path: root/z36.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'z36.c')
1 files changed, 1223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z36.c b/z36.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28352c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z36.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1223 @@
+/*@z36.c:Hyphenation: Declarations@*******************************************/
+/* */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 1999 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* */
+/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au) */
+/* Basser Department of Computer Science */
+/* The University of Sydney 2006 */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation; either Version 2, or (at your option) */
+/* any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
+/* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* FILE: z36.c */
+/* MODULE: Hyphenation */
+/* EXTERNS: Hyphenate() */
+/* */
+#include "externs.h"
+#define NODE_MULT 4 /* what to multiply node indexes by */
+#define MAX_CHAR 256 /* max chars represented in one char */
+#define TRIE_MAGIC 5361534
+#define KILL_CLASS 0 /* characters preventing hyphenation */
+#define PUNCT_CLASS 1 /* characters delimiting hyphenation */
+/* */
+/* static tex_codes[] */
+/* */
+/* TeX hyphenation files often contain escape sequences consisting of a */
+/* backslash and two or three characters to denote 8-bit characters. This */
+/* code will read and translate such sequences if they are in the following */
+/* list. */
+/* */
+static char *tex_codes[] = {
+ "Agrave", "`A", "\300",
+ "Aacute", "'A", "\301",
+ "Acircumflex", "^A", "\302",
+ "Atilde", "~A", "\303",
+ "Adieresis", "\"A", "\304",
+ "agrave", "`a", "\340",
+ "aacute", "'a", "\341",
+ "acircumflex", "^a", "\342",
+ "atilde", "~a", "\343",
+ "adieresis", "\"a", "\344",
+ "ccedilla", "cc", "\347",
+ "Egrave", "`E", "\310",
+ "Eacute", "'E", "\311",
+ "Ecircumflex", "^E", "\312",
+ "Edieresis", "\"E", "\313",
+ "egrave", "`e", "\350",
+ "eacute", "'e", "\351",
+ "ecircumflex", "^e", "\352",
+ "edieresis", "\"e", "\353",
+ "Igrave", "`I", "\314",
+ "Iacute", "'I", "\315",
+ "Icircumflex", "^I", "\316",
+ "Idieresis", "\"I", "\317",
+ "igrave", "`\\i", "\354",
+ "iacute", "'\\i", "\355",
+ "icircumflex", "^\\i", "\356",
+ "idieresis", "\"\\i","\357",
+ "Ograve", "`O", "\322",
+ "Oacute", "'O", "\323",
+ "Ocircumflex", "^O", "\324",
+ "Otilde", "~O", "\325",
+ "Odieresis", "\"O", "\326",
+ "ograve", "`o", "\362",
+ "oacute", "'o", "\363",
+ "ocircumflex", "^o", "\364",
+ "otilde", "~o", "\365",
+ "odieresis", "\"o", "\366",
+ "Ugrave", "`U", "\331",
+ "Uacute", "'U", "\332",
+ "Ucircumflex", "^U", "\333",
+ "Udieresis", "\"U", "\334",
+ "ugrave", "`u", "\371",
+ "uacute", "'u", "\372",
+ "ucircumflex", "^u", "\373",
+ "udieresis", "\"u", "\374",
+ "", "", ""
+static void DecodeEscapes(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *fname, int hline_num)
+{ FULL_CHAR *p, *q;
+ int i;
+ p = q = str;
+ while( *q != '\0' )
+ {
+ if( *q == '\\' )
+ { for( i = 0; tex_codes[i][0] != '\0'; i += 3 )
+ {
+ if( StringBeginsWith(q+1, AsciiToFull(tex_codes[i+1])) )
+ break;
+ }
+ if( tex_codes[i][0] != '\0' )
+ {
+ StringCopy(p, tex_codes[i+2]);
+ p += StringLength(AsciiToFull(tex_codes[i+2]));
+ q += StringLength(AsciiToFull(tex_codes[i+1])) + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Error(36, 1, "in hyphenation file %s, unknown escape sequence (line %d)",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, fname, hline_num);
+ }
+ }
+ else *p++ = *q++;
+ }
+ *p++ = '\0';
+} /* end DecodeEscapes */
+/* */
+/* static TRIE HyphTables[] */
+/* */
+/* The packed hyphenation tables, indexed by language. An entry is NULL */
+/* when the table for that language has not yet been read in; TriedFile */
+/* is TRUE after we have tried to read that file, whether or not we were */
