path: root/z44.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'z44.c')
1 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z44.c b/z44.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f056d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z44.c
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+/*@z44.c:Vertical Hyphenation:VerticalHyphenate()@****************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z44.c */
+/* MODULE: Vertical Hyphenation */
+/* EXTERNS: VerticalHyphenate(), ConvertGalleyList() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+/* */
+/* FirstDefiniteCompressed(x, link, y) */
+/* NextDefiniteWithGapCompressed(x, link, y, g) */
+/* */
+/* Like FirstDefinite() and NextDefiniteWithGap(), except that these */
+/* versions assume that x is of type VCAT, and they compress any VCAT */
+/* objects found within x as they go. */
+/* */
+#define FirstDefiniteCompressed(x, link, y) \
+{ BOOLEAN jn; \
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn); \
+ while( link != x && type(y) == VCAT ) \
+ { TransferLinks(Down(y), y, link); \
+ DisposeChild(link); \
+ FirstDefinite(x, link, y, jn); \
+ } \
+ assert( link==x || is_definite(type(y)), "FirstDefiniteCompressed!"); \
+#define NextDefiniteWithGapCompressed(x, link, y, g) \
+{ OBJECT start_link = PrevDown(link), ylink, yg, z; \
+ BOOLEAN jn; \
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn); \
+ while( link != x && type(y) == VCAT ) \
+ { FirstDefinite(y, ylink, z, jn); \
+ if( ylink != y && PrevDown(ylink) != y ) \
+ { Child(yg, PrevDown(ylink)); \
+ assert( type(yg)==GAP_OBJ && mode(gap(yg)) != NO_MODE, "NDWGC!"); \
+ MoveLink(PrevDown(ylink), Up(g), PARENT); \
+ MoveLink(Up(g), ylink, PARENT); \
+ } \
+ TransferLinks(Down(y), y, link); \
+ DisposeChild(link); \
+ link = NextDown(start_link); \
+ NextDefiniteWithGap(x, link, y, g, jn); \
+ } \
+ assert( link==x || is_definite(type(y)), "FirstDefiniteCompressed!"); \
+ assert( link==x || mode(gap(g)) != NO_MODE, \
+ "FirstDefiniteWithGapCompressed: mode(gap(g))!" ); \
+/* */
+/* OBJECT FindTarget(index) */
+/* */
+/* Work out what the given index is pointing at, or nilobj if nothing. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT FindTarget(OBJECT index)
+{ OBJECT res;
+ debug1(DVH, DD, "FindTarget(%s)", Image(type(index)));
+ switch( type(index) )
+ {
+ case DEAD:
+ res = nilobj;
+ break;
+ case GALL_PREC:
+ case GALL_FOLL:
+ res = pinpoint(index);
+ break;
+ case SCALE_IND:
+ case COVER_IND:
+ case EXPAND_IND:
+ res = actual(index);
+ break;
+ case PRECEDES:
+ case FOLLOWS:
+ case CROSS_TARG:
+ case CROSS_PREC:
+ case CROSS_FOLL:
+ res = nilobj; /* somewhat doubtful */
+ break;
+ case GALL_TARG:
+ res = nilobj; /* somewhat doubtful */
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert1(FALSE, "FindTarget: unknown index", Image(type(index)));
+ break;
+ }
+ debug1(DVH, DD, "FindTarget returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end FindTarget */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT WhichComponent(target) */
+/* */
+/* Return the component of the enclosing galley that contains target, */
+/* or nilobj if some problem. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT WhichComponent(OBJECT target)
+{ OBJECT prnt;
+ debug1(DVH, DD, "WhichComponent(%s)", EchoObject(target));
+ while( Up(target) != target )
+ { Parent(prnt, Up(target));
+ if( type(prnt) == HEAD )
+ { debug1(DVH, DD, "WhichComponent returning %s", EchoObject(target));
+ return target;
+ }
+ target = prnt;
+ }
+ debug0(DVH, DD, "WhichComponent returning nilobj");
+ return nilobj;
+} /* end WhichComponent */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT EncloseInHcat(nxt, y, replace) */
+/* */
+/* Enclose object nxt in an HCAT, similar to HCAT y, at position replace. */
+/* The link to nxt will now link to the new HCAT. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT EncloseInHcat(OBJECT nxt, OBJECT y, OBJECT replace)
+{ OBJECT new_y, new_row_thread, s1, new_s1, s2, new_s2, link, sh, new_sh, tmp;
+ assert( Up(nxt) != nxt, "EncloseInHCat: Up(nxt) == nxt!" );
+ New(new_y, HCAT);
+ adjust_cat(new_y) = FALSE;
