key
+#define dirty(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.odirty
+#define visible(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ovisible
+#define has_mark(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohas_mark
+#define has_join(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohas_join
+#define has_par(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohas_par
+#define uses_galley(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ouses_galley
+#define horiz_galley(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.ohoriz_galley
+#define imports_encl(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os26.oimports_encl
+#define fpos(x) (x)->os1.ou1.ofpos
+#define word_save_mark(x) (x)->os1.ou1.os11.oword_save_mark
+#define back(x, dim) (x)->os1.ou3.os31.oback[dim]
+#define comp_count(x) back(x, COLM)
+#define fwd(x, dim) (x)->os1.ou3.os31.ofwd[dim]
+#define size(x, dim) (back(x, dim) + fwd(x, dim))
+#define db_filep(x) (x)->os1.ou3.odb_filep
+#define db_lines(x) (x)->os1.ou3.odb_lines
+#define filter_actual(x) (x)->os1.ou3.ofilter_actual
+#define db_checksym(x) filter_actual(x)
+#define cs_type(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os33.ocs_type
+#define cs_fnum(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os33.ocs_fnum
+#define cs_pos(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os33.ocs_pos
+#define cs_lnum(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os33.ocs_lnum
+#define gall_rec(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os33.ogall_rec
+#define gall_type(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os33.ogall_type
+#define gall_pos(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os33.ogall_pos
+#define string(x) (x)->os1.ostring
+#define save_style(x) (x)->os2.ou4.osave_style
+#define constraint(x) (x)->os2.ou4.oconstraint
+#define shift_type(x) width(space_gap(save_style(x)))
+#define shift_gap(x) line_gap(save_style(x))
+#define actual(x) (x)->os2.oactual
+#define whereto(x) (x)->os2.oux.owhereto
+#define pinpoint(x) (x)->os2.oux.opinpoint
+#define save_mark(x) (x)->os2.oux.osave_mark
+#define ready_galls(x) (x)->os2a.oready_galls
+#define opt_components(x) (x)->os2a.oopt_components
+#define opt_constraints(x) (x)->os2a.oopt_constraints
+#define opt_counts(x) (x)->os2a.oopt_counts
+#define limiter(x) (x)->os2a.olimiter
+#define enclose_obj(x) (x)->os2a.oenclose_obj
+#define opt_comps_permitted(x) (x)->os2a.oopt_comps_permitted
+#define number(x) (x)->os4.onumber
+#define db_targ(x) (x)->os4.odb_targ
+#define gap(x) (x)->os5.ogap
+#define save_badness(x) (x)->os5.osave_badness
+#define save_space(x) (x)->os5.osave_space
+#define save_actual_gap(x) (x)->os5.osave_actual_gap
+#define save_prev(x) (x)->os5.osave_prev
+#define save_cwid(x) (x)->os5.osave_cwid
+#define enclosing(x) (x)->os6.oenclosing
+#define sym_body(x) (x)->os6.osym_body
+#define base_uses(x) (x)->os6.obase_uses
+#define uses(x) (x)->os6.ouses
+#define marker(x) (x)->os6.omarker
+#define cross_sym(x) (x)->os6.ocross_sym
+#define imports(x) (x)->os6.oimports
+#define filter(x) (x)->os6.ofilter
+#define use_invocation(x) (x)->os6.ouse_invocation
+#define predefined(x) (x)->os6.opredefined
+#define has_compulsory(x) (x)->os6.ohas_compulsory
+#define uses_count(x) (x)->os6.ouses_count
+#define npar_code(x) (x)->os6.onpar_code
+#define is_optimize(x) (x)->os6.ois_optimize
+#define has_optimize(x) (x)->os6.ohas_optimize
+#define is_merge(x) (x)->os6.ois_merge
+#define has_merge(x) (x)->os6.ohas_merge
+#define is_enclose(x) (x)->os6.ois_enclose
+#define has_enclose(x) (x)->os6.ohas_enclose
+#define is_compulsory(x) (x)->os6.ois_compulsory
+#define target_state(x) (x)->os7.otarget_state
+#define target_file(x) (x)->os7.otarget_file
+/* #define cr_file(x) (x)->os7.ocr_file unused */
+#define target_val(x) (x)->os7.otarget_val
+#define target_seq(x) (x)->os7.otarget_seq
+#define target_pos(x) (x)->os7.otarget_pos
+#define target_lnum(x) (x)->os7.otarget_lnum
+/* #define cr_seq(x) (x)->os7.ocr_seq unused */
+#define gall_seq(x) (x)->os7.ogall_seq
+#define symb(x) (x)->os7.osymb
+#define gall_tag(x) (x)->os7.ogall_tag
+#define gall_tfile(x) (x)->os7.ogall_tfile
+#define eg_fnum(x) (x)->os8.oeg_fnum
+#define eg_fpos(x) (x)->os8.oeg_fpos
+#define eg_lnum(x) (x)->os8.oeg_lnum
+#define eg_cont(x) (x)->os8.oeg_cont
+#define eg_symbol(x) (x)->os8.oeg_symbol
+#define item(x) (x)->os9.oitem
+#define next(x) (x)->os9.onext
+#define font_num(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os25.ofont_num
+#define font_page(x) (x)->os1.ou2.os25.ofont_page
+#define font_size(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os32.ofont_size
+#define font_xheight2(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os32.ofont_xheight2
+#define font_spacewidth(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os32.ofont_spacewidth
+#define font_mapping(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os32.ofont_mapping
+#define font_recoded(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os32.ofont_recoded
+#define font_firstpage(x) (x)->os1.ou3.os32.ofont_firstpage
+/* */
+/* typedef FONT_INFO - information about font metrics etc. Really private */
+/* but shared between z37.c and z24.c */
+/* */
+struct metrics {
+ SHORT_LENGTH last_adjust;
+typedef struct font_rec {
+ struct metrics *size_table; /* metrics of sized fonts */
+ FULL_CHAR *lig_table; /* ligatures */
+ OBJECT font_table; /* record of sized fonts */
+ OBJECT original_font; /* font rec before resizing */
+ SHORT_LENGTH underline_pos; /* position of underline */
+ SHORT_LENGTH underline_thick; /* thickness of underline */
+ unsigned short *kern_table; /* first kerning chars */
+ FULL_CHAR *kern_chars; /* second kerning chars */
+ unsigned char *kern_value; /* points into kern_lengths */
+ SHORT_LENGTH *kern_sizes; /* sizes of kernings */
+/* */
+/* typedef MAP_VEC - information about character mappings. Really private */
+/* to z38.c but (for efficiency) shared with z37.c and z24.c */
+/* */
+#define MAX_CHASH 353 /* size of hash table */
+#define MAP_UPPERCASE 0 /* the map to upper case */
+#define MAP_LOWERCASE 1 /* the map to lower case */
+#define MAP_UNACCENTED 2 /* the map to unaccented */
+#define MAP_ACCENT 3 /* the map to the accent character */
+#define MAPS 4 /* the number of maps in each file */
+typedef struct mapvec {
+ OBJECT file_name; /* name of file containing the vec */
+ FILE_NUM fnum; /* the file number of this file */
+ BOOLEAN must_print; /* TRUE if this vec must be printed */
+ OBJECT name; /* PostScript name of encoding vec */
+ OBJECT vector[MAX_CHARS]; /* character names */
+ FULL_CHAR hash_table[MAX_CHASH]; /* character hash table for inverse */
+ FULL_CHAR map[MAPS][MAX_CHARS]; /* the mappings */
+} *MAP_VEC;
+/*@::object types@************************************************************/
+/* */
+/* OBJECT, TOKEN AND OTHER TYPES inhabiting type(x) and predefined(x) */
+/* */
+/* Key letters in the adjacent comment indicate where the tag is legal: */
+/* */
+/* t a token type, pushed on token stack */
+/* o an object type (returned by reduce(), inserted by Manifest) */
+/* i an index type (a child of a galley header other than an object) */
+/* s a predefined symbol (some symbol table entry has this predefined()) */
+/* n an indefinite object i.e. one which is ignored in catenation ops */
+/* */
+#define LINK 0 /* a link between objects */
+#define GAP_OBJ 1 /* o a gap object */
+#define CLOSURE 2 /* to n a closure of a symbol */
+#define UNDER_REC 3 /* o n record of underlining */
+#define PAGE_LABEL 4 /* to sn @PageLabel */
+#define NULL_CLOS 5 /* to sn @Null */
+#define CROSS 6 /* to sn && (a cross reference obj) */
+#define FORCE_CROSS 7 /* to sn &&& (a forcing cross ref.) */
+#define HEAD 8 /* o n a galley header */
+#define SPLIT 9 /* o @Split */
+#define PAR 10 /* o a parameter of a closure */
+#define WORD 11 /* o a word */
+#define QWORD 12 /* o a word (was quoted in i/p) */
+#define HSPANNER 13 /* o a horizontal spanner */
+#define VSPANNER 14 /* o a vertical spanner */
+#define ROW_THR 15 /* o a row thread */
+#define COL_THR 16 /* o a column thread */
+#define ACAT 17 /* to s a sequence of &-ed objs */
+#define HCAT 18 /* to s a sequence of |-ed objs */
+#define VCAT 19 /* to s a sequence of /-ed objs */
+#define ONE_COL 20 /* to s @OneCol */
+#define ONE_ROW 21 /* to s @OneRow */
+#define WIDE 22 /* to s @Wide */
+#define HIGH 23 /* to s @High */
+#define HSHIFT 24 /* to s @HShift */
+#define VSHIFT 25 /* to s @VShift */
+#define HSCALE 26 /* to s @HScale */
+#define VSCALE 27 /* to s @VScale */
+#define HCOVER 28 /* to s @HCover */
+#define VCOVER 29 /* to s @VCover */
+#define SCALE 30 /* to s @Scale */
+#define KERN_SHRINK 31 /* to s @KernShrink */
+#define HCONTRACT 32 /* to s @HContract */
+#define VCONTRACT 33 /* to s @VContract */
+#define HLIMITED 34 /* to s @HLimited */
+#define VLIMITED 35 /* to s @VLimited */
+#define HEXPAND 36 /* to s @HExpand */
+#define VEXPAND 37 /* to s @VExpand */
+#define START_HSPAN 38 /* to s @StartHSpan */
+#define START_VSPAN 39 /* to s @StartVSpan */
+#define START_HVSPAN 40 /* to s @StartHVSpan */
+#define HSPAN 41 /* to s @HSpan */
+#define VSPAN 42 /* to s @VSpan */
+#define PADJUST 43 /* to s @PAdjust */
+#define HADJUST 44 /* to s @HAdjust */
+#define VADJUST 45 /* to s @VAdjust */
+#define ROTATE 46 /* to s @Rotate */
+#define BACKGROUND 47 /* to s @Background */
+#define CASE 48 /* to s @Case */
+#define VERBATIM 49 /* to s @Verbatim */
+#define RAW_VERBATIM 50 /* to s @RawVerbatim */
+#define YIELD 51 /* to s @Yield */
+#define BACKEND 52 /* to s @BackEnd */
+#define FILTERED 53 /* to s filtered object (no name) */
+#define XCHAR 54 /* to s @Char */
+#define FONT 55 /* to s @Font */
+#define SPACE 56 /* to s @Space */
+#define YUNIT 57 /* to s @YUnit */
+#define ZUNIT 58 /* to s @ZUnit */
+#define BREAK 59 /* to s @Break */
+#define UNDERLINE 60 /* to s @Underline */
+#define COLOUR 61 /* to s @SetColour and @SetColor */
+#define LANGUAGE 62 /* to s @Language */
+#define CURR_LANG 63 /* to s @CurrLang */
+#define CURR_FAMILY 64 /* to s @CurrFamily */
+#define CURR_FACE 65 /* to s @CurrFace */
+#define COMMON 66 /* to s @Common */
+#define RUMP 67 /* to s @Rump */
+#define MELD 68 /* to s @Meld */
+#define INSERT 69 /* to s @Insert */
+#define ONE_OF 70 /* to s @OneOf */
+#define NEXT 71 /* to s @Next */
+#define PLUS 72 /* to s @Plus */
+#define MINUS 73 /* to s @Minus */
+#define ENV_OBJ 74 /* to s object with envt (no name) */
+#define ENV 75 /* to s @LEnv */
+#define ENVA 76 /* to s @LEnvA */
+#define ENVB 77 /* to s @LEnvB */
+#define ENVC 78 /* to s @LEnvC */
+#define ENVD 79 /* to s @LEnvD */
+#define CENV 80 /* to s @LCEnv */
+#define CLOS 81 /* to s @LClos */
+#define LVIS 82 /* to s @LVis */
+#define LUSE 83 /* to s @LUse */
+#define LEO 84 /* to s @LEO */
+#define OPEN 85 /* to s @Open */
+#define TAGGED 86 /* to s @Tagged */
+#define INCGRAPHIC 87 /* to s @IncludeGraphic */
+#define SINCGRAPHIC 88 /* to s @SysIncludeGraphic */
+#define PLAIN_GRAPHIC 89 /* to s @PlainGraphic */
+#define GRAPHIC 90 /* to s @Graphic */
+#define TSPACE 91 /* t a space token, parser only */
+#define TJUXTA 92 /* t a juxta token, parser only */
+#define LBR 93 /* t s left brace token */
+#define RBR 94 /* t s right brace token */
+#define BEGIN 95 /* t s @Begin token */
+#define END 96 /* t s @End token */
+#define USE 97 /* t s @Use */
+#define NOT_REVEALED 98 /* t s @NotRevealed */
+#define GSTUB_NONE 99 /* t a galley stub, no rpar */
+#define GSTUB_INT 100 /* t galley stub internal rpar */
+#define GSTUB_EXT 101 /* t galley stub external rpar */
+#define UNEXPECTED_EOF 102 /* t unexpected end of file */
+#define INCLUDE 103 /* s @Include */
+#define SYS_INCLUDE 104 /* s @SysInclude */
+#define PREPEND 105 /* s @Prepend */
+#define SYS_PREPEND 106 /* s @SysPrepend */
+#define DATABASE 107 /* s @Database */
+#define SYS_DATABASE 108 /* s @SysDatabase */
+/* #define START 109 */ /* s \Start */
+#define DEAD 110 /* i a dead galley */
+#define UNATTACHED 111 /* i an inner, unsized galley */
+#define RECEPTIVE 112 /* i a receptive object index */
+#define RECEIVING 113 /* i a receiving object index */
+#define RECURSIVE 114 /* i a recursive definite obj. */
+#define PRECEDES 115 /* i an ordering constraint */
+#define FOLLOWS 116 /* i other end of ordering c. */
+#define CROSS_LIT 117 /* i literal word cross-ref */
+#define CROSS_FOLL 118 /* i following type cross-ref */
+#define CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC 119 /* i follorprec type cross-ref */
+#define GALL_FOLL 120 /* i galley with &&following */
+#define GALL_FOLL_OR_PREC 121 /* i galley with &&following */
+#define CROSS_TARG 122 /* i value of cross-ref */
+#define GALL_TARG 123 /* i target of these galleys */
+#define GALL_PREC 124 /* i galley with &&preceding */
+#define CROSS_PREC 125 /* i preceding type cross-ref */
+#define PAGE_LABEL_IND 126 /* i index of PAGE_LABEL */
+#define SCALE_IND 127 /* i index of auto SCALE */
+#define COVER_IND 128 /* i index of HCOVER or VCOVER */
+#define EXPAND_IND 129 /* i index of HEXPAND or VEXPD */
+#define THREAD 130 /* a sequence of threads */
+#define CROSS_SYM 131 /* cross-ref info */
+#define CR_ROOT 132 /* RootCross */
+#define MACRO 133 /* a macro symbol */
+#define LOCAL 134 /* a local symbol */
+#define LPAR 135 /* a left parameter */
+#define NPAR 136 /* a named parameter */
+#define RPAR 137 /* a right parameter */
+#define EXT_GALL 138 /* an external galley */
+#define CR_LIST 139 /* a list of cross references */
+#define DISPOSED 140 /* a disposed record */
+#define is_indefinite(x) ((x) >= CLOSURE && (x) <= HEAD)
+#define is_definite(x) ((x) >= SPLIT && (x) <= GRAPHIC)
+#define is_par(x) ((x) >= LPAR && (x) <= RPAR)
+#define is_index(x) ((x) >= DEAD && (x) <= EXPAND_IND)
+#define is_type(x) ((x) >= LINK && (x) < DISPOSED)
+#define is_word(x) ((x) == WORD || (x) == QWORD)
+#define is_cross(x) ((x) == CROSS || (x) == FORCE_CROSS)
+#define is_cat_op(x) (((x)>=ACAT && (x)<=VCAT) || (x)==TSPACE || (x)<=TJUXTA)
+/*@::miscellaneous constants@*************************************************/
+/* */
+/* Miscellaneous globally defined constants */
+/* */
+/* gap modes occupying mode(x) */
+#define NO_MODE 0 /* for error detection: no mode */
+#define EDGE_MODE 1 /* edge-to-edge spacing */
+#define HYPH_MODE 2 /* edge-to-edge with hyphenation */
+#define MARK_MODE 3 /* mark-to-mark spacing */
+#define OVER_MODE 4 /* overstrike spacing */
+#define KERN_MODE 5 /* kerning spacing */
+#define TAB_MODE 6 /* tabulation spacing */
+#define ADD_HYPH 7 /* temp value used by FillObject */
+/* hyph_style(style) options */
+#define HYPH_UNDEF 0 /* hyphenation option undefined */
+#define HYPH_OFF 1 /* hyphenation off */
+#define HYPH_ON 2 /* hyphenation on */
+/* fill_style(style) options */
+#define FILL_UNDEF 0 /* fill option undefined */
+#define FILL_OFF 1 /* no filling of lines */
+#define FILL_ON 2 /* fill lines with text */
+/* underline(obj) options */
+#define UNDER_UNDEF 0 /* underline undefined */
+#define UNDER_OFF 1 /* no underlining */
+#define UNDER_ON 2 /* underline this */
+/* space_style(style) options */
+#define SPACE_LOUT 0 /* interpret white space Lout's way */
+#define SPACE_COMPRESS 1 /* compress multiple white spaces */
+#define SPACE_SEPARATE 2 /* compress an separate */
+#define SPACE_TROFF 3 /* interpret white space troff's way */
+#define SPACE_TEX 4 /* interpret white space TeX's way */
+/* display_style(style) options */
+#define DISPLAY_UNDEF 0 /* display option undefined */
+#define DISPLAY_ADJUST 1 /* adjust lines (except last) */
+#define DISPLAY_OUTDENT 2 /* outdent lines (except first) */
+#define DISPLAY_ORAGGED 3 /* outdent but don't adjust */
+#define DISPLAY_LEFT 4 /* left-justify lines, no adjust */
+#define DISPLAY_CENTRE 5 /* centre lines, no adjust */
+#define DISPLAY_RIGHT 6 /* right-justify lines, no adjust */
+#define DO_ADJUST 7 /* placed in ACATs when adjust need */
+/* small_caps(style) options */
+#define SMALL_CAPS_OFF 0 /* don't want small capitals */
+#define SMALL_CAPS_ON 1 /* small capitals */
+/* sides of a mark */
+#define BACK 141 /* means lies to left of mark */
+#define ON 142 /* means lies on mark */
+#define FWD 143 /* means lies to right of mark */
+/* statuses of thread objects */
+#define NOTSIZED 0 /* this thread object is not sized */
+#define SIZED 1 /* thread is sized but not printed */
+#define FINALSIZE 2 /* thread object size is now final */
+/* constraint statuses */
+#define PROMOTE 144 /* this component may be promoted */
+#define CLOSE 145 /* must close dest before promoting */
+#define BLOCK 146 /* cannot promote this component */
+#define CLEAR 147 /* this constraint is now satisfied */
+/* gap increment types */
+#define GAP_ABS 148 /* absolute, e.g. 3p */
+#define GAP_INC 149 /* increment, e.g. +3p */
+#define GAP_DEC 150 /* decrement, e.g. -3p */
+/* file types */
+#define SOURCE_FILE 0 /* input file from command line */
+#define INCLUDE_FILE 1 /* @Include file */
+#define INCGRAPHIC_FILE 2 /* @IncludeGraphic file */
+#define DATABASE_FILE 3 /* database file */
+#define INDEX_FILE 4 /* database index file */
+#define FONT_FILE 5 /* font file */
+#define PREPEND_FILE 6 /* PostScript prologue file */
+#define HYPH_FILE 7 /* hyphenation file */
+#define HYPH_PACKED_FILE 8 /* packed hyphenation file */
+#define MAPPING_FILE 9 /* character mapping file */
+#define FILTER_FILE 10 /* filter output file */
+#define MAX_TYPES 11 /* number of file types */
+/* path types (i.e. sequences of directories for file searching) */
+#define SOURCE_PATH 0 /* path to search for source files */
+#define INCLUDE_PATH 1 /* path for @Include files */
+#define SYSINCLUDE_PATH 2 /* path for @SysInclude files */
+#define DATABASE_PATH 3 /* path for @Database files */
+#define SYSDATABASE_PATH 4 /* path for @SysDatabase files */
+#define FONT_PATH 5 /* path for font metrics (AFM) files */
+#define HYPH_PATH 6 /* path for hyphenation files */
+#define MAPPING_PATH 7 /* path for mapping (LCM) files */
+#define MAX_PATHS 8 /* number of mapping paths */
+/* units of measurement */
+#define NO_UNIT 0 /* no unit - for error detection */
+#define FIXED_UNIT 1 /* inches, cm, points, ems, y, z */
+#define FRAME_UNIT 2 /* b unit (frame widths) */
+#define AVAIL_UNIT 3 /* r unit (available spaces) */
+#define DEG_UNIT 4 /* d unit (degrees) */
+#define NEXT_UNIT 5 /* w unit (inners) */
+/* units of distance as multiples of the basic unit */
+#define CM 567 /* 1 centimetre */
+#define IN 1440 /* 1 inch */
+#define EM 120 /* 1 em (= 1/12 inch) */
+#define PT 20 /* 1 point (= 1/72 inch) */
+#define FR 4096 /* virtual unit for frame units */
+#define DG 128 /* virtual unit for degrees */
+#define SF 128 /* virtual unit for @Scale factors */
+/* default size of characters for the PLAINTEXT back end */
+#define PLAIN_WIDTH 144 /* default char width, 10 per inch */
+#define PLAIN_HEIGHT 240 /* default char height, 6 per inch */
+/* precedences */
+#define NO_PREC 0 /* lower than any precedence */
+#define BEGIN_PREC 1 /* precedence of @Begin */
+#define END_PREC 2 /* precedence of @End */
+#define LBR_PREC 3 /* precedence of { */
+#define RBR_PREC 4 /* precedence of } */
+#define VCAT_PREC 5 /* precedence of / */
+#define HCAT_PREC 6 /* precedence of | */
+#define ACAT_PREC 7 /* precedence of & and white space */
+#define MIN_PREC 10 /* minimum precedence of user ops */
+#define MAX_PREC 100 /* maximim precedence of user ops */
+#define DEFAULT_PREC 100 /* default precedence of user ops */
+#define CROSSOP_PREC 101 /* precedence of && and &&& ops */
+#define GAP_PREC 102 /* precedence of gap op after cat op */
+#define JUXTA_PREC 103 /* precedence of juxtaposition & */
+#define FILTER_PREC 104 /* precedence of filter symbol ops */
+#define FORCE_PREC 105 /* higher than any precedence */
+/* back ends */
+#define POSTSCRIPT 0 /* PostScript back end */
+#define PLAINTEXT 1 /* plain text back end */
+#define PDF 2
+/* error types */
+#define INTERN 0 /* internal error (i.e. bug) */
+#define FATAL 1 /* fatal error, abort now */
+#define WARN 2 /* warning, non-fatal */
+/* status values returned by AttachGalley() */
+#define ATTACH_KILLED 0
+#define ATTACH_INPUT 1
+#define ATTACH_NULL 4
+#define ATTACH_ACCEPT 5
+/* types of memory usage, used to debug memory consumption */
+#define MEM_BINARY 0 /* the executable binary */
+#define MEM_OBJECTS 1 /* objects currently in free list */
+#define MEM_FONTS 2 /* fonts */
+#define MEM_LEX 3 /* lexical analyser file buffers */
+#define MEM_FILES 4 /* table of file names */
+#define MEM_CROSSREF 5 /* table of file names */
+#define MEM_PAGES 6 /* page grids (-p only) */
+#define MEM_DBCHECK 7 /* database checks */
+#define MEM_DB 8 /* in_memory database */
+#define MEM_HYPH_PATS 9 /* hyphenation patterns */
+#define MEM_CMAPS 10 /* character maps */
+#define MEM_COLOUR_TAB 11 /* colour table */
+#define MEM_LANG_TAB 12 /* language table */
+#define MEM_USAGE_MAX 13 /* number of memory usage types */
+/* */
+/* Keywords. */
+/* */
+#define KW_START AsciiToFull("\\Start")
+#define KW_PRINT AsciiToFull("\\Print")
+#define KW_OPTGALL AsciiToFull("@OptGall")
+#define KW_DEF AsciiToFull("def")
+#define KW_FONTDEF AsciiToFull("fontdef")
+#define KW_LANGDEF AsciiToFull("langdef")
+#define KW_FORCE AsciiToFull("force")
+#define KW_HORIZ AsciiToFull("horizontally")
+#define KW_INTO AsciiToFull("into")
+#define KW_EXTEND AsciiToFull("extend")
+#define KW_IMPORT AsciiToFull("import")
+#define KW_EXPORT AsciiToFull("export")
+#define KW_PRECEDENCE AsciiToFull("precedence")
+#define KW_ASSOC AsciiToFull("associativity")
+#define KW_LEFT AsciiToFull("left")
+#define KW_RIGHT AsciiToFull("right")
+#define KW_BODY AsciiToFull("body")
+#define KW_FILTER AsciiToFull("@Filter")
+#define KW_FILTERIN AsciiToFull("@FilterIn")
+#define KW_FILTEROUT AsciiToFull("@FilterOut")
+#define KW_FILTERERR AsciiToFull("@FilterErr")
+#define KW_MACRO AsciiToFull("macro")
+#define KW_NAMED AsciiToFull("named")
+#define KW_COMPULSORY AsciiToFull("compulsory")
+#define KW_COMMON AsciiToFull("@Common")
+#define KW_RUMP AsciiToFull("@Rump")
+#define KW_MELD AsciiToFull("@Meld")
+#define KW_INSERT AsciiToFull("@Insert")
+#define KW_ONE_OF AsciiToFull("@OneOf")
+#define KW_NEXT AsciiToFull("@Next")
+#define KW_PLUS AsciiToFull("@Plus")
+#define KW_MINUS AsciiToFull("@Minus")
+#define KW_WIDE AsciiToFull("@Wide")
+#define KW_HIGH AsciiToFull("@High")
+#define KW_HSHIFT AsciiToFull("@HShift")
+#define KW_VSHIFT AsciiToFull("@VShift")
+#define KW_ONE_COL AsciiToFull("@OneCol")
+#define KW_ONE_ROW AsciiToFull("@OneRow")
+#define KW_HSCALE AsciiToFull("@HScale")
+#define KW_VSCALE AsciiToFull("@VScale")
+#define KW_HCOVER AsciiToFull("@HCover")
+#define KW_VCOVER AsciiToFull("@VCover")
+#define KW_SCALE AsciiToFull("@Scale")
+#define KW_KERN_SHRINK AsciiToFull("@KernShrink")
+#define KW_HCONTRACT AsciiToFull("@HContract")
+#define KW_VCONTRACT AsciiToFull("@VContract")
+#define KW_HLIMITED AsciiToFull("@HLimited")
+#define KW_VLIMITED AsciiToFull("@VLimited")
+#define KW_HEXPAND AsciiToFull("@HExpand")
+#define KW_VEXPAND AsciiToFull("@VExpand")
+#define KW_STARTHVSPAN AsciiToFull("@StartHVSpan")
+#define KW_STARTHSPAN AsciiToFull("@StartHSpan")
+#define KW_STARTVSPAN AsciiToFull("@StartVSpan")
+#define KW_HSPAN AsciiToFull("@HSpan")
+#define KW_VSPAN AsciiToFull("@VSpan")
+#define KW_PADJUST AsciiToFull("@PAdjust")
+#define KW_HADJUST AsciiToFull("@HAdjust")
+#define KW_VADJUST AsciiToFull("@VAdjust")
+#define KW_ROTATE AsciiToFull("@Rotate")
+#define KW_BACKGROUND AsciiToFull("@Background")
+#define KW_INCGRAPHIC AsciiToFull("@IncludeGraphic")
+#define KW_SINCGRAPHIC AsciiToFull("@SysIncludeGraphic")
+#define KW_GRAPHIC AsciiToFull("@Graphic")
+#define KW_PLAINGRAPHIC AsciiToFull("@PlainGraphic")
+#define KW_VERBATIM AsciiToFull("@Verbatim")
+#define KW_RAWVERBATIM AsciiToFull("@RawVerbatim")
+#define KW_CASE AsciiToFull("@Case")
+#define KW_YIELD AsciiToFull("@Yield")
+#define KW_BACKEND AsciiToFull("@BackEnd")
+#define KW_XCHAR AsciiToFull("@Char")
+#define KW_FONT AsciiToFull("@Font")
+#define KW_SPACE AsciiToFull("@Space")
+#define KW_YUNIT AsciiToFull("@YUnit")
+#define KW_ZUNIT AsciiToFull("@ZUnit")
+#define KW_BREAK AsciiToFull("@Break")
+#define KW_UNDERLINE AsciiToFull("@Underline")
+#define KW_COLOUR AsciiToFull("@SetColour")
+#define KW_COLOR AsciiToFull("@SetColor")
+#define KW_LANGUAGE AsciiToFull("@Language")
+#define KW_CURR_LANG AsciiToFull("@CurrLang")
+#define KW_CURR_FAMILY AsciiToFull("@CurrFamily")
+#define KW_CURR_FACE AsciiToFull("@CurrFace")
+#define KW_ENV AsciiToFull("@LEnv")
+#define KW_ENVA AsciiToFull("@@A")
+#define KW_ENVB AsciiToFull("@@B")
+#define KW_ENVC AsciiToFull("@@C")
+#define KW_ENVD AsciiToFull("@@D")
+#define KW_CENV AsciiToFull("@@E")
+#define KW_CLOS AsciiToFull("@LClos")
+#define KW_LVIS AsciiToFull("@@V")
+#define KW_LUSE AsciiToFull("@LUse")
+#define KW_LEO AsciiToFull("@LEO")
+#define KW_OPEN AsciiToFull("@Open")
+#define KW_USE AsciiToFull("@Use")
+#define KW_NOT_REVEALED AsciiToFull("@NotRevealed")
+#define KW_TAGGED AsciiToFull("@Tagged")
+#define KW_DATABASE AsciiToFull("@Database")
+#define KW_SYSDATABASE AsciiToFull("@SysDatabase")
+#define KW_INCLUDE AsciiToFull("@Include")
+#define KW_SYSINCLUDE AsciiToFull("@SysInclude")
+#define KW_PREPEND AsciiToFull("@PrependGraphic")
+#define KW_SYSPREPEND AsciiToFull("@SysPrependGraphic")
+#define KW_TARGET AsciiToFull("@Target")
+#define KW_FOLLOWING AsciiToFull("following")
+#define KW_PRECEDING AsciiToFull("preceding")
+#define KW_FOLL_OR_PREC AsciiToFull("foll_or_prec")
+#define KW_NOW AsciiToFull("now")
+#define KW_NULL AsciiToFull("@Null")
+#define KW_PAGE_LABEL AsciiToFull("@PageLabel")
+#define KW_GALLEY AsciiToFull("@Galley")
+#define KW_FORCE_GALLEY AsciiToFull("@ForceGalley")
+#define KW_INPUT AsciiToFull("@LInput")
+#define KW_SPLIT AsciiToFull("@Split")
+#define KW_TAG AsciiToFull("@Tag")
+#define KW_KEY AsciiToFull("@Key")
+#define KW_OPTIMIZE AsciiToFull("@Optimize")
+#define KW_MERGE AsciiToFull("@Merge")
+#define KW_ENCLOSE AsciiToFull("@Enclose")
+#define KW_CROSS AsciiToFull("&&")
+#define KW_FORCE_CROSS AsciiToFull("&&&")
+#define KW_LBR AsciiToFull("{")
+#define KW_RBR AsciiToFull("}")
+#define KW_BEGIN AsciiToFull("@Begin")
+#define KW_END AsciiToFull("@End")
+#define KW_VCAT_NN AsciiToFull("//")
+#define KW_VCAT_MN AsciiToFull("^//")
+#define KW_VCAT_NJ AsciiToFull("/")
+#define KW_VCAT_MJ AsciiToFull("^/")
+#define KW_HCAT_NN AsciiToFull("||")
+#define KW_HCAT_MN AsciiToFull("^||")
+#define KW_HCAT_NJ AsciiToFull("|")
+#define KW_HCAT_MJ AsciiToFull("^|")
+#define KW_ACAT_NJ AsciiToFull("&")
+#define KW_ACAT_MJ AsciiToFull("^&")
+#define KW_MOMENT AsciiToFull("@Moment")
+#define KW_SECOND AsciiToFull("@Second")
+#define KW_MINUTE AsciiToFull("@Minute")
+#define KW_HOUR AsciiToFull("@Hour")
+#define KW_DAY AsciiToFull("@Day")
+#define KW_MONTH AsciiToFull("@Month")
+#define KW_YEAR AsciiToFull("@Year")
+#define KW_CENTURY AsciiToFull("@Century")
+#define KW_WEEKDAY AsciiToFull("@WeekDay")
+#define KW_YEARDAY AsciiToFull("@YearDay")
+#define KW_DAYLIGHTSAVING AsciiToFull("@DaylightSaving")
+/*@::GetMem(), New(), NewWord()@**********************************************/
+/* */
+/* GetMem(x, siz, pos) */
+/* New(x, typ) */
+/* NewWord(x, typ, len, pos) */
+/* */
+/* Set x to point to a new record, of appropriate length (in ALIGNs). */
+/* The New and NewWord versions initialise LIST, type and rec_size fields. */
+/* NewWord must be used for WORD and QWORD objects. */
+/* */
+#define newcount zz_newcount++
+#define freecount zz_listcount--
+#define checknew(typ) \
+{ assert1( is_type(typ), "New: type", Image(typ) ); \
+ assert( zz_lengths[typ] > 0, "New: zero length!" ); \
+#define checkmem(z, typ) \
+{ if( (MemCheck != 0) && ( (POINTER) z == MemCheck) ) \
+ fprintf(stderr, "%ld = New(%s)\n", (long) z, Image(type(z))); \
+#define newcount
+#define freecount
+#define checknew(typ)
+#define checkmem(z, typ)
+#define GetMem(x, siz, pos) \
+{ newcount; \
+ if( (zz_size=(siz)) >= MAX_OBJECT_REC ) \
+ Error(1, 1, "word is too long", FATAL, pos); \
+ else if( zz_free[zz_size] == nilobj ) \
+ x = GetMemory(zz_size, pos); \
+ else \
+ { x = zz_hold = zz_free[zz_size]; \
+ freecount; \
+ zz_free[zz_size] = pred(zz_hold, CHILD); \
+ } \
+#define New(x, typ) \
+{ checknew(typ); \
+ GetMem(zz_hold, zz_lengths[typ], no_fpos); \
+ type(zz_hold) = typ; \
+ checkmem(zz_hold, typ); \
+ x = pred(zz_hold, CHILD) = succ(zz_hold, CHILD) = \
+ pred(zz_hold, PARENT) = succ(zz_hold, PARENT) = zz_hold; \
+#define NewWord(x, typ, len, pos) \
+{ zz_size = sizeof(struct word_type) - 4 + ((len)+1)*sizeof(FULL_CHAR); \
+ /* NB the following line RESETS zz_size */ \
+ GetMem(zz_hold, ceiling(zz_size, sizeof(ALIGN)), pos); \
+ checkmem(zz_hold, typ); \
+ rec_size(zz_hold) = zz_size; \
+ type(zz_hold) = typ; \
+ x = pred(zz_hold, CHILD) = succ(zz_hold, CHILD) = \
+ pred(zz_hold, PARENT) = succ(zz_hold, PARENT) = zz_hold; \
+/*@::PutMem(), Dispose()@*****************************************************/
+/* */
+/* PutMem(x, siz) */
+/* Dispose(x) */
+/* */
+/* Dispose x, which is of size siz. Dispose works out the size itself. */
+/* */
+#define disposecount zz_disposecount++; zz_listcount++;
+#define disposecheck \
+{ assert( zz_size >= 0 && zz_size < MAX_OBJECT_REC, "Dispose: size" ); \
+#define setdisposed \
+{ if( (MemCheck != 0) && ((POINTER) zz_hold == MemCheck) ) \
+ fprintf(stderr, "Dispose(%ld, %s)\n", (long) zz_hold, \
+ Image(type(zz_hold))); \
+ type(zz_hold) = DISPOSED; \
+#define disposecount
+#define disposecheck
+#define setdisposed
+#define PutMem(x, siz) \
+{ disposecount; \
+ zz_hold = (x); \
+ zz_size = (siz); \
+ disposecheck; \
+ pred(zz_hold, CHILD) = zz_free[zz_size]; \
+ zz_free[zz_size] = zz_hold; \
+#define Dispose(x) \
+{ zz_hold = (x); \
+ PutMem(zz_hold, is_word(type(zz_hold)) ? \
+ rec_size(zz_hold) : zz_lengths[type(zz_hold)]); \
+ setdisposed; \
+/*@::Append(), Delete()@******************************************************/
+/* */
+/* OBJECT Append(x, y, dir) */
+/* */
+/* Return the append of lists x and y (dir is PARENT or CHILD). */
+/* */
+#define Append(x, y, dir) \
+( zz_res = (x), zz_hold = (y), \
+ zz_hold == nilobj ? zz_res : \
+ zz_res == nilobj ? zz_hold : \
+ ( zz_tmp = pred(zz_hold, dir), \
+ pred(zz_hold, dir) = pred(zz_res, dir), \
+ succ(pred(zz_res, dir), dir) = zz_hold, \
+ pred(zz_res, dir) = zz_tmp, \
+ succ(zz_tmp, dir) = zz_res \
+ ) \
+/* */
+/* OBJECT Delete(x, dir) */
+/* */
+/* Delete x from its dir list, and return succ(x, dir) or nilobj if none. */
+/* */
+#define Delete(x, dir) \
+( zz_hold = (x), \
+ succ(zz_hold, dir) == zz_hold ? nilobj : \
+ ( zz_res = succ(zz_hold, dir), \
+ pred(zz_res, dir) = pred(zz_hold, dir), \
+ succ(pred(zz_hold, dir), dir) = zz_res, \
+ pred(zz_hold, dir) = succ(zz_hold, dir) = zz_hold, \
+ zz_res \
+ ) \
+#define Down(x) succ(x, CHILD)
+#define NextDown(x) succ(x, CHILD)
+#define LastDown(x) pred(x, CHILD)
+#define PrevDown(x) pred(x, CHILD)
+#define Up(x) succ(x, PARENT)
+#define NextUp(x) succ(x, PARENT)
+#define LastUp(x) pred(x, PARENT)
+#define PrevUp(x) pred(x, PARENT)
+#define Child(y, link) \
+for( y = pred(link, PARENT); type(y) == LINK; y = pred(y, PARENT) )
+#define CountChild(y, link, i) \
+for( y=pred(link, PARENT), i=1; type(y)==LINK; y = pred(y, PARENT), i++ )
+#define Parent(y, link) \
+for( y = pred(link, CHILD); type(y) == LINK; y = pred(y, CHILD) )
+/*@::UpDim(), DownDim(), Link(), DeleteLink(), etc.@**************************/
+/* */
+/* UpDim(x, dim) */
+/* DownDim(x, dim) */
+/* */
+/* Returns the dim child or parent link of node x (dim == COLM or ROWM). */
+/* */
+#define UpDim(x, dim) ( (dim) == COLM ? succ(x, PARENT) : pred(x, PARENT) )
+#define DownDim(x, dim) ( (dim) == COLM ? succ(x, CHILD) : pred(x, CHILD) )
+/* */
+/* OBJECT Link(x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Make y a child of x in the directed graph, using a new link. */
+/* The link node is returned. */
+/* */
+#define Link(x, y) \
+{ New(xx_link, LINK); \
+ Append(xx_link, (x), CHILD); \
+ Append(xx_link, (y), PARENT); \
+/* */
+/* DeleteLink(link) */
+/* */
+/* Cut the link between nodes x and y of the directed graph. */
+/* Returns the link node of the next child of x, or x if none. */
+/* */
+#define DeleteLink(link) \
+{ xx_link = (link); \
+ Delete(xx_link, PARENT); \
+ Delete(xx_link, CHILD); \
+ Dispose(xx_link); \
+/* */
+/* DisposeChild(link) */
+/* */
+/* Delete link, and if its child is thereby unattached, dispose it. */
+/* */
+#define DisposeChild(link) \
+{ xx_link = (link); \
+ xx_tmp = Delete(xx_link, PARENT); \
+ Delete(xx_link, CHILD); \
+ Dispose(xx_link); \
+ if( succ(xx_tmp, PARENT) == xx_tmp ) DisposeObject(xx_tmp); \
+} /* end DisposeChild */
+/* */
+/* MoveLink(link, x, dir) */
+/* */
+/* Move the dir end of link from wherever it is now to node x. */
+/* */
+#define MoveLink(link, x, dir) \
+( xx_link = (link), \
+ Delete(xx_link, 1 - (dir) ), \
+ Append(xx_link, (x), 1 - (dir) ) \
+) /* end MoveLink */
+/*@::TransferLinks(), DeleteNode(), etc.@*************************************/
+/* */
+/* TransferLinks(start_link, stop_link, dest_link) */
+/* */
+/* Move parent end of links start_link (inclusive) to stop_link (exclusive) */
+/* to just before dest_link. */
+/* */
+#define TransferLinks(start_link, stop_link, dest_link) \
+{ OBJECT xxstart = start_link, xxstop = stop_link, xxdest = dest_link; \
+ if( xxstart != xxstop ) \
+ { assert( type(xxstart) == LINK, "TransferLinks: start_link!" ); \
+ Append(xxstart, xxstop, CHILD); /* actually a split */ \
+ Append(xxstart, xxdest, CHILD); \
+ } \
+/* */
+/* DeleteNode(x) */
+/* */
+/* Delete node x and every edge attaching to x. */
+/* */
+#define DeleteNode(x) \
+{ xx_hold = (x); \
+ while( Up(xx_hold) != xx_hold ) DeleteLink( Up(xx_hold) ); \
+ while( Down(xx_hold) != xx_hold ) DeleteLink( Down(xx_hold) ); \
+ Dispose(xx_hold); \
+/* */
+/* MergeNode(x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Take all the children of y and make them children of x. */
+/* Take all the parents of y and make them parents of x. Dispose y. */
+/* */
+#define MergeNode(x, y) \
+{ xx_res = (x); xx_hold = (y); \
+ xx_tmp = Delete(xx_hold, PARENT); \
+ Append(xx_res, xx_tmp, PARENT); \
+ xx_tmp = Delete(xx_hold, CHILD); \
+ Append(xx_res, xx_tmp, CHILD); \
+ Dispose(xx_hold); \
+} /* end MergeNode */
+/* */
+/* ReplaceNode(x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Move all the parent links of y to x. */
+/* */
+#define ReplaceNode(x, y) \
+( xx_tmp = Delete((y), PARENT), \
+ Append((x), xx_tmp, PARENT) \
+) /* end ReplaceNode */
+/*@::FirstDefinite(), NextDefinite(), etc.@***********************************/
+/* */
+/* FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn) */
+/* */
+/* On input, x is an object and link and y are undefined. On output there */
+/* are two cases: */
+/* */
+/* link != x. Then y is first definite child of x and link is its link; */
+/* jn is TRUE iff all gaps on the way to link were joined. */
+/* */
+/* link == x. Then x has no definite child and y is undefined. */
+/* */
+/* A SPLIT object is considered to be definite if both its children are */
+/* definite. This condition is returned by SplitIsDefinite. */
+/* */
+#define FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn) \
+{ jn = TRUE; \
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) \
+ { Child(y, link); \
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) jn = jn && join(gap(y)); \
+ else if( type(y)==SPLIT ? SplitIsDefinite(y) : is_definite(type(y)))\
+ break; \
+ } \
+} /* end FirstDefinite */
+/* */
+/* NextDefinite(x, link, y) */
+/* */
+/* On input, x is an object and link is a link to one of its children; y */
+/* is undefined. On output there are two cases: */
+/* */
+/* link != x. Then y is the first definite child of x following link, and */
+/* link is changed to be the link of y. */
+/* */
+/* link == x. Then x has no definite child following link, and y remains */
+/* undefined. */
+/* */
+#define NextDefinite(x, link, y) \
+{ for( link = NextDown(link); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) \
+ { Child(y, link); \
+ if( type(y) == SPLIT ? SplitIsDefinite(y) : is_definite(type(y)) ) \
+ break; \
+ } \
+} /* end NextDefinite */
+/* */
+/* NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn) */
+/* */
+/* On input, x is an object and link is a link to one of its children; y */
+/* and g are undefined. On output there are two cases: */
+/* */
+/* link != x. Then y is the first definite child of x following link, and */
+/* link is changed to be the link of y. Also, g is defined */
+/* to be the gap just before y; this must exist and is tested */
+/* by an assert test; and jn is true iff all of the gaps on */
+/* the way from old link to new link are join gaps. */
+/* */
+/* link == x. Then x has no definite child following link, and y and g */
+/* remain undefined. */
+/* */
+#define NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn) \
+{ g = nilobj; jn = TRUE; \
+ for( link = NextDown(link); link != x; link = NextDown(link) ) \
+ { Child(y, link); \
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) g = y, jn = jn && join(gap(y)); \
+ else if( type(y)==SPLIT ? SplitIsDefinite(y):is_definite(type(y)) ) \
+ { \
+ debug2(DFS, D, " NextDefiniteWithGap at %s %s", \
+ Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y)); \
+ assert( g != nilobj, "NextDefiniteWithGap: g == nilobj!" ); \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ } \
+} /* end NextDefiniteWithGap */
+/* */
+/* LastDefinite(x, link, y) */
+/* */
+/* On input, x is an object and link and y are undefined. On output there */
+/* are two cases: */
+/* */
+/* link != x. Then y is the last definite child of x and link is its link. */
+/* */
+/* link == x. Then x has no definite child and y is undefined. */
+/* */
+/* A SPLIT object is considered to be definite if both its children are */
+/* definite. This condition is returned by SplitIsDefinite. */
+/* */
+#define LastDefinite(x, link, y) \
+{ for( link = LastDown(x); link != x; link = PrevDown(link) ) \
+ { Child(y, link); \
+ if( type(y) == SPLIT ? SplitIsDefinite(y) : is_definite(type(y)) ) \
+ break; \
+ } \
+} /* end LastDefinite */
+/* */
+/* PrevDefinite(x, link, y) */
+/* */
+/* On input, x is an object and link is a link to one of its children; y */
+/* is undefined. On output there are two cases: */
+/* */
+/* link != x. Then y is the first definite child of x preceding link, and */
+/* link is changed to be the link of y. */
+/* */
+/* link == x. Then x has no definite child preceding link, and y remains */
+/* undefined. */
+/* */
+#define PrevDefinite(x, link, y) \
+{ for( link = PrevDown(link); link != x; link = PrevDown(link) ) \
+ { Child(y, link); \
+ if( type(y) == SPLIT ? SplitIsDefinite(y) : is_definite(type(y)) ) \
+ break; \
+ } \
+} /* end PrevDefinite */
+/*@::Module Declarations@*****************************************************/
+/* */
+/* */
+/***** z01.c Supervise **************************************/
+extern int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
+extern POINTER MemCheck;
+extern OBJECT StartSym;
+extern OBJECT GalleySym;
+extern OBJECT ForceGalleySym;
+extern OBJECT InputSym;
+extern OBJECT PrintSym;
+extern OBJECT FilterInSym;
+extern OBJECT FilterOutSym;
+extern OBJECT FilterErrSym;
+extern OBJECT VerbatimSym;
+extern OBJECT RawVerbatimSym;
+extern OBJECT OptGallSym;
+extern OBJECT CommandOptions;
+extern BOOLEAN AllowCrossDb;
+extern BOOLEAN UseCollate;
+extern BOOLEAN InMemoryDbIndexes;
+extern BOOLEAN Encapsulated;
+extern BOOLEAN Kern;
+extern BOOLEAN SafeExecution;
+extern BOOLEAN AltErrorFormat;
+extern int BackEnd;
+extern int TotalWordCount;
+extern FULL_CHAR *BackEndWord;
+extern FULL_LENGTH PlainCharWidth;
+extern FULL_LENGTH PlainCharHeight;
+extern BOOLEAN PlainFormFeed;
+extern BOOLEAN InitializeAll;
+extern nl_catd MsgCat;
+/***** z02.c Lexical Analyser **************************************/
+extern BOOLEAN LexLegalName(FULL_CHAR *str);
+extern void LexInit(void);
+extern void LexPush(FILE_NUM x, int offs, int ftyp, int lnum, BOOLEAN same);
+extern void LexPop(void);
+extern long LexNextTokenPos(void);
+extern OBJECT LexGetToken(void);
+extern OBJECT LexScanVerbatim(FILE *fp, BOOLEAN end_stop, FILE_POS *err_pos,
+ BOOLEAN lessskip);
+/***** z03.c File Service **************************************/
+extern FILE_POS *no_fpos;
+extern void InitFiles(void);
+extern void AddToPath(int fpath, OBJECT dirname);
+extern FILE_NUM DefineFile(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *suffix,
+ FILE_POS *xfpos, int ftype, int fpath);
+extern FILE_NUM FirstFile(int ftype);
+extern FILE_NUM NextFile(FILE_NUM i);
+extern FILE_NUM FileNum(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *suffix);
+extern FILE_NUM DatabaseFileNum(FILE_POS *xfpos);
+extern FULL_CHAR *FileName(FILE_NUM fnum);
+extern FULL_CHAR *FullFileName(FILE_NUM fnum);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoFilePos(FILE_POS *pos);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoAltFilePos(FILE_POS *pos);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoFileSource(FILE_NUM fnum);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoFileLine(FILE_POS *pos);
+extern FILE_POS *PosOfFile(FILE_NUM fnum);
+extern FILE *OpenFile(FILE_NUM fnum, BOOLEAN check_ld, BOOLEAN check_lt);
+extern FILE *OpenIncGraphicFile(FULL_CHAR *str, unsigned char typ,
+ OBJECT *full_name, FILE_POS *xfpos, BOOLEAN *compressed);
+extern void FileSetUpdated(FILE_NUM fnum, int newlines);
+extern int FileGetLineCount(FILE_NUM fnum);
+extern BOOLEAN FileTestUpdated(FILE_NUM fnum);
+/***** z04.c Token Service **************************************/
+extern OBJECT NewToken(unsigned char xtype, FILE_POS *xfpos,
+ unsigned char xvspace, unsigned char xhspace,
+ unsigned char xprec, OBJECT xactual);
+extern OBJECT CopyTokenList(OBJECT x, FILE_POS *pos);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoCatOp(unsigned xtype, BOOLEAN xmark, BOOLEAN xjoin);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoToken(OBJECT x);
+/***** z05.c Read Definitions **************************************/
+extern void ReadPrependDef(unsigned typ, OBJECT encl);
+extern void ReadDatabaseDef(unsigned typ, OBJECT encl);
+extern void ReadDefinitions(OBJECT *token, OBJECT encl,
+ unsigned char res_type);
+/***** z06.c Object Parser **************************************/
+extern void SetScope(OBJECT env, int *count, BOOLEAN vis_only);
+extern void InitParser(FULL_CHAR *cross_db);
+extern OBJECT Parse(OBJECT *token, OBJECT encl, BOOLEAN defs_allowed,
+ BOOLEAN transfer_allowed);
+/***** z07.c Object Service **************************************/
+extern BOOLEAN SplitIsDefinite(OBJECT x);
+extern int DisposeObject(OBJECT x);
+extern OBJECT MakeWord(unsigned typ, FULL_CHAR *str, FILE_POS *pos);
+extern OBJECT MakeWordTwo(unsigned typ, FULL_CHAR *str1, FULL_CHAR *str2,
+ FILE_POS *pos);
+extern OBJECT MakeWordThree(FULL_CHAR *s1, FULL_CHAR *s2, FULL_CHAR *s3);
+extern OBJECT CopyObject(OBJECT x, FILE_POS *pos);
+extern OBJECT InsertObject(OBJECT x, OBJECT *ins, STYLE *style);
+extern OBJECT Meld(OBJECT x, OBJECT y);
+/***** z08.c Object Manifest **************************************/
+extern OBJECT ReplaceWithTidy(OBJECT x, BOOLEAN one_word);
+extern OBJECT Manifest(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2],
+ OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok,
+ BOOLEAN need_expand, OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr);
+/***** z09.c Closure Expansion **************************************/
+extern OBJECT SearchEnv(OBJECT env, OBJECT sym);
+extern OBJECT SetEnv(OBJECT x, OBJECT y);
+extern void AttachEnv(OBJECT env, OBJECT x);
+extern OBJECT GetEnv(OBJECT x);
+extern OBJECT DetachEnv(OBJECT x);
+extern OBJECT ClosureExpand(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, BOOLEAN crs_wanted,
+ OBJECT *crs, OBJECT *res_env);
+extern OBJECT ParameterCheck(OBJECT x, OBJECT env);
+/***** z10.c Cross References **************************************/
+extern void CrossInit(OBJECT sym);
+extern OBJECT CrossMake(OBJECT sym, OBJECT val, int ctype);
+extern OBJECT GallTargEval(OBJECT sym, FILE_POS *dfpos);
+extern void CrossAddTag(OBJECT x);
+extern OBJECT CrossExpand(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style,
+ OBJECT *crs, OBJECT *res_env);
+extern void CrossSequence(OBJECT x);
+extern void CrossClose(void);
+/***** z11.c Style Service **************************************/
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoStyle(STYLE *style);
+extern void SpaceChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x);
+extern void BreakChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x);
+extern void YUnitChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x);
+extern void ZUnitChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x);
+/***** z12.c Size Finder **************************************/
+extern void SpannerAvailableSpace(OBJECT y, int dim, FULL_LENGTH *resb,
+ FULL_LENGTH *resf);
+extern OBJECT MinSize(OBJECT x, int dim, OBJECT *extras);
+/***** z13.c Object Breaking **************************************/
+extern OBJECT BreakObject(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c);
+/***** z14.c Object Filling **************************************/
+extern OBJECT FillObject(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT multi,
+ BOOLEAN can_hyphenate, BOOLEAN allow_shrink,
+ BOOLEAN extend_unbreakable, BOOLEAN *hyph_used);
+/***** z15.c Size Constraints **************************************/
+extern void MinConstraint(CONSTRAINT *xc, CONSTRAINT *yc);
+extern void SetSizeToMaxForwardConstraint(FULL_LENGTH *b, FULL_LENGTH *f,
+extern void EnlargeToConstraint(FULL_LENGTH *b, FULL_LENGTH *f,
+extern int ScaleToConstraint(FULL_LENGTH b, FULL_LENGTH f,
+extern void InvScaleConstraint(CONSTRAINT *yc, FULL_LENGTH sf,
+extern void RotateConstraint(CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT y, FULL_LENGTH angle,
+ CONSTRAINT *hc, CONSTRAINT *vc, int dim);
+extern BOOLEAN InsertScale(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c);
+extern void Constrained(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *xc, int dim, OBJECT *why);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoConstraint(CONSTRAINT *c);
+extern void DebugConstrained(OBJECT x);
+/***** z16.c Size Adjustments **************************************/
+extern FULL_LENGTH FindShift(OBJECT x, OBJECT y, int dim);
+extern void SetNeighbours(OBJECT link, BOOLEAN ratm, OBJECT *pg,
+ OBJECT *pdef, OBJECT *sg, OBJECT *sdef, int *side);
+extern void AdjustSize(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH b, FULL_LENGTH f, int dim);
+/***** z17.c Gap Widths **************************************/
+extern void GetGap(OBJECT x, STYLE *style, GAP *res_gap,
+ unsigned *res_inc);
+extern FULL_LENGTH ExtraGap(FULL_LENGTH a, FULL_LENGTH b, GAP *xgap, int dir);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoGap(GAP *xgap);
+/***** z18.c Galley Transfer **************************************/
+extern STYLE InitialStyle;
+extern OBJECT InitialEnvironment;
+extern void TransferInit(OBJECT InitEnv);
+extern OBJECT TransferBegin(OBJECT x);
+extern void TransferComponent(OBJECT x);
+extern void TransferEnd(OBJECT x);
+extern void TransferClose(void);
+/***** z19.c Galley Attaching **************************************/
+extern void DetachGalley(OBJECT hd);
+extern OBJECT SearchGalley(OBJECT start, OBJECT sym, BOOLEAN forwards,
+ BOOLEAN subgalleys, BOOLEAN closures, BOOLEAN input);
+extern int AttachGalley(OBJECT hd, OBJECT *inners, OBJECT *suspend_pt);
+/***** z20.c Galley Flushing **************************************/
+extern FULL_CHAR *DebugInnersNames(OBJECT inners);
+extern void FlushGalley(OBJECT hd);
+/*** z21.c Galley Maker **************************************/
+extern void SizeGalley(OBJECT hd, OBJECT env, BOOLEAN rows,
+ BOOLEAN joined, BOOLEAN nonblock, BOOLEAN trig,
+ STYLE *style, CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT target,
+ OBJECT *dest_index, OBJECT *recs, OBJECT *inners,
+ OBJECT enclose);
+/*** z22.c Galley Service **************************************/
+extern void Interpose(OBJECT z, int typ, OBJECT x, OBJECT y);
+extern void FlushInners(OBJECT inners, OBJECT hd);
+extern void ExpandRecursives(OBJECT recs);
+extern void Promote(OBJECT hd, OBJECT stop_link, OBJECT dest_index,
+ BOOLEAN join_after);
+extern void KillGalley(OBJECT hd, BOOLEAN optimize);
+extern void FreeGalley(OBJECT hd, OBJECT stop_link, OBJECT *inners,
+ OBJECT relocate_link, OBJECT sym);
+extern void SetTarget(OBJECT hd);
+extern int CheckComponentOrder(OBJECT preceder, OBJECT follower);
+/***** z23.c Galley Printer **************************************/
+extern void FixAndPrintObject(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH xmk, FULL_LENGTH xb,
+ FULL_LENGTH xf, int dim, BOOLEAN suppress, FULL_LENGTH pg,int count);
+/***** z24.c Print Service **************************************/
+extern void PrintInit(FILE *file_ptr);
+extern void PrintBeforeFirst(FULL_LENGTH h, FULL_LENGTH v, FULL_CHAR *label);
+extern void PrintBetween(FULL_LENGTH h, FULL_LENGTH v, FULL_CHAR *label);
+extern void PrintWord(OBJECT x, int hpos, int vpos);
+extern void PrintPlainGraphicObject(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH xmk,
+extern void PrintUnderline(FONT_NUM fnum, FULL_LENGTH xstart,
+extern void PrintAfterLast(void);
+extern void CoordTranslate(FULL_LENGTH xdist, FULL_LENGTH ydist);
+extern void CoordRotate(FULL_LENGTH amount);
+extern void CoordScale(float hfactor, float vfactor);
+extern void SaveGraphicState(OBJECT x);
+extern void RestoreGraphicState(void);
+extern void PrintGraphicObject(OBJECT x);
+extern void DefineGraphicNames(OBJECT x);
+extern void SaveTranslateDefineSave(OBJECT x,
+ FULL_LENGTH xdist, FULL_LENGTH ydist);
+extern void PrintGraphicInclude(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH colmark,
+ FULL_LENGTH rowmark);
+/***** z25.c Object Echo **************************************/
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoObject(OBJECT x);
+extern void DebugObject(OBJECT x);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoIndex(OBJECT index);
+extern void DebugGalley(OBJECT hd, OBJECT pinpt, int indent);
+/***** z26.c Echo Service **************************************/
+extern void BeginString(void);
+extern void AppendString(FULL_CHAR *str);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EndString(void);
+extern FULL_CHAR *EchoLength(int len);
+extern FULL_CHAR *Image(unsigned int c);
+extern void SetLengthDim(int dim);
+/***** z27.c Debug Service **************************************/
+extern void DebugInit(FULL_CHAR *str);
+extern void Debug(int category, int urgency, char *str, ...);
+extern void ProfileOn(char *str);
+extern void ProfileOff(char *str);
+extern void ProfilePrint(void);
+/***** z28.c Error Service **************************************/
+extern void ErrorInit(FULL_CHAR *str);
+extern BOOLEAN ErrorSeen(void);
+extern void EnterErrorBlock(BOOLEAN ok_to_print);
+extern void LeaveErrorBlock(BOOLEAN commit);
+extern void CheckErrorBlocks(void);
+extern POINTER Error(int set_num, int msg_num, char *str, int etype,
+ FILE_POS *pos, ...);
+/***** z29.c Symbol Table **************************************/
+extern void InitSym(void);
+extern void PushScope(OBJECT x, BOOLEAN npars, BOOLEAN vis);
+extern void PopScope(void);
+extern void SuppressVisible(void);
+extern void UnSuppressVisible(void);
+extern void SuppressScope(void);
+extern void UnSuppressScope(void);
+extern void SwitchScope(OBJECT sym);
+extern void UnSwitchScope(OBJECT sym);
+extern void BodyParAllowed(void);
+extern void BodyParNotAllowed(void);
+extern OBJECT InsertSym(FULL_CHAR *str, unsigned char xtype,
+ FILE_POS *xfpos, unsigned char xprecedence,
+ BOOLEAN xindefinite, BOOLEAN xrecursive,
+ unsigned xpredefined, OBJECT xenclosing, OBJECT xbody);
+extern void InsertAlternativeName(FULL_CHAR *str, OBJECT s,
+ FILE_POS *xfpos);
+extern OBJECT SearchSym(FULL_CHAR *str, int len);
+extern FULL_CHAR *SymName(OBJECT s);
+extern FULL_CHAR *FullSymName(OBJECT x, FULL_CHAR *str);
+extern OBJECT ChildSym(OBJECT s, unsigned typ);
+extern OBJECT ChildSymWithCode(OBJECT s, unsigned char code);
+extern void CheckSymSpread(void);
+extern void DeleteEverySym(void);
+extern void DebugScope(void);
+/***** z30.c Symbol Uses **************************************/
+extern void InsertUses(OBJECT x, OBJECT y);
+extern void FlattenUses(void);
+extern BOOLEAN SearchUses(OBJECT x, OBJECT y);
+extern OBJECT FirstExternTarget(OBJECT sym, OBJECT *cont);
+extern OBJECT NextExternTarget(OBJECT sym, OBJECT *cont);
+/***** z31.c Memory Allocator **************************************/
+extern void DebugRegisterUsage(int typ, int delta_num, int delta_size);
+extern void DebugMemory(void);
+extern void MemInit(void);
+extern OBJECT GetMemory(int siz, FILE_POS *pos);
+extern OBJECT zz_free[];
+extern unsigned char zz_lengths[];
+extern int zz_newcount;
+extern int zz_disposecount;
+extern int zz_listcount;
+extern OBJECT zz_hold;
+extern OBJECT zz_tmp;
+extern OBJECT zz_res;
+extern int zz_size;
+extern OBJECT xx_link, xx_tmp;
+extern OBJECT xx_hold, xx_res;
+/***** z32.c Counter Service **********************************/
+extern OBJECT Next(OBJECT x, int inc, BOOLEAN *done);
+/***** z33.c Database Service **************************************/
+extern OBJECT OldCrossDb;
+extern OBJECT NewCrossDb;
+extern OBJECT DbCreate(OBJECT x);
+extern void DbInsert(OBJECT db, BOOLEAN gall, OBJECT sym, FULL_CHAR *tag,
+ FILE_POS *tagfpos, FULL_CHAR *seq, FILE_NUM dfnum,
+ long dfpos, int dlnum, BOOLEAN check);
+extern void DbConvert(OBJECT db, BOOLEAN full_name);
+extern void DbClose(OBJECT db);
+extern OBJECT DbLoad(OBJECT stem, int fpath, BOOLEAN create, OBJECT symbs,
+ BOOLEAN in_memory);
+extern BOOLEAN DbRetrieve(OBJECT db, BOOLEAN gall, OBJECT sym,
+ FULL_CHAR *tag, FULL_CHAR *seq, FILE_NUM *dfnum,
+ long *dfpos, int *dlnum, long *cont);
+extern BOOLEAN DbRetrieveNext(OBJECT db, BOOLEAN *gall, OBJECT *sym,
+ FULL_CHAR *tag, FULL_CHAR *seq, FILE_NUM *dfnum,
+ long *dfpos, int *dlnum, long *cont);
+/***** z34.c Rotation Service **************************************/
+extern void RotateSize(FULL_LENGTH *xcb, FULL_LENGTH *xcf,
+ FULL_LENGTH theta);
+/***** z35.c Time Keeper **************************************/
+extern FULL_CHAR *TimeString(void);
+extern void InitTime(void);
+extern OBJECT MomentSym;
+extern OBJECT StartMoment(void);
+/***** z36.c Hyphenation **************************************/
+extern BOOLEAN ReadHyphTable(LANGUAGE_NUM lnum);
+extern OBJECT Hyphenate(OBJECT x);
+/***** z37.c Font Service *************************************/
+extern FONT_INFO *finfo;
+extern int font_curr_page;
+extern void FontInit(void);
+extern void FontDefine(OBJECT family, OBJECT face, OBJECT inside);
+extern void FontChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x);
+extern void FontWordSize(OBJECT x);
+extern FULL_LENGTH FontSize(FONT_NUM fnum, OBJECT x);
+extern FULL_LENGTH FontHalfXHeight(FONT_NUM fnum);
+extern MAPPING FontMapping(FONT_NUM fnum, FILE_POS *xfpos);
+extern FULL_CHAR *FontName(FONT_NUM fnum);
+extern FULL_CHAR *FontFamily(FONT_NUM fnum);
+extern FULL_CHAR *FontFace(FONT_NUM fnum);
+extern FULL_CHAR *FontFamilyAndFace(FONT_NUM fnum);
+extern void FontPrintAll(FILE *fp);
+extern void FontPrintPageSetup(FILE *fp);
+extern void FontPrintPageResources(FILE *fp);
+extern void FontAdvanceCurrentPage(void);
+extern void FontPageUsed(OBJECT face);
+extern BOOLEAN FontNeeded(FILE *fp);
+/***** z38.c Character Mappings **************************************/
+extern MAP_VEC MapTable[];
+extern MAPPING MapLoad(OBJECT filename, BOOLEAN must_print);
+extern FULL_CHAR MapCharEncoding(FULL_CHAR *str, MAPPING m);
+extern FULL_CHAR *MapEncodingName(MAPPING m);
+extern void MapPrintEncodings(FILE *fp);
+extern void MapPrintResources(FILE *fp);
+extern OBJECT MapSmallCaps(OBJECT x, STYLE *style);
+extern BOOLEAN MapIsLowerCase(FULL_CHAR ch, MAPPING m);
+/***** z39.c String Handler **************************************/
+#define AsciiToFull(x) ( (FULL_CHAR *) (x) )
+#define StringEqual(a, b) (strcmp((char *)(a), (char *)(b))==0)
+extern int strcollcmp(char *a, char *b);
+#define StringLessEqual(a, b) \
+ ( UseCollate ? strcollcmp((char *)(a),(char *)(b)) <= 0 \
+ : strcmp((char *)(a),(char *)(b)) <= 0 )
+#define StringCat(a, b) strcat((char *)(a),(char *)(b))
+#define StringCopy(a, b) strcpy((char *)(a),(char *)(b))
+#define StringLength(a) strlen((char *)(a))
+#define StringFOpen(a, b) fopen( (char *) (a), (b) )
+#define StringFPuts(a, b) fputs( (char *) (a), (b) )
+#define StringFGets(a, b, c) fgets( (char *) (a), (b), (c) )
+#define StringRemove(a) remove((char *)(a))
+#define StringRename(a, b) rename((char *)(a),(char *)(b))
+extern BOOLEAN StringBeginsWith(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *pattern);
+extern BOOLEAN StringEndsWith(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *pattern);
+extern BOOLEAN StringContains(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *pattern);
+extern FULL_CHAR *StringInt(int i);
+extern FULL_CHAR *StringFiveInt(int i);
+extern FULL_CHAR *StringQuotedWord(OBJECT x);
+/***** z40.c Filter Handler **************************************/
+extern void FilterInit(void);
+extern OBJECT FilterCreate(BOOLEAN use_begin, OBJECT act, FILE_POS *xfpos);
+extern void FilterSetFileNames(OBJECT x);
+extern OBJECT FilterExecute(OBJECT x, FULL_CHAR *command, OBJECT env);
+extern void FilterWrite(OBJECT x, FILE *fp, int *linecount);
+extern void FilterScavenge(BOOLEAN all);
+/***** z41.c Object Input-Output **************************************/
+extern OBJECT ReadFromFile(FILE_NUM fnum, long pos, int lnum);
+extern void AppendToFile(OBJECT x, FILE_NUM fnum, int *pos, int *lnum);
+extern void CloseFiles(void);
+/***** z42.c Colour Service **************************************/
+extern void ColourInit(void);
+extern void ColourChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x);
+extern FULL_CHAR *ColourCommand(COLOUR_NUM cnum);
+/***** z43.c Language Service **************************************/
+extern void LanguageInit(void);
+extern BOOLEAN LanguageWordEndsSentence(OBJECT wd, BOOLEAN lc_prec);
+extern void LanguageDefine(OBJECT names, OBJECT hyph_file);
+extern void LanguageChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x);
+extern FULL_CHAR *LanguageString(LANGUAGE_NUM lnum);
+extern OBJECT LanguageHyph(LANGUAGE_NUM lnum);
+extern BOOLEAN LanguageSentenceEnds[];
+/***** z44.c Vertical Hyphenation **************************************/
+extern BOOLEAN VerticalHyphenate(OBJECT y);
+extern OBJECT ConvertGalleyList(OBJECT x);
+extern OBJECT BuildEnclose(OBJECT hd);
+/***** z45.c External Sort **************************************/
+extern LINE *ReadLines(FILE *fp, FULL_CHAR *fname, FULL_CHAR *first_line, int *len);
+extern void WriteLines(FILE *fp, LINE *lines, int len);
+extern void SortLines(LINE *lines, int lines_len);
+extern void SortFile(FULL_CHAR *infile, FULL_CHAR *outfile);
+/***** z46.c Optimal Galleys **************************************/
+extern BOOLEAN FindOptimize(OBJECT x, OBJECT env);
+extern void SetOptimize(OBJECT hd, STYLE *style);
+extern void GazumpOptimize(OBJECT hd, OBJECT dest);
+extern void CalculateOptimize(OBJECT hd);
+extern void DebugOptimize(OBJECT hd);
+/***** z47.c Environment Table **************************************/
+extern void EnvInit(void);
+extern BOOLEAN EnvWriteRetrieve(OBJECT env, FILE_NUM fnum, int *offset,
+ int *lnum);
+extern void EnvWriteInsert(OBJECT env, FILE_NUM fnum, int offset,int lnum);
+extern BOOLEAN EnvReadRetrieve(FILE_NUM fnum, int offset, OBJECT *env);
+extern void EnvReadInsert(FILE_NUM fnum, int offset, OBJECT env);
+extern void EnvDebug(void);
+/***** z48.c PDF back end **************************************/
+extern void PDFFile_Init(FILE* in_fp, int in_h_bound, int in_v_bound,
+ int in_IN, int in_CM, int in_PT, int in_EM);
+extern void PDFFile_BeginFontEncoding(FILE* in_fp,
+ const char* in_encoding_name);
+extern void PDFFile_EndFontEncoding(FILE* in_fp);
+extern void PDFFile_Cleanup(FILE* in_fp);
+extern void PDFPage_Init(FILE* in_fp, float in_scale_factor,
+ int in_line_width);
+extern void PDFPage_Cleanup(FILE* in_fp);
+extern void PDFPage_Write(FILE* in_fp, char* in_str);
+extern void PDFPage_Push(FILE* in_fp);
+extern void PDFPage_Pop(FILE* in_fp);
+extern void PDFPage_Scale(FILE* in_fp, float in_h_scale_factor,
+ float in_v_scale_factor);
+extern void PDFPage_Translate(FILE* in_fp, float in_delta_h,
+ float in_delta_v);
+extern void PDFPage_Rotate(FILE* in_fp, float in_angle_in_radians);
+extern void PDFPage_SetVars(int xsize, int ysize, int xmark, int ymark,
+ int loutf, int loutv, int louts);
+extern void PDFPage_WriteGraphic(FILE* in_fp, FULL_CHAR* in_str);
+extern void PDFPage_PrintUnderline(FILE* in_fp, int in_x1, int in_x2,
+ int in_y, int in_thickness);
+extern void PDFFont_AddFont(
+ FILE* in_fp,
+ const FULL_CHAR* in_short_font_name,
+ const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name,
+ const FULL_CHAR* in_font_encoding_name);
+extern void PDFFont_Set(FILE* in_fp, FULL_LENGTH in_font_size,
+ FULL_CHAR * in_short_font_name);
+extern void PDFText_OpenXY(FILE* in_fp, int hpos, int vpos);
+extern void PDFText_OpenX(FILE* in_fp, int hpos);
+extern void PDFText_Open(FILE* in_fp);
+extern void PDFText_Kern(FILE* in_fp, int in_kern);
+extern void PDFText_Close(FILE* in_fp);
+extern BOOLEAN PDFHasValidTextMatrix(void);
+/*@::assert(), debug(), debug flags@******************************************/
+/* */
+/* */
+#define assert(c, m) \
+ { if( !(c) ) Error(1, 2, "assert failed in %s", INTERN, no_fpos, m); }
+#define assert1(c, m, p1) \
+ { if( !(c) ) Error(1, 3, "assert failed in %s %s", INTERN,no_fpos,m, p1); }
+#define assert(c, m)
+#define assert1(c, m, p1)
+struct dbs
+{ char *flag; /* external names for debug flags */
+ BOOLEAN on[3]; /* the debug flags */
+extern struct dbs dbg[];
+/* debug routines */
+#define debug0(cat, urg, str) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) Debug(cat, urg, str); }
+#define debug1(cat, urg, str, p1) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1); }
+#define debug2(cat, urg, str, p1, p2) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2); }
+#define debug3(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3); }
+#define debug4(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4); }
+#define debug5(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); }
+#define debug6(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6); }
+#define debug7(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5,p6,p7); }
+#define debug8(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8); }
+#define ifdebug(cat, urg, x) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] ) { x; } }
+#define debugcond0(cat, urg, cond, str) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] && cond ) Debug(cat, urg, str); }
+#define debugcond1(cat, urg, cond, str, p1) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] && cond ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1); }
+#define debugcond2(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] && cond ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2); }
+#define debugcond3(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2, p3) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] && cond ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3); }
+#define debugcond4(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2, p3, p4) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] && cond ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4); }
+#define debugcond5(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] && cond ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);}
+#define debugcond6(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] && cond ) Debug(cat, urg, str, p1, p2,p3,p4,p5,p6);}
+#define ifdebugcond(cat, urg, cond, x) \
+ { if( dbg[cat].on[urg] && cond ) { x; } }
+#define debug_init(str) \
+ DebugInit(str)
+/* debug styles */
+#define D 0
+#define DD 1
+#define DDD 2
+/* debug flags */
+#define DSP 1 /* z01.c -dsp Supervise */
+#define DLA 2 /* z02.c -dla Lexical Analyser */
+#define DFS 3 /* z03.c -dfs File Service */
+#define DTS 4 /* z04.c -dts Token Service */
+#define DRD 5 /* z05.c -drd Read Definitions */
+#define DOP 6 /* z06.c -dop Object Parser */
+#define DOS 7 /* z07.c -dos Object Service */
+#define DOM 8 /* z08.c -dom Object Manifest */
+#define DCE 9 /* z09.c -dce Closure Expansion */
+#define DCR 10 /* z10.c -dcr Cross References */
+#define DSS 11 /* z11.c -dss Style Service */
+#define DSF 12 /* z12.c -dsf Size Finder */
+#define DOB 13 /* z13.c -dob Object Breaking */
+#define DOF 14 /* z14.c -dof Object Filling */
+#define DSC 15 /* z15.c -dsc Size Constraints */
+#define DSA 16 /* z16.c -dsa Size Adjustments */
+#define DGW 17 /* z17.c -dgw Gap Widths */
+#define DGT 18 /* z18.c -dgt Galley Transfer */
+#define DGA 19 /* z19.c -dgf Galley Attaching */
+#define DGF 20 /* z20.c -dgf Galley Flushing */
+#define DGM 21 /* z21.c -dgm Galley Maker */
+#define DGS 22 /* z22.c -dgs Galley Service */
+#define DGP 23 /* z23.c -dgp Galley Printer */
+#define DPS 24 /* z24.c -dps Print Service */
+#define DOE 25 /* z25.c -doe Object Echo */
+#define DES 26 /* z26.c -des Echo Service */
+#define DZZ 27 /* z27.c -dzz Debug Service */
+#define DYY 28 /* z28.c -dyy Error Service */
+#define DST 29 /* z29.c -dst Symbol Table */
+#define DSU 30 /* z30.c -dsu Symbol Uses */
+#define DMA 31 /* z31.c -dma Memory Allocator */
+#define DCS 32 /* z32.c -dcs Counter Service */
+#define DBS 33 /* z33.c -dbs Database Service */
+#define DRS 34 /* z34.c -drs Rotation Service */
+#define DTK 35 /* z35.c -dtk Time Keeper */
+#define DHY 36 /* z36.c -dhy Hyphenation */
+#define DFT 37 /* z37.c -dft Font Service */
+#define DCM 38 /* z38.c -dcm Character Mapping */
+#define DSH 39 /* z39.c -dsh String Handler */
+#define DFH 40 /* z40.c -dsh Filter Handler */
+#define DIO 41 /* z41.c -dio Object Input-Output */
+#define DCO 42 /* z42.c -dco Colour Service */
+#define DLS 43 /* z43.c -dls Language Service */
+#define DVH 44 /* z44.c -dvh Vertical Hyphenation */
+#define DEX 45 /* z45.c -dex External Sort */
+#define DOG 46 /* z46.c -dex Optimal Galleys */
+#define DET 47 /* z47.c -det Environment Table */
+#define DPD 48 /* z48.c -dpd PDF Back End */
+#define DPP 49 /* -dpp Profiling */
+#define ANY 50 /* -d any */
+#define ifdebug(cat, urg, x)
+#define debug0(cat, urg, str)
+#define debug1(cat, urg, str, p1)
+#define debug2(cat, urg, str, p1, p2)
+#define debug3(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3)
+#define debug4(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4)
+#define debug5(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
+#define debug6(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
+#define debug7(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7)
+#define debug8(cat, urg, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8)
+#define debugcond0(cat, urg, cond, str)
+#define debugcond1(cat, urg, cond, str, p1)
+#define debugcond2(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2)
+#define debugcond3(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2, p3)
+#define debugcond4(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2, p3, p4)
+#define debugcond5(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
+#define debugcond6(cat, urg, cond, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
+#define ifdebugcond(cat, urg, cond, x)
+#define debug_init(str) Error(1, 4, "%s - debug flags not implemented", \
+ FATAL, no_fpos, str)
diff --git a/font/00README b/font/00README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8742cef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font/00README
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Directory lout/font - font metrics files
+This directory contains Adobe Systems font metrics (formerly .AFM)
+files for all the fonts mentioned in file lout/include/fontdefs. These
+files are the source of Lout's information about the height and width
+of all characters. The files are exactly as distributed publicly by
+Adobe Systems except that erroneous ligature information has been
+removed from the four Courier font files.
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+3 July 1994
+All file names have now been reduced to a maximum of 8 characters,
+for portability to the DOS operating system. Non-Latin1 fonts are
+no longer distributed with the basic Lout distribution.
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+9 June 1995
+3 April 1996
+12 September 1999
diff --git a/font/AG-Bd b/font/AG-Bd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0753fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font/AG-Bd
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+StartFontMetrics 2.0
+Comment Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
+Comment Creation Date: Mon Mar 4 13:54:47 1991
+Comment UniqueID 34376
+Comment VMusage 26102 32994
+FontName AvantGarde-Bold
+FullName ITC Avant Garde Gothic Bold
+FamilyName ITC Avant Garde Gothic
+Weight Bold
+ItalicAngle 0
+IsFixedPitch false
+FontBBox -118 -271 1222 1017
+UnderlinePosition -100
+UnderlineThickness 50
+Version 001.000
+Notice Copyright (c) 1991 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.ITC Avant Garde Gothic is a registered trademark of International Typeface Corporation.
+EncodingScheme AdobeStandardEncoding
+CapHeight 740
+XHeight 555
+Ascender 740
+Descender -185
+StartCharMetrics 228
+C 32 ; WX 309 ; N space ; B 0 0 0 0 ;
+C 33 ; WX 333 ; N exclam ; B 81 0 252 740 ;
+C 34 ; WX 463 ; N quotedbl ; B 34 443 429 740 ;
+C 35 ; WX 618 ; N numbersign ; B 31 45 588 672 ;
+C 36 ; WX 618 ; N dollar ; B 80 -76 538 811 ;
+C 37 ; WX 858 ; N percent ; B 36 -15 822 755 ;
+C 38 ; WX 758 ; N ampersand ; B 49 -15 729 754 ;
+C 39 ; WX 314 ; N quoteright ; B 70 409 244 740 ;
+C 40 ; WX 473 ; N parenleft ; B 65 -264 430 754 ;
+C 41 ; WX 473 ; N parenright ; B 43 -264 408 754 ;
+C 42 ; WX 670 ; N asterisk ; B 115 318 555 740 ;
+C 43 ; WX 600 ; N plus ; B 48 0 552 506 ;
+C 44 ; WX 314 ; N comma ; B 71 -161 244 170 ;
+C 45 ; WX 281 ; N hyphen ; B 0 207 281 370 ;
+C 46 ; WX 314 ; N period ; B 71 0 244 170 ;
+C 47 ; WX 593 ; N slash ; B 72 -100 521 740 ;
+C 48 ; WX 618 ; N zero ; B 33 -14 585 754 ;
+C 49 ; WX 618 ; N one ; B 104 0 414 740 ;
+C 50 ; WX 618 ; N two ; B 44 0 573 754 ;
+C 51 ; WX 618 ; N three ; B 33 -14 579 754 ;
+C 52 ; WX 618 ; N four ; B 15 0 604 740 ;
+C 53 ; WX 618 ; N five ; B 26 -15 592 740 ;
+C 54 ; WX 618 ; N six ; B 21 -14 600 740 ;
+C 55 ; WX 618 ; N seven ; B 65 0 547 740 ;
+C 56 ; WX 618 ; N eight ; B 39 -14 579 754 ;
+C 57 ; WX 618 ; N nine ; B 20 0 602 754 ;
+C 58 ; WX 314 ; N colon ; B 71 0 244 555 ;
+C 59 ; WX 314 ; N semicolon ; B 71 -161 244 555 ;
+C 60 ; WX 600 ; N less ; B 46 -38 554 544 ;
+C 61 ; WX 600 ; N equal ; B 48 41 552 465 ;
+C 62 ; WX 600 ; N greater ; B 46 -38 554 544 ;
+C 63 ; WX 592 ; N question ; B 48 0 551 754 ;
+C 64 ; WX 748 ; N at ; B -3 -16 743 756 ;
+C 65 ; WX 758 ; N A ; B 9 0 749 740 ;
+C 66 ; WX 647 ; N B ; B 67 0 612 740 ;
+C 67 ; WX 832 ; N C ; B 37 -14 801 754 ;
+C 68 ; WX 742 ; N D ; B 57 0 697 740 ;
+C 69 ; WX 528 ; N E ; B 67 0 478 740 ;
+C 70 ; WX 506 ; N F ; B 67 0 471 740 ;
+C 71 ; WX 854 ; N G ; B 35 -15 823 754 ;
+C 72 ; WX 754 ; N H ; B 67 0 687 740 ;
+C 73 ; WX 323 ; N I ; B 67 0 256 740 ;
+C 74 ; WX 578 ; N J ; B 6 -14 510 740 ;
+C 75 ; WX 707 ; N K ; B 87 0 701 740 ;
+C 76 ; WX 487 ; N L ; B 72 0 480 740 ;
+C 77 ; WX 915 ; N M ; B 67 0 848 740 ;
+C 78 ; WX 759 ; N N ; B 67 0 691 740 ;
+C 79 ; WX 851 ; N O ; B 35 -14 816 754 ;
+C 80 ; WX 636 ; N P ; B 67 0 624 740 ;
+C 81 ; WX 866 ; N Q ; B 35 -15 855 754 ;
+C 82 ; WX 653 ; N R ; B 67 0 637 740 ;
+C 83 ; WX 573 ; N S ; B 25 -14 550 754 ;
+C 84 ; WX 499 ; N T ; B 10 0 490 740 ;
+C 85 ; WX 698 ; N U ; B 65 -14 633 740 ;
+C 86 ; WX 722 ; N V ; B 16 0 706 740 ;
+C 87 ; WX 981 ; N W ; B 16 0 964 740 ;
+C 88 ; WX 759 ; N X ; B 11 0 748 740 ;
+C 89 ; WX 647 ; N Y ; B 9 0 638 740 ;
+C 90 ; WX 499 ; N Z ; B 16 0 483 740 ;
+C 91 ; WX 473 ; N bracketleft ; B 104 -264 401 754 ;
+C 92 ; WX 593 ; N backslash ; B 72 -100 521 740 ;
+C 93 ; WX 473 ; N bracketright ; B 72 -264 369 754 ;
+C 94 ; WX 600 ; N asciicircum ; B 43 375 557 740 ;
+C 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 500 -75 ;
+C 96 ; WX 314 ; N quoteleft ; B 70 409 244 740 ;
+C 97 ; WX 704 ; N a ; B 34 -19 643 574 ;
+C 98 ; WX 693 ; N b ; B 60 -19 660 740 ;
+C 99 ; WX 652 ; N c ; B 33 -18 621 574 ;
+C 100 ; WX 698 ; N d ; B 34 -18 638 740 ;
+C 101 ; WX 646 ; N e ; B 30 -18 614 574 ;
+C 102 ; WX 314 ; N f ; B 4 0 302 754 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 693 ; N g ; B 34 -247 635 573 ;
+C 104 ; WX 632 ; N h ; B 60 0 574 740 ;
+C 105 ; WX 286 ; N i ; B 60 0 226 740 ;
+C 106 ; WX 321 ; N j ; B 6 -204 253 740 ;
+C 107 ; WX 591 ; N k ; B 66 0 585 740 ;
+C 108 ; WX 286 ; N l ; B 60 0 226 740 ;
+C 109 ; WX 969 ; N m ; B 60 0 912 574 ;
+C 110 ; WX 632 ; N n ; B 60 0 574 574 ;
+C 111 ; WX 666 ; N o ; B 34 -17 632 573 ;
+C 112 ; WX 697 ; N p ; B 60 -185 663 574 ;
+C 113 ; WX 698 ; N q ; B 34 -185 638 574 ;
+C 114 ; WX 363 ; N r ; B 59 0 356 574 ;
+C 115 ; WX 499 ; N s ; B 24 -19 476 574 ;
+C 116 ; WX 351 ; N t ; B 11 0 339 740 ;
+C 117 ; WX 634 ; N u ; B 58 -18 574 555 ;
+C 118 ; WX 592 ; N v ; B 17 0 575 555 ;
+C 119 ; WX 850 ; N w ; B 7 0 843 555 ;
+C 120 ; WX 630 ; N x ; B 1 0 628 555 ;
+C 121 ; WX 574 ; N y ; B 1 -185 573 555 ;
+C 122 ; WX 444 ; N z ; B 15 0 428 555 ;
+C 123 ; WX 554 ; N braceleft ; B 105 -264 483 740 ;
+C 124 ; WX 555 ; N bar ; B 186 -100 369 740 ;
+C 125 ; WX 554 ; N braceright ; B 71 -264 449 740 ;
+C 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 67 130 533 377 ;
+C 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B 81 -185 252 555 ;
+C 162 ; WX 618 ; N cent ; B 62 31 556 720 ;
+C 163 ; WX 618 ; N sterling ; B 14 0 618 755 ;
+C 164 ; WX 211 ; N fraction ; B -118 0 329 740 ;
+C 165 ; WX 618 ; N yen ; B 1 0 618 740 ;
+C 166 ; WX 618 ; N florin ; B 25 -152 547 818 ;
+C 167 ; WX 670 ; N section ; B 40 -271 630 754 ;
+C 168 ; WX 618 ; N currency ; B 0 38 618 651 ;
+C 169 ; WX 242 ; N quotesingle ; B 34 443 208 740 ;
+C 170 ; WX 555 ; N quotedblleft ; B 67 409 488 740 ;
+C 171 ; WX 422 ; N guillemotleft ; B 47 103 375 474 ;
+C 172 ; WX 222 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 47 103 175 474 ;
+C 173 ; WX 222 ; N guilsinglright ; B 47 103 175 474 ;
+C 174 ; WX 601 ; N fi ; B 4 0 541 754 ;
+C 175 ; WX 601 ; N fl ; B 4 0 541 754 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 35 207 465 370 ;
+C 178 ; WX 670 ; N dagger ; B 98 -244 572 740 ;
+C 179 ; WX 670 ; N daggerdbl ; B 98 -244 572 740 ;
+C 180 ; WX 314 ; N periodcentered ; B 71 168 244 338 ;
+C 182 ; WX 701 ; N paragraph ; B -7 -103 607 740 ;
+C 183 ; WX 739 ; N bullet ; B 217 222 522 532 ;
+C 184 ; WX 314 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 70 -161 244 170 ;
+C 185 ; WX 555 ; N quotedblbase ; B 67 -161 488 170 ;
+C 186 ; WX 555 ; N quotedblright ; B 67 409 488 740 ;
+C 187 ; WX 422 ; N guillemotright ; B 47 103 375 474 ;
+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 81 0 920 170 ;
+C 189 ; WX 1258 ; N perthousand ; B 36 -15 1222 755 ;
+C 191 ; WX 592 ; N questiondown ; B 41 -200 543 555 ;
+C 193 ; WX 555 ; N grave ; B 111 614 404 839 ;
+C 194 ; WX 555 ; N acute ; B 151 621 444 848 ;
+C 195 ; WX 555 ; N circumflex ; B 70 640 484 806 ;
+C 196 ; WX 555 ; N tilde ; B 75 651 480 781 ;
+C 197 ; WX 555 ; N macron ; B 98 658 457 784 ;
+C 198 ; WX 555 ; N breve ; B 71 644 483 788 ;
+C 199 ; WX 555 ; N dotaccent ; B 198 644 357 795 ;
+C 200 ; WX 555 ; N dieresis ; B 81 644 473 795 ;
+C 202 ; WX 555 ; N ring ; B 151 600 403 852 ;
+C 203 ; WX 555 ; N cedilla ; B 167 -245 388 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 555 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 102 600 493 832 ;
+C 206 ; WX 555 ; N ogonek ; B 175 -206 380 0 ;
+C 207 ; WX 555 ; N caron ; B 70 633 484 799 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 35 207 965 370 ;
+C 225 ; WX 975 ; N AE ; B -10 0 925 740 ;
+C 227 ; WX 385 ; N ordfeminine ; B 19 448 333 754 ;
+C 232 ; WX 487 ; N Lslash ; B 7 0 480 740 ;
+C 233 ; WX 851 ; N Oslash ; B 35 -63 816 806 ;
+C 234 ; WX 1085 ; N OE ; B 35 -14 1035 754 ;
+C 235 ; WX 385 ; N ordmasculine ; B 37 448 347 754 ;
+C 241 ; WX 1091 ; N ae ; B 34 -18 1059 574 ;
+C 245 ; WX 286 ; N dotlessi ; B 60 0 226 555 ;
+C 248 ; WX 342 ; N lslash ; B 25 0 317 740 ;
+C 249 ; WX 666 ; N oslash ; B 34 -83 632 633 ;
+C 250 ; WX 1076 ; N oe ; B 34 -19 1045 574 ;
+C 251 ; WX 694 ; N germandbls ; B 58 -18 660 759 ;
+C -1 ; WX 646 ; N ecircumflex ; B 30 -18 614 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 646 ; N edieresis ; B 30 -18 614 795 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N aacute ; B 34 -19 643 848 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 18 -14 783 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 286 ; N icircumflex ; B -64 0 350 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 634 ; N udieresis ; B 58 -18 574 795 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N ograve ; B 34 -17 632 839 ;
+C -1 ; WX 634 ; N uacute ; B 58 -18 574 848 ;
+C -1 ; WX 634 ; N ucircumflex ; B 58 -18 574 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 758 ; N Aacute ; B 9 0 749 993 ;
+C -1 ; WX 286 ; N igrave ; B -48 0 245 839 ;
+C -1 ; WX 323 ; N Icircumflex ; B -46 0 368 971 ;
+C -1 ; WX 652 ; N ccedilla ; B 33 -245 621 574 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N adieresis ; B 34 -19 643 795 ;
+C -1 ; WX 528 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 57 0 478 971 ;
+C -1 ; WX 499 ; N scaron ; B 24 -19 476 799 ;
+C -1 ; WX 695 ; N thorn ; B 59 -185 663 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 990 ; N trademark ; B 21 296 879 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 646 ; N egrave ; B 30 -18 614 839 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N threesuperior ; B 22 287 379 749 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N zcaron ; B 15 0 454 799 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N atilde ; B 34 -19 643 781 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N aring ; B 34 -19 643 852 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N ocircumflex ; B 34 -17 632 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 528 ; N Edieresis ; B 67 0 478 960 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N threequarters ; B 41 0 959 749 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N ydieresis ; B 1 -185 573 795 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N yacute ; B 1 -185 573 848 ;
+C -1 ; WX 286 ; N iacute ; B 42 0 335 848 ;
+C -1 ; WX 758 ; N Acircumflex ; B 9 0 749 951 ;
+C -1 ; WX 698 ; N Uacute ; B 65 -14 633 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 646 ; N eacute ; B 30 -18 614 848 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Ograve ; B 35 -14 816 1004 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N agrave ; B 34 -19 643 839 ;
+C -1 ; WX 698 ; N Udieresis ; B 65 -14 633 960 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N acircumflex ; B 34 -19 643 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 323 ; N Igrave ; B -30 0 263 1004 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N twosuperior ; B 30 296 376 749 ;
+C -1 ; WX 698 ; N Ugrave ; B 65 -14 633 1004 ;
+C -1 ; WX 900 ; N onequarter ; B 48 0 851 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 698 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 65 -14 633 971 ;
+C -1 ; WX 573 ; N Scaron ; B 25 -14 550 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 323 ; N Idieresis ; B -35 0 357 960 ;
+C -1 ; WX 286 ; N idieresis ; B -53 0 339 795 ;
+C -1 ; WX 528 ; N Egrave ; B 67 0 478 1004 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Oacute ; B 35 -14 816 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 48 -57 552 563 ;
+C -1 ; WX 758 ; N Atilde ; B 9 0 749 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 758 ; N Aring ; B 9 0 749 1017 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Odieresis ; B 35 -14 816 960 ;
+C -1 ; WX 758 ; N Adieresis ; B 9 0 749 940 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Ntilde ; B 67 0 691 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 499 ; N Zcaron ; B 16 0 483 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 636 ; N Thorn ; B 67 0 624 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 323 ; N Iacute ; B 60 0 353 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 48 -82 552 556 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 56 0 544 487 ;
+C -1 ; WX 528 ; N Eacute ; B 67 0 478 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 647 ; N Ydieresis ; B 9 0 638 960 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N onesuperior ; B 69 296 270 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 634 ; N ugrave ; B 58 -18 574 839 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 33 108 557 445 ;
+C -1 ; WX 632 ; N ntilde ; B 60 0 574 781 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Otilde ; B 35 -14 816 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N otilde ; B 34 -17 632 781 ;
+C -1 ; WX 832 ; N Ccedilla ; B 37 -245 801 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 758 ; N Agrave ; B 9 0 749 984 ;
+C -1 ; WX 920 ; N onehalf ; B 48 0 872 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 742 ; N Eth ; B 0 0 707 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 426 343 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 647 ; N Yacute ; B 9 0 638 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 35 -14 816 971 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N oacute ; B 34 -17 632 848 ;
+C -1 ; WX 634 ; N mu ; B 52 -190 581 555 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 48 173 552 333 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N eth ; B 34 -17 632 756 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N odieresis ; B 34 -17 632 795 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 18 -14 783 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 555 ; N brokenbar ; B 186 -100 369 740 ;
+StartKernPairs 213
+KPX A y -68
+KPX A w -65
+KPX A v -70
+KPX A u -20
+KPX A quoteright -50
+KPX A quotedblright -50
+KPX A Y -80
+KPX A W -60
+KPX A V -102
+KPX A U -40
+KPX A T -25
+KPX A Q -50
+KPX A O -35
+KPX A G -40
+KPX A C -40
+KPX B A -10
+KPX C A -40
+KPX D period -20
+KPX D comma -20
+KPX D Y -45
+KPX D W -25
+KPX D V -50
+KPX D A -50
+KPX F period -129
+KPX F e -20
+KPX F comma -162
+KPX F a -20
+KPX F A -60
+KPX G period -20
+KPX G comma -20
+KPX J period -15
+KPX J a -20
+KPX J A -30
+KPX K y -40
+KPX K u -30
+KPX K o -45
+KPX K e -45
+KPX K O -30
+KPX L y -23
+KPX L quoteright -50
+KPX L quotedblright -50
+KPX L Y -80
+KPX L W -55
+KPX L V -85
+KPX L T -46
+KPX O period -30
+KPX O comma -30
+KPX O Y -30
+KPX O X -30
+KPX O W -20
+KPX O V -45
+KPX O T -15
+KPX O A -60
+KPX P period -200
+KPX P o -20
+KPX P e -20
+KPX P comma -220
+KPX P a -20
+KPX P A -85
+KPX Q comma 20
+KPX R W 10
+KPX R V -10
+KPX R U 10
+KPX R T 25
+KPX R O 10
+KPX S comma 20
+KPX T y -10
+KPX T w -55
+KPX T u -46
+KPX T semicolon -29
+KPX T r -30
+KPX T period -91
+KPX T o -49
+KPX T hyphen -75
+KPX T e -49
+KPX T comma -82
+KPX T colon -15
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+KPX w o -30
+KPX w h 15
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 102 145 ;
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+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave -13 165 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 72 165 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 72 165 ;
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+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 46 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 46 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 46 0 ;
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+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -134 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -134 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -159 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 39 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 56 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 56 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 56 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 56 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -28 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 75 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 40 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 40 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 5 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 45 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron -30 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N acircumflex ; B 79 -19 746 806 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 286 ; N idieresis ; B 60 0 486 795 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 758 ; N Aring ; B 9 0 749 1017 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Odieresis ; B 96 -14 891 960 ;
+C -1 ; WX 758 ; N Adieresis ; B 9 0 749 940 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Ntilde ; B 67 0 828 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 499 ; N Zcaron ; B 16 0 660 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 636 ; N Thorn ; B 67 0 702 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 323 ; N Iacute ; B 67 0 519 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 33 -82 630 556 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 77 0 613 487 ;
+C -1 ; WX 528 ; N Eacute ; B 67 0 615 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 647 ; N Ydieresis ; B 146 0 775 960 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N onesuperior ; B 187 296 407 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 634 ; N ugrave ; B 90 -18 677 839 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 86 108 639 445 ;
+C -1 ; WX 632 ; N ntilde ; B 60 0 647 781 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Otilde ; B 96 -14 891 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N otilde ; B 80 -17 689 781 ;
+C -1 ; WX 832 ; N Ccedilla ; B 99 -245 886 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 758 ; N Agrave ; B 9 0 749 984 ;
+C -1 ; WX 920 ; N onehalf ; B 166 0 931 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 742 ; N Eth ; B 55 0 785 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 160 426 451 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 647 ; N Yacute ; B 146 0 775 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 96 -14 891 971 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N oacute ; B 80 -17 689 848 ;
+C -1 ; WX 634 ; N mu ; B 17 -190 684 555 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 80 173 614 333 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N eth ; B 80 -17 721 756 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N odieresis ; B 80 -17 689 795 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 80 -14 858 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 555 ; N brokenbar ; B 167 -100 506 740 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 129 145 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -134 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -159 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 39 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 56 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 56 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 56 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 56 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -28 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 75 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 40 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 40 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 5 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 45 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron -30 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 109 555 388 ;
+C -1 ; WX 610 ; N ntilde ; B 65 0 546 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 869 ; N Otilde ; B 43 -13 826 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N otilde ; B 42 -13 614 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 813 ; N Ccedilla ; B 43 -222 771 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Agrave ; B 12 0 729 949 ;
+C -1 ; WX 831 ; N onehalf ; B 81 0 750 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 790 ; N Eth ; B 40 0 739 740 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 869 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 43 -13 826 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N oacute ; B 42 -13 614 786 ;
+C -1 ; WX 608 ; N mu ; B 80 -184 527 547 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 51 219 555 287 ;
+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N eth ; B 42 -12 614 753 ;
+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N odieresis ; B 42 -13 614 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B -9 -12 755 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 672 ; N brokenbar ; B 299 -100 373 740 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 183 163 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 119 163 ;
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+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 163 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 79 163 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -34 163 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -138 163 ;
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+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -116 163 ;
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+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 246 163 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 215 163 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 160 163 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 77 163 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 143 163 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 119 163 ;
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+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 163 ;
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+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 154 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 91 0 ;
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+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 74 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 141 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 136 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -84 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -129 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 86 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 140 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 77 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 143 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 108 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -57 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 137 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 53 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 120 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 95 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 101 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron -38 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 683 ; N acircumflex ; B 88 -13 722 764 ;
+C -1 ; WX 226 ; N Igrave ; B 76 0 340 949 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N Ugrave ; B 118 -13 716 949 ;
+C -1 ; WX 831 ; N onequarter ; B 183 0 770 740 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 200 ; N idieresis ; B 65 0 353 765 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Adieresis ; B 12 0 729 928 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Ntilde ; B 75 0 801 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 480 ; N Zcaron ; B 12 0 596 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Thorn ; B 60 0 621 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 226 ; N Iacute ; B 76 0 440 949 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 47 -24 618 518 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 87 24 612 482 ;
+C -1 ; WX 536 ; N Eacute ; B 70 0 612 949 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ydieresis ; B 138 0 729 928 ;
+C -1 ; WX 332 ; N onesuperior ; B 190 296 335 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 608 ; N ugrave ; B 100 -13 642 786 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 110 109 627 388 ;
+C -1 ; WX 610 ; N ntilde ; B 65 0 609 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 869 ; N Otilde ; B 105 -13 901 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N otilde ; B 88 -13 669 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 813 ; N Ccedilla ; B 105 -222 870 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Agrave ; B 12 0 729 949 ;
+C -1 ; WX 831 ; N onehalf ; B 164 0 810 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 790 ; N Eth ; B 104 0 813 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 158 421 451 709 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Yacute ; B 138 0 729 949 ;
+C -1 ; WX 869 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 105 -13 901 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N oacute ; B 88 -13 669 786 ;
+C -1 ; WX 608 ; N mu ; B 46 -184 628 547 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 92 219 608 287 ;
+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N eth ; B 88 -12 675 753 ;
+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N odieresis ; B 88 -13 669 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B 53 -12 830 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 672 ; N brokenbar ; B 280 -100 510 740 ;
+StartKernPairs 216
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+KPX V u -40
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+KPX r t 20
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+KPX r o -20
+KPX r n 21
+KPX r m 28
+KPX r l 20
+KPX r k 20
+KPX r i 20
+KPX r hyphen -60
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+KPX r e -4
+KPX r d -6
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+KPX r c -20
+KPX r a -20
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+KPX s comma 20
+KPX space quoteleft -110
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+KPX space W -25
+KPX space V -50
+KPX space T -25
+KPX space A -20
+KPX v period -130
+KPX v o -30
+KPX v e -20
+KPX v comma -100
+KPX v a -30
+KPX w period -100
+KPX w o -30
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+KPX w e -20
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+KPX w a -30
+KPX y period -125
+KPX y o -30
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+KPX y comma -110
+KPX y a -30
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 213 163 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 149 163 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 216 163 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 211 163 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 231 148 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 181 163 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 163 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 47 163 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 114 163 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 109 163 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -4 163 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -108 163 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -41 163 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -86 163 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 181 163 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 277 163 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 214 163 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 280 163 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 276 163 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 245 163 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 28 163 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 190 163 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 107 163 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 173 163 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 149 163 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 159 163 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 142 163 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 19 163 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 154 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 91 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 157 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 153 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 176 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 122 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 138 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 74 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 141 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 136 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -47 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -151 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -84 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -129 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 86 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 140 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 77 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 143 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 108 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -57 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 137 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 53 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 120 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 95 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 101 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron -38 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Zcaron ; B 36 0 456 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 31 -234 439 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ydieresis ; B 3 -180 441 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N atilde ; B 31 -12 442 764 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eacute ; B 31 -12 457 774 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B -22 0 300 893 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N uacute ; B 58 -12 442 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 31 -12 442 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ntilde ; B 58 0 442 764 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B -38 0 316 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ntilde ; B 66 0 544 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ucircumflex ; B 58 -12 442 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 70 0 430 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 56 0 304 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ccedilla ; B 33 -234 569 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Odieresis ; B 33 -12 577 893 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 34 -12 522 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Edieresis ; B 70 0 430 893 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B -26 0 222 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 31 -12 442 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ograve ; B 33 -12 577 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Egrave ; B 70 0 430 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ydieresis ; B -4 0 504 893 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 12 -12 788 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Otilde ; B 33 -12 577 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 76 -12 801 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ugrave ; B 61 -12 549 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 61 -12 549 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Thorn ; B 70 0 522 724 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 47 -47 553 553 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Atilde ; B 2 0 554 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Uacute ; B 61 -12 549 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 33 -12 577 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 82 553 424 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Aring ; B 2 0 554 1001 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B -22 0 300 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 56 0 304 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B 31 -12 442 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Udieresis ; B 61 -12 549 893 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 192 553 314 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 56 294 232 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Eacute ; B 70 0 430 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Acircumflex ; B 2 0 554 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 12 -12 788 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Agrave ; B 2 0 554 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 31 -12 469 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 31 -12 469 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 52 440 348 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B -26 0 222 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B 58 -180 442 568 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Oacute ; B 33 -12 577 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 31 -10 469 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Adieresis ; B 2 0 554 893 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Yacute ; B -4 0 504 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 50 -12 172 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 76 -12 801 736 ;
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+KPX W a -18
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+KPX Y v -18
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+KPX Y q -37
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+KPX Y o -37
+KPX Y i -18
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+KPX Y e -37
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+KPX Y colon -37
+KPX Y a -37
+KPX Y A -37
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+KPX f f 0
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+KPX quoteright s -55
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+KPX r y 0
+KPX r x 0
+KPX r w 0
+KPX r v 0
+KPX r u 0
+KPX r t 0
+KPX r r 0
+KPX r quoteright 18
+KPX r q 0
+KPX r period -55
+KPX r o 0
+KPX r n 0
+KPX r m 0
+KPX r hyphen -37
+KPX r h 0
+KPX r g 0
+KPX r f 0
+KPX r e 0
+KPX r d 0
+KPX r comma -55
+KPX r c 0
+KPX v period -55
+KPX v comma -55
+KPX w period -37
+KPX w comma -37
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+KPX y comma -55
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 141 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 141 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 141 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 141 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 139 141 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 141 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 167 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 141 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 141 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 141 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 141 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 141 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 141 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 141 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 141 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 141 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 141 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 141 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 141 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 141 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 141 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 139 141 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 141 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 141 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 141 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 141 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 141 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 141 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 141 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 111 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 83 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 83 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 83 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ydieresis ; B 8 -214 436 721 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N atilde ; B 34 -10 440 722 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 13 286 320 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecircumflex ; B 28 -10 416 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B 60 -198 466 724 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N egrave ; B 28 -10 416 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 20 294 314 736 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 34 -10 466 722 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 33 -12 793 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N acircumflex ; B 34 -10 440 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eth ; B -12 0 579 724 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 34 -10 466 748 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N Idieresis ; B 0 0 222 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N uacute ; B 60 -10 440 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 34 -10 440 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ntilde ; B 60 0 440 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aring ; B 34 -10 440 822 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N zcaron ; B 22 0 404 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N Icircumflex ; B -36 0 258 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ntilde ; B 72 0 539 877 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ucircumflex ; B 60 -10 440 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 72 0 436 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N Iacute ; B 48 0 236 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ccedilla ; B 31 -214 524 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Odieresis ; B 31 -12 579 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Scaron ; B 24 -12 475 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Edieresis ; B 72 0 436 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N Igrave ; B -14 0 174 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 34 -10 440 721 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ograve ; B 31 -12 579 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Egrave ; B 72 0 436 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ydieresis ; B 4 0 496 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 20 -12 780 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Otilde ; B 31 -12 579 877 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 94 -12 793 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ugrave ; B 59 -12 497 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 59 -12 497 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Thorn ; B 72 0 524 723 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 47 -18 553 524 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Atilde ; B -2 0 502 877 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Uacute ; B 59 -12 497 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 31 -12 579 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 121 553 385 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Aring ; B -2 0 502 977 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N idieresis ; B 0 0 222 721 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N iacute ; B 48 0 236 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B 34 -10 440 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Udieresis ; B 59 -12 497 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 217 553 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 74 294 208 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Eacute ; B 72 0 436 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Acircumflex ; B -2 0 502 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 20 -12 780 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Agrave ; B -2 0 502 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 34 -10 466 721 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 34 -10 466 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 450 343 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N igrave ; B -14 0 174 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B 60 -198 440 550 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Oacute ; B 31 -12 579 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 34 -10 466 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Adieresis ; B -2 0 502 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Yacute ; B 4 0 496 903 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 75 -12 147 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 94 -12 795 736 ;
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+KPX r u 0
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+KPX r r 0
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+KPX r q 0
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+KPX r n 0
+KPX r m 0
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+KPX r h 0
+KPX r g 0
+KPX r f 0
+KPX r e 0
+KPX r d 0
+KPX r comma -55
+KPX r c 0
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 155 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 155 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 155 ;
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+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 155 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 155 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 155 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 155 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 155 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 155 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 155 ;
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+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 195 155 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 155 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 155 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 195 155 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 195 155 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 195 155 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 133 155 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 155 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 155 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 155 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 155 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 133 155 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 133 155 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 105 155 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 131 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 131 0 ;
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+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 131 0 ;
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+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 111 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 0 ;
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+C 102 ; WX 278 ; N f ; B 16 0 271 736 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
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+C 251 ; WX 556 ; N germandbls ; B 60 -10 521 736 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 30 -227 420 582 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ydieresis ; B 6 -198 438 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N atilde ; B 30 -10 432 762 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B 60 -186 470 724 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N egrave ; B 30 -10 456 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 18 294 315 736 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B 30 -10 470 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N yacute ; B 6 -198 438 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N udieresis ; B 60 -10 440 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 28 -12 796 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N acircumflex ; B 30 -10 432 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eth ; B 2 0 573 724 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N edieresis ; B 30 -10 456 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ugrave ; B 60 -10 440 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 16 298 923 724 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 30 -10 470 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N scaron ; B 28 -10 415 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B -4 0 282 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N uacute ; B 60 -10 440 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 30 -10 432 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ntilde ; B 60 0 440 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aring ; B 30 -10 432 838 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N zcaron ; B 22 0 414 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B -24 0 302 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ntilde ; B 69 0 542 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ucircumflex ; B 60 -10 440 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 66 0 444 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 64 0 288 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ccedilla ; B 37 -227 558 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Odieresis ; B 37 -12 573 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Scaron ; B 27 -12 465 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Edieresis ; B 66 0 444 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B -10 0 214 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 30 -10 432 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ograve ; B 37 -12 573 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Egrave ; B 66 0 444 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ydieresis ; B 0 0 500 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 13 -12 787 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Otilde ; B 37 -12 573 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 85 -12 796 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ugrave ; B 64 -12 546 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 64 -12 546 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Thorn ; B 72 0 521 724 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 47 -43 553 549 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Atilde ; B 0 0 556 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Uacute ; B 64 -12 546 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 37 -12 573 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 88 553 418 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Aring ; B 0 0 556 971 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N idieresis ; B -32 0 254 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N iacute ; B 36 0 260 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B 30 -10 432 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Udieresis ; B 64 -12 546 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 198 553 308 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 65 294 227 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Eacute ; B 66 0 444 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Acircumflex ; B 0 0 556 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 13 -12 787 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Agrave ; B 0 0 556 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 30 -10 470 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 30 -10 470 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 450 343 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N igrave ; B -38 0 186 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B 60 -186 440 572 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Oacute ; B 37 -12 573 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 30 -10 470 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Adieresis ; B 0 0 556 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Yacute ; B 0 0 500 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 56 -12 166 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 85 -12 796 736 ;
+StartKernPairs 115
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+KPX Y o -37
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+KPX r w 0
+KPX r v 0
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+KPX r n 0
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+KPX r h 0
+KPX r g 0
+KPX r f 0
+KPX r e 0
+KPX r d 0
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 133 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 133 ;
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+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 145 133 ;
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+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 111 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
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+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 34 -10 440 764 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ucircumflex ; B 60 -10 440 764 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 70 0 434 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N Iacute ; B 44 0 242 904 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Odieresis ; B 36 -12 574 876 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Edieresis ; B 70 0 434 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N Igrave ; B -20 0 178 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 34 -10 440 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ograve ; B 36 -12 574 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Egrave ; B 70 0 434 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ydieresis ; B 0 0 500 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 20 -12 780 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Otilde ; B 36 -12 574 889 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ugrave ; B 56 -12 500 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 56 -12 500 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Thorn ; B 70 0 513 724 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 47 -26 553 532 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Atilde ; B -3 0 503 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Uacute ; B 56 -12 500 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 36 -12 574 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 106 553 400 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Aring ; B -3 0 503 980 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N idieresis ; B -16 0 238 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N iacute ; B 44 0 242 764 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B 34 -10 440 764 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Udieresis ; B 56 -12 500 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 211 553 295 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 66 294 221 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Eacute ; B 70 0 434 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Acircumflex ; B -3 0 503 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 20 -12 780 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Agrave ; B -3 0 503 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 34 -10 466 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 34 -10 466 764 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 450 343 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N igrave ; B -20 0 178 764 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B 60 -198 440 560 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Oacute ; B 36 -12 574 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 34 -10 466 738 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Adieresis ; B -3 0 503 876 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Yacute ; B 0 0 500 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 69 -12 153 736 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 94 -12 770 736 ;
+StartKernPairs 115
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+KPX V y -18
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+KPX W a -18
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+KPX Y v -18
+KPX Y u -18
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+KPX Y i -18
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 84 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N Ograve ; B 33 -15 807 1021 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N agrave ; B 27 -18 613 851 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Udieresis ; B 55 -15 585 939 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N onequarter ; B 92 0 746 740 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 280 ; N Idieresis ; B -32 0 312 939 ;
+C -1 ; WX 240 ; N idieresis ; B -52 0 292 769 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Atilde ; B 7 0 732 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Aring ; B 7 0 732 969 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N Odieresis ; B 33 -15 807 939 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Adieresis ; B 7 0 732 939 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Ntilde ; B 70 0 671 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Zcaron ; B 19 0 481 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 560 ; N Thorn ; B 72 0 545 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 280 ; N Iacute ; B 46 0 325 1019 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 48 -62 552 556 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 59 12 541 494 ;
+C -1 ; WX 520 ; N Eacute ; B 61 0 459 1019 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N Ydieresis ; B -2 0 622 939 ;
+C -1 ; WX 336 ; N onesuperior ; B 72 296 223 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 50 -18 544 851 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 48 108 552 425 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 54 0 547 767 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N Otilde ; B 33 -15 807 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N otilde ; B 25 -18 615 767 ;
+C -1 ; WX 780 ; N Ccedilla ; B 34 -251 766 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Agrave ; B 7 0 732 1021 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N onehalf ; B 62 0 771 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 742 ; N Eth ; B 25 0 691 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 426 343 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N Yacute ; B -2 0 622 1019 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 33 -15 807 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N oacute ; B 25 -18 615 849 ;
+C -1 ; WX 576 ; N mu ; B 38 -187 539 555 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 48 193 552 313 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N eth ; B 27 -18 616 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N odieresis ; B 25 -18 615 769 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N copyright ; B -12 -12 752 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 233 -100 366 740 ;
+StartKernPairs 218
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+KPX r o -15
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+KPX v a -30
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+KPX w e -20
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 160 170 ;
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+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 60 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 110 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 50 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 70 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 110 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 80 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -50 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 125 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 30 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 50 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 55 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 115 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 40 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Uacute ; B 97 -15 722 1019 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N eacute ; B 77 -18 667 849 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N Ograve ; B 95 -15 882 1021 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N agrave ; B 73 -18 716 851 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Udieresis ; B 97 -15 722 939 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N acircumflex ; B 73 -18 716 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 280 ; N Igrave ; B 72 0 398 1021 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Ugrave ; B 97 -15 722 1021 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N onequarter ; B 187 0 779 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 97 -15 722 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 520 ; N Scaron ; B 49 -15 635 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 280 ; N Idieresis ; B 72 0 486 939 ;
+C -1 ; WX 240 ; N idieresis ; B 53 0 435 769 ;
+C -1 ; WX 520 ; N Egrave ; B 61 0 596 1021 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N Oacute ; B 95 -15 882 1019 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 84 -20 610 526 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Atilde ; B 7 0 732 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Aring ; B 7 0 732 969 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N Odieresis ; B 95 -15 882 939 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Adieresis ; B 7 0 732 939 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Ntilde ; B 70 0 808 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Zcaron ; B 19 0 650 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 560 ; N Thorn ; B 72 0 619 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 280 ; N Iacute ; B 72 0 494 1019 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 37 -62 626 556 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 76 12 617 494 ;
+C -1 ; WX 520 ; N Eacute ; B 61 0 596 1019 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N Ydieresis ; B 135 0 759 939 ;
+C -1 ; WX 336 ; N onesuperior ; B 182 296 360 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 87 -18 647 851 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 105 108 631 425 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 54 0 624 767 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N Otilde ; B 95 -15 882 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N otilde ; B 71 -18 672 767 ;
+C -1 ; WX 780 ; N Ccedilla ; B 97 -251 864 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Agrave ; B 7 0 732 1021 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N onehalf ; B 157 0 830 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 742 ; N Eth ; B 83 0 766 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 160 426 451 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N Yacute ; B 135 0 759 1019 ;
+C -1 ; WX 840 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 95 -15 882 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N oacute ; B 71 -18 672 849 ;
+C -1 ; WX 576 ; N mu ; B 3 -187 642 555 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 84 193 610 313 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N eth ; B 73 -18 699 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N odieresis ; B 71 -18 672 769 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N copyright ; B 50 -12 827 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 214 -100 503 740 ;
+StartKernPairs 218
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+KPX V u -55
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+KPX r g 1
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 192 170 ;
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+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 110 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -130 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -115 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 60 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 110 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 50 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 70 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 110 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 80 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -50 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 125 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 30 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 50 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 55 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 115 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 40 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron -15 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 605 ; N Uacute ; B 76 -13 529 951 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 184 ; N idieresis ; B 18 0 167 734 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Odieresis ; B 41 -13 809 919 ;
+C -1 ; WX 687 ; N Adieresis ; B 7 0 680 919 ;
+C -1 ; WX 738 ; N Ntilde ; B 77 0 661 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 499 ; N Zcaron ; B 6 0 493 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 511 ; N Thorn ; B 67 0 499 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 185 ; N Iacute ; B -5 0 246 951 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 50 2 550 499 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Eacute ; B 77 0 483 951 ;
+C -1 ; WX 554 ; N Ydieresis ; B 15 0 539 919 ;
+C -1 ; WX 351 ; N onesuperior ; B 74 296 197 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N ugrave ; B 78 -13 564 766 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 50 139 550 361 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N ntilde ; B 78 0 564 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Otilde ; B 41 -13 809 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N otilde ; B 41 -13 599 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 786 ; N Ccedilla ; B 41 -201 749 753 ;
+C -1 ; WX 687 ; N Agrave ; B 7 0 680 951 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 44 0 707 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 701 ; N Eth ; B 0 0 659 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 423 343 709 ;
+C -1 ; WX 554 ; N Yacute ; B 15 0 539 951 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 41 -13 809 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N oacute ; B 41 -13 599 766 ;
+C -1 ; WX 561 ; N mu ; B 73 -181 484 530 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 50 236 550 264 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N eth ; B 41 -13 600 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N odieresis ; B 41 -13 599 734 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 555 ; N brokenbar ; B 263 -100 293 740 ;
+StartKernPairs 181
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+KPX T h -10
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+KPX T colon -90
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+KPX r c -55
+KPX r a -55
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 66 185 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 66 185 ;
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+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -4 185 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave -4 185 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -165 185 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -185 185 ;
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+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -205 185 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 92 195 ;
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+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 148 185 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 25 185 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 25 185 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 25 185 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 25 185 ;
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+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 27 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 32 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 27 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 32 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -165 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -185 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -185 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -205 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 43 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 38 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 43 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 43 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 43 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 43 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -64 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 43 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 43 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 43 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 43 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute -37 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -37 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron -74 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 605 ; N Uacute ; B 113 -13 666 951 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 674 ; N acircumflex ; B 85 -13 694 748 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 185 ; N Idieresis ; B 77 0 337 919 ;
+C -1 ; WX 184 ; N idieresis ; B 78 0 303 734 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Odieresis ; B 103 -13 885 919 ;
+C -1 ; WX 687 ; N Adieresis ; B 7 0 680 919 ;
+C -1 ; WX 738 ; N Ntilde ; B 77 0 798 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 499 ; N Zcaron ; B 20 0 610 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 511 ; N Thorn ; B 67 0 572 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 185 ; N Iacute ; B 77 0 418 951 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 48 0 609 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 54 2 638 499 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Eacute ; B 77 0 620 951 ;
+C -1 ; WX 554 ; N Ydieresis ; B 152 0 676 919 ;
+C -1 ; WX 351 ; N onesuperior ; B 207 296 334 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N ugrave ; B 117 -13 662 766 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 112 139 617 361 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N ntilde ; B 78 0 624 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Otilde ; B 103 -13 885 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N otilde ; B 85 -13 653 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 786 ; N Ccedilla ; B 102 -201 856 753 ;
+C -1 ; WX 687 ; N Agrave ; B 7 0 680 951 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 143 0 766 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 701 ; N Eth ; B 67 0 736 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 159 423 450 709 ;
+C -1 ; WX 554 ; N Yacute ; B 152 0 676 951 ;
+C -1 ; WX 851 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 103 -13 885 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N oacute ; B 85 -13 653 766 ;
+C -1 ; WX 561 ; N mu ; B 39 -181 582 530 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 94 236 599 264 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N eth ; B 85 -13 657 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 641 ; N odieresis ; B 85 -13 653 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 80 -11 856 751 ;
+C -1 ; WX 555 ; N brokenbar ; B 244 -100 430 740 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 100 185 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -185 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -205 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 43 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 38 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 43 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 43 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 43 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 43 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -64 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 43 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 43 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 43 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 43 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute -37 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -37 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron -74 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 462 ; N Zcaron ; B 4 0 459 940 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 593 ; N Ydieresis ; B 13 0 579 924 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 48 108 552 414 ;
+C -1 ; WX 624 ; N ntilde ; B 66 0 558 745 ;
+C -1 ; WX 846 ; N Otilde ; B 38 -14 808 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 675 ; N otilde ; B 38 -14 636 745 ;
+C -1 ; WX 782 ; N Ccedilla ; B 38 -246 759 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N Agrave ; B 13 0 672 975 ;
+C -1 ; WX 714 ; N onehalf ; B 16 0 698 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 732 ; N Eth ; B 2 0 683 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 426 343 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 593 ; N Yacute ; B 13 0 579 980 ;
+C -1 ; WX 846 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 38 -14 808 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 675 ; N oacute ; B 38 -14 636 814 ;
+C -1 ; WX 624 ; N mu ; B 74 -185 550 554 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 675 ; N eth ; B 38 -14 636 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 675 ; N odieresis ; B 38 -14 636 758 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 555 ; N brokenbar ; B 221 -100 334 740 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 65 161 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -158 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -198 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 35 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 60 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 60 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 60 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 60 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 60 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -65 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 60 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 35 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 35 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 10 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 35 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron -54 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 105 108 629 414 ;
+C -1 ; WX 624 ; N ntilde ; B 66 0 624 745 ;
+C -1 ; WX 846 ; N Otilde ; B 100 -14 883 911 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 782 ; N Ccedilla ; B 101 -246 861 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N Agrave ; B 13 0 672 975 ;
+C -1 ; WX 714 ; N onehalf ; B 101 0 757 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 732 ; N Eth ; B 62 0 757 740 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 160 426 451 712 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 846 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 100 -14 883 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 675 ; N oacute ; B 85 -14 692 814 ;
+C -1 ; WX 624 ; N mu ; B 40 -185 653 554 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 85 201 609 305 ;
+C -1 ; WX 675 ; N eth ; B 85 -14 698 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 675 ; N odieresis ; B 85 -14 692 758 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 80 -12 857 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 555 ; N brokenbar ; B 202 -100 471 740 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 95 161 ;
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+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 14 166 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 14 166 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -78 166 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -118 166 ;
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+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -158 166 ;
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+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 177 166 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 177 166 ;
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+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 177 166 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 100 166 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 75 166 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 75 166 ;
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+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 75 166 ;
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+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 69 0 ;
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+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 69 0 ;
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+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 44 0 ;
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+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 44 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -158 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -198 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 35 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 60 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 60 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 60 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 60 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 60 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -65 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 60 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 35 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 35 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 10 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 35 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron -54 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 612 ; N aring ; B 28 -13 629 792 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 612 ; N adieresis ; B 28 -13 629 720 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Otilde ; B 36 -13 797 899 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1083 ; N onequarter ; B 88 -16 1060 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ugrave ; B 17 -13 761 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 17 -13 761 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 724 ; N Thorn ; B 20 0 704 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 47 -62 553 568 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Atilde ; B -10 0 788 899 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 17 -13 761 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 36 -13 797 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 102 553 430 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aring ; B -10 0 788 968 ;
+C -1 ; WX 388 ; N idieresis ; B 5 0 383 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 388 ; N iacute ; B 34 0 361 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 612 ; N aacute ; B 28 -13 629 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 57 10 543 496 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 17 -13 761 891 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 183 553 323 ;
+C -1 ; WX 481 ; N onesuperior ; B 93 274 405 684 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eacute ; B 20 0 764 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Acircumflex ; B -10 0 788 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 47 -13 753 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Agrave ; B -10 0 788 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 612 ; N odieresis ; B 28 -13 584 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 612 ; N oacute ; B 28 -13 584 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 47 384 353 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 388 ; N igrave ; B 27 0 354 754 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 612 ; N eth ; B 28 -13 584 754 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Adieresis ; B -10 0 788 891 ;
+C -1 ; WX 724 ; N Yacute ; B 0 0 734 925 ;
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+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 223 171 ;
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+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 0 ;
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+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 140 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 140 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 140 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 140 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 140 0 ;
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+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 168 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 168 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 168 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Egrave ; B -5 0 791 918 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ydieresis ; B 72 0 801 892 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 77 -13 783 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Otilde ; B 56 -13 833 882 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1083 ; N onequarter ; B 104 -16 1047 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 76 -13 806 918 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 76 -13 806 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Thorn ; B -5 0 725 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 72 -62 578 568 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Atilde ; B -34 0 770 882 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 76 -13 806 918 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 56 -13 833 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 72 102 578 430 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aring ; B -34 0 770 950 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N idieresis ; B 51 -13 463 724 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N iacute ; B 51 -13 437 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N aacute ; B 46 -13 737 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 72 0 578 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 82 10 568 496 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 76 -13 806 892 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 72 183 578 323 ;
+C -1 ; WX 471 ; N onesuperior ; B 104 274 417 684 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eacute ; B -5 0 791 918 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Acircumflex ; B -34 0 770 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 77 -13 783 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Agrave ; B -34 0 770 918 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N odieresis ; B 33 -13 647 724 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N oacute ; B 33 -13 647 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 107 384 413 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N igrave ; B 51 -13 425 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N mu ; B 6 -226 741 490 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Oacute ; B 56 -13 833 918 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N eth ; B 33 -13 647 745 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Adieresis ; B -34 0 770 892 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Yacute ; B 72 0 801 918 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 67 -13 207 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1083 ; N onehalf ; B 104 -16 1029 690 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 223 168 ;
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+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 233 168 ;
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+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 223 168 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 223 168 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 243 168 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 223 168 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 168 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 56 168 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 76 168 ;
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+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 223 168 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 250 168 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 250 168 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 270 168 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 250 168 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 250 168 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 168 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 168 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 215 168 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 195 168 ;
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+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 215 168 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 195 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 139 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 195 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 195 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Uacute ; B 15 -17 724 910 ;
+C -1 ; WX 580 ; N eacute ; B 31 -8 548 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Ograve ; B 35 -17 769 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 580 ; N agrave ; B 28 -8 588 730 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N Idieresis ; B 18 0 391 877 ;
+C -1 ; WX 360 ; N idieresis ; B -2 0 371 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Egrave ; B 20 0 724 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Oacute ; B 35 -17 769 910 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Aring ; B -34 0 763 934 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Odieresis ; B 35 -17 769 877 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Adieresis ; B -34 0 763 877 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Ntilde ; B 20 0 724 870 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Zcaron ; B 6 0 635 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N Thorn ; B 20 0 658 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N Iacute ; B 20 0 379 910 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 51 0 555 514 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 48 10 552 514 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Eacute ; B 20 0 724 910 ;
+C -1 ; WX 700 ; N Ydieresis ; B -20 0 718 877 ;
+C -1 ; WX 396 ; N onesuperior ; B 65 279 345 687 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N ugrave ; B 22 -8 653 730 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 129 555 421 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N otilde ; B 31 -8 585 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Ccedilla ; B 35 -213 724 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Agrave ; B -34 0 763 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 990 ; N onehalf ; B 65 0 980 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 780 ; N Eth ; B 20 0 748 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 398 350 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 700 ; N Yacute ; B -20 0 718 910 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 35 -17 769 910 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N oacute ; B 31 -8 585 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N mu ; B 22 -221 653 502 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 51 207 555 323 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N eth ; B 31 -8 585 741 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N odieresis ; B 31 -8 585 698 ;
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+KPX Y i 2
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 160 179 ;
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+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 110 179 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 170 179 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 120 179 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 120 179 ;
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+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 80 0 ;
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+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 60 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 60 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 110 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 50 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 10 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 130 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 80 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 80 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 130 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 110 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 60 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B 25 -213 642 771 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Uacute ; B 112 -17 855 937 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Udieresis ; B 112 -17 855 900 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N acircumflex ; B 84 -8 735 749 ;
+C -1 ; WX 380 ; N Igrave ; B 14 0 485 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 408 ; N twosuperior ; B 91 279 485 698 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 380 ; N Idieresis ; B 14 0 499 900 ;
+C -1 ; WX 380 ; N idieresis ; B 83 -8 479 734 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N Oacute ; B 78 -17 806 937 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Aring ; B -27 0 769 941 ;
+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N Odieresis ; B 78 -17 806 900 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Adieresis ; B -27 0 769 900 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Ntilde ; B 14 0 845 875 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N Zcaron ; B 23 0 740 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Thorn ; B -6 0 701 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 380 ; N Iacute ; B 14 0 485 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 91 0 595 514 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 91 10 595 514 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Eacute ; B 14 0 777 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N Ydieresis ; B 72 0 817 900 ;
+C -1 ; WX 408 ; N onesuperior ; B 118 279 406 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N ugrave ; B 83 -8 720 771 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N logicalnot ; B 81 129 585 421 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N ntilde ; B 83 -8 715 709 ;
+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N Otilde ; B 78 -17 806 875 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 59 -8 627 709 ;
+C -1 ; WX 700 ; N Ccedilla ; B 78 -220 754 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Agrave ; B -27 0 769 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1020 ; N onehalf ; B 118 0 1036 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N Eth ; B 14 0 805 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 130 398 430 698 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N mu ; B 54 -213 720 507 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 91 207 595 323 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 59 -8 662 741 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 59 -8 627 734 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 190 166 ;
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+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 60 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 20 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 90 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -90 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 60 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 130 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 60 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 40 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 110 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 60 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 30 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 170 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 100 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 80 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 150 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 130 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 40 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 780 ; N Uacute ; B 25 -17 754 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 520 ; N eacute ; B 37 -8 491 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Ograve ; B 44 -17 758 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 580 ; N agrave ; B 35 -8 587 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 780 ; N Udieresis ; B 25 -17 754 851 ;
+C -1 ; WX 580 ; N acircumflex ; B 35 -8 587 685 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 930 ; N onequarter ; B 80 0 869 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 780 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 25 -17 754 862 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N Scaron ; B 28 -17 634 849 ;
+C -1 ; WX 340 ; N Idieresis ; B 28 0 309 851 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N idieresis ; B 8 0 289 674 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Egrave ; B 31 0 705 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Oacute ; B 44 -17 758 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 51 10 555 514 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N Atilde ; B -37 0 714 838 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N Aring ; B -37 0 714 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Odieresis ; B 44 -17 758 851 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N Adieresis ; B -37 0 714 851 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Ntilde ; B 26 0 722 838 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Zcaron ; B 10 0 656 849 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N Thorn ; B 31 0 613 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 340 ; N Iacute ; B 31 0 301 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 51 0 555 513 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 51 9 555 513 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Eacute ; B 31 0 705 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Ydieresis ; B -30 0 666 851 ;
+C -1 ; WX 372 ; N onesuperior ; B 80 279 302 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N ugrave ; B 20 -8 653 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 128 555 398 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N ntilde ; B 20 0 649 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Otilde ; B 44 -17 758 838 ;
+C -1 ; WX 560 ; N otilde ; B 37 -8 526 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Ccedilla ; B 44 -200 702 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N Agrave ; B -37 0 714 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 930 ; N onehalf ; B 80 0 885 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Eth ; B 31 0 752 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 398 350 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 640 ; N Yacute ; B -30 0 666 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 44 -17 758 862 ;
+C -1 ; WX 560 ; N oacute ; B 37 -8 526 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N mu ; B 20 -251 653 484 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 51 224 555 300 ;
+C -1 ; WX 560 ; N eth ; B 37 -8 526 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 560 ; N odieresis ; B 37 -8 526 674 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N copyright ; B 24 -17 724 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 264 -175 342 675 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 200 177 ;
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+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 70 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 70 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 110 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 60 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 50 0 ;
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+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 130 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 130 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 170 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 100 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Uacute ; B 118 -17 842 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 540 ; N eacute ; B 65 -8 575 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N Ograve ; B 88 -17 799 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N agrave ; B 71 -8 686 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Udieresis ; B 118 -17 842 865 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N acircumflex ; B 71 -8 686 685 ;
+C -1 ; WX 320 ; N Igrave ; B 21 0 412 883 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 118 -17 842 862 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 280 ; N idieresis ; B 88 -8 377 688 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N Oacute ; B 88 -17 799 883 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 700 ; N Aring ; B -25 0 720 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N Odieresis ; B 88 -17 799 865 ;
+C -1 ; WX 700 ; N Adieresis ; B -25 0 720 865 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Ntilde ; B 18 0 823 848 ;
+C -1 ; WX 580 ; N Zcaron ; B 8 0 695 861 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 21 0 656 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 320 ; N Iacute ; B 21 0 412 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 91 0 595 548 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 91 44 595 548 ;
+C -1 ; WX 680 ; N Eacute ; B 21 0 736 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N Ydieresis ; B 87 0 809 865 ;
+C -1 ; WX 372 ; N onesuperior ; B 114 279 339 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N ugrave ; B 88 -8 686 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 91 163 595 433 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N ntilde ; B 88 -8 673 671 ;
+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N Otilde ; B 88 -17 799 848 ;
+C -1 ; WX 540 ; N otilde ; B 65 -8 572 671 ;
+C -1 ; WX 720 ; N Ccedilla ; B 88 -178 746 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 700 ; N Agrave ; B -25 0 720 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 930 ; N onehalf ; B 91 0 925 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N Eth ; B 21 0 782 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 120 398 420 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N Yacute ; B 87 0 809 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 88 -17 799 862 ;
+C -1 ; WX 540 ; N oacute ; B 65 -8 572 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 620 ; N mu ; B 53 -221 686 484 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 91 259 595 335 ;
+C -1 ; WX 540 ; N eth ; B 65 -8 642 725 ;
+C -1 ; WX 540 ; N odieresis ; B 65 -8 572 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 740 ; N copyright ; B 84 -17 784 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 294 -175 372 675 ;
+StartKernPairs 85
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+KPX T o 14
+KPX T i 71
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+KPX T e 10
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+KPX T c 16
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+KPX V i 3
+KPX V hyphen 20
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+KPX W y -14
+KPX W u -20
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+KPX W o -60
+KPX W i 3
+KPX W hyphen 20
+KPX W e -60
+KPX W comma -109
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+KPX W a -60
+KPX W A -60
+KPX Y v -19
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+StartComposites 56
+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 200 177 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 130 177 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 140 177 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 160 177 ;
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+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 130 177 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 210 177 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 140 177 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 150 177 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 150 177 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 30 177 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -30 177 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -20 177 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -30 177 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 130 177 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 250 177 ;
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+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 190 177 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 230 177 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 170 177 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 180 177 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 170 177 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 200 177 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 140 177 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 70 177 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 120 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 108 553 399 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 334 ; N idieresis ; B -2 0 336 685 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 69 22 531 484 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 14 -13 708 856 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 209 553 297 ;
+C -1 ; WX 398 ; N onesuperior ; B 61 268 337 684 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eacute ; B 26 0 686 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B -17 0 739 894 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 47 -13 753 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B -17 0 739 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 612 ; N odieresis ; B 39 -10 573 685 ;
+C -1 ; WX 612 ; N oacute ; B 39 -10 573 733 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 398 343 684 ;
+C -1 ; WX 334 ; N igrave ; B 8 0 304 733 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N mu ; B 36 -226 631 490 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 41 -13 737 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 612 ; N eth ; B 39 -10 573 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B -17 0 739 856 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B -4 0 671 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 67 -13 155 694 ;
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+KPX T A -55
+KPX U period -18
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+KPX V u -18
+KPX V semicolon -74
+KPX V period -92
+KPX V o -55
+KPX V i -18
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+KPX V A -74
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+KPX W u -18
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+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 174 171 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 174 171 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 174 171 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 174 171 ;
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+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 171 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 171 ;
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+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 194 171 ;
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+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 222 171 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 194 171 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 194 171 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 194 171 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 194 171 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 171 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 171 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 167 171 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 101 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 101 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 101 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 101 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 101 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 101 0 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 111 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 121 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 121 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 121 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 121 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 166 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 47 -31 553 537 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B -34 0 688 865 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 105 -13 818 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 50 -13 764 898 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 108 553 399 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B -34 0 688 934 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N idieresis ; B 51 -10 412 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N iacute ; B 51 -10 392 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N aacute ; B 41 -10 684 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 69 22 531 484 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 105 -13 818 865 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 209 553 297 ;
+C -1 ; WX 398 ; N onesuperior ; B 72 268 326 684 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eacute ; B -6 0 709 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B -34 0 688 898 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 62 -13 768 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B -34 0 688 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N odieresis ; B 41 -10 588 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N oacute ; B 41 -10 588 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 111 398 397 684 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N igrave ; B 51 -10 338 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N mu ; B 32 -226 671 490 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 50 -13 764 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N eth ; B 61 -10 573 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B -34 0 688 865 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Yacute ; B 44 0 685 904 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 85 -13 173 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 916 ; N onehalf ; B 72 -10 902 684 ;
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+KPX T i -18
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+KPX b period -50
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+KPX c comma -50
+KPX colon space -37
+KPX comma space -37
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+KPX d period 10
+KPX d comma 10
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+KPX r g -18
+KPX r e -18
+KPX r d -18
+KPX r comma -92
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+KPX r a -18
+KPX s w -18
+KPX space Y -37
+KPX space W -37
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+KPX v o 18
+KPX v e 18
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+StartComposites 58
+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 175 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 175 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 195 175 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 195 175 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 220 165 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 195 175 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 225 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 175 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 175 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 195 175 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 195 175 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 10 175 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 10 175 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 175 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 10 175 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 215 175 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 243 175 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 243 175 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 243 175 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 243 175 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 243 175 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 167 175 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 243 175 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 243 175 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 243 175 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 243 175 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 175 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 175 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 187 175 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 167 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 0 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 132 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 112 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowright ; B -24 115 624 483 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 53 0 550 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -6 -157 555 629 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 53 -15 559 627 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B 7 -157 592 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 94 0 505 654 ;
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+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 0 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute -10 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -10 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave -30 0 ;
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+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -10 0 ;
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+C 63 ; WX 600 ; N question ; B 98 -14 501 580 ;
+C 64 ; WX 600 ; N at ; B 16 -15 584 616 ;
+C 65 ; WX 600 ; N A ; B -9 0 609 562 ;
+C 66 ; WX 600 ; N B ; B 30 0 573 562 ;
+C 67 ; WX 600 ; N C ; B 22 -18 560 580 ;
+C 68 ; WX 600 ; N D ; B 30 0 594 562 ;
+C 69 ; WX 600 ; N E ; B 25 0 560 562 ;
+C 70 ; WX 600 ; N F ; B 39 0 570 562 ;
+C 71 ; WX 600 ; N G ; B 22 -18 594 580 ;
+C 72 ; WX 600 ; N H ; B 20 0 580 562 ;
+C 73 ; WX 600 ; N I ; B 77 0 523 562 ;
+C 74 ; WX 600 ; N J ; B 37 -18 601 562 ;
+C 75 ; WX 600 ; N K ; B 21 0 599 562 ;
+C 76 ; WX 600 ; N L ; B 39 0 578 562 ;
+C 77 ; WX 600 ; N M ; B -2 0 602 562 ;
+C 78 ; WX 600 ; N N ; B 8 -12 610 562 ;
+C 79 ; WX 600 ; N O ; B 22 -18 578 580 ;
+C 80 ; WX 600 ; N P ; B 48 0 559 562 ;
+C 81 ; WX 600 ; N Q ; B 32 -138 578 580 ;
+C 82 ; WX 600 ; N R ; B 24 0 599 562 ;
+C 83 ; WX 600 ; N S ; B 47 -22 553 582 ;
+C 84 ; WX 600 ; N T ; B 21 0 579 562 ;
+C 85 ; WX 600 ; N U ; B 4 -18 596 562 ;
+C 86 ; WX 600 ; N V ; B -13 0 613 562 ;
+C 87 ; WX 600 ; N W ; B -18 0 618 562 ;
+C 88 ; WX 600 ; N X ; B 12 0 588 562 ;
+C 89 ; WX 600 ; N Y ; B 12 0 589 562 ;
+C 90 ; WX 600 ; N Z ; B 62 0 539 562 ;
+C 91 ; WX 600 ; N bracketleft ; B 245 -102 475 616 ;
+C 92 ; WX 600 ; N backslash ; B 99 -77 503 626 ;
+C 93 ; WX 600 ; N bracketright ; B 125 -102 355 616 ;
+C 94 ; WX 600 ; N asciicircum ; B 108 250 492 616 ;
+C 95 ; WX 600 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 600 -75 ;
+C 96 ; WX 600 ; N quoteleft ; B 178 277 428 562 ;
+C 97 ; WX 600 ; N a ; B 35 -15 570 454 ;
+C 98 ; WX 600 ; N b ; B 0 -15 584 626 ;
+C 99 ; WX 600 ; N c ; B 40 -15 545 459 ;
+C 100 ; WX 600 ; N d ; B 20 -15 591 626 ;
+C 101 ; WX 600 ; N e ; B 40 -15 563 454 ;
+C 102 ; WX 600 ; N f ; B 83 0 547 626 ;
+C 103 ; WX 600 ; N g ; B 30 -146 580 454 ;
+C 104 ; WX 600 ; N h ; B 5 0 592 626 ;
+C 105 ; WX 600 ; N i ; B 77 0 523 658 ;
+C 106 ; WX 600 ; N j ; B 63 -146 440 658 ;
+C 107 ; WX 600 ; N k ; B 20 0 585 626 ;
+C 108 ; WX 600 ; N l ; B 77 0 523 626 ;
+C 109 ; WX 600 ; N m ; B -22 0 626 454 ;
+C 110 ; WX 600 ; N n ; B 18 0 592 454 ;
+C 111 ; WX 600 ; N o ; B 30 -15 570 454 ;
+C 112 ; WX 600 ; N p ; B -1 -142 570 454 ;
+C 113 ; WX 600 ; N q ; B 20 -142 591 454 ;
+C 114 ; WX 600 ; N r ; B 47 0 580 454 ;
+C 115 ; WX 600 ; N s ; B 68 -17 535 459 ;
+C 116 ; WX 600 ; N t ; B 47 -15 532 562 ;
+C 117 ; WX 600 ; N u ; B -1 -15 569 439 ;
+C 118 ; WX 600 ; N v ; B -1 0 601 439 ;
+C 119 ; WX 600 ; N w ; B -18 0 618 439 ;
+C 120 ; WX 600 ; N x ; B 6 0 594 439 ;
+C 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B -4 -142 601 439 ;
+C 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 81 0 520 439 ;
+C 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 160 -102 464 616 ;
+C 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 255 -250 345 750 ;
+C 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 136 -102 440 616 ;
+C 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 71 153 530 356 ;
+C 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 202 -146 398 449 ;
+C 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 66 -49 518 614 ;
+C 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 72 -28 558 611 ;
+C 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 25 -60 576 661 ;
+C 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 10 0 590 562 ;
+C 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B -30 -131 572 616 ;
+C 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 83 -70 517 580 ;
+C 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 54 49 546 517 ;
+C 169 ; WX 600 ; N quotesingle ; B 227 277 373 562 ;
+C 170 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblleft ; B 71 277 535 562 ;
+C 171 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotleft ; B 8 70 553 446 ;
+C 172 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 141 70 459 446 ;
+C 173 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglright ; B 141 70 459 446 ;
+C 174 ; WX 600 ; N fi ; B 12 0 593 626 ;
+C 175 ; WX 600 ; N fl ; B 12 0 593 626 ;
+C 177 ; WX 600 ; N endash ; B 65 203 535 313 ;
+C 178 ; WX 600 ; N dagger ; B 106 -70 494 580 ;
+C 179 ; WX 600 ; N daggerdbl ; B 106 -70 494 580 ;
+C 180 ; WX 600 ; N periodcentered ; B 196 165 404 351 ;
+C 182 ; WX 600 ; N paragraph ; B 6 -70 576 580 ;
+C 183 ; WX 600 ; N bullet ; B 140 132 460 430 ;
+C 184 ; WX 600 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 175 -142 427 143 ;
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+C 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 22 -22 578 584 ;
+C 234 ; WX 600 ; N OE ; B -25 0 595 562 ;
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+C 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B -4 -15 601 454 ;
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+C 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 77 0 523 626 ;
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+C 250 ; WX 600 ; N oe ; B -18 -15 611 454 ;
+C 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 22 -15 596 626 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 22 -18 578 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 71 103 529 413 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N dectab ; B 8 0 592 320 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 25 0 560 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 22 -18 578 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B -1 -15 569 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N left ; B 65 44 535 371 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 138 222 433 616 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N up ; B 136 0 463 447 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 81 39 520 478 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 47 -22 553 790 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tab ; B 19 0 581 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 4 -18 596 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 71 16 529 500 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B -9 0 609 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 40 -15 563 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B -1 -15 569 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B -9 0 609 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 143 230 436 616 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 25 0 560 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 18 0 592 636 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N down ; B 137 -15 464 439 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N center ; B 40 14 560 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 153 230 447 616 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ij ; B 6 -146 574 658 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 40 -15 563 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N graybox ; B 76 0 525 599 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 30 -15 570 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 22 -18 578 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B -47 -60 648 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 71 24 529 515 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N prescription ; B 24 -15 599 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 58 -27 543 626 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N largebullet ; B 248 229 352 333 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 40 -15 563 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 40 -206 545 459 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notegraphic ; B 77 -15 523 572 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 4 -18 596 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcaron ; B 22 -18 594 790 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowdown ; B 144 -15 456 608 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N format ; B 5 -146 115 601 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 22 -18 578 759 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 77 0 523 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 35 -15 570 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 40 -15 563 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 30 0 594 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B -56 -60 656 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N LL ; B -45 0 645 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 35 -15 570 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 62 0 539 790 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 47 -206 553 582 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idot ; B 77 0 523 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 77 0 523 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N indent ; B 65 45 535 372 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 4 -18 596 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 68 -17 535 667 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N overscore ; B 0 579 600 629 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B -9 0 609 801 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 22 -206 560 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 77 0 523 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 255 -175 345 675 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 22 -18 578 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 30 -15 570 636 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 12 0 589 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lira ; B 72 -28 558 611 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 77 0 523 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B -9 0 609 759 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 4 -18 596 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 12 0 589 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -4 -142 601 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 77 0 523 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B -9 0 609 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B -1 -142 569 439 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B -9 230 749 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 30 -15 570 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 35 -15 570 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B -9 0 609 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N return ; B 19 0 581 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 35 -15 570 636 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N square ; B 19 0 581 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N stop ; B 19 0 581 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B -1 -15 569 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowup ; B 144 3 456 626 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 77 0 523 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 25 0 560 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 81 0 520 667 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowboth ; B -24 143 624 455 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcaron ; B 30 -146 580 667 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowleft ; B -24 143 634 455 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 35 -15 570 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 30 -15 570 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 68 -206 535 459 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 30 -15 570 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B -47 -60 648 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B -1 -15 569 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 8 -12 610 759 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 77 0 523 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowright ; B -34 143 624 455 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 48 0 557 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 25 0 560 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -14 -142 570 626 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 35 -15 570 678 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -4 -142 601 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 63 0 523 657 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 30 123 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -30 123 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -20 123 ;
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+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 123 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 123 ;
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+CC Gcaron 2 ; PCC G 0 0 ; PCC caron 10 123 ;
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+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 123 ;
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+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 123 ;
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+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave -30 0 ;
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+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
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+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -40 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -40 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 0 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -20 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -20 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave -30 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 30 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 0 ;
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+C 110 ; WX 600 ; N n ; B 18 0 614 454 ;
+C 111 ; WX 600 ; N o ; B 71 -15 622 454 ;
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+C 113 ; WX 600 ; N q ; B 61 -142 684 454 ;
+C 114 ; WX 600 ; N r ; B 47 0 654 454 ;
+C 115 ; WX 600 ; N s ; B 67 -17 607 459 ;
+C 116 ; WX 600 ; N t ; B 118 -15 566 562 ;
+C 117 ; WX 600 ; N u ; B 70 -15 591 439 ;
+C 118 ; WX 600 ; N v ; B 70 0 694 439 ;
+C 119 ; WX 600 ; N w ; B 53 0 711 439 ;
+C 120 ; WX 600 ; N x ; B 6 0 670 439 ;
+C 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B -20 -142 694 439 ;
+C 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 81 0 613 439 ;
+C 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 204 -102 595 616 ;
+C 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 202 -250 504 750 ;
+C 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 114 -102 506 616 ;
+C 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 120 153 589 356 ;
+C 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 197 -146 477 449 ;
+C 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 121 -49 604 614 ;
+C 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 107 -28 650 611 ;
+C 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 22 -60 707 661 ;
+C 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 98 0 709 562 ;
+C 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B -56 -131 701 616 ;
+C 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 74 -70 619 580 ;
+C 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 77 49 643 517 ;
+C 169 ; WX 600 ; N quotesingle ; B 304 277 492 562 ;
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+C 171 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotleft ; B 63 70 638 446 ;
+C 172 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 196 70 544 446 ;
+C 173 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglright ; B 166 70 514 446 ;
+C 174 ; WX 600 ; N fi ; B 12 0 643 626 ;
+C 175 ; WX 600 ; N fl ; B 12 0 643 626 ;
+C 177 ; WX 600 ; N endash ; B 108 203 602 313 ;
+C 178 ; WX 600 ; N dagger ; B 176 -70 586 580 ;
+C 179 ; WX 600 ; N daggerdbl ; B 122 -70 586 580 ;
+C 180 ; WX 600 ; N periodcentered ; B 249 165 461 351 ;
+C 182 ; WX 600 ; N paragraph ; B 61 -70 699 580 ;
+C 183 ; WX 600 ; N bullet ; B 197 132 523 430 ;
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+C 186 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblright ; B 120 277 644 562 ;
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+C 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 48 -22 672 584 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 74 -18 645 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 135 103 617 413 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 74 -18 645 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 70 -15 591 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N left ; B 109 44 589 371 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 193 222 525 616 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 54 -22 672 790 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tab ; B 19 0 641 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 101 -18 715 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 114 16 596 500 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B -9 0 631 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 81 -15 608 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 70 -15 608 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B -9 0 665 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 192 230 541 616 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 25 0 669 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 18 0 642 636 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N down ; B 168 -15 496 439 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N center ; B 103 14 623 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 213 230 514 616 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ij ; B 6 -146 714 658 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 81 -15 604 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N graybox ; B 76 0 652 599 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 71 -15 622 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 74 -18 645 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 8 -60 698 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 76 24 614 515 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 81 -206 631 459 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notegraphic ; B 91 -15 619 572 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 101 -18 715 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcaron ; B 75 -18 674 790 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowdown ; B 174 -15 486 608 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N format ; B -26 -146 243 601 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 77 0 642 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 62 -15 592 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 81 -15 606 657 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 14 -60 706 661 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 62 0 659 790 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 54 -206 672 582 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idot ; B 77 0 642 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 77 0 642 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N indent ; B 99 45 579 372 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 101 -18 715 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 67 -17 632 667 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N overscore ; B 123 579 734 629 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B -9 0 631 801 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 74 -206 674 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 77 0 642 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 218 -175 488 675 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 74 -18 645 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 71 -15 642 636 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 109 0 708 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lira ; B 107 -28 650 611 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 77 0 642 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B -9 0 638 759 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 101 -18 715 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 109 0 708 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -20 -142 694 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 77 0 552 625 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B -9 0 631 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 50 -142 591 439 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B 86 230 868 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 71 -15 622 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 62 -15 592 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B -9 0 631 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N return ; B 79 0 700 562 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N stop ; B 19 0 700 562 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowup ; B 244 3 556 626 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 77 0 545 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 25 0 669 748 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 81 0 632 667 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowboth ; B 40 143 688 455 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcaron ; B 41 -146 673 667 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowleft ; B 40 143 708 455 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 62 -15 608 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 71 -15 622 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 67 -206 607 459 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 71 -15 622 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 23 -60 715 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 70 -15 591 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 8 -12 729 759 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 77 0 608 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowright ; B 20 143 688 455 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 48 0 619 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 25 0 669 784 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -31 -142 622 626 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 62 -15 592 678 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -20 -142 694 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 77 0 566 657 ;
+StartComposites 58
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+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -4 123 ;
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+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 26 123 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 26 123 ;
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+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 26 123 ;
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+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 26 123 ;
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+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
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+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -40 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 0 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -20 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -20 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave -30 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 30 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 0 0 ;
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+C 227 ; WX 600 ; N ordfeminine ; B 209 249 512 580 ;
+C 232 ; WX 600 ; N Lslash ; B 47 0 607 562 ;
+C 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 94 -80 625 629 ;
+C 234 ; WX 600 ; N OE ; B 59 0 672 562 ;
+C 235 ; WX 600 ; N ordmasculine ; B 210 249 535 580 ;
+C 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B 41 -15 626 441 ;
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+C 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 95 0 583 629 ;
+C 249 ; WX 600 ; N oslash ; B 102 -80 588 506 ;
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+C 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 48 -15 617 629 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 94 -18 625 731 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 53 0 668 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 94 -18 625 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 101 -15 572 654 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N left ; B 114 68 580 348 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N up ; B 223 0 503 437 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 103 43 607 470 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 76 -20 673 805 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N tab ; B 19 0 641 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 125 -18 702 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 136 48 573 467 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B 3 0 607 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 106 -15 612 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 101 -15 602 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B 3 0 658 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 230 249 535 622 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 53 0 660 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 26 0 629 606 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N down ; B 187 -15 467 426 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N center ; B 103 14 623 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 231 249 491 622 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N graybox ; B 76 0 652 599 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 102 -15 588 595 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 94 -18 625 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 73 -56 659 666 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 106 -151 614 441 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N notegraphic ; B 143 -15 564 572 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 125 -18 702 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcaron ; B 83 -18 645 805 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowdown ; B 152 -15 520 608 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 96 0 623 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 76 -15 570 595 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 106 -15 598 654 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 43 0 645 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 65 -57 674 665 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N LL ; B 8 0 647 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 76 -15 569 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 86 0 643 805 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 76 -151 650 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idot ; B 96 0 623 716 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 96 0 638 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N indent ; B 108 68 574 348 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 125 -18 702 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 78 -15 614 669 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N overscore ; B 123 579 734 629 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B 3 0 607 753 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 93 -151 658 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 96 0 623 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 238 -175 469 675 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 94 -18 638 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 102 -15 629 606 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 133 0 695 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N lira ; B 118 -21 621 611 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 96 0 623 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B 3 0 656 732 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 125 -18 702 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 133 0 695 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -4 -157 683 595 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 95 0 540 595 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B 3 0 607 731 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B 75 263 742 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 102 -15 612 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 76 -15 581 654 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B 3 0 607 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N return ; B 79 0 700 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 76 -15 629 606 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N square ; B 19 0 700 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N stop ; B 19 0 700 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 101 -15 572 595 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowup ; B 209 0 577 623 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 95 0 515 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 53 0 660 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 99 0 624 669 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowboth ; B 36 115 692 483 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcaron ; B 61 -157 657 669 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowleft ; B 40 115 693 483 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 76 -15 612 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 102 -15 588 654 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 78 -151 584 441 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 102 -15 588 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 65 -57 669 665 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 101 -15 572 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 7 -13 712 732 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 612 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N arrowright ; B 34 115 688 483 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 79 0 606 562 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 53 0 660 793 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -24 -157 605 629 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 76 -15 569 627 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -4 -157 683 672 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 95 0 551 654 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 46 121 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -4 121 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -1 136 ;
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+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 26 121 ;
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+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 26 121 ;
+CC Gcaron 2 ; PCC G 0 0 ; PCC caron 29 136 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 26 121 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 26 121 ;
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+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 26 121 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 26 121 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 29 136 ;
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+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 0 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
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+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -30 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -30 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -30 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 0 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 0 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute -10 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -10 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave -30 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute -20 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -10 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 10 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N otilde ; B 35 -14 521 722 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 35 -14 521 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B 11 -214 489 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 68 -15 489 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 45 -19 810 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 36 -15 530 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 0 0 674 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 40 -15 516 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 68 -15 489 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 46 306 903 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ograve ; B 35 -14 521 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N scaron ; B 32 -15 464 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B 13 0 266 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 68 -15 489 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 36 -15 530 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 65 0 491 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 36 -15 530 756 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 31 0 469 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B -6 0 285 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 76 0 646 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 68 -15 489 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 86 0 616 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 91 0 292 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 44 -225 681 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 39 -19 739 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scaron ; B 49 -19 620 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edieresis ; B 86 0 616 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B -13 0 188 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 36 -15 530 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 39 -19 739 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B 86 0 616 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 14 0 653 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N registered ; B -14 -19 752 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 39 -19 739 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 73 -19 756 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 79 -19 644 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 79 -19 644 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B 86 0 622 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N divide ; B 39 -19 545 524 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Atilde ; B 14 0 654 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 79 -19 644 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 39 -19 739 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N logicalnot ; B 39 108 545 390 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aring ; B 14 0 654 931 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 13 0 266 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 292 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 36 -15 530 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N plusminus ; B 39 0 545 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N multiply ; B 39 0 545 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 79 -19 644 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N minus ; B 39 216 545 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 43 281 222 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 86 0 616 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Acircumflex ; B 14 0 654 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N copyright ; B -14 -19 752 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Agrave ; B 14 0 654 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 35 -14 521 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 35 -14 521 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 54 411 346 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B -13 0 184 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 68 -207 489 523 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 39 -19 739 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 35 -15 522 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Adieresis ; B 14 0 654 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 14 0 653 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 260 ; N brokenbar ; B 94 -19 167 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 43 -19 773 703 ;
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+KPX r n 25
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+KPX r i 15
+KPX r comma -50
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+KPX r a -10
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+KPX v a -25
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+KPX w e -10
+KPX w comma -60
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+KPX x e -30
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+KPX y o -20
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+KPX z e -15
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 195 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 195 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 195 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 195 ;
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+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 195 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 195 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 195 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 195 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 195 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -27 195 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -27 195 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 195 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 195 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 205 195 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 223 195 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 223 195 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 223 195 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 223 195 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 223 195 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 167 195 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 195 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 195 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 195 195 ;
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+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 195 ;
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+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
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+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -27 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -27 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 102 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 84 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 84 0 ;
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+C 227 ; WX 370 ; N ordfeminine ; B 22 276 347 737 ;
+C 232 ; WX 611 ; N Lslash ; B -20 0 583 718 ;
+C 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 33 -27 744 745 ;
+C 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 37 -19 961 737 ;
+C 235 ; WX 365 ; N ordmasculine ; B 6 276 360 737 ;
+C 241 ; WX 889 ; N ae ; B 29 -14 858 546 ;
+C 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 69 0 209 532 ;
+C 248 ; WX 278 ; N lslash ; B -18 0 296 718 ;
+C 249 ; WX 611 ; N oslash ; B 22 -29 589 560 ;
+C 250 ; WX 944 ; N oe ; B 34 -14 912 546 ;
+C 251 ; WX 611 ; N germandbls ; B 69 -14 579 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 25 0 586 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ccedilla ; B 34 -228 524 546 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ydieresis ; B 10 -214 539 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 29 -14 527 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B -37 0 316 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 8 271 326 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecircumflex ; B 23 -14 528 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N thorn ; B 62 -208 578 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N egrave ; B 23 -14 528 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 9 283 324 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eacute ; B 23 -14 528 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N otilde ; B 34 -14 578 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B 20 0 702 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ocircumflex ; B 34 -14 578 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N yacute ; B 10 -214 539 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N udieresis ; B 66 -14 545 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 16 -19 799 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 29 -14 527 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B -5 0 685 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 23 -14 528 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ugrave ; B 66 -14 545 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 44 306 956 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ograve ; B 34 -14 578 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N scaron ; B 30 -14 519 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B -21 0 300 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N uacute ; B 66 -14 545 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 29 -14 527 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ntilde ; B 65 0 546 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 29 -14 527 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 20 0 480 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B -37 0 316 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 69 0 654 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ucircumflex ; B 66 -14 545 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 76 0 621 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 64 0 329 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 44 -228 684 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 44 -19 734 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scaron ; B 39 -19 629 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edieresis ; B 76 0 621 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B -50 0 214 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 29 -14 527 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 44 -19 734 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B 76 0 621 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 15 0 653 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N registered ; B -11 -19 748 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 44 -19 734 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 26 -19 766 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 72 -19 651 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 72 -19 651 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B 76 0 627 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N divide ; B 40 -42 544 548 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B 20 0 702 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 72 -19 651 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 44 -19 734 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N logicalnot ; B 40 108 544 419 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B 20 0 702 962 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B -21 0 300 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 69 0 329 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 29 -14 527 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N plusminus ; B 40 0 544 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N multiply ; B 40 1 545 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 72 -19 651 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N minus ; B 40 197 544 309 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 26 283 237 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 76 0 621 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B 20 0 702 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N copyright ; B -11 -19 749 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B 20 0 702 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N odieresis ; B 34 -14 578 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N oacute ; B 34 -14 578 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 426 343 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B -50 0 209 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N mu ; B 66 -207 545 532 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 44 -19 734 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N eth ; B 34 -14 578 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B 20 0 702 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 15 0 653 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 280 ; N brokenbar ; B 84 -19 196 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 26 -19 794 710 ;
+StartKernPairs 209
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+KPX r comma -60
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+KPX s w -15
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+KPX space V -80
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+KPX v o -30
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+KPX v a -20
+KPX w period -40
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+KPX w comma -40
+KPX x e -10
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+KPX z e 10
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 186 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 186 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 195 186 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 195 186 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 195 186 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 195 186 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 215 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 186 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 186 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 186 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 186 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -27 186 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -27 186 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 186 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 186 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 195 186 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 223 186 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 223 186 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 223 186 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 223 186 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 223 186 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 167 186 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 186 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 186 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 195 186 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 195 186 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 186 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 186 ;
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+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
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+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 0 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 132 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 0 ;
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+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -27 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -27 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 112 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 84 0 ;
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+C 73 ; WX 278 ; N I ; B 64 0 367 718 ;
+C 74 ; WX 556 ; N J ; B 60 -18 637 718 ;
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+C 249 ; WX 611 ; N oslash ; B 22 -29 701 560 ;
+C 250 ; WX 944 ; N oe ; B 82 -14 977 546 ;
+C 251 ; WX 611 ; N germandbls ; B 69 -14 657 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 25 0 737 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ccedilla ; B 79 -228 599 546 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ydieresis ; B 42 -214 652 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 55 -14 619 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B 69 0 444 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 91 271 441 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecircumflex ; B 70 -14 593 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N thorn ; B 18 -208 645 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N egrave ; B 70 -14 593 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 69 283 449 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eacute ; B 70 -14 627 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N otilde ; B 82 -14 646 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B 20 0 750 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ocircumflex ; B 82 -14 643 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N yacute ; B 42 -214 652 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N udieresis ; B 98 -14 658 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 99 -19 839 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 55 -14 583 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 62 0 777 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 70 -14 594 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ugrave ; B 98 -14 658 750 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ograve ; B 82 -14 643 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N scaron ; B 63 -14 614 750 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 107 -19 823 915 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B 64 0 367 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 55 -14 594 729 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 168 0 806 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N registered ; B 55 -19 834 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 107 -19 823 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 132 -19 806 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 116 -19 804 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 116 -19 804 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B 76 0 716 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N divide ; B 82 -42 610 548 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B 20 0 741 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 116 -19 804 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 107 -19 823 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N logicalnot ; B 105 108 633 419 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B 20 0 702 962 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 69 0 455 729 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N multiply ; B 57 1 635 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 116 -19 804 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N minus ; B 82 197 610 309 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 148 283 388 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 76 0 757 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B 20 0 706 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N copyright ; B 56 -19 835 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B 20 0 702 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N odieresis ; B 82 -14 643 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N oacute ; B 82 -14 654 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 175 426 467 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 69 0 326 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N mu ; B 22 -207 658 532 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 107 -19 823 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N eth ; B 82 -14 670 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B 20 0 716 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 168 0 806 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 280 ; N brokenbar ; B 80 -19 353 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 132 -19 858 710 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 235 186 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 235 186 ;
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+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 235 186 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 215 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 207 186 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 207 186 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 207 186 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 207 186 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 13 186 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 13 186 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 13 186 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 13 186 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 235 186 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 263 186 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 263 186 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 263 186 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 263 186 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 263 186 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 207 186 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 235 186 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 235 186 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 235 186 ;
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+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 207 186 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 207 186 ;
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+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
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+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 112 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 84 0 ;
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+C 166 ; WX 667 ; N florin ; B 48 -184 622 747 ;
+C 167 ; WX 667 ; N section ; B 73 -171 593 739 ;
+C 168 ; WX 660 ; N currency ; B 76 58 583 563 ;
+C 169 ; WX 278 ; N quotesingle ; B 79 449 198 720 ;
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+C 171 ; WX 667 ; N guillemotleft ; B 120 64 547 448 ;
+C 172 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 75 64 258 448 ;
+C 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 75 64 258 448 ;
+C 174 ; WX 667 ; N fi ; B 9 0 622 739 ;
+C 175 ; WX 667 ; N fl ; B 9 0 622 739 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 0 187 500 325 ;
+C 178 ; WX 667 ; N dagger ; B 82 -178 584 720 ;
+C 179 ; WX 667 ; N daggerdbl ; B 82 -178 584 720 ;
+C 180 ; WX 333 ; N periodcentered ; B 36 126 296 386 ;
+C 182 ; WX 850 ; N paragraph ; B 54 -178 707 720 ;
+C 183 ; WX 500 ; N bullet ; B 81 192 418 529 ;
+C 184 ; WX 278 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 42 -178 225 183 ;
+C 185 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblbase ; B 29 -178 459 183 ;
+C 186 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblright ; B 29 359 459 720 ;
+C 187 ; WX 667 ; N guillemotright ; B 120 64 547 448 ;
+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 61 0 939 206 ;
+C 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B -7 -32 1007 751 ;
+C 191 ; WX 611 ; N questiondown ; B 30 -216 584 524 ;
+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B -36 591 272 739 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 66 591 375 739 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B -34 591 373 739 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B -27 590 365 731 ;
+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B -19 619 358 709 ;
+C 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B -12 590 351 743 ;
+C 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 82 596 251 726 ;
+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B -29 596 368 726 ;
+C 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 54 593 279 817 ;
+C 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 28 -232 287 0 ;
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+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B -34 591 373 739 ;
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+C 251 ; WX 667 ; N germandbls ; B 48 -15 627 739 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Adieresis ; B 11 0 767 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Agrave ; B 11 0 767 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aring ; B 11 0 767 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Atilde ; B 11 0 767 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ccedilla ; B 22 -232 748 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eacute ; B 76 0 677 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 76 0 677 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Edieresis ; B 76 0 677 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Egrave ; B 76 0 677 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eth ; B 0 0 757 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iacute ; B 76 0 403 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Icircumflex ; B -6 0 401 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idieresis ; B -1 0 396 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Igrave ; B -8 0 312 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ntilde ; B 69 0 764 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Oacute ; B 39 -19 794 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 39 -19 794 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Odieresis ; B 39 -19 794 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ograve ; B 39 -19 794 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Otilde ; B 39 -19 794 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Scaron ; B 33 -19 689 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Thorn ; B 57 0 711 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Uacute ; B 70 -19 763 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 70 -19 763 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Udieresis ; B 70 -19 763 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ugrave ; B 70 -19 763 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Yacute ; B 3 0 775 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ydieresis ; B 3 0 775 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Zcaron ; B 36 0 685 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N aacute ; B 25 -15 634 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N acircumflex ; B 25 -15 634 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N adieresis ; B 25 -15 634 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N agrave ; B 25 -15 634 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N aring ; B 25 -15 634 817 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N atilde ; B 25 -15 634 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N brokenbar ; B 79 0 198 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ccedilla ; B 32 -232 622 539 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 21 -19 779 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 415 350 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N divide ; B 78 7 582 505 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N edieresis ; B 31 -15 636 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N egrave ; B 31 -15 636 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N eth ; B 35 -15 631 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N iacute ; B 62 0 375 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N icircumflex ; B -34 0 373 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N idieresis ; B -29 0 368 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N igrave ; B -36 0 272 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N logicalnot ; B 78 120 582 412 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ntilde ; B 48 0 618 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N oacute ; B 35 -15 631 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ocircumflex ; B 35 -15 631 739 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ograve ; B 35 -15 631 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N onehalf ; B 40 -15 960 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N onequarter ; B 40 -15 960 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N onesuperior ; B 80 310 321 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N otilde ; B 35 -15 631 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N plusminus ; B 78 0 582 603 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 21 -19 779 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N scaron ; B 33 -15 578 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N thorn ; B 44 -178 631 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N threequarters ; B 40 -15 960 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N threesuperior ; B 6 277 395 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 950 ; N trademark ; B 28 316 886 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N twosuperior ; B 7 310 394 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N uacute ; B 48 -15 618 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ucircumflex ; B 48 -15 618 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N udieresis ; B 48 -15 618 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ugrave ; B 48 -15 618 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N yacute ; B 6 -178 598 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ydieresis ; B 6 -178 598 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N zcaron ; B 26 0 530 739 ;
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+KPX r t 18
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+KPX r q -18
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+KPX r g 18
+KPX r f 18
+KPX r e -18
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+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 194 196 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 0 ;
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+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 222 196 ;
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+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 222 196 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 250 196 ;
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+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 250 196 ;
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+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 28 196 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 196 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 196 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 196 ;
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+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 194 196 ;
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+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
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+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 0 ;
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+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 250 196 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 250 196 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 250 196 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 0 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 222 196 ;
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+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 250 196 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 0 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 250 196 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 0 ;
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+C 186 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblright ; B 92 359 586 720 ;
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+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 61 0 975 206 ;
+C 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 57 -32 1033 751 ;
+C 191 ; WX 611 ; N questiondown ; B 25 -216 587 524 ;
+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 94 591 376 739 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 170 591 505 739 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 70 591 477 739 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 77 590 494 731 ;
+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 90 619 483 709 ;
+C 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 118 590 482 743 ;
+C 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 187 596 379 726 ;
+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 76 596 496 726 ;
+C 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 177 593 405 817 ;
+C 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B -8 -232 264 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 170 591 757 739 ;
+C 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 53 -205 260 0 ;
+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 96 591 503 739 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 33 187 1057 325 ;
+C 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 3 0 1094 720 ;
+C 227 ; WX 400 ; N ordfeminine ; B 58 262 492 739 ;
+C 232 ; WX 667 ; N Lslash ; B 27 0 657 720 ;
+C 233 ; WX 833 ; N Oslash ; B 79 -76 879 784 ;
+C 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 59 -19 1095 739 ;
+C 235 ; WX 400 ; N ordmasculine ; B 62 262 498 739 ;
+C 241 ; WX 1000 ; N ae ; B 61 -15 1005 539 ;
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+C 249 ; WX 667 ; N oslash ; B 75 -72 683 581 ;
+C 250 ; WX 1000 ; N oe ; B 75 -15 1009 539 ;
+C 251 ; WX 667 ; N germandbls ; B 48 -15 685 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aacute ; B 11 0 767 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Acircumflex ; B 11 0 767 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Adieresis ; B 11 0 767 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Agrave ; B 11 0 767 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aring ; B 11 0 767 1013 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Atilde ; B 11 0 767 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ccedilla ; B 78 -232 823 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eacute ; B 76 0 790 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 76 0 790 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Edieresis ; B 76 0 790 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Egrave ; B 76 0 790 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eth ; B 49 0 831 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iacute ; B 76 0 568 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Icircumflex ; B 76 0 540 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idieresis ; B 76 0 559 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Igrave ; B 76 0 439 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ntilde ; B 69 0 891 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Oacute ; B 95 -19 865 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 95 -19 865 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Odieresis ; B 95 -19 865 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ograve ; B 95 -19 865 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Otilde ; B 95 -19 865 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Scaron ; B 70 -19 759 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Thorn ; B 57 0 782 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Uacute ; B 116 -19 890 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 116 -19 890 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Udieresis ; B 116 -19 890 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ugrave ; B 116 -19 890 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Yacute ; B 130 0 902 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ydieresis ; B 130 0 902 922 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Zcaron ; B 36 0 798 935 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N aacute ; B 47 -15 672 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N acircumflex ; B 47 -15 672 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N adieresis ; B 47 -15 672 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N agrave ; B 47 -15 672 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N aring ; B 47 -15 672 817 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N atilde ; B 47 -15 672 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N brokenbar ; B 79 0 328 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ccedilla ; B 72 -232 676 539 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 79 -19 848 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 147 415 452 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N divide ; B 113 7 637 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N eacute ; B 71 -15 682 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ecircumflex ; B 71 -15 682 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N edieresis ; B 71 -15 682 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N egrave ; B 71 -15 682 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N eth ; B 75 -15 683 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N iacute ; B 62 0 505 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N icircumflex ; B 62 0 477 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N idieresis ; B 62 0 496 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N igrave ; B 62 0 376 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N logicalnot ; B 130 120 655 412 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N minus ; B 113 198 637 314 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N mu ; B 17 -178 710 524 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N multiply ; B 94 3 656 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ntilde ; B 48 0 680 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N oacute ; B 75 -15 683 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ocircumflex ; B 75 -15 683 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N odieresis ; B 75 -15 683 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ograve ; B 75 -15 683 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N onehalf ; B 138 -15 1014 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N onequarter ; B 138 -15 992 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N onesuperior ; B 178 310 451 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N otilde ; B 75 -15 683 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N plusminus ; B 78 0 660 603 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 79 -19 848 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N scaron ; B 61 -15 642 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N thorn ; B 13 -178 684 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N threequarters ; B 113 -15 992 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N threesuperior ; B 79 277 489 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 950 ; N trademark ; B 141 316 1013 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N twosuperior ; B 62 310 502 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N uacute ; B 78 -15 710 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ucircumflex ; B 78 -15 710 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N udieresis ; B 78 -15 710 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N ugrave ; B 78 -15 710 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N yacute ; B 45 -178 690 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ydieresis ; B 45 -178 690 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N zcaron ; B 26 0 615 739 ;
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+KPX Y colon -74
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+KPX f quoteright 24
+KPX f f -18
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+KPX quoteright quoteright -18
+KPX r z 0
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+KPX r w 0
+KPX r v 18
+KPX r u 0
+KPX r t 18
+KPX r r 0
+KPX r quoteright 0
+KPX r q -18
+KPX r period -92
+KPX r o -18
+KPX r n 18
+KPX r m 18
+KPX r hyphen -12
+KPX r h 0
+KPX r g 18
+KPX r f 18
+KPX r e -18
+KPX r d -18
+KPX r comma -92
+KPX r c -18
+KPX v period -74
+KPX v comma -74
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+KPX w comma -55
+KPX y period -92
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+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 194 196 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 0 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 194 196 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 139 0 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 222 0 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 167 0 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 222 196 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 222 196 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 250 196 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 250 196 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 250 196 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 250 196 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 0 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 28 196 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 196 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 196 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 196 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 194 196 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 194 196 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 194 196 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 194 196 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 0 ;
+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 222 196 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 222 196 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 222 196 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 222 196 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 0 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 250 196 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 250 196 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 250 196 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 250 196 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 0 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 222 196 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 0 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 250 196 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 0 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 250 196 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 0 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 222 196 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 167 0 ;
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+C 72 ; WX 464 ; N H ; B 22 0 442 712 ;
+C 73 ; WX 204 ; N I ; B 19 0 185 712 ;
+C 74 ; WX 464 ; N J ; B 17 -14 435 712 ;
+C 75 ; WX 464 ; N K ; B 22 0 454 712 ;
+C 76 ; WX 370 ; N L ; B 20 0 366 712 ;
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+C 81 ; WX 464 ; N Q ; B 22 -128 442 726 ;
+C 82 ; WX 464 ; N R ; B 20 0 464 712 ;
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+C 205 ; WX 204 ; N hungarumlaut ; B -65 639 291 780 ;
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+C 207 ; WX 204 ; N caron ; B -47 639 252 780 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 0 262 1000 374 ;
+C 225 ; WX 667 ; N AE ; B 7 0 653 712 ;
+C 227 ; WX 256 ; N ordfeminine ; B 3 374 253 726 ;
+C 232 ; WX 370 ; N Lslash ; B -11 0 366 712 ;
+C 233 ; WX 464 ; N Oslash ; B 22 -41 442 759 ;
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+C 241 ; WX 630 ; N ae ; B 15 -7 615 579 ;
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+C 251 ; WX 426 ; N germandbls ; B 22 -7 404 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N ecircumflex ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N edieresis ; B 22 -7 404 773 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N aacute ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 13 -14 787 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N icircumflex ; B -48 0 251 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N udieresis ; B 22 -7 404 773 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N ograve ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N uacute ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N ucircumflex ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Aacute ; B 11 0 452 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N igrave ; B -39 0 181 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N Icircumflex ; B -48 0 251 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N ccedilla ; B 22 -244 404 579 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N adieresis ; B 22 -7 404 773 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 20 0 364 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N scaron ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N thorn ; B 22 -128 404 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 36 300 964 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N egrave ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 277 ; N threesuperior ; B 3 281 274 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N zcaron ; B 3 0 330 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N atilde ; B 22 -7 404 766 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N aring ; B 22 -7 404 875 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N ocircumflex ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Edieresis ; B 20 0 364 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 694 ; N threequarters ; B 22 -14 672 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N ydieresis ; B 12 -128 413 773 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N yacute ; B 12 -128 413 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N iacute ; B 23 0 243 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Acircumflex ; B 11 0 452 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Uacute ; B 22 -14 442 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N eacute ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Ograve ; B 22 -14 442 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N agrave ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Udieresis ; B 22 -14 442 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N acircumflex ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N Igrave ; B -39 0 185 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 277 ; N twosuperior ; B 1 290 276 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Ugrave ; B 22 -14 442 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 694 ; N onequarter ; B 22 -14 672 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 22 -14 442 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Scaron ; B 22 -14 442 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N Idieresis ; B -37 0 241 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N idieresis ; B -37 0 241 773 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Egrave ; B 20 0 364 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Oacute ; B 22 -14 442 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 46 -14 554 586 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Atilde ; B 11 0 452 881 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Aring ; B 11 0 452 990 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Odieresis ; B 22 -14 442 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Adieresis ; B 11 0 452 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ntilde ; B 16 0 484 881 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Zcaron ; B 5 0 365 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Thorn ; B 22 0 442 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N Iacute ; B 19 0 243 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 46 32 554 540 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 46 5 554 511 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Eacute ; B 20 0 364 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Ydieresis ; B 8 0 456 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 277 ; N onesuperior ; B 5 290 189 717 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N ugrave ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 46 162 554 459 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N ntilde ; B 22 0 404 766 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Otilde ; B 22 -14 442 881 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N otilde ; B 22 -7 404 766 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Ccedilla ; B 22 -244 442 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Agrave ; B 11 0 452 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 694 ; N onehalf ; B 22 -14 673 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Eth ; B -3 0 442 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 426 343 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Yacute ; B 8 0 456 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 464 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 22 -14 442 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N oacute ; B 22 -7 404 780 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N mu ; B 22 -128 404 572 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 46 218 554 354 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N eth ; B 22 -7 404 751 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N odieresis ; B 22 -7 404 773 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 13 -14 787 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 43 -175 179 675 ;
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+KPX T comma -111
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+KPX T c -92
+KPX T a -92
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+KPX V y -18
+KPX V u -18
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+KPX V period -92
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+KPX V hyphen -37
+KPX V e -37
+KPX V comma -92
+KPX V colon -55
+KPX V a -37
+KPX V A -74
+KPX W y -18
+KPX W u -18
+KPX W semicolon -37
+KPX W r -18
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+KPX W o -37
+KPX W i -18
+KPX W hyphen -37
+KPX W e -37
+KPX W comma -74
+KPX W colon -37
+KPX W a -37
+KPX W A -74
+KPX Y v -37
+KPX Y u -37
+KPX Y semicolon -55
+KPX Y q -55
+KPX Y period -111
+KPX Y p -37
+KPX Y o -55
+KPX Y i -37
+KPX Y hyphen -74
+KPX Y e -55
+KPX Y comma -111
+KPX Y colon -55
+KPX Y a -55
+KPX Y A -92
+KPX quoteright t -18
+KPX quoteright s -74
+KPX r period -129
+KPX r comma -129
+KPX v period -92
+KPX v comma -92
+KPX w period -74
+KPX w comma -74
+KPX y period -111
+KPX y comma -111
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 130 115 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 130 115 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 130 115 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 130 115 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 130 115 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 130 115 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 115 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 83 115 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 115 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 83 115 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 115 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 115 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 115 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 115 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 148 115 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 130 115 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 130 115 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 130 115 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 130 115 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 130 115 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 130 115 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 130 115 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 130 115 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 130 115 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 130 115 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 130 115 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 130 115 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 83 115 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 111 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 111 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 65 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ntilde ; B 77 0 534 943 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ucircumflex ; B 77 -15 424 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 74 0 451 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 73 0 271 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ccedilla ; B 53 -224 503 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Odieresis ; B 59 -18 553 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 51 -18 505 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Edieresis ; B 74 0 451 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B 8 0 206 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N adieresis ; B 31 -15 417 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ograve ; B 59 -18 553 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Egrave ; B 74 0 451 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ydieresis ; B 11 0 546 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 8 -18 792 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Otilde ; B 59 -18 553 943 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 34 0 716 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ugrave ; B 81 -18 531 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 81 -18 531 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Thorn ; B 86 0 519 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N divide ; B 44 3 457 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Atilde ; B 11 0 546 943 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Uacute ; B 81 -18 531 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 59 -18 553 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N logicalnot ; B 44 117 457 384 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Aring ; B 11 0 546 990 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N idieresis ; B -3 0 226 750 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N aacute ; B 31 -15 417 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N plusminus ; B 44 0 457 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N multiply ; B 44 48 457 461 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Udieresis ; B 81 -18 531 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N minus ; B 44 219 457 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 67 300 233 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Eacute ; B 74 0 451 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Acircumflex ; B 11 0 546 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 8 -18 792 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Agrave ; B 11 0 546 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 51 -15 449 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 51 -15 449 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 450 350 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N igrave ; B -20 0 178 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B 75 -189 422 556 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Oacute ; B 59 -18 553 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 42 -15 440 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Adieresis ; B 11 0 546 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Yacute ; B 11 0 546 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 250 ; N brokenbar ; B 93 0 157 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 42 0 709 750 ;
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+KPX r u 0
+KPX r t 0
+KPX r r 0
+KPX r quoteright 0
+KPX r q 0
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+KPX r o 0
+KPX r n 0
+KPX r m 0
+KPX r hyphen -37
+KPX r h 0
+KPX r g 0
+KPX r f 20
+KPX r e 0
+KPX r d 0
+KPX r comma -74
+KPX r c -20
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 194 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 194 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 194 ;
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+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 194 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 194 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 194 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -27 194 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -27 194 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 194 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 194 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 194 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 194 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 194 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 194 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 194 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 194 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 112 194 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 194 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 194 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 194 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 194 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 194 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 194 ;
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+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 0 ;
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+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 56 0 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 56 0 ;
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+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 56 0 ;
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+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -55 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -55 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -55 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -55 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 84 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 84 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 56 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 56 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 28 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ccedilla ; B 55 -228 512 768 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Odieresis ; B 61 -18 551 945 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 49 -18 508 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Edieresis ; B 64 0 458 945 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B -26 0 223 961 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 42 -15 440 759 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Otilde ; B 61 -18 551 930 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 20 0 729 750 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 61 -18 551 956 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B -22 0 301 759 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 56 0 305 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B 42 -15 440 775 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Agrave ; B 9 0 547 961 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 53 -15 447 775 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B -26 0 223 775 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 46 -15 443 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Adieresis ; B 9 0 547 945 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Yacute ; B 12 0 545 961 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 12 0 739 750 ;
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+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 84 -20 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 -20 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 84 -20 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 46 -20 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 -10 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 56 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 105 -18 664 956 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 74 0 462 759 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 74 0 470 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B 68 -15 581 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N plusminus ; B 23 -15 556 513 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N multiply ; B 48 22 560 476 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Udieresis ; B 105 -18 703 945 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N minus ; B 67 194 540 304 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Eacute ; B 64 0 620 961 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Acircumflex ; B 9 0 617 956 ;
+C -1 ; WX 830 ; N copyright ; B 93 -18 897 768 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Agrave ; B 9 0 547 961 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 88 -15 573 759 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 88 -15 581 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 174 450 481 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 74 0 357 775 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B 18 -189 551 564 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Oacute ; B 105 -18 675 961 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 81 -15 538 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Adieresis ; B 9 0 641 945 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Yacute ; B 171 0 704 961 ;
+C -1 ; WX 250 ; N brokenbar ; B 75 0 334 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 108 0 813 750 ;
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+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 80 -20 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 80 -20 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 80 -20 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 42 -20 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 82 -10 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 42 -18 458 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 42 -18 458 782 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 14 0 736 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 49 310 251 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 42 -18 458 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N plusminus ; B 26 -12 475 510 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N scaron ; B 10 -18 431 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B 42 -189 458 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 1 0 743 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N threesuperior ; B 4 289 296 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 860 ; N trademark ; B 3 346 858 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 4 300 296 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N uacute ; B 46 -18 455 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ucircumflex ; B 46 -18 454 772 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N udieresis ; B 46 -18 449 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ugrave ; B 46 -18 449 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N yacute ; B 6 -189 433 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ydieresis ; B 6 -189 433 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N zcaron ; B -8 0 398 762 ;
+StartKernPairs 115
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+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 190 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 190 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 83 -20 ;
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+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 83 -20 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Zcaron ; B 10 0 628 952 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 48 -18 602 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 48 -18 553 782 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N edieresis ; B 66 -18 602 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N egrave ; B 66 -18 558 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 66 -18 553 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 60 0 510 782 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 60 0 491 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 60 0 378 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N logicalnot ; B 88 115 561 405 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N multiply ; B 58 38 550 472 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ntilde ; B 49 0 606 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 70 -18 621 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B 70 -18 585 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 70 -18 602 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 70 -18 546 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 108 0 812 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 130 0 787 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 180 310 410 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 70 -18 606 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N plusminus ; B 23 -12 558 510 ;
+C -1 ; WX 830 ; N registered ; B 91 -18 899 768 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N scaron ; B 39 -18 578 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B 2 -189 547 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 85 0 813 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N threesuperior ; B 88 289 423 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 860 ; N trademark ; B 144 346 1017 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 68 300 432 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N uacute ; B 64 -18 621 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ucircumflex ; B 64 -18 587 772 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N udieresis ; B 64 -18 602 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ugrave ; B 64 -18 568 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N yacute ; B 17 -189 593 782 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ydieresis ; B 17 -189 574 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N zcaron ; B 14 0 560 762 ;
+StartKernPairs 115
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+KPX V i 0
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+KPX V a -18
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+KPX W u 0
+KPX W semicolon 0
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+KPX Y v -18
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+KPX r d 0
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+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 55 170 ;
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+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -27 170 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N udieresis ; B 60 -14 379 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ugrave ; B 60 -14 379 744 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N ydieresis ; B 17 -191 373 719 ;
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+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 55 198 ;
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+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 28 0 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 198 ;
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+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 198 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 83 198 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 28 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 0 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 198 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 198 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 198 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 198 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 55 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 55 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 55 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 55 0 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 83 198 ;
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+C 44 ; WX 250 ; N comma ; B 49 -146 192 100 ;
+C 45 ; WX 333 ; N hyphen ; B 103 275 364 358 ;
+C 46 ; WX 250 ; N period ; B 80 0 192 100 ;
+C 47 ; WX 278 ; N slash ; B -19 -27 450 750 ;
+C 48 ; WX 500 ; N zero ; B 98 -15 563 750 ;
+C 49 ; WX 500 ; N one ; B 190 0 476 750 ;
+C 50 ; WX 500 ; N two ; B 44 0 562 750 ;
+C 51 ; WX 500 ; N three ; B 73 -15 552 750 ;
+C 52 ; WX 500 ; N four ; B 68 0 543 750 ;
+C 53 ; WX 500 ; N five ; B 75 -15 575 735 ;
+C 54 ; WX 500 ; N six ; B 91 -15 566 750 ;
+C 55 ; WX 500 ; N seven ; B 116 0 612 735 ;
+C 56 ; WX 500 ; N eight ; B 83 -15 559 750 ;
+C 57 ; WX 500 ; N nine ; B 91 -15 566 750 ;
+C 58 ; WX 250 ; N colon ; B 80 0 287 547 ;
+C 59 ; WX 250 ; N semicolon ; B 49 -146 287 547 ;
+C 60 ; WX 500 ; N less ; B 89 -10 569 518 ;
+C 61 ; WX 500 ; N equal ; B 70 124 539 384 ;
+C 62 ; WX 500 ; N greater ; B 40 -10 520 518 ;
+C 63 ; WX 500 ; N question ; B 169 0 586 750 ;
+C 64 ; WX 800 ; N at ; B 106 -15 863 750 ;
+C 65 ; WX 556 ; N A ; B 11 0 546 750 ;
+C 66 ; WX 556 ; N B ; B 80 0 610 750 ;
+C 67 ; WX 556 ; N C ; B 106 -18 624 765 ;
+C 68 ; WX 611 ; N D ; B 82 0 653 750 ;
+C 69 ; WX 500 ; N E ; B 74 0 608 750 ;
+C 70 ; WX 444 ; N F ; B 74 0 585 750 ;
+C 71 ; WX 611 ; N G ; B 109 -18 646 765 ;
+C 72 ; WX 611 ; N H ; B 79 0 691 750 ;
+C 73 ; WX 278 ; N I ; B 98 0 340 750 ;
+C 74 ; WX 444 ; N J ; B 52 -15 527 750 ;
+C 75 ; WX 556 ; N K ; B 79 0 698 750 ;
+C 76 ; WX 500 ; N L ; B 83 0 488 750 ;
+C 77 ; WX 778 ; N M ; B 76 0 861 750 ;
+C 78 ; WX 611 ; N N ; B 77 0 693 750 ;
+C 79 ; WX 611 ; N O ; B 116 -18 658 765 ;
+C 80 ; WX 556 ; N P ; B 86 0 641 750 ;
+C 81 ; WX 611 ; N Q ; B 116 -34 659 765 ;
+C 82 ; WX 611 ; N R ; B 86 0 655 750 ;
+C 83 ; WX 556 ; N S ; B 86 -18 611 765 ;
+C 84 ; WX 500 ; N T ; B 158 0 645 750 ;
+C 85 ; WX 611 ; N U ; B 114 -18 690 750 ;
+C 86 ; WX 556 ; N V ; B 170 0 704 750 ;
+C 87 ; WX 833 ; N W ; B 176 0 975 750 ;
+C 88 ; WX 556 ; N X ; B 17 0 692 750 ;
+C 89 ; WX 556 ; N Y ; B 170 0 705 750 ;
+C 90 ; WX 500 ; N Z ; B 28 0 627 750 ;
+C 91 ; WX 333 ; N bracketleft ; B 56 -209 434 750 ;
+C 92 ; WX 250 ; N backslash ; B 128 0 281 750 ;
+C 93 ; WX 333 ; N bracketright ; B 14 -209 392 750 ;
+C 94 ; WX 500 ; N asciicircum ; B 141 333 502 750 ;
+C 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B -25 -119 487 -61 ;
+C 96 ; WX 222 ; N quoteleft ; B 175 521 321 767 ;
+C 97 ; WX 444 ; N a ; B 55 -15 465 571 ;
+C 98 ; WX 500 ; N b ; B 75 -15 525 750 ;
+C 99 ; WX 444 ; N c ; B 85 -15 488 571 ;
+C 100 ; WX 500 ; N d ; B 88 -15 583 750 ;
+C 101 ; WX 444 ; N e ; B 86 -15 476 571 ;
+C 102 ; WX 278 ; N f ; B 93 0 418 752 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 500 ; N g ; B 53 -189 544 571 ;
+C 104 ; WX 500 ; N h ; B 73 0 524 750 ;
+C 105 ; WX 222 ; N i ; B 72 0 310 750 ;
+C 106 ; WX 222 ; N j ; B -27 -190 313 750 ;
+C 107 ; WX 444 ; N k ; B 69 0 552 750 ;
+C 108 ; WX 222 ; N l ; B 72 0 310 750 ;
+C 109 ; WX 778 ; N m ; B 76 0 799 571 ;
+C 110 ; WX 500 ; N n ; B 73 0 524 571 ;
+C 111 ; WX 500 ; N o ; B 96 -15 524 571 ;
+C 112 ; WX 500 ; N p ; B 32 -188 524 571 ;
+C 113 ; WX 500 ; N q ; B 100 -184 544 571 ;
+C 114 ; WX 333 ; N r ; B 81 0 441 563 ;
+C 115 ; WX 444 ; N s ; B 68 -15 473 571 ;
+C 116 ; WX 278 ; N t ; B 101 0 375 707 ;
+C 117 ; WX 500 ; N u ; B 99 -15 542 556 ;
+C 118 ; WX 444 ; N v ; B 131 0 549 556 ;
+C 119 ; WX 667 ; N w ; B 137 0 767 556 ;
+C 120 ; WX 444 ; N x ; B 9 0 548 556 ;
+C 121 ; WX 444 ; N y ; B -13 -190 543 556 ;
+C 122 ; WX 389 ; N z ; B 24 0 482 556 ;
+C 123 ; WX 274 ; N braceleft ; B 77 -95 425 750 ;
+C 124 ; WX 250 ; N bar ; B 93 0 316 750 ;
+C 125 ; WX 274 ; N braceright ; B -12 -95 337 750 ;
+C 126 ; WX 500 ; N asciitilde ; B 89 166 520 345 ;
+C 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B 83 -179 333 571 ;
+C 162 ; WX 500 ; N cent ; B 94 -137 499 667 ;
+C 163 ; WX 500 ; N sterling ; B 40 -15 589 750 ;
+C 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -174 0 500 750 ;
+C 165 ; WX 500 ; N yen ; B 88 0 677 750 ;
+C 166 ; WX 500 ; N florin ; B -28 -192 645 750 ;
+C 167 ; WX 500 ; N section ; B 51 -208 552 750 ;
+C 168 ; WX 500 ; N currency ; B 51 50 576 553 ;
+C 169 ; WX 250 ; N quotesingle ; B 208 513 308 739 ;
+C 170 ; WX 389 ; N quotedblleft ; B 173 521 490 767 ;
+C 171 ; WX 500 ; N guillemotleft ; B 145 125 520 495 ;
+C 172 ; WX 278 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 124 125 320 495 ;
+C 173 ; WX 278 ; N guilsinglright ; B 90 125 286 495 ;
+C 174 ; WX 500 ; N fi ; B 93 0 584 752 ;
+C 175 ; WX 500 ; N fl ; B 93 0 584 752 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 58 275 573 345 ;
+C 178 ; WX 500 ; N dagger ; B 137 -176 573 750 ;
+C 179 ; WX 500 ; N daggerdbl ; B 50 -176 572 750 ;
+C 180 ; WX 250 ; N periodcentered ; B 123 204 236 304 ;
+C 182 ; WX 440 ; N paragraph ; B 113 -116 550 750 ;
+C 183 ; WX 333 ; N bullet ; B 91 222 401 529 ;
+C 184 ; WX 222 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 33 -146 179 100 ;
+C 185 ; WX 389 ; N quotedblbase ; B 31 -146 348 100 ;
+C 186 ; WX 389 ; N quotedblright ; B 169 504 486 750 ;
+C 187 ; WX 500 ; N guillemotright ; B 112 125 487 495 ;
+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 121 0 899 100 ;
+C 189 ; WX 1111 ; N perthousand ; B 157 -16 1118 750 ;
+C 191 ; WX 500 ; N questiondown ; B 33 -190 450 559 ;
+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 198 624 366 765 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 233 624 461 765 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 154 624 446 765 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 132 633 496 749 ;
+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 150 657 475 715 ;
+C 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 172 629 484 765 ;
+C 199 ; WX 250 ; N dotaccent ; B 224 650 324 750 ;
+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 190 650 440 750 ;
+C 202 ; WX 250 ; N ring ; B 169 593 377 796 ;
+C 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 23 -224 255 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 194 624 603 765 ;
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+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 184 624 476 765 ;
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+C 241 ; WX 667 ; N ae ; B 50 -15 711 571 ;
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+C 249 ; WX 500 ; N oslash ; B 19 -46 591 582 ;
+C 250 ; WX 722 ; N oe ; B 81 -15 758 571 ;
+C 251 ; WX 500 ; N germandbls ; B 71 -5 548 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Zcaron ; B 28 0 627 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 79 -224 488 571 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ydieresis ; B -13 -190 543 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N atilde ; B 55 -15 552 749 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N icircumflex ; B 72 0 391 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N threesuperior ; B 102 291 409 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecircumflex ; B 86 -15 502 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B 32 -188 524 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N egrave ; B 86 -15 476 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 83 300 413 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N eacute ; B 86 -15 517 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 96 -15 580 749 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Aacute ; B 11 0 614 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B 96 -15 530 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N yacute ; B -13 -190 543 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N udieresis ; B 99 -15 542 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 106 0 831 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N acircumflex ; B 55 -15 502 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eth ; B 67 0 653 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N edieresis ; B 86 -15 496 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ugrave ; B 99 -15 542 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N trademark ; B 147 329 878 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 96 -15 524 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N scaron ; B 68 -15 532 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B 98 0 455 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N uacute ; B 99 -15 545 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N agrave ; B 55 -15 465 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ntilde ; B 73 0 580 749 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N aring ; B 55 -15 474 796 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N zcaron ; B 24 0 504 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B 98 0 460 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ntilde ; B 77 0 693 943 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ucircumflex ; B 99 -15 542 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 74 0 608 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 98 0 475 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ccedilla ; B 106 -224 624 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Odieresis ; B 116 -18 658 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 86 -18 629 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Edieresis ; B 74 0 608 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B 98 0 380 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N adieresis ; B 55 -15 496 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ograve ; B 116 -18 658 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Egrave ; B 74 0 608 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ydieresis ; B 170 0 705 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 79 -18 881 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Otilde ; B 116 -18 676 943 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 143 0 817 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ugrave ; B 114 -18 690 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 114 -18 690 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Thorn ; B 86 0 607 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N divide ; B 91 3 518 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Atilde ; B 11 0 649 943 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Uacute ; B 114 -18 690 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 116 -18 658 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N logicalnot ; B 111 117 539 384 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Aring ; B 11 0 571 990 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N idieresis ; B 72 0 385 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N iacute ; B 72 0 406 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N aacute ; B 55 -15 517 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N plusminus ; B 44 0 531 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N multiply ; B 65 48 544 461 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Udieresis ; B 114 -18 690 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N minus ; B 91 219 518 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 200 300 392 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Eacute ; B 74 0 608 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Acircumflex ; B 11 0 599 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 79 -18 880 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Agrave ; B 11 0 546 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 96 -15 524 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 96 -15 545 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 174 450 481 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N igrave ; B 72 0 311 765 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B 35 -189 540 556 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Oacute ; B 116 -18 658 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 87 -15 548 770 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Adieresis ; B 11 0 594 944 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Yacute ; B 170 0 705 959 ;
+C -1 ; WX 250 ; N brokenbar ; B 93 0 316 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 91 0 777 750 ;
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+KPX Y v -18
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+KPX Y i -18
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+KPX Y colon -37
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+KPX Y A -55
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+KPX f f 0
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+KPX r y 18
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+KPX r w 18
+KPX r v 18
+KPX r u 0
+KPX r t 0
+KPX r r 0
+KPX r quoteright 0
+KPX r q 0
+KPX r period -74
+KPX r o 0
+KPX r n 0
+KPX r m 0
+KPX r hyphen -37
+KPX r h 0
+KPX r g 0
+KPX r f 20
+KPX r e 0
+KPX r d 0
+KPX r comma -74
+KPX r c -20
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+KPX v comma -55
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 153 194 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 153 194 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 153 194 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 153 194 ;
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+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 153 194 ;
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+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 125 194 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 125 194 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 125 194 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 125 194 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 14 194 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 14 194 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 14 194 ;
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+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 180 194 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 180 194 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 180 194 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 180 194 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 180 194 ;
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+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 153 194 ;
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+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 56 0 ;
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+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 56 0 ;
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+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 56 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -55 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -55 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -55 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -55 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 84 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 84 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 56 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 56 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 28 0 ;
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+C 74 ; WX 370 ; N J ; B 19 -14 351 712 ;
+C 75 ; WX 370 ; N K ; B 13 0 367 712 ;
+C 76 ; WX 296 ; N L ; B 19 0 285 712 ;
+C 77 ; WX 593 ; N M ; B 23 0 570 712 ;
+C 78 ; WX 426 ; N N ; B 23 0 403 712 ;
+C 79 ; WX 370 ; N O ; B 19 -14 351 726 ;
+C 80 ; WX 370 ; N P ; B 19 0 351 712 ;
+C 81 ; WX 370 ; N Q ; B 19 -128 351 726 ;
+C 82 ; WX 370 ; N R ; B 19 0 372 712 ;
+C 83 ; WX 370 ; N S ; B 17 -14 354 726 ;
+C 84 ; WX 333 ; N T ; B 1 0 332 712 ;
+C 85 ; WX 370 ; N U ; B 19 -14 351 712 ;
+C 86 ; WX 370 ; N V ; B 2 0 368 712 ;
+C 87 ; WX 593 ; N W ; B -1 0 594 712 ;
+C 88 ; WX 370 ; N X ; B -5 0 374 712 ;
+C 89 ; WX 370 ; N Y ; B 2 0 368 712 ;
+C 90 ; WX 296 ; N Z ; B 4 0 291 712 ;
+C 91 ; WX 296 ; N bracketleft ; B 38 -95 258 726 ;
+C 92 ; WX 278 ; N backslash ; B -54 -14 332 726 ;
+C 93 ; WX 296 ; N bracketright ; B 38 -95 258 726 ;
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+C 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 500 -75 ;
+C 96 ; WX 167 ; N quoteleft ; B 9 457 158 712 ;
+C 97 ; WX 333 ; N a ; B 17 -7 325 579 ;
+C 98 ; WX 333 ; N b ; B 17 -7 316 712 ;
+C 99 ; WX 333 ; N c ; B 17 -7 316 579 ;
+C 100 ; WX 333 ; N d ; B 17 -7 316 712 ;
+C 101 ; WX 333 ; N e ; B 17 -7 316 579 ;
+C 102 ; WX 204 ; N f ; B 6 0 202 712 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 333 ; N g ; B 17 -128 316 579 ;
+C 104 ; WX 333 ; N h ; B 17 0 316 712 ;
+C 105 ; WX 167 ; N i ; B 20 0 147 712 ;
+C 106 ; WX 167 ; N j ; B -28 -128 152 712 ;
+C 107 ; WX 333 ; N k ; B 19 0 331 712 ;
+C 108 ; WX 167 ; N l ; B 20 0 147 712 ;
+C 109 ; WX 500 ; N m ; B 14 0 485 579 ;
+C 110 ; WX 333 ; N n ; B 17 0 316 579 ;
+C 111 ; WX 333 ; N o ; B 17 -7 316 579 ;
+C 112 ; WX 333 ; N p ; B 19 -128 318 579 ;
+C 113 ; WX 333 ; N q ; B 17 -128 316 579 ;
+C 114 ; WX 333 ; N r ; B 17 0 316 579 ;
+C 115 ; WX 333 ; N s ; B 14 -7 319 579 ;
+C 116 ; WX 204 ; N t ; B 3 0 201 676 ;
+C 117 ; WX 333 ; N u ; B 17 -7 316 572 ;
+C 118 ; WX 333 ; N v ; B 5 0 327 572 ;
+C 119 ; WX 537 ; N w ; B 3 0 535 572 ;
+C 120 ; WX 333 ; N x ; B 1 0 332 572 ;
+C 121 ; WX 333 ; N y ; B 4 -128 328 572 ;
+C 122 ; WX 259 ; N z ; B 9 0 250 572 ;
+C 123 ; WX 333 ; N braceleft ; B 38 -95 295 726 ;
+C 124 ; WX 222 ; N bar ; B 53 -250 169 750 ;
+C 125 ; WX 333 ; N braceright ; B 38 -102 295 719 ;
+C 126 ; WX 556 ; N asciitilde ; B 47 200 509 386 ;
+C 161 ; WX 259 ; N exclamdown ; B 66 -114 193 598 ;
+C 162 ; WX 370 ; N cent ; B 34 -68 333 630 ;
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+C 164 ; WX 130 ; N fraction ; B -123 -14 266 726 ;
+C 165 ; WX 370 ; N yen ; B 2 0 368 712 ;
+C 166 ; WX 370 ; N florin ; B -13 -128 383 726 ;
+C 167 ; WX 426 ; N section ; B 24 -62 401 726 ;
+C 168 ; WX 370 ; N currency ; B 4 113 366 477 ;
+C 169 ; WX 222 ; N quotesingle ; B 51 441 171 712 ;
+C 170 ; WX 333 ; N quotedblleft ; B 8 457 324 712 ;
+C 171 ; WX 333 ; N guillemotleft ; B 12 85 316 535 ;
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+C 173 ; WX 167 ; N guilsinglright ; B 13 85 154 535 ;
+C 174 ; WX 370 ; N fi ; B 9 0 360 712 ;
+C 175 ; WX 370 ; N fl ; B 9 0 360 712 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 0 266 500 354 ;
+C 178 ; WX 426 ; N dagger ; B 20 -73 406 712 ;
+C 179 ; WX 426 ; N daggerdbl ; B 20 -62 406 712 ;
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+C 235 ; WX 200 ; N ordmasculine ; B 10 375 179 726 ;
+C 241 ; WX 500 ; N ae ; B 14 -7 485 579 ;
+C 245 ; WX 167 ; N dotlessi ; B 20 0 147 572 ;
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+C 251 ; WX 333 ; N germandbls ; B 17 -7 316 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ecircumflex ; B 17 -7 316 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N edieresis ; B 17 -7 316 741 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N aacute ; B 17 -7 325 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 16 -14 784 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 167 ; N icircumflex ; B -60 0 226 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N udieresis ; B 17 -7 316 741 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ograve ; B 17 -7 316 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N uacute ; B 17 -7 316 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ucircumflex ; B 17 -7 316 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Aacute ; B -4 0 374 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 167 ; N igrave ; B -45 0 147 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N Icircumflex ; B -41 0 245 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ccedilla ; B 17 -235 316 579 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N adieresis ; B 17 -7 325 741 ;
+C -1 ; WX 296 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 5 0 291 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N scaron ; B 14 -7 319 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N thorn ; B 19 -128 318 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 36 300 964 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N egrave ; B 17 -7 316 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 240 ; N threesuperior ; B 12 282 228 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 259 ; N zcaron ; B -12 0 277 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N atilde ; B 17 -7 325 738 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N aring ; B 17 -7 325 822 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ocircumflex ; B 17 -7 316 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 296 ; N Edieresis ; B 19 0 287 875 ;
+C -1 ; WX 555 ; N threequarters ; B 7 -14 547 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ydieresis ; B 4 -128 328 741 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N yacute ; B 4 -128 328 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 167 ; N iacute ; B 20 0 233 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Acircumflex ; B -4 0 374 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Uacute ; B 19 -14 351 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N eacute ; B 17 -7 316 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Ograve ; B 19 -14 351 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N agrave ; B 17 -7 325 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Udieresis ; B 19 -14 351 875 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N acircumflex ; B 17 -7 325 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N Igrave ; B -26 0 172 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 240 ; N twosuperior ; B 12 290 228 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Ugrave ; B 19 -14 351 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 555 ; N onequarter ; B 20 -14 547 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 19 -14 351 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Scaron ; B 17 -14 354 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N Idieresis ; B -27 0 232 875 ;
+C -1 ; WX 167 ; N idieresis ; B -46 0 213 741 ;
+C -1 ; WX 296 ; N Egrave ; B 20 0 287 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Oacute ; B 19 -14 351 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N divide ; B 33 16 523 556 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Atilde ; B -4 0 374 872 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Aring ; B -4 0 374 956 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Odieresis ; B 19 -14 351 875 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Adieresis ; B -4 0 374 875 ;
+C -1 ; WX 426 ; N Ntilde ; B 23 0 403 872 ;
+C -1 ; WX 296 ; N Zcaron ; B 4 0 296 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Thorn ; B 19 0 351 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 204 ; N Iacute ; B 31 0 252 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N plusminus ; B 33 40 523 532 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N multiply ; B 33 40 523 532 ;
+C -1 ; WX 296 ; N Eacute ; B 23 0 298 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Ydieresis ; B 2 0 368 875 ;
+C -1 ; WX 240 ; N onesuperior ; B 49 290 193 717 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ugrave ; B 17 -7 316 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N logicalnot ; B 33 149 523 460 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ntilde ; B 17 0 316 738 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Otilde ; B 19 -14 351 872 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N otilde ; B 17 -7 316 738 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Ccedilla ; B 19 -235 351 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Agrave ; B -4 0 374 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 555 ; N onehalf ; B 20 -14 547 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Eth ; B -10 0 351 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 426 343 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Yacute ; B 2 0 368 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 19 -14 351 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N oacute ; B 17 -7 316 755 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N mu ; B 17 -128 316 572 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N minus ; B 33 228 523 344 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N eth ; B 17 -7 316 751 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N odieresis ; B 17 -7 316 741 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 16 -14 784 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 53 -175 169 675 ;
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+KPX T o -74
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+KPX T c -74
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+KPX T A -74
+KPX V y -18
+KPX V u -18
+KPX V semicolon -18
+KPX V r -18
+KPX V period -55
+KPX V o -18
+KPX V i -18
+KPX V hyphen -55
+KPX V e -18
+KPX V comma -74
+KPX V colon -18
+KPX V a -18
+KPX V A -55
+KPX W semicolon -18
+KPX W period -37
+KPX W o -18
+KPX W hyphen -55
+KPX W e -18
+KPX W comma -55
+KPX W colon -18
+KPX W a -18
+KPX W A -55
+KPX Y v -18
+KPX Y u -18
+KPX Y semicolon -37
+KPX Y q -55
+KPX Y period -74
+KPX Y p -18
+KPX Y o -55
+KPX Y i -18
+KPX Y hyphen -92
+KPX Y e -55
+KPX Y comma -92
+KPX Y colon -37
+KPX Y a -55
+KPX Y A -55
+KPX quoteright t -18
+KPX quoteright s -55
+KPX r period -129
+KPX r hyphen -18
+KPX r comma -129
+KPX v period -55
+KPX v comma -55
+KPX w period -55
+KPX w comma -55
+KPX y period -55
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+StartComposites 56
+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 102 134 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 102 134 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 102 134 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 102 134 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 102 134 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 102 134 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 65 134 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 65 134 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 65 134 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 65 134 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 19 134 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 19 134 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 19 134 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 19 134 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 130 134 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 102 134 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 102 134 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 102 134 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 102 134 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 102 134 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 102 134 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 102 134 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 102 134 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 102 134 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 102 134 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 102 134 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 102 134 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 65 134 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 83 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 83 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 83 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 83 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 83 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 83 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 83 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 83 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 83 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 83 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 83 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 83 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 83 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 46 0 ;
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+C 114 ; WX 333 ; N r ; B 75 0 306 532 ;
+C 115 ; WX 500 ; N s ; B 46 -14 454 532 ;
+C 116 ; WX 278 ; N t ; B 20 -14 254 662 ;
+C 117 ; WX 556 ; N u ; B 72 -14 483 518 ;
+C 118 ; WX 500 ; N v ; B 17 0 483 518 ;
+C 119 ; WX 722 ; N w ; B 15 0 707 518 ;
+C 120 ; WX 500 ; N x ; B 18 0 481 518 ;
+C 121 ; WX 500 ; N y ; B 18 -204 482 518 ;
+C 122 ; WX 500 ; N z ; B 33 0 467 518 ;
+C 123 ; WX 333 ; N braceleft ; B 45 -191 279 739 ;
+C 124 ; WX 222 ; N bar ; B 81 0 141 739 ;
+C 125 ; WX 333 ; N braceright ; B 51 -187 285 743 ;
+C 126 ; WX 660 ; N asciitilde ; B 80 174 580 339 ;
+C 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B 130 -187 203 532 ;
+C 162 ; WX 556 ; N cent ; B 45 -141 506 647 ;
+C 163 ; WX 556 ; N sterling ; B 25 -14 530 705 ;
+C 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -164 -14 331 705 ;
+C 165 ; WX 556 ; N yen ; B 4 0 552 720 ;
+C 166 ; WX 556 ; N florin ; B 13 -196 539 734 ;
+C 167 ; WX 556 ; N section ; B 48 -181 508 739 ;
+C 168 ; WX 556 ; N currency ; B 27 50 529 553 ;
+C 169 ; WX 222 ; N quotesingle ; B 85 494 137 720 ;
+C 170 ; WX 389 ; N quotedblleft ; B 86 495 310 720 ;
+C 171 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotleft ; B 113 117 443 404 ;
+C 172 ; WX 389 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 121 117 267 404 ;
+C 173 ; WX 389 ; N guilsinglright ; B 122 117 268 404 ;
+C 174 ; WX 500 ; N fi ; B 13 0 435 734 ;
+C 175 ; WX 500 ; N fl ; B 13 0 432 734 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 0 238 500 282 ;
+C 178 ; WX 556 ; N dagger ; B 37 -166 519 720 ;
+C 179 ; WX 556 ; N daggerdbl ; B 37 -166 519 720 ;
+C 180 ; WX 278 ; N periodcentered ; B 90 301 187 398 ;
+C 182 ; WX 650 ; N paragraph ; B 66 -146 506 720 ;
+C 183 ; WX 500 ; N bullet ; B 70 180 430 540 ;
+C 184 ; WX 222 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 80 -137 153 88 ;
+C 185 ; WX 389 ; N quotedblbase ; B 79 -137 303 88 ;
+C 186 ; WX 389 ; N quotedblright ; B 79 495 303 720 ;
+C 187 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotright ; B 113 117 443 404 ;
+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 131 0 870 88 ;
+C 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 14 -14 985 705 ;
+C 191 ; WX 500 ; N questiondown ; B 28 -207 463 532 ;
+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 45 574 234 713 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 109 574 297 713 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 24 574 318 713 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 16 586 329 688 ;
+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 23 612 319 657 ;
+C 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 28 580 316 706 ;
+C 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 134 584 199 686 ;
+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 60 584 284 686 ;
+C 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 67 578 266 777 ;
+C 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 54 -207 257 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 109 574 459 713 ;
+C 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 74 -190 228 0 ;
+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 24 574 318 713 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 0 238 1000 282 ;
+C 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 5 0 960 720 ;
+C 227 ; WX 334 ; N ordfeminine ; B 8 307 325 739 ;
+C 232 ; WX 556 ; N Lslash ; B 0 0 535 720 ;
+C 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 42 -37 736 747 ;
+C 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 41 -19 967 739 ;
+C 235 ; WX 334 ; N ordmasculine ; B 11 307 323 739 ;
+C 241 ; WX 889 ; N ae ; B 39 -14 847 532 ;
+C 245 ; WX 222 ; N dotlessi ; B 78 0 138 518 ;
+C 248 ; WX 222 ; N lslash ; B 10 0 212 720 ;
+C 249 ; WX 556 ; N oslash ; B 35 -23 521 541 ;
+C 250 ; WX 944 ; N oe ; B 36 -14 904 532 ;
+C 251 ; WX 500 ; N germandbls ; B 52 -14 459 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aacute ; B 15 0 651 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Acircumflex ; B 15 0 651 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Adieresis ; B 15 0 651 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Agrave ; B 15 0 651 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aring ; B 15 0 651 979 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Atilde ; B 15 0 651 890 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 48 -207 670 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 81 0 570 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 81 0 570 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 81 0 570 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B 81 0 570 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 10 0 669 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 62 0 250 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B -23 0 271 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B 13 0 237 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B 18 0 207 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 79 0 642 890 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 53 -19 724 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 53 -19 724 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 53 -19 724 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 53 -19 724 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 53 -19 724 890 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Scaron ; B 43 -19 567 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B 78 0 576 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 82 -19 640 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 82 -19 640 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 82 -19 640 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 82 -19 640 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Yacute ; B 12 0 598 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ydieresis ; B 12 0 598 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 31 0 579 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 46 -14 534 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 46 -14 534 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 46 -14 534 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 46 -14 534 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 46 -14 534 777 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 46 -14 534 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 81 0 141 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ccedilla ; B 47 -207 508 532 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 21 -19 779 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 405 350 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N divide ; B 80 0 580 500 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eacute ; B 45 -14 511 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecircumflex ; B 45 -14 511 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 45 -14 511 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N egrave ; B 45 -14 511 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 38 -14 518 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N iacute ; B 34 0 222 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N icircumflex ; B -51 0 243 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N idieresis ; B -15 0 209 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N igrave ; B -10 0 179 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N logicalnot ; B 80 112 580 378 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N minus ; B 80 220 580 280 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 72 -204 483 518 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N multiply ; B 83 6 578 500 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 72 0 483 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 38 -14 518 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 38 -14 518 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 38 -14 518 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ograve ; B 38 -14 518 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 40 -14 794 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 40 -14 794 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 87 316 247 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N otilde ; B 38 -14 518 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N plusminus ; B 80 0 580 500 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 21 -19 779 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N scaron ; B 46 -14 454 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N thorn ; B 79 -204 555 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 40 -14 794 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 11 308 322 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 940 ; N trademark ; B 29 299 859 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 15 316 318 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 72 -14 483 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 72 -14 483 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 72 -14 483 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 72 -14 483 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B 18 -204 482 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B 18 -204 482 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 33 0 467 713 ;
+StartKernPairs 115
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+KPX Y e -92
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+KPX Y a -92
+KPX Y A -74
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+KPX f f -18
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+KPX quoteright s -74
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+KPX r y 18
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+KPX r w 0
+KPX r v 0
+KPX r u 0
+KPX r t 18
+KPX r r 0
+KPX r quoteright 0
+KPX r q -18
+KPX r period -92
+KPX r o -18
+KPX r n 18
+KPX r m 18
+KPX r hyphen -55
+KPX r h 0
+KPX r g 0
+KPX r f 18
+KPX r e -18
+KPX r d -18
+KPX r comma -92
+KPX r c -18
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+KPX v comma -74
+KPX w period -55
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+KPX y period -92
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+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 139 202 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 83 0 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 139 202 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 83 0 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 194 0 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 111 0 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 202 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 202 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 194 202 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 194 202 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 194 202 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 194 202 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -47 202 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -47 202 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -47 202 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 202 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -75 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -75 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -75 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -55 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 202 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 202 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 202 ;
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+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 202 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 202 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 202 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 202 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 222 202 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 222 202 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 222 202 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 222 202 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 202 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 194 202 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 222 202 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
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+C 37 ; WX 889 ; N percent ; B 176 -14 860 705 ;
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+C 39 ; WX 222 ; N quoteright ; B 185 495 306 720 ;
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+C 64 ; WX 800 ; N at ; B 108 -19 857 739 ;
+C 65 ; WX 667 ; N A ; B 15 0 651 720 ;
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+C 67 ; WX 722 ; N C ; B 111 -19 771 739 ;
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+C 70 ; WX 556 ; N F ; B 74 0 691 720 ;
+C 71 ; WX 778 ; N G ; B 116 -19 796 739 ;
+C 72 ; WX 722 ; N H ; B 80 0 795 720 ;
+C 73 ; WX 278 ; N I ; B 105 0 326 720 ;
+C 74 ; WX 500 ; N J ; B 58 -19 568 720 ;
+C 75 ; WX 667 ; N K ; B 85 0 752 720 ;
+C 76 ; WX 556 ; N L ; B 81 0 547 720 ;
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+C 78 ; WX 722 ; N N ; B 79 0 795 720 ;
+C 79 ; WX 778 ; N O ; B 117 -19 812 739 ;
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+C 82 ; WX 667 ; N R ; B 80 0 726 720 ;
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+C 99 ; WX 556 ; N c ; B 92 -14 576 532 ;
+C 100 ; WX 611 ; N d ; B 101 -14 685 720 ;
+C 101 ; WX 556 ; N e ; B 90 -14 575 532 ;
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+C 107 ; WX 500 ; N k ; B 68 0 574 720 ;
+C 108 ; WX 222 ; N l ; B 81 0 294 720 ;
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+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 51 238 560 282 ;
+C 178 ; WX 556 ; N dagger ; B 130 -166 623 720 ;
+C 179 ; WX 556 ; N daggerdbl ; B 49 -166 625 720 ;
+C 180 ; WX 278 ; N periodcentered ; B 163 301 262 398 ;
+C 182 ; WX 650 ; N paragraph ; B 174 -146 659 720 ;
+C 183 ; WX 500 ; N bullet ; B 142 180 510 540 ;
+C 184 ; WX 222 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 51 -137 172 88 ;
+C 185 ; WX 389 ; N quotedblbase ; B 50 -137 322 88 ;
+C 186 ; WX 389 ; N quotedblright ; B 184 495 456 720 ;
+C 187 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotright ; B 138 117 505 404 ;
+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 131 0 889 88 ;
+C 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 83 -14 1020 705 ;
+C 191 ; WX 500 ; N questiondown ; B 19 -207 465 532 ;
+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 197 574 356 713 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 231 574 449 713 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 146 574 440 713 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 141 586 475 688 ;
+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 153 612 459 657 ;
+C 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 177 580 466 706 ;
+C 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 258 584 345 686 ;
+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 184 584 430 686 ;
+C 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 209 578 412 777 ;
+C 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 14 -207 233 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 231 574 611 713 ;
+C 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 50 -190 199 0 ;
+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 176 574 470 713 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 51 238 1060 282 ;
+C 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 5 0 1101 720 ;
+C 227 ; WX 334 ; N ordfeminine ; B 73 307 423 739 ;
+C 232 ; WX 556 ; N Lslash ; B 68 0 547 720 ;
+C 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 41 -37 887 747 ;
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+C 235 ; WX 334 ; N ordmasculine ; B 76 307 450 739 ;
+C 241 ; WX 889 ; N ae ; B 63 -14 913 532 ;
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+C 249 ; WX 556 ; N oslash ; B 36 -23 629 541 ;
+C 250 ; WX 944 ; N oe ; B 82 -14 970 532 ;
+C 251 ; WX 500 ; N germandbls ; B 52 -14 554 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aacute ; B 15 0 659 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Acircumflex ; B 15 0 651 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Adieresis ; B 15 0 651 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Agrave ; B 15 0 651 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aring ; B 15 0 651 979 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Atilde ; B 15 0 685 890 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 111 -207 771 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 81 0 713 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 81 0 713 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 81 0 713 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B 81 0 713 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 81 0 758 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 105 0 445 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B 105 0 436 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B 105 0 426 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B 105 0 372 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 79 0 795 890 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 117 -19 812 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 117 -19 812 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 117 -19 812 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 117 -19 812 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 117 -19 812 890 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Scaron ; B 82 -19 663 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B 78 0 661 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 129 -19 793 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 129 -19 793 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 129 -19 793 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 129 -19 793 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Yacute ; B 165 0 751 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ydieresis ; B 165 0 751 888 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 31 0 729 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 71 -14 561 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 71 -14 555 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 71 -14 555 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 71 -14 555 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 71 -14 555 777 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 71 -14 587 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 81 0 298 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ccedilla ; B 92 -207 576 532 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 89 -19 864 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 165 405 471 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N divide ; B 127 0 640 500 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eacute ; B 90 -14 575 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecircumflex ; B 90 -14 575 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 90 -14 575 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N egrave ; B 90 -14 575 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 84 -14 582 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N iacute ; B 78 0 374 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N icircumflex ; B 71 0 365 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N idieresis ; B 78 0 355 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N igrave ; B 78 0 301 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N logicalnot ; B 148 112 660 378 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N minus ; B 127 220 640 280 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 29 -204 593 518 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N multiply ; B 92 6 677 500 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 72 0 587 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 84 -14 582 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 84 -14 582 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 84 -14 582 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ograve ; B 84 -14 582 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 125 -14 862 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 165 -14 823 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 221 316 404 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N otilde ; B 84 -14 587 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 660 ; N plusminus ; B 80 0 650 500 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 89 -19 864 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N scaron ; B 78 -14 554 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N thorn ; B 36 -204 620 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 131 -14 853 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 102 308 444 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 940 ; N trademark ; B 174 299 1012 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 82 316 453 739 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 103 -14 593 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 103 -14 593 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 103 -14 593 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 103 -14 593 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B 26 -204 592 713 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B 26 -204 592 686 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 33 0 564 713 ;
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+KPX L V -92
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+KPX Y i -20
+KPX Y hyphen -111
+KPX Y e -92
+KPX Y comma -111
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+KPX Y a -92
+KPX Y A -74
+KPX f quoteright 18
+KPX f f -18
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+KPX quoteright s -74
+KPX quoteright quoteright -18
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+KPX r y 18
+KPX r x 0
+KPX r w 0
+KPX r v 0
+KPX r u 0
+KPX r t 18
+KPX r r 0
+KPX r quoteright 0
+KPX r q -18
+KPX r period -92
+KPX r o -18
+KPX r n 18
+KPX r m 18
+KPX r hyphen -55
+KPX r h 0
+KPX r g 0
+KPX r f 18
+KPX r e -18
+KPX r d -18
+KPX r comma -92
+KPX r c -18
+KPX v period -74
+KPX v comma -74
+KPX w period -55
+KPX w comma -55
+KPX y period -92
+KPX y comma -92
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+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 139 202 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 83 0 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 139 202 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 83 0 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 194 0 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 111 0 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 202 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 202 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 194 202 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 194 202 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 194 202 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 194 202 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -47 202 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -47 202 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -47 202 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 202 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -75 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -75 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -75 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -55 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 202 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 202 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 202 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 202 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 202 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 202 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 202 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 202 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 222 202 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 222 202 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 222 202 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 222 202 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 202 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 194 202 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 222 202 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 187 202 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 111 0 ;
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+C 232 ; WX 456 ; N Lslash ; B -16 0 440 718 ;
+C 233 ; WX 638 ; N Oslash ; B 32 -19 607 737 ;
+C 234 ; WX 820 ; N OE ; B 30 -19 791 737 ;
+C 235 ; WX 299 ; N ordmasculine ; B 20 304 280 737 ;
+C 241 ; WX 729 ; N ae ; B 30 -15 695 538 ;
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+C 248 ; WX 182 ; N lslash ; B -16 0 198 718 ;
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+C 250 ; WX 774 ; N oe ; B 29 -15 740 538 ;
+C 251 ; WX 501 ; N germandbls ; B 55 -15 468 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N Zcaron ; B 19 0 482 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N ccedilla ; B 25 -225 391 538 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N ydieresis ; B 9 -214 401 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N atilde ; B 30 -15 435 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N icircumflex ; B -5 0 234 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N threesuperior ; B 4 270 266 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ecircumflex ; B 33 -15 423 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N thorn ; B 48 -207 424 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N egrave ; B 33 -15 423 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N twosuperior ; B 3 281 265 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N eacute ; B 33 -15 423 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N otilde ; B 29 -14 427 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Aacute ; B 11 0 536 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ocircumflex ; B 29 -14 427 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N yacute ; B 9 -214 401 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N udieresis ; B 56 -15 401 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N threequarters ; B 37 -19 664 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N acircumflex ; B 30 -15 435 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Eth ; B 0 0 553 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N edieresis ; B 33 -15 423 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ugrave ; B 56 -15 401 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 820 ; N trademark ; B 38 306 740 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ograve ; B 29 -14 427 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N scaron ; B 26 -15 380 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Idieresis ; B 11 0 218 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N uacute ; B 56 -15 401 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N agrave ; B 30 -15 435 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ntilde ; B 53 0 403 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N aring ; B 30 -15 435 756 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N zcaron ; B 25 0 385 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Icircumflex ; B -5 0 234 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ntilde ; B 62 0 530 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ucircumflex ; B 56 -15 401 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 71 0 505 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Iacute ; B 75 0 239 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ccedilla ; B 36 -225 558 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Odieresis ; B 32 -19 606 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Scaron ; B 40 -19 508 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Edieresis ; B 71 0 505 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Igrave ; B -11 0 154 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N adieresis ; B 30 -15 435 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Ograve ; B 32 -19 606 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Egrave ; B 71 0 505 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Ydieresis ; B 11 0 535 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 604 ; N registered ; B -11 -19 617 737 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N onequarter ; B 60 -19 620 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ugrave ; B 65 -19 528 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 65 -19 528 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Thorn ; B 71 0 510 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N divide ; B 32 -19 447 524 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Atilde ; B 11 0 536 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Uacute ; B 65 -19 528 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 32 -19 606 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N logicalnot ; B 32 108 447 390 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Aring ; B 11 0 536 931 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N idieresis ; B 11 0 218 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N iacute ; B 78 0 239 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N aacute ; B 30 -15 435 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N plusminus ; B 32 0 447 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N multiply ; B 32 0 447 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Udieresis ; B 65 -19 528 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N minus ; B 32 216 447 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N onesuperior ; B 35 281 182 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Eacute ; B 71 0 505 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Acircumflex ; B 11 0 536 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 604 ; N copyright ; B -11 -19 617 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Agrave ; B 11 0 536 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N odieresis ; B 29 -14 427 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N oacute ; B 29 -14 427 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 328 ; N degree ; B 44 411 284 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N igrave ; B -11 0 151 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N mu ; B 56 -207 401 523 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Oacute ; B 32 -19 606 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N eth ; B 29 -15 428 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Adieresis ; B 11 0 536 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Yacute ; B 11 0 535 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 213 ; N brokenbar ; B 77 -19 137 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N onehalf ; B 35 -19 634 703 ;
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+KPX J A -15
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+KPX r l 12
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+KPX r comma -40
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+KPX s w -24
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 137 195 ;
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+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 137 195 ;
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+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 137 195 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 137 195 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 137 195 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -22 195 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -22 195 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -22 195 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -22 195 ;
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+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 183 195 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 183 195 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 160 195 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -22 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -22 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 84 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 92 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 92 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 92 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 92 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 92 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 69 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 92 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 92 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 92 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 92 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 69 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 69 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 69 0 ;
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+C 191 ; WX 501 ; N questiondown ; B 45 -195 452 532 ;
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+C 196 ; WX 273 ; N tilde ; B -14 610 287 737 ;
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+C 202 ; WX 273 ; N ring ; B 48 568 225 776 ;
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+C 245 ; WX 228 ; N dotlessi ; B 57 0 171 532 ;
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+C 249 ; WX 501 ; N oslash ; B 18 -29 483 560 ;
+C 250 ; WX 774 ; N oe ; B 28 -14 748 546 ;
+C 251 ; WX 501 ; N germandbls ; B 57 -14 475 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N Zcaron ; B 20 0 481 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ccedilla ; B 28 -228 430 546 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ydieresis ; B 8 -214 442 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N atilde ; B 24 -14 432 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N icircumflex ; B -30 0 259 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N threesuperior ; B 7 271 267 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ecircumflex ; B 19 -14 433 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N thorn ; B 51 -208 474 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N egrave ; B 19 -14 433 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N twosuperior ; B 7 283 266 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N eacute ; B 19 -14 433 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N otilde ; B 28 -14 474 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Aacute ; B 16 0 576 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N ocircumflex ; B 28 -14 474 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N yacute ; B 8 -214 442 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N udieresis ; B 54 -14 447 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N threequarters ; B 13 -19 655 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N acircumflex ; B 24 -14 432 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Eth ; B -4 0 562 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N edieresis ; B 19 -14 433 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N ugrave ; B 54 -14 447 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 820 ; N trademark ; B 36 306 784 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N ograve ; B 28 -14 474 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N scaron ; B 25 -14 426 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Idieresis ; B -17 0 246 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N uacute ; B 54 -14 447 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N agrave ; B 24 -14 432 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N ntilde ; B 53 0 448 737 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N zcaron ; B 16 0 394 750 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 62 0 509 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Iacute ; B 52 0 270 936 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Odieresis ; B 36 -19 602 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Scaron ; B 32 -19 516 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Edieresis ; B 62 0 509 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Igrave ; B -41 0 175 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N adieresis ; B 24 -14 432 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Ograve ; B 36 -19 602 936 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Ydieresis ; B 12 0 535 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 604 ; N registered ; B -9 -19 613 737 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ugrave ; B 59 -19 534 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 59 -19 534 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Thorn ; B 62 0 514 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N divide ; B 33 -42 446 548 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Atilde ; B 16 0 576 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Uacute ; B 59 -19 534 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 36 -19 602 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N logicalnot ; B 33 108 446 419 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N idieresis ; B -17 0 246 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N iacute ; B 57 0 270 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N aacute ; B 24 -14 432 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N plusminus ; B 33 0 446 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N multiply ; B 33 1 447 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Udieresis ; B 59 -19 534 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N minus ; B 33 197 446 309 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N onesuperior ; B 21 283 194 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Eacute ; B 62 0 509 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Acircumflex ; B 16 0 576 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 604 ; N copyright ; B -9 -19 614 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Agrave ; B 16 0 576 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N odieresis ; B 28 -14 474 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N oacute ; B 28 -14 474 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 328 ; N degree ; B 47 426 281 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N igrave ; B -41 0 171 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N mu ; B 54 -207 447 532 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Oacute ; B 36 -19 602 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N eth ; B 28 -14 474 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Adieresis ; B 16 0 576 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Yacute ; B 12 0 535 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 230 ; N brokenbar ; B 69 -19 161 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N onehalf ; B 21 -19 651 710 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 160 186 ;
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+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 176 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 137 186 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 137 186 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 137 186 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 137 186 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute -22 186 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -22 186 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -22 186 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave -22 186 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 160 186 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 183 186 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 183 186 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 183 186 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 160 186 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 160 186 ;
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+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 137 186 ;
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+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 92 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -22 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -22 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 114 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 114 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 114 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 114 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 114 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 114 0 ;
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+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 114 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 114 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 114 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 114 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 92 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 92 0 ;
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+C 122 ; WX 410 ; N z ; B 16 0 478 532 ;
+C 123 ; WX 319 ; N braceleft ; B 77 -196 425 722 ;
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+C 125 ; WX 319 ; N braceright ; B -14 -196 333 722 ;
+C 126 ; WX 479 ; N asciitilde ; B 94 163 473 343 ;
+C 161 ; WX 273 ; N exclamdown ; B 41 -186 290 532 ;
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+C 169 ; WX 195 ; N quotesingle ; B 135 447 263 718 ;
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+C 175 ; WX 501 ; N fl ; B 71 0 570 727 ;
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+C 187 ; WX 456 ; N guillemotright ; B 85 76 443 484 ;
+C 188 ; WX 820 ; N ellipsis ; B 75 0 770 146 ;
+C 189 ; WX 820 ; N perthousand ; B 62 -19 851 710 ;
+C 191 ; WX 501 ; N questiondown ; B 44 -195 459 532 ;
+C 193 ; WX 273 ; N grave ; B 112 604 290 750 ;
+C 194 ; WX 273 ; N acute ; B 194 604 423 750 ;
+C 195 ; WX 273 ; N circumflex ; B 97 604 387 750 ;
+C 196 ; WX 273 ; N tilde ; B 92 610 415 737 ;
+C 197 ; WX 273 ; N macron ; B 100 604 396 678 ;
+C 198 ; WX 273 ; N breve ; B 128 604 405 750 ;
+C 199 ; WX 273 ; N dotaccent ; B 192 614 316 729 ;
+C 200 ; WX 273 ; N dieresis ; B 112 614 395 729 ;
+C 202 ; WX 273 ; N ring ; B 164 568 344 776 ;
+C 203 ; WX 273 ; N cedilla ; B -30 -228 180 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 273 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 113 604 529 750 ;
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+C 208 ; WX 820 ; N emdash ; B 40 227 878 333 ;
+C 225 ; WX 820 ; N AE ; B 4 0 902 718 ;
+C 227 ; WX 303 ; N ordfeminine ; B 75 276 381 737 ;
+C 232 ; WX 501 ; N Lslash ; B 28 0 501 718 ;
+C 233 ; WX 638 ; N Oslash ; B 29 -27 733 745 ;
+C 234 ; WX 820 ; N OE ; B 81 -19 913 737 ;
+C 235 ; WX 299 ; N ordmasculine ; B 75 276 398 737 ;
+C 241 ; WX 729 ; N ae ; B 46 -14 757 546 ;
+C 245 ; WX 228 ; N dotlessi ; B 57 0 264 532 ;
+C 248 ; WX 228 ; N lslash ; B 33 0 334 718 ;
+C 249 ; WX 501 ; N oslash ; B 18 -29 575 560 ;
+C 250 ; WX 774 ; N oe ; B 67 -14 801 546 ;
+C 251 ; WX 501 ; N germandbls ; B 57 -14 539 731 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N Zcaron ; B 20 0 604 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ccedilla ; B 65 -228 491 546 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ydieresis ; B 34 -214 535 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N atilde ; B 45 -14 507 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N icircumflex ; B 57 0 364 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N threesuperior ; B 75 271 361 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ecircumflex ; B 58 -14 486 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N thorn ; B 15 -208 529 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N egrave ; B 58 -14 486 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N twosuperior ; B 57 283 368 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N eacute ; B 58 -14 514 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N otilde ; B 67 -14 529 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Aacute ; B 16 0 615 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N ocircumflex ; B 67 -14 527 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N yacute ; B 34 -214 535 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N udieresis ; B 80 -14 540 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N threequarters ; B 82 -19 688 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N acircumflex ; B 45 -14 478 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Eth ; B 51 0 637 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N edieresis ; B 58 -14 487 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N ugrave ; B 80 -14 540 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 820 ; N trademark ; B 146 306 909 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N ograve ; B 67 -14 527 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N scaron ; B 52 -14 504 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Idieresis ; B 52 0 405 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N uacute ; B 80 -14 540 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N agrave ; B 45 -14 478 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N ntilde ; B 53 0 529 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N aring ; B 45 -14 478 776 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N zcaron ; B 16 0 481 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Icircumflex ; B 52 0 397 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ntilde ; B 57 0 661 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N ucircumflex ; B 80 -14 540 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 62 0 620 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Iacute ; B 52 0 433 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ccedilla ; B 88 -228 647 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Odieresis ; B 88 -19 675 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Scaron ; B 66 -19 588 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Edieresis ; B 62 0 620 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Igrave ; B 52 0 301 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N adieresis ; B 45 -14 487 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Ograve ; B 88 -19 675 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Egrave ; B 62 0 620 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Ydieresis ; B 137 0 661 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 604 ; N registered ; B 45 -19 684 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Otilde ; B 88 -19 675 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N onequarter ; B 108 -19 661 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ugrave ; B 96 -19 659 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 96 -19 659 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Thorn ; B 62 0 588 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N divide ; B 67 -42 500 548 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Atilde ; B 16 0 608 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Uacute ; B 96 -19 659 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 88 -19 675 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N logicalnot ; B 86 108 519 419 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Aring ; B 16 0 576 962 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N idieresis ; B 57 0 373 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N iacute ; B 57 0 400 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N aacute ; B 45 -14 514 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N plusminus ; B 33 0 512 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N multiply ; B 47 1 520 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Udieresis ; B 96 -19 659 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N minus ; B 67 197 500 309 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N onesuperior ; B 121 283 318 710 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Eacute ; B 62 0 620 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Acircumflex ; B 16 0 579 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 604 ; N copyright ; B 46 -19 685 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Agrave ; B 16 0 576 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N odieresis ; B 67 -14 527 729 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N oacute ; B 67 -14 537 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 328 ; N degree ; B 143 426 383 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N igrave ; B 57 0 268 750 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N mu ; B 18 -207 540 532 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Oacute ; B 88 -19 675 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N eth ; B 67 -14 549 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Adieresis ; B 16 0 588 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Yacute ; B 137 0 661 936 ;
+C -1 ; WX 230 ; N brokenbar ; B 66 -19 289 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N onehalf ; B 108 -19 704 710 ;
+StartKernPairs 209
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+KPX V u -60
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+KPX r c -20
+KPX s w -15
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+KPX space V -80
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+KPX v o -30
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+KPX v a -20
+KPX w period -40
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+KPX x e -10
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+KPX z e 10
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 192 186 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 192 186 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 192 186 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 192 186 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 192 186 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 192 186 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 176 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 169 186 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 169 186 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 169 186 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 169 186 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 10 186 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 10 186 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 186 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 10 186 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 192 186 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 215 186 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 215 186 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 215 186 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 215 186 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 215 186 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 169 186 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 192 186 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 192 186 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 192 186 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 192 186 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 169 186 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 169 186 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 146 186 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 92 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 92 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 92 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 92 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 92 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 92 0 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 108 0 ;
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+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 92 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 92 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -22 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -22 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -22 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -22 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 114 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 114 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 114 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 114 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 114 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 114 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 92 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 114 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 114 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 114 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 114 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 92 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 92 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 69 0 ;
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+C 105 ; WX 182 ; N i ; B 55 0 252 718 ;
+C 106 ; WX 182 ; N j ; B -49 -210 252 718 ;
+C 107 ; WX 410 ; N k ; B 55 0 492 718 ;
+C 108 ; WX 182 ; N l ; B 55 0 252 718 ;
+C 109 ; WX 683 ; N m ; B 53 0 699 538 ;
+C 110 ; WX 456 ; N n ; B 53 0 470 538 ;
+C 111 ; WX 456 ; N o ; B 68 -14 479 538 ;
+C 112 ; WX 456 ; N p ; B 11 -207 479 538 ;
+C 113 ; WX 456 ; N q ; B 69 -207 496 538 ;
+C 114 ; WX 273 ; N r ; B 63 0 365 538 ;
+C 115 ; WX 410 ; N s ; B 52 -15 434 538 ;
+C 116 ; WX 228 ; N t ; B 84 -7 302 669 ;
+C 117 ; WX 456 ; N u ; B 77 -15 492 523 ;
+C 118 ; WX 410 ; N v ; B 98 0 495 523 ;
+C 119 ; WX 592 ; N w ; B 103 0 673 523 ;
+C 120 ; WX 410 ; N x ; B 9 0 487 523 ;
+C 121 ; WX 410 ; N y ; B 12 -214 492 523 ;
+C 122 ; WX 410 ; N z ; B 25 0 468 523 ;
+C 123 ; WX 274 ; N braceleft ; B 75 -196 365 722 ;
+C 124 ; WX 213 ; N bar ; B 74 -19 265 737 ;
+C 125 ; WX 274 ; N braceright ; B 0 -196 291 722 ;
+C 126 ; WX 479 ; N asciitilde ; B 91 180 476 326 ;
+C 161 ; WX 273 ; N exclamdown ; B 63 -195 267 523 ;
+C 162 ; WX 456 ; N cent ; B 78 -115 479 623 ;
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+C 200 ; WX 273 ; N dieresis ; B 138 604 363 706 ;
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+C 203 ; WX 273 ; N cedilla ; B 2 -225 191 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 273 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 129 593 463 734 ;
+C 206 ; WX 273 ; N ogonek ; B 35 -225 204 0 ;
+C 207 ; WX 273 ; N caron ; B 145 593 384 734 ;
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+C 225 ; WX 820 ; N AE ; B 7 0 899 718 ;
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+C 232 ; WX 456 ; N Lslash ; B 34 0 455 718 ;
+C 233 ; WX 638 ; N Oslash ; B 35 -19 730 737 ;
+C 234 ; WX 820 ; N OE ; B 80 -19 915 737 ;
+C 235 ; WX 299 ; N ordmasculine ; B 82 304 384 737 ;
+C 241 ; WX 729 ; N ae ; B 50 -15 746 538 ;
+C 245 ; WX 228 ; N dotlessi ; B 78 0 241 523 ;
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+C 250 ; WX 774 ; N oe ; B 68 -15 791 538 ;
+C 251 ; WX 501 ; N germandbls ; B 55 -15 539 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 501 ; N Zcaron ; B 19 0 607 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N ccedilla ; B 61 -225 454 538 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N ydieresis ; B 12 -214 492 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N atilde ; B 50 -15 486 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N icircumflex ; B 78 0 337 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N threesuperior ; B 74 270 358 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ecircumflex ; B 69 -15 474 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N thorn ; B 11 -207 479 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N egrave ; B 69 -15 474 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N twosuperior ; B 52 281 368 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N eacute ; B 69 -15 481 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N otilde ; B 68 -14 494 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Aacute ; B 11 0 560 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ocircumflex ; B 68 -14 479 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N yacute ; B 12 -214 492 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N udieresis ; B 77 -15 492 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N threequarters ; B 106 -19 706 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N acircumflex ; B 50 -15 458 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Eth ; B 57 0 626 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N edieresis ; B 69 -15 474 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ugrave ; B 77 -15 492 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 820 ; N trademark ; B 152 306 866 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ograve ; B 68 -14 479 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N scaron ; B 52 -15 453 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Idieresis ; B 75 0 375 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N uacute ; B 77 -15 492 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N agrave ; B 50 -15 458 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ntilde ; B 53 0 486 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N aring ; B 50 -15 458 756 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N zcaron ; B 25 0 468 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Icircumflex ; B 75 0 371 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ntilde ; B 62 0 655 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N ucircumflex ; B 77 -15 492 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 71 0 625 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Iacute ; B 75 0 401 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Ccedilla ; B 88 -225 640 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Odieresis ; B 86 -19 677 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Scaron ; B 74 -19 584 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Edieresis ; B 71 0 625 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N Igrave ; B 75 0 288 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N adieresis ; B 50 -15 458 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Ograve ; B 86 -19 677 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Egrave ; B 71 0 625 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Ydieresis ; B 137 0 661 901 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N aacute ; B 50 -15 481 734 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 592 ; N Udieresis ; B 101 -19 653 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 479 ; N minus ; B 70 216 497 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 273 ; N onesuperior ; B 136 281 305 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Eacute ; B 71 0 625 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Acircumflex ; B 11 0 536 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 604 ; N copyright ; B 44 -19 687 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Agrave ; B 11 0 536 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N odieresis ; B 68 -14 479 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N oacute ; B 68 -14 481 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 328 ; N degree ; B 138 411 384 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 228 ; N igrave ; B 78 0 254 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N mu ; B 20 -207 492 523 ;
+C -1 ; WX 638 ; N Oacute ; B 86 -19 677 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 456 ; N eth ; B 67 -15 506 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Adieresis ; B 11 0 536 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 547 ; N Yacute ; B 137 0 661 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 213 ; N brokenbar ; B 74 -19 265 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 684 ; N onehalf ; B 93 -19 688 703 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 171 195 ;
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+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 171 195 ;
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+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 12 195 ;
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+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 92 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 92 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 69 0 ;
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+C 72 ; WX 722 ; N H ; B 77 0 799 718 ;
+C 73 ; WX 278 ; N I ; B 91 0 341 718 ;
+C 74 ; WX 500 ; N J ; B 47 -19 581 718 ;
+C 75 ; WX 667 ; N K ; B 76 0 808 718 ;
+C 76 ; WX 556 ; N L ; B 76 0 555 718 ;
+C 77 ; WX 833 ; N M ; B 73 0 914 718 ;
+C 78 ; WX 722 ; N N ; B 76 0 799 718 ;
+C 79 ; WX 778 ; N O ; B 105 -19 826 737 ;
+C 80 ; WX 667 ; N P ; B 86 0 737 718 ;
+C 81 ; WX 778 ; N Q ; B 105 -56 826 737 ;
+C 82 ; WX 722 ; N R ; B 88 0 773 718 ;
+C 83 ; WX 667 ; N S ; B 90 -19 713 737 ;
+C 84 ; WX 611 ; N T ; B 148 0 750 718 ;
+C 85 ; WX 722 ; N U ; B 123 -19 797 718 ;
+C 86 ; WX 667 ; N V ; B 173 0 800 718 ;
+C 87 ; WX 944 ; N W ; B 169 0 1081 718 ;
+C 88 ; WX 667 ; N X ; B 19 0 790 718 ;
+C 89 ; WX 667 ; N Y ; B 167 0 806 718 ;
+C 90 ; WX 611 ; N Z ; B 23 0 741 718 ;
+C 91 ; WX 278 ; N bracketleft ; B 21 -196 403 722 ;
+C 92 ; WX 278 ; N backslash ; B 140 -19 291 737 ;
+C 93 ; WX 278 ; N bracketright ; B -14 -196 368 722 ;
+C 94 ; WX 469 ; N asciicircum ; B 42 264 539 688 ;
+C 95 ; WX 556 ; N underscore ; B -27 -125 540 -75 ;
+C 96 ; WX 222 ; N quoteleft ; B 165 470 323 725 ;
+C 97 ; WX 556 ; N a ; B 61 -15 559 538 ;
+C 98 ; WX 556 ; N b ; B 58 -15 584 718 ;
+C 99 ; WX 500 ; N c ; B 74 -15 553 538 ;
+C 100 ; WX 556 ; N d ; B 84 -15 652 718 ;
+C 101 ; WX 556 ; N e ; B 84 -15 578 538 ;
+C 102 ; WX 278 ; N f ; B 86 0 416 728 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 556 ; N g ; B 42 -220 610 538 ;
+C 104 ; WX 556 ; N h ; B 65 0 573 718 ;
+C 105 ; WX 222 ; N i ; B 67 0 308 718 ;
+C 106 ; WX 222 ; N j ; B -60 -210 308 718 ;
+C 107 ; WX 500 ; N k ; B 67 0 600 718 ;
+C 108 ; WX 222 ; N l ; B 67 0 308 718 ;
+C 109 ; WX 833 ; N m ; B 65 0 852 538 ;
+C 110 ; WX 556 ; N n ; B 65 0 573 538 ;
+C 111 ; WX 556 ; N o ; B 83 -14 585 538 ;
+C 112 ; WX 556 ; N p ; B 14 -207 584 538 ;
+C 113 ; WX 556 ; N q ; B 84 -207 605 538 ;
+C 114 ; WX 333 ; N r ; B 77 0 446 538 ;
+C 115 ; WX 500 ; N s ; B 63 -15 529 538 ;
+C 116 ; WX 278 ; N t ; B 102 -7 368 669 ;
+C 117 ; WX 556 ; N u ; B 94 -15 600 523 ;
+C 118 ; WX 500 ; N v ; B 119 0 603 523 ;
+C 119 ; WX 722 ; N w ; B 125 0 820 523 ;
+C 120 ; WX 500 ; N x ; B 11 0 594 523 ;
+C 121 ; WX 500 ; N y ; B 15 -214 600 523 ;
+C 122 ; WX 500 ; N z ; B 31 0 571 523 ;
+C 123 ; WX 334 ; N braceleft ; B 92 -196 445 722 ;
+C 124 ; WX 260 ; N bar ; B 90 -19 324 737 ;
+C 125 ; WX 334 ; N braceright ; B 0 -196 354 722 ;
+C 126 ; WX 584 ; N asciitilde ; B 111 180 580 326 ;
+C 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B 77 -195 326 523 ;
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+C 165 ; WX 556 ; N yen ; B 81 0 699 688 ;
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+C 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 111 108 314 446 ;
+C 174 ; WX 500 ; N fi ; B 86 0 587 728 ;
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+C 179 ; WX 556 ; N daggerdbl ; B 52 -159 623 718 ;
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+C 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 88 -19 1029 703 ;
+C 191 ; WX 611 ; N questiondown ; B 85 -201 534 525 ;
+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 170 593 337 734 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 248 593 475 734 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 147 593 438 734 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 125 606 490 722 ;
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+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 168 604 443 706 ;
+C 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 214 572 402 756 ;
+C 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 2 -225 232 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 157 593 565 734 ;
+C 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 43 -225 249 0 ;
+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 177 593 468 734 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 51 240 1067 313 ;
+C 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 8 0 1097 718 ;
+C 227 ; WX 370 ; N ordfeminine ; B 100 304 449 737 ;
+C 232 ; WX 556 ; N Lslash ; B 41 0 555 718 ;
+C 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 43 -19 890 737 ;
+C 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 98 -19 1116 737 ;
+C 235 ; WX 365 ; N ordmasculine ; B 100 304 468 737 ;
+C 241 ; WX 889 ; N ae ; B 61 -15 909 538 ;
+C 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 95 0 294 523 ;
+C 248 ; WX 222 ; N lslash ; B 41 0 347 718 ;
+C 249 ; WX 611 ; N oslash ; B 29 -22 647 545 ;
+C 250 ; WX 944 ; N oe ; B 83 -15 964 538 ;
+C 251 ; WX 611 ; N germandbls ; B 67 -15 658 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 23 0 741 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ccedilla ; B 74 -225 553 538 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B 15 -214 600 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 61 -15 592 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B 95 0 411 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 90 270 436 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecircumflex ; B 84 -15 578 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N thorn ; B 14 -207 584 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N egrave ; B 84 -15 578 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 64 281 449 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eacute ; B 84 -15 587 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N otilde ; B 83 -14 602 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aacute ; B 14 0 683 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 83 -14 585 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B 15 -214 600 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 94 -15 600 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 130 -19 861 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 61 -15 559 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 69 0 764 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 84 -15 578 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 94 -15 600 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 186 306 1056 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ograve ; B 83 -14 585 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N scaron ; B 63 -15 552 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B 91 0 458 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 94 -15 600 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 61 -15 559 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 65 0 592 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 61 -15 559 756 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 31 0 571 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B 91 0 452 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 76 0 799 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 94 -15 600 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 86 0 762 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 91 0 489 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 108 -225 782 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 105 -19 826 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scaron ; B 90 -19 713 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edieresis ; B 86 0 762 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B 91 0 351 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 61 -15 559 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 105 -19 826 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B 86 0 762 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 167 0 806 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N registered ; B 54 -19 837 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 105 -19 826 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 150 -19 802 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 123 -19 797 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 123 -19 797 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B 86 0 712 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N divide ; B 85 -19 606 524 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Atilde ; B 14 0 699 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 123 -19 797 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 105 -19 826 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N logicalnot ; B 106 108 628 390 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aring ; B 14 0 654 931 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 95 0 416 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 448 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 61 -15 587 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N plusminus ; B 39 0 618 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N multiply ; B 50 0 642 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 123 -19 797 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 584 ; N minus ; B 85 216 606 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 166 281 371 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 86 0 762 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Acircumflex ; B 14 0 654 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N copyright ; B 54 -19 837 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Agrave ; B 14 0 654 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 83 -14 585 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 83 -14 587 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 169 411 468 703 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 95 0 310 734 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 24 -207 600 523 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 105 -19 826 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 81 -15 617 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Adieresis ; B 14 0 654 901 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 167 0 806 929 ;
+C -1 ; WX 260 ; N brokenbar ; B 90 -19 324 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 114 -19 839 703 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 208 195 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 208 195 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 208 195 ;
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+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 204 175 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 208 195 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 195 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 208 195 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 208 195 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 208 195 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 208 195 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 14 195 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 14 195 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 14 195 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 14 195 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 246 195 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 264 195 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 264 195 ;
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+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 264 195 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 236 195 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 236 195 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 236 195 ;
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+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -27 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -27 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 102 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 84 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 84 0 ;
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+C 35 ; WX 333 ; N numbersign ; B -34 0 367 712 ;
+C 36 ; WX 333 ; N dollar ; B 26 -51 306 740 ;
+C 37 ; WX 500 ; N percent ; B 16 -8 484 720 ;
+C 38 ; WX 389 ; N ampersand ; B 32 -14 380 726 ;
+C 39 ; WX 167 ; N quoteright ; B 28 503 154 712 ;
+C 40 ; WX 167 ; N parenleft ; B 13 -97 190 712 ;
+C 41 ; WX 167 ; N parenright ; B -23 -97 154 712 ;
+C 42 ; WX 315 ; N asterisk ; B 15 454 300 712 ;
+C 43 ; WX 500 ; N plus ; B 5 41 495 531 ;
+C 44 ; WX 166 ; N comma ; B 15 -125 147 111 ;
+C 45 ; WX 166 ; N hyphen ; B 20 264 147 336 ;
+C 46 ; WX 166 ; N period ; B 33 0 133 111 ;
+C 47 ; WX 278 ; N slash ; B -10 -14 287 726 ;
+C 48 ; WX 333 ; N zero ; B 28 -8 305 720 ;
+C 49 ; WX 333 ; N one ; B 48 0 232 712 ;
+C 50 ; WX 333 ; N two ; B 28 0 305 720 ;
+C 51 ; WX 333 ; N three ; B 28 -8 305 720 ;
+C 52 ; WX 333 ; N four ; B 6 0 327 712 ;
+C 53 ; WX 333 ; N five ; B 28 -8 305 712 ;
+C 54 ; WX 333 ; N six ; B 28 -8 305 720 ;
+C 55 ; WX 333 ; N seven ; B 20 0 314 712 ;
+C 56 ; WX 333 ; N eight ; B 28 -8 305 720 ;
+C 57 ; WX 333 ; N nine ; B 28 -2 305 726 ;
+C 58 ; WX 166 ; N colon ; B 33 0 133 521 ;
+C 59 ; WX 166 ; N semicolon ; B 8 -125 140 521 ;
+C 60 ; WX 500 ; N less ; B 32 62 469 510 ;
+C 61 ; WX 500 ; N equal ; B 5 140 495 432 ;
+C 62 ; WX 500 ; N greater ; B 31 61 468 510 ;
+C 63 ; WX 333 ; N question ; B 44 0 289 726 ;
+C 64 ; WX 800 ; N at ; B 42 -14 757 726 ;
+C 65 ; WX 333 ; N A ; B 6 0 327 712 ;
+C 66 ; WX 333 ; N B ; B 28 0 305 712 ;
+C 67 ; WX 333 ; N C ; B 28 -14 305 726 ;
+C 68 ; WX 333 ; N D ; B 28 0 305 712 ;
+C 69 ; WX 278 ; N E ; B 31 0 269 712 ;
+C 70 ; WX 278 ; N F ; B 31 0 269 712 ;
+C 71 ; WX 333 ; N G ; B 28 -14 305 726 ;
+C 72 ; WX 333 ; N H ; B 31 0 302 712 ;
+C 73 ; WX 167 ; N I ; B 30 0 136 712 ;
+C 74 ; WX 333 ; N J ; B 31 -14 302 712 ;
+C 75 ; WX 333 ; N K ; B 31 0 326 712 ;
+C 76 ; WX 278 ; N L ; B 31 0 272 712 ;
+C 77 ; WX 481 ; N M ; B 36 0 445 712 ;
+C 78 ; WX 389 ; N N ; B 31 0 358 712 ;
+C 79 ; WX 333 ; N O ; B 28 -14 305 726 ;
+C 80 ; WX 333 ; N P ; B 28 0 305 712 ;
+C 81 ; WX 333 ; N Q ; B 28 -79 315 726 ;
+C 82 ; WX 333 ; N R ; B 28 0 318 712 ;
+C 83 ; WX 333 ; N S ; B 28 -14 305 726 ;
+C 84 ; WX 315 ; N T ; B 12 0 303 712 ;
+C 85 ; WX 333 ; N U ; B 28 -14 305 712 ;
+C 86 ; WX 333 ; N V ; B 4 0 328 712 ;
+C 87 ; WX 481 ; N W ; B 10 0 470 712 ;
+C 88 ; WX 333 ; N X ; B 1 0 332 712 ;
+C 89 ; WX 333 ; N Y ; B 4 0 328 712 ;
+C 90 ; WX 259 ; N Z ; B 11 0 247 712 ;
+C 91 ; WX 222 ; N bracketleft ; B 30 -97 208 712 ;
+C 92 ; WX 278 ; N backslash ; B -57 -14 335 726 ;
+C 93 ; WX 222 ; N bracketright ; B 14 -97 192 712 ;
+C 94 ; WX 500 ; N asciicircum ; B 10 308 490 712 ;
+C 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 500 -75 ;
+C 96 ; WX 167 ; N quoteleft ; B 13 503 139 712 ;
+C 97 ; WX 278 ; N a ; B 20 -7 258 579 ;
+C 98 ; WX 278 ; N b ; B 20 -7 258 712 ;
+C 99 ; WX 278 ; N c ; B 20 -7 258 579 ;
+C 100 ; WX 278 ; N d ; B 20 -7 258 712 ;
+C 101 ; WX 278 ; N e ; B 20 -7 258 579 ;
+C 102 ; WX 167 ; N f ; B 5 0 161 712 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 278 ; N g ; B 20 -128 258 579 ;
+C 104 ; WX 278 ; N h ; B 20 0 258 712 ;
+C 105 ; WX 148 ; N i ; B 26 0 122 712 ;
+C 106 ; WX 148 ; N j ; B -17 -128 122 712 ;
+C 107 ; WX 278 ; N k ; B 22 0 273 712 ;
+C 108 ; WX 148 ; N l ; B 26 0 122 712 ;
+C 109 ; WX 426 ; N m ; B 25 0 401 579 ;
+C 110 ; WX 278 ; N n ; B 20 0 258 579 ;
+C 111 ; WX 278 ; N o ; B 20 -7 258 579 ;
+C 112 ; WX 278 ; N p ; B 20 -128 258 579 ;
+C 113 ; WX 278 ; N q ; B 20 -128 258 579 ;
+C 114 ; WX 278 ; N r ; B 20 0 258 579 ;
+C 115 ; WX 278 ; N s ; B 20 -7 258 579 ;
+C 116 ; WX 167 ; N t ; B 6 0 161 675 ;
+C 117 ; WX 278 ; N u ; B 20 -7 258 572 ;
+C 118 ; WX 278 ; N v ; B 2 0 275 572 ;
+C 119 ; WX 444 ; N w ; B 3 0 440 572 ;
+C 120 ; WX 259 ; N x ; B 4 0 255 572 ;
+C 121 ; WX 278 ; N y ; B 4 -128 273 572 ;
+C 122 ; WX 222 ; N z ; B 4 0 217 572 ;
+C 123 ; WX 333 ; N braceleft ; B 37 -97 314 712 ;
+C 124 ; WX 222 ; N bar ; B 67 -250 155 750 ;
+C 125 ; WX 333 ; N braceright ; B 19 -97 296 712 ;
+C 126 ; WX 500 ; N asciitilde ; B 19 205 481 365 ;
+C 161 ; WX 204 ; N exclamdown ; B 52 -112 152 598 ;
+C 162 ; WX 333 ; N cent ; B 51 -83 289 648 ;
+C 163 ; WX 333 ; N sterling ; B 19 -4 322 720 ;
+C 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -167 -8 334 720 ;
+C 165 ; WX 333 ; N yen ; B 4 0 328 712 ;
+C 166 ; WX 333 ; N florin ; B -1 -128 334 720 ;
+C 167 ; WX 333 ; N section ; B 23 -128 310 726 ;
+C 168 ; WX 333 ; N currency ; B 25 253 309 536 ;
+C 169 ; WX 222 ; N quotesingle ; B 67 441 155 712 ;
+C 170 ; WX 315 ; N quotedblleft ; B 20 503 276 712 ;
+C 171 ; WX 333 ; N guillemotleft ; B 16 68 316 501 ;
+C 172 ; WX 185 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 24 68 161 501 ;
+C 173 ; WX 185 ; N guilsinglright ; B 24 68 161 501 ;
+C 174 ; WX 315 ; N fi ; B 5 0 296 712 ;
+C 175 ; WX 315 ; N fl ; B 5 0 296 712 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 0 266 500 333 ;
+C 178 ; WX 333 ; N dagger ; B 10 -116 323 712 ;
+C 179 ; WX 333 ; N daggerdbl ; B 10 -116 323 712 ;
+C 180 ; WX 166 ; N periodcentered ; B 30 232 137 339 ;
+C 182 ; WX 600 ; N paragraph ; B 27 -179 566 712 ;
+C 183 ; WX 500 ; N bullet ; B 75 175 425 525 ;
+C 184 ; WX 167 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 28 -98 154 111 ;
+C 185 ; WX 315 ; N quotedblbase ; B 39 -98 295 111 ;
+C 186 ; WX 315 ; N quotedblright ; B 39 503 295 712 ;
+C 187 ; WX 333 ; N guillemotright ; B 16 68 316 501 ;
+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 116 0 884 111 ;
+C 189 ; WX 778 ; N perthousand ; B 33 -8 753 720 ;
+C 191 ; WX 333 ; N questiondown ; B 44 -128 289 598 ;
+C 193 ; WX 148 ; N grave ; B -51 633 141 804 ;
+C 194 ; WX 148 ; N acute ; B 7 633 199 804 ;
+C 195 ; WX 148 ; N circumflex ; B -53 633 201 804 ;
+C 196 ; WX 148 ; N tilde ; B -55 656 211 774 ;
+C 197 ; WX 148 ; N macron ; B -40 677 189 741 ;
+C 198 ; WX 148 ; N breve ; B -50 652 199 778 ;
+C 199 ; WX 148 ; N dotaccent ; B 29 666 119 763 ;
+C 200 ; WX 148 ; N dieresis ; B -41 666 189 763 ;
+C 202 ; WX 148 ; N ring ; B -9 626 157 796 ;
+C 203 ; WX 148 ; N cedilla ; B -34 -207 176 -6 ;
+C 205 ; WX 148 ; N hungarumlaut ; B -57 633 262 804 ;
+C 206 ; WX 148 ; N ogonek ; B -24 -207 187 0 ;
+C 207 ; WX 148 ; N caron ; B -53 633 201 804 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 0 266 1000 333 ;
+C 225 ; WX 481 ; N AE ; B 0 0 472 712 ;
+C 227 ; WX 167 ; N ordfeminine ; B 6 375 160 726 ;
+C 232 ; WX 278 ; N Lslash ; B -6 0 272 712 ;
+C 233 ; WX 333 ; N Oslash ; B -2 -45 335 748 ;
+C 234 ; WX 444 ; N OE ; B 27 -14 442 726 ;
+C 235 ; WX 167 ; N ordmasculine ; B 6 375 160 726 ;
+C 241 ; WX 426 ; N ae ; B 23 -7 403 579 ;
+C 245 ; WX 148 ; N dotlessi ; B 26 0 122 572 ;
+C 248 ; WX 148 ; N lslash ; B -10 0 158 712 ;
+C 249 ; WX 278 ; N oslash ; B 1 -36 280 609 ;
+C 250 ; WX 426 ; N oe ; B 23 -7 403 579 ;
+C 251 ; WX 278 ; N germandbls ; B 20 -8 262 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N ecircumflex ; B 12 -7 266 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N edieresis ; B 20 -7 258 763 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N aacute ; B 20 -7 264 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 22 -14 778 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 148 ; N icircumflex ; B -53 0 201 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N udieresis ; B 20 -7 258 763 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N ograve ; B 14 -7 258 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N uacute ; B 20 -7 264 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N ucircumflex ; B 12 -7 266 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Aacute ; B 6 0 327 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 148 ; N igrave ; B -51 0 141 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 167 ; N Icircumflex ; B -43 0 211 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N ccedilla ; B 20 -207 258 579 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N adieresis ; B 20 -7 258 763 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 12 0 269 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N scaron ; B 12 -7 266 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N thorn ; B 20 -128 258 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 990 ; N trademark ; B 51 300 939 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N egrave ; B 14 -7 258 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 199 ; N threesuperior ; B 11 283 191 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N zcaron ; B -16 0 238 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N atilde ; B 10 -7 276 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N aring ; B 20 -7 258 796 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N ocircumflex ; B 12 -7 266 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Edieresis ; B 24 0 269 884 ;
+C -1 ; WX 499 ; N threequarters ; B 16 -8 485 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N ydieresis ; B 4 -128 273 763 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N yacute ; B 4 -128 273 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 148 ; N iacute ; B 7 0 199 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Acircumflex ; B 6 0 327 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Uacute ; B 28 -14 305 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N eacute ; B 20 -7 264 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Ograve ; B 28 -14 305 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N agrave ; B 14 -7 258 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Udieresis ; B 28 -14 305 884 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N acircumflex ; B 12 -7 266 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 167 ; N Igrave ; B -41 0 151 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 199 ; N twosuperior ; B 11 288 191 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Ugrave ; B 28 -14 305 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 499 ; N onequarter ; B 24 -8 475 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 28 -14 305 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Scaron ; B 28 -14 305 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 167 ; N Idieresis ; B -31 0 199 884 ;
+C -1 ; WX 148 ; N idieresis ; B -41 0 189 763 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Egrave ; B 14 0 269 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Oacute ; B 28 -14 305 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N divide ; B 5 0 495 572 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Atilde ; B 6 0 327 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Aring ; B 6 0 327 917 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Odieresis ; B 28 -14 305 884 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Adieresis ; B 6 0 327 884 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Ntilde ; B 31 0 358 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 259 ; N Zcaron ; B 3 0 257 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Thorn ; B 28 0 305 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 167 ; N Iacute ; B 17 0 209 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N plusminus ; B 5 41 495 531 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N multiply ; B 5 21 495 514 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Eacute ; B 31 0 269 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Ydieresis ; B 4 0 328 884 ;
+C -1 ; WX 199 ; N onesuperior ; B 19 288 139 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N ugrave ; B 14 -7 258 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N logicalnot ; B 5 154 495 432 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N ntilde ; B 10 0 276 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Otilde ; B 28 -14 305 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N otilde ; B 10 -7 276 774 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Ccedilla ; B 28 -207 305 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Agrave ; B 6 0 327 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 499 ; N onehalf ; B 18 -8 481 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Eth ; B -6 0 305 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 54 420 346 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Yacute ; B 4 0 328 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 28 -14 305 925 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N oacute ; B 20 -7 264 804 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N mu ; B 20 -128 258 572 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N minus ; B 5 242 495 330 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N eth ; B 20 -7 258 751 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N odieresis ; B 20 -7 258 763 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 22 -14 778 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 67 -175 155 675 ;
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+KPX T c -92
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+KPX T A -55
+KPX V u -18
+KPX V semicolon -18
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+KPX V period -74
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+KPX V i -18
+KPX V hyphen -37
+KPX V e -18
+KPX V comma -74
+KPX V colon -18
+KPX V a -18
+KPX V A -37
+KPX W semicolon -18
+KPX W period -74
+KPX W o -18
+KPX W hyphen -37
+KPX W e -18
+KPX W comma -74
+KPX W colon -18
+KPX W a -18
+KPX W A -37
+KPX Y v -37
+KPX Y u -37
+KPX Y semicolon -55
+KPX Y q -37
+KPX Y period -111
+KPX Y p -37
+KPX Y o -55
+KPX Y i -18
+KPX Y hyphen -92
+KPX Y e -55
+KPX Y comma -92
+KPX Y colon -55
+KPX Y a -37
+KPX Y A -55
+KPX quoteleft quoteleft -37
+KPX quoteright t -18
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+KPX quoteright quoteright -37
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+KPX r comma -129
+KPX v period -55
+KPX v comma -55
+KPX w period -55
+KPX w comma -55
+KPX y period -74
+KPX y comma -74
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 93 121 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 93 121 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 93 121 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 93 121 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 93 121 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 93 121 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 65 121 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 65 121 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 65 121 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 65 121 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 10 121 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 10 121 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 121 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 10 121 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 121 121 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 93 121 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 93 121 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 93 121 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 93 121 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 93 121 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 93 121 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 93 121 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 93 121 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 93 121 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 93 121 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 93 121 ;
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+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 56 121 ;
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+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 65 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 65 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 65 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 65 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 65 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 65 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 65 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 65 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 65 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute 0 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 65 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 65 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 65 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 65 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 65 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 65 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 65 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 65 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 65 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 65 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 65 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 65 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 65 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 37 0 ;
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+C 75 ; WX 815 ; N K ; B 19 0 822 722 ;
+C 76 ; WX 722 ; N L ; B 19 0 703 722 ;
+C 77 ; WX 981 ; N M ; B 10 0 971 722 ;
+C 78 ; WX 833 ; N N ; B 5 -10 828 722 ;
+C 79 ; WX 833 ; N O ; B 39 -15 794 737 ;
+C 80 ; WX 759 ; N P ; B 24 0 735 722 ;
+C 81 ; WX 833 ; N Q ; B 39 -189 808 737 ;
+C 82 ; WX 815 ; N R ; B 19 -15 815 722 ;
+C 83 ; WX 667 ; N S ; B 51 -15 634 737 ;
+C 84 ; WX 722 ; N T ; B 16 0 706 722 ;
+C 85 ; WX 833 ; N U ; B 14 -15 825 722 ;
+C 86 ; WX 759 ; N V ; B -19 -10 778 722 ;
+C 87 ; WX 981 ; N W ; B 7 -10 974 722 ;
+C 88 ; WX 722 ; N X ; B -12 0 734 722 ;
+C 89 ; WX 722 ; N Y ; B -12 0 734 722 ;
+C 90 ; WX 667 ; N Z ; B 28 0 639 722 ;
+C 91 ; WX 389 ; N bracketleft ; B 84 -109 339 737 ;
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+C 93 ; WX 389 ; N bracketright ; B 50 -109 305 737 ;
+C 94 ; WX 606 ; N asciicircum ; B 66 325 540 690 ;
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+C 96 ; WX 241 ; N quoteleft ; B 22 378 220 737 ;
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+C 100 ; WX 667 ; N d ; B 32 -15 644 737 ;
+C 101 ; WX 574 ; N e ; B 32 -15 542 485 ;
+C 102 ; WX 389 ; N f ; B 11 0 461 737 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 611 ; N g ; B 30 -205 623 535 ;
+C 104 ; WX 685 ; N h ; B 17 0 662 737 ;
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+C 110 ; WX 685 ; N n ; B 17 0 662 485 ;
+C 111 ; WX 611 ; N o ; B 32 -15 579 485 ;
+C 112 ; WX 667 ; N p ; B 17 -205 629 485 ;
+C 113 ; WX 648 ; N q ; B 32 -205 638 485 ;
+C 114 ; WX 519 ; N r ; B 17 0 516 485 ;
+C 115 ; WX 500 ; N s ; B 48 -15 476 485 ;
+C 116 ; WX 426 ; N t ; B 21 -15 405 675 ;
+C 117 ; WX 685 ; N u ; B 17 -15 668 475 ;
+C 118 ; WX 611 ; N v ; B 12 -10 599 475 ;
+C 119 ; WX 889 ; N w ; B 16 -10 873 475 ;
+C 120 ; WX 611 ; N x ; B 12 0 599 475 ;
+C 121 ; WX 611 ; N y ; B 12 -205 599 475 ;
+C 122 ; WX 537 ; N z ; B 38 0 499 475 ;
+C 123 ; WX 389 ; N braceleft ; B 36 -109 313 737 ;
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+C 187 ; WX 500 ; N guillemotright ; B 46 79 454 397 ;
+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 72 -15 928 175 ;
+C 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 7 -15 993 705 ;
+C 191 ; WX 500 ; N questiondown ; B 23 -205 477 547 ;
+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 2 547 249 737 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 84 547 331 737 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B -10 547 344 725 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B -24 563 357 705 ;
+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B -6 582 339 664 ;
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+C 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 95 552 237 694 ;
+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B -12 552 345 694 ;
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+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B -10 547 344 725 ;
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+C 225 ; WX 981 ; N AE ; B -29 0 963 722 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N uacute ; B 17 -15 668 737 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Aacute ; B -19 0 778 964 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ccedilla ; B 32 -224 524 485 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N adieresis ; B 40 -15 601 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 19 0 708 952 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N thorn ; B 17 -205 629 737 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 537 ; N zcaron ; B 38 0 499 725 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N atilde ; B 40 -15 601 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N aring ; B 40 -15 601 761 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ocircumflex ; B 32 -15 579 725 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Edieresis ; B 19 0 708 921 ;
+C -1 ; WX 861 ; N threequarters ; B 15 -15 838 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ydieresis ; B 12 -205 599 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N yacute ; B 12 -205 599 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N iacute ; B 26 0 350 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Acircumflex ; B -19 0 778 952 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Uacute ; B 14 -15 825 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N eacute ; B 32 -15 542 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ograve ; B 39 -15 794 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N agrave ; B 40 -15 601 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Udieresis ; B 14 -15 825 921 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N acircumflex ; B 40 -15 601 725 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Igrave ; B 29 0 415 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 344 ; N twosuperior ; B -3 282 350 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ugrave ; B 14 -15 825 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 861 ; N onequarter ; B 31 -15 838 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 14 -15 825 952 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scaron ; B 51 -15 634 952 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Idieresis ; B 29 0 415 921 ;
+C -1 ; WX 370 ; N idieresis ; B 7 0 364 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Egrave ; B 19 0 708 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Oacute ; B 39 -15 794 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N divide ; B 50 -40 556 546 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Atilde ; B -19 0 778 932 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Aring ; B -19 0 778 988 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Odieresis ; B 39 -15 794 921 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Adieresis ; B -19 0 778 921 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ntilde ; B 5 -10 828 932 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Zcaron ; B 28 0 639 952 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Thorn ; B 24 0 735 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Iacute ; B 29 0 415 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 50 0 556 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 65 15 541 491 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Eacute ; B 19 0 708 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ydieresis ; B -12 0 734 921 ;
+C -1 ; WX 344 ; N onesuperior ; B 31 282 309 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N ugrave ; B 17 -15 668 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 50 103 556 403 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N ntilde ; B 17 0 662 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Otilde ; B 39 -15 794 932 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N otilde ; B 32 -15 579 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ccedilla ; B 39 -224 723 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Agrave ; B -19 0 778 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 861 ; N onehalf ; B 31 -15 838 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Eth ; B 19 0 794 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 419 343 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Yacute ; B -12 0 734 964 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 39 -15 794 952 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N oacute ; B 32 -15 579 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N mu ; B 17 -205 668 475 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 50 199 556 307 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N eth ; B 32 -15 579 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N odieresis ; B 32 -15 579 694 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B -2 -15 750 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 249 -175 357 675 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 213 227 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 213 227 ;
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+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 213 227 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 213 227 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 213 227 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 213 227 ;
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+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
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+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 176 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 176 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
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+C 91 ; WX 407 ; N bracketleft ; B 1 -109 464 737 ;
+C 92 ; WX 606 ; N backslash ; B 161 -15 445 737 ;
+C 93 ; WX 407 ; N bracketright ; B -101 -109 362 737 ;
+C 94 ; WX 606 ; N asciicircum ; B 66 325 540 690 ;
+C 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 500 -75 ;
+C 96 ; WX 259 ; N quoteleft ; B 47 388 274 737 ;
+C 97 ; WX 667 ; N a ; B 6 -15 636 477 ;
+C 98 ; WX 611 ; N b ; B 29 -15 557 737 ;
+C 99 ; WX 537 ; N c ; B 0 -15 482 477 ;
+C 100 ; WX 667 ; N d ; B 0 -15 660 737 ;
+C 101 ; WX 519 ; N e ; B 0 -15 479 477 ;
+C 102 ; WX 389 ; N f ; B -48 -205 550 737 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 611 ; N g ; B -63 -205 604 528 ;
+C 104 ; WX 685 ; N h ; B 0 -15 639 737 ;
+C 105 ; WX 389 ; N i ; B 32 -15 345 737 ;
+C 106 ; WX 370 ; N j ; B -205 -205 347 737 ;
+C 107 ; WX 648 ; N k ; B -11 -15 578 737 ;
+C 108 ; WX 389 ; N l ; B 32 -15 375 737 ;
+C 109 ; WX 944 ; N m ; B 0 -15 909 477 ;
+C 110 ; WX 685 ; N n ; B 0 -15 639 477 ;
+C 111 ; WX 574 ; N o ; B 0 -15 530 477 ;
+C 112 ; WX 648 ; N p ; B -119 -205 590 477 ;
+C 113 ; WX 630 ; N q ; B 0 -205 587 477 ;
+C 114 ; WX 519 ; N r ; B 0 0 527 486 ;
+C 115 ; WX 481 ; N s ; B 0 -15 435 477 ;
+C 116 ; WX 407 ; N t ; B 24 -15 403 650 ;
+C 117 ; WX 685 ; N u ; B 30 -15 635 477 ;
+C 118 ; WX 556 ; N v ; B 30 -15 496 477 ;
+C 119 ; WX 833 ; N w ; B 30 -15 773 477 ;
+C 120 ; WX 574 ; N x ; B -46 -15 574 477 ;
+C 121 ; WX 519 ; N y ; B -66 -205 493 477 ;
+C 122 ; WX 519 ; N z ; B -19 -15 473 477 ;
+C 123 ; WX 407 ; N braceleft ; B 52 -109 408 737 ;
+C 124 ; WX 606 ; N bar ; B 249 -250 357 750 ;
+C 125 ; WX 407 ; N braceright ; B -25 -109 331 737 ;
+C 126 ; WX 606 ; N asciitilde ; B 72 160 534 346 ;
+C 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B -44 -205 289 547 ;
+C 162 ; WX 574 ; N cent ; B 30 -144 512 578 ;
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+C 168 ; WX 574 ; N currency ; B 27 84 547 605 ;
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+C 174 ; WX 685 ; N fi ; B -70 -205 641 737 ;
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+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 47 573 404 649 ;
+C 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 67 535 390 698 ;
+C 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 145 546 289 690 ;
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+C 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 111 522 335 746 ;
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+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 60 531 403 705 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B -47 189 979 287 ;
+C 225 ; WX 889 ; N AE ; B -86 0 915 722 ;
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+C 235 ; WX 356 ; N ordmasculine ; B 42 407 394 705 ;
+C 241 ; WX 815 ; N ae ; B -18 -15 775 477 ;
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+C 251 ; WX 574 ; N germandbls ; B -91 -205 540 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 519 ; N ecircumflex ; B 0 -15 479 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 519 ; N edieresis ; B 0 -15 486 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N aacute ; B 6 -15 636 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N registered ; B -2 -15 750 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N icircumflex ; B 21 -15 363 698 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N udieresis ; B 30 -15 635 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N ograve ; B 0 -15 530 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N uacute ; B 30 -15 635 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N ucircumflex ; B 30 -15 635 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Aacute ; B -75 0 716 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N igrave ; B 32 -15 345 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Icircumflex ; B -41 0 485 930 ;
+C -1 ; WX 537 ; N ccedilla ; B 0 -220 482 477 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N adieresis ; B 6 -15 636 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Ecircumflex ; B -41 0 730 930 ;
+C -1 ; WX 481 ; N scaron ; B 0 -15 477 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 648 ; N thorn ; B -119 -205 590 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 950 ; N trademark ; B 42 317 1017 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 519 ; N egrave ; B 0 -15 479 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 344 ; N threesuperior ; B 3 273 361 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 519 ; N zcaron ; B -19 -15 473 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N atilde ; B 6 -15 636 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N aring ; B 6 -15 636 746 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N ocircumflex ; B 0 -15 530 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Edieresis ; B -41 0 730 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 861 ; N threequarters ; B 35 -15 789 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 519 ; N ydieresis ; B -66 -205 493 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 519 ; N yacute ; B -66 -205 493 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N iacute ; B 32 -15 370 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Acircumflex ; B -75 0 716 930 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Uacute ; B 88 -15 900 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 519 ; N eacute ; B 0 -15 479 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ograve ; B 37 -15 796 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N agrave ; B 6 -15 636 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Udieresis ; B 88 -15 900 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N acircumflex ; B 6 -15 636 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Igrave ; B -41 0 485 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 344 ; N twosuperior ; B -17 280 362 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ugrave ; B 88 -15 900 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 861 ; N onequarter ; B 17 -15 789 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 88 -15 900 930 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N Scaron ; B 1 -15 666 930 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Idieresis ; B -41 0 509 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N idieresis ; B 31 -15 391 683 ;
+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Egrave ; B -41 0 730 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Oacute ; B 37 -15 796 947 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Aring ; B -75 0 716 991 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Odieresis ; B 37 -15 796 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Adieresis ; B -75 0 716 915 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Zcaron ; B -33 0 711 930 ;
+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Thorn ; B -41 0 690 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Iacute ; B -41 0 488 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 50 0 556 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 65 15 541 491 ;
+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Eacute ; B -41 0 730 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Ydieresis ; B 13 0 775 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 344 ; N onesuperior ; B 19 282 326 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N ugrave ; B 30 -15 635 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 50 103 556 403 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N ntilde ; B 0 -15 639 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Otilde ; B 37 -15 796 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N otilde ; B 0 -15 530 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 759 ; N Ccedilla ; B 37 -220 759 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 741 ; N Agrave ; B -75 0 716 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 861 ; N onehalf ; B 17 -15 798 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Eth ; B -47 0 796 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 86 419 372 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Yacute ; B 13 0 775 947 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 37 -15 796 930 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N oacute ; B 0 -15 530 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N mu ; B -89 -205 635 477 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 50 199 556 307 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N eth ; B 0 -15 530 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N odieresis ; B 0 -15 530 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B -2 -15 750 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 249 -175 357 675 ;
+StartKernPairs 239
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+KPX A C 5
+KPX B period 15
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+KPX B U 15
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 259 225 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 259 225 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 259 225 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 259 225 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 229 245 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 259 225 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 296 225 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 296 225 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 296 225 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 296 225 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 116 225 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 116 225 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 116 225 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 116 225 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 326 225 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 315 225 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 315 225 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 315 225 ;
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+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 315 225 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 206 225 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 340 225 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 340 225 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 340 225 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 340 225 ;
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+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 226 225 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 0 ;
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+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 93 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -2 -7 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -2 -7 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 176 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 121 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 121 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 121 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 121 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 121 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 74 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 176 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 176 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 176 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 176 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 93 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 93 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 63 -10 ;
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+C 58 ; WX 278 ; N colon ; B 17 -15 229 466 ;
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+C 60 ; WX 606 ; N less ; B 36 -8 542 514 ;
+C 61 ; WX 606 ; N equal ; B 50 117 556 389 ;
+C 62 ; WX 606 ; N greater ; B 64 -8 570 514 ;
+C 63 ; WX 444 ; N question ; B 102 -15 417 737 ;
+C 64 ; WX 747 ; N at ; B -2 -15 750 737 ;
+C 65 ; WX 704 ; N A ; B -87 0 668 737 ;
+C 66 ; WX 722 ; N B ; B -33 0 670 722 ;
+C 67 ; WX 722 ; N C ; B 40 -15 712 737 ;
+C 68 ; WX 778 ; N D ; B -33 0 738 722 ;
+C 69 ; WX 722 ; N E ; B -33 0 700 722 ;
+C 70 ; WX 667 ; N F ; B -33 0 700 722 ;
+C 71 ; WX 778 ; N G ; B 40 -15 763 737 ;
+C 72 ; WX 833 ; N H ; B -33 0 866 722 ;
+C 73 ; WX 407 ; N I ; B -33 0 435 722 ;
+C 74 ; WX 611 ; N J ; B -14 -15 651 722 ;
+C 75 ; WX 741 ; N K ; B -33 0 816 722 ;
+C 76 ; WX 667 ; N L ; B -33 0 627 722 ;
+C 77 ; WX 944 ; N M ; B -33 0 977 722 ;
+C 78 ; WX 815 ; N N ; B -51 -15 866 722 ;
+C 79 ; WX 778 ; N O ; B 40 -15 738 737 ;
+C 80 ; WX 667 ; N P ; B -33 0 667 722 ;
+C 81 ; WX 778 ; N Q ; B 40 -190 738 737 ;
+C 82 ; WX 741 ; N R ; B -45 -15 692 722 ;
+C 83 ; WX 667 ; N S ; B -6 -15 638 737 ;
+C 84 ; WX 685 ; N T ; B 40 0 725 722 ;
+C 85 ; WX 815 ; N U ; B 93 -15 867 722 ;
+C 86 ; WX 704 ; N V ; B 36 -10 779 722 ;
+C 87 ; WX 926 ; N W ; B 53 -10 978 722 ;
+C 88 ; WX 704 ; N X ; B -75 0 779 722 ;
+C 89 ; WX 685 ; N Y ; B 31 0 760 722 ;
+C 90 ; WX 667 ; N Z ; B -25 0 667 722 ;
+C 91 ; WX 333 ; N bracketleft ; B -55 -109 388 737 ;
+C 92 ; WX 606 ; N backslash ; B 132 -15 474 737 ;
+C 93 ; WX 333 ; N bracketright ; B -77 -109 366 737 ;
+C 94 ; WX 606 ; N asciicircum ; B 89 325 517 690 ;
+C 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 500 -75 ;
+C 96 ; WX 204 ; N quoteleft ; B 39 463 229 737 ;
+C 97 ; WX 574 ; N a ; B 2 -15 524 466 ;
+C 98 ; WX 556 ; N b ; B 32 -15 488 737 ;
+C 99 ; WX 444 ; N c ; B 2 -15 394 466 ;
+C 100 ; WX 611 ; N d ; B 2 -15 585 737 ;
+C 101 ; WX 444 ; N e ; B -6 -15 388 466 ;
+C 102 ; WX 333 ; N f ; B -68 -205 470 737 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 537 ; N g ; B -79 -205 523 497 ;
+C 104 ; WX 611 ; N h ; B 14 -15 562 737 ;
+C 105 ; WX 333 ; N i ; B 29 -15 282 715 ;
+C 106 ; WX 315 ; N j ; B -166 -205 318 715 ;
+C 107 ; WX 556 ; N k ; B 0 -15 497 737 ;
+C 108 ; WX 333 ; N l ; B 14 -15 292 737 ;
+C 109 ; WX 889 ; N m ; B 14 -15 840 466 ;
+C 110 ; WX 611 ; N n ; B 14 -15 562 466 ;
+C 111 ; WX 500 ; N o ; B 2 -15 450 466 ;
+C 112 ; WX 574 ; N p ; B -101 -205 506 466 ;
+C 113 ; WX 556 ; N q ; B 2 -205 500 466 ;
+C 114 ; WX 444 ; N r ; B 10 0 434 466 ;
+C 115 ; WX 444 ; N s ; B 2 -15 394 466 ;
+C 116 ; WX 352 ; N t ; B 24 -15 328 619 ;
+C 117 ; WX 611 ; N u ; B 44 -15 556 466 ;
+C 118 ; WX 519 ; N v ; B 31 -15 447 466 ;
+C 119 ; WX 778 ; N w ; B 31 -15 706 466 ;
+C 120 ; WX 500 ; N x ; B -33 -15 471 466 ;
+C 121 ; WX 500 ; N y ; B -83 -205 450 466 ;
+C 122 ; WX 463 ; N z ; B -33 -15 416 466 ;
+C 123 ; WX 333 ; N braceleft ; B 38 -109 394 737 ;
+C 124 ; WX 606 ; N bar ; B 267 -250 339 750 ;
+C 125 ; WX 333 ; N braceright ; B -87 -109 269 737 ;
+C 126 ; WX 606 ; N asciitilde ; B 72 184 534 322 ;
+C 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B -22 -205 264 547 ;
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+C 166 ; WX 556 ; N florin ; B -58 -205 569 737 ;
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+C 168 ; WX 556 ; N currency ; B 26 93 530 597 ;
+C 169 ; WX 278 ; N quotesingle ; B 151 463 237 737 ;
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+C 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 40 74 259 402 ;
+C 174 ; WX 611 ; N fi ; B -68 -205 555 737 ;
+C 175 ; WX 611 ; N fl ; B -68 -205 587 737 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B -27 208 487 268 ;
+C 178 ; WX 500 ; N dagger ; B 51 -147 506 737 ;
+C 179 ; WX 500 ; N daggerdbl ; B -54 -147 506 737 ;
+C 180 ; WX 278 ; N periodcentered ; B 71 238 207 374 ;
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+C 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 6 -15 994 705 ;
+C 191 ; WX 444 ; N questiondown ; B -3 -205 312 547 ;
+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 71 518 262 690 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 132 518 355 690 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 37 518 331 690 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 52 547 383 649 ;
+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 52 560 363 610 ;
+C 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 69 518 370 677 ;
+C 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 146 544 248 646 ;
+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 59 544 359 646 ;
+C 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 114 512 314 712 ;
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+C 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 32 518 455 690 ;
+C 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 68 -215 254 0 ;
+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 73 518 378 690 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B -27 208 987 268 ;
+C 225 ; WX 870 ; N AE ; B -87 0 888 722 ;
+C 227 ; WX 422 ; N ordfeminine ; B 72 416 420 705 ;
+C 232 ; WX 667 ; N Lslash ; B -33 0 627 722 ;
+C 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 16 -68 748 780 ;
+C 234 ; WX 981 ; N OE ; B 40 0 975 722 ;
+C 235 ; WX 372 ; N ordmasculine ; B 66 416 370 705 ;
+C 241 ; WX 722 ; N ae ; B -18 -15 666 466 ;
+C 245 ; WX 333 ; N dotlessi ; B 29 -15 282 466 ;
+C 248 ; WX 333 ; N lslash ; B -25 -15 340 737 ;
+C 249 ; WX 500 ; N oslash ; B 2 -121 450 549 ;
+C 250 ; WX 778 ; N oe ; B 2 -15 722 466 ;
+C 251 ; WX 556 ; N germandbls ; B -76 -205 525 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecircumflex ; B -6 -15 388 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N edieresis ; B -6 -15 415 646 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N aacute ; B 2 -15 524 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N registered ; B -2 -15 750 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N icircumflex ; B 29 -15 331 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N udieresis ; B 44 -15 556 646 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 2 -15 450 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N uacute ; B 44 -15 556 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ucircumflex ; B 44 -15 556 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Aacute ; B -87 0 668 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N igrave ; B 29 -15 282 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N Icircumflex ; B -33 0 435 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 2 -215 394 466 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N adieresis ; B 2 -15 524 646 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ecircumflex ; B -33 0 700 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N scaron ; B 2 -15 434 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N thorn ; B -101 -205 506 737 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N egrave ; B -6 -15 388 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 22 273 359 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 463 ; N zcaron ; B -33 -15 443 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N atilde ; B 2 -15 524 649 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N aring ; B 2 -15 524 712 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B 2 -15 450 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Edieresis ; B -33 0 700 902 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 22 -15 782 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B -83 -205 450 646 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B -83 -205 450 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N iacute ; B 29 -15 355 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Acircumflex ; B -87 0 668 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Uacute ; B 93 -15 867 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N eacute ; B -6 -15 411 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 40 -15 738 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N agrave ; B 2 -15 524 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Udieresis ; B 93 -15 867 902 ;
+C -1 ; WX 574 ; N acircumflex ; B 2 -15 524 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N Igrave ; B -33 0 435 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 0 282 359 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Ugrave ; B 93 -15 867 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 34 -15 782 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 93 -15 867 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scaron ; B -6 -15 638 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N Idieresis ; B -33 0 456 902 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N idieresis ; B 29 -15 359 646 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Egrave ; B -33 0 700 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 40 -15 738 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N divide ; B 50 -22 556 528 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Atilde ; B -87 0 668 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Aring ; B -87 0 668 958 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 40 -15 738 902 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Adieresis ; B -87 0 668 902 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Ntilde ; B -51 -15 866 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Zcaron ; B -25 0 667 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B -33 0 627 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N Iacute ; B -33 0 452 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 50 0 556 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 74 24 532 482 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eacute ; B -33 0 700 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N Ydieresis ; B 31 0 760 902 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 34 282 311 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ugrave ; B 44 -15 556 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 50 108 556 389 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ntilde ; B 14 -15 562 649 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 40 -15 738 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 2 -15 467 649 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 40 -215 712 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Agrave ; B -87 0 668 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 34 -15 776 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eth ; B -33 0 738 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 86 419 372 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N Yacute ; B 31 0 760 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 40 -15 738 946 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 2 -15 450 690 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N mu ; B -60 -205 556 466 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 50 217 556 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 2 -15 450 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 2 -15 450 646 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B -2 -15 750 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 267 -175 339 675 ;
+StartKernPairs 181
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+KPX T O 18
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+KPX l y -10
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+KPX p period -50
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+KPX quoteright d -37
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+KPX r comma -125
+KPX r colon -25
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+KPX s comma -50
+KPX semicolon space -37
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 246 256 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 246 256 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 231 256 ;
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+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 216 246 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 231 256 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 255 256 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 255 256 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 255 256 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 255 256 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 97 256 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 97 256 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 97 256 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 97 256 ;
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+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 283 256 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 283 256 ;
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+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 283 256 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 301 256 ;
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+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 56 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 84 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 56 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
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+C 52 ; WX 556 ; N four ; B 28 0 528 705 ;
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+C 54 ; WX 556 ; N six ; B 41 -15 515 705 ;
+C 55 ; WX 556 ; N seven ; B 59 -15 508 705 ;
+C 56 ; WX 556 ; N eight ; B 42 -15 514 705 ;
+C 57 ; WX 556 ; N nine ; B 41 -15 515 705 ;
+C 58 ; WX 278 ; N colon ; B 77 -15 201 474 ;
+C 59 ; WX 278 ; N semicolon ; B 62 -185 216 474 ;
+C 60 ; WX 606 ; N less ; B 50 -8 556 514 ;
+C 61 ; WX 606 ; N equal ; B 50 117 556 389 ;
+C 62 ; WX 606 ; N greater ; B 50 -8 556 514 ;
+C 63 ; WX 444 ; N question ; B 29 -15 415 737 ;
+C 64 ; WX 737 ; N at ; B -8 -15 744 737 ;
+C 65 ; WX 722 ; N A ; B -8 0 730 737 ;
+C 66 ; WX 722 ; N B ; B 29 0 669 722 ;
+C 67 ; WX 722 ; N C ; B 45 -15 668 737 ;
+C 68 ; WX 778 ; N D ; B 29 0 733 722 ;
+C 69 ; WX 722 ; N E ; B 29 0 663 722 ;
+C 70 ; WX 667 ; N F ; B 29 0 638 722 ;
+C 71 ; WX 778 ; N G ; B 45 -15 775 737 ;
+C 72 ; WX 833 ; N H ; B 29 0 804 722 ;
+C 73 ; WX 407 ; N I ; B 38 0 369 722 ;
+C 74 ; WX 556 ; N J ; B 5 -15 540 722 ;
+C 75 ; WX 778 ; N K ; B 29 0 803 722 ;
+C 76 ; WX 667 ; N L ; B 29 0 644 722 ;
+C 77 ; WX 944 ; N M ; B 29 0 915 722 ;
+C 78 ; WX 815 ; N N ; B 24 -15 791 722 ;
+C 79 ; WX 778 ; N O ; B 45 -15 733 737 ;
+C 80 ; WX 667 ; N P ; B 29 0 650 722 ;
+C 81 ; WX 778 ; N Q ; B 45 -190 748 737 ;
+C 82 ; WX 722 ; N R ; B 29 -15 713 722 ;
+C 83 ; WX 630 ; N S ; B 47 -15 583 737 ;
+C 84 ; WX 667 ; N T ; B 19 0 648 722 ;
+C 85 ; WX 815 ; N U ; B 16 -15 799 722 ;
+C 86 ; WX 722 ; N V ; B -8 -10 730 722 ;
+C 87 ; WX 981 ; N W ; B 5 -10 976 722 ;
+C 88 ; WX 704 ; N X ; B -8 0 712 722 ;
+C 89 ; WX 704 ; N Y ; B -11 0 715 722 ;
+C 90 ; WX 611 ; N Z ; B 24 0 576 722 ;
+C 91 ; WX 333 ; N bracketleft ; B 126 -109 315 737 ;
+C 92 ; WX 606 ; N backslash ; B 132 -15 474 737 ;
+C 93 ; WX 333 ; N bracketright ; B 18 -109 207 737 ;
+C 94 ; WX 606 ; N asciicircum ; B 89 325 517 690 ;
+C 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 500 -75 ;
+C 96 ; WX 204 ; N quoteleft ; B 25 443 179 737 ;
+C 97 ; WX 556 ; N a ; B 44 -15 542 479 ;
+C 98 ; WX 556 ; N b ; B 10 -15 522 737 ;
+C 99 ; WX 444 ; N c ; B 34 -15 426 479 ;
+C 100 ; WX 574 ; N d ; B 34 -15 552 737 ;
+C 101 ; WX 500 ; N e ; B 34 -15 466 479 ;
+C 102 ; WX 333 ; N f ; B 18 0 437 737 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 537 ; N g ; B 23 -205 542 494 ;
+C 104 ; WX 611 ; N h ; B 7 0 592 737 ;
+C 105 ; WX 315 ; N i ; B 18 0 286 722 ;
+C 106 ; WX 296 ; N j ; B -86 -205 216 722 ;
+C 107 ; WX 593 ; N k ; B 10 0 589 737 ;
+C 108 ; WX 315 ; N l ; B 18 0 286 737 ;
+C 109 ; WX 889 ; N m ; B 26 0 863 479 ;
+C 110 ; WX 611 ; N n ; B 22 0 589 479 ;
+C 111 ; WX 500 ; N o ; B 34 -15 466 479 ;
+C 112 ; WX 574 ; N p ; B 22 -205 540 479 ;
+C 113 ; WX 556 ; N q ; B 34 -205 552 479 ;
+C 114 ; WX 444 ; N r ; B 18 0 434 479 ;
+C 115 ; WX 463 ; N s ; B 46 -15 417 479 ;
+C 116 ; WX 389 ; N t ; B 18 -15 371 666 ;
+C 117 ; WX 611 ; N u ; B 22 -15 589 464 ;
+C 118 ; WX 537 ; N v ; B -6 -10 515 464 ;
+C 119 ; WX 778 ; N w ; B 1 -10 749 464 ;
+C 120 ; WX 537 ; N x ; B 8 0 529 464 ;
+C 121 ; WX 537 ; N y ; B 4 -205 533 464 ;
+C 122 ; WX 481 ; N z ; B 42 0 439 464 ;
+C 123 ; WX 333 ; N braceleft ; B 54 -109 279 737 ;
+C 124 ; WX 606 ; N bar ; B 267 -250 339 750 ;
+C 125 ; WX 333 ; N braceright ; B 54 -109 279 737 ;
+C 126 ; WX 606 ; N asciitilde ; B 72 184 534 322 ;
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+C 163 ; WX 556 ; N sterling ; B 18 -15 538 705 ;
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+C 166 ; WX 556 ; N florin ; B 0 -205 538 737 ;
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+C 168 ; WX 556 ; N currency ; B 26 93 530 597 ;
+C 169 ; WX 204 ; N quotesingle ; B 59 443 145 737 ;
+C 170 ; WX 389 ; N quotedblleft ; B 25 443 364 737 ;
+C 171 ; WX 426 ; N guillemotleft ; B 39 78 387 398 ;
+C 172 ; WX 259 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 39 78 220 398 ;
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+C 175 ; WX 611 ; N fl ; B 18 0 582 737 ;
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+C 179 ; WX 500 ; N daggerdbl ; B 42 -149 458 737 ;
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+C 184 ; WX 204 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 25 -185 179 109 ;
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+C 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 6 -15 994 705 ;
+C 191 ; WX 444 ; N questiondown ; B 29 -205 415 547 ;
+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 17 528 242 699 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 91 528 316 699 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 10 528 323 695 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 1 553 332 655 ;
+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 10 568 323 623 ;
+C 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 25 528 308 685 ;
+C 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 116 543 218 645 ;
+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 16 543 317 645 ;
+C 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 66 522 266 722 ;
+C 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 29 -215 237 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B -9 528 416 699 ;
+C 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 68 -215 254 0 ;
+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 10 528 323 695 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 0 208 1000 268 ;
+C 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 0 0 962 722 ;
+C 227 ; WX 334 ; N ordfeminine ; B -4 407 338 705 ;
+C 232 ; WX 667 ; N Lslash ; B 29 0 644 722 ;
+C 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 45 -56 733 778 ;
+C 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 21 0 979 722 ;
+C 235 ; WX 300 ; N ordmasculine ; B 4 407 296 705 ;
+C 241 ; WX 796 ; N ae ; B 34 -15 762 479 ;
+C 245 ; WX 315 ; N dotlessi ; B 18 0 286 464 ;
+C 248 ; WX 315 ; N lslash ; B 18 0 286 737 ;
+C 249 ; WX 500 ; N oslash ; B 34 -97 466 561 ;
+C 250 ; WX 833 ; N oe ; B 34 -15 799 479 ;
+C 251 ; WX 574 ; N germandbls ; B 30 -15 537 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ecircumflex ; B 34 -15 466 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N edieresis ; B 34 -15 466 645 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 44 -15 542 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N registered ; B -8 -15 744 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 315 ; N icircumflex ; B 1 0 314 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N udieresis ; B 22 -15 589 645 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 34 -15 466 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N uacute ; B 22 -15 589 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ucircumflex ; B 22 -15 589 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B -8 0 730 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 315 ; N igrave ; B 8 0 286 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N Icircumflex ; B 38 0 369 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 34 -215 426 479 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 44 -15 542 645 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 29 0 663 933 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 44 -15 542 732 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B 34 -15 466 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Edieresis ; B 29 0 663 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 28 -15 795 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 537 ; N ydieresis ; B 4 -205 533 645 ;
+C -1 ; WX 537 ; N yacute ; B 4 -205 533 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 315 ; N iacute ; B 18 0 307 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B -8 0 730 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Uacute ; B 16 -15 799 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eacute ; B 34 -15 466 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 45 -15 733 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 44 -15 542 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Udieresis ; B 16 -15 799 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 44 -15 542 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N Igrave ; B 38 0 369 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 14 282 319 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Ugrave ; B 16 -15 799 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 39 -15 795 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 16 -15 799 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 630 ; N Scaron ; B 47 -15 583 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N Idieresis ; B 38 0 369 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 315 ; N idieresis ; B 7 0 308 645 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Egrave ; B 29 0 663 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 45 -15 733 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N divide ; B 50 -22 556 528 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B -8 0 730 893 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B -8 0 730 965 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 45 -15 733 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B -8 0 730 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 815 ; N Ntilde ; B 24 -15 791 893 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 24 0 576 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B 29 0 650 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N Iacute ; B 38 0 369 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 50 0 556 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 74 24 532 482 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eacute ; B 29 0 663 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Ydieresis ; B -11 0 715 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 39 282 294 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ugrave ; B 22 -15 589 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 50 108 556 389 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ntilde ; B 22 0 589 655 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 45 -15 733 893 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 34 -15 466 655 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 45 -215 668 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B -8 0 730 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 39 -15 820 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eth ; B 29 0 733 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 419 343 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 704 ; N Yacute ; B -11 0 715 937 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 45 -15 733 933 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 34 -15 466 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N mu ; B 22 -205 589 464 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 50 217 556 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 34 -15 466 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 34 -15 466 645 ;
+C -1 ; WX 737 ; N copyright ; B -8 -15 744 737 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 267 -175 339 675 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 238 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 238 ;
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+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 238 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 238 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 195 238 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 195 238 ;
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+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 37 238 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 241 238 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -9 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -9 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 84 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 65 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 102 0 ;
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+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 74 0 ;
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+C 57 ; WX 500 ; N nine ; B 31 -17 463 660 ;
+C 58 ; WX 250 ; N colon ; B 47 -12 203 454 ;
+C 59 ; WX 250 ; N semicolon ; B -6 -166 227 454 ;
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+C 62 ; WX 606 ; N greater ; B 49 -15 558 519 ;
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+C 65 ; WX 778 ; N A ; B 24 -3 757 686 ;
+C 66 ; WX 667 ; N B ; B 39 -3 611 681 ;
+C 67 ; WX 722 ; N C ; B 44 -17 695 695 ;
+C 68 ; WX 833 ; N D ; B 35 -3 786 681 ;
+C 69 ; WX 611 ; N E ; B 39 -4 577 681 ;
+C 70 ; WX 556 ; N F ; B 28 -3 539 681 ;
+C 71 ; WX 833 ; N G ; B 47 -17 776 695 ;
+C 72 ; WX 833 ; N H ; B 36 -3 796 681 ;
+C 73 ; WX 389 ; N I ; B 39 -3 350 681 ;
+C 74 ; WX 389 ; N J ; B -11 -213 350 681 ;
+C 75 ; WX 778 ; N K ; B 39 -3 763 681 ;
+C 76 ; WX 611 ; N L ; B 39 -4 577 681 ;
+C 77 ; WX 1000 ; N M ; B 32 -10 968 681 ;
+C 78 ; WX 833 ; N N ; B 35 -16 798 681 ;
+C 79 ; WX 833 ; N O ; B 47 -17 787 695 ;
+C 80 ; WX 611 ; N P ; B 39 -3 594 681 ;
+C 81 ; WX 833 ; N Q ; B 47 -184 787 695 ;
+C 82 ; WX 722 ; N R ; B 39 -3 708 681 ;
+C 83 ; WX 611 ; N S ; B 57 -17 559 695 ;
+C 84 ; WX 667 ; N T ; B 17 -3 650 681 ;
+C 85 ; WX 778 ; N U ; B 26 -17 760 681 ;
+C 86 ; WX 778 ; N V ; B 20 -3 763 681 ;
+C 87 ; WX 1000 ; N W ; B 17 -3 988 686 ;
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+C 90 ; WX 667 ; N Z ; B 24 -3 627 681 ;
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+C 97 ; WX 500 ; N a ; B 40 -17 478 471 ;
+C 98 ; WX 611 ; N b ; B 10 -17 556 720 ;
+C 99 ; WX 444 ; N c ; B 37 -17 414 471 ;
+C 100 ; WX 611 ; N d ; B 42 -17 577 720 ;
+C 101 ; WX 500 ; N e ; B 42 -17 461 471 ;
+C 102 ; WX 389 ; N f ; B 34 -3 381 720 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 556 ; N g ; B 26 -266 535 471 ;
+C 104 ; WX 611 ; N h ; B 24 -3 587 720 ;
+C 105 ; WX 333 ; N i ; B 34 -3 298 706 ;
+C 106 ; WX 333 ; N j ; B 3 -266 241 706 ;
+C 107 ; WX 611 ; N k ; B 21 -3 597 720 ;
+C 108 ; WX 333 ; N l ; B 24 -3 296 720 ;
+C 109 ; WX 889 ; N m ; B 24 -3 864 471 ;
+C 110 ; WX 611 ; N n ; B 24 -3 587 471 ;
+C 111 ; WX 556 ; N o ; B 40 -17 517 471 ;
+C 112 ; WX 611 ; N p ; B 29 -258 567 471 ;
+C 113 ; WX 611 ; N q ; B 52 -258 589 471 ;
+C 114 ; WX 389 ; N r ; B 30 -3 389 471 ;
+C 115 ; WX 444 ; N s ; B 39 -17 405 471 ;
+C 116 ; WX 333 ; N t ; B 22 -17 324 632 ;
+C 117 ; WX 611 ; N u ; B 25 -17 583 471 ;
+C 118 ; WX 556 ; N v ; B 11 -3 545 459 ;
+C 119 ; WX 833 ; N w ; B 13 -3 820 471 ;
+C 120 ; WX 500 ; N x ; B 20 -3 483 471 ;
+C 121 ; WX 556 ; N y ; B 10 -266 546 459 ;
+C 122 ; WX 500 ; N z ; B 16 -3 464 459 ;
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+C 126 ; WX 606 ; N asciitilde ; B 51 155 555 342 ;
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+C 168 ; WX 500 ; N currency ; B 32 96 468 533 ;
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+C 170 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblleft ; B 34 405 466 695 ;
+C 171 ; WX 500 ; N guillemotleft ; B 36 44 463 438 ;
+C 172 ; WX 389 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 82 44 307 438 ;
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+C 174 ; WX 611 ; N fi ; B 10 -3 595 720 ;
+C 175 ; WX 611 ; N fl ; B 17 -3 593 720 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 0 208 500 291 ;
+C 178 ; WX 500 ; N dagger ; B 29 -6 472 682 ;
+C 179 ; WX 500 ; N daggerdbl ; B 32 -245 468 682 ;
+C 180 ; WX 250 ; N periodcentered ; B 47 179 203 335 ;
+C 182 ; WX 641 ; N paragraph ; B 19 -161 599 683 ;
+C 183 ; WX 606 ; N bullet ; B 131 172 475 516 ;
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+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 89 -12 911 144 ;
+C 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 33 -9 982 724 ;
+C 191 ; WX 444 ; N questiondown ; B 33 -231 401 471 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 37 -225 414 471 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N atilde ; B 40 -17 478 673 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N threesuperior ; B 9 261 292 667 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ecircumflex ; B 42 -17 461 701 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aacute ; B 24 -3 757 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 40 -17 517 701 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N yacute ; B 10 -266 546 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N udieresis ; B 25 -17 583 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 15 -2 735 667 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Eth ; B 10 -3 786 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N edieresis ; B 42 -17 461 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ugrave ; B 25 -17 583 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 998 ; N trademark ; B 38 274 961 678 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N scaron ; B 39 -17 405 693 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idieresis ; B 20 -3 369 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N uacute ; B 25 -17 583 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 40 -17 478 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ntilde ; B 24 -3 587 673 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aring ; B 40 -17 478 700 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 16 -3 464 693 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Icircumflex ; B 26 -3 363 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ntilde ; B 35 -16 798 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ucircumflex ; B 25 -17 583 701 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 39 -4 577 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iacute ; B 39 -3 350 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 44 -225 695 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Odieresis ; B 47 -17 787 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Scaron ; B 57 -17 559 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 39 -4 577 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Igrave ; B 39 -3 350 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 40 -17 478 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ograve ; B 47 -17 787 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B 39 -4 577 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 15 -3 660 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N registered ; B 26 -17 720 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Otilde ; B 47 -17 787 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 19 -2 735 665 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 26 -17 760 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B 39 -3 574 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N divide ; B 51 0 555 510 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Atilde ; B 24 -3 757 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 26 -17 760 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 47 -17 787 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 114 555 396 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aring ; B 24 -3 757 924 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N idieresis ; B -8 -3 341 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N iacute ; B 34 -3 316 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B 40 -17 478 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 51 0 555 505 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 72 21 534 483 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 26 -17 760 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 51 212 555 298 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 14 261 287 665 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 39 -4 577 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Acircumflex ; B 24 -3 757 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B 26 -17 720 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Agrave ; B 24 -3 757 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 40 -17 517 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 40 -17 517 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 360 350 660 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N igrave ; B 18 -3 298 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N mu ; B 25 -225 583 471 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Oacute ; B 47 -17 787 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 40 -17 517 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Adieresis ; B 24 -3 757 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 15 -3 660 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 260 0 346 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 9 -2 745 665 ;
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+KPX W comma -92
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+KPX Y colon -55
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+KPX Y A -55
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+KPX one one -37
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+KPX quoteright s -55
+KPX quoteright quoteright -55
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+KPX r comma -55
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+KPX w comma -92
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 223 224 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 211 224 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 223 224 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 215 224 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 223 224 ;
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+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 195 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 224 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 224 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 224 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 224 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 28 224 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 224 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 224 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 224 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 250 224 ;
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+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 250 224 ;
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+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 250 224 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 235 224 ;
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+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 20 ;
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+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 0 20 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 20 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 20 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 12 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 20 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 20 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 20 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 12 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 56 8 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 151 20 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 20 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 20 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 131 20 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 144 20 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 124 20 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 84 8 ;
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+C 82 ; WX 722 ; N R ; B 39 -3 708 681 ;
+C 83 ; WX 611 ; N S ; B 57 -17 559 695 ;
+C 84 ; WX 667 ; N T ; B 17 -3 650 681 ;
+C 85 ; WX 778 ; N U ; B 26 -17 760 681 ;
+C 86 ; WX 778 ; N V ; B 20 -3 763 681 ;
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+C 100 ; WX 611 ; N d ; B 42 -17 577 720 ;
+C 101 ; WX 500 ; N e ; B 42 -17 461 471 ;
+C 102 ; WX 389 ; N f ; B 34 -3 381 720 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
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+C 104 ; WX 611 ; N h ; B 24 -3 587 720 ;
+C 105 ; WX 333 ; N i ; B 34 -3 298 706 ;
+C 106 ; WX 333 ; N j ; B 3 -266 241 706 ;
+C 107 ; WX 611 ; N k ; B 21 -3 597 720 ;
+C 108 ; WX 333 ; N l ; B 24 -3 296 720 ;
+C 109 ; WX 889 ; N m ; B 24 -3 864 471 ;
+C 110 ; WX 611 ; N n ; B 24 -3 587 471 ;
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+C 113 ; WX 611 ; N q ; B 52 -258 589 471 ;
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+C 115 ; WX 444 ; N s ; B 39 -17 405 471 ;
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+C 174 ; WX 611 ; N fi ; B 10 -3 595 720 ;
+C 175 ; WX 611 ; N fl ; B 17 -3 593 720 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 0 208 500 291 ;
+C 178 ; WX 500 ; N dagger ; B 29 -6 472 682 ;
+C 179 ; WX 500 ; N daggerdbl ; B 32 -245 468 682 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ucircumflex ; B 25 -17 583 701 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aacute ; B 24 -3 757 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N igrave ; B 18 -3 298 711 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 37 -225 414 471 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 40 -17 478 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 39 -4 577 905 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N egrave ; B 42 -17 461 711 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aring ; B 40 -17 478 700 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 40 -17 517 701 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 39 -4 577 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 15 -2 735 667 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ydieresis ; B 10 -266 546 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N yacute ; B 10 -266 546 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N iacute ; B 34 -3 316 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Acircumflex ; B 24 -3 757 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 26 -17 760 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eacute ; B 42 -17 461 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ograve ; B 47 -17 787 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 40 -17 478 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 26 -17 760 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N acircumflex ; B 40 -17 478 701 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Igrave ; B 39 -3 350 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 5 261 295 660 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ugrave ; B 26 -17 760 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 19 -2 735 665 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 26 -17 760 905 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N idieresis ; B -8 -3 341 691 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aring ; B 24 -3 757 924 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Adieresis ; B 24 -3 757 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ntilde ; B 35 -16 798 885 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B 39 -3 574 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iacute ; B 39 -3 350 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 51 0 555 505 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 39 -4 577 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 15 -3 660 895 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 14 261 287 665 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ugrave ; B 25 -17 583 711 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ntilde ; B 24 -3 587 673 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Otilde ; B 47 -17 787 885 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N otilde ; B 40 -17 517 673 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 44 -225 695 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Agrave ; B 24 -3 757 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 9 -2 745 665 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Eth ; B 10 -3 786 681 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 360 350 660 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 15 -3 660 915 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 47 -17 787 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 40 -17 517 711 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N mu ; B 25 -225 583 471 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 40 -17 517 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 40 -17 517 691 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 260 0 346 720 ;
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+KPX W i -37
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+KPX Y o -74
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+KPX Y e -74
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+KPX Y a -74
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 223 224 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 211 224 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 223 224 ;
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+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 223 224 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 223 224 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 224 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 224 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 224 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 224 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 28 224 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 224 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 224 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 224 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 250 224 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 250 224 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 250 224 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 250 224 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 235 224 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 20 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 20 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 139 12 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 20 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 20 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 20 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 12 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 56 8 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 151 20 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 20 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 20 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 131 20 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 144 20 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 124 20 ;
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+C 111 ; WX 556 ; N o ; B 48 -17 502 469 ;
+C 112 ; WX 556 ; N p ; B -21 -271 516 469 ;
+C 113 ; WX 537 ; N q ; B 32 -271 513 469 ;
+C 114 ; WX 389 ; N r ; B 20 -17 411 469 ;
+C 115 ; WX 444 ; N s ; B 25 -17 406 469 ;
+C 116 ; WX 389 ; N t ; B 42 -17 409 636 ;
+C 117 ; WX 556 ; N u ; B 22 -17 521 469 ;
+C 118 ; WX 556 ; N v ; B 19 -17 513 469 ;
+C 119 ; WX 833 ; N w ; B 27 -17 802 469 ;
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+C 174 ; WX 611 ; N fi ; B -130 -271 588 726 ;
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+C 182 ; WX 556 ; N paragraph ; B 14 -204 629 681 ;
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+C 191 ; WX 444 ; N questiondown ; B -12 -226 347 479 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 44 -17 553 666 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N egrave ; B 28 -17 418 719 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 48 -17 515 704 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N yacute ; B 13 -271 541 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 22 -17 538 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 18 -2 732 683 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 44 -17 527 704 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eth ; B 0 -3 747 682 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ograve ; B 48 -17 502 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N scaron ; B 25 -17 489 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idieresis ; B -1 -3 454 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 22 -17 521 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 44 -17 519 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 17 -17 553 666 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 44 -17 519 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 31 -17 517 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Icircumflex ; B -1 -3 443 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ntilde ; B -2 -3 829 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 22 -17 521 704 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 11 -3 606 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iacute ; B -1 -3 420 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N Ccedilla ; B 69 -218 695 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Odieresis ; B 76 -17 794 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 50 -17 557 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 11 -3 606 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Igrave ; B -1 -3 412 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 44 -17 538 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ograve ; B 76 -17 794 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B 11 -3 606 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ydieresis ; B 54 -3 675 880 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N divide ; B 50 -5 556 501 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 107 555 390 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B -35 -3 685 926 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N idieresis ; B 26 -17 426 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N iacute ; B 26 -17 392 719 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 50 0 556 501 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 72 17 534 479 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 51 204 555 292 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 41 271 298 680 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B -35 -3 685 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B 26 -17 720 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B -35 -3 685 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 48 -17 538 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 48 -17 504 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 383 350 683 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N igrave ; B 26 -17 322 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B -15 -232 521 469 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Oacute ; B 76 -17 794 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 48 -17 546 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B -35 -3 685 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Yacute ; B 54 -3 675 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 259 0 347 720 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 14 -2 736 683 ;
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+KPX r h -18
+KPX r g -18
+KPX r e -18
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 212 ;
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+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 212 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 212 ;
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+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 212 ;
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+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 100 20 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 20 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 12 ;
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+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 20 ;
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+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 20 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 20 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
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+C 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 35 40 267 443 ;
+C 174 ; WX 611 ; N fi ; B -130 -271 588 726 ;
+C 175 ; WX 611 ; N fl ; B -130 -271 631 726 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B -12 214 512 282 ;
+C 178 ; WX 556 ; N dagger ; B 67 -3 499 685 ;
+C 179 ; WX 556 ; N daggerdbl ; B 33 -153 537 693 ;
+C 180 ; WX 250 ; N periodcentered ; B 67 172 206 324 ;
+C 182 ; WX 556 ; N paragraph ; B 14 -204 629 681 ;
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+C 184 ; WX 250 ; N quotesinglbase ; B -3 -144 220 145 ;
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+C 187 ; WX 500 ; N guillemotright ; B 35 40 458 443 ;
+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 91 -17 896 135 ;
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+C 191 ; WX 444 ; N questiondown ; B -12 -226 347 479 ;
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+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 88 510 415 684 ;
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+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 90 537 426 668 ;
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+C 251 ; WX 556 ; N germandbls ; B -131 -271 549 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecircumflex ; B 28 -17 471 704 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N icircumflex ; B 26 -17 403 704 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 22 -17 538 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ograve ; B 48 -17 502 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 22 -17 521 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 22 -17 521 704 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B -35 -3 685 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N igrave ; B 26 -17 322 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Icircumflex ; B -1 -3 443 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 32 -218 436 469 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 44 -17 538 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 11 -3 606 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N scaron ; B 25 -17 489 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N thorn ; B -21 -271 516 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 38 274 961 678 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N egrave ; B 28 -17 418 719 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 31 -17 517 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 44 -17 553 666 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 44 -17 519 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 48 -17 515 704 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 11 -3 606 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 18 -2 732 683 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ydieresis ; B 13 -271 541 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N yacute ; B 13 -271 541 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N iacute ; B 26 -17 392 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B -35 -3 685 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 83 -17 825 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N eacute ; B 28 -17 448 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ograve ; B 76 -17 794 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 44 -17 519 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 83 -17 825 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 44 -17 527 704 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Igrave ; B -1 -3 412 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 26 271 321 683 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ugrave ; B 83 -17 825 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 18 -2 732 683 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 83 -17 825 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 50 -17 557 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idieresis ; B -1 -3 454 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N idieresis ; B 26 -17 426 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B 11 -3 606 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Oacute ; B 76 -17 794 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N divide ; B 50 -5 556 501 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B -35 -3 685 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B -35 -3 685 926 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Odieresis ; B 76 -17 794 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B -35 -3 685 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ntilde ; B -2 -3 829 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Zcaron ; B 1 -3 676 896 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iacute ; B -1 -3 420 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 50 0 556 501 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 11 -3 606 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ydieresis ; B 54 -3 675 880 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 41 271 298 680 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 22 -17 521 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 107 555 390 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N otilde ; B 48 -17 553 666 ;
+C -1 ; WX 685 ; N Ccedilla ; B 69 -218 695 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B -35 -3 685 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 14 -2 736 683 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eth ; B 0 -3 747 682 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 383 350 683 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Yacute ; B 54 -3 675 911 ;
+C -1 ; WX 833 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 76 -17 794 896 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 48 -17 504 719 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B -15 -232 521 469 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 51 204 555 292 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 48 -17 546 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 48 -17 538 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B 26 -17 720 695 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 259 0 347 720 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 212 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 195 212 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 195 212 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 195 212 ;
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+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 212 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 212 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 212 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 28 212 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 212 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 212 ;
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+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 223 212 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 250 212 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 250 212 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 223 212 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 223 212 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 223 212 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 0 20 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave 0 20 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 12 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 20 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 100 20 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 20 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 12 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 44 8 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 20 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 100 20 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 20 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 20 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
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+C 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 86 518 310 687 ;
+C 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 122 518 346 687 ;
+C 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 56 510 350 679 ;
+C 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 63 535 390 638 ;
+C 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 74 538 386 589 ;
+C 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 92 518 393 677 ;
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+C 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 78 537 378 637 ;
+C 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 159 508 359 708 ;
+C 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B -9 -216 202 0 ;
+C 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 46 518 385 730 ;
+C 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 38 -207 196 -18 ;
+C 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 104 510 409 679 ;
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+C 232 ; WX 556 ; N Lslash ; B -16 -3 523 692 ;
+C 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 32 -39 762 721 ;
+C 234 ; WX 1028 ; N OE ; B 56 -18 989 706 ;
+C 235 ; WX 333 ; N ordmasculine ; B 66 404 322 699 ;
+C 241 ; WX 638 ; N ae ; B 1 -11 623 482 ;
+C 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 34 -9 241 482 ;
+C 248 ; WX 278 ; N lslash ; B -10 -9 302 733 ;
+C 249 ; WX 444 ; N oslash ; B -18 -24 460 510 ;
+C 250 ; WX 669 ; N oe ; B 17 -11 654 482 ;
+C 251 ; WX 500 ; N germandbls ; B -160 -276 488 733 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Zcaron ; B 20 -3 637 907 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N ccedilla ; B 25 -216 389 482 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B -8 -276 490 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N atilde ; B 4 -11 446 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B 29 -9 323 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N threesuperior ; B 28 273 304 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N ecircumflex ; B 15 -11 398 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B -39 -276 433 733 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N egrave ; B 15 -11 374 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 13 278 290 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N eacute ; B 15 -11 394 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N otilde ; B 17 -11 446 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B -19 -3 677 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ocircumflex ; B 17 -11 411 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B -8 -276 490 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 32 -11 512 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 35 -2 715 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N acircumflex ; B 4 -11 406 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eth ; B 19 -3 741 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N edieresis ; B 15 -11 406 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 32 -11 512 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 52 285 951 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ograve ; B 17 -11 411 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N scaron ; B 9 -11 419 687 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Idieresis ; B 7 -3 418 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 32 -11 512 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N agrave ; B 4 -11 406 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 24 -9 514 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N aring ; B 4 -11 406 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N zcaron ; B -1 -11 447 687 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Icircumflex ; B 7 -3 390 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ntilde ; B 2 -11 804 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 32 -11 512 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 30 -3 570 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Iacute ; B 7 -3 406 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ccedilla ; B 45 -216 651 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 53 -18 748 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 42 -18 539 907 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 30 -3 570 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Igrave ; B 7 -3 354 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N adieresis ; B 4 -11 434 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 53 -18 748 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B 30 -3 570 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 52 -3 675 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N registered ; B 11 -18 736 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 53 -18 748 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 31 -2 715 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ugrave ; B 88 -18 798 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 88 -18 798 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B 9 -3 570 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N divide ; B 51 0 555 504 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B -19 -3 677 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 88 -18 798 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 53 -18 748 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 118 555 378 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B -19 -3 677 918 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 34 -9 351 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 34 -9 331 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N aacute ; B 4 -11 414 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 51 0 555 504 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 83 36 523 474 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 88 -18 798 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 51 224 555 280 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 61 278 285 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 30 -3 570 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B -19 -3 677 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B 11 -18 736 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B -19 -3 677 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N odieresis ; B 17 -11 434 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N oacute ; B 17 -11 414 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 90 389 390 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 34 -9 271 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 15 -226 512 482 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 53 -18 748 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N eth ; B 17 -11 478 733 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B -19 -3 677 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 52 -3 675 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 275 0 331 733 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 31 -2 721 699 ;
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+KPX r h -18
+KPX r g -18
+KPX r e -18
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+KPX r c -18
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 271 210 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 261 210 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 255 210 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 235 210 ;
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+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 207 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 199 210 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 179 210 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 179 210 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 210 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 60 210 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 40 210 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 40 210 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 210 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 263 228 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 283 210 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 263 210 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 255 210 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 251 210 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 263 228 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 130 228 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 277 210 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 255 210 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 235 210 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 235 210 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 227 210 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 187 210 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 179 228 ;
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+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 56 20 ;
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+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 56 12 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 37 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 20 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -39 20 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 12 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 68 20 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 56 20 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 56 20 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 36 20 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 56 12 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 10 8 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 124 20 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 20 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 100 20 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 96 20 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 20 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 38 8 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N registered ; B 11 -18 736 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B 29 -9 323 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 32 -11 512 657 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 32 -11 512 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 32 -11 512 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B -19 -3 677 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 34 -9 271 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Icircumflex ; B 7 -3 390 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 407 ; N ccedilla ; B 25 -216 389 482 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N adieresis ; B 4 -11 434 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 30 -3 570 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N scaron ; B 9 -11 419 687 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B -39 -276 433 733 ;
+C -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 52 285 951 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N egrave ; B 15 -11 374 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N threesuperior ; B 28 273 304 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N zcaron ; B -1 -11 447 687 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N atilde ; B 4 -11 446 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N aring ; B 4 -11 406 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ocircumflex ; B 17 -11 411 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 30 -3 570 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 35 -2 715 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B -8 -276 490 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B -8 -276 490 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 34 -9 331 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B -19 -3 677 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 88 -18 798 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N eacute ; B 15 -11 394 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 53 -18 748 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N agrave ; B 4 -11 406 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 88 -18 798 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N acircumflex ; B 4 -11 406 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Igrave ; B 7 -3 354 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 13 278 290 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ugrave ; B 88 -18 798 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 31 -2 715 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 88 -18 798 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 42 -18 539 907 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Idieresis ; B 7 -3 418 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 34 -9 351 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B 30 -3 570 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 53 -18 748 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N divide ; B 51 0 555 504 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B -19 -3 677 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B -19 -3 677 918 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 53 -18 748 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B -19 -3 677 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ntilde ; B 2 -11 804 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Zcaron ; B 20 -3 637 907 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B 9 -3 570 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Iacute ; B 7 -3 406 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 51 0 555 504 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 83 36 523 474 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 30 -3 570 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 52 -3 675 847 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 61 278 285 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 32 -11 512 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 118 555 378 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 24 -9 514 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 53 -18 748 866 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N otilde ; B 17 -11 446 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ccedilla ; B 45 -216 651 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B -19 -3 677 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 31 -2 721 699 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Eth ; B 19 -3 741 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 90 389 390 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 52 -3 675 897 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 53 -18 748 889 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N oacute ; B 17 -11 414 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 15 -226 512 482 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 51 224 555 280 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N eth ; B 17 -11 478 733 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N odieresis ; B 17 -11 434 657 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 275 0 331 733 ;
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+KPX r e -18
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 271 210 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 261 210 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 255 210 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 235 210 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 235 210 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 255 228 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 199 210 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 179 210 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 179 210 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 210 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 60 210 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 40 210 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 40 210 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 210 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 263 228 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 283 210 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 263 210 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 255 210 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 251 210 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 263 228 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 130 228 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 277 210 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 255 210 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 235 210 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 235 210 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 227 210 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 187 210 ;
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+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 48 20 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 48 20 ;
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+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -15 20 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 20 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -39 20 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 112 12 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 68 20 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 56 20 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 56 20 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 36 20 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 56 12 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 10 8 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 124 20 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 20 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 100 20 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 96 20 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 20 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 38 8 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 774 ; N Eth ; B 14 -3 751 692 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 603 ; N ugrave ; B 18 -12 581 697 ;
+C -1 ; WX 979 ; N trademark ; B 40 285 939 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 546 ; N ograve ; B 32 -20 514 697 ;
+C -1 ; WX 424 ; N scaron ; B 30 -20 391 685 ;
+C -1 ; WX 337 ; N Idieresis ; B 19 -3 318 868 ;
+C -1 ; WX 603 ; N uacute ; B 18 -12 581 697 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 32 -12 471 697 ;
+C -1 ; WX 582 ; N ntilde ; B 6 -3 572 652 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aring ; B 32 -12 471 716 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 16 -3 466 685 ;
+C -1 ; WX 337 ; N Icircumflex ; B 13 -3 325 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 831 ; N Ntilde ; B 17 -20 813 871 ;
+C -1 ; WX 603 ; N ucircumflex ; B 18 -12 581 697 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 22 -3 572 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 337 ; N Iacute ; B 22 -3 315 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 709 ; N Ccedilla ; B 22 -225 670 709 ;
+C -1 ; WX 786 ; N Odieresis ; B 22 -20 764 868 ;
+C -1 ; WX 525 ; N Scaron ; B 24 -20 503 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 22 -3 572 868 ;
+C -1 ; WX 337 ; N Igrave ; B 22 -3 315 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 32 -12 471 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 786 ; N Ograve ; B 22 -20 764 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B 22 -3 572 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 9 -3 654 868 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N registered ; B 11 -18 736 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 786 ; N Otilde ; B 22 -20 764 883 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 30 -3 727 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ugrave ; B 12 -20 759 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 12 -20 759 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 604 ; N Thorn ; B 32 -3 574 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N divide ; B 51 10 555 512 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Atilde ; B 15 -3 756 871 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 12 -20 759 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 786 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 22 -20 764 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 120 551 386 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Aring ; B 15 -3 756 927 ;
+C -1 ; WX 287 ; N idieresis ; B -6 -3 293 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 287 ; N iacute ; B 21 -3 279 697 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B 32 -12 471 697 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N plusminus ; B 51 0 555 512 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N multiply ; B 83 36 523 474 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 12 -20 759 868 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 51 233 555 289 ;
+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 31 273 269 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 22 -3 572 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Acircumflex ; B 15 -3 756 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B 11 -18 736 706 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Agrave ; B 15 -3 756 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 546 ; N odieresis ; B 32 -20 514 657 ;
+C -1 ; WX 546 ; N oacute ; B 32 -20 514 697 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 50 389 350 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 287 ; N igrave ; B 8 -3 271 697 ;
+C -1 ; WX 603 ; N mu ; B 18 -236 581 469 ;
+C -1 ; WX 786 ; N Oacute ; B 22 -20 764 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 546 ; N eth ; B 32 -20 504 728 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Adieresis ; B 15 -3 756 868 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 9 -3 654 908 ;
+C -1 ; WX 606 ; N brokenbar ; B 275 0 331 726 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 15 -3 735 692 ;
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+KPX one one -55
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+KPX r q -18
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+KPX r hyphen -18
+KPX r h -18
+KPX r g -18
+KPX r e -18
+KPX r d -18
+KPX r comma -74
+KPX r c -18
+KPX space Y -18
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+KPX v comma -111
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 229 231 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 223 231 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 223 231 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 215 231 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 223 231 ;
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+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 188 0 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 231 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 231 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 231 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 231 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 2 231 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 2 231 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 2 231 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 2 231 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 249 231 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 227 231 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 227 231 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 227 231 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 227 231 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 227 243 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 96 231 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 255 231 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 247 231 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 223 231 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 223 231 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 203 231 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 191 231 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 179 231 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 20 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 72 20 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 72 20 ;
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+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 72 20 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 72 12 ;
+CC ccedilla 2 ; PCC c 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 56 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 97 20 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 85 20 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 73 20 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 73 20 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -23 20 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -23 20 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -23 20 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -23 20 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 113 12 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 107 20 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 107 20 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 107 20 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 95 20 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 107 12 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 46 8 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 159 20 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 135 20 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 135 20 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 20 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 144 20 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 20 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 84 8 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ecircumflex ; B 23 -3 458 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N edieresis ; B 23 -3 458 682 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N aring ; B 18 -3 592 741 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ocircumflex ; B 40 -14 570 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 22 -3 572 869 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 15 -3 735 689 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B 14 -3 480 682 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B 14 -3 480 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N iacute ; B 30 -3 314 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Acircumflex ; B 15 -3 756 905 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 12 -20 759 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eacute ; B 23 -3 458 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 786 ; N Ograve ; B 22 -20 764 909 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N agrave ; B 18 -3 592 722 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 12 -20 759 869 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N acircumflex ; B 18 -3 592 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 337 ; N Igrave ; B 22 -3 315 909 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 229 207 ;
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+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 20 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 20 ;
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+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 116 20 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 188 210 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 188 210 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 188 210 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 188 210 ;
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+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 188 210 ;
+CC Ccedilla 2 ; PCC C 0 0 ; PCC cedilla 208 0 ;
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+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 174 210 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 174 210 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 174 210 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 28 210 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 210 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 210 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 210 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 195 210 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 223 210 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B -3 -13 491 655 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Agrave ; B -67 0 593 904 ;
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+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 0 ;
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+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 97 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 102 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N otilde ; B 30 -12 572 707 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 49 -218 687 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B 9 0 689 923 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B -7 -12 775 688 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N oacute ; B 30 -12 572 746 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 33 -206 536 461 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N odieresis ; B 30 -12 572 700 ;
+C -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B 26 -19 721 691 ;
+C -1 ; WX 220 ; N brokenbar ; B 66 -19 154 691 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 537 ; N odieresis ; B 15 -12 523 703 ;
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+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 65 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 43 271 284 676 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 27 -11 496 624 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 12 0 597 890 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B 15 0 706 886 ;
+C -1 ; WX 760 ; N copyright ; B 38 -14 722 676 ;
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+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 84 0 ;
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+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 84 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 84 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 84 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 12 0 597 890 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ugrave ; B 21 -8 581 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 564 ; N logicalnot ; B 30 108 534 386 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N ntilde ; B 23 0 579 674 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B 15 0 706 890 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 16 0 685 662 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 390 343 676 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Yacute ; B 22 0 703 890 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 34 -14 688 886 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 22 -8 522 659 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 200 ; N brokenbar ; B 67 -14 133 676 ;
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+KPX t hyphen -18
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+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 139 176 ;
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+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 195 176 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -27 0 ;
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+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 112 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 112 0 ;
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+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 139 0 ;
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+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 139 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 139 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 112 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 112 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 65 100 535 371 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B -36 0 678 889 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 257 181 ;
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+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 302 181 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 302 181 ;
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+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
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+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 111 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC eacute 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC acute 106 0 ;
+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 106 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 106 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 106 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -12 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -12 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -12 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -12 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 122 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 56 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 122 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 122 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 122 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 122 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 83 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 83 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N aring ; B 22 -14 524 670 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B 17 -14 465 688 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Acircumflex ; B -94 -16 703 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Uacute ; B 0 -16 811 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N eacute ; B 17 -14 413 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ograve ; B 31 -16 691 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 22 -14 524 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Udieresis ; B 0 -16 811 805 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N acircumflex ; B 22 -14 524 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Igrave ; B -27 0 401 819 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ugrave ; B 0 -16 811 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 41 -16 793 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 0 -16 811 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Scaron ; B -18 -16 476 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idieresis ; B -27 0 401 805 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N idieresis ; B 2 -14 347 674 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B -27 -16 632 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Oacute ; B 31 -16 691 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 47 -33 553 539 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Atilde ; B -94 -16 703 792 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aring ; B -94 -16 703 801 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Odieresis ; B 31 -16 691 805 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Adieresis ; B -94 -16 703 805 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B -27 -8 749 792 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B -18 -31 604 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B -27 0 573 594 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iacute ; B -27 0 401 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 68 21 532 485 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B -27 -16 632 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ydieresis ; B -50 0 651 805 ;
+C -1 ; WX 361 ; N onesuperior ; B 39 244 306 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B -18 -14 583 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 108 553 399 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B -23 -14 595 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Otilde ; B 31 -16 691 792 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 17 -14 465 661 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ccedilla ; B 31 -190 603 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Agrave ; B -94 -16 703 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 41 -16 830 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B -27 -3 692 597 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 324 343 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Yacute ; B -50 0 651 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 31 -16 691 819 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 17 -14 465 688 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B -18 -314 583 449 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 209 553 297 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 17 -14 474 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 17 -14 465 674 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 87 -16 713 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 67 -16 155 714 ;
+StartKernPairs 145
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+KPX O V 10
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+KPX P e -25
+KPX P comma -129
+KPX P a -25
+KPX P A -55
+KPX Q period -50
+KPX Q comma 125
+KPX R Y -18
+KPX R W -37
+KPX R V -18
+KPX R U -10
+KPX R T -37
+KPX S period -50
+KPX S comma -50
+KPX T y -74
+KPX T w -92
+KPX T u -74
+KPX T semicolon -74
+KPX T r -55
+KPX T period -111
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+KPX T i -37
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+KPX T e -74
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+KPX T colon -74
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+KPX T A -55
+KPX V semicolon -18
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+KPX V o -18
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+KPX V e -18
+KPX V comma -111
+KPX V colon -18
+KPX V a -18
+KPX V O 10
+KPX V G 10
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 235 131 ;
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+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 145 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 111 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 111 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 111 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 111 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 111 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 88 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 157 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 157 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 157 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 157 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 101 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 101 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B -6 -14 306 642 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Aring ; B -94 -16 628 825 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Odieresis ; B 36 -16 686 781 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Adieresis ; B -94 -16 628 781 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ntilde ; B -10 -16 684 769 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B -15 -23 600 809 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Thorn ; B -22 0 535 594 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Iacute ; B -10 0 343 803 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 71 24 529 482 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B -10 -10 572 803 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ydieresis ; B -38 0 649 781 ;
+C -1 ; WX 325 ; N onesuperior ; B 34 244 291 612 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ugrave ; B -20 -14 549 664 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 107 553 385 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N ntilde ; B -20 -14 551 630 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Otilde ; B 36 -16 686 769 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N otilde ; B 28 -14 429 630 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ccedilla ; B 36 -193 571 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Agrave ; B -94 -16 628 803 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 34 -16 750 612 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B -10 -4 675 598 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 58 326 342 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Yacute ; B -38 0 649 803 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 36 -16 686 809 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N oacute ; B 28 -14 416 664 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B -20 -314 549 443 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 221 553 285 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N eth ; B 28 -14 424 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N odieresis ; B 28 -14 416 642 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 87 -16 713 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 79 -16 143 714 ;
+StartKernPairs 135
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 213 139 ;
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+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 129 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 129 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 129 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 129 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 102 0 ;
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+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 117 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 117 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 95 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 95 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Aring ; B -82 -16 602 831 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Odieresis ; B 21 -16 587 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Adieresis ; B -82 -16 602 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B -6 -168 824 761 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B -43 -19 584 801 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B -5 0 590 623 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Iacute ; B -37 0 373 801 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 73 26 527 480 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 27 -12 645 801 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ydieresis ; B -22 -168 711 752 ;
+C -1 ; WX 325 ; N onesuperior ; B 30 244 284 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ugrave ; B 9 -14 435 659 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 126 553 380 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ntilde ; B 9 -14 452 619 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Otilde ; B 21 -16 587 761 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N otilde ; B -6 -14 417 619 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ccedilla ; B 21 -191 559 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Agrave ; B -82 -16 602 811 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 30 -16 716 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 16 -6 698 640 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 101 324 387 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Yacute ; B -22 -168 711 801 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 21 -16 587 801 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N oacute ; B -6 -14 381 659 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N mu ; B -81 -314 435 438 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 224 553 282 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N eth ; B -6 -14 429 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N odieresis ; B -6 -14 378 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 87 -16 713 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 82 -16 140 714 ;
+StartKernPairs 105
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+KPX V a -18
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+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 245 142 ;
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+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 142 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 142 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 28 142 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 272 142 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 142 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 167 142 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 142 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 167 142 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 167 142 ;
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+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 237 142 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 237 142 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 237 142 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 237 142 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 142 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 142 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 167 142 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 56 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 56 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 56 0 ;
+CC agrave 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC grave 36 0 ;
+CC aring 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC ring 6 0 ;
+CC atilde 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC tilde 56 0 ;
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+CC ecircumflex 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 28 0 ;
+CC edieresis 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 28 0 ;
+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 8 0 ;
+CC iacute 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC acute -10 0 ;
+CC icircumflex 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC circumflex -10 0 ;
+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -10 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -20 0 ;
+CC ntilde 2 ; PCC n 0 0 ; PCC tilde 63 0 ;
+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 36 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 36 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 36 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 26 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 36 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 8 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 53 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 63 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 63 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 63 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 36 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 36 0 ;
+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 36 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N eacute ; B 26 -14 365 654 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ograve ; B 40 -16 627 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N agrave ; B 26 -14 420 654 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Udieresis ; B 12 -16 666 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N acircumflex ; B 26 -14 420 654 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ugrave ; B 12 -16 666 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N onequarter ; B 4 -16 675 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 12 -16 666 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Scaron ; B -8 -16 396 808 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B -16 0 294 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N idieresis ; B -13 -14 264 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Egrave ; B -1 0 555 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Oacute ; B 40 -16 627 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 47 -10 553 516 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Atilde ; B -75 -8 632 772 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Aring ; B -75 -8 632 800 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Odieresis ; B 40 -16 627 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Adieresis ; B -75 -8 632 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ntilde ; B 11 -16 681 772 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 9 -42 634 808 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Thorn ; B -16 0 490 594 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B -16 0 294 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 77 27 523 479 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Eacute ; B -1 0 555 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ydieresis ; B -42 0 598 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 289 ; N onesuperior ; B 11 244 278 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ugrave ; B -2 -14 476 654 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 108 553 372 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ntilde ; B -2 -14 476 620 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Otilde ; B 40 -16 627 772 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N otilde ; B 26 -14 375 620 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ccedilla ; B 40 -190 532 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Agrave ; B -75 -8 632 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 666 ; N onehalf ; B 4 -16 675 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eth ; B -16 -3 627 597 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 324 343 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Yacute ; B -42 0 598 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 40 -16 627 806 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N oacute ; B 26 -14 351 654 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N mu ; B -2 -314 476 434 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 231 553 275 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N eth ; B 26 -14 371 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N odieresis ; B 26 -14 351 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 87 -16 713 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 89 -16 133 714 ;
+StartKernPairs 134
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+KPX O V 10
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+KPX P A -18
+KPX Q comma 20
+KPX R W -18
+KPX R V -18
+KPX R T -18
+KPX S period -37
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+KPX T y -55
+KPX T w -74
+KPX T u -55
+KPX T semicolon -74
+KPX T r -55
+KPX T period -92
+KPX T o -55
+KPX T i -18
+KPX T hyphen -74
+KPX T e -55
+KPX T comma -92
+KPX T colon -74
+KPX T a -55
+KPX T O -20
+KPX T A -37
+KPX V period -111
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+KPX V comma -111
+KPX V O 10
+KPX V G 10
+KPX V A -37
+KPX W y 10
+KPX W period -111
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+KPX W O 10
+KPX W A -37
+KPX Y u -55
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+KPX Y o -74
+KPX Y i -25
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+KPX Y e -74
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+KPX Y a -74
+KPX Y O -25
+KPX Y A -55
+KPX b period -50
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+KPX colon space -37
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+KPX comma quoteright -25
+KPX comma quotedblright -25
+KPX f quoteright 18
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+KPX g comma -20
+KPX period quoteright -37
+KPX period quotedblright -37
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+KPX quotedblleft A -50
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+KPX r period -74
+KPX r hyphen -37
+KPX r comma -74
+KPX space quoteleft -37
+KPX space quotedblleft -37
+KPX space Y -37
+KPX space W -37
+KPX space V -37
+KPX space T -37
+KPX space A -37
+KPX v period -74
+KPX v comma -74
+KPX w period -74
+KPX w comma -74
+KPX y period -74
+KPX y comma -74
+StartComposites 56
+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 189 152 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 189 152 ;
+CC Adieresis 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 189 152 ;
+CC Agrave 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC grave 189 152 ;
+CC Aring 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC ring 189 152 ;
+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 189 152 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 161 152 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 152 152 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 152 152 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 161 152 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 46 152 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 46 152 ;
+CC Idieresis 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 38 152 ;
+CC Igrave 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC grave 46 152 ;
+CC Ntilde 2 ; PCC N 0 0 ; PCC tilde 211 152 ;
+CC Oacute 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC acute 247 152 ;
+CC Ocircumflex 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 247 152 ;
+CC Odieresis 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 238 152 ;
+CC Ograve 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC grave 247 152 ;
+CC Otilde 2 ; PCC O 0 0 ; PCC tilde 238 152 ;
+CC Scaron 2 ; PCC S 0 0 ; PCC caron 129 152 ;
+CC Uacute 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC acute 205 152 ;
+CC Ucircumflex 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 205 152 ;
+CC Udieresis 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 205 152 ;
+CC Ugrave 2 ; PCC U 0 0 ; PCC grave 205 152 ;
+CC Yacute 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC acute 167 152 ;
+CC Ydieresis 2 ; PCC Y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 167 152 ;
+CC Zcaron 2 ; PCC Z 0 0 ; PCC caron 165 152 ;
+CC aacute 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC acute 72 0 ;
+CC acircumflex 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 72 0 ;
+CC adieresis 2 ; PCC a 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 72 0 ;
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+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 83 0 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N odieresis ; B 87 -14 479 610 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 280 162 ;
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+CC Atilde 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC tilde 180 152 ;
+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 230 162 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 180 172 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 170 152 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 220 162 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 110 162 ;
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+CC egrave 2 ; PCC e 0 0 ; PCC grave 30 0 ;
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+CC idieresis 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC dieresis -100 0 ;
+CC igrave 2 ; PCC dotlessi 0 0 ; PCC grave -40 0 ;
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+CC oacute 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC acute 60 0 ;
+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 10 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 10 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 60 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde -20 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron -10 0 ;
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+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 30 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 20 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 50 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 60 0 ;
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+CC zcaron 2 ; PCC z 0 0 ; PCC caron 40 0 ;
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+C 43 ; WX 600 ; N plus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
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+C 45 ; WX 333 ; N hyphen ; B 42 193 291 245 ;
+C 46 ; WX 250 ; N period ; B 58 -14 192 128 ;
+C 47 ; WX 278 ; N slash ; B -56 -16 334 610 ;
+C 48 ; WX 500 ; N zero ; B 37 -16 463 610 ;
+C 49 ; WX 500 ; N one ; B 23 0 463 610 ;
+C 50 ; WX 500 ; N two ; B -13 -16 484 610 ;
+C 51 ; WX 500 ; N three ; B -25 -16 412 610 ;
+C 52 ; WX 500 ; N four ; B -5 -30 505 610 ;
+C 53 ; WX 500 ; N five ; B 13 -16 472 666 ;
+C 54 ; WX 500 ; N six ; B 47 -16 476 610 ;
+C 55 ; WX 500 ; N seven ; B 60 -24 477 646 ;
+C 56 ; WX 500 ; N eight ; B 39 -16 426 610 ;
+C 57 ; WX 500 ; N nine ; B 24 -16 453 610 ;
+C 58 ; WX 250 ; N colon ; B 58 -14 192 433 ;
+C 59 ; WX 250 ; N semicolon ; B -17 -154 192 433 ;
+C 60 ; WX 600 ; N less ; B 47 -9 553 515 ;
+C 61 ; WX 600 ; N equal ; B 47 126 553 380 ;
+C 62 ; WX 600 ; N greater ; B 47 -9 553 515 ;
+C 63 ; WX 333 ; N question ; B 59 -14 315 610 ;
+C 64 ; WX 800 ; N at ; B 87 -16 713 610 ;
+C 65 ; WX 611 ; N A ; B -68 -9 650 610 ;
+C 66 ; WX 556 ; N B ; B -2 -2 510 594 ;
+C 67 ; WX 556 ; N C ; B 33 -16 531 610 ;
+C 68 ; WX 667 ; N D ; B -2 -2 634 594 ;
+C 69 ; WX 556 ; N E ; B -2 -3 550 604 ;
+C 70 ; WX 444 ; N F ; B -3 0 460 604 ;
+C 71 ; WX 611 ; N G ; B 33 -33 586 610 ;
+C 72 ; WX 667 ; N H ; B -8 0 667 594 ;
+C 73 ; WX 333 ; N I ; B -2 0 324 594 ;
+C 74 ; WX 278 ; N J ; B -152 -218 291 594 ;
+C 75 ; WX 611 ; N K ; B -7 -3 643 604 ;
+C 76 ; WX 556 ; N L ; B 20 0 542 594 ;
+C 77 ; WX 833 ; N M ; B -9 -9 836 604 ;
+C 78 ; WX 667 ; N N ; B -2 -16 685 594 ;
+C 79 ; WX 667 ; N O ; B 33 -16 634 610 ;
+C 80 ; WX 500 ; N P ; B -8 0 503 594 ;
+C 81 ; WX 667 ; N Q ; B 33 -160 708 610 ;
+C 82 ; WX 556 ; N R ; B -8 -8 595 594 ;
+C 83 ; WX 444 ; N S ; B -9 -16 405 610 ;
+C 84 ; WX 556 ; N T ; B 17 0 564 604 ;
+C 85 ; WX 667 ; N U ; B 8 -16 667 594 ;
+C 86 ; WX 556 ; N V ; B -35 -16 554 610 ;
+C 87 ; WX 889 ; N W ; B -28 -16 896 610 ;
+C 88 ; WX 556 ; N X ; B -52 -16 572 610 ;
+C 89 ; WX 556 ; N Y ; B -38 0 600 610 ;
+C 90 ; WX 611 ; N Z ; B 0 -36 635 614 ;
+C 91 ; WX 333 ; N bracketleft ; B 81 -207 358 663 ;
+C 92 ; WX 278 ; N backslash ; B -56 -16 334 610 ;
+C 93 ; WX 333 ; N bracketright ; B -25 -207 252 663 ;
+C 94 ; WX 600 ; N asciicircum ; B 90 229 510 594 ;
+C 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 500 -75 ;
+C 96 ; WX 222 ; N quoteleft ; B 50 330 216 610 ;
+C 97 ; WX 389 ; N a ; B 23 -14 423 438 ;
+C 98 ; WX 389 ; N b ; B 28 -14 354 714 ;
+C 99 ; WX 333 ; N c ; B 23 -14 341 438 ;
+C 100 ; WX 389 ; N d ; B 23 -14 474 714 ;
+C 101 ; WX 333 ; N e ; B 23 -14 354 438 ;
+C 102 ; WX 222 ; N f ; B -166 -314 373 714 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;
+C 103 ; WX 389 ; N g ; B -63 -314 392 438 ;
+C 104 ; WX 444 ; N h ; B 42 -14 475 714 ;
+C 105 ; WX 278 ; N i ; B 19 -14 287 627 ;
+C 106 ; WX 222 ; N j ; B -131 -314 197 627 ;
+C 107 ; WX 389 ; N k ; B 31 -14 419 714 ;
+C 108 ; WX 222 ; N l ; B 37 -14 302 714 ;
+C 109 ; WX 667 ; N m ; B -1 -14 694 438 ;
+C 110 ; WX 444 ; N n ; B -1 -14 471 438 ;
+C 111 ; WX 389 ; N o ; B 23 -14 354 438 ;
+C 112 ; WX 389 ; N p ; B -69 -300 354 438 ;
+C 113 ; WX 389 ; N q ; B 23 -300 398 500 ;
+C 114 ; WX 278 ; N r ; B -1 -14 314 438 ;
+C 115 ; WX 333 ; N s ; B 0 -14 292 438 ;
+C 116 ; WX 278 ; N t ; B -27 -14 296 523 ;
+C 117 ; WX 444 ; N u ; B -1 -14 471 438 ;
+C 118 ; WX 389 ; N v ; B -36 -14 383 450 ;
+C 119 ; WX 667 ; N w ; B -21 -14 671 445 ;
+C 120 ; WX 444 ; N x ; B -6 -89 470 438 ;
+C 121 ; WX 389 ; N y ; B -127 -314 399 450 ;
+C 122 ; WX 333 ; N z ; B -41 -14 366 438 ;
+C 123 ; WX 333 ; N braceleft ; B 50 -207 294 663 ;
+C 124 ; WX 222 ; N bar ; B 74 -16 132 714 ;
+C 125 ; WX 333 ; N braceright ; B 39 -207 283 663 ;
+C 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 69 186 531 320 ;
+C 161 ; WX 278 ; N exclamdown ; B 54 -186 188 438 ;
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+C 163 ; WX 500 ; N sterling ; B 0 -52 475 610 ;
+C 164 ; WX 168 ; N fraction ; B -171 -16 339 610 ;
+C 165 ; WX 500 ; N yen ; B -22 0 553 610 ;
+C 166 ; WX 500 ; N florin ; B -131 -314 515 610 ;
+C 167 ; WX 500 ; N section ; B 45 -216 442 610 ;
+C 168 ; WX 500 ; N currency ; B 38 85 462 509 ;
+C 169 ; WX 222 ; N quotesingle ; B 76 330 146 610 ;
+C 170 ; WX 333 ; N quotedblleft ; B 42 330 328 610 ;
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+C 172 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 81 20 231 418 ;
+C 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 81 20 231 418 ;
+C 174 ; WX 444 ; N fi ; B -154 -314 485 714 ;
+C 175 ; WX 444 ; N fl ; B -154 -314 501 714 ;
+C 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B -5 199 505 239 ;
+C 178 ; WX 444 ; N dagger ; B 11 -36 433 610 ;
+C 179 ; WX 444 ; N daggerdbl ; B 46 -43 384 610 ;
+C 180 ; WX 250 ; N periodcentered ; B 74 214 176 316 ;
+C 182 ; WX 600 ; N paragraph ; B 79 -200 551 594 ;
+C 183 ; WX 500 ; N bullet ; B 102 149 398 445 ;
+C 184 ; WX 222 ; N quotesinglbase ; B -35 -140 131 140 ;
+C 185 ; WX 333 ; N quotedblbase ; B -25 -140 261 140 ;
+C 186 ; WX 333 ; N quotedblright ; B 12 330 298 610 ;
+C 187 ; WX 444 ; N guillemotright ; B 83 20 341 418 ;
+C 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 100 -14 900 128 ;
+C 189 ; WX 944 ; N perthousand ; B 31 -160 926 700 ;
+C 191 ; WX 333 ; N questiondown ; B -8 -186 248 438 ;
+C 193 ; WX 278 ; N grave ; B 63 484 220 650 ;
+C 194 ; WX 278 ; N acute ; B 129 484 286 650 ;
+C 195 ; WX 278 ; N circumflex ; B 49 490 272 650 ;
+C 196 ; WX 278 ; N tilde ; B 44 534 323 610 ;
+C 197 ; WX 278 ; N macron ; B 51 531 291 571 ;
+C 198 ; WX 278 ; N breve ; B 62 516 311 626 ;
+C 199 ; WX 278 ; N dotaccent ; B 111 516 207 610 ;
+C 200 ; WX 278 ; N dieresis ; B 56 516 286 610 ;
+C 202 ; WX 278 ; N ring ; B 86 489 262 665 ;
+C 203 ; WX 278 ; N cedilla ; B 21 -192 196 6 ;
+C 205 ; WX 278 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 62 484 353 650 ;
+C 206 ; WX 278 ; N ogonek ; B -13 -192 221 10 ;
+C 207 ; WX 278 ; N caron ; B 96 484 319 644 ;
+C 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B -5 199 1005 239 ;
+C 225 ; WX 778 ; N AE ; B -43 -13 772 596 ;
+C 227 ; WX 253 ; N ordfeminine ; B 20 339 280 610 ;
+C 232 ; WX 556 ; N Lslash ; B 20 0 542 594 ;
+C 233 ; WX 667 ; N Oslash ; B 14 -87 634 681 ;
+C 234 ; WX 889 ; N OE ; B 24 -16 883 610 ;
+C 235 ; WX 253 ; N ordmasculine ; B 27 339 242 610 ;
+C 241 ; WX 556 ; N ae ; B 14 -14 565 469 ;
+C 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 19 -14 287 438 ;
+C 248 ; WX 222 ; N lslash ; B -20 -14 302 714 ;
+C 249 ; WX 389 ; N oslash ; B -15 -68 377 492 ;
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+C 251 ; WX 444 ; N germandbls ; B -132 -314 421 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ecircumflex ; B 23 -14 354 650 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N registered ; B 87 -16 713 610 ;
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+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N uacute ; B -1 -14 471 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ucircumflex ; B -1 -14 471 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Aacute ; B -68 -9 650 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 19 -14 287 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Icircumflex ; B -2 0 324 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N ccedilla ; B 23 -192 341 438 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N adieresis ; B 23 -14 423 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ecircumflex ; B -2 -3 550 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N scaron ; B 0 -14 357 644 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N thorn ; B -69 -300 354 714 ;
+C -1 ; WX 990 ; N trademark ; B 3 187 922 594 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N egrave ; B 23 -14 354 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 325 ; N threesuperior ; B -6 234 284 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N zcaron ; B -41 -14 366 644 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N atilde ; B 23 -14 423 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N aring ; B 23 -14 423 665 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N ocircumflex ; B 23 -14 354 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Edieresis ; B -2 -3 550 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B -6 -16 736 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N ydieresis ; B -127 -314 399 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N yacute ; B -127 -314 399 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 19 -14 287 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Acircumflex ; B -68 -9 650 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Uacute ; B 8 -16 667 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N eacute ; B 23 -14 354 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ograve ; B 33 -16 634 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N agrave ; B 23 -14 423 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Udieresis ; B 8 -16 667 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N acircumflex ; B 23 -14 423 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Igrave ; B -2 0 324 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 325 ; N twosuperior ; B -19 234 315 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ugrave ; B 8 -16 667 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 15 -16 736 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 8 -16 667 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Scaron ; B -9 -16 422 796 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Idieresis ; B -2 0 324 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 19 -14 287 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Egrave ; B -2 -3 550 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Oacute ; B 33 -16 634 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 47 -14 553 520 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Atilde ; B -68 -9 650 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Aring ; B -68 -9 650 817 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Odieresis ; B 33 -16 634 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Adieresis ; B -68 -9 650 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ntilde ; B -2 -16 685 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 0 -36 635 796 ;
+C -1 ; WX 500 ; N Thorn ; B -8 0 494 594 ;
+C -1 ; WX 333 ; N Iacute ; B -2 0 324 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 47 0 553 506 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 73 26 527 480 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Eacute ; B -2 -3 550 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ydieresis ; B -38 0 600 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 325 ; N onesuperior ; B 15 244 301 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ugrave ; B -1 -14 471 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 47 126 553 380 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N ntilde ; B -1 -14 471 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Otilde ; B 33 -16 634 762 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N otilde ; B 23 -14 389 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Ccedilla ; B 33 -192 531 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 611 ; N Agrave ; B -68 -9 650 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 15 -16 745 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eth ; B -2 -2 634 594 ;
+C -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 61 324 347 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 556 ; N Yacute ; B -38 0 600 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 33 -16 634 802 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N oacute ; B 23 -14 354 650 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N mu ; B -1 -314 471 438 ;
+C -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 47 224 553 282 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N eth ; B 23 -14 384 718 ;
+C -1 ; WX 389 ; N odieresis ; B 23 -14 354 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 800 ; N copyright ; B 87 -16 713 610 ;
+C -1 ; WX 222 ; N brokenbar ; B 74 -16 132 714 ;
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+CC Aacute 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC acute 177 152 ;
+CC Acircumflex 2 ; PCC A 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 177 152 ;
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+CC Eacute 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC acute 119 152 ;
+CC Ecircumflex 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 119 152 ;
+CC Edieresis 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 119 152 ;
+CC Egrave 2 ; PCC E 0 0 ; PCC grave 119 152 ;
+CC Iacute 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC acute 38 152 ;
+CC Icircumflex 2 ; PCC I 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 38 152 ;
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+CC ocircumflex 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 66 0 ;
+CC odieresis 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 66 0 ;
+CC ograve 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC grave 66 0 ;
+CC otilde 2 ; PCC o 0 0 ; PCC tilde 66 0 ;
+CC scaron 2 ; PCC s 0 0 ; PCC caron 38 0 ;
+CC uacute 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC acute 63 0 ;
+CC ucircumflex 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC circumflex 63 0 ;
+CC udieresis 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 63 0 ;
+CC ugrave 2 ; PCC u 0 0 ; PCC grave 63 0 ;
+CC yacute 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC acute 66 0 ;
+CC ydieresis 2 ; PCC y 0 0 ; PCC dieresis 66 0 ;
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+C 58 ; WX 760 ; N a26 ; B 35 0 726 692 ;
+C 59 ; WX 759 ; N a27 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
+C 60 ; WX 754 ; N a28 ; B 35 0 720 692 ;
+C 61 ; WX 494 ; N a6 ; B 35 0 460 692 ;
+C 62 ; WX 552 ; N a7 ; B 35 0 517 692 ;
+C 63 ; WX 537 ; N a8 ; B 35 0 503 692 ;
+C 64 ; WX 577 ; N a9 ; B 35 96 542 596 ;
+C 65 ; WX 692 ; N a10 ; B 35 -14 657 705 ;
+C 66 ; WX 786 ; N a29 ; B 35 -14 751 705 ;
+C 67 ; WX 788 ; N a30 ; B 35 -14 752 705 ;
+C 68 ; WX 788 ; N a31 ; B 35 -14 753 705 ;
+C 69 ; WX 790 ; N a32 ; B 35 -14 756 705 ;
+C 70 ; WX 793 ; N a33 ; B 35 -13 759 705 ;
+C 71 ; WX 794 ; N a34 ; B 35 -13 759 705 ;
+C 72 ; WX 816 ; N a35 ; B 35 -14 782 705 ;
+C 73 ; WX 823 ; N a36 ; B 35 -14 787 705 ;
+C 74 ; WX 789 ; N a37 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 75 ; WX 841 ; N a38 ; B 35 -14 807 705 ;
+C 76 ; WX 823 ; N a39 ; B 35 -14 789 705 ;
+C 77 ; WX 833 ; N a40 ; B 35 -14 798 705 ;
+C 78 ; WX 816 ; N a41 ; B 35 -13 782 705 ;
+C 79 ; WX 831 ; N a42 ; B 35 -14 796 705 ;
+C 80 ; WX 923 ; N a43 ; B 35 -14 888 705 ;
+C 81 ; WX 744 ; N a44 ; B 35 0 710 692 ;
+C 82 ; WX 723 ; N a45 ; B 35 0 688 692 ;
+C 83 ; WX 749 ; N a46 ; B 35 0 714 692 ;
+C 84 ; WX 790 ; N a47 ; B 34 -14 756 705 ;
+C 85 ; WX 792 ; N a48 ; B 35 -14 758 705 ;
+C 86 ; WX 695 ; N a49 ; B 35 -14 661 706 ;
+C 87 ; WX 776 ; N a50 ; B 35 -6 741 699 ;
+C 88 ; WX 768 ; N a51 ; B 35 -7 734 699 ;
+C 89 ; WX 792 ; N a52 ; B 35 -14 757 705 ;
+C 90 ; WX 759 ; N a53 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
+C 91 ; WX 707 ; N a54 ; B 35 -13 672 704 ;
+C 92 ; WX 708 ; N a55 ; B 35 -14 672 705 ;
+C 93 ; WX 682 ; N a56 ; B 35 -14 647 705 ;
+C 94 ; WX 701 ; N a57 ; B 35 -14 666 705 ;
+C 95 ; WX 826 ; N a58 ; B 35 -14 791 705 ;
+C 96 ; WX 815 ; N a59 ; B 35 -14 780 705 ;
+C 97 ; WX 789 ; N a60 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 98 ; WX 789 ; N a61 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 99 ; WX 707 ; N a62 ; B 34 -14 673 705 ;
+C 100 ; WX 687 ; N a63 ; B 36 0 651 692 ;
+C 101 ; WX 696 ; N a64 ; B 35 0 661 691 ;
+C 102 ; WX 689 ; N a65 ; B 35 0 655 692 ;
+C 103 ; WX 786 ; N a66 ; B 34 -14 751 705 ;
+C 104 ; WX 787 ; N a67 ; B 35 -14 752 705 ;
+C 105 ; WX 713 ; N a68 ; B 35 -14 678 705 ;
+C 106 ; WX 791 ; N a69 ; B 35 -14 756 705 ;
+C 107 ; WX 785 ; N a70 ; B 36 -14 751 705 ;
+C 108 ; WX 791 ; N a71 ; B 35 -14 757 705 ;
+C 109 ; WX 873 ; N a72 ; B 35 -14 838 705 ;
+C 110 ; WX 761 ; N a73 ; B 35 0 726 692 ;
+C 111 ; WX 762 ; N a74 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
+C 112 ; WX 762 ; N a203 ; B 35 0 727 692 ;
+C 113 ; WX 759 ; N a75 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
+C 114 ; WX 759 ; N a204 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
+C 115 ; WX 892 ; N a76 ; B 35 0 858 705 ;
+C 116 ; WX 892 ; N a77 ; B 35 -14 858 692 ;
+C 117 ; WX 788 ; N a78 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 118 ; WX 784 ; N a79 ; B 35 -14 749 705 ;
+C 119 ; WX 438 ; N a81 ; B 35 -14 403 705 ;
+C 120 ; WX 138 ; N a82 ; B 35 0 104 692 ;
+C 121 ; WX 277 ; N a83 ; B 35 0 242 692 ;
+C 122 ; WX 415 ; N a84 ; B 35 0 380 692 ;
+C 123 ; WX 392 ; N a97 ; B 35 263 357 705 ;
+C 124 ; WX 392 ; N a98 ; B 34 263 357 705 ;
+C 125 ; WX 668 ; N a99 ; B 35 263 633 705 ;
+C 126 ; WX 668 ; N a100 ; B 36 263 634 705 ;
+C 161 ; WX 732 ; N a101 ; B 35 -143 697 806 ;
+C 162 ; WX 544 ; N a102 ; B 56 -14 488 706 ;
+C 163 ; WX 544 ; N a103 ; B 34 -14 508 705 ;
+C 164 ; WX 910 ; N a104 ; B 35 40 875 651 ;
+C 165 ; WX 667 ; N a106 ; B 35 -14 633 705 ;
+C 166 ; WX 760 ; N a107 ; B 35 -14 726 705 ;
+C 167 ; WX 760 ; N a108 ; B 0 121 758 569 ;
+C 168 ; WX 776 ; N a112 ; B 35 0 741 705 ;
+C 169 ; WX 595 ; N a111 ; B 34 -14 560 705 ;
+C 170 ; WX 694 ; N a110 ; B 35 -14 659 705 ;
+C 171 ; WX 626 ; N a109 ; B 34 0 591 705 ;
+C 172 ; WX 788 ; N a120 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 173 ; WX 788 ; N a121 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 174 ; WX 788 ; N a122 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 175 ; WX 788 ; N a123 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 176 ; WX 788 ; N a124 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 177 ; WX 788 ; N a125 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 178 ; WX 788 ; N a126 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 179 ; WX 788 ; N a127 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 180 ; WX 788 ; N a128 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 181 ; WX 788 ; N a129 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 182 ; WX 788 ; N a130 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 183 ; WX 788 ; N a131 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 184 ; WX 788 ; N a132 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 185 ; WX 788 ; N a133 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 186 ; WX 788 ; N a134 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 187 ; WX 788 ; N a135 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 188 ; WX 788 ; N a136 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 189 ; WX 788 ; N a137 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 190 ; WX 788 ; N a138 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 191 ; WX 788 ; N a139 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 192 ; WX 788 ; N a140 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 193 ; WX 788 ; N a141 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 194 ; WX 788 ; N a142 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 195 ; WX 788 ; N a143 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 196 ; WX 788 ; N a144 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 197 ; WX 788 ; N a145 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 198 ; WX 788 ; N a146 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 199 ; WX 788 ; N a147 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 200 ; WX 788 ; N a148 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 201 ; WX 788 ; N a149 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 202 ; WX 788 ; N a150 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 203 ; WX 788 ; N a151 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 204 ; WX 788 ; N a152 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 205 ; WX 788 ; N a153 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 206 ; WX 788 ; N a154 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 207 ; WX 788 ; N a155 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 208 ; WX 788 ; N a156 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 209 ; WX 788 ; N a157 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 210 ; WX 788 ; N a158 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 211 ; WX 788 ; N a159 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;
+C 212 ; WX 894 ; N a160 ; B 35 58 860 634 ;
+C 213 ; WX 838 ; N a161 ; B 35 152 803 540 ;
+C 214 ; WX 1016 ; N a163 ; B 34 152 981 540 ;
+C 215 ; WX 458 ; N a164 ; B 35 -127 422 820 ;
+C 216 ; WX 748 ; N a196 ; B 35 94 698 597 ;
+C 217 ; WX 924 ; N a165 ; B 35 140 890 552 ;
+C 218 ; WX 748 ; N a192 ; B 35 94 698 597 ;
+C 219 ; WX 918 ; N a166 ; B 35 166 884 526 ;
+C 220 ; WX 927 ; N a167 ; B 35 32 892 660 ;
+C 221 ; WX 928 ; N a168 ; B 35 129 891 562 ;
+C 222 ; WX 928 ; N a169 ; B 35 128 893 563 ;
+C 223 ; WX 834 ; N a170 ; B 35 155 799 537 ;
+C 224 ; WX 873 ; N a171 ; B 35 93 838 599 ;
+C 225 ; WX 828 ; N a172 ; B 35 104 791 588 ;
+C 226 ; WX 924 ; N a173 ; B 35 98 889 594 ;
+C 227 ; WX 924 ; N a162 ; B 35 98 889 594 ;
+C 228 ; WX 917 ; N a174 ; B 35 0 882 692 ;
+C 229 ; WX 930 ; N a175 ; B 35 84 896 608 ;
+C 230 ; WX 931 ; N a176 ; B 35 84 896 608 ;
+C 231 ; WX 463 ; N a177 ; B 35 -99 429 791 ;
+C 232 ; WX 883 ; N a178 ; B 35 71 848 623 ;
+C 233 ; WX 836 ; N a179 ; B 35 44 802 648 ;
+C 234 ; WX 836 ; N a193 ; B 35 44 802 648 ;
+C 235 ; WX 867 ; N a180 ; B 35 101 832 591 ;
+C 236 ; WX 867 ; N a199 ; B 35 101 832 591 ;
+C 237 ; WX 696 ; N a181 ; B 35 44 661 648 ;
+C 238 ; WX 696 ; N a200 ; B 35 44 661 648 ;
+C 239 ; WX 874 ; N a182 ; B 35 77 840 619 ;
+C 241 ; WX 874 ; N a201 ; B 35 73 840 615 ;
+C 242 ; WX 760 ; N a183 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;
+C 243 ; WX 946 ; N a184 ; B 35 160 911 533 ;
+C 244 ; WX 771 ; N a197 ; B 34 37 736 655 ;
+C 245 ; WX 865 ; N a185 ; B 35 207 830 481 ;
+C 246 ; WX 771 ; N a194 ; B 34 37 736 655 ;
+C 247 ; WX 888 ; N a198 ; B 34 -19 853 712 ;
+C 248 ; WX 967 ; N a186 ; B 35 124 932 568 ;
+C 249 ; WX 888 ; N a195 ; B 34 -19 853 712 ;
+C 250 ; WX 831 ; N a187 ; B 35 113 796 579 ;
+C 251 ; WX 873 ; N a188 ; B 36 118 838 578 ;
+C 252 ; WX 927 ; N a189 ; B 35 150 891 542 ;
+C 253 ; WX 970 ; N a190 ; B 35 76 931 616 ;
+C 254 ; WX 918 ; N a191 ; B 34 99 884 593 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N a86 ; B 35 0 375 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 509 ; N a85 ; B 35 0 475 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 334 ; N a95 ; B 35 0 299 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 509 ; N a205 ; B 35 0 475 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 390 ; N a89 ; B 35 -14 356 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 234 ; N a87 ; B 35 -14 199 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 276 ; N a91 ; B 35 0 242 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 390 ; N a90 ; B 35 -14 355 705 ;
+C -1 ; WX 410 ; N a206 ; B 35 0 375 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 317 ; N a94 ; B 35 0 283 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 317 ; N a93 ; B 35 0 283 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 276 ; N a92 ; B 35 0 242 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 334 ; N a96 ; B 35 0 299 692 ;
+C -1 ; WX 234 ; N a88 ; B 35 -14 199 705 ;
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index 0000000..0c7dfb9
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@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+From rms@santafe.edu Thu Mar 12 19:35:41 1998
+From: Richard Stallman <rms@santafe.edu>
+To: jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
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index 0000000..84409bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/README
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+Format of Lout hyphenation information files
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+22 December 1992
+21 September 1994
+6 June 1995
+3 April 1996
+Basser Lout Version 3 incorporates automatic hyphenation using the
+method introduced by TeX (see Appendix H of the TeXBook by D. E. Knuth),
+with support for multilingual hyphenation. No special action is required
+to install hyphenation unless it is desired to change the hyphenation
+information that controls it.