+/* successful. */
+/* */
+typedef struct trie_rec
+{ int magic; /* a magic number to make sure ok */
+ int class_count; /* the number of character classes */
+ unsigned char class[MAX_CHAR]; /* the character classes */
+ short *node_mem; /* the node memory */
+ int node_lim; /* top of node memory */
+ int node_free; /* first free space in node memory */
+ FULL_CHAR *string_mem; /* the string memory */
+ int string_lim; /* top of string memory */
+ int string_first; /* the first (last inserted) string */
+} *TRIE;
+static TRIE HyphTables[MAX_LANGUAGE] = { NULL };
+static BOOLEAN TriedFile[MAX_LANGUAGE] = { FALSE };
+/*@::CompressValue(), UncompressValue()@**************************************/
+/* */
+/* CompressValue(p, q) */
+/* */
+/* Compress value string p, placing the result in q. */
+/* */
+#define FirstHalf(y) ( (y) >> 4 )
+#define LastHalf(y) ( (y) & 15 )
+#define AssignFirstHalf(x, y) ( (x) = ((y) << 4) )
+#define AssignLastHalf(x, y) ( (x) |= (y) )
+#define CompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) \
+/* FULL_CHAR *compressed, *uncompressed; */ \
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q; \
+ p = compressed; q = uncompressed; \
+ for( ; ; ) \
+ { \
+ if( *q == (FULL_CHAR) '\0' ) \
+ { *p = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ AssignFirstHalf(*p, *q++ - '0' + 2); \
+ if( *q == (FULL_CHAR) '\0' ) \
+ { *++p = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ AssignLastHalf(*p, *q++ - '0' + 2); \
+ p++; \
+ } \
+/* */
+/* UncompressValue(q, p) */
+/* */
+/* Uncompress value string q, placing the result in p. */
+/* */
+#define UncompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) \
+/* FULL_CHAR *compressed, *uncompressed; */ \
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q; \
+ p = compressed; q = uncompressed; \
+ for( ; ; ) \
+ { \
+ if( FirstHalf(*p) == '\0' ) break; \
+ *q++ = FirstHalf(*p) + '0' - 2; \
+ if( LastHalf(*p) == '\0' ) break; \
+ *q++ = LastHalf(*p) + '0' - 2; \
+ p++; \
+ } \
+ *q = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+/*@::AltCompressValue(), AltUncompressValue()@********************************/
+/* */
+/* AltCompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) */
+/* */
+/* Compress value string, placing the result in compressed. */
+/* */
+/* This is an alternative compression scheme to the one given above, which */
+/* should give better compression. The result is a sequence of pairs of */
+/* the form (skip, value) saying that we are to skip so many places and */
+/* then insert the given non-zero value. All the other values are zero. */
+/* Skip values are 4-bit numbers (maximum skip is 15, but we will insert */
+/* a 15 skip with a zero value in the rare case of skipping further). */
+/* Values are also 4-bit numbers, known to be non-zero. So the memory */
+/* cost is 8 bits per non-zero value. */
+/* */
+#define CharPack(ch, a, b) (ch = ((a) << 4) | (b))
+#define CharUnPack(ch, a, b) ((a) = (ch) >> 4, (b) = (ch) & 15)
+#define AltCompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) \
+/* FULL_CHAR *compressed, *uncompressed; */ \
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q, *prev; \
+ prev = (uncompressed) - 1; p = (compressed); \
+ for( q = (uncompressed); *q != (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; q++ ) \
+ { \
+ if( *q != (FULL_CHAR) '0' || q - prev - 1 >= 15 ) \
+ { \
+ CharPack(*p++, q - prev - 1, *q - '0' + 2); \
+ prev = q; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ *p++ = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+/* */
+/* AltUncompressValue(q, p) */
+/* */
+/* Uncompress value string q, placing the result in p. */
+/* */
+#define AltUncompressValue(compressed, uncompressed) \
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q, xval; int i, skip; \
+ q = (uncompressed); \