+ MoveLink(Up(nxt), new_y, CHILD);
+ assert( Up(nxt) == nxt, "EncloseInHCat: Up(nxt) != nxt!" );
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_y), fpos(y));
+ back(new_y, COLM) = back(y, COLM);
+ fwd(new_y, COLM) = fwd(y, COLM);
+ back(new_y, ROWM) = back(nxt, ROWM);
+ fwd(new_y, ROWM) = fwd(nxt, ROWM);
+ New(new_row_thread, ROW_THR);
+ back(new_row_thread, ROWM) = back(new_y, ROWM);
+ fwd(new_row_thread, ROWM) = fwd(new_y, ROWM);
+ for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(s1, link);
+ if( type(s1) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { New(new_s1, GAP_OBJ);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_s1), fpos(s1));
+ GapCopy(gap(new_s1), gap(s1));
+ hspace(new_s1) = hspace(s1);
+ vspace(new_s1) = vspace(s1);
+ Link(new_y, new_s1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( type(s1) == WIDE || type(s1) == ONE_COL )
+ Child(s2, Down(s1));
+ else s2 = s1;
+ assert( type(s2) == SPLIT, "EncloseInHcat: type(s2) != SPLIT!" );
+ Child(sh, DownDim(s2, COLM));
+ New(new_s2, SPLIT);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_s2), fpos(s2));
+ if( s2 != s1 )
+ { New(new_s1, type(s1));
+ back(new_s1, COLM) = back(s1, COLM);
+ fwd(new_s1, COLM) = fwd(s1, COLM);
+ back(new_s1, ROWM) = back(new_row_thread, COLM);
+ fwd(new_s1, ROWM) = fwd(new_row_thread, COLM);
+ Link(new_y, new_s1);
+ Link(new_s1, new_s2);
+ }
+ else Link(new_y, new_s2);
+ if( sh == replace )
+ {
+ /* replace sh by nxt in the copy */
+ new_sh = nxt;
+ back(new_sh, COLM) = back(s2, COLM);
+ fwd(new_sh, COLM) = fwd(s2, COLM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* replace sh by an empty object of the same width in the copy */
+ New(new_sh, WIDE);
+ FposCopy(fpos(new_sh), fpos(sh));
+ SetConstraint(constraint(new_sh), back(sh,COLM),size(sh,COLM),fwd(sh,COLM));
+ back(new_sh, COLM) = back(sh, COLM);
+ fwd(new_sh, COLM) = fwd(sh, COLM);
+ back(new_sh, ROWM) = fwd(new_sh, ROWM) = 0;
+ tmp = MakeWord(WORD, STR_EMPTY, &fpos(sh));
+ back(tmp, COLM) = fwd(tmp, COLM) = 0;
+ back(tmp, ROWM) = fwd(tmp, ROWM) = 0;
+ underline(tmp) = UNDER_OFF;
+ Link(new_sh, tmp);
+ }
+ Link(new_s2, new_sh);
+ back(new_s2, COLM) = back(new_sh, COLM);
+ fwd(new_s2, COLM) = fwd(new_sh, COLM);
+ Link(new_s2, new_row_thread);
+ back(new_s2, ROWM) = back(new_row_thread, ROWM);
+ fwd(new_s2, ROWM) = fwd(new_row_thread, ROWM);
+ Link(new_row_thread, new_sh);
+ }
+ return new_y;
+} /* end EncloseInHcat */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN VerticalHyphenate(OBJECT y) */
+/* */
+/* Attempt to vertically hyphenate galley component y, of type HCAT. */
+/* */
+BOOLEAN VerticalHyphenate(OBJECT y)
+{ OBJECT large_comp, index, z, link, g;
+ OBJECT row_thread, s1, s2, sh, sv, shp, prev, nxt, large_comp_split;
+ FULL_LENGTH rump_fwd;
+ debug1(DVH, D, "[ VerticalHyphenate(y: %s), y =", EchoLength(size(y, ROWM)));
+ ifdebug(DVH, D, DebugObject(y));
+ debug0(DVH, DD, "galley before vertical hyphenation:");
+ ifdebug(DVH, DD, Parent(z, Up(y)); DebugGalley(z, y, 2));
+ /* find large_comp, the largest VCAT component, or else return FALSE */
+ row_thread = large_comp = nilobj;
+ rump_fwd = 0;
+ assert( type(y) == HCAT, "VerticalHyphenate: type(y) != HCAT!" );
+ for( link = Down(y); link != y; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(s1, link);
+ if( type(s1) == GAP_OBJ )
+ { if( !join(gap(s1)) )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (not joined)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* check that s2 is a SPLIT object whose children look right */
+ if( type(s1) == WIDE || type(s1) == ONE_COL )
+ Child(s2, Down(s1));
+ else s2 = s1;
+ if( type(s2) != SPLIT )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (child not SPLIT)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Child(sh, DownDim(s2, COLM));
+ Child(sv, DownDim(s2, ROWM));
+ if( type(sv) != ROW_THR )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (no ROW_THR)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if( row_thread == nilobj ) row_thread = sv;
+ if( sv != row_thread )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (different ROW_THR)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ Parent(shp, UpDim(sh, ROWM));