+There is one hyphenation information file for each language, and it is
+named in the langdef of that language. For example:
+ langdef German Deutsch { german }
+(There will usually be other information between the hyphenation file
+name and the closing brace, not relevant here.) This example means that
+unpacked Lout hyphenation file german.lh or its packed equivalent
+german.lp (see below) is to be used when hyphenating German words. These
+files are kept in the Lout system hyphenation directory (this directory). If
+a language is desired but no hyphenation information file is available, the
+file name may be replaced with -, and then the language will be defined but
+hyphenation in that language will never be attempted. Another possibility
+is to include a placeholder file for the language (see below).
+The first time on any run that German hyphenation is required, Lout will
+search the directories of the hyphenation path for a binary file called
+german.lp, which contains a binary form of the hyphenation patterns in
+german.lh, modified so that the file may be shared by big-endian and
+little-endian machines. If german.lp cannot be found, Lout then searches
+for the text file german.lh instead, and uses it to construct german.lp.
+To change the German hyphenation patterns, delete german.lp and modify
+german.lh; the rest is automatic.
+Alternatively, if lout is invoked with the -x flag and the langdef line
+above appears in its input, it will read german.lh and produce german.lp
+immediately. This is intended for setting up: it is good to create all
+these packed files at setup time, since a subsequent lout run that needs them
+will not have write permission in the Lout system hyphenation directory.
+An unpacked Lout hyphenation information (.lh) file mainly contains a
+long list of TeX hyphenation patterns. It must begin with either
+ Lout hyphenation information
+ Lout hyphenation placeholder
+alone on the first line. In the second case, it is understood that the
+file is a placeholder (i.e. a stub file which might be overwritten with
+a real file in the future), and Lout does not read any futher; the effect
+is that Lout will not hyphenate this language, but not complain about the
+absence of the file either.
+In the non-placeholder case, following the header line comes the "Classes:"
+heading followed by the character classes. For example:
+ Classes:
+ @!$%^&*()_-+=~`{[}]:;'|<,.>?/0123456789
+ aA
+ bB
+ cC
+ ...
+ yY
+ zZ
+The hyphenation process treats the characters in each class as identical
+(so the classes above ensure that the distinction between upper and lower
+case is ignored). By definition, the characters of the first class are
+"non-letters", and the characters of the remaining classes are "letters".
+Notice that these are actual characters, not character names: hyphenation
+files are encoding-specific.
+Next comes the "Exceptions:" heading followed by the exceptions, which
+are words (composed of letters and "-" only) whose hyphenation is to be
+treated as a special case. For example:
+ Exceptions:
+ ta-ble
+ phil-an-thropic
+These words may be hyphenated in the places shown by the "-" characters.
+Character classes are in effect here (Table will be hyphenated as Ta-ble).
+If there are no exceptions, "Exceptions:" may be omitted.
+Next comes an optional LengthLimit section, which tells Lout to ignore
+some patterns. For example,
+ LengthLimit:
+ 4
+means that patterns containing more than 4 letters (note that
+. counts as a letter) are to be ignored. The purpose is to discard
+the least important patterns from files that are too large for Lout
+to handle otherwise. None of the files actually use this at present,
+but hyphenation files seem to be getting larger and larger, and if
+any whoppers come along they might have to be trimmed in this way.
+Finally comes the "Patterns:" heading followed by the list of TeX
+hyphenation patterns. Apart from the weighting digits, the patterns
+should contain only letters. Lout understands some TeX escape sequences
+e.g. it will accept \^e anywhere in a hyphenation file as the ecircumflex
+The file may contain comments, which begin with % (either at the start
+of a line or after a white space character) and go to end of line. The
+headings, classes, exceptions and patterns are separated by arbitrary
+white space.
+Briefly, hyphenation of a word works like this. If the word contains a
+character not found in any character class, it will not be hyphenated.
+Otherwise the word is analysed into sequences of letters separated by
+sequences of non-letters. Each sequence of five or more letters is
+then matched, either with an exception or else with the hyphenation
+patterns, and hyphenated. The hyphen character "-" is treated specially.
+Extreme lengths were resorted to to compress the .lp file as much as
+possible. Files significantly larger than german.lh are likely to cause
+Lout to abort with an error message. Please contact jeff@cs.su.oz.au if
+you have problems with this or anything else.
diff --git a/hyph/czech.lh b/hyph/czech.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8527abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/czech.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,4582 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% This is a Czech hyphenation file created by Jeff Kingston
+% on 16 July 1995 from a TeX file supplied by Pavel Vana.
+% The only comment received with the file was this one:
+% Czech hyphenation patterns - Lala 8.11.1991
+% Like Czech itself, this file is encoded in the Latin2
+% character set. Czech has 15 accented letters, each with
+% upper-case and lower-case forms:
+% PostScript Latin2 Latin2 Latin2
+% name decimal octal literal
+% code code character
+% aacute 225 341 á
+% ccaron 232 350 è
+% dcaron 239 357 ï
+% eacute 233 351 é
+% ecaron 236 354 ì
+% iacute 237 355 í
+% ncaron 242 362 ò
+% oacute 243 363 ó
+% rcaron 248 370 ø
+% scaron 185 271 ¹
+% tcaron 187 273 »
+% uacute 250 372 ú
+% uring 249 371 ù
+% yacute 253 375 ý
+% zcaron 190 276 ¾
+% Aacute 193 301 Á
+% Ccaron 200 310 È
+% Dcaron 207 317 Ï
+% Eacute 201 311 É
+% Ecaron 204 314 Ì
+% Iacute 205 315 Í
+% Ncaron 210 322 Ò
+% Oacute 211 323 Ó
+% Rcaron 216 330 Ø
+% Scaron 169 251 ©
+% Tcaron 171 253 «
+% Uacute 218 332 Ú
+% Uring 217 331 Ù
+% Yacute 221 335 Ý
+% Zcaron 174 256 ®
+%slabièné r a l
+%dvojice souhlásek
+%vícesouhláskové skupiny
+%poèáteèní skupiny hlásek
+%cizí pøedpony
+%pøípony a koncovky
diff --git a/hyph/danish.lh b/hyph/danish.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9747c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/danish.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,1184 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Danish hyphenation file, created by
+% Jeffrey H. Kingston 22 April 1994
+% from a file supplied by Jesper Hagen
diff --git a/hyph/dutch.lh b/hyph/dutch.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18c8657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/dutch.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,6166 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Created by Jeff Kingston 7 October 1994 from a TeX hyphenation
+% patterns file supplied by Ronald Rietman, who says it is nehyph1.tex
+% from the CTAN archive. A larger file called nehyph2.tex was tried
+% first, but proved to exceed Lout's internal limits on the size of a
+% hyphenation table. Note that there are no accented characters
+% in this file, which means that Lout will never hyphenate a Dutch
+% word containing an accented character. To summarise a discussion
+% by Rietman, this is probably the safest thing although it does miss
+% a few opportunities for acceptable hyphenations, mainly of words
+% containing a trema which Lout could not hyphenate correctly anyway
+% since the following letter changes when hyphenating.
+% The following comment came with the file:
+% These are TeX hyphenation patterns for Dutch generated at the
+% Computer Science Department of Utrecht University.
+% Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
+% Telephone: +31-30-531454, e-mail: postmaster@cs.ruu.nl
+% Copyright (c) 1989 by CELEX.
+% CELEX, Wundtlaan 1, 6525 XD Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
+% Telephone: +31-80-615751, email: celex@hnympi52.bitnet
+% General permission for non-profit usage is granted.
+% For commercial usage contact CELEX at the above address.
+% Copying of this file is only permitted with inclusion of
+% this copyright notice and with these same restrictions.
diff --git a/hyph/english.lh b/hyph/english.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8713a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/english.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,4499 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Created by Jeff Kingston, 20 April 1994, from a TeX
+% hyphenation file.
diff --git a/hyph/engluk.lh b/hyph/engluk.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1b0f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/engluk.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,8600 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Created by Jeff Kingston, 16 November 1996, from a TeX
+% hyphenation file with the following header comment:
+% File: ukhyphen.tex
+% TeX hyphenation patterns for UK English [NOT TO BE CHANGED IN ANY WAY!]
+% Version 1.0. Released 17 April 1992.
+% Created by Dominik Wujastyk and Graham Toal using Frank Liang's PATGEN 1.0.
+% Like the US patterns, these UK patterns correctly hyphenate about 90% of
+% the words in the input list, and produce no hyphens not in the list
+% (see TeXbook pp. 451--2).
+% These patterns are based on a file of 114925 British-hyphenated words
+% generously made available to Dominik Wujastyk by Oxford University Press.
+% This list of words is copyright to the OUP and may not be redistributed.
+% The hyphenation break points in the words in the abovementioned file is
+% also copyright to the OUP.
+% We are very grateful to Oxford University Press for allowing us to use
+% their list of hyphenated words to produce the following TeX hyphenation
+% patterns. This file of hyphenation patterns may be freely distributed.
+% These patterns require a value of about 14000 for TeX's pattern memory size.
diff --git a/hyph/finnish.lh b/hyph/finnish.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fcd4b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/finnish.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Created by Jeff Kingston 19 April 1994 from a TeX hyphenation
+% patterns file with the following header comment:
+% fhyphen.tex for TeX 3.0 (-jme)
+% Needs to be changed when the new fonts will be generated!
+% -----> Finnish hyphenation patterns for MLPCTeX <------
+% First release January -86 by Kauko Saarinen,
+% Computing Centre, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
+% Completely rewritten January -88. The new patterns make
+% much less mistakes with foreign and compound words.
+% The article "Automatic Hyphenation of Finnish"
+% by Professor Fred Karlsson is also referred
+% ftp'ed from tukki.jyu.fi by Sverre Slotte July 4 1991
+% changed ^^84 to ä and ^^85 to ö
+% ---------------------------------------------------------
+% ------- Some common words borrowed from other languages -------
+% ------- This part could be updated from time to time -------
+st2r 1st2re % -stressi, -strategia etc.
+% ------ Some special cases occuring with compound words only ----
+% ------ There still remains well known problem as 'kaivos\-aukko' etc.
+% lyhyt/pitka -vokaalipareja, tavallisesti sanarajalla
+aa1i2 % maa-ikkuna
+aa1o2 % maa-ottelu
+aa1u2 % uraa-uurtava
+ee1a2 % tee-astia
+ee1i2 % tee-istutus
+ee1u2 % varietee-uusinta
+uu1e2 % puu-esine
+uu1o2 % puu-osa
+uu1i2 % puu-istutus
+a1uu % kala-uuni
+i1uu % ravi-uutiset
+e1uu % virhe-uutinen
+o1uu % radio-uutiset
+ai1ui % maanantai-uinti
+i1eu % keski-eurooppalainen
+% vokaalikolmikkoja etc. yhdyssanojen rajoissa
+.ä2 % don't hyphenate ä-lyllinen etc.
+% The following patterns contain no general scientific rule. They
+% are selected more or less intuitively to solve problems
+% with common and frequently appearing compound words.
+% However, every pattern resolves more than only one
+% hyphenation problem.
+yli1o2p % yli-opisto etc.
+keu2s1 % oikeus-oppinut etc.
+tasau2s1 % tasaus-ennakko etc.
+2s1ohje % -sohjelma etc.
+2s1a2sia % nais-asianainen etc.
+1a2sian % neuvottelu-asian etc.
+1a2siat % koti-asian (ei kotia-sian)
+1a2sioi % talous-asioita etc.
+r2as l2as % tikku-rasia etc
+2s1o2pisk % xs-opiskelija etc
+2n1o2pist % kansan-opisto etc.
+2s1o2sa % xxs-osakas etc.
+2n1o2sa % asian-osainen etc.
+2s1i2dea. 2s1i2dean
+2s1e2sity % xs-esitys etc
+2n1e2dus % kansan-edustaja etc.
+2s1ajatu % -ajatus etc.
+2s1y2rit % yhteis-yritys etc.
+2n1e2nerg % ydin-energia etc.
+2n1otto 2n1oton
+2n1anto 2n1anno
+2n1a2jan 2n1aika
+ulo2s1 % ulos-ajo
+2n1a2jo % kiven-ajo
+% *** The following rules may be used on user's responsibility ***
+% *** for example, may be needed with narrow columns ***
+% >>>>>>>>>>> a1e a1o e1o o1a u1a <<<<<<<<<<<
+% ----- Some districting rules by Professor Fred Karlsson's ideas ------
+b2l 1b2lo bib3li
+b2r 1b2ri 1b2ro 1b2ru
+d2r 1d2ra
+f2l 1f2la
+f2r 1f2ra 1f2re
+g2l 1g2lo
+g2r 1g2ra
+1k2ra 1k2ri
+1k2v 1k2va
+p2r 1p2ro
+q2v 1q2vi
+sc2h ts2h
diff --git a/hyph/french.lh b/hyph/french.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..442de83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/french.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,1377 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Created by Jeff Kingston, 19 May 1996, from a TeX
+% hyphenation file. Apart from commenting out things that
+% are not relevant to Lout I have made the following changes:
+% (1) I have guessed that \c c means ccedilla, and I have changed the
+% only line containing it from 1\c c to 1\cc, and informed Lout that
+% \cc is the code for ccedilla. The change is because Lout does not
+% expect to find spaces in the middle of hyphenation patterns.
+% (2) I have deleted the following lines since I am unsure what to do
+% about \oe (it is not an ISO-LATIN-1 character):
+% 1c\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+% .d\'e2s1\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+% 1m\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+% 1n\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+% 1s\oe0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+% In other respects this file should faithfully reflect the original.
+% f7hyph.tex % French hyphenation patterns (7-bit OT1 encoding)
+% f7hyph.tex is ONLY for people having a MlTeX engine and CMR fonts.
+% \message{f7hyph.tex french hyphenation patterns. 7-bit OT1 encoding
+% (V2.0) 05/20/94}
+% *BEFORE* using this file *PLEASE* run checksum on it: %
+% checksum -v f7hyph.tex %
+% to make sure that it hasn't been damaged. %
+% Then if you notice anything wrong in french hyphenation please report to %
+% Daniel Flipo and Bernard Gaulle at the email address: cesure-l@ens.fr %
+%% checksum = "20125 1319 2460 29960"
+%%%%%%%% The most famous good guys who worked hard to obtain something usable.
+% Jacques Desarmenien, Universite de Strasbourg :
+% - << how to run TeX in a French environment: hyphenation, fonts,
+% typography. >> in Tugboat, 5 (1984) 91-102. and TeX85 conference
+% - << La division par ordinateur des mots francais :
+% application a TeX >> in TSI vol. 5 No 4, 1986 (C) AFCET-
+% Gauthier-Villars
+% Norman Buckle, UQAH (nb; many additions)
+% Michael Ferguson, INRS-Telecommunications (mjf) June 1988
+% Justin Bur, Universite de Montreal (jbb; checked against original list)
+% all patterns including apostrophe missing from nb list
+% after that, GUTenberg and specially Daniel Flipo and Bernard Gaulle
+% did their best effort to improve the list of patterns.
+% comment the following line when used without MlTeX and outside hyconfig.tex
+%\accenthyphcodes\spechyphcodes % changes the \' ... etc
+% hyphenation patterns for french ... for use with fonts that do not
+% have the accented characters inside.
+% Mods to \i and \oe form ... TeX eats up spaces and loses patterns. mjf Jun 88
+%\lccode'33='33 %\oe ... both needed in
+%\lccode'20='20 % \i .. dotless i
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ .ab3r\'ea
+ 'ab3r\'ea
+ a1\`e2dre
+ .ae3s4ch
+ 'ae3s4ch
+ 1alcool
+ a2l1algi
+ .amino1a2c
+ 'amino1a2c
+ .ana3s4tr
+ 'ana3s4tr
+ 1a2nesth\'esi
+ .anti1a2
+ 'anti1a2
+ .anti1e2
+ 'anti1e2
+ .anti1\'e2
+ .anti2enne
+ 'anti2enne
+ 'anti1\'e2
+ .anti1s2
+ 'anti1s2
+ .apo2s3ta
+ 'apo2s3ta
+ apo2s3tr
+ archi1\'e2pis
+ .as2ta
+ 'as2ta
+ a2s3tro
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ .bai2se3main % hyphen disappeared from french 5/2/94
+2bent. % mute syllable: tombent (df) 22/02/94
+1b\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+ .bi1a2c
+ .bi1a2t % like .tri1a2t for tri-athlon bg 12/27/93
+ .bi1au
+ .bio1a2
+ .bi2s1a2
+ .bi1u2
+2blent. % mute syllable: troublent (df) 28/02/94
+2brent. % mute syllable: palabrent (df) 28/02/94
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ca3ou3t2 % pour caoutchou... added 3/1/94 df-bg
+% words ending with -cent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2cent.
+ ja3cent.
+ ac3cent.
+ \'e3cent.
+ munifi3cent.
+ r\'eti3cent.
+ inno3cent.
+ es3cent.
+ acquies4cent.
+ is3cent.
+ immis4cent.
+2chent. % mute syllable: touchent (df) 22/02/94
+ .ch\`e2vre3feuille % hyphen disappeared from french 5/2/94
+ chlo2r3a2c
+ chlo2r3\'e2t
+1c\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+ .ci2s1alp
+2ckent. % mute syllable: stockent (df) 22/02/94
+2clent. % mute syllable: encerclent (df) 28/02/94
+ co1acc
+ co1acq
+ co1a2d
+ co1ap
+ co1ar
+ co1assoc
+ co1assur
+ co1au
+ co1ax
+ co1\'e2
+ co1ef
+ co1en
+ co1ex
+ .con4 % missing from nb list
+ .cons4 % missing from nb list
+ .contre1s2c
+ .contre3ma\^\i0tre % hyphen disappeared from french 5/2/94
+ co2nurb
+ .co1o2
+ .co2o3lie
+2crent. % mute syllable: massacrent (df) 28/02/94
+.cul4 % -- as .con4 .cons4 (march 92)
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ .dacryo1a2
+% words ending with -dent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2dent.
+ \'e3dent.
+ cci3dent.
+ inci3dent.
+ confi3dent.
+ tri3dent.
+ dissi3dent.
+ chien3dent.
+ .ar3dent.
+ impu3dent.
+ pru3dent.
+ .d\'e1a2
+ .d\'e1io
+ .d\'e1o2
+ .d\'e2s % originaly in JD file
+ %.d\'e2s1a2 removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the
+ % original JD 500 words test
+ .d\'e3s2a3cr
+ .d\'es2a3m % .d\'es2a2mi introduced 09/17/92 bec. i
+ % can't see why d\'esamidonner ran in JD.
+ % Moved to .d\'es2a3m df 12/27/93.
+ .d\'e3s2a3tell
+ .d\'e3s2astr
+ .d\'e3s2c % 1 moved 3 due to .d\'e2s 09/17/92
+ %.d\'e2s1e2 removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the
+ % original JD 500 words test
+ .d\'e2s1\'e2
+ .d\'e3s2\'e3gr
+ .d\'e3s2ensib
+ .d\'e3s2ert
+ .d\'e3s2exu
+ %.d\'e2s3h removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the
+ % original JD 500 words test
+ .d\'e2s1i2
+ .d\'e3s2i3d
+ .d\'e3s2i3gn
+ .d\'e3s2i3li
+ .d\'e3s2i3nen
+ .d\'e3s2invo
+ .d\'e3s2i3r
+ .d\'e3s2ist
+ %.d\'e2s1o2 removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the
+ % original JD 500 words test
+ .d\'e3s2o3d\'e
+ .d\'e3s2o3l
+ .d\'e3s2o3pil
+ .d\'e3s2orm
+ .d\'e3s2orp
+ .d\'e3s2oufr
+ .d\'e3s2p % 1 moved 3 due to .d\'e2s 09/17/92
+ .d\'e3s2t % 1 moved 3 due to .d\'e2s 09/17/92
+ .d\'e2s1u2n
+ 3d2hal
+ 3d2houd
+1d\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+ di2s3cop
+ .di1a2c\'e
+ .di1a2cid
+ dia2g3n
+ .di1ald
+ .di1a2mi
+ .di1a2tom
+ .di1e2n
+ .di2s3h
+2dlent. % mute syllable: jodlent (df) 28/02/94
+2drent. % mute syllable: engendrent (df) 28/02/94
+ .dy2s3
+ .dy2s1a2
+ .dy2s1i2
+ .dy2s1o2 % missing from nb list
+ .dy2s1u2
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ 1\'e2drie
+ 1\'e2drique
+ 1\'e2lectr
+ 1\'e2l\'ement
+ .en1a2
+ 'en1a2
+ 1\'e2nerg
+ e2n1i2vr
+ .en1o2
+ 'en1o2
+ \'epi2s3cop
+ \'epi3s4cope
+ e2s3cop
+ .eu2r1a2
+ 'eu2r1a2
+ eu1s2tat
+ extra1
+ extra2c
+ extra2i
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+2fent. % mute syllable: agrafent chauffent (df) 22/02/94
+1f\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+2flent. % mute syllable: gonflent (df) 28/02/94
+2frent. % mute syllable: balafrent (df) 28/02/94
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+% words ending with -gent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2gent.
+ r\'e3gent.
+ entre3gent.
+ indi3gent.
+ dili3gent.
+ indul3gent.
+ tan3gent.
+ rin3gent.
+ contin3gent.
+ .ar3gent.
+ 'ar3gent.
+ ser3gent.
+ ter3gent.
+1g\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+2glent. % mute syllable: meuglent (df) 28/02/94
+ 1g2n
+ wa2g3n
+2gnent. % mute syllable: accompagnent (df) 28/02/94
+2grent. % mute syllable: immigrent (df) 28/02/94
+% words ending with -guent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2guent.
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ h\'emi1\'e
+ h\'emo1p2t
+1h\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+ hypera2
+ hypere2
+ hyper\'e2
+ hyperi2
+ hypero2
+ hypers2
+ hype4r1
+ hyperu2
+ hypo1a2
+ hypo1e2 % missing from nb list
+ hypo1\'e2
+ hypo1i2
+ hypo1o2
+ hypo1s2
+ hypo1u2
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ i1algi
+ i1arthr
+ i1\`e2dre
+% ill patterns missing from nb list
+ il2l
+ cil3l
+ rcil4l
+ ucil4l
+ vacil4l
+ gil3l
+ hil3l
+ lil3l
+ l3lion
+ mil3l
+ mil4let
+ semil4l
+ rmil4l
+ armil5l
+ capil3l
+ papil3la
+ papil3le
+ papil3li
+ papil3lom
+ pupil3l
+ piril3l
+ thril3l
+ cyril3l
+ ibril3l
+ pusil3l
+ .stil3l
+ vanil3lin
+ vanil3lis
+ vil3l
+ avil4l
+ uevil4l
+ uvil4l
+ xil3l
+% end of ill patterns
+ 1informat % missing from nb list
+ .in1a2
+ 'in1a2
+ .in2a3nit
+ 'in2a3nit
+ .in2augur
+ 'in2augur
+ .in1e2
+ 'in1e2
+ .in1\'e2
+ 'in1\'e2
+ .in2effab % missing from nb list
+ 'in2effab
+ .in2\'e3lucta
+ 'in2\'e3lucta
+ .in2\'e3narra
+ 'in2\'e3narra
+ .in2ept
+ 'in2ept
+ .in2er
+ 'in2er
+ .in2exora % missing from nb list
+ 'in2exora
+ .in1i2
+ 'in1i2
+ .in2i3miti
+ 'in2i3miti
+ .in2i3q
+ 'in2i3q
+ .in2i3t
+ 'in2i3t
+ .in1o2
+ 'in1o2
+ .in2o3cul
+ 'in2o3cul
+ .in2ond
+ 'in2ond
+ .in1s2tab
+ 'in1s2tab
+ 'inte4r3
+ .intera2
+ 'intera2
+ .intere2
+ 'intere2
+ .inter\'e2
+ 'inter\'e2
+ .interi2
+ 'interi2
+ .intero2
+ 'intero2
+ .inte4r3
+ .interu2
+ 'interu2
+ .inters2
+ 'inters2
+ .in1u2
+ 'in1u2
+ .in2uit
+ 'in2uit
+ .in2u3l
+ 'in2u3l
+ io1a2ct
+ i1oxy
+ i1s2tat
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+2jent. % mute syllable: gal\`ejent (df) 22/02/94
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+2kent. % mute syllable: jerkent (df) 22/02/94
+1k\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ la2w3re
+% words ending with -lent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2lent.
+ .ta3lent.
+ iva3lent.
+ monova3lent.
+ polyva3lent.
+ re3lent.
+ .do3lent.
+ indo3lent.
+ inso3lent.
+ turbu3lent.
+ succu3lent.
+ f\'ecu3lent.
+ trucu3lent.
+ opu3lent.
+ corpu3lent.
+ ru3lent.
+ sporu4lent.
+1l\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ .ma2c3k
+ .macro1s2c
+ .ma2l1a2dres
+ .ma2l1a2dro
+ .ma2l1ais\'e
+ .ma2l1ap
+ .ma2l1a2v
+ .ma2l1en
+ .ma2l1int
+ .ma2l1oc
+ .ma2l1o2d
+ .ma2r1x % nb (jbb: ?)
+ .m\'e2g1oh
+ .m\'e2sa % missing from nb list
+ .m\'e3san % missing from nb list
+ .m\'e2s1es
+ .m\'e2s1i
+ .m\'e2s1u2s
+ .m\'eta1s2ta
+% words ending with -ment (df) 22/02/94
+ \^a2ment.
+ da2ment.
+ fa2ment.
+ amalga2ment.
+ cla2ment.
+ ra2ment.
+ ta2ment.
+ testa3ment.
+ qua2ment.
+ \`e2ment.
+ car\^e2ment.
+ diaphrag2ment.
+ ryth2ment.
+ ai2ment.
+ rai3ment.
+ ab\^\i2ment.
+ \'eci2ment.
+ vidi2ment.
+ subli2ment.
+ \'eli2ment.
+ reli2ment.
+ mi2ment.
+ ani2ment.
+ veni2ment.
+ ri2ment.
+ d\'etri3ment.
+ nutri3ment.
+ inti2ment.
+ esti2ment.
+ l2ment.
+ flam2ment.
+ gram2ment.
+ .gem2ment.
+ om2ment.
+ .com3ment.
+ \^o2ment.
+ slalo2ment.
+ chro2ment.
+ to2ment.
+ ar2ment.
+ .sar3ment.
+ er2ment.
+ antifer3ment.
+ .ser3ment.
+ fir2ment.
+ or2ment.
+ as2ment.
+ au2ment.
+ \'ecu2ment.
+ fu2ment.
+ hu2ment.
+ fichu3ment.
+ llu2ment.
+ plu2ment.
+ bou2ment.
+ bru2ment.
+ su2ment.
+ tu2ment.
+1m\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+ .milli1am
+ 1m2n\'emo
+ 1m2n\`es
+ 1m2n\'esi
+ .mono1a2
+ .mono1e2
+ .mono1\'e2
+ .mono1i2
+ .mono1\"\i2d\'e
+ .mono1o2
+ .mono1u2
+ .mono1s2
+ mon2t3r\'eal % missing from nb list
+ moye2n1\^a2g
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+% words ending with -nent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2nent. % fric-tionnent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93
+ r\'ema3nent.
+ imma3nent.
+ perma3nent.
+ .\'emi3nent.
+ pro\'emi3nent.
+ sur\'emi3nent.
+ immi3nent.
+ conti3nent.
+ perti3nent.
+ absti3nent.
+1n\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+ .no2n1obs
+ n3s2at.
+ n3s2ats.
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+%'\"o2 % mjf % deleted 3/1/94 df-bg
+ o2b3long
+ 1octet % missing from nb list
+ o1d2l
+ o1\`e2dre
+ o1ioni
+ ombud2s3
+ omni1s2
+ o1s2tas
+ o1s2tat
+ o1s2t\'ero
+ o1s2tim
+ o1s2tom
+ o1s2trad
+ o1s2tratu
+ o1s2triction
+ .oua1ou
+ 'oua1ou
+ .ovi1s2c
+ 'ovi1s2c
+ oxy1a2
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ pal\'eo1\'e2
+ .pa2n1a2f
+ .pa2n1a2m\'e
+ .pa2n1a2ra
+ .pa2n1is
+ .pa2n1o2ph
+ .pa2n1opt
+ .pa2r1a2che
+ .pa2r1a2ch\`e
+ .para1s2
+ .pa2r3h\'e
+% words ending with -pent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2pent.
+ re3pent.
+ .pen2ta % pent- or penta- but never pen-ta bg 12/27/93
+ per3h
+ p\'e2nul % p\'e2n1ul moved back 09/17/92 to JD def.
+ .pe4r
+ .per1a2
+ .per1e2
+ .per1\'e2
+ .per1i2
+ .per1o2
+ .per1u2
+ p\'e1r2\'e2q % 2r1 moved 09/17/92 to 1r2(it was a typo)
+ .p\'eri1os
+ .p\'eri1s2
+ .p\'eri2s3s
+ .p\'eri2s3ta
+ .p\'eri1u2
+ .phalan3s2t
+2phent. % mute syllable: triomphent (df) 22/02/94
+ photo1s2
+ 3ph2tal\'e
+ 3ph2tis
+%%%% Here is an example of a pb involving phonetic and etymologic patterns 5/94
+%%%% .phyto3ph2 % originaly, but wrong for phy-toph-thora 9/92
+%%%% .phy2topha % for -pharmacie but wrong for phyto-biol.. 5/94
+1p\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+2plent. % mute syllable: accouplent (df) 28/02/94
+ .pluri1a
+ 1p2n\'e
+ 1p2neu
+ po1astre
+ poly1a2
+ poly1e2
+ poly1\'e2
+ poly1\`e2
+ poly1i2
+ poly1o2
+ poly1s2
+ poly1u2
+ .pon2tet % JD hypenated it asis 09/17/92, exception
+ .pos2t3h
+ .pos2t1in
+ .pos2t1o2
+ .pos2t3r
+ .post1s2
+2prent. % mute syllable: empourprent (df) 28/02/94
+ .pr\'e1a2
+ .pr\'e2a3la % missing from nb list
+ .pr\'e2au
+ .pr\'e1\'e2
+ .pr\'e1e2
+ .pr\'e1i2
+ .pr\'e1o2
+ .pr\'e1u2
+ .pr\'e1s2
+ .pro1\'e2
+ .pro1s2c\'e
+ pro2s3tat
+ .prou3d2h
+ 1p2sych
+ .psycho1a2n
+ 1p2t\`er
+ 1p2t\'er
+ .pud1d2l
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+% words ending with -quent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2quent.
+ \'e3quent.
+ \'elo3quent.
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ radio1a2 % missing from nb list
+ .r\'e1a2
+ .r\'e2a3le
+ .r\'e2a3lis
+ .r\'e2a3lit
+ .r\'e2aux
+ .r\'e1\'e2
+ .r\'e1e2
+ .r\'e2el
+ .r\'e2er
+ .r\'e2\`er
+ .r\'e1i2
+ .r\'e2i3fi
+ .r\'e1o2
+ .re1s2
+ .re2s3cap
+ .re2s3cisi % for res-cision 09/17/92 (missing from nb)
+ .re2s3ciso % for res-cisoire 09/17/92(missing from nb)
+ .re2s3cou
+ .re2s3cri
+ .re2s3pect
+ .re2s3pir
+ .re2s3plend
+ .re2s3pons
+ .re2s3quil
+ .re2s3s
+ .re2s3t
+ .re3s4tab
+ .re3s4tag
+ .re3s4tand
+ .re3s4tat
+ .re3s4t\'en
+ .re3s4t\'er
+ .re3s4tim
+ .re3s4tip
+ .re3s4toc
+ .re3s4top
+ .re3s4tr
+ .re4s5trein
+ .re4s5trict
+ .re4s5trin
+ .re3s4tu
+ .re3s4ty
+ .r\'eu2 %.r\'e1u2 % pattern rejected 12/2/92
+ % (don't hyphenate as r\'e-union nor r\'eu-nion)
+ .r\'e2uss
+ .r\'etro1a2
+% words ending with -rent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2rent. % es-p\`erent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93
+ .pa3rent.
+ appa3rent.
+ \'e3rent.
+ tor3rent.
+ cur3rent.
+ 2r3heur
+ 2r3hydr
+1r\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ 1s2caph
+ 1s2cl\'er
+ 1s2cop
+ 1s2ch
+ sesqui1a2
+% words ending with -sent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2sent. % massent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93
+ ab3sent.
+ .res3sent.
+.seu2le % jbb
+2shent. % mute syllable: smashent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2s3hom
+1s\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+ 1s2lav
+ 1s2lov
+ 1s2patia
+ 1s2perm
+ 1s2por
+ 1s2ph\`er
+ 1s2ph\'er
+ 1s2piel
+ 1s2piros
+ 1s2tandard
+ 1s2tein
+ st\'er\'eo1s2
+ 1s2tigm
+ 1s2tock
+ 1s2tomos
+ 1s2troph
+ 1s2tructu
+ 1s2tyle
+ .su2b1a2
+ .su3b2alt
+ .su2b1\'e2
+ .su3b2\'e3r
+ .su2b1in
+ .su2b3limin
+ .su2b3lin
+ .su2b3lu
+ sub1s2
+ .su2b1ur
+ supero2
+ supe4r1
+ supers2
+ .su2r1a2
+ su3r2ah
+ .su3r2a3t
+ .su2r1e2
+ .su3r2eau
+ .su3r2ell
+ .su3r2et
+ .su2r1\'e2
+ .su2r3h
+ .su2r1i2m
+ .su2r1inf
+ .su2r1int
+ .su2r1of
+ .su2r1ox
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ tachy1a2
+ tchin3t2
+ t\'el\'e1e2
+ t\'el\'e1i2
+ t\'el\'e1o2b
+ t\'el\'e1o2p
+ t\'el\'e1s2
+% words ending with -tent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2tent. % mentent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93
+ .la3tent.
+ .pa3tent.
+ comp\'e3tent.
+ \'eni3tent.
+ m\'econ3tent.
+ omnipo3tent.
+ impo3tent.
+ mit3tent.
+ thermo1s2
+ 2t3heur
+2thl % th2l was wrong for ...ath-lon (jd said 2thl) df 12/27/93
+1t\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+ tran2s1a2
+ tran3s2act
+ tran3s2ats
+ tran2s3h
+ tran2s1o2
+ tran2s3p
+ tran2s1u2
+2trent. % mute syllable: infiltrent (df) 28/02/94
+ .tri1a2c
+ .tri1a2n
+ .tri1a2t
+ .tri1o2n
+ t1t2l
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ uni1o2v
+ uni1a2x
+ u2s3tr
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ v\'elo1s2ki
+% words ending with -vent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2vent.
+ .sou3vent.
+1v\^\i0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
+ vol2t1amp
+2vrent. % mute syllable: recouvrent (df) 28/02/94
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+2went. % mute syllable: interviewent (df) 22/02/94
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+2xent. % mute syllable: malaxent (df) 22/02/94
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+ y1asth
+ y1s2tom
+ y1algi
+% phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
+% words ending with -zent (df) 22/02/94
+ 2zent.
+%Fin du fichier f7hyph.tex
diff --git a/hyph/german.lh b/hyph/german.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b0fec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/german.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% This is a German hyphenation file constructed by Jeff Kingston
+% on 21 April 1994 from a TeX file supplied by Sverre Slotte.
+.aa6l .ab3a4s .ab3ei .abi2 .ab3it .ab1l .ab1r .ab3u .ad3o4r .alti6 .ana3c
+.an5alg .an1e .ang8s .an1s .ap1p .ar6sc .ar6ta .ar6tei .as2z .au2f1 .au2s3
+.be5erb .be3na .ber6t5r .bie6r5 .bim6s5t .brot3 .bru6s .ch6 .che6f5 .da8c
+.da2r .dar5in .dar5u .den6ka .de5r6en .des6pe .de8spo .de3sz .dia3s4 .dien4
+.dy2s1 .ehren5 .eine6 .ei6n5eh .ei8nen .ein5sa .en6der .en6d5r .en3k4
+.en8ta8 .en8tei .en4t3r .epo1 .er6ban .er6b5ei .er6bla .er6d5um .er3ei
+.er5er .er3in .er3o4b .erwi5s .es1p .es8t .ex1a2 .ex3em .fal6sc .fe6st5a
+.flu4g3 .furch8 .ga6ner .ge3n4a .ge5rö .ges6 .halb5 .halbe6 .hal6br
+.haup4 .hau4t .heima6 .he4r3e .her6za .he5x .hin3 .hir8sc .ho4c .hu3sa
+.hy5o .ibe5 .ima6ge .in1 .ini6 .is5chi .jagd5 .kal6k5o .ka6ph .ki4e .kop6f3
+.kraf6 .kü5ra .lab6br .liie6 .lo6s5k .lö4s3t .ma5d .mi2t1 .no6th
+.no6top .obe8ri .ob1l .obs2 .ob6st5e .or3c .ort6s5e .ost3a .oste8r .pe4re
+.pe3ts .ph6 .po8str .rau4m3 .re5an .ro8q .ru5the .rü5be .rü8stet
+.sch8 .se6e .se5n6h .se5ra .si2e .spi6ke .st4 .sy2n .tages5 .tan6kl .ta8th
+.te6e .te8str .to6der .to8nin .to6we .um1 .umpf4 .un1 .une6 .unge5n .ur1c
+.ur5en .ve6rin .vora8 .wah6l5 .we8ges .wo6r .wor3a .wun4s .zi4e .zuch8
+.ände8re .öch8 aa1c aa2gr aal5e aa6r5a a5arti aa2s1t aat2s 6aba
+ab3art 1abdr 6abel aben6dr ab5erk ab5err ab5esse 1abf 1abg 1abhä ab1ir
+1abko a1bl ab1la 5ablag a6blaß ab4ler ab1lu a8blä 5a6blö abma5c
+1abn ab1ra ab1re 5a6brec ab1ro ab1s ab8sk abs2z 3abtei ab1ur 1abw 5abze
+5abzu ab1än abäu8 a4ce. a5chal ach5art ach5au a1che a8chent ach6er.
+a6ch5erf a1chi ach1l ach3m ach5n a1cho ach3re a1chu ach1w a1chy ach5äf
+ack1o acks6t ack5sta a1d 8ad. a6d5ac ad3ant ad8ar 5addi a8dein ade5o8
+adi5en 1adj 1adle ad1op a2dre 3adres adt1 1adv a6dä a1e2d ae1r a1er.
+1aero 8afa a3fal af1an a5far a5fat af1au a6fentl a2f1ex af1fr af5rau af1re
+1afri af6tent af6tra aft5re a6f5um 8afä ag5abe 5a4gent ag8er ages5e
+1aggr ag5las ag1lo a1gn ag2ne 1agog a6g5und a1ha a1he ah5ein a4h3erh a1hi
+ahl1a ah1le ah4m3ar ahn1a a5ho ahra6 ahr5ab ah1re ah8rei ahren8s ahre4s3
+ahr8ti ah1ru a1hu ah8ö ai3d2s ai1e aif6 a3inse ai4re. a5isch. ais8e
+a3ismu ais6n aiso6 a1j 1akad a4kade a1ke a1ki 1akko 5akro1 a5lal al5ans
+3al8arm al8beb al8berw alb5la 3album al1c a1le a6l5e6be a4l3ein a8lel
+a8lerb a8lerh a6lert 5a6l5eth 1algi al4gli al3int al4lab al8lan al4l3ar
+alle3g a1lo a4l5ob al6schm al4the altist5 al4t3re 8a1lu alu5i a6lur alu3ta
+a1lä a6mate 8ame. 5a6meise am6m5ei am6mum am2n ampf3a am6schw am2ta
+a1mu a1mä a3nac a1nad anadi5e an3ako an3alp 3analy an3ame an3ara a1nas
+an5asti a1nat anat5s an8dent ande4s3 an1ec an5eis an1e2k 4aner. a6n5erd
+a8nerf a6n5erke 1anfa 5anfert 1anfä 3angab 5angebo an3gli ang6lis an2gn
+3angri ang5t6 5anhä ani5g ani4ka an5i8on an1kl an6kno an4kro 1anl anma5c
+anmar4 3annah anne4s3 a1no 5a6n1o2d 5a6n3oma 5a6nord 1anr an1sa 5anschl
+an4soz an1st 5anstal an1s2z 5antenn an1th 5anwä a5ny an4z3ed 5anzeig
+5anzieh 3anzug an1ä 5anäs a1nö anö8d a1os a1pa 3apfel a2ph1t
+aph5ä6 a1pi 8apl apo1c apo1s a6poste a6poth 1appa ap1pr a1pr a5pä
+a3pü a1ra a4r3af ar3all 3arbei 2arbt ar1c 2a1re ar3ein ar2gl 2a1ri
+ari5es ar8kers ar6les ar4nan ar5o6ch ar1o2d a1rol ar3ony a8ror a3ros ar5ox
+ar6schl 8artei ar6t5ri a1ru a1ry 1arzt arz1w ar8zä arä8m arö6
+ar5öm ar1ü2 a1sa a6schec asch5l asch3m a6schn a3s4hi as1pa asp5l
+a8steb as5tev 1asth a6stoc a1str ast3re 8a1ta ata5c ata3la a6tapf ata5pl
+a1te a6teli aten5a ate5ran 6atf 6atg a1th at3hal 1athl 2a1ti 5atlant 3atlas
+8atmus 6atn a1to a6t5ops ato6ra a6t5ort. 4a1tr a6t5ru at2t1h at5t6hä
+6a1tu atz1w a1tä a1tü au1a au6bre auch3a au1e aue4l 5aufent 3auffü
+3aufga 1aufn auf1t 3auftr 1aufw 3auge. au4kle aule8s 6aum au8mar aum5p
+1ausb 3ausd 1ausf 1ausg au8sin 3auss au4sta 1ausw 1ausz aut5eng au1th 1auto
+auße8 a1v ave5r6a aver6i a1w a6wes a1x a2xia a6xio a1ya a1z azi5er.
+8aß 1ba 8ba8del ba1la ba1na ban6k5r ba5ot bardi6n ba1ro basten6 bau3sp
+2b1b bb6le b2bli 2b1c 2b1d 1be be1a be8at. be1ch 8becht 8becke. be5el
+be1en bee8rei be5eta bef2 8beff be1g2 behö8 bei1s 6b5eisen bei3tr b8el
+bel8o belu3t be3nac bend6o be6ners be6nerw be4nor ben4se6 bens5el be1nä
+be1nü be1o2 b8er. be1ra be8rac ber8gab. ber1r be1rü bes8c bes5erh
+bes2p be5tha bet5sc be1un be1ur 8bex be6zwec 2b1f8 bfe6st5e 2b1g2 bga2s5
+bge1 2b1h bhole6 1bi bi1bl b6ie bi1el bi1la bilä5 bi1na bi4nok bi5str
+bi6stu bi5tr bit4t5r b1j 2b1k2 bkü6 bl8 b6la. 6b1lad 6blag 8blam 1blat
+b8latt 3blau. b6lav 3ble. b1leb b1led 8b1leg 8b1leh 8bleid 8bleih 6b3lein
+blei3s ble4m3o 4blich b4lind 8bling b2lio 5blit b4litz b1loh 8b1los 1blu
+5blum 2blun blut3a blut5sc 3blä bläs5c 5blö 3blü blü8sc 2b1m
+2b1n 1bo bo1ch bo5d6s boe5 8boff 8bonk bo1ra b1ort 2b1p2 b1q 1br brail6
+brast8 bre4a b5red 8bref 8b5riem b6riga bro1s b1rup b2ruz 8bröh
+brös5c 8bs b1sa b8sang b2s1ar b1sc bs3erl bs3erz b8sof b1s2p bst1h
+b3stru b5stä b6sun 2b1t b2t1h 1bu bu1ie bul6k b8ure bu6sin 6b1v 2b1w
+1by1 by6te. 8b1z bzi1s 1bä b5ä6s5 1bü b6ü5bere büge6
+bügel5e bür6sc 1ca cag6 ca5la ca6re ca5y c1c 1ce celi4c celich5 ce1ro
+c8h 2ch. 1chae ch1ah ch3akt cha6mer 8chanz 5chara 3chari 5chato 6chb 1chef
+6chei ch3eil ch3eis 6cherkl 6chf 4chh 5chiad 5chias 6chins 8chj chl6 5chlor
+6ch2m 2chn6 ch8nie 5cho. 8chob choi8d 6chp ch3ren ch6res ch3rü 2chs
+2cht cht5ha cht3hi 5chthon ch6tin 6chuh chu4la 6ch3unt chut6t 8chw 1ci
+ci5tr c2k 2ck. ck1ei 4ckh ck3l ck3n ck5o8f ck1r 2cks ck5stra ck6s5u c2l
+1c8o con6ne 8corb cos6t c3q 1c6r 8c1t 1cu 1cy 5cä1 cö5 1da. 8daas
+2dabg 8dabr 6dabt 6dabw 1dac da2gr 6d5alk 8d5amt dan6ce. dani5er dan8ker
+2danl danla6 6dans 8danzi 6danzu d1ap da2r1a8 2d1arb d3arc dar6men 4d3art
+8darz 1dat 8datm 2d1auf 2d1aus 2d1b 2d1c 2d1d d5de d3d2h ddämme8 1de
+2deal de5an de3cha de1e defe6 6deff 2d1ehr 5d4eic de5isc de8lar del6s5e
+del6spr de4mag de8mun de8nep dene6r 8denge. 8dengen de5o6d 2deol de5ram
+8derdb der5ein de1ro der1r d8ers der5um de4s3am de4s3an de4sau de6sil
+de4sin de8sor de4spr de2su 8deul de5us. 2d1f df2l 2d1g 2d1h 1di dia5c
+di5ara dice5 di3chr di5ena di1gn di1la dil8s di1na 8dind 6dinf 4d3inh
+2d1ins di5o6d di3p4t di8sen dis1p di5s8per di6s5to dis5tra di8tan di8tin
+d1j 6dje 2dju 2d1k 2d1l 2d1m 2d1n6 dni6 dnje6 1do 6d5obe do6berf 6d5ony
+do3ran 6dord 2d1org dor4t3h do6ste 6doth dott8e 2d1p d5q dr4 1drah 8drak
+d5rand 6dre. 4drech d6reck 4d3reg 8d3reic d5reife 8drem 8d1ren 2drer
+8dres. 6d5rh 1dria d1ric 8drind droi6 dro5x 1dru 8drut drös5c 1drü
+drü5b drü8sc 2ds d1sa d6san dsat6 d1sc 5d6scha. 5dschik dse8e d8serg
+8dsl d1sp d4spak ds2po d8spä d1st d1sü 2dt d1ta d1te d1ti d1to dt1s6
+d1tu d5tä 1du du5als du1b6 du1e duf4t3r 4d3uh du5ie 8duml 8dumw 2d1und
+du8ni 6d5unt dur2c durch3 6durl 6dursa 8durt du1s du8schr 2d1v 2d1w dwa8l
+2d1z 1dä 6däh 8dänd dä6r dö8bl d5öl dör6fl dö8sc
+d5ö4st dös3te 1dü ea4ben e1ac e1ah e1akt e1al. e5alf e1alg
+e5a8lin e1alk e1all e5alp e1alt e5alw e1am e1and ea6nim e1ar. e5arf e1ark
+e5arm e3art e5at. e6ate e6a5t6l e8ats e5att e6au. e1aus e1b e6b5am
+ebens5e eb4lie eb4ser eb4s3in e1che e8cherz e1chi ech3m 8ech3n ech1r
+ech8send ech4su e1chu eck5an e5cl e1d ee5a ee3e ee5g e1ei ee5isc eei4s3t
+ee6lend e1ell ee5lö e1erd ee3r4e ee8reng eere6s5 ee5rä ee6tat e1ex
+e1f e6fau e8fe8b 3effek ef3rom ege6ra eglo6si 1egy e1ha e6h5ach eh5ans
+e6hap eh5auf e1he e1hi ehl3a eh1le ehl5ein eh1mu ehn5ec e1ho ehr1a eh1re
+ehre6n eh1ri eh1ru ehr5um e1hu eh1w e1hy e1hä e1hö e3hüt ei1a
+eia6s ei6bar eich3a eich5r ei4dar ei6d5ei ei8derf ei3d4sc ei1e 8eifen
+3eifri 1eign eil1d ei6mab ei8mag ein1a4 ei8nat ei8nerh ei8ness ei6nete
+ein1g e8ini ein1k ei6n5od ei8nok ei4nor e3insä ei1o e1irr ei5ru ei8sab
+ei5schn ei6s5ent ei8sol ei4t3al eit3ar eit1h ei6thi ei8tho eit8samt ei6t5um
+e1j 1ekd e1ke e1ki e1k2l e1kn ekni4 e1la e2l1al 6elan e6lanf e8lanl e6l5ans
+el3arb el3arm e6l3art 5e6lasti e6lauge elbst5a e1le 6elef ele6h e6l5ehe
+e8leif e6l5einh 1elek e8lel 3eleme e6lemen e6lente el5epi e4l3err e6l5ersc
+elf2l elg2 e6l5ins ell8er 4e1lo e4l3ofe el8soh el8tent 5eltern e1lu elut2
+e1lä e1lü em8dei em8meis 4emo emo5s 1emp1f 1empt 1emto e1mu emurk4
+emurks5 e1mä en5a6ben en5achs en5ack e1nad en5af en5all en3alt en1am
+en3an. en3ant en3anz en1a6p en1ar en1a6s 6e1nat en3auf en3aus en2ce enda6l
+end5erf end5erg en8dess 4ene. en5eck e8neff e6n5ehr e6n5eim en3eis 6enem.
+6enen e4nent 4ener. e8nerd e6n3erf e4nerg 5energi e6n5erla en5ers e6nerst
+en5erw 6enes e6n5ess e2nex en3glo 2eni enni6s5 ennos4 enns8 e1no e6nober
+eno8f en5opf e4n3ord en8sers ens8kl en1sp ens6por en5t6ag enta5go en8terbu
+en6tid 3entla ent5ric 5entwic 5entwu 1entz enu5i e3ny en8zan en1öf
+e1nös e1nüg eo1c e5o6fe e5okk e1on. e3onf e5onk e5onl e5onr e5opf
+e5ops e5or. e1ord e1org eo5r6h eo1t e1pa e8pee e6p5e6g ep5ent e1p2f e1pi
+5epid e6pidem e1pl 5epos e6pos. ep4p3a e1pr e1pä e1q e1ra. er5aal
+8eraba e5rabel er5a6ben e5rabi er3abs er3ach era5e era5k6l er3all er3amt
+e3rand e3rane er3ans e5ranz. e1rap er3arc e3rari er3a6si e1rat erat3s
+er3auf e3raum 3erbse er1c e1re 4e5re. er3eck er5egg er5e2h 2erei e3rei.
+e8reine er5einr 6eren. e4r3enm 4erer. e6r5erm er5ero er5erst e4r3erz
+er3ess 5erfül er8gan. 5ergebn er2g5h 5ergänz 5erhöhu 2e1ri eri5ak
+e6r5iat e4r3ind e6r5i6n5i6 er5ins e6r5int er5itio er1kl 3erklä
+5erlös. ermen6s er6nab 3ernst 6e1ro. e1rod er1o2f e1rog 6e3roi ero8ide
+e3rol e1rom e1ron e3rop8 e2r1or e1ros e1rot er5ox ersch4 5erstat er6t5ein
+er2t1h er5t6her 2e1ru eruf4s3 e4r3uhr er3ums e5rus 5erwerb e1ry er5zwa
+er3zwu erä8m er5äs erö8 e3rös. e6r1ü2b e1sa esa8b e8sap
+e6s5a6v e1sc esch4l ese1a es5ebe eserve5 e8sh es5ill es3int es4kop e2sl
+eso8b e1sp espei6s5 es2po es2pu 5essenz e6stabs e6staf e6st5ak est3ar
+e8stob e1str est5res es3ur e2sz e1sü e1ta et8ag etari5e eta8ta e1te
+eten6te et5hal e5thel e1ti 1etn e1to e1tr et3rec e8tscha et8se et6tei et2th
+et2t1r e1tu etu1s et8zent et8zw e1tä e1tö e1tü eu1a2 eu1e eue8rei
+eu5fe euin5 euk2 e1um. eu6nio e5unter eu1o6 eu5p 3europ eu1sp eu5str eu8zo
+e1v eval6s eve5r6en ever4i e1w e2wig ex1or 1exp 1extr ey3er. e1z e1ä2
+e5ö8 e1ü e8ßes fa6ch5i fade8 fa6del fa5el. fal6lo falt8e fa1na
+fan4gr 6fanl 6fap far6ba far4bl far6r5a 2f1art fa1sc fau8str fa3y 2f1b2
+6f1c 2f1d 1fe 2f1eck fe6dr feh6lei f6eim 8feins f5eis fel5en 8feltern 8femp
+fe5rant 4ferd. ferri8 fe8stof fe6str fe6stum fe8tag fet6ta fex1 2ff f1fa
+f6f5arm f5fe ffe5in ffe6la ffe8ler ff1f f1fla ff3lei ff4lie ff8sa ff6s5ta
+2f1g2 fgewen6 4f1h 1fi fid4 fi3ds fieb4 fi1la fi8lei fil4m5a f8in. fi1na
+8finf fi8scho fi6u 6f1j 2f1k2 f8lanz fl8e 4f3lein 8flib 4fling f2lix 6f3lon
+5flop 1flor 5f8läc 3flöt 2f1m 2f1n 1fo foh1 f2on fo6na 2f1op fo5ra
+for8mei for8str for8th for6t5r fo5ru 6f5otte 2f1p8 f1q fr6 f5ram 1f8ran
+f8raß f8re. frei1 5frei. f3reic f3rest f1rib 8f1ric 6frig 1fris fro8na
+fräs5t 2fs f1sc f2s1er f5str fs3tät 2ft f1tak f1te ft5e6h ftere6 ft1h
+f1ti f5to f1tr ft5rad ft1sc ft2so f1tu ftwi3d4 ft1z 1fu 6f5ums 6funf fun4ka
+fu8ßend 6f1v 2f1w 2f1z 1fä fä1c 8färm 6fäug fä8ß
+föde3 8föf 3för 1fü fün4f3u 1ga ga6bl 6gabw 8gabz g3a4der
+ga8ho ga5isc 4gak ga1la 6g5amt ga1na gan5erb gan6g5a ga5nj 6ganl 8gansc
+6garb 2g1arc 2g1arm ga5ro 6g3arti ga8sa ga8sc ga6stre 2g1atm 6g5auf gau5fr
+g5aus 2g1b g5c 6gd g1da 1ge ge1a2 ge6an ge8at. ge1e2 ge6es gef2 8geff
+ge1g2l ge1im 4g3eise geist5r gel8bra gelt8s ge5lö ge8nin gen3k 6g5entf
+ge3nä ge1or ge1ra ge6rab ger8au 8gerhö ger8ins ge1ro 6g5erz.
+ge1rä ge1rü ge1s ges2p ge5unt 4g3ex3 2g1f8 2g1g g1ha 6g1hei 5ghel.
+g5henn 6g1hi g1ho 1ghr g1hö 1gi gi5la gi8me. gi1na 4g3ins gi3str g1j
+2g1k 8gl. 1glad g5lag glan4z3 1glas 6glass 5glaub g3lauf 1gle. g5leb
+3gleic g3lein 5gleis 1glem 2gler 8g3leu gli8a g2lie 3glied 1g2lik 1g2lim
+g6lio 1gloa 5glom 1glon 1glop g1los g4loss g5luf 1g2ly 1glü 2g1m gn8
+6gn. 1gna 8gnach 2gnah g1nas g8neu g2nie g3nis 1gno 8gnot 1go goe1 8gof
+2gog 5gogr 6g5oh goni5e 6gonist go1ra 8gord 2g1p2 g1q 1gr4 g5rahm gra8m
+gra4s3t 6g1rec gre6ge 4g3reic g5reit 8grenn gri4e g5riem 5grif 2grig g5ring
+6groh 2grot gro6ß 4grut 2gs gs1ab g5sah gs1ak gs1an gs8and gs1ar gs1au
+g1sc gs1ef g5seil gs5ein g2s1er gs1in g2s1o gso2r gs1pr g2s1u 2g1t g3te
+g2t1h 1gu gu5as gu2e 2gue. 6gued 4g3uh 8gums 6g5unt gu1s gut3h gu2tu 4g1v
+2g1w gy1n g1z 1gä 8gä8m 6gärm 1gö 1gü 6güb 1haa hab8r
+ha8del hade4n 8hae ha5el. haf6tr 2hal. ha1la hal4b5a 6hale 8han. ha1na
+han6dr han6ge. 2hani h5anth 6hanz 6harb h3arbe h3arme ha5ro ha2t1h h1atm
+hau6san ha8ß h1b2 h1c h1d he2bl he3cho h3echt he5d6s 5heft h5e6he.
+hei8ds h1eif 2hein he3ism he5ist. heit8s3 hek6ta hel8lau 8helt he6mer
+1hemm 6h1emp hen5end hen5klo hen6tri he2nu 8heo he8q her3ab he5rak her3an
+4herap her3au h3erbi he1ro he8ro8b he4r3um her6z5er he4spe he1st heta6
+het5am he5th heu3sc he1xa hey5e h1f2 h1g hgol8 h1h h1iat hie6r5i hi5kt
+hil1a2 hil4fr hi5nak hin4ta hi2nu hi5ob hirn5e hir6ner hi1sp hi1th hi5tr
+5hitz h1j h6jo h1k2 hlabb4 hla4ga hla6gr h5lai hl8am h1las h1laß hl1c
+h1led h3lein h5ler. h2lif h2lim h8linf hl5int h2lip h2lit h4lor h3lose
+h1läs hme5e h2nee h2nei hn3eig h2nel hne8n hne4p3f hn8erz h6netz h2nip
+h2nit h1nol hn5sp h2nuc h2nud h2nul hoch1 1hoh hoh8lei 2hoi ho4l3ar 1holz
+h2on ho1ra 6horg 5horn. ho3sl hos1p ho4spi h1p hpi6 h1q 6hr h1rai h8rank
+h5raum hr1c hrcre8 h1red h3reg h8rei. h4r3erb h8rert hrg2 h1ric hr5ins
+h2rom hr6t5erl hr2t1h hr6t5ra hr8tri h6rum hr1z hs3ach h6s5amt h1sc h6s5ec
+h6s5erl hs8erle h4sob h1sp h8spaß h8spel hs6po h4spun h1str h4s3tum
+hs3und h1sü h5ta. h5tab ht3ac ht1ak ht3ang h5tanz ht1ar ht1at h5taub
+h1te h2t1ec ht3eff ht3ehe h4t3eif h8teim h4t3ein ht3eis h6temp h8tentf
+hte8ren h6terfü h8tergr h4t3erh h6t5ersc h8terst h8tese h8tess h2t1eu
+h4t3ex ht1he ht5hu h1ti ht5rak hts3ah ht1sc ht6sex ht8sk ht8so h1tu htz8
+h5tüm hub5l hu6b5r huh1l h5uhr. huld5a6 hu8lent hu8lä h5up. h1v
+h5weib h3weis h1z hä8kl häl8s häma8tu8 hä8sche. hät1s
+häu4s3c 2hö. 2höe 8höi hö6s hös5c hühne6 hül4s3t
+hütte8re i5adn i1af i5ak. i1al. i1al1a i1alb i1ald i5alei i1alf i1alg
+i3alh i1alk i1all i1alp i1alr i1als i1alt i1alv i5alw i3alz i1an. ia5na
+i3and ian8e ia8ne8b i1ang i3ank i5ann i1ant i1anz i6apo i1ar. ia6rab i5arr
+i1as. i1asm i1ass i5ast. i1at. i5ats i1au i5azz i6b5eig i6b5eis ib2le
+i4blis i6brig i6b5unt i6büb i1che ich5ei i6cherb i1chi ich5ins ich1l
+ich3m ich1n i1cho icht5an icht3r i1chu ich1w ick6s5te ic5l i1d id3arm
+3ideal ide8na 3ideol ide5rö i6diot id5rec id1t ie1a ie6b5ar iebe4s3
+ie2bl ieb1r ie8bra ie4bre ie8bä ie2dr ie1e8 ie6f5ad ief5f ie2f1l ie4fro
+ief1t i1ei ie4l3ec ie8lei ie4lek i3ell i1en. i1end ien6e i3enf i5enn
+ien6ne. i1enp i1enr i5ensa ien8stal i5env i1enz ie5o ier3a4b ie4rap i2ere
+ie4rec ie6r5ein ie6r5eis ier8er i3ern. ie8rum ie8rund ie6s5che ie6tau
+ie8tert ie5the ie6t5ri i1ett ie5un iex5 2if i1fa if5ang i6fau if1fr if5lac
+i5f6lie i1fre ift5a if6t5r ig3art 2ige i8gess ig5he i5gla ig2ni i5go ig3rot
+ig3s2p i1ha i8ham i8hans i1he i1hi ih1n ih1r i1hu i8hum ih1w 8i1i ii2s ii2t
+i1j i1k i6kak i8kerz i6kes ik4ler i6k5unt 2il i5lac i1lag il3ans i5las
+i1lau il6auf i1le ile8h i8lel il2fl il3ipp il6l5enn i1lo ilt8e i1lu i1lä
+i8mart imb2 i8mele i8mid imme6l5a i1mu i1mä i5mö ina5he i1nat in1au
+inau8s 8ind. in4d3an 5index ind2r 3indus i5nec i2n1ei i8nerw 3infek 1info
+5ingeni ing5s6o 5inhab ini5er. 5inj in8kät in8nan i1no inoi8d in3o4ku
+in5sau in1sp 5inspe 5instit 5instru ins4ze 5intere 5interv in3the in5t2r
+i5ny inä2 i1när in1äs inö8 in5öd i1nös 2io io1a8 io1c
+iode4 io2di ioi8 i1ol. i1om. i1on. i5onb ion2s1 i1ont i5ops i5o8pt i1or.
+i3oral io3rat i5orc i1os. i1ot. i1o8x 2ip i1pa i1pi i1p2l i1pr i1q i1ra
+ir6bl i1re i1ri ir8me8d ir2m1o2 ir8nak i1ro ir5rho ir6schl ir6sch5r i5rus
+i5ry i5rä i1sa i8samt i6sar i2s1au i8scheh i8schei isch5m isch3r
+ischä8 is8ele ise3ra i4s3erh is3err isi6de i8sind is4kop ison5e is6por
+i8s5tum i5sty i5sö i1ta it5ab. i2t1a2m i8tax i1te i8tersc i1thi i1tho
+i5thr it8hä i1ti i8ti8d iti6kl itmen4 i1to i8tof it3ran it3rau i1tri
+itri5o it1sc it2se it5spa it8tru i1tu it6z5erg it6z1w i1tä itä6r5e
+ität2 itäts5 i1tü i1u iu6r 2i1v i6vad iva8tin i8vei i6v5ene i8verh
+i2vob i8vur i1w iwi2 i5xa i1xe i1z ize8n i8zir i6z5w iä8m i1ä6r
+i5ät. i5äv i1ö8 iü8 i6ß5ers ja5la je2t3r 6jm 5jo jo5as
+jo1ra jou6l ju5cha jugen4 jugend5 jung5s6 ju1s 3jä 1ka 8kachs 8kakz
+ka1la kal5d kam5t ka1na 2kanl 8kapf ka6pl ka5r6a 6k3arbe ka1ro kar6p5f
+4k3arti 8karz ka1rä kasi5e ka6teb kat8ta kauf6s kau3t2 2k1b 2k1c 4k1d
+kehr6s kehrs5a 8keic 2k1eig 6k5ein 6k5eis ke6lar ke8leis ke8lo 8kemp
+k5ente. k3entf 8k5ents 6kentz ke1ra k5erlau 2k1f8 2k1g 2k1h ki5fl 8kik
+king6s5 6kinh ki5os ki5sp ki5th 8ki8ö 2k1k2 kl8 1kla 8klac k5lager
+kle4br k3leib 3kleid kle5isc 4k3leit k3lek 6k5ler. 5klet 2klic 8klig k2lim
+k2lin 5klip 5klop k3lor 1klä 2k1m kmani5e kn8 6kner k2ni knä8 1k2o
+ko1a2 ko6de. ko1i koi8t ko6min ko1op ko1or ko6pht ko3ra kor6d5er ko5ru
+ko5t6sc k3ou 3kow 6k5ox 2k1p2 k1q 1kr8 4k3rad 2k1rec 4k3reic kre5ie 2krib
+6krig 2krip 6kroba 2ks k1sa k6sab ksal8s k8samt k6san k1sc k2s1ex k5spat
+k5spe k8spil ks6por k1spr kst8 k2s1uf 2k1t kta8l kt5a6re k8tein kte8re
+k2t1h k8tinf kt3rec kt1s 1ku ku1ch kuck8 k3uhr ku5ie kum2s1 kunfts5 kun2s
+kunst3 ku8rau ku4ro kurz1 ku1st 4kusti ku1ta ku8ß 6k1v 2k1w ky5n 2k1z
+1kä kä4m 4k3ämi käse5 1kö kö1c kö1s 1kü kü1c
+kür6sc kü1s 1la. 8labf 8labh lab2r 2l1abs lach3r la8dr 5ladu 8ladv
+6laff laf5t la2gn 5laken 8lamb la6mer 5lampe. 2l1amt la1na 1land lan4d3a
+lan4d3r lan4gr 8lanme 6lann 8lanw 6lanä 8lappa lap8pl lap6pr l8ar.
+la5ra lar4af la8rag la8ran la6r5a6s l3arbe la8rei 6larm. la8sa la1sc
+la8sta lat8i 6l5atm 4lauss 4lauto 1law 2lb l8bab l8bauf l8bede l4b3ins
+l5blo lbst5an lbst3e 8lc l1che l8chert l1chi lch3m l5cho lch5w 6ld l4d3ei
+ld1re l6düb le2bl le8bre lecht6s5 led2r 6leff le4gas 1lehr lei6br le8inf
+8leinn 5leistu 4lektr le6l5ers lemo2 8lemp l8en. 8lends 6lendun le8nend
+len8erw 6l5ents 4l3entw 4lentz 8lenzy 8leoz 6lepi le6pip 8lepo 1ler l6er.
+8lerbs 6l5erde le8reis le8rend le4r3er 4l3erg l8ergr 6lerkl 6l5erzie
+8lerö 8lesel lesi5e le3sko le3tha let1s 5leuc 4leuro leu4s3t le5xe 6lexp
+l1f 2l1g lgend8 l8gh lglie3 lglied6 6l1h 1li li1ar li1as 2lick li8dr li1en
+lien6n li8ers li8ert 2ließ 3lig li8ga8b li1g6n li1l8a 8limb li1na
+4l3indu lings5 4l3inh 6linj link4s3 4linkt 2lint 8linv lion5s6t 4lipp 5lipt
+4lisam livi5e 6l1j 6l1k l8keim l8kj lk2l lko8f lkor8 lk2sa lk2se 6ll l1la
+ll3a4be l8labt ll8anl ll1b ll1c ll1d6 l1le l4l3eim l6l5eise ller3a l4leti
+l5lip l1lo ll3ort ll5ov ll6spr llte8 l1lu ll3urg l1lä l5lü l6lüb
+2l1m l6m5o6d 6ln l1na l1no 8lobl lo6br 3loch. l5o4fen 5loge. 5lohn 4l3ohr
+1lok l2on 4l3o4per lo1ra 2l1ord 6lorg 4lort lo1ru 1los. lo8sei 3losig
+lo6ve lowi5 6l1p lp2f l8pho l8pn lp4s3te l2pt l1q 8l1r 2ls l1sa l6sarm l1sc
+l8sec l6s5erg l4s3ers l8sh l5s6la l1sp ls4por ls2pu l1str l8suni l1sü
+2l1t lt5amp l4t3ein l5ten l6t5eng l6t5erp l4t3hei lt3her l2t1ho l6t5i6b
+lti1l l8trö lt1sc lt6ser lt4s3o lt5ums lu8br lu2dr lu1en8 8lu8fe luft3a
+luf8tr lu6g5r 2luh l1uhr lu5it 5luk 2l1umf 2l1umw 1lun 6l5u6nio 4l3unte
+lu5ol 4lurg 6lurs l3urt lu4sto lu3str lu6st5re lu8su lu6tal lu6t5e6g
+lu8terg lu3the lu6t5or lu2t1r lu6ß5 l1v lve5r6u 2l1w 1ly lya6 6lymp
+ly1no l8zess l8zo8f l3zwei lz5wu 3länd lä5on lä6sc lät1s
+5läuf 2läug läu6s5c lä5v l1öl 1lös lö1ß6t 6l1übe
+1ma 8mabg ma5chan mad2 ma5el 4magg mag8n ma1la ma8lau mal5d 8malde mali5e
+malu8 ma8lut 2m1amp 3man mand2 man3ds 8mangr mani5o 8m5anst 6mappa 4m3arbe
+mar8kr ma1r4o mar8schm 3mas ma1sc ma1tö 4m5auf ma5yo 2m1b mb6r 2m1c 2m1d
+md6sä 1me me1ch me5isc 5meld mel8sa 8memp me5nal men4dr men8schl
+men8schw 8mentsp me1ra mer4gl me1ro 3mes me6s5ei me1th me8ß 2m1f6 2m1g
+2m1h 1mi mi1a mi6ale mi1la 2m1imm mi1na mi5nü mi4s3an mit1h mi5t6ra
+3mitt mitta8 mi6ß5 6mj 2m1k8 2m1l 2m1m m6mad m6m5ak m8menth m8mentw
+mme6ra m2mn mm5sp mm5ums mmut5s m8män m1n8 m5ni 1mo mo5ar mo4dr 8mof
+mo8gal mo4kla mol5d m2on mon8do mo4n3od mont8a 6m5ony mopa6 mo1ra mor8d5a
+mo1sc mo1sp 5mot moy5 2mp m1pa mpfa6 mpf3l mphe6 m1pi mpin6 m1pl mp2li
+m2plu mpo8ste m1pr mprä5 mp8th mput6 mpu5ts m1pö 8m1q 2m1r 2ms ms5au
+m1sc msch4l ms6po m3spri m1str 2m1t mt1ar m8tein m2t1h mt6se mt8sä mu5e
+6m5uh mumi1 1mun mun6dr muse5e mu1ta 2m1v mvol2 mvoll3 2m1w 1my 2m1z
+mä6kl 1män mä1s mä5tr mäu4s3c 3mäß möb2 6möl
+1mü 5mün 3müt 1na. n5ab. 8nabn n1abs n1abz na6bä na2c nach3e
+3nacht 1nae na5el n1afr 1nag 1n2ah na8ha na8ho 1nai 6nair na4kol n1akt
+nal1a 8naly 1nama na4mer na1mn n1amp 8n1amt 5nanc nan6ce n1and n6and.
+2n1ang 1nani 1nann n1ans 8nanw 5napf. 1n2ar. na2ra 2n1arc n8ard 1nari
+n8ark 6n1arm 5n6ars 2n1art n8arv 6natm nat6s5e 1naue 4nauf n3aug 5naui
+n5auk na5um 6nausb 6nauto 1nav 2nax 3naz 1naß n1b2 nbau5s n1c nche5e
+nch5m 2n1d nda8d n2d1ak nd5ans n2d1ei nde8lac ndel6sa n8derhi nde4se
+nde8stal n2dj ndnis5 n6d5or6t nd3rec nd3rot nd8samt nd6sau ndt1h n8dumd 1ne
+ne5as ne2bl 6n5ebn 2nec 5neei ne5en ne1g4l 2negy 4n1ein 8neis 4n3e4lem
+8nemb 2n1emp nen1a 6n5energ nen3k 8nentb 4n3en3th 8nentl 8n5entn 8n5ents
+ne1ra ne5r8al ne8ras 8nerbi 6n5erde. nere5i6d nerfor6 6n5erhö 8nerlö
+2n1err n8ers. 6n5ertra 2n1erz nesi3e net1h neu4ra neu5sc 8neuß n1f nf5f
+nf2l nflei8 nf5lin nft8st n8g5ac ng5d ng8en nge8ram ngg2 ng1h n6glic ng3rip
+ng8ru ng2se4 ng2si n2g1um n1gy n8gäl n1h nhe6r5e 1ni ni1bl ni5chä
+ni8dee n6ie ni1en nie6s5te niet5h ni8etn 4n3i6gel n6ik ni1la 2n1imp ni5na
+2n1ind 8ninf 6n5inh ni8nit 6n5inn 2n1ins 4n1int n6is ni3str ni1th ni1tr n1j
+n6ji n8kad nk5ans n1ke n8kerla n1ki nk5inh n5klö n1k2n n8k5not nk3rot
+n8krü nk5spo nk6t5r n8kuh n6küb n5l6 nli4mi n1m nmen4s n1na n8nerg
+nni5o n1no nn4t3ak nnt1h nnu1e n1ny n1nä n1nö n1nü no5a no4b3la
+4n3obs 2nobt noche8 no6die no4dis no8ia no5isc 6n5o6leu no4mal noni6er
+2n1onk n1ony 4n3o4per 6nopf 6nopti no3ra no4ram nor6da 4n1org 2n1ort n6os
+no1st 8nost. no8tan no8ter noty6pe 6n5ox n1p2 n1q n1r nrös3 6ns n1sac
+ns3ang n1sc n8self n8s5erf n8serg n6serk ns5erw n8sint n1s2pe n1spr
+n6s5tat. n5s6te. n6stob n1str n1ta n4t3a4go nt5anh nt3ark nt3art n1te
+nt3eis nte5n6ar nte8nei nter3a nte6rei nt1ha nt6har n3ther nt5hie n3thus
+n1ti nti1c n8tinh nti1t ntlo6b ntmen8 n1to nt3o4ti n1tr ntra5f ntra5ut
+nt8rea nt3rec nt8rep n4t3rin nt8rop n4t3rot n4trü nt1s nts6an nt2sk n1tu
+nt1z n1tä n1tö n8töl n1tü 1nu nu1a nu5el nu5en 4n1uhr nu5ie
+8numl 6n5ums 6n5umw 2n1und 6nuni 6n5unr 2n1unt 2nup 2nu6r n5uri nu3skr
+nu5ta n1v 8n1w 1nys n1za n6zab n2z1ar n6zaus nzi4ga n8zof n6z5unt n1zw
+n6zwir 1näc 5näe 5näi n8äl nä6m nä6re n5ärz 5näus
+n1öl 1nöt n5öz 5nü. 6n1ü2b 5nüß o5ab. oa2l o8ala
+o1a2m o1an ob1ac obe4ra o6berh 5o4bers o4beru obe6ser 1obj o1bl o2bli ob5sk
+3obst. ob8sta obst5re ob5sz o1che oche8b o8chec o3chi och1l och3m ocho8f
+o3chro och3to o3chu och1w o1d o2d1ag od2dr ode5i ode6n5e od1tr o5e6b
+o5e6der. oe8du o1ef o1e2l o1e2p o1er. o5e8x o1fa of8fan 1offi of8fin
+of6f5la o5fla o1fr 8o1g og2n o1ha o1he o6h5eis o1hi ohl1a oh1le oh4l3er
+5ohm. oh2ni o1ho oh1re oh1ru o1hu oh1w o1hy o1hä o5ia o1id. o8idi
+oi8dr o5ids o5isch. oiset6 o1ism o3ist. o5i6tu o1j o1k ok2l ok3lau
+o8klä 1okta o1la old5am old5r o1le ole5in ole1r ole3u ol6gl ol2kl olk4s1
+ol8lak ol8lauf. ol6lel ol8less o1lo ol1s ol6sk o1lu oly1e2 5olym o2mab
+om6an o8mau ombe4 o8merz om5sp o1mu o8munt o1mä o1mö o1na ona8m on1ax
+on8ent o6n5erb 8oni oni5er. on1k on6n5a6b o1no ono1c o4nokt 1ons onts8
+o1nä oo8f 1oog oo2pe oo2sa o1pa 3o4pera o3pfli opf3lo opf3r o1pi o1pl
+o2pli o5p6n op8pa op6pl o1pr o3p4ter 1opti o1pä o5pö o1q o1ra. o3rad
+o8radd 1oram o6rang o5ras o8rauf or5cha or4d3a4m or8dei or8deu 1ordn or4dos
+o1re o5re. ore2h o8r5ein ore5isc or6enn or8fla or8fli 1orga 5orgel. or2gl
+o1ri 5o6rient or8nan or8nä o1ro or1r2h or6t5an or8tau or8tere o1rus o1ry
+o1rä or1ü2 o1sa osa3i 6ose o8serk o1sk o6ske o6ski os2kl os2ko os2kr
+osni5e o2s1o2d o3s4per o4stam o6stau o3stra ost3re osu6 o6s5ur o5s6ze o1ta
+ot3auf o6taus o1te o6terw o1th othe5u o2th1r o1ti o1to oto1a ot1re o1tri
+o1tro ot1sc o3tsu ot6t5erg ot2t3h ot2t5r ot8tö o1tu ou3e ouf1 ou5f6l
+o5u6gr ou5ie ou6rar ou1t6a o1v o1wa o1we o6wer. o1wi owid6 o1wo o5wu o1xe
+oy5al. oy1e oy1i o5yo o1z oza2r 1o2zea ozo3is oö8 oß5elt oß1t
+3paa pa6ce 5pad pag2 1pak pa1la pa8na8t pani5el pa4nor pan1s2 1pap pap8s
+pa8rei par8kr paro8n par5o6ti part8e 5partei 3partn pas6sep pa4tha 1pau
+6paug pau3sc p1b 8p5c 4p1d 1pe 4peic pe5isc 2pek pen3k pen8to8 p8er pe1ra
+pere6 per5ea per5eb pe4rem 2perr per8ran 3pers 4persi pe3rü pe4sta pet2s
+p2f1ec p4fei pf1f pf2l 5pflanz pf8leg pf3lei 2pft pf3ta p1g 1ph 2ph.
+2p1haf 6phb 8phd 6p5heit ph5eme 6phg phi6e 8phk 6phn p5holl pht2 ph3tha
+4ph3the phu6 6phz pi1en pi5err pi1la pi1na 5pinse pioni8e 1pis pi1s2k pi1th
+p1k pl8 5pla p2lau 4plei p3lein 2pler 6p5les 2plig p6lik 6p5ling p2liz
+plo8min 6p1m p1n 1p2o 8poh 5pol po8lan poly1 po3ny po1ra 2porn por4t3h
+po5rö 5poti p1pa p6p5ei ppe6la pp5f p2p1h p1pi pp1l ppp6 pp5ren pp1s
+p5pö pr6 3preis 1pres 2p3rig 5prinz 1prob 1prod 5prog pro8pt pro6t5a
+prote5i 8proß prä3l 1präs präte4 1prüf p5schl 2pst 1p2sy p1t
+p8to8d pt1s 5p6ty 1pu pu1b2 2puc pu2dr puf8fr 6p5uh pun8s pu8rei pu5s6h
+pu1ta p1v p3w 5py py5l p1z pä6der p5ä6m pä8nu 8pär pät5h
+pät1s qu6 1qui 8rabk ra6bla 3rable ra2br r1abt 6rabz ra4dan ra2dr 5rafal
+ra4f3er ra5gla ra2g3n 6raha ral5am 5rald 4ralg ra8lins 2rall ral5t 8ramei
+r3anal r6and ran8der ran4dr 8ranf 6ranga 5rangi ran8gli r3angr rans5pa
+8ranw r8anz. ra5or 6rapf ra5pl rap6s5er 2r1arb 1rarh r1arm ra5ro 2r1art
+6r1arz ra8tei ra6t5he 6ratl ra4t3ro r5atta raue4n 6raus. r5austa rau8tel
+raut5s ray1 r1b rb5lass r6bler rb4lie rbon6n r8brecht rb6s5tä r8ces
+r1che rch1l rch3m rch3re rch3tr rch1w 8rd r1da r8dachs r8dap rda5ro rde5ins
+rdio5 r8dir rd3ost r1dr r8drau 1re. re1ak 3reakt re3als re6am. re1as
+4reben re6bl rech5a r8edi re3er 8reff 3refl 2reh 5reha r4ei. reich6s5
+8reier 6reign re5imp 4r3eina 6r3einb 6reing 6r5einn 6reinr 4r3eins r3eint
+reli3e 8r5elt 6rempf 2remt ren5a6b ren8gl r3enni 1reno 5rente 4r3enth
+8rentl 4r3entw 8rentz ren4zw re1on requi5 1rer rer4bl 6rerbs 4r3erd
+8rerhö 8rerkl 4r3erla 8rerlö 4r3erns 6r5ernä rer5o 6r5erreg r5ertr
+r5erwec r5erö re2sa re8schm 2ress re5u8ni 6rewo 2r1ex r1f r8ferd rf4lie
+8r1g r8gah rge4bl rge5na rgest4 rg6ne r2gni2 r8gob r4g3ret rg8sel r1h8 r2hy
+5rhyt ri1ar ri5cha rid2g r2ie rieg4s5 ri8ei ri1el ri6ele ri1en ri3er.
+ri5ers. ri6fan ri8fer ri8fr 1r2ig ri8kn ri5la rimä8 ri1na r8inde rin4ga
+rin6gr 1rinn 6rinner rino1 r8insp 4rinst ri1nä ri5o6ch ri1o2d ri3o6st
+2r1ir r2is ri3sko ri8spr ri8stü ri5sv r2it 6r5i6tal ri5tr ri6ve. 8r1j
+6rk r1ke rkehrs5 r1ki r3klin r1k2n rk3str rk4t3an rk6to r6kuh rkä4s3t
+r1l r5li rline5a 6r1m r6manl rma4p r4m3aph r8minf r8mob rm5sa 2rn r1na
+rna8be r5ne rn2ei r6neif r6nex r6nh rn1k r1no r6n5oc rn1sp r1nä r1nü
+ro6bern 6robs ro1ch 3rock. ro5de ro1e 4rofe ro8hert 1rohr ro5id ro1in
+ro5isc 6rolym r2on 6roog ro6phan r3ort ro1s2p ro5s6w ro4tau ro1tr ro6ts
+5rout r1p rpe8re rp2f r2ps r2pt r1q 2rr r1ra r1re rrer6 rr6hos r5rhö
+r1ri r1ro rro8f rr8or rror5a r1ru r3ry r1rä r1rö r1rü 2r1s r6sab
+r4sanf rse6e rse5na r2sh r6ska r6ski rs2kl r8sko r2sl rs2p r6stauf r8sterw
+r8stran rswi3d4 r2sz 2r1t rt3art r8taut r5tei rt5eige r8tepe r4t3erh
+r8terla r4t3hei r5t6hu r4t3int rt5reif rt1sc rt6ser rt6s5o rt6s5u rt5und
+r8turt rube6 ru1en 1r4uf ruf4st ru1ie 2r1umg 2r1uml 2rums run8der run4d5r
+6rundz 6runf 8runs 2r1unt 2r1ur r6us ru6sta ru3str ru6tr 1ruts r1v rven1
+rvi2c r1w r1x r1za rz5ac r6z5al r8z1ar r8zerd r6z5erf rz8erh rz4t3h r8zum
+rä4ste räu8sc r1öf 5röhr rö5le 3röll 5römis r1ör
+rö2sc 3rümp 1sa. 1saa s3a4ben sa2bl 2s1abs 6s1abt 6sabw 3sack.
+6s3a4der 1saf sa1fa 4s1aff sa5fr 1sag 1sai sa1i2k1 4s1akt 1sal sa1la
+4s3alpi 6salter salz3a 1sam s5anb san2c 1sand s5angeh 6sanl 2s1ans 6s3antr
+8s1anw s1ap s6aph 8sapo sap5p6 s8ar. 2s1arb 3sarg s1arm sa5ro 2s1art
+6s1arz 1sas 1sat sat8a 2s1atl sa8tom 3s8aue s5auff sau5i s6aur 2s1aus
+5s6ause 2s1b2 2sca s4ce 8sch. 3scha. 5schade 3schaf 3schal sch5ame
+8schanc 8schb 1sche 6schef 8schex 2schf 2schg 2schh 1schi 2schk 5schlag
+5schlu 6schmäß 6schnaß 1scho 6schord 6schp 3schri 8schric 8schrig
+8schrou 6schs 2scht sch3ta sch3tr 1schu 8schunt 6schv 2schz 5schö
+5schü 2sco scre6 6scu 2s1d 1se se5an se1ap se6ben se5ec see5i6g se3erl
+8seff se6han se8hi se8hö 6s5eid. 2s1eig s8eil 5sein. sei5n6e 6s5einh
+3s8eit 3sel. se4lar selb4 6s3e4lem se8lerl 2s1emp sen3ac se5nec 6s5ents
+4sentz s8er. se8reim ser5inn 8sermä 8s5erzi 6seröf se1um 8sexa 6sexp
+2s1f2 sfal8ler 2s3g2 sge5b2 s1h s8hew 5s6hip 5s4hop 1si 2siat si1b sicht6s
+6s5i6dee siege6s5 si1en si5err si1f2 si1g2n si6g5r si8kau sik1i si4kin
+si2kl si8kü si1la sil6br si1na 2s1inf sin5gh 2s1inh sinne6s5 2s1ins
+si5ru si5str 4s1j s1k2 6sk. 2skau skel6c skelch5 s6kele 1s2ki. 3s4kin.
+s6kiz s8kj 6skn 2skow 3skrib 3skrip 2sku 8skü s1l s8lal slei3t s4low
+2s1m s1n 6sna 6snot 1so so1ch 2s1odo so4dor 6s5o4fen solo3 s2on so5of 4sope
+so1ra 2s1ord 4sorga sou5c so3un 4s3ox sp2 8spaa 5spal 1span 2spap s2pec
+s4peis 1spek s6perg 4spers s6pes 2s1pf 8sphi 1s2phä 1spi spi4e 6s5pig
+6spinse 2spis 2spla 2spol 5s6pom 6s5pos 6spoti 1spra 3s8prec 6spreis
+5spring 6sprob 1spru s2pul 1s2pur 6spy 5spän 1spü s1q 2s1r 2s1s2
+sse8nu ssini6s ssoi6r 2st. 1sta 4stafe 2stag sta3la 6stale 4stalg 8stalk
+8stamt 6st5anf 4stans 6stanw 6starb sta4te 6staus 2stb 6stc 6std 1ste
+4steil 3s2tel st3elb 8stemb 6steppi 8stese 8stesse 6stf 2stg 2sth st1ha
+st3hei s8t1hi st1ho st5hu 1sti sti4el 4stigm sti3na 6stind 4stinf sti8r
+2stk 2stl 2stm 1sto 6stoll. 4st3ope 6stopf. 6stord 6stp 5stra. 4strai
+3s4tral 6s5traum 3straß 3strec 6s3tref 8streib 5streif 6streno 6stres
+6strev 5s6tria 6strig 5strik 8strisi 3s4troa s8troma st5rose 4struf 3strum
+6sträg 2st1s6 2stt 1stu stu5a 4stuc 2stue 8stun. 2stv 2stw s2tyl 6stz
+1stä 8stäg 1stö 1stü 8stüch 4stür. 1su su2b1 3suc su1e
+su2fe su8mar 6sumfa 8sumk 2s1unt sup1p2 6s5u6ran 6surte 2s1v 2s1w 1sy 8syl.
+sy5la syn1 sy2na syne4 s1z s4zend 5s6zene. 8szu 1sä 6s5änd 6säugi
+6säuß 5söm 2s1ü2b 1süc sü8di 1sün 5süß taats3
+4tab. taba6k ta8ban tab2l ta6bre 4tabs t3absc 8tabz 6t3acht ta6der 6tadr
+tad6s tad2t 1tafe4 1tag ta6ga6 ta8gei tage4s tag6s5t tah8 tahl3 tai6ne.
+ta5ir. tak8ta tal3au 1tale ta8leng tal5ert 6t5a6mer 6tamp tampe6 2t1amt
+tan5d6a tan8dr tands5a tani5e 6tanl 2tanr t3ans 8t5antr tanu6 t5anw 8tanwa
+tan8zw ta8rau 6tarbe 1tari 2tark 2t1arm ta1ro 2tart t3arti 6tarz ta1sc
+ta6sien ta8stem ta8sto t5aufb 4taufn 8taus. 5tause 8tausf 6tausg t5ausl
+2t1b2 2t1c t6chu 2t1d te2am tea4s te8ben 5techn 4teff te4g3re te6hau 2tehe
+te4hel 2t1ehr te5id. teig5l 6teign tei8gr 1teil 4teinh t5einhe 4teis
+t5eisen 8teiw te8lam te4lar 4telek 8telem te6man te6n5ag ten8erw ten5k
+tens4p ten8tro 4t3entw 8tentz te6pli 5teppi ter5a6b te3ral ter5au 8terbar
+t5erbe. 6terben 8terbs 4t3erbt t5erde. ter5ebe ter5ein te8rers terf4
+8terhö 6terklä ter8nor ter6re. t8erscha t5e6sel te8stau t3euro te1xa
+tex3e 8texp tex6ta 2t1f2 2t1g2 2th. th6a 5tha. 2thaa 6t1hab 6t5haf t5hah
+8thak 3thal. 6thals 6t3hand 2t1hau 1the. 3t4hea t1heb t5heil t3heit
+t3helf 1theo 5therap 5therf 6t5herz 1thes 1thet 5thi. 2t1hil t3him 8thir
+3this t5hj 2th1l 2th1m th1n t5hob t5hof 4tholz 6thopti 1thr6 4ths t1hum
+1thy 4t1hä 2t1hö t1hü ti1a2m ti1b tie6fer ti1en ti8gerz tig3l
+ti8kin ti5lat 1tilg t1ind tin4k3l ti3spa ti5str 5tite ti5tr ti8vel ti8vr
+2t1j 2t1k2 2t1l tl8a 2t1m8 2t1n 3tobe 8tobj to3cha 5tocht 8tock tode4
+to8del to8du to1e 6t5o6fen to1in toi6r 5toll. to8mene t2ons 2t1ony to4per
+5topf. 6topt to1ra to1s to6ska tos2l 2toti to1tr t8ou 2t1p2 6t1q tr6
+tra5cha tra8far traf5t 1trag tra6gl tra6gr t3rahm 1trai t6rans tra3sc
+tra6st 3traue t4re. 2trec t3rech t8reck 6t1red t8ree 4t1reg 3treib 4treif
+8t3reis 8trepo tre6t5r t3rev 4t3rez 1trib t6rick tri6er 2trig t8rink
+tri6o5d trizi5 tro1a 3troc trocke6 troi8d tro8man. tro3ny 5tropf 6t5rosa
+t5roß 5trub 5trup trut5 1träg 6t1röh 5trüb trü3bu t1rüc
+t1rüs 2ts ts1ab t1sac tsa8d ts1ak t6s5alt ts1an ts1ar ts3auf t3schr
+t5schä tse6e tsee5i tsein6s ts3ent ts1er t8serf t4serk t8sh 5t6sik
+t4s3int ts5ort. t5s6por t6sprei t1st t6s5tanz ts1th t6stit t4s3tor 1t2sua
+t2s1uf t8sum. t2s1u8n t2s1ur 2t1t tt5eif tte6sa tt1ha tt8ret tt1sc tt8ser
+tt5s6z 1tuc tuch5a 1tu1e 6tuh t5uhr tu1i tu6it 1tumh 6t5umr 1tums 8tumt
+6tund 6tunf 2t1unt tu5ra tu6rau tu6re. tu4r3er 2t1v 2t1w 1ty1 ty6a ty8la
+8tym 6ty6o 2tz tz5al tz1an tz1ar t8zec tzeh6 tzehn5 t6z5ei. t6zor t4z3um
+t6zäu 5täg 6täh t5ält t8än täre8 8tä8st 6täuß
+t5öffen 8tö8k 1tön 4tüb t6ü5ber. 5tüch 1tür. u3al.
+u5alb u5alf u3alh u5alk u3alp u3an. ua5na u3and u5ans u5ar. ua6th u1au
+ua1y u2bab ubi5er. u6b5rit ubs2k u5bö u8büb 2uc u1che u6ch5ec u1chi
+uch1l uch3m uch5n uch1r uch5to ucht5re u1chu uch1w uck1a uck5in u1d ud4a
+u1ei u6ela uene8 u6ep u1er uer1a ue8rerl uer5o u8esc u2est u8ev u1fa u2f1ei
+u4f3ent u8ferh uf1fr uf1l uf1ra uf1re uf1rä uf1rü uf1s2p uf1st uft1s
+u8gabt u8gad u6gap ugeb8 u8gn ugo3s4 u1ha u1he u1hi uh1le u1ho uh1re u1hu
+uh1w u1hä u1hö 6ui ui5en u1ig u3ins uin8tes u5isch. u1j 6uk u1ke
+u1ki u1kl u8klu u1k6n u5ky u1la uld8se u1le ul8lac ul6lau ul6le6l ul6lo
+ulni8 u1lo ulo6i ult6a ult8e u1lu ul2vr u1lä u1lö 3umfan 5umlau umo8f
+um8pho u1mu umu8s u5mö u1n1a un2al un6at unau2 6und. 5undein un4d3um
+3undzw undü8 un8düb une2b un1ec une2h un3eis 3unfal 1unfä 5ungea
+3unglü ung2s1 un8gä 1u2nif un4it un8kro unk5s u1no unpa2 uns2p unvol4
+unvoll5 u5os. u1pa u1pi u1p2l u1pr up4s3t up2t1a u1q u1ra ur5abs ura8d
+ur5ah u6rak ur3alt u6rana u6r5ans u8rap ur5a6ri u8ratt u1re ur3eig ur8gri
+u1ri ur5ins 3urlau urmen6 ur8nan u1ro 3ursac ur8sau ur8sei ur4sk 3urtei
+u1ru uru5i6 uru6r u1ry ur2za ur6zä ur5ä6m u5rö u1rü urück3
+u1sa usa4gi u2s1ar u2s1au u8schec usch5wi u2s1ei use8kel u8sl u4st3a4b
+us3tau u3s4ter u2s1uf u8surn ut1ac u1tal uta8m u1tan ut1ar u1tas ut1au u1te
+u8teic u4tent u8terf u6terin u4t3hei ut5ho ut1hu u1ti utine5 uti6q u1to
+uto5c u1tr ut1sa ut1s6p ut6stro u1tu utz5w u1u u1v uve5n uve3r4ä u1w
+u1xe u5ya uy5e6 u1yi u2z1eh u8zerh u5ö uße6n ußen5e 8vanb 6vang
+6varb var8d va6t5a va8tei va2t1r 2v1b 6v5c 6vd 1ve 6ve5g6 ver1 ver5b verb8l
+ve2re2 verg8 ve2ru8 ve1s ve2s3p ve3xe 2v1f 2v1g 6v5h vi6el vie6w5 vi1g4
+vi8leh vil6le. 8vint vi1ru vi1tr 2v1k 2v1l 2v1m 4v5n 8vo8f voi6le vol8lend
+vol8li v2or1 vo2re vo8rin vo2ro 2v1p 8vra v6re 2v1s 2v1t 2v1v 4v3w 2v1z
+waffe8 wa6g5n 1wah wah8n wa5la wal8din wal6ta wan4dr 5ware wa8ru war4za
+1was w5c w1d 5wech we6fl 1weg we8geng weg5h weg3l we2g1r weh6r5er 5weise
+weit3r wel2t welt3r we6rat 8werc 5werdu wer4fl 5werk. wer4ka wer8ku wer4ta
+wer8term we2sp we8stend we6steu we8str we8stö wet8ta wich6s5t 1wid wi2dr
+wiede4 wieder5 wik6 wim6ma win4d3r 5wirt wisch5l 1wj 6wk 2w1l 8w1n wo1c
+woche6 wol6f wor6t5r 6ws2 w1sk 6w5t 5wunde. wun6gr wu1sc wu2t1 6w5w wy5a
+wärme5 wä1sc 1xag x1ak x3a4men 8xamt x1an 8x1b x1c 1xe. x3e4g 1xen
+xe1ro x1erz 1xes 8xf x1g 8x1h 1xi 8xid xi8so 4xiste x1k 6x1l x1m 8xn 1xo
+8x5o6d 8x3p2 x1r x1s6 8x1t x6tak x8terf x2t1h 1xu xu1e x5ul 6x3w x1z 5ya.
+y5an. y5ank y1b y1c y6cha y4chia y1d yen6n y5ern y1g y5h y5in y1j y1k2
+y1lak yl1al yla8m y5lax y1le y1lo y5lu y8mn ym1p2 y3mu y1na yno2d yn1t
+y1on. y1o4p y5ou ypo1 y1pr y8ps y1r yri3e yr1r2 y1s ys5iat ys8ty y1t y3w
+y1z yä8m z5a6b zab5l 8za6d 1zah za5is 4z3ak 6z1am 5zange. 8zanl 2z1ara
+6z5as z5auf 3zaun 2z1b 6z1c 6z1d 1ze ze4dik 4z3eff 8zein zei4ta zei8ters
+ze6la ze8lec zel8th 4zemp 6z5engel zen8zin 8zergä zer8i ze1ro zers8
+zerta8 zer8tab zer8tag 8zerz ze8ste zeu6gr 2z1ex 2z1f8 z1g 4z1h 1zi zi1en
+zi5es. 4z3imp zi1na 6z5inf 6z5inni zin6s5er 8zinsuf zist5r zi5th zi1tr
+6z1j 2z1k 2z1l 2z1m 6z1n 1zo zo6gl 4z3oh zo1on zor6na8 4z1p z5q 6z1r 2z1s8
+2z1t z4t3end z4t3hei z8thi 1zu zu3al zu1b4 zu1f2 6z5uhr zun2a 8zunem zunf8
+8zungl zu1o zup8fi zu1s8 zu1z 2z1v zw8 z1wal 5zweck zwei3s z1wel z1wer
+z6werg 8z5wes 1zwi zwi1s 6z1wo 1zy 2z1z zz8a zzi1s 1zä 1zö 6zöl.
+zö1le 1zü 2z1ü2b ä1a6 äb1l ä1che ä3chi äch8sc
+äch8sp ä5chu äck5a äd1a äd5era ä6d5ia ä1e ä5fa
+äf1l äft6s äg1h äg3le ä6g5nan äg5str ä1he ä1hi
+äh1le äh5ne 1ähnl äh1re äh5ri äh1ru ä1hu äh1w
+6äi ä1isc ä6ische ä5ism ä5j ä1k äl1c ä1le ä8lei
+äl6schl ämi1e äm8n äm8s ä5na 5änderu äne5i8 äng3l
+änk5l ä1no än6s5c ä1pa äp6s5c 3äq är1c ä1re
+äre8m 5ärgern är6gl ä1ri 3ärmel ä1ro ärt6s5 ä1ru
+3ärztl ä5rö ä6s5chen äsen8s äs1th äta8b ä1te
+äteri4 äter5it ä6thy ä1ti 3ätk ä1to ät8schl äts1p
+ä5tu äub1l äu1e 1äug äu8ga äu5i ä1um. ä1us.
+1äuß ä1z ö1b ö1che ö5chi öch8stei öch8str öcht6
+5ö6dem 5öffn ö1he öh1l8 öh1re ö1hu ö1is ö1ke
+1ö2ko 1öl. öl6k5l öl8pl ö1mu ö5na önig6s3 ö1no
+ö5o6t öpf3l öp6s5c ö1re ör8gli ö1ri ör8tr ö1ru
+5österr ö1te ö5th ö1ti ö1tu ö1v ö1w öwe8 ö2z
+üb6e2 3ü4ber1 üb1l üb1r 5ü2bu ü1che ü1chi ü8ch3l
+üch6s5c ü8ck ück1a ück5ers üd1a2 ü6deu üdi8t ü2d1o4
+üd5s6 üge4l5a üg1l üh5a ü1he ü8heh ü6h5erk üh1le
+üh1re üh1ru ü1hu üh1w ü3k ü1le ül4l5a ül8lo
+ül4ps ül6s5c ü1lu ün8da ün8fei ünk5l ün8za ün6zw
+ü5pi ü1re ü8rei ür8fl ür8fr ür8geng ü1ri ü1ro
+ür8sta ür8ster ü1ru üse8n ü8sta ü8stes ü6s5tete
+ü3ta ü1te ü1ti üt8tr ü1tu üt8zei ü1v ß1a8 5ßa.
+ß8as ß1b8 ß1c ß1d 1ße ß5ec 8ße8g 8ße8h 2ß1ei
+8ßem ß1f8 ß1g ß1h 1ßi ß1k ß1l ß1m ßmana8 ß1n
+ß1o ß1p8 ß5q ß1r ß1s2 ßst8 ß1ta ß1te ßt3hei
+ß1ti ß5to ß1tr 1ßu8 6ß5um ß1v ß1w ß1z
diff --git a/hyph/italian.lh b/hyph/italian.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ccee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/italian.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% This is an Italian hyphenation file constructed by Daniele Giacomini
+% (daniele@evo.it) on 03 February 1999 from a TeX file supplied by
+% Claudio Beccari (beccari@polito.it).
+% Removed some patterns that generated ``internal error'' message.
+.anti1 .anti3m2n
+%.ri1a2 .ri1e2 .re1i2 .ri1o2 .ri1u2
+.su2b3lu .su2b3r
+a1ia a1ie a1io a1iu a1uo a1ya 2at.
+e1iu e2w
+o1ia o1ie o1io o1iu
+1b 2bb 2bc 2bd 2bf 2bm 2bn 2bp 2bs 2bt 2bv
+ b2l b2r 2b. 2b'.
+1c 2cb 2cc 2cd 2cf 2ck 2cm 2cn 2cq 2cs 2ct 2cz
+ 2chh c2h 2chb ch2r 2chn c2l c2r 2c. 2c'. .c2
+1d 2db 2dd 2dg 2dl 2dm 2dn 2dp d2r 2ds 2dt 2dv 2dw
+ 2d. 2d'. .d2
+1f 2fb 2fg 2ff 2fn f2l f2r 2fs 2ft 2f. 2f'.
+1g 2gb 2gd 2gf 2gg g2h g2l 2gm g2n 2gp g2r 2gs 2gt
+ 2gv 2gw 2gz 2gh2t 2g. 2g'.
+1h 2hb 2hd h2l 2hm 2hn 2hr 2hv 2h. 2h'.
+1j 2j. 2j'.
+1k 2kg 2kf k2h 2kk k2l k2r 2kt 2k. 2k'.
+1l 2lb 2lc 2ld 2l3f2 2lg l2h 2lk 2ll 2lm 2ln 2lp
+ 2lq 2lr 2ls 2lt 2lv 2lw 2lz 2l. 2l'.
+1m 2mb 2mc 2mf 2ml 2mm 2mn 2mp 2mq 2mr 2ms 2mt 2mv 2mw
+ 2m. 2m'.
+1n 2nc 2nd 2nf 2ng 2nk 2nl 2nm 2nn 2np 2nq 2nr 2ns n2s3r
+ 2nt 2nv 2nz 2n' n2g3n 2nheit. 2n'.
+1p 2pd p2h p2l 2pn 2pp p2r 2ps 2pt 2pz 2p. 2p'.
+1q 2qq 2q. 2q'.
+1r 2rb 2rc 2rd 2rf r2h 2rg 2rk 2rl 2rm 2rn 2rp
+ 2rq 2rr 2rs 2rt rt2s3 2rv 2rx 2rw 2rz 2r. 2r'.
+1s2 2shm 2s3s 2s3p2n 2stb 2stc 2std 2stf 2stg 2stm 2stn 2stp 2sts 2stt 2stv 2sz
+ 4s. 4s'.
+1t 2tb 2tc 2td 2tf 2tg t2h t2l 2tm 2tn 2tp t2r 2ts 3t2sch
+ 2tt 2tv 2tw t2z 2tzk 2tzs 2t. 2t'.
+1v 2vc 2vl v2r 2vv 2v. 2v'.
+1w w2h wa2r 2w1y 2w. 2w'.
+1x 2xw 2x. 2x'.
+y1ou y1i
+1z 2zb 2zd 2zl 2zn 2zp 2zt 2zs 2zv 2zz 2z. 2z'. .z2
diff --git a/hyph/norweg.lh b/hyph/norweg.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7f2eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/norweg.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,6301 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Norwegian hyphenation file, created by
+% Jeffrey H. Kingston 24 September 1994 from
+% an uncommented file sent by Rolf Lindgren.
+% \chardef\ae=3D'32 JeffK replaced \ae by \346
+% \chardef\o=3D'34 JeffK replaced \o by \370
+% \chardef\aa=3D'345 JeffK replaced \aa by \345
+% \lccode\ae=3D\ae
+% \lccode\o=3D\o
+% \lccode\aa=3D\aa
+% \catcode\ae=3D11
+% \catcode\o=3D11
+% \catcode\aa=3D11
+% \def\ae{(^Z character deleted here by JeffK)}%
+% \def\o{(^\ character deleted here by JeffK)}%
+% \def\aa{=E5}%
diff --git a/hyph/old.italian.lh b/hyph/old.italian.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..032366c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/old.italian.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Italian hyphenation file, created by Andrea Cisternino on
+% 20 April 1997 from a TeX file supplied by Claudio Beccari.
+% See long comment below for full information about the origin
+% of this file, and a copyright notice.
+% JeffK has made the following modifications to convert to ISO-LATIN-1:
+% TeX file Lout file
+% 'a \341
+% 'e \351
+% 'i \355
+% 'o \363
+% 'u \372
+% "u \374
+% ~n \361
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% file ithyph.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Prepared by Claudio Beccari e-mail beccari@polito.it
+% Dipartimento di Elettronica
+% Politecnico di Torino
+% Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
+% 10129 TORINO
+% \versionnumber{4.2} \versiondate{24 may 1996}
+% These hyphenation patterns for the Italian language are supposed to comply
+% with the Reccomendation UNI 6461 on hyphenation issued by the Italian
+% Standards Institution (Ente Nazionale di Unificazione UNI). No guarantee
+% or declaration of fitness to any particular purpose is given and any
+% liability is disclaimed.
+% See comments and loading instructions at the end of the file
+% Commented (AC): \lccode`\'=`\' % Apostrophe has its own lccode
+% Commented (AC): % so that it is treated as a
+% Commented (AC): % letter
+% Commented (AC): \patterns{
+.anti1 .anti3m2n
+%.ri1a2 .ri1e2 .re1i2 .ri1o2 .ri1u2
+.su2b3lu .su2b3r
+a1ia a1ie a1io a1iu a1uo a1ya 2at.
+e1iu e2w
+o1ia o1ie o1io o1iu
+1b 2bb 2bc 2bd 2bf 2bm 2bn 2bp 2bs 2bt 2bv
+ b2l b2r 2b. 2b'. 2b''
+1c 2cb 2cc 2cd 2cf 2ck 2cm 2cn 2cq 2cs 2ct 2cz
+ 2chh c2h 2chb ch2r 2chn c2l c2r 2c. 2c'. 2c'' .c2
+1d 2db 2dd 2dg 2dl 2dm 2dn 2dp d2r 2ds 2dt 2dv 2dw
+ 2d. 2d'. 2d'' .d2
+1f 2fb 2fg 2ff 2fn f2l f2r 2fs 2ft 2f. 2f'. 2f''
+1g 2gb 2gd 2gf 2gg g2h g2l 2gm g2n 2gp g2r 2gs 2gt
+ 2gv 2gw 2gz 2gh2t 2g. 2g'. 2g''
+1h 2hb 2hd h2l 2hm 2hn 2hr 2hv 2h. 2h'. 2h''
+1j 2j. 2j'. 2j''
+1k 2kg 2kf k2h 2kk k2l k2r 2kt 2k. 2k'. 2k''
+1l 2lb 2lc 2ld 2l3f2 2lg l2h 2lk 2ll 2lm 2ln 2lp
+ 2lq 2lr 2ls 2lt 2lv 2lw 2lz 2l. 2l'. 2l''
+1m 2mb 2mc 2mf 2ml 2mm 2mn 2mp 2mq 2mr 2ms 2mt 2mv 2mw
+ 2m. 2m'. 2m''
+1n 2nc 2nd 2nf 2ng 2nk 2nl 2nm 2nn 2np 2nq 2nr 2ns n2s3r
+ 2nt 2nv 2nz 2n' n2g3n 2nheit. 2n. 2n'. 2n''
+1p 2pd p2h p2l 2pn 2pp p2r 2ps 2pt 2pz 2p. 2p'. 2p''
+1q 2qq 2q. 2q'. 2q''
+1r 2rb 2rc 2rd 2rf r2h 2rg 2rk 2rl 2rm 2rn 2rp
+ 2rq 2rr 2rs 2rt rt2s3 2rv 2rx 2rw 2rz 2r. 2r'. 2r''
+1s2 2shm 2s3s 2s3p2n 2stb 2stc 2std 2stf 2stg 2stm 2stn 2stp 2sts 2stt 2stv 2sz
+ 4s. 4s'. 4s''
+1t 2tb 2tc 2td 2tf 2tg t2h t2l 2tm 2tn 2tp t2r 2ts 3t2sch
+ 2tt 2tv 2tw t2z 2tzk 2tzs 2t. 2t'. 2t''
+1v 2vc 2vl v2r 2vv 2v. 2v'. 2v''
+1w w2h wa2r 2w1y 2w. 2w'. 2w''
+1x 2xw 2x. 2x'. 2x''
+y1ou y1i
+1z 2zb 2zd 2zl 2zn 2zp 2zt 2zs 2zv 2zz 2z. 2z'. 2z'' .z2
+% Commented (AC): } % Pattern end
+% Commented (AC):
+% Commented (AC): \endinput
diff --git a/hyph/polish.lh b/hyph/polish.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..879b042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/polish.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Lout hyphenation placeholder
+% Polish hyphenation patterns placeholder file. You will be able
+% to get the real file from URL
+% ftp://ftp.cs.su.oz.au/jeff/lout.latin2.2.0.tar.gz.
+% eventually.
+% Jeffrey H. Kingston
+% 2 April 1996
diff --git a/hyph/russian.lh b/hyph/russian.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a4ae7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/russian.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,6144 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% This is a Russian (koi8-r) hyphenation file constructed
+% by Valeriy Ushakov on 16 November 1994 from a TeX file
+% written by Dimitri Vulis. Original header follows:
+% This is rhyphen.tex (Russian hyphenation patterns) as of 12/31/89
+% This code was written by Dimitri Vulis and placed into public domain.
+% There is no copyright associated with this code. Use it as you wish.
diff --git a/hyph/slovenia.lh b/hyph/slovenia.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1ca126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/slovenia.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,1124 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% This is a Slovenian hyphenation file created by Jeff Kingston
+% on 8 June 1995 from a TeX file supplied by Ljupco Taseski.
+% Apologies to the author (no author information could be found).
+% Slovenian has three accented letters, each with upper and lower
+% case forms, which are found in the ISO-LATIN-2 character set
+% but not in ISO-LATIN-1:
+% Character ISO-Latin-2 ISO-Latin-2
+% encoding encoding
+% (decimal) (octal)
+% C caron 200 310
+% c caron 232 350
+% S caron 169 251
+% s caron 185 271
+% Z caron 174 256
+% z caron 190 276
diff --git a/hyph/spanish.lh b/hyph/spanish.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf3a546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/spanish.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Spanish hyphenation file, created by Jeffrey H. Kingston
+% 23 September 1994 from a TeX file supplied by Luis Melendez.
+% See long comment below for full information about the origin
+% of this file, and a copyright notice.
+% JeffK has made the following modifications to convert to ISO-LATIN-1:
+% TeX file Lout file
+% 'a \341
+% 'e \351
+% 'i \355
+% 'o \363
+% 'u \372
+% "u \374
+% ~n \361
+% Hyphenation patterns for Spanish.
+% Compiled by Julio Sanchez (jsanchez@gmv.es) on September 1991.
+% These patterns have been derived from "On Word Division in Spanish",
+% Jos'e A. Ma~nas, Communications of the ACM, and implemented in his
+% package ftc. You can get ftc and a draft of the abovementioned
+% paper from goya.dit.upm.es in src/text.proc/ftc.Z. FTP access may
+% be available. Otherwise, send help to info@goya.dit.upm.es for
+% details on use of the mail server.
+% Rules mentioned below are those described in that paper. After
+% several unsatisfactory attempts to pretend I knew better, these
+% patterns closely follow that paper. Pattern 'tl' is not considered.
+% It is conflictive and ftc does not use it either.
+% These patterns have been generated by shyphen.sh version 1.2,
+% shyphen.sh is a sh script that allows a number of choices.
+% Full benefit from some of these options can only be
+% obtained if appropriate fonts are available.
+% Follows a copyright notice. This is not in the public domain,
+% but the copyright is essentially a hold-harmless clause. That
+% is, use it at will, but don't sue me if you don't like it.
+% These patterns and the generating sh script are Copyright (c) GMV 1991
+% These patterns were developed for internal GMV use and are made
+% public in the hope that they will benefit others. Also, spreading
+% these patterns throughout the Spanish-language TeX community is
+% expected to provide back-benefits to GMV in that it can help keeping
+% GMV in the mainstream of spanish users. However, this is given
+% for free and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Under no circumstances can Julio
+% Sanchez, GMV, Jos'e A. Ma~nas or any agents or representatives thereof
+% be held responsible for any errors in this software nor for any damages
+% derived from its use, even in case any of the above has been notified
+% of the possibility of such damages. If any such situation arises, you
+% responsible for repair. Use of this software is an explicit
+% acceptance of these conditions.
+% You can use this software for any purpose. You cannot delete this
+% copyright notice. If you change this software, you must include
+% comments explaining who, when and why. You are kindly requested to
+% send any changes to tex@gmv.es. If you change the generating
+% script, you must include code in it such that any output is clearly
+% labeled as generated by a modified script.
+% Despite the lack of warranty, we would like to hear about any
+% problem you find. Please report problems to tex@gmv.es.
+% Options included in this set: basic TeX
+% Open vowels: a e o 'a 'e 'i 'o 'u
+% Closed vowels: i u "u
+% Consonants: b c d f g j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z ~n
+% Some of the patterns below represent combinations that never
+% happen in Spanish. Would they happen, they would be hyphenated
+% according to the rules.
+% This keeps {cat|lc}code changes, if any, local. Nice to users of
+% multilingual versions. These are the minimum changes needed to process
+% the patterns. These and other changes will have to be re-enacted when
+% Spanish be established as the current language. See the babel docs if
+% you don't understand this.
+% deleted by JeffK: \begingroup
+% deleted by JeffK: \catcode`'=12 \lccode`'=`'
+% deleted by JeffK: \catcode`"=12 \lccode`"=`"
+% deleted by JeffK: \catcode`~=12 \lccode`~=`~
+% deleted by JeffK: \patterns{
+% Rule SR1
+% Vowels are kept together by the defaults
+% Rule SR2
+% Attach vowel groups to left consonant
+1ba 1be 1bo 1bá 1bé 1bí 1bó 1bú 1bi 1bu 1bü
+1ca 1ce 1co 1cá 1cé 1cí 1có 1cú 1ci 1cu 1cü
+1da 1de 1do 1dá 1dé 1dí 1dó 1dú 1di 1du 1dü
+1fa 1fe 1fo 1fá 1fé 1fí 1fó 1fú 1fi 1fu 1fü
+1ga 1ge 1go 1gá 1gé 1gí 1gó 1gú 1gi 1gu 1gü
+1ja 1je 1jo 1já 1jé 1jí 1jó 1jú 1ji 1ju 1jü
+1ka 1ke 1ko 1ká 1ké 1kí 1kó 1kú 1ki 1ku 1kü
+1la 1le 1lo 1lá 1lé 1lí 1ló 1lú 1li 1lu 1lü
+1ma 1me 1mo 1má 1mé 1mí 1mó 1mú 1mi 1mu 1mü
+1na 1ne 1no 1ná 1né 1ní 1nó 1nú 1ni 1nu 1nü
+1pa 1pe 1po 1pá 1pé 1pí 1pó 1pú 1pi 1pu 1pü
+1qa 1qe 1qo 1qá 1qé 1qí 1qó 1qú 1qi 1qu 1qü
+1ra 1re 1ro 1rá 1ré 1rí 1ró 1rú 1ri 1ru 1rü
+1sa 1se 1so 1sá 1sé 1sí 1só 1sú 1si 1su 1sü
+1ta 1te 1to 1tá 1té 1tí 1tó 1tú 1ti 1tu 1tü
+1va 1ve 1vo 1vá 1vé 1ví 1vó 1vú 1vi 1vu 1vü
+1wa 1we 1wo 1wá 1wé 1wí 1wó 1wú 1wi 1wu 1wü
+1xa 1xe 1xo 1xá 1xé 1xí 1xó 1xú 1xi 1xu 1xü
+1ya 1ye 1yo 1yá 1yé 1yí 1yó 1yú 1yi 1yu 1yü
+1za 1ze 1zo 1zá 1zé 1zí 1zó 1zú 1zi 1zu 1zü
+1ña 1ñe 1ño 1ñá 1ñé 1ñí 1ñó 1ñú 1ñi 1ñu 1ñü
+% Rule SR3
+% Build legal consonant groups, leave other consonants bound to
+% the previous group. This overrides part of the SR2 pattern
+% group.
+1c2ha 1c2he 1c2ho 1c2há 1c2hé 1c2hí 1c2hó 1c2hú 1c2hi 1c2hu 1c2hü
+1l2la 1l2le 1l2lo 1l2lá 1l2lé 1l2lí 1l2ló 1l2lú 1l2li 1l2lu 1l2lü
+1r2ra 1r2re 1r2ro 1r2rá 1r2ré 1r2rí 1r2ró 1r2rú 1r2ri 1r2ru 1r2rü
+1b2la 1b2le 1b2lo 1b2lá 1b2lé 1b2lí 1b2ló 1b2lú 1b2li 1b2lu 1b2lü
+1b2ra 1b2re 1b2ro 1b2rá 1b2ré 1b2rí 1b2ró 1b2rú 1b2ri 1b2ru 1b2rü
+1c2la 1c2le 1c2lo 1c2lá 1c2lé 1c2lí 1c2ló 1c2lú 1c2li 1c2lu 1c2lü
+1c2ra 1c2re 1c2ro 1c2rá 1c2ré 1c2rí 1c2ró 1c2rú 1c2ri 1c2ru 1c2rü
+1d2ra 1d2re 1d2ro 1d2rá 1d2ré 1d2rí 1d2ró 1d2rú 1d2ri 1d2ru 1d2rü
+1f2la 1f2le 1f2lo 1f2lá 1f2lé 1f2lí 1f2ló 1f2lú 1f2li 1f2lu 1f2lü
+1f2ra 1f2re 1f2ro 1f2rá 1f2ré 1f2rí 1f2ró 1f2rú 1f2ri 1f2ru 1f2rü
+1g2la 1g2le 1g2lo 1g2lá 1g2lé 1g2lí 1g2ló 1g2lú 1g2li 1g2lu 1g2lü
+1g2ra 1g2re 1g2ro 1g2rá 1g2ré 1g2rí 1g2ró 1g2rú 1g2ri 1g2ru 1g2rü
+1k2la 1k2le 1k2lo 1k2lá 1k2lé 1k2lí 1k2ló 1k2lú 1k2li 1k2lu 1k2lü
+1k2ra 1k2re 1k2ro 1k2rá 1k2ré 1k2rí 1k2ró 1k2rú 1k2ri 1k2ru 1k2rü
+1p2la 1p2le 1p2lo 1p2lá 1p2lé 1p2lí 1p2ló 1p2lú 1p2li 1p2lu 1p2lü
+1p2ra 1p2re 1p2ro 1p2rá 1p2ré 1p2rí 1p2ró 1p2rú 1p2ri 1p2ru 1p2rü
+1t2ra 1t2re 1t2ro 1t2rá 1t2ré 1t2rí 1t2ró 1t2rú 1t2ri 1t2ru 1t2rü
+% Rule SR4 is implicitly implemented by the default values
+% Rule HE1 is implemented by TeX parameters \lefthyphenmin and
+% \righthyphenmin. Help yourself. The correct values for
+% Spanish are 2 and 2. If you set them below these values,
+% incorrect breaks will happen.
+% Rule HE2
+% Break between a consonant and an h
+b1h d1h f1h g1h j1h k1h l1h m1h n1h p1h q1h r1h s1h t1h v1h w1h x1h y1h z1h ñ1h
+% We now avoid some problematic breaks.
+su2b2r su2b2l
+% deleted by JeffK: }
+% deleted by JeffK: \endgroup
diff --git a/hyph/swedish.lh b/hyph/swedish.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb8aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/swedish.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,3771 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% This is a Swedish hyphenation file created by Jeff Kingston
+% on 20 March 1994 from a TeX file supplied by Sverre Slotte.
diff --git a/include/README b/include/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0204b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/README
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Directory lout/include
+This directory contains Lout source files for the standard packages.
+The following listing classifies them into types of files.
+Setup files (containing mainly lists of options settable by the user)
+ Setup files for basic document types (choose one):
+ doc The OrdinarySetup package
+ report The ReportSetup package
+ book The BookSetup package
+ slides The OverheadsSetup package
+ picture The IllustrationSetup package
+ Setup files for special-purpose packages (choose any combination):
+ tbl The Tbl table formatting package
+ tab The Tab table formatting package (OBSOLETE, use tbl)
+ eq The Eq equation formatting package
+ diag The Diag diagram drawing package
+ fig The Fig advanced graphics package (OBSOLETE, use diag)
+ graph The Graph graph drawing package
+ cprint The cprint C and C++ program printing package
+ pas The Pas Pascal progam printing package
+ modula The Modula Modula-2 progam printing package
+ latin2 The Latin2 (Eastern European characters) package
+ russian The Russian language package
+Source files (containing Lout and PostScript source code for the packages)
+ bsf The BasicSetup package
+ bsf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by BasicSetup
+ dsf The DocumentSetup package
+ docf The OrdinarySetup package
+ reportf The ReportSetup package
+ bookf The BookSetup package
+ slidesf The OverheadsSetup package
+ picturef The IllustrationSetup package
+ tabf The Tab table formatting package (OBSOLETE)
+ tabf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by tabf (OBSOLETE)
+ tblf The Tbl table formatting package
+ tblf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by tblf
+ eqf The Eq equation formatting package
+ figf The Fig advanced graphics package (OBSOLETE)
+ figf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by figf (OBSOLETE)
+ diagf The Diag diagram drawing package
+ diagf.etc A file included by diagf
+ diagf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by diagf
+ graphf The Graph graph drawing package
+ graphf.etc A file included by graphf
+ graphf.lpg A PostScript prepend file needed by graphf
+ cprintf The cprint C and C++ program printing package
+ pasf The Pas Pascal progam printing package
+ modulaf The Modula Modula-2 progam printing package
+ latin2.fd Latin2 font definitions file (placeholder file)
+ russian.fd Russian font definitions file (placeholder file)
+ fontdefs Standard font definitions file
+ langdefs Standard language definitions file
+ mydefs Empty file for if the user doesn't have one
+ ts The ToySetup package (an expert users' intro. example)
+ init A Lout source file used during installation (lout -x)
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+26 May 1999
diff --git a/include/book b/include/book
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d28f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/book
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for books #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 17 September 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# @SysInclude commands for standard packages. #
+# #
+ @SysInclude { fontdefs } # font definitions
+ @SysInclude { langdefs } # language definitions
+ @SysInclude { bsf } # BasicSetup package
+ @SysInclude { dsf } # DocumentSetup package
+ @SysInclude { bookf } # BookSetup extension
+# #
+# @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory. #
+# #
+ @Include { mydefs }
+# #
+# The @BasicSetup @Use clause - basics, lists, paragraphs, displays. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @BasicSetup
+ # @InitialFont { Times Base 12p } # initial font
+ # @InitialBreak {{adjust 1.2fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain {ragged 1fx nohyphen}}
+ # @InitialSpace { lout } # initial space style
+ # @InitialLanguage { English } # initial language
+ # @InitialColour { black } # initial colour
+ # @OptimizePages { No } # optimize page breaks?
+ # @HeadingFont { Bold } # font for @Heading
+ # @ParaGap { 1.3vx @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between paragraphs
+ # @ParaIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # first-line indent for @PP
+ # @DisplayGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap above, below displays
+ # @DisplayIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # @IndentedDisplay indent
+ # @DefaultIndent { 0.5rt } # @Display indent
+ # @DisplayNumStyle { (num) } # style of display numbers
+ # @WideIndent { 4.00f @OrIfPlain 10s } # @WideTaggedList indent
+ # @VeryWideIndent { 8.00f @OrIfPlain 20s } # @VeryWideTaggedList indent
+ # @ListOuterGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap before, after lists
+ # @ListGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between list items
+ # @ListIndent { 0s } # indent of list items
+ # @ListRightIndent { 0s } # right indent of list items
+ # @ListLabelWidth { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # width allowed for list tags
+ # @NumberSeparator { . } # separates nums like 2.3.7
+# #
+# The @DocumentSetup @Use clause - page layout plus figures, tables, etc. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @DocumentSetup
+ # @PageType { A4 @OrIfPlain Other} # page type (width, height)
+ # @PageWidth { 80s } # page width if type Other
+ # @PageHeight { 66f } # page height if type Other
+ # @PageOrientation { Portrait } # Portrait, Landscape, etc.
+ # @PageBackground { } # background of each page
+ # @TopMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # top margin of all pages
+ # @FootMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # bottom margin of all pages
+ # @OddLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of odd pages
+ # @OddRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of odd pages
+ # @EvenLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of even pages
+ # @EvenRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of even pages
+ # @PageBoxType { None } # None Box CurveBox ShadowBox
+ # @PageBoxMargin { 1.00c } # page box margin
+ # @PageBoxLineWidth { } # page box line thickness
+ # @PageBoxPaint { none } # page box paint
+ # @PageBoxShadow { 0.60c } # shadow margin if ShadowBox
+ # @ColumnNumber { 1 } # number of columns (1 to 10)
+ # @ColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # column gap
+ # @FigureLocation { PageTop } # default figure location
+ # @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
+ # @FigureFormat { @CC @Body } # default figure format
+ # @TableFormat { @CC @Body } # default table format
+ # @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
+ # @TableWord { table } # "Table" word else anything
+ # @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
+ # @TableNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering tables
+ # @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @TableCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @CaptionFont { } # figure, table caption font
+ # @CaptionBreak { } # figure, table caption break
+ # @CaptionFormat { @B { number @DotSep @OneCol } } # figure, table caption format
+ # @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
+ # @MakeTableContents { No } # list of tables at start
+ # @MakeContents { No } # make contents? Yes or No
+ @MakeContents { Yes } # make contents? Yes or No
+ # @ContentsGap { 0.20v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap above minor entry
+ # @ContentsGapAbove { 0.80v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above major entry
+ # @ContentsGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below major entry
+ # @ContentsFont { Bold } # font for major entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapAbove { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above `part' entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below `part' entry
+ # @ContentsFormat { number @DotSep title } # contents entry format
+ # @ContentsLeader { .. } # leader symbol in contents
+ # @ContentsLeaderGap { 4s @OrIfPlain 2s } # gap between leaders
+ # @ContentsRightWidth { 3f @OrIfPlain 6s } # page numbers column width
+ # @MakeReferences { Yes } # make references? Yes or No
+ # @RefCiteStyle { [cite] } # citation style
+ # @RefCiteLabels { @RefNum } # citation items
+ # @RefNumbers { Arabic } # reference numbers
+ # @RefListFormat { Labels } # NoLabels, Labels, etc.
+ # @RefListLabels { [@RefNum] } # ref list label format
+ # @RefListTitle { references } # title of reference list
+ # @ChapRefListTitle { references } # title of chapter ref list
+ # @RefListIndent { 0s } # indent to left of labels
+ # @RefListRightIndent { 0s } # indent to right of items
+ # @RefListGap { @ListGap } # gap between ref list items
+ # @RefListFont { } # font used in reference list
+ # @RefListBreak { } # break style of ref list
+ # @RefListLabelWidth { @ListLabelWidth } # Labels column width
+ # @RefListSortKey { @Tag } # sorting key
+ # @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
+ @MakeIndex { Yes } # make index? Yes or No
+ # @IndexFont { } # index entries font
+ # @IndexBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexColumnNumber { 2 } # index columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index column gap
+ # @MakeIndexA { No } # make index A? Yes or No
+ # @IndexAFont { } # index A entries font
+ # @IndexABreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexAColumnNumber { 2 } # index A columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexAColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index A column gap
+ # @MakeIndexB { No } # make index B? Yes or No
+ # @IndexBFont { } # index B entries font
+ # @IndexBBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexBColumnNumber { 2 } # index B columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexBColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index B column gap
+ # @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
+ # @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
+ # @FootNoteNumbers { Arabic } # footnote numbers
+ # @FootNoteThrough { No } # numbered through chapter?
+ # @FootNoteLocation { ColFoot } # where the footnote appears
+ # @FootNoteFont { 0.80f } # font for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # footnote format
+ # @FootLen { 2.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # length of footnote line
+ # @FootAboveGap { @DisplayGap } # gap above footnote line
+ # @FootGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1fx } # gap between footnotes
+ # @MarginNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteBreak { ragged 1.10fx } # break style of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteHGap { 0.5c } # horizontal gap to notes
+ # @MarginNoteVGap { @DisplayGap } # min vertical gap between
+ # @MarginNoteWidth { 1.50c } # width of margin notes
+ # @EndNoteNumbers { Arabic } # endnote numbers
+ # @EndNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of endnotes
+ # @EndNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for endnotes
+ # @EndNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # endnote format
+ # @EndNoteGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between endnotes
+ # @TheoremWord { theorem } # "Theorem" word, etc.
+ # @TheoremTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @TheoremFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @DefinitionWord { definition } # "Definition" word, etc.
+ # @DefinitionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @DefinitionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ClaimWord { claim } # "Claim" word, etc.
+ # @ClaimTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ClaimFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @PropositionWord { proposition } # "Proposition" word, etc.
+ # @PropositionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @PropositionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @LemmaWord { lemma } # "Lemma" word, etc.
+ # @LemmaTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @LemmaFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @CorollaryWord { corollary } # "Corollary" word, etc.
+ # @CorollaryTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @CorollaryFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ExampleWord { example } # "Example" word, etc.
+ # @ExampleTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ExampleFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ProofWord { proof } # "Proof" word, etc.
+ # @PageHeaders { Simple } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ @PageHeaders { Titles } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ # @PageNumbers { Arabic } # page numbers
+ # @FirstPageNumber { 1 } # number of first page
+ # @IntroPageNumbers { Roman } # intro page numbers
+ # @IntroFirstPageNumber{ 1 } # number of first intro page
+ # @StructPageNums { No } # make structured page numbers
+ # @OddTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} } # Simple page headers
+ # @OddFoot { @Null }
+ # @EvenTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} }
+ # @EvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @StartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroEvenFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # Titles, NoTitles headers
+ # @RunningOddTop { @I {@MinorNum @DotSep @MinorTitle} @Right @B @PageNum }
+ # @RunningOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningEvenTop { @B @PageNum @Right @I {@MajorNum @DotSep @MajorTitle} }
+ # @RunningEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartEvenFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroOddFoot { @Right @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenFoot { @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+# #
+# The @BookSetup @Use clause - options specific to books. #
+# #
+@Use { @BookSetup
+ # @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base} # title page font (not size)
+ # @SeparateIntroNumbering { Yes } # separate intro page numbers
+ # @PrefaceAfterContents { No } # Yes or No
+ # @ChapterStartPages { Any } # Any, Odd, or Even
+ # @ReferencesBeforeAppendices { No } # references before appendices
+ # @PrefaceWord { preface } # word for "Preface"
+ # @ContentsWord { contents } # word for "Contents"
+ # @FigureListWord { figurelist } # word for "List of Figures"
+ # @TableListWord { tablelist } # word for "List of Tables"
+ # @IntroductionWord { introduction } # word for "Introduction"
+ # @ChapterWord { chapter } # word for "Chapter"
+ # @AppendixWord { appendix } # word for "Appendix"
+ # @IndexWord { index } # word for "Index"
+ # @IndexAWord { index } # word for "Index" (A)
+ # @IndexBWord { index } # word for "Index" (B)
+ # @ChapterNumbers { Arabic } # kind of chapter numbers
+ # @FirstChapterNumber { 1 } # first chapter number (Arabic)
+ # @SectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of section numbers
+ # @FirstSectionNumber { 1 } # first section number (Arabic)
+ # @SubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subsection numbers
+ # @FirstSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first subsect number (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subs. numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first sub-sub number (Arabic)
+ # @AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha } # kind of appendix numbers
+ # @FirstAppendixNumber { 1 } # first appendix num (Arabic)
+ # @SubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subappendix numbers
+ # @FirstSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-app num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subapp. numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-sub num (Arabic)
+ # @PartHeadingFont { Helvetica Base 2.50f } # part head font
+ # @PartHeadingBreak { clines 1.2fx nohyphen } # part head break
+ # @PartHeadingFormat { @CD number @DP @CD title } # part head format
+ # @ChapterHeadingFont { Bold 2.00f } # chapter head font
+ # @ChapterHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # chapter head break
+ # @ChapterHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # format of chap. head
+ # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold } # section head font
+ # @SectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # section head break
+ # @SectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # section head fmt
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFont { Bold } # subs. head font
+ # @SubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subs. head break
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subs. head fmt
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-subs. head font
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-subs. head break
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # sub-subs. head fmt
+ # @AppendixHeadingFont { Bold 2.00f } # appendix head font
+ # @AppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # appendix head break
+ # @AppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # appendix head fmt
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFont { Bold } # subapp. head font
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subapp. head break
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subapp. head fmt
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-suba. head font
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-suba. head break
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat{ number @DotSep title } # sub-suba. head fmt
+ # @AbovePartGap { 4.00f } # gap above part title
+ # @AboveChapterGap { 3.00f } # above major titles
+ # @SectionGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between sections
+ # @SubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between subsects
+ # @SubSubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subs.
+ # @SubAppendixGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between subappendices
+ # @SubSubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subapps
+ # @AbbreviationsInContents { Yes } # add abbreviations to contents
+ # @IntroductionInContents { Yes } # add introduction to contents
+ # @PartInContents { Yes } # add parts to contents
+ # @ChapterInContents { Yes } # add chapters to contents
+ # @SectionInContents { Yes } # add sections to contents
+ # @SubSectionInContents { Yes } # add subsections to contents
+ # @SubSubSectionInContents { No } # add sub-subsects to contents
+ # @AppendixInContents { Yes } # add appendices to contents
+ # @SubAppendixInContents { Yes } # add subappendices to contents
+ # @SubSubAppendixInContents { No } # add sub-subapps to contents
+ # @ReferencesInContents { Yes } # add ref. section to contents
+ # @IndexInContents { Yes } # add index to contents
+ # @IndexAInContents { Yes } # add index A to contents
+ # @IndexBInContents { Yes } # add index B to contents
+ # @PartContentsIndent { 0.5rt } # indent of part contents entry
+ # @ChapterNumInTheorems { Yes } # theorem num has chapter num
+ # @SectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTheorems { Yes } # theorem num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems{ No } # theorem num has sub-sa. num
+ # @ChapterNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has chapter num
+ # @SectionNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays{ No } # display num has sub-sa. num
+ # @ChapterNumInFigures { Yes } # figure num has chapter num
+ # @SectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInFigures { Yes } # figure num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-sa. num
+ # @ChapterNumInTables { Yes } # table num has chapter num
+ # @SectionNumInTables { No } # table num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTables { Yes } # table num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-ss. num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-sa. num
+ # @PrefacePrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @ContentsPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @FigureContentsPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @TableContentsPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @AbbreviationsPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IntroductionPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @ChapterPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @AppendixPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @ReferencesPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexAPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexBPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+# #
+# @Database (and @SysDatabase) clauses go here. #
+# #
+@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } # reference printing styles
diff --git a/include/bookf b/include/bookf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe5ab72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/bookf
@@ -0,0 +1,1263 @@
+# #
+# @BookSetup extension to @DocumentSetup. #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 17 September 1999 #
+# #
+# This package extends DocumentSetup with definitions for books. #
+# #
+extend @BasicSetup @DocumentSetup
+export @Book @Preface @Abbreviations @Introduction @Chapter @Appendix
+def @BookSetup
+ named @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base }
+ named @SeparateIntroNumbering { Yes }
+ named @PrefaceAfterContents { No }
+ named @ChapterStartPages { Any }
+ named @ReferencesBeforeAppendices { No }
+ named @PrefaceWord { preface }
+ named @ContentsWord { contents }
+ named @FigureListWord { figurelist }
+ named @TableListWord { tablelist }
+ named @IntroductionWord { introduction }
+ named @AbbreviationsWord { abbreviations }
+ named @ChapterWord { chapter }
+ named @AppendixWord { appendix }
+ named @IndexWord { index }
+ named @IndexAWord { index }
+ named @IndexBWord { index }
+ named @ChapterNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstChapterNumber { 1 }
+ named @SectionNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSectionNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubSectionNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubSectionNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubSubSectionNumber { 1 }
+ named @AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha }
+ named @FirstAppendixNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubAppendixNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubAppendixNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber { 1 }
+ named @PartHeadingFont { Helvetica Base 2.50f }
+ named @PartHeadingBreak { clines 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @PartHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { @CD number @DP @CD title }
+ named @ChapterHeadingFont { Bold 2.00f }
+ named @ChapterHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @ChapterHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @SectionHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @SectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SectionHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @SubSectionHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @SubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubSectionHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @SubSubSectionHeadingFont { Slope }
+ named @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @AppendixHeadingFont { Bold 2.00f }
+ named @AppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @AppendixHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @SubAppendixHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @SubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubAppendixHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont { Slope }
+ named @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @AbovePartGap { 4.00f }
+ named @AboveChapterGap { 3.00f }
+ named @SectionGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f }
+ named @SubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @SubSubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @SubAppendixGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f }
+ named @SubSubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @PrefaceInContents { No }
+ named @AbbreviationsInContents { Yes }
+ named @IntroductionInContents { Yes }
+ named @PartInContents { Yes }
+ named @ChapterInContents { Yes }
+ named @SectionInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubSectionInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubSubSectionInContents { No }
+ named @AppendixInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubSubAppendixInContents { No }
+ named @ReferencesInContents { Yes }
+ named @IndexInContents { Yes }
+ named @IndexAInContents { Yes }
+ named @IndexBInContents { Yes }
+ named @PartContentsIndent { 0.5rt }
+ named @ChapterNumInTheorems { Yes }
+ named @SectionNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInTheorems { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @ChapterNumInDisplays { Yes }
+ named @SectionNumInDisplays { Yes }
+ named @SubSectionNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInDisplays { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInDisplays { Yes }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @ChapterNumInFigures { Yes }
+ named @SectionNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubSectionNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInFigures { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInFigures { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures { No }
+ named @ChapterNumInTables { Yes }
+ named @SectionNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubSectionNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInTables { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInTables { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInTables { No }
+ named @SectionNumInRunners { Yes }
+ named @SubSectionNumInRunners { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInRunners { No }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInRunners { Yes }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners { No }
+ named @PrefacePrefix { }
+ named @ContentsPrefix { }
+ named @FigureContentsPrefix { }
+ named @TableContentsPrefix { }
+ named @AbbreviationsPrefix { }
+ named @IntroductionPrefix { }
+ named @ChapterPrefix { }
+ named @AppendixPrefix { }
+ named @ReferencesPrefix { }
+ named @IndexPrefix { }
+ named @IndexAPrefix { }
+ named @IndexBPrefix { }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Lists of chapters, sections, sub(-sub)sections, and appendices. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export num
+ def @ChapterList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ // @ChapterList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SectionList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SectionGap @SectionList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubSectionList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubSectionGap @SubSectionList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubSubSectionList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubSubSectionGap @SubSubSectionList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @AppendixList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ // @AppendixList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubAppendixList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubAppendixGap @SubAppendixList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubSubAppendixList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubSubAppendixGap @SubSubAppendixList @Next num
+ }
+ def @PrefacePlace { @Galley }
+ def @AbbreviationsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @IntroductionPlace { @Galley }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Full - this sends text to a full-width place. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Full right x
+ {
+ def @Any force into { @FullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ def @Odd force into { @OddFullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ def @Even force into { @EvenFullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ @ChapterStartPages @Case {
+ Any @Yield @Any x
+ Odd @Yield @Odd x
+ Even @Yield @Even x
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @NoForceFull - this sends text to a full-width place. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @NoForceFull right x
+ {
+ def @Any into { @FullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ def @Odd into { @OddFullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ def @Even into { @EvenFullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ @ChapterStartPages @Case {
+ Any @Yield @Any x
+ Odd @Yield @Odd x
+ Even @Yield @Even x
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @IntroFull - this sends text to a full-width intro place. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @IntroFull right x
+ {
+ def @Any force into { @IntroFullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ def @Odd force into { @IntroOddFullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ def @Even force into { @IntroEvenFullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ @ChapterStartPages @Case {
+ Any @Yield @Any x
+ Odd @Yield @Odd x
+ Even @Yield @Even x
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @ChooseFull - this sends either to introfull or ordinary full #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @ChooseFull right x
+ {
+ @SeparateIntroNumbering @Case {
+ No @Yield @Full x
+ Yes @Yield @IntroFull x
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Book. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Book
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @Author {}
+ named @Edition {}
+ named @Publisher {}
+ named @BeforeTitlePage {}
+ named @OnTitlePage {}
+ named @AfterTitlePage {}
+ named @AtEnd { dft }
+ named @AtAfter { dft }
+ named @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
+ named @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
+ named @InitialSpace { @InitialSpace }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @PageOrientation { @PageOrientation }
+ named @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ named @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ named @FirstPageNumber { @FirstPageNumber }
+ named @IntroFirstPageNumber { @IntroFirstPageNumber }
+ named @OptimizePages { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ def @Before
+ {
+ @BeforeTitlePage @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield @BeforeTitlePage
+ }
+ }
+ def @On
+ {
+ @OnTitlePage @Case {
+ "" @Yield {
+ //1i |0.5rt 2.5f @Font {1.2fx clines} @Break @Title |
+ //2i |0.5rt clines @Break @Author |
+ //1i |0.5rt clines @Break @Edition |
+ //1rt @OneRow @Publisher
+ }
+ else @Yield @OnTitlePage
+ }
+ }
+ def @After
+ {
+ @AfterTitlePage @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield { @AfterTitlePage // None @Runner }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ContentsPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { ExtraMajorIntro }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { contents @WordVal @ContentsWord }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { No }
+ pnprefix { @ContentsPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ majortitle { contents @WordVal @ContentsWord }
+ sendheader { @ChooseFull @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ @ContentsSection
+ }
+ def @FigureContentsPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { ExtraMajorIntro }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { figurelist @WordVal @FigureListWord }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { No }
+ pnprefix { @FigureContentsPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ majortitle { figurelist @WordVal @FigureListWord }
+ sendheader { @ChooseFull @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ @FigureContentsSection
+ }
+ def @TableContentsPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { ExtraMajorIntro }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { tablelist @WordVal @TableListWord }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { No }
+ pnprefix { @TableContentsPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ majortitle { tablelist @WordVal @TableListWord }
+ sendheader { @ChooseFull @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ @TableContentsSection
+ }
+ def @ReferencesPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { ExtraMajor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @RefHeading @RefListTitle }
+ majortitle { @RefHeading @RefListTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @ReferencesInContents }
+ pnprefix { @ReferencesPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ @ReferencesSection
+ }
+ def @IndexPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ def @Run
+ {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum {}
+ @MajorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexWord }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexWord }
+ @Owner { @Tag }
+ @Prefix { @IndexPrefix }
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { index @WordVal @IndexWord }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IndexInContents }
+ pnprefix { @IndexPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ wantindefinite { Yes }
+ @IndexSection @Run
+ }
+ def @IndexAPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ def @RunA
+ {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum {}
+ @MajorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexAWord }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexAWord }
+ @Owner { @Tag }
+ @Prefix { @IndexAPrefix }
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { index @WordVal @IndexAWord }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IndexAInContents }
+ pnprefix { @IndexAPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ wantindefinite { Yes }
+ @IndexASection @RunA
+ }
+ def @IndexBPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ def @RunB
+ {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum {}
+ @MajorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexBWord }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexBWord }
+ @Owner { @Tag }
+ @Prefix { @IndexBPrefix }
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { index @WordVal @IndexBWord }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IndexBInContents }
+ pnprefix { @IndexBPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ wantindefinite { Yes }
+ @IndexBSection @RunB
+ }
+ def @BookIntro force into { @IntroColPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Optimize { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ @PageMark @Tag
+ // @Before
+ //1.1b @TitlePageFont @Font @On
+ //1.1b @After
+ // Start @Runner @Owner { @Tag }
+ //1.1b @PrefaceAfterContents @NoDo @PrefacePlace
+ // @MakeContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @ContentsPart
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ // @MakeFigureContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @FigureContentsPart
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ // @MakeTableContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @TableContentsPart
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ //1.1b @PrefaceAfterContents @Do @PrefacePlace
+ }
+ def @BookBody force into { @ColPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Optimize { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ # The first component of @BookBody must be indefinite, so that
+ # its flushing is delayed until we reach the body galleys, either
+ # @Introduction or @Chapter. If not, @BookBody will free up
+ # @PrefacePlace etc. too soon, producing a "no @PrefacePlace
+ # precedes this @PrefacePLace&&preceding" error message.
+ @AbbreviationsPlace
+ // @IntroductionPlace
+ // @ChapterList @FirstChapterNumber
+ // @ReferencesBeforeAppendices @Do {
+ @MakeReferences @Do @ReferencesPart
+ }
+ // @AppendixList @FirstAppendixNumber
+ // @ReferencesBeforeAppendices @NoDo {
+ @MakeReferences @Do @ReferencesPart
+ }
+ // @MakeIndexA @Do @IndexAPart
+ // @MakeIndexA @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield @BypassBeginIndexAPlace
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ // @MakeIndexB @Do @IndexBPart
+ // @MakeIndexB @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield @BypassBeginIndexBPlace
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ // @MakeIndex @Do @IndexPart
+ // @MakeIndex @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield @BypassBeginIndexPlace
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @BookCombined force into { @ColPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Optimize { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ @PageMark @Tag
+ // @Before
+ //1.1b @TitlePageFont @Font @On
+ //1.1b @After
+ // Start @Runner @Owner { @Tag }
+ //1.1b @PrefaceAfterContents @NoDo @PrefacePlace
+ // @MakeContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @ContentsPart
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ // @MakeFigureContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @FigureContentsPart
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ // @MakeTableContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @TableContentsPart
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ //1.1b @PrefaceAfterContents @Do @PrefacePlace
+ // @AbbreviationsPlace
+ // @IntroductionPlace
+ // @ChapterList @FirstChapterNumber
+ // @ReferencesBeforeAppendices @Do {
+ @MakeReferences @Do @ReferencesPart
+ }
+ // @AppendixList @FirstAppendixNumber
+ // @ReferencesBeforeAppendices @NoDo {
+ @MakeReferences @Do @ReferencesPart
+ }
+ // @MakeIndexA @Do @IndexAPart
+ // @MakeIndexA @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield @BypassBeginIndexAPlace
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ // @MakeIndexB @Do @IndexBPart
+ // @MakeIndexB @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield @BypassBeginIndexBPlace
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ // @MakeIndex @Do @IndexPart
+ // @MakeIndex @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield @BypassBeginIndexPlace
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ @InitialFont @Font @InitialBreak @Break @InitialLanguage @Language
+ @InitialSpace @Space { @ColourCommand @InitialColour } @SetColour
+ {
+ @SeparateIntroNumbering @Case {
+ No @Yield {
+ Yes @BeginAllCounters {}
+ Yes @BeginDisplayCounter {}
+ Yes @BeginFigureCounter {}
+ Yes @BeginTableCounter {}
+ // @PageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ @FirstPageNumber
+ // @BookCombined
+ // NonStart @Runner @Owner { @Tag }
+ // @AtEnd @Case {
+ dft @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield
+ @EvenPage @Orient { @PageOrientation } @AtEnd
+ }
+ }
+ Yes @Yield {
+ Yes @BeginAllCounters {}
+ Yes @BeginDisplayCounter {}
+ Yes @BeginFigureCounter {}
+ Yes @BeginTableCounter {}
+ // @IntroPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { 1 }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ @IntroFirstPageNumber
+ // NonStart @Runner @Owner { @Tag }
+ // @PageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ extra { Yes }
+ @FirstPageNumber
+ // @BookIntro
+ // @BookBody
+ // NonStart @Runner @Owner { @Tag }
+ // @AtEnd @Case {
+ dft @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield
+ @EvenPage @Orient { @PageOrientation } @AtEnd
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Preface. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Preface force into { @PrefacePlace&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title { preface @WordVal @PrefaceWord }
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { ExtraMajorIntro }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @PrefaceInContents }
+ pnprefix { @PrefacePrefix }
+ sendheader { @ChooseFull @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ @Body
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Abbreviations. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Abbreviations force into { @AbbreviationsPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title { abbreviations @WordVal @AbbreviationsWord }
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @AbbreviationsInContents }
+ pnprefix { @AbbreviationsPrefix }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ @Body
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Introduction. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Introduction force into { @IntroductionPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title { introduction @WordVal @IntroductionWord }
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IntroductionInContents }
+ pnprefix { @IntroductionPrefix }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ @Body
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Chapters containing sections and subsections. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export @BeginSections @EndSections @Section
+ def @Chapter force into { @ChapterList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ named @PartNumber {}
+ named @PartTitle {}
+ named @PartText {}
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSectionsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSections force into { @EndSectionsPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSections
+ { //@SectionGap @SectionList @FirstSectionNumber
+ // @EndSectionsPlace //
+ }
+ def @ChapterShortNum
+ {
+ @ChapterNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @ChapterNumbers @Num @ChapterList&&@Tag @Open { num }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @MajorNum
+ {
+ @ChapterNumbers @Then @InitialLanguage @Language {
+ chapter @WordVal @ChapterWord @ChapterShortNum
+ }
+ }
+ def @MajorTitle
+ {
+ @InitialLanguage @Language {
+ @RunningTitle @Dft @Title
+ }
+ }
+ export @BeginSubSections @EndSubSections @SubSection
+ def @Section force into { @SectionList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubSectionsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubSections force into { @EndSubSectionsPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubSections
+ { //@SubSectionGap @SubSectionList @FirstSubSectionNumber
+ // @EndSubSectionsPlace //
+ }
+ def @SectionShortNum
+ {
+ @SectionNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @ChapterShortNum @Join @SectionNumbers @Num
+ { @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ export @BeginSubSubSections @EndSubSubSections @SubSubSection
+ def @SubSection force into { @SubSectionList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubSubSectionsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubSubSections force into
+ { @EndSubSubSectionsPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubSubSections
+ { //@SubSubSectionGap @SubSubSectionList @FirstSubSubSectionNumber
+ // @EndSubSubSectionsPlace //
+ }
+ def @SubSectionShortNum
+ {
+ @SubSectionNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @SectionShortNum @Join @SubSectionNumbers @Num
+ { @SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @SubSubSection force into { @SubSubSectionList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubSubSectionHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubSubSectionInContents }
+ contentsindent { 9f }
+ numbers { @SubSubSectionNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubSubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubSubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SubSectionShortNum }
+ majornum { @MajorNum }
+ majortitle { @MajorTitle }
+ intheorems { @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubSubSectionNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubSubSectionNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubSubSectionNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubSectionHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubSectionHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubSectionInContents }
+ contentsindent { 6f }
+ numbers { @SubSectionNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SectionShortNum }
+ majornum { @MajorNum }
+ majortitle { @MajorTitle }
+ intheorems { @SubSectionNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubSectionNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubSectionNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubSectionNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubSectionNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SectionHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SectionHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SectionHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SectionInContents }
+ contentsindent { 3f }
+ numbers { @SectionNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @ChapterShortNum }
+ majornum { @MajorNum }
+ majortitle { @MajorTitle }
+ intheorems { @SectionNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SectionNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SectionNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SectionNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SectionNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ def @Part
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ type { VeryMajor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @PartTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AbovePartGap }
+ headingfont { @PartHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @PartHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @PartHeadingFormat @Body }
+ bypassnumber { @PartNumber }
+ incontents { @PartInContents }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ tag { @Tag }
+ @PartText
+ }
+ @PartNumber @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield @Part
+ }
+ //
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @ChapterHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @ChapterInContents }
+ contentsindent { 0f }
+ word { chapter @WordVal @ChapterWord }
+ numbers { @ChapterNumbers }
+ attachnum { @ChapterList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @ChapterList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ pnprefix { @ChapterPrefix }
+ intheorems { @ChapterNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @ChapterNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @ChapterNumInFigures }
+ intables { @ChapterNumInTables }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ @Body
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Appendices. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export @BeginSubAppendices @EndSubAppendices @SubAppendix
+ def @Appendix force into { @AppendixList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ named @PartNumber {}
+ named @PartTitle {}
+ named @PartText {}
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubAppendices force into { @EndSubAppendicesPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubAppendices
+ { //@SubAppendixGap @SubAppendixList @FirstSubAppendixNumber
+ // @EndSubAppendicesPlace //
+ }
+ def @AppendixShortNum
+ {
+ @AppendixNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @AppendixNumbers @Num @AppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @MajorNum
+ {
+ @AppendixNumbers @Then @InitialLanguage @Language {
+ appendix @WordVal @AppendixWord @AppendixShortNum
+ }
+ }
+ def @MajorTitle
+ {
+ @InitialLanguage @Language {
+ @RunningTitle @Dft @Title
+ }
+ }
+ export @BeginSubSubAppendices @EndSubSubAppendices @SubSubAppendix
+ def @SubAppendix force into { @SubAppendixList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubSubAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubSubAppendices force into { @EndSubSubAppendicesPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubSubAppendices
+ { //@SubSubAppendixGap @SubSubAppendixList @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber
+ // @EndSubSubAppendicesPlace //
+ }
+ def @SubAppendixShortNum
+ {
+ @SubAppendixNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @AppendixShortNum @Join @SubAppendixNumbers @Num
+ { @SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @SubSubAppendix force into { @SubSubAppendixList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubSubAppendixInContents }
+ contentsindent { 6f }
+ numbers { @SubSubAppendixNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubSubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubSubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SubAppendixShortNum }
+ majornum { @MajorNum }
+ majortitle { @MajorTitle }
+ intheorems { @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubSubAppendixNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubAppendixHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubAppendixHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubAppendixInContents }
+ contentsindent { 3f }
+ numbers { @SubAppendixNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @AppendixShortNum }
+ majornum { @MajorNum }
+ majortitle { @MajorTitle }
+ intheorems { @SubAppendixNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubAppendixNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubAppendixNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubAppendixNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubAppendixNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ def @Part
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ type { VeryMajor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @PartTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AbovePartGap }
+ headingfont { @PartHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @PartHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @PartHeadingFormat @Body }
+ bypassnumber { @PartNumber }
+ incontents { @PartInContents }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ tag { @Tag }
+ @PartText
+ }
+ @PartNumber @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield @Part
+ }
+ //
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveChapterGap }
+ headingfont { @AppendixHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @AppendixHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @AppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @AppendixInContents }
+ contentsindent { 0f }
+ word { appendix @WordVal @AppendixWord }
+ numbers { @AppendixNumbers }
+ attachnum { @AppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @AppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ pnprefix { @AppendixPrefix }
+ intheorems { @AppendixNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @AppendixNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @AppendixNumInFigures }
+ intables { @AppendixNumInTables }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SubAppendixGap }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ @Body
+ }
+@End @BookSetup
diff --git a/include/bsf b/include/bsf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..726058f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/bsf
@@ -0,0 +1,1563 @@
+# #
+# Lout @BasicSetup package (Version 3.13) #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# Based on the first part of the @DocumentLayout package, version 3.11. #
+# #
+# This package contains basic symbols used widely throughout many #
+# documents, for font changes, particular characters, standard words in #
+# the current language, date and time, paragraphs, lists, colours, #
+# rules, and boxes. #
+# #
+@SysPrependGraphic { "bsf.lpg" } # rules, boxes, margin note setup
+# #
+# The following symbols are defined outside @BasicSetup so that #
+# they can be invoked when setting its parameters in the @Use clause. #
+# #
+def @OrIfPlain
+ precedence 80
+ left x
+ right y
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield y
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ export i c p m s v f
+ def @LengthUnits
+ {
+ def i left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" in" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__in, "x")" }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def c left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" cm" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__cm, "x")" }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def p left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" pt" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__pt, "x")" }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def m left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" em" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__em, "x")" }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def s left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" sp" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__louts, "x")" }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def v left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" vs" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__loutv, "x")" }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def f left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" ft" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__loutf, "x")" }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# #
+# Symbols exported by @BasicSetup. #
+# #
+ @InitialFont @InitialBreak @InitialSpace @InitialLanguage @InitialColour
+ @OptimizePages @HeadingFont
+ @ParaGap @ParaIndent @DisplayGap @DisplayIndent @DefaultIndent
+ @DisplayNumStyle @WideIndent @VeryWideIndent
+ @ListGap @ListIndent @ListRightIndent @ListLabelWidth
+ @NumberSeparator
+ @Word @Roman @UCRoman @Alpha @UCAlpha @Months @ShortMonths @WeekDays
+ @ShortWeekDays @TwelveHours @ShortHours @MeriDiems @ShortMeriDiems
+ @Sym @R @I @B @BI @S @F @II
+ "~" "~~" "``" "''" ",," "--" "---" "..."
+ @Bullet @ParSym @SectSym @Dagger @DaggerDbl @CDot @Sterling @Yen @Florin
+ @Star @Degree @Minute @Second @Multiply @Divide @Lozenge @Register
+ @CopyRight @TradeMark @Euro
+ @Date @Time @DateTimeFormat @DropCapTwo @DropCapThree @Centre @Right
+ @NoDotSep @NoDotJoin @Join @Sep @DotSep @DotJoin @DashJoin @NumSep
+ @OverStrike @Sup @Sub @Colour @FullWidthRule @LocalWidthRule
+ @Box @CurveBox @ShadowBox @BoundaryMarks @NumberMarker @NumberOf
+ @PageMarker @PageMark @PageOf
+ @BeginDisplayCounter
+ @Heading "^" "&-" @If @Not @And @Or @True
+ @BeginAlignedDisplays
+ @EndAlignedDisplays
+ @Display
+ @LeftDisplay
+ @IndentedDisplay
+ @QuotedDisplay
+ @CentredDisplay
+ @RightDisplay
+ @AlignedDisplay
+ @LeftAlignedDisplay
+ @IndentedAlignedDisplay
+ @QuotedAlignedDisplay
+ @CentredAlignedDisplay
+ @RightAlignedDisplay
+ @NumberedDisplay
+ @LeftNumberedDisplay
+ @IndentedNumberedDisplay
+ @QuotedNumberedDisplay
+ @CentredNumberedDisplay
+ @RightNumberedDisplay
+ @AlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @LeftAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @IndentedAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @QuotedAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @CentredAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @RightAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @RawDisplay
+ @RawLeftDisplay
+ @RawIndentedDisplay
+ @RawQuotedDisplay
+ @RawCentredDisplay
+ @RawRightDisplay
+ @RawAlignedDisplay
+ @RawLeftAlignedDisplay
+ @RawIndentedAlignedDisplay
+ @RawQuotedAlignedDisplay
+ @RawCentredAlignedDisplay
+ @RawRightAlignedDisplay
+ @RawNumberedDisplay
+ @RawLeftNumberedDisplay
+ @RawIndentedNumberedDisplay
+ @RawQuotedNumberedDisplay
+ @RawCentredNumberedDisplay
+ @RawRightNumberedDisplay
+ @RawAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @RawLeftAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @RawIndentedAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @RawQuotedAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @RawCentredAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @RawRightAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @ListItem
+ @ListInterruptItem
+ @ListNewPage
+ @DropListItem
+ @TagItem
+ @DropTagItem
+ @EndList
+ @RawEndList
+ @RawList
+ @RawLeftList
+ @RawIndentedList
+ @RawQuotedList
+ @RawCentredList @RawCenteredList
+ @RawNumberedList
+ @RawParenNumberedList
+ @RawRomanList
+ @RawParenRomanList
+ @RawUCRomanList
+ @RawParenUCRomanList
+ @RawAlphaList
+ @RawParenAlphaList
+ @RawUCAlphaList
+ @RawParenUCAlphaList
+ @RawBulletList
+ @RawStarList
+ @RawDashList
+ @RawTaggedList
+ @RawWideTaggedList
+ @RawVeryWideTaggedList
+ @List
+ @LeftList
+ @IndentedList
+ @QuotedList
+ @CentredList @CenteredList
+ @NumberedList
+ @ParenNumberedList
+ @RomanList
+ @ParenRomanList
+ @UCRomanList
+ @ParenUCRomanList
+ @AlphaList
+ @ParenAlphaList
+ @UCAlphaList
+ @ParenUCAlphaList
+ @BulletList
+ @StarList
+ @DashList
+ @TaggedList
+ @WideTaggedList
+ @VeryWideTaggedList
+# #
+# The @BasicSetup package. #
+# #
+def @BasicSetup
+ named @InitialFont { Times Base 12p } # initial font
+ named @InitialBreak { {adjust 1.20fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain
+ {ragged 1fx nohyphen} } # initial break
+ named @InitialSpace { lout } # initial space style
+ named @InitialLanguage{ English } # initial language
+ named @InitialColour { black } # initial colour
+ named @OptimizePages { No } # optimize page breaks?
+ named @HeadingFont { Bold } # font for @Heading
+ named @ParaGap { 1.3vx @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between paragraphs
+ named @ParaIndent { 2.0f @OrIfPlain 5s } # first-line indent for @PP
+ named @DisplayGap { 1.0v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap above, below displays
+ named @DisplayIndent { 2.0f @OrIfPlain 5s } # @IndentedDisplay indent
+ named @DefaultIndent { 0.5rt } # @Display indent
+ named @DisplayNumStyle
+ right num { (num) } # display number style
+ named @WideIndent { 4.0f @OrIfPlain 10s } # @WideTaggedList indent
+ named @VeryWideIndent { 8.0f @OrIfPlain 20s } # @VeryWideTaggedList indent
+ named @ListOuterGap { 1.0v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap before, after list
+ named @ListGap { 1.0v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between list items
+ named @ListIndent { 0s } # indent of list items
+ named @ListRightIndent{ 0s } # right indent of list items
+ named @ListLabelWidth { 2.0f @OrIfPlain 5s } # width allowed for list tags
+ named @NumberSeparator{ . } # separates numbers like 2.3.7
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Sym, font symbols, and miscellaneous special characters. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Sym right x { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char x }
+ def @R right x { Base @Font x }
+ def @I right x { Slope @Font x }
+ def @B right x { Bold @Font x }
+ def @BI right x { BoldSlope @Font x }
+ def @S right x { smallcaps @Font x }
+ def @F right x { { Courier Base -1p } @Font x }
+ def @II
+ right x
+ {
+ { @CurrFace @Case {
+ Bold @Yield BoldSlope
+ else @Yield Slope
+ } } @Font x
+ }
+ def "~" left x right y { x &1su y }
+ def "~~" left x right y { x &2s y }
+ def "``" { @Char "quotedblleft" @OrIfPlain "``" }
+ def "''" { @Char "quotedblright" @OrIfPlain "''" }
+ def ",," { @Char "quotedblbase" @OrIfPlain ",," }
+ def "--" { @Char "endash" @OrIfPlain "--" }
+ def "---" { @Char "emdash" @OrIfPlain "---"}
+ def "..." { @Char "ellipsis" @OrIfPlain "..."}
+ def @Bullet { @Char "bullet" @OrIfPlain "o" }
+ def @ParSym { @Char "paragraph" @OrIfPlain "P" }
+ def @SectSym { @Char "section" @OrIfPlain "$" }
+ def @Dagger { @Char "dagger" @OrIfPlain "+" }
+ def @DaggerDbl { @Char "daggerdbl" @OrIfPlain "++" }
+ def @CDot { @Char "periodcentered" @OrIfPlain "." }
+ def @Sterling { @Char "sterling" @OrIfPlain "&" }
+ def @Yen { @Char "yen" @OrIfPlain "Y" }
+ def @Florin { @Char "florin" @OrIfPlain "f" }
+ def @Star { @Sym "asteriskmath" @OrIfPlain "*" }
+ def @Degree { @Sym "degree" @OrIfPlain "o" }
+ def @Minute { @Sym "minute" @OrIfPlain "'" }
+ def @Second { @Sym "second" @OrIfPlain "''" }
+ def @Multiply { @Sym "multiply" @OrIfPlain "x" }
+ def @Divide { @Sym "divide" @OrIfPlain "/" }
+ def @Lozenge { @Sym "lozenge" @OrIfPlain "O" }
+ def @Register { @Sym "registersans" @OrIfPlain "R" }
+ def @CopyRight { @Sym "copyrightsans" @OrIfPlain "C" }
+ def @TradeMark { @Sym "trademarksans" @OrIfPlain "TM" }
+ def @Euro
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ 0.65w @VShift @VContract @HContract
+ "xsize ysize ysize 0.07 mul louteuro" @Graphic {
+ 0.7f @High 0.735f @Wide
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield { EUR }
+ PlainText @Yield { EUR }
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Symbols stored in the "standard" database #
+ # #
+ # @Word language-spacific words such as Chapter, etc. #
+ # @Roman lower case Roman numerals i, ii, ... , cc #
+ # @UCRoman upper case Roman numerals I, II, ... , CC #
+ # @Alpha lower case Roman alphabet a, b, ... , z #
+ # @UCAlpha upper case Roman alphabet A, B, ... , Z #
+ # @Months months of the year: January, ... , December #
+ # @ShortMonths months of the year, abbreviated: Jan, ..., Dec #
+ # @WeekDays days of the week: Sunday, ... , Saturday #
+ # @ShortWeekDays days of the week, abbreviated: Sun, ... , Sat #
+ # @TwelveHours hours, from 1 to 12 #
+ # @ShortHours hours, from 0 to 23 #
+ # @DateTimeFormat format of results of @Date and @Time #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Word left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @Roman left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @UCRoman left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @Alpha left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @UCAlpha left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @Months left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @ShortMonths left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @WeekDays left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @ShortWeekDays left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @TwelveHours left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @ShortHours left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @MeriDiems left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @ShortMeriDiems left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ export @Value
+ def @DateTimeFormat left @Tag
+ named @Value
+ named @Year {}
+ named @ShortYear {}
+ named @Month {}
+ named @ShortMonth {}
+ named @MonthNum {}
+ named @Day {}
+ named @ShortDay {}
+ named @DayNum {}
+ named @MeriDiem {}
+ named @ShortMeriDiem {}
+ named @Hour {}
+ named @TwelveHour {}
+ named @ShortHour {}
+ named @Minute {}
+ named @Second {}
+ {}
+ {}
+ @SysDatabase @Word @Roman @UCRoman @Alpha @UCAlpha @Months
+ @ShortMonths @WeekDays @ShortWeekDays @TwelveHours
+ @ShortHours @MeriDiems @ShortMeriDiems @DateTimeFormat
+ { standard }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Date and @Time: the date and time now. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Date
+ named @Format
+ named @Year { @Moment&&now @Open { {@Century}@Year }}
+ named @ShortYear { @Moment&&now @Open { @Year }}
+ named @Month { @Moment&&now @Open { @Months&&@Month }}
+ named @ShortMonth { @Moment&&now @Open { @ShortMonths&&@Month }}
+ named @MonthNum { @Moment&&now @Open { @Month }}
+ named @Day { @Moment&&now @Open { @WeekDays&&@WeekDay }}
+ named @ShortDay { @Moment&&now @Open { @ShortWeekDays&&@WeekDay}}
+ named @DayNum { @Moment&&now @Open { @Day }}
+ named @MeriDiem { @Moment&&now @Open { @MeriDiems&&@Hour }}
+ named @ShortMeriDiem{ @Moment&&now @Open { @ShortMeriDiems&&@Hour }}
+ named @Hour { @Moment&&now @Open { @Hour }}
+ named @TwelveHour { @Moment&&now @Open { @TwelveHours&&@Hour }}
+ named @ShortHour { @Moment&&now @Open { @ShortHours&&@Hour }}
+ named @Minute { @Moment&&now @Open { @Minute }}
+ named @Second { @Moment&&now @Open { @Second }}
+ {
+ @DateTimeFormat&&date @Open { @Value
+ @Year { @Year }
+ @ShortYear { @ShortYear }
+ @Month { @Month }
+ @ShortMonth { @ShortMonth }
+ @MonthNum { @MonthNum }
+ @Day { @Day }
+ @ShortDay { @ShortDay }
+ @DayNum { @DayNum }
+ @MeriDiem { @MeriDiem }
+ @ShortMeriDiem { @ShortMeriDiem }
+ @Hour { @Hour }
+ @TwelveHour { @TwelveHour }
+ @ShortHour { @ShortHour }
+ @Minute { @Minute }
+ @Second { @Second }
+ }
+ }
+ { @Format }
+ def @Time
+ named @Format
+ named @Year { @Moment&&now @Open { {@Century}@Year }}
+ named @ShortYear { @Moment&&now @Open { @Year }}
+ named @Month { @Moment&&now @Open { @Months&&@Month }}
+ named @ShortMonth { @Moment&&now @Open { @ShortMonths&&@Month }}
+ named @MonthNum { @Moment&&now @Open { @Month }}
+ named @Day { @Moment&&now @Open { @WeekDays&&@WeekDay }}
+ named @ShortDay { @Moment&&now @Open { @ShortWeekDays&&@WeekDay}}
+ named @DayNum { @Moment&&now @Open { @Day }}
+ named @MeriDiem { @Moment&&now @Open { @MeriDiems&&@Hour }}
+ named @ShortMeriDiem{ @Moment&&now @Open { @ShortMeriDiems&&@Hour }}
+ named @Hour { @Moment&&now @Open { @Hour }}
+ named @TwelveHour { @Moment&&now @Open { @TwelveHours&&@Hour }}
+ named @ShortHour { @Moment&&now @Open { @ShortHours&&@Hour }}
+ named @Minute { @Moment&&now @Open { @Minute }}
+ named @Second { @Moment&&now @Open { @Second }}
+ {
+ @DateTimeFormat&&time @Open { @Value
+ @Year { @Year }
+ @ShortYear { @ShortYear }
+ @Month { @Month }
+ @ShortMonth { @ShortMonth }
+ @MonthNum { @MonthNum }
+ @Day { @Day }
+ @ShortDay { @ShortDay }
+ @DayNum { @DayNum }
+ @MeriDiem { @MeriDiem }
+ @ShortMeriDiem { @ShortMeriDiem }
+ @Hour { @Hour }
+ @TwelveHour { @TwelveHour }
+ @ShortHour { @ShortHour }
+ @Minute { @Minute }
+ @Second { @Second }
+ }
+ }
+ { @Format }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @DropCapTwo and @DropCapThree #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @DropCapTwo
+ left y
+ named height { 1.5v }
+ right x
+ {
+ def @ParPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndParPlace { @Galley }
+ def @LineList
+ {
+ @PAdjust @ParPlace
+ //1vx @LineList
+ }
+ def @ParGalley horizontally into { @ParPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @EndPar force into { @EndParPlace&&following } { @Null }
+ def @Cap
+ {
+ -0.25f @VShift 1.0w @VShift {
+ -90d @Rotate height @Wide @Scale 90d @Rotate y
+ }
+ }
+ |1s @PAdjust @ParPlace
+ /1vo @Cap @ParGalley {x & @EndPar &1rt } | @PAdjust @ParPlace
+ //1vx @LineList
+ // @EndParPlace
+ }
+ def @DropCapThree
+ left y
+ named height { 2.5v }
+ right x
+ {
+ def @ParPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndParPlace { @Galley }
+ def @LineList
+ {
+ @PAdjust @ParPlace
+ //1vx @LineList
+ }
+ def @ParGalley force horizontally into { @ParPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @EndPar force into { @EndParPlace&&following } { @Null }
+ def @Cap
+ {
+ -0.25f @VShift 1.0w @VShift {
+ -90d @Rotate height @Wide @Scale 90d @Rotate y
+ }
+ }
+ |1s @PAdjust @ParPlace
+ /1vo @ParGalley { x & @EndPar &1rt } | @PAdjust @ParPlace
+ /1vo @Cap | @PAdjust @ParPlace
+ //1vx @LineList
+ // @EndParPlace
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Centre, @Center, @Right, @NoDotSep, @NoDotJoin, @DotSep, #
+ # @DotJoin, @DashJoin, @NumSep #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ macro @Centre @Center { |0.5rt @HContract }
+ def @Right
+ precedence 50
+ left x
+ right y
+ { x |1.0rt @OneCol { 2f @Wide {} | y } }
+ def @NoDotSep left x right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield y
+ else @Yield {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield x
+ else @Yield { x |2s y }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @NoDotJoin left x right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield y
+ else @Yield {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield x
+ else @Yield { x{y} }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @DotSep left x right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield y
+ else @Yield {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield x
+ else @Yield { x. |2s y }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @DotJoin left x right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield y
+ else @Yield {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield x
+ else @Yield { x.y }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @DashJoin left x right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield y
+ else @Yield {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield x
+ else @Yield { x--y }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @NumSep left x right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield y
+ else @Yield {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield x
+ else @Yield {
+ @CurrLang @Case {
+ Hungarian @Yield { y. x }
+ else @Yield { x y }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @OverStrike, @Sup and @Sub #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @OverStrike left x right y
+ {
+ @OneRow { @HContract @VContract x /0io @HContract @VContract y }
+ }
+ def @Sup
+ left x
+ named gap { 0.40fk }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ | 0.7f @Font y ^/gap x
+ }
+ }
+ def @Sub
+ left x
+ named gap { 0.40fk }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ x /gap | 0.7f @Font y
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Colour, @Color, @AddPaint, @LineWidth #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @ColourCommand right col
+ {
+ def @ColourCoords
+ {
+ col @Case {
+ darkblue @Yield { 0.0 0.0 0.5 }
+ blue @Yield { 0.0 0.0 1.0 }
+ lightblue @Yield { 0.5 0.5 1.0 }
+ darkgreen @Yield { 0.0 0.5 0.0 }
+ green @Yield { 0.0 1.0 0.0 }
+ lightgreen @Yield { 0.5 1.0 0.5 }
+ darkred @Yield { 0.5 0.0 0.0 }
+ red @Yield { 1.0 0.0 0.0 }
+ lightred @Yield { 1.0 0.5 0.5 }
+ darkcyan @Yield { 0.0 0.5 0.5 }
+ cyan @Yield { 0.0 1.0 1.0 }
+ lightcyan @Yield { 0.5 1.0 1.0 }
+ darkmagenta @Yield { 0.5 0.0 0.5 }
+ magenta @Yield { 1.0 0.0 1.0 }
+ lightmagenta @Yield { 1.0 0.5 1.0 }
+ darkyellow @Yield { 0.5 0.5 0.0 }
+ yellow @Yield { 1.0 1.0 0.0 }
+ lightyellow @Yield { 1.0 1.0 0.5 }
+ darkgray @Yield { 0.2 0.2 0.2 }
+ gray @Yield { 0.5 0.5 0.5 }
+ lightgray @Yield { 0.8 0.8 0.8 }
+ darkgrey @Yield { 0.2 0.2 0.2 }
+ grey @Yield { 0.5 0.5 0.5 }
+ lightgrey @Yield { 0.8 0.8 0.8 }
+ black @Yield { 0.0 0.0 0.0 }
+ white @Yield { 1.0 1.0 1.0 }
+ }
+ }
+ col @Case {
+ nochange @Yield { nochange }
+ else @Yield { @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { @ColourCoords setrgbcolor }
+ PDF @Yield { @ColourCoords rg @ColourCoords RG }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ } }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Colour @Color left col right y { {@ColourCommand col} @SetColour y }
+ def @AddPaint right col
+ {
+ col @Case {
+ none @Yield ""
+ nochange @Yield {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield "gsave fill grestore"
+ PDF @Yield "q f Q"
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ else @Yield {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {"gsave" @ColourCommand col "fill grestore"}
+ PDF @Yield { "q" @ColourCommand col "f Q" }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LineWidth right lw
+ {
+ lw @Case {
+ "" @Yield ""
+ else @Yield {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { lw "setlinewidth" }
+ PDF @Yield { lw "w" }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @FullWidthRule, @Box, @CurveBox, and @ShadowBox #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @FullWidthRule
+ import @LengthUnits named linewidth {}
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield @HExpand {
+ { "LoutRule" @LineWidth linewidth "stroke" } @Graphic { 0.5p @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield @HExpand {
+ { "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" @LineWidth linewidth "S" } @Graphic { 0.5p @High }
+ }
+ PlainText @Yield { "-" @PlainGraphic 1f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LocalWidthRule
+ import @LengthUnits named linewidth {}
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "LoutRule" @LineWidth linewidth "stroke" } @Graphic { 0.5p @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" @LineWidth linewidth "S" } @Graphic { 0.5p @High }
+ }
+ PlainText @Yield { "-" @PlainGraphic 1f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Box
+ named margin { 0.3f }
+ import @LengthUnits named linewidth {}
+ named paint { none }
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield @VContract @HContract 0c @HShift {
+ {"LoutBox" @AddPaint paint @LineWidth linewidth "stroke"}
+ @Graphic
+ { ^/margin ^|margin 0c @HShift @OneRow x |margin /margin }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield @VContract @HContract 0c @HShift {
+ { "0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize l h"
+ @AddPaint paint @LineWidth linewidth "S" } @Graphic
+ { ^/margin ^|margin 0c @HShift @OneRow x |margin /margin }
+ }
+ PlainText @Yield @VContract @HContract 0c @HShift {
+ ^/margin ^|margin 0c @HShift @OneRow x |margin /margin
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @CurveBox
+ named margin { 0.3f }
+ import @LengthUnits named linewidth {}
+ named paint { none }
+ right x
+ {
+ def @PDFStuff
+ {
+ "__xmark 0 m"
+ "__sub(__xsize, __xmark) 0 l"
+ "__sub(__xsize, __div(__mul(11, __xmark), 24)) 0"
+ "__xsize __div(__mul(11, __xmark), 24)"
+ "__xsize __xmark c"
+ "__xsize __sub(__ysize, __xmark) l"
+ "__xsize __sub(__ysize, __div(__mul(11, __xmark), 24))"
+ "__sub(__xsize, __div(__mul(11, __xmark), 24)) __ysize"
+ "__sub(__xsize, __xmark) __ysize c"
+ "__xmark __ysize l"
+ "__div(__mul(11, __xmark), 24) __ysize"
+ "0 __sub(__ysize, __div(__mul(11, __xmark), 24))"
+ "0 __sub(__ysize, __xmark) c"
+ "0 __xmark l"
+ "0 __div(__mul(11, __xmark), 24)"
+ "__div(__mul(11, __xmark), 24) 0"
+ "__xmark 0 c"
+ "h"
+ @AddPaint paint @LineWidth linewidth "S"
+ }
+ @VContract @HContract 0c @HShift @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {"LoutCurveBox" @AddPaint paint @LineWidth linewidth "stroke"}
+ @Graphic
+ { ^/margin ^|margin 0c @HShift @OneRow x |margin /margin }
+ }
+ PlainText @Yield {
+ ^/margin ^|margin 0c @HShift @OneRow x |margin /margin
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @PDFStuff @Graphic
+ { ^/margin ^|margin 0c @HShift @OneRow x |margin /margin }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ShadowBox
+ named margin { 0.3f }
+ import @LengthUnits named linewidth {}
+ named paint { none }
+ named shadow { 0.2f }
+ right x
+ {
+ @VContract @HContract 0c @HShift @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "LoutShadowBox fill" @Graphic
+ { ^/shadow ^|shadow 0c @HShift
+ @Box margin {margin} paint {paint} linewidth {linewidth} x
+ |shadow /shadow
+ }
+ }
+ PlainText @Yield {
+ ^/shadow ^|shadow 0c @HShift
+ @Box margin {margin} paint {paint} linewidth {linewidth} x
+ |shadow /shadow
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ {
+ "__mul(__xmark, 2) 0 m __xsize 0 l"
+ "__xsize __sub(__ysize, __mul(__xmark, 2)) l"
+ "__sub(__xsize, __xmark) __sub(__ysize, __mul(__xmark, 2)) l"
+ "__sub(__xsize, __xmark) __xmark l"
+ "__mul(__xmark, 2) __xmark l h f"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { ^/shadow ^|shadow 0c @HShift
+ @Box margin {margin} paint {paint} linewidth {linewidth} x
+ |shadow /shadow
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @BoundaryMarks #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @BoundaryMarks
+ import @LengthUnits named linewidth { 0.2p }
+ import @LengthUnits named length { 0.5c }
+ import @LengthUnits named gap { 0.5c }
+ import @LengthUnits named lout { 0c }
+ import @LengthUnits named rout { 0c }
+ import @LengthUnits named uout { 0c }
+ import @LengthUnits named dout { 0c }
+ {
+ def @UpStroke { "0" gap "rmoveto" "0" length "rlineto" }
+ def @DownStroke { "0" gap "neg" "rmoveto" "0" length "neg rlineto" }
+ def @LeftStroke { gap "neg" "0" "rmoveto" length "neg" "0 rlineto" }
+ def @RightStroke { gap "0" "rmoveto" length "0 rlineto" }
+ def @LLSpot { lout "neg" dout "neg" moveto }
+ def @LRSpot { xsize rout "add" dout "neg" moveto }
+ def @ULSpot { lout "neg" ysize uout "add" moveto }
+ def @URSpot { xsize rout "add" ysize uout "add" moveto }
+ def @PDFStuff {
+ "__sub(-"gap", "lout") __sub(0, "dout") m "
+ "__sub(__sub(-"gap", "lout"), "length") __sub(0, "dout") l"
+ "__sub(0, "lout") __sub(-"gap", "dout") m "
+ "__sub(0, "lout") __sub(__sub(-"gap", "dout"), "length") l"
+ "__add(__xsize,"rout") __sub(-"gap", "dout") m "
+ "__add(__xsize,"rout") __sub(__sub(-"gap", "dout"), "length") l"
+ "__add(__add(__xsize,"rout"),"gap") __sub(0, "dout") m "
+ "__add(__add(__add(__xsize,"rout"),"gap"),"length") __sub(0, "dout") l"
+ " __sub(__sub(0, "lout"), "gap") __add(__ysize, "uout") m "
+ "__sub(__sub(__sub(0, "lout"), "gap"), "length") __add(__ysize, "uout") l"
+ "__sub(0, "lout") __add(__add(__ysize, "uout"), "gap") m "
+ "__sub(0, "lout") __add(__add(__add(__ysize, "uout"), "gap"), "length") l"
+ " __add(__add(__xsize, "rout"), "gap") __add(__ysize, "uout") m "
+ "__add(__add(__add(__xsize, "rout"), "gap"), "length") __add(__ysize, "uout") l"
+ "__add(__xsize, "rout") __add(__add(__ysize, "uout"), "gap") m "
+ "__add(__xsize, "rout") __add(__add(__add(__ysize, "uout"), "gap"), "length") l"
+ linewidth "w S"
+ }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ @LLSpot @LeftStroke
+ @LLSpot @DownStroke
+ @LRSpot @DownStroke
+ @LRSpot @RightStroke
+ @ULSpot @LeftStroke
+ @ULSpot @UpStroke
+ @URSpot @RightStroke
+ @URSpot @UpStroke
+ linewidth "setlinewidth stroke"
+ } @Graphic {}
+ }
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ PDF @Yield { @PDFStuff @Graphic {} }
+ }
+ }
+ ##########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @NumberMarker, @NumberOf, @PageMarker, @PageMark, and @PageOf #
+ # #
+ ##########################################################################
+ export @Tag @Value
+ def @NumberMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Value { "??" }
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @NumberOf
+ right x
+ {
+ @NumberMarker&&x @Open { @Value }
+ }
+ export num rawnum @Tag
+ def @PageMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named num {}
+ named rawnum {}
+ {
+ @PageLabel num
+ }
+ def @PageMark
+ right x
+ {
+ @PageMarker&&preceding @Tagged x
+ }
+ def @PageOf
+ right x
+ {
+ @PageMarker&&x @Open { num }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Join and @Sep #
+ # #
+ # Join two objects together with @NumberSeparator, unless one is #
+ # empty in which case just return the other. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Join left x right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield y
+ else @Yield {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield x
+ else @Yield { x{@NumberSeparator}y }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Sep left x right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield y
+ else @Yield {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield x
+ else @Yield { x{@NumberSeparator} |2s y }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Miscellaneous. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Heading right x { ragged @Break @HeadingFont @Font x }
+ def "^" { {} ^& {} }
+ def "&-" left x right y { x &0ch y }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @If @Not @And @Or @True #
+ # #
+ # Used in databases to make optional fields format nicely. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @If
+ precedence 97
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield { @Null{x} }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Not
+ precedence 100
+ right y
+ {
+ y @Case {
+ {} @Yield "*"
+ else @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def @And
+ precedence 99
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield {}
+ else @Yield y
+ }
+ }
+ def @Or
+ precedence 98
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ {} @Yield y
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ def @True { "*" }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Paragraphs. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ macro @PP { //@ParaGap @ParaIndent @Wide &{0i} }
+ macro @LP { //{@ParaGap} }
+ macro @LLP { //{1vx} }
+ macro @DP { //{@DisplayGap} }
+ macro @LOP { //{@ListOuterGap} }
+ macro @NP { //{1.1b} }
+ macro @CNP { // 3.2v @High //0io //{} }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Beginning and ending of aligned displays. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @APlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndAlignedPlace { @Galley }
+ def @AlignedPlace { @Galley }
+ def @BAligned into { @APlace&&preceding }
+ {
+ def @AlignedList { @AlignedPlace /1.1b @AlignedList }
+ //1.1b @AlignedList
+ // @EndAlignedPlace
+ }
+ macro @BAD @BeginAlignedDisplays { // @APlace | @BAligned }
+ def @EAD @EndAlignedDisplays force into { @EndAlignedPlace&&preceding } {}
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # New code for numbered displays that will cross section boundaries #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag val
+ def @NumDispCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named val {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @NumDispNum right tag
+ {
+ @NumDispCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next val }
+ }
+ def @NumDispCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @NumDispCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ @NumDispCounterMarker val { @NumDispNum tag }
+ @NumberMarker @Tag { tag } @Value { @NumDispNum tag }
+ }
+ def @NN
+ {
+ @NumDispCounterMarker&&preceding @Open { @DisplayNumStyle val }
+ }
+ def @Do
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ { No None } @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield y
+ }
+ }
+ def @BeginDisplayCounter
+ left condition
+ right prefix
+ {
+ condition @Do @NumDispCounterMarker val { prefix @Join 0 }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Galleys that carry displays to their places. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @DispPlace { @Galley }
+ def @Disp into { @DispPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @NDisp into { @DispPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneRow {
+ @NumDispCounterIncrement @Tag
+ @PageMark @Tag
+ ^//
+ @OneRow x
+ }
+ }
+ def @ADisp into { @AlignedPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @ANDisp into { @AlignedPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneRow {
+ @NumDispCounterIncrement @Tag
+ @PageMark @Tag
+ ^/
+ @OneRow x
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Displays and raw displays. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ macro @G { |@DefaultIndent }
+ macro @LG { | }
+ macro @IG { |@DisplayIndent }
+ macro @CG { |0.5rt }
+ macro @RG { |1.0rt }
+ macro @QR { @DisplayIndent @Wide { |1rt @NN } }
+ macro @DX { @DispPlace }
+ macro @DY { @Disp }
+ macro @AX { @APlace }
+ macro @AY { @ADisp }
+ macro @NY { @NDisp }
+ macro @MY { @ANDisp }
+ macro @D @Display { @DP @G @DX | @DP // @DY }
+ macro @LD @LeftDisplay { @DP @LG @DX | @DP // @DY }
+ macro @ID @IndentedDisplay { @DP @IG @DX | @DP // @DY }
+ macro @QD @QuotedDisplay { @DP @IG @DX @IG @DP // @DY }
+ macro @CD @CentredDisplay
+ @CenteredDisplay { @DP @CG @DX | @DP // @DY }
+ macro @RightDisplay { @DP @RG @DX | @DP // @DY }
+ macro @AD @AlignedDisplay { @DP @G @AX | @DP // @AY }
+ macro @LAD @LeftAlignedDisplay { @DP @LG @AX | @DP // @AY }
+ macro @IAD @IndentedAlignedDisplay { @DP @IG @AX | @DP // @AY }
+ macro @QAD @QuotedAlignedDisplay { @DP @IG @AX @IG @DP // @AY }
+ macro @CAD @CentredAlignedDisplay
+ @CenteredAlignedDisplay { @DP @CG @AX | @DP // @AY }
+ macro @RightAlignedDisplay { @DP @RG @AX | @DP // @AY }
+ macro @ND @NumberedDisplay { @DP @G @DX |1rt @NN @DP // @NY }
+ macro @LND @LeftNumberedDisplay { @DP @LG @DX |1rt @NN @DP // @NY }
+ macro @IND @IndentedNumberedDisplay { @DP @IG @DX |1rt @NN @DP // @NY }
+ macro @QND @QuotedNumberedDisplay { @DP @IG @DX |1rt @QR @DP // @NY }
+ macro @CND @CentredNumberedDisplay
+ @CenteredNumberedDisplay { @DP @CG @DX |1rt @NN @DP // @NY }
+ macro @RightNumberedDisplay { @DP @RG @DX |1rt @NN @DP // @NY }
+ macro @AND @AlignedNumberedDisplay { @DP @G @AX |1rt @NN @DP // @MY }
+ macro @LAND @LeftAlignedNumberedDisplay { @DP @LG @AX |1rt @NN @DP // @MY }
+ macro @IAND @IndentedAlignedNumberedDisplay{ @DP @IG @AX |1rt @NN @DP // @MY }
+ macro @QAND @QuotedAlignedNumberedDisplay { @DP @IG @AX |1rt @QR @DP // @MY }
+ macro @CAND @CentredAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @CenteredAlignedNumberedDisplay{ @DP @CG @AX |1rt @NN @DP // @MY }
+ macro @RightAlignedNumberedDisplay { @DP @RG @AX |1rt @NN @DP // @MY }
+ macro @RD @RawDisplay { @G @DX | // @DY }
+ macro @RLD @RawLeftDisplay { @LG @DX | // @DY }
+ macro @RID @RawIndentedDisplay { @IG @DX | // @DY }
+ macro @RQD @RawQuotedDisplay { @IG @DX @IG | // @DY }
+ macro @RCD @RawCentredDisplay
+ @RawCenteredDisplay { @CG @DX | | // @DY }
+ macro @RRD @RawRightDisplay { @RG @DX | // @DY }
+ macro @RAD @RawAlignedDisplay { @G @AX | // @AY }
+ macro @RLAD @RawLeftAlignedDisplay { @LG @AX | // @AY }
+ macro @RIAD @RawIndentedAlignedDisplay { @IG @AX | // @AY }
+ macro @RQAD @RawQuotedAlignedDisplay { @IG @AX @IG | // @AY }
+ macro @RCAD @RawCentredAlignedDisplay
+ @RawCenteredAlignedDisplay { @CG @AX | // @AY }
+ macro @RRAD @RawRightAlignedDisplay { @RG @AX | // @AY }
+ macro @RND @RawNumberedDisplay { @G @DX |1rt @NN // @NY }
+ macro @RLND @RawLeftNumberedDisplay { @LG @DX |1rt @NN // @NY }
+ macro @RIND @RawIndentedNumberedDisplay { @IG @DX |1rt @NN // @NY }
+ macro @RQND @RawQuotedNumberedDisplay { @IG @DX |1rt @QR // @NY }
+ macro @RCND @RawCentredNumberedDisplay
+ @RawCenteredNumberedDisplay { @CG @DX |1rt @NN // @NY }
+ macro @RRND @RawRightNumberedDisplay { @RG @DX |1rt @NN // @NY }
+ macro @RAND @RawAlignedNumberedDisplay { @G @AX |1rt @NN // @MY }
+ macro @RLAND @RawLeftAlignedNumberedDisplay { @LG @AX |1rt @NN // @MY }
+ macro @RIAND @RawIndentedAlignedNumberedDisplay { @IG @AX |1rt @NN // @MY }
+ macro @RQAND @RawQuotedAlignedNumberedDisplay { @IG @AX |1rt @QR // @MY }
+ macro @RCAND @RawCentredAlignedNumberedDisplay
+ @RawCenteredAlignedNumberedDisplay { @CG @AX |1rt @NN // @MY }
+ macro @RRAND @RawRightAlignedNumberedDisplay{ @RG @AX |1rt @NN // @MY }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Lists and raw lists. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @ItemPlace { @Galley }
+ def @InterruptItemPlace { @Galley }
+ def @NewPageItemPlace { @Galley }
+ def @TagPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndListPlace { @Galley }
+ def @RawList
+ named style right num { num }
+ named type right num { num }
+ named gap { @ListGap }
+ named indent { @ListIndent }
+ named itemindent { 0c }
+ named rightindent { @ListRightIndent }
+ named labelwidth { @ListLabelWidth }
+ named start { 1 }
+ {
+ def @MakeList right num
+ {
+ def @NormalItem
+ {
+ |indent
+ labelwidth @Wide {
+ # @NumberMarker @Value {style num} {style num} &0io
+ @NumberMarker @Value {num} {style type num} &0io
+ }
+ |itemindent @ItemPlace |rightindent
+ //gap @MakeList @NotRevealed @Next num
+ }
+ def @InterruptItem
+ {
+ @InterruptItemPlace
+ //gap @MakeList @NotRevealed num
+ }
+ def @NewPageItem
+ {
+ @NewPageItemPlace
+ //1.1b @MakeList @NotRevealed num
+ }
+ @OneOf
+ {
+ @NormalItem
+ @InterruptItem
+ @NewPageItem
+ }
+ }
+ def @ListGalleyPlace { @Galley }
+ def @ListGalley into { @ListGalleyPlace&&preceding }
+ {
+ @MakeList start // @EndListPlace
+ }
+ @ListGalleyPlace
+ //
+ @ListGalley
+ }
+ def listitem into { @ItemPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ right x
+ {
+ @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
+ // @PageMark @Tag
+ // x
+ }
+ def droplistitem into { @ItemPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ right x
+ {
+ @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged @Tag
+ // @PageMark @Tag
+ //
+ //1vx x
+ }
+ def tagitem into { @ItemPlace&&preceding }
+ named tag {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def sendtag into { @TagPlace&&preceding } { tag }
+ sendtag // x
+ }
+ def droptagitem into { @ItemPlace&&preceding }
+ named tag {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def sendtag into { @TagPlace&&preceding } { tag }
+ sendtag // //1vx x
+ }
+ def endlist force into { @EndListPlace&&preceding } {}
+ def listnewpage into { @NewPageItemPlace&&preceding } {}
+ def listinterruptitem into { @InterruptItemPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ macro @LI @ListItem { // listitem }
+ macro @LII @ListInterruptItem { // listinterruptitem }
+ macro @LNP @ListNewPage { // listnewpage }
+ macro @DLI @DropListItem { // droplistitem }
+ macro @TI @TagItem { // tagitem tag }
+ macro @DTI @DropTagItem { // droptagitem tag }
+ macro @REL @RawEndList { // & endlist // }
+ macro @EL @EndList { // & endlist @LOP }
+ macro @RLL @RawLeftList { @RawList style {}
+ labelwidth { 0c } }
+ macro @RIL @RawIndentedList { @RawList style {} }
+ macro @RQL @RawQuotedList { @RawList style {}
+ rightindent {@DisplayIndent}}
+ macro @RCL @RawCentredList { @RawList style {}
+ labelwidth {0c}
+ itemindent {0.5rt} }
+ macro @RawCenteredList { @RawCentredList }
+ macro @RNL @RawNumberedList { @RawList style { num. } }
+ macro @RPNL @RawParenNumberedList { @RawList style { (num) } }
+ macro @RRL @RawRomanList { @RawList type { @Roman&&num }
+ style { num. } }
+ macro @RPRL @RawParenRomanList { @RawList type { @Roman&&num }
+ style { (num) } }
+ macro @RUCRL @RawUCRomanList { @RawList type { @UCRoman&&num }
+ style { num. } }
+ macro @RPUCRL @RawParenUCRomanList { @RawList type { @UCRoman&&num }
+ style { (num) } }
+ macro @RAL @RawAlphaList { @RawList type { @Alpha&&num }
+ style { num. } }
+ macro @RPAL @RawParenAlphaList { @RawList type { @Alpha&&num }
+ style { (num) } }
+ macro @RUCAL @RawUCAlphaList { @RawList type { @UCAlpha&&num }
+ style { num. } }
+ macro @RPUCAL @RawParenUCAlphaList { @RawList type { @UCAlpha&&num }
+ style { (num) } }
+ macro @RBL @RawBulletList { @RawList style { @Bullet } }
+ macro @RSL @RawStarList { @RawList style { @Star } }
+ macro @RDL @RawDashList { @RawList style { -- } }
+ macro @RTL @RawTaggedList { @RawList type { @TagPlace } }
+ macro @RWTL @RawWideTaggedList { @RawList type { @TagPlace }
+ labelwidth { @WideIndent } }
+ macro @RVWTL @RawVeryWideTaggedList{ @RawList type { @TagPlace }
+ labelwidth { @VeryWideIndent } }
+ macro @L @List { @LOP @RawList }
+ macro @LL @LeftList { @LOP @RawLeftList }
+ macro @IL @IndentedList { @LOP @RawIndentedList }
+ macro @QL @QuotedList { @LOP @RawQuotedList }
+ macro @CL @CentredList { @LOP @RawCentredList }
+ macro @CenteredList { @LOP @RawCenteredList }
+ macro @NL @NumberedList { @LOP @RawNumberedList }
+ macro @PNL @ParenNumberedList { @LOP @RawParenNumberedList }
+ macro @RL @RomanList { @LOP @RawRomanList }
+ macro @PRL @ParenRomanList { @LOP @RawParenRomanList }
+ macro @UCRL @UCRomanList { @LOP @RawUCRomanList }
+ macro @PUCRL @ParenUCRomanList { @LOP @RawParenUCRomanList }
+ macro @AL @AlphaList { @LOP @RawAlphaList }
+ macro @PAL @ParenAlphaList { @LOP @RawParenAlphaList }
+ macro @UCAL @UCAlphaList { @LOP @RawUCAlphaList }
+ macro @PUCAL @ParenUCAlphaList { @LOP @RawParenUCAlphaList }
+ macro @BL @BulletList { @LOP @RawBulletList }
+ macro @SL @StarList { @LOP @RawStarList }
+ macro @DL @DashList { @LOP @RawDashList }
+ macro @TL @TaggedList { @LOP @RawTaggedList }
+ macro @WTL @WideTaggedList { @LOP @RawWideTaggedList }
+ macro @VWTL @VeryWideTaggedList { @LOP @RawVeryWideTaggedList }
+@End @BasicSetup
diff --git a/include/bsf.lpg b/include/bsf.lpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb6c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/bsf.lpg
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutBasicSetup
+% width height linethickness louteuro -
+% draw a Euro symbol of this width and height with this line thickness
+% Author: Jeff Kingston, based on code from Andrew Beardsley
+/louteuro {
+ 20 dict begin
+ /eurothick exch def
+ /euroheight exch def
+ /eurowidth exch def
+ /eurostrokewidth euroheight 0.8 mul def
+ /eurostep eurothick 60 cos mul 60 sin div def
+ /eurotheta 40 def
+ % llx lly width thickness louteurobox -
+ % draw angled box starting at (llx, lly) with given width and thickness
+ /louteurobox
+ {
+ /euroboxthick exch def
+ /euroboxwidth exch def
+ newpath moveto euroboxwidth 0 rlineto
+ eurostep euroboxthick rlineto
+ euroboxwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath fill
+ } def
+ % lower cross stroke
+ 0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 1.5 mul sub
+ eurostrokewidth eurothick louteurobox
+ % upper cross stroke
+ 0 euroheight 2 div eurothick 0.5 mul add
+ eurostrokewidth eurostep 2 mul add eurothick louteurobox
+ % circular part
+ /eurohctr eurowidth euroheight 2 div eurotheta cos mul sub def
+ /eurovctr euroheight 2 div def
+ newpath
+ eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurotheta 350 eurotheta sub arc
+ eurohctr eurovctr eurovctr eurothick sub 365 eurotheta sub eurotheta arcn
+ closepath fill
+ end
+} def
+% path for @FullWidthRule symbol
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+} def
+% path for @Box symbol
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize lineto
+ closepath
+} def
+% path for @CurveBox symbol
+{ xmark 0 moveto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark xmark 270 360 arc
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark sub xmark 0 90 arc
+ xmark ysize xmark sub xmark 90 180 arc
+ xmark xmark xmark 180 270 arc
+ closepath
+} def
+% path for @ShadowBox symbol
+{ xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
+ xmark 2 mul xmark lineto
+ closepath
+} def
+% set up dictionary containing margin note data: parity LoutMargSet -
+{ /LoutMargDict 12 dict def
+ LoutMargDict begin
+ /parity exch def
+ /matr matrix currentmatrix def
+ /rightx xsize def
+ /lefty ysize def % highest allowable point for top of next left note
+ /righty ysize def % highest allowable point for top of next right note
+ /max { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+ /min { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+ end
+} def
+%translate coordinate system for marginal notes: type LoutMargShift -
+% where type 0 is left margin, 1 is right margin, 2 is outer, 3 is inner
+{ LoutMargDict begin
+ % y coordinate of top of note, in margin coords, before vertical adjust
+ 0 ysize transform matr itransform exch pop
+ % decide whether left or right margin based on type and parity
+ exch [ 0 1 parity 1 parity sub ] exch get 0 eq
+ {
+ % left margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
+ lefty min
+ % bottom of note is new lefty position and also translate position
+ ysize sub dup /lefty exch def
+ % want right edge of note at coordinate zero
+ xsize neg exch
+ }
+ {
+ % right margin: adjust top of note downwards if overlaps previous note
+ righty min
+ % bottom of note is new righty position and also translate position
+ ysize sub dup /righty exch def
+ % want left edge of note at coordinate rightx
+ rightx exch
+ } ifelse
+ % stack now contains coord of bottom left corner in margin coordinates
+ matr setmatrix translate
+ end
+} def
+% create LoutPageDict with left, right, foot, top for @Place symbol users
+ /LoutPageDict 5 dict def
+ LoutPageDict begin
+ /matr matrix currentmatrix def
+ /left 0 def
+ /right xsize def
+ /foot 0 def
+ /top ysize def
+ end
+} def
diff --git a/include/cprint b/include/cprint
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7acb06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/cprint
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for C and C++ program printing #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# The @SysInclude { cprintf } line #
+# #
+# This line causes Lout to read the definitions for C printing, and should #
+# not be touched. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { cprintf }
+# #
+# The @CPSetup @Use clause #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @CPSetup
+ # style { fixed } # fixed, varying, or symbol
+ # fixedfont { Courier } # font family if fixed
+ # fixedstrings { Base } # string face if fixed
+ # fixedidentifiers { Base } # identifier face if fixed
+ # fixedcomments { Base } # comment face if fixed
+ # fixedkeywords { Base } # keyword face if fixed
+ # fixednumbers { Base } # number face if fixed
+ # fixedoperators { Base } # operator face if fixed
+ # fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size if fixed
+ # fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space if fixed
+ # fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval if fixed
+ # fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width if fixed
+ # varyingfont { } # font family if varying
+ # varyingstrings { Slope } # string face if varying
+ # varyingidentifiers { Slope } # identifier face if varying
+ # varyingcomments { Base } # comment face if varying
+ # varyingkeywords { Bold } # keyword face if varying
+ # varyingnumbers { Base } # number face if varying
+ # varyingoperators { Base } # operator face if varying
+ # varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size if varying
+ # varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space if varying
+ # varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval if varying
+ # varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width if varying
+ # symbolfont { } # font family if symbol
+ # symbolstrings { Slope } # string face if symbol
+ # symbolidentifiers { Slope } # identifier face if symbol
+ # symbolcomments { Base } # comment face if symbol
+ # symbolkeywords { Bold } # keyword face if symbol
+ # symbolnumbers { Base } # number face if symbol
+ # symboloperators { Base } # operator face if symbol
+ # symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size if symbol
+ # symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space if symbol
+ # symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval if symbol
+ # symboltabout { 3f } # tab width if symbol
diff --git a/include/cprintf b/include/cprintf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fca806e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/cprintf
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+# #
+# Lout @CPSetup package for formatting C and C++ programs (Version 1.1) #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, March 1994. #
+# Version 1.1 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, November 1998 (name change only) #
+# #
+# This package uses a filtered body parameter to convert C and C++ source #
+# code into Lout source. The filter program is c2lout which is distributed #
+# with Basser Lout Version 3. The list of keywords and tokens is from #
+# Stroustrup, 2nd Edition. See "User's Guide to the Lout Document #
+# Formatting System" for user information. #
+# #
+export @CP
+def @CPSetup
+ named style { fixed } # print style
+ named fixedfont { Courier } # font family if fixed
+ named fixedstrings { Base } # string face if fixed
+ named fixedidentifiers { Base } # identifier face if fixed
+ named fixedcomments { Base } # comment face if fixed
+ named fixedkeywords { Base } # keyword face if fixed
+ named fixednumbers { Base } # number face if fixed
+ named fixedoperators { Base } # operator face if fixed
+ named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size if fixed
+ named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space if fixed
+ named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval if fixed
+ named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width if fixed
+ named varyingfont { } # font family if varying
+ named varyingstrings { Slope } # string face if varying
+ named varyingidentifiers { Slope } # identifier face if varying
+ named varyingcomments { Base } # comment face if varying
+ named varyingkeywords { Bold } # keyword face if varying
+ named varyingnumbers { Base } # number face if varying
+ named varyingoperators { Base } # operator face if varying
+ named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size if varying
+ named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space if varying
+ named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval if varying
+ named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width if varying
+ named symbolfont { } # font family if symbol
+ named symbolstrings { Slope } # string face if symbol
+ named symbolidentifiers { Slope } # identifier face if symbol
+ named symbolcomments { Base } # comment face if symbol
+ named symbolkeywords { Bold } # keyword face if symbol
+ named symbolnumbers { Base } # number face if symbol
+ named symboloperators { Base } # operator face if symbol
+ named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size if symbol
+ named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space if symbol
+ named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval if symbol
+ named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width if symbol
+ export
+ "$$" "$>" "`" @L @S @C
+ "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"
+ "!" "%" "^" "&" "*" "(" ")" "-" "+" "=" "${" "$}" "|" "~"
+ "[" "]" ";" "'" ":" "<" ">" "?" "," "." "/"
+ "->" "++" "--" ".*" "->*" "<<" ">>" "<=" ">=" "==" "!=" "&&"
+ "||" "*=" "/=" "%=" "+=" "-=" "<<=" ">>=" "&=" "^=" "|=" "::"
+ asm continue float new signed try
+ auto default for operator sizeof typedef
+ break delete friend private static union
+ case do goto protected struct unsigned
+ catch double if public switch virtual
+ char else inline register template void
+ class enum int return this volatile
+ const extern long short throw while
+ @EvaluateCp
+ def @CP
+ named style { style } # style
+ named font { dft } # font family
+ named strings { dft } # string font
+ named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
+ named comments { dft } # comment font
+ named keywords { dft } # keyword font
+ named numbers { dft } # number font
+ named operators { dft } # operator font
+ named size { dft } # font size
+ named line { dft } # line-space
+ named tabin { dft } # tab interval
+ named tabout { dft } # tab width
+ body @Body # filtered, see below
+ @Begin
+ def @Test # returns x unless x is dft
+ left x
+ named iffixed {}
+ named ifvarying {}
+ named ifsymbol {}
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ dft @Yield {
+ style @Case {
+ fixed @Yield { iffixed }
+ varying @Yield { ifvarying }
+ symbol @Yield { ifsymbol }
+ }
+ }
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ def @InitTab
+ {
+ tabin @Test
+ iffixed { fixedtabin }
+ ifvarying { varyingtabin }
+ ifsymbol { symboltabin }
+ }
+ def @InitTabWidth
+ {
+ tabout @Test
+ iffixed { fixedtabout }
+ ifvarying { varyingtabout }
+ ifsymbol { symboltabout }
+ }
+ def @Filter
+ {
+ c2lout -r -i{@FilterIn} -o{@FilterOut} -e{@FilterErr}
+ -t{@InitTab} -T{@InitTabWidth}
+ }
+ def @InitFontFamily
+ {
+ font @Test
+ iffixed { fixedfont }
+ ifvarying { varyingfont }
+ ifsymbol { symbolfont }
+ }
+ def @InitSize
+ {
+ size @Test
+ iffixed { fixedsize }
+ ifvarying { varyingsize }
+ ifsymbol { symbolsize }
+ }
+ def @InitLine
+ {
+ line @Test
+ iffixed { fixedline }
+ ifvarying { varyingline }
+ ifsymbol { symbolline }
+ }
+ def @S # for formatting C strings
+ right x
+ {
+ "\"" &
+ strings @Test
+ iffixed { fixedstrings }
+ ifvarying { varyingstrings }
+ ifsymbol { symbolstrings }
+ @Font x
+ & "\""
+ }
+ def "`"
+ {
+ style @Case {
+ symbol @Yield { "`" }
+ else @Yield { "'" }
+ }
+ }
+ def @L # for formatting C character literals
+ right x
+ {
+ ` &
+ strings @Test
+ iffixed { fixedstrings }
+ ifvarying { varyingstrings }
+ ifsymbol { symbolstrings }
+ @Font x
+ & '
+ }
+ def @Ident # for formatting C identifiers
+ {
+ identifiers @Test
+ iffixed { fixedidentifiers }
+ ifvarying { varyingidentifiers }
+ ifsymbol { symbolidentifiers }
+ }
+ def @C # for formatting C comments
+ right x
+ {
+ comments @Test
+ iffixed { fixedcomments }
+ ifvarying { varyingcomments }
+ ifsymbol { symbolcomments }
+ @Font x
+ }
+ def @K # for formatting C keywords
+ right x
+ {
+ keywords @Test
+ iffixed { fixedkeywords }
+ ifvarying { varyingkeywords }
+ ifsymbol { symbolkeywords }
+ @Font x
+ }
+ def @N # for formatting C numbers
+ right x
+ {
+ numbers @Test
+ iffixed { fixednumbers }
+ ifvarying { varyingnumbers }
+ ifsymbol { symbolnumbers }
+ @Font x
+ }
+ def @O # for formatting C operators
+ right x
+ {
+ operators @Test
+ iffixed { fixedoperators }
+ ifvarying { varyingoperators }
+ ifsymbol { symboloperators }
+ @Font x
+ }
+ def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
+ left sym
+ right x
+ {
+ style @Case {
+ symbol @Yield { { Symbol Base } @Font @Char sym }
+ else @Yield { x }
+ }
+ }
+ macro "$>" { {} & }
+ def "$$" { "#" }
+ def "0" { @N "0" }
+ def "1" { @N "1" }
+ def "2" { @N "2" }
+ def "3" { @N "3" }
+ def "4" { @N "4" }
+ def "5" { @N "5" }
+ def "6" { @N "6" }
+ def "7" { @N "7" }
+ def "8" { @N "8" }
+ def "9" { @N "9" }
+ def "!" { @O "!" }
+ def "%" { @O "%" }
+ def "^" { @O "^" }
+ def "&" { @O "&" }
+ def "*" { asteriskmath @A @O "*" }
+ def "(" { @O "(" }
+ def ")" { @O ")" }
+ def "-" { minus @A @O "-" }
+ def "+" { plus @A @O "+" }
+ def "=" { equal @A @O "=" }
+ def "${" { @O "{" }
+ def "$}" { @O "}" }
+ def "|" { @O "|" }
+ def "~" { @O "~" }
+ def "[" { @O "[" }
+ def "]" { @O "]" }
+ def ";" { @O ";" }
+ def "'" { @O "'" }
+ def ":" { @O ":" }
+ def "<" { less @A @O "<" }
+ def ">" { greater @A @O ">" }
+ def "?" { @O "?" }
+ def "," { @O "," }
+ def "." { @O "." }
+ def "/" { @O "/" }
+ def "->" { arrowright @A @O "->" }
+ def "++" { { + }{ + } }
+ def "--" { { - }{ - } }
+ def ".*" { { . }{ * } }
+ def "->*" { { ->}{ * } }
+ def "<<" { { < }{ < } }
+ def ">>" { { > }{ > } }
+ def "<=" { lessequal @A @O "<=" }
+ def ">=" { greaterequal @A @O ">=" }
+ def "==" { { = }{ = } }
+ def "!=" { notequal @A @O "!=" }
+ def "&&" { { & }{ & } }
+ def "||" { { | }{ | } }
+ def "*=" { { * }{ = } }
+ def "/=" { { / }{ = } }
+ def "%=" { { % }{ = } }
+ def "+=" { { + }{ = } }
+ def "-=" { { - }{ = } }
+ def "<<=" { { <<}{ = } }
+ def ">>=" { { >>}{ = } }
+ def "&=" { { & }{ = } }
+ def "^=" { { ^ }{ = } }
+ def "|=" { { | }{ = } }
+ def "::" { { : }{ : } }
+ def asm { @K "asm" }
+ def auto { @K "auto" }
+ def break { @K "break" }
+ def case { @K "case" }
+ def catch { @K "catch" }
+ def char { @K "char" }
+ def class { @K "class" }
+ def const { @K "const" }
+ def continue { @K "continue" }
+ def default { @K "default" }
+ def delete { @K "delete" }
+ def do { @K "do" }
+ def double { @K "double" }
+ def else { @K "else" }
+ def enum { @K "enum" }
+ def extern { @K "extern" }
+ def float { @K "float" }
+ def for { @K "for" }
+ def friend { @K "friend" }
+ def goto { @K "goto" }
+ def if { @K "if" }
+ def inline { @K "inline" }
+ def int { @K "int" }
+ def long { @K "long" }
+ def new { @K "new" }
+ def operator { @K "operator" }
+ def private { @K "private" }
+ def protected { @K "protected" }
+ def public { @K "public" }
+ def register { @K "register" }
+ def return { @K "return" }
+ def short { @K "short" }
+ def signed { @K "signed" }
+ def sizeof { @K "sizeof" }
+ def static { @K "static" }
+ def struct { @K "struct" }
+ def switch { @K "switch" }
+ def template { @K "template" }
+ def this { @K "this" }
+ def throw { @K "throw" }
+ def try { @K "try" }
+ def typedef { @K "typedef" }
+ def union { @K "union" }
+ def unsigned { @K "unsigned" }
+ def virtual { @K "virtual" }
+ def void { @K "void" }
+ def volatile { @K "volatile" }
+ def while { @K "while" }
+ def @EvaluateCp right x
+ {
+ { @InitFontFamily Base } @Font
+ { @Ident @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitLine lines } @Break x
+ }
+ { @InitFontFamily Base } @Font { @Ident @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitLine lines } @Break @Body
+ @End @CP
+@End @CPSetup
diff --git a/include/diag b/include/diag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ffdb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/diag
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for diagram printing #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# The @SysInclude { diagf } line #
+# #
+# This line causes Lout to read the definitions for diagrams, and should #
+# not be touched. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { diagf }
+# #
+# The @DiagSetup @Use clause #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @DiagSetup
+ # save { no }
+ # maxlabels { 200 }
+ # outline { box }
+ # margin { 0.6f }
+ # shadow { 0.4f }
+ # sides { 3 }
+ # angle { "dup 180 exch div" } # 180d / sides
+ # translate { }
+ # outlinestyle { solid }
+ # outlinedashlength { 0.2f }
+ # outlinewidth { 0.02f }
+ # paint { nopaint }
+ # font { }
+ # break { }
+ # format { @Body }
+ # valign { ctr }
+ # vsize { }
+ # vindent { ctr }
+ # vstrut { no }
+ # vmargin { }
+ # topmargin { }
+ # footmargin { }
+ # halign { ctr }
+ # hsize { }
+ # hindent { ctr }
+ # hstrut { no }
+ # hmargin { }
+ # leftmargin { }
+ # rightmargin { }
+ # nodelabel { }
+ # nodelabelmargin { 0.2f }
+ # nodelabelfont { "-2p" }
+ # nodelabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }
+ # nodelabelformat { @Body }
+ # nodelabelpos { }
+ # nodelabelprox { outside }
+ # nodelabelangle { horizontal }
+ # nodelabelctr { no }
+ # nodelabeladjust { 0 0 }
+ # alabel { }
+ # alabelmargin { }
+ # alabelfont { }
+ # alabelbreak { }
+ # alabelformat { }
+ # alabelpos { NE }
+ # alabelprox { }
+ # alabelangle { }
+ # alabelctr { }
+ # alabeladjust { }
+ # blabel { }
+ # blabelmargin { }
+ # blabelfont { }
+ # blabelbreak { }
+ # blabelformat { }
+ # blabelpos { NW }
+ # blabelprox { }
+ # blabelangle { }
+ # blabelctr { }
+ # blabeladjust { }
+ # clabel { }
+ # clabelmargin { }
+ # clabelfont { }
+ # clabelbreak { }
+ # clabelformat { }
+ # clabelpos { SW }
+ # clabelprox { }
+ # clabelangle { }
+ # clabelctr { }
+ # clabeladjust { }
+ # dlabel { }
+ # dlabelmargin { }
+ # dlabelfont { }
+ # dlabelbreak { }
+ # dlabelformat { }
+ # dlabelpos { SE }
+ # dlabelprox { }
+ # dlabelangle { }
+ # dlabelctr { }
+ # dlabeladjust { }
+ # path { line }
+ # from { 0, 0 }
+ # to { 1, 1 }
+ # bias { 2.0f }
+ # fbias { 2.0f }
+ # tbias { 2.0f }
+ # radius { 1.0f }
+ # xindent { 0.8f }
+ # zindent { 0.8f }
+ # pathstyle { solid }
+ # pathdashlength { 0.2f }
+ # pathwidth { 0.02f }
+ # pathgap { 0.04f }
+ # arrow { no }
+ # arrowstyle { solid }
+ # arrowwidth { 0.45f }
+ # arrowlength { 0.6f }
+ # linklabel { }
+ # linklabelmargin { 0.2f }
+ # linklabelfont { "-2p" }
+ # linklabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }
+ # linklabelformat { @Body }
+ # linklabelpos { }
+ # linklabelprox { above }
+ # linklabelangle { horizontal }
+ # linklabelctr { no }
+ # linklabeladjust { 0 0 }
+ # xlabel { }
+ # xlabelmargin { }
+ # xlabelfont { }
+ # xlabelbreak { }
+ # xlabelformat { }
+ # xlabelpos { LFROM }
+ # xlabelprox { }
+ # xlabelangle { }
+ # xlabelctr { }
+ # xlabeladjust { }
+ # ylabel { }
+ # ylabelmargin { }
+ # ylabelfont { }
+ # ylabelbreak { }
+ # ylabelformat { }
+ # ylabelpos { LMID }
+ # ylabelprox { }
+ # ylabelangle { }
+ # ylabelctr { yes }
+ # ylabeladjust { }
+ # zlabel { }
+ # zlabelmargin { }
+ # zlabelfont { }
+ # zlabelbreak { }
+ # zlabelformat { }
+ # zlabelpos { LTO }
+ # zlabelprox { }
+ # zlabelangle { }
+ # zlabelctr { }
+ # zlabeladjust { }
+ # fromlabel { }
+ # fromlabelmargin { 0f }
+ # fromlabelfont { "-2p" }
+ # fromlabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }
+ # fromlabelformat { @Body }
+ # fromlabelpos { FROM }
+ # fromlabelprox { E }
+ # fromlabelangle { antiparallel }
+ # fromlabelctr { no }
+ # fromlabeladjust { 0 0 }
+ # tolabel { }
+ # tolabelmargin { 0f }
+ # tolabelfont { "-2p" }
+ # tolabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }
+ # tolabelformat { @Body }
+ # tolabelpos { TO }
+ # tolabelprox { E }
+ # tolabelangle { parallel }
+ # tolabelctr { no }
+ # tolabeladjust { 0 0 }
+ # treehsep { 0.5f }
+ # treevsep { 0.5f }
+ # treehindent { ctr }
+ # treevindent { ctr }
diff --git a/include/diagf b/include/diagf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18b888a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/diagf
@@ -0,0 +1,3845 @@
+# #
+# Lout @Diag package for drawing diagrams #
+# Version 1.0 (July 1996) #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# #
+# Based on Version 2.0 of the @Fig package (Jeffrey H. Kingston, Dec 1992). #
+# #
+@SysPrependGraphic { diagf.lpg }
+@SysInclude { diagf.etc }
+export @Diag
+def @DiagSetup
+ named save { no }
+ named maxlabels { 200 }
+ import @Geometry named outline
+ named margin {}
+ named shadow {}
+ named sides {}
+ named angle {}
+ { box }
+ named margin { 0.6f }
+ import @Geometry named shadow { 0.4f }
+ import @Geometry named sides { 3 }
+ import @Geometry named angle { "dup 180 exch div" }
+ named translate { }
+ named outlinestyle
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ { solid }
+ import @Geometry named outlinedashlength { 0.2f }
+ import @Geometry named outlinewidth
+ named thin { 0.04 ft }
+ named medium { 0.08 ft }
+ named thick { 0.12 ft }
+ { thin }
+ named paint { nopaint }
+ named font { }
+ named break { }
+ named format right @Body { @Body }
+ named valign { ctr }
+ named vsize { }
+ named vindent { ctr }
+ named vstrut
+ named no { 0.0f }
+ named yes { 1.0f }
+ { no }
+ named vmargin { }
+ named topmargin { }
+ named footmargin { }
+ named halign { ctr }
+ named hsize { }
+ named hindent { ctr }
+ named hstrut
+ named no { 0.0f }
+ named yes { 1.0f }
+ { no }
+ named hmargin { }
+ named leftmargin { }
+ named rightmargin { }
+ named nodelabel { }
+ named nodelabelmargin { 0.2f }
+ named nodelabelfont { -2p }
+ named nodelabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }
+ named nodelabelformat right @Body { @Body }
+ import @Geometry named nodelabelpos { }
+ named nodelabelprox { outside }
+ import @Geometry named nodelabelangle { horizontal }
+ named nodelabelctr { no }
+ import @Geometry named nodelabeladjust { 0 0 }
+ named alabel { }
+ named alabelmargin { }
+ named alabelfont { }
+ named alabelbreak { }
+ named alabelformat right @Body { }
+ import @Geometry named alabelpos { NE }
+ named alabelprox { }
+ import @Geometry named alabelangle { }
+ named alabelctr { }
+ import @Geometry named alabeladjust { }
+ named blabel { }
+ named blabelmargin { }
+ named blabelfont { }
+ named blabelbreak { }
+ named blabelformat right @Body { }
+ import @Geometry named blabelpos { NW }
+ named blabelprox { }
+ import @Geometry named blabelangle { }
+ named blabelctr { }
+ import @Geometry named blabeladjust { }
+ named clabel { }
+ named clabelmargin { }
+ named clabelfont { }
+ named clabelbreak { }
+ named clabelformat right @Body { }
+ import @Geometry named clabelpos { SW }
+ named clabelprox { }
+ import @Geometry named clabelangle { }
+ named clabelctr { }
+ import @Geometry named clabeladjust { }
+ named dlabel { }
+ named dlabelmargin { }
+ named dlabelfont { }
+ named dlabelbreak { }
+ named dlabelformat right @Body { }
+ import @Geometry named dlabelpos { SE }
+ named dlabelprox { }
+ import @Geometry named dlabelangle { }
+ named dlabelctr { }
+ import @Geometry named dlabeladjust { }
+ import @Geometry named path
+ named from {}
+ named to {}
+ named bias {}
+ named fbias {}
+ named tbias {}
+ named radius {}
+ named xindent {}
+ named zindent {}
+ named frompt {}
+ named topt {}
+ named arrow {}
+ named arrowlength {}
+ { line }
+ import @Geometry named from { 0,0 }
+ import @Geometry named to { 1,1 }
+ import @Geometry named bias { 2.0f }
+ import @Geometry named fbias { 2.0f }
+ import @Geometry named tbias { 2.0f }
+ import @Geometry named radius { 1.0f }
+ import @Geometry named xindent { 0.8f }
+ import @Geometry named zindent { 0.8f }
+ import @Geometry named frompt { 0 0 }
+ import @Geometry named topt { 0 0 }
+ named pathstyle
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ { solid }
+ import @Geometry named pathdashlength { 0.2f }
+ import @Geometry named pathwidth
+ named thin { 0.04 ft }
+ named medium { 0.08 ft }
+ named thick { 0.12 ft }
+ { thin }
+ import @Geometry named pathgap
+ named thin { 0.08 ft }
+ named medium { 0.16 ft }
+ named thick { 0.24 ft }
+ { thin }
+ named arrow { no }
+ named arrowstyle { solid }
+ named arrowwidth { 0.3f }
+ named arrowlength { 0.5f }
+ named linklabel { }
+ named linklabelmargin { 0.2f }
+ named linklabelfont { -2p }
+ named linklabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }
+ named linklabelformat right @Body { @Body }
+ import @Geometry named linklabelpos { }
+ named linklabelprox { above }
+ import @Geometry named linklabelangle { horizontal }
+ named linklabelctr { no }
+ import @Geometry named linklabeladjust { 0 0 }
+ named xlabel { }
+ named xlabelmargin { }
+ named xlabelfont { }
+ named xlabelbreak { }
+ named xlabelformat right @Body { }
+ import @Geometry named xlabelpos { LFROM }
+ named xlabelprox { }
+ import @Geometry named xlabelangle { }
+ named xlabelctr { }
+ import @Geometry named xlabeladjust { }
+ named ylabel { }
+ named ylabelmargin { }
+ named ylabelfont { }
+ named ylabelbreak { }
+ named ylabelformat right @Body { }
+ import @Geometry named ylabelpos { LMID }
+ named ylabelprox { }
+ import @Geometry named ylabelangle { }
+ named ylabelctr { yes }
+ import @Geometry named ylabeladjust { }
+ named zlabel { }
+ named zlabelmargin { }
+ named zlabelfont { }
+ named zlabelbreak { }
+ named zlabelformat right @Body { }
+ import @Geometry named zlabelpos { LTO }
+ named zlabelprox { }
+ import @Geometry named zlabelangle { }
+ named zlabelctr { }
+ import @Geometry named zlabeladjust { }
+ named fromlabel { }
+ named fromlabelmargin { 0f }
+ named fromlabelfont { }
+ named fromlabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }
+ named fromlabelformat right @Body { @Body }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabelpos { FROM }
+ named fromlabelprox { W }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabelangle { antiparallel }
+ named fromlabelctr { no }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabeladjust { 0 0 }
+ named tolabel { }
+ named tolabelmargin { 0f }
+ named tolabelfont { }
+ named tolabelbreak { ragged nohyphen }
+ named tolabelformat right @Body { @Body }
+ import @Geometry named tolabelpos { TO }
+ named tolabelprox { W }
+ import @Geometry named tolabelangle { parallel }
+ named tolabelctr { no }
+ import @Geometry named tolabeladjust { 0 0 }
+ named treehsep { 0.5f }
+ named treevsep { 0.5f }
+ named treehindent
+ named left { 0.0rt }
+ named ctr { 0.5rt }
+ named right { 1.0rt }
+ { ctr }
+ named treevindent
+ named top { 0.0rt }
+ named ctr { 0.5rt }
+ named foot { 1.0rt }
+ { ctr }
+ export "::" @ShowPoints @ShowTags @ShowDirections @CatchTags @Transform
+ @Tree @HTree
+ @Node
+ @Box @CurveBox @ShadowBox @Square @Diamond @Polygon
+ @Isosceles @Ellipse @Circle
+ @ArrowHead @SolidArrowHead @OpenArrowHead @HalfOpenArrowHead
+ @SolidCurvedArrowHead @OpenCurvedArrowHead @HalfOpenCurvedArrowHead
+ @CircleArrowHead @BoxArrowHead
+ @Link
+ @Line @DoubleLine @Arrow @DoubleArrow @Curve @CurveArrow
+ @ACurve @ACurveArrow @CCurve @CCurveArrow
+ @Bezier @BezierArrow
+ @HVLine @HVArrow @VHLine @VHArrow
+ @HVCurve @HVCurveArrow @VHCurve @VHCurveArrow
+ @LVRLine @LVRArrow @RVLLine @RVLArrow
+ @LVRCurve @LVRCurveArrow @RVLCurve @RVLCurveArrow
+ @DWrapLine @DWrapArrow @UWrapLine @UWrapArrow
+ @DWrapCurve @DWrapCurveArrow @UWrapCurve @UWrapCurveArrow
+ def @Diag
+ named save { save }
+ named maxlabels { maxlabels }
+ import @Geometry named outline
+ named margin {}
+ named shadow {}
+ named sides {}
+ named angle {}
+ { outline
+ margin { margin }
+ shadow { shadow }
+ sides { sides }
+ angle { angle }
+ }
+ named margin { margin }
+ import @Geometry named shadow { shadow }
+ import @Geometry named sides { sides }
+ import @Geometry named angle { angle }
+ named translate { translate }
+ named nodetag { }
+ named outlinestyle
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ { outlinestyle }
+ import @Geometry named outlinedashlength{ outlinedashlength }
+ import @Geometry named outlinewidth
+ named thin { 0.04 ft }
+ named medium { 0.08 ft }
+ named thick { 0.12 ft }
+ { outlinewidth }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named font { font }
+ named break { break }
+ named format right @Body { format @Body }
+ named valign { valign }
+ named vsize { vsize }
+ named vindent { vindent }
+ named vstrut
+ named no { 0.0f }
+ named yes { 1.0f }
+ { vstrut }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ named topmargin { topmargin }
+ named footmargin { footmargin }
+ named halign { halign }
+ named hsize { hsize }
+ named hindent { hindent }
+ named hstrut
+ named no { 0.0f }
+ named yes { 1.0f }
+ { hstrut }
+ named hmargin { hmargin }
+ named leftmargin { leftmargin }
+ named rightmargin { rightmargin }
+ import @Geometry named path
+ named from {}
+ named to {}
+ named bias {}
+ named fbias {}
+ named tbias {}
+ named radius {}
+ named xindent {}
+ named zindent {}
+ named frompt {}
+ named topt {}
+ named arrow {}
+ named arrowlength {}
+ { path
+ from { from }
+ to { to }
+ bias { bias }
+ fbias { fbias }
+ tbias { tbias }
+ radius { radius }
+ xindent { xindent }
+ zindent { zindent }
+ frompt { frompt }
+ topt { topt }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ arrowlength { arrowlength }
+ }
+ import @Geometry named from { from }
+ import @Geometry named to { to }
+ import @Geometry named bias { bias }
+ import @Geometry named fbias { fbias }
+ import @Geometry named tbias { tbias }
+ import @Geometry named radius { radius }
+ import @Geometry named xindent { xindent }
+ import @Geometry named zindent { zindent }
+ import @Geometry named frompt { frompt }
+ import @Geometry named topt { topt }
+ named pathstyle
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ { pathstyle }
+ import @Geometry named pathdashlength { pathdashlength }
+ import @Geometry named pathwidth
+ named thin { 0.04 ft }
+ named medium { 0.08 ft }
+ named thick { 0.12 ft }
+ { pathwidth }
+ import @Geometry named pathgap
+ named thin { 0.08 ft }
+ named medium { 0.16 ft }
+ named thick { 0.24 ft }
+ { pathgap }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named arrowstyle { arrowstyle }
+ named arrowwidth { arrowwidth }
+ named arrowlength { arrowlength }
+ named nodelabel { nodelabel }
+ named nodelabelmargin { nodelabelmargin }
+ named nodelabelfont { nodelabelfont }
+ named nodelabelbreak { nodelabelbreak }
+ named nodelabelformat right @Body { nodelabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named nodelabelpos { nodelabelpos }
+ named nodelabelprox { nodelabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named nodelabelangle { nodelabelangle }
+ named nodelabelctr { nodelabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named nodelabeladjust { nodelabeladjust }
+ named alabel { alabel }
+ named alabelmargin { alabelmargin }
+ named alabelfont { alabelfont }
+ named alabelbreak { alabelbreak }
+ named alabelformat right @Body { alabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named alabelpos { alabelpos }
+ named alabelprox { alabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named alabelangle { alabelangle }
+ named alabelctr { alabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named alabeladjust { alabeladjust }
+ named blabel { blabel }
+ named blabelmargin { blabelmargin }
+ named blabelfont { blabelfont }
+ named blabelbreak { blabelbreak }
+ named blabelformat right @Body { blabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named blabelpos { blabelpos }
+ named blabelprox { blabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named blabelangle { blabelangle }
+ named blabelctr { blabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named blabeladjust { blabeladjust }
+ named clabel { clabel }
+ named clabelmargin { clabelmargin }
+ named clabelfont { clabelfont }
+ named clabelbreak { clabelbreak }
+ named clabelformat right @Body { clabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named clabelpos { clabelpos }
+ named clabelprox { clabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named clabelangle { clabelangle }
+ named clabelctr { clabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named clabeladjust { clabeladjust }
+ named dlabel { dlabel }
+ named dlabelmargin { dlabelmargin }
+ named dlabelfont { dlabelfont }
+ named dlabelbreak { dlabelbreak }
+ named dlabelformat right @Body { dlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named dlabelpos { dlabelpos }
+ named dlabelprox { dlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named dlabelangle { dlabelangle }
+ named dlabelctr { dlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named dlabeladjust { dlabeladjust }
+ named fromlabel { fromlabel }
+ named fromlabelmargin { fromlabelmargin }
+ named fromlabelfont { fromlabelfont }
+ named fromlabelbreak { fromlabelbreak }
+ named fromlabelformat right @Body { fromlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabelpos { fromlabelpos }
+ named fromlabelprox { fromlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabelangle { fromlabelangle }
+ named fromlabelctr { fromlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabeladjust { fromlabeladjust }
+ named linklabel { linklabel }
+ named linklabelmargin { linklabelmargin }
+ named linklabelfont { linklabelfont }
+ named linklabelbreak { linklabelbreak }
+ named linklabelformat right @Body { linklabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named linklabelpos { linklabelpos }
+ named linklabelprox { linklabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named linklabelangle { linklabelangle }
+ named linklabelctr { linklabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named linklabeladjust { linklabeladjust }
+ named xlabel { xlabel }
+ named xlabelmargin { xlabelmargin }
+ named xlabelfont { xlabelfont }
+ named xlabelbreak { xlabelbreak }
+ named xlabelformat right @Body { xlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named xlabelpos { xlabelpos }
+ named xlabelprox { xlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named xlabelangle { xlabelangle }
+ named xlabelctr { xlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named xlabeladjust { xlabeladjust }
+ named ylabel { ylabel }
+ named ylabelmargin { ylabelmargin }
+ named ylabelfont { ylabelfont }
+ named ylabelbreak { ylabelbreak }
+ named ylabelformat right @Body { ylabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named ylabelpos { ylabelpos }
+ named ylabelprox { ylabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named ylabelangle { ylabelangle }
+ named ylabelctr { ylabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named ylabeladjust { ylabeladjust }
+ named zlabel { zlabel }
+ named zlabelmargin { zlabelmargin }
+ named zlabelfont { zlabelfont }
+ named zlabelbreak { zlabelbreak }
+ named zlabelformat right @Body { zlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named zlabelpos { zlabelpos }
+ named zlabelprox { zlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named zlabelangle { zlabelangle }
+ named zlabelctr { zlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named zlabeladjust { zlabeladjust }
+ named tolabel { tolabel }
+ named tolabelmargin { tolabelmargin }
+ named tolabelfont { tolabelfont }
+ named tolabelbreak { tolabelbreak }
+ named tolabelformat right @Body { tolabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named tolabelpos { tolabelpos }
+ named tolabelprox { tolabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named tolabelangle { tolabelangle }
+ named tolabelctr { tolabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named tolabeladjust { tolabeladjust }
+ named treehsep { treehsep }
+ named treevsep { treevsep }
+ named treehindent
+ named left { 0.0rt }
+ named ctr { 0.5rt }
+ named right { 1.0rt }
+ { treehindent }
+ named treevindent
+ named top { 0.0rt }
+ named ctr { 0.5rt }
+ named foot { 1.0rt }
+ { treevindent }
+ body @Body
+ @Begin
+ # Like @Graphic, but affects the graphics state of right parameter
+ def @InnerGraphic
+ left ps
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { ps gsave // grestore } @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { ps q // Q } @Graphic x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @BoxLabels right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "[ ldiagbox ] pop" @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @IfNonEmpty
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield y
+ }
+ }
+ def @Else
+ precedence 20
+ associativity right
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield y
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ def @ShowTags
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ "() ldiagpushtagdict"
+ // "ldiagshowtags ldiagpopuptagdict"
+ } @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @ShowPoints
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ "() ldiagpushtagdict"
+ // "ldiagshowpoints ldiagpopuptagdict"
+ } @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @ShowDirections
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "() ldiagpushtagdict"
+ // "ldiagshowangles ldiagpopuptagdict" } @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def "::"
+ precedence 33
+ associativity right
+ left name
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "("name") ldiagpushtagdict"
+ // "ldiagpopuptagdict" } @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @CatchTags
+ precedence 33
+ associativity right
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ "() ldiagpushtagdict"
+ // "ldiagpoptagdict"
+ }
+ @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @ZeroWidth right x
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ ^|0io @HContract @VContract x |0io
+ }
+ }
+ def @ZeroSize right x
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ ^/0io ^|0io @HContract @VContract x |0io /0io
+ }
+ }
+ def @FromArrowLength
+ left arrow
+ right arrowlength
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ arrow @Case {
+ { no yes forward } @Yield 0
+ { back both } @Yield {"("arrowlength") ldiagdecodelength"}
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @ToArrowLength
+ left arrow
+ right arrowlength
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ arrow @Case {
+ { no back } @Yield 0
+ { yes forward both } @Yield {"("arrowlength") ldiagdecodelength"}
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @AddMargins
+ named mtop {}
+ named mfoot {}
+ named mleft {}
+ named mright {}
+ right x
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ ^|mleft |mright
+ ^/mtop | x |
+ /mfoot | |
+ }
+ }
+ def @Transform
+ precedence 32
+ import @Geometry named translate
+# named to precedence 10 left x right y { x y "ldiagpsub" }
+ named to precedence 10 left x right y {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x y "ldiagpsub" }
+ PDF @Yield {""}
+ }
+ }
+ {}
+ import @Geometry named rotate { 0d }
+ named scale { 1 1 }
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { rotate "rotate" scale "scale newpath clip" }
+ @InnerGraphic
+ {
+ @ZeroSize x
+ }
+ //
+ # { rotate "rotate" scale "scale" translate "translate" }
+ { translate "translate" rotate "rotate" scale "scale" }
+ @InnerGraphic
+ {
+ @ZeroSize x
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield { # presume that "rotate", "scale" and "translate" are not matrices
+ { "__cos("rotate") __sin("rotate") __sub(0, __sin("rotate")) __cos("rotate") 0 0 cm"
+ "__pick(1, "scale") 0 0 __pick(2, "scale") 0 0 cm n W" }
+ @InnerGraphic
+ {
+ @ZeroSize x
+ }
+ //
+ # { rotate "rotate" scale "scale" translate "translate" }
+ { "1 0 0 1 "translate" cm"
+ "__cos("rotate") __sin("rotate") __sub(0, __sin("rotate")) __cos("rotate") 0 0 cm"
+ "__pick(1, "scale") 0 0 __pick(2, "scale") 0 0 cm" }
+ @InnerGraphic
+ {
+ @ZeroSize x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @DoLabel
+ named which {}
+ named labeltag { LABEL }
+ named label {}
+ named labelmargin {}
+ named labelfont {}
+ named labelbreak {}
+ named labelformat right @Body {}
+ named labelpos {}
+ named labelprox {}
+ named labelangle {}
+ named labelctr {}
+ named labeladjust {}
+ {
+ import @Geometry
+ def alignedangle
+ {
+ labelpos??"ANGLE" quadcase
+ 0 { labelpos??"ANGLE" }
+ 0-90 { labelpos??"ANGLE" }
+ 90 { labelpos??"ANGLE" }
+ 90-180 { labelpos??"ANGLE" + 180d }
+ 180 { labelpos??"ANGLE" + 180d }
+ 180-270 { labelpos??"ANGLE" + 180d }
+ 270 { labelpos??"ANGLE" + 180d }
+ 270-360 { labelpos??"ANGLE" }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def perpalignedangle
+ {
+ labelpos??"ANGLE" quadcase
+ 0 { labelpos??"ANGLE" - 90d }
+ 0-90 { labelpos??"ANGLE" - 90d }
+ 90 { labelpos??"ANGLE" - 90d }
+ 90-180 { labelpos??"ANGLE" - 90d }
+ 180 { labelpos??"ANGLE" + 90d }
+ 180-270 { labelpos??"ANGLE" + 90d }
+ 270 { labelpos??"ANGLE" + 90d }
+ 270-360 { labelpos??"ANGLE" + 90d }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def finalangle
+ {
+ labelangle @Case {
+ "horizontal" @Yield { 0d }
+ "aligned" @Yield { alignedangle }
+ "perpendicular" @Yield { perpalignedangle }
+ "parallel" @Yield { labelpos??"ANGLE" }
+ "antiparallel" @Yield { labelpos??"ANGLE" + 180d }
+ else @Yield labelangle
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @AlignedAboveProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (SW) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (SE) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (SE) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (SE) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (SW) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (SE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield (S)
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @AlignedBelowProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NW) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (NE) }
+ 180-270 { (NE) }
+ 270 { (NE) }
+ 270-360 { (NW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NE) }
+ 0-90 { (NE) }
+ 90 { (NE) }
+ 90-180 { (NW) }
+ 180 { (NW) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield (N)
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @AlignedLeftProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (SW) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (SE) }
+ 270-360 { (NW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (SE) }
+ 90-180 { (NW) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (SW) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (S) }
+ 0-90 { (S) }
+ 90 { (S) }
+ 90-180 { (N) }
+ 180 { (S) }
+ 180-270 { (S) }
+ 270 { (S) }
+ 270-360 { (N) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @AlignedRightProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (SE) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (NE) }
+ 270 { (NE) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (NE) }
+ 90 { (NE) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (SE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (S) }
+ 0-90 { (N) }
+ 90 { (N) }
+ 90-180 { (S) }
+ 180 { (S) }
+ 180-270 { (N) }
+ 270 { (N) }
+ 270-360 { (S) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @AlignedInsideProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (SW) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (NE) }
+ 180-270 { (NE) }
+ 270 { (NE) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (SE) }
+ 90-180 { (NW) }
+ 180 { (NW) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (SE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (S) }
+ 0-90 { (S) }
+ 90 { (S) }
+ 90-180 { (N) }
+ 180 { (N) }
+ 180-270 { (N) }
+ 270 { (N) }
+ 270-360 { (S) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @AlignedOutsideProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NW) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (SE) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (SE) }
+ 270-360 { (NW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NE) }
+ 0-90 { (NE) }
+ 90 { (NE) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (SW) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (N) }
+ 0-90 { (N) }
+ 90 { (N) }
+ 90-180 { (S) }
+ 180 { (S) }
+ 180-270 { (S) }
+ 270 { (S) }
+ 270-360 { (N) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @PerpendicularAboveProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (SE) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (NE) }
+ 180-270 { (NE) }
+ 270 { (NE) }
+ 270-360 { (NW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NE) }
+ 0-90 { (NE) }
+ 90 { (NE) }
+ 90-180 { (NW) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (SE) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (E) }
+ 0-90 { (E) }
+ 90 { (E) }
+ 90-180 { (W) }
+ 180 { (E) }
+ 180-270 { (E) }
+ 270 { (E) }
+ 270-360 { (W) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @PerpendicularBelowProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (SW) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (SE) }
+ 180 { (NW) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NW) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (SW) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (SE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (W) }
+ 0-90 { (W) }
+ 90 { (W) }
+ 90-180 { (E) }
+ 180 { (W) }
+ 180-270 { (W) }
+ 270 { (W) }
+ 270-360 { (E) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @PerpendicularLeftProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (SE) }
+ 90-180 { (SE) }
+ 180 { (NE) }
+ 180-270 { (NE) }
+ 270 { (NE) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NE) }
+ 0-90 { (NE) }
+ 90 { (NE) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (SE) }
+ 270-360 { (SE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield (E)
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @PerpendicularRightProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (SW) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (NW) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (NW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NW) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (NW) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (SW) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ else @Yield (W)
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @PerpendicularInsideProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (SE) }
+ 90-180 { (SE) }
+ 180 { (NW) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (NW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NE) }
+ 0-90 { (NE) }
+ 90 { (NE) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (SW) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (E) }
+ 0-90 { (E) }
+ 90 { (E) }
+ 90-180 { (E) }
+ 180 { (W) }
+ 180-270 { (W) }
+ 270 { (W) }
+ 270-360 { (W) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @PerpendicularOutsideProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (SW) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (NE) }
+ 180-270 { (NE) }
+ 270 { (NE) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NW) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (NW) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (SE) }
+ 270-360 { (SE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (W) }
+ 0-90 { (W) }
+ 90 { (W) }
+ 90-180 { (W) }
+ 180 { (E) }
+ 180-270 { (E) }
+ 270 { (E) }
+ 270-360 { (E) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @OtherAboveProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (S) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (W) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (S) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (W) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @OtherBelowProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NW) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (NE) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NE) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (NW) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (N) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (W) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (N) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (W) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @OtherLeftProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (SE) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (NE) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (NE) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (SE) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (S) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (E) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (S) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (E) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @OtherRightProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (S) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (W) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (S) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (W) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @OtherInsideProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SW) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (SE) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (NE) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (NW) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (SE) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (NE) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (NW) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (SW) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (S) }
+ 0-90 { (SE) }
+ 90 { (E) }
+ 90-180 { (NE) }
+ 180 { (N) }
+ 180-270 { (NW) }
+ 270 { (W) }
+ 270-360 { (SW) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @OtherOutsideProximity
+ {
+ which @Case {
+ { x f } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NW) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (SW) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (SE) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (NE) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ { z t } @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (NE) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (NW) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (SW) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (SE) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ else @Yield { labelpos??ANGLE quadcase
+ 0 { (N) }
+ 0-90 { (NW) }
+ 90 { (W) }
+ 90-180 { (SW) }
+ 180 { (S) }
+ 180-270 { (SE) }
+ 270 { (E) }
+ 270-360 { (NE) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @AboveProximity
+ {
+ labelangle @Case {
+ "aligned" @Yield @AlignedAboveProximity
+ "perpendicular" @Yield @PerpendicularAboveProximity
+ else @Yield @OtherAboveProximity
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @BelowProximity
+ {
+ labelangle @Case {
+ "aligned" @Yield @AlignedBelowProximity
+ "perpendicular" @Yield @PerpendicularBelowProximity
+ else @Yield @OtherBelowProximity
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @LeftProximity
+ {
+ labelangle @Case {
+ "aligned" @Yield @AlignedLeftProximity
+ "perpendicular" @Yield @PerpendicularLeftProximity
+ else @Yield @OtherLeftProximity
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @RightProximity
+ {
+ labelangle @Case {
+ "aligned" @Yield @AlignedRightProximity
+ "perpendicular" @Yield @PerpendicularRightProximity
+ else @Yield @OtherRightProximity
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @InsideProximity
+ {
+ labelangle @Case {
+ "aligned" @Yield @AlignedInsideProximity
+ "perpendicular" @Yield @PerpendicularInsideProximity
+ else @Yield @OtherInsideProximity
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @OutsideProximity
+ {
+ labelangle @Case {
+ "aligned" @Yield @AlignedOutsideProximity
+ "perpendicular" @Yield @PerpendicularOutsideProximity
+ else @Yield @OtherOutsideProximity
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def proximity
+ {
+ labelprox @Case {
+ above @Yield @AboveProximity
+ below @Yield @BelowProximity
+ left @Yield @LeftProximity
+ right @Yield @RightProximity
+ inside @Yield @InsideProximity
+ outside @Yield @OutsideProximity
+ else @Yield { "("labelprox")" }
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def dorotate
+ left point
+ right angle
+ {
+ { {0 0} distance point } atangle { {0 0} angleto point + angle }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def translation
+ {
+ labelctr @Case {
+ { no No } @Yield {
+ labelpos -- labeltag?!?proximity
+ }
+ { yes Yes } @Yield {
+ #P0 := labelpos
+ #P1 := labeltag?!?proximity -- P0
+ #P2 := labeltag??CTR -- P0
+ #TH := labelpos??ANGLE
+ #P1A := P1 dorotate { 0 - TH }
+ #P2A := P2 dorotate { 0 - TH }
+ #PRA := { 0 - xcoord P2A 0 - ycoord P1A }
+ #PRA dorotate TH ++ P0
+ XP1 := labeltag?!?proximity
+ XP2 := labeltag??CTR
+ XANG := labelpos??ANGLE
+ XTH := XANG - 90d - { XP1 angleto XP2 }
+ XDIST := { XP1 distance XP2 } * sin XTH
+ labelpos -- XP1 ++ XDIST atangle XANG
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @CatchTags @ZeroSize @Transform
+ translate { translation ++ labeladjust }
+ rotate { finalangle }
+ scale { 1 1 }
+ labeltag:: @BoxLabels @CatchTags @AddMargins
+ mtop { labelmargin }
+ mfoot { labelmargin }
+ mleft { labelmargin }
+ mright { labelmargin }
+ labelfont @Font labelbreak @Break labelformat label
+ }
+ def @Node
+ import @Geometry named translate
+# named to precedence 10 left x right y { x y "ldiagpsub" }
+ named to precedence 10 left x right y {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x y "ldiagpsub" }
+ PDF @Yield {""}
+ }
+ }
+ {}
+ import @Geometry named rotate { 0d }
+ import @Geometry named outline
+ named margin {}
+ named shadow {}
+ named sides {}
+ named angle {}
+ { outline
+ margin { margin }
+ shadow { shadow }
+ sides { sides }
+ angle { angle }
+ }
+ named margin { margin }
+ import @Geometry named shadow { shadow }
+ import @Geometry named sides { sides }
+ import @Geometry named angle { angle }
+ named nodetag { nodetag }
+ named outlinestyle
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ { outlinestyle }
+ import @Geometry named outlinedashlength { outlinedashlength}
+ import @Geometry named outlinewidth
+ named thin { 0.04 ft }
+ named medium { 0.08 ft }
+ named thick { 0.12 ft }
+ { outlinewidth }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named font { font }
+ named break { break }
+ named format right @Body { format @Body }
+ named valign { valign }
+ named vsize { vsize }
+ named vindent { vindent }
+ named vstrut
+ named no { 0.0f }
+ named yes { 1.0f }
+ { vstrut }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ named topmargin { topmargin }
+ named footmargin { footmargin }
+ named halign { halign }
+ named hsize { hsize }
+ named hindent { hindent }
+ named hstrut
+ named no { 0.0f }
+ named yes { 1.0f }
+ { hstrut }
+ named hmargin { hmargin }
+ named leftmargin { leftmargin }
+ named rightmargin { rightmargin }
+ named nodelabel { nodelabel }
+ named nodelabelmargin { nodelabelmargin }
+ named nodelabelfont { nodelabelfont }
+ named nodelabelbreak { nodelabelbreak }
+ named nodelabelformat right @Body { nodelabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named nodelabelpos { nodelabelpos }
+ named nodelabelprox { nodelabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named nodelabelangle { nodelabelangle }
+ named nodelabelctr { nodelabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named nodelabeladjust { nodelabeladjust }
+ named alabel { alabel }
+ named alabelmargin { alabelmargin }
+ named alabelfont { alabelfont }
+ named alabelbreak { alabelbreak }
+ named alabelformat right @Body { alabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named alabelpos { alabelpos }
+ named alabelprox { alabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named alabelangle { alabelangle }
+ named alabelctr { alabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named alabeladjust { alabeladjust }
+ named blabel { blabel }
+ named blabelmargin { blabelmargin }
+ named blabelfont { blabelfont }
+ named blabelbreak { blabelbreak }
+ named blabelformat right @Body { blabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named blabelpos { blabelpos }
+ named blabelprox { blabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named blabelangle { blabelangle }
+ named blabelctr { blabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named blabeladjust { blabeladjust }
+ named clabel { clabel }
+ named clabelmargin { clabelmargin }
+ named clabelfont { clabelfont }
+ named clabelbreak { clabelbreak }
+ named clabelformat right @Body { clabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named clabelpos { clabelpos }
+ named clabelprox { clabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named clabelangle { clabelangle }
+ named clabelctr { clabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named clabeladjust { clabeladjust }
+ named dlabel { dlabel }
+ named dlabelmargin { dlabelmargin }
+ named dlabelfont { dlabelfont }
+ named dlabelbreak { dlabelbreak }
+ named dlabelformat right @Body { dlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named dlabelpos { dlabelpos }
+ named dlabelprox { dlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named dlabelangle { dlabelangle }
+ named dlabelctr { dlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named dlabeladjust { dlabeladjust }
+ right @Body
+ {
+ def @LabelPos
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ nodelabelpos @Case {
+ x @Yield y
+ else @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def @If
+ left cond
+ right x
+ {
+ cond @Case {
+ { yes Yes } @Yield x
+ else @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def @Strut right x
+ {
+ def vs { 0.5w @VShift { vstrut @High } }
+ def hs { hstrut @Wide }
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ @HContract @VContract x | vs / hs |
+ }
+ }
+ def @Indent right x
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ { top left } @Yield 0.0rt
+ { ctr } @Yield 0.5rt
+ { foot right } @Yield 1.0rt
+ { mctr } @Yield 0.5bx
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ def @VSize right x
+ {
+ vsize @Case {
+ "" @Yield x
+ else @Yield { vsize @High { /{@Indent vindent} x / } }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HSize right x
+ {
+ hsize @Case {
+ "" @Yield x
+ else @Yield { hsize @Wide { |{@Indent hindent} x | } }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Align right x
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ { top left } @Yield 0.0w
+ { ctr } @Yield 0.5w
+ { foot right } @Yield 1.0w
+ { mark } @Yield "+0i"
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ def @ALabel
+ {
+ @DoLabel
+ which { "a" }
+ label { alabel @Else nodelabel }
+ labelmargin { alabelmargin @Else nodelabelmargin }
+ labelfont { alabelfont @Else nodelabelfont }
+ labelbreak { alabelbreak @Else nodelabelbreak }
+ labelformat { alabelformat @Body @Else nodelabelformat @Body}
+ labelpos { alabelpos @Else nodelabelpos }
+ labelprox { alabelprox @Else nodelabelprox }
+ labelangle { alabelangle @Else nodelabelangle }
+ labelctr { alabelctr @Else nodelabelctr }
+ labeladjust { alabeladjust @Else nodelabeladjust }
+ }
+ def @BLabel
+ {
+ @DoLabel
+ which { "b" }
+ label { blabel @Else nodelabel }
+ labelmargin { blabelmargin @Else nodelabelmargin }
+ labelfont { blabelfont @Else nodelabelfont }
+ labelbreak { blabelbreak @Else nodelabelbreak }
+ labelformat { blabelformat @Body @Else nodelabelformat @Body}
+ labelpos { blabelpos @Else nodelabelpos }
+ labelprox { blabelprox @Else nodelabelprox }
+ labelangle { blabelangle @Else nodelabelangle }
+ labelctr { blabelctr @Else nodelabelctr }
+ labeladjust { blabeladjust @Else nodelabeladjust }
+ }
+ def @CLabel
+ {
+ @DoLabel
+ which { "c" }
+ label { clabel @Else nodelabel }
+ labelmargin { clabelmargin @Else nodelabelmargin }
+ labelfont { clabelfont @Else nodelabelfont }
+ labelbreak { clabelbreak @Else nodelabelbreak }
+ labelformat { clabelformat @Body @Else nodelabelformat @Body}
+ labelpos { clabelpos @Else nodelabelpos }
+ labelprox { clabelprox @Else nodelabelprox }
+ labelangle { clabelangle @Else nodelabelangle }
+ labelctr { clabelctr @Else nodelabelctr }
+ labeladjust { clabeladjust @Else nodelabeladjust }
+ }
+ def @DLabel
+ {
+ @DoLabel
+ which { "d" }
+ label { dlabel @Else nodelabel }
+ labelmargin { dlabelmargin @Else nodelabelmargin }
+ labelfont { dlabelfont @Else nodelabelfont }
+ labelbreak { dlabelbreak @Else nodelabelbreak }
+ labelformat { dlabelformat @Body @Else nodelabelformat @Body}
+ labelpos { dlabelpos @Else nodelabelpos }
+ labelprox { dlabelprox @Else nodelabelprox }
+ labelangle { dlabelangle @Else nodelabelangle }
+ labelctr { dlabelctr @Else nodelabelctr }
+ labeladjust { dlabeladjust @Else nodelabeladjust }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @OutLine
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ outline @Case {
+ box @Yield { "ldiagbox" }
+ curvebox @Yield { "("margin") ldiagcurvebox" }
+ shadowbox @Yield { shadow "ldiagshadow ldiagbox" }
+ square @Yield { "ldiagsquare" }
+ diamond @Yield { "ldiagdiamond" }
+ polygon @Yield { sides angle "ldiagpolygon" }
+ isosceles @Yield { "ldiagisosceles" }
+ ellipse @Yield { "ldiagellipse" }
+ circle @Yield { "ldiagcircle" }
+ else @Yield {
+ outline
+ margin { "("margin") ldiagdecodelength" }
+ shadow { shadow }
+ sides { sides }
+ angle { angle }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @Value
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ {
+ "ldiagnodebegin [" @OutLine "]"
+ outlinedashlength "[" outlinestyle "]"
+ outlinewidth "/ldiag"paint "ldiagnodeend"
+ "(IN) ldiagpushtagdict"
+ //
+ "ldiagpopuptagdict"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {
+ {@Align valign} @VShift {@Align halign} @HShift
+ @AddMargins
+ mtop { topmargin @Else vmargin @Else margin }
+ mfoot { footmargin @Else vmargin @Else margin }
+ mleft { leftmargin @Else hmargin @Else margin }
+ mright { rightmargin @Else hmargin @Else margin }
+ @HSize @VSize @HContract @VContract
+ font @Font break @Break format @Strut @Body
+ }
+ / {alabel @Else nodelabel} @IfNonEmpty @ALabel
+ / {blabel @Else nodelabel} @IfNonEmpty @BLabel
+ / {clabel @Else nodelabel} @IfNonEmpty @CLabel
+ / {dlabel @Else nodelabel} @IfNonEmpty @DLabel
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @TValue
+ {
+ nodetag @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Value
+ else @Yield { nodetag:: @Value }
+ }
+ }
+ translate @Case {
+ "" @Yield @TValue
+ else @Yield {
+ @Null & # so that preceding space gets chewed up
+ @Transform translate { translate } rotate { rotate } @TValue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ macro @@Node { @Node }
+ macro @Box { @Node outline { box } }
+ macro @CurveBox { @Node outline { curvebox } }
+ macro @ShadowBox { @Node outline { shadowbox } }
+ macro @Square { @Node outline { square } }
+ macro @Diamond { @Node outline { diamond } }
+ macro @Polygon { @Node outline { polygon } }
+ macro @Isosceles { @Node outline { isosceles } }
+ macro @Ellipse { @Node outline { ellipse } }
+ macro @Circle { @Node outline { circle } }
+ macro @InsulatedNode {
+ @Node
+ topmargin { 0i }
+ footmargin { 0i }
+ leftmargin { 0i }
+ rightmargin { 0i }
+ alabel {}
+ blabel {}
+ clabel {}
+ dlabel {}
+ hsize {}
+ vsize {}
+ vstrut { no }
+ hstrut { no }
+ }
+ def @SolidArrowHead
+ named width { arrowwidth }
+ named length { arrowlength }
+ named pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ {
+ @InsulatedNode
+ paint { nochange }
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ outlinewidth { pathwidth }
+ outline {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "ldiagsolidarrowhead"
+ # 0 0 xsize ysize * 0.5 0 ysize
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ length @Wide width @High
+ }
+ }
+ def @OpenArrowHead
+ named width { arrowwidth }
+ named length { arrowlength }
+ named pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ {
+ @InsulatedNode
+ outlinewidth { pathwidth }
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ paint { nochange }
+ outline {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ pathwidth "ldiagopenarrowhead"
+ # PSW := { 0 0 }
+ # PNW := { 0 ysize }
+ # PE := { xsize ysize*0.5 }
+ # REL := pathwidth atangle { PE angleto PNW + 90d }
+ # PNA := { 0 ysize*0.5 + pathwidth*0.5 }
+ # PSA := { 0 ysize*0.5 - pathwidth*0.5 }
+ # PNI := {
+ # PNA PNA ++ { xsize 0 }
+ # PNW ++ REL PE ++ REL ldiaglineintersect
+ # }
+ # PSI := PNI -- { 0 pathwidth }
+ #
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ length @Wide width @High
+ }
+ }
+ def @HalfOpenArrowHead
+ named width { arrowwidth }
+ named length { arrowlength }
+ named pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ {
+ @InsulatedNode
+ paint { nochange }
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ outlinewidth { pathwidth }
+ outline {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ pathwidth "ldiaghalfopenarrowhead"
+ # 0 0
+ # xsize ysize * 0.5
+ # 0 ysize
+ # xsize*0.3 ysize*0.5 + pathwidth*0.5
+ # 0 ysize*0.5 + pathwidth*0.5
+ # 0 ysize*0.5 - pathwidth*0.5
+ # xsize*0.3 ysize*0.5 - pathwidth*0.5
+ # 0 0
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ length @Wide width @High
+ }
+ }
+ def @SolidCurvedArrowHead
+ named width { arrowwidth }
+ named length { arrowlength }
+ named pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ {
+ @InsulatedNode
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ paint { nochange }
+ outlinewidth { pathwidth }
+ outline {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "ldiagsolidcurvedarrowhead"
+ # 0 0
+ # [0 0 xsize ysize * 0.5 "ldiaglinebetween"
+ # xsize 0 xsize ysize "ldiaglineintersect" clockwise]
+ # xsize ysize * 0.5
+ # [xsize ysize * 0.5 0 ysize "ldiaglinebetween"
+ # xsize 0 xsize ysize "ldiaglineintersect" clockwise]
+ # 0 ysize
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ length @Wide width @High
+ }
+ }
+ def @OpenCurvedArrowHead
+ named width { arrowwidth }
+ named length { arrowlength }
+ named pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ {
+ @InsulatedNode
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ paint { nochange }
+ outlinewidth { pathwidth }
+ outline {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ pathwidth "ldiagopencurvedarrowhead"
+ # LR:= { 0 0 xsize ysize * 0.5 "ldiaglinebetween"
+ # xsize 0 xsize ysize "ldiaglineintersect" }
+ # UR:= { xsize ysize * 0.5 0 ysize "ldiaglinebetween"
+ # xsize 0 xsize ysize "ldiaglineintersect" }
+ # PW2 := pathwidth * 0.5
+ # UMID := {
+ # 0 ysize * 0.5 + PW2 xsize ysize * 0.5 + PW2
+ # {0 ysize} ++ 1f atangle { UR angleto {0 ysize} + 90d }
+ # { 0 ysize } ldiaglineintersect
+ # }
+ # LMID := UMID -- { 0 pathwidth }
+ # 0 0
+ # [LR clockwise]
+ # xsize ysize * 0.5
+ # [UR clockwise]
+ # 0 ysize
+ # UMID
+ # 0 ysize * 0.5 + PW2
+ # 0 ysize * 0.5 - PW2
+ # LMID
+ # 0 0
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ length @Wide width @High
+ }
+ }
+ def @HalfOpenCurvedArrowHead
+ named width { arrowwidth }
+ named length { arrowlength }
+ named pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ {
+ @InsulatedNode
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ paint { nochange }
+ outlinewidth { pathwidth }
+ outline {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ pathwidth "ldiaghalfopencurvedarrowhead"
+ # LR:= { 0 0 xsize ysize * 0.5 "ldiaglinebetween"
+ # xsize 0 xsize ysize "ldiaglineintersect" }
+ # UR:= { xsize ysize * 0.5 0 ysize "ldiaglinebetween"
+ # xsize 0 xsize ysize "ldiaglineintersect" }
+ # BR:= { 0 0 LR 0 ysize UR "ldiaglineintersect" }
+ # BRAD := { 0 0 } distance BR
+ # PW2 := pathwidth * 0.5
+ # XDIST := sqrt { BRAD*BRAD - PW2*PW2 }
+ # UMID := BR ++ { XDIST PW2 }
+ # LMID := BR ++ { XDIST 0 - PW2 }
+ # 0 0
+ # [LR clockwise]
+ # xsize ysize * 0.5
+ # [UR clockwise]
+ # 0 ysize
+ # [BR clockwise ]
+ # UMID
+ # 0 ysize * 0.5 + PW2
+ # 0 ysize * 0.5 - PW2
+ # LMID
+ # [BR clockwise ]
+ # 0 0
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ length @Wide width @High
+ }
+ }
+ def @CircleArrowHead
+ named width { arrowwidth }
+ named length { arrowlength }
+ named pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ {
+ @InsulatedNode
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ paint { nochange }
+ outlinewidth { pathwidth }
+ outline { circle }
+ { length @Wide length @High }
+ }
+ def @BoxArrowHead
+ named width { arrowwidth }
+ named length { arrowlength }
+ named pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ {
+ @InsulatedNode
+ outlinestyle { noline }
+ paint { nochange }
+ outlinewidth { pathwidth }
+ outline { box }
+ { length @Wide width @High }
+ }
+ def @ArrowHead
+ named style { arrowstyle }
+ named width { arrowwidth }
+ named length { arrowlength }
+ named pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ {
+ style @Case {
+ solid @Yield @SolidArrowHead
+ width { width } length { length }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ halfopen @Yield @HalfOpenArrowHead
+ width { width } length { length }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ open @Yield @OpenArrowHead
+ width { width } length { length }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ curvedsolid @Yield @SolidCurvedArrowHead
+ width { width } length { length }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ curvedhalfopen @Yield @HalfOpenCurvedArrowHead
+ width { width } length { length }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ curvedopen @Yield @OpenCurvedArrowHead
+ width { width } length { length }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ circle @Yield @CircleArrowHead
+ width { width } length { length }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ box @Yield @BoxArrowHead
+ width { width } length { length }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Link
+ import @Geometry named path
+ named from {}
+ named to {}
+ named bias {}
+ named fbias {}
+ named tbias {}
+ named radius {}
+ named xindent {}
+ named zindent {}
+ named frompt {}
+ named topt {}
+ named arrow {}
+ named arrowlength {}
+ { path
+ from { from }
+ to { to }
+ bias { bias }
+ fbias { fbias }
+ tbias { tbias }
+ radius { radius }
+ xindent { xindent }
+ zindent { zindent }
+ frompt { frompt }
+ topt { topt }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ arrowlength { arrowlength }
+ }
+ import @Geometry named from { from }
+ import @Geometry named to { to }
+ import @Geometry named bias { bias }
+ import @Geometry named fbias { fbias }
+ import @Geometry named tbias { tbias }
+ import @Geometry named radius { radius }
+ import @Geometry named xindent { xindent }
+ import @Geometry named zindent { zindent }
+ import @Geometry named frompt { frompt }
+ import @Geometry named topt { topt }
+ named pathstyle
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ { pathstyle }
+ import @Geometry named pathdashlength { pathdashlength }
+ import @Geometry named pathwidth
+ named thin { 0.04 ft }
+ named medium { 0.08 ft }
+ named thick { 0.12 ft }
+ { pathwidth }
+ import @Geometry named pathgap
+ named thin { 0.08 ft }
+ named medium { 0.16 ft }
+ named thick { 0.24 ft }
+ { pathgap }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named arrowstyle { arrowstyle }
+ named arrowwidth { arrowwidth }
+ named arrowlength { arrowlength }
+ named linklabel { linklabel }
+ named linklabelmargin { linklabelmargin }
+ named linklabelfont { linklabelfont }
+ named linklabelbreak { linklabelbreak }
+ named linklabelformat right @Body { linklabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named linklabelpos { linklabelpos }
+ named linklabelprox { linklabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named linklabelangle { linklabelangle }
+ named linklabelctr { linklabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named linklabeladjust { linklabeladjust }
+ named xlabel { xlabel }
+ named xlabelmargin { xlabelmargin }
+ named xlabelfont { xlabelfont }
+ named xlabelbreak { xlabelbreak }
+ named xlabelformat right @Body { xlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named xlabelpos { xlabelpos }
+ named xlabelprox { xlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named xlabelangle { xlabelangle }
+ named xlabelctr { xlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named xlabeladjust { xlabeladjust }
+ named ylabel { ylabel }
+ named ylabelmargin { ylabelmargin }
+ named ylabelfont { ylabelfont }
+ named ylabelbreak { ylabelbreak }
+ named ylabelformat right @Body { ylabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named ylabelpos { ylabelpos }
+ named ylabelprox { ylabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named ylabelangle { ylabelangle }
+ named ylabelctr { ylabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named ylabeladjust { ylabeladjust }
+ named zlabel { zlabel }
+ named zlabelmargin { zlabelmargin }
+ named zlabelfont { zlabelfont }
+ named zlabelbreak { zlabelbreak }
+ named zlabelformat right @Body { zlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named zlabelpos { zlabelpos }
+ named zlabelprox { zlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named zlabelangle { zlabelangle }
+ named zlabelctr { zlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named zlabeladjust { zlabeladjust }
+ named fromlabel { fromlabel }
+ named fromlabelmargin { fromlabelmargin }
+ named fromlabelfont { fromlabelfont }
+ named fromlabelbreak { fromlabelbreak }
+ named fromlabelformat right @Body { fromlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabelpos { fromlabelpos }
+ named fromlabelprox { fromlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabelangle { fromlabelangle }
+ named fromlabelctr { fromlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabeladjust { fromlabeladjust }
+ named tolabel { tolabel }
+ named tolabelmargin { tolabelmargin }
+ named tolabelfont { tolabelfont }
+ named tolabelbreak { tolabelbreak }
+ named tolabelformat right @Body { tolabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named tolabelpos { tolabelpos }
+ named tolabelprox { tolabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named tolabelangle { tolabelangle }
+ named tolabelctr { tolabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named tolabeladjust{ tolabeladjust }
+ {
+ def @XLabel
+ {
+ @DoLabel
+ which { "x" }
+ label { xlabel @Else linklabel }
+ labelmargin { xlabelmargin @Else linklabelmargin }
+ labelfont { xlabelfont @Else linklabelfont }
+ labelbreak { xlabelbreak @Else linklabelbreak }
+ labelformat { xlabelformat @Body @Else linklabelformat @Body}
+ labelpos { xlabelpos @Else linklabelpos }
+ labelprox { xlabelprox @Else linklabelprox }
+ labelangle { xlabelangle @Else linklabelangle }
+ labelctr { xlabelctr @Else linklabelctr }
+ labeladjust { xlabeladjust @Else linklabeladjust }
+ }
+ def @YLabel
+ {
+ @DoLabel
+ which { "y" }
+ label { ylabel @Else linklabel }
+ labelmargin { ylabelmargin @Else linklabelmargin }
+ labelfont { ylabelfont @Else linklabelfont }
+ labelbreak { ylabelbreak @Else linklabelbreak }
+ labelformat { ylabelformat @Body @Else linklabelformat @Body}
+ labelpos { ylabelpos @Else linklabelpos }
+ labelprox { ylabelprox @Else linklabelprox }
+ labelangle { ylabelangle @Else linklabelangle }
+ labelctr { ylabelctr @Else linklabelctr }
+ labeladjust { ylabeladjust @Else linklabeladjust }
+ }
+ def @ZLabel
+ {
+ @DoLabel
+ which { "z" }
+ label { zlabel @Else linklabel }
+ labelmargin { zlabelmargin @Else linklabelmargin }
+ labelfont { zlabelfont @Else linklabelfont }
+ labelbreak { zlabelbreak @Else linklabelbreak }
+ labelformat { zlabelformat @Body @Else linklabelformat @Body}
+ labelpos { zlabelpos @Else linklabelpos }
+ labelprox { zlabelprox @Else linklabelprox }
+ labelangle { zlabelangle @Else linklabelangle }
+ labelctr { zlabelctr @Else linklabelctr }
+ labeladjust { zlabeladjust @Else linklabeladjust }
+ }
+ def @FromArrow
+ {
+ arrow @Case {
+ { back both } @Yield {
+ @ArrowHead
+ style { arrowstyle }
+ width { arrowwidth }
+ length { arrowlength }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ }
+ else @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ def @ToArrow
+ {
+ arrow @Case {
+ { yes forward both } @Yield {
+ @ArrowHead
+ style { arrowstyle }
+ width { arrowwidth }
+ length { arrowlength }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ }
+ else @Yield ""
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @LinePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent "ldiaglinepath"
+ # FROM :< {from??CTR angleto to??CTR}
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle FROM@ANGLE
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}atangle FROM@ANGLE
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle { TO@ANGLE - 180d }
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle {TO@ANGLE - 180d}
+ #
+ # LMID :: FROM ** 0.5 ++ TO ** 0.5
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FROM distance LMID }
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TO distance LMID }
+ # LTO :: TO -- ZINDENT atangle FROM@ANGLE
+ #
+ # if cond { direct }
+ # then { FROM TO }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @DoubleLinePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent pathgap "ldiagdoublelinepath"
+ # FROM :< {from??CTR angleto to??CTR}
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle FROM@ANGLE
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}atangle FROM@ANGLE
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle { TO@ANGLE - 180d }
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle {TO@ANGLE - 180d}
+ #
+ # LMID :: FROM ** 0.5 ++ TO ** 0.5
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FROM distance LMID }
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TO distance LMID }
+ # LTO :: TO -- ZINDENT atangle FROM@ANGLE
+ #
+ # if cond { direct }
+ # then { FROM TO }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @ACurvePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias "ldiagacurvepath"
+ # #B1 := bias max 0.02f
+ # #B2 := { from??CTR distance to??CTR } * 0.5
+ # #BIAS := B1 min B2
+ # BIAS := bias max 0.02f
+ # XMID := from??CTR ** 0.5 ++ to??CTR ** 0.5
+ # XTOP := XMID ++ BIAS atangle {from??CTR angleto to??CTR - 90d}
+ # CTR := { from??CTR XTOP ldiaglinebetween
+ # to??CTR XTOP ldiaglinebetween ldiaglineintersect }
+ # FROM :: aabout
+ # circum { from }
+ # extra { arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength }
+ # centre { CTR }
+ # FROM :< if cond { from??CTR distance FROM > 0 }
+ # then { from??CTR angleto FROM }
+ # else { CTR angleto FROM + 90d }
+ # TO :: cabout
+ # circum { to }
+ # extra { arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength }
+ # centre { CTR }
+ # TO :< if cond { TO distance to??CTR > 0 }
+ # then { TO angleto to??CTR }
+ # else { CTR angleto TO + 90d }
+ #
+ # RADIUS := CTR distance FROM
+ # LMID :: CTR ++ RADIUS atangle {
+ # CTR angleto FROM +
+ # { {360d + {CTR angleto TO} - {CTR angleto FROM}} mod 360 } / 2
+ # }
+ # LMID :< CTR angleto LMID + 90d
+ #
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FROM distance LMID }
+ # LFROM :: CTR ++ RADIUS atangle {
+ # CTR angleto { FROM ++ XINDENT atangle FROM@ANGLE } }
+ # LFROM :< CTR angleto LFROM + 90d
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TO distance LMID }
+ # LTO :: CTR ++ RADIUS atangle {
+ # CTR angleto { TO ++ ZINDENT atangle {TO@ANGLE+180d}}}
+ # LTO :< CTR angleto LTO + 90d
+ #
+ # if cond { direct }
+ # then { FROM [CTR] TO }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @CCurvePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias "ldiagccurvepath"
+ # #B1 := bias max 0.02f
+ # #B2 := { from??CTR distance to??CTR } * 0.5
+ # #BIAS := B1 min B2
+ # BIAS := bias max 0.02f
+ # XMID := from??CTR ** 0.5 ++ to??CTR ** 0.5
+ # XTOP := XMID ++ BIAS atangle {from??CTR angleto to??CTR + 90d}
+ # CTR := { from??CTR XTOP ldiaglinebetween
+ # to??CTR XTOP ldiaglinebetween ldiaglineintersect }
+ # FROM :: cabout
+ # circum { from }
+ # extra { arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength }
+ # centre { CTR }
+ # FROM :< if cond { from??CTR distance FROM > 0 }
+ # then { from??CTR angleto FROM }
+ # else { CTR angleto FROM - 90d }
+ # TO :: aabout
+ # circum { to }
+ # extra { arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength }
+ # centre { CTR }
+ # TO :< if cond { TO distance to??CTR > 0 }
+ # then { TO angleto to??CTR }
+ # else { CTR angleto TO - 90d }
+ #
+ # RADIUS := CTR distance FROM
+ # LMID :: CTR ++ RADIUS atangle {
+ # CTR angleto TO +
+ # { {360d + {CTR angleto FROM} - {CTR angleto TO} } mod 360 } / 2
+ # }
+ # LMID :< CTR angleto LMID - 90d
+ #
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FROM distance LMID }
+ # LFROM :: CTR ++ RADIUS atangle {
+ # CTR angleto { FROM ++ XINDENT atangle FROM@ANGLE } }
+ # LFROM :< CTR angleto LFROM - 90d
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TO distance LMID }
+ # LTO :: CTR ++ RADIUS atangle {
+ # CTR angleto { TO ++ ZINDENT atangle {TO@ANGLE+180d}}}
+ # LTO :< CTR angleto LTO - 90d
+ #
+ # if cond { direct }
+ # then { FROM [CTR clockwise] TO }
+ # else { FROM [CTR clockwise] LFROM [CTR clockwise]
+ # LMID [CTR clockwise] LTO [CTR clockwise] TO }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @BezierPath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent [ frompt ] [ topt ] "ldiagbezierpath"
+ # FROM :< from??CTR angleto frompt
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle FROM@ANGLE
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle FROM@ANGLE
+ # TO :< topt angleto to??CTR
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle { TO@ANGLE + 180d }
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle { TO@ANGLE + 180d }
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ { xindent atangle FROM@ANGLE }
+ # LTO :: TO ++ zindent atangle { TO@ANGLE + 180d }
+ # LMID :: { FROM ++ TO ++ frompt ++ topt } ** 0.25
+ # FROM [frompt topt] TO
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @VHLinePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent "ldiagvhlinepath"
+ # CTR := { {xcoord from??CTR} {ycoord to??CTR} }
+ # FANG := from??CTR angleto CTR
+ # TANG := to??CTR angleto CTR
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle FANG
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle FANG
+ # FROM :< FANG
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle TANG
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle TANG
+ # TO :< TANG + 180d
+ # FDIST := FROM distance CTR
+ # TDIST := TO distance CTR
+ # XINDENT := xindent min FDIST
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min TDIST
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ XINDENT atangle FANG
+ # LTO :: TO ++ ZINDENT atangle TANG
+ # LMID :: CTR
+ # LMID :< {1f atangle {FANG + 180d}} angleto
+ # {1f atangle {TANG + 180d}}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @VHCurvePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent radius "ldiagvhcurvepath"
+ # CTR := { {xcoord from??CTR} {ycoord to??CTR} }
+ # FANG := from??CTR angleto CTR
+ # TANG := to??CTR angleto CTR
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle FANG
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle FANG
+ # FROM :< FANG
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle TANG
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle TANG
+ # TO :< TANG + 180d
+ # FDIST := FROM distance CTR
+ # TDIST := TO distance CTR
+ # RADIUS := radius min FDIST min TDIST
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FDIST - RADIUS }
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TDIST - RADIUS }
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ XINDENT atangle FANG
+ # LTO :: TO ++ ZINDENT atangle TANG
+ # FCTR := CTR ++ RADIUS atangle { FROM@ANGLE + 180d }
+ # TCTR := CTR ++ RADIUS atangle { TO@ANGLE }
+ # XCTR := CTR ++ RADIUS atangle { FROM@ANGLE + 180d }
+ # ++ RADIUS atangle { TO@ANGLE }
+ # LMID :: XCTR ++ RADIUS atangle { XCTR angleto CTR }
+ # LMID :< FCTR angleto TCTR
+ # { FCTR angleto TCTR } quadcase
+ # 0 { }
+ # 0-90 { [XCTR clockwise] }
+ # 90 { }
+ # 90-180 { [XCTR] }
+ # 180 { }
+ # 180-270 { [XCTR clockwise] }
+ # 270 { }
+ # 270-360 { [XCTR] }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @HVLinePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent "ldiaghvlinepath"
+ # CTR := { {xcoord to??CTR} {ycoord from??CTR} }
+ # FANG := from??CTR angleto CTR
+ # TANG := to??CTR angleto CTR
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle FANG
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle FANG
+ # FROM :< FANG
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle TANG
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle TANG
+ # TO :< TANG + 180d
+ # FDIST := FROM distance CTR
+ # TDIST := TO distance CTR
+ # XINDENT := xindent min FDIST
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min TDIST
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ XINDENT atangle FANG
+ # LTO :: TO ++ ZINDENT atangle TANG
+ # LMID :: CTR
+ # LMID :< {1f atangle {FANG + 180d}} angleto
+ # {1f atangle {TANG + 180d}}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @HVCurvePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent radius "ldiaghvcurvepath"
+ # CTR := { {xcoord to??CTR} {ycoord from??CTR} }
+ # FANG := from??CTR angleto CTR
+ # TANG := to??CTR angleto CTR
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle FANG
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle FANG
+ # FROM :< FANG
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle TANG
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle TANG
+ # TO :< TANG + 180d
+ # FDIST := FROM distance CTR
+ # TDIST := TO distance CTR
+ # RADIUS := radius min FDIST min TDIST
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FDIST - RADIUS }
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TDIST - RADIUS }
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ XINDENT atangle FANG
+ # LTO :: TO ++ ZINDENT atangle TANG
+ # FCTR := CTR ++ RADIUS atangle { FROM@ANGLE + 180d }
+ # TCTR := CTR ++ RADIUS atangle { TO@ANGLE }
+ # XCTR := CTR ++ RADIUS atangle { FROM@ANGLE + 180d }
+ # ++ RADIUS atangle { TO@ANGLE }
+ # LMID :: XCTR ++ RADIUS atangle { XCTR angleto CTR }
+ # LMID :< FCTR angleto TCTR
+ # { FCTR angleto TCTR } quadcase
+ # 0 { }
+ # 0-90 { [XCTR] }
+ # 90 { }
+ # 90-180 { [XCTR clockwise] }
+ # 180 { }
+ # 180-270 { [XCTR] }
+ # 270 { }
+ # 270-360 { [XCTR clockwise] }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @LVRLinePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias "ldiaglvrlinepath"
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle 180d
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle 180d
+ # FROM :< 180d
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle 180d
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle 180d
+ # TO :< 0d
+ # XLEFT := {{xcoord FROM} min {xcoord TO}} - bias
+ # P1 :: { XLEFT ycoord FROM }
+ # P2 :: { XLEFT ycoord TO }
+ # VERT := P1 angleto P2
+ # P1 :< P1 angleto {P1++{1f atangle 180d}++{1f atangle VERT}}
+ # P2 :< P2 angleto {P2++{1f atangle 0d} ++{1f atangle VERT}}
+ # LMID :: P1 ** 0.5 ++ P2 ** 0.5
+ # LMID :< VERT
+ # XINDENT := xindent min {FROM distance P1}
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min {P2 distance TO}
+ # LFROM :: FROM -- { XINDENT 0 }
+ # LFROM :< 180d
+ # LTO :: TO -- { ZINDENT 0 }
+ # LTO :< 0d
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @LVRCurvePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias radius "ldiaglvrcurvepath"
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle 180d
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle 180d
+ # FROM :< 180d
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle 180d
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle 180d
+ # TO :< 0d
+ # XLEFT := {{xcoord FROM} min {xcoord TO}} - bias
+ # XP1 := { XLEFT ycoord FROM }
+ # XP2 := { XLEFT ycoord TO }
+ # VERT := XP1 angleto XP2
+ # LMID :: XP1 ** 0.5 ++ XP2 ** 0.5
+ # LMID :< VERT
+ # XINDENT := xindent min {FROM distance XP1}
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min {XP2 distance TO}
+ # LFROM :: FROM -- { XINDENT 0 }
+ # LFROM :< 180d
+ # LTO :: TO -- { ZINDENT 0 }
+ # LTO :< 0d
+ # RADIUS := radius min { { XP1 distance XP2 } / 2 }
+ # XP1PRE := XP1 ++ { RADIUS atangle 0d }
+ # XP1POST := XP1 ++ { RADIUS atangle VERT }
+ # XP1CTR := XP1PRE ++ { RADIUS atangle VERT }
+ # P1 :: XP1CTR ++ { RADIUS atangle { XP1CTR angleto XP1 } }
+ # P1 :< XP1PRE angleto XP1POST
+ # XP2PRE := XP2 -- { RADIUS atangle VERT }
+ # XP2POST := XP2 ++ { RADIUS atangle 0d }
+ # XP2CTR := XP2PRE ++ { RADIUS atangle 0d }
+ # P2 :: XP2CTR ++ { RADIUS atangle { XP2CTR angleto XP2 } }
+ # P2 :< XP2PRE angleto XP2POST
+ # {round VERT} quadcase
+ # 90 { [XP1CTR clockwise] P1 [XP1CTR clockwise] }
+ # 270 { [XP1CTR] P1 [XP1CTR] }
+ # {round VERT} quadcase
+ # 90 { [XP2CTR clockwise] P2 [XP2CTR clockwise] }
+ # 270 { [XP2CTR] P2 [XP2CTR] }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @RVLLinePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias "ldiagrvllinepath"
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle 0d
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle 0d
+ # FROM :< 0d
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle 0d
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle 0d
+ # TO :< 180d
+ # XRIGHT := {{xcoord FROM} max {xcoord TO}} + bias
+ # P1 :: { XRIGHT ycoord FROM }
+ # P2 :: { XRIGHT ycoord TO }
+ # VERT := P1 angleto P2
+ # P1 :< P1 angleto {P1++{1f atangle 0d} ++{1f atangle VERT}}
+ # P2 :< P2 angleto {P2++{1f atangle 180d}++{1f atangle VERT}}
+ # LMID :: P1 ** 0.5 ++ P2 ** 0.5
+ # LMID :< VERT
+ # XINDENT := xindent min {FROM distance P1}
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min {P2 distance TO}
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ { XINDENT 0 }
+ # LFROM :< 0d
+ # LTO :: TO ++ { ZINDENT 0 }
+ # LTO :< 180d
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @RVLCurvePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias radius "ldiagrvlcurvepath"
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle 0d
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle 0d
+ # FROM :< 0d
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle 0d
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle 0d
+ # TO :< 180d
+ # XRIGHT := {{xcoord FROM} max {xcoord TO}} + bias
+ # XP1 := { XRIGHT ycoord FROM }
+ # XP2 := { XRIGHT ycoord TO }
+ # VERT := XP1 angleto XP2
+ # LMID :: XP1 ** 0.5 ++ XP2 ** 0.5
+ # LMID :< VERT
+ # XINDENT := xindent min {FROM distance XP1}
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min {XP2 distance TO}
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ { XINDENT 0 }
+ # LFROM :< 0d
+ # LTO :: TO ++ { ZINDENT 0 }
+ # LTO :< 180d
+ # RADIUS := radius min { { XP1 distance XP2 } * 0.5 }
+ # XP1PRE := XP1 ++ { RADIUS atangle 180d }
+ # XP1POST := XP1 ++ { RADIUS atangle VERT }
+ # XP1CTR := XP1PRE ++ { RADIUS atangle VERT }
+ # P1 :: XP1CTR ++ { RADIUS atangle { XP1CTR angleto XP1 } }
+ # P1 :< XP1PRE angleto XP1POST
+ # XP2PRE := XP2 -- { RADIUS atangle VERT }
+ # XP2POST := XP2 ++ { RADIUS atangle 180d }
+ # XP2CTR := XP2PRE ++ { RADIUS atangle 180d }
+ # P2 :: XP2CTR ++ { RADIUS atangle { XP2CTR angleto XP2 } }
+ # P2 :< XP2PRE angleto XP2POST
+ # {round VERT} quadcase
+ # 90 { [XP1CTR] P1 [XP1CTR] }
+ # 270 { [XP1CTR clockwise] P1 [XP1CTR clockwise] }
+ # {round VERT} quadcase
+ # 90 { [XP2CTR] P2 [XP2CTR] }
+ # 270 { [XP2CTR clockwise] P2 [XP2CTR clockwise] }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @DWrapLinePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias fbias tbias "ldiagdwraplinepath"
+ # DIRN := if cond { xcoord from??CTR < xcoord to??CTR }
+ # then { 180d } else { 0d }
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle DIRN
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle DIRN
+ # FROM :< DIRN
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # TO :< DIRN
+ # P1 :: FROM ++ {fbias max 0} atangle DIRN
+ # P1 :< if cond { DIRN = 180d } then { 225d } else { -45d }
+ # P4 :: TO ++ {tbias max 0} atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # P4 :< if cond { DIRN = 180d } then { 135d } else { 45d }
+ # YC := ycoord { from boundaryatangle 270d } min
+ # ycoord { to boundaryatangle 270d }
+ # - { bias max 0 }
+ # P2 :: { xcoord P1 YC }
+ # P2 :< P4@ANGLE - 180d
+ # P3 :: { xcoord P4 YC }
+ # P3 :< P1@ANGLE - 180d
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FROM distance P1 }
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ XINDENT atangle DIRN
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TO distance P4 }
+ # LTO :: TO ++ ZINDENT atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # LMID :: P2 ** 0.5 ++ P3 ** 0.5
+ # LMID :< DIRN - 180d
+ # FROM P1 P2 P3 P4 TO
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @DWrapCurvePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias fbias tbias radius "ldiagdwrapcurvepath"
+ # DIRN := if cond { xcoord from??CTR < xcoord to??CTR }
+ # then { 180d } else { 0d }
+ # CLOCK := if cond { xcoord from??CTR < xcoord to??CTR }
+ # then { anticlockwise } else { clockwise }
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle DIRN
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle DIRN
+ # FROM :< DIRN
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # TO :< DIRN
+ #
+ # XP1 := FROM ++ {fbias max 0} atangle DIRN
+ # XP4 := TO ++ {tbias max 0} atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # YC := ycoord { from boundaryatangle 270d } min
+ # ycoord { to boundaryatangle 270d }
+ # - { bias max 0 }
+ # XP2 := { xcoord XP1 YC }
+ # XP3 := { xcoord XP4 YC }
+ #
+ # RP1 := radius min { XP1 distance FROM } min
+ # { { XP1 distance XP2 } / 2 }
+ # XP1PRE := XP1 ++ RP1 atangle { XP1 angleto FROM }
+ # XP1POST := XP1 ++ RP1 atangle { XP1 angleto XP2 }
+ # XP1CTR := XP1PRE ++ RP1 atangle { XP1 angleto XP2 }
+ # P1 :: XP1CTR ++ RP1 atangle { XP1CTR angleto XP1 }
+ # P1 :< XP1CTR angleto P1 + DIRN - 90d
+ #
+ # RP2 := radius min { { XP1 distance XP2 } / 2 }
+ # min { { XP2 distance XP3 } / 2 }
+ # XP2PRE := XP2 ++ RP2 atangle { XP2 angleto XP1 }
+ # XP2POST := XP2 ++ RP2 atangle { XP2 angleto XP3 }
+ # XP2CTR := XP2PRE ++ RP2 atangle { XP2 angleto XP3 }
+ # P2 :: XP2CTR ++ RP2 atangle { XP2CTR angleto XP2 }
+ # P2 :< XP2CTR angleto P2 + DIRN - 90d
+ #
+ # RP3 := radius min { { XP2 distance XP3 } / 2 }
+ # min { { XP3 distance XP4 } / 2 }
+ # XP3PRE := XP3 ++ RP3 atangle { XP3 angleto XP2 }
+ # XP3POST := XP3 ++ RP3 atangle { XP3 angleto XP4 }
+ # XP3CTR := XP3PRE ++ RP3 atangle { XP3 angleto XP4 }
+ # P3 :: XP3CTR ++ RP3 atangle { XP3CTR angleto XP3 }
+ # P3 :< XP3CTR angleto P3 + DIRN - 90d
+ #
+ # RP4 := radius min { { XP4 distance XP3 } / 2 }
+ # min { XP4 distance TO }
+ # XP4PRE := XP4 ++ RP4 atangle { XP4 angleto XP3 }
+ # XP4POST := XP4 ++ RP4 atangle { XP4 angleto TO }
+ # XP4CTR := XP4PRE ++ RP4 atangle { XP4 angleto TO }
+ # P4 :: XP4CTR ++ RP4 atangle { XP4CTR angleto XP4 }
+ # P4 :< XP4CTR angleto P4 + DIRN - 90d
+ #
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FROM distance XP1PRE }
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ XINDENT atangle DIRN
+ #
+ # LMID :: XP2 ** 0.5 ++ XP3 ** 0.5
+ # LMID :< DIRN - 180d
+ #
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TO distance XP4POST }
+ # LTO :: TO ++ ZINDENT atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ #
+ # LMID
+ # LTO TO
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @UWrapLinePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias fbias tbias "ldiaguwraplinepath"
+ # DIRN := if cond { xcoord from??CTR < xcoord to??CTR }
+ # then { 180d } else { 0d }
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle DIRN
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle DIRN
+ # FROM :< DIRN
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # TO :< DIRN
+ # P1 :: FROM ++ {fbias max 0} atangle DIRN
+ # P1 :< if cond { DIRN = 180d } then { 135d } else { 45d }
+ # P4 :: TO ++ {tbias max 0} atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # P4 :< if cond { DIRN = 180d } then { 225d } else { -45d }
+ # YC := ycoord { from boundaryatangle 90d } max
+ # ycoord { to boundaryatangle 90d }
+ # + { bias max 0 }
+ # P2 :: { xcoord P1 YC }
+ # P2 :< P4@ANGLE - 180d
+ # P3 :: { xcoord P4 YC }
+ # P3 :< P1@ANGLE - 180d
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FROM distance P1 }
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ XINDENT atangle DIRN
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TO distance P4 }
+ # LTO :: TO ++ ZINDENT atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # LMID :: P2 ** 0.5 ++ P3 ** 0.5
+ # LMID :< DIRN - 180d
+ # FROM P1 P2 P3 P4 TO
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @UWrapCurvePath
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength}
+ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength}
+ "{" from "}" "{" to "}"
+ xindent zindent bias fbias tbias radius "ldiaguwrapcurvepath"
+ # DIRN := if cond { xcoord from??CTR < xcoord to??CTR }
+ # then { 180d } else { 0d }
+ # CLOCK := if cond { xcoord from??CTR < xcoord to??CTR }
+ # then { clockwise } else { anticlockwise }
+ # FROM :: from boundaryatangle DIRN
+ # ++ {arrow @FromArrowLength arrowlength} atangle DIRN
+ # FROM :< DIRN
+ # TO :: to boundaryatangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # ++ {arrow @ToArrowLength arrowlength} atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # TO :< DIRN
+ #
+ # XP1 := FROM ++ {fbias max 0} atangle DIRN
+ # XP4 := TO ++ {tbias max 0} atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ # YC := ycoord { from boundaryatangle 90d } max
+ # ycoord { to boundaryatangle 90d }
+ # + { bias max 0 }
+ # XP2 := { xcoord XP1 YC }
+ # XP3 := { xcoord XP4 YC }
+ #
+ # RP1 := radius min { XP1 distance FROM } min
+ # { { XP1 distance XP2 } / 2 }
+ # XP1PRE := XP1 ++ RP1 atangle { XP1 angleto FROM }
+ # XP1POST := XP1 ++ RP1 atangle { XP1 angleto XP2 }
+ # XP1CTR := XP1PRE ++ RP1 atangle { XP1 angleto XP2 }
+ # P1 :: XP1CTR ++ RP1 atangle { XP1CTR angleto XP1 }
+ # P1 :< XP1CTR angleto P1 + DIRN + 90d
+ #
+ # RP2 := radius min { { XP1 distance XP2 } / 2 }
+ # min { { XP2 distance XP3 } / 2 }
+ # XP2PRE := XP2 ++ RP2 atangle { XP2 angleto XP1 }
+ # XP2POST := XP2 ++ RP2 atangle { XP2 angleto XP3 }
+ # XP2CTR := XP2PRE ++ RP2 atangle { XP2 angleto XP3 }
+ # P2 :: XP2CTR ++ RP2 atangle { XP2CTR angleto XP2 }
+ # P2 :< XP2CTR angleto P2 + DIRN + 90d
+ #
+ # RP3 := radius min { { XP2 distance XP3 } / 2 }
+ # min { { XP3 distance XP4 } / 2 }
+ # XP3PRE := XP3 ++ RP3 atangle { XP3 angleto XP2 }
+ # XP3POST := XP3 ++ RP3 atangle { XP3 angleto XP4 }
+ # XP3CTR := XP3PRE ++ RP3 atangle { XP3 angleto XP4 }
+ # P3 :: XP3CTR ++ RP3 atangle { XP3CTR angleto XP3 }
+ # P3 :< XP3CTR angleto P3 + DIRN + 90d
+ #
+ # RP4 := radius min { { XP4 distance XP3 } / 2 }
+ # min { XP4 distance TO }
+ # XP4PRE := XP4 ++ RP4 atangle { XP4 angleto XP3 }
+ # XP4POST := XP4 ++ RP4 atangle { XP4 angleto TO }
+ # XP4CTR := XP4PRE ++ RP4 atangle { XP4 angleto TO }
+ # P4 :: XP4CTR ++ RP4 atangle { XP4CTR angleto XP4 }
+ # P4 :< XP4CTR angleto P4 + DIRN + 90d
+ #
+ # XINDENT := xindent min { FROM distance XP1PRE }
+ # LFROM :: FROM ++ XINDENT atangle DIRN
+ #
+ # LMID :: XP2 ** 0.5 ++ XP3 ** 0.5
+ # LMID :< DIRN - 180d
+ #
+ # ZINDENT := zindent min { TO distance XP4POST }
+ # LTO :: TO ++ ZINDENT atangle { DIRN + 180d }
+ #
+ # LMID
+ # LTO TO
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ import @Geometry
+ def @Path
+ {
+ path @Case {
+ line @Yield @LinePath
+ doubleline @Yield @DoubleLinePath
+ { acurve curve } @Yield @ACurvePath
+ ccurve @Yield @CCurvePath
+ bezier @Yield @BezierPath
+ vhline @Yield @VHLinePath
+ vhcurve @Yield @VHCurvePath
+ hvline @Yield @HVLinePath
+ hvcurve @Yield @HVCurvePath
+ lvrline @Yield @LVRLinePath
+ lvrcurve @Yield @LVRCurvePath
+ rvlline @Yield @RVLLinePath
+ rvlcurve @Yield @RVLCurvePath
+ dwrapline @Yield @DWrapLinePath
+ dwrapcurve @Yield @DWrapCurvePath
+ uwrapline @Yield @UWrapLinePath
+ uwrapcurve @Yield @UWrapCurvePath
+ else @Yield {
+ path
+ from { from }
+ to { to }
+ bias { bias }
+ fbias { fbias }
+ tbias { tbias }
+ radius { radius }
+ xindent { xindent }
+ zindent { zindent }
+ frompt { frompt }
+ topt { topt }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ arrowlength { arrowlength }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @FromLabel
+ {
+ @DoLabel
+ which { "f" }
+ label { fromlabel @Else @FromArrow }
+ labelmargin { fromlabelmargin }
+ labelfont { fromlabelfont }
+ labelbreak { fromlabelbreak }
+ labelformat { fromlabelformat @Body }
+ labelpos { fromlabelpos }
+ labelprox { fromlabelprox }
+ labelangle { fromlabelangle }
+ labelctr { fromlabelctr }
+ labeladjust { fromlabeladjust }
+ }
+ def @ToLabel
+ {
+ @DoLabel
+ which { "t" }
+ label { tolabel @Else @ToArrow }
+ labelmargin { tolabelmargin }
+ labelfont { tolabelfont }
+ labelbreak { tolabelbreak }
+ labelformat { tolabelformat @Body }
+ labelpos { tolabelpos }
+ labelprox { tolabelprox }
+ labelangle { tolabelangle }
+ labelctr { tolabelctr }
+ labeladjust { tolabeladjust }
+ }
+ def @Direct
+ {
+ pathstyle @Case {
+ { "/ldiagsolid" "/ldiagdashed" "/ldiagcdashed"
+ "/ldiagdotted" "/ldiagnoline" } @Yield 1
+ else @Yield 0
+ }
+ }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @Null & # so that preceding space gets chewed up
+ {
+ @Direct "ldiaglinkbegin [" @Path "]" pathdashlength
+ "[" pathstyle "]" pathwidth "ldiaglinkend"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {
+ / { fromlabel @Else @FromArrow} @IfNonEmpty @FromLabel
+ / { xlabel @Else linklabel } @IfNonEmpty @XLabel
+ / { ylabel @Else linklabel } @IfNonEmpty @YLabel
+ / { zlabel @Else linklabel } @IfNonEmpty @ZLabel
+ / { tolabel @Else @ToArrow } @IfNonEmpty @ToLabel
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ def @ObjectLink
+ precedence 90
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named treehsep { treehsep }
+ named treevsep { treevsep }
+ named format
+ named x {}
+ named y {}
+ named insinuatelink {}
+ named treehsep {}
+ named treevsep {}
+ { x | y | insinuatelink }
+ import @Geometry named path
+ named from {}
+ named to {}
+ named bias {}
+ named fbias {}
+ named tbias {}
+ named radius {}
+ named xindent {}
+ named zindent {}
+ named frompt {}
+ named topt {}
+ named arrow {}
+ named arrowlength {}
+ { path
+ from { from }
+ to { to }
+ bias { bias }
+ fbias { fbias }
+ tbias { tbias }
+ radius { radius }
+ xindent { xindent }
+ zindent { zindent }
+ frompt { frompt }
+ topt { topt }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ arrowlength { arrowlength }
+ }
+ import @Geometry named basefrom { }
+ import @Geometry named baseto { }
+ import @Geometry named from { }
+ import @Geometry named to { }
+ import @Geometry named bias { bias }
+ import @Geometry named fbias { fbias }
+ import @Geometry named tbias { tbias }
+ import @Geometry named radius { radius }
+ import @Geometry named xindent { xindent }
+ import @Geometry named zindent { zindent }
+ import @Geometry named frompt { frompt }
+ import @Geometry named topt { topt }
+ named pathstyle
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ { pathstyle }
+ import @Geometry named pathdashlength { pathdashlength }
+ import @Geometry named pathwidth
+ named thin { 0.04 ft }
+ named medium { 0.08 ft }
+ named thick { 0.12 ft }
+ { pathwidth }
+ import @Geometry named pathgap
+ named thin { 0.08 ft }
+ named medium { 0.16 ft }
+ named thick { 0.24 ft }
+ { pathgap }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named arrowstyle { arrowstyle }
+ named arrowwidth { arrowwidth }
+ named arrowlength { arrowlength }
+ named linklabel { linklabel }
+ named linklabelmargin { linklabelmargin }
+ named linklabelfont { linklabelfont }
+ named linklabelbreak { linklabelbreak }
+ named linklabelformat right @Body { linklabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named linklabelpos { linklabelpos }
+ named linklabelprox { linklabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named linklabelangle { linklabelangle }
+ named linklabelctr { linklabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named linklabeladjust { linklabeladjust }
+ named xlabel { xlabel }
+ named xlabelmargin { xlabelmargin }
+ named xlabelfont { xlabelfont }
+ named xlabelbreak { xlabelbreak }
+ named xlabelformat right @Body { xlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named xlabelpos { xlabelpos }
+ named xlabelprox { xlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named xlabelangle { xlabelangle }
+ named xlabelctr { xlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named xlabeladjust { xlabeladjust }
+ named ylabel { ylabel }
+ named ylabelmargin { ylabelmargin }
+ named ylabelfont { ylabelfont }
+ named ylabelbreak { ylabelbreak }
+ named ylabelformat right @Body { ylabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named ylabelpos { ylabelpos }
+ named ylabelprox { ylabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named ylabelangle { ylabelangle }
+ named ylabelctr { ylabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named ylabeladjust { ylabeladjust }
+ named zlabel { zlabel }
+ named zlabelmargin { zlabelmargin }
+ named zlabelfont { zlabelfont }
+ named zlabelbreak { zlabelbreak }
+ named zlabelformat right @Body { zlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named zlabelpos { zlabelpos }
+ named zlabelprox { zlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named zlabelangle { zlabelangle }
+ named zlabelctr { zlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named zlabeladjust { zlabeladjust }
+ named fromlabel { fromlabel }
+ named fromlabelmargin { fromlabelmargin }
+ named fromlabelfont { fromlabelfont }
+ named fromlabelbreak { fromlabelbreak }
+ named fromlabelformat right @Body { fromlabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabelpos { fromlabelpos }
+ named fromlabelprox { fromlabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabelangle { fromlabelangle }
+ named fromlabelctr { fromlabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named fromlabeladjust { fromlabeladjust }
+ named tolabel { tolabel }
+ named tolabelmargin { tolabelmargin }
+ named tolabelfont { tolabelfont }
+ named tolabelbreak { tolabelbreak }
+ named tolabelformat right @Body { tolabelformat @Body }
+ import @Geometry named tolabelpos { tolabelpos }
+ named tolabelprox { tolabelprox }
+ import @Geometry named tolabelangle { tolabelangle }
+ named tolabelctr { tolabelctr }
+ import @Geometry named tolabeladjust{ tolabeladjust }
+ right y
+ {
+ def @From
+ {
+ from @Case {
+ "" @Yield basefrom
+ else @Yield { basefrom"@"from }
+ }
+ }
+ def @To
+ {
+ to @Case {
+ "" @Yield baseto
+ else @Yield { baseto"@"to }
+ }
+ }
+ format
+ x { x }
+ y { y }
+ treehsep { treehsep }
+ treevsep { treevsep }
+ insinuatelink {
+ @Link
+ from { @From }
+ to { @To }
+ bias { bias }
+ fbias { fbias }
+ tbias { tbias }
+ radius { radius }
+ xindent { xindent }
+ zindent { zindent }
+ frompt { frompt }
+ topt { topt }
+ path { path
+ from { @From }
+ to { @To }
+ bias { bias }
+ fbias { fbias }
+ tbias { tbias }
+ radius { radius }
+ xindent { xindent }
+ zindent { zindent }
+ frompt { frompt }
+ topt { topt }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ arrowlength { arrowlength }
+ }
+ pathstyle { pathstyle }
+ pathdashlength { pathdashlength }
+ pathwidth { pathwidth }
+ pathgap { pathgap }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ arrowstyle { arrowstyle }
+ arrowwidth { arrowwidth }
+ arrowlength { arrowlength }
+ linklabel { linklabel }
+ linklabelmargin { linklabelmargin }
+ linklabelfont { linklabelfont }
+ linklabelbreak { linklabelbreak }
+ linklabelformat { linklabelformat @Body }
+ linklabelpos { linklabelpos }
+ linklabelprox { linklabelprox }
+ linklabelangle { linklabelangle }
+ linklabelctr { linklabelctr }
+ linklabeladjust { linklabeladjust }
+ xlabel { xlabel }
+ xlabelmargin { xlabelmargin }
+ xlabelfont { xlabelfont }
+ xlabelbreak { xlabelbreak }
+ xlabelformat { xlabelformat @Body }
+ xlabelpos { xlabelpos }
+ xlabelprox { xlabelprox }
+ xlabelangle { xlabelangle }
+ xlabelctr { xlabelctr }
+ xlabeladjust { xlabeladjust }
+ ylabel { ylabel }
+ ylabelmargin { ylabelmargin }
+ ylabelfont { ylabelfont }
+ ylabelbreak { ylabelbreak }
+ ylabelformat { ylabelformat @Body }
+ ylabelpos { ylabelpos }
+ ylabelprox { ylabelprox }
+ ylabelangle { ylabelangle }
+ ylabelctr { ylabelctr }
+ ylabeladjust { ylabeladjust }
+ zlabel { zlabel }
+ zlabelmargin { zlabelmargin }
+ zlabelfont { zlabelfont }
+ zlabelbreak { zlabelbreak }
+ zlabelformat { zlabelformat @Body }
+ zlabelpos { zlabelpos }
+ zlabelprox { zlabelprox }
+ zlabelangle { zlabelangle }
+ zlabelctr { zlabelctr }
+ zlabeladjust { zlabeladjust }
+ fromlabel { fromlabel }
+ fromlabelmargin { fromlabelmargin }
+ fromlabelfont { fromlabelfont }
+ fromlabelbreak { fromlabelbreak }
+ fromlabelformat { fromlabelformat @Body }
+ fromlabelpos { fromlabelpos }
+ fromlabelprox { fromlabelprox }
+ fromlabelangle { fromlabelangle }
+ fromlabelctr { fromlabelctr }
+ fromlabeladjust { fromlabeladjust }
+ tolabel { tolabel }
+ tolabelmargin { tolabelmargin }
+ tolabelfont { tolabelfont }
+ tolabelbreak { tolabelbreak }
+ tolabelformat { tolabelformat @Body }
+ tolabelpos { tolabelpos }
+ tolabelprox { tolabelprox }
+ tolabelangle { tolabelangle }
+ tolabelctr { tolabelctr }
+ tolabeladjust { tolabeladjust }
+ }
+ }
+ macro @Line { @Link path { line } }
+ macro @DoubleLine { @Link path { doubleline } }
+ macro @Arrow { @Link path { line } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @DoubleArrow { @Link path {doubleline} arrow { yes } }
+ macro @Curve { @Link path { curve } }
+ macro @CurveArrow { @Link path { curve } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @ACurve { @Link path { acurve } }
+ macro @ACurveArrow { @Link path { acurve } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @CCurve { @Link path { ccurve } }
+ macro @CCurveArrow { @Link path { ccurve } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @Bezier { @Link path { bezier } }
+ macro @BezierArrow { @Link path { bezier } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @HVLine { @Link path { hvline } }
+ macro @HVArrow { @Link path { hvline } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @VHLine { @Link path { vhline } }
+ macro @VHArrow { @Link path { vhline } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @HVCurve { @Link path { hvcurve } }
+ macro @HVCurveArrow { @Link path { hvcurve } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @VHCurve { @Link path { vhcurve } }
+ macro @VHCurveArrow { @Link path { vhcurve } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @LVRLine { @Link path { lvrline } }
+ macro @LVRArrow { @Link path { lvrline } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @RVLLine { @Link path { rvlline } }
+ macro @RVLArrow { @Link path { rvlline } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @LVRCurve { @Link path { lvrcurve } }
+ macro @LVRCurveArrow { @Link path { lvrcurve } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @RVLCurve { @Link path { rvlcurve } }
+ macro @RVLCurveArrow { @Link path { rvlcurve } arrow { yes } }
+ macro @DWrapLine { @Link path { dwrapline} }
+ macro @DWrapArrow { @Link path { dwrapline} arrow { yes } }
+ macro @UWrapLine { @Link path { uwrapline} }
+ macro @UWrapArrow { @Link path { uwrapline} arrow { yes } }
+ macro @DWrapCurve { @Link path {dwrapcurve} }
+ macro @DWrapCurveArrow { @Link path {dwrapcurve} arrow { yes } }
+ macro @UWrapCurve { @Link path {uwrapcurve} }
+ macro @UWrapCurveArrow { @Link path {uwrapcurve} arrow { yes } }
+ export
+ @Node @Box @CurveBox @ShadowBox @Square @Diamond
+ @Polygon @Isosceles @Ellipse @Circle
+ @LeftSub @ZeroWidthLeftSub @RightSub @ZeroWidthRightSub
+ @FirstSub @NextSub @StubSub
+ def @Tree
+ named treehindent
+ named left { 0.0rt }
+ named ctr { 0.5rt }
+ named right { 1.0rt }
+ { treehindent }
+ body x
+ {
+ macro @TNode { @@Node nodetag { T } }
+ macro @Node { @TNode }
+ macro @Box { @TNode outline { box } }
+ macro @CurveBox { @TNode outline { curvebox } }
+ macro @ShadowBox { @TNode outline { shadowbox } }
+ macro @Square { @TNode outline { square } }
+ macro @Diamond { @TNode outline { diamond } }
+ macro @Polygon { @TNode outline { polygon } }
+ macro @Isosceles { @TNode outline { isosceles } }
+ macro @Ellipse { @TNode outline { ellipse } }
+ macro @Circle { @TNode outline { circle } }
+ def fixroot
+ precedence 90
+ left root
+ {
+ |treehindent root
+ }
+ macro @LeftSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { L@T }
+ format { { /treevsep {L::y} } |treehsep x | insinuatelink }
+ }
+ macro @ZeroWidthLeftSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { L@T }
+ format { { /treevsep @ZeroWidth { {L::y} ^|treehsep } } |
+ x | insinuatelink }
+ }
+ macro @FirstSub
+ {
+ fixroot //
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { S@T }
+ format { //treevsep {S::y} | insinuatelink | }
+ }
+ macro @NextSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { S@T }
+ format { x |treehsep { / {S::y} | insinuatelink | } }
+ }
+ macro @RightSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { R@T }
+ format { x |treehsep { /treevsep {R::y} } | insinuatelink }
+ }
+ macro @ZeroWidthRightSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { R@T }
+ format { x | { /treevsep @ZeroWidth { |treehsep {R::y} } }
+ | insinuatelink }
+ }
+ macro @StubSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { T }
+ format { @VContract { |0.5rt x | // |0.5rt
+ S:: @BoxLabels @CatchTags y | } | insinuatelink }
+ # path { from S@T@SW S@T@SE to }
+ path {
+ P1:: S@SW
+ P2:: S@SE
+ FROM:: from boundaryatangle { from??CTR angleto P1 }
+ TO:: to boundaryatangle { to??CTR angleto P2 }
+ }
+ }
+ @HContract @VContract x
+ }
+ export
+ @Node @Box @CurveBox @ShadowBox @Square @Diamond
+ @Polygon @Isosceles @Ellipse @Circle
+ @LeftSub @ZeroWidthLeftSub @RightSub @ZeroWidthRightSub
+ @FirstSub @NextSub @StubSub
+ def @HTree
+ named treevindent
+ named top { 0.0rt }
+ named ctr { 0.5rt }
+ named foot { 1.0rt }
+ { treevindent }
+ body x
+ {
+ macro @TNode { @@Node nodetag { T } }
+ macro @Node { @TNode }
+ macro @Box { @TNode outline { box } }
+ macro @CurveBox { @TNode outline { curvebox } }
+ macro @ShadowBox { @TNode outline { shadowbox } }
+ macro @Square { @TNode outline { square } }
+ macro @Diamond { @TNode outline { diamond } }
+ macro @Polygon { @TNode outline { polygon } }
+ macro @Isosceles { @TNode outline { isosceles } }
+ macro @Ellipse { @TNode outline { ellipse } }
+ macro @Circle { @TNode outline { circle } }
+ def fixroot
+ precedence 90
+ left root
+ {
+ /treevindent root
+ }
+ macro @LeftSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { L@T }
+ format { { |treehsep {L::y} } /treevsep x / insinuatelink }
+ }
+ macro @ZeroWidthLeftSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { L@T }
+ format { { |treehsep @ZeroWidth { {L::y} ^/treevsep } } /
+ x / insinuatelink }
+ }
+ macro @FirstSub
+ {
+ fixroot ||
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { S@T }
+ format { ||treehsep { {S::y} / insinuatelink / } }
+ }
+ macro @NextSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { S@T }
+ format { x /treevsep { | {S::y} { / insinuatelink / } } }
+ }
+ macro @RightSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { R@T }
+ format { x /treevsep { |treehsep {R::y} } / insinuatelink }
+ }
+ macro @ZeroWidthRightSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { R@T }
+ format { x / { |treehsep @ZeroWidth { /treevsep {R::y} } }
+ / insinuatelink }
+ }
+ macro @StubSub
+ {
+ @ObjectLink
+ basefrom { T }
+ baseto { T }
+ format { @VContract { { /0.5rt x / } || { /0.5rt
+ S:: @BoxLabels @CatchTags y / } } / insinuatelink }
+ # path { from S@T@SW S@T@SE to }
+ path {
+ P1:: S@NE
+ P2:: S@SE
+ FROM:: from boundaryatangle { from??CTR angleto P1 }
+ TO:: to boundaryatangle { to??CTR angleto P2 }
+ }
+ }
+ @HContract @VContract x
+ }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ save @Case { { yes Yes } @Yield "grestore save gsave" else @Yield {} }
+ maxlabels "ldiagbegin"
+ //
+ "ldiagend"
+ save @Case { { yes Yes } @Yield "restore" else @Yield {} }
+ } @Graphic @Body
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {}
+ }
+ @End @Diag
diff --git a/include/diagf.etc b/include/diagf.etc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c92a145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/diagf.etc
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+# #
+# Lout @Geometry package for algebra and geometry in PostScript #
+# Version 1.0 (June 1996) #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# #
+ i c p m s v f d "-0" "-1" "-2" "-3" "-4" "-5" "-6" "-7" "-8" "-9" "-."