+ for( p = (compressed); *p != (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; p++ ) \
+ { CharUnPack(*p, skip, xval); \
+ for( i = 0; i < skip; i++ ) \
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) '0'; \
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) (xval + '0' - 2); \
+ } \
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; \
+ debug1(DHY, D, "AltUncompressValue returning %s", (uncompressed)); \
+/* ***
+static void AltUncompressValue(FULL_CHAR *compressed, FULL_CHAR *uncompressed)
+{ register FULL_CHAR *p, *q, xval; int i, skip;
+ q = uncompressed;
+ for( p = compressed; *p != (FULL_CHAR) '\0'; p++ )
+ { CharUnPack(*p, skip, xval);
+ for( i = 0; i < skip; i++ )
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) '0';
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) (xval + '0' - 2);
+ }
+ *q++ = (FULL_CHAR) '\0';
+ debug1(DHY, D, "AltUncompressValue returning %s", uncompressed);
+*** */
+/* */
+/* ClassConvert(in, out, T, fname, hline_num) */
+/* */
+/* Set out[i] to the character class of in[i] in T, for all i. */
+/* */
+#define ClassConvert(in, out, T, fname, hline_num) \
+{ int i; \
+ for( i = 0; in[i] != '\0'; i++ ) \
+ if( T->class[in[i]] != 0 ) out[i] = T->class[in[i]]; \
+ else \
+ Error(36, 2, "in hyphenation file %s, line %d: character (octal %o) is not in any class", \
+ FATAL, no_fpos, fname, hline_num, in[i]); \
+ out[i] = '\0'; \
+} /* end ClassConvert */
+/*@::findrep(), TrieRetrieve(), ShowRate()@***********************************/
+/* */
+/* findrep(i, T) Returns one character whose class in T is i. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR findrep(int i, TRIE T)
+{ int ch;
+ for( ch = 0; ch < MAX_CHAR; ch++ )
+ if( T->class[ch] == i ) return (FULL_CHAR) ch;
+ Error(36, 3, "DoTriePrint: findrep failed", INTERN, no_fpos);
+ return (FULL_CHAR) ch; /* never reached, but gcc doesn't know that */
+} /* end findrep */
+#if 0
+/* */
+/* static FULL_CHAR *TrieRetrieve(key, T) */
+/* */
+/* Retrieve the value associated with key in T, or NULL if not present. */
+/* This procedure is not presently in use. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR *TrieRetrieve(FULL_CHAR *key, TRIE T)
+{ FULL_CHAR str[MAX_BUFF]; int i, curr_node, next_node, pos;
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "TrieRetrieve(%s, T)", key);
+ ClassConvert(key, str, T, STR_EMPTY, 0);
+ /* invariant: curr_node is an existing node of T with prefix str[0..i-1] */
+ curr_node = i = 0;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ /* if next_node is 0, the string was never inserted */
+ next_node = T->node_mem[curr_node + str[i]];
+ if( next_node == 0 ) return (FULL_CHAR *) NULL;
+ /* if next_node < 0 it represents an offset into the string memory */
+ if( next_node < 0 )
+ { pos = - next_node;
+ if( str[i] != '\0' )
+ { do
+ { if( str[++i] != T->string_mem[pos++] ) return (FULL_CHAR *) NULL;
+ } while( str[i] != '\0' );
+ }
+ return &(T->string_mem[pos]);
+ }
+ /* otherwise next_node is the trie node to be searched next */
+ curr_node = NODE_MULT*next_node; i++;
+ }
+} /* end TrieRetrieve */
+/* */
+/* static ShowRate(key, start, stop, rate, fp) */
+/* */
+/* Debug print of key[] and rate[] on file fp. */
+/* */
+static void ShowRate(FULL_CHAR *key, int start, int stop, FULL_CHAR *rate,
+FILE *fp)
+{ int i;
+ fprintf(fp, "key: ");
+ for( i = start; i < stop; i++ ) fprintf(fp, " %c", key[i]);
+ fprintf(fp, "\nrate:");
+ for( i = 0; rate[i] != '\0'; i++ ) fprintf(fp, " %c", rate[i]);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+} /* end ShowRate */
+/*@::DoTriePrint(), TriePrint()@**********************************************/
+/* */
+/* static DoTriePrint(T, node, len, fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print on file fp the subset of the entries of trie T stored in node and */
+/* its descendants. The node has prefix prefix[0..len-1]. */
+/* */
+static FULL_CHAR prefix[MAX_BUFF];