+ if( shp != row_thread )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (sh parent)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* Now sh is one of the HCAT components */
+ if( type(sh) != VCAT )
+ { rump_fwd = find_max(rump_fwd, fwd(sh, ROWM));
+ }
+ else if( large_comp != nilobj )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (two VCATs)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ { large_comp = sh;
+ large_comp_split = s2;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if no large_comp, return */
+ if( large_comp == nilobj )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (no VCAT)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* check that large_comp has at least two components */
+ FirstDefiniteCompressed(large_comp, link, prev);
+ if( link == large_comp )
+ { debug0(DVH,D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (VCAT: no components)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ NextDefiniteWithGapCompressed(large_comp, link, nxt, g);
+ if( link == large_comp )
+ { debug0(DVH,D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (VCAT: one component)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* make sure that first gap does not change when rearranging */
+ rump_fwd = find_max(rump_fwd, fwd(prev, ROWM));
+ if( MinGap(rump_fwd, back(nxt, ROWM), fwd(nxt, ROWM), &gap(g)) !=
+ MinGap(fwd(prev, ROWM), back(nxt, ROWM), fwd(nxt, ROWM), &gap(g)) )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (first gap changes)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /* check that large_comp has no joins */
+ for( link = Down(large_comp); link != large_comp; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(z, link);
+ if( type(z) == GAP_OBJ && mode(gap(z)) != NO_MODE && join(gap(z)) )
+ { debug0(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning FALSE (VCAT: joined)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* enclose all definite components after the first in HCATs */
+ for( link = NextDown(Up(prev)); link != large_comp; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(nxt, link);
+ if( type(nxt) == GAP_OBJ ) continue;
+ if( is_definite(type(nxt)) )
+ nxt = EncloseInHcat(nxt, y, large_comp);
+ }
+ /* move all components after the first to the top level */
+ TransferLinks(Up(g), large_comp, NextDown(Up(y)));
+ /* change the size of y to its new, smaller value */
+ fwd(y, ROWM) = fwd(row_thread, ROWM) = fwd(large_comp, ROWM)
+ = fwd(large_comp_split, ROWM) = fwd(prev, ROWM);
+ /* set link to the link of the first thing before y which is not an index */
+ for( link = PrevDown(Up(y)); type(link) == LINK; link = PrevDown(link) )
+ { Child(index, link);
+ if( !is_index(type(index)) ) break;
+ }
+ /* for each index, find where it's pointing and possibly move it */
+ while( NextDown(link) != Up(y) )
+ { Child(index, NextDown(link));
+ assert( is_index(type(index)), "MoveIndexes: is_index!" );
+ z = FindTarget(index);
+ if( z != nilobj )
+ { z = WhichComponent(z);
+ if( z != nilobj && z != y )
+ { MoveLink(NextDown(link), Up(z), PARENT);
+ }
+ else link = NextDown(link);
+ }
+ else link = NextDown(link);
+ }
+ debug1(DVH, D, "] VerticalHyphenate returning TRUE (y: %s)",
+ EchoLength(size(y, ROWM)));
+ debug0(DVH, DD, "galley after vertical hyphenation:");
+ ifdebug(DVH, DD, Parent(z, Up(y)); DebugGalley(z, y, 2));
+ return TRUE;
+} /* end VerticalHyphenate */
+/* */
+/* static OBJECT BuildMergeTree(int n, OBJECT x, OBJECT *lenv, *lact) */
+/* */
+/* Build a balanced tree of n-1 @Merge symbols, whose parameters are the */
+/* first n children of x. Return in lenv the environment of the root */
+/* @Merge symbol, and in *lact the symbol table entry for the parent of */
+/* this @Merge symbol. */
+/* */
+static OBJECT BuildMergeTree(int n, OBJECT x, OBJECT *lenv, OBJECT *lact)
+{ OBJECT res, merge, link, y, l, r, env, act, left_par, right_par;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "BuildMergeTree(%d, %s, -. -)", n, EchoObject(x));
+ if( n == 1 )
+ { New(res, ENV_OBJ);
+ Child(y, Down(x));
+ MoveLink(Down(x), res, PARENT);