+ pi e sqrt abs ceiling floor truncate round cos sin atan
+ exp log rand max min "*" "/" idiv mod "+" "-"
+ xcoord ycoord distance angleto ":=" ":==" "::" ":<" prev "??" "?!?"
+ boundaryatangle atangle
+ "**" "++" "--" anglefix anydebug ","
+ "=" "!=" "==" "!==" "<" "<=" ">" ">=" not and xor or
+ if quadcase signcase xloop yloop zloop
+ cabout aabout
+def @Geometry
+ def i
+ precedence 100
+ left x
+ {
+ x "in"
+ }
+ def c
+ precedence 100
+ left x
+ {
+ x "cm"
+ }
+ def p
+ precedence 100
+ left x
+ {
+ x "pt"
+ }
+ def m
+ precedence 100
+ left x
+ {
+ x "em"
+ }
+ def s
+ precedence 100
+ left x
+ {
+ x "sp"
+ }
+ def v
+ precedence 100
+ left x
+ {
+ x "vs"
+ }
+ def f
+ precedence 100
+ left x
+ {
+ x "ft"
+ }
+ def d
+ precedence 100
+ left x
+ {
+ x "dg"
+ }
+ def pi
+ {
+ "ldiagpi"
+ }
+ def e
+ {
+ "ldiage"
+ }
+ def sqrt
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "sqrt"
+ }
+ def abs
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "abs"
+ }
+ def anglefix
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "ldiagfixangle"
+ }
+ def ceiling
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "ceiling"
+ }
+ def floor
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "floor"
+ }
+ def truncate
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "truncate"
+ }
+ def round
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "round"
+ }
+ def cos
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "cos"
+ }
+ def sin
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "sin"
+ }
+ def xcoord
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "pop"
+ }
+ def ycoord
+ precedence 99
+ right y
+ {
+ y "exch pop"
+ }
+ def distance
+ precedence 98
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ldiagdistance"
+ }
+ def angleto
+ precedence 98
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ldiagangleto"
+ }
+ def atan
+ precedence 98
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "atan"
+ }
+ def exp
+ precedence 98
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "exp"
+ }
+ def log
+ precedence 98
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ldiaglog"
+ }
+ def rand
+ precedence 98
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "dorand"
+ }
+ def max
+ precedence 98
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ldiagmax"
+ }
+ def min
+ precedence 98
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ldiagmin"
+ }
+ def "*"
+ precedence 97
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "mul"
+ }
+ def "/"
+ precedence 96
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "div"
+ }
+ def idiv
+ precedence 96
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "idiv"
+ }
+ def mod
+ precedence 96
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x "cvi" y "cvi mod"
+ }
+ def "+"
+ precedence 95
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield y
+ else @Yield { x y "add" }
+ }
+ }
+ def "-"
+ precedence 95
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield { y "neg" }
+ else @Yield { x y "sub" }
+ }
+ }
+ def "-0" { "-0" }
+ def "-1" { "-1" }
+ def "-2" { "-2" }
+ def "-3" { "-3" }
+ def "-4" { "-4" }
+ def "-5" { "-5" }
+ def "-6" { "-6" }
+ def "-7" { "-7" }
+ def "-8" { "-8" }
+ def "-9" { "-9" }
+ def "-." { "-." }
+ def prev
+ {
+ "ldiagprevious"
+ }
+ def "??"
+ precedence 99
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ "{" x "} ("y") ldiagdolabel"
+ }
+ def "?!?"
+ precedence 99
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ "{" x "} "y" ldiagdolabel"
+ }
+ def boundaryatangle
+ precedence 89
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x??"CTR" y x??"CIRCUM" "ldiagpadd"
+ }
+ def atangle
+ precedence 89
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ 0 0 x y "ldiagatangle"
+ }
+ def "**"
+ precedence 88
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ldiagpmul"
+ }
+ def "++"
+ precedence 87
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ldiagpadd"
+ }
+ def "--"
+ precedence 87
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ y x "ldiagpsub"
+ }
+ def "="
+ precedence 79
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "eq"
+ }
+ def "!="
+ precedence 79
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ne"
+ }
+ def "=="
+ precedence 79
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ldiagangleeq"
+ }
+ def "!=="
+ precedence 79
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ldiaganglene"
+ }
+ def "<"
+ precedence 79
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "lt"
+ }
+ def "<="
+ precedence 79
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "le"
+ }
+ def ">"
+ precedence 79
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "gt"
+ }
+ def ">="
+ precedence 79
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ge"
+ }
+ def not
+ precedence 78
+ right y
+ {
+ y "not"
+ }
+ def and
+ precedence 77
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "and"
+ }
+ def xor
+ precedence 76
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "xor"
+ }
+ def or
+ precedence 76
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "or"
+ }
+ def ","
+ precedence 70
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ OOO ++ { OOX -- OOO }**x ++ { OOY -- OOO }**y
+ }
+ def ":="
+ precedence 20
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ "/"x "[" y "] cvx def"
+ }
+ def ":=="
+ precedence 20
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ "/"x "[" y "counttomark 2 add (assigning) exch ldiagdebugprint ] cvx def"
+ }
+ def "::"
+ precedence 20
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ y "/"x "ldiagpointdef"
+ }
+ def ":<"
+ precedence 20
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ y "/"x"@ANGLE ldiagangledef"
+ }
+ def if
+ named cond {}
+ named then {}
+ named else {}
+ {
+ cond "{" then "} {" else "} ifelse"
+ }
+ def quadcase
+ precedence 10
+ left angle
+ named "0" {}
+ named "0-90" {}
+ named "90" {}
+ named "90-180" {}
+ named "180" {}
+ named "180-270" {}
+ named "270" {}
+ named "270-360" {}
+ {
+ "{" 0-90 "} {" 270 "} {" 180 "} {" 90 "}"
+ "{" 0 "} {" 270-360 "} {" 180-270 "} {" 90-180 "}" angle "ldiagquadcase"
+ }
+ def signcase
+ precedence 10
+ left number
+ named neg {}
+ named zero {}
+ named pos {}
+ {
+ "{" neg "} {" zero "} {" pos "}" number "ldiagsigncase"
+ }
+ def xloop
+ named from { 0 }
+ named to { 0 }
+ named by { 1 }
+ named do named x { "xval" } {}
+ {
+ from by to "{ /xval exch def" do "} for"
+ }
+ def yloop
+ named from { 0 }
+ named to { 0 }
+ named by { 1 }
+ named do named y { "yval" } {}
+ {
+ from by to "{ /yval exch def" do "} for"
+ }
+ def zloop
+ named from { 0 }
+ named to { 0 }
+ named by { 1 }
+ named do named z { "zval" } {}
+ {
+ from by to "{ /zval exch def" do "} for"
+ }
+ def anydebug
+ right tag
+ {
+ "[" tag "counttomark ("tag") exch ldiagdebugprint cleartomark"
+ }
+ def aabout
+ named circum {}
+ named extra {}
+ named centre {}
+ {
+ "{" circum "} cvlit" extra "[" centre "] cvx ldiagaabout"
+ # ZXCTR := centre
+ # ZFCTR := circum??CTR
+ # ZAREF := ZFCTR angleto ZXCTR
+ # ZAMIN := 0d
+ # ZPMIN := circum boundaryatangle { ZAREF - ZAMIN }
+ # ++ extra atangle { ZAREF - ZAMIN }
+ # ZAMAX := 90d
+ # ZPMAX := circum boundaryatangle { ZAREF - ZAMAX }
+ # ++ extra atangle { ZAREF - ZAMAX }
+ # xloop from { 1 } to { 12 } by { 1 } do {
+ # ZAMID := { ZAMIN + ZAMAX } * 0.5
+ # ZPMID := circum boundaryatangle { ZAREF - ZAMID }
+ # ++ extra atangle { ZAREF - ZAMID }
+ # if cond { {ZPMID distance ZXCTR} > {ZFCTR distance ZXCTR} } then {
+ # }
+ # else {
+ # }
+ # }
+ }
+ def cabout
+ named circum {}
+ named extra {}
+ named centre {}
+ {
+ "{" circum "} cvlit" extra "[" centre "] cvx ldiagcabout"
+ # ZXCTR := centre
+ # ZFCTR := circum??CTR
+ # ZAREF := ZFCTR angleto ZXCTR
+ # ZAMIN := 0d
+ # ZPMIN := circum boundaryatangle { ZAREF + ZAMIN }
+ # ++ extra atangle { ZAREF + ZAMIN }
+ # ZAMAX := 90d
+ # ZPMAX := circum boundaryatangle { ZAREF + ZAMAX }
+ # ++ extra atangle { ZAREF + ZAMAX }
+ # xloop from { 1 } to { 12 } by { 1 } do {
+ # ZAMID := { ZAMIN + ZAMAX } * 0.5
+ # ZPMID := circum boundaryatangle { ZAREF + ZAMID }
+ # ++ extra atangle { ZAREF + ZAMID }
+ # if cond { {ZPMID distance ZXCTR} > {ZFCTR distance ZXCTR} } then {
+ # }
+ # else {
+ # }
+ # }
+ }
diff --git a/include/diagf.lpg b/include/diagf.lpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b76f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/diagf.lpg
@@ -0,0 +1,2706 @@
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutFigPrependGraphic
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Diag Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% Version 2.0 (includes CIRCUM label) September 1996 %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names of all symbols %
+% defined here begin with "ldiag". However, this is not feasible %
+% with user-defined labels and some labels used by users. %
+% %
+% <point> is two numbers, a point. %
+% <length> is one number, a length %
+% <angle> is one number, an angle in degrees %
+% <dashlength> is one number, the preferred length of a dash %
+% %
+errordict begin
+ /handleerror
+ {
+ { /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ 0 setgray 4 pt 4 pt moveto
+ $error /errorname get
+ dup ldiagdict exch known
+ { ldiagdict exch get }
+ { 50 string cvs } ifelse
+ show
+ ( Command: ) show
+ $error /command get 50 string cvs show
+ } stopped {} if
+ showpage stop
+ } def
+% begin diagram: <maxlabels> ldiagbegin -
+% must be defined outside ldiagdict since it loads it
+{ xsize 0 0 ysize ldiagdict begin
+ 5 -1 roll /ldiagmaxlabels exch def
+ (@Diag) ldiagpushtagdict
+ /OOY ldiagpointdef /OOX ldiagpointdef 0 0 /OOO ldiagpointdef
+} def
+% end diagram: - ldiagend -
+{ ldiagpoptagdict end
+} def
+% concat strings: <string> <string> ldiagconcat <string>
+% must be defined outside ldiagdict since used in ldiagpromotelabels
+{ 2 copy length exch length add string
+ dup 0 4 index putinterval
+ dup 3 index length 3 index putinterval
+ 3 1 roll pop pop
+} def
+/ldiagdebugposy 432 def
+/ldiagdebugposx 72 def
+% <string> <int> ldiagdebugprint -
+% must be defined outside ldiagdict since used in arbitrary places
+% print count or <int> stack entries, which ever is the smaller
+ exch
+ gsave
+ initgraphics
+ ldiagdebugposy 72 lt
+ { /ldiagdebugposx ldiagdebugposx 144 add store
+ /ldiagdebugposy 432 store
+ }
+ {
+ /ldiagdebugposy ldiagdebugposy 12 sub store
+ } ifelse
+ ldiagdebugposx ldiagdebugposy moveto
+ /Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont setfont
+ 0 setgray show
+ count 1 sub 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse 1 sub
+ 0 exch 1 exch
+ {
+ /ldiagdebugposy ldiagdebugposy 12 sub store
+ ldiagdebugposx 12 add ldiagdebugposy moveto
+ index 50 string cvs show
+ } for
+ grestore
+} def
+/ldiagdict 200 dict def
+ldiagdict begin
+% error messages
+/dictfull (dictfull error: too many labels?) def
+/dictstackoverflow (dictstackoverflow error: labels nested too deeply?) def
+/execstackoverflow (execstackoverflow error: figure nested too deeply?) def
+/limitcheck (limitcheck error: figure nested too deeply or too large?) def
+/syntaxerror (syntaxerror error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/typecheck (typecheck error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/undefined (undefined error: unknown or misspelt label?) def
+/VMError (VMError error: run out of memory?) def
+% push pi onto stack: - ldiagpi <num>
+/ldiagpi 3.14159 def
+% push e onto stack: - ldiage <num>
+/ldiage 2.71828 def
+% arc directions
+/clockwise false def
+/anticlockwise true def
+% test equality between two angles: <angle> <angle> ldiagangleeq <bool>
+/ldiagangleeq { ldiagfixangle exch ldiagfixangle eq } def
+% test inequality between two angles: <angle> <angle> ldiaganglene <bool>
+/ldiaganglene { ldiagangleeq not } def
+% maximum of two numbers: <num> <num> ldiagmax <num>
+/ldiagmax { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% minimum of two numbers: <num> <num> ldiagmin <num>
+/ldiagmin { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% add two points: <point> <point> ldiagpadd <point>
+ % (Entering padd) 4 ldiagdebugprint
+ exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch
+ % (Leaving padd) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% subtract first point from second: <point> <point> ldiagpsub <point>
+/ldiagpsub { 3 2 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub exch } def
+% max two points: <point> <point> ldiagpmax <point>
+/ldiagpmax { exch 3 1 roll ldiagmax 3 1 roll ldiagmax exch } def
+% min two points: <point> <point> ldiagpmin <point>
+/ldiagpmin { exch 3 1 roll ldiagmin 3 1 roll ldiagmin exch } def
+% scalar multiplication: <point> <num> ldiagpmul <point>
+/ldiagpmul { dup 3 1 roll mul 3 1 roll mul exch } def
+% point at angle and distance: <point> <length> <angle> ldiagatangle <point>
+/ldiagatangle { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul ldiagpadd } def
+% angle from one point to another: <point> <point> ldiagangleto <angle>
+/ldiagangleto { ldiagpsub 2 copy 0 eq exch 0 eq and {pop} {exch atan} ifelse } def
+% distance between two points: <point> <point> ldiagdistance <length>
+/ldiagdistance { ldiagpsub dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
+% stroke a solid line: <length> <dashlength> ldiagsolid -
+{ pop pop [] 0 setdash 1 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% stroke a dashed line: <length> <dashlength> ldiagdashed -
+{ 2 copy div 2 le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt ldiagmax [ exch dup ] 0 setdash }
+ { dup [ exch 4 2 roll 2 copy div
+ 1 sub 2 div ceiling dup 4 1 roll
+ 1 add mul sub exch div ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% stroke a cdashed line: <length> <dashlength> ldiagcdashed -
+{ % (Entering ldiagcdashed) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt ldiagmax [ exch dup ] dup 0 get 2 div setdash }
+ { dup [ 4 2 roll exch 2 copy exch div
+ 2 div ceiling div 1 index sub
+ ] exch 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse 0 setlinecap stroke
+ % (Leaving ldiagcdashed) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% stroke a dotted line: <length> <dashlength> ldiagdotted -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt ldiagmax [ exch 0 exch ] 0 setdash }
+ { 1 index exch div ceiling div
+ [ 0 3 2 roll ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse 1 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% stroke a noline line: <length> <dashlength> ldiagnoline -
+{ pop pop
+} def
+% painting (i.e. filling): - ldiagwhite - (etc.)
+/ldiagnopaint { } def
+/ldiagnochange { fill } def
+/ldiagdarkblue { 0.0 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagblue { 0.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaglightblue { 0.5 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagdarkgreen { 0.0 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaggreen { 0.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaglightgreen { 0.5 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagdarkred { 0.5 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagred { 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaglightred { 1.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagdarkcyan { 0.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagcyan { 0.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaglightcyan { 0.5 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagdarkmagenta { 0.5 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagmagenta { 1.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaglightmagenta { 1.0 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagdarkyellow { 0.5 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaglightyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagdarkgray { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaggray { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaglightgray { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagdarkgrey { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaggrey { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiaglightgrey { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagblack { 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ldiagwhite { 1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+% shape and labels of the @Box symbol
+ 0 0 /SW ldiagpointdef
+ xsize 0 /SE ldiagpointdef
+ xsize ysize /NE ldiagpointdef
+ 0 ysize /NW ldiagpointdef
+ SE 0.5 ldiagpmul /S ldiagpointdef
+ NW 0.5 ldiagpmul /W ldiagpointdef
+ W SE ldiagpadd /E ldiagpointdef
+ S NW ldiagpadd /N ldiagpointdef
+ NE 0.5 ldiagpmul /CTR ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /S@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 45 dg /SE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 90 dg /E@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 135 dg /NE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 180 dg /N@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 225 dg /NW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 270 dg /W@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 315 dg /SW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ [ CTR NE ldiagpsub /ldiagboxcircum cvx ] ldiagcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @CurveBox symbol
+% <margin> ldiagcurvebox <shape>
+ % (Entering ldiagcurvebox) 1 ldiagdebugprint
+ ldiagdecodelength /cbmgn exch def
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize 0.5 mul /CTR ldiagpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul 0 /S ldiagpointdef
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul /E ldiagpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize /N ldiagpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul /W ldiagpointdef
+ cbmgn 0.293 mul cbmgn 0.293 mul /SW ldiagpointdef
+ xsize cbmgn 0.293 mul sub cbmgn 0.293 mul /SE ldiagpointdef
+ xsize cbmgn 0.293 mul sub ysize cbmgn 0.293 mul sub /NE ldiagpointdef
+ cbmgn 0.293 mul ysize cbmgn 0.293 mul sub /NW ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /S@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 45 dg /SE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 90 dg /E@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 135 dg /NE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 180 dg /N@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 225 dg /NW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 270 dg /W@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 315 dg /SW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 ldiagpmul cbmgn /ldiagcurveboxcircum cvx ] ldiagcircumdef
+ cbmgn 0
+ xsize cbmgn sub 0
+ [ xsize cbmgn sub cbmgn ]
+ xsize cbmgn
+ xsize ysize cbmgn sub
+ [ xsize cbmgn sub ysize cbmgn sub ]
+ xsize cbmgn sub ysize
+ cbmgn ysize
+ [ cbmgn ysize cbmgn sub ]
+ 0 ysize cbmgn sub
+ 0 cbmgn
+ [ cbmgn cbmgn ]
+ cbmgn 0
+ % (Leaving ldiagcurvebox) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% shadow of the @ShadowBox symbol
+% its shape and labels are done, somewhat inaccurately, with ldiagbox
+% <shadowmargin> ldiagshadow -
+ /lfshm exch def
+ lfshm 0 moveto
+ 0 lfshm neg rlineto
+ xsize 0 rlineto
+ 0 ysize rlineto
+ lfshm neg 0 rlineto
+ xsize 0 lineto
+ closepath fill
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Square symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 ldiagpmul /CTR ldiagpointdef
+ CTR xsize xsize ysize ysize ldiagpmax 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /NE ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE ldiagdistance 135 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /NW ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE ldiagdistance 225 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /SW ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE ldiagdistance 315 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /SE ldiagpointdef
+ SW 0.5 ldiagpmul SE 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /S ldiagpointdef
+ NW 0.5 ldiagpmul NE 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /N ldiagpointdef
+ SW 0.5 ldiagpmul NW 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /W ldiagpointdef
+ SE 0.5 ldiagpmul NE 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /E ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /S@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 45 dg /SE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 90 dg /E@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 135 dg /NE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 180 dg /N@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 225 dg /NW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 270 dg /W@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 315 dg /SW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ [ CTR NE ldiagpsub /ldiagboxcircum cvx ] ldiagcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Diamond symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 ldiagpmul /S ldiagpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 ldiagpmul /W ldiagpointdef
+ S W ldiagpadd /CTR ldiagpointdef
+ CTR W ldiagpadd /N ldiagpointdef
+ CTR S ldiagpadd /E ldiagpointdef
+ E N ldiagpadd 0.5 ldiagpmul /NE ldiagpointdef
+ N W ldiagpadd 0.5 ldiagpmul /NW ldiagpointdef
+ S W ldiagpadd 0.5 ldiagpmul /SW ldiagpointdef
+ S E ldiagpadd 0.5 ldiagpmul /SE ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /S@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 90 dg /E@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 180 dg /N@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 270 dg /W@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ S E ldiagangleto /SE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ E N ldiagangleto /NE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ N W ldiagangleto /NW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ W S ldiagangleto /SW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 ldiagpmul /ldiagdiamondcircum cvx ] ldiagcircumdef
+ S E N W S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Ellipse symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 ldiagpmul /S ldiagpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 ldiagpmul /W ldiagpointdef
+ S W ldiagpadd /CTR ldiagpointdef
+ CTR W ldiagpadd /N ldiagpointdef
+ CTR S ldiagpadd /E ldiagpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 0.3536 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd 0 ysize 0.3536 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /NE ldiagpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 ldiagpmul CTR xsize 0 0.3536 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd ldiagpsub /SE ldiagpointdef
+ xsize 0 0.3536 ldiagpmul CTR ldiagpsub 0 ysize 0.3536 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /NW ldiagpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 ldiagpmul xsize 0 0.3536 ldiagpmul CTR ldiagpsub ldiagpsub /SW ldiagpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 ldiagpmul /ldiagellipsecircum cvx ] ldiagcircumdef
+ 0 dg /S@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 90 dg /E@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 180 dg /N@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 270 dg /W@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ S E ldiagangleto /SE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ E N ldiagangleto /NE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ N W ldiagangleto /NW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ W S ldiagangleto /SW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Circle symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 ldiagpmul /CTR ldiagpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 ysize 0 ldiagpmax 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /E ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E ldiagdistance 45 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /NE ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E ldiagdistance 90 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /N ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E ldiagdistance 135 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /NW ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E ldiagdistance 180 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /W ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E ldiagdistance 225 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /SW ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E ldiagdistance 270 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /S ldiagpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E ldiagdistance 315 ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /SE ldiagpointdef
+ [ S E ldiagpsub /ldiagellipsecircum cvx ] ldiagcircumdef
+ 0 dg /S@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 45 dg /SE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 90 dg /E@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 135 dg /NE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 180 dg /N@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 225 dg /NW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 270 dg /W@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 315 dg /SW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @VLine and @VArrow symbols
+ xmark ysize ldiagprevious /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ xmark 0 ldiagprevious /TO ldiagpointdef
+} def
+% points of a polygon around base with given no of sides, vert init angle:
+% <sides> <angle> ldiagpolygon <point> ... <point>
+{ exch round cvi exch
+ xsize ysize 0.5 ldiagpmul /CTR ldiagpointdef
+ 90 sub CTR 2 copy ldiagmax 5 3 roll
+ [ 4 copy pop /ldiagpolycircum cvx ] ldiagcircumdef
+ exch dup 360 exch div exch
+ 1 1 3 2 roll
+ { 4 string cvs (P) exch ldiagconcat
+ 3 copy exch pop (@ANGLE) ldiagconcat cvn exch 90 add exch ldiagangledef
+ cvn 6 copy pop pop ldiagatangle 2 copy 10 2 roll
+ 3 2 roll ldiagpointdef
+ dup 3 1 roll add exch
+ } for
+ pop ldiagatangle
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Isosceles triangle symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 ldiagpmul /CTR ldiagpointdef
+ 0 0 /SW ldiagpointdef
+ xsize 0 /SE ldiagpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize /N ldiagpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul 0 /S ldiagpointdef
+ SE 0.5 ldiagpmul N 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /NE ldiagpointdef
+ SW 0.5 ldiagpmul N 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /NW ldiagpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize /ldiagisoscelescircum cvx ] ldiagcircumdef
+ 0 dg /SW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 0 dg /SE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 180 dg /N@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ 0 dg /S@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ SE N ldiagangleto /NE@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ N SW ldiagangleto /NW@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+} def
+% next array element: <array> <index> ldiaggetnext <array> <index> <any> true
+% or <array> <index> false
+{ 2 copy exch length ge
+ { false }
+ { 2 copy get exch 1 add exch true } ifelse
+} def
+% check whether thing is number: <any> ldiagisnumbertype <any> <bool>
+{ dup type dup
+ /integertype eq exch /realtype eq or
+} def
+% check whether thing is an array: <any> ldiagisarraytype <any> <bool>
+/ldiagisarraytype { dup type /arraytype eq } def
+% check whether thing is an array: <any> ldiagisnametype <any> <bool>
+/ldiagisnametype { dup type /nametype eq } def
+% get next item: <array> <index> ldiaggetnextitem <array> <index> 0
+% or <array> <index> <array> 1
+% or <array> <index> <point> 2
+{ ldiaggetnext
+ { ldiagisarraytype
+ { 1
+ }
+ { ldiagisnumbertype
+ { 3 1 roll
+ ldiaggetnext
+ { ldiagisnumbertype
+ { 4 3 roll exch 2
+ }
+ { pop 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 0
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% approximate equality: num1 num2 approxeq <boolean>
+{ dup 0 eq
+ { pop 0 eq
+ }
+ { dup 3 1 roll sub exch div abs 0.001 lt
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% set arc path: bool x1 y1 x2 y2 x0 y0 ldiagsetarc <angle> <angle> <dist>
+% the path goes from x1 y1 to x2 y2 about centre x0 y0,
+% anticlockwise if bool is true else clockwise.
+% The orientations of backwards pointing and forwards pointing
+% arrowheads are returned in the two angles, and
+% the length of the arc is returned in <dist>.
+ % (Entering ldiagsetarc) 7 ldiagdebugprint
+ 20 dict begin
+ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ 2 copy translate 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 4 2 roll ldiagpsub 6 2 roll ldiagpsub
+ dup /y1 exch def dup mul /y1s exch def
+ dup /x1 exch def dup mul /x1s exch def
+ dup /y2 exch def dup mul /y2s exch def
+ dup /x2 exch def dup mul /x2s exch def
+ /dist1 0 0 x1 y1 ldiagdistance def
+ /dist2 0 0 x2 y2 ldiagdistance def
+ y1s y2s approxeq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { y1s x2s mul y2s x1s mul sub y1s y2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /da exch def
+ x1s x2s approxeq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { x1s y2s mul x2s y1s mul sub x1s x2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /db exch def
+ da 0 gt db 0 gt and
+ {
+ % ( case 1, ellipse) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ /LMax da sqrt db sqrt ldiagmax def
+ /scalex da sqrt LMax div def
+ /scaley db sqrt LMax div def
+ scalex scaley scale
+ 0 0 LMax
+ 0 0 x1 scalex mul y1 scaley mul ldiagangleto
+ 0 0 x2 scalex mul y2 scaley mul ldiagangleto
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 anticlockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if ldiagpi mul LMax mul 180 div
+ }
+ {
+ dist1 dist2 approxeq
+ % x1 y1 dist1 ( x1 y1, d) 3 ldiagdebugprint pop pop pop
+ % x2 y2 dist2 ( x2 y2, d) 3 ldiagdebugprint pop pop pop
+ {
+ % ( case 2, circle) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ 0 0
+ dist1
+ 0 0 x1 y1 ldiagangleto
+ 0 0 x2 y2 ldiagangleto
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 clockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if
+ ldiagpi mul dist1 mul 180 div
+ }
+ {
+ % ( case 3, line) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ x2 y2 lineto pop
+ x2 y2 x1 y1 ldiagangleto
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 ldiagangleto
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 ldiagdistance
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ 4 -1 roll setmatrix
+ end
+ % (Leaving ldiagsetarc) 3 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% ldiagsetcurve: set up a Bezier curve from x0 y0 to x3 y3
+% and return arrowhead angles and length of curve (actually 0)
+% x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 ldiagsetcurve <angle> <angle> <length>
+{ 8 copy curveto pop pop
+ ldiagangleto
+ 5 1 roll
+ 4 2 roll ldiagangleto
+ exch
+ 0
+} def
+% ldiagsetpath: convert a Diag path into a PostScript path
+% [ shape ] ldiagsetpath
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0 newpath
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ { ldiaggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ { 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /curveseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr
+ ldiagsetcurve pop pop pop
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ ldiagsetarc pop pop pop
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr moveto
+ } ifelse
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop pop pop
+ end
+} def
+% ldiagpaintpath: paint a path of the given shape
+% /paint [ shape ] ldiagpaintpath -
+ ldiagsetpath cvx exec
+} def
+% stroke a path of the given shape in the given linestyle and dash length.
+% Return the origin and angle of the backward and forward arrow heads.
+% dashlength /linestyle [shape] ldiagdopath [<point> <angle>] [<point> <angle>]
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ /backarrow [] def
+ /fwdarrow [] def
+ {
+ ldiaggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ {
+ 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /prevseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { newpath xprev yprev moveto
+ curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr ldiagsetcurve
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ ldiagsetarc
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ xcurr ycurr xprev yprev ldiagangleto dup 180 sub
+ xprev yprev xcurr ycurr ldiagdistance
+ } ifelse
+ 6 index 6 index cvx exec
+ [ xprev yprev 5 -1 roll ]
+ backarrow length 0 eq
+ { /backarrow exch def }
+ { pop } ifelse
+ [ xcurr ycurr 4 -1 roll ] /fwdarrow exch def
+ } if
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop
+ pop pop pop pop
+ backarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { backarrow } ifelse
+ fwdarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { fwdarrow } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% stroke a path of the given shape in the given linestyle and dash length.
+% dashlength [ /linestyle ] [shape] ldiagdosegpath -
+ 12 dict begin
+ 1 index /seg exch def
+ 1 index length /seglength exch def
+ 0 /segcount exch def
+ 0
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ /backarrow [] def
+ /fwdarrow [] def
+ {
+ ldiaggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ {
+ 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /prevseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { newpath xprev yprev moveto
+ curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr ldiagsetcurve
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ ldiagsetarc
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ xcurr ycurr xprev yprev ldiagangleto dup 180 sub
+ xprev yprev xcurr ycurr ldiagdistance
+ } ifelse
+ 6 index seg segcount seglength mod get cvx exec
+ /segcount segcount 1 add def
+ [ xprev yprev 5 -1 roll ]
+ backarrow length 0 eq
+ { /backarrow exch def }
+ { pop } ifelse
+ [ xcurr ycurr 4 -1 roll ] /fwdarrow exch def
+ } if
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop
+ pop pop pop pop
+ end
+} def
+% ldiagnodebegin: start of node parameters
+% ldiagnodebegin -
+{ % (Entering ldiagnodebegin) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ ldiagmaxlabels dict begin
+} def
+% ldiagnodeend: end of node parameters (so do the node)
+% <outline> <dashlength> <style> <linewidth> <paint> ldiagnodeend -
+ % (Entering ldiagnodeend) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ end % matches begin in ldiagnodebegin
+ 4 index gsave ldiagpaintpath grestore
+ 3 index ldiagsetpath clip newpath
+ 2 mul setlinewidth
+ 3 -1 roll ldiagdosegpath
+ % (Leaving ldiagnodeend) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% ldiaglinkbegin: start of link parameters
+% <direct> ldiaglinkbegin -
+{ ldiagmaxlabels dict begin
+ 1 eq /direct exch def
+} def
+% ldiaglinkend: end of link parameters (so do the link)
+% <outline> <dashlength> <style> <linewidth> ldiaglinkend -
+ end % matches begin in ldiaglinkbegin
+ setlinewidth
+ 3 -1 roll ldiagdosegpath
+} def
+% ldiagdoarrow: draw an arrow head of given form
+% dashlength /lstyle /pstyle hfrac height width [ <point> <angle> ] ldiagdoarrow -
+{ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ dup 0 get 1 index 1 get translate
+ 2 get rotate
+ [ 2 index neg 2 index 0 0
+ 3 index 3 index neg
+ 1 index 10 index mul 0
+ 7 index 7 index ]
+ 4 1 roll pop pop pop
+ dup 3 1 roll
+ gsave ldiagpaintpath grestore ldiagdopath pop pop
+ setmatrix
+} def
+% arrow head styles
+/ldiagopen 0.0 def
+/ldiaghalfopen 0.5 def
+/ldiagclosed 1.0 def
+% stroke no arrows, forward, back, and both
+/ldiagnoarrow { pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop } def
+/ldiagforward { 7 -1 roll ldiagdoarrow pop } def
+/ldiagback { 8 -2 roll pop ldiagdoarrow } def
+/ldiagboth { 8 -1 roll 7 copy ldiagdoarrow pop 7 -1 roll ldiagdoarrow } def
+% ldiagprevious: return previous point on path
+{ ldiagisnumbertype
+ { 2 copy }
+ { ldiagisarraytype
+ { 2 index 2 index }
+ { 0 0 }
+ ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% Tag dictionary operators
+% Diag's tag dictionaries are kept on the same stack as other dictionaries,
+% since there is nowhere else to put them. However, they are managed like
+% a separate stack using the following operators:
+% <tag> ldiagpushtagdict - Push a new, empty tag dictionary
+% ldiagtoptagdict dict Find the top tag dictionary
+% ldiagpoptagdict - Pop and destroy the top tag dictionary
+% ldiagpopuptagdict - Pop top tag dict and promote its entries
+% ldiagdebugtagdict - Debug print of dictionary stack
+% They are distinguished from other dictionaries by containing /ldiagtagdict,
+% whose value is the <tag> which is used by ldiagpopuptagdict,
+% and they are hopefully never the target of any non-tag definition because
+% they are never the top dictionary, since push places the new dict second.
+{ ldiagmaxlabels dict dup
+ currentdict end exch begin begin
+ exch /ldiagtagdict exch put
+} def
+{ /ldiagtagdict where not
+ { (Diag internal error: no tag dictionary) show stop
+ } if
+} def
+ % (Entering poptagdict) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % ldiagdebugtagdict
+ mark
+ { currentdict end
+ dup /ldiagtagdict known
+ { exit
+ } if
+ } loop
+ pop
+ counttomark
+ { begin
+ } repeat
+ pop
+ % (Leaving poptagdict) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % ldiagdebugtagdict
+} def
+% promote labels from top tag dictionary to second top tag dictionary
+% each prefixed by <string>@ if <string> (value of /ldiagtagdict) is not empty
+% - ldiagpopuptagdict -
+ ldiagtagdict
+ % (Entering ldiagpopuptagdict) 1 ldiagdebugprint
+ % ldiagdebugtagdict
+ ldiagtoptagdict ldiagpoptagdict ldiagtoptagdict exch
+ { exch 50 string cvs 3 index
+ dup length 0 ne
+ { (@) ldiagconcat
+ } if
+ exch ldiagconcat cvn exch 2 index 3 1 roll put
+ } forall
+ pop pop
+ % (Leaving ldiagpopuptagdict) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % ldiagdebugtagdict
+} def
+% debug tag dictionary stack
+{ (Entering ldiagdebugtagdict) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ 30 array dictstack
+ { dup /ldiagtagdict known
+ { dup /ldiagtagdict get 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ { pop 50 string cvs ( ) exch ldiagconcat
+ dup 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ pop
+ }
+ forall
+ }
+ { pop (other) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ } ifelse
+ } forall
+ (Leaving ldiagdebugtagdict) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% label a point in top tag dictionary: <point> /name ldiagpointdef -
+ % (Entering ldiagpointdef) 3 ldiagdebugprint
+ [ 4 2 roll transform /itransform cvx ] cvx
+ ldiagtoptagdict 3 1 roll put
+ % (Leaving ldiagpointdef) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% label an angle in top tag dictionary: <angle> /name ldiagangledef -
+ % (Entering ldiagangledef) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+ exch ldiagfixangle ldiagtoptagdict 3 1 roll put
+ % (Leaving ldiagangledef) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% add CIRCUM operator with this body: <array> ldiagcircumdef -
+{ % (Entering ldiagcircumdef) 1 ldiagdebugprint
+ /CIRCUM exch cvx
+ ldiagtoptagdict 3 1 roll put
+ % currentdict end
+ % 3 1 roll
+ % def
+ % begin
+ % (Leaving ldiagcircumdef) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% show points (except CIRCUM and ANGLE): - ldiagshowpoints -
+ % (Entering ldiagshowpoints) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ ldiagtoptagdict
+ { 1 index 50 string cvs
+ (ldiagdebugpos) search
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ {
+ (CIRCUM) search % if CIRCUM in key
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ {
+ (ANGLE) search % if ANGLE in key
+ {
+ pop pop pop pop pop
+ }
+ {
+ (ldiagtagdict) search
+ {
+ pop pop pop pop pop
+ }
+ {
+ pop cvx exec
+ newpath 2.0 pt 0 360 arc 0 setgray fill pop
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } forall
+ % (Leaving ldiagshowpoints) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+ % (Entering ldiagshowtags) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ ldiagtoptagdict
+ { 1 index 50 string cvs
+ % dup 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ (ldiagdebugpos) search
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ {
+ (CIRCUM) search % if CIRCUM in key
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ {
+ (ANGLE) search % if ANGLE in key
+ {
+ pop pop pop pop pop
+ }
+ {
+ (ldiagtagdict) search
+ {
+ pop pop pop pop pop
+ }
+ {
+ pop cvx exec 2 copy
+ gsave
+ newpath 2.0 pt 0 360 arc 0 setgray fill
+ /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ translate 40 rotate 0.2 cm 0.1 cm moveto 20 string cvs show
+ grestore
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } forall
+ % (Leaving ldiagshowtags) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% show angles: - ldiagshowangles -
+ % (Entering ldiagshowangles) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ ldiagtoptagdict
+ { 1 index 20 string cvs
+ % dup 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ (ldiagdebugpos) search
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ {
+ (ldiagtagdict) search
+ {
+ pop pop pop pop pop
+ }
+ {
+ (CIRCUM) search % if CIRCUM in key
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ {
+ (@ANGLE) search % if ANGLE in key, draw the angle at the point
+ {
+ % (showing ANGLE) 5 ldiagdebugprint
+ gsave exch pop exch pop cvx
+ % (about to execute) 1 ldiagdebugprint
+ exec translate rotate 0.8 0.8 scale pop
+ newpath 0 0 2.0 pt 0 360 arc 0 setgray fill
+ newpath 4 pt 0 moveto 9 pt 0 lineto
+ 9 pt 1.5 pt lineto 11 pt 0 lineto 9 pt -1.5 pt lineto
+ 9 pt 0 lineto [] 0 setdash 4 pt setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin
+ stroke grestore
+ % (finished ANGLE) 5 ldiagdebugprint
+ }
+ {
+ % else must be a point, we aren't showing those
+ pop pop pop
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } forall
+ % (Leaving ldiagshowangles) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% fix an angle to 0 <= res < 360: <angle> ldiagfixangle <angle>
+ % (Entering ldiagfixangle) 1 ldiagdebugprint
+ { dup 0 ge { exit } if
+ 360 add
+ } loop
+ { dup 360 lt { exit } if
+ 360 sub
+ } loop
+ % (Leaving ldiagfixangle) 1 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of box: alpha a b ldiagboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering ldiagboxcircum) 3 ldiagdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ ldiagfixangle /alpha exch def
+ 0 0 a b ldiagangleto /theta exch def
+ % if alpha <= theta, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha theta le
+ { a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 - theta, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ alpha 180 theta sub le
+ { b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 + theta, return (-a, -a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha 180 theta add le
+ { a neg a neg alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 360 - theta, return (-b*cot(alpha), -b)
+ alpha 360 theta sub le
+ { b neg alpha cos mul alpha sin div b neg }
+ {
+ % else 360 - theta <= alpha, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving ldiagboxcircum) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find quadratic roots (assume a != 0): a b c ldiagqroots x1 x2 2
+% or x2 1
+% or 0
+ 4 dict begin
+ /c exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /disc b b mul 4 a c mul mul sub def
+ disc 0 lt
+ { 0
+ }
+ { disc 0 eq
+ { b neg 2 a mul div
+ 1
+ }
+ { b neg disc sqrt add 2 a mul div
+ b neg disc sqrt sub 2 a mul div
+ 2
+ }
+ ifelse
+ }
+ ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% work our which quadrant: <angle> ldiagquadrant <0-3>
+{ dup 90 lt
+ { pop 0
+ }
+ { dup 180 lt
+ { pop 1
+ }
+ { 270 lt
+ { 2
+ }
+ { 3
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% find curvebox circum, assuming upper right quadrant: alpha a b xmk ldiagcb x y
+ 6 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ /theta1 0 0 a b xmk sub ldiagangleto def
+ /theta2 0 0 a xmk sub b ldiagangleto def
+ alpha theta1 le
+ { % if alpha <= theta1, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ }
+ { alpha theta2 ge
+ { % else if alpha > theta2, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b
+ }
+ {
+ % else, return the intersection of line and circle
+ a xmk sub b xmk sub xmk 0 0 alpha ldiagcircleintersect
+ dup 0 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return any reasonable point
+ pop
+ a b 0.5 ldiagpmul
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return the point on top of stack
+ }
+ { % the usual case, two points on stack, return the larger
+ ldiagpmax
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% find point on circumference of curvebox: alpha a b xmk ldiagcurveboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering ldiagcurveboxcircum) 4 ldiagdebugprint
+ 5 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ ldiagfixangle /alpha exch def
+ % work out which quadrant we are in, and reflect accordingly
+ /quad alpha ldiagquadrant def
+ quad 0 eq
+ { alpha a b xmk ldiagcb
+ }
+ { quad 1 eq
+ { 180 alpha sub a b xmk ldiagcb exch neg exch
+ }
+ { quad 2 eq
+ { alpha 180 sub a b xmk ldiagcb neg exch neg exch
+ }
+ { 360 alpha sub a b xmk ldiagcb neg
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving ldiagcurveboxcircum) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of diamond: alpha a b ldiagdiamondcircum x y
+ % (Entering ldiagdiamondcircum) 3 ldiagdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ ldiagfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos abs mul a alpha sin abs mul add /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving ldiagdiamondcircum) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of ellipse: alpha a b ldiagellipsecircum x y
+ % (Entering ldiagellipsecircum) 3 ldiagdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ ldiagfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos mul dup mul a alpha sin mul dup mul add sqrt /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving ldiagellipsecircum) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of isosceles: alpha a b ldiagisoscelescircum x y
+ % (Entering ldiagisoscelescircum) 3 ldiagdebugprint
+ 7 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /alpha exch ldiagfixangle def
+ /theta1 90 def
+ /theta2 a b 0.5 ldiagpmul 0 0 ldiagangleto def
+ /theta3 a b 0.5 ldiagpmul a 0 ldiagangleto def
+ alpha theta1 ge alpha theta2 le and
+ { 0 0 a 2 div b
+ }
+ { alpha theta2 ge alpha theta3 le and
+ { 0 0 a 0
+ }
+ { a 0 a 2 div b
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ a 2 div b 2 div 2 copy 1 ft alpha ldiagatangle ldiaglineintersect
+ a 2 div b 2 div 4 2 roll ldiagpsub
+ end
+ % (Leaving ldiagisoscelescircum) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of two lines each defined by two points
+% x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 ldiaglineintersect x y
+ % (Entering ldiaglineintersect) 8 ldiagdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /y4 exch def
+ /x4 exch def
+ /y3 exch def
+ /x3 exch def
+ /y2 exch def
+ /x2 exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ x2 x1 sub /x21 exch def
+ x4 x3 sub /x43 exch def
+ y2 y1 sub /y21 exch def
+ y4 y3 sub /y43 exch def
+ y21 x43 mul y43 x21 mul sub /det exch def
+ % calculate x
+ y21 x43 mul x1 mul
+ y43 x21 mul x3 mul sub
+ y3 y1 sub x21 mul x43 mul add
+ det div
+ % calculate y
+ x21 y43 mul y1 mul
+ x43 y21 mul y3 mul sub
+ x3 x1 sub y21 mul y43 mul add
+ det neg div
+ end
+ % (Leaving ldiaglineintersect) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of polygon
+% alpha radius num theta ldiagpolycircum x y
+ % (Entering ldiagpolycircum) 4 ldiagdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /num exch def
+ /radius exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ % calculate delta, the angle from theta to alpha
+ alpha theta sub ldiagfixangle
+ % calculate the angle which is the multiple of 360/num closest to delta
+ 360 num div div truncate 360 num div mul theta add /anglea exch def
+ % calculate the next multiple of 360/num after anglea
+ anglea 360 num div add /angleb exch def
+ % intersect the line through these two points with the alpha line
+ anglea cos anglea sin angleb cos angleb sin
+ 0 0 alpha cos 2 mul alpha sin 2 mul
+ ldiaglineintersect radius ldiagpmul
+ end
+ % (Leaving ldiagpolycircum) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of a line and a circle
+% x0 y0 r x1 y1 theta ldiagcircleintersect xa ya xb yb 2
+% or xb yb 1
+% or 0
+ % (Entering ldiagcircleintersect) 6 ldiagdebugprint
+ 15 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ /r exch def
+ /y0 exch def
+ /x0 exch def
+ % if sin(theta) = 0 then line is horizontal and y must be y1
+ theta sin abs 0.00001 lt
+ {
+ /a 1 def
+ /b -2 x0 mul def
+ /c x0 dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c ldiagqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 1
+ }
+ { y1 exch y1 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ {
+ /ct theta cos theta sin div def
+ /a ct ct mul 1 add def
+ /b ct x1 x0 sub mul y1 add y0 sub 2 mul def
+ /c x1 x0 sub dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c ldiagqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xb yb 1
+ }
+ { y1 add /ya exch def
+ ya y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xa exch def
+ y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xa ya xb yb 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving ldiagcircleintersect) 1 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find line which is the perpendicular bisector of two points, defined
+% by two points
+% x1 y1 x2 y2 ldiaglinebetween x3 y3 x4 y4
+{ % (Entering ldiaglinebetween) 4 ldiagdebugprint
+ /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
+ /y1 exch def /x1 exch def
+ % let x3, y3 be the point halfway between the two points
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 ldiagpadd 0.5 ldiagpmul
+ /y3 exch def /x3 exch def
+ % find a point perpendicular to x3, y3
+ x3 y3 50 x1 y1 x2 y2 ldiagangleto 90 dg add ldiagatangle
+ % plus x3 y3 gives the two points
+ x3 y3
+ % (Leaving ldiaglinebetween) 4 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% find <proc>@<string>: <proc> <string> ldiagfindlabel <any> true
+% <proc> <string> false
+ % (Entering ldiagfindlabel) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+ exch dup length 1 ne
+ { exch false
+ % (Leaving ldiagfindabel (length not 1)) 3 ldiagdebugprint
+ }
+ { dup 0 get type /nametype ne
+ { exch false
+ % (Leaving ldiagfindabel (not a name)) 3 ldiagdebugprint
+ }
+ { dup 0 get 50 string cvs (@) ldiagconcat 2 index ldiagconcat dup where
+ { exch get exch pop exch pop cvx exec true
+ % (Leaving ldiagfindlabel with success) 100 ldiagdebugprint
+ }
+ {
+ pop exch false
+ % (Leaving ldiagfindabel (concat not sensible)) 3 ldiagdebugprint
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} bind def
+% execute <proc>@<string> or else default: <proc> <string> ldiagdolabel <various>
+ % (Entering ldiagdolabel) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+ ldiagfindlabel not
+ {
+ dup (CIRCUM) eq
+ { pop pop pop 0 0
+ }
+ {
+ dup (ANGLE) eq
+ { pop pop 0
+ }
+ { pop cvx exec
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } if
+ % (Leaving ldiagdolabel) 2 ldiagdebugprint
+} bind def
+% execute a proc depending on whether number is negative, zero, or positive
+% procneg proczero procpos number ldiagsigncase <anything>
+ % (Entering ldiagsigncase) 4 ldiagdebugprint
+ dup 0 lt
+ { pop pop pop exec
+ }
+ { 0 gt
+ { exch pop exch pop exec
+ }
+ { pop exch pop exec
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ % (Leaving ldiagsigncase) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} bind def
+% execute proci if angle is in ith quadrant
+% proc45 proc270 proc180 proc90 proc0 proc315 proc225 proc135 angle ldiagquadcase <anything>
+ % (Entering ldiagquadcase) 9 ldiagdebugprint
+ round ldiagfixangle cvi dup 90 mod 0 eq
+ { 90 idiv 4 add } { 90 idiv } ifelse
+ 8 exch roll pop pop pop pop pop pop pop exec
+ % (Leaving ldiagquadcase) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} bind def
+% decode Lout length into PostScript length
+% <string> ldiagdecodelength <number>
+ % (Entering ldiagdecodelength) 1 ldiagdebugprint
+ (f) search
+ { exch pop exch pop cvr ft
+ }
+ { (c) search
+ { exch pop exch pop cvr cm
+ }
+ { (p) search
+ { exch pop exch pop cvr pt
+ }
+ { (m) search
+ { exch pop exch pop cvr em
+ }
+ { (s) search
+ { exch pop exch pop cvr sp
+ }
+ { (v) search
+ { exch pop exch pop cvr vs
+ }
+ { (i) search
+ { exch pop exch pop cvr in
+ }
+ { pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ % (Leaving ldiagdecodelength) 1 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% implement aabout function
+% logical form: <circum> <extra> <centre> aabout <point>
+% actual form: { <labelorpoint> } cvlit <length> [ <point> ] cvx aabout <point>
+ /centre exch def
+ /extra exch def
+ /circum exch def
+ /ZXCTR [ centre ] cvx def
+ /ZFCTR [ circum (CTR) ldiagdolabel ] cvx def
+ /ZAREF ZFCTR ZXCTR ldiagangleto def
+ /ZAMIN 0 dg def
+ /ZPMIN [ circum (CTR) ldiagdolabel ZAREF ZAMIN sub
+ circum (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 extra ZAREF ZAMIN sub ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /ZAMAX 90 dg def
+ /ZPMAX [ circum (CTR) ldiagdolabel ZAREF ZAMAX sub
+ circum (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 extra ZAREF ZAMAX sub ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ 1 1 20
+ { /xval exch def
+ /ZAMID ZAMIN ZAMAX add 0.5 mul def
+ /ZPMID [ circum (CTR) ldiagdolabel ZAREF ZAMID sub
+ circum (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 extra ZAREF ZAMID sub ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ ZPMID ZXCTR ldiagdistance ZFCTR ZXCTR ldiagdistance gt
+ {
+ /ZAMAX [ ZAMID ] cvx def
+ /ZPMAX [ ZPMID ] cvx def
+ }
+ {
+ /ZAMIN [ ZAMID ] cvx def
+ /ZPMIN [ ZPMID ] cvx def
+ } ifelse
+ } for
+} def
+% implement cabout function
+% logical form: <circum> <extra> <centre> cabout <point>
+% actual form: { <labelorpoint> } cvlit <length> [ <point> ] cvx cabout <point>
+ /centre exch def
+ /extra exch def
+ /circum exch def
+ /ZXCTR [ centre ] cvx def
+ /ZFCTR [ circum (CTR) ldiagdolabel ] cvx def
+ /ZAREF ZFCTR ZXCTR ldiagangleto def
+ /ZAMIN 0 dg def
+ /ZPMIN [ circum (CTR) ldiagdolabel ZAREF ZAMIN add
+ circum (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 extra ZAREF ZAMIN add ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /ZAMAX 90 dg def
+ /ZPMAX [ circum (CTR) ldiagdolabel ZAREF ZAMAX add
+ circum (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 extra ZAREF ZAMAX add ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ 1 1 20
+ { /xval exch def
+ /ZAMID ZAMIN ZAMAX add 0.5 mul def
+ /ZPMID [ circum (CTR) ldiagdolabel ZAREF ZAMID add
+ circum (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 extra ZAREF ZAMID add ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ ZPMID ZXCTR ldiagdistance ZFCTR ZXCTR ldiagdistance gt
+ {
+ /ZAMAX [ ZAMID ] cvx def
+ /ZPMAX [ ZPMID ] cvx def
+ }
+ {
+ /ZAMIN [ ZAMID ] cvx def
+ /ZPMIN [ ZPMID ] cvx def
+ } ifelse
+ } for
+} def
+% fromarrowlength toarrowlength { from } { to } xindent zindent ldiaglinepath -
+ % (entering ldiaglinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel to (CTR) ldiagdolabel ldiagangleto
+ /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FROM@ANGLE from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength FROM@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel TO@ANGLE 180 dg sub to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength TO@ANGLE 180 dg sub ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ FROM 0.5 ldiagpmul TO 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT xindent FROM LMID ldiagdistance ldiagmin def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT FROM@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /ZINDENT zindent TO LMID ldiagdistance ldiagmin def
+ 0 0 ZINDENT FROM@ANGLE ldiagatangle TO ldiagpsub /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ direct { FROM TO } { FROM LFROM LMID LTO TO } ifelse
+ % (leaving ldiaglinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% fromarrowlength toarrowlength { from } { to } xindent zindent pathgap ldiagdoublelinepath -
+ % (entering ldiagdoublelinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ /pathgap exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel to (CTR) ldiagdolabel ldiagangleto
+ /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FROM@ANGLE from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength FROM@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel TO@ANGLE 180 dg sub to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength TO@ANGLE 180 dg sub ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ FROM 0.5 ldiagpmul TO 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT xindent FROM LMID ldiagdistance ldiagmin def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT FROM@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /ZINDENT zindent TO LMID ldiagdistance ldiagmin def
+ 0 0 ZINDENT FROM@ANGLE ldiagatangle TO ldiagpsub /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ direct {
+ FROM pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg sub ldiagatangle
+ TO pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg sub ldiagatangle
+ []
+ FROM pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg add ldiagatangle
+ TO pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg add ldiagatangle
+ }
+ {
+ FROM pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg sub ldiagatangle
+ LFROM pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg sub ldiagatangle
+ LMID pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg sub ldiagatangle
+ LTO pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg sub ldiagatangle
+ TO pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg sub ldiagatangle
+ []
+ FROM pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg add ldiagatangle
+ LFROM pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg add ldiagatangle
+ LMID pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg add ldiagatangle
+ LTO pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg add ldiagatangle
+ TO pathgap 2 div FROM@ANGLE 90 dg add ldiagatangle
+ } ifelse
+ % (leaving ldiagdoublelinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% fromarrowlen toarrowlen { from } { to } xindent zindent bias ldiagacurvepath -
+ % (entering ldiagacurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ %/B1 bias 0.02 ft ldiagmax def
+ %/B2 from (CTR) ldiagdolabel to (CTR) ldiagdolabel ldiagdistance 0.5 mul def
+ %/BIAS B1 B2 ldiagmin def
+ /BIAS bias 0.02 ft ldiagmax def
+ /XMID [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 0.5 ldiagpmul
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XTOP [ XMID 0 0 BIAS from (CTR) ldiagdolabel to (CTR) ldiagdolabel
+ ldiagangleto 90 dg sub ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /CTR [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel XTOP ldiaglinebetween
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel XTOP ldiaglinebetween
+ ldiaglineintersect ] cvx def
+ from fromarrowlength [ CTR ] cvx ldiagaabout /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FROM ldiagdistance 0 gt
+ { from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FROM ldiagangleto
+ }
+ { CTR FROM ldiagangleto 90 dg add
+ } ifelse /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to toarrowlength [ CTR ] cvx ldiagcabout /TO ldiagpointdef
+ TO to (CTR) ldiagdolabel ldiagdistance 0 gt
+ { TO to (CTR) ldiagdolabel ldiagangleto
+ }
+ { CTR TO ldiagangleto 90 dg add
+ } ifelse /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RADIUS CTR FROM ldiagdistance def
+ CTR 0 0 RADIUS CTR FROM ldiagangleto 360 dg CTR TO ldiagangleto
+ add CTR FROM ldiagangleto sub cvi 360 mod 0.5 mul add
+ ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ CTR LMID ldiagangleto 90 dg add /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT xindent FROM LMID ldiagdistance ldiagmin def
+ ldiagpadd ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ CTR LFROM ldiagangleto 90 dg add /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /ZINDENT zindent TO LMID ldiagdistance ldiagmin def
+ ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ CTR LTO ldiagangleto 90 dg add /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ direct
+ { FROM [CTR] TO }
+ ifelse
+ % (leaving ldiagacurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% fromarrowlen toarrowlen { from } { to } xindent zindent bias ldiagccurvepath -
+ % (entering ldiagccurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ %/B1 bias 0.02 ft ldiagmax def
+ %/B2 from (CTR) ldiagdolabel to (CTR) ldiagdolabel ldiagdistance 0.5 mul def
+ %/BIAS B1 B2 ldiagmin def
+ /BIAS bias 0.02 ft ldiagmax def
+ /XMID [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 0.5 ldiagpmul
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XTOP [ XMID 0 0 BIAS from (CTR) ldiagdolabel to (CTR) ldiagdolabel
+ ldiagangleto 90 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /CTR [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel XTOP ldiaglinebetween
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel XTOP ldiaglinebetween ldiaglineintersect ] cvx def
+ from fromarrowlength [ CTR ] cvx ldiagcabout /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FROM ldiagdistance 0 gt
+ { from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FROM ldiagangleto }
+ { CTR FROM ldiagangleto 90 dg sub }
+ ifelse /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to toarrowlength [ CTR ] cvx ldiagaabout /TO ldiagpointdef
+ TO to (CTR) ldiagdolabel ldiagdistance 0 gt
+ { TO to (CTR) ldiagdolabel ldiagangleto }
+ { CTR TO ldiagangleto 90 dg sub }
+ ifelse /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RADIUS [ CTR FROM ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ CTR 0 0 RADIUS CTR TO ldiagangleto 360 dg CTR FROM ldiagangleto add
+ CTR TO ldiagangleto sub cvi 360 cvi mod 2 div add ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ CTR LMID ldiagangleto 90 dg sub /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FROM LMID ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ CTR 0 0 RADIUS CTR FROM 0 0 XINDENT FROM@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ CTR LFROM ldiagangleto 90 dg sub /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent TO LMID ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ CTR 0 0 RADIUS CTR TO 0 0 ZINDENT TO@ANGLE 180 dg add ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ CTR LTO ldiagangleto 90 dg sub /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ direct
+ { FROM [CTR clockwise] TO }
+ { FROM [CTR clockwise] LFROM [CTR clockwise]
+ LMID [CTR clockwise] LTO [CTR clockwise] TO }
+ ifelse
+ % (leaving ldiagccurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent [frompt] [topt] ldiagbezierpath -
+ % (entering ldiagbezierpath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ cvx /topt exch def
+ cvx /frompt exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel frompt ldiagangleto /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FROM@ANGLE from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel
+ ldiagpadd 0 0 fromarrowlength FROM@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ topt to (CTR) ldiagdolabel ldiagangleto /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel TO@ANGLE 180 dg add to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel
+ ldiagpadd 0 0 toarrowlength TO@ANGLE 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /TO ldiagpointdef
+ FROM 0 0 xindent FROM@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ TO 0 0 zindent TO@ANGLE 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ TO@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ FROM TO ldiagpadd frompt ldiagpadd topt ldiagpadd 0.25 ldiagpmul
+ /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ FROM [frompt topt] TO
+ % (leaving ldiagbezierpath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent ldiagvhlinepath -
+ % (entering ldiagvhlinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ /CTR [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel exch pop ] cvx def
+ /FANG [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel CTR ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ /TANG [ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel CTR ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FANG from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength FANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ FANG /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel TANG to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength TANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ TANG 180 dg add /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /FDIST [ FROM CTR ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ /TDIST [ TO CTR ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FDIST ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent TDIST ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT FANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ TO 0 0 ZINDENT TANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ TO@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ CTR /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ 0 0 1 ft FANG 180 dg add ldiagatangle
+ 0 0 1 ft TANG 180 dg add ldiagatangle
+ ldiagangleto /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ % (leaving ldiagvhlinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent radius ldiagvhcurvepath -
+ % (entering ldiagvhcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /radius exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ /CTR [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel exch pop ] cvx def
+ /FANG [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel CTR ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ /TANG [ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel CTR ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FANG from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength FANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ FANG /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel TANG to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength TANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ TANG 180 dg add /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /FDIST [ FROM CTR ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ /TDIST [ TO CTR ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ /RADIUS [ radius FDIST TDIST ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FDIST RADIUS sub ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent TDIST RADIUS sub ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT FANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ TO 0 0 ZINDENT TANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ TO@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /FCTR [ CTR 0 0 RADIUS FROM@ANGLE 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /TCTR [ CTR 0 0 RADIUS TO@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XCTR [ CTR 0 0 RADIUS FROM@ANGLE 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 RADIUS TO@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XCTR 0 0 RADIUS XCTR CTR ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ FCTR TCTR ldiagangleto /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ {[XCTR clockwise]} {} {} {} {} {[XCTR]} {[XCTR clockwise]} {[XCTR]}
+ FCTR TCTR ldiagangleto ldiagquadcase
+ % (leaving ldiagvhcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent ldiaghvlinepath -
+ % (entering ldiaghvlinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ /CTR [ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop from (CTR) ldiagdolabel exch pop ] cvx def
+ /FANG [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel CTR ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ /TANG [ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel CTR ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FANG from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength FANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ FANG /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel TANG to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength TANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ TANG 180 dg add /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /FDIST [ FROM CTR ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ /TDIST [ TO CTR ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FDIST ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent TDIST ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT FANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ TO 0 0 ZINDENT TANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ TO@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ CTR /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ 0 0 1 ft FANG 180 dg add ldiagatangle
+ 0 0 1 ft TANG 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagangleto
+ /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ % (leaving ldiaghvlinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent radius ldiaghvcurvepath -
+ % (entering ldiaghvcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /radius exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ /CTR [ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop from (CTR) ldiagdolabel exch pop ] cvx def
+ /FANG [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel CTR ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ /TANG [ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel CTR ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel FANG from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength FANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ FANG /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel TANG to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength TANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ TANG 180 dg add /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /FDIST [ FROM CTR ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ /TDIST [ TO CTR ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ /RADIUS [ radius FDIST TDIST ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FDIST RADIUS sub ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent TDIST RADIUS sub ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT FANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ TO 0 0 ZINDENT TANG ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ TO@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /FCTR [ CTR 0 0 RADIUS FROM@ANGLE 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /TCTR [ CTR 0 0 RADIUS TO@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XCTR [ CTR 0 0 RADIUS FROM@ANGLE 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 RADIUS TO@ANGLE ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XCTR 0 0 RADIUS XCTR CTR ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ FCTR TCTR ldiagangleto /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ {[XCTR]} {} {} {} {} {[XCTR clockwise]} {[XCTR]} {[XCTR clockwise]}
+ FCTR TCTR ldiagangleto ldiagquadcase
+ % (leaving ldiaghvcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent bias ldiaglvrlinepath -
+ % (entering ldiaglvrlinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 180 dg from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength 180 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ 180 dg /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 180 dg to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength 180 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XLEFT [ FROM pop TO pop ldiagmin bias sub ] cvx def
+ XLEFT FROM exch pop /P1 ldiagpointdef
+ XLEFT TO exch pop /P2 ldiagpointdef
+ /VERT [ P1 P2 ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ P1 P1 0 0 1 ft 180 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd 0 0 1 ft VERT ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ldiagangleto /P1@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ P2 P2 0 0 1 ft 0 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd 0 0 1 ft VERT ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ldiagangleto /P2@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ P1 0.5 ldiagpmul P2 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ VERT /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FROM P1 ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent P2 TO ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ XINDENT 0 FROM ldiagpsub /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ 180 dg /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ ZINDENT 0 TO ldiagpsub /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ % (leaving ldiaglvrlinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent bias radius ldiaglvrcurvepath -
+ % (entering ldiaglvrcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /radius exch def
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 180 dg from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd 0 0
+ fromarrowlength 180 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ 180 dg /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 180 dg to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd 0 0
+ toarrowlength 180 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XLEFT [ FROM pop TO pop ldiagmin bias sub ] cvx def
+ /XP1 [ XLEFT FROM exch pop ] cvx def
+ /XP2 [ XLEFT TO exch pop ] cvx def
+ /VERT [ XP1 XP2 ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ XP1 0.5 ldiagpmul XP2 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ VERT /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FROM XP1 ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent XP2 TO ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ XINDENT 0 FROM ldiagpsub /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ 180 dg /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ ZINDENT 0 TO ldiagpsub /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RADIUS [ radius XP1 XP2 ldiagdistance 2 div ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP1PRE [ XP1 0 0 RADIUS 0 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP1POST [ XP1 0 0 RADIUS VERT ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP1CTR [ XP1PRE 0 0 RADIUS VERT ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP1CTR 0 0 RADIUS XP1CTR XP1 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /P1 ldiagpointdef
+ XP1PRE XP1POST ldiagangleto /P1@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XP2PRE [ 0 0 RADIUS VERT ldiagatangle XP2 ldiagpsub ] cvx def
+ /XP2POST [ XP2 0 0 RADIUS 0 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP2CTR [ XP2PRE 0 0 RADIUS 0 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP2CTR 0 0 RADIUS XP2CTR XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /P2 ldiagpointdef
+ XP2PRE XP2POST ldiagangleto /P2@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ { } { [XP1CTR] P1 [XP1CTR] } { } { [XP1CTR clockwise] P1 [XP1CTR clockwise] }
+ { } { } { } { } VERT round ldiagquadcase
+ { } { [XP2CTR] P2 [XP2CTR] } { } { [XP2CTR clockwise] P2 [XP2CTR clockwise] }
+ { } { } { } { } VERT round ldiagquadcase
+ % (leaving ldiaglvrcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent bias ldiagrvllinepath -
+ % (entering ldiagrvllinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 0 dg from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength 0 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 0 dg to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength 0 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ 180 dg /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XRIGHT [ FROM pop TO pop ldiagmax bias add ] cvx def
+ XRIGHT FROM exch pop /P1 ldiagpointdef
+ XRIGHT TO exch pop /P2 ldiagpointdef
+ /VERT [ P1 P2 ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ P1 P1 0 0 1 ft 0 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd 0 0 1 ft VERT ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ldiagangleto /P1@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ P2 P2 0 0 1 ft 180 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd 0 0 1 ft VERT ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd ldiagangleto /P2@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ P1 0.5 ldiagpmul P2 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ VERT /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FROM P1 ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent P2 TO ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM XINDENT 0 ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ TO ZINDENT 0 ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ 180 dg /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ % (leaving ldiagrvllinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent bias radius ldiagrvlcurvepath -
+ % (entering ldiagrvlcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /radius exch def
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 0 dg from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength 0 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 0 dg to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength 0 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ 180 dg /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XRIGHT [ FROM pop TO pop ldiagmax bias add ] cvx def
+ /XP1 [ XRIGHT FROM exch pop ] cvx def
+ /XP2 [ XRIGHT TO exch pop ] cvx def
+ /VERT [ XP1 XP2 ldiagangleto ] cvx def
+ XP1 0.5 ldiagpmul XP2 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ VERT /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FROM XP1 ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent XP2 TO ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM XINDENT 0 ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ 0 dg /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ TO ZINDENT 0 ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ 180 dg /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RADIUS [ radius XP1 XP2 ldiagdistance 0.5 mul ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP1PRE [ XP1 0 0 RADIUS 180 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP1POST [ XP1 0 0 RADIUS VERT ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP1CTR [ XP1PRE 0 0 RADIUS VERT ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP1CTR 0 0 RADIUS XP1CTR XP1 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /P1 ldiagpointdef
+ XP1PRE XP1POST ldiagangleto /P1@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XP2PRE [ 0 0 RADIUS VERT ldiagatangle XP2 ldiagpsub ] cvx def
+ /XP2POST [ XP2 0 0 RADIUS 180 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP2CTR [ XP2PRE 0 0 RADIUS 180 dg ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP2CTR 0 0 RADIUS XP2CTR XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /P2 ldiagpointdef
+ XP2PRE XP2POST ldiagangleto /P2@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ {} {[XP1CTR clockwise] P1 [XP1CTR clockwise]} {} {[XP1CTR] P1 [XP1CTR]}
+ {} {} {} {} VERT round ldiagquadcase
+ {} {[XP2CTR clockwise] P2 [XP2CTR clockwise]} {} {[XP2CTR] P2 [XP2CTR]}
+ {} {} {} {} VERT round ldiagquadcase
+ % (leaving ldiagrvlcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent bias fbias tbias ldiagdwraplinepath -
+ % (entering ldiagdwraplinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /tbias exch def
+ /fbias exch def
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ /DIRN [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop
+ lt { 180 dg } { 0 dg } ifelse ] cvx def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel DIRN from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd 0 0
+ fromarrowlength DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel DIRN 180 dg add to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ FROM 0 0 fbias 0 ldiagmax DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P1 ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN 180 dg eq { 225 dg } { -45 dg } ifelse /P1@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ TO 0 0 tbias 0 ldiagmax DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /P4 ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN 180 dg eq { 135 dg } { 45 dg } ifelse /P4@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /YC [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 270 dg from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ exch pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 270 dg to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ exch pop ldiagmin bias 0 ldiagmax sub ] cvx def
+ P1 pop YC /P2 ldiagpointdef
+ P4@ANGLE 180 dg sub /P2@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ P4 pop YC /P3 ldiagpointdef
+ P1@ANGLE 180 dg sub /P3@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FROM P1 ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent TO P4 ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ TO 0 0 ZINDENT DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ TO@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ P2 0.5 ldiagpmul P3 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN 180 dg sub /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ FROM P1 P2 P3 P4 TO
+ % (leaving ldiagdwraplinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent bias fbias tbias radius
+% ldiagdwrapcurvepath -
+ % (entering ldiagdwrapcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /radius exch def
+ /tbias exch def
+ /fbias exch def
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ /DIRN [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop lt
+ { 180 dg } { 0 dg } ifelse ] cvx def
+ /CLOCK [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop lt
+ { anticlockwise } { clockwise } ifelse ] cvx def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel DIRN from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel DIRN 180 dg add to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XP1 [ FROM 0 0 fbias 0 ldiagmax DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP4 [ TO 0 0 tbias 0 ldiagmax DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /YC [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 270 dg from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ exch pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 270 dg to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ exch pop ldiagmin bias 0 ldiagmax sub ] cvx def
+ /XP2 [ XP1 pop YC ] cvx def
+ /XP3 [ XP4 pop YC ] cvx def
+ /RP1 [ radius XP1 FROM ldiagdistance XP1 XP2 ldiagdistance 2 div
+ ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP1PRE [ XP1 0 0 RP1 XP1 FROM ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP1POST [ XP1 0 0 RP1 XP1 XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP1CTR [ XP1PRE 0 0 RP1 XP1 XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP1CTR 0 0 RP1 XP1CTR XP1 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P1 ldiagpointdef
+ XP1CTR P1 ldiagangleto DIRN add 90 dg sub /P1@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RP2 [ radius XP1 XP2 ldiagdistance 2 div XP2 XP3 ldiagdistance 2 div
+ ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP2PRE [ XP2 0 0 RP2 XP2 XP1 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP2POST [ XP2 0 0 RP2 XP2 XP3 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP2CTR [ XP2PRE 0 0 RP2 XP2 XP3 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP2CTR 0 0 RP2 XP2CTR XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P2 ldiagpointdef
+ XP2CTR P2 ldiagangleto DIRN add 90 dg sub /P2@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RP3 [ radius XP2 XP3 ldiagdistance 2 div XP3 XP4 ldiagdistance 2 div
+ ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP3PRE [ XP3 0 0 RP3 XP3 XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP3POST [ XP3 0 0 RP3 XP3 XP4 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP3CTR [ XP3PRE 0 0 RP3 XP3 XP4 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP3CTR 0 0 RP3 XP3CTR XP3 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P3 ldiagpointdef
+ XP3CTR P3 ldiagangleto DIRN add 90 dg sub /P3@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RP4 [ radius XP4 XP3 ldiagdistance 2 div XP4 TO ldiagdistance
+ ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP4PRE [ XP4 0 0 RP4 XP4 XP3 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP4POST [ XP4 0 0 RP4 XP4 TO ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP4CTR [ XP4PRE 0 0 RP4 XP4 TO ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP4CTR 0 0 RP4 XP4CTR XP4 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P4 ldiagpointdef
+ XP4CTR P4 ldiagangleto DIRN add 90 dg sub /P4@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FROM XP1PRE ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ XP2 0.5 ldiagpmul XP3 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN 180 dg sub /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent TO XP4POST ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ TO 0 0 ZINDENT DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ TO@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ % (leaving ldiagdwrapcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent bias fbias tbias ldiaguwraplinepath -
+ % (entering ldiaguwraplinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /tbias exch def
+ /fbias exch def
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ /DIRN [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop lt
+ { 180 dg } { 0 dg } ifelse ] cvx def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel DIRN from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel DIRN 180 dg add to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ FROM 0 0 fbias 0 ldiagmax DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P1 ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN 180 dg eq { 135 dg } { 45 dg } ifelse /P1@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ TO 0 0 tbias 0 ldiagmax DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd
+ /P4 ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN 180 dg eq { 225 dg } { -45 dg } ifelse /P4@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /YC [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 90 dg from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ exch pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 90 dg to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ exch pop ldiagmax bias 0 ldiagmax add ] cvx def
+ P1 pop YC /P2 ldiagpointdef
+ P4@ANGLE 180 dg sub /P2@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ P4 pop YC /P3 ldiagpointdef
+ P1@ANGLE 180 dg sub /P3@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FROM P1 ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent TO P4 ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ TO 0 0 ZINDENT DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ TO@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ P2 0.5 ldiagpmul P3 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN 180 dg sub /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ FROM P1 P2 P3 P4 TO
+ % (leaving ldiaguwraplinepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% farr tarr { from } { to } xindent zindent bias fbias tbias radius
+% ldiaguwrapcurvepath -
+ % (entering ldiaguwrapcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+ /radius exch def
+ /tbias exch def
+ /fbias exch def
+ /bias exch def
+ /zindent exch def
+ /xindent exch def
+ cvlit /to exch def
+ cvlit /from exch def
+ /toarrowlength exch def
+ /fromarrowlength exch def
+ /DIRN [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop lt
+ { 180 dg } { 0 dg } ifelse ] cvx def
+ /CLOCK [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel pop lt
+ { clockwise } { anticlockwise } ifelse ] cvx def
+ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel DIRN from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 fromarrowlength DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /FROM ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN /FROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ to (CTR) ldiagdolabel DIRN 180 dg add to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ 0 0 toarrowlength DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /TO ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN /TO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XP1 [ FROM 0 0 fbias 0 ldiagmax DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP4 [ TO 0 0 tbias 0 ldiagmax DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /YC [ from (CTR) ldiagdolabel 90 dg from (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ exch pop to (CTR) ldiagdolabel 90 dg to (CIRCUM) ldiagdolabel ldiagpadd
+ exch pop ldiagmax bias 0 ldiagmax add ] cvx def
+ /XP2 [ XP1 pop YC ] cvx def
+ /XP3 [ XP4 pop YC ] cvx def
+ /RP1 [ radius XP1 FROM ldiagdistance XP1 XP2 ldiagdistance 2 div
+ ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP1PRE [ XP1 0 0 RP1 XP1 FROM ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP1POST [ XP1 0 0 RP1 XP1 XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP1CTR [ XP1PRE 0 0 RP1 XP1 XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP1CTR 0 0 RP1 XP1CTR XP1 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P1 ldiagpointdef
+ XP1CTR P1 ldiagangleto DIRN add 90 dg add /P1@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RP2 [ radius XP1 XP2 ldiagdistance 2 div XP2 XP3 ldiagdistance 2 div
+ ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP2PRE [ XP2 0 0 RP2 XP2 XP1 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP2POST [ XP2 0 0 RP2 XP2 XP3 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP2CTR [ XP2PRE 0 0 RP2 XP2 XP3 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP2CTR 0 0 RP2 XP2CTR XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P2 ldiagpointdef
+ XP2CTR P2 ldiagangleto DIRN add 90 dg add /P2@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RP3 [ radius XP2 XP3 ldiagdistance 2 div XP3 XP4 ldiagdistance 2 div
+ ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP3PRE [ XP3 0 0 RP3 XP3 XP2 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP3POST [ XP3 0 0 RP3 XP3 XP4 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP3CTR [ XP3PRE 0 0 RP3 XP3 XP4 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP3CTR 0 0 RP3 XP3CTR XP3 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P3 ldiagpointdef
+ XP3CTR P3 ldiagangleto DIRN add 90 dg add /P3@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /RP4 [ radius XP4 XP3 ldiagdistance 2 div XP4 TO ldiagdistance
+ ldiagmin ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ /XP4PRE [ XP4 0 0 RP4 XP4 XP3 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP4POST [ XP4 0 0 RP4 XP4 TO ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /XP4CTR [ XP4PRE 0 0 RP4 XP4 TO ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ XP4CTR 0 0 RP4 XP4CTR XP4 ldiagangleto ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /P4 ldiagpointdef
+ XP4CTR P4 ldiagangleto DIRN add 90 dg add /P4@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /XINDENT [ xindent FROM XP1PRE ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ FROM 0 0 XINDENT DIRN ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LFROM ldiagpointdef
+ FROM@ANGLE /LFROM@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ XP2 0.5 ldiagpmul XP3 0.5 ldiagpmul ldiagpadd /LMID ldiagpointdef
+ DIRN 180 dg sub /LMID@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ /ZINDENT [ zindent TO XP4POST ldiagdistance ldiagmin ] cvx def
+ TO 0 0 ZINDENT DIRN 180 dg add ldiagatangle ldiagpadd /LTO ldiagpointdef
+ TO@ANGLE /LTO@ANGLE ldiagangledef
+ % (leaving ldiaguwrapcurvepath) 0 ldiagdebugprint
+ % count ( stack size is) 1 ldiagdebugprint pop
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @SolidArrowHead symbol
+% - ldiagsolidarrowhead -
+ 0 0 xsize ysize 0.5 mul 0 ysize
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @OpenArrowHead symbol
+% <pathwidth> ldiagopenarrowhead -
+ /pathwidth exch def
+ /PSW [ 0 0 ] cvx def
+ /PNW [ 0 ysize ] cvx def
+ /PE [ xsize ysize 0.5 mul ] cvx def
+ /REL [ 0 0 pathwidth PE PNW ldiagangleto 90 add ldiagatangle ] cvx def
+ /PNA [ 0 ysize 0.5 mul pathwidth 0.5 mul add ] cvx def
+ /PSA [ 0 ysize 0.5 mul pathwidth 0.5 mul sub ] cvx def
+ /PNI [ PNA PNA xsize 0 ldiagpadd PNW REL ldiagpadd
+ PE REL ldiagpadd ldiaglineintersect ] cvx def
+ /PSI [ 0 pathwidth PNI ldiagpsub ] cvx def
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @HalfOpenArrowHead symbol
+% <pathwidth> ldiaghalfopenarrowhead -
+ /pathwidth exch def
+ 0 0
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul
+ 0 ysize
+ xsize 0.3 mul ysize 0.5 mul pathwidth 0.5 mul add
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul pathwidth 0.5 mul add
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul pathwidth 0.5 mul sub
+ xsize 0.3 mul ysize 0.5 mul pathwidth 0.5 mul sub
+ 0 0
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @SolidCurvedArrowHead symbol
+% - ldiagsolidcurvedarrowhead -
+ 0 0
+ [0 0 xsize ysize 0.5 mul ldiaglinebetween
+ xsize 0 xsize ysize ldiaglineintersect clockwise]
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul
+ [xsize ysize 0.5 mul 0 ysize ldiaglinebetween
+ xsize 0 xsize ysize ldiaglineintersect clockwise]
+ 0 ysize
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @OpenCurvedArrowHead symbol
+% <pathwidth> ldiagopencurvedarrowhead -
+ /pathwidth exch def
+ /LR [ 0 0 xsize ysize 0.5 mul ldiaglinebetween
+ xsize 0 xsize ysize ldiaglineintersect
+ ] cvx def
+ /UR [ xsize ysize 0.5 mul 0 ysize ldiaglinebetween
+ xsize 0 xsize ysize ldiaglineintersect
+ ] cvx def
+ /PW2 [ pathwidth 0.5 mul ] cvx def
+ /UMID [
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul PW2 add
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul PW2 add
+ 0 ysize 0 0 1 ft UR 0 ysize ldiagangleto 90 add ldiagatangle
+ ldiagpadd 0 ysize ldiaglineintersect
+ ] cvx def
+ /LMID [ 0 pathwidth UMID ldiagpsub ] cvx def
+ 0 0
+ [LR clockwise]
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul
+ [UR clockwise]
+ 0 ysize
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul PW2 add
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul PW2 sub
+ 0 0
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @HalfOpenCurvedArrowHead symbol
+% <pathwidth> ldiaghalfopencurvedarrowhead -
+ /pathwidth exch def
+ /LR [ 0 0 xsize ysize 0.5 mul ldiaglinebetween
+ xsize 0 xsize ysize ldiaglineintersect
+ ] cvx def
+ /UR [ xsize ysize 0.5 mul 0 ysize ldiaglinebetween
+ xsize 0 xsize ysize ldiaglineintersect
+ ] cvx def
+ /BR [ 0 0 LR 0 ysize UR ldiaglineintersect ] cvx def
+ /BRAD [ 0 0 BR ldiagdistance ] cvx def
+ /PW2 [ pathwidth 0.5 mul ] cvx def
+ /XDIST [ BRAD dup mul PW2 dup mul sub sqrt ] cvx def
+ /UMID [ BR XDIST PW2 ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ /LMID [ BR XDIST 0 PW2 sub ldiagpadd ] cvx def
+ 0 0
+ [LR clockwise]
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul
+ [UR clockwise]
+ 0 ysize
+ [BR clockwise]
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul PW2 add
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul PW2 sub
+ [BR clockwise]
+ 0 0
+} def
diff --git a/include/doc b/include/doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dda601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/doc
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for ordinary documents #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# @SysInclude commands for standard packages. #
+# #
+ @SysInclude { fontdefs } # font definitions
+ @SysInclude { langdefs } # language definitions
+ @SysInclude { bsf } # BasicSetup package
+ @SysInclude { dsf } # DocumentSetup package
+ @SysInclude { docf } # OrdinarySetup extension
+# #
+# @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory. #
+# #
+ @Include { mydefs }
+# #
+# The @BasicSetup @Use clause - basics, lists, paragraphs, displays. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @BasicSetup
+ # @InitialFont { Times Base 12p } # initial font
+ # @InitialBreak {{adjust 1.2fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain {ragged 1fx nohyphen}}
+ # @InitialSpace { lout } # initial space style
+ # @InitialLanguage { English } # initial language
+ # @InitialColour { black } # initial colour
+ # @OptimizePages { No } # optimize page breaks?
+ # @HeadingFont { Bold } # font for @Heading
+ # @ParaGap { 1.3vx @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between paragraphs
+ # @ParaIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # first-line indent for @PP
+ # @DisplayGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap above, below displays
+ # @DisplayIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # @IndentedDisplay indent
+ # @DefaultIndent { 0.5rt } # @Display indent
+ # @DisplayNumStyle { (num) } # style of display numbers
+ # @WideIndent { 4.00f @OrIfPlain 10s } # @WideTaggedList indent
+ # @VeryWideIndent { 8.00f @OrIfPlain 20s } # @VeryWideTaggedList indent
+ # @ListOuterGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap before, after lists
+ # @ListGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between list items
+ # @ListIndent { 0s } # indent of list items
+ # @ListRightIndent { 0s } # right indent of list items
+ # @ListLabelWidth { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # width allowed for list tags
+ # @NumberSeparator { . } # separates nums like 2.3.7
+# #
+# The @DocumentSetup @Use clause - page layout plus figures, tables, etc. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @DocumentSetup
+ # @PageType { A4 @OrIfPlain Other} # page type (width, height)
+ # @PageWidth { 80s } # page width if type Other
+ # @PageHeight { 66f } # page height if type Other
+ # @PageOrientation { Portrait } # Portrait, Landscape, etc.
+ # @PageBackground { } # background of each page
+ # @TopMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # top margin of all pages
+ # @FootMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # bottom margin of all pages
+ # @OddLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of odd pages
+ # @OddRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of odd pages
+ # @EvenLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of even pages
+ # @EvenRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of even pages
+ # @PageBoxType { None } # None Box CurveBox ShadowBox
+ # @PageBoxMargin { 1.00c } # page box margin
+ # @PageBoxLineWidth { } # page box line thickness
+ # @PageBoxPaint { none } # page box paint
+ # @PageBoxShadow { 0.60c } # shadow margin if ShadowBox
+ # @ColumnNumber { 1 } # number of columns (1 to 10)
+ # @ColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # column gap
+ # @FigureLocation { PageTop } # default figure location
+ # @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
+ # @FigureFormat { @CC @Body } # default figure format
+ # @TableFormat { @CC @Body } # default table format
+ # @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
+ # @TableWord { table } # "Table" word else anything
+ # @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
+ # @TableNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering tables
+ # @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @TableCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @CaptionFont { } # figure, table caption font
+ # @CaptionBreak { } # figure, table caption break
+ # @CaptionFormat { @B { number @DotSep @OneCol } } # figure, table caption format
+ # @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
+ # @MakeTableContents { No } # list of tables at start
+ # @MakeContents { No } # make contents? Yes or No
+ # @ContentsGap { 0.20v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap above minor entry
+ # @ContentsGapAbove { 0.80v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above major entry
+ # @ContentsGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below major entry
+ # @ContentsFont { Bold } # font for major entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapAbove { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above `part' entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below `part' entry
+ # @ContentsFormat { number @DotSep title } # contents entry format
+ # @ContentsLeader { .. } # leader symbol in contents
+ # @ContentsLeaderGap { 4s @OrIfPlain 2s } # gap between leaders
+ # @ContentsRightWidth { 3f @OrIfPlain 6s } # page numbers column width
+ # @MakeReferences { Yes } # make references? Yes or No
+ # @RefCiteStyle { [cite] } # citation style
+ # @RefCiteLabels { @RefNum } # citation items
+ # @RefNumbers { Arabic } # reference numbers
+ # @RefListFormat { Labels } # NoLabels, Labels, etc.
+ # @RefListLabels { [@RefNum] } # ref list label format
+ # @RefListTitle { references } # title of reference list
+ # @ChapRefListTitle { references } # title of chapter ref list
+ # @RefListIndent { 0s } # indent to left of labels
+ # @RefListRightIndent { 0s } # indent to right of items
+ # @RefListGap { @ListGap } # gap between ref list items
+ # @RefListFont { } # font used in reference list
+ # @RefListBreak { } # break style of ref list
+ # @RefListLabelWidth { @ListLabelWidth } # Labels column width
+ # @RefListSortKey { @Tag } # sorting key
+ # @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
+ # @IndexFont { } # index entries font
+ # @IndexBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexColumnNumber { 2 } # index columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index column gap
+ # @MakeIndexA { No } # make index A? Yes or No
+ # @IndexAFont { } # index A entries font
+ # @IndexABreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexAColumnNumber { 2 } # index A columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexAColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index A column gap
+ # @MakeIndexB { No } # make index B? Yes or No
+ # @IndexBFont { } # index B entries font
+ # @IndexBBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexBColumnNumber { 2 } # index B columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexBColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index B column gap
+ # @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
+ # @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
+ # @FootNoteNumbers { Arabic } # footnote numbers
+ # @FootNoteThrough { No } # numbered through chapter?
+ # @FootNoteLocation { ColFoot } # where the footnote appears
+ # @FootNoteFont { 0.80f } # font for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # footnote format
+ # @FootLen { 2.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # length of footnote line
+ # @FootAboveGap { @DisplayGap } # gap above footnote line
+ # @FootGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1fx } # gap between footnotes
+ # @MarginNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteBreak { ragged 1.10fx } # break style of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteHGap { 0.5c } # horizontal gap to notes
+ # @MarginNoteVGap { @DisplayGap } # min vertical gap between
+ # @MarginNoteWidth { 1.50c } # width of margin notes
+ # @EndNoteNumbers { Arabic } # endnote numbers
+ # @EndNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of endnotes
+ # @EndNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for endnotes
+ # @EndNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # endnote format
+ # @EndNoteGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between endnotes
+ # @TheoremWord { theorem } # "Theorem" word, etc.
+ # @TheoremTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @TheoremFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @DefinitionWord { definition } # "Definition" word, etc.
+ # @DefinitionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @DefinitionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ClaimWord { claim } # "Claim" word, etc.
+ # @ClaimTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ClaimFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @PropositionWord { proposition } # "Proposition" word, etc.
+ # @PropositionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @PropositionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @LemmaWord { lemma } # "Lemma" word, etc.
+ # @LemmaTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @LemmaFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @CorollaryWord { corollary } # "Corollary" word, etc.
+ # @CorollaryTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @CorollaryFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ExampleWord { example } # "Example" word, etc.
+ # @ExampleTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ExampleFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ProofWord { proof } # "Proof" word, etc.
+ # @PageHeaders { Simple } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ # @PageNumbers { Arabic } # page numbers
+ # @FirstPageNumber { 1 } # number of first page
+ # @IntroPageNumbers { Roman } # intro page numbers
+ # @IntroFirstPageNumber{ 1 } # number of first intro page
+ # @StructPageNums { No } # make structured page numbers
+ # @OddTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} } # Simple page headers
+ # @OddFoot { @Null }
+ # @EvenTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} }
+ # @EvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @StartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroEvenFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # Titles, NoTitles headers
+ # @RunningOddTop { @I {@MinorNum @DotSep @MinorTitle} @Right @B @PageNum }
+ # @RunningOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningEvenTop { @B @PageNum @Right @I {@MajorNum @DotSep @MajorTitle} }
+ # @RunningEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartEvenFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroOddFoot { @Right @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenFoot { @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+# #
+# The @OrdinarySetup @Use clause - options specific to ordinary documents. #
+# #
+@Use { @OrdinarySetup
+ # @IndexWord { index } # word for "Index" word etc.
+ # @IndexAWord { index } # word for "Index" (A)
+ # @IndexBWord { index } # word for "Index" (B)
+ # @AppendixWord { appendix } # word for "Appendix"
+ # @SectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of section numbers
+ # @FirstSectionNumber { 1 } # first section num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subsection numbers
+ # @FirstSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first subsect num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subsect numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first subsub. num (Arabic)
+ # @AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha } # kind of appendix numbers
+ # @FirstAppendixNumber { 1 } # first appendix num (Arabic)
+ # @SubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subappendix numbers
+ # @FirstSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-app. num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subapp. numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-sub. num (Arabic)
+ # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold } # section head font
+ # @SectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # section head break
+ # @SectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # section head fmt
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFont { Bold } # subsect head font
+ # @SubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subsect head break
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subsect head fmt
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-ss. head font
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-ss. head break
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # sub-ss. head fmt
+ # @AppendixHeadingFont { Bold } # appendix head font
+ # @AppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # appendix head break
+ # @AppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # appendix head fmt
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFont { Bold } # subapp. head font
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subapp. head break
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subapp. head format
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-sa. head font
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-sa. head break
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat{ number @DotSep title } # sub-sa. head fmt
+ # @ReferencesHeadingFont { Bold } # refs head font
+ # @ReferencesHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # refs head break
+ # @ReferencesHeadingFormat { title } # refs head format
+ # @IndexHeadingFont { Bold } # index head font
+ # @IndexHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index head break
+ # @IndexHeadingFormat { title } # index head format
+ # @IndexAHeadingFont { Bold } # index A head font
+ # @IndexAHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index A head break
+ # @IndexAHeadingFormat { title } # index A head fmt
+ # @IndexBHeadingFont { Bold } # index B head font
+ # @IndexBHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index B head break
+ # @IndexBHeadingFormat { title } # index B head fmt
+ # @SectionGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between sections
+ # @SubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between subsects
+ # @SubSubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subs.
+ # @AppendixGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between appendices
+ # @SubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between subappendices
+ # @SubSubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subapps
+ # @SectionInContents { Yes } # add sections to contents
+ # @SubSectionInContents { Yes } # add subsections to contents
+ # @SubSubSectionInContents { No } # add sub-subsects to contents
+ # @AppendixInContents { Yes } # add appendices to contents
+ # @SubAppendixInContents { Yes } # add subappendices to contents
+ # @SubSubAppendixInContents { No } # add sub-subapps to contents
+ # @ReferencesInContents { Yes } # add ref. section to contents
+ # @IndexInContents { Yes } # add index to contents
+ # @IndexAInContents { Yes } # add index A to contents
+ # @IndexBInContents { Yes } # add index B to contents
+ # @SectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems{ No } # theorem num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays{ No } # display num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInTables { No } # table num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @AppendixPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @ReferencesPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexAPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexBPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+# #
+# @Database (and @SysDatabase) clauses go here. #
+# #
+@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } # reference printing styles
diff --git a/include/docf b/include/docf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd9f0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/docf
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+# #
+# @OrdinarySetup extension to @DocumentSetup. #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# August 1994 #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# This package extends DocumentSetup for ordinary documents. #
+# #
+extend @BasicSetup @DocumentSetup
+export @Doc @Document @Text
+def @OrdinarySetup
+ named @IndexWord { index }
+ named @IndexAWord { index }
+ named @IndexBWord { index }
+ named @AppendixWord { appendix }
+ named @SectionNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSectionNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubSectionNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubSectionNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubSubSectionNumber { 1 }
+ named @AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha }
+ named @FirstAppendixNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubAppendixNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubAppendixNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber { 1 }
+ named @SectionHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @SectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SectionHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @Sep title }
+ named @SubSectionHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @SubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubSectionHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @Sep title }
+ named @SubSubSectionHeadingFont { Slope }
+ named @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @Sep title }
+ named @AppendixHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @AppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @AppendixHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @Sep title }
+ named @SubAppendixHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @SubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubAppendixHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @Sep title }
+ named @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont { Slope }
+ named @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @Sep title }
+ named @ReferencesHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @ReferencesHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @ReferencesHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @IndexHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @IndexHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @IndexHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @IndexAHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @IndexAHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @IndexAHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @IndexBHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @IndexBHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @IndexBHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @SectionGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f }
+ named @SubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @SubSubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @AppendixGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f }
+ named @SubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @SubSubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @SectionInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubSectionInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubSubSectionInContents { No }
+ named @AppendixInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubSubAppendixInContents { No }
+ named @ReferencesInContents { Yes }
+ named @IndexInContents { Yes }
+ named @IndexAInContents { Yes }
+ named @IndexBInContents { Yes }
+ named @SectionNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SectionNumInDisplays { Yes }
+ named @SubSectionNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInDisplays { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @SectionNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubSectionNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInFigures { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SectionNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubSectionNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInTables { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInTables { No }
+ named @SectionNumInRunners { Yes }
+ named @SubSectionNumInRunners { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInRunners { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInRunners { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInRunners { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners { No }
+ named @SectionPrefix { }
+ named @AppendixPrefix { }
+ named @ReferencesPrefix { }
+ named @IndexPrefix { }
+ named @IndexAPrefix { }
+ named @IndexBPrefix { }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Lists of sections, sub(-sub)sections, appendices, etc. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @TextPlace { @Galley }
+ export num
+ def @SectionList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SectionGap @SectionList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubSectionList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubSectionGap @SubSectionList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubSubSectionList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubSubSectionGap @SubSubSectionList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @AppendixList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@AppendixGap @AppendixList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubAppendixList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubAppendixGap @SubAppendixList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubSubAppendixList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubSubAppendixGap @SubSubAppendixList @Next num
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @SendFull - send full-width text. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @SendFull force into { @FullPlace&&following }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Document. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Document
+ named @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
+ named @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
+ named @InitialSpace { @InitialSpace }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @PageOrientation { @PageOrientation }
+ named @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ named @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ named @FirstPageNumber { @FirstPageNumber }
+ named @OptimizePages { @OptimizePages }
+ named @Unpaginated { No }
+ {
+ def @ReferencesPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @RefHeading @RefListTitle }
+ headingfont { @ReferencesHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ReferencesHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @ReferencesHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @ReferencesInContents }
+ pnprefix { @ReferencesPrefix }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ minornum {}
+ minortitle { @RefHeading @RefListTitle }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ sendheader { @Body }
+ aboveheadinggap { 0f }
+ { //@RefListGap @ReferencesSection }
+ }
+ def @IndexPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ def @Run
+ {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum {}
+ @MajorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexWord }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle {}
+ @Owner { @Tag }
+ @Prefix { @IndexPrefix }
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { index @WordVal @IndexWord }
+ headingfont { @IndexHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @IndexHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @IndexHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IndexInContents }
+ pnprefix { @IndexPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ minornum {}
+ minortitle { index @WordVal @IndexWord }
+ sendheader { @SendFull @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ wantindefinite { Yes }
+ @IndexSection @Run
+ }
+ def @IndexAPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ def @Run
+ {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum {}
+ @MajorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexAWord }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle {}
+ @Owner { @Tag }
+ @Prefix { @IndexAPrefix }
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { index @WordVal @IndexAWord }
+ headingfont { @IndexAHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @IndexAHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @IndexAHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IndexAInContents }
+ pnprefix { @IndexAPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ minornum {}
+ minortitle { index @WordVal @IndexAWord }
+ sendheader { @SendFull @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ wantindefinite { Yes }
+ @IndexASection @Run
+ }
+ def @IndexBPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ def @Run
+ {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum {}
+ @MajorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexBWord }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle {}
+ @Owner { @Tag }
+ @Prefix { @IndexBPrefix }
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { index @WordVal @IndexBWord }
+ headingfont { @IndexBHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @IndexBHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @IndexBHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IndexBInContents }
+ pnprefix { @IndexBPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ minornum {}
+ minortitle { index @WordVal @IndexBWord }
+ sendheader { @SendFull @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ wantindefinite { Yes }
+ @IndexBSection @Run
+ }
+ def @DocumentBody force into { @ColPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Optimize { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ # this whole comment is now obsolete:
+ # It's important that the first component of @DocumentBody be
+ # indefinite. If it was definite, then @DocumentBody would
+ # attach immediately to the first page. This would prevent
+ # @FullWidth from attaching to that page, with the result that
+ # a document starting with @FullWidth would start on page 2!
+ // @FootNoteThrough @Do @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // @TextPlace
+ //@SectionGap @EndFigureList
+ //@SectionGap @EndNoteList 1
+ //@SectionGap @MakeReferences @Do @ReferencesPart
+ // @MakeIndexA @Do @IndexAPart
+ // @MakeIndexB @Do @IndexBPart
+ // @MakeIndex @Do @IndexPart
+ // NonStart @Runner
+ }
+ @InitialFont @Font @InitialBreak @Break @InitialLanguage @Language
+ @InitialSpace @Space { @ColourCommand @InitialColour } @SetColour
+ {
+ Yes @BeginAllCounters {}
+ Yes @BeginDisplayCounter {}
+ Yes @BeginFigureCounter {}
+ Yes @BeginTableCounter {}
+ // @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield {
+ @Unpaginated @Case {
+ { Yes yes } @Yield {
+ @ContinuousPageList
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ }
+ { No no } @Yield {
+ @PageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ extra { Yes }
+ @FirstPageNumber
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else @Yield {
+ @PageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ extra { Yes }
+ @FirstPageNumber
+ }
+ }
+ // @DocumentBody
+ }
+ }
+ macro @Doc { @Document // }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Text containing sections, appendices, etc. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export @ContentsGoesHere @FullWidth
+ @BeginSections @EndSections @Section
+ @BeginAppendices @EndAppendices @Appendix
+ def @Text force into { @TextPlace&&preceding }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @ContentsGoesHere { @ContentsSection }
+ export @ContentsGoesHere
+ def @FullWidth body @Body
+ {
+ def @ContentsGoesHere {}
+ @SendFull { Start @Runner // @Body }
+ & NonStart @Runner & &2.1b &
+ }
+ def @EndSectionsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSections force into { @EndSectionsPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSections
+ { //@SectionGap @SectionList @FirstSectionNumber
+ // @EndSectionsPlace //
+ }
+ export @BeginSubSections @EndSubSections @SubSection @Title
+ def @Section force into { @SectionList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubSectionsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubSections force into { @EndSubSectionsPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubSections
+ { //@SubSectionGap @SubSectionList @FirstSubSectionNumber
+ // @EndSubSectionsPlace //
+ }
+ def @SectionShortNum
+ {
+ @SectionNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @SectionNumbers @Num @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { num }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ export @BeginSubSubSections @EndSubSubSections @SubSubSection
+ def @SubSection force into { @SubSectionList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubSubSectionsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubSubSections force into
+ { @EndSubSubSectionsPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubSubSections
+ { //@SubSubSectionGap
+ @SubSubSectionList @FirstSubSubSectionNumber
+ // @EndSubSubSectionsPlace //
+ }
+ def @SubSectionShortNum
+ {
+ @SubSectionNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @SectionShortNum @Join @SubSectionNumbers @Num
+ { @SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @SubSubSection force into { @SubSubSectionList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubSubSectionHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubSubSectionInContents }
+ contentsindent { 6f }
+ numbers { @SubSubSectionNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubSubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubSubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SubSectionShortNum }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubSubSectionNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubSubSectionNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubSubSectionNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubSectionHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubSectionHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubSectionInContents }
+ contentsindent { 3f }
+ numbers { @SubSectionNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SectionShortNum }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @SubSectionNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubSectionNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubSectionNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubSectionNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubSectionNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SectionHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SectionHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SectionHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SectionInContents }
+ numbers { @SectionNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ pnprefix { @SectionPrefix }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ intheorems { @SectionNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SectionNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SectionNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SectionNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SectionNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ def @EndAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndAppendices force into { @EndAppendicesPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginAppendices
+ { //@AppendixGap @AppendixList @FirstAppendixNumber
+ // @EndAppendicesPlace //
+ }
+ export @BeginSubAppendices @EndSubAppendices @SubAppendix
+ def @Appendix force into { @AppendixList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubAppendices force into
+ { @EndSubAppendicesPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubAppendices
+ { //@SubAppendixGap @SubAppendixList @FirstSubAppendixNumber
+ // @EndSubAppendicesPlace //
+ }
+ def @AppendixShortNum
+ {
+ @AppendixNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @AppendixNumbers @Num @AppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ export @BeginSubSubAppendices @EndSubSubAppendices @SubSubAppendix
+ def @SubAppendix force into { @SubAppendixList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubSubAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubSubAppendices force into
+ { @EndSubSubAppendicesPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubSubAppendices
+ { //@SubSubAppendixGap
+ @SubSubAppendixList @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber
+ // @EndSubSubAppendicesPlace //
+ }
+ def @SubAppendixShortNum
+ {
+ @SubAppendixNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @AppendixShortNum @Join @SubAppendixNumbers @Num
+ { @SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @SubSubAppendix force into {@SubSubAppendixList&&preceding}
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubSubAppendixInContents }
+ contentsindent { 6f }
+ numbers { @SubSubAppendixNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubSubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubSubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SubAppendixShortNum }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubSubAppendixNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubAppendixHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubAppendixHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubAppendixInContents }
+ contentsindent { 3f }
+ numbers { @SubAppendixNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @AppendixShortNum }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @SubAppendixNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubAppendixNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubAppendixNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubAppendixNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubAppendixNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @AppendixHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @AppendixHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @AppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @AppendixInContents }
+ contentsindent { 0f }
+ word { appendix @WordVal @AppendixWord }
+ numbers { @AppendixNumbers }
+ attachnum { @AppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @AppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ pnprefix { @AppendixPrefix }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ intheorems { @AppendixNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @AppendixNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @AppendixNumInFigures }
+ intables { @AppendixNumInTables }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ @Body
+ }
+ // Start @Runner
+ // @Body
+ // NonStart @Runner
+ }
+@End @OrdinarySetup
diff --git a/include/dsf b/include/dsf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..082c59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/dsf
@@ -0,0 +1,4644 @@
+# #
+# Lout @DocumentSetup package (Version 3.16) #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 17 July 1991. #
+# Version 2.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 22 December 1992. #
+# Version 3.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 19 April 1994. #
+# Version 3.03 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 6 May 1995. #
+# Versions 3.04 and 3.05 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 11 June 1995. #
+# Version 3.05 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 25 July 1995. #
+# Version 3.07 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, February 1996. #
+# Version 3.10 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, September 1996. #
+# Version 3.11 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, December 1996. #
+# Version 3.13 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, October 1998. #
+# Version 3.16 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, May 1999. #
+# Version 3.17 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, September 1999. #
+# #
+# This Lout package contains the general definitions used by all types of #
+# documents. It needs to be extended (see docf, reportf, bookf, slidesf, #
+# etc.) with definitions for particular document types. Consult "A User's #
+# Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System" for user information. #
+# #
+extend @BasicSetup
+ @Runner
+ @Figure @Table
+ @FootNote @AnotherFootNote @EndNote
+ @LeftNote @RightNote @OuterNote @InnerNote @Place
+ @Theorem @Proof @EndProof
+ @Definition @Claim @Proposition @Lemma @Corollary @Example
+ @Reference @RefStyle @RefPrint
+ @Ref @NoRef @ChapRef @NoChapRef
+ @Cite @NoCite @ChapCite @NoChapCite
+ @IndexA @SubIndexA @SubSubIndexA @RawIndexA
+ @RawSubIndexA @RawSubSubIndexA @IndexABlanks
+ @IndexB @SubIndexB @SubSubIndexB @RawIndexB
+ @RawSubIndexB @RawSubSubIndexB @IndexBBlanks
+ @Index @SubIndex @SubSubIndex @RawIndex
+ @RawSubIndex @RawSubSubIndex @IndexBlanks
+ @BypassContentsEntry @BypassMajorContentsEntry
+ @BypassFigureContentsEntry @BypassTableContentsEntry
+ @BypassReference @BypassChapReference
+ @BypassBeginIndex @BypassRawIndex @BypassEndIndex
+ @BypassBeginIndexA @BypassRawIndexA @BypassEndIndexA
+ @BypassBeginIndexB @BypassRawIndexB @BypassEndIndexB
+def @DocumentSetup
+ named @PageType { A4 @OrIfPlain Other} # page type (width, height)
+ named @PageWidth { 80s } # page width if type Other
+ named @PageHeight { 66f } # page height if type Other
+ named @PageOrientation { Portrait } # Portrait, Landscape, etc.
+ named @PageBackground { } # background of each page
+ named @TopMargin { 2.50c @OrIfPlain 6f } # top margin of all pages
+ named @FootMargin { 2.50c @OrIfPlain 6f } # bottom margin of all pages
+ named @OddLeftMargin { 2.50c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of odd pages
+ named @OddRightMargin { 2.50c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of odd pages
+ named @EvenLeftMargin { 2.50c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of even pages
+ named @EvenRightMargin { 2.50c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of even pages
+ named @PageBoxType { None } # None Box CurveBox ShadowBox
+ named @PageBoxMargin { 1.00c } # page box margin
+ import @LengthUnits named @PageBoxLineWidth
+ { } # page box line thickness
+ named @PageBoxPaint { none } # page box paint
+ named @PageBoxShadow { 0.60c } # shadow margin if ShadowBox
+ named @ColumnNumber { 1 } # number of columns (1 to 10)
+ named @ColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # column gap
+ named @FigureLocation { PageTop } # default figure location
+ named @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
+ named @FigureFormat
+ named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
+ named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
+ named @CC right x { |0.5rt x | }
+ named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
+ right @Body
+ { @CC @Body } # default figure format
+ named @TableFormat
+ named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
+ named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
+ named @CC right x { |0.5rt x | }
+ named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
+ right @Body
+ { @CC @Body } # default table format
+ named @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
+ named @TableWord { table } # "Table" word else anything
+ named @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
+ named @TableNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering tables
+ named @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ named @TableCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ named @FigureCaptionFont { } # figure caption font
+ named @FigureCaptionBreak { } # figure caption break
+ named @FigureCaptionFormat named word {} named number {} named caption {}
+ { @B { word @NumSep number. &2s } @Insert caption }
+ named @TableCaptionFont { } # figure caption font
+ named @TableCaptionBreak { } # figure caption break
+ named @TableCaptionFormat named word {} named number {} named caption {}
+ { @B { word @NumSep number. &2s } @Insert caption }
+ named @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
+ named @MakeTableContents { No } # list of tables at start
+ named @MakeContents { No } # make contents? Yes or No
+ named @ContentsGap { 0.20v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap above minor entry
+ named @ContentsGapAbove { 0.80v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above major entry
+ named @ContentsGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below major entry
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+ named @ContentsPartGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below part entry
+ named @ContentsFormat
+ left number
+ right title
+ { number @Sep title } # contents format
+ named @ContentsLeader { .. } # leader symbol in contents
+ named @ContentsLeaderGap { 4s @OrIfPlain 2s } # gap between leaders
+ named @ContentsRightWidth { 3f @OrIfPlain 6s } # page numbers column width
+ named @MakeReferences { Yes } # make references? Yes or No
+ named @RefCiteStyle right cite { [cite] } # citation style
+ named @RefCiteLabels
+ named @RefNum {}
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Type {}
+ named @Abstract {}
+ named @Address {}
+ named @Annote {}
+ named @Author {}
+ named @Day {}
+ named @Edition {}
+ named @HowPublished {}
+ named @InAuthor {}
+ named @InTitle {}
+ named @Institution {}
+ named @Journal {}
+ named @Keywords {}
+ named @Label {}
+ named @Month {}
+ named @Note {}
+ named @Number {}
+ named @Organization {}
+ named @Page {}
+ named @Pages {}
+ named @Pinpoint {}
+ named @Publisher {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @TitleNote {}
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+ named @Year {}
+ { @RefNum } # citation items
+ named @RefNumbers { Arabic } # reference numbers
+ named @RefListFormat { Labels } # NoLabels, Labels,
+ # DropLabels, IntegrateLabels
+ named @RefListLabels
+ named @RefNum {}
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Type {}
+ named @Abstract {}
+ named @Address {}
+ named @Annote {}
+ named @Author {}
+ named @Day {}
+ named @Edition {}
+ named @HowPublished {}
+ named @InAuthor {}
+ named @InTitle {}
+ named @Institution {}
+ named @Journal {}
+ named @Keywords {}
+ named @Label {}
+ named @Month {}
+ named @Note {}
+ named @Number {}
+ named @Organization {}
+ named @Page {}
+ named @Pages {}
+ named @Pinpoint {}
+ named @Publisher {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @TitleNote {}
+ named @TRType {}
+ named @Volume {}
+ named @Year {}
+ { [@RefNum] } # ref list label format
+ named @RefListTitle { references } # title of reference list
+ named @ChapRefListTitle { references } # title of chapter ref list
+ named @RefListIndent { 0s } # indent to left of labels
+ named @RefListRightIndent { 0s } # indent to right of items
+ named @RefListGap { @ListGap } # gap between ref list items
+ named @RefListFont { } # font used in reference list
+ named @RefListBreak { } # break style of ref list
+ named @RefListLabelWidth { @ListLabelWidth } # numeric labels column width
+ named @RefListSortKey
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Type {}
+ named @Abstract {}
+ named @Address {}
+ named @Annote {}
+ named @Author {}
+ named @Day {}
+ named @Edition {}
+ named @HowPublished {}
+ named @InAuthor {}
+ named @InTitle {}
+ named @Institution {}
+ named @Journal {}
+ named @Keywords {}
+ named @Label {}
+ named @Month {}
+ named @Note {}
+ named @Number {}
+ named @Organization {}
+ named @Page {}
+ named @Pages {}
+ named @Pinpoint {}
+ named @Publisher {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @TitleNote {}
+ named @TRType {}
+ named @Volume {}
+ named @Year {}
+ named ":" { "\037" }
+ { @Tag } # sorting key
+ named @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
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+ named @IndexBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # index entries break
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+ named @IndexABreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # index A entries break
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+ named @IndexAColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index A column gap
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+ named @IndexBBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # index B entries break
+ named @IndexBColumnNumber { 2 } # index B columns (1 to 10)
+ named @IndexBColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index B column gap
+ named @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
+ named @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
+ named @FootNoteNumbers { Arabic } # footnote numbers
+ named @FootNoteThrough { No } # numbered through chapter?
+ named @FootNoteLocation { ColFoot } # where the footnote appears
+ named @FootNoteFont { 0.80f } # font for footnotes
+ named @FootNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for footnotes
+ named @FootNoteFormat left number right body
+ { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # break for footnotes
+ named @FootLen { 2.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # length of footnote line
+ named @FootAboveGap { @DisplayGap } # gap above footnote line
+ named @FootGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1fx } # gap between footnotes
+ named @MarginNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of margin notes
+ named @MarginNoteBreak { ragged 1.10fx } # break style of margin notes
+ named @MarginNoteHGap { 0.5c } # horizontal gap to notes
+ named @MarginNoteVGap { @DisplayGap } # min vertical gap between
+ named @MarginNoteWidth { 1.50c } # width of margin notes
+ named @EndNoteNumbers { Arabic } # endnote numbers
+ named @EndNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of endnotes
+ named @EndNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for endnotes
+ named @EndNoteFormat left number right body
+ { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # break for endnotes
+ named @EndNoteGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between endnotes
+ named @TheoremWord { theorem } # "Theorem" word, etc.
+ named @TheoremTitleFormat right title
+ { (title) } # Theorem title format if present
+ named @TheoremFormat named word {} named number {} named title {} named body {} # theorem format
+ { { @B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s } @Insert body }
+ named @DefinitionWord { definition } # "Definition" word, etc.
+ named @DefinitionTitleFormat{ (title) } # Definition title format if present
+ named @DefinitionFormat named word {} named number {} named title {} named body {} # definition format
+ { { @B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s } @Insert body }
+ named @ClaimWord { claim } # "Claim" word, etc.
+ named @ClaimTitleFormat { (title) } # Claim title format if present
+ named @ClaimFormat named word {} named number {} named title {} named body {} # claim format
+ { { @B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s } @Insert body }
+ named @PropositionWord { proposition } # "Proposition" word, etc.
+ named @PropositionTitleFormat{ (title) } # Proposition title format if present
+ named @PropositionFormat named word {} named number {} named title {} named body {} # proposition format
+ { { @B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s } @Insert body }
+ named @LemmaWord { lemma } # "Lemma" word, etc.
+ named @LemmaTitleFormat { (title) } # Lemma title format if present
+ named @LemmaFormat named word {} named number {} named title {} named body {} # lemma format
+ { { @B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s } @Insert body }
+ named @CorollaryWord { corollary } # "Corollary" word, etc.
+ named @CorollaryTitleFormat { (title) } # Corollary title format if present
+ named @CorollaryFormat named word {} named number {} named title {} named body {} # corollary format
+ { { @B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s } @Insert body }
+ named @ExampleWord { example } # "Example" word, etc.
+ named @ExampleTitleFormat { (title) } # Example title format if present
+ named @ExampleFormat named word {} named number {} named title {} named body {} # example format
+ { { @B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s } @Insert body }
+ named @ProofWord { proof } # "Proof" word, etc.
+ named @PageHeaders { Simple } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ named @PageNumbers { Arabic } # page numbers
+ named @FirstPageNumber { 1 } # number of first page
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+ named @IntroFirstPageNumber { 1 } # number of first intro page
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+ { @I { @MinorNum @Sep @MinorTitle } @Right @B @PageNum }
+ named @RunningOddFoot
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+ { @Null }
+ named @RunningEvenTop
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
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+ { @B @PageNum @Right @I { @MajorNum @Sep @MajorTitle } }
+ named @RunningEvenFoot
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
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+ { @Null }
+ named @RunningStartOddTop
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
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+ { @Null }
+ named @RunningStartOddFoot
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
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+ { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ named @RunningStartEvenTop
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
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+ { @Null }
+ named @RunningStartEvenFoot
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {} named @MinorTitle {} right @PageNum
+ { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ named @RunningIntroOddTop
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {} named @MinorTitle {} right @PageNum
+ { @Null }
+ named @RunningIntroOddFoot
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {} named @MinorTitle {} right @PageNum
+ { @Right @PageNum }
+ named @RunningIntroEvenTop
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {} named @MinorTitle {} right @PageNum
+ { @Null }
+ named @RunningIntroEvenFoot
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {} named @MinorTitle {} right @PageNum
+ { @PageNum }
+ named @RunningIntroStartOddTop
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {} named @MinorTitle {} right @PageNum
+ { @Null }
+ named @RunningIntroStartOddFoot
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {} named @MinorTitle {} right @PageNum
+ { @Null }
+ named @RunningIntroStartEvenTop
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {} named @MinorTitle {} right @PageNum
+ { @Null }
+ named @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot
+ named @MajorNum {} named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {} named @MinorTitle {} right @PageNum
+ { @Null }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Protect x #
+ # #
+ # Like @CNP, this reserves space on the current page or else makes sure #
+ # x appears on the following page. Lookahead is proportional to font #
+ # size. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Protect right x { 3.0f @High //0io // x }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @HLine #
+ # #
+ # Draws a horizontal line to fill available space. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @HLine
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield { "-" @PlainGraphic 1f @High }
+ PostScript @Yield { {0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto stroke} @Graphic {} }
+ PDF @Yield { {0 0 m __xsize 0 l S} @Graphic {} }
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # x @WordVal y #
+ # #
+ # Returns @Word&&x if x == y, otherwise y. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @WordVal
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ y @Case {
+ x @Yield @Word&&x
+ else @Yield y
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # x @Dft y #
+ # #
+ # This returns x unless its value is "dft", in which case it returns y. #
+ # Useful for defaulting the value of one parameter to another. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Dft
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ dft @Yield y
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # x @Do y #
+ # #
+ # This returns @Null if x is No or None, otherwise y. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Do
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ { No None } @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield y
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # x @NoDo y #
+ # #
+ # Negation of @Do: This returns y if x is No or None, otherwise @Null. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @NoDo
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ { No None } @Yield y
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # x @Then y #
+ # #
+ # This returns the empty object if x is No or None, otherwise y. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Then
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ { No None } @Yield {}
+ else @Yield y
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # x @NoThen y #
+ # #
+ # Negation of @Then: returns y if x is No or None, otherwise empty. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @NoThen
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ { No None } @Yield y
+ else @Yield {}
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Number markers. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Num
+ left numtype
+ right num
+ {
+ numtype @Case {
+ None @Yield {}
+ Arabic @Yield num
+ Roman @Yield @Roman&&num
+ UCRoman @Yield @UCRoman&&num
+ Alpha @Yield @Alpha&&num
+ UCAlpha @Yield @UCAlpha&&num
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @MakePageNum #
+ # #
+ # Make a page number. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @MakePageNum
+ named numbers {}
+ named rawnum {}
+ named prefix {}
+ named owner {}
+ {
+ def @OwnerNum { @PageMarker&&owner @Open { rawnum } }
+ def @StructNum { @FirstPageNumber @Plus rawnum @Minus @OwnerNum }
+ @PageHeaders.@StructPageNums @Case {
+ { Titles.Yes NoTitles.Yes } @Yield {
+ prefix @Join { numbers @Num @StructNum } }
+ else @Yield { numbers @Num rawnum }
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Page size, margins, and boxes. This code culminates in @OddPage x #
+ # and @EvenPage x, which produce one odd or even page containing x. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Width
+ {
+ @PageType @Case {
+ Letter @Yield 612p
+ Tabloid @Yield 792p
+ Ledger @Yield 1224p
+ Legal @Yield 612p
+ Statement @Yield 396p
+ Executive @Yield 540p
+ A3 @Yield 842p
+ A4 @Yield 595p
+ A5 @Yield 420p
+ B4 @Yield 729p
+ B5 @Yield 516p
+ Folio @Yield 612p
+ Quarto @Yield 610p
+ 10x14 @Yield 720p
+ Other @Yield @PageWidth
+ }
+ }
+ def @Height
+ {
+ @PageType @Case {
+ Letter @Yield 792p
+ Tabloid @Yield 1224p
+ Ledger @Yield 792p
+ Legal @Yield 1008p
+ Statement @Yield 612p
+ Executive @Yield 720p
+ A3 @Yield 1190p
+ A4 @Yield 842p
+ A5 @Yield 595p
+ B4 @Yield 1032p
+ B5 @Yield 729p
+ Folio @Yield 936p
+ Quarto @Yield 780p
+ 10x14 @Yield 1008p
+ Other @Yield @PageHeight
+ }
+ }
+ def @OrientedWidth right @Orient
+ {
+ @Orient @Case {
+ { Portrait ReversePortrait } @Yield @Width
+ { Landscape ReverseLandscape } @Yield @Height
+ }
+ }
+ def @OrientedHeight right @Orient
+ {
+ @Orient @Case {
+ { Portrait ReversePortrait } @Yield @Height
+ { Landscape ReverseLandscape } @Yield @Width
+ }
+ }
+ def @OrientationAngle right @Orient
+ {
+ @Orient @Case {
+ Portrait @Yield 0d
+ Landscape @Yield 90d
+ ReversePortrait @Yield 180d
+ ReverseLandscape @Yield 270d
+ }
+ }
+ def @PageBox right x
+ {
+ @PageBoxType @Case {
+ None @Yield x
+ Box @Yield @Box
+ margin { @PageBoxMargin }
+ paint { @PageBoxPaint }
+ linewidth { @PageBoxLineWidth } x
+ CurveBox @Yield @CurveBox
+ margin { @PageBoxMargin }
+ paint { @PageBoxPaint }
+ linewidth { @PageBoxLineWidth } x
+ ShadowBox @Yield @ShadowBox
+ margin { @PageBoxMargin }
+ paint { @PageBoxPaint }
+ linewidth { @PageBoxLineWidth }
+ shadow { @PageBoxShadow } x
+ }
+ }
+ def @DoBackground right @Orient
+ {
+# "LoutPageSet" @Graphic # VT: case PDF produces nothing
+ { @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield "LoutPageSet"
+ else @Yield "% @DoBackground/LoutPageSet UNIMPLEMENTED"
+ }
+ } @Graphic
+ {
+ { @OrientationAngle @Orient } @Rotate
+ { @OrientedWidth @Orient } @Wide { @OrientedHeight @Orient } @High
+ { //@TopMargin ||@OddLeftMargin
+ @HExpand @VExpand @PageBackground
+ ||@OddRightMargin //@FootMargin
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @PageSet right x
+ {
+# "LoutPageSet" @Graphic # VT: case PDF produces nothing
+ { @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield "LoutPageSet"
+ else @Yield "% @DoBackground/LoutPageSet UNIMPLEMENTED"
+ }
+ } @Graphic x
+ }
+ def @MargSet
+ left parity
+ right x
+ {
+# { parity "LoutMargSet" } @Graphic x # VT: case PDF produces nothing
+ { @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { parity "LoutMargSet" }
+ else @Yield "% @MargSet/LoutMargSet UNIMPLEMENTED"
+ }
+ } @Graphic x
+ }
+ def @OddPage
+ left extra
+ named @Orient {}
+ right x
+ {
+ # @DoBackground @Orient ||0io
+ @PageSet
+ { @OrientationAngle @Orient } @Rotate
+ { @OrientedWidth @Orient } @Wide { @OrientedHeight @Orient } @High
+ { //@TopMargin ||@OddLeftMargin
+ @PageBackground @Background
+ 1 @MargSet
+ @PageBox @HExpand { extra // @VExpand x }
+ ||@OddRightMargin //@FootMargin
+ }
+ }
+ def @EvenPage
+ left extra
+ named @Orient {}
+ right x
+ {
+ @PageSet
+ # @DoBackground @Orient ||0io
+ { @OrientationAngle @Orient } @Rotate
+ { @OrientedWidth @Orient } @Wide { @OrientedHeight @Orient } @High
+ { //@TopMargin ||@EvenLeftMargin
+ @PageBackground @Background
+ 0 @MargSet
+ @PageBox @HExpand { extra // @VExpand x }
+ ||@EvenRightMargin //@FootMargin
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Definitions for page headers and footers. There are 16 symbols here, #
+ # in the following pattern: #
+ # #
+ # @(- | Running)(- | Intro)(Odd | Even)(Top | Foot)Header #
+ # #
+ # Running means that running headers are to be used. #
+ # Intro means that the header is destined for an introductory page. #
+ # Odd or Even means whether the page number will be odd or even. #
+ # Top or Foot means whether the header is for the top or foot of page. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Start @MajorNum @MajorTitle @MinorNum @MinorTitle @Owner @Prefix
+ def @Runner
+ left @Start
+ named @MajorNum {}
+ named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {}
+ named @MinorTitle {}
+ named @Owner {}
+ named @Prefix {}
+ named @Tag {}
+ { @Null
+ }
+ def @DupRunner # duplicate previous runner
+ {
+ @Runner&&preceding @Open {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum }
+ @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum }
+ @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @Owner { @Owner }
+ @Prefix { @Prefix }
+ }
+ }
+ def @OddTopHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ None.Start @Yield @Null
+ None.NonStart @Yield @Null
+ None.None @Yield @Null
+ Simple.Start @Yield @StartOddTop @PageNum
+ Simple.NonStart @Yield @OddTop @PageNum
+ Simple.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @OddFootHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ None.Start @Yield @Null
+ None.NonStart @Yield @Null
+ None.None @Yield @Null
+ Simple.Start @Yield @StartOddFoot @PageNum
+ Simple.NonStart @Yield @OddFoot @PageNum
+ Simple.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @EvenTopHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ None.Start @Yield @Null
+ None.NonStart @Yield @Null
+ None.None @Yield @Null
+ Simple.Start @Yield @StartEvenTop @PageNum
+ Simple.NonStart @Yield @EvenTop @PageNum
+ Simple.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @EvenFootHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ None.Start @Yield @Null
+ None.NonStart @Yield @Null
+ None.None @Yield @Null
+ Simple.Start @Yield @StartEvenFoot @PageNum
+ Simple.NonStart @Yield @EvenFoot @PageNum
+ Simple.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @IntroOddTopHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ None.Start @Yield @Null
+ None.NonStart @Yield @Null
+ None.None @Yield @Null
+ Simple.Start @Yield @IntroStartOddTop @PageNum
+ Simple.NonStart @Yield @IntroOddTop @PageNum
+ Simple.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @IntroOddFootHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ None.Start @Yield @Null
+ None.NonStart @Yield @Null
+ None.None @Yield @Null
+ Simple.Start @Yield @IntroStartOddFoot @PageNum
+ Simple.NonStart @Yield @IntroOddFoot @PageNum
+ Simple.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @IntroEvenTopHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ None.Start @Yield @Null
+ None.NonStart @Yield @Null
+ None.None @Yield @Null
+ Simple.Start @Yield @IntroStartEvenTop @PageNum
+ Simple.NonStart @Yield @IntroEvenTop @PageNum
+ Simple.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @IntroEvenFootHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ None.Start @Yield @Null
+ None.NonStart @Yield @Null
+ None.None @Yield @Null
+ Simple.Start @Yield @IntroStartEvenFoot @PageNum
+ Simple.NonStart @Yield @IntroEvenFoot @PageNum
+ Simple.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @RunningOddTopHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ named @MajorNum {}
+ named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {}
+ named @MinorTitle {}
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ NoTitles.?? @Yield ??
+ NoTitles.Start @Yield @RunningStartOddTop @PageNum
+ NoTitles.NonStart @Yield @RunningOddTop @PageNum
+ NoTitles.None @Yield @Null
+ Titles.?? @Yield ??
+ Titles.Start @Yield @RunningStartOddTop
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.NonStart @Yield @RunningOddTop
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @RunningOddFootHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ named @MajorNum {}
+ named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {}
+ named @MinorTitle {}
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ NoTitles.?? @Yield @Null
+ NoTitles.Start @Yield @RunningStartOddFoot @PageNum
+ NoTitles.NonStart @Yield @RunningOddFoot @PageNum
+ NoTitles.None @Yield @Null
+ Titles.?? @Yield @Null
+ Titles.Start @Yield @RunningStartOddFoot
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.NonStart @Yield @RunningOddFoot
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @RunningEvenTopHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ named @MajorNum {}
+ named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {}
+ named @MinorTitle {}
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ NoTitles.?? @Yield ??
+ NoTitles.Start @Yield @RunningStartEvenTop @PageNum
+ NoTitles.NonStart @Yield @RunningEvenTop @PageNum
+ NoTitles.None @Yield @Null
+ Titles.?? @Yield ??
+ Titles.Start @Yield @RunningStartEvenTop
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.NonStart @Yield @RunningEvenTop
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @RunningEvenFootHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ named @MajorNum {}
+ named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {}
+ named @MinorTitle {}
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ NoTitles.?? @Yield @Null
+ NoTitles.Start @Yield @RunningStartEvenFoot @PageNum
+ NoTitles.NonStart @Yield @RunningEvenFoot @PageNum
+ NoTitles.None @Yield @Null
+ Titles.?? @Yield @Null
+ Titles.Start @Yield @RunningStartEvenFoot
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.NonStart @Yield @RunningEvenFoot
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @RunningIntroOddTopHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ named @MajorNum {}
+ named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {}
+ named @MinorTitle {}
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ NoTitles.?? @Yield ??
+ NoTitles.Start @Yield @RunningIntroStartOddTop @PageNum
+ NoTitles.NonStart @Yield @RunningIntroOddTop @PageNum
+ NoTitles.None @Yield @Null
+ Titles.?? @Yield ??
+ Titles.Start @Yield @RunningIntroStartOddTop
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.NonStart @Yield @RunningIntroOddTop
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @RunningIntroOddFootHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ named @MajorNum {}
+ named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {}
+ named @MinorTitle {}
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ NoTitles.?? @Yield @Null
+ NoTitles.Start @Yield @RunningIntroStartOddFoot @PageNum
+ NoTitles.NonStart @Yield @RunningIntroOddFoot @PageNum
+ NoTitles.None @Yield @Null
+ Titles.?? @Yield @Null
+ Titles.Start @Yield @RunningIntroStartOddFoot
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.NonStart @Yield @RunningIntroOddFoot
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @RunningIntroEvenTopHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ named @MajorNum {}
+ named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {}
+ named @MinorTitle {}
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ NoTitles.?? @Yield ??
+ NoTitles.Start @Yield @RunningIntroStartEvenTop @PageNum
+ NoTitles.NonStart @Yield @RunningIntroEvenTop @PageNum
+ NoTitles.None @Yield @Null
+ Titles.?? @Yield ??
+ Titles.Start @Yield @RunningIntroStartEvenTop
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.NonStart @Yield @RunningIntroEvenTop
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @RunningIntroEvenFootHeader
+ left @PageHeadersAndStart
+ named @MajorNum {}
+ named @MajorTitle {}
+ named @MinorNum {}
+ named @MinorTitle {}
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeadersAndStart @Case {
+ NoTitles.?? @Yield @Null
+ NoTitles.Start @Yield @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot @PageNum
+ NoTitles.NonStart @Yield @RunningIntroEvenFoot @PageNum
+ NoTitles.None @Yield @Null
+ Titles.?? @Yield @Null
+ Titles.Start @Yield @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.NonStart @Yield @RunningIntroEvenFoot
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ @PageNum
+ Titles.None @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Helper definitions for laying out pages. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @PageTopPlace { @Galley }
+ def @PageFootAndTopPlace { @Galley }
+ def @PageFootNotePlace { @Galley }
+ def @FullPlace { @Galley }
+ def @OddFullPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EvenFullPlace { @Galley }
+ def @FullPagePlace { @Galley }
+ def @EvenFullPagePlace { @Galley }
+ def @EvenPagePlace { @Galley }
+ def @OddFullPagePlace { @Galley }
+ def @ColTopPlace { @Galley }
+ def @ColFootAndTopPlace { @Galley }
+ def @ColPlace { @Galley }
+ def @ColFootNotePlace { @Galley }
+ def @IntroFullPlace { @Galley }
+ def @IntroOddFullPlace { @Galley }
+ def @IntroEvenFullPlace { @Galley }
+ def @IntroColPlace { @Galley }
+ def @IndexPlace { @Galley }
+ def @IndexAPlace { @Galley }
+ def @IndexBPlace { @Galley }
+ def @AfterLinePlace { @ForceGalley }
+ def @TryAfterLinePlace right x
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ noforce @Yield @Galley
+ force @Yield @ForceGalley
+ }
+ }
+ def @EvenFullPageSection
+ {
+ @OneRow @EvenFullPagePlace
+ // @FullPagePlace
+ //@MidGap @EvenFullPageSection
+ }
+ def @OddFullPageSection
+ {
+ @OneRow @OddFullPagePlace
+ // @FullPagePlace
+ //@MidGap @OddFullPageSection
+ }
+ def @EvenPageTopSect
+ {
+ @OneRow @EvenPagePlace
+ // @PageTopPlace
+ //@MidGap @PageFootAndTopPlace
+ //@MidGap @EvenPageTopSect
+ }
+ def @OddPageTopSect
+ {
+ @PageTopPlace
+ //@MidGap @PageFootAndTopPlace
+ //@MidGap @OddPageTopSect
+ }
+ def @PageOddTopSection right @Orient
+ {
+ @OddPageTopSect ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @FullPlace
+ ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @OddFullPlace
+ }
+ def @PageEvenTopSection right @Orient
+ {
+ @EvenPageTopSect ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @FullPlace
+ ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @EvenFullPlace
+ }
+ def @PageIntroOddTopSection right @Orient
+ {
+ @OddPageTopSect ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @IntroFullPlace
+ ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @IntroOddFullPlace
+ }
+ def @PageIntroEvenTopSection right @Orient
+ {
+ @EvenPageTopSect
+ ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @IntroFullPlace
+ ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @IntroEvenFullPlace
+ }
+ def @PageFootNoteList
+ {
+ @PageFootNotePlace
+ //@FootGap @PageFootNoteList
+ }
+ def @PageFootNoteSection
+ {
+ @FootLen @Wide @HLine
+ //@FootGap @PageFootNoteList
+ }
+ def @PageFootAndTopSect
+ {
+ @PageFootAndTopPlace
+ //@MidGap @PageFootAndTopSect
+ }
+ def @PageFootSection
+ {
+ //@MidGap @PageFootAndTopSect
+ //@FootAboveGap @PageFootNoteSection
+ }
+ def @ColTopSection
+ {
+ @ColTopPlace
+ //@MidGap @ColFootAndTopPlace
+ //@MidGap @TryAfterLinePlace noforce
+ //@MidGap @ColTopSection
+ }
+ def @RestOfColSection
+ {
+ @AfterLinePlace
+ //@MidGap @TryAfterLinePlace force
+ //@MidGap @ColPlace @NotRevealed
+ //@MidGap @RestOfColSection
+ }
+ def @IntroRestOfColSection
+ {
+ @AfterLinePlace
+ //@MidGap @TryAfterLinePlace force
+ //@MidGap @IntroColPlace @NotRevealed
+ //@MidGap @IntroRestOfColSection
+ }
+ def @ColFootAndTopList { @ColFootAndTopPlace //@TopGap @ColFootAndTopList }
+ def @ColFootNoteList
+ {
+ @ColFootNotePlace
+ //@FootGap @ColFootNoteList
+ }
+ def @ColFootNoteSection
+ {
+ @FootLen @Wide @HLine
+ //@FootGap @ColFootNoteList
+ }
+ def @ColFootSection
+ {
+ //@TopGap @ColFootAndTopList
+ //@FootAboveGap @ColFootNoteSection
+ }
+ def @ColsOf
+ left num
+ named gap { @ColumnGap }
+ right x
+ {
+ def @Two { x ||gap x }
+ def @Four { @Two ||gap @Two }
+ def @Eight { @Four ||gap @Four }
+ num @Case {
+ 1 @Yield { x }
+ 2 @Yield { @Two }
+ 3 @Yield { @Two ||gap x }
+ 4 @Yield { @Four }
+ 5 @Yield { @Four ||gap x }
+ 6 @Yield { @Four ||gap @Two }
+ 7 @Yield { @Four ||gap @Two ||gap x }
+ 8 @Yield { @Four ||gap @Four }
+ 9 @Yield { @Four ||gap @Four ||gap x }
+ 10 @Yield { @Four ||gap @Four ||gap @Two }
+ }
+ }
+ def @EqualWidth right x { 50c @Wide x } # believe it or not
+ def @ColList right num
+ {
+ @HExpand num @ColsOf @EqualWidth @VExpand
+ {
+ @ColTopSection //@TopGap
+ @ColPlace //@MidGap @RestOfColSection // //1rt
+ @OneRow { @ColFootSection }
+ }
+ }
+ def @IntroColList right num
+ {
+ @HExpand num @ColsOf @EqualWidth @VExpand
+ {
+ @ColTopSection //@TopGap
+ @IntroColPlace //@MidGap @IntroRestOfColSection // //1rt
+ @OneRow { @ColFootSection }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ZeroColList right num
+ {
+ @HExpand num @ColsOf @EqualWidth 0c @High @ColPlace
+ }
+ def @ZeroIntroColList right num
+ {
+ @HExpand num @ColsOf @EqualWidth 0c @High @IntroColPlace
+ }
+ def @IndexColList right num
+ {
+ @HExpand num @ColsOf gap { @IndexColumnGap } @EqualWidth @VExpand @IndexPlace
+ }
+ def @IndexAColList right num
+ {
+ @HExpand num @ColsOf gap { @IndexAColumnGap } @EqualWidth @VExpand @IndexAPlace
+ }
+ def @IndexBColList right num
+ {
+ @HExpand num @ColsOf gap { @IndexBColumnGap } @EqualWidth @VExpand @IndexBPlace
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Footnotes. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag count
+ def @FootNoteCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named count {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @FootNoteNum right tag
+ {
+ @FootNoteCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next count }
+ }
+ def @FootNoteCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @FootNoteCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ // @FootNoteCounterMarker count { @FootNoteNum tag }
+ // @NumberMarker @Tag { tag }
+ @Value { @FootNoteNumbers @Num @FootNoteNum tag }
+ }
+ def @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ {
+ @FootNoteCounterMarker count { 0 }
+ }
+ def @FootNote
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Location { @FootNoteLocation }
+ named @Another { No }
+ named @Label { Numbered }
+ right x
+ {
+ def @FootLabelFmt
+ right x
+ {
+ @FootNoteFont @Font @FootNoteBreak @Break
+ +0.3v @VShift { Base 0.8f } @Font x
+ }
+ def @FootExtra
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield ","
+ else @Yield @FootLabelFmt ","
+ }
+ }
+ def @FootLabel
+ {
+ @Label @Case {
+ "Numbered" @Yield { @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield { ({@NumberOf @Tag}) }
+ else @Yield @FootLabelFmt @NumberOf @Tag
+ } }
+ else @Yield { @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield @Label
+ else @Yield @FootLabelFmt @Label
+ } }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LongFootLabel
+ {
+ @Another @Case {
+ No @Yield { @FootLabel }
+ Yes @Yield { @FootExtra &0iu @FootLabel }
+ }
+ }
+ def @FootVal
+ {
+ @FootNoteFont @Font @FootNoteBreak @Break @Label @Case {
+ "Numbered" @Yield {
+ { @FootNoteCounterIncrement @Tag & @FootLabel }
+ @FootNoteFormat x
+ }
+ else @Yield { @FootLabel @FootNoteFormat x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @PageFootNote into { @PageFootNotePlace&&following } { @FootVal }
+ def @ColFootNote into { @ColFootNotePlace&&following } { @FootVal }
+ @Location @Case {
+ ColFoot @Yield { @Null &0iu @LongFootLabel & @ColFootNote }
+ PageFoot @Yield { @Null &0iu @LongFootLabel & @PageFootNote }
+ }
+ }
+ macro @AnotherFootNote { @FootNote @Another { Yes } }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Definitions for page lists. There are four symbols here, in the #
+ # following pattern: #
+ # #
+ # @(Simple | Running)(- | Intro)PageList #
+ # #
+ # Running means that the page list is to support running headers. #
+ # Intro means that the page list is an introductory page list. #
+ # These are then packaged into @PageList and @IntroPageList. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @SStart right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageNum @Case {
+ { 1 0 } @Yield Start
+ else @Yield NonStart
+ }
+ }
+ def @ChooseColList right colnum
+ {
+ @OneOf
+ {
+ @ColList colnum
+ @IndexAColList @IndexAColumnNumber
+ @IndexBColList @IndexBColumnNumber
+ @IndexColList @IndexColumnNumber
+ }
+ }
+ def @ChooseIntroColList right colnum
+ {
+ @OneOf
+ {
+ @IntroColList colnum
+ @IndexAColList @IndexAColumnNumber
+ @IndexBColList @IndexBColumnNumber
+ @IndexColList @IndexColumnNumber
+ }
+ }
+ def @SimplePageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ named extra { No }
+ named @Orient {}
+ named @AtTop { @Null }
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ def @OrdinaryOddPage
+ {
+ {@PageHeaders.{@SStart @PageNum}} @OddTopHeader
+ { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ //@MidGap @AtTop
+ //@MidGap @PageOddTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @ChooseColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap {@PageHeaders.{@SStart @PageNum}} @OddFootHeader
+ { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ }
+ }
+ def @FullPageOddPage
+ {
+ {@PageHeaders.{@SStart @PageNum}} @OddTopHeader
+ { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ //@MidGap @OddFullPageSection
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { //@MidGap {@PageHeaders.{@SStart @PageNum}} @OddFootHeader
+ { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ }
+ }
+ def @SimpleEvenPageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ named extra { No }
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ def @OrdinaryEvenPage
+ {
+ @PageHeaders.NonStart @EvenTopHeader
+ { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ //@MidGap @PageEvenTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @ChooseColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap @PageHeaders.NonStart @EvenFootHeader
+ { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ }
+ }
+ def @FullPageEvenPage
+ {
+ @PageHeaders.NonStart @EvenTopHeader
+ { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ //@MidGap @EvenFullPageSection
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { //@MidGap @PageHeaders.NonStart @EvenFootHeader
+ { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ }
+ }
+ @PageMarker
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ num { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ // @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // {} @EvenPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ {
+ @OrdinaryEvenPage ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @FullPageEvenPage
+ }
+ // @SimplePageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ @PageMarker
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ num { @PageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ // @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // { extra @Then @ZeroColList @ColumnNumber } @OddPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ {
+ @OrdinaryOddPage ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @FullPageOddPage
+ }
+ // @SimpleEvenPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ def @SimpleIntroPageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ named @Orient {}
+ named extra { No }
+ named @AtTop { @Null }
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageMarker
+ num { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ // @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // { extra @Then @ZeroIntroColList @ColumnNumber } @OddPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ {
+ {@PageHeaders.{@SStart @PageNum}} @IntroOddTopHeader
+ { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ //@MidGap @AtTop
+ //@MidGap @PageIntroOddTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @ChooseIntroColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap
+ {@PageHeaders.{@SStart @PageNum}} @IntroOddFootHeader
+ { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ }
+ }
+ // @PageMarker
+ num { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @Next @PageNum }
+ rawnum { @Next @PageNum }
+ // @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // {} @EvenPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Runner&&following @Open
+ {
+ @PageHeaders.NonStart @IntroEvenTopHeader { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @Next @PageNum }
+ //@MidGap @PageIntroEvenTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @ChooseIntroColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap @PageHeaders.NonStart @IntroEvenFootHeader
+ { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @Next @PageNum }
+ }
+ }
+ // @SimpleIntroPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Next @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ def @SimpleOddOrEvenIntroPageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ named @Orient {}
+ named extra { No }
+ named @AtTop { @Null }
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ def @SimpleEvenIntroPageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ named @Orient {}
+ named extra { No }
+ named @AtTop { @Null }
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @PageMarker
+ num { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ // @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // {} @EvenPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Runner&&following @Open
+ {
+ @PageHeaders.NonStart @IntroEvenTopHeader { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ //@MidGap @PageIntroEvenTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @ChooseIntroColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap @PageHeaders.NonStart @IntroEvenFootHeader
+ { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ }
+ }
+ // @SimpleOddOrEvenIntroPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ @PageMarker
+ num { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ // @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // { extra @Then @ZeroIntroColList @ColumnNumber } @OddPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ {
+ {@PageHeaders.{@SStart @PageNum}} @IntroOddTopHeader
+ { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ //@MidGap @AtTop
+ //@MidGap @PageIntroOddTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @ChooseIntroColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap
+ {@PageHeaders.{@SStart @PageNum}} @IntroOddFootHeader
+ { @IntroPageNumbers @Num @PageNum }
+ }
+ }
+ // @SimpleEvenIntroPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ def @RunningPageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ named extra { No }
+ named @Orient {}
+ named @AtTop { @Null }
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ def @OrdinaryOddPage
+ {
+ @Runner&&following @Open
+ {
+ @PageMarker
+ num { @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner } }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ // @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningOddTopHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ //@MidGap @AtTop
+ //@MidGap @PageOddTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @ChooseColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningOddFootHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @FullPageOddPage
+ {
+ @Runner&&following @Open
+ {
+ @PageMarker
+ num { @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner } }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ // @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningOddTopHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ //@MidGap @AtTop
+ //@MidGap @OddFullPageSection
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ {
+ //@MidGap @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningOddFootHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @RunningEvenPageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ def @OrdinaryEvenPage
+ {
+ @Runner&&following @Open
+ {
+ @PageMarker
+ num { @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner } }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ // @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningEvenTopHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ //@MidGap @PageEvenTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @ChooseColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningEvenFootHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @FullPageEvenPage
+ {
+ @Runner&&following @Open
+ {
+ @PageMarker
+ num { @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner } }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ // @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningEvenTopHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ //@MidGap @EvenFullPageSection
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ {
+ //@MidGap @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningEvenFootHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @PageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // {} @EvenPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ {
+ @OrdinaryEvenPage ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @FullPageEvenPage
+ }
+ // @RunningPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // { extra @Then @ZeroColList @ColumnNumber } @OddPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ {
+ @OrdinaryOddPage ||{@OrientedWidth @Orient} @FullPageOddPage
+ }
+ // @RunningEvenPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ def @RunningIntroPageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ named @AtTop { @Null }
+ named @Orient {}
+ named extra { No }
+ right @PageNum
+ {
+ @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // { extra @Then @ZeroIntroColList @ColumnNumber } @OddPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Runner&&following @Open
+ {
+ @PageMarker
+ num { @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @IntroPageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner } }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ // @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningIntroOddTopHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @IntroPageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ //@MidGap @AtTop
+ //@MidGap @PageIntroOddTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @IntroColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningIntroOddFootHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @IntroPageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @FootNoteThrough @NoDo @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // {} @EvenPage @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Runner&&following @Open
+ {
+ @PageMarker
+ num { @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @IntroPageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @Next @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner } }
+ rawnum { @Next @PageNum }
+ // @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningIntroEvenTopHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @IntroPageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @Next @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ //@MidGap @PageIntroEvenTopSection @Orient
+ //@MidGap @ChooseIntroColList @ColumnNumber
+ // //1rt @OneRow
+ { // @PageFootSection
+ //@MidGap @PageHeaders.@Start @RunningIntroEvenFootHeader
+ @MajorNum { @MajorNum } @MajorTitle { @MajorTitle }
+ @MinorNum { @MinorNum } @MinorTitle { @MinorTitle }
+ {
+ @MakePageNum
+ numbers { @IntroPageNumbers }
+ rawnum { @Next @PageNum }
+ prefix { @Prefix }
+ owner { @Owner }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @RunningIntroPageList
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ @Next @Next @PageNum
+ }
+ def @PageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ named extra { No }
+ named @Orient {}
+ named @AtTop { @Null }
+ right @FirstPageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeaders @Case {
+ { None Simple } @Yield @SimplePageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ extra { extra }
+ @AtTop { @AtTop }
+ @FirstPageNum
+ { Running Titles } @Yield @RunningPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ extra { extra }
+ @AtTop { @AtTop }
+ @FirstPageNum
+ }
+ //
+ @PageMark last.page
+ }
+ def @IntroPageList
+ named @ColumnNumber {}
+ named @PageHeaders {}
+ named @Orient {}
+ named extra { No }
+ named @AtTop { @Null }
+ right @FirstPageNum
+ {
+ @PageHeaders @Case {
+ { None Simple } @Yield @SimpleIntroPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ extra { extra }
+ @AtTop { @AtTop }
+ @FirstPageNum
+ { Running Titles } @Yield @RunningIntroPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @Orient }
+ extra { extra }
+ @AtTop { @AtTop }
+ @FirstPageNum
+ }
+ }
+ def @ContinuousPageList
+ named @Orient {}
+ {
+ {@OrientedWidth @Orient} @Wide
+ { //@TopMargin ||@EvenLeftMargin
+ {
+ @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // @ColPlace
+ //@FootAboveGap @ColFootNoteSection
+ //@FootAboveGap @PageFootNoteSection
+ }
+ ||@EvenRightMargin //@FootMargin
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Table of contents (including lists of figures and tables). #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @ContentsItem
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ named pregap { @ContentsGap }
+ named postgap { 0c }
+ named protect { No }
+ {
+ def @Leaders { @ContentsLeader &@ContentsLeaderGap @Leaders }
+ def @RightPart
+ {
+ @ContentsRightWidth @Wide {
+ # &@ContentsLeaderGap @Leaders &@ContentsLeaderGap
+ &1rt { pagenum //0.5vx }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Item
+ {
+ |indent number @ContentsFormat @HExpand {
+ title & @ContentsLeaderGap @Wide &1rt @OneCol {
+ @Leaders & @RightPart &0io
+ }
+ }
+ |@ContentsRightWidth
+ }
+ //pregap
+ //0.5vx
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ { PostScript PlainText } @Yield {
+ protect @Case {
+ No @Yield @Item
+ Yes @Yield @Protect @Item
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ protect @Case {
+ No @Yield { "__link_source=<<"title">>" } @Graphic @Item
+ Yes @Yield { "__link_source=<<"title">>" } @Graphic { @Protect @Item }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //postgap
+ }
+ def @ContentsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @FigureContentsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @TableContentsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @SendContents into { @ContentsPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @SendFigureContents into { @FigureContentsPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @SendTableContents into { @TableContentsPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @ContentsEntry
+ left wanted
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ named pregap { @ContentsGap }
+ named postgap { 0c }
+ {
+ @MakeContents.wanted @Case {
+ Yes.Yes @Yield { @SendContents @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ number { number }
+ title { title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { pregap }
+ postgap { postgap }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @FigureContentsEntry
+ left wanted
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ named pregap { @ContentsGap }
+ named postgap { 0c }
+ {
+ @MakeFigureContents.wanted @Case {
+ Yes.Yes @Yield { @SendFigureContents @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ number { number }
+ title { title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { pregap }
+ postgap { postgap }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @TableContentsEntry
+ left wanted
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ named pregap { @ContentsGap }
+ named postgap { 0c }
+ {
+ @MakeTableContents.wanted @Case {
+ Yes.Yes @Yield { @SendTableContents @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ number { number }
+ title { title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { pregap }
+ postgap { postgap }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @MajorContentsEntry
+ left wanted
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ named pregap { @ContentsGapAbove }
+ named postgap { @ContentsGapBelow }
+ {
+ @MakeContents.wanted @Case {
+ Yes.Yes @Yield { @SendContents @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ number { @ContentsFont @Font number }
+ title { @ContentsFont @Font title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { pregap }
+ postgap { postgap }
+ protect { Yes }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @VeryMajorContentsEntry
+ left wanted
+ named indent { 0.5rt }
+ named title {}
+ named pregap { @ContentsPartGapAbove }
+ named postgap { @ContentsPartGapBelow }
+ {
+ def item
+ {
+ //pregap
+ //0.5vx
+ |indent @ContentsFont @Font @OneCol title |
+ //0.5vx
+ //postgap
+ }
+ @MakeContents.wanted @Case {
+ Yes.Yes @Yield @SendContents item
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @ContentsSection
+ {
+ def @ContentsList { @ContentsPlace // @ContentsList }
+ @MakeContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @ContentsList
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @FigureContentsSection
+ {
+ def @FigureContentsList { @FigureContentsPlace // @FigureContentsList }
+ @MakeFigureContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @FigureContentsList
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @TableContentsSection
+ {
+ def @TableContentsList { @TableContentsPlace // @TableContentsList }
+ @MakeTableContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @TableContentsList
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Bypass table of contents. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @BypassContentsEntry into { @ContentsPlace&&preceding }
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ {
+ @MakeContents @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield { @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ number { number }
+ title { title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { @ContentsGap }
+ postgap { 0c }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @BypassFigureContentsEntry into { @FigureContentsPlace&&preceding }
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ {
+ @MakeFigureContents @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield { @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ number { number }
+ title { title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { @ContentsGap }
+ postgap { 0c }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @BypassTableContentsEntry into { @TableContentsPlace&&preceding }
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ {
+ @MakeTableContents @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield { @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ number { number }
+ title { title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { @ContentsGap }
+ postgap { 0c }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @BypassMajorContentsEntry into { @ContentsPlace&&preceding }
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ {
+ @MakeContents @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield { @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ number { @B number }
+ title { @B title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { @ContentsGapAbove }
+ postgap { @ContentsGapBelow }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Endnotes. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export num
+ def @EndNoteList
+ named @Tag {}
+ right num
+ {
+ @Galley //@EndNoteGap @EndNoteList @Next num
+ }
+ def endtag right num
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield {
+ ({@EndNoteNumbers @Num num})
+ }
+ else @Yield {
+ +0.3v @VShift 0.8f @Font @EndNoteNumbers @Num num
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @EndNote
+ named @Tag {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def ftag
+ {
+ @EndNoteFont @Font @EndNoteList&&@Tag @Open { endtag num }
+ }
+ def @ENote into { @EndNoteList&&following }
+ {
+ @EndNoteFont @Font @EndNoteBreak @Break
+ { { @EndNoteList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag ftag } @EndNoteFormat x }
+ }
+ @Null & @EndNoteFont @Font ftag & @ENote
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Margin Notes. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @ZeroSize right x
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract { ^/0io |0io @OneCol @OneRow x |0io /0io }
+ }
+ def @MargPut
+ left parity
+ right x
+ {
+ @MarginNoteFont @Font @MarginNoteBreak @Break @ZeroSize {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { parity "LoutMargShift gsave" // "grestore" } @Graphic
+ {
+ |@MarginNoteHGap @MarginNoteWidth @Wide @OneRow x
+ |@MarginNoteHGap //@MarginNoteVGap
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield { "% @MargPut/LoutMargShift UNIMPLEMENTED" @Graphic {
+ |@MarginNoteHGap @MarginNoteWidth @Wide @OneRow x
+ |@MarginNoteHGap //@MarginNoteVGap
+ } # VT: PDF currently has no output
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LeftNote right x { @Null & 0 @MargPut x }
+ def @RightNote right x { @Null & 1 @MargPut x }
+ def @OuterNote right x { @Null & 2 @MargPut x }
+ def @InnerNote right x { @Null & 3 @MargPut x }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Place: places an object at an arbitrary point on the page. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+# VT: the expressions in the braces will work for PostScript but not for PDF
+# they should be modified in the way the "named c { " cm" }" blocks were modified above
+# but since the point of @Place is to output a matrix (?), I have not implemented this change
+ def @Place
+ named x
+ named "+" precedence 96 associativity left left a right b { a b "add" }
+ named "-" precedence 96 associativity left left a right b { a b "sub" }
+ named "/" precedence 97 associativity left left a right b { a b "div" }
+ named "*" precedence 98 associativity left left a right b { a b "mul" }
+ named c precedence 99 left a { a "cm" }
+ named i precedence 99 left a { a "in" }
+ named e precedence 99 left a { a "em" }
+ named p precedence 99 left a { a "pt" }
+ named f precedence 99 left a { a "ft" }
+ named s precedence 99 left a { a "sp" }
+ named v precedence 99 left a { a "vs" }
+ named cm precedence 99 left a { a "cm" }
+ named in precedence 99 left a { a "in" }
+ named em precedence 99 left a { a "em" }
+ named pt precedence 99 left a { a "pt" }
+ named ft precedence 99 left a { a "ft" }
+ named sp precedence 99 left a { a "sp" }
+ named vs precedence 99 left a { a "vs" }
+ { 0 }
+ named y
+ named "+" precedence 96 associativity left left a right b { a b "add" }
+ named "-" precedence 96 associativity left left a right b { a b "sub" }
+ named "/" precedence 97 associativity left left a right b { a b "div" }
+ named "*" precedence 98 associativity left left a right b { a b "mul" }
+ named c precedence 99 left a { a "cm" }
+ named i precedence 99 left a { a "in" }
+ named e precedence 99 left a { a "em" }
+ named p precedence 99 left a { a "pt" }
+ named f precedence 99 left a { a "ft" }
+ named s precedence 99 left a { a "sp" }
+ named v precedence 99 left a { a "vs" }
+ named cm precedence 99 left a { a "cm" }
+ named in precedence 99 left a { a "in" }
+ named em precedence 99 left a { a "em" }
+ named pt precedence 99 left a { a "pt" }
+ named ft precedence 99 left a { a "ft" }
+ named sp precedence 99 left a { a "sp" }
+ named vs precedence 99 left a { a "vs" }
+ { 0 }
+ right val
+ {
+ @ZeroSize {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield ""
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "LoutPageDict begin matr setmatrix" x y "translate end gsave"
+ // "grestore" } @Graphic val
+ }
+ else @Yield { { "% @Place UNIMPLEMENTED" } @Graphic val # VT: PDF currently has no output
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Theorem, @Proof, and @EndProof #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag val
+ def @TheoremCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named val {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @BeginTheoremCounter
+ right prefix
+ {
+ @TheoremCounterMarker val { prefix @Join 0 }
+ }
+ def @TheoremNum right tag
+ {
+ @TheoremCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next val }
+ }
+ def @TheoremCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @TheoremCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ @TheoremCounterMarker val { @TheoremNum tag }
+ @NumberMarker @Tag { tag } @Value { @TheoremNum tag }
+ }
+ def @Theorem
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def @TheoremTitle
+ {
+ @Title @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield @TheoremTitleFormat @Title
+ }
+ }
+ { @PageMark @Tag @TheoremCounterIncrement @Tag } @Insert
+ @TheoremFormat
+ word { theorem @WordVal @TheoremWord }
+ number { @TheoremNum @Tag }
+ title { @TheoremTitle }
+ body { x }
+ }
+ macro @Proof { @B { {proof @WordVal @ProofWord}: } &2s }
+ macro @EndProof { &1rt @Box {} }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Definition #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag val
+ def @DefinitionCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named val {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @BeginDefinitionCounter
+ right prefix
+ {
+ @DefinitionCounterMarker val { prefix @Join 0 }
+ }
+ def @DefinitionNum right tag
+ {
+ @DefinitionCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next val }
+ }
+ def @DefinitionCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @DefinitionCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ @DefinitionCounterMarker val { @DefinitionNum tag }
+ @NumberMarker @Tag { tag } @Value { @DefinitionNum tag }
+ }
+ def @Definition
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def @DefinitionTitle
+ {
+ @Title @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield (@Title)
+ }
+ }
+ { @PageMark @Tag @DefinitionCounterIncrement @Tag } @Insert
+ @DefinitionFormat
+ word { definition @WordVal @DefinitionWord }
+ number { @DefinitionNum @Tag }
+ title { @DefinitionTitle }
+ body { x }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Claim #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag val
+ def @ClaimCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named val {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @BeginClaimCounter
+ right prefix
+ {
+ @ClaimCounterMarker val { prefix @Join 0 }
+ }
+ def @ClaimNum right tag
+ {
+ @ClaimCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next val }
+ }
+ def @ClaimCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @ClaimCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ @ClaimCounterMarker val { @ClaimNum tag }
+ @NumberMarker @Tag { tag } @Value { @ClaimNum tag }
+ }
+ def @Claim
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def @ClaimTitle
+ {
+ @Title @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield (@Title)
+ }
+ }
+ { @PageMark @Tag @ClaimCounterIncrement @Tag } @Insert
+ @ClaimFormat
+ word { claim @WordVal @ClaimWord }
+ number { @ClaimNum @Tag }
+ title { @ClaimTitle }
+ body { x }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Proposition #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag val
+ def @PropositionCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named val {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @BeginPropositionCounter
+ right prefix
+ {
+ @PropositionCounterMarker val { prefix @Join 0 }
+ }
+ def @PropositionNum right tag
+ {
+ @PropositionCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next val }
+ }
+ def @PropositionCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @PropositionCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ @PropositionCounterMarker val { @PropositionNum tag }
+ @NumberMarker @Tag { tag } @Value { @PropositionNum tag }
+ }
+ def @Proposition
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def @PropositionTitle
+ {
+ @Title @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield (@Title)
+ }
+ }
+ { @PageMark @Tag @PropositionCounterIncrement @Tag } @Insert
+ @PropositionFormat
+ word { proposition @WordVal @PropositionWord }
+ number { @PropositionNum @Tag }
+ title { @PropositionTitle }
+ body { x }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Lemma #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag val
+ def @LemmaCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named val {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @BeginLemmaCounter
+ right prefix
+ {
+ @LemmaCounterMarker val { prefix @Join 0 }
+ }
+ def @LemmaNum right tag
+ {
+ @LemmaCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next val }
+ }
+ def @LemmaCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @LemmaCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ @LemmaCounterMarker val { @LemmaNum tag }
+ @NumberMarker @Tag { tag } @Value { @LemmaNum tag }
+ }
+ def @Lemma
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def @LemmaTitle
+ {
+ @Title @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield (@Title)
+ }
+ }
+ { @PageMark @Tag @LemmaCounterIncrement @Tag } @Insert
+ @LemmaFormat
+ word { lemma @WordVal @LemmaWord }
+ number { @LemmaNum @Tag }
+ title { @LemmaTitle }
+ body { x }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Corollary #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag val
+ def @CorollaryCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named val {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @BeginCorollaryCounter
+ right prefix
+ {
+ @CorollaryCounterMarker val { prefix @Join 0 }
+ }
+ def @CorollaryNum right tag
+ {
+ @CorollaryCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next val }
+ }
+ def @CorollaryCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @CorollaryCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ @CorollaryCounterMarker val { @CorollaryNum tag }
+ @NumberMarker @Tag { tag } @Value { @CorollaryNum tag }
+ }
+ def @Corollary
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def @CorollaryTitle
+ {
+ @Title @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield (@Title)
+ }
+ }
+ { @PageMark @Tag @CorollaryCounterIncrement @Tag } @Insert
+ @CorollaryFormat
+ word { corollary @WordVal @CorollaryWord }
+ number { @CorollaryNum @Tag }
+ title { @CorollaryTitle }
+ body { x }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Example #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag val
+ def @ExampleCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named val {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @BeginExampleCounter
+ right prefix
+ {
+ @ExampleCounterMarker val { prefix @Join 0 }
+ }
+ def @ExampleNum right tag
+ {
+ @ExampleCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next val }
+ }
+ def @ExampleCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @ExampleCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ @ExampleCounterMarker val { @ExampleNum tag }
+ @NumberMarker @Tag { tag } @Value { @ExampleNum tag }
+ }
+ def @Example
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ right x
+ {
+ def @ExampleTitle
+ {
+ @Title @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield (@Title)
+ }
+ }
+ { @PageMark @Tag @ExampleCounterIncrement @Tag } @Insert
+ @ExampleFormat
+ word { example @WordVal @ExampleWord }
+ number { @ExampleNum @Tag }
+ title { @ExampleTitle }
+ body { x }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @BeginAllCounters - begin all counters #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @BeginAllCounters
+ left condition
+ right prefix
+ {
+ condition @Do {
+ @BeginTheoremCounter prefix
+ // @BeginDefinitionCounter prefix
+ // @BeginClaimCounter prefix
+ // @BeginPropositionCounter prefix
+ // @BeginLemmaCounter prefix
+ // @BeginCorollaryCounter prefix
+ // @BeginExampleCounter prefix
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Reference - a reference. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag @Type @Abstract @Address @Annote @Author @Day @Edition
+ @HowPublished @InAuthor @InTitle @Institution @Journal @Keywords
+ @Label @Month @Note @Number @Organization @Page @Pages @Pinpoint
+ @Publisher @Title @TitleNote @TRType @URL @Volume @Year
+ def @Reference
+ named compulsory @Tag {}
+ named compulsory @Type {}
+ named @Abstract {}
+ named @Address {}
+ named @Annote {}
+ named @Author {}
+ named @Day {}
+ named @Edition {}
+ named @HowPublished {}
+ named @InAuthor {}
+ named @InTitle {}
+ named @Institution {}
+ named @Journal {}
+ named @Keywords {}
+ named @Label {}
+ named @Month {}
+ named @Note {}
+ named @Number {}
+ named @Organization {}
+ named @Page {}
+ named @Pages {}
+ named @Pinpoint {}
+ named @Publisher {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @TitleNote {}
+ named @TRType {}
+ named @URL
+ named "~" { "~" }
+ named "/" { "/" &0p }
+ named "//" { "//" &0p } {}
+ named @Volume {}
+ named @Year {}
+ { @Null }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @CiteLabel - the value of the label of a reference within a citation. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @CiteLabel
+ left label
+ right tag
+ {
+ @RefCiteLabels
+ @RefNum { @NumberOf tag }
+ @Tag { tag }
+ @Type { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Type } }
+ @Abstract { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Abstract } }
+ @Address { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Address } }
+ @Annote { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Annote } }
+ @Author { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Author } }
+ @Day { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Day } }
+ @Edition { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Edition } }
+ @HowPublished { @Reference&&tag @Open { @HowPublished } }
+ @InAuthor { @Reference&&tag @Open { @InAuthor } }
+ @InTitle { @Reference&&tag @Open { @InTitle } }
+ @Institution { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Institution } }
+ @Journal { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Journal } }
+ @Keywords { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Keywords } }
+ @Label { label @Case {
+ "" @Yield {@Reference&&tag @Open {@Label}}
+ else @Yield label
+ } }
+ @Month { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Month } }
+ @Note { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Note } }
+ @Number { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Number } }
+ @Organization { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Organization } }
+ @Page { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Page } }
+ @Pages { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Pages } }
+ @Pinpoint { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Pinpoint } }
+ @Publisher { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Publisher } }
+ @Title { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Title } }
+ @TitleNote { @Reference&&tag @Open { @TitleNote } }
+ @TRType { @Reference&&tag @Open { @TRType } }
+ @Volume { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Volume } }
+ @Year { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Year } }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @ListLabel - the value of the label of a reference within a ref list. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @ListLabel
+ left label
+ right tag
+ {
+ @RefListLabels
+ @RefNum { @NumberOf tag }
+ @Tag { tag }
+ @Type { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Type } }
+ @Abstract { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Abstract } }
+ @Address { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Address } }
+ @Annote { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Annote } }
+ @Author { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Author } }
+ @Day { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Day } }
+ @Edition { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Edition } }
+ @HowPublished { @Reference&&tag @Open { @HowPublished } }
+ @InAuthor { @Reference&&tag @Open { @InAuthor } }
+ @InTitle { @Reference&&tag @Open { @InTitle } }
+ @Institution { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Institution } }
+ @Journal { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Journal } }
+ @Keywords { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Keywords } }
+ @Label { label @Case {
+ "" @Yield {@Reference&&tag @Open {@Label}}
+ else @Yield label
+ } }
+ @Month { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Month } }
+ @Note { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Note } }
+ @Number { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Number } }
+ @Organization { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Organization } }
+ @Page { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Page } }
+ @Pages { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Pages } }
+ @Pinpoint { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Pinpoint } }
+ @Publisher { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Publisher } }
+ @Title { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Title } }
+ @TitleNote { @Reference&&tag @Open { @TitleNote } }
+ @TRType { @Reference&&tag @Open { @TRType } }
+ @Volume { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Volume } }
+ @Year { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Year } }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @SortKey - the value of the sort key of a reference. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @SortKey
+ left label
+ right tag
+ {
+ @RefListSortKey
+ @Tag { tag }
+ @Type { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Type } }
+ @Abstract { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Abstract } }
+ @Address { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Address } }
+ @Annote { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Annote } }
+ @Author { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Author } }
+ @Day { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Day } }
+ @Edition { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Edition } }
+ @HowPublished { @Reference&&tag @Open { @HowPublished } }
+ @InAuthor { @Reference&&tag @Open { @InAuthor } }
+ @InTitle { @Reference&&tag @Open { @InTitle } }
+ @Institution { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Institution } }
+ @Journal { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Journal } }
+ @Keywords { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Keywords } }
+ @Label { label @Case {
+ "" @Yield {@Reference&&tag @Open {@Label}}
+ else @Yield label
+ } }
+ @Month { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Month } }
+ @Note { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Note } }
+ @Number { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Number } }
+ @Organization { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Organization } }
+ @Page { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Page } }
+ @Pages { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Pages } }
+ @Pinpoint { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Pinpoint } }
+ @Publisher { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Publisher } }
+ @Title { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Title } }
+ @TitleNote { @Reference&&tag @Open { @TitleNote } }
+ @TRType { @Reference&&tag @Open { @TRType } }
+ @Volume { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Volume } }
+ @Year { @Reference&&tag @Open { @Year } }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @RefStyle - a reference printing style. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Style
+ def @RefStyle
+ left @Tag
+ named @Style right reftag {}
+ {}
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @RefPrint - prints reference with tag reftag in appropriate style. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @RefPrint right reftag
+ { & @RefStyle&&{ @Reference&&reftag @Open { @Type } }
+ @Open { @Style reftag } &
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @ReferencesSection and @ChapReferencesSection - a list of references. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @RefPlace { @Galley }
+ def @ChapRefPlace { @Galley }
+ def @BypassRefPlace { @Galley }
+ def @BypassChapRefPlace { @Galley }
+ def @ReferencesSection
+ {
+ def @RefList right num
+ {
+ @NumberMarker @Value { @RefNumbers @Num num } & | @RefPlace
+ //@RefListGap @RefList @Next num
+ }
+ def @BypassRefList
+ {
+ @BypassRefPlace //@RefListGap @BypassRefList
+ }
+ @RefList 1
+ //@RefListGap
+ @BypassRefList
+ }
+ def @ChapReferencesSection
+ {
+ def @ChapRefList right num
+ {
+ @NumberMarker @Value { @RefNumbers @Num num } & | @ChapRefPlace
+ //@RefListGap @ChapRefList @Next num
+ }
+ def @BypassChapRefList
+ {
+ @BypassChapRefPlace //@RefListGap @BypassChapRefList
+ }
+ @ChapRefList 1
+ //@RefListGap
+ @BypassChapRefList
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @RefHeading - heading for reference lists. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @RefHeading right x
+ { x @Case {
+ references @Yield @Word&&references
+ bibliography @Yield @Word&&bibliography
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @ChapRefSection #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @ChapRefSection
+ {
+ @Heading @RefHeading @ChapRefListTitle
+ @DP
+ @ChapReferencesSection
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @SendRef and @ChapSendRef - send one reference to the reference list. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @RefItem
+ left lab
+ right ref
+ {
+ def @ZeroWidth right x { &0io @OneCol x &0io }
+ @RefListFormat @Case {
+ NoLabels @Yield { ref }
+ Labels @Yield { @ZeroWidth lab |@RefListLabelWidth ref }
+ DropLabels @Yield { lab //1vx |@RefListLabelWidth ref }
+ InLabels @Yield { lab & 2s @Wide & ref }
+ }
+ }
+ def @RefListItem
+ left label
+ right tag
+ {
+# VT: I can't get this to work, so I've put back the original code
+# @RefListFont @Font @RefListBreak @Break {
+# @BackEnd @Case {
+# PostScript @Yield {
+# @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag &
+# @PageMark tag
+# |@RefListIndent {label @ListLabel tag} @RefItem {@RefPrint tag}
+# |@RefListRightIndent
+# }
+# PDF @Yield {
+# { "__link_target=<<"tag">>" }
+# @Graphic
+# {
+# @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag &
+# @PageMark tag
+# |@RefListIndent {label @ListLabel tag} @RefItem {@RefPrint tag}
+# |@RefListRightIndent
+# }
+# }
+# }
+# }
+# VT: original:
+ @RefListFont @Font @RefListBreak @Break {
+ @NumberMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag &
+ @PageMark tag
+ |@RefListIndent {label @ListLabel tag} @RefItem {@RefPrint tag}
+ |@RefListRightIndent
+ }
+ }
+ def @SendRef into { @RefPlace&&foll_or_prec }
+ left label
+ right tag
+ {
+ def @Key { label @SortKey tag }
+ # no @Merge i.e. omit duplicates
+ label @RefListItem tag
+ }
+ def @ChapSendRef into { @ChapRefPlace&&foll_or_prec }
+ left label
+ right tag
+ {
+ def @Key { label @SortKey tag }
+ # no @Merge i.e. omit duplicates
+ label @RefListItem tag
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Ref (bare citation) and its variants. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @Ref
+ named label {}
+ right tag
+ {
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { label @CiteLabel tag & label @SendRef tag }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @NoRef
+ named label {}
+ right tag
+ {
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { label @SendRef tag }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @ChapRef
+ named label {}
+ right tag
+ {
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { label @CiteLabel tag & label @ChapSendRef tag }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @NoChapRef
+ named label {}
+ right tag
+ {
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { label @ChapSendRef tag }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Bypass references. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @BypassReference into { @BypassRefPlace&&preceding }
+ named label {}
+ named value {}
+ {
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield { label @RefItem value }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @BypassChapReference into { @BypassChapRefPlace&&preceding }
+ named label {}
+ named value {}
+ {
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield { label @RefItem value }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Cite (citation) and its variants. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export "$" "," ";"
+ def @Cite body cite
+ {
+ macro "$" { @Ref }
+ def "," precedence 90 left x { x"," }
+ def ";" precedence 90 left x { x";" }
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+# Yes @Yield { @RefCiteStyle cite }
+ Yes @Yield {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ { PlainText PostScript } @Yield { @RefCiteStyle cite }
+ PDF @Yield {
+# VT: can't get this to work: need to ask JHK; I want the text following the "$" to be
+# the name of the link that we are trying to create a link to
+# { "__link_source=<<"label">>" }
+# @Graphic
+ { @RefCiteStyle cite }
+# { blue @Colour @Underline { @RefCiteStyle cite } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ export "$" "," ";"
+ def @NoCite body cite
+ {
+ macro "$" { @NoRef }
+ def "," precedence 90 left x { x }
+ def ";" precedence 90 left x { x";" }
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { cite }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ export "$" "," ";"
+ def @ChapCite body cite
+ {
+ macro "$" { @ChapRef }
+ def "," precedence 90 left x { x"," }
+ def ";" precedence 90 left x { x";" }
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { @RefCiteStyle cite }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ export "$" "," ";"
+ def @NoChapCite body cite
+ {
+ macro "$" { @NoChapRef }
+ def "," precedence 90 left x { x }
+ def ";" precedence 90 left x { x";" }
+ @MakeReferences @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { cite }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Floating figures. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag prefix
+ def @FigurePrefixMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named prefix {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ export @Tag count
+ def @FigureCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named count {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @RawFigureNum right tag
+ {
+ @FigureCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next count }
+ }
+ def @FigureCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @FigureCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ // @FigurePrefixMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ // @FigureCounterMarker count { @RawFigureNum tag }
+ // @NumberMarker @Tag { tag }
+ @Value { { @FigurePrefixMarker&&tag @Open { prefix } }
+ @Join {@FigureNumbers @Num @RawFigureNum tag}
+ }
+ }
+ def @BeginFigureCounter
+ left condition
+ right prefix
+ {
+ condition @Do {
+ @FigurePrefixMarker prefix { prefix }
+ // @FigureCounterMarker count { 0 }
+ }
+ }
+ def @EndFigureList { @Galley //@MidGap @EndFigureList }
+ def @Figure
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Caption { dft }
+ named @ShortCaption { dft }
+ named @CaptionPos { @FigureCaptionPos }
+ named @Format
+ named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
+ named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
+ named @CC right x { |0.5rt x | }
+ named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
+ right @Body { @FigureFormat @Body }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ named @OnePage { dft }
+ named @Location { @FigureLocation }
+ right @Body
+ {
+ def @FigureNumber
+ {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft @NumberOf @Tag
+ }
+ def @ContentsCaption
+ {
+ @ShortCaption @Dft @Caption
+ }
+ def @OnePg
+ {
+ @OnePage @Case {
+ { No no } @Yield No
+ { Yes yes } @Yield Yes
+ dft @Yield { @Location @Case {
+ PageTop @Yield No
+ EvenPageTop @Yield No
+ FullPage @Yield No
+ EvenFullPage @Yield No
+ PageFoot @Yield Yes
+ ColTop @Yield No
+ ColFoot @Yield Yes
+ ColEnd @Yield No
+ Display @Yield Yes
+ AfterLine @Yield Yes
+ TryAfterLine @Yield Yes
+ Raw @Yield No
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @CaptionState
+ {
+ @Caption @Case {
+ dft @Yield None
+ else @Yield { @CaptionPos @Case {
+ { Below below } @Yield Below
+ { Above above } @Yield Above
+ } }
+ }
+ }
+ #def @FigureLabel
+ #{
+ # @FigureNumbers @Case {
+ # No @Yield @Null
+ # else @Yield {
+ # @CaptionFormat { {figure @WordVal @FigureWord} @NumSep @FigureNumber }
+ # }
+ # }
+ #}
+ def @CaptionVal
+ {
+ @FigureCaptionFont @Font @FigureCaptionBreak @Break
+ { ||0.5rt @FigureCaptionFormat
+ word { figure @WordVal @FigureWord }
+ number { @FigureNumber }
+ caption { @Caption }
+ }
+ }
+ def @FigureVal
+ {
+ @InitialLanguage @Language
+ {
+ @MakeFigureContents @FigureContentsEntry
+ indent { 0f }
+ number { @FigureNumber }
+ title { @InitialLanguage @Language @ContentsCaption }
+ pagenum { @PageOf @Tag }
+ // @FigureCounterIncrement @Tag
+ // @PageMark @Tag
+ // @Body
+ }
+ }
+ def @FigureTarget
+ {
+ @Location @Case {
+ PageTop @Yield @PageTopPlace&&following
+ EvenPageTop @Yield @PageTopPlace&&following
+ FullPage @Yield @FullPagePlace&&following
+ EvenFullPage @Yield @FullPagePlace&&following
+ PageFoot @Yield @PageFootAndTopPlace&&following
+ ColTop @Yield @ColTopPlace&&following
+ ColFoot @Yield @ColFootAndTopPlace&&following
+ ColEnd @Yield @EndFigureList&&following
+ Display @Yield @AfterLinePlace&&following
+ AfterLine @Yield @AfterLinePlace&&following
+ TryAfterLine @Yield @TryAfterLinePlace&&following
+ }
+ }
+ def @SendEncl into { @FigureTarget }
+ right x
+ {
+ def @Enclose right x
+ {
+ @OnePg @Case {
+ No @Yield @Format x
+ Yes @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Send into { @FigureTarget }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @EvenFullPageSend into { @EvenFullPagePlace&&following }
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneRow x
+ }
+ def @EvenPageSend into { @EvenPagePlace&&following }
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneRow x
+ }
+ def @RawFigureVal
+ {
+ @OnePg.@CaptionState @Case
+ {
+ Yes.Below @Yield @OneRow { @Format @FigureVal @DP @CaptionVal }
+ Yes.Above @Yield @OneRow { @CaptionVal @DP @Format @FigureVal }
+ Yes.None @Yield @OneRow { @Format @FigureVal }
+ No.Below @Yield { @Format @FigureVal @DP @CaptionVal }
+ No.Above @Yield { @CaptionVal @DP @Format @FigureVal }
+ No.None @Yield { @Format @FigureVal }
+ }
+ }
+ def @NonRawFigureVal
+ {
+ @OnePg.@CaptionState @Case
+ {
+ Yes.Below @Yield {
+ @Send @OneRow { @Format @FigureVal @DP @CaptionVal // @DupRunner}
+ }
+ Yes.Above @Yield {
+ @Send @OneRow { @CaptionVal @DP @Format @FigureVal // @DupRunner}
+ }
+ Yes.None @Yield {
+ @Send @OneRow { @Format @FigureVal // @DupRunner }
+ }
+ No.Below @Yield {
+ @SendEncl { @FigureVal // @Send { @CaptionVal // @DupRunner } }
+ }
+ No.Above @Yield {
+ @Send { @CaptionVal // @SendEncl { @FigureVal // @DupRunner } }
+ }
+ No.None @Yield {
+ @SendEncl { @FigureVal // @DupRunner }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Location @Case {
+ Raw @Yield @RawFigureVal
+ Display @Yield { @NonRawFigureVal &1rt }
+ EvenPageTop @Yield @EvenPageSend @NonRawFigureVal
+ EvenFullPage @Yield @EvenFullPageSend @NonRawFigureVal
+ else @Yield @NonRawFigureVal
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Floating tables (exact clone of figure code immediately above). #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag prefix
+ def @TablePrefixMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named prefix {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ export @Tag count
+ def @TableCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named count {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @RawTableNum right tag
+ {
+ @TableCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next count }
+ }
+ def @TableCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @TableCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ // @TablePrefixMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ // @TableCounterMarker count { @RawTableNum tag }
+ // @NumberMarker @Tag { tag }
+ @Value { { @TablePrefixMarker&&tag @Open { prefix } }
+ @Join {@TableNumbers @Num @RawTableNum tag}
+ }
+ }
+ def @BeginTableCounter
+ left condition
+ right prefix
+ {
+ condition @Do {
+ @TablePrefixMarker prefix { prefix }
+ // @TableCounterMarker count { 0 }
+ }
+ }
+ def @EndTableList { @Galley //@MidGap @EndTableList }
+ def @Table
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Caption { dft }
+ named @ShortCaption { dft }
+ named @CaptionPos { @TableCaptionPos }
+ named @Format
+ named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
+ named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
+ named @CC right x { |0.5rt x | }
+ named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
+ right @Body { @TableFormat @Body }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ named @OnePage { dft }
+ named @Location { @TableLocation }
+ right @Body
+ {
+ def @TableNumber
+ {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft @NumberOf @Tag
+ }
+ def @ContentsCaption
+ {
+ @ShortCaption @Dft @Caption
+ }
+ def @OnePg
+ {
+ @OnePage @Case {
+ { No no } @Yield No
+ { Yes yes } @Yield Yes
+ dft @Yield { @Location @Case {
+ PageTop @Yield No
+ EvenPageTop @Yield No
+ FullPage @Yield No
+ EvenFullPage @Yield No
+ PageFoot @Yield Yes
+ ColTop @Yield No
+ ColFoot @Yield Yes
+ ColEnd @Yield No
+ Display @Yield Yes
+ AfterLine @Yield Yes
+ TryAfterLine @Yield Yes
+ Raw @Yield No
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @CaptionState
+ {
+ @Caption @Case {
+ dft @Yield None
+ else @Yield { @CaptionPos @Case {
+ { Below below } @Yield Below
+ { Above above } @Yield Above
+ } }
+ }
+ }
+ #def @TableLabel
+ #{
+ # @TableNumbers @Case {
+ # No @Yield @Null
+ # else @Yield {
+ # @CaptionFormat { {table @WordVal @TableWord} @NumSep @TableNumber }
+ # }
+ # }
+ #}
+ def @CaptionVal
+ {
+ @TableCaptionFont @Font @TableCaptionBreak @Break
+ { ||0.5rt @TableCaptionFormat
+ word { table @WordVal @TableWord }
+ number { @TableNumber }
+ caption { @Caption }
+ }
+ }
+ def @TableVal
+ {
+ @InitialLanguage @Language
+ {
+ @MakeTableContents @TableContentsEntry
+ indent { 0f }
+ number { @TableNumber }
+ title { @InitialLanguage @Language @ContentsCaption }
+ pagenum { @PageOf @Tag }
+ // @TableCounterIncrement @Tag
+ // @PageMark @Tag
+ // @Body
+ }
+ }
+ def @TableTarget
+ {
+ @Location @Case {
+ PageTop @Yield @PageTopPlace&&following
+ EvenPageTop @Yield @PageTopPlace&&following
+ FullPage @Yield @FullPagePlace&&following
+ EvenFullPage @Yield @FullPagePlace&&following
+ PageFoot @Yield @PageFootAndTopPlace&&following
+ ColTop @Yield @ColTopPlace&&following
+ ColFoot @Yield @ColFootAndTopPlace&&following
+ ColEnd @Yield @EndTableList&&following
+ Display @Yield @AfterLinePlace&&following
+ AfterLine @Yield @AfterLinePlace&&following
+ TryAfterLine @Yield @TryAfterLinePlace&&following
+ }
+ }
+ def @SendEncl into { @TableTarget }
+ right x
+ {
+ def @Enclose right x
+ {
+ @OnePg @Case {
+ No @Yield @Format x
+ Yes @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Send into { @TableTarget }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @EvenFullPageSend into { @EvenFullPagePlace&&following }
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneRow x
+ }
+ def @EvenPageSend into { @EvenPagePlace&&following }
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneRow x
+ }
+ def @RawTableVal
+ {
+ @OnePg.@CaptionState @Case
+ {
+ Yes.Below @Yield @OneRow { @Format @TableVal @DP @CaptionVal }
+ Yes.Above @Yield @OneRow { @CaptionVal @DP @Format @TableVal }
+ Yes.None @Yield @OneRow { @Format @TableVal }
+ No.Below @Yield { @Format @TableVal @DP @CaptionVal }
+ No.Above @Yield { @CaptionVal @DP @Format @TableVal }
+ No.None @Yield { @Format @TableVal }
+ }
+ }
+ def @NonRawTableVal
+ {
+ @OnePg.@CaptionState @Case
+ {
+ Yes.Below @Yield {
+ @Send @OneRow { @Format @TableVal @DP @CaptionVal // @DupRunner}
+ }
+ Yes.Above @Yield {
+ @Send @OneRow { @CaptionVal @DP @Format @TableVal // @DupRunner}
+ }
+ Yes.None @Yield {
+ @Send @OneRow { @Format @TableVal // @DupRunner }
+ }
+ No.Below @Yield {
+ @SendEncl { @TableVal // @Send { @CaptionVal // @DupRunner } }
+ }
+ No.Above @Yield {
+ @Send { @CaptionVal // @SendEncl { @TableVal // @DupRunner } }
+ }
+ No.None @Yield {
+ @SendEncl { @TableVal // @DupRunner }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Location @Case {
+ Raw @Yield @RawTableVal
+ Display @Yield { @NonRawTableVal &1rt }
+ EvenPageTop @Yield @EvenPageSend @NonRawTableVal
+ EvenFullPage @Yield @EvenFullPageSend @NonRawTableVal
+ else @Yield @NonRawTableVal
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Index. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @IndexList { @Galley //1vx @IndexList }
+ def @BypassIndexList { @Galley //1vx @BypassIndexList }
+ def @IndexSection into { @IndexPlace&&following }
+ right etc
+ {
+ // @IndexBreak @Break @IndexList
+ // @IndexBreak @Break @BypassIndexList // etc
+ }
+ def @DoIndex into { @IndexList&&following }
+ left @Key
+ named indent { 0f }
+ right @Body
+ {
+ def @Merge left x right y
+ {
+ {x @Rump y} @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield x
+ else @Yield { { x &"0.03fu" , } @Meld y }
+ }
+################################ obsolete ###################################
+# {x @Rump y} @Case
+# {
+# "" @Yield x
+# else @Yield {
+# { {x @Rump y} @Common "," } @Case
+# {
+# "," @Yield { x &"0.03fu" x @Rump y }
+# else @Yield { x &"0.03fu" , x @Rump y }
+# }
+# }
+# }
+ }
+ @IndexFont @Font @IndexBreak @Break { indent @Wide & @Body }
+ }
+ def @RawIndex
+ left x
+ named @Tag {}
+ named indent { 0f }
+ right y
+ {
+ @MakeIndex @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { {@PageMark @Tag} x @DoIndex indent { indent } y }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ macro @RawSubIndex { @RawIndex indent { "1f" } }
+ macro @RawSubSubIndex { @RawIndex indent { "2f" } }
+ def @Index
+ left x
+ named @Tag {}
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named to {}
+ right y
+ {
+ def numval
+ {
+# to @Case
+# {
+# "" @Yield @PageOf @Tag
+# else @Yield {
+# { @PageOf @Tag } @Case
+# {
+# { @PageOf to } @Yield { @PageOf @Tag }
+# else @Yield { {@PageOf @Tag}--{@PageOf to} }
+# }
+# }
+# }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ { PlainText PostScript } @Yield {
+ to @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield @PageOf @Tag
+ else @Yield {
+ { @PageOf @Tag } @Case
+ {
+ { @PageOf to } @Yield { @PageOf @Tag }
+ else @Yield { {@PageOf @Tag}--{@PageOf to} }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# PDF: Index entries produce a blue underlined hyperlink for the page number
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "__link_source=<<"@Tag">>" }
+ @Graphic { blue @Colour @Underline {
+ to @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield @PageOf @Tag
+ else @Yield {
+ { @PageOf @Tag } @Case
+ {
+ { @PageOf to } @Yield { @PageOf @Tag }
+ else @Yield { {@PageOf @Tag}--{@PageOf to} }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @MakeIndex @Case {
+ Yes @Yield {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ { PostScript PlainText } @Yield {
+ @PageMark @Tag
+ x @DoIndex indent { indent } { y &"0.03fu" , numval }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ {"__link_target=<<"@Tag">>"} @Graphic {""}
+ @PageMark @Tag
+ x @DoIndex indent { indent } { y &"0.03fu" , numval }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Yes @Yield { @PageMark @Tag
+# x @DoIndex indent { indent } { y &"0.03fu" , numval }
+# }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ macro @SubIndex { @Index indent { "1f" } }
+ macro @SubSubIndex { @Index indent { "2f" } }
+ def @IndexBlanks
+ {
+ b @RawIndex {} c @RawIndex {} d @RawIndex {} e @RawIndex {}
+ f @RawIndex {} g @RawIndex {} h @RawIndex {} i @RawIndex {}
+ j @RawIndex {} k @RawIndex {} l @RawIndex {} m @RawIndex {}
+ n @RawIndex {} o @RawIndex {} p @RawIndex {} q @RawIndex {}
+ r @RawIndex {} s @RawIndex {} t @RawIndex {} u @RawIndex {}
+ v @RawIndex {} w @RawIndex {} x @RawIndex {} y @RawIndex {}
+ z @RawIndex {}
+ }
+ def @BypassBeginIndexPlace { @Galley }
+ def @BypassBeginIndex force into { @BypassBeginIndexPlace&&preceding } {}
+ def @BypassRawIndex force into { @BypassIndexList&&preceding }
+ named indent { 0f }
+ right x
+ {
+ &indent x
+ }
+ def @BypassEndIndex { @Null }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # IndexA. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @IndexAList { @Galley //1vx @IndexAList }
+ def @BypassIndexAList { @Galley //1vx @BypassIndexAList }
+ def @IndexASection into { @IndexAPlace&&following }
+ right etc
+ {
+ // @IndexAList // etc
+ // @BypassIndexAList // etc
+ }
+ def @DoIndexA into { @IndexAList&&following }
+ left @Key
+ named indent { 0f }
+ right @Body
+ {
+ def @Merge left x right y
+ {
+ {x @Rump y} @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield x
+ else @Yield { { x &"0.03fu" , } @Meld y }
+ }
+ }
+ @IndexAFont @Font @IndexABreak @Break { indent @Wide & @Body }
+ }
+ def @RawIndexA
+ left x
+ named @Tag {}
+ named indent { 0f }
+ right y
+ {
+ @MakeIndexA @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { {@PageMark @Tag} x @DoIndexA indent { indent } y }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ macro @RawSubIndexA { @RawIndexA indent { "1f" } }
+ macro @RawSubSubIndexA { @RawIndexA indent { "2f" } }
+ def @IndexA
+ left x
+ named @Tag {}
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named to {}
+ right y
+ {
+ def numval
+ {
+# to @Case
+# {
+# "" @Yield @PageOf @Tag
+# else @Yield {
+# { @PageOf @Tag } @Case
+# {
+# { @PageOf to } @Yield { @PageOf @Tag }
+# else @Yield { {@PageOf @Tag}--{@PageOf to} }
+# }
+# }
+# }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ { PostScript PlainText } @Yield {
+ to @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield @PageOf @Tag
+ else @Yield {
+ { @PageOf @Tag } @Case
+ {
+ { @PageOf to } @Yield { @PageOf @Tag }
+ else @Yield { {@PageOf @Tag}--{@PageOf to} }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# PDF: Index entries produce a blue underlined hyperlink for the page number
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "__link_source=<<"@Tag">>" }
+ @Graphic { blue @Colour @Underline {
+ to @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield @PageOf @Tag
+ else @Yield {
+ { @PageOf @Tag } @Case
+ {
+ { @PageOf to } @Yield { @PageOf @Tag }
+ else @Yield { {@PageOf @Tag}--{@PageOf to} }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @MakeIndexA @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { @PageMark @Tag
+ x @DoIndexA indent { indent } { y &"0.03fu" , numval }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ macro @SubIndexA { @IndexA indent { "1f" } }
+ macro @SubSubIndexA { @IndexA indent { "2f" } }
+ def @IndexABlanks
+ {
+ b @RawIndexA {} c @RawIndexA {} d @RawIndexA {} e @RawIndexA {}
+ f @RawIndexA {} g @RawIndexA {} h @RawIndexA {} i @RawIndexA {}
+ j @RawIndexA {} k @RawIndexA {} l @RawIndexA {} m @RawIndexA {}
+ n @RawIndexA {} o @RawIndexA {} p @RawIndexA {} q @RawIndexA {}
+ r @RawIndexA {} s @RawIndexA {} t @RawIndexA {} u @RawIndexA {}
+ v @RawIndexA {} w @RawIndexA {} x @RawIndexA {} y @RawIndexA {}
+ z @RawIndexA {}
+ }
+ def @BypassBeginIndexAPlace { @Galley }
+ def @BypassBeginIndexA force into { @BypassBeginIndexAPlace&&preceding } {}
+ def @BypassRawIndexA force into { @BypassIndexAList&&preceding }
+ named indent { 0f }
+ right x
+ {
+ &indent x
+ }
+ def @BypassEndIndexA { @Null }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # IndexB. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @IndexBList { @Galley //1vx @IndexBList }
+ def @BypassIndexBList { @Galley //1vx @BypassIndexBList }
+ def @IndexBSection into { @IndexBPlace&&following }
+ right etc
+ {
+ // @IndexBList // etc
+ // @BypassIndexBList // etc
+ }
+ def @DoIndexB into { @IndexBList&&following }
+ left @Key
+ named indent { 0f }
+ right @Body
+ {
+ def @Merge left x right y
+ {
+ {x @Rump y} @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield x
+ else @Yield { { x &"0.03fu" , } @Meld y }
+ }
+ }
+ @IndexBFont @Font @IndexBBreak @Break { indent @Wide & @Body }
+ }
+ def @RawIndexB
+ left x
+ named @Tag {}
+ named indent { 0f }
+ right y
+ {
+ @MakeIndexB @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { {@PageMark @Tag} x @DoIndexB indent { indent } y }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ macro @RawSubIndexB { @RawIndexB indent { "1f" } }
+ macro @RawSubSubIndexB { @RawIndexB indent { "2f" } }
+ def @IndexB
+ left x
+ named @Tag {}
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named to {}
+ right y
+ {
+ def numval
+ {
+# to @Case
+# {
+# "" @Yield @PageOf @Tag
+# else @Yield {
+# { @PageOf @Tag } @Case
+# {
+# { @PageOf to } @Yield { @PageOf @Tag }
+# else @Yield { {@PageOf @Tag}--{@PageOf to} }
+# }
+# }
+# }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ { PostScript PlainText } @Yield {
+ to @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield @PageOf @Tag
+ else @Yield {
+ { @PageOf @Tag } @Case
+ {
+ { @PageOf to } @Yield { @PageOf @Tag }
+ else @Yield { {@PageOf @Tag}--{@PageOf to} }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# PDF: Index entries produce a blue underlined hyperlink for the page number
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "__link_source=<<"@Tag">>" }
+ @Graphic { blue @Colour @Underline {
+ to @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield @PageOf @Tag
+ else @Yield {
+ { @PageOf @Tag } @Case
+ {
+ { @PageOf to } @Yield { @PageOf @Tag }
+ else @Yield { {@PageOf @Tag}--{@PageOf to} }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @MakeIndexB @Case {
+ Yes @Yield { @PageMark @Tag
+ x @DoIndexB indent { indent } { y &"0.03fu" , numval }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ macro @SubIndexB { @IndexB indent { "1f" } }
+ macro @SubSubIndexB { @IndexB indent { "2f" } }
+ def @IndexBBlanks
+ {
+ b @RawIndexB {} c @RawIndexB {} d @RawIndexB {} e @RawIndexB {}
+ f @RawIndexB {} g @RawIndexB {} h @RawIndexB {} i @RawIndexB {}
+ j @RawIndexB {} k @RawIndexB {} l @RawIndexB {} m @RawIndexB {}
+ n @RawIndexB {} o @RawIndexB {} p @RawIndexB {} q @RawIndexB {}
+ r @RawIndexB {} s @RawIndexB {} t @RawIndexB {} u @RawIndexB {}
+ v @RawIndexB {} w @RawIndexB {} x @RawIndexB {} y @RawIndexB {}
+ z @RawIndexB {}
+ }
+ def @BypassBeginIndexBPlace { @Galley }
+ def @BypassBeginIndexB force into { @BypassBeginIndexBPlace&&preceding } {}
+ def @BypassRawIndexB force into { @BypassIndexBList&&preceding }
+ named indent { 0f }
+ right x
+ {
+ &indent x
+ }
+ def @BypassEndIndexB { @Null }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @LargeScaleStructure #
+ # #
+ # The prototype for the value of each large-scale structure symbol #
+ # (@Chapter, @Section, etc.) #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @LargeScaleStructure
+ named tag {} # tag of this large-scale structure sym
+ named type {} # MajorIntro, Major, VeryMajor, or Minor
+ named initiallanguage {} # its language
+ named title {} # its full title
+ named runningtitle {} # its running title
+ named aboveheadinggap { 0f } # gap above heading
+ named headingfont {} # its heading font
+ named headingbreak {} # its heading break
+ named headingformat # its heading format
+ left @Num right @Body {}
+ named incontents { No } # entry in table of contents required
+ named contentsindent { 0f } # only if type is Major
+ named word {}
+ named numbers { None }
+ named attachnum {} # only if numbers is not None
+ named retrievenum {} # only if numbers is not None
+ named bypassnumber {} # only if numbers is not None, or VeryMajor
+ named prefix {} # prefix of number of this symbol
+ named pnprefix {} # prefix for page numbers of this sym
+ named majornum { dft }
+ named majortitle { dft }
+ named minornum { dft }
+ named minortitle { dft }
+ named intheorems { No }
+ named indisplays { No }
+ named infigures { No }
+ named intables { No }
+ named inrunners { No }
+ named sendheader right @Body {}
+ named innergap {}
+ named endifmajor right innergap {
+ @EndFigureList
+ //innergap @EndNoteList 1
+ //innergap @ChapRefSection
+ }
+ named wantindefinite { No }
+ right @Body
+ {
+ def @ShortNum
+ {
+ numbers @Then {
+ bypassnumber @Dft {
+ prefix @Join { numbers @Num retrievenum }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LongNum
+ {
+ numbers @Then {
+ initiallanguage @Language { word @NumSep @ShortNum }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ShortTitle
+ {
+ initiallanguage @Language { runningtitle @Dft title }
+ }
+ def @Run right start
+ {
+ inrunners @Do type @Case {
+ { Major MajorIntro } @Yield {
+ start @Runner
+ @MajorNum { majornum @Dft @LongNum }
+ @MajorTitle { majortitle @Dft @ShortTitle }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle {}
+ @Owner { tag }
+ @Prefix { pnprefix @Join @ShortNum }
+ }
+ { ExtraMajor ExtraMajorIntro } @Yield {
+ start @Runner
+ @MajorNum { majornum @Dft @LongNum }
+ @MajorTitle { majortitle @Dft @ShortTitle }
+ @MinorNum { majornum @Dft @LongNum }
+ @MinorTitle { majortitle @Dft @ShortTitle }
+ @Owner { tag }
+ @Prefix { pnprefix @Join @ShortNum }
+ }
+ { VeryMajor } @Yield {
+ start @Runner
+ @MajorNum { majornum @Dft @LongNum }
+ @MajorTitle { majortitle @Dft @ShortTitle }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle {}
+ @Owner { tag }
+ @Prefix {}
+ }
+ Minor @Yield {
+ start @Runner
+ @MajorNum { majornum @Dft @LongNum }
+ @MajorTitle { majortitle @Dft @ShortTitle }
+ @MinorNum { minornum @Dft @LongNum }
+ @MinorTitle { minortitle @Dft @ShortTitle }
+ @Owner { tag }
+ @Prefix { pnprefix @Join @ShortNum }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ContentsStuff
+ {
+ incontents.type @Case {
+ Yes.Minor @Yield {
+ incontents @ContentsEntry
+ indent { contentsindent }
+ number { @LongNum }
+ title { initiallanguage @Language title }
+ pagenum { @PageOf tag }
+ }
+ { Yes.Major Yes.MajorIntro Yes.ExtraMajor Yes.ExtraMajorIntro } @Yield {
+ incontents @MajorContentsEntry
+ number { @LongNum }
+ title { initiallanguage @Language title }
+ pagenum { @PageOf tag }
+ }
+ { Yes.VeryMajor } @Yield {
+ incontents @VeryMajorContentsEntry
+ title { initiallanguage @Language { bypassnumber: &2s title } }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @Heading
+ {
+ def @AttachPDFLink
+ left title
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ # VTan: Rats! Cannot use the tag for the name of the link
+ # because the source link has no access to the tag
+ #
+ # using title will work most of the time; it will fail
+ # with a "problem with left parameter of @Graphic" warning
+ # message if the title has objects other than text in it.
+ # Eg, "@Title { My @FancyTitle }" with
+ # "def @FancyTitle { @OneCol { @Bold "fancy" "title" }" }
+ #
+ # Example: the user manual has a definition for @Tex which
+ # causes this warning message to appear
+ PDF @Yield {
+ title @Case {
+ "" @Yield x
+ else @Yield {
+ "__link_target_for_export=<<"title">>"
+ @Graphic x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ type @Case {
+ Minor @Yield title @AttachPDFLink {
+ headingfont @Font
+ headingbreak @Break @Protect {@LongNum headingformat title}
+ // @PageMark tag
+ }
+ { Major MajorIntro ExtraMajor ExtraMajorIntro } @Yield {
+ sendheader { title @AttachPDFLink {
+ //aboveheadinggap
+ headingfont @Font
+ headingbreak @Break { @LongNum headingformat title }
+ // @PageMark tag
+ } }
+ }
+ { VeryMajor } @Yield { sendheader { title @AttachPDFLink {
+ //aboveheadinggap
+ headingfont @Font
+ headingbreak @Break { bypassnumber headingformat title }
+ // @PageMark tag
+ } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @IfMajor right x
+ {
+ type @Case {
+ { MajorIntro Major ExtraMajor ExtraMajorIntro } @Yield x
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
+ def @StartIfMajor {
+ type @Case {
+ { MajorIntro Major ExtraMajor ExtraMajorIntro VeryMajor } @Yield Start
+ else @Yield NonStart
+ }
+ }
+ initiallanguage @Language {
+ @Heading
+ // wantindefinite @Case {
+ Yes @Yield @Null
+ No @Yield ""
+ }
+ // numbers @Do {
+ attachnum & @NumberMarker @Tag { tag } @Value { @ShortNum }
+ }
+ # // @PageMark tag
+ // @IfMajor { @FootNoteThrough @Do @BeginFootNoteCounter }
+ // @Run @StartIfMajor
+ // @ContentsStuff
+ // intheorems @BeginAllCounters @ShortNum
+ // indisplays @BeginDisplayCounter @ShortNum
+ // infigures @BeginFigureCounter @ShortNum
+ // intables @BeginTableCounter @ShortNum
+ // @Body
+ //innergap @IfMajor endifmajor innergap
+ // @Run NonStart
+ }
+ }
+@End @DocumentSetup
diff --git a/include/eq b/include/eq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8cd1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/eq
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for equation formatting #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# The @SysInclude { eqf } line #
+# #
+# This line causes Lout to read the definitions for equations, and should #
+# not be touched. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { eqf }
+# #
+# This package does not offer default options that can be changed. #
+# #
diff --git a/include/eqf b/include/eqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4437edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/eqf
@@ -0,0 +1,1643 @@
+# #
+# Lout @Eq package for equation formatting (Version 3.0) #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, December 1990. #
+# Version 2.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 22 December 1992. #
+# Version 3.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston and Robert Marsa, March 1996. #
+# #
+# This package makes extensive use of the Adobe Systems Symbol font, and #
+# it assumes that the font has not been recoded. It could be rewritten #
+# using the @Char symbol to be made independent of any recoding, but since #
+# there seems no reason to ever recode this font, I haven't bothered. #
+# #
+# See "Eq - a Lout package for typesetting mathematics" for user #
+# information. Acknowledgement: the @Eq language is based closely on #
+# the Eqn language of B. W. Kernighan and L. L. Cherry; the spacing rules #
+# are similar to those of the TeX system by D. E. Knuth. #
+# #
+# Version 3.0 makes use of the new x and y units of measurement to improve #
+# the spacing rules. #
+# #
+export "`" "``" "```" bin rel punct non vctr big
+ space exclam universal numbersign existential percent
+ ampersand suchthat parenleft parenright asteriskmath
+ plus comma minus period slash zero one two three four
+ five six seven eight nine colon semicolon less equal
+ greater question congruent Alpha Beta Chi Delta Epsilon
+ Phi Gamma Eta Iota thetaone Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Omicron
+ Pi Theta Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon sigmaone Omega Xi Psi Zeta
+ bracketleft therefore bracketright perpendicular underscore
+ radicalex alpha beta chi delta epsilon phi gamma eta iota
+ phione kappa lambda mu nu omicron pi theta rho sigma tau
+ upsilon omegaone omega xi psi zeta braceleft bar braceright
+ similar Upsilonone minute lessequal fraction infinity florin
+ club diamond heart spade arrowboth arrowleft arrowup
+ arrowright arrowdown degree plusminus second greaterequal
+ multiply proportional partialdiff bullet divide notequal
+ equivalence approxequal ellipsis arrowvertex arrowhorizex
+ carriagereturn aleph Ifraktur Rfraktur weierstrass
+ circlemultiply circleplus emptyset intersection union
+ propersuperset reflexsuperset notsubset propersubset
+ reflexsubset element notelement angle gradient registerserif
+ copyrightserif trademarkserif product radical dotmath
+ logicalnot logicaland logicalor arrowdblboth arrowdblleft
+ arrowdblup arrowdblright arrowdbldown lozenge angleleft
+ registersans copyrightsans trademarksans summation parenlefttp
+ parenleftex parenleftbt bracketlefttp bracketleftex
+ bracketleftbt bracelefttp braceleftmid braceleftbt braceex
+ angleright integral integraltp integralex integralbt
+ parenrighttp parenrightex parenrightbt bracketrighttp
+ bracketrightex bracketrightbt bracerighttp bracerightmid
+ bracerightbt
+ hbar Re Im partial infty prime nabla surd top bot dbar
+ triangle backslash forall exists neg circle square
+ "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"
+ sum prod coprod int oint bcap bcup bvee bwedge bodot botimes
+ boplus buplus
+ "+" "-" "+-" "-+" setminus cdot times "*" circ div cap cup uplus
+ sqcap sqcup triangleleft triangleright wr bigcirc bigtriangleup
+ bigtriangledown vee wedge oplus ominus otimes oslash odot dagger
+ daggerdbl amalg
+ "<" ">" "=" "<=" prec preceq "<<" subset subseteq sqsubseteq
+ in vdash smile frown ">=" succ succeq ">>" supset supseteq
+ sqsupseteq ni dashv mid parallel "==" "~" "-~" asymp "~~"
+ "=~" bowtie propto models doteq perp notsub notin "!=" not
+ "<->" "<--" "-->" up down "<=>" "<==" "==>" dblup dbldown
+ ":" "::" ":="
+ lpar blpar rpar brpar lbrack blbrack rbrack brbrack lbrace blbrace
+ rbrace brbrace lfloor blfloor rfloor brfloor lceil blceil
+ rceil brceil langle blangle rangle brangle
+ ";" "," col
+ "!" "?" "%" "(" ")" "[" "]"
+ arccos arcsin arctan arg cos cosh cot coth csc deg det dim exp
+ gcd hom inf ker lg lim liminf limsup ln log max min Pr sec sin
+ sinh supr tan tanh mod ldots cdots vdots ddots del grad
+ "..." ",...," "'" "''" "'''" "''''" empty
+ leftarrow longleftarrow dblleftarrow dbllongleftarrow
+ rightarrow longrightarrow dblrightarrow dbllongrightarrow
+ leftrightarrow longleftrightarrow dblleftrightarrow dbllongleftrightarrow
+ mapsto longmapsto hookleftarrow hookrightarrow leadsto
+ leftharpoonup rightharpoonup leftharpoondown rightharpoondown
+ rightleftharpoons
+ uparrow dbluparrow downarrow dbldownarrow updownarrow dblupdownarrow
+ nearrow searrow swarrow nwarrow
+ sup sub tsub supp on ton frac half third over from to widefrom wideto
+ dot dotdot hat tilde vec dyad overbar underbar sqrt root
+ nextcol above labove cabove rabove mabove
+ matrix pmatrix bmatrix brmatrix fmatrix cmatrix amatrix
+def @Eq
+ body @Body
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Context-sensitive format changes. #
+ # #
+ # Equation formatting (according to Knuth) demands changes in #
+ # the appearance of equations depending on context. These are: #
+ # #
+ # @Smaller x Superscripts and subscripts are to be set #
+ # in a smaller font size. The @Smaller #
+ # symbol implements this by changing the #
+ # f unit. #
+ # #
+ # @HSqueeze x The horizontal space surrounding binary #
+ # operators and relations is to be reduced #
+ # within superscripts and subscripts, etc. #
+ # The @HSqueeze symbol implements this by #
+ # changing the y unit, which is not used by #
+ # Lout but which is used by symbols @ThinGap, #
+ # @MedGap and @ThickGap. #
+ # #
+ # @VSqueeze x The vertical space taken by superscripts #
+ # and subscripts is to be reduced within #
+ # built-up fractions and under root signs. #
+ # The @VSqueeze symbol implements this by #
+ # changing the z unit, which is not used by #
+ # Lout but is used by the @SupGap symbol. #
+ # #
+ # Knuth also recommends some changes that depend on whether the #
+ # equation is displayed or inline; these are not implemented. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def @SpaceGap { 0.05f }
+ def @Smaller right x { 0.7f @Font @SpaceGap @Space x }
+ def @HSqueeze right x { 0.2f @YUnit x }
+ def @VSqueeze right x { 0.7f @ZUnit x }
+ def @SkewGap { 0.05f }
+ def @SupGap { 0.43zk }
+ def @ThinGap { 0.15y }
+ def @MedGap { 0.20y }
+ def @ThickGap { 0.25y }
+ def @ColGap { 0.8f }
+ def @RowGap { 0.5f }
+ def "`" { &@ThinGap }
+ def "``" { &@MedGap }
+ def "```" { &@ThickGap }
+ def bin right x { `` x `` }
+ def rel right x { ``` x ``` }
+ def punct right x { x ` }
+ def non right x { 0c @YUnit x }
+ def big right x { 1.3f @Font @SpaceGap @Space x }
+ def @Base right x { Base @Font x }
+ def @Sym right x { {Symbol Base} @Font x }
+ def @HLine
+ named line { @BackEnd @Case { PostScript @Yield { "0.05 ft setlinewidth" } PDF @Yield { "__mul(__loutf, 0.05) w" } } }
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto" line "stroke" } @Graphic {}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield { # note re-arrangement of commands (setlinewidth (='w') not allowed in a path)
+ { line "0 0 m __xsize 0 l s" } @Graphic {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VLine
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto 0.05 ft setlinewidth stroke" @Graphic {}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ "__mul(__loutf, 0.05) w 0 0 m 0 __ysize l s" @Graphic {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def vctr
+ right x
+ {
+ 0.5w @VShift x
+ }
+ def @Strut right x
+ {
+ @OneCol { x | @OneRow { 0.5f @High ^/ 0.5f @High } }
+ }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Full names #
+ # #
+ # These symbols and their names are taken directly from the #
+ # Adobe Systems Inc. Symbol font (see PostScript Language #
+ # Reference Manual, pp. 256-257). The only differences are: #
+ # #
+ # Adobe: theta1 Eq: thetaone #
+ # sigma1 sigmaone #
+ # phi1 phione #
+ # omega1 omegaone #
+ # #
+ # These were needed since Lout identifiers do not have digits. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def space { @Sym "\040" }
+ def exclam { @Sym "\041" }
+ def universal { @Sym "\042" }
+ def numbersign { @Sym "\043" }
+ def existential { @Sym "\044" }
+ def percent { @Sym "\045" }
+ def ampersand { @Sym "\046" }
+ def suchthat { @Sym "\047" }
+ def parenleft { @Sym "\050" }
+ def parenright { @Sym "\051" }
+ def asteriskmath { @Sym "\052" }
+ def plus { @Sym "+" }
+ def comma { @Sym "\054" }
+ def minus { @Sym "-" }
+ def period { @Sym "\056" }
+ def slash { @Sym "\057" }
+ def zero { @Sym "\060" }
+ def one { @Sym "\061" }
+ def two { @Sym "\062" }
+ def three { @Sym "\063" }
+ def four { @Sym "\064" }
+ def five { @Sym "\065" }
+ def six { @Sym "\066" }
+ def seven { @Sym "\067" }
+ def eight { @Sym "\070" }
+ def nine { @Sym "\071" }
+ def colon { @Sym "\072" }
+ def semicolon { @Sym "\073" }
+ def less { @Sym "\074" }
+ def equal { @Sym "\075" }
+ def greater { @Sym "\076" }
+ def question { @Sym "\077" }
+ def congruent { @Sym "\100" }
+ def Alpha { @Sym "\101" }
+ def Beta { @Sym "\102" }
+ def Chi { @Sym "\103" }
+ def Delta { @Sym "\104" }
+ def Epsilon { @Sym "\105" }
+ def Phi { @Sym "\106" }
+ def Gamma { @Sym "\107" }
+ def Eta { @Sym "\110" }
+ def Iota { @Sym "\111" }
+ def thetaone { @Sym "\112" }
+ def Kappa { @Sym "\113" }
+ def Lambda { @Sym "\114" }
+ def Mu { @Sym "\115" }
+ def Nu { @Sym "\116" }
+ def Omicron { @Sym "\117" }
+ def Pi { @Sym "\120" }
+ def Theta { @Sym "\121" }
+ def Rho { @Sym "\122" }
+ def Sigma { @Sym "\123" }
+ def Tau { @Sym "\124" }
+ def Upsilon { @Sym "\125" }
+ def sigmaone { @Sym "\126" }
+ def Omega { @Sym "\127" }
+ def Xi { @Sym "\130" }
+ def Psi { @Sym "\131" }
+ def Zeta { @Sym "\132" }
+ def bracketleft { @Sym "\133" }
+ def therefore { @Sym "\134" }
+ def bracketright { @Sym "\135" }
+ def perpendicular { @Sym "\136" }
+ def underscore { @Sym "\137" }
+ def radicalex { @Sym "\140" }
+ def alpha { @Sym "\141" }
+ def beta { @Sym "\142" }
+ def chi { @Sym "\143" }
+ def delta { @Sym "\144" }
+ def epsilon { @Sym "\145" }
+ def phi { @Sym "\146" }
+ def gamma { @Sym "\147" }
+ def eta { @Sym "\150" }
+ def iota { @Sym "\151" }
+ def phione { @Sym "\152" }
+ def kappa { @Sym "\153" }
+ def lambda { @Sym "\154" }
+ def mu { @Sym "\155" }
+ def nu { @Sym "\156" }
+ def omicron { @Sym "\157" }
+ def pi { @Sym "\160" }
+ def theta { @Sym "\161" }
+ def rho { @Sym "\162" }
+ def sigma { @Sym "\163" }
+ def tau { @Sym "\164" }
+ def upsilon { @Sym "\165" }
+ def omegaone { @Sym "\166" }
+ def omega { @Sym "\167" }
+ def xi { @Sym "\170" }
+ def psi { @Sym "\171" }
+ def zeta { @Sym "\172" }
+ def braceleft { @Sym "\173" }
+ def bar { @Sym "\174" }
+ def braceright { @Sym "\175" }
+ def similar { @Sym "\176" }
+ def Upsilonone { @Sym "\241" }
+ def minute { @Sym "\242" }
+ def lessequal { @Sym "\243" }
+ def fraction { @Sym "\244" }
+ def infinity { "1.2f" @Font @Sym "\245" }
+ def florin { @Sym "\246" }
+ def club { @Sym "\247" }
+ def diamond { @Sym "\250" }
+ def heart { @Sym "\251" }
+ def spade { @Sym "\252" }
+ def arrowboth { @Sym "\253" }
+ def arrowleft { @Sym "\254" }
+ def arrowup { @Sym "\255" }
+ def arrowright { @Sym "\256" }
+ def arrowdown { @Sym "\257" }
+ def degree { @Sym "\260" }
+ def plusminus { @Sym "\261" }
+ def second { @Sym "\262" }
+ def greaterequal { @Sym "\263" }
+ def multiply { @Sym "\264" }
+ def proportional { @Sym "\265" }
+ def partialdiff { @Sym "\266" }
+ def bullet { @Sym "\267" }
+ def divide { @Sym "\270" }
+ def notequal { @Sym "\271" }
+ def equivalence { @Sym "\272" }
+ def approxequal { @Sym "\273" }
+ def ellipsis { @Sym "\274" }
+ def arrowvertex { @Sym "\275" }
+ def arrowhorizex { @Sym "\276" }
+ def carriagereturn { @Sym "\277" }
+ def aleph { @Sym "\300" }
+ def Ifraktur { @Sym "\301" }
+ def Rfraktur { @Sym "\302" }
+ def weierstrass { @Sym "\303" }
+ def circlemultiply { @Sym "\304" }
+ def circleplus { @Sym "\305" }
+ def emptyset { @Sym "\306" }
+ def intersection { @Sym "\307" }
+ def union { @Sym "\310" }
+ def propersuperset { @Sym "\311" }
+ def reflexsuperset { @Sym "\312" }
+ def notsubset { @Sym "\313" }
+ def propersubset { @Sym "\314" }
+ def reflexsubset { @Sym "\315" }
+ def element { @Sym "\316" }
+ def notelement { @Sym "\317" }
+ def angle { @Sym "\320" }
+ def gradient { @Sym "\321" }
+ def registerserif { @Sym "\322" }
+ def copyrightserif { @Sym "\323" }
+ def trademarkserif { @Sym "\324" }
+ def product { @Sym "\325" }
+ def radical { @Sym "\326" }
+ def dotmath { @Sym "\327" }
+ def @PureDot # dot with no extra space
+ {
+ @HContract { &0io 0.4w @HShift dotmath }
+ }
+ def logicalnot { @Sym "\330" }
+ def logicaland { @Sym "\331" }
+ def logicalor { @Sym "\332" }
+ def arrowdblboth { @Sym "\333" }
+ def arrowdblleft { @Sym "\334" }
+ def arrowdblup { @Sym "\335" }
+ def arrowdblright { @Sym "\336" }
+ def arrowdbldown { @Sym "\337" }
+ def lozenge { @Sym "\340" }
+ def angleleft { @Sym "\341" }
+ def registersans { @Sym "\342" }
+ def copyrightsans { @Sym "\343" }
+ def trademarksans { @Sym "\344" }
+ def summation { @Sym "\345" }
+ def parenlefttp { @Sym "\346" }
+ def parenleftex { @Sym "\347" }
+ def parenleftbt { @Sym "\350" }
+ def bracketlefttp { @Sym "\351" }
+ def bracketleftex { @Sym "\352" }
+ def bracketleftbt { @Sym "\353" }
+ def bracelefttp { @Sym "\354" }
+ def braceleftmid { @Sym "\355" }
+ def braceleftbt { @Sym "\356" }
+ def braceex { @Sym "\357" }
+ def angleright { @Sym "\361" }
+ def integral { @Sym "\362" }
+ def integraltp { @Sym "\363" }
+ def integralex { @Sym "\364" }
+ def integralbt { @Sym "\365" }
+ def parenrighttp { @Sym "\366" }
+ def parenrightex { @Sym "\367" }
+ def parenrightbt { @Sym "\370" }
+ def bracketrighttp { @Sym "\371" }
+ def bracketrightex { @Sym "\372" }
+ def bracketrightbt { @Sym "\373" }
+ def bracerighttp { @Sym "\374" }
+ def bracerightmid { @Sym "\375" }
+ def bracerightbt { @Sym "\376" }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Short names #
+ # #
+ # These symbols, their names, and their spacing, are based on #
+ # the list in Appendix F of Donald E. Knuth's The TeXBook. #
+ # #
+ # Group 1 (lowercase Greek letters): see full names above #
+ # Group 2 (uppercase Greek letters): see full names above #
+ # Group 3 (calligraphic capitals): not provided by Eq #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Group 4 (miscellaneous Ord symbols) #
+ # #
+ # Not all of Knuth's symbols are available. The four suits #
+ # (heartsuit, etc.), have definitions above. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def hbar { @OneCol { &0.1f @Base "-" ^/0.25fo h } }
+ def Re { Rfraktur }
+ def Im { Ifraktur }
+ def partial { partialdiff }
+ def infty { infinity }
+ def prime { minute }
+ #def emptyset { defined above }
+ def nabla { gradient }
+ def surd { radical }
+ def top { 180d @Rotate perpendicular }
+ def bot { perpendicular }
+ def dbar { @Base "||" }
+ #def angle { defined above }
+ def backslash { "\\" }
+ def forall { universal }
+ def exists { existential }
+ def neg { logicalnot }
+ def circle { @HContract @VContract
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "xsize ysize 2 div moveto"
+ "xsize 2 div ysize 2 div xsize 2 div 0 360 arc"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+# VT: draws a counterclockwise 360 degree arc from 0 to +360 degree positions
+# (straight right to straight right) with centre = (xsize/2, ysize/2)
+# and radius = xsize/2
+# implemented as two counterclockwise 180 degree arcs:
+ {
+ "__mul(0.04, __loutf) w"
+# start at (xsize, ysize/2)
+# the control points are:
+# pt1 = (xsize, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2)) and pt2 = (0, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
+# end at (0, ysize/2)
+ "__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) m"
+ "__xsize __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))" # pt1
+ "0 __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))" # pt2
+ "0 __div(__ysize, 2) c" # pt3
+# start at (0, ysize/2)
+# the control points are:
+# pt1 = (0, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2)) and pt2 = (xsize, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
+# end at (xsize, ysize/2)
+ "0 __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))" # pt1
+ "__xsize __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))" # pt2
+ "__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) c S" # pt3
+ }
+ @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def square { @HContract @VContract
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto"
+ "0 ysize lineto closepath"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic { 0.6f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l"
+ "0 __ysize l s"
+ }
+ @Graphic { 0.6f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def triangle { @HContract @VContract
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto"
+ "xsize 2 div ysize lineto closepath"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/
+ 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l"
+ "__div(__xsize, 2) __ysize l s"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/
+ 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Group 5 (digits) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def "0" { zero }
+ def "1" { one }
+ def "2" { two }
+ def "3" { three }
+ def "4" { four }
+ def "5" { five }
+ def "6" { six }
+ def "7" { seven }
+ def "8" { eight }
+ def "9" { nine }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Group 6 ("Large" operators) #
+ # #
+ # Knuth's large operators automatically change size depending #
+ # on whether the equation is display or inline. Eq does not #
+ # do this; instead, the `big' operator must be used. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def sum { summation }
+ def prod { product }
+ def coprod { 180d @Rotate vctr product }
+ def int { 1.3f @Font vctr integral }
+ def oint { @OneCol { vctr degree |0.015fo int } }
+ def bcap { 1.3f @Font intersection }
+ def bcup { 1.3f @Font union }
+ def bvee { 1.3f @Font logicalor }
+ def bwedge { 1.3f @Font logicaland }
+ def bodot { & 1.3f @Font @HContract { circle /0io &0.5rt @PureDot } }
+ def botimes { 1.3f @Font circlemultiply }
+ def boplus { 1.3f @Font circleplus }
+ def buplus { & 1.3f @Font @HContract { &0.5rt 0.7f @Font plus ^/0.2fo union } }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Group 7 (binary operations) #
+ # #
+ # All of Knuth's symbols are available except \star, \diamond #
+ # and \bullet; a few have been given more mnemonic names. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def "+" { bin plus }
+ def "-" { bin minus }
+ def "+-" { bin plusminus }
+ def "-+" { bin 180d @Rotate plusminus }
+ def setminus { bin backslash }
+ def cdot { bin dotmath }
+ def times { bin multiply }
+ def "*" { bin asteriskmath }
+ #def diamond { name used above }
+ def circ { bin circle }
+ #def bullet { name used above }
+ def div { bin divide }
+ def cap { bin intersection }
+ def cup { bin union }
+ def uplus { bin @OneRow @HContract { &0.5rt 0.7f @Font plus ^/0.2fo union}}
+ def sqcap { bin
+ { @HContract @VContract
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto xsize ysize lineto"
+ "xsize 0 lineto"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/
+ 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
+ "0 0 m 0 __ysize l __xsize __ysize l"
+ "__xsize 0 l s"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/
+ 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def sqcup { 180d @Rotate sqcap }
+ def triangleleft { bin 90d @Rotate 0.8f @Font triangle }
+ def triangleright { bin "-90d" @Rotate 0.8f @Font triangle}
+ def wr { bin vctr {90d @Rotate similar} }
+ def bigcirc { bin 1.2f @Font circle }
+ def bigtriangleup { bin 1.2f @Font triangle }
+ def bigtriangledown { bin 180d @Rotate 1.2f @Font triangle }
+ def vee { bin logicalor }
+ def wedge { bin logicaland }
+ def oplus { bin circleplus }
+ def ominus { bin @OneRow @HContract { circle /0io &0.5rt minus}}
+ def otimes { bin circlemultiply }
+ def oslash {`vctr 60d @Rotate @HContract {circle /0io &0.5rt minus`}}
+ def odot { bin @OneRow @HContract {circle /0io &0.5rt @PureDot }}
+ def dagger { bin @Base @Char "dagger" }
+ def daggerdbl { bin @Base @Char "daggerdbl" }
+ def amalg { bin 180d @Rotate vctr product }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Group 8 (relations) #
+ # #
+ # All Knuth's operators are available, but many have been #
+ # given different, more mnemonic names. Also included is #
+ # a not operator for negating the relations. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def "<" { rel less }
+ def ">" { rel greater }
+ def "=" { rel equal }
+ def "<=" { rel lessequal }
+ def prec { rel { 0.45f @Font "-90d" @Rotate
+ { parenrighttp ^| parenlefttp }
+ }
+ }
+ def preceq { rel { @OneRow non prec /0.1f minus } }
+ def "<<" { rel {less less} }
+ def subset { rel propersubset }
+ def subseteq { rel reflexsubset }
+ def sqsubseteq { rel @HContract @VContract
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { { "xsize 0 moveto"
+ "0 0 lineto"
+ "0 ysize lineto"
+ "xsize ysize lineto"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 0.5f @Wide 0.25f @High ^/
+ 0.25f @High
+ }
+ /0.1f minus
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { { "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
+ "__xsize 0 m"
+ "0 0 l"
+ "0 __ysize l"
+ "__xsize __ysize l s"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 0.5f @Wide 0.25f @High ^/
+ 0.25f @High
+ }
+ /0.1f minus
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def in { rel element }
+ def vdash { rel vctr{"-90d" @Rotate perpendicular}}
+ def smile { rel vctr 90d @Rotate parenleft }
+ def frown { rel vctr 90d @Rotate parenright }
+ def ">=" { rel greaterequal }
+ def succ { rel { 0.45f @Font 90d @Rotate
+ { parenrighttp ^| parenlefttp }
+ }
+ }
+ def succeq { rel { @OneRow non succ /0.1f minus } }
+ def ">>" { rel {greater greater} }
+ def supset { rel propersuperset }
+ def supseteq { rel reflexsuperset }
+ def sqsupseteq { rel @HContract @VContract
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { { "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto"
+ "xsize ysize lineto"
+ "0 ysize lineto"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 0.5f @Wide 0.25f @High ^/
+ 0.25f @High
+ }
+ /0.1f minus
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { { "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l"
+ "__xsize __ysize l"
+ "0 __ysize l s"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ { 0.5f @Wide 0.25f @High ^/
+ 0.25f @High
+ }
+ /0.1f minus
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def ni { rel 180d @Rotate element }
+ def dashv { rel vctr {90d @Rotate perpendicular} }
+ def mid { rel @Base "|" }
+ def parallel { rel @Base "||" }
+ def "==" { rel equivalence }
+ def "~" { rel similar }
+ def "-~" { rel @OneRow{similar^/0.07f/0.07f minus}}
+ def asymp { rel 0.7f @Font @OneRow
+ { 90d @Rotate parenleft ^/0.008f
+ /0.008f 90d @Rotate parenright }
+ }
+ def "~~" { rel approxequal }
+ def "=~" { rel congruent }
+ def bowtie { rel{non triangleright non triangleleft}}
+ def propto { rel proportional }
+ def models { rel{@Base vctr "|" &0.05fo vctr equal}}
+ def doteq { rel @OneRow @HContract {&0.5rt dotmath^/0.15f equal}}
+ def perp { rel perpendicular }
+ def notsub { rel notsubset }
+ def notin { rel notelement }
+ def "!=" { rel notequal }
+ def "<->" { rel arrowboth }
+ def "<--" { rel arrowleft }
+ def "-->" { rel arrowright }
+ def up { rel arrowup }
+ def down { rel arrowdown }
+ def "<=>" { rel arrowdblboth }
+ def "<==" { rel arrowdblleft }
+ def "==>" { rel arrowdblright }
+ def dblup { rel arrowdblup }
+ def dbldown { rel arrowdbldown }
+ def ":" { rel colon }
+ def "::" { rel @OneCol {colon ` colon} }
+ def ":=" { rel { colon{ //0.05fo equal} } }
+ def not right x { @HContract {@OneCol x /0co &0.5rt slash}}
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Groups 11 and 12 - openings and closings. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def lpar { parenleft }
+ def rpar { parenright }
+ def lbrack { bracketleft }
+ def rbrack { bracketright }
+ def lbrace { braceleft }
+ def rbrace { braceright }
+ def lfloor { ` "-0.15f" @VShift bracketleftbt }
+ def rfloor { "-0.15f" @VShift bracketrightbt ` }
+ def lceil { ` "-0.1f" @VShift bracketlefttp }
+ def rceil { "-0.1f" @VShift bracketrighttp ` }
+ def langle { angleleft }
+ def rangle { angleright }
+ def blpar { @OneRow {parenlefttp ^/ parenleftex / parenleftbt } }
+ def brpar { @OneRow {parenrighttp ^/ parenrightex / parenrightbt } }
+ def blbrack { @OneRow {bracketlefttp ^/ bracketleftex / bracketleftbt } }
+ def brbrack { @OneRow {bracketrighttp ^/ bracketrightex / bracketrightbt} }
+ def blbrace { @OneRow {bracelefttp ^/ braceleftmid / braceleftbt } }
+ def brbrace { @OneRow {bracerighttp ^/ bracerightmid / bracerightbt } }
+ def blfloor { @OneRow {bracketleftex ^/ bracketleftex / bracketleftbt } }
+ def brfloor { @OneRow {bracketrightex ^/ bracketrightex / bracketrightbt} }
+ def blceil { @OneRow {bracketlefttp ^/ bracketleftex / bracketleftex } }
+ def brceil { @OneRow {bracketrighttp ^/ bracketrightex / bracketrightex} }
+ def blangle { @HContract @VContract
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "xsize 0 moveto"
+ "0 ysize 2 div lineto"
+ "xsize ysize lineto"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic { 0.5f @Wide 2f @High ^/ 2f @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
+ "__xsize 0 m"
+ "0 __div(__ysize, 2) l"
+ "__xsize __ysize l S"
+ }
+ @Graphic { 0.5f @Wide 2f @High ^/ 2f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def brangle { @HContract @VContract
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "0 0 moveto"
+ "xsize ysize 2 div lineto"
+ "0 ysize lineto"
+ "0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic { 0.5f @Wide 2f @High ^/ 2f @High }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ { "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
+ "0 0 m"
+ "__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) l"
+ "0 __ysize l S"
+ }
+ @Graphic { 0.5f @Wide 2f @High ^/ 2f @High }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Group 13 - punctuation. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def ";" { punct semicolon }
+ def "," { punct comma }
+ def col { punct colon }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Additional short symbols (Knuth p. 132) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def "!" { exclam }
+ def "?" { question }
+ def "%" { percent }
+ def "(" { parenleft }
+ def ")" { parenright }
+ def "[" { bracketleft }
+ def "]" { bracketright }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Common mathematical functions (from Knuth p. 162). #
+ # mod is included, since @Rel mod is easily typed if needed. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def arccos { @Base "arccos" }
+ def arcsin { @Base "arcsin" }
+ def arctan { @Base "arctan" }
+ def arg { @Base "arg" }
+ def cos { @Base "cos" }
+ def cosh { @Base "cosh" }
+ def cot { @Base "cot" }
+ def coth { @Base "coth" }
+ def csc { @Base "csc" }
+ def deg { @Base "deg" }
+ def det { @Base "det" }
+ def dim { @Base "dim" }
+ def exp { @Base "exp" }
+ def gcd { @Base "gcd" }
+ def hom { @Base "hom" }
+ def inf { @Base "inf" }
+ def ker { @Base "ker" }
+ def lg { @Base "lg" }
+ def lim { @Base "lim" }
+ def liminf { @OneCol { @Base "lim" ` @Base "inf" } }
+ def limsup { @OneCol { @Base "lim" ` @Base "sup" } }
+ def ln { @Base "ln" }
+ def log { @Base "log" }
+ def max { @Base "max" }
+ def min { @Base "min" }
+ def Pr { @Base "Pr" }
+ def sec { @Base "sec" }
+ def sin { @Base "sin" }
+ def sinh { @Base "sinh" }
+ def supr { @Base "sup" }
+ def tan { @Base "tan" }
+ def tanh { @Base "tanh" }
+ def mod { @Base "mod" }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Arrow symbols. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def leftarrow { arrowleft }
+ def longleftarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowleft }
+ def dblleftarrow { arrowdblleft }
+ def dbllongleftarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowdblleft }
+ def rightarrow { arrowright }
+ def longrightarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowright }
+ def dblrightarrow { arrowdblright }
+ def dbllongrightarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowdblright }
+ def leftrightarrow { arrowboth }
+ def longleftrightarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowboth }
+ def dblleftrightarrow { arrowdblboth }
+ def dbllongleftrightarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowdblboth }
+ def mapsto
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "0 ymark 0.16 ft sub moveto 0 ymark 0.16 ft add lineto stroke"
+ @Graphic arrowright
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ "0 __sub(__ymark, __mul(__loutf, 0.16)) m 0 __add(__ymark, __mul(__loutf, 0.16)) l S"
+ @Graphic arrowright
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def longmapsto
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "0 ymark 0.16 ft sub moveto 0 ymark 0.16 ft add lineto stroke"
+ @Graphic { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowright }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ "0 __sub(__ymark, __mul(__loutf, 0.16)) m 0 __add(__ymark, __mul(__loutf, 0.16)) l S"
+ @Graphic { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowright }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def hookleftarrow
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "xsize ymark moveto xsize ymark 0.1 ft add 0.1 ft -90 90 arc stroke"
+ @Graphic leftarrow
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+# VT: draws a counterclockwise 180 degree arc from -90 to +90 degree positions
+# (straight down to straight up) with centre = (xsize, ymark + 0.1 ft)
+# and radius = 0.1 ft
+# the control points therefore are:
+# pt1 = (xsize + (4/3 * 0.1 ft), ymark) and pt2 = (xsize + (4/3 * 0.1 ft), ymark + 0.2 ft)
+ {
+ "__xsize __ymark m" # pt0
+ "__add(__xsize, __div(__mul(0.4, __loutf), 3)) __ymark" # pt1
+ "__add(__xsize, __div(__mul(0.4, __loutf), 3)) __add(__ymark, __mul(0.2, __loutf))" # pt2
+ "__xsize __add(__ymark, __mul(0.2, __loutf)) c S" # pt3
+ }
+ @Graphic leftarrow
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def hookrightarrow
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "0 ymark moveto 0 0.1 ft ymark add 0.1 ft -90 90 arcn stroke"
+ @Graphic rightarrow
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+# VT: draws a clockwise 180 degree arc from -90 to +90 degree positions
+# (straight down to straight up) with centre = (0, ymark + 0.1 ft)
+# and radius = 0.1 ft
+# the control points therefore are:
+# pt1 = (-4/3 * 0.1 ft, ymark) and pt2 = (-4/3 * 0.1 ft, ymark + 0.2 ft)
+ {
+ "0 __ymark m" # pt0
+ "__div(__mul(-0.4, __loutf), 3) __ymark" # pt1
+ "__div(__mul(-0.4, __loutf), 3) __add(__ymark, __mul(0.2, __loutf))" # pt2
+ "0 __add(__ymark, __mul(0.2, __loutf)) c S" # pt3
+ }
+ @Graphic rightarrow
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ClipToSize right x
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ "grestore newpath 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto"
+ "0 ysize lineto closepath clip gsave"
+ } @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ "Q n 0 0 __xsize __ysize re W n q" @Graphic x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ClipAboveMark
+ left amount
+ right x
+ {
+ @ClipToSize { ^//{{amount}o} x }
+ }
+ def @ClipBelowMark
+ left amount
+ right x
+ {
+ @ClipToSize { x //{{amount}o} }
+ }
+ def leftharpoonup
+ {
+ 0.04f @ClipBelowMark leftarrow
+ }
+ def rightharpoonup
+ {
+ 0.04f @ClipBelowMark rightarrow
+ }
+ def leftharpoondown
+ {
+ 0.02f @ClipAboveMark leftarrow
+ }
+ def rightharpoondown
+ {
+ 0.02f @ClipAboveMark rightarrow
+ }
+ def rightleftharpoons
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ rightharpoonup
+ ^//0.1fo
+ //0.1fo
+ leftharpoondown
+ }
+ }
+ def leadsto { @HContract { similar &0.4fo arrowright } }
+ def uparrow { arrowup }
+ def dbluparrow { arrowdblup }
+ def downarrow { arrowdown }
+ def dbldownarrow { arrowdbldown }
+ def updownarrow { @HContract { arrowup &0io arrowdown } }
+ def dblupdownarrow { @VContract { arrowdblup ^//0.2fo arrowdbldown } }
+ def nearrow { 0.5w @VShift 0.5w @HShift 45d @Rotate arrowright }
+ def searrow { 0.5w @VShift 0.5w @HShift 315d @Rotate arrowright }
+ def swarrow { 0.5w @VShift 0.5w @HShift 225d @Rotate arrowright }
+ def nwarrow { 0.5w @VShift 0.5w @HShift 135d @Rotate arrowright }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Other symbols taken from TeX. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def ldots { . &0.3f . &0.3f . }
+ def cdots { dotmath &0.3f dotmath &0.3f dotmath }
+ def vdots { @OneRow { dotmath ^/0.3f dotmath /0.3f dotmath } }
+ def ddots { @OneCol @OneRow
+ { dotmath
+ ^/0.3f |0.3f dotmath
+ /0.3f | |0.3f dotmath
+ }
+ }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Symbols taken from eqn (Kernighan and Cherry 1975). #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def del { gradient }
+ def grad { gradient }
+ def "..." { ellipsis }
+ def ",...," { , ellipsis ``` , }
+ def "'" { minute }
+ def "''" { minute minute }
+ def "'''" { minute minute minute }
+ def "''''" { minute minute minute minute }
+ def empty { emptyset }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Miscellaneous #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Symbols with parameters. #
+ # #
+ # These symbols are essentially those of eqn, with some #
+ # changes and additions. #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def sup
+ precedence 60
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @SupGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { | 0.45w @VShift @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze y
+ ^/gap x
+ }
+ }
+ def sub
+ precedence 60
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @SupGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ # x
+ "." @KernShrink x
+ /gap | @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze y
+ }
+ }
+ def tsub
+ precedence 60
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @SupGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ x
+ /gap | &0io 0.2f @HShift @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze y
+ }
+ }
+ def supp
+ precedence 60
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @SupGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ { ^/gap x /gap } | y
+ }
+ }
+ def on
+ precedence 61
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @SupGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze x ^/ /
+ @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze y
+ }
+ def ton
+ precedence 61
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @SupGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze x ^/ /
+ &0io 0.3f @HShift @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze y
+ }
+ def frac
+ precedence 54
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { 0.2f }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze
+ { 1w @VShift { x /gap } | fraction &0io | 0w @VShift { |gap y }
+ }
+ }
+ def half { 1 frac 2 }
+ def third { 1 frac 3 }
+ def over
+ precedence 54
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { 0.2f }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { |0.5rt @OneCol @VSqueeze x
+ ^//gap @HLine
+ //gap |0.5rt @OneCol @VSqueeze @Strut y
+ }
+ }
+ def from
+ precedence 58
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ named skew { 0c }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { |0.5rt x
+ //gap |0.5rt &skew @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze y
+ }
+ }
+ def to
+ precedence 58
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ named skew { 0c }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { |0.5rt &skew @Smaller @HSqueeze @VSqueeze y
+ ^//gap |0.5rt x
+ }
+ }
+ def widefrom
+ precedence 58
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ x //gap @HScale y
+ }
+ }
+ def wideto
+ precedence 58
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ @HScale y ^//gap x
+ }
+ }
+ def dot
+ precedence 62
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ {
+ x to gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } .
+ }
+ def dotdot
+ precedence 62
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ {
+ x to gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } ..
+ }
+ def hat
+ precedence 62
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ {
+ x to gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } @Base "^"
+ }
+ def tilde
+ precedence 62
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ {
+ x to gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } @Base "~"
+ }
+ def vec
+ precedence 62
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ {
+ x to gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } arrowright
+ }
+ def dyad
+ precedence 62
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ {
+ x to gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } arrowboth
+ }
+ def overbar
+ precedence 62
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ {
+ x wideto gap { gap } minus
+ }
+ def underbar
+ precedence 62
+ left x
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ {
+ x widefrom gap { gap } minus
+ }
+ def sqrt
+ precedence 56
+ named gap { @ThinGap }
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ @VScale surd | @OneRow
+ {
+ @HLine line { "0.03 ft setlinewidth 2 setlinecap" }
+ ^//gap |gap @VSqueeze @Strut x # //gap
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+# VT: this PDF is correct but it renders badly in Acrobat (?problem
+# with scaling by fractional factors)
+# In other words, the @VScale value comes through correctly but it
+# looks ugly; GhostScript's translation actually expands the
+# "draw surd" instruction into raw moveto's and lineto's which
+# it presumably gets from the font's definition of the glyph!
+ @VScale surd | @OneRow
+ {
+ @HLine line { "__mul(__loutf, 0.03) w 2 J" }
+ ^//gap |gap @VSqueeze @Strut x # //gap
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def root
+ precedence 56
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ "" sup x &0io sqrt y
+ }
+ def above
+ precedence 52
+ left x
+ named gap { @RowGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ |0.5rt x //gap |0.5rt y
+ }
+ def labove
+ precedence 52
+ left x
+ named gap { @RowGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ x //gap y
+ }
+ def cabove
+ precedence 52
+ left x
+ named gap { @RowGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ |0.5rt x //gap |0.5rt y
+ }
+ def rabove
+ precedence 52
+ left x
+ named gap { @RowGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ |1rt x //gap |1rt y
+ }
+ def mabove
+ precedence 52
+ left x
+ named gap { @RowGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ x /gap y
+ }
+ def nextcol
+ precedence 50
+ left x
+ named gap { @ColGap }
+ right y
+ {
+ x |gap y
+ }
+ export row axisrow col lcol ccol rcol mcol
+ def matrix
+ precedence 100
+ named gap { @MedGap }
+ named strut
+ named no { }
+ named No { }
+ named yes { 0.5f }
+ named Yes { 0.5f }
+ { No }
+ named atleft {}
+ named atright {}
+ named userow { No }
+ named shiftdelim { Yes }
+ body x
+ {
+ def @Strut
+ {
+ strut @Case {
+ "" @Yield {}
+ else @Yield { @OneRow { strut @High ^/ strut @High } }
+ }
+ }
+ def newrow
+ precedence 50
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield { y | @Strut }
+ else @Yield { x /@RowGap y | @Strut }
+ }
+ }
+ macro row { newrow "" }
+ def newaxisrow
+ precedence 50
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield { y | @Strut }
+ else @Yield { x ^/@RowGap y | @Strut }
+ }
+ }
+ macro axisrow { newaxisrow "" }
+ def col
+ precedence 52
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ named indent { 0.5rt }
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield { &indent @OneCol y }
+ else @Yield { x |@ColGap &indent @OneCol y }
+ }
+ }
+ def lcol
+ precedence 52
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x col indent { 0i } y
+ }
+ def ccol
+ precedence 52
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x col indent { 0.5rt } y
+ }
+ def rcol
+ precedence 52
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x col indent { 1rt } y
+ }
+ def mcol
+ precedence 52
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield { @OneCol y }
+ else @Yield { x |@ColGap @OneCol y }
+ }
+ }
+ def delim right x
+ {
+ x @Case
+ {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield
+ {
+ shiftdelim @Case {
+ { Yes yes } @Yield { @VScale x }
+ else @Yield { @VCover x }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ delim atleft &@ThinGap
+ userow @Case {
+ {Yes yes} @Yield @HContract @VContract {^//gap @OneRow x //gap}
+ else @Yield vctr @HContract @VContract { //gap x //gap }
+ }
+ &@ThinGap delim atright
+ }
+ }
+ macro pmatrix { matrix atleft { "1.5f" @Font ( } atright { "1.5f" @Font ) }}
+ macro bmatrix { matrix atleft { blbrack } atright { brbrack } }
+ macro brmatrix { matrix atleft { blbrace } atright { brbrace } }
+ macro fmatrix { matrix atleft { blfloor } atright { brfloor } }
+ macro cmatrix { matrix atleft { blceil } atright { brceil } }
+ macro amatrix { matrix atleft { blangle } atright { brangle } }
+ Slope @Font { separate @SpaceGap } @Space 1f @ZUnit 1f @YUnit @Body
+@End @Eq
+macro @E { @OneCol @Eq }
diff --git a/include/fig b/include/fig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dac333c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/fig
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for figure drawing (OBSOLETE: use @Diag instead) #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# The @SysInclude { figf } line #
+# #
+# This line causes Lout to read the definitions for equations, and should #
+# not be touched. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { figf }
+# #
+# This package does not offer the ability to change default options. #
+# #
diff --git a/include/figf b/include/figf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3cd15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/figf
@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+# #
+# Lout @Fig package for drawing figures (Version 2.0) #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, October 1991. #
+# Version 2.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 22 December 1992. #
+# Symbol names changed by JHK 5 March 1993 to avoid clashes with EPS files. #
+# @CurveBox and @ShadowBox added by JHK April 1995. #
+# #
+# See "Fig - a Lout package for drawing figures" for user information. #
+# #
+# This package is now obsolete, having been replaced by @Diag. #
+# #
+@SysPrependGraphic { "figf.lpg" }
+export in cm pt em sp vs ft dg
+ "<<" "**" "++" "--" @Max @Min
+ @Distance @XDistance @YDistance @Angle
+ @Prev "::" @Label @BaseOf @MarkOf @ShowLabels @Figure
+ @Frame @Box @CurveBox @ShadowBox @Square @Diamond @Polygon @Ellipse
+ @Circle @HLine @VLine @Line @HArrow @VArrow @Arrow @Arc
+def @Fig
+ named maxlabels { 200 }
+ named linestyle { solid }
+ named linewidth { 0.5 pt }
+ named linecap { round }
+ named dashlength { 0.15 cm }
+ named paint { nopaint }
+ named margin { 0.4c }
+ named arrow { noarrow }
+ named headstyle { open }
+ named headwidth { 0.05 cm }
+ named headlength { 0.15 cm }
+ body @Body
+ # Like @Graphic, but affects the graphics state of right parameter
+ def @InnerGraphic
+ left ps
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { { ps gsave // grestore } @Graphic x }
+ PDF @Yield { }
+ }
+ }
+ def in precedence 39 left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x "in" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__in, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ def cm precedence 39 left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x "cm" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__cm, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ def pt precedence 39 left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x "pt" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__pt, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ def em precedence 39 left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x "em" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__em, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ def sp precedence 39 left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x "sp" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__louts, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ def vs precedence 39 left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x "vs" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__loutv, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ def ft precedence 39 left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x "ft" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__loutf, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ def dg precedence 39 left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x "dg" }
+ PDF @Yield { }
+ }
+ }
+ def "<<"
+ precedence 38
+ left length
+ right angle
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ 0 0 length angle "lfigatangle"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def "**"
+ precedence 37
+ left point
+ right length
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ point length "lfigpmul"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def "++"
+ precedence 36
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ x y "lfigpadd"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def "--"
+ precedence 36
+ associativity left
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ y x "lfigpsub"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Max
+ precedence 36
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ x y "lfigpmax"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Min
+ precedence 36
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ x y "lfigpmin"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Distance
+ precedence 35
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ x y "lfigdistance"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @XDistance
+ precedence 35
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ x y "lfigxdistance"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @YDistance
+ precedence 35
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ x y "lfigydistance"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Angle
+ precedence 35
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ x y "lfigangle"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Prev
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "lfigprevious"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def "::"
+ precedence 33
+ left name
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "currentdict end" maxlabels "dict begin begin"
+ // "("name") lfigpromotelabels" } @Graphic x
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Label
+ right name
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "/"name "lfigpointdef"
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @MarkOf
+ precedence 32
+ left point
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { point "translate" } @InnerGraphic
+ {
+ /0io |0io @OneCol @OneRow x |0io /0io
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @BaseOf
+ precedence 32
+ left point
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { point "translate" } @InnerGraphic
+ {
+ /0io |0io @OneRow @OneCol {
+ | @OneCol @OneRow x ^/
+ } |0io /0io
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ShowLabels
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ "lfigshowlabels" @Graphic
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Figure
+ named shape { }
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { 0c }
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ #fill the shape
+ paint @Case
+ {
+ nopaint @Yield {}
+ { nochange darkblue blue lightblue darkgreen green lightgreen
+ darkred red lightred darkcyan cyan lightcyan darkmagenta
+ magenta lightmagenta darkyellow yellow lightyellow darkgray
+ gray lightgray darkgrey grey lightgrey black white }
+ @Yield
+ { "/lfig"paint "[" shape "] gsave lfigpaintpath grestore" }
+ }
+ # stroke the path and add any arrowheads
+ linestyle @Case
+ {
+ { solid dashed cdashed dotted noline } @Yield
+ {
+ linewidth "setlinewidth" "lfig"linecap "setlinecap"
+ dashlength "/lfig"linestyle "[" shape "] lfigdopath"
+ arrow @Case
+ {
+ noarrow @Yield { pop pop }
+ { forward back both } @Yield
+ { dashlength "/lfig"linestyle "/"lfigblack
+ headstyle @Case
+ { { open halfopen closed } @Yield "lfig"headstyle }
+ headlength headwidth "lfig"arrow
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {
+ ^/margin ^|margin @OneCol @OneRow x |margin
+ /margin
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Frame
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {xsize 0 @Label X 0 ysize @Label Y}
+ { x }
+ }
+ def @Box
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { margin }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ # 0 0 @Label SW
+ # xsize 0 @Label SE
+ # xsize ysize @Label NE
+ # 0 ysize @Label NW
+ # SE ** 0.5 @Label S
+ # NW ** 0.5 @Label W
+ # W ++ SE @Label E
+ # S ++ NW @Label N
+ # NE ** 0.5 @Label CTR
+ lfigbox
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ x
+ }
+ def @CurveBox
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { margin }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ lfigcurvebox
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ { 0c @HShift x }
+ }
+ def @ShadowBox
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { margin }
+ named shadow { 0.2f }
+ right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @VContract @HContract 0c @HShift "lfigshadow" @Graphic
+ {
+ ^/shadow ^|shadow 0c @HShift
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ lfigbox
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ 0c @HShift x
+ |shadow /shadow
+ }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @VContract @HContract 0c @HShift
+# "lfigshadow" @Graphic is this:
+ { "__mul(__xmark, 2) 0 m __xsize 0 l" # xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ "__xsize __sub(__ysize, __mul(__xmark, 2)) l" # xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ "__sub(__xsize, __xmark) __sub(ysize, __mul(__xmark, 2)) l" # xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ "__sub(__xsize, __xmark) __xmark l" # xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
+ "__mul(__xmark, 2) __xmark l h f" # xmark 2 mul xmark lineto closepath fill
+ } @Graphic
+ {
+ ^/shadow ^|shadow 0c @HShift
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ lfigbox
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ 0c @HShift x
+ |shadow /shadow
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Square
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { margin }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ # {xsize ysize} ** 0.5 @Label CTR
+ # CTR ++ {{xsize xsize} @Max {ysize ysize}}**0.5 @Label NE
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance NE} << 135 } @Label NW
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance NE} << 225 } @Label SW
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance NE} << 315 } @Label SE
+ # SW ** 0.5 ++ SE ** 0.5 @Label S
+ # NW ** 0.5 ++ NE ** 0.5 @Label N
+ # SW ** 0.5 ++ NW ** 0.5 @Label W
+ # SE ** 0.5 ++ NE ** 0.5 @Label E
+ lfigsquare
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Diamond
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { margin }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ # {xsize 0} ** 0.5 @Label S
+ # {0 ysize} ** 0.5 @Label W
+ # S ++ W @Label CTR
+ # CTR ++ W @Label N
+ # CTR ++ S @Label E
+ # S E N W S
+ lfigdiamond
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Polygon
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { margin }
+ named sides { 3 }
+ named angle { "dup 180 exch div" }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape { sides angle lfigpolygon }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Ellipse
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { margin }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ # {xsize 0} ** 0.5 @Label S
+ # {0 ysize} ** 0.5 @Label W
+ # S ++ W @Label CTR
+ # CTR ++ W @Label N
+ # CTR ++ S @Label E
+ # CTR ++ {xsize 0} ** 0.3536 ++ {0 ysize} ** 0.3536 @Label NE
+ # CTR ++ {xsize 0} ** 0.3536 -- {0 ysize} ** 0.3536 @Label SE
+ # CTR -- {xsize 0} ** 0.3536 ++ {0 ysize} ** 0.3536 @Label NW
+ # CTR -- {xsize 0} ** 0.3536 -- {0 ysize} ** 0.3536 @Label SW
+ # S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+ lfigellipse
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Circle
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { margin }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ # {xsize ysize} **0.5 @Label CTR
+ # CTR ++ {{xsize 0} @Max {ysize 0}}**0.5 @Label E
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance E} << 45 } @Label NE
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance E} << 90 } @Label N
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance E} << 135 } @Label NW
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance E} << 180 } @Label W
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance E} << 225 } @Label SW
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance E} << 270 } @Label S
+ # CTR ++ { {CTR @Distance E} << 315 } @Label SE
+ # S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+ lfigcircle
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ x
+ }
+ def @HLine
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { 0c }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ # 0 ymark @Prev @Label FROM
+ # xsize ymark @Prev @Label TO
+ lfighline
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ x
+ }
+ def @VLine
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { 0c }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ # xmark ysize @Prev @Label FROM
+ # xmark 0 @Prev @Label TO
+ lfigvline
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ x
+ }
+ def @HArrow
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { 0c }
+ named arrow { forward }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ # 0 ymark @Prev @Label FROM
+ # xsize ymark @Prev @Label TO
+ lfighline
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ x
+ }
+ def @VArrow
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { 0c }
+ named arrow { forward }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ # xmark ysize @Prev @Label FROM
+ # xmark 0 @Prev @Label TO
+ lfigvline
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Line
+ named from { 0 ysize }
+ named to { xsize 0 }
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { 0c }
+ named arrow { arrow }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ from @Prev @Label FROM
+ to @Prev @Label TO
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Arrow
+ named from { 0 ysize }
+ named to { xsize 0 }
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { 0c }
+ named arrow { forward }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ from @Prev @Label FROM
+ to @Prev @Label TO
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Arc
+ named from { 0 ysize }
+ named to { xsize 0 }
+ named ctr { 0 0 }
+ named direction { clockwise }
+ named linestyle { linestyle }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named linecap { linecap }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named paint { paint }
+ named margin { 0c }
+ named arrow { noarrow }
+ named headstyle { headstyle }
+ named headwidth { headwidth }
+ named headlength { headlength }
+ right x
+ {
+ @Figure
+ shape {
+ from @Label FROM
+ to @Label TO
+ ctr @Label CTR
+ direction @Case { {clockwise anticlockwise} @Yield direction }
+ ] TO
+ }
+ linestyle { linestyle }
+ linewidth { linewidth }
+ linecap { linecap }
+ dashlength { dashlength }
+ paint { paint }
+ margin { margin }
+ arrow { arrow }
+ headstyle { headstyle }
+ headwidth { headwidth }
+ headlength { headlength }
+ x
+ }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ { "grestore save gsave" maxlabels "dict begin lfigdict begin"
+ // "end end restore"
+ } @Graphic @Body
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ }
+ }
+@End @Fig
diff --git a/include/figf.lpg b/include/figf.lpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b64188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/figf.lpg
@@ -0,0 +1,1003 @@
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutFigPrependGraphic
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Fig Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% Version 2.0 (includes CIRCUM label) January 1992 %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names of all symbols %
+% defined here begin with "lfig". However, this is not feasible %
+% with user-defined labels and some labels used by users. %
+% %
+% <point> is two numbers, a point. %
+% <length> is one number, a length %
+% <angle> is one number, an angle in degrees %
+% <dashlength> is one number, the preferred length of a dash %
+% %
+errordict begin
+ /handleerror
+ {
+ { /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ 0 setgray 4 pt 4 pt moveto
+ $error /errorname get
+ dup lfigdict exch known
+ { lfigdict exch get }
+ { 30 string cvs } ifelse
+ show
+ ( Command: ) show
+ $error /command get 30 string cvs show
+ } stopped {} if
+ showpage stop
+ } def
+% concat strings: <string> <string> lfigconcat <string>
+% must be defined outside lfigdict since used in lfigpromotelabels
+{ 2 copy length exch length add string
+ dup 0 4 index putinterval
+ dup 3 index length 3 index putinterval
+ 3 1 roll pop pop
+} def
+% <string> lfigdebugprint -
+% must be defined outside lfigdict since used in arbitrary places
+% /lfigdebugprint
+% { print
+% (; operand stack:\n) print
+% count copy
+% count 2 idiv
+% { ==
+% (\n) print
+% } repeat
+% (\n) print
+% } def
+/lfigdict 120 dict def
+lfigdict begin
+% error messages
+/dictfull (dictfull error: too many labels?) def
+/dictstackoverflow (dictstackoverflow error: labels nested too deeply?) def
+/execstackoverflow (execstackoverflow error: figure nested too deeply?) def
+/limitcheck (limitcheck error: figure nested too deeply or too large?) def
+/syntaxerror (syntaxerror error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/typecheck (typecheck error: syntax error in text of figure?) def
+/undefined (undefined error: unknown or misspelt label?) def
+/VMError (VMError error: run out of memory?) def
+% push pi onto stack: - lfigpi <num>
+/lfigpi 3.14159 def
+% arc directions
+/clockwise false def
+/anticlockwise true def
+% maximum of two numbers: <num> <num> lfigmax <num>
+/lfigmax { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% minimum of two numbers: <num> <num> lfigmin <num>
+/lfigmin { 2 copy lt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% add two points: <point> <point> lfigpadd <point>
+/lfigpadd { exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } def
+% subtract first point from second: <point> <point> lfigpsub <point>
+/lfigpsub { 3 2 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub exch } def
+% max two points: <point> <point> lfigpmax <point>
+/lfigpmax { exch 3 1 roll lfigmax 3 1 roll lfigmax exch } def
+% min two points: <point> <point> lfigpmin <point>
+/lfigpmin { exch 3 1 roll lfigmin 3 1 roll lfigmin exch } def
+% scalar multiplication: <point> <num> lfigpmul <point>
+/lfigpmul { dup 3 1 roll mul 3 1 roll mul exch } def
+% point at angle and distance: <point> <length> <angle> lfigatangle <point>
+/lfigatangle { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul lfigpadd } def
+% angle from one point to another: <point> <point> lfigangle <angle>
+/lfigangle { lfigpsub 2 copy 0 eq exch 0 eq and {pop} {exch atan} ifelse } def
+% distance between two points: <point> <point> lfigdistance <length>
+/lfigdistance { lfigpsub dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
+% difference in x coords: <point> <point> lfigxdistance <length>
+/lfigxdistance { pop 3 1 roll pop sub } def
+%difference in y coords: <point> <point> lfigydistance <length>
+/lfigydistance { 3 1 roll pop sub exch pop } def
+% stroke a solid line: <length> <dashlength> lfigsolid -
+{ pop pop [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% stroke a lfigdashed line: <length> <dashlength> lfigdashed -
+{ 2 copy div 2 le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch dup ] 0 setdash }
+ { dup [ exch 4 2 roll 2 copy div
+ 1 sub 2 div ceiling dup 4 1 roll
+ 1 add mul sub exch div ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a lfigcdashed line: <length> <dashlength> lfigcdashed -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch dup ] dup 0 get 2 div setdash }
+ { dup [ 4 2 roll exch 2 copy exch div
+ 2 div ceiling div 1 index sub
+ ] exch 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a dotted line: <length> <dashlength> lfigdotted -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt lfigmax [ exch 0 exch ] 0 setdash }
+ { 1 index exch div ceiling div
+ [ 0 3 2 roll ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse stroke
+} def
+% stroke a noline line: <length> <dashlength> lfignoline -
+{ pop pop
+} def
+% painting (i.e. filling): - lfigwhite - (etc.)
+/lfignopaint { } def
+/lfignochange { fill } def
+/lfigdarkblue { 0.0 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigblue { 0.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightblue { 0.5 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgreen { 0.0 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggreen { 0.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgreen { 0.5 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkred { 0.5 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigred { 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightred { 1.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkcyan { 0.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigcyan { 0.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightcyan { 0.5 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkmagenta { 0.5 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigmagenta { 1.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightmagenta { 1.0 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkyellow { 0.5 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgray { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggray { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgray { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigdarkgrey { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiggrey { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfiglightgrey { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigblack { 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/lfigwhite { 1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+% line caps (and joins, not currently used)
+/lfigbutt 0 def
+/lfiground 1 def
+/lfigprojecting 2 def
+/lfigmiter 0 def
+/lfigbevel 2 def
+% shape and labels of the @Box symbol
+ 0 0 /SW lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0 /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize ysize /NE lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize /NW lfigpointdef
+ SE 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ NW 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ W SE lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ S NW lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ NE 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ [ CTR NE lfigpsub /lfigboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @CurveBox symbol
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize 0.5 mul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul 0 /S lfigpointdef
+ xsize ysize 0.5 mul /E lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0.5 mul ysize /N lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 mul /W lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0.293 mul xmark 0.293 mul /SW lfigpointdef
+ xsize xmark 0.293 mul sub xmark 0.293 mul /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize xmark 0.293 mul sub ysize xmark 0.293 mul sub /NE lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0.293 mul ysize xmark 0.293 mul sub /NW lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul xmark /lfigcurveboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ xmark 0
+ xsize xmark sub 0
+ [ xsize xmark sub xmark ]
+ xsize xmark
+ xsize ysize xmark sub
+ [ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark sub ]
+ xsize xmark sub ysize
+ xmark ysize
+ [ xmark ysize xmark sub ]
+ 0 ysize xmark sub
+ 0 xmark
+ [ xmark xmark ]
+ xmark 0
+} def
+% shadow of the @ShadowBox symbol
+% its shape and labels are done, somewhat inaccurately, with lfigbox
+{ xmark 2 mul 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub ysize xmark 2 mul sub lineto
+ xsize xmark sub xmark lineto
+ xmark 2 mul xmark lineto closepath fill
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Square symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize xsize ysize ysize lfigpmax 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 135 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 225 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR NE lfigdistance 315 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SE lfigpointdef
+ SW 0.5 lfigpmul SE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /S lfigpointdef
+ NW 0.5 lfigpmul NE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ SW 0.5 lfigpmul NW 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /W lfigpointdef
+ SE 0.5 lfigpmul NE 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ [ CTR NE lfigpsub /lfigboxcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Diamond symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ S W lfigpadd /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR W lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR S lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /lfigdiamondcircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S E N W S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Ellipse symbol
+ xsize 0 0.5 lfigpmul /S lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /W lfigpointdef
+ S W lfigpadd /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR W lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR S lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd lfigpsub /SE lfigpointdef
+ xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR lfigpsub 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ 0 ysize 0.3536 lfigpmul xsize 0 0.3536 lfigpmul CTR lfigpsub lfigpsub /SW lfigpointdef
+ [ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /lfigellipsecircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @Circle symbol
+ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ CTR xsize 0 ysize 0 lfigpmax 0.5 lfigpmul lfigpadd /E lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 45 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NE lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 90 lfigatangle lfigpadd /N lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 135 lfigatangle lfigpadd /NW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 180 lfigatangle lfigpadd /W lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 225 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SW lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 270 lfigatangle lfigpadd /S lfigpointdef
+ CTR 0 0 CTR E lfigdistance 315 lfigatangle lfigpadd /SE lfigpointdef
+ [ S E lfigpsub /lfigellipsecircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ S [ CTR ] E [ CTR ] N [ CTR ] W [ CTR ] S
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @HLine and @HArrow symbols
+ 0 ymark lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+ xsize ymark lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef
+} def
+% shape and labels of the @VLine and @VArrow symbols
+ xmark ysize lfigprevious /FROM lfigpointdef
+ xmark 0 lfigprevious /TO lfigpointdef
+} def
+% points of a polygon around base with given no of sides, vert init angle:
+% <sides> <angle> figpolygon <point> ... <point>
+{ xsize ysize 0.5 lfigpmul /CTR lfigpointdef
+ 90 sub CTR 2 copy lfigmax 5 3 roll
+ [ 4 copy pop /lfigpolycircum cvx ] lfigcircumdef
+ exch dup 360 exch div exch
+ 1 1 3 2 roll
+ { 4 string cvs (P) exch lfigconcat cvn
+ 6 copy pop pop lfigatangle 2 copy 10 2 roll
+ 3 2 roll lfigpointdef
+ dup 3 1 roll add exch
+ } for
+ pop lfigatangle
+} def
+% next array element: <array> <index> lfiggetnext <array> <index> <any> true
+% or <array> <index> false
+{ 2 copy exch length ge
+ { false }
+ { 2 copy get exch 1 add exch true } ifelse
+} def
+% check whether thing is number: <any> lfigisnumbertype <any> <bool>
+{ dup type dup
+ /integertype eq exch /realtype eq or
+} def
+% check whether thing is an array: <any> lfigisarraytype <any> <bool>
+/lfigisarraytype { dup type /arraytype eq } def
+% get next item: <array> <index> lfiggetnextitem <array> <index> 0
+% or <array> <index> <array> 1
+% or <array> <index> <point> 2
+{ lfiggetnext
+ { lfigisarraytype
+ { 1
+ }
+ { lfigisnumbertype
+ { 3 1 roll
+ lfiggetnext
+ { lfigisnumbertype
+ { 4 3 roll exch 2
+ }
+ { pop 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 3 2 roll pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { pop 0
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { 0
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% set arc path: bool x1 y1 x2 y2 x0 y0 lfigsetarc <angle> <angle> <dist>
+% the path goes from x1 y1 to x2 y2 about centre x0 y0,
+% anticlockwise if bool is true else clockwise.
+% The orientations of backwards pointing and forwards pointing
+% arrowheads are returned in the two angles, and
+% the length of the arc is returned in <dist>.
+ 20 dict begin
+ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ 2 copy translate 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 4 2 roll lfigpsub 6 2 roll lfigpsub
+ dup /y1 exch def dup mul /y1s exch def
+ dup /x1 exch def dup mul /x1s exch def
+ dup /y2 exch def dup mul /y2s exch def
+ dup /x2 exch def dup mul /x2s exch def
+ y1s y2s eq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { y1s x2s mul y2s x1s mul sub y1s y2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /da exch def
+ x1s x2s eq
+ { -1
+ }
+ { x1s y2s mul x2s y1s mul sub x1s x2s sub div
+ } ifelse
+ /db exch def
+ da 0 gt db 0 gt and
+ { /LMax da sqrt db sqrt lfigmax def
+ /scalex da sqrt LMax div def
+ /scaley db sqrt LMax div def
+ scalex scaley scale
+ 0 0 LMax
+ 0 0 x1 scalex mul y1 scaley mul lfigangle
+ 0 0 x2 scalex mul y2 scaley mul lfigangle
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ dup sin scaley mul exch cos scalex mul atan
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 anticlockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if lfigpi mul LMax mul 180 div
+ }
+ { 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance 0 0 x2 y2 lfigdistance eq
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance 0 gt and
+ { 0 0
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance
+ 0 0 x1 y1 lfigangle
+ 0 0 x2 y2 lfigangle
+ 2 copy eq { 360 add } if
+ 2 copy 8 2 roll
+ 5 index { arc } { arcn } ifelse
+ 2 index 1 index
+ { 90 sub } { 90 add } ifelse
+ 2 index 2 index
+ { 90 add } { 90 sub } ifelse
+ 5 2 roll % res1 res2 ang1 ang2 clockwise
+ { exch sub } { sub } ifelse
+ dup 0 le { 360 add } if lfigpi mul 0 0 x1 y1 lfigdistance mul 180 div
+ }
+ { x2 y2 lineto pop
+ x2 y2 x1 y1 lfigangle
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 lfigangle
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 lfigdistance
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ 4 -1 roll setmatrix
+ end
+} def
+% lfigsetcurve: set up a Bezier curve from x0 y0 to x3 y3
+% and return arrowhead angles and length of curve (actually 0)
+% x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 lfigsetcurve <angle> <angle> <length>
+{ 8 copy curveto pop pop
+ lfigangle
+ 5 1 roll
+ 4 2 roll lfigangle
+ exch
+ 0
+} def
+% lfigpaintpath: paint a path of the given shape
+% /paint [ shape ] lfigpaintpath -
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0 newpath
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ { lfiggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ { 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /curveseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr
+ lfigsetcurve pop pop pop
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ lfigsetarc pop pop pop
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr moveto
+ } ifelse
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop pop pop cvx exec
+ end
+} def
+% stroke a path of the given shape in the given linestyle and dash length.
+% Return the origin and angle of the backward and forward arrow heads.
+% dashlength /linestyle [shape] lfigdopath [<point> <angle>] [<point> <angle>]
+ 10 dict begin
+ 0
+ /prevseen false def
+ /curveseen false def
+ /backarrow [] def
+ /fwdarrow [] def
+ {
+ lfiggetnextitem
+ dup 0 eq { pop exit }
+ {
+ 1 eq
+ { /curveseen true def
+ /curve exch def
+ curve length 0 eq { /prevseen false def } if
+ }
+ { /ycurr exch def
+ /xcurr exch def
+ prevseen
+ { newpath xprev yprev moveto
+ curveseen
+ { curve length 4 eq
+ { xprev yprev
+ curve 0 get curve 1 get
+ curve 2 get curve 3 get
+ xcurr ycurr lfigsetcurve
+ }
+ { xprev yprev xcurr ycurr
+ curve length 1 ge { curve 0 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 2 ge { curve 1 get } { 0 } ifelse
+ curve length 3 ge { curve 2 get } { true } ifelse
+ 7 1 roll
+ lfigsetarc
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr lineto
+ xcurr ycurr xprev yprev lfigangle dup 180 sub
+ xprev yprev xcurr ycurr lfigdistance
+ } ifelse
+ 6 index 6 index cvx exec
+ [ xprev yprev 5 -1 roll ]
+ backarrow length 0 eq
+ { /backarrow exch def }
+ { pop } ifelse
+ [ xcurr ycurr 4 -1 roll ] /fwdarrow exch def
+ } if
+ /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ /prevseen true def
+ /curveseen false def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop
+ pop pop pop pop
+ backarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { backarrow } ifelse
+ fwdarrow length 0 eq { [ 0 0 0 ] } { fwdarrow } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% lfigdoarrow: draw an arrow head of given form
+% dashlength /lstyle /pstyle hfrac height width [ <point> <angle> ] lfigdoarrow -
+{ matrix currentmatrix 8 1 roll
+ dup 0 get 1 index 1 get translate
+ 2 get rotate
+ [ 2 index neg 2 index 0 0
+ 3 index 3 index neg
+ 1 index 10 index mul 0
+ 7 index 7 index ]
+ 4 1 roll pop pop pop
+ dup 3 1 roll
+ gsave lfigpaintpath grestore lfigdopath pop pop
+ setmatrix
+} def
+% arrow head styles
+/lfigopen 0.0 def
+/lfighalfopen 0.5 def
+/lfigclosed 1.0 def
+% stroke no arrows, forward, back, and both
+/lfignoarrow { pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop } def
+/lfigforward { 7 -1 roll lfigdoarrow pop } def
+/lfigback { 8 -2 roll pop lfigdoarrow } def
+/lfigboth { 8 -1 roll 7 copy lfigdoarrow pop 7 -1 roll lfigdoarrow } def
+% lfigprevious: return previous point on path
+{ lfigisnumbertype
+ { 2 copy }
+ { lfigisarraytype
+ { 2 index 2 index }
+ { 0 0 }
+ ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% label a point in 2nd top dictionary: <point> /name lfigpointdef -
+ % (Entering lfigpointdef) lfigdebugprint
+ [ 4 2 roll transform
+ /itransform cvx ] cvx
+ currentdict end
+ 3 1 roll
+ % currentdict length currentdict maxlength lt
+ % { def }
+ % { exec moveto (too many labels) show stop }
+ % ifelse
+ def
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigpointdef) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% promote labels from second top to third top dictionary
+% <string> lfigpromotelabels -
+ % (Entering lfigpromotelabels) lfigdebugprint
+ currentdict end exch currentdict end
+ { exch 20 string cvs 2 index
+ (@) lfigconcat exch lfigconcat cvn exch def
+ } forall pop begin
+ % (Leaving lfigpromotelabels) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% show labels (except CIRCUM): - lfigshowlabels -
+ % (Entering lfigshowlabels) lfigdebugprint
+ currentdict end
+ currentdict
+ { 1 index 20 string cvs (CIRCUM) search % if CIRCUM in key
+ { pop pop pop pop pop }
+ { pop cvx exec 2 copy
+ newpath 1.5 pt 0 360 arc
+ 0 setgray fill
+ /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ moveto 0.2 cm 0.1 cm rmoveto 20 string cvs show
+ }
+ ifelse
+ } forall
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigshowlabels) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% fix an angle to 0 <= res < 360: <angle> lfigfixangle <angle>
+ % (Entering lfigfixangle) lfigdebugprint
+ { dup 0 ge { exit } if
+ 360 add
+ } loop
+ { dup 360 lt { exit } if
+ 360 sub
+ } loop
+ % (Leaving lfigfixangle) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of box: alpha a b lfigboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ 0 0 a b lfigangle /theta exch def
+ % if alpha <= theta, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha theta le
+ { a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 - theta, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ alpha 180 theta sub le
+ { b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 180 + theta, return (-a, -a*tan(alpha))
+ alpha 180 theta add le
+ { a neg a neg alpha sin mul alpha cos div }
+ {
+ % else if alpha <= 360 - theta, return (-b*cot(alpha), -b)
+ alpha 360 theta sub le
+ { b neg alpha cos mul alpha sin div b neg }
+ {
+ % else 360 - theta <= alpha, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find quadratic roots (assume a != 0): a b c lfigqroots x1 x2 2
+% or x2 1
+% or 0
+ 4 dict begin
+ /c exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /disc b b mul 4 a c mul mul sub def
+ disc 0 lt
+ { 0
+ }
+ { disc 0 eq
+ { b neg 2 a mul div
+ 1
+ }
+ { b neg disc sqrt add 2 a mul div
+ b neg disc sqrt sub 2 a mul div
+ 2
+ }
+ ifelse
+ }
+ ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% work our which quadrant: <angle> lfigquadrant <0-3>
+{ dup 90 lt
+ { pop 0
+ }
+ { dup 180 lt
+ { pop 1
+ }
+ { 270 lt
+ { 2
+ }
+ { 3
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% find curvebox circum, assuming upper right quadrant: alpha a b xmk lfigcb x y
+ 6 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ /theta1 0 0 a b xmk sub lfigangle def
+ /theta2 0 0 a xmk sub b lfigangle def
+ alpha theta1 le
+ { % if alpha <= theta1, return (a, a*tan(alpha))
+ a a alpha sin mul alpha cos div
+ }
+ { alpha theta2 ge
+ { % else if alpha > theta2, return (b*cot(alpha), b)
+ b alpha cos mul alpha sin div b
+ }
+ {
+ % else, return the intersection of line and circle
+ a xmk sub b xmk sub xmk 0 0 alpha lfigcircleintersect
+ dup 0 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return any reasonable point
+ pop
+ a b 0.5 lfigpmul
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { % should never happen, just return the point on top of stack
+ }
+ { % the usual case, two points on stack, return the larger
+ lfigpmax
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+} def
+% find point on circumference of curvebox: alpha a b xmk lfigcurveboxcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigcurveboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 5 dict begin
+ /xmk exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ % work out which quadrant we are in, and reflect accordingly
+ /quad alpha lfigquadrant def
+ quad 0 eq
+ { alpha a b xmk lfigcb
+ }
+ { quad 1 eq
+ { 180 alpha sub a b xmk lfigcb exch neg exch
+ }
+ { quad 2 eq
+ { alpha 180 sub a b xmk lfigcb neg exch neg exch
+ }
+ { 360 alpha sub a b xmk lfigcb neg
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigcurveboxcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of diamond: alpha a b lfigdiamondcircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigdiamondcircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos abs mul a alpha sin abs mul add /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigdiamondcircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of ellipse: alpha a b lfigellipsecircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigellipsecircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 4 dict begin
+ /b exch def
+ /a exch def
+ lfigfixangle /alpha exch def
+ b alpha cos mul dup mul a alpha sin mul dup mul add sqrt /denom exch def
+ a b mul alpha cos mul denom div
+ a b mul alpha sin mul denom div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigellipsecircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of two lines each defined by two points
+% x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 lfiglineintersect x y
+ % (Entering lfiglineintersect) lfigdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /y4 exch def
+ /x4 exch def
+ /y3 exch def
+ /x3 exch def
+ /y2 exch def
+ /x2 exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ x2 x1 sub /x21 exch def
+ x4 x3 sub /x43 exch def
+ y2 y1 sub /y21 exch def
+ y4 y3 sub /y43 exch def
+ y21 x43 mul y43 x21 mul sub /det exch def
+ % calculate x
+ y21 x43 mul x1 mul
+ y43 x21 mul x3 mul sub
+ y3 y1 sub x21 mul x43 mul add
+ det div
+ % calculate y
+ x21 y43 mul y1 mul
+ x43 y21 mul y3 mul sub
+ x3 x1 sub y21 mul y43 mul add
+ det neg div
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfiglineintersect) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point on circumference of polygon
+% alpha radius num theta lfigpolycircum x y
+ % (Entering lfigpolycircum) lfigdebugprint
+ 13 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /num exch def
+ /radius exch def
+ /alpha exch def
+ % calculate delta, the angle from theta to alpha
+ alpha theta sub lfigfixangle
+ % calculate the angle which is the multiple of 360/num closest to delta
+ 360 num div div truncate 360 num div mul theta add /anglea exch def
+ % calculate the next multiple of 360/num after anglea
+ anglea 360 num div add /angleb exch def
+ % intersect the line through these two points with the alpha line
+ anglea cos anglea sin angleb cos angleb sin
+ 0 0 alpha cos 2 mul alpha sin 2 mul
+ lfiglineintersect radius lfigpmul
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigpolycircum) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% find point of intersection of a point and a circle
+% x0 y0 r x1 y1 theta lfigcircleintersect xa ya xb yb 2
+% or xb yb 1
+% or 0
+ % (Entering lfigcircleintersect) lfigdebugprint
+ 15 dict begin
+ /theta exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ /r exch def
+ /y0 exch def
+ /x0 exch def
+ % if sin(theta) = 0 then line is horizontal and y must be y1
+ theta sin abs 0.00001 lt
+ {
+ /a 1 def
+ /b -2 x0 mul def
+ /c x0 dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c lfigqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 1
+ }
+ { y1 exch y1 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ {
+ /ct theta cos theta sin div def
+ /a ct ct mul 1 add def
+ /b ct x1 x0 sub mul y1 add y0 sub 2 mul def
+ /c x1 x0 sub dup mul y1 y0 sub dup mul add r dup mul sub def
+ a b c lfigqroots dup
+ 0 eq
+ { pop
+ 0
+ }
+ { 1 eq
+ { y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xb yb 1
+ }
+ { y1 add /ya exch def
+ ya y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xa exch def
+ y1 add /yb exch def
+ yb y1 sub ct mul x1 add /xb exch def
+ xa ya xb yb 2
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ % (Leaving lfigcircleintersect) lfigdebugprint
+} def
+% add CIRCUM operator with this body: <array> lfigcircumdef -
+{ % (Entering lfigcircumdef) lfigdebugprint
+ /CIRCUM exch cvx
+ currentdict end
+ 3 1 roll
+ % currentdict length currentdict maxlength lt
+ % { def }
+ % { exec moveto (too many labels) show stop }
+ % ifelse
+ def
+ begin
+ % (Leaving lfigcircumdef) lfigdebugprint
+} def
diff --git a/include/fontdefs b/include/fontdefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0001b97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/fontdefs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# #
+# Font definitions. Use a very wide window to see them clearly. #
+# #
+# Lout font Lout font PostScript PostScript font metrics Lout character Recode/ #
+# family name face name font name (formerly .AFM) file name mapping file NoRecode #
+# #
+fontdef AvantGarde Base { AvantGarde-Medium AG-Md LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde Slope { AvantGarde-MediumObl AG-MdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde Bold { AvantGarde-Bold AG-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde BoldSlope { AvantGarde-BoldObl AG-BdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde Bold { AvantGarde-Bold AG-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde BoldObl { AvantGarde-BoldObl AG-BdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde Book { AvantGarde-Book AG-Bk LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde BookOblique { AvantGarde-BookOblique AG-BkO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde CondBold { AvantGarde-CondBold AG-CnBd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde CondBook { AvantGarde-CondBook AG-CnBk LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde CondDemi { AvantGarde-CondDemi AG-CnDm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde CondMedium { AvantGarde-CondMedium AG-CnMd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde Demi { AvantGarde-Demi AG-Dm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde DemiOblique { AvantGarde-DemiOblique AG-DmO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde ExtraLight { AvantGarde-ExtraLight AG-ExLt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde ExtraLightObl { AvantGarde-ExtraLightObl AG-ExLtO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde Medium { AvantGarde-Medium AG-Md LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGarde MediumObl { AvantGarde-MediumObl AG-MdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman Base { Bookman-Medium Bk-Md LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman Slope { Bookman-MediumItalic Bk-MdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman Bold { Bookman-Bold Bk-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman BoldSlope { Bookman-BoldItalic Bk-BdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman Bold { Bookman-Bold Bk-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman BoldItalic { Bookman-BoldItalic Bk-BdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman Demi { Bookman-Demi Bk-Dm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman DemiItalic { Bookman-DemiItalic Bk-DmIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman Light { Bookman-Light Bk-Lt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman LightItalic { Bookman-LightItalic Bk-LtIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman Medium { Bookman-Medium Bk-Md LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Bookman MediumItalic { Bookman-MediumItalic Bk-MdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Courier Base { Courier Cr LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Courier Slope { Courier-Oblique Cr-O LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Courier Bold { Courier-Bold Cr-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Courier BoldSlope { Courier-BoldOblique Cr-BdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Courier Base { Courier Cr LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Courier Bold { Courier-Bold Cr-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Courier BoldOblique { Courier-BoldOblique Cr-BdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Courier Oblique { Courier-Oblique Cr-O LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Base { Helvetica He LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Slope { Helvetica-Oblique He-O LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Bold { Helvetica-Bold He-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica BoldSlope { Helvetica-BoldOblique He-BdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Base { Helvetica He LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Black { Helvetica-Black He-Bl LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica BlackOblique { Helvetica-BlackOblique He-BlO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Bold { Helvetica-Bold He-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica BoldOblique { Helvetica-BoldOblique He-BdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Compressed { Helvetica-Compressed He-Cm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Cond { Helvetica-Condensed He-Cn LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica CondBlack { Helvetica-Condensed-Black He-CnBl LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica CondBlackObl { Helvetica-Condensed-BlackObl He-CnBlO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica CondBold { Helvetica-Condensed-Bold He-CnBd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica CondBoldObl { Helvetica-Condensed-BoldObl He-CnBdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica CondLight { Helvetica-Condensed-Light He-CnLi LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica CondLightObl { Helvetica-Condensed-LightObl He-CnLiO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica CondOblique { Helvetica-Condensed-Oblique He-CnO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica ExtraCompressed { Helvetica-ExtraCompressed He-ExtC LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Light { Helvetica-Light He-Lt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica LightOblique { Helvetica-LightOblique He-LtO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Narrow { Helvetica-Narrow He-Nr LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica NarrowBold { Helvetica-Narrow-Bold He-NrBd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica NarrowBoldObl { Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique He-NrBdO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica NarrowObl { Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique He-NrO LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica Oblique { Helvetica-Oblique He-O LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Helvetica UltraCompressed { Helvetica-UltraCompressed He-UlCm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Schoolbook Base { NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NCS-Rm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Schoolbook Slope { NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NCS-It LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Schoolbook Bold { NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NCS-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Schoolbook BoldSlope { NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NCS-BdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Schoolbook Bold { NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NCS-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Schoolbook BoldItalic { NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NCS-BdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Schoolbook Italic { NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NCS-It LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Schoolbook Roman { NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NCS-Rm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino Base { Palatino-Roman Pa-Rm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino Slope { Palatino-Italic Pa-It LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino Bold { Palatino-Bold Pa-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino BoldSlope { Palatino-BoldItalic Pa-BdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino Bold { Palatino-Bold Pa-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino BoldItalic { Palatino-BoldItalic Pa-BdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino BoldItalicOsF { Palatino-BoldItalicOsF Pa-BdItF LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino BoldOsF { Palatino-BoldOsF Pa-BdF LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino Italic { Palatino-Italic Pa-It LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino ItalicOsF { Palatino-ItalicOsF Pa-ItF LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino Roman { Palatino-Roman Pa-Rm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Palatino SC { Palatino-SC Pa-SC LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Symbol Base { Symbol Symbol Symb.LCM NoRecode }
+fontdef Symbol Slope { Symbol Symbol Symb.LCM NoRecode }
+fontdef Symbol Bold { Symbol Symbol Symb.LCM NoRecode }
+fontdef Symbol BoldSlope { Symbol Symbol Symb.LCM NoRecode }
+fontdef Times Base { Times-Roman Ti-Rm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times Slope { Times-Italic Ti-It LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times Bold { Times-Bold Ti-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times BoldSlope { Times-BoldItalic Ti-BdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times Bold { Times-Bold Ti-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times BoldItalic { Times-BoldItalic Ti-BdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times BoldItalicOsF { Times-BoldItalicOsF Ti-BdItF LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times BoldSC { Times-BoldSC Ti-BdSC LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times ExtraBold { Times-ExtraBold Ti-ExBd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times Italic { Times-Italic Ti-It LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times ItalicOsF { Times-ItalicOsF Ti-ItF LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times Roman { Times-Roman Ti-Rm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times RomanSC { Times-RomanSC Ti-RmSC LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times Semibold { Times-Semibold Ti-Sm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Times SemiboldItalic { Times-SemiboldItalic Ti-SmIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery Base { ZapfChancery-Roman ZC-Rm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery Slope { ZapfChancery-Italic ZC-It LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery Bold { ZapfChancery-Bold ZC-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery BoldSlope { ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZC-MdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery Roman { ZapfChancery-Roman ZC-Rm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery Bold { ZapfChancery-Bold ZC-Bd LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery Italic { ZapfChancery-Italic ZC-It LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery Light { ZapfChancery-Light ZC-Lt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery Demi { ZapfChancery-Demi ZC-Dm LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery LightItalic { ZapfChancery-LightItalic ZC-LtIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Chancery MediumItalic { ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZC-MdIt LtLatin1.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Dingbats Base { ZapfDingbats ZD Ding.LCM NoRecode }
+fontdef Dingbats Slope { ZapfDingbats ZD Ding.LCM NoRecode }
+fontdef Dingbats Bold { ZapfDingbats ZD Ding.LCM NoRecode }
+fontdef Dingbats BoldSlope { ZapfDingbats ZD Ding.LCM NoRecode }
diff --git a/include/graph b/include/graph
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f346317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/graph
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for graph drawing #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# The @SysInclude { graphf } line #
+# #
+# This line causes Lout to read the definitions for graphs, and should #
+# not be touched. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { graphf }
+# #
+# This package does not offer default options that can be changed. #
+# #
diff --git a/include/graphf b/include/graphf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfd69df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/graphf
@@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@
+# #
+# Lout @Graph package for drawing graphs (Version 1.0) #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, December 1993. #
+# #
+# This package draws graphs, the statistical kind not the graph-theoretical #
+# kind. See the User's Guide (Advanced Graphics) for user info. #
+# #
+@SysPrependGraphic { graphf.lpg }
+@SysInclude { graphf.etc }
+def @GraphObj
+ left p
+ named margin { 0c }
+ named adj { 0 0 }
+ right x
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @Null & # kills previous white space
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ //0io ||0io @HContract @VContract
+ { p "trpoint translate" adj "translate gsave" // "grestore" }
+ @Graphic { //margin ||margin x ||margin //margin }
+ ||0io //0io
+ }
+ }
+# VT: PDF does nothing
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @Null & # kills previous white space
+ @HContract @VContract {
+ //0io ||0io @HContract @VContract
+ { "% @GraphObj UNIMPLEMENTED" }
+ @Graphic { //margin ||margin x ||margin //margin }
+ ||0io //0io
+ }
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphCross
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath 0 0 moveto xsize ysize lineto 0 ysize moveto"
+ "xsize 0 lineto [] 0 setdash stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {"n [] 0 d 0 0 m __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize m __xsize 0 l S"} # uses S because PostScript version does NOT use closepath
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphPlus
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath xmark 0 moveto xmark ysize lineto 0 ymark moveto"
+ "xsize ymark lineto [] 0 setdash stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {"n [] 0 d __xmark 0 m __xmark __ysize l 0 __ymark m __xsize __ymark l S"} # uses S because PostScript version does NOT use closepath
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphSquare
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto"
+ "0 ysize lineto closepath [] 0 setdash stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {"n [] 0 d 0 0 __xsize __ysize re s"}
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphFilledSquare
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto"
+ "0 ysize lineto closepath gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {"n [] 0 d 0 0 __xsize __ysize re b"}
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphDiamond
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath 0 ymark moveto xmark 0 lineto xsize ymark lineto"
+ "xmark ysize lineto closepath [] 0 setdash stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {"n [] 0 d 0 __ymark m __xmark 0 l __xsize __ymark l __xmark __ysize l s"}
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphFilledDiamond
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath 0 ymark moveto xmark 0 lineto xsize ymark lineto"
+ "xmark ysize lineto closepath gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {"n [] 0 d 0 __ymark m __xmark 0 l __xsize __ymark l __xmark __ysize l b"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphCircle
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath xmark ymark xmark 0 360 arc"
+ "[] 0 setdash stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+# draw a circle whose centre is at (xmark, ymark) and whose radius is xmark units;
+# for curveto to work, we need to calculate the control points of the Bezier curve
+# as well as move the pen to the correct initial point. The circle is drawn as two
+# arcs of 180 degrees
+# pt0 = (xmark + xmark, ymark)
+# pt1 = (xmark + xmark, ymark + 4/3 * xmark)
+# pt2 = (0, ymark + 4/3 * xmark)
+# pt3 = (0, ymark)
+# pt0 = (0, ymark)
+# pt1 = (0, ymark - 4/3 * xmark)
+# pt2 = (xmark + xmark, ymark - 4/3 * xmark)
+# pt3 = (xmark + xmark, ymark)
+ {"n [] 0 d"
+ "__mul(2, __xmark) __ymark m"
+ "__mul(2, __xmark) __add(__ymark, __div(__mul(4, __xmark), 3))" # pt1
+ "0 __add(__ymark, __div(__mul(4, __xmark), 3))" # pt2
+ "0 __ymark c" # pt3
+ "0 __sub(__ymark, __div(__mul(4, __xmark), 3))" # pt1
+ "__mul(2, __xmark) __sub(__ymark, __div(__mul(4, __xmark), 3))" # pt2
+ "__mul(2, __xmark) __ymark c S" # pt3
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphFilledCircle
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath xmark ymark xmark 0 360 arc"
+ "gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+# draw a filled circle whose centre is at (xmark, ymark) and whose radius is xmark units;
+# for curveto to work, we need to calculate the control points of the Bezier curve
+# as well as move the pen to the correct initial point. The circle is drawn as two
+# arcs of 180 degrees
+# pt0 = (xmark + xmark, ymark)
+# pt1 = (xmark + xmark, ymark + 4/3 * xmark)
+# pt2 = (0, ymark + 4/3 * xmark)
+# pt3 = (0, ymark)
+# pt0 = (0, ymark)
+# pt1 = (0, ymark - 4/3 * xmark)
+# pt2 = (xmark + xmark, ymark - 4/3 * xmark)
+# pt3 = (xmark + xmark, ymark)
+# Note: this is not a strict translation because there is a setdash bracketed by
+# gsave/grestore in the above PostScript but there is no closepath before it;
+# but in PDF, it is not possible to execute a setdash within a path definition.
+ {"n [] 0 d"
+ "__mul(2, __xmark) __ymark m"
+ "__mul(2, __xmark) __add(__ymark, __div(__mul(4, __xmark), 3))" # pt1
+ "0 __add(__ymark, __div(__mul(4, __xmark), 3))" # pt2
+ "0 __ymark c" # pt3
+ "0 __sub(__ymark, __div(__mul(4, __xmark), 3))" # pt1
+ "__mul(2, __xmark) __sub(__ymark, __div(__mul(4, __xmark), 3))" # pt2
+ "__mul(2, __xmark) __ymark c b" # pt3
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphTriangle
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xmark ysize 1.25 mul lineto"
+ "closepath [] 0 setdash stroke"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {"n [] 0 d 0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xmark __mul(__ysize, 1.25) l s"}
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphFilledTriangle
+ named symbolsize
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.15 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "newpath 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xmark ysize 1.25 mul lineto"
+ "closepath gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill"
+ }
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {"n [] 0 d 0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xmark __mul(__ysize, 1.25) l h b"}
+ @Graphic
+ {symbolsize @High symbolsize @Wide ^| symbolsize @Wide ^/ symbolsize @High}
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphNoLine
+ named dashlength { 0.2 ft }
+ named linewidth { "currentlinewidth" }
+ named length
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 1.0 ft }
+ length @Wide {}
+def @GraphSolid
+ named dashlength { 0.2 ft }
+ named linewidth { "currentlinewidth" }
+ named length
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 1.0 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "xsize 0 lgraphdict begin newpath 0 0 moveto lineto"
+ "/linewidth" linewidth "def xsize" dashlength "solid end"
+ } @Graphic { length @Wide }
+ }
+# VT: PDF does nothing
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "% @GraphSolid UNIMPLEMENTED" } @Graphic { length @Wide }
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphDashed
+ named dashlength { 0.2 ft }
+ named linewidth { "currentlinewidth" }
+ named length
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 1.0 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "xsize 0 lgraphdict begin newpath 0 0 moveto lineto"
+ "/linewidth" linewidth "def xsize" dashlength "dashed end"
+ } @Graphic { length @Wide }
+ }
+# VT: PDF does nothing
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "% @GraphDashed UNIMPLEMENTED" } @Graphic { length @Wide }
+ }
+ }
+def @GraphDotted
+ named dashlength { 0.2 ft }
+ named linewidth { "currentlinewidth" }
+ named length
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 1.0 ft }
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "xsize 0 lgraphdict begin newpath 0 0 moveto lineto"
+ "/linewidth" linewidth "def xsize" dashlength "dotted end"
+ } @Graphic { length @Wide }
+ }
+# VT: PDF does nothing
+ PDF @Yield {
+ @HContract @VContract
+ { "% @GraphDotted UNIMPLEMENTED" } @Graphic { length @Wide }
+ }
+ }
+export @Data
+def @Graph
+ named save { no }
+ named style { frame }
+ named width
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 6.0 cm }
+ named height
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 4.0 cm }
+ named xextra { "none" }
+ named yextra { "none" }
+ named xdecreasing { no }
+ named ydecreasing { no }
+ named leftcaption { }
+ named rightcaption { }
+ named abovecaption { }
+ named belowcaption { }
+ named leftgap
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 1.5 cm }
+ named rightgap
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.5 cm }
+ named abovegap
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.5 cm }
+ named belowgap
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.5 cm }
+ named hidecaptions { yes }
+ named objects
+ named @NW
+ import @GraphMath named at { 0 0 }
+ named margin
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.3 ft }
+ right x
+ { at @GraphObj adj { "xsize neg ysize" } margin { margin } x }
+ named @SW
+ import @GraphMath named at { 0 0 }
+ named margin
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.3 ft }
+ right x
+ { at @GraphObj adj { "xsize neg 0" } margin { margin } x }
+ named @SE
+ import @GraphMath named at { 0 0 }
+ named margin
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.3 ft }
+ right x
+ { at @GraphObj adj { "0 0" } margin { margin } x }
+ named @NE
+ import @GraphMath named at { 0 0 }
+ named margin
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.3 ft }
+ right x
+ { at @GraphObj adj { "0 ysize" } margin { margin } x }
+ named @W
+ import @GraphMath named at { 0 0 }
+ named margin
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.3 ft }
+ right x
+ { at @GraphObj adj { "xsize neg ysize 2 div" } margin { margin } x }
+ named @S
+ import @GraphMath named at { 0 0 }
+ named margin
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.3 ft }
+ right x
+ { at @GraphObj adj { "xsize neg 2 div 0" } margin { margin } x }
+ named @E
+ import @GraphMath named at { 0 0 }
+ named margin
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.3 ft }
+ right x
+ { at @GraphObj adj { "0 ysize 2 div" } margin { margin } x }
+ named @N
+ import @GraphMath named at { 0 0 }
+ named margin
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.3 ft }
+ right x
+ { at @GraphObj adj { "xsize neg 2 div ysize" } margin { margin } x }
+ named @CTR
+ import @GraphMath named at { 0 0 }
+ named margin
+ named cm left x { x"c" }
+ named in left x { x"i" }
+ named em left x { x"m" }
+ named pt left x { x"p" }
+ named ft left x { x"f" }
+ named sp left x { x"s" }
+ named vs left x { x"v" }
+ { 0.3 ft }
+ right x
+ { at @GraphObj adj { "xsize neg 2 div ysize 2 div" } margin {margin} x }
+ {}
+ named xorigin named none { "false" } { none }
+ named yorigin named none { "false" } { none }
+ named xlog named none { "0" } { none }
+ named ylog named none { "0" } { none }
+ named points named none { "none" } { none }
+ named pairs named none { "none" } { none }
+ named colour named none { "none" } { none }
+ named color named none { "none" } { none }
+ named paint named none { "none" } { none }
+ named xmin named none { "false" } { none }
+ named xmax named none { "false" } { none }
+ named ymin named none { "false" } { none }
+ named ymax named none { "false" } { none }
+ named xticksep named none { "0" } { none }
+ named yticksep named none { "0" } { none }
+ named rticksep named none { "0" } { none }
+ import @GraphMath named xticks
+ named none { "false" }
+ named auto { "false" }
+ named "@" { " lgen" }
+ named "^" { "^" }
+ { false }
+ import @GraphMath named yticks
+ named none { "false" }
+ named auto { "false" }
+ named "@" { " lgen" }
+ named "^" { "^" }
+ { false }
+ import @GraphMath named rticks
+ named none { "false" }
+ named auto { "false" }
+ named "@" { " lgen" }
+ named "^" { "^" }
+ { }
+ named xticklength { 0.5 ft }
+ named yticklength { 0.5 ft }
+ named rticklength { 0.5 ft }
+ named dataformat { xandy }
+ named dashlength { 0.2 ft }
+ named linewidth { "currentlinewidth" }
+ named symbolsize { 0.15 ft }
+ body @Body
+ def @Above
+ {
+ abovecaption @Case {
+ "" @Yield {}
+ else @Yield @OneCol { ||0.5rt clines @Break abovecaption || //abovegap }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Below
+ {
+ belowcaption @Case {
+ "" @Yield {}
+ else @Yield @OneCol { //belowgap ||0.5rt clines @Break belowcaption || }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Left
+ {
+ leftcaption @Case {
+ "" @Yield {}
+ else @Yield @OneCol @OneRow {
+ { //0.5rt @OneRow clines @Break leftcaption // } ^||leftgap }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Right
+ {
+ rightcaption @Case {
+ "" @Yield {}
+ else @Yield @OneCol @OneRow {
+ ||rightgap { //0.5rt @OneRow lines @Break rightcaption // } }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ZeroWidth
+ right x
+ {
+ hidecaptions @Case {
+ { No no } @Yield x
+ { Yes yes } @Yield @OneCol { ||0io x ||0io }
+ }
+ }
+ def @AddCaptions right x
+ {
+ def belowextra
+ {
+ xticks @Case {
+ "" @Yield { 0i }
+ else @Yield { 1.7f }
+ }
+ }
+ @HContract @VContract
+ {
+ | @Above |
+ / @ZeroWidth @Left | &0.5rt x | @ZeroWidth @Right
+ /belowextra | @Below |
+ }
+ }
+ export pi e sqrt abs ceiling floor truncate round cos sin atan exp log rand
+ "*" "/" idiv mod "-" "-0" "-1" "-2" "-3" "-4" "-5" "-6" "-7" "-8"
+ "-9" "-." "+" "=" "!=" "<" "<=" ">" ">=" not and xor or
+ if xloop yloop zloop
+ def @Data
+ named points named none { "none" } { points }
+ named pairs named none { "none" } { pairs }
+ named colour named none { "none" } { colour }
+ named color named none { "none" } { color }
+ named paint named none { "none" } { paint }
+ named dashlength { dashlength }
+ named linewidth { linewidth }
+ named symbolsize { symbolsize }
+ named dataformat { dataformat }
+ body data
+ {
+ def pi { "3.14159" }
+ def e { "2.71828" }
+ def sqrt precedence 40 right y { y "sqrt" }
+ def abs precedence 40 right y { y "abs" }
+ def ceiling precedence 40 right y { y "ceiling" }
+ def floor precedence 40 right y { y "floor" }
+ def truncate precedence 40 right y { y "truncate" }
+ def round precedence 40 right y { y "round" }
+ def cos precedence 40 right y { y "cos" }
+ def sin precedence 40 right y { y "sin" }
+ def atan precedence 39 left x right y { x y "atan" }
+ def exp precedence 38 left x right y { x y "exp" }
+ def log precedence 37 left x right y { x y "dolog" }
+ def rand precedence 36 left x right y { x y "dorand" }
+ def "*" precedence 35 left x right y { x y "mul" }
+ def "/" precedence 34 left x right y { x y "div" }
+ def idiv precedence 34 left x right y { x y "idiv" }
+ def mod precedence 34 left x right y { x y "mod" }
+ def "-" precedence 33 left x right y
+ { x @Case { "" @Yield {y "neg"} else @Yield { x y "sub" } } }
+ def "-0" { "-0" }
+ def "-1" { "-1" }
+ def "-2" { "-2" }
+ def "-3" { "-3" }
+ def "-4" { "-4" }
+ def "-5" { "-5" }
+ def "-6" { "-6" }
+ def "-7" { "-7" }
+ def "-8" { "-8" }
+ def "-9" { "-9" }
+ def "-." { "-." }
+ def "+" precedence 32 left x right y
+ { x @Case { "" @Yield { y } else @Yield { x y "add" } } }
+ def "=" precedence 30 left x right y { x y "eq" }
+ def "!=" precedence 30 left x right y { x y "ne" }
+ def "<" precedence 30 left x right y { x y "lt" }
+ def "<=" precedence 30 left x right y { x y "le" }
+ def ">" precedence 30 left x right y { x y "gt" }
+ def ">=" precedence 30 left x right y { x y "ge" }
+ def not precedence 25 right y { y "not" }
+ def and precedence 24 left x right y { x y "and" }
+ def xor precedence 23 left x right y { x y "xor" }
+ def or precedence 22 left x right y { x y "or" }
+ def if
+ named cond { true }
+ named then {}
+ named else {}
+ { cond "{" then "} {" else "} ifelse" }
+ def xloop
+ named from { 0 }
+ named to { 0 }
+ named by { 1 }
+ named do named x { "xval" } {}
+ { from by to "{ /xval exch def" do "} for" }
+ def yloop
+ named from { 0 }
+ named to { 0 }
+ named by { 1 }
+ named do named y { "yval" } {}
+ { from by to "{ /yval exch def" do "} for" }
+ def zloop
+ named from { 0 }
+ named to { 0 }
+ named by { 1 }
+ named do named z { "zval" } {}
+ { from by to "{ /zval exch def" do "} for" }
+ def @IfPt
+ left no
+ right yes
+ {
+ points @Case {
+ none @Yield no
+ else @Yield yes
+ }
+ }
+ def @Points
+ {
+ points @Case {
+ none @Yield ""
+ plus @Yield "plus"
+ cross @Yield "cross"
+ square @Yield "square"
+ filledsquare @Yield "filledsquare"
+ diamond @Yield "diamond"
+ filleddiamond @Yield "filleddiamond"
+ circle @Yield "circle"
+ filledcircle @Yield "filledcircle"
+ triangle @Yield "triangle"
+ filledtriangle @Yield "filledtriangle"
+ }
+ }
+ def @Pairs
+ {
+ pairs @Case {
+ none @Yield {}
+ solid @Yield { "linesetup solid" @IfPt "ilinesetup solid" }
+ dashed @Yield { "linesetup cdashed" @IfPt "ilinesetup dashed" }
+ dotted @Yield { "linesetup dotted" @IfPt "ilinesetup dotted" }
+ surfacexhisto @Yield { "surfacexhisto" }
+ surfaceyhisto @Yield { "surfaceyhisto" }
+ xhisto @Yield { "xhisto" }
+ yhisto @Yield { "yhisto" }
+ filledxhisto @Yield { "filledxhisto" }
+ filledyhisto @Yield { "filledyhisto" }
+ }
+ }
+ def @DataFormat
+ {
+ dataformat @Case {
+ xandy @Yield xandy
+ yonly @Yield yonly
+ xonly @Yield xonly
+ }
+ }
+ def @Col
+ {
+ { colour @Case { "none" @Yield color else @Yield colour } } @Case {
+ none @Yield { }
+ nochange @Yield { }
+ darkblue @Yield { 0.0 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor }
+ blue @Yield { 0.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor }
+ lightblue @Yield { 0.5 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor }
+ darkgreen @Yield { 0.0 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor }
+ green @Yield { 0.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor }
+ lightgreen @Yield { 0.5 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor }
+ darkred @Yield { 0.5 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor }
+ red @Yield { 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor }
+ lightred @Yield { 1.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor }
+ darkcyan @Yield { 0.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor }
+ cyan @Yield { 0.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor }
+ lightcyan @Yield { 0.5 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor }
+ darkmagenta @Yield { 0.5 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor }
+ magenta @Yield { 1.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor }
+ lightmagenta @Yield { 1.0 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor }
+ darkyellow @Yield { 0.5 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor }
+ yellow @Yield { 1.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor }
+ lightyellow @Yield { 1.0 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor }
+ darkgray @Yield { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor }
+ gray @Yield { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor }
+ lightgray @Yield { 0.7 0.7 0.7 setrgbcolor }
+ darkgrey @Yield { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor }
+ grey @Yield { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor }
+ lightgrey @Yield { 0.7 0.7 0.7 setrgbcolor }
+ black @Yield { 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor }
+ white @Yield { 1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Paint
+ {
+ paint @Case {
+ { none no No } @Yield "false"
+ { yes Yes } @Yield "true"
+ }
+ }
+ "[ [" data "]" dataformat
+ "{" @Points "}"
+ "{" @Pairs "}"
+ "{ /dashlength" dashlength "def"
+ " /linewidth" linewidth "def" @Col
+ " /symbolsize" symbolsize "def }"
+ "{" @Paint "}"
+ "]"
+ }
+ def @Style
+ {
+ style @Case {
+ frame @Yield { "framestyle" }
+ none @Yield { "nonestyle" }
+ axes @Yield { "axesstyle" }
+ }
+ }
+ def @XExtra
+ {
+ xextra @Case {
+ "none" @Yield {
+ style @Case {
+ frame @Yield { "0.5 cm" }
+ none @Yield { "0" }
+ axes @Yield { "0" }
+ }
+ }
+ else @Yield xextra
+ }
+ }
+ def @YExtra
+ {
+ yextra @Case {
+ "none" @Yield {
+ style @Case {
+ frame @Yield { "0.5 cm" }
+ none @Yield { "0" }
+ axes @Yield { "0" }
+ }
+ }
+ else @Yield yextra
+ }
+ }
+ def @XDecreasing
+ {
+ xdecreasing @Case {
+ { No no } @Yield "false"
+ { Yes yes } @Yield "true"
+ }
+ }
+ def @YDecreasing
+ {
+ ydecreasing @Case {
+ { No no } @Yield "false"
+ { Yes yes } @Yield "true"
+ }
+ }
+ @AddCaptions width @Wide height @High
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {
+ {
+ "grestore"
+ save @Case { { Yes yes } @Yield "save" else @Yield {} }
+ "gsave xsize ysize lgraphdict begin /ysize exch def /xsize exch def"
+ "/alldata [" @Body "] def"
+ xticksep "[" xticks "] 0 alldata" xmin xmax xlog
+ @XExtra @XDecreasing xorigin xticklength "xset"
+ yticksep "[" yticks "] 1 alldata" ymin ymax ylog
+ @YExtra @YDecreasing yorigin yticklength "yset"
+ rticks @Case {
+ "" @Yield "norset"
+ else @Yield {
+ rticksep "[" rticks "] 1 alldata" ymin ymax ylog
+ @YExtra @YDecreasing yorigin rticklength "rset"
+ }
+ }
+ "rundata" @Style // "end"
+ save @Case { { Yes yes } @Yield "restore" else @Yield {} }
+ } @Graphic { //1rt objects }
+ }
+ PDF @Yield { {"% @Graph UNIMPLEMENTED"} @Graphic { //1rt objects } }
+ }
+@End @Graph
diff --git a/include/graphf.etc b/include/graphf.etc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e3a6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/graphf.etc
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# #
+# Lout @GraphMath package for @Graph (Version 1.1) #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, December 1993. #
+# Version 1.1 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, October 1996. #
+# #
+# This package provides mathematics for the @Graph graph drawing package. #
+# #
+ "-0" "-1" "-2" "-3" "-4" "-5" "-6" "-7" "-8" "-9" "-."
+ pi e sqrt abs ceiling floor truncate round cos sin atan
+ exp log rand "*" "/" idiv mod "+" "-"
+ "=" "!=" "<" "<=" ">" ">=" not and xor or
+ if xloop yloop zloop
+def @GraphMath
+ def "-0" { "-0" }
+ def "-1" { "-1" }
+ def "-2" { "-2" }
+ def "-3" { "-3" }
+ def "-4" { "-4" }
+ def "-5" { "-5" }
+ def "-6" { "-6" }
+ def "-7" { "-7" }
+ def "-8" { "-8" }
+ def "-9" { "-9" }
+ def "-." { "-." }
+ def pi { "3.14159" }
+ def e { "2.71828" }
+ def sqrt
+ precedence 40
+ right y
+ {
+ y "sqrt"
+ }
+ def abs
+ precedence 40
+ right y
+ {
+ y "abs"
+ }
+ def ceiling
+ precedence 40
+ right y
+ {
+ y "ceiling"
+ }
+ def floor
+ precedence 40
+ right y
+ {
+ y "floor"
+ }
+ def truncate
+ precedence 40
+ right y
+ {
+ y "truncate"
+ }
+ def round
+ precedence 40
+ right y
+ {
+ y "round"
+ }
+ def cos
+ precedence 40
+ right y
+ {
+ y "cos"
+ }
+ def sin
+ precedence 40
+ right y
+ {
+ y "sin"
+ }
+ def atan
+ precedence 39
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "atan"
+ }
+ def exp
+ precedence 38
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "exp"
+ }
+ def log
+ precedence 37
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "dolog"
+ }
+ def rand
+ precedence 36
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "dorand"
+ }
+ def "*"
+ precedence 35
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "mul"
+ }
+ def "/"
+ precedence 35
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "div"
+ }
+ def "idiv"
+ precedence 34
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "idiv"
+ }
+ def "mod"
+ precedence 34
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "mod"
+ }
+ def "-"
+ precedence 33
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield { y "neg" }
+ else @Yield { x y "sub" }
+ }
+ }
+ def "+"
+ precedence 32
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield { y }
+ else @Yield { x y "add" }
+ }
+ }
+ def "="
+ precedence 30
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "eq"
+ }
+ def "!="
+ precedence 30
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ne"
+ }
+ def "<"
+ precedence 30
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "lt"
+ }
+ def "<="
+ precedence 30
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "le"
+ }
+ def ">"
+ precedence 30
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "gt"
+ }
+ def ">="
+ precedence 30
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "ge"
+ }
+ def "not"
+ precedence 25
+ right y
+ {
+ y "not"
+ }
+ def "and"
+ precedence 24
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "and"
+ }
+ def "xor"
+ precedence 23
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "xor"
+ }
+ def "or"
+ precedence 22
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x y "or"
+ }
+ def if
+ named cond { true }
+ named then {}
+ named else {}
+ {
+ cond "{" then "} {" else "} ifelse"
+ }
+ def xloop
+ named from { 0 }
+ named to { 0 }
+ named by { 1 }
+ named do named x { "xval" } {}
+ {
+ from by to "{ /xval exch def" do "} for"
+ }
+ def yloop
+ named from { 0 }
+ named to { 0 }
+ named by { 1 }
+ named do named y { "yval" } {}
+ {
+ from by to "{ /yval exch def" do "} for"
+ }
+ def zloop
+ named from { 0 }
+ named to { 0 }
+ named by { 1 }
+ named do named z { "zval" } {}
+ {
+ from by to "{ /zval exch def" do "} for"
+ }
diff --git a/include/graphf.lpg b/include/graphf.lpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60447f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/graphf.lpg
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutGraphPrependGraphic
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Graph (Version 1.0) %
+% %
+% Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, December 1993. %
+% %
+errordict begin
+ /handleerror
+ {
+ { /Times-Roman findfont 8 pt scalefont setfont
+ 0 setgray 4 pt 4 pt moveto
+ $error /errorname get
+ dup lgraphdict exch known
+ { lgraphdict exch get }
+ { 30 string cvs } ifelse
+ show
+ ( Command: ) show
+ $error /command get 30 string cvs show
+ } stopped {} if
+ showpage stop
+ } def
+/lgraphdict 200 dict def
+lgraphdict begin
+% error messages
+/dictfull (dictfull error) def
+/dictstackoverflow (dictstackoverflow error) def
+/execstackoverflow (execstackoverflow error: expression too complex?) def
+/limitcheck (limitcheck error: graph too complex or too large?) def
+/syntaxerror (syntaxerror error: syntax error in text of graph?) def
+/typecheck (typecheck error: syntax error in text of graph?) def
+/undefined (undefined error: unknown or misspelt symbol?) def
+/rangecheck (rangecheck error: undefined expression (e.g. divide by zero)?) def
+/VMError (VMError error: run out of memory?) def
+% random number between x and y inclusive: x y dorand num
+/dorand { 1 index sub 1 add rand exch mod add } def
+% log to given base: base num dolog num
+/dolog { ln exch ln div } def
+% maximum of two numbers: <num> <num> max <num>
+/max { 2 copy gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse } def
+% add two points: <point> <point> padd <point>
+/padd { exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch } def
+% subtract first point from second: <point> <point> psub <point>
+/psub { 3 2 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub exch } def
+% distance between two points: <point> <point> distance <length>
+/distance { psub dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } def
+% point at angle and distance: <point> <length> <angle> atangle <point>
+/atangle { 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul padd } def
+% angle from one point to another: <point> <point> angle <angle>
+/angle { psub 2 copy 0 eq exch 0 eq and {pop} {exch atan} ifelse } def
+% set up for line
+% - linesetup <length> <dashlength>
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint xprev yprev trpoint
+ 4 copy moveto lineto distance dashlength
+} def
+% set up for icon-avoiding line
+% - ilinesetup <length> <dashlength>
+{ newpath
+ xprev yprev trpoint xcurr ycurr trpoint 4 copy
+ 4 copy angle symbolsize 1.5 mul exch 4 2 roll pop pop atangle
+ 6 2 roll 4 2 roll
+ 4 copy angle symbolsize 1.5 mul exch 4 2 roll pop pop atangle
+ 4 copy moveto lineto distance dashlength
+} def
+% stroke a solid line: <length> <dashlength> solid -
+{ pop pop [] 0 setdash linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a dashed line: <length> <dashlength> dashed -
+{ 2 copy 2 mul le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt max [ exch dup ] 0 setdash }
+ { dup [ exch 4 2 roll 2 copy div
+ 1 sub 2 div ceiling dup 4 1 roll
+ 1 add mul sub exch div ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a cdashed line: <length> <dashlength> cdashed -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt max [ exch dup ] dup 0 get 2 div setdash }
+ { dup [ 4 2 roll exch 2 copy exch div
+ 2 div ceiling div 1 index sub
+ ] exch 2 div setdash
+ } ifelse linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a dotted line: <length> <dashlength> dotted -
+{ 2 copy le 1 index 0 le or
+ { exch pop 1 pt max [ exch 0 exch ] 0 setdash }
+ { 1 index exch div ceiling div 0.99999 mul
+ [ 0 3 2 roll ] 0 setdash
+ } ifelse gsave 1 setlinecap linewidth setlinewidth stroke grestore newpath
+} def
+% stroke a noline line: <length> <dashlength> noline -
+{ pop pop
+} def
+% stroke a y histogram: - yhisto -
+{ xprev yleft trpoint yextra sub moveto
+ xprev yprev trpoint lineto
+ xcurr yprev trpoint lineto
+ xcurr yleft trpoint yextra sub lineto
+ linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke an x histogram: - xhisto -
+{ xleft yprev trpoint exch xextra sub exch moveto
+ xcurr yprev trpoint lineto
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint lineto
+ xleft ycurr trpoint exch xextra sub exch lineto
+ linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a surface y histogram: - surfaceyhisto -
+{ firstpair
+ { xprev yleft trpoint yextra sub moveto
+ xprev yprev trpoint lineto
+ }
+ { xprev yprev trpoint moveto
+ } ifelse
+ xcurr yprev trpoint lineto
+ lastpair
+ { xcurr yleft trpoint yextra sub lineto
+ }
+ { xcurr ycurr trpoint lineto
+ } ifelse
+ linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a surface x histogram: - surfacexhisto -
+{ firstpair
+ { xleft yprev trpoint exch xextra sub exch moveto
+ }
+ { xprev yprev trpoint moveto
+ } ifelse
+ xcurr yprev trpoint lineto
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint lineto
+ lastpair
+ { xleft ycurr trpoint exch xextra sub exch lineto
+ } if
+ linewidth setlinewidth stroke
+} def
+% stroke a filled y histogram: - filledyhisto -
+ linewidth setlinewidth
+ xprev yleft trpoint exch currentlinewidth 2 div add exch yextra sub moveto
+ xprev yprev trpoint exch currentlinewidth 2 div add exch lineto
+ xcurr yprev trpoint exch currentlinewidth 2 div sub exch lineto
+ xcurr yleft trpoint exch currentlinewidth 2 div sub exch yextra sub lineto
+ closepath fill
+} def
+% stroke a filled x histogram: - filledxhisto -
+ linewidth setlinewidth
+ xleft yprev trpoint currentlinewidth 2 div add exch xextra sub exch moveto
+ xcurr yprev trpoint currentlinewidth 2 div add lineto
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint currentlinewidth 2 div sub lineto
+ xleft ycurr trpoint currentlinewidth 2 div sub exch xextra sub exch lineto
+ closepath fill
+} def
+% cross: show a small cross
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize neg rmoveto
+ symbolsize 2 mul symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ 0 symbolsize -2 mul rmoveto
+ symbolsize -2 mul symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% plus: show a small plus
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg 0 rmoveto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize neg rmoveto
+ 0 symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% square: show a small square
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize neg rmoveto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ 0 symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ symbolsize -2 mul 0 rlineto
+ closepath [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% filledsquare: show a small filled square
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize neg rmoveto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ 0 symbolsize 2 mul rlineto
+ symbolsize -2 mul 0 rlineto
+ closepath gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill
+} def
+% diamond: show a small diamond
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg 0 rmoveto
+ symbolsize symbolsize neg rlineto
+ symbolsize symbolsize rlineto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize rlineto
+ closepath [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% filleddiamond: show a small filled diamond
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ symbolsize neg 0 rmoveto
+ symbolsize symbolsize neg rlineto
+ symbolsize symbolsize rlineto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize rlineto
+ closepath gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill
+} def
+% circle: show a small circle
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint symbolsize 0 360 arc [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% filledcircle: show a small filled circle
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint symbolsize 0 360 arc gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill
+} def
+% triangle: show a small triangle
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ 0 symbolsize 1.5 mul rmoveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize -2.5 mul rlineto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ closepath [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% filledtriangle: show a small filled triangle
+{ newpath
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint moveto
+ 0 symbolsize 1.5 mul rmoveto
+ symbolsize neg symbolsize -2.5 mul rlineto
+ symbolsize 2 mul 0 rlineto
+ closepath gsave [] 0 setdash stroke grestore fill
+} def
+%plog: like log only with a base, and protected from failing if <= 0
+% base x plog res
+/plog { dup 0 le { pop pop 0 } { ln exch ln div } ifelse } def
+% xtr: transform one x value logarithmically if xlog > 1
+% <num> xtr <num>
+{ xlog 1 gt
+ { xlog exch plog
+ } if
+} def
+% ytr: transform one y value logarithmically if ylog > 1
+% <num> ytr <num>
+{ ylog 1 gt
+ { ylog exch plog
+ } if
+} def
+% % trpoint: transform (x, y) in graph space into (x', y') in print space
+% % x y trpoint x' y'
+% /trpoint
+% { exch xtr trxmin sub trxmax trxmin sub div xwidth mul xextra add
+% exch ytr trymin sub trymax trymin sub div ywidth mul yextra add
+% } def
+% trpoint: transform (x, y) in graph space into (x', y') in print space
+% x y trpoint x' y'
+{ exch xtr xdecr { trxmax exch sub } { trxmin sub } ifelse
+ trxmax trxmin sub div xwidth mul xextra add
+ exch ytr ydecr { trymax exch sub } { trymin sub } ifelse
+ trymax trymin sub div ywidth mul yextra add
+} def
+% yonly: interpolate x values 1, 2, ... into data
+% [ data ] yonly [ newdata ]
+{ dup /tmp exch def
+ length [ exch 1 exch 1 exch
+ { dup tmp exch 1 sub get
+ } for
+ ]
+} def
+% xonly: interpolate y values 1, 2, ... into data
+% [ data ] yonly [ newdata ]
+{ dup /tmp exch def
+ length [ exch 1 exch 1 exch
+ { dup tmp exch 1 sub get exch
+ } for
+ ]
+} def
+% xandy: no interpolation of x or y values
+% [ data ] xandy [ data ]
+/xandy {} def
+% expstringwidth: calculate width of string containing optional exponent
+% <string> expstringwidth <width>
+{ (^) search
+ { exch pop stringwidth pop exch stringwidth pop 0.7 mul add }
+ { stringwidth pop }
+ ifelse
+} def
+% expstringshow: show string containing optional exponent
+% <string> expstringshow -
+{ (^) search
+ { exch pop show 0 0.5 ft rmoveto
+ gsave currentfont 0.7 scalefont setfont show grestore
+ }
+ { show
+ }
+ ifelse
+} def
+% concatenate two strings: <string> <string> strconcat <string>
+{ 2 copy length exch length add string
+ dup 0 4 index putinterval
+ dup 3 index length 3 index putinterval
+ 3 1 roll pop pop
+} def
+% lgen: generate one label automatically
+% num lgen num string
+/lgen { dup 20 string cvs } def
+% loglgen: generate one logarithmic label (with exponent)
+% <base> <exponent> loglgen <string>
+{ 20 string cvs exch 20 string cvs
+ (^) strconcat exch strconcat
+} def
+% printxtick: print one x tick
+% xpos printxtick -
+{ newpath
+ yleft trpoint moveto 0 yextra neg rmoveto
+ 0 xticklength neg rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printxlabel: print one x label
+% (xlabel) xpos printxlabel -
+{ yleft trpoint moveto 0 yextra neg rmoveto
+ 0 xticklength neg rmoveto 0 0.9 ft neg rmoveto
+ xlog 1 gt { 0 0.3 ft neg rmoveto } if
+ dup expstringwidth -2 div 0 rmoveto expstringshow
+} def
+% printytick: print one y tick
+% ypos printytick -
+{ newpath
+ xleft exch trpoint moveto xextra neg 0 rmoveto
+ yticklength neg 0 rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printylabel: print one y label
+% (ylabel) ypos printylabel -
+{ xleft exch trpoint moveto xextra neg 0 rmoveto
+ yticklength neg 0 rmoveto -0.3 ft -0.3 ft rmoveto
+ dup expstringwidth neg 0 rmoveto expstringshow
+} def
+% printrtick: print one r tick
+% ypos printrtick -
+{ newpath
+ xright exch trpoint moveto xextra 0 rmoveto
+ rticklength 0 rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printrlabel: print one r label
+% (rlabel) ypos printrlabel -
+{ xright exch trpoint moveto xextra 0 rmoveto
+ rticklength 0 rmoveto 0.3 ft -0.3 ft rmoveto
+ expstringshow
+} def
+% printticks: print ticks and labels
+% /tickproc /labelproc [ tickandlabeldata ] min printticks -
+{ /prev exch def
+ { dup type dup dup /integertype eq exch /realtype eq or
+ { pop dup /prev exch def 2 index cvx exec
+ }
+ { /stringtype eq
+ { prev 2 index cvx exec
+ }
+ { pop
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } forall
+ pop pop
+} def
+% printxaxistick: print one x axis tick
+% xpos printxaxistick -
+{ newpath
+ yaxis trpoint moveto 0 xticklength -2 div rmoveto
+ 0 xticklength rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printxaxislabel: print one x axis label
+% (xlabel) xpos printxaxislabel -
+{ yaxis trpoint moveto
+ 0 xticklength -2 div rmoveto 0 0.9 ft neg rmoveto
+ xlog 1 gt { 0 0.3 ft neg rmoveto } if
+ dup expstringwidth -2 div 0 rmoveto expstringshow
+} def
+% printyaxistick: print one y axis tick
+% ypos printyaxistick -
+{ newpath
+ xaxis exch trpoint moveto
+ yticklength -2 div 0 rmoveto
+ yticklength 0 rlineto [] 0 setdash stroke
+} def
+% printyaxislabel: print one y axis label
+% (ylabel) ypos printyaxislabel -
+{ xaxis exch trpoint moveto
+ yticklength -2 div 0 rmoveto -0.3 ft -0.3 ft rmoveto
+ dup expstringwidth neg 0 rmoveto expstringshow
+} def
+% <val> minmax -
+% perform minv := min(minv, val); maxv := max(maxv, val)
+% allowing for the possibility of minv, maxv, val being false (undefined)
+{ dup false eq
+ { pop }
+ { minv false eq
+ { dup /minv exch def /maxv exch def }
+ { dup minv lt
+ { /minv exch def }
+ { dup maxv gt
+ { /maxv exch def }
+ { pop }
+ ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% <ticks> ticksundef <ticks> <bool>
+% returns true iff the ticks array is undefined (one false entry)
+{ dup length 1 eq
+ { dup 0 get false eq
+ }
+ { false }
+ ifelse
+} def
+% <number> integral <boolean>
+% true if the number has an integral value
+/integral { dup round eq } def
+% ticksep ticks xory alldata minval maxval axis base ticksandlimits ticks min max base
+% ticksandlimits: sort out value of x or y ticks and limits and log base
+{ /base exch def
+ /minv false def
+ /maxv false def
+ % min and max of user-supplied minval, maxval, and axis
+ minmax minmax minmax
+ % min and max of data points
+ { 0 get dup dup length 1 sub 3 index exch 2 exch
+ { get minmax dup
+ } for pop pop
+ } forall
+ pop dup
+ % min and max of tick values
+ { dup type /stringtype eq
+ { pop } { minmax } ifelse
+ } forall
+ % fix minv and maxv if undefined (false) or equal
+ minv false eq
+ { /minv -1 def /maxv 1 def }
+ { minv maxv eq
+ { minv 0 lt
+ { /minv 2 minv mul def /maxv 0 def
+ }
+ { minv 0 eq
+ { /minv -1 def /maxv 1 def
+ }
+ { /minv 0 def /maxv 2 maxv mul def
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } if
+ } ifelse
+ % invent ticks if undefined
+ ticksundef
+ { pop /ticksep exch def
+ % if base is reasonable and minv is positive, logarithmic ticks
+ base 1 gt minv 0 gt and
+ {
+ % get integral log of minv and maxv
+ /logminv base minv plog floor cvi def
+ /logmaxv base maxv plog ceiling cvi def
+ % if minv close to base, make it 1; reset minv and maxv
+ logminv 1 eq logmaxv 4 ge and { /logminv 0 def } if
+ /minv base logminv exp def
+ /maxv base logmaxv exp def
+ % ticks := [ base**logminv, ... , base**logmaxv ]
+ [ logminv 1 logmaxv
+ { dup base exch exp
+ exch base exch loglgen
+ } for
+ ]
+ }
+ { % non-logarithmic ticks
+ {
+ % fix tick separation if undefined (0) or too small
+ /base 0 def
+ /delta maxv minv sub def
+ ticksep delta 30 div le
+ { /ticksep 10 delta log 1 sub ceiling exp def
+ ticksep delta 2 div ge
+ { /ticksep ticksep 2 div def }
+ { ticksep delta 5 div lt
+ { /ticksep 2 ticksep mul def
+ } if
+ } ifelse
+ } if
+ % adjust minv and maxv to be multiples of ticksep
+ /minv minv ticksep div floor ticksep mul def
+ /maxv maxv ticksep div ceiling ticksep mul def
+ /delta maxv minv sub def
+ % if minv or maxv near zero, move to zero and redo
+ minv ticksep eq
+ { /minv 0 def }
+ { maxv ticksep neg eq { /maxv 0 def } { exit } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } loop
+ % if minv, maxv, and ticksep are all integral, set "makeint" to true
+ /makeint minv integral maxv integral ticksep integral and and def
+ % ticks := [ minv, minv+ticksep, ... , maxv ]
+ [ 0 1 delta ticksep div round
+ { ticksep mul minv add makeint { cvi } if lgen }
+ for
+ ]
+ } ifelse
+ }
+ { exch pop
+ } ifelse
+ minv maxv base
+} def
+% xset: set up all data for x axis, including limits and ticks
+% xticksep xticks 0 alldata xmin xmax xlog xextra xdecr xaxis xticklength xset -
+{ /xticklength exch def
+ /xaxis exch def
+ /xdecr exch def
+ /xextra exch def
+ xaxis exch ticksandlimits
+ /xlog exch def /xmax exch def /xmin exch def /xticks exch def
+ /xleft xdecr { xmax } { xmin } ifelse def
+ /xright xdecr { xmin } { xmax } ifelse def
+ /xwidth xsize xextra 2 mul sub def
+ /trxmin xmin xtr def /trxmax xmax xtr def
+} def
+% yset: set up all data for y axis, including limits and yticks
+% yticksep yticks 0 alldata ymin ymax ylog yextra ydecr yaxis yticklength yset -
+{ /yticklength exch def
+ /yaxis exch def
+ /ydecr exch def
+ /yextra exch def
+ yaxis exch ticksandlimits
+ /ylog exch def /ymax exch def /ymin exch def /yticks exch def
+ /yleft ydecr { ymax } { ymin } ifelse def
+ /yright ydecr { ymin } { ymax } ifelse def
+ /ywidth ysize yextra 2 mul sub def
+ /trymin ymin ytr def /trymax ymax ytr def
+} def
+% rset: set up all data for y axis (again), but including limits and rticks
+% rticksep rticks 0 alldata ymin ymax ylog yextra ydecr yaxis rticklength rset -
+{ /rticklength exch def
+ /yaxis exch def
+ /ydecr exch def
+ /yextra exch def
+ yaxis exch ticksandlimits
+ /ylog exch def /ymax exch def /ymin exch def /rticks exch def
+ /yleft ydecr { ymax } { ymin } ifelse def
+ /yright ydecr { ymin } { ymax } ifelse def
+ /ywidth ysize yextra 2 mul sub def
+ /trymin ymin ytr def /trymax ymax ytr def
+} def
+% norset: set up data for no rticks
+% - norset -
+{ /rticklength 0 def
+ /rticks [] def
+} def
+% framestyle: print a frame around the graph
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto
+ 0 ysize lineto closepath stroke
+ /printxtick /printxlabel xticks xleft printticks
+ /printytick /printylabel yticks ymin printticks
+ /printrtick /printrlabel rticks ymin printticks
+} def
+% nonestyle: print nothing around the graph
+} def
+% axesstyle: print axes for the graph (unless axis values missing)
+ xaxis false eq yaxis false eq or
+ { framestyle }
+ { xaxis yaxis trpoint dup 0 exch moveto xsize exch lineto
+ dup 0 moveto ysize lineto stroke
+ /printxaxistick /printxaxislabel xticks xleft printticks
+ /printyaxistick /printyaxislabel yticks ymin printticks
+ } ifelse
+} def
+% rundata: run all data sets
+{ alldata
+ { gsave
+ dup dup dup dup
+ 4 get /dopaint exch def
+ 3 get /initrun exch def
+ 2 get /pairs exch def
+ 1 get /points exch def
+ 0 get /data exch def
+ dopaint
+ { data length 4 ge
+ { initrun
+ newpath
+ data 0 get ymin trpoint yextra sub moveto
+ 0 2 data length 2 sub
+ { dup 1 add
+ data exch get /ycurr exch def
+ data exch get /xcurr exch def
+ xcurr ycurr trpoint lineto
+ } for
+ data dup length 2 sub get ymin trpoint yextra sub lineto
+ closepath fill
+ } if
+ } if
+ initrun
+ data length 2 ge
+ {
+ /xcurr data 0 get def
+ /ycurr data 1 get def
+ points
+ data length 4 ge
+ { 2 2 data length 2 sub
+ { /xprev xcurr def
+ /yprev ycurr def
+ dup dup 2 eq /firstpair exch def
+ data length 2 sub eq /lastpair exch def
+ dup 1 add
+ data exch get /ycurr exch def
+ data exch get /xcurr exch def
+ pairs
+ points
+ } for
+ } if
+ } if
+ grestore
+ } forall
+} def
diff --git a/include/init b/include/init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2718c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/init
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# #
+# init #
+# #
+# Lout file for initializing run. #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 21 September 1994 #
+# #
+@SysInclude { fontdefs } # font definitions
+@SysInclude { langdefs } # language definitions
+@SysInclude { bsf } # BasicSetup package
+@SysInclude { dsf } # DocumentSetup package
+ # including standard.ld
+def @TeX
+ @OneCol { T &0.4fo {-0.2f @VShift E} &0.45fo X }
+def @LaTeX
+ @OneCol { L &0.3fo { +0.1f @VShift 0.8f @Font A } &0.4fo @TeX }
+@Use { @BasicSetup }
+@Use { @DocumentSetup }
+@SysDatabase @Reference { loutrefs } # references about Lout
+@SysDatabase @Reference { oldrefs } # old references about Lout
+@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } # reference printing styles
diff --git a/include/langdefs b/include/langdefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec3ac3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/langdefs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+langdef Czech Cesky Cestina { czech . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Danish Dansk { danish . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Dutch Nederlands { dutch . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef English { english . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef EnglishUK { engluk . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Finnish Suomi { finnish . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef French Francais "Fran\347ais" { french }
+langdef German Deutsch { german . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Hungarian Magyar { - . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Italian Italiano { italian . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Norwegian Norsk { norweg . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Polish Polski { polish . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Russian "\362\325\323\323\313\311\312" { russian . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Slovenian Slovenia Slovenija { slovenia . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Spanish "Espa\361ol" { spanish . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Swedish Svenska { swedish . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
diff --git a/include/latin2 b/include/latin2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35ddf2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/latin2
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# #
+# latin2 #
+# #
+# This file includes everything you need for Latin2. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { latin2.fd }
diff --git a/include/latin2.fd b/include/latin2.fd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bc648b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/latin2.fd
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# #
+# Latin2 Font definitions. Use a very wide window to see them clearly. #
+# #
+# Lout font Lout font PostScript PostScript font metrics Lout character Recode/ #
+# family name face name font name (formerly .AFM) file name mapping file NoRecode #
+# #
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Base { AvantGarde-Medium AG-Md LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Slope { AvantGarde-MediumObl AG-MdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Bold { AvantGarde-Bold AG-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE BoldSlope { AvantGarde-BoldObl AG-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Bold { AvantGarde-Bold AG-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE BoldObl { AvantGarde-BoldObl AG-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Book { AvantGarde-Book AG-Bk LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE BookOblique { AvantGarde-BookOblique AG-BkO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE CondBold { AvantGarde-CondBold AG-CnBd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE CondBook { AvantGarde-CondBook AG-CnBk LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE CondDemi { AvantGarde-CondDemi AG-CnDm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE CondMedium { AvantGarde-CondMedium AG-CnMd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Demi { AvantGarde-Demi AG-Dm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE DemiOblique { AvantGarde-DemiOblique AG-DmO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE ExtraLight { AvantGarde-ExtraLight AG-ExLt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE ExtraLightObl { AvantGarde-ExtraLightObl AG-ExLtO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE Medium { AvantGarde-Medium AG-Md LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef AvantGardeCE MediumObl { AvantGarde-MediumObl AG-MdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Base { Bookman-Medium Bk-Md LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Slope { Bookman-MediumItalic Bk-MdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Bold { Bookman-Bold Bk-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE BoldSlope { Bookman-BoldItalic Bk-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Bold { Bookman-Bold Bk-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE BoldItalic { Bookman-BoldItalic Bk-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Demi { Bookman-Demi Bk-Dm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE DemiItalic { Bookman-DemiItalic Bk-DmIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Light { Bookman-Light Bk-Lt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE LightItalic { Bookman-LightItalic Bk-LtIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE Medium { Bookman-Medium Bk-Md LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef BookmanCE MediumItalic { Bookman-MediumItalic Bk-MdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Base { Courier Cr LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Slope { Courier-Oblique Cr-O LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Bold { Courier-Bold Cr-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE BoldSlope { Courier-BoldOblique Cr-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Base { Courier Cr LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Bold { Courier-Bold Cr-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE BoldOblique { Courier-BoldOblique Cr-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef CourierCE Oblique { Courier-Oblique Cr-O LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Base { Helvetica He LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Slope { Helvetica-Oblique He-O LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Bold { Helvetica-Bold He-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE BoldSlope { Helvetica-BoldOblique He-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Base { Helvetica He LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Black { Helvetica-Black He-Bl LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE BlackOblique { Helvetica-BlackOblique He-BlO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Bold { Helvetica-Bold He-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE BoldOblique { Helvetica-BoldOblique He-BdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Compressed { Helvetica-Compressed He-Cm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Cond { Helvetica-Condensed He-Cn LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondBlack { Helvetica-Condensed-Black He-CnBl LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondBlackObl { Helvetica-Condensed-BlackObl He-CnBlO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondBold { Helvetica-Condensed-Bold He-CnBd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondBoldObl { Helvetica-Condensed-BoldObl He-CnBdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondLight { Helvetica-Condensed-Light He-CnLi LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondLightObl { Helvetica-Condensed-LightObl He-CnLiO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE CondOblique { Helvetica-Condensed-Oblique He-CnO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE ExtraCompressed { Helvetica-ExtraCompressed He-ExtC LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Light { Helvetica-Light He-Lt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE LightOblique { Helvetica-LightOblique He-LtO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Narrow { Helvetica-Narrow He-Nr LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE NarrowBold { Helvetica-Narrow-Bold He-NrBd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE NarrowBoldObl { Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique He-NrBdO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE NarrowObl { Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique He-NrO LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE Oblique { Helvetica-Oblique He-O LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef HelveticaCE UltraCompressed { Helvetica-UltraCompressed He-UlCm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Base { NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NCS-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Slope { NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NCS-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Bold { NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NCS-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE BoldSlope { NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NCS-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Bold { NewCenturySchlbk-Bold NCS-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE BoldItalic { NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic NCS-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Italic { NewCenturySchlbk-Italic NCS-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef SchoolbookCE Roman { NewCenturySchlbk-Roman NCS-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Base { Palatino-Roman Pa-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Slope { Palatino-Italic Pa-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Bold { Palatino-Bold Pa-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE BoldSlope { Palatino-BoldItalic Pa-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Bold { Palatino-Bold Pa-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE BoldItalic { Palatino-BoldItalic Pa-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE BoldItalicOsF { Palatino-BoldItalicOsF Pa-BdItF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE BoldOsF { Palatino-BoldOsF Pa-BdF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Italic { Palatino-Italic Pa-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE ItalicOsF { Palatino-ItalicOsF Pa-ItF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE Roman { Palatino-Roman Pa-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef PalatinoCE SC { Palatino-SC Pa-SC LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Base { Times-Roman Ti-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Slope { Times-Italic Ti-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Bold { Times-Bold Ti-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE BoldSlope { Times-BoldItalic Ti-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Bold { Times-Bold Ti-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE BoldItalic { Times-BoldItalic Ti-BdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE BoldItalicOsF { Times-BoldItalicOsF Ti-BdItF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE BoldSC { Times-BoldSC Ti-BdSC LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE ExtraBold { Times-ExtraBold Ti-ExBd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Italic { Times-Italic Ti-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE ItalicOsF { Times-ItalicOsF Ti-ItF LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Roman { Times-Roman Ti-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE RomanSC { Times-RomanSC Ti-RmSC LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE Semibold { Times-Semibold Ti-Sm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef TimesCE SemiboldItalic { Times-SemiboldItalic Ti-SmIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Base { ZapfChancery-Roman ZC-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Slope { ZapfChancery-Italic ZC-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Bold { ZapfChancery-Bold ZC-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE BoldSlope { ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZC-MdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Roman { ZapfChancery-Roman ZC-Rm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Bold { ZapfChancery-Bold ZC-Bd LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Italic { ZapfChancery-Italic ZC-It LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Light { ZapfChancery-Light ZC-Lt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE Demi { ZapfChancery-Demi ZC-Dm LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE LightItalic { ZapfChancery-LightItalic ZC-LtIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
+fontdef ChanceryCE MediumItalic { ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ZC-MdIt LtLatin2.LCM Recode }
diff --git a/include/modula b/include/modula
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f84ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/modula
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for Modula-2 program printing #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# The @SysInclude { modulaf } line #
+# #
+# This line causes Lout to read the definitions for Modula-2, and should #
+# not be touched. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { modulaf }
+# #
+# This package does not offer the ability to change default options. #
+# #
diff --git a/include/modulaf b/include/modulaf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f1221d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/modulaf
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# #
+# Lout @Modula package for formatting Modula-2 programs (Version 1.0) #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, September 1993. #
+# #
+# This package implements the complete Modula-2 language (in a style which #
+# claims only to reflect its author's taste) with the following caveats: #
+# #
+# * The symbol { must be given as lbrace #
+# #
+# * The symbol } must be given as rbrace #
+# #
+# * The symbol # must be given as numbersign #
+# #
+# * Double quotes are used by Lout to delimit literal strings, so they #
+# need to be quoted (Modula-2 allows single quoted strings wherever #
+# double quoted strings can go; we recommend these be used) #
+# #
+# * Literal strings should be enclosed in double quotes #
+# #
+# * The symbols B, H, C, and E as used in numeric literals will appear #
+# in italic font #
+# #
+export "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"
+ "*" "/" "~" "+" "-" "=" "<>" ">" ">=" "<" "<=" "("
+ ")" "[" "]" "," ";" "." ":" "..." ".." "|" "^" ":=" "'" "`"
+ "&"
+ lbrace rbrace numbersign
+def @Modula
+ body @Body
+ def @R right x { Base @Font x }
+ def @B right x { Bold @Font x }
+ def @S right x { { Symbol Base } @Font x }
+ def "0" { @R "0" }
+ def "1" { @R "1" }
+ def "2" { @R "2" }
+ def "3" { @R "3" }
+ def "4" { @R "4" }
+ def "5" { @R "5" }
+ def "6" { @R "6" }
+ def "7" { @R "7" }
+ def "8" { @R "8" }
+ def "9" { @R "9" }
+ def "*" { @S @Char "asteriskmath" }
+ def "/" { @R @Char "fraction" }
+ def "~" { @R "~" }
+ def "+" { @S "+" }
+ def "-" { @S "-" }
+ def "=" { @S @Char "equal" }
+ def "<>" { @S @Char "notequal" }
+ def ">" { @S @Char "greater" }
+ def ">=" { @S @Char "greaterequal" }
+ def "<" { @S @Char "less" }
+ def "<=" { @S @Char "lessequal" }
+ def "(" { @R "(" }
+ def ")" { @R ")" }
+ def "[" { @R "[" }
+ def "]" { @R "]" }
+ def "," { @R "," }
+ def ";" { @R ";" }
+ def "." { @R "." }
+ def ":" { @R ":" }
+ def ".." { @R ".." &0.1f }
+ def "..." { @R "..." }
+ def "|" { @R "|" }
+ def "^" { @S 0.8f @Font @Char "arrowup" }
+ def ":=" { :{//0.03fo =} }
+ def "'" { @R "'" }
+ def "`" { @R "`" }
+ def "&" { @R "&" }
+ def lbrace { @R "{" }
+ def rbrace { @R "}" }
+ def numbersign { @R "#" }
+ def AND { @B "and" }
+ def ARRAY { @B "array" }
+ def BEGIN { @B "begin" }
+ def BY { @B "by" }
+ def CASE { @B "case" }
+ def CONST { @B "const" }
+ def DEFINITION { @B "definition" }
+ def DIV { @B "div" }
+ def DO { @B "do" }
+ def ELSE { @B "else" }
+ def ELSIF { @B "elsif" }
+ def END { @B "end" }
+ def EXPORT { @B "export" }
+ def EXIT { @B "exit" }
+ def FOR { @B "for" }
+ def FROM { @B "from" }
+ def IF { @B "if" }
+ def IMPLEMENTATION { @B "implementation" }
+ def IMPORT { @B "import" }
+ def IN { @B "in" }
+ def LOOP { @B "loop" }
+ def MOD { @B "mod" }
+ def MODULE { @B "module" }
+ def NOT { @B "not" }
+ def OF { @B "of" }
+ def OR { @B "or" }
+ def POINTER { @B "pointer" }
+ def PROCEDURE { @B "procedure" }
+ def QUALIFIED { @B "qualified" }
+ def RECORD { @B "record" }
+ def REPEAT { @B "repeat" }
+ def RETURN { @B "return" }
+ def SET { @B "set" }
+ def TO { @B "to" }
+ def THEN { @B "then" }
+ def TYPE { @B "type" }
+ def UNTIL { @B "until" }
+ def VAR { @B "var" }
+ def WHILE { @B "while" }
+ def WITH { @B "with" }
+ def @Com right x { @R "{" x @R "}" }
+ Slope @Font lines @Break @Body
+@End @Modula
diff --git a/include/mydefs b/include/mydefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b7ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/mydefs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# #
+# mydefs #
+# #
+# This empty Lout file is a placeholder which is read by the standard setup #
+# files when there is no mydefs file in the user's current directory. #
+# #
diff --git a/include/pas b/include/pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b62b24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/pas
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for Pascal program printing #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# The @SysInclude { pasf } line #
+# #
+# This line causes Lout to read the definitions for Pascal, and should #
+# not be touched. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { pasf }
+# #
+# This package does not offer default options that can be changed. #
+# #
diff --git a/include/pasf b/include/pasf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84dba18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/pasf
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# #
+# Lout @Pas package for formatting Pascal programs (Version 2.0) #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, June 1991. #
+# Version 2.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 22 December 1992. #
+# #
+# See "Eq - a Lout package for typesetting mathematics" for user #
+# information. #
+# #
+# Reference: Jensen, K. and Wirth, N. Pascal User Manual and Report. #
+# Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1975. #
+# #
+export "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"
+ "." "," ":" ";" "'" "`" "+" "-" "*" "/" "(" ")"
+ "[" "]" "^" ".." "=" "<" ">" "<>" "<=" ">=" ":="
+ and array begin case const div do downto else end
+ file for forward function goto if in label mod nil not
+ of or otherwise packed procedure program record repeat
+ set then to type until var while with @Com
+def @Pas
+ body @Body
+ def @R right x { Base @Font x }
+ def @B right x { Bold @Font x }
+ def @S right x { { Symbol Base } @Font x }
+ def "0" { @R "0" }
+ def "1" { @R "1" }
+ def "2" { @R "2" }
+ def "3" { @R "3" }
+ def "4" { @R "4" }
+ def "5" { @R "5" }
+ def "6" { @R "6" }
+ def "7" { @R "7" }
+ def "8" { @R "8" }
+ def "9" { @R "9" }
+ def "." { @R "." }
+ def "," { @R "," }
+ def ":" { @R ":" }
+ def ";" { @R ";" }
+ def "'" { @R "'" }
+ def "`" { @R "`" }
+ def "+" { @S "+" }
+ def "-" { @S "-" }
+ def "*" { @S @Char "asteriskmath" }
+ def "/" { @R @Char "fraction" }
+ def "(" { @R "(" }
+ def ")" { @R ")" }
+ def "[" { @R "[" }
+ def "]" { @R "]" }
+ def "^" { @S 0.8f @Font @Char "arrowup" }
+ def ".." { @R ".." &0.1f }
+ def "=" { @S @Char "equal" }
+ def "<" { @S @Char "less" }
+ def ">" { @S @Char "greater" }
+ def "<>" { @S @Char "notequal" }
+ def "<=" { @S @Char "lessequal" }
+ def ">=" { @S @Char "greaterequal" }
+ def ":=" { :{//0.03fo &0.1f =} }
+ def and { @B "and" }
+ def array { @B "array" }
+ def begin { @B "begin" }
+ def case { @B "case" }
+ def const { @B "const" }
+ def div { @B "div" }
+ def do { @B "do" }
+ def downto { @B "downto" }
+ def else { @B "else" }
+ def end { @B "end" }
+ def file { @B "file" }
+ def for { @B "for" }
+ def forward { @B "forward" }
+ def function { @B "function" }
+ def goto { @B "goto" }
+ def if { @B "if" }
+ def in { @B "in" }
+ def label { @B "label" }
+ def mod { @B "mod" }
+ def nil { @B "nil" }
+ def not { @B "not" }
+ def of { @B "of" }
+ def or { @B "or" }
+ def otherwise { @B "otherwise" }
+ def packed { @B "packed" }
+ def procedure { @B "procedure" }
+ def program { @B "program" }
+ def record { @B "record" }
+ def repeat { @B "repeat" }
+ def set { @B "set" }
+ def then { @B "then" }
+ def to { @B "to" }
+ def type { @B "type" }
+ def until { @B "until" }
+ def var { @B "var" }
+ def while { @B "while" }
+ def with { @B "with" }
+ def @Com right x { @R "{" x @R "}" }
+ Slope @Font lines @Break @Body
+@End @Pas
diff --git a/include/picture b/include/picture
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d2f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picture
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for stand-alone illustrations #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# @SysInclude commands for standard packages. #
+# #
+ @SysInclude { fontdefs } # font definitions
+ @SysInclude { langdefs } # language definitions
+ @SysInclude { bsf } # BasicSetup package
+ @SysInclude { dsf } # DocumentSetup package
+ @SysInclude { picturef } # IllustrationSetup extension
+# #
+# @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory. #
+# #
+ @Include { mydefs }
+# #
+# The @BasicSetup @Use clause - basics, lists, paragraphs, displays. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @BasicSetup
+ # @InitialFont { Times Base 12p } # initial font
+ # @InitialBreak {{adjust 1.2fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain {ragged 1fx nohyphen}}
+ # @InitialSpace { lout } # initial space style
+ # @InitialLanguage { English } # initial language
+ # @InitialColour { black } # initial colour
+ # @OptimizePages { No } # optimize page breaks?
+ # @HeadingFont { Bold } # font for @Heading
+ # @ParaGap { 1.3vx @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between paragraphs
+ # @ParaIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # first-line indent for @PP
+ # @DisplayGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap above, below displays
+ # @DisplayIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # @IndentedDisplay indent
+ # @DefaultIndent { 0.5rt } # @Display indent
+ # @DisplayNumStyle { (num) } # style of display numbers
+ # @WideIndent { 4.00f @OrIfPlain 10s } # @WideTaggedList indent
+ # @VeryWideIndent { 8.00f @OrIfPlain 20s } # @VeryWideTaggedList indent
+ # @ListOuterGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap before, after lists
+ # @ListGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between list items
+ # @ListIndent { 0s } # indent of list items
+ # @ListRightIndent { 0s } # right indent of list items
+ # @ListLabelWidth { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # width allowed for list tags
+ # @NumberSeparator { . } # separates nums like 2.3.7
+# #
+# The @DocumentSetup @Use clause - page layout plus figures, tables, etc. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @DocumentSetup
+ # @PageType { A4 @OrIfPlain Other} # page type (width, height)
+ # @PageWidth { 80s } # page width if type Other
+ # @PageHeight { 66f } # page height if type Other
+ # @PageOrientation { Portrait } # Portrait, Landscape, etc.
+ # @PageBackground { } # background of each page
+ # @TopMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # top margin of all pages
+ # @FootMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # bottom margin of all pages
+ # @OddLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of odd pages
+ # @OddRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of odd pages
+ # @EvenLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of even pages
+ # @EvenRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of even pages
+ # @PageBoxType { None } # None Box CurveBox ShadowBox
+ # @PageBoxMargin { 1.00c } # page box margin
+ # @PageBoxLineWidth { } # page box line thickness
+ # @PageBoxPaint { none } # page box paint
+ # @PageBoxShadow { 0.60c } # shadow margin if ShadowBox
+ # @ColumnNumber { 1 } # number of columns (1 to 10)
+ # @ColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # column gap
+ # @FigureLocation { PageTop } # default figure location
+ # @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
+ # @FigureFormat { @CC @Body } # default figure format
+ # @TableFormat { @CC @Body } # default table format
+ # @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
+ # @TableWord { table } # "Table" word else anything
+ # @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
+ # @TableNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering tables
+ # @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @TableCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @CaptionFont { } # figure, table caption font
+ # @CaptionBreak { } # figure, table caption break
+ # @CaptionFormat { @B { number @DotSep @OneCol } } # figure, table caption format
+ # @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
+ # @MakeTableContents { No } # list of tables at start
+ # @MakeContents { No } # make contents? Yes or No
+ # @ContentsGap { 0.20v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap above minor entry
+ # @ContentsGapAbove { 0.80v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above major entry
+ # @ContentsGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below major entry
+ # @ContentsFont { Bold } # font for major entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapAbove { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above `part' entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below `part' entry
+ # @ContentsFormat { number @DotSep title } # contents entry format
+ # @ContentsLeader { .. } # leader symbol in contents
+ # @ContentsLeaderGap { 4s @OrIfPlain 2s } # gap between leaders
+ # @ContentsRightWidth { 3f @OrIfPlain 6s } # page numbers column width
+ # @MakeReferences { Yes } # make references? Yes or No
+ # @RefCiteStyle { [cite] } # citation style
+ # @RefCiteLabels { @RefNum } # citation items
+ # @RefNumbers { Arabic } # reference numbers
+ # @RefListFormat { Labels } # NoLabels, Labels, etc.
+ # @RefListLabels { [@RefNum] } # ref list label format
+ # @RefListTitle { references } # title of reference list
+ # @ChapRefListTitle { references } # title of chapter ref list
+ # @RefListIndent { 0s } # indent to left of labels
+ # @RefListRightIndent { 0s } # indent to right of items
+ # @RefListGap { @ListGap } # gap between ref list items
+ # @RefListFont { } # font used in reference list
+ # @RefListBreak { } # break style of ref list
+ # @RefListLabelWidth { @ListLabelWidth } # Labels column width
+ # @RefListSortKey { @Tag } # sorting key
+ # @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
+ # @IndexFont { } # index entries font
+ # @IndexBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexColumnNumber { 2 } # index columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index column gap
+ # @MakeIndexA { No } # make index A? Yes or No
+ # @IndexAFont { } # index A entries font
+ # @IndexABreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexAColumnNumber { 2 } # index A columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexAColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index A column gap
+ # @MakeIndexB { No } # make index B? Yes or No
+ # @IndexBFont { } # index B entries font
+ # @IndexBBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexBColumnNumber { 2 } # index B columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexBColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index B column gap
+ # @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
+ # @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
+ # @FootNoteNumbers { Arabic } # footnote numbers
+ # @FootNoteThrough { No } # numbered through chapter?
+ # @FootNoteLocation { ColFoot } # where the footnote appears
+ # @FootNoteFont { 0.80f } # font for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # footnote format
+ # @FootLen { 2.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # length of footnote line
+ # @FootAboveGap { @DisplayGap } # gap above footnote line
+ # @FootGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1fx } # gap between footnotes
+ # @MarginNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteBreak { ragged 1.10fx } # break style of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteHGap { 0.5c } # horizontal gap to notes
+ # @MarginNoteVGap { @DisplayGap } # min vertical gap between
+ # @MarginNoteWidth { 1.50c } # width of margin notes
+ # @EndNoteNumbers { Arabic } # endnote numbers
+ # @EndNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of endnotes
+ # @EndNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for endnotes
+ # @EndNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # endnote format
+ # @EndNoteGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between endnotes
+ # @TheoremWord { theorem } # "Theorem" word, etc.
+ # @TheoremTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @TheoremFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @DefinitionWord { definition } # "Definition" word, etc.
+ # @DefinitionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @DefinitionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ClaimWord { claim } # "Claim" word, etc.
+ # @ClaimTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ClaimFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @PropositionWord { proposition } # "Proposition" word, etc.
+ # @PropositionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @PropositionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @LemmaWord { lemma } # "Lemma" word, etc.
+ # @LemmaTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @LemmaFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @CorollaryWord { corollary } # "Corollary" word, etc.
+ # @CorollaryTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @CorollaryFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ExampleWord { example } # "Example" word, etc.
+ # @ExampleTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ExampleFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ProofWord { proof } # "Proof" word, etc.
+ # @PageHeaders { Simple } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ # @PageNumbers { Arabic } # page numbers
+ # @FirstPageNumber { 1 } # number of first page
+ # @IntroPageNumbers { Roman } # intro page numbers
+ # @IntroFirstPageNumber{ 1 } # number of first intro page
+ # @StructPageNums { No } # make structured page numbers
+ # @OddTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} } # Simple page headers
+ # @OddFoot { @Null }
+ # @EvenTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} }
+ # @EvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @StartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroEvenFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # Titles, NoTitles headers
+ # @RunningOddTop { @I {@MinorNum @DotSep @MinorTitle} @Right @B @PageNum }
+ # @RunningOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningEvenTop { @B @PageNum @Right @I {@MajorNum @DotSep @MajorTitle} }
+ # @RunningEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartEvenFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroOddFoot { @Right @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenFoot { @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+# #
+# The @IllustrationSetup @Use clause - there are no options for this. #
+# #
+@Use { @IllustrationSetup
+# #
+# @Database (and @SysDatabase) clauses go here. #
+# #
+@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } # reference printing styles
diff --git a/include/picturef b/include/picturef
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd9177d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/picturef
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# #
+# @IllustrationSetup extension to @DocumentSetup. #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# August 1994 #
+# #
+# This package extends DocumentSetup for illustrations. #
+# #
+extend @BasicSetup @DocumentSetup
+export @Illustration
+def @IllustrationSetup
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Illustration #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Illustration
+ named @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
+ named @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
+ named @InitialSpace { @InitialSpace }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @InitialColour { @InitialColour }
+ right x
+ {
+ @InitialFont @Font @InitialBreak @Break @InitialLanguage @Language
+ @InitialSpace @Space { @ColourCommand @InitialColour } @SetColour
+ @OneCol @OneRow x
+ }
+@End @IllustrationSetup
diff --git a/include/report b/include/report
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01fdcc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/report
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for technical reports #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# 17 September 1999 #
+# #
+# Note: this version, released with Lout Version 3.13, is not upwardly #
+# compatible with previous versions: the @Abstract symbol must now #
+# be placed before the //, not after. #
+# #
+# #
+# @SysInclude commands for standard packages. #
+# #
+ @SysInclude { fontdefs } # font definitions
+ @SysInclude { langdefs } # language definitions
+ @SysInclude { bsf } # BasicSetup package
+ @SysInclude { dsf } # DocumentSetup package
+ @SysInclude { reportf } # ReportSetup extension
+# #
+# @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory. #
+# #
+ @Include { mydefs }
+# #
+# The @BasicSetup @Use clause - basics, lists, paragraphs, displays. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @BasicSetup
+ # @InitialFont { Times Base 12p } # initial font
+ # @InitialBreak {{adjust 1.2fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain {ragged 1fx nohyphen}}
+ # @InitialSpace { lout } # initial space style
+ # @InitialLanguage { English } # initial language
+ # @InitialColour { black } # initial colour
+ # @OptimizePages { No } # optimize page breaks?
+ # @HeadingFont { Bold } # font for @Heading
+ # @ParaGap { 1.3vx @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between paragraphs
+ # @ParaIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # first-line indent for @PP
+ # @DisplayGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap above, below displays
+ # @DisplayIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # @IndentedDisplay indent
+ # @DefaultIndent { 0.5rt } # @Display indent
+ # @DisplayNumStyle { (num) } # style of display numbers
+ # @WideIndent { 4.00f @OrIfPlain 10s } # @WideTaggedList indent
+ # @VeryWideIndent { 8.00f @OrIfPlain 20s } # @VeryWideTaggedList indent
+ # @ListOuterGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap before, after lists
+ # @ListGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between list items
+ # @ListIndent { 0s } # indent of list items
+ # @ListRightIndent { 0s } # right indent of list items
+ # @ListLabelWidth { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # width allowed for list tags
+ # @NumberSeparator { . } # separates nums like 2.3.7
+# #
+# The @DocumentSetup @Use clause - page layout plus figures, tables, etc. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @DocumentSetup
+ # @PageType { A4 @OrIfPlain Other} # page type (width, height)
+ # @PageWidth { 80s } # page width if type Other
+ # @PageHeight { 66f } # page height if type Other
+ # @PageOrientation { Portrait } # Portrait, Landscape, etc.
+ # @PageBackground { } # background of each page
+ # @TopMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # top margin of all pages
+ # @FootMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # bottom margin of all pages
+ # @OddLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of odd pages
+ # @OddRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of odd pages
+ # @EvenLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of even pages
+ # @EvenRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of even pages
+ # @PageBoxType { None } # None Box CurveBox ShadowBox
+ # @PageBoxMargin { 1.00c } # page box margin
+ # @PageBoxLineWidth { } # page box line thickness
+ # @PageBoxPaint { none } # page box paint
+ # @PageBoxShadow { 0.60c } # shadow margin if ShadowBox
+ # @ColumnNumber { 1 } # number of columns (1 to 10)
+ # @ColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # column gap
+ # @FigureLocation { PageTop } # default figure location
+ # @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
+ # @FigureFormat { @CC @Body } # default figure format
+ # @TableFormat { @CC @Body } # default table format
+ # @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
+ # @TableWord { table } # "Table" word else anything
+ # @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
+ # @TableNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering tables
+ # @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @TableCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @CaptionFont { } # figure, table caption font
+ # @CaptionBreak { } # figure, table caption break
+ # @CaptionFormat { @B { number @DotSep @OneCol } } # figure, table caption format
+ # @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
+ # @MakeTableContents { No } # list of tables at start
+ # @MakeContents { No } # make contents? Yes or No
+ # @ContentsGap { 0.20v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap above minor entry
+ # @ContentsGapAbove { 0.80v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above major entry
+ # @ContentsGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below major entry
+ # @ContentsFont { Bold } # font for major entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapAbove { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above `part' entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below `part' entry
+ # @ContentsFormat { number @DotSep title } # contents entry format
+ # @ContentsLeader { .. } # leader symbol in contents
+ # @ContentsLeaderGap { 4s @OrIfPlain 2s } # gap between leaders
+ # @ContentsRightWidth { 3f @OrIfPlain 6s } # page numbers column width
+ # @MakeReferences { Yes } # make references? Yes or No
+ # @RefCiteStyle { [cite] } # citation style
+ # @RefCiteLabels { @RefNum } # citation items
+ # @RefNumbers { Arabic } # reference numbers
+ # @RefListFormat { Labels } # NoLabels, Labels, etc.
+ # @RefListLabels { [@RefNum] } # ref list label format
+ # @RefListTitle { references } # title of reference list
+ # @ChapRefListTitle { references } # title of chapter ref list
+ # @RefListIndent { 0s } # indent to left of labels
+ # @RefListRightIndent { 0s } # indent to right of items
+ # @RefListGap { @ListGap } # gap between ref list items
+ # @RefListFont { } # font used in reference list
+ # @RefListBreak { } # break style of ref list
+ # @RefListLabelWidth { @ListLabelWidth } # Labels column width
+ # @RefListSortKey { @Tag } # sorting key
+ # @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
+ # @IndexFont { } # index entries font
+ # @IndexBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexColumnNumber { 2 } # index columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index column gap
+ # @MakeIndexA { No } # make index A? Yes or No
+ # @IndexAFont { } # index A entries font
+ # @IndexABreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexAColumnNumber { 2 } # index A columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexAColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index A column gap
+ # @MakeIndexB { No } # make index B? Yes or No
+ # @IndexBFont { } # index B entries font
+ # @IndexBBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexBColumnNumber { 2 } # index B columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexBColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index B column gap
+ # @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
+ # @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
+ # @FootNoteNumbers { Arabic } # footnote numbers
+ # @FootNoteThrough { No } # numbered through chapter?
+ # @FootNoteLocation { ColFoot } # where the footnote appears
+ # @FootNoteFont { 0.80f } # font for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # footnote format
+ # @FootLen { 2.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # length of footnote line
+ # @FootAboveGap { @DisplayGap } # gap above footnote line
+ # @FootGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1fx } # gap between footnotes
+ # @MarginNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteBreak { ragged 1.10fx } # break style of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteHGap { 0.5c } # horizontal gap to notes
+ # @MarginNoteVGap { @DisplayGap } # min vertical gap between
+ # @MarginNoteWidth { 1.50c } # width of margin notes
+ # @EndNoteNumbers { Arabic } # endnote numbers
+ # @EndNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of endnotes
+ # @EndNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for endnotes
+ # @EndNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # endnote format
+ # @EndNoteGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between endnotes
+ # @TheoremWord { theorem } # "Theorem" word, etc.
+ # @TheoremTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @TheoremFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @DefinitionWord { definition } # "Definition" word, etc.
+ # @DefinitionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @DefinitionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ClaimWord { claim } # "Claim" word, etc.
+ # @ClaimTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ClaimFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @PropositionWord { proposition } # "Proposition" word, etc.
+ # @PropositionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @PropositionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @LemmaWord { lemma } # "Lemma" word, etc.
+ # @LemmaTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @LemmaFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @CorollaryWord { corollary } # "Corollary" word, etc.
+ # @CorollaryTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @CorollaryFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ExampleWord { example } # "Example" word, etc.
+ # @ExampleTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ExampleFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ProofWord { proof } # "Proof" word, etc.
+ # @PageHeaders { Simple } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ # @PageNumbers { Arabic } # page numbers
+ # @FirstPageNumber { 1 } # number of first page
+ # @IntroPageNumbers { Roman } # intro page numbers
+ # @IntroFirstPageNumber{ 1 } # number of first intro page
+ # @StructPageNums { No } # make structured page numbers
+ # @OddTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} } # Simple page headers
+ # @OddFoot { @Null }
+ # @EvenTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} }
+ # @EvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @StartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroEvenFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # Titles, NoTitles headers
+ # @RunningOddTop { @I {@MinorNum @DotSep @MinorTitle} @Right @B @PageNum }
+ # @RunningOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningEvenTop { @B @PageNum @Right @I {@MajorNum @DotSep @MajorTitle} }
+ # @RunningEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartEvenFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroOddFoot { @Right @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenFoot { @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+# #
+# The @ReportSetup @Use clause - options specific to technical reports. #
+# #
+@Use { @ReportSetup
+ # @CoverSheet { Yes } # make cover sheet
+ # @DisplayAbstract { No } # abstract full width display
+ # @ContentsSeparate { No } # contents on separate pages
+ # @DateLine { No } # Yes, No, or a date
+ # @ReferencesBeforeAppendices { No } # references before appendices
+ # @AbstractWord { abstract } # word for "Abstract"
+ # @ContentsWord { contents } # word for "Contents"
+ # @AppendixWord { appendix } # word for "Appendix"
+ # @IndexWord { index } # word for "Index"
+ # @IndexAWord { index } # word for "Index" (A)
+ # @IndexBWord { index } # word for "Index" (B)
+ # @SectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of section numbers
+ # @FirstSectionNumber { 1 } # first section num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subsection numbers
+ # @FirstSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first subsect num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubSectionNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subsect numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubSectionNumber { 1 } # first subsub. num (Arabic)
+ # @AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha } # kind of appendix numbers
+ # @FirstAppendixNumber { 1 } # first appendix num (Arabic)
+ # @SubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of subappendix numbers
+ # @FirstSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-app. num (Arabic)
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumbers { Arabic } # kind of sub-subapp. numbers
+ # @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber { 1 } # first sub-sub. num (Arabic)
+ # @AbstractHeadingFont { Bold } # abstract head font
+ # @AbstractHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # abstract head break
+ # @AbstractHeadingFormat { title } # abstract head fmt
+ # @ContentsHeadingFont { Bold } # contents head font
+ # @ContentsHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # contents head break
+ # @ContentsHeadingFormat { title } # contents head fmt
+ # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold } # section head font
+ # @SectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # section head break
+ # @SectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # section head fmt
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFont { Bold } # subsection head font
+ # @SubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subsection head break
+ # @SubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subsection head fmt
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-subs. head font
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-subs. head break
+ # @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # sub-subs. head fmt
+ # @AppendixHeadingFont { Bold } # appendix head font
+ # @AppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # appendix head break
+ # @AppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # appendix head fmt
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFont { Bold } # subapp. head font
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # subapp. head break
+ # @SubAppendixHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title } # subapp. head fmt
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont { Slope } # sub-subapp. head font
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # sub-subapp head break
+ # @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat{ number @DotSep title } # sub-subapp. head fmt
+ # @ReferencesHeadingFont { Bold } # references head font
+ # @ReferencesHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # references head break
+ # @ReferencesHeadingFormat { title } # references head fmt
+ # @IndexHeadingFont { Bold } # index head font
+ # @IndexHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index head break
+ # @IndexHeadingFormat { title } # index head fmt
+ # @IndexAHeadingFont { Bold } # index A head font
+ # @IndexAHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index A head break
+ # @IndexAHeadingFormat { title } # index A head fmt
+ # @IndexBHeadingFont { Bold } # index B head font
+ # @IndexBHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index B head break
+ # @IndexBHeadingFormat { title } # index B head fmt
+ # @SectionGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between sections
+ # @SubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between subsects
+ # @SubSubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subs.
+ # @AppendixGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f } # between appendices
+ # @SubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between subappendices
+ # @SubSubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f } # between sub-subapps
+ # @SectionInContents { Yes } # add sections to contents
+ # @SubSectionInContents { Yes } # add subsections to contents
+ # @SubSubSectionInContents { No } # add sub-subsects to contents
+ # @AppendixInContents { Yes } # add appendices to contents
+ # @SubAppendixInContents { Yes } # add subappendices to contents
+ # @SubSubAppendixInContents { No } # add sub-subapps to contents
+ # @ReferencesInContents { Yes } # add references to contents
+ # @IndexInContents { Yes } # add index to contents
+ # @IndexAInContents { Yes } # add index A to contents
+ # @IndexBInContents { Yes } # add index B to contents
+ # @SectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems{ No } # theorem num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays { No } # display num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInDisplays { No } # display num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays{ No } # display num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures { No } # figure num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInTables { No } # table num has section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInTables { No } # table num has sub-sa. num
+ # @SectionNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have section num
+ # @SubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have subsect num
+ # @SubSubSectionNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-ss. num
+ # @AppendixNumInRunners { Yes } # runners have appendix num
+ # @SubAppendixNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-app num
+ # @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners { No } # runners have sub-sa. num
+ # @FigureContentsPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @TableContentsPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @SectionPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @AppendixPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @ReferencesPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexAPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @IndexBPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+# #
+# @Database (and @SysDatabase) clauses go here. #
+# #
+@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } # reference printing styles
diff --git a/include/reportf b/include/reportf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1a62a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/reportf
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+# #
+# @ReportSetup extension to @DocumentSetup. #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# August 1994 #
+# #
+# This package extends DocumentSetup with definitions for reports. #
+# #
+extend @BasicSetup @DocumentSetup
+export @Report @Section @Appendix
+def @ReportSetup
+ named @CoverSheet { Yes }
+ named @ContentsSeparate { No }
+ named @DateLine { No }
+ named @AbstractDisplay { Yes }
+ named @AbstractTitle { dft }
+ named @ReferencesBeforeAppendices { No }
+ named @AbstractWord { abstract }
+ named @ContentsWord { contents }
+ named @AppendixWord { appendix }
+ named @IndexWord { index }
+ named @IndexAWord { index }
+ named @IndexBWord { index }
+ named @SectionNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSectionNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubSectionNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubSectionNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubSubSectionNumber { 1 }
+ named @AppendixNumbers { UCAlpha }
+ named @FirstAppendixNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubAppendixNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubAppendixNumber { 1 }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber { 1 }
+ named @AbstractHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @AbstractHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @AbstractHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @ContentsHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @ContentsHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @ContentsHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @SectionHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @SectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SectionHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @SubSectionHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @SubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubSectionHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @SubSubSectionHeadingFont { Slope }
+ named @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @AppendixHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @AppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @AppendixHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @SubAppendixHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @SubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubAppendixHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont { Slope }
+ named @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { number @DotSep title }
+ named @ReferencesHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @ReferencesHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @ReferencesHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @IndexHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @IndexHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @IndexHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @IndexAHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @IndexAHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @IndexAHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @IndexBHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @IndexBHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @IndexBHeadingFormat
+ right title { title }
+ named @SectionGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f }
+ named @SubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @SubSubSectionGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @AppendixGap { 2.0v @OrIfPlain 3f }
+ named @SubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @SubSubAppendixGap { 1.5v @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ named @SectionInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubSectionInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubSubSectionInContents { No }
+ named @AppendixInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixInContents { Yes }
+ named @SubSubAppendixInContents { No }
+ named @ReferencesInContents { Yes }
+ named @IndexInContents { Yes }
+ named @IndexAInContents { Yes }
+ named @IndexBInContents { Yes }
+ named @SectionNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @SectionNumInDisplays { Yes }
+ named @SubSectionNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInDisplays { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @SectionNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubSectionNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInFigures { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures { No }
+ named @SectionNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubSectionNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInTables { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInTables { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInTables { No }
+ named @SectionNumInRunners { Yes }
+ named @SubSectionNumInRunners { No }
+ named @SubSubSectionNumInRunners { No }
+ named @AppendixNumInRunners { Yes }
+ named @SubAppendixNumInRunners { No }
+ named @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners { No }
+ named @FigureContentsPrefix { }
+ named @TableContentsPrefix { }
+ named @SectionPrefix { }
+ named @AppendixPrefix { }
+ named @ReferencesPrefix { }
+ named @IndexPrefix { }
+ named @IndexAPrefix { }
+ named @IndexBPrefix { }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Lists of sections, subsections, etc. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export num
+ def @SectionList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SectionGap @SectionList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubSectionList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubSectionGap @SubSectionList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubSubSectionList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubSubSectionGap @SubSubSectionList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @AppendixList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@AppendixGap @AppendixList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubAppendixList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubAppendixGap @SubAppendixList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @SubSubAppendixList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //@SubSubAppendixGap @SubSubAppendixList @Next num
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Full - this sends text to a full-width place. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Full force into { @FullPlace&&following } right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @NoForceFull into { @FullPlace&&following } right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Report #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Report
+ named @Title {}
+ named @Author {}
+ named @Institution {}
+ named @DateLine { @DateLine }
+ named @CoverSheet { @CoverSheet }
+ named @ContentsSeparate { @ContentsSeparate }
+ named @AtEnd { dft }
+ named @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
+ named @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
+ named @InitialSpace { @InitialSpace }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @PageOrientation { @PageOrientation }
+ named @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ named @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ named @FirstPageNumber { @FirstPageNumber }
+ named @OptimizePages { @OptimizePages }
+ named @AbstractDisplay { @AbstractDisplay }
+ named @AbstractTitle { @AbstractTitle }
+ named @Abstract {}
+ {
+ def @Cntr right x
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield { |0.5rt x | }
+ }
+ }
+ def @DateValue right indent
+ {
+ @DateLine @Case {
+ No @Yield {}
+ Yes @Yield @Date
+ else @Yield @DateLine
+ }
+ }
+ def @TitleMaterial
+ {
+ //1i @B {clines 1.4vx} @Break @Cntr @Title
+ //1.00v @I clines @Break { |0.5rt @Author | }
+ //1.00v clines @Break @Cntr @Institution
+ //1.00v clines @Break @Cntr @DateValue
+ }
+ def @AbstractPart
+ {
+ def @Title
+ {
+ @AbstractHeadingFont @Font @AbstractHeadingBreak @Break
+ @AbstractHeadingFormat {
+ @AbstractTitle @Dft { abstract @WordVal @AbstractWord }
+ }
+ }
+ @Abstract @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield @AbstractDisplay @Case {
+ No @Yield { @Title @DP @Abstract }
+ Yes @Yield { |0.5rt @Title |
+ @DP
+ |@DisplayIndent @Abstract |@DisplayIndent
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ContentsPart
+ {
+ // |0.5rt @ContentsHeadingFont @Font @ContentsHeadingBreak @Break
+ @ContentsHeadingFormat { contents @WordVal @ContentsWord } |
+ //@DisplayGap @ContentsSection
+ // NonStart @Runner @MajorTitle {contents @WordVal @ContentsWord}
+ }
+ def @ReferencesPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @RefHeading @RefListTitle }
+ sendheader { @Body }
+ headingfont { @ReferencesHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @ReferencesHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @ReferencesHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @ReferencesInContents }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ minornum {}
+ minortitle { @RefHeading @RefListTitle }
+ prefix { @ReferencesPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ { //@RefListGap @ReferencesSection }
+ }
+ def @IndexPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ def @Run
+ {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum {}
+ @MajorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexWord }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle {}
+ @Owner { @Tag }
+ @Prefix { @IndexPrefix }
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { index @WordVal @IndexWord }
+ headingfont { @IndexHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @IndexHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @IndexHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IndexInContents }
+ prefix { @IndexPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ minornum {}
+ minortitle { index @WordVal @IndexWord }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ wantindefinite { Yes }
+ @IndexSection @Run
+ }
+ def @IndexAPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ def @Run
+ {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum {}
+ @MajorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexAWord }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle {}
+ @Owner { @Tag }
+ @Prefix { @IndexAPrefix }
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { index @WordVal @IndexAWord }
+ headingfont { @IndexAHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @IndexAHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @IndexAHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IndexAInContents }
+ prefix { @IndexAPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ minornum {}
+ minortitle { index @WordVal @IndexAWord }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ wantindefinite { Yes }
+ @IndexASection @Run
+ }
+ def @IndexBPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ def @Run
+ {
+ NonStart @Runner
+ @MajorNum {}
+ @MajorTitle { index @WordVal @IndexBWord }
+ @MinorNum {}
+ @MinorTitle {}
+ @Owner { @Tag }
+ @Prefix { @IndexBPrefix }
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { index @WordVal @IndexBWord }
+ headingfont { @IndexBHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @IndexBHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @IndexBHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @IndexBInContents }
+ prefix { @IndexBPrefix }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ minornum {}
+ minortitle { index @WordVal @IndexBWord }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @SectionGap }
+ wantindefinite { Yes }
+ @IndexBSection @Run
+ }
+ def @ContentsGap
+ {
+ @ContentsSeparate @Case {
+ No @Yield @SectionGap
+ Yes @Yield 2b
+ }
+ }
+ def @ReportBodyWithoutCoverSheet force into { @ColPlace&&following }
+ named @Optimize { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ Start @Runner
+ // @AbstractDisplay @NoDo @AbstractPart
+ //@ContentsGap @ContentsPart
+ //@ContentsGap @SectionList @FirstSectionNumber
+ //@SectionGap @ReferencesBeforeAppendices @Do {
+ @MakeReferences @Do @ReferencesPart
+ }
+ //@AppendixGap @AppendixList @FirstAppendixNumber
+ //@SectionGap @EndFigureList
+ //@SectionGap @EndNoteList 1
+ //@SectionGap @ReferencesBeforeAppendices @NoDo {
+ @MakeReferences @Do @ReferencesPart
+ }
+ // @MakeIndexA @Do @IndexAPart
+ // @MakeIndexB @Do @IndexBPart
+ // @MakeIndex @Do @IndexPart
+ }
+ def @ReportCoverSheet into { @IntroColPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Optimize { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ // Start @Runner
+ // @TitleMaterial
+ //@DisplayGap @DP @AbstractPart
+ }
+ def @ReportBodyWithCoverSheet force into { @ColPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Optimize { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ Start @Runner
+ //@SectionGap @ContentsPart
+ //@SectionGap @SectionList @FirstSectionNumber
+ //@SectionGap @ReferencesBeforeAppendices @Do {
+ @MakeReferences @Do @ReferencesPart
+ }
+ //@AppendixGap @AppendixList @FirstAppendixNumber
+ //@SectionGap @ReferencesBeforeAppendices @NoDo {
+ @MakeReferences @Do @ReferencesPart
+ }
+ //@SectionGap @EndFigureList
+ //@SectionGap @EndNoteList 1
+ // @MakeIndexA @Do @IndexAPart
+ // @MakeIndexB @Do @IndexBPart
+ // @MakeIndex @Do @IndexPart
+ }
+ @InitialFont @Font @InitialBreak @Break @InitialLanguage @Language
+ @InitialSpace @Space { @ColourCommand @InitialColour } @SetColour
+ {
+ @CoverSheet @Case {
+ No @Yield {
+ @FootNoteThrough @Do @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // Yes @BeginAllCounters {}
+ // Yes @BeginDisplayCounter {}
+ // Yes @BeginFigureCounter {}
+ // Yes @BeginTableCounter {}
+ // @AbstractDisplay @Do { @NoForceFull @AbstractPart }
+ // @ReportBodyWithoutCoverSheet
+ // @PageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ # extra { Yes }
+ @AtTop { @TitleMaterial }
+ @FirstPageNumber
+ // NonStart @Runner
+ // @AtEnd @Case {
+ dft @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield
+ @EvenPage @Orient { @PageOrientation } @AtEnd
+ }
+ }
+ Yes @Yield {
+ @FootNoteThrough @Do @BeginFootNoteCounter
+ // Yes @BeginAllCounters {}
+ // Yes @BeginDisplayCounter {}
+ // Yes @BeginFigureCounter {}
+ // Yes @BeginTableCounter {}
+ // @SimpleOddOrEvenIntroPageList
+ @ColumnNumber { 1 }
+ @PageHeaders { Simple }
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ 1
+ // @ReportCoverSheet
+ // @PageList
+ @ColumnNumber { @ColumnNumber }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ # extra { Yes }
+ @AtTop { @TitleMaterial }
+ @FirstPageNumber
+ // @ReportBodyWithCoverSheet
+ // NonStart @Runner
+ // @AtEnd @Case {
+ dft @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield
+ @EvenPage @Orient { @PageOrientation } @AtEnd
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Sections. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export @BeginSubSections @EndSubSections @SubSection
+ def @Section force into { @SectionList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubSectionsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubSections force into { @EndSubSectionsPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubSections
+ {
+ //@SubSectionGap @SubSectionList @FirstSubSectionNumber
+ // @EndSubSectionsPlace //
+ }
+ def @SectionShortNum
+ {
+ @SectionNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @SectionNumbers @Num @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { num }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ export @BeginSubSubSections @EndSubSubSections @SubSubSection
+ def @SubSection force into { @SubSectionList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubSubSectionsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubSubSections force into
+ { @EndSubSubSectionsPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubSubSections
+ {
+ //@SubSubSectionGap @SubSubSectionList @FirstSubSubSectionNumber
+ // @EndSubSubSectionsPlace //
+ }
+ def @SubSectionShortNum
+ {
+ @SubSectionNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @SectionShortNum @Join @SubSectionNumbers @Num
+ { @SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @SubSubSection force into { @SubSubSectionList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubSubSectionHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubSubSectionInContents }
+ contentsindent { 6f }
+ numbers { @SubSubSectionNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubSubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubSubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SubSectionShortNum }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubSubSectionNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubSubSectionNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubSubSectionNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubSubSectionNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubSectionHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubSectionHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubSectionInContents }
+ contentsindent { 3f }
+ numbers { @SubSectionNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SectionShortNum }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @SubSectionNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubSectionNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubSectionNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubSectionNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubSectionNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SectionHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SectionHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SectionHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SectionInContents }
+ contentsindent { 0f }
+ numbers { @SectionNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SectionPrefix }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @SectionNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SectionNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SectionNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SectionNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SectionNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Appendices. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export @BeginSubAppendices @EndSubAppendices @SubAppendix
+ def @Appendix force into { @AppendixList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubAppendices force into { @EndSubAppendicesPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubAppendices
+ {
+ //@SubAppendixGap @SubAppendixList @FirstSubAppendixNumber
+ // @EndSubAppendicesPlace //
+ }
+ def @AppendixShortNum
+ {
+ @AppendixNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @AppendixNumbers @Num @AppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @AppendixLongNum
+ {
+ @AppendixNumbers @Then {
+ @InitialLanguage @Language {
+ appendix @WordVal @AppendixWord @AppendixShortNum
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ export @BeginSubSubAppendices @EndSubSubAppendices @SubSubAppendix
+ def @SubAppendix force into { @SubAppendixList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndSubSubAppendicesPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndSubSubAppendices force into
+ { @EndSubSubAppendicesPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginSubSubAppendices
+ {
+ //@SubSubAppendixGap
+ @SubSubAppendixList @FirstSubSubAppendixNumber
+ // @EndSubSubAppendicesPlace //
+ }
+ def @SubAppendixShortNum
+ {
+ @SubAppendixNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @AppendixShortNum @Join @SubAppendixNumbers @Num
+ { @SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @SubSubAppendix force into { @SubSubAppendixList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubSubAppendixHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubSubAppendixInContents }
+ contentsindent { 6f }
+ numbers { @SubSubAppendixNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubSubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubSubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @SubAppendixShortNum }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @SubSubAppendixNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubSubAppendixNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubSubAppendixNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubSubAppendixNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubSubAppendixNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @SubAppendixHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @SubAppendixHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @SubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @SubAppendixInContents }
+ contentsindent { 3f }
+ numbers { @SubAppendixNumbers }
+ attachnum { @SubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @AppendixShortNum }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @SubAppendixNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @SubAppendixNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @SubAppendixNumInFigures }
+ intables { @SubAppendixNumInTables }
+ inrunners { @SubAppendixNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @AppendixHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @AppendixHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @AppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @AppendixInContents }
+ contentsindent { 0f }
+ word { appendix @WordVal @AppendixWord }
+ numbers { @AppendixNumbers }
+ attachnum { @AppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @AppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @AppendixPrefix }
+ majornum {}
+ majortitle {}
+ intheorems { @AppendixNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @AppendixNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @AppendixNumInFigures }
+ intables { @AppendixNumInTables }
+ inrunners { Yes }
+ @Body
+ }
+@End @ReportSetup
diff --git a/include/russian b/include/russian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0f5a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/russian
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# #
+# russian #
+# #
+# This file includes everything you need for Russian. #
+# #
+# Commented out because these fonts are not distributed with Lout.
+# @SysInclude { russian.fd }
diff --git a/include/russian.fd b/include/russian.fd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f145530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/russian.fd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# #
+# Russian font definitions. Use a very wide window to see them clearly. #
+# #
+# Lout font Lout font PostScript PostScript font metrics Lout character Recode/ #
+# family name face name font name (formerly .AFM) file name mapping file NoRecode #
+# #
+fontdef Academy Base { Academy Aca koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Academy Slope { Academy-Italic Aca-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Academy Bold { Academy-Bold Aca-Bd koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Academy BoldSlope { Academy-Italic Aca-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Academy Italic { Academy-Italic Aca-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Antiqua Base { Antiqua Ant koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Antiqua Slope { Antiqua-Italic Ant-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Antiqua Bold { Antiqua-Bold Ant-Bd koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Antiqua BoldSlope { Antiqua-Italic Ant-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Antiqua Italic { Antiqua-Italic Ant-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef College Base { College Col koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef College Slope { College-Italic Col-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef College Bold { College-Bold Col-Bd koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef College BoldSlope { College-Italic Col-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef College Italic { College-Italic Col-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Magazine Base { Magazine Mag koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Magazine Slope { Magazine-Italic Mag-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Magazine Bold { Magazine-Bold Mag-Bd koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Magazine BoldSlope { Magazine-Italic Mag-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Magazine Italic { Magazine-Italic Mag-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Textbook Base { Textbook Txt koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Textbook Slope { Textbook-Italic Txt-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Textbook Bold { Textbook-Bold Txt-Bd koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Textbook BoldSlope { Textbook-Italic Txt-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
+fontdef Textbook Italic { Textbook-Italic Txt-It koi8r.LCM Recode }
diff --git a/include/slides b/include/slides
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7833f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/slides
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for overhead transparencies #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# @SysInclude commands for standard packages. #
+# #
+ @SysInclude { fontdefs } # font definitions
+ @SysInclude { langdefs } # language definitions
+ @SysInclude { bsf } # BasicSetup package
+ @SysInclude { dsf } # DocumentSetup package
+ @SysInclude { slidesf } # OverheadSetup extension
+# #
+# @Include command for reading personal definitions from current directory. #
+# #
+ @Include { mydefs }
+# #
+# The @BasicSetup @Use clause - basics, lists, paragraphs, displays. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @BasicSetup
+ # @InitialFont { Times Base 12p } # initial font
+ @InitialFont { Times Base 20p } # initial font
+ # @InitialBreak {{adjust 1.2fx hyphen} @OrIfPlain {ragged 1fx nohyphen}}
+ @InitialBreak { ragged 1.20fx nohyphen} # initial break
+ # @InitialSpace { lout } # initial space style
+ # @InitialLanguage { English } # initial language
+ # @InitialColour { black } # initial colour
+ # @OptimizePages { No } # optimize page breaks?
+ # @HeadingFont { Bold } # font for @Heading
+ # @ParaGap { 1.3vx @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between paragraphs
+ # @ParaIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # first-line indent for @PP
+ # @DisplayGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap above, below displays
+ # @DisplayIndent { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # @IndentedDisplay indent
+ # @DefaultIndent { 0.5rt } # @Display indent
+ # @DisplayNumStyle { (num) } # style of display numbers
+ # @WideIndent { 4.00f @OrIfPlain 10s } # @WideTaggedList indent
+ # @VeryWideIndent { 8.00f @OrIfPlain 20s } # @VeryWideTaggedList indent
+ # @ListOuterGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap before, after lists
+ # @ListGap { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between list items
+ # @ListIndent { 0s } # indent of list items
+ # @ListRightIndent { 0s } # right indent of list items
+ # @ListLabelWidth { 2.00f @OrIfPlain 5s } # width allowed for list tags
+ # @NumberSeparator { . } # separates nums like 2.3.7
+# #
+# The @DocumentSetup @Use clause - page layout plus figures, tables, etc. #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @DocumentSetup
+ # @PageType { A4 @OrIfPlain Other} # page type (width, height)
+ # @PageWidth { 80s } # page width if type Other
+ # @PageHeight { 66f } # page height if type Other
+ # @PageOrientation { Portrait } # Portrait, Landscape, etc.
+ # @PageBackground { } # background of each page
+ # @TopMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # top margin of all pages
+ # @FootMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 6f } # bottom margin of all pages
+ @FootMargin { 5.00c } # bottom margin of all pages
+ # @OddLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of odd pages
+ # @OddRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of odd pages
+ # @EvenLeftMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # left margin of even pages
+ # @EvenRightMargin { 2.5c @OrIfPlain 10s } # right margin of even pages
+ # @PageBoxType { None } # None Box CurveBox ShadowBox
+ # @PageBoxMargin { 1.00c } # page box margin
+ # @PageBoxLineWidth { } # page box line thickness
+ # @PageBoxPaint { none } # page box paint
+ # @PageBoxShadow { 0.60c } # shadow margin if ShadowBox
+ # @ColumnNumber { 1 } # number of columns (1 to 10)
+ # @ColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # column gap
+ # @FigureLocation { PageTop } # default figure location
+ # @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
+ # @FigureFormat { @CC @Body } # default figure format
+ # @TableFormat { @CC @Body } # default table format
+ # @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
+ # @TableWord { table } # "Table" word else anything
+ # @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
+ # @TableNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering tables
+ # @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @TableCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ # @CaptionFont { } # figure, table caption font
+ # @CaptionBreak { } # figure, table caption break
+ # @CaptionFormat { @B { number @DotSep @OneCol } } # figure, table caption format
+ # @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
+ # @MakeTableContents { No } # list of tables at start
+ # @MakeContents { No } # make contents? Yes or No
+ # @ContentsGap { 0.20v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap above minor entry
+ @ContentsGapAbove { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above major entry
+ # @ContentsGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below major entry
+ @ContentsFont { Base } # font for major entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapAbove { 1.00v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above `part' entry
+ # @ContentsPartGapBelow { 0.00v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap below `part' entry
+ # @ContentsFormat { number @DotSep title } # contents entry format
+ # @ContentsLeader { .. } # leader symbol in contents
+ # @ContentsLeaderGap { 4s @OrIfPlain 2s } # gap between leaders
+ # @ContentsRightWidth { 3f @OrIfPlain 6s } # page numbers column width
+ # @MakeReferences { Yes } # make references? Yes or No
+ # @RefCiteStyle { [cite] } # citation style
+ # @RefCiteLabels { @RefNum } # citation items
+ # @RefNumbers { Arabic } # reference numbers
+ # @RefListFormat { Labels } # NoLabels, Labels, etc.
+ # @RefListLabels { [@RefNum] } # ref list label format
+ # @RefListTitle { references } # title of reference list
+ # @ChapRefListTitle { references } # title of chapter ref list
+ # @RefListIndent { 0s } # indent to left of labels
+ # @RefListRightIndent { 0s } # indent to right of items
+ # @RefListGap { @ListGap } # gap between ref list items
+ # @RefListFont { } # font used in reference list
+ # @RefListBreak { } # break style of ref list
+ # @RefListLabelWidth { @ListLabelWidth } # Labels column width
+ # @RefListSortKey { @Tag } # sorting key
+ # @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
+ # @IndexFont { } # index entries font
+ # @IndexBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexColumnNumber { 2 } # index columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index column gap
+ # @MakeIndexA { No } # make index A? Yes or No
+ # @IndexAFont { } # index A entries font
+ # @IndexABreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexAColumnNumber { 2 } # index A columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexAColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index A column gap
+ # @MakeIndexB { No } # make index B? Yes or No
+ # @IndexBFont { } # index B entries font
+ # @IndexBBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexBColumnNumber { 2 } # index B columns (1 to 10)
+ # @IndexBColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index B column gap
+ # @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
+ # @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
+ # @FootNoteNumbers { Arabic } # footnote numbers
+ # @FootNoteThrough { No } # numbered through chapter?
+ # @FootNoteLocation { ColFoot } # where the footnote appears
+ # @FootNoteFont { 0.80f } # font for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for footnotes
+ # @FootNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # footnote format
+ # @FootLen { 2.00c @OrIfPlain 10s } # length of footnote line
+ # @FootAboveGap { @DisplayGap } # gap above footnote line
+ # @FootGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1fx } # gap between footnotes
+ # @MarginNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteBreak { ragged 1.10fx } # break style of margin notes
+ # @MarginNoteHGap { 0.5c } # horizontal gap to notes
+ # @MarginNoteVGap { @DisplayGap } # min vertical gap between
+ # @MarginNoteWidth { 1.50c } # width of margin notes
+ # @EndNoteNumbers { Arabic } # endnote numbers
+ # @EndNoteFont { 0.80f } # font of endnotes
+ # @EndNoteBreak { 1.2fx @OrIfPlain 1fx } # break for endnotes
+ # @EndNoteFormat { { number &0.05f } @Insert body } # endnote format
+ # @EndNoteGap { 0.20c @OrIfPlain 1f } # gap between endnotes
+ # @TheoremWord { theorem } # "Theorem" word, etc.
+ # @TheoremTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @TheoremFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @DefinitionWord { definition } # "Definition" word, etc.
+ # @DefinitionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @DefinitionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ClaimWord { claim } # "Claim" word, etc.
+ # @ClaimTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ClaimFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @PropositionWord { proposition } # "Proposition" word, etc.
+ # @PropositionTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @PropositionFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @LemmaWord { lemma } # "Lemma" word, etc.
+ # @LemmaTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @LemmaFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @CorollaryWord { corollary } # "Corollary" word, etc.
+ # @CorollaryTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @CorollaryFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ExampleWord { example } # "Example" word, etc.
+ # @ExampleTitleFormat { (title) } # only if title present
+ # @ExampleFormat { {@B { word @NumSep number title: } &2s} @Insert body }
+ # @ProofWord { proof } # "Proof" word, etc.
+ # @PageHeaders { Simple } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ @PageHeaders { Titles } # None Simple Titles NoTitles
+ # @PageNumbers { Arabic } # page numbers
+ # @FirstPageNumber { 1 } # number of first page
+ # @IntroPageNumbers { Roman } # intro page numbers
+ # @IntroFirstPageNumber{ 1 } # number of first intro page
+ # @StructPageNums { No } # make structured page numbers
+ # @OddTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} } # Simple page headers
+ # @OddFoot { @Null }
+ # @EvenTop { @Centre{- @PageNum -} }
+ # @EvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @StartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @StartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroOddFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroEvenFoot { @Centre @PageNum }
+ # @IntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @IntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # Titles, NoTitles headers
+ # @RunningOddTop { @I {@MinorNum @DotSep @MinorTitle} @Right @B @PageNum }
+ @RunningOddTop { 8p @Font {@MajorTitle @MinorNum @Right @PageNum} }
+ # @RunningOddFoot { @Null }
+ @RunningOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningEvenTop { @B @PageNum @Right @I {@MajorNum @DotSep @MajorTitle} }
+ @RunningEvenTop { 8p @Font {@MajorTitle @MinorNum @Right @PageNum} }
+ # @RunningEvenFoot { @Null }
+ @RunningEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartOddTop { @Null }
+ @RunningStartOddTop { 8p @Font { @MajorTitle @MinorNum @Right @PageNum } }
+ # @RunningStartOddFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ @RunningStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ @RunningStartEvenTop { 8p @Font { @MajorTitle @MinorNum @Right @PageNum } }
+ # @RunningStartEvenFoot { @Centre { Bold 0.8f } @Font @PageNum }
+ @RunningStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroOddFoot { @Right @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroEvenFoot { @PageNum }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartOddFoot { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenTop { @Null }
+ # @RunningIntroStartEvenFoot { @Null }
+# #
+# The @OverheadSetup @Use clause - options specific to overheads. #
+# #
+@Use { @OverheadSetup
+ # @DateLine { No } # No, Yes, or a date
+ # @ContentsWord { contents } # word for "Contents"
+ # @LectureWord { lecture } # word for "Lecture"
+ # @OverheadWord { } # word for "Overhead"
+ # @LectureNumbers { Arabic } # kind of lecture numbers
+ # @FirstLectureNumber { 1 } # first lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumbers { Arabic } # kind of overhead numbers
+ # @FirstOverheadNumber { 1 } # first overhead num
+ # @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base 1.5f } # title page font
+ # @LectureHeadingFont { Bold 1.20f } # lecture head font
+ # @LectureHeadingBreak { clines 1.2fx nohyphen } # lecture head break
+ # @LectureHeadingFormat { @Centre number @DP @Centre title @DP }
+ # @AboveLectureGap { 3.0f } # gap above lec head
+ # @OverheadHeadingFont { Bold } # overhead head font
+ # @OverheadHeadingBreak { 1.2fx nohyphen } # overhead head break
+ # @OverheadHeadingFormat { @Centre title @DP } # overhead head format
+ # @OverheadFormat { @Body } # overhead body format
+ # @AboveOverheadGap { 1.0f } # gap above over head
+ # @LectureInContents { Yes } # add lectures to contents
+ # @OverheadInContents { No } # add overheads to contents
+ # @ReferencesInContents { Yes } # add references to contents
+ # @LectureNumInTheorems { Yes } # theorem num has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has overhead num
+ # @LectureNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInDisplays { No } # display num has overhead num
+ # @LectureNumInFigures { Yes } # figure num has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInFigures { No } # figure num has overhead num
+ # @LectureNumInTables { Yes } # table num has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInTables { No } # table num has overhead num
+ # @LectureNumInRunners { Yes } # running head has lecture num
+ # @OverheadNumInRunners { Yes } # running head has overhd num
+ # @LecturePrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @OverheadPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+# #
+# @Database (and @SysDatabase) clauses go here. #
+# #
+@SysDatabase @RefStyle { refstyle } # reference printing styles
diff --git a/include/slidesf b/include/slidesf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e39f804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/slidesf
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+# #
+# @OverheadSetup extension to @DocumentSetup. #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# August 1994 #
+# #
+# This package extends DocumentSetup with definitions for overheads. #
+# #
+extend @BasicSetup @DocumentSetup
+export @OverheadTransparencies @Lecture @Overhead
+def @OverheadSetup
+ named @DateLine { No }
+ named @ContentsWord { contents }
+ named @LectureWord { lecture }
+ named @OverheadWord { }
+ named @LectureNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstLectureNumber { 1 }
+ named @OverheadNumbers { Arabic }
+ named @FirstOverheadNumber { 1 }
+ named @TitlePageFont { Helvetica Base }
+ named @LectureHeadingFont { Bold 1.20f }
+ named @LectureHeadingBreak { 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @LectureHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { @Centre number @DP @Centre title @DP }
+ named @AboveLectureGap { 3.0f }
+ named @OverheadHeadingFont { Bold }
+ named @OverheadHeadingBreak { 1.2fx nohyphen }
+ named @OverheadHeadingFormat
+ left number right title { @Centre title @DP }
+ named @OverheadFormat
+ named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
+ named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
+ named @CC right x { |0.5rt x | }
+ named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
+ right @Body
+ { @Body }
+ named @AboveOverheadGap { 1.0f }
+ named @LectureInContents { Yes }
+ named @OverheadInContents { No }
+ named @ReferencesInContents { Yes }
+ named @LectureNumInTheorems { Yes }
+ named @OverheadNumInTheorems { No }
+ named @LectureNumInDisplays { Yes }
+ named @OverheadNumInDisplays { No }
+ named @LectureNumInFigures { Yes }
+ named @OverheadNumInFigures { No }
+ named @LectureNumInTables { Yes }
+ named @OverheadNumInTables { No }
+ named @LectureNumInRunners { Yes }
+ named @OverheadNumInRunners { Yes }
+ named @LecturePrefix { }
+ named @OverheadPrefix { }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Symbols for passing full title to running headers. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export @Val
+ def @StoreTitle left @Tag named @Val {} { @Null }
+ def @SaveTitle right x { save @StoreTitle @Val { x } }
+ def @GetTitle { @StoreTitle&&save @Open { @Val } }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Lists of lectures and overheads. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export num
+ def @LectureList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //1.1b @LectureList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @OverheadsList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //1.1b @OverheadsList @Next num
+ }
+ export num
+ def @LecOverheadsList named @Tag {} right num
+ {
+ @Galley
+ //1.1b @LecOverheadsList @Next num
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Full - this sends text to a full-width place. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Full force into { @FullPlace&&following } right x { x }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # @OverheadTransparencies. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @OverheadTransparencies
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @Author {}
+ named @Institution {}
+ named @DateLine { @DateLine }
+ named @InitialFont { @InitialFont }
+ named @InitialBreak { @InitialBreak }
+ named @InitialSpace { @InitialSpace }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @PageOrientation { @PageOrientation }
+ named @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ named @FirstPageNumber { @FirstPageNumber }
+ named @FirstOverheadNumber { @FirstOverheadNumber }
+ named @FirstLectureNumber { @FirstLectureNumber }
+ named @OptimizePages { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ def @DatePart
+ {
+ @DateLine @Case {
+ No @Yield { @Null }
+ Yes @Yield { |0.5rt @Date | }
+ else @Yield { |0.5rt @DateLine | }
+ }
+ }
+ def @TitlePart
+ {
+ @TitlePageFont @Font @InitialBreak @Break
+ @InitialSpace @Space clines @Break {
+ //0.5i |0.5rt 1.5f @Font @InitialBreak @Break
+ @InitialSpace @Space clines @Break @Title |
+ //1i |0.5rt clines @Break @Author |
+ //0.5i |0.5rt clines @Break @I @Institution |
+ //0.5i @DatePart
+ }
+ }
+ def @ContentsPart
+ {
+ @DP |0.5rt @LectureHeadingFont @Font @LectureHeadingBreak @Break
+ @LectureHeadingFormat { contents @WordVal @ContentsWord } |
+ @DP @ContentsSection
+ }
+ def @ReferencesPart
+ named @Tag {}
+ {
+ @DP |0.5rt @LectureHeadingFont @Font @LectureHeadingBreak @Break
+ @LectureHeadingFormat { @RefHeading @RefListTitle } |
+ // @PageMark @Tag
+ // @ReferencesInContents @ContentsEntry
+ title { @RefHeading @RefListTitle }
+ pagenum { @PageOf @Tag }
+ // Start @Runner @MajorTitle { @GetTitle }
+ @DP @ReferencesSection
+ // NonStart @Runner @MajorTitle { @GetTitle }
+ }
+ def @OverheadsBody force into { @ColPlace&&preceding }
+ named @Optimize { @OptimizePages }
+ {
+ @Title @Case {
+ "" @Yield @Null
+ else @Yield @TitlePart
+ }
+ //1.1b @MakeContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @ContentsPart
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ // Start @Runner @MajorTitle { @GetTitle }
+ //1.1b @OverheadsList @FirstOverheadNumber
+ //1.1b @LectureList @FirstLectureNumber
+ //1.1b @ReferencesPart
+ }
+ @InitialFont @Font @InitialBreak @Break @InitialLanguage @Language
+ @InitialSpace @Space { @ColourCommand @InitialColour } @SetColour
+ {
+ @SaveTitle {
+ @InitialLanguage @Language { @RunningTitle @Dft @Title }
+ }
+ // Yes @BeginAllCounters {}
+ // Yes @BeginDisplayCounter {}
+ // Yes @BeginFigureCounter {}
+ // Yes @BeginFigureCounter {}
+ // @PageList
+ @ColumnNumber { 1 }
+ @PageHeaders { @PageHeaders }
+ @Orient { @PageOrientation }
+ extra { Yes }
+ @FirstPageNumber
+ // @OverheadsBody
+ // Start @Runner
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Overheads. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @Overhead force into { @OverheadsList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @Format
+ named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
+ named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
+ named @CC right x { |0.5rt x | }
+ named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
+ right @Body { @OverheadFormat @Body }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ majortitle { @GetTitle }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveOverheadGap }
+ headingfont { @OverheadHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @OverheadHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @OverheadHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @OverheadInContents }
+ contentsindent { 0f }
+ numbers { @OverheadNumbers }
+ attachnum { @OverheadsList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @OverheadsList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ pnprefix { @OverheadPrefix }
+ intheorems { @OverheadNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @OverheadNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @OverheadNumInFigures }
+ intables { @OverheadNumInTables }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @DisplayGap }
+ inrunners { @OverheadNumInRunners }
+ @Format @Body
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Lectures containing overheads. #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ export @BeginOverheads @EndOverheads @Overhead
+ def @Lecture force into { @LectureList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @InitialLanguage {}
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ def @EndOverheadsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @EndOverheads force into { @EndOverheadsPlace&&preceding }
+ {}
+ macro @BeginOverheads
+ { //1.1b @LecOverheadsList 1
+ // @EndOverheadsPlace //
+ }
+ def @LectureNum
+ {
+ @LectureNumbers @Then {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft {
+ @LectureNumbers @Num @LectureList&&@Tag @Open { num }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Overhead force into { @LecOverheadsList&&preceding }
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Title {}
+ named @RunningTitle { dft }
+ named @Format
+ named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
+ named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
+ named @CC right x { |0.5rt x | }
+ named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
+ right @Body { @OverheadFormat @Body }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ body @Body
+ {
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Minor }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ headingfont { @OverheadHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @OverheadHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @OverheadHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @OverheadInContents }
+ contentsindent { 2f }
+ numbers { @OverheadNumbers }
+ attachnum { @LecOverheadsList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @LecOverheadsList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ prefix { @LectureNum }
+ majornum { @LectureNum }
+ majortitle { @GetTitle }
+ intheorems { @OverheadNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { OverheadNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @OverheadNumInFigures }
+ inrunners { @OverheadNumInRunners }
+ @Format @Body
+ }
+ @LargeScaleStructure
+ tag { @Tag }
+ type { Major }
+ initiallanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ title { @Title }
+ runningtitle { @RunningTitle }
+ aboveheadinggap { @AboveLectureGap }
+ headingfont { @LectureHeadingFont }
+ headingbreak { @LectureHeadingBreak }
+ headingformat { @Num @LectureHeadingFormat @Body }
+ incontents { @LectureInContents }
+ contentsindent { 0f }
+ word { lecture @WordVal @LectureWord }
+ numbers { @LectureNumbers }
+ attachnum { @LectureList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
+ retrievenum { @LectureList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
+ bypassnumber { @BypassNumber }
+ pnprefix { @LecturePrefix }
+ majortitle { @GetTitle }
+ intheorems { @LectureNumInTheorems }
+ indisplays { @LectureNumInDisplays }
+ infigures { @LectureNumInFigures }
+ intables { @LectureNumInTables }
+ sendheader { @Full @Body }
+ innergap { @DisplayGap }
+ inrunners { @LectureNumInRunners }
+ @Body
+ }
+@End @OverheadSetup
diff --git a/include/tab b/include/tab
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02311d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tab
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for table printing #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# This package is OBSOLETE; use tbl instead. #
+# #
+# #
+# The @SysInclude { tabf } line #
+# #
+# This line causes Lout to read the definitions for tables, and should #
+# not be touched. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { tabf }
+# #
+# This package does not offer default options that can be changed. #
+# #
diff --git a/include/tabf b/include/tabf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc1e0c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tabf
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+# #
+# Lout @Tab package for formatting tables (Version 2.0) #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, September 1991. #
+# Version 2.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 22 December 1992. #
+# Version 3.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 13 September 1993. #
+# #
+# The only change between Versions 2 and 3 is to make the linewidth #
+# option accept a Lout length rather than a Fig length. See the User's #
+# Guide for user information. #
+# #
+@SysPrependGraphic { "tabf.lpg" }
+export @CC @RR @Rule @DoubleRule @Line @DoubleLine @NP
+ @Rowa @Rowb @Rowc @Rowd @Rowe @Rowf @Rowg @Rowh @Rowi @Rowj
+ @MarkRowa @MarkRowb @MarkRowc @MarkRowd @MarkRowe @MarkRowf
+ @MarkRowg @MarkRowh @MarkRowi @MarkRowj
+ @FirstRowa @FirstRowb @FirstRowc @FirstRowd @FirstRowe @FirstRowf
+ @FirstRowg @FirstRowh @FirstRowi @FirstRowj
+def @Tab
+ named above { no }
+ named below { no }
+ named between { no }
+ named side { no }
+ named hmargin { 0.3c }
+ named vmargin {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield 0.2v
+ PDF @Yield 0.2v # VT: PDF case added
+ PlainText @Yield 0.5v
+ }
+ }
+ named linewidth
+ named c left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" cm" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__cm, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ named i left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" in" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__in, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ named e left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" em" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__em, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ named p left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" pt" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__pt, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ named f left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" ft" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__loutf, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ named s left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" sp" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__louts, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ named v left x {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { x" vs" }
+ PDF @Yield { "__mul(__loutv, "x")" }
+ }
+ }
+ { 0.5p }
+ named @Fmta
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ named @Fmtb
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ named @Fmtc
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ named @Fmtd
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ named @Fmte
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ named @Fmtf
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ named @Fmtg
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ named @Fmth
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ named @Fmti
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ named @Fmtj
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named "!" precedence 10 left x named between { dft } right y {}
+ named "!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "!!!" precedence 10 left x right y {}
+ named "@Over" precedence 11 left x right y { x // y }
+ named "," precedence 12 left x right y {}
+ named @Col precedence 12 right x {}
+ named @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ named @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+ {}
+ body @Body
+ macro @NP { /1.1b }
+ def @CC right x { clines @Break { & x & } }
+ def @RR right x { rlines @Break { & x & } }
+# VT: these definitions have been modified for PDF support
+ def @HSingle {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabhs }
+ PDF @Yield { "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" linewidth "w 0 J S" }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HSingleProject {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabhsp }
+ PDF @Yield { "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" linewidth "w 2 J S" }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HDouble {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabhd }
+ PDF @Yield { # dup dup
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" # 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ "0 __mul(3, " linewidth ") m __xsize __mul(3, " linewidth ") l" # 0 exch 3 mul moveto xsize exch 3 mul lineto
+ linewidth "w 0 J S" # setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HDoubleBelow {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabhdb }
+ PDF @Yield { # dup dup
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" # 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ "0 __mul(-3, "linewidth") m __xsize __mul(-3, "linewidth") l" # 0 exch -3 mul moveto xsize exch -3 mul lineto
+ linewidth "w 0 J S" # setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HDoubleNW {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabhdnw }
+ PDF @Yield { # dup dup dup dup
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" # 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ "__xsize __mul(3, "linewidth") m" # xsize exch 3 mul moveto
+ "__mul(-3, "linewidth") __mul(3, "linewidth") l" # -3 mul exch 3 mul lineto
+ "__mul(-3, "linewidth") 0 l" # -3 mul 0 lineto
+ linewidth "w 0 j 2 J S" # setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HDoubleNE {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabhdne }
+ PDF @Yield { # dup dup dup dup
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" # 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ "0 __mul(3, "linewidth") m" # 0 exch 3 mul moveto
+ "__add(__xsize, __mul(3, "linewidth")) __mul(3, "linewidth") l" # 3 mul xsize add exch 3 mul lineto
+ "__add(__xsize, __mul(3, "linewidth")) 0 l" # 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ linewidth "w 0 j 2 J S" # setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HDoubleSW {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabhdsw }
+ PDF @Yield { # dup dup dup dup
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" # 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ "__xsize __mul(-3, "linewidth") m" # xsize exch -3 mul moveto
+ "__mul(-3, "linewidth") __mul(-3, "linewidth") l" # -3 mul exch -3 mul lineto
+ "__mul(-3, "linewidth") 0 l" # -3 mul 0 lineto
+ linewidth "w 0 j 2 J S" # setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HDoubleSE {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabhdse }
+ PDF @Yield { # dup dup dup dup
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l" # 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ "0 __mul(-3, "linewidth") m" # 0 exch -3 mul moveto
+ "__add(__xsize, __mul(-3, "linewidth")) __mul(-3, "linewidth") l" # 3 mul xsize add exch -3 mul lineto
+ "__add(__xsize, __mul( 3, "linewidth")) 0 l" # 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ linewidth "w 0 j 2 J S" # setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VSingle {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabvs }
+ PDF @Yield {
+ "0 0 m 0 __ysize l" # 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ linewidth "w 0 J S" # setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VDouble {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabvd }
+ PDF @Yield { # dup dup
+ "0 0 m 0 __ysize l" # 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ "__mul(-3, "linewidth") 0 m __mul(-3, "linewidth") __ysize l" # -3 mul 0 moveto -3 mul ysize lineto
+ linewidth "w 0 J S" # setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VDoubleRight {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield { linewidth ltabvdr }
+ PDF @Yield { # dup dup
+ "0 0 m 0 __ysize l" # 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ "__mul(3, "linewidth") 0 m __mul(3, "linewidth") __ysize l" # 3 mul 0 moveto 3 mul ysize lineto
+ linewidth "w 0 J S" # setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @MidHRule
+ left rule
+ right x
+ {
+ rule @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield { @OneCol x }
+ { yes single } @Yield { @HSingle @Graphic x }
+ { double doubleboxabove } @Yield { @HDouble @Graphic x }
+ doubleboxbelow @Yield { @HDoubleBelow @Graphic x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LeftHRule
+ left rule
+ right x
+ {
+ rule @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield { @OneCol x }
+ { yes single } @Yield { @HSingleProject @Graphic x }
+ double @Yield { @HDouble @Graphic x }
+ doubleboxabove @Yield { @HDoubleNW @Graphic x }
+ doubleboxbelow @Yield { @HDoubleSW @Graphic x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @RightHRule
+ left rule
+ right x
+ {
+ rule @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield { @OneCol x }
+ { yes single } @Yield { @HSingleProject @Graphic x }
+ double @Yield { @HDouble @Graphic x }
+ doubleboxabove @Yield { @HDoubleNE @Graphic x }
+ doubleboxbelow @Yield { @HDoubleSE @Graphic x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HSRule
+ left rule
+ {
+ rule @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield {}
+ { yes single } @Yield { @HSingle @Graphic {} }
+ double @Yield { @HDouble @Graphic {} }
+ doubleboxabove @Yield { @HDouble @Graphic {} }
+ doubleboxbelow @Yield { @HDoubleBelow @Graphic {} }
+ }
+ }
+ def @ZeroWidth
+ right x
+ { @OneCol { |0io x |0io }
+ }
+ def @Line
+ { single @HSRule
+ }
+ def @DoubleLine
+ { double @HSRule
+ }
+ def @Rule
+ {
+ @OneRow
+ {
+ @ZeroWidth @HSingle @Graphic { ^|hmargin }
+ / @Line /
+ &1rt @ZeroWidth @HSingle @Graphic { |hmargin }
+ }
+ }
+ def @DoubleRule
+ {
+ @OneRow
+ {
+ @ZeroWidth @HDouble @Graphic { ^|hmargin }
+ / @DoubleLine /
+ &1rt @ZeroWidth @HDouble @Graphic { |hmargin }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VRule
+ left rule
+ right x
+ {
+ rule @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield {}
+ { yes single } @Yield @OneRow { /0io @VSingle @Graphic x /0io }
+ double @Yield @OneRow { /0io @VDouble @Graphic x /0io }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VRuleRight
+ left rule
+ right x
+ {
+ rule @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield {}
+ {yes single} @Yield @OneRow { /0io @VSingle @Graphic x /0io }
+ double @Yield @OneRow { /0io @VDoubleRight @Graphic x /0io }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VSRule
+ left rule
+ {
+ rule @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield {}
+ { yes single } @Yield { @VSingle @Graphic {} }
+ double @Yield { @VDouble @Graphic {} }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VSRuleRight
+ left rule
+ {
+ rule @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield {}
+ {yes single} @Yield { @VSingle @Graphic {} }
+ double @Yield { @VDoubleRight @Graphic {} }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Wrap
+ named ur { no } # Rule up above entry
+ named dr { no } # Rule down below entry
+ named vm { vmargin } # Vertical margin
+ right x # The object to be wrapped
+ {
+ ur @HSRule
+ ^/vm @OneCol @OneRow x
+ /vm dr @HSRule
+ }
+ def @Sep
+ left x
+ named ur { no } # Rule up above entry
+ named dr { no } # Rule down below entry
+ named sr { no } # Rule separating x from y
+ named hm { hmargin } # Horizontal margin
+ named vm { vmargin } # Vertical margin
+ right y
+ {
+ def vr
+ {
+ sr @Case
+ { dft @Yield between
+ else @Yield sr
+ }
+ }
+ x | @OneCol
+ { ur @MidHRule {|hm}
+ /vm
+ /vm dr @MidHRule {|hm}
+ }
+ | @OneCol
+ { vr @VRule { /vm } | ur @MidHRule {|hm}
+ /vm vr @VSRule |
+ /vm vr @VRule {^/vm } | dr @MidHRule {|hm}
+ }
+ | y
+ }
+ def @NSep
+ left x
+ named hm { hmargin }
+ right y
+ {
+ x | @OneCol { |hm } | @OneCol { |hm } | y
+ }
+ def @LeftEdge
+ named ur { no } # Rule up above entry
+ named dr { no } # Rule down below entry
+ named sr { no } # Rule separating x from y
+ named hm { hmargin } # Horizontal margin
+ named vm { vmargin } # Vertical margin
+ right x
+ {
+ sr @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield { x }
+ else @Yield
+ { @OneCol
+ {
+ sr @VRule { /vm } | ur @LeftHRule { |hm }
+ ^/vm sr @VSRule |
+ /vm sr @VRule { ^/vm } | dr @LeftHRule { |hm }
+ }
+ | x
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @RightEdge
+ left x
+ named ur { no } # Rule up above entry
+ named dr { no } # Rule down below entry
+ named sr { no } # Rule separating x from y
+ named hm { hmargin } # Horizontal margin
+ named vm { vmargin } # Vertical margin
+ {
+ sr @Case
+ {
+ no @Yield { x }
+ else @Yield
+ {
+ x | @OneCol
+ {
+ ur @RightHRule { |hm }
+ /vm
+ /vm dr @RightHRule { |hm }
+ }
+ | @OneCol
+ {
+ sr @VRuleRight { /vm }
+ /vm sr @VSRuleRight
+ /vm sr @VRuleRight { ^/vm }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @DoRowa
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmta
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ def @DoRowb
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmtb
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ def @DoRowc
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmtc
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ def @DoRowd
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmtd
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ def @DoRowe
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmte
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ def @DoRowf
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmtf
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ def @DoRowg
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmtg
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ def @DoRowh
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmth
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ def @DoRowi
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmti
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ def @DoRowj
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named above { above }
+ named below { below }
+ named side { side }
+ named vmargin { vmargin }
+ {
+ @LeftEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ @Fmtj
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E }
+ F { F } G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J }
+ K { K } L { L } M { M } N { N } O { O }
+ P { P } Q { Q } R { R } S { S } T { T }
+ U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X } Y { Y }
+ Z { Z }
+ @Col { @Wrap ur {above} dr {below} vm {vmargin} x}
+ ! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { between } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { single } vm {vmargin} y}
+ !!! { x @Sep ur {above} dr {below} sr { double } vm {vmargin} y}
+ , { x @NSep y }
+ @RightEdge ur { above } dr { below } sr { side } vm { vmargin }
+ }
+ macro @Rowa { / @DoRowa }
+ macro @Rowb { / @DoRowb }
+ macro @Rowc { / @DoRowc }
+ macro @Rowd { / @DoRowd }
+ macro @Rowe { / @DoRowe }
+ macro @Rowf { / @DoRowf }
+ macro @Rowg { / @DoRowg }
+ macro @Rowh { / @DoRowh }
+ macro @Rowi { / @DoRowi }
+ macro @Rowj { / @DoRowj }
+ macro @FirstRowa { @DoRowa }
+ macro @FirstRowb { @DoRowb }
+ macro @FirstRowc { @DoRowc }
+ macro @FirstRowd { @DoRowd }
+ macro @FirstRowe { @DoRowe }
+ macro @FirstRowf { @DoRowf }
+ macro @FirstRowg { @DoRowg }
+ macro @FirstRowh { @DoRowh }
+ macro @FirstRowi { @DoRowi }
+ macro @FirstRowj { @DoRowj }
+ macro @MarkRowa { ^/ @DoRowa }
+ macro @MarkRowb { ^/ @DoRowb }
+ macro @MarkRowc { ^/ @DoRowc }
+ macro @MarkRowd { ^/ @DoRowd }
+ macro @MarkRowe { ^/ @DoRowe }
+ macro @MarkRowf { ^/ @DoRowf }
+ macro @MarkRowg { ^/ @DoRowg }
+ macro @MarkRowh { ^/ @DoRowh }
+ macro @MarkRowi { ^/ @DoRowi }
+ macro @MarkRowj { ^/ @DoRowj }
+ @Body
+@End @Tab
diff --git a/include/tabf.lpg b/include/tabf.lpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0dd9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tabf.lpg
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutTabPrependGraphic
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Tab %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names %
+% of all these symbols begin with "ltab". %
+% %
+% Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% 24 September 1991 %
+% 22 December 1992 %
+% %
+% linewidth ltabhs -
+% horizontal single line
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhsp -
+% horizontal single line with projecting ends
+{ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhd -
+% horizontal double line
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch 3 mul moveto xsize exch 3 mul lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdb -
+% horizontal double line below mark
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch -3 mul moveto xsize exch -3 mul lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdnw -
+% horizontal double line with northwest corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize exch 3 mul moveto
+ -3 mul exch 3 mul lineto
+ -3 mul 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdne -
+% horizontal double line with northeast corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch 3 mul moveto
+ 3 mul xsize add exch 3 mul lineto
+ 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdsw -
+% horizontal double line with southwest corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ xsize exch -3 mul moveto
+ -3 mul exch -3 mul lineto
+ -3 mul 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabhdse -
+% horizontal double line with southeast corner
+{ dup dup dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto
+ 0 exch -3 mul moveto
+ 3 mul xsize add exch -3 mul lineto
+ 3 mul xsize add 0 lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 2 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvs -
+% vertical single line
+{ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvd -
+% vertical double line
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ -3 mul 0 moveto -3 mul ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
+% linewidth ltabvdr -
+% vertical double line to right of mark
+{ dup dup
+ 0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto
+ 3 mul 0 moveto 3 mul ysize lineto
+ setlinewidth 0 setlinecap stroke
+} def
diff --git a/include/tbl b/include/tbl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0574bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tbl
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# #
+# Lout setup file for table printing #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 5 February 1999 #
+# #
+# #
+# The @SysInclude { tblf } line #
+# #
+# This line causes Lout to read the definitions for diagrams, and should #
+# not be touched. #
+# #
+@SysInclude { tblf }
+# #
+# The @TbleSetup @Use clause #
+# #
+# To change the default value of any option, delete the # at the start of #
+# its line and change the value between braces. #
+# #
+@Use { @TblSetup
+ # paint { nopaint } # colour of background
+ # background { } # object in background
+ # font { } # font
+ # break { } # paragraph breaking style
+ # width { } # fixed width or "expand"
+ # height { } # fixed height
+ # indent { } # horizontal indent
+ # indentvertical { } # vertical indent
+ # strut { yes } # vertical strut
+ # struthorizontal { no } # horizontal strut
+ # margin { } # margin all round
+ # marginhorizontal { 0.6f @OrIfPlain 2s } # margin left, right of entry
+ # marginleft { } # margin left of entry
+ # marginright { } # margin right of entry
+ # marginvertical { 0.3f @OrIfPlain 2f } # margin above, below entry
+ # marginabove { } # margin above entry
+ # marginbelow { } # margin below entry
+ # rule { no } # rule all round cell
+ # rulehorizontal { } # rule above and below cell
+ # ruleabove { } # rule above cell
+ # rulebelow { } # rule below cell
+ # rulevertical { } # rule left and right of cell
+ # ruleleft { } # rule left of cell
+ # ruleright { } # rule right of cell
+ # rulewidth { 0.05f } # width (thickness) of rule
+ # rulehorizontalwidth { {} @OrIfPlain 1f } # width of above, below rules
+ # ruleabovewidth { } # width of above rule
+ # rulebelowwidth { } # width of below rule
+ # ruleverticalwidth { {} @OrIfPlain 1s } # width of left, right rules
+ # ruleleftwidth { } # width of left rule
+ # rulerightwidth { } # width of right rule
+ # rulegap { 0.15f } # gap between double rules
+ # rulehorizontalgap { {} @OrIfPlain 0f } # gap between dbl a&b rules
+ # ruleabovegap { } # gap between dbl above rules
+ # rulebelowgap { } # gap between dbl below rules
+ # ruleverticalgap { {} @OrIfPlain 0s } # gap between dbl l&r rules
+ # ruleleftgap { } # gap between dbl left rules
+ # rulerightgap { } # gap between dbl right rules
+ # rulecolour { black } # color of rules
+ # rulehorizontalcolour { } # color of above, below rules
+ # ruleabovecolour { } # color of above rules
+ # rulebelowcolour { } # color of below rules
+ # ruleverticalcolour { } # color of left, right rules
+ # ruleleftcolour { } # color of left rules
+ # rulerightcolour { } # color of right rules
+ # ruleplainchar { . } # plain text rule characters
diff --git a/include/tblf b/include/tblf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8f0019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tblf
@@ -0,0 +1,3127 @@
+# #
+# Lout @Tbl package for tables #
+# #
+# Version 1.0 (22 November 1998) #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# #
+# Based on the @Tab package (Jeffrey H. Kingston, September 1991). #
+# #
+@SysPrependGraphic { tblf.lpg }
+export @OrIfPlain
+def @TOIP {
+ def @OrIfPlain
+ left ps
+ right plain
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PlainText @Yield plain
+ else @Yield ps
+ }
+ }
+export @Tbl
+def @TblSetup
+ import @TOIP named paint p { nopaint }
+ import @TOIP named background bg {}
+ import @TOIP named font f {}
+ import @TOIP named break b {}
+ import @TOIP named width w {}
+ import @TOIP named height h {}
+ import @TOIP named indent i {}
+ import @TOIP named indentvertical iv {}
+ import @TOIP named strut s { yes }
+ import @TOIP named struthorizontal sh { no }
+ import @TOIP named margin m {}
+ import @TOIP named marginhorizontal mh { 0.6f @OrIfPlain 2s }
+ import @TOIP named marginleft ml {}
+ import @TOIP named marginright mr {}
+ import @TOIP named marginvertical mv { 0.3f @OrIfPlain 2f }
+ import @TOIP named marginabove ma {}
+ import @TOIP named marginbelow mb {}
+ import @TOIP named rule r { no }
+ import @TOIP named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ import @TOIP named ruleabove ra {}
+ import @TOIP named rulebelow rb {}
+ import @TOIP named rulevertical rv {}
+ import @TOIP named ruleleft rl {}
+ import @TOIP named ruleright rr {}
+ import @TOIP named rulewidth rw { 0.05f }
+ import @TOIP named rulehorizontalwidth rhw { {} @OrIfPlain 1f }
+ import @TOIP named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ import @TOIP named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ import @TOIP named ruleverticalwidth rvw { {} @OrIfPlain 1s }
+ import @TOIP named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ import @TOIP named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ import @TOIP named rulegap rg { 0.15f }
+ import @TOIP named rulehorizontalgap rhg { {} @OrIfPlain 0f }
+ import @TOIP named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ import @TOIP named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ import @TOIP named ruleverticalgap rvg { {} @OrIfPlain 0s }
+ import @TOIP named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ import @TOIP named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ import @TOIP named rulecolour rulecolor rc { black }
+ import @TOIP named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ import @TOIP named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ import @TOIP named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ import @TOIP named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ import @TOIP named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ import @TOIP named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ import @TOIP named ruleplainchar rpc { . }
+ def @Else
+ precedence 20
+ associativity right
+ left x
+ right y
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ "" @Yield y
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values as the setup file knows them (i.e. Level 1) #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def setupp { p }
+ def setupbg { bg }
+ def setupf { f }
+ def setupb { b }
+ def setupw { w }
+ def setuph { h }
+ def setupi { i }
+ def setupiv { iv }
+ def setups { s }
+ def setupsh { sh }
+ def setupml { ml @Else mh @Else m }
+ def setupmr { mr @Else mh @Else m }
+ def setupma { ma @Else mv @Else m }
+ def setupmb { mb @Else mv @Else m }
+ def setupra { ra @Else rh @Else r }
+ def setuprb { rb @Else rh @Else r }
+ def setuprl { rl @Else rv @Else r }
+ def setuprr { rr @Else rv @Else r }
+ def setupraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw }
+ def setuprbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw }
+ def setuprlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw }
+ def setuprrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw }
+ def setuprag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg }
+ def setuprbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg }
+ def setuprlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg }
+ def setuprrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg }
+ def setuprac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc }
+ def setuprbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc }
+ def setuprlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc }
+ def setuprrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc }
+ def setuprpc { rpc }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # @Tbl symbol #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export
+ @Row
+ @Rowa
+ @Rowb
+ @Rowc
+ @Rowd
+ @Rowe
+ @Rowf
+ @Rowg
+ @Rowh
+ @FirstRow
+ @FirstRowa
+ @FirstRowb
+ @FirstRowc
+ @FirstRowd
+ @FirstRowe
+ @FirstRowf
+ @FirstRowg
+ @FirstRowh
+ @MarkRow
+ @MarkRowa
+ @MarkRowb
+ @MarkRowc
+ @MarkRowd
+ @MarkRowe
+ @MarkRowf
+ @MarkRowg
+ @MarkRowh
+ @NoBreakRow
+ @NoBreakRowa
+ @NoBreakRowb
+ @NoBreakRowc
+ @NoBreakRowd
+ @NoBreakRowe
+ @NoBreakRowf
+ @NoBreakRowg
+ @NoBreakRowh
+ @NP
+ def @Tbl
+ # parameters for formatting the entire table
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ # parameters for formatting @Rowa rows
+ named apaint ap {}
+ named abackground abg {}
+ named afont af {}
+ named abreak ab {}
+ named awidth aw {}
+ named aheight ah {}
+ named aindent ai {}
+ named aindentvertical aiv {}
+ named astrut as {}
+ named astruthorizontal ash {}
+ named amargin am {}
+ named amarginhorizontal amh {}
+ named amarginleft aml {}
+ named amarginright amr {}
+ named amarginvertical amv {}
+ named amarginabove ama {}
+ named amarginbelow amb {}
+ named arule ar {}
+ named arulehorizontal arh {}
+ named aruleabove ara {}
+ named arulebelow arb {}
+ named arulevertical arv {}
+ named aruleleft arl {}
+ named aruleright arr {}
+ named arulewidth arw {}
+ named arulehorizontalwidth arhw {}
+ named aruleabovewidth araw {}
+ named arulebelowwidth arbw {}
+ named aruleverticalwidth arvw {}
+ named aruleleftwidth arlw {}
+ named arulerightwidth arrw {}
+ named arulegap arg {}
+ named arulehorizontalgap arhg {}
+ named aruleabovegap arag {}
+ named arulebelowgap arbg {}
+ named aruleverticalgap arvg {}
+ named aruleleftgap arlg {}
+ named arulerightgap arrg {}
+ named arulecolour arulecolor arc {}
+ named arulehorizontalcolour arulehorizontalcolor arhc {}
+ named aruleabovecolour aruleabovecolor arac {}
+ named arulebelowcolour arulebelowcolor arbc {}
+ named aruleverticalcolour aruleverticalcolor arvc {}
+ named aruleleftcolour aruleleftcolor arlc {}
+ named arulerightcolour arulerightcolor arrc {}
+ named aruleplainchar arpc {}
+ named aformat
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named @Cell
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ right x
+ {}
+ {}
+ # parameters for formatting @Rowb rows
+ named bpaint bp {}
+ named bbackground bbg {}
+ named bfont bf {}
+ named bbreak bb {}
+ named bwidth bw {}
+ named bheight bh {}
+ named bindent bi {}
+ named bindentvertical biv {}
+ named bstrut bs {}
+ named bstruthorizontal bsh {}
+ named bmargin bm {}
+ named bmarginhorizontal bmh {}
+ named bmarginleft bml {}
+ named bmarginright bmr {}
+ named bmarginvertical bmv {}
+ named bmarginabove bma {}
+ named bmarginbelow bmb {}
+ named brule br {}
+ named brulehorizontal brh {}
+ named bruleabove bra {}
+ named brulebelow brb {}
+ named brulevertical brv {}
+ named bruleleft brl {}
+ named bruleright brr {}
+ named brulewidth brw {}
+ named brulehorizontalwidth brhw {}
+ named bruleabovewidth braw {}
+ named brulebelowwidth brbw {}
+ named bruleverticalwidth brvw {}
+ named bruleleftwidth brlw {}
+ named brulerightwidth brrw {}
+ named brulegap brg {}
+ named brulehorizontalgap brhg {}
+ named bruleabovegap brag {}
+ named brulebelowgap brbg {}
+ named bruleverticalgap brvg {}
+ named bruleleftgap brlg {}
+ named brulerightgap brrg {}
+ named brulecolour brulecolor brc {}
+ named brulehorizontalcolour brulehorizontalcolor brhc {}
+ named bruleabovecolour bruleabovecolor brac {}
+ named brulebelowcolour brulebelowcolor brbc {}
+ named bruleverticalcolour bruleverticalcolor brvc {}
+ named bruleleftcolour bruleleftcolor brlc {}
+ named brulerightcolour brulerightcolor brrc {}
+ named bruleplainchar brpc {}
+ named bformat
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named @Cell
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ right x
+ {}
+ {}
+ # parameters for formatting @Rowc rows
+ named cpaint cp {}
+ named cbackground cbg {}
+ named cfont cf {}
+ named cbreak cb {}
+ named cwidth cw {}
+ named cheight ch {}
+ named cindent ci {}
+ named cindentvertical civ {}
+ named cstrut cs {}
+ named cstruthorizontal csh {}
+ named cmargin cm {}
+ named cmarginhorizontal cmh {}
+ named cmarginleft cml {}
+ named cmarginright cmr {}
+ named cmarginvertical cmv {}
+ named cmarginabove cma {}
+ named cmarginbelow cmb {}
+ named crule cr {}
+ named crulehorizontal crh {}
+ named cruleabove cra {}
+ named crulebelow crb {}
+ named crulevertical crv {}
+ named cruleleft crl {}
+ named cruleright crr {}
+ named crulewidth crw {}
+ named crulehorizontalwidth crhw {}
+ named cruleabovewidth craw {}
+ named crulebelowwidth crbw {}
+ named cruleverticalwidth crvw {}
+ named cruleleftwidth crlw {}
+ named crulerightwidth crrw {}
+ named crulegap crg {}
+ named crulehorizontalgap crhg {}
+ named cruleabovegap crag {}
+ named crulebelowgap crbg {}
+ named cruleverticalgap crvg {}
+ named cruleleftgap crlg {}
+ named crulerightgap crrg {}
+ named crulecolour crulecolor crc {}
+ named crulehorizontalcolour crulehorizontalcolor crhc {}
+ named cruleabovecolour cruleabovecolor crac {}
+ named crulebelowcolour crulebelowcolor crbc {}
+ named cruleverticalcolour cruleverticalcolor crvc {}
+ named cruleleftcolour cruleleftcolor crlc {}
+ named crulerightcolour crulerightcolor crrc {}
+ named cruleplainchar crpc {}
+ named cformat
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named @Cell
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ right x
+ {}
+ {}
+ # parameters for formatting @Rowd rows
+ named dpaint dp {}
+ named dbackground dbg {}
+ named dfont df {}
+ named dbreak db {}
+ named dwidth dw {}
+ named dheight dh {}
+ named dindent di {}
+ named dindentvertical div {}
+ named dstrut ds {}
+ named dstruthorizontal dsh {}
+ named dmargin dm {}
+ named dmarginhorizontal dmh {}
+ named dmarginleft dml {}
+ named dmarginright dmr {}
+ named dmarginvertical dmv {}
+ named dmarginabove dma {}
+ named dmarginbelow dmb {}
+ named drule dr {}
+ named drulehorizontal drh {}
+ named druleabove dra {}
+ named drulebelow drb {}
+ named drulevertical drv {}
+ named druleleft drl {}
+ named druleright drr {}
+ named drulewidth drw {}
+ named drulehorizontalwidth drhw {}
+ named druleabovewidth draw {}
+ named drulebelowwidth drbw {}
+ named druleverticalwidth drvw {}
+ named druleleftwidth drlw {}
+ named drulerightwidth drrw {}
+ named drulegap drg {}
+ named drulehorizontalgap drhg {}
+ named druleabovegap drag {}
+ named drulebelowgap drbg {}
+ named druleverticalgap drvg {}
+ named druleleftgap drlg {}
+ named drulerightgap drrg {}
+ named drulecolour drulecolor drc {}
+ named drulehorizontalcolour drulehorizontalcolor drhc {}
+ named druleabovecolour druleabovecolor drac {}
+ named drulebelowcolour drulebelowcolor drbc {}
+ named druleverticalcolour druleverticalcolor drvc {}
+ named druleleftcolour druleleftcolor drlc {}
+ named drulerightcolour drulerightcolor drrc {}
+ named druleplainchar drpc {}
+ named dformat
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named @Cell
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ right x
+ {}
+ {}
+ # parameters for formatting @Rowe rows
+ named epaint ep {}
+ named ebackground ebg {}
+ named efont ef {}
+ named ebreak eb {}
+ named ewidth ew {}
+ named eheight eh {}
+ named eindent ei {}
+ named eindentvertical eiv {}
+ named estrut es {}
+ named estruthorizontal esh {}
+ named emargin em {}
+ named emarginhorizontal emh {}
+ named emarginleft eml {}
+ named emarginright emr {}
+ named emarginvertical emv {}
+ named emarginabove ema {}
+ named emarginbelow emb {}
+ named erule er {}
+ named erulehorizontal erh {}
+ named eruleabove era {}
+ named erulebelow erb {}
+ named erulevertical erv {}
+ named eruleleft erl {}
+ named eruleright err {}
+ named erulewidth erw {}
+ named erulehorizontalwidth erhw {}
+ named eruleabovewidth eraw {}
+ named erulebelowwidth erbw {}
+ named eruleverticalwidth ervw {}
+ named eruleleftwidth erlw {}
+ named erulerightwidth errw {}
+ named erulegap erg {}
+ named erulehorizontalgap erhg {}
+ named eruleabovegap erag {}
+ named erulebelowgap erbg {}
+ named eruleverticalgap ervg {}
+ named eruleleftgap erlg {}
+ named erulerightgap errg {}
+ named erulecolour erulecolor erc {}
+ named erulehorizontalcolour erulehorizontalcolor erhc {}
+ named eruleabovecolour eruleabovecolor erac {}
+ named erulebelowcolour erulebelowcolor erbc {}
+ named eruleverticalcolour eruleverticalcolor ervc {}
+ named eruleleftcolour eruleleftcolor erlc {}
+ named erulerightcolour erulerightcolor errc {}
+ named eruleplainchar erpc {}
+ named eformat
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named @Cell
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ right x
+ {}
+ {}
+ # parameters for formatting @Rowf rows
+ named fpaint fp {}
+ named fbackground fbg {}
+ named ffont ff {}
+ named fbreak fb {}
+ named fwidth fw {}
+ named fheight fh {}
+ named findent fi {}
+ named findentvertical fiv {}
+ named fstrut fs {}
+ named fstruthorizontal fsh {}
+ named fmargin fm {}
+ named fmarginhorizontal fmh {}
+ named fmarginleft fml {}
+ named fmarginright fmr {}
+ named fmarginvertical fmv {}
+ named fmarginabove fma {}
+ named fmarginbelow fmb {}
+ named frule fr {}
+ named frulehorizontal frh {}
+ named fruleabove fra {}
+ named frulebelow frb {}
+ named frulevertical frv {}
+ named fruleleft frl {}
+ named fruleright frr {}
+ named frulewidth frw {}
+ named frulehorizontalwidth frhw {}
+ named fruleabovewidth fraw {}
+ named frulebelowwidth frbw {}
+ named fruleverticalwidth frvw {}
+ named fruleleftwidth frlw {}
+ named frulerightwidth frrw {}
+ named frulegap frg {}
+ named frulehorizontalgap frhg {}
+ named fruleabovegap frag {}
+ named frulebelowgap frbg {}
+ named fruleverticalgap frvg {}
+ named fruleleftgap frlg {}
+ named frulerightgap frrg {}
+ named frulecolour frulecolor frc {}
+ named frulehorizontalcolour frulehorizontalcolor frhc {}
+ named fruleabovecolour fruleabovecolor frac {}
+ named frulebelowcolour frulebelowcolor frbc {}
+ named fruleverticalcolour fruleverticalcolor frvc {}
+ named fruleleftcolour fruleleftcolor frlc {}
+ named frulerightcolour frulerightcolor frrc {}
+ named fruleplainchar frpc {}
+ named fformat
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named @Cell
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ right x
+ {}
+ {}
+ # parameters for formatting @Rowg rows
+ named gpaint gp {}
+ named gbackground gbg {}
+ named gfont gf {}
+ named gbreak gb {}
+ named gwidth gw {}
+ named gheight gh {}
+ named gindent gi {}
+ named gindentvertical giv {}
+ named gstrut gs {}
+ named gstruthorizontal gsh {}
+ named gmargin gm {}
+ named gmarginhorizontal gmh {}
+ named gmarginleft gml {}
+ named gmarginright gmr {}
+ named gmarginvertical gmv {}
+ named gmarginabove gma {}
+ named gmarginbelow gmb {}
+ named grule gr {}
+ named grulehorizontal grh {}
+ named gruleabove gra {}
+ named grulebelow grb {}
+ named grulevertical grv {}
+ named gruleleft grl {}
+ named gruleright grr {}
+ named grulewidth grw {}
+ named grulehorizontalwidth grhw {}
+ named gruleabovewidth graw {}
+ named grulebelowwidth grbw {}
+ named gruleverticalwidth grvw {}
+ named gruleleftwidth grlw {}
+ named grulerightwidth grrw {}
+ named grulegap grg {}
+ named grulehorizontalgap grhg {}
+ named gruleabovegap grag {}
+ named grulebelowgap grbg {}
+ named gruleverticalgap grvg {}
+ named gruleleftgap grlg {}
+ named grulerightgap grrg {}
+ named grulecolour grulecolor grc {}
+ named grulehorizontalcolour grulehorizontalcolor grhc {}
+ named gruleabovecolour gruleabovecolor grac {}
+ named grulebelowcolour grulebelowcolor grbc {}
+ named gruleverticalcolour gruleverticalcolor grvc {}
+ named gruleleftcolour gruleleftcolor grlc {}
+ named grulerightcolour grulerightcolor grrc {}
+ named gruleplainchar grpc {}
+ named gformat
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named @Cell
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ right x
+ {}
+ {}
+ # parameters for formatting @Rowh rows
+ named hpaint hp {}
+ named hbackground hbg {}
+ named hfont hf {}
+ named hbreak hb {}
+ named hwidth hw {}
+ named hheight hh {}
+ named hindent hi {}
+ named hindentvertical hiv {}
+ named hstrut hs {}
+ named hstruthorizontal hsh {}
+ named hmargin hm {}
+ named hmarginhorizontal hmh {}
+ named hmarginleft hml {}
+ named hmarginright hmr {}
+ named hmarginvertical hmv {}
+ named hmarginabove hma {}
+ named hmarginbelow hmb {}
+ named hrule hr {}
+ named hrulehorizontal hrh {}
+ named hruleabove hra {}
+ named hrulebelow hrb {}
+ named hrulevertical hrv {}
+ named hruleleft hrl {}
+ named hruleright hrr {}
+ named hrulewidth hrw {}
+ named hrulehorizontalwidth hrhw {}
+ named hruleabovewidth hraw {}
+ named hrulebelowwidth hrbw {}
+ named hruleverticalwidth hrvw {}
+ named hruleleftwidth hrlw {}
+ named hrulerightwidth hrrw {}
+ named hrulegap hrg {}
+ named hrulehorizontalgap hrhg {}
+ named hruleabovegap hrag {}
+ named hrulebelowgap hrbg {}
+ named hruleverticalgap hrvg {}
+ named hruleleftgap hrlg {}
+ named hrulerightgap hrrg {}
+ named hrulecolour hrulecolor hrc {}
+ named hrulehorizontalcolour hrulehorizontalcolor hrhc {}
+ named hruleabovecolour hruleabovecolor hrac {}
+ named hrulebelowcolour hrulebelowcolor hrbc {}
+ named hruleverticalcolour hruleverticalcolor hrvc {}
+ named hruleleftcolour hruleleftcolor hrlc {}
+ named hrulerightcolour hrulerightcolor hrrc {}
+ named hruleplainchar hrpc {}
+ named hformat
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named @Cell
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ right x
+ {}
+ {}
+ body @Body # this is the right parameter of @Tbl
+ {
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values as @Tbl knows them (i.e. Level 2) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def tblp { p @Else setupp }
+ def tblbg { bg @Else setupbg }
+ def tblf { f @Else setupf }
+ def tblb { b @Else setupb }
+ def tblw { w @Else setupw }
+ def tblh { h @Else setuph }
+ def tbli { i @Else setupi }
+ def tbliv { iv @Else setupiv }
+ def tbls { s @Else setups }
+ def tblsh { sh @Else setupsh }
+ def tblml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else setupml }
+ def tblmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else setupmr }
+ def tblma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else setupma }
+ def tblmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else setupmb }
+ def tblra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else setupra }
+ def tblrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else setuprb }
+ def tblrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else setuprl }
+ def tblrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else setuprr }
+ def tblraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else setupraw }
+ def tblrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else setuprbw }
+ def tblrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else setuprlw }
+ def tblrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else setuprrw }
+ def tblrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else setuprag }
+ def tblrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else setuprbg }
+ def tblrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else setuprlg }
+ def tblrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else setuprrg }
+ def tblrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else setuprac }
+ def tblrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else setuprbc }
+ def tblrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else setuprlc }
+ def tblrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else setuprrc }
+ def tblrpc { rpc @Else setuprpc }
+ def @DoCell
+ named compulsory p {}
+ named compulsory bg {}
+ named compulsory f {}
+ named compulsory b {}
+ named compulsory w {}
+ named compulsory h {}
+ named compulsory i {}
+ named compulsory iv {}
+ named compulsory s {}
+ named compulsory sh {}
+ named compulsory ml {}
+ named compulsory mr {}
+ named compulsory ma {}
+ named compulsory mb {}
+ named compulsory ra {}
+ named compulsory rb {}
+ named compulsory rl {}
+ named compulsory rr {}
+ named compulsory raw {}
+ named compulsory rbw {}
+ named compulsory rlw {}
+ named compulsory rrw {}
+ named compulsory rag {}
+ named compulsory rbg {}
+ named compulsory rlg {}
+ named compulsory rrg {}
+ named compulsory rac {}
+ named compulsory rbc {}
+ named compulsory rlc {}
+ named compulsory rrc {}
+ named compulsory rpc {}
+ right @Body
+ {
+ def @ZeroWidth right x
+ {
+ @OneCol { |0io x |0io }
+ }
+ def @ZeroHeight right x
+ {
+ @OneRow { /0io x /0io }
+ }
+ def @PDFColourCommand right col
+ {
+ def @ColourCoords
+ {
+ col @Case {
+ nochange @Yield { nochange }
+ darkblue @Yield { 0.0 0.0 0.5 }
+ blue @Yield { 0.0 0.0 1.0 }
+ lightblue @Yield { 0.5 0.5 1.0 }
+ darkgreen @Yield { 0.0 0.5 0.0 }
+ green @Yield { 0.0 1.0 0.0 }
+ lightgreen @Yield { 0.5 1.0 0.5 }
+ darkred @Yield { 0.5 0.0 0.0 }
+ red @Yield { 1.0 0.0 0.0 }
+ lightred @Yield { 1.0 0.5 0.5 }
+ darkcyan @Yield { 0.0 0.5 0.5 }
+ cyan @Yield { 0.0 1.0 1.0 }
+ lightcyan @Yield { 0.5 1.0 1.0 }
+ darkmagenta @Yield { 0.5 0.0 0.5 }
+ magenta @Yield { 1.0 0.0 1.0 }
+ lightmagenta @Yield { 1.0 0.5 1.0 }
+ darkyellow @Yield { 0.5 0.5 0.0 }
+ yellow @Yield { 1.0 1.0 0.0 }
+ lightyellow @Yield { 1.0 1.0 0.5 }
+ darkgray @Yield { 0.2 0.2 0.2 }
+ gray @Yield { 0.5 0.5 0.5 }
+ lightgray @Yield { 0.8 0.8 0.8 }
+ darkgrey @Yield { 0.2 0.2 0.2 }
+ grey @Yield { 0.5 0.5 0.5 }
+ lightgrey @Yield { 0.8 0.8 0.8 }
+ black @Yield { 0.0 0.0 0.0 }
+ white @Yield { 1.0 1.0 1.0 }
+ }
+ }
+ @ColourCoords "rg" @ColourCoords "RG"
+ }
+ def @PDFAddPaint right col
+ {
+ col @Case {
+ none @Yield ""
+ nochange @Yield "q f Q"
+ else @Yield { "q" @PDFColourCommand col "f Q" }
+ }
+ }
+ def @FillBox left col right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {{"LoutBox ltbl"col} @Graphic x}
+ PDF @Yield {{
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize l h"
+ @PDFAddPaint col "S"
+ } @Graphic x}
+ PlainText @Yield { rpc @PlainGraphic x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @PaintBox left col right x
+ {
+ @BackEnd @Case {
+ PostScript @Yield {{"LoutBox ltbl"col} @Graphic x}
+ PDF @Yield {{
+ "0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l 0 __ysize l h"
+ @PDFAddPaint col "S"
+ } @Graphic x}
+ PlainText @Yield { x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HRule left col right thick
+ {
+ @ZeroHeight thick @High col @FillBox {}
+ # thick @High col @FillBox {}
+ }
+ def @VRule left col right thick
+ {
+ @ZeroWidth thick @Wide col @FillBox {}
+ # thick @Wide col @FillBox {}
+ }
+ def @DoubleHRule
+ left col
+ named gap {}
+ right thick
+ {
+ @OneCol { col @HRule thick /gap col @HRule thick }
+ }
+ def @DoubleVRule
+ left col
+ named gap {}
+ right thick
+ {
+ @OneRow { col @VRule thick /gap col @VRule thick }
+ }
+ def @MakeHRule
+ left col
+ named thick {}
+ named gap {}
+ right type
+ {
+ type @Case {
+ { none "" no } @Yield {}
+ { yes single } @Yield col @HRule thick
+ { double } @Yield col @DoubleHRule gap { gap } thick
+ }
+ }
+ def @MakeVRule
+ left col
+ named thick {}
+ named gap {}
+ right type
+ {
+ type @Case {
+ { none "" no } @Yield {}
+ { yes single } @Yield col @VRule thick
+ { double } @Yield col @DoubleVRule gap { gap } thick
+ }
+ }
+ def @RuleBox
+ left col
+ named hthick {}
+ named vthick {}
+ named htype {}
+ named vtype {}
+ {
+ htype @Case {
+ { none "" no } @Yield {}
+ else @Yield vtype @Case {
+ { none "" no } @Yield {}
+ else @Yield {
+ @ZeroWidth @ZeroHeight hthick @Wide vthick @High
+ col @FillBox {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @AddRules
+ right x
+ {
+ {
+ rlc @MakeVRule thick { rlw } gap { rlg } rl
+ |0rt |1rt
+ rrc @MakeVRule thick { rrw } gap { rrg } rr
+ } @Background
+ { rac @MakeHRule thick { raw } gap { rag } ra
+ /0rt
+ /1rt
+ rbc @MakeHRule thick { rbw } gap { rbg } rb
+ } @Background
+ {
+ |1rt rac @RuleBox hthick { rrw } vthick { raw } htype { rr } vtype { ra }
+ /0rt
+ /1rt |1rt
+ rbc @RuleBox hthick { rrw } vthick { rbw } htype { rr } vtype { rb }
+ } @Background x
+ }
+ def @AddMargins
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneCol @OneRow {
+ ^|ml |mr
+ ^/ma | x |
+ /mb | |
+ }
+ }
+ def @AddPaint
+ right x
+ {
+ p @Case {
+ { none nopaint no } @Yield x
+ else @Yield { p @PaintBox x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @Strut right x
+ {
+ def strutval right x
+ {
+ x @Case {
+ { no No "" } @Yield "0.0f"
+ { yes Yes } @Yield "1.0f"
+ else @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ def vs { "0.5w" @VShift { { strutval s } @High } }
+ def hs { { strutval sh } @Wide }
+ @OneCol @OneRow { ^| hs ^/ vs | x }
+ }
+ def @VSize right x
+ {
+ h @Case {
+ "" @Yield x
+ else @Yield { h @High x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HSize right x
+ {
+ w @Case {
+ "" @Yield x
+ "expand" @Yield { "40c" @Wide x }
+ else @Yield { w @Wide x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @HIndent right x
+ {
+ i @Case {
+ left @Yield @OneCol { | x }
+ ctr @Yield @OneCol { |"0.5rt" x }
+ right @Yield @OneCol { |"1.0rt" x }
+ mctr @Yield @OneCol { |"0.5bx" x }
+ "" @Yield @OneCol x
+ else @Yield @OneCol { |i x }
+ }
+ }
+ def @VIndent right x
+ {
+ iv @Case {
+ top @Yield @OneRow { / x }
+ ctr @Yield @OneRow { /"0.5rt" x }
+ foot @Yield @OneRow { /"1.0rt" x }
+ mctr @Yield @OneRow { /"0.5bx" x }
+ "" @Yield @OneRow x
+ else @Yield @OneRow { /iv x }
+ }
+ }
+ @HSize @VSize @AddPaint bg @Background @AddRules
+ @HIndent @VIndent @AddMargins f @Font b @Break @Strut @Body
+ }
+ # symbol for producing @Row rows
+ def @DoRow
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ named compulsory format
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ named @Cell
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ right x
+ {}
+ {}
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ {
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values as @Row knows them (i.e. Level 6) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def rowp { p @Else tblp }
+ def rowbg { bg @Else tblbg }
+ def rowf { f @Else tblf }
+ def rowb { b @Else tblb }
+ def roww { w @Else tblw }
+ def rowh { h @Else tblh }
+ def rowi { i @Else tbli }
+ def rowiv { iv @Else tbliv }
+ def rows { s @Else tbls }
+ def rowsh { sh @Else tblsh }
+ def rowml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else tblml }
+ def rowmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else tblmr }
+ def rowma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else tblma }
+ def rowmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else tblmb }
+ def rowra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else tblra }
+ def rowrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else tblrb }
+ def rowrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else tblrl }
+ def rowrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else tblrr }
+ def rowraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tblraw }
+ def rowrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tblrbw }
+ def rowrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tblrlw }
+ def rowrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tblrrw }
+ def rowrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tblrag }
+ def rowrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tblrbg }
+ def rowrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tblrlg }
+ def rowrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tblrrg }
+ def rowrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tblrac }
+ def rowrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tblrbc }
+ def rowrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tblrlc }
+ def rowrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tblrrc }
+ def rowrpc { rpc @Else tblrpc }
+ format
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E } F { F }
+ G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J } K { K } L { L }
+ M { M } N { N } O { O } P { P } Q { Q } R { R }
+ S { S } T { T } U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X }
+ Y { Y } Z { Z }
+ @Cell {
+ @DoCell
+ #######################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values to @Cell (i.e. Level 7) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################
+ p { p @Else rowp }
+ bg { bg @Else rowbg }
+ f { f @Else rowf }
+ b { b @Else rowb }
+ w { w @Else roww }
+ h { h @Else rowh }
+ i { i @Else rowi }
+ iv { iv @Else rowiv }
+ s { s @Else rows }
+ sh { sh @Else rowsh }
+ ml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else rowml }
+ mr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else rowmr }
+ ma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else rowma }
+ mb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else rowmb }
+ ra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else rowra }
+ rb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else rowrb }
+ rl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrl }
+ rr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrr }
+ raw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowraw }
+ rbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowrbw }
+ rlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrlw }
+ rrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrrw }
+ rag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrag }
+ rbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrbg }
+ rlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrlg }
+ rrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrrg }
+ rac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrac }
+ rbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrbc }
+ rlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrlc }
+ rrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrrc }
+ rpc { rpc @Else rowrpc }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ # symbol for producing @Rowa rows
+ def @DoRowa
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ {
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at "aoption" level (i.e. Level 3) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def tbxp { ap @Else tblp }
+ def tbxbg { abg @Else tblbg }
+ def tbxf { af @Else tblf }
+ def tbxb { ab @Else tblb }
+ def tbxw { aw @Else tblw }
+ def tbxh { ah @Else tblh }
+ def tbxi { ai @Else tbli }
+ def tbxiv { aiv @Else tbliv }
+ def tbxs { as @Else tbls }
+ def tbxsh { ash @Else tblsh }
+ def tbxml { aml @Else amh @Else am @Else tblml }
+ def tbxmr { amr @Else amh @Else am @Else tblmr }
+ def tbxma { ama @Else amv @Else am @Else tblma }
+ def tbxmb { amb @Else amv @Else am @Else tblmb }
+ def tbxra { ara @Else arh @Else ar @Else tblra }
+ def tbxrb { arb @Else arh @Else ar @Else tblrb }
+ def tbxrl { arl @Else arv @Else ar @Else tblrl }
+ def tbxrr { arr @Else arv @Else ar @Else tblrr }
+ def tbxraw { araw @Else arhw @Else arw @Else tblraw }
+ def tbxrbw { arbw @Else arhw @Else arw @Else tblrbw }
+ def tbxrlw { arlw @Else arvw @Else arw @Else tblrlw }
+ def tbxrrw { arrw @Else arvw @Else arw @Else tblrrw }
+ def tbxrag { arag @Else arhg @Else arg @Else tblrag }
+ def tbxrbg { arbg @Else arhg @Else arg @Else tblrbg }
+ def tbxrlg { arlg @Else arvg @Else arg @Else tblrlg }
+ def tbxrrg { arrg @Else arvg @Else arg @Else tblrrg }
+ def tbxrac { arac @Else arhc @Else arc @Else tblrac }
+ def tbxrbc { arbc @Else arhc @Else arc @Else tblrbc }
+ def tbxrlc { arlc @Else arvc @Else arc @Else tblrlc }
+ def tbxrrc { arrc @Else arvc @Else arc @Else tblrrc }
+ def tbxrpc { arpc @Else tblrpc }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at @Rowa level (i.e. Level 4) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def rowp { p @Else tbxp }
+ def rowbg { bg @Else tbxbg }
+ def rowf { f @Else tbxf }
+ def rowb { b @Else tbxb }
+ def roww { w @Else tbxw }
+ def rowh { h @Else tbxh }
+ def rowi { i @Else tbxi }
+ def rowiv { iv @Else tbxiv }
+ def rows { s @Else tbxs }
+ def rowsh { sh @Else tbxsh }
+ def rowml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxml }
+ def rowmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxmr }
+ def rowma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxma }
+ def rowmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxmb }
+ def rowra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxra }
+ def rowrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxrb }
+ def rowrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrl }
+ def rowrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrr }
+ def rowraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxraw }
+ def rowrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxrbw }
+ def rowrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrlw }
+ def rowrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrrw }
+ def rowrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrag }
+ def rowrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrbg }
+ def rowrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrlg }
+ def rowrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrrg }
+ def rowrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrac }
+ def rowrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrbc }
+ def rowrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrlc }
+ def rowrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrrc }
+ def rowrpc { rpc @Else tbxrpc }
+ aformat
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E } F { F }
+ G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J } K { K } L { L }
+ M { M } N { N } O { O } P { P } Q { Q } R { R }
+ S { S } T { T } U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X }
+ Y { Y } Z { Z }
+ @Cell {
+ @DoCell
+ #######################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values to @Cell (i.e. Level 5) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################
+ p { p @Else rowp }
+ bg { bg @Else rowbg }
+ f { f @Else rowf }
+ b { b @Else rowb }
+ w { w @Else roww }
+ h { h @Else rowh }
+ i { i @Else rowi }
+ iv { iv @Else rowiv }
+ s { s @Else rows }
+ sh { sh @Else rowsh }
+ ml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else rowml }
+ mr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else rowmr }
+ ma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else rowma }
+ mb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else rowmb }
+ ra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else rowra }
+ rb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else rowrb }
+ rl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrl }
+ rr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrr }
+ raw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowraw }
+ rbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowrbw }
+ rlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrlw }
+ rrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrrw }
+ rag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrag }
+ rbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrbg }
+ rlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrlg }
+ rrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrrg }
+ rac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrac }
+ rbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrbc }
+ rlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrlc }
+ rrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrrc }
+ rpc { rpc @Else rowrpc }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ # symbol for producing @Rowb rows
+ def @DoRowb
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ {
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at "boption" level (i.e. Level 3) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def tbxp { bp @Else tblp }
+ def tbxbg { bbg @Else tblbg }
+ def tbxf { bf @Else tblf }
+ def tbxb { bb @Else tblb }
+ def tbxw { bw @Else tblw }
+ def tbxh { bh @Else tblh }
+ def tbxi { bi @Else tbli }
+ def tbxiv { biv @Else tbliv }
+ def tbxs { bs @Else tbls }
+ def tbxsh { bsh @Else tblsh }
+ def tbxml { bml @Else bmh @Else bm @Else tblml }
+ def tbxmr { bmr @Else bmh @Else bm @Else tblmr }
+ def tbxma { bma @Else bmv @Else bm @Else tblma }
+ def tbxmb { bmb @Else bmv @Else bm @Else tblmb }
+ def tbxra { bra @Else brh @Else br @Else tblra }
+ def tbxrb { brb @Else brh @Else br @Else tblrb }
+ def tbxrl { brl @Else brv @Else br @Else tblrl }
+ def tbxrr { brr @Else brv @Else br @Else tblrr }
+ def tbxraw { braw @Else brhw @Else brw @Else tblraw }
+ def tbxrbw { brbw @Else brhw @Else brw @Else tblrbw }
+ def tbxrlw { brlw @Else brvw @Else brw @Else tblrlw }
+ def tbxrrw { brrw @Else brvw @Else brw @Else tblrrw }
+ def tbxrag { brag @Else brhg @Else brg @Else tblrag }
+ def tbxrbg { brbg @Else brhg @Else brg @Else tblrbg }
+ def tbxrlg { brlg @Else brvg @Else brg @Else tblrlg }
+ def tbxrrg { brrg @Else brvg @Else brg @Else tblrrg }
+ def tbxrac { brac @Else brhc @Else brc @Else tblrac }
+ def tbxrbc { brbc @Else brhc @Else brc @Else tblrbc }
+ def tbxrlc { brlc @Else brvc @Else brc @Else tblrlc }
+ def tbxrrc { brrc @Else brvc @Else brc @Else tblrrc }
+ def tbxrpc { brpc @Else tblrpc }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at @Rowb level (i.e. Level 4) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def rowp { p @Else tbxp }
+ def rowbg { bg @Else tbxbg }
+ def rowf { f @Else tbxf }
+ def rowb { b @Else tbxb }
+ def roww { w @Else tbxw }
+ def rowh { h @Else tbxh }
+ def rowi { i @Else tbxi }
+ def rowiv { iv @Else tbxiv }
+ def rows { s @Else tbxs }
+ def rowsh { sh @Else tbxsh }
+ def rowml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxml }
+ def rowmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxmr }
+ def rowma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxma }
+ def rowmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxmb }
+ def rowra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxra }
+ def rowrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxrb }
+ def rowrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrl }
+ def rowrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrr }
+ def rowraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxraw }
+ def rowrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxrbw }
+ def rowrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrlw }
+ def rowrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrrw }
+ def rowrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrag }
+ def rowrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrbg }
+ def rowrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrlg }
+ def rowrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrrg }
+ def rowrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrac }
+ def rowrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrbc }
+ def rowrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrlc }
+ def rowrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrrc }
+ def rowrpc { rpc @Else tbxrpc }
+ bformat
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E } F { F }
+ G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J } K { K } L { L }
+ M { M } N { N } O { O } P { P } Q { Q } R { R }
+ S { S } T { T } U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X }
+ Y { Y } Z { Z }
+ @Cell {
+ @DoCell
+ #######################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values to @Cell (i.e. Level 5) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################
+ p { p @Else rowp }
+ bg { bg @Else rowbg }
+ f { f @Else rowf }
+ b { b @Else rowb }
+ w { w @Else roww }
+ h { h @Else rowh }
+ i { i @Else rowi }
+ iv { iv @Else rowiv }
+ s { s @Else rows }
+ sh { sh @Else rowsh }
+ ml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else rowml }
+ mr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else rowmr }
+ ma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else rowma }
+ mb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else rowmb }
+ ra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else rowra }
+ rb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else rowrb }
+ rl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrl }
+ rr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrr }
+ raw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowraw }
+ rbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowrbw }
+ rlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrlw }
+ rrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrrw }
+ rag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrag }
+ rbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrbg }
+ rlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrlg }
+ rrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrrg }
+ rac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrac }
+ rbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrbc }
+ rlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrlc }
+ rrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrrc }
+ rpc { rpc @Else rowrpc }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ # symbol for producing @Rowc rows
+ def @DoRowc
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ {
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at "coption" level (i.e. Level 3) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def tbxp { cp @Else tblp }
+ def tbxbg { cbg @Else tblbg }
+ def tbxf { cf @Else tblf }
+ def tbxb { cb @Else tblb }
+ def tbxw { cw @Else tblw }
+ def tbxh { ch @Else tblh }
+ def tbxi { ci @Else tbli }
+ def tbxiv { civ @Else tbliv }
+ def tbxs { cs @Else tbls }
+ def tbxsh { csh @Else tblsh }
+ def tbxml { cml @Else cmh @Else cm @Else tblml }
+ def tbxmr { cmr @Else cmh @Else cm @Else tblmr }
+ def tbxma { cma @Else cmv @Else cm @Else tblma }
+ def tbxmb { cmb @Else cmv @Else cm @Else tblmb }
+ def tbxra { cra @Else crh @Else cr @Else tblra }
+ def tbxrb { crb @Else crh @Else cr @Else tblrb }
+ def tbxrl { crl @Else crv @Else cr @Else tblrl }
+ def tbxrr { crr @Else crv @Else cr @Else tblrr }
+ def tbxraw { craw @Else crhw @Else crw @Else tblraw }
+ def tbxrbw { crbw @Else crhw @Else crw @Else tblrbw }
+ def tbxrlw { crlw @Else crvw @Else crw @Else tblrlw }
+ def tbxrrw { crrw @Else crvw @Else crw @Else tblrrw }
+ def tbxrag { crag @Else crhg @Else crg @Else tblrag }
+ def tbxrbg { crbg @Else crhg @Else crg @Else tblrbg }
+ def tbxrlg { crlg @Else crvg @Else crg @Else tblrlg }
+ def tbxrrg { crrg @Else crvg @Else crg @Else tblrrg }
+ def tbxrac { crac @Else crhc @Else crc @Else tblrac }
+ def tbxrbc { crbc @Else crhc @Else crc @Else tblrbc }
+ def tbxrlc { crlc @Else crvc @Else crc @Else tblrlc }
+ def tbxrrc { crrc @Else crvc @Else crc @Else tblrrc }
+ def tbxrpc { crpc @Else tblrpc }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at @Rowc level (i.e. Level 4) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def rowp { p @Else tbxp }
+ def rowbg { bg @Else tbxbg }
+ def rowf { f @Else tbxf }
+ def rowb { b @Else tbxb }
+ def roww { w @Else tbxw }
+ def rowh { h @Else tbxh }
+ def rowi { i @Else tbxi }
+ def rowiv { iv @Else tbxiv }
+ def rows { s @Else tbxs }
+ def rowsh { sh @Else tbxsh }
+ def rowml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxml }
+ def rowmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxmr }
+ def rowma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxma }
+ def rowmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxmb }
+ def rowra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxra }
+ def rowrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxrb }
+ def rowrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrl }
+ def rowrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrr }
+ def rowraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxraw }
+ def rowrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxrbw }
+ def rowrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrlw }
+ def rowrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrrw }
+ def rowrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrag }
+ def rowrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrbg }
+ def rowrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrlg }
+ def rowrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrrg }
+ def rowrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrac }
+ def rowrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrbc }
+ def rowrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrlc }
+ def rowrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrrc }
+ def rowrpc { rpc @Else tbxrpc }
+ cformat
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E } F { F }
+ G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J } K { K } L { L }
+ M { M } N { N } O { O } P { P } Q { Q } R { R }
+ S { S } T { T } U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X }
+ Y { Y } Z { Z }
+ @Cell {
+ @DoCell
+ #######################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values to @Cell (i.e. Level 5) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################
+ p { p @Else rowp }
+ bg { bg @Else rowbg }
+ f { f @Else rowf }
+ b { b @Else rowb }
+ w { w @Else roww }
+ h { h @Else rowh }
+ i { i @Else rowi }
+ iv { iv @Else rowiv }
+ s { s @Else rows }
+ sh { sh @Else rowsh }
+ ml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else rowml }
+ mr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else rowmr }
+ ma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else rowma }
+ mb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else rowmb }
+ ra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else rowra }
+ rb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else rowrb }
+ rl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrl }
+ rr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrr }
+ raw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowraw }
+ rbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowrbw }
+ rlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrlw }
+ rrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrrw }
+ rag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrag }
+ rbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrbg }
+ rlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrlg }
+ rrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrrg }
+ rac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrac }
+ rbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrbc }
+ rlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrlc }
+ rrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrrc }
+ rpc { rpc @Else rowrpc }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ # symbol for producing @Rowd rows
+ def @DoRowd
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ {
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at "doption" level (i.e. Level 3) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def tbxp { dp @Else tblp }
+ def tbxbg { dbg @Else tblbg }
+ def tbxf { df @Else tblf }
+ def tbxb { db @Else tblb }
+ def tbxw { dw @Else tblw }
+ def tbxh { dh @Else tblh }
+ def tbxi { di @Else tbli }
+ def tbxiv { div @Else tbliv }
+ def tbxs { ds @Else tbls }
+ def tbxsh { dsh @Else tblsh }
+ def tbxml { dml @Else dmh @Else dm @Else tblml }
+ def tbxmr { dmr @Else dmh @Else dm @Else tblmr }
+ def tbxma { dma @Else dmv @Else dm @Else tblma }
+ def tbxmb { dmb @Else dmv @Else dm @Else tblmb }
+ def tbxra { dra @Else drh @Else dr @Else tblra }
+ def tbxrb { drb @Else drh @Else dr @Else tblrb }
+ def tbxrl { drl @Else drv @Else dr @Else tblrl }
+ def tbxrr { drr @Else drv @Else dr @Else tblrr }
+ def tbxraw { draw @Else drhw @Else drw @Else tblraw }
+ def tbxrbw { drbw @Else drhw @Else drw @Else tblrbw }
+ def tbxrlw { drlw @Else drvw @Else drw @Else tblrlw }
+ def tbxrrw { drrw @Else drvw @Else drw @Else tblrrw }
+ def tbxrag { drag @Else drhg @Else drg @Else tblrag }
+ def tbxrbg { drbg @Else drhg @Else drg @Else tblrbg }
+ def tbxrlg { drlg @Else drvg @Else drg @Else tblrlg }
+ def tbxrrg { drrg @Else drvg @Else drg @Else tblrrg }
+ def tbxrac { drac @Else drhc @Else drc @Else tblrac }
+ def tbxrbc { drbc @Else drhc @Else drc @Else tblrbc }
+ def tbxrlc { drlc @Else drvc @Else drc @Else tblrlc }
+ def tbxrrc { drrc @Else drvc @Else drc @Else tblrrc }
+ def tbxrpc { drpc @Else tblrpc }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at @Rowd level (i.e. Level 4) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def rowp { p @Else tbxp }
+ def rowbg { bg @Else tbxbg }
+ def rowf { f @Else tbxf }
+ def rowb { b @Else tbxb }
+ def roww { w @Else tbxw }
+ def rowh { h @Else tbxh }
+ def rowi { i @Else tbxi }
+ def rowiv { iv @Else tbxiv }
+ def rows { s @Else tbxs }
+ def rowsh { sh @Else tbxsh }
+ def rowml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxml }
+ def rowmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxmr }
+ def rowma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxma }
+ def rowmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxmb }
+ def rowra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxra }
+ def rowrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxrb }
+ def rowrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrl }
+ def rowrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrr }
+ def rowraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxraw }
+ def rowrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxrbw }
+ def rowrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrlw }
+ def rowrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrrw }
+ def rowrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrag }
+ def rowrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrbg }
+ def rowrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrlg }
+ def rowrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrrg }
+ def rowrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrac }
+ def rowrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrbc }
+ def rowrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrlc }
+ def rowrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrrc }
+ def rowrpc { rpc @Else tbxrpc }
+ dformat
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E } F { F }
+ G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J } K { K } L { L }
+ M { M } N { N } O { O } P { P } Q { Q } R { R }
+ S { S } T { T } U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X }
+ Y { Y } Z { Z }
+ @Cell {
+ @DoCell
+ #######################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values to @Cell (i.e. Level 5) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################
+ p { p @Else rowp }
+ bg { bg @Else rowbg }
+ f { f @Else rowf }
+ b { b @Else rowb }
+ w { w @Else roww }
+ h { h @Else rowh }
+ i { i @Else rowi }
+ iv { iv @Else rowiv }
+ s { s @Else rows }
+ sh { sh @Else rowsh }
+ ml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else rowml }
+ mr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else rowmr }
+ ma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else rowma }
+ mb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else rowmb }
+ ra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else rowra }
+ rb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else rowrb }
+ rl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrl }
+ rr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrr }
+ raw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowraw }
+ rbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowrbw }
+ rlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrlw }
+ rrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrrw }
+ rag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrag }
+ rbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrbg }
+ rlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrlg }
+ rrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrrg }
+ rac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrac }
+ rbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrbc }
+ rlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrlc }
+ rrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrrc }
+ rpc { rpc @Else rowrpc }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ # symbol for producing @Rowe rows
+ def @DoRowe
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ {
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at "eoption" level (i.e. Level 3) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def tbxp { ep @Else tblp }
+ def tbxbg { ebg @Else tblbg }
+ def tbxf { ef @Else tblf }
+ def tbxb { eb @Else tblb }
+ def tbxw { ew @Else tblw }
+ def tbxh { eh @Else tblh }
+ def tbxi { ei @Else tbli }
+ def tbxiv { eiv @Else tbliv }
+ def tbxs { es @Else tbls }
+ def tbxsh { esh @Else tblsh }
+ def tbxml { eml @Else emh @Else em @Else tblml }
+ def tbxmr { emr @Else emh @Else em @Else tblmr }
+ def tbxma { ema @Else emv @Else em @Else tblma }
+ def tbxmb { emb @Else emv @Else em @Else tblmb }
+ def tbxra { era @Else erh @Else er @Else tblra }
+ def tbxrb { erb @Else erh @Else er @Else tblrb }
+ def tbxrl { erl @Else erv @Else er @Else tblrl }
+ def tbxrr { err @Else erv @Else er @Else tblrr }
+ def tbxraw { eraw @Else erhw @Else erw @Else tblraw }
+ def tbxrbw { erbw @Else erhw @Else erw @Else tblrbw }
+ def tbxrlw { erlw @Else ervw @Else erw @Else tblrlw }
+ def tbxrrw { errw @Else ervw @Else erw @Else tblrrw }
+ def tbxrag { erag @Else erhg @Else erg @Else tblrag }
+ def tbxrbg { erbg @Else erhg @Else erg @Else tblrbg }
+ def tbxrlg { erlg @Else ervg @Else erg @Else tblrlg }
+ def tbxrrg { errg @Else ervg @Else erg @Else tblrrg }
+ def tbxrac { erac @Else erhc @Else erc @Else tblrac }
+ def tbxrbc { erbc @Else erhc @Else erc @Else tblrbc }
+ def tbxrlc { erlc @Else ervc @Else erc @Else tblrlc }
+ def tbxrrc { errc @Else ervc @Else erc @Else tblrrc }
+ def tbxrpc { erpc @Else tblrpc }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at @Rowe level (i.e. Level 4) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def rowp { p @Else tbxp }
+ def rowbg { bg @Else tbxbg }
+ def rowf { f @Else tbxf }
+ def rowb { b @Else tbxb }
+ def roww { w @Else tbxw }
+ def rowh { h @Else tbxh }
+ def rowi { i @Else tbxi }
+ def rowiv { iv @Else tbxiv }
+ def rows { s @Else tbxs }
+ def rowsh { sh @Else tbxsh }
+ def rowml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxml }
+ def rowmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxmr }
+ def rowma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxma }
+ def rowmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxmb }
+ def rowra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxra }
+ def rowrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxrb }
+ def rowrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrl }
+ def rowrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrr }
+ def rowraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxraw }
+ def rowrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxrbw }
+ def rowrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrlw }
+ def rowrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrrw }
+ def rowrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrag }
+ def rowrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrbg }
+ def rowrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrlg }
+ def rowrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrrg }
+ def rowrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrac }
+ def rowrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrbc }
+ def rowrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrlc }
+ def rowrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrrc }
+ def rowrpc { rpc @Else tbxrpc }
+ eformat
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E } F { F }
+ G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J } K { K } L { L }
+ M { M } N { N } O { O } P { P } Q { Q } R { R }
+ S { S } T { T } U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X }
+ Y { Y } Z { Z }
+ @Cell {
+ @DoCell
+ #######################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values to @Cell (i.e. Level 5) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################
+ p { p @Else rowp }
+ bg { bg @Else rowbg }
+ f { f @Else rowf }
+ b { b @Else rowb }
+ w { w @Else roww }
+ h { h @Else rowh }
+ i { i @Else rowi }
+ iv { iv @Else rowiv }
+ s { s @Else rows }
+ sh { sh @Else rowsh }
+ ml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else rowml }
+ mr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else rowmr }
+ ma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else rowma }
+ mb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else rowmb }
+ ra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else rowra }
+ rb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else rowrb }
+ rl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrl }
+ rr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrr }
+ raw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowraw }
+ rbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowrbw }
+ rlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrlw }
+ rrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrrw }
+ rag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrag }
+ rbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrbg }
+ rlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrlg }
+ rrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrrg }
+ rac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrac }
+ rbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrbc }
+ rlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrlc }
+ rrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrrc }
+ rpc { rpc @Else rowrpc }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ # symbol for producing @Rowf rows
+ def @DoRowf
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ {
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at "foption" level (i.e. Level 3) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def tbxp { fp @Else tblp }
+ def tbxbg { fbg @Else tblbg }
+ def tbxf { ff @Else tblf }
+ def tbxb { fb @Else tblb }
+ def tbxw { fw @Else tblw }
+ def tbxh { fh @Else tblh }
+ def tbxi { fi @Else tbli }
+ def tbxiv { fiv @Else tbliv }
+ def tbxs { fs @Else tbls }
+ def tbxsh { fsh @Else tblsh }
+ def tbxml { fml @Else fmh @Else fm @Else tblml }
+ def tbxmr { fmr @Else fmh @Else fm @Else tblmr }
+ def tbxma { fma @Else fmv @Else fm @Else tblma }
+ def tbxmb { fmb @Else fmv @Else fm @Else tblmb }
+ def tbxra { fra @Else frh @Else fr @Else tblra }
+ def tbxrb { frb @Else frh @Else fr @Else tblrb }
+ def tbxrl { frl @Else frv @Else fr @Else tblrl }
+ def tbxrr { frr @Else frv @Else fr @Else tblrr }
+ def tbxraw { fraw @Else frhw @Else frw @Else tblraw }
+ def tbxrbw { frbw @Else frhw @Else frw @Else tblrbw }
+ def tbxrlw { frlw @Else frvw @Else frw @Else tblrlw }
+ def tbxrrw { frrw @Else frvw @Else frw @Else tblrrw }
+ def tbxrag { frag @Else frhg @Else frg @Else tblrag }
+ def tbxrbg { frbg @Else frhg @Else frg @Else tblrbg }
+ def tbxrlg { frlg @Else frvg @Else frg @Else tblrlg }
+ def tbxrrg { frrg @Else frvg @Else frg @Else tblrrg }
+ def tbxrac { frac @Else frhc @Else frc @Else tblrac }
+ def tbxrbc { frbc @Else frhc @Else frc @Else tblrbc }
+ def tbxrlc { frlc @Else frvc @Else frc @Else tblrlc }
+ def tbxrrc { frrc @Else frvc @Else frc @Else tblrrc }
+ def tbxrpc { frpc @Else tblrpc }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at @Rowf level (i.e. Level 4) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def rowp { p @Else tbxp }
+ def rowbg { bg @Else tbxbg }
+ def rowf { f @Else tbxf }
+ def rowb { b @Else tbxb }
+ def roww { w @Else tbxw }
+ def rowh { h @Else tbxh }
+ def rowi { i @Else tbxi }
+ def rowiv { iv @Else tbxiv }
+ def rows { s @Else tbxs }
+ def rowsh { sh @Else tbxsh }
+ def rowml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxml }
+ def rowmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxmr }
+ def rowma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxma }
+ def rowmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxmb }
+ def rowra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxra }
+ def rowrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxrb }
+ def rowrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrl }
+ def rowrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrr }
+ def rowraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxraw }
+ def rowrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxrbw }
+ def rowrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrlw }
+ def rowrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrrw }
+ def rowrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrag }
+ def rowrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrbg }
+ def rowrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrlg }
+ def rowrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrrg }
+ def rowrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrac }
+ def rowrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrbc }
+ def rowrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrlc }
+ def rowrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrrc }
+ def rowrpc { rpc @Else tbxrpc }
+ fformat
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E } F { F }
+ G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J } K { K } L { L }
+ M { M } N { N } O { O } P { P } Q { Q } R { R }
+ S { S } T { T } U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X }
+ Y { Y } Z { Z }
+ @Cell {
+ @DoCell
+ #######################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values to @Cell (i.e. Level 5) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################
+ p { p @Else rowp }
+ bg { bg @Else rowbg }
+ f { f @Else rowf }
+ b { b @Else rowb }
+ w { w @Else roww }
+ h { h @Else rowh }
+ i { i @Else rowi }
+ iv { iv @Else rowiv }
+ s { s @Else rows }
+ sh { sh @Else rowsh }
+ ml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else rowml }
+ mr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else rowmr }
+ ma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else rowma }
+ mb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else rowmb }
+ ra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else rowra }
+ rb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else rowrb }
+ rl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrl }
+ rr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrr }
+ raw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowraw }
+ rbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowrbw }
+ rlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrlw }
+ rrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrrw }
+ rag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrag }
+ rbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrbg }
+ rlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrlg }
+ rrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrrg }
+ rac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrac }
+ rbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrbc }
+ rlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrlc }
+ rrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrrc }
+ rpc { rpc @Else rowrpc }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ # symbol for producing @Rowg rows
+ def @DoRowg
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ {
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at "doption" level (i.e. Level 3) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def tbxp { gp @Else tblp }
+ def tbxbg { gbg @Else tblbg }
+ def tbxf { gf @Else tblf }
+ def tbxb { gb @Else tblb }
+ def tbxw { gw @Else tblw }
+ def tbxh { gh @Else tblh }
+ def tbxi { gi @Else tbli }
+ def tbxiv { giv @Else tbliv }
+ def tbxs { gs @Else tbls }
+ def tbxsh { gsh @Else tblsh }
+ def tbxml { gml @Else gmh @Else gm @Else tblml }
+ def tbxmr { gmr @Else gmh @Else gm @Else tblmr }
+ def tbxma { gma @Else gmv @Else gm @Else tblma }
+ def tbxmb { gmb @Else gmv @Else gm @Else tblmb }
+ def tbxra { gra @Else grh @Else gr @Else tblra }
+ def tbxrb { grb @Else grh @Else gr @Else tblrb }
+ def tbxrl { grl @Else grv @Else gr @Else tblrl }
+ def tbxrr { grr @Else grv @Else gr @Else tblrr }
+ def tbxraw { graw @Else grhw @Else grw @Else tblraw }
+ def tbxrbw { grbw @Else grhw @Else grw @Else tblrbw }
+ def tbxrlw { grlw @Else grvw @Else grw @Else tblrlw }
+ def tbxrrw { grrw @Else grvw @Else grw @Else tblrrw }
+ def tbxrag { grag @Else grhg @Else grg @Else tblrag }
+ def tbxrbg { grbg @Else grhg @Else grg @Else tblrbg }
+ def tbxrlg { grlg @Else grvg @Else grg @Else tblrlg }
+ def tbxrrg { grrg @Else grvg @Else grg @Else tblrrg }
+ def tbxrac { grac @Else grhc @Else grc @Else tblrac }
+ def tbxrbc { grbc @Else grhc @Else grc @Else tblrbc }
+ def tbxrlc { grlc @Else grvc @Else grc @Else tblrlc }
+ def tbxrrc { grrc @Else grvc @Else grc @Else tblrrc }
+ def tbxrpc { grpc @Else tblrpc }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at @Rowg level (i.e. Level 4) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def rowp { p @Else tbxp }
+ def rowbg { bg @Else tbxbg }
+ def rowf { f @Else tbxf }
+ def rowb { b @Else tbxb }
+ def roww { w @Else tbxw }
+ def rowh { h @Else tbxh }
+ def rowi { i @Else tbxi }
+ def rowiv { iv @Else tbxiv }
+ def rows { s @Else tbxs }
+ def rowsh { sh @Else tbxsh }
+ def rowml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxml }
+ def rowmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxmr }
+ def rowma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxma }
+ def rowmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxmb }
+ def rowra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxra }
+ def rowrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxrb }
+ def rowrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrl }
+ def rowrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrr }
+ def rowraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxraw }
+ def rowrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxrbw }
+ def rowrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrlw }
+ def rowrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrrw }
+ def rowrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrag }
+ def rowrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrbg }
+ def rowrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrlg }
+ def rowrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrrg }
+ def rowrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrac }
+ def rowrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrbc }
+ def rowrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrlc }
+ def rowrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrrc }
+ def rowrpc { rpc @Else tbxrpc }
+ gformat
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E } F { F }
+ G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J } K { K } L { L }
+ M { M } N { N } O { O } P { P } Q { Q } R { R }
+ S { S } T { T } U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X }
+ Y { Y } Z { Z }
+ @Cell {
+ @DoCell
+ #######################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values to @Cell (i.e. Level 5) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################
+ p { p @Else rowp }
+ bg { bg @Else rowbg }
+ f { f @Else rowf }
+ b { b @Else rowb }
+ w { w @Else roww }
+ h { h @Else rowh }
+ i { i @Else rowi }
+ iv { iv @Else rowiv }
+ s { s @Else rows }
+ sh { sh @Else rowsh }
+ ml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else rowml }
+ mr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else rowmr }
+ ma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else rowma }
+ mb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else rowmb }
+ ra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else rowra }
+ rb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else rowrb }
+ rl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrl }
+ rr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrr }
+ raw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowraw }
+ rbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowrbw }
+ rlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrlw }
+ rrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrrw }
+ rag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrag }
+ rbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrbg }
+ rlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrlg }
+ rrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrrg }
+ rac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrac }
+ rbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrbc }
+ rlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrlc }
+ rrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrrc }
+ rpc { rpc @Else rowrpc }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ # symbol for producing @Rowh rows
+ def @DoRowh
+ named paint p {}
+ named background bg {}
+ named font f {}
+ named break b {}
+ named width w {}
+ named height h {}
+ named indent i {}
+ named indentvertical iv {}
+ named strut s {}
+ named struthorizontal sh {}
+ named margin m {}
+ named marginhorizontal mh {}
+ named marginleft ml {}
+ named marginright mr {}
+ named marginvertical mv {}
+ named marginabove ma {}
+ named marginbelow mb {}
+ named rule r {}
+ named rulehorizontal rh {}
+ named ruleabove ra {}
+ named rulebelow rb {}
+ named rulevertical rv {}
+ named ruleleft rl {}
+ named ruleright rr {}
+ named rulewidth rw {}
+ named rulehorizontalwidth rhw {}
+ named ruleabovewidth raw {}
+ named rulebelowwidth rbw {}
+ named ruleverticalwidth rvw {}
+ named ruleleftwidth rlw {}
+ named rulerightwidth rrw {}
+ named rulegap rg {}
+ named rulehorizontalgap rhg {}
+ named ruleabovegap rag {}
+ named rulebelowgap rbg {}
+ named ruleverticalgap rvg {}
+ named ruleleftgap rlg {}
+ named rulerightgap rrg {}
+ named rulecolour rulecolor rc {}
+ named rulehorizontalcolour rulehorizontalcolor rhc {}
+ named ruleabovecolour ruleabovecolor rac {}
+ named rulebelowcolour rulebelowcolor rbc {}
+ named ruleverticalcolour ruleverticalcolor rvc {}
+ named ruleleftcolour ruleleftcolor rlc {}
+ named rulerightcolour rulerightcolor rrc {}
+ named ruleplainchar rpc {}
+ named A {} named B {} named C {} named D {} named E {}
+ named F {} named G {} named H {} named I {} named J {}
+ named K {} named L {} named M {} named N {} named O {}
+ named P {} named Q {} named R {} named S {} named T {}
+ named U {} named V {} named W {} named X {} named Y {}
+ named Z {}
+ {
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at "hoption" level (i.e. Level 3) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def tbxp { hp @Else tblp }
+ def tbxbg { hbg @Else tblbg }
+ def tbxf { hf @Else tblf }
+ def tbxb { hb @Else tblb }
+ def tbxw { hw @Else tblw }
+ def tbxh { hh @Else tblh }
+ def tbxi { hi @Else tbli }
+ def tbxiv { hiv @Else tbliv }
+ def tbxs { hs @Else tbls }
+ def tbxsh { hsh @Else tblsh }
+ def tbxml { hml @Else hmh @Else hm @Else tblml }
+ def tbxmr { hmr @Else hmh @Else hm @Else tblmr }
+ def tbxma { hma @Else hmv @Else hm @Else tblma }
+ def tbxmb { hmb @Else hmv @Else hm @Else tblmb }
+ def tbxra { hra @Else hrh @Else hr @Else tblra }
+ def tbxrb { hrb @Else hrh @Else hr @Else tblrb }
+ def tbxrl { hrl @Else hrv @Else hr @Else tblrl }
+ def tbxrr { hrr @Else hrv @Else hr @Else tblrr }
+ def tbxraw { hraw @Else hrhw @Else hrw @Else tblraw }
+ def tbxrbw { hrbw @Else hrhw @Else hrw @Else tblrbw }
+ def tbxrlw { hrlw @Else hrvw @Else hrw @Else tblrlw }
+ def tbxrrw { hrrw @Else hrvw @Else hrw @Else tblrrw }
+ def tbxrag { hrag @Else hrhg @Else hrg @Else tblrag }
+ def tbxrbg { hrbg @Else hrhg @Else hrg @Else tblrbg }
+ def tbxrlg { hrlg @Else hrvg @Else hrg @Else tblrlg }
+ def tbxrrg { hrrg @Else hrvg @Else hrg @Else tblrrg }
+ def tbxrac { hrac @Else hrhc @Else hrc @Else tblrac }
+ def tbxrbc { hrbc @Else hrhc @Else hrc @Else tblrbc }
+ def tbxrlc { hrlc @Else hrvc @Else hrc @Else tblrlc }
+ def tbxrrc { hrrc @Else hrvc @Else hrc @Else tblrrc }
+ def tbxrpc { hrpc @Else tblrpc }
+ ###################################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values at @Rowh level (i.e. Level 4) #
+ # #
+ ###################################################################
+ def rowp { p @Else tbxp }
+ def rowbg { bg @Else tbxbg }
+ def rowf { f @Else tbxf }
+ def rowb { b @Else tbxb }
+ def roww { w @Else tbxw }
+ def rowh { h @Else tbxh }
+ def rowi { i @Else tbxi }
+ def rowiv { iv @Else tbxiv }
+ def rows { s @Else tbxs }
+ def rowsh { sh @Else tbxsh }
+ def rowml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxml }
+ def rowmr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else tbxmr }
+ def rowma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxma }
+ def rowmb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else tbxmb }
+ def rowra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxra }
+ def rowrb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else tbxrb }
+ def rowrl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrl }
+ def rowrr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else tbxrr }
+ def rowraw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxraw }
+ def rowrbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else tbxrbw }
+ def rowrlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrlw }
+ def rowrrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else tbxrrw }
+ def rowrag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrag }
+ def rowrbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else tbxrbg }
+ def rowrlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrlg }
+ def rowrrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else tbxrrg }
+ def rowrac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrac }
+ def rowrbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else tbxrbc }
+ def rowrlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrlc }
+ def rowrrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else tbxrrc }
+ def rowrpc { rpc @Else tbxrpc }
+ hformat
+ A { A } B { B } C { C } D { D } E { E } F { F }
+ G { G } H { H } I { I } J { J } K { K } L { L }
+ M { M } N { N } O { O } P { P } Q { Q } R { R }
+ S { S } T { T } U { U } V { V } W { W } X { X }
+ Y { Y } Z { Z }
+ @Cell {
+ @DoCell
+ #######################################################
+ # #
+ # Specific option values to @Cell (i.e. Level 5) #
+ # #
+ #######################################################
+ p { p @Else rowp }
+ bg { bg @Else rowbg }
+ f { f @Else rowf }
+ b { b @Else rowb }
+ w { w @Else roww }
+ h { h @Else rowh }
+ i { i @Else rowi }
+ iv { iv @Else rowiv }
+ s { s @Else rows }
+ sh { sh @Else rowsh }
+ ml { ml @Else mh @Else m @Else rowml }
+ mr { mr @Else mh @Else m @Else rowmr }
+ ma { ma @Else mv @Else m @Else rowma }
+ mb { mb @Else mv @Else m @Else rowmb }
+ ra { ra @Else rh @Else r @Else rowra }
+ rb { rb @Else rh @Else r @Else rowrb }
+ rl { rl @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrl }
+ rr { rr @Else rv @Else r @Else rowrr }
+ raw { raw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowraw }
+ rbw { rbw @Else rhw @Else rw @Else rowrbw }
+ rlw { rlw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrlw }
+ rrw { rrw @Else rvw @Else rw @Else rowrrw }
+ rag { rag @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrag }
+ rbg { rbg @Else rhg @Else rg @Else rowrbg }
+ rlg { rlg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrlg }
+ rrg { rrg @Else rvg @Else rg @Else rowrrg }
+ rac { rac @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrac }
+ rbc { rbc @Else rhc @Else rc @Else rowrbc }
+ rlc { rlc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrlc }
+ rrc { rrc @Else rvc @Else rc @Else rowrrc }
+ rpc { rpc @Else rowrpc }
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ macro @Row { / @DoRow }
+ macro @Rowa { / @DoRowa }
+ macro @Rowb { / @DoRowb }
+ macro @Rowc { / @DoRowc }
+ macro @Rowd { / @DoRowd }
+ macro @Rowe { / @DoRowe }
+ macro @Rowf { / @DoRowf }
+ macro @Rowg { / @DoRowg }
+ macro @Rowh { / @DoRowh }
+ macro @FirstRow { @DoRow }
+ macro @FirstRowa { @DoRowa }
+ macro @FirstRowb { @DoRowb }
+ macro @FirstRowc { @DoRowc }
+ macro @FirstRowd { @DoRowd }
+ macro @FirstRowe { @DoRowe }
+ macro @FirstRowf { @DoRowf }
+ macro @FirstRowg { @DoRowg }
+ macro @FirstRowh { @DoRowh }
+ macro @MarkRow { ^/ @DoRow }
+ macro @MarkRowa { ^/ @DoRowa }
+ macro @MarkRowb { ^/ @DoRowb }
+ macro @MarkRowc { ^/ @DoRowc }
+ macro @MarkRowd { ^/ @DoRowd }
+ macro @MarkRowe { ^/ @DoRowe }
+ macro @MarkRowf { ^/ @DoRowf }
+ macro @MarkRowg { ^/ @DoRowg }
+ macro @MarkRowh { ^/ @DoRowh }
+ macro @NoBreakRow { /0iu @DoRow }
+ macro @NoBreakRowa { /0iu @DoRowa }
+ macro @NoBreakRowb { /0iu @DoRowb }
+ macro @NoBreakRowc { /0iu @DoRowc }
+ macro @NoBreakRowd { /0iu @DoRowd }
+ macro @NoBreakRowe { /0iu @DoRowe }
+ macro @NoBreakRowf { /0iu @DoRowf }
+ macro @NoBreakRowg { /0iu @DoRowg }
+ macro @NoBreakRowh { /0iu @DoRowh }
+ macro @NP { /"1.1b" }
+ @Body
+ }
+@End @TblSetup
diff --git a/include/tblf.lpg b/include/tblf.lpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a31c30f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/tblf.lpg
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+%%BeginResource: procset LoutTblPrependGraphic
+% %
+% PostScript @SysPrependGraphic file for @Tbl Jeffrey H. Kingston %
+% Version 1.0 June 1998 %
+% %
+% To assist in avoiding name clashes, the names of all symbols %
+% defined here begin with "ltbl". %
+% %
+% painting (i.e. filling): - ltblwhite - (etc.)
+/ltblnopaint { } def
+/ltblnochange { fill } def
+/ltbldarkblue { 0.0 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblblue { 0.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbllightblue { 0.5 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbldarkgreen { 0.0 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblgreen { 0.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbllightgreen { 0.5 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbldarkred { 0.5 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblred { 1.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbllightred { 1.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbldarkcyan { 0.0 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblcyan { 0.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbllightcyan { 0.5 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbldarkmagenta { 0.5 0.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblmagenta { 1.0 0.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbllightmagenta { 1.0 0.5 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbldarkyellow { 0.5 0.5 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbllightyellow { 1.0 1.0 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbldarkgray { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblgray { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbllightgray { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbldarkgrey { 0.2 0.2 0.2 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblgrey { 0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltbllightgrey { 0.8 0.8 0.8 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblblack { 0.0 0.0 0.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
+/ltblwhite { 1.0 1.0 1.0 setrgbcolor fill } def
diff --git a/include/ts b/include/ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d78ed14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ts
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# #
+# Lout @ToySetup package (Jeff Kingston, July 1993, updated October 1994) #
+# #
+# In response to a user request I have put together this tiny package for #
+# people to play with who want to start learning how to do page layout and #
+# galleys with Lout. It produces a very simple sequence of pages. To #
+# invoke the package, run "lout myfile > op" where myfile looks like this: #
+# #
+# @SysInclude { ts } #
+# @Use { @ToySetup } #
+# @Document #
+# // #
+# @Text { #
+# Any text you like here, using @I, @B, @Heading, @PP, @LP, @DP, #
+# @LeftDisplay, @IndentedDisplay, and @CenteredDisplay just as in #
+# DocumentSetup. #
+# } #
+# #
+@SysInclude { fontdefs }
+@SysInclude { langdefs }
+export @I @B @Heading @PP @LP @DP @NP
+ @LeftDisplay @IndentedDisplay @CenteredDisplay
+ @Text @Document
+def @ToySetup
+ named @PageWidth { 21.0c }
+ named @PageHeight { 29.7c }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Font changes, headings, and paragraphs. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @I right x { Slope @Font x }
+ def @B right x { Bold @Font x }
+ def @Heading right x { ragged @Break @B x }
+ macro @PP { //1.3vx 1.0f @Wide &0i }
+ macro @LP { //1.3vx }
+ macro @DP { //0.5v }
+ macro @NP { //1.1b }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Displays. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @DispPlace { @Galley }
+ def @Disp into { @DispPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneRow x
+ }
+ macro @LeftDisplay { @DP | @DispPlace | @DP // @Disp }
+ macro @IndentedDisplay { @DP |2f @DispPlace | @DP // @Disp }
+ macro @CenteredDisplay { @DP |0.5rt @DispPlace | @DP // @Disp }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
+ # Page layout. #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @TextPlace { @Galley }
+ def @Text force into { @TextPlace&&preceding }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @Page right x
+ {
+ @PageWidth @Wide @PageHeight @High
+ { Times Base 12p } @Font
+ { adjust nohyphen 14px } @Break
+ English @Language { 0 0 0 } @SetColour
+ { //1i ||1i
+ @HExpand @VExpand x
+ ||1i //1i
+ }
+ }
+ def @PageList right num
+ {
+ @Page { |0.5rt - num - //0.4i @TextPlace }
+ //
+ @PageList @Next num
+ }
+ def @Document { @PageList 1 }
+@End @ToySetup
diff --git a/locale/README b/locale/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db8468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/README
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Locale-specific error messages
+Lout offers the option of locale-specific error messages. To
+get them, install with USELOC set to 1 in the make file, as
+described in detail there. If USELOC is set to 1 when installing,
+Lout will look for a file called $(LIBDIR)/locale/msgs.<loc>
+where <loc> stands for the current locale, for its error messages.
+At present we have
+ msgs.english.3.16 The up-to-date messages list, in English
+ old.msgs.fr French messages from Version 3.05, out of date
+ old.msgs.de German messages from Version 3.05, out of date
+Someone needs to translate the new errors list into these languages
+(and others) and send it to me. Please send me any translations you
+do (perhaps ask first) so that I can stop people doing duplicate work.
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+26 May 1999
diff --git a/locale/msgs.english.3.16 b/locale/msgs.english.3.16
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca9549b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/msgs.english.3.16
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+$set 1
+1 word is too long
+2 assert failed in %s
+3 assert failed in %s %s
+4 %s - debug flags not implemented
+6 unable to initialize locale
+7 usage: -o <filename>
+8 usage: -c <filename>
+9 usage: -e <filename>
+10 usage: -EPS
+11 usage: -D <directoryname>
+12 usage: -C <directoryname>
+13 usage: -F <directoryname>
+14 usage: -H <directoryname>
+15 usage: -I <directoryname>
+16 usage: -i <filename>
+17 two -h options illegal
+18 usage: -h <filename>
+19 usage: lout -%c<length><length>
+20 lout -%c: units must be c, i, p, or m
+21 lout -%c: units must be c, i, p, or m
+23 standard input specified twice
+24 error in command-line option %s
+25 error in command-line option %s
+26 unknown command line flag %s
+27 cannot open output file %s
+28 -o: output file name %s ends with %s
+29 total of all words printed: %d
+30 unable to initialize collation
+31 cannot set binary mode on stdout
+$set 2
+1 too many open files when opening include file %s; open files are:
+2 too many open files when opening database file %s; open files are:
+3 run out of memory when opening file %s
+4 illegal macro invocation in database
+5 line is too long (or final newline missing)
+6 character %c outside quoted string
+7 cannot open file %s
+8 recursion in macro
+9 %s expected (after %s)
+10 name of include file expected here
+11 unterminated string
+12 unterminated string
+13 skipping null character in string
+14 LexGetToken: error in quoted string
+15 line is too long (or final newline missing)
+16 filter parameter in macro
+17 end of file reached while reading filter parameter
+18 expected %s here (after %s)
+19 expected file name here
+20 cannot open include file %s
+21 line is too long (or final newline missing)
+22 end of file reached while reading %s
+23 %s
+24 exiting now
+$set 3
+1 run out of memory when enlarging file table
+2 too many files (maximum is %d)
+3 database file %s where source file expected
+4 database index file %s where source file expected
+5 file name %s%s is too long
+6 file name %s%s is too long
+7 DatabaseFileNum: filter file position unknown
+8 DatabaseFileNum: unexpected file type
+9 file position %s... is too long to print
+10 file position %s... is too long to print
+11 filter
+12 file
+13 from
+14 line
+15 file path name %s%s%s is too long
+16 files %s and %s both exist
+17 safe execution prohibiting command: %s
+18 DatabaseFileNum: database file position unknown
+$set 5
+1 expected font family name here
+2 expected font face name here
+3 expected opening %s of fontdef here
+4 expected opening %s of langdef here
+5 left brace expected here in %s declaration
+6 name of %s file expected here
+7 unknown or misspelt symbol %s
+8 symbol name or %s expected here (%s declaration)
+9 symbol names missing in %s declaration
+10 name of %s file expected here
+11 symbol %s unknown or misspelt
+12 symbol %s not allowed in macro
+13 unexpected end of input
+14 %s not expected here
+15 unmatched %s in macro
+16 unmatched %s in macro
+17 symbol %s unknown or misspelt
+18 symbol name expected after %s
+19 %s %s does not match %s %s
+20 unmatched %s in macro
+21 %s must follow named parameter %s
+22 right parameter of %s must begin with %s
+23 ReadTokenList: %s
+24 %s ignored (name is missing)
+25 %s ignored (opening %s is missing)
+26 import name expected here
+27 import %s not in scope
+28 %s symbol name expected here
+29 extend symbol %s not in scope
+30 keyword %s or %s expected here
+31 keyword %s expected here
+32 ignoring export list of macro
+33 symbol name expected here
+34 %s expected here
+35 %s expected here
+36 %s expected here
+37 precedence is too low (%d substituted)
+38 precedence is too high (%d substituted)
+39 associativity altered to %s
+40 cannot find %s parameter name
+41 cannot find %s parameter name
+42 opening left brace or @Begin of %s expected
+43 exported symbol %s is not defined in %s
+44 body parameter %s may not be exported
+45 symbol %s exported twice
+46 named parameter import %s has parameters
+47 %s suffix should be omitted in %s clause
+48 %s has %s clause, so cannot be extended
+$set 6
+1 expression is too deeply nested
+2 expression is too deeply nested
+3 left parameter of %s is not a symbol (or not visible)
+4 unmatched %s (inserted %s)
+5 unmatched %s; inserted %s at%s (after %s)
+6 unmatched %s not enclosed in anything
+7 %s %s appended at end of file to match %s at%s
+8 %s replaced by %s %s to match %s at%s
+9 %s %s replaced by %s %s to match %s at%s
+10 cross reference database file name %s is too long
+11 syntax error in cross reference database
+12 error in cross reference database
+13 error in cross reference database
+14 exiting now
+15 %s expected after %s
+16 %s or %s tag not allowed here
+17 invalid parameter of %s
+18 symbol %s occurs in two %s clauses
+19 invalid parameter of %s
+20 symbol %s unknown or misspelt
+21 too many errors (%s lines missing or out of order?)
+22 unexpected end of input
+23 %s replaced by %s
+24 unknown or misspelt symbol %s after %s deleted
+25 symbol expected after %s
+26 %s symbol out of place
+27 symbol expected following %s
+28 %s clause(s) changed from previous run
+29 symbol expected following %s
+30 %s must follow named parameter %s
+31 named parameter %s of %s appears twice
+32 %s out of place here (%s has no right parameter)
+33 right parameter of %s must be enclosed in braces
+34 body parameter of %s must be enclosed in braces
+35 invalid left parameter of %s
+36 right parameter of %s must be enclosed in braces
+37 error in cross reference database
+38 compulsory option %s missing from %s
+39 exiting now
+40 right parameter of %s or %s must be enclosed in braces
+$set 7
+1 %s: maximum paragraph length (%d) exceeded
+1 %s: maximum paragraph length (%d) exceeded
+$set 8
+1 word is too long
+2 word is too long
+3 replacing invalid scale factor by 1.0
+4 replacing invalid scale factor %s by 1.0
+5 replacing undersized scale factor %s by 1.0
+6 replacing oversized scale factor %s by 1.0
+7 %s deleted (right parameter is malformed)
+8 %s expected here
+9 error in left parameter of %s
+10 error in left parameter of %s
+11 replacing unknown %s option %s by %s
+12 %s deleted (choice %s unknown)
+13 left parameter of %s is not a cross reference
+14 left parameter of %s must be a symbol
+15 symbol %s not allowed here (it has no %s)
+16 %s, %s or %s expected in left parameter of %s
+17 right parameter of %s must be a simple word
+18 symbol %s used outside %s
+19 filter parameter of %s symbol is not simple
+20 maximum depth of symbol expansion (%d) reached
+21 the symbols currently being expanded are:
+22 at %d: %d %s %s
+23 exiting now
+24 word %s%s is too long
+25 missing %s symbol or option
+26 replacing invalid left parameter of %s by 2i
+27 replacing invalid left parameter of %s by +0i
+28 replacing invalid left parameter of %s by 0d
+29 %s not expected here
+30 %s dropped (parameter is not a simple word)
+31 %s dropped (no current font at this point)
+32 %s dropped (character %s unknown in font %s)
+33 no current language at this point, using %s
+34 object dropped by %s: no suitable insert point
+35 invalid left parameter of %s
+36 invalid left parameter of %s
+37 %s deleted (invalid right parameter)
+38 no current font at this point, using %s
+39 %s ignored: no choices in right parameter
+40 maximum depth of symbol expansion (%d) reached
+41 this %s is not a sequence of one or more words
+$set 9
+1 symbol with import list misused
+2 no value for parameter %s of symbol %s:
+$set 10
+1 run out of memory enlarging crossref table
+2 automatically generated tag %s&%d is too long
+3 automatically generated tag %s.%s.%d is too long
+4 value of right parameter of %s is not a simple word
+5 value of right parameter of %s is an empty word
+6 symbol %s used in cross reference has no %s parameter
+7 automatically generated tag %s_%d is too long
+8 symbol %s used in cross reference has no %s parameter
+9 unresolved cross reference %s%s%s
+10 %s parameter is not a word
+11 %s parameter is an empty word
+12 no %s precedes this %s%s%s
+13 no %s precedes this %s%s%s
+14 tag of %s is not a simple word
+15 tag of %s is not a simple word
+16 no %s follows this %s%s%s
+17 and more undefined %s%s%s
+18 no %s follows or precedes this %s%s%s
+19 no %s follows this %s%s%s
+20 and more undefined %s%s%s
+21 no %s precedes or follows this %s%s%s
+$set 11
+1 unknown option to %s symbol (%s)
+2 spacing %s is not compatible with current spacing
+3 invalid left parameter of %s
+4 invalid left parameter of %s
+5 unknown option to %s symbol (%s)
+6 line spacing %s is not compatible with current spacing
+7 invalid left parameter of %s
+8 invalid left parameter of %s
+9 this unit not allowed with %s symbol
+10 this unit not allowed with %s symbol
+$set 12
+1 forced to enlarge %s from %s to %s
+2 word %s%s is too long
+3 ^ deleted (it may not precede this object)
+4 gap replaced by 0i (%c unit not allowed here)
+5 %s deleted (cannot open file %s)
+6 %s given zero size (no BoundingBox line in file %s)
+7 %s deleted (bad first line in file %s)
+8 %s given zero size (bad BoundingBox line in file %s)
+9 mark alignment incompatible with centring or right justification
+10 %s deleted (not in column)
+11 %s symbol out of place
+12 %s deleted (not in row)
+13 search for gap preceding %s failed, using zero
+14 %s deleted (out of place)
+15 %s replaced by empty object (out of place)
+$set 13
+1 failed to break column to fit into its available space
+2 reducing column gaps to 0i (object is too wide)
+3 %s object scaled horizontally by factor %.2f (too wide)
+4 %s deleted (too wide; cannot break %s)
+5 word %s scaled horizontally by factor %.2f (too wide)
+6 word %s deleted (too wide)
+7 %s scaled horizontally by factor %.2f (too wide)
+8 %s deleted (too wide)
+9 column mark of unbroken paragraph moved left
+10 column mark of paragraph moved left before breaking
+11 replacing with empty object: negative size constraint %s,%s,%s
+$set 14
+6 paragraph deleted (assigned width %s is too narrow)
+7 hyphen or nohyphen option missing
+$set 16
+2 size constraint %s,%s,%s broken by %s,%s
+3 %s of size %s,%s broken by %s,%s
+4 size adjustment of %s not implemented
+4 size adjustment of %s not implemented
+4 size adjustment of %s not implemented
+5 cannot recover from earlier errors
+$set 17
+1 gap is not a simple word
+2 width missing from %s
+3 %s, %s and %s must be enclosed in double quotes
+4 units letter missing from %s
+5 %.1fr too large (1.0r substituted)
+7 unknown gap mode in %s
+8 invalid width or gap %s
+9 replacing self-contradictory gap %s by breakable version
+10 cannot continue after previous error(s)
+$set 18
+1 cannot attach galley %s
+2 galley nested too deeply (max is %d)
+3 galley %s deleted (insufficient width at target)
+4 right parameter of %s is vertically constrained
+$set 19
+1 galley %s deleted from here (no target)
+2 receptive symbol %s has unconstrained width
+3 too little horizontal space for galley %s at %s
+4 %s object too high for %s space; %s inserted
+5 %s object too wide for %s space; %s inserted
+6 %s object too high for %s space; %s inserted
+7 %s object too wide for %s space; %s inserted
+8 %s object too high for %s space; %s inserted
+9 %s object too wide for %s space; %s inserted
+10 %s object too high for %s space; %s inserted
+11 %s object too wide for %s space; %s inserted
+$set 20
+1 error in database file %s
+2 error in database file %s
+3 component too wide for available space
+$set 21
+1 galley %s must have just one column mark
+2 %s with unspecified scale factor in horizontal galley
+3 replacing infinite scale factor (unconstrained width) by 1.0
+4 replacing infinite scale factor (zero width object) by 1.0
+5 replacing very large scale factor (over 100) by 1.0
+6 object deleted (scale factor is zero)
+7 object deleted (scale factor is smaller than 0.01)
+8 %s replaced by %s (mark not shared)
+9 %s replaced by %s (infinite scale factor)
+10 %s replaced by %s (zero scale factor)
+11 %s replaced by %s (insufficient space)
+12 unexpected absence of %s from the body of %s
+13 %s,%s object too wide for available space
+$set 22
+1 FindSplit: missing galley component
+2 FindSplitInGalley failed
+3 galley %s must have a single column mark
+4 galley %s deleted (never attached)
+5 forcing galley after input point
+6 target of %s is not a cross reference
+7 left parameter of %s is not a symbol
+8 replacing %s%s? by %s%s%s
+9 replacing %s%s%s by %s%s%s
+$set 23
+1 object deleted (it cannot be scaled vertically)
+2 object deleted (it cannot be scaled horizontally)
+3 word %s horizontally scaled by factor %.2f (too wide for %s paragraph)
+4 %s object horizontally scaled by factor %.2f (too wide for %s paragraph)
+5 oversize object has size 0 or less
+6 word %s deleted (too wide for %s paragraph)
+7 %s object deleted (too wide for %s paragraph)
+$set 24
+1 cannot open %s file %s
+2 %s file %s is empty
+3 %s file %s lacks PostScript BeginResource comment
+4 truncating -EPS document at end of first page
+5 rotations, graphics etc. too deeply nested (max is %d)
+6 error in left parameter of %s
+7 error in left parameter of %s
+8 PrintGraphicInclude: cannot include EPSF in a PDF file. File ignored.
+9 ignoring LanguageLevel comment in %s file %s
+10 ignoring Extensions comment in %s file %s
+11 word %s deleted (internal error, off page at %d,%d)
+12 left parameter of %s must be a simple word
+13 left parameter of %s must be a non-empty word
+14 fill %s deleted (internal error, off page at %d,%d)
+$set 26
+1 AppendString abort
+$set 27
+1 unknown debug flag %s
+$set 28
+1 -e argument appears twice in command line
+2 cannot open error file %s
+3 too many levels of error messages
+4 %6s internal error: %s\n
+5 %6s fatal error: %s\n
+6 too many error messages
+7 %s internal error: %s\n
+8 %s fatal error: %s\n
+$set 29
+1 scope[%2d] = %s
+2 scope depth limit exceeded
+3 invalid symbol name %s
+4 %s must be a local definition
+5 a body parameter may not be named %s
+6 the right parameter of a galley may not be called %s
+7 symbol %s previously defined at%s
+8 full name of symbol is too long
+9 full name of symbol is too long
+10 symbol %s has missing %s
+11 symbol %s has erroneous code %c (database out of date?)
+12 symbol name %s previously defined at%s
+13 symbol %s previously defined here
+14 %s must lie within a symbol with a right parameter
+$set 31
+1 exiting now (run out of memory)
+$set 32
+1 word %s is too long
+$set 33
+1 run out of memory enlarging dbcheck table
+2 database file name %s%s is too long
+3 cannot write to database file %s
+4 cross reference %s&&%s used previously, at%s
+5 cross reference %s&&%s used previously
+6 syntax error in database file %s
+7 %s found in database but not declared in %s line
+8 database symbol %s has no tag
+9 database symbol tag is not a simple word
+10 database symbol tag is an empty word
+11 %s or end of file expected here
+12 cannot open database file %s
+13 undefined symbol in database file %s (line %d)
+$set 35
+1 unable to obtain the current time
+$set 36
+1 in hyphenation file %s, unknown escape sequence (line %d)
+2 in hyphenation file %s, line %d: character (octal %o) is not in any class
+3 DoTriePrint: findrep failed
+4 run out of memory while constructing hyphenation table
+5 hyphenation trie node limit exceeded
+6 hyphenation class of %c may not be changed
+7 hyphenation string %s already inserted
+8 cannot open hyphenation file %s
+9 header line of hyphenation file %s missing
+10 Classes heading of hyphenation file %s missing
+11 hyphenation file %s%s is too large (at line %d)
+12 hyphenation file %s%s is too large (at line %d)
+13 format error in hyphenation file %s
+14 cannot write to hyphenation file %s
+15 cannot open hyphenation file %s
+16 run out of memory while reading hyphenation table
+17 error on read from packed hyphenation file %s
+18 bad magic number in hyphenation file %s
+19 no current language for word %s
+20 bad LengthLimit in hyphenation file %s%s (line %d)
+$set 37
+1 font definition does not contain a sequence of words
+2 font definition contains a non-word
+3 font definition does not contain exactly four words
+4 font %s %s already defined at%s
+5 expecting either Recode or NoRecode here
+6 too many different fonts and sizes (maximum is %d)
+7 run out of memory when increasing font table size
+8 cannot open font file %s
+9 font file %s does not begin with StartFontMetrics
+10 run out of memory while reading font file %s
+11 run out of memory while reading font file %s
+12 run out of memory while reading font file %s
+13 UnderlinePosition found twice in font file (line %d)
+14 UnderlineThickness found twice in font file (line %d)
+15 XHeight found twice in font file (line %d)
+16 FontName found twice in font file %s (line %d)
+17 FontName empty in font file %s (line %d)
+18 FontName in font file (%s) and fontdef (%s) disagree
+19 FontName missing in file %s
+20 ignoring unencoded ligature character %s in font file %s (line %d)
+21 too many ligature characters in font file %s (line %d)
+22 WX missing in font file %s (line %d)
+23 B missing in font file %s (line %d)
+24 syntax error on StartKernPairs line in font file %s (line %d)
+25 syntax error in font file %s (line %d): %s
+26 unencoded kern character %s in font file %s (line %d)
+27 unencoded kern character %s in font file %s (line %d)
+28 non-contiguous kerning pair %s %s in font file %s (line %d)
+29 too many kerning pairs in font file %s (line %d)
+30 kerning pair %s %s appears twice in font file %s (line %d)
+31 font %s %s has no glyph for character %s
+32 EndFontMetrics missing from font file %s
+33 error in left parameter of %s
+34 error in left parameter of %s
+35 error in left parameter of %s
+36 initial font must have family, face and size
+37 font family %s not defined
+38 there are no fonts
+39 font family name %s must be accompanied by a face name
+40 font face name %s not defined in font family %s
+41 no current font on which to base size change %s
+42 FontChange: %d
+43 %s %s ignored (result is not positive)
+44 too many different fonts and sizes (max is %d)
+45 run out of memory when increasing font table size
+46 run out of memory when changing font or font size
+47 run out of memory when changing font or font size
+48 no current font at word %s
+49 no current colour at word %s
+50 no current language at word %s
+51 accent dropped from character %s (it has no glyph in font %s)
+52 character %s replaced by space (it has no glyph in font %s)
+53 no current font at this point
+54 no current font at this point
+55 family and face names %s %s are too long
+56 syntax error in font size %s; ignoring it
+$set 38
+1 too many character mappings
+2 run out of memory when loading character mapping
+3 cannot open character mapping file %s
+4 character code(s) missing in mapping file (line %d)
+5 decimal and octal codes disagree in mapping file (line %d)
+6 code %d too small (min is 1) in mapping file (line %d)
+7 code %d out of order in mapping file (line %d)
+8 code %d repeated in mapping file (line %d)
+9 code %d too large (max is %d) in mapping file (line %d)
+10 unknown mapping name %s in mapping file %s (line %d)
+11 unknown character %s in mapping file %s (line %d)
+$set 40
+1 cannot open temporary filter file %s
+2 safe execution prohibiting command: %s
+3 %s
+4 failure (non-zero status) of filter: %s
+5 cannot read filter temporary file %s
+$set 41
+1 database index file seems to be out of date
+2 syntax error in database file
+3 file name %s%s is too long
+4 cannot append to database file %s
+5 rename(%s, %s) failed
+$set 42
+1 ran out of memory when enlarging colour table
+2 too many colours (maximum is %d)
+3 %s ignored (illegal left parameter)
+4 %s ignored (empty left parameter)
+$set 43
+1 run out of memory enlarging language table
+2 language name %s used twice (first at%s)
+3 hyphenation file name expected here
+4 expected word ending pattern here
+5 empty word ending pattern
+6 %s ignored (illegal left parameter)
+7 %s ignored (unknown language %s)
+$set 44
+1 %s may not have a left or named parameter
+2 %s may not have a body parameter
+3 %s must have a right parameter
+$set 45
+1 run out of memory when reading index file %s
+2 run out of memory when reading index file %s
+3 line too long when reading index file %s
+4 run out of memory when reading index file %s
+5 cannot open index file %s for reading
+6 cannot open index file %s for writing
+$set 46
+1 unable to evaluate %s parameter, assuming value is No
+2 value of %s operator is neither Yes nor No, assuming No
+$set 47
+28 PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword: no memory for __subject=
+$set 48
+1 PDFObject_New: run out of memory
+2 PDFFile_BeginFontEncoding: run out of memory
+3 PDFFile_BeginFontEncoding: out of memory
+4 PDFFont_NewListEntry: run out of memory
+5 PDFFont_NewListEntry: run out of memory
+6 PDFFont_NewListEntry: run out of memory
+7 PDFFont_NewListEntry: run out of memory
+8 PDFFont_WriteFontResource: a font has no encoding
+9 PDFPage_FlushCompressedBuffer: zlib error occurred
+10 PDFPage_FlushCompressedBuffer: zlib error occurred
+11 PDFPage_FlushRawBuffer: zlib error occurred
+12 PDFPage_FlushRawBuffer: write error occurred
+13 PDFPage_Begin: zlib error occurred
+14 PDFPage_Push: run out of memory
+15 PDFPage_Push: run out of memory
+16 PDFTargetAnnot_New: run out of memory
+17 PDFTargetAnnot_New: run out of memory
+18 PDFSourceAnnot_Write: invalid link dest option
+19 PDFSourceAnnot_New: run out of memory
+20 PDFSourceAnnot_New: run out of memory
+21 PDFPage_GetFloat: unable to evaluate number for Lout graphic keyword processing
+22 PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword: empty link-name / URI; ignored.
+24 PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword: empty file spec
+25 PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword: out of memory
+26 PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword: no memory for __author=
+27 PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword: no memory for __title=
+29 PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword: no memory for __keywords=
+30 PDFPage_EvalExpr: '(' expected
+31 PDFPage_EvalExpr: ',' expected
+32 PDFPage_EvalExpr: ')' expected
+33 PDFPage_EvalExpr: __add, __sub, __mul, __div, or a unit keyword was expected
+34 PDFPage_CollectExpr: expression too long (max. 512 chars)
+35 PDFPage_CollectLink: link too long (max. 512 chars)
+36 PDFPage_WriteGraphic: '(' expected
+37 PDFPage_WriteGraphic: '__' encountered while processing @Graphic
+38 PDFPage_Cleanup: run out of memory
+39 %s
+40 %s
+41 The largest page object is %u bytes long.
+42 cannot find font entry for name %s
diff --git a/locale/old.msgs.de b/locale/old.msgs.de
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84fa8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/old.msgs.de
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+$set 1
+1 Wort ist zu lang
+2 Neu: typ %s
+3 Neu: Länge Null!
+4 assert failed in %s
+5 %s - Debug Schalter nicht implementiert
+6 kann locale nicht initialisieren
+7 Nutzung: -o <Filename>
+8 Nutzung: -c <Filename>
+9 Nutzung: -e <Filename>
+10 Nutzung: -EPS
+11 Nutzung: -D <Verzeichnisname>
+12 Nutzung: -C <Verzeichnisname>
+13 Nutzung: -F <Verzeichnisname>
+14 Nutzung: -H <Verzeichnisname>
+15 Nutzung: -I <Verzeichnisname>
+16 Nutzung: -i <Filename>
+17 zwei -h Schalter illegal
+18 Nutzung: -h <Filename>
+21 Nutzung: lout -%c<Länge><Länge>
+22 lout -%c: Einheit muß c, i, p, or m sein
+23 lout -%c: Einheit muß c, i, p, or m sein
+24 Nutzung: lout [ -i <Filename> ] Files
+25 Standardeingabe zweifach angegeben
+26 unbekannter Komandoschalter %s
+27 kann Ausgabefile %s nicht öffnen
+$set 2
+1 Include-File %s zu tief geschachtelt
+2 Datenbankfile %s zu tief geschachtelt
+3 Beim öffnen des File %s ging der Speicher aus
+4 unerlaubte Macroausführung in Datenbank
+5 Zeile ist zu lang (oder abschließendes Zeilenende vermißt)
+6 Zeichen %c außerhalb einer angeführten Zeichenkette
+7 kann File %s nicht öffnen
+8 unbekannter Filetyp
+9 Rekursion im Macro
+10 %s erwartet (nach %s)
+11 Name eines Include-File wird hier erwartet
+12 unbeendete Zeichenkette
+13 unbeendete Zeichenkette
+14 überspringe Null-Zeichen in Zeichenkette
+15 LexGetToken: Fehler in angeführter Zeichenkette
+16 LexGetToken: bad chtbl[]
+17 Zeile ist zu lang (oder abschließendes Zeilenende vermißt)
+18 Filterparameter im Macro
+19 Fileende beim Lesen von Filterparametern erreicht
+20 erwarte hier %s (nach %s)
+21 erwarte hier Filename
+22 kann Include-File %s nicht öffnen
+23 %s in Filterparameter nicht implementiert
+24 LexScanFilter: bad chtbl[]
+25 Zeile ist zu lang (oder abschließendes Zeilenende vermißt)
+$set 3
+1 Beim Erweitern der Filetabelle ging der Speicher aus
+2 zu viele Files (Maximum ist %d)
+3 Datenbank File %s wo Source-File erwartet wird
+4 Datenbank Index-File %s wo Source-File erwartet wird
+5 Filename %s%s ist zu lang
+6 Filename %s%s ist zu lang
+7 Fileposition %s... is zu lang zum ausgeben
+8 Fileposition %s... is zu lang zum ausgeben
+9 File
+10 von
+11 Zeile
+12 Files %s und %s existieren beide
+13 Filepfadname %s/%s ist zu lang
+14 Files %s und %s%s existieren beide
+$set 4
+1 EchoCatOp: %d
+2 EchoToken: %s
+$set 5
+1 erwarte hier Font-Familiennamen
+2 erwarte hier Font-Familiennamen
+3 erwarte hier Anfang %s des fontdef
+4 erwarte hier Anfang %s des langdef
+5 in Deklaration %s linke geschweifte Klammer erwartet
+6 erwarte hier Name des %s File
+7 erwarte hier Symbolnamen oder %s (%s Deklaration)
+8 Symbolnamen vermißt in %s Deklaration
+9 erwarte hier Namen des %s File
+10 Symbol %s unbekannt or falsch buchstabiert
+11 Symbol %s in Macro nicht erlaubt
+12 unerwartees Ende der Eingabe
+13 %s hier nicht erwartet
+14 ungepaartes %s in Macro
+15 ungepaartes %s in Macro
+16 Symbol %s unbekannt oder falsch buchstabiert
+17 Symbolname erwartet nach %s
+18 %s %s paart sich nicht mit %s %s
+19 ungepaartes %s in Macro
+20 %s muß benanntem Parameter folgen %s
+21 rechter Parameter von %s muß mit %s beginnen
+22 ReadTokenList: %s
+23 %s ignoriert (Name vermißt)
+24 %s ignoriert (Anfang %s vermißt)
+25 Import-Name hier erwartet
+26 Import %s nicht im Scope
+27 %s Symbolname hier erwartet
+28 erweitertes Symbol %s nicht im Scope
+29 Schlüsselwort %s oder %s hier erwartet
+30 Schlüsselwort %s hier erwartet
+31 ignoriere Exportliste des Macro
+32 Symbolname hier erwartet
+33 %s hier erwartet
+34 %s hier erwartet
+35 Präzedenz ist zu gering (%d ersetzt)
+36 Präzedenz ist zu hoch (%d ersetzt)
+37 Assoziativität geändert zu %s
+38 kann Parameternamen %s nicht finden
+39 kann Parameternamen %s nicht finden
+40 öffnende linke geschweifte Klammer oder @Begin von %s erwartet
+41 exportiertes Symbol %s ist nicht definiert in %s
+42 Körperparameter %s kann nicht exportiert werden
+43 Symbol %s zweifach exportiert
+44 unbekanntes oder falsch buchstabiertes Symbol %s
+$set 6
+1 Ausdruck ist zu tief geschachtelt
+2 Ausdruck ist zu tief geschachtelt
+3 linker Parameter von %s ist kein Symbol (oder nicht sichtbar)
+4 ungepaartes %s (%s eingefügt)
+5 reduziere: ungepaartes %s
+6 ungepaartes %s; %s bei %s eingefügt (nach %s)
+7 ungepaartes %s in gar nichts eingeschlossen
+8 reduziere: ungepaartes %s
+9 reduziere: ungepaartes %s
+10 %s %s angefügt am Fileende um %s bei %s zu paaren
+11 %s ersetzt durch %s %s um %s bei %s zu paaren
+12 %s %s ersetzt durch %s %s um %s bei %s
+13 reduziere: %s
+14 Kreuzreferenz Datenbank-Filename %s ist zu lang
+15 Syntaxfehler in Kreuzreferenz Datenbank
+16 Fehler in Kreuzreferenz Datenbank
+17 Fehler in Kreuzreferenz Datenbank
+18 beende nun
+19 %s erwartet nach %s
+20 Symbol %s erscheint in zwei %s Klauseln
+21 ungültiger Parameter von %s
+22 Symbol %s unbekannt oder falsch buchstabiert
+23 unerwartes Ende der Eingabe
+24 %s ersetzt durch %s
+25 unbekanntes oder fasch buchstabiertes Symbol %s nach %s entfernt
+26 Symbol erwartet nach %s
+27 %s Symbol deplaziert
+28 %s folgend Symbol erwartet
+29 %s Klausel(n) verändert seit vorherigem Lauf
+30 %s folgend Symbol erwartet
+31 %s muß benanntem Parameter %s folgen
+32 benannter Parameter %s von %s erscheint doppelt
+33 %s hier deplaziert (%s hat keinen rechten Parameter)
+34 rechter Parameter von %s muß in geschweifte Klammern eingeschlossen sein
+35 Körperparameter von %s muß in geschweifte Klammern eingeschlossen sein
+36 ungültiger linker Parameter von %s
+37 rechter Parameter von %s muß in geschweifte Klammern eingeschlossen sein
+38 Parse: %s
+$set 7
+1 CopyObject: %s
+$set 8
+1 Wort ist zu lang
+2 Wort ist zu lang
+3 ersetze ungültigen Skalierungsfaktor durch 1.0
+4 ersetze ungültigen Skalierungsfaktor %s durch 1.0
+5 ersetze zu kleinen Skalierungsfaktor %s durch 1.0
+6 ersetze zu großen Skalierungsfaktor %s durch 1.0
+7 %s entfernt (rechter Parameter ist schlecht)
+8 erwarte %s hier
+9 Fehler in linkem Parameter von %s
+10 Fehler in linkem Parameter von %s
+11 ersetze unbekannten %s Schalter %s durch %s
+12 %s gelöscht (Auswahl %s unbekannt)
+13 linker Parameter von %s ist keine Kreuzreferenz
+14 linker Parameter von %s muß ein Symbol sein
+15 Symbol %s hier nicht erlaubt (es hat kein %s)
+16 %s oder %s im linken Parameter von %s erwartet
+17 rechter Parameter von %s muß ein einfaches Wort sein
+18 maximale Tiefe der Symbolerweiterung (%d) erreicht
+19 die momentan erweiterten Symbole sind:
+20 bei %d: %s
+21 beende nun
+22 Symbol %s außerhalb von %s benutzt
+23 Filterparameter des %s Symbol ist nicht einfach
+24 Word %s%s ist zu lang
+25 vermisse %s Symbol oder Schalter
+26 ersetze ungültigen linken Parameter von %s durch 2i
+27 ersetze ungültigen linken Parameter von %s durch +0i
+28 ersetze ungültigen linken Parameter von %s durch 0d
+29 %s hier nicht erwartet
+30 %s ausgelassen (Parameter ist kein einfaches Wort)
+31 %s ausgelassen (Kein aktueller Font an dieser Stelle)
+32 %s ausgelassen (Zeichen %s unbekannt in Font %s)
+33 keine aktuelle Sprache an dieser Stelle, benutze %s
+34 ungültiger linker Parameter von %s
+35 %s geslöscht (ungültiger rechter Parameter)
+36 Manifest: %s
+$set 9
+1 Symbol mit Importliste mißbraucht
+$set 10
+1 Beim Erweitern der Kreuzreferenztabelle ging der Speicher aus.
+2 automatisch generierte Marke %s&%d ist zu lang
+3 automatisch generierte Marke %s.%s.%d ist zu lang
+5 Wert des rechten Parameters von %s ist kein einfaches Wort
+6 Wert des rechten Parameters von %s ist ein leeres Wort
+7 in Kreuzreferenz benutzes Symbol %s hat keinen %s Parameter
+8 automatisch generierte Marke %s_%d ist zu lang
+9 %s oder %s Marke hier nicht erlaubt
+10 in Kreuzreferenz benutzes Symbol %s hat keinen %s Parameter
+11 CrossExpand: %d
+12 nicht aufgelößte Kreuzreferenz %s%s%s
+13 %s Parameter ist kein Wort
+14 %s Parameter ist ein leeres Wort
+15 es kommt kein %s vor diesem %s%s%s
+16 es kommt kein %s vor diesem %s%s%s
+17 Marke von %s ist kein einfaches Wort
+18 Marke von %s ist kein einfaches Wort
+19 CrossSequence: %s
+20 es folgt kein %s nach diesem %s%s%s
+21 und mehr undefiniert %s%s%s
+$set 11
+1 ungültiger Parameter von %s
+2 abstellen %s ist mit momentanem Abstellen nicht kompatibel
+3 unbekannter Schalter zu %s Symbol (%s)
+4 Zeilenabstellen %s ist mit momentanem Abstellen nicht kompatibel
+5 ungültiger linker Parameter von %s
+6 ungültiger linker Parameter von %s
+$set 12
+1 MinSize: %s
+2 gezwungen %s zu vergrößern
+3 ^ gelöscht (es darf diesem Objekt nicht voranstehen)
+4 Lücke ersetzt durch 0i (Einheit %c hier nicht erlaubt)
+5 %s gelöscht (kann File %s nicht öffnen)
+6 %s bekam Null-Größe (keine BoundingBox Zeile im File %s)
+7 %s gelöscht (erste Zeile im File %s falsch)
+8 %s bekam Null-Größe (falsche BoundingBox-Zeile im File %s)
+9 MinSize: %s
+10 MinSize: back(x, dim) < 0!
+11 MinSize: fwd(x, dim) < 0!