+static void DoTriePrint(TRIE T, int node, int len, FILE *fp)
+{ int i, next_node, pos; FULL_CHAR str[20];
+ for( i = 0; i < T->class_count; i++ )
+ {
+ /* if next_node < 0, have string to print */
+ next_node = T->node_mem[node + i];
+ if( next_node < 0 )
+ {
+ prefix[len] = '\0';
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", prefix);
+ pos = - next_node;
+ if( i != 0 )
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, "%c", findrep(i, T));
+ while( T->string_mem[pos] != '\0' )
+ { fprintf(fp, "%c", findrep(T->string_mem[pos], T));
+ pos++;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ AltUncompressValue(&(T->string_mem[pos]), str);
+ fprintf(fp, " %s\n", str);
+ }
+ /* else if next_node > 0 have a child node to explore */
+ else if( next_node > 0 )
+ { assert( i > 0, "DoTriePrint: i == 0!" );
+ prefix[len] = findrep(i, T);
+ prefix[len+1] = '\0';
+ DoTriePrint(T, NODE_MULT*next_node, len+1, fp);
+ }
+ }
+} /* end DoTriePrint */
+/* */
+/* static TriePrint(T, fp) */
+/* */
+/* Print trie T on file fp. */
+/* */
+static void TriePrint(TRIE T, FILE *fp)
+{ int i, ch;
+ assert( T-> magic == TRIE_MAGIC, "TriePrint: magic!" );
+ fprintf(fp, "Classes:");
+ for( i = 1; i < T->class_count; i++ )
+ { fprintf(fp, " ");
+ for( ch = 0; ch < MAX_CHAR; ch++ )
+ if( T->class[ch] == i ) fprintf(fp, "%c", ch);
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ fprintf(fp, "Node space: %d capacity, %d used\n", T->node_lim, T->node_free);
+ fprintf(fp, "String space: %d capacity, %d used\n", T->string_lim,
+ T->string_lim - T->string_first);
+ prefix[0] = '\0';
+ DoTriePrint(T, 0, 0, fp);
+} /* end TriePrint */
+/*@::NewTrie(), NewTrieString(), NewTrieNode()@*******************************/
+/* */
+/* static TRIE NewTrie(node_lim, string_lim) */
+/* */
+/* Initialize a new trie with this much space for nodes and strings. */
+/* */
+static TRIE NewTrie(unsigned node_lim, unsigned string_lim)
+{ TRIE T; int i;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "NewTrie(%d, %d)", node_lim, string_lim);
+ ifdebug(DMA, DD, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_HYPH_PATS, 1,
+ sizeof(struct trie_rec) + node_lim*sizeof(short)+string_lim*sizeof(char)));
+ T = (TRIE) malloc( sizeof(struct trie_rec)
+ + node_lim*sizeof(short) + string_lim*sizeof(char));
+ if( T == (TRIE) NULL )
+ Error(36, 4, "run out of memory while constructing hyphenation table",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ T->magic = TRIE_MAGIC; T->class_count = 1;
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++ ) T->class[i] = 0;
+ T->node_mem = (short *) ( (char *) T + sizeof(struct trie_rec));
+ T->node_lim = node_lim; T->node_free = 0;
+ T->string_mem = (FULL_CHAR *) &(T->node_mem[node_lim]);
+ T->string_lim = T->string_first = string_lim;
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "NewTrie returning.");
+ return T;
+} /* end NewTrie */
+/* */
+/* static short NewTrieString(str, T) */
+/* */
+/* Copy a new string into T, and return its offset in string_mem; */
+/* */
+static short NewTrieString(FULL_CHAR *str, TRIE T)
+{ short res = T->string_first - StringLength(str) - 1;
+ if( res >= 0 )
+ { T->string_first = res; StringCopy(&(T->string_mem[res]), str);
+ }
+ return res;
+} /* end NewTrieString */
+/* */
+/* ststic int NewTrieNode(T) */
+/* */
+/* Allocate a new empty trie node in T, and return its offset in node_mem. */
+/* */
+static int NewTrieNode(TRIE T)
+{ int i; int res;
+ if( T->node_free + T->class_count > T->node_lim )
+ Error(36, 5, "hyphenation trie node limit exceeded", INTERN, no_fpos);
+ res = T->node_free; T->node_free += T->class_count;
+ for( i = res; i < T->node_free; i++ ) T->node_mem[i] = 0;
+ return res;
+} /* end NewTrieNode */
+/*@::AddClassToTrie(), TrieInsert()@******************************************/
+/* */
+/* static AddClassToTrie(str, T) */
+/* */
+/* Add a new character class, whose members are the characters of str, to */