+ assert(type(y)==CLOSURE && has_merge(actual(y)), "BuildMergeTree: has_m!");
+ *lact = actual(y);
+ *lenv = DetachEnv(y);
+ AttachEnv(*lenv, res);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* build the two subtrees */
+ l = BuildMergeTree(n/2, x, lenv, lact);
+ r = BuildMergeTree( n - n/2, x, &env, &act);
+ /* set merge to new @Merge closure */
+ for( link = Down(act); link != act; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( is_merge(y) ) break;
+ }
+ assert( y != act, "BuildMergeTree: y!" );
+ New(merge, CLOSURE);
+ actual(merge) = y;
+ /* build left parameter of the new @Merge */
+ New(left_par, PAR);
+ actual(left_par) = ChildSym(y, LPAR);
+ Link(merge, left_par);
+ Link(left_par, l);
+ /* build right parameter of the new @Merge */
+ New(right_par, PAR);
+ actual(right_par) = ChildSym(y, RPAR);
+ Link(merge, right_par);
+ Link(right_par, r);
+ New(res, ENV_OBJ);
+ Link(res, merge);
+ Link(res, env);
+ }
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "BuildMergeTree returning %s (*lact = %s)",
+ EchoObject(res), SymName(*lact));
+ return res;
+} /* end BuildMergeTree */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT ConvertGalleyList(x) */
+/* */
+/* Convert a set of galleys x into a single galley containing a balanced */
+/* tree of @Merge symbols. */
+/* */
+OBJECT ConvertGalleyList(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT res, y, link, junk1, junk2, obj; int n;
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "ConvertGalleyList(%s)", EchoObject(x));
+ Child(res, Down(x));
+ Child(y, Down(res));
+ MoveLink(Down(x), y, CHILD);
+ DeleteLink(Down(res));
+ MoveLink(Up(x), res, CHILD);
+ for( link = Down(x), n = 0; link != x; link = NextDown(link), n++ );
+ y = BuildMergeTree(n, x, &junk1, &junk2);
+ assert( Down(x) == x && Up(x) == x, "ConvertGalleyList: x!" );
+ Dispose(x);
+ Child(obj, Down(y));
+ MoveLink(Down(y), res, PARENT);
+ MoveLink(LastDown(y), obj, PARENT);
+ assert( Down(y) == y && Up(y) == y, "ConvertGalleyList: y!" );
+ Dispose(y);
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "ConvertGalleyList returning, res =");
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, DebugObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end ConvertGalleyList */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT BuildEnclose(hd) */
+/* */
+/* Build the @Enclose object for galley hd. */
+/* */
+OBJECT BuildEnclose(OBJECT hd)
+{ OBJECT sym, parsym, x, y, link, par, val, env, res;
+ debug1(DHY, D, "BuildEnclose(%s)", SymName(actual(hd)));
+ /* find @Enclose symbol and check that it has just one parameter */
+ for( link = Down(actual(hd)); link != actual(hd); link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(sym, link);
+ if( is_enclose(sym) ) break;
+ }
+ assert( link != actual(hd), "BuildEnclose: no enclose!" );
+ parsym = nilobj;
+ for( link = Down(sym); link != sym; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ switch( type(y) )
+ {
+ case LPAR:
+ case NPAR:
+ Error(44, 1, "%s may not have a left or named parameter", FATAL,
+ &fpos(y), KW_ENCLOSE);
+ break;
+ case RPAR:
+ if( has_body(sym) )
+ Error(44, 2, "%s may not have a body parameter", FATAL,
+ &fpos(y), KW_ENCLOSE);
+ parsym = y;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( parsym == nilobj )
+ Error(44, 3, "%s must have a right parameter", FATAL, &fpos(sym),KW_ENCLOSE);
+ /* set x to new @Enclose closure with dummy actual right parameter */
+ New(x, CLOSURE);
+ FposCopy(fpos(x), fpos(hd));
+ actual(x) = sym;
+ New(par, PAR);
+ FposCopy(fpos(par), fpos(hd));
+ actual(par) = parsym;
+ Link(x, par);
+ val = MakeWord(WORD, AsciiToFull("??"), &fpos(hd));
+ Link(par, val);
+ /* set env to the appropriate environment for this symbol */
+ /* strictly speaking y should not be included if sym is a parameter */
+ Child(y, Down(hd));
+ assert(type(y) == CLOSURE, "BuildEnclose: hd child!");
+ y = CopyObject(y, &fpos(hd));
+ env = SetEnv(y, nilobj);
+ /* build res, an ENV_OBJ with x at left and env at right */
+ New(res, ENV_OBJ);
+ Link(res, x);
+ Link(res, env);
+ debug1(DHY, D, "BuildEnclose returning %s", EchoObject(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end BuildEnclose */