+$set 13
+1 reduziere Spaltenabstand auf 0i (Objekt ist zu weit)
+2 BreakTable: %d
+3 BreakTable: %d
+4 %s gelöscht (zu weit; kann %s nicht umbrechen)
+5 Wort %s gelöscht (zu weit)
+6 %s %s reduziert (zu weit)
+7 %s oder %s gelöscht (zu weit)
+8 Spaltenmarke des nicht umgebrochenen Abschnitts nach links bewegt
+9 Spaltenmarke des Abschnitts vor Umbruch nach links bewegt
+10 BreakObject: %s
+$set 14
+1 %s Objekt gelöscht (zu weit für %s Paragraph)
+2 %s Objekt gelöscht (zu weit für %s Paragraph)
+3 übergroßes Objekt hat Größe Null oder weniger
+4 %s Objekt gelöscht (zu weit für %s Paragraph)
+5 Paragraph gelöscht (zugewiesene Weite %s ist zu schmal)
+6 hyphen oder nohyphen Option vermißt
+7 FillObject: %d
+$set 15
+1 Beschränkt: %s
+2 DebugBeschränkt: %s
+$set 16
+1 FindShift: %s", INTERN,&fpos(x),"units
+2 FindShift: %s", INTERN, &fpos(x),"type
+3 maximale Größe %s überschritten
+4 Größenbeschränkung %s,%s,%s gebrochen durch %s,%s
+5 AdjustSize: %s
+$set 17
+1 Lücke ist kein einfaches Wort
+2 vermisse Weite von %s
+3 %s, %s und %s muß in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen sein
+4 vermisse Einheits-Buchstabe von %s
+5 %.1fr zu groß (1.0r substituiert)
+6 Länge %s ist zu groß (Maximum %dc substituiert)
+7 unbekannter Lücken Modus in %s
+8 ungültige Weite oder Lücke in %s
+9 MinGap: units %d
+10 MinGap: NO_MODE
+11 MinGap: mode %d
+12 ExtraGap: NO_MODE
+13 ExtraGap: %d
+14 ActualGap: units %d
+15 ActualGap: NO_MODE
+16 ActualGap: mode %d
+17 EchoGap: %d
+$set 18
+1 kann Galley %s nicht anhängen
+2 Galley zu tief geschachtelt (max ist %d)
+3 Galley %s gelöscht (unzureichende Weite am Ziel)
+4 rechter Parameter von %s ist vertikal begrenzt
+$set 19
+1 Galley %s von hier gelöscht (kein Ziel)
+2 rezeptives Symbol %s hat unbegrenzte Weite
+3 zu wenig horizontaler Platz für Galley %s bei %s
+4 diese Komponente von %s paßte nicht in nächstes Ziel
+5 diese Komponente von %s paßte nicht in nächstes Ziel
+6 AttachGalley: %s
+7 %s Objekt zu groß für %s Platz; %s eingefügt
+$set 20
+1 DebugInnersNames: %s
+2 FlushGalley: attach_status %d
+3 FlushGalley: dest_index %s
+4 FlushGalley: %s
+5 Fehler in Datenbank-File %s
+$set 21
+1 Galley %s darf nur eine Spaltenmarke haben
+2 ersetze unendlichen Skalierungsfaktor (unbegrenzte Weite) durch 1.0
+3 ersetze unendlichen Skalierungsfaktor (Null-weites Objekt) durch 1.0
+4 ersetze sehr großen Skalierungsfaktor (über 100) durch 1.0
+5 Objekt gelöscht (Skalierungsfaktor ist Null)
+6 Objekt gelöscht (Skalierungsfaktor ist kleiner als 0.01)
+7 SizeGalley: %s
+8 %s fehlt unerwarteter Weise im Körper von %s
+$set 22
+1 FlushInners: %s
+2 FindSplit: missing galley component
+3 FindSplitInGalley failed
+4 FindSplitInGalley: %s
+5 Galley %s muß eine einzige Spaltenmarke haben
+6 Galley %s gelöscht (niemals angehängt)
+7 unterstütze: %s
+8 KillGalley: head
+9 zwinge Galley an Eingabepunkt
+10 Ziel von %s ist keine Kreuzreferenz
+11 linker Parameter von %s ist kein Symbol
+12 ersetze %s%s? durch %s%s%s
+13 TargetSymbol: vermisse Ziel von x
+$set 23
+1 Objekt gelöscht (es kann nicht vertikal skaliert werden)
+2 Objekt gelöscht (es kann nicht horizontal skaliert werden)
+3 FixAndPrintObject: %s
+$set 24
+1 kann %s File %s nicht öffnen
+2 %s File %s ist leer
+3 %s File %s hat keinen PostScript BeginResource Komentar
+4 schneide -EPS Dokument am Ende der ersten Seite ab
+5 Fehler im linken Parameter von %s
+6 Fehler im linken Parameter von %s
+7 ignoriere LanguageLevel Komentar in %s File %s
+8 ignoriere Extensions Kommentar in %s File %s
+$set 25
+1 echo: %s
+2 echo: %s
+3 echo: %s
+$set 26
+1 BeginZeichenkette: momentan in Zeichenkette
+2 AppendZeichenkette: keine aktuelle Zeichenkette
+3 AppendZeichenkette Abbruch
+4 EndZeichenkette: keine Zeichenkette
+$set 27
+1 unbekanntes Debug Flag %s
+2 ProFileOn: %s nochmals gestartet
+3 ProFileOn: Überlauf
+4 ProFileOff: %s ist nicht aktuell
+5 ProFileOff: Überlauf
+$set 28
+1 -e Argument erscheint zweifach in der Komandozeile
+2 kann Fehler-File %s nicht öffnen
+3 zu viele Ebenen von Fehlermeldungen
+4 %6s interner Fehler: %s\n
+5 %6s schlimmer Fehler: %s\n
+6 zu viele Fehlermeldungen
+7 ungültiger Fehlertyp
+$set 29
+1 Scope[%2d] = %s
+2 Scopetiefenlimit überschritten
+3 ungültiger Symbolname %s
+4 %s muß eine lokale Definition sein
+5 ein Körperparameter kann nicht %s benannt werden
+6 der rechte Parameter eines Galley darf nicht %s genannt werden
+7 Symbol %s bereits definiert bei %s
+8 voller Symbolname ist zu lang
+9 voller Symbolname ist zu lang
+10 in Symbol %s wird %s vermißt
+11 DeleteSymBody: %s
+$set 31
+1 beende nun (es ging der Speicher aus)
+$set 32
+1 Wort %s ist zu lang
+2 Nächstes: %s
+$set 33
+1 beim Vergrößern der dbcheck-Tabelle ging der Speicher aus
+2 Dbcheck: Eintrag zweifach eingetragen
+3 NumToSym: no sym
+4 einfügen in gelesene Datenbank
+5 Datenbank Filename %s%s ist zu lang
+6 kann nicht auf Datenbankfile %s schreiben
+7 Kreuzreferenz %s&&%s bereits benutzt bei %s
+8 Kreuzreferenz %s&&%s bereits benutzt
+9 DbConvert: lese Datenbank
+10 Syntaxfehler in Datenbankfile %s
+11 %s in Datenbank gefunden aber nicht in Zeile %s deklariert
+12 Datenbanksymbol %s hat keine Marke
+13 Marke des Datenbanksymbol ist kein einfaches Wort
+14 Marke des Datenbanksymbol ist ein leeres Wort
+15 erwarte hier %s oder Ende des File
+16 kann Datenbankfile %s nicht öffnen
+17 undefiniertes Symbol in Datenbankfile %s (Zeile %d)
+18 DbRetrieveNext: writing
+$set 35
+1 unable to obtain the current time
+$set 36
+1 in Trennungsfile: '%c' ist in keiner Klasse
+2 DoTriePrint: findrep failed
+3 beim Aufbauen der Trenntabelle ging der Speicher aus
+4 hyphenation trie Zeichenkette Limit überschritten
+5 hyphenation trie Knotenlimit überschritten
+6 Trennungsklasse von %c kann nicht geändert werden
+7 Trennungszeichenkette %s bereits vorhanden
+8 kann Trennungsfile %s nicht öffnen
+9 vermisse Kopfzeile des Trennungsfile %s
+10 vermisse Klassenkopf des Trennungsfile %s
+11 TrieRead: %d
+12 Formatfehler in Trennungsfile %s
+13 kann Trennugsfile %s nicht schreiben
+14 kann Trennungsfile %s nich öffnen
+15 beim lesen des Trennungsfiles ging der Speicher aus
+16 Fehler beim Lesen des gepackten Trennungsfiles %s
+17 Falsche magische Nummer im Trennungsfile %s
+18 keine aktuelle Sprache für Wort %s
+$set 37
+1 Fontdefinition enthält keine Folge von Worten
+2 Fontdefinition enthält ein Nicht-Wort
+3 Fontdefinition enthält nicht exakt vier Wörter
+4 Font %s %s bereits definiert bei%s
+5 erwate hier entweder Recode oder NoRecode
+6 zu viele verschiedene Fonts und Größen (Maximum ist %d)
+7 beim Vergrößern der Fonttabelle ging der Speicher aus
+8 kann Fontfile %s nicht öffnen
+9 Fontfile %s beginnt nicht mit StartFontMetrics
+10 beim Lesen des Fontfile %s ging der Speicher aus
+11 beim Lesen des Fontfile %s ging der Speicher aus
+12 beim Lesen des Fontfile %s ging der Speicher aus
+13 XHeight im Fontfile zweifach gefunden (Zeile %d)
+14 FontName im Fontfile %s zweifach gefunden %s (Zeile %d)
+15 FontName Fontfile %s (Zeile %d) leer
+16 FontName im Fontfile (%s) und fontdef (%s) stimmen nicht überein
+17 vermisse FontName im File %s
+18 ignoriere nicht kodierte Ligatur %s in Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+19 zu viele Ligaturen in Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+20 vermisse WX im Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+21 vermisse B im Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+22 Syntaxfehler an StartKernPairs Zeile im Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+23 Syntaxfehler im Fontfile %s (Zeile %d): %s
+24 nicht kodiertes Kernzeichen %s im Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+25 nicht kodiertes Kernzeichen %s im Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+26 nicht anschließendes Kerning Paar %s %s im Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+27 zu viele Kerning Paare im Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+28 Kerning Paar %s %s erscheint zweifach im Fontfile %s (Zeile %d)
+29 vermisse EndFontMetrics im Fontfile %s
+30 Fehler im linken Parameter von %s
+31 Fehler im linken Parameter von %s
+32 Anfangsfont muß Familie, Schnitt und Größe haben
+33 Fontfamilie %s nicht definiert
+34 es existieren keine Fonts
+35 Fontfamilienname %s muß von Schnittnamen begleidet werden
+36 Fontschnittname %s in Fontfamilie %s nicht definiert
+37 kein aktueller Font an dem Basisgröße %s geändert werden könnte
+38 FontChange: %d
+39 %s %s ignoriert (Ergebnis nicht positiv)
+40 zu viele verschiedene Fonts und Größen (maximal %d)
+41 beim Vergrößern der Fonttabelle ging der Speicher aus
+42 beim Ändern des Font oder der Fontgröße ging der Speicher aus
+43 beim Ändern des Font oder der Fontgröße ging der Speicher aus
+44 kein aktueller Font beim Wort %s
+45 keine aktuelle Farbe beim Wort %s
+46 keine aktuelle Sprache beim Wort %s
+47 Zeichen %s ausgelassen (es hat keinen Glyph im Font %s)
+48 kein aktueller Font an diesem Punkt
+49 Familien- und Schnittnamen %s %s sind zu lang
+$set 38
+1 zu viele Kodierungsvektoren
+2 beim Laden des Kodierungsvektors ging der Speicher aus
+3 kann Kodierungsvektorfile %s nicht öffnen
+4 zu viele Zeichennamen im Kodierungsvektorfile %s
+5 zu wenige Zeichennamen im Kodierungsvektorfile %s
+$set 40
+1 kann temporäres Filterfile %s nicht öffnen
+2 %s
+3 Versagen (Nicht-Null-Status) des Filter: %s
+4 kann temporäres Filterfile %s nicht lesen
+$set 41
+1 Datenbankindexfile scheint veraltet zu sein
+2 Syntaxfehler im Datenbankfile
+3 WriteClosure: %s
+4 WriteObject: %s
+5 Filename %s%s ist zu lang
+6 kann nicht an Datenbankfile %s anhängen
+7 Link(%s, %s) versagt
+8 unlink(%s) versagt
+$set 42
+1 beim Vergrößern der Farbtabelle ging der Speicher aus
+2 zu viele Farben (Maximum ist %d)
+3 %s ignoriert (ungültiger linker Parameter)
+4 %s ignoriert (leerer linker Parameter)
+$set 43
+1 beim Vergrößern der Sprachtabelle ging der Speicher aus
+2 Sprachname %s doppelt benutzt (zuerst bei %s)
+3 erwarte hier Trennungsfilenamen
+4 %s ignoriert (ungültiger linker Parameter)
+5 %s ignoriert (unbekannte Sprache %s)
diff --git a/locale/old.msgs.fr b/locale/old.msgs.fr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05e40c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/old.msgs.fr
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+$set 1
+1 mot trop long
+2 Noveau: type %s
+3 Nouveau: longueur nulle!
+4 assertion échoue dans %s
+5 %s - drapeaux de déboguage non implantés
+7 usage: -o <fichier>
+8 usage: -c <fichier>
+9 usage: -e <filename>
+10 usage: -EPS
+11 usage: -D <répertoire>
+12 usage: -C <répertoire>
+13 usage: -F <répertoire>
+14 usage: -H <répertoire>
+15 usage: -I <répertoire>
+16 usage: -i <fichier>
+17 interdit: deux options -h
+18 usage: -h <fichier>
+19 répertoire d'inclusion système: %s
+20 répertoire des bases de données système: %s
+21 usage: lout -%c<longueur><longueur>
+22 lout -%c: unité doit être c, i, p ou m
+23 lout -%c: unité doit être c, i, p ou m
+24 usage: lout [ -i <fichier> ] fichiers...
+25 entrée standard spécifiée deux fois
+26 option de ligne de commande inconnue %s
+27 impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de sortie %s
+$set 2
+1 fichier inclus %s trop imbriqué
+2 fichier de base de données %s trop imbriqué
+3 manque de mémoire en ouvrant le fichier %s
+4 appel de macro interdit dans base de données
+5 ligne trop longue (ou sans fin de ligne)
+6 caractère %c en dehors d'une chaine entre guillemets
+7 impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %s
+8 type de fichier inconnu
+9 macro récursive
+10 %s attendu (après %s)
+11 nom de fichier à inclure attendu ici
+12 chaîne non terminée
+13 chaîne non terminée
+14 caractère nul ignoré dans chaîne
+15 LexGetToken: erreur dans chaîne entre guillemets
+16 LexGetToken: mauvais chtbl[]
+17 ligne trop longue (ou sans fin de ligne)
+18 paramètre de filtre dans macro
+19 fin de fichier en lisant paramètre de filtre
+20 %s attendu ici (après %s)
+21 nom de fichier attendu ici
+22 impossible d'ouvrir le fichier inclus %s
+23 %s dans paramètre de filtre non implémenté
+24 LexScanFilter: mauvais chtbl[]
+25 ligne trop longue (ou sans fin de ligne)
+$set 3
+1 manque de mémoire en agrandissant la table des fichiers
+2 trop de fichiers (maximum=%d)
+3 fichier de base de données %s quand un fichier source est attendu
+4 fichier d'index de base de données %s quand un fichier source est attendu
+5 nom de fichier %s%s trop long
+6 nom de fichier %s%s trop long
+7 position de fichier %s... trop longue à imprimer
+8 position de fichier %s... trop longue à imprimer
+9 fichier
+10 depuis
+11 ligne
+12 les fichiers %s et %s existent tous les deux
+13 chemin de fichier %s/%s trop long
+14 les fichiers %s et %s%s existent tous les deux
+$set 4
+1 EchoCatOp: %d
+2 EchoToken: %s
+$set 5
+1 nom de famille de police attendu ici
+2 nom de genre de police attendu ici
+3 ouverture %s de def.police (fontdef) attendue ici
+4 ouverture %s de def.langage (langdef) attendue ici
+5 accolade ouvrante attendue ici dans declaration %s
+6 nom de fichier %s attendu ici
+7 nom de symbol ou %s attendu ici (déclaration de %s)
+8 noms de symbole manquants dans déclaration %s
+9 nom de fichier %s attendu ici
+10 symbole %s inconnu ou mal epelé
+11 symbole %s interdit dans macro
+12 fin de fichier inattendue
+13 %s inattendu ici
+14 %s non apparié dans macro
+15 %s non apparié dans macro
+16 symbole %s inconnu ou mal epelé
+17 nom de symbole attendu après %s
+18 %s %s ne s'apparie pas avec %s %s
+19 %s non apparié dans macro
+20 %s doit suivre paramètre nommé %s
+21 paramètre droit de %s doit commencer par %s
+22 ReadTokenList: %s
+23 %s ignoré (nom manquant)
+24 %s ignoré (%s ouvrant manquant)
+25 nom d'importation attendu ici
+26 importation %s hors de portée
+27 %s nom de symbole attendu ici
+28 extension de symbole %s hors de portée
+29 mot clé %s ou %s attendu ici
+30 mot clé %s attendu ici
+31 liste d'exportation de macro ignorée
+32 nom de symbole attendu ici
+33 %s attendu ici
+34 %s attendu ici
+35 précédence trop petite (remplacée par %d)
+36 précédence trop grande (remplacée par %d)
+37 associativité changée en %s
+38 impossible de trouver nom de paramètre %s
+39 impossible de trouver nom de paramètre %s
+40 accolade ouvrante ou @Begin de %s attendu
+41 symbole exporté %s n'est pas défini dans %s
+42 paramètre de corps %s ne peut pas être exporté
+43 symbole %s exporté deux fois
+44 symbole %s inconnu ou mal epellé
+$set 6
+1 expression trop fortement imbriquée
+2 expression trop fortement imbriquée
+3 paramètre gauche de %s n'est pas un symbole (ou n'est pas visible)
+4 %s non apparié (%s est inseré)
+5 Reduce: %s non apparié
+6 %s non apparié; %s est inseré en %s (après %s)
+7 %s non apparié n'est contenu dans rien
+8 Reduce: %s non apparié
+9 Reduce: %s non apparié
+10 %s %s ajouté en fin de fichier pour apparier %s en %s
+11 %s remplacé par %s %s pour apparier %s en %s
+12 %s %s remplacé par %s %s pour apparier %s en %s
+13 Reduce: %s
+14 le nom %s de fichier base de donnée de reférences croisées est trop long
+15 erreur de syntaxe dans fichier base de donnée de reférences croisées
+16 erreur dans fichier base de donnée de reférences croisées
+17 erreur dans fichier base de donnée de reférences croisées
+18 arrêt immédiat
+19 %s attendu après %s
+20 le symbole %s apparait dans deux clauses %s
+21 paramètre incorrect de %s
+22 symbole %s inconnu ou mal epelé
+23 fin de fichier inattendue
+24 %s remplacé par %s
+25 symbole inconnu ou mal epelé %s après %s supprimé
+26 symbole attendu après %s
+27 symbole %s mal placé
+28 symbole attendu à la suite de %s
+29 les clause(s) %s changée(s) depuis l'exécution précédentes
+30 symbole attendu à la suite de %s
+31 %s doit suivre paramètre nommé %s
+32 paramètre nommé %s de %s apparait deux fois
+33 %s mal placé ici (%s n'a pas de paramètre droit)
+34 paramètre droit de %s doit être entre accolades
+35 paramètre corps de %s doit être entre accolades
+36 paramètre gauche de %s incorrect
+37 paramètre droit de %s doit être entre accolades
+38 Parse: %s
+$set 7
+1 CopyObject: %s
+$set 8
+1 mot trop long
+2 mot trop long
+3 facteur d'echelle incorrect remplacé par 1.0
+4 facteur d'echelle incorrect %s remplacé par 1.0
+5 facteur d'echelle trop petit %s remplacé par 1.0
+6 facteur d'echelle trop grand %s remplacé par 1.0
+7 %s supprimé (paramètre droit mal construit)
+8 %s attendu ici
+9 erreur dans paramètre gauche de %s
+10 erreur dans paramètre gauche de %s
+11 remplace option inconnue %s de %s par %s
+12 %s supprimé (choix %s inconnu)
+13 paramètre gauche de %s n'est pas une référence croisée
+14 paramètre gauche de %s doit être un symbole
+15 symbole %s interdit ici (il n'a pas de %s)
+16 %s ou %s attendu dans paramètre gauche de %s
+17 paramètre droit de %s doit être un mot simple
+18 profondeur maximale (%d) d'expansion de symbole atteinte
+19 les symboles actuellement expansés sont:
+20 en %d: %s
+21 arrêt immédiat
+22 symbole %s utilisé en dehors de %s
+23 paramètre de filtre du symbole %s n'est pas simple
+24 mot %s%s trop long
+25 symbole %s manquant ou option
+26 paramètre gauche incorrect de %s remplacé par 2i
+27 paramètre gauche incorrect de %s remplacé par +0i
+28 paramètre gauche incorrect de %s remplacé par 0d
+29 %s inattendu ici
+30 %s abandonné (paramètre n'est pas un mot simple)
+31 %s abandonné (pas de police courante en ce point)
+32 %s abandonné (caractère %s inconnu dans la police %s)
+33 pas de langue courante en ce point, %s utilisé
+34 paramètre gauche incorrect de %s
+35 %s supprimé (paramètre droit incorrect)
+36 Manifest: %s
+$set 9
+1 mauvaise utilisation de symbole avec list d'importation
+$set 10
+1 manque de mémoire pour agrandir table de références croisées
+2 étiquette %s&%d générée automatiquement trop longue
+3 étiquette %s.%s.%d générée automatiquement trop longue
+4 paramètre gauche de %s n'est pas un symbole
+5 la valeur de paramètre droit de %s n'est pas un mot simple
+6 la valeur du paramètre droit de %s est un mot vide
+7 symbole %s utilisé en référence croisé n'a pas de paramètre %s
+8 étiquette %s_%d générée automatiquement trop longue
+9 %s ou étiquette %s interdit ici
+10 symbole %s utilisé en référence croisée n'a pas de paramètre %s
+11 CrossExpand: %d
+12 référence croisée non résolue %s%s%s
+13 paramètre %s n'est pas un mot
+14 paramètre %s est un mot vide
+15 aucun %s ne précède ce %s%s%s
+16 aucun %s ne précède ce %s%s%s
+17 étiquette de %s n'est pas un mot simple
+18 étiquette de %s n'est pas un mot simple
+19 CrossSequence: %s
+20 aucun %s ne suit ce %s%s%S
+21 et d'autre %s%s%s indéfinis
+$set 11
+1 paramètre gauche de %s incorrect
+2 espacement %s incompatible avec espacement courant
+3 option inconnue du symbole %s (%s)
+4 interligne %s incompatible avec interligne courant
+5 paramètre gauche de %s incorrect
+6 paramètre gauche de %s incorrect
+$set 12
+1 MinSize: %s
+2 obligé d'agrandir %s
+3 ^ supprimé (il ne peut précéder cet objet)
+4 espacement remplacé par 0i (unité %c interdite ici)
+5 %s supprimé (ne peut ouvrir fichier %s)
+6 %s prend une taille nulle (pas de ligne BoundingBox dans fichier %s)
+7 %s supprimé (mauvaise première ligne dans fichier %s)
+8 %s prend une taille nulle (pas de ligne BoundingBox dans fichier %s)
+9 MinSize: %s
+10 MinSize: back(x, dim) < 0!
+11 MinSize: fwd(x, dim) < 0!
+$set 13
+1 espace entre colonne réduit à 0i (objet trop large)
+2 BreakTable: %d
+3 BreakTable: %d
+4 %s supprimé (trop large; ne peut césurer %s)
+5 mot %s supprimé (trop large)
+6 %s %s réduit (trop large)
+7 %s ou %s supprimé (trop large)
+8 marque de colonne de paragraphe incassable bougée à gauche
+9 marque de colonne de paragraphe bougée à gauche avant césure
+10 BreakObject: %s
+10 BreakObject: %s
+$set 14
+1 objet %s supprimé (trop large pour un paragraphe de %s)
+2 objet %s supprimé (trop large pour un paragraphe de %s)
+3 objet surdimensionné a une taille négative ou nulle
+4 objet %s supprimé (trop large pour un paragraphe de %s)
+5 paragraphe supprimé (largeur affectée %s trop étroite)
+6 option avec ou sans césure manquante
+7 FillObject: %d
+$set 15
+1 Constrained: %s
+2 DebugConstrained: %s
+$set 16
+1 FindShift: %s
+2 FindShift: %s
+3 taille maximale %s dépassée
+4 contrainte de taille %s,%s,%s violée par %s,%s
+5 AdjustSize: %s
+5 AdjustSize: %s
+$set 17
+1 espacement n'est pas un mot simple
+2 largeur manquante de %s
+3 %s, %s et %s doivent être entre guillemets
+4 lettre d'unité manquante dans %s
+{4 units letter missing from %s
+{5 %.1fr too large (1.0r substituted)
+5 %.1fr trop grand (remplacé par 1.Or)
+6 longueur %s trop grande (remplacée par le maximum %dc)
+7 mode d'espacement inconnu dans %s
+8 largeur ou espacement %s incorrect
+9 MinGap: units %d
+10 MinGap: NO_MODE
+11 MinGap: mode %d
+12 ExtraGap: NO_MODE
+13 ExtraGap: %d
+14 ActualGap: unités %d
+15 ActualGap: NO_MODE
+16 ActualGap: mode %d
+17 EchoGap: %d
+$set 18
+1 ne peut attacher une galée
+2 galée trop imbriquée (maximum %d)
+3 galée %s supprimée (largeur insuffisante à la cible)
+4 paramètre droit de %s contraint verticalement
+$set 19
+1 galée %s supprimée ici (sans cible)
+2 symbole réceptif %s a une largeur incontrainte
+3 espacement horizontal trop petit pour galée %s en %s
+4 ce composant de %s ne rentre pas dans sa plus proche cible
+5 ce composant de %s ne rentre pas dans sa plus proche cible
+6 AttachGalley: %s
+7 objet de %s trop haut pour un espace de %s %s inseré
+$set 20
+1 DebugInnersNames: %s
+2 FlushGalley: attach_status %d
+3 FlushGalley: dest_index %s
+4 FlushGalley: %s
+5 erreur dans fichier de base de donnée %s
+$set 21
+1 galée %s doit avoir une seule marque de colonne
+2 remplace facteur d'echelle par 1.0 et non infinie (%s a une largeur incontrainte)
+3 remplace facteur d'echelle par 1.0 et non infinie (%s a une largeur nulle)
+4 remplace facteur d'echelle trop grand (> 100) par 1.0
+5 objet supprimé (facteur d'echelle nul)
+6 objet supprimé (facteur d'echelle <0.01)
+7 SizeGalley: %s
+8 absence inattendue de %s dans le corps de %s
+$set 22
+1 FlushInners: %s
+2 FindSplit: composant de galée manquant
+3 FindSplitInGalley échoue
+4 FindSplitInGalley: %s
+5 galée %s doit avoir une seule marque de colonne
+6 galée %s supprimée (n'a jamais été attachée)
+7 Promote: %s
+7 Promote: %s
+8 KillGalley: head
+9 galée forcée après point d'entrée
+10 la cible de %s n'est pas une référence croisée
+11 paramètre gauche de %s n'est pas un symbole
+12 remplace %s%s? par %s%s%s
+13 TargetSymbol: cible manquante de x
+$set 23
+1 objet supprimé (ne peut être mis à l'echelle verticalement)
+2 objet supprimé (ne peut être mis à l'echelle horizontalement)
+3 FixAndPrintObject: %s
+$set 24
+1 impossible d'ouvrir %s fichier %s
+2 %s fichier %s est vide
+3 %s fichier %s sans commentaire PostScript BeginResource
+4 document -EPS tronqué en fin de première page
+5 erreur dans paramètre gauche de %s
+6 erreur dans paramètre gauche de %s
+7 commentaire LanguageLevel ignoré dans %s fichier %s
+8 commentaire Extensions ignoré dans %s fichier %s
+$set 25
+1 echo: %s
+2 echo: %s
+3 echo: %s
+$set 26
+1 BeginString: actuellement dans chaîne
+2 AppendString: pas de chaîne courante
+3 AppendString avorte
+4 EndString: pas de chaîne
+$set 27
+1 drapeau de déboguage %s inconnu
+2 ProfileOn: %s redémarré
+3 ProfileOn: débordement
+4 ProfileOff: %s n'est pas courant
+5 ProfileOff: débordement
+$set 28
+1 argument -e apparaît deux fois dans ligne de commande
+2 impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'erreur %s
+3 trop de niveaux de message d'erreur
+4 %6s erreur interne: %s\n
+5 %6s erreur fatale: %s\n
+6 trop de messages d'erreur
+7 type d'erreur incorrect
+$set 29
+1 scope[%2d] = %s
+2 profondeur de portée - limite dépassée
+3 nom de symbole %s incorrect
+4 %s doit être une définition locale
+5 un paramètre de corps ne peut être nommé %s
+6 le paramètre droit d'une galée ne peut être nommé %s
+7 symbole %s déjà défini en %s
+8 le nom complet du symbole est trop long
+9 le nom complet du symbole est trop long
+10 symbole %s manque de %s
+11 DeleteSymBody: %s
+$set 31
+1 arrêt immédiat (manque de mémoire)
+$set 32
+1 mot %s trop long
+2 Next: %s
+$set 33
+1 manque de mémoire en agrandissant table dbcheck
+2 Dbcheck: entrée insérée deux fois
+3 NumToSym: pas de symbole
+4 inseré dans base de donnée en cours de lecture
+5 fichier de base de donnée a un nom %s%s trop long
+6 ne peut écrire dans fichier de base de donnée %s
+7 référence croisée %s&%s déjà utilisée, en %s
+8 référence croisée %s&%s déjà utilisée
+9 DbConvert: lecture de la base de donnée
+10 erreur de syntaxe dans fichier de base de donnée %s
+11 %s trouvé dans base de donnée mais non déclaré dans ligne %s
+12 symbole %s de base de donnée sans étiquette
+13 l'étiquette du symbole %s de base de donnée n'est pas un mot simple
+14 l'étiquette du symbole %s de base de donnée est un mot vide
+15 %s ou fin de fichier attendu ici
+16 impossible d'ouvrir fichier de base de donnée %s
+17 symbole indéfini dans fichier de base de donnée %s (ligne %d)
+18 DbRetrieveNext: écriture
+$set 35
+1 impossible d'obtenir le temps à l'horloge
+$set 36
+1 dans fichier de césure: '%c' n'est dans aucune classe
+2 DoTriePrint: findrep échoue
+3 manque de mémoire en construisant la table de césure
+4 chaine de trie de césure - limite dépassée
+5 noeud de trie de césure - limite dépassée
+6 classe de césure de %c ne peut être modifiée
+7 chaîne de césure %s déjà insérée
+8 impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de césure %s
+9 ligne d'entête de fichier de césure %s manquante
+10 entête des classes de fichier de césure %s manquante
+11 TrieRead: %d
+12 erreur de format dans fichier de césure %s
+13 ne peut écrire dans fichier de césure %s
+14 impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de césure %s
+15 manque de mémoire en lisant la table de césure
+16 erreur en lecture du fichier de césure comprimé %s
+17 mauvais nombre magique dans fichier de césure %s
+18 pas de langage courant pour le mot %s
+$set 37
+1 définition de police ne contient pas une suite de mot
+2 définition de police contient un non-mot
+3 définition de police ne contient pas exactement quatre mots
+4 police %s %s déjà définie en %s
+5 Recode ou NoRecode attendu ici
+6 trop de polices et tailles différentes (maximum=%d)
+7 manque de mémoire en agrandissant la table des polices
+8 impossible d'ouvrir fichier de police %s
+9 fichier de police %s ne commence pas par StartFontMetrics
+10 manque de mémoire en lisant fichier de police %s
+11 manque de mémoire en lisant fichier de police %s
+12 manque de mémoire en lisant fichier de police %s
+13 XHeight apparait deux fois dans fichier de police (ligne %d)
+14 FontName apparait deux fois dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+15 FontName vide dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+16 FontName dans fichier de police %s ne correspond pas à fontdef (%s)
+17 FontName manque dans fichier de police %s
+18 caractère non codé de ligature %s ignoré dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+19 trop de caractère de ligature dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+20 WX manquant dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+21 B manquant dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+22 erreur de syntaxe dans StartKernPairs dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+23 erreur de syntaxe dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d): %s
+24 caractère de crénage non codé %s dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+25 caractère de crénage non codé %s dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+26 paire de crénage non contigüe %s %s dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+27 trop de paires de crénage dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+28 paire de crénage en double %s %s dans fichier de police %s (ligne %d)
+29 EndFontMetrics manquant dans fichier de police %s
+30 erreur dans paramètre gauche de %s
+31 erreur dans paramètre gauche de %s
+32 police initiale doit avoir une famille, un genre et une taille
+33 famille de police %s indéfinie
+34 il n'y a pas de polices
+35 nom de famille de police %s doit être accompagné par un nom de genre
+36 nom de genre de police %s indéfini dans famille de police %s
+37 pas de police courant sur laquelle fonder le changement de taille %s
+38 FontChange: %d
+39 %S %S ignoré (résultat non positif)
+40 trop de polices et tailles différentes (max= %d)
+41 manque de mémoire en agrandissant table de taille de police
+42 manque de mémoire en changant de police ou de taille
+43 manque de mémoire en changant de police ou de taille
+44 pas de police courant sur le mot %s
+45 pas de couleur courante sur le mot %s
+46 pas de langage courant sur le mot %s
+47 caractère %s omis (sans graphie dans police %s)
+48 pas de police courante en ce point
+49 noms de famille et de genre de police %s %s trop longs
+$set 38
+1 trop de vecteur d'encodage
+2 manque de mémoire en chargeant les vecteurs d'encodage
+3 impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de vecteur d'encodage %s
+4 trop de noms de caractère dans le fichier de vecteur d'encodage %s
+5 trop peu de noms de caractère dans le fichier de vecteur d'encodage %s
+$set 40
+1 impossible d'ouvrir le fichier temporaire de filtre %s
+2 %s
+3 filtre échoue (status non nul): %s
+4 impossible de lire le fichier temporaire de filtre %s
+$set 41
+1 erreur de syntaxe (%s manquant) dans fichier de base de données
+2 erreur de syntaxe dans fichier de base de données
+3 WriteClosure: %s
+4 WriteObject: %s
+5 nom de fichier %s%s trop long
+6 impossible d'ajouter au fichier de base de donnée %s
+7 appel système link(%s, %s) échoue
+8 appel système unlink(%s) échoue
+$set 42
+1 manque de mémoire en agrandissant la table des couleurs
+2 trop de couleurs (max=%d)
+3 %s ignoré (paramètre gauche illégal)
+4 %s ignoré (paramètre gauche vide)
+$set 43
+1 manque de mémoire en agrandissant la table des langages
+2 nom de langage %s utilisé deux fois (la première fois en %s)
+3 nom de fichier de césure attendu ici
+4 %s ignoré (paramètre gauche illégal)
diff --git a/maillist b/maillist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19cf5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maillist
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+The Lout mailing list
+A public mailing list has been set up for discussion
+of the Lout document formatting system. Thanks to
+Rodrigo Vanegas of Brown University for starting this
+list, and to Valeriy E. Ushakov for carrying on with
+it. To subscribe to the list, send mail to
+ lout-request@ptc.spbu.ru
+containing the word
+ subscribe
+in the Subject line (it MUST be in the Subject line).
+To unsubscribe, send mail to lout-request@ptc.spbu.ru
+containing the word unsubscribe in the Subject line.
+Wait for one full working day after subscribing before
+expecting to receive any items.
+To post an item, send mail to
+ lout@ptc.spbu.ru
+It will be forwarded by email to all current subscribers.
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4452fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+# #
+# Make file for installing Basser Lout Version 3.17 #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 17 September 1999 #
+# #
+# make lout Compile the Lout source #
+# make c2lout Compile a small auxiliary program called c2lout #
+# make install Install the Lout and c2lout binaries and libraries #
+# make installman Install the Lout and c2lout manual entries #
+# make installdoc Install the Lout documentation #
+# make installfr Install French error messages (optional) #
+# make installde Install German error messages (optional) #
+# make clean Remove compilation temporaries #
+# make uninstall Undo the effect of make install, installman, #
+# installdoc, installfr, and installde #
+# make restart Undo everything except changes to this makefile, #
+# ready for a fresh start. #
+# #
+# Most installations of Lout should require only the following steps. If #
+# something goes wrong, you can start again with "make restart". Please #
+# carry out all the steps, in exactly the order given. Believe me, it #
+# will be much faster than doing it any other way. #
+# #
+# (1) Set exactly one of the following macros defined below to 1 and the #
+# others all to 0, to indicate the operating system under which the #
+# Lout binary is to run. At present OSUNIX and OSDOS work but OSMAC #
+# doesn't work. #
+# #
+# OSUNIX Unix in all its flavours, including Linux. #
+# OSDOS MS-DOS etc. ("rb" and "wb" file access modes where needed) #
+# OSMAC Macintosh #
+# #
+# (2) This may be the trickiest step of all. On some systems, for example #
+# NT under Visual C++, Lout's use of the system ftell() call causes #
+# a problem. This problem typically manifests itself on the *second* #
+# pass over a large document such as the Lout User's Guide: a message #
+# such as "error in database file" is printed and Lout aborts. The #
+# precise error may vary but should say something about a problem with #
+# a database file. #
+# #
+# If this problem occurs you can probably fix it by changing the value #
+# of DBFIX below to 1. Many thanks to Valeriy E. Ushakov for this fix. #
+# #
+# Systems requiring DBFIX = 0 Systems requiring DBFIX = 1 #
+# ------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Unix NT/Visual C++ #
+# Cygnus gnuwin32 gcc djgpp #
+# Mingw32 #
+# #
+# (3) Set the USESTAT macro defined below to 1 if the system you are #
+# compiling onto has the stat() file status system call. If you are #
+# unsure, or know it doesn't, set USESTAT to 0. The stat() call, #
+# if used, will allow Lout to determine the time of last change #
+# of database index files and rebuild them automatically if required. #
+# #
+# (4) Set the SAFEDFT macro defined below to 1 if you want safe execution #
+# (i.e. disabling calls to system()) to be the default behaviour. You #
+# can always specify safe or unsafe execution by means of the -S and #
+# -U options to lout when processing a document; SAFEDFT means that #
+# -S rather than -U is the default behaviour. Unsafe execution is #
+# required when formatting C programs and verbatim text, so if in #
+# doubt, do not change the value of SAFEDFT. #
+# #
+# (5) Set the following four macros defined below to appropriate values: #
+# #
+# BINDIR Directory where Lout's binary goes. This directory is #
+# assumed to exist. #
+# #
+# LIBDIR Directory where Lout's libraries go. This directory will #
+# be created (but its parent must exist already). #
+# #
+# DOCDIR Directory where the documents describing the Lout system #
+# (written in Lout) go. This directory will be created (but #
+# its parent must exist already). #
+# #
+# MANDIR Directory where the lout and c2lout online manual entries #
+# (in nroff -man) go. This directory is assumed to exist. #
+# #
+# (6) Set the following two macros defined below to appropriate values. #
+# I strongly recommend CHARIN=1 and CHAROUT=0 for all sites (English #
+# and non-English language). This way we get a truly international #
+# standard in which everyone has access to accented characters, yet #
+# Lout's output is in the strict 7-bit ASCII that is recommended in #
+# the PostScript manual. #
+# #
+# CHARIN This macro determines the assignment of characters in Lout #
+# source files to character classes by the lexical analyser. #
+# That is, it determines which characters are letters, which #
+# is the comment character, etc. Supported values are: #
+# #
+# 0 For English language only ASCII installations #
+# #
+# 1 For installations using the ISO-LATIN-1 character set #
+# (adds accented letters to the LETTER character class) #
+# #
+# Lout will accept any 8-bit character except '\0'; CHARIN #
+# does not determine the acceptability of any character, just #
+# its class. #
+# #
+# CHAROUT This macro determines the format of strings of literal #
+# characters in the PostScript output. Currently supported #
+# values are: #
+# #
+# 0 Every output character will be printable ASCII #
+# #
+# 1 Every output character will be printable ISO-LATIN-1 #
+# #
+# The output will be valid PostScript irrespective of the #
+# value given to CHAROUT, which may be set independently of #
+# CHARIN. It just determines which characters are printed #
+# as \ddd escape sequences and which are printed as one-byte #
+# literal characters. #
+# #
+# (7) Set macro USELOC to one of the following values, NOT TO A LOCALE. #
+# #
+# 0 Lout's error messages will always appear in English, and no #
+# source code related to locales will be executed (although #
+# file <locale.h> will be read for collation stuff). #
+# #
+# 1 Lout's error messages may appear in languages other than #
+# English, depending on the current locale. The Lout source #
+# will be compiled including <locale.h>, <nl_types.h>, and #
+# calls to setlocale(), catopen(), catgets(), and catclose() #
+# #
+# If you choose to set USELOC to 1, you now need to set one or more of #
+# these macros: #
+# #
+# LOC_FR If you want French language error messages, set this macro #
+# to your French locale name, i.e. to the value that you #
+# expect setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "") to return when you want #
+# to get French language error messages #
+# #
+# LOC_DE If you want German language error messages, set this macro #
+# to your German locale name, i.e. to the value that you #
+# expect setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "") to return when you want #
+# to get German language error messages #
+# #
+# For error messages in other languages, consult ./locale/README. #
+# #
+# (8) Set macro COLLATE to either 0 or 1. If you set it to 1, Lout will #
+# use the strcoll() routine by default when sorting alphabetically #
+# (e.g. when sorting indexes), otherwise Lout will sort by default #
+# based on the ISO codes of the characters. This defaul setting may #
+# be changed during individual runs of Lout by the -l and -L flags. #
+# #
+# (9) Execute "make c2lout". This will compile the c2lout program, leaving #
+# its binary in this directory. No changes to other directories. #
+# #
+# (10) If you want to be able to produce compressed PDF files, as opposed to #
+# uncompressed ones, you need to: #
+# #
+# (a) obtain the zlib compression library from #
+# <http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/zlib/>. #
+# #
+# (b) decompress the zlib source files using gunzip and/or tar and #
+# then build the library by issuing the "make zlib.a" command #
+# whilst in the zlib directory. If you want to test the library, #
+# you should use the "make test" command (which also builds the #
+# library). #
+# #
+# (c) set the PDF_COMPRESSION variable below to 1 #
+# #
+# (d) set the ZLIB variable to the path of the libz.a file. For example: #
+# ZLIB = /usr/cs3/vtan/lout/lout.3.11/zlib-1.1.1/libz.a #
+# #
+# (e) set the ZLIBPATH variable to the path of the zlib directory with #
+# -I in front. For example: #
+# ZLIBPATH = -I/usr/cs3/vtan/lout/lout.3.11/zlib-1.1.1/ #
+# #
+# If you don't want zlib support or cannot obtain it or cannot use it, #
+# leave the PDF_COMPRESSION, ZLIB, and ZLIBPATH variables as they are. #
+# #
+# (11) Execute "make lout". This will compile the Lout source, leaving the #
+# binary in this directory. No changes are made in other directories. #
+# #
+# (12) This makefile assumes that Lout is not installed on your system #
+# already. If you do have an earlier version of Lout installed, #
+# the simplest way to get rid of it is to type "make uninstall" now. #
+# Of course, this is assuming that the old version was installed in the #
+# same directories as where you are about to install the new version. #
+# #
+# (13) Execute "make install". This will do the following things: #
+# #
+# (a) It will copy the lout and c2lout binaries into $(BINDIR); #
+# #
+# (b) It will create $(LIBDIR) and copy all the library files into it; #
+# #
+# (c) It will perform an initializing "lout -x" run. This run will #
+# do the following checks and initializations: #
+# #
+# (i) It will read all the font files mentioned in file #
+# $(LIBDIR)/include/fontdefs and check that they #
+# exist and are in the correct format; #
+# #
+# (ii) It will read all the hyphenation (.lh) files mentioned #
+# in file $(LIBDIR)/include/langdefs, check them, and build #
+# the packed (.lp) versions; #
+# #
+# (iii) It will read and check the three standard database #
+# (.ld) files in directory $(LIBDIR)/data, and build #
+# the corresponding database index (.li) files. #
+# #
+# (d) It will change the mode of the files created in (c) to be #
+# publicly readable, just in case they weren't created that way. #
+# #
+# It is good to build the various files during installation because #
+# later runs will not have write permission in the library directories. #
+# #
+# (14) Execute "make installman". This installs the manual entries for #
+# lout and c2lout into directory $(MANDIR), which is assumed to exist. #
+# These entries are troff files; plain text versions are also available #
+# in directory ./man if you need them (install them yourself). #
+# #
+# (15) Execute "make installdoc". This creates directory $(DOCDIR) and #
+# copies the Lout documentation into it. #
+# #
+# (16) If you want French error messages, execute "make installfr" now. #
+# If you want German error messages, execute "make installde" now. #
+# These commands compile the error messages files into packed forms #
+# using the gencat command, and store them in $(LIBDIR)/locale. #
+# #
+# (17) Execute "make clean". This cleans up this directory. #
+# #
+# (18) If the usual size of a piece of paper at your site is not A4, you #
+# might like to now change the default value of the @PageType option #
+# on line 57 of file $(LIBDIR)/include/dsf. You can find the list of #
+# known page types in the User's Guide, and also at line 615 in file #
+# $(LIBDIR)/include/dsf. #
+# #
+# (19) If the usual language at your site is not English, you might like to #
+# now change the default value of the @InitialLanguage option on line #
+# 255 of file $(LIBDIR)/include/bsf. This will mean that by default #
+# the date and words like Chapter and July will appear in a different #
+# language, and hyphenation will be carried out according to patterns #
+# designed for that language. You can find the list of known languages #
+# in the User's Guide, or in file $(LIBDIR)/include/langdefs; if yours #
+# is not on the list, let me know and we can work together to add it. #
+# This has nothing to do with locales and USELOC. #
+# #
+# Mail jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au if you have any problems. #
+# #
+OSDOS = 0
+OSMAC = 0
+DBFIX = 0
+BINDIR = /usr/staff/jeff/bin
+LIBDIR = /usr/staff/jeff/lout.lib
+DOCDIR = /usr/staff/jeff/lout.doc
+MANDIR = /usr/staff/jeff/lout.man
+LIBFONT = font
+LIBMAPS = maps
+LIBINCL = include
+LIBDATA = data
+LIBHYPH = hyph
+LIBLOCA = locale
+LOC_FR = fr
+LOC_DE = de
+CC = gcc
+RCOPY = cp -r
+COPTS = -ansi -pedantic -Wall
+ -DLIB_DIR=\"$(LIBDIR)\" \
+ -DDEBUG_ON=1 -g \
+OBJS = z01.o z02.o z03.o z04.o z05.o z06.o z07.o z08.o \
+ z09.o z10.o z11.o z12.o z13.o z14.o z15.o z16.o \
+ z17.o z18.o z19.o z20.o z21.o z22.o z23.o z24.o \
+ z25.o z26.o z27.o z28.o z29.o z30.o z31.o z32.o \
+ z33.o z34.o z35.o z36.o z37.o z38.o z39.o z40.o \
+ z41.o z42.o z43.o z44.o z45.o z46.o z47.o z48.o
+lout: $(OBJS)
+ $(CC) -o lout $(OBJS) $(ZLIB) -lm
+ chmod a+x lout
+$(OBJS): externs.h
+c2lout: c2lout.c
+ $(CC) $(COPTS) -o c2lout c2lout.c
+ chmod a+x c2lout
+install: lout c2lout
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "(a) Installing lout and c2lout binaries into BINDIR $(BINDIR)"
+ cp lout $(BINDIR)/lout
+ chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/lout
+ cp c2lout $(BINDIR)/c2lout
+ chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/c2lout
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "(b) Installing library files into LIBDIR $(LIBDIR)"
+ mkdir $(LIBDIR)
+ chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)
+ @echo ""
+ mkdir $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBINCL)
+ chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBINCL)
+ cp include/* $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBINCL)
+ chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBINCL)/*
+ @echo ""
+ mkdir $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBDATA)
+ chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBDATA)
+ cp data/* $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBDATA)
+ chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBDATA)/*
+ @echo ""
+ mkdir $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBHYPH)
+ chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBHYPH)
+ cp hyph/* $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBHYPH)
+ chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBHYPH)/*
+ @echo ""
+ mkdir $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBFONT)
+ chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBFONT)
+ cp font/* $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBFONT)
+ chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBFONT)/*
+ @echo ""
+ mkdir $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBMAPS)
+ chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBMAPS)
+ cp maps/* $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBMAPS)
+ chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBMAPS)/*
+ @echo ""
+ mkdir $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)
+ chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "(c) Initializing run (should be silent, no errors expected)"
+ $(BINDIR)/lout -x -s $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBINCL)/init
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "(d) Changing mode of files just created by initializing run"
+ chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBDATA)/*
+ chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBHYPH)/*
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Installing manual entries into MANDIR $(MANDIR)"
+ sed -e "s@<BINDIR>@$(BINDIR)@" -e "s@<LIBDIR>@$(LIBDIR)@" \
+ -e "s@<DOCDIR>@$(DOCDIR)@" -e "s@<MANDIR>@$(MANDIR)@" \
+ man/lout.1 > $(MANDIR)/lout.1
+ chmod 644 $(MANDIR)/lout.1
+ cp man/c2lout.1 $(MANDIR)/c2lout.1
+ chmod 644 $(MANDIR)/c2lout.1
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Creating DOCDIR $(DOCDIR) and copying documentation into it"
+ $(RCOPY) doc $(DOCDIR)
+ chmod 755 $(DOCDIR)
+ chmod 755 $(DOCDIR)/*
+ chmod 644 $(DOCDIR)/*/*
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Putting French error messages into $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_FR)"
+ mkdir $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_FR)
+ chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_FR)
+ cp locale/msgs.fr $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_FR)/LC_MESSAGES/msgs.$(LOC_FR)
+ gencat $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_FR)/LC_MESSAGES/errors.$(LOC_FR) \
+ chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_FR)/LC_MESSAGES/*
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "Putting German error messages into $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_DE)"
+ mkdir $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_DE)
+ chmod 755 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_DE)
+ cp locale/msgs.de $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_DE)/LC_MESSAGES/msgs.$(LOC_DE)
+ gencat $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_DE)/LC_MESSAGES/errors.$(LOC_DE) \
+ chmod 644 $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBLOCA)/$(LOC_DE)/LC_MESSAGES/*
+ -rm -f $(BINDIR)/lout $(BINDIR)/c2lout
+ -rm -fr $(LIBDIR)
+ -rm -fr $(DOCDIR)
+ -rm -f $(MANDIR)/lout.1 $(MANDIR)/c2lout.1
+ -rm -f lout c2lout *.o
+restart: clean uninstall
diff --git a/man/c2lout.1 b/man/c2lout.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..472e530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/c2lout.1
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+c2lout - convert C and C++ source code into Lout
+\fBc2lout\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fIC\(en\&files\fR...
+Reformat C and C++ source code for input to the Lout document formatting
+system, taking care of comments, character strings, tab characters, etc.
+.B c2lout
+reads the named C and C++ files and produces output
+suitable for input to
+.BR "lout -s" .
+.B "c2lout foo.c | lout -s | lpr"
+will print
+.B foo.c
+on a PostScript printer. Each file will start on a new page, preceded
+by its name in bold.
+.B \-pfixed
+Use a fixed width font (the default).
+.B \-pvarying
+Use a varying-width italic font with non-italic bold keywords.
+.B \-psymbol
+Use a varying-width italic font with mathematical symbols and
+non-italic bold keywords.
+.B \-n
+Do not print the file name before each C or C++ file.
+.BI \-f " font"
+Select a font family.
+The default is
+.B \-fCourier
+.BR \-pfixed ,
+.B \-fTimes
+.B \-pvarying
+.BR \-psymbol .
+.BI \-s " size"
+Select a Lout font size. The default is
+.B -s9p
+(meaning 9 points) for
+.BR \-pfixed ,
+.B \-s10p
+.B \-pvarying
+.BR \-psymbol .
+These work well with 80-character-wide programs.
+.BI \-v " vsize"
+Select a Lout vertical inter-line gap. The default is
+.B -v1.1fx
+meaning 1.1 times the font size measured from baseline to baseline.
+.BI \-t " num"
+Set the tab interval to
+.I num
+characters (default is
+.BR \-t8 ).
+.BI \-T " width"
+Without this option,
+.B c2lout
+simulates tabs with spaces. With this option,
+.B c2lout
+simulates tabs with Lout tabulation operators;
+.I width
+is the width of one tab interval in the final print, measured in Lout
+units. This guarantees alignment of characters following tabs even
+with varying-width fonts, provided
+.I width
+is sufficiently large. For example,
+.B -T0.5i
+produces half-inch tab intervals.
+.B \-u
+Print usage information on stderr and exit.
+.B \-V
+Print version information on stderr and exit.
+.SS Raw Mode
+There is a \(lq\&raw mode\(rq usage of
+.B c2lout
+invoked by a
+.B -r
+flag (must be the first argument). This converts one C file into
+Lout-readable source without any heading or trailing information.
+.B c2lout
+.B \-r
+.BI \-i \ infile
+.BI \-o \ outfile
+.BI \-e \ errfile
+.BI \-t \ num
+.BI \-T \ width
+Users should never need this mode; it is invoked automatically
+from within Lout by the
+.B @CP
+symbol from the
+.B cprint
+package (see reference).
+.BR lout (1),
+.BR lpr (1),
+.BR ghostview (1).
+Jeffrey H. Kingston,
+\(lq\&A User's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System\(rq\c
+\&, Chapter 11.
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
diff --git a/man/c2lout.txt b/man/c2lout.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47349d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/c2lout.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+User Commands C2LOUT(1)
+ c2lout - convert C and C++ source code into Lout
+ c2lout [ options ] Cfiles...
+ Reformat C and C++ source code for input to the Lout docu-
+ ment formatting system, taking care of comments, character
+ strings, tab characters, etc.
+ c2lout reads the named C and C++ files and produces output
+ suitable for input to lout -s. Thus,
+ c2lout foo.c | lout -s | lpr
+ will print foo.c on a PostScript printer. Each file will
+ start on a new page, preceded by its name in bold.
+ -pfixed
+ Use a fixed width font (the default).
+ -pvarying
+ Use a varying-width italic font with non-italic bold
+ keywords.
+ -psymbol
+ Use a varying-width italic font with mathematical sym-
+ bols and non-italic bold keywords.
+ -n Do not print the file name before each C or C++ file.
+ -f font
+ Select a font family. The default is -fCourier for
+ -pfixed, and -fTimes for -pvarying and -psymbol.
+ -s size
+ Select a Lout font size. The default is -s9p (meaning
+ 9 points) for -pfixed, and -s10p for -pvarying and
+ -psymbol. These work well with 80-character-wide pro-
+ grams.
+ -v vsize
+ Select a Lout vertical inter-line gap. The default is
+ -v1.1fx meaning 1.1 times the font size measured from
+ baseline to baseline.
+ -t num
+ Set the tab interval to num characters (default is
+ -t8).
+ -T width
+ Without this option, c2lout simulates tabs with spaces.
+ With this option, c2lout simulates tabs with Lout tabu-
+ lation operators; width is the width of one tab inter-
+ val in the final print, measured in Lout units. This
+ guarantees alignment of characters following tabs even
+ with varying-width fonts, provided width is suffi-
+ ciently large. For example, -T0.5i produces half-inch
+ tab intervals.
+ -u Print usage information on stderr and exit.
+ -V Print version information on stderr and exit.
+ Raw Mode
+ There is a raw mode usage of c2lout invoked by a -r flag
+ (must be the first argument). This converts one C file into
+ Lout-readable source without any heading or trailing infor-
+ mation. Synopsis:
+ c2lout -r -i infile -o outfile -e errfile -t num
+ -T width
+ Users should never need this mode; it is invoked automati-
+ cally from within Lout by the @CP symbol from the cprint
+ package (see reference).
+ lout(1), lpr(1), ghostview(1).
+ Jeffrey H. Kingston, A User's Guide to the Lout Document
+ Formatting System, Chapter 11.
+ Jeffrey H. Kingston
diff --git a/man/lout.1 b/man/lout.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b9b6bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/lout.1
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+.\" Use default p.i., so commented out here and in .TP
+.\" .nr oi 16 \" Prevailing indentation for options' .TP request
+.\" .de Sp
+.\" .if n .sp
+.\" .if t .sp 0.4
+.\" ..
+lout - prepare Lout document for printing
+\fBlout\fR [ \fIoption\fR ] \fIfile\fR...
+Invoke the Basser Lout interpreter on the concatenation of the named
+files, producing a PostScript file on standard output suitable for
+printing on PostScript printers using
+.IR lpr (1).
+If no files are named, stdin is used instead. The special file name
+.RB ` \|\-\| '
+may be used to denote standard input. There white space between flags
+and their associated option values is optional.
+An optional
+.B .lt
+suffix may be used for Lout source and include files. When invoking
+files ending in this suffix the suffix may be omitted.
+.SS Output
+.TP \" \n(oi
+.BI \-o " filename"
+Direct output to
+.I filename
+instead of to stdout.
+.BI \-e " filename"
+Direct error messages to
+.I filename
+instead of to stderr.
+.B \-a
+Use "\c
+.IR filename :\c
+.IR linenum :\c
+.IR colnum :\c
+.I message\c
+\&" alternative error message format useful with Emacs compilation
+mode and other tools.
+.SS Output format
+.TP \" \n(oi
+.B \-EPS
+Produce output in the form of an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file,
+suitable for inclusion in another document. Useful with stand-alone
+.B \-p
+Produce plain text output instead of PostScript.
+.B \-P
+.BR \-p ,
+but with a form-feed character between pages.
+.B \-Z
+Produce Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) output. This includes
+links, but the more advanced graphics packages of Lout are not supported.
+.B \-PDF
+Synonym for
+.BR \-Z .
+.SS Cross-reference database
+.TP \" \n(oi
+.B \-s
+Suppress all reading and writing of the cross reference database;
+other databases are not affected. Useful when many simple documents
+that don't do any cross referencing are stored in one directory.
+.B \-l
+Use ASCII order when sorting index entries etc.; the default depends on
+the COLLATE compilation option (use
+.B \-V
+option to find out your default value).
+.B \-L
+Use your locale's order when sorting index entries etc.; the default
+depends on the COLLATE compilation option (use
+.B \-V
+option to find out your default value).
+.SS Execution of filters
+.TP \" \n(oi
+.B \-S
+Safe execution: disable all calls to
+.IR system (3),
+instead echoing the commands that would have been executed. Although
+this makes the Lout run certainly safe, the PostScript output file may
+not be.
+.B \-U
+Unsafe execution: allow calls to
+.IR system (3).
+This is usually the default behavior, but it is possible to make safe
+execution the default during installation (use
+.B \-V
+option to find out whether this was done or not), hence the need for
+this flag.
+.SS Changing document setup options
+.TP \" \n(oi
+.BI \-\- option { value }
+Set setup file
+.I option
+.IR value ,
+overriding any value assigned to
+.I option
+in the setup file. For example,
+.B \-\-@PageType{Letter}
+will set the
+.B @PageType
+setup file option to
+.BR Letter .
+The value may be a sequence of words but not an arbitrary Lout object.
+If there are spaces you must ensure that it is passed to Lout as a
+single option; the usual way to do this is to enclose it in quotes.
+.SS Searching for files
+.TP \" \n(oi
+.BI \-i " filename"
+Search the directories of the include file path (see below) for
+.I filename
+.IR filename .lt
+and include it. There may be multiple
+.B \-i
+.BI \-I " dirname"
+.I dirname
+to the list of directories searched for
+.B @Include
+files and
+.B \-i
+option files.
+There may be multiple
+.B \-I
+.B @Include
+first searches the current directory, then searches the
+.B \-I
+directories in the order given, and finally searches the default
+include file directory (see below).
+.B @SysInclude
+and the
+.B \-i
+option omit the search of the current directory.
+.BI \-C " dirname"
+.I dirname
+to the list of directories searched for Lout character mapping (\c
+.BR .LCM )
+There may be multiple
+.B \-C
+options; the directories are searched in the order given, and finally
+the default character mappings directory is searched (see below).
+.BI -F " dirname"
+.I dirname
+to the list of directories searched for font metrics (formerly
+.BR .AFM )
+files. There may be multiple
+.B \-F
+options; the directories are searched in the order given, and finally
+the default font metrics directory is searched (see below).
+.BI \-H " dirname"
+.I dirname
+to the list of directories searched for hyphenation patterns files,
+both unpacked
+.RB ( .lh )
+and packed
+.RB ( .lp ).
+There may be multiple
+.B \-H
+options; the directories are searched in the order given, and finally
+the default hyphenation directory is searched (see below).
+.BI -D " dirname"
+.I dirname
+to the list of directories searched for Lout database files. There
+may be multiple
+.B \-D
+.B @Database
+searches the current directory, then the
+.B \-D
+directories in the order given, and finally searches the default
+databases directory (see below).
+.B @SysDatabase
+omits the search of the current directory.
+.SS Miscellaneous options
+.TP \" \n(oi
+.B \-x
+Initializing run, not for ordinary use: read and check all font files
+mentioned in font definitions, read and check all hyphenation files
+mentioned in language definitions and build compressed versions, read
+and check all database files mentioned in database clauses and build
+index files.
+.B \-u
+Print usage information on stderr and exit.
+.B \-V
+Print version information on stderr and exit.
+.B \-M
+Use less memory and run more slowly (the cross reference database index
+will be kept in a file rather than in memory).
+.B \-w
+Show the total number of non-empty words printed in the output file.
+This includes words and numbers in page headers and footers; section
+numbers and other numbers; every punctuation character in a font
+different from its adjacent word; and every little fragment of every
+equation; so it will always somewhat overestimate the true number.
+.\" NB: be careful with tabs in the table below
+.ta \w'Default character mappings dir.: 'u
+\&Default include file directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/include
+\&Default databases directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/data
+\&Default font metrics directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/font
+\&Default hyphenation directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/hyph
+\&Default character mappings dir.: \fILOUTLIB\fP/maps
+\&Default locales directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/locale
+The default library directory, usually
+.BR /usr/local/lib/lout ,
+can be changed by setting environment variable
+to an alternative directory name.
+.BR c2lout (1),
+.BR lpr (1),
+.BR ghostview (1)
+A public mailing list for discussion of Lout exists. To subscribe,
+.B lout\-request@ptc.spbu.ru
+with the word
+.B subscribe
+in the Subject line. To post an item, mail it to
+.BR lout@ptc.spbu.ru .
+Jeffrey H. Kingston,
+\(lq\&A User's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System\(rq\c
+\&, and
+\(lq\&An Expert's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System\(rq\c
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
diff --git a/man/lout.txt b/man/lout.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9638390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/lout.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+User Commands LOUT(1)
+ lout - prepare Lout document for printing
+ lout [ option ] file...
+ Invoke the Basser Lout interpreter on the concatenation of
+ the named files, producing a PostScript file on standard
+ output suitable for printing on PostScript printers using
+ lpr(1). If no files are named, stdin is used instead. The
+ special file name `-' may be used to denote standard input.
+ There white space between flags and their associated option
+ values is optional.
+ An optional .lt suffix may be used for Lout source and
+ include files. When invoking files ending in this suffix
+ the suffix may be omitted.
+ Output
+ -o filename
+ Direct output to filename instead of to stdout.
+ -e filename
+ Direct error messages to filename instead of to stderr.
+ -a Use "filename:linenum:colnum:message" alternative error
+ message format useful with Emacs compilation mode and
+ other tools.
+ Output format
+ -EPS Produce output in the form of an EPS (Encapsulated
+ PostScript) file, suitable for inclusion in another
+ document. Useful with stand-alone illustrations.
+ -p Produce plain text output instead of PostScript.
+ -P Like -p, but with a form-feed character between pages.
+ -Z Produce Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) output.
+ This includes links, but the more advanced graphics
+ packages of Lout are not supported.
+ -PDF Synonym for -Z.
+ Cross-reference database
+ -s Suppress all reading and writing of the cross reference
+ database; other databases are not affected. Useful
+ when many simple documents that don't do any cross
+ referencing are stored in one directory.
+ -l Use ASCII order when sorting index entries etc.; the
+ default depends on the COLLATE compilation option (use
+ -V option to find out your default value).
+ -L Use your locale's order when sorting index entries
+ etc.; the default depends on the COLLATE compilation
+ option (use -V option to find out your default value).
+ Execution of filters
+ -S Safe execution: disable all calls to system(3), instead
+ echoing the commands that would have been executed.
+ Although this makes the Lout run certainly safe, the
+ PostScript output file may not be.
+ -U Unsafe execution: allow calls to system(3). This is
+ usually the default behavior, but it is possible to
+ make safe execution the default during installation
+ (use -V option to find out whether this was done or
+ not), hence the need for this flag.
+ Changing document setup options
+ --option{value}
+ Set setup file option to value, overriding any value
+ assigned to option in the setup file. For example,
+ --@PageType{Letter} will set the @PageType setup file
+ option to Letter. The value may be a sequence of words
+ but not an arbitrary Lout object. If there are spaces
+ you must ensure that it is passed to Lout as a single
+ option; the usual way to do this is to enclose it in
+ quotes.
+ Searching for files
+ -i filename
+ Search the directories of the include file path (see
+ below) for filename or filename.lt and include it.
+ There may be multiple -i options.
+ -I dirname
+ Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
+ @Include files and -i option files. There may be mul-
+ tiple -I options. @Include first searches the current
+ directory, then searches the -I directories in the
+ order given, and finally searches the default include
+ file directory (see below). @SysInclude and the -i
+ option omit the search of the current directory.
+ -C dirname
+ Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
+ Lout character mapping (.LCM) files. There may be mul-
+ tiple -C options; the directories are searched in the
+ order given, and finally the default character mappings
+ directory is searched (see below).
+ -F dirname
+ Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
+ font metrics (formerly .AFM) files. There may be mul-
+ tiple -F options; the directories are searched in the
+ order given, and finally the default font metrics
+ directory is searched (see below).
+ -H dirname
+ Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
+ hyphenation patterns files, both unpacked (.lh) and
+ packed (.lp). There may be multiple -H options; the
+ directories are searched in the order given, and
+ finally the default hyphenation directory is searched
+ (see below).
+ -D dirname
+ Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
+ Lout database files. There may be multiple -D options.
+ @Database searches the current directory, then the -D
+ directories in the order given, and finally searches
+ the default databases directory (see below). @SysData-
+ base omits the search of the current directory.
+ Miscellaneous options
+ -x Initializing run, not for ordinary use: read and check
+ all font files mentioned in font definitions, read and
+ check all hyphenation files mentioned in language
+ definitions and build compressed versions, read and
+ check all database files mentioned in database clauses
+ and build index files.
+ -u Print usage information on stderr and exit.
+ -V Print version information on stderr and exit.
+ -M Use less memory and run more slowly (the cross refer-
+ ence database index will be kept in a file rather than
+ in memory).
+ -w Show the total number of non-empty words printed in the
+ output file. This includes words and numbers in page
+ headers and footers; section numbers and other numbers;
+ every punctuation character in a font different from
+ its adjacent word; and every little fragment of every
+ equation; so it will always somewhat overestimate the
+ true number.
+ Default include file directory: LOUTLIB/include
+ Default databases directory: LOUTLIB/data
+ Default font metrics directory: LOUTLIB/font
+ Default hyphenation directory: LOUTLIB/hyph
+ Default character mappings dir.: LOUTLIB/maps
+ Default locales directory: LOUTLIB/locale
+ The default library directory, usually /usr/local/lib/lout,
+ can be changed by setting environment variable LOUTLIB to an
+ alternative directory name.
+ c2lout(1), lpr(1), ghostview(1)
+ A public mailing list for discussion of Lout exists. To
+ subscribe, mail lout-request@ptc.spbu.ru with the word sub-
+ scribe in the Subject line. To post an item, mail it to
+ lout@ptc.spbu.ru.
+ Jeffrey H. Kingston, A User's Guide to the Lout Document
+ Formatting System, and An Expert's Guide to the Lout Docu-
+ ment Formatting System.
+ Jeffrey H. Kingston
diff --git a/maps/00README b/maps/00README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0f0b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/00README
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+Directory lout/maps - Lout Character Mapping (LCM) files
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+14 March 1996
+This directory contains Lout Character Mapping (LCM) files, which define
+the names and codes of all characters known to Lout, plus various mappings.
+Lout works with all characters via their codes, so it is not possible to
+have an unencoded character.
+LCM files replace the CEV and CMA files of previous versions of Lout. The
+format has changed but the information in the files is consistent with the
+old CEV and CMA files (no changes to the encodings, etc.). The format
+change was needed to implement kerning of accented characters.
+LCM files may contain blank lines and comment lines (which begin with #).
+Each of the remaining lines defines one character, and must contain the
+following entries, in order, separated by white space:
+(1) Decimal character code, which must be unique in this file. These codes
+ must appear sorted into increasing order. Codes not mentioned in this
+ file have no associated character.
+(2) Octal value of the decimal code, written in ASCII.
+(3) Character name. Width and height information for a character with this
+ name must exist in every PostScript font metrics file that shares a Lout
+ fontdef with this file, but the character name need not be encoded in the
+ font metrics file, nor need any character code there agree with the
+ character code here. Lout will ensure (by including encoding vectors
+ in its output) that the character codes defined in this file apply, not
+ the codes in font metrics files.
+ The character name may be -none-, and this is equivalent to omitting the
+ line. There must be no subsequent entries on the line in this case.
+ If the character has entry UA below, and there is no kerning information
+ for the character in the font metrics file, Lout will apply the kerning
+ information for the corresponding unaccented character to the accented
+ character. This is always a good thing to do.
+ If the character has entry UA below, and there is no entry in some
+ font metrics file for the character, then (contrary to the above)
+ instead of complaining that the character is missing from the font
+ metrics file, Lout will silently apply the size information for
+ the corresponding unaccented character to the accented character.
+ Lout will still print the character code for the accented character,
+ however. This is always good horizontally but occasionally not
+ enough space is allowed for the character vertically.
+(4) Zero or more functions, each beginning with a string identifying which
+ function it is, and followed by function-dependent information ending
+ in a semicolon. Functions may appear in any order; omitting a function
+ is fine and means that the function does not apply to that character.
+ At present the functions are
+ UC <charname>; Corresponding upper-case character (must be the
+ name of a character appearing elsewhere in the
+ same file). This entry is used by Lout when
+ producing small capitals.
+ LC <charname>; Corresponding lower-case character (must be the
+ name of a character appearing elsewhere in the
+ same file). This entry is not currently used.
+ UA <charname>; Corresponding unaccented character (must be the
+ name of a character appearing elsewhere in the
+ same file). This entry is used by Lout to
+ guess size and kerning information for accented
+ characters (when this information is missing from
+ some font metrics file) by using the size and
+ kerning information of the corresponding unaccented
+ character.
+ AC <charname>; Name of the accent character (acute, ogonek, etc.)
+ that forms the accent of this character (must be the
+ name of a character appearing elsewhere in the
+ same file). This entry is not currently used.
+The particular LCM files in this directory are:
+ Std.LCM The StandardEncoding encoding vector, exactly as on page
+ 598 of the PostScript LRM 2nd Ed., plus the mappings.
+ Latin1.LCM The ISOLatin1Encoding encoding vector, exactly as on page
+ 599 of the PostScript LRM 2nd Ed., plus the mappings.
+ This is not usable with Lout as is because the ligature
+ characters fi and fl have no encoding, and because the
+ standard packages use characters not in this encoding.
+ LtLatin1.LCM Equal to Latin1.LCM augmented with some other characters
+ used by Lout and its standard packages. See the header
+ in the file for the details.
+ LtLatin2.LCM Similar to LtLatin1.LCM but uses the Latin2 character set.
+ koi8r.LCM For Russian
+ Symb.LCM The Symbol encoding vector, exactly as on page 606 of the
+ PostScript LRM 2nd Ed., plus mappings.
+ Ding.LCM The Zapf Dingbats encoding vector, taken from the Zapf
+ Dingbats font metrics file, plus mappings.
+ null.LCM Useful skeleton file for building LCM files.
diff --git a/maps/Ding.LCM b/maps/Ding.LCM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9ee17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/Ding.LCM
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# #
+# Ding.LCM #
+# #
+# LCM (Lout Character Mapping) file for Dingbats #
+# Taken from the Dingbats metrics file. #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 14 March 1996 #
+# #
+# Dec- Octal Character #
+# imal code name #
+# code #
+# #
+000 000 -none-
+001 001 -none-
+002 002 -none-
+003 003 -none-
+004 004 -none-
+005 005 -none-
+006 006 -none-
+007 007 -none-
+008 010 -none-
+009 011 -none-
+010 012 -none-
+011 013 -none-
+012 014 -none-
+013 015 -none-
+014 016 -none-
+015 017 -none-
+016 020 -none-
+017 021 -none-
+018 022 -none-
+019 023 -none-
+020 024 -none-
+021 025 -none-
+022 026 -none-
+023 027 -none-
+024 030 -none-
+025 031 -none-
+026 032 -none-
+027 033 -none-
+028 034 -none-
+029 035 -none-
+030 036 -none-
+031 037 -none-
+032 040 space
+033 041 a1
+034 042 a2
+035 043 a202
+036 044 a3
+037 045 a4
+038 046 a5
+039 047 a119
+040 050 a118
+041 051 a117
+042 052 a11
+043 053 a12
+044 054 a13
+045 055 a14
+046 056 a15
+047 057 a16
+048 060 a105
+049 061 a17
+050 062 a18
+051 063 a19
+052 064 a20
+053 065 a21
+054 066 a22
+055 067 a23
+056 070 a24
+057 071 a25
+058 072 a26
+059 073 a27
+060 074 a28
+061 075 a6
+062 076 a7
+063 077 a8
+064 100 a9
+065 101 a10
+066 102 a29
+067 103 a30
+068 104 a31
+069 105 a32
+070 106 a33
+071 107 a34
+072 110 a35
+073 111 a36
+074 112 a37
+075 113 a38
+076 114 a39
+077 115 a40
+078 116 a41
+079 117 a42
+080 120 a43
+081 121 a44
+082 122 a45
+083 123 a46
+084 124 a47
+085 125 a48
+086 126 a49
+087 127 a50
+088 130 a51
+089 131 a52
+090 132 a53
+091 133 a54
+092 134 a55
+093 135 a56
+094 136 a57
+095 137 a58
+096 140 a59
+097 141 a60
+098 142 a61
+099 143 a62
+100 144 a63
+101 145 a64
+102 146 a65
+103 147 a66
+104 150 a67
+105 151 a68
+106 152 a69
+107 153 a70
+108 154 a71
+109 155 a72
+110 156 a73
+111 157 a74
+112 160 a203
+113 161 a75
+114 162 a204
+115 163 a76
+116 164 a77
+117 165 a78
+118 166 a79
+119 167 a81
+120 170 a82
+121 171 a83
+122 172 a84
+123 173 a97
+124 174 a98
+125 175 a99
+126 176 a100
+127 177 -none-
+128 200 -none-
+129 201 -none-
+130 202 -none-
+131 203 -none-
+132 204 -none-
+133 205 -none-
+134 206 -none-
+135 207 -none-
+136 210 -none-
+137 211 -none-
+138 212 -none-
+139 213 -none-
+140 214 -none-
+141 215 -none-
+142 216 -none-
+143 217 -none-
+144 220 -none-
+145 221 -none-
+146 222 -none-
+147 223 -none-
+148 224 -none-
+149 225 -none-
+150 226 -none-
+151 227 -none-
+152 230 -none-
+153 231 -none-
+154 232 -none-
+155 233 -none-
+156 234 -none-
+157 235 -none-
+158 236 -none-
+159 237 -none-
+160 240 -none-
+161 241 a101
+162 242 a102
+163 243 a103
+164 244 a104
+165 245 a106
+166 246 a107
+167 247 a108
+168 250 a112
+169 251 a111
+170 252 a110
+171 253 a109
+172 254 a120
+173 255 a121
+174 256 a122
+175 257 a123
+176 260 a124
+177 261 a125
+178 262 a126
+179 263 a127
+180 264 a128
+181 265 a129
+182 266 a130
+183 267 a131
+184 270 a132
+185 271 a133
+186 272 a134
+187 273 a135
+188 274 a136
+189 275 a137
+190 276 a138
+191 277 a139
+192 300 a140
+193 301 a141
+194 302 a142
+195 303 a143
+196 304 a144
+197 305 a145
+198 306 a146
+199 307 a147
+200 310 a148
+201 311 a149
+202 312 a150
+203 313 a151
+204 314 a152
+205 315 a153
+206 316 a154
+207 317 a155
+208 320 a156
+209 321 a157
+210 322 a158
+211 323 a159
+212 324 a160
+213 325 a161
+214 326 a163
+215 327 a164
+216 330 a196
+217 331 a165
+218 332 a192
+219 333 a166
+220 334 a167
+221 335 a168
+222 336 a169
+223 337 a170
+224 340 a171
+225 341 a172
+226 342 a173
+227 343 a162
+228 344 a174
+229 345 a175
+230 346 a176
+231 347 a177
+232 350 a178
+233 351 a179
+234 352 a193
+235 353 a180
+236 354 a199
+237 355 a181
+238 356 a200
+239 357 a182
+240 360 -none-
+241 361 a201
+242 362 a183
+243 363 a184
+244 364 a197
+245 365 a185
+246 366 a194
+247 367 a198
+248 370 a186
+249 371 a195
+250 372 a187
+251 373 a188
+252 374 a189
+253 375 a190
+254 376 a191
+255 377 -none-
diff --git a/maps/Latin1.LCM b/maps/Latin1.LCM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40bcf89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/Latin1.LCM
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# #
+# Latin1.LCM #
+# #
+# LCM (Lout Character Mapping) file for Adobe Latin-1 #
+# Encoding (PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Ed., #
+# page 599). #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 14 March 1996 #
+# #
+# Dec- Octal Character Functions ... #
+# imal code name #
+# code #
+# #
+000 000 -none-
+001 001 -none-
+002 002 -none-
+003 003 -none-
+004 004 -none-
+005 005 -none-
+006 006 -none-
+007 007 -none-
+008 010 -none-
+009 011 -none-
+010 012 -none-
+011 013 -none-
+012 014 -none-
+013 015 -none-
+014 016 -none-
+015 017 -none-
+016 020 -none-
+017 021 -none-
+018 022 -none-
+019 023 -none-
+020 024 -none-
+021 025 -none-
+022 026 -none-
+023 027 -none-
+024 030 -none-
+025 031 -none-
+026 032 -none-
+027 033 -none-
+028 034 -none-
+029 035 -none-
+030 036 -none-
+031 037 -none-
+032 040 space
+033 041 exclam
+034 042 quotedbl
+035 043 numbersign
+036 044 dollar
+037 045 percent
+038 046 ampersand
+039 047 quoteright
+040 050 parenleft
+041 051 parenright
+042 052 asterisk
+043 053 plus
+044 054 comma
+045 055 hyphen
+046 056 period
+047 057 slash
+048 060 zero
+049 061 one
+050 062 two
+051 063 three
+052 064 four
+053 065 five
+054 066 six
+055 067 seven
+056 070 eight
+057 071 nine
+058 072 colon
+059 073 semicolon
+060 074 less
+061 075 equal
+062 076 greater
+063 077 question
+064 100 at
+065 101 A LC a;
+066 102 B LC b;
+067 103 C LC c;
+068 104 D LC d;
+069 105 E LC e;
+070 106 F LC f;
+071 107 G LC g;
+072 110 H LC h;
+073 111 I LC i;
+074 112 J LC j;
+075 113 K LC k;
+076 114 L LC l;
+077 115 M LC m;
+078 116 N LC n;
+079 117 O LC o;
+080 120 P LC p;
+081 121 Q LC q;
+082 122 R LC r;
+083 123 S LC s;
+084 124 T LC t;
+085 125 U LC u;
+086 126 V LC v;
+087 127 W LC w;
+088 130 X LC x;
+089 131 Y LC y;
+090 132 Z LC z;
+091 133 bracketleft
+092 134 backslash
+093 135 bracketright
+094 136 asciicircum
+095 137 underscore
+096 140 quoteleft
+097 141 a UC A;
+098 142 b UC B;
+099 143 c UC C;
+100 144 d UC D;
+101 145 e UC E;
+102 146 f UC F;
+103 147 g UC G;
+104 150 h UC H;
+105 151 i UC I;
+106 152 j UC J;
+107 153 k UC K;
+108 154 l UC L;
+109 155 m UC M;
+110 156 n UC N;
+111 157 o UC O;
+112 160 p UC P;
+113 161 q UC Q;
+114 162 r UC R;
+115 163 s UC S;
+116 164 t UC T;
+117 165 u UC U;
+118 166 v UC V;
+119 167 w UC W;
+120 170 x UC X;
+121 171 y UC Y;
+122 172 z UC Z;
+123 173 braceleft
+124 174 bar
+125 175 braceright
+126 176 asciitilde
+127 177 -none-
+128 200 -none-
+129 201 -none-
+130 202 -none-
+131 203 -none-
+132 204 -none-
+133 205 -none-
+134 206 -none-
+135 207 -none-
+136 210 -none-
+137 211 -none-
+138 212 -none-
+139 213 -none-
+140 214 -none-
+141 215 -none-
+142 216 -none-
+143 217 -none-
+144 220 dotlessi
+145 221 grave
+146 222 acute
+147 223 circumflex
+148 224 tilde
+149 225 macron
+150 226 breve
+151 227 dotaccent
+152 230 dieresis
+153 231 -none-
+154 232 ring
+155 233 cedilla
+156 234 -none-
+157 235 hungarumlaut
+158 236 ogonek
+159 237 caron
+160 240 space
+161 241 exclamdown
+162 242 cent
+163 243 sterling
+164 244 currency
+165 245 yen
+166 246 brokenbar
+167 247 section
+168 250 dieresis
+169 251 copyright
+170 252 ordfeminine
+171 253 guillemotleft
+172 254 logicalnot
+173 255 hyphen
+174 256 registered
+175 257 macron
+176 260 degree
+177 261 plusminus
+178 262 twosuperior
+179 263 threesuperior
+180 264 acute
+181 265 mu
+182 266 paragraph
+183 267 periodcentered
+184 270 cedilla
+185 271 onesuperior
+186 272 ordmasculine
+187 273 guillemotright
+188 274 onequarter
+189 275 onehalf
+190 276 threequarters
+191 277 questiondown
+192 300 Agrave LC agrave; UA A; AC grave;
+193 301 Aacute LC aacute; UA A; AC acute;
+194 302 Acircumflex LC acircumflex; UA A; AC circumflex;
+195 303 Atilde LC atilde; UA A; AC tilde;
+196 304 Adieresis LC adieresis; UA A; AC dieresis;
+197 305 Aring LC aring; UA A; AC ring;
+198 306 AE LC ae;
+199 307 Ccedilla LC ccedilla; UA C; AC cedilla;
+200 310 Egrave LC egrave; UA E; AC grave;
+201 311 Eacute LC eacute; UA E; AC acute;
+202 312 Ecircumflex LC ecircumflex; UA E; AC circumflex;
+203 313 Edieresis LC edieresis; UA E; AC dieresis;
+204 314 Igrave LC igrave; UA I; AC grave;
+205 315 Iacute LC iacute; UA I; AC acute;
+206 316 Icircumflex LC icircumflex; UA I; AC circumflex;
+207 317 Idieresis LC idieresis; UA I; AC dieresis;
+208 320 Eth LC eth;
+209 321 Ntilde LC ntilde; UA N; AC tilde;
+210 322 Ograve LC ograve; UA O; AC grave;
+211 323 Oacute LC oacute; UA O; AC acute;
+212 324 Ocircumflex LC ocircumflex; UA O; AC circumflex;
+213 325 Otilde LC otilde; UA O; AC tilde;
+214 326 Odieresis LC odieresis; UA O; AC dieresis;
+215 327 multiply
+216 330 Oslash LC oslash;
+217 331 Ugrave LC ugrave; UA U; AC grave;
+218 332 Uacute LC uacute; UA U; AC acute;
+219 333 Ucircumflex LC ucircumflex; UA U; AC circumflex;
+220 334 Udieresis LC udieresis; UA U; AC dieresis;
+221 335 Yacute LC yacute; UA Y; AC acute;
+222 336 Thorn LC thorn;
+223 337 germandbls
+224 340 agrave UC Agrave UA a; AC grave;
+225 341 aacute UC Aacute; UA a; AC acute;
+226 342 acircumflex UC Acircumflex; UA a; AC circumflex;
+227 343 atilde UC Atilde; UA a; AC tilde;
+228 344 adieresis UC Adieresis; UA a; AC dieresis;
+229 345 aring UC Aring; UA a; AC ring;
+230 346 ae UC AE;
+231 347 ccedilla UC Ccedilla; UA c; AC cedilla;
+232 350 egrave UC Egrave; UA e; AC grave;
+233 351 eacute UC Eacute; UA e; AC acute;
+234 352 ecircumflex UC Ecircumflex; UA e; AC circumflex;
+235 353 edieresis UC Edieresis; UA e; AC dieresis;
+236 354 igrave UC Igrave; UA dotlessi; AC grave;
+237 355 iacute UC Iacute; UA dotlessi; AC acute;
+238 356 icircumflex UC Icircumflex; UA dotlessi; AC circumflex;
+239 357 idieresis UC Idieresis; UA dotlessi; AC dieresis;
+240 360 eth UC Eth;
+241 361 ntilde UC Ntilde; UA n; AC tilde;
+242 362 ograve UC Ograve; UA o; AC grave;
+243 363 oacute UC Oacute; UA o; AC acute;
+244 364 ocircumflex UC Ocircumflex; UA o; AC circumflex;
+245 365 otilde UC Otilde; UA o; AC tilde;
+246 366 odieresis UC Odieresis; UA o; AC dieresis;
+247 367 divide
+248 370 oslash UC Oslash;
+249 371 ugrave UC Ugrave; UA u; AC grave;
+250 372 uacute UC Uacute; UA u; AC acute;
+251 373 ucircumflex UC Ucircumflex; UA u; AC circumflex;
+252 374 udieresis UC Udieresis; UA u; AC dieresis;
+253 375 yacute UC Yacute; UA y; AC acute;
+254 376 thorn UC Thorn;
+255 377 ydieresis UA y; AC dieresis;
diff --git a/maps/LtLatin1.LCM b/maps/LtLatin1.LCM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6207fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/LtLatin1.LCM
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# #
+# LtLatin1.LCM #
+# #
+# LCM (Lout Character Mapping) file for Adobe Latin-1 #
+# Encoding (PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Ed., #
+# page 599) with the following additional entries: #
+# #
+# 128 200 quotesinglbase #
+# 129 201 quotedblbase #
+# 130 202 ellipsis #
+# 131 203 OE (added in Version 3.09) #
+# 132 204 oe (added in Version 3.09) #
+# 133 205 quotedblleft #
+# 134 206 quotedblright #
+# 135 207 fi #
+# 136 210 fl #
+# 137 211 endash #
+# 138 212 emdash #
+# 139 213 bullet #
+# 140 214 dagger #
+# 141 215 daggerdbl #
+# 142 216 florin #
+# 143 217 fraction #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 14 March 1996 #
+# 19 May 1996 #
+# #
+# Dec- Octal Character Functions ... #
+# imal code name #
+# code #
+# #
+000 000 -none-
+001 001 -none-
+002 002 -none-
+003 003 -none-
+004 004 -none-
+005 005 -none-
+006 006 -none-
+007 007 -none-
+008 010 -none-
+009 011 -none-
+010 012 -none-
+011 013 -none-
+012 014 -none-
+013 015 -none-
+014 016 -none-
+015 017 -none-
+016 020 -none-
+017 021 -none-
+018 022 -none-
+019 023 -none-
+020 024 -none-
+021 025 -none-
+022 026 -none-
+023 027 -none-
+024 030 -none-
+025 031 -none-
+026 032 -none-
+027 033 -none-
+028 034 -none-
+029 035 -none-
+030 036 -none-
+031 037 -none-
+032 040 space
+033 041 exclam
+034 042 quotedbl
+035 043 numbersign
+036 044 dollar
+037 045 percent
+038 046 ampersand
+039 047 quoteright
+040 050 parenleft
+041 051 parenright
+042 052 asterisk
+043 053 plus
+044 054 comma
+045 055 hyphen
+046 056 period
+047 057 slash
+048 060 zero
+049 061 one
+050 062 two
+051 063 three
+052 064 four
+053 065 five
+054 066 six
+055 067 seven
+056 070 eight
+057 071 nine
+058 072 colon
+059 073 semicolon
+060 074 less
+061 075 equal
+062 076 greater
+063 077 question
+064 100 at
+065 101 A LC a;
+066 102 B LC b;
+067 103 C LC c;
+068 104 D LC d;
+069 105 E LC e;
+070 106 F LC f;
+071 107 G LC g;
+072 110 H LC h;
+073 111 I LC i;
+074 112 J LC j;
+075 113 K LC k;
+076 114 L LC l;
+077 115 M LC m;
+078 116 N LC n;
+079 117 O LC o;
+080 120 P LC p;
+081 121 Q LC q;
+082 122 R LC r;
+083 123 S LC s;
+084 124 T LC t;
+085 125 U LC u;
+086 126 V LC v;
+087 127 W LC w;
+088 130 X LC x;
+089 131 Y LC y;
+090 132 Z LC z;
+091 133 bracketleft
+092 134 backslash
+093 135 bracketright
+094 136 asciicircum
+095 137 underscore
+096 140 quoteleft
+097 141 a UC A;
+098 142 b UC B;
+099 143 c UC C;
+100 144 d UC D;
+101 145 e UC E;
+102 146 f UC F;
+103 147 g UC G;
+104 150 h UC H;
+105 151 i UC I;
+106 152 j UC J;
+107 153 k UC K;
+108 154 l UC L;
+109 155 m UC M;
+110 156 n UC N;
+111 157 o UC O;
+112 160 p UC P;
+113 161 q UC Q;
+114 162 r UC R;
+115 163 s UC S;
+116 164 t UC T;
+117 165 u UC U;
+118 166 v UC V;
+119 167 w UC W;
+120 170 x UC X;
+121 171 y UC Y;
+122 172 z UC Z;
+123 173 braceleft
+124 174 bar
+125 175 braceright
+126 176 asciitilde
+127 177 -none-
+128 200 quotesinglbase
+129 201 quotedblbase
+130 202 ellipsis
+131 203 OE
+132 204 oe
+133 205 quotedblleft
+134 206 quotedblright
+135 207 fi
+136 210 fl
+137 211 endash
+138 212 emdash
+139 213 bullet
+140 214 dagger
+141 215 daggerdbl
+142 216 florin
+143 217 fraction
+144 220 dotlessi
+145 221 grave
+146 222 acute
+147 223 circumflex
+148 224 tilde
+149 225 macron
+150 226 breve
+151 227 dotaccent
+152 230 dieresis
+153 231 -none-
+154 232 ring
+155 233 cedilla
+156 234 -none-
+157 235 hungarumlaut
+158 236 ogonek
+159 237 caron
+160 240 space
+161 241 exclamdown
+162 242 cent
+163 243 sterling
+164 244 currency
+165 245 yen
+166 246 brokenbar
+167 247 section
+168 250 dieresis
+169 251 copyright
+170 252 ordfeminine
+171 253 guillemotleft
+172 254 logicalnot
+173 255 hyphen
+174 256 registered
+175 257 macron
+176 260 degree
+177 261 plusminus
+178 262 twosuperior
+179 263 threesuperior
+180 264 acute
+181 265 mu
+182 266 paragraph
+183 267 periodcentered
+184 270 cedilla
+185 271 onesuperior
+186 272 ordmasculine
+187 273 guillemotright
+188 274 onequarter
+189 275 onehalf
+190 276 threequarters
+191 277 questiondown
+192 300 Agrave LC agrave; UA A; AC grave;
+193 301 Aacute LC aacute; UA A; AC acute;
+194 302 Acircumflex LC acircumflex; UA A; AC circumflex;
+195 303 Atilde LC atilde; UA A; AC tilde;
+196 304 Adieresis LC adieresis; UA A; AC dieresis;
+197 305 Aring LC aring; UA A; AC ring;
+198 306 AE LC ae;
+199 307 Ccedilla LC ccedilla; UA C; AC cedilla;
+200 310 Egrave LC egrave; UA E; AC grave;
+201 311 Eacute LC eacute; UA E; AC acute;
+202 312 Ecircumflex LC ecircumflex; UA E; AC circumflex;
+203 313 Edieresis LC edieresis; UA E; AC dieresis;
+204 314 Igrave LC igrave; UA I; AC grave;
+205 315 Iacute LC iacute; UA I; AC acute;
+206 316 Icircumflex LC icircumflex; UA I; AC circumflex;
+207 317 Idieresis LC idieresis; UA I; AC dieresis;
+208 320 Eth LC eth;
+209 321 Ntilde LC ntilde; UA N; AC tilde;
+210 322 Ograve LC ograve; UA O; AC grave;
+211 323 Oacute LC oacute; UA O; AC acute;
+212 324 Ocircumflex LC ocircumflex; UA O; AC circumflex;
+213 325 Otilde LC otilde; UA O; AC tilde;
+214 326 Odieresis LC odieresis; UA O; AC dieresis;
+215 327 multiply
+216 330 Oslash LC oslash;
+217 331 Ugrave LC ugrave; UA U; AC grave;
+218 332 Uacute LC uacute; UA U; AC acute;
+219 333 Ucircumflex LC ucircumflex; UA U; AC circumflex;
+220 334 Udieresis LC udieresis; UA U; AC dieresis;
+221 335 Yacute LC yacute; UA Y; AC acute;
+222 336 Thorn LC thorn;
+223 337 germandbls
+224 340 agrave UC Agrave; UA a; AC grave;
+225 341 aacute UC Aacute; UA a; AC acute;
+226 342 acircumflex UC Acircumflex; UA a; AC circumflex;
+227 343 atilde UC Atilde; UA a; AC tilde;
+228 344 adieresis UC Adieresis; UA a; AC dieresis;
+229 345 aring UC Aring; UA a; AC ring;
+230 346 ae UC AE;
+231 347 ccedilla UC Ccedilla; UA c; AC cedilla;
+232 350 egrave UC Egrave; UA e; AC grave;
+233 351 eacute UC Eacute; UA e; AC acute;
+234 352 ecircumflex UC Ecircumflex; UA e; AC circumflex;
+235 353 edieresis UC Edieresis; UA e; AC dieresis;
+236 354 igrave UC Igrave; UA dotlessi; AC grave;
+237 355 iacute UC Iacute; UA dotlessi; AC acute;
+238 356 icircumflex UC Icircumflex; UA dotlessi; AC circumflex;
+239 357 idieresis UC Idieresis; UA dotlessi; AC dieresis;
+240 360 eth UC Eth;
+241 361 ntilde UC Ntilde; UA n; AC tilde;
+242 362 ograve UC Ograve; UA o; AC grave;
+243 363 oacute UC Oacute; UA o; AC acute;
+244 364 ocircumflex UC Ocircumflex; UA o; AC circumflex;
+245 365 otilde UC Otilde; UA o; AC tilde;
+246 366 odieresis UC Odieresis; UA o; AC dieresis;
+247 367 divide
+248 370 oslash UC Oslash;
+249 371 ugrave UC Ugrave; UA u; AC grave;
+250 372 uacute UC Uacute; UA u; AC acute;
+251 373 ucircumflex UC Ucircumflex; UA u; AC circumflex;
+252 374 udieresis UC Udieresis; UA u; AC dieresis;
+253 375 yacute UC Yacute; UA y; AC acute;
+254 376 thorn UC Thorn;
+255 377 ydieresis UA y; AC dieresis;
diff --git a/maps/LtLatin2.LCM b/maps/LtLatin2.LCM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..458769f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/LtLatin2.LCM
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# #
+# LtLatin2.LCM #
+# #
+# LCM (Lout Character Mapping) file for the ISO Latin-2 #
+# Encoding (sorry, no reference) with additional entries: #
+# #
+# 133 205 quotedblleft #
+# 134 206 quotedblright #
+# 135 207 fi #
+# 136 210 fl #
+# 137 211 endash #
+# 138 212 emdash #
+# 139 213 bullet #
+# 140 214 dagger #
+# 141 215 daggerdbl #
+# 142 216 florin #
+# 143 217 fraction #
+# #
+# The author has been unable to obtain font metrics files #
+# containing the sizes of the complete set of Latin-2 #
+# characters. Thus, strictly speaking it is not possible #
+# to use Latin-2, since Lout does not know these sizes. #
+# #
+# However, this file tells Lout for each accented character #
+# what the corresponding unaccented character is. If Lout #
+# ever comes upon a character in some font whose size in #
+# that font is undefined, and the character is an accented #
+# character (i.e. has a UA entry below), then Lout will #
+# use the size of the unaccented character in place of the #
+# accented character. Lout will still print the character #
+# code for the accented character, so if your printing #
+# device understands it, you can still get it; but the #
+# vertical space Lout leaves for the character will not #
+# take its accent into account. #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 17 March 1996 #
+# #
+# Dec- Octal Character Functions ... #
+# imal code name #
+# code #
+# #
+000 000 -none-
+001 001 -none-
+002 002 -none-
+003 003 -none-
+004 004 -none-
+005 005 -none-
+006 006 -none-
+007 007 -none-
+008 010 -none-
+009 011 -none-
+010 012 -none-
+011 013 -none-
+012 014 -none-
+013 015 -none-
+014 016 -none-
+015 017 -none-
+016 020 -none-
+017 021 -none-
+018 022 -none-
+019 023 -none-
+020 024 -none-
+021 025 -none-
+022 026 -none-
+023 027 -none-
+024 030 -none-
+025 031 -none-
+026 032 -none-
+027 033 -none-
+028 034 -none-
+029 035 -none-
+030 036 -none-
+031 037 -none-
+032 040 space
+033 041 exclam
+034 042 quotedbl
+035 043 numbersign
+036 044 dollar
+037 045 percent
+038 046 ampersand
+039 047 quoteright
+040 050 parenleft
+041 051 parenright
+042 052 asterisk
+043 053 plus
+044 054 comma
+045 055 hyphen
+046 056 period
+047 057 slash
+048 060 zero
+049 061 one
+050 062 two
+051 063 three
+052 064 four
+053 065 five
+054 066 six
+055 067 seven
+056 070 eight
+057 071 nine
+058 072 colon
+059 073 semicolon
+060 074 less
+061 075 equal
+062 076 greater
+063 077 question
+064 100 at
+065 101 A LC a;
+066 102 B LC b;
+067 103 C LC c;
+068 104 D LC d;
+069 105 E LC e;
+070 106 F LC f;
+071 107 G LC g;
+072 110 H LC h;
+073 111 I LC i;
+074 112 J LC j;
+075 113 K LC k;
+076 114 L LC l;
+077 115 M LC m;
+078 116 N LC n;
+079 117 O LC o;
+080 120 P LC p;
+081 121 Q LC q;
+082 122 R LC r;
+083 123 S LC s;
+084 124 T LC t;
+085 125 U LC u;
+086 126 V LC v;
+087 127 W LC w;
+088 130 X LC x;
+089 131 Y LC y;
+090 132 Z LC z;
+091 133 bracketleft
+092 134 backslash
+093 135 bracketright
+094 136 asciicircum
+095 137 underscore
+096 140 quoteleft
+097 141 a UC A;
+098 142 b UC B;
+099 143 c UC C;
+100 144 d UC D;
+101 145 e UC E;
+102 146 f UC F;
+103 147 g UC G;
+104 150 h UC H;
+105 151 i UC I;
+106 152 j UC J;
+107 153 k UC K;
+108 154 l UC L;
+109 155 m UC M;
+110 156 n UC N;
+111 157 o UC O;
+112 160 p UC P;
+113 161 q UC Q;
+114 162 r UC R;
+115 163 s UC S;
+116 164 t UC T;
+117 165 u UC U;
+118 166 v UC V;
+119 167 w UC W;
+120 170 x UC X;
+121 171 y UC Y;
+122 172 z UC Z;
+123 173 braceleft
+124 174 bar
+125 175 braceright
+126 176 asciitilde
+127 177 -none-
+128 200 -none-
+129 201 -none-
+130 202 -none-
+131 203 -none-
+132 204 -none-
+133 205 quotedblleft
+134 206 quotedblright
+135 207 fi
+136 210 fl
+137 211 endash
+138 212 emdash
+139 213 bullet
+140 214 dagger
+141 215 daggerdbl
+142 216 florin
+143 217 fraction
+144 220 dotlessi
+145 221 grave
+146 222 acute
+147 223 circumflex
+148 224 tilde
+149 225 macron
+150 226 breve
+151 227 dotaccent
+152 230 dieresis
+153 231 -none-
+154 232 ring
+155 233 cedilla
+156 234 -none-
+157 235 -none-
+158 236 ogonek
+159 237 caron
+160 240 space
+161 241 Aogonek LC aogonek; UA A; AC ogonek;
+162 242 breve
+163 243 Lslash LC lslash;
+164 244 currency
+165 245 Lcaron LC lcaron; UA L; AC caron;
+166 246 Sacute LC sacute; UA S; AC acute;
+167 247 section
+168 250 dieresis
+169 251 Scaron LC scaron; UA S; AC caron;
+170 252 Scedilla LC scedilla; UA S; AC cedilla;
+171 253 Tcaron LC tcaron; UA T; AC caron;
+172 254 Zacute LC zacute; UA Z; AC acute;
+173 255 hyphen
+174 256 Zcaron LC zcaron; UA Z; AC caron;
+175 257 Zdotabove LC zdotabove; UA Z; AC dotaccent;
+176 260 degree
+177 261 aogonek UC Aogonek; UA a; AC ogonek;
+178 262 ogonek
+179 263 lslash UC Lslash;
+180 264 acute
+181 265 lcaron UC Lcaron; UA l; AC caron;
+182 266 sacute UC Sacute; UA s; AC acute;
+183 267 caron
+184 270 cedilla
+185 271 scaron UC Scaron; UA s; AC caron;
+186 272 scedilla UC Scedilla; UA s; AC cedilla;
+187 273 tcaron UC Tcaron; UA t; AC caron;
+188 274 zacute UC Zacute; UA z; AC acute;
+189 275 hungarumlaut
+190 276 zcaron UC Zcaron; UA z; AC caron;
+191 277 zdotabove UC Zdotabove; UA z; AC dotaccent;
+192 300 Racute LC racute; UA R; AC acute;
+193 301 Aacute LC aacute; UA A; AC acute;
+194 302 Acircumflex LC acircumflex; UA A; AC circumflex;
+195 303 Abreve LC abreve; UA A; AC breve;
+196 304 Adieresis LC adieresis; UA A; AC dieresis;
+197 305 Lacute LC lacute; UA L; AC acute;
+198 306 Cacute LC cacute; UA C; AC acute;
+199 307 Ccedilla LC ccedilla; UA C; AC cedilla;
+200 310 Ccaron LC ccaron; UA C; AC caron;
+201 311 Eacute LC eacute; UA E; AC acute;
+202 312 Eogonek LC eogonek; UA E; AC ogonek;
+203 313 Edieresis LC edieresis; UA E; AC dieresis;
+204 314 Ecaron LC ecaron; UA E; AC caron;
+205 315 Iacute LC iacute; UA I; AC acute;
+206 316 Icircumflex LC icircumflex; UA I; AC circumflex;
+207 317 Dcaron LC dcaron; UA D; AC caron;
+208 320 Eth LC eth;
+209 321 Nacute LC nacute; UA N; AC acute;
+210 322 Ncaron LC ncaron; UA N; AC caron;
+211 323 Oacute LC oacute; UA O; AC acute;
+212 324 Ocircumflex LC ocircumflex; UA O; AC circumflex;
+213 325 Odblacute LC odblacute; UA O; AC hungarumlaut;
+214 326 Odieresis LC odieresis; UA O; AC dieresis;
+215 327 multiply
+216 330 Rcaron LC rcaron; UA R; AC caron;
+217 331 Uring LC uring; UA U; AC ring;
+218 332 Uacute LC uacute; UA U; AC acute;
+219 333 Udblacute LC udblacute; UA U; AC hungarumlaut;
+220 334 Udieresis LC udieresis; UA U; AC dieresis;
+221 335 Yacute LC yacute; UA Y; AC acute;
+222 336 Tcedilla LC tcedilla; UA T; AC cedilla;
+223 337 germandbls
+224 340 racute UC Racute; UA r; AC acute;
+225 341 aacute UC Aacute; UA a; AC acute;
+226 342 acircumflex UC Acircumflex; UA a; AC circumflex;
+227 343 abreve UC Abreve; UA a; AC breve;
+228 344 adieresis UC Adieresis; UA a; AC dieresis;
+229 345 lacute UC Lacute; UA l; AC acute;
+230 346 cacute UC Cacute; UA c; AC acute;
+231 347 ccedilla UC Ccedilla; UA c; AC cedilla;
+232 350 ccaron UC Ccaron; UA c; AC caron;
+233 351 eacute UC Eacute; UA e; AC acute;
+234 352 eogonek UC Eogonek; UA e; AC ogonek;
+235 353 edieresis UC Edieresis; UA e; AC dieresis;
+236 354 ecaron UC Ecaron; UA e; AC caron;
+237 355 iacute UC Iacute; UA dotlessi; AC acute;
+238 356 icircumflex UC Icircumflex; UA dotlessi; AC circumflex;
+239 357 dcaron UC Dcaron; UA d; AC caron;
+240 360 eth UC Eth;
+241 361 nacute UC Nacute; UA n; AC acute;
+242 362 ncaron UC Ncaron; UA n; AC caron;
+243 363 oacute UC Oacute; UA o; AC acute;
+244 364 ocircumflex UC Ocircumflex; UA o; AC circumflex;
+245 365 odblacute UC Odblacute; UA o; AC hungarumlaut;
+246 366 odieresis UC Odieresis; UA o; AC dieresis;
+247 367 divide
+248 370 rcaron UC Rcaron; UA r; AC caron;
+249 371 uring UC Uring; UA u; AC ring;
+250 372 uacute UC Uacute; UA u; AC acute;
+251 373 udblacute UC Udblacute; UA u; AC hungarumlaut;
+252 374 udieresis UC Udieresis; UA u; AC dieresis;
+253 375 yacute UC Yacute; UA y; AC acute;
+254 376 tcedilla UC Tcedilla; UA t; AC cedilla;
+255 377 dotaccent
diff --git a/maps/Std.LCM b/maps/Std.LCM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adb0f7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/Std.LCM
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# #
+# Std.LCM #
+# #
+# LCM (Lout Character Mapping) file for Adobe Standard #
+# Encoding (PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Ed., #
+# page 598). #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 14 March 1996 #
+# #
+# Dec- Octal Character Functions ... #
+# imal code name #
+# code #
+# #
+000 000 -none-
+001 001 -none-
+002 002 -none-
+003 003 -none-
+004 004 -none-
+005 005 -none-
+006 006 -none-
+007 007 -none-
+008 010 -none-
+009 011 -none-
+010 012 -none-
+011 013 -none-
+012 014 -none-
+013 015 -none-
+014 016 -none-
+015 017 -none-
+016 020 -none-
+017 021 -none-
+018 022 -none-
+019 023 -none-
+020 024 -none-
+021 025 -none-
+022 026 -none-
+023 027 -none-
+024 030 -none-
+025 031 -none-
+026 032 -none-
+027 033 -none-
+028 034 -none-
+029 035 -none-
+030 036 -none-
+031 037 -none-
+032 040 space
+033 041 exclam
+034 042 quotedbl
+035 043 numbersign
+036 044 dollar
+037 045 percent
+038 046 ampersand
+039 047 quoteright
+040 050 parenleft
+041 051 parenright
+042 052 asterisk
+043 053 plus
+044 054 comma
+045 055 hyphen
+046 056 period
+047 057 slash
+048 060 zero
+049 061 one
+050 062 two
+051 063 three
+052 064 four
+053 065 five
+054 066 six
+055 067 seven
+056 070 eight
+057 071 nine
+058 072 colon
+059 073 semicolon
+060 074 less
+061 075 equal
+062 076 greater
+063 077 question
+064 100 at
+065 101 A LC a;
+066 102 B LC b;
+067 103 C LC c;
+068 104 D LC d;
+069 105 E LC e;
+070 106 F LC f;
+071 107 G LC g;
+072 110 H LC h;
+073 111 I LC i;
+074 112 J LC j;
+075 113 K LC k;
+076 114 L LC l;
+077 115 M LC m;
+078 116 N LC n;
+079 117 O LC o;
+080 120 P LC p;
+081 121 Q LC q;
+082 122 R LC r;
+083 123 S LC s;
+084 124 T LC t;
+085 125 U LC u;
+086 126 V LC v;
+087 127 W LC w;
+088 130 X LC x;
+089 131 Y LC y;
+090 132 Z LC z;
+091 133 bracketleft
+092 134 backslash
+093 135 bracketright
+094 136 asciicircum
+095 137 underscore
+096 140 quoteleft
+097 141 a UC A;
+098 142 b UC B;
+099 143 c UC C;
+100 144 d UC D;
+101 145 e UC E;
+102 146 f UC F;
+103 147 g UC G;
+104 150 h UC H;
+105 151 i UC I;
+106 152 j UC J;
+107 153 k UC K;
+108 154 l UC L;
+109 155 m UC M;
+110 156 n UC N;
+111 157 o UC O;
+112 160 p UC P;
+113 161 q UC Q;
+114 162 r UC R;
+115 163 s UC S;
+116 164 t UC T;
+117 165 u UC U;
+118 166 v UC V;
+119 167 w UC W;
+120 170 x UC X;
+121 171 y UC Y;
+122 172 z UC Z;
+123 173 braceleft
+124 174 bar
+125 175 braceright
+126 176 asciitilde
+127 177 -none-
+128 200 -none-
+129 201 -none-
+130 202 -none-
+131 203 -none-
+132 204 -none-
+133 205 -none-
+134 206 -none-
+135 207 -none-
+136 210 -none-
+137 211 -none-
+138 212 -none-
+139 213 -none-
+140 214 -none-
+141 215 -none-
+142 216 -none-
+143 217 -none-
+144 220 -none-
+145 221 -none-
+146 222 -none-
+147 223 -none-
+148 224 -none-
+149 225 -none-
+150 226 -none-
+151 227 -none-
+152 230 -none-
+153 231 -none-
+154 232 -none-
+155 233 -none-
+156 234 -none-
+157 235 -none-
+158 236 -none-
+159 237 -none-
+160 240 -none-
+161 241 exclamdown
+162 242 cent
+163 243 sterling
+164 244 fraction
+165 245 yen
+166 246 florin
+167 247 section
+168 250 currency
+169 251 quotesingle
+170 252 quotedblleft
+171 253 guillemotleft
+172 254 guilsinglleft
+173 255 guilsinglright
+174 256 fi
+175 257 fl
+176 260 -none-
+177 261 endash
+178 262 dagger
+179 263 daggerdbl
+180 264 periodcentered
+181 265 -none-
+182 266 paragraph
+183 267 bullet
+184 270 quotesinglbase
+185 271 quotedblbase
+186 272 quotedblright
+187 273 guillemotright
+188 274 ellipsis
+189 275 perthousand
+190 276 -none-
+191 277 questiondown
+192 300 -none-
+193 301 grave
+194 302 acute
+195 303 circumflex
+196 304 tilde
+197 305 macron
+198 306 breve
+199 307 dotaccent
+200 310 dieresis
+201 311 -none-
+202 312 ring
+203 313 cedilla
+204 314 -none-
+205 315 hungarumlaut
+206 316 ogonek
+207 317 caron
+208 320 emdash
+209 321 -none-
+210 322 -none-
+211 323 -none-
+212 324 -none-
+213 325 -none-
+214 326 -none-
+215 327 -none-
+216 330 -none-
+217 331 -none-
+218 332 -none-
+219 333 -none-
+220 334 -none-
+221 335 -none-
+222 336 -none-
+223 337 -none-
+224 340 -none-
+225 341 AE
+226 342 -none-
+227 343 ordfeminine
+228 344 -none-
+229 345 -none-
+230 346 -none-
+231 347 -none-
+232 350 Lslash
+233 351 Oslash
+234 352 OE
+235 353 ordmasculine
+236 354 -none-
+237 355 -none-
+238 356 -none-
+239 357 -none-
+240 360 -none-
+241 361 ae
+242 362 -none-
+243 363 -none-
+244 364 -none-
+245 365 dotlessi
+246 366 -none-
+247 367 -none-
+248 370 lslash
+249 371 oslash
+250 372 oe
+251 373 germandbls
+252 374 -none-
+253 375 -none-
+254 376 -none-
+255 377 -none-
diff --git a/maps/Symb.LCM b/maps/Symb.LCM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f31e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/Symb.LCM
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# #
+# Symb.LCM #
+# #
+# LCM (Lout Character Mapping) file for the Adobe #
+# Symbol font. #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 14 March 1996 #
+# #
+# Dec- Octal Character Functions ... #
+# imal code name #
+# code #
+# #
+000 000 -none-
+001 001 -none-
+002 002 -none-
+003 003 -none-
+004 004 -none-
+005 005 -none-
+006 006 -none-
+007 007 -none-
+008 010 -none-
+009 011 -none-
+010 012 -none-
+011 013 -none-
+012 014 -none-
+013 015 -none-
+014 016 -none-
+015 017 -none-
+016 020 -none-
+017 021 -none-
+018 022 -none-
+019 023 -none-
+020 024 -none-
+021 025 -none-
+022 026 -none-
+023 027 -none-
+024 030 -none-
+025 031 -none-
+026 032 -none-
+027 033 -none-
+028 034 -none-
+029 035 -none-
+030 036 -none-
+031 037 -none-
+032 040 space
+033 041 exclam
+034 042 universal
+035 043 numbersign
+036 044 existential
+037 045 percent
+038 046 ampersand
+039 047 suchthat
+040 050 parenleft
+041 051 parenright
+042 052 asteriskmath
+043 053 plus
+044 054 comma
+045 055 minus
+046 056 period
+047 057 slash
+048 060 zero
+049 061 one
+050 062 two
+051 063 three
+052 064 four
+053 065 five
+054 066 six
+055 067 seven
+056 070 eight
+057 071 nine
+058 072 colon
+059 073 semicolon
+060 074 less
+061 075 equal
+062 076 greater
+063 077 question
+064 100 congruent
+065 101 Alpha LC alpha;
+066 102 Beta LC beta;
+067 103 Chi LC chi;
+068 104 Delta LC delta;
+069 105 Epsilon LC epsilon;
+070 106 Phi LC phi;
+071 107 Gamma LC gamma;
+072 110 Eta LC eta;
+073 111 Iota LC iota;
+074 112 theta1 UC Theta;
+075 113 Kappa LC kappa;
+076 114 Lambda LC lambda;
+077 115 Mu LC mu;
+078 116 Nu LC nu;
+079 117 Omicron LC omicron;
+080 120 Pi LC pi;
+081 121 Theta LC theta;
+082 122 Rho LC rho;
+083 123 Sigma LC sigma;
+084 124 Tau LC tau;
+085 125 Upsilon LC upsilon;
+086 126 sigma1 UC Sigma;
+087 127 Omega LC omega;
+088 130 Xi LC xi;
+089 131 Psi LC psi;
+090 132 Zeta LC zeta;
+091 133 bracketleft
+092 134 therefore
+093 135 bracketright
+094 136 perpendicular
+095 137 underscore
+096 140 radicalex
+097 141 alpha UC Alpha;
+098 142 beta UC Beta;
+099 143 chi UC Chi;
+100 144 delta UC Delta;
+101 145 epsilon UC Epsilon;
+102 146 phi UC Phi;
+103 147 gamma UC Gamma;
+104 150 eta UC Eta;
+105 151 iota UC Iota;
+106 152 phi1 UC Phi;
+107 153 kappa UC Kappa;
+108 154 lambda UC Lambda;
+109 155 mu UC Mu;
+110 156 nu UC Nu;
+111 157 omicron UC Omicron;
+112 160 pi UC Pi;
+113 161 theta UC Theta;
+114 162 rho UC Rho;
+115 163 sigma UC Sigma;
+116 164 tau UC Tau;
+117 165 upsilon UC Upsilon;
+118 166 omega1 UC Omega;
+119 167 omega UC Omega;
+120 170 xi UC Xi;
+121 171 psi UC Psi;
+122 172 zeta UC Zeta;
+123 173 braceleft
+124 174 bar
+125 175 braceright
+126 176 similar
+127 177 -none-
+128 200 -none-
+129 201 -none-
+130 202 -none-
+131 203 -none-
+132 204 -none-
+133 205 -none-
+134 206 -none-
+135 207 -none-
+136 210 -none-
+137 211 -none-
+138 212 -none-
+139 213 -none-
+140 214 -none-
+141 215 -none-
+142 216 -none-
+143 217 -none-
+144 220 -none-
+145 221 -none-
+146 222 -none-
+147 223 -none-
+148 224 -none-
+149 225 -none-
+150 226 -none-
+151 227 -none-
+152 230 -none-
+153 231 -none-
+154 232 -none-
+155 233 -none-
+156 234 -none-
+157 235 -none-
+158 236 -none-
+159 237 -none-
+160 240 -none-
+161 241 Upsilon1 LC upsilon;
+162 242 minute
+163 243 lessequal
+164 244 fraction
+165 245 infinity
+166 246 florin
+167 247 club
+168 250 diamond
+169 251 heart
+170 252 spade
+171 253 arrowboth
+172 254 arrowleft
+173 255 arrowup
+174 256 arrowright
+175 257 arrowdown
+176 260 degree
+177 261 plusminus
+178 262 second
+179 263 greaterequal
+180 264 multiply
+181 265 proportional
+182 266 partialdiff
+183 267 bullet
+184 270 divide
+185 271 notequal
+186 272 equivalence
+187 273 approxequal
+188 274 ellipsis
+189 275 arrowvertex
+190 276 arrowhorizex
+191 277 carriagereturn
+192 300 aleph
+193 301 Ifraktur
+194 302 Rfraktur
+195 303 weierstrass
+196 304 circlemultiply
+197 305 circleplus
+198 306 emptyset
+199 307 intersection
+200 310 union
+201 311 propersuperset
+202 312 reflexsuperset
+203 313 notsubset
+204 314 propersubset
+205 315 reflexsubset
+206 316 element
+207 317 notelement
+208 320 angle
+209 321 gradient
+210 322 registerserif
+211 323 copyrightserif
+212 324 trademarkserif
+213 325 product
+214 326 radical
+215 327 dotmath
+216 330 logicalnot
+217 331 logicaland
+218 332 logicalor
+219 333 arrowdblboth
+220 334 arrowdblleft
+221 335 arrowdblup
+222 336 arrowdblright
+223 337 arrowdbldown
+224 340 lozenge
+225 341 angleleft
+226 342 registersans
+227 343 copyrightsans
+228 344 trademarksans
+229 345 summation
+230 346 parenlefttp
+231 347 parenleftex
+232 350 parenleftbt
+233 351 bracketlefttp
+234 352 bracketleftex
+235 353 bracketleftbt
+236 354 bracelefttp
+237 355 braceleftmid
+238 356 braceleftbt
+239 357 braceex
+240 360 -none-
+241 361 angleright
+242 362 integral
+243 363 integraltp
+244 364 integralex
+245 365 integralbt
+246 366 parenrighttp
+247 367 parenrightex
+248 370 parenrightbt
+249 371 bracketrighttp
+250 372 bracketrightex
+251 373 bracketrightbt
+252 374 bracerighttp
+253 375 bracerightmid
+254 376 bracerightbt
+255 377 -none-
diff --git a/maps/koi8r.LCM b/maps/koi8r.LCM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a95329b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/koi8r.LCM
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# Lout Char Map for Russian koi8-r fonts
+# Valeriy Ushakov <uwe@niif.spb.su>
+000 000 -none-
+001 001 -none-
+002 002 -none-
+003 003 -none-
+004 004 -none-
+005 005 -none-
+006 006 -none-
+007 007 -none-
+008 010 -none-
+009 011 -none-
+010 012 -none-
+011 013 -none-
+012 014 -none-
+013 015 quotesingle
+014 016 -none-
+015 017 -none-
+016 020 -none-
+017 021 -none-
+018 022 grave
+019 023 -none-
+020 024 -none-
+021 025 -none-
+022 026 -none-
+023 027 -none-
+024 030 -none-
+025 031 -none-
+026 032 -none-
+027 033 -none-
+028 034 -none-
+029 035 -none-
+030 036 -none-
+031 037 -none-
+032 040 space
+033 041 exclam
+034 042 quotedblright
+035 043 numbersign
+036 044 dollar
+037 045 percent
+038 046 ampersand
+039 047 quoteright
+040 050 parenleft
+041 051 parenright
+042 052 asterisk
+043 053 plus
+044 054 comma
+045 055 hyphen
+046 056 period
+047 057 slash
+048 060 zero
+049 061 one
+050 062 two
+051 063 three
+052 064 four
+053 065 five
+054 066 six
+055 067 seven
+056 070 eight
+057 071 nine
+058 072 colon
+059 073 semicolon
+060 074 guillemotleft
+061 075 equal
+062 076 guillemotright
+063 077 question
+064 100 at
+065 101 A LC a;
+066 102 B LC b;
+067 103 C LC c;
+068 104 D LC d;
+069 105 E LC e;
+070 106 F LC f;
+071 107 G LC g;
+072 110 H LC h;
+073 111 I LC i;
+074 112 J LC j;
+075 113 K LC k;
+076 114 L LC l;
+077 115 M LC m;
+078 116 N LC n;
+079 117 O LC o;
+080 120 P LC p;
+081 121 Q LC q;
+082 122 R LC r;
+083 123 S LC s;
+084 124 T LC t;
+085 125 U LC u;
+086 126 V LC v;
+087 127 W LC w;
+088 130 X LC x;
+089 131 Y LC y;
+090 132 Z LC z;
+091 133 bracketleft
+092 134 quotedblleft
+093 135 bracketright
+094 136 asciicircum
+095 137 underscore
+096 140 quoteleft
+097 141 a UC A;
+098 142 b UC B;
+099 143 c UC C;
+100 144 d UC D;
+101 145 e UC E;
+102 146 f UC F;
+103 147 g UC G;
+104 150 h UC H;
+105 151 i UC I;
+106 152 j UC J;
+107 153 k UC K;
+108 154 l UC L;
+109 155 m UC M;
+110 156 n UC N;
+111 157 o UC O;
+112 160 p UC P;
+113 161 q UC Q;
+114 162 r UC R;
+115 163 s UC S;
+116 164 t UC T;
+117 165 u UC U;
+118 166 v UC V;
+119 167 w UC W;
+120 170 x UC X;
+121 171 y UC Y;
+122 172 z UC Z;
+123 173 endash
+124 174 emdash
+125 175 quotedbl
+126 176 asciitilde
+127 177 -none-
+128 200 -none-
+129 201 -none-
+130 202 -none-
+131 203 -none-
+132 204 -none-
+133 205 -none-
+134 206 -none-
+135 207 -none-
+136 210 -none-
+137 211 -none-
+138 212 -none-
+139 213 -none-
+140 214 -none-
+141 215 -none-
+142 216 -none-
+143 217 -none-
+144 220 -none-
+145 221 -none-
+146 222 -none-
+147 223 -none-
+148 224 -none-
+149 225 -none-
+150 226 -none-
+151 227 -none-
+152 230 -none-
+153 231 -none-
+154 232 -none-
+155 233 -none-
+156 234 -none-
+157 235 -none-
+158 236 -none-
+159 237 -none-
+160 240 -none-
+161 241 -none-
+162 242 -none-
+163 243 afii10071 UC afii10023;
+164 244 -none-
+165 245 -none-
+166 246 -none-
+167 247 -none-
+168 250 -none-
+169 251 -none-
+170 252 -none-
+171 253 -none-
+172 254 -none-
+173 255 -none-
+174 256 -none-
+175 257 -none-
+176 260 -none-
+177 261 -none-
+178 262 -none-
+179 263 afii10023 LC afii10071;
+180 264 -none-
+181 265 -none-
+182 266 -none-
+183 267 -none-
+184 270 afii61352
+185 271 -none-
+186 272 -none-
+187 273 -none-
+188 274 -none-
+189 275 -none-
+190 276 -none-
+191 277 -none-
+192 300 afii10096 UC afii10048;
+193 301 afii10065 UC afii10017;
+194 302 afii10066 UC afii10018;
+195 303 afii10088 UC afii10040;
+196 304 afii10069 UC afii10021;
+197 305 afii10070 UC afii10022;
+198 306 afii10086 UC afii10038;
+199 307 afii10068 UC afii10020;
+200 310 afii10087 UC afii10039;
+201 311 afii10074 UC afii10026;
+202 312 afii10075 UC afii10027;
+203 313 afii10076 UC afii10028;
+204 314 afii10077 UC afii10029;
+205 315 afii10078 UC afii10030;
+206 316 afii10079 UC afii10031;
+207 317 afii10080 UC afii10032;
+208 320 afii10081 UC afii10033;
+209 321 afii10097 UC afii10049;
+210 322 afii10082 UC afii10034;
+211 323 afii10083 UC afii10035;
+212 324 afii10084 UC afii10036;
+213 325 afii10085 UC afii10037;
+214 326 afii10072 UC afii10024;
+215 327 afii10067 UC afii10019;
+216 330 afii10094 UC afii10046;
+217 331 afii10093 UC afii10045;
+218 332 afii10073 UC afii10025;
+219 333 afii10090 UC afii10042;
+220 334 afii10095 UC afii10047;
+221 335 afii10091 UC afii10043;
+222 336 afii10089 UC afii10041;
+223 337 afii10092 UC afii10044;
+224 340 afii10048 LC afii10096;
+225 341 afii10017 LC afii10065;
+226 342 afii10018 LC afii10066;
+227 343 afii10040 LC afii10088;
+228 344 afii10021 LC afii10069;
+229 345 afii10022 LC afii10070;
+230 346 afii10038 LC afii10086;
+231 347 afii10020 LC afii10068;
+232 350 afii10039 LC afii10087;
+233 351 afii10026 LC afii10074;
+234 352 afii10027 LC afii10075;
+235 353 afii10028 LC afii10076;
+236 354 afii10029 LC afii10077;
+237 355 afii10030 LC afii10078;
+238 356 afii10031 LC afii10079;
+239 357 afii10032 LC afii10080;
+240 360 afii10033 LC afii10081;
+241 361 afii10049 LC afii10097;
+242 362 afii10034 LC afii10082;
+243 363 afii10035 LC afii10083;
+244 364 afii10036 LC afii10084;
+245 365 afii10037 LC afii10085;
+246 366 afii10024 LC afii10072;
+247 367 afii10019 LC afii10067;
+248 370 afii10046 LC afii10094;
+249 371 afii10045 LC afii10093;
+250 372 afii10025 LC afii10073;
+251 373 afii10042 LC afii10090;
+252 374 afii10047 LC afii10095;
+253 375 afii10043 LC afii10091;
+254 376 afii10041 LC afii10089;
+255 377 afii10044 LC afii10092;
diff --git a/maps/null.LCM b/maps/null.LCM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65926c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/null.LCM
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# #
+# null.LCM #
+# #
+# Skeleton LCM (Lout Character Mapping) file #
+# #
+# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
+# 14 March 1996 #
+# #
+# Dec- Octal Character Functions ... #
+# imal code name #
+# code #
+# #
+000 000 -none-
+001 001 -none-
+002 002 -none-
+003 003 -none-
+004 004 -none-
+005 005 -none-
+006 006 -none-
+007 007 -none-
+008 010 -none-
+009 011 -none-
+010 012 -none-
+011 013 -none-
+012 014 -none-
+013 015 -none-
+014 016 -none-
+015 017 -none-
+016 020 -none-
+017 021 -none-
+018 022 -none-
+019 023 -none-
+020 024 -none-
+021 025 -none-
+022 026 -none-
+023 027 -none-
+024 030 -none-
+025 031 -none-
+026 032 -none-
+027 033 -none-
+028 034 -none-
+029 035 -none-
+030 036 -none-
+031 037 -none-
+032 040 -none-
+033 041 -none-
+034 042 -none-
+035 043 -none-
+036 044 -none-
+037 045 -none-
+038 046 -none-
+039 047 -none-
+040 050 -none-
+041 051 -none-
+042 052 -none-
+043 053 -none-
+044 054 -none-
+045 055 -none-
+046 056 -none-
+047 057 -none-
+048 060 -none-
+049 061 -none-
+050 062 -none-
+051 063 -none-
+052 064 -none-
+053 065 -none-
+054 066 -none-
+055 067 -none-
+056 070 -none-
+057 071 -none-
+058 072 -none-
+059 073 -none-
+060 074 -none-
+061 075 -none-
+062 076 -none-
+063 077 -none-
+064 100 -none-
+065 101 -none-
+066 102 -none-
+067 103 -none-
+068 104 -none-
+069 105 -none-
+070 106 -none-
+071 107 -none-
+072 110 -none-
+073 111 -none-
+074 112 -none-
+075 113 -none-
+076 114 -none-
+077 115 -none-
+078 116 -none-
+079 117 -none-
+080 120 -none-
+081 121 -none-
+082 122 -none-
+083 123 -none-
+084 124 -none-
+085 125 -none-
+086 126 -none-
+087 127 -none-
+088 130 -none-
+089 131 -none-
+090 132 -none-
+091 133 -none-
+092 134 -none-
+093 135 -none-
+094 136 -none-
+095 137 -none-
+096 140 -none-
+097 141 -none-
+098 142 -none-
+099 143 -none-
+100 144 -none-
+101 145 -none-
+102 146 -none-
+103 147 -none-
+104 150 -none-
+105 151 -none-
+106 152 -none-
+107 153 -none-
+108 154 -none-
+109 155 -none-
+110 156 -none-
+111 157 -none-
+112 160 -none-
+113 161 -none-
+114 162 -none-
+115 163 -none-
+116 164 -none-
+117 165 -none-
+118 166 -none-
+119 167 -none-
+120 170 -none-
+121 171 -none-
+122 172 -none-
+123 173 -none-
+124 174 -none-
+125 175 -none-
+126 176 -none-
+127 177 -none-
+128 200 -none-
+129 201 -none-
+130 202 -none-
+131 203 -none-
+132 204 -none-
+133 205 -none-
+134 206 -none-
+135 207 -none-
+136 210 -none-
+137 211 -none-
+138 212 -none-
+139 213 -none-
+140 214 -none-
+141 215 -none-
+142 216 -none-
+143 217 -none-
+144 220 -none-
+145 221 -none-
+146 222 -none-
+147 223 -none-
+148 224 -none-
+149 225 -none-
+150 226 -none-
+151 227 -none-
+152 230 -none-
+153 231 -none-
+154 232 -none-
+155 233 -none-
+156 234 -none-
+157 235 -none-
+158 236 -none-
+159 237 -none-
+160 240 -none-
+161 241 -none-
+162 242 -none-
+163 243 -none-
+164 244 -none-
+165 245 -none-
+166 246 -none-
+167 247 -none-
+168 250 -none-
+169 251 -none-
+170 252 -none-
+171 253 -none-
+172 254 -none-
+173 255 -none-
+174 256 -none-
+175 257 -none-
+176 260 -none-
+177 261 -none-
+178 262 -none-
+179 263 -none-
+180 264 -none-
+181 265 -none-
+182 266 -none-
+183 267 -none-
+184 270 -none-
+185 271 -none-
+186 272 -none-
+187 273 -none-
+188 274 -none-
+189 275 -none-
+190 276 -none-
+191 277 -none-
+192 300 -none-
+193 301 -none-
+194 302 -none-
+195 303 -none-
+196 304 -none-
+197 305 -none-
+198 306 -none-
+199 307 -none-
+200 310 -none-
+201 311 -none-
+202 312 -none-
+203 313 -none-
+204 314 -none-
+205 315 -none-
+206 316 -none-
+207 317 -none-
+208 320 -none-
+209 321 -none-
+210 322 -none-
+211 323 -none-
+212 324 -none-
+213 325 -none-
+214 326 -none-
+215 327 -none-
+216 330 -none-
+217 331 -none-
+218 332 -none-
+219 333 -none-
+220 334 -none-
+221 335 -none-
+222 336 -none-
+223 337 -none-
+224 340 -none-
+225 341 -none-
+226 342 -none-
+227 343 -none-
+228 344 -none-
+229 345 -none-
+230 346 -none-
+231 347 -none-
+232 350 -none-
+233 351 -none-
+234 352 -none-
+235 353 -none-
+236 354 -none-
+237 355 -none-
+238 356 -none-
+239 357 -none-
+240 360 -none-
+241 361 -none-
+242 362 -none-
+243 363 -none-
+244 364 -none-
+245 365 -none-
+246 366 -none-
+247 367 -none-
+248 370 -none-
+249 371 -none-
+250 372 -none-
+251 373 -none-
+252 374 -none-
+253 375 -none-
+254 376 -none-
+255 377 -none-
diff --git a/notes.dsc b/notes.dsc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e68855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes.dsc
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Basser Lout Version 3 and the PostScript Document Structuring Conventions
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+24 March 1994
+The following notes detail all areas known to the author where Lout does
+not fully conform to Version 3.0 of the PostScript Document Structuring
+Conventions (DSC), as given in Appendix G of the PostScript Language
+Reference Manual, second edition (PLRM). Page numbers refer to PLRM.
+These are minor infringements which should not trouble anyone (I hope).
+Please let me know of any problems.
+Language level and extensions. Lout does not produce %%LanguageLevel and
+%%Extensions comments, implying that its output is Level 1 PostScript with
+no extensions (p644). This is true except for PostScript which user-level
+commands choose to add via @SetColour, @Graphic, @IncludeGraphic, and
+@PrependGraphic commands. If this added PostScript is not Level 1 then
+the absence of %%LanguageLevel and %%Extensions comments will be in
+violation of the DSC. Lout's standard packages use only Level 1, which
+should take care of most of the @SetColour, @Graphic, and @PrependGraphic
+commands encountered in practice. If a %%LanguageLevel or %%Extensions
+comment is encountered in an @IncludeGraphic file, Lout prints a warning
+message but takes no other action.
+Color separation conventions (pp685-688). At present Lout generates none
+of the comments described in this section.
+DocumentSuppliedResources. According to p671, each included document
+(%%Begin(End)Document pair in PostScript, @IncludeGraphic file in Lout)
+should have a corresponding "%%DocumentSuppliedResources: file" entry.
+This contradicts p660, where each %%DocumentSuppliedResources entry is
+said to correspond to a %%Begin(End)Resource pair. Lout does not record
+%%Begin(End)Document pairs in the %%DocumentSuppliedResources list.
+EOF. According to p673, the %%EOF comment of an included document (i.e.
+one enclosed in %%Begin(End)Document) will be ignored. However, p658
+does not mention this exception, and one Adobe PostScript interpreter at
+least in the author's environment terminates at the first %%EOF whether
+or not it lies inside %%Begin(End)Document. Accordingly, Lout strips
+out any %%EOF comment within any included document during inclusion.
+Font inclusion. According to p678, "%%IncludeResource: font" comments
+relating to commonly available fonts should be placed in the document
+setup section. However no definition of which fonts fall into this
+category is offered, so this requirement is not observed by Lout.
+Instead, Lout generates one "%%IncludeResource: font" in the page setup
+section for each font used on the corresponding page, except for fonts
+used on the first page which are done once only in the document setup
+section. This implies that fonts used on many pages but not the first
+will generate many "%%IncludeResource: font" comments, one for each page
+on which the font is used, which in turn implies that these fonts might
+be downloaded many times (Lout itself never downloads any font, but a
+document manager might react to an "%%IncludeResource: font" comment by
+doing so). However, most fonts used by most people are already in the
+printer, and in these cases "it is highly likely that the font server
+or document manager would ignore the inclusion request, because the
+font would already be available on the printer" (p678).
+PageResources. This comment is supposed to list all resources needed
+or supplied on the current page except for procsets (p685). At present
+Lout lists fonts but not encoding vectors under this comment.
+Definitions in EPS files. On p736, "it is strongly recommended that an
+EPS file make its definitions in its own dictionary or dictionaries".
+Lout -EPS does not follow this recommendation, since it is not clear where
+to create this dictionary or dictionaries, given that the DSC states (p625)
+that the prolog should be a sequence of procset definitions (after the
+header section and defaults section) only. Perhaps each procset should be
+in its own dictionary, as is done in lout/include/fig_prepend for example,
+but this is not stated anywhere.
diff --git a/software/README b/software/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2dee3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/README
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Lout-related software form elsewhere
+This directory contains information about software related to
+Lout but not distributed with Lout. For various practical
+reasons, such as size, licenses, version control, etc., it was
+considered better not to bundle this with Lout itself. This
+directory is maintained by Jeff Kingston, but he exercises no
+editorial control over it beyond checking that the software
+advertised in it appears to have some connection with Lout. In
+particular, there is no guarantee that the stuff exists, works,
+is compatible, is supported by its author, etc. Use at own risk.
+Jeff Kingston
+12 April 1995
diff --git a/software/lout.barcodes b/software/lout.barcodes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66133c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/lout.barcodes
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+I've developed a little Lout package that will enable you to generate
+barcodes from lout.3.04 (or later).
+Usage is very simple. Add the following line to the include portion of
+your lout file
+ @SysInclude { barcodes }
+and every time you wish to use the barcode font use the following
+ {BarCode Base} @Font { object }
+The font is a 3 of 9 barcode font developed by Willem van Schaik.
+The package is available as lout.barcodes.1.0.tar.gz and can be found
+with the rest of the Lout distribution at
+ ftp://ftp.cs.su.oz.au/jeff/
+Peter Samuel peter@uniq.com.au
+Technical Consultant or at present:
+Uniq Professional Services Peter.Samuel@nms.otc.com.au
+Phone: +61 2 287 4647 Fax: +61 2 287 5754
diff --git a/software/lout.eiffel b/software/lout.eiffel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e876fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/lout.eiffel
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+This software allows you to print programs and program fragments
+from the Eiffel programming language with Lout. The typeset output
+conforms with the style guidelines in the standard reference (Eiffel:
+The Language, by Bertrand Meyer).
+When installed, the only change you have to make is to replace the
+@SysInclude { doc } at the top of the document by @SysInclude { edoc },
+then enclose your Eiffel parts in @Eiffel { ... }.
+Lout.eiffel is distributed as follows:
+ ftp://ftp.cs.su.oz.au/jeff/lout.eiffel.1.1.tar.gz
+In other words, in a gzipped tar file called "lout.eiffel.1.1.tar.gz"
+in the "jeff" subdirectory of the home directory of "ftp ftp.cs.su.oz.au"
+with login name "ftp" or "anonymous" using any non-empty password.
+The distribution contains
+ * Source code for the eif2lout program
+ * A manual entry for the eif2lout program
+ * Six Lout library files (edoc, etc.)
+ * A makefile and installation instructions (very easy)
+User documentation is contained in the Lout User's Guide distributed
+with Lout itself.
+Lout.eiffel was designed and implemented by Jeffrey H. Kingston
+(jeff@cs.su.oz.au) of the Basser Department of Computer Science at the
+University of Sydney.
diff --git a/software/lout.latin2 b/software/lout.latin2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29fa82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/lout.latin2
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This software is now included with the main Lout distribution.
diff --git a/software/lout.russian b/software/lout.russian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e247db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/lout.russian
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This software is now included in the main Lout distribution,
+except that there is a problem with the fonts, which are
+accordingly not being distrubuted.
diff --git a/software/lout.teq b/software/lout.teq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9f53c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/lout.teq
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Jeffrey H. Kingston
+This software allows you to produce mathematics using the TeX
+mathematical fonts, which are considered to produce better-looking
+mathematics than the Adobe Systems Symbol font used by standard Lout.
+When installed, the only change you have to make is to replace the
+@SysInclude { eq } at the top of the document by @SysInclude { teq }.
+Everything else is automatic. You do not have to have TeX on your
+system for this to work. The cost is an extra 252 KB in the PostScript
+output file (because the TeX fonts have to be included in it).
+Lout.teq is distributed as follows:
+ ftp://ftp.cs.su.oz.au/jeff/lout.teq.2.0.tar.gz
+In other words, in a gzipped tar file called "lout.teq.2.0.tar.gz"
+in the "jeff" subdirectory of the home directory of "ftp ftp.cs.su.oz.au"
+with login name "ftp" or "anonymous" using any non-empty password.
+The distribution contains
+ * License information (non-commercial only owing to license
+ restrictions on the fonts used)
+ * Five TeX mathematical font metrics and encoding vector files
+ * The teq and teq.lpg source files
+ * A makefile and installation instructions (very easy)
+User documentation is contained in the Lout User's Guide distributed
+with Lout itself (Section 7.8).
+Lout.teq was designed and implemented by Jeffrey H. Kingston
+(jeff@cs.su.oz.au) of the Basser Department of Computer Science at the
+University of Sydney. The fonts were converted to PostScript from
+D. E. Knuth's METAFONT by Basil Malyshev.
diff --git a/software/lout.tib b/software/lout.tib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a99d0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/software/lout.tib
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ LoutTib v1.0 Alpha
+ now available
+LoutTib is a tool to typeset Tibetan with Lout (batch) document
+formatter. This is an *ALPHA* release (it is only a month old). I
+wrote it as I need Tibetan excerpts in my paper. I find it useful, may
+be you'll find it useful too.
+The LoutTib distribution contains
+ o Type1 Tibetan font (modified version of Tibetan-ModernA by
+ Christopher Fynn)
+ o Transliteration utility called `louttib', that translate
+ romanized Tibetan into glyph codes.
+ o Supporting Lout code
+You can get LoutTib (gzipped tar archive) and preformatted PostScript
+documentation (A4, Tibetan font included) from
+ ftp://ftp.ptc.spbu.ru/pub/tibet/software/typeset/louttib-1.0alpha.tgz
+ ftp://ftp.ptc.spbu.ru/pub/tibet/software/typeset/louttib-doc.ps.gz
diff --git a/whatsnew b/whatsnew
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc2c774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/whatsnew
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.04
+ Bug fixes
+ Underlining
+ Small capitals now work properly
+ More flexible reference formatting setup file options
+ List items and displays now break across page boundaries
+ Quick reference guide (Appendix A, User's Guide)
+ Version of @Eq that uses TeX's fonts
+ Numbered list items can be tagged and referred to using @NumberOf
+ Multi-paragraph figure captions and multi-page figures
+ Various micro changes to @Eq to improve appearance
+ Merged index entries, and better guidance on how to make an index
+ DOS portability (I hope), still working on Mac portability
+ Eiffel programming language printing
+ Multi-word tags and sorting keys permitted
+ Margin notes
+ `Bypass' symbols (fewer passes for computer-generated Lout source)
+ Arbitrary chapter heading and part heading layouts
+ Viewers like GhostView now show real page numbers
+ @Sup and @Sub symbols (similar to sup and sub in equations)
+ Slovenian language
+ ANSI C (getting closer and closer...)
+ @IncludeGraphic will now accept a compressed file e.g. filename.eps.gz
+ @Verbatim { ... } like in LaTeX.
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.05
+ Bug fixes
+ ANSI C (getting very very close...)
+ Removed call to system("sort"), which was causing porting problems
+ Optional list of tables and list of figures in books
+ More options and setup file options for fine-tuning tables and figures
+ Package for printing bar codes (see software directory)
+ Moved initialization of non-English error message files into makefile
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.06
+ Bug fixes
+ Czech
+ Plain text manual pages for people without troff
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.07
+ Bug fixes
+ @URL field added to references
+ @LongFootNote, @LongEndNote, @LongCaption stupidity removed
+ Matrices and delimiters in equations improved
+ Captions to figures and tables may be above or below
+ Theorems, definitions, claims, propositions, lemmas, corollaries, examples
+ Words like "Chapter" and "Theorem" may be changed by the user
+ Numbered displays have been re-implemented and are much improved
+ @RightDisplay symbol
+ @F symbol added as synonym for { Courier Base -1p } @Font ...
+ Ability to set simple document options in the command line
+ Horizontal galleys (for expert users)
+ Drop capitals (large capitals in top left corner of paragraph)
+ Optimal body text breaking (makes large in-line displays more practical)
+ More flexible control of the format of chapter, section etc. headings
+ Option for starting chapters etc. on any, odd, or even pages
+ Command line option -S for safe execution (prohibits calls to system())
+ Symbols for up to three independent indexes at the end of each document
+ References work now when the citation point is after the reference list
+ Placement of objects at arbitrary points on the page
+ Reference lists may be before or after appendices
+ Choice of nine locations for figures and tables (page top, foot, etc.)
+ Numbering of footnotes works properly in all unusual cases now
+ Database index files created afresh automatically if system has stat()
+ Choice of rules for spaces between words (like Lout, troff, or TeX)
+ Spacing in equations (both eq and teq) further improved
+ Kerning of accented characters deduced from corresponding unaccented ones
+ @NotRevealed symbol (for expert users)
+ Another, hopefully better attempt made at Latin-2 formatting
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.08
+ Bug fixes
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.09
+ Bug fixes
+ French hyphenation
+ foll_or_prec works in all cases now, not just galleys (for expert users)
+ @Enclose symbol (for expert users)
+ Multi-page figures and tables can be boxed (revised @Format option)
+ Optimal paragraph breaker has been tuned to discourage widow words,
+ and to hyphenate more paragraphs but use fewer hyphens when it does
+ More consistent set of setup files since all now derived from one master
+ Setup files "doc" and "report" now work with plain text output
+ Unpaginated (continuous) plain text output
+ @FirstChapterNumber, @FirstSectionNumber etc. options in setup file
+ Alternative error message format (filename:linenum:colnum: ...)
+ Newline no longer needed at end of file
+ New diagram drawing package called Diag (replaces Fig):
+ many new link types; trees; labelled nodes and links; many useful options
+ New "oragged" paragraph breaking style, combines ragged and outdent
+ Comprehensive usage message printed by "lout -u"
+ Horizontal spacing of subscripts in equations (both eq and teq) improved
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.10
+ Bug fixes
+ @StructPageNums option for pages numbered by section
+ Dot between section (etc.) numbers and title made optional
+ Updated version of lout.teq (TeX-style equation formatter)
+ EvenPageTop and EvenFullPage figure and table locations
+ @Graph options for plotting values in decreasing order
+ References may cite other references now (bug fix)
+ Installation option for making "lout -S" the default behaviour
+ @E symbol added alongside @Eq as synonym for @OneCol @Eq
+ New language EnglishUK which is like English but with UK hyphenation rules
+ @AnotherFootNote symbol for consecutive footnotes on one word
+ LOUTLIB env variable determines library directory at run time if set
+ Lots of arrow symbols added to eq and teq
+ Paragraph gaps may have "u" suffix, meaning unbreakable (for expert users)
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.11
+ Bug fixes
+ Sorting collation sequence may be locale-specific if desired
+ Changed paragraph breaker, no longer calls the notorious CorrectOversize
+ Word count feature (see manual entry, -w)
+ Italian language
+ Fix for the long-standing bug in database file reading on DOS-like systems
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.12
+ Bug fixes
+ @CurrFamily and @CurrFace symbols similar to @CurrLang (for expert users)
+ @II symbol for getting italics right in headings and tables of contents
+ @Graph now has rticks option for ticks on right-hand side of frame
+ PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) back end (command line flag -Z)
+ Latin2 and Russian are now part of the main Lout distribution
+ Changed license from GNU General Public License Version 1 to Version 2
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.13 [released February 1999]
+ Bug fixes
+ Gaps between galley components may have "u" (unbreakable) suffix, meaning
+ that the galley may not be broken at this gap (for expert users)
+ @StartHSpan, @StartVSpan, @StartHVSpan, @HSpan, @VSpan (spanning cols, rows)
+ unbreakablefirst @Break and unbreakablelast @Break (stops widows, orphans)
+ named parameters may import their parent, like body parameters (expert)
+ definitions and named parameters may have multiple names (expert)
+ @OneOf symbol chooses result that contains desired galley target (expert)
+ @HLimited, @VLimited symbols for further control over use of space (expert)
+ @ListInterruptItem and @ListNewPage: interrupts, page breaks between items
+ @Verbatim symbol now built-in, so no longer limited to Unix
+ @RawVerbatim like @Verbatim but preserves initial spaces on first line
+ 0rt gap for left justification of the preceding object (expert)
+ @Background symbol for printing one object in the background of another
+ Maximum depth of @Includes increased from 7 to 10
+ New table formatting package, see User's Guide (old one is still there)
+ New @Meld symbol for better melding of index entries (expert)
+ Option to @FootNote for choosing your own footnote label
+ Optional full-width abstracts in technical reports
+ Hungarian language including Hungarian-specific heading formats
+ (1) The @Abstract symbol in technical reports now comes before the
+ // symbol, not after it. See User's Guide for details.
+ (2) Setup file arrangements have changed. You now need to have one
+ @SysInclude line for each package you use. For example,
+ Previous versions Version 3.13
+ ---------------------------------------------
+ @SysInclude { eq } @SysInclude { eq }
+ @SysInclude { ddoc } @SysInclude { diag }
+ @SysInclude { doc }
+ Import clauses in mydefs files also have to change:
+ Previous versions Version 3.13
+ ---------------------------------------------
+ import @DocumentLayout import @BasicSetup
+ import @CPrint import @CPSetup
+ import @DiagramPrint import @DiagSetup
+ Sorry for the inconvenience, but the old system was inconsistent
+ and was tending towards an unsustainable combinatorial explosion
+ of setup files. No changes *within* documents are needed, and
+ these new arrangements do not affect the content of the packages.
+ The user's guide documents it all.
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.14 [released March 1999]
+ Bug fixes
+ "lout -PDF" now available as alternative to "lout -Z"
+ Cross referencing list items yields just the raw item number now
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.15 [May 1999]
+ Bug fixes
+ @FootNoteFormat option for controlling format of footnotes
+ @TheoremFormat option for controlling format of theorems (etc.)
+ @ListOuterGap setup file option for space before and after lists
+ Standardized and improved "slides" package, incl. new setup file options
+ (NB please send me @Word&&lecture and @Word&&overhead in your language)
+ Faster database reading (uses more memory though); prevent with -M
+ @DoubleLine symbol in diagrams for drawing a double line
+ -l and -L flags for selecting collation order (see lout -u)
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.16 [28 May 1999]
+ Bug fixes
+ Optimal paragraph breaking weights adjusted yet again (sigh)
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.17 [13 September 1999]
+ Bug fixes
+ @AtEnd option for @Book and @Report (unnumbered back cover page)
+ @Abbreviations symbol in books (like @Introduction but for abbreviations)
+ @Euro symbol added for getting a European Currency symbol
+ Document OBJECT struct declaration in externs.h (for gurus only)
+Things that ought to be done but haven't been done yet
+ pdfmark in PostScript output
+ Review Uwe's proposal for moving word row marks to the baseline
+Jeff Kingston
+17 September 1999
diff --git a/z01.c b/z01.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6338ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z01.c
@@ -0,0 +1,866 @@
+/*@z01.c:Supervise:StartSym, AllowCrossDb, Encapsulated, etc.@****************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z01.c */
+/* MODULE: Supervise */
+/* EXTERNS: main(), StartSym, GalleySym, ForceGalleySym, InputSym, */
+/* PrintSym, AllowCrossDb, Encapsulated */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* On DOS/Win32 we need to set binary mode on stdout (Uwe) */
+#if OS_DOS
+#include <io.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#ifdef __DJGPP__
+#define _setmode(fd, mode) setmode((fd), (mode))
+#define _fileno(stream) fileno((stream))
+/* */
+/* MemCheck - check this memory location */
+/* */
+POINTER MemCheck = 0;
+/* */
+/* StartSym the symbol table entry for \Start (overall scope) */
+/* GalleySym the symbol table entry for @Galley */
+/* ForceGalleySym the symbol table entry for @ForceGalley */
+/* InputSym the symbol table entry for @LInput */
+/* PrintSym the symbol table entry for \Print (root target) */
+/* OptGallSym the symbol table entry for @OptGall (optimal galley rec) */
+/* FilterInSym the symbol table entry for @FilterIn */
+/* FilterOutSym the symbol table entry for @FilterOut */
+/* FilterErrSym the symbol table entry for @FilterErr */
+/* */
+OBJECT StartSym, GalleySym, ForceGalleySym, InputSym, PrintSym, OptGallSym,
+ FilterInSym, FilterOutSym, FilterErrSym, VerbatimSym, RawVerbatimSym;
+/* */
+/* CommandOptions Command-line options (ACAT of objects) */
+/* */
+OBJECT CommandOptions;
+/* */
+/* UseCollate Use local collation sequence rather than ASCII */
+/* AllowCrossDb Allow references to OldCrossDb and NewCrossDb */
+/* InMemoryDbIndexes True if cr database index file is to be in-memory */
+/* Encapsulated Produce a one-page encapsulated PostScript file */
+/* Kern Do kerning */
+/* SafeExecution Execute safely, i.e. prohibit system() calls */
+/* AltErrorFormat Use alternative error message format */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN UseCollate;
+BOOLEAN AllowCrossDb;
+BOOLEAN InMemoryDbIndexes;
+BOOLEAN Encapsulated;
+BOOLEAN SafeExecution;
+BOOLEAN AltErrorFormat;
+/* */
+/* BackEndWord "PostScript" or "PlainText" */
+/* PlainCharWidth if PLAINTEXT, the width of each character */
+/* PlainCharHeight if PLAINTEXT, the height of each character */
+/* PlainFormFeed if PLAINTEXT, TRUE if separate components with \f. */
+/* InitializeAll TRUE if this is an initializing run. */
+/* MsgCat category for locale-specific messages */
+/* TotalWordCount total number of words printed */
+/* */
+int BackEnd;
+FULL_CHAR *BackEndWord;
+FULL_LENGTH PlainCharWidth, PlainCharHeight;
+BOOLEAN PlainFormFeed;
+BOOLEAN InitializeAll;
+nl_catd MsgCat;
+int TotalWordCount;
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT load(xstr, xpredefined, xleft, xright, xindef, xprec) */
+/* */
+/* Load a predefined operator with these attributes into the symbol table. */
+/* If the operator has parameters, load symbols for those also. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT load(FULL_CHAR *xstr, unsigned xpre,
+BOOLEAN xleft, BOOLEAN xright, BOOLEAN xindef, unsigned char xprec)
+{ OBJECT s;
+ s = InsertSym(xstr, LOCAL, no_fpos, xprec, xindef, FALSE, xpre,
+ StartSym, nilobj);
+ if( xleft ) InsertSym( AsciiToFull("pa"), LPAR, no_fpos, DEFAULT_PREC,
+ FALSE, FALSE, 0, s, nilobj);
+ if( xright ) InsertSym( AsciiToFull("pb"), RPAR, no_fpos, DEFAULT_PREC,
+ FALSE, FALSE, 0, s, nilobj);
+ if( xleft && xright && xpre != PLUS && xpre != MINUS )
+ right_assoc(s) = TRUE;
+ return s;
+} /* end load */
+/* */
+/* static void PrintUsage(fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print usage information on file fp. */
+/* */
+#define lput(str) fprintf(fp, "%s\n", str)
+static void PrintUsage(FILE *fp)
+ lput("" );
+ lput("usage: lout options files" );
+ lput("" );
+ lput(" -s suppress access to cross reference database" );
+ lput(" -EPS EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) output" );
+ lput(" -PDF or -Z PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) output" );
+ lput(" -p plain text output instead of PostScript" );
+ lput(" -P like -p but with form-feed char between pages" );
+ lput(" -S safe execution (disable calls to system(3))" );
+ lput(" -U unsafe execution (allow calls to system(3))" );
+ lput(" -l ASCII collation order when sorting indexes etc." );
+ lput(" -L locale collation order when sorting indexes etc." );
+ lput(" -o file output to file instead of stdout" );
+ lput(" -e file error messages to file instead of stderr" );
+ lput(" -a alternative error format: file:line:col ..." );
+ lput(" -w print total number of words in output" );
+ lput(" -i file like @SysInclude { file }; not recommended" );
+ lput(" -I directory add directory to include file search path" );
+ lput(" -C directory add directory to LCM file search path" );
+ lput(" -F directory add directory to font metrics file search path" );
+ lput(" -H directory add directory to hyphenation file search path" );
+ lput(" -D directory add directory to database file search path" );
+ lput(" --option{value} set option e.g. --'@InitialFont{Times Base 10p}'" );
+ lput(" -c file use file.li instead of lout.li for crossrefs" );
+ lput(" -M save memory (don't read in database indexes)" );
+ lput(" -x initializing run, not for ordinary use" );
+ lput(" -u print this usage message on stderr and exit" );
+ lput(" -V print version and configuration information" );
+ lput(" - a file name denoting standard input" );
+ lput("" );
+} /* end PrintUsage */
+/*@::GetArg(), main()@********************************************************/
+/* */
+/* GetArg(argv, argc, i) */
+/* */
+/* Get the next argument from the command line and return it. */
+/* Return NULL if it isn't there. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR *GetArg(char *argv[], int argc, int *i)
+{ if( !StringEqual(AsciiToFull(argv[*i]+2), STR_EMPTY) )
+ return AsciiToFull(argv[*i]+2);
+ else if( *i < argc-1 && *argv[*i + 1] != CH_HYPHEN )
+ return AsciiToFull(argv[(*i)++ +1]);
+ else
+ return (FULL_CHAR *) NULL;
+} /* end GetArg */
+/* */
+/* main(argc, argv) */
+/* */
+/* Read command line, initialise everything, read definitions, read */
+/* galleys, clean up and exit. */
+/* */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+{ int i, len; FULL_CHAR *arg;
+ OBJECT t, y, res, s; /* current token, parser output */
+ BOOLEAN stdin_seen; /* TRUE when stdin file seen */
+ int source_file_count; /* number of source files in command */
+ FULL_CHAR *cross_db; /* name of cross reference database */
+ FULL_CHAR *outfile; /* name of output file */
+ FULL_CHAR *lib; /* name of library directory */
+ FILE *out_fp;
+ long MemCheckLong;
+ FULL_CHAR oname[MAX_BUFF], oval[MAX_BUFF], buff[MAX_BUFF], *p;
+ int bp; OBJECT z;
+ BOOLEAN seen_wordcount;
+ char catname[MAX_BUFF], *loc;
+ /* find the name of the library directory, from envt or else from -D */
+ lib = AsciiToFull(getenv("LOUTLIB"));
+ if( lib == (FULL_CHAR *) NULL )
+ lib = AsciiToFull(LIB_DIR);
+ /* set locale if that's what we are doing */
+ loc = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "");
+ if( loc == (char *) NULL )
+ { Error(1, 6, "unable to initialize locale", WARN, no_fpos);
+ loc = "C";
+ }
+ sprintf(catname, "%s/%s/%s/LC_MESSAGES/errors.%s",
+ lib, LOCALE_DIR, loc, loc);
+ MsgCat = catopen(catname, 0);
+ /* initialise various modules, add current directory to search paths */
+ TotalWordCount = 0;
+ seen_wordcount = FALSE;
+ PlainCharWidth = PLAIN_WIDTH;
+ PlainCharHeight = PLAIN_HEIGHT;
+ PlainFormFeed = FALSE;
+ InitializeAll = FALSE;
+ UseCollate = COLLATE;
+ AllowCrossDb = TRUE;
+ InMemoryDbIndexes = TRUE;
+ Encapsulated = FALSE;
+ SafeExecution = SAFE_DFT ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ Kern = TRUE;
+ MemInit();
+ InitSym();
+ LexInit();
+ InitFiles();
+ AddToPath(SOURCE_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, no_fpos));
+ AddToPath(DATABASE_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, no_fpos));
+ AddToPath(INCLUDE_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, no_fpos));
+ /* read command line */
+ stdin_seen = FALSE;
+ AltErrorFormat = FALSE;
+ cross_db = CROSS_DB;
+ outfile = STR_STDOUT;
+ source_file_count = 0;
+ New(CommandOptions, ACAT);
+ for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
+ {
+ if( *argv[i] == CH_HYPHEN ) switch( *(argv[i]+1) )
+ {
+ /* read name of output file */
+ if( (outfile = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 7, "usage: -o <filename>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ if( StringEndsWith(outfile, SOURCE_SUFFIX) )
+ Error(1, 28, "-o: output file name %s ends with %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, outfile, SOURCE_SUFFIX);
+ break;
+ /* suppress references to OldCrossDb and NewCrossDb */
+ AllowCrossDb = FALSE;
+ break;
+ /* don't use in-memory database indexes */
+ InMemoryDbIndexes = FALSE;
+ break;
+ /* suppress kerning */
+ Kern = FALSE;
+ break;
+ /* suppress local collation */
+ UseCollate = FALSE;
+ break;
+ /* invoke local collation */
+ UseCollate = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* read name of cross reference database */
+ if( (cross_db = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 8, "usage: -c <filename>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ break;
+ /* read log file name */
+ if( (arg = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 9, "usage: -e <filename>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ ErrorInit(arg);
+ break;
+ /* alternative error message format */
+ AltErrorFormat = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* -EPS produces encapsulated PostScript output */
+ if( !StringEqual(AsciiToFull(argv[i]+1), STR_EPS) )
+ Error(1, 10, "usage: -EPS", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ Encapsulated = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* add directory to database and sysdatabase paths */
+ if( (arg = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 11, "usage: -D <directoryname>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ AddToPath(DATABASE_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, arg, no_fpos));
+ AddToPath(SYSDATABASE_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, arg, no_fpos));
+ break;
+ /* add directory to character mapping path */
+ if( (arg = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 12, "usage: -C <directoryname>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ AddToPath(MAPPING_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, arg, no_fpos));
+ break;
+ /* add directory to font path */
+ if( (arg = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 13, "usage: -F <directoryname>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ AddToPath(FONT_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, arg, no_fpos));
+ break;
+ /* add directory to hyph path */
+ if( (arg = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 14, "usage: -H <directoryname>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ AddToPath(HYPH_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, arg, no_fpos));
+ break;
+ /* add directory to include and sysinclude paths */
+ if( (arg = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 15, "usage: -I <directoryname>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ AddToPath(INCLUDE_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, arg, no_fpos));
+ AddToPath(SYSINCLUDE_PATH, MakeWord(WORD, arg, no_fpos));
+ break;
+ /* read sysinclude file and strip any .lt suffix */
+ if( (arg = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 16, "usage: -i <filename>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ len = StringLength(arg) - StringLength(SOURCE_SUFFIX);
+ if( len >= 0 && StringEqual(&arg[len], SOURCE_SUFFIX) )
+ StringCopy(&arg[len], STR_EMPTY);
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from main (1)");
+ DefineFile(arg, STR_EMPTY, no_fpos, SOURCE_FILE, SYSINCLUDE_PATH);
+ break;
+ /* declare hyphenation file */
+ if( FirstFile(HYPH_FILE) != NO_FILE )
+ Error(1, 17, "two -h options illegal", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ if( (arg = GetArg(argv, argc, &i)) == NULL )
+ Error(1, 18, "usage: -h <filename>", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from main (2)");
+ DefineFile(arg, STR_EMPTY, no_fpos, HYPH_FILE, INCLUDE_PATH);
+ break;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", LOUT_VERSION);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%-28s %s\n",
+ "Basser Lout written by:", "Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au)");
+ fprintf(stderr, "%-28s %s\n",
+ "Free source available from:", "ftp://ftp.cs.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout");
+ fprintf(stderr, "%-28s %s %s\n",
+ "This executable compiled:", __TIME__, __DATE__);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%-28s %s%s%s\n", "System include directory:",
+ lib, STR_DIR, INCL_DIR);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%-28s %s%s%s\n", "System database directory:",
+ lib, STR_DIR, DATA_DIR);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Database index files created afresh automatically:%s\n",
+ USE_STAT ? " yes" : " no");
+ fprintf(stderr, "Safe execution (disabling system()) is default:%s\n",
+ SAFE_DFT ? " yes" : " no");
+ fprintf(stderr, "strcoll() used for sorting by default:%s\n",
+ COLLATE ? " yes" : " no");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "Basser Lout comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "This is free software, and you are welcome to\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "redistribute it under certain conditions. For\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "details on both points, consult the GNU General\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "Public License (distributed with this software).\n");
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ seen_wordcount = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case CH_FLAG_PDF:
+ BackEnd = PDF;
+ BackEndWord = STR_PDF;
+ break;
+ if( StringEqual(AsciiToFull(argv[i]+1), STR_PDF) )
+ {
+ BackEnd = PDF;
+ BackEndWord = STR_PDF;
+ break;
+ }
+ PlainFormFeed = TRUE;
+ /* NB NO BREAK */
+ BackEnd = PLAINTEXT;
+ BackEndWord = STR_PLAINTEXT;
+ if( *(argv[i]+2) != '\0' )
+ { float len1, len2; FULL_CHAR units1, units2;
+ if( sscanf(argv[i]+2, "%f%c%f%c",&len1,&units1,&len2,&units2) != 4 )
+ { Error(1, 19, "usage: lout -%c<length><length>",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, *(argv[i]+1));
+ }
+ switch( units1 )
+ {
+ case CH_UNIT_CM: PlainCharWidth = len1 * CM; break;
+ case CH_UNIT_IN: PlainCharWidth = len1 * IN; break;
+ case CH_UNIT_PT: PlainCharWidth = len1 * PT; break;
+ case CH_UNIT_EM: PlainCharWidth = len1 * EM; break;
+ default: Error(1, 20, "lout -%c: units must be c, i, p, or m",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, *(argv[i]+1));
+ break;
+ }
+ switch( units2 )
+ {
+ case CH_UNIT_CM: PlainCharHeight = len2 * CM; break;
+ case CH_UNIT_IN: PlainCharHeight = len2 * IN; break;
+ case CH_UNIT_PT: PlainCharHeight = len2 * PT; break;
+ case CH_UNIT_EM: PlainCharHeight = len2 * EM; break;
+ default: Error(1, 21, "lout -%c: units must be c, i, p, or m",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, *(argv[i]+1));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ InitializeAll = TRUE;
+ AllowCrossDb = FALSE;
+ break;
+ PrintUsage(stderr);
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ debug_init(AsciiToFull(argv[i]));
+ break;
+ sscanf(argv[i], "-m%ld", &MemCheckLong);
+ MemCheck = (POINTER) MemCheckLong;
+ fprintf(stderr, "checking memory location %ld\n", (long) MemCheck);
+ break;
+ case '\0':
+ /* read stdin as file name */
+ if( stdin_seen )
+ Error(1, 23, "standard input specified twice", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ stdin_seen = TRUE;
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from main (3)");
+ break;
+ /* read command-line document option */
+ if( sscanf(argv[i]+2, "%[^{ ] { %[^}] }", oname, oval) != 2 ||
+ StringLength(oname) == 0 || StringLength(oval) == 0 )
+ Error(1, 24, "error in command-line option %s", FATAL, no_fpos,
+ argv[i]+2);
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, oname, no_fpos);
+ Link(CommandOptions, y);
+ New(y, ACAT);
+ Link(CommandOptions, y);
+ bp = 0;
+ for( p = oval; *p != '\0'; p++ ) switch( *p )
+ {
+ case ' ':
+ case '\t':
+ case '\n':
+ case '{':
+ case '}':
+ if( bp > 0 )
+ { buff[bp++] = '\0';
+ if( Down(y) != y )
+ { OBJECT g;
+ New(g, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(g) = 1; vspace(g) = 0;
+ FposCopy(fpos(g), *no_fpos);
+ Link(y, g);
+ }
+ z = MakeWord(WORD, buff, no_fpos);
+ Link(y, z);
+ bp = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ buff[bp++] = *p;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( bp > 0 )
+ { buff[bp++] = '\0';
+ z = MakeWord(WORD, buff, no_fpos);
+ Link(y, z);
+ }
+ if( Down(y) == y )
+ Error(1, 25, "error in command-line option %s", FATAL, no_fpos,
+ argv[i]+2);
+ break;
+ case CH_FLAG_SAFE:
+ /* ensure safe execution by disabling system calls */
+ SafeExecution = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* allow unsafe execution */
+ SafeExecution = FALSE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ PrintUsage(stderr);
+ Error(1, 26, "unknown command line flag %s", FATAL, no_fpos, argv[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* argument is source file, strip any .lout suffix and define it */
+ arg = AsciiToFull(argv[i]);
+ len = StringLength(arg) - StringLength(SOURCE_SUFFIX);
+ if( len >= 0 && StringEqual(&arg[len], SOURCE_SUFFIX) )
+ StringCopy(&arg[len], STR_EMPTY);
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from main (4)");
+ DefineFile(AsciiToFull(argv[i]), STR_EMPTY, no_fpos,
+ source_file_count++;
+ }
+ } /* for */
+ if( UseCollate )
+ {
+ if (!setlocale (LC_COLLATE, ""))
+ Error(1, 30, "unable to initialize collation", WARN, no_fpos);
+ }
+ /* start timing if required */
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("main"));
+ /* open output file, or stdout if none specified, and initialize printer */
+ if( StringEqual(outfile, STR_STDOUT) )
+ {
+#if OS_DOS
+ /* For DOS/Win32 we need to set binary mode on stdout to prevent
+ PDF compressed streams and xrefs from being corrupted - Uwe 12/98 */
+ if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT && _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY) == -1 )
+ Error(1, 31, "cannot set binary mode on stdout", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ out_fp = stdout;
+ }
+ else
+ { out_fp = StringFOpen(outfile, BackEnd==PLAINTEXT ? WRITE_TEXT:WRITE_BINARY);
+ if( out_fp == null )
+ Error(1, 27, "cannot open output file %s", FATAL, no_fpos, outfile);
+ }
+ FontInit();
+ ColourInit();
+ LanguageInit();
+ PrintInit(out_fp);
+ /* append default directories to file search paths */
+ AddToPath(FONT_PATH, MakeWordThree(lib, STR_DIR, AsciiToFull(FONT_DIR)));
+ AddToPath(HYPH_PATH, MakeWordThree(lib, STR_DIR, AsciiToFull(HYPH_DIR)));
+ AddToPath(MAPPING_PATH, MakeWordThree(lib, STR_DIR, AsciiToFull(MAPS_DIR)));
+ AddToPath(SYSDATABASE_PATH,MakeWordThree(lib, STR_DIR, AsciiToFull(DATA_DIR)));
+ AddToPath(DATABASE_PATH, MakeWordThree(lib, STR_DIR, AsciiToFull(DATA_DIR)));
+ AddToPath(SYSINCLUDE_PATH, MakeWordThree(lib, STR_DIR, AsciiToFull(INCL_DIR)));
+ AddToPath(INCLUDE_PATH, MakeWordThree(lib, STR_DIR, AsciiToFull(INCL_DIR)));
+ /* use stdin if no source files were mentioned */
+ if( source_file_count == 0 )
+ { debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from main (5)");
+ }
+ /* load predefined symbols into symbol table */
+ StartSym = nilobj; /* Not a mistake */
+ StartSym = load(KW_START, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NO_PREC );
+ GalleySym = load(KW_GALLEY, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NO_PREC );
+ ForceGalleySym = load(KW_FORCE_GALLEY, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NO_PREC );
+ InputSym = load(KW_INPUT, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NO_PREC );
+ PrintSym = load(KW_PRINT, 0, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NO_PREC );
+ FilterInSym = load(KW_FILTERIN, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NO_PREC );
+ FilterOutSym = load(KW_FILTEROUT, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NO_PREC );
+ FilterErrSym = load(KW_FILTERERR, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NO_PREC );
+#define setcat(s, mk, jn) has_mark(s)=mk, has_join(s)=jn
+ /* intialize current time and load @Moment symbol */
+ InitTime();
+ /* initialize filter module */
+ FilterInit();
+ /* initialize enviroment table module */
+ EnvInit();
+ /* initialise scope chain to <StartSym> */
+ PushScope(StartSym, FALSE, FALSE);
+ /* initialise lexical analyser */
+ LexPush(FirstFile(SOURCE_FILE), 0, SOURCE_FILE, 1, FALSE);
+ /* process input files */
+ InitParser(cross_db);
+ t = NewToken(BEGIN, no_fpos, 0, 0, BEGIN_PREC, StartSym);
+ res = Parse(&t, StartSym, TRUE, TRUE);
+ debug0(DGT, D, "calling TransferEnd(res) from main()");
+ DisposeObject(CommandOptions);
+ TransferEnd(res);
+ TransferClose();
+ /* close various modules */
+ PrintAfterLast();
+ CrossClose();
+ CloseFiles();
+ /* remove any leftover filter temporary files */
+ FilterScavenge(TRUE);
+ /* print word count, if required */
+ if( seen_wordcount )
+ Error(1, 29, "total of all words printed: %d", WARN,no_fpos,TotalWordCount);
+ /* check for unbalanced error blocks */
+ CheckErrorBlocks();
+ /* wrapup */
+ ifdebug(DST, D, CheckSymSpread() );
+ ifdebug(ANY, D, DeleteEverySym() );
+ debug0(DMA, D, "at end of run:");
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugMemory() );
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("main"));
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfilePrint());
+ ifdebug(DET, D, EnvDebug());
+ catclose(MsgCat);
+ exit(0);
+ return 0;
+} /* end main */
diff --git a/z02.c b/z02.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee4d644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z02.c
@@ -0,0 +1,966 @@
+/*@z02.c:Lexical Analyser:Declarations@***************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z02.c */
+/* MODULE: Lexical Analyser */
+/* EXTERNS: LexLegalName(), LexInit(), LexPush(), LexPop(), */
+/* LexNextTokenPos(), LexGetToken() */
+/* */
+/* Implementation note: this fast and cryptic lexical analyser is adapted */
+/* from Waite, W. M.: The Cost of Lexical Analysis, in Software - Practice */
+/* and Experience, v16, pp473-488 (May 1986). */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 8192 /* size of buffer for block read */
+#define OTHER 0 /* punctuation or other character */
+#define LETTER 1 /* letter type */
+#define QUOTE 2 /* quoted string delimiter type */
+#define ESCAPE 3 /* escape character inside strings */
+#define COMMENT 4 /* comment delimiter type */
+#define CSPACE 5 /* space character type */
+#define FORMFEED 6 /* formfeed character type */
+#define TAB 7 /* tab character type */
+#define NEWLINE 8 /* newline character type */
+#define ENDFILE 9 /* end of file character type */
+static unsigned char chtbl[256]; /* type table indexed by a FULL_CHAR */
+static FULL_CHAR *chpt; /* pointer to current text character */
+static FULL_CHAR *frst; /* address of first buffer character */
+static FULL_CHAR *limit; /* just past last char in buffer */
+static FULL_CHAR *buf; /* the character buffer start pos */
+static int blksize; /* size of block read; others too */
+static FULL_CHAR last_char; /* last char read in from file */
+static FULL_CHAR *startline; /* position in buff of last newline */
+static FILE_NUM this_file; /* number of currently open file */
+static FILE *fp; /* current input file */
+static FILE_POS file_pos; /* current file position */
+static short ftype; /* the type of the current file */
+static OBJECT next_token; /* next token if already read */
+static int offset; /* where to start reading in file */
+static int first_line_num; /* number of first line (if offset) */
+static BOOLEAN same_file; /* TRUE if same file as preceding */
+static FULL_CHAR *mem_block; /* file buffer */
+static int stack_free; /* first free slot in lexical stack */
+static struct {
+ FULL_CHAR *chpt; /* pointer to current text character */
+ FULL_CHAR *frst; /* address of first buffer character */
+ FULL_CHAR *limit; /* just past last char in buffer */
+ FULL_CHAR *buf; /* the character buffer start pos */
+ int blksize; /* size of block read; others too */
+ FULL_CHAR last_char; /* last char read in from file */
+ FULL_CHAR *startline; /* position in buff of last newline */
+ FILE_NUM this_file; /* number of currently open file */
+ FILE *fp; /* current input file */
+ FILE_POS file_pos; /* current file position */
+ short ftype; /* the type of the current file */
+ OBJECT next_token; /* next token if already read */
+ int offset; /* where to start reading in file */
+ int first_line_num; /* number of first line (if offset) */
+ BOOLEAN same_file; /* TRUE if same file as preceding */
+ long save_ftell; /* ftell() position if same_file */
+ FULL_CHAR *mem_block; /* file buffer */
+} lex_stack[MAX_LEX_STACK];
+/*@::LexLegalName(), LexInit()@***********************************************/
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN LexLegalName(str) */
+/* */
+/* Check whether str is a valid name for a symbol table entry. */
+/* Valid names have the BNF form */
+/* */
+/* <name> ::= <letter> { <letter> } */
+/* <name> ::= <special> { <special> } */
+/* <name> ::= <escape> { <letter> } */
+/* */
+/* The third form is inaccessible to users and is for internal use only. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN LexLegalName(FULL_CHAR *str)
+{ int i; BOOLEAN res;
+ debug1(DLA, DDD, "LexLegalName( %s )", str);
+ switch( chtbl[str[0]] )
+ {
+ case ESCAPE:
+ case LETTER:
+ for( i = 1; chtbl[str[i]] == LETTER; i++ );
+ res = str[i] == '\0';
+ break;
+ case OTHER:
+ for( i = 1; chtbl[str[i]] == OTHER; i++ );
+ res = str[i] == '\0';
+ break;
+ default:
+ res = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug1(DLA, DDD, "LexLegalName returning %s", bool(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end LexLegalName */
+/* */
+/* LexInit() */
+/* */
+/* Initialise character types. Those not touched are 0 (OTHER). */
+/* The function initchtbl() assists in initializing the chtbl. */
+/* */
+static void initchtbl(val, str)
+int val; FULL_CHAR *str;
+{ int i;
+ for( i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+ chtbl[ str[i] ] = val;
+} /* end initchtbl */
+void LexInit(void)
+ initchtbl(QUOTE, STR_QUOTE);
+ initchtbl(ESCAPE, STR_ESCAPE);
+ initchtbl(COMMENT, STR_COMMENT);
+ initchtbl(CSPACE, STR_SPACE);
+ initchtbl(TAB, STR_TAB);
+ initchtbl(NEWLINE, STR_NEWLINE);
+ chtbl['\0'] = ENDFILE;
+ stack_free = -1;
+} /* end LexInit */
+/*@::LexPush(), LexPop()@*****************************************************/
+/* */
+/* LexPush(x, offs, ftype, lnum, same) */
+/* */
+/* Start reading from the file sequence whose first file is x (subsequent */
+/* files are obtained from NextFile). The first file (x) is to be fseeked */
+/* to offs. When the sequence is done, ftype determines how to continue: */
+/* */
+/* ftype action */
+/* */
+/* SOURCE_FILE last input file ends, return @End \Input */
+/* DATABASE_FILE database file, return @End \Input */
+/* INCLUDE_FILE include file, must pop lexical analyser and continue */
+/* FILTER_FILE filter file, return @End @FilterOut */
+/* */
+/* lnum is the line number at offs, to be used when creating file pos's */
+/* in the tokens returned. same is TRUE when this file is the same as */
+/* the file currently being read, in which case there is no need to */
+/* close that file and open this one; just an fseek is required. */
+/* */
+void LexPush(FILE_NUM x, int offs, int ftyp, int lnum, BOOLEAN same)
+{ int i;
+ debug5(DLA, DD, "LexPush(%s, %d, %s, %d, %s)", FileName(x), offs,
+ ftyp==SOURCE_FILE ? "source" : ftyp==INCLUDE_FILE ? "include":"database",
+ lnum, bool(same));
+ if( stack_free >= MAX_LEX_STACK - 1 )
+ { if( ftyp == INCLUDE_FILE )
+ Error(2, 1, "too many open files when opening include file %s; open files are:",
+ WARN, PosOfFile(x), FullFileName(x));
+ else
+ Error(2, 2, "too many open files when opening database file %s; open files are:",
+ WARN, PosOfFile(x), FileName(x));
+ for( i = stack_free - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+ {
+ Error(2, 23, " %s", WARN, no_fpos,
+ EchoFileSource(lex_stack[i].this_file));
+ }
+ Error(2, 24, "exiting now", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ }
+ if( stack_free >= 0 ) /* save current state */
+ { lex_stack[stack_free].chpt = chpt;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].frst = frst;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].limit = limit;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].buf = buf;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].blksize = blksize;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].last_char = last_char;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].startline = startline;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].this_file = this_file;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].fp = fp;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].ftype = ftype;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].next_token = next_token;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].offset = offset;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].first_line_num = first_line_num;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].same_file = same_file;
+ lex_stack[stack_free].mem_block = mem_block;
+ FposCopy( lex_stack[stack_free].file_pos, file_pos );
+ }
+ stack_free += 1;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D,
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LEX,1, (MAX_LINE+BUFFER_SIZE+2)*sizeof(FULL_CHAR)));
+ mem_block = (FULL_CHAR *) malloc((MAX_LINE+BUFFER_SIZE+2)*sizeof(FULL_CHAR));
+ if( mem_block == NULL )
+ Error(2, 3, "run out of memory when opening file %s",
+ FATAL, PosOfFile(x), FullFileName(x));
+ buf = chpt = &mem_block[MAX_LINE];
+ last_char = CH_NEWLINE;
+ this_file = x; offset = offs;
+ first_line_num = lnum; same_file = same;
+ ftype = ftyp; next_token = nilobj;
+ *chpt = '\0';
+ if( same_file )
+ { lex_stack[stack_free-1].save_ftell = ftell(fp);
+ }
+ else
+ { fp = null;
+ }
+} /* end LexPush */
+/* */
+/* LexPop() - pop lexical analyser. */
+/* */
+void LexPop(void)
+{ debug0(DLA, DD, "LexPop()");
+ assert( stack_free > 0, "LexPop: stack_free <= 0!" );
+ stack_free--;
+ if( same_file )
+ { fseek(fp, lex_stack[stack_free].save_ftell, SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ else
+ { if( fp != null ) fclose(fp);
+ }
+ ifdebug(DMA, D,
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LEX,-1,-(MAX_LINE+BUFFER_SIZE+2)* (int) sizeof(FULL_CHAR))
+ );
+ free( (char *) mem_block);
+ mem_block = lex_stack[stack_free].mem_block;
+ chpt = lex_stack[stack_free].chpt;
+ frst = lex_stack[stack_free].frst;
+ limit = lex_stack[stack_free].limit;
+ buf = lex_stack[stack_free].buf;
+ blksize = lex_stack[stack_free].blksize;
+ last_char = lex_stack[stack_free].last_char;
+ startline = lex_stack[stack_free].startline;
+ this_file = lex_stack[stack_free].this_file;
+ fp = lex_stack[stack_free].fp;
+ ftype = lex_stack[stack_free].ftype;
+ next_token = lex_stack[stack_free].next_token;
+ offset = lex_stack[stack_free].offset;
+ first_line_num = lex_stack[stack_free].first_line_num;
+ same_file = lex_stack[stack_free].same_file;
+ FposCopy( file_pos, lex_stack[stack_free].file_pos );
+} /* end LexPop */
+/*@::setword(), LexNextTokenPos(), srcnext()@*********************************/
+/* */
+/* setword(typ, res, file_pos, str, len) */
+/* */
+/* Set variable res to a WORD or QWORD token containing string str, etc. */
+/* */
+#define setword(typ, res, file_pos, str, len) \
+{ NewWord(res, typ, len, &file_pos); \
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), file_pos); \
+ for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) string(res)[c] = str[c]; \
+ string(res)[c] = '\0'; \
+/* */
+/* long LexNextTokenPos() */
+/* */
+/* Equivalent to ftell() on the (buffered) current lex file. */
+/* */
+long LexNextTokenPos(void)
+{ long res;
+ if( next_token != nilobj )
+ Error(2, 4, "illegal macro invocation in database",
+ FATAL, &fpos(next_token));
+ res = ftell(fp) - (limit - chpt) - (buf - frst);
+#if DB_FIX
+ /* uwe: 1997-11-04
+ *
+ * On NT under Visual C++ ftell() and fseek() always use binary
+ * positions, even if the file was opened in text mode. This means
+ * that every LF in between the CHPT and LIMIT was counted by
+ * ftell() as *TWO* bytes. The pointer arithmetic above adjusts the
+ * ftold value as lout has not yet read chars past CHPT, but it
+ * counts each LF as *ONE* byte, naturally.
+ *
+ * The code below compensates for this binary/text brain death.
+ *
+ * PS: gcc from Cygnus' gnuwin32 has sane ftell() and does *NOT*
+ * need this workaround (I haven't tried compiling lout with gcc
+ * though, as the result will need cygwin.dll to run).
+ */
+ {
+ register FULL_CHAR *p;
+ for (p = chpt; p < limit; ++p) {
+ if (*p == (FULL_CHAR) CH_NEWLINE)
+ --res;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* DB_FIX */
+ debug1(DLA, DD, "LexNextTokenPos() returning %ld", res);
+ return res;
+/* */
+/* static srcnext() */
+/* */
+/* Move to new line of input file. May need to recharge buffer. */
+/* */
+static void srcnext(void)
+{ register FULL_CHAR *col;
+ debugcond4(DLA, DD, stack_free <= 1,
+ "srcnext(); buf: %d, chpt: %d, frst: %d, limit: %d",
+ buf - mem_block, chpt - mem_block, frst - mem_block, limit - mem_block);
+ /* if time to transfer last line to area preceding buffer, do so */
+ if( blksize != 0 && chpt < limit )
+ { debugcond0(DLA, DD, stack_free <= 1, "srcnext: transferring.");
+ col = buf;
+ while( (*--col = *--limit) != CH_NEWLINE );
+ frst = col + 1; limit++; blksize = 0;
+ }
+ /* if buffer is empty, read next block */
+ /*** changed by JK 9/92 from "if( chpt == limit )" to fix long lines bug */
+ if( chpt >= limit )
+ { if( chpt > limit )
+ { col_num(file_pos) = 1;
+ Error(2, 5, "line is too long (or final newline missing)",
+ FATAL, &file_pos);
+ }
+ chpt = frst;
+ blksize = fread( (char *) buf, sizeof(char), BUFFER_SIZE, fp);
+ if( blksize > 0 )
+ last_char = *(buf + blksize - 1);
+ if( blksize < BUFFER_SIZE && last_char != CH_NEWLINE )
+ {
+ /* at end of file since blksize = 0; so add missing newline char */
+ blksize++;
+ last_char = *(buf+blksize-1) = CH_NEWLINE;
+ }
+ debugcond4(DLA, DD, stack_free <= 1,
+ "srcnext: %d = fread(0x%x, %d, %d, fp)",
+ blksize, buf, sizeof(char), BUFFER_SIZE);
+ frst = buf; limit = buf + blksize; *limit = CH_NEWLINE;
+ }
+ /* if nothing more to read, make this clear */
+ if( chpt >= limit )
+ { debugcond0(DLA, DD, stack_free <= 1, "srcnext: nothing more to read");
+ chpt = limit = buf; *limit = '\0';
+ }
+ debugcond4(DLA, DD, stack_free <= 1,
+ "srcnext returning; buf: %d, chpt: %d, frst: %d, limit: %d",
+ buf - mem_block, chpt - mem_block, frst - mem_block, limit - mem_block);
+} /* end srcnext */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT LexGetToken() */
+/* */
+/* Get next token from input. Look it up in symbol table. */
+/* */
+OBJECT LexGetToken(void)
+ FULL_CHAR *startpos; /* where the latest token started */
+ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q; /* pointer to current input char */
+ register int c; /* temporary character (really char) */
+ OBJECT res; /* result token */
+ int vcount, hcount; /* no. of newlines and spaces seen */
+ if( next_token != nilobj )
+ { next_token = Delete(res = next_token, PARENT);
+ debugcond4(DLA, DD, stack_free <= 1,
+ "LexGetToken%s (in macro) returning %d.%d %s",
+ EchoFilePos(&file_pos), vspace(res), hspace(res), EchoToken(res));
+ return res;
+ }
+ res = nilobj; p = chpt;
+ vcount = hcount = 0;
+ do switch( chtbl[*p++] )
+ {
+ case ESCAPE:
+ if( ftype==DATABASE_FILE && *p>='a' && *p<='z' && *(p+1) == '{' /*}*/ )
+ { res = NewToken(LBR, &file_pos, 0, 0, (unsigned) *p, StartSym);
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ col_num(file_pos) = (startpos = p-1) - startline;
+ Error(2, 6, "character %c outside quoted string",
+ WARN, &file_pos, *startpos);
+ }
+ break;
+ case COMMENT:
+ debug1(DLA, DDD, "LexGetToken%s: comment", EchoFilePos(&file_pos));
+ while( (c = *p++) != CH_NEWLINE && c != '\0' );
+ if( c == CH_NEWLINE )
+ {
+ /* do NEWLINE action, only preserve existing horizontal space */
+ /* and don't count the newline in the vcount. */
+ chpt = p; srcnext();
+ line_num(file_pos)++;
+ col_num(file_pos) = 0;
+ startline = (p = chpt) - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ --p;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CSPACE:
+ case FORMFEED:
+ hcount++;
+ break;
+ case TAB:
+ hcount += 8;
+ break;
+ case NEWLINE:
+ chpt = p; srcnext();
+ line_num(file_pos)++;
+ col_num(file_pos) = 0;
+ vcount++; hcount = 0;
+ startline = (p = chpt) - 1;
+ break;
+ case ENDFILE:
+ debug0(DLA, DDD, "LexGetToken: endfile");
+ if( !same_file )
+ {
+ /* close current file, if any */
+ if( fp != null )
+ { fclose(fp); fp = null;
+ this_file = ftype == SOURCE_FILE ? NextFile(this_file) : NO_FILE;
+ }
+ /* open next file */
+ while( this_file != NO_FILE )
+ { file_num(file_pos) = this_file;
+ line_num(file_pos) = 1;
+ col_num(file_pos) = 0;
+ fp = OpenFile(this_file, FALSE, TRUE);
+ if( fp != null ) break;
+ Error(2, 7, "cannot open file %s",
+ WARN, &file_pos, FullFileName(this_file));
+ this_file = ftype == SOURCE_FILE ? NextFile(this_file) : NO_FILE;
+ }
+ }
+ if( fp != null )
+ { if( offset != 0 )
+ { debugcond1(DLA, DD, stack_free <= 1, "fseek(fp, %d, SEEK_SET)", offset);
+ fseek(fp, (long) offset, SEEK_SET);
+ offset = 0L;
+ line_num(file_pos) = first_line_num;
+ }
+ frst = limit = chpt = buf;
+ blksize = 0; last_char = CH_NEWLINE;
+ srcnext();
+ startline = (p = chpt) - 1;
+ hcount = 0;
+ }
+ /* no next file, so take continuation */
+ else switch( ftype )
+ {
+ /* input ends with "@End \Input" then UNEXPECTED_EOF */
+ res = NewToken(END, &file_pos, 0, 0, END_PREC, StartSym);
+ next_token = NewToken(UNEXPECTED_EOF, &file_pos,0,0,NO_PREC,nilobj);
+ --p; startline = p;
+ break;
+ /* input ends with "@End @FilterOut" */
+ res = NewToken(END, &file_pos, 0, 0, END_PREC, FilterOutSym);
+ /* ***
+ next_token = NewToken(CLOSURE,&file_pos,0,0,NO_PREC,FilterOutSym);
+ *** */
+ --p; startline = p;
+ break;
+ LexPop();
+ p = chpt;
+ hcount = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "unknown file type");
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ break;
+ case OTHER:
+ col_num(file_pos) = (startpos = p-1) - startline;
+ while( chtbl[*p++] == OTHER );
+ c = p - startpos - 1;
+ do
+ { res = SearchSym(startpos, c);
+ --c; --p;
+ } while( c > 0 && res == nilobj );
+ goto MORE; /* 7 lines down */
+ case LETTER:
+ col_num(file_pos) = (startpos = p-1) - startline;
+ while( chtbl[*p++] == LETTER ); --p;
+ res = SearchSym(startpos, p - startpos);
+ MORE: if( res == nilobj )
+ { setword(WORD, res, file_pos, startpos, p-startpos);
+ }
+ else if( type(res) == MACRO )
+ { if( recursive(res) )
+ { Error(2, 8, "recursion in macro", WARN, &file_pos);
+ setword(WORD, res, file_pos, startpos, p-startpos);
+ }
+ else
+ { res = CopyTokenList( sym_body(res), &file_pos );
+ if( res != nilobj ) next_token = Delete(res, PARENT);
+ else hcount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( predefined(res) == 0 )
+ { res = NewToken(CLOSURE, &file_pos, 0, 0, precedence(res), res);
+ }
+ else if( predefined(res) == INCLUDE || predefined(res) == SYS_INCLUDE )
+ { OBJECT t, fname; FILE_NUM fnum; int len; BOOLEAN scope_suppressed;
+ chpt = p;
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ scope_suppressed = (type(t)==WORD && StringEqual(string(t), KW_LBR));
+ if( type(t)!=LBR && !scope_suppressed )
+ { Error(2, 9, "%s expected (after %s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), KW_LBR, SymName(res));
+ Dispose(t);
+ res = nilobj;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( scope_suppressed )
+ { UnSuppressScope();
+ Dispose(t);
+ New(t, LBR);
+ }
+ fname = Parse(&t, nilobj, FALSE, FALSE);
+ fname = ReplaceWithTidy(fname, FALSE);
+ if( scope_suppressed ) SuppressScope();
+ if( !is_word(type(fname)) )
+ { Error(2, 10, "name of include file expected here",
+ WARN, &fpos(fname));
+ Dispose(fname);
+ res = nilobj;
+ break;
+ }
+ len = StringLength(string(fname)) - StringLength(SOURCE_SUFFIX);
+ if( len >= 0 && StringEqual(&string(fname)[len], SOURCE_SUFFIX) )
+ StringCopy(&string(fname)[len], STR_EMPTY);
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from LexGetToken");
+ fnum = DefineFile(string(fname), STR_EMPTY, &fpos(fname),
+ Dispose(fname);
+ LexPush(fnum, 0, INCLUDE_FILE, 1, FALSE);
+ res = LexGetToken();
+ vcount++; /** TEST ADDITION! **/
+ p = chpt;
+ }
+ else if( predefined(res) == END )
+ res = NewToken(predefined(res), &file_pos,0,0,precedence(res),nilobj);
+ else
+ res = NewToken(predefined(res), &file_pos,0,0,precedence(res),res);
+ break;
+ case QUOTE:
+ col_num(file_pos) = (startpos = q = p) - 1 - startline;
+ do switch( chtbl[*q++ = *p++] )
+ {
+ case OTHER:
+ case LETTER:
+ case COMMENT:
+ case CSPACE:
+ case FORMFEED:
+ case TAB: break;
+ case NEWLINE:
+ case ENDFILE: --p;
+ Error(2, 11, "unterminated string", WARN, &file_pos);
+ setword(QWORD, res, file_pos, startpos, q-1-startpos);
+ break;
+ case QUOTE: setword(QWORD, res, file_pos, startpos, q-1-startpos);
+ break;
+ case ESCAPE: q--;
+ if( chtbl[*p] == NEWLINE || chtbl[*p] == ENDFILE )
+ { Error(2, 12, "unterminated string", WARN, &file_pos);
+ setword(QWORD, res, file_pos, startpos, q-startpos);
+ }
+ else if( octaldigit(*p) )
+ { int count, ch;
+ count = ch = 0;
+ do
+ { ch = ch * 8 + digitchartonum(*p++);
+ count++;
+ } while( octaldigit(*p) && count < 3 );
+ if( ch == '\0' )
+ Error(2, 13, "skipping null character in string",
+ WARN, &file_pos);
+ else *q++ = ch;
+ }
+ else *q++ = *p++;
+ break;
+ default: Error(2, 14, "LexGetToken: error in quoted string",
+ INTERN, &file_pos);
+ break;
+ } while( res == nilobj );
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "LexGetToken: bad chtbl[]");
+ break;
+ } while( res == nilobj );
+ if( p - startline >= MAX_LINE )
+ { col_num(file_pos) = 1;
+ Error(2, 15, "line is too long (or final newline missing)",FATAL,&file_pos);
+ }
+ chpt = p;
+ vspace(res) = vcount;
+ hspace(res) = hcount;
+ debugcond5(DLA, DD, stack_free <= 1, "LexGetToken%s returning %s %s %d.%d",
+ EchoFilePos(&file_pos), Image(type(res)), EchoToken(res),
+ vspace(res), hspace(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end LexGetToken */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT LexScanVerbatim(fp, end_stop, err_pos, lessskip) */
+/* */
+/* Scan input file and transfer to filter file fp, or if that is NULL, make */
+/* a VCAT of objects, one per line (or just a WORD if one line only), and */
+/* return that object as the result. If end_stop, terminate at @End, else */
+/* terminate at matching right brace. */
+/* */
+/* If lessskip is true it means that we should skip only up to and */
+/* including the first newline character, as opposed to the usual */
+/* skipping of all initial white space characters. */
+/* */
+#define print(ch) \
+{ debug2(DLA, D, "print(%c), bufftop = %d", ch, bufftop); \
+ if( fp == NULL ) \
+ { if( bufftop < MAX_BUFF ) \
+ { if( chtbl[ch] == NEWLINE ) \
+ { res = BuildLines(res, buff, &bufftop); \
+ } \
+ else buff[bufftop++] = ch; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else putc(ch, fp); \
+#define clear() \
+{ int i; \
+ for( i = 0; i < hs_top; i++ ) print(hs_buff[i]); \
+ hs_top = 0; \
+#define hold(ch) \
+{ if( hs_top == MAX_BUFF ) clear(); \
+ hs_buff[hs_top++] = ch; \
+static OBJECT BuildLines(OBJECT current, FULL_CHAR *buff, int *bufftop)
+{ OBJECT wd, res, gp, gpword; int c;
+ /* build a new word and reset the buffer */
+ setword(WORD, wd, file_pos, buff, *bufftop);
+ debug1(DLA, D, "BuildLines(current, %s)", EchoObject(wd));
+ *bufftop = 0;
+ if( current == nilobj )
+ {
+ /* if this is the first word, make it the result */
+ res = wd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* if this is the second word, make the result a VCAT */
+ if( type(current) == WORD )
+ { New(res, VCAT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(current));
+ Link(res, current);
+ }
+ else res = current;
+ /* now attach the new word to res, preceded by a one-line gap */
+ New(gp, GAP_OBJ);
+ mark(gap(gp)) = FALSE;
+ join(gap(gp)) = FALSE;
+ FposCopy(fpos(gp), file_pos);
+ gpword = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("1vx"), &file_pos);
+ Link(gp, gpword);
+ Link(res, gp);
+ Link(res, wd);
+ }
+ debug1(DLA, D, "BuildLines returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+OBJECT LexScanVerbatim(fp, end_stop, err_pos, lessskip)
+FILE *fp; BOOLEAN end_stop; FILE_POS *err_pos; BOOLEAN lessskip;
+ register FULL_CHAR *p; /* pointer to current input char */
+ int depth; /* depth of nesting of { ... } */
+ BOOLEAN finished; /* TRUE when finished */
+ BOOLEAN skipping; /* TRUE when skipping initial spaces */
+ FULL_CHAR hs_buff[MAX_BUFF]; /* hold spaces here in case last */
+ int hs_top; /* next free spot in hs_buff */
+ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF]; /* hold line here if not to file */
+ int bufftop; /* top of buff */
+ OBJECT res = nilobj; /* result object if not to file */
+ debug3(DLA, D, "LexScanVerbatim(fp, %s, %s, %s)",
+ bool(end_stop), EchoFilePos(err_pos), bool(lessskip));
+ if( next_token != nilobj )
+ { Error(2, 16, "filter parameter in macro", FATAL, err_pos);
+ }
+ p = chpt; depth = 0;
+ finished = FALSE;
+ skipping = TRUE;
+ hs_top = 0;
+ bufftop = 0;
+ while( !finished ) switch( chtbl[*p++] )
+ {
+ case ESCAPE:
+ case COMMENT:
+ case QUOTE:
+ skipping = FALSE;
+ clear();
+ print(*(p-1));
+ break;
+ case CSPACE:
+ case TAB:
+ if( !skipping ) hold(*(p-1));
+ break;
+ case NEWLINE:
+ if( !skipping ) hold(*(p-1));
+ if( lessskip ) skipping = FALSE;
+ chpt = p; srcnext();
+ line_num(file_pos)++;
+ col_num(file_pos) = 0;
+ startline = (p = chpt) - 1;
+ break;
+ case ENDFILE:
+ if( fp == NULL )
+ Error(2, 22, "end of file reached while reading %s",
+ FATAL, err_pos, lessskip ? KW_VERBATIM : KW_RAWVERBATIM);
+ else
+ Error(2, 17, "end of file reached while reading filter parameter",
+ FATAL, err_pos);
+ break;
+ case OTHER:
+ skipping = FALSE;
+ if( *(p-1) == '{' /*}*/ )
+ { clear();
+ print(*(p-1));
+ depth++;
+ }
+ else if( *(p-1) == /*{*/ '}' )
+ { if( !end_stop && depth == 0 )
+ { p--;
+ finished = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ { clear();
+ print(*(p-1));
+ depth--;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { clear();
+ print(*(p-1));
+ }
+ break;
+ case LETTER:
+ skipping = FALSE;
+ if( *(p-1) == '@' )
+ {
+ p--;
+ if( end_stop && StringBeginsWith(p, KW_END) )
+ { finished = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( StringBeginsWith(p, KW_INCLUDE) ||
+ StringBeginsWith(p, KW_SYSINCLUDE) )
+ { OBJECT incl_fname, t; FILE *incl_fp; int ch; FILE_NUM fnum;
+ BOOLEAN sysinc = StringBeginsWith(p, KW_SYSINCLUDE);
+ clear();
+ p += sysinc ? StringLength(KW_SYSINCLUDE):StringLength(KW_INCLUDE);
+ chpt = p;
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != LBR ) Error(2, 18, "expected %s here (after %s)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(t), KW_LBR, sysinc ? KW_SYSINCLUDE : KW_INCLUDE);
+ incl_fname = Parse(&t, nilobj, FALSE, FALSE);
+ p = chpt;
+ incl_fname = ReplaceWithTidy(incl_fname, FALSE);
+ if( !is_word(type(incl_fname)) )
+ Error(2, 19, "expected file name here", FATAL,&fpos(incl_fname));
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from LexScanVerbatim");
+ fnum = DefineFile(string(incl_fname), STR_EMPTY, &fpos(incl_fname),
+ Dispose(incl_fname);
+ incl_fp = OpenFile(fnum, FALSE, TRUE);
+ if( incl_fp == NULL )
+ Error(2, 20, "cannot open include file %s",
+ FATAL, PosOfFile(fnum), FullFileName(fnum));
+ while( (ch = getc(incl_fp)) != EOF )
+ print(ch);
+ fclose(incl_fp);
+ }
+ else
+ { clear();
+ print(*p);
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { clear();
+ print(*(p-1));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "LexScanVerbatim: bad chtbl[]");
+ break;
+ };
+ print('\n');
+ if( p - startline >= MAX_LINE )
+ { col_num(file_pos) = 1;
+ Error(2, 21, "line is too long (or final newline missing)",FATAL,&file_pos);
+ }
+ chpt = p;
+ if( fp == NULL && res == nilobj )
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &file_pos);
+ debug2(DLA, D, "LexScanVerbatim returning %s at %s",
+ EchoObject(res), EchoFilePos(&file_pos));
+ return res;
+} /* end LexScanVerbatim */
diff --git a/z03.c b/z03.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b2af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z03.c
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+/*@z03.c:File Service:Declarations, no_fpos@******************************** */
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z03.c */
+/* MODULE: File Service */
+/* EXTERNS: InitFiles(), AddToPath(), DefineFile(), FirstFile(), */
+/* NextFile(), FileNum(), FileName(), EchoFilePos(), */
+/* PosOfFile(), OpenFile(), OpenIncGraphicFile() */
+/* EchoFileFrom() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#define INIT_TAB 3 /* initial file table size */
+#define file_number(x) word_font(x) /* file number of file x */
+#define type_of_file(x) word_colour(x) /* type of file x */
+#define used_suffix(x) word_hyph(x) /* file needs .lt suffix */
+#define updated(x) fwd(x, COLM) /* TRUE when x is updated */
+#define line_count(x) fwd(x, ROWM) /* number of lines written */
+#define path(x) back(x, COLM) /* search path for file x */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* A symbol table permitting access to file records by number or name. */
+/* The table will automatically enlarge to accept any number of entries, */
+/* but there is an arbitrary limit of 65535 files imposed so that file */
+/* numbers can be stored in 16 bit fields. */
+/* */
+/* ftab_new(newsize) New empty table, newsize capacity */
+/* ftab_insert(x, &S) Insert new file object x into S */
+/* ftab_retrieve(str, S) Retrieve file object of name str */
+/* ftab_num(S, num) Retrieve file object of number num */
+/* ftab_debug(S, fp) Debug print of table S to file fp */
+/* */
+typedef struct
+{ int filetab_size; /* size of table */
+ int filetab_count; /* number of files in table */
+ struct filetab_rec
+ { OBJECT by_number; /* file record by number */
+ OBJECT by_name_hash; /* file record by name hash */
+ } filetab[1];
+#define ftab_size(S) (S)->filetab_size
+#define ftab_count(S) (S)->filetab_count
+#define ftab_num(S, i) (S)->filetab[i].by_number
+#define ftab_name(S, i) (S)->filetab[i].by_name_hash
+#define hash(pos, str, S) \
+{ FULL_CHAR *p = str; \
+ pos = *p++; \
+ while( *p ) pos += *p++; \
+ pos = pos % ftab_size(S); \
+static FILE_TABLE ftab_new(int newsize)
+{ FILE_TABLE S; int i;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FILES, 1,
+ 2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(struct filetab_rec)));
+ S = (FILE_TABLE) malloc(2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(struct filetab_rec));
+ if( S == (FILE_TABLE) NULL )
+ Error(3, 1, "run out of memory when enlarging file table", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ ftab_size(S) = newsize;
+ ftab_count(S) = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < newsize; i++ )
+ { ftab_num(S, i) = ftab_name(S, i) = nilobj;
+ }
+ return S;
+} /* end ftab_new */
+static void ftab_insert(OBJECT x, FILE_TABLE *S);
+static FILE_TABLE ftab_rehash(FILE_TABLE S, int newsize)
+{ FILE_TABLE NewS; int i;
+ NewS = ftab_new(newsize);
+ for( i = 1; i <= ftab_count(S); i++ )
+ ftab_insert(ftab_num(S, i), &NewS);
+ for( i = 0; i < ftab_size(S); i++ )
+ { if( ftab_name(S, i) != nilobj ) DisposeObject(ftab_name(S, i));
+ }
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FILES, -1,
+ -(2*sizeof(int) + ftab_size(S) * sizeof(struct filetab_rec))));
+ free(S);
+ return NewS;
+} /* end ftab_rehash */
+static void ftab_insert(OBJECT x, FILE_TABLE *S)
+{ int pos, num;
+ if( ftab_count(*S) == ftab_size(*S) - 1 ) /* one less since 0 unused */
+ *S = ftab_rehash(*S, 2*ftab_size(*S));
+ num = ++ftab_count(*S);
+ if( num > MAX_FILES )
+ Error(3, 2, "too many files (maximum is %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), MAX_FILES);
+ hash(pos, string(x), *S);
+ if( ftab_name(*S, pos) == nilobj ) New(ftab_name(*S, pos), ACAT);
+ Link(ftab_name(*S, pos), x);
+ file_number(x) = num;
+ ftab_num(*S, num) = x;
+} /* end ftab_insert */
+static OBJECT ftab_retrieve(FULL_CHAR *str, FILE_TABLE S)
+{ OBJECT x, link, y; int pos;
+ hash(pos, str, S);
+ x = ftab_name(S, pos);
+ if( x == nilobj ) return nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( StringEqual(str, string(y)) ) return y;
+ }
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end ftab_retrieve */
+static void ftab_debug(FILE_TABLE S, FILE *fp)
+{ int i; OBJECT x, link, y;
+ fprintf(fp, " table size: %d; current number of files: %d\n",
+ ftab_size(S), ftab_count(S));
+ for( i = 0; i < ftab_size(S); i++ )
+ { x = ftab_num(S, i);
+ fprintf(fp, " ftab_num(S, %d) = %s\n", i,
+ x == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("<nilobj>") :
+ !is_word(type(x)) ? AsciiToFull("not WORD!") : string(x) );
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ for( i = 0; i < ftab_size(S); i++ )
+ { x = ftab_name(S, i);
+ fprintf(fp, " ftab_name(S, %d) =", i);
+ if( x == nilobj )
+ fprintf(fp, " <nilobj>");
+ else if( type(x) != ACAT )
+ fprintf(fp, " not ACAT!");
+ else for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ fprintf(fp, " %s",
+ is_word(type(y)) ? string(y) : AsciiToFull("not-WORD!"));
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+} /* end ftab_debug */
+static char *file_types[] /* the type names for debug */
+ = { "source", "include", "incgraphic", "database", "index",
+ "font", "prepend", "hyph", "hyphpacked",
+ "mapping", "filter" };
+static OBJECT empty_path; /* file path with just "" in */
+static FILE_TABLE file_tab; /* the file table */
+static OBJECT file_type[MAX_TYPES]; /* files of each type */
+static OBJECT file_path[MAX_PATHS]; /* the search paths */
+static char *file_mode[MAX_TYPES] =
+/* */
+/* no_fpos */
+/* */
+/* A null file position value. */
+/* */
+static FILE_POS no_file_pos = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+FILE_POS *no_fpos = &no_file_pos;
+/*@::InitFiles(), AddToPath(), DefineFile()@**********************************/
+/* */
+/* InitFiles() */
+/* */
+/* Initialize this module. */
+/* */
+void InitFiles(void)
+{ int i; OBJECT tmp;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_TYPES; i++ ) New(file_type[i], ACAT);
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_PATHS; i++ ) New(file_path[i], ACAT);
+ file_tab = ftab_new(INIT_TAB);
+ New(empty_path, ACAT);
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, no_fpos);
+ Link(empty_path, tmp);
+} /* end InitFiles */
+/* */
+/* AddToPath(fpath, dirname) */
+/* */
+/* Add the directory dirname to the end of search path fpath. */
+/* */
+void AddToPath(int fpath, OBJECT dirname)
+{ Link(file_path[fpath], dirname);
+} /* end AddToPath */
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM DefineFile(str, suffix, xfpos, ftype, fpath) */
+/* */
+/* Declare a file whose name is str plus suffix and whose fpos is xfpos. */
+/* The file type is ftype, and its search path is fpath. */
+/* */
+FILE_NUM DefineFile(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *suffix,
+FILE_POS *xfpos, int ftype, int fpath)
+{ register int i;
+ OBJECT fname;
+ assert( ftype < MAX_TYPES, "DefineFile: ftype!" );
+ debug5(DFS, DD, "DefineFile(%s, %s,%s, %s, %d)",
+ str, suffix, EchoFilePos(xfpos), file_types[ftype], fpath);
+ if( ftype == SOURCE_FILE && (i = StringLength(str)) >= 3 )
+ {
+ /* check that file name does not end in ".li" or ".ld" */
+ if( StringEqual(&str[i-StringLength(DATA_SUFFIX)], DATA_SUFFIX) )
+ Error(3, 3, "database file %s where source file expected",
+ FATAL, xfpos, str);
+ if( StringEqual(&str[i-StringLength(INDEX_SUFFIX)], INDEX_SUFFIX) )
+ Error(3, 4, "database index file %s where source file expected",
+ FATAL, xfpos, str);
+ }
+ if( StringLength(str) + StringLength(suffix) >= MAX_WORD )
+ Error(3, 5, "file name %s%s is too long", FATAL, no_fpos, str, suffix);
+ fname = MakeWordTwo(WORD, str, suffix, xfpos);
+ Link(file_type[ftype], fname);
+ path(fname) = fpath;
+ updated(fname) = FALSE;
+ line_count(fname) = 0;
+ type_of_file(fname) = ftype;
+ used_suffix(fname) = FALSE;
+ ftab_insert(fname, &file_tab);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "DefineFile returning %s", string(fname));
+ ifdebug(DFS, DD, ftab_debug(file_tab, stderr));
+ return file_number(fname);
+} /* end DefineFile */
+/*@::FirstFile(), NextFile(), FileNum()@**************************************/
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM FirstFile(ftype) */
+/* */
+/* Returns first file of type ftype, else NO_FILE. */
+/* */
+FILE_NUM FirstFile(int ftype)
+{ FILE_NUM i;
+ OBJECT link, y;
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FirstFile( %s )", file_types[ftype]);
+ link = Down(file_type[ftype]);
+ if( type(link) == ACAT ) i = NO_FILE;
+ else
+ { Child(y, link);
+ i = file_number(y);
+ }
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FirstFile returning %s", i==NO_FILE ? STR_NONE : FileName(i));
+ return i;
+} /* end FirstFile */
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM NextFile(i) */
+/* */
+/* Returns the next file after file i of the type of i, else NO_FILE. */
+/* */
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "NextFile( %s )", FileName(i));
+ link = NextDown(Up(ftab_num(file_tab, i)));
+ if( type(link) == ACAT ) i = NO_FILE;
+ else
+ { Child(y, link);
+ i = file_number(y);
+ }
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "NextFile returning %s", i==NO_FILE ? STR_NONE : FileName(i));
+ return i;
+} /* end NextFile */
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM FileNum(str, suffix) */
+/* */
+/* Return the number of the file with name str plus suffix, else NO_FILE. */
+/* */
+FILE_NUM FileNum(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *suffix)
+{ register int i; OBJECT fname;
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "FileNum(%s, %s)", str, suffix);
+ if( StringLength(str) + StringLength(suffix) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(3, 6, "file name %s%s is too long", FATAL, no_fpos, str, suffix);
+ StringCopy(buff, str);
+ StringCat(buff, suffix);
+ fname = ftab_retrieve(buff, file_tab);
+ i = fname == nilobj ? NO_FILE : file_number(fname);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FileNum returning %s",
+ i == NO_FILE ? STR_NONE : FileName( (FILE_NUM) i));
+ return (FILE_NUM) i;
+} /* end FileNum */
+/* */
+/* FILE_NUM DatabaseFileNum(FILE_POS *xfpos) */
+/* */
+/* Return a suitable database file number for writing something out whose */
+/* file position is xfpos. */
+/* */
+FILE_NUM DatabaseFileNum(FILE_POS *xfpos)
+{ OBJECT x;
+ FILE_NUM fnum; FULL_CHAR *str;
+ debug2(DFS, D, "DatabaseFileNum(%s %s)", EchoFilePos(xfpos),
+ EchoFileSource(file_num(*xfpos)));
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, file_num(*xfpos));
+ switch( type_of_file(x) )
+ {
+ /* return the corresponding database file (may need to be defined) */
+ str = FileName(file_num(*xfpos));
+ fnum = FileNum(str, DATA_SUFFIX);
+ if( fnum == NO_FILE )
+ { debug0(DFS, DD, " calling DefineFile from DatabaseFileNum");
+ fnum = DefineFile(str, DATA_SUFFIX, xfpos, DATABASE_FILE, SOURCE_PATH);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* return the enclosing source file (recursively if necessary) */
+ if( file_num(fpos(x)) == NO_FILE )
+ {
+ /* xfpos lies in a cross-reference database file; use itself */
+ /* ***
+ Error(3, 18, "DatabaseFileNum: database file position unknown",
+ INTERN, no_fpos);
+ *** */
+ fnum = file_num(*xfpos);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* xfpos lies in a user-defined database file; use its source */
+ fnum = DatabaseFileNum(&fpos(x));
+ }
+ break;
+ /* return the enclosing source file (recursively if necessary) */
+ if( file_num(fpos(x)) == NO_FILE )
+ Error(3, 7, "DatabaseFileNum: filter file position unknown",
+ INTERN, no_fpos);
+ fnum = DatabaseFileNum(&fpos(x));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error(3, 8, "DatabaseFileNum: unexpected file type", INTERN, no_fpos);
+ fnum = NO_FILE;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug2(DFS, D, "DatabaseFileNum returning %d (%s)", fnum,
+ fnum == NO_FILE ? AsciiToFull("NO_FILE") : FileName(fnum));
+ return fnum;
+} /* end DatabaseFileNum */
+/*@::FileName(), EchoFilePos(), PosOfFile()@**********************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *FileName(fnum) */
+/* FULL_CHAR *FullFileName(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the string name of this file. This is as given to DefineFile */
+/* until OpenFile is called, after which it is the full path name. */
+/* */
+/* FullFileName is the same except it will add a .lt to the file name */
+/* if that was needed when the file was opened for reading. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *FileName(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT x;
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ assert( x != nilobj, "FileName: x == nilobj!" );
+ if( Down(x) != x ) Child(x, Down(x));
+ return string(x);
+} /* end FileName */
+FULL_CHAR *FullFileName(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT x;
+ static FULL_CHAR ffbuff[2][MAX_BUFF];
+ static int ffbp = 1;
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ assert( x != nilobj, "FileName: x == nilobj!" );
+ if( used_suffix(x) )
+ {
+ if( Down(x) != x ) Child(x, Down(x));
+ ffbp = (ffbp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(ffbuff[ffbp], string(x));
+ StringCat(ffbuff[ffbp], SOURCE_SUFFIX);
+ return ffbuff[ffbp];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( Down(x) != x ) Child(x, Down(x));
+ return string(x);
+ }
+} /* end FullFileName */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoFilePos(pos) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a string reporting the value of file position pos. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR buff[2][MAX_BUFF]; static int bp = 1;
+static void append_fpos(FILE_POS *pos)
+{ OBJECT x;
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, file_num(*pos));
+ assert( x != nilobj, "EchoFilePos: file_tab entry is nilobj!" );
+ if( file_num(fpos(x)) > 0 )
+ { append_fpos( &fpos(x) );
+ if( StringLength(buff[bp]) + 2 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(3, 9, "file position %s... is too long to print",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, buff[bp]);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_DIR);
+ }
+ if( StringLength(buff[bp]) + StringLength(string(x)) + 13 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(3, 10, "file position %s... is too long to print",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, buff[bp]);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], string(x));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ if( line_num(*pos) != 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) line_num(*pos)));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(","));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) col_num(*pos)));
+ }
+} /* end append_fpos */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoFilePos(FILE_POS *pos)
+{ bp = (bp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(buff[bp], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( file_num(*pos) > 0 ) append_fpos(pos);
+ return buff[bp];
+} /* end EchoFilePos */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoAltFilePos(FILE_POS *pos)
+ bp = (bp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(buff[bp], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( file_num(*pos) > 0 )
+ {
+ /* *** x = ftab_num(file_tab, file_num(*pos)); *** */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], FullFileName(file_num(*pos)));
+ if( line_num(*pos) != 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(":"));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) line_num(*pos)));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(":"));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) col_num(*pos)));
+ }
+ }
+ return buff[bp];
+} /* end EchoFilePos */
+/*@::EchoFileSource(), EchoFileLine(), PosOfFile()@***************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoFileSource(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a string reporting the "file source" information for file fnum. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoFileSource(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT x, nextx;
+ bp = (bp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(buff[bp], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( fnum > 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ assert( x != nilobj, "EchoFileSource: x == nilobj!" );
+ if( type_of_file(x) == FILTER_FILE )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(condcatgets(MsgCat, 3, 11, "filter")));
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(3, 11, "filter"); */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ }
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(condcatgets(MsgCat, 3, 12, "file")));
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(3, 12, "file"); */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ /* *** x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum); *** */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], FullFileName(fnum));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ if( file_num(fpos(x)) > 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(" ("));
+ for(;;)
+ { nextx = ftab_num(file_tab, file_num(fpos(x)));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(condcatgets(MsgCat, 3, 13, "from")));
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(3, 13, "from"); */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], string(nextx));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_QUOTE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(condcatgets(MsgCat, 3, 14, "line")));
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(3, 14, "line"); */
+ StringCat(buff[bp], STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) line_num(fpos(x))));
+ if( file_num(fpos(nextx)) == 0 ) break;
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(", "));
+ x = nextx;
+ }
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(")"));
+ }
+ }
+ return buff[bp];
+} /* end EchoFileSource */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoFileLine(pos) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a string reporting the "line source" information for pos. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoFileLine(FILE_POS *pos)
+{ bp = (bp + 1) % 2;
+ StringCopy(buff[bp], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( file_num(*pos) > 0 && line_num(*pos) != 0 )
+ { StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) line_num(*pos)));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], AsciiToFull(","));
+ StringCat(buff[bp], StringInt( (int) col_num(*pos)));
+ }
+ return buff[bp];
+} /* end EchoFileLIne */
+/* */
+/* FILE_POS *PosOfFile(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a pointer to the file position where file fnum was encountered. */
+/* */
+FILE_POS *PosOfFile(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT x = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ assert( x != nilobj, "PosOfFile: file_tab entry is nilobj!" );
+ return &fpos(x);
+/* */
+/* static FILE *SearchPath(str, fpath, check_ld, check_lt, full_name, xfpos,*/
+/* read_mode) */
+/* */
+/* Search the given path for a file whose name is str. If found, open */
+/* it with mode read_mode; return the resulting FILE *. */
+/* */
+/* If check_ld is TRUE, it means that the file to be opened is a .li file */
+/* and OpenFile() is required to check whether the corresponding .ld file */
+/* is present. If it is, then the search must stop. Furthermore, if the */
+/* .li file is out of date wrt the .ld file, it is to be removed. */
+/* */
+/* If check_lt is TRUE, it means that the file to be opened is a source */
+/* file and OpenFile() is required to check for a .lt suffix version. */
+/* */
+/* Also return the full path name in object *full_name if different from */
+/* the existing name, else nilobj. */
+/* */
+/* Set *used_source_suffix to TRUE if the .lt source suffix had to be */
+/* added in order to find the file. */
+/* */
+static FILE *SearchPath(FULL_CHAR *str, OBJECT fpath, BOOLEAN check_ld,
+BOOLEAN check_lt, OBJECT *full_name, FILE_POS *xfpos, char *read_mode,
+BOOLEAN *used_source_suffix)
+{ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], buff2[MAX_BUFF];
+ OBJECT link, y, cpath; FILE *fp, *fp2;
+ debug4(DFS, DD, "SearchPath(%s, %s, %s, %s, -)", str, EchoObject(fpath),
+ bool(check_ld), bool(check_lt));
+ *used_source_suffix = FALSE;
+ /* if file name is "stdin" just return it */
+ if( StringEqual(str, STR_STDIN) )
+ {
+ debug0(DFS, DD, " SearchPath returning stdin");
+ *full_name = nilobj;
+ return stdin;
+ }
+ /* use fpath if relative file name, use empty_path if absolute filename */
+ cpath = StringBeginsWith(str, STR_DIR) ? empty_path : fpath;
+ /* try opening each path name in the search path */
+ fp = null;
+ for( link = Down(cpath); fp == null && link != cpath; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ /* set buff to the full path name */
+ if( StringLength(string(y)) == 0 )
+ { StringCopy(buff, str);
+ }
+ else
+ { if( StringLength(string(y)) + StringLength(STR_DIR) +
+ StringLength(str) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(3, 15, "file path name %s%s%s is too long",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), string(y), STR_DIR, str);
+ StringCopy(buff, string(y));
+ StringCat(buff, STR_DIR);
+ StringCat(buff, str);
+ }
+ /* try opening the full path name */
+ fp = StringFOpen(buff, read_mode);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, fp == null ? " fail %s" : " succeed %s", buff);
+ /* if failed to find .li file, exit if corresponding .ld file */
+ if( check_ld && fp == null )
+ {
+ StringCopy(buff2, buff);
+ StringCopy(&buff2[StringLength(buff2) - StringLength(INDEX_SUFFIX)],
+ fp2 = StringFOpen(buff2, READ_TEXT);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, fp2 == null ? " fail %s" : " succeed %s", buff2);
+ if( fp2 != null )
+ { fclose(fp2);
+ debug0(DFS, DD, "SearchPath returning null (adjacent .ld file)");
+ *full_name = nilobj;
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /*****************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* If your compiler won't compile this bit, it is probably */
+ /* because you either don't have the stat() system call on */
+ /* your system (it is not ANSI C), or because it can't be */
+ /* found in the header files declared at the top of this file. */
+ /* */
+ /* The simple correct thing to do is to set the USESTAT macro */
+ /* in the makefile to 0. You won't lose much. */
+ /* */
+ /*****************************************************************/
+ /* if found .li file, compare dates with corresponding .ld file */
+ if( check_ld && fp != null )
+ {
+ struct stat indexstat, datastat;
+ StringCopy(buff2, buff);
+ StringCopy(&buff2[StringLength(buff2) - StringLength(INDEX_SUFFIX)],
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "SearchPath comparing dates of .li %s and .ld %s",
+ buff, buff2);
+ if( stat( (char *) buff, &indexstat) == 0 &&
+ stat( (char *) buff2, &datastat) == 0 )
+ {
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "SearchPath mtimes are .li %d and .ld %d",
+ (int) indexstat.st_mtime, (int) datastat.st_mtime);
+ if( datastat.st_mtime > indexstat.st_mtime )
+ { fclose(fp);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "SearchPath calling StringRemove(%s)", buff);
+ StringRemove(buff);
+ debug0(DFS, DD, "SearchPath returning null (.li out of date)");
+ *full_name = nilobj;
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if check_lt, see if buff.lt exists as well as or instead of buff */
+ if( check_lt )
+ {
+ StringCopy(buff2, buff);
+ StringCat(buff2, SOURCE_SUFFIX);
+ fp2 = StringFOpen(buff2, READ_TEXT);
+ debug1(DFS, DD, fp2 == null ? " fail %s" : " succeed %s", buff2);
+ if( fp2 != null )
+ { if( fp != null )
+ Error(3, 16, "files %s and %s both exist", FATAL, xfpos,buff,buff2);
+ fp = fp2;
+ *used_source_suffix = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "SearchPath returning (fp %s null)", fp==null ? "==" : "!=");
+ *full_name = (fp == null || StringLength(string(y)) == 0) ? nilobj :
+ MakeWord(WORD, buff, xfpos);
+ return fp;
+} /* end SearchPath */
+/*@::OpenFile(), OpenIncGraphicFile()@****************************************/
+/* */
+/* FILE *OpenFile(fnum, check_ld, check_lt) */
+/* */
+/* Open for reading the file whose number is fnum. This involves */
+/* searching for it along its path if not previously opened. */
+/* */
+/* If check_ld is TRUE, it means that the file to be opened is a .li file */
+/* and OpenFile() is required to check whether the corresponding .ld file */
+/* is present. If it is, then the search must stop. Furthermore, if the */
+/* .li file is out of date wrt the .ld file, it is to be removed. */
+/* */
+/* If check_lt is TRUE, it means that the file to be opened is a source */
+/* file and OpenFile() is required to check for a .lt suffix version */
+/* if the file does not open without it. */
+/* */
+FILE *OpenFile(FILE_NUM fnum, BOOLEAN check_ld, BOOLEAN check_lt)
+{ FILE *fp; OBJECT fname, full_name, y; BOOLEAN used_source_suffix;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("OpenFile"));
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "OpenFile(%s, %s)", FileName(fnum), bool(check_ld));
+ fname = ftab_num(file_tab, fnum);
+ if( Down(fname) != fname )
+ { Child(y, Down(fname));
+ fp = StringFOpen(string(y), file_mode[type_of_file(fname)]);
+ debug1(DFS,DD,fp==null ? " failed on %s" : " succeeded on %s", string(y));
+ }
+ else
+ { fp = SearchPath(string(fname), file_path[path(fname)], check_ld,
+ check_lt, &full_name, &fpos(fname), file_mode[type_of_file(fname)],
+ &used_source_suffix);
+ if( full_name != nilobj ) Link(fname, full_name);
+ used_suffix(fname) = used_source_suffix;
+ }
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("OpenFile"));
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "OpenFile returning (fp %s null)", fp==null ? "==" : "!=");
+ return fp;
+} /* end OpenFile */
+/* */
+/* FILE *OpenIncGraphicFile(str, typ, full_name, xfpos, compressed) */
+/* */
+/* Open for reading the @IncludeGraphic file str; typ is INCGRAPHIC or */
+/* SINCGRAPHIC. Return the full name in full_name. Set compressed to */
+/* TRUE if the file was a compressed file. */
+/* */
+static char *compress_suffixes[MAX_COMPRESSED]
+ = { ".gz", "-gz", ".z", "-z", "_z", ".Z" };
+FILE *OpenIncGraphicFile(FULL_CHAR *str, unsigned char typ,
+OBJECT *full_name, FILE_POS *xfpos, BOOLEAN *compressed)
+{ FILE *fp; int p, i; BOOLEAN used_source_suffix;
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "OpenIncGraphicFile(%s, %s, -)", str, Image(typ));
+ assert( typ == INCGRAPHIC || typ == SINCGRAPHIC, "OpenIncGraphicFile!" );
+ fp = SearchPath(str, file_path[p], FALSE, FALSE, full_name, xfpos,
+ READ_TEXT, &used_source_suffix);
+ if( *full_name == nilobj ) *full_name = MakeWord(WORD, str, xfpos);
+ if( fp == null )
+ {
+ /* if file didn't open, nothing more to do */
+ *compressed = FALSE;
+ fp = null;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* if file is compressed, uncompress it into file LOUT_EPS */
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_COMPRESSED; i++ )
+ { if( StringEndsWith(string(*full_name), AsciiToFull(compress_suffixes[i])) )
+ break;
+ }
+ if( i < MAX_COMPRESSED )
+ { char buff[MAX_BUFF];
+ fclose(fp);
+ sprintf(buff, UNCOMPRESS_COM, (char *) string(*full_name), LOUT_EPS);
+ if( SafeExecution )
+ {
+ Error(3, 17, "safe execution prohibiting command: %s", WARN, xfpos,buff);
+ *compressed = FALSE;
+ fp = null;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ system(buff);
+ fp = fopen(LOUT_EPS, READ_TEXT);
+ *compressed = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else *compressed = FALSE;
+ }
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "OpenIncGraphicFile returning (fp %s null, *full_name = %s)",
+ fp==null ? "==" : "!=", string(*full_name));
+ return fp;
+} /* end OpenIncGraphicFile */
+/* */
+/* FileSetUpdated(fnum, newlines) */
+/* */
+/* Declare that file fnum has been updated, and that it now contains */
+/* newlines lines. */
+/* */
+void FileSetUpdated(FILE_NUM fnum, int newlines)
+ debug2(DFS, DD, "FileSetUpdated(%s, %d)", FileName(fnum), newlines);
+ updated(ftab_num(file_tab, fnum)) = TRUE;
+ line_count(ftab_num(file_tab, fnum)) = newlines;
+ debug0(DFS, DD, "FileSetUpdated returning");
+} /* end FileSetUpdated */
+/* */
+/* int FileGetLineCount(FILE_NUM fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the number of lines so far written to file fnum. */
+/* */
+int FileGetLineCount(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ int res;
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FileGetLineCount(%s)", FileName(fnum));
+ res = line_count(ftab_num(file_tab, fnum));
+ debug1(DFS, DD, "FileGetLineCount returning %d", res);
+ return res;
+} /* end FileGetLineCount */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN FileTestUpdated(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Test whether file fnum has been declared to be updated. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN FileTestUpdated(FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ return (BOOLEAN) updated(ftab_num(file_tab, fnum));
+} /* end FileTestUpdated */
diff --git a/z04.c b/z04.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fae1267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z04.c
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+/*@z04.c:Token Service:NewToken(), CopyTokenList()@***************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z04.c */
+/* MODULE: Token Service */
+/* EXTERNS: NewToken(), CopyTokenList(), EchoCatOp(), EchoToken() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* OBJECT NewToken(xtype, xfpos, xvspace, xhspace, xprec, xactual) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a new non-WORD token initialised as the parameters indicate. */
+/* */
+OBJECT NewToken(unsigned char xtype, FILE_POS *xfpos, unsigned char xvspace,
+unsigned char xhspace, unsigned char xprec, OBJECT xactual)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ debug1(DTS, DDD, "NewToken(%s, ...)", Image(xtype));
+ New(res, xtype); FposCopy(fpos(res), *xfpos);
+ vspace(res) = xvspace; hspace(res) = xhspace;
+ precedence(res) = xprec; actual(res) = xactual;
+ debug1(DTS, DDD, "NewToken returning %s", EchoToken(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end NewToken */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT CopyTokenList(x, pos) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a copy of the list of tokens pointed to by x. */
+/* All file positions in the copy are set to *pos. */
+/* */
+OBJECT CopyTokenList(OBJECT x, FILE_POS *pos)
+{ OBJECT y, z, res;
+ res = nilobj; y = x;
+ if( x != nilobj ) do
+ { if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { z = MakeWord(type(y), string(y), pos);
+ vspace(z) = vspace(y); hspace(z) = hspace(y);
+ }
+ else z = NewToken(type(y), pos,vspace(y),hspace(y),precedence(y),actual(y));
+ res = Append(res, z, PARENT);
+ y = succ(y, PARENT);
+ } while( y != x );
+ return res;
+} /* end CopyTokenList */
+/*@::EchoCatOp(), EchoToken()@************************************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoCatOp(xtype, xmark, xjoin) */
+/* */
+/* Return the catenation operator with this type, mark and join. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoCatOp(unsigned xtype, BOOLEAN xmark, BOOLEAN xjoin)
+{ switch( xtype )
+ {
+ case VCAT: return (xmark ? xjoin ? KW_VCAT_MJ : KW_VCAT_MN
+ : xjoin ? KW_VCAT_NJ : KW_VCAT_NN);
+ case HCAT: return (xmark ? xjoin ? KW_HCAT_MJ : KW_HCAT_MN
+ : xjoin ? KW_HCAT_NJ : KW_HCAT_NN);
+ case ACAT: return (xmark ? xjoin ? KW_ACAT_MJ : AsciiToFull("??")
+ : xjoin ? KW_ACAT_NJ : AsciiToFull("??") );
+ default: assert(FALSE, "EchoCatOp");
+ return STR_EMPTY;
+ } /* end switch */
+} /* end EchoCatOp */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoToken(x) */
+/* */
+/* Return an image of token x. Do not worry about preceding space. */
+/* */
+{ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ return string(x);
+ case QWORD:
+ return StringQuotedWord(x);
+ case TSPACE:
+ case TJUXTA:
+ case USE:
+ case GSTUB_EXT:
+ case GSTUB_INT:
+ case GSTUB_NONE:
+ return Image(type(x));
+ case BEGIN:
+ case END:
+ case ENV:
+ case ENVA:
+ case ENVB:
+ case ENVC:
+ case ENVD:
+ case CENV:
+ case CLOS:
+ case LBR:
+ case RBR:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case CROSS:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case SCALE:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case PADJUST:
+ case HADJUST:
+ case VADJUST:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case VERBATIM:
+ case CASE:
+ case YIELD:
+ case BACKEND:
+ case XCHAR:
+ case FONT:
+ case SPACE:
+ case YUNIT:
+ case ZUNIT:
+ case BREAK:
+ case COLOUR:
+ case LANGUAGE:
+ case CURR_LANG:
+ case CURR_FACE:
+ case COMMON:
+ case RUMP:
+ case MELD:
+ case INSERT:
+ case ONE_OF:
+ case NEXT:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case OPEN:
+ case TAGGED:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case ACAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case VCAT:
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case PREPEND:
+ case DATABASE:
+ case LUSE:
+ case LEO:
+ case LVIS:
+ return actual(x) != nilobj ? SymName(actual(x)) : Image(type(x));
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "EchoToken:", Image(type(x)));
+ return STR_EMPTY;
+ }
+} /* end EchoToken */
diff --git a/z05.c b/z05.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e346b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z05.c
@@ -0,0 +1,877 @@
+/*@z05.c:Read Definitions:ReadFontDef()@**************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z05.c */
+/* MODULE: Read Definitions */
+/* EXTERNS: ReadPrependDef(), ReadDatabaseDef(), ReadDefinitions() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* is_string(t, str) */
+/* */
+/* If t is a token denoting unquoted word str, return TRUE. */
+/* */
+#define is_string(t, str) (type(t) == WORD && StringEqual(string(t), str) )
+/* */
+/* static ReadFontDef(encl) */
+/* */
+/* Read one font definition and pass it on to the font module. The */
+/* syntax is fontdef <family> <face> { <object> }. */
+/* */
+static void ReadFontDef(OBJECT encl)
+{ OBJECT t, family, face, inside;
+ SuppressScope();
+ /* get family name, allow for multiple tokens */
+ family = LexGetToken();
+ if( !is_word(type(family)) )
+ Error(5, 1, "expected font family name here", WARN, &fpos(family));
+ face = LexGetToken();
+ while( is_word(type(face)) && hspace(face) + vspace(face) == 0 )
+ {
+ family = MakeWordTwo(WORD, string(family), string(face), &fpos(family));
+ face = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ /* get face name, allow for multiple tokens */
+ if( !is_word(type(face)) )
+ Error(5, 2, "expected font face name here", WARN, &fpos(face));
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ while( is_word(type(t)) && hspace(t) + vspace(t) == 0 )
+ {
+ face = MakeWordTwo(WORD, string(face), string(t), &fpos(face));
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { Error(5, 3, "expected opening %s of fontdef here", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_LBR);
+ Dispose(t);
+ return;
+ }
+ inside = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ inside = ReplaceWithTidy(inside, FALSE);
+ FontDefine(family, face, inside);
+ return;
+} /* end ReadFontDef */
+/* */
+/* static ReadLangDef(encl) */
+/* */
+/* Read one language definition and pass it on to the language module. The */
+/* syntax is langdef <name> ... <name> { <object> } */
+/* */
+static void ReadLangDef(OBJECT encl)
+{ OBJECT t, names, inside;
+ New(names, ACAT);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ while( is_word(type(t)) )
+ { Link(names, t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { Error(5, 4, "expected opening %s of langdef here", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_LBR);
+ Dispose(t);
+ return;
+ }
+ inside = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ inside = ReplaceWithTidy(inside, FALSE);
+ LanguageDefine(names, inside);
+ return;
+} /* end ReadLangDef */
+/*@::ReadPrependDef(), ReadDatabaseDef()@*************************************/
+/* */
+/* ReadPrependDef(typ, encl) */
+/* */
+/* Read @Prepend { <filename> } and record its presence. */
+/* */
+void ReadPrependDef(unsigned typ, OBJECT encl)
+{ OBJECT t, fname;
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { Error(5, 5, "left brace expected here in %s declaration",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), KW_PREPEND);
+ Dispose(t);
+ return;
+ }
+ fname = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ fname = ReplaceWithTidy(fname, FALSE);
+ if( !is_word(type(fname)) )
+ { Error(5, 6, "name of %s file expected here", WARN, &fpos(fname),KW_PREPEND);
+ DisposeObject(fname);
+ return;
+ }
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from ReadPrependDef");
+ DefineFile(string(fname), STR_EMPTY, &fpos(fname), PREPEND_FILE,
+} /* end ReadPrependDef */
+/* */
+/* ReadDatabaseDef(typ, encl) */
+/* */
+/* Read @Database <symname> ... <symname> { <filename> } and record it. */
+/* */
+void ReadDatabaseDef(unsigned typ, OBJECT encl)
+{ OBJECT symbs, t, fname;
+ New(symbs, ACAT);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ while( type(t)==CLOSURE || (type(t)==WORD && string(t)[0]==CH_SYMSTART) )
+ { if( type(t) == CLOSURE )
+ { Link(symbs, t);
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(5, 7, "unknown or misspelt symbol %s", WARN, &fpos(t), string(t));
+ Dispose(t);
+ }
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { Error(5, 8, "symbol name or %s expected here (%s declaration)",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), KW_LBR, KW_DATABASE);
+ Dispose(t);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( Down(symbs) == symbs )
+ { Error(5, 9, "symbol names missing in %s declaration",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), KW_DATABASE);
+ }
+ fname = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ fname = ReplaceWithTidy(fname, FALSE);
+ if( !is_word(type(fname)) )
+ { Error(5, 10, "name of %s file expected here", WARN, &fpos(fname),
+ DisposeObject(fname);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( StringEndsWith(string(fname), DATA_SUFFIX) )
+ { Error(5, 47, "%s suffix should be omitted in %s clause", WARN,
+ &fpos(fname), DATA_SUFFIX, KW_DATABASE);
+ DisposeObject(fname);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( Down(symbs) != symbs )
+ (void) DbLoad(fname, typ == DATABASE ? DATABASE_PATH : SYSDATABASE_PATH,
+ TRUE, symbs, InMemoryDbIndexes);
+} /* end ReadDatabaseDef */
+/* */
+/* static ReadTokenList(token, res) */
+/* */
+/* Read a list of tokens from input and append them to sym_body(res). */
+/* The list is assumed to begin immediately after token, which is either */
+/* an LBR or a @Begin, and input is to be read up to and including the */
+/* matching RBR or @End @Sym. */
+/* */
+#define NextToken(t, res) \
+ t = LexGetToken(); sym_body(res) = Append(sym_body(res), t, PARENT);
+static void ReadTokenList(OBJECT token, OBJECT res)
+{ OBJECT t, xsym, new_par, imps, link, y; int scope_count, i;
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ for(;;) switch(type(t))
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ if( string(t)[0] == CH_SYMSTART )
+ Error(5, 11, "symbol %s unknown or misspelt", WARN, &fpos(t),
+ string(t));
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ break;
+ case QWORD:
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ break;
+ case VCAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case ACAT:
+ case CROSS:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case SCALE:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case PADJUST:
+ case HADJUST:
+ case VADJUST:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case VERBATIM:
+ case CASE:
+ case YIELD:
+ case BACKEND:
+ case XCHAR:
+ case FONT:
+ case SPACE:
+ case YUNIT:
+ case ZUNIT:
+ case BREAK:
+ case COLOUR:
+ case LANGUAGE:
+ case CURR_LANG:
+ case CURR_FACE:
+ case COMMON:
+ case RUMP:
+ case MELD:
+ case INSERT:
+ case ONE_OF:
+ case NEXT:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case TAGGED:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ break;
+ case LUSE:
+ case LVIS:
+ case ENV:
+ case USE:
+ case DATABASE:
+ case PREPEND:
+ case OPEN:
+ Error(5, 12, "symbol %s not allowed in macro", WARN, &fpos(t),
+ SymName(actual(t)));
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ break;
+ case LBR:
+ ReadTokenList(t, res);
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ break;
+ Error(5, 13, "unexpected end of input", FATAL, &fpos(t));
+ break;
+ case BEGIN:
+ Error(5, 14, "%s not expected here", WARN, &fpos(t), SymName(actual(t)));
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ break;
+ case RBR:
+ if( type(token) != LBR )
+ Error(5, 15, "unmatched %s in macro", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_RBR);
+ return;
+ case END:
+ if( type(token) != BEGIN )
+ Error(5, 16, "unmatched %s in macro", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_END);
+ else
+ { NextToken(t, res);
+ if( type(t) != CLOSURE )
+ {
+ if( type(t) == WORD && string(t)[0] == CH_SYMSTART )
+ Error(5, 17, "symbol %s unknown or misspelt",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), string(t));
+ else
+ Error(5, 18, "symbol name expected after %s", WARN,&fpos(t),KW_END);
+ }
+ else if( actual(token) != actual(t) )
+ Error(5, 19, "%s %s does not match %s %s", WARN, &fpos(t),
+ SymName(actual(token)), KW_BEGIN, SymName(actual(t)), KW_END);
+ }
+ return;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ xsym = actual(t);
+ PushScope(xsym, TRUE, FALSE);
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ PopScope();
+ if( type(t) == CROSS || type(t) == FORCE_CROSS )
+ { NextToken(t, res);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* read named parameters */
+ while( type(t) == CLOSURE && enclosing(actual(t)) == xsym &&
+ type(actual(t)) == NPAR )
+ { new_par = t;
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { if( type(t) == RBR )
+ { if( type(token) != LBR )
+ Error(5, 20, "unmatched %s in macro", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_RBR);
+ return;
+ }
+ Error(5, 21, "%s must follow named parameter %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(new_par), KW_LBR, SymName(actual(new_par)));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* add import list of the named parameter to current scope */
+ scope_count = 0;
+ imps = imports(actual(new_par));
+ if( imps != nilobj )
+ { for( link = Down(imps); link != imps; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ PushScope(actual(y), FALSE, TRUE);
+ scope_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* read the body of the named parameter */
+ PushScope(actual(new_par), FALSE, FALSE);
+ ReadTokenList(t, res);
+ PopScope();
+ /* pop the scopes pushed for the import list */
+ for( i = 0; i < scope_count; i++ )
+ PopScope();
+ /* get next token, possibly another named parameter */
+ PushScope(xsym, TRUE, FALSE);
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ PopScope();
+ }
+ /* read body parameter, if any */
+ if( has_body(xsym) )
+ {
+ if( type(t) == LBR || type(t) == BEGIN )
+ { PushScope(xsym, FALSE, TRUE);
+ PushScope(ChildSym(xsym, RPAR), FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( type(t) == BEGIN ) actual(t) = xsym;
+ ReadTokenList(t, res);
+ PopScope();
+ PopScope();
+ NextToken(t, res);
+ }
+ else if( type(t) != RBR && type(t) != END )
+ Error(5, 22, "right parameter of %s must begin with %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), SymName(xsym), KW_LBR);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error(5, 23, "ReadTokenList: %s", INTERN, &fpos(t), Image(type(t)));
+ break;
+ }
+} /* end ReadTokenList */
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT ReadMacro(token, encl) */
+/* */
+/* Read a macro from input and insert into symbol table. */
+/* Token *token contains the "macro" keyword. Input is read up to and */
+/* including the closing right brace, and nilobj returned in *token if OK. */
+/* The proper scope for reading the macro body is open at entry and exit. */
+/* ReadMacro returns the new symbol table entry if successful, else nilobj. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT ReadMacro(OBJECT *token, OBJECT curr_encl, OBJECT encl)
+{ OBJECT t, res;
+ /* find macro name and insert into symbol table */
+ SuppressScope();
+ Dispose(*token); t = LexGetToken();
+ if( !is_word(type(t)) )
+ { Error(5, 24, "%s ignored (name is missing)", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_MACRO);
+ debug1(ANY, D, "offending type is %s", Image(type(t)));
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ *token = t;
+ return nilobj;
+ }
+ res = InsertSym(string(t), MACRO, &fpos(t), 0, FALSE,TRUE,0,curr_encl,nilobj);
+ if( curr_encl != encl ) visible(res) = TRUE;
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ /* find alternative names for this symbol */
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ while( is_word(type(t)) )
+ {
+ InsertAlternativeName(string(t), res, &fpos(t));
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ /* find opening left brace */
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { Error(5, 25, "%s ignored (opening %s is missing)",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), KW_MACRO, KW_LBR);
+ *token = t;
+ return nilobj;
+ }
+ /* read macro body */
+ ReadTokenList(t, res);
+ Dispose(t);
+ /* clean up (kill final RBR, dispose macro name) and exit */
+ t = pred(sym_body(res), PARENT);
+ sym_body(res) = Delete(t, PARENT);
+ Dispose(t);
+ recursive(res) = FALSE;
+ *token = nilobj;
+ return res;
+} /* end ReadMacro */
+/* */
+/* ReadDefinitions(token, encl, res_type) */
+/* */
+/* Read a sequence of definitions and insert them into the symbol table. */
+/* Either a sequence of local definitions (res_type == LOCAL) or named */
+/* parameters (res_type == NPAR) is expected; *token is the first def etc. */
+/* A scope appropriate for reading the bodies of the definitions is open. */
+/* The parent definition is encl. */
+/* */
+void ReadDefinitions(OBJECT *token, OBJECT encl, unsigned char res_type)
+{ OBJECT t, res, res_target, export_list, import_list, link, y, z;
+ OBJECT curr_encl; BOOLEAN compulsory_par, has_import_encl;
+ t = *token;
+ while( res_type==LOCAL || is_string(t, KW_NAMED) || is_string(t, KW_IMPORT) )
+ {
+ curr_encl = encl;
+ if( is_string(t, KW_FONTDEF) )
+ { ReadFontDef(encl);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ continue; /* next definition */
+ }
+ else if( is_string(t, KW_LANGDEF) )
+ { ReadLangDef(encl);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ continue; /* next definition */
+ }
+ else if( type(t) == PREPEND || type(t) == SYS_PREPEND )
+ { ReadPrependDef(type(t), encl);
+ Dispose(t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ continue; /* next definition */
+ }
+ else if( type(t) == DATABASE || type(t) == SYS_DATABASE )
+ { ReadDatabaseDef(type(t), encl);
+ Dispose(t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ continue; /* next definition */
+ }
+ if( !is_string(t, KW_DEF) && !is_string(t, KW_MACRO) &&
+ !is_string(t, KW_NAMED) && !is_string(t, KW_IMPORT) &&
+ !is_string(t, KW_EXTEND) && !is_string(t, KW_EXPORT) )
+ break;
+ /* get import or extend list and change scope appropriately */
+ BodyParNotAllowed();
+ New(import_list, ACAT);
+ has_import_encl = FALSE;
+ if( is_string(t, KW_IMPORT) )
+ { Dispose(t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ while( type(t) == CLOSURE ||
+ (type(t)==WORD && !is_string(t,KW_EXPORT) && !is_string(t,KW_DEF)
+ && !is_string(t, KW_MACRO) && !is_string(t, KW_NAMED)) )
+ { if( type(t) == CLOSURE )
+ { if( type(actual(t)) == LOCAL )
+ {
+ /* *** letting this through now
+ if( res_type == NPAR && has_par(actual(t)) )
+ {
+ Error(5, 46, "named parameter import %s has parameters",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), SymName(actual(t)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *** */
+ PushScope(actual(t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ if( actual(t) == encl ) has_import_encl = TRUE;
+ Link(import_list, t);
+ /* ***
+ }
+ *** */
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(5, 26, "import name expected here", WARN, &fpos(t));
+ Dispose(t);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(5, 27, "import %s not in scope", WARN, &fpos(t), string(t));
+ Dispose(t);
+ }
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ }
+ else if( is_string(t, KW_EXTEND) )
+ { Dispose(t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ while( type(t) == CLOSURE ||
+ (type(t)==WORD && !is_string(t,KW_EXPORT) && !is_string(t,KW_DEF)
+ && !is_string(t, KW_MACRO)) )
+ { if( type(t) == CLOSURE )
+ { if( imports(actual(t)) != nilobj )
+ { Error(5, 48, "%s has %s clause, so cannot be extended",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), SymName(actual(t)), KW_IMPORT);
+ }
+ else if( type(actual(t)) == LOCAL )
+ { PushScope(actual(t), FALSE, FALSE);
+ curr_encl = actual(t);
+ debug1(DRD, D, " curr_encl = %s", SymName(curr_encl));
+ Link(import_list, t);
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(5, 28, "%s symbol name expected here",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), KW_EXTEND);
+ Dispose(t);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(5, 29, "extend symbol %s not in scope", WARN,&fpos(t),string(t));
+ Dispose(t);
+ }
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ }
+ /* get export list and store for setting visible flags below */
+ New(export_list, ACAT);
+ if( is_string(t, KW_EXPORT) )
+ { Dispose(t);
+ SuppressScope();
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ while( is_word(type(t)) && !is_string(t, KW_DEF) && !is_string(t, KW_IMPORT)
+ && !is_string(t, KW_MACRO) && !is_string(t, KW_EXTEND) )
+ { Link(export_list, t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ }
+ if( res_type == LOCAL && !is_string(t, KW_DEF) && !is_string(t, KW_MACRO) )
+ { Error(5, 30, "keyword %s or %s expected here", WARN, &fpos(t),
+ break;
+ }
+ if( res_type == NPAR && !is_string(t, KW_NAMED) )
+ { Error(5, 31, "keyword %s expected here", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_NAMED);
+ break;
+ }
+ if( is_string(t, KW_MACRO) )
+ { if( Down(export_list) != export_list )
+ Error(5, 32, "ignoring export list of macro", WARN, &fpos(t));
+ res = ReadMacro(&t, curr_encl, encl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SuppressScope(); Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ /* check for compulsory keyword */
+ if( res_type == NPAR && is_string(t, KW_COMPULSORY) )
+ { compulsory_par = TRUE;
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ else compulsory_par = FALSE;
+ /* find name of symbol and insert it */
+ if( !is_word(type(t)) )
+ { Error(5, 33, "symbol name expected here", WARN, &fpos(t));
+ debug1(ANY, D, "offending type is %s", Image(type(t)));
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ *token = t;
+ return;
+ }
+ res = InsertSym(string(t), res_type, &fpos(t), DEFAULT_PREC,
+ FALSE, FALSE, 0, curr_encl, nilobj);
+ if( curr_encl != encl ) visible(res) = TRUE;
+ if( has_import_encl )
+ {
+ imports_encl(res) = TRUE;
+ debug1(DCE, D, " setting import_encl(%s) to TRUE", SymName(res));
+ }
+ if( compulsory_par )
+ { has_compulsory(encl)++;
+ is_compulsory(res) = TRUE;
+ }
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ /* find alternative names for this symbol */
+ while( is_word(type(t)) && !is_string(t, KW_NAMED) &&
+ !is_string(t, KW_IMPORT) &&
+ !is_string(t, KW_FORCE) && !is_string(t, KW_INTO) &&
+ !is_string(t, KW_HORIZ) && !is_string(t, KW_PRECEDENCE) &&
+ !is_string(t, KW_ASSOC) && !is_string(t, KW_LEFT) &&
+ !is_string(t, KW_RIGHT) && !is_string(t, KW_BODY) &&
+ !is_string(t, KW_LBR) && !is_string(t, KW_BEGIN) )
+ {
+ InsertAlternativeName(string(t), res, &fpos(t));
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ /* find force, if any */
+ if( is_string(t, KW_FORCE) )
+ { force_target(res) = TRUE;
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ if( !is_string(t, KW_INTO) && !is_string(t, KW_HORIZ) )
+ Error(5, 34, "%s expected here", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_INTO);
+ }
+ /* find horizontally, if any */
+ if( is_string(t, KW_HORIZ) )
+ { horiz_galley(res) = COLM;
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ /* *** want to allow KW_HORIZ with @Target form now
+ if( !is_string(t, KW_INTO) )
+ Error(5, 35, "%s expected here", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_INTO);
+ *** */
+ }
+ /* find into clause, if any */
+ res_target = nilobj;
+ if( is_string(t, KW_INTO) )
+ { UnSuppressScope();
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { Error(5, 36, "%s expected here", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_LBR);
+ debug1(ANY, D, "offending type is %s", Image(type(t)));
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ *token = t;
+ return;
+ }
+ res_target = Parse(&t, curr_encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ SuppressScope();
+ if( t == nilobj ) t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ /* find precedence clause, if any */
+ if( is_string(t, KW_PRECEDENCE) )
+ { int prec = 0;
+ Dispose(t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ while( type(t) == WORD && decimaldigit(string(t)[0]) )
+ {
+ prec = prec * 10 + digitchartonum(string(t)[0]);
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ if( prec < MIN_PREC )
+ { Error(5, 37, "precedence is too low (%d substituted)",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), MIN_PREC);
+ prec = MIN_PREC;
+ }
+ else if( prec > MAX_PREC )
+ { Error(5, 38, "precedence is too high (%d substituted)",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), MAX_PREC);
+ prec = MAX_PREC;
+ }
+ precedence(res) = prec;
+ }
+ /* find associativity clause, if any */
+ if( is_string(t, KW_ASSOC) )
+ { Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ if( is_string(t, KW_LEFT) ) right_assoc(res) = FALSE;
+ else if( !is_string(t, KW_RIGHT) )
+ Error(5, 39, "associativity altered to %s", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_RIGHT);
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ /* find left parameter, if any */
+ if( is_string(t, KW_LEFT) )
+ { Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != WORD )
+ { Error(5, 40, "cannot find %s parameter name", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_LEFT);
+ debug1(ANY, D, "offending type is %s", Image(type(t)));
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ *token = t;
+ return;
+ }
+ InsertSym(string(t), LPAR, &fpos(t), DEFAULT_PREC,
+ FALSE, FALSE, 0, res, nilobj);
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ /* find named parameters, if any */
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ ReadDefinitions(&t, res, NPAR);
+ /* find right or body parameter, if any */
+ if( is_string(t, KW_RIGHT) || is_string(t, KW_BODY) )
+ { has_body(res) = is_string(t, KW_BODY);
+ SuppressScope();
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != WORD )
+ { Error(5, 41, "cannot find %s parameter name", WARN,&fpos(t),KW_RIGHT);
+ debug1(ANY, D, "offending type is %s", Image(type(t)));
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ *token = t;
+ return;
+ }
+ InsertSym(string(t), RPAR, &fpos(t), DEFAULT_PREC,
+ FALSE, FALSE, 0, res, nilobj);
+ UnSuppressScope();
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ /* read local definitions and body */
+ if( res_target != nilobj )
+ InsertSym(KW_TARGET, LOCAL, &fpos(res_target), DEFAULT_PREC,
+ FALSE, FALSE, 0, res, res_target);
+ if( type(t) == WORD && StringEqual(string(t), KW_LBR) )
+ { z = NewToken(LBR, &fpos(t), 0, 0, LBR_PREC, StartSym);
+ Dispose(t);
+ t = z;
+ }
+ else if( type(t) == WORD && StringEqual(string(t), KW_BEGIN) )
+ { z = NewToken(BEGIN, &fpos(t), 0, 0, BEGIN_PREC, StartSym);
+ Dispose(t);
+ t = z;
+ }
+ else if( type(t) != LBR && type(t) != BEGIN )
+ Error(5, 42, "opening left brace or @Begin of %s expected",
+ FATAL, &fpos(t), SymName(res));
+ if( type(t) == BEGIN ) actual(t) = res;
+ PushScope(res, FALSE, FALSE);
+ BodyParAllowed();
+ sym_body(res) = Parse(&t, res, TRUE, FALSE);
+ /* set visible flag of the exported symbols */
+ for( link=Down(export_list); link != export_list; link=NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ z = SearchSym(string(y), StringLength(string(y)));
+ if( z == nilobj || enclosing(z) != res )
+ Error(5, 43, "exported symbol %s is not defined in %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), string(y), SymName(res));
+ else if( has_body(res) && type(z) == RPAR )
+ Error(5, 44, "body parameter %s may not be exported",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), string(y));
+ else if( visible(z) )
+ Error(5, 45, "symbol %s exported twice", WARN, &fpos(y), string(y));
+ else visible(z) = TRUE;
+ }
+ DisposeObject(export_list);
+ /* pop scope of res */
+ PopScope();
+ }
+ /* pop import scopes and store imports in sym tab */
+ for( link=Down(import_list); link != import_list; link=NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ PopScope();
+ }
+ if( Down(import_list) == import_list || curr_encl != encl )
+ { DisposeObject(import_list);
+ import_list = nilobj;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ imports(res) = import_list;
+ }
+ BodyParAllowed();
+ if( t == nilobj ) t = LexGetToken();
+ } /* end while */
+ *token = t;
+ return;
+} /* end ReadDefinitions */
diff --git a/z06.c b/z06.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b725399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z06.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1533 @@
+/*@z06.c:Parser:PushObj(), PushToken(), etc.@*********************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z06.c */
+/* MODULE: Parser */
+/* EXTERNS: InitParser(), Parse() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define LEFT_ASSOC 0
+#define RIGHT_ASSOC 1
+#define PREV_OP 0 /* means an operator was previous */
+#define PREV_OBJ 1 /* prev was object not ending in RBR */
+#define PREV_RBR 2 /* prev was object ending in RBR */
+static OBJECT cross_name; /* name of the cr database */
+#define MAX_STACK 100 /* size of parser stacks */
+static OBJECT obj_stack[MAX_STACK]; /* stack of objects */
+static int otop = -1; /* top of obj_stack */
+static OBJECT tok_stack[MAX_STACK]; /* stack of tokens */
+static int ttop = -1; /* top of tok_stack */
+static int unknown_count = 0; /* no. of unknown symbols */
+static BOOLEAN debug_now = FALSE; /* TRUE when want to debug */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT OptimizeCase(x) */
+/* */
+/* Optimize the @Case expression x, which is known to be of the form */
+/* "@BackEnd @Case ...", by evaluating it immediately if its choices */
+/* are all literal words or "else". */
+/* */
+static void check_yield(OBJECT y, OBJECT *res_yield, BOOLEAN *all_literals)
+{ OBJECT s1, link, z;
+ Child(s1, Down(y));
+ debug1(DOP, DD, " checkyield(%s)", EchoObject(y));
+ if( is_word(type(s1)) )
+ { if( StringEqual(string(s1),BackEndWord) || StringEqual(string(s1),STR_ELSE) )
+ if( *res_yield == nilobj ) *res_yield = y;
+ }
+ else if( type(s1) == ACAT )
+ { for( link = Down(s1); link != s1; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ ) continue;
+ if( is_word(type(z)) )
+ { if( StringEqual(string(z),BackEndWord)||StringEqual(string(s1),STR_ELSE))
+ if( *res_yield == nilobj ) *res_yield = y;
+ }
+ else
+ { *all_literals = FALSE;
+ *res_yield = nilobj;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { *all_literals = FALSE;
+ *res_yield = nilobj;
+ }
+ debug2(DOP, DD, " checkyield returning (%s, %s)", EchoObject(*res_yield),
+ bool(*all_literals));
+OBJECT OptimizeCase(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, s2, y, res_yield, res; BOOLEAN all_literals;
+ debug1(DOP, DD, "OptimizeCase(%s)", EchoObject(x));
+ assert( type(x) == CASE, "OptimizeCase: type(x) != CASE!" );
+ Child(s2, LastDown(x));
+ all_literals = TRUE; res_yield = nilobj;
+ if( type(s2) == YIELD )
+ { check_yield(s2, &res_yield, &all_literals);
+ }
+ else if( type(s2) == ACAT )
+ { for( link = Down(s2); link != s2 && all_literals; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(y, link);
+ debug2(DOP, DD, " OptimizeCase examining %s %s", Image(type(y)),
+ EchoObject(y));
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) continue;
+ if( type(y) == YIELD )
+ { check_yield(y, &res_yield, &all_literals);
+ }
+ else
+ { all_literals = FALSE;
+ res_yield = nilobj;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { all_literals = FALSE;
+ res_yield = nilobj;
+ }
+ if( all_literals && res_yield != nilobj )
+ { Child(res, LastDown(res_yield));
+ DeleteLink(Up(res));
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ }
+ else
+ { res = x;
+ }
+ debug1(DOP, DD, "OptimizeCase returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end OptimizeCase */
+/* */
+/* HuntCommandOptions(x) */
+/* */
+/* See if any of the command-line options apply to closure x. If so, */
+/* change x to reflect the overriding command line option. */
+/* */
+static void HuntCommandOptions(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT colink, coname, coval, opt, y, link, sym; BOOLEAN found;
+ debug1(DOP, DD, "HuntCommandOptions(%s)", SymName(actual(x)));
+ sym = actual(x);
+ for( colink = Down(CommandOptions); colink != CommandOptions;
+ colink = NextDown(NextDown(colink)) )
+ {
+ Child(coname, colink);
+ Child(coval, NextDown(colink));
+ debug2(DOP, DD, " hunting \"%s\" with value \"%s\"", string(coname),
+ EchoObject(coval));
+ /* set found to TRUE iff coname is the name of an option of x */
+ found = FALSE;
+ for( link = Down(sym); link != sym; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(opt, link);
+ if( type(opt) == NPAR && StringEqual(SymName(opt), string(coname)) )
+ { found = TRUE;
+ debug2(DOP, DD, " %s is an option of %s", string(coname),SymName(sym));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( found )
+ {
+ /* see whether this option is already set within x */
+ found = FALSE;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == PAR && actual(y) == opt )
+ { found = TRUE;
+ debug2(DOP, DD, " %s is set in %s", string(coname), SymName(sym));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( found )
+ {
+ /* option exists already in x: replace it with oval */
+ DisposeChild(Down(y));
+ Link(y, coval);
+ debug2(DOP, DD, " replacing %s value with %s; x =", string(coname),
+ EchoObject(coval));
+ ifdebug(DOP, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* option applies to x but has not yet been set in x */
+ New(y, PAR);
+ Link(x, y);
+ actual(y) = opt;
+ Link(y, coval);
+ debug2(DOP, DD, " inserting %s with value %s; x =", string(coname),
+ EchoObject(coval));
+ ifdebug(DOP, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DOP, DD, "HuntCommandOptions(%s) returning", SymName(sym));
+} /* end HuntCommandOptions */
+/* */
+/* PushObj(x) */
+/* PushToken(t) */
+/* OBJECT PopObj() */
+/* OBJECT PopToken() */
+/* OBJECT TokenTop */
+/* OBJECT ObjTop */
+/* */
+/* Push and pop from the object and token stacks; examine top item. */
+/* */
+#define PushObj(x) \
+{ zz_hold = x; \
+ if( ++otop < MAX_STACK ) obj_stack[otop] = zz_hold; \
+ else Error(6, 1, "expression is too deeply nested", \
+ FATAL, &fpos(obj_stack[otop-1])); \
+#define PushToken(t) \
+{ if( ++ttop < MAX_STACK ) tok_stack[ttop] = t; \
+ else Error(6, 2, "expression is too deeply nested", \
+ FATAL, &fpos(tok_stack[ttop-1])); \
+#define PopObj() obj_stack[otop--]
+#define PopToken() tok_stack[ttop--]
+#define TokenTop tok_stack[ttop]
+#define ObjTop obj_stack[otop]
+/*@::DebugStacks(), InsertSpace()@********************************************/
+/* */
+/* DebugStacks() */
+/* */
+/* Print debug output of the stacks state */
+/* */
+static void DebugStacks(int initial_ttop, int obj_prev)
+{ int i;
+ debug3(ANY, D, " obj_prev: %s; otop: %d; ttop: %d",
+ obj_prev == PREV_OP ? "PREV_OP" : obj_prev == PREV_OBJ ? "PREV_OBJ" :
+ obj_prev == PREV_RBR ? "PREV_RBR" : "???", otop, ttop);
+ for( i = 0; i <= otop; i++ )
+ debug3(ANY, D, " obj[%d] = (%s) %s", i,
+ Image(type(obj_stack[i])), EchoObject(obj_stack[i]));
+ for( i = 0; i <= ttop; i++ )
+ { if( i == initial_ttop+1 ) debug0(DOP, DD, " $");
+ debug3(ANY, D, " tok[%d] = %s (precedence %d)", i,
+ type(tok_stack[i]) == CLOSURE ?
+ SymName(actual(tok_stack[i])) : Image(type(tok_stack[i])),
+ precedence(tok_stack[i]));
+ }
+} /* end DebugStacks */
+/* */
+/* InsertSpace(t) */
+/* */
+/* Add any missing catenation operator in front of token t. */
+/* */
+#define InsertSpace(t) \
+if( obj_prev ) \
+{ int typ, prec; \
+ if( hspace(t) + vspace(t) > 0 ) \
+ typ = TSPACE, prec = ACAT_PREC; \
+ else if( type(t) == LBR || obj_prev == PREV_RBR ) \
+ typ = TJUXTA, prec = ACAT_PREC; \
+ else \
+ typ = TJUXTA, prec = JUXTA_PREC; \
+ debugcond1(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ InsertSpace(%s)", Image(typ)); \
+ while( obj_prev && precedence(TokenTop) >= prec ) \
+ obj_prev = Reduce(); \
+ if( obj_prev ) \
+ { New(tmp, typ); precedence(tmp) = prec; \
+ vspace(tmp) = vspace(t); hspace(tmp) = hspace(t); \
+ mark(gap(tmp)) = FALSE; join(gap(tmp)) = TRUE; \
+ FposCopy(fpos(tmp), fpos(t)); \
+ PushToken(tmp); \
+ } \
+ debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] end InsertSpace()"); \
+} /* end InsertSpace */
+/*@::Shift(), ShiftObj()@*****************************************************/
+/* */
+/* static Shift(t, prec, rassoc, leftpar, rightpar) */
+/* static ShiftObj(t) */
+/* */
+/* Shift token or object t onto the stacks; it has the attributes shown. */
+/* */
+#define Shift(t, prec, rassoc, leftpar, rightpar) \
+{ debugcond5(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ Shift(%s, %d, %s, %s, %s)", \
+ Image(type(t)), prec, rassoc ? "rightassoc" : "leftassoc", \
+ leftpar ? "lpar" : "nolpar", rightpar ? "rpar" : "norpar"); \
+ if( leftpar ) \
+ { for(;;) \
+ { if( !obj_prev ) \
+ { PushObj( MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(t)) ); \
+ obj_prev = PREV_OBJ; \
+ } \
+ else if( precedence(TokenTop) >= prec + rassoc ) \
+ { obj_prev = Reduce(); \
+ if( ttop == initial_ttop ) \
+ { *token = t; \
+ debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, \
+ "] ] end Shift() and Parse(); stacks are:"); \
+ ifdebugcond(DOP, DD, debug_now, \
+ DebugStacks(initial_ttop, obj_prev)); \
+ return PopObj(); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else break; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else InsertSpace(t); \
+ PushToken(t); \
+ if( rightpar ) obj_prev = FALSE; \
+ else \
+ { obj_prev = Reduce(); \
+ if( ttop == initial_ttop ) \
+ { *token = nilobj; \
+ debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, \
+ "] ] end Shift and Parse; stacks are:"); \
+ ifdebugcond(DOP, DD, debug_now, \
+ DebugStacks(initial_ttop, obj_prev)); \
+ return PopObj(); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] end Shift()"); \
+} /* end Shift */
+#define ShiftObj(t, new_obj_prev) \
+{ debugcond1(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ ShiftObj(%s)", Image(type(t))); \
+ InsertSpace(t); \
+ PushObj(t); \
+ obj_prev = new_obj_prev; \
+ debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] end ShiftObj()"); \
+/* */
+/* static Reduce() */
+/* */
+/* Perform a single reduction of the stacks. */
+/* */
+static BOOLEAN Reduce(void)
+{ OBJECT p1, p2, p3, s1, s2, tmp;
+ OBJECT op; int obj_prev;
+ debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ Reduce()");
+ /* ifdebugcond(DOP, DD, debug_now, DebugStacks(0, TRUE)); */
+ op = PopToken();
+ obj_prev = PREV_OBJ;
+ switch( type(op) )
+ {
+ case GSTUB_INT:
+ case GSTUB_EXT:
+ debug0(DGT, D, "calling TransferEnd( PopObj() ) from Reduce()");
+ TransferEnd( PopObj() );
+ New(p1, NULL_CLOS);
+ PushObj(p1);
+ Dispose(op);
+ break;
+ case GSTUB_NONE:
+ New(p1, NULL_CLOS);
+ PushObj(p1);
+ Dispose(op);
+ break;
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case SCALE:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case PADJUST:
+ case HADJUST:
+ case VADJUST:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case YIELD:
+ case BACKEND:
+ case XCHAR:
+ case FONT:
+ case SPACE:
+ case YUNIT:
+ case ZUNIT:
+ case BREAK:
+ case COLOUR:
+ case LANGUAGE:
+ case CURR_LANG:
+ case CURR_FACE:
+ case COMMON:
+ case RUMP:
+ case MELD:
+ case INSERT:
+ case ONE_OF:
+ case NEXT:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case TAGGED:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case OPEN:
+ case VERBATIM:
+ if( has_rpar(actual(op)) )
+ { s2 = PopObj();
+ Link(op, s2);
+ }
+ if( has_lpar(actual(op)) )
+ { s1 = PopObj();
+ Link(Down(op), s1);
+ }
+ PushObj(op);
+ break;
+ case CASE:
+ if( has_rpar(actual(op)) )
+ { s2 = PopObj();
+ Link(op, s2);
+ }
+ if( has_lpar(actual(op)) )
+ { s1 = PopObj();
+ Link(Down(op), s1);
+ }
+ if( type(s1) == BACKEND )
+ { op = OptimizeCase(op);
+ }
+ PushObj(op);
+ break;
+ case CROSS:
+ s2 = PopObj();
+ Link(op, s2);
+ s1 = PopObj();
+ Link(Down(op), s1);
+ if( type(s1) != CLOSURE )
+ Error(6, 3, "left parameter of %s is not a symbol (or not visible)",
+ WARN, &fpos(s1), Image(type(op)));
+ PushObj(op);
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ if( has_rpar(actual(op)) )
+ { New(s2, PAR);
+ tmp = PopObj();
+ Link(s2, tmp);
+ FposCopy(fpos(s2), fpos(tmp));
+ actual(s2) = ChildSym(actual(op), RPAR);
+ Link(op, s2);
+ }
+ if( has_lpar(actual(op)) )
+ { New(s1, PAR);
+ tmp = PopObj();
+ Link(s1, tmp);
+ FposCopy(fpos(s1), fpos(tmp));
+ actual(s1) = ChildSym(actual(op), LPAR);
+ Link(Down(op), s1);
+ }
+ PushObj(op);
+ break;
+ case LBR:
+ Error(6, 4, "unmatched %s (inserted %s)", WARN, &fpos(op),
+ Dispose(op);
+ obj_prev = PREV_RBR;
+ break;
+ case BEGIN:
+ assert1(FALSE, "Reduce: unmatched", KW_BEGIN);
+ break;
+ case RBR:
+ if( type(TokenTop) == LBR )
+ { /* *** FposCopy(fpos(ObjTop), fpos(TokenTop)); *** */
+ Dispose( PopToken() );
+ }
+ else if( type(TokenTop) == BEGIN )
+ { if( file_num(fpos(TokenTop)) > 0 )
+ Error(6, 5, "unmatched %s; inserted %s at%s (after %s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(op), KW_RBR, KW_LBR,
+ EchoFilePos(&fpos(TokenTop)), KW_BEGIN);
+ else
+ Error(6, 6, "unmatched %s not enclosed in anything",
+ FATAL, &fpos(op), KW_RBR);
+ }
+ else
+ { assert1(FALSE, "Reduce: unmatched", KW_RBR);
+ }
+ Dispose(op);
+ obj_prev = PREV_RBR;
+ break;
+ case END:
+ if( type(TokenTop) != BEGIN )
+ { assert1(FALSE, "Reduce: unmatched", KW_END);
+ }
+ else
+ { if( actual(op) != actual(TokenTop) )
+ {
+ if( actual(op) == StartSym )
+ Error(6, 7, "%s %s appended at end of file to match %s at%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(op), KW_END, SymName(actual(TokenTop)),
+ KW_BEGIN, EchoFilePos(&fpos(TokenTop)) );
+ else if( actual(op) == nilobj )
+ Error(6, 8, "%s replaced by %s %s to match %s at%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(op), KW_END, KW_END,
+ actual(TokenTop) == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("??") :
+ SymName(actual(TokenTop)),
+ KW_BEGIN, EchoFilePos(&fpos(TokenTop)) );
+ else
+ Error(6, 9, "%s %s replaced by %s %s to match %s at%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(op), KW_END, SymName(actual(op)),
+ KW_END, SymName(actual(TokenTop)),
+ KW_BEGIN, EchoFilePos(&fpos(TokenTop)) );
+ }
+ Dispose( PopToken() );
+ }
+ Dispose(op);
+ obj_prev = PREV_RBR;
+ break;
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ p1 = PopObj();
+ Link(op, p1);
+ PushObj(op);
+ obj_prev = PREV_OP;
+ break;
+ case VCAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case ACAT:
+ p3 = PopObj(); p2 = PopObj(); p1 = PopObj();
+ if( type(p1) == type(op) )
+ { Dispose(op);
+ }
+ else
+ { Link(op, p1);
+ p1 = op;
+ }
+ Link(p1, p2);
+ Link(p1, p3);
+ PushObj(p1);
+ break;
+ case TSPACE:
+ case TJUXTA:
+ p2 = PopObj(); p1 = PopObj();
+ if( type(p1) != ACAT )
+ { New(tmp, ACAT);
+ Link(tmp, p1);
+ FposCopy(fpos(tmp), fpos(p1));
+ p1 = tmp;
+ }
+ type(op) = GAP_OBJ;
+ Link(p1, op);
+ Link(p1, p2);
+ PushObj(p1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "Reduce:", Image(type(op)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ debugcond1(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] end Reduce(), returning %s",
+ obj_prev == PREV_OP ? "PREV_OP" : obj_prev == PREV_OBJ ? "PREV_OBJ" :
+ obj_prev == PREV_RBR ? "PREV_RBR" : "???");
+ return obj_prev;
+} /* end Reduce */
+/*@::SetScope(), InitParser()@************************************************/
+/* */
+/* SetScope(env, count, vis_only) */
+/* */
+/* Push scopes required to parse object whose environment is env. */
+/* Add to *count the number of scope pushes made. */
+/* */
+/* If vis_only is true, we only want visible things of the top-level */
+/* element of env to be visible in this scope. */
+/* */
+void SetScope(OBJECT env, int *count, BOOLEAN vis_only)
+{ OBJECT link, y, yenv; BOOLEAN visible_only;
+ debugcond2(DOP,DD, debug_now, "[ SetScope(%s, %d)", EchoObject(env), *count);
+ assert( env != nilobj && type(env) == ENV, "SetScope: type(env) != ENV!" );
+ if( Down(env) != env )
+ { Child(y, Down(env));
+ assert( LastDown(y) != y, "SetScope: LastDown(y)!" );
+ link = LastDown(env) != Down(env) ? LastDown(env) : LastDown(y);
+ Child(yenv, link);
+ assert( type(yenv) == ENV, "SetScope: type(yenv) != ENV!" );
+ SetScope(yenv, count, FALSE);
+ visible_only = vis_only || (use_invocation(actual(y)) != nilobj);
+ /* i.e. from @Use clause */
+ PushScope(actual(y), FALSE, visible_only); (*count)++;
+ /*** this following was a bright idea that did not work owing to
+ allowing body parameters at times they definitely shouldn't be
+ BodyParAllowed();
+ ***/
+ }
+ debugcond1(DOP, DD, debug_now, "] SetScope returning, count = %d", *count);
+} /* end SetScope */
+/* */
+/* InitParser() */
+/* */
+/* Initialise the parser to contain just GstubExt. */
+/* Remember cross_db, the name of the cross reference database, for Parse. */
+/* */
+void InitParser(FULL_CHAR *cross_db)
+{ if( StringLength(cross_db) >= MAX_WORD )
+ Error(6, 10, "cross reference database file name %s is too long",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, cross_db);
+ cross_name = MakeWord(WORD, cross_db, no_fpos);
+ PushToken( NewToken(GSTUB_EXT, no_fpos, 0, 0, DEFAULT_PREC, StartSym) );
+} /* end InitParser */
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT ParseEnvClosure(t, encl) */
+/* */
+/* Parse an object which is a closure with environment. Consume the */
+/* concluding @LClos. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT ParseEnvClosure(OBJECT t, OBJECT encl)
+{ OBJECT env, res, y; int count, i;
+ debugcond0(DOP, DDD, debug_now, "ParseEnvClosure(t, encl)");
+ assert( type(t) == ENV, "ParseEnvClosure: type(t) != ENV!" );
+ env = t; t = LexGetToken();
+ while( type(t) != CLOS ) switch( type(t) )
+ {
+ case LBR: count = 0;
+ SetScope(env, &count, FALSE);
+ y = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( type(y) != CLOSURE )
+ {
+ debug1(DIO, D, " Parse() returning %s:", Image(type(y)));
+ ifdebug(DIO, D, DebugObject(y));
+ Error(6, 11, "syntax error in cross reference database",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y));
+ }
+ for( i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) PopScope();
+ AttachEnv(env, y);
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ParseEnvClosure (a)");
+ env = SetEnv(y, nilobj);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case ENV: y = ParseEnvClosure(t, encl);
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ParseEnvClosure (b)");
+ env = SetEnv(y, env);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ default: Error(6, 12, "error in cross reference database",
+ FATAL, &fpos(t));
+ break;
+ }
+ Dispose(t);
+ if( Down(env) == env || Down(env) != LastDown(env) )
+ Error(6, 13, "error in cross reference database", FATAL, &fpos(env));
+ Child(res, Down(env));
+ DeleteNode(env);
+ debugcond1(DOP, DDD, debug_now, "ParseEnvClosure ret. %s", EchoObject(res));
+ assert( type(res) == CLOSURE, "ParseEnvClosure: type(res) != CLOSURE!" );
+ return res;
+} /* end ParseEnvClosure */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT Parse(token, encl, defs_allowed, transfer_allowed) */
+/* */
+/* Parse input tokens, beginning with *token, looking for an object of the */
+/* form { ... } or @Begin ... @End <sym>, and return the object. */
+/* The parent definition is encl, and scope has been set appropriately. */
+/* Parse reads up to and including the last token of the object */
+/* (the right brace or <sym>), and returns nilobj in *token. */
+/* */
+/* If defs_allowed == TRUE, there may be local definitions in the object. */
+/* In this case, encl is guaranteed to be the enclosing definition. */
+/* */
+/* If transfer_allowed == TRUE, the parser may transfer components to the */
+/* galley handler as they are read. */
+/* */
+/* Note: the lexical analyser returns "@End \Input" at end of input, so the */
+/* parser does not have to handle end of input separately. */
+/* */
+OBJECT Parse(OBJECT *token, OBJECT encl,
+BOOLEAN defs_allowed, BOOLEAN transfer_allowed)
+{ OBJECT t, x, tmp, xsym, env, y, link, res, imps, xlink;
+ int i, offset, lnum, initial_ttop = ttop;
+ int obj_prev, scope_count, compulsory_count; BOOLEAN revealed;
+ debugcond4(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ Parse(%s, %s, %s, %s)", EchoToken(*token),
+ SymName(encl), bool(defs_allowed), bool(transfer_allowed));
+ assert( type(*token) == LBR || type(*token) == BEGIN, "Parse: *token!" );
+ obj_prev = PREV_OP;
+ Shift(*token, precedence(*token), 0, FALSE, TRUE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( defs_allowed )
+ { ReadDefinitions(&t, encl, LOCAL);
+ /* if error in definitions, stop now */
+ if( ErrorSeen() )
+ Error(6, 14, "exiting now", FATAL, &fpos(t));
+ if( encl == StartSym )
+ {
+ /* read @Use, @Database, and @Prepend commands and defs and construct env */
+ New(env, ENV);
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if( type(t) == WORD && (
+ StringEqual(string(t), KW_DEF) ||
+ StringEqual(string(t), KW_FONTDEF) ||
+ StringEqual(string(t), KW_LANGDEF) ||
+ StringEqual(string(t), KW_MACRO) ||
+ StringEqual(string(t), KW_IMPORT) ||
+ StringEqual(string(t), KW_EXTEND) ||
+ StringEqual(string(t), KW_EXPORT) ) )
+ {
+ ReadDefinitions(&t, encl, LOCAL);
+ /* if error in definitions, stop now */
+ if( ErrorSeen() )
+ Error(6, 39, "exiting now", FATAL, &fpos(t));
+ }
+ else if( type(t) == USE )
+ {
+ OBJECT crs, res_env; STYLE style;
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ Error(6, 15, "%s expected after %s", FATAL, &fpos(t),KW_LBR,KW_USE);
+ debug0(DOP, DD, " Parse() calling Parse for @Use clause");
+ y = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( is_cross(type(y)) )
+ { OBJECT z;
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( type(z) == CLOSURE )
+ { crs = nilobj;
+ y = CrossExpand(y, env, &style, &crs, &res_env);
+ if( crs != nilobj )
+ { Error(6, 16, "%s or %s tag not allowed here",
+ }
+ HuntCommandOptions(y);
+ AttachEnv(res_env, y);
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from Parse (a)");
+ env = SetEnv(y, env);
+ }
+ else Error(6, 17, "invalid parameter of %s", FATAL, &fpos(y), KW_USE);
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == CLOSURE )
+ { if( use_invocation(actual(y)) != nilobj )
+ Error(6, 18, "symbol %s occurs in two %s clauses",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), SymName(actual(y)), KW_USE);
+ use_invocation(actual(y)) = y;
+ HuntCommandOptions(y);
+ AttachEnv(env, y);
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from Parse (b)");
+ env = SetEnv(y, nilobj);
+ }
+ else Error(6, 19, "invalid parameter of %s", FATAL, &fpos(y), KW_USE);
+ PushScope(actual(y), FALSE, TRUE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ else if( type(t) == PREPEND || type(t) == SYS_PREPEND )
+ { ReadPrependDef(type(t), encl);
+ Dispose(t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ else if( type(t) == DATABASE || type(t) == SYS_DATABASE )
+ { ReadDatabaseDef(type(t), encl);
+ Dispose(t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ else break;
+ }
+ /* transition point from defs to content; turn on debugging now */
+ debug_now = TRUE;
+ debugcond4(DOP, DD, debug_now, "[ Parse (first) (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ EchoToken(*token), SymName(encl), bool(defs_allowed),
+ bool(transfer_allowed));
+ /* load cross-references from previous run, open new cross refs */
+ if( AllowCrossDb )
+ {
+ NewCrossDb = DbCreate(MakeWord(WORD, string(cross_name), no_fpos));
+ OldCrossDb = DbLoad(cross_name, SOURCE_PATH, FALSE, nilobj,
+ InMemoryDbIndexes);
+ }
+ else OldCrossDb = NewCrossDb = nilobj;
+ /* tidy up and possibly print symbol table */
+ FlattenUses();
+ ifdebug(DST, DD, DebugObject(StartSym));
+ TransferInit(env);
+ debug0(DMA, D, "at end of definitions:");
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugMemory());
+ }
+ }
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "");
+ ifdebugcond(DOP, DD, debug_now, DebugStacks(0, obj_prev));
+ debugcond0(DOP, DD, debug_now, "");
+ debugcond2(DOP, DD, debug_now, ">> %s (precedence %d)", EchoToken(t), precedence(t));
+ switch( type(t) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ if( string(t)[0] == CH_SYMSTART &&
+ (obj_prev != PREV_OBJ || vspace(t) + hspace(t) > 0) )
+ {
+ Error(6, 20, "symbol %s unknown or misspelt",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), string(t));
+ if( ++unknown_count > 25 )
+ {
+ Error(6, 21, "too many errors (%s lines missing or out of order?)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(t), KW_SYSINCLUDE);
+ }
+ }
+ ShiftObj(t, PREV_OBJ);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case QWORD:
+ ShiftObj(t, PREV_OBJ);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case VCAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case ACAT:
+ /* clean up left context */
+ Shift(t, precedence(t), LEFT_ASSOC, TRUE, TRUE);
+ /* invoke transfer subroutines if appropriate */
+ /* *** if( type(t) == VCAT && !has_join(actual(t)) *** */
+ if( transfer_allowed && type(t) == VCAT && !has_join(actual(t))
+ && type(tok_stack[ttop-2]) == GSTUB_EXT )
+ {
+ debug0(DGT, DD, " calling TransferComponent from Parse:");
+ ifdebug(DGT, DD, DebugStacks(0, obj_prev));
+ TransferComponent( PopObj() );
+ New(tmp, NULL_CLOS);
+ FposCopy( fpos(tmp), fpos(t) );
+ PushObj(tmp);
+ }
+ /* push GAP_OBJ token, to cope with 3 parameters */
+ New(x, GAP_OBJ);
+ mark(gap(x)) = has_mark(actual(t));
+ join(gap(x)) = has_join(actual(t));
+ hspace(x) = hspace(t);
+ vspace(x) = vspace(t);
+ precedence(x) = GAP_PREC;
+ FposCopy( fpos(x), fpos(t) );
+ /* if op is followed by space, insert {} */
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( hspace(t) + vspace(t) > 0 )
+ { ShiftObj(MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x)), PREV_OBJ);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CROSS:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case SCALE:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case PADJUST:
+ case HADJUST:
+ case VADJUST:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case CASE:
+ case YIELD:
+ case BACKEND:
+ case XCHAR:
+ case FONT:
+ case SPACE:
+ case YUNIT:
+ case ZUNIT:
+ case BREAK:
+ case COLOUR:
+ case LANGUAGE:
+ case CURR_LANG:
+ case CURR_FACE:
+ case COMMON:
+ case RUMP:
+ case MELD:
+ case INSERT:
+ case ONE_OF:
+ case NEXT:
+ case TAGGED:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ /* clean up left context of t (these ops are all right associative) */
+ Shift(t, precedence(t), RIGHT_ASSOC,
+ has_lpar(actual(t)), has_rpar(actual(t)));
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case VERBATIM:
+ /* clean up left context of t */
+ x = t;
+ Shift(t, precedence(t), RIGHT_ASSOC,
+ has_lpar(actual(t)), has_rpar(actual(t)));
+ /* check for opening brace or begin following, and shift it onto the stacks */
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != BEGIN && type(t) != LBR )
+ Error(6, 40, "right parameter of %s or %s must be enclosed in braces",
+ actual(t) = type(x) == VERBATIM ? VerbatimSym : RawVerbatimSym;
+ Shift(t, LBR_PREC, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
+ /* read right parameter and add it to the stacks, and reduce */
+ y = LexScanVerbatim( (FILE *) NULL, type(t) == BEGIN, &fpos(t),
+ type(x) == RAW_VERBATIM);
+ ShiftObj(y, PREV_OBJ);
+ /* carry on, hopefully to the corresponding right brace or @End @Verbatim */
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ /* clean up left context of t (these ops are all left associative) */
+ Shift(t, precedence(t), LEFT_ASSOC,
+ has_lpar(actual(t)), has_rpar(actual(t)));
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ Error(6, 22, "unexpected end of input", FATAL, &fpos(t));
+ break;
+ case BEGIN:
+ if( actual(t) == nilobj )
+ { Error(6, 23, "%s replaced by %s", WARN, &fpos(t), KW_BEGIN, KW_LBR);
+ type(t) = LBR;
+ }
+ /* NB NO BREAK! */
+ case LBR:
+ Shift(t, LBR_PREC, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case END:
+ if( actual(t) == nilobj ) /* haven't sought following symbol yet */
+ { x = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(x) == CLOSURE )
+ { actual(t) = actual(x);
+ Dispose(x);
+ x = nilobj;
+ }
+ else if( type(x) == VERBATIM )
+ { actual(t) = VerbatimSym;
+ Dispose(x);
+ x = nilobj;
+ }
+ else if( type(x) == RAW_VERBATIM )
+ { actual(t) = RawVerbatimSym;
+ Dispose(x);
+ x = nilobj;
+ }
+ else if( type(x) == WORD && string(x)[0] == CH_SYMSTART )
+ { Error(6, 24, "unknown or misspelt symbol %s after %s deleted",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x), KW_END);
+ actual(t) = nilobj;
+ Dispose(x);
+ x = nilobj;
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(6, 25, "symbol expected after %s", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_END);
+ actual(t) = nilobj;
+ }
+ }
+ else x = nilobj;
+ Shift(t, precedence(t), 0, TRUE, FALSE);
+ t = (x != nilobj) ? x : LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case RBR:
+ Shift(t, precedence(t), 0, TRUE, FALSE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case USE:
+ case PREPEND:
+ case DATABASE:
+ Error(6, 26, "%s symbol out of place",
+ FATAL, &fpos(t), SymName(actual(t)));
+ break;
+ case ENV:
+ /* only occurs in cross reference databases */
+ res = ParseEnvClosure(t, encl);
+ ShiftObj(res, PREV_OBJ);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case ENVA:
+ /* only occurs in cross reference databases */
+ offset = LexNextTokenPos() -StringLength(KW_ENVA)-StringLength(KW_LBR)-1;
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ tmp = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ env = SetEnv(tmp, nilobj);
+ ShiftObj(env, PREV_OBJ);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ EnvReadInsert(file_num(fpos(t)), offset, env);
+ break;
+ case ENVB:
+ /* only occurs in cross reference databases */
+ offset = LexNextTokenPos() -StringLength(KW_ENVB)-StringLength(KW_LBR)-1;
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ env = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ res = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ env = SetEnv(res, env);
+ ShiftObj(env, PREV_OBJ);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ EnvReadInsert(file_num(fpos(t)), offset, env);
+ break;
+ case ENVC:
+ /* only occurs in cross reference databases */
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ New(res, ENV);
+ ShiftObj(res, PREV_OBJ);
+ break;
+ case ENVD:
+ /* only occurs in cross reference databases */
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != QWORD ||
+ sscanf((char *) string(t), "%d %d", &offset, &lnum) != 2 )
+ Error(6, 37, "error in cross reference database", FATAL, &fpos(t));
+ if( !EnvReadRetrieve(file_num(fpos(t)), offset, &env) )
+ { LexPush(file_num(fpos(t)), offset, DATABASE_FILE, lnum, TRUE);
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ env = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ LexPop();
+ }
+ else
+ { Dispose(t);
+ }
+ ShiftObj(env, PREV_OBJ);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case CENV:
+ /* only occurs in cross reference databases */
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ env = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ scope_count = 0;
+ SetScope(env, &scope_count, FALSE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ res = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ for( i = 0; i < scope_count; i++ ) PopScope();
+ AttachEnv(env, res);
+ ShiftObj(res, PREV_OBJ);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case LUSE:
+ /* only occurs in cross-reference databases */
+ /* copy invocation from use_invocation(xsym), don't read it */
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != CLOSURE )
+ Error(6, 27, "symbol expected following %s", FATAL,&fpos(t),KW_LUSE);
+ xsym = actual(t);
+ if( use_invocation(xsym) == nilobj )
+ Error(6, 28, "%s clause(s) changed from previous run",
+ FATAL, &fpos(t), KW_USE);
+ x = CopyObject(use_invocation(xsym), no_fpos);
+ for( link = LastDown(x); link != x; link = PrevDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == ENV )
+ { DeleteLink(link);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ShiftObj(x, PREV_OBJ);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ break;
+ case LVIS:
+ /* only occurs in cross-reference databases */
+ SuppressVisible();
+ Dispose(t); t = LexGetToken();
+ UnSuppressVisible();
+ if( type(t) != CLOSURE )
+ Error(6, 29, "symbol expected following %s", FATAL,&fpos(t),KW_LVIS);
+ /* NB NO BREAK! */
+ case CLOSURE:
+ x = t; xsym = actual(x);
+ /* look ahead one token, which could be an NPAR */
+ /* or could be @NotRevealed */
+ PushScope(xsym, TRUE, FALSE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) == NOT_REVEALED )
+ { Dispose(t);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ revealed = FALSE;
+ }
+ else revealed = TRUE;
+ PopScope();
+ /* if x starts a cross-reference, make it a CLOSURE */
+ if( is_cross(type(t)) )
+ { ShiftObj(x, PREV_OBJ);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* clean up left context of x */
+ Shift(x,precedence(x),right_assoc(xsym),has_lpar(xsym),has_rpar(xsym));
+ /* update uses relation if required */
+ if( encl != StartSym && encl != nilobj )
+ { if( has_target(xsym) )
+ { uses_galley(encl) = TRUE;
+ dirty(encl) = (dirty(encl) || dirty(xsym));
+ }
+ else if( revealed ) InsertUses(encl, xsym);
+ }
+ /* read named parameters */
+ compulsory_count = 0;
+ while( (type(t) == CLOSURE && enclosing(actual(t)) == xsym
+ && type(actual(t)) == NPAR)
+ || (type(t) == LBR && precedence(t) != LBR_PREC) )
+ {
+ OBJECT new_par;
+ /* check syntax and attach the named parameter to x */
+ if( type(t) == CLOSURE )
+ {
+ new_par = t;
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { Error(6, 30, "%s must follow named parameter %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(new_par), KW_LBR, SymName(actual(new_par)));
+ Dispose(new_par);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* compressed form of named parameter */
+ new_par = NewToken(CLOSURE, &fpos(t), vspace(t), hspace(t),
+ NO_PREC, ChildSymWithCode(x, precedence(t)));
+ precedence(t) = LBR_PREC;
+ }
+ /* add import list of the named parameter to current scope */
+ scope_count = 0;
+ imps = imports(actual(new_par));
+ if( imps != nilobj )
+ { for( link = Down(imps); link != imps; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ PushScope(actual(y), FALSE, TRUE);
+ scope_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* read the body of the named parameter */
+ PushScope(actual(new_par), FALSE, FALSE);
+ tmp = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ PopScope();
+ type(new_par) = PAR;
+ Link(new_par, tmp);
+ /* pop the scopes pushed for the import list */
+ for( i = 0; i < scope_count; i++ )
+ PopScope();
+ /* check that new_par has not already occurred, then link it to x */
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) == PAR, "Parse: type(y) != PAR!" );
+ if( actual(new_par) == actual(y) )
+ { Error(6, 31, "named parameter %s of %s appears twice", WARN,
+ &fpos(new_par), SymName(actual(new_par)), SymName(actual(x)));
+ DisposeObject(new_par);
+ new_par = nilobj;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( new_par != nilobj )
+ {
+ /* keep track of the number of compulsory named parameters */
+ if( is_compulsory(actual(new_par)) )
+ compulsory_count++;
+ Link(x, new_par);
+ }
+ /* get next token, possibly another NPAR */
+ PushScope(xsym, TRUE, FALSE); /* allow NPARs only */
+ if( t == nilobj ) t = LexGetToken();
+ PopScope();
+ } /* end while */
+ /* report absence of compulsory parameters */
+ debug4(DOP, D, "%s %s %d : %d", EchoFilePos(&fpos(x)),
+ SymName(xsym), compulsory_count, has_compulsory(xsym));
+ if( compulsory_count < has_compulsory(xsym) )
+ {
+ for( xlink = Down(xsym); xlink != xsym; xlink = NextDown(xlink) )
+ { Child(tmp, xlink);
+ if( type(tmp) == NPAR && is_compulsory(tmp) )
+ { for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == PAR && actual(y) == tmp )
+ break;
+ }
+ if( link == x )
+ {
+ Error(6, 38, "compulsory option %s missing from %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(tmp), SymName(xsym));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* record symbol name in BEGIN following, if any */
+ if( type(t) == BEGIN )
+ { if( !has_rpar(xsym) )
+ Error(6, 32, "%s out of place here (%s has no right parameter)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_BEGIN, SymName(xsym));
+ else actual(t) = xsym;
+ }
+ /* if x can be transferred, do so */
+ if( transfer_allowed && has_target(xsym) &&
+ !has_key(xsym) && filter(xsym) == nilobj )
+ {
+ if( !has_rpar(xsym) || uses_count(ChildSym(xsym, RPAR)) <= 1 )
+ {
+ debug1(DGT, D, "examining transfer of %s", SymName(xsym));
+ ifdebug(DGT, D, DebugStacks(initial_ttop, obj_prev));
+ i = has_rpar(xsym) ? ttop -1 : ttop;
+ while( is_cat_op(type(tok_stack[i])) ) i--;
+ if( (type(tok_stack[i])==LBR || type(tok_stack[i])==BEGIN)
+ && type(tok_stack[i-1]) == GSTUB_EXT )
+ {
+ /* at this point it is likely that x is transferable */
+ if( has_rpar(xsym) )
+ { New(tmp, CLOSURE);
+ actual(tmp) = InputSym;
+ FposCopy( fpos(tmp), fpos(t) );
+ ShiftObj(tmp, PREV_OBJ);
+ obj_prev = Reduce();
+ }
+ x = PopObj();
+ x = TransferBegin(x);
+ if( type(x) == CLOSURE ) /* failure: unReduce */
+ { if( has_rpar(xsym) )
+ { Child(tmp, LastDown(x));
+ assert(type(tmp)==PAR && type(actual(tmp))==RPAR,
+ "Parse: cannot undo rpar" );
+ DisposeChild(LastDown(x));
+ if( has_lpar(xsym) )
+ { Child(tmp, Down(x));
+ assert(type(tmp)==PAR && type(actual(tmp))==LPAR,
+ "Parse: cannot undo lpar" );
+ Child(tmp, Down(tmp));
+ PushObj(tmp);
+ DeleteLink(Up(tmp));
+ DisposeChild(Down(x));
+ }
+ PushToken(x); obj_prev = PREV_OP;
+ }
+ else
+ { PushObj(x);
+ obj_prev = PREV_OBJ;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* success */
+ { obj_prev = PREV_OP;
+ Shift(x, NO_PREC, 0, FALSE, has_rpar(xsym));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* end if has_target */
+ if( filter(xsym) != nilobj )
+ {
+ if( type(t) == BEGIN || type(t) == LBR )
+ {
+ /* create filter object and copy parameter into temp file */
+ tmp = FilterCreate((BOOLEAN) (type(t) == BEGIN), xsym, &fpos(t));
+ /* push filter object onto stacks and keep going */
+ Shift(t, precedence(t), 0, FALSE, TRUE);
+ ShiftObj(tmp, PREV_OBJ);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ else Error(6, 33, "right parameter of %s must be enclosed in braces",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), SymName(xsym));
+ }
+ else if( has_body(xsym) )
+ { if( type(t) == BEGIN || type(t) == LBR )
+ { PushScope(xsym, FALSE, TRUE);
+ PushScope(ChildSym(xsym, RPAR), FALSE, FALSE);
+ PushObj( Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, TRUE) );
+ obj_prev = Reduce();
+ PopScope();
+ PopScope();
+ if( t == nilobj ) t = LexGetToken();
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(6, 34, "body parameter of %s must be enclosed in braces",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), SymName(xsym));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case OPEN:
+ x = t; xsym = nilobj;
+ Shift(t, precedence(t), RIGHT_ASSOC, TRUE, TRUE);
+ if( type(ObjTop) == CLOSURE ) xsym = actual(ObjTop);
+ else if( is_cross(type(ObjTop)) && Down(ObjTop) != ObjTop )
+ { Child(tmp, Down(ObjTop));
+ if( type(tmp) == CLOSURE ) xsym = actual(tmp);
+ }
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( xsym == nilobj )
+ Error(6, 35, "invalid left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_OPEN);
+ else if( type(t) != BEGIN && type(t) != LBR )
+ Error(6, 36, "right parameter of %s must be enclosed in braces",
+ WARN, &fpos(t), KW_OPEN);
+ else
+ { PushScope(xsym, FALSE, TRUE);
+ tmp = Parse(&t, encl, FALSE, FALSE);
+ ShiftObj(tmp, PREV_RBR);
+ PopScope();
+ if( t == nilobj ) t = LexGetToken();
+ obj_prev = Reduce();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "Parse:", Image(type(t)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end for */
+} /* end Parse */
diff --git a/z07.c b/z07.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6e89a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z07.c
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+/*@z07.c:Object Service:SplitIsDefinite(), DisposeObject()@*******************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z07.c */
+/* MODULE: Object Service */
+/* EXTERNS: MakeWord(), MakeWordTwo(), MakeWordThree(), */
+/* DisposeObject(), CopyObject(), */
+/* SplitIsDefinite(), InsertObject() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN SplitIsDefinite(x) */
+/* */
+/* Return TRUE if x is a definite SPLIT object (both children definite) */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN SplitIsDefinite(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT y1, y2;
+ assert( type(x) == SPLIT, "SplitIsDefinite: x not a SPLIT!" );
+ Child(y1, DownDim(x, COLM));
+ Child(y2, DownDim(x, ROWM));
+ return is_definite(type(y1)) && is_definite(type(y2));
+} /* end SplitIsDefinite */
+/* */
+/* DisposeObject(x) */
+/* */
+/* Dispose object x recursively, leaving intact any shared descendants. */
+/* */
+int DisposeObject(OBJECT x)
+{ debug2(DOS,DDD,"[DisposeObject( %ld ), type = %s, x =", (long) x, Image(type(x)));
+ ifdebug(DOS, DDD, DebugObject(x));
+ assert( Up(x) == x, "DisposeObject: x has a parent!" );
+ while( Down(x) != x ) DisposeChild(Down(x)); Dispose(x);
+ debug0(DOS, DDD, "]DisposeObject returning.");
+ return 0;
+} /* end DisposeObject */
+/*@::MakeWord(), MakeWordTwo()@***********************************************/
+/* */
+/* OBJECT MakeWord(typ, str, pos) */
+/* */
+/* Return an unsized WORD or QWORD made from the given string and fpos. */
+/* */
+OBJECT MakeWord(unsigned typ, FULL_CHAR *str, FILE_POS *pos)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ NewWord(res, typ, StringLength(str), pos);
+ StringCopy(string(res), str);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), *pos);
+ debug4(DOS, DDD, "MakeWord(%s, %s, %s) returning %s",
+ Image(typ), str, EchoFilePos(pos), EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end MakeWord */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT MakeWordTwo(typ, str1, str2, pos) */
+/* */
+/* Return an unsized WORD or QWORD made from the two strings and fpos. */
+/* */
+OBJECT MakeWordTwo(unsigned typ, FULL_CHAR *str1, FULL_CHAR *str2, FILE_POS *pos)
+{ int len1 = StringLength(str1);
+ int len2 = StringLength(str2);
+ OBJECT res;
+ debug4(DOS, DDD, "MakeWordTwo(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ Image(typ), str1, str2, EchoFilePos(pos));
+ NewWord(res, typ, len1 + len2, pos);
+ StringCopy(string(res), str1);
+ StringCopy(&string(res)[len1], str2);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), *pos);
+ debug5(DOS, DDD, "MakeWordTwo(%s, %s, %s, %s) returning %s",
+ Image(typ), str1, str2, EchoFilePos(pos), EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end MakeWordTwo */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT MakeWordThree(s1, s2, s3) */
+/* */
+/* Return an unsized WORD containing these three strings. */
+/* */
+OBJECT MakeWordThree(FULL_CHAR *s1, FULL_CHAR *s2, FULL_CHAR *s3)
+{ int len1 = StringLength(s1);
+ int len2 = StringLength(s2);
+ int len3 = StringLength(s3);
+ OBJECT res;
+ debug3(DOS, DDD, "MakeWordThree(%s, %s, %s)", s1, s2, s3);
+ NewWord(res, WORD, len1 + len2 + len3, no_fpos);
+ StringCopy(string(res), s1);
+ StringCopy(&string(res)[len1], s2);
+ StringCopy(&string(res)[len1 + len2], s3);
+ debug4(DOS, DDD, "MakeWordThree(%s, %s, %s) returning %s",
+ s1, s2, s3, EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end MakeWordThree */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT CopyObject(x, pos) */
+/* */
+/* Make a copy of unsized object x, setting all file positions to *pos. */
+/* */
+OBJECT CopyObject(OBJECT x, FILE_POS *pos)
+{ OBJECT y, link, res, tmp;
+ debug2(DOS, DD, "[ CopyObject(%s, %s)", EchoObject(x), EchoFilePos(pos));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ NewWord(res, type(x), StringLength(string(x)), pos);
+ StringCopy(string(res), string(x));
+ break;
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ New(res, GAP_OBJ);
+ mark(gap(res)) = mark(gap(x));
+ join(gap(res)) = join(gap(x));
+ hspace(res) = hspace(x);
+ vspace(res) = vspace(x);
+ if( Down(x) != x )
+ { Child(y, Down(x));
+ tmp = CopyObject(y, pos);
+ Link(res, tmp);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* case HEAD: */
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case CROSS:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case SCALE:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case PADJUST:
+ case HADJUST:
+ case VADJUST:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case VERBATIM:
+ case CASE:
+ case YIELD:
+ case BACKEND:
+ case XCHAR:
+ case FONT:
+ case SPACE:
+ case YUNIT:
+ case ZUNIT:
+ case BREAK:
+ case COLOUR:
+ case LANGUAGE:
+ case CURR_LANG:
+ case CURR_FACE:
+ case COMMON:
+ case RUMP:
+ case MELD:
+ case INSERT:
+ case ONE_OF:
+ case NEXT:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case OPEN:
+ case TAGGED:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case VCAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case ACAT:
+ case ENV_OBJ:
+ New(res, type(x));
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ tmp = CopyObject(y, pos);
+ Link(res, tmp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case FILTERED:
+ New(res, type(x));
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ Link(res, y); /* do not copy children of FILTERED */
+ }
+ debug3(DFH, D, "copying FILTERED %d into %d %s",
+ (int) x, (int) res, EchoObject(res));
+ break;
+ case ENV:
+ res = x; /* do not copy environments */
+ break;
+ case PAR:
+ New(res, PAR);
+ actual(res) = actual(x);
+ assert( Down(x) != x, "CopyObject: PAR child!" );
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ tmp = CopyObject(y, pos);
+ Link(res, tmp);
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ New(res, CLOSURE);
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) != CLOSURE, "CopyObject: CLOSURE!" );
+ tmp = CopyObject(y, pos);
+ Link(res, tmp);
+ }
+ actual(res) = actual(x);
+ StyleCopy(save_style(res), save_style(x));
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "CopyObject:", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ if( pos == no_fpos ) FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(x));
+ else FposCopy(fpos(res), *pos);
+ debug1(DOS, DD, "] CopyObject returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end CopyObject */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT InsertObject(OBJECT x, OBJECT *ins, STYLE *style) */
+/* */
+/* Search through manifested object x for an ACAT where ins may be */
+/* attached. If successful, set *ins to nilobj after the attachment. */
+/* */
+OBJECT InsertObject(OBJECT x, OBJECT *ins, STYLE *style)
+{ OBJECT link, y, g, res;
+ debug2(DOS, DDD, "InsertObject(%s, %s)", EchoObject(x), EchoObject(*ins));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ New(res, ACAT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ Link(res, x);
+ StyleCopy(save_style(res), *style);
+ adjust_cat(res) = padjust(*style);
+ res = InsertObject(res, ins, style);
+ break;
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case HEAD:
+ case CROSS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ res = x;
+ break;
+ case HCAT:
+ case VCAT:
+ case COL_THR:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ case SPLIT:
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x && *ins != nilobj; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ y = InsertObject(y, ins, style);
+ }
+ res = x;
+ break;
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case PADJUST:
+ case HADJUST:
+ case VADJUST:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case SCALE:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = InsertObject(y, ins, style);
+ res = x;
+ break;
+ case ACAT:
+ New(g, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(g) = vspace(g) = 0;
+ underline(g) = UNDER_OFF;
+ Link(Down(x), g);
+ Link(Down(x), *ins);
+ underline(*ins) = UNDER_OFF;
+ *ins = nilobj;
+ res = x;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "InsertObject:", Image(type(x)));
+ res = x;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug2(DOS, DDD, "InsertObject returning (%s) %s",
+ *ins == nilobj ? "success" : "failure", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end InsertObject */
+/* */
+/* Meld(x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Return the meld of x with y. */
+/* */
+#define NO_DIR 0
+#define X_DIR 1
+#define Y_DIR 2
+#define XY_DIR 3
+#define MAX_MELD 32
+{ OBJECT res;
+ char table[MAX_MELD][MAX_MELD], dir[MAX_MELD][MAX_MELD];
+ OBJECT xcomp[MAX_MELD], ycomp[MAX_MELD];
+ OBJECT xgaps[MAX_MELD], ygaps[MAX_MELD];
+ BOOLEAN is_equal;
+ OBJECT link, z, g; BOOLEAN jn;
+ int xlen, ylen, xi, yi;
+ debug2(DOS, D, "Meld(%s, %s)", EchoObject(x), EchoObject(y));
+ assert(type(x) == ACAT, "Meld: type(x) != ACAT");
+ assert(type(y) == ACAT, "Meld: type(y) != ACAT");
+ /* initialize xcomp, xgaps, xlen */
+ debug0(DOS, DD, " initializing xcomp[]");
+ xlen = 0;
+ xcomp[xlen] = nilobj;
+ xlen++;
+ g = nilobj;
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, z, jn);
+ while( link != x )
+ { if( xlen >= MAX_MELD )
+ Error(7, 1, "%s: maximum paragraph length (%d) exceeded", FATAL, &fpos(x),
+ xcomp[xlen] = z;
+ xgaps[xlen] = g;
+ debug3(DOS, DD, " initializing xcomp[%d] to %s %s",
+ xlen, Image(type(z)), EchoObject(z));
+ xlen++;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, z, g, jn)
+ }
+ /* initialize ycomp, ygaps, ylen */
+ debug0(DOS, DD, " initializing ycomp[]");
+ ylen = 0;
+ ycomp[ylen] = nilobj;
+ ylen++;
+ g = nilobj;
+ FirstDefinite(y, link, z, jn);
+ while( link != y )
+ { if( ylen >= MAX_MELD )
+ Error(7, 1, "%s: maximum paragraph length (%d) exceeded", FATAL, &fpos(y),
+ ycomp[ylen] = z;
+ ygaps[ylen] = g;
+ debug3(DOS, DD, " initializing ycomp[%d] to %s %s",
+ ylen, Image(type(z)), EchoObject(z));
+ ylen++;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(y, link, z, g, jn)
+ }
+ /* initialize table and dir */
+ debug0(DOS, DD, " initializing table[]");
+ table[0][0] = 0;
+ dir[0][0] = NO_DIR;
+ for( xi = 1; xi < xlen; xi++ )
+ { table[xi][0] = 0;
+ dir[xi][0] = X_DIR;
+ }
+ for( yi = 1; yi < ylen; yi++ )
+ { table[0][yi] = 0;
+ dir[0][yi] = Y_DIR;
+ }
+ for( xi = 1; xi < xlen; xi++ )
+ {
+ for( yi = 1; yi < ylen; yi++ )
+ {
+ if( is_word(type(xcomp[xi])) )
+ { is_equal = is_word(type(ycomp[yi])) &&
+ StringEqual(string(xcomp[xi]), string(ycomp[yi]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ is_equal = (type(xcomp[xi]) == type(ycomp[yi]));
+ }
+ if( is_equal )
+ {
+ table[xi][yi] = 1 + table[xi - 1][yi - 1];
+ dir[xi][yi] = XY_DIR;
+ debug3(DOS, DD, " assigning (XY) table[%d][%d] = %d", xi, yi,
+ table[xi][yi]);
+ }
+ else if( table[xi - 1][yi] > table[xi][yi - 1] )
+ {
+ table[xi][yi] = table[xi - 1][yi];
+ dir[xi][yi] = X_DIR;
+ debug3(DOS, DD, " assigning (X) table[%d][%d] = %d", xi, yi,
+ table[xi][yi]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ table[xi][yi] = table[xi][yi - 1];
+ dir[xi][yi] = Y_DIR;
+ debug3(DOS, DD, " assigning (Y) table[%d][%d] = %d", xi, yi,
+ table[xi][yi]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* traverse table from [xlen-l][ylen-1] back to [0][0], finding who's in */
+ debug0(DOS, DD, " traversing table[]");
+ New(res, ACAT);
+ StyleCopy(save_style(res), save_style(x));
+ for( xi = xlen - 1, yi = ylen - 1; dir[xi][yi] != NO_DIR; )
+ {
+ switch( dir[xi][yi] )
+ {
+ case XY_DIR:
+ debug3(DOS, DD, " at table[%d][%d] (XY) linking %s",
+ xi, yi, EchoObject(xcomp[xi]));
+ Link(Down(res), xcomp[xi]);
+ g = xgaps[xi];
+ xi--;
+ yi--;
+ break;
+ case Y_DIR:
+ debug3(DOS, DD, " at table[%d][%d] (ydec) linking %s",
+ xi, yi, EchoObject(ycomp[yi]));
+ Link(Down(res), ycomp[yi]);
+ g = ygaps[yi];
+ yi--;
+ break;
+ case X_DIR:
+ debug3(DOS, DD, " at table[%d][%d] (xdec) linking %s",
+ xi, yi, EchoObject(xcomp[xi]));
+ Link(Down(res), xcomp[xi]);
+ g = xgaps[xi];
+ xi--;
+ }
+ /* add gap if not last time; either g or one we make up */
+ if( dir[xi][yi] != NO_DIR )
+ {
+ if( g == nilobj )
+ {
+ OBJECT tmp;
+ New(g, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(g) = 1; vspace(g) = 0;
+ FposCopy(fpos(g), *no_fpos);
+ width(space_gap(save_style(res))));
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("1s"), &fpos(g));
+ Link(g, tmp);
+ Link(Down(res), g);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(Up(g) == LastUp(g), "Meld: g!" );
+ Link(Down(res), g);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DOS, D, "Meld returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
diff --git a/z08.c b/z08.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89afcbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z08.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1989 @@
+/*@z08.c:Object Manifest:ReplaceWithSplit()@**********************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z08.c */
+/* MODULE: Object Manifest */
+/* EXTERNS: Manifest() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define line_breaker(g) \
+ (vspace(g) > 0 || (units(gap(g)) == FRAME_UNIT && width(gap(g)) > FR))
+/* */
+/* static SetUnderline(x) */
+/* */
+/* Set underline() flags in object x to UNDER_ON as appropriate. */
+/* */
+static void SetUnderline(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT y, link;
+ debug2(DOM, DD, " Manifest underlining %s %s", Image(type(x)),EchoObject(x));
+ if( type(x) == ACAT )
+ { for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ SetUnderline(y);
+ }
+ }
+ debug3(DOM, DDD, " SetUnderline underline() := %s for %s %s",
+ "UNDER_ON", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ underline(x) = UNDER_ON;
+} /* end SetUnderline */
+/* */
+/* static ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr) */
+/* */
+/* Replace object x with a SPLIT object, if threads for this object are */
+/* requested by bthr and/or fthr. */
+/* */
+#define ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr) \
+ if( bthr[ROWM] || bthr[COLM] || fthr[ROWM] || fthr[COLM] ) \
+ x = insert_split(x, bthr, fthr)
+static OBJECT insert_split(OBJECT x, OBJECT bthr[2], OBJECT fthr[2])
+{ OBJECT res, new_op; int dim;
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithSplit(%s, -)", EchoObject(x));
+ assert( type(x) != SPLIT, "ReplaceWithSplit: type(x) already SPLIT!" );
+ New(res, SPLIT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ for( dim = COLM; dim <= ROWM; dim++ )
+ { if( bthr[dim] || fthr[dim] )
+ { New(new_op, dim == COLM ? COL_THR : ROW_THR);
+ thr_state(new_op) = NOTSIZED;
+ fwd(new_op, 1-dim) = 0; /* will hold max frame_size */
+ back(new_op, 1-dim) = 0; /* will hold max frame_origin */
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_op), fpos(x));
+ Link(res, new_op); Link(new_op, x);
+ if( bthr[dim] ) Link(bthr[dim], new_op);
+ if( fthr[dim] ) Link(fthr[dim], new_op);
+ }
+ else Link(res, x);
+ }
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithSplit returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end insert_split */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ReplaceWithTidy(x, one_word) */
+/* */
+/* Replace object x with a tidier version in which juxtapositions are */
+/* folded. If this is not possible, return the original object. */
+/* */
+/* If one_word is TRUE, the result is to be a single QWORD with inter- */
+/* word spaces converted to single space characters. Otherwise an ACAT */
+/* is the preferred result. */
+/* */
+/* *** Meaning changed, now interword spaces are converted to the same */
+/* number of spaces to assist construction of sorting keys. */
+/* */
+OBJECT ReplaceWithTidy(OBJECT x, BOOLEAN one_word)
+{ static FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF]; /* the growing current word */
+ static int buff_len; /* length of current word */
+ static FILE_POS buff_pos; /* filepos of current word */
+ static unsigned buff_typ; /* WORD or QWORD of current */
+ OBJECT link, y, tmp, res; /* temporaries */
+ int i;
+ debug2(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy(%s, %s)", EchoObject(x), bool(one_word));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case ACAT:
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == ACAT )
+ { tmp = Down(y); TransferLinks(tmp, y, link);
+ DisposeChild(link); link = PrevDown(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ res = nilobj; buff_len = 0; buff_typ = WORD;
+ FposCopy(buff_pos, fpos(x));
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { if( buff_len + StringLength(string(y)) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(8, 1, "word is too long", WARN, &fpos(y));
+ else
+ { if( buff_len == 0 ) FposCopy(buff_pos, fpos(y));
+ StringCopy(&buff[buff_len], string(y));
+ buff_len += StringLength(string(y));
+ if( type(y) == QWORD ) buff_typ = QWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { if( Down(y) != y || hspace(y) + vspace(y) > 0 )
+ { if( one_word )
+ { if( buff_len + hspace(y) + vspace(y) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(8, 2, "word is too long", WARN, &fpos(y));
+ else
+ { for( i = 0; i < hspace(y) + vspace(y); i++ )
+ { StringCopy(&buff[buff_len], AsciiToFull(" "));
+ buff_len++;
+ }
+ buff_typ = QWORD;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { tmp = MakeWord(buff_typ, buff, &buff_pos);
+ buff_len = 0; buff_typ = WORD;
+ if( res == nilobj )
+ { New(res, ACAT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(x));
+ }
+ Link(res, tmp); Link(res, y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else /* error */
+ { if( res != nilobj ) DisposeObject(res);
+ debug0(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy returning unchanged");
+ return x;
+ }
+ }
+ tmp = MakeWord(buff_typ, buff, &buff_pos);
+ if( res == nilobj ) res = tmp;
+ else Link(res, tmp);
+ ReplaceNode(res, x); DisposeObject(x);
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy returning %s", EchoObject(x));
+ return x;
+ default:
+ debug0(DOM, DD, "ReplaceWithTidy returning unchanged");
+ return x;
+ }
+} /* end ReplaceWithTidy */
+/* */
+/* static float GetScaleFactor(x) */
+/* */
+/* Find a scale factor in object x and return it as a float, after checks. */
+/* */
+static float GetScaleFactor(OBJECT x)
+{ float scale_factor;
+ if( !is_word(type(x)) )
+ { Error(8, 3, "replacing invalid scale factor by 1.0", WARN, &fpos(x));
+ scale_factor = 1.0;
+ }
+ else if( sscanf( (char *) string(x), "%f", &scale_factor) != 1 )
+ { Error(8, 4, "replacing invalid scale factor %s by 1.0",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ scale_factor = 1.0;
+ }
+ else if( scale_factor < 0.01 )
+ { Error(8, 5, "replacing undersized scale factor %s by 1.0",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ scale_factor = 1.0;
+ }
+ else if( scale_factor > 100 )
+ { Error(8, 6, "replacing oversized scale factor %s by 1.0",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ scale_factor = 1.0;
+ }
+ return scale_factor;
+} /* GetScaleFactor */
+static OBJECT nbt[2] = { nilobj, nilobj }; /* constant nilobj threads */
+static OBJECT nft[2] = { nilobj, nilobj }; /* constant nilobj threads */
+static OBJECT ntarget = nilobj; /* constant nilobj target */
+static OBJECT nenclose = nilobj; /* constant nilobj enclose */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ManifestCat(x,env,style,bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */
+/* enclose, fcr) */
+/* */
+/* This procedure implements Manifest (see below) when x is HCAT or VCAT. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT ManifestCat(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2],
+OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand,
+OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr)
+{ OBJECT bt[2], ft[2], y, link, gaplink, g, first_bt, last_ft, z;
+ int par, perp;
+ unsigned res_inc; BOOLEAN still_backing;
+ STYLE new_style;
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "[ ManifestCat(%s)", EchoObject(x));
+ StyleCopy(new_style, *style);
+ if( type(x) == HCAT )
+ { par = ROWM;
+ adjust_cat(x) = hadjust(*style);
+ hadjust(new_style) = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ { par = COLM;
+ adjust_cat(x) = vadjust(*style);
+ vadjust(new_style) = FALSE;
+ }
+ perp = 1 - par;
+ link = Down(x);
+ gaplink = NextDown(link);
+ assert( link!=x && gaplink!=x, "Manifest/VCAT: less than two children!" );
+ Child(y, link); Child(g, gaplink);
+ /* set bt and ft threads for y */
+ bt[perp] = bthr[perp];
+ ft[perp] = fthr[perp];
+ if( bthr[par] ) { New(first_bt, THREAD); }
+ else first_bt = nilobj;
+ bt[par] = first_bt;
+ if( join(gap(g)) ) { New(ft[par], THREAD); }
+ else ft[par] = nilobj;
+ still_backing = first_bt != nilobj;
+ /* manifest y and insinuate any cross-references */
+ y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, bt, ft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ if( type(x) == VCAT && ok && *crs != nilobj )
+ { debug1(DCR, DD, " insinuating %s", EchoObject(*crs));
+ TransferLinks(Down(*crs), *crs, link);
+ DisposeObject(*crs);
+ *crs = nilobj;
+ }
+ /* manifest the remaining children */
+ while( g != nilobj )
+ {
+ /* manifest the gap object, store it in gap(g), add perp threads */
+ assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "Manifest/VCAT: type(g) != GAP_OBJECT!" );
+ assert( Down(g) != g, "Manifest/VCAT: GAP_OBJ has no child!" );
+ Child(z, Down(g));
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "manifesting gap, style = %s", EchoStyle(style));
+ z = Manifest(z, env, &new_style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "replacing with tidy, style = %s", EchoStyle(style));
+ z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, FALSE);
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "calling GetGap, style = %s", EchoStyle(style));
+ GetGap(z, style, &gap(g), &res_inc);
+ if( bt[perp] ) Link(bt[perp], g);
+ if( ft[perp] ) Link(ft[perp], g);
+ /* find the next child y, and following gap if any */
+ link = NextDown(gaplink);
+ assert( link != x, "Manifest/VCAT: GAP_OBJ is last child!" );
+ Child(y, link);
+ gaplink = NextDown(link);
+ if( gaplink == x ) g = nilobj;
+ else Child(g, gaplink);
+ /* set bt and ft threads for y */
+ last_ft = ft[par];
+ if( ft[par] ) { New(bt[par], THREAD); } else bt[par] = nilobj;
+ if( g != nilobj )
+ { if( join(gap(g)) ) { New(ft[par], THREAD); } else ft[par] = nilobj;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( fthr[par] ) { New(ft[par], THREAD); } else ft[par] = nilobj;
+ }
+ /* manifest y and insinuate any cross references */
+ y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, bt, ft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ if( type(x) == VCAT && ok && *crs != nilobj )
+ { debug1(DCR, DD, " insinuating %s", EchoObject(*crs));
+ TransferLinks(Down(*crs), *crs, link);
+ DisposeObject(*crs);
+ *crs = nilobj;
+ }
+ if( bt[par] ) /* then thread lists last_ft and bt[par] must merge */
+ { OBJECT llink, rlink, lthread, rthread;
+ BOOLEAN goes_through;
+ assert( Down(bt[par]) != bt[par], "Manifest: bt[par] no children!" );
+ assert( last_ft!=nilobj && Down(last_ft)!=last_ft, "Manifest:last_ft!" );
+ /* check whether marks run right through y in par direction */
+ goes_through = FALSE;
+ if( ft[par] )
+ { assert( Down(ft[par]) != ft[par], "Manifest: ft[par] child!" );
+ Child(lthread, LastDown(bt[par]));
+ Child(rthread, LastDown(ft[par]));
+ goes_through = lthread == rthread;
+ }
+ /* merge the thread lists */
+ llink = Down(last_ft); rlink = Down(bt[par]);
+ while( llink != last_ft && rlink != bt[par] )
+ { Child(lthread, llink);
+ Child(rthread, rlink);
+ assert( lthread != rthread, "Manifest: lthread == rthread!" );
+ MergeNode(lthread, rthread);
+ llink = NextDown(llink);
+ rlink = NextDown(rlink);
+ }
+ /* attach leftover back threads to first_bt if required */
+ if( rlink != bt[par] )
+ {
+ if( still_backing ) TransferLinks(rlink, bt[par], first_bt);
+ }
+ DisposeObject(bt[par]);
+ /* attach leftover forward threads to ft[par] if required */
+ if( llink != last_ft )
+ {
+ if( goes_through ) TransferLinks(llink, last_ft, ft[par]);
+ }
+ DisposeObject(last_ft);
+ if( !goes_through ) still_backing = FALSE;
+ }
+ else still_backing = FALSE;
+ } /* end while */
+ /* export par threads */
+ if( fthr[par] ) MergeNode(fthr[par], ft[par]);
+ if( bthr[par] ) MergeNode(bthr[par], first_bt);
+ debug0(DOM, DD, "] ManifestCat returning");
+ return x;
+} /* end ManifestCat */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ManifestCase(x,env,style,bthr,fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */
+/* enclose, fcr) */
+/* */
+/* This procedure implements Manifest (see below) when x is CASE. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT ManifestCase(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2],
+OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand,
+OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr)
+{ OBJECT y, tag, ylink, yield, ytag, zlink;
+ OBJECT res, z, firsttag, firstres;
+ /* make sure left parameter (the tag) is in order */
+ debug0(DOM, DD, " manifesting CASE now");
+ Child(tag, Down(x));
+ debug1(DOM, DD, " manifesting CASE tag %s now", EchoObject(tag));
+ tag = Manifest(tag, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE,
+ &nenclose, fcr);
+ tag = ReplaceWithTidy(tag, FALSE);
+ /* make sure the right parameter is an ACAT */
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ if( type(y) == YIELD )
+ { New(z, ACAT);
+ MoveLink(Up(y), z, PARENT);
+ Link(x, z);
+ y = z;
+ }
+ if( type(y) != ACAT )
+ { Error(8, 7, "%s deleted (right parameter is malformed)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), KW_CASE);
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ return x;
+ }
+ /* hunt through right parameter for res, the selected case */
+ res = nilobj; firsttag = nilobj;
+ for( ylink = Down(y); ylink != y && res == nilobj; ylink = NextDown(ylink) )
+ { Child(yield, ylink);
+ if( type(yield) == GAP_OBJ ) continue;
+ if( type(yield) != YIELD )
+ { Error(8, 8, "%s expected here", WARN, &fpos(yield), KW_YIELD);
+ break;
+ }
+ Child(ytag, Down(yield));
+ ytag = Manifest(ytag, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE,
+ &nenclose, fcr);
+ ytag = ReplaceWithTidy(ytag, FALSE);
+ if( is_word(type(ytag)) )
+ { if( firsttag == nilobj )
+ { firsttag = ytag;
+ Child(firstres, LastDown(yield));
+ }
+ if( (is_word(type(tag)) && StringEqual(string(ytag), string(tag))) ||
+ StringEqual(string(ytag), STR_ELSE) )
+ { Child(res, LastDown(yield));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( type(ytag) == ACAT )
+ { z = ytag;
+ for( zlink = Down(z); zlink != z; zlink = NextDown(zlink) )
+ { Child(ytag, zlink);
+ if( type(ytag) == GAP_OBJ ) continue;
+ if( !is_word(type(ytag)) )
+ { Error(8, 9, "error in left parameter of %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(ytag), KW_YIELD);
+ break;
+ }
+ if( firsttag == nilobj )
+ { firsttag = ytag;
+ Child(firstres, LastDown(yield));
+ }
+ if( (is_word(type(tag)) && StringEqual(string(ytag), string(tag)))
+ || StringEqual(string(ytag), STR_ELSE) )
+ { Child(res, LastDown(yield));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else Error(8, 10, "error in left parameter of %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(ytag), KW_YIELD);
+ }
+ if( res == nilobj )
+ { if( firsttag != nilobj )
+ { Error(8, 11, "replacing unknown %s option %s by %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_CASE, string(tag), string(firsttag));
+ res = firstres;
+ debug1(DGP, D, " res = %s", EchoObject(res));
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(8, 12, "%s deleted (choice %s unknown)",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_CASE, string(tag));
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ return x;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now manifest the result and replace x with it */
+ DeleteLink(Up(res));
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ return x;
+} /* ManifestCase */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ManifestTg(x,env,style,bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */
+/* enclose, fcr) */
+/* */
+/* This procedure implements Manifest (see below) when x is TAGGED. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT ManifestTg(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2],
+OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand,
+OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr)
+{ OBJECT y, tag, z;
+ /* make sure first argument is a cross-reference */
+ assert( Down(x) != x && NextDown(Down(x)) != x &&
+ NextDown(NextDown(Down(x))) == x, "Manifest TAGGED: children!" );
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( !is_cross(type(y)) )
+ {
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, TRUE);
+ if( !is_cross(type(y)) )
+ { Error(8, 13, "left parameter of %s is not a cross reference",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), KW_TAGGED);
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ return x;
+ }
+ }
+ /* make sure the arguments of the cross-reference are OK */
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( type(z) != CLOSURE )
+ { Error(8, 14, "left parameter of %s must be a symbol",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), KW_TAGGED);
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ return x;
+ }
+ if( !has_tag(actual(z)) )
+ { Error(8, 15, "symbol %s not allowed here (it has no %s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(z), SymName(actual(z)), KW_TAG);
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ return x;
+ }
+ Child(z, NextDown(Down(y)));
+ z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, FALSE);
+ if( is_word(type(z)) && StringEqual(string(z), KW_PRECEDING) )
+ cross_type(y) = CROSS_PREC;
+ else if( is_word(type(z)) && StringEqual(string(z), KW_FOLLOWING) )
+ cross_type(y) = CROSS_FOLL;
+ else if( is_word(type(z)) && StringEqual(string(z), KW_FOLL_OR_PREC) )
+ cross_type(y) = CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC;
+ else
+ { Error(8, 16, "%s, %s or %s expected in left parameter of %s",
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ return x;
+ }
+ /* make sure second argument (the new key) is ok */
+ Child(tag, LastDown(x));
+ tag = Manifest(tag, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ tag = ReplaceWithTidy(tag, TRUE); /* && */
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) )
+ { Error(8, 17, "right parameter of %s must be a simple word",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_TAGGED);
+ ifdebug(DOM, DD, DebugObject(tag));
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ return x;
+ }
+ /* assemble insinuated cross reference which replaces x */
+ ReplaceNode(tag, z);
+ DisposeObject(z);
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = y;
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " tagged manifesting %s", EchoObject(x));
+ return x;
+} /* end ManifestTg */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ManifestCl(x,env,style,bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */
+/* enclose, fcr) */
+/* */
+/* This procedure implements Manifest (see below) when x is CLOSURE. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT ManifestCl(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2],
+OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand,
+OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr)
+{ OBJECT y, link, sym, res_env, hold_env, hold_env2, z, newz, command;
+ BOOLEAN symbol_free;
+ sym = actual(x);
+ StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style);
+ debugcond2(DOM, D, StringEqual(SymName(sym), "@Section"),
+ "manifesting %s at %s", SymName(sym), EchoFilePos(&fpos(x)));
+ debug1(DOM, DD, " [ manifesting closure %s", SymName(sym));
+ /* enclose, if required */
+ if( *enclose != nilobj && (actual(x)==GalleySym || actual(x)==ForceGalleySym) )
+ { OBJECT sym, par;
+ ReplaceNode(*enclose, x);
+ Child(sym, Down(*enclose));
+ Child(par, Down(sym));
+ DisposeChild(Down(par));
+ Link(par, x);
+ x = *enclose;
+ *enclose = nilobj;
+ debug1(DHY, DD, " Manifest/enclose: %s", EchoObject(x));
+ x = Manifest(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ debug0(DOM, DD, " ] returning from manifesting closure (enclose)");
+ return x;
+ }
+ /* expand parameters where possible, and find if they are all free */
+ symbol_free = TRUE;
+ debugcond1(DOM, DD, indefinite(sym), " freeing %s", EchoObject(x));
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) == PAR, "Manifest/CLOSURE: type(y) != PAR!" );
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ /* try to evaluate the actual parameter z */
+ if( !is_word(type(z)) && !has_par(actual(y)) )
+ {
+ if( is_tag(actual(y)) || is_key(actual(y)) )
+ { z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, TRUE);
+ if( !is_word(type(z)) )
+ {
+ debug2(ANY, D, "z = %s %s", Image(type(z)), EchoObject(z));
+ Error(8, 41, "this %s is not a sequence of one or more words", FATAL,
+ &fpos(y), SymName(actual(y)));
+ }
+ }
+ else if( type(z) == NEXT )
+ { z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, FALSE);
+ }
+ else if( type(z) == CLOSURE && is_par(type(actual(z))) )
+ {
+ /* see whether z would come to something simple if expanded */
+ newz = ParameterCheck(z, env);
+ debugcond2(DOM, DD, indefinite(sym), " ParameterCheck(%s, env) = %s",
+ EchoObject(z), EchoObject(newz));
+ if( newz != nilobj )
+ { ReplaceNode(newz, z);
+ DisposeObject(z);
+ z = newz;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* now check z to see whether it is either a word or and ACAT of words */
+ /* ***
+ if( type(z) == ACAT )
+ { int i = 0; OBJECT t, tlink, g;
+ tlink = Down(z);
+ for( ; tlink != z && symbol_free; tlink = NextDown(tlink), i++ )
+ { Child(t, tlink);
+ switch( type(t) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD: if( i > 20 ) symbol_free = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case GAP_OBJ: if( Down(t) != t )
+ { Child(g, Down(t));
+ if( !is_word(type(g)) ) symbol_free = FALSE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: symbol_free = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ *** */
+ if( !is_word(type(z)) )
+ { symbol_free = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ debugcond2(DOM, DD, indefinite(sym)," s_f = %s, x = %s",
+ bool(symbol_free), EchoObject(x));
+ /* if all parameters are free of symbols, optimize environment */
+ if( symbol_free && imports(sym) == nilobj && enclosing(sym) != StartSym )
+ { y = SearchEnv(env, enclosing(sym));
+ if( y != nilobj && type(y) == CLOSURE )
+ { OBJECT prntenv;
+ Parent(prntenv, Up(y));
+ if( type(prntenv) != ENV ) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", Image(type(prntenv)));
+ assert(type(prntenv) == ENV, "Manifest: prntenv!");
+ if( Down(prntenv) == LastDown(prntenv) )
+ { env = prntenv;
+ }
+ else
+ { debug0(DCR, DDD, "calling SetEnv from Manifest (a)");
+ env = SetEnv(y, nilobj);
+ }
+ New(hold_env2, ACAT); Link(hold_env2, env);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* *** letting this through now
+ if( has_par(enclosing(sym)) )
+ Error(8, 18, "symbol %s used outside %s", WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(sym),
+ SymName(enclosing(sym)));
+ *** */
+ hold_env2 = nilobj;
+ }
+ }
+ else hold_env2 = nilobj;
+ debug3(DOM, DD, " expansion: has_target %s, indefinite %s, recursive %s",
+ bool(has_target(sym)), bool(indefinite(sym)), bool(recursive(sym)));
+ if( has_target(sym) && !need_expand )
+ {
+ /* convert symbols with targets to unsized galleys */
+ OBJECT hd;
+ New(hd, HEAD);
+ FposCopy(fpos(hd), fpos(x));
+ actual(hd) = sym;
+ limiter(hd) = opt_components(hd) = opt_constraints(hd) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(hd) = horiz_galley(sym);
+ ready_galls(hd) = nilobj;
+ must_expand(hd) = TRUE;
+ sized(hd) = FALSE;
+ ReplaceNode(hd, x);
+ Link(hd, x);
+ AttachEnv(env, x);
+ SetTarget(hd);
+ enclose_obj(hd) = (has_enclose(sym) ? BuildEnclose(hd) : nilobj);
+ x = hd;
+ threaded(x) = bthr[COLM] != nilobj || fthr[COLM] != nilobj;
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ }
+ else if(
+ *target == sym ? (*target = nilobj, TRUE) :
+ need_expand ? TRUE :
+ uses_galley(sym) && !recursive(sym) ? TRUE :
+ !indefinite(sym) && !recursive(sym) ? TRUE :
+ indefinite(sym) && *target != nilobj ? SearchUses(sym, *target)
+ )
+ {
+ /* expand the closure and manifest the result */
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "expanding; style: %s", EchoStyle(style));
+ debug0(DCE, DD, " calling ClosureExpand from Manifest/CLOSURE");
+ /* *** now requesting cross refs always, not only if ok
+ x = ClosureExpand(x, env, ok, crs, &res_env);
+ *** */
+ x = ClosureExpand(x, env, TRUE, crs, &res_env);
+ New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, res_env);
+ debug1(DOM, DD, "recursive call; style: %s", EchoStyle(style));
+ if( type(x) == FILTERED )
+ { assert( type(sym) == RPAR, "ManifestCl/filtered: type(sym)!" );
+ assert( filter(enclosing(sym)) != nilobj, "ManifestCl filter-encl!" );
+ New(command, CLOSURE);
+ FposCopy(fpos(command), fpos(x));
+ actual(command) = filter(enclosing(sym));
+ FilterSetFileNames(x);
+ command = Manifest(command,env,style,nbt,nft,&ntarget,crs,FALSE,FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ command = ReplaceWithTidy(command, TRUE);
+ if( !is_word(type(command)) )
+ Error(8, 19, "filter parameter of %s symbol is not simple",
+ FATAL, &fpos(command), SymName(enclosing(sym)));
+ y = FilterExecute(x, string(command), res_env);
+ DisposeObject(command);
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = y;
+ }
+ x = Manifest(x, res_env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ DisposeObject(hold_env);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AttachEnv(env, x);
+ threaded(x) = bthr[COLM] != nilobj || fthr[COLM] != nilobj;
+ debug0(DOM, DD, " closure; calling ReplaceWithSplit");
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ }
+ if( hold_env2 != nilobj ) DisposeObject(hold_env2);
+ debug0(DOM, DD, " ] returning from manifesting closure");
+ return x;
+} /* end ManifestCl */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT Manifest(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, */
+/* enclose, fcr) */
+/* */
+/* Manifest object x, interpreted in environment env and style style. */
+/* The result replaces x, and is returned also. */
+/* The manifesting operation converts x from a pure parse tree object */
+/* containing closures and no threads, to an object ready for sizing, */
+/* with fonts propagated to the words, fill styles propagated to the */
+/* ACATs, and line spacings propagated to all interested parties. */
+/* All non-recursive, non-indefinite closures are expanded. */
+/* Threads joining objects on a mark are constructed, and SPLIT objects */
+/* inserted, so that sizing becomes a trivial operation. */
+/* */
+/* Manifest will construct threads and pass them up as children of bthr[] */
+/* and fthr[] whenever non-nilobj values of these variables are passed in: */
+/* */
+/* bthr[COLM] protrudes upwards from x */
+/* fthr[COLM] protrudes downwards from x */
+/* bthr[ROWM] protrudes leftwards from x */
+/* fthr[ROWM] protrudes rightwards from x */
+/* */
+/* If *target != nilobj, Manifest will expand indefinite closures leading */
+/* to the first @Galley lying within an object of type *target. */
+/* */
+/* If *target != nilobj and *enclose != nilobj, Manifest will enclose */
+/* any @Galley or @ForceGalley it comes across in *enclose. */
+/* */
+/* The env parameter contains the environment in which x is to be */
+/* evaluated. Environments are shared, so their correct disposal is not */
+/* simple. The rule is this: the code which creates an environment, or */
+/* detaches it, is responsible for holding it with a dummy parent until */
+/* it is no longer required. */
+/* */
+/* Some objects x are not "real" in the sense that they do not give rise */
+/* to rectangles in the final printed document. The left parameter of */
+/* @Wide and similar operators, and the gap following a concatenation */
+/* operator, are examples of such non-real objects. The ok flag is true */
+/* when x is part of a real object. This is needed because some things, */
+/* such as the insinuation of cross references, the breaking of */
+/* lines @Break ACAT objects, and conversion to small capitals, only apply */
+/* to real objects. */
+/* */
+/* If *crs != nilobj, it points to a list of indexes to cross-references */
+/* which are to be insinuated into the manifested form of x if x is real. */
+/* */
+/* If need_expand is TRUE it forces closure x to expand. */
+/* */
+/* If fcr is TRUE, the objective is to expand until a cross-reference is */
+/* the result; so expansion will stop at a CROSS or FORCE_CROSS object. */
+/* */
+/* A postcondition of Manifest() is that the underline() flag is set to */
+/* either UNDER_ON or UNDER_OFF in every WORD, every QWORD, and every child */
+/* of every ACAT, including the gaps. This can be verified by checking */
+/* that the WORD and QWORD cases set underline() to UNDER_OFF, and the ACAT */
+/* case sets every child of the ACAT to UNDER_OFF. To see that the correct */
+/* subset of these flags gets changed to UNDER_ON, consult SetUnderline(). */
+/* The underline() flag is undefined otherwise, and should have value */
+/* */
+#define MAX_DEPTH 500
+OBJECT Manifest(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style, OBJECT bthr[2],
+OBJECT fthr[2], OBJECT *target, OBJECT *crs, BOOLEAN ok, BOOLEAN need_expand,
+OBJECT *enclose, BOOLEAN fcr)
+{ OBJECT bt[2], ft[2], y, link, gaplink, g; register FULL_CHAR *p;
+ OBJECT res, res_env, res_env2, hold_env, hold_env2, z, prev;
+ OBJECT link1, link2, x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ int par, num1, num2; GAP res_gap; unsigned res_inc; STYLE new_style;
+ BOOLEAN done, multiline; FULL_CHAR ch; float scale_factor;
+ static int depth = 0;
+ static unsigned int debug_type[MAX_DEPTH];
+ static OBJECT debug_actual[MAX_DEPTH];
+ static int debug_lnum[MAX_DEPTH];
+ BOOLEAN eee = (*enclose != nilobj);
+ debug_type[depth] = type(x);
+ debug_lnum[depth] = line_num(fpos(x));
+ if( type(x) == CLOSURE ) debug_actual[depth] = actual(x);
+ depth++;
+ if( depth == MAX_DEPTH )
+ { Error(8, 20, "maximum depth of symbol expansion (%d) reached",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), MAX_DEPTH);
+ Error(8, 21, "the symbols currently being expanded are:", WARN, &fpos(x));
+ while( --depth >= 0 )
+ {
+ Error(8, 22, "at %d: %d %s %s", WARN, &fpos(x), depth, debug_lnum[depth],
+ Image(debug_type[depth]), debug_type[depth] == CLOSURE ?