+/* trie T. This cannot occur after the first insertion. */
+/* */
+static void AddClassToTrie(FULL_CHAR *str, TRIE T)
+{ int i;
+ assert( T->string_first == T->string_lim, "AddClassToTrie: after insertion");
+ for( i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+ if( T->class[str[i]] == 0 ) T->class[str[i]] = T->class_count;
+ else Error(36, 6, "hyphenation class of %c may not be changed",
+ INTERN, no_fpos, str[i]);
+ T->class_count++;
+} /* end AddClassToTrie */
+/* */
+/* static BOOLEAN TrieInsert(key, value, T, fname, hline_num) */
+/* */
+/* Insert a new key and value into trie T (originating in file fname on */
+/* line hline_num). */
+/* */
+static BOOLEAN TrieInsert(FULL_CHAR *key, FULL_CHAR *value, TRIE T,
+FULL_CHAR *fname, int hline_num)
+{ FULL_CHAR str[MAX_BUFF], compressed_value[MAX_BUFF];
+ int i, curr_node, next_node, pos, ch; short strpos;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert(%s, %s, T)", key, value);
+ /* if first insertion, add one node after making sure class_count is even */
+ if( T->node_free == 0 )
+ { T->class_count = NODE_MULT * ceiling(T->class_count, NODE_MULT);
+ ch = NewTrieNode(T);
+ }
+ AltCompressValue(compressed_value, value);
+ /* invariant: curr_node is an existing node of T with prefix str[0..i-1] */
+ ClassConvert(key, str, T, fname, hline_num);
+ curr_node = i = 0;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ /* if str is ended, add compressed_value only to string memory */
+ if( str[i] == '\0' )
+ { if( T->node_mem[curr_node] != 0 )
+ Error(36, 7, "hyphenation string %s already inserted",
+ INTERN, no_fpos, key);
+ else
+ {
+ strpos = NewTrieString(compressed_value, T);
+ if( strpos < 0 )
+ { debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning FALSE (trie full)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ T->node_mem[curr_node] = - strpos;
+ }
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning TRUE (empty suffix).");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* if next position is unoccupied, store remainder of str and value */
+ next_node = T->node_mem[curr_node + str[i]];
+ if( next_node == 0 )
+ { ch = NewTrieString(compressed_value, T);
+ if( ch < 0 )
+ { debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning FALSE (trie full)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ strpos = NewTrieString(&str[i+1], T);
+ if( strpos < 0 )
+ { debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning FALSE (trie full)");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ T->node_mem[curr_node + str[i]] = - strpos;
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert returning (non-empty suffix).");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* if next position is occupied by a non-empty string, move that */
+ /* string down one level and replace it by a trie node */
+ if( next_node < 0 )
+ { pos = - next_node;
+ ch = T->string_mem[pos];
+ if( T->string_first == pos ) T->string_first++;
+ T->node_mem[curr_node + str[i]] = next_node = NewTrieNode(T)/NODE_MULT;
+ T->node_mem[NODE_MULT*next_node + ch] = -(pos+1);
+ }
+ /* now next is the offset of the next node to be searched */
+ curr_node = NODE_MULT*next_node; i++;
+ }
+} /* end TrieInsert */
+/*@::BeGetChar(), BePutChar(), BeGetShort(), BePutShort(), etc.@**************/
+/* */
+/* BeGetChar(fp, pv) */
+/* BePutChar(fp, v) */
+/* BeGetShort(fp, pv) */
+/* BePutShort(fp, v) */
+/* BeGetInt(fp, pv) */
+/* BePutInt(fp, v) */
+/* */
+/* Get char, short, or int pv from file fp, and put char, short, or int */
+/* onto file fp. These routines are designed so that the file can be */
+/* written or read safely by big-endian and little-endian architectures; */
+/* this is accomplished by reading and writing one byte at a time to and */
+/* from a big-endian format file. All return 0 on success, -1 on failure. */
+/* Thanks to David W. Sanderson for this code. */
+/* */
+#define BeGetChar(fp, pv) ( (c = getc(fp)) == EOF ? -1 : (*pv = c & 0xFF, 0) )
+#define BePutChar(fp, v) ( putc( (char) (v & 0xFF), fp), 0 )
+#define BeGetShort(fp, pv) \
+( (c = getc(fp)) == EOF ? -1 : \
+ ( *pv = (c & 0xFF) << 8, \
+ (c = getc(fp)) == EOF ? -1 : (*pv |= c & 0xFF, 0) \
+ ) \
+#define BePutShort(fp, v) \
+( putc((v >> 8) & 0xFF, fp), putc(v & 0xFF, fp), 0 )
+static int BeGetInt(FILE *fp, int *pv)
+{ int c;
+ if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1;
+ *pv = (c & 0xFF) << 24;
+ if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1;
+ *pv |= (c & 0xFF) << 16;
+ if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1;
+ *pv |= (c & 0xFF) << 8;
+ if ((c = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1;
+ *pv |= c & 0xFF;
+ return 0;
+static int BePutInt(FILE *fp, int v)
+ putc((v >> 24) & 0xFF, fp);
+ putc((v >> 16) & 0xFF, fp);
+ putc((v >> 8) & 0xFF, fp);
+ putc(v & 0xFF, fp);
+ return 0;
+/*@::CompressTrie(), TrieRead(), AccumulateRating()@**************************/
+/* */
+/* static CompressTrie(T) */
+/* */
+/* Compress trie T and return its length in characters. */
+/* */
+static void CompressTrie(TRIE T)
+{ FULL_CHAR *p, *q; int len, i;
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "CompressTrie(T), T =");
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "Node space: %d capacity, %d used\n",
+ T->node_lim, T->node_free);
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "String space: %d capacity, %d used\n",
+ T->string_lim, T->string_lim - T->string_first);
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, TriePrint(T, stderr));
+ T->node_lim = T->node_free;
+ for( i = 0; i < T->node_lim; i++ )
+ if( T->node_mem[i] < 0 )
+ T->node_mem[i] = - ( -T->node_mem[i] - T->string_first);
+ p = (FULL_CHAR *) &(T->node_mem[T->node_free]);
+ q = &(T->string_mem[T->string_first]);
+ len = T->string_lim - T->string_first;
+ for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) *p++ = *q++;
+ T->string_mem = (FULL_CHAR *) &(T->node_mem[T->node_lim]);
+ T->string_first = 0;
+ T->string_lim = len;
+ len = sizeof(struct trie_rec) + T->node_lim * sizeof(short)
+ + T->string_lim * sizeof(FULL_CHAR);
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "CompressTrie returning; len = %d, T =", len);
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, TriePrint(T, stderr));
+} /* end CompressTrie */
+/* */
+/* static TRIE TrieRead(lnum, success) */
+/* */
+/* Read in a packed trie if possible, otherwise pack an unpacked one. */
+/* The trie is to be for language lnum. */
+/* */
+/* Boolean success is set to true if no errors were encountered. If the */
+/* file read was a placeholder, success will be true but still a null */
+/* TRIE will be returned. */
+/* */
+#define START_STATE 0
+#define CLASSES_STATE 1
+static TRIE TrieRead(LANGUAGE_NUM lnum, BOOLEAN *success)
+{ TRIE T; FILE_NUM unpacked_fnum, packed_fnum; OBJECT fname;
+ FILE *unpacked_fp, *packed_fp; unsigned len;
+ int prev, i, j, c, state, hline_num, length_limit;
+ int icount = 0;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "TrieRead(%d %s)", lnum,
+ lnum == 0 ? STR_NONE : LanguageString(lnum));
+ /* get hyphenation file name from language module */
+ fname = LanguageHyph(lnum);
+ assert( fname == nilobj || is_word(type(fname)), "TrieRead: fname!" );
+ if( fname == nilobj )
+ { *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ /* define and open packed file */
+ debug0(DFS, DD, " calling DefineFile from TrieRead (1)");
+ packed_fnum = DefineFile(string(fname), HYPH_PACKED_SUFFIX,
+ &fpos(fname), HYPH_PACKED_FILE, HYPH_PATH);
+ if( InitializeAll )
+ {
+ /* initializing so want to reconstruct packed files */
+ /* thanks to Ian Jackson <ian@chiark.greenend.org.uk> for this */
+ packed_fp = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* not initializing so use existing packed files if possible */