+ FullSymName(debug_actual[depth], AsciiToFull(".")) : STR_EMPTY);
+ }
+ Error(8, 23, "exiting now", FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ depth++;
+ if( depth == MAX_DEPTH )
+ {
+ Error(8, 40, "maximum depth of symbol expansion (%d) reached",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), MAX_DEPTH);
+ }
+ debug2(DOM, DD, "[Manifest(%s %s )", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ debug1(DOM, DD, " environment: %s", EchoObject(env));
+ debug6(DOM, DD, " style: %s; target: %s; threads: %s%s%s%s",
+ EchoStyle(style), SymName(*target),
+ bthr[COLM] ? " up" : "", fthr[COLM] ? " down" : "",
+ bthr[ROWM] ? " left" : "", fthr[ROWM] ? " right" : "");
+ debugcond2(DHY, DD, eee, "[ Manifest(%s, *enclose = %s)",
+ EchoObject(x), EchoObject(*enclose));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case ENV_OBJ:
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "[Manifest env_obj:");
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ Child(res_env, NextDown(Down(x)));
+ assert( type(res_env) == ENV, "Manifest/ENV_OBJ: res_env!");
+ y = Manifest(y, res_env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, TRUE, enclose, fcr);
+ /* we always expand children of ENV_OBJ (need_expand == TRUE) */
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = y;
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "]Manifest env_obj returning %s", EchoObject(x));
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ x = ManifestCl(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, enclose, fcr);
+ break;
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, TRUE);
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style);
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ case CROSS:
+ assert( Down(x) != x && LastDown(x) != Down(x), "Manifest: CROSS child!");
+ if( !fcr ) /* stop if fcr, i.e. if purpose was to find a cross-reference */
+ {
+ debug0(DCR, DD, " calling CrossExpand from Manifest/CROSS");
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( type(y) == CLOSURE )
+ {
+ /* *** want cross ref now always, not only if ok
+ x = CrossExpand(x, env, style, ok, crs, &res_env);
+ *** */
+ x = CrossExpand(x, env, style, crs, &res_env);
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "Manifest/CROSS: type(x)!" );
+ New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, res_env);
+ /* expand here (calling Manifest immediately makes unwanted cr) */
+ debug0(DCE, DD, " calling ClosureExpand from Manifest/CROSS");
+ x = ClosureExpand(x, res_env, FALSE, crs, &res_env2);
+ New(hold_env2, ACAT); Link(hold_env2, res_env2);
+ x = Manifest(x, res_env2, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, TRUE, enclose, fcr);
+ DisposeObject(hold_env);
+ DisposeObject(hold_env2);
+ }
+ else
+ { y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ if( !ok || *crs == nilobj )
+ { word_font(x) = font(*style);
+ word_colour(x) = colour(*style);
+ word_language(x) = language(*style);
+ word_hyph(x) = hyph_style(*style) == HYPH_ON;
+ debug3(DOM, DDD, " manfifest/WORD underline() := %s for %s %s",
+ "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ if( small_caps(*style) && ok ) x = MapSmallCaps(x, style);
+ underline(x) = UNDER_OFF;
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ }
+ New(y, ACAT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ Link(y, x); x = y;
+ /* NB NO BREAK! */
+ case ACAT:
+ StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style);
+ adjust_cat(x) = padjust(*style);
+ StyleCopy(new_style, *style);
+ padjust(new_style) = FALSE;
+ assert(Down(x) != x, "Manifest: ACAT!" );
+ link = Down(x); Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "Manifest ACAT: GAP_OBJ is first!" );
+ multiline = FALSE;
+ /* manifest first child and insert any cross references */
+ if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { word_font(y) = font(*style);
+ word_colour(y) = colour(*style);
+ word_language(y) = language(*style);
+ word_hyph(y) = hyph_style(*style) == HYPH_ON;
+ if( small_caps(*style) && ok ) y = MapSmallCaps(y, style);
+ }
+ else y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ debug3(DOM, DDD, " manfifest/ACAT1 underline() := %s for %s %s",
+ "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ underline(y) = UNDER_OFF;
+ /* ??? if( is_word(type(y)) ) */
+ if( ok && *crs != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " insinuating %s", EchoObject(*crs));
+ TransferLinks(Down(*crs), *crs, link);
+ DisposeObject(*crs);
+ *crs = nilobj;
+ }
+ prev = y;
+ /* manifest subsequent gaps and children */
+ for( gaplink = Down(link); gaplink != x; gaplink = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(g, gaplink);
+ assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "Manifest ACAT: no GAP_OBJ!" );
+ debug3(DOM, DDD, " manfifest/ACAT2 underline() := %s for %s %s",
+ "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(g)), EchoObject(g));
+ underline(g) = UNDER_OFF;
+ link = NextDown(gaplink);
+ assert( link != x, "Manifest ACAT: GAP_OBJ is last!" );
+ Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "Manifest ACAT: double GAP_OBJ!" );
+ /* manifest the next child */
+ debug1(DOM, DD, " in ACAT (3), style = %s", EchoStyle(style));
+ if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { word_font(y) = font(*style);
+ word_colour(y) = colour(*style);
+ word_language(y) = language(*style);
+ word_hyph(y) = hyph_style(*style) == HYPH_ON;
+ if( small_caps(*style) && ok ) y = MapSmallCaps(y, style);
+ }
+ else y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ debug3(DOM, DDD, " manifest/ACAT3 underline() := %s for %s %s",
+ "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ underline(y) = UNDER_OFF;
+ /* manifest the gap object */
+ if( Down(g) != g )
+ {
+ /* explicit & operator whose value is the child of g */
+ Child(z, Down(g));
+ z = Manifest(z, env, &new_style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, FALSE);
+ GetGap(z, style, &gap(g), &res_inc);
+ vspace(g) = hspace(g) = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* implicit & operator */
+ GapCopy(gap(g), space_gap(*style));
+ switch( space_style(*style) )
+ {
+ case SPACE_LOUT:
+ /* usual Lout spacing, the number of white space characters */
+ width(gap(g)) = width(gap(g)) * (vspace(g) + hspace(g));
+ break;
+ /* either zero or one space */
+ if( vspace(g) + hspace(g) == 0 )
+ { width(gap(g)) = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* else width is like one space, so OK as is */
+ }
+ break;
+ /* exactly one space always, so do nothing further */
+ break;
+ /* Lout spacing plus one extra space for sentence end at eoln */
+ width(gap(g)) = width(gap(g)) * (vspace(g) + hspace(g));
+ debugcond2(DLS, DD, vspace(g) > 0, " prev = %s %s",
+ Image(type(prev)), EchoObject(prev));
+ if( vspace(g) > 0 )
+ {
+ /* set z to the preceding object; may need to search ACATs! */
+ z = prev;
+ while( type(z) == ACAT
+ || type(z) == ONE_COL || type(z) == ONE_ROW
+ || type(z) == HCONTRACT || type(z) == VCONTRACT )
+ { Child(z, LastDown(z));
+ }
+ /* if preceding object is a word, check for end sentence */
+ if( is_word(type(z)) )
+ {
+ for( p = string(z); *p != '\0'; p++ );
+ debug4(DLS, DD, " prev = %s, last = %c, LSE = %s, LWES = %s",
+ EchoObject(z), *(p-1), bool(LanguageSentenceEnds[*(p-1)]),
+ bool(LanguageWordEndsSentence(z, FALSE)));
+ if( p != string(z) && LanguageSentenceEnds[*(p-1)]
+ && LanguageWordEndsSentence(z, FALSE) )
+ width(gap(g)) += width(space_gap(*style));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case SPACE_TEX:
+ if( vspace(g) + hspace(g) == 0 )
+ {
+ /* zero spaces gives zero result, as for compress above */
+ width(gap(g)) = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* set z to the preceding object; may need to search ACATs! */
+ z = prev;
+ while( type(z) == ACAT
+ || type(z) == ONE_COL || type(z) == ONE_ROW
+ || type(z) == HCONTRACT || type(z) == VCONTRACT )
+ { Child(z, LastDown(z));
+ }
+ /* one extra space if preceding is word ending sentence */
+ if( is_word(type(z)) )
+ {
+ for( p = string(z); *p != '\0'; p++ );
+ debug4(DLS, DD, " prev = %s, last = %c, LSE = %s, LWES = %s",
+ EchoObject(z), *(p-1), bool(LanguageSentenceEnds[*(p-1)]),
+ bool(LanguageWordEndsSentence(z, TRUE)));
+ if( p != string(z) && LanguageSentenceEnds[*(p-1)]
+ && LanguageWordEndsSentence(z, TRUE) )
+ width(gap(g)) += width(space_gap(*style));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "Manifest: unexpected space_style!");
+ break;
+ }
+ nobreak(gap(g)) = (width(gap(g)) == 0);
+ if( line_breaker(g) && is_definite(type(y)) ) multiline = TRUE;
+ }
+ debug1(DOM, DD, " in ACAT, gap = %s", EchoLength(width(gap(g))));
+ /* compress adjacent juxtaposed words of equal font, etc. */
+ if( is_word(type(y)) && width(gap(g)) == 0 && nobreak(gap(g)) &&
+ vspace(g)+hspace(g)==0 &&
+ units(gap(g)) == FIXED_UNIT && mode(gap(g)) == EDGE_MODE &&
+ prev != nilobj && is_word(type(prev)) && !mark(gap(g)) &&
+ word_font(prev) == word_font(y) &&
+ word_colour(prev) == word_colour(y) &&
+ word_language(prev) == word_language(y) )
+ /* no need to compare underline() since both are false */
+ { unsigned typ;
+ assert( underline(prev) == UNDER_OFF, "Manifest/ACAT: underline(prev)!" );
+ assert( underline(y) == UNDER_OFF, "Manifest/ACAT: underline(y)!" );
+ if( StringLength(string(prev))+StringLength(string(y)) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(8, 24, "word %s%s is too long",
+ FATAL, &fpos(prev), string(prev), string(y));
+ z = y;
+ typ = type(prev) == QWORD || type(y) == QWORD ? QWORD : WORD;
+ y = MakeWordTwo(typ, string(prev), string(y), &fpos(prev));
+ word_font(y) = word_font(prev);
+ word_colour(y) = word_colour(prev);
+ word_language(y) = word_language(prev);
+ word_hyph(y) = word_hyph(prev);
+ underline(y) = UNDER_OFF;
+ debug3(DOM, DDD, " manifest/ACAT4 underline() := %s for %s %s",
+ "UNDER_OFF", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ MoveLink(link, y, CHILD);
+ DisposeObject(z);
+ DisposeChild(Up(prev));
+ DisposeChild(gaplink);
+ }
+ prev = y;
+ /* insinuate any cross-references */
+ if( ok && *crs != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " insinuating %s", EchoObject(*crs));
+ TransferLinks(Down(*crs), *crs, link);
+ DisposeObject(*crs);
+ *crs = nilobj;
+ }
+ }
+ /* implement FILL_OFF break option if required */
+ if( ok && multiline && fill_style(*style) == FILL_UNDEF )
+ Error(8, 25, "missing %s symbol or option", FATAL, &fpos(x), KW_BREAK);
+ if( ok && multiline && fill_style(*style) == FILL_OFF )
+ { OBJECT prev_acat, new_acat; BOOLEAN jn;
+ /* compress any ACAT children of ACAT x */
+ for( link = x; NextDown(link) != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, NextDown(link));
+ if( type(y) == ACAT )
+ { TransferLinks(Down(y), y, NextDown(link));
+ DisposeChild(Up(y));
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ }
+ }
+ /* do line breaks now */
+ prev_acat = x;
+ New(x, VCAT);
+ adjust_cat(x) = FALSE;
+ ReplaceNode(x, prev_acat);
+ Link(x, prev_acat);
+ FirstDefinite(prev_acat, link, y, jn);
+ if( link != prev_acat )
+ {
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(prev_acat, link, y, g, jn);
+ while( link != prev_acat )
+ {
+ if( mode(gap(g)) != NO_MODE && line_breaker(g) )
+ { OBJECT glink = PrevDown(Up(g));
+ debug2(DOM, DD, "lines gap just before definite %s at %s",
+ Image(type(y)), EchoFilePos(&fpos(y)));
+ MoveLink(NextDown(glink), x, PARENT);
+ GapCopy(gap(g), line_gap(*style));
+ width(gap(g)) *= find_max(1, vspace(g));
+ New(new_acat, ACAT);
+ adjust_cat(new_acat) = padjust(*style);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_acat), fpos(g));
+ if( hspace(g) > 0 )
+ { z = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(g));
+ word_font(z) = font(*style);
+ word_colour(z) = colour(*style);
+ word_language(z) = language(*style);
+ word_hyph(z) = hyph_style(*style) == HYPH_ON;
+ underline(z) = UNDER_OFF;
+ Link(new_acat, z);
+ New(z, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(z) = hspace(g);
+ vspace(z) = 0;
+ underline(z) = UNDER_OFF;
+ GapCopy(gap(z), space_gap(*style));
+ width(gap(z)) *= hspace(z);
+ Link(new_acat, z);
+ }
+ TransferLinks(NextDown(glink), prev_acat, new_acat);
+ StyleCopy(save_style(new_acat), *style);
+ Link(x, new_acat);
+ prev_acat = new_acat;
+ glink = prev_acat;
+ }
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(prev_acat, link, y, g, jn);
+ }
+ }
+ /* remove any singleton ACAT objects under x, if they are VCATs */
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == ACAT && Down(y) == LastDown(y) )
+ { Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( type(z) == VCAT )
+ { MoveLink(link, z, CHILD);
+ DisposeObject(y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ case HCAT:
+ case VCAT:
+ x = ManifestCat(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand,
+ enclose, fcr);
+ break;
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, FALSE);
+ GetGap(y, style, &res_gap, &res_inc);
+ if( res_inc != GAP_ABS || mode(res_gap) != EDGE_MODE ||
+ units(res_gap) != FIXED_UNIT )
+ { Error(8, 26, "replacing invalid left parameter of %s by 2i",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(x)) );
+ units(res_gap) = FIXED_UNIT;
+ width(res_gap) = 2*IN;
+ }
+ SetConstraint(constraint(x), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, width(res_gap), MAX_FULL_LENGTH);
+ DisposeChild(Down(x));
+ goto ETC; /* two cases down from here */
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, FALSE);
+ GetGap(y, style, &shift_gap(x), &res_inc);
+ shift_type(x) = res_inc;
+ if( mode(shift_gap(x)) != EDGE_MODE ||
+ (units(shift_gap(x))!=FIXED_UNIT && units(shift_gap(x))!=NEXT_UNIT) )
+ { Error(8, 27, "replacing invalid left parameter of %s by +0i",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(x)) );
+ shift_type(x) = GAP_INC;
+ units(shift_gap(x)) = FIXED_UNIT;
+ width(shift_gap(x)) = 0;
+ mode(shift_gap(x)) = EDGE_MODE;
+ }
+ DisposeChild(Down(x));
+ goto ETC; /* next case down from here */
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ ETC:
+ par = (type(x)==ONE_COL || type(x)==HEXPAND || type(x) == HCONTRACT ||
+ type(x)==HLIMITED || type(x)==WIDE || type(x)==HSHIFT) ? COLM : ROWM;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ /* manifest the child, propagating perp threads and suppressing pars */
+ bt[par] = ft[par] = nilobj;
+ bt[1-par] = bthr[1-par]; ft[1-par] = fthr[1-par];
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, bt, ft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ /* replace with split object if par threads needed */
+ bt[par] = bthr[par]; ft[par] = fthr[par];
+ bt[1-par] = ft[1-par] = nilobj;
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bt, ft);
+ break;
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ case ROTATE:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, FALSE);
+ GetGap(y, style, &res_gap, &res_inc);
+ if( res_inc != GAP_ABS || mode(res_gap) != EDGE_MODE ||
+ units(res_gap) != DEG_UNIT )
+ { Error(8, 28, "replacing invalid left parameter of %s by 0d",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(x)) );
+ units(res_gap) = DEG_UNIT;
+ width(res_gap) = 0;
+ }
+ sparec(constraint(x)) = width(res_gap);
+ DisposeChild(Down(x));
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE,enclose,fcr);
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE,enclose,fcr);
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE,enclose,fcr);
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE,enclose,fcr);
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ case SCALE:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, FALSE);
+ if( is_word(type(y)) && StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ /* missing scale factor, meaning to be inserted automatically */
+ bc(constraint(x)) = fc(constraint(x)) = 0; /* work out later */
+ }
+ else if( type(y) != ACAT )
+ {
+ /* presumably one word, common factor for horizontal and vertical */
+ scale_factor = GetScaleFactor(y);
+ bc(constraint(x)) = fc(constraint(x)) = scale_factor * SF;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* get horizontal scale factor */
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ scale_factor = GetScaleFactor(z);
+ bc(constraint(x)) = scale_factor * SF;
+ /* get vertical scale factor */
+ Child(z, LastDown(y));
+ scale_factor = GetScaleFactor(z);
+ fc(constraint(x)) = scale_factor * SF;
+ }
+ DisposeChild(Down(x));
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ case YIELD:
+ Error(8, 29, "%s not expected here", FATAL, &fpos(x), KW_YIELD);
+ break;
+ case VERBATIM:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ DeleteLink(Down(x));
+ MergeNode(y, x); x = y;
+ break;
+ case CASE:
+ x = ManifestCase(x,env,style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, enclose, fcr);
+ break;
+ case BACKEND:
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, BackEndWord, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ break;
+ case XCHAR:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, FALSE);
+ if( !is_word(type(y)) )
+ { Error(8, 30, "%s dropped (parameter is not a simple word)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), KW_XCHAR);
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ else if( (word_font(y) = font(*style)) == 0 )
+ { Error(8, 31, "%s dropped (no current font at this point)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), KW_XCHAR);
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ else
+ { ch = MapCharEncoding(string(y), FontMapping(word_font(y), &fpos(y)));
+ if( ch == '\0' )
+ { type(y) = QWORD;
+ Error(8, 32, "%s dropped (character %s unknown in font %s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), KW_XCHAR, StringQuotedWord(y),
+ FontFamilyAndFace(word_font(y)));
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ else
+ { res = MakeWord(QWORD, STR_SPACE, &fpos(x));
+ string(res)[0] = ch;
+ }
+ }
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ break;
+ case CURR_LANG:
+ if( language(*style) == 0 )
+ { Error(8, 33, "no current language at this point, using %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), STR_NONE);
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ else res = MakeWord(WORD, LanguageString(language(*style)), &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ break;
+ case CURR_FACE:
+ if( font(*style) == 0 )
+ { Error(8, 38, "no current font at this point, using %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), STR_NONE);
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ else if( type(x) == CURR_FAMILY )
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, FontFamily(font(*style)), &fpos(x));
+ else
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, FontFace(font(*style)), &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ break;
+ case FONT:
+ case SPACE:
+ case YUNIT:
+ case ZUNIT:
+ case BREAK:
+ case COLOUR:
+ case LANGUAGE:
+ assert( Down(x) != x && NextDown(Down(x)) != x, "Manifest: FONT!" );
+ StyleCopy(new_style, *style);
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, type(x) == COLOUR);
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case FONT: FontChange(&new_style, y);
+ break;
+ case SPACE: SpaceChange(&new_style, y);
+ break;
+ case YUNIT: YUnitChange(&new_style, y);
+ break;
+ case ZUNIT: ZUnitChange(&new_style, y);
+ break;
+ case BREAK: BreakChange(&new_style, y);
+ break;
+ case COLOUR: ColourChange(&new_style, y);
+ break;
+ case LANGUAGE: LanguageChange(&new_style, y);
+ break;
+ }
+ DisposeChild(Down(x));
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ DeleteLink(Down(x));
+ MergeNode(y, x); x = y;
+ break;
+ case PADJUST:
+ case HADJUST:
+ case VADJUST:
+ StyleCopy(new_style, *style);
+ if( type(x) == VADJUST ) vadjust(new_style) = TRUE;
+ else if( type(x) == HADJUST ) hadjust(new_style) = TRUE;
+ else padjust(new_style) = TRUE;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, &new_style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ DeleteLink(Down(x));
+ MergeNode(y, x); x = y;
+ break;
+ /* change x to an ACAT and set the underline flags in its child */
+ assert( Down(x) != x && NextDown(Down(x)) == x, "Manifest: UNDERLINE!" );
+ type(x) = ACAT;
+ adjust_cat(x) = padjust(*style);
+ padjust(*style) = FALSE;
+ StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style);
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ SetUnderline(x);
+ break;
+ case MELD:
+ case COMMON:
+ case RUMP:
+ assert( Down(x) != x && NextDown(Down(x)) != x, "Manifest: COMMON!" );
+ debug2(DHY, DDD, "[Manifest %s %s", EchoObject(x), EchoObject(env));
+ /* find the first child of x, make sure it is an ACAT, and manifest */
+ Child(x1, Down(x));
+ if( type(x1) != ACAT )
+ { OBJECT newx1;
+ New(newx1, ACAT);
+ adjust_cat(newx1) = padjust(*style);
+ padjust(*style) = FALSE;
+ MoveLink(Down(x), newx1, CHILD);
+ Link(newx1, x1);
+ x1 = newx1;
+ }
+ x1 = Manifest(x1, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ link1 = x1;
+ while( NextDown(link1) != x1 )
+ { Child(z, NextDown(link1));
+ if( type(z) == ACAT )
+ { TransferLinks(Down(z), z, NextDown(link1));
+ DisposeChild(Up(z));
+ }
+ else link1 = NextDown(link1);
+ }
+ debug1(DHY, DDD, " manifested x1 = %s", EchoObject(x1));
+ /* find the second child of x, make sure it is an ACAT, and manifest */
+ Child(x2, NextDown(Down(x)));
+ if( type(x2) != ACAT )
+ { OBJECT newx2;
+ New(newx2, ACAT);
+ adjust_cat(newx2) = padjust(*style);
+ padjust(*style) = FALSE;
+ MoveLink(NextDown(Down(x)), newx2, CHILD);
+ Link(newx2, x2);
+ x2 = newx2;
+ }
+ x2 = Manifest(x2, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ link2 = x2;
+ while( NextDown(link2) != x2 )
+ { Child(z, NextDown(link2));
+ if( type(z) == ACAT )
+ { TransferLinks(Down(z), z, NextDown(link2));
+ DisposeChild(Up(z));
+ }
+ else link2 = NextDown(link2);
+ }
+ debug1(DHY, DDD, " manifested x2 = %s", EchoObject(x2));
+ if( type(x) == MELD )
+ {
+ /* if Meld, result is Meld(x1, x2) */
+ res = Meld(x1, x2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* find the point where x1 and x2 begin to differ */
+ link1 = Down(x1);
+ link2 = Down(x2);
+ while( link1 != x1 && link2 != x2 )
+ {
+ Child(y1, link1);
+ Child(y2, link2);
+ debug1(DHY, DDD, " y1 = %s", EchoObject(y1));
+ debug1(DHY, DDD, " y2 = %s", EchoObject(y2));
+ if( is_word(type(y1)) && is_word(type(y2)) )
+ {
+ if( !StringEqual(string(y1), string(y2)) ) break;
+ }
+ else if( type(y1) != type(y2) ) break;
+ link1 = NextDown(link1);
+ link2 = NextDown(link2);
+ }
+ /* if COMMON, result is x1 or x2 if either ran out, */
+ /* or else x2 (say) up to but not including link2 and prec gap */
+ if( type(x) == COMMON )
+ { if( link2 == x2 )
+ { res = x2;
+ }
+ else if( link1 == x1 )
+ { res = x1;
+ }
+ else
+ { if( link2 == Down(x2) )
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x2));
+ else
+ { TransferLinks(PrevDown(link2), x2, x1);
+ res = x2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if RUMP, result is x2 starting from link2 or NextDown(link2) */
+ else if( type(x) == RUMP )
+ { if( link2 == x2 )
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x2));
+ else if( link1 == x1 )
+ {
+ TransferLinks(Down(x2), NextDown(link2), x1);
+ res = x2;
+ }
+ else /* link1 != x1 */
+ {
+ TransferLinks(Down(x2), link2, x1);
+ res = x2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* now res replaces x */
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = res;
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ debug1(DHY, DDD, "]Manifest returning %s", EchoObject(x));
+ break;
+ case INSERT:
+ /* manifest and detach the left parameter, call it z */
+ Child(z, Down(x));
+ z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ DeleteLink(Down(x));
+ /* manifest the right parameter and make it the result */
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ DeleteLink(LastDown(x));
+ MergeNode(y, x); x = y;
+ /* now find the reattachment point for z down inside the result, x */
+ x = InsertObject(x, &z, style);
+ if( z != nilobj )
+ { Error(8, 34, "object dropped by %s: no suitable insert point", WARN,
+ &fpos(x), KW_INSERT);
+ DisposeObject(z);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ONE_OF:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( type(y) != ACAT )
+ {
+ /* child is not a sequence of choices, so ignore ONE_OF */
+ Error(8, 39, "%s ignored: no choices in right parameter", WARN,
+ &fpos(x), KW_ONE_OF);
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE,
+ enclose, fcr);
+ DeleteLink(Down(x));
+ MergeNode(y, x); x = y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* try each child in turn; result is first to find *target */
+ OBJECT target_before;
+ for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(z, link);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ ) continue;
+ target_before = *target;
+ z = Manifest(z, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE,
+ enclose, fcr);
+ if( *target != target_before )
+ break;
+ }
+ DeleteLink(Up(z));
+ ReplaceNode(z, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = z;
+ }
+ break;
+ case NEXT:
+ assert( Down(x) != x, "Manifest/NEXT: Down(x) == x!" );
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ debug1(DCS, DD, " Manifesting Next( %s, 1 )", EchoObject(y));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, FALSE, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ debug1(DCS, DD, " calling Next( %s, 1 )", EchoObject(y));
+ done = FALSE;
+ y = Next(y, 1, &done);
+ debug2(DCS, DD, " Next(done = %s) returning %s",
+ bool(done), EchoObject(y));
+ DeleteLink(Down(x));
+ MergeNode(y, x); x = y;
+ break;
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, FALSE);
+ Child(z, NextDown(Down(x)));
+ z = Manifest(z, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ z = ReplaceWithTidy(z, FALSE);
+ if( is_word(type(y)) && sscanf( (char *) string(y), "%d", &num1) == 1 &&
+ is_word(type(z)) && sscanf( (char *) string(z), "%d", &num2) == 1 )
+ {
+ sprintf( (char *) buff, "%d", type(x) == PLUS ? num1+num2 : num1-num2);
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, buff, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ else
+ { res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NOCROSS, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ debug4(DOM, DD, "{ %s } %s { %s } = %s", EchoObject(y), Image(type(x)),
+ EchoObject(z), EchoObject(res));
+ res = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, FALSE, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = res;
+ break;
+ case OPEN:
+ debug0(DCR, DD, " [ Manifest/OPEN begins:");
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ DeleteLink(Down(x));
+ Child(res, LastDown(x));
+ hold_env = nilobj;
+ if( type(y) == CLOSURE )
+ { AttachEnv(env, y);
+ StyleCopy(save_style(y), *style);
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, "calling SetEnv from Manifest (b)");
+ res_env = SetEnv(y, nilobj);
+ New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, res_env);
+ res = Manifest(res, res_env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ }
+ else if( is_cross(type(y)) )
+ { Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( type(z) == CLOSURE )
+ { debug0(DCR, DD, " calling CrossExpand from Manifest/OPEN");
+ /* *** want cross ref now always, not only if ok
+ y = CrossExpand(y, env, style, ok, crs, &res_env);
+ *** */
+ y = CrossExpand(y, env, style, crs, &res_env);
+ AttachEnv(res_env, y);
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, "calling SetEnv from Manifest (c)");
+ res_env = SetEnv(y, env);
+ New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, res_env);
+ res = Manifest(res, res_env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(8, 35, "invalid left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_OPEN);
+ res = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(8, 36, "invalid left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(y), KW_OPEN);
+ res = Manifest(res, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ }
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ if( hold_env != nilobj ) DisposeObject(hold_env);
+ x = res;
+ debug0(DCR, DD, " ] Manifest/OPEN ends");
+ break;
+ case TAGGED:
+ x = ManifestTg(x, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, need_expand, enclose, fcr);
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "Manifest returning %ld %s", (long) x, EchoObject(x));
+ break;
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ debug1(DRS, DD, " graphic style in Manifest = %s", EchoStyle(style));
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style);
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ StyleCopy(save_style(x), *style);
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " manifest at %s (style %s)",
+ EchoObject(x), EchoStyle(&save_style(x)));
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, fcr);
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, FALSE);
+ if( !is_word(type(y)) )
+ { Error(8, 37, "%s deleted (invalid right parameter)", WARN, &fpos(y),
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x); DisposeObject(x);
+ x = Manifest(y, env, style, bthr, fthr, target, crs, ok, FALSE, enclose, fcr);
+ return x;
+ }
+ ReplaceWithSplit(x, bthr, fthr);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "Manifest:", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ debug2(DOM, DD, "]Manifest returning %s %s", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ debug1(DOM, DD, " at exit, style = %s", EchoStyle(style));
+ debug1(DOM, DDD, "up: ", EchoObject(bthr[COLM]));
+ debug1(DOM, DDD, "down: ", EchoObject(fthr[COLM]));
+ debug1(DOM, DDD, "left: ", EchoObject(bthr[ROWM]));
+ debug1(DOM, DDD, "right: ", EchoObject(fthr[ROWM]));
+ debugcond1(DHY, DD, eee, "] Manifest returning %s", EchoObject(x));
+ depth--;
+ return x;
+} /* end Manifest */
diff --git a/z09.c b/z09.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6801dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z09.c
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+/*@z09.c:Closure Expansion:SearchEnv()@***************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z09.c */
+/* MODULE: Closure Expansion */
+/* EXTERNS: SearchEnv(), SetEnv(), AttachEnv(), GetEnv(), */
+/* DetachEnv(), ClosureExpand() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* OBJECT SearchEnv(env, sym) */
+/* */
+/* Search environment env for a symbol such that actual() == sym. */
+/* */
+OBJECT SearchEnv(OBJECT env, OBJECT sym)
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ debug2(DCE, DD, "[ SearchEnv(%s, %s)", EchoObject(env), SymName(sym));
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ debug1(DCE, DDD, " searching env %s", EchoObject(env));
+ assert( env != nilobj && type(env) == ENV, "SearchEnv: env!" );
+ if( Down(env) == env )
+ { debug0(DCE, DD, "] SearchEnv returning <nilobj>");
+ return nilobj;
+ }
+ Child(y, Down(env));
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "SearchEnv: type(y) != CLOSURE!" );
+ if( actual(y) == sym )
+ { debug1(DCE, DD, "] SearchEnv returning %s", EchoObject(y));
+ return y;
+ }
+ assert( LastDown(y) != y, "SearchEnv: LastDown(y) == y!" );
+ link = LastDown(env) != Down(env) ? LastDown(env) : LastDown(y);
+ Child(env, link);
+ }
+} /* end SearchEnv */
+/*@::SetEnv(), AttachEnv(), GetEnv(), DetachEnv()@****************************/
+/* */
+/* OBJECT SetEnv(x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Create a new environment containing x and possibly y. */
+/* */
+{ OBJECT res;
+ debug1(DCE, DD, "SetEnv( x, %s ), x =", EchoObject(y));
+ ifdebug(DCE, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ assert( x!=nilobj && type(x)==CLOSURE, "SetEnv: x==nilobj or not CLOSURE!" );
+ assert( y==nilobj || type(y)==ENV, "SetEnv: y!=nilobj && type(y) != ENV!" );
+ New(res, ENV); Link(res, x);
+ if( y != nilobj ) Link(res, y);
+ debug1(DCE, DD, "SetEnv returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end SetEnv */
+/* */
+/* AttachEnv(env, x) */
+/* */
+/* Attach environment env to CLOSURE x. */
+/* */
+void AttachEnv(OBJECT env, OBJECT x)
+{ debug2(DCE, DD, "AttachEnv( %s, %s )", EchoObject(env), EchoObject(x));
+ assert( env != nilobj && type(env) == ENV, "AttachEnv: type(env) != ENV!" );
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE || type(x) == ENV_OBJ, "AttachEnv: type(x)!" );
+ Link(x, env);
+ debug0(DCE, DD, "AttachEnv returning.");
+} /* end AttachEnv */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT GetEnv(x) */
+/* */
+/* Get from CLOSURE x the environment previously attached. */
+/* */
+{ OBJECT env;
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "GetEnv: type(x) != CLOSURE!" );
+ assert( LastDown(x) != x, "GetEnv: LastDown(x) == x!" );
+ Child(env, LastDown(x));
+ assert( type(env) == ENV, "GetEnv: type(env) != ENV!" );
+ return env;
+} /* end GetEnv */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT DetachEnv(x) */
+/* */
+/* Detach from CLOSURE x the environment previously attached. */
+/* */
+{ OBJECT env;
+ debug1(DCE, DD, "DetachEnv( %s )", EchoObject(x));
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "DetachEnv: type(x) != CLOSURE!" );
+ assert( LastDown(x) != x, "DetachEnv: LastDown(x) == x!" );
+ Child(env, LastDown(x));
+ DeleteLink(LastDown(x));
+ assert( type(env) == ENV, "DetachEnv: type(env) != ENV!" );
+ debug1(DCE, DD, "DetachEnv resturning %s", EchoObject(env));
+ return env;
+} /* end DetachEnv */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ClosureExpand(x, env, crs_wanted, crs, res_env) */
+/* */
+/* Return expansion of closure x in environment env. */
+/* The body comes from the environment of x if x is a parameter, else from */
+/* the symbol table. The original x is pushed into the environments. */
+/* If crs_wanted and x has a tag, a cross-reference is added to crs. */
+/* */
+OBJECT ClosureExpand(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, BOOLEAN crs_wanted,
+OBJECT *crs, OBJECT *res_env)
+{ OBJECT link, y, res, prnt_env, par, prnt;
+ debug3(DCE, D, "[ ClosureExpand( %s, %s, %s, crs, res_env )",
+ EchoObject(x), EchoObject(env), bool(crs_wanted));
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "ClosureExpand given non-CLOSURE!");
+ assert( predefined(actual(x)) == FALSE, "ClosureExpand given predefined!" );
+ /* add tag to x if needed but not provided; add cross-reference to crs */
+ if( has_tag(actual(x)) ) CrossAddTag(x);
+ if( crs_wanted && has_tag(actual(x)) )
+ { OBJECT tmp = CopyObject(x, no_fpos); AttachEnv(env, tmp);
+ y = CrossMake(actual(x), tmp, CROSS_TARG);
+ New(tmp, CROSS_TARG); actual(tmp) = y; Link(tmp, y);
+ if( *crs == nilobj ) New(*crs, CR_LIST); Link(*crs, tmp);
+ }
+ /* case x is a parameter */
+ res = *res_env = nilobj;
+ if( is_par(type(actual(x))) )
+ { prnt = SearchEnv(env, enclosing(actual(x)));
+ if( prnt != nilobj )
+ {
+ prnt_env = GetEnv(prnt);
+ for( link = Down(prnt); link != prnt; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(par, link);
+ if( type(par) == PAR && actual(par) == actual(x) )
+ { assert( Down(par) != par, "ExpandCLosure: Down(par)!");
+ Child(res, Down(par));
+ if( dirty(enclosing(actual(par))) )
+ { debug2(DSU, DD, "c %s %s", SymName(actual(par)), EchoObject(res));
+ res = CopyObject(res, no_fpos);
+ }
+ else
+ { debug2(DCE, DDD, "l %s %s",
+ FullSymName(actual(par), AsciiToFull(".")), EchoObject(res));
+ DeleteLink(Down(par));
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NOCROSS, &fpos(res));
+ Link(par, y);
+ }
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ if( type(actual(x)) == RPAR && has_body(enclosing(actual(x))) )
+ { debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (a)");
+ *res_env = SetEnv(prnt, nilobj); DisposeObject(x);
+ }
+ else if( type(actual(x)) == NPAR && imports_encl(actual(x)) )
+ { debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (x)");
+ AttachEnv(env, x);
+ *res_env = SetEnv(x, nilobj);
+ }
+ else
+ { AttachEnv(env, x);
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (b)");
+ *res_env = SetEnv(x, prnt_env);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fail only if there is no default value available */
+ if( sym_body(actual(x)) == nilobj )
+ {
+ debug3(DCE, D, "failing ClosureExpand( %s, crs, %s, %s, res_env )\n",
+ EchoObject(x), bool(crs_wanted), EchoObject(env));
+ Error(9, 2, "no value for parameter %s of symbol %s:", WARN, &fpos(x),
+ SymName(actual(x)), SymName(enclosing(actual(x))));
+ Error(9, 1, "symbol with import list misused", FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* case x is a user-defined symbol or default parameter */
+ if( res == nilobj )
+ { if( sym_body(actual(x)) == nilobj )
+ res = MakeWord(WORD,STR_NOCROSS,&fpos(x));
+ else res = CopyObject(sym_body(actual(x)), &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(res, x); AttachEnv(env, x);
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from ClosureExpand (c)");
+ *res_env = SetEnv(x, nilobj);
+ }
+ assert( *res_env!=nilobj && type(*res_env)==ENV, "ClosureExpand: *res_env!");
+ debug0(DCE, D, "] ClosureExpand returning, res =");
+ ifdebug(DCE, D, DebugObject(res));
+ debug1(DCE, D, " environment = %s", EchoObject(*res_env));
+ return res;
+} /* end ClosureExpand */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ParameterCheck(x, env) */
+/* */
+/* Check whether object x (which is an actual parameter that happens to be */
+/* a CLOSURE) has a value which is a simple word, and if so return a copy */
+/* of that word, else nilobj. */
+/* */
+OBJECT ParameterCheck(OBJECT x, OBJECT env)
+{ OBJECT link, y, res, prnt_env, par, prnt;
+ debug2(DCE, DD, "ParameterCheck(%s, %s)", EchoObject(x), EchoObject(env));
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "ParameterCheck given non-CLOSURE!");
+ /* case x is a parameter */
+ prnt = SearchEnv(env, enclosing(actual(x)));
+ if( prnt == nilobj )
+ { debug0(DCE, DD, "ParameterCheck returning nilobj (prnt fail)");
+ return nilobj;
+ }
+ prnt_env = GetEnv(prnt);
+ for( link = Down(prnt); link != prnt; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(par, link);
+ if( type(par) == PAR && actual(par) == actual(x) )
+ { assert( Down(par) != par, "ParameterCheck: Down(par)!");
+ Child(y, Down(par));
+ res = is_word(type(y)) ? CopyObject(y, no_fpos) : nilobj;
+ debug1(DCE, DD, " ParameterCheck returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ /* case x is a default parameter */
+ y = sym_body(actual(x));
+ if( y == nilobj )
+ { res = nilobj;
+ }
+ else if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { res = CopyObject(y, &fpos(y));
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == CLOSURE && is_par(type(actual(y))) )
+ { res = ParameterCheck(y, prnt_env);
+ }
+ else
+ { res = nilobj;
+ }
+ debug1(DCE, DD, "ParameterCheck returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end ParameterCheck */
diff --git a/z10.c b/z10.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6d052b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z10.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+/*@z10.c:Cross References:CrossInit(), CrossMake()@***************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z10.c */
+/* MODULE: Cross References */
+/* EXTERNS: CrossInit(), CrossMake(), GallTargEval(), CrossAddTag(), */
+/* CrossExpand(), CrossSequence(), CrossClose() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define NO_TARGET 0
+#define SEEN_TARGET 1
+#define INIT_CROSSREF_NUM 100
+static OBJECT RootCross = nilobj; /* header for all crs */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* A symbol table permitting access to cross reference generated tags by */
+/* a mapping (symbol x file) -> current tag. */
+/* */
+/* crtab_getnext(sym, fnum, S) Get next value associated with sym,fnum */
+/* crtab_debug(S, fp) Debug print of table S to file fp */
+/* */
+typedef struct crossref_rec
+{ struct crossref_rec *crtab_next;
+ OBJECT crtab_sym;
+ FILE_NUM crtab_fnum;
+ int crtab_value;
+typedef struct
+{ int tab_size; /* size of table */
+ int tab_count; /* number of entries held */
+ CROSSREF_ENTRY tab_chains[1]; /* the chains of entries */
+#define crtab_size(S) (S)->tab_size
+#define crtab_count(S) (S)->tab_count
+#define crtab_chain(S,i) (S)->tab_chains[i]
+#define hash(pos, sym, fnum, S) \
+{ pos = ( ((long) sym) + fnum ) % crtab_size(S); \
+static CROSSREF_TABLE crtab_new(int newsize)
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_CROSSREF, 1,
+ 2*sizeof(int) + newsize*sizeof(CROSSREF_ENTRY)));
+ malloc(2*sizeof(int) + newsize*sizeof(CROSSREF_ENTRY));
+ Error(10, 1, "run out of memory enlarging crossref table", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ crtab_size(S) = newsize;
+ crtab_count(S) = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < newsize; i++ )
+ crtab_chain(S, i) = (CROSSREF_ENTRY) nilobj;
+ return S;
+} /* end crtab_new */
+static CROSSREF_TABLE crtab_rehash(CROSSREF_TABLE S, int newsize)
+{ CROSSREF_TABLE NewS; int i; long newpos; CROSSREF_ENTRY p, q;
+ NewS = crtab_new(newsize);
+ for( i = 0; i < crtab_size(S); i++ )
+ { p = crtab_chain(S, i);
+ while( p != NULL )
+ { q = p->crtab_next;
+ hash(newpos, p->crtab_sym, p->crtab_fnum, NewS);
+ p->crtab_next = crtab_chain(NewS, newpos);
+ crtab_chain(NewS, newpos) = p;
+ crtab_count(NewS)++;
+ p = q;
+ }
+ }
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_CROSSREF, -1,
+ -(2*sizeof(int) + crtab_size(S)*sizeof(CROSSREF_ENTRY))));
+ free(S);
+ return NewS;
+} /* end crtab_rehash */
+static int crtab_getnext(OBJECT sym, FILE_NUM fnum, CROSSREF_TABLE *S)
+{ CROSSREF_ENTRY x; OBJECT t; long pos;
+ /* if S is NULL, create a new table */
+ if( *S == NULL ) *S = crtab_new(INIT_CROSSREF_NUM);
+ /* if (sym, fnum) exists, increment its value and return it */
+ hash(pos, sym, fnum, *S);
+ for( x = crtab_chain(*S, pos); x != NULL; x = x->crtab_next )
+ { if( x->crtab_sym == sym && x->crtab_fnum == fnum )
+ return ++x->crtab_value;
+ }
+ /* if table is full, rehash */
+ if( crtab_count(*S) == crtab_size(*S) )
+ { *S = crtab_rehash(*S, 2*crtab_size(*S));
+ hash(pos, sym, fnum, *S);
+ }
+ /* insert a new entry for (sym, fnum) with value 1 */
+ GetMem(t, sizeof(struct crossref_rec), no_fpos);
+ x->crtab_sym = sym;
+ x->crtab_fnum = fnum;
+ x->crtab_next = crtab_chain(*S, pos);
+ crtab_chain(*S, pos) = x;
+ crtab_count(*S)++;
+ return x->crtab_value = 1;
+} /* end crtab_getnext */
+static void crtab_debug(CROSSREF_TABLE S, FILE *fp)
+{ int i; CROSSREF_ENTRY x;
+ if( S == NULL )
+ { fprintf(fp, " null table\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, " table size: %d; current count: %d\n",
+ crtab_size(S), crtab_count(S));
+ for( i = 0; i < crtab_size(S); i++ )
+ { fprintf(fp, "crtab_chain(S, %d) =", i);
+ for( x = crtab_chain(S, i); x != NULL; x = x->crtab_next )
+ { fprintf(fp, " %s:%s,%d",
+ SymName(x->crtab_sym), FileName(x->crtab_fnum), x->crtab_value);
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+} /* end crtab_debug */
+static CROSSREF_TABLE crossref_tab = NULL;
+/* */
+/* CrossInit(sym) Initialize cross_sym(sym). */
+/* */
+void CrossInit(OBJECT sym)
+{ OBJECT cs;
+ New(cs, CROSS_SYM);
+ target_state(cs) = NO_TARGET; target_seq(cs) = 0;
+ /* cr_file(cs) = NO_FILE; unused */
+ gall_seq(cs) = 0; gall_tag(cs) = nilobj;
+ gall_tfile(cs) = NO_FILE;
+ symb(cs) = sym; cross_sym(sym) = cs;
+ if( RootCross == nilobj ) New(RootCross, CR_ROOT); Link(RootCross, cs);
+/* */
+/* OBJECT CrossMake(sym, val, ctype) */
+/* */
+/* Make a cross-reference with the given sym and tag value (NB no fpos). */
+/* */
+OBJECT CrossMake(OBJECT sym, OBJECT val, int ctype)
+{ OBJECT v1, res;
+ debug3(DCR, DD, "CrossMake(%s, %s, %s)", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(val), Image(ctype));
+ New(res, CROSS); cross_type(res) = ctype; threaded(res) = FALSE;
+ New(v1, CLOSURE); actual(v1) = sym;
+ Link(res, v1); Link(res, val);
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossMake returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+/*@::GallTargEval(), CrossGenTag()@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* OBJECT GallTargEval(sym, dfpos) */
+/* */
+/* Produce a suitable cross-reference for a galley target. */
+/* */
+OBJECT GallTargEval(OBJECT sym, FILE_POS *dfpos)
+{ OBJECT cs, res;
+ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *str;
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "GallTargEval( %s,%s )", SymName(sym), EchoFilePos(dfpos));
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ cs = cross_sym(sym);
+ if( file_num(*dfpos) != gall_tfile(cs) )
+ { gall_tfile(cs) = file_num(*dfpos);
+ gall_seq(cs) = 0;
+ }
+ str = FileName(gall_tfile(cs));
+ ++gall_seq(cs);
+ if( StringLength(str) + 6 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(10, 2, "automatically generated tag %s&%d is too long",
+ FATAL, dfpos, str, gall_seq(cs));
+ StringCopy(buff, str);
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("&"));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(gall_seq(cs)));
+ res = CrossMake(sym, MakeWord(WORD, buff, dfpos), GALL_TARG);
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "GallTargEval returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end GallTargEval */
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT CrossGenTag(x) */
+/* */
+/* Generate a tag suitable for labelling closure x, in such a way that */
+/* the same tag is likely to be generated on subsequent runs. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT CrossGenTag(OBJECT x)
+{ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *str1, *str2;
+ OBJECT sym, res; FILE_NUM fnum;
+ int seq;
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossGenTag( %s )", SymName(actual(x)));
+ sym = actual(x);
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ fnum = file_num(fpos(x));
+ str1 = SymName(sym);
+ str2 = FileName(fnum);
+ seq = crtab_getnext(sym, fnum, &crossref_tab);
+ debug3(DCR, DDD, "%d = crtab_getnext(%s, %s, S); S =",
+ seq, SymName(sym), FileName(fnum));
+ ifdebug(DCR, DDD, crtab_debug(crossref_tab, stderr));
+ if( StringLength(str1) + StringLength(str2) + 10 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(10, 3, "automatically generated tag %s.%s.%d is too long",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, str1, str2, seq);
+ /* *** make shorter, little risk
+ StringCopy(buff, str1);
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("."));
+ *** */
+ StringCopy(buff, StringInt(line_num(fpos(sym))));
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("."));
+ StringCat(buff, str2);
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("."));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(seq));
+ res = MakeWord(QWORD, buff, &fpos(x));
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "CrossGenTag( %s ) returning %s", SymName(actual(x)), string(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end CrossGenTag */
+/* */
+/* CrossAddTag(x) */
+/* */
+/* Add an automatically generated @Tag parameter to closure x if required. */
+/* */
+void CrossAddTag(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, par, ppar, y;
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossAddTag( %s )", EchoObject(x));
+ /* search the parameter list of x for a @Tag parameter */
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(par, link);
+ if( type(par) == PAR && is_tag(actual(par)) )
+ {
+ /* has tag, but if value is empty object, delete it */
+ Child(y, Down(par));
+ if( is_word(type(y)) && StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY) )
+ { DisposeChild(link);
+ link = x;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( link == x )
+ {
+ /* search the definition of x for name of its @Tag parameter */
+ ppar = nilobj;
+ for( link=Down(actual(x)); link != actual(x); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_par(type(y)) && is_tag(y) )
+ { ppar = y;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( ppar != nilobj ) /* should always hold */
+ {
+ /* prepare new PAR containing generated tag */
+ New(par, PAR);
+ actual(par) = ppar;
+ y = CrossGenTag(x);
+ Link(par, y);
+ /* find the right spot, then link it to x */
+ switch( type(ppar) )
+ {
+ case LPAR: link = Down(x);
+ break;
+ case NPAR: link = Down(x);
+ if( Down(x) != x )
+ { Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( type(y) == PAR && type(actual(y)) == LPAR )
+ link = NextDown(link);
+ }
+ break;
+ case RPAR: for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) != PAR ) break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ Link(link, par);
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossAddTag returning %s", EchoObject(x));
+} /* end CrossAddTag */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT CrossExpand(x, env, style, crs, res_env) */
+/* */
+/* Return the value of cross-reference x, with environment *res_env. If */
+/* x has a non-literal tag, it must be tracked, so an object is added to */
+/* *crs for this purpose. The result replaces x, which is disposed. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT nbt[2] = { nilobj, nilobj };
+static OBJECT nft[2] = { nilobj, nilobj };
+static OBJECT ntarget = nilobj;
+static OBJECT nenclose = nilobj;
+OBJECT CrossExpand(OBJECT x, OBJECT env, STYLE *style,
+OBJECT *crs, OBJECT *res_env)
+{ OBJECT sym, res, tag, y, cs, link, db, tmp, index;
+ int ctype, count, i; FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], seq[MAX_BUFF], *str;
+ FILE_NUM fnum, dfnum; BOOLEAN tagerror = FALSE;
+ long cont, dfpos; int dlnum;
+ assert( is_cross(type(x)), "CrossExpand: x!" );
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "[ CrossExpand( %s, env, style, %s, res_env )",
+ EchoObject(x), EchoObject(*crs));
+ assert( NextDown(Down(x)) == LastDown(x), "CrossExpand: #args!" );
+ /* manifest and tidy the right parameter */
+ Child(tag, LastDown(x));
+ debug0(DOM, D, " [ calling Manifest from CrossExpand");
+ tag = Manifest(tag, env, style, nbt, nft, &ntarget, crs, FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, FALSE);
+ debug0(DOM, D, " ] returning from Manifest");
+ tag = ReplaceWithTidy(tag, TRUE); /* && */
+ /* extract sym (the symbol name) and tag (the tag value) from x */
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "ClosureExpand: type(y) != CLOSURE!" );
+ sym = actual(y);
+ ctype = !is_word(type(tag)) ? 1 :
+ StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) ? 2 :
+ StringEqual(string(tag), KW_PRECEDING) ? CROSS_PREC :
+ StringEqual(string(tag), KW_FOLL_OR_PREC) ? CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC :
+ StringEqual(string(tag), KW_FOLLOWING) ? CROSS_FOLL : CROSS_LIT;
+ res = nilobj;
+ switch( ctype )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ Error(10, 4, "value of right parameter of %s is not a simple word",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_CROSS);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ Error(10, 5, "value of right parameter of %s is an empty word",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), KW_CROSS);
+ break;
+ case CROSS_LIT:
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " CROSS_LIT sym %s, tag %s", SymName(sym), string(tag));
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ cs = cross_sym(sym);
+ if( sym == MomentSym && StringEqual(string(tag), KW_NOW) )
+ { /* this is a request for the current time */
+ res = StartMoment();
+ }
+ else
+ { if( !has_tag(sym) )
+ { Error(10, 6, "symbol %s used in cross reference has no %s parameter",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(sym), KW_TAG);
+ tagerror = TRUE;
+ }
+ for( link = NextUp(Up(cs)); link != cs; link = NextUp(link) )
+ { Parent(db, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(db)), "CrossExpand: db!" );
+ if( DbRetrieve(db, FALSE, sym, string(tag), seq, &dfnum, &dfpos,
+ &dlnum, &cont) )
+ {
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ count = 0;
+ /* condition db != OldCrossDb added to fix inconsistency with */
+ /* the call to AttachEnv below, which always carried it; but */
+ /* there may still be a problem when db != OldCrossDb because */
+ /* in that case all symbols currently visible are declared */
+ /* visible in the database entry; perhaps InitialEnvironment */
+ /* would be best */
+ if( db != OldCrossDb )
+ { SetScope(env, &count, FALSE);
+ debug2(DCR, D, "Retrieving %s, env = %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(env));
+ }
+ else
+ { debug1(DCR, D, "Retrieving %s, env = nilobj", SymName(sym));
+ }
+ res = ReadFromFile(dfnum, dfpos, dlnum);
+ for( i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) PopScope();
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ if( db != OldCrossDb ) AttachEnv(env, res);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ if( has_tag(sym) )
+ { int new_seq;
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ cs = cross_sym(sym);
+ assert( cs != nilobj, "CrossExpand/CROSS_FOLL: cs == nilobj!" );
+ assert( type(cs) == CROSS_SYM, "CrossExpand/CROSS_FOLL: type(cs)!" );
+ /* generate literal tag buff, used to track this cross reference */
+ fnum = file_num(fpos(tag));
+ new_seq = crtab_getnext(sym, fnum, &crossref_tab);
+ str = FileName(fnum);
+ if( StringLength(str) + 5 >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(10, 7, "automatically generated tag %s_%d is too long",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), str, new_seq); /* was cr_seq(cs) */
+ StringCopy(buff, str);
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("_"));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(new_seq)); /* was cr_seq(cs) */
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " CROSS_PREC or CROSS_FOLL generated tag %s", buff);
+ /* generate tracking cross reference and index, and add to *crs */
+ tmp = CrossMake(sym, MakeWord(WORD, buff, &fpos(tag)), ctype);
+ New(index, ctype);
+ actual(index) = tmp;
+ Link(index, tmp);
+ if( *crs == nilobj ) New(*crs, CR_LIST);
+ Link(*crs, index);
+ /* read tracking cross ref from previous run from cross-ref database */
+ if( AllowCrossDb &&
+ DbRetrieve(OldCrossDb, FALSE, sym, buff, seq, &dfnum, &dfpos,
+ &dlnum, &cont) )
+ {
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ res = ReadFromFile(dfnum, dfpos, dlnum);
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(10, 8, "symbol %s used in cross reference has no %s parameter",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(sym), KW_TAG);
+ tagerror = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "CrossExpand ctype");
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ if( res == nilobj )
+ { OBJECT envt;
+ /* *** reporting this now whether or not crs_wanted
+ if( ctype > 1 && !tagerror && crs_wanted )
+ *** */
+ if( ctype > 1 && !tagerror )
+ { debug3(DCR, DD, " reporting unresolved cross reference %s%s%s",
+ SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, string(tag));
+ Error(10, 9, "unresolved cross reference %s%s%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, string(tag));
+ }
+ /* build dummy result with environment attached */
+ /* nb at present we are not adding dummy import closures to this! */
+ New(res, CLOSURE); actual(res) = sym;
+ y = res;
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "First y = %s", SymName(actual(y)));
+ while( enclosing(actual(y)) != StartSym )
+ { New(tmp, CLOSURE);
+ actual(tmp) = enclosing(actual(y));
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, " calling SetEnv from CrossExpand (a)");
+ envt = SetEnv(tmp, nilobj);
+ AttachEnv(envt, y);
+ y = tmp;
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "Later y = %s", SymName(actual(y)));
+ }
+ New(envt, ENV); Link(y, envt);
+ }
+ /* set environment, replace x by res, debug and exit */
+ *res_env = DetachEnv(res);
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ assert( type(res) == CLOSURE, "CrossExpand: type(res) != CLOSURE!" );
+ assert( actual(res) == sym, "CrossExpand: actual(res) != sym!" );
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "] CrossExpand returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " *crs = %s", EchoObject(*crs));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " *res_env = %s", EchoObject(*res_env));
+ return res;
+} /* end CrossExpand */
+/* */
+/* CrossSequence(x) */
+/* */
+/* Object x is an insinuated cross-reference that has just been popped off */
+/* the top of the root galley. Resolve it with the sequence of others. */
+/* */
+void CrossSequence(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT sym, tag, val, tmp, cs, par, key, hold_key, link, y, env, hold_env;
+ unsigned ctype; FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *seq;
+ FILE_NUM dfnum; int dfpos, dlnum;
+ /* if suppressing cross-referencing, dispose x and quit */
+ if( !AllowCrossDb )
+ { if( Up(x) == x ) DisposeObject(x);
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossSequence returning (!AllowCrossDb).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* get interesting fragments from x */
+ debugcond1(DCR, DD, !is_cross(type(x)), " type(x) = %s, x =", Image(type(x)));
+ ifdebugcond(DCR, DD, !is_cross(type(x)), DebugObject(x));
+ assert( is_cross(type(x)), "CrossSequence: type(x)!" );
+ ctype = cross_type(x);
+ Child(tmp, Down(x));
+ assert( type(tmp) == CLOSURE, "CrossSequence: type(tmp)!" );
+ sym = actual(tmp);
+ if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ cs = cross_sym(sym);
+ assert( type(cs) == CROSS_SYM, "CrossSequence: cs!" );
+ /* debug output */
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "CrossSequence %s %s", Image(ctype), EchoObject(x));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " x = %s", EchoObject(x));
+ ifdebug(DCR, DD, DebugObject(cs));
+ /* delete as much of x as possible */
+ Child(tag, NextDown(Down(x)));
+ DeleteLink(NextDown(Down(x)));
+ if( Up(x) == x ) DisposeObject(x);
+ switch( ctype )
+ {
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ /* find the value of key of the galley, if any */
+ val = tag; key = hold_key = nilobj;
+ assert( type(val) == CLOSURE, "CrossSequence/GALL_FOLL: type(val)!" );
+ if( has_key(actual(val)) )
+ { for( link=Down(actual(val)); link != actual(val); link=NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_key(y) )
+ { OBJECT nbt[2], nft[2], crs, ntarget, nenclose;
+ nbt[COLM] = nft[COLM] = nbt[ROWM] = nft[ROWM] = nilobj;
+ crs = ntarget = nenclose = nilobj;
+ New(key, CLOSURE);
+ actual(key) = y;
+ New(hold_key, ACAT);
+ Link(hold_key, key);
+ New(env, ENV);
+ Link(env, val);
+ New(hold_env, ACAT);
+ Link(hold_env, env);
+ debug0(DOM, D, " [ calling Manifest from CrossSequence");
+ key = Manifest(key, env, &save_style(val), nbt, nft,
+ &ntarget, &crs, FALSE, TRUE, &nenclose, FALSE);
+ debug0(DOM, D, " ] returning from Manifest");
+ key = ReplaceWithTidy(key, TRUE);
+ DeleteLink(Down(env));
+ DisposeObject(hold_env);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* write out the galley */
+ dfnum = DatabaseFileNum(&fpos(val));
+ AppendToFile(val, dfnum, &dfpos, &dlnum);
+ /* determine the sequence number or string of this galley */
+ if( key == nilobj )
+ { ++gall_seq(cs);
+ StringCopy(buff, StringFiveInt(gall_seq(cs)));
+ seq = buff;
+ }
+ else if( !is_word(type(key)) )
+ { Error(10, 10, "%s parameter is not a word", WARN, &fpos(key), KW_KEY);
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "key = %s", EchoObject(key));
+ seq = STR_BADKEY;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(key), STR_EMPTY) )
+ { Error(10, 11, "%s parameter is an empty word", WARN,&fpos(key),KW_KEY);
+ seq = STR_BADKEY;
+ }
+ else seq = string(key);
+ /* either write out the index immediately or store it for later */
+ if( ctype == GALL_PREC )
+ { if( gall_tag(cs) == nilobj )
+ { Error(10, 12, "no %s precedes this %s%s%s", WARN, &fpos(val),
+ SymName(sym), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_PRECEDING);
+ debug0(DCR, DD, " ... so substituting \"none\"");
+ gall_tag(cs) = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, &fpos(val));
+ }
+ assert( is_word(type(gall_tag(cs))) &&
+ !StringEqual(string(gall_tag(cs)), STR_EMPTY),
+ "CrossSequence: gall_tag!" );
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " inserting galley (prec) %s&%s %s", SymName(sym),
+ string(gall_tag(cs)), seq);
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, TRUE, sym, string(gall_tag(cs)), no_fpos, seq,
+ dfnum, (long) dfpos, dlnum, FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ { tmp = MakeWord(WORD, seq, &fpos(val));
+ cs_type(tmp) = ctype;
+ cs_fnum(tmp) = dfnum;
+ cs_pos(tmp) = dfpos;
+ cs_lnum(tmp) = dlnum;
+ Link(cs, tmp);
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " saving galley (foll) %s&? %s", SymName(sym), seq);
+ }
+ DisposeObject(val);
+ if( hold_key != nilobj ) DisposeObject(hold_key);
+ break;
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ if( gall_tag(cs) != nilobj ) DisposeObject(gall_tag(cs));
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) || StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " GALL_TARG %s put none for %s",
+ SymName(sym), EchoObject(tag));
+ DisposeObject(tag);
+ gall_tag(cs) = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, no_fpos);
+ }
+ else gall_tag(cs) = tag;
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " have new %s gall_targ %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(gall_tag(cs)));
+ for( link = Down(cs); link != cs; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(y)) && !StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY),
+ "CrossSequence: GALL_TARG y!" );
+ switch( cs_type(y) )
+ {
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ debug4(DCR, DD, " inserting galley (%s) %s&%s %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)), SymName(sym), string(gall_tag(cs)), string(y));
+ if( Down(y) != y )
+ Child(val, Down(y));
+ else
+ val = nilobj;
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, TRUE, sym, string(gall_tag(cs)), no_fpos,
+ string(y), cs_fnum(y), (long) cs_pos(y), cs_lnum(y), FALSE);
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ case CROSS_LIT:
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "CrossSequence: cs_type!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ if( target_state(cs) == NO_TARGET )
+ { Error(10, 13, "no %s precedes this %s%s%s", WARN, &fpos(tag),
+ SymName(sym), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_PRECEDING);
+ break;
+ }
+ if( target_state(cs) == SEEN_TARGET )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " inserting %s cross_targ %s",
+ SymName(sym), target_val(cs));
+ AppendToFile(target_val(cs), target_file(cs), &target_pos(cs),
+ &target_lnum(cs));
+ DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ target_val(cs) = nilobj;
+ target_state(cs) = WRITTEN_TARGET;
+ }
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) || StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " GALL_TARG %s put none for %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(tag));
+ DisposeObject(tag);
+ tag = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, no_fpos);
+ }
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " inserting cross (prec) %s&%s %s", SymName(sym),
+ string(tag), "0");
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, FALSE, sym, string(tag), &fpos(tag), STR_ZERO,
+ target_file(cs), (long) target_pos(cs), target_lnum(cs), TRUE);
+ DisposeObject(tag);
+ break;
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) )
+ { Error(10, 14, "tag of %s is not a simple word",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), SymName(symb(cs)));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " tag = %s", EchoObject(tag));
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " ignoring cross (foll) %s (empty tag)", SymName(sym));
+ }
+ else
+ { Link(cs, tag);
+ cs_fnum(tag) = file_num(fpos(tag));
+ cs_type(tag) = ctype;
+ debug4(DCR, DD, " storing cross (%s) %s&%s %s", Image(ctype),
+ SymName(sym), string(tag), "?");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ /* get rid of old target, if any, and add new one */
+ if( target_state(cs) == SEEN_TARGET )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " disposing unused %s cross_targ %s", SymName(sym),
+ target_val(cs));
+ DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ }
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " remembering new %s cross_targ %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(tag));
+ target_val(cs) = tag;
+ assert( Up(tag) == tag, "CrossSeq: Up(tag)!" );
+ target_file(cs) = DatabaseFileNum(&fpos(tag));
+ target_state(cs) = SEEN_TARGET;
+ /* store tag of the galley, if any, and delete excessive right pars */
+ tag = nilobj;
+ assert( type(target_val(cs)) == CLOSURE, "CrossSequence: target_val!" );
+ link = Down(target_val(cs));
+ for( ; link != target_val(cs); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(par, link);
+ if( type(par) == PAR )
+ {
+ assert( Down(par) != par, "CrossSequence: Down(PAR)!" );
+ if( is_tag(actual(par)) )
+ {
+ /* sort out the value of this tag now */
+ Child(tag, Down(par));
+ tag = ReplaceWithTidy(tag, TRUE); /* && */
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) )
+ { Error(10, 15, "tag of %s is not a simple word",
+ WARN, &fpos(tag), SymName(actual(target_val(cs))));
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " tag = %s", EchoObject(tag));
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " ignoring cross (own tag) %s (empty tag)",
+ SymName(sym));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cs_fnum(tag) = file_num(fpos(tag));
+ cs_type(tag) = CROSS_LIT;
+ Link(cs, tag);
+ debug4(DCR, DD, " storing cross (%s) %s&%s %s",
+ Image(cs_type(tag)), SymName(sym), string(tag), "?");
+ }
+ }
+ else if( type(actual(par)) == RPAR )
+ {
+ /* replace any oversized right parameter by question marks */
+ Child(y, Down(par));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ case ACAT:
+ case OPEN:
+ case NEXT:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case CROSS:
+ case TAGGED:
+ /* leave objects of these types as is */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* replace all other types by three question marks */
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("???"), &fpos(y));
+ ReplaceNode(tmp, y);
+ DisposeObject(y);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if new target is already writable, write it */
+ if( Down(cs) != cs )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " writing %s cross_targ %s", SymName(sym),
+ EchoObject(target_val(cs)));
+ AppendToFile(target_val(cs), target_file(cs), &target_pos(cs),
+ &target_lnum(cs));
+ DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ target_val(cs) = nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(cs); link != cs; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(tag, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(tag)) && !StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY),
+ "CrossSeq: non-WORD or empty tag!" );
+ switch( cs_type(tag) )
+ {
+ case CROSS_LIT:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " inserting cross (foll) %s&%s %s", SymName(sym),
+ string(tag), "0");
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, FALSE, sym, string(tag), &fpos(tag),
+ STR_ZERO, target_file(cs), (long) target_pos(cs),
+ target_lnum(cs), TRUE);
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "CrossSequence: cs_type!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ target_state(cs) = WRITTEN_TARGET;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "CrossSequence:", Image(ctype));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossSequence returning.");
+ debug0(DCR, DD, " cs =");
+ ifdebug(DCR, DD, DebugObject(cs));
+} /* end CrossSequence */
+/* */
+/* CrossClose() */
+/* */
+/* Check for dangling forward references, and convert old cross reference */
+/* database to new one. */
+/* */
+void CrossClose(void)
+{ OBJECT link, cs, ylink, y, sym; BOOLEAN g; int len, count;
+ FILE_NUM dfnum; long dfpos, cont; int dlnum;
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossClose()");
+ ifdebug(DCR, DD, if( RootCross != nilobj ) DebugObject(RootCross));
+ /* if suppressing cross referencing, return */
+ if( !AllowCrossDb )
+ { debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossClose returning (!AllowCrossDb).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* check for dangling forward references and dispose cross ref structures */
+ if( RootCross != nilobj )
+ { for( link = Down(RootCross); link != RootCross; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(cs, link);
+ sym = symb(cs);
+ assert( type(cs) == CROSS_SYM, "CrossClose: type(cs)!" );
+ count = 0;
+ for( ylink = Down(cs); ylink != cs; ylink = NextDown(ylink) )
+ { Child(y, ylink);
+ assert( is_word(type(y)) && !StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY),
+ "CrossClose: GALL_TARG y!" );
+ switch( cs_type(y) )
+ {
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "cs_type(y) = %s, y = %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ if( count < 5 )
+ Error(10, 16, "no %s follows this %s%s%s", WARN, &fpos(y),
+ SymName(sym), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ else if( count == 5 )
+ Error(10, 17, "and more undefined %s%s%s", WARN, no_fpos,
+ SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ count++;
+ break;
+ /* no following target, so switch to preceding */
+ if( target_state(cs) == NO_TARGET )
+ { Error(10, 18, "no %s follows or precedes this %s%s%s", WARN,
+ &fpos(y), SymName(sym), SymName(sym),KW_CROSS,KW_FOLL_OR_PREC);
+ break;
+ }
+ if( target_state(cs) == SEEN_TARGET )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " inserting %s cross_targ %s",
+ SymName(sym), target_val(cs));
+ AppendToFile(target_val(cs), target_file(cs), &target_pos(cs),
+ &target_lnum(cs));
+ DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ target_val(cs) = nilobj;
+ target_state(cs) = WRITTEN_TARGET;
+ }
+ if( !is_word(type(y)) || StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC %s put none for %s",
+ SymName(sym), EchoObject(y));
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_NONE, no_fpos);
+ }
+ debug4(DCR, DD, " inserting cross (%s) %s&%s %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)), SymName(sym), string(y), "0");
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, FALSE, sym, string(y), &fpos(y), STR_ZERO,
+ target_file(cs), (long) target_pos(cs), target_lnum(cs), TRUE);
+ break;
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ debug2(DCR, DD, "cs_type(y) = %s, y = %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ if( count < 5 )
+ Error(10, 19, "no %s follows this %s%s%s", WARN, &fpos(y),
+ SymName(sym), SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ else if( count == 5 )
+ Error(10, 20, "and more undefined %s%s%s", WARN, no_fpos,
+ SymName(sym), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, TRUE, sym, STR_NONE, no_fpos,
+ string(y), cs_fnum(y), (long) cs_pos(y), cs_lnum(y), FALSE);
+ count++;
+ break;
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " inserting galley (foll_or_prec) %s&%s %s",
+ SymName(sym), string(gall_tag(cs)), string(y));
+ if( gall_tag(cs) == nilobj )
+ Error(10, 21, "no %s precedes or follows this %s%s%s", WARN,
+ &fpos(y), SymName(sym), SymName(sym),KW_CROSS,KW_FOLL_OR_PREC);
+ else
+ {
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, TRUE, sym, string(gall_tag(cs)), no_fpos,
+ string(y), cs_fnum(y), (long) cs_pos(y), cs_lnum(y), FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "CrossClose: unknown cs_type %s",
+ Image(cs_type(y)));
+ assert(FALSE, "CrossClose: unknown cs_type!");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ifdebug(ANY, D,
+ if( target_state(cs) == SEEN_TARGET ) DisposeObject(target_val(cs));
+ if( gall_tag(cs) != nilobj ) DisposeObject(gall_tag(cs));
+ );
+ }
+ ifdebug(ANY, D, DisposeObject(RootCross); );
+ }
+ /* add to NewCrossDb those entries of OldCrossDb from other source files */
+ /* but set check to FALSE so that we don't worry about duplication there */
+ cont = 0L; len = StringLength(DATA_SUFFIX);
+ while( DbRetrieveNext(OldCrossDb,&g,&sym,tag,seq,&dfnum,&dfpos,&dlnum,&cont))
+ { if( g ) continue;
+ StringCopy(buff, FileName(dfnum));
+ StringCopy(&buff[StringLength(buff) - len], STR_EMPTY);
+ if( FileNum(buff, STR_EMPTY) == NO_FILE )
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, FALSE, sym, tag, no_fpos, seq, dfnum, dfpos,
+ dlnum, FALSE);
+ }
+ /* close OldCrossDb's .li file so that NewCrossDb can use its name */
+ DbClose(OldCrossDb);
+ /* make NewCrossDb readable, for next run */
+ DbConvert(NewCrossDb, TRUE);
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "CrossClose returning.");
+ ifdebug(DCR, DD, crtab_debug(crossref_tab, stderr));
+} /* end CrossClose */
diff --git a/z11.c b/z11.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21591d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z11.c
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+/*@z11.c:Style Service:EchoStyle()@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z11.c */
+/* MODULE: Style Service */
+/* EXTERNS: EchoStyle(), SpaceChange(), BreakChange() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoStyle(style) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a string showing the value of the style. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoStyle(STYLE *style)
+{ static FULL_CHAR res[100];
+ static char *hyphwords[] = { "hyph_undef", "hyph_off", "hyph_on" };
+ static char *fillwords[] = { "fill_undef", "fill_off", "fill_on" };
+ static char *spacewords[] = { "lout", "comp", "troff", "tex" };
+ static char *displaywords[] = { "undef", "adjust", "outdent", "left",
+ "centre", "right", "do" };
+ StringCopy(res, AsciiToFull("["));
+ StringCat(res, EchoCatOp(VCAT,mark(line_gap(*style)),join(line_gap(*style))));
+ StringCat(res, EchoGap(&line_gap(*style)));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(", "));
+ StringCat(res, font(*style) == 0 ?
+ AsciiToFull("nofont") : FontFamilyAndFace(font(*style)));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(" ("));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(spacewords[space_style(*style)]));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(" "));
+ StringCat(res, EchoGap(&space_gap(*style)));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("), "));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(hyph_style(*style) < 3 ?
+ hyphwords[hyph_style(*style)] : "?"));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":"));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(fill_style(*style) < 3 ?
+ fillwords[fill_style(*style)] : "?"));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":"));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(display_style(*style) < 7 ?
+ displaywords[display_style(*style)] : "?"));
+ if( small_caps(*style) > 0 ) StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":smallcaps"));
+ if( vadjust(*style) ) StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":vadjust"));
+ if( hadjust(*style) ) StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":hadjust"));
+ if( padjust(*style) ) StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":padjust"));
+ if( yunit(*style) != 0 )
+ { StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":y="));
+ StringCat(res, EchoLength(yunit(*style)));
+ }
+ if( zunit(*style) != 0 )
+ { StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":z="));
+ StringCat(res, EchoLength(zunit(*style)));
+ }
+ if( nobreakfirst(*style) ) StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":NBF"));
+ if( nobreaklast(*style) ) StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":NBL"));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("]"));
+ return res;
+} /* end EchoStyle */
+/* */
+/* SpaceChange(style, x) */
+/* */
+/* Change the current break style as indicated by object x. */
+/* */
+static void changespace(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
+{ GAP res_gap; unsigned gap_inc;
+ assert( is_word(type(x)), "changespace: type(x)!" );
+ if( beginsbreakstyle(string(x)[0]) )
+ {
+ /* should be a new space style option */
+ if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_SPACE_LOUT) )
+ space_style(*style) = SPACE_LOUT;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_SPACE_COMPRESS) )
+ space_style(*style) = SPACE_COMPRESS;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_SPACE_SEPARATE) )
+ space_style(*style) = SPACE_SEPARATE;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_SPACE_TROFF) )
+ space_style(*style) = SPACE_TROFF;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_SPACE_TEX) )
+ space_style(*style) = SPACE_TEX;
+ else Error(11, 1, "unknown option to %s symbol (%s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_SPACE, string(x));
+ }
+ else /* should be a new space gap */
+ { GetGap(x, style, &res_gap, &gap_inc);
+ if( gap_inc != GAP_ABS && units(res_gap) != units(space_gap(*style)) )
+ { Error(11, 2, "spacing %s is not compatible with current spacing",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ }
+ else
+ { units(space_gap(*style)) = units(res_gap);
+ mode(space_gap(*style)) = mode(res_gap);
+ width(space_gap(*style)) = gap_inc == GAP_ABS ? width(res_gap) :
+ gap_inc == GAP_INC ? width(space_gap(*style)) + width(res_gap) :
+ find_max(width(space_gap(*style)) - width(res_gap), 0);
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DSS, D, "SpaceChange returning %s", EchoStyle(style));
+} /* end SpaceChange */
+void SpaceChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ debug2(DSS, D, "SpaceChange(%s, %s)", EchoStyle(style), EchoObject(x));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case NULL_CLOS: break;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD: if( !StringEqual(string(x), STR_EMPTY) )
+ changespace(style, x);
+ break;
+ case ACAT: for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ || type(y) == NULL_CLOS ) continue;
+ else if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { if( !StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY) )
+ changespace(style, y);
+ }
+ else Error(11, 3, "invalid left parameter of %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_SPACE);
+ }
+ break;
+ default: Error(11, 4, "invalid left parameter of %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_SPACE);
+ break;
+ }
+ debug1(DSS, D, "SpaceChange returning %s", EchoStyle(style));
+} /* end SpaceChange */
+/* */
+/* BreakChange(style, x) */
+/* */
+/* Change the current break style as indicated by object x. */
+/* */
+static void changebreak(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
+{ GAP res_gap; unsigned gap_inc;
+ if( beginsbreakstyle(string(x)[0]) )
+ {
+ /* should be a new break style option */
+ if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_HYPHEN) )
+ hyph_style(*style) = HYPH_ON;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_NOHYPHEN) )
+ hyph_style(*style) = HYPH_OFF;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_ADJUST) )
+ fill_style(*style) = FILL_ON, display_style(*style) = DISPLAY_ADJUST;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_OUTDENT) )
+ fill_style(*style) = FILL_ON, display_style(*style) = DISPLAY_OUTDENT;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_RAGGED) )
+ fill_style(*style) = FILL_ON, display_style(*style) = DISPLAY_LEFT;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_CRAGGED) )
+ fill_style(*style) = FILL_ON, display_style(*style) = DISPLAY_CENTRE;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_RRAGGED) )
+ fill_style(*style) = FILL_ON, display_style(*style) = DISPLAY_RIGHT;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_ORAGGED) )
+ fill_style(*style) = FILL_ON, display_style(*style) = DISPLAY_ORAGGED;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_LINES) )
+ fill_style(*style) = FILL_OFF, display_style(*style) = DISPLAY_LEFT;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_CLINES) )
+ fill_style(*style) = FILL_OFF, display_style(*style) = DISPLAY_CENTRE;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_RLINES) )
+ fill_style(*style) = FILL_OFF, display_style(*style) = DISPLAY_RIGHT;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_NOFIRST) )
+ nobreakfirst(*style) = TRUE;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_FIRST) )
+ nobreakfirst(*style) = FALSE;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_NOLAST) )
+ nobreaklast(*style) = TRUE;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_LAST) )
+ nobreaklast(*style) = FALSE;
+ else Error(11, 5, "unknown option to %s symbol (%s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_BREAK, string(x));
+ }
+ else /* should be a new inter-line gap */
+ { GetGap(x, style, &res_gap, &gap_inc);
+ if( gap_inc != GAP_ABS && units(res_gap) != units(line_gap(*style)) )
+ Error(11, 6, "line spacing %s is not compatible with current spacing",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ else
+ { units(line_gap(*style)) = units(res_gap);
+ mode(line_gap(*style)) = mode(res_gap);
+ width(line_gap(*style)) = gap_inc == GAP_ABS ? width(res_gap) :
+ gap_inc == GAP_INC ? width(line_gap(*style)) + width(res_gap) :
+ find_max(width(line_gap(*style)) - width(res_gap), 0);
+ }
+ }
+} /* end changebreak */
+void BreakChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ debug2(DSS, D, "BreakChange(%s, %s)", EchoStyle(style), EchoObject(x));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case NULL_CLOS: break;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD: if( !StringEqual(string(x), STR_EMPTY) )
+ changebreak(style, x);
+ break;
+ case ACAT: for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ || type(y) == NULL_CLOS ) continue;
+ else if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { if( !StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY) )
+ changebreak(style, y);
+ }
+ else Error(11, 7, "invalid left parameter of %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_BREAK);
+ }
+ break;
+ default: Error(11, 8, "invalid left parameter of %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_BREAK);
+ break;
+ }
+ debug1(DSS, D, "BreakChange returning %s", EchoStyle(style));
+} /* end BreakChange */
+/*@::YUnitChange(), ZUnitChange()@********************************************/
+/* */
+/* YUnitChange(style, x) */
+/* */
+/* Change the current value of the y unit as indicated by object x. */
+/* */
+void YUnitChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
+{ GAP res_gap; unsigned gap_inc;
+ GetGap(x, style, &res_gap, &gap_inc);
+ if( units(res_gap) != FIXED_UNIT )
+ Error(11, 9, "this unit not allowed with %s symbol",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_YUNIT);
+ else
+ { if( gap_inc == GAP_ABS ) yunit(*style) = width(res_gap);
+ else if( gap_inc == GAP_INC ) yunit(*style) += width(res_gap);
+ else yunit(*style) = find_max(yunit(*style) - width(res_gap), 0);
+ }
+} /* end YUnitChange */
+/* */
+/* ZUnitChange(style, x) */
+/* */
+/* Change the current value of the z unit as indicated by object x. */
+/* */
+void ZUnitChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
+{ GAP res_gap; unsigned gap_inc;
+ GetGap(x, style, &res_gap, &gap_inc);
+ if( units(res_gap) != FIXED_UNIT )
+ Error(11, 10, "this unit not allowed with %s symbol",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_ZUNIT);
+ else
+ { if( gap_inc == GAP_ABS ) zunit(*style) = width(res_gap);
+ else if( gap_inc == GAP_INC ) zunit(*style) += width(res_gap);
+ else zunit(*style) = find_max(zunit(*style) - width(res_gap), 0);
+ }
+} /* end ZUnitChange */
diff --git a/z12.c b/z12.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f2c551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z12.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1235 @@
+/*@z12.c:Size Finder:MinSize()@***********************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z12.c */
+/* MODULE: Size Finder */
+/* EXTERNS: MinSize() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define IG_LOOKING 0
+#define IG_NOFILE 1
+#define IG_BADFILE 2
+#define IG_BADSIZE 3
+#define IG_OK 4
+/* */
+/* KernLength(fnum, ch1, ch2, res) */
+/* */
+/* Set res to the kern length between ch1 and ch2 in font fnum, or 0 if */
+/* none. */
+/* */
+static FULL_LENGTH KernLength(FONT_NUM fnum, FULL_CHAR ch1, FULL_CHAR ch2)
+ MAPPING m = font_mapping(finfo[fnum].font_table);
+ FULL_CHAR *unacc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UNACCENTED];
+ int ua_ch1 = unacc[ch1];
+ int ua_ch2 = unacc[ch2];
+ int i = finfo[fnum].kern_table[ua_ch1], j;
+ if( i == 0 ) res = 0;
+ else
+ { FULL_CHAR *kc = finfo[fnum].kern_chars;
+ for( j = i; kc[j] > ua_ch2; j++ );
+ res = (kc[j] == ua_ch2) ?
+ finfo[fnum].kern_sizes[finfo[fnum].kern_value[j]] : 0;
+ }
+ return res;
+} /* end KernLength */
+/* */
+/* BuildSpanner(x) */
+/* */
+/* Build a spanning structure starting at x. */
+/* */
+static BOOLEAN BuildSpanner(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, prnt, y, hspanner, vspanner, end_link, t, hprnt, vprnt, spanobj;
+ BOOLEAN need_hspanner, need_vspanner;
+ debug1(DSF, DD, "BuildSpanner(%s)", EchoObject(x));
+ assert( type(x) == START_HVSPAN || type(x) == START_HSPAN ||
+ type(x) == START_VSPAN , "BuildSpanner: type(x) != SPAN!" );
+ Child(spanobj, Down(x));
+ assert(Up(spanobj) == LastUp(spanobj), "BuildSpanner: spanobj!" );
+ DeleteLink(Up(spanobj));
+ need_hspanner = (type(x) == START_HVSPAN || type(x) == START_HSPAN);
+ if( need_hspanner )
+ {
+ /* check that column context is legal, if not exit with FALSE */
+ Parent(hprnt, UpDim(x, COLM));
+ if( type(hprnt) != COL_THR )
+ {
+ Error(12, 10, "%s deleted (not in column)", WARN,&fpos(x),Image(type(x)));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* build hspanner object and interpose it between x and spanobj */
+ New(hspanner, HSPANNER);
+ FposCopy(fpos(hspanner), fpos(x));
+ spanner_broken(hspanner) = FALSE;
+ Link(x, hspanner);
+ Link(hspanner, spanobj);
+ /* link later members of the spanner on the same row mark to hspanner */
+ /* by definition this is every member across to the last @HSpan before a */
+ /* @StartHVSpan or @StartHSpan or @StartVSpan or @VSpan or end of row */
+ Parent(prnt, UpDim(x, ROWM));
+ if( type(prnt) != ROW_THR )
+ {
+ Error(12, 11, "%s symbol out of place", FATAL, &fpos(x), Image(type(x)));
+ }
+ assert(type(prnt) == ROW_THR, "BuildSpanner: type(prnt)!");
+ spanner_sized(hspanner) = 0;
+ spanner_count(hspanner) = 1;
+ end_link = NextDown(UpDim(x, ROWM));
+ for( link = NextDown(UpDim(x, ROWM)); link != prnt; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ debug2(DSF, DD, " examining ver %s %s", Image(type(y)), y);
+ if( type(y) == HSPAN )
+ end_link = NextDown(link);
+ else if( type(y) == START_HVSPAN || type(y) == START_HSPAN ||
+ type(y) == START_VSPAN || type(y) == VSPAN )
+ break;
+ }
+ for( link = NextDown(UpDim(x,ROWM)); link!=end_link; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ /* each of these components becomes @HSpan and is added to vspanner */
+ Child(y, link);
+ New(t, HSPAN);
+ FposCopy(fpos(t), fpos(y));
+ ReplaceNode(t, y);
+ DisposeObject(y);
+ Link(t, hspanner);
+ spanner_count(hspanner)++;
+ }
+ }
+ else Link(x, spanobj);
+ need_vspanner = (type(x) == START_HVSPAN || type(x) == START_VSPAN);
+ if( need_vspanner )
+ {
+ /* check that row context is legal, if not exit with FALSE */
+ Parent(vprnt, UpDim(x, ROWM));
+ if( type(vprnt) != ROW_THR )
+ {
+ Error(12, 12, "%s deleted (not in row)", WARN, &fpos(x), Image(type(x)));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* build vspanner object and interpose it between x and spanobj */
+ New(vspanner, VSPANNER);
+ FposCopy(fpos(vspanner), fpos(x));
+ spanner_broken(vspanner) = FALSE;
+ Link(x, vspanner);
+ Link(vspanner, spanobj);
+ /* link later members of the spanner on the same column mark to vspanner */
+ /* by definition this is every member down to the last @VSpan before a */
+ /* @StartHVSpan or @StartHSpan or @StartVSpan or @HSpan or end of column */
+ Parent(prnt, UpDim(x, COLM));
+ assert(type(prnt) == COL_THR, "BuildSpanner: type(prnt)!");
+ spanner_sized(vspanner) = 0;
+ spanner_count(vspanner) = 1;
+ end_link = NextDown(UpDim(x, COLM));
+ for( link = NextDown(UpDim(x, COLM)); link != prnt; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ debug2(DSF, DD, " examining hor %s %s", Image(type(y)), y);
+ if( type(y) == VSPAN )
+ end_link = NextDown(link);
+ else if( type(y) == START_HVSPAN || type(y) == START_HSPAN ||
+ type(y) == START_VSPAN || type(y) == HSPAN )
+ break;
+ }
+ for( link = NextDown(UpDim(x,COLM)); link!=end_link; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ /* each of these components becomes @VSpan and is added to vspanner */
+ Child(y, link);
+ New(t, VSPAN);
+ FposCopy(fpos(t), fpos(y));
+ ReplaceNode(t, y);
+ DisposeObject(y);
+ Link(t, vspanner);
+ spanner_count(vspanner)++;
+ }
+ }
+ else Link(x, spanobj);
+ debug2(DSF, DD, "BuildSpanner returning TRUE (rows = %d, cols = %d)",
+ need_vspanner ? spanner_count(vspanner) : 0,
+ need_hspanner ? spanner_count(hspanner) : 0);
+ ifdebug(DSF, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ return TRUE;
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN FindSpannerGap(thr, cat_op, gp) */
+/* */
+/* For the purposes of calculating spanning spacing, find the gap between */
+/* this object and the preceding one under the nearest cat_op. */
+/* */
+/* If found, set &gp to the gap object and return TRUE; else return FALSE. */
+/* */
+static BOOLEAN FindSpannerGap(OBJECT thr, unsigned dim, unsigned cat_op,
+ OBJECT *res)
+{ OBJECT link, x;
+ /* find nearest enclosing cat_op that we aren't the first element of */
+ link = UpDim(thr, dim);
+ Parent(x, link);
+ while( (type(x) != cat_op || type(PrevDown(link)) != LINK) && Up(x) != x )
+ { link = UpDim(x, dim);
+ Parent(x, link);
+ }
+ /* if found and a gap precedes thr's component of it, return that gap */
+ if( type(x) == cat_op && type(PrevDown(link)) == LINK )
+ { Child(*res, PrevDown(link));
+ assert(type(*res) == GAP_OBJ, "FindSpannerGap: type(*res)!" );
+ }
+ else if( type(x) == HEAD && gall_dir(x)==dim && type(PrevDown(link))==LINK )
+ { Child(*res, PrevDown(link));
+ assert(type(*res) == GAP_OBJ, "FindSpannerGap (HEAD): type(*res)!" );
+ nobreak(gap(*res)) = TRUE;
+ }
+ else *res = nilobj;
+ debug1(DSF, DD, " FindSpannerGap returning %s", EchoObject(*res));
+ return (*res != nilobj);
+/* */
+/* void SpannerAvailableSpace(x, dim, rb, rf) */
+/* */
+/* Work out the total space available to hold this spanner, and set */
+/* (*rb, *rf) to record this value. This space equals the total width */
+/* of all columns (and their intervening gaps) spanned, with the mark */
+/* of the last column being the one separating rb from rf. */
+/* */
+void SpannerAvailableSpace(OBJECT y, int dim, FULL_LENGTH *resb,
+ FULL_LENGTH *resf)
+{ OBJECT slink, s, thr, gp, prevthr;
+ unsigned thr_type, cat_type;
+ assert( type(y) == HSPANNER || type(y) == VSPANNER, "SpannerAvail!");
+ debug4(DSF, DD, "SpannerAvailableSpace(%d %s %s, %s)",
+ spanner_count(y), Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y), dimen(dim));
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { thr_type = COL_THR;
+ cat_type = HCAT;
+ }
+ else
+ { thr_type = ROW_THR;
+ cat_type = VCAT;
+ }
+ /* first calculate the total space consumed in earlier spans */
+ /* Invariant: (b, f) is the size up to and including prev */
+ /* */
+ prevthr = nilobj;
+ for( slink = Up(y); slink != y; slink = NextUp(slink) )
+ { Parent(s, slink);
+ Parent(thr, UpDim(s, dim));
+ if( type(thr) == thr_type )
+ {
+ assert( thr_state(thr) == SIZED, "SpannerAvailableSpace: thr_state!" );
+ if( prevthr == nilobj )
+ {
+ /* this is the first column spanned over */
+ b = back(thr, dim);
+ f = fwd(thr, dim);
+ debug4(DSF, DD, " first component %s,%s: b = %s, f = %s",
+ EchoLength(back(thr, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(thr, dim)),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ else if( FindSpannerGap(thr, dim, cat_type, &gp) )
+ {
+ /* this is a subquent column spanned over */
+ b += MinGap(fwd(prevthr, dim), back(thr, dim), fwd(thr, dim), &gap(gp));
+ f = fwd(thr, dim);
+ debug5(DSF, DD, " later component %s,%s: gp = %s, b = %s, f = %s",
+ EchoLength(back(thr, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(thr, dim)), EchoObject(gp),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(12, 13, "search for gap preceding %s failed, using zero",
+ WARN, &fpos(s), Image(type(s)));
+ b += fwd(prevthr, dim) + back(thr, dim);
+ f = fwd(thr, dim);
+ debug4(DSF, DD, " later component %s,%s: (no gap), b = %s, f = %s",
+ EchoLength(back(thr, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(thr, dim)),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ Error(12, 14, "%s deleted (out of place)", WARN,&fpos(s),Image(type(s)));
+ prevthr = thr;
+ }
+ *resb = b;
+ *resf = f;
+ SetConstraint(constraint(y), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, b+f, MAX_FULL_LENGTH);
+ debug2(DSF, DD, "SpannerAvailableSpace returning %s,%s",
+ EchoLength(*resb), EchoLength(*resf));
+} /* end SpannerAvailableSpace */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT MinSize(x, dim, extras) */
+/* */
+/* Set fwd(x, dim) and back(x, dim) to their minimum possible values. */
+/* If dim == ROWM, construct an extras list and return it in *extras. */
+/* */
+OBJECT MinSize(OBJECT x, int dim, OBJECT *extras)
+{ OBJECT y, z, link, prev, t, g, full_name;
+ FULL_LENGTH b, f, dble_fwd, llx, lly, urx, ury; int status;
+ float fllx, flly, furx, fury;
+ BOOLEAN dble_found, found, will_expand, first_line, cp;
+ debug2(DSF, DD, "[ MinSize( %s, %s, extras )", EchoObject(x), dimen(dim));
+ ifdebug(DSF, DDD, DebugObject(x));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ if( dim == COLM ) FontWordSize(x);
+ break;
+ case CROSS:
+ /* add index to the cross-ref */
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ { New(z, cross_type(x)); /* CROSS_PREC, CROSS_FOLL or CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC */
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " MinSize CROSS: %ld %s", (long) x, EchoObject(x));
+ actual(z) = x;
+ Link(z, x); /* new code to avoid disposal */
+ Link(*extras, z);
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " MinSize index: %ld %s", (long) z, EchoObject(z));
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ break;
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ { New(z, PAGE_LABEL_IND);
+ actual(z) = x;
+ Link(z, x);
+ Link(*extras, z);
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ break;
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ break;
+ case HEAD:
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ {
+ /* replace the galley x by a dummy closure y */
+ New(y, NULL_CLOS);
+ FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ if( has_key(actual(x)) )
+ {
+ /* galley is sorted, make insinuated cross-reference */
+ New(z, foll_or_prec(x));
+ pinpoint(z) = y;
+ Child(t, Down(x));
+ actual(z) = CrossMake(whereto(x), t, (int) type(z));
+ Link(*extras, z);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ debug1(DCR, DDD, " MinSize: %s", EchoObject(z));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* galley is following, make UNATTACHED */
+ New(z, UNATTACHED); Link(z, x);
+ pinpoint(z) = y;
+ Link(*extras, z);
+ debug1(DCR, DDD, " MinSize: %s", EchoObject(z));
+ }
+ x = y; /* now sizing y, not x */
+ back(x, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM) = 0; /* fix non-zero size @Null bug!! */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug2(DGT, D, "MinSize setting external_ver(%s %s) = FALSE",
+ Image(type(x)), SymName(actual(x)));
+ external_ver(x) = external_hor(x) = FALSE;
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ assert( !has_target(actual(x)), "MinSize: CLOSURE has target!" );
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ { if( indefinite(actual(x)) )
+ { New(z, RECEPTIVE);
+ actual(z) = x;
+ Link(*extras, z);
+ debug1(DCR, DDD, " MinSize: %s", EchoObject(z));
+ }
+ else if( recursive(actual(x)) )
+ { New(z, RECURSIVE);
+ actual(z) = x;
+ Link(*extras, z);
+ debug1(DCR, DDD, " MinSize: %s", EchoObject(z));
+ }
+ else
+ { assert(FALSE, "MinSize: definite non-recursive closure");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug2(DGT, DD, "MinSize setting external_ver(%s %s) = FALSE",
+ Image(type(x)), SymName(actual(x)));
+ external_ver(x) = external_hor(x) = FALSE;/* nb must be done here!*/
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ break;
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ break;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ break;
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ /* if first touch, build the spanner */
+ if( (type(x) == START_HVSPAN || type(x) == START_HSPAN ||
+ type(x) == START_VSPAN) && dim == COLM )
+ {
+ if( !BuildSpanner(x) )
+ {
+ t = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ ReplaceNode(t, x);
+ x = t;
+ back(x, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM) = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if first vertical touch, break if necessary */
+ if( (type(x) == START_HVSPAN || type(x) == START_HSPAN) && dim == ROWM )
+ /* find the HSPANNER */
+ Child(t, DownDim(x, COLM));
+ assert( type(t) == HSPANNER, "MinSize/SPAN: type(t) != HSPANNER!" );
+ /* find the available space for this HSPANNER and break it */
+ SpannerAvailableSpace(t, COLM, &b, &f);
+ SetConstraint(c, MAX_FULL_LENGTH, b+f, MAX_FULL_LENGTH);
+ debug2(DSF,D, " BreakObject(%s,%s)",EchoObject(t),EchoConstraint(&c));
+ t = BreakObject(t, &c);
+ spanner_broken(t) = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* make sure that HSPAN links to HSPANNER, VSPAN to VSPANNER */
+ /* NB must follow breaking since that could affect the value of y */
+ Child(y, DownDim(x, dim));
+ if( (type(x) == HSPAN && type(y) != HSPANNER) ||
+ (type(x) == VSPAN && type(y) != VSPANNER) )
+ {
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ Error(12, 15, "%s replaced by empty object (out of place)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), Image(type(x)));
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* now size the object */
+ if( (type(x)==HSPAN && dim==ROWM) || (type(x)==VSPAN && dim==COLM) )
+ {
+ /* perp dimension, covered by preceding @Span, so may be zero. */
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) != HSPANNER && type(y) != VSPANNER )
+ {
+ /* no spanning in this dimension */
+ MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ else if( ++spanner_sized(y) != spanner_count(y) )
+ {
+ /* not the last column or row, so say zero */
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* this is the last column or row of a spanner. Its width is its */
+ /* natural width minus anything that will fit over the top of the */
+ /* things it spans. */
+ MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ SpannerAvailableSpace(y, dim, &b, &f);
+ back(x, dim) = 0;
+ fwd(x, dim) = find_max(size(y, dim) - b, 0);
+ debug3(DSF, DD, " size(y, %s) = %s,%s", dimen(dim),
+ EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)));
+ }
+ debug4(DSF, DD, "finishing MinSize(%s) of %s span, reporting %s,%s",
+ dimen(dim), spanner_count(y) != 1 ? "multi-column" : "one-column",
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+ break;
+ case HSPANNER:
+ case VSPANNER:
+ assert( (type(x) == HSPANNER) == (dim == COLM), "MinSize: SPANNER!" );
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ break;
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ /* insert index into *extras for expanding later */
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ { New(z, EXPAND_IND);
+ actual(z) = x;
+ Link(*extras, z);
+ /* Can't do Link(z, x) because Constrained goes up and finds z */
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " MinSize index: %ld %s", (long) z, EchoObject(z));
+ }
+ break;
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ break;
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ /* work out size and set to 0 if parallel */
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ if( (dim == COLM) == (type(x) == HCOVER) )
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ /* insert index into *extras for revising size later */
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ { New(z, COVER_IND);
+ actual(z) = x;
+ Link(*extras, z);
+ /* Can't do Link(z, x) because Constrained goes up and finds z */
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " MinSize index: %ld %s", (long) z, EchoObject(z));
+ }
+ break;
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ /* work out size and set to 0 if parallel */
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ if( (dim == COLM) == (type(x) == HSCALE) )
+ back(x, dim) = fwd(x, dim) = 0;
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ROTATE:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { y = MinSize(y, COLM, extras);
+ New(whereto(x), ACAT);
+ y = MinSize(y, ROWM, &whereto(x));
+ RotateSize(&back(x, COLM), &fwd(x, COLM), &back(x, ROWM), &fwd(x, ROWM),
+ y, sparec(constraint(x)));
+ }
+ else
+ { TransferLinks(Down(whereto(x)), whereto(x), *extras);
+ Dispose(whereto(x));
+ }
+ break;
+ case SCALE:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { back(x, dim) = (back(y, dim) * bc(constraint(x))) / SF;
+ fwd(x, dim) = (fwd(y, dim) * bc(constraint(x))) / SF;
+ if( bc(constraint(x)) == 0 ) /* Lout-supplied factor required */
+ { New(z, SCALE_IND);
+ actual(z) = x;
+ Link(*extras, z);
+ debug1(DSF, DDD, " MinSize: %s", EchoObject(z));
+ vert_sized(x) = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = (back(y, dim) * fc(constraint(x))) / SF;
+ fwd(x, dim) = (fwd(y, dim) * fc(constraint(x))) / SF;
+ vert_sized(x) = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { FULL_CHAR ch_left, ch_right; FULL_LENGTH ksize;
+ debug3(DSF, DD, "MinSize(%s,%s %s, COLM)",
+ EchoLength(back(y, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(y, COLM)),
+ EchoObject(x));
+ /* default value if don't find anything */
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ /* find first character of left parameter */
+ ch_right = (FULL_CHAR) '\0';
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ while( type(y) == ACAT )
+ { Child(y, Down(y));
+ }
+ if( is_word(type(y)) ) ch_right = string(y)[0];
+ /* find last character of right parameter */
+ ch_left = (FULL_CHAR) '\0';
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ while( type(y) == ACAT )
+ { Child(y, LastDown(y));
+ }
+ if( is_word(type(y)) ) ch_left = string(y)[StringLength(string(y))-1];
+ /* adjust if successful */
+ if( ch_left != (FULL_CHAR) '\0' && ch_right != (FULL_CHAR) '\0' )
+ {
+ ksize = KernLength(word_font(y), ch_left, ch_right);
+ debug4(DSF, DD, " KernLength(%s, %c, %c) = %s",
+ FontName(word_font(y)), (char) ch_left, (char) ch_right,
+ EchoLength(ksize));
+ fwd(x, dim) += ksize;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ case WIDE:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { y = BreakObject(y, &constraint(x));
+ assert( FitsConstraint(back(y, dim), fwd(y, dim), constraint(x)),
+ "MinSize: BreakObject failed to fit!" );
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ EnlargeToConstraint(&back(x, dim), &fwd(x, dim), &constraint(x));
+ }
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ case HIGH:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ { if( !FitsConstraint(back(y, dim), fwd(y, dim), constraint(x)) )
+ { Error(12, 1, "forced to enlarge %s from %s to %s", WARN, &fpos(x),
+ KW_HIGH, EchoLength(bfc(constraint(x))), EchoLength(size(y, dim)));
+ debug0(DSF, DD, "offending object was:");
+ ifdebug(DSF, DD, DebugObject(y));
+ SetConstraint(constraint(x), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, size(y, dim), MAX_FULL_LENGTH);
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ EnlargeToConstraint(&back(x, dim), &fwd(x, dim), &constraint(x));
+ }
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ if( (dim == COLM) == (type(x) == HSHIFT) )
+ { f = FindShift(x, y, dim);
+ back(x, dim) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, back(y, dim) + f));
+ fwd(x, dim) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, fwd(y, dim) - f));
+ }
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SPLIT:
+ link = DownDim(x, dim); Child(y, link);
+ y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ break;
+ case ACAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case VCAT:
+ if( (dim == ROWM) == (type(x) == VCAT) )
+ {
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Calculate sizes parallel to join direction; loop invariant is: */
+ /* */
+ /* If prev == nilobj, there are no definite children equal to */
+ /* or to the left of Child(link). */
+ /* If prev != nilobj, prev is the rightmost definite child to */
+ /* the left of Child(link), and (b, f) is the total size up */
+ /* to the mark of prev i.e. not including fwd(prev). */
+ /* g is the most recent gap, or nilobj if none found yet. */
+ /* will_expand == TRUE when a gap is found that is likely to */
+ /* enlarge when ActualGap is called later on. */
+ /* */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ prev = g = nilobj; will_expand = FALSE; must_expand(x) = FALSE;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_index(type(y)) )
+ { if( dim == ROWM )
+ { link = PrevDown(link);
+ MoveLink(NextDown(link), *extras, PARENT);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == type(x) )
+ { link = PrevDown(link);
+ TransferLinks(Down(y), y, NextDown(link));
+ DisposeChild(Up(y));
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) g = y;
+ else /* calculate size of y and accumulate it */
+ { if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { if( dim == COLM )
+ {
+ /* compress adjacent words if compatible */
+ if( prev != nilobj && width(gap(g)) == 0 && nobreak(gap(g)) &&
+ type(x) == ACAT &&
+ is_word(type(prev)) && vspace(g) + hspace(g) == 0 &&
+ units(gap(g)) == FIXED_UNIT &&
+ mode(gap(g)) == EDGE_MODE && !mark(gap(g)) &&
+ word_font(prev) == word_font(y) &&
+ word_colour(prev) == word_colour(y) &&
+ word_language(prev) == word_language(y) &&
+ underline(prev) == underline(y) &&
+ NextDown(NextDown(Up(prev))) == link
+ )
+ {
+ unsigned typ;
+ debug3(DSF, DD, "compressing %s and %s at %s",
+ EchoObject(prev), EchoObject(y), EchoFilePos(&fpos(prev)));
+ if( StringLength(string(prev)) + StringLength(string(y))
+ >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(12, 2, "word %s%s is too long", FATAL, &fpos(prev),
+ string(prev), string(y));
+ typ = type(prev) == QWORD || type(y) == QWORD ? QWORD : WORD;
+ y = MakeWordTwo(typ, string(prev), string(y), &fpos(prev));
+ word_font(y) = word_font(prev);
+ word_colour(y) = word_colour(prev);
+ word_language(y) = word_language(prev);
+ word_hyph(y) = word_hyph(prev);
+ underline(y) = underline(prev);
+ FontWordSize(y);
+ Link(Up(prev), y);
+ DisposeChild(Up(prev));
+ DisposeChild(Up(g));
+ DisposeChild(link);
+ prev = y;
+ link = Up(prev);
+ continue;
+ }
+ FontWordSize(y);
+ debug4(DSF, DD, "FontWordSize( %s ) font %d = %s,%s",
+ EchoObject(y), word_font(y),
+ EchoLength(back(y, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(y, COLM)));
+ }
+ }
+ else y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ if( is_indefinite(type(y)) )
+ {
+ /* error if preceding gap has mark */
+ if( g != nilobj && mark(gap(g)) )
+ { Error(12, 3, "^ deleted (it may not precede this object)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y));
+ mark(gap(g)) = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* error if next unit is used in preceding gap */
+ if( g != nilobj && units(gap(g)) == NEXT_UNIT )
+ { Error(12, 4, "gap replaced by 0i (%c unit not allowed here)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), CH_UNIT_WD);
+ units(gap(g)) = FIXED_UNIT;
+ width(gap(g)) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* calculate running total length */
+ if( prev == nilobj ) b = back(y, dim), f = 0;
+ else
+ { FULL_LENGTH tmp;
+ tmp = MinGap(fwd(prev,dim), back(y,dim), fwd(y, dim), &gap(g));
+ assert(g!=nilobj && mode(gap(g))!=NO_MODE, "MinSize: NO_MODE!");
+ if( units(gap(g)) == FIXED_UNIT && mode(gap(g)) == TAB_MODE )
+ {
+ f = find_max(width(gap(g)) + back(y, dim), f + tmp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ f = f + tmp;
+ }
+ if( units(gap(g)) == FRAME_UNIT && width(gap(g)) > FR )
+ will_expand = TRUE;
+ if( units(gap(g)) == AVAIL_UNIT && mark(gap(g)) && width(gap(g)) > 0 )
+ Error(12, 9, "mark alignment incompatible with centring or right justification",
+ WARN, &fpos(g));
+ /* ***
+ if( units(gap(g)) == AVAIL_UNIT && width(gap(g)) >= FR )
+ will_expand = TRUE;
+ *** */
+ if( mark(gap(g)) ) b += f, f = 0;
+ }
+ prev = y;
+ }
+ debug2(DSF,DD," b = %s, f = %s",EchoLength(b),EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ } /* end for */
+ if( prev == nilobj ) b = f = 0;
+ else f += fwd(prev, dim);
+ back(x, dim) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, b);
+ fwd(x, dim) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, f);
+ if( type(x) == ACAT && will_expand ) fwd(x, COLM) = MAX_FULL_LENGTH;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /********************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Calculate sizes perpendicular to join direction */
+ /* */
+ /* Loop invariant: */
+ /* */
+ /* if found, (b, f) is the size of x, from the last // or from */
+ /* the start, up to link exclusive. Else no children yet. */
+ /* If dble_found, a previous // exists, and (0, dble_fwd) is */
+ /* the size of x from the start up to that //. */
+ /* */
+ /********************************************************************/
+ dble_found = found = FALSE; dble_fwd = 0;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ debug4(DSF, DD, " %s in %s, y = %s %s", dimen(dim),
+ Image(type(x)), Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ if( is_index(type(y)) )
+ { if( dim == ROWM )
+ { link = PrevDown(link);
+ MoveLink(NextDown(link), *extras, PARENT);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == type(x) )
+ { link = PrevDown(link);
+ TransferLinks(Down(y), y, NextDown(link));
+ DisposeChild(Up(y));
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { assert( found, "MinSize/VCAT/perp: !found!" );
+ if( !join(gap(y)) )
+ {
+ /* found // or || operator, so end current group */
+ dble_found = TRUE;
+ dble_fwd = find_max(dble_fwd, b + f);
+ debug1(DSF, DD, " endgroup, dble_fwd: %s", EchoLength(dble_fwd));
+ found = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* found object */
+ {
+ /* calculate size of subobject y */
+ if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { if( dim == COLM ) FontWordSize(y);
+ }
+ else y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ if( found )
+ { b = find_max(b, back(y, dim));
+ f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim));
+ }
+ else
+ { b = back(y, dim);
+ f = fwd(y, dim);
+ found = TRUE;
+ }
+ debug2(DSF,DD, " b: %s, f: %s", EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ } /* end for */
+ assert( found, "MinSize/VCAT/perp: !found (2)!" );
+ /* finish off last group */
+ if( dble_found )
+ { back(x, dim) = 0;
+ dble_fwd = find_max(dble_fwd, b + f);
+ fwd(x, dim) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, dble_fwd);
+ debug1(DSF, DD, " end group, dble_fwd: %s", EchoLength(dble_fwd));
+ }
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = b;
+ fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ }
+ } /* end else */
+ break;
+ case COL_THR:
+ assert( dim == COLM, "MinSize/COL_THR: dim!" );
+ if( thr_state(x) == NOTSIZED )
+ { assert( Down(x) != x, "MinSize/COL_THR: Down(x)!" );
+ /* first size all the non-spanning members of the thread */
+ debug1(DSF, DD, "[[ starting sizing %s", Image(type(x)));
+ b = f = 0;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "MinSize/COL_THR: GAP_OBJ!" );
+ if( type(y) != START_HVSPAN && type(y) != START_HSPAN &&
+ type(y) != HSPAN && type(y) != VSPAN )
+ { y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ b = find_max(b, back(y, dim));
+ f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim));
+ }
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = b;
+ fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ thr_state(x) = SIZED;
+ debug3(DSF, DD, "][ middle sizing %s (%s,%s)", Image(type(x)),
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+ /* now size all the spanning members of the thread */
+ /* these will use back(x, dim) and fwd(x, dim) during sizing */
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "MinSize/COL_THR: GAP_OBJ!" );
+ if( type(y) == START_HVSPAN || type(y) == START_HSPAN ||
+ type(y) == HSPAN || type(y) == VSPAN )
+ { y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ b = find_max(b, back(y, dim));
+ f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim));
+ }
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = b;
+ fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ debug3(DSF, DD, "]] end sizing %s (%s,%s)", Image(type(x)),
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+ }
+ break;
+ case ROW_THR:
+ assert( dim == ROWM, "MinSize/ROW_THR: dim!" );
+ if( thr_state(x) == NOTSIZED )
+ { assert( Down(x) != x, "MinSize/ROW_THR: Down(x)!" );
+ /* first size all the non-spanning members of the thread */
+ debug1(DSF, D, "[[ starting sizing %s", Image(type(x)));
+ b = f = 0;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "MinSize/COL_THR: GAP_OBJ!" );
+ if( type(y) != START_HVSPAN && type(y) != START_VSPAN &&
+ type(y) != HSPAN && type(y) != VSPAN )
+ { y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ debug5(DSF, D, " MinSize(%s) has size %s,%s -> %s,%s",
+ Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ b = find_max(b, back(y, dim));
+ f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim));
+ }
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = b;
+ fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ thr_state(x) = SIZED;
+ debug3(DSF, D, "][ middle sizing %s (%s,%s)", Image(type(x)),
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+ /* now size all the spanning members of the thread */
+ /* these will use back(x, dim) and fwd(x, dim) during sizing */
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "MinSize/COL_THR: GAP_OBJ!" );
+ if( type(y) == START_HVSPAN || type(y) == START_VSPAN ||
+ type(y) == HSPAN || type(y) == VSPAN )
+ { y = MinSize(y, dim, extras);
+ back(x, dim) = find_max(back(x, dim), back(y, dim));
+ fwd(x, dim) = find_max(fwd(x, dim), fwd(y, dim));
+ debug5(DSF, D, " MinSize(%s) has size %s,%s -> %s,%s",
+ Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)),
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+ }
+ }
+ debug3(DSF, D, "]] end sizing %s (%s,%s)", Image(type(x)),
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+ }
+ break;
+ /* open file, check for initial %!, and hunt for %%BoundingBox line */
+ /* according to DSC Version 3.0, the BoundingBox parameters must be */
+ /* integers; but we read them as floats and truncate since files */
+ /* with fractional values seem to be common in the real world */
+ if( dim == ROWM ) break;
+ status = IG_LOOKING;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ fp = OpenIncGraphicFile(string(y), type(x), &full_name, &fpos(y), &cp);
+ if( fp == NULL ) status = IG_NOFILE;
+ first_line = TRUE;
+ while( status == IG_LOOKING && StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) != NULL )
+ {
+ if( first_line && !StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("%!")) )
+ status = IG_BADFILE;
+ else
+ { first_line = FALSE;
+ if( buff[0] == '%'
+ && StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("%%BoundingBox:"))
+ && !StringContains(buff, AsciiToFull("(atend)")) )
+ { if( sscanf( (char *) buff, "%%%%BoundingBox: %f %f %f %f",
+ &fllx, &flly, &furx, &fury) == 4 )
+ {
+ status = IG_OK;
+ llx = fllx;
+ lly = flly;
+ urx = furx;
+ ury = fury;
+ }
+ else status = IG_BADSIZE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* report error or calculate true size, depending on status */
+ switch( status )
+ {
+ case IG_NOFILE:
+ Error(12, 5, "%s deleted (cannot open file %s)", WARN, &fpos(x),
+ string(full_name));
+ incgraphic_ok(x) = FALSE;
+ back(x, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM) = back(x, ROWM) = fwd(x, ROWM) = 0;
+ break;
+ case IG_LOOKING:
+ Error(12, 6, "%s given zero size (no BoundingBox line in file %s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x),
+ string(full_name));
+ back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = back(y, ROWM) = fwd(y, ROWM) = 0;
+ back(x, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM) = back(x, ROWM) = fwd(x, ROWM) = 0;
+ incgraphic_ok(x) = TRUE;
+ fclose(fp);
+ if( cp ) StringRemove(AsciiToFull(LOUT_EPS));
+ break;
+ case IG_BADFILE:
+ Error(12, 7, "%s deleted (bad first line in file %s)", WARN,
+ string(full_name));
+ incgraphic_ok(x) = FALSE;
+ back(x, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM) = back(x, ROWM) = fwd(x, ROWM) = 0;
+ fclose(fp);
+ if( cp ) StringRemove(AsciiToFull(LOUT_EPS));
+ break;
+ case IG_BADSIZE:
+ Error(12, 8, "%s given zero size (bad BoundingBox line in file %s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x),
+ string(full_name));
+ back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = back(y, ROWM) = fwd(y, ROWM) = 0;
+ back(x, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM) = back(x, ROWM) = fwd(x, ROWM) = 0;
+ incgraphic_ok(x) = TRUE;
+ fclose(fp);
+ if( cp ) StringRemove(AsciiToFull(LOUT_EPS));
+ break;
+ case IG_OK:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ back(y, COLM) = llx; fwd(y, COLM) = urx;
+ back(y, ROWM) = lly; fwd(y, ROWM) = ury;
+ b = (urx - llx) * PT;
+ b = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, b));
+ back(x, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM) = b / 2;
+ b = (ury - lly) * PT;
+ b = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, b));
+ back(x, ROWM) = fwd(x, ROWM) = b / 2;
+ incgraphic_ok(x) = TRUE;
+ fclose(fp);
+ if( cp ) StringRemove(AsciiToFull(LOUT_EPS));
+ break;
+ }
+ DisposeObject(full_name);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "MinSize", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ debug1(DSF, DD, "] MinSize returning, x = %s", EchoObject(x));
+ debug3(DSF, DD, " (%s size is %s, %s)", dimen(dim),
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)) );
+ ifdebug(DSF, DDD, DebugObject(x));
+ assert(back(x, dim) >= 0, "MinSize: back(x, dim) < 0!");
+ assert(fwd(x, dim) >= 0, "MinSize: fwd(x, dim) < 0!");
+ return x;
+} /* end MinSize */
diff --git a/z13.c b/z13.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62b71d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z13.c
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+/*@z13.c:Object Breaking:BreakJoinedGroup()@**********************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z13.c */
+/* MODULE: Object Breaking */
+/* EXTERNS: BreakObject() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define broken(x) back(x, ROWM) /* OK since no vertical sizes yet */
+/* */
+/* static BreakJoinedGroup(start, stop, m, c, res_back, res_fwd) */
+/* */
+/* Break joined group of components of a VCAT, beginning from Child(start) */
+/* inclusive and ending at Child(stop) inclusive. Break component m first */
+/* because it is the widest. */
+/* */
+static void BreakJoinedGroup(OBJECT start, OBJECT stop, OBJECT m,
+CONSTRAINT *c, FULL_LENGTH *res_back, FULL_LENGTH *res_fwd)
+{ OBJECT y, link; FULL_LENGTH b, f, sb, sf; CONSTRAINT yc;
+ debug1(DOB, DD, "[ BreakJoinedGroup(start, stop, m, %s, -, -)",
+ EchoConstraint(c));
+ /* work out a suitable constraint to apply to each component */
+ sb = sf = 0;
+ for( link = start; link != NextDown(stop); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( !is_definite(type(y)) ) continue;
+ sb = find_max(sb, back(y, COLM));
+ sf = find_max(sf, fwd(y, COLM));
+ }
+ if( sb <= bc(*c) )
+ {
+ /* make sure the constraint will accept objects with size (sb, 0) */
+ b = sb;
+ f = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* sb is too wide anyway, so don't worry about it */
+ b = 0;
+ f = 0;
+ }
+ SetConstraint(yc, find_min(bc(*c), bfc(*c)-f), bfc(*c), find_min(fc(*c), bfc(*c)-b));
+ /* apply this constraint to each component in turn, m first */
+ if( m != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug1(DOB, DD, " +++BreakJoinedGroup calling first child, yc = %s",
+ EchoConstraint(&yc));
+ m = BreakObject(m, &yc);
+ b = back(m, COLM);
+ f = fwd(m, COLM);
+ SetConstraint(yc, find_min(bc(yc), bfc(yc)-f), bfc(yc), find_min(fc(yc), bfc(yc)-b));
+ }
+ else b = f = 0;
+ for( link = start; link != NextDown(stop); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( !is_definite(type(y)) || y == m ) continue;
+ debug1(DOB, DD, " +++BreakJoinedGroup calling child, yc = %s",
+ EchoConstraint(&yc));
+ y = BreakObject(y, &yc);
+ b = find_max(b, back(y, COLM));
+ f = find_max(f, fwd(y, COLM));
+ SetConstraint(yc, find_min(bc(yc), bfc(yc)-f), bfc(yc), find_min(fc(yc), bfc(yc)-b));
+ }
+ if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, *c) )
+ { debug3(DOB, DD, " in BreakJoinedGroup: !FitsConstraint(%s, %s, %s)",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f), EchoConstraint(c));
+ Error(13, 1, "failed to break column to fit into its available space",
+ WARN, m != nilobj ? &fpos(m) : (y != nilobj ? &fpos(y) : no_fpos));
+ }
+ *res_back = b; *res_fwd = f;
+ debug2(DOB, DD,"] BreakJoinedGroup returning (%s, %s)",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+} /* end BreakJoinedGroup */
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT BreakVcat(x, c) */
+/* */
+/* Break a VCAT to satisfy constraint c. This is tedious because every */
+/* group of components between // ... // must be broken separately. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT BreakVcat(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c)
+{ OBJECT y, link, start_group, m; FULL_LENGTH b, f, dble_fwd; CONSTRAINT tc;
+ BOOLEAN dble_found;
+ debug1(DOB, DD, "[ BreakVcat(x, %s)", EchoConstraint(c));
+ assert(Down(x) != x, "BreakVcat: Down(x) == x!" );
+ SetConstraint(tc, MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_min(bfc(*c), fc(*c)), MAX_FULL_LENGTH);
+ dble_found = FALSE; dble_fwd = 0; start_group = nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_index(type(y)) ) continue;
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { assert( start_group != nilobj, "BreakVcat: start_group == nilobj!" );
+ if( !join(gap(y)) )
+ {
+ /* finish off and break this group */
+ if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, tc) )
+ BreakJoinedGroup(start_group, link, m, &tc, &b, &f);
+ dble_found = TRUE;
+ dble_fwd = find_max(dble_fwd, b + f);
+ start_group = nilobj;
+ debug1(DOB, DD, " end group, dble_fwd: %s", EchoLength(dble_fwd));
+ }
+ }
+ else if( start_group == nilobj )
+ {
+ /* start new group */
+ b = back(y, COLM); f = fwd(y, COLM);
+ start_group = link; m = y;
+ debug2(DOB, DD, " starting group (b = %s, f = %s):",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(y));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* continue with current group */
+ b = find_max(b, back(y, COLM)); f = find_max(f, fwd(y, COLM));
+ if( fwd(y, COLM) > fwd(m, COLM) ) m = y;
+ debug3(DOB, DD, " in group%s (b = %s, f = %s):",
+ m == y ? " (new max)" : "",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(y));
+ }
+ }
+ assert( start_group != nilobj, "BreakVcat: start_group == nilobj (2)!" );
+ if( dble_found )
+ {
+ /* finish off and break this last group, and set sizes of x */
+ if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, tc) )
+ BreakJoinedGroup(start_group, LastDown(x), m, &tc, &b, &f);
+ dble_fwd = find_max(dble_fwd, b + f);
+ debug1(DOB, DD, " ending last group, dble_fwd: %s",EchoLength(dble_fwd));
+ back(x, COLM) = 0; fwd(x, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, dble_fwd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* finish off and break this last and only group, and set sizes of x */
+ debug2(DOB, DD, " BreakVcat ending last and only group (%s, %s)",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ BreakJoinedGroup(start_group, LastDown(x), m, c, &b, &f);
+ back(x, COLM) = b; fwd(x, COLM) = f;
+ }
+ debug0(DOB, DD, "] BreakVcat returning x:");
+ ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ debug2(DOB, DD, " (size is %s, %s)",
+ EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM)));
+ return x;
+} /* end BreakVcat */
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT BreakTable(x, c) */
+/* */
+/* Break table (HCAT) x to satisfy constraint c. */
+/* */
+/* Outline of algorithm: */
+/* */
+/* bcount = number of components to left of mark; */
+/* fcount = no. of components on and right of mark; */
+/* bwidth = what back(x) would be if all components had size (0, 0); */
+/* fwidth = what fwd(x) would be if all components had size (0, 0); */
+/* Set all components of x to Unbroken (broken(y) holds this flag); */
+/* while( an Unbroken component of x exists ) */
+/* { my = the Unbroken component of x of minimum width; */
+/* mc = desirable constraint for my (see below); */
+/* BreakObject(my, &mc); */
+/* Set my to Broken and update bcount, fcount, bwidth, fwidth */
+/* to reflect the actual size of my, now broken; */
+/* } */
+/* */
+/* The constraint mc is chosen in an attempt to ensure that: */
+/* */
+/* a) Any sufficiently narrow components will not break; */
+/* b) All broken components will have the same bfc(mc), if possible; */
+/* c) All available space is used. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT BreakTable(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c)
+{ FULL_LENGTH bwidth, fwidth; /* running back(x) and fwd(x) */
+ int bcount, fcount; /* running no. of components */
+ OBJECT mlink, my; /* minimum-width unbroken component */
+ BOOLEAN ratm; /* TRUE when my has a mark to its right */
+ int mside; /* side of the mark my is on: BACK, ON, FWD */
+ FULL_LENGTH msize; /* size of my (minimal among unbroken) */
+ CONSTRAINT mc; /* desirable constraint for my */
+ OBJECT pg, prec_def; /* preceding definite object of my */
+ OBJECT sg, succ_def; /* succeeding definite object of my */
+ FULL_LENGTH pd_extra,sd_extra;/* space availiable for free each side of my */
+ FULL_LENGTH av_colsize; /* the size of each unbroken component */
+ /* if they are all assigned equal width */
+ FULL_LENGTH fwd_max, back_max;/* maximum space available forward of or */
+ /* back of the mark, when columns are even */
+ FULL_LENGTH col_size; /* the column size actually used in breaking */
+ FULL_LENGTH prev_col_size; /* previous column size (try to keep equal) */
+ FULL_LENGTH beffect, feffect; /* the amount bwidth, fwidth must increase */
+ /* when my is broken */
+ OBJECT link, y, prev, g; FULL_LENGTH tmp, tmp2;
+ debug1(DOB, D, "[ BreakTable( x, %s )", EchoConstraint(c));
+ /* Initialise csize, bcount, fcount, bwidth, fwidth and broken(y) */
+ bcount = fcount = 0; bwidth = fwidth = 0; prev = nilobj;
+ prev_col_size = 0;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: GAP_OBJ!" );
+ assert( !is_index(type(y)), "BreakTable: index!" );
+ broken(y) = is_indefinite(type(y));
+ if( !broken(y) ) prev = y, fcount = 1;
+ for( link = NextDown(Down(x)); link != x; link = NextDown(NextDown(link)) )
+ {
+ /* find the next gap g and following child y */
+ Child(g, link);
+ assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: GAP_OBJ!" );
+ assert( NextDown(link) != x, "BreakTable: GAP_OBJ is last!" );
+ Child(y, NextDown(link));
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: GAP_OBJ!" );
+ assert( !is_index(type(y)), "BreakTable: index!" );
+ broken(y) = is_indefinite(type(y));
+ if( !broken(y) )
+ { if( prev == nilobj ) fcount = 1;
+ else if( mark(gap(g)) )
+ { bcount += fcount;
+ bwidth += fwidth + MinGap(0, 0, 0, &gap(g));
+ fcount = 1; fwidth = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { fwidth += MinGap(0, 0, 0, &gap(g));
+ fcount += 1;
+ }
+ prev = y;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if column gaps alone are too wide, kill them all */
+ if( !FitsConstraint(bwidth, fwidth, *c) )
+ {
+ debug2(DOB, D, "column gaps alone too wide: bwidth: %s; fwidth: %s",
+ EchoLength(bwidth), EchoLength(fwidth));
+ Error(13, 2, "reducing column gaps to 0i (object is too wide)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x));
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(g, link);
+ if( type(g) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { SetGap(gap(g), nobreak(gap(g)), mark(gap(g)), join(gap(g)),
+ }
+ }
+ bwidth = fwidth = 0;
+ }
+ /* break each column, from smallest to largest */
+ while( bcount + fcount > 0 && FitsConstraint(bwidth, fwidth, *c) )
+ {
+ debug2(DOB, D, "bcount: %d; bwidth: %s", bcount, EchoLength(bwidth));
+ debug2(DOB, D, "fcount: %d; fwidth: %s", fcount, EchoLength(fwidth));
+ /* find a minimal-width unbroken component my */
+ my = nilobj; msize = size(x, COLM); /* an upper bound for size(y) */
+ for( link = Down(x); ; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: type(y) == GAP_OBJ!" );
+ if( !broken(y) && (size(y, COLM) < msize || my == nilobj) )
+ { msize = size(y, COLM);
+ my = y; mlink = link;
+ ratm = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* next gap */
+ link = NextDown(link);
+ if( link == x ) break;
+ Child(g, link);
+ assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "BreakTable: type(g) != GAP_OBJ!" );
+ if( mark(gap(g)) ) ratm = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* find neighbouring definite objects and resulting pd_extra and sd_extra */
+ SetNeighbours(mlink, ratm, &pg, &prec_def, &sg, &succ_def, &mside);
+ debug2(DOB, D, "my (%s): %s", Image(mside), EchoObject(my));
+ pd_extra = pg == nilobj ? 0 :
+ ExtraGap(broken(prec_def) ? fwd(prec_def,COLM) : 0, 0, &gap(pg), BACK);
+ sd_extra = sg == nilobj ? 0 :
+ ExtraGap(0, broken(succ_def) ? back(succ_def,COLM) : 0, &gap(sg), FWD);
+ debug2(DOB, D, "pd_extra: %s; sd_extra: %s",
+ EchoLength(pd_extra), EchoLength(sd_extra) );
+ /* calculate desirable constraints for my */
+ av_colsize = (bfc(*c) - bwidth - fwidth) / (bcount + fcount);
+ debug1(DOB, D, "av_colsize = %s", EchoLength(av_colsize));
+ debug1(DOB, D, "prev_col_size = %s", EchoLength(prev_col_size));
+ switch( mside )
+ {
+ case BACK:
+ back_max = find_min(bc(*c), bwidth + av_colsize * bcount);
+ col_size = (back_max - bwidth) / bcount;
+ if( col_size > prev_col_size && col_size - prev_col_size < PT )
+ col_size = prev_col_size;
+ SetConstraint(mc,
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + pd_extra),
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + pd_extra + sd_extra),
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + sd_extra));
+ break;
+ case ON:
+ fwd_max = find_min(fc(*c), fwidth + av_colsize * fcount);
+ col_size = (fwd_max - fwidth) / fcount;
+ if( col_size > prev_col_size && col_size - prev_col_size < PT )
+ col_size = prev_col_size;
+ SetConstraint(mc,
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, pd_extra + back(my, COLM)),
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, pd_extra + back(my, COLM) + col_size + sd_extra),
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + sd_extra));
+ break;
+ case FWD:
+ fwd_max = find_min(fc(*c), fwidth + av_colsize * fcount);
+ col_size = (fwd_max - fwidth) / fcount;
+ if( col_size > prev_col_size && col_size - prev_col_size < PT )
+ col_size = prev_col_size;
+ SetConstraint(mc,
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + pd_extra),
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + pd_extra + sd_extra),
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, col_size + sd_extra));
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "BreakTable: mside");
+ break;
+ }
+ debug1(DOB, D, "col_size = %s", EchoLength(col_size));
+ prev_col_size = col_size;
+ /* now break my according to these constraints, and accept it */
+ debug2(DOB, DD, " calling BreakObject(%s, %s)", EchoObject(my),
+ EchoConstraint(&mc));
+ my = BreakObject(my, &mc); broken(my) = TRUE;
+ /* calculate the effect of accepting my on bwidth and fwidth */
+ if( pg != nilobj )
+ { tmp = broken(prec_def) ? fwd(prec_def, COLM) : 0;
+ beffect = MinGap(tmp, back(my, COLM), fwd(my, COLM), &gap(pg)) -
+ MinGap(tmp, 0, 0, &gap(pg));
+ }
+ else beffect = back(my, COLM);
+ if( sg != nilobj )
+ { tmp = broken(succ_def) ? back(succ_def, COLM) : 0;
+ tmp2 = broken(succ_def) ? fwd(succ_def, COLM) : 0;
+ feffect = MinGap(fwd(my, COLM), tmp, tmp2, &gap(sg)) -
+ MinGap(0, tmp, tmp2, &gap(sg));
+ }
+ else feffect = fwd(my, COLM);
+ switch( mside )
+ {
+ case BACK: bwidth += beffect + feffect;
+ bcount--;
+ break;
+ case ON: bwidth += beffect; fwidth += feffect;
+ fcount--;
+ break;
+ case FWD: fwidth += beffect + feffect;
+ fcount--;
+ break;
+ default: assert(FALSE, "BreakTable: mside");
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* end while */
+ back(x, COLM) = bwidth;
+ fwd(x, COLM) = fwidth;
+ debug2(DOB, D, "] BreakTable returning %s,%s; x =",
+ EchoLength(bwidth), EchoLength(fwidth));
+ ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ return x;
+} /* end BreakTable */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT BreakObject(x, c) */
+/* */
+/* Break lines of object x so that it satisfies constraint c. */
+/* */
+ debug3(DOB, DD, "[ BreakObject(x (%s,%s), %s), x =",
+ EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM)), EchoConstraint(c));
+ ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ /* if constraint is negative (should really be never), replace with empty */
+ if( !(bc(*c)>=0 && bfc(*c)>=0 && fc(*c)>=0) )
+ {
+ Error(13, 11, "replacing with empty object: negative size constraint %s,%s,%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), EchoLength(bc(*c)), EchoLength(bfc(*c)), EchoLength(fc(*c)));
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = 0;
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = y;
+ debug0(DOB, DD, "] BreakObject returning (negative constraint).");
+ return x;
+ }
+ /* if no breaking required, return immediately */
+ if( FitsConstraint(back(x, COLM), fwd(x, COLM), *c) )
+ { debug0(DOB, DD, "] BreakObject returning (fits).");
+ return x;
+ }
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case ROTATE:
+ if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT && InsertScale(x, c) )
+ {
+ Parent(x, Up(x));
+ Error(13, 3, "%s object scaled horizontally by factor %.2f (too wide)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_ROTATE, (float) bc(constraint(x)) / SF );
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(13, 4, "%s deleted (too wide; cannot break %s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_ROTATE, KW_ROTATE);
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = 0;
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SCALE:
+ InvScaleConstraint(&yc, bc(constraint(x)), c);
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = BreakObject(y, &yc);
+ back(x, COLM) = (back(y, COLM) * bc(constraint(x))) / SF;
+ fwd(x, COLM) = (fwd(y, COLM) * bc(constraint(x))) / SF;
+ break;
+ /* not really accurate, but there you go */
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = BreakObject(y, c);
+ back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ if( word_hyph(x) )
+ {
+ /* create an ACAT with the same size as x */
+ New(y, ACAT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(x));
+ back(y, COLM) = back(x, COLM);
+ fwd(y, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM);
+ back(y, ROWM) = back(x, ROWM);
+ fwd(y, ROWM) = fwd(x, ROWM);
+ /* set ACAT's save_style; have to invent a line_gap, unfortunately */
+ SetGap(line_gap(save_style(y)), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FIXED_UNIT,
+ MARK_MODE, 1.1 * FontSize(word_font(x), x));
+ SetGap(space_gap(save_style(y)), FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FIXED_UNIT,
+ EDGE_MODE, 0);
+ hyph_style(save_style(y)) = HYPH_ON;
+ fill_style(save_style(y)) = FILL_ON;
+ display_style(save_style(y)) = DISPLAY_LEFT;
+ small_caps(save_style(y)) = FALSE;
+ font(save_style(y)) = word_font(x);
+ colour(save_style(y)) = word_colour(x);
+ language(save_style(y)) = word_language(x);
+ debug3(DOF, DD, " in BreakObject y %s %s %s",
+ EchoStyle(&save_style(y)), Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ /* enclose x in the ACAT and try breaking (i.e. filling) it */
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ Link(y, x);
+ x = y;
+ debug3(DOF, DD, " in BreakObject x %s %s %s",
+ EchoStyle(&save_style(x)), Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ x = BreakObject(x, c);
+ }
+ else if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT && InsertScale(x, c) )
+ { OBJECT tmp;
+ tmp = x;
+ Parent(x, Up(x));
+ Error(13, 5, "word %s scaled horizontally by factor %.2f (too wide)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(tmp), (float) bc(constraint(x)) / SF);
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(13, 6, "word %s deleted (too wide)", WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = 0;
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WIDE:
+ MinConstraint(&constraint(x), c);
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = BreakObject(y, &constraint(x));
+ back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ EnlargeToConstraint(&back(x, COLM), &fwd(x, COLM), &constraint(x));
+ break;
+ if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT && InsertScale(x, c) )
+ {
+ Parent(x, Up(x));
+ Error(13, 7, "%s scaled horizontally by factor %.2f (too wide)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x),
+ (float) bc(constraint(x)) / SF);
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(13, 8, "%s deleted (too wide)", WARN, &fpos(x),
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = 0;
+ ReplaceNode(y, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ x = y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HIGH:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case HSPANNER:
+ assert( Down(x) == LastDown(x), "BreakObject: downs!" );
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = BreakObject(y, c);
+ back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ break;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ y = BreakObject(y, c);
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = BreakObject(y, c);
+ back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ break;
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ /* these all have size zero except the last one, so if we get to */
+ /* this point we must be at the last column and need to break it. */
+ /* this is done just by setting its size to zero, unless it is */
+ /* the last column in which case it claims everything that is */
+ /* going; the real break is deferred to the first ROWM touch, */
+ /* when we know that all contributing columns have been broken */
+ /* unless the child is not a spanner, in which case it's @OneCol */
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( type(y) != HSPANNER )
+ {
+ y = BreakObject(y, c);
+ back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ back(x, COLM) = 0;
+ fwd(x, COLM) = find_min(bfc(*c), fc(*c));
+ }
+ break;
+ case HSHIFT:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ f = FindShift(x, y, COLM);
+ SetConstraint(yc,
+ find_min(bc(*c), bfc(*c)) - f, bfc(*c), find_min(fc(*c), bfc(*c)) + f);
+ BreakObject(y, &yc);
+ f = FindShift(x, y, COLM);
+ back(x, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, back(y, COLM) + f));
+ fwd(x, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, fwd(y, COLM) - f));
+ break;
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = BreakObject(y, c);
+ back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ break;
+ case SPLIT:
+ Child(y, DownDim(x, COLM));
+ y = BreakObject(y, c);
+ back(x, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(x, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ break;
+ case ACAT:
+ if( back(x, COLM) > 0 )
+ { int sz; OBJECT rpos;
+ /* shift the column mark of x to the left edge */
+ sz = size(x, COLM);
+ fwd(x, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, sz);
+ back(x, COLM) = 0;
+ rpos = x;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ && mark(gap(y)) )
+ { mark(gap(y)) = FALSE;
+ rpos = y;
+ }
+ }
+ if( FitsConstraint(back(x, COLM), fwd(x, COLM), *c) )
+ { Error(13, 9, "column mark of unbroken paragraph moved left",
+ WARN, &fpos(rpos));
+ break;
+ }
+ Error(13, 10, "column mark of paragraph moved left before breaking",
+ WARN, &fpos(rpos));
+ ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ }
+ x = FillObject(x, c, nilobj, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, &junk);
+ break;
+ case HCAT:
+ x = BreakTable(x, c);
+ break;
+ case COL_THR:
+ BreakJoinedGroup(Down(x), LastDown(x), nilobj, c,
+ &back(x,COLM), &fwd(x,COLM));
+ break;
+ case VCAT:
+ x = BreakVcat(x, c);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "BreakObject:", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ }
+ assert( back(x, COLM) >= 0, "BreakObject: back(x, COLM) < 0!" );
+ assert( fwd(x, COLM) >= 0, "BreakObject: fwd(x, COLM) < 0!" );
+ debug2(DOB, DD, "] BreakObject returning %s,%s, x =",
+ EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM)));
+ ifdebug(DOB, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ return x;
+} /* end BreakObject */
diff --git a/z14.c b/z14.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fde585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z14.c
@@ -0,0 +1,900 @@
+/*@z14.c:Fill Service:Declarations@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z14.c */
+/* MODULE: Fill Service */
+/* EXTERNS: FillObject() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define TOO_TIGHT_BAD 1048576 /* 2^21; badness of a too tight line */
+#define TOO_LOOSE_BAD 65536 /* 2^16; the max badness of a too loose line */
+#define TIGHT_BAD 4096 /* 2^12; the max badness of a tight line */
+#define LOOSE_BAD 4096 /* 2^12; the max badness of a loose line */
+#define HYPH_BAD 128 /* 2^ 7; threshold for calling hyphenation */
+#define HYPH_BAD_INCR 16 /* 2 ^4: the badness of one hyphen */
+#define WIDOW_BAD_INCR 128 /* 2 ^7: the badness of one widow word */
+#define SQRT_TOO_LOOSE 512 /* 2^ 9; sqrt(TOO_LOOSE_BAD) (used to be) */
+#define SQRT_TIGHT_BAD 128 /* 2^ 7; sqrt(TIGHT_BAD) (used to be) */
+#define SQRT_LOOSE_BAD 128 /* 2^ 7; sqrt(LOOSE_BAD) (used to be) */
+#define SQRT_TOO_TIGHT 8192 /* 2^13; sqrt(TOO_TIGHT_BAD) (used to be) */
+#define MAX_EXPAND 1
+#define MAX_SHRINK 4
+typedef struct {
+ OBJECT llink; /* link to gap before left end of interval */
+ OBJECT rlink; /* link to gap after right end of interval */
+ OBJECT cwid; /* link to current line width in multi case */
+ int nat_width; /* natural width of interval */
+ int space_width; /* natural width of spaces in the interval */
+ int badness; /* badness of this interval */
+ unsigned char class; /* badness class of this interval */
+ unsigned char tab_count; /* number of gaps with tab mode in interval */
+ int tab_pos; /* if tab_count > 0, this holds the position */
+ /* of the left edge of the object following */
+ /* the rightmost tab gap in the interval */
+ int width_to_tab; /* if tab_count > 0, the interval width up */
+ /* to but not including the rightmost tab */
+/* */
+/* Badness classes */
+/* */
+#define TOO_LOOSE 0 /* interval is too loose */
+#define LOOSE 1 /* interval is loose but not too loose */
+#define TIGHT 2 /* interval is tight but not too tight */
+#define TOO_TIGHT 3 /* interval is too tight */
+#define TAB_OVERLAP 4 /* interval has a tab and left part overlaps */
+#define AT_END 5 /* interval ends at right end of paragraph */
+#define UNBREAKABLE_LEFT 6 /* interval has an unbreakable gap at left */
+#define UNBREAKABLE_RIGHT 7 /* interval has an unbreakable gap at right */
+#define EMPTY_INTERVAL 8 /* interval is empty */
+/* */
+/* SetIntervalBadness(I) */
+/* */
+/* Private, calculates the badness and badness class of a non-empty */
+/* interval. Does not take into account any unbreakable gap at either end. */
+/* */
+#define SetIntervalBadness(I, max_width, etc_width) \
+{ OBJECT g; int badness; \
+ int col_width; \
+ \
+ /* initialize to saved badness of left-adjoining interval, if any */ \
+ /* and set width of column */ \
+ if( I.llink == x ) \
+ { col_width = (I.cwid!=nilobj) ? bfc(constraint(I.cwid)) : max_width; \
+ I.badness = 0; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { col_width = (I.cwid!=nilobj) ? bfc(constraint(I.cwid)) : etc_width; \
+ Child(g, I.llink); \
+ I.badness = save_badness(g); \
+ } \
+ \
+ /* penalize widow lines, of the form [ <object> &1rt ... ] */ \
+ if( I.tab_count > 0 ) \
+ { OBJECT glink = NextDown(NextDown(I.llink)); \
+ assert( type(glink) == LINK, "SIB: glink!"); \
+ Child(g, glink); \
+ if( type(g) == GAP_OBJ && mode(gap(g)) == TAB_MODE && \
+ units(gap(g)) == AVAIL_UNIT && width(gap(g)) == 1*FR ) \
+ I.badness += WIDOW_BAD_INCR; \
+ } \
+ \
+ if( col_width <= 0 ) \
+ { if( I.nat_width == 0 ) \
+ { I.class = TOO_LOOSE; \
+ I.badness += 0; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { I.class = TIGHT; \
+ I.badness += TOO_TIGHT_BAD; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else if( I.tab_count > 0 && I.width_to_tab > I.tab_pos ) \
+ { I.class = TAB_OVERLAP; \
+ I.badness += TOO_TIGHT_BAD; \
+ } \
+ else if( MAX_EXPAND*(col_width-I.nat_width) > 2*I.space_width ) \
+ { I.class = I.tab_count > 0 ? LOOSE : TOO_LOOSE; \
+ badness = (SQRT_TOO_LOOSE*(col_width - I.nat_width)) / col_width; \
+ I.badness += badness * badness; \
+ } \
+ else if( I.nat_width <= col_width ) \
+ { I.class = LOOSE; \
+ badness = (SQRT_LOOSE_BAD*(col_width - I.nat_width)) / col_width; \
+ I.badness += badness * badness; \
+ } \
+ else if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT && allow_shrink && \
+ MAX_SHRINK*(I.nat_width-col_width) <= I.space_width ) \
+ { I.class = TIGHT; \
+ badness = (SQRT_TIGHT_BAD*(col_width - I.nat_width)) / col_width; \
+ I.badness += badness * badness; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { I.class = TOO_TIGHT; \
+ /*** \
+ badness = (SQRT_TOO_TIGHT*(col_width-I.nat_width)) / col_width; \
+ I.badness += badness * badness; \
+ ***/ \
+ I.badness += TOO_TIGHT_BAD; \
+ } \
+ assert( I.badness >= 0, "SetIntervalBadness: badness < 0!" ); \
+} /* end macro SetIntervalBadness */
+/* */
+/* MoveRightToGap(I, x, rlink, right, max_width, etc_width, hyph_word) */
+/* */
+/* Private. Shared by IntervalInit and IntervalShiftRightEnd, for moving */
+/* to the next gap to the right, setting save_space(newg), checking for */
+/* hyphenation case, and setting the interval badness. */
+/* */
+#define MoveRightToGap(I,x,rlink,right,max_width,etc_width,hyph_word) \
+{ OBJECT newg, foll, tmp; \
+ BOOLEAN jn, unbreakable_at_right = FALSE; \
+ debug0(DOF, DDD, "MoveRightToGap(I, x, rlink, right, -, -, -)"); \
+ \
+ /* search onwards to find newg, the next true breakpoint */ \
+ Child(tmp, rlink); \
+ debug2(DOF, DDD, "NextDefiniteWithGap(%s, %s)", EchoObject(x), \
+ EchoObject(tmp)); \
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, rlink, foll, newg, jn); \
+ \
+ /* set right link and calculate badness of the new interval */ \
+ if( rlink != x ) \
+ { \
+ assert( Up(newg) == LastUp(newg), "MoveRightToGap: newg!" ); \
+ /* set save_space(newg) now so that it is OK to forget right */ \
+ debug0(DOF, DDD, " MoveRightToGap setting save_space(newg)"); \
+ if( I.cwid != nilobj ) etc_width = bfc(constraint(I.cwid)); \
+ if( mode(gap(newg)) == TAB_MODE ) \
+ { save_space(newg) = ActualGap(0, back(foll,COLM), fwd(foll,COLM), \
+ &gap(newg), etc_width, 0) - back(foll, COLM); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { save_space(newg) = ActualGap(fwd(right, COLM), back(foll, COLM), \
+ fwd(foll,COLM), &gap(newg), etc_width, \
+ I.nat_width - fwd(right,COLM)) \
+ - back(foll, COLM) - fwd(right, COLM); \
+ } \
+ \
+ ifdebug(DOF, DDD, \
+ if( Down(newg) != newg ) \
+ { OBJECT tmp; \
+ Child(tmp, Down(newg)); \
+ debug5(DOF, DDD, "newg %s: %s %s, gap = %s, save_space = %s", \
+ Image(type(newg)), Image(type(tmp)), EchoObject(tmp), \
+ EchoGap(&gap(newg)), EchoLength(save_space(newg))); \
+ } \
+ else debug3(DOF, DDD, "newg %s: gap = %s, save_space = %s", \
+ Image(type(newg)), EchoGap(&gap(newg)), \
+ EchoLength(save_space(newg))); \
+ ) \
+ \
+ /* sort out ending with hyphenation and/or being unbreakable */ \
+ /* NB ADD_HYPH is possible after a restart */ \
+ if( mode(gap(newg)) == HYPH_MODE || mode(gap(newg)) == ADD_HYPH ) \
+ { if( hyph_allowed ) \
+ { \
+ /* hyphenation is allowed, so add hyph_word to nat_width */ \
+ if( is_word(type(right)) && \
+ !(string(right)[StringLength(string(right))-1] == CH_HYPHEN) ) \
+ { \
+ /* make sure hyph_word exists and is of the right font */ \
+ debug0(DOF, DDD, " MoveRightToGap checking hyph_word"); \
+ if( hyph_word == nilobj ) \
+ { hyph_word = MakeWord(WORD, STR_HYPHEN, &fpos(x)); \
+ word_font(hyph_word) = 0; \
+ word_colour(hyph_word) = colour(save_style(x)); \
+ word_language(hyph_word) = language(save_style(x)); \
+ word_hyph(hyph_word) = hyph_style(save_style(x))==HYPH_ON; \
+ } \
+ if( word_font(hyph_word) != font(save_style(x)) ) \
+ { word_font(hyph_word) = font(save_style(x)); \
+ FposCopy(fpos(hyph_word), fpos(x)); \
+ FontWordSize(hyph_word); \
+ } \
+ \
+ mode(gap(newg)) = ADD_HYPH; \
+ I.nat_width += size(hyph_word, COLM); \
+ debug0(DOF, DDD, " adding hyph_word from nat_width"); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ /* hyphenation is not allowed, so this gap is unbreakable */ \
+ unbreakable_at_right = TRUE; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else if( nobreak(gap(newg)) ) \
+ unbreakable_at_right = TRUE; \
+ \
+ I.rlink = Up(newg); \
+ debug2(DOF, DDD, " MoveRightToGap setting I.rlink to %s %s", \
+ Image(type(newg)), EchoObject(newg)); \
+ } \
+ else I.rlink = x; \
+ SetIntervalBadness(I, max_width, etc_width); \
+ if( unbreakable_at_right ) I.class = UNBREAKABLE_RIGHT; \
+ else if( I.class == TIGHT && mode(gap(newg)) == TAB_MODE ) \
+ I.class = TOO_TIGHT, I.badness = TOO_TIGHT_BAD; \
+ debug0(DOF, DDD, "MoveRightToGap returning."); \
+/*@::IntervalInit(), IntervalShiftRightEnd()@*********************************/
+/* */
+/* IntervalInit(I, x, max_width, etc_width, hyph_word) */
+/* */
+/* Set I to the first interval of x. */
+/* */
+#define IntervalInit(I, x, max_width, etc_width, hyph_word) \
+{ OBJECT rlink, right; BOOLEAN jn; \
+ debug0(DOF, DDD, "IntervalInit(I, x, -, -, hyph_word)"); \
+ I.llink = x; \
+ \
+ FirstDefinite(x, rlink, right, jn); \
+ if( rlink == x ) I.class = AT_END, I.rlink = x; \
+ else \
+ { \
+ /* have first definite object, so set interval width etc. */ \
+ if( multi != nilobj ) \
+ { Child(I.cwid, Down(multi)); \
+ } \
+ else I.cwid = nilobj; \
+ I.nat_width = size(right, COLM); \
+ I.space_width = 0; \
+ I.tab_count = 0; \
+ \
+ /* move to gap, check hyphenation there etc. */ \
+ MoveRightToGap(I,x,rlink,right,max_width,etc_width,hyph_word); \
+ } \
+ debug0(DOF, DDD, "IntervalInit returning."); \
+} /* end macro IntervalInit */
+/* */
+/* IntervalShiftRightEnd(I, x, hyph_word, max_width, etc_width) */
+/* */
+/* Shift the right end of interval I one place to the right. */
+/* */
+#define IntervalShiftRightEnd(I, x, hyph_word, max_width, etc_width) \
+{ OBJECT rlink, g, right; \
+ assert( I.class != AT_END, "IntervalShiftRightEnd: AT_END!" ); \
+ rlink = I.rlink; \
+ if( rlink == x ) I.class = AT_END; \
+ else \
+ { \
+ /* I is optimal here so save its badness and left endpoint */ \
+ Child(g, rlink); \
+ assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "IntervalShiftRightEnd: type(g)!" ); \
+ save_badness(g) = I.badness; \
+ save_prev(g) = I.llink; \
+ save_cwid(g) = I.cwid; \
+ \
+ /* if hyphenation case, must take away width of hyph_word */ \
+ /* and increase the badness to discourage breaks at this point */ \
+ if( mode(gap(g)) == ADD_HYPH ) \
+ { I.nat_width -= size(hyph_word,COLM); \
+ save_badness(g) += HYPH_BAD_INCR; \
+ debug0(DOF, DDD, " subtracting hyph_word from nat_width"); \
+ } \
+ \
+ /* find definite object which must lie just to the right of g */ \
+ NextDefinite(x, rlink, right); \
+ assert( rlink != x, "IntervalShiftRightEnd: rlink == x!" ); \
+ \
+ /* modify I to reflect the addition of g and right */ \
+ if( mode(gap(g)) == TAB_MODE ) \
+ { I.tab_count++; \
+ I.tab_pos = save_space(g); \
+ I.width_to_tab = I.nat_width; \
+ I.nat_width = save_space(g) + size(right, COLM); \
+ I.space_width = 0; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { I.nat_width += save_space(g) + size(right, COLM); \
+ I.space_width += save_space(g); \
+ } \
+ \
+ /* now shift one step to the right */ \
+ MoveRightToGap(I, x, rlink, right, max_width, etc_width,hyph_word); \
+ } \
+} /* end macro IntervalShiftRightEnd */
+/*@::IntervalShiftLeftEnd(), IntervalBadness()@*******************************/
+/* */
+/* IntervalShiftLeftEnd(I, x, max_width, etc_width) */
+/* */
+/* Shift the left end of interval I one place to the right. */
+/* */
+#define IntervalShiftLeftEnd(I, x, max_width, etc_width) \
+{ OBJECT llink, left, lgap, y; BOOLEAN jn; \
+ debug1(DOF, DDD, "IntervalShiftLeftEnd(%s)", IntervalPrint(I, x)); \
+ assert( I.class != AT_END, "IntervalShiftLeftEnd: AT_END!" ); \
+ \
+ /* find left, the leftmost definite object of I */ \
+ llink = I.llink; \
+ NextDefinite(x, llink, left); \
+ assert( llink != x, "IntervalShiftLeftEnd: llink == x!" ); \
+ \
+ /* find lgap, the first true breakpoint following left */ \
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, llink, y, lgap, jn); \
+ assert( llink != x, "IntervalShiftLeftEnd: llink == x!" ); \
+ \
+ /* calculate width and badness of interval minus left and lgap */ \
+ if( mode(gap(lgap)) == TAB_MODE ) \
+ { assert( I.tab_count > 0 || Up(lgap) == I.rlink, \
+ "IntervalShiftLeftEnd: tab_count <= 0!" ); \
+ I.tab_count--; \
+ if( I.tab_count == 0 ) I.nat_width -= save_space(lgap); \
+ } \
+ else /* take from nat_width, or if tab, from width_to_tab */ \
+ { if( I.tab_count == 0 ) \
+ { I.nat_width -= save_space(lgap) + size(left, COLM); \
+ I.space_width -= save_space(lgap); \
+ } \
+ else if( I.tab_count == 1 ) \
+ { I.width_to_tab -= save_space(lgap) + size(left, COLM); \
+ } \
+ /* else no changes since tabs hide them */ \
+ } \
+ I.llink = Up(lgap); \
+ if( I.llink == I.rlink ) \
+ { I.class = EMPTY_INTERVAL; \
+ I.badness = TOO_TIGHT_BAD + 1; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ if( save_cwid(lgap) != nilobj ) \
+ { OBJECT tlink; \
+ tlink = NextDown(Up(save_cwid(lgap))); \
+ if( type(tlink) == ACAT ) I.cwid = save_cwid(lgap); \
+ else Child(I.cwid, tlink); \
+ } \
+ SetIntervalBadness(I, max_width, etc_width); \
+ if( nobreak(gap(lgap)) || ( !hyph_allowed && \
+ (mode(gap(lgap))==HYPH_MODE || mode(gap(lgap))==ADD_HYPH) ) ) \
+ } \
+ debug1(DOF, DDD, "IShiftLeftEnd returning %s", IntervalPrint(I, x)); \
+} /* end macro IntervalShiftLeftEnd */
+/* */
+/* IntervalBadness(I) */
+/* */
+/* Return the badness of interval I. */
+/* */
+#define IntervalBadness(I) (I.badness)
+/*@IntervalClass(), IntervalPrint()@******************************************/
+/* */
+/* IntervalClass(I) */
+/* */
+/* Return the badness class of interval I. */
+/* */
+#define IntervalClass(I) (I.class)
+/* */
+/* IntervalPrint(I, x) */
+/* */
+/* Return string image of the contents of interval I of ACAT x. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR *IntervalPrint(INTERVAL I, OBJECT x)
+{ static char *class_name[] =
+ OBJECT link, y, g, z; int i;
+ static FULL_CHAR res[300];
+ if( I.llink == I.rlink ) return AsciiToFull("[]");
+ StringCopy(res, AsciiToFull(""));
+ if( I.cwid != nilobj )
+ { StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("!"));
+ StringCat(res, EchoLength(bfc(constraint(I.cwid))));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("!"));
+ }
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("["));
+ g = nilobj;
+ for( link = NextDown(I.llink); link != I.rlink; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { assert(link != x, "IntervalPrint: link == x!");
+ Child(y, link);
+ debug2(DOF, DDD, "IntervalPrint at %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ assert(y != x, "IntervalPrint: y == x!");
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { g = y;
+ if( Down(g) != g )
+ { Child(z, Down(g));
+ StringCat(res, STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(res, EchoCatOp(ACAT, mark(gap(g)), join(gap(g)))),
+ StringCat(res, is_word(type(z)) ? string(z) : Image(type(z)));
+ StringCat(res, STR_SPACE);
+ }
+ else for( i = 1; i <= hspace(g) + vspace(g); i++ )
+ StringCat(res, STR_SPACE);
+ }
+ else if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ StringCat(res, string(y)[0] == '\0' ? AsciiToFull("{}") : string(y));
+ else StringCat(res, Image(type(y)));
+ }
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("] n"));
+ StringCat(res, EchoLength(I.nat_width));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(", "));
+ StringCat(res, EchoLength(I.space_width));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(" ("));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(class_name[I.class]));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(" "));
+ StringCat(res, StringInt(I.badness));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(")"));
+ if( I.tab_count > 0 )
+ { StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(" <"));
+ StringCat(res, StringInt(I.tab_count));
+ StringCat(res, STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(res, EchoLength(I.width_to_tab));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":"));
+ StringCat(res, EchoLength(I.tab_pos));
+ StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(">"));
+ }
+ return res;
+} /* end IntervalPrint */
+/* */
+/* FillObject(x, c, multi, can_hyphenate, allow_shrink, extend_unbreakable, */
+/* hyph_used) */
+/* */
+/* Break ACAT x into lines using optimal breakpoints. Set hyph_used to */
+/* TRUE if any hyphenation was done. */
+/* */
+/* multi If multi is not nilobj, ignore c and use the */
+/* sequence of constraints within multi for the */
+/* successive lines. */
+/* */
+/* can_hyphenate TRUE if hyphenation is permitted during this fill. */
+/* */
+/* allow_shrink TRUE if gaps may be shrunk as well as expanded. */
+/* */
+/* extend_unbreakable TRUE if nobreak(gap()) fields are to be set so as */
+/* to prevent gaps hidden under overstruck objects */
+/* from becoming break points. */
+/* */
+OBJECT FillObject(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT multi, BOOLEAN can_hyphenate,
+ BOOLEAN allow_shrink, BOOLEAN extend_unbreakable, BOOLEAN *hyph_used)
+{ INTERVAL I, BestI; OBJECT res, gp, tmp, z, y, link, ylink, prev, next;
+ int max_width, etc_width, outdent_margin, f; BOOLEAN jn; unsigned typ;
+ static OBJECT hyph_word = nilobj;
+ BOOLEAN hyph_allowed; /* TRUE when hyphenation of words is permitted */
+ assert( type(x) == ACAT, "FillObject: type(x) != ACAT!" );
+ debug4(DOF, D, "FillObject(x, %s, can_hyph = %s, %s); %s",
+ EchoConstraint(c), bool(can_hyphenate),
+ multi == nilobj ? "nomulti" : "multi", EchoStyle(&save_style(x)));
+ ifdebug(DOF, DD, DebugObject(x); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n") );
+ *hyph_used = FALSE;
+ if( multi == nilobj )
+ {
+ /* set max_width (width of 1st line), etc_width (width of later lines) */
+ max_width = find_min(fc(*c), bfc(*c));
+ if( display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_OUTDENT ||
+ display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_ORAGGED )
+ { outdent_margin = 2 * FontSize(font(save_style(x)), x);
+ etc_width = max_width - outdent_margin;
+ }
+ else etc_width = max_width;
+ assert( size(x, COLM) > max_width, "FillObject: initial size!" );
+ /* if column width is ridiculously small, exit with error message */
+ if( max_width <= 2 * FontSize(font(save_style(x)), x) )
+ {
+ Error(14, 6, "paragraph deleted (assigned width %s is too narrow)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), EchoLength(max_width));
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ word_font(res) = font(save_style(x));
+ word_colour(res) = colour(save_style(x));
+ word_language(res) = language(save_style(x));
+ word_hyph(res) = hyph_style(save_style(x)) == HYPH_ON;
+ back(res, COLM) = fwd(res, COLM) = 0;
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ else max_width = etc_width = 0; /* not used really */
+ /* add &1rt {} to end of paragraph */
+ New(gp, GAP_OBJ); hspace(gp) = 1; vspace(gp) = 0;
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_GAP_RJUSTIFY, &fpos(x));
+ Link(gp, tmp); Link(x, gp);
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ back(tmp, COLM) = fwd(tmp, COLM) = back(tmp, ROWM) = fwd(tmp, ROWM) = 0;
+ word_font(tmp) = 0;
+ word_colour(tmp) = 0;
+ word_language(tmp) = 0;
+ word_hyph(tmp) = 0;
+ underline(tmp) = UNDER_OFF;
+ Link(x, tmp);
+ /* if extend_unbreakable, run through x and set every gap in the */
+ /* shadow of a previous gap to be unbreakable */
+ if( extend_unbreakable )
+ { int f, max_f; OBJECT g;
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn);
+ assert( link != x, "FillObject/extend_unbreakable: link == x!" );
+ f = max_f = size(y, COLM); prev = y;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ while( link != x )
+ {
+ /* add unbreakableness if gap is overshadowed by a previous one */
+ f += MinGap(fwd(prev, COLM), back(y, COLM), fwd(y, COLM), &gap(g))
+ - fwd(prev, COLM) + back(y, COLM);
+ if( f < max_f )
+ { if( units(gap(g)) == FIXED_UNIT )
+ nobreak(gap(g)) = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ { max_f = f;
+ }
+ /* on to next component and gap */
+ prev = y;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ }
+ }
+ /* initially we can hyphenate if hyphenation is on, but not first pass */
+ if( hyph_style(save_style(x)) == HYPH_UNDEF )
+ Error(14, 7, "hyphen or nohyphen option missing", FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ hyph_allowed = FALSE;
+ /* initialize I to first interval, BestI to best ending here, and run */
+ IntervalInit(I, x, max_width, etc_width, hyph_word); BestI = I;
+ while( IntervalClass(I) != AT_END )
+ {
+ debug0(DOF, D, "loop:");
+ debug1(DOF, D, " %s", IntervalPrint(I, x));
+ switch( IntervalClass(I) )
+ {
+ case TOO_LOOSE:
+ /* too loose, so save best and shift right end */
+ if( IntervalClass(I) == EMPTY_INTERVAL ||
+ IntervalBadness(BestI) <= IntervalBadness(I) )
+ I = BestI;
+ debug1(DOF, D, "BestI: %s\n", IntervalPrint(I, x));
+ /* NB no break */
+ IntervalShiftRightEnd(I, x, hyph_word, max_width, etc_width);
+ BestI = I;
+ break;
+ case LOOSE:
+ case TIGHT:
+ case TOO_TIGHT:
+ /* reasonable, so check best and shift left end */
+ if( IntervalBadness(I) < IntervalBadness(BestI) ) BestI = I;
+ /* NB no break */
+ /* too tight, or unbreakable gap at left end, so shift left end */
+ IntervalShiftLeftEnd(I, x, max_width, etc_width);
+ break;
+ /* ***
+ PrevDefinite(x, I.llink, y);
+ if( can_hyphenate )
+ { x = Hyphenate(x);
+ can_hyphenate = FALSE;
+ hyph_allowed = TRUE;
+ *hyph_used = TRUE;
+ }
+ else CorrectOversize(x, I.llink,
+ (I.cwid!=nilobj) ? bfc(constraint(I.cwid)) : etc_width);
+ goto RESTART;
+ *** */
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "FillObject: IntervalClass(I)");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* do end processing */
+ ifdebug(DOF, DD,
+ debug0(DOF, DD, "final result:");
+ debug1(DOF, DD, "%s", IntervalPrint(BestI, x));
+ while( BestI.llink != x )
+ { BestI.rlink = BestI.llink;
+ Child(gp, BestI.rlink);
+ BestI.llink = save_prev(gp);
+ debug1(DOF, DD, "%s", IntervalPrint(BestI, x));
+ }
+ );
+ if( I.llink == x )
+ { /* The result has only one line. Since the line did not fit initially, */
+ /* this must mean either that a large word was discarded or else that */
+ /* the line was only slightly tight */
+ if( multi == nilobj )
+ { res = x;
+ back(res, COLM) = 0; fwd(res, COLM) = max_width;
+ }
+ else
+ { New(res, VCAT);
+ adjust_cat(res) = FALSE;
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ Link(res, x);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( can_hyphenate && IntervalBadness(BestI) > HYPH_BAD )
+ { x = Hyphenate(x);
+ can_hyphenate = FALSE;
+ hyph_allowed = TRUE;
+ *hyph_used = TRUE;
+ goto RESTART;
+ }
+ else
+ { OBJECT lgap, llink;
+ New(res, VCAT);
+ adjust_cat(res) = FALSE;
+ back(res, COLM) = 0; fwd(res, COLM) = max_width;
+ ReplaceNode(res, x);
+ llink = I.llink;
+ /* break the lines of x */
+ while( llink != x )
+ { New(y, ACAT);
+ adjust_cat(y) = adjust_cat(x);
+ FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(x));
+ StyleCopy(save_style(y), save_style(x));
+ if( Down(res) != res &&
+ (display_style(save_style(y)) == DISPLAY_ADJUST ||
+ display_style(save_style(y)) == DISPLAY_OUTDENT) )
+ display_style(save_style(y)) = DO_ADJUST;
+ back(y, COLM) = 0;
+ fwd(y, COLM) = max_width;
+ /* if outdented paragraphs, add 2.0f @Wide & to front of new line */
+ if( display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_OUTDENT ||
+ display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_ORAGGED )
+ {
+ OBJECT t1, t2, z;
+ t1 = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ back(t1, COLM) = fwd(t1, COLM) = back(t1, ROWM) = fwd(t1, ROWM) = 0;
+ word_font(t1) = 0;
+ word_colour(t1) = 0;
+ word_language(t1) = 0;
+ word_hyph(t1) = 0;
+ underline(t1) = UNDER_OFF;
+ New(t2, WIDE);
+ SetConstraint(constraint(t2), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, outdent_margin,
+ back(t2, COLM) = 0; fwd(t2, COLM) = outdent_margin;
+ underline(t2) = UNDER_OFF;
+ Link(t2, t1);
+ Link(y, t2);
+ New(z, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(z) = vspace(z) = 0;
+ Link(y, z);
+ }
+ /* move the line to below y */
+ TransferLinks(NextDown(llink), x, y);
+ /* add hyphen to end of previous line, if lgap is ADD_HYPH */
+ Child(lgap, llink);
+ if( mode(gap(lgap)) == ADD_HYPH )
+ { OBJECT z; BOOLEAN under;
+ /* work out whether the hyphen needs to be underlined */
+ Child(z, LastDown(x));
+ under = underline(z);
+ /* add zero-width gap object */
+ New(z, GAP_OBJ);
+ debug0(DOF, DD, " adding hyphen\n");
+ hspace(z) = vspace(z) = 0;
+ underline(z) = under;
+ Link(x, z);
+ /* add hyphen */
+ z = MakeWord(WORD, STR_HYPHEN, &fpos(y));
+ word_font(z) = font(save_style(x));
+ word_colour(z) = colour(save_style(x));
+ word_language(z) = language(save_style(x));
+ word_hyph(z) = hyph_style(save_style(x)) == HYPH_ON;
+ underline(z) = under;
+ FontWordSize(z);
+ Link(x, z);
+ }
+ /* attach y to res, recycle lgap for gap separating the two lines */
+ Link(NextDown(res), y);
+ MoveLink(llink, NextDown(res), PARENT);
+ hspace(lgap) = 0;
+ vspace(lgap) = 1;
+ GapCopy(gap(lgap), line_gap(save_style(x)));
+ if( Down(lgap) != lgap ) DisposeChild(Down(lgap));
+ /* move on to previous line */
+ llink = save_prev(lgap);
+ }
+ /* attach first line, x, to res */
+ Link(NextDown(res), x);
+ back(x, COLM) = 0;
+ fwd(x, COLM) = max_width;
+ if( display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_ADJUST ||
+ display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_OUTDENT )
+ display_style(save_style(x)) = DO_ADJUST;
+ /* if last line contains only the {} from final &1rt {}, delete the line */
+ /* and the preceding gap */
+ Child(y, LastDown(res));
+ if( Down(y) == LastDown(y) )
+ { DisposeChild(LastDown(res));
+ assert( Down(res) != LastDown(res), "almost empty paragraph!" );
+ DisposeChild(LastDown(res));
+ }
+ /* else delete the final &1rt {} from the last line, to help clines */
+ else
+ { Child(z, LastDown(y));
+ assert( type(z)==WORD && string(z)[0]=='\0', "FillObject: last word!" );
+ DisposeChild(LastDown(y));
+ Child(z, LastDown(y));
+ assert( type(z) == GAP_OBJ, "FillObject: last gap_obj!" );
+ DisposeChild(LastDown(y));
+ }
+ /* set unbreakable bit of first and last inter-line gaps, if required */
+ if( nobreakfirst(save_style(x)) && Down(res) != LastDown(res) )
+ { Child(gp, NextDown(Down(res)));
+ assert( type(gp) == GAP_OBJ, "FillObject: type(gp) != GAP_OBJ (a)!" );
+ nobreak(gap(gp)) = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( nobreaklast(save_style(x)) && Down(res) != LastDown(res) )
+ { Child(gp, PrevDown(LastDown(res)));
+ assert( type(gp) == GAP_OBJ, "FillObject: type(gp) != GAP_OBJ (b)!" );
+ nobreak(gap(gp)) = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* recalculate the width of the last line, since it may now be smaller */
+ assert( LastDown(res) != res, "FillObject: empty paragraph!" );
+ Child(y, LastDown(res));
+ FirstDefinite(y, link, z, jn);
+ assert( link != y, "FillObject: last line is empty!" );
+ f = back(z, COLM); prev = z;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(y, link, z, gp, jn);
+ while( link != y )
+ {
+ f += MinGap(fwd(prev, COLM), back(z, COLM), fwd(z, COLM), &gap(gp));
+ prev = z;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(y, link, z, gp, jn);
+ }
+ fwd(y, COLM) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, f + fwd(prev, COLM));
+ /* make last line DO_ADJUST if it is oversize */
+ if( size(y, COLM) > max_width ) display_style(save_style(y)) = DO_ADJUST;
+ }
+ /* rejoin unused hyphenated gaps so that kerning will work across them */
+ if( *hyph_used && type(res) == VCAT )
+ { for( link = Down(res); link != res; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == ACAT )
+ { for( ylink = Down(y); ylink != y; ylink = NextDown(ylink) )
+ { Child(gp, ylink);
+ if( type(gp) == GAP_OBJ && width(gap(gp)) == 0 &&
+ mode(gap(gp)) == ADD_HYPH )
+ {
+ /* possible candidate for joining, look into what's on each side */
+ Child(prev, PrevDown(ylink));
+ Child(next, NextDown(ylink));
+ if( is_word(type(prev)) && is_word(type(next)) &&
+ word_font(prev) == word_font(next) &&
+ word_colour(prev) == word_colour(next) &&
+ word_language(prev) == word_language(next) &&
+ underline(prev) == underline(next) )
+ {
+ debug2(DOF, D, "joining %s with %s", EchoObject(prev),
+ EchoObject(next));
+ typ = type(prev) == QWORD || type(next) == QWORD ? QWORD : WORD;
+ tmp = MakeWordTwo(typ, string(prev), string(next), &fpos(prev));
+ word_font(tmp) = word_font(prev);
+ word_colour(tmp) = word_colour(prev);
+ word_language(tmp) = word_language(prev);
+ word_hyph(tmp) = word_hyph(prev);
+ FontWordSize(tmp);
+ underline(tmp) = underline(prev);
+ MoveLink(ylink, tmp, CHILD);
+ DisposeChild(Up(prev));
+ DisposeChild(Up(next));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DOF, D, "FillObject exiting");
+ return res;
+} /* end FillObject */
diff --git a/z15.c b/z15.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf25102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z15.c
@@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
+/*@z15.c:Size Constraints:MinConstraint(), EnlargeToConstraint()@*************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z15.c */
+/* MODULE: Size Constraints */
+/* EXTERNS: MinConstraint(), EnlargeToConstraint(), */
+/* ReflectConstraint(), SemiRotateConstraint(), */
+/* RotateConstraint(), InvScaleConstraint(), Constrained(), */
+/* EchoConstraint(), DebugConstrained() */
+/* */
+#include <math.h>
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.1415926535897931160E0
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* MinConstraint(xc, yc) */
+/* */
+/* Replace *xc by the minimum of the two constraints *xc and *yc. */
+/* */
+void MinConstraint(CONSTRAINT *xc, CONSTRAINT *yc)
+{ bc(*xc) = find_min(bc(*xc), bc(*yc));
+ bfc(*xc) = find_min(bfc(*xc), bfc(*yc));
+ fc(*xc) = find_min(fc(*xc), fc(*yc));
+} /* end MinConstraint */
+/* */
+/* SetSizeToMaxForwardConstraint(b, f, c) */
+/* */
+/* Set *b, *f to their largest possible value within constraint *c, such */
+/* that *f is as large as possible. */
+/* */
+void SetSizeToMaxForwardConstraint(FULL_LENGTH *b, FULL_LENGTH *f, CONSTRAINT *c)
+ *f = find_min(bfc(*c), fc(*c));
+ *b = find_min(bc(*c), bfc(*c) - *f);
+} /* end EnlargeToConstraint */
+/* */
+/* EnlargeToConstraint(b, f, c) */
+/* */
+/* Enlarge *b,*f to its largest possible value within constraint *c. */
+/* */
+void EnlargeToConstraint(FULL_LENGTH *b, FULL_LENGTH *f, CONSTRAINT *c)
+ *f = find_min(bfc(*c) - *b, fc(*c));
+} /* end EnlargeToConstraint */
+/* */
+/* ReflectConstraint(xc, yc) */
+/* */
+/* Set xc to the constraint which is yc with its back and forward reversed. */
+/* */
+#define ReflectConstraint(xc, yc) SetConstraint(xc, fc(yc), bfc(yc), bc(yc))
+/*@::ScaleToConstraint(), InvScaleConstraint(), etc@**************************/
+/* */
+/* int ScaleToConstraint(b, f, c) */
+/* */
+/* Return the scale factor needed to scale object of size b, f down so it */
+/* has a size which fits tightly into constraint c. */
+/* */
+int ScaleToConstraint(FULL_LENGTH b, FULL_LENGTH f, CONSTRAINT *c)
+{ float scale_factor; int res;
+ debug3(DSC, DD, "ScaleToConstraint(%s, %s, %s)", EchoLength(b),
+ EchoLength(f), EchoConstraint(c));
+ scale_factor = 1.0;
+ if( b > 0 ) scale_factor = find_min(scale_factor, (float) bc(*c)/b );
+ if( b + f > 0 ) scale_factor = find_min(scale_factor, (float) bfc(*c)/(b + f));
+ if( f > 0 ) scale_factor = find_min(scale_factor, (float) fc(*c)/f );
+ res = scale_factor * SF;
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "ScaleToConstraint returning %.2f (%d)", scale_factor, res);
+ return res;
+} /* end ScaleToConstraint */
+/* */
+/* InvScaleConstraint(yc, sf, xc) */
+/* */
+/* Scale constraint xc to the inverse of the scale factor sf. */
+/* */
+void InvScaleConstraint(CONSTRAINT *yc, FULL_LENGTH sf, CONSTRAINT *xc)
+ char buff[10];
+ ifdebug(DSC, DD, sprintf(buff, "%.3f", (float) sf / SF));
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "InvScaleConstraint(yc, %s, %s)", buff, EchoConstraint(xc));
+ assert( sf > 0, "InvScaleConstraint: sf <= 0!" );
+ bc(*yc) = bc(*xc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH :
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, bc(*xc) * SF / sf);
+ bfc(*yc) = bfc(*xc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH :
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, bfc(*xc)* SF / sf);
+ fc(*yc) = fc(*xc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH :
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, fc(*xc) * SF / sf);
+ debug1(DSC, DD, "InvScaleConstraint returning %s", EchoConstraint(yc));
+} /* end InvScaleConstraint */
+/* */
+/* static SemiRotateConstraint(xc, u, v, angle, yc) */
+/* */
+/* Used by RotateConstraint to calculate one rotated constraint. */
+/* */
+static void SemiRotateConstraint(CONSTRAINT *xc, FULL_LENGTH u, FULL_LENGTH v,
+float angle, CONSTRAINT *yc)
+{ float cs, sn;
+ char buff[20];
+ ifdebug(DSC, DD, sprintf(buff, "%.1f", angle * 360.0 / (2 * M_PI)));
+ debug4(DSC, DD, "SemiRotateConstraint(xc, %s, %s, %sd, %s",
+ EchoLength(u), EchoLength(v), buff, EchoConstraint(yc));
+ cs = cos(angle); sn = sin(angle);
+ if( fabs(cs) < 1e-6 )
+ else
+ SetConstraint(*xc,
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, (bc(*yc) - u * sn) / cs),
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, (bfc(*yc) - u * sn - v * sn) / cs),
+ find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, (fc(*yc) - v * sn) / cs ));
+ debug1(DSC, DD, "SemiRotateConstraint returning %s", EchoConstraint(xc));
+} /* end SemiRotateConstraint */
+/* */
+/* RotateConstraint(c, y, angle, hc, vc, dim) */
+/* */
+/* Take the object angle @Rotate y, which is supposed to be constrained */
+/* horizontally by hc and vertically by vc, and determine a constraint */
+/* (either horizontal or vertical, depending on dim) for y. */
+/* */
+/* The constraint returned is a trigonometric function of all these */
+/* parameters, including the present size of y in dimension 1-dim. */
+/* */
+void RotateConstraint(CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT y, FULL_LENGTH angle,
+CONSTRAINT *hc, CONSTRAINT *vc, int dim)
+{ CONSTRAINT c1, c2, c3, dc; float theta, psi;
+ char buff[20];
+ ifdebug(DSC, DD, sprintf(buff, "%.1f", (float) angle / DG ));
+ debug4(DSC, DD, "RotateConstraint(c, y, %sd, %s, %s, %s)",
+ buff, EchoConstraint(hc), EchoConstraint(vc), dimen(dim));
+ /* work out angle in radians between 0 and 2*PI */
+ theta = (float) angle * 2 * M_PI / (float) (DG * 360);
+ while( theta < 0 ) theta += 2 * M_PI;
+ while( theta >= 2 * M_PI ) theta -= 2 * M_PI;
+ assert( 0 <= theta && theta <= 2 * M_PI, "RotateConstraint: theta!" );
+ /* determine theta, c1, and c2 depending on which quadrant we are in */
+ if( theta <= M_PI / 2.0 ) /* first quadrant */
+ { theta = theta;
+ CopyConstraint(c1, *hc);
+ CopyConstraint(c2, *vc);
+ }
+ else if ( theta <= M_PI ) /* second quadrant */
+ { theta -= M_PI / 2.0;
+ ReflectConstraint(c1, *vc);
+ CopyConstraint(c2, *hc);
+ }
+ else if ( theta <= 3.0 * M_PI / 2.0 ) /* third quadrant */
+ { theta -= M_PI;
+ ReflectConstraint(c1, *hc);
+ ReflectConstraint(c2, *vc);
+ }
+ else /* fourth quadrant */
+ { theta -= 3.0 * M_PI / 2.0;
+ CopyConstraint(c1, *vc);
+ ReflectConstraint(c2, *hc);
+ }
+ psi = M_PI / 2.0 - theta;
+ debug2(DSC, DD, " c1: %s; c2: %s", EchoConstraint(&c1), EchoConstraint(&c2));
+ /* return the minimum of the two constraints, rotated */
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { SemiRotateConstraint(c, back(y, ROWM), fwd(y, ROWM), theta, &c1);
+ ReflectConstraint(c3, c2);
+ SemiRotateConstraint(&dc, fwd(y, ROWM), back(y, ROWM), psi, &c3);
+ MinConstraint(c, &dc);
+ }
+ else
+ { SemiRotateConstraint(c, back(y, COLM), fwd(y, COLM), psi, &c1);
+ SemiRotateConstraint(&dc, fwd(y, COLM), back(y, COLM), theta, &c2);
+ MinConstraint(c, &dc);
+ }
+ debug1(DSC, DD, "RotateConstraint returning %s", EchoConstraint(c));
+} /* end RotateConstraint */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN InsertScale(x, c) */
+/* */
+/* Insert a @Scale object above x so that x is scaled horizontally to fit */
+/* constraint c. If this is not possible, owing to the necessary scale */
+/* factor being too small, then don't do it; return FALSE instead. */
+/* */
+{ int scale_factor; OBJECT prnt;
+ scale_factor = ScaleToConstraint(back(x, COLM), fwd(x, COLM), c);
+ if( scale_factor >= 0.2 * SF )
+ {
+ New(prnt, SCALE);
+ underline(prnt) = underline(x);
+ FposCopy(fpos(prnt), fpos(x));
+ /* set horizontal size and scale factor */
+ bc(constraint(prnt)) = scale_factor;
+ back(prnt, COLM) = ( back(x, COLM) * scale_factor ) / SF;
+ /* *** slightly too small?
+ fwd(prnt, COLM) = ( fwd(x, COLM) * scale_factor ) / SF;
+ *** */
+ fwd(prnt, COLM) = find_min(bfc(*c) - back(prnt, COLM), fc(*c));
+ /* set vertical size and scale factor */
+ fc(constraint(prnt)) = 1 * SF;
+ back(prnt, ROWM) = back(x, ROWM);
+ fwd(prnt, ROWM) = fwd(x, ROWM);
+ /* link prnt above x and return */
+ ReplaceNode(prnt, x);
+ Link(prnt, x);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else return FALSE;
+} /* end InsertScale */
+/* */
+/* static CatConstrained(x, xc, ratm, y, dim, OBJECT *why) */
+/* */
+/* Calculate the size constraint of object x, as for Constrained below. */
+/* y is the enclosing VCAT etc. object; ratm is TRUE if a ^ lies after */
+/* x anywhere. dim is COLM or ROWM. */
+/* */
+/* The meaning of the key variables is as follows: */
+/* */
+/* be The amount by which back(x, dim) can increase from zero */
+/* without having any impact on size(y, dim). Thereafter, */
+/* any increase causes an equal increase in size(y, dim). */
+/* */
+/* fe The amount by which fwd(x, dim) can increase from zero */
+/* without having any impact on size(y, dim). Thereafter, */
+/* any increase causes an equal increase in size(y, dim). */
+/* */
+/* backy, The value that back(y, dim) and fwd(y, dim) would have if x */
+/* fwdy was definite with size 0,0. They will in general be larger */
+/* than the present values if x is indefinite, and smaller */
+/* if x is definite, although it depends on marks and gaps. */
+/* */
+static void CatConstrained(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *xc, BOOLEAN ratm,
+OBJECT y, int dim, OBJECT *why)
+{ int side; /* the size of y that x is on: BACK, ON, FWD */
+ CONSTRAINT yc; /* constraints on y */
+ FULL_LENGTH backy, fwdy; /* back(y), fwd(y) would be if x was (0, 0) */
+ FULL_LENGTH be, fe; /* amount back(x), fwd(x) can be for free */
+ FULL_LENGTH beffect, feffect; /* scratch variables for calculations */
+ FULL_LENGTH seffect; /* scratch variables for calculations */
+ OBJECT link, sg, pg; /* link to x, its successor and predecessor */
+ OBJECT prec_def, sd; /* definite object preceding (succeeding) x */
+ int tb, tbf, tf, tbc, tbfc, tfc, mxy, myz;
+ Constrained(y, &yc, dim, why);
+ if( constrained(yc) )
+ {
+ /* find the link of x, and its neighbours and their links */
+ link = UpDim(x, dim);
+ SetNeighbours(link, ratm, &pg, &prec_def, &sg, &sd, &side);
+ /* amount of space available at x without changing the size of y */
+ be = pg == nilobj ? 0 : ExtraGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), 0, &gap(pg), BACK);
+ fe = sg == nilobj ? 0 : ExtraGap(0, back(sd, dim), &gap(sg), FWD);
+ if( is_indefinite(type(x)) )
+ {
+ /* insert two lengths and delete one */
+ beffect = pg==nilobj ? 0 : MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), 0, 0, &gap(pg));
+ feffect = sg==nilobj ? 0 : MinGap(0, back(sd,dim), fwd(sd,dim), &gap(sg));
+ seffect = pg==nilobj ?
+ sg == nilobj ? 0 : back(sd, dim) :
+ sg == nilobj ? fwd(prec_def, dim) :
+ MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(sd, dim), fwd(sd, dim), &gap(sg));
+ switch( side )
+ {
+ case BACK: backy = back(y, dim) + beffect + feffect - seffect;
+ fwdy = fwd(y, dim);
+ break;
+ case ON: /* must be first, other cases prohibited */
+ backy = 0;
+ fwdy = fwd(y, dim) + feffect;
+ break;
+ case FWD: backy = back(y, dim);
+ fwdy = fwd(y, dim) + beffect + feffect - seffect;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* x is definite */
+ { beffect = pg == nilobj ? back(x, dim) :
+ MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(x,dim), fwd(x,dim), &gap(pg)) -
+ MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), 0, 0, &gap(pg));
+ feffect = sg == nilobj ? fwd(x, dim) :
+ MinGap(fwd(x, dim), back(sd, dim), fwd(sd, dim), &gap(sg)) -
+ MinGap(0, back(sd, dim), fwd(sd, dim), &gap(sg));
+ switch( side )
+ {
+ case BACK: backy = back(y, dim) - beffect - feffect;
+ fwdy = fwd(y, dim);
+ break;
+ case ON: backy = back(y, dim) - beffect;
+ fwdy = fwd(y, dim) - feffect;
+ break;
+ case FWD: backy = back(y, dim);
+ fwdy = fwd(y, dim) - beffect - feffect;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ debug5(DSC, DD, " side: %s, backy: %s, fwdy: %s, be: %s, fe: %s",
+ Image(side), EchoLength(backy), EchoLength(fwdy),
+ EchoLength(be), EchoLength(fe) );
+ if( !FitsConstraint(backy, fwdy, yc) )
+ SetConstraint(*xc, -1, -1, -1);
+ else switch( side )
+ {
+ case BACK:
+ tbc = bc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : bc(yc) - backy;
+ tbfc = bfc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : bfc(yc) - backy - fwdy;
+ mxy = find_min(tbc, tbfc);
+ tb = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, be + mxy);
+ tbf = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, be + fe + mxy);
+ tf = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, fe + mxy);
+ SetConstraint(*xc, tb, tbf, tf);
+ break;
+ case ON:
+ tbc = bc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : bc(yc) - backy;
+ tbfc = bfc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : bfc(yc) - backy - fwdy;
+ tfc = fc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : fc(yc) - fwdy;
+ mxy = find_min(tbc, tbfc);
+ myz = find_min(tfc, tbfc);
+ tb = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, be + mxy);
+ tbf = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, be + fe + tbfc);
+ tf = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, fe + myz);
+ SetConstraint(*xc, tb, tbf, tf);
+ break;
+ case FWD:
+ tfc = fc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : fc(yc) - fwdy;
+ tbfc = bfc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : bfc(yc) - backy - fwdy;
+ mxy = find_min(tfc, tbfc);
+ tb = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, be + mxy);
+ tbf = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, be + fe + mxy);
+ tf = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, fe + mxy);
+ SetConstraint(*xc, tb, tbf, tf);
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* end if( constrained ) */
+} /* end CatConstrained */
+/* */
+/* Constrained(x, xc, dim, why) */
+/* */
+/* Calculate the size constraint of object x, and return it in *xc. */
+/* */
+/* If the resulting constraint is a hard one caused by coming up against */
+/* a HIGH (vertical) or WIDE (horizontal), set *why to this object; if */
+/* not, leave *why unchanged. */
+/* */
+void Constrained(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *xc, int dim, OBJECT *why)
+{ OBJECT y, link, lp, rp, z, tlink, g; CONSTRAINT yc, hc, vc;
+ BOOLEAN ratm; FULL_LENGTH xback, xfwd; int tb, tf, tbf, tbc, tfc;
+ SetLengthDim(dim);
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "[ Constrained(%s, xc, %s, why), x =",
+ Image(type(x)), dimen(dim));
+ ifdebug(DSC, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ assert( Up(x) != x, "Constrained: x has no parent!" );
+ /* a CLOSURE which is external_ver is unconstrained in the ROWM direction */
+ /* a CLOSURE which is external_hor is unconstrained in both directions */
+ if( type(x) == CLOSURE && ((dim==ROWM && external_ver(x)) || external_hor(x)) )
+ {
+ debug1(DSC, DD, "] Constrained returning %s (external)",EchoConstraint(xc));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* find y, the parent of x */
+ link = UpDim(x, dim); ratm = FALSE;
+ for( tlink = NextDown(link); type(tlink) == LINK; tlink = NextDown(tlink) )
+ { Child(g, tlink);
+ if( type(g) == GAP_OBJ && mark(gap(g)) ) ratm = TRUE;
+ }
+ y = tlink;
+ debug1(DSC, DDD, "parent y = %s", Image(type(y)));
+ ifdebug(DSC, DDD, DebugObject(y));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case SPLIT:
+ Constrained(y, xc, dim, why);
+ break;
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ if( (dim == COLM) != (type(y) == HSCALE) ) Constrained(y, xc, dim, why);
+ break;
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ /* dubious, but not likely to arise anyway */
+ if( (dim == COLM) != (type(y) == HCOVER) ) Constrained(y, xc, dim, why);
+ break;
+ case SCALE:
+ Constrained(y, &yc, dim, why);
+ if( dim == COLM && bc(constraint(y)) == 0 )
+ {
+ /* Lout-supplied factor required later, could be tiny */
+ }
+ else
+ { InvScaleConstraint(xc,
+ dim == COLM ? bc(constraint(y)) : fc(constraint(y)), &yc);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ROTATE:
+ Constrained(y, &hc, COLM, why); Constrained(y, &vc, ROWM, why);
+ RotateConstraint(xc, x, sparec(constraint(y)), &hc, &vc, dim);
+ break;
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ Constrained(y, xc, dim, why);
+ if( (type(y)==WIDE) == (dim==COLM) )
+ { MinConstraint(xc, &constraint(y));
+ *why = y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ if( (type(y) == HLIMITED) == (dim == COLM) )
+ {
+ BOOLEAN still_searching = TRUE;
+ z = y;
+ SetConstraint(*xc, back(z, dim), size(z, dim), fwd(z, dim));
+ debug2(DSC, D, " [ %s (%s)", Image(type(z)), EchoConstraint(xc));
+ while( still_searching && Up(z) != z )
+ {
+ Parent(z, UpDim(z, dim));
+ switch( type(z) )
+ {
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case COL_THR:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case SPLIT:
+ SetConstraint(*xc, back(z, dim), size(z, dim), fwd(z, dim));
+ debug2(DSC, DD, " let s = %s (%s)", Image(type(z)),
+ EchoConstraint(xc));
+ break;
+ case HSPANNER:
+ case VSPANNER:
+ /* SpannerAvailableSpace(z, dim, &b, &f); */
+ CopyConstraint(*xc, constraint(z));
+ debug2(DSC, D, " ] let s = %s (%s) and stop",
+ Image(type(z)), EchoConstraint(&constraint(z)));
+ still_searching = FALSE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ debug1(DSC, D, " ] stopping at %s", Image(type(z)));
+ still_searching = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *why = y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Constrained(y, xc, dim, why);
+ }
+ break;
+ case VSPANNER:
+ case HSPANNER:
+ /* we're saying that a spanner has a fixed constraint that is */
+ /* determined just once in its life */
+ CopyConstraint(*xc, constraint(y));
+ debug2(DSC, DD, " Constrained(%s) = %s", Image(type(z)), EchoConstraint(xc));
+ /* SetConstraint(*xc, back(y, dim), size(y, dim), fwd(y, dim)); */
+ break;
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ if( (type(y) == HSHIFT) == (dim == COLM) )
+ { Constrained(y, &yc, dim, why);
+ tf = FindShift(y, x, dim);
+ SetConstraint(*xc,
+ find_min(bc(yc), bfc(yc)) - tf, bfc(yc), find_min(fc(yc), bfc(yc)) + tf);
+ }
+ else Constrained(y, xc, dim, why);
+ break;
+ case HEAD:
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ else
+ { CopyConstraint(yc, constraint(y));
+ debug1(DSC, DD, " head: %s; val is:", EchoConstraint(&yc));
+ ifdebug(DSC, DD, DebugObject(y));
+ goto REST_OF_HEAD; /* a few lines down */
+ }
+ break;
+ case COL_THR:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ assert( (type(y)==COL_THR) == (dim==COLM), "Constrained: COL_THR!" );
+ Constrained(y, &yc, dim, why);
+ tb = bfc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : bfc(yc) - fwd(y, dim);
+ tb = find_min(bc(yc), tb);
+ tf = bfc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : bfc(yc) - back(y, dim);
+ tf = find_min(fc(yc), tf);
+ SetConstraint(*xc, tb, bfc(yc), tf);
+ break;
+ case VCAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case ACAT:
+ if( (type(y)==VCAT) == (dim==ROWM) )
+ { CatConstrained(x, xc, ratm, y, dim, why);
+ break;
+ }
+ Constrained(y, &yc, dim, why);
+ if( !constrained(yc) )
+ else
+ {
+ /* let lp and rp be the links of the gaps delimiting */
+ /* the components joined to x (or parent if no such) */
+ for( lp = PrevDown(link); lp != y; lp = PrevDown(lp) )
+ { Child(z, lp);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break;
+ }
+ for( rp = NextDown(link); rp != y; rp = NextDown(rp) )
+ { Child(z, rp);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break;
+ }
+ if( lp == y && rp == y && !(type(y) == HEAD && seen_nojoin(y)) )
+ {
+ /* if whole object is joined, do this */
+ tb = bfc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : bfc(yc) - fwd(y, dim);
+ tb = find_min(bc(yc), tb);
+ tf = bfc(yc) == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : bfc(yc) - back(y, dim);
+ tf = find_min(fc(yc), tf);
+ SetConstraint(*xc, tb, bfc(yc), tf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* if // or || is present, do this */
+ xback = xfwd = 0;
+ for(link = NextDown(lp); link != rp; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ || is_index(type(z)) ) continue;
+ xback = find_max(xback, back(z, dim));
+ xfwd = find_max(xfwd, fwd(z, dim));
+ }
+ debug2(DSC, DD, " lp != rp; xback,xfwd = %s,%s",
+ EchoLength(xback), EchoLength(xfwd));
+ tbf = find_min(bfc(yc), fc(yc));
+ tbc = tbf == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : tbf - xfwd;
+ tfc = tbf == MAX_FULL_LENGTH ? MAX_FULL_LENGTH : tbf - xback;
+ SetConstraint(*xc, tbc, tbf, tfc);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "Constrained:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ }
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "] Constrained %s returning %s", Image(type(x)),
+ EchoConstraint(xc));
+} /* end Constrained */
+/*@::EchoConstraint(), DebugConstrained()@************************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoConstraint(c) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a string showing constraint *c, in centimetres. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoConstraint(CONSTRAINT *c)
+{ static char str[2][40];
+ static int i = 0;
+ i = (i+1) % 2;
+ sprintf(str[i], "<%s, %s, %s>", EchoLength(bc(*c)), EchoLength(bfc(*c)),
+ EchoLength(fc(*c)));
+ return AsciiToFull(str[i]);
+} /* end EchoConstraint */
+/* */
+/* DebugConstrained(x) */
+/* */
+/* Calculate and print the constraints of all closures lying within */
+/* sized object x. */
+/* */
+void DebugConstrained(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT y, link, why;
+ debug1(DSC, DDD, "DebugConstrained( %s )", EchoObject(x) );
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case CROSS:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ Constrained(x, &c, COLM, &why);
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "Constrained( %s, &c, COLM ) = %s",
+ EchoObject(x), EchoConstraint(&c));
+ Constrained(x, &c, ROWM, &why);
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "Constrained( %s, &c, ROWM ) = %s",
+ EchoObject(x), EchoConstraint(&c));
+ break;
+ case SPLIT:
+ link = DownDim(x, COLM); Child(y, link);
+ DebugConstrained(y);
+ break;
+ case HEAD:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case SCALE:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ link = Down(x); Child(y, link);
+ DebugConstrained(y);
+ break;
+ case COL_THR:
+ case VCAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case ACAT:
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link =NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) != GAP_OBJ && !is_index(type(y)) ) DebugConstrained(y);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "DebugConstrained:", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ }
+ debug0(DSC, DDD, "DebugConstrained returning.");
+} /* end DebugConstrained */
diff --git a/z16.c b/z16.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9984b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z16.c
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+/*@z16.c:Size Adjustment:SetNeighbours(), CatAdjustSize()@********************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z16.c */
+/* MODULE: Size Adjustment */
+/* EXTERNS: FindShift(), SetNeighbours(), AdjustSize() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* FULL_LENGTH FindShift(x, y, dim) */
+/* */
+/* x = @HShift y or @VShift y depending on dim. FindShift returns the */
+/* length of the shift measured from the mark of y to the mark of x. */
+/* This is negative if the mark of y is to the right of the mark of x. */
+/* */
+FULL_LENGTH FindShift(OBJECT x, OBJECT y, int dim)
+{ FULL_LENGTH len, res;
+ debug4(DSF, DD, "FindShift(%s, %s %s, %s)", Image(type(x)),
+ Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y), dimen(dim));
+ /* first determine the magnitude of the shift */
+ switch( units(shift_gap(x)) )
+ {
+ case FIXED_UNIT: len = width(shift_gap(x));
+ break;
+ case NEXT_UNIT: len = (size(y, dim) * width(shift_gap(x))) / FR;
+ break;
+ default: assert(FALSE, "FindShift: units");
+ break;
+ }
+ /* then calculate the shift depending on the shift type */
+ switch( shift_type(x) )
+ {
+ case GAP_ABS: res = len - back(y, dim);
+ break;
+ case GAP_INC: res = len;
+ break;
+ case GAP_DEC: res = - len;
+ break;
+ default: assert(FALSE, "FindShift: type");
+ break;
+ }
+ debug1(DSF, DD, "FindShift returning %s", EchoLength(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end FindShift */
+/* */
+/* SetNeighbours(link, ratm, pg, pdef, sg, sdef, side) */
+/* */
+/* This is a utility routine used by CatConstrained(), AdjustSize(), */
+/* BreakTable() and FlushGalley() for calculating size updates in objects. */
+/* Assuming that link is the link of a component of a VCAT etc., and that */
+/* ratm is TRUE if there is a marked component to the right of link, set */
+/* */
+/* pg to the gap separating link from the first definite object */
+/* to the left, or nilobj if none. If pg != nilobj, set pdef to */
+/* the preceding definite object; else pdef is undefined. */
+/* */
+/* sg to the gap separating link from the first definite object */
+/* to the right, or nilobj if none. if sg != nilobj, set sdef to */
+/* the succeeding definite object; else sdef is undefined. */
+/* */
+/* side to the side of the mark link is on; either BACK, ON or FWD. */
+/* */
+void SetNeighbours(OBJECT link, BOOLEAN ratm, OBJECT *pg, OBJECT *pdef,
+OBJECT *sg, OBJECT *sdef, int *side)
+{ OBJECT plink, slink;
+ /* find preceding definite; if it exists, set *pg */
+ *pg = nilobj;
+ for( plink = PrevDown(link); type(plink) == LINK; plink = PrevDown(plink) )
+ { Child(*pdef, plink);
+ if( type(*pdef) == SPLIT ? SplitIsDefinite(*pdef) : is_definite(type(*pdef)) )
+ { Child(*pg, PrevDown(link));
+ while( is_index(type(*pg)) )
+ { link = PrevDown(link);
+ Child(*pg, PrevDown(link));
+ }
+ assert( type(*pg) == GAP_OBJ, "SetNeighbours: type(*pg)!" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* find succeeding definite; if it exists, set *sg */
+ *sg = nilobj;
+ for( slink = NextDown(link); type(slink) == LINK; slink = NextDown(slink) )
+ { Child(*sdef, slink);
+ if( type(*sdef) == SPLIT ? SplitIsDefinite(*sdef) : is_definite(type(*sdef)) )
+ { Child(*sg, PrevDown(slink));
+ while( is_index(type(*sg)) )
+ { slink = PrevDown(slink);
+ Child(*sg, PrevDown(slink));
+ }
+ assert( type(*sg) == GAP_OBJ, "SetNeighbours: type(*sg)!" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *side = ratm ? BACK : *pg == nilobj || mark(gap(*pg)) ? ON : FWD;
+ debug4(DSA, DD,
+ "SetNeighbours: ratm == %s, pg %s nilobj, sg %s nilobj, side == %s",
+ bool(ratm), *pg == nilobj ? "==" : "!=", *sg == nilobj ? "==" : "!=",
+ *side == BACK ? "BACK" : *side == ON ? "ON" : "FWD");
+} /* end SetNeighbours */
+/* */
+/* static CatAdjustSize(x, b, f, ratm, y, dim) */
+/* */
+/* Adjust the size of x to be *b, *f. Object x is known to lie in add-set */
+/* y; ratm is TRUE iff there is a mark to the right of x. Return the */
+/* new size of y in *b, *f. */
+/* */
+static void CatAdjustSize(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH *b, FULL_LENGTH *f, BOOLEAN ratm,
+OBJECT y, int dim)
+{ OBJECT link;
+ OBJECT pg, prec_def, sg, sd;
+ FULL_LENGTH beffect, feffect, seffect; int side;
+ int bb, ff;
+ debug6(DSA, DD, "CatAdjustSize(%s x, %s, %s, %s, %s y, %s)", Image(type(x)),
+ EchoLength(*b), EchoLength(*f), bool(ratm), Image(type(y)), dimen(dim));
+ debug2(DSA,DD, "x(%s,%s) =", EchoLength(back(x,dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x,dim)));
+ ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ debug2(DSA,DD, "y(%s,%s) =", EchoLength(back(y,dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y,dim)));
+ ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(y));
+ /* DO_ADJUST ACAT is a special case because adjustment affects its size */
+ if( dim==COLM && type(y)==ACAT && display_style(save_style(y)) == DO_ADJUST )
+ { back(x, dim) = *b; fwd(x, dim) = *f;
+ *b = back(y, dim); *f = fwd(y, dim);
+ debug2(DSA, DD, "CatAdjustSize ACAT %s,%s", EchoLength(*b), EchoLength(*f));
+ return;
+ }
+ link = UpDim(x, dim);
+ SetNeighbours(link, ratm, &pg, &prec_def, &sg, &sd, &side);
+ { ifdebug(DSA, DD,
+ if( pg != nilobj && mode(gap(pg)) == NO_MODE )
+ { debug1(DSA, DD, "NO_MODE gap pg, is_indefinite(x) == %s, y =",
+ bool(is_indefinite(type(x))) );
+ ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(y));
+ }
+ if( sg != nilobj && mode(gap(sg)) == NO_MODE )
+ { debug1(DSA, DD, "NO_MODE gap sg, is_indefinite(x) == %s, y =",
+ bool(is_indefinite(type(x))) );
+ ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(y));
+ }
+ ); }
+ if( is_indefinite(type(x)) )
+ {
+ beffect = pg == nilobj ? *b :
+ MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), *b, *f, &gap(pg));
+ feffect = sg == nilobj ? *f :
+ MinGap(*f, back(sd, dim), fwd(sd, dim), &gap(sg));
+ seffect = pg == nilobj ? sg == nilobj ? 0 : back(sd, dim) :
+ sg == nilobj ? fwd(prec_def, dim) :
+ MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(sd,dim), fwd(sd,dim), &gap(sg));
+ }
+ else /* !is_indefinite(type(x)) */
+ {
+ beffect = pg == nilobj ? *b - back(x, dim) :
+ MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), *b, *f, &gap(pg)) -
+ MinGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(x, dim), fwd(x, dim), &gap(pg));
+ feffect = sg == nilobj ? *f - fwd(x, dim) :
+ MinGap(*f, back(sd, dim), fwd(sd, dim), &gap(sg)) -
+ MinGap(fwd(x, dim), back(sd, dim), fwd(sd, dim), &gap(sg));
+ seffect = 0;
+ }
+ debug3(DSA, D, " pg = %s, sg = %s, side = %s",
+ pg == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("<nil>") : EchoGap(&gap(pg)),
+ sg == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("<nil>") : EchoGap(&gap(sg)), Image(side));
+ debug3(DSA, D, " beffect = %s, feffect = %s, seffect = %s",
+ EchoLength(beffect), EchoLength(feffect), EchoLength(seffect));
+ back(x, dim) = *b; fwd(x, dim) = *f;
+ switch( side )
+ {
+ case BACK: bb = back(y, dim) + beffect + feffect - seffect;
+ ff = fwd(y, dim);
+ break;
+ case ON: bb = back(y, dim) + beffect - seffect;
+ ff = fwd(y, dim) + feffect;
+ break;
+ case FWD: bb = back(y, dim);
+ ff = fwd(y, dim) + beffect + feffect - seffect;
+ break;
+ }
+ *b = bb; *f = ff;
+ debug2(DSA, DD, "CatAdjustSize returning %s,%s", EchoLength(*b), EchoLength(*f));
+} /* end CatAdjustSize */
+/* */
+/* AdjustSize(x, b, f, dim) */
+/* */
+/* Adjust the size of object x, in dimension dim, to be b, f. If x is a */
+/* CLOSURE, the adjustment is from a CLOSURE to a definite object of size */
+/* b, f. */
+/* */
+void AdjustSize(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH b, FULL_LENGTH f, int dim)
+{ OBJECT y, link, tlink, lp, rp, z, index;
+ BOOLEAN ratm; FULL_LENGTH tb, tf, cby, cfy, rby, rfy;
+ SetLengthDim(dim);
+ debug6(DSA, D, "[ AdjustSize( %s(%s,%s), %s, %s, %s ), x =",
+ type(x) == CLOSURE ? SymName(actual(x)) : Image(type(x)),
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f), dimen(dim));
+ ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(x) );
+ while( b != back(x, dim) || f != fwd(x, dim) || is_indefinite(type(x)) )
+ { assert( Up(x) != x, "AdjustSize: Up(x) == x!" );
+ if( b < 0 || f < 0 )
+ Error(16, 5, "cannot recover from earlier errors", FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ /* these cases are unique because they have multiple parents */
+ if( type(x) == COL_THR || type(x) == ROW_THR )
+ { assert( (type(x)==COL_THR) == (dim==COLM), "AdjustSize: COL_THR!" );
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ for( link = Up(x); link != x; link = NextUp(link) )
+ { Parent(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) == SPLIT, "AdjustSize: type(y) != SPLIT!") ;
+ AdjustSize(y, b, f, dim);
+ }
+ debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize (thread case) returning.");
+ return;
+ }
+ link = UpDim(x, dim); ratm = FALSE;
+ for( tlink=NextDown(link); type(tlink) == LINK; tlink=NextDown(tlink) )
+ { Child(y, tlink);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ && mark(gap(y)) ) ratm = TRUE;
+ }
+ y = tlink;
+ debug5(DSA, D, " b = %s, f = %s, y = %s(%s,%s), x =",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f), Image(type(y)),
+ EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)));
+ ifdebug(DSA, DD, DebugObject(x) );
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case HEAD:
+ if( gall_dir(y) == COLM )
+ { back(x, dim) = b, fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at horiz HEAD");
+ return;
+ }
+ else if( dim == ROWM )
+ { back(x, dim) = b, fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize ROWM returning at HEAD");
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* let lp and rp be the gaps delimiting the */
+ /* components joined to x */
+ for( lp = PrevDown(link); lp != y; lp = PrevDown(lp) )
+ { Child(z, lp);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break;
+ }
+ for( rp = NextDown(link); rp != y; rp = NextDown(rp) )
+ { Child(z, rp);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break;
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ if( lp == y && rp == y && !seen_nojoin(y) )
+ {
+ /* if whole object is joined, do this */
+ b = find_max(b, back(y, dim));
+ f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim));
+ debug3(DSA, D, " under head %s, whole object joined, b = %s, f = %s)",
+ SymName(actual(y)), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* if // or || is present, do this */
+ debug1(DSA, D, " [ under head %s with //, working out tb and tf:",
+ SymName(actual(y)));
+ tb = tf = 0;
+ for( link = NextDown(lp); link != rp; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link);
+ debugcond1(DSA, D, type(z) == GAP_OBJ,
+ " gap %s", EchoCatOp(VCAT, mark(gap(z)), join(gap(z))));
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ || is_index(type(z)) ) continue;
+ debug6(DSA, D, " component %s %s(%s, %s) so tb = %s, tf = %s",
+ Image(type(z)), type(z) == CLOSURE ? SymName(actual(z)) : STR_EMPTY,
+ EchoLength(back(z, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(z, dim)),
+ EchoLength(tb), EchoLength(tf));
+ ifdebugcond(DSA, DD, dim == COLM && fwd(z, dim) > 20*CM, DebugObject(z));
+ tb = find_max(tb, back(z, dim));
+ tf = find_max(tf, fwd(z, dim));
+ }
+ b = 0; f = find_max(tb + tf, fwd(y, dim));
+ debug5(DSA, D, " ] under head %s with //, tb = %s, tf = %s, b = %s, f = %s",
+ SymName(actual(y)), EchoLength(tb), EchoLength(tf),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ if( back(y, dim) == b && fwd(y, dim) == f )
+ {
+ debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize (COLM) returning at HEAD (no wider)");
+ return;
+ }
+ debug3(DSA, DD, "AdjustSize widening HEAD %s to b = %s, f = %s",
+ SymName(actual(y)), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ ifdebugcond(DSA, DD, dim == COLM && f > 20*CM, DebugObject(y));
+ back(y, dim) = b; fwd(y, dim) = f;
+ if( Up(y) == y )
+ {
+ debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize ret. at HEAD (no parent)" );
+ return;
+ }
+ Parent(index, Up(y));
+ if( type(index) != RECEIVING )
+ {
+ debug1(DSA,D, "] AdjustSize ret. at HEAD (%s)", Image(type(index)));
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(actual(index)!=nilobj, "AdjustSize: actual(index)==nilobj!" );
+ assert( type(actual(index)) == CLOSURE, "AdjustSize: index non-C!" );
+ if( actual(actual(index)) != GalleySym &&
+ actual(actual(index)) != ForceGalleySym )
+ {
+ debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize ret. at HEAD (not @Galley, so root)" );
+ return;
+ }
+ y = actual(index);
+ debug3(DSA, DD, "AdjustSize jumping to y = %s of size %s,%s",
+ Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)));
+ }
+ break;
+ case SPLIT:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ break;
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ if( (dim==COLM) == (type(y)==HSCALE) )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at HSCALE or VSCALE");
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ /* dubious, but not likely to arise in practice */
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ if( (dim==COLM) == (type(y)==HCOVER) )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at HCOVER or VCOVER");
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SCALE:
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { b *= bc(constraint(y)) / SF;
+ f *= bc(constraint(y)) / SF;
+ }
+ else
+ { b *= fc(constraint(y)) / SF;
+ f *= fc(constraint(y)) / SF;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ROTATE:
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ RotateSize(&cby, &cfy, &rby, &rfy, x, sparec(constraint(y)));
+ if( cby != back(y, COLM) || cfy != fwd(y, COLM) )
+ AdjustSize(y, cby, cfy, COLM);
+ if( rby != back(y, ROWM) || rfy != fwd(y, ROWM) )
+ AdjustSize(y, rby, rfy, ROWM);
+ debug1(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at %s.", Image(type(y)));
+ return;
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ if( (type(y) == WIDE) == (dim == COLM) )
+ { if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, constraint(y)) )
+ { Error(16, 2, "size constraint %s,%s,%s broken by %s,%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(y),
+ EchoLength(bc(constraint(y))), EchoLength(bfc(constraint(y))),
+ EchoLength(fc(constraint(y))), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ SetConstraint(constraint(y), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, b+f, MAX_FULL_LENGTH);
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ EnlargeToConstraint(&b, &f, &constraint(y));
+ }
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = b;
+ fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ if( (type(y) == HLIMITED) == (dim == COLM) )
+ {
+ /* ***
+ Parent(z, UpDim(y, dim));
+ if( type(z) == ROW_THR || type(z) == COL_THR )
+ {
+ SetConstraint(constraint(y), back(z,dim), size(z,dim), fwd(z,dim));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetConstraint(constraint(y), back(y,dim), size(y,dim), fwd(y,dim));
+ }
+ if( !FitsConstraint(b, f, constraint(y)) )
+ { Error(16, 3, "%s of size %s,%s broken by %s,%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(y)),
+ EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ *** */
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ }
+ else
+ { back(x, dim) = b;
+ fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ if( (type(y) == HSHIFT) == (dim == COLM) )
+ { tf = FindShift(y, x, dim);
+ b = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, b + tf));
+ f = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, f - tf));
+ }
+ break;
+ case COL_THR:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ assert( (type(y)==COL_THR) == (dim==COLM), "AdjustSize: COL_THR!" );
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ b = find_max(b, back(y, dim));
+ f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim));
+ break;
+ case VCAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case ACAT:
+ if( (type(y) == VCAT) == (dim == ROWM) )
+ CatAdjustSize(x, &b, &f, ratm, y, dim);
+ else
+ {
+ /* let lp and rp be the gaps bracketing the components joined to x */
+ for( lp = PrevDown(link); lp != y; lp = PrevDown(lp) )
+ { Child(z, lp);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break;
+ }
+ for( rp = NextDown(link); rp != y; rp = NextDown(rp) )
+ { Child(z, rp);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && !join(gap(z)) ) break;
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ if( lp == y && rp == y )
+ {
+ /* if whole object is joined, do this */
+ b = find_max(b, back(y, dim));
+ f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim));
+ }
+ else
+ { /* if // or || is present, do this */
+ tb = tf = 0;
+ for( link = NextDown(lp); link != rp; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ || is_index(type(z)) ) continue;
+ tb = find_max(tb, back(z, dim));
+ tf = find_max(tf, fwd(z, dim));
+ }
+ b = 0; f = find_max(tb + tf, fwd(y, dim));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ Error(16, 4, "size adjustment of %s not implemented",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ case VSPAN:
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ {
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ }
+ else Error(16, 4, "size adjustment of %s not implemented",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ case HSPAN:
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ {
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ }
+ else Error(16, 4, "size adjustment of %s not implemented",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ case HSPANNER:
+ case VSPANNER:
+ assert( (dim == COLM) == (type(y) == HSPANNER), "AdjustSize: span");
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ debug5(DSC, D, " adjusting %s from (%s,%s) to (%s,%s)",
+ Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ back(y, dim) = b; fwd(y, dim) = f;
+ debug1(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning at %s", Image(type(y)));
+ return;
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case CROSS:
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "AdjustSize:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ x = y;
+ } /* end while */
+ debug0(DSA, D, "] AdjustSize returning.");
+} /* end AdjustSize */
diff --git a/z17.c b/z17.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f57c92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z17.c
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+/*@z17.c:Gap Widths:GetGap()@*************************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z17.c */
+/* MODULE: Gap Widths */
+/* EXTERNS: GetGap(), MinGap(), ExtraGap(), ActualGap(), EchoGap() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* GetGap(x, style, res_gap, res_inc) */
+/* */
+/* Object x is expected to be a WORD or QWORD containing a gap: */
+/* */
+/* <gap> ::= [ <increment> ] <width> [ <mode> ] [ <nobreak> ] */
+/* ::= */
+/* */
+/* <nobreak> ::= u */
+/* <increment> ::= + | - */
+/* <width> ::= <unsigned number> <units> */
+/* <units> ::= c | i | p | m | f | s */
+/* ::= v | w | b | r | d | y | z */
+/* <mode> ::= e | h | x | o | k | t | n */
+/* */
+/* Set *res_gap to the gap in the strings of x; *res_inc is the increment. */
+/* The gap is calculated using the given style. */
+/* If the gap is empty, this is a synonym for 0ie. */
+/* If there is an error, GetGap prints a message and returns 0ie. */
+/* */
+#define setwidths(x, y) w = x; units(*res_gap) = y; break;
+void GetGap(OBJECT x, STYLE *style, GAP *res_gap, unsigned *res_inc)
+{ int w; float num;
+ FULL_CHAR *str;
+ debug2(DGW, DD, "GetGap( %s, %s, res_gap, res_inc )",
+ EchoObject(x), EchoStyle(style));
+ nobreak(*res_gap) = FALSE;
+ width(*res_gap) = 0; units(*res_gap) = FIXED_UNIT;
+ mode(*res_gap) = EDGE_MODE; *res_inc = GAP_ABS;
+ /* make sure we have a WORD or QWORD argument */
+ if( !is_word(type(x)) )
+ { Error(17, 1, "gap is not a simple word", WARN, &fpos(x));
+ debug1(DGW, DD, "GetGap failing (type(x) = %s)", Image(type(x)));
+ return;
+ }
+ str = string(x);
+ /* if word is empty, return 0ie */
+ if( *str == '\0' )
+ { debug0(DGW, DD, "GetGap returning (null word)");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* read the optional gap increment */
+ if( *str == CH_INCGAP ) *res_inc = GAP_INC, str++;
+ else if( *str == CH_DECGAP ) *res_inc = GAP_DEC, str++;
+ /* read the gap width */
+ if( sscanf((char *) str, "%f", &num) != 1 )
+ { Error(17, 2, "width missing from %s", WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ Error(17, 3, "%s, %s and %s must be enclosed in double quotes",
+ debug0(DGW, DD, "GetGap failing (width missing)");
+ return;
+ }
+ while( numericchar(*str) ) str++;
+ /* read the compulsory units, calculate length, and check reasonableness */
+ switch( *str++ )
+ {
+ case CH_UNIT_CM: setwidths( num*CM, FIXED_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_IN: setwidths( num*IN, FIXED_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_PT: setwidths( num*PT, FIXED_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_EM: setwidths( num*EM, FIXED_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_FT: setwidths( num*FontSize(font(*style), x), FIXED_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_SP: setwidths( num*width(space_gap(*style)), FIXED_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_VS: setwidths( num*width(line_gap(*style)), FIXED_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_YU: setwidths( num*yunit(*style), FIXED_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_ZU: setwidths( num*zunit(*style), FIXED_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_WD: setwidths( num*FR, NEXT_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_BD: setwidths( num*FR, FRAME_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_RL: setwidths( num*FR, AVAIL_UNIT );
+ case CH_UNIT_DG: if( *res_inc == GAP_DEC ) num = - num;
+ *res_inc = GAP_ABS;
+ while( num > 180.0 ) num -= 360.0;
+ while( num < -180.0 ) num += 360.0;
+ assert((num>=-180.0) && (num<=180.0), "GetGap: dg!");
+ setwidths( num*DG, DEG_UNIT );
+ default: Error(17, 4, "units letter missing from %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ debug0(DGW, DD, "GetGap failing (units letter missing)");
+ return;
+ }
+ if( units(*res_gap) == AVAIL_UNIT && w > FR )
+ { Error(17, 5, "%.1fr too large (1.0r substituted)", WARN, &fpos(x), num);
+ w = FR;
+ }
+ width(*res_gap) = w;
+ /* read the optional gap mode */
+ switch( *str )
+ {
+ case CH_NOBREAK:
+ case '\0': mode(*res_gap) = EDGE_MODE; break;
+ case CH_MODE_EDGE: mode(*res_gap) = EDGE_MODE; str++; break;
+ case CH_MODE_HYPH: mode(*res_gap) = HYPH_MODE; str++; break;
+ case CH_MODE_MARK: mode(*res_gap) = MARK_MODE; str++; break;
+ case CH_MODE_OVER: mode(*res_gap) = OVER_MODE; str++; break;
+ case CH_MODE_KERN: mode(*res_gap) = KERN_MODE; str++; break;
+ case CH_MODE_TABL: mode(*res_gap) = TAB_MODE; str++; break;
+ default: Error(17, 7, "unknown gap mode in %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ debug0(DGW, DD, "GetGap failing (spacing mode)");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* read the optional nobreak */
+ if( *str == CH_NOBREAK )
+ {
+ if( mode(*res_gap) == HYPH_MODE )
+ Error(17, 9, "replacing self-contradictory gap %s by breakable version",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ else nobreak(*res_gap) = TRUE;
+ str++;
+ }
+ /* if string has not terminated, error */
+ if( *str != '\0' )
+ Error(17, 8, "invalid width or gap %s", WARN, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ debug2(DGW, DD, "GetGap returning (res_gap = %s, res_inc = %s)",
+ EchoGap(res_gap), Image( (int) *res_inc) );
+} /* end GetGap */
+/* */
+/* FULL_LENGTH MinGap(a, b, c, xgap) */
+/* */
+/* Returns the minimum possible separation between the marks of two */
+/* objects with the given intervening gap. */
+/* The first object has fwd value a, the second has back value b and fwd c. */
+/* */
+{ FULL_LENGTH res; int w;
+ switch( units(*xgap) )
+ {
+ case FIXED_UNIT: w = width(*xgap);
+ break;
+ case FRAME_UNIT: w = 0;
+ break;
+ case AVAIL_UNIT: w = 0;
+ break;
+ case NEXT_UNIT: w = width(*xgap) * (b + c) / FR;
+ break;
+ default: assert(FALSE, "MinGap: units");
+ break;
+ }
+ switch( mode(*xgap) )
+ {
+ case NO_MODE: assert(FALSE, "MinGap: NO_MODE");
+ res = 0;
+ break;
+ case ADD_HYPH:
+ case HYPH_MODE:
+ case EDGE_MODE: res = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, a + w + b);
+ break;
+ case MARK_MODE: if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT )
+ res = find_max(w, a + b + (FULL_LENGTH) (0.1 * w) );
+ else
+ res = find_max(w, a + b);
+ break;
+ case OVER_MODE: res = w;
+ break;
+ case KERN_MODE: res = find_max(find_max(a, b), w);
+ break;
+ case TAB_MODE: res = a + b;
+ break;
+ default: assert(FALSE, "MinGap: mode");
+ res = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug5(DGW, DD, "MinGap( _,%s %s %s,%s ) = %s", EchoLength(a),
+ EchoGap(xgap), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(c), EchoLength(res) );
+ return res;
+} /* end MinGap */
+/* */
+/* FULL_LENGTH ExtraGap(a, b, xgap, dir) */
+/* */
+/* Consider two objects, the first with forward length a, the second with */
+/* back length b. The objects are separated by the given gap. */
+/* If dir == FWD, ExtraGap returns the maximum amount that a could be */
+/* increased without increasing MinGap(a, b, c, xgap). */
+/* If dir == BACK, similarly for b. */
+/* */
+FULL_LENGTH ExtraGap(FULL_LENGTH a, FULL_LENGTH b, GAP *xgap, int dir)
+{ FULL_LENGTH tmp, res;
+ FULL_LENGTH w = units(*xgap) == FIXED_UNIT ? width(*xgap) : 0;
+ switch( mode(*xgap) )
+ {
+ case NO_MODE: assert(FALSE, "ExtraGap: NO_MODE");
+ res = 0;
+ break;
+ case ADD_HYPH:
+ case HYPH_MODE:
+ case EDGE_MODE: res = 0;
+ break;
+ case MARK_MODE: if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT )
+ res = find_max(0, (FULL_LENGTH) (0.9 * w) - a - b);
+ else
+ res = find_max(0, w - a - b);
+ break;
+ break;
+ case KERN_MODE: tmp = find_max(a, find_max(b, w));
+ res = dir == BACK ? tmp - b : tmp - a;
+ break;
+ case TAB_MODE: res = 0;
+ break;
+ default: assert(FALSE, "ExtraGap: mode");
+ res = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug5(DGW, DD, "ExtraGap( %s, %s, %s, %s ) = %s", EchoLength(a),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoGap(xgap), Image(dir), EchoLength(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end ExtraGap */
+/* */
+/* FULL_LENGTH ActualGap(prevf, b, f, xgap, frame_size, mk) */
+/* */
+/* Returns the actual separation between the marks of an object of size */
+/* (?, prevf) and an object of size (b, f) separated by gap *xgap in a */
+/* frame of size frame_size; the first object lies at mk in the frame, */
+/* where 0 <= mk <= frame_size. */
+/* */
+ GAP *xgap, FULL_LENGTH frame_size, FULL_LENGTH mk)
+{ FULL_LENGTH res; int w, w2;
+ switch( units(*xgap) )
+ {
+ case FIXED_UNIT: w = width(*xgap);
+ break;
+ case FRAME_UNIT: if( width(*xgap) > FR )
+ else
+ w = (width(*xgap) * frame_size) / FR;
+ break;
+ case AVAIL_UNIT: w = (width(*xgap) * (frame_size - b - f)) / FR;
+ w = find_max(w, 0);
+ break;
+ case NEXT_UNIT: w = width(*xgap) * (b + f) / FR;
+ break;
+ default: assert(FALSE, "ActualGap: units");
+ break;
+ }
+ switch( mode(*xgap) )
+ {
+ case NO_MODE: Error(17, 10, "cannot continue after previous error(s)", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ assert(FALSE, "ActualGap: NO_MODE");
+ w2 = 0;
+ break;
+ case ADD_HYPH:
+ case HYPH_MODE:
+ case EDGE_MODE: w2 = prevf + w + b;
+ break;
+ case MARK_MODE: if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT )
+ w2 = find_max(w, prevf + b + (FULL_LENGTH) (0.1 * w) );
+ else
+ w2 = find_max(w, prevf + b);
+ break;
+ case OVER_MODE: w2 = w;
+ break;
+ case KERN_MODE: w2 = find_max( find_max(prevf, b), w);
+ break;
+ case TAB_MODE: w2 = w + b - mk;
+ w2 = find_max(w2, prevf + b );
+ break;
+ default: assert(FALSE, "ActualGap: mode");
+ w2 = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ res = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, w2);
+ debug7(DGW, D, "ActualGap( _,%s %s %s,%s; frame_size %s, mk %s ) = %s",
+ EchoLength(prevf), EchoGap(xgap), EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f),
+ EchoLength(frame_size), EchoLength(mk), EchoLength(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end ActualGap */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoGap(xgap) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a static string showing the indicated xgap. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoGap(GAP *xgap)
+{ char *letter = "?ehxokt"; char c; FULL_CHAR *res;
+ char *u;
+ static int i = 0;
+ static char buff[3][20];
+ assert( mode(*xgap) <= 6, "EchoGap: mode(*xgap)" );
+ c = letter[mode(*xgap)];
+ u = nobreak(*xgap) ? "u" : "";
+ switch( units(*xgap) )
+ {
+ case 0: sprintf(buff[i], "(none)%c", c);
+ break;
+ case FIXED_UNIT: sprintf(buff[i], "%.1fc%c%s", (float) width(*xgap)/CM, c,u);
+ break;
+ case NEXT_UNIT: sprintf(buff[i], "%.1fw%c%s", (float) width(*xgap)/FR, c,u);
+ break;
+ case FRAME_UNIT: sprintf(buff[i], "%.1fb%c%s", (float) width(*xgap)/FR, c,u);
+ break;
+ case AVAIL_UNIT: sprintf(buff[i], "%.1fr%c%s", (float) width(*xgap)/FR, c,u);
+ break;
+ case DEG_UNIT: sprintf(buff[i], "%.1fd", (float) width(*xgap) / DG);
+ break;
+ default: assert(FALSE, "EchoGap: units");
+ break;
+ }
+ res = AsciiToFull(buff[i]);
+ i = (i + 1) % 3;
+ return res;
+} /* end EchoGap */
diff --git a/z18.c b/z18.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05e32cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z18.c
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+/*@z18.c:Galley Transfer:Declarations@****************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z18.c */
+/* MODULE: Galley Transfer */
+/* EXTERNS: TransferInit(), TransferBegin(), TransferComponent(), */
+/* TransferEnd(), TransferClose() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define MAX_DEPTH 30 /* max depth of galleys */
+static OBJECT root_galley = nilobj; /* the root galley */
+static OBJECT targets[MAX_DEPTH]; /* currently open \Inputs */
+static CONSTRAINT constraints[MAX_DEPTH]; /* their COLM constraints */
+static int itop; /* stack top */
+static CONSTRAINT initial_constraint; /* initial COLM constraint */
+ STYLE InitialStyle; /* initial style */
+ OBJECT InitialEnvironment; /* initial environment */
+static void debug_targets(void)
+{ int i; OBJECT tmp;
+ for( i = 0; i <= itop; i++ )
+ { if( targets[i] == nilobj || Down(targets[i]) == targets[i] ) tmp = nilobj;
+ else Child(tmp, Down(targets[i]));
+ debug3(DGT, D, " target[%d] %s = %s", i,
+ EchoConstraint(&constraints[i]), EchoObject(tmp));
+ }
+} /* end debug_targets */
+/* */
+/* TransferInit(InitEnv) */
+/* */
+/* Initialise this module. The initial environment is InitEnv. */
+/* */
+void TransferInit(OBJECT InitEnv)
+{ OBJECT dest, x, y, recs, inners, nothing, dest_index, up_hd, why;
+ debug1(DGT, D, "[ TransferInit( %s )", EchoObject(InitEnv));
+ SetConstraint(initial_constraint,
+ /* set initial environment and style */
+ InitialEnvironment = InitEnv;
+ SetGap(line_gap(InitialStyle), FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,FIXED_UNIT,MARK_MODE,18*PT);
+ vadjust(InitialStyle) = FALSE;
+ hadjust(InitialStyle) = FALSE;
+ padjust(InitialStyle) = FALSE;
+ space_style(InitialStyle) = SPACE_LOUT;
+ SetGap(space_gap(InitialStyle), FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,FIXED_UNIT,EDGE_MODE,1*EM);
+ hyph_style(InitialStyle) = HYPH_UNDEF;
+ fill_style(InitialStyle) = FILL_UNDEF;
+ display_style(InitialStyle) = DISPLAY_UNDEF;
+ small_caps(InitialStyle) = SMALL_CAPS_OFF;
+ font(InitialStyle) = 0; /* i.e. undefined */
+ colour(InitialStyle) = 0; /* i.e. undefined */
+ language(InitialStyle) = 0; /* i.e. undefined */
+ yunit(InitialStyle) = 0; /* i.e. zero */
+ zunit(InitialStyle) = 0; /* i.e. zero */
+ nobreakfirst(InitialStyle) = FALSE;
+ nobreaklast(InitialStyle) = FALSE;
+ /* construct destination for root galley */
+ New(up_hd, HEAD);
+ force_gall(up_hd) = FALSE;
+ actual(up_hd) = enclose_obj(up_hd) = limiter(up_hd) = nilobj;
+ opt_components(up_hd) = opt_constraints(up_hd) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(up_hd) = ROWM;
+ New(dest_index, RECEIVING);
+ New(dest, CLOSURE); actual(dest) = PrintSym;
+ actual(dest_index) = dest;
+ debug2(DGT, D, "TransferInit setting external_ver(%s %s) = TRUE",
+ Image(type(dest)), SymName(actual(dest)));
+ external_ver(dest) = TRUE;
+ external_hor(dest) = FALSE;
+ threaded(dest) = FALSE;
+ blocked(dest_index) = FALSE;
+ Link(up_hd, dest_index);
+ /* construct root galley */
+ New(root_galley, HEAD);
+ force_gall(root_galley) = FALSE;
+ enclose_obj(root_galley) = limiter(root_galley) = nilobj;
+ opt_components(root_galley) = opt_constraints(root_galley) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(root_galley) = ROWM;
+ FposCopy(fpos(root_galley), *no_fpos);
+ actual(root_galley) = whereto(root_galley) = nilobj;
+ ready_galls(root_galley) = nilobj;
+ must_expand(root_galley) = sized(root_galley) =FALSE;
+ foll_or_prec(root_galley) = GALL_FOLL;
+ New(x, CLOSURE); actual(x) = InputSym;
+ Link(root_galley, x);
+ SizeGalley(root_galley, InitEnv, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &InitialStyle,
+ &initial_constraint, nilobj, &nothing, &recs, &inners, nilobj);
+ assert( recs == nilobj , "TransferInit: recs != nilobj!" );
+ assert( inners == nilobj , "TransferInit: inners != nilobj!" );
+ Link(dest_index, root_galley);
+ /* initialise target and constraint stacks */
+ Child(y, Down(root_galley));
+ assert( type(y) == RECEPTIVE && type(actual(y)) == CLOSURE &&
+ actual(actual(y)) == InputSym, "TransferInit: initial galley!" );
+ assert( external_ver(actual(y)), "TransferInit: input sym not external!" );
+ blocked(y) = TRUE;
+ itop = 0;
+ New(targets[itop], ACAT);
+ Link(targets[itop], y);
+ Constrained(actual(y), &constraints[itop], COLM, &why);
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "Constrained( %s, COLM ) = %s",
+ EchoObject(y), EchoConstraint(&constraints[itop]));
+ debug0(DGT, D, "] TransferInit returning.");
+ ifdebug(DGT, DD, debug_targets());
+} /* end TransferInit */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT TransferBegin(x) */
+/* */
+/* Commence the transfer of a new galley whose header is invocation x. */
+/* */
+OBJECT TransferBegin(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT xsym, index, y, link, env, new_env, hold_env, res, hd, target, why;
+ debug1(DGT, D, "[ [ TransferBegin( %s )", EchoObject(x));
+ ifdebug(DGT, DD, debug_targets());
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "TransferBegin: non-CLOSURE!" );
+ /* add an automatically generated @Tag parameter to x if required */
+ if( has_tag(actual(x)) ) CrossAddTag(x);
+ /* construct new (inner) env chain */
+ if( Down(targets[itop]) == targets[itop] )
+ Error(18, 1, "cannot attach galley %s", FATAL,&fpos(x),SymName(actual(x)));
+ Child(target, Down(targets[itop]));
+ xsym = actual(x);
+ env = GetEnv(actual(target));
+ debug1(DGT, DD, " current env chain: %s", EchoObject(env));
+ if( has_body(xsym) )
+ {
+ /* prepare a copy of x for inclusion in environment */
+ y = CopyObject(x, no_fpos);
+ /* attach its environment */
+ AttachEnv(env, y);
+ /* now the new environment is y catenated with the old one */
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, "calling SetEnv from TransferBegin (a)");
+ new_env = SetEnv(y, nilobj);
+ }
+ else new_env = env;
+ New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, new_env);
+ debug1(DGT, DD, " new env chain: %s", EchoObject(new_env));
+ /* convert x into an unsized galley called hd */
+ New(index, UNATTACHED);
+ pinpoint(index) = nilobj;
+ New(hd, HEAD);
+ FposCopy(fpos(hd), fpos(x));
+ actual(hd) = xsym;
+ limiter(hd) = opt_components(hd) = opt_constraints(hd) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(hd) = ROWM;
+ ready_galls(hd) = nilobj;
+ must_expand(hd) = TRUE;
+ sized(hd) = FALSE;
+ Link(index, hd);
+ Link(hd, x);
+ AttachEnv(env, x);
+ SetTarget(hd);
+ enclose_obj(hd) = (has_enclose(actual(hd)) ? BuildEnclose(hd) : nilobj);
+ /* search for destination for hd and release it */
+ Link(Up(target), index);
+ debug0(DGF,D, "");
+ debug1(DGF,D, " calling FlushGalley(%s) from TransferBegin, root_galley =",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ ifdebug(DGF, D, DebugGalley(root_galley, nilobj, 4));
+ if( whereto(hd) == nilobj || !uses_extern_target(whereto(hd)) ) /* &&& */
+ FlushGalley(hd);
+ /* if failed to flush, undo everything and exit */
+ Parent(index, Up(hd));
+ if( type(index) == UNATTACHED && !sized(hd) )
+ { DeleteNode(index);
+ DisposeObject(hold_env);
+ if( LastDown(x) != x )
+ { Child(env, LastDown(x));
+ if( type(env) == ENV ) DisposeChild(LastDown(x));
+ }
+ debug1(DGT,D, "] TransferBegin returning failed, x: %s", EchoObject(x));
+ return x;
+ }
+ if( has_rpar(actual(hd)) )
+ {
+ /* set up new target to be inner \InputSym, or nilobj if none */
+ if( ++itop >= MAX_DEPTH )
+ Error(18, 2, "galley nested too deeply (max is %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), MAX_DEPTH);
+ New(targets[itop], ACAT); target = nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == RECEPTIVE && actual(actual(y)) == InputSym )
+ {
+ Constrained(actual(y), &constraints[itop], COLM, &why);
+ if( FitsConstraint(0, 0, constraints[itop]) )
+ { Link(targets[itop], y); target = y;
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "Constrained( %s, COLM ) = %s",
+ EchoObject(y), EchoConstraint(&constraints[itop]));
+ env = DetachEnv(actual(y));
+ AttachEnv(new_env, actual(y));
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(18, 3, "galley %s deleted (insufficient width at target)",
+ WARN, &fpos(hd), SymName(actual(hd)));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* return a token appropriate to the new target */
+ if( target == nilobj || external_ver(actual(target)) )
+ res = NewToken(GSTUB_EXT, no_fpos, 0, 0, precedence(xsym), nilobj);
+ else
+ { Constrained(actual(target), &c, ROWM, &why);
+ if( constrained(c) )
+ Error(18, 4, "right parameter of %s is vertically constrained",
+ FATAL, &fpos(target), SymName(xsym));
+ else res = NewToken(GSTUB_INT, no_fpos, 0, 0, precedence(xsym), nilobj);
+ }
+ debug1(DGT, D, "] TransferBegin returning %s", Image(type(res)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = NewToken(GSTUB_NONE, no_fpos, 0, 0, precedence(xsym), nilobj);
+ debug1(DGT, D, "] TransferBegin returning %s", Image(type(res)));
+ }
+ DisposeObject(hold_env);
+ ifdebug(DGT, DD, debug_targets());
+ return res;
+} /* end TransferBegin */
+/* */
+/* TransferComponent(x) */
+/* */
+/* Transfer component x of a galley. */
+/* */
+void TransferComponent(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT y, env, start_search, recs, inners, nothing, hd, dest, dest_index;
+ debug1(DGT, D, "[ TransferComponent( %s )", EchoObject(x));
+ ifdebug(DGT, DD, debug_targets());
+ /* if no dest_index, discard x and exit */
+ if( Down(targets[itop]) == targets[itop] )
+ { DisposeObject(x);
+ debug0(DGT, D, "] TransferComponent returning (no target).");
+ return;
+ }
+ Child(dest_index, Down(targets[itop]));
+ assert( external_ver(actual(dest_index)), "TransferComponent: internal!" );
+ /* make the component into a galley */
+ New(hd, HEAD);
+ force_gall(hd) = FALSE;
+ enclose_obj(hd) = limiter(hd) = nilobj;
+ opt_components(hd) = opt_constraints(hd) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(hd) = ROWM;
+ FposCopy(fpos(hd), fpos(x));
+ actual(hd) = whereto(hd) = ready_galls(hd) = nilobj;
+ foll_or_prec(hd) = GALL_FOLL;
+ must_expand(hd) = sized(hd) = FALSE;
+ Link(hd, x);
+ dest = actual(dest_index);
+ env = GetEnv(dest);
+ debug1(DGT, DD, " current env chain: %s", EchoObject(env));
+ SizeGalley(hd, env, TRUE, threaded(dest), FALSE, TRUE, &save_style(dest),
+ &constraints[itop], nilobj, &nothing, &recs, &inners, nilobj);
+ if( recs != nilobj ) ExpandRecursives(recs);
+ debug3(DSA, D, "after SizeGalley, hd width is (%s,%s), constraint was %s",
+ EchoLength(back(hd, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(hd, COLM)),
+ EchoConstraint(&constraints[itop]));
+ /* promote the components, remembering where old spot was */
+ start_search = PrevDown(Up(dest_index));
+ debug1(DSA, D, " calling AdjustSize from TransferComponent %s",
+ EchoFilePos(&fpos(hd)));
+ ifdebug(DSA, D,
+ Child(y, Down(hd));
+ while( type(y) == VCAT ) Child(y, Down(y));
+ debug2(DSA, D, " first component is %s at %s",
+ Image(type(y)), EchoFilePos(&fpos(y)));
+ if( NextDown(Down(hd)) != hd && NextDown(NextDown(Down(hd))) != hd )
+ { Child(y, NextDown(NextDown(Down(hd))));
+ debug2(DSA, D, " second component is %s at %s",
+ Image(type(y)), EchoFilePos(&fpos(y)));
+ }
+ );
+ AdjustSize(dest, back(hd, COLM), fwd(hd, COLM), COLM);
+ Promote(hd, hd, dest_index, FALSE);
+ DeleteNode(hd);
+ /* flush any widowed galleys attached to \Input */
+ if( Down(dest_index) != dest_index )
+ { OBJECT tinners, index;
+ New(tinners, ACAT);
+ while( Down(dest_index) != dest_index )
+ { Child(y, Down(dest_index));
+ assert( type(y) == HEAD, "TransferComponent: input child!" );
+ if( opt_components(y) != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(opt_components(y));
+ opt_components(y) = nilobj;
+ debug1(DOG, D, "TransferComponent de-optimizing %s (@Input case)",
+ SymName(actual(y)));
+ }
+ DetachGalley(y);
+ Parent(index, Up(y));
+ MoveLink(Up(index), NextDown(start_search), PARENT);
+ Link(tinners, index);
+ }
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from TransferComponent (a)");
+ FlushInners(tinners, nilobj);
+ }
+ /* flush any galleys inside hd */
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from TransferComponent (b)");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ }
+ /* flush parent galley, if needed */
+ if( blocked(dest_index) )
+ { blocked(dest_index) = FALSE;
+ Parent(y, Up(dest_index));
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushGalley from TransferComponent");
+ FlushGalley(y);
+ }
+ debug0(DGT, D, "] TransferComponent returning.");
+ ifdebug(DGT, DD, debug_targets());
+} /* end TransferComponent */
+/* */
+/* TransferEnd(x) */
+/* */
+/* End the transfer of a galley. */
+/* */
+void TransferEnd(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT recs, inners, nothing, z, env, dest, hd, dest_index, y, start_search;
+ debug1(DGT, D, "[ TransferEnd( %s )", EchoObject(x));
+ ifdebug(DGT, DD, debug_targets());
+ /* if no dest_index, discard x and exit */
+ if( Down(targets[itop]) == targets[itop] )
+ { DisposeObject(x); DisposeObject(targets[itop--]);
+ debug0(DGT, D, "] TransferEnd returning: no dest_index");
+ return;
+ }
+ Child(dest_index, Down(targets[itop]));
+ /* make the component into a galley */
+ New(hd, HEAD); FposCopy(fpos(hd), fpos(x));
+ force_gall(hd) = FALSE;
+ enclose_obj(hd) = limiter(hd) = nilobj;
+ opt_components(hd) = opt_constraints(hd) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(hd) = ROWM;
+ actual(hd) = whereto(hd) = ready_galls(hd) = nilobj;
+ foll_or_prec(hd) = GALL_FOLL;
+ must_expand(hd) = sized(hd) = FALSE;
+ Link(hd, x); dest = actual(dest_index); env = GetEnv(dest);
+ debug1(DGT, DD, " current env chain: %s", EchoObject(env));
+ SizeGalley(hd, env, external_ver(dest), threaded(dest), FALSE, TRUE,
+ &save_style(dest), &constraints[itop], nilobj, &nothing, &recs, &inners,
+ nilobj);
+ if( recs != nilobj ) ExpandRecursives(recs);
+ debug3(DSA, D, "after SizeGalley, hd width is (%s,%s), constraint was %s",
+ EchoLength(back(hd, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(hd, COLM)),
+ EchoConstraint(&constraints[itop]));
+ /* promote the components, remembering where old spot was */
+ start_search = PrevDown(Up(dest_index));
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize from TransferEnd (a)");
+ AdjustSize(dest, back(hd, COLM), fwd(hd, COLM), COLM);
+ if( !external_ver(dest) )
+ { Child(z, LastDown(hd));
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize from TransferEnd (b)");
+ AdjustSize(dest, back(z, ROWM), fwd(z, ROWM), ROWM);
+ Interpose(dest, VCAT, hd, z);
+ }
+ Promote(hd, hd, dest_index, TRUE); DeleteNode(hd);
+ /* flush any widowed galleys attached to \Input */
+ if( Down(dest_index) != dest_index )
+ { OBJECT tinners, index;
+ New(tinners, ACAT);
+ while( Down(dest_index) != dest_index )
+ { Child(y, Down(dest_index));
+ assert( type(y) == HEAD, "TransferEnd: input child!" );
+ if( opt_components(y) != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(opt_components(y));
+ opt_components(y) = nilobj;
+ debug1(DOG, D, "TransferEnd de-optimizing %s (@Input case)",
+ SymName(actual(y)));
+ }
+ DetachGalley(y);
+ Parent(index, Up(y));
+ MoveLink(Up(index), NextDown(start_search), PARENT);
+ Link(tinners, index);
+ }
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from TransferEnd (a)");
+ FlushInners(tinners, nilobj);
+ }
+ /* flush any galleys inside hd */
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from TransferEnd (b)");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ }
+ /* close dest_index, and flush parent galley if needed */
+ if( blocked(dest_index) )
+ { Parent(y, Up(dest_index));
+ DeleteNode(dest_index);
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushGalley from TransferEnd");
+ FlushGalley(y);
+ }
+ else DeleteNode(dest_index);
+ /* pop target stack and exit */
+ DisposeObject(targets[itop--]);
+ debug0(DGT, D, "] ] TransferEnd returning.");
+ ifdebug(DGT, DD, debug_targets());
+} /* end TransferEnd */
+/* */
+/* TransferClose() */
+/* */
+/* Close this module. */
+/* */
+void TransferClose(void)
+{ OBJECT inners;
+ debug0(DGT, D, "[ TransferClose()");
+ ifdebug(DGT, DD, debug_targets());
+ debug0(DGA, D, " calling FreeGalley from TransferClose");
+ if( LastDown(root_galley) != root_galley )
+ { inners = nilobj;
+ FreeGalley(root_galley, root_galley, &inners, nilobj, nilobj);
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from TransferClose");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ }
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushGalley from TransferClose");
+ FlushGalley(root_galley);
+ }
+ debug0(DGT, D, "] TransferClose returning.");
diff --git a/z19.c b/z19.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b35de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z19.c
@@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
+/*@z19.c:Galley Attaching:DetachGalley()@*************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z19.c */
+/* MODULE: Galley Attaching */
+/* EXTERNS: SearchGalley(), AttachGalley(), DetachGalley() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* OBJECT InterposeScale(y, scale_factor, dim) */
+/* */
+/* Interpose a @Scale symbol above y with the given scale factor. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT InterposeScale(OBJECT y, int scale_factor, int dim)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ New(res, SCALE);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(y));
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { bc(constraint(res)) = scale_factor;
+ fc(constraint(res)) = 1 * SF;
+ }
+ else
+ { bc(constraint(res)) = 1 * SF;
+ fc(constraint(res)) = scale_factor;
+ }
+ back(res, dim) = (back(y, dim) * scale_factor) / SF;
+ fwd(res, dim) = (fwd(y, dim) * scale_factor) / SF;
+ back(res, 1-dim) = back(y, 1-dim);
+ fwd(res, 1-dim) = fwd(y, 1-dim);
+ ReplaceNode(res, y);
+ Link(res, y);
+ return res;
+} /* end InterposeScale */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT InterposeWideOrHigh(y, dim) */
+/* */
+/* Interpose a @Wide or @High symbol above y with the same size as y, with */
+/* a value which prevents any further increase in the size of y. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT InterposeWideOrHigh(OBJECT y, int dim)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ New(res, dim == COLM ? WIDE : HIGH);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(y));
+ back(res, dim) = back(y, dim);
+ fwd(res, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ back(res, 1-dim) = back(y, 1-dim);
+ fwd(res, 1-dim) = fwd(y, 1-dim);
+ SetConstraint(constraint(res), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, size(res, dim), MAX_FULL_LENGTH);
+ ReplaceNode(res, y);
+ Link(res, y);
+ return res;
+} /* end InterposeWideOrHigh */
+/* */
+/* DetachGalley(hd) */
+/* */
+/* Detach galley hd from its target. */
+/* */
+void DetachGalley(OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT prnt, index;
+ assert( type(hd) == HEAD && Up(hd) != hd, "DetachGalley: precondition!" );
+ debug1(DGA, D, "DetachGalley( %s )", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ Parent(prnt, Up(hd));
+ assert( Up(prnt) != prnt, "DetachGalley: parent!" );
+ New(index, UNATTACHED);
+ pinpoint(index) = nilobj;
+ MoveLink(Up(hd), index, PARENT);
+ Link(NextDown(Up(prnt)), index);
+ debug0(DGA, D, "DetachGalley returning.");
+} /* end DetachGalley */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT SearchGalley(start, sym, forwards, subgalleys, closures, input) */
+/* */
+/* Search a galley and its sub-galleys for a target which uses sym. The */
+/* meanings of the flags are as follows: */
+/* */
+/* forwards If TRUE, search forwards from just after start, else */
+/* search backwards from just before start */
+/* subgalleys If TRUE, search down into sub-galleys of this galley */
+/* closures If TRUE, closures in this galley are acceptable results */
+/* input If TRUE, InputSym is an acceptable result */
+/* */
+OBJECT SearchGalley(OBJECT start, OBJECT sym, BOOLEAN forwards,
+BOOLEAN subgalleys, BOOLEAN closures, BOOLEAN input)
+{ OBJECT y, res, z, zlink, link;
+ debug5(DGA, DD, "[ SearchGalley(start, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", SymName(sym),
+ forwards ? "fwd" : "back", subgalleys ? "subgalleys" : "nosubgalleys",
+ closures ? "closures" : "noclosures", input ? "input" : "noinput");
+ assert( type(start) == LINK || type(start) == HEAD, "SearchGalley: start!" );
+ link = forwards ? NextDown(start) : PrevDown(start);
+ res = nilobj;
+ while( res == nilobj && type(link) != HEAD )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ debug1(DGA, DD, " examining %s", EchoIndex(y));
+ if( subgalleys )
+ for( zlink = Down(y); zlink!=y && res==nilobj; zlink=NextDown(zlink) )
+ { Child(z, zlink);
+ res = SearchGalley(z, sym, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, input);
+ }
+ if( res == nilobj && input && type(y) == RECEIVING &&
+ actual(actual(y)) == InputSym )
+ res = y;
+ break;
+ debug1(DGA, DD, " examining %s", EchoIndex(y));
+ if( closures && type(actual(y)) == CLOSURE
+ && SearchUses(actual(actual(y)), sym) ) res = y;
+ else if( input && actual(actual(y)) == InputSym ) res = y;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ link = forwards ? NextDown(link) : PrevDown(link);
+ }
+ debug1(DGA, DD, "] SearchGalley returning %s", EchoIndex(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end SearchGalley */
+/* */
+/* int AttachGalley(hd, inners, suspend_pt) */
+/* */
+/* Attach galley hd, which may be unsized, to a destination. This involves */
+/* searching for a destination forward or back from the attachment point of */
+/* hd and promoting up to and including the first definite component of hd. */
+/* */
+/* Although AttachGalley never flushes any galleys, it may identify some */
+/* galleys which should be flushed, even if the attach is itself not */
+/* successful. These are returned in *inners, or nilobj if none. */
+/* */
+/* The integer returned by AttachGalley indicates what happened to hd: */
+/* */
+/* ATTACH_KILLED The galley was sized to begin with but no target */
+/* for it could be found. The galley has been killed */
+/* and that's the end of it. */
+/* */
+/* ATTACH_INPUT When searching for a target for the galley we came */
+/* upon InputSym, suggesting that the target might be */
+/* still to be read. So the galley has been linked to */
+/* that InputSym and must now wait. */
+/* */
+/* ATTACH_NOTARGET The galley is unsized and no target could be found */
+/* for it. This is fine, it just means that we can't */
+/* flush the galley now and we must try again later. */
+/* */
+/* ATTACH_SUSPEND The galley is sized and a target was found for it, */
+/* but the first component of the galley proved to be */
+/* indefinite so could not be promoted. The galley */
+/* remains unattached but is moved to just before its */
+/* target so that it can find it easily later when its */
+/* first component becomes definite and it is flushed. */
+/* */
+/* ATTACH_NULL The galley is sized and a target was found for it, */
+/* but the body of the galley proved to be null (i.e. */
+/* there were no definite components to be flushed). */
+/* This is to be treated just like the normal case */
+/* following, except that the target is replaced by */
+/* @Null rather than by its body. */
+/* */
+/* ATTACH_ACCEPT The galley is sized and a target was found for it, */
+/* and one component of the galley has been promoted. */
+/* */
+int AttachGalley(OBJECT hd, OBJECT *inners, OBJECT *suspend_pt)
+{ OBJECT hd_index; /* the index of hd in the enclosing galley */
+ OBJECT hd_inners; /* inner galleys of hd, if unsized */
+ OBJECT dest; /* the target @Galley hd empties into */
+ OBJECT dest_index; /* the index of dest */
+ OBJECT target; /* the target indefinite containing dest */
+ OBJECT target_index; /* the index of target */
+ OBJECT target_galley; /* the body of target, made into a galley */
+ OBJECT tg_inners; /* inner galleys of target_galley */
+ BOOLEAN need_precedes; /* true if destination lies before galley */
+ OBJECT recs; /* list of recursive definite objects */
+ OBJECT link, y; /* for scanning through the components of hd */
+ CONSTRAINT c; /* temporary variable holding a constraint */
+ OBJECT env, n1, tmp, zlink, z, sym; /* placeholders and temporaries */
+ BOOLEAN was_sized; /* true if sized(hd) initially */
+ int dim; /* the galley direction */
+ FULL_LENGTH perp_back, perp_fwd;
+ OBJECT why, junk;
+ debug2(DGA, D, "[ AttachGalley(Galley %s into %s)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)));
+ ifdebug(DGA, DD, DebugGalley(hd, nilobj, 4));
+ assert( Up(hd) != hd, "AttachGalley: no index!" );
+ Parent(hd_index, Up(hd));
+ assert( type(hd_index) == UNATTACHED, "AttachGalley: not UNATTACHED!" );
+ hd_inners = tg_inners = nilobj;
+ was_sized = sized(hd);
+ dim = gall_dir(hd);
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Search for a destination for hd. If hd is unsized, search for */
+ /* inner galleys preceding it first of all, then for receptive objects */
+ /* following it, possibly in inner galleys. If no luck, exit. */
+ /* If hd is sized, search only for receptive objects in the current */
+ /* galley below the current spot, and fail if cannot find any. */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ sym = whereto(hd);
+ if( sized(hd) )
+ {
+ /* sized galley case: search on from current spot */
+ target_index = SearchGalley(Up(hd_index), sym, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
+ if( target_index == nilobj )
+ {
+ /* search failed to find any new target, so kill the galley */
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == SPLIT ) Child(y, DownDim(y, dim));
+ if( is_definite(type(y)) ) break;
+ }
+ if( link != hd )
+ Error(19, 1, "galley %s deleted from here (no target)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), SymName(actual(hd)));
+ if( hd_inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(hd_inners), hd_inners=nilobj;
+ if( tg_inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(tg_inners), tg_inners=nilobj;
+ KillGalley(hd, FALSE);
+ *inners = nilobj;
+ debug0(DGA, D, "] AttachGalley returning ATTACH_KILLED");
+ }
+ else if( actual(actual(target_index)) == InputSym )
+ {
+ /* search found input object, so suspend on that */
+ DeleteNode(hd_index);
+ Link(target_index, hd);
+ *inners = nilobj;
+ debug0(DGA, D, "] AttachGalley returning ATTACH_INPUT");
+ return ATTACH_INPUT;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* unsized galley, either backwards or normal */
+ {
+ if( foll_or_prec(hd) == GALL_PREC )
+ { target_index= SearchGalley(Up(hd_index), sym, FALSE, TRUE,TRUE,FALSE);
+ need_precedes = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ { target_index = SearchGalley(Up(hd_index), sym, FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE);
+ need_precedes = (target_index != nilobj);
+ if( target_index == nilobj )
+ target_index = SearchGalley(Up(hd_index), sym, TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE);
+ }
+ /* if no luck, exit without error */
+ if( target_index == nilobj )
+ { *inners = nilobj;
+ debug0(DGA, D, "] AttachGalley returning ATTACH_NOTARGET");
+ }
+ }
+ assert( type(target_index) == RECEPTIVE, "AttachGalley: target_index!" );
+ target = actual(target_index);
+ assert( type(target) == CLOSURE, "AttachGalley: target!" );
+ /* set target_galley to the expanded value of target */
+ debug1(DYY, D, "[ EnterErrorBlock(FALSE) (expanding target %s)",
+ SymName(actual(target)));
+ EnterErrorBlock(FALSE);
+ New(target_galley, HEAD);
+ force_gall(target_galley) = FALSE;
+ enclose_obj(target_galley) = limiter(target_galley) = nilobj;
+ opt_components(target_galley) = opt_constraints(target_galley) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(target_galley) = external_hor(target) ? COLM : ROWM;
+ FposCopy(fpos(target_galley), fpos(target));
+ actual(target_galley) = actual(target);
+ whereto(target_galley) = ready_galls(target_galley) = nilobj;
+ foll_or_prec(target_galley) = GALL_FOLL;
+ must_expand(target_galley) = FALSE;
+ sized(target_galley) = FALSE;
+ /* get perpendicular constraint (none if horizontal galley) */
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ {
+ Constrained(target, &c, 1-dim, &junk);
+ if( !constrained(c) )
+ Error(19, 2, "receptive symbol %s has unconstrained width",
+ FATAL, &fpos(target), SymName(actual(target)));
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "Constrained( %s, 1-dim ) = %s",
+ EchoObject(target), EchoConstraint(&c));
+ if( !FitsConstraint(0, 0, c) )
+ { debug0(DGA, D, " reject: target_galley horizontal constraint is -1");
+ y = nilobj;
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* actually unused */
+ debug1(DGA, DDD, " expanding %s", EchoObject(target));
+ tmp = CopyObject(target, no_fpos);
+ Link(target_galley, tmp);
+ env = DetachEnv(tmp);
+ debug4(DGM, D, " external_ver(%s) = %s, external_hor(%s) = %s",
+ SymName(actual(target)), bool(external_ver(target)),
+ SymName(actual(target)), bool(external_hor(target)));
+ SizeGalley(target_galley, env,
+ external_ver(target) || external_hor(target),
+ threaded(target), non_blocking(target_index),
+ trigger_externs(target_index), &save_style(target),
+ &c, whereto(hd), &dest_index, &recs, &tg_inners,
+ enclose_obj(hd) != nilobj ? CopyObject(enclose_obj(hd), no_fpos):nilobj);
+ debug1(DGA, DD, " SizeGalley tg_inners: %s", DebugInnersNames(tg_inners));
+ if( recs != nilobj ) ExpandRecursives(recs);
+ dest = actual(dest_index);
+ if( underline(dest) == UNDER_UNDEF ) underline(dest) = UNDER_OFF;
+ /* verify that hd satisfies any horizontal constraint on dest */
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ {
+ debug1(DGA, DDD, " checking hor fit of hd in %s",SymName(actual(dest)));
+ Constrained(dest, &c, 1-dim, &junk);
+ debug3(DSC, DD, "Constrained( %s, %s ) = %s",
+ EchoObject(dest), dimen(1-dim), EchoConstraint(&c));
+ assert( constrained(c), "AttachGalley: dest unconstrained!" );
+ if( !FitsConstraint(0, 0, c) )
+ { debug0(DGA, D, " reject: hd horizontal constraint is -1");
+ y = nilobj;
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ }
+ /* manifest and size the galley if not done yet */
+ if( !sized(hd) )
+ {
+ debug2(DYY, D, "[ EnterErrorBlock(TRUE) (sizing galley %s into %s)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)));
+ EnterErrorBlock(TRUE);
+ n1 = nilobj;
+ Child(y, Down(hd));
+ env = DetachEnv(y);
+ /*** threaded() only defined in ROWM case
+ SizeGalley(hd, env, TRUE, threaded(dest), non_blocking(target_index),
+ TRUE, &save_style(dest), &c, nilobj, &n1, &recs, &hd_inners);
+ *** */
+ SizeGalley(hd, env, TRUE, dim == ROWM ? threaded(dest) : FALSE,
+ non_blocking(target_index), TRUE, &save_style(dest), &c, nilobj,
+ &n1, &recs, &hd_inners, nilobj);
+ debug1(DGA,DD," SizeGalley hd_inners: %s", DebugInnersNames(hd_inners));
+ if( recs != nilobj ) ExpandRecursives(recs);
+ if( need_precedes ) /* need an ordering constraint */
+ { OBJECT index1, index2;
+ New(index1, PRECEDES);
+ New(index2, FOLLOWS);
+ blocked(index2) = FALSE;
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, no_fpos);
+ Link(index1, tmp); Link(index2, tmp);
+ Link(Up(hd_index), index1);
+ Link(Down(hd), index2);
+ debug0(DGA, D, " inserting PRECEDES and FOLLOWS");
+ }
+ LeaveErrorBlock(TRUE);
+ debug0(DYY, D, "] LeaveErrorBlock(TRUE) (finished sizing galley)");
+ }
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ { if( !FitsConstraint(back(hd, 1-dim), fwd(hd, 1-dim), c) )
+ { debug3(DGA, D, " reject: hd %s,%s does not fit target_galley %s",
+ EchoLength(back(hd, 1-dim)), EchoLength(fwd(hd, 1-dim)),
+ EchoConstraint(&c));
+ Error(19, 3, "too little horizontal space for galley %s at %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(hd), SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(actual(dest)));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check status of first component of hd */
+ debug0(DGA, DDD, " now ready to attach; hd =");
+ ifdebug(DGA, DDD, DebugObject(hd));
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(y, link);
+ debug1(DGA, DDD, " examining %s", EchoIndex(y));
+ if( type(y) == SPLIT ) Child(y, DownDim(y, dim));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case EXPAND_IND:
+ case SCALE_IND:
+ case COVER_IND:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ if( was_sized )
+ { /* SizeGalley was not called, so hd_inners was not set by it */
+ if( hd_inners == nilobj ) New(hd_inners, ACAT);
+ Link(hd_inners, y);
+ }
+ break;
+ goto SUSPEND;
+ goto SUSPEND;
+ case FOLLOWS:
+ Child(tmp, Down(y));
+ if( Up(tmp) == LastUp(tmp) )
+ { link = pred(link, CHILD);
+ debug0(DGA, DD, " disposing FOLLOWS");
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ }
+ Parent(tmp, Up(tmp));
+ assert(type(tmp) == PRECEDES, "Attach: PRECEDES!");
+ switch( CheckComponentOrder(tmp, target_index) )
+ {
+ case CLEAR: DeleteNode(tmp);
+ link = pred(link, CHILD);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ case PROMOTE: break;
+ case BLOCK: debug0(DGA, DD, "CheckContraint: BLOCK");
+ goto SUSPEND;
+ case CLOSE: debug0(DGA, D, " reject: CheckContraint");
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ underline(y) = underline(dest);
+ if( !join(gap(y)) ) seen_nojoin(hd) = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case CROSS:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ underline(y) = underline(dest);
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case SCALE:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case ACAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case VCAT:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ case COL_THR:
+ underline(y) = underline(dest);
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ {
+ /* make sure y is not joined to a target below (vertical only) */
+ for( zlink = NextDown(link); zlink != hd; zlink = NextDown(zlink) )
+ { Child(z, zlink);
+ switch( type(z) )
+ {
+ if( non_blocking(z) )
+ { zlink = PrevDown(zlink);
+ DeleteNode(z);
+ }
+ else
+ { y = z;
+ goto SUSPEND;
+ }
+ break;
+ if( non_blocking(z) )
+ { zlink = PrevDown(zlink);
+ while( Down(z) != z )
+ { Child(tmp, Down(y));
+ if( opt_components(tmp) != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(opt_components(tmp));
+ opt_components(tmp) = nilobj;
+ debug3(DOG, D, "AttachGalley(%s) de-optimizing %s %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(actual(tmp)), "(join)");
+ }
+ DetachGalley(tmp);
+ KillGalley(tmp, FALSE);
+ }
+ DeleteNode(z);
+ }
+ else
+ { y = z;
+ goto SUSPEND;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ if( !join(gap(z)) ) zlink = PrevDown(hd);
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if HCAT, try vertical hyphenation (vertical galleys only) */
+ if( type(y) == HCAT ) VerticalHyphenate(y);
+ }
+ /* check availability of parallel space for the first component */
+ why = nilobj;
+ Constrained(dest, &c, dim, &why);
+ debug3(DGF, DD, " dest parallel Constrained(%s, %s) = %s",
+ EchoObject(dest), dimen(dim), EchoConstraint(&c));
+ if( !FitsConstraint(back(y, dim), fwd(y, dim), c) )
+ { BOOLEAN scaled;
+ /* if forcing galley doesn't fit, try scaling first component */
+ scaled = FALSE;
+ if( force_gall(hd) && size(y, dim) > 0 )
+ { int scale_factor;
+ scale_factor = ScaleToConstraint(back(y,dim), fwd(y,dim), &c);
+ if( scale_factor > 0.5 * SF )
+ { char num1[20], num2[20];
+ sprintf(num1, "%.1fc", (float) size(y, dim) / CM);
+ sprintf(num2, "%.1fc", (float) bfc(c) / CM);
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ Error(19, 4, "%s object too high for %s space; %s inserted",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), num1, num2, KW_SCALE);
+ else
+ Error(19, 5, "%s object too wide for %s space; %s inserted",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), num1, num2, KW_SCALE);
+ y = InterposeScale(y, scale_factor, dim);
+ scaled = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* otherwise we must reject, and warn the user */
+ if( !scaled )
+ {
+ debug3(DGA, D, " reject: vsize %s,%s in %s; y=",
+ EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)),
+ EchoConstraint(&c));
+ ifdebug(DGA, D, DebugObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check availability of perpendicular space for first component */
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ { perp_back = back(hd, 1-dim); perp_fwd = fwd(hd, 1-dim);
+ }
+ else
+ { perp_back = back(y, 1-dim); perp_fwd = fwd(y, 1-dim);
+ }
+ Constrained(dest, &c, 1-dim, &junk);
+ debug3(DGF, DD, " dest perpendicular Constrained(%s, %s) = %s",
+ EchoObject(dest), dimen(1-dim), EchoConstraint(&c));
+ if( !FitsConstraint(perp_back, perp_fwd, c) )
+ { BOOLEAN scaled;
+ /* if forcing galley doesn't fit, try scaling first component */
+ scaled = FALSE;
+ if( force_gall(hd) && perp_back + perp_fwd > 0 )
+ { int scale_factor;
+ scale_factor = ScaleToConstraint(perp_back, perp_fwd, &c);
+ if( scale_factor > 0.5 * SF )
+ { char num1[20], num2[20];
+ sprintf(num1, "%.1fc", (float) (perp_back + perp_fwd) / CM);
+ sprintf(num2, "%.1fc", (float) bfc(c) / CM);
+ if( 1-dim == ROWM )
+ Error(19, 6, "%s object too high for %s space; %s inserted",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), num1, num2, KW_SCALE);
+ else
+ Error(19, 7, "%s object too wide for %s space; %s inserted",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), num1, num2, KW_SCALE);
+ y = InterposeScale(y, scale_factor, 1-dim);
+ scaled = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* otherwise we must reject, and warn the user */
+ if( !scaled )
+ {
+ debug3(DGA, D, " reject: vsize %s,%s in %s; y=",
+ EchoLength(perp_back), EchoLength(perp_fwd),
+ EchoConstraint(&c));
+ ifdebug(DGA, D, DebugObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ }
+ /* dest seems OK, so perform its size adjustments */
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize from AttachGalley (a)");
+ AdjustSize(dest, back(y, dim), fwd(y, dim), dim);
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize from AttachGalley (b)");
+ AdjustSize(dest, perp_back, perp_fwd, 1-dim);
+ /* now check parallel space for target_galley in target */
+ Constrained(target, &c, dim, &why);
+ debug3(DGF, DD, " target parallel Constrained(%s, %s) = %s",
+ EchoObject(target), dimen(dim), EchoConstraint(&c));
+ Child(z, LastDown(target_galley)); /* works in all cases? */
+ assert( !is_index(type(z)), "AttachGalley: is_index(z)!" );
+ assert( back(z, dim)>=0 && fwd(z, dim)>=0, "AttachGalley: z size!" );
+ if( !FitsConstraint(back(z, dim), fwd(z, dim), c) )
+ { BOOLEAN scaled;
+ debug2(DGA, D, " why = %d %s", (int) why, EchoObject(why));
+ debug2(DGA, D, " limiter = %d %s", (int) limiter(hd),
+ EchoObject(limiter(hd)));
+ /* if forcing galley doesn't fit, try scaling z */
+ scaled = FALSE;
+ if( force_gall(hd) && size(z, dim) > 0 && limiter(hd) != why )
+ { int scale_factor;
+ scale_factor = ScaleToConstraint(back(z,dim), fwd(z,dim), &c);
+ if( scale_factor > 0.5 * SF )
+ { char num1[20], num2[20];
+ sprintf(num1, "%.1fc", (float) size(z, dim) / CM);
+ sprintf(num2, "%.1fc", (float) bfc(c) / CM);
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ Error(19, 8, "%s object too high for %s space; %s inserted",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), num1, num2, KW_SCALE);
+ else
+ Error(19, 9, "%s object too wide for %s space; %s inserted",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), num1, num2, KW_SCALE);
+ z = InterposeWideOrHigh(z, dim);
+ z = InterposeScale(z, scale_factor, dim);
+ scaled = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !scaled )
+ {
+ limiter(hd) = why;
+ debug3(DGA, D, " set limiter(%s) = %d %s", SymName(actual(hd)),
+ (int) limiter(hd), EchoObject(limiter(hd)));
+ debug3(DGA, D, " reject: size was %s,%s in %s; y =",
+ EchoLength(back(z, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(z, dim)),
+ EchoConstraint(&c));
+ ifdebug(DGA, D, DebugObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ }
+ limiter(hd) = why;
+ debug3(DGA, D, " set limiter(%s) = %d %s", SymName(actual(hd)),
+ (int) limiter(hd), EchoObject(limiter(hd)));
+ /* now check perpendicular space for target_galley in target */
+ Constrained(target, &c, 1-dim, &junk);
+ debug3(DGF, DD, " target perpendicular Constrained(%s, %s) = %s",
+ EchoObject(target), dimen(1-dim), EchoConstraint(&c));
+ Child(z, LastDown(target_galley)); /* works in all cases? */
+ assert( !is_index(type(z)), "AttachGalley: is_index(z)!" );
+ assert( back(z, 1-dim)>=0 && fwd(z, 1-dim)>=0,
+ "AttachGalley: z size (perpendicular)!" );
+ if( !FitsConstraint(back(z, 1-dim), fwd(z, 1-dim), c) )
+ { BOOLEAN scaled;
+ /* if forcing galley doesn't fit, try scaling z */
+ scaled = FALSE;
+ if( force_gall(hd) && size(z, 1-dim) > 0 )
+ { int scale_factor;
+ scale_factor = ScaleToConstraint(back(z,1-dim), fwd(z,1-dim), &c);
+ if( scale_factor > 0.5 * SF )
+ { char num1[20], num2[20];
+ sprintf(num1, "%.1fc", (float) size(z, 1-dim) / CM);
+ sprintf(num2, "%.1fc", (float) bfc(c) / CM);
+ if( 1-dim == ROWM )
+ Error(19, 10, "%s object too high for %s space; %s inserted",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), num1, num2, KW_SCALE);
+ else
+ Error(19, 11, "%s object too wide for %s space; %s inserted",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), num1, num2, KW_SCALE);
+ z = InterposeWideOrHigh(z, 1-dim);
+ z = InterposeScale(z, scale_factor, 1-dim);
+ scaled = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !scaled )
+ {
+ debug3(DGA, D, " reject: size was %s,%s in %s; y =",
+ EchoLength(back(z, 1-dim)), EchoLength(fwd(z, 1-dim)),
+ EchoConstraint(&c));
+ ifdebug(DGA, D, DebugObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ }
+ /* target seems OK, so adjust sizes and accept */
+ if( external_hor(target) )
+ {
+ /* don't adjust any sizes, none to adjust */
+ debug0(DSA, D, "not calling AdjustSize from AttachGalley (c)");
+ }
+ else if( external_ver(target) )
+ {
+ /* adjust perp size only, to galley size */
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize from AttachGalley (d)");
+ AdjustSize(target, back(target_galley, 1-dim),
+ fwd(target_galley, 1-dim), 1-dim);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* adjust both directions, using z (last component) */
+ Child(z, LastDown(target_galley));
+ debug0(DSA, D, "AttachGalley AdjustSize using z =");
+ ifdebug(DSA, D, DebugObject(z));
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize from AttachGalley (e)");
+ AdjustSize(target, back(z, dim), fwd(z, dim), dim);
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize from AttachGalley (f)");
+ AdjustSize(target, back(z, 1-dim), fwd(z, 1-dim), 1-dim);
+ }
+ goto ACCEPT;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "AttachGalley:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end for */
+ /* null galley: promote whole galley without expanding the target */
+ debug0(DGA, D, " null galley");
+ if( tg_inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(tg_inners), tg_inners = nilobj;
+ DisposeObject(target_galley);
+ LeaveErrorBlock(FALSE);
+ debug0(DYY, D, "] LeaveErrorBlock(FALSE) (null galley)");
+ /* kill off any null objects within the galley, then transfer it */
+ /* don't use Promote() since it does extra unwanted things here */
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case CROSS:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ debug1(DGA, D, " null galley, disposing %s", Image(type(y)));
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TransferLinks(NextDown(hd), hd, Up(target_index));
+ /* attach hd temporarily to target_index */
+ MoveLink(Up(hd), target_index, PARENT);
+ assert( type(hd_index) == UNATTACHED, "AttachGalley: type(hd_index)!" );
+ DeleteNode(hd_index);
+ /* return; only hd_inners needs to be flushed now */
+ *inners = hd_inners;
+ debug0(DGA, D, "] AttachGalley returning ATTACH_NULL");
+ return ATTACH_NULL;
+ /* reject first component */
+ /* debug1(DGA, D, " reject %s", EchoObject(y)); */
+ debug0(DGA, D, " reject first component");
+ LeaveErrorBlock(TRUE);
+ debug0(DYY, D, "] LeaveErrorBlock(TRUE) (REJECT)");
+ if( tg_inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(tg_inners), tg_inners = nilobj;
+ DisposeObject(target_galley);
+ if( foll_or_prec(hd) == GALL_PREC && !sized(hd) )
+ {
+ /* move to just before the failed target */
+ MoveLink(Up(hd_index), Up(target_index), PARENT);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* move to just after the failed target */
+ MoveLink(Up(hd_index), NextDown(Up(target_index)), PARENT);
+ }
+ continue;
+ /* suspend at first component */
+ debug1(DGA, D, " suspend %s", EchoIndex(y));
+ blocked(y) = TRUE;
+ LeaveErrorBlock(FALSE);
+ debug0(DYY, D, "] LeaveErrorBlock(FALSE) (SUSPEND)");
+ if( tg_inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(tg_inners), tg_inners = nilobj;
+ DisposeObject(target_galley);
+ MoveLink(Up(hd_index), Up(target_index), PARENT);
+ if( was_sized )
+ { /* nothing new to flush if suspending and already sized */
+ if( hd_inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(hd_inners), hd_inners=nilobj;
+ *inners = nilobj;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* flush newly discovered inners if not sized before */
+ *inners = hd_inners;
+ }
+ debug0(DGA, D, "] AttachGalley returning ATTACH_SUSPEND");
+ *suspend_pt = y;
+ /* accept first component; now committed to the attach */
+ debug3(DGA, D, " accept %s %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y),
+ EchoFilePos(&fpos(y)));
+ LeaveErrorBlock(TRUE);
+ debug0(DYY, D, "] LeaveErrorBlock(TRUE) (ACCEPT)");
+ /* attach hd to dest */
+ MoveLink(Up(hd), dest_index, PARENT);
+ assert( type(hd_index) == UNATTACHED, "AttachGalley: type(hd_index)!" );
+ DeleteNode(hd_index);
+ /* move first component of hd into dest */
+ /* nb Interpose must be done after all AdjustSize calls */
+ if( dim == ROWM && !external_ver(dest) )
+ Interpose(dest, VCAT, hd, y);
+ else if( dim == COLM && !external_hor(dest) )
+ { Interpose(dest, ACAT, y, y);
+ Parent(junk, Up(dest));
+ assert( type(junk) == ACAT, "AttachGalley: type(junk) != ACAT!" );
+ StyleCopy(save_style(junk), save_style(dest));
+ adjust_cat(junk) = padjust(save_style(junk));
+ }
+ Promote(hd, link == hd ? hd : NextDown(link), dest_index, TRUE);
+ /* move target_galley into target */
+ /* nb Interpose must be done after all AdjustSize calls */
+ if( !(external_ver(target) || external_hor(target)) )
+ { Child(z, LastDown(target_galley));
+ Interpose(target, VCAT, z, z);
+ }
+ Promote(target_galley, target_galley, target_index, TRUE);
+ DeleteNode(target_galley);
+ assert(Down(target_index)==target_index, "AttachGalley: target_ind");
+ if( blocked(target_index) ) blocked(dest_index) = TRUE;
+ DeleteNode(target_index);
+ /* return; both tg_inners and hd_inners need to be flushed now; */
+ /* if was_sized, hd_inners contains the inners of the first component; */
+ /* otherwise it contains the inners of all components, from SizeGalley */
+ if( tg_inners == nilobj ) *inners = hd_inners;
+ else if( hd_inners == nilobj ) *inners = tg_inners;
+ else
+ { TransferLinks(Down(hd_inners), hd_inners, tg_inners);
+ DeleteNode(hd_inners);
+ *inners = tg_inners;
+ }
+ debug0(DGA, D, "] AttachGalley returning ATTACH_ACCEPT");
+ ifdebug(DGA, D,
+ if( dim == COLM && !external_hor(dest) )
+ { OBJECT z;
+ Parent(z, Up(dest));
+ debug2(DGA, D, " COLM dest_encl on exit = %s %s",
+ Image(type(z)), EchoObject(z));
+ }
+ )
+ } /* end for */
+} /* end AttachGalley */
diff --git a/z20.c b/z20.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405599a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z20.c
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+/*@z20.c:Galley Flushing:DebugInnersNames()@**********************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z20.c */
+/* MODULE: Galley Flushing */
+/* EXTERNS: FlushGalley() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+FULL_CHAR *DebugInnersNames(OBJECT inners)
+{ static FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF];
+ OBJECT link, y, z;
+ StringCopy(buff, STR_EMPTY);
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ { for( link = Down(inners); link != inners; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( link != Down(inners) ) StringCat(buff, STR_SPACE);
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ assert( Down(y) != y, "DebugInnersNames: UNATTACHED!");
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ StringCat(buff, SymName(actual(z)));
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case DEAD:
+ StringCat(buff, Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "DebugInnersNames:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return buff;
+} /* end DebugInnersNames */
+/*@::ParentFlush(), FlushGalley()@********************************************/
+/* */
+/* ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, kill) */
+/* */
+/* Flush the galley which is the parent of dest_index, if likely to flush. */
+/* If kill is TRUE, delete dest_index. */
+/* */
+static void ParentFlush(BOOLEAN prnt_flush, OBJECT dest_index, BOOLEAN kill)
+{ OBJECT prnt;
+ debug3(DGF, D, "ParentFlush(%s, %s, %s)",
+ bool(prnt_flush), EchoIndex(dest_index), bool(kill));
+ if( prnt_flush )
+ { Parent(prnt, Up(dest_index));
+ if( kill ) DeleteNode(dest_index);
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushGalley from ParentFlush");
+ FlushGalley(prnt);
+ }
+ else if( kill ) DeleteNode(dest_index)
+ debug0(DGF, D, "ParentFlush returning.");
+} /* end ParentFlush */
+/* */
+/* FlushGalley(hd) */
+/* */
+/* Flush galley hd as far as possible. It could be the root galley. */
+/* */
+void FlushGalley(OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT dest; /* the target galley hd empties into */
+ OBJECT dest_index; /* the index of dest */
+ OBJECT inners; /* list of galleys and PRECEDES to flush */
+ OBJECT link, y; /* for scanning through the components of hd */
+ int dim; /* direction of galley */
+ CONSTRAINT dest_par_constr; /* the parallel size constraint on dest */
+ CONSTRAINT dest_perp_constr; /* the perpendicular size constraint on dest */
+ int pb, pf, f; /* candidate replacement sizes for dest */
+ OBJECT dest_encl; /* the VCAT or ACAT enclosing dest, if any */
+ int dest_side; /* if dest_encl != nilobj, side dest is on */
+ BOOLEAN need_adjust; /* TRUE as soon as dest_encl needs adjusting */
+ FULL_LENGTH dest_back, dest_fwd; /* the current size of dest_encl or dest */
+ FULL_LENGTH frame_size; /* the total constraint of dest_encl */
+ OBJECT prec_gap; /* the gap preceding dest if any else nilobj */
+ OBJECT prec_def; /* the component preceding dest, if any */
+ OBJECT succ_gap; /* the gap following dest if any else nilobj */
+ OBJECT succ_def; /* the component following dest, if any */
+ OBJECT stop_link; /* most recently seen gap link of hd */
+ FULL_LENGTH stop_back; /* back(dest_encl) incl all before stop_link */
+ FULL_LENGTH stop_fwd; /* fwd(dest_encl) incl. all before stop_link */
+ FULL_LENGTH stop_perp_back; /* back(dest_encl) in other direction */
+ FULL_LENGTH stop_perp_fwd; /* fwd(dest_encl) in other direction */
+ BOOLEAN prnt_flush; /* TRUE when the parent of hd needs a flush */
+ BOOLEAN target_is_internal; /* TRUE if flushing into an internal target */
+ OBJECT zlink, z, tmp, prnt; int attach_status; BOOLEAN remove_target;
+ OBJECT why;
+ FULL_LENGTH perp_back, perp_fwd; /* current perp size of dest_encl */
+ debug1(DGF, D, "[ FlushGalley %s (hd)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ prnt_flush = FALSE;
+ dim = gall_dir(hd);
+ assert( type(hd) == HEAD, "FlushGalley: type(hd) != HEAD!" );
+ debug1(DGF, D, " resuming FlushGalley %s, hd =", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ ifdebugcond(DGF, D, actual(hd) == nilobj, DebugGalley(hd, nilobj, 4));
+ assert( Up(hd) != hd, "FlushGalley: resume found no parent to hd!" );
+ /*@@************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* The first step is to examine the parent of galley hd to determine the */
+ /* status of the galley. If this is not suitable for flushing, we do */
+ /* what we can to change the status. If still no good, return; so if */
+ /* this code does not return, then the galley is ready to flush into a */
+ /* destination in the normal way, and the following variables are set: */
+ /* */
+ /* dest_index the parent of the galley and index of its destination */
+ /* dest the destination of the galley, a @Galley object */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ Parent(dest_index, Up(hd));
+ switch( type(dest_index) )
+ {
+ case DEAD:
+ /* the galley has been killed off while this process was sleeping */
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (DEAD)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ /* the galley is currently not attached to a destination */
+ attach_status = AttachGalley(hd, &inners, &y);
+ debug1(DGF, D, " ex-AttachGalley inners: %s", DebugInnersNames(inners));
+ Parent(dest_index, Up(hd));
+ switch( attach_status )
+ {
+ assert(inners==nilobj, "FlushGalley/ATTACH_KILLED: inners!=nilobj!");
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (ATTACH_KILLED)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ debug1(DGF, D, " prnt_flush = %s", bool(prnt_flush));
+ return;
+ ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE);
+ assert(inners==nilobj, "FlushGalley/ATTACH_INPUT: inners!=nilobj!");
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (ATTACH_INPUT)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE);
+ assert(inners==nilobj, "FlushGalley/ATTACH_NOTARG: inners!=nilobj!");
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (ATTACH_NOTARGET)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ /* AttachGalley only returns inners here if they really need to */
+ /* be flushed; in particular the galley must be unsized before */
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (a)");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ stop_link = nilobj;
+ goto SUSPEND; /* nb y will be set by AttachGalley in this case */
+ /* hd will have been linked to the unexpanded target in this case */
+ remove_target = (actual(actual(dest_index)) == whereto(hd));
+ if( force_gall(hd) )
+ {
+ /* if hd is a forcing galley, close all predecessors */
+ debug3(DGA, D, " forcing ATTACH_NULL case for %s into %s (%s)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)),
+ remove_target ? "remove_target" : "not remove_target");
+ Parent(prnt, Up(dest_index));
+ if( !non_blocking(dest_index) && remove_target )
+ {
+ /* ***
+ prnt_flush = TRUE;
+ *** */
+ prnt_flush = non_blocking(dest_index) = TRUE;
+ }
+ FreeGalley(prnt, Up(dest_index), &inners, Up(dest_index),
+ whereto(hd));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug3(DGA, D, " non-force ATTACH_NULL case for %s into %s (%s)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)),
+ remove_target ? "remove_target" : "not remove_target");
+ if( blocked(dest_index) && remove_target ) prnt_flush = TRUE;
+ }
+ DetachGalley(hd);
+ KillGalley(hd, TRUE);
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (b)");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ }
+ else ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, remove_target);
+ debug0(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley returning ATTACH_NULL");
+ return;
+ /* if hd is a forcing galley, or actual(dest_index) is */
+ /* @ForceGalley, then close all predecessors */
+ if( force_gall(hd) || actual(actual(dest_index)) == ForceGalleySym )
+ { Parent(prnt, Up(dest_index));
+ debug1(DGA, D, " forcing ATTACH_ACCEPT case for %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ /* debug0(DGA, DD, " force: prnt ="); */
+ /* ifdebug(DGA, DD, DebugObject(prnt)); */
+ /* debug1(DGA, D," calling FreeGalley from FlushGalley(%s)", */
+ /* SymName(actual(hd))); */
+ if( !non_blocking(dest_index) ) prnt_flush = TRUE; /* bug fix */
+ FreeGalley(prnt, Up(dest_index), &inners, Up(dest_index),
+ whereto(hd));
+ /* debug0(DGA, DD, " force: after FreeGalley, prnt ="); */
+ /* ifdebug(DGA, DD, DebugObject(prnt)); */
+ }
+ else prnt_flush = prnt_flush || blocked(dest_index);
+ debug1(DGF, D, " force: prnt_flush = %s", bool(prnt_flush));
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (c)");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ }
+ goto RESUME;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "FlushGalley: attach_status");
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ if( actual(actual(dest_index)) == InputSym )
+ { ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE);
+ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s retn, input", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "FlushGalley: dest_index", Image(type(dest_index)));
+ break;
+ }
+ dest = actual(dest_index);
+ if( underline(dest) == UNDER_UNDEF ) underline(dest) = UNDER_OFF;
+ target_is_internal =
+ (dim==ROWM && !external_ver(dest)) || (dim==COLM && !external_hor(dest));
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " dest_index: %s", EchoObject(dest_index));
+ /*@@************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* The second step is to examine the components of the galley one by one */
+ /* to determine if they can be promoted. Each component has the format */
+ /* */
+ /* { <index> } <object> */
+ /* */
+ /* and is always followed by a gap object (except the last component). */
+ /* An index indicates that the following object has some interesting */
+ /* feature, and it points to that feature inside the object. There are */
+ /* two possible actions for each component, in addition to accepting it: */
+ /* */
+ /* REJECT: The component does not fit, so detach the galley */
+ /* SUSPEND: The component is incomplete; go to sleep and wait */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ stop_link = dest_encl = inners = nilobj;
+ need_adjust = FALSE;
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* Loop invariant */
+ /* */
+ /* The children of hd up to but not including Child(link) have been */
+ /* examined and pronounced to be promotable, if unbreakable gaps are */
+ /* ignored. When unbreakable gaps are taken into account, the most */
+ /* recent gap where a break is possible is at Child(stop_link), or */
+ /* nowhere if stop_link == nilobj. */
+ /* */
+ /* Case 1: target_is_internal == FALSE */
+ /* */
+ /* If this flag is FALSE, it means that the target of this galley is */
+ /* external. Consequently, there is no need to calculate sizes because */
+ /* there is no constraint on them. Also, a REJECT action is impossible */
+ /* so unbreakable gaps are no impediment. Variable dest_encl is nilobj. */
+ /* */
+ /* Case 2: target_is_internal == TRUE */
+ /* */
+ /* If this flag is TRUE, it means that the target of this galley is */
+ /* internal. Consequently, sizes need to be calculated, and unbreakable */
+ /* gaps need to be taken into account. Variable dest_encl may be not */
+ /* nilobj, in which case the following variables are defined: */
+ /* */
+ /* dest_encl the object enclosing dest (which must exist) */
+ /* prec_gap gap object preceding dest (which must exist) */
+ /* prec_def first definite object preceding dest (must exist) */
+ /* dest_back back(dest_encl) including effect of accepted compts */
+ /* dest_fwd fwd(dest_encl) including effect of accepted compts */
+ /* dest_side BACK or FWD, i.e. which side of the mark dest is on */
+ /* dest_par_constr the parallel size constraint on dest */
+ /* dest_perp_constr the perpendicular size constraint on dest */
+ /* frame_size size of frame enclosing dest_encl */
+ /* perp_back back(dest_encl) in other direction, incl accepteds */
+ /* perp_fwd fwd(dest_encl) in other direction, incl accepteds */
+ /* */
+ /* if dest_encl is nilobj, these variables are not defined. */
+ /* */
+ /* If stop_link is non-nilobj, then in the internal case dest_encl must */
+ /* be non-nilobj, and the following variables are defined: */
+ /* */
+ /* stop_back back(dest_encl) including all before stop_link */
+ /* stop_fwd fwd(dest_encl) including all before stop_link */
+ /* stop_perp_back back(dest_encl) in other direction */
+ /* stop_perp_fwd fwd(dest_encl) in other direction */
+ /* */
+ /* need_adjust is true if at least one definite component has been */
+ /* accepted for promotion and the destination is internal; hence, */
+ /* dest_encl is defined and its size needs to be adjusted. */
+ /* */
+ /* inners is the set of all PRECEDES and UNATTACHED indexes found. */
+ /* */
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == SPLIT ) Child(y, DownDim(y, dim));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " examining %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ underline(y) = underline(dest);
+ prec_gap = y;
+ if( target_is_internal )
+ { assert( dest_encl != nilobj, "FlushGalley/GAP_OBJ: dest_encl!" );
+ if( !nobreak(gap(prec_gap)) )
+ {
+ stop_link = link;
+ stop_back = dest_back;
+ stop_fwd = dest_fwd;
+ stop_perp_back = perp_back;
+ stop_perp_fwd = perp_fwd;
+ }
+ }
+ else stop_link = link;
+ if( !join(gap(y)) ) seen_nojoin(hd) = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case SCALE_IND:
+ case COVER_IND:
+ case EXPAND_IND:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ underline(y) = underline(dest);
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ if( inners == nilobj ) New(inners, ACAT);
+ Link(inners, y);
+ break;
+ goto SUSPEND;
+ case FOLLOWS:
+ Child(tmp, Down(y));
+ if( Up(tmp) == LastUp(tmp) )
+ { link = PrevDown(link);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ }
+ Parent(tmp, Up(tmp));
+ assert(type(tmp) == PRECEDES, "Flush: PRECEDES!");
+ switch( CheckComponentOrder(tmp, dest_index) )
+ {
+ case CLEAR: DeleteNode(tmp);
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ case PROMOTE: break;
+ case BLOCK: goto SUSPEND;
+ case CLOSE: if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(opt_components(hd));
+ opt_components(hd) = nilobj;
+ debug2(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) de-optimizing %s",
+ "(CLOSE problem)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ }
+ debug1(DGF, D, " reject (a) %s", EchoObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ break;
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case SCALE:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case ACAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case VCAT:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case CROSS:
+ underline(y) = underline(dest);
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ {
+ /* make sure y is not joined to a target below (vertical case only) */
+ for( zlink = NextDown(link); zlink != hd; zlink = NextDown(zlink) )
+ { Child(z, zlink);
+ switch( type(z) )
+ {
+ case RECEIVING: y = z;
+ goto SUSPEND;
+ case GAP_OBJ: if( !join(gap(z)) ) zlink = PrevDown(hd);
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* try vertical hyphenation before anything else */
+ if( type(y) == HCAT ) VerticalHyphenate(y);
+ }
+ /* check size constraint */
+ if( target_is_internal )
+ {
+ /* initialise dest_encl etc if not done yet */
+ if( dest_encl == nilobj )
+ { assert( UpDim(dest,1-dim) == UpDim(dest,dim), "FlushG: UpDims!" );
+ /* *** weird old code, trying for UpDim(dest, ROWM)?
+ Parent(dest_encl, NextDown(Up(dest)));
+ *** */
+ Parent(dest_encl, Up(dest));
+ debug4(DGF, D, " flush dest = %s %s, dest_encl = %s %s",
+ Image(type(dest)), EchoObject(dest),
+ Image(type(dest_encl)), EchoObject(dest_encl));
+ assert( (dim==ROWM && type(dest_encl)==VCAT) ||
+ (dim==COLM && type(dest_encl)==ACAT),
+ "FlushGalley: dest != VCAT or ACAT!" );
+ SetNeighbours(Up(dest), FALSE, &prec_gap, &prec_def,
+ &succ_gap, &succ_def, &dest_side);
+ assert(prec_gap != nilobj || is_indefinite(type(y)),
+ "FlushGalley: prec_gap == nilobj && !is_indefinite(type(y))!" );
+ assert(succ_gap == nilobj, "FlushGalley: succ_gap != nilobj!" );
+ assert(dest_side == FWD || is_indefinite(type(y)),
+ "FlushGalley: dest_side != FWD || !is_indefinite(type(y))!");
+ dest_back = back(dest_encl, dim);
+ dest_fwd = fwd(dest_encl, dim);
+ perp_back = back(dest_encl, 1-dim);
+ perp_fwd = fwd(dest_encl, 1-dim);
+ Constrained(dest_encl, &dest_par_constr, dim, &why);
+ Constrained(dest_encl, &dest_perp_constr, 1-dim, &why);
+ debug1(DGF, D, " setting dest_perp_constr = %s",
+ EchoConstraint(&dest_perp_constr));
+ frame_size = constrained(dest_par_constr) ? bfc(dest_par_constr) :0;
+ }
+ if( !is_indefinite(type(y)) )
+ {
+ ifdebugcond(DGF, D, mode(gap(prec_gap)) == NO_MODE,
+ DebugGalley(hd, y, 4));
+ /* calculate parallel effect of adding y to dest */
+ f = dest_fwd + fwd(y, dim) - fwd(prec_def, dim) +
+ ActualGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(y, dim),
+ fwd(y, dim), &gap(prec_gap), frame_size,
+ dest_back + dest_fwd - fwd(prec_def, dim));
+ debug5(DGF, D, " f = %s + %s - %s + %s (prec_gap %s)",
+ EchoLength(dest_fwd), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)),
+ EchoLength(fwd(prec_def, dim)), EchoLength(
+ ActualGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(y, dim),
+ fwd(y, dim), &gap(prec_gap), frame_size,
+ dest_back + dest_fwd - fwd(prec_def, dim))
+ ), EchoGap(&gap(prec_gap)));
+ debug3(DGF, D, " b,f: %s,%s; dest_encl: %s",
+ EchoLength(dest_back), EchoLength(f),
+ EchoConstraint(&dest_par_constr));
+ /* check new size against parallel constraint */
+ if( (units(gap(prec_gap))==FRAME_UNIT && width(gap(prec_gap)) > FR)
+ || !FitsConstraint(dest_back, f, dest_par_constr)
+ || (opt_components(hd) != nilobj && opt_comps_permitted(hd)<=0)
+ )
+ {
+ if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { OBJECT z;
+ /* record the size of this just-completed target area for hd */
+ New(z, WIDE);
+ CopyConstraint(constraint(z), dest_par_constr);
+ Link(opt_constraints(hd), z);
+ ifdebug(DOG, D,
+ debug2(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) adding constraint %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), EchoConstraint(&constraint(z)));
+ if( units(gap(prec_gap))==FRAME_UNIT &&
+ width(gap(prec_gap)) > FR )
+ { debug1(DOG, D, " prec_gap = %s", EchoGap(&gap(prec_gap)));
+ }
+ if( !FitsConstraint(dest_back, f, dest_par_constr) )
+ { debug3(DOG, D, " !FitsConstraint(%s, %s, %s)",
+ EchoLength(dest_back), EchoLength(f),
+ EchoConstraint(&dest_par_constr));
+ }
+ if( opt_comps_permitted(hd) <= 0 )
+ { debug1(DOG, D, " opt_comps_permitted = %2d",
+ opt_comps_permitted(hd));
+ }
+ debug4(DOG, D, "prec_gap = %s; y = %s (%s,%s):",
+ EchoGap(&gap(prec_gap)), Image(type(y)),
+ EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)));
+ DebugObject(y);
+ )
+ /* refresh the number of components permitted into the next target */
+ if( opt_counts(hd) != nilobj && Down(opt_counts(hd)) != opt_counts(hd) )
+ { Child(z, Down(opt_counts(hd)));
+ opt_comps_permitted(hd) += comp_count(z) - 1;
+ DisposeChild(Up(z));
+ }
+ else opt_comps_permitted(hd) = MAX_FILES; /* a large number */
+ debug1(DOG, D, " REJECT permitted = %2d", opt_comps_permitted(hd));
+ }
+ debug1(DGF, D, " reject (b) %s", EchoObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ /* calculate perpendicular effect of adding y to dest */
+ if( seen_nojoin(hd) )
+ {
+ pb = 0;
+ pf = find_max(perp_fwd, size(y, 1-dim));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pb = find_max(perp_back, back(y, 1-dim));
+ pf = find_max(perp_fwd, fwd(y, 1-dim));
+ }
+ /* check new size against perpendicular constraint */
+ if( !FitsConstraint(pb, pf, dest_perp_constr) )
+ {
+ if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(opt_components(hd));
+ opt_components(hd) = nilobj;
+ debug1(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) de-optimizing (perp problem)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)));
+ }
+ if( dim == ROWM )
+ {
+ Error(20, 3, "component too wide for available space",
+ WARN, &fpos(y));
+ debug6(DGF, D, " %s,%s [%s,%s] too wide for %s, y = %s",
+ EchoLength(pb), EchoLength(pf),
+ EchoLength(back(y, 1-dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, 1-dim)),
+ EchoConstraint(&dest_perp_constr), EchoObject(y));
+ }
+ debug1(DGF, D, " reject (c) %s", EchoObject(y));
+ goto REJECT;
+ }
+ /* accept definite component */
+ dest_fwd = f; prec_def = y;
+ perp_back = pb; perp_fwd = pf;
+ need_adjust = TRUE;
+ if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { opt_comps_permitted(hd)--;
+ debug1(DOG, D, " ACCEPT permitted = %2d", opt_comps_permitted(hd));
+ }
+ }
+ /* accept indefinite component */
+ } /* end if( target_is_internal ) */
+ /* accept this component into dest, subject to following nobreaks */
+ debug3(DGF, D, " t-accept %s %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y),
+ EchoFilePos(&fpos(y)));
+ prnt_flush = prnt_flush || blocked(dest_index);
+ debug1(DGF, DDD, " prnt_flush = %s", bool(prnt_flush));
+ debug1(DGF, DDD, " inners = %s", DebugInnersNames(inners));
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ { BOOLEAN promotable; OBJECT tgp;
+ /* We would prefer to promote right now, then give these inners */
+ /* a chance. However this is not possible unless the following */
+ /* gap (if any) is breakable */
+ if( type(NextDown(link)) == LINK )
+ { Child(tgp, NextDown(link));
+ assert( type(tgp) == GAP_OBJ, "FlushGalley: tgp!" );
+ promotable = !nobreak(gap(tgp));
+ }
+ else promotable = TRUE;
+ if( promotable )
+ {
+ Promote(hd, NextDown(link), dest_index, TRUE);
+ if( need_adjust )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, " calling AdjustSize from FlushGalley (ACCEPT)");
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, dest_back, dest_fwd, dim);
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, perp_back, perp_fwd, 1-dim);
+ }
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (d)");
+ FlushInners(inners, hd);
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "FlushGalley:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end for */
+ /* EMPTY: */
+ /* galley is now completely accepted; clean up and exit */
+ debug0(DGF, D, " galley empty now");
+ if( inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(inners);
+ if( Down(hd) != hd )
+ { Promote(hd, hd, dest_index, TRUE);
+ if( need_adjust )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, " calling AdjustSize from FlushGalley (EMPTY)");
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, dest_back, dest_fwd, dim);
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, perp_back, perp_fwd, 1-dim);
+ }
+ }
+ if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { OBJECT z;
+ New(z, WIDE);
+ if( dest_encl != nilobj )
+ CopyConstraint(constraint(z), dest_par_constr);
+ else
+ SetConstraint(constraint(z),
+ Link(opt_constraints(hd), z);
+ debug2(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) empty adding constraint %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), EchoConstraint(&constraint(z)));
+ }
+ DetachGalley(hd);
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling KillGalley from FlushGalley");
+ KillGalley(hd, TRUE);
+ ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, TRUE);
+ debug1(DGF,D,"] FlushGalley %s returning (emptied).", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+ /* reject this component and move to a new dest */
+ assert(actual(dest) != PrintSym, "FlushGalley: reject print!");
+ if( inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(inners);
+ if( stop_link != nilobj )
+ { Promote(hd, stop_link, dest_index, TRUE);
+ if( need_adjust )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, " calling AdjustSize from FlushGalley (REJECT)");
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, stop_back, stop_fwd, dim);
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, stop_perp_back, stop_perp_fwd, 1-dim);
+ }
+ }
+ DetachGalley(hd);
+ assert( type(dest_index) == RECEIVING, "FlushGalley/REJECT: dest_index!" );
+ prnt_flush = prnt_flush || blocked(dest_index);
+ DeleteNode(dest_index);
+ goto RESUME;
+ /* suspend this component */
+ debug1(DGF, D, " suspend %s", EchoIndex(y));
+ if( inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(inners);
+ if( stop_link != nilobj )
+ { Promote(hd, stop_link, dest_index, TRUE);
+ if( need_adjust )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, " calling AdjustSize from FlushGalley (SUSPEND)");
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, stop_back, stop_fwd, dim);
+ AdjustSize(dest_encl, stop_perp_back, stop_perp_fwd, 1-dim);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check whether external galleys can remove the blockage */
+ if( type(y) == RECEPTIVE && ready_galls(hd) != nilobj && AllowCrossDb )
+ { OBJECT eg, val, index2, hd2, tag, seq, newsym;
+ BOOLEAN found, gall; FULL_CHAR newtag[MAX_BUFF], newseq[MAX_BUFF];
+ /* get first ready galley in from cross reference database */
+ Child(eg, Down(ready_galls(hd)));
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ val = ReadFromFile(eg_fnum(eg), eg_fpos(eg), eg_lnum(eg));
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ if( val == nilobj )
+ Error(20, 1, "error in database file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), FileName(eg_fnum(eg)));
+ assert( type(val) == CLOSURE, "AttachG: db CLOSURE!" );
+ New(index2, UNATTACHED);
+ pinpoint(index2) = nilobj;
+ New(hd2, HEAD);
+ FposCopy(fpos(hd2), fpos(val));
+ actual(hd2) = actual(val);
+ limiter(hd2) = nilobj;
+ opt_components(hd2) = opt_constraints(hd2) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(hd2) = horiz_galley(actual(val));
+ sized(hd2) = FALSE;
+ ready_galls(hd2) = nilobj;
+ must_expand(hd2) = TRUE;
+ Link(index2, hd2);
+ Link(hd2, val);
+ SetTarget(hd2);
+ foll_or_prec(hd2) = GALL_FOLL;
+ enclose_obj(hd2) = (has_enclose(actual(hd2)) ? BuildEnclose(hd2) : nilobj);
+ Link(Up(y), index2);
+ /* set up the next ready galley for reading next time */
+ Child(tag, Down(eg)); Child(seq, LastDown(eg));
+ do /* skip duplicate seq values */
+ { found = DbRetrieveNext(OldCrossDb, &gall, &newsym, newtag, newseq,
+ &eg_fnum(eg), &eg_fpos(eg), &eg_lnum(eg), &eg_cont(eg));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall found: %15s gall: %15s",
+ bool(gall), bool(found));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall new sym: %15s old sym: %15s",
+ SymName(newsym), SymName(eg_symbol(eg)));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall new tag: %15s old tag: %15s",
+ newtag, string(tag));
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall new seq: %15s old seq: %15s",
+ newseq, string(seq));
+ if( found ) found = gall && newsym == eg_symbol(eg) &&
+ StringEqual(newtag, string(tag));
+ /* merge galleys whose seq strings are equal */
+ if( found && StringEqual(newseq, string(seq)) )
+ {
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ val = ReadFromFile(eg_fnum(eg), eg_fpos(eg), eg_lnum(eg));
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ if( val == nilobj )
+ Error(20, 2, "error in database file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), FileName(eg_fnum(eg)));
+ assert( type(val) == CLOSURE, "AttachG: db CLOSURE!" );
+ if( !has_merge(actual(val)) ) DisposeObject(val);
+ else /* add val to hd2 */
+ { if( type(hd2) != ACAT )
+ { OBJECT tmp = hd2;
+ New(hd2, ACAT);
+ MoveLink(Up(tmp), hd2, CHILD);
+ Link(hd2, tmp);
+ }
+ Link(hd2, val);
+ }
+ }
+ } while( found && StringEqual(newseq, string(seq)) );
+ if( found )
+ { DisposeChild(Up(tag));
+ DisposeChild(Up(seq));
+ tag = MakeWord(WORD, newtag, no_fpos);
+ seq = MakeWord(WORD, newseq, no_fpos);
+ Link(eg, tag); Link(eg, seq);
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " another ext gall: into %s", SymName(newsym));
+ }
+ else
+ { DisposeChild(Up(eg));
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " last ext gall into ", SymName(eg_symbol(eg)));
+ if( Down(ready_galls(hd)) == ready_galls(hd) )
+ { Dispose(ready_galls(hd));
+ ready_galls(hd) = nilobj;
+ debug0(DGF, DD, " all ext galls exhausted");
+ }
+ }
+ /* flush the ready galley found above, and resume */
+ debug2(DGF, DD, " ext gall FlushGalley (%s into %s)",
+ SymName(actual(hd2)), SymName(whereto(hd2)));
+ debug0(DGF, DD, " calling FlushGalley from FlushGalley/SUSPEND");
+ if( type(hd2) == ACAT )
+ hd2 = ConvertGalleyList(hd2);
+ FlushGalley(hd2);
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == RECEPTIVE && trigger_externs(y) && AllowCrossDb )
+ { OBJECT sym, cr, ins, tag, seq, eg, cnt; BOOLEAN found;
+ FULL_CHAR newseq[MAX_BUFF]; FILE_NUM tfnum; long tfpos, tcont;
+ int tlnum;
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " ext gall target %s", SymName(actual(actual(y))));
+ for( sym = FirstExternTarget(actual(actual(y)), &cnt);
+ sym != nilobj; sym = NextExternTarget(actual(actual(y)), &cnt) )
+ {
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " ext gall gall_targ %s", SymName(sym));
+ cr = GallTargEval(sym, &fpos(actual(y)));
+ New(ins, GALL_TARG);
+ actual(ins) = cr;
+ Link(Up(y), ins);
+ Child(tag, LastDown(cr));
+ assert( is_word(type(tag)), "FlushGalley: cr is_word(type(tag))!" );
+ found = DbRetrieve(OldCrossDb, TRUE, sym, string(tag),
+ newseq, &tfnum, &tfpos, &tlnum, &tcont);
+ if( found )
+ { if( ready_galls(hd) == nilobj ) New(ready_galls(hd), ACAT);
+ New(eg, EXT_GALL);
+ debug1(DGF, DD, " ext gall retrieved: into %s", SymName(sym));
+ eg_fnum(eg) = tfnum;
+ eg_fpos(eg) = tfpos;
+ eg_lnum(eg) = tlnum;
+ eg_symbol(eg) = sym;
+ eg_cont(eg) = tcont;
+ tag = MakeWord(WORD, string(tag), no_fpos);
+ Link(eg, tag);
+ seq = MakeWord(WORD, newseq, no_fpos);
+ Link(eg, seq);
+ Link(ready_galls(hd), eg);
+ }
+ }
+ trigger_externs(y) = FALSE;
+ if( ready_galls(hd) != nilobj ) goto RESUME;
+ } /* end if external galleys */
+ /* if non-blocking, delete the index and resume */
+ if( type(y) == RECEPTIVE && non_blocking(y) )
+ { DeleteNode(y);
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == RECEIVING && non_blocking(y) )
+ {
+ if( Down(y) == y )
+ { DeleteNode(y);
+ }
+ else
+ { Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( opt_components(z) != nilobj )
+ GazumpOptimize(z, actual(y));
+ DetachGalley(z);
+ }
+ goto RESUME;
+ }
+ /* if all the above fail to remove the blockage, suspend */
+ blocked(y) = TRUE;
+ ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE);
+ debug1(DGF,D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (suspend)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ return;
+} /* end FlushGalley */
diff --git a/z21.c b/z21.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0b38b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z21.c
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+/*@z21.c:Galley Maker:SizeGalley()@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z21.c */
+/* MODULE: Galley Maker */
+/* EXTERNS: SizeGalley() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* SizeGalley(hd, env, rows, joined, nonblock, trig, style, c, target, */
+/* dest_index, recs, inners, enclose) */
+/* */
+/* Convert unsized galley hd into sized format. The input parameters are: */
+/* */
+/* hd the galley to be converted */
+/* env its environment (needs to be "held" while manifesting) */
+/* rows TRUE if the resulting galley may have more than one row */
+/* joined TRUE if the resulting galley must be simply joined */
+/* nonblock Set the non_blocking() field of RECEPTIVEs to this value */
+/* trig TRUE if indefinites of hd may trigger external galleys */
+/* *style The initial style */
+/* *c the width constraint hd should conform to */
+/* target if non-nilobj, expand indefinite objects to reveal a */
+/* @Galley within this symbol */
+/* enclose If non-nilobj, enclose any @Galley symbol encountered */
+/* during manifesting by this symbol. */
+/* */
+/* The output parameters, in addition to the converted hd, are: */
+/* */
+/* dest_index the index of the @Galley found within target, if any */
+/* recs list of all RECURSIVE indexes found (or nilobj if none) */
+/* inners list of all UNATTACHED indexes found (or nilobj if none), */
+/* not including any that come after the target or InputSym. */
+/* */
+void SizeGalley(OBJECT hd, OBJECT env, BOOLEAN rows, BOOLEAN joined,
+BOOLEAN nonblock, BOOLEAN trig, STYLE *style, CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT target,
+OBJECT *dest_index, OBJECT *recs, OBJECT *inners, OBJECT enclose)
+{ OBJECT y, link, z, crs, t, tlink, zlink, tmp, why;
+ OBJECT extras, tmp1, tmp2, bt[2], ft[2], hold_env;
+ BOOLEAN after_target;
+ assert( type(hd) == HEAD && Down(hd) != hd, "SizeGalley: precondition!" );
+ assert( !sized(hd), "SizeGalley: already sized!" );
+ debug6(DGM, D, "SizeGalley(%s, -, %s, %s, %s, %s, -, %s, -, -, -), hd =",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), bool(rows), bool(joined), bool(nonblock),
+ bool(trig), EchoConstraint(c));
+ debug1(DGM, DD, " env = %s", EchoObject(env));
+ ifdebug(DGM, D, DebugObject(hd));
+ /* manifest the child of hd, making sure it is simply joined if required */
+ Child(y, Down(hd));
+ tmp1 = target;
+ tmp2 = enclose;
+ crs = nilobj;
+ bt[COLM] = ft[COLM] = bt[ROWM] = ft[ROWM] = nilobj;
+ New(hold_env, ACAT); Link(hold_env, env);
+ if( AllowCrossDb && type(y) == CLOSURE && has_optimize(actual(y))
+ && FindOptimize(y, env) )
+ {
+ SetOptimize(hd, style);
+ }
+ debug0(DOM, D, " [ calling Manifest from SizeGalley");
+ if( joined )
+ { New(bt[COLM], THREAD); New(ft[COLM], THREAD);
+ debug0(DGM, DD, " SizeGalley calling Manifest (joined)");
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, bt, ft, &tmp1, &crs, TRUE, must_expand(hd),
+ &tmp2, FALSE);
+ assert( Down(bt[COLM]) != bt[COLM] && Down(ft[COLM]) != ft[COLM],
+ "SizeGalley: threads!" );
+ Child(tmp1, Down(bt[COLM])); Child(tmp2, Down(ft[COLM]));
+ if( Down(bt[COLM]) != LastDown(bt[COLM]) ||
+ Down(ft[COLM]) != LastDown(ft[COLM]) || tmp1 != tmp2 )
+ Error(21, 1, "galley %s must have just one column mark",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), SymName(actual(hd)) );
+ DisposeObject(bt[COLM]); DisposeObject(ft[COLM]);
+ }
+ else
+ { debug0(DGM, DD, " SizeGalley calling Manifest (not joined)");
+ y = Manifest(y, env, style, bt, ft, &tmp1, &crs, TRUE, must_expand(hd),
+ &tmp2, FALSE);
+ }
+ debug0(DOM, D, " ] returning from Manifest in SizeGalley");
+ DisposeObject(hold_env);
+ debug0(DGM, DD, "SizeGalley: after manifesting, hd =");
+ ifdebug(DGM, DD, DebugObject(hd));
+ /* horizontally size hd */
+ debug0(DGM, DD, "SizeGalley horizontally sizing hd:");
+ New(extras, ACAT);
+ y = MinSize(y, COLM, &extras);
+ /* break hd if vertical galley */
+ if( gall_dir(hd) == ROWM )
+ {
+ CopyConstraint(constraint(hd), *c);
+ debug0(DOB, DD, " calling BreakObject from SizeGalley");
+ debug0(DGM, DD, " SizeGalley calling BreakObject:");
+ y = BreakObject(y, c);
+ if( !FitsConstraint(back(y, COLM), fwd(y, COLM), *c) )
+ Error(21, 13, "%s,%s object too wide for available space",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), EchoLength(back(y, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(y, COLM)));
+ back(hd, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(hd, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ assert( FitsConstraint(back(hd, COLM), fwd(hd, COLM), *c),
+ "SizeGalley: BreakObject failed to fit!" );
+ debug2(DSF, DD, "MinSize(hd, COLM) = %s,%s",
+ EchoLength(back(hd, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(hd, COLM)) );
+ }
+ /* hyphenate hd if horizontal optimal galley says so */
+ else if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj && opt_hyph(hd) && type(y) == ACAT )
+ { debug0(DOG, D, " SizeGalley calling Hyphenate()");
+ y = Hyphenate(y);
+ }
+ /* get the rows of hd to the top level, if required */
+ seen_nojoin(hd) = FALSE;
+ if( rows )
+ { /* OBJECT prev_gap = nilobj; */
+ debug0(DGM, DD, "SizeGalley cleaning up rows of hd:");
+ for( link = hd; NextDown(link) != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, NextDown(link));
+ debug2(DGM, DD, " cleaning %s: %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ /* prev_gap = y; */
+ if( !join(gap(y)) ) seen_nojoin(hd) = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case VCAT:
+ if( gall_dir(hd) == ROWM )
+ { TransferLinks(Down(y), y, Up(y));
+ DisposeChild(Up(y));
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ACAT:
+ if( gall_dir(hd) == COLM )
+ { TransferLinks(Down(y), y, Up(y));
+ DisposeChild(Up(y));
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SPLIT:
+ assert(Up(y)==LastUp(y), "SizeGalley COL_THR: Up(y)!=LastUp(y)!");
+ Child(z, DownDim(y, ROWM));
+ if( is_indefinite(type(z)) )
+ {
+ debug1(DGT, D, "SizeGalley setting external_ver(%s) to TRUE (a)",
+ EchoObject(z));
+ external_ver(z) = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( type(z) == VCAT )
+ { OBJECT hor, thor, clink, dlink;
+ Child(hor, DownDim(y, COLM));
+ assert( type(hor) == COL_THR, "SizeGalley: missing COL_THR!" );
+ Parent(thor, UpDim(z, COLM));
+ assert( hor == thor, "SizeGalley/SPLIT: hor != thor!" );
+ clink = DownDim(y, COLM);
+ dlink = UpDim(z, COLM);
+ for( tlink = LastDown(z); tlink != z; tlink = PrevDown(tlink) )
+ { Child(t, tlink);
+ if( type(t) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { Link(NextDown(link), t);
+ }
+ else
+ { New(tmp, SPLIT);
+ back(tmp, COLM) = back(hor, COLM);
+ fwd(tmp, COLM) = fwd(hor, COLM);
+ Link(NextDown(link), tmp);
+ Link(tmp, NextUp(clink));
+ Link(NextDown(dlink), t);
+ Link(tmp, t);
+ }
+ }
+ DeleteLink(dlink);
+ assert(Up(y)==LastUp(y), "SizeGalley COL_THR: Up(y) != LastUp(y)!");
+ DisposeChild(Up(y));
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case HEAD:
+ if( gall_dir(hd) == COLM )
+ external_hor(y) = TRUE;
+ else
+ {
+ debug1(DGT, D, "SizeGalley setting external_ver(%s) to TRUE (b)",
+ EchoObject(y));
+ external_ver(y) = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* determine a scale factor for {} @Scale objects */
+ /* NB AdjustSize cannot be done correctly until after seen_nojoin is set */
+ for( link = Down(extras); link != extras; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == SCALE_IND )
+ {
+ /* check that all is in order */
+ z = actual(y);
+ assert( type(z) == SCALE, "SizeObject: type(z) != SCALE!" );
+ assert( bc(constraint(z)) == 0, "SizeObject: bc(constraint(z)) != 0" );
+ assert( Down(z) != z, "SizeObject SCALE: Down(z) == z!" );
+ Child(t, Down(z));
+ /* use @Scale COLM size constraint to determine a suitable scale factor */
+ /* check that @Scale is not in a horizontal galley */
+ if( gall_dir(hd) == COLM )
+ { Error(21, 2, "%s with unspecified scale factor in horizontal galley",
+ FATAL, &fpos(z), KW_SCALE);
+ }
+ Constrained(z, &zc, COLM, &why);
+ debug2(DGM, DD, "Constrained(%s, -, COLM) = %s", EchoObject(z),
+ EchoConstraint(&zc));
+ if( !constrained(zc) )
+ { Error(21, 3, "replacing infinite scale factor (unconstrained width) by 1.0",
+ WARN, &fpos(z));
+ bc(constraint(z)) = fc(constraint(z)) = 1 * SF;
+ }
+ else if( size(t, COLM) == 0 )
+ { Error(21, 4, "replacing infinite scale factor (zero width object) by 1.0",
+ WARN, &fpos(z));
+ bc(constraint(z)) = fc(constraint(z)) = 1 * SF;
+ }
+ else if( (float) bfc(zc) / size(t, COLM) > 100.0 )
+ { Error(21, 5, "replacing very large scale factor (over 100) by 1.0",
+ WARN, &fpos(z));
+ bc(constraint(z)) = fc(constraint(z)) = 1 * SF;
+ }
+ else if( (float) bfc(zc) / size(t, COLM) < 0.01 )
+ { if( bfc(zc) == 0 )
+ Error(21, 6, "object deleted (scale factor is zero)",
+ WARN, &fpos(z));
+ else
+ Error(21, 7, "object deleted (scale factor is smaller than 0.01)",
+ WARN, &fpos(z));
+ bc(constraint(z)) = fc(constraint(z)) = 1 * SF;
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(t));
+ back(tmp, COLM) = fwd(tmp, COLM) = 0;
+ back(tmp, ROWM) = fwd(tmp, ROWM) = 0;
+ word_font(tmp) = word_colour(tmp) = word_language(tmp) = 0;
+ word_hyph(tmp) = FALSE;
+ ReplaceNode(tmp, t);
+ DisposeObject(t);
+ t = tmp;
+ }
+ else bc(constraint(z)) = fc(constraint(z)) = (bfc(zc) * SF)/size(t, COLM);
+ /* calculate scaled size and adjust */
+ b = (back(t, COLM) * fc(constraint(z))) / SF;
+ f = (fwd(t, COLM) * fc(constraint(z))) / SF;
+ debug3(DGM, DD, "AdjustSize(%s, %s, %s, COLM)", EchoObject(z),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ AdjustSize(z, b, f, COLM);
+ /* if already vertically sized (because inside @Rotate) adjust that */
+ if( vert_sized(z) )
+ { b = (back(t, ROWM) * fc(constraint(z))) / SF;
+ f = (fwd(t, ROWM) * fc(constraint(z))) / SF;
+ debug4(DGM, DD, "AdjustSize(%s, %s, %s, %s)", EchoObject(z),
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f), dimen(ROWM));
+ AdjustSize(z, b, f, ROWM);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DisposeObject(extras);
+ /* size the rows of hd and attach indices where needed */
+ debug0(DGM, DD, " SizeGalley calling MinSize(ROWM):");
+ debug0(DGM, DD, "SizeGalley sizing rows of hd =");
+ ifdebug(DGM, DD, DebugObject(hd));
+ *recs = *inners = *dest_index = nilobj;
+ after_target = FALSE;
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ || is_index(type(y)) ) continue;
+ debug0(DGM, DDD, " ROWM sizing:");
+ ifdebug(DGM, DDD, DebugObject(y));
+ New(extras, ACAT);
+ y = MinSize(y, ROWM, &extras);
+ debug3(DSF, DD, "MinSize( %s , ROWM ) = %s,%s", EchoObject(y),
+ EchoLength(back(y, ROWM)), EchoLength(fwd(y, ROWM)) );
+ debug0(DGM, DDD, " ROWM result:");
+ ifdebug(DGM, DDD, DebugObject(y));
+ /* now attach indexes in front of y */
+ for( zlink = Down(extras); zlink != extras; zlink = NextDown(zlink) )
+ { Child(z, zlink);
+ blocked(z) = FALSE;
+ /* debug1(DCR, DD, " extra: %s", EchoObject(z)); */
+ debug2(DGM, DD, " extra%s: %s",
+ after_target ? " after_target" : "", EchoObject(z));
+ switch( type(z) )
+ {
+ /* debug2(DCR, DD, " ... uses_ext = %s, trig = %s",
+ bool(uses_extern_target(actual(actual(z)))), bool(trig)); */
+ trigger_externs(z) = uses_extern_target(actual(actual(z))) && trig;
+ non_blocking(z) = nonblock;
+ if( actual(actual(z)) == GalleySym || actual(actual(z)) == ForceGalleySym )
+ *dest_index = z;
+ if( actual(actual(z)) == GalleySym || actual(actual(z)) == ForceGalleySym
+ || actual(actual(z)) == InputSym )
+ after_target = TRUE;
+ break;
+ if( *recs == nilobj ) New(*recs, ACAT);
+ Link(*recs, z);
+ break;
+ if( !after_target ) /* *** new semantics *** */
+ { if( *inners == nilobj ) New(*inners, ACAT);
+ Link(*inners, z);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SCALE_IND:
+ case EXPAND_IND:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ debug1(DCR, DD, " SizeGalley: %s", EchoObject(z));
+ break;
+ case COVER_IND:
+ /* adjust size of the COVER object, change it to @Scale etc. */
+ { OBJECT cover, prnt, chld; int dirn, thr_type, ok1, ok2, sf,subst, esubst;
+ float sf1, sf2; CONSTRAINT c; FULL_LENGTH b, f;
+ cover = actual(z);
+ if( type(cover) == HCOVER )
+ { dirn = COLM;
+ thr_type = COL_THR;
+ ok1 = VCAT;
+ ok2 = VCAT;
+ subst = HSCALE;
+ esubst = ONE_COL;
+ }
+ else
+ { dirn = ROWM;
+ thr_type = ROW_THR;
+ ok1 = ACAT;
+ ok2 = HCAT;
+ subst = VSCALE;
+ esubst = ONE_ROW;
+ }
+ Parent(prnt, UpDim(cover, dirn));
+ while( type(prnt) == SPLIT || type(prnt) == thr_type )
+ Parent(prnt, UpDim(prnt, dirn));
+ Child(chld, Down(cover));
+ if( type(prnt) != ok1 && type(prnt) != ok2 )
+ {
+ Error(21, 8, "%s replaced by %s (mark not shared)",
+ WARN, &fpos(cover), Image(type(cover)), Image(subst));
+ debug2(DGM, DDD, " cover = %s %s", Image(type(cover)),
+ EchoObject(cover));
+ debug1(DGM, DDD, " prnt = %s:", Image(type(prnt)));
+ ifdebug(DGM, DDD, DebugObject(prnt));
+ type(cover) = subst;
+ }
+ else if( back(chld, dirn) == 0 && fwd(chld, dirn) == 0 )
+ {
+ /* empty object, this is treated as a no-op */
+ type(cover) = esubst;
+ }
+ else if( back(chld, dirn) == 0 || fwd(chld, dirn) == 0 )
+ { Error(21, 9, "%s replaced by %s (infinite scale factor)",
+ WARN, &fpos(cover), Image(type(cover)), Image(subst));
+ type(cover) = subst;
+ }
+ else if( size(prnt, dirn) == 0 )
+ { Error(21, 10, "%s replaced by %s (zero scale factor)",
+ WARN, &fpos(cover), Image(type(cover)), Image(subst));
+ type(cover) = subst;
+ }
+ else /* sensible scale factor exists */
+ {
+ /* work out proposed scale factor and sizes for cover */
+ sf1 = (float) back(prnt, dirn) / back(chld, dirn);
+ sf2 = (float) fwd(prnt, dirn) / fwd(chld, dirn);
+ sf = find_max(sf1, sf2) * SF;
+ b = (back(chld, dirn) * sf) / SF;
+ f = (fwd(chld, dirn) * sf) / SF;
+ /* check whether new object fits */
+ Constrained(cover, &c, dirn, &why);
+ if( FitsConstraint(b, f, c) )
+ {
+ /* it fits, so make cover a SCALE object with this size */
+ type(cover) = SCALE;
+ if( dirn == COLM )
+ { bc(constraint(cover)) = sf;
+ fc(constraint(cover)) = SF;
+ }
+ else
+ { bc(constraint(cover)) = SF;
+ fc(constraint(cover)) = sf;
+ }
+ AdjustSize(cover, b, f, dirn);
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(21, 11, "%s replaced by %s (insufficient space)",
+ WARN, &fpos(cover), Image(type(cover)), Image(subst));
+ type(cover) = subst;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "SizeGalley:", Image(type(z)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ TransferLinks(Down(extras), extras, link);
+ assert( Down(extras) == extras && Up(extras) == extras, "SizeG: extras!");
+ Dispose(extras);
+ }
+ /* insinuate cross references */
+ if( crs != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug1(DCR, DD, "SizeGalley insinuating %s", EchoObject(crs));
+ TransferLinks(Down(crs), crs, Down(hd));
+ DisposeObject(crs);
+ }
+ /* check that *dest_index was found if it was required, and exit */
+ if( target != nilobj && *dest_index == nilobj )
+ Error(21, 12, "unexpected absence of %s from the body of %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(hd), SymName(target), SymName(actual(hd)));
+ debug3(DGM, D, "SizeGalley returning %s,%s %s; hd =",
+ EchoLength(back(hd, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(hd, COLM)),
+ EchoConstraint(&constraint(hd)));
+ ifdebug(DGM, D, DebugGalley(hd, nilobj, 4));
+ sized(hd) = TRUE;
+} /* end SizeGalley */
diff --git a/z22.c b/z22.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbb6801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z22.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1070 @@
+/*@z22.c:Galley Service:Interpose()@******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z22.c */
+/* MODULE: Galley Service */
+/* EXTERNS: Interpose(), FlushInners(), ExpandRecursives(), */
+/* Promote(), KillGalley(), FreeGalley(), */
+/* SetTarget(), CheckComponentOrder() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* Interpose(z, typ, x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Insert a new typ object above z. Its sizes are to be taken from x */
+/* (column) and y (row). */
+/* */
+void Interpose(OBJECT z, int typ, OBJECT x, OBJECT y)
+{ OBJECT encl;
+ New(encl, typ);
+ FposCopy(fpos(encl), fpos(y));
+ ReplaceNode(encl, z); Link(encl, z);
+ back(encl, COLM) = back(x, COLM);
+ fwd(encl, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM);
+ back(encl, ROWM) = back(y, ROWM);
+ fwd(encl, ROWM) = fwd(y, ROWM);
+ underline(encl) = underline(z);
+} /* end Interpose */
+/* */
+/* FlushInners(inners, hd) */
+/* */
+/* Flush each galley on the list inners. These have become flushable */
+/* by being promoted off the top of galley hd; if hd is the root galley, */
+/* identifiable by having PrintSym as target, do not flush inners at all. */
+/* */
+void FlushInners(OBJECT inners, OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT y, z, tmp, dest_index;
+ ifdebug(DGF, D,
+ OBJECT link;
+ fprintf(stderr, "dgf: [ FlushInners(");
+ for( link = Down(inners); link != inners; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(y, link);
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s", Image(type(y)));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case DEAD:
+ break;
+ if( Down(y) != y ) /* bug fix (was assert before) */
+ { assert( Down(y) != y, "FlushInners: UNATTACHED!");
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s", SymName(actual(z)));
+ }
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ break;
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
+ )
+ /* check for root galley case */
+ if( hd != nilobj )
+ { assert( Up(hd) != hd, "FlushInners: Up(hd)!" );
+ Parent(dest_index, Up(hd));
+ if( actual(actual(dest_index)) == PrintSym )
+ { DisposeObject(inners);
+ debug0(DGF, D, "] FlushInners returning (PrintSym)");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ while( Down(inners) != inners )
+ { Child(y, Down(inners));
+ DeleteLink(Down(inners));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case DEAD:
+ break;
+ if( Down(y) != y ) /* bug fix (was assert before) */
+ { assert( Down(y) != y, "FlushInners: UNATTACHED!");
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ debug1(DGF,D," possibly calling FlushGalley %s from FlushInners (a)",
+ SymName(actual(z)));
+ if( whereto(z)==nilobj || !uses_extern_target(whereto(z)) ) /* &&& */
+ FlushGalley(z);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ Child(tmp, Down(y));
+ if( Up(tmp) != LastUp(tmp) )
+ { Parent(tmp, LastUp(tmp));
+ assert(type(tmp)==FOLLOWS, "FlushInners: FOLLOWS!");
+ if( blocked(tmp) )
+ { blocked(tmp) = FALSE;
+ Parent(z, Up(tmp));
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushGalley from FlushInners (b)");
+ if( whereto(z)==nilobj || !uses_extern_target(whereto(z)) )/* &&& */
+ FlushGalley(z);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ /* someone else is looking after this now */
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "FlushInners:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Dispose(inners);
+ debug0(DGF, D, "] FlushInners returning");
+} /* end FlushInners */
+/* */
+/* ExpandRecursives(recs) */
+/* */
+/* Expand each of the recursive definite objects in the list recs. */
+/* */
+void ExpandRecursives(OBJECT recs)
+{ CONSTRAINT non_c, hc, vc;
+ OBJECT target_index, target, z, n1, inners, newrecs, hd, tmp, env, why;
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "ExpandRecursives(recs)");
+ n1 = nilobj;
+ assert(recs != nilobj, "ExpandRecursives: recs == nilobj!");
+ while( Down(recs) != recs )
+ { Child(target_index, Down(recs)); DeleteLink( Down(recs) );
+ assert( type(target_index) == RECURSIVE, "ExpandRecursives: index!" );
+ target = actual(target_index);
+ debug2(DCR, DD, " expanding %s %s", Image(type(target_index)),
+ EchoObject(target));
+ /* expand body of target, convert to galley, and check size */
+ New(hd, HEAD); actual(hd) = actual(target); must_expand(hd) = TRUE;
+ force_gall(hd) = FALSE;
+ enclose_obj(hd) = limiter(hd) = nilobj;
+ opt_components(hd) = opt_constraints(hd) = nilobj;
+ gall_dir(hd) = horiz_galley(actual(target));
+ whereto(hd) = ready_galls(hd) = nilobj;
+ foll_or_prec(hd) = GALL_FOLL;
+ sized(hd) = FALSE;
+ tmp = CopyObject(target, &fpos(target)); env = DetachEnv(tmp);
+ Link(hd, tmp); Link(target_index, hd);
+ SizeGalley(hd, env, external_ver(target),
+ gall_dir(hd) == ROWM ? threaded(target) : FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
+ &save_style(target), &non_c, nilobj, &n1, &newrecs, &inners, nilobj);
+ debug0(DCR, DDD, " as galley:");
+ ifdebug(DCR, DDD, DebugObject(hd));
+ debug1(DGS, D, "[ ExpandRecursives calling Constrained(%s, COLM)",
+ EchoObject(target));
+ Constrained(target, &hc, COLM, &why);
+ debug2(DGS, D, "] ExpandRecursives Constrained(%s, COLM) = %s",
+ EchoObject(target), EchoConstraint(&hc));
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " horizontal size: (%s, %s); constraint: %s",
+ EchoLength(back(hd, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(hd, COLM)), EchoConstraint(&hc));
+ if( !FitsConstraint(back(hd, COLM), fwd(hd, COLM), hc) )
+ { DisposeChild(Up(hd));
+ if( inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(inners);
+ if( newrecs != nilobj ) DisposeObject(newrecs);
+ DeleteNode(target_index);
+ debug0(DCR, DD, " rejecting (too wide)");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( !external_ver(target) )
+ { Constrained(target, &vc, ROWM, &why);
+ debug2(DSC, DD, "Constrained( %s, ROWM ) = %s",
+ EchoObject(target), EchoConstraint(&vc));
+ Child(z, LastDown(hd));
+ debug3(DCR, DD, " vsize: (%s, %s); constraint: %s",
+ EchoLength(back(z, ROWM)), EchoLength(fwd(z, ROWM)), EchoConstraint(&vc));
+ if( !FitsConstraint(back(z, ROWM), fwd(z, ROWM), vc) )
+ { DisposeChild(Up(hd));
+ if( inners != nilobj ) DisposeObject(inners);
+ if( newrecs != nilobj ) DisposeObject(newrecs);
+ DeleteNode(target_index);
+ debug0(DCR, DD, " rejecting (too high)");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* object fits; adjust sizes and promote */
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize from ExpandRecursives (a)");
+ AdjustSize(target, back(hd, COLM), fwd(hd, COLM), COLM);
+ if( !external_ver(target) )
+ { debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize from ExpandRecursives (b)");
+ AdjustSize(target, back(z, ROWM), fwd(z, ROWM), ROWM);
+ Interpose(target, VCAT, z, z);
+ }
+ Promote(hd, hd, target_index, TRUE); DeleteNode(hd);
+ DeleteNode(target_index);
+ if( inners != nilobj )
+ {
+ debug0(DGF, D, " calling FlushInners from ExpandRecursives");
+ FlushInners(inners, nilobj);
+ }
+ if( newrecs != nilobj ) MergeNode(recs, newrecs);
+ } /* end while */
+ Dispose(recs);
+ debug0(DCR, DD, "ExpandRecursives returning.");
+} /* end ExpandRecursives */
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT FindSplitInGalley(hd) */
+/* */
+/* Search simply joined galley hd for a SPLIT object, which must be there. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT FindSplitInGalley(OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ debug0(DGF, D, "FindSplitInGalley(hd)");
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_definite(type(y)) ) break;
+ }
+ if( link == hd )
+ { debug0(DGF, D, "FindSplitInGalley failing, no definite component; hd =");
+ ifdebug(DGF, D, DebugObject(hd));
+ Error(22, 1, "FindSplit: missing galley component", INTERN, &fpos(hd));
+ }
+ while( type(y) != SPLIT ) switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case VCAT:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ Child(y, Down(y));
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case HCAT:
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ case ACAT:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ case COL_THR:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case SCALE:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ debug0(DGF, D, "FindSplitInGalley(hd) failing, hd =");
+ ifdebug(DGF, D, DebugObject(hd));
+ Error(22, 2, "FindSplitInGalley failed", INTERN, &fpos(y),Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "FindSplitInGalley:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ }
+ debug0(DGF, D, "FindSplitInGalley returning.");
+ return y;
+} /* end FindSplitInGalley */
+/* */
+/* Promote(hd, stop_link, dest_index, join_after) */
+/* */
+/* Promote components of galley hd into its destination (dest), up to but */
+/* not including the one linked to hd by link stop_link, which always */
+/* follows a component. No size adjustments are made, except that when */
+/* two col_thr nodes are merged, a COLM adjustment is made to the result. */
+/* */
+/* If the galley is ending here, Promote inserts a gap at the end of it. */
+/* Whether to make this a joining gap or not is a tricky question which */
+/* Promote answers by referring to join_after. */
+/* */
+void Promote(OBJECT hd, OBJECT stop_link, OBJECT dest_index, BOOLEAN join_after)
+ /* these two variables refer to the root galley only */
+ static BOOLEAN first = TRUE; /* TRUE when the first component not written */
+ static OBJECT page_label=nilobj; /* current page label object */
+ OBJECT dest, link, y, z, tmp1, tmp2, why; FULL_CHAR *label_string;
+ int dim;
+ debug1(DGS, DD, "Promote(%s, stop_link)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ assert( type(hd) == HEAD, "Promote: hd!" );
+ assert( type(stop_link) == LINK || stop_link == hd, "Promote: stop_link!" );
+ assert( stop_link != Down(hd), "Promote: stop_link == Down(hd)!" );
+ type(dest_index) = RECEIVING;
+ dest = actual(dest_index);
+ /* insert final gap if galley is ending */
+ if( stop_link != hd )
+ { Child(y, stop_link);
+ assert( type(y) == GAP_OBJ, "Promote: missing GAP_OBJ!" );
+ stop_link = NextDown(stop_link);
+ }
+ else
+ { New(y, GAP_OBJ);
+ FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(hd));
+ hspace(y) = 0; vspace(y) = 1;
+ /* SetGap(gap(y), FALSE, FALSE, seen_nojoin(hd), FIXED_UNIT, NO_MODE, 0); */
+ /* SetGap(gap(y), FALSE, FALSE, threaded(dest), FIXED_UNIT, NO_MODE, 0); */
+ /* SetGap(gap(y), FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FIXED_UNIT, NO_MODE, 0); */
+ /* ClearGap(gap(y)); */
+ SetGap(gap(y), FALSE, FALSE, join_after, FIXED_UNIT, NO_MODE, 0);
+ Link(stop_link, y);
+ }
+ /* if optimizing, add to dummy paragraph containing components and gaps */
+ if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ { OBJECT last, tmp;
+ debug1(DOG, DD, "Promote(%s) optimizing:", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ if( LastDown(opt_components(hd))!=opt_components(hd) && !opt_gazumped(hd) )
+ {
+ Child(last, LastDown(opt_components(hd)));
+ }
+ else last = nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != stop_link; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ {
+ if( last == nilobj )
+ {
+ /* do nothing, gap cannot separate definite objects */
+ debug1(DOG, DD, " skipping initial GAP_OBJ %s", EchoGap(&gap(y)));
+ }
+ else if( type(last) == GAP_OBJ )
+ {
+ /* previous gap must have preceded an indefinite, so overwrite it */
+ FposCopy(fpos(last), fpos(y));
+ debug2(DOG, DD, " overwriting GAP_OBJ %s with %s",
+ EchoGap(&gap(last)), EchoGap(&gap(y)));
+ GapCopy(gap(last), gap(y));
+ if( Down(last) != last ) DisposeChild(Down(last));
+ if( Down(y) != y )
+ { Child(tmp, Down(y));
+ tmp = CopyObject(tmp, no_fpos);
+ Link(last, tmp);
+ }
+ join(gap(last)) = TRUE; /* irrelevant but improves debug output */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* previous was definite, so this gap must be stored */
+ opt_gazumped(hd) = FALSE;
+ New(last, GAP_OBJ);
+ FposCopy(fpos(last), fpos(y));
+ GapCopy(gap(last), gap(y));
+ join(gap(last)) = TRUE; /* irrelevant but improves debug output */
+ hspace(last) = 1;
+ vspace(last) = 0;
+ Link(opt_components(hd), last);
+ debug1(DOG, DD, " adding GAP_OBJ %s", EchoGap(&gap(last)));
+ }
+ }
+ else if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ {
+ /* definite, must be stored */
+ opt_gazumped(hd) = FALSE;
+ last = MakeWord(type(y), string(y), &fpos(y));
+ back(last, COLM) = back(y, gall_dir(hd));
+ fwd(last, COLM) = fwd(y, gall_dir(hd));
+ word_font(last) = word_font(y);
+ word_colour(last) = word_colour(y);
+ word_language(last) = word_language(y);
+ word_hyph(last) = word_hyph(y);
+ Link(opt_components(hd), last);
+ debug2(DOG, DD, " adding %s \"%s\"", Image(type(last)), string(last));
+ }
+ else if( is_indefinite(type(y)) )
+ {
+ /* indefinite, always skip these */
+ /* ***
+ New(z, NULL_CLOS);
+ FposCopy(fpos(z), fpos(y));
+ back(z, COLM) = 0;
+ fwd(z, COLM) = 0;
+ Link(opt_components(hd), z);
+ debug1(DOG, DD, " adding %s", KW_NULL);
+ *** */
+ }
+ else if( is_definite(type(y)) )
+ {
+ /* definite other than WORD, add it */
+ opt_gazumped(hd) = FALSE;
+ last = MakeWord(QWORD, AsciiToFull("w"), &fpos(y));
+ back(last, COLM) = back(y, gall_dir(hd));
+ fwd(last, COLM) = fwd(y, gall_dir(hd));
+ Link(opt_components(hd), last);
+ debug1(DOG, DD, " adding word for %s", EchoObject(y));
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DOG, DD, "Promote(%s) end optimizing", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ }
+ /* error if promoting a seen_nojoin galley into a threaded destination */
+ if( seen_nojoin(hd) && gall_dir(hd) == ROWM && threaded(dest) )
+ Error(22, 3, "galley %s must have a single column mark",
+ FATAL, &fpos(hd), SymName(actual(hd)));
+ /* make nojoin status clear by adding an extra gap at start if needed */
+ if( gall_dir(hd) == ROWM && !external_ver(dest) && seen_nojoin(hd) &&
+ join(gap(y)) )
+ { OBJECT prnt, extra_null, extra_gap;
+ /* add nojoin gap at start */
+ Parent(prnt, Up(dest)); /* can't be threaded */
+ assert( type(prnt) == VCAT, "Promote: nojoin case, can't find VCAT" );
+ New(extra_null, NULL_CLOS);
+ back(extra_null, COLM) = fwd(extra_null, COLM) = 0;
+ back(extra_null, ROWM) = fwd(extra_null, ROWM) = 0;
+ New(extra_gap, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(extra_gap) = vspace(extra_gap) = 0;
+ SetGap(gap(extra_gap), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FIXED_UNIT, EDGE_MODE, 0);
+ Link(Down(prnt), extra_gap);
+ Link(Down(prnt), extra_null);
+ debug0(DGS, DD, " Promote adding extra nojoin gap");
+ /* join(gap(y)) = FALSE; */
+ }
+ /* if promoting out of root galley, do special things */
+ if( actual(dest) == PrintSym )
+ link = hd;
+ while( NextDown(link) != stop_link )
+ { Child(y, NextDown(link));
+ debug2(DGS, DD, "root promote %s %s", Image(type(y)),
+ is_definite(type(y)) ? STR_EMPTY : EchoObject(y));
+ if( type(y) == SPLIT ) Child(y, DownDim(y, ROWM));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case SCALE_IND:
+ case COVER_IND:
+ case PRECEDES:
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ assert( Down(y) != y, "FlushRootGalley: UNATTACHED!" );
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ assert( type(z) == HEAD, "FlushRootGalley: unattached HEAD!" );
+ if( sized(z) )
+ {
+ /* galley is part flushed, leave it here */
+ link = NextDown(link);
+ }
+ else if( foll_or_prec(z) == GALL_PREC )
+ {
+ /* galley is preceding or foll_or_prec, send to CrossSequence */
+ type(y) = GALL_PREC;
+ pinpoint(y) = nilobj;
+ Child(t, Down(z));
+ actual(y) = CrossMake(whereto(z), t, GALL_PREC);
+ DisposeChild(Down(y));
+ CrossSequence(actual(y));
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* galley was never attached, print message and kill it */
+ Error(22, 4, "galley %s deleted (never attached)",
+ WARN, &fpos(z), SymName(actual(z)));
+ debug1(DGF, D, "never-attached galley %s:", EchoFilePos(&fpos(z)));
+ ifdebug(DGF, D, DebugObject(z));
+ KillGalley(z, FALSE);
+ /* ***
+ link = NextDown(link);
+ *** */
+ }
+ break;
+ case EXPAND_IND:
+ /* expand @HExpand or @VExpand to occupy everything possible */
+ dim = type(actual(y)) == HEXPAND ? COLM : ROWM;
+ Constrained(actual(y), &c, dim, &why);
+ if( constrained(c) )
+ { FULL_LENGTH b = back(actual(y), dim);
+ FULL_LENGTH f = fwd(actual(y), dim);
+ EnlargeToConstraint(&b, &f, &c);
+ debug1(DSA, D, "Promote %s AdjustSize", Image(type(actual(y))));
+ AdjustSize(actual(y), b, f, dim);
+ }
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ if( page_label != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(page_label);
+ page_label = nilobj;
+ }
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ assert( type(z) == PAGE_LABEL, "Promote: type(z) != PAGE_LABEL!" );
+ assert( Down(z) != z, "Promote: PAGE_LABEL Down(z) == z!" );
+ Child(page_label, Down(z));
+ DeleteLink(Up(page_label));
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ debug2(DGS, DD, "root promote %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y));
+ /* NB NO BREAK */
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ CrossSequence(actual(y));
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case SCALE:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case ACAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case CROSS:
+ /* print this component */
+ debug0(DGS, DD, "root promote definite or indefinite");
+ if( !is_indefinite(type(y)) && size(y, ROWM) != 0 )
+ {
+ /* fix horizontally; work out which fonts needed */
+ SetLengthDim(COLM);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, back(y, COLM), back(y, COLM), fwd(y, COLM),
+ COLM, FALSE, 0, 0);
+ /* print prefatory or page separating material, including fonts */
+ label_string = page_label != nilobj && is_word(type(page_label)) ?
+ string(page_label) : AsciiToFull("?");
+ debug1(DGS, DD, "root promote definite; label_string = %s",
+ label_string);
+ debug1(DCR, D, "label_string = %s", label_string);
+ if( first )
+ { PrintBeforeFirst(size(hd, COLM), size(y, ROWM), label_string);
+ first = FALSE;
+ }
+ else PrintBetween(size(hd, COLM), size(y, ROWM), label_string);
+ if( page_label != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(page_label);
+ page_label = nilobj;
+ }
+ /* fix and print vertically */
+ debug1(DGF,D, " Promote calling FixAndPrint %s", Image(type(y)));
+ debug3(DGP,D, " Promote calling FixAndPrint %s %s,%s", dimen(ROWM),
+ EchoLength(back(y,ROWM)), EchoLength(fwd(y, ROWM)));
+ SetLengthDim(ROWM);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, back(y,ROWM), back(y, ROWM), fwd(y, ROWM),
+ ROWM, FALSE, size(y, ROWM), 0);
+ }
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ /* scavenge any filter files now not needed */
+ FilterScavenge(FALSE);
+ break;
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "Promote:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DGS, DD, "Promote returning (root galley).");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* prepare the promotion */
+ if( external_ver(dest) && gall_dir(hd) == ROWM )
+ { if( threaded(dest) )
+ { Parent(tmp1, UpDim(dest, COLM));
+ assert( type(tmp1) == COL_THR, "Promote: tmp1 not COL_THR!" );
+ y = FindSplitInGalley(hd);
+ assert( type(y) == SPLIT, "Promote: FindSplitInGalley!" );
+ Child(tmp2, DownDim(y, COLM));
+ assert( type(tmp2) == COL_THR, "Promote: tmp2 not COL_THR!" );
+ if( tmp1 != tmp2 )
+ { FULL_LENGTH b = find_max(back(tmp1, COLM), back(tmp2, COLM));
+ FULL_LENGTH f = find_max(fwd(tmp1, COLM), fwd(tmp2, COLM));
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize(tmp1) from Promote (node merging)");
+ AdjustSize(tmp1, b, f, COLM);
+ debug0(DSA, D, "calling AdjustSize(tmp2) from Promote (node merging)");
+ AdjustSize(tmp2, b, f, COLM);
+ MergeNode(tmp1, tmp2);
+ }
+ }
+ link = Up(dest_index);
+ }
+ else if( external_hor(dest) && gall_dir(hd) == COLM )
+ { link = Up(dest_index);
+ }
+ else
+ { for( link = hd; NextDown(link) != stop_link; )
+ { Child(y, NextDown(link));
+ if( is_index(type(y)) )
+ MoveLink(NextDown(link), Up(dest_index), PARENT);
+ else link = NextDown(link);
+ }
+ assert( Down(hd) != stop_link, "Promote: Down(hd) == stop_link!" );
+ assert( UpDim(dest, ROWM) == UpDim(dest, COLM), "Promote: dims!" );
+ link = Up(dest);
+ }
+ /* promote components */
+ TransferLinks(Down(hd), stop_link, link);
+ debug0(DGS, DD, "Promote returning.");
+} /* end Promote */
+/*@::MakeDead(), KillGalley()@************************************************/
+/* */
+/* static MakeDead(y) */
+/* */
+/* Convert object y into a DEAD object and remove it to the dead store. */
+/* */
+static void MakeDead(OBJECT y)
+{ static int dead_count = 0; /* number of DEAD objects seen */
+ static OBJECT dead_store = nilobj; /* where DEAD objects are kept */
+ debug1(DGS, DDD, "MakeDead( %s )", Image(type(y)));
+ if( dead_store == nilobj ) New(dead_store, ACAT);
+ type(y) = DEAD;
+ MoveLink(Up(y), dead_store, PARENT);
+ if( dead_count >= 150 )
+ { DisposeChild(Down(dead_store));
+ }
+ else dead_count++;
+ debug1(DGS, DDD, "MakeDead returning (dead_count = %d).", dead_count);
+} /* end MakeDead */
+/* */
+/* KillGalley(hd, optimize) */
+/* */
+/* Kill galley hd, which may be sized or unsized. The index of hd must */
+/* be UNATTACHED; it is moved out of its present location to a secret spot. */
+/* */
+/* If hd is to be optimized, generate all the stuff for the cross */
+/* reference database. However, don't do this if optimize is FALSE, for */
+/* in that case hd is defective in some way and not optimizable. */
+/* */
+void KillGalley(OBJECT hd, BOOLEAN optimize)
+{ OBJECT prnt, link, y, z;
+ debug2(DGF, D, "[ KillGalley(Galley %s into %s)",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)));
+ assert( type(hd) == HEAD && Up(hd) != hd, "KillGalley: precondition!" );
+ Parent(prnt, Up(hd));
+ assert( type(prnt) == UNATTACHED, "KillGalley: UNATTACHED precondition!" );
+ assert( Up(prnt) != prnt, "KillGalley: prnt!" );
+ /* delete any ready_galls that might be hanging about */
+ if( ready_galls(hd) != nilobj )
+ { DisposeObject(ready_galls(hd));
+ ready_galls(hd) = nilobj;
+ }
+ /* delete every remaining component */
+ for( link = hd; NextDown(link) != hd; )
+ { Child(y, NextDown(link));
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case RECEIVING: while( Down(y) != y )
+ { Child(z, Down(y));
+ DetachGalley(z);
+ }
+ DeleteNode(y);
+ break;
+ case RECEPTIVE: assert( Down(y) == y, "KillGalley: RECEPTIVE!" );
+ DeleteNode(y);
+ break;
+ case UNATTACHED: assert( Down(y) != y, "KillGalley: UNATTACHED!" );
+ Child(z, Down(y)); KillGalley(z, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case HEAD: assert(FALSE, "KillGalley: head");
+ break;
+ default: DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* perform optimization calculations if required */
+ if( optimize && opt_components(hd) != nilobj )
+ CalculateOptimize(hd);
+ /* move index into dead_store */
+ MakeDead(prnt);
+ debug0(DGF, D, "] KillGalley returning.");
+} /* end KillGalley */
+/* */
+/* FreeGalley(hd, stop_link, inners, relocate_link, sym) */
+/* */
+/* Free galley hd up to but not including stop_link. *Inners is well- */
+/* defined, either nilobj or an ACAT of galleys to be flushed. */
+/* */
+/* Relocate_link defines what to do with any galley attached to one of the */
+/* freed targets. If it is non-nilobj, galley hd is searched onwards from */
+/* it to see if a target can be found there. If so, the galley is */
+/* relocated to just before that point. If not, or if relocate_link is */
+/* nilobj, the galley is freed and added to *inners for flushing. If the */
+/* whereto() of such galley is sym, it is freed, not relocated, because the */
+/* cause of this call to FreeGalley is also targeted to sym, and it will */
+/* consume all possible targets of sym. */
+/* */
+void FreeGalley(OBJECT hd, OBJECT stop_link, OBJECT *inners,
+OBJECT relocate_link, OBJECT sym)
+{ OBJECT link, y, z, zlink, srch, index;
+ assert( type(hd) == HEAD && sized(hd), "FreeGalley: pre!");
+ assert( Up(hd) != hd, "FreeGalley: Up(hd)!" );
+ assert( *inners == nilobj || type(*inners) == ACAT, "FreeGalley: ACAT!" );
+ debug3(DGA, D, "[ FreeGalley(Galley %s into %s); rl %s nilobj",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)),
+ relocate_link == nilobj ? "==" : "!=");
+ /* close targets and move or flush any inner galleys */
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != stop_link; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == RECEIVING && actual(actual(y)) == InputSym )
+ Error(22, 5, "forcing galley after input point", WARN, &fpos(actual(y)));
+ else if( type(y) == RECEIVING )
+ {
+ /* either relocate or free each galley */
+ for( zlink = Down(y); zlink != y; )
+ { Child(z, zlink);
+ zlink = NextDown(zlink);
+ assert( type(z) == HEAD, "FreeGalley/RECEIVING: type(z) != HEAD!" );
+ debug1(DGA, D, "FreeGalley examining galley %s", SymName(actual(z)));
+ if( relocate_link != nilobj && whereto(z) != sym &&
+ (srch = SearchGalley(relocate_link, whereto(z), TRUE,
+ FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) != nilobj )
+ {
+ if( opt_components(z) != nilobj ) GazumpOptimize(z, actual(y));
+ debug2(DGA, D, " FreeGalley relocating %s to just before %s",
+ SymName(actual(z)), SymName(whereto(z)));
+ DetachGalley(z);
+ Parent(index, Up(z));
+ MoveLink(Up(index), Up(srch), PARENT); /* just before new dest */
+ }
+ else
+ { debug1(DGA, D, " FreeGalley freeing galley %s", SymName(actual(z)));
+ FreeGalley(z, z, inners, nilobj, sym);
+ if( *inners == nilobj ) New(*inners, ACAT);
+ Link(*inners, y);
+ }
+ }
+ non_blocking(y) = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == RECEPTIVE )
+ { non_blocking(y) = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DGA, D, "] FreeGalley returning.");
+} /* end FreeGalley */
+/* */
+/* SetTarget(hd) */
+/* */
+/* Search for the target of unsized galley hd, and set the following: */
+/* */
+/* whereto(hd) The symbol which is this galley's target */
+/* foll_or_prec(hd) GALL_FOLL, GALL_PREC, GALL_FOLL_OR_PREC */
+/* force_gall(hd) TRUE is this is a forcing galley */
+/* */
+void SetTarget(OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT x, y, link, cr, lpar, rpar, env;
+ BOOLEAN copied;
+ debug1(DGS, DD, "SetTarget(%s)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ assert( type(hd) == HEAD, "SetTarget: type(hd) != HEAD!" );
+ Child(x, Down(hd));
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "SetTarget: type(x) != CLOSURE!" );
+ assert( has_target(actual(x)), "SetTarget: x has no target!" );
+ /* search the parameters of x for @Target */
+ cr = nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == PAR && is_target(actual(y)) )
+ { assert( Down(y) != y, "SetTarget: Down(PAR)!" );
+ Child(cr, Down(y));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* search the children of actual(x) for a default value of @Target */
+ if( cr == nilobj )
+ for( link = Down(actual(x)); link != actual(x); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_target(y) )
+ { cr = sym_body(y);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(cr != nilobj, "SetTarget: cr == nilobj!");
+ /* if cr is not a cross-reference, expand it until it is */
+ copied = FALSE;
+ if( !is_cross(type(cr)) )
+ { OBJECT nbt[2], nft[2], ntarget, ncrs, nenclose;
+ nbt[COLM] = nft[COLM] = nbt[ROWM] = nft[ROWM] = nilobj;
+ ntarget = ncrs = nenclose = nilobj;
+ cr = CopyObject(cr, &fpos(x));
+ copied = TRUE;
+ env = GetEnv(x);
+ cr = Manifest(cr, env, &InitialStyle, nbt, nft, &ntarget, &ncrs,
+ FALSE, FALSE, &nenclose, TRUE);
+ }
+ /* check that cr is now a cross-reference object */
+ debug1(DGS, DD, "SetTarget examining %s", EchoObject(cr));
+ debug1(DGS, DD, " type(cr) = %s", Image( (int) type(cr)) );
+ if( !is_cross(type(cr)) )
+ Error(22, 6, "target of %s is not a cross reference",
+ FATAL, &fpos(cr), SymName(actual(x)));
+ /* determine which symbol is the target of this galley */
+ Child(lpar, Down(cr));
+ if( type(lpar) != CLOSURE )
+ Error(22, 7, "left parameter of %s is not a symbol",
+ FATAL, &fpos(lpar), KW_CROSS);
+ whereto(hd) = actual(lpar);
+ /* determine the direction from the right parameter */
+ Child(rpar, NextDown(Down(cr)));
+ if( !is_word(type(rpar)) )
+ {
+ Error(22, 8, "replacing %s%s? by %s%s%s", WARN, &fpos(rpar),
+ SymName(actual(lpar)), KW_CROSS,
+ SymName(actual(lpar)), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ foll_or_prec(hd) = GALL_FOLL;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(rpar), KW_PRECEDING) )
+ foll_or_prec(hd) = GALL_PREC;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(rpar), KW_FOLLOWING) )
+ foll_or_prec(hd) = GALL_FOLL;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(rpar), KW_FOLL_OR_PREC) )
+ foll_or_prec(hd) = GALL_FOLL_OR_PREC;
+ else
+ {
+ Error(22, 9, "replacing %s%s%s by %s%s%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(rpar), SymName(actual(lpar)), KW_CROSS,
+ string(rpar), SymName(actual(lpar)), KW_CROSS, KW_FOLLOWING);
+ foll_or_prec(hd) = GALL_FOLL;
+ }
+ /* determine whether this is a forcing galley */
+ force_gall(hd) = force_target(actual(hd)) || type(cr) == FORCE_CROSS;
+ if( copied ) DisposeObject(cr);
+} /* end SetTarget */
+/* */
+/* int CheckComponentOrder(preceder, follower) */
+/* */
+/* Check the ordering relation between components preceder and follower, */
+/* and return its current status: */
+/* */
+/* CLEAR follower definitely follows preceder, and always will; */
+/* PROMOTE follower is not prevented from following preceder; */
+/* CLOSE follower must move down its galley to follow preceder; */
+/* BLOCK follower cannot be guaranteed to follow preceder. */
+/* */
+int CheckComponentOrder(OBJECT preceder, OBJECT follower)
+{ OBJECT prec_galley, foll_galley, z; int res;
+ debug2(DGS, DD, "CheckComponentOrder( %s, %s )",
+ EchoObject(preceder), EchoObject(follower));
+ Parent(prec_galley, Up(preceder));
+ Parent(foll_galley, Up(follower));
+ if( prec_galley == foll_galley )
+ { res = CLOSE;
+ for( z = Up(follower); z != foll_galley; z = pred(z, CHILD) )
+ if( z == Up(preceder) )
+ { res = CLEAR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { res = PROMOTE;
+ while( Up(prec_galley) != prec_galley )
+ { Parent(z, Up(prec_galley)); /* index of galley */
+ Parent(prec_galley, Up(z)); /* enclosing galley */
+ if( prec_galley == foll_galley )
+ { res = BLOCK;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DGS, DD, "CheckComponentOrder returning %s", Image(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end CheckComponentOrder */
diff --git a/z23.c b/z23.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b2a4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z23.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1237 @@
+/*@z23.c:Galley Printer:ScaleFactor()@****************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z23.c */
+/* MODULE: Galley Printer */
+/* EXTERNS: FixAndPrintObject() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define word_equal(x, str) (is_word(type(x)) && StringEqual(string(x), str))
+/* */
+/* static float ScaleFactor(avail_size, inner_size) */
+/* */
+/* Return the scale factor for this scaling, or 0 if impossible. */
+/* */
+static float ScaleFactor(FULL_LENGTH avail_size, FULL_LENGTH inner_size)
+{ float scale_factor;
+ scale_factor = avail_size <= 0 ? 0 :
+ inner_size <= 0 ? 0 : (float) avail_size / inner_size;
+ return scale_factor;
+/* */
+/* static FULL_LENGTH FindAdjustIncrement(x, frame_size, dim) */
+/* */
+/* Find the amount by which to increase the width of the subobjects of */
+/* concatenation object x so that it is adjusted to fill size frame_size. */
+/* */
+static FULL_LENGTH FindAdjustIncrement(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH frame_size,int dim)
+{ OBJECT y, link, prev, g;
+ int adjustable_gaps; BOOLEAN jn;
+ FULL_LENGTH inc, mk, actual_size;
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "FindAdjustIncrement(x, %s, %s)",
+ EchoLength(frame_size), dimen(dim));
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, prev, jn);
+ if( link != x )
+ { adjustable_gaps = 0;
+ mk = back(prev, dim);
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ while( link != x )
+ { if ( mode(gap(g)) == TAB_MODE || units(gap(g)) == AVAIL_UNIT
+ || units(gap(g)) == FRAME_UNIT )
+ { debug0(DGP, DD, "FindAdjustIncrement returning 0 (tab gap)");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ mk += ActualGap(fwd(prev, dim), back(y, dim), fwd(y, dim), &gap(g),
+ frame_size, mk);
+ prev = y;
+ adjustable_gaps++;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ }
+ actual_size = mk + fwd(prev, dim);
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " actual_size = %s, adjustable_gaps = %d",
+ EchoLength(actual_size), adjustable_gaps);
+ inc = adjustable_gaps==0 ? 0 : (frame_size - actual_size) / adjustable_gaps;
+ }
+ else inc = 0;
+ debug1(DGP, DD, "FindAdjustIncrement returning %s", EchoLength(inc));
+ return inc;
+} /* end FindAdjustIncrement */
+/* */
+/* FixAndPrintObject(x, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count) */
+/* */
+/* Fix the absolute position of object x in dimension dim, in such a way */
+/* that the principal mark of x has coordinate xmk, and x has actual size */
+/* (xb, xf), where xb >= back(x, dim) and xf >= fwd(x, dim). */
+/* */
+/* Actually, in the case where x includes an object lying on a thread */
+/* leading outside x, the final size of x may be different. Because */
+/* of this, the procedure sets back(x, dim) and fwd(x, dim) to the actual */
+/* size of x upon return. The caller assumes that x will exactly occupy */
+/* this space back(x, dim), fwd(x, dim). */
+/* */
+/* The suppress parameter is true if a temporary suppression of adjustment */
+/* in this direction is in effect (because a neighbouring adjustment has */
+/* already been done). This is for @HAdjust and @VAdjust, not @PAdjust. */
+/* */
+/* If dim == COLM, the coordinate information is merely stored; but if */
+/* dim == ROWM, it is used to generate PostScript for printing x. */
+/* */
+/* Parameter pg records the height of the current page. This is used */
+/* to correct for the fact that Lout places its origin at the top left, */
+/* while PostScript places its origin at the bottom left. This correction */
+/* cannot be made by transforming user space. */
+/* */
+/* x is child number count of its parent (used by COL_THR and ROW_THR only) */
+/* */
+void FixAndPrintObject(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH xmk, FULL_LENGTH xb,
+ FULL_LENGTH xf, int dim, BOOLEAN suppress, FULL_LENGTH pg, int count)
+{ OBJECT y, link, prev, g, uplink, z, face, thr;
+ FULL_LENGTH mk, ymk, frame_size, back_edge, yb, yf, inc, f;
+ int i; float scale_factor; BOOLEAN jn;
+ debug7(DGP, DD, "[ FixAndPrintObject(%s %s, %s, %s,%s, %s, %s, pg )",
+ Image(type(x)),
+ ((type(x) == WORD || type(x) == QWORD) ? string(x) : STR_EMPTY),
+ EchoLength(xmk), EchoLength(xb), EchoLength(xf),dimen(dim),
+ (suppress == SUPPRESS ? "suppress" : "no_suppress"));
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " size(x) = %s,%s; x =",
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+ ifdebug(DGP, DD, DebugObject(x));
+ /*** start and stop debugging
+ if( dim == COLM && is_word(type(x)) &&
+ StringEqual(string(x), AsciiToFull("STARTBUG")) )
+ dbg[DGP].on[DD] = dbg[DGP].on[D] = TRUE;
+ if( dim == COLM && is_word(type(x)) &&
+ StringEqual(string(x), AsciiToFull("STOPBUG")) )
+ dbg[DGP].on[DD] = dbg[DGP].on[D] = FALSE;
+ *** */
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case CROSS:
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ CountChild(y, DownDim(x, dim), count);
+ if( type(y) == HSPANNER || type(y) == VSPANNER )
+ {
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ Parent(thr, UpDim(x, dim));
+ debug7(DGP, DD, " calling SPAN %s(xmk %s, x %s,%s, cons %s, z %s,%s)",
+ dimen(dim), EchoLength(xmk),
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)),
+ EchoConstraint(&constraint(y)),
+ EchoLength(back(z, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(z, dim)));
+ /* ***
+ f = find_max(xf, fwd(z,dim));
+ FixAndPrintObject(z, xmk - back(thr, dim) + back(z, dim), back(z, dim),
+ find_max(f, bfc(constraint(y)) - back(z, dim)),
+ dim, FALSE, pg, 1);
+ *** */
+ debug5(DGP, DD, " calling FAPO from %s (y = %s, bfc = %s, z = %s,%s",
+ Image(type(x)), Image(type(y)), EchoLength(bfc(constraint(y))),
+ EchoLength(back(z, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(z, dim)));
+ /* ***
+ FixAndPrintObject(z, xmk - back(thr, dim) + back(z, dim), back(z, dim),
+ bfc(constraint(y)) - back(z, dim), dim, FALSE, pg, 1);
+ *** */
+ FixAndPrintObject(z, xmk - back(thr, dim) + back(z, dim), back(z, dim),
+ find_max(fwd(z, dim), bfc(constraint(y)) - back(z, dim)),
+ dim, FALSE, pg, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim); fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ /* nothing to print, spanner beneath is already done */
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ {
+ /* save horizontal position for PrintWord below */
+ word_save_mark(x) = xmk;
+ /* if first occurrence of this font on this page, notify font */
+ if( string(x)[0] != '\0' )
+ { face = finfo[word_font(x)].original_font;
+ if( font_page(face) < font_curr_page )
+ { debug3(DFT, DD, "FAPO: x = %s, word_font = %d, face = %s",
+ string(x), word_font(x), EchoObject(face));
+ FontPageUsed(face);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug4(DGP, D, /* underline(x) == UNDER_UNDEF, */
+ " FAPO %s %s %s (underline = %s)", EchoFilePos(&fpos(x)),
+ Image(type(x)),
+ string(x), underline(x) == UNDER_OFF ? "UNDER_OFF" :
+ underline(x) == UNDER_ON ? "UNDER_ON" : "UNDER_UNDEF");
+ assert( underline(x) == UNDER_OFF || underline(x) == UNDER_ON,
+ "FixAndPrintObject: underline(x)!" );
+ if( string(x)[0] != '\0' )
+ { PrintWord(x, word_save_mark(x), pg - xmk);
+ if( underline(x) == UNDER_ON )
+ {
+ FontWordSize(x); /* to restore fwd(x, COLM) */
+ PrintUnderline(word_font(x), word_save_mark(x),
+ word_save_mark(x) + fwd(x, COLM), pg - xmk);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ if( (dim == COLM) == (type(x) == WIDE) )
+ { yf = bfc(constraint(x)) - back(y, dim);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, back(y,dim), yf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg,count);
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ }
+ else
+ { FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim); fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ if( (dim == COLM) == (type(x) == HSHIFT) )
+ {
+ /* work out the size of the shift depending on the units */
+ f = FindShift(x, y, dim);
+ ymk = xmk - f;
+ yb = find_max(0, xb - f);
+ yf = find_max(0, xf + f);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, ymk, yb, yf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ /* recalculate the size of x as in MinSize */
+ f = FindShift(x, y, dim);
+ back(x, dim) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, back(y, dim) + f));
+ fwd(x, dim) = find_min(MAX_FULL_LENGTH, find_max(0, fwd(y, dim) - f));
+ }
+ else
+ { FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim); fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ if( (dim == COLM) == (type(x) == HCONTRACT) )
+ { FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, back(y,dim), fwd(y,dim), dim,
+ NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ }
+ else
+ { FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim); fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ if( (dim == COLM) == (type(x) == ONE_COL || type(x) == HEXPAND) )
+ { FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ }
+ else
+ { FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim); fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ case VSCALE:
+ debug0(DRS, DD, "FixAndPrintObject at VSCALE");
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ else if( (scale_factor = ScaleFactor(xb+xf, size(y, ROWM))) > 0 )
+ { SaveGraphicState(y);
+ CoordTranslate(0, pg-(xmk-xb+(FULL_LENGTH) (back(y,ROWM)*scale_factor)));
+ CoordScale(1.0, scale_factor);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, 0, back(y,ROWM), fwd(y,ROWM), dim,
+ NO_SUPPRESS, 0, count);
+ RestoreGraphicState();
+ }
+ else if( !is_word(type(y)) || string(y)[0] != '\0' )
+ Error(23, 1, "object deleted (it cannot be scaled vertically)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x));
+ break;
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ case HSCALE:
+ debug0(DRS, DD, "FixAndPrintObject at HSCALE");
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { save_mark(x) = xmk;
+ bc(constraint(x)) = xb;
+ fc(constraint(x)) = xf;
+ if( (scale_factor = ScaleFactor(xb+xf, size(y, COLM))) > 0 )
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, 0, back(y, COLM), fwd(y, COLM), dim,
+ NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ else if( !is_word(type(y)) || string(y)[0] != '\0' )
+ Error(23, 2, "object deleted (it cannot be scaled horizontally)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y));
+ }
+ else if( (scale_factor =
+ ScaleFactor(bc(constraint(x))+fc(constraint(x)),size(y,COLM))) > 0 )
+ { SaveGraphicState(y);
+ CoordTranslate(save_mark(x) - bc(constraint(x))
+ + (FULL_LENGTH) (back(y, COLM)*scale_factor), 0);
+ CoordScale(scale_factor, 1.0);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ RestoreGraphicState();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ case SCALE:
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ /* printable only if scale factor is one */
+ if( bc(constraint(x)) == SF && fc(constraint(x)) == SF )
+ {
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { assert( bc(constraint(x)) > 0, "FAPO: horizontal scale factor!" );
+ save_mark(x) = xmk;
+ yb = xb * SF / bc(constraint(x));
+ yf = xf * SF / bc(constraint(x));
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, 0, yb, yf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ else
+ { assert( fc(constraint(x)) > 0, "FAPO: vertical scale factor!" );
+ yb = xb * SF / fc(constraint(x));
+ yf = xf * SF / fc(constraint(x));
+ SaveGraphicState(y);
+ CoordTranslate(save_mark(x), pg - xmk);
+ CoordScale( (float) bc(constraint(x))/SF,
+ (float) fc(constraint(x))/SF);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, 0, yb, yf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS,
+ 0, count);
+ RestoreGraphicState();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ CountChild(y, LastDown(x), count);
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, back(y,dim), fwd(y,dim), dim,
+ NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ else
+ { FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim); fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* this object has the size of its second child; but its first */
+ /* child gets printed too, in the same space */
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ CountChild(y, LastDown(x), count);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ break;
+ case ROTATE:
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ /* printable only if angle is zero */
+ if( sparec(constraint(x)) == 0 )
+ {
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ }
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { CONSTRAINT colc, rowc, yc;
+ save_mark(x) = xmk;
+ SetConstraint(colc, back(x,COLM), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, fwd(x,COLM));
+ SetConstraint(rowc, back(x,ROWM), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, fwd(x,ROWM));
+ RotateConstraint(&yc, y, sparec(constraint(x)), &colc, &rowc,COLM);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, 0, bc(yc), fc(yc), COLM,NO_SUPPRESS,pg,count);
+ }
+ else
+ { CONSTRAINT colc, rowc, yc;
+ SaveGraphicState(y);
+ CoordTranslate(save_mark(x), pg - xmk);
+ CoordRotate(sparec(constraint(x)));
+ SetConstraint(colc, back(x,COLM), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, fwd(x,COLM));
+ SetConstraint(rowc, back(x,ROWM), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, fwd(x,ROWM));
+ RotateConstraint(&yc, y, sparec(constraint(x)), &colc, &rowc, ROWM);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, 0, bc(yc), fc(yc), ROWM, NO_SUPPRESS,0,count);
+ RestoreGraphicState();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ CountChild(y, LastDown(x), count);
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ case PDF:
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ break;
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ {
+ back(x, dim) = xb;
+ fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ save_mark(x) = xmk - back(x, dim);
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "PLAIN_GRAPHIC COLM storing size %s, %s",
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ }
+ else
+ { OBJECT tmp, pre, post;
+ Child(tmp, Down(x));
+ if( type(tmp) == VCAT )
+ { Child(pre, Down(tmp));
+ Child(post, LastDown(tmp));
+ }
+ else pre = tmp, post = nilobj;
+ back(x, dim) = xb;
+ fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ PrintPlainGraphicObject(pre, save_mark(x),
+ pg - (xmk - back(x, dim)), x);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ if( post != nilobj )
+ PrintPlainGraphicObject(post, save_mark(x),
+ pg - (xmk - back(x, dim)), x);
+ }
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ CountChild(y, LastDown(x), count);
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ {
+ /* if first occurrence of this font on this page, notify font */
+ if( font(save_style(x)) > 0 )
+ { face = finfo[font(save_style(x))].original_font;
+ if( font_page(face) < font_curr_page ) FontPageUsed(face);
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = xb;
+ fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "GRAPHIC COLM storing size %s, %s",
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+ save_mark(x) = xmk - back(x, COLM);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xb, xb, xf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ else
+ { OBJECT tmp, pre, post;
+ Child(tmp, Down(x));
+ if( type(tmp) == VCAT )
+ { Child(pre, Down(tmp));
+ Child(post, LastDown(tmp));
+ }
+ else pre = tmp, post = nilobj;
+ back(x, dim) = xb;
+ fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ SaveTranslateDefineSave(x, save_mark(x), pg - (xmk + fwd(x, ROWM)));
+ /* ***
+ SaveGraphicState(x);
+ CoordTranslate(save_mark(x), pg - (xmk + fwd(x, ROWM)));
+ debug4(DGP, DD, "GRAPHIC ROWM calling %s,%s %s,%s",
+ EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM)),
+ EchoLength(back(x, ROWM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, ROWM)));
+ DefineGraphicNames(x);
+ SaveGraphicState(x);
+ *** */
+ PrintGraphicObject(pre);
+ RestoreGraphicState();
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xb, xb, xf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, xb + xf, count);
+ if( post != nilobj ) PrintGraphicObject(post);
+ RestoreGraphicState();
+ }
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { save_mark(x) = xmk;
+ if( incgraphic_ok(x) )
+ { debug2(DGP, DD, " %s (style %s)",
+ EchoObject(x), EchoStyle(&save_style(x)));
+ face = finfo[font(save_style(x))].original_font;
+ if( font_page(face) < font_curr_page )
+ { debug3(DFT, DD, "FAPO-IG: x = %s, font = %d, face = %s",
+ string(x), font(save_style(x)), EchoObject(face));
+ FontPageUsed(face);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( incgraphic_ok(x) )
+ PrintGraphicInclude(x, save_mark(x), pg - xmk);
+ break;
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ case SPLIT:
+ link = DownDim(x, dim); CountChild(y, link, count);
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, suppress, pg, count);
+ back(x, dim) = back(y, dim); fwd(x, dim) = fwd(y, dim);
+ break;
+ case VCAT:
+ case HCAT:
+ if( (type(x) == VCAT) == (dim == ROWM) )
+ {
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, prev, jn);
+ if( link != x )
+ {
+ /* handle the special case of a 0rt gap at the beginning (left */
+ /* justify) by converting it to 0ie but increasing fwd(prev) */
+ /* to the max. possible */
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ if( link != x && mode(gap(g)) == TAB_MODE &&
+ units(gap(g)) == AVAIL_UNIT && width(gap(g)) == 0 )
+ {
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " FAPO-CAT converting 0rt (back(x, dim) %s, xb %s)",
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(xb));
+ fwd(prev, dim) += xb - back(x, dim);
+ back(x, dim) = xb;
+ mode(gap(g)) = EDGE_MODE;
+ units(gap(g)) = FIXED_UNIT;
+ }
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, prev, jn);
+ /* the frame size is the total width actually available */
+ frame_size = back(x, dim) + xf;
+ /* back_edge is where the first element begins */
+ back_edge = xmk - back(x, dim);
+ /* inc is the adjust increment, used when adjusting gaps */
+ if( adjust_cat(x) && !suppress )
+ inc = FindAdjustIncrement(x, frame_size, dim);
+ else inc = 0;
+ debug6(DGP, DD, "[ FAPO-CAT %s (%s,%s): xmk %s, xb %s, xf %s",
+ Image(type(x)), EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)),
+ EchoLength(xmk), EchoLength(xb), EchoLength(xf));
+ mk = back_edge + back(prev, dim);
+ debug4(DGP, DD, " FAPO-CAT back_edge %s, mk %s, framesize %s, inc %s",
+ EchoLength(back_edge), EchoLength(mk), EchoLength(frame_size),
+ EchoLength(inc));
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ while( link != x )
+ {
+ if( mode(gap(g)) == TAB_MODE && units(gap(g)) == AVAIL_UNIT &&
+ width(gap(g))==FR )
+ {
+ /* object is followed by 1rt gap, give it full space to print */
+ debug5(DGP,D," FAPO (a) calling FAPO(%s, %s, %s, max(%s, %s))",
+ Image(type(prev)), EchoLength(mk), EchoLength(back(prev, dim)),
+ EchoLength(fwd(prev, dim)), EchoLength(xmk+xf-mk-size(y,dim)));
+ FixAndPrintObject(prev, mk, back(prev, dim),
+ find_max(fwd(prev, dim), xmk+xf-mk - size(y, dim)),
+ dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug5(DGP, DD, " FAPO-CAT (b) calling FAPO(%s, %s, %s, %s+%s)",
+ Image(type(prev)), EchoLength(mk), EchoLength(back(prev, dim)),
+ EchoLength(fwd(prev, dim)), EchoLength(inc));
+ FixAndPrintObject(prev, mk, back(prev, dim), fwd(prev, dim) + inc,
+ dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ /* NB fwd(prev, dim) may be changed by the call to FAPO */
+ mk += ActualGap(fwd(prev, dim), back(y, dim), fwd(y, dim), &gap(g),
+ frame_size, mk - back_edge);
+ prev = y;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ }
+ if( suppress )
+ {
+ debug4(DGP, DD, " FAPO-CAT (c) calling FAPO(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ Image(type(prev)), EchoLength(mk), EchoLength(back(prev, dim)),
+ EchoLength(fwd(prev, dim)));
+ FixAndPrintObject(prev, mk, back(prev, dim), fwd(prev, dim),
+ dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug5(DGP, DD," FAPO-CAT (d) calling FAPO(%s, %s, %s, max(%s, %s))",
+ Image(type(prev)), EchoLength(mk), EchoLength(back(prev, dim)),
+ EchoLength(fwd(prev, dim)), EchoLength(xmk + xf - mk));
+ FixAndPrintObject(prev, mk, back(prev,dim),
+ find_max(fwd(prev, dim), xmk + xf - mk),
+ dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = find_max(back(x, dim), xb);
+ fwd(x, dim) = mk + fwd(prev, dim) - back_edge - back(x, dim);
+ }
+ else back(x, dim) = xb, fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ debug0(DGP, DD, "] FAPO-CAT returning.");
+ }
+ else
+ { OBJECT start_group, zlink, m; BOOLEAN dble_found;
+ FULL_LENGTH b, f, dlen;
+ start_group = nilobj; dble_found = FALSE; dlen = 0;
+ debug0(DGP, DD, " groups beginning.");
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn);
+ if( link != x )
+ {
+ /* start first group, with or without join */
+ b = back(y, dim);
+ f = fwd(y, dim);
+ m = y;
+ start_group = link;
+ dble_found = !jn;
+ debug4(DGP, DD, " starting first group %s (%sdbl_found): b = %s, f = %s",
+ Image(type(y)), dble_found ? "" : "not ",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ while( link != x )
+ {
+ if( !jn )
+ {
+ /* finish off and fix the group ending just before g */
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " finishing group: b = %s, f = %s",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ FixAndPrintObject(m, xmk+b, b, xf-b, dim,
+ NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ b = back(m, dim); f = fwd(m, dim);
+ for( zlink = start_group; zlink != link; zlink=NextDown(zlink) )
+ { CountChild(z, zlink, count);
+ if( !is_definite(type(z)) || z == m ) continue;
+ FixAndPrintObject(z, xmk + b, b, xf - b, dim,
+ SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ b = find_max(b, back(z, dim)); f = find_max(f, fwd(z, dim));
+ }
+ dlen = find_max(dlen, b + f);
+ dble_found = TRUE;
+ start_group = nilobj;
+ /* start new group */
+ b = back(y, dim);
+ f = fwd(y, dim);
+ m = y;
+ start_group = link;
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " starting group: b = %s, f = %s",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* continue with current group */
+ b = find_max(b, back(y, dim));
+ f = find_max(f, fwd(y, dim));
+ if( fwd(y, dim) > fwd(m, dim) ) m = y;
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " continuing group: b = %s, f = %s",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ }
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ }
+ assert( start_group != nilobj, "FAPO: final start_group!" );
+ if( dble_found || !jn )
+ {
+ /* finish off and fix this last group */
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " finishing last group: b = %s, f = %s",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ FixAndPrintObject(m, xmk+b, b, xf - b, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg,count);
+ b = back(m, dim); f = fwd(m, dim);
+ for( zlink = start_group; zlink != x; zlink = NextDown(zlink) )
+ { CountChild(z, zlink, count);
+ if( !is_definite(type(z)) || z == m ) continue;
+ FixAndPrintObject(z, xmk+b, b, xf - b, dim, SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ b = find_max(b, back(z, dim)); f = find_max(f, fwd(z, dim));
+ }
+ dlen = find_max(dlen, b + f);
+ back(x, dim) = 0; fwd(x, dim) = dlen;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* finish off and fix this last and only group */
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " finishing last and only group: b = %s, f = %s",
+ EchoLength(b), EchoLength(f));
+ FixAndPrintObject(m, xmk, xb, xf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ b = back(m, dim); f = fwd(m, dim);
+ for( zlink = start_group; zlink != x; zlink = NextDown(zlink) )
+ { CountChild(z, zlink, count);
+ if( !is_definite(type(z)) || z == m ) continue;
+ FixAndPrintObject(z, xmk, xb, xf, dim, SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ b = find_max(b, back(z, dim)); f = find_max(f, fwd(z, dim));
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = b; fwd(x, dim) = f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case ACAT:
+ if( dim == COLM )
+ { BOOLEAN will_adjust, adjusting;
+ FULL_LENGTH actual_size,
+ adjust_indent, frame_size, back_edge, adjust_inc, inc, adjust_sofar;
+ int adjustable_gaps, gaps_sofar;
+ BOOLEAN underlining; int underline_xstart; FONT_NUM underline_font;
+ OBJECT urec, last_bad_gap;
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* The first step is to calculate the following values: */
+ /* */
+ /* last_bad_gap The rightmost tab gap, or nilobj if none; */
+ /* */
+ /* adjustable_gaps the number of gaps suitable for adjustment; */
+ /* i.e. to the right of the right-most tab gap, */
+ /* and of non-zero width; */
+ /* */
+ /* actual_size the actual size of x without adjustment. */
+ /* */
+ /* These are needed when adjusting the line. */
+ /* */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn);
+ if( link == x ) break; /* no definite children, nothing to print */
+ /*** nasty bug finder
+ { OBJECT ff = y;
+ debugcond1(DGP, DD, word_equal(ff, "@ReportLayout"),
+ "FAPO(%s, COLM)", EchoObject(x));
+ debugcond1(DGP, DD, word_equal(ff, "@ReportLayout"),
+ " adjust_cat(x) = %s", bool(adjust_cat(x)));
+ }
+ ***/
+ last_bad_gap = nilobj;
+ adjustable_gaps = 0;
+ back_edge = xmk - xb;
+ mk = back_edge + back(y, dim);
+ frame_size = xb + xf;
+ prev = y;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ while( link != x )
+ {
+ save_actual_gap(g) = ActualGap(fwd(prev, dim), back(y, dim),
+ fwd(y, dim), &gap(g), frame_size, mk - back_edge);
+ mk += save_actual_gap(g);
+ if( mode(gap(g)) == TAB_MODE || units(gap(g)) == AVAIL_UNIT
+ || units(gap(g)) == FRAME_UNIT )
+ { last_bad_gap = g;
+ adjustable_gaps = 0;
+ }
+ else if( width(gap(g)) > 0 ) adjustable_gaps++;
+ prev = y;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ }
+ actual_size = mk + fwd(prev, dim) - back_edge;
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* It is possible that the line cannot be displayed in any */
+ /* reasonable way, because the paragraph breaker was forced to */
+ /* produce an overfull line. In this case, actual_size will */
+ /* exceed frame_size and there will be no adjustable gaps. The */
+ /* solution is to horizontally scale the line if possible, or */
+ /* else to not print it at all. */
+ /* */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ if( actual_size > frame_size && adjustable_gaps == 0 )
+ {
+ /* can't be fixed by adjustment, so scale the line or delete it */
+ SetConstraint(c, 0, frame_size, frame_size);
+ fwd(x, dim) = actual_size;
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " oversize, actual_size = %s, frame_size = %s",
+ EchoLength(actual_size), EchoLength(frame_size));
+ if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT && InsertScale(x, &c) )
+ {
+ /* the problem has just been fixed, by inserting a @Scale above x */
+ OBJECT prnt;
+ Parent(prnt, Up(x));
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( actual_size - frame_size < 1 * PT )
+ {
+ /* the correction is probably due to roundoff error, and */
+ /* anyway is too small to print an error message about */
+ }
+ else if( Down(x) == LastDown(x) && is_word(type(y)) )
+ {
+ Error(23, 3, "word %s horizontally scaled by factor %.2f (too wide for %s paragraph)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), string(y), (float) bc(constraint(prnt)) / SF,
+ EchoLength(frame_size));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(23, 4, "%s object horizontally scaled by factor %.2f (too wide for %s paragraph)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), EchoLength(size(x, COLM)),
+ (float) bc(constraint(prnt)) / SF, EchoLength(frame_size));
+ }
+ FixAndPrintObject(prnt, xmk, back(prnt, dim), fwd(prnt, dim), dim,
+ NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fix the problem by refraining from printing the line */
+ if( size(x, COLM) <= 0 )
+ Error(23, 5, "oversize object has size 0 or less", INTERN, &fpos(x));
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( Down(x) == LastDown(x) && is_word(type(y)) )
+ { Error(23, 6, "word %s deleted (too wide for %s paragraph)",
+ WARN, &fpos(y), string(y), EchoLength(frame_size));
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(23, 7, "%s object deleted (too wide for %s paragraph)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), EchoLength(size(x, COLM)), EchoLength(frame_size));
+ }
+ /* delete and dispose every child of x */
+ while( Down(x) != x )
+ DisposeChild(Down(x));
+ y = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ Link(x, y);
+ back(y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM) = 0;
+ back(y, ROWM) = fwd(y, ROWM) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* The line may be displayed in one of four ways: centred, right- */
+ /* justified, adjusted, or none of the above (i.e. left justified). */
+ /* An overfull line is always adjusted; otherwise, the line will */
+ /* be centred or right justified if the display style asks for it; */
+ /* otherwise, the line will be adjusted if adjust_cat(x) == TRUE */
+ /* (i.e. there is an enclosing @PAdjust) or if the display style is */
+ /* DO_ADJUST (meaning that this line is one of a paragraph set in */
+ /* the adjust or outdent break style, other than the last line); */
+ /* otherwise, the line is left justified. */
+ /* */
+ /* The second step is to decide which of these four cases holds */
+ /* for this line, and to record the decision in these variables: */
+ /* */
+ /* will_adjust TRUE if the adjusted style applies; in this */
+ /* case, variables adjust_inc and inc will be */
+ /* set to the appropriate adjustment value; */
+ /* */
+ /* adjust_indent If centring or right justification applies, */
+ /* the indent to produce this, else zero. */
+ /* */
+ /* NB adjust_inc may be negative, if the optimal paragraph breaker */
+ /* has chosen to shrink some gaps. */
+ /* */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ if( actual_size > frame_size )
+ {
+ assert( adjustable_gaps > 0, "FAPO: adjustable_gaps!" );
+ adjust_cat(x) = TRUE;
+ adjust_indent = 0;
+ }
+ else switch( display_style(save_style(x)) )
+ {
+ case DO_ADJUST: adjust_cat(x) = TRUE;
+ adjust_indent = 0;
+ break;
+ case DISPLAY_CENTRE: adjust_cat(x) = FALSE;
+ adjust_indent = (frame_size - actual_size)/2;
+ debug1(DGP, DD, "cdisp %s", EchoObject(x));
+ break;
+ case DISPLAY_RIGHT: adjust_cat(x) = FALSE;
+ adjust_indent = frame_size - actual_size;
+ debug1(DGP, DD, "rdisp %s", EchoObject(x));
+ break;
+ default: /* leave adjust_cat(x) as is */
+ adjust_indent = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "ACAT %s %s",
+ EchoStyle(&save_style(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "frame_size = %s, actual_size = %s",
+ EchoLength(frame_size), EchoLength(actual_size));
+ if( adjust_cat(x) && adjustable_gaps > 0 )
+ { will_adjust = TRUE;
+ adjust_inc = (frame_size - actual_size) / adjustable_gaps;
+ inc = find_max(adjust_inc, 0);
+ gaps_sofar = 0; /* number of gaps adjusted so far */
+ adjust_sofar = 0; /* total width of adjustments so far */
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "will_adjust: adjustable_gaps = %d, adjust_inc = %s",
+ adjustable_gaps, EchoLength(adjust_inc));
+ }
+ else will_adjust = FALSE;
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* The third and final step is to traverse x, fixing subobjects. */
+ /* Variable adjusting is true while adjusting is occurring. */
+ /* */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ underlining = FALSE;
+ adjusting = will_adjust && last_bad_gap == nilobj;
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn);
+ prev = y;
+ mk = xmk - back(x, dim) + back(y, dim) + adjust_indent;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ while( link != x )
+ {
+ /* check for underlining */
+ if( underline(prev) == UNDER_ON )
+ {
+ debug3(DGP, DD, " FAPO/ACAT1 underline() := %s for %s %s",
+ bool(FALSE), Image(type(prev)), EchoObject(prev));
+ underline(prev) = UNDER_OFF;
+ if( !underlining )
+ {
+ /* underlining begins here */
+ underlining = TRUE;
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "underlining begins at %s %s",
+ Image(type(prev)), EchoObject(prev));
+ underline_font = is_word(type(prev)) ? word_font(prev) :
+ font(save_style(x));
+ underline_xstart = mk - back(prev, dim);
+ }
+ if( underline(g) == UNDER_OFF )
+ {
+ /* underlining ends here */
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "underlining ends at %s %s",
+ Image(type(prev)), EchoObject(prev));
+ New(urec, UNDER_REC);
+ back(urec, COLM) = underline_xstart;
+ fwd(urec, COLM) = mk + fwd(prev, dim);
+ back(urec, ROWM) = underline_font;
+ underlining = FALSE;
+ Link(Up(prev), urec);
+ }
+ }
+ /* fix previous definite now we know it is not the last one */
+ if( adjusting && width(gap(g)) > 0 )
+ { int tmp;
+ FixAndPrintObject(prev, mk, back(prev, dim), fwd(prev, dim) + inc,
+ dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ gaps_sofar++;
+ tmp = ((frame_size - actual_size) * gaps_sofar) / adjustable_gaps;
+ mk += save_actual_gap(g) + (tmp - adjust_sofar);
+ adjust_sofar = tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FixAndPrintObject(prev, mk, back(prev, dim), fwd(prev, dim),
+ dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ mk += save_actual_gap(g);
+ }
+ prev = y;
+ /* commence adjustment if required */
+ if( !adjusting && will_adjust && g == last_bad_gap )
+ adjusting = TRUE;
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn);
+ }
+ /* check for underlining */
+ debugcond3(DGP, D, underline(prev) == UNDER_UNDEF,
+ " underlining is UNDER_UNDEF in %s: %s %s in para:",
+ EchoFilePos(&fpos(prev)), Image(type(prev)), EchoObject(prev));
+ debugcond1(DGP, D, underline(prev)==UNDER_UNDEF, "%s", EchoObject(x));
+ assert( underline(prev) == UNDER_OFF || underline(prev) == UNDER_ON,
+ "FixAndPrint: underline(prev)!" );
+ if( underline(prev) == UNDER_ON )
+ {
+ debug3(DGP, DD, " FAPO/ACAT1 underline() := %s for %s %s",
+ bool(FALSE), Image(type(prev)), EchoObject(prev));
+ underline(prev) = UNDER_OFF;
+ if( !underlining )
+ {
+ /* underlining begins here */
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "underlining begins at %s %s",
+ Image(type(prev)), EchoObject(prev));
+ underlining = TRUE;
+ underline_font = is_word(type(prev)) ? word_font(prev) :
+ font(save_style(x));
+ underline_xstart = mk - back(prev, dim);
+ }
+ /* underlining must end here */
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "underlining ends at %s %s",
+ Image(type(prev)), EchoObject(prev));
+ New(urec, UNDER_REC);
+ back(urec, COLM) = underline_xstart;
+ fwd(urec, COLM) = mk + fwd(prev, dim);
+ back(urec, ROWM) = underline_font;
+ underlining = FALSE;
+ Link(Up(prev), urec);
+ }
+ /* fix the last definite subobject, prev, which must exist */
+ FixAndPrintObject(prev, mk, back(prev, dim),
+ frame_size - (mk - xmk) - back(x, dim),
+ dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ }
+ else for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( !is_definite(type(y)) )
+ {
+ if( type(y) == UNDER_REC ) /* generate an underline now */
+ PrintUnderline(back(y, ROWM), back(y, COLM), fwd(y, COLM), pg - xmk);
+ continue;
+ }
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, xb, xf, dim, NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ }
+ back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ break;
+ case COL_THR:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ /* find and delete the child number count of y */
+ assert( (type(x) == COL_THR) == (dim == COLM), "FixAndPrintObject: thr!" );
+ for( link = Down(x), uplink = Up(x), i = 1;
+ link != x && uplink != x && i < count;
+ link = NextDown(link), uplink = NextUp(uplink), i++ );
+ assert( link != x && uplink != x, "FixAndPrintObject: link or uplink!" );
+ CountChild(y, link, count);
+ debug7(DGP, DD, " fapo of %s (%s,%s) child %d %s (%s,%s)",
+ Image(type(x)),
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)),
+ i, Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)));
+ MoveLink(uplink, link, CHILD); DeleteLink(link); /* IMPORTANT!!! */
+ assert( type(y) != GAP_OBJ, "FAPO: THR!");
+ /* assign size if not done previously */
+ /* ***
+ if( thr_state(x) != FINALSIZE && type(y) != START_HVSPAN &&
+ type(y) != START_HSPAN && type(y) != START_VSPAN &&
+ type(y) != HSPAN && type(y) != VSPAN )
+ *** */
+ if( thr_state(x) != FINALSIZE )
+ { back(x, dim) = xb; fwd(x, dim) = xf;
+ thr_state(x) = FINALSIZE;
+ }
+ /* fix y */
+ FixAndPrintObject(y, xmk, back(x, dim), fwd(x, dim), dim,
+ NO_SUPPRESS, pg, count);
+ if( Up(x) == x ) Dispose(x);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "FixAndPrintObject:", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "] FixAndPrintObject returning (size now %s,%s).",
+ EchoLength(back(x, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(x, dim)));
+} /* end FixAndPrintObject */
diff --git a/z24.c b/z24.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5aa145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z24.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1513 @@
+/*@z24.c:Print Service:PrintInit()@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* PDF Back End by Vincent Tan, February 1998. */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z24.c */
+/* MODULE: Print Service */
+/* EXTERNS: PrintInit(), PrintBeforeFirst(), PrintBetween(), */
+/* PrintWord(), PrintAfterLast(), CoordTranslate(), */
+/* CoordRotate(), CoordScale(), SaveGraphicState(), */
+/* RestoreGraphicState(), PrintGraphicObject(), */
+/* DefineGraphicNames(), PrintGraphicInclude() */
+/* */
+/* This module implements the PostScript back end. */
+/* */
+#include <math.h> /* for fabs() */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define StartUpResource "LoutStartUp"
+#define DEFAULT_XHEIGHT 500
+#define NO_FONT 0 /* actually stolen from z37.c */
+#define NO_COLOUR 0
+#define MAX_GS 50 /* maximum depth of graphics states */
+#define printnum(x, fp) \
+{ char buff[20]; register int i, y; \
+ if( x >= 0 ) y = x; \
+ else { y = -x; putc(CH_MINUS, fp); } \
+ i = 0; \
+ do { buff[i++] = numtodigitchar(y % 10); \
+ } while( (y = (y / 10)) > 0 ); \
+ do { --i; putc(buff[i], fp); \
+ } while( i ); \
+static FILE *out_fp; /* output file */
+/* these variables used by PLAINTEXT back end only */
+static int hsize; /* horizontal size of page in chars */
+static int vsize; /* vertical size of page in chars */
+static FULL_CHAR *page; /* the page (two-dim array of chars) */
+/* these types and variables used by POSTSCRIPT back end only */
+typedef struct
+ FONT_NUM gs_font; /* font number of this state */
+ COLOUR_NUM gs_colour; /* colour number of this state */
+ BOOLEAN gs_cpexists; /* TRUE if a current point exists */
+ FULL_LENGTH gs_currenty; /* if cpexists, its y coordinate */
+ short gs_xheight2; /* of font exists, half xheight */
+static GRAPHICS_STATE gs_stack[MAX_GS];/* graphics state stack */
+static int gs_stack_top; /* top of graphics state stack */
+static FONT_NUM currentfont; /* font of most recent atom */
+static COLOUR_NUM currentcolour; /* colour of most recent atom */
+static short currentxheight2;/* half xheight in current font */
+static BOOLEAN cpexists; /* true if a current point exists */
+static FULL_LENGTH currenty; /* if cpexists, its y coordinate */
+static int wordcount; /* atoms printed since last newline */
+static int pagecount; /* total number of pages printed */
+static BOOLEAN prologue_done; /* TRUE after prologue is printed */
+static OBJECT needs; /* Resource needs of included EPSFs */
+static OBJECT supplied; /* Resources supplied by this file */
+/* */
+/* static char *EightBitToPrintForm[] */
+/* */
+/* Given 8-bit character i, returns a string of characters that will be */
+/* interpreted by PostScript as character i when read within a string. */
+/* */
+/* CHAR_OUT==1 Printable ASCII literal, others as escape sequences */
+/* CHAR_OUT==2 Printable ISO-LATIN-1 literal, others escaped */
+/* */
+static char *EightBitToPrintForm[] = {
+#if CHAR_OUT==0
+ "", "\\001", "\\002", "\\003", "\\004", "\\005", "\\006", "\\007",
+ "\\010", "\\011", "\\012", "\\013", "\\014", "\\015", "\\016", "\\017",
+ "\\020", "\\021", "\\022", "\\023", "\\024", "\\025", "\\026", "\\027",
+ "\\030", "\\031", "\\032", "\\033", "\\034", "\\035", "\\036", "\\037",
+ " ", "!", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'",
+ "\\(", "\\)", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/",
+ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
+ "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?",
+ "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G",
+ "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
+ "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W",
+ "X", "Y", "Z", "[", "\\\\", "]", "^", "_",
+ "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g",
+ "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o",
+ "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w",
+ "x", "y", "z", "{", "|", "}", "~", "\\177",
+ "\\200", "\\201", "\\202", "\\203", "\\204", "\\205", "\\206", "\\207",
+ "\\210", "\\211", "\\212", "\\213", "\\214", "\\215", "\\216", "\\217",
+ "\\220", "\\221", "\\222", "\\223", "\\224", "\\225", "\\226", "\\227",
+ "\\230", "\\231", "\\232", "\\233", "\\234", "\\235", "\\236", "\\237",
+ "\\240", "\\241", "\\242", "\\243", "\\244", "\\245", "\\246", "\\247",
+ "\\250", "\\251", "\\252", "\\253", "\\254", "\\255", "\\256", "\\257",
+ "\\260", "\\261", "\\262", "\\263", "\\264", "\\265", "\\266", "\\267",
+ "\\270", "\\271", "\\272", "\\273", "\\274", "\\275", "\\276", "\\277",
+ "\\300", "\\301", "\\302", "\\303", "\\304", "\\305", "\\306", "\\307",
+ "\\310", "\\311", "\\312", "\\313", "\\314", "\\315", "\\316", "\\317",
+ "\\320", "\\321", "\\322", "\\323", "\\324", "\\325", "\\326", "\\327",
+ "\\330", "\\331", "\\332", "\\333", "\\334", "\\335", "\\336", "\\337",
+ "\\340", "\\341", "\\342", "\\343", "\\344", "\\345", "\\346", "\\347",
+ "\\350", "\\351", "\\352", "\\353", "\\354", "\\355", "\\356", "\\357",
+ "\\360", "\\361", "\\362", "\\363", "\\364", "\\365", "\\366", "\\367",
+ "\\370", "\\371", "\\372", "\\373", "\\374", "\\375", "\\376", "\\377"
+#if CHAR_OUT==1
+ "", "\\001", "\\002", "\\003", "\\004", "\\005", "\\006", "\\007",
+ "\\010", "\\011", "\\012", "\\013", "\\014", "\\015", "\\016", "\\017",
+ "\\020", "\\021", "\\022", "\\023", "\\024", "\\025", "\\026", "\\027",
+ "\\030", "\\031", "\\032", "\\033", "\\034", "\\035", "\\036", "\\037",
+ " ", "!", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'",
+ "\\(", "\\)", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/",
+ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
+ "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?",
+ "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G",
+ "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
+ "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W",
+ "X", "Y", "Z", "[", "\\\\", "]", "^", "_",
+ "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g",
+ "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o",
+ "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w",
+ "x", "y", "z", "{", "|", "}", "~", "\\177",
+ "\\200", "\\201", "\\202", "\\203", "\\204", "\\205", "\\206", "\\207",
+ "\\210", "\\211", "\\212", "\\213", "\\214", "\\215", "\\216", "\\217",
+ "\220", "\221", "\222", "\223", "\224", "\225", "\226", "\227",
+ "\230", "\\231", "\232", "\233", "\\234", "\235", "\236", "\237",
+ "\240", "\241", "\242", "\243", "\244", "\245", "\246", "\247",
+ "\250", "\251", "\252", "\253", "\254", "\255", "\256", "\257",
+ "\260", "\261", "\262", "\263", "\264", "\265", "\266", "\267",
+ "\270", "\271", "\272", "\273", "\274", "\275", "\276", "\277",
+ "\300", "\301", "\302", "\303", "\304", "\305", "\306", "\307",
+ "\310", "\311", "\312", "\313", "\314", "\315", "\316", "\317",
+ "\320", "\321", "\322", "\323", "\324", "\325", "\326", "\327",
+ "\330", "\331", "\332", "\333", "\334", "\335", "\336", "\337",
+ "\340", "\341", "\342", "\343", "\344", "\345", "\346", "\347",
+ "\350", "\351", "\352", "\353", "\354", "\355", "\356", "\357",
+ "\360", "\361", "\362", "\363", "\364", "\365", "\366", "\367",
+ "\370", "\371", "\372", "\373", "\374", "\375", "\376", "\377"
+If you are trying to compile this you have the wrong CHAR_OUT value!
+/* */
+/* PrintInit(file_ptr) */
+/* */
+/* Initialise this module. Output is to go to FILE file_ptr. */
+/* */
+void PrintInit(FILE *file_ptr)
+{ debug0(DGP, DD, "PrintInit()");
+ out_fp = file_ptr; prologue_done = FALSE;
+ gs_stack_top = -1;
+ currentfont = NO_FONT;
+ currentcolour = NO_COLOUR;
+ cpexists = FALSE;
+ wordcount = pagecount = 0;
+ New(needs, ACAT);
+ New(supplied, ACAT);
+ debug0(DGP, DD, "PrintInit returning.");
+/* */
+/* PrintBeforeFirst(h, v, label) */
+/* */
+/* This procedure is called just before starting to print the first */
+/* component of the output. Its size is h, v, and label is the page */
+/* label to attach to the %%Page comment. */
+/* */
+/* If BackEnd is PLAINTEXT, this procedure obtains a two-dimensional array */
+/* of characters large enough to hold the first component, and clears it. */
+/* */
+/* If BackEnd is POSTSCRIPT, this procedure generates the PostScript */
+/* prologue, augmented with any @PrependGraphic or @SysPrependGraphic */
+/* files specified by the user. The following PostScript operators are */
+/* defined: */
+/* */
+/* scale_factor fnt scale and set font */
+/* x_coordinate x move to x_coordinate, current y coordinate */
+/* string s show string */
+/* number in result is number inches */
+/* number cm result is number centimetres */
+/* number pt result is number points */
+/* number sp result is number spaces */
+/* number vs result is number vspaces */
+/* number ft result is number font-sizes */
+/* */
+/* as well as LoutGraphic, for use with the @Graphic operator: */
+/* */
+/* xsize ysize xmark ymark fr vs sp LoutGraphic - */
+/* */
+/* Define xmark, ymark, xsize, ysize to be the positions of */
+/* these features of x, and define symbols ft, vs and sp */
+/* to be the current font size, line separation, and space width. */
+/* */
+void PrintBeforeFirst(FULL_LENGTH h, FULL_LENGTH v, FULL_CHAR *label)
+{ FILE_NUM fnum; int i, j; FULL_CHAR *p;
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "PrintBeforeFirst(%d, %d)", h, v);
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ /* get a new page[] and clear it */
+ hsize = ceiling(h, PlainCharWidth);
+ vsize = ceiling(v, PlainCharHeight);
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " PlainCharWidth: %d; PlainCharHeight: %d",
+ PlainCharWidth, PlainCharHeight);
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_PAGES, 1,
+ hsize * vsize * sizeof(FULL_CHAR)));
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " PrintBeforeFirst allocating %d by %d", hsize, vsize);
+ page = (FULL_CHAR *) malloc(hsize * vsize * sizeof(FULL_CHAR));
+ for( i = 0; i < vsize; i++ )
+ for( j = 0; j < hsize; j++ )
+ page[i*hsize + j] = ' ';
+ break;
+ /* print header comments for PostScript DSC 3.0 output */
+ if( Encapsulated )
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%Creator: %s\n", LOUT_VERSION);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%CreationDate: %s", TimeString());
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%DocumentData: Binary\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend)\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%DocumentMedia: Plain %d %d 0 white ()\n", h/PT, v/PT);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%Pages: (atend)\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n", h/PT, v/PT);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%EndComments\n\n");
+ /* print procedure definitions part of header */
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%BeginProlog\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%BeginResource: procset %s\n", StartUpResource);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/m { 3 1 roll moveto show } bind def\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/s { exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show } bind def\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/k { exch neg 0 rmoveto show } bind def\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/ul { gsave setlinewidth dup 3 1 roll\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, " moveto lineto stroke grestore } bind def\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/in { %d mul } def\n", IN);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/cm { %d mul } def\n", CM);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/pt { %d mul } def\n", PT);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/em { %d mul } def\n", EM);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/sp { louts mul } def\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/vs { loutv mul } def\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/ft { loutf mul } def\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/dg { } def\n\n");
+ fputs("/LoutGraphic {\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /louts exch def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /loutv exch def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /loutf exch def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /ymark exch def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /xmark exch def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /ysize exch def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /xsize exch def\n} def\n\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("/LoutGr2 { gsave translate LoutGraphic gsave } def\n\n", out_fp);
+ /* print definition used by Lout output to recode fonts */
+ /* adapted from PostScript Language Reference Manual (2nd Ed), p. 275 */
+ /* usage: /<fullname> <encodingvector> /<originalname> LoutRecode - */
+ fputs("/LoutFont\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("{ findfont exch scalefont setfont\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("} bind def\n\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("/LoutRecode {\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" { findfont dup length dict begin\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /Encoding exch def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" currentdict end definefont pop\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" }\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" stopped pop\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("} bind def\n\n", out_fp);
+ /* print definitions used by Lout output when including EPSF files */
+ /* copied from PostScript Language Reference Manual (2nd Ed.), p. 726 */
+ fputs("/BeginEPSF {\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /LoutEPSFState save def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /dict_count countdictstack def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /op_count count 1 sub def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" userdict begin\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /showpage { } def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" 0 setgray 0 setlinecap\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" /languagelevel where\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" { pop languagelevel\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" 1 ne\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" { false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" } if\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" } if\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("} bind def\n\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("/EndEPSF {\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" count op_count sub { pop } repeat\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" countdictstack dict_count sub { end } repeat\n", out_fp);
+ fputs(" LoutEPSFState restore\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("} bind def\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("%%EndResource\n\n", out_fp);
+ /* print encoding vectors as resources */
+ MapPrintEncodings(out_fp);
+ /* print prepend files (assumed to be organized as DSC 3.0 Resources) */
+ for( fnum=FirstFile(PREPEND_FILE); fnum!=NO_FILE; fnum=NextFile(fnum) )
+ { FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF]; FILE *fp;
+ if( (fp = OpenFile(fnum, FALSE, FALSE)) == null )
+ Error(24, 1, "cannot open %s file %s",
+ WARN, PosOfFile(fnum), KW_PREPEND, FileName(fnum));
+ else if( StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == NULL )
+ Error(24, 2, "%s file %s is empty",
+ WARN, PosOfFile(fnum), KW_PREPEND, FileName(fnum));
+ else
+ {
+ if( StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("%%BeginResource:")) )
+ { OBJECT tmp;
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, &buff[strlen("%%BeginResource:")], no_fpos);
+ Link(supplied, tmp);
+ }
+ else
+ Error(24, 3, "%s file %s lacks PostScript BeginResource comment",
+ WARN, PosOfFile(fnum), KW_PREPEND, FileName(fnum));
+ StringFPuts(buff, out_fp);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%% %s file %s\n", KW_PREPEND, FileName(fnum));
+ while( StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) != NULL )
+ StringFPuts(buff, out_fp);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "\n");
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ }
+ fputs("%%EndProlog\n\n", out_fp);
+ fputs("%%BeginSetup\n", out_fp);
+ FontPrintPageSetup(out_fp);
+ fputs("%%EndSetup\n\n", out_fp);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%Page: ");
+ for( p = label; *p != '\0'; p++ )
+ fputs(EightBitToPrintForm[*p], out_fp);
+ fprintf(out_fp, " %d\n", ++pagecount);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%BeginPageSetup\n");
+ FontPrintPageResources(out_fp);
+ FontAdvanceCurrentPage();
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/pgsave save def\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%.4f dup scale %d setlinewidth\n", 1.0 / PT, PT/2);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%EndPageSetup\n\n");
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ PDFFile_Init(out_fp, h/PT, v/PT, IN, CM, PT, EM);
+ /* print encoding vectors as resources */
+ MapPrintEncodings(out_fp);
+ FontPrintPageSetup(out_fp);
+ PDFPage_Init(out_fp, 1.0 / PT, PT/2);
+ FontPrintPageResources(out_fp); /* write out font objects */
+ FontAdvanceCurrentPage();
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ prologue_done = TRUE;
+} /* end PrintBeforeFirst */
+/* */
+/* PrintBetween(h, v, label) */
+/* */
+/* Start a new output component, of size h by v; label is the page label */
+/* to attach to the %%Page comment. */
+/* */
+void PrintBetween(FULL_LENGTH h, FULL_LENGTH v, FULL_CHAR *label)
+{ int new_hsize, new_vsize, i, j, jmax; FULL_CHAR *p;
+ debug2(DGP, DD, "PrintBetween(%d, %d)", h, v);
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ /* print the page that has just ended */
+ ifdebug(DGP, D,
+ putc('+', out_fp);
+ for( j = 0; j < hsize; j++ ) putc('-', out_fp);
+ putc('+', out_fp);
+ putc('\n', out_fp);
+ );
+ for( i = vsize - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+ { ifdebug(DGP, D, putc('|', out_fp));
+ for( jmax = hsize-1; jmax >= 0 && page[i*hsize+jmax] == ' '; jmax--);
+ ifdebug(DGP, D, jmax = hsize - 1);
+ for( j = 0; j <= jmax; j++ )
+ putc(page[i*hsize + j], out_fp);
+ ifdebug(DGP, D, putc('|', out_fp));
+ putc('\n', out_fp);
+ }
+ ifdebug(DGP, D,
+ putc('+', out_fp);
+ for( j = 0; j < hsize; j++ ) putc('-', out_fp);
+ putc('+', out_fp);
+ putc('\n', out_fp);
+ );
+ /* separate the page from the next one with a form-feed if required */
+ if( PlainFormFeed ) putc('\f', out_fp);
+ /* if page size has changed, get a new page[] array */
+ new_hsize = ceiling(h, PlainCharWidth);
+ new_vsize = ceiling(v, PlainCharHeight);
+ if( new_hsize != hsize || new_vsize != vsize )
+ {
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_PAGES, -1,
+ -hsize * vsize * sizeof(FULL_CHAR)));
+ free(page);
+ hsize = new_hsize;
+ vsize = new_vsize;
+ debug2(DGP, DD, " PrintBetween allocating %d by %d", hsize, vsize);
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_PAGES, 1,
+ hsize * vsize * sizeof(FULL_CHAR)));
+ page = (FULL_CHAR *) malloc(hsize * vsize * sizeof(FULL_CHAR));
+ }
+ /* clear page[] for the new page just beginning */
+ for( i = 0; i < vsize; i++ )
+ for( j = 0; j < hsize; j++ )
+ page[i*hsize + j] = ' ';
+ break;
+ fprintf(out_fp, "\npgsave restore\nshowpage\n");
+ gs_stack_top = 0;
+ cpexists = FALSE;
+ currentfont = NO_FONT;
+ currentcolour = NO_COLOUR;
+ if( Encapsulated )
+ { PrintAfterLast();
+ Error(24, 4, "truncating -EPS document at end of first page",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ }
+ fprintf(out_fp, "\n%%%%Page: ");
+ for( p = label; *p != '\0'; p++ )
+ fputs(EightBitToPrintForm[*p], out_fp);
+ fprintf(out_fp, " %d\n", ++pagecount);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%BeginPageSetup\n");
+ FontPrintPageResources(out_fp);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "/pgsave save def\n");
+ FontPrintPageSetup(out_fp);
+ FontAdvanceCurrentPage();
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%.4f dup scale %d setlinewidth\n", 1.0 / PT, PT/2);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%EndPageSetup\n");
+ wordcount = 0;
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ /* write out page objects */
+ PDFPage_Cleanup(out_fp);
+ PDFPage_Init(out_fp, 1.0 / PT, PT/2);
+ /* write out font objects */
+ FontPrintPageResources(out_fp);
+ FontPrintPageSetup(out_fp);
+ FontAdvanceCurrentPage();
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+} /* end PrintBetween */
+/* */
+/* KernLength(fnum, ch1, ch2, res) */
+/* */
+/* Set res to the kern length between ch1 and ch2 in font fnum, or 0 if */
+/* none. */
+/* */
+#define KernLength(fnum, mp, ch1, ch2, res) \
+{ int ua_ch1 = mp[ch1]; \
+ int ua_ch2 = mp[ch2]; \
+ int i = finfo[fnum].kern_table[ua_ch1], j; \
+ if( i == 0 ) res = 0; \
+ else \
+ { FULL_CHAR *kc = finfo[fnum].kern_chars; \
+ for( j = i; kc[j] > ua_ch2; j++ ); \
+ res = (kc[j] == ua_ch2) ? \
+ finfo[fnum].kern_sizes[finfo[fnum].kern_value[j]] : 0; \
+ } \
+} /* end KernLength */
+/* */
+/* PrintWord(x, hpos, vpos) */
+/* */
+/* Print non-empty word x; its marks cross at the point (hpos, vpos). */
+/* */
+void PrintWord(OBJECT x, int hpos, int vpos)
+{ FULL_CHAR *p, *q, *a, *b, *lig, *unacc;
+ int i, h, v, ksize; char command; MAPPING m;
+ debug5(DGP, DD, "PrintWord( %s, %d, %d ) font %d colour %d", string(x),
+ hpos, vpos, word_font(x), word_colour(x));
+ TotalWordCount++;
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ h = ((float) hpos / PlainCharWidth) + 0.5;
+ v = ((float) vpos / PlainCharHeight);
+ debug3(DGP, DD, "PrintWord(%s at h = %d, v = %d)", string(x), h, v);
+ if( h >= 0 && h + StringLength(string(x)) < hsize && v >= 0 && v < vsize )
+ {
+ assert( h >= 0, "PrintWord: h < 0!" );
+ assert( h < hsize, "PrintWord: h >= hsize!" );
+ assert( v >= 0, "PrintWord: v < 0!" );
+ assert( v < vsize, "PrintWord: v >= vsize!" );
+ p = &page[v*hsize + h];
+ for( i = 0; string(x)[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+ *p++ = string(x)[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(24, 11, "word %s deleted (internal error, off page at %d,%d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x), h, v);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* if font is different to previous word then print change */
+ if( word_font(x) != currentfont )
+ { currentfont = word_font(x);
+ currentxheight2 = FontHalfXHeight(currentfont);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%hd %s", FontSize(currentfont, x),
+ FontName(currentfont));
+ if( ++wordcount >= 5 )
+ { fputs("\n", out_fp);
+ wordcount = 0;
+ }
+ else fputs(" ", out_fp);
+ }
+ /* if colour is different to previous word then print change */
+ if( word_colour(x) != currentcolour )
+ { currentcolour = word_colour(x);
+ if( currentcolour > 0 )
+ { fprintf(out_fp, "%s", ColourCommand(currentcolour));
+ if( ++wordcount >= 5 )
+ { fputs("\n", out_fp);
+ wordcount = 0;
+ }
+ else fputs(" ", out_fp);
+ }
+ }
+ /* move to coordinate of x */
+ debug1(DGP, DDD, " currentxheight2 = %d", currentxheight2);
+ vpos = vpos - currentxheight2;
+ if( cpexists && currenty == vpos )
+ { printnum(hpos, out_fp);
+ command = 's';
+ }
+ else
+ { currenty = vpos;
+ printnum(hpos, out_fp);
+ fputs(" ", out_fp);
+ printnum(currenty, out_fp);
+ command = 'm';
+ cpexists = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* convert ligature sequences into ligature characters */
+ lig = finfo[word_font(x)].lig_table;
+ p = q = string(x);
+ do
+ {
+ /* check for missing glyph (lig[] == 1) or ligatures (lig[] > 1) */
+ if( lig[*q++ = *p++] )
+ {
+ if( lig[*(q-1)] == 1 ) continue;
+ else
+ { a = &lig[ lig[*(p-1)] + MAX_CHARS ];
+ while( *a++ == *(p-1) )
+ { b = p;
+ while( *a == *b && *(a+1) != '\0' && *b != '\0' ) a++, b++;
+ if( *(a+1) == '\0' )
+ { *(q-1) = *a;
+ p = b;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { while( *++a );
+ a++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while( *p );
+ *q = '\0';
+ /* show string(x) */
+ fputs("(", out_fp);
+ p = string(x);
+ fputs(EightBitToPrintForm[*p], out_fp);
+ m = font_mapping(finfo[word_font(x)].font_table);
+ unacc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UNACCENTED];
+ /* acc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_ACCENT]; */
+ for( p++; *p; p++ )
+ { KernLength(word_font(x), unacc, *(p-1), *p, ksize);
+ if( ksize != 0 )
+ { fprintf(out_fp, ")%c %d(", command, -ksize);
+ ++wordcount;
+ command = 'k';
+ }
+ fputs(EightBitToPrintForm[*p], out_fp);
+ }
+ if( ++wordcount >= 5 )
+ { fprintf(out_fp, ")%c\n", command);
+ wordcount = 0;
+ }
+ else fprintf(out_fp, ")%c ", command);
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ {
+ static int last_hpos; /* does not need to be initialised */
+ static int next_hpos = -1;
+#if 0
+ struct metrics *fnt;
+ /* if font is different to previous word then print change */
+ if( word_font(x) != currentfont )
+ { currentfont = word_font(x);
+ currentxheight2 = FontHalfXHeight(currentfont);
+ PDFFont_Set(out_fp, FontSize(currentfont, x), FontName(currentfont));
+ }
+ /* if colour is different to previous word then print change */
+ if( word_colour(x) != currentcolour )
+ {
+ currentcolour = word_colour(x);
+ if( currentcolour > 0 )
+ {
+ char str[256];
+ sprintf(str, "%s ", ColourCommand(currentcolour));
+ PDFPage_Write(out_fp, str);
+ }
+ }
+ /* move to coordinate of x */
+ debug1(DGP, DDD, " currentxheight2 = %d", currentxheight2);
+ vpos = vpos - currentxheight2;
+ if( cpexists && (currenty == vpos) && PDFHasValidTextMatrix() )
+ { /* printnum(hpos, out_fp); */
+ command = 's';
+ Note: I calculate the width of the space char here in case the font has
+ changed. This prevents subtle spacing errors from occurring.
+ */
+#if 0
+ fnt = finfo[currentfont].size_table;
+ if ( (next_hpos + fnt[' '].right /* width of space char */ ) == hpos )
+ command = ' ';
+ }
+ else
+ { currenty = vpos;
+ /* printnum(hpos, out_fp);
+ fputs(" ", out_fp);
+ printnum(currenty, out_fp); */
+ command = 'm';
+ cpexists = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* convert ligature sequences into ligature characters */
+ lig = finfo[word_font(x)].lig_table;
+ p = q = string(x);
+ do
+ {
+ /* check for missing glyph (lig[] == 1) or ligatures (lig[] > 1) */
+ if( lig[*q++ = *p++] )
+ {
+ if( lig[*(q-1)] == 1 ) continue;
+ else
+ { a = &lig[ lig[*(p-1)] + MAX_CHARS ];
+ while( *a++ == *(p-1) )
+ { b = p;
+ while( *a == *b && *(a+1) != '\0' && *b != '\0' ) a++, b++;
+ if( *(a+1) == '\0' )
+ { *(q-1) = *a;
+ p = b;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { while( *++a );
+ a++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while( *p );
+ *q = '\0';
+ /* show string(x) */
+ /* FontWordSize(x); - this should not be necessary */
+ switch (command)
+ {
+ case 'm':
+ PDFText_OpenXY(out_fp, hpos, vpos);
+ last_hpos = hpos;
+ next_hpos = hpos + fwd(x, COLM); /* fwd(x, COLM) = width of wd */
+ break;
+ case 's':
+#if 0
+ PDFText_Open(out_fp);
+ PDFText_Kern(out_fp, hpos - next_hpos);
+ PDFText_OpenX(out_fp, hpos - last_hpos);
+ last_hpos = hpos;
+ next_hpos = hpos + fwd(x, COLM); /* fwd(x, COLM) = width of wd */
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case ' ':
+ PDFText_Open(out_fp);
+#if 1
+ /* try kerning to get correct position */
+ PDFText_Kern(out_fp, fnt[' '].right);
+ PDFPage_Write(out_fp, EightBitToPrintForm[' ']);
+ next_hpos += fwd(x, COLM) + fnt[' '].right; /* width of space ch */
+ break;
+ }
+ p = string(x);
+ PDFPage_Write(out_fp, EightBitToPrintForm[*p]);
+ m = font_mapping(finfo[word_font(x)].font_table);
+ unacc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UNACCENTED];
+ /* acc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_ACCENT]; */
+ for( p++; *p; p++ )
+ {
+ KernLength(word_font(x), unacc, *(p-1), *p, ksize);
+ KernLength(font_num(finfo[word_font(x)].original_font),
+ unacc, *(p-1), *p, ksize);
+ if ( ksize != 0 )
+ {
+ PDFText_Kern(out_fp, ksize);
+ }
+ PDFPage_Write(out_fp, EightBitToPrintForm[*p]);
+ }
+ PDFText_Close(out_fp);
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* end switch */
+ debug0(DGP, DDD, "PrintWord returning");
+} /* end PrintWord */
+/* */
+/* PrintPlainGraphicObject(x, xmk, ymk, z) */
+/* */
+/* Print plain graphic object x at xmk, ymk with the size of z. */
+/* */
+void PrintPlainGraphicObject(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH xmk,FULL_LENGTH ymk,OBJECT z)
+{ int i, len, starth, startv, stoph, stopv, h, v;
+ debug2(DGP, D, "PrintPlainGraphicObject(x, xmk %s, ymk %s)",
+ EchoLength(xmk), EchoLength(ymk));
+ assert( BackEnd == PLAINTEXT, "PrintPlainGraphicObject: back end!" );
+ if( type(x) != WORD && type(x) != QWORD )
+ {
+ Error(24, 12, "left parameter of %s must be a simple word",
+ return;
+ }
+ len = StringLength(string(x));
+ if( StringLength(string(x)) == 0 )
+ {
+ Error(24, 13, "left parameter of %s must be a non-empty word",
+ return;
+ }
+ starth = (((float) xmk ) / PlainCharWidth) + 0.5;
+ startv = (((float) ymk ) / PlainCharHeight);
+ stoph = (((float) xmk + size(z, COLM)) / PlainCharWidth) + 0.5;
+ stopv = (((float) ymk - size(z, ROWM)) / PlainCharHeight); /* NB - not + */
+ SetLengthDim(COLM);
+ debug5(DGP, D, " xmk %s bk %s fwd %s -> %d,%d",
+ EchoLength(xmk), EchoLength(back(z, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(z, COLM)),
+ starth, stoph);
+ SetLengthDim(ROWM);
+ debug5(DGP, D, " ymk %s bk %s fwd %s -> %d,%d",
+ EchoLength(ymk), EchoLength(back(z, ROWM)), EchoLength(fwd(z, ROWM)),
+ startv, stopv);
+ if( starth >= 0 && stoph < hsize && startv >= 0 && stopv < vsize )
+ { i = 0;
+ for( v = startv-1; v >= stopv; v-- )
+ {
+ for( h = starth; h < stoph; h++ )
+ {
+ if( i == len ) i = 0;
+ page[v*hsize + h] = string(x)[i++];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(24, 14, "fill %s deleted (internal error, off page at %d,%d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), string(x), h, v);
+ }
+} /* end PrintPlainGraphicObject */
+/* */
+/* PrintUnderline(fnum, xstart, xstop, ymk) */
+/* */
+/* Draw an underline suitable for font fnum, from xstart to xstop at the */
+/* appropriate distance below mark ymk. */
+/* */
+void PrintUnderline(FONT_NUM fnum, FULL_LENGTH xstart, FULL_LENGTH xstop,
+ debug4(DGP, DD, "PrintUnderline(fnum %d, xstart %s, xstop %s, ymk %s )",
+ fnum, EchoLength(xstart), EchoLength(xstop), EchoLength(ymk));
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ /* do nothing */
+ break;
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%d %d %d %d ul\n", xstart, xstop,
+ ymk - finfo[fnum].underline_pos, finfo[fnum].underline_thick);
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ PDFPage_PrintUnderline(out_fp, xstart, xstop,
+ ymk - finfo[fnum].underline_pos, finfo[fnum].underline_thick);
+ break;
+ }
+ debug0(DGP, DD, "PrintUnderline returning.");
+} /* end PrintUnderline */
+/*@::PrintAfterLast(), CoordTranslate()@**************************************/
+/* */
+/* PrintAfterLast() */
+/* */
+/* Clean up this module and close output stream. */
+/* */
+void PrintAfterLast(void)
+{ OBJECT x, link; BOOLEAN first_need; int i, j, jmax;
+ if( prologue_done )
+ {
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ /* print the page that has just ended (exists since prologue_done) */
+ ifdebug(DGP, D,
+ putc('+', out_fp);
+ for( j = 0; j < hsize; j++ ) putc('-', out_fp);
+ putc('+', out_fp);
+ putc('\n', out_fp);
+ );
+ for( i = vsize - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
+ { ifdebug(DGP, D, putc('|', out_fp));
+ for( jmax = hsize-1; jmax >= 0 && page[i*hsize+jmax] == ' '; jmax--);
+ ifdebug(DGP, D, jmax = hsize - 1);
+ for( j = 0; j <= jmax; j++ )
+ putc(page[i*hsize + j], out_fp);
+ ifdebug(DGP, D, putc('|', out_fp));
+ putc('\n', out_fp);
+ }
+ ifdebug(DGP, D,
+ putc('+', out_fp);
+ for( j = 0; j < hsize; j++ ) putc('-', out_fp);
+ putc('+', out_fp);
+ putc('\n', out_fp);
+ );
+ break;
+ fprintf(out_fp, "\npgsave restore\nshowpage\n");
+ fprintf(out_fp, "\n%%%%Trailer\n");
+ /* print resource requirements (DSC 3.0 version) - fonts */
+ first_need = FontNeeded(out_fp);
+ /* print resource requirements (DSC 3.0 version) - included EPSFs */
+ for( link = Down(needs); link != needs; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(x, link);
+ assert(is_word(type(x)), "PrintAfterLast: needs!" );
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%s %s",
+ first_need ? "%%DocumentNeededResources:" : "%%+", string(x));
+ first_need = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* print resources supplied */
+ fprintf(out_fp,
+ "%%%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset %s\n", StartUpResource);
+ for( link = Down(supplied); link != supplied; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(x, link);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%+ %s", string(x));
+ }
+ MapPrintResources(out_fp);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%Pages: %d\n", pagecount);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%EOF\n");
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ PDFPage_Cleanup(out_fp); /* write out page objects */
+ /* MapPrintResources(out_fp); not needed */
+ PDFFile_Cleanup(out_fp);
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end if prologue_done */
+} /* end PrintAfterLast */
+/* */
+/* CoordTranslate(xdist, ydist) */
+/* */
+/* Translate coordinate system by the given x and y distances. */
+/* */
+void CoordTranslate(FULL_LENGTH xdist, FULL_LENGTH ydist)
+{ debug2(DRS,D,"CoordTranslate(%s, %s)",
+ EchoLength(xdist), EchoLength(ydist));
+ assert( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT, "CoordTranslate: BackEnd!" );
+ if (BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT)
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%d %d translate\n", xdist, ydist);
+ else if (BackEnd == PDF)
+ {
+ if ((xdist != 0) || (ydist != 0))
+ {
+#if 1
+ PDFPage_Translate(out_fp, xdist, ydist);
+ char temp_str[64];
+ sprintf(temp_str, "1 0 0 1 %d %d cm\n", xdist, ydist);
+ PDFPage_Write(out_fp, temp_str);
+ }
+ }
+ cpexists = FALSE;
+ /***
+ currentfont = NO_FONT;
+ currentcolour = NO_COLOUR;
+ ***/
+ debug0(DRS, D, "CoordTranslate returning.");
+} /* end CoordTranslate */
+/*@::CoordRotate(), CoordScale(), SaveGraphicsState(), etc.@******************/
+/* */
+/* CoordRotate(amount) */
+/* */
+/* Rotate coordinate system by given amount (in internal DG units) */
+/* */
+void CoordRotate(FULL_LENGTH amount)
+{ debug1(DRS, D, "CoordRotate(%.1f degrees)", (float) amount / DG);
+ assert( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT, "CoordRotate: BackEnd!" );
+ if (BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT)
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%.4f rotate\n", (float) amount / DG);
+ else if (BackEnd == PDF)
+ {
+ int theAmount = ((amount / DG) % 360);
+ if ( theAmount != 0 )
+ {
+ #define PI 3.1415926535897931160
+ PDFPage_Rotate(out_fp, (double) theAmount * (double) PI / (double) 180.0);
+ }
+ }
+ cpexists = FALSE;
+ /***
+ currentfont = NO_FONT;
+ currentcolour = NO_COLOUR;
+ ***/
+ debug0(DRS, D, "CoordRotate returning.");
+} /* end CoordRotate */
+/* */
+/* CoordScale(ratio, dim) */
+/* */
+/* Scale coordinate system by ratio in the given dimension. */
+/* */
+void CoordScale(float hfactor, float vfactor)
+ char buff[20];
+ assert( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT, "CoordScale: BackEnd!" );
+ ifdebug(DRS, D, sprintf(buff, "%.3f, %.3f", hfactor, vfactor));
+ debug1(DRS, D, "CoordScale(%s)", buff);
+ if (BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT)
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%.4f %.4f scale\n", hfactor, vfactor);
+ else if (BackEnd == PDF)
+ {
+ if ( (fabs(hfactor - 1.0) > 0.01) || (fabs(vfactor - 1.0) > 0.01) )
+ {
+#if 1
+ PDFPage_Scale(out_fp, hfactor, vfactor);
+ char temp_str[64];
+ sprintf(temp_str, "%.2f 0 0 %.2f 0 0 cm\n", hfactor, vfactor);
+ PDFPage_Write(out_fp, temp_str);
+ }
+ }
+ cpexists = FALSE;
+ /***
+ currentfont = NO_FONT;
+ currentcolour = NO_COLOUR;
+ ***/
+ debug0(DRS, D, "CoordScale returning.");
+} /* end CoordScale */
+/* */
+/* SaveGraphicState(x) */
+/* */
+/* Save current coord system on stack for later restoration. */
+/* Object x is just for error reporting, not really used at all. */
+/* */
+void SaveGraphicState(OBJECT x)
+{ debug0(DRS, D, "SaveGraphicState()");
+ assert( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT, "SaveGraphicState: BackEnd!" );
+ if (BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT)
+ fprintf(out_fp, "gsave\n");
+ else if (BackEnd == PDF)
+ PDFPage_Push(out_fp);
+ gs_stack_top++;
+ if( gs_stack_top >= MAX_GS )
+ Error(24, 5, "rotations, graphics etc. too deeply nested (max is %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), MAX_GS);
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_font = currentfont;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_colour = currentcolour;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_cpexists = cpexists;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_currenty = currenty;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_xheight2 = currentxheight2;
+ debug0(DRS, D, "SaveGraphicState returning.");
+} /* end SaveGraphicState */
+/* */
+/* RestoreGraphicState() */
+/* */
+/* Restore previously saved coordinate system. NB we normally assume that */
+/* no white space is needed before any item of output, but since this */
+/* procedure is sometimes called immediately after PrintGraphicObject(), */
+/* which does not append a concluding space, we prepend one here. */
+/* */
+void RestoreGraphicState(void)
+{ debug0(DRS, D, "RestoreGraphicState()");
+ assert( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT, "RestoreGraphicState: BackEnd!" );
+ if( BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT )
+ fprintf(out_fp, "\ngrestore\n");
+ else if( BackEnd == PDF )
+ PDFPage_Pop(out_fp);
+ currentfont = gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_font;
+ currentcolour = gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_colour;
+ cpexists = gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_cpexists;
+ currenty = gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_currenty;
+ currentxheight2 = gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_xheight2;
+ gs_stack_top--;
+ /* ***
+ cpexists = FALSE;
+ currentfont = NO_FONT;
+ currentcolour = NO_COLOUR;
+ *** */
+ debug0(DRS, D, "RestoreGraphicState returning.");
+} /* end RestoreGraphicState */
+/*@::PrintGraphicObject(), DefineGraphicNames()@******************************/
+/* */
+/* PrintGraphicObject(x) */
+/* */
+/* Print object x on out_fp */
+/* */
+void PrintGraphicObject(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT y, link;
+ assert( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT, "PrintGraphicObject: BackEnd!" );
+ debug3(DPS, D, "PrintGraphicObject(%s %s %s)",
+ EchoFilePos(&fpos(x)), Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+#if 1
+ if (BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT)
+ StringFPuts(string(x), out_fp);
+ else if (BackEnd == PDF)
+ {
+ PDFPage_WriteGraphic(out_fp, string(x));
+ }
+ StringFPuts(string(x), out_fp);
+ break;
+ case ACAT:
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ {
+ if( BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT )
+ {
+ if( vspace(y) > 0 ) fputs("\n", out_fp);
+ else if( hspace(y) > 0 ) fputs(" ", out_fp);
+ }
+ else if( BackEnd == PDF )
+ {
+ if( vspace(y) > 0 ) PDFPage_Write(out_fp, "\n");
+ else if( hspace(y) > 0 ) PDFPage_Write(out_fp, " ");
+ }
+ }
+ else if( is_word(type(y)) || type(y) == ACAT )
+ PrintGraphicObject(y);
+ else if( type(y) != WIDE && !is_index(type(y)) )
+ /* @Wide, indexes are sometimes inserted by Manifest */
+ { Error(24, 6, "error in left parameter of %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_GRAPHIC);
+ debug1(DGP, D, " type(y) = %s, y =", Image(type(y)));
+ ifdebug(DGP, D, DebugObject(y));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error(24, 7, "error in left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_GRAPHIC);
+ debug1(DGP, D, " type(x) = %s, x =", Image(type(x)));
+ ifdebug(DGP, D, DebugObject(x));
+ break;
+ }
+ debug0(DPS, D, "PrintGraphicObject returning");
+} /* end PrintGraphicObject */
+/* */
+/* DefineGraphicNames(x) */
+/* */
+/* Generate PostScript for xsize, ysize etc. names of graphic object. */
+/* */
+void DefineGraphicNames(OBJECT x)
+{ assert( type(x) == GRAPHIC, "PrintGraphic: type(x) != GRAPHIC!" );
+ assert( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT, "DefineGraphicNames: BackEnd!" );
+ debug1(DRS, D, "DefineGraphicNames( %s )", EchoObject(x));
+ debug1(DRS, DD, " style = %s", EchoStyle(&save_style(x)));
+ /* if font is different to previous word then print change */
+ if( font(save_style(x)) != currentfont )
+ { currentfont = font(save_style(x));
+ if( currentfont > 0 )
+ { currentxheight2 = FontHalfXHeight(currentfont);
+#if 1 /* VT 98/01/04: modified for PDF */
+ if (BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT)
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%hd %s ", FontSize(currentfont, x), FontName(currentfont));
+ else if (BackEnd == PDF)
+ PDFFont_Set(out_fp, FontSize(currentfont, x), FontName(currentfont));
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%hd %s ", FontSize(currentfont, x),
+ FontName(currentfont));
+ }
+ }
+ /* if colour is different to previous word then print change */
+ if( colour(save_style(x)) != currentcolour )
+ { currentcolour = colour(save_style(x));
+ if( currentcolour > 0 )
+ {
+#if 1
+ if( BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT )
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%s ", ColourCommand(currentcolour));
+ else if (BackEnd == PDF)
+ {
+ char str[256];
+ sprintf(str, "%s ", ColourCommand(currentcolour));
+ PDFPage_Write(out_fp, str);
+ }
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%s ", ColourCommand(currentcolour));
+ }
+ }
+ if (BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT)
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d LoutGraphic\n",
+ size(x, COLM), size(x, ROWM), back(x, COLM), fwd(x, ROWM),
+ currentfont <= 0 ? 12*PT : FontSize(currentfont, x),
+ width(line_gap(save_style(x))), width(space_gap(save_style(x))));
+ else if( BackEnd == PDF )
+ {
+ PDFPage_SetVars(size(x, COLM), size(x, ROWM), back(x, COLM), fwd(x, ROWM),
+ currentfont <= 0 ? 12*PT : FontSize(currentfont, x),
+ width(line_gap(save_style(x))), width(space_gap(save_style(x))));
+ }
+ debug0(DRS, D, "DefineGraphicNames returning.");
+} /* end DefineGraphicNames */
+/* */
+/* SaveTranslateDefineSave(x, xdist, ydist) */
+/* */
+/* Equivalent to the sequence of calls */
+/* */
+/* SaveGraphicState(x) */
+/* CoordTranslate(xdist, ydist) */
+/* DefineGraphicNames(x) */
+/* SaveGraphicState(x) */
+/* */
+/* but generates less PostScript. */
+/* */
+void SaveTranslateDefineSave(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH xdist, FULL_LENGTH ydist)
+ if( BackEnd == PDF )
+ {
+ /* do it bit by bit */
+ SaveGraphicState(x);
+ CoordTranslate(xdist, ydist);
+ DefineGraphicNames(x);
+ SaveGraphicState(x);
+ return;
+ }
+ assert( BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT, "SaveTranslateDefineSave: BackEnd!" );
+ if( gs_stack_top >= MAX_GS - 1 || font(save_style(x)) != currentfont ||
+ colour(save_style(x))!=currentcolour )
+ {
+ /* do it bit by bit, will be rare anyway */
+ SaveGraphicState(x);
+ CoordTranslate(xdist, ydist);
+ DefineGraphicNames(x);
+ SaveGraphicState(x);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* no font or colour changes, no stack overflow, so can optimize */
+ /* from Save */
+ gs_stack_top++;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_font = currentfont;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_colour = currentcolour;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_cpexists = cpexists;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_currenty = currenty;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_xheight2 = currentxheight2;
+ /* from CoordTranslate */
+ cpexists = FALSE;
+ /* from Save */
+ gs_stack_top++;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_font = currentfont;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_colour = currentcolour;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_cpexists = cpexists;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_currenty = currenty;
+ gs_stack[gs_stack_top].gs_xheight2 = currentxheight2;
+ /* accumulated output from all four calls, repackaged */
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d LoutGr2\n",
+ size(x, COLM), size(x, ROWM), back(x, COLM), fwd(x, ROWM),
+ currentfont <= 0 ? 12*PT : FontSize(currentfont, x),
+ width(line_gap(save_style(x))), width(space_gap(save_style(x))),
+ xdist, ydist);
+ }
+} /* end SaveTranslateDefineSave */
+/* */
+/* PrintGraphicInclude(x, colmark, rowmark) */
+/* */
+/* Print graphic include file, with appropriate surrounds. This code */
+/* closely follows the PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2n ed., */
+/* pages 733-5, except we do not clip the included EPSF. */
+/* */
+/* Note to porters: Version 3.0 of the EPSF standard is not compatible */
+/* with previous versions. Thus, this output may crash your system. */
+/* If you can find out which comment line(s) are causing the trouble, */
+/* you can add to procedure strip_out to strip them out during the */
+/* file inclusion step. e.g. on my system %%EOF causes problems, so I */
+/* strip it out. */
+/* */
+/* May 1994: I've just discovered that %%Trailer causes problems for */
+/* the mpage Unix utility, so now I'm stripping it out as well. */
+/* */
+#define SKIPPING 0
+#define READING_DNR 1
+#define FINISHED 2
+static BOOLEAN strip_out(FULL_CHAR *buff)
+{ if( StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("%%EOF")) ) return TRUE;
+ if( StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("%%Trailer")) ) return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end strip_out */
+void PrintGraphicInclude(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH colmark, FULL_LENGTH rowmark)
+{ OBJECT y, full_name; FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF];
+ FILE *fp; int state; BOOLEAN compressed;
+ debug0(DRS, D, "PrintGraphicInclude(x)");
+ if (BackEnd == PDF)
+ {
+ Error(24, 8, "PrintGraphicInclude: cannot include EPSF in a PDF file. File ignored.",
+ WARN, &fpos(x));
+ return;
+ }
+ assert( BackEnd == POSTSCRIPT, "PrintGraphicInclude: BackEnd!" );
+ assert(type(x)==INCGRAPHIC || type(x)==SINCGRAPHIC, "PrintGraphicInclude!");
+ assert(incgraphic_ok(x), "PrintGraphicInclude: !incgraphic_ok(x)!");
+ /* open the include file and get its full path name */
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ fp = OpenIncGraphicFile(string(y), type(x), &full_name,&fpos(y),&compressed);
+ assert( fp != NULL, "PrintGraphicInclude: fp!" );
+ /* if font is different to previous word then print change */
+ if( font(save_style(x)) != currentfont )
+ { currentfont = font(save_style(x));
+ currentxheight2 = FontHalfXHeight(currentfont);
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%hd %s\n", FontSize(currentfont,x), FontName(currentfont));
+ }
+ /* if colour is different to previous word then print change */
+ if( colour(save_style(x)) != currentcolour )
+ { currentcolour = colour(save_style(x));
+ if( currentcolour > 0 )
+ {
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%s\n", ColourCommand(currentcolour));
+ }
+ }
+ /* generate appropriate header code */
+ fprintf(out_fp, "BeginEPSF\n");
+ CoordTranslate(colmark - back(x, COLM), rowmark - fwd(x, ROWM));
+ CoordScale( (float) PT, (float) PT );
+ CoordTranslate(-back(y, COLM), -back(y, ROWM));
+ fprintf(out_fp, "%%%%BeginDocument: %s\n", string(full_name));
+ /* copy through the include file, except divert resources lines to needs */
+ /* and strip out some comment lines that cause problems */
+ state = (StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == NULL) ? FINISHED : SKIPPING;
+ while( state != FINISHED ) switch(state)
+ {
+ case SKIPPING:
+ if( StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("%%DocumentNeededResources:")) &&
+ !StringContains(buff, AsciiToFull("(atend)")) )
+ { y = MakeWord(WORD, &buff[StringLength("%%DocumentNeededResources:")],
+ no_fpos);
+ Link(needs, y);
+ state = (StringFGets(buff,MAX_BUFF,fp)==NULL) ? FINISHED : READING_DNR;
+ }
+ else
+ { if( StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("%%LanguageLevel:")) )
+ Error(24, 9, "ignoring LanguageLevel comment in %s file %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_INCGRAPHIC, string(full_name));
+ if( StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("%%Extensions:")) )
+ Error(24, 10, "ignoring Extensions comment in %s file %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_INCGRAPHIC, string(full_name));
+ if( !strip_out(buff) ) StringFPuts(buff, out_fp);
+ state = (StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == NULL) ? FINISHED : SKIPPING;
+ }
+ break;
+ if( StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("%%+")) )
+ { x = MakeWord(WORD, &buff[StringLength(AsciiToFull("%%+"))], no_fpos);
+ Link(needs, x);
+ state = (StringFGets(buff,MAX_BUFF,fp)==NULL) ? FINISHED : READING_DNR;
+ }
+ else
+ { if( !strip_out(buff) ) StringFPuts(buff, out_fp);
+ state = (StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == NULL) ? FINISHED : SKIPPING;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* wrapup */
+ DisposeObject(full_name);
+ fclose(fp);
+ if( compressed ) StringRemove(AsciiToFull(LOUT_EPS));
+ fprintf(out_fp, "\n%%%%EndDocument\nEndEPSF\n");
+ wordcount = 0;
+ debug0(DRS, D, "PrintGraphicInclude returning.");
+} /* end PrintGraphicInclude */
diff --git a/z25.c b/z25.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..926219a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z25.c
@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
+/*@z25.c:Object Echo:aprint(), cprint(), printnum()@**************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z25.c */
+/* MODULE: Object Echo */
+/* EXTERNS: EchoObject(), DebugObject() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+static int limit; /* column where newline is needed */
+static int indent; /* current indent */
+static int col; /* current output column */
+static FILE *fp; /* current output file */
+#define moveright() (indent += 3)
+#define moveleft() (indent -= 3)
+/* */
+/* static aprint(x) */
+/* static cprint(x) */
+/* */
+/* Print the ASCII or FULL_CHAR string x onto the appropriate output. */
+/* */
+static void cprint(FULL_CHAR *x)
+{ col += StringLength(x);
+ if( fp == null ) AppendString(x);
+ else StringFPuts(x, fp);
+} /* end print */
+static void aprint(char *x)
+{ cprint(AsciiToFull(x));
+} /* end aprint */
+/* */
+/* static printnum(x) */
+/* */
+/* Print the number x onto the appropriate output. */
+/* */
+static void printnum(int x)
+{ cprint(StringInt(x));
+} /* end printnum */
+/*@::tab(), newline(), space()@***********************************************/
+/* */
+/* static tab(x) */
+/* */
+/* Tab to column x, or anyway insert at least one space. */
+/* */
+static void tab(int x)
+{ do
+ aprint(" ");
+ while( col < x );
+} /* end tab */
+/* */
+/* static newline() */
+/* */
+/* Echo a newline to the appropriate output (unless output is a string). */
+/* Correct indenting and right limits are maintained, if possible. */
+/* */
+static void newline(void)
+{ if( fp == null ) AppendString(STR_SPACE);
+ else
+ { fputs("\n", fp);
+ fflush(fp);
+ for( col = 0; col < indent; col++ ) fputs(" ", fp);
+ }
+} /* end newline */
+/* */
+/* static echo(x, outer_prec, count) */
+/* */
+/* Echo x. The result will be enclosed in braces only if its precedence */
+/* is less than or equal to outer_prec (words and parameterless closures */
+/* are taken to have infinite precedence, i.e. never enclosed in braces). */
+/* */
+/* x is child number count of its parent. Used by COL_THR and ROW_THR */
+/* only. */
+/* */
+static void echo(OBJECT x, unsigned outer_prec, int count)
+{ OBJECT link, y, tmp, sym, z;
+ char *op; int prec, i, childcount;
+ BOOLEAN npar_seen, name_printed, lbr_printed, braces_needed;
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case DEAD:
+ aprint("#dead");
+ break;
+ case UNDER_REC:
+ aprint("#under_rec");
+ break;
+ aprint( "#unattached " );
+ moveright();
+ if( Down(x) != x )
+ { CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ if( y != x ) echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ else aprint("<child is self!>");
+ }
+ else aprint("<no child!>");
+ moveleft();
+ break;
+ case SCALE_IND:
+ case COVER_IND:
+ case EXPAND_IND:
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ /* aprint("#"); cprint(Image(type(x))); aprint(" "); */
+ echo(actual(x), NO_PREC, 1);
+ break;
+ aprint(type(x) == RECEIVING ? "#receiving " : "#receptive ");
+ if( external_ver(actual(x)) ) aprint("(external_ver) ");
+ if( external_hor(actual(x)) ) aprint("(external_hor) ");
+ if( threaded(actual(x)) ) aprint("(threaded) ");
+ if( blocked(x) ) aprint("(blocked) " );
+ if( trigger_externs(x) ) aprint("(trigger_externs) " );
+ if( non_blocking(x) ) aprint("(non_blocking) " );
+ cprint( type(actual(x)) == CLOSURE ?
+ SymName(actual(actual(x))) : Image(type(actual(x))) );
+ aprint(" ");
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ moveright();
+ echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ moveleft();
+ }
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ aprint("#precedes");
+ break;
+ case FOLLOWS:
+ aprint("#follows");
+ if( blocked(x) ) aprint(" (blocked)");
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ if( Up(y) == LastUp(y) ) aprint(" (no precedes!)");
+ break;
+ case HEAD:
+ aprint("Galley "); cprint(SymName(actual(x)));
+ aprint(" into "); cprint(SymName(whereto(x)));
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ newline();
+ echo(y, type(y) == GAP_OBJ ? VCAT : VCAT_PREC, count);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ROW_THR:
+ aprint("{R ");
+ for( i=0, link = Down(x); link != x && i < count ; link = NextDown(link), i++ );
+ if( link != x )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ echo(y, VCAT_PREC, count);
+ /* newline(); */
+ }
+ aprint(" R}");
+ break;
+ case COL_THR:
+ aprint("{C ");
+ for( i=0, link = Down(x); link != x && i < count ; link = NextDown(link), i++ );
+ if( link != x )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ echo(y, HCAT_PREC, count);
+ /* newline(); */
+ }
+ aprint(" C}");
+ break;
+ case HSPANNER:
+ aprint("{HS ");
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ aprint(" HS}");
+ break;
+ case VSPANNER:
+ aprint("{VS ");
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ aprint(" VS}");
+ break;
+ case THREAD:
+ aprint("<thread>");
+ break;
+ case VCAT: op = "/", prec = VCAT_PREC; goto ETC;
+ case HCAT: op = "|", prec = HCAT_PREC; goto ETC;
+ ETC:
+ if( Down(x) == x )
+ { aprint(op);
+ aprint("<empty>");
+ break;
+ }
+ if( prec <= outer_prec ) aprint("{ ");
+ /* *** if( Down(x) == LastDown(x) ) aprint(op); must be manifested */
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ if( is_index(type(y)) )
+ newline();
+ else if( (type(y) == GAP_OBJ && type(x) != ACAT) )
+ newline();
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ ) echo(y, type(x), count);
+ else echo(y, prec, count);
+ }
+ if( prec <= outer_prec ) aprint(" }");
+ break;
+ case ACAT: op = "&", prec = ACAT_PREC;
+ childcount = 0;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ {
+ echo(y, ACAT, count);
+ continue;
+ }
+ childcount++;
+ echo(y, prec, count);
+ /* ***
+ if( link == Down(x) || link == LastDown(x) )
+ echo(y, prec, count);
+ else if( NextDown(NextDown(link)) == LastDown(x) )
+ { sprintf(buff, " ++%d++ ", childcount+1);
+ aprint(buff);
+ }
+ *** */
+ }
+ break;
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ /* in this case the outer_prec argument is VCAT, HCAT or ACAT */
+ if( Down(x) != x )
+ { if( outer_prec == ACAT ) aprint(" ");
+ cprint( EchoCatOp(outer_prec, mark(gap(x)), join(gap(x))) );
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ echo(y, FORCE_PREC, count);
+ aprint(" ");
+ }
+ /* ***
+ else if( outer_prec == ACAT )
+ { for( i = 1; i <= vspace(x); i++ ) newline();
+ for( i = 1; i <= hspace(x); i++ ) aprint(" ");
+ }
+ *** */
+ else
+ { cprint( EchoCatOp(outer_prec, mark(gap(x)), join(gap(x))) );
+ cprint( EchoGap(&gap(x)) );
+ aprint(" ");
+ }
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ if( StringLength(string(x)) == 0 )
+ aprint("{}");
+ else
+ { aprint("\"");
+ cprint( string(x) );
+ aprint("\"");
+ }
+ break;
+ case QWORD:
+ cprint( StringQuotedWord(x) );
+ break;
+ case ENV:
+ /* debug only */
+ aprint("<");
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ if( type(y) == CLOSURE )
+ { cprint( SymName(actual(y)) );
+ if( LastDown(y) != y ) echo(GetEnv(y), NO_PREC, count);
+ }
+ else if( type(y) == ENV ) echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ else cprint(Image(type(y)));
+ if( NextDown(link) != x ) aprint(" ");
+ }
+ aprint(">");
+ break;
+ case CROSS:
+ assert( Down(x) != x, "echo: CROSS Down(x)!" );
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ if( type(y) == CLOSURE ) cprint(SymName(actual(y)));
+ else
+ { cprint(KW_LBR);
+ echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ cprint(KW_RBR);
+ }
+ cprint(Image(type(x)));
+ /* ***
+ cprint(KW_CROSS);
+ aprint("<");
+ cprint(Image(cross_type(x)));
+ aprint(">");
+ *** */
+ aprint(" ");
+ if( NextDown(Down(x)) != x )
+ { CountChild(y, NextDown(Down(x)), count);
+ echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ }
+ else aprint("??");
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ sym = actual(x);
+ braces_needed =
+ precedence(sym) <= outer_prec && (has_lpar(sym) || has_rpar(sym));
+ /* print brace if needed */
+ if( braces_needed ) aprint("{ ");
+ npar_seen = FALSE; name_printed = FALSE;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ if( type(y) == PAR )
+ { assert( Down(y) != y, "EchoObject: Down(PAR)!" );
+ switch( type(actual(y)) )
+ {
+ case LPAR: Child(tmp, Down(y));
+ echo(tmp, (unsigned) precedence(sym), 1);
+ aprint(" ");
+ break;
+ case NPAR: if( !name_printed )
+ { cprint(SymName(sym));
+ aprint("%");
+ cprint(SymName(enclosing(sym)));
+ if( external_ver(x) || external_hor(x) || threaded(x) )
+ { aprint(" #");
+ if( external_ver(x) ) aprint(" external_ver");
+ if( external_hor(x) ) aprint(" external_hor");
+ if( threaded(x) ) aprint(" threaded");
+ newline();
+ }
+ name_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ newline(); aprint(" ");
+ cprint( SymName(actual(y)) );
+ aprint(" { ");
+ Child(tmp, Down(y));
+ echo(tmp, NO_PREC, 1);
+ aprint(" }");
+ npar_seen = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case RPAR: if( !name_printed )
+ { cprint(SymName(sym));
+ aprint("%");
+ cprint(SymName(enclosing(sym)));
+ if( external_ver(x) || external_hor(x) || threaded(x) )
+ { aprint(" #");
+ if( external_ver(x) ) aprint(" external_ver");
+ if( external_hor(x) ) aprint(" external_hor");
+ if( threaded(x) ) aprint(" threaded");
+ newline();
+ }
+ name_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( npar_seen ) newline();
+ else aprint(" ");
+ Child(tmp, Down(y));
+ if( has_body(sym) )
+ { aprint("{ ");
+ echo(tmp, NO_PREC, 1);
+ aprint(" }");
+ }
+ else echo(tmp, (unsigned) precedence(sym), 1);
+ break;
+ default: assert1(FALSE, "echo:", Image(type(actual(y))));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !name_printed )
+ { cprint( SymName(sym) );
+ aprint("%");
+ cprint(SymName(enclosing(sym)));
+ if( external_ver(x) || external_hor(x) || threaded(x) )
+ { aprint(" #");
+ if( external_ver(x) ) aprint(" external_ver");
+ if( external_hor(x) ) aprint(" external_hor");
+ if( threaded(x) ) aprint(" threaded");
+ newline();
+ }
+ }
+ /* print closing brace if needed */
+ if( braces_needed ) aprint(" }");
+ break;
+ case SPLIT:
+ /* this should occur only in debug output case */
+ cprint(KW_SPLIT); moveright();
+ CountChild(y, DownDim(x, COLM), count);
+ aprint(" COLM:");
+ echo(y, FORCE_PREC, count);
+ newline();
+ /* ***
+ Child(y, DownDim(x, ROWM));
+ aprint(" ROWM:");
+ echo(y, FORCE_PREC);
+ *** */
+ moveleft();
+ break;
+ case PAR:
+ /* this should occur only in debug output case */
+ aprint("par "); cprint(SymName(actual(x)));
+ break;
+ case CR_LIST:
+ aprint("(");
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ if( NextDown(link) != x ) aprint(", ");
+ }
+ aprint(")");
+ break;
+ case MACRO:
+ newline(); cprint(KW_MACRO);
+ aprint(" "); cprint(SymName(x));
+ if( sym_body(x) != nilobj )
+ { newline(); cprint(KW_LBR);
+ y = sym_body(x);
+ do
+ { for( i = 1; i <= vspace(y); i++ ) newline();
+ for( i = 1; i <= hspace(y); i++ ) aprint(" ");
+ cprint(EchoToken(y));
+ y = succ(y, PARENT);
+ } while( y != sym_body(x) );
+ newline(); cprint(KW_RBR);
+ }
+ else aprint(" {}");
+ if( visible(x) ) aprint(" # (visible)");
+ break;
+ case NPAR:
+ case LOCAL:
+ /* print predefined operators in abbreviated form */
+ if( sym_body(x) == nilobj && enclosing(x) != nilobj )
+ { tab(3); aprint("# sys ");
+ cprint(SymName(x));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* print def line and miscellaneous debug info */
+ if( type(x) == LOCAL ) newline();
+ cprint(type(x) == NPAR ? KW_NAMED : KW_DEF);
+ aprint(" "); cprint( SymName(x) );
+ if( recursive(x) || indefinite(x) || visible(x) ||
+ is_extern_target(x) || uses_extern_target(x) || uses_galley(x) )
+ { tab(25); aprint("#");
+ if( visible(x) ) aprint(" visible");
+ if( recursive(x) ) aprint(" recursive");
+ if( indefinite(x) ) aprint(" indefinite");
+ if( is_extern_target(x) ) aprint(" is_extern_target");
+ if( uses_extern_target(x) ) aprint(" uses_extern_target");
+ if( uses_galley(x) ) aprint(" uses_galley");
+ }
+ /* print uses list, if necessary */
+ if( uses(x) != nilobj || dirty(x) )
+ { newline(); aprint(" # ");
+ if( dirty(x) ) aprint("dirty, ");
+ aprint("uses");
+ if( uses(x) != nilobj )
+ { tmp = next(uses(x));
+ do
+ { aprint(" "), cprint( SymName(item(tmp)) );
+ tmp = next(tmp);
+ } while( tmp != next(uses(x)) );
+ }
+ /* ***
+ for( tmp = uses(x); tmp != nilobj; tmp = next(tmp) )
+ { aprint(" "), cprint( SymName(item(tmp)) );
+ }
+ *** */
+ }
+ /* print precedence, if necessary */
+ if( precedence(x) != DEFAULT_PREC )
+ { newline(); aprint(" "); cprint(KW_PRECEDENCE);
+ aprint(" "); printnum(precedence(x));
+ }
+ /* print associativity, if necessary */
+ if( !right_assoc(x) )
+ { newline(); aprint(" ");
+ cprint(KW_ASSOC); aprint(" "); cprint(KW_LEFT);
+ }
+ /* print named parameters and local objects */
+ lbr_printed = FALSE;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ assert( enclosing(y) == x, "echo: enclosing(y) != x!" );
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case LPAR:
+ case RPAR: newline(); aprint(" ");
+ cprint( type(y) == LPAR ? KW_LEFT :
+ has_body(x) ? KW_BODY : KW_RIGHT);
+ aprint(" ");
+ cprint( SymName(y) );
+ aprint(" # uses_count = ");
+ printnum(uses_count(y));
+ if( visible(y) ) aprint(" (visible)");
+ break;
+ case NPAR: moveright(); newline();
+ echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ aprint(" # uses_count = ");
+ printnum(uses_count(y));
+ moveleft();
+ break;
+ case MACRO:
+ case LOCAL: if( !lbr_printed )
+ { newline();
+ cprint(KW_LBR);
+ lbr_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ moveright();
+ echo(y, NO_PREC, count);
+ moveleft(); newline();
+ break;
+ default: assert1(FALSE, "echo:", Image(type(y)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( type(x) == NPAR && Down(x) == x ) aprint(" ");
+ else newline();
+ if( !lbr_printed )
+ { cprint(KW_LBR); aprint(" ");
+ lbr_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ else aprint(" ");
+ /* print body */
+ moveright();
+ if( sym_body(x) != nilobj ) echo(sym_body(x), NO_PREC, 1);
+ moveleft(); if( type(x) == LOCAL ) newline();
+ cprint(KW_RBR);
+ break;
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case PADJUST:
+ case HADJUST:
+ case VADJUST:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case COMMON:
+ case RUMP:
+ case MELD:
+ case INSERT:
+ case ONE_OF:
+ case NEXT:
+ case PLUS:
+ case MINUS:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case SCALE:
+ case CASE:
+ case YIELD:
+ case XCHAR:
+ case FONT:
+ case SPACE:
+ case YUNIT:
+ case ZUNIT:
+ case BREAK:
+ case COLOUR:
+ case LANGUAGE:
+ case OPEN:
+ case TAGGED:
+ case ENV_OBJ:
+ /* print enclosing left brace if needed */
+ braces_needed = (DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec);
+ if( braces_needed ) cprint(KW_LBR), aprint(" ");
+ /* print left parameter */
+ if( Down(x) != LastDown(x) )
+ { CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ echo(y, find_max(outer_prec, DEFAULT_PREC), count);
+ aprint(" ");
+ }
+ cprint(Image(type(x)));
+ /* print right parameter */
+ assert( LastDown(x) != x, "echo: right parameter of predefined!" );
+ aprint(" ");
+ CountChild(y, LastDown(x), count);
+ echo(y, type(x)==OPEN ? FORCE_PREC : find_max(outer_prec,DEFAULT_PREC),
+ count);
+ if( braces_needed ) aprint(" "), cprint(KW_RBR);
+ break;
+ case VERBATIM:
+ aprint(" ");
+ cprint(KW_LBR);
+ CountChild(y, Down(x), count);
+ if( type(y) == WORD )
+ { cprint(string(y));
+ }
+ else
+ { newline();
+ for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link)
+ cprint(string(z));
+ newline();
+ }
+ }
+ cprint(KW_RBR);
+ break;
+ case CURR_LANG:
+ case CURR_FACE:
+ case BACKEND:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ /* predefined symbols that have (or may have) no parameters */
+ cprint(Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ case FILTERED:
+ aprint("[filtered ");
+ if( Down(x) != x )
+ { Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( type(y) != WORD ) cprint(Image(type(y)));
+ else cprint(string(y));
+ }
+ else aprint("?");
+ aprint("]");
+ break;
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ cprint(Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ case CR_ROOT:
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { CountChild(y, link, count);
+ echo(y, NO_PREC, count); newline();
+ }
+ break;
+ case CROSS_SYM:
+ aprint("Cross-references for ");
+ cprint(SymName(symb(x))); newline();
+ switch( target_state(x) )
+ {
+ case 0: aprint("NO_TARGET");
+ break;
+ case 1: aprint("SEEN_TARGET ");
+ printnum(target_seq(x));
+ aprint(": ");
+ echo(target_val(x), NO_PREC, 1);
+ break;
+ case 2: aprint("WRITTEN_TARGET ");
+ printnum(target_seq(x));
+ aprint(": to file ");
+ cprint(FileName(target_file(x)));
+ aprint(" at ");
+ printnum(target_pos(x));
+ break;
+ default: aprint("ILLEGAL!");
+ break;
+ }
+ newline();
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ aprint(" ");
+ cprint(Image(cs_type(y)));
+ aprint(": ");
+ cprint(string(y));
+ newline();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "echo:", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+} /* end echo */
+/*@::EchoObject(), DebugObject()@*********************************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoObject(x) */
+/* */
+/* Return an image of unsized object x in result. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoObject(OBJECT x)
+{ debug0(DOE, D, "EchoObject()");
+ fp = null;
+ col = 0;
+ indent = 0;
+ limit = 60;
+ if( fp == null )
+ BeginString();
+ if( x == nilobj ) AppendString(AsciiToFull("<nilobj>"));
+ else echo(x, type(x) == GAP_OBJ ? VCAT : 0, 1);
+ debug0(DOE, D, "EchoObject returning");
+ return EndString();
+} /* end EchoObject */
+/* */
+/* DebugObject(x) */
+/* */
+/* Send an image of unsized object x to result. */
+/* */
+void DebugObject(OBJECT x)
+{ debug0(DOE, D, "DebugObject()");
+ fp = stderr;
+ col = 0;
+ indent = 0;
+ limit = 60;
+ if( x == nilobj ) fprintf(stderr, "<nilobj>");
+ else echo(x, type(x) == GAP_OBJ ? VCAT : 0, 1);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ debug0(DOE, D, "DebugObject returning");
+} /* end DebugObject */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoIndex() */
+/* */
+/* Echo a component of a galley, briefly. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoIndex(OBJECT index)
+{ static char buff[MAX_BUFF]; OBJECT z;
+ if( index == nilobj )
+ { sprintf(buff, "<nilobj>");
+ }
+ else switch( type(index) )
+ {
+ sprintf(buff, "receiving %s%s", type(actual(index)) == CLOSURE ?
+ SymName(actual(actual(index))) : Image(type(actual(index))),
+ non_blocking(index) ? " (non_blocking)" : "");
+ break;
+ sprintf(buff, "receptive %s%s", type(actual(index)) == CLOSURE ?
+ SymName(actual(actual(index))) : Image(type(actual(index))),
+ non_blocking(index) ? " (non_blocking)" : "");
+ break;
+ if( Down(index) != index )
+ { Child(z, Down(index));
+ }
+ else z = nilobj;
+ sprintf(buff, "unattached %s",
+ z == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("<nilobj>") : SymName(actual(z)));
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ sprintf(buff, "\"%s\"", string(index));
+ break;
+ default:
+ sprintf(buff, "%s", Image(type(index)));
+ break;
+ }
+ return AsciiToFull(buff);
+} /* end EchoIndex */
+/* */
+/* DebugGalley(hd, pinpt, indent) */
+/* */
+/* Print overview of galley hd on stderr; mark pinpoint if found */
+/* */
+#define dprint(a, b, c) fprintf(stderr, "| %-7s %20s %s\n", a, b, c)
+void DebugGalley(OBJECT hd, OBJECT pinpt, int indent)
+{ OBJECT link, y; char istr[30]; int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < indent; i++ ) istr[i] = ' ';
+ istr[i] = '\0';
+ if( type(hd) != HEAD )
+ { fprintf(stderr, "%shd is %s\n", istr, Image(type(hd)));
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%sgalley %s into %s\n", istr,
+ SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)));
+ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( y == pinpt )
+ { fprintf(stderr, "++ %s ", Image(type(y)));
+ DebugObject(y);
+ }
+ else
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ dprint("gap_obj", Image(type(y)), EchoGap(&gap(y)));
+ else if( is_index(type(y)) )
+ dprint("index", Image(type(y)), "");
+ else if( is_definite(type(y)) )
+ dprint("def_obj", Image(type(y)), is_word(type(y)) ? string(y):STR_EMPTY);
+ else if( is_indefinite(type(y)) )
+ dprint("indefin", Image(type(y)),
+ type(y) == CLOSURE ? SymName(actual(y)) : STR_EMPTY);
+ else
+ dprint("unknown", Image(type(y)), "");
+ }
+} /* end DebugGalley */
diff --git a/z26.c b/z26.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fafe70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z26.c
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+/*@z26.c:Echo Service:BeginString()@******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z26.c */
+/* MODULE: Echo Service */
+/* EXTERNS: BeginString(), AppendString(), EndString(), */
+/* EchoLength(), Image() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define MULTI 7 /* max no of simultaneous calls */
+static FULL_CHAR buff[MULTI][2*MAX_BUFF];/* buffers for strings */
+static int curr = 1; /* current buffer in use */
+static int bp; /* next free space in buff[curr] */
+static BOOLEAN instring = FALSE; /* TRUE while making a string */
+/* */
+/* BeginString() */
+/* */
+/* Locate a clear buffer into which debug output may be accumulated. */
+/* */
+void BeginString(void)
+{ assert(!instring, "BeginString: currently in string");
+ instring = TRUE; curr = (curr + 1) % MULTI;
+ assert( 0 <= curr && curr < MULTI, "BeginString: curr!" );
+ StringCopy(buff[curr], ""); bp = 0;
+/*@::AppendString(), EndString(), EchoLength()@*******************************/
+/* */
+/* AppendString(str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) */
+/* */
+/* Sprintf str to the current buffer, if space is available there. */
+/* */
+void AppendString(FULL_CHAR *str)
+{ int len;
+ assert(instring, "AppendString: no current string");
+ assert( 0 <= curr && curr < MULTI, "BeginString: curr!" );
+ if( bp == MAX_BUFF ) return; /* no space, do nothing */
+ len = StringLength(str);
+ if( len + bp >= MAX_BUFF )
+ { StringCopy( &buff[curr][MAX_BUFF/2], AsciiToFull(" ... <too long>") );
+ bp = MAX_BUFF;
+ }
+ else
+ { StringCopy(&buff[curr][bp], str);
+ while( buff[curr][bp] != '\0' ) bp++;
+ if( bp >= MAX_BUFF ) Error(26, 1, "AppendString abort", INTERN, no_fpos);
+ }
+} /* end AppendString */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EndString() */
+/* */
+/* Return the string constructed by previous AppendString operations. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EndString(void)
+{ assert(instring, "EndString: no string");
+ assert( 0 <= curr && curr < MULTI, "BeginString: curr!" );
+ instring = FALSE;
+ return buff[curr];
+} /* end Endstring */
+/* */
+/* SetLengthDim(int dim) */
+/* */
+/* Set dimension for echoing lengths. */
+/* */
+static int length_dim = COLM;
+void SetLengthDim(int dim)
+ length_dim = dim;
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *EchoLength(len) */
+/* */
+/* Echo a length. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *EchoLength(int len)
+{ static FULL_CHAR buff[8][20];
+ static int i = 0;
+ i = (i + 1) % 8;
+ if( len == MAX_FULL_LENGTH )
+ sprintf( (char *) buff[i], "%s", "INF");
+ else switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ case PDF:
+ sprintf( (char *) buff[i], "%.3fc", (float) len/CM);
+ break;
+ if( length_dim == COLM )
+ {
+ sprintf( (char *) buff[i], "%.2fs", (float) len/PlainCharWidth);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sprintf( (char *) buff[i], "%.2ff", (float) len/PlainCharHeight);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return buff[i];
+} /* end EchoLength */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *Image(c) */
+/* */
+/* Returns the string value of type c. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *Image(unsigned int c)
+{ static FULL_CHAR b[20];
+ switch(c)
+ {
+ case LINK: return AsciiToFull("link");
+ case SPLIT: return AsciiToFull("split");
+ case HEAD: return AsciiToFull("head");
+ case PAR: return AsciiToFull("par");
+ case WORD: return AsciiToFull("word");
+ case QWORD: return AsciiToFull("qword");
+ case GAP_OBJ: return AsciiToFull("gap_obj");
+ case ROW_THR: return AsciiToFull("row_thr");
+ case COL_THR: return AsciiToFull("col_thr");
+ case CLOSURE: return AsciiToFull("closure");
+ case NULL_CLOS: return KW_NULL;
+ case PAGE_LABEL: return KW_PAGE_LABEL;
+ case CROSS: return KW_CROSS;
+ case ONE_COL: return KW_ONE_COL;
+ case ONE_ROW: return KW_ONE_ROW;
+ case WIDE: return KW_WIDE;
+ case HIGH: return KW_HIGH;
+ case HSHIFT: return KW_HSHIFT;
+ case VSHIFT: return KW_VSHIFT;
+ case HSCALE: return KW_HSCALE;
+ case VSCALE: return KW_VSCALE;
+ case HCOVER: return KW_HCOVER;
+ case VCOVER: return KW_VCOVER;
+ case HLIMITED: return KW_HLIMITED;
+ case VLIMITED: return KW_VLIMITED;
+ case HEXPAND: return KW_HEXPAND;
+ case VEXPAND: return KW_VEXPAND;
+ case HSPAN: return KW_HSPAN;
+ case VSPAN: return KW_VSPAN;
+ case HSPANNER: return AsciiToFull("hspannner");
+ case VSPANNER: return AsciiToFull("vspannner");
+ case PADJUST: return KW_PADJUST;
+ case HADJUST: return KW_HADJUST;
+ case VADJUST: return KW_VADJUST;
+ case ROTATE: return KW_ROTATE;
+ case SCALE: return KW_SCALE;
+ case VERBATIM: return KW_VERBATIM;
+ case CASE: return KW_CASE;
+ case YIELD: return KW_YIELD;
+ case BACKEND: return KW_BACKEND;
+ case FILTERED: return AsciiToFull("filtered");
+ case XCHAR: return KW_XCHAR;
+ case FONT: return KW_FONT;
+ case SPACE: return KW_SPACE;
+ case YUNIT: return KW_YUNIT;
+ case ZUNIT: return KW_ZUNIT;
+ case BREAK: return KW_BREAK;
+ case COLOUR: return KW_COLOUR;
+ case LANGUAGE: return KW_LANGUAGE;
+ case CURR_LANG: return KW_CURR_LANG;
+ case CURR_FACE: return KW_CURR_FACE;
+ case COMMON: return KW_COMMON;
+ case RUMP: return KW_RUMP;
+ case MELD: return KW_MELD;
+ case INSERT: return KW_INSERT;
+ case ONE_OF: return KW_ONE_OF;
+ case NEXT: return KW_NEXT;
+ case PLUS: return KW_PLUS;
+ case MINUS: return KW_MINUS;
+ case ENV_OBJ: return AsciiToFull("env_obj");
+ case ENV: return KW_ENV;
+ case ENVA: return KW_ENVA;
+ case ENVB: return KW_ENVB;
+ case ENVC: return KW_ENVC;
+ case ENVD: return KW_ENVD;
+ case CENV: return KW_CENV;
+ case CLOS: return KW_CLOS;
+ case LVIS: return KW_LVIS;
+ case LUSE: return KW_LUSE;
+ case LEO: return KW_LEO;
+ case OPEN: return KW_OPEN;
+ case TAGGED: return KW_TAGGED;
+ case GRAPHIC: return KW_GRAPHIC;
+ case ACAT: return AsciiToFull("acat");
+ case HCAT: return AsciiToFull("hcat");
+ case VCAT: return AsciiToFull("vcat");
+ case TSPACE: return AsciiToFull("tspace");
+ case TJUXTA: return AsciiToFull("tjuxta");
+ case LBR: return AsciiToFull("lbr");
+ case RBR: return AsciiToFull("rbr");
+ case UNEXPECTED_EOF: return AsciiToFull("unexpected_eof");
+ case BEGIN: return KW_BEGIN;
+ case END: return KW_END;
+ case USE: return KW_USE;
+ case GSTUB_NONE: return AsciiToFull("gstub_none");
+ case GSTUB_INT: return AsciiToFull("gstub_int");
+ case GSTUB_EXT: return AsciiToFull("gstub_ext");
+ case INCLUDE: return KW_INCLUDE;
+ case PREPEND: return KW_PREPEND;
+ case DATABASE: return KW_DATABASE;
+ /* case START: return AsciiToFull("start"); unused */
+ case DEAD: return AsciiToFull("dead");
+ case UNATTACHED: return AsciiToFull("unattached");
+ case RECEPTIVE: return AsciiToFull("receptive");
+ case RECEIVING: return AsciiToFull("receiving");
+ case RECURSIVE: return AsciiToFull("recursive");
+ case PRECEDES: return AsciiToFull("precedes");
+ case FOLLOWS: return AsciiToFull("follows");
+ case CROSS_LIT: return AsciiToFull("cross_lit");
+ case CROSS_FOLL: return AsciiToFull("cross_foll");
+ case CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC: return AsciiToFull("cross_foll_or_prec");
+ case GALL_FOLL: return AsciiToFull("gall_foll");
+ case GALL_FOLL_OR_PREC: return AsciiToFull("gall_foll_or_prec");
+ case CROSS_TARG: return AsciiToFull("cross_targ");
+ case GALL_TARG: return AsciiToFull("gall_targ");
+ case GALL_PREC: return AsciiToFull("gall_prec");
+ case CROSS_PREC: return AsciiToFull("cross_prec");
+ case PAGE_LABEL_IND: return AsciiToFull("page_label_ind");
+ case SCALE_IND: return AsciiToFull("scale_ind");
+ case COVER_IND: return AsciiToFull("cover_ind");
+ case EXPAND_IND: return AsciiToFull("expand_ind");
+ case THREAD: return AsciiToFull("thread");
+ case CROSS_SYM: return AsciiToFull("cross_sym");
+ case CR_ROOT: return AsciiToFull("cr_root");
+ case MACRO: return KW_MACRO;
+ case LOCAL: return AsciiToFull("local");
+ case LPAR: return AsciiToFull("lpar");
+ case NPAR: return AsciiToFull("npar");
+ case RPAR: return AsciiToFull("rpar");
+ case CR_LIST: return AsciiToFull("cr_list");
+ case EXT_GALL: return AsciiToFull("ext_gall");
+ case DISPOSED: return AsciiToFull("disposed");
+ case BACK: return AsciiToFull("back");
+ case ON: return AsciiToFull("on");
+ case FWD: return AsciiToFull("fwd");
+ case PROMOTE: return AsciiToFull("promote");
+ case CLOSE: return AsciiToFull("close");
+ case BLOCK: return AsciiToFull("block");
+ case CLEAR: return AsciiToFull("clear");
+ case GAP_ABS: return AsciiToFull("abs");
+ case GAP_INC: return AsciiToFull("inc");
+ case GAP_DEC: return AsciiToFull("dec");
+ default: sprintf( (char *) b, "?? (%d)", c);
+ return b;
+ } /* end switch */
+} /* end Image */
diff --git a/z27.c b/z27.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc40a3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z27.c
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+/*@z27.c:Debug Service:Debug flags@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z27.c */
+/* MODULE: Debug Service */
+/* EXTERNS: dbg[], DebugInit(), Debug() */
+/* ProfileOn(), ProfileOff(), ProfilePrint() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+struct dbs dbg[] = {
+ {"zz", {0, 0, 0}}, /* - unused - */
+ {"sp", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Supervise */
+ {"la", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Lexical Analyser */
+ {"fs", {0, 0, 0}}, /* File Service */
+ {"ts", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Token Service */
+ {"rd", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Read Definitions */
+ {"op", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Object Parser */
+ {"os", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Object Service */
+ {"om", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Object Manifest */
+ {"ce", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Closure Expansion */
+ {"cr", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Cross References */
+ {"ss", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Style Service */
+ {"sf", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Size Finder */
+ {"ob", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Object Breaking */
+ {"of", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Object Filling */
+ {"sc", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Size Constraints */
+ {"sa", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Size Adjustments */
+ {"gw", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Gap Widths */
+ {"gt", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Galley Transfer */
+ {"ga", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Galley Attaching */
+ {"gf", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Galley Flusher */
+ {"gm", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Galley Maker */
+ {"gs", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Galley Service */
+ {"gp", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Galley Printer */
+ {"ps", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Print Service */
+ {"oe", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Object Echo */
+ {"es", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Echo Service */
+ {"zz", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Debug Service (unused) */
+ {"yy", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Error Service */
+ {"st", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Symbol Table */
+ {"su", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Symbol Uses */
+ {"ma", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Memory Allocator */
+ {"cs", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Counter Service */
+ {"bs", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Database Service */
+ {"rs", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Rotation Service */
+ {"tk", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Time Keeper */
+ {"hy", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Hyphenation */
+ {"ft", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Font Tables */
+ {"cm", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Character Mappings */
+ {"sh", {0, 0, 0}}, /* String Handler */
+ {"fh", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Filter Handler */
+ {"io", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Object Input-Output */
+ {"co", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Colour Service */
+ {"ls", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Language Service */
+ {"vh", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Vertical Hyphenation */
+ {"ex", {0, 0, 0}}, /* External Sort */
+ {"og", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Optimal Galleys */
+ {"et", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Environment Table */
+ {"pd", {0, 0, 0}}, /* PDF Back End */
+ {"pp", {0, 0, 0}}, /* Profiling */
+ {"", {0, 0, 0}}, /* any */
+/*@::DebugInit(), Debug()@****************************************************/
+/* */
+/* DebugInit(str) */
+/* */
+/* Turn on the debug flag given by str. */
+/* */
+void DebugInit(FULL_CHAR *str)
+{ int j, urg;
+ for( urg = 0; urg < 2 && str[urg+2] == CH_FLAG_DEBUG; urg++ );
+ for( j = 1; ; j++ )
+ { if( StringEqual(AsciiToFull(dbg[j].flag), &str[urg+2]) ) break;
+ if( StringEqual(AsciiToFull(dbg[j].flag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ Error(27, 1, "unknown debug flag %s", FATAL, no_fpos, str);
+ }
+ for( ; urg >= 0; urg-- ) dbg[j].on[urg] = dbg[ANY].on[urg] = TRUE;
+} /* end DebugInit */
+/* */
+/* Debug(category, urgency, str, ...) */
+/* */
+/* Print str on debug output, if the flag corresponding to the given */
+/* debug category and urgency is on. */
+/* */
+void Debug(int category, int urgency, char *str, ...)
+{ static BOOLEAN first_message = TRUE;
+ va_list ap;
+ if( first_message )
+ { fprintf(stderr, "\nLout Debug Output:\n");
+ first_message = FALSE;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%2s: ", dbg[category].flag);
+ va_start(ap, str);
+ vfprintf(stderr, str, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fflush(stderr);
+} /* end Debug */
+/*@::ProfileOn(), ProfileOff(), ProfilePrint()@*******************************/
+/* */
+/* ProfileOn(str) */
+/* */
+/* Start profiling label str. */
+/* */
+#define MAXPROF 20
+#include <time.h>
+struct profrec
+{ char *label; /* label of the profile */
+ int calls; /* number of calls with this label */
+ long time; /* total time of this label */
+static struct profrec profstack[MAXPROF];
+static struct profrec profstore[MAXPROF];
+static int proftop = 0, profsize = 0;
+void ProfileOn(char *str)
+{ int i; time_t raw_time;
+ for( i = 0; i < proftop; i++ )
+ { if( strcmp(profstack[i].label, str) == 0 )
+ { for( i = 0; i < proftop; i++ )
+ fprintf(stderr, "profstack[%d] = %s\n", i, profstack[i].label);
+ assert1(FALSE, "ProfileOn: restarted", str);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(proftop < MAXPROF, "ProfileOn: overflow");
+ time(&raw_time); profstack[proftop].label = str;
+ profstack[proftop++].time = raw_time;
+} /* end ProfileOn */
+/* */
+/* ProfileOff(str) */
+/* */
+/* Stop profiling label str. */
+/* */
+void ProfileOff(char *str)
+{ int i; time_t raw_time;
+ assert1(proftop > 0 && strcmp(profstack[proftop-1].label, str) == 0,
+ "ProfileOff: not current", str);
+ for( i = 0; i < profsize && strcmp(profstore[i].label, str) != 0; i++ );
+ if( i >= profsize )
+ { profsize++;
+ assert(profsize < MAXPROF, "ProfileOff: overflow");
+ profstore[i].label = str;
+ profstore[i].calls = 0;
+ profstore[i].time = 0;
+ }
+ time(&raw_time); profstore[i].calls += 1;
+ profstore[i].time += (raw_time - profstack[--proftop].time);
+} /* end ProfileOff */
+/* */
+/* ProfilePrint() */
+/* */
+/* Print results of profiling. */
+/* */
+void ProfilePrint(void)
+{ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < profsize; i++ )
+ { fprintf(stderr, "Profile %-20s %6ld secs, %3d calls, %6.2f secs/call\n",
+ profstore[i].label, profstore[i].time, profstore[i].calls,
+ (float) profstore[i].time / profstore[i].calls );
+ }
+} /* end ProfilePrint */
diff --git a/z28.c b/z28.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aea5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z28.c
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+/*@z28.c:Error Service:ErrorInit(), ErrorSeen()@******************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z28.c */
+/* MODULE: Error Service */
+/* EXTERNS: ErrorInit(), Error(), ErrorSeen() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define MAX_BLOCKS 20 /* max number of error blocks */
+#define MAX_ERRORS 20 /* max number of held error messages */
+static BOOLEAN print_block[MAX_BLOCKS]; /* TRUE if print this block */
+static int start_block[MAX_BLOCKS]; /* first message of block */
+static char message[MAX_ERRORS][MAX_BUFF]; /* the error messages */
+static int message_fnum[MAX_ERRORS]; /* file number of error mess */
+static FILE *fp = NULL; /* file pointer of log file */
+static BOOLEAN error_seen = FALSE; /* TRUE after first error */
+static int block_top = 0; /* first free error block */
+static int mess_top = 0; /* first free error message */
+/* */
+/* ErrorInit(str) */
+/* */
+/* Open log file str and initialise this module. */
+/* */
+void ErrorInit(FULL_CHAR *str)
+{ if( fp != NULL )
+ Error(28, 1, "-e argument appears twice in command line", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ fp = StringFOpen(str, WRITE_TEXT);
+ if( fp == NULL )
+ Error(28, 2, "cannot open error file %s", FATAL, no_fpos, str);
+} /* end ErrorInit */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN ErrorSeen() */
+/* */
+/* TRUE once an error has been found. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN ErrorSeen(void)
+{ return error_seen;
+} /* end ErrorSeen */
+/* */
+/* PrintFileBanner(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* If fnum was not the subject of the previous call to PrintFileBanner, */
+/* print a file banner for fnum. */
+/* */
+static void PrintFileBanner(int fnum)
+{ static int CurrentFileNum = -1;
+ if( fnum != CurrentFileNum )
+ { fprintf(fp, "lout%s:\n", EchoFileSource(fnum));
+ CurrentFileNum = fnum;
+ }
+} /* end PrintFileBanner */
+/*@::EnterErrorBlock(), LeaveErrorBlock()@************************************/
+/* */
+/* EnterErrorBlock(ok_to_print) */
+/* */
+/* Start off a new block of error messages. If ok_to_print, they do not */
+/* need to be held for a later commit. */
+/* */
+void EnterErrorBlock(BOOLEAN ok_to_print)
+{ if( block_top < MAX_BLOCKS )
+ { print_block[block_top] = ok_to_print;
+ start_block[block_top] = mess_top;
+ block_top++;
+ }
+ else Error(28, 3, "too many levels of error messages", FATAL, no_fpos);
+} /* end EnterErrorBlock */
+/* */
+/* LeaveErrorBlock(commit) */
+/* */
+/* Finish off a block of error messages. If commit is true, print them, */
+/* otherwise discard them. */
+/* */
+void LeaveErrorBlock(BOOLEAN commit)
+{ int i;
+ debug0(DYY, D, " leaving error block");
+ assert( block_top > 0, "LeaveErrorBlock: no matching EnterErrorBlock!" );
+ assert( commit || !print_block[block_top - 1], "LeaveErrorBlock: commit!" );
+ if( fp == NULL ) fp = stderr;
+ if( commit )
+ { for( i = start_block[block_top - 1]; i < mess_top; i++ )
+ {
+ if( AltErrorFormat )
+ { fputs(message[i], fp);
+ }
+ else
+ { PrintFileBanner(message_fnum[i]);
+ fputs(message[i], fp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ block_top--;
+ mess_top = start_block[block_top];
+} /* end LeaveErrorBlock */
+/* */
+/* CheckErrorBlocks() */
+/* */
+/* Check (at end of run) that all error blocks have been unstacked. */
+/* */
+void CheckErrorBlocks(void)
+{ assert( block_top == 0, "CheckErrorBlocks: block_top != 0!" );
+} /* end CheckErrorBlocks */
+/* */
+/* Error(etype, pos, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) */
+/* */
+/* Report error of type etype at position *pos in input. */
+/* The error message is str with parameters p1 - p6. */
+/* */
+POINTER Error(int set_num, int msg_num, char *str, int etype, FILE_POS *pos, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ char val[MAX_BUFF];
+ va_start(ap, pos);
+ vsprintf(val, condcatgets(MsgCat, set_num, msg_num, str), ap);
+ if( fp == NULL ) fp = stderr;
+ switch( etype )
+ {
+ case INTERN:
+ while( block_top > 0 ) LeaveErrorBlock(TRUE);
+ if( AltErrorFormat )
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, condcatgets(MsgCat, 28, 7, "%s internal error: %s\n"),
+ EchoAltFilePos(pos), val);
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(28, 7, "%s internal error: %s\n") */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PrintFileBanner(file_num(*pos));
+ fprintf(fp, condcatgets(MsgCat, 28, 4, " %6s internal error: %s\n"),
+ EchoFileLine(pos), val);
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(28, 4, " %6s internal error: %s\n") */
+ }
+ abort();
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ case FATAL:
+ while( block_top > 0 ) LeaveErrorBlock(TRUE);
+ if( AltErrorFormat )
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, condcatgets(MsgCat, 28, 8, "%s: fatal error: %s\n"),
+ EchoAltFilePos(pos), val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PrintFileBanner(file_num(*pos));
+ fprintf(fp, condcatgets(MsgCat, 28, 5, " %6s: fatal error: %s\n"),
+ EchoFileLine(pos), val);
+ }
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(28, 5, " %6s: fatal error: %s\n") */
+ /* for estrip's benefit: Error(28, 8, "%s: fatal error: %s\n") */
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ case WARN:
+ if( block_top == 0 || print_block[block_top - 1] )
+ {
+ if( AltErrorFormat )
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, "%s: %s\n", EchoAltFilePos(pos), val);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PrintFileBanner(file_num(*pos));
+ fprintf(fp, " %6s: %s\n", EchoFileLine(pos), val);
+ }
+ }
+ else if( mess_top < MAX_ERRORS )
+ {
+ if( AltErrorFormat )
+ {
+ sprintf(message[mess_top++], "%s: %s\n", EchoAltFilePos(pos), val);
+ }
+ else
+ { message_fnum[mess_top] = file_num(*pos);
+ sprintf(message[mess_top++], " %6s: %s\n",
+ EchoFileLine(pos), val);
+ }
+ }
+ else Error(28, 6, "too many error messages", FATAL, pos);
+ error_seen = TRUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "Error: invalid error type");
+ break;
+ }
+ va_end(ap);
+ return 0;
+} /* end Error */
diff --git a/z29.c b/z29.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c3e58e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z29.c
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+/*@z29.c:Symbol Table:Declarations, hash()@***********************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z29.c */
+/* MODULE: Symbol Table */
+/* EXTERNS: InitSym(), PushScope(), PopScope(), SuppressVisible(), */
+/* UnSuppressVisible(), SuppressScope(), UnSuppressScope(), */
+/* SwitchScope(), UnSwitchScope(), BodyParAllowed(), */
+/* BodyParNotAllowed(), InsertSym(), SearchSym(), */
+/* SymName(), FullSymName(), ChildSym(), CheckSymSpread(), */
+/* DeleteEverySym() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define MAX_STACK 300 /* size of scope stack */
+#define MAX_TAB 1783 /* size of hash table */
+#define length(x) word_font(x)
+static OBJECT scope[MAX_STACK]; /* the scope stack */
+static BOOLEAN npars_only[MAX_STACK]; /* look for NPAR exc */
+static BOOLEAN vis_only[MAX_STACK]; /* look for visibles */
+static BOOLEAN body_ok[MAX_STACK]; /* look for body par */
+static BOOLEAN suppress_scope; /* suppress scoping */
+static BOOLEAN suppress_visible; /* suppress visible */
+static int scope_top; /* scope stack top */
+static struct { OBJECT f1, f2; } symtab[MAX_TAB]; /* the hash table */
+static int sym_spread[MAX_TAB] = { 0 }; /* hash table spread */
+static int sym_count = 0; /* symbol count */
+/* */
+/* #define hash(str, len, val) */
+/* */
+/* Set val to the hash value of string str, which has length len. */
+/* The hash function is just the character sum mod MAX_TAB. */
+/* This definition assumes that working variables rlen and x exist. */
+/* */
+#define hash(str, len, val) \
+{ rlen = len; \
+ x = str; \
+ val = *x++; \
+ while( --rlen ) val += *x++; \
+ val %= MAX_TAB; \
+/*@::InitSym(), PushScope(), PopScope(), SuppressVisible(), etc.@*************/
+/* */
+/* InitSym() */
+/* */
+/* Initialize the symbol table to empty. */
+/* */
+void InitSym(void)
+{ int i;
+ scope_top = 0;
+ suppress_scope = FALSE;
+ suppress_visible = FALSE;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_TAB; i++ )
+ symtab[i].f1 = symtab[i].f2 = (OBJECT) &symtab[i];
+} /* end InitSym */
+/* */
+/* PushScope(x, npars, vis) */
+/* PopScope() */
+/* */
+/* Add or remove an OBJECT x (which must be in the symbol table) to or from */
+/* the scope stack. If npars is TRUE, only the named parameters of x are */
+/* added to scope. If vis is TRUE, only visible locals and parameters are */
+/* added. */
+/* */
+void PushScope(OBJECT x, BOOLEAN npars, BOOLEAN vis)
+{ debug3(DST, DD, "[ PushScope(%s, %s, %s)", SymName(x), bool(npars), bool(vis));
+ assert( suppress_scope == FALSE, "PushScope: suppress_scope!" );
+ if( scope_top >= MAX_STACK )
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < scope_top; i++ )
+ Error(29, 1, " scope[%2d] = %s", WARN, &fpos(x), i, SymName(scope[i]));
+ Error(29, 2, "scope depth limit exceeded", INTERN, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ scope[scope_top] = x;
+ npars_only[scope_top] = npars;
+ vis_only[scope_top] = vis;
+ body_ok[scope_top] = FALSE;
+ scope_top++;
+} /* end PushScope */
+void PopScope(void)
+{ debug0(DST, DD, "] PopScope()");
+ assert( scope_top > 0, "PopScope: tried to pop empty scope stack");
+ assert( suppress_scope == FALSE, "PopScope: suppress_scope!" );
+ scope_top--;
+} /* end PopScope */
+/* */
+/* SuppressVisible() */
+/* UnSuppressVisible() */
+/* */
+/* Make all children of any symbol acceptable, not just the exported ones. */
+/* */
+void SuppressVisible(void)
+{ debug0(DST, DD, "[ SuppressVisible()");
+ suppress_visible = TRUE;
+} /* end SuppressVisible */
+void UnSuppressVisible(void)
+{ debug0(DST, DD, "] UnSuppressVisible()");
+ suppress_visible = FALSE;
+} /* end UnSuppressVisible */
+/*@::SuppressScope(), UnSuppressScope(), SwitchScope(), UnswitchScope()@******/
+/* */
+/* SuppressScope() */
+/* UnSuppressScope() */
+/* */
+/* Suppress all scopes (so that all calls to SearchSym fail); and undo it. */
+/* */
+void SuppressScope(void)
+{ debug0(DST, DD, "[ SuppressScope()");
+ suppress_scope = TRUE;
+} /* end SuppressScope */
+void UnSuppressScope(void)
+{ debug0(DST, DD, "] UnSuppressScope()");
+ suppress_scope = FALSE;
+} /* end UnSuppressScope */
+/* */
+/* SwitchScope(sym) */
+/* UnSwitchScope(sym) */
+/* */
+/* Switch to the scope of sym (if nilobj, StartSym); and switch back again. */
+/* */
+void SwitchScope(OBJECT sym)
+{ int i;
+ OBJECT new_scopes[MAX_STACK];
+ if( sym == nilobj ) PushScope(StartSym, FALSE, FALSE);
+ else
+ { i = 0;
+ while( sym != StartSym )
+ { new_scopes[i++] = enclosing(sym);
+ sym = enclosing(sym);
+ }
+ while( i > 0 ) PushScope(new_scopes[--i], FALSE, FALSE);
+ }
+void UnSwitchScope(OBJECT sym)
+{ if( sym == nilobj ) PopScope();
+ else
+ { while( sym != StartSym )
+ { PopScope();
+ sym = enclosing(sym);
+ }
+ }
+/* */
+/* BodyParAllowed() */
+/* BodyParNotAllowed() */
+/* */
+/* Allow or disallow invocations of the body parameter of the current tos. */
+/* */
+void BodyParAllowed(void)
+{ debug0(DST, DD, "BodyParAllowed()");
+ body_ok[scope_top-1] = TRUE;
+} /* end BodyParAllowed */
+void BodyParNotAllowed(void)
+{ debug0(DST, DD, "BodyParNotAllowed()");
+ body_ok[scope_top-1] = FALSE;
+} /* end BodyParNotAllowed */
+/* */
+/* DebugScope(void) */
+/* */
+/* Debug print of current scope stack */
+/* */
+void DebugScope(void)
+{ int i;
+ if( suppress_scope )
+ {
+ debug0(DST, DD, "suppressed");
+ }
+ else for( i = 0; i < scope_top; i++ )
+ { debug6(DST, DD, "%s %s%s%s%s%s",
+ i == scope_top - 1 ? "->" : " ",
+ SymName(scope[i]),
+ npars_only[i] ? " npars_only" : "",
+ vis_only[i] ? " vis_only" : "",
+ body_ok[i] ? " body_ok" : "",
+ i == scope_top - 1 && suppress_visible ? " suppress_visible" : "");
+ }
+} /* end DebugScope */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT InsertSym(str, xtype, xfpos, xprecedence, indefinite, xrecursive, */
+/* xpredefined, xenclosing, xbody) */
+/* */
+/* Insert a new symbol into the table. Its string value is str. */
+/* Initialise the symbol as the parameters indicate. */
+/* Return a pointer to the new symbol. */
+/* If str is not a valid symbol name, InsertSym prints an error */
+/* message and does not insert the symbol. */
+/* */
+OBJECT InsertSym(FULL_CHAR *str, unsigned char xtype, FILE_POS *xfpos,
+unsigned char xprecedence, BOOLEAN xindefinite, BOOLEAN xrecursive,
+unsigned xpredefined, OBJECT xenclosing, OBJECT xbody)
+{ register int sum, rlen;
+ register unsigned char *x;
+ OBJECT p, q, s, tmp, link, entry, plink; int len;
+ debug3(DST, DD, "InsertSym( %s, %s, in %s )",
+ Image(xtype), str, SymName(xenclosing));
+ if( !LexLegalName(str) )
+ Error(29, 3, "invalid symbol name %s", WARN, xfpos, str);
+ New(s, xtype);
+ FposCopy(fpos(s), *xfpos);
+ has_body(s) = FALSE;
+ filter(s) = nilobj;
+ use_invocation(s) = nilobj;
+ imports(s) = nilobj;
+ imports_encl(s) = FALSE;
+ right_assoc(s) = TRUE;
+ precedence(s) = xprecedence;
+ indefinite(s) = xindefinite;
+ recursive(s) = xrecursive;
+ predefined(s) = xpredefined;
+ enclosing(s) = xenclosing;
+ sym_body(s) = xbody;
+ base_uses(s) = nilobj;
+ uses(s) = nilobj;
+ marker(s) = nilobj;
+ cross_sym(s) = nilobj;
+ is_extern_target(s) = FALSE;
+ uses_extern_target(s)= FALSE;
+ visible(s) = FALSE;
+ uses_galley(s) = FALSE;
+ horiz_galley(s) = ROWM;
+ has_compulsory(s) = 0;
+ is_compulsory(s) = FALSE;
+ uses_count(s) = 0;
+ dirty(s) = FALSE;
+ if( enclosing(s) != nilobj && type(enclosing(s)) == NPAR )
+ dirty(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ has_par(s) = FALSE;
+ has_lpar(s) = FALSE;
+ has_rpar(s) = FALSE;
+ if( is_par(type(s)) ) has_par(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ if( type(s) == LPAR ) has_lpar(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ if( type(s) == RPAR ) has_rpar(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ /* assign a code letter between a and z to any NPAR symbol */
+ if( type(s) == NPAR )
+ { if( LastDown(enclosing(s)) != enclosing(s) )
+ { Child(tmp, LastDown(enclosing(s)));
+ if( type(tmp) == NPAR )
+ { if( npar_code(tmp) == 'z' || npar_code(tmp) == ' ' )
+ npar_code(s) = ' ';
+ else
+ npar_code(s) = npar_code(tmp)+1;
+ }
+ else
+ npar_code(s) = 'a';
+ }
+ else npar_code(s) = 'a';
+ }
+ has_target(s) = FALSE;
+ force_target(s) = FALSE;
+ if( !StringEqual(str, KW_TARGET) ) is_target(s) = FALSE;
+ else
+ { is_target(s) = has_target(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ /* if @Target is found after @Key, take note of external target */
+ if( has_key(enclosing(s)) && xbody != nilobj && is_cross(type(xbody)) )
+ { if( LastDown(xbody) != Down(xbody) )
+ { OBJECT sym;
+ Child(sym, Down(xbody));
+ if( type(sym) == CLOSURE )
+ { is_extern_target(actual(sym)) = TRUE;
+ uses_extern_target(actual(sym)) = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ has_tag(s) = is_tag(s) = FALSE;
+ has_key(s) = is_key(s) = FALSE;
+ has_optimize(s) = is_optimize(s) = FALSE;
+ has_merge(s) = is_merge(s) = FALSE;
+ has_enclose(s) = is_enclose(s) = FALSE;
+ if( enclosing(s) != nilobj && type(enclosing(s)) == LOCAL )
+ {
+ if( StringEqual(str, KW_TAG) )
+ is_tag(s) = has_tag(enclosing(s)) = dirty(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ if( StringEqual(str, KW_OPTIMIZE) )
+ is_optimize(s) = has_optimize(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ if( StringEqual(str, KW_KEY) )
+ { is_key(s) = has_key(enclosing(s)) = dirty(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ /* if @Key is found after @Target, take note of external target */
+ for( link=Down(enclosing(s)); link!=enclosing(s); link=NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(p, link);
+ if( is_target(p) && sym_body(p)!=nilobj && is_cross(type(sym_body(p))) )
+ { OBJECT sym;
+ Child(sym, Down(sym_body(p)));
+ if( type(sym) == CLOSURE )
+ { is_extern_target(actual(sym)) = TRUE;
+ uses_extern_target(actual(sym)) = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( StringEqual(str, KW_MERGE) )
+ is_merge(s) = has_merge(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ if( StringEqual(str, KW_ENCLOSE) )
+ is_enclose(s) = has_enclose(enclosing(s)) = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( StringEqual(str, KW_FILTER) )
+ { if( type(s) != LOCAL || enclosing(s) == StartSym )
+ Error(29, 4, "%s must be a local definition", WARN, &fpos(s), str);
+ else if( !has_rpar(enclosing(s)) )
+ Error(29, 14, "%s must lie within a symbol with a right parameter",
+ WARN, &fpos(s), KW_FILTER);
+ else
+ { filter(enclosing(s)) = s;
+ precedence(enclosing(s)) = FILTER_PREC;
+ }
+ }
+ if( type(s) == RPAR && has_body(enclosing(s)) &&
+ (is_tag(s) || is_key(s) || is_optimize(s)) )
+ Error(29, 5, "a body parameter may not be named %s", WARN, &fpos(s), str);
+ if( type(s) == RPAR && has_target(enclosing(s)) &&
+ (is_tag(s) || is_key(s) || is_optimize(s)) )
+ Error(29, 6, "the right parameter of a galley may not be called %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(s), str);
+ len = StringLength(str);
+ hash(str, len, sum);
+ ifdebug(DST, D, sym_spread[sum]++; sym_count++);
+ entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[sum];
+ for( plink = Down(entry); plink != entry; plink = NextDown(plink) )
+ { Child(p, plink);
+ if( length(p) == len && StringEqual(str, string(p)) )
+ { for( link = Down(p); link != p; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(q, link);
+ if( enclosing(s) == enclosing(q) )
+ { Error(29, 7, "symbol %s previously defined at%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(s), str, EchoFilePos(&fpos(q)) );
+ if( AltErrorFormat )
+ {
+ Error(29, 13, "symbol %s previously defined here",
+ WARN, &fpos(q), str);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ goto wrapup;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need a new OBJECT as well as s */
+ NewWord(p, WORD, len, xfpos);
+ length(p) = len;
+ StringCopy(string(p), str);
+ Link(entry, p);
+ wrapup:
+ Link(p, s);
+ if( enclosing(s) != nilobj ) Link(enclosing(s), s);
+ debug2(DST, DD, "InsertSym Link(%s, %s) and returning.",
+ SymName(enclosing(s)), SymName(s));
+ return s;
+} /* end InsertSym */
+/* */
+/* InsertAlternativeName(str, s, xfpos) */
+/* */
+/* Insert an alternative name for symbol s. */
+/* */
+void InsertAlternativeName(FULL_CHAR *str, OBJECT s, FILE_POS *xfpos)
+{ register int sum, rlen;
+ register unsigned char *x;
+ int len;
+ OBJECT entry, link, plink, p, q;
+ debug3(DST, DD, "InsertAlternativeName(%s, %s, %s)",
+ str, SymName(s), EchoFilePos(xfpos));
+ len = StringLength(str);
+ hash(str, len, sum);
+ ifdebug(DST, D, sym_spread[sum]++; sym_count++);
+ entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[sum];
+ for( plink = Down(entry); plink != entry; plink = NextDown(plink) )
+ { Child(p, plink);
+ if( length(p) == len && StringEqual(str, string(p)) )
+ { for( link = Down(p); link != p; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(q, link);
+ if( enclosing(s) == enclosing(q) )
+ { Error(29, 12, "symbol name %s previously defined at%s",
+ WARN, &fpos(s), str, EchoFilePos(&fpos(q)) );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ goto wrapup;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need a new OBJECT as well as s */
+ NewWord(p, WORD, len, xfpos);
+ length(p) = len;
+ StringCopy(string(p), str);
+ Link(entry, p);
+ wrapup:
+ Link(p, s);
+ /* not for copies if( enclosing(s) != nilobj ) Link(enclosing(s), s); */
+ debug0(DST, DD, "InsertAlternativeName returning.");
+} /* end InsertAlternativeName */
+/*@::SearchSym(), SymName()@**************************************************/
+/* */
+/* OBJECT SearchSym(str, len) */
+/* */
+/* Search the symbol table for str, with length len, and return an */
+/* OBJECT referencing the entry if found. Otherwise return nilobj. */
+/* */
+OBJECT SearchSym(FULL_CHAR *str, int len)
+{ register int rlen, sum;
+ register FULL_CHAR *x, *y;
+ OBJECT p, q, link, plink, entry;
+ int s;
+ debug2(DST, DDD, "SearchSym( %c..., %d )", str[0], len);
+ hash(str, len, sum);
+ rlen = len;
+ entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[sum];
+ for( plink = Down(entry); plink != entry; plink = NextDown(plink) )
+ { Child(p, plink);
+ if( rlen == length(p) )
+ { x = str; y = string(p);
+ do; while( *x++ == *y++ && --rlen );
+ if( rlen == 0 )
+ {
+ debug1(DST, DDD, " found %s", string(p));
+ s = scope_top;
+ do
+ { s--;
+ for( link = Down(p); link != p; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(q, link);
+ { debugcond4(DST, DDD, enclosing(q) == scope[s],
+ " !npars_only[s] = %s, !vis_only[s] = %s, body_ok[s] = %s, !ss = %s",
+ bool(!npars_only[s]), bool(!vis_only[s]), bool(body_ok[s]),
+ bool(!suppress_scope));
+ }
+ if( enclosing(q) == scope[s]
+ && (!npars_only[s] || type(q) == NPAR)
+ && (!vis_only[s] || visible(q) || suppress_visible )
+ && (body_ok[s] || type(q)!=RPAR || !has_body(enclosing(q))
+ || suppress_visible )
+ && (!suppress_scope || StringEqual(string(p), KW_INCLUDE) ||
+ StringEqual(string(p), KW_SYSINCLUDE))
+ )
+ { debug3(DST, DD, "SearchSym returning %s %s%%%s",
+ Image(type(q)), SymName(q), SymName(enclosing(q)));
+ return q;
+ }
+ }
+ } while( scope[s] != StartSym );
+ }
+ }
+ rlen = len;
+ }
+ debug0(DST, DDD, "SearchSym returning <nilobj>");
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end SearchSym */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *SymName(s) */
+/* */
+/* Return the string value of the name of symbol s. */
+/* */
+{ OBJECT p;
+ if( s == nilobj ) return AsciiToFull("<nilobj>");
+ Parent(p, Up(s));
+ assert( is_word(type(p)), "SymName: !is_word(type(p))!" );
+ return string(p);
+} /* end SymName */
+/*@::FullSymName(), ChildSym()@***********************************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *FullSymName(x, str) */
+/* */
+/* Return the path name of symbol x. with str separating each entry. */
+/* */
+{ OBJECT stack[20]; int i;
+ static FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *sname;
+ if( x == nilobj ) return AsciiToFull("<nilobj>");
+ assert( enclosing(x) != nilobj, "FullSymName: enclosing(x) == nilobj!" );
+ for( i = 0; enclosing(x) != nilobj && i < 20; i++ )
+ { stack[i] = x;
+ x = enclosing(x);
+ }
+ StringCopy(buff, STR_EMPTY);
+ for( i--; i > 0; i-- )
+ { sname = SymName(stack[i]);
+ if( StringLength(sname)+StringLength(str)+StringLength(buff) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(29, 8, "full name of symbol is too long", FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ StringCat(buff, sname);
+ StringCat(buff, str);
+ }
+ sname = SymName(stack[0]);
+ if( StringLength(sname) + StringLength(buff) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(29, 9, "full name of symbol is too long", FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ StringCat(buff, sname);
+ return buff;
+} /* end FullSymName */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ChildSym(s, typ) */
+/* */
+/* Find the child of symbol s of type typ, either LPAR or RPAR. */
+/* */
+OBJECT ChildSym(OBJECT s, unsigned typ)
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ for( link = Down(s); link != s; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == typ && enclosing(y) == s ) return y;
+ }
+ Error(29, 10, "symbol %s has missing %s", FATAL, &fpos(s),
+ SymName(s), Image(typ));
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end ChildSym */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ChildSymWithCode(s, code) */
+/* */
+/* Find the child of symbol s with the given npar code, else nil. */
+/* */
+OBJECT ChildSymWithCode(OBJECT s, unsigned char code)
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ for( link = Down(actual(s)); link != actual(s); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == NPAR && enclosing(y) == actual(s) && npar_code(y) == code )
+ return y;
+ }
+ Error(29, 11, "symbol %s has erroneous code %c (database out of date?)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(s), SymName(actual(s)), (char) code);
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end ChildSym */
+/*@::CheckSymSpread(), DeleteSymBody()@***************************************/
+/* */
+/* CheckSymSpread() */
+/* */
+/* Check the spread of symbols through the hash table. */
+/* */
+void CheckSymSpread(void)
+{ int i, j, sum, usum; OBJECT entry, plink;
+ debug2(DST, D, "Symbol table spread (table size = %d, symbols = %d):",
+ MAX_TAB, sym_count);
+ usum = sum = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_TAB; i++ )
+ { fprintf(stderr, "%4d: ", i);
+ for( j = 1; j <= sym_spread[i]; j++ )
+ { fprintf(stderr, ".");
+ sum += j;
+ }
+ entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[i];
+ for( plink=Down(entry), j=1; plink != entry; plink=NextDown(plink), j++ )
+ { fprintf(stderr, "+");
+ usum += j;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "average length counting duplicate names = %.1f\n",
+ (float) sum / sym_count);
+ fprintf(stderr, "average length not counting duplicate names = %.1f\n",
+ (float) usum / sym_count);
+} /* end CheckSymSpread */
+/* */
+/* static DeleteSymBody(s) */
+/* */
+/* Delete the body of symbol s. */
+/* */
+static void DeleteSymBody(OBJECT s)
+{ OBJECT t;
+ debug1(DST, DDD, "DeleteSymBody( %s )", SymName(s));
+ switch( type(s) )
+ {
+ case MACRO: while( sym_body(s) != nilobj )
+ { t = sym_body(s);
+ sym_body(s) = Delete(sym_body(s), PARENT);
+ Dispose(t);
+ }
+ break;
+ case LPAR:
+ case NPAR:
+ case RPAR:
+ case LOCAL: if( sym_body(s) != nilobj ) DisposeObject(sym_body(s));
+ break;
+ default: assert1(FALSE, "DeleteSymBody:", Image(type(s)));
+ break;
+ }
+ debug0(DST, DDD, "DeleteSymBody returning.");
+} /* end DeleteSymBody */
+/* */
+/* DeleteEverySym() */
+/* */
+/* Delete every symbol in the symbol table. */
+/* Note that we first delete all bodies, then the symbols themselves. */
+/* This is so that the closures within the bodies have well-defined */
+/* actual() pointers, even while the symbol table is being disposed. */
+/* If this is not done, debug output during the disposal gets confused. */
+/* */
+void DeleteEverySym(void)
+{ int i, j, load, cost; OBJECT p, plink, link, x, entry;
+ debug0(DST, DD, "DeleteEverySym()");
+ /* dispose the bodies of all symbols */
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_TAB; i++ )
+ { entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[i];
+ for( plink = Down(entry); plink != entry; plink = NextDown(plink) )
+ { Child(p, plink);
+ for( link = Down(p); link != p; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(x, link); DeleteSymBody(x);
+ /* *** will not work now
+ while( base_uses(x) != nilobj )
+ { tmp = base_uses(x); base_uses(x) = next(tmp);
+ PutMem(tmp, USES_SIZE);
+ }
+ while( uses(x) != nilobj )
+ { tmp = uses(x); uses(x) = next(tmp);
+ PutMem(tmp, USES_SIZE);
+ }
+ *** */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* dispose the symbol name strings, gather statistics, and print them */
+ load = cost = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_TAB; i++ )
+ { j = 1; entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[i];
+ while( Down(entry) != entry )
+ { load += 1; cost += j; j += 1;
+ DisposeChild(Down(entry));
+ }
+ }
+ if( load > 0 )
+ { debug4(DST, DD, "size = %d, items = %d (%d%%), probes = %.1f",
+ MAX_TAB, load, (100*load)/MAX_TAB, (float) cost/load);
+ }
+ else
+ { debug1(DST, DD, "table size = %d, no entries in table", MAX_TAB);
+ }
+ debug0(DST, DD, "DeleteEverySym returning.");
+} /* end DeleteEverySym */
diff --git a/z30.c b/z30.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65b7992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z30.c
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+/*@z30.c:Symbol uses:InsertUses()@********************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z30.c */
+/* MODULE: Symbol Uses */
+/* EXTERNS: InsertUses(), FlattenUses(), SearchUses(), */
+/* FirstExternTarget(), NextExternTarget() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* InsertUses(x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Record the fact that symbol x uses symbol y, by linking them. */
+/* Increment count of the number of times y is used, if y is a parameter. */
+/* */
+void InsertUses(OBJECT x, OBJECT y)
+{ OBJECT tmp;
+ debug2(DSU, D, "InsertUses( %s, %s )", SymName(x), SymName(y));
+ if( type(x) == LOCAL && type(y) == LOCAL && !predefined(y) )
+ { GetMem(tmp, USES_SIZE, no_fpos); item(tmp) = y;
+ if( base_uses(x) == nilobj ) next(tmp) = tmp;
+ else next(tmp) = next(base_uses(x)), next(base_uses(x)) = tmp;
+ base_uses(x) = tmp;
+ }
+ if( is_par(type(y)) )
+ {
+ uses_count(y) += (enclosing(y) == x ? 1 : 2);
+ if( dirty(y) || uses_count(y) > 1 ) dirty(enclosing(y)) = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( sym_body(y) == nilobj || dirty(y) ) dirty(x) = TRUE;
+ debug5(DSU, D, "InsertUses returning ( %s %s; %s %s, count = %d )",
+ SymName(x), (dirty(x) ? "dirty" : "clean"),
+ SymName(y), (dirty(y) ? "dirty" : "clean"), uses_count(y));
+} /* end InsertUses */
+/*@::GatherUses(), GatherAllUses(), FlattenUses()@****************************/
+/* */
+/* static GatherUses(x, sym) */
+/* static GatherAllUses(x) */
+/* */
+/* GatherUses adds all the unmarked descendants of x to the uses relation */
+/* of sym; GatherAllUses applies gather_uses to all descendants of x. */
+/* */
+static void GatherUses(OBJECT x, OBJECT sym)
+{ OBJECT link, y, tmp;
+ if( base_uses(x) != nilobj )
+ { link = next(base_uses(x));
+ do
+ { y = item(link);
+ if( marker(y) != sym )
+ { if( y != sym )
+ { marker(y) = sym;
+ GetMem(tmp, USES_SIZE, no_fpos); item(tmp) = y;
+ if( uses(sym) == nilobj ) next(tmp) = tmp;
+ else next(tmp) = next(uses(sym)), next(uses(sym)) = tmp;
+ uses(sym) = tmp;
+ if( indefinite(y) ) indefinite(sym) = TRUE;
+ if( uses_extern_target(y) ) uses_extern_target(sym) = TRUE;
+ GatherUses(y, sym);
+ }
+ else recursive(sym) = TRUE;
+ }
+ link = next(link);
+ } while( link != next(base_uses(x)) );
+ }
+} /* end GatherUses */
+static void GatherAllUses(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == LOCAL ) GatherUses(y, y);
+ GatherAllUses(y);
+ }
+} /* end GatherAllUses */
+/* */
+/* FlattenUses() */
+/* */
+/* Traverse the directed graph assembled by InsertUses, finding its */
+/* transitive closure and storing this explicitly in uses(x) for all x. */
+/* */
+void FlattenUses(void)
+{ GatherAllUses(StartSym);
+} /* end FlattenUses */
+/*@::SearchUses(), FirstExternTarget(), NextExternTarget()@*******************/
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN SearchUses(x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Discover whether symbol x uses symbol y by searching the uses list of x. */
+/* */
+{ OBJECT p;
+ debug3(DSU, DD, "SearchUses(%s, %s) uses: %d", SymName(x),SymName(y),uses(x));
+ if( x == y ) return TRUE;
+ if( uses(x) != nilobj )
+ { p = next(uses(x));
+ do
+ { debug1(DSU, DDD, " checking %s", SymName(item(p)));
+ if( item(p) == y ) return TRUE;
+ p = next(p);
+ } while( p != next(uses(x)) );
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end SearchUses */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT FirstExternTarget(sym, cont) */
+/* OBJECT NextExternTarget(sym, cont) */
+/* */
+/* Together these two procedures return all symbols which are both used by */
+/* sym and a target for at least one external galley. Return nilobj at end.*/
+/* */
+OBJECT FirstExternTarget(OBJECT sym, OBJECT *cont)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ debug1(DSU, D, "FirstExternTarget( %s )", SymName(sym));
+ res = nilobj; *cont = nilobj;
+ if( is_extern_target(sym) ) res = sym;
+ else if( uses(sym) != nilobj )
+ { *cont = next(uses(sym));
+ do
+ { if( is_extern_target(item(*cont)) )
+ { res = item(*cont);
+ break;
+ }
+ *cont = next(*cont);
+ } while( *cont != next(uses(sym)) );
+ }
+ debug1(DSU, D, "FirstExternTarget returning %s", SymName(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end FirstExternTarget */
+OBJECT NextExternTarget(OBJECT sym, OBJECT *cont)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ debug1(DSU, D, "NextExternTarget( %s )", SymName(sym));
+ res = nilobj;
+ if( *cont != nilobj )
+ { *cont = next(*cont);
+ while( *cont != next(uses(sym)) )
+ { if( is_extern_target(item(*cont)) )
+ { res = item(*cont);
+ break;
+ }
+ *cont = next(*cont);
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DSU, D, "NextExternTarget returning %s", SymName(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end NextExternTarget */
diff --git a/z31.c b/z31.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47bf5c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z31.c
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+/*@z31.c:Memory Allocator:DebugMemory()@**************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z31.c */
+/* MODULE: Memory Allocator */
+/* EXTERNS: DebugMemory(), zz_free[], MemInit(), GetMemory() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define MEM_CHUNK 1020 /* how many ALIGNs to get from sys */
+static int no_of_calls = 0; /* number of calls to calloc() */
+static int recs_created = 0; /* number of records created */
+static int bytes_created = 0; /* number of bytes in created recs */
+ int zz_newcount = 0; /* number of calls to New() */
+ int zz_disposecount = 0; /* number of calls to Dispose() */
+ int zz_listcount = 0; /* number of elements in zz_free[] */
+static int usage_nums[MEM_USAGE_MAX] = { 0 };
+static int usage_bytes[MEM_USAGE_MAX] = { 0 };
+static int max_usage_bytes[MEM_USAGE_MAX] = { 0 };
+static int curr_total_bytes, max_total_bytes = 0;
+static char *usage_strings[] = {
+ "lout binary",
+ "object memory chunks",
+ "font tables",
+ "lex buffers",
+ "file tables",
+ "cross reference tables",
+ "plain text output grids",
+ "database check tables",
+ "hyphenation pattern tables",
+ "character mappings",
+ "colour tables",
+ "language tables",
+/* */
+/* DebugRegisterUsage(typ, delta_num, delta_size) */
+/* */
+/* Register a change in the number of things of type typ that */
+/* have been allocated memory, and the change in the number of bytes. */
+/* */
+void DebugRegisterUsage(int typ, int delta_num, int delta_size)
+{ int i;
+ assert(0 <= typ && typ < MEM_USAGE_MAX, "DebugRegisterUsage!");
+ usage_nums[typ] += delta_num;
+ usage_bytes[typ] += delta_size;
+ curr_total_bytes += delta_size;
+ if( curr_total_bytes > max_total_bytes )
+ { max_total_bytes = curr_total_bytes;
+ for( i = 0; i < MEM_USAGE_MAX; i++ )
+ max_usage_bytes[i] = usage_bytes[i];
+ }
+} /* end DebugRegisterUsage */
+/* */
+/* DebugMemory() */
+/* */
+/* Print memory usage. */
+/* */
+void DebugMemory(void)
+{ int i, j; OBJECT p; int recs_free, bytes_free;
+ recs_free = bytes_free = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECT_REC; i++ )
+ { if( zz_free[i] != nilobj )
+ { j = 0;
+ for( p = zz_free[i]; p != nilobj; p = pred(p, CHILD) ) j++;
+ debug3(DMA, DD, "zz_free[%2d]: %5d (%d bytes)", i, j,
+ i * j * sizeof(ALIGN));
+ recs_free += j;
+ bytes_free += i* j * sizeof(ALIGN);
+ }
+ }
+ debug4(DMA, D, "%-35s %8s %8s %8s",
+ "Summary of malloc() memory usage", "Quantity", "Bytes", "At max.");
+ for( i = 1; i < MEM_USAGE_MAX; i++ )
+ {
+ debug4(DMA, D, "%-35s %8d %8d %8d", usage_strings[i], usage_nums[i],
+ usage_bytes[i], max_usage_bytes[i]);
+ }
+ debug4(DMA, D, "%-35s %8s %8s %8s", "", "", "--------", "--------");
+ debug4(DMA, D, "%-35s %8s %8d %8d", "","",curr_total_bytes,max_total_bytes);
+ /***
+ debug3(DMA, D, "%-12s %8s %8s", "", "records", "bytes");
+ debug4(DMA, D, "%-12s %8s %8d (%d calls)", "calloc", "-",
+ no_of_calls * MEM_CHUNK * sizeof(ALIGN), no_of_calls);
+ debug3(DMA, D, "%-12s %8d %8d", "created", recs_created, bytes_created);
+ debug3(DMA, D, "%-12s %8d %8d", "free (count)", recs_free, bytes_free);
+ debug3(DMA, D, "%-12s %8d %8s", "free (var)", zz_listcount, "-");
+ debug3(DMA, D, "%-12s %8d %8s", "new-dispose",
+ zz_newcount - zz_disposecount, "-");
+ debug3(DMA, D, "%-12s %8d %8s", "created-free",
+ recs_created - recs_free, "-");
+ debug2(DMA, D, "newcount %d, disposecount %d", zz_newcount, zz_disposecount);
+ *** */
+ debug0(DMA, D, "");
+} /* end DebugMemory */
+/*@::zz_free[], zz_lengths[], MemInit()@**************************************/
+/* */
+/* OBJECT zz_free[], zz_hold, zz_tmp, zz_res */
+/* int zz_size */
+/* unsigned char zz_lengths[] */
+/* */
+/* zz_free[i]: free records of size i*sizeof(ALIGN). */
+/* zz_lengths[i]: the number of ALIGNs in a record of type i. */
+/* These variables are used only within the New() and Dispose() macros, */
+/* and the list handling macros. */
+/* */
+OBJECT zz_free[MAX_OBJECT_REC], zz_hold, zz_tmp, zz_res;
+int zz_size;
+unsigned char zz_lengths[DISPOSED]; /* DISPOSED is 1 + max type */
+OBJECT xx_link, xx_tmp, xx_res, xx_hold;
+/* */
+/* MemInit() */
+/* */
+/* Initialise memory allocator. */
+/* */
+void MemInit(void)
+ zz_lengths[ WORD ] = 0;
+ zz_lengths[ QWORD ] = 0;
+ zz_lengths[ LINK ] = ceiling(sizeof(struct link_type), sizeof(ALIGN));
+ /* object types, except closure NB have actual() field in token phase! */
+ zz_lengths[ CLOSURE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ NULL_CLOS ] =
+ zz_lengths[ PAGE_LABEL ] =
+ zz_lengths[ UNDER_REC ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CROSS ] =
+ zz_lengths[ FORCE_CROSS ] =
+ zz_lengths[ SPLIT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ PAR ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ROW_THR ] =
+ zz_lengths[ COL_THR ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HSPANNER ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VSPANNER ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ACAT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HCAT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VCAT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ONE_COL ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ONE_ROW ] =
+ zz_lengths[ WIDE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HIGH ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HSHIFT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VSHIFT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HSCALE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VSCALE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HCOVER ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VCOVER ] =
+ zz_lengths[ SCALE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ KERN_SHRINK ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HCONTRACT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VCONTRACT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HLIMITED ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VLIMITED ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HEXPAND ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VEXPAND ] =
+ zz_lengths[ START_HVSPAN ] =
+ zz_lengths[ START_HSPAN ] =
+ zz_lengths[ START_VSPAN ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HSPAN ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VSPAN ] =
+ zz_lengths[ PADJUST ] =
+ zz_lengths[ HADJUST ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VADJUST ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ROTATE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ BACKGROUND ] =
+ zz_lengths[ VERBATIM ] =
+ zz_lengths[ RAW_VERBATIM ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CASE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ YIELD ] =
+ zz_lengths[ BACKEND ] =
+ zz_lengths[ FILTERED ] =
+ zz_lengths[ XCHAR ] =
+ zz_lengths[ FONT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ SPACE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ YUNIT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ZUNIT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ BREAK ] =
+ zz_lengths[ UNDERLINE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ COLOUR ] =
+ zz_lengths[ LANGUAGE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CURR_LANG ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CURR_FAMILY ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CURR_FACE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ COMMON ] =
+ zz_lengths[ RUMP ] =
+ zz_lengths[ MELD ] =
+ zz_lengths[ INSERT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ONE_OF ] =
+ zz_lengths[ NEXT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ PLUS ] =
+ zz_lengths[ MINUS ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ENV_OBJ ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ENV ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ENVA ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ENVB ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ENVC ] =
+ zz_lengths[ ENVD ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CENV ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CLOS ] =
+ zz_lengths[ LVIS ] =
+ zz_lengths[ LUSE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ LEO ] =
+ zz_lengths[ OPEN ] =
+ zz_lengths[ TAGGED ] =
+ zz_lengths[ INCGRAPHIC ] =
+ zz_lengths[ SINCGRAPHIC ] =
+ zz_lengths[ PLAIN_GRAPHIC] =
+ zz_lengths[ GRAPHIC ] =
+ ceiling(sizeof(struct closure_type), sizeof(ALIGN));
+ zz_lengths[ HEAD ] =
+ ceiling(sizeof(struct head_type), sizeof(ALIGN));
+ zz_lengths[ LBR ] =
+ zz_lengths[ RBR ] =
+ zz_lengths[ BEGIN ] =
+ zz_lengths[ END ] =
+ zz_lengths[ USE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ NOT_REVEALED ] =
+ zz_lengths[ GSTUB_NONE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ GSTUB_INT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ GSTUB_EXT ] =
+ zz_lengths[ UNEXPECTED_EOF] =
+ zz_lengths[ PREPEND ] =
+ zz_lengths[ SYS_PREPEND ] =
+ zz_lengths[ DATABASE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ SYS_DATABASE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ DEAD ] =
+ zz_lengths[ UNATTACHED ] =
+ zz_lengths[ RECEPTIVE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ RECEIVING ] =
+ zz_lengths[ RECURSIVE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ PRECEDES ] =
+ zz_lengths[ FOLLOWS ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CROSS_FOLL ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC] =
+ zz_lengths[ GALL_FOLL ] =
+ zz_lengths[ GALL_FOLL_OR_PREC ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CROSS_TARG ] =
+ zz_lengths[ GALL_TARG ] =
+ zz_lengths[ GALL_PREC ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CROSS_PREC ] =
+ zz_lengths[ PAGE_LABEL_IND] =
+ zz_lengths[ SCALE_IND ] =
+ zz_lengths[ COVER_IND ] =
+ zz_lengths[ EXPAND_IND ] =
+ zz_lengths[ THREAD ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CR_LIST ] =
+ ceiling(sizeof(struct closure_type), sizeof(ALIGN));
+ /* symbol types */
+ zz_lengths[ MACRO ] =
+ zz_lengths[ LOCAL ] =
+ zz_lengths[ LPAR ] =
+ zz_lengths[ RPAR ] =
+ zz_lengths[ NPAR ] =
+ ceiling(sizeof(struct symbol_type), sizeof(ALIGN));
+ /* gap objects */
+ zz_lengths[ TSPACE ] =
+ zz_lengths[ TJUXTA ] =
+ zz_lengths[ GAP_OBJ ] =
+ ceiling(sizeof(struct gapobj_type), sizeof(ALIGN));
+ /* cross-reference and data base types */
+ zz_lengths[ CROSS_SYM ] =
+ zz_lengths[ CR_ROOT ] = ceiling(sizeof(struct cr_type) , sizeof(ALIGN));
+ /* external galley record */
+ zz_lengths[ EXT_GALL ] = ceiling(sizeof(struct ext_gall_type),sizeof(ALIGN));
+} /* end MemInit() */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT GetMemory(siz, pos) */
+/* */
+/* Return a pointer to siz ALIGNs of memory (0 < siz < MAX_OBJECT_REC). */
+/* */
+OBJECT GetMemory(int siz, FILE_POS *pos)
+{ static ALIGN *next_free = (ALIGN *) nilobj;
+ static ALIGN *top_free = (ALIGN *) nilobj;
+ OBJECT res;
+ debug1(DMA, DDD, "GetMemory( %d )", siz);
+ /* get memory from operating system, if not enough left here */
+ if( &next_free[siz] > top_free )
+ {
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_OBJECTS, 1, MEM_CHUNK * sizeof(ALIGN));
+ next_free = (ALIGN *) calloc(MEM_CHUNK, sizeof(ALIGN));
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, no_of_calls++; )
+ if( next_free == NULL )
+ Error(31, 1, "exiting now (run out of memory)", FATAL, pos);
+ top_free = &next_free[MEM_CHUNK];
+ debug2(DMA, DD, "GetMemory: calloc returned %ld - %ld",
+ (long) next_free, (long) top_free);
+ }
+ res = (OBJECT) next_free;
+ next_free = &next_free[siz];
+ recs_created++; bytes_created += siz * sizeof(ALIGN);
+ debug3(DMA, DDD, "GetMemory returning @%ld (next_free = @%ld, top_free = @%ld",
+ (long) res, (long) next_free, (long) top_free);
+ return res;
+} /* end GetMemory */
diff --git a/z32.c b/z32.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daba6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z32.c
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+/*@z32.c:Counter Service:Next()@**********************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z32.c */
+/* MODULE: Counter Service */
+/* EXTERNS: Next() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* OBJECT Next(x, inc, done) */
+/* */
+/* Return x with its value incremented by inc (if possible). */
+/* Set *done to TRUE if successful, leave *done unchanged otherwise. */
+/* */
+OBJECT Next(OBJECT x, int inc, BOOLEAN *done)
+{ OBJECT y, link; int l, r, n, len;
+ debug3(DCS, DD, "Next( %s, %d, %s )", EchoObject(x), inc, bool(*done));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ case QWORD:
+ len = StringLength(string(x));
+ for( r = len - 1; r >= 0 && !decimaldigit(string(x)[r]); r--);
+ if( r < 0 ) break;
+ for( l = r-1; l >= 0 && decimaldigit(string(x)[l]); l-- );
+ sscanf( (char *) &string(x)[l+1], "%d", &n);
+ string(x)[l+1] = '\0';
+ StringCopy(buff, string(x));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(n+inc));
+ StringCat(buff, &string(x)[r+1]);
+ if( StringLength(buff) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(32, 1, "word %s is too long", FATAL, &fpos(x), buff);
+ y = MakeWord(type(x), buff, &fpos(x));
+ word_font(y) = word_font(x);
+ word_colour(y) = word_colour(x);
+ word_language(y) = word_language(x);
+ word_hyph(y) = word_hyph(x);
+ underline(y) = underline(x);
+ MergeNode(y, x); x = y;
+ *done = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case GAP_OBJ:
+ case CLOSURE:
+ case NULL_CLOS:
+ case PAGE_LABEL:
+ case CROSS:
+ case HSPAN:
+ case VSPAN:
+ break;
+ case ONE_COL:
+ case ONE_ROW:
+ case WIDE:
+ case HIGH:
+ case HSHIFT:
+ case VSHIFT:
+ case HLIMITED:
+ case VLIMITED:
+ case HEXPAND:
+ case VEXPAND:
+ case PADJUST:
+ case HADJUST:
+ case VADJUST:
+ case HSCALE:
+ case VSCALE:
+ case HCOVER:
+ case VCOVER:
+ case ROTATE:
+ case SCALE:
+ case SPLIT:
+ case GRAPHIC:
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ y = Next(y, inc, done);
+ break;
+ case ACAT:
+ /* *** seems identical!
+ link = LastDown(x);
+ while( link != x && !*done )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_index(type(y)) ) continue;
+ y = Next(y, inc, done);
+ if( !*done ) link = PrevDown(link);
+ }
+ break;
+ *** */
+ case COL_THR:
+ case ROW_THR:
+ case HCAT:
+ case VCAT:
+ link = LastDown(x);
+ while( link != x && !*done )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_index(type(y)) ) continue;
+ y = Next(y, inc, done);
+ if( !*done ) link = PrevDown(link);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "Next:", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ debug1(DCS, DD, "Next returning %s", EchoObject(x));
+ return x;
+} /* end Next */
diff --git a/z33.c b/z33.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0369277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z33.c
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+/*@z33.c:Database Service:OldCrossDb(), NewCrossDb(), SymToNum()@*************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z33.c */
+/* MODULE: Database Service */
+/* EXTERNS: OldCrossDb, NewCrossDb, DbCreate(), DbInsert(), */
+/* DbConvert(), DbClose(), DbLoad(), DbRetrieve(), */
+/* DbRetrieveNext() */
+/* */
+#define INIT_DBCHECK_NUM 107
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* */
+/* A symbol table holding all non-galley cross references, basically */
+/* implementing a function (sym, tag) -> fpos (if any). */
+/* */
+/* dtab_new(newsize) New empty table, newsize capacity */
+/* dtab_insert(x, S) Insert new (sym, tag) pair x into S */
+/* dtab_retrieve(sym, tag, S) Retrieve (sym, tag) pair from S */
+/* dtab_debug(S, fp) Debug print of table S to file fp */
+/* */
+typedef struct
+{ int dbchecktab_size; /* size of table */
+ int dbchecktab_count; /* number of objects held */
+ OBJECT dbchecktab_item[1];
+#define dtab_size(S) (S)->dbchecktab_size
+#define dtab_count(S) (S)->dbchecktab_count
+#define dtab_item(S, i) (S)->dbchecktab_item[i]
+#define hash(pos, sym, tag, S) \
+{ FULL_CHAR *p = tag; \
+ pos = (long) sym; \
+ while( *p ) pos += *p++; \
+ pos = pos % dtab_size(S); \
+static DBCHECK_TABLE dtab_new(int newsize)
+{ DBCHECK_TABLE S; int i;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_DBCHECK, 1,
+ 2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(OBJECT)));
+ malloc(2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(OBJECT));
+ Error(33, 1, "run out of memory enlarging dbcheck table", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ dtab_size(S) = newsize;
+ dtab_count(S) = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < newsize; i++ ) dtab_item(S, i) = nilobj;
+ return S;
+} /* end dtab_new */
+static void dtab_insert(OBJECT x, DBCHECK_TABLE *S);
+static DBCHECK_TABLE dtab_rehash(DBCHECK_TABLE S, int newsize)
+{ DBCHECK_TABLE NewS; int i; OBJECT link, z;
+ NewS = dtab_new(newsize);
+ for( i = 0; i < dtab_size(S); i++ )
+ { if( dtab_item(S, i) != nilobj )
+ { OBJECT ent = dtab_item(S, i);
+ assert( type(ent) == ACAT, "dtab_rehash: ACAT!" );
+ for( link = Down(ent); link != ent; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link);
+ dtab_insert(z, &NewS);
+ }
+ DisposeObject(ent);
+ }
+ }
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_DBCHECK, -1,
+ -(2*sizeof(int) + dtab_size(S) * sizeof(OBJECT))));
+ free(S);
+ return NewS;
+} /* end dtab_rehash */
+static void dtab_insert(OBJECT x, DBCHECK_TABLE *S)
+{ long pos; OBJECT z, link, y;
+ if( dtab_count(*S) == dtab_size(*S) - 1 ) /* one less since 0 unused */
+ *S = dtab_rehash(*S, 2*dtab_size(*S));
+ dtab_count(*S)++;
+ hash(pos, db_checksym(x), string(x), *S);
+ if( dtab_item(*S, pos) == nilobj ) New(dtab_item(*S, pos), ACAT);
+ z = dtab_item(*S, pos);
+ for( link = Down(z); link != z; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( db_checksym(x) == db_checksym(y) && StringEqual(string(x), string(y)) )
+ { assert(FALSE, "Dbcheck: entry inserted twice");
+ }
+ }
+ Link(dtab_item(*S, pos), x);
+} /* end dtab_insert */
+static OBJECT dtab_retrieve(OBJECT sym, FULL_CHAR *tag, DBCHECK_TABLE S)
+{ OBJECT x, link, y; long pos;
+ hash(pos, sym, tag, S);
+ x = dtab_item(S, pos);
+ if( x == nilobj ) return nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( sym == db_checksym(y) && StringEqual(tag, string(y)) )
+ return y;
+ }
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end dtab_retrieve */
+static void dtab_debug(DBCHECK_TABLE S, FILE *fp)
+{ int i; OBJECT x, link, y;
+ fprintf(fp, " table size: %d; current number of items: %d\n",
+ dtab_size(S), dtab_count(S));
+ for( i = 0; i < dtab_size(S); i++ )
+ { x = dtab_item(S, i);
+ fprintf(fp, "dtab_item(S, %d) =", i);
+ if( x == nilobj )
+ fprintf(fp, " <nilobj>");
+ else if( type(x) != ACAT )
+ fprintf(fp, " not ACAT!");
+ else for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ fprintf(fp, " %s&&%s",
+ is_word(type(y)) ? SymName(db_checksym(y)) : AsciiToFull("?"),
+ is_word(type(y)) ? string(y) : AsciiToFull("not-WORD!"));
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+} /* end dtab_debug */
+static DBCHECK_TABLE DbCheckTable; /* the dbcheck table */
+static BOOLEAN DbCheckTableInit = FALSE; /* TRUE if table inited */
+/* */
+/* OldCrossDb Database containing cross references from previous run. */
+/* NewCrossDb Writable database of cross references from this run. */
+/* */
+OBJECT OldCrossDb, NewCrossDb;
+/* */
+/* #define SymToNum(db, sym, num, gall) */
+/* */
+/* Set num to the number used to refer to sym in database db. If sym is */
+/* not currently referred to in db, create a new number and record sym. */
+/* If gall is true, sym is the target of galleys stored in this database. */
+/* Store in boolean fields db_targ(link) and is_extern_target(sym). */
+/* */
+#define SymToNum(db, sym, num, gall) \
+{ OBJECT link, yy; int count; \
+ count = 0; \
+ for( link = Down(db); link != db; link = NextDown(link) ) \
+ { Child(yy, link); \
+ assert(type(yy)==CROSS_SYM || type(yy)==ACAT, "SymToNum: yy!"); \
+ if( type(yy) != CROSS_SYM ) continue; \
+ if( symb(yy) == sym ) break; \
+ if( number(link) > count ) count = number(link); \
+ } \
+ if( link == db ) \
+ { if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym); \
+ Link(db, cross_sym(sym)); \
+ link = LastDown(db); \
+ number(link) = count + 1; \
+ db_targ(link) = FALSE; \
+ } \
+ num = number(link); \
+ if( gall ) db_targ(link) = is_extern_target(sym) = \
+ uses_extern_target(sym) = TRUE; \
+} /* end SymToNum */
+/*@::NumToSym(), DbCreate()@**************************************************/
+/* */
+/* #define NumToSym(db, num, sym) */
+/* */
+/* Set sym to the symbol which is referred to in database db by num. */
+/* */
+#define NumToSym(db, num, sym) \
+{ OBJECT link, y; \
+ for( link = Down(db); link != db; link = NextDown(link) ) \
+ { Child(y, link); \
+ if( type(y) == CROSS_SYM && number(link) == num ) break; \
+ } \
+ assert( link != db, "NumToSym: no sym"); \
+ assert( type(y) == CROSS_SYM, "NumToSym: y!" ); \
+ sym = symb(y); \
+} /* end NumToSym */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT DbCreate(x) */
+/* */
+/* Create a new writable database with name (i.e. file stem) x and file */
+/* position fpos for error messages. */
+/* */
+{ OBJECT db = x;
+ debug1(DBS, DD, "DbCreate(%s)", string(db));
+ assert( is_word(type(x)), "DbCreate: !is_word(type(x))" );
+ reading(db) = FALSE; db_filep(db) = null;
+ debug1(DBS, DD, "DbCreate returning %s", EchoObject(db));
+ return db;
+} /* end DbCreate */
+/* */
+/* DbInsert(db, gall, sym, tag, tagfpos, seq, dfnum, dlnum, dfpos) */
+/* */
+/* Insert a new entry into writable database db. The primary key of the */
+/* entry has these three parts: */
+/* */
+/* gall TRUE if inserting a galley */
+/* sym The symbol which is the target of this entry */
+/* tag The tag of this target (must be a non-null string) */
+/* */
+/* tagfpos is the file position that the tag originated from. */
+/* There is also an auxiliary key, seq, which enforces an ordering on */
+/* entries with equal primary keys but is not itself ever retrieved. This */
+/* ordering is used for sorted galleys. The value of the entry has the */
+/* following parts: */
+/* */
+/* dfnum The file containing the object */
+/* dfpos The position of the object in that file */
+/* dlnum The line number of the object in the file */
+/* */
+/* If check is TRUE, we need to check whether an entry with this key has */
+/* been inserted before. This will never be the case with galley entries. */
+/* */
+void DbInsert(OBJECT db, BOOLEAN gall, OBJECT sym, FULL_CHAR *tag,
+FILE_POS *tagfpos, FULL_CHAR *seq, FILE_NUM dfnum, long dfpos, int dlnum,
+BOOLEAN check)
+{ int symnum; OBJECT chk;
+ static int extra_seq = 0;
+ assert( is_word(type(db)), "DbInsert: db!" );
+ assert( tag[0] != '\0', "DbInsert: null tag!" );
+ assert( seq[0] != '\0', "DbInsert: null seq!" );
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("DbInsert"));
+ debug6(DBS, D, "DbInsert(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, dlnum, dfpos)",
+ string(db), bool(gall), SymName(sym), tag, seq,
+ dfnum == NO_FILE ? AsciiToFull(".") : FileName(dfnum));
+ assert(!reading(db), "DbInsert: insert into reading database");
+ /* if required, check that (sym, tag) not already inserted */
+ if( check )
+ {
+ debug2(DBS, DD, " checking %s&&%s, DbCheckTable =", SymName(sym), tag);
+ if( !DbCheckTableInit )
+ { DbCheckTable = dtab_new(INIT_DBCHECK_NUM);
+ DbCheckTableInit = TRUE;
+ }
+ ifdebug(DBS, DD, dtab_debug(DbCheckTable, stderr));
+ chk = dtab_retrieve(sym, tag, DbCheckTable);
+ if( chk == nilobj )
+ { chk = MakeWord(WORD, tag, tagfpos);
+ db_checksym(chk) = sym;
+ dtab_insert(chk, &DbCheckTable);
+ }
+ else
+ { if( file_num(fpos(chk)) > 0 )
+ Error(33, 4, "cross reference %s&&%s used previously, at%s",
+ WARN, tagfpos, SymName(sym), tag, EchoFilePos(&fpos(chk)));
+ else Error(33, 5, "cross reference %s&&%s used previously",
+ WARN, tagfpos, SymName(sym), tag);
+ }
+ }
+ /* open database index file if not already done */
+ if( db_filep(db) == null )
+ { if( StringLength(string(db)) + StringLength(NEW_INDEX_SUFFIX) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(33, 2, "database file name %s%s is too long",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, string(db), NEW_INDEX_SUFFIX);
+ StringCopy(buff, string(db));
+ StringCat(buff, NEW_INDEX_SUFFIX);
+ db_filep(db) = StringFOpen(buff, WRITE_BINARY);
+ if( db_filep(db) == null )
+ Error(33, 3, "cannot write to database file %s", FATAL, &fpos(db), buff);
+ }
+ /* work out database index file entry and append it to file */
+ if( dfnum != NO_FILE )
+ { StringCopy(buff, FileName(dfnum));
+ StringCopy(&buff[StringLength(buff)-StringLength(DATA_SUFFIX)], STR_EMPTY);
+ }
+ else StringCopy(buff, AsciiToFull("."));
+ SymToNum(db, sym, symnum, gall);
+ ifdebug(DBS, DD,
+ fprintf(stderr, " -> %s%d&%s\t%s\t%ld\t%d\t%s\n", gall ? "0" : "", symnum,
+ tag, seq, dfpos, dlnum, buff);
+ );
+ fprintf(db_filep(db), "%s%d&%s\t%s\t%s\t%ld\t%d\t%s\n", gall ? "0" : "",
+ symnum, tag, seq, StringFiveInt(++extra_seq), dfpos, dlnum, buff);
+ /* return */
+ debug0(DBS, DD, "DbInsert returning.");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbInsert"));
+} /* end DbInsert */
+/*@::DbConvert(), DbClose()@**************************************************/
+/* */
+/* DbConvert(db, full_name) */
+/* */
+/* Convert database db from writable to readable, then dispose it. */
+/* full_name is TRUE if symbols are to be known by their full path name. */
+/* */
+void DbConvert(OBJECT db, BOOLEAN full_name)
+{ FULL_CHAR oldname[MAX_BUFF+10], newname[MAX_BUFF];
+ OBJECT link, y;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("DbConvert"));
+ debug2(DBS, DD, "DbConvert( %ld %s )", (long) db, string(db));
+ assert( !reading(db), "DbConvert: reading database");
+ StringCopy(newname, string(db));
+ StringCat(newname, INDEX_SUFFIX);
+ StringCopy(oldname, string(db));
+ StringCat(oldname, NEW_INDEX_SUFFIX);
+ if( db_filep(db) != null )
+ {
+ fprintf(db_filep(db), "00 %s %s\n", LOUT_VERSION, "database index file");
+ for( link = Down(db); link != db; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) == CROSS_SYM || type(y) == ACAT, "DbConvert: y!" );
+ if( type(y) != CROSS_SYM ) continue;
+ fprintf(db_filep(db), "%s %d %s\n",
+ db_targ(link) ? "00target" : "00symbol",
+ number(link),
+ full_name ? FullSymName(symb(y), AsciiToFull(" ")) : SymName(symb(y)));
+ }
+ fclose(db_filep(db));
+ debug2(DBS, DD, " calling SortFile(%s, %s)", oldname, newname);
+ SortFile(oldname, newname);
+ }
+ else StringRemove(newname);
+ StringRemove(oldname);
+ DeleteNode(db);
+ debug0(DBS, DD, "DbConvert returning.");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbConvert"));
+} /* end DbConvert */
+/* */
+/* DbClose(db) */
+/* */
+/* Close readable database db. */
+/* */
+void DbClose(OBJECT db)
+{ if( db != nilobj && !in_memory(db) && db_filep(db) != NULL )
+ { fclose(db_filep(db));
+ db_filep(db) = NULL;
+ }
+} /* end DbClose */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT DbLoad(stem, fpath, create, symbs, in_mem) */
+/* */
+/* Open for reading the database whose index file name is string(stem).li. */
+/* This file has not yet been defined; its search path is fpath. If it */
+/* will not open and create is true, try creating it from string(stem).ld. */
+/* */
+/* symbs is an ACAT of CLOSUREs showing the symbols that the database may */
+/* contain; or nilobj if the database may contain any symbol. */
+/* */
+/* If in_mem is true, this database index is to be kept in internal memory, */
+/* rather than an external file, as a speed optimization. */
+/* */
+OBJECT DbLoad(OBJECT stem, int fpath, BOOLEAN create, OBJECT symbs,
+ BOOLEAN in_mem)
+{ FILE *fp; OBJECT db, t, res, tag, par, sym, link, y;
+ int i, lnum, dlnum, num, count, leftp;
+ FILE_NUM index_fnum, dfnum; long dfpos;
+ BOOLEAN gall; FULL_CHAR line[MAX_BUFF], sym_name[MAX_BUFF]; char *gotline;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("DbLoad"));
+ debug3(DBS, DD, "[ DbLoad(%s, %d, %s, -)", string(stem), fpath, bool(create));
+ /* open or else create index file fp */
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from DbLoad (1)");
+ index_fnum = DefineFile(string(stem), INDEX_SUFFIX, &fpos(stem), INDEX_FILE,
+ fpath);
+ fp = OpenFile(index_fnum, create, FALSE);
+ /* read first line of database index file, which should have the version */
+ if( fp != null )
+ { if( StringFGets(line, MAX_BUFF, fp) == NULL ||
+ !StringBeginsWith(&line[3], LOUT_VERSION) )
+ {
+ /* out of date, pretend it isn't there at all */
+ StringRemove(FileName(index_fnum));
+ fp = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if( fp == null && create )
+ { db = nilobj;
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from DbLoad (2)");
+ dfnum = DefineFile(string(stem), DATA_SUFFIX, &fpos(stem),
+ dfpos = 0L; LexPush(dfnum, 0, DATABASE_FILE, 1, FALSE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ dlnum = line_num(fpos(t));
+ while( type(t) == LBR )
+ { res = Parse(&t, StartSym, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( t != nilobj || type(res) != CLOSURE )
+ Error(33, 6, "syntax error in database file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(res), FileName(dfnum));
+ assert( symbs != nilobj, "DbLoad: create && symbs == nilobj!" );
+ if( symbs != nilobj )
+ { for( link = Down(symbs); link != symbs; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == CLOSURE && actual(y) == actual(res) ) break;
+ }
+ if( link == symbs )
+ Error(33, 7, "%s found in database but not declared in %s line",
+ FATAL, &fpos(res), SymName(actual(res)), KW_DATABASE);
+ }
+ for( tag = nilobj, link = Down(res); link != res; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(par, link);
+ if( type(par) == PAR && is_tag(actual(par)) && Down(par) != par )
+ { Child(tag, Down(par));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( tag == nilobj )
+ Error(33, 8, "database symbol %s has no tag",
+ FATAL, &fpos(res), SymName(actual(res)));
+ tag = ReplaceWithTidy(tag, TRUE); /* && */
+ if( !is_word(type(tag)) )
+ Error(33, 9, "database symbol tag is not a simple word",
+ FATAL, &fpos(res));
+ if( StringEqual(string(tag), STR_EMPTY) )
+ Error(33, 10, "database symbol tag is an empty word", FATAL,&fpos(res));
+ if( db == nilobj )
+ { StringCopy(line, FileName(dfnum));
+ i = StringLength(line) - StringLength(INDEX_SUFFIX);
+ assert( i > 0, "DbLoad: FileName(dfnum) (1)!" );
+ StringCopy(&line[i], STR_EMPTY);
+ db = DbCreate(MakeWord(WORD, line, &fpos(stem)));
+ }
+ DbInsert(db, FALSE, actual(res), string(tag), &fpos(tag), STR_ZERO,
+ NO_FILE, dfpos, dlnum, TRUE);
+ DisposeObject(res); dfpos = LexNextTokenPos(); t = LexGetToken();
+ dlnum = line_num(fpos(t));
+ }
+ if( type(t) != END )
+ Error(33, 11, "%s or end of file expected here", FATAL, &fpos(t), KW_LBR);
+ LexPop();
+ if( db == nilobj )
+ { StringCopy(line, FileName(dfnum));
+ i = StringLength(line) - StringLength(INDEX_SUFFIX);
+ assert( i > 0, "DbLoad: FileName(dfnum) (2)!" );
+ StringCopy(&line[i], STR_EMPTY);
+ db = DbCreate(MakeWord(WORD, line, &fpos(stem)));
+ }
+ DbConvert(db, FALSE);
+ if( (fp = OpenFile(index_fnum, FALSE, FALSE)) == null ||
+ StringFGets(line, MAX_BUFF, fp) == NULL ||
+ !StringBeginsWith(&line[3], LOUT_VERSION) )
+ Error(33, 12, "cannot open database file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(db), FileName(index_fnum));
+ }
+ /* set up database record */
+ StringCopy(line, FileName(index_fnum));
+ i = StringLength(line) - StringLength(INDEX_SUFFIX);
+ assert( i > 0, "DbLoad: FileName(index_fnum)!" );
+ StringCopy(&line[i], STR_EMPTY);
+ db = MakeWord(WORD, line, &fpos(stem));
+ reading(db) = TRUE;
+ in_memory(db) = in_mem;
+ if( symbs != nilobj )
+ { assert( type(symbs) == ACAT, "DbLoad: type(symbs)!" );
+ Link(db, symbs);
+ }
+ if( fp == null )
+ { debug1(DBS, DD, "] DbLoad returning (empty) %s", string(db));
+ db_filep(db) = null;
+ db_lines(db) = (LINE *) NULL;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbLoad"));
+ return db;
+ }
+ /* read header lines of index file, find its symbols */
+ leftp = 0; lnum = 1;
+ gotline = StringFGets(line, MAX_BUFF, fp);
+ while( gotline != NULL )
+ {
+ if( line[0] != '0' || line[1] != '0' ) break;
+ lnum++;
+ leftp = (int) ftell(fp);
+ gall = StringBeginsWith(line, AsciiToFull("00target "));
+ sscanf( (char *) line, gall ? "00target %d" : "00symbol %d", &num);
+ for( i = 9; line[i] != CH_SPACE && line[i] != '\0'; i++ );
+ if( symbs == nilobj )
+ {
+ /* any symbols are possible, full path names in index file required */
+ count = 0; sym = StartSym;
+ while( line[i] != CH_NEWLINE && line[i] != '\0' )
+ { PushScope(sym, FALSE, FALSE); count++;
+ sscanf( (char *) &line[i+1], "%s", sym_name);
+ sym = SearchSym(sym_name, StringLength(sym_name));
+ i += StringLength(sym_name) + 1;
+ }
+ for( i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) PopScope();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* only symbs symbols possible, full path names not required */
+ sym = nilobj;
+ sscanf( (char *) &line[i+1], "%s", sym_name);
+ for( link = Down(symbs); link != symbs; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "DbLoad: type(y) != CLOSURE!" );
+ if( StringEqual(sym_name, SymName(actual(y))) )
+ { sym = actual(y);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( sym != nilobj && sym != StartSym )
+ { if( cross_sym(sym) == nilobj ) CrossInit(sym);
+ Link(db, cross_sym(sym));
+ link = LastDown(db);
+ number(link) = num; db_targ(link) = gall;
+ if( gall ) is_extern_target(sym) = uses_extern_target(sym) = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(33, 13, "undefined symbol in database file %s (line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(db), FileName(index_fnum), lnum);
+ debug1(DBS, DD, "] DbLoad returning %s (error)", string(db));
+ fclose(fp);
+ in_memory(db) = FALSE;
+ db_filep(db) = null; /* subsequently treated like an empty database */
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbLoad"));
+ return db;
+ }
+ gotline = StringFGets(line, MAX_BUFF, fp);
+ }
+ /* if in_memory, go on to read the entire database index into memory */
+ if( in_memory(db) )
+ { int len;
+ if( gotline == NULL )
+ db_lines(db) = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ db_lines(db) = ReadLines(fp, FileName(index_fnum), line, &len);
+ db_lineslen(db) = len;
+ SortLines(db_lines(db), db_lineslen(db));
+ }
+ }
+ else /* external, save leftpos and file pointer */
+ { db_filep(db) = fp;
+ left_pos(db) = leftp;
+ }
+ /* return */
+ debug1(DBS, DD, "] DbLoad returning %s", string(db));
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbLoad"));
+ return db;
+} /* end DbLoad */
+/* */
+/* static BOOLEAN SearchFile(fp, left, right, str, line) */
+/* */
+/* File fp is a text file. left is the beginning of a line, right is the */
+/* end of a line. Search the file by binary search for a line beginning */
+/* with str. If found, return it in line, else return FALSE. */
+/* */
+static BOOLEAN SearchFile(FILE *fp, int left, int right,
+FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *line)
+{ int l, r, mid, mid_end; FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF]; BOOLEAN res;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("SearchFile"));
+ debug3(DBS, DD, "SearchFile(fp, %d, %d, %s, line)", left, right, str);
+ l = left; r = right;
+ while( l <= r )
+ {
+ /* loop invt: (l==0 or fp[l-1]==CH_NEWLINE) and (fp[r] == CH_NEWLINE) */
+ /* and first key >= str lies in the range fp[l..r+1] */
+ /* find line near middle of the range; mid..mid_end brackets it */
+ debug2(DBS, DD, " start loop: l = %d, r = %d", l, r);
+ mid = (l + r)/2;
+ fseek(fp, (long) mid, SEEK_SET);
+ do { mid++; } while( getc(fp) != CH_NEWLINE );
+ if( mid == r + 1 )
+ { mid = l;
+ fseek(fp, (long) mid, SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ StringFGets(line, MAX_BUFF, fp);
+ mid_end = (int) ftell(fp) - 1;
+ debug3(DBS, DD, " mid: %d, mid_end: %d, line: %s", mid, mid_end, line);
+ assert( l <= mid, "SearchFile: l > mid!" );
+ assert( mid < mid_end, "SearchFile: mid >= mid_end!" );
+ assert( mid_end <= r, "SearchFile: mid_end > r!" );
+ /* compare str with this line and prepare next step */
+ debug2(DBS, DD, " comparing key %s with line %s", str, line);
+ if( StringLessEqual(str, line) ) r = mid - 1;
+ else l = mid_end + 1;
+ } /* end while */
+ /* now first key >= str lies in fp[l]; compare it with str */
+ if( l < right )
+ { fseek(fp, (long) l, SEEK_SET);
+ StringFGets(line, MAX_BUFF, fp);
+ sscanf( (char *) line, "%[^\t]", buff);
+ res = StringEqual(str, buff);
+ }
+ else res = FALSE;
+ debug1(DBS, DD, "SearchFile returning %s", bool(res));
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("SearchFile"));
+ return res;
+} /* end SearchFile */
+/* */
+/* static BOOLEAN SearchLines(LINE *lines, int left, int right, str, lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Search the sorted array of LINE arrays lines[left..right] for a line */
+/* beginning with str, and return TRUE if found else FALSE. */
+/* */
+/* If TRUE is returned then the number of the line is in *lnum. */
+/* */
+static BOOLEAN SearchLines(LINE *lines, int left, int right, FULL_CHAR *str,
+ int *lnum)
+{ int l, r, mid; FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF];
+ BOOLEAN res;
+ debug3(DBS, D, "SearchLines(lines, %d, %d, %s, lnum)", left, right, str);
+ if( right < left )
+ {
+ debug0(DBS, D, "SearchLines returning FALSE (empty lines)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ l = left;
+ r = right - 1;
+ while( l <= r )
+ {
+ /* loop invt: first key >= str (if any) lies in the range lines[l..r+1] */
+ /* and left <= l <= right and r < right */
+ mid = (l + r) / 2;
+ debug4(DBS, D, " [l %d, r %d] examining lines[%d] = %s", l, r, mid,
+ lines[mid]);
+ if( StringLessEqual(str, (FULL_CHAR *) lines[mid]) ) r = mid - 1;
+ else l = mid + 1;
+ }
+ sscanf( (char *) lines[l], "%[^\t]", buff);
+ if( StringEqual(str, buff) )
+ {
+ res = TRUE;
+ *lnum = l;
+ debug1(DBS, D, "SearchLines returning TRUE (lnum %d)", *lnum);
+ }
+ else
+ { res = FALSE;
+ debug0(DBS, D, "SearchLines returning FALSE");
+ }
+ return res;
+} /* end SearchLines */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN DbRetrieve(db, gall, sym, tag, seq, dfnum, dfpos, dlnum, cont) */
+/* */
+/* Retrieve the first entry of database db with the given gall, sym and */
+/* tag. Set *seq, *dfnum, *dlnum, *dfpos to the associated value. */
+/* Set *cont to a private value for passing to DbRetrieveNext. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN DbRetrieve(OBJECT db, BOOLEAN gall, OBJECT sym, FULL_CHAR *tag,
+ FULL_CHAR *seq, FILE_NUM *dfnum, long *dfpos, int *dlnum, long *cont)
+{ int symnum, lnum; FULL_CHAR line[MAX_BUFF], buff[MAX_BUFF];
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("DbRetrieve"));
+ debug4(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieve(%s, %s%s&%s)", string(db), gall ? "0" : "",
+ SymName(sym), tag);
+ /* check OK to proceed */
+ if( !reading(db) || db_filep(db) == null )
+ { debug0(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieve returning FALSE (empty or not reading)");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbRetrieve"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* convert parameters into search key */
+ SymToNum(db, sym, symnum, FALSE);
+ sprintf( (char *) buff, "%s%d&%s", gall ? "0" : "", symnum, tag);
+ if( in_memory(db) )
+ {
+ /* search internal table, return if not found; set *cont to continuation */
+ if( !SearchLines(db_lines(db), 0, db_lineslen(db) - 1, buff, &lnum) )
+ { debug0(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieve returning FALSE (key not present)");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbRetrieve"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ sscanf( (char *) db_lines(db)[lnum],
+ "%*[^\t]\t%[^\t]\t%*[^\t]\t%ld\t%d\t%[^\n]", seq, dfpos, dlnum, buff);
+ *cont = lnum+1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* search for key in file, return if not found; set *cont to continuatn */
+ fseek(db_filep(db), 0L, SEEK_END);
+ if( !SearchFile(db_filep(db), (int) left_pos(db),
+ (int) ftell(db_filep(db)) - 1, buff, line) )
+ { debug0(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieve returning FALSE (key not present)");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbRetrieve"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ sscanf( (char *) line,
+ "%*[^\t]\t%[^\t]\t%*[^\t]\t%ld\t%d\t%[^\n]", seq, dfpos, dlnum, buff);
+ *cont = ftell(db_filep(db));
+ }
+ /* work out file name if . abbreviation used, and possibly define file */
+ if( StringEqual(buff, AsciiToFull(".")) )
+ { StringCopy(buff, string(db));
+ }
+ *dfnum = FileNum(buff, DATA_SUFFIX);
+ if( *dfnum == NO_FILE ) /* can only occur in cross reference database */
+ { debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from DbRetrieve");
+ *dfnum = DefineFile(buff, DATA_SUFFIX, &fpos(db),
+ }
+ /* return */
+ debug3(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieve returning TRUE (in %s at %ld, line %d)",
+ FileName(*dfnum), *dfpos, *dlnum);
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbRetrieve"));
+ return TRUE;
+} /* end DbRetrieve */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN DbRetrieveNext(db, gall, sym, tag, seq, dfnum, dfpos,dlnum,cont) */
+/* */
+/* Retrieve the entry of database db pointed to by *cont. */
+/* Set *gall, *sym, *tag, *seq, *dfnum, *dlnum, *dfpos to the value. */
+/* Reset *cont to the next entry for passing to the next DbRetrieveNext. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN DbRetrieveNext(OBJECT db, BOOLEAN *gall, OBJECT *sym, FULL_CHAR *tag,
+ FULL_CHAR *seq, FILE_NUM *dfnum, long *dfpos, int *dlnum, long *cont)
+{ FULL_CHAR line[MAX_BUFF], *cline, fname[MAX_BUFF]; int symnum;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("DbRetrieveNext"));
+ debug2(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieveNext( %s, %ld )", string(db), *cont);
+ assert(reading(db), "DbRetrieveNext: not reading");
+ /* check OK to proceed */
+ if( db_filep(db) == null )
+ { debug0(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieveNext returning FALSE (empty database)");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbRetrieveNext"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if( in_memory(db) )
+ {
+ /* get next entry from internal database */
+ if( *cont >= db_lineslen(db) )
+ { debug0(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieveNext returning FALSE (no successor)");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbRetrieveNext"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ cline = (FULL_CHAR *) db_lines(db)[*cont];
+ *gall = (cline[0] == '0' ? 1 : 0);
+ sscanf((char *)&cline[*gall], "%d&%[^\t]\t%[^\t]\t%*[^\t]\t%ld\t%d\t%[^\n]",
+ &symnum, tag, seq, dfpos, dlnum, fname);
+ *cont = *cont + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* use *cont to find position of next entry; advance *cont */
+ fseek(db_filep(db), *cont == 0L ? (long) left_pos(db) : *cont, SEEK_SET);
+ if( StringFGets(line, MAX_BUFF, db_filep(db)) == NULL )
+ { debug0(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieveNext returning FALSE (no successor)");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbRetrieveNext"));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ *gall = (line[0] == '0' ? 1 : 0);
+ sscanf((char *)&line[*gall], "%d&%[^\t]\t%[^\t]\t%*[^\t]\t%ld\t%d\t%[^\n]",
+ &symnum, tag, seq, dfpos, dlnum, fname);
+ *cont = ftell(db_filep(db));
+ }
+ /* work out file name if . abbreviation used, and possibly define file */
+ if( StringEqual(fname, AsciiToFull(".")) )
+ { StringCopy(fname, string(db));
+ }
+ *dfnum = FileNum(fname, DATA_SUFFIX);
+ if( *dfnum == NO_FILE ) /* can only occur in cross reference database */
+ { debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from DbRetrieveNext");
+ *dfnum = DefineFile(fname, DATA_SUFFIX, &fpos(db),
+ }
+ NumToSym(db, symnum, *sym);
+ /* return */
+ debug3(DBS, DD, "DbRetrieveNext returning TRUE (in %s at %ld, line %d)",
+ FileName(*dfnum), *dfpos, *dlnum);
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("DbRetrieveNext"));
+ return TRUE;
+} /* end DbRetrieveNext */
diff --git a/z34.c b/z34.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e21324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z34.c
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/*@z34.c:Rotation Service:Declarations@***************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z34.c */
+/* MODULE: Rotation Service */
+/* EXTERNS: RotateSize() */
+/* */
+#include <math.h>
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.1415926535897931160E0
+#include "externs.h"
+typedef struct { double x, y; } rect_coord;
+typedef struct { double angle, radius; } polar_coord;
+#define rect_to_polar(rect, polar) \
+polar.angle = atan2(rect.y, rect.x), \
+polar.radius = sqrt(rect.x*rect.x + rect.y*rect.y)
+#define polar_to_rect(polar, rect) \
+rect.x = polar.radius * cos(polar.angle), \
+rect.y = polar.radius * sin(polar.angle)
+/* */
+/* RotateSize(xcb, xcf, xrb, xrf, y, theta) */
+/* */
+/* Calculate the size of x, assuming that it is y rotated by theta degrees. */
+/* */
+void RotateSize(FULL_LENGTH *xcb, FULL_LENGTH *xcf, FULL_LENGTH *xrb,
+{ rect_coord ycorners[4], xcorner; polar_coord pol;
+ double maxx, maxy, minx, miny, ang; int i;
+ char buff1[20], buff2[20];
+ /* calculate theta in radians */
+ ang = (double) theta * 2 * M_PI / (double) (DG * 360);
+ ifdebug(DRS, D, sprintf(buff2, "%.1f", ang));
+ debug2(DRS, D, "RotateSize( %s, %s )", EchoObject(y), buff2);
+ debug4(DRS, DD, " ycb %s, ycf %s, yrb %s, yrf %s",
+ EchoLength(back(y, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(y, COLM)),
+ EchoLength(back(y, ROWM)), EchoLength(fwd(y, ROWM)));
+ /* set up coordinates of the four corners of y */
+ ycorners[0].x = (float) fwd(y, COLM);
+ ycorners[0].y = (float) back(y, ROWM);
+ ycorners[1].x = - (float) back(y, COLM);
+ ycorners[1].y = (float) back(y, ROWM);
+ ycorners[2].x = - (float) back(y, COLM);
+ ycorners[2].y = - (float) fwd(y, ROWM);
+ ycorners[3].x = (float) fwd(y, COLM);
+ ycorners[3].y = - (float) fwd(y, ROWM);
+ /* rotate these four corners by theta and store their extremes */
+ maxx = maxy = (float) - MAX_FULL_LENGTH;
+ minx = miny = (float) MAX_FULL_LENGTH;
+ for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
+ {
+ if( ycorners[i].x == 0 && ycorners[i].y == 0 )
+ { pol.radius = 0; pol.angle = 0; }
+ else rect_to_polar(ycorners[i], pol);
+ ifdebug(DRS, DD, sprintf(buff1, "%.1f", pol.angle));
+ ifdebug(DRS, DD, sprintf(buff2, "%.1f", ang));
+ debug5(DRS, DD, " transforming (%s, %s) -> (%s, %s) + %s",
+ EchoLength( (int) ycorners[i].x), EchoLength( (int) ycorners[i].y),
+ EchoLength( (int) pol.radius), buff1, buff2);
+ pol.angle += ang;
+ polar_to_rect(pol, xcorner);
+ ifdebug(DRS, DD, sprintf(buff1, "%.1f", pol.angle));
+ debug4(DRS, DD, " transforming (%s, %s) -> (%s, %s)",
+ EchoLength( (int) pol.radius), buff1,
+ EchoLength( (int) xcorner.x), EchoLength( (int) xcorner.y) );
+ maxx = find_max(maxx, xcorner.x); minx = find_min(minx, xcorner.x);
+ maxy = find_max(maxy, xcorner.y); miny = find_min(miny, xcorner.y);
+ }
+ /* store sizes back into x and return */
+ *xcb = - (int) minx; *xcf = (int) maxx;
+ *xrb = (int) maxy; *xrf = - (int) miny;
+ debug0(DRS, D, "RotateSize returning.");
+ debug4(DRS, DD, " xcb %s, xcf %s, xrb %s, xrf %s",
+ EchoLength(*xcb), EchoLength(*xcf),
+ EchoLength(*xrb), EchoLength(*xrf));
+} /* end RotateSize */
diff --git a/z35.c b/z35.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d0e002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z35.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/*@z35.c:Time Keeper: MomentSym(), TimeString()@******************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z35.c */
+/* MODULE: Time Keeper */
+/* EXTERNS: MomentSym, InitTime(), StartMoment(), TimeString() */
+/* */
+#include <time.h>
+#include "externs.h"
+#define load(str, typ, encl) \
+ sym = InsertSym(str, typ, no_fpos, DEFAULT_PREC, \
+ FALSE, FALSE, 0, encl, MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, no_fpos)); \
+ if( typ == NPAR ) visible(sym) = TRUE
+#define add_par(format, val, sym) \
+ sprintf( (char *) buff, format, val); \
+ New(par, PAR); actual(par) = sym; \
+ Link(current_moment, par); \
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, buff, no_fpos); \
+ Link(par, tmp);
+static OBJECT current_moment = nilobj;
+static FULL_CHAR time_string[30] = { '\0' };
+/* */
+/* OBJECT MomentSym; */
+/* */
+/* The symbol table entry for the @Moment symbol. */
+/* */
+OBJECT MomentSym = nilobj;
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *TimeString() */
+/* */
+/* Returns a pointer to a string containing the current time. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *TimeString(void)
+{ return time_string;
+} /* end TimeString */
+/*@::InitTime(), StartMoment()@***********************************************/
+/* */
+/* InitTime() */
+/* */
+/* Place a declaration of the @Moment symbol into the symbol table, and */
+/* initialize the value of the object StartMoment. */
+/* */
+void InitTime(void)
+{ time_t raw_time; struct tm *now;
+ FULL_CHAR buff[20]; OBJECT par, tmp, sym, env;
+ OBJECT tag, second, minute, hour, weekday,
+ monthday, yearday, month, year, century, dst;
+ debug0(DTK, D, "InitTime()");
+ /* define @Moment symbol with its host of named parameters */
+ MomentSym = load(KW_MOMENT, LOCAL, StartSym);
+ tag = load(KW_TAG, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ second = load(KW_SECOND, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ minute = load(KW_MINUTE, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ hour = load(KW_HOUR, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ monthday = load(KW_DAY, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ month = load(KW_MONTH, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ year = load(KW_YEAR, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ century = load(KW_CENTURY, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ weekday = load(KW_WEEKDAY, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ yearday = load(KW_YEARDAY, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ dst = load(KW_DAYLIGHTSAVING, NPAR, MomentSym);
+ /* get current time and convert to ASCII */
+ if( time(&raw_time) == -1 )
+ Error(35, 1, "unable to obtain the current time", WARN, no_fpos);
+ now = localtime(&raw_time);
+ StringCopy(time_string, AsciiToFull(asctime(now)));
+ /* start of current_moment */
+ New(current_moment, CLOSURE);
+ actual(current_moment) = MomentSym;
+ /* attach its many parameters */
+ add_par("%s", KW_NOW, tag);
+ add_par("%.2d", now->tm_sec, second);
+ add_par("%.2d", now->tm_min, minute);
+ add_par("%.2d", now->tm_hour, hour);
+ add_par("%d", now->tm_mday, monthday);
+ add_par("%d", now->tm_mon + 1, month);
+ add_par("%.2d", now->tm_year % 100, year);
+ add_par("%d", (now->tm_year+1900) / 100, century);
+ add_par("%d", now->tm_wday + 1, weekday);
+ add_par("%d", now->tm_yday, yearday);
+ add_par("%d", now->tm_isdst, dst);
+ /* add a null environment */
+ New(env, ENV);
+ AttachEnv(env, current_moment);
+ debug0(DTK, D, "InitTime() returning.");
+ debug0(DTK, DD, "current_moment =");
+ ifdebug(DTK, DD, DebugObject(current_moment));
+} /* end InitTime */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT StartMoment() */
+/* */
+/* Returns a copy of the initial time. */
+/* */
+OBJECT StartMoment(void)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ debug0(DTK, D, "StartMoment()");
+ assert(current_moment != nilobj, "StartMoment: current_moment == nilobj!");
+ res = CopyObject(current_moment, no_fpos);
+ debug0(DTK, D, "StartMoment returning");
+ ifdebug(DTK, D, DebugObject(res));
+ return res;
diff --git a/z36.c b/z36.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28352c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z36.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1223 @@
+/*@z36.c:Hyphenation: Declarations@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z36.c */
+/* MODULE: Hyphenation */
+/* EXTERNS: Hyphenate() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define NODE_MULT 4 /* what to multiply node indexes by */
+#define MAX_CHAR 256 /* max chars represented in one char */
+#define TRIE_MAGIC 5361534
+#define KILL_CLASS 0 /* characters preventing hyphenation */
+#define PUNCT_CLASS 1 /* characters delimiting hyphenation */
+/* */
+/* static tex_codes[] */
+/* */
+/* TeX hyphenation files often contain escape sequences consisting of a */
+/* backslash and two or three characters to denote 8-bit characters. This */
+/* code will read and translate such sequences if they are in the following */
+/* list. */
+/* */
+static char *tex_codes[] = {
+ "Agrave", "`A", "\300",
+ "Aacute", "'A", "\301",
+ "Acircumflex", "^A", "\302",
+ "Atilde", "~A", "\303",
+ "Adieresis", "\"A", "\304",
+ "agrave", "`a", "\340",
+ "aacute", "'a", "\341",
+ "acircumflex", "^a", "\342",
+ "atilde", "~a", "\343",
+ "adieresis", "\"a", "\344",
+ "ccedilla", "cc", "\347",
+ "Egrave", "`E", "\310",
+ "Eacute", "'E", "\311",
+ "Ecircumflex", "^E", "\312",
+ "Edieresis", "\"E", "\313",
+ "egrave", "`e", "\350",
+ "eacute", "'e", "\351",
+ "ecircumflex", "^e", "\352",
+ "edieresis", "\"e", "\353",
+ "Igrave", "`I", "\314",
+ "Iacute", "'I", "\315",
+ "Icircumflex", "^I", "\316",
+ "Idieresis", "\"I", "\317",
+ "igrave", "`\\i", "\354",
+ "iacute", "'\\i", "\355",
+ "icircumflex", "^\\i", "\356",
+ "idieresis", "\"\\i","\357",
+ "Ograve", "`O", "\322",
+ "Oacute", "'O", "\323",
+ "Ocircumflex", "^O", "\324",
+ "Otilde", "~O", "\325",
+ "Odieresis", "\"O", "\326",
+ "ograve", "`o", "\362",
+ "oacute", "'o", "\363",
+ "ocircumflex", "^o", "\364",
+ "otilde", "~o", "\365",
+ "odieresis", "\"o", "\366",
+ "Ugrave", "`U", "\331",
+ "Uacute", "'U", "\332",
+ "Ucircumflex", "^U", "\333",
+ "Udieresis", "\"U", "\334",
+ "ugrave", "`u", "\371",
+ "uacute", "'u", "\372",
+ "ucircumflex", "^u", "\373",
+ "udieresis", "\"u", "\374",
+ "", "", ""
+static void DecodeEscapes(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *fname, int hline_num)
+{ FULL_CHAR *p, *q;
+ int i;
+ p = q = str;
+ while( *q != '\0' )
+ {
+ if( *q == '\\' )
+ { for( i = 0; tex_codes[i][0] != '\0'; i += 3 )
+ {
+ if( StringBeginsWith(q+1, AsciiToFull(tex_codes[i+1])) )
+ break;
+ }
+ if( tex_codes[i][0] != '\0' )
+ {
+ StringCopy(p, tex_codes[i+2]);
+ p += StringLength(AsciiToFull(tex_codes[i+2]));
+ q += StringLength(AsciiToFull(tex_codes[i+1])) + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(36, 1, "in hyphenation file %s, unknown escape sequence (line %d)",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, fname, hline_num);
+ }
+ }
+ else *p++ = *q++;
+ }
+ *p++ = '\0';
+} /* end DecodeEscapes */
+/* */
+/* static TRIE HyphTables[] */
+/* */
+/* The packed hyphenation tables, indexed by language. An entry is NULL */
+/* when the table for that language has not yet been read in; TriedFile */
+/* is TRUE after we have tried to read that file, whether or not we were */
+/* successful. */
+/* */
+typedef struct trie_rec
+{ int magic; /* a magic number to make sure ok */
+ int class_count; /* the number of character classes */
+ unsigned char class[MAX_CHAR]; /* the character classes */
+ short *node_mem; /* the node memory */
+ int node_lim; /* top of node memory */
+ int node_free; /* first free space in node memory */
+ FULL_CHAR *string_mem; /* the string memory */
+ int string_lim; /* top of string memory */
+ int string_first; /* the first (last inserted) string */
+} *TRIE;
+static TRIE HyphTables[MAX_LANGUAGE] = { NULL };
+static BOOLEAN TriedFile[MAX_LANGUAGE] = { FALSE };
+/*@::CompressValue(), UncompressValue()@**************************************/
+/* */
+/* CompressValue(p, q) */
+/* */
+/* Compress value string p, placing the result in q. */
+/* */
+#define FirstHalf(y) ( (y) >> 4 )
+#define LastHalf(y) ( (y) & 15 )
+#define AssignFirstHalf(x, y) ( (x) = ((y) << 4) )
+#define AssignLastHalf(x, y) ( (x) |= (y) )
+#define CompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) \
+/* FULL_CHAR *compressed, *uncompressed; */ \
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q; \
+ p = compressed; q = uncompressed; \
+ for( ; ; ) \
+ { \
+ if( *q == (FULL_CHAR) '\0' ) \
+ { *p = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ AssignFirstHalf(*p, *q++ - '0' + 2); \
+ if( *q == (FULL_CHAR) '\0' ) \
+ { *++p = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ AssignLastHalf(*p, *q++ - '0' + 2); \
+ p++; \
+ } \
+/* */
+/* UncompressValue(q, p) */
+/* */
+/* Uncompress value string q, placing the result in p. */
+/* */
+#define UncompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) \
+/* FULL_CHAR *compressed, *uncompressed; */ \
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q; \
+ p = compressed; q = uncompressed; \
+ for( ; ; ) \
+ { \
+ if( FirstHalf(*p) == '\0' ) break; \
+ *q++ = FirstHalf(*p) + '0' - 2; \
+ if( LastHalf(*p) == '\0' ) break; \
+ *q++ = LastHalf(*p) + '0' - 2; \
+ p++; \
+ } \
+ *q = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+/*@::AltCompressValue(), AltUncompressValue()@********************************/
+/* */
+/* AltCompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) */
+/* */
+/* Compress value string, placing the result in compressed. */
+/* */
+/* This is an alternative compression scheme to the one given above, which */
+/* should give better compression. The result is a sequence of pairs of */
+/* the form (skip, value) saying that we are to skip so many places and */
+/* then insert the given non-zero value. All the other values are zero. */
+/* Skip values are 4-bit numbers (maximum skip is 15, but we will insert */
+/* a 15 skip with a zero value in the rare case of skipping further). */
+/* Values are also 4-bit numbers, known to be non-zero. So the memory */
+/* cost is 8 bits per non-zero value. */
+/* */
+#define CharPack(ch, a, b) (ch = ((a) << 4) | (b))
+#define CharUnPack(ch, a, b) ((a) = (ch) >> 4, (b) = (ch) & 15)
+#define AltCompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) \
+/* FULL_CHAR *compressed, *uncompressed; */ \
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q, *prev; \
+ prev = (uncompressed) - 1; p = (compressed); \
+ for( q = (uncompressed); *q != (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; q++ ) \
+ { \
+ if( *q != (FULL_CHAR) '0' || q - prev - 1 >= 15 ) \
+ { \
+ CharPack(*p++, q - prev - 1, *q - '0' + 2); \
+ prev = q; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ *p++ = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+/* */
+/* AltUncompressValue(q, p) */
+/* */
+/* Uncompress value string q, placing the result in p. */
+/* */
+#define AltUncompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) \
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q, xval; int i, skip; \
+ q = (uncompressed); \
+ for( p = (compressed); *p != (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; p++ ) \
+ { CharUnPack(*p, skip, xval); \
+ for( i = 0; i < skip; i++ ) \
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) '0'; \
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) (xval + '0' - 2); \
+ } \
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+ debug1(DHY, D, "AltUncompressValue returning %s", (uncompressed)); \
+/* ***
+static void AltUncompressValue(FULL_CHAR *compressed, FULL_CHAR *uncompressed)
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q, xval; int i, skip;
+ q = uncompressed;
+ for( p = compressed; *p != (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; p++ )
+ { CharUnPack(*p, skip, xval);
+ for( i = 0; i < skip; i++ )
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) '0';
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) (xval + '0' - 2);
+ }
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) '\0';
+ debug1(DHY, D, "AltUncompressValue returning %s", uncompressed);
+*** */
+/* */
+/* ClassConvert(in, out, T, fname, hline_num) */
+/* */
+/* Set out[i] to the character class of in[i] in T, for all i. */
+/* */
+#define ClassConvert(in, out, T, fname, hline_num) \
+{ int i; \
+ for( i = 0; in[i] != '\0'; i++ ) \
+ if( T->class[in[i]] != 0 ) out[i] = T->class[in[i]]; \
+ else \
+ Error(36, 2, "in hyphenation file %s, line %d: character (octal %o) is not in any class", \
+ FATAL, no_fpos, fname, hline_num, in[i]); \
+ out[i] = '\0'; \
+} /* end ClassConvert */
+/*@::findrep(), TrieRetrieve(), ShowRate()@***********************************/
+/* */
+/* findrep(i, T) Returns one character whose class in T is i. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR findrep(int i, TRIE T)
+{ int ch;
+ for( ch = 0; ch < MAX_CHAR; ch++ )
+ if( T->class[ch] == i ) return (FULL_CHAR) ch;
+ Error(36, 3, "DoTriePrint: findrep failed", INTERN, no_fpos);
+ return (FULL_CHAR) ch; /* never reached, but gcc doesn't know that */
+} /* end findrep */
+#if 0
+/* */
+/* static FULL_CHAR *TrieRetrieve(key, T) */
+/* */
+/* Retrieve the value associated with key in T, or NULL if not present. */
+/* This procedure is not presently in use. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR *TrieRetrieve(FULL_CHAR *key, TRIE T)
+{ FULL_CHAR str[MAX_BUFF]; int i, curr_node, next_node, pos;
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "TrieRetrieve(%s, T)", key);
+ ClassConvert(key, str, T, STR_EMPTY, 0);
+ /* invariant: curr_node is an existing node of T with prefix str[0..i-1] */
+ curr_node = i = 0;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ /* if next_node is 0, the string was never inserted */
+ next_node = T->node_mem[curr_node + str[i]];
+ if( next_node == 0 ) return (FULL_CHAR *) NULL;
+ /* if next_node < 0 it represents an offset into the string memory */
+ if( next_node < 0 )
+ { pos = - next_node;
+ if( str[i] != '\0' )
+ { do
+ { if( str[++i] != T->string_mem[pos++] ) return (FULL_CHAR *) NULL;
+ } while( str[i] != '\0' );
+ }
+ return &(T->string_mem[pos]);
+ }
+ /* otherwise next_node is the trie node to be searched next */
+ curr_node = NODE_MULT*next_node; i++;
+ }
+} /* end TrieRetrieve */
+/* */
+/* static ShowRate(key, start, stop, rate, fp) */
+/* */
+/* Debug print of key[] and rate[] on file fp. */
+/* */
+static void ShowRate(FULL_CHAR *key, int start, int stop, FULL_CHAR *rate,
+FILE *fp)
+{ int i;
+ fprintf(fp, "key: ");
+ for( i = start; i < stop; i++ ) fprintf(fp, " %c", key[i]);
+ fprintf(fp, "\nrate:");
+ for( i = 0; rate[i] != '\0'; i++ ) fprintf(fp, " %c", rate[i]);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+} /* end ShowRate */
+/*@::DoTriePrint(), TriePrint()@**********************************************/
+/* */
+/* static DoTriePrint(T, node, len, fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print on file fp the subset of the entries of trie T stored in node and */
+/* its descendants. The node has prefix prefix[0..len-1]. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR prefix[MAX_BUFF];
+static void DoTriePrint(TRIE T, int node, int len, FILE *fp)
+{ int i, next_node, pos; FULL_CHAR str[20];
+ for( i = 0; i < T->class_count; i++ )
+ {
+ /* if next_node < 0, have string to print */
+ next_node = T->node_mem[node + i];
+ if( next_node < 0 )
+ {
+ prefix[len] = '\0';
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", prefix);
+ pos = - next_node;
+ if( i != 0 )
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, "%c", findrep(i, T));
+ while( T->string_mem[pos] != '\0' )
+ { fprintf(fp, "%c", findrep(T->string_mem[pos], T));
+ pos++;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ AltUncompressValue(&(T->string_mem[pos]), str);
+ fprintf(fp, " %s\n", str);
+ }
+ /* else if next_node > 0 have a child node to explore */
+ else if( next_node > 0 )
+ { assert( i > 0, "DoTriePrint: i == 0!" );
+ prefix[len] = findrep(i, T);
+ prefix[len+1] = '\0';
+ DoTriePrint(T, NODE_MULT*next_node, len+1, fp);
+ }
+ }
+} /* end DoTriePrint */
+/* */
+/* static TriePrint(T, fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print trie T on file fp. */
+/* */
+static void TriePrint(TRIE T, FILE *fp)
+{ int i, ch;
+ assert( T-> magic == TRIE_MAGIC, "TriePrint: magic!" );
+ fprintf(fp, "Classes:");
+ for( i = 1; i < T->class_count; i++ )
+ { fprintf(fp, " ");
+ for( ch = 0; ch < MAX_CHAR; ch++ )
+ if( T->class[ch] == i ) fprintf(fp, "%c", ch);
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ fprintf(fp, "Node space: %d capacity, %d used\n", T->node_lim, T->node_free);
+ fprintf(fp, "String space: %d capacity, %d used\n", T->string_lim,
+ T->string_lim - T->string_first);
+ prefix[0] = '\0';
+ DoTriePrint(T, 0, 0, fp);
+} /* end TriePrint */
+/*@::NewTrie(), NewTrieString(), NewTrieNode()@*******************************/
+/* */
+/* static TRIE NewTrie(node_lim, string_lim) */
+/* */
+/* Initialize a new trie with this much space for nodes and strings. */
+/* */
+static TRIE NewTrie(unsigned node_lim, unsigned string_lim)
+{ TRIE T; int i;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "NewTrie(%d, %d)", node_lim, string_lim);
+ ifdebug(DMA, DD, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_HYPH_PATS, 1,
+ sizeof(struct trie_rec) + node_lim*sizeof(short)+string_lim*sizeof(char)));
+ T = (TRIE) malloc( sizeof(struct trie_rec)
+ + node_lim*sizeof(short) + string_lim*sizeof(char));
+ if( T == (TRIE) NULL )
+ Error(36, 4, "run out of memory while constructing hyphenation table",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ T->magic = TRIE_MAGIC; T->class_count = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++ ) T->class[i] = 0;
+ T->node_mem = (short *) ( (char *) T + sizeof(struct trie_rec));
+ T->node_lim = node_lim; T->node_free = 0;
+ T->string_mem = (FULL_CHAR *) &(T->node_mem[node_lim]);
+ T->string_lim = T->string_first = string_lim;
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "NewTrie returning.");
+ return T;
+} /* end NewTrie */
+/* */
+/* static short NewTrieString(str, T) */
+/* */
+/* Copy a new string into T, and return its offset in string_mem; */
+/* */
+static short NewTrieString(FULL_CHAR *str, TRIE T)
+{ short res = T->string_first - StringLength(str) - 1;
+ if( res >= 0 )
+ { T->string_first = res; StringCopy(&(T->string_mem[res]), str);
+ }
+ return res;
+} /* end NewTrieString */
+/* */
+/* ststic int NewTrieNode(T) */
+/* */
+/* Allocate a new empty trie node in T, and return its offset in node_mem. */
+/* */
+static int NewTrieNode(TRIE T)
+{ int i; int res;
+ if( T->node_free + T->class_count > T->node_lim )
+ Error(36, 5, "hyphenation trie node limit exceeded", INTERN, no_fpos);
+ res = T->node_free; T->node_free += T->class_count;
+ for( i = res; i < T->node_free; i++ ) T->node_mem[i] = 0;
+ return res;
+} /* end NewTrieNode */
+/*@::AddClassToTrie(), TrieInsert()@******************************************/
+/* */
+/* static AddClassToTrie(str, T) */
+/* */
+/* Add a new character class, whose members are the characters of str, to */
+/* trie T. This cannot occur after the first insertion. */
+/* */
+static void AddClassToTrie(FULL_CHAR *str, TRIE T)
+{ int i;
+ assert( T->string_first == T->string_lim, "AddClassToTrie: after insertion");
+ for( i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+ if( T->class[str[i]] == 0 ) T->class[str[i]] = T->class_count;
+ else Error(36, 6, "hyphenation class of %c may not be changed",
+ INTERN, no_fpos, str[i]);
+ T->class_count++;
+} /* end AddClassToTrie */
+/* */
+/* static BOOLEAN TrieInsert(key, value, T, fname, hline_num) */
+/* */
+/* Insert a new key and value into trie T (originating in file fname on */
+/* line hline_num). */
+/* */
+static BOOLEAN TrieInsert(FULL_CHAR *key, FULL_CHAR *value, TRIE T,
+FULL_CHAR *fname, int hline_num)
+{ FULL_CHAR str[MAX_BUFF], compressed_value[MAX_BUFF];
+ int i, curr_node, next_node, pos, ch; short strpos;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert(%s, %s, T)", key, value);
+ /* if first insertion, add one node after making sure class_count is even */
+ if( T->node_free == 0 )
+ { T->class_count = NODE_MULT * ceiling(T->class_count, NODE_MULT);
+ ch = NewTrieNode(T);
+ }
+ AltCompressValue(compressed_value, value);
+ /* invariant: curr_node is an existing node of T with prefix str[0..i-1] */
+ ClassConvert(key, str, T, fname, hline_num);
+ curr_node = i = 0;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ /* if str is ended, add compressed_value only to string memory */
+ if( str[i] == '\0' )
+ { if( T->node_mem[curr_node] != 0 )
+ Error(36, 7, "hyphenation string %s already inserted",
+ INTERN, no_fpos, key);
+ else
+ {
+ strpos = NewTrieString(compressed_value, T);
+ if( strpos < 0 )
+ { debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning FALSE (trie full)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ T->node_mem[curr_node] = - strpos;
+ }
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning TRUE (empty suffix).");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* if next position is unoccupied, store remainder of str and value */
+ next_node = T->node_mem[curr_node + str[i]];
+ if( next_node == 0 )
+ { ch = NewTrieString(compressed_value, T);
+ if( ch < 0 )
+ { debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning FALSE (trie full)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ strpos = NewTrieString(&str[i+1], T);
+ if( strpos < 0 )
+ { debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning FALSE (trie full)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ T->node_mem[curr_node + str[i]] = - strpos;
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning (non-empty suffix).");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* if next position is occupied by a non-empty string, move that */
+ /* string down one level and replace it by a trie node */
+ if( next_node < 0 )
+ { pos = - next_node;
+ ch = T->string_mem[pos];
+ if( T->string_first == pos ) T->string_first++;
+ T->node_mem[curr_node + str[i]] = next_node = NewTrieNode(T)/NODE_MULT;
+ T->node_mem[NODE_MULT*next_node + ch] = -(pos+1);
+ }
+ /* now next is the offset of the next node to be searched */
+ curr_node = NODE_MULT*next_node; i++;
+ }
+} /* end TrieInsert */
+/*@::BeGetChar(), BePutChar(), BeGetShort(), BePutShort(), etc.@**************/
+/* */
+/* BeGetChar(fp, pv) */
+/* BePutChar(fp, v) */
+/* BeGetShort(fp, pv) */
+/* BePutShort(fp, v) */
+/* BeGetInt(fp, pv) */
+/* BePutInt(fp, v) */
+/* */
+/* Get char, short, or int pv from file fp, and put char, short, or int */
+/* onto file fp. These routines are designed so that the file can be */
+/* written or read safely by big-endian and little-endian architectures; */
+/* this is accomplished by reading and writing one byte at a time to and */
+/* from a big-endian format file. All return 0 on success, -1 on failure. */
+/* Thanks to David W. Sanderson for this code. */
+/* */
+#define BeGetChar(fp, pv) ( (c = getc(fp)) == EOF ? -1 : (*pv = c & 0xFF, 0) )
+#define BePutChar(fp, v) ( putc( (char) (v & 0xFF), fp), 0 )
+#define BeGetShort(fp, pv) \
+( (c = getc(fp)) == EOF ? -1 : \
+ ( *pv = (c & 0xFF) << 8, \
+ (c = getc(fp)) == EOF ? -1 : (*pv |= c & 0xFF, 0) \
+ ) \
+#define BePutShort(fp, v) \
+( putc((v >> 8) & 0xFF, fp), putc(v & 0xFF, fp), 0 )
+static int BeGetInt(FILE *fp, int *pv)
+{ int c;
+ if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1;
+ *pv = (c & 0xFF) << 24;
+ if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1;
+ *pv |= (c & 0xFF) << 16;
+ if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1;
+ *pv |= (c & 0xFF) << 8;
+ if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1;
+ *pv |= c & 0xFF;
+ return 0;
+static int BePutInt(FILE *fp, int v)
+ putc((v >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);
+ putc((v >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
+ putc((v >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
+ putc(v & 0xFF, fp);
+ return 0;
+/*@::CompressTrie(), TrieRead(), AccumulateRating()@**************************/
+/* */
+/* static CompressTrie(T) */
+/* */
+/* Compress trie T and return its length in characters. */
+/* */
+static void CompressTrie(TRIE T)
+{ FULL_CHAR *p, *q; int len, i;
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "CompressTrie(T), T =");
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "Node space: %d capacity, %d used\n",
+ T->node_lim, T->node_free);
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "String space: %d capacity, %d used\n",
+ T->string_lim, T->string_lim - T->string_first);
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, TriePrint(T, stderr));
+ T->node_lim = T->node_free;
+ for( i = 0; i < T->node_lim; i++ )
+ if( T->node_mem[i] < 0 )
+ T->node_mem[i] = - ( -T->node_mem[i] - T->string_first);
+ p = (FULL_CHAR *) &(T->node_mem[T->node_free]);
+ q = &(T->string_mem[T->string_first]);
+ len = T->string_lim - T->string_first;
+ for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) *p++ = *q++;
+ T->string_mem = (FULL_CHAR *) &(T->node_mem[T->node_lim]);
+ T->string_first = 0;
+ T->string_lim = len;
+ len = sizeof(struct trie_rec) + T->node_lim * sizeof(short)
+ + T->string_lim * sizeof(FULL_CHAR);
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "CompressTrie returning; len = %d, T =", len);
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, TriePrint(T, stderr));
+} /* end CompressTrie */
+/* */
+/* static TRIE TrieRead(lnum, success) */
+/* */
+/* Read in a packed trie if possible, otherwise pack an unpacked one. */
+/* The trie is to be for language lnum. */
+/* */
+/* Boolean success is set to true if no errors were encountered. If the */
+/* file read was a placeholder, success will be true but still a null */
+/* TRIE will be returned. */
+/* */
+#define START_STATE 0
+#define CLASSES_STATE 1
+static TRIE TrieRead(LANGUAGE_NUM lnum, BOOLEAN *success)
+{ TRIE T; FILE_NUM unpacked_fnum, packed_fnum; OBJECT fname;
+ FILE *unpacked_fp, *packed_fp; unsigned len;
+ int prev, i, j, c, state, hline_num, length_limit;
+ int icount = 0;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "TrieRead(%d %s)", lnum,
+ lnum == 0 ? STR_NONE : LanguageString(lnum));
+ /* get hyphenation file name from language module */
+ fname = LanguageHyph(lnum);
+ assert( fname == nilobj || is_word(type(fname)), "TrieRead: fname!" );
+ if( fname == nilobj )
+ { *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ /* define and open packed file */
+ debug0(DFS, DD, " calling DefineFile from TrieRead (1)");
+ packed_fnum = DefineFile(string(fname), HYPH_PACKED_SUFFIX,
+ &fpos(fname), HYPH_PACKED_FILE, HYPH_PATH);
+ if( InitializeAll )
+ {
+ /* initializing so want to reconstruct packed files */
+ /* thanks to Ian Jackson <ian@chiark.greenend.org.uk> for this */
+ packed_fp = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* not initializing so use existing packed files if possible */
+ packed_fp = OpenFile(packed_fnum, FALSE, FALSE);
+ }
+ if( packed_fp == NULL )
+ {
+ /* no packed file, so define and open unpacked one instead */
+ FULL_CHAR str[MAX_BUFF], key[MAX_BUFF], value[MAX_BUFF],
+ buff[MAX_BUFF+10];
+ int bpos, bcount;
+ debug0(DFS, DD, " calling DefineFile from TrieRead (2)");
+ unpacked_fnum = DefineFile(string(fname), HYPH_SUFFIX,
+ &fpos(fname), HYPH_FILE, HYPH_PATH);
+ unpacked_fp = OpenFile(unpacked_fnum, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( unpacked_fp == NULL )
+ { Error(36, 8, "cannot open hyphenation file %s",
+ WARN, no_fpos, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ /* check that first line contains magic header or stub */
+ if( StringFGets(str, MAX_BUFF, unpacked_fp) == NULL ||
+ ( !StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Lout hyphenation information\n")) &&
+ !StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Lout hyphenation placeholder\n")) )
+ )
+ Error(36, 9, "header line of hyphenation file %s missing",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ /* if file is just a placeholder, exit silently with success */
+ if( !StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Lout hyphenation information\n")) )
+ { *success = TRUE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ /* read the classes, exceptions, and patterns from the unpacked file */
+ T = NewTrie( (unsigned) 120000, (unsigned) 32767);
+ state = START_STATE;
+ hline_num = 1;
+ length_limit = 0;
+ while( StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, unpacked_fp) != NULL )
+ {
+ hline_num++; bpos = 0;
+ while( sscanf( (char *) &buff[bpos], "%s%n", str, &bcount) == 1 &&
+ str[0] != '%' )
+ {
+ bpos += bcount;
+ DecodeEscapes(str, string(fname), hline_num);
+ switch( state )
+ {
+ if( !StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Classes:")) )
+ Error(36, 10, "Classes heading of hyphenation file %s missing",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ state = CLASSES_STATE;
+ break;
+ if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Exceptions:")) )
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Patterns:")) )
+ { state = PATTERNS_STATE;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("LengthLimit:")) )
+ }
+ else
+ { debug1(DHY, DD, "adding class %s", str);
+ AddClassToTrie(str, T);
+ }
+ break;
+ if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Patterns:")) )
+ { state = PATTERNS_STATE;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("LengthLimit:")) )
+ }
+ else
+ { prev = CH_EIGHT; j = 0;
+ key[j] = '.', value[j++] = prev, prev = CH_EIGHT;
+ for( i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+ { if( str[i] == CH_HYPHEN ) prev = CH_NINE;
+ else key[j] = str[i], value[j++] = prev, prev = CH_EIGHT;
+ }
+ key[j] = '.', value[j++] = prev, prev = CH_EIGHT;
+ key[j] = '\0'; value[j] = prev; value[j+1] = '\0';
+ if( !TrieInsert(key, value, T, string(fname), hline_num) )
+ {
+ Error(36, 11, "hyphenation file %s%s is too large (at line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(fname), string(fname), HYPH_SUFFIX, hline_num);
+ *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Patterns:")) )
+ { state = PATTERNS_STATE;
+ }
+ else if( sscanf( (char *) str, "%d", &length_limit) != 1 )
+ {
+ Error(36, 20, "bad LengthLimit in hyphenation file %s%s (line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(fname), string(fname), HYPH_SUFFIX, hline_num);
+ *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ prev = CH_ZERO; j = 0;
+ for( i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+ { if( decimaldigit(str[i]) ) prev = str[i];
+ else key[j] = str[i], value[j++] = prev, prev = CH_ZERO;
+ }
+ key[j] = '\0'; value[j] = prev; value[j+1] = '\0';
+ if( length_limit == 0 || j <= length_limit )
+ {
+ debug3(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert(%s, %s, T) [%d]", key, value, ++icount);
+ if( !TrieInsert(key, value, T, string(fname), hline_num) )
+ {
+ Error(36, 12, "hyphenation file %s%s is too large (at line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(fname), string(fname), HYPH_SUFFIX, hline_num);
+ *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "TrieRead: state");
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end while */
+ } /* end while */
+ if( state != PATTERNS_STATE )
+ Error(36, 13, "format error in hyphenation file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ fclose(unpacked_fp);
+ CompressTrie(T);
+ /* write the compressed trie out to the packed file */
+ /* cannot use FileName(packed_fnum) because path won't be right */
+ StringCopy(buff, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ StringCopy(&buff[StringLength(buff) - StringLength(HYPH_SUFFIX)],
+ packed_fp = StringFOpen(buff, WRITE_BINARY);
+ if( packed_fp == NULL )
+ Error(36, 14, "cannot write to hyphenation file %s", FATAL,no_fpos,buff);
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->magic);
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->class_count);
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++ ) BePutChar(packed_fp, T->class[i]);
+ /* BePutInt(packed_fp, 0); */ /* placeholder for node_mem now omitted */
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->node_lim);
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->node_free);
+ /* BePutInt(packed_fp, 0); */ /* placeholder for string_mem now omitted */
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->string_lim);
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->string_first);
+ for( i=0; i < T->node_free; i++ ) BePutShort(packed_fp, T->node_mem[i]);
+ for( i=0; i < T->string_lim; i++) BePutChar(packed_fp, T->string_mem[i]);
+ fclose(packed_fp);
+ /* free T */
+ ifdebug(DMA, DD, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_HYPH_PATS, 1,
+ sizeof(struct trie_rec) + 120000*sizeof(short)+32767*sizeof(char)));
+ free(T);
+ /* now try again to open packed_fnum, the file just written */
+ packed_fp = OpenFile(packed_fnum, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( packed_fp == NULL )
+ Error(36, 15, "cannot open hyphenation file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(packed_fnum));
+ } /* end if( packed_fp == NULL ) */
+ /* now packed hyphenation file is open, read it in */
+ fseek(packed_fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
+ len = (unsigned) ftell(packed_fp); rewind(packed_fp);
+ ifdebug(DMA, DD, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_HYPH_PATS, 1, len));
+ /* the 2*sizeof(void*) is for the sizes of node_mem and string_mem */
+ T = (TRIE) malloc(len + 2*sizeof(void*));
+ if( T == (TRIE) NULL )
+ Error(36, 16, "run out of memory while reading hyphenation table",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ if( BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->magic) != 0 )
+ Error(36, 17, "error on read from packed hyphenation file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(packed_fnum));
+ if( T->magic != TRIE_MAGIC )
+ Error(36, 18, "bad magic number in hyphenation file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(packed_fnum));
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->class_count);
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++ ) BeGetChar(packed_fp, &T->class[i]);
+ /* BeGetInt(packed_fp, &i); */ /* placeholder for node_mem now omitted */
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->node_lim);
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->node_free);
+ /* BeGetInt(packed_fp, &i); */ /* placeholder for string_mem now omitted */
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->string_lim);
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->string_first);
+ T->node_mem = (short *) ( (char *) T + sizeof(struct trie_rec) );
+ T->string_mem = (FULL_CHAR *) &(T->node_mem[T->node_lim]);
+ for( i = 0; i < T->node_free; i++ ) BeGetShort(packed_fp, &T->node_mem[i]);
+ for( i = 0; i < T->string_lim; i++ ) BeGetChar(packed_fp, &T->string_mem[i]);
+ fclose(packed_fp);
+ /* debug and exit */
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieRead returning, T =");
+ *success = TRUE;
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, TriePrint(T, stderr));
+ return T;
+} /* end TrieRead */
+/* */
+/* AccumulateRating(x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Accumulate the hyphenation rating string x into y. */
+/* */
+#define AccumulateRating(x, y) \
+{ FULL_CHAR *p = x, *q = y; \
+ while( *p ) \
+ { if( *p > *q ) *q = *p; \
+ p++, q++; \
+ } \
+} /* end AccumulateRating */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN ReadHyphTable(lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Read hyphenation table for language lnum. */
+/* */
+{ BOOLEAN res;
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "ReadHyphTable(%d)", lnum);
+ assert(lnum > 0, "ReadHyphTable: lnum <= 0!");
+ assert(HyphTables[lnum]==(TRIE) NULL && !TriedFile[lnum], "ReadHyphTable!");
+ HyphTables[lnum] = TrieRead(lnum, &res);
+ TriedFile[lnum] = TRUE;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "ReadHyphTable(%d) returning %s", lnum, bool(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end ReadHyphTable */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT Hyphenate(x) */
+/* */
+/* Hyphenate ACAT object x, returning the hyphenated result. */
+/* */
+OBJECT Hyphenate(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, y, z, next_link; TRIE T; LANGUAGE_NUM lnum;
+ FULL_CHAR str[MAX_WORD+2], rate[MAX_WORD+3], val[MAX_WORD+3],
+ *class, *key, *ss, *s, *p, *rem, *lig, *a, *b;
+ int start, stop, i, curr_node, next_node, pos;
+ BOOLEAN hyphenated, success;
+ assert( type(x) == ACAT, "Hyphenate: type(x) != ACAT!" );
+ debug1(DHY, D, "Hyphenate(%s)", EchoObject(x));
+ /* for each word y of x, try to hyphenate it */
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( !is_word(type(y)) || string(y)[0] == '\0' || !word_hyph(y) )
+ {
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ && mode(gap(y)) == HYPH_MODE )
+ nobreak(gap(y)) = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "Hyphenate() examining %s", EchoObject(y));
+ /* determine T, the trie to use */
+ lnum = word_language(y);
+ if( lnum == 0 )
+ Error(36, 19, "no current language for word %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), string(y));
+ T = HyphTables[lnum];
+ /* if no trie is present, try to get it from a file */
+ if( T == (TRIE) NULL )
+ { if( !TriedFile[lnum] )
+ { T = HyphTables[lnum] = TrieRead(lnum, &success);
+ TriedFile[lnum] = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( T == (TRIE) NULL )
+ { debug1(DHY, DD, "Hyphenate continuing (no trie for %s)", string(y));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* start := index of first letter of y, stop := index following last */
+ key = string(y); class = T->class;
+ for( start = 0; class[key[start]] == PUNCT_CLASS; start++ );
+ for( stop = start; class[key[stop]] > PUNCT_CLASS; stop++ );
+ /* if a - ended the run, hyphenate there only */
+ if( key[stop] == CH_HYPHEN )
+ {
+ /* actually, don't hyphenate if the hyphen is last in the word [thanks Uwe] */
+ if( key[stop+1] == '\0' )
+ continue;
+ next_link = NextDown(link);
+ z = MakeWord(WORD, &key[stop+1], &fpos(y));
+ word_font(z) = word_font(y);
+ word_colour(z) = word_colour(y);
+ word_language(z) = word_language(y);
+ word_hyph(z) = word_hyph(y);
+ underline(z) = underline(y);
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "Hyphenate (hyph case) making fragment %s", string(z));
+ FontWordSize(z);
+ Link(NextDown(link), z);
+ New(z, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(z) = vspace(z) = 0;
+ underline(z) = underline(y);
+ Link(NextDown(link), z);
+ Link(z, MakeWord(WORD, STR_GAP_ZERO_HYPH, &fpos(y)));
+ key[stop + 1] = '\0';
+ FontWordSize(y);
+ /* *** link = PrevDown(next_link); */
+ link = NextDown(link);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* do not hyphenate if less than 5 letters, or a kill char is nearby */
+ if( stop - start < 5 ) continue;
+ if( key[stop] != '\0' && class[key[stop]] == KILL_CLASS ) continue;
+ /* let str[] be the converted substring, let rate[] be all CH_ZERO */
+ str[0] = PUNCT_CLASS; rate[0] = CH_ZERO;
+ for( i = 0; i < stop - start; i++ )
+ { str[i+1] = class[key[start + i]];
+ rate[i+1] = CH_ZERO;
+ }
+ str[i+1] = PUNCT_CLASS; rate[i+1] = CH_ZERO;
+ str[i+2] = '\0'; rate[i+2] = CH_ZERO;
+ rate[i+3] = '\0';
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, ShowRate(key, start, stop, rate, stderr));
+ /* for each suffix of str[], accumulate patterns matching its prefixes */
+ ss = str;
+ do
+ {
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD,
+ fprintf(stderr, "trying suffix \"");
+ for( p = ss; *p != 0; p++ ) fprintf(stderr, "%c", findrep(*p, T));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\"\n");
+ );
+ /* accumulate all prefixes of ss */
+ curr_node = 0; s = ss;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ /* if curr_node has empty string, that is one prefix */
+ pos = T->node_mem[curr_node];
+ if( pos < 0 )
+ { AltUncompressValue(&(T->string_mem[- pos]), val);
+ AccumulateRating(val, rate+(ss-str));
+ debug1(DHY, DD, " found %s", val);
+ }
+ /* if ss is finished, no other prefixes are possible */
+ if( *s == '\0' ) break;
+ /* determine next_node and break if empty */
+ next_node = T->node_mem[curr_node + *s];
+ if( next_node == 0 ) break;
+ /* if next_node is a string, check whether it is a prefix of ss */
+ if( next_node < 0 )
+ { rem = &(T->string_mem[-next_node]);
+ do
+ { if( *rem == '\0' )
+ { AltUncompressValue(rem+1, val);
+ AccumulateRating(val, rate+(ss-str));
+ debug1(DHY, DD, " found %s", val);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while( *++s == *rem++ );
+ break;
+ }
+ /* otherwise go on to the next trie node */
+ curr_node = NODE_MULT*next_node; s++;
+ }
+ } while( *(++ss + 1) != PUNCT_CLASS );
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, ShowRate(key, start, stop, rate, stderr));
+ /* set rate[i] to CH_ZERO whenever key[start+i-1] lies within a ligature */
+ lig = finfo[word_font(y)].lig_table;
+ for( p = key, i = 2; *p != '\0'; p++, i++ )
+ { if( lig[*p] > 1 )
+ { a = &lig[ lig[*p] + MAX_CHARS ];
+ while( *a++ == *p )
+ { b = p+1;
+ while( *a == *b && *(a+1) != '\0' && *b != '\0' ) a++, b++;
+ if( *(a+1) == '\0' )
+ { rate[i] = CH_ZERO;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { while( *++a );
+ a++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, ShowRate(key, start, stop, rate, stderr));
+ /* now rate[] has accumulated ratings; use it to perform hyphenations */
+ hyphenated = FALSE;
+ next_link = NextDown(link);
+ for( i = stop - start - 1; i >= 3; i-- )
+ {
+ /* hyphenate at i if rate[i] is odd */
+ if( is_odd(rate[i]) )
+ { z = MakeWord(WORD, &key[start+i-1], &fpos(y));
+ word_font(z) = word_font(y);
+ word_colour(z) = word_colour(y);
+ word_language(z) = word_language(y);
+ word_hyph(z) = word_hyph(y);
+ underline(z) = underline(y);
+ debug1(DHY, D, "Hyphenate making fragment %s", string(z));
+ FontWordSize(z);
+ Link(NextDown(link), z);
+ New(z, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(z) = vspace(z) = 0;
+ underline(z) = underline(y);
+ Link(NextDown(link), z);
+ Link(z, MakeWord(WORD, STR_GAP_ZERO_HYPH, &fpos(y)));
+ key[start + i - 1] = '\0';
+ hyphenated = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if( hyphenated )
+ { FontWordSize(y);
+ link = PrevDown(next_link);
+ }
+ } /* end for each word */
+ debug3(DHY, D, "Hyphenate returning %s,%s %s",
+ EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM)), EchoObject(x));
+ return x;
+} /* end Hyphenate */
diff --git a/z37.c b/z37.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3b89e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z37.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1480 @@
+/*@z37.c:Font Service:Declarations@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z37.c */
+/* MODULE: Font Service */
+/* EXTERNS: FontInit(), FontDefine(), FontChange(), FontWordSize(), */
+/* FontSize(), FontHalfXHeight(), FontEncoding(), */
+/* FontMapping(), FontFamilyAndFace(), FontNeeded() */
+/* */
+/* This module implements fonts, using encoding vectors and Adobe font */
+/* metrics files (.AFM files, version 2). */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define DEFAULT_XHEIGHT 500 /* the default XHeight if font has none */
+#define NO_FONT 0 /* the not-a-font font number */
+#define SZ_DFT 1000 /* default lout size is 50p */
+#define INIT_FINFO_SIZE 100 /* initial number of sized fonts set aside */
+/* */
+/* these definitions have been placed in "externs" because z24.c needs them */
+/* */
+/* struct metrics { */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH up; */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH down; */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH left; */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH right; */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH last_adjust; */
+/* }; */
+/* */
+/* typedef struct font_rec { */
+/* struct metrics *size_table; metrics of sized fonts */
+/* FULL_CHAR *lig_table; ligatures */
+/* OBJECT font_table; record of sized fonts */
+/* OBJECT original_font; font rec before resizing */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH underline_pos; position of underline */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH underline_thick; thickness of underline */
+/* unsigned short *kern_table; first kerning chars */
+/* FULL_CHAR *kern_chars; second kerning chars */
+/* unsigned char *kern_value; points into kern_lengths */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH *kern_sizes; sizes of kernings */
+/* } FONT_INFO; */
+/* */
+ int font_curr_page; /* current page number */
+ FONT_INFO *finfo; /* all the font table info */
+static int finfo_size; /* current finfo array size */
+static OBJECT font_root; /* root of tree of fonts */
+static OBJECT font_used; /* fonts used on this page */
+static FONT_NUM font_count; /* number of sized fonts */
+static int font_seqnum; /* unique number for a font */
+/*@::FontInit(), FontDebug()@*************************************************/
+/* */
+/* FontInit() */
+/* */
+/* Initialise this module. */
+/* */
+void FontInit(void)
+{ debug0(DFT, D, "FontInit()");
+ font_curr_page = 1;
+ font_count = 0;
+ New(font_root, ACAT);
+ New(font_used, ACAT);
+ font_seqnum = 0;
+ finfo = (FONT_INFO *) malloc(INIT_FINFO_SIZE * sizeof(FONT_INFO));
+ finfo_size = INIT_FINFO_SIZE;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D,
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 1, INIT_FINFO_SIZE * sizeof(FONT_INFO)));
+ debug0(DFT, D, "FontInit returning.");
+/* */
+/* FontDebug() */
+/* */
+/* Print out font tree (not currectly used). */
+/* */
+static void FontDebug(void)
+{ OBJECT family, face, filename, link, flink; int i;
+ assert(font_root!=nilobj && type(font_root)==ACAT, "FontDebug: font_root!");
+ for( link = Down(font_root); link != font_root; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(family, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(family)), "FontDebug: family!" );
+ fprintf(stderr, "family %s:\n", string(family));
+ for( flink = Down(family); flink != family; flink = NextDown(flink) )
+ { Child(face, flink);
+ assert( is_word(type(face)), "FontDebug: face!" );
+ fprintf(stderr, " face %s in file ", string(face));
+ assert( Down(face) != face, "FontDebug: Down(face)!");
+ Child(filename, Down(face));
+ assert( is_word(type(filename)), "FontDebug: filename!" );
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", string(filename));
+ }
+ }
+ for( i = 1; i <= font_count; i++ )
+ fprintf(stderr, " finfo[%d].font_table = %s\n", i,
+ EchoObject(finfo[i].font_table));
+} /* end FontDebug */
+/* */
+/* FontDefine(family, face, inside) */
+/* */
+/* Insert a font defined by fontdef <family> <face> { <inside> }, where */
+/* <inside> ::= fontname AFMfilename LCMfilename recode */
+/* */
+static void ReadFont(OBJECT face, OBJECT err);
+void FontDefine(OBJECT family, OBJECT face, OBJECT inside)
+{ OBJECT font_name, AFMfilename, LCMfilename, recode;
+ OBJECT short_name, link, y, val[5]; int i;
+ debug3(DFT, D, "FontDefine( %s, %s, %s )", string(family),
+ string(face), EchoObject(inside));
+ /* extract font_name, AFMfilename, LCMfilename, and recode */
+ if( type(inside) != ACAT )
+ { Error(37, 1, "font definition does not contain a sequence of words",
+ WARN, &fpos(inside));
+ DisposeObject(inside); return;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; Down(inside) != inside && i != 5; i++ )
+ { Child(val[i], Down(inside));
+ DeleteLink(Up(val[i]));
+ if( type(val[i]) == GAP_OBJ ) DisposeObject(val[i--]);
+ else if( !is_word(type(val[i])) )
+ { Error(37, 2, "font definition contains a non-word", WARN, &fpos(val[i]));
+ DisposeObject(inside); return;
+ }
+ }
+ if( Down(inside) != inside || i != 4 )
+ { Error(37, 3, "font definition does not contain exactly four words",
+ WARN, &fpos(inside));
+ DisposeObject(inside); return;
+ }
+ font_name = val[0]; AFMfilename = val[1];
+ LCMfilename = val[2]; recode = val[3];
+ /* insert family into font tree if not already present */
+ for( link = Down(font_root); link != font_root; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( StringEqual(string(y), string(family)) )
+ { Dispose(family); family = y; break; }
+ }
+ if( link == font_root ) Link(font_root, family);
+ /* insert face into family, or error if already present and different */
+ for( link = Down(family); link != family; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( StringEqual(string(y), string(face)) )
+ { OBJECT other_name, other_AFMname;
+ Child(other_AFMname, Down(y));
+ Child(other_name, NextDown(Down(other_AFMname)));
+ if( StringEqual(string(other_name), string(font_name)) &&
+ StringEqual(string(other_AFMname), string(AFMfilename)) )
+ { debug0(DFT, D, "FontDefine returning: font redefined");
+ Dispose(face);
+ return;
+ }
+ Error(37, 4, "font %s %s already defined at%s", WARN, &fpos(face),
+ string(family), string(face), EchoFilePos(&fpos(y)));
+ debug0(DFT, D, "FontDefine returning: font already defined");
+ Dispose(face);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Link(family, face);
+ /* add AFMfilename as first size of font, and PostScript name as its child */
+ Link(face, AFMfilename);
+ short_name = MakeWordTwo(WORD, AsciiToFull("fnt"), StringInt(++font_seqnum),
+ no_fpos);
+ Link(AFMfilename, short_name); Link(AFMfilename, font_name);
+ /* load character mapping file */
+ if( StringEqual(string(recode), STR_FONT_RECODE) )
+ { font_recoded(face) = TRUE;
+ font_mapping(AFMfilename) = MapLoad(LCMfilename, TRUE);
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(recode), STR_FONT_NORECODE) )
+ { font_recoded(face) = FALSE;
+ font_mapping(AFMfilename) = MapLoad(LCMfilename, FALSE);
+ }
+ else Error(37, 5, "expecting either Recode or NoRecode here",
+ FATAL, &fpos(recode));
+ /* say that this font is currently unused on any page */
+ font_page(face) = 0;
+ font_firstpage(face) = FALSE;
+ /* if initializing run, read the font just to make sure */
+ if( InitializeAll )
+ { ReadFont(face, face);
+ }
+ debug0(DFT, D, "FontDefine returning.");
+} /* end FontDefine */
+/* */
+/* DebugKernTable(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Print debug output of kern table for font fnum. */
+/* */
+static void DebugKernTable(FONT_NUM fnum)
+{ int i, j;
+ unsigned short *kt = finfo[fnum].kern_table;
+ FULL_CHAR *kc = finfo[fnum].kern_chars;
+ unsigned char *kv = finfo[fnum].kern_value;
+ SHORT_LENGTH *ks = finfo[fnum].kern_sizes;
+ debug1(DFT, DD, "DebugKernTable(%d)", fnum);
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ )
+ { if( kt[i] != 0 )
+ { debug1(DFT, DD, "kt[%d]:", i);
+ for( j = kt[i]; kc[j] != '\0'; j++ )
+ { debug3(DFT, DD, "KPX %c %c %d", i, kc[j], ks[kv[j]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug1(DFT, DD, "DebugKernTable(%d) returning", fnum);
+} /* DebugKernTable */
+/* */
+/* static ReadFont(face, err) */
+/* */
+/* Read in a font file. Object err is used only for error reporting. */
+/* */
+static void ReadFont(OBJECT face, OBJECT err)
+{ OBJECT filename, fontname;
+ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], command[MAX_BUFF], ch;
+ int wx, llx, lly, urx, ury, xheight2, i, lnum, ligtop;
+ float fl_wx, fl_llx, fl_lly, fl_urx, fl_ury, fl_xheight2, fl_under_pos,
+ fl_under_thick;
+ int under_pos, under_thick;
+ BOOLEAN upfound, utfound, xhfound, wxfound, bfound;
+ BOOLEAN fixed_pitch = FALSE;
+ FILE_NUM fnum; FILE *fp;
+ struct metrics *fnt;
+ FULL_CHAR *lig, ligchar;
+ unsigned short *kt; FULL_CHAR *kc; unsigned char *kv; SHORT_LENGTH *ks;
+ assert( is_word(type(face)), "ReadFont: !is_word(type(face))!" );
+ debug1(DFT, DD, "ReadFont( %s, err )", string(face));
+ /* get a new font number for this font, possibly requiring realloc */
+ if( ++font_count >= finfo_size )
+ { if( font_count > MAX_FONT )
+ Error(37, 6, "too many different fonts and sizes (maximum is %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(err),MAX_FONT);
+ ifdebug(DMA, D,
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, -1, -finfo_size * sizeof(FONT_INFO)));
+ finfo_size *= 2;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D,
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 1, finfo_size * sizeof(FONT_INFO)));
+ finfo = (FONT_INFO *) realloc(finfo, finfo_size * sizeof(FONT_INFO));
+ if( finfo == (FONT_INFO *) NULL )
+ Error(37, 7, "run out of memory when increasing font table size",
+ FATAL, &fpos(err));
+ }
+ /* open the Adobe font metrics (AFM) file of the font */
+ assert( Down(face) != face, "ReadFont: filename missing!" );
+ Child(filename, Down(face));
+ assert( Down(filename) != filename, "ReadFont: filename child missing!" );
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from ReadFont");
+ fnum = DefineFile(string(filename), STR_EMPTY, &fpos(filename),
+ fp = OpenFile(fnum, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( fp == NULL )
+ Error(37, 8, "cannot open font file %s", FATAL, &fpos(filename),
+ FileName(fnum));
+ /* check that the AFM file begins, as it should, with "StartFontMetrics" */
+ if( StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == NULL ||
+ sscanf( (char *) buff, "%s", command) != 1 ||
+ !StringEqual(command, "StartFontMetrics") )
+ { debug1(DFT, DD, "first line of AFM file:%s", buff);
+ debug1(DFT, DD, "command:%s", command);
+ Error(37, 9, "font file %s does not begin with StartFontMetrics",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum));
+ }
+ /* initialise font metrics table for the new font */
+ ifdebug(DMA, D,
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 1, MAX_CHARS * sizeof(struct metrics)));
+ fnt = (struct metrics *) malloc(MAX_CHARS * sizeof(struct metrics));
+ if( fnt == (struct metrics *) NULL )
+ Error(37, 10, "run out of memory while reading font file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(err), FileName(fnum));
+ ifdebug(DMA, D,
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 0, 2*MAX_CHARS*sizeof(FULL_CHAR)));
+ lig = (FULL_CHAR *) malloc(2*MAX_CHARS*sizeof(FULL_CHAR));
+ /* initialise ligature table for the new font */
+ if( lig == (FULL_CHAR *) NULL )
+ Error(37, 11, "run out of memory while reading font file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(err), FileName(fnum));
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ ) lig[i] = 1; /* i.e. char unknown */
+ ligtop = MAX_CHARS+2; /* must avoid ligtop - MAX_CHARS == 0 or 1 */
+ /* initialise kerning table for the new font */
+ ifdebug(DMA, D,
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 0, MAX_CHARS * sizeof(unsigned short)));
+ kt = (unsigned short *) malloc(MAX_CHARS * sizeof(unsigned short));
+ if( kt == (unsigned short *) NULL )
+ Error(37, 12, "run out of memory while reading font file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(err), FileName(fnum));
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ ) kt[i] = 0; /* i.e. no kerns */
+ ks = (SHORT_LENGTH *) NULL; /* i.e. no kern sizes */
+ /* read font metrics file */
+ xhfound = upfound = utfound = FALSE;
+ fontname = nilobj; lnum = 1;
+ while ( ( StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) ) != NULL )
+ {
+ lnum++;
+ sscanf( (char *) buff, "%s", command);
+ switch( command[0] )
+ {
+ case 'U':
+ if( StringEqual(command, AsciiToFull("UnderlinePosition")) )
+ { if( upfound )
+ { Error(37, 13, "UnderlinePosition found twice in font file (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), lnum);
+ }
+ sscanf( (char *) buff, "UnderlinePosition %f", &fl_under_pos);
+ under_pos = fl_under_pos;
+ upfound = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(command, AsciiToFull("UnderlineThickness")) )
+ { if( utfound )
+ { Error(37, 14, "UnderlineThickness found twice in font file (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), lnum);
+ }
+ sscanf( (char *) buff, "UnderlineThickness %f", &fl_under_thick);
+ under_thick = fl_under_thick;
+ utfound = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ if( StringEqual(command, AsciiToFull("XHeight")) )
+ { if( xhfound )
+ { Error(37, 15, "XHeight found twice in font file (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), lnum);
+ }
+ sscanf( (char *) buff, "XHeight %f", &fl_xheight2);
+ xheight2 = fl_xheight2 / 2;
+ xhfound = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ if( StringEqual(command, AsciiToFull("FontName")) )
+ { if( fontname != nilobj )
+ { Error(37, 16, "FontName found twice in font file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ }
+ sscanf( (char *) buff, "FontName %s", command);
+ if( StringEqual(command, STR_EMPTY) )
+ { Error(37, 17, "FontName empty in font file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ }
+ Child(x, LastDown(filename));
+ if( !StringEqual(command, string(x)) )
+ Error(37, 18, "FontName in font file (%s) and fontdef (%s) disagree",
+ WARN, &fpos(filename), command, string(x));
+ fontname = MakeWord(WORD, command, &fpos(filename));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ if( StringEqual(command, AsciiToFull("IsFixedPitch")) )
+ {
+ sscanf( (char *) buff, "IsFixedPitch %s", command);
+ if( StringEqual(command, AsciiToFull("true")) )
+ { fixed_pitch = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ if( StringEqual(command, AsciiToFull("StartCharMetrics")) )
+ {
+ if( fontname == nilobj )
+ Error(37, 19, "FontName missing in file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum));
+ if( !xhfound ) xheight2 = DEFAULT_XHEIGHT / 2;
+ while( StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) != NULL &&
+ !StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("EndCharMetrics")) )
+ {
+ /* read one line containing metric info for one character */
+ debug1(DFT, DDD, "ReadFont reading %s", buff);
+ lnum++; ch = '\0';
+ wxfound = bfound = FALSE;
+ i = 0; while( buff[i] == ' ' ) i++;
+ while( buff[i] != '\n' )
+ {
+ debug2(DFT, DDD, " ch = %d, &buff[i] = %s", ch, &buff[i]);
+ sscanf( (char *) &buff[i], "%s", command);
+ if( StringEqual(command, "N") )
+ { sscanf( (char *) &buff[i], "N %s", command);
+ ch = MapCharEncoding(command, font_mapping(filename));
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(command, "WX") )
+ { sscanf( (char *) &buff[i], "WX %f", &fl_wx);
+ wx = fl_wx;
+ wxfound = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(command, "B") )
+ { sscanf( (char *) &buff[i], "B %f %f %f %f",
+ &fl_llx, &fl_lly, &fl_urx, &fl_ury);
+ llx = fl_llx;
+ lly = fl_lly;
+ urx = fl_urx;
+ ury = fl_ury;
+ bfound = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(command, "L") &&
+ BackEnd != PLAINTEXT && ch != '\0' )
+ { if( lig[ch] == 1 ) lig[ch] = ligtop - MAX_CHARS;
+ lig[ligtop++] = ch;
+ i++; /* skip L */
+ while( buff[i] == ' ' ) i++;
+ while( buff[i] != ';' && buff[i] != '\n' )
+ { sscanf( (char *) &buff[i], "%s", command);
+ ligchar = MapCharEncoding(command, font_mapping(filename));
+ if( ligchar != '\0' ) lig[ligtop++] = ligchar;
+ else
+ { Error(37, 20, "ignoring unencoded ligature character %s in font file %s (line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(filename), command, FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ lig[ch] = 1;
+ }
+ if( ligtop > 2*MAX_CHARS - 5 )
+ Error(37, 21, "too many ligature characters in font file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ while( buff[i] != ' ' && buff[i] != ';' ) i++;
+ while( buff[i] == ' ' ) i++;
+ }
+ lig[ligtop++] = '\0';
+ }
+ while( buff[i] != ';' && buff[i] != '\n' ) i++;
+ if( buff[i] == ';' )
+ { i++; while( buff[i] == ' ' ) i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( ch > '\0' )
+ {
+ if( !wxfound )
+ { Error(37, 22, "WX missing in font file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ }
+ if( !bfound )
+ { Error(37, 23, "B missing in font file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ }
+ if( lig[ch] == 1 ) lig[ch] = 0; /* set to known if unknown */
+ else if( lig[ch] > 1 ) /* add '\0' to end of ligs */
+ lig[ligtop++] = '\0';
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ case PDF: fnt[ch].left = llx;
+ fnt[ch].down = lly - xheight2;
+ fnt[ch].right = wx;
+ fnt[ch].up = ury - xheight2;
+ fnt[ch].last_adjust =
+ (urx == 0 || wx == 0 || fixed_pitch) ? 0 : urx - wx;
+ break;
+ case PLAINTEXT: fnt[ch].left = 0;
+ fnt[ch].down = - PlainCharHeight / 2;
+ fnt[ch].right = PlainCharWidth;
+ fnt[ch].up = PlainCharHeight / 2;
+ fnt[ch].last_adjust = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug6(DFT, DDD, " fnt[%c] = (%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)",ch, fnt[ch].left,
+ fnt[ch].down, fnt[ch].right, fnt[ch].up, fnt[ch].last_adjust);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT && Kern &&
+ StringEqual(command, AsciiToFull("StartKernPairs")) )
+ { FULL_CHAR ch1, ch2, last_ch1;
+ FULL_CHAR name1[30], name2[30];
+ int kc_top, ks_top, pos, num_pairs, ksize; float fl_ksize;
+ if( sscanf( (char *) buff, "StartKernPairs %d", &num_pairs) != 1 )
+ Error(37, 24, "syntax error on StartKernPairs line in font file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ kc_top = 1; ks_top = 1;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D,
+ DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 0, 2*num_pairs * sizeof(FULL_CHAR)));
+ kc = (FULL_CHAR *) malloc(2 * num_pairs * sizeof(FULL_CHAR));
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 0,
+ 2 * num_pairs * sizeof(unsigned char)));
+ kv = (unsigned char *) malloc(2 * num_pairs * sizeof(unsigned char));
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 0,
+ num_pairs * sizeof(SHORT_LENGTH)));
+ ks = (SHORT_LENGTH *) malloc(num_pairs * sizeof(SHORT_LENGTH));
+ last_ch1 = '\0';
+ while( StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == (char *) buff &&
+ !StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("EndKernPairs")) )
+ {
+ debug1(DFT, DD, "ReadFont reading %s", buff);
+ lnum++;
+ if( StringBeginsWith(buff, AsciiToFull("KPX")) )
+ {
+ /* get the two character names and kern size from buff */
+ if( sscanf((char *)buff, "KPX %s %s %f",name1,name2,&fl_ksize)!=3 )
+ Error(37, 25, "syntax error in font file %s (line %d): %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum), lnum, buff);
+ /* ignore size 0 kern pairs (they are frequent, why?) */
+ ksize = fl_ksize;
+ if( ksize == 0 ) continue;
+ /* check that both characters are encoded */
+ ch1 = MapCharEncoding(name1, font_mapping(filename));
+ if( ch1 == '\0' )
+ {
+ /* ***
+ Error(37, 26, "unencoded kern character %s in font file %s (line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(filename), name1, FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ *** */
+ continue;
+ }
+ ch2 = MapCharEncoding(name2, font_mapping(filename));
+ if( ch2 == '\0' )
+ {
+ /* ***
+ Error(37, 27, "unencoded kern character %s in font file %s (line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(filename), name2, FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ *** */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* check that ch1 is contiguous with previous occurrences */
+ if( ch1 != last_ch1 && kt[ch1] != 0 )
+ { Error(37, 28, "non-contiguous kerning pair %s %s in font file %s (line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(filename), name1, name2, FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ continue;
+ }
+ last_ch1 = ch1;
+ /* if ch1 never seen before, make new entry in kt[] and kc[] */
+ if( kt[ch1] == 0 )
+ { debug2(DFT, DD, " kt[%d] = %d", ch1, kc_top);
+ kt[ch1] = kc_top;
+ kc[kc_top] = (FULL_CHAR) '\0';
+ kv[kc_top] = 0;
+ kc_top++;
+ }
+ /* find kerning size in ks[] or else add it to the end */
+ for( pos = 1; pos < ks_top; pos++ )
+ { if( ks[pos] == ksize ) break;
+ }
+ if( pos == ks_top )
+ { if( ks_top == num_pairs )
+ Error(37, 29, "too many kerning pairs in font file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ debug2(DFT, DD, " ks[%d] = %d", pos, ksize);
+ ks[pos] = ksize;
+ ks_top++;
+ }
+ /* insert ch2 into the kc entries (sorted decreasing) for ch1 */
+ for( i = kc_top-1; i >= kt[ch1] && kc[i] < ch2; i-- )
+ { kc[i+1] = kc[i];
+ kv[i+1] = kv[i];
+ }
+ if( i >= kt[ch1] && kc[i] == ch2 )
+ Error(37, 30, "kerning pair %s %s appears twice in font file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), name1, name2, FileName(fnum), lnum);
+ kc[i+1] = ch2;
+ kv[i+1] = pos;
+ kc_top++;
+ }
+ }
+ ks[0] = ks_top;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ if( StringEqual(command, AsciiToFull("EndFontMetrics")) )
+ {
+ /* make a new font record and insert into font tree */
+ font_num(face) = font_num(fontname) = font_count;
+ font_size(fontname) =
+ (BackEnd != PLAINTEXT) ? SZ_DFT : PlainCharHeight;
+ font_xheight2(fontname) =
+ (BackEnd != PLAINTEXT) ? xheight2 : PlainCharHeight / 4;
+ font_mapping(fontname) = font_mapping(filename);
+ ch = MapCharEncoding(STR_PS_SPACENAME, font_mapping(fontname));
+ font_spacewidth(fontname) = ch == '\0' ? 0 : fnt[ch].right;
+ finfo[font_count].font_table = fontname;
+ finfo[font_count].original_font = face;
+ finfo[font_count].underline_pos = xheight2 - under_pos;
+ finfo[font_count].underline_thick = under_thick;
+ finfo[font_count].size_table = fnt;
+ finfo[font_count].lig_table = lig;
+ finfo[font_count].kern_table = kt;
+ finfo[font_count].kern_chars = kc;
+ finfo[font_count].kern_value = kv;
+ finfo[font_count].kern_sizes = ks;
+ Link(face, fontname);
+ ifdebug(DFT, DD, DebugKernTable(font_count));
+ /* *** either no errors or too many, so killing this now
+ if( InitializeAll )
+ { OBJECT family; FULL_CHAR *str;
+ Parent(family, Up(face));
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ )
+ {
+ if( lig[i] == 1 )
+ { str = string(MapTable[font_mapping(fontname)]->vector[i]);
+ if( !StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull(".notdef")) &&
+ MapCharEncoding(str, font_mapping(fontname)) == i )
+ Error(37, 31, "font %s %s has no glyph for character %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(filename), string(family), string(face), str);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *** */
+ /* close file, debug and exit */
+ fclose(fp);
+ debug4(DFT, D, "ReadFont returning: %d, name %s, fs %d, xh2 %d",
+ font_count, string(fontname), font_size(fontname), xheight2);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Error(37, 32, "EndFontMetrics missing from font file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(filename), FileName(fnum));
+} /* end ReadFont */
+/* */
+/* FontChange(style, x) */
+/* */
+/* Returns an internal font number which is the current font changed */
+/* according to word object x. e.g. if current font is Roman 12p and x is */
+/* "-3p", then FontChange returns the internal font number of Roman 9p. */
+/* */
+/* FontChange permits empty and null objects within x; these have no */
+/* effect. */
+/* */
+void FontChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
+{ /* register */ int i;
+ OBJECT par[3], family, face, fsize, y, link, new, old, tmpf;
+ GAP gp; SHORT_LENGTH flen; int num, c; unsigned inc;
+ struct metrics *newfnt, *oldfnt; FULL_CHAR *lig;
+ SHORT_LENGTH *oldks, *newks; int klen;
+ debug2(DFT, D, "FontChange( %s, %s )", EchoStyle(style), EchoObject(x));
+ assert( font(*style) <= font_count, "FontChange: font_count!");
+ ifdebug(DFT, DD, FontDebug());
+ /* set par[0..num-1] to the 1, 2 or 3 parameters of the font operator */
+ num = 0;
+ if( type(x) == NULL_CLOS )
+ { /* acceptable, but do nothing */
+ }
+ else if( is_word(type(x)) )
+ {
+ if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_SMALL_CAPS_ON) )
+ small_caps(*style) = SMALL_CAPS_ON;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_SMALL_CAPS_OFF) )
+ small_caps(*style) = SMALL_CAPS_OFF;
+ else if( !StringEqual(string(x), STR_EMPTY) )
+ par[num++] = x;
+ }
+ else if( type(x) == ACAT )
+ { for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ debug1(DFT, DDD, " pars examining y = %s", EchoObject(y));
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ || type(y) == NULL_CLOS ) continue;
+ if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ {
+ if( StringEqual(string(y), STR_SMALL_CAPS_ON) )
+ small_caps(*style) = SMALL_CAPS_ON;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(y), STR_SMALL_CAPS_OFF) )
+ small_caps(*style) = SMALL_CAPS_OFF;
+ else if( !StringEqual(string(y), STR_EMPTY) )
+ {
+ if( num >= 3 )
+ { Error(37, 33, "error in left parameter of %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_FONT);
+ debug0(DFT, D, "FontChange returning: ACAT children");
+ return;
+ }
+ par[num++] = y;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(37, 34, "error in left parameter of %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_FONT);
+ debug0(DFT, D, "FontChange returning: ACAT children");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(37, 35, "error in left parameter of %s", WARN, &fpos(x), KW_FONT);
+ debug0(DFT, D, "FontChange returning: wrong type");
+ return;
+ }
+ debug1(DFT, DDD, " found pars, num = %d", num);
+ if( num == 0 )
+ { debug1(DFT, D, "FontChange returning %s", EchoStyle(style));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* extract fsize parameter, if any */
+ assert( num >= 1 && num <= 3, "FontChange: num!" );
+ fsize = nilobj;
+ for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
+ {
+ c = string(par[i])[0];
+ if( c == CH_INCGAP || c == CH_DECGAP || decimaldigit(c) )
+ {
+ /* extract fsize, shuffle the rest down */
+ fsize = par[i];
+ for( i = i + 1; i < num; i++ )
+ par[i-1] = par[i];
+ num--;
+ }
+ }
+ /* *** old now
+ c = string(par[num-1])[0];
+ if( c == CH_INCGAP || c == CH_DECGAP || decimaldigit(c) )
+ { fsize = par[num-1]; num--;
+ }
+ else fsize = nilobj;
+ *** */
+ /* check for initial font case: must have family, face, and size */
+ if( font(*style) == NO_FONT && (fsize == nilobj || num < 2) )
+ Error(37, 36, "initial font must have family, face and size",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ /* get font family */
+ if( num == 2 )
+ {
+ /* par[0] contains a new family name */
+ for( link = Down(font_root); link != font_root; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(family, link);
+ if( StringEqual(string(family), string(par[0])) ) break;
+ }
+ if( link == font_root )
+ { Error(37, 37, "font family %s not defined",
+ WARN, &fpos(par[0]), string(par[0]));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* preserve current family */
+ assert( Up(finfo[font(*style)].font_table)!=finfo[font(*style)].font_table,
+ "FontChange: Up(finfo[font(*style)].font_table) !" );
+ Parent(face, Up(finfo[font(*style)].font_table));
+ assert( is_word(type(face)), "FontChange: type(face)!" );
+ assert( Up(face) != face, "FontChange: Up(face)!" );
+ Parent(family, Up(face));
+ assert( is_word(type(family)), "FontChange: type(family)!" );
+ }
+ /* get font face */
+ if( num != 0 )
+ {
+ /* par[num-1] contains a new face name */
+ for( link = Down(family); link != family; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(face, link);
+ if( StringEqual(string(face), string(par[num-1])) ) break;
+ }
+ if( link == family )
+ {
+ /* missing face name; first check whether a family name was intended */
+ for( link = Down(font_root); link != font_root; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(tmpf, link);
+ if( StringEqual(string(tmpf), string(par[num-1])) ) break;
+ }
+ if( font_root == Down(font_root) )
+ { Error(37, 38, "there are no fonts", FATAL, &fpos(par[num-1]));
+ }
+ else if( link != font_root )
+ { Error(37, 39, "font family name %s must be accompanied by a face name",
+ WARN, &fpos(par[num-1]), string(par[num-1]));
+ }
+ else Error(37, 40, "font face name %s not defined in font family %s",
+ WARN, &fpos(par[num-1]), string(par[num-1]), string(family));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* preserve current face name */
+ Parent(face, Up(finfo[font(*style)].font_table));
+ assert( is_word(type(face)), "FontChange: type(face)!" );
+ assert( Up(face) != face, "FontChange: Up(face)!" );
+ }
+ /* get font size */
+ if( fsize == nilobj ) flen = font_size(finfo[font(*style)].font_table);
+ else
+ { GetGap(fsize, style, &gp, &inc);
+ if( mode(gp) != EDGE_MODE || units(gp) != FIXED_UNIT )
+ { Error(37, 56, "syntax error in font size %s; ignoring it",
+ WARN, &fpos(fsize), string(fsize));
+ flen = font_size(finfo[font(*style)].font_table);
+ }
+ else if( inc == GAP_ABS )
+ flen = width(gp);
+ else if( font(*style) == NO_FONT )
+ { Error(37, 41, "no current font on which to base size change %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(fsize), string(fsize));
+ }
+ else if( inc == GAP_INC )
+ flen = font_size(finfo[font(*style)].font_table) + width(gp);
+ else if( inc == GAP_DEC )
+ flen = font_size(finfo[font(*style)].font_table) - width(gp);
+ else Error(37, 42, "FontChange: %d", INTERN, &fpos(x), inc);
+ }
+ if( flen <= 0 )
+ { Error(37, 43, "%s %s ignored (result is not positive)",
+ WARN, &fpos(fsize), string(fsize), KW_FONT);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* if the font file has not been read before, read it now */
+ assert( Down(face) != face && type(Down(face)) == LINK, "FontChange: dn!" );
+ if( Down(face) == LastDown(face) ) ReadFont(face, x);
+ assert( Down(face) != LastDown(face), "FontChange: after ReadFont!" );
+ /* search fonts of face for desired size; return if already present */
+ if( BackEnd == PLAINTEXT ) flen = PlainCharHeight;
+ for( link = NextDown(Down(face)); link != face; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(fsize, link);
+ if( font_size(fsize) == flen )
+ { font(*style) = font_num(fsize);
+ SetGap(space_gap(*style), nobreak(space_gap(*style)), FALSE, TRUE,
+ FIXED_UNIT, EDGE_MODE, font_spacewidth(fsize));
+ debug2(DFT, D,"FontChange returning (old) %d (XHeight2 = %d)",
+ font(*style), font_xheight2(finfo[font(*style)].font_table));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now need to rescale the font; first create a sized font record */
+ if( ++font_count >= finfo_size )
+ { if( font_count > MAX_FONT )
+ Error(37, 44, "too many different fonts and sizes (max is %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), MAX_FONT);
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, -1,
+ -finfo_size * sizeof(FONT_INFO)));
+ finfo_size *= 2;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 1,
+ finfo_size * sizeof(FONT_INFO)));
+ finfo = (FONT_INFO *) realloc(finfo, finfo_size * sizeof(FONT_INFO));
+ if( finfo == (FONT_INFO *) NULL )
+ Error(37, 45, "run out of memory when increasing font table size",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ assert( Down(face) != face && NextDown(Down(face)) != face, "FontChange!!" );
+ Child(old, NextDown(Down(face)));
+ assert( is_word(type(old)), "FontChange: old!" );
+ new = MakeWord(WORD, string(old), no_fpos);
+ Link(face, new);
+ font_size(new) = BackEnd != PLAINTEXT ? flen : font_size(old);
+ font_xheight2(new) = font_xheight2(old) * font_size(new) / font_size(old);
+ font_mapping(new) = font_mapping(old);
+ font_spacewidth(new) = font_spacewidth(old) * font_size(new)/font_size(old);
+ font_num(new) = font_count;
+ finfo[font_count].font_table = new;
+ finfo[font_count].original_font = face;
+ finfo[font_count].underline_pos =
+ (finfo[font_num(old)].underline_pos * font_size(new)) / font_size(old);
+ finfo[font_count].underline_thick =
+ (finfo[font_num(old)].underline_thick * font_size(new)) / font_size(old);
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 1,
+ MAX_CHARS * sizeof(struct metrics)));
+ finfo[font_count].size_table =
+ (struct metrics *) malloc(MAX_CHARS * sizeof(struct metrics));
+ if( finfo[font_count].size_table == (struct metrics *) NULL )
+ Error(37, 46, "run out of memory when changing font or font size",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ finfo[font_count].lig_table = lig = finfo[font_num(old)].lig_table;
+ /* scale old font to new size */
+ newfnt = finfo[font_num(new)].size_table;
+ oldfnt = finfo[font_num(old)].size_table;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ ) if( lig[i] != 1 )
+ { newfnt[i].left = (oldfnt[i].left * font_size(new)) / font_size(old);
+ newfnt[i].right = (oldfnt[i].right * font_size(new)) / font_size(old);
+ newfnt[i].down = (oldfnt[i].down * font_size(new)) / font_size(old);
+ newfnt[i].up = (oldfnt[i].up * font_size(new)) / font_size(old);
+ newfnt[i].last_adjust = (oldfnt[i].last_adjust * font_size(new)) / font_size(old);
+ }
+ /* copy and scale kerning tables */
+ finfo[font_count].kern_table = finfo[font_num(old)].kern_table;
+ finfo[font_count].kern_chars = finfo[font_num(old)].kern_chars;
+ finfo[font_count].kern_value = finfo[font_num(old)].kern_value;
+ oldks = finfo[font_num(old)].kern_sizes;
+ if( oldks != (SHORT_LENGTH *) NULL )
+ { klen = oldks[0];
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_FONTS, 0, klen * sizeof(SHORT_LENGTH)));
+ finfo[font_count].kern_sizes = newks =
+ (SHORT_LENGTH *) malloc(klen * sizeof(SHORT_LENGTH));
+ if( newks == (SHORT_LENGTH *) NULL )
+ Error(37, 47, "run out of memory when changing font or font size",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ newks[0] = klen;
+ for( i = 1; i < klen; i++ )
+ newks[i] = (oldks[i] * font_size(new)) / font_size(old);
+ }
+ else finfo[font_count].kern_sizes = (SHORT_LENGTH *) NULL;
+ /* return new font number and exit */
+ font(*style) = font_count;
+ SetGap(space_gap(*style), nobreak(space_gap(*style)), FALSE, TRUE,
+ FIXED_UNIT, EDGE_MODE, font_spacewidth(new));
+ debug2(DFT, D,"FontChange returning (scaled) %d (XHeight2 = %d)",
+ font(*style), font_xheight2(finfo[font(*style)].font_table));
+ /* FontDebug(); */
+} /* end FontChange */
+/* */
+/* KernLength(fnum, ch1, ch2, res) */
+/* */
+/* Set res to the kern length between ch1 and ch2 in font fnum, or 0 if */
+/* none. Actually we first convert ch1 and ch2 to corresponding unaccented */
+/* characters, because metrics files don't seem to contain kerning pairs */
+/* for accented characters. */
+/* */
+#define KernLength(fnum, mp, ch1, ch2, res) \
+{ int ua_ch1 = mp[ch1]; \
+ int ua_ch2 = mp[ch2]; \
+ int i = finfo[fnum].kern_table[ua_ch1], j; \
+ if( i == 0 ) res = 0; \
+ else \
+ { FULL_CHAR *kc = finfo[fnum].kern_chars; \
+ for( j = i; kc[j] > ua_ch2; j++ ); \
+ res = (kc[j] == ua_ch2) ? \
+ finfo[fnum].kern_sizes[finfo[fnum].kern_value[j]] : 0; \
+ } \
+} /* end KernLength */
+/* */
+/* FontWordSize(x) */
+/* */
+/* Calculate the horizontal and vertical size of WORD or QWORD x, including */
+/* the effect of ligature sequences but not replacing them with ligatures. */
+/* */
+void FontWordSize(OBJECT x)
+{ FULL_CHAR *p, *q, *a, *b, *lig, *unacc, *acc; OBJECT tmp;
+ int r, u, d, ksize; struct metrics *fnt;
+ debug2(DFT, D, "FontWordSize( %s ), font = %d", string(x), word_font(x));
+ assert( is_word(type(x)), "FontWordSize: !is_word(type(x))!" );
+ p = string(x);
+ q = buff;
+ if( *p )
+ { if ( word_font(x) < 1 || word_font(x) > font_count )
+ Error(37, 48, "no current font at word %s", FATAL, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ if ( word_colour(x) == 0 && BackEnd != PLAINTEXT )
+ Error(37, 49, "no current colour at word %s", FATAL, &fpos(x), string(x));
+ if ( word_language(x) == 0 )
+ Error(37, 50, "no current language at word %s", FATAL, &fpos(x),string(x));
+ fnt = finfo[word_font(x)].size_table;
+ lig = finfo[word_font(x)].lig_table;
+ m = font_mapping(finfo[word_font(x)].font_table);
+ unacc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UNACCENTED];
+ acc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_ACCENT];
+ d = u = r = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ /* check for missing glyph (lig[] == 1) or ligatures (lig[] > 1) */
+ debug2(DFT, D, " examining `%c' lig = %d", *p, lig[*p]);
+ if( lig[*q = *p++] )
+ {
+ if( lig[*q] == 1 )
+ { tmp = MakeWord(QWORD, STR_SPACE, &fpos(x));
+ string(tmp)[0] = *q;
+ /* bug fix: unaccented version exists if unacc differs from self */
+ if( unacc[*q] != *q )
+ {
+ /* *** this is acceptable now, let this char through
+ Error(37, 51, "accent dropped from character %s (it has no glyph in font %s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x),
+ StringQuotedWord(tmp), FontFamilyAndFace(word_font(x)));
+ *(p-1) = *q = unacc[*q];
+ *** */
+ debug2(DFT, D, " unacc[%c] = `%c'", *q, unacc[*q]);
+ fnt[*q].up = fnt[unacc[*q]].up;
+ fnt[*q].down = fnt[unacc[*q]].down;
+ fnt[*q].left = fnt[unacc[*q]].left;
+ fnt[*q].right = fnt[unacc[*q]].right;
+ fnt[*q].last_adjust = fnt[unacc[*q]].last_adjust;
+ lig[*q] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug1(DFT, D, " unacc[%c] = 0, replacing by space", *q);
+ Error(37, 52, "character %s replaced by space (it has no glyph in font %s)",
+ WARN, &fpos(x),
+ StringQuotedWord(tmp), FontFamilyAndFace(word_font(x)));
+ *(p-1) = *q = CH_SPACE;
+ }
+ Dispose(tmp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ debug1(DFT, D, " processing ligature beginning at %c", *q);
+ a = &lig[ lig[*(p-1)] + MAX_CHARS ];
+ while( *a++ == *(p-1) )
+ { b = p;
+ while( *a == *b && *(a+1) != '\0' && *b != '\0' ) a++, b++;
+ if( *(a+1) == '\0' )
+ { *q = *a;
+ p = b;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { while( *++a );
+ a++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* accumulate size of *q */
+ if( fnt[*q].up > u ) u = fnt[*q].up;
+ if( fnt[*q].down < d ) d = fnt[*q].down;
+ r += fnt[*q++].right;
+ } while( *p );
+ *q = '\0';
+ /* adjust for last character */
+ r += fnt[*(q-1)].last_adjust;
+ /* add kern lengths to r */
+ for( p = buff, q = p+1; *q; p++, q++ )
+ { KernLength(word_font(x), unacc, *p, *q, ksize);
+ debugcond3(DFT, D, ksize != 0, " KernLength(fnum, %c, %c) = %d",
+ *p, *q, ksize);
+ r += ksize;
+ }
+ /* set sizes of x */
+ back(x, COLM) = 0;
+ fwd(x, COLM) = r;
+ back(x, ROWM) = u;
+ fwd(x, ROWM) = -d;
+ }
+ else back(x, COLM) = fwd(x, COLM) = back(x, ROWM) = fwd(x, ROWM) = 0;
+ debug4(DFT, D, "FontWordSize returning %hd %hd %hd %hd",
+ back(x, COLM), fwd(x, COLM), back(x, ROWM), fwd(x, ROWM));
+} /* end FontWordSize */
+/*@::FontSize(), FontHalfXHeight(), FontEncoding(), FontName()@***************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_LENGTH FontSize(fnum, x) */
+/* */
+/* Return the size of this font. x is for error messages only. */
+/* */
+{ debug1(DFT, DD, "FontSize( %d )", fnum);
+ assert( fnum <= font_count, "FontSize!" );
+ if( fnum <= 0 )
+ Error(37, 53, "no current font at this point", FATAL, &fpos(x));
+ debug1(DFT, DD, "FontSize returning %d", font_size(finfo[fnum].font_table));
+ return font_size(finfo[fnum].font_table);
+} /* end FontSize */
+/* */
+/* FULL_LENGTH FontHalfXHeight(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the xheight2 value of this font. */
+/* */
+FULL_LENGTH FontHalfXHeight(FONT_NUM fnum)
+{ debug1(DFT, DD, "FontHalfXHeight( %d )", fnum);
+ assert( fnum <= font_count, "FontHalfXHeight!" );
+ debug1(DFT, DD, "FontHalfXHeight returning %d",
+ font_xheight2(finfo[fnum].font_table));
+ return font_xheight2(finfo[fnum].font_table);
+} /* end FontHalfXHeight */
+/* */
+/* MAPPING FontMapping(fnum, xfpos) */
+/* */
+/* Return the character mapping of this font, to use for small caps, etc. */
+/* xfpos is the file position for error messages. */
+/* */
+MAPPING FontMapping(FONT_NUM fnum, FILE_POS *xfpos)
+{ debug1(DFT, DD, "FontMapping( %d )", fnum);
+ assert( fnum <= font_count, "FontMapping!" );
+ if( fnum <= 0 )
+ Error(37, 54, "no current font at this point", FATAL, xfpos);
+ debug1(DFT, DD, "FontMapping returning %d",
+ font_mapping(finfo[fnum].font_table));
+ return font_mapping(finfo[fnum].font_table);
+} /* end FontMapping */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *FontName(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the short PostScript name of this font. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *FontName(FONT_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT face, AFMfilename, short_name;
+ debug1(DFT, D, "FontName( %d )", fnum);
+ assert( fnum <= font_count, "FontName!" );
+ Parent(face, Up(finfo[fnum].font_table));
+ Child(AFMfilename, Down(face));
+ Child(short_name, Down(AFMfilename));
+ assert( is_word(type(short_name)), "FontName: short_name!" );
+ debug1(DFT, D, "FontName returning %s", string(short_name));
+ return string(short_name);
+} /* end FontName */
+/*@::FontFamily(), FontFace@**************************************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *FontFamilyAndFace(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return a static string of the current font family and face. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *FontFamily(FONT_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT face, family;
+ debug1(DFT, D, "FontFamily( %d )", fnum);
+ assert( fnum <= font_count, "FontFamiliy!" );
+ Parent(face, Up(finfo[fnum].font_table));
+ Parent(family, Up(face));
+ debug1(DFT, D, "FontFamily returning %s", string(family));
+ return string(family);
+} /* end FontFamilyAndFace */
+FULL_CHAR *FontFace(FONT_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT face, family;
+ debug1(DFT, D, "FontFacec( %d )", fnum);
+ assert( fnum <= font_count, "FontFamiliy!" );
+ Parent(face, Up(finfo[fnum].font_table));
+ Parent(family, Up(face));
+ debug1(DFT, D, "FontFace returning %s", string(face));
+ return string(face);
+} /* end FontFamilyAndFace */
+/*@::FontFamilyAndFace(), FontPrintAll()@*************************************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *FontFamilyAndFace(fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return a static string of the current font family and face. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *FontFamilyAndFace(FONT_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT face, family; static FULL_CHAR buff[80];
+ debug1(DFT, D, "FontFamilyAndFace( %d )", fnum);
+ assert( fnum <= font_count, "FontName!" );
+ Parent(face, Up(finfo[fnum].font_table));
+ Parent(family, Up(face));
+ if( StringLength(string(family)) + StringLength(string(face)) + 1 > 80 )
+ Error(37, 55, "family and face names %s %s are too long",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, string(family), string(face));
+ StringCopy(buff, string(family));
+ StringCat(buff, STR_SPACE);
+ StringCat(buff, string(face));
+ debug1(DFT, D, "FontName returning %s", buff);
+ return buff;
+} /* end FontFamilyAndFace */
+/* */
+/* FontPrintAll(fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print all font encoding commands on output file fp */
+/* */
+void FontPrintAll(FILE *fp)
+{ OBJECT family, face, AFMfilename, short_name, ps_name, link, flink;
+ assert(font_root!=nilobj && type(font_root)==ACAT, "FontDebug: font_root!");
+ debug0(DFT, DD, "FontPrintAll(fp)");
+ for( link = Down(font_root); link != font_root; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(family, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(family)), "FontPrintAll: family!" );
+ for( flink = Down(family); flink != family; flink = NextDown(flink) )
+ { Child(face, flink);
+ assert( is_word(type(face)), "FontPrintAll: face!" );
+ assert( Down(face) != face, "FontDebug: Down(face)!");
+ Child(AFMfilename, Down(face));
+ assert( is_word(type(AFMfilename)), "FontPrintAll: filename!" );
+ assert( Down(AFMfilename) != AFMfilename, "FontPrintAll: 1!" );
+ assert( LastDown(AFMfilename) != Down(AFMfilename), "FontPrintAll: 2!" );
+ Child(short_name, Down(AFMfilename));
+ assert( is_word(type(short_name)), "FontPrintAll: short_name!" );
+ Child(ps_name, LastDown(AFMfilename));
+ assert( is_word(type(ps_name)), "FontPrintAll: ps_name!" );
+ if( font_recoded(face) )
+ { fprintf(fp, "/%s%s %s /%s LoutRecode\n",
+ string(ps_name), string(short_name),
+ MapEncodingName(font_mapping(AFMfilename)), string(ps_name));
+ fprintf(fp, "/%s { /%s%s LoutFont } def\n", string(short_name),
+ string(ps_name), string(short_name));
+ }
+ else fprintf(fp, "/%s { /%s LoutFont } def\n", string(short_name),
+ string(ps_name));
+ }
+ }
+ fputs("\n", fp);
+ debug0(DFT, DD, "FontPrintAll returning.");
+} /* end FontPrintAll */
+/* */
+/* FontPrintPageSetup(fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print all font encoding commands needed for the current page onto fp. */
+/* */
+void FontPrintPageSetup(FILE *fp)
+{ OBJECT face, AFMfilename, short_name, ps_name, link;
+ assert(font_root!=nilobj && type(font_root)==ACAT, "FontDebug: font_root!");
+ assert(font_used!=nilobj && type(font_used)==ACAT, "FontDebug: font_used!");
+ debug0(DFT, DD, "FontPrintPageSetup(fp)");
+ for( link = Down(font_used); link != font_used; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(face, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(face)), "FontPrintPageSetup: face!" );
+ assert( Down(face) != face, "FontDebug: Down(face)!");
+ /* record that face is used on the first page, if this is the first page */
+ if( font_curr_page == 1 ) font_firstpage(face) = TRUE;
+ /* print font encoding command unless already done */
+ if( !font_firstpage(face) || font_curr_page == 1 )
+ { Child(AFMfilename, Down(face));
+ assert( is_word(type(AFMfilename)), "FontPrintPageSetup: filename!" );
+ assert( Down(AFMfilename) != AFMfilename, "FontPrintPageSetup: 1!" );
+ assert( LastDown(AFMfilename)!=Down(AFMfilename), "FontPrintPageSetup!");
+ Child(short_name, Down(AFMfilename));
+ assert( is_word(type(short_name)), "FontPrintPageSetup: short_name!" );
+ Child(ps_name, LastDown(AFMfilename));
+ assert( is_word(type(ps_name)), "FontPrintPageSetup: ps_name!" );
+ fprintf(fp, "%%%%IncludeResource: font %s\n", string(ps_name));
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ if( font_recoded(face) )
+ { fprintf(fp, "/%s%s %s /%s LoutRecode\n",
+ string(ps_name), string(short_name),
+ MapEncodingName(font_mapping(AFMfilename)), string(ps_name));
+ fprintf(fp, "/%s { /%s%s LoutFont } def\n", string(short_name),
+ string(ps_name), string(short_name));
+ }
+ else fprintf(fp, "/%s { /%s LoutFont } def\n", string(short_name),
+ string(ps_name));
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ PDFFont_AddFont(fp, string(short_name), string(ps_name),
+ MapEncodingName(font_mapping(AFMfilename)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DFT, DD, "FontPrintPageSetup returning.");
+} /* end FontPrintPageSetup */
+/* */
+/* FontPrintPageResources(fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print all page resources (i.e. fonts needed or supplied) onto fp. */
+/* */
+void FontPrintPageResources(FILE *fp)
+{ OBJECT face, AFMfilename, short_name, ps_name, link;
+ BOOLEAN first;
+ assert(font_root!=nilobj && type(font_root)==ACAT, "FontDebug: font_root!");
+ assert(font_used!=nilobj && type(font_used)==ACAT, "FontDebug: font_used!");
+ debug0(DFT, DD, "FontPrintPageResources(fp)");
+ first = TRUE;
+ for( link = Down(font_used); link != font_used; link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(face, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(face)), "FontPrintPageResources: face!" );
+ assert( Down(face) != face, "FontDebug: Down(face)!");
+ Child(AFMfilename, Down(face));
+ assert( is_word(type(AFMfilename)), "FontPrintPageResources: filename!" );
+ assert( Down(AFMfilename) != AFMfilename, "FontPrintPageResources: 1!" );
+ assert( LastDown(AFMfilename)!=Down(AFMfilename), "FontPrintPageRes!");
+ Child(short_name, Down(AFMfilename));
+ assert( is_word(type(short_name)), "FontPrintPageResources: short_name!" );
+ Child(ps_name, LastDown(AFMfilename));
+ assert( is_word(type(ps_name)), "FontPrintPageResources: ps_name!" );
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, "%s font %s\n",
+ first ? "%%PageResources:" : "%%+", string(ps_name));
+ first = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ /* PDFWriteFontResource(fp, string(ps_name)); */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DFT, DD, "FontPrintPageResources returning.");
+} /* end FontPrintPageResources */
+/* */
+/* FontAdvanceCurrentPage() */
+/* */
+/* Advance the current page. */
+/* */
+void FontAdvanceCurrentPage(void)
+{ debug0(DFT, DD, "FontAdvanceCurrentPage()");
+ while( Down(font_used) != font_used ) DeleteLink(Down(font_used));
+ font_curr_page++;
+ debug0(DFT, DD, "FontAdvanceCurrentPage() returning.");
+} /* end FontAdvanceCurrentPage */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT FontPageUsed(face) */
+/* */
+/* Declares that font face is used on the current page. */
+/* */
+void FontPageUsed(OBJECT face)
+{ debug1(DFT, DD, "FontPageUsed(%d)", font_num(face));
+ assert( font_page(face) < font_curr_page, "FontPageUsed!" );
+ Link(font_used, face);
+ font_page(face) = font_curr_page;
+ debug0(DFT, DD, "FontPageUsed returning");
+} /* end FontPageUsed */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT FontNeeded(fp) */
+/* */
+/* Writes font needed resources onto file out_fp. Returns TRUE if none. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN FontNeeded(FILE *fp)
+{ BOOLEAN first_need = TRUE;
+ OBJECT link, flink, family, face, x;
+ for( link = Down(font_root); link != font_root; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(family, link);
+ for( flink = Down(family); flink != family; flink = NextDown(flink) )
+ { Child(face, flink);
+ if( LastDown(face) != Down(face) )
+ { Child(x, LastDown(face));
+ fprintf(fp, "%s font %s\n",
+ first_need ? "%%DocumentNeededResources:" : "%%+", string(x));
+ first_need = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return first_need;
+} /* end FontNeeded */
diff --git a/z38.c b/z38.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a7290f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z38.c
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+/*@z38.c:Character Mappings:Declarations@*************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z38.c */
+/* MODULE: Character Mappings */
+/* EXTERNS: MapLoad(), MapCharEncoding(), MapEncodingName(), */
+/* MapPrintEncodings(), MapPrintResources(), MapSmallCaps() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define MAX_MAP 20 /* max number of lcm files */
+/* */
+/* Should really be private but have been placed in externs because for */
+/* efficiency they are used by z37.c and z34.c */
+/* */
+/* #define MAX_CHASH 353 */
+/* #define MAP_UPPERCASE 0 */
+/* #define MAP_LOWERCASE 1 */
+/* #define MAP_UNACCENTED 2 */
+/* #define MAP_ACCENT 3 */
+/* #define MAPS 4 */
+/* */
+/* typedef struct mapvec { */
+/* OBJECT file_name; */
+/* FILE_NUM fnum; */
+/* BOOLEAN must_print; */
+/* OBJECT name; */
+/* OBJECT vector[MAX_CHARS]; */
+/* FULL_CHAR hash_table[MAX_CHASH]; */
+/* } *MAP_VEC; */
+/* */
+MAP_VEC MapTable[MAX_MAP]; /* the mappings */
+static OBJECT notdef_word = nilobj; /* notdef word */
+static int maptop = 1; /* first free slot in MapTable[] */
+ /* save 0 for "no mapping" */
+/* */
+/* static int NameInsert(cname) */
+/* static FULL_CHAR NameRetrieve(cname) */
+/* */
+#define hash(str, pos) \
+{ FULL_CHAR *p = str; \
+ for( pos = 2 * *p++; *p; pos += *p++); \
+ pos = pos % MAX_CHASH; \
+static void NameInsert(FULL_CHAR *cname, int ccode, MAP_VEC map)
+{ int pos;
+ hash(cname, pos);
+ while( map->hash_table[pos] != (FULL_CHAR) '\0' )
+ pos = (pos + 1) % MAX_CHASH;
+ map->vector[ccode] = MakeWord(WORD, cname, no_fpos);
+ map->hash_table[pos] = ccode;
+} /* end NameInsert */
+static FULL_CHAR NameRetrieve(FULL_CHAR *cname, MAP_VEC map)
+{ int pos; FULL_CHAR ch;
+ hash(cname, pos);
+ while( (ch = map->hash_table[pos]) != (FULL_CHAR) '\0' )
+ {
+ if( StringEqual(string(map->vector[ch]), cname) )
+ return ch;
+ pos = (pos + 1) % MAX_CHASH;
+ }
+ return ch;
+} /* end NameRetrieve */
+/* */
+/* MAPPING MapLoad(file_name, must_print) */
+/* */
+/* Declare file_name to be a character mapping (LCM) file. A file may be */
+/* so declared more than once. If must_print is true, the encoding vector */
+/* given by this file must be printed in the PostScript output. */
+/* */
+MAPPING MapLoad(OBJECT file_name, BOOLEAN must_print)
+{ FILE *fp; MAP_VEC map; MAPPING res;
+ int i, m, curr_line_num, line_pos, prev_code, dc, oc, count;
+ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], cn[MAX_BUFF], ch, mapname[MAX_BUFF],
+ mapval[MAX_BUFF];
+ debug2(DCM,D, "MapLoad(%s, %s)", EchoObject(file_name),bool(must_print));
+ /* if the file name is "-", it means no mapping file is supplied */
+ if( StringEqual(string(file_name), AsciiToFull("-")) )
+ { debug1(DCM, D, "MapLoad returning 0 (file name is %s)",
+ string(file_name));
+ return (MAPPING) 0;
+ }
+ /* if seen this file name before, just update must_print and return prev */
+ for( res = 1; res < maptop; res++ )
+ {
+ if( StringEqual(string(MapTable[res]->file_name), string(file_name)) )
+ { Dispose(file_name);
+ MapTable[res]->must_print = MapTable[res]->must_print || must_print;
+ debug1(DCM, D, "MapLoad returning %d (not new)", res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ /* initialize PostScript name of all undefined characters */
+ if( notdef_word == nilobj )
+ notdef_word = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull(".notdef"), no_fpos);
+ /* new, so allocate a new slot in MapTable for this new mapping */
+ if( maptop == MAX_MAP )
+ Error(38, 1, "too many character mappings", FATAL, &fpos(file_name));
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_CMAPS, 1, sizeof(struct mapvec)));
+ MapTable[res = maptop++] = map = (MAP_VEC) malloc( sizeof(struct mapvec) );
+ if( map == (MAP_VEC) NULL )
+ Error(38, 2, "run out of memory when loading character mapping",
+ FATAL, &fpos(file_name));
+ /* initialize all the fields */
+ map->file_name = file_name;
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from MapLoad");
+ map->fnum = DefineFile(string(file_name), STR_EMPTY, &fpos(file_name),
+ fp = OpenFile(map->fnum, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( fp == NULL ) Error(38, 3, "cannot open character mapping file %s",
+ FATAL, PosOfFile(map->fnum), FileName(map->fnum));
+ map->must_print = must_print;
+ StringCopy(buff, AsciiToFull("vec"));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(maptop));
+ map->name = MakeWord(WORD, buff, no_fpos);
+ for( m = 0; m < MAPS; m++ )
+ { for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ )
+ map->map[m][i] = '\0';
+ }
+ /* unaccented map is defined to be self as default */
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ )
+ map->map[MAP_UNACCENTED][i] = i;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ ) map->vector[i] = notdef_word;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHASH; i++ ) map->hash_table[i] = 0;
+ /* first pass through the file; read character codes and names only */
+ prev_code = -1; curr_line_num = 0;
+ while( fgets( (char *) buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == (char *) buff )
+ {
+ /* skip comment lines and blank lines */
+ curr_line_num++;
+ for( i = 0; buff[i] == ' ' || buff[i] == '\t'; i++ );
+ if( buff[i] == '#' || buff[i] == '\n' || buff[i] == '\0' ) continue;
+ /* parse line and check validity of decimal and octal character codes */
+ count = sscanf( (char *) buff, "%d %o %s", &dc, &oc, cn);
+ if( count < 2 )
+ Error(38, 4, "character code(s) missing in mapping file (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(file_name));
+ if( dc != oc )
+ Error(38, 5, "decimal and octal codes disagree in mapping file (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(file_name));
+ if( dc < 1 && !StringEqual(cn, STR_NOCHAR) )
+ Error(38, 6, "code %d too small (min is 1) in mapping file (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(file_name), dc, curr_line_num);
+ if( dc < prev_code )
+ Error(38, 7, "code %d out of order in mapping file (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(file_name), dc, curr_line_num);
+ if( dc == prev_code )
+ Error(38, 8, "code %d repeated in mapping file (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(file_name), dc, curr_line_num);
+ if( dc > MAX_CHARS )
+ Error(38, 9, "code %d too large (max is %d) in mapping file (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(file_name), dc, MAX_CHARS, curr_line_num);
+ prev_code = dc;
+ /* insert character name, if any */
+ debug2(DCM, DD, " line %d: %s", curr_line_num, cn);
+ if( count >= 3 && !StringEqual(cn, STR_NOCHAR) )
+ {
+ /* insert (cn, dc) pair into hash table; name may be repeated */
+ if( (ch = NameRetrieve(cn, map)) != 0 )
+ map->vector[dc] = map->vector[ch];
+ else
+ NameInsert(cn, dc, map);
+ }
+ }
+ /* second pass through the file: read mappings */
+ rewind(fp);
+ curr_line_num = 0;
+ while( fgets( (char *) buff, MAX_BUFF, fp) == (char *) buff )
+ {
+ /* skip comment lines and blank lines */
+ curr_line_num++;
+ for( i = 0; buff[i] == ' ' || buff[i] == '\t'; i++ );
+ if( buff[i] == '#' || buff[i] == '\n' || buff[i] == '\0' ) continue;
+ /* parse line */
+ count = sscanf( (char *) buff, "%d %o %s%n",
+ &dc, &oc, cn, &line_pos);
+ /* find and insert the maps */
+ while( sscanf( (char *) &buff[line_pos], "%s %[^;];%n",
+ mapname, mapval, &i) == 2 )
+ {
+ debug3(DCM, DD, " line %d: %s %s", curr_line_num, mapname, mapval);
+ line_pos += i;
+ if( StringEqual(mapname, AsciiToFull("UC")) )
+ else if( StringEqual(mapname, AsciiToFull("LC")) )
+ else if( StringEqual(mapname, AsciiToFull("UA")) )
+ else if( StringEqual(mapname, AsciiToFull("AC")) )
+ else
+ Error(38, 10, "unknown mapping name %s in mapping file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(file_name), mapname, FileName(map->fnum), curr_line_num);
+ ch = NameRetrieve(mapval, map);
+ if( ch == (FULL_CHAR) '\0' )
+ Error(38, 11, "unknown character %s in mapping file %s (line %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(file_name), mapval, FileName(map->fnum), curr_line_num);
+ map->map[m][dc] = ch;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ debug1(DCM, D, "MapLoad returning %d (new mapping)", res);
+ return res;
+} /* end MapLoad */
+/*@::MapCharEncoding(), MapEncodingName(), MapPrintEncodings()@***************/
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR MapCharEncoding(str, map) */
+/* */
+/* Returns the character code corresponding to character name str in */
+/* MAPPING enc, or 0 if not found. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR MapCharEncoding(FULL_CHAR *str, MAPPING m)
+{ MAP_VEC map;
+ map = MapTable[m];
+ return (FULL_CHAR) NameRetrieve(str, map);
+} /* end MapCharEncoding */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *MapEncodingName(m) */
+/* */
+/* Returns the PostScript name of the encoding vector of mapping m */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *MapEncodingName(MAPPING m)
+{ assert( m < maptop, "MapEncodingName: m out of range!" );
+ return string(MapTable[m]->name);
+} /* end MapEncodingName */
+/* */
+/* MapPrintEncodings(fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print all encoding vectors in PostScript form on file fp. */
+/* */
+void MapPrintEncodings(FILE *fp)
+{ MAPPING m; MAP_VEC map; int i;
+ for( m = 1; m < maptop; m++ ) if( MapTable[m]->must_print )
+ { map = MapTable[m];
+ switch( BackEnd )
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, "%%%%BeginResource encoding %s\n", string(map->name));
+ fprintf(fp, "/%s [\n", string(map->name));
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ )
+ fprintf(fp, "/%s%c", string(map->vector[i]), (i+1) % 8 != 0 ? ' ' : '\n');
+ fprintf(fp, "] def\n");
+ fprintf(fp, "%%%%EndResource\n\n");
+ break;
+ case PDF:
+ PDFFile_BeginFontEncoding(fp, (char*) string(map->name));
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ )
+ fprintf(fp, "/%s%c", string(map->vector[i]),
+ (i+1) % 8 != 0 ? ' ' : '\n');
+ PDFFile_EndFontEncoding(fp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+} /* end MapPrintEncodings */
+/* */
+/* MapPrintResources(fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print resource entries for all encoding vectors on file fp. */
+/* */
+void MapPrintResources(FILE *fp)
+{ MAPPING m; MAP_VEC map;
+ for( m = 1; m < maptop; m++ ) if( MapTable[m]->must_print )
+ { map = MapTable[m];
+ fprintf(fp, "%%%%+ encoding %s\n", string(map->name));
+ }
+} /* end MapPrintResources */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT DoWord(buff, q, x, fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Replace WORD or QWORD x by a small caps version, based on word_font(x). */
+/* */
+static OBJECT DoWord(FULL_CHAR *buff, FULL_CHAR *q, OBJECT x, FONT_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ *q++ = '\0';
+ res = MakeWord(type(x), buff, &fpos(x));
+ word_font(res) = fnum;
+ word_colour(res) = word_colour(x);
+ word_language(res) = word_language(x);
+ word_hyph(res) = word_hyph(x);
+ underline(res) = UNDER_OFF;
+ return res;
+} /* end DoWord */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT DoVShift(x, vshift, chld) */
+/* */
+/* Make an new VSHIFT object with the given shift and child. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT DoVShift(OBJECT x, FULL_LENGTH vshift, OBJECT chld)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ New(res, VSHIFT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), fpos(x));
+ shift_type(res) = GAP_DEC;
+ units(shift_gap(res)) = FIXED_UNIT;
+ mode(shift_gap(res)) = EDGE_MODE;
+ width(shift_gap(res)) = vshift;
+ underline(res) = UNDER_OFF;
+ Link(res, chld);
+ return res;
+/* */
+/* void DoAddGap(new_acat) */
+/* */
+/* Add a new 0i gap object to new_acat. */
+/* */
+static void DoAddGap(OBJECT new_acat)
+{ OBJECT new_g;
+ New(new_g, GAP_OBJ);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_g), fpos(new_acat));
+ hspace(new_g) = vspace(new_g) = 0;
+ SetGap(gap(new_g), TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FIXED_UNIT, EDGE_MODE, 0*IN);
+ underline(new_g) = UNDER_OFF;
+ Link(new_acat, new_g);
+/* */
+/* OBJECT MapSmallCaps(x, style) */
+/* */
+/* Replace WORD or QWORD x by a small caps version, based on word_font(x). */
+/* */
+#define INIT 0
+#define ALL_NON 1
+#define ALL_TRANS 2
+#define MIXED_NON 3
+#define MIXED_TRANS 4
+#define transformable(ch) (uc[ch] != '\0')
+OBJECT MapSmallCaps(OBJECT x, STYLE *style)
+{ MAPPING m; int i; OBJECT new_y, new_x, new_acat, tmp;
+ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *uc, *p, *q;
+ FONT_NUM small_font; FULL_LENGTH vshift; int state; STYLE new_style;
+ static OBJECT font_change_word = nilobj;
+ assert( is_word(type(x)), "MapSmallCaps: !is_word(type(x))" );
+ debug2(DCM, D, "MapSmallCaps(%s %s)", Image(type(x)), string(x));
+ /* get the mapping and return if there isn't one for this font */
+ m = FontMapping(font_num(x), &fpos(x));
+ if( m == 0 )
+ { debug0(DCM, D, "MapSmallCaps returning unchanged (mapping is 0)");
+ return x;
+ }
+ assert( 1 <= m && m < maptop, "MapSmallCaps: mapping out of range!" );
+ uc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UPPERCASE];
+ /* if plain text, apply the mapping and exit */
+ if( BackEnd == PLAINTEXT )
+ {
+ for( i = 0; string(x)[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+ if( uc[string(x)[i]] != '\0' )
+ string(x)[i] = uc[string(x)[i]];
+ debug1(DCM, D, "MapSmallCaps returning (plain text) %s", EchoObject(x));
+ return x;
+ }
+ /* set up the font change word if not already done */
+ if( font_change_word == nilobj )
+ { font_change_word = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("0.7f"), no_fpos);
+ }
+ state = INIT; q = buff;
+ for( p = string(x); *p != '\0'; p++ )
+ {
+ debug2(DCM, DD, " examining %c (%s)", *p,
+ transformable(*p) ? "transformable" : "not transformable");
+ switch( state )
+ {
+ case INIT:
+ /* this state is for when we are at the first character */
+ if( transformable(*p) )
+ { *q++ = uc[*p];
+ /* work out what the smaller font is going to be, and the vshift */
+ StyleCopy(new_style, *style);
+ FontChange(&new_style, font_change_word);
+ small_font = font(new_style);
+ vshift = FontHalfXHeight(word_font(x)) - FontHalfXHeight(small_font);
+ state = ALL_TRANS;
+ }
+ else
+ { *q++ = *p;
+ state = ALL_NON;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ALL_NON:
+ /* in this state, all characters so far are non-transformable */
+ if( transformable(*p) )
+ {
+ /* work out what the smaller font is going to be */
+ StyleCopy(new_style, *style);
+ FontChange(&new_style, font_change_word);
+ small_font = font(new_style);
+ vshift = FontHalfXHeight(word_font(x)) - FontHalfXHeight(small_font);
+ /* make a new WORD out of the current contents of buff */
+ new_y = DoWord(buff, q, x, word_font(x));
+ /* construct the skeleton of the result to replace x */
+ New(new_x, ONE_COL);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_x), fpos(x));
+ New(new_acat, ACAT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_acat), fpos(x));
+ Link(new_x, new_acat);
+ Link(new_acat, new_y);
+ DoAddGap(new_acat);
+ /* start off a new buffer with *p */
+ q = buff;
+ *q++ = uc[*p];
+ state = MIXED_TRANS;
+ }
+ else *q++ = *p;
+ break;
+ case ALL_TRANS:
+ /* in this state, all characters so far are transformable */
+ if( transformable(*p) ) *q++ = uc[*p];
+ else
+ {
+ /* make a new @VShift WORD out of the current contents of buff */
+ tmp = DoWord(buff, q, x, small_font);
+ new_y = DoVShift(x, vshift, tmp);
+ /* construct the skeleton of the result to replace x */
+ New(new_x, ONE_COL);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_x), fpos(x));
+ New(new_acat, ACAT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_acat), fpos(x));
+ Link(new_x, new_acat);
+ Link(new_acat, new_y);
+ DoAddGap(new_acat);
+ /* start off a new buffer with *p */
+ q = buff;
+ *q++ = *p;
+ state = MIXED_NON;
+ }
+ break;
+ case MIXED_NON:
+ /* in this state the previous char was non-transformable, but */
+ /* there have been characters before that that were transformable */
+ if( transformable(*p) )
+ {
+ /* make a new WORD out of the current contents of buff */
+ new_y = DoWord(buff, q, x, word_font(x));
+ /* link the new word into the growing structure that replaces x */
+ Link(new_acat, new_y);
+ DoAddGap(new_acat);
+ /* start off a new buffer with *p */
+ q = buff;
+ *q++ = uc[*p];
+ state = MIXED_TRANS;
+ }
+ else *q++ = *p;
+ break;
+ /* in this state the previous char was transformable, but there */
+ /* have been characters before that that were non-transformable */
+ if( transformable(*p) ) *q++ = uc[*p];
+ else
+ {
+ /* make a new @VShift WORD out of the current contents of buff */
+ tmp = DoWord(buff, q, x, small_font);
+ new_y = DoVShift(x, vshift, tmp);
+ /* link the new word into the growing structure that replaces x */
+ Link(new_acat, new_y);
+ DoAddGap(new_acat);
+ /* start off a new buffer with *p */
+ q = buff;
+ *q++ = *p;
+ state = MIXED_NON;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now at termination, clean up the structure */
+ switch( state )
+ {
+ case INIT:
+ case ALL_NON:
+ /* original x is OK as is: either empty or all non-transformable */
+ break;
+ case ALL_TRANS:
+ /* make a new @VShift WORD and replace x with it */
+ tmp = DoWord(buff, q, x, small_font);
+ new_x = DoVShift(x, vshift, tmp);
+ ReplaceNode(new_x, x);
+ Dispose(x);
+ x = new_x;
+ break;
+ case MIXED_NON:
+ /* make a new WORD, add to new_acat, and replace x */
+ new_y = DoWord(buff, q, x, word_font(x));
+ Link(new_acat, new_y);
+ ReplaceNode(new_x, x);
+ Dispose(x);
+ x = new_x;
+ break;
+ /* make a new @VShift WORD, add to new_acat, and replace x */
+ tmp = DoWord(buff, q, x, small_font);
+ new_y = DoVShift(x, vshift, tmp);
+ Link(new_acat, new_y);
+ ReplaceNode(new_x, x);
+ Dispose(x);
+ x = new_x;
+ break;
+ }
+ debug1(DCM, D, "MapSmallCaps returning %s", EchoObject(x));
+ return x;
+} /* end MapSmallCaps */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN MapIsLowerCase(FULL_CHAR ch, MAPPING m) */
+/* */
+/* Returns TRUE if ch is a lower-case character in mapping m; i.e. if it */
+/* has a corresponding upper-case character. */
+/* */
+{ BOOLEAN res;
+ debug2(DCM, D, "MapIsLowerCase(%c, %d)", ch, m);
+ res = (MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UPPERCASE][ch] != '\0');
+ debug1(DCM, D, "MapIsLowerCase returning %s", bool(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end MapIsLowerCase */
diff --git a/z39.c b/z39.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f337aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z39.c
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+/*@z39.c:String Handler:AsciiToFull(), StringEqual(), etc.@*******************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z39.c */
+/* MODULE: String Handler */
+/* EXTERNS: AsciiToFull(), StringEqual(), */
+/* StringCat(), StringCopy(), StringLength(), */
+/* StringFOpen(), StringFPuts(), StringFGets(), */
+/* StringRemove(), StringRename(), StringBeginsWith(), */
+/* StringContains(), StringInt(), StringFiveInt(), */
+/* StringQuotedWord() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* AsciiToFull(str) Returns ASCII string as FULL_CHARs. */
+/* BOOLEAN StringEqual(a, b) TRUE if strings a and b are equal */
+/* StringCat(a, b) Catenate string b onto end of a */
+/* StringCopy(a, b) Overwrite string a with string b */
+/* StringLength(a) Length of string a */
+/* StringFOpen(str, mode) Equivalent to fopen(str, mode) */
+/* StringFPuts(str, fp) Equivalent to fputs(str, fp) */
+/* StringFGets(str, n, fp) Equivalent to fgets(str, n, fp) */
+/* StringRemove(a) Equivalent to remove(a) */
+/* StringRename(a, b) Equivalent to rename(a, b) */
+/* */
+/* These procedures are defined as macros in file externs. */
+/* */
+/* */
+/* int strcollcmp(char *a, char *b) */
+/* */
+/* Written by Valery Ushakov (uwe). */
+/* */
+/* Like strcoll, but returns 0 only iff strcmp returns 0. */
+/* This allow to test for equality using only strcmp. --uwe */
+/* */
+int strcollcmp(char *a, char *b)
+ int order = strcoll (a, b);
+ if( order == 0 ) /* then disambiguate with strcmp */
+ order = strcmp (a, b);
+ return order;
+/*@::StringBeginsWith(), StringContains(), StringInt(), StringFiveInt()@******/
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN StringBeginsWith(str, pattern) */
+/* BOOLEAN StringEndsWith(str, pattern) */
+/* */
+/* Check whether str begins with or ends with pattern. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN StringBeginsWith(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *pattern)
+{ FULL_CHAR *sp, *pp;
+ sp = str; pp = pattern;
+ while( *sp != '\0' && *pp != '\0' )
+ { if( *sp++ != *pp++ ) return FALSE;
+ }
+ return (*pp == '\0');
+} /* end StringBeginsWith */
+BOOLEAN StringEndsWith(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *pattern)
+{ FULL_CHAR *sp, *pp; int slen, plen;
+ slen = StringLength(str);
+ plen = StringLength(pattern);
+ if( slen < plen ) return FALSE;
+ sp = &str[slen - plen]; pp = pattern;
+ while( *sp != '\0' && *pp != '\0' )
+ { if( *sp++ != *pp++ ) return FALSE;
+ }
+ return (*pp == '\0');
+} /* end StringBeginsWith */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN StringContains(str, pattern) */
+/* */
+/* Check whether str contains pattern. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN StringContains(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *pattern)
+{ FULL_CHAR *sp;
+ for( sp = str; *sp != '\0'; sp++ )
+ { if( StringBeginsWith(sp, pattern) ) return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end StringContains */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *StringInt(i) */
+/* FULL_CHAR *StringFiveInt(i) */
+/* */
+/* Returns a string version of integer i. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *StringInt(int i)
+{ static FULL_CHAR buff[20];
+ sprintf( (char *) buff, "%d", i);
+ return buff;
+} /* end StringInt */
+FULL_CHAR *StringFiveInt(int i)
+{ static FULL_CHAR buff[20];
+ sprintf( (char *) buff, "%.5d", i);
+ return buff;
+} /* end StringInt */
+/* */
+/* static char *quoted_string[] */
+/* */
+/* quoted_string[ch] is a string containing the representation of the */
+/* 8-bit character ch within a quoted string in a Lout source file. */
+/* */
+static char *quoted_string[] = {
+ "\\000", "\\001", "\\002", "\\003", "\\004", "\\005", "\\006", "\\007",
+ "\\010", "\\011", "\\012", "\\013", "\\014", "\\015", "\\016", "\\017",
+ "\\020", "\\021", "\\022", "\\023", "\\024", "\\025", "\\026", "\\027",
+ "\\030", "\\031", "\\032", "\\033", "\\034", "\\035", "\\036", "\\037",
+ " ", "!", "\\\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'",
+ "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/",
+ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
+ "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?",
+ "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G",
+ "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
+ "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W",
+ "X", "Y", "Z", "[", "\\\\", "]", "^", "_",
+ "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g",
+ "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o",
+ "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w",
+ "x", "y", "z", "{", "|", "}", "~", "\\177",
+ "\\200", "\\201", "\\202", "\\203", "\\204", "\\205", "\\206", "\\207",
+ "\\210", "\\211", "\\212", "\\213", "\\214", "\\215", "\\216", "\\217",
+ "\\220", "\\221", "\\222", "\\223", "\\224", "\\225", "\\226", "\\227",
+ "\\230", "\\231", "\\232", "\\233", "\\234", "\\235", "\\236", "\\237",
+ "\\240", "\\241", "\\242", "\\243", "\\244", "\\245", "\\246", "\\247",
+ "\\250", "\\251", "\\252", "\\253", "\\254", "\\255", "\\256", "\\257",
+ "\\260", "\\261", "\\262", "\\263", "\\264", "\\265", "\\266", "\\267",
+ "\\270", "\\271", "\\272", "\\273", "\\274", "\\275", "\\276", "\\277",
+ "\\300", "\\301", "\\302", "\\303", "\\304", "\\305", "\\306", "\\307",
+ "\\310", "\\311", "\\312", "\\313", "\\314", "\\315", "\\316", "\\317",
+ "\\320", "\\321", "\\322", "\\323", "\\324", "\\325", "\\326", "\\327",
+ "\\330", "\\331", "\\332", "\\333", "\\334", "\\335", "\\336", "\\337",
+ "\\340", "\\341", "\\342", "\\343", "\\344", "\\345", "\\346", "\\347",
+ "\\350", "\\351", "\\352", "\\353", "\\354", "\\355", "\\356", "\\357",
+ "\\360", "\\361", "\\362", "\\363", "\\364", "\\365", "\\366", "\\367",
+ "\\370", "\\371", "\\372", "\\373", "\\374", "\\375", "\\376", "\\377",
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *StringQuotedWord(x) */
+/* */
+/* Returns the string in QWORD x in the form it would need to take if it */
+/* was a quoted word in a Lout source file. Note that the result is */
+/* returned in a static variable so it needs to be copied before a */
+/* subsequent call to StringQuotedWord is made. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *StringQuotedWord(OBJECT x)
+{ FULL_CHAR *p, *q, *r;
+ static FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF];
+ assert( type(x) == QWORD, "StringQuotedWord: type(x) != QWORD!" );
+ q = buff;
+ *q++ = CH_QUOTE;
+ for( p = string(x); *p != '\0'; p++ )
+ {
+ for( r = (FULL_CHAR *) quoted_string[*p]; *r != '\0'; *q++ = *r++ );
+ }
+ *q++ = CH_QUOTE;
+ *q++ = '\0';
+ return buff;
+} /* StringQuotedWord */
diff --git a/z40.c b/z40.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4998849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z40.c
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+/*@z40.c:Filter Handler:FilterInit()@*****************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z40.c */
+/* MODULE: Filter Handler */
+/* EXTERNS: FilterInit(), FilterCreate(), FilterSetFileNames(), */
+/* FilterExecute(), FilterWrite(), FilterScavenge() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+static int filter_count; /* number of filter files */
+static OBJECT filter_active; /* the active filter file records */
+static OBJECT filter_in_filename; /* initial name of filter input file */
+static OBJECT filter_out_filename; /* initial name of filter ouput file */
+/* */
+/* FilterInit() */
+/* */
+/* Initialize this module. */
+/* */
+void FilterInit(void)
+{ filter_count = 0;
+ New(filter_active, ACAT);
+ sym_body(FilterInSym) = MakeWord(WORD, FILTER_IN, no_fpos);
+ sym_body(FilterOutSym) = MakeWord(WORD, FILTER_OUT, no_fpos);
+ sym_body(FilterErrSym) = MakeWord(WORD, FILTER_ERR, no_fpos);
+ filter_in_filename = sym_body(FilterInSym);
+ filter_out_filename = sym_body(FilterOutSym);
+} /* end FilterInit */
+/*@::FilterCreate(), FilterSetFileNames()@************************************/
+/* */
+/* OBJECT FilterCreate(use_begin, act, xfpos) */
+/* */
+/* Create and return a new FILTERED object. Open the corresponding file */
+/* for writing and dump the parameter text to be filtered into it. */
+/* */
+OBJECT FilterCreate(BOOLEAN use_begin, OBJECT act, FILE_POS *xfpos)
+{ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_LINE]; FILE *fp; OBJECT x, res, junk;
+ debug3(DFH, D, "FilterCreate(%s, %s, %s)", bool(use_begin),
+ SymName(act), EchoFilePos(xfpos));
+ New(res, FILTERED);
+ FposCopy(fpos(res), *xfpos);
+ ++filter_count;
+ sprintf( (char *) buff, "%s%d", FILTER_IN, filter_count);
+ fp = StringFOpen(buff, WRITE_TEXT);
+ if( fp == NULL )
+ Error(40, 1, "cannot open temporary filter file %s", FATAL, xfpos, buff);
+ x = MakeWord(WORD, buff, xfpos);
+ filter_use_begin(x) = use_begin;
+ filter_actual(x) = act;
+ Link(res, x);
+ Link(filter_active, x);
+ junk = LexScanVerbatim(fp, use_begin, xfpos, FALSE);
+ fclose(fp);
+ sprintf( (char *) buff, "%s%d", FILTER_OUT, filter_count);
+ x = MakeWord(WORD, buff, xfpos);
+ Link(res, x);
+ debug2(DFH, D, "FilterCreate returning %d %s", (int) res, EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end FilterCreate */
+/* */
+/* FilterSetFileNames(x) */
+/* */
+/* Set @FilterIn, @FilterOut, and @FilterErr to suitable values for the */
+/* manifesting of the command which runs filter x. */
+/* */
+void FilterSetFileNames(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT y;
+ assert( type(x) == FILTERED, "FilterSetFileNames: type(x)!" );
+ assert( Down(x) != x, "FilterSetFileNames: x has no children!" );
+ debug2(DFH, D, "FilterSetFileNames(%d %s)", (int) x, EchoObject(x));
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) == WORD, "FilterSetFileNames: type(y)!" );
+ sym_body(FilterInSym) = y;
+ Child(y, NextDown(Down(x)));
+ assert( type(y) == WORD, "FilterSetFileNames: type(y) (2)!" );
+ sym_body(FilterOutSym) = y;
+ debug0(DFH, D, "FilterSetFileNames returning.");
+} /* end FilterSetFileNames */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT FilterExecute(x, command, env) */
+/* */
+/* Execute the filter command on FILTERED object x, and return the result. */
+/* */
+OBJECT FilterExecute(OBJECT x, FULL_CHAR *command, OBJECT env)
+{ int i, count, status; OBJECT t, res; char line[MAX_LINE];
+ FILE *err_fp; FILE_NUM filter_out_file;
+ assert( type(x) == FILTERED, "FilterExecute: type(x)!" );
+ assert( type(env) == ENV, "FilterExecute: type(env)!" );
+ debug4(DFH, D, "FilterExecute(%d %s, \"%s\", %s)", (int) x, EchoObject(x),
+ command, EchoObject(env));
+ /* reset FilterInSym since Manifest of @Filter is now complete */
+ sym_body(FilterInSym) = filter_in_filename;
+ if( SafeExecution )
+ {
+ /* if safe execution, print error message and return empty object */
+ Error(40, 2, "safe execution prohibiting command: %s", WARN, &fpos(x),
+ command);
+ res = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* execute the command, echo error messages, and exit if status problem */
+ status = system( (char *) command);
+ err_fp = StringFOpen(FILTER_ERR, READ_TEXT);
+ if( err_fp != NULL )
+ { while( fgets(line, MAX_LINE, err_fp) != NULL )
+ { if( line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n' )
+ line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';
+ Error(40, 3, "%s", WARN, &fpos(x), line);
+ }
+ fclose(err_fp);
+ StringRemove(FILTER_ERR);
+ }
+ if( status != 0 )
+ Error(40, 4, "failure (non-zero status) of filter: %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), command);
+ /* read in output of system command as a Lout object */
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ count = 0;
+ SetScope(env, &count, TRUE);
+ debug0(DFS, D, " calling DefineFile from FilterExecute");
+ filter_out_file =
+ DefineFile(string(sym_body(FilterOutSym)), STR_EMPTY, &fpos(x),
+ LexPush(filter_out_file, 0, FILTER_FILE, 1, FALSE);
+ t = NewToken(BEGIN, &fpos(x), 0, 0, BEGIN_PREC, FilterOutSym);
+ res = Parse(&t, nilobj, FALSE, FALSE);
+ LexPop();
+ for( i = 1; i <= count; i++ ) PopScope();
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ StringRemove(string(sym_body(FilterOutSym)));
+ sym_body(FilterOutSym) = filter_out_filename;
+ }
+ debug1(DFH, D, "FilterExecute returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end FilterExecute */
+/*@::FilterWrite(), FilterScavenge()@*****************************************/
+/* */
+/* FilterWrite(x, fp, linecount) */
+/* */
+/* Write out the active FILTERED object x by copying the file. */
+/* Increment *linecount by the number of lines written. */
+/* */
+void FilterWrite(OBJECT x, FILE *fp, int *linecount)
+{ FILE *in_fp; OBJECT y; int ch;
+ assert( type(x) == FILTERED, "FilterWrite: type(x)!" );
+ debug2(DFH, D, "[ FilterWrite(%d %s, fp)", (int) x, EchoObject(x));
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ in_fp = StringFOpen(string(y), READ_TEXT);
+ if( in_fp == NULL )
+ Error(40, 5, "cannot read filter temporary file %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), string(y));
+ if( filter_use_begin(y) )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_BEGIN, fp);
+ StringFPuts("\n", fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ while( (ch = getc(in_fp)) != EOF )
+ { putc(ch, fp);
+ if( ch == '\n' ) *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ StringFPuts(KW_END, fp);
+ StringFPuts(" ", fp);
+ StringFPuts(SymName(filter_actual(y)), fp);
+ }
+ else
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LBR, fp);
+ StringFPuts("\n", fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ while( (ch = getc(in_fp)) != EOF )
+ { putc(ch, fp);
+ ifdebug(DFH, D, putc(ch, stderr));
+ if( ch == '\n' ) *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts("\n", fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ fclose(in_fp);
+ debug0(DFH, D, "] FilterWrite returning.");
+} /* end FilterWrite */
+/* */
+/* FilterScavenge(all) */
+/* */
+/* Unlink unneeded filter files, or all remaining filter files if all. */
+/* */
+void FilterScavenge(BOOLEAN all)
+{ OBJECT y, link, nextlink;
+ debug1(DFH, D, "FilterScavenge(%s)", bool(all));
+ for( link = Down(filter_active); link != filter_active; link = nextlink )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ nextlink = NextDown(link);
+ if( all || Up(y) == LastUp(y) )
+ { debug1(DFH, D, "FilterScavenge scavenging %s", string(y));
+ StringRemove(string(y));
+ DisposeChild(link);
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DFH, D, "FilterScavenge returning.");
+} /* end FilterScavenge */
diff --git a/z41.c b/z41.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a276a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z41.c
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+/*@z41.c:Object Input-Output:AppendToFile, ReadFromFile@**********************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z41.c */
+/* MODULE: Object Input-Output */
+/* EXTERNS: ReadFromFile(), AppendToFile(), CloseFiles() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+static FILE_NUM last_write_fnum = NO_FILE;
+static FILE *last_write_fp = null;
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ReadFromFile(fnum, pos, lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Read an object from file fnum starting at position pos. */
+/* The object may include @Env operators defining its environment, or */
+/* not, but in any case ReadFromFile assumes that the correct scope is set. */
+/* lnum is the line number of the spot you end up at when you seek to pos. */
+/* */
+OBJECT ReadFromFile(FILE_NUM fnum, long pos, int lnum)
+{ OBJECT t, res;
+ int ipos;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("ReadFromFile"));
+ ifdebug(DIO, D, ipos = (int) pos);
+ debug3(DIO, D, "ReadFromFile(%s, %d, %d)", FileName(fnum), ipos, lnum);
+ LexPush(fnum, (int) pos, DATABASE_FILE, lnum, FALSE);
+ t = LexGetToken();
+ if( type(t) != LBR )
+ { debug1(DIO, D, " following because type(t) = %s", Image(type(t)));
+ Error(41, 1, "database index file seems to be out of date",
+ FATAL, &fpos(t));
+ }
+ res = Parse(&t, StartSym, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( t != nilobj || type(res) != CLOSURE )
+ { debug1(DIO, D, " following because of %s", t!=nilobj ? "t" : "type(res)");
+ Error(41, 2, "syntax error in database file", FATAL, &fpos(res));
+ }
+ LexPop();
+ debug1(DIO, D, "ReadFromFile returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("ReadFromFile"));
+ return res;
+} /* end ReadFromFile */
+/* */
+/* static Optimize(x, env) */
+/* */
+static void OptimizeParameterList(OBJECT x, OBJECT env);
+static void Optimize(OBJECT x, OBJECT env)
+{ OBJECT tmp;
+ if( Down(x) != x )
+ { OptimizeParameterList(x, env);
+ }
+ tmp = ParameterCheck(x, env);
+ if( tmp != nilobj )
+ { ReplaceNode(tmp, x);
+ DisposeObject(x);
+ }
+/* */
+/* OptimizeParameterList(x, env) */
+/* */
+/* Optimize the space required to print the parameters of x by evaluating */
+/* them in environment env if this is feasible. */
+/* */
+static void OptimizeParameterList(OBJECT x, OBJECT env)
+{ OBJECT y, z, link, t, tlink;
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "OptimizeParameterList: type(x) != CLOSURE!" );
+ if( env == nilobj ) return;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == PAR )
+ { Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( type(z) == CLOSURE )
+ {
+ Optimize(z, env);
+ }
+ else if( type(z) == ACAT )
+ { for( tlink = Down(z); tlink != z; tlink = NextDown(tlink) )
+ { Child(t, Down(tlink));
+ if( type(t) == CLOSURE )
+ Optimize(t, env);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} /* end OptimizeParameter */
+/* */
+/* static WriteClosure(x, linecount, fnum, env) */
+/* */
+/* Write closure x to file last_write_fp, without enclosing braces and */
+/* without any environment attached. If x happens to be a closure that */
+/* was previously read as a @Use clause, write only @LUse and the name. */
+/* Increment *linecount by the number of lines written. */
+/* The file being written to is fnum; the environment is env (for optim.) */
+/* */
+static void WriteObject(OBJECT x, int outer_prec, int *linecount, FILE_NUM fnum);
+static BOOLEAN need_lvis(OBJECT sym) /* true if @LVis needed before sym */
+{ return !visible(sym) &&
+ enclosing(sym) != StartSym &&
+ type(enclosing(sym)) == LOCAL;
+} /* end need_lvis */
+static void WriteClosure(OBJECT x, int *linecount, FILE_NUM fnum, OBJECT env)
+{ OBJECT y, link, z, sym;
+ BOOLEAN npar_written, name_printed;
+ debug2(DIO, D, "[ WriteClosure(%s %s)", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ sym = actual(x);
+ /* *** if( use_invocation(sym) == x ) *** */
+ if( use_invocation(sym) != nilobj )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LUSE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(SymName(sym), last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else
+ { npar_written = FALSE; name_printed = FALSE;
+ OptimizeParameterList(x, env);
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == PAR ) switch( type(actual(y)) )
+ {
+ case LPAR:
+ assert( Down(y) != y, "WriteObject/CLOSURE: LPAR!" );
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ WriteObject(z, (int) precedence(sym), linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case NPAR:
+ assert( Down(y) != y, "WriteObject/CLOSURE: NPAR!" );
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( !name_printed )
+ { if( need_lvis(sym) )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LVIS, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(SymName(sym), last_write_fp);
+ name_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ if( npar_code(actual(y)) != ' ' )
+ { StringFPuts(STR_ESCAPE, last_write_fp);
+ fprintf(last_write_fp, "%c", (char) npar_code(actual(y)));
+ }
+ else
+ { StringFPuts(SymName(actual(y)), last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(z, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ npar_written = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case RPAR:
+ assert( Down(y) != y, "WriteObject/CLOSURE: RPAR!" );
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( !name_printed )
+ { if( need_lvis(sym) )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LVIS, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(SymName(sym), last_write_fp);
+ name_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( npar_written )
+ { StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ { StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ /* old version: if( filter(sym) != nilobj ) */
+ if( filter(sym) != nilobj && type(z) == FILTERED ) /* ??? */
+ {
+ debug1(DIO, D, " filter(sym) != nilobj, type(z) == %s",
+ Image(type(z)));
+ assert( type(z) == FILTERED, "WriteClosure: filter!" );
+ WriteObject(z, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ }
+ else if( has_body(sym) )
+ {
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(z, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else WriteObject(z, (int) precedence(sym), linecount, fnum);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "WriteClosure:", Image(type(actual(y))));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end for each parameter */
+ if( !name_printed )
+ { if( need_lvis(sym) )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LVIS, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(SymName(sym), last_write_fp);
+ name_printed = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DIO, D, "] WriteClosure returning");
+} /* end WriteClosure */
+/* */
+/* static WriteObject(x, outer_prec, linecount, fnum) */
+/* */
+/* Write object x to file last_write_fp, assuming it is a subobject of an */
+/* object and the precedence of operators enclosing it is outer_prec. */
+/* Increment *linecount by the number of lines written. */
+/* The file being written to is fnum. */
+/* */
+static void WriteObject(OBJECT x, int outer_prec, int *linecount, FILE_NUM fnum)
+{ OBJECT link, y, z, gap_obj, sym, env; FULL_CHAR *name; int offset, lnum;
+ int prec, i, last_prec; BOOLEAN braces_needed;
+ debug2(DIO, D, "[ WriteObject(%s %s)", Image(type(x)), EchoObject(x));
+ switch( type(x) )
+ {
+ case WORD:
+ if( StringLength(string(x)) == 0 && outer_prec > ACAT_PREC )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else StringFPuts(string(x), last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case QWORD:
+ StringFPuts(StringQuotedWord(x), last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case VCAT: prec = VCAT_PREC; goto ETC;
+ case HCAT: prec = HCAT_PREC; goto ETC;
+ case ACAT: prec = ACAT_PREC; goto ETC;
+ ETC:
+ if( prec < outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ last_prec = prec;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { if( Down(y) == y )
+ { assert( type(x) == ACAT, "WriteObject: Down(y) == y!" );
+ for( i = 1; i <= vspace(y); i++ )
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += vspace(y);
+ for( i = 1; i <= hspace(y); i++ )
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ last_prec = (vspace(y) + hspace(y) == 0) ? JUXTA_PREC : ACAT_PREC;
+ }
+ else
+ { Child(gap_obj, Down(y));
+ if( type(x)==ACAT )
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ else
+ { StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ StringFPuts(EchoCatOp(type(x), mark(gap(y)), join(gap(y))),
+ last_write_fp);
+ if( !is_word(type(gap_obj)) || StringLength(string(gap_obj)) != 0 )
+ WriteObject(gap_obj, FORCE_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ last_prec = prec;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { if( type(x) == ACAT )
+ { OBJECT next_gap; int next_prec;
+ if( NextDown(link) != x )
+ { Child(next_gap, NextDown(link));
+ assert( type(next_gap) == GAP_OBJ, "WriteObject: next_gap!" );
+ next_prec = (vspace(next_gap) + hspace(next_gap) == 0)
+ }
+ else next_prec = prec;
+ WriteObject(y, find_max(last_prec, next_prec), linecount, fnum);
+ }
+ else WriteObject(y, prec, linecount, fnum);
+ }
+ }
+ if( prec < outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case ENV:
+ if( Down(x) == x )
+ {
+ /* environment is empty */
+ StringFPuts(KW_ENVC, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ else if( EnvWriteRetrieve(x, fnum, &offset, &lnum) )
+ {
+ /* environment was previously written to this file */
+ StringFPuts(KW_ENVD, last_write_fp);
+ fprintf(last_write_fp, " \"%d %d\"", offset, lnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* record the position of this environment */
+ EnvWriteInsert(x, fnum, (int) ftell(last_write_fp), *linecount);
+ /* write the environment */
+ if( Down(x) == LastDown(x) )
+ {
+ /* envt contains just one closure (with its environment) */
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "WriteObject: ENV/CLOSURE!" );
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_ENVA, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(y, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* envt contains a closure (with envt) plus an environment */
+ Child(env, LastDown(x));
+ assert( type(env) == ENV, "WriteObject: ENV/ENV!" );
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_ENVB, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(env, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "WriteObject: ENV/ENV+CLOSURE!" );
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(y, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CLOSURE:
+ sym = actual(x); env = nilobj;
+ if( LastDown(x) != x )
+ { Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ if( type(y) == ENV ) env = y;
+ }
+ braces_needed = env != nilobj ||
+ (precedence(sym) <= outer_prec && (has_lpar(sym) || has_rpar(sym))) ||
+ outer_prec >= JUXTA_PREC;
+ /* print environment */
+ if( env != nilobj )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_CENV, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ WriteObject(env, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ /* print left brace if needed */
+ if( braces_needed ) StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ /* print the closure proper */
+ WriteClosure(x, linecount, fnum, env);
+ /* print closing brace if needed */
+ if( braces_needed ) StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ /* print closing environment if needed */
+ /* ***
+ if( env != nilobj )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ *** */
+ break;
+ case CROSS:
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ assert( type(y) == CLOSURE, "WriteObject/CROSS: type(y) != CLOSURE!" );
+ if( DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ if( need_lvis(actual(y)) )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LVIS, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ StringFPuts(SymName(actual(y)), last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(type(x) == CROSS ? KW_CROSS : KW_FORCE_CROSS, last_write_fp);
+ Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ WriteObject(y, FORCE_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ if( DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case NULL_CLOS: name = KW_NULL; goto SETC;
+ case PAGE_LABEL: name = KW_PAGE_LABEL; goto SETC;
+ case ONE_COL: name = KW_ONE_COL; goto SETC;
+ case ONE_ROW: name = KW_ONE_ROW; goto SETC;
+ case WIDE: name = KW_WIDE; goto SETC;
+ case HIGH: name = KW_HIGH; goto SETC;
+ case HSHIFT: name = KW_HSHIFT; goto SETC;
+ case VSHIFT: name = KW_VSHIFT; goto SETC;
+ case HSCALE: name = KW_HSCALE; goto SETC;
+ case VSCALE: name = KW_VSCALE; goto SETC;
+ case HCOVER: name = KW_HCOVER; goto SETC;
+ case VCOVER: name = KW_VCOVER; goto SETC;
+ case SCALE: name = KW_SCALE; goto SETC;
+ case KERN_SHRINK: name = KW_KERN_SHRINK; goto SETC;
+ case HCONTRACT: name = KW_HCONTRACT; goto SETC;
+ case VCONTRACT: name = KW_VCONTRACT; goto SETC;
+ case HLIMITED: name = KW_HLIMITED; goto SETC;
+ case VLIMITED: name = KW_VLIMITED; goto SETC;
+ case HEXPAND: name = KW_HEXPAND; goto SETC;
+ case VEXPAND: name = KW_VEXPAND; goto SETC;
+ case START_HSPAN: name = KW_STARTHSPAN; goto SETC;
+ case START_VSPAN: name = KW_STARTVSPAN; goto SETC;
+ case HSPAN: name = KW_HSPAN; goto SETC;
+ case VSPAN: name = KW_VSPAN; goto SETC;
+ case PADJUST: name = KW_PADJUST; goto SETC;
+ case HADJUST: name = KW_HADJUST; goto SETC;
+ case VADJUST: name = KW_VADJUST; goto SETC;
+ case ROTATE: name = KW_ROTATE; goto SETC;
+ case CASE: name = KW_CASE; goto SETC;
+ case YIELD: name = KW_YIELD; goto SETC;
+ case BACKEND: name = KW_BACKEND; goto SETC;
+ case XCHAR: name = KW_XCHAR; goto SETC;
+ case FONT: name = KW_FONT; goto SETC;
+ case SPACE: name = KW_SPACE; goto SETC;
+ case YUNIT: name = KW_YUNIT; goto SETC;
+ case ZUNIT: name = KW_ZUNIT; goto SETC;
+ case BREAK: name = KW_BREAK; goto SETC;
+ case UNDERLINE: name = KW_UNDERLINE; goto SETC;
+ case COLOUR: name = KW_COLOUR; goto SETC;
+ case LANGUAGE: name = KW_LANGUAGE; goto SETC;
+ case CURR_LANG: name = KW_CURR_LANG; goto SETC;
+ case CURR_FAMILY: name = KW_CURR_FAMILY; goto SETC;
+ case CURR_FACE: name = KW_CURR_FACE; goto SETC;
+ case COMMON: name = KW_COMMON; goto SETC;
+ case RUMP: name = KW_RUMP; goto SETC;
+ case MELD: name = KW_MELD; goto SETC;
+ case INSERT: name = KW_INSERT; goto SETC;
+ case ONE_OF: name = KW_ONE_OF; goto SETC;
+ case NEXT: name = KW_NEXT; goto SETC;
+ case PLUS: name = KW_PLUS; goto SETC;
+ case MINUS: name = KW_MINUS; goto SETC;
+ case OPEN: name = KW_OPEN; goto SETC;
+ case TAGGED: name = KW_TAGGED; goto SETC;
+ case GRAPHIC: name = KW_GRAPHIC; goto SETC;
+ /* print left parameter, if present */
+ if( DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ if( Down(x) != LastDown(x) )
+ { Child(y, Down(x));
+ WriteObject(y, DEFAULT_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ /* print the name of the symbol */
+ StringFPuts(name, last_write_fp);
+ /* print right parameter, if present */
+ if( LastDown(x) != x )
+ { Child(y, LastDown(x));
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ if( type(x) == OPEN )
+ { StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ WriteObject(y, NO_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else WriteObject(y, DEFAULT_PREC, linecount, fnum);
+ }
+ if( DEFAULT_PREC <= outer_prec ) StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case VERBATIM:
+ StringFPuts(type(x) == VERBATIM ? KW_VERBATIM : KW_RAWVERBATIM, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_BEGIN, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ if( type(y) == WORD )
+ {
+ StringFPuts(string(y), last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert( type(y) == VCAT, "WriteObject/VERBATIM!" );
+ for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ ) continue;
+ assert( type(z) == WORD, "WriteObject/VERBATIM/WORD!");
+ StringFPuts(string(z), last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ *linecount += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ StringFPuts(KW_END, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_SPACE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(type(x) == VERBATIM ? KW_VERBATIM : KW_RAWVERBATIM, last_write_fp);
+ break;
+ case FILTERED:
+ FilterWrite(x, last_write_fp, linecount);
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "WriteObject:", Image(type(x)));
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ debug0(DIO, D, "] WriteObject returning");
+} /* end WriteObject */
+/*@::AppendToFile(), CloseFiles()@********************************************/
+/* */
+/* AppendToFile(x, fnum, pos, lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Append object x to file fnum, returning its fseek position in *pos. */
+/* and its line number in lnum. Record that this file has been updated. */
+/* */
+void AppendToFile(OBJECT x, FILE_NUM fnum, int *pos, int *lnum)
+{ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], *str; int linecount;
+ debug2(DIO, D, "[ AppendToFile( %s, %s )", EchoObject(x), FileName(fnum));
+ /* open file fnum for writing */
+ if( last_write_fnum != fnum )
+ { if( last_write_fnum != NO_FILE ) fclose(last_write_fp);
+ str = FileName(fnum);
+ if( StringLength(str) + StringLength(NEW_DATA_SUFFIX) >= MAX_BUFF )
+ Error(41, 3, "file name %s%s is too long",
+ FATAL, PosOfFile(fnum), str, NEW_DATA_SUFFIX);
+ StringCopy(buff, str); StringCat(buff, NEW_DATA_SUFFIX);
+ last_write_fp = StringFOpen(buff,
+ FileTestUpdated(fnum) ? APPEND_TEXT : WRITE_TEXT);
+ if( last_write_fp == null )
+ Error(41, 4, "cannot append to database file %s", FATAL, no_fpos, buff);
+ last_write_fnum = fnum;
+ (void) fseek(last_write_fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
+ }
+ /* write x out and record the fact that fnum has changed */
+ *pos = (int) ftell(last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(KW_LBR, last_write_fp);
+ linecount = FileGetLineCount(fnum);
+ *lnum = linecount + 1;
+ WriteObject(x, NO_PREC, &linecount, fnum);
+ StringFPuts(KW_RBR, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ StringFPuts(STR_NEWLINE, last_write_fp);
+ FileSetUpdated(fnum, linecount + 2);
+ debug0(DIO, D, "] AppendToFile returning.");
+} /* end AppendToFile */
+/* */
+/* CloseFiles() */
+/* */
+/* Close all files and move new versions to the names of old versions. */
+/* */
+void CloseFiles(void)
+{ FILE_NUM fnum; FULL_CHAR oldname[MAX_BUFF], newname[MAX_BUFF];
+ FILE *fp;
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOn("CloseFiles"));
+ debug0(DIO, D, "CloseFiles()");
+ /* close off last file opened by AppendToFile above */
+ if( last_write_fnum != NO_FILE ) fclose(last_write_fp);
+ /* get rid of old database files */
+ for( fnum=FirstFile(SOURCE_FILE); fnum != NO_FILE; fnum = NextFile(fnum) )
+ { StringCopy(oldname, FileName(fnum));
+ StringCat(oldname, DATA_SUFFIX);
+ debug1(DIO, D, "remove(%s)", oldname);
+ StringRemove(oldname);
+ }
+ /* move any new database files to the old names, if updated */
+ /* just to avoid confusion: the "new name" means the ".ldx" */
+ /* temporary file name; the "old name" means the permanent */
+ /* name, i.e. ".ld". So we have to move the new name to */
+ /* the old name. */
+ for( fnum=FirstFile(DATABASE_FILE); fnum != NO_FILE; fnum = NextFile(fnum) )
+ { if( FileTestUpdated(fnum) )
+ {
+ /* construct new and old file names */
+ StringCopy(oldname, FileName(fnum));
+ StringCopy(newname, oldname);
+ StringCat(newname, NEW_DATA_SUFFIX);
+ /* guaranteed portable algorithm for changing the name of file */
+ /* "newname" to "oldname": if "oldname" exists already, then */
+ /* remove it (avoids removing a non-existent file, which can */
+ /* be a problem); then rename "newname" to be "oldname" (avoids */
+ /* overwriting an existing file "oldname", another problem) */
+ if( (fp = StringFOpen(oldname, READ_TEXT)) != NULL )
+ { fclose(fp);
+ StringRemove(oldname);
+ }
+ debug2(DIO, D, "rename(%s, %s)", newname, oldname);
+ if( StringRename(newname, oldname) != 0 )
+ Error(41, 5, "rename(%s, %s) failed", INTERN, no_fpos,newname,oldname);
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DIO, D, "CloseFiles returning.");
+ ifdebug(DPP, D, ProfileOff("CloseFiles"));
+} /* end CloseFiles */
diff --git a/z42.c b/z42.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a3c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z42.c
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+/*@z42.c:Colour Service:ColourChange, ColourCommand@**************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z42.c */
+/* MODULE: Colour Service */
+/* EXTERNS: ColourChange(), ColourCommand() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define INIT_COLOUR_NUM 100
+/* */
+/* */
+/* A symbol table permitting access to colour records by number or name. */
+/* The table will automatically enlarge to accept any number of entries, */
+/* but there is an arbitrary limit of 65535 colours imposed so that colour */
+/* numbers can be stored in 16 bit fields. */
+/* */
+/* ctab_new(newsize) New empty table, newsize capacity */
+/* ctab_insert(x, &S) Insert new colour object x into S */
+/* ctab_retrieve(str, S) Retrieve colour object of name str */
+/* ctab_num(S, num) Retrieve colour object, number num */
+/* ctab_debug(S, fp) Debug print of table S to file fp */
+/* */
+typedef struct
+{ int coltab_size; /* size of table */
+ int coltab_count; /* number of colours held */
+ struct coltab_rec
+ { OBJECT by_number; /* colour record by number */
+ OBJECT by_name_hash; /* colour record by name */
+ } coltab[1];
+#define ctab_size(S) (S)->coltab_size
+#define ctab_count(S) (S)->coltab_count
+#define ctab_num(S, i) (S)->coltab[i].by_number
+#define ctab_name(S, i) (S)->coltab[i].by_name_hash
+#define hash(pos, str, S) \
+{ FULL_CHAR *p = str; \
+ pos = *p++; \
+ while( *p ) pos += *p++; \
+ pos = pos % ctab_size(S); \
+static COLOUR_TABLE ctab_new(int newsize)
+{ COLOUR_TABLE S; int i;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_COLOUR_TAB, 1,
+ 2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(struct coltab_rec)));
+ S = (COLOUR_TABLE) malloc(2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(struct coltab_rec));
+ if( S == (COLOUR_TABLE) NULL )
+ Error(42, 1, "ran out of memory when enlarging colour table",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ ctab_size(S) = newsize;
+ ctab_count(S) = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < newsize; i++ )
+ { ctab_num(S, i) = ctab_name(S, i) = nilobj;
+ }
+ return S;
+} /* end ctab_new */
+static void ctab_insert(OBJECT x, COLOUR_TABLE *S);
+static COLOUR_TABLE ctab_rehash(COLOUR_TABLE S, int newsize)
+{ COLOUR_TABLE NewS; int i;
+ NewS = ctab_new(newsize);
+ for( i = 1; i <= ctab_count(S); i++ )
+ ctab_insert(ctab_num(S, i), &NewS);
+ for( i = 0; i < ctab_size(S); i++ )
+ { if( ctab_name(S, i) != nilobj ) DisposeObject(ctab_name(S, i));
+ }
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_COLOUR_TAB, -1,
+ -(2*sizeof(int) + ctab_size(S) * sizeof(struct coltab_rec))));
+ free(S);
+ return NewS;
+} /* end ctab_rehash */
+static void ctab_insert(OBJECT x, COLOUR_TABLE *S)
+{ int pos, num;
+ if( ctab_count(*S) == ctab_size(*S) - 1 ) /* one less since 0 unused */
+ *S = ctab_rehash(*S, 2*ctab_size(*S));
+ num = ++ctab_count(*S);
+ if( num > MAX_COLOUR )
+ Error(42, 2, "too many colours (maximum is %d)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), MAX_COLOUR);
+ hash(pos, string(x), *S);
+ if( ctab_name(*S, pos) == nilobj ) New(ctab_name(*S, pos), ACAT);
+ Link(ctab_name(*S, pos), x);
+ word_colour(x) = num;
+ ctab_num(*S, num) = x;
+} /* end ctab_insert */
+static OBJECT ctab_retrieve(FULL_CHAR *str, COLOUR_TABLE S)
+{ OBJECT x, link, y; int pos;
+ hash(pos, str, S);
+ x = ctab_name(S, pos);
+ if( x == nilobj ) return nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( StringEqual(str, string(y)) ) return y;
+ }
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end ctab_retrieve */
+static void ctab_debug(COLOUR_TABLE S, FILE *fp)
+{ int i; OBJECT x, link, y;
+ fprintf(fp, " table size: %d; current number of colours: %d\n",
+ ctab_size(S), ctab_count(S));
+ for( i = 0; i < ctab_size(S); i++ )
+ { x = ctab_num(S, i);
+ fprintf(fp, " ctab_num(S, %d) = %s\n", i,
+ x == nilobj ? AsciiToFull("<nilobj>") :
+ is_word(type(x)) ? string(x) : AsciiToFull("not WORD!"));
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ for( i = 0; i < ctab_size(S); i++ )
+ { x = ctab_name(S, i);
+ fprintf(fp, "ctab_name(S, %d) =", i);
+ if( x == nilobj )
+ fprintf(fp, " <nilobj>");
+ else if( type(x) != ACAT )
+ fprintf(fp, " not ACAT!");
+ else for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ fprintf(fp, " %s",
+ is_word(type(y)) ? string(y) : AsciiToFull("not-WORD!"));
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+} /* end ctab_debug */
+static COLOUR_TABLE col_tab;
+/* */
+/* ColourInit() */
+/* */
+/* Initialize this module. */
+/* */
+void ColourInit(void)
+{ col_tab = ctab_new(INIT_COLOUR_NUM);
+} /* end ColourInit */
+/* */
+/* ColourChange(style, x) */
+/* */
+/* Change the current style to contain the colour of colour command x. */
+/* */
+void ColourChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT cname;
+ debug2(DCO, D, "ColourChange(%s, %s)", EchoStyle(style), EchoObject(x));
+ /* if argument is not a word, fail and exit */
+ if( !is_word(type(x)) )
+ { Error(42, 3, "%s ignored (illegal left parameter)", WARN, &fpos(x),
+ debug0(DCO, D, "ColourChange returning (colour unchanged)");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* if argument is empty, fail and exit */
+ if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_EMPTY) )
+ { if( BackEnd != PLAINTEXT )
+ Error(42, 4, "%s ignored (empty left parameter)", WARN, &fpos(x),
+ debug0(DCO, D, "ColourChange returning (colour unchanged)");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* if argument is nochange, do nothing */
+ if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_COLOUR_NOCHANGE) )
+ { debug0(DCO, D, "ColourChange returning (colour nochange)");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* retrieve colour command if present, else insert it */
+ { cname = ctab_retrieve(string(x), col_tab);
+ if( cname == nilobj )
+ { cname = MakeWord(type(x), string(x), &fpos(x));
+ ctab_insert(cname, &col_tab);
+ colour(*style) = word_colour(cname);
+ }
+ else colour(*style) = word_colour(cname);
+ }
+ debug1(DCO, D, "ColourChange returning (colour = %s)", string(cname));
+ ifdebug(DCO, DD, ctab_debug(col_tab, stderr));
+} /* ColourChange */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *ColourCommand(cnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the PostScript command for producing colour cnum. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *ColourCommand(COLOUR_NUM cnum)
+{ FULL_CHAR *res;
+ debug1(DCO, D, "ColourCommand(%d)", cnum);
+ assert( cnum > 0 && cnum <= ctab_count(col_tab), "ColourCommand: number" );
+ res = string(ctab_num(col_tab, cnum));
+ debug1(DCO, D, "ColourCommand returning %s", res);
+ return res;
+} /* end ColourCommand */
diff --git a/z43.c b/z43.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67013ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z43.c
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+/*@z43.c:Language Service:LanguageChange, LanguageString@*********************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z43.c */
+/* MODULE: Language Service */
+/* EXTERNS: LanguageInit(), LanguageDefine(), LanguageChange(), */
+/* LanguageString(), LanguageHyph() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM 100
+/* */
+/* */
+/* A symbol table permitting access to language name records. */
+/* The table will automatically enlarge to accept any number of entries. */
+/* */
+/* ltab_new(newsize) New empty table, newsize capacity */
+/* ltab_insert(x, &S) Insert new language name object x into S */
+/* ltab_retrieve(str, S) Retrieve language name object named str */
+/* ltab_debug(S, fp) Debug print of table S to file fp */
+/* */
+typedef struct
+{ int langtab_size; /* size of table */
+ int langtab_count; /* number of objects held */
+ OBJECT langtab_item[1];
+#define ltab_size(S) (S)->langtab_size
+#define ltab_count(S) (S)->langtab_count
+#define ltab_item(S, i) (S)->langtab_item[i]
+#define hash(pos, str, S) \
+{ FULL_CHAR *p = str; \
+ pos = *p++; \
+ while( *p ) pos += *p++; \
+ pos = pos % ltab_size(S); \
+static LANGUAGE_TABLE ltab_new(int newsize)
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 1,
+ 2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(OBJECT)));
+ malloc(2*sizeof(int) + newsize * sizeof(OBJECT));
+ Error(43, 1, "run out of memory enlarging language table", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ ltab_size(S) = newsize;
+ ltab_count(S) = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < newsize; i++ ) ltab_item(S, i) = nilobj;
+ return S;
+} /* end ltab_new */
+static void ltab_insert(OBJECT x, LANGUAGE_TABLE *S);
+static LANGUAGE_TABLE ltab_rehash(LANGUAGE_TABLE S, int newsize)
+{ LANGUAGE_TABLE NewS; int i;
+ NewS = ltab_new(newsize);
+ for( i = 1; i <= ltab_size(S); i++ )
+ { if( ltab_item(S, i) != nilobj )
+ ltab_insert(ltab_item(S, i), &NewS);
+ }
+ free(S);
+ return NewS;
+} /* end ltab_rehash */
+static void ltab_insert(OBJECT x, LANGUAGE_TABLE *S)
+{ int pos; OBJECT z, link, y;
+ if( ltab_count(*S) == ltab_size(*S) - 1 ) /* one less since 0 unused */
+ *S = ltab_rehash(*S, 2*ltab_size(*S));
+ hash(pos, string(x), *S);
+ if( ltab_item(*S, pos) == nilobj ) New(ltab_item(*S, pos), ACAT);
+ z = ltab_item(*S, pos);
+ for( link = Down(z); link != z; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( StringEqual(string(x), string(y)) )
+ { Error(43, 2, "language name %s used twice (first at%s)",
+ FATAL, &fpos(x), string(x), EchoFilePos(&fpos(y)));
+ }
+ }
+ Link(ltab_item(*S, pos), x);
+} /* end ltab_insert */
+static OBJECT ltab_retrieve(FULL_CHAR *str, LANGUAGE_TABLE S)
+{ OBJECT x, link, y; int pos;
+ hash(pos, str, S);
+ x = ltab_item(S, pos);
+ if( x == nilobj ) return nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( StringEqual(str, string(y)) ) return y;
+ }
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end ltab_retrieve */
+static void ltab_debug(LANGUAGE_TABLE S, FILE *fp)
+{ int i; OBJECT x, link, y;
+ fprintf(fp, " table size: %d; current number of keys: %d\n",
+ ltab_size(S), ltab_count(S));
+ for( i = 0; i < ltab_size(S); i++ )
+ { x = ltab_item(S, i);
+ fprintf(fp, "ltab_item(S, %d) =", i);
+ if( x == nilobj )
+ fprintf(fp, " <nilobj>");
+ else if( type(x) != ACAT )
+ fprintf(fp, " not ACAT!");
+ else for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ fprintf(fp, " %s",
+ is_word(type(y)) ? string(y) : AsciiToFull("not-WORD!"));
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+} /* end ltab_debug */
+static LANGUAGE_TABLE names_tab; /* the language names */
+static OBJECT *hyph_tab; /* arry of hyph filenames */
+static OBJECT *canonical_tab; /* array of lang names */
+static int lang_tabsize; /* size of prev two arrays */
+static int lang_count; /* number of languages */
+static OBJECT lang_ends[MAX_LANGUAGE];/* sentence endings */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN LanguageSentenceEnds[] */
+/* */
+/* LanguageSentenceEnds[ch] is TRUE if there exists a language in which */
+/* character ch could occur at the end of a sentence. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN LanguageSentenceEnds[MAX_CHARS];
+/*@::LanguageInit(), LanguageDefine()@****************************************/
+/* */
+/* LanguageInit() */
+/* */
+/* Initialize this module. */
+/* */
+void LanguageInit(void)
+{ int i;
+ debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageInit()");
+ names_tab = ltab_new(INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM);
+ lang_count = 0;
+ lang_tabsize = INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0,
+ hyph_tab = (OBJECT *) malloc(INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM * sizeof(OBJECT));
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0,
+ canonical_tab = (OBJECT *) malloc(INIT_LANGUAGE_NUM * sizeof(OBJECT));
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; i++ ) LanguageSentenceEnds[i] = FALSE;
+ debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageInit returning.");
+} /* end LanguageInit */
+/* */
+/* LanguageDefine(names, inside) */
+/* */
+/* Define a language whose names are given by ACAT of words names, and */
+/* whose associated hyphenation patterns file name is hyph_file. */
+/* */
+void LanguageDefine(OBJECT names, OBJECT inside)
+{ OBJECT link, y, hyph_file; BOOLEAN junk; FULL_CHAR ch;
+ int len;
+ assert( names != nilobj && type(names) == ACAT, "LanguageDefine: names!");
+ assert( Down(names) != names, "LanguageDefine: names is empty!");
+ debug2(DLS, D, "LanguageDefine(%s, %s)",
+ EchoObject(names), EchoObject(inside));
+ /* double table size if overflow */
+ if( ++lang_count >= lang_tabsize )
+ {
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0,
+ -lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT)));
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0,
+ -lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT)));
+ lang_tabsize *= 2;
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0,
+ lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT)));
+ ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_LANG_TAB, 0,
+ lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT)));
+ hyph_tab = (OBJECT *) realloc(hyph_tab, lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT) );
+ canonical_tab = (OBJECT *) realloc(canonical_tab, lang_tabsize * sizeof(OBJECT) );
+ }
+ /* insert each language name into names_tab */
+ for( link = Down(names); link != names; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ assert( is_word(type(y)), "LanguageDefine: type(y) != WORD!" );
+ word_language(y) = lang_count;
+ ltab_insert(y, &names_tab);
+ }
+ /* initialize canonical language name entry */
+ Child(y, Down(names));
+ canonical_tab[lang_count] = y;
+ /* make inside an ACAT if it isn't already */
+ if( type(inside) != ACAT )
+ { New(y, ACAT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(y), fpos(inside));
+ Link(y, inside);
+ inside = y;
+ }
+ /* initialize hyphenation file entry (first child of inside) */
+ Child(hyph_file, Down(inside));
+ DeleteLink(Down(inside));
+ if( !is_word(type(hyph_file)) )
+ Error(43, 3, "hyphenation file name expected here",
+ FATAL, &fpos(inside));
+ if( StringEqual(string(hyph_file), STR_EMPTY) ||
+ StringEqual(string(hyph_file), STR_HYPHEN) )
+ { Dispose(hyph_file);
+ hyph_tab[lang_count] = nilobj;
+ }
+ else hyph_tab[lang_count] = hyph_file;
+ /* initialize sentence ends */
+ lang_ends[lang_count] = inside;
+ for( link = Down(inside); link != inside; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { link = PrevDown(link);
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( !is_word(type(y)) )
+ { debug2(DLS, D, "word patterns failing on %s %s", Image(type(y)),
+ EchoObject(y));
+ Error(43, 4, "expected word ending pattern here", FATAL, &fpos(y));
+ }
+ len = StringLength(string(y));
+ if( len == 0 )
+ Error(43, 5, "empty word ending pattern", FATAL, &fpos(y));
+ ch = string(y)[len - 1];
+ LanguageSentenceEnds[ch] = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* if initializing run, initialize the hyphenation table */
+ if( InitializeAll )
+ { if( hyph_tab[lang_count] != nilobj )
+ junk = ReadHyphTable(lang_count);
+ }
+ debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageDefine returning.");
+} /* end LanguageDefine */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN LanguageWordEndsSentence(OBJECT wd, BOOLEAN lc_prec) */
+/* */
+/* Returns TRUE if word ends a sentence in the current language. This is */
+/* so if it ends with a string in the list associated with the current */
+/* language. If lc_prec is TRUE, it is also necessary for the character */
+/* preceding this suffix to be lower-case. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN LanguageWordEndsSentence(OBJECT wd, BOOLEAN lc_prec)
+{ OBJECT x, y, link; int pos;
+ assert( is_word(type(wd)), "LanguageWordEndsSentence: wd!" );
+ debug2(DLS, D, "LanguageWordEndsSentence(%d %s)",
+ word_language(wd), EchoObject(wd));
+ x = lang_ends[word_language(wd)];
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( StringEndsWith(string(wd), string(y)) )
+ {
+ if( !lc_prec )
+ { debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageWordEndsSentence returning TRUE (!lc_prec)");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* now check whether the preceding character is lower case */
+ pos = StringLength(string(wd)) - StringLength(string(y)) - 1;
+ if( pos >= 0 &&
+ MapIsLowerCase(string(wd)[pos], FontMapping(word_font(wd), &fpos(wd))))
+ {
+ debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageWordEndsSentence returning TRUE (!lc_prec)");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageWordEndsSentence returning FALSE");
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end LanguageWordEndsSentence */
+/*@::LanguageChange(), LanguageString(), LanguageHyph()@**********************/
+/* */
+/* LanguageChange(style, x) */
+/* */
+/* Change the current style to contain the language of language command x. */
+/* */
+void LanguageChange(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT lname;
+ debug2(DLS, D, "LanguageChange(%s, %s)", EchoStyle(style), EchoObject(x));
+ /* if argument is not a word, fail and exit */
+ if( !is_word(type(x)) )
+ { Error(43, 6, "%s ignored (illegal left parameter)", WARN, &fpos(x),
+ debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageChange returning (language unchanged)");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* if argument is empty, return unchanged */
+ if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_EMPTY) )
+ { debug0(DLS, D, "LanguageChange returning (empty, language unchanged)");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* retrieve language record if present, else leave style unchanged */
+ lname = ltab_retrieve(string(x), names_tab);
+ if( lname == nilobj )
+ Error(43, 7, "%s ignored (unknown language %s)", WARN, &fpos(x),
+ KW_LANGUAGE, string(x));
+ else language(*style) = word_language(lname);
+ debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageChange returning (language = %s)", string(lname));
+ ifdebug(DLS, DD, ltab_debug(names_tab, stderr));
+} /* LanguageChange */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *LanguageString(lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the canonical name of language lnum. */
+/* */
+FULL_CHAR *LanguageString(LANGUAGE_NUM lnum)
+{ FULL_CHAR *res;
+ debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageString(%d)", lnum);
+ assert( lnum > 0 && lnum <= lang_count, "LanguageString: unknown number" );
+ res = string(canonical_tab[lnum]);
+ debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageString returning %s", res);
+ return res;
+} /* end LanguageString */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT LanguageHyph(lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the hyphenation file name object for language lnum. */
+/* */
+OBJECT LanguageHyph(LANGUAGE_NUM lnum)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageHyph(%d)", lnum);
+ assert( lnum > 0 && lnum <= lang_count, "LanguageHyph: unknown number" );
+ res = hyph_tab[lnum];
+ debug1(DLS, D, "LanguageHyph returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end LanguageHyph */
diff --git a/z44.c b/z44.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f056d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z44.c
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+/*@z44.c:Vertical Hyphenation:VerticalHyphenate()@****************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z44.c */
+/* MODULE: Vertical Hyphenation */
+/* EXTERNS: VerticalHyphenate(), ConvertGalleyList() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* FirstDefiniteCompressed(x, link, y) */
+/* NextDefiniteWithGapCompressed(x, link, y, g) */
+/* */
+/* Like FirstDefinite() and NextDefiniteWithGap(), except that these */
+/* versions assume that x is of type VCAT, and they compress any VCAT */
+/* objects found within x as they go. */
+/* */
+#define FirstDefiniteCompressed(x, link, y) \
+{ BOOLEAN jn; \
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn); \
+ while( link != x && type(y) == VCAT ) \
+ { TransferLinks(Down(y), y, link); \
+ DisposeChild(link); \
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn); \
+ } \
+ assert( link==x || is_definite(type(y)), "FirstDefiniteCompressed!"); \
+#define NextDefiniteWithGapCompressed(x, link, y, g) \
+{ OBJECT start_link = PrevDown(link), ylink, yg, z; \
+ BOOLEAN jn; \
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn); \
+ while( link != x && type(y) == VCAT ) \
+ { FirstDefinite(y, ylink, z, jn); \
+ if( ylink != y && PrevDown(ylink) != y ) \
+ { Child(yg, PrevDown(ylink)); \
+ assert( type(yg)==GAP_OBJ && mode(gap(yg)) != NO_MODE, "NDWGC!"); \
+ MoveLink(PrevDown(ylink), Up(g), PARENT); \
+ MoveLink(Up(g), ylink, PARENT); \
+ } \
+ TransferLinks(Down(y), y, link); \
+ DisposeChild(link); \
+ link = NextDown(start_link); \
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn); \
+ } \
+ assert( link==x || is_definite(type(y)), "FirstDefiniteCompressed!"); \
+ assert( link==x || mode(gap(g)) != NO_MODE, \
+ "FirstDefiniteWithGapCompressed: mode(gap(g))!" ); \
+/* */
+/* OBJECT FindTarget(index) */
+/* */
+/* Work out what the given index is pointing at, or nilobj if nothing. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT FindTarget(OBJECT index)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ debug1(DVH, DD, "FindTarget(%s)", Image(type(index)));
+ switch( type(index) )
+ {
+ case DEAD:
+ res = nilobj;
+ break;
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ res = pinpoint(index);
+ break;
+ case SCALE_IND:
+ case COVER_IND:
+ case EXPAND_IND:
+ res = actual(index);
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ case FOLLOWS:
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ res = nilobj; /* somewhat doubtful */
+ break;
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ res = nilobj; /* somewhat doubtful */
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "FindTarget: unknown index", Image(type(index)));
+ break;
+ }
+ debug1(DVH, DD, "FindTarget returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end FindTarget */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT WhichComponent(target) */
+/* */
+/* Return the component of the enclosing galley that contains target, */
+/* or nilobj if some problem. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT WhichComponent(OBJECT target)
+{ OBJECT prnt;
+ debug1(DVH, DD, "WhichComponent(%s)", EchoObject(target));
+ while( Up(target) != target )
+ { Parent(prnt, Up(target));
+ if( type(prnt) == HEAD )
+ { debug1(DVH, DD, "WhichComponent returning %s", EchoObject(target));
+ return target;
+ }
+ target = prnt;
+ }
+ debug0(DVH, DD, "WhichComponent returning nilobj");
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end WhichComponent */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT EncloseInHcat(nxt, y, replace) */
+/* */
+/* Enclose object nxt in an HCAT, similar to HCAT y, at position replace. */
+/* The link to nxt will now link to the new HCAT. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT EncloseInHcat(OBJECT nxt, OBJECT y, OBJECT replace)
+{ OBJECT new_y, new_row_thread, s1, new_s1, s2, new_s2, link, sh, new_sh, tmp;
+ assert( Up(nxt) != nxt, "EncloseInHCat: Up(nxt) == nxt!" );
+ New(new_y, HCAT);
+ adjust_cat(new_y) = FALSE;
+ MoveLink(Up(nxt), new_y, CHILD);
+ assert( Up(nxt) == nxt, "EncloseInHCat: Up(nxt) != nxt!" );
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_y), fpos(y));
+ back(new_y, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(new_y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ back(new_y, ROWM) = back(nxt, ROWM);
+ fwd(new_y, ROWM) = fwd(nxt, ROWM);
+ New(new_row_thread, ROW_THR);
+ back(new_row_thread, ROWM) = back(new_y, ROWM);
+ fwd(new_row_thread, ROWM) = fwd(new_y, ROWM);
+ for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(s1, link);
+ if( type(s1) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { New(new_s1, GAP_OBJ);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_s1), fpos(s1));
+ GapCopy(gap(new_s1), gap(s1));
+ hspace(new_s1) = hspace(s1);
+ vspace(new_s1) = vspace(s1);
+ Link(new_y, new_s1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( type(s1) == WIDE || type(s1) == ONE_COL )
+ Child(s2, Down(s1));
+ else s2 = s1;
+ assert( type(s2) == SPLIT, "EncloseInHcat: type(s2) != SPLIT!" );
+ Child(sh, DownDim(s2, COLM));
+ New(new_s2, SPLIT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_s2), fpos(s2));
+ if( s2 != s1 )
+ { New(new_s1, type(s1));
+ back(new_s1, COLM) = back(s1, COLM);
+ fwd(new_s1, COLM) = fwd(s1, COLM);
+ back(new_s1, ROWM) = back(new_row_thread, COLM);
+ fwd(new_s1, ROWM) = fwd(new_row_thread, COLM);
+ Link(new_y, new_s1);
+ Link(new_s1, new_s2);
+ }
+ else Link(new_y, new_s2);
+ if( sh == replace )
+ {
+ /* replace sh by nxt in the copy */
+ new_sh = nxt;
+ back(new_sh, COLM) = back(s2, COLM);
+ fwd(new_sh, COLM) = fwd(s2, COLM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* replace sh by an empty object of the same width in the copy */
+ New(new_sh, WIDE);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_sh), fpos(sh));
+ SetConstraint(constraint(new_sh), back(sh,COLM),size(sh,COLM),fwd(sh,COLM));
+ back(new_sh, COLM) = back(sh, COLM);
+ fwd(new_sh, COLM) = fwd(sh, COLM);
+ back(new_sh, ROWM) = fwd(new_sh, ROWM) = 0;
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(sh));
+ back(tmp, COLM) = fwd(tmp, COLM) = 0;
+ back(tmp, ROWM) = fwd(tmp, ROWM) = 0;
+ underline(tmp) = UNDER_OFF;
+ Link(new_sh, tmp);
+ }
+ Link(new_s2, new_sh);
+ back(new_s2, COLM) = back(new_sh, COLM);
+ fwd(new_s2, COLM) = fwd(new_sh, COLM);
+ Link(new_s2, new_row_thread);
+ back(new_s2, ROWM) = back(new_row_thread, ROWM);
+ fwd(new_s2, ROWM) = fwd(new_row_thread, ROWM);
+ Link(new_row_thread, new_sh);
+ }
+ return new_y;
+} /* end EncloseInHcat */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN VerticalHyphenate(OBJECT y) */
+/* */
+/* Attempt to vertically hyphenate galley component y, of type HCAT. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN VerticalHyphenate(OBJECT y)
+{ OBJECT large_comp, index, z, link, g;
+ OBJECT row_thread, s1, s2, sh, sv, shp, prev, nxt, large_comp_split;
+ FULL_LENGTH rump_fwd;
+ debug1(DVH, D, "[ VerticalHyphenate(y: %s), y =", EchoLength(size(y, ROWM)));
+ ifdebug(DVH, D, DebugObject(y));
+ debug0(DVH, DD, "galley before vertical hyphenation:");
+ ifdebug(DVH, DD, Parent(z, Up(y)); DebugGalley(z, y, 2));
+ /* find large_comp, the largest VCAT component, or else return FALSE */
+ row_thread = large_comp = nilobj;
+ rump_fwd = 0;
+ assert( type(y) == HCAT, "VerticalHyphenate: type(y) != HCAT!" );
+ for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(s1, link);
+ if( type(s1) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { if( !join(gap(s1)) )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (not joined)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* check that s2 is a SPLIT object whose children look right */
+ if( type(s1) == WIDE || type(s1) == ONE_COL )
+ Child(s2, Down(s1));
+ else s2 = s1;
+ if( type(s2) != SPLIT )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (child not SPLIT)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Child(sh, DownDim(s2, COLM));
+ Child(sv, DownDim(s2, ROWM));
+ if( type(sv) != ROW_THR )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (no ROW_THR)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if( row_thread == nilobj ) row_thread = sv;
+ if( sv != row_thread )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (different ROW_THR)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Parent(shp, UpDim(sh, ROWM));
+ if( shp != row_thread )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (sh parent)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Now sh is one of the HCAT components */
+ if( type(sh) != VCAT )
+ { rump_fwd = find_max(rump_fwd, fwd(sh, ROWM));
+ }
+ else if( large_comp != nilobj )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (two VCATs)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ { large_comp = sh;
+ large_comp_split = s2;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if no large_comp, return */
+ if( large_comp == nilobj )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (no VCAT)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* check that large_comp has at least two components */
+ FirstDefiniteCompressed(large_comp, link, prev);
+ if( link == large_comp )
+ { debug0(DVH,D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (VCAT: no components)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ NextDefiniteWithGapCompressed(large_comp, link, nxt, g);
+ if( link == large_comp )
+ { debug0(DVH,D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (VCAT: one component)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* make sure that first gap does not change when rearranging */
+ rump_fwd = find_max(rump_fwd, fwd(prev, ROWM));
+ if( MinGap(rump_fwd, back(nxt, ROWM), fwd(nxt, ROWM), &gap(g)) !=
+ MinGap(fwd(prev, ROWM), back(nxt, ROWM), fwd(nxt, ROWM), &gap(g)) )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (first gap changes)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* check that large_comp has no joins */
+ for( link = Down(large_comp); link != large_comp; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && mode(gap(z)) != NO_MODE && join(gap(z)) )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (VCAT: joined)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* enclose all definite components after the first in HCATs */
+ for( link = NextDown(Up(prev)); link != large_comp; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(nxt, link);
+ if( type(nxt) == GAP_OBJ ) continue;
+ if( is_definite(type(nxt)) )
+ nxt = EncloseInHcat(nxt, y, large_comp);
+ }
+ /* move all components after the first to the top level */
+ TransferLinks(Up(g), large_comp, NextDown(Up(y)));
+ /* change the size of y to its new, smaller value */
+ fwd(y, ROWM) = fwd(row_thread, ROWM) = fwd(large_comp, ROWM)
+ = fwd(large_comp_split, ROWM) = fwd(prev, ROWM);
+ /* set link to the link of the first thing before y which is not an index */
+ for( link = PrevDown(Up(y)); type(link) == LINK; link = PrevDown(link) )
+ { Child(index, link);
+ if( !is_index(type(index)) ) break;
+ }
+ /* for each index, find where it's pointing and possibly move it */
+ while( NextDown(link) != Up(y) )
+ { Child(index, NextDown(link));
+ assert( is_index(type(index)), "MoveIndexes: is_index!" );
+ z = FindTarget(index);
+ if( z != nilobj )
+ { z = WhichComponent(z);
+ if( z != nilobj && z != y )
+ { MoveLink(NextDown(link), Up(z), PARENT);
+ }
+ else link = NextDown(link);
+ }
+ else link = NextDown(link);
+ }
+ debug1(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning TRUE (y: %s)",
+ EchoLength(size(y, ROWM)));
+ debug0(DVH, DD, "galley after vertical hyphenation:");
+ ifdebug(DVH, DD, Parent(z, Up(y)); DebugGalley(z, y, 2));
+ return TRUE;
+} /* end VerticalHyphenate */
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT BuildMergeTree(int n, OBJECT x, OBJECT *lenv, *lact) */
+/* */
+/* Build a balanced tree of n-1 @Merge symbols, whose parameters are the */
+/* first n children of x. Return in lenv the environment of the root */
+/* @Merge symbol, and in *lact the symbol table entry for the parent of */
+/* this @Merge symbol. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT BuildMergeTree(int n, OBJECT x, OBJECT *lenv, OBJECT *lact)
+{ OBJECT res, merge, link, y, l, r, env, act, left_par, right_par;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "BuildMergeTree(%d, %s, -. -)", n, EchoObject(x));
+ if( n == 1 )
+ { New(res, ENV_OBJ);
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ MoveLink(Down(x), res, PARENT);
+ assert(type(y)==CLOSURE && has_merge(actual(y)), "BuildMergeTree: has_m!");
+ *lact = actual(y);
+ *lenv = DetachEnv(y);
+ AttachEnv(*lenv, res);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* build the two subtrees */
+ l = BuildMergeTree(n/2, x, lenv, lact);
+ r = BuildMergeTree( n - n/2, x, &env, &act);
+ /* set merge to new @Merge closure */
+ for( link = Down(act); link != act; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_merge(y) ) break;
+ }
+ assert( y != act, "BuildMergeTree: y!" );
+ New(merge, CLOSURE);
+ actual(merge) = y;
+ /* build left parameter of the new @Merge */
+ New(left_par, PAR);
+ actual(left_par) = ChildSym(y, LPAR);
+ Link(merge, left_par);
+ Link(left_par, l);
+ /* build right parameter of the new @Merge */
+ New(right_par, PAR);
+ actual(right_par) = ChildSym(y, RPAR);
+ Link(merge, right_par);
+ Link(right_par, r);
+ New(res, ENV_OBJ);
+ Link(res, merge);
+ Link(res, env);
+ }
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "BuildMergeTree returning %s (*lact = %s)",
+ EchoObject(res), SymName(*lact));
+ return res;
+} /* end BuildMergeTree */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ConvertGalleyList(x) */
+/* */
+/* Convert a set of galleys x into a single galley containing a balanced */
+/* tree of @Merge symbols. */
+/* */
+OBJECT ConvertGalleyList(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT res, y, link, junk1, junk2, obj; int n;
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "ConvertGalleyList(%s)", EchoObject(x));
+ Child(res, Down(x));
+ Child(y, Down(res));
+ MoveLink(Down(x), y, CHILD);
+ DeleteLink(Down(res));
+ MoveLink(Up(x), res, CHILD);
+ for( link = Down(x), n = 0; link != x; link = NextDown(link), n++ );
+ y = BuildMergeTree(n, x, &junk1, &junk2);
+ assert( Down(x) == x && Up(x) == x, "ConvertGalleyList: x!" );
+ Dispose(x);
+ Child(obj, Down(y));
+ MoveLink(Down(y), res, PARENT);
+ MoveLink(LastDown(y), obj, PARENT);
+ assert( Down(y) == y && Up(y) == y, "ConvertGalleyList: y!" );
+ Dispose(y);
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "ConvertGalleyList returning, res =");
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, DebugObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end ConvertGalleyList */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT BuildEnclose(hd) */
+/* */
+/* Build the @Enclose object for galley hd. */
+/* */
+OBJECT BuildEnclose(OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT sym, parsym, x, y, link, par, val, env, res;
+ debug1(DHY, D, "BuildEnclose(%s)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ /* find @Enclose symbol and check that it has just one parameter */
+ for( link = Down(actual(hd)); link != actual(hd); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(sym, link);
+ if( is_enclose(sym) ) break;
+ }
+ assert( link != actual(hd), "BuildEnclose: no enclose!" );
+ parsym = nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(sym); link != sym; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case LPAR:
+ case NPAR:
+ Error(44, 1, "%s may not have a left or named parameter", FATAL,
+ &fpos(y), KW_ENCLOSE);
+ break;
+ case RPAR:
+ if( has_body(sym) )
+ Error(44, 2, "%s may not have a body parameter", FATAL,
+ &fpos(y), KW_ENCLOSE);
+ parsym = y;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( parsym == nilobj )
+ Error(44, 3, "%s must have a right parameter", FATAL, &fpos(sym),KW_ENCLOSE);
+ /* set x to new @Enclose closure with dummy actual right parameter */
+ New(x, CLOSURE);
+ FposCopy(fpos(x), fpos(hd));
+ actual(x) = sym;
+ New(par, PAR);
+ FposCopy(fpos(par), fpos(hd));
+ actual(par) = parsym;
+ Link(x, par);
+ val = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("??"), &fpos(hd));
+ Link(par, val);
+ /* set env to the appropriate environment for this symbol */
+ /* strictly speaking y should not be included if sym is a parameter */
+ Child(y, Down(hd));
+ assert(type(y) == CLOSURE, "BuildEnclose: hd child!");
+ y = CopyObject(y, &fpos(hd));
+ env = SetEnv(y, nilobj);
+ /* build res, an ENV_OBJ with x at left and env at right */
+ New(res, ENV_OBJ);
+ Link(res, x);
+ Link(res, env);
+ debug1(DHY, D, "BuildEnclose returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end BuildEnclose */
diff --git a/z45.c b/z45.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..693356c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z45.c
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+/*@z45.c:External Sort:SortFile()@********************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z45.c */
+/* MODULE: External Sort */
+/* EXTERNS: SortFile() */
+/* */
+/* This simple sort utility assumes that the source file can all be read */
+/* into memory. If not, you get an "out of memory" error message. */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define BUFF_SIZE 4096 /* size of one memory buffer */
+#define LINES_GUESS 2000 /* initial guess of number of lines */
+/* */
+/* LINE *ReadLines(FILE *fp, FULL_CHAR *fname, FULL_CHAR *first_line, *len) */
+/* */
+/* Read all of the lines of fp into memory and return a null-terminated */
+/* array of pointers to these lines, and set *len to the number of lines. */
+/* Make sure the lines themselves are null-terminated, also. */
+/* */
+/* fname is the name of the file being sorted, and is used for error */
+/* messages only. */
+/* */
+/* if first_line is non-null then it is a pointer to a string which is */
+/* to become as the first line of the result. This string needs copying. */
+/* */
+LINE *ReadLines(FILE *fp, FULL_CHAR *fname, FULL_CHAR *first_line, int *len)
+ char *buff; /* the current input line buffer */
+ char *buff_top; /* first spot off end of buffer */
+ char *bp; /* first free spot in buff */
+ LINE *lines; /* the array of pointers to lines */
+ int lines_length; /* the length of the lines array */
+ LINE *lines_top; /* first spot off end of lines */
+ LINE *lp; /* first free spot in lines */
+ char *p, *q;
+ int ch;
+ debug1(DEX, D, "ReadLines(-, %s, -)", fname);
+ /* initialize buff to be empty with size BUFF_SIZE */
+ buff = malloc(BUFF_SIZE * sizeof(char));
+ if( buff == NULL )
+ Error(45, 1, "run out of memory when reading index file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, fname);
+ buff_top = buff + BUFF_SIZE;
+ bp = buff;
+ /* initialize the lines buffer to be the first line */
+ lines_length = LINES_GUESS;
+ lines = malloc(lines_length * sizeof(LINE *));
+ lines_top = &lines[lines_length];
+ lp = lines;
+ /* add first_line to lines buffer if required */
+ if( first_line != (FULL_CHAR *) null )
+ {
+ *lp = malloc((StringLength(first_line) + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ StringCopy( (char *) *lp, first_line);
+ lp++;
+ }
+ *lp++ = bp;
+ while( (ch = getc(fp)) != EOF )
+ {
+ debug4(DEX, DD, "lines: [%d %d(%d) %d]",
+ (int) lines, (int) (lp-1), (int) *(lp-1), (int) lines_top -1);
+ debug3(DEX, DD, " buff: [%d bp %d %d]",
+ (int) buff, (int) bp, (int) buff_top - 1);
+ assert( (int) buff >= (int) lines_top ||
+ (int) buff_top <= (int) lines,
+ "ReadLines: lines and buff overlap!" );
+ /* get new buffer and copy current line across if out of buff space */
+ if( bp == buff_top )
+ {
+ debug0(DEX, D, " getting new buff");
+ buff = malloc(BUFF_SIZE * sizeof(char));
+ if( buff == NULL )
+ Error(45, 2, "run out of memory when reading index file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, fname);
+ buff_top = buff + BUFF_SIZE;
+ for( p = buff, q = *(lp-1); q != bp; *p++ = *q++ );
+ bp = p; *bp = '\0';
+ debug1(DEX, D, " copied into new buff: %s", buff);
+ *(lp-1) = buff;
+ if( bp == buff_top )
+ Error(45, 3, "line too long when reading index file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, fname);
+ }
+ /* if newline char, end this line and start the next */
+ if( ch == '\n' )
+ {
+ *bp++ = '\0';
+ debug1(DEX, D, " finished line: %s", *(lp-1));
+ /* if no room in lines for next line, double its size */
+ if( lp == lines_top )
+ {
+ debug1(DEX, D, " realloc(lines, %d)", 2 * lines_length);
+ lines = realloc(lines, 2 * lines_length * sizeof(LINE *));
+ if( lines == NULL )
+ Error(45, 4, "run out of memory when reading index file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, fname);
+ lp = &lines[lines_length];
+ lines_length = 2 * lines_length;
+ lines_top = &lines[lines_length];
+ }
+ *lp++ = bp;
+ }
+ else /* ordinary char with space available, so just add it */
+ {
+ *bp++ = ch;
+ }
+ }
+ *len = (lp - lines - 1);
+ debug1(DEX, D, "ReadLines returning (len = %d)", *len);
+ return lines;
+} /* end ReadLines */
+/* */
+/* WriteLines(FILE *fp, LINE *lines, int len) */
+/* */
+/* Write array of lines "lines", of length len, to file fp. */
+/* */
+void WriteLines(FILE *fp, LINE *lines, int len)
+{ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
+ { fputs(lines[i], fp);
+ fputs("\n", fp);
+ }
+/* */
+/* Line comparison functions (for qsort) */
+/* */
+/* By Jeff Kingston and Valery Ushakov (uwe). */
+/* */
+static int pstrcmp(const void *a, const void *b) /* !UseCollate */
+ return strcmp (*(char **)a, *(char **)b);
+static int pstrcollcmp(const void *a, const void *b) /* UseCollate */
+ return strcollcmp (*(char **)a, *(char**)b);
+/* */
+/* void SortLines(LINE *lines, int lines_len) */
+/* */
+/* Sort the given lines. */
+/* */
+void SortLines(LINE *lines, int lines_len)
+ qsort(lines, lines_len, sizeof(LINE), (UseCollate ? pstrcollcmp : pstrcmp));
+/* */
+/* void SortFile(char *infile, char *outfile) */
+/* */
+/* Sort file infile, placing the result on file outfile. */
+/* */
+void SortFile(FULL_CHAR *infile, FULL_CHAR *outfile)
+ LINE *lines;
+ int lines_len;
+ FILE *in_fp, *out_fp;
+ debug2(DEX, D, "SortFile(%s, %s)", infile, outfile);
+ /* open input file */
+ in_fp = fopen( (char *) infile, READ_BINARY);
+ if( in_fp == (FILE *) NULL )
+ Error(45, 5, "cannot open index file %s for reading",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, outfile);
+ /* open output file */
+ out_fp = fopen( (char *) outfile, WRITE_BINARY);
+ if( out_fp == (FILE *) NULL )
+ Error(45, 6, "cannot open index file %s for writing",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, outfile);
+ /* read lines, sort them, and write them out again sorted */
+ lines = ReadLines(in_fp, infile, (FULL_CHAR *) NULL, &lines_len);
+ SortLines(lines, lines_len);
+ fclose(in_fp);
+ WriteLines(out_fp, lines, lines_len);
+ fclose(out_fp);
diff --git a/z46.c b/z46.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a920f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z46.c
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+/*@z46.c:Optimal Galleys:FindOptimize()@**************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z46.c */
+/* MODULE: Optimal Galleys */
+/* EXTERNS: FindOptimize(), SetOptimize(), GazumpOptimize(), */
+/* CalculateOptimize(), DebugOptimize() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN FindOptimize(x, env) */
+/* */
+/* Object x is a CLOSURE which represents an at present unsized galley. */
+/* Return TRUE if x has an @Optimize parameter which is Yes. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN FindOptimize(OBJECT x, OBJECT env)
+{ OBJECT y, link, res;
+ OBJECT bt[2], ft[2], ntarget, nenclose, crs;
+ debug1(DOG, D, "FindOptimize( %s )", EchoObject(x));
+ assert( type(x) == CLOSURE, "FindOptimize: type(x) != CLOSURE!" );
+ assert( has_target(actual(x)), "FindOptimize: x has no target!" );
+ /* search the parameter list of x for @Optimize */
+ res = nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == PAR && is_optimize(actual(y)) )
+ { assert( Down(y) != y, "FindOptimize: Down(PAR)!" );
+ Child(res, Down(y));
+ res = CopyObject(res, &fpos(x));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* search the children list of actual(x) for a default value of @Target */
+ if( res == nilobj )
+ for( link = Down(actual(x)); link != actual(x); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_optimize(y) )
+ { res = CopyObject(sym_body(y), &fpos(x));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* should have found it by now */
+ assert( res != nilobj, "FindOptimize: res == nilobj!" );
+ /* manifest and tidy the parameter, return TRUE if Yes */
+ bt[COLM] = ft[COLM] = bt[ROWM] = ft[ROWM] = ntarget = nenclose = crs = nilobj;
+ res = Manifest(res, env, &save_style(x), bt, ft, &ntarget, &crs, TRUE, FALSE,
+ &nenclose, FALSE);
+ res = ReplaceWithTidy(res, TRUE);
+ if( !is_word(type(res)) )
+ { Error(46, 1, "unable to evaluate %s parameter, assuming value is No",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_OPTIMIZE);
+ debug2(DOG, D, "FindOptimize returning FALSE; found %s %s",
+ Image(type(res)), EchoObject(res));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(res), AsciiToFull("Yes")) )
+ { debug0(DOG, D, "FindOptimize returning TRUE");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(string(res), AsciiToFull("No")) )
+ { debug0(DOG, D, "FindOptimize returning FALSE");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ { Error(46, 2, "value of %s operator is neither Yes nor No, assuming No",
+ WARN, &fpos(x), KW_OPTIMIZE);
+ debug1(DOG, D, "FindOptimize returning FALSE (found WORD %s)", string(res));
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+} /* end FindOptimize */
+/* */
+/* SetOptimize(hd, style) */
+/* */
+/* Initialize the optimization data of galley hd. Search the cross ref */
+/* database for information about its fate on the previous run. */
+/* */
+void SetOptimize(OBJECT hd, STYLE *style)
+ OBJECT res, y, link, z; FILE_NUM dfnum; long dfpos, cont; int dlnum;
+ debug2(DOG, D, "SetOptimize(%s, %s)", SymName(actual(hd)), EchoStyle(style));
+ /* set opt_counts(hd) to result of previous run, if any */
+ StringCopy(buff, SymName(actual(hd)));
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("."));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(line_num(fpos(hd))));
+ if( DbRetrieve(OldCrossDb, FALSE, OptGallSym, buff, seq, &dfnum,
+ &dfpos, &dlnum, &cont) )
+ {
+ SwitchScope(nilobj);
+ res = ReadFromFile(dfnum, dfpos, dlnum);
+ UnSwitchScope(nilobj);
+ assert( res != nilobj, "SetOptimize: res == nilobj!" );
+ assert( type(res) == CLOSURE, "SetOptimize: type(res) != CLOSURE!" );
+ assert( actual(res) == OptGallSym, "SetOptimize: actual(res) != Opt!" );
+ assert( Down(res) != res, "SetOptimize: Down(res) == res!" );
+ Child(y, Down(res));
+ assert( type(y) == PAR, "SetOptimize: type(y) != PAR!" );
+ Child(y, Down(y));
+ assert( type(y) == ACAT, "SetOptimize: type(y) != ACAT!" );
+ y = ReplaceWithTidy(y, FALSE);
+ opt_hyph(hd) = FALSE;
+ assert( type(y) == ACAT, "SetOptimize: type(y) != ACAT (2)!" );
+ for( link = y; NextDown(link) != y; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, NextDown(link));
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ }
+ else if( is_word(type(z)) )
+ { if( StringEqual(string(z), AsciiToFull("h")) )
+ { opt_hyph(hd) = TRUE;
+ DisposeChild(NextDown(link));
+ link = PrevDown(link);
+ }
+ else
+ { int num = 0;
+ sscanf( (char *) string(z), "%d", &num);
+ assert( num > 0, "SetOptimize: num <= 0!" );
+ comp_count(z) = num;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { assert( FALSE, "SetOptimize: type(z)!" );
+ }
+ }
+ DeleteLink(Up(y));
+ DisposeObject(res);
+ opt_counts(hd) = y;
+ }
+ else opt_counts(hd) = nilobj;
+ /* set up first opt_comps_permitted value */
+ if( opt_counts(hd) != nilobj && Down(opt_counts(hd)) != opt_counts(hd) )
+ { Child(z, Down(opt_counts(hd)));
+ opt_comps_permitted(hd) = comp_count(z) - 1;
+ DisposeChild(Up(z));
+ }
+ else opt_comps_permitted(hd) = MAX_FILES; /* a large number */
+ debug1(DOG, D, " initial permitted = %2d", opt_comps_permitted(hd));
+ /* set opt_components(hd) and opt_constraints(hd) for storing this run */
+ New(opt_components(hd), ACAT);
+ opt_gazumped(hd) = FALSE;
+ New(opt_constraints(hd), ACAT);
+ StyleCopy(save_style(opt_components(hd)), *style);
+ if( gall_dir(hd) == ROWM )
+ hyph_style(save_style(opt_components(hd))) = HYPH_OFF;
+ debug0(DOG, D, "SetOptimize returning:");
+ ifdebug(DOG, D, DebugOptimize(hd));
+} /* end SetOptimize */
+/* */
+/* GazumpOptimize(hd, dest) */
+/* */
+/* Optimizing galley hd, currently attached to @Galley dest, is to be */
+/* gazumped by some other galley. Record the current size constraint and */
+/* add &1rt {} to the list of components. */
+/* */
+void GazumpOptimize(OBJECT hd, OBJECT dest)
+{ OBJECT g, tmp, junk, prnt;
+ debug2(DOG, D, "GazumpOptimize(%s, %s)", SymName(actual(hd)),
+ EchoObject(dest));
+ assert( type(hd) == HEAD, "GazumpOptimize: type(hd) != HEAD!" );
+ assert( opt_components(hd) != nilobj, "GazumpOptimize: opt_c!" );
+ /* record the size of this just-completed target area for hd */
+ New(tmp, WIDE);
+ if( (gall_dir(hd) == COLM && external_hor(dest)) ||
+ (gall_dir(hd) == COLM && external_hor(dest)) )
+ { SetConstraint(constraint(tmp), MAX_FULL_LENGTH, MAX_FULL_LENGTH, MAX_FULL_LENGTH);
+ }
+ else
+ { Parent(prnt, Up(dest));
+ Constrained(prnt, &constraint(tmp), gall_dir(hd), &junk);
+ }
+ Link(opt_constraints(hd), tmp);
+ debug2(DOG, D, "GazumpOptimize(%s) adding constraint %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), EchoConstraint(&constraint(tmp)));
+ /* optimizing galley is being gazumped; record this as &1rt {} &1c */
+ if( LastDown(opt_components(hd)) != opt_components(hd) )
+ { Child(g, LastDown(opt_components(hd)));
+ assert( type(g) == GAP_OBJ, "FlushGalley: type(g) != GAP_OBJ!" );
+ /* ***
+ if( Down(g) == g )
+ { junk = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("2b"), &fpos(g));
+ Link(g, junk);
+ }
+ *** */
+ /* first we overwrite whatever is there now by &1rt */
+ if( Down(g) != g ) DisposeChild(Down(g));
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("1rt"), &fpos(g));
+ Link(g, tmp);
+ /* next we add an empty word */
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(g));
+ back(tmp, COLM) = fwd(tmp, COLM) = 0;
+ back(tmp, ROWM) = fwd(tmp, ROWM) = 0;
+ word_font(tmp) = word_colour(tmp) = 0;
+ word_language(tmp) = word_hyph(tmp) = 0;
+ Link(opt_components(hd), tmp);
+ /* finally we add &1c */
+ New(g, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(g) = 1; vspace(g) = 0;
+ FposCopy(fpos(g), fpos(tmp));
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("1c"), &fpos(g));
+ Link(g, tmp);
+ Link(opt_components(hd), g);
+ opt_gazumped(hd) = TRUE;
+ debug2(DOG, D, "GazumpOptimize(%s) new gap is %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), EchoGap(&gap(g)));
+ }
+ /* refresh the number of comps permitted into the next target */
+ if( opt_counts(hd) != nilobj && Down(opt_counts(hd)) != opt_counts(hd) )
+ { Child(tmp, Down(opt_counts(hd)));
+ opt_comps_permitted(hd) += comp_count(tmp) - 1;
+ DisposeChild(Up(tmp));
+ }
+ else opt_comps_permitted(hd) = MAX_FILES;
+ debug1(DOG, D, "GazumpOptimize returning, permitted = %2d",
+ opt_comps_permitted(hd));
+} /* end GazumpOptimize */
+/* */
+/* CalculateOptimize(hd) */
+/* */
+/* Calculate the optimal break for galley hd and write the result into */
+/* the cross reference database. */
+/* */
+void CalculateOptimize(OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT z, y, ylink, og, og_par, para, link, wd, g, last;
+ int count, compcount; FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF];
+ FILE_NUM fnum; int write_pos, write_lnum; BOOLEAN hyph_used;
+ debug1(DOG, D, "CalculateOptimize(%s)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ /* delete the concluding GAP_OBJ stuck in by Promote() */
+ assert( LastDown(opt_components(hd)) != opt_components(hd), "CO!" );
+ Child(last, LastDown(opt_components(hd)));
+ assert( type(last) == GAP_OBJ, "CalculateOptimize: type(last)!" );
+ DisposeChild(Up(last));
+ ifdebug(DOG, D, DebugOptimize(hd));
+ /* break the paragraph; don't let user see any error messages */
+ assert( opt_constraints(hd) != nilobj, "KillGalley: no opt_constraints!" );
+ assert( Down(opt_constraints(hd)) != opt_constraints(hd), "KillGalleyo!" );
+ /* *** no longer needed since z14 doesn't refer to these fields
+ back(opt_components(hd), COLM) = 0;
+ fwd(opt_components(hd), COLM) = MAX_FULL_LENGTH;
+ *** */
+ Child(y, LastDown(opt_constraints(hd)));
+ EnterErrorBlock(FALSE);
+ opt_components(hd) = FillObject(opt_components(hd), &constraint(y),
+ opt_constraints(hd), FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, &hyph_used);
+ LeaveErrorBlock(FALSE);
+ debug1(DOG, D, "after breaking (%shyph_used):", hyph_used ? "" : "not ");
+ ifdebug(DOG, D, DebugOptimize(hd));
+ /* quit if one line only */
+ if( type(opt_components(hd)) != VCAT ||
+ Down(opt_components(hd)) == LastDown(opt_components(hd)) )
+ {
+ debug0(DOG, D, "CalculateOptimize returning (one target only)");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* construct a new @OptGall symbol */
+ New(og, CLOSURE);
+ actual(og) = OptGallSym;
+ FposCopy(fpos(og), fpos(hd));
+ New(og_par, PAR);
+ actual(og_par) = ChildSym(OptGallSym, RPAR);
+ Link(og, og_par);
+ New(para, ACAT);
+ Link(og_par, para);
+ /* begin with "h" if hyphenation was used */
+ if( hyph_used )
+ { wd = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("h"), &fpos(hd));
+ Link(para, wd);
+ }
+ /* attach words showing the number of components per target */
+ compcount = 0;
+ for( link = Down(opt_components(hd)); link != opt_components(hd);
+ link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) != ACAT ) continue;
+ /* let wd be a word containing the number of components in this target */
+ count = 0;
+ for( ylink = Down(y); ylink != y; ylink = NextDown(ylink) )
+ { Child(z, ylink);
+ if( type(z) != GAP_OBJ ) count++;
+ }
+ wd = MakeWord(WORD, StringInt(count), &fpos(y));
+ /* link wd to para, prepended by a gap if not first */
+ if( Down(para) != para )
+ { New(g, GAP_OBJ);
+ if( ++compcount % 20 == 0 )
+ { hspace(g) = 0;
+ vspace(g) = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ { hspace(g) = 1;
+ vspace(g) = 0;
+ }
+ Link(para, g);
+ }
+ Link(para, wd);
+ }
+ debug2(DOG, D, "CalculateOptimize(%s) made object %s",
+ SymName(actual(hd)), EchoObject(og));
+ /* dispose the optimizing data structures */
+ DisposeObject(opt_components(hd));
+ opt_components(hd) = nilobj;
+ DisposeObject(opt_constraints(hd));
+ opt_constraints(hd) = nilobj;
+ /* write result onto cross-reference database */
+ if( AllowCrossDb )
+ {
+ /* construct a suitable tag for this galley's entry */
+ StringCopy(buff, SymName(actual(hd)));
+ StringCat(buff, AsciiToFull("."));
+ StringCat(buff, StringInt(line_num(fpos(hd))));
+ fnum = DatabaseFileNum(&fpos(hd));
+ AppendToFile(og, fnum, &write_pos, &write_lnum);
+ DbInsert(NewCrossDb, FALSE, OptGallSym, buff, &fpos(hd),
+ STR_ZERO, fnum, write_pos, write_lnum, FALSE);
+ }
+ debug0(DOG, D, "CalculateOptimize returning.");
+/* */
+/* DebugOptimizedAcat(x) */
+/* */
+/* Debug output of one line of optimized ACAT. */
+/* */
+static void DebugOptimizedAcat(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ assert( type(x) == ACAT, "DebugOptimizedAcat!" );
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { debug1(DOG, D, " GAP_OBJ %s", EchoGap(&gap(y)));
+ }
+ else if( is_word(type(y)) )
+ { debug2(DOG, D, " word (%s, %s)", EchoLength(back(y, COLM)),
+ EchoLength(fwd(y, COLM)));
+ }
+ else
+ { debug1(DOG, D, " %s", Image(type(y)));
+ }
+ }
+} /* end DebugOptimizedAcat */
+/* */
+/* DebugOptimize(hd) */
+/* */
+/* Debug output of optimized galley hd. */
+/* */
+void DebugOptimize(OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT link, y;
+ assert( opt_components(hd) != nilobj, "DebugOptimize!");
+ debug3(DOG, D, "Optimized Galley %s %sinto %s", SymName(actual(hd)),
+ gall_dir(hd) == COLM ? "horizontally " : "", SymName(whereto(hd)));
+ /* print components */
+ /* *** believe this now ***
+ if( type(opt_components(hd)) == ACAT )
+ DebugOptimizedAcat(opt_components(hd));
+ else if( type(opt_components(hd)) == VCAT )
+ {
+ for( link = Down(opt_components(hd)); link != opt_components(hd);
+ link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(y, link);
+ if( type(y) == ACAT ) DebugOptimizedAcat(y);
+ debug0(DOG, D, "----------------");
+ }
+ }
+ else debug1(DOG, D, "? %s ?", Image(type(opt_components(hd))));
+ *** */
+ debug0(DOG, D, "components:");
+ ifdebug(DOG, D, DebugObject(opt_components(hd)));
+ debug0(DOG, D, "");
+ /* print constraints */
+ debug0(DOG, D, "constraints:");
+ for( link = Down(opt_constraints(hd)); link != opt_constraints(hd);
+ link = NextDown(link) )
+ {
+ Child(y, link);
+ debug1(DOG, D, "%s", EchoConstraint(&constraint(y)));
+ }
+ debug0(DOG, D, "");
+ /* print counts */
+ debug0(DOG, D, "counts");
+ if( opt_counts(hd) != nilobj )
+ {
+ if( opt_hyph(hd) )
+ fprintf(stderr, "hyph");
+ for( link = Down(opt_counts(hd)); link != opt_counts(hd);
+ link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ fprintf(stderr, " %d", comp_count(y));
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ }
+ debug0(DOG, D, "");
+} /* end DebugOptimize */
diff --git a/z47.c b/z47.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fac7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z47.c
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+/*@z47.c:Environment Table:EnvReadRetrieve()@*********************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z47.c */
+/* MODULE: Environment Table */
+/* EXTERNS: EnvInit(), EnvWriteRetrieve(), EnvWriteInsert(), */
+/* EnvReadRetrieve(), EnvReadInsert() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define TAB_SIZE 211
+#define MAX_CACHE 180
+#define env_offset(x) back(x, ROWM)
+#define env_lnum(x) line_num(fpos(x))
+#define env_fnum(x) file_num(fpos(x))
+#define env_read(x) sized(x)
+static OBJECT env_cache; /* cache of envts in use */
+static int cache_count; /* current size of cache */
+static int stat_writes; /* calls to WriteRetrieve */
+static int stat_write_hits; /* hits in WriteRetrieve */
+static int stat_reads; /* calls to ReadRetrieve */
+static int stat_read_hits; /* hits in ReadRetrieve */
+static OBJECT tab[TAB_SIZE];
+#define hash1(pos, env, fnum) \
+{ \
+ pos = ( (int) env + fnum ) % TAB_SIZE; \
+#define hash2(pos, fnum, offset) \
+{ \
+ pos = ( offset + fnum ) % TAB_SIZE; \
+/* */
+/* void EnvInit(void) */
+/* */
+/* Initialize this module. */
+/* */
+void EnvInit(void)
+{ int i;
+ debug0(DET, DD, "EnvInit()");
+ stat_reads = 0;
+ stat_read_hits = 0;
+ stat_writes = 0;
+ stat_write_hits = 0;
+ New(env_cache, ACAT);
+ cache_count = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < TAB_SIZE; i++ )
+ { tab[i] = nilobj;
+ }
+ debug0(DET, DD, "EnvInit returning");
+} /* end EnvInit */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN EnvWriteRetrieve(OBJECT env, FILE_NUM fnum, int *offset, *lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Return the offset in file fnum where environment env has been written, */
+/* or FALSE if env has not been written to this file. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN EnvWriteRetrieve(OBJECT env, FILE_NUM fnum, int *offset, int *lnum)
+{ int pos; OBJECT link, y, z;
+ debug2(DET, DD, "EnvWriteRetrieve(env %d, %s)", (int) env, FileName(fnum));
+ debug1(DET, DDD, " %s", EchoObject(env));
+ stat_writes++;
+ hash1(pos, env, fnum);
+ if( tab[pos] != nilobj )
+ {
+ for( link = Down(tab[pos]); link != tab[pos]; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( env_fnum(y) == fnum && z == env && !env_read(y) )
+ { MoveLink(LastUp(y), env_cache, PARENT);
+ *offset = env_offset(y);
+ *lnum = env_lnum(y);
+ stat_write_hits++;
+ debug2(DET, DD, "EnvWriteRetrieve returning TRUE (offset %d, lnum %d)",
+ *offset, *lnum);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DET, DD, "EnvWriteRetrieve returning FALSE");
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end EnvWriteRetrieve */
+/* */
+/* void EnvWriteInsert(OBJECT env, FILE_NUM fnum, int offset, int lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Record the fact that environment env has been written to file fnum */
+/* at the given offset. */
+/* */
+void EnvWriteInsert(OBJECT env, FILE_NUM fnum, int offset, int lnum)
+{ int pos; OBJECT loser, x;
+ debug3(DET, DD, "EnvWriteInsert(env %d, %s, %d)", (int) env,
+ FileName(fnum), offset);
+ /* to limit the cache size, remove least recently used entry if full */
+ if( cache_count >= MAX_CACHE )
+ {
+ Child(loser, Down(env_cache));
+ DeleteLink(Up(loser));
+ DisposeChild(Up(loser));
+ cache_count--;
+ }
+ /* insert the new entry */
+ hash1(pos, env, fnum);
+ if( tab[pos] == nilobj ) New(tab[pos], ACAT);
+ New(x, ACAT);
+ env_fnum(x) = fnum;
+ env_offset(x) = offset;
+ env_lnum(x) = lnum;
+ env_read(x) = FALSE;
+ Link(tab[pos], x);
+ Link(env_cache, x);
+ Link(x, env);
+ cache_count++;
+ debug1(DET, DD, "EnvWriteInsert returning (cache_count = %d)", cache_count);
+} /* end EnvWriteInsert */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN EnvReadRetrieve(FILE_NUM fnum, int offset, OBJECT *env) */
+/* */
+/* Return the environment that appears in file fnum at the given offset, */
+/* or FALSE if this is not currently known. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN EnvReadRetrieve(FILE_NUM fnum, int offset, OBJECT *env)
+{ int pos; OBJECT link, y, z;
+ debug2(DET, DD, "EnvReadRetrieve(%s, %d)", FileName(fnum), offset);
+ stat_reads++;
+ hash2(pos, fnum, offset);
+ if( tab[pos] != nilobj )
+ {
+ for( link = Down(tab[pos]); link != tab[pos]; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ Child(z, Down(y));
+ if( env_fnum(y) == fnum && env_offset(y) == offset && env_read(y) )
+ { MoveLink(LastUp(y), env_cache, PARENT);
+ Child(*env, Down(y));
+ stat_read_hits++;
+ debug1(DET, DD, "EnvReadRetrieve returning env %d", (int) *env);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DET, DD, "EnvReadRetrieve returning FALSE");
+ return FALSE;
+} /* end EnvReadRetrieve */
+/* */
+/* void EnvReadInsert(FILE_NUM fnum, int offset, OBJECT env) */
+/* */
+/* Record the fact that environment env has just been read from file fnum */
+/* at position offset. */
+/* */
+void EnvReadInsert(FILE_NUM fnum, int offset, OBJECT env)
+{ int pos; OBJECT x, loser;
+ debug3(DET, DD, "EnvReadInsert(%s, %d, env %d)",
+ FileName(fnum), offset, (int) env);
+ /* to limit the cache size, remove least recently used entry if full */
+ if( cache_count >= MAX_CACHE )
+ {
+ Child(loser, Down(env_cache));
+ DeleteLink(Up(loser));
+ DisposeChild(Up(loser));
+ cache_count--;
+ }
+ /* insert the new entry */
+ hash2(pos, fnum, offset);
+ if( tab[pos] == nilobj ) New(tab[pos], ACAT);
+ New(x, ACAT);
+ env_fnum(x) = fnum;
+ env_offset(x) = offset;
+ env_read(x) = TRUE;
+ Link(tab[pos], x);
+ Link(env_cache, x);
+ Link(x, env);
+ cache_count++;
+ debug1(DET, DD, "EnvReadInsert returning (cache_count = %d)", cache_count);
+} /* end EnvReadInsert */
+/* */
+/* void EnvDebug() */
+/* */
+/* Debug statistics of this module's performance. */
+/* */
+void EnvDebug(void)
+ debug3(DET, D, "Env Table %6s %6s %6s", "calls", "hits", "% hits");
+ debug3(DET, D, "reading %6d %6d %6.1f", stat_reads, stat_read_hits,
+ stat_reads == 0 ? (float) 0 : (float) 100 * stat_read_hits / stat_reads);
+ debug3(DET, D, "writing %6d %6d %6.1f", stat_writes, stat_write_hits,
+ stat_writes == 0 ? (float) 0 : (float) 100 * stat_write_hits / stat_writes);
+} /* end EnvDebug */
diff --git a/z48.c b/z48.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c66e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z48.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3706 @@
+/*@z48.c:PDF back end@********************************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This PDF Back End module written by Vincent Tan, March 1998. */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z48.c */
+/* MODULE: PDF back end */
+/* EXTERNS: PDFFile_Init(), PDFFile_BeginFontEncoding(), */
+/* PDFFile_EndFontEncoding(), PDFFile_Cleanup(), */
+/* PDFPage_Init(), PDFPage_Cleanup(), PDFPage_Write(), */
+/* PDFPage_Push(), PDFPage_Pop(), PDFPage_Scale(), */
+/* PDFPage_Translate(), PDFPage_Rotate(), PDFPage_SetVars(), */
+/* PDFPage_WriteGraphic(), PDFPage_PrintUnderline(), */
+/* PDFFont_AddFont(), PDFFont_Set(), PDFText_OpenXY(), */
+/* PDFText_OpenX(), PDFText_Open(), PDFText_Kern(), */
+/* PDFText_Close(), PDFHasValidTextMatrix() */
+/* */
+#define PI 3.1415926535897931160
+#include "externs.h"
+/* ANSI headers */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <time.h>
+/* zlib headers: define PDF_COMPRESSION = 0 if you don't have zlib library */
+#include "zlib.h"
+static void Assert(BOOLEAN condition, FILE_POS *inFilePos)
+ if (!condition) /* allows me to set a breakpoint here */
+ assert(condition, inFilePos);
+/* #define's and typedefs */
+enum {
+ kBase14FontCount = 14, /* there are 14 base PDF fonts */
+ kBufferSize = 1024 /* size of buffer for skipping non-marking commands */
+enum {
+ kRawOutputBufferSize = 4096, /* arbitrary choice */
+ kCompressedOutputBufferSize = 4096 /* arbitrary choice */
+enum {
+ kNumberOfObjectsPerBlock = 256, /* arbitrary choice */
+ kNumberOfPagesPerBlock = 64 /* arbitrary choice */
+typedef enum {
+ kFitNoChange = 0, /* special default case */
+ kFit, /* [ /Fit ]: fit the page to the window */
+ kFitH, /* [ /FitH top ]: fit the width of the page to window; */
+ /* top specifies y-coord of the top edge of the window */
+ kFitV, /* [ /FitV left ]: fit the height of the page to the */
+ /* window. left specifies x-coord of left edge of win. */
+ kFitR, /* [ /FitR left bottom right top ]: fit the rectangle */
+ /* specified by left bottom right top in the window. */
+ /* If the height (top - bottom) and width (right-left) */
+ /* imply different zoom factors, the numerically */
+ /* smaller zoom factor is used, to ensure that the */
+ /* specified rectangle fits in the window */
+ kFitB, /* [ /FitB ]: fit the page's bounding box to window */
+ kFitBH, /* [ /FitBH top ]: fit the width of the page's bound. */
+ /* box to the window. top specifies the y-coordinate */
+ /* of the top edge of the window */
+ kFitBV, /* [ /FitBV left ]: fit the height of the page's */
+ /* bounding box to the window. left specifies the */
+ /* x-coordinate of the left edge of the window */
+ kNumberOfDestLinkOptions
+enum eUnitsKeywords {
+ k_in = 0,
+ k_cm,
+ k_pt,
+ k_em,
+ k_loutf,
+ k_loutv,
+ k_louts,
+ kNumberOfUnitKeywords
+enum eGraphicsKeywords {
+ k_xsize = 0,
+ k_ysize,
+ k_xmark,
+ k_ymark,
+ kNumberOfGraphicsKeywords
+enum eArithmeticKeywords {
+ k_add = 0,
+ k_sub,
+ k_mul,
+ k_div,
+ k_sin,
+ k_cos,
+ k_pick,
+ kNumberOfArithmeticKeywords
+typedef enum {
+ k_link_source = 0, /* source of a link to an internal document target */
+ k_link_external, /* source of a link to an external document target */
+ k_link_URI, /* source of a link to an (external) URI target */
+ k_link_target, /* internal document target */
+ k_link_target_for_export, /* external document target */
+ kNumberOfLinkKeywords
+enum {
+ k_author = 0,
+ k_title,
+ k_subject,
+ k_keywords,
+ kNumberOfDocInfoKeywords
+/* basic types */
+typedef double t_matrix[9];
+typedef char t_tempbuf[512];
+typedef unsigned int PDF_OBJECT_NUM;
+typedef PDF_OBJECT_NUM PDF_PAGE_OBJECT_NUM; /* an object number that can */
+ /* refer ONLY to page object */
+typedef unsigned int PDF_FONT_NUM;
+typedef unsigned int PDF_PAGE_NUM;
+typedef unsigned int PDF_FILE_OFFSET;
+/* font list */
+struct t_font_list_entry {
+ struct t_font_list_entry *m_next_font_entry;
+ FULL_CHAR *m_PDF_font_name;
+ FULL_CHAR *m_short_font_name;
+ FULL_CHAR *m_actual_font_name;
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM m_font_encoding_obj; /* valid for entire PDF file */
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM m_pdf_object_number; /* valid for entire PDF file */
+ BOOLEAN m_font_resource_in_pdf; /* TRUE when PDF file has */
+ /* /Type /Font resource */
+ BOOLEAN m_in_use; /* used on a per-page basis */
+typedef struct t_font_list_entry t_font_list_entry, *t_font_list_entry_ptr;
+/* offsets of all objects (for xref list) */
+typedef PDF_FILE_OFFSET t_offset_array[kNumberOfObjectsPerBlock];
+struct t_offset_block {
+ struct t_offset_block *m_next_block;
+ t_offset_array m_block;
+typedef struct t_offset_block t_offset_block, *t_offset_block_ptr;
+/* for /Pages object */
+typedef PDF_PAGE_OBJECT_NUM t_page_array[kNumberOfPagesPerBlock];
+struct t_page_block {
+ struct t_page_block *m_next_block;
+ t_page_array m_block;
+typedef struct t_page_block t_page_block, *t_page_block_ptr;
+/* for font encodings */
+struct t_font_encoding_entry {
+ struct t_font_encoding_entry* m_next_entry;
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM m_object_num;
+ FULL_CHAR *m_font_encoding;
+typedef struct t_font_encoding_entry
+ t_font_encoding_entry, *t_font_encoding_entry_ptr;
+/* for qsave/qrestore [see PDFPage_Push()] */
+struct t_qsave_entry {
+ struct t_qsave_entry *m_next_entry;
+ int m_page_h_origin, m_page_v_origin;
+ float m_page_h_scale_factor, m_page_v_scale_factor;
+typedef struct t_qsave_entry t_qsave_entry, *t_qsave_entry_ptr;
+/* for qsave/qrestore [see PDFPage_Push()] */
+struct t_qsave_marking_entry {
+ struct t_qsave_marking_entry* m_next_entry;
+ unsigned int m_buffer_pos;
+typedef struct t_qsave_marking_entry t_qsave_marking_entry, *t_qsave_marking_entry_ptr;
+/* target of link annotations */
+struct t_target_annot_entry {
+ struct t_target_annot_entry* m_next_entry;
+ /* all of the following are always defined */
+ FULL_CHAR *m_name;
+ PDF_PAGE_OBJECT_NUM m_page_object_num;
+ /* these are in PDF's default user space coordinates */
+ int m_ll_x;
+ int m_ll_y;
+ int m_ur_x;
+ int m_ur_y;
+ BOOLEAN m_for_export;
+typedef struct t_target_annot_entry t_target_annot_entry, *t_target_annot_entry_ptr;
+/* source of link annotations */
+struct t_source_annot_entry {
+ struct t_source_annot_entry* m_next_entry;
+ t_target_annot_entry* m_target; /* if is a link and this is NULL then */
+ /* the link is a fwd link and remains */
+ /* unresolvable until the page is */
+ /* encountered - instead, the m_name */
+ /* field is defined; m_target will be */
+ /* NULL for URI type links */
+ FULL_CHAR *m_name; /* this string is defined if m_target */
+ /* is NULL otherwise it is null */
+ /* for URI links, this contains the */
+ /* URI to link to */
+ FULL_CHAR *m_file_spec; /* only defined for link_type == */
+ /* k_link_external */
+ /* all of the following are always defined */
+ /* these are in PDF's default user space coordinates */
+ int m_ll_x;
+ int m_ll_y;
+ int m_ur_x;
+ int m_ur_y;
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM m_this_object_num; /* obj num of this "/Type /Annot" obj */
+ PDF_PAGE_OBJECT_NUM m_this_page_object_num; /* obj num of the page that */
+ /* this annot lies in */
+ PDF_LINK_DEST_OPTION m_dest_option;
+ PDF_LINK_KEYWORD m_link_type;
+ BOOLEAN m_written_to_PDF_file;
+typedef struct t_source_annot_entry t_source_annot_entry, *t_source_annot_entry_ptr;
+/* matrices */
+struct t_matrix_entry {
+ struct t_matrix_entry* m_next_entry;
+ t_matrix m_matrix;
+typedef struct t_matrix_entry t_matrix_entry, *t_matrix_entry_ptr;
+/* statics */
+/* general */
+static BOOLEAN g_PDF_debug;
+/* objects */
+static PDF_OBJECT_NUM g_next_objnum;
+static t_offset_block_ptr g_obj_offset_list; /* first block */
+static t_offset_block_ptr g_cur_obj_offset_block;
+/* fonts */
+static t_font_list_entry_ptr g_font_list; /* backwards */
+static t_font_encoding_entry_ptr g_font_encoding_list; /* backwards */
+/* pages */
+static PDF_PAGE_NUM g_page_count; /* current page num, */
+ /* starting at 1 */
+static PDF_PAGE_OBJECT_NUM g_page_object_num; /* obj num of current*/
+ /* "/Type /Page" obj,*/
+ /* corr. to page */
+ /* num g_page_count */
+static t_page_block_ptr g_page_block_list; /* first block */
+static t_page_block_ptr g_cur_page_block;
+static PDF_OBJECT_NUM g_pages_root;
+/* document */
+static int g_doc_h_bound;
+static int g_doc_v_bound;
+static FULL_CHAR* g_doc_author;
+static FULL_CHAR* g_doc_title;
+static FULL_CHAR* g_doc_subject;
+static FULL_CHAR* g_doc_keywords;
+/* link annotations */
+static t_target_annot_entry_ptr g_target_annot_list;
+static BOOLEAN g_has_exported_targets;
+/* globals for each page */
+/* these indicate what kind of content the page has */
+static BOOLEAN g_page_uses_fonts;
+static BOOLEAN g_page_has_text;
+static BOOLEAN g_page_has_graphics;
+/* these are only defined when the page has some content */
+static PDF_OBJECT_NUM g_page_contents_obj_num;
+static PDF_OBJECT_NUM g_page_length_obj_num;
+static PDF_FILE_OFFSET g_page_start_offset;
+/* valid after a PDF_Push and PDF_Pop */
+static t_qsave_entry_ptr g_qsave_stack;
+static t_qsave_marking_entry_ptr g_qsave_marking_stack; /* implemented as a */
+ /* linked list; pts */
+ /* to top of stack */
+static BOOLEAN g_in_buffering_mode;
+static char g_buffer[kBufferSize]; /* this buffer is used*/
+ /* for removing redundant operations */
+static unsigned int g_buffer_pos;
+/* valid after a link annotation has been defined */
+static t_source_annot_entry_ptr g_source_annot_list;
+static t_matrix g_cur_matrix;
+static t_matrix_entry_ptr g_matrix_stack;
+/* track these values in case they are ever required */
+static float g_page_h_scale_factor, g_page_v_scale_factor;
+static int g_page_h_origin, g_page_v_origin;
+static int g_page_line_width;
+/* magic keywords (actually they will appear in Lout documents as "__in", "__cm", etc.) */
+static char *g_unit_keywords[kNumberOfUnitKeywords] =
+ "in", "cm", "pt", "em", "loutf", "loutv", "louts" /* MUST be followed by a fp number */
+static char *g_graphic_keywords[kNumberOfGraphicsKeywords] =
+ "xsize", "ysize", "xmark", "ymark" /* like macros, these expand to the actual value */
+static char *g_arithmetic_keywords[kNumberOfArithmeticKeywords] =
+ /* syntax: "__mul(x, y)" emits (x * y) to 2 decimal places */
+ /* */
+ /* Notes: */
+ /* */
+ /* sin and cos expect their arguments in degrees */
+ /* */
+ /* for negation, use "__sub(0, arg)" */
+ /* */
+ /* __pick(i, expr1, expr2, expr3...) picks the ith expr from the */
+ /* list of expr the "," are optional (if they are not used, you */
+ /* should separate values with whitespace) */
+ "add", "sub", "mul", "div", "sin", "cos", "pick" /* like macros, these expand to the actual value */
+static char *g_link_keywords[kNumberOfLinkKeywords] =
+ /* syntax: "__link_source=<<name_of_target_link [dest_link_option]>>" */
+ /* */
+ /* example: "__link_source=<<chapter6>>" */
+ /* example: "__link_source=<<part7 __FitH>>" */
+ "link_source=<<",
+ /* syntax: "__link_external=<<name_of_target_link __link_to=file_spec>>"*/
+ /* syntax: "__link_external=<<name_of_target_link __link_to=<< /FS /URL /F (url)>>>>" */
+ /* */
+ /* ** note the special format required for URL links ** */
+ /* */
+ /* example: "__link_external=<<chapter6 __link_to=/usr/bin/file.pdf>>" */
+ /* example: "__link_external=<<chapter6 __link_to=<< /FS /URL /F */
+ /* (ftp://ftp.cs.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout/user.pdf) >>>>" */
+ "link_external=<<",
+ /* syntax: "__link_URI=<<URL>>" */
+ /* */
+ /* example: "__link_URI=<<http://www.adobe.com>>" */
+ "link_URI=<<",
+ /* syntax: "__link_target=<<name_of_target_link>>" where */
+ /* name_of_target_link is in this PDF file; name_of_target_link CANNOT */
+ /* be accessed by external documents in links */
+ /* */
+ /* example: "__link_target=<<my_internal_target>>" */
+ "link_target=<<",
+ /* syntax: "__link_target_for_export=<<name_of_target_link>>" where */
+ /* name_of_target_link is in this file; name_of_target_link can be */
+ /* accessed by external documents in links */
+ /* */
+ /* example: "__link_target_for_export=<<my_exported_target>>" */
+ "link_target_for_export=<<"
+static char *g_dest_link_options[kNumberOfDestLinkOptions] =
+ /* see PDF_LINK_DEST_OPTION for descriptions of the meanings of these */
+ "__FitNoChange",
+ "__Fit",
+ "__FitH",
+ "__FitV",
+ "__FitR",
+ "__FitB",
+ "__FitBH",
+ "__FitBV"
+static char* g_external_file_spec_keyword[1] =
+ "__link_to="
+static char* g_doc_info_keywords[kNumberOfDocInfoKeywords] =
+ "author=", "title=", "subject=", "keywords="
+static int g_units[kNumberOfUnitKeywords];
+static int g_graphics_vars[kNumberOfGraphicsKeywords];
+/* text state */
+static BOOLEAN g_TJ_pending;
+static BOOLEAN g_ET_pending;
+static BOOLEAN g_valid_text_matrix; /* true when BT...ET block open */
+/* expressions */
+static int g_expr_depth = 0;
+static int g_expr_index;
+static t_tempbuf g_expr;
+/* links */
+static int g_link_depth = 0;
+static int g_link_index;
+static t_tempbuf g_link;
+static PDF_LINK_KEYWORD g_link_keyword;
+/* the 14 base fonts */
+static char *g_standard_base_14_fonts[kBase14FontCount] = {
+ "Courier",
+ "Courier-Bold",
+ "Courier-Oblique",
+ "Courier-BoldOblique",
+ "Helvetica",
+ "Helvetica-Bold",
+ "Helvetica-Oblique",
+ "Helvetica-BoldOblique",
+ "Symbol",
+ "Times",
+ "Times-Bold",
+ "Times-Italic",
+ "Times-BoldItalic",
+ "ZapfDingbats"
+static BOOLEAN g_apply_compression;
+static z_stream g_comp_stream; /* zlib compression stream */
+static unsigned char* g_raw_buffer_ptr;
+/* compression buffers */
+static unsigned char g_raw_output[kRawOutputBufferSize];
+static unsigned char g_compressed_output[kCompressedOutputBufferSize];
+/* for calculating largest page object */
+static PDF_FILE_OFFSET g_max_page_length = 0;
+BOOLEAN PDFHasValidTextMatrix(void) /* this is called from z24.c */
+ return g_valid_text_matrix;
+/* */
+/* t_offset_block_ptr PDFObject_FindOffsetBlock(PDF_OBJECT_NUM in_obj_num) */
+/* */
+/* Find the offset block for the given object number. */
+/* */
+static t_offset_block_ptr PDFObject_FindOffsetBlock(PDF_OBJECT_NUM in_obj_num,
+ unsigned int* out_block_pos)
+ int wanted_block_num = (in_obj_num - 1) / kNumberOfObjectsPerBlock;
+ int block_pos = (in_obj_num - 1) % kNumberOfObjectsPerBlock;
+ t_offset_block_ptr the_block = g_obj_offset_list;
+ Assert((in_obj_num > 0) && (in_obj_num < g_next_objnum), no_fpos);
+ /* find block */
+ while (wanted_block_num != 0) {
+ Assert(the_block != NULL, no_fpos);
+ the_block = the_block->m_next_block;
+ wanted_block_num--;
+ }
+ Assert(the_block != NULL, no_fpos);
+ if (out_block_pos != NULL)
+ *out_block_pos = block_pos;
+ return the_block;
+/* */
+/* PDF_OBJECT_NUM PDFObject_New(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Return the next available object number. */
+/* */
+static PDF_OBJECT_NUM PDFObject_New(/* FILE* in_fp */)
+ int wanted_block_num = (g_next_objnum - 1) / kNumberOfObjectsPerBlock;
+ int block_pos = (g_next_objnum - 1) % kNumberOfObjectsPerBlock;
+ t_offset_block_ptr the_block = g_cur_obj_offset_block;
+ /* if first obj in a block then allocate the block */
+ if (block_pos == 0)
+ {
+ the_block = (t_offset_block_ptr) malloc(sizeof(t_offset_block));
+ if (the_block == NULL)
+ Error(48, 1, "PDFObject_New: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ if (wanted_block_num == 0) /* if first block in file */
+ {
+ Assert(g_obj_offset_list == NULL, no_fpos);
+ g_obj_offset_list = the_block;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(g_cur_obj_offset_block != NULL, no_fpos);
+ g_cur_obj_offset_block->m_next_block = the_block;
+ }
+ the_block->m_next_block = NULL; /* don't forget to init this! */
+ g_cur_obj_offset_block = the_block;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(the_block != NULL, no_fpos);
+ }
+ /* initialise the offset of this object to zero (it hasn't been written */
+ /* to the PDF file yet) */
+ the_block->m_block[block_pos] = 0; /* ftell(in_fp); */
+ return g_next_objnum++;
+/* */
+/* void PDFObject_WriteRef(FILE* in_fp, PDF_OBJECT_NUM in_object_number) */
+/* */
+/* Return the next available object number and write a reference to it. */
+/* */
+static void PDFObject_WriteRef(FILE* in_fp, PDF_OBJECT_NUM in_object_number)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%u 0 R", in_object_number);
+/* */
+/* void PDFObject_WriteObj(FILE* in_fp, PDF_OBJECT_NUM in_object_number) */
+/* */
+/* Write the object's definition (and remember its file position). */
+/* */
+static void PDFObject_WriteObj(FILE* in_fp, PDF_OBJECT_NUM in_object_number)
+ unsigned int block_pos;
+ t_offset_block_ptr block =
+ PDFObject_FindOffsetBlock(in_object_number, &block_pos);
+ Assert(block->m_block[block_pos]==0, no_fpos); /* offset shd be "unknown" */
+ block->m_block[block_pos] = ftell(in_fp); /* remember offset for xref */
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%u 0 obj\n", in_object_number);
+/* */
+/* PDF_OBJECT_NUM PDFObject_WriteNewObj(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Return the next available object number and write its definition. */
+/* */
+static PDF_OBJECT_NUM PDFObject_WriteNewObj(FILE* in_fp)
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM next_ref = PDFObject_New(/* in_fp */);
+ PDFObject_WriteObj(in_fp, next_ref);
+ return next_ref;
+/* */
+/* PDF_OBJECT_NUM PDFObject_WriteNextRef(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Return the next available object number and write a reference to it. */
+/* */
+/* ***
+static PDF_OBJECT_NUM PDFObject_WriteNextRef(FILE* in_fp)
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM next_ref = PDFObject_New(in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, next_ref);
+ return next_ref;
+*** */
+/* */
+/* void PDFFile_BeginFontEncoding(FILE* in_fp, const char* in_encoding_name) */
+/* */
+/* Begin font encoding. */
+/* */
+void PDFFile_BeginFontEncoding(FILE* in_fp, const char* in_encoding_name)
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM encoding_num;
+ t_font_encoding_entry_ptr encoding_entry;
+ /* TO FILL IN: create entry in font-encoding list and add this encoding */
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% font encoding '%s':\n%%\n", in_encoding_name);
+ encoding_num = PDFObject_WriteNewObj(in_fp);
+ fputs("<<\n/Type /Encoding\n/Differences [ 0\n", in_fp);
+ /* add font encoding to list of encodings (assume we don't get passed the */
+ /* same encoding more than once) */
+ encoding_entry =
+ (t_font_encoding_entry_ptr) malloc(sizeof(t_font_encoding_entry));
+ if (encoding_entry == NULL)
+ Error(48, 2, "PDFFile_BeginFontEncoding: run out of memory",FATAL,no_fpos);
+ encoding_entry->m_font_encoding =
+ (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(strlen(in_encoding_name) + 1);
+ if (encoding_entry->m_font_encoding == NULL)
+ Error(48, 3, "PDFFile_BeginFontEncoding: out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ encoding_entry->m_next_entry = g_font_encoding_list;
+ encoding_entry->m_object_num = encoding_num;
+ strcpy((char*) encoding_entry->m_font_encoding, (char*) in_encoding_name);
+ g_font_encoding_list = encoding_entry;
+/* */
+/* void PDFFile_EndFontEncoding(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* End of font encoding. */
+/* */
+void PDFFile_EndFontEncoding(FILE* in_fp)
+ fputs("]\n>>\nendobj\n", in_fp);
+/* */
+/* const FULL_CHAR* PDFFont_FindListEntry(const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name)*/
+/* */
+/* Try to find the font list entry with the specified real font name; */
+/* return the entry's reference if found else return NULL. */
+/* */
+static t_font_list_entry_ptr
+ PDFFont_FindListEntry(const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name)
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = g_font_list;
+ while (entry != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp((char*)in_real_font_name, (char*)entry->m_actual_font_name)==0)
+ break;
+ entry = entry->m_next_font_entry;
+ }
+ return entry;
+/* */
+/* const FULL_CHAR* */
+/* PDFFont_FindListEntry_Short(const FULL_CHAR* in_short_font_name) */
+/* */
+/* Try to find the font list entry with the specified real font name; */
+/* return the entry's reference if found else return NULL. */
+/* */
+static t_font_list_entry_ptr
+ PDFFont_FindListEntry_Short(const FULL_CHAR* in_short_font_name)
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = g_font_list;
+ while (entry != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp((char*)in_short_font_name, (char*)entry->m_short_font_name)==0)
+ break;
+ entry = entry->m_next_font_entry;
+ }
+ return entry;
+/* */
+/* const t_font_list_entry_ptr PDFFont_NewListEntry( */
+/* const FULL_CHAR* in_short_font_name, const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name)*/
+/* */
+/* Create a new font entry and return the short name of the font. */
+/* */
+static t_font_list_entry_ptr
+ PDFFont_NewListEntry(const FULL_CHAR* in_short_font_name,
+ const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name,
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM in_font_encoding_obj)
+ PDF_FONT_NUM next_font_num = 0;
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr new_entry = g_font_list;
+ /* t_font_list_entry_ptr last_font_list_entry = NULL; */
+ /* find next available font number */
+ {
+ while (new_entry != NULL) {
+ next_font_num++;
+ new_entry = new_entry->m_next_font_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ /* make a new font list entry */
+ {
+ char PDF_font_name[64] = "/F";
+ char num[32];
+ new_entry = (t_font_list_entry_ptr) malloc(sizeof(t_font_list_entry));
+ if (new_entry == NULL)
+ Error(48, 4, "PDFFont_NewListEntry: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ sprintf(num, "%u", next_font_num);
+ strcat(PDF_font_name, num);
+ new_entry->m_PDF_font_name =
+ (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(strlen((char*) PDF_font_name) + 1);
+ if (new_entry->m_PDF_font_name == NULL)
+ Error(48, 5, "PDFFont_NewListEntry: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ strcpy((char*) new_entry->m_PDF_font_name, PDF_font_name);
+ new_entry->m_short_font_name =
+ (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(strlen((char*) in_short_font_name) + 1);
+ if (new_entry->m_short_font_name == NULL)
+ Error(48, 6, "PDFFont_NewListEntry: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ strcpy((char*) new_entry->m_short_font_name, (char*) in_short_font_name);
+ new_entry->m_actual_font_name =
+ (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(strlen((char*) in_real_font_name) + 1);
+ if (new_entry->m_actual_font_name == NULL)
+ Error(48, 7, "PDFFont_NewListEntry: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ strcpy((char*) new_entry->m_actual_font_name, (char*) in_real_font_name);
+ new_entry->m_font_encoding_obj = in_font_encoding_obj;
+ new_entry->m_pdf_object_number = 0; /* don't give this font resource an */
+ /* object number until needed */
+ /* new_entry->m_in_use = TRUE; */ /* should be cleared after each page */
+ /* g_page_uses_fonts = TRUE; */
+ new_entry->m_font_resource_in_pdf = FALSE; /* not in PDF file yet */
+ new_entry->m_next_font_entry = g_font_list;
+ g_font_list = new_entry;
+ }
+ debug1(DPD, D, "new PDF font entry with short name %s",
+ new_entry->m_short_font_name);
+ return new_entry;
+/* */
+/* const t_font_list_entry_ptr PDFGetFont(const char* in_real_font_name) */
+/* */
+/* Return the reference of a font entry. Never returns NULL. */
+/* */
+static t_font_list_entry_ptr PDFGetFont(const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name)
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = PDFFont_FindListEntry(in_real_font_name);
+ if (entry == NULL)
+ entry = PDFFont_NewListEntry(in_real_font_name);
+ return entry;
+/* */
+/* PDFFont_WriteObjectRef(FILE* in_fp, t_font_list_entry_ptr in_font_entry) */
+/* */
+/* Write a reference to the object to the file. */
+/* */
+static void PDFFont_WriteObjectRef(FILE* in_fp,
+ const t_font_list_entry* in_font_entry)
+ Assert(in_font_entry->m_pdf_object_number != 0, no_fpos);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, in_font_entry->m_pdf_object_number);
+/* */
+/* void PDFFont_WriteObject(FILE* in_fp, */
+/* t_font_list_entry_ptr in_font_entry) */
+/* */
+/* Write a reference to the object to the file. */
+/* */
+static void PDFFont_WriteObject(FILE* in_fp, t_font_list_entry_ptr in_font_entry)
+ if (in_font_entry->m_pdf_object_number == 0)
+ in_font_entry->m_pdf_object_number = PDFObject_New(/* in_fp */);
+ PDFObject_WriteObj(in_fp, in_font_entry->m_pdf_object_number);
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN PDFFont_IsOneOfTheBase14Fonts(const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name)*/
+/* */
+/* Returns true if given font is one of the base 14 fonts. */
+/* */
+static BOOLEAN PDFFont_IsOneOfTheBase14Fonts(const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < kBase14FontCount; i++)
+ if (strcmp(g_standard_base_14_fonts[i], (char*) in_real_font_name) == 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+/* */
+/* PDFFont_WriteFontResource(FILE* in_fp, */
+/* t_font_list_entry_ptr in_font_entry) */
+/* */
+/* Writes out the PDF idea of a Font resource. */
+/* */
+static void PDFFont_WriteFontResource(FILE* in_fp,
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr in_font_entry)
+ if (! in_font_entry->m_font_resource_in_pdf)
+ {
+ in_font_entry->m_font_resource_in_pdf = TRUE;
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% declare use of font %s:\n%%\n",
+ in_font_entry->m_actual_font_name);
+ PDFFont_WriteObject(in_fp, in_font_entry);
+ fputs("<<\n/Type /Font\n/Subtype /Type1\n", in_fp);
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/Name %s\n", (char*) in_font_entry->m_PDF_font_name);
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/BaseFont /%s\n", (char*) in_font_entry->m_actual_font_name);
+ if (! PDFFont_IsOneOfTheBase14Fonts(in_font_entry->m_actual_font_name))
+ {
+ /* ***
+ fputs("/FirstChar 0"\n, in_fp); - we don't do first chars (yet)
+ fputs("/LastChar 255\n", in_fp); - we don't do last chars (yet)
+ fputs("/Widths ", in_fp); - we don't do last chars (yet)
+ fputs("/FontDescriptor ", in_fp); - we don't do font descriptors (yet)
+ *** */
+ }
+ if (in_font_entry->m_font_encoding_obj != 0)
+ {
+ fputs("/Encoding ", in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, in_font_entry->m_font_encoding_obj);
+ fputs("\n", in_fp);
+ }
+ /* ***
+ else
+ Error(48, 8, "PDFFont_WriteFontResource: a font has no encoding",
+ WARN, no_fpos);
+ *** */
+ fputs(">>\nendobj\n", in_fp);
+ }
+/* */
+/* PDFFont_WriteFontResource_name(FILE* in_fp, */
+/* const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name) */
+/* */
+/* Writes out the PDF idea of a Font resource. */
+/* */
+/* ***
+static void PDFFont_WriteFontResource_name(FILE* in_fp,
+ const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name)
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = PDFFont_FindListEntry(in_real_font_name);
+ Assert(entry != NULL, no_fpos);
+ PDFFont_WriteFontResource(in_fp, entry);
+*** */
+/* */
+/* const FULL_CHAR* PDFGetPDFFontName(const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name) */
+/* */
+/* Return the short name of a font. */
+/* */
+/* ***
+static const FULL_CHAR* PDFGetPDFFontName(const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name)
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = PDFFont_FindListEntry(in_real_font_name);
+ Assert(entry != NULL, no_fpos);
+ return entry->m_PDF_font_name;
+*** */
+/* */
+/* PDF_OBJECT_NUM PDFFont_FindFontEncoding(FULL_CHAR* in_font_encoding_name) */
+/* */
+/* Return the object number of a given font encoding. */
+/* */
+static PDF_OBJECT_NUM PDFFont_FindFontEncoding(
+ const FULL_CHAR* in_font_encoding_name)
+ t_font_encoding_entry_ptr entry = g_font_encoding_list;
+ while (entry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (strcmp((char*)in_font_encoding_name, (char*)entry->m_font_encoding)==0)
+ break;
+ entry = entry->m_next_entry;
+ }
+ return (entry != NULL) ? entry->m_object_num : 0;
+/* */
+/* void PDFFont_AddFont( */
+/* FILE* in_fp, const FULL_CHAR* in_short_font_name, */
+/* const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name) */
+/* */
+/* Add this font to the list of fonts that the document uses. Also remember */
+/* that this font is "in use" (output when page resources are written). */
+/* */
+void PDFFont_AddFont(FILE* in_fp, const FULL_CHAR* in_short_font_name,
+ const FULL_CHAR* in_real_font_name, const FULL_CHAR* in_font_encoding_name)
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = PDFFont_FindListEntry(in_real_font_name);
+ debug4(DPD, D, "PDFFont_AddFont(-, %s, %s, %s) [new = %s]",
+ in_short_font_name, in_real_font_name, in_font_encoding_name,
+ bool(entry == NULL));
+ /* *** this attempted bug fix by Jeff K. problem may be multiple font
+ entries for the same font
+ if (entry == NULL)
+ *** */
+ if (TRUE)
+ entry = PDFFont_NewListEntry(in_short_font_name, in_real_font_name,
+ PDFFont_FindFontEncoding(in_font_encoding_name));
+ /* ***
+ entry->m_in_use = TRUE;
+ g_page_uses_fonts = TRUE;
+ *** */
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_SetVars(int xsize, int ysize, int xmark, int ymark, */
+/* int loutf, int loutv, int louts) */
+/* */
+/* Writes a string to the page's stream. */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_SetVars(int xsize, int ysize, int xmark, int ymark,
+ int loutf, int loutv, int louts)
+ g_graphics_vars[k_xsize] = xsize;
+ g_graphics_vars[k_ysize] = ysize;
+ g_graphics_vars[k_xmark] = xmark;
+ g_graphics_vars[k_ymark] = ymark;
+ g_units[k_loutf] = loutf;
+ g_units[k_loutv] = loutv;
+ g_units[k_louts] = louts;
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_FlushCompressedBuffer(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Flushes the compressed output buffer to the page's stream. */
+/* */
+static void PDFPage_FlushCompressedBuffer(FILE* in_fp)
+ int err;
+ Assert(g_apply_compression, no_fpos);
+ do {
+ err = deflate(&g_comp_stream, Z_FINISH);
+ fwrite(g_compressed_output,
+ sizeof(g_compressed_output) - g_comp_stream.avail_out, 1, in_fp);
+ g_comp_stream.next_out = g_compressed_output;
+ g_comp_stream.avail_out = sizeof(g_compressed_output);
+ } while (err == Z_OK);
+ if (err != Z_STREAM_END)
+ Error(48, 9, "PDFPage_FlushCompressedBuffer: zlib error occurred",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ err = deflateEnd(&g_comp_stream);
+ if (err != Z_OK)
+ Error(48, 10, "PDFPage_FlushCompressedBuffer: zlib error occurred",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_FlushRawBuffer(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Attempts to compress the raw buffer; also flushes the compressed output */
+/* buffer to the page's stream if it is full. */
+/* */
+static void PDFPage_FlushRawBuffer(FILE* in_fp)
+ int err;
+ /* compress the raw buffer */
+ Assert(g_apply_compression, no_fpos);
+ g_comp_stream.next_in = g_raw_output;
+ g_comp_stream.avail_in = (uInt) (g_raw_buffer_ptr - g_raw_output);
+ Assert(g_comp_stream.avail_out != 0, no_fpos);
+ /* always compress to the point where the raw buffer is empty */
+ do {
+ err = deflate(&g_comp_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ if (err != Z_OK)
+ Error(48, 11, "PDFPage_FlushRawBuffer: zlib error occurred",FATAL,no_fpos);
+ /* IF compressed output buffer is full THEN flush it to disk and reset it */
+ if (g_comp_stream.avail_out == 0)
+ {
+ if (fwrite(g_compressed_output, sizeof(g_compressed_output), 1, in_fp)!=1)
+ Error(48, 12, "PDFPage_FlushRawBuffer: write error occurred",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ g_comp_stream.next_out = g_compressed_output;
+ g_comp_stream.avail_out = sizeof(g_compressed_output);
+ }
+ } while (g_comp_stream.avail_in != 0);
+ /* reset raw buffer for next call */
+ g_raw_buffer_ptr = g_raw_output;
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_WriteStream(FILE* in_fp, char* in_str) */
+/* */
+/* Writes a string to the page's stream. */
+/* */
+static void PDFPage_WriteStream(FILE* in_fp, char* in_str)
+ if (*in_str == 0)
+ return;
+ if (g_apply_compression)
+ {
+ unsigned int total = strlen(in_str);
+ char *ptr = in_str;
+ while (total != 0)
+ {
+ unsigned int len = total;
+ BOOLEAN needToFlush =
+ ((g_raw_buffer_ptr + len) > (g_raw_output + sizeof(g_raw_output)));
+ if (needToFlush)
+ len = g_raw_output + sizeof(g_raw_output) - g_raw_buffer_ptr;
+ memcpy(g_raw_buffer_ptr, ptr, len);
+ ptr += len;
+ g_raw_buffer_ptr += len;
+ total -= len;
+ /* IF need to flush raw buffer THEN do so */
+ if (needToFlush) PDFPage_FlushRawBuffer(in_fp);
+ } /* while still have bytes to process */
+ }
+ else
+ fputs(in_str, in_fp);
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_Begin(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Begins the page's stream. */
+/* */
+static void PDFPage_Begin(FILE* in_fp)
+ if (g_page_contents_obj_num == 0)
+ {
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% page %u's contents:\n%%\n", g_page_count);
+ g_page_contents_obj_num = PDFObject_WriteNewObj(in_fp);
+ g_page_length_obj_num = PDFObject_New(/* in_fp */);
+ fputs("<< /Length ", in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, g_page_length_obj_num);
+ if (g_apply_compression) fputs(" /Filter /FlateDecode", in_fp);
+ fputs(" >>\nstream\n", in_fp);
+ g_page_start_offset = ftell(in_fp);
+ if (g_apply_compression)
+ {
+ int err;
+ g_raw_buffer_ptr = g_raw_output;
+ g_comp_stream.zalloc = (alloc_func) Z_NULL;
+ g_comp_stream.zfree = (free_func) Z_NULL;
+ g_comp_stream.opaque = (voidpf) Z_NULL;
+ err = deflateInit(&g_comp_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
+ if (err != Z_OK)
+ Error(48, 13, "PDFPage_Begin: zlib error occurred", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ g_comp_stream.next_out = g_compressed_output;
+ g_comp_stream.avail_out = sizeof(g_compressed_output);
+ }
+ sprintf(str, "%.2f 0 0 %.2f 0 0 cm\n",
+ g_page_h_scale_factor, g_page_v_scale_factor);
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, str);
+ sprintf(str, "%u w\n", g_page_line_width);
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, str);
+ }
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_FlushBuffer(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Flush the buffer to the page's stream and turn off buffering mode. */
+/* */
+static void PDFPage_FlushBuffer(FILE* in_fp)
+ if (g_in_buffering_mode)
+ {
+ g_in_buffering_mode = FALSE;
+ /* empty the stack since it's no longer needed */
+ while (g_qsave_marking_stack != NULL)
+ {
+ t_qsave_marking_entry_ptr entry = g_qsave_marking_stack;
+ g_qsave_marking_stack = entry->m_next_entry;
+ free(entry);
+ }
+ /* output the buffer */
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, g_buffer);
+ }
+/* */
+/* PDF_FILE_OFFSET PDFPage_End(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Ends the page's stream. */
+/* */
+static PDF_FILE_OFFSET PDFPage_End(FILE* in_fp)
+ /* if page has no marks on it then write out an empty stream */
+ if (g_in_buffering_mode)
+ {
+ g_buffer_pos = 0;
+ g_buffer[0] = '\0'; /* force empty string to be written */
+ PDFPage_FlushBuffer(in_fp); /* all I really want is to empty the stack */
+ }
+ /* IF applying compression THEN first flush the raw buffer and then flush */
+ /* the compressed buffer (must be performed in that order!) */
+ if (g_apply_compression)
+ {
+ if ((g_raw_buffer_ptr > g_raw_output) && (g_raw_buffer_ptr[-1] == '\n'))
+ g_raw_buffer_ptr--; /* remove last linefeed */
+ PDFPage_FlushRawBuffer(in_fp);
+ PDFPage_FlushCompressedBuffer(in_fp);
+ fputs("\n", in_fp);
+ }
+ /* close page's stream */
+ Assert(g_page_contents_obj_num != 0, no_fpos);
+ {
+ PDF_FILE_OFFSET page_length = ftell(in_fp) - g_page_start_offset;
+ /* close page's stream */
+ fputs("endstream\nendobj\n", in_fp);
+ return page_length;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_Write(FILE* in_fp, char* in_str) */
+/* */
+/* Writes a string to the page's stream. */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_Write(FILE* in_fp, char* in_str)
+ if (*in_str == 0)
+ return;
+ PDFPage_Begin(in_fp); /* write page content's hdr "<< /Length >> stream"...*/
+ /* IF trying to remove redundant operations THEN */
+ if (g_in_buffering_mode)
+ {
+ /* if buffer will overflow then turn off buffering and flush buffer */
+ unsigned int len = strlen(in_str);
+ if ( (g_buffer_pos + len) > (kBufferSize-1) ) /* -1 for NULL char */
+ {
+ PDFPage_FlushBuffer(in_fp);
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, in_str);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(g_buffer + g_buffer_pos, in_str); /* save into buffer */
+ g_buffer_pos += len;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (g_TJ_pending)
+ {
+ g_TJ_pending = FALSE; /* clear it */
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, ")]TJ\n");
+ }
+ if (g_ET_pending)
+ {
+ g_ET_pending = FALSE; /* clear it */
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, "ET\n");
+ g_valid_text_matrix = FALSE; /* Td is not allowed */
+ }
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, in_str);
+ }
+/* */
+/* PDFPage_Push(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Saves the current graphics state. */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_Push(FILE* in_fp)
+ /* push origin coords */
+ {
+ t_qsave_entry_ptr entry = (t_qsave_entry_ptr) malloc(sizeof(t_qsave_entry));
+ if (entry == NULL)
+ Error(48, 14, "PDFPage_Push: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ entry->m_page_h_origin = g_page_h_origin;
+ entry->m_page_v_origin = g_page_v_origin;
+ /* entry->m_page_h_scale_factor = g_page_h_scale_factor; */
+ /* entry->m_page_v_scale_factor = g_page_v_scale_factor; */
+ entry->m_next_entry = g_qsave_stack;
+ g_qsave_stack = entry;
+ }
+ /* if buffering text */
+ if (g_in_buffering_mode)
+ {
+ /* push current state */
+ t_qsave_marking_entry_ptr entry =
+ (t_qsave_marking_entry_ptr) malloc(sizeof(t_qsave_marking_entry));
+ if (entry == NULL)
+ Error(48, 15, "PDFPage_Push: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ entry->m_next_entry = g_qsave_marking_stack; /* next-to-top-of-stack */
+ entry->m_buffer_pos = g_buffer_pos;
+ g_qsave_marking_stack = entry; /* new TOS */
+ /* g_in_buffering_mode = TRUE; */
+ }
+ /* write out push op */
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, "q\n");
+/* */
+/* PDFPage_Pop(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Restores the current graphics state. */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_Pop(FILE* in_fp)
+ /* pop origin coords */
+ {
+ t_qsave_entry_ptr entry = g_qsave_stack;
+ g_page_h_origin = entry->m_page_h_origin;
+ g_page_v_origin = entry->m_page_v_origin;
+ /* g_page_h_scale_factor = entry->m_page_h_scale_factor; */
+ /* g_page_v_scale_factor = entry->m_page_v_scale_factor; */
+ g_qsave_stack = entry->m_next_entry;
+ free(entry);
+ }
+ /* if no marks on page since last push (and thus there should be a stack) */
+ if (g_in_buffering_mode)
+ {
+ /* pop state: behave as if the q...Q never existed */
+ t_qsave_marking_entry_ptr entry = g_qsave_marking_stack;
+ Assert(entry != NULL, no_fpos);
+ g_qsave_marking_stack = entry->m_next_entry; /* new TOS */
+ g_buffer_pos = entry->m_buffer_pos;
+ g_buffer[g_buffer_pos] = '\0'; /* chop off unwanted text */
+ free(entry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(g_qsave_marking_stack == NULL, no_fpos);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, "\nQ\n");
+ }
+/* */
+/* PDFFont_Set(FILE* in_fp, FULL_LENGTH in_font_size, */
+/* FULL_CHAR* in_font_name) */
+/* */
+/* Sets the font name and size for subsequent text write statements. */
+/* */
+void PDFFont_Set(FILE* in_fp, FULL_LENGTH in_font_size,
+ FULL_CHAR *in_short_font_name)
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = PDFFont_FindListEntry_Short(in_short_font_name);
+ if( entry == NULL )
+ {
+ Error(48, 42, "cannot find font entry for name %s", FATAL, no_fpos,
+ in_short_font_name);
+ }
+ /* Assert(entry != NULL, no_fpos); */
+ sprintf(str, "%s %u Tf\n", entry->m_PDF_font_name,
+ (int) (g_page_v_scale_factor * in_font_size));
+ sprintf(str, "%s %u Tf\n", entry->m_PDF_font_name, in_font_size);
+ /* g_text_font_size_in_ems = g_page_v_scale_factor * in_font_size; */
+#if 1
+ /* font changes can occur within BT...ET blocks, so temporarily turn off */
+ /* g_ET_pending. I do it this way so that the qsave_marking_stack */
+ /* optimisation can still be applied (this avoids output such as */
+ /* "/F0 240 Tf /F0 240 Tf /F1 600 Tf" and instead produces "") */
+ if (g_TJ_pending)
+ {
+ g_TJ_pending = FALSE; /* clear it */
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, ")]TJ\n");
+ }
+ {
+ BOOLEAN cur_ET_pending = g_ET_pending;
+ g_ET_pending = FALSE; /* clear it */
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+ g_ET_pending = cur_ET_pending; /* restore it */
+ }
+ /* font changes can occur within BT...ET blocks, so bypass PDFPage_Write() */
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, str);
+ entry->m_in_use = TRUE;
+ g_page_uses_fonts = TRUE;
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_RMove(FILE* in_fp, int hdelta, int vdelta) */
+/* */
+/* Offsets text pen by the given offsets. */
+/* */
+/* ***
+void PDFText_RMove(FILE* in_fp, int hdelta, int vdelta)
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ g_tx_hpos += hdelta;
+ g_tx_vpos += vdelta;
+#if 1
+ sprintf(str, "ET\n1 0 0 1 %d %d cm\nBT\n", hdelta, vdelta);
+ sprintf(str, "1 0 0 1 %d %d Tm\n", g_tx_hpos, g_tx_vpos);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+*** */
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_MoveTo(FILE* in_fp, int hpos, int vpos) */
+/* */
+/* Move text pen to the given coords. */
+/* */
+/* ***
+static void PDFText_MoveTo(FILE* in_fp, int hpos, int vpos)
+ g_tx_hpos = 0;
+ g_tx_vpos = 0;
+#if 1
+ PDFText_RMove(in_fp, hpos, vpos);
+ {
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ sprintf(str, "1 0 0 1 %d %d Tm\n", hpos, vpos);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+ }
+*** */
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_OpenString(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Open TJ block */
+/* */
+static void PDFText_OpenString(FILE* in_fp)
+ if (g_TJ_pending)
+ g_TJ_pending = FALSE; /* clear it */
+ else
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, "[(");
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_MoveToXYAndOpen(FILE* in_fp, int hpos, int vpos) */
+/* */
+/* Move text pen to the given coords. */
+/* */
+static void PDFText_MoveToXYAndOpen(FILE* in_fp, int hpos, int vpos)
+#if 1
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ sprintf(str, "1 0 0 1 %d %d Tm\n", hpos, vpos);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+ PDFText_MoveTo(in_fp, hpos, vpos);
+ PDFText_OpenString(in_fp);
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_MoveToXAndOpen(FILE* in_fp, int hpos, int vpos) */
+/* */
+/* Move text pen to the given coords. */
+/* */
+static void PDFText_MoveToXAndOpen(FILE* in_fp, int hpos)
+#if 1
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ sprintf(str, "%d 0 Td\n", hpos);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+ PDFText_MoveTo(in_fp, hpos, vpos);
+ PDFText_OpenString(in_fp);
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_OpenBT(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Opens a text object at the given coords. */
+/* */
+static void PDFText_OpenBT(FILE* in_fp)
+ PDFPage_FlushBuffer(in_fp); /* about to mark page: flush buffered PDF */
+ g_page_has_text = TRUE;
+ if (g_TJ_pending)
+ {
+ g_TJ_pending = FALSE; /* clear it */
+ PDFPage_WriteStream(in_fp, ")]TJ\n");
+ }
+ if (g_ET_pending)
+ g_ET_pending = FALSE; /* clear it */
+ else
+ {
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, "BT\n");
+ g_valid_text_matrix = TRUE; /* Td is allowed */
+ }
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_OpenXY(FILE* in_fp, int hpos, int vpos) */
+/* */
+/* Opens a text object at the given coords. */
+/* */
+void PDFText_OpenXY(FILE* in_fp, int hpos, int vpos)
+ PDFText_OpenBT(in_fp);
+ PDFText_MoveToXYAndOpen(in_fp, hpos, vpos);
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_OpenX(FILE* in_fp, int hpos) */
+/* */
+/* Opens a text object at the given coords. */
+/* */
+void PDFText_OpenX(FILE* in_fp, int hpos)
+ PDFText_OpenBT(in_fp);
+ PDFText_MoveToXAndOpen(in_fp, hpos);
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_Open(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Opens a text object. */
+/* */
+void PDFText_Open(FILE* in_fp)
+ if (g_TJ_pending)
+ {
+ g_TJ_pending = FALSE; /* clear it */
+ Assert(g_ET_pending == TRUE, no_fpos);
+ g_ET_pending = FALSE; /* clear it */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PDFText_OpenBT(in_fp);
+ PDFText_OpenString(in_fp);
+ }
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_Kern(FILE* in_fp, int in_kern) */
+/* */
+/* Apply kerning to a text string. */
+/* */
+/* Note: in_kern is in 1/1000 of font size */
+/* */
+void PDFText_Kern(FILE* in_fp, int in_kern)
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ /* sprintf(str, ")%d(", -in_kern * 1000 / g_text_font_size_in_ems); */
+ sprintf(str, ")%d(", -in_kern);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+/* */
+/* void PDFText_Close(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Closes a previously opened text object. */
+/* */
+void PDFText_Close(FILE* in_fp)
+ /* PDFPage_Begin(in_fp); - shouldn't be needed */
+ Assert(g_page_contents_obj_num != 0, no_fpos);
+ g_TJ_pending = TRUE;
+ /* PDFPage_Write(in_fp, ")] TJ\n"); */
+ g_ET_pending = TRUE;
+/* */
+/* void PDF_Matrix_XY(double* in_out_x, double* in_out_y) */
+/* */
+/* Returns (x, y) after applying the current matrix: */
+/* */
+/* [ a b 0 ] */
+/* [ x y 1 ] x [ c d 0 ] = [ ax+cy+e bx+dy+f 1 ] */
+/* [ e f 1 ] */
+/* */
+static void PDF_Matrix_XY(double* in_out_x, double* in_out_y)
+ double result_x, result_y;
+ result_x = g_cur_matrix[0] * *in_out_x + g_cur_matrix[3] * *in_out_y +
+ g_cur_matrix[6];
+ result_y = g_cur_matrix[1] * *in_out_x + g_cur_matrix[4] * *in_out_y +
+ g_cur_matrix[7];
+ *in_out_x = result_x;
+ *in_out_y = result_y;
+/* */
+/* PDF_Matrix_Mul(t_matrix in_left, t_matrix in_right, t_matrix out_result) */
+/* */
+/* Multiplies the given matrices. */
+/* */
+/* [ a b 0 ] [ g h 0 ] [ ag+bi ah+bj 0 ] */
+/* [ c d 0 ] x [ i j 0 ] = [ cg+di ch+dj 0 ] */
+/* [ e f 1 ] [ k l 1 ] [ eg+fi+k eh+fj+l 1 ] */
+/* */
+static void PDF_Matrix_Mul(t_matrix in_left, t_matrix in_right,
+ t_matrix out_result)
+ t_matrix result;
+ result[0] = in_left[0] * in_right[0] + in_left[1] * in_right[3];
+ result[1] = in_left[0] * in_right[1] + in_left[1] * in_right[4];
+ result[2] = 0;
+ result[3] = in_left[3] * in_right[0] + in_left[4] * in_right[3];
+ result[4] = in_left[3] * in_right[1] + in_left[4] * in_right[4];
+ result[5] = 0;
+ result[6] = in_left[6] * in_right[0] + in_left[7] * in_right[3] + in_right[6];
+ result[7] = in_left[6] * in_right[1] + in_left[7] * in_right[4] + in_right[7];
+ result[8] = 1;
+ memcpy(out_result, result, sizeof(t_matrix));
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_Scale(float in_h_scale_factor, float in_v_scale_factor) */
+/* */
+/* Changes CTM by scale factor: */
+/* */
+/* [ sh 0 0 ] */
+/* [ 0 sv 0 ] */
+/* [ 0 0 1 ] */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_Scale(FILE* in_fp, float in_h_scale_factor, float in_v_scale_factor)
+ t_matrix m = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
+ m[0] = in_h_scale_factor;
+ m[4] = in_v_scale_factor;
+ PDF_Matrix_Mul(m, g_cur_matrix, g_cur_matrix);
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ sprintf(str, "%.2f 0 0 %.2f 0 0 cm\n", in_h_scale_factor, in_v_scale_factor);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+ g_page_h_scale_factor *= in_h_scale_factor;
+ g_page_v_scale_factor *= in_v_scale_factor;
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_Rotate(FILE* in_fp, float in_angle_in_radians) */
+/* */
+/* Changes CTM by rotation factor. */
+/* */
+/* [ cos a sin a 0 ] */
+/* [ -sin a cos a 0 ] */
+/* [ 0 0 1 ] */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_Rotate(FILE* in_fp, float in_angle_in_radians)
+ float cos_radians = cos(in_angle_in_radians);
+ float sin_radians = sin(in_angle_in_radians);
+ t_matrix m = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
+ m[0] = m[4] = cos_radians;
+ m[1] = sin_radians;
+ m[3] = -sin_radians;
+ PDF_Matrix_Mul(m, g_cur_matrix, g_cur_matrix);
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ sprintf(str, "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f 0 0 cm\n", cos_radians, sin_radians,
+ -sin_radians, cos_radians);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_Translate(FILE* in_fp, float in_delta_h, float in_delta_v) */
+/* */
+/* Changes CTM by translation: */
+/* */
+/* [ 1 0 0 ] */
+/* [ 0 1 0 ] */
+/* [ dh dv 1 ] */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_Translate(FILE* in_fp, float in_delta_h, float in_delta_v)
+ t_matrix m = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
+ m[6] = in_delta_h;
+ m[7] = in_delta_v;
+ PDF_Matrix_Mul(m, g_cur_matrix, g_cur_matrix);
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ sprintf(str, "1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm\n", in_delta_h, in_delta_v);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+ g_page_h_origin += in_delta_h;
+ g_page_v_origin += in_delta_v;
+/* */
+/* void PDFTargetAnnot_New(FULL_CHAR* in_annot_name, ...) */
+/* */
+/* Create a new target annotation entry. */
+/* */
+static void PDFTargetAnnot_New(FULL_CHAR* in_annot_name,
+ unsigned int in_annot_name_length, int in_ll_x, int in_ll_y, int in_ur_x,
+ int in_ur_y, BOOLEAN in_for_export)
+ t_target_annot_entry_ptr entry =
+ (t_target_annot_entry_ptr) malloc(sizeof(t_target_annot_entry));
+ if (entry == NULL)
+ Error(48, 16, "PDFTargetAnnot_New: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ entry->m_name = (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(in_annot_name_length + 1);
+ if (entry->m_name == NULL)
+ Error(48, 17, "PDFTargetAnnot_New: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ memcpy(entry->m_name, in_annot_name, in_annot_name_length);
+ entry->m_name[in_annot_name_length] = '\0';
+ Assert(g_page_contents_obj_num != 0, no_fpos);
+ entry->m_page_object_num = g_page_object_num;
+ entry->m_ll_x = in_ll_x;
+ entry->m_ll_y = in_ll_y;
+ entry->m_ur_x = in_ur_x;
+ entry->m_ur_y = in_ur_y;
+ entry->m_for_export = in_for_export;
+ entry->m_next_entry = g_target_annot_list;
+ g_target_annot_list = entry;
+ if (in_for_export)
+ g_has_exported_targets = in_for_export;
+/* */
+/* t_target_annot_entry_ptr PDFTargetAnnot_Find(FULL_CHAR* in_annot_name) */
+/* */
+/* Finds an annotation. Returns NULL if not found. */
+/* */
+static t_target_annot_entry_ptr PDFTargetAnnot_Find(FULL_CHAR* in_annot_name)
+ t_target_annot_entry_ptr entry = g_target_annot_list;
+ /* this takes O(n) time; may need re-implementing if speed is a factor */
+ while (entry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (strcmp((char*) in_annot_name, (char*) entry->m_name) == 0)
+ break;
+ entry = entry->m_next_entry;
+ }
+ return entry;
+/* */
+/* PDFSourceAnnot_Write(FILE* in_fp, */
+/* t_source_annot_entry_ptr in_source_entry) */
+/* */
+/* Write an annot which specifies the source and target of the link. */
+/* */
+static void PDFSourceAnnot_Write(FILE* in_fp, t_source_annot_entry_ptr in_entry)
+ t_target_annot_entry_ptr target;
+ Assert(in_entry != NULL, no_fpos);
+ target = in_entry->m_target;
+ /* if it is an unresolved forward link then exit */
+ if ( (in_entry->m_link_type == k_link_source) && (target == NULL) )
+ return;
+ /* green light: write it out */
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ {
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% annotation in page object # %u to %s:\n%%\n",
+ in_entry->m_this_page_object_num, in_entry->m_target->m_name);
+ }
+ PDFObject_WriteObj(in_fp, in_entry->m_this_object_num);
+ fprintf(in_fp, "<<\n/Type /Annot\n/Subtype /Link\n"
+ /* this is what Adobe does (it's also more flexible) */
+ "/Rect [ %d %d %d %d ]\n/Border [ 0 0 0 ]\n",
+ /* "/BS << /Type /Border /S /U >>\n" */
+ /* border appearance is "underline" */
+ in_entry->m_ll_x, in_entry->m_ll_y, in_entry->m_ur_x, in_entry->m_ur_y);
+ switch (in_entry->m_link_type)
+ {
+ case k_link_source:
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/Dest [ ");
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, in_entry->m_target->m_page_object_num);
+ switch (in_entry->m_dest_option)
+ {
+ case kFitNoChange:
+ fprintf(in_fp, " /XYZ null null null");
+ /* NB NO BREAK */
+ case kFit:
+ fprintf(in_fp, " /Fit");
+ break;
+ case kFitH:
+ /* [ /FitH top ]: fit the width of the page to the window; top */
+ /* specifies the y-coordinate of the top edge of the window */
+ fprintf(in_fp, " /FitH %u", target->m_ur_y);
+ break;
+ case kFitV:
+ /* [ /FitV left ]: fit the height of the page to the window; */
+ /* left specifies the x-coordinate of the left edge of the window */
+ fprintf(in_fp, " /FitV %u", target->m_ll_x);
+ break;
+ case kFitR:
+ /* [ /FitR left bottom right top ]: fit the rectangle specified */
+ /* by left bottom right top in the window. If the height (top - */
+ /* bottom) and width (right - left) imply different zoom factors, */
+ /* the numerically smaller zoom factor is used, to ensure that */
+ /* the specified rectangle fits in the window */
+ fprintf(in_fp, " /FitR %u %u %u %u", target->m_ll_x, target->m_ll_y,
+ target->m_ur_x, target->m_ur_y);
+ break;
+ case kFitB:
+ /* [ /FitB ]: fit the page's bounding box to the window */
+ fprintf(in_fp, " /FitB");
+ break;
+ case kFitBH:
+ /* [ /FitBH top ]: fit the width of the page's bounding box to */
+ /* the window. top specifies the y-coord of top edge of window */
+ fprintf(in_fp, " /FitBH %u", target->m_ur_y);
+ break;
+ case kFitBV:
+ /* [ /FitBV left ]: fit the height of the page' bounding box to */
+ /* the window. left specifies the x-coordinate of the left edge */
+ /* of the window */
+ fprintf(in_fp, " /FitBV %u", target->m_ll_x);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Error(48, 18, "PDFSourceAnnot_Write: invalid link dest option",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ }
+ fprintf(in_fp, " ]\n");
+ break;
+ case k_link_external:
+#if 1 /* required wrapper for URLs is now in the Lout libraries */
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/A << /Type /Action /S /GoToR /D (%s) /F\n"
+ /* <= split across lines for LONG file specs */
+ "(%s) >>\n", in_entry->m_name, in_entry->m_file_spec);
+ if (in_entry->m_file_spec[0] != '<')
+ {
+ /* note: destination/target is specified as a string, as is file spec */
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/A << /Type /Action /S /GoToR /D (%s) /F\n"
+ /* <= split across lines for LONG file specs */
+ "(%s) >>\n", in_entry->m_name, in_entry->m_file_spec);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* if file spec starts with '<' then URL, eg <http://www.adobe.com> */
+ Assert(in_entry->m_file_spec[strlen((char*) in_entry->m_file_spec)-1]
+ == '>', no_fpos);
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/A << /Type /Action /S /GoToR /D (%s) /F\n"
+ /* <= split across lines for LONG file specs */
+ "<< /FS /URL /F (%s) >> >>\n", in_entry->m_name, in_entry->m_file_spec);
+ }
+ break;
+ case k_link_URI:
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/A << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI\n"
+ /* <= split across lines for LONG URI's */
+ "(%s) >>\n", in_entry->m_name);
+ break;
+ case k_link_target:
+ case k_link_target_for_export:
+ case kNumberOfLinkKeywords:
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf(in_fp, ">>\nendobj\n");
+ in_entry->m_written_to_PDF_file = TRUE;
+/* */
+/* void PDFSourceAnnot_New(FULL_CHAR* in_annot_name) */
+/* */
+/* Create an entry in the g_source_annot_list which links to in_annot_name. */
+/* */
+static t_source_annot_entry_ptr
+PDFSourceAnnot_New(PDF_LINK_KEYWORD in_link_type, FULL_CHAR* in_annot_name,
+ unsigned int in_annot_name_length, int in_ll_x, int in_ll_y, int in_ur_x,
+ int in_ur_y, PDF_LINK_DEST_OPTION in_link_dest_option)
+ t_target_annot_entry_ptr target = NULL;
+ t_source_annot_entry_ptr entry =
+ (t_source_annot_entry_ptr) malloc(sizeof(t_source_annot_entry));
+ if (entry == NULL)
+ Error(48, 19, "PDFSourceAnnot_New: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ entry->m_ll_x = in_ll_x;
+ entry->m_ll_y = in_ll_y;
+ entry->m_ur_x = in_ur_x;
+ entry->m_ur_y = in_ur_y;
+ entry->m_this_object_num = PDFObject_New(/* in_fp */);
+ entry->m_this_page_object_num = g_page_object_num;
+ entry->m_link_type = in_link_type;
+ Assert((in_link_dest_option >= kFitNoChange) &&
+ (in_link_dest_option <= kFitBV), no_fpos);
+ entry->m_dest_option = in_link_dest_option;
+ entry->m_file_spec = NULL;
+ entry->m_written_to_PDF_file = FALSE;
+ if (in_link_type == k_link_source)
+ target = PDFTargetAnnot_Find(in_annot_name);
+ if (target != NULL)
+ {
+ entry->m_target = target;
+ entry->m_name = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entry->m_target = NULL; /* fwd link */
+ entry->m_name = (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(in_annot_name_length + 1);
+ if (entry->m_name == NULL)
+ Error(48, 20, "PDFSourceAnnot_New: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ memcpy(entry->m_name, in_annot_name, in_annot_name_length);
+ entry->m_name[in_annot_name_length] = '\0';
+ }
+ entry->m_next_entry = g_source_annot_list;
+ g_source_annot_list = entry;
+ return entry;
+/* */
+/* PDFSourceAnnot_Dispose(t_source_annot_entry_ptr in_source_annot) */
+/* */
+/* Dispose of a source annot entry; returns the next entry in the list. */
+/* */
+static t_source_annot_entry_ptr
+ PDFSourceAnnot_Dispose(t_source_annot_entry_ptr in_source_annot)
+ t_source_annot_entry_ptr next_entry = in_source_annot->m_next_entry;
+ if (in_source_annot->m_name != NULL)
+ free(in_source_annot->m_name);
+ if (in_source_annot->m_file_spec != NULL)
+ free(in_source_annot->m_file_spec);
+ free(in_source_annot);
+ return next_entry;
+/* */
+/* float PDFPage_GetFloat(FULL_CHAR* in_str) */
+/* */
+/* Outputs an appropriate PDF string for drawing a graphic element. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR *PDFPage_GetFloat(FULL_CHAR* in_str, float* out_value)
+ if (sscanf((char*) in_str, "%f", out_value) == 1)
+ {
+ /* skip (presumed) floating point number: [ ]*[+|-][0-9.]* */
+ while (isspace(*in_str))
+ in_str++;
+ if ( (*in_str == '-') || (*in_str == '+') )
+ in_str++;
+ while (isdigit(*in_str) || (*in_str == '.'))
+ in_str++;
+ }
+ else Error(48, 21, "PDFPage_GetFloat: unable to evaluate number for Lout graphic keyword processing",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ return in_str;
+/* */
+/* int PDFKeyword_Find(int in_number_of_array_elements, */
+/* char* in_keyword_array[], FULL_CHAR* in_str) */
+/* */
+/* Return index into keyword array if an element matches the given string. */
+/* Returns -1 if not found. */
+/* */
+static int PDFKeyword_Find(int in_number_of_array_elements,
+ char* in_keyword_array[], FULL_CHAR* in_str)
+ unsigned int i;
+ /* look for keyword */
+ for (i = 0; i < in_number_of_array_elements; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int len = strlen(in_keyword_array[i]);
+ if (memcmp(in_keyword_array[i], in_str, len) == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ return (i < in_number_of_array_elements) ? i : -1;
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *PDFPage_ProcessGraphicsKeyword(FULL_CHAR* charPtr, int i) */
+/* */
+/* Processes a link keyword. */
+/* */
+#if 0 /* this function is no longer used */
+static FULL_CHAR *PDFPage_ProcessGraphicsKeyword(FULL_CHAR* charPtr, int i,
+ char** strPtr)
+ float value;
+ /* if need be, expand this later to a full blown expression evaluator (ugh) */
+ switch (*charPtr)
+ {
+ case '+':
+ Assert(FALSE, no_fpos);
+ charPtr = PDFPage_GetFloat(++charPtr, &value);
+ sprintf(*strPtr, "%.2f", g_graphics_vars[i] + value);
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ Assert(FALSE, no_fpos);
+ charPtr = PDFPage_GetFloat(++charPtr, &value);
+ sprintf(*strPtr, "%.2f", g_graphics_vars[i] - value);
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ Assert(FALSE, no_fpos);
+ charPtr = PDFPage_GetFloat(++charPtr, &value);
+ sprintf(*strPtr, "%.2f", g_graphics_vars[i] * value);
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ Assert(FALSE, no_fpos);
+ charPtr = PDFPage_GetFloat(++charPtr, &value);
+ Assert(value != 0, no_fpos); /* not great since value is a float... */
+ sprintf(*strPtr, "%.2f", g_graphics_vars[i] / value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ sprintf(*strPtr, "%d", g_graphics_vars[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ *strPtr += strlen(*strPtr);
+ return charPtr;
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword(void) */
+/* */
+/* Processes a link keyword. */
+/* */
+static void PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword(void)
+ FULL_CHAR* charPtr = (FULL_CHAR*) g_link;
+ PDF_LINK_KEYWORD keyword = g_link_keyword;
+ unsigned int link_len = 0;
+ FULL_CHAR* link_name = charPtr;
+ /* scan for name of link; scan until end of string or until ' __' reached */
+ /* (scan for name of link; scan until end of string or whitespace reached) */
+#if 1
+ FULL_CHAR* parm = NULL;
+ debug1(DPD, D, "PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword(g_link = %s", g_link);
+ while ((*charPtr != '\0') &&
+ !(isspace(charPtr[0]) && (charPtr[1] == '_') && (charPtr[2] == '_')))
+ {
+ link_len++;
+ charPtr++;
+ }
+ if (*charPtr != '\0')
+ parm = ++charPtr;
+ while (*charPtr != '\0')
+ charPtr++;
+ while ((*charPtr != '\0') && ! isspace(*charPtr))
+ {
+ link_len++;
+ charPtr++;
+ }
+ if (link_len == 0)
+ Error(48, 22, "PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword: empty link-name / URI; ignored.",
+ WARN, no_fpos);
+ else
+ {
+ /* see documentaton for @Graphic for the meaning of the x, y parms */
+ /* translate the object's box into PDF's default user space */
+ int ll_x = g_page_h_origin * g_page_h_scale_factor;
+ int ll_y = g_page_v_origin * g_page_v_scale_factor;
+ int ur_x = (g_page_h_origin + g_graphics_vars[k_xsize]) * g_page_h_scale_factor;
+ int ur_y = (g_page_v_origin + g_graphics_vars[k_ysize]) * g_page_v_scale_factor;
+ /* remove this block later (it produces debugging output): */
+#if 0
+ {
+ t_tempbuf strz = "PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword: ";
+ switch (keyword)
+ {
+ case k_link_source:
+ strcat(strz, "link_source =");
+ break;
+ case k_link_external:
+ strcat(strz, "link_external =");
+ break;
+ case k_link_URI:
+ strcat(strz, "link_URI =");
+ break;
+ case k_link_target:
+ strcat(strz, "link_target =");
+ break;
+ case k_link_target_for_export:
+ strcat(strz, "link_target_for_export=");
+ break;
+ }
+ strcat(strz, (char*) link_name);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s", strz);
+ /* Err or(48, 23, strz, WARN, no_fpos); */
+ }
+ switch (keyword)
+ {
+ case k_link_source:
+ {
+ int j;
+ /* if there is a dest option specified then get it */
+ if (parm != NULL)
+ {
+ j = PDFKeyword_Find(kNumberOfDestLinkOptions, g_dest_link_options,
+ charPtr);
+ if (j >= 0) /* note signed comparison */
+ charPtr += strlen(g_dest_link_options[j]);
+ else
+ {
+ j = (int) kFitNoChange; /* default */
+ /* must consume the rest of the string */
+ while (*charPtr != '\0')
+ charPtr++;
+ link_len = charPtr - link_name;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ j = (int) kFitNoChange; /* default */
+ PDFSourceAnnot_New(keyword, link_name, link_len,
+ ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, (PDF_LINK_DEST_OPTION) j);
+ break;
+ }
+ case k_link_external:
+ case k_link_URI:
+ {
+ t_source_annot_entry_ptr source;
+ source = PDFSourceAnnot_New(keyword, link_name, link_len, ll_x,
+ ll_y, ur_x, ur_y, (PDF_LINK_DEST_OPTION) 0 /* doesn't matter */);
+ if (keyword == k_link_external)
+ {
+ int j;
+ link_len = 0;
+ if (parm != NULL)
+ {
+ j = PDFKeyword_Find(1, g_external_file_spec_keyword, parm);
+ if (j == 0)
+ {
+ parm += strlen(g_external_file_spec_keyword[0]);
+ link_len = strlen((char*) parm);
+#if 0
+ /* scan for name of file spec; scan until end of string or */
+ /* until whitespace reached */
+ link_name = charPtr;
+ while ((*charPtr != '\0') && ! isspace(*charPtr))
+ {
+ link_len++;
+ charPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (link_len == 0)
+ Error(48, 24, "PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword: empty file spec",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ else
+ {
+ source->m_file_spec = (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(link_len + 1);
+ if (source->m_file_spec == NULL)
+ Error(48, 25, "PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword: out of memory",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+#if 1
+ strcpy((char*) source->m_file_spec, (char*) parm);
+ memcpy(source->m_file_spec, link_name, link_len);
+ source->m_file_spec[link_len] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case k_link_target:
+ case k_link_target_for_export:
+ PDFTargetAnnot_New(link_name, link_len, ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y,
+ keyword == k_link_target_for_export);
+ break;
+ case kNumberOfLinkKeywords:
+ break;
+ } /* switch */
+ } /* else */
+ debug0(DPD, D, "PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword returning");
+ /* return charPtr; */
+} /* PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword */
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR* PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword(FULL_CHAR* charPtr, int i) */
+/* */
+/* Processes a document info keyword. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR *PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword(FULL_CHAR* charPtr, int i)
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case k_author:
+ if (g_doc_author != NULL)
+ free(g_doc_author);
+ g_doc_author = (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(strlen((char*) charPtr) + 1);
+ if (g_doc_author == NULL)
+ Error(48, 26, "PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword: no memory for __author=",
+ WARN, no_fpos);
+ else
+ strcpy((char*) g_doc_author, (char*) charPtr);
+ break;
+ case k_title:
+ if (g_doc_title != NULL)
+ free(g_doc_title);
+ g_doc_title = (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(strlen((char*) charPtr) + 1);
+ if (g_doc_title == NULL)
+ Error(48, 27, "PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword: no memory for __title=",
+ WARN, no_fpos);
+ else
+ strcpy((char*) g_doc_title, (char*) charPtr);
+ break;
+ case k_subject:
+ if (g_doc_subject != NULL)
+ free(g_doc_subject);
+ g_doc_subject = (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(strlen((char*) charPtr) + 1);
+ if (g_doc_subject == NULL)
+ Error(47, 28, "PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword: no memory for __subject=",
+ WARN, no_fpos);
+ else
+ strcpy((char*) g_doc_subject, (char*) charPtr);
+ break;
+ case k_keywords:
+ if (g_doc_keywords != NULL)
+ free(g_doc_keywords);
+ g_doc_keywords = (FULL_CHAR*) malloc(strlen((char*) charPtr) + 1);
+ if (g_doc_keywords == NULL)
+ Error(48, 29, "PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword: no memory for __keywords=",
+ WARN, no_fpos);
+ else
+ strcpy((char*) g_doc_keywords, (char*) charPtr);
+ break;
+ }
+ return (charPtr + strlen((char*) charPtr));
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_EvalExpr(char* inExpr) */
+/* */
+/* Evaluate collected expression in the given expression buffer. */
+/* */
+static char *PDFPage_EvalExpr(char* inExpr, float* outValue)
+ int i;
+ char* chp = inExpr;
+ while (isspace( (int) *chp)) /* ignore leading white space */
+ chp++;
+ while (*chp == '_')
+ chp++;
+ while (*chp == '+') /* ignore unary + */
+ chp++;
+ if (isdigit((int) *chp) || (*chp == '.'))
+ {
+ chp = (char*) PDFPage_GetFloat((FULL_CHAR*) chp, outValue);
+ }
+ else if (*chp == '-') /* handle unary negation */
+ {
+ float val;
+ chp = PDFPage_EvalExpr(++chp, &val);
+ *outValue = -val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i = PDFKeyword_Find(kNumberOfArithmeticKeywords,
+ g_arithmetic_keywords, (FULL_CHAR*) chp);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ float val1, val2;
+ chp += strlen(g_arithmetic_keywords[i]);
+ while (isspace( (int) *chp))
+ chp++;
+ if (*chp != '(')
+ Error(48, 30, "PDFPage_EvalExpr: '(' expected", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ chp = PDFPage_EvalExpr(++chp, &val1);
+ if ( (i <= k_div) || (i == k_pick) )
+ {
+ int count;
+ if (i == k_pick)
+ {
+ count = floor(val1);
+ Assert(count != 0, no_fpos);
+ }
+ else
+ count = 1;
+ if (*chp != ',')
+ Error(48, 31, "PDFPage_EvalExpr: ',' expected", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ do {
+ chp = PDFPage_EvalExpr(++chp, &val2);
+ if ((count != 1) && (*chp == ','))
+ ++chp;
+ } while (--count != 0);
+ }
+ if (*chp != ')')
+ Error(48, 32, "PDFPage_EvalExpr: ')' expected", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ ++chp;
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case k_add:
+ *outValue = val1 + val2;
+ break;
+ case k_sub:
+ *outValue = val1 - val2;
+ break;
+ case k_mul:
+ *outValue = val1 * val2;
+ break;
+ case k_div:
+ Assert(val2 != 0, no_fpos); /* not great since value is a float... */
+ *outValue = val1 / val2;
+ break;
+ case k_sin:
+ *outValue = sin((double) val1 * (double) PI / (double) 180.0);
+ break;
+ case k_cos:
+ *outValue = cos((double) val1 * (double) PI / (double) 180.0);
+ break;
+ case k_pick:
+ *outValue = val2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i = PDFKeyword_Find(kNumberOfGraphicsKeywords, g_graphic_keywords,
+ (FULL_CHAR*) chp);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ chp += strlen(g_graphic_keywords[i]);
+ *outValue = g_graphics_vars[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i = PDFKeyword_Find(kNumberOfUnitKeywords, g_unit_keywords, (FULL_CHAR*) chp);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ chp += strlen(g_unit_keywords[i]);
+ *outValue = g_units[i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(48, 33, "PDFPage_EvalExpr: __add, __sub, __mul, __div, or a unit keyword was expected",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return chp;
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *PDFPage_CollectExpr(FULL_CHAR* charPtr) */
+/* */
+/* Collect expression into the expression buffer. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR *PDFPage_CollectExpr(FULL_CHAR* charPtr, BOOLEAN* outHasResult,
+ float* outResult)
+ *outHasResult = FALSE;
+ while (*charPtr != 0)
+ {
+ char ch;
+ if ( g_expr_index >= sizeof(g_expr) )
+ Error(48, 34, "PDFPage_CollectExpr: expression too long (max. 512 chars)",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ g_expr[g_expr_index++] = ch = *charPtr++;
+ if (ch == '(')
+ g_expr_depth++;
+ else if (ch == ')')
+ {
+ Assert(g_expr_depth != 0, no_fpos);
+ g_expr_depth--;
+ if (g_expr_depth == 0)
+ {
+ g_expr[g_expr_index] = '\0'; /* terminate the string */
+ (char*) PDFPage_EvalExpr(g_expr, outResult);
+ *outHasResult = TRUE;
+ break; /* exit while */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return charPtr;
+/* */
+/* FULL_CHAR *PDFPage_CollectLink(FULL_CHAR* charPtr) */
+/* */
+/* Collect link into the link buffer. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR *PDFPage_CollectLink(FULL_CHAR* charPtr
+ /*, BOOLEAN* outHasResult, float* outResult*/)
+ debug1(DPD, D, "PDFPage_CollectLink(\"%s\")", charPtr);
+ while (*charPtr != 0)
+ {
+ char ch;
+ if ( g_link_index >= sizeof(g_link) )
+ Error(48, 35, "PDFPage_CollectLink: link too long (max. 512 chars)",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ g_link[g_link_index++] = ch = *charPtr++;
+ if ((ch == '<') && (*charPtr == '<'))
+ {
+ g_link[g_link_index++] = *charPtr++;
+ g_link_depth++;
+ }
+ else if ((ch == '>') && (*charPtr == '>'))
+ {
+ Assert(g_link_depth != 0, no_fpos);
+ g_link_depth--;
+ if (g_link_depth == 0)
+ {
+ /* I don't want the outermost '<<' '>>' pair */
+ g_link[--g_link_index] = '\0'; /* terminate the string */
+ PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword();
+ charPtr++;
+ break; /* exit while */
+ }
+ else
+ g_link[g_link_index++] = *charPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ debug0(DPD, D, "PDFPage_CollectLink returning");
+ return charPtr;
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_WriteGraphic(FILE* in_fp, FULL_CHAR* in_str) */
+/* */
+/* Outputs an appropriate PDF string for drawing a graphic element. */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_WriteGraphic(FILE* in_fp, FULL_CHAR* in_str)
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ FULL_CHAR *charPtr = in_str;
+ char *strPtr = str;
+ if (*charPtr == 0)
+ return;
+ /* if in collecting an expression mode then collect until terminating ')' */
+ if (g_expr_depth != 0)
+ {
+ BOOLEAN hasResult;
+ float value;
+ charPtr = PDFPage_CollectExpr(charPtr, &hasResult, &value);
+ if (hasResult)
+ {
+ sprintf(strPtr, "%.2f", value);
+ strPtr += strlen(strPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ /* if in collecting-a-link mode then collect until terminating '>>' */
+ if (g_link_depth != 0)
+ charPtr = PDFPage_CollectLink(charPtr);
+ /* scan the string for '__' otherwise output it */
+ while (*charPtr != 0)
+ {
+ int i;
+ float value;
+ Assert(strPtr < (str + sizeof(t_tempbuf)), no_fpos);
+ /* look for "__" (double underline) */
+ if ( (charPtr[0] == '_') && (charPtr[1] == '_') )
+ {
+ charPtr += 2;
+ /* "in", "cm", "pt", "em", "loutf", "loutv", "louts" */
+#if 0
+ i = PDFKeyword_Find(kNumberOfUnitKeywords, g_unit_keywords, charPtr);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ Assert(FALSE, no_fpos);
+ charPtr += strlen(g_unit_keywords[i]); /* skip keyword */
+ charPtr = PDFPage_GetFloat(charPtr, &value); /* get value */
+ sprintf(strPtr, "%.2f", g_units[i] * value); /* output it */
+ strPtr += strlen(strPtr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* "xsize", "ysize", "xmark", "ymark" */
+ i = PDFKeyword_Find(kNumberOfGraphicsKeywords, g_graphic_keywords, charPtr);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ charPtr += strlen(g_graphic_keywords[i]);
+#if 1
+ sprintf(strPtr, "%d", g_graphics_vars[i]);
+ strPtr += strlen(strPtr);
+ charPtr = PDFPage_ProcessGraphicsKeyword(charPtr, i, &strPtr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* "link_source=<<", "link_target=<<", "link_target_for_export=<<", "link_URI=<<" */
+ i = PDFKeyword_Find(kNumberOfLinkKeywords, g_link_keywords, charPtr);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ charPtr += strlen(g_link_keywords[i]);
+#if 1
+ while (isspace(*charPtr))
+ charPtr++;
+ g_link_index = 0;
+ g_link_depth++;
+ g_link_keyword = (PDF_LINK_KEYWORD) i;
+ charPtr = PDFPage_CollectLink(charPtr);
+ charPtr = PDFPage_ProcessLinkKeyword(charPtr, (PDF_LINK_KEYWORD) i);
+ } /* if */
+ else
+ {
+ /* "author=", "title=", "subject=", "keywords=" */
+ i = PDFKeyword_Find(kNumberOfDocInfoKeywords, g_doc_info_keywords, charPtr);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ charPtr += strlen(g_doc_info_keywords[i]);
+ charPtr = PDFPage_ProcessDocInfoKeyword(charPtr, i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* "add" "sub" "mul" "div", "sin", "cos" */
+ i = PDFKeyword_Find(kNumberOfArithmeticKeywords, g_arithmetic_keywords, charPtr);
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ strcpy(g_expr, g_arithmetic_keywords[i]);
+ charPtr += strlen(g_arithmetic_keywords[i]);
+ while (isspace(*charPtr))
+ charPtr++;
+ if (*charPtr != '(')
+ Error(48, 36, "PDFPage_WriteGraphic: '(' expected", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ strcat(g_expr, "(");
+ g_expr_index = strlen(g_expr);
+ g_expr_depth++;
+ {
+ BOOLEAN hasResult;
+ charPtr = PDFPage_CollectExpr(++charPtr, &hasResult, &value);
+ if (hasResult)
+ {
+ sprintf(strPtr, "%.2f", value);
+ strPtr += strlen(strPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* alert user in case there was a spelling mistake */
+ Error(48, 37, "PDFPage_WriteGraphic: '__' encountered while processing @Graphic", WARN, no_fpos);
+ *strPtr++ = '_';
+ *strPtr++ = '_';
+ } /* else */
+ } /* else */
+ } /* else */
+ } /* else */
+ } /* else */
+ } /* if */
+ else
+ {
+ *strPtr++ = *charPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ *strPtr = 0;
+ PDFPage_FlushBuffer(in_fp); /* this is a marking operation, so flush */
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+/* */
+/* PDFPage_PrintUnderline(FILE* in_fp, int x1, int x2, int y, int thickness) */
+/* */
+/* Implements underlining (just draws a horizontal line). */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_PrintUnderline(FILE* in_fp, int in_x1, int in_x2, int in_y,
+ int in_thickness)
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ /* this is a marking operation, so flush and turn off buffering */
+ PDFPage_FlushBuffer(in_fp);
+ /* fprintf(out_fp, "/ul { gsave setlinewidth dup 3 1 roll\n"); */
+ /* fprintf(out_fp, " moveto lineto stroke grestore } bind def\n"); */
+ sprintf(str, "q %d w %d %d m %d %d l s Q\n",in_thickness,in_x1,in_y,in_x2,in_y);
+ PDFPage_Write(in_fp, str);
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_Init(FILE* in_fp, float in_scale_factor, int in_line_width) */
+/* */
+/* Inits the vars for the start of processing a new page. */
+/* */
+/* [ 0 1 2 ] [ s 0 0 ] */
+/* [ 3 4 5 ] = [ 0 s 0 ] */
+/* [ 6 7 8 ] [ 0 0 1 ] */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_Init(FILE* in_fp, float in_scale_factor, int in_line_width)
+ g_cur_matrix[0] = g_cur_matrix[4] = in_scale_factor;
+ g_cur_matrix[1] = g_cur_matrix[2] = g_cur_matrix[3] =
+ g_cur_matrix[5] = g_cur_matrix[6] = g_cur_matrix[7] = 0;
+ g_cur_matrix[8] = 1;
+ g_matrix_stack = NULL;
+ /* clear/init page vars */
+ g_page_uses_fonts = FALSE;
+ g_page_has_text = FALSE;
+ g_page_has_graphics = FALSE;
+ g_page_contents_obj_num = 0; /* undefined */
+ g_page_length_obj_num = 0; /* undefined */
+ g_page_start_offset = 0; /* undefined */
+ /* g_text_font_size_in_ems = 0; */ /* undefined */
+ g_page_h_scale_factor = g_page_v_scale_factor = in_scale_factor;
+ g_page_h_origin = g_page_v_origin = 0;
+ g_page_line_width = in_line_width;
+ /* ***
+ g_graphics_vars[k_in] = IN;
+ g_graphics_vars[k_cm] = CM;
+ g_graphics_vars[k_pt] = PT;
+ g_graphics_vars[k_em] = EM;
+ *** */
+ g_graphics_vars[k_xsize] = 0; /* undefined */
+ g_graphics_vars[k_ysize] = 0; /* undefined */
+ g_graphics_vars[k_xmark] = 0; /* undefined */
+ g_graphics_vars[k_ymark] = 0; /* undefined */
+ /* ***
+ g_graphics_vars[k_loutf] = 0;
+ g_graphics_vars[k_loutv] = 0;
+ g_graphics_vars[k_louts] = 0;
+ *** */
+ /* No need to touch k_in other constant units */
+ g_units[k_loutf] = 0; /* undefined */
+ g_units[k_loutv] = 0; /* undefined */
+ g_units[k_louts] = 0; /* undefined */
+ g_ET_pending = FALSE;
+ g_TJ_pending = FALSE;
+ g_valid_text_matrix = FALSE; /* Td is not allowed */
+ /* mark all fonts "not in use" */
+ {
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = g_font_list;
+ while (entry != NULL) {
+ entry->m_in_use = FALSE; /* set the "in use" state to "not in use" */
+ entry = entry->m_next_font_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ /* init qsave stack */
+ g_qsave_stack = NULL;
+ /* init qsave_marking stack */
+ g_qsave_marking_stack = NULL;
+ g_buffer_pos = 0;
+ /* buffer contains empty string */
+ g_buffer[0] = '\0';
+ /* try to chop entire stream if possible! Originally: FALSE; */
+ /* turn on buffering only AFTER a save request */
+ g_in_buffering_mode = FALSE;
+ /* try to chop entire stream if possible! Originally: FALSE; */
+ /* turn on buffering only AFTER a save request */
+ g_in_buffering_mode = TRUE;
+ /* bump page number */
+ ++g_page_count;
+ g_page_object_num = PDFObject_New(/* in_fp */);
+/* */
+/* void PDFPage_Cleanup(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Cleans up the processing after a page's contents have been written out. */
+/* */
+void PDFPage_Cleanup(FILE* in_fp)
+ BOOLEAN hasAnnot = FALSE;
+ Assert(g_qsave_stack == NULL, no_fpos);
+ /* if page has some content then close its stream object */
+ if (g_page_contents_obj_num != 0)
+ {
+ PDF_FILE_OFFSET page_length = PDFPage_End(in_fp);
+ if (page_length > g_max_page_length)
+ g_max_page_length = page_length;
+ /* write page's length object */
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% length object for page %u:\n%%\n", g_page_count);
+ PDFObject_WriteObj(in_fp, g_page_length_obj_num);
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%u\nendobj\n", page_length);
+ /* write out any used font resources */
+ {
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = g_font_list;
+ while (entry != NULL) {
+ PDFFont_WriteFontResource(in_fp, entry);
+ entry = entry->m_next_font_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* write out annotations */
+ {
+ t_source_annot_entry_ptr source = g_source_annot_list;
+ while (source != NULL)
+ {
+ if (source->m_this_page_object_num == g_page_object_num)
+ {
+ /* even if the annotation(s) cannot be written out now, flag the */
+ /* fact that this page has annotations */
+ hasAnnot = TRUE;
+ /* attempt to write out annotation */
+ PDFSourceAnnot_Write(in_fp, source);
+ } /* if annot entry belongs to this page */
+ source = source->m_next_entry;
+ } /* while */
+ }
+ /* start writing page object ("/Type /Page"); remember its number */
+ {
+ unsigned int wanted_block_num = (g_page_count - 1) / kNumberOfPagesPerBlock;
+ unsigned int block_pos = (g_page_count - 1) % kNumberOfPagesPerBlock;
+ t_page_block_ptr the_block = g_cur_page_block;
+ /* if first obj in a block then allocate the block */
+ if (block_pos == 0)
+ {
+ the_block = (t_page_block_ptr) malloc(sizeof(t_page_block));
+ if (the_block == NULL)
+ Error(48, 38, "PDFPage_Cleanup: run out of memory", FATAL, no_fpos);
+ if (wanted_block_num == 0) /* if first block in file */
+ {
+ Assert(g_page_block_list == NULL, no_fpos);
+ g_page_block_list = the_block;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(g_cur_page_block != NULL, no_fpos);
+ g_cur_page_block->m_next_block = the_block;
+ }
+ the_block->m_next_block = NULL; /* don't forget to init this! */
+ g_cur_page_block = the_block;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(the_block != NULL, no_fpos);
+ }
+ /* save object number of this page for later use in the /Pages list */
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% page number %u:\n%%\n", g_page_count);
+ the_block->m_block[block_pos] = g_page_object_num;
+ PDFObject_WriteObj(in_fp, g_page_object_num);
+ /* PDFObject_WriteNewObj(in_fp); */
+ }
+ /* write out /Page ID */
+ fputs("<<\n/Type /Page\n", in_fp);
+ /* write out page size and orientation */
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/CropBox [ 0 0 %u %u ]\n",g_doc_h_bound,g_doc_v_bound);
+ /* write out parent object ref */
+ fputs("/Parent ", in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, g_pages_root);
+ fputs("\n", in_fp);
+ /* write out contents object ref (if it exists) */
+ if (g_page_contents_obj_num != 0)
+ {
+ fputs("/Contents ", in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, g_page_contents_obj_num);
+ fputs("\n", in_fp);
+ }
+ /* open resources dictionary */
+ if (g_page_uses_fonts || g_page_has_text || g_page_has_graphics)
+ fputs("/Resources\n<<\n", in_fp);
+ /* write out font resources used */
+ if (g_page_uses_fonts)
+ {
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr entry = g_font_list;
+ fputs("/Font <<", in_fp);
+ while (entry != NULL) {
+ if (entry->m_in_use) {
+ fprintf(in_fp, " %s ", entry->m_PDF_font_name);
+ PDFFont_WriteObjectRef(in_fp, entry);
+ }
+ entry = entry->m_next_font_entry;
+ }
+ fputs(" >>\n", in_fp);
+ }
+ /* write out any procsets used */
+ if (g_page_has_text || g_page_has_graphics)
+ {
+ fputs("/ProcSet [ /PDF", in_fp);
+ if (g_page_has_text)
+ fputs(" /Text", in_fp);
+ fputs(" ]\n", in_fp);
+ }
+ /* close resources dictionary */
+ if (g_page_uses_fonts || g_page_has_text || g_page_has_graphics)
+ fputs(">>\n", in_fp);
+ /* write out annot array */
+ if (hasAnnot)
+ {
+ t_source_annot_entry_ptr entry = g_source_annot_list;
+ t_source_annot_entry_ptr previous_entry = NULL;
+ /* write out annotations */
+ fputs("/Annots [", in_fp);
+ while (entry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (entry->m_this_page_object_num == g_page_object_num)
+ {
+ fputs(" ", in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, entry->m_this_object_num);
+ /* if the annotation has just been written out above then delete it */
+ if (entry->m_written_to_PDF_file)
+ {
+ t_source_annot_entry_ptr next_entry = entry->m_next_entry;
+ if (g_source_annot_list == entry)
+ g_source_annot_list = next_entry;
+ if (previous_entry != NULL)
+ previous_entry->m_next_entry = next_entry;
+ PDFSourceAnnot_Dispose(entry);
+ entry = next_entry;
+ }
+ else /* annot is a fwd referring one: defer deleting it */
+ {
+ previous_entry = entry;
+ entry = entry->m_next_entry;
+ }
+ } /* if annot entry belongs to this page */
+ else /* annot does not belong to this page; skip it */
+ {
+ previous_entry = entry;
+ entry = entry->m_next_entry;
+ }
+ } /* while */
+ fputs(" ]\n", in_fp);
+ } /* if */
+ /* close object */
+ fputs(">>\nendobj\n", in_fp);
+/* */
+/* void PDFFile_Init(FILE* in_fp, int in_h_bound, int in_v_bound) */
+/* */
+/* Initialize this module. */
+/* */
+void PDFFile_Init(FILE* in_fp, int in_h_bound, int in_v_bound,
+ int in_IN, int in_CM, int in_PT, int in_EM)
+ /* write PDF header */
+ fputs("%PDF-1.2\n", in_fp); /* identifies this as PDF */
+ fputs("\045\342\343\317\323\n", in_fp); /* 0x25 0xE2 0xE3 0xCF 0xD3 */
+ /* set debugging status */
+ g_PDF_debug = dbg[DPD].on[D] || dbg[DPD].on[DD] || dbg[DPD].on[DDD];
+ g_PDF_debug = FALSE;
+ g_apply_compression = !g_PDF_debug;
+ /* objects */
+ g_next_objnum = 1; /* object numbers start at one */
+ g_obj_offset_list = NULL;
+ g_cur_obj_offset_block = NULL;
+ /* fonts */
+ g_font_list = NULL;
+ g_font_encoding_list = NULL;
+ /* pages */
+ g_page_count = 0;
+ g_page_block_list = NULL;
+ g_cur_page_block = NULL;
+ g_pages_root = PDFObject_New(/* in_fp */);
+ /* doc */
+ g_doc_h_bound = in_h_bound;
+ g_doc_v_bound = in_v_bound;
+ g_doc_author = NULL;
+ g_doc_title = NULL;
+ g_doc_subject = NULL;
+ g_doc_keywords = NULL;
+ /* link annotations */
+ g_target_annot_list = NULL;
+ g_has_exported_targets = FALSE;
+ g_source_annot_list = NULL;
+ /* units */
+ g_units[k_in] = in_IN;
+ g_units[k_cm] = in_CM;
+ g_units[k_pt] = in_PT;
+ g_units[k_em] = in_EM;
+/* */
+/* void PDFFile_WritePagesObject(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Cleans up processing after all pages has been written out. */
+/* */
+static void PDFFile_WritePagesObject(FILE* in_fp)
+ unsigned int i;
+ t_page_block_ptr the_block = g_page_block_list;
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% root of pages tree:\n%%\n");
+ /* write out the root of the Pages tree */
+ PDFObject_WriteObj(in_fp, g_pages_root);
+ fputs("<<\n", in_fp);
+ fputs("/Type /Pages\n", in_fp);
+ fputs("/Kids [ ", in_fp);
+ for (i = 0; i < g_page_count; i++)
+ {
+ int block_pos = i % kNumberOfPagesPerBlock;
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, the_block->m_block[block_pos]);
+ if (block_pos == (kNumberOfPagesPerBlock - 1))
+ {
+ the_block = the_block->m_next_block;
+ /* Assert(the_block != NULL, no_fpos); not always true! */
+ }
+ fputs(" ", in_fp);
+ }
+ fprintf(in_fp, " ]\n/Count %u\n", g_page_count);
+ /* ***
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ]\n");
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/MediaBox [ 0 0 %u %u ]\n",g_doc_h_bound,g_doc_v_bound);
+ *** */
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/MediaBox [ 0 0 %u %u ]\n", g_doc_h_bound, g_doc_v_bound);
+ fputs(">>\nendobj\n", in_fp);
+/* */
+/* PDF_FILE_OFFSET PDFFile_WriteXREF(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Writes out the XREF table. */
+/* */
+static PDF_FILE_OFFSET PDFFile_WriteXREF(FILE* in_fp)
+ int i;
+ PDF_FILE_OFFSET xref_start;
+ t_offset_block_ptr the_block = g_obj_offset_list;
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% xref table:\n%%\n");
+ xref_start = ftell(in_fp);
+ fputs("xref\n", in_fp);
+ fprintf(in_fp, "0 %u\n", g_next_objnum);
+ fputs("0000000000 65535 f \n", in_fp); /* object 0 is a deleted obj */
+ Assert( (g_next_objnum == 1) || (the_block != NULL), no_fpos);
+ for (i = 1; i < g_next_objnum; i++) /* write out list of object offsets */
+ {
+ int block_pos = (i - 1) % kNumberOfObjectsPerBlock;
+ /* always write an entry (even if the object doesn't exist) */
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%010u 00000 n \n", the_block->m_block[block_pos]);
+ if (the_block->m_block[block_pos] == 0)
+ {
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ strcpy(str, "PDFFile_WriteXREF: undefined object number: ");
+ sprintf(str + strlen(str), "%u", i);
+ Error(48, 39, "%s", WARN, no_fpos, str);
+ }
+ if (block_pos == (kNumberOfObjectsPerBlock - 1))
+ {
+ the_block = the_block->m_next_block;
+ /* Assert(the_block != NULL, no_fpos); not always true! */
+ }
+ }
+ return xref_start;
+/* */
+/* void PDFFile_Cleanup(FILE* in_fp) */
+/* */
+/* Cleans up processing after all pages has been written out. */
+/* */
+void PDFFile_Cleanup(FILE* in_fp)
+ PDF_FILE_OFFSET xref_start; /* file offset of start of xref table */
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM catalog_obj_num;
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM info_obj_num;
+ PDF_OBJECT_NUM dests_obj_num;
+ /* write out any unresolved link annotations. This could be done earlier */
+ /* (in fact, it can be done as each new target is defined) but I've */
+ /* arbitrarily decided to do it here. */
+ {
+ t_source_annot_entry_ptr source = g_source_annot_list;
+ while (source != NULL)
+ {
+ t_target_annot_entry_ptr target;
+ Assert(source->m_target == NULL, no_fpos);
+ target = PDFTargetAnnot_Find(source->m_name);
+ if (target != NULL)
+ {
+ source->m_target = target;
+ PDFSourceAnnot_Write(in_fp, source);
+ }
+ source = source->m_next_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ /* write out pages object */
+ PDFFile_WritePagesObject(in_fp);
+ /* if file has exported targets for links then write out /Dests dictionary */
+ if (g_has_exported_targets)
+ {
+ t_target_annot_entry_ptr entry = g_target_annot_list;
+ Assert(entry != NULL, no_fpos); /* should be at least an entry! */
+ /* write PDF 1.1 style /Dests dictionary */
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% /Dests dictionary (exported links):\n%%\n");
+ dests_obj_num = PDFObject_WriteNewObj(in_fp);
+ fputs("<<\n", in_fp);
+ while (entry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (entry->m_for_export)
+ {
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/%s [ ", entry->m_name);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, entry->m_page_object_num);
+ fprintf(in_fp, " /XYZ null null null ]\n");
+ }
+ entry = entry->m_next_entry;
+ }
+ fputs(">>\nendobj\n", in_fp);
+ }
+ /* write out catalog object */
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% catalog:\n%%\n");
+ catalog_obj_num = PDFObject_WriteNewObj(in_fp);
+ fputs("<<\n", in_fp);
+ fputs("/Type /Catalog\n", in_fp);
+ fputs("/Pages ", in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, g_pages_root);
+ fputs("\n", in_fp);
+ /* if file has exported targets for links then write out a /Dest dictionary */
+ if (g_has_exported_targets)
+ {
+ fputs("/Dests ", in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, dests_obj_num);
+ fputs("\n", in_fp);
+ }
+ /* ***
+ fputs("/PageMode ", in_fp);
+ switch ()
+ {
+ }
+ fputs("\n", in_fp);
+ *** */
+ fputs(">>\nendobj\n", in_fp);
+ /* write out info object */
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% Info object:\n%%\n");
+ /* ***
+ Author string (Optional) The name of the person who created the document.
+ CreationDate Date (Optional) The date the document was created.
+ ModDate Date (Optional) The date the document was last modified.
+ Creator string (Optional) If the document was converted into a PDF document from another
+ form, this is the name of the application that created the original document.
+ Producer string (Optional) The name of the application that converted the document from its native
+ format to PDF.
+ Title string (Optional) The documentÕs title.
+ Subject string (Optional) The subject of the document.
+ Keywords string (Optional) Keywords associated with the document.
+ example:
+ /Creator (Adobe Illustrator)
+ /CreationDate (D:19930204080603-08'00')
+ /Author (Werner Heisenberg)
+ /Producer (Acrobat Network Distiller 1.0 for Macintosh)
+ *** */
+ info_obj_num = PDFObject_WriteNewObj(in_fp);
+ fputs("<<\n", in_fp);
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/Creator (%s)\n", LOUT_VERSION);
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/Producer (%s)\n", LOUT_VERSION);
+ {
+ time_t now;
+ struct tm *date;
+ /* I will presume that localtime() is Y2K compliant. If it isn't */
+ /* on your system, feel free to tweak this code. :-) */
+ now = time( NULL );
+ date = localtime( &now );
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/CreationDate (D:%.4d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d)\n",
+ date->tm_year + 1900, date->tm_mon + 1, date->tm_mday,
+ date->tm_hour, date->tm_min, date->tm_sec);
+ }
+ if (g_doc_author != NULL)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/Author (%s)\n", g_doc_author);
+ if (g_doc_title != NULL)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/Title (%s)\n", g_doc_title);
+ if (g_doc_subject != NULL)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/Subject (%s)\n", g_doc_subject);
+ if (g_doc_keywords != NULL)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/Keywords (%s)\n", g_doc_keywords);
+ fputs(">>\nendobj\n", in_fp);
+ /* write out xref table */
+ xref_start = PDFFile_WriteXREF(in_fp);
+ /* write out trailer */
+ /* *** uwe: comments can appear in the body only.
+ if (g_PDF_debug)
+ fprintf(in_fp, "%%\n%% trailer:\n%%\n");
+ *** */
+ fputs("trailer\n<<\n", in_fp);
+ fprintf(in_fp, "/Size %u\n", g_next_objnum);
+ fputs("/Root ", in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, catalog_obj_num);
+ fputs("\n/Info ", in_fp);
+ PDFObject_WriteRef(in_fp, info_obj_num);
+ fprintf(in_fp, " >>\nstartxref\n%u\n", xref_start);
+ fputs("%%EOF\n", in_fp);
+ /* memory deallocation (no need to dispose of the qsave_marking_stack */
+ /* because it's always empty after a page has been processed) */
+ while (g_obj_offset_list != NULL)
+ {
+ t_offset_block_ptr the_block = g_obj_offset_list;
+ g_obj_offset_list = the_block->m_next_block;
+ free(the_block);
+ }
+ while (g_font_encoding_list != NULL)
+ {
+ t_font_encoding_entry_ptr the_block = g_font_encoding_list;
+ g_font_encoding_list = the_block->m_next_entry;
+ free(the_block->m_font_encoding);
+ free(the_block);
+ }
+ while (g_font_list != NULL)
+ {
+ t_font_list_entry_ptr the_block = g_font_list;
+ g_font_list = the_block->m_next_font_entry;
+ free(the_block->m_PDF_font_name);
+ free(the_block->m_short_font_name);
+ free(the_block->m_actual_font_name);
+ free(the_block);
+ }
+ while (g_page_block_list != NULL)
+ {
+ t_page_block_ptr the_block = g_page_block_list;
+ g_page_block_list = the_block->m_next_block;
+ free(the_block);
+ }
+ while (g_source_annot_list != NULL)
+ {
+ t_source_annot_entry_ptr entry = g_source_annot_list;
+ if (entry->m_target == NULL)
+ {
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ strcpy(str, "PDFFile_Cleanup: unresolved link annotation named ");
+ strcat(str, (char*) entry->m_name);
+ Error(48, 40, "%s", WARN, no_fpos, str);
+ }
+ g_source_annot_list = PDFSourceAnnot_Dispose(entry);
+ }
+ while (g_target_annot_list != NULL)
+ {
+ t_target_annot_entry_ptr entry = g_target_annot_list;
+ g_target_annot_list = entry->m_next_entry;
+ free(entry->m_name);
+ free(entry);
+ }
+ /* display largest page object */
+ {
+ t_tempbuf str;
+ /* JK sprintf(str, "The largest page object is %u bytes long.", g_max_page_length); */
+ Error(48, 41, "The largest page object is %u bytes long.", WARN, no_fpos, g_max_page_length);
+ }