+ packed_fp = OpenFile(packed_fnum, FALSE, FALSE);
+ }
+ if( packed_fp == NULL )
+ {
+ /* no packed file, so define and open unpacked one instead */
+ FULL_CHAR str[MAX_BUFF], key[MAX_BUFF], value[MAX_BUFF],
+ buff[MAX_BUFF+10];
+ int bpos, bcount;
+ debug0(DFS, DD, " calling DefineFile from TrieRead (2)");
+ unpacked_fnum = DefineFile(string(fname), HYPH_SUFFIX,
+ &fpos(fname), HYPH_FILE, HYPH_PATH);
+ unpacked_fp = OpenFile(unpacked_fnum, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( unpacked_fp == NULL )
+ { Error(36, 8, "cannot open hyphenation file %s",
+ WARN, no_fpos, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ /* check that first line contains magic header or stub */
+ if( StringFGets(str, MAX_BUFF, unpacked_fp) == NULL ||
+ ( !StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Lout hyphenation information\n")) &&
+ !StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Lout hyphenation placeholder\n")) )
+ )
+ Error(36, 9, "header line of hyphenation file %s missing",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ /* if file is just a placeholder, exit silently with success */
+ if( !StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Lout hyphenation information\n")) )
+ { *success = TRUE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ /* read the classes, exceptions, and patterns from the unpacked file */
+ T = NewTrie( (unsigned) 120000, (unsigned) 32767);
+ state = START_STATE;
+ hline_num = 1;
+ length_limit = 0;
+ while( StringFGets(buff, MAX_BUFF, unpacked_fp) != NULL )
+ {
+ hline_num++; bpos = 0;
+ while( sscanf( (char *) &buff[bpos], "%s%n", str, &bcount) == 1 &&
+ str[0] != '%' )
+ {
+ bpos += bcount;
+ DecodeEscapes(str, string(fname), hline_num);
+ switch( state )
+ {
+ if( !StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Classes:")) )
+ Error(36, 10, "Classes heading of hyphenation file %s missing",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ state = CLASSES_STATE;
+ break;
+ if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Exceptions:")) )
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Patterns:")) )
+ { state = PATTERNS_STATE;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("LengthLimit:")) )
+ }
+ else
+ { debug1(DHY, DD, "adding class %s", str);
+ AddClassToTrie(str, T);
+ }
+ break;
+ if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Patterns:")) )
+ { state = PATTERNS_STATE;
+ }
+ else if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("LengthLimit:")) )
+ }
+ else
+ { prev = CH_EIGHT; j = 0;
+ key[j] = '.', value[j++] = prev, prev = CH_EIGHT;
+ for( i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+ { if( str[i] == CH_HYPHEN ) prev = CH_NINE;
+ else key[j] = str[i], value[j++] = prev, prev = CH_EIGHT;
+ }
+ key[j] = '.', value[j++] = prev, prev = CH_EIGHT;
+ key[j] = '\0'; value[j] = prev; value[j+1] = '\0';
+ if( !TrieInsert(key, value, T, string(fname), hline_num) )
+ {
+ Error(36, 11, "hyphenation file %s%s is too large (at line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(fname), string(fname), HYPH_SUFFIX, hline_num);
+ *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if( StringEqual(str, AsciiToFull("Patterns:")) )
+ { state = PATTERNS_STATE;
+ }
+ else if( sscanf( (char *) str, "%d", &length_limit) != 1 )
+ {
+ Error(36, 20, "bad LengthLimit in hyphenation file %s%s (line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(fname), string(fname), HYPH_SUFFIX, hline_num);
+ *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ prev = CH_ZERO; j = 0;
+ for( i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++ )
+ { if( decimaldigit(str[i]) ) prev = str[i];
+ else key[j] = str[i], value[j++] = prev, prev = CH_ZERO;
+ }
+ key[j] = '\0'; value[j] = prev; value[j+1] = '\0';
+ if( length_limit == 0 || j <= length_limit )
+ {
+ debug3(DHY, DD, "TrieInsert(%s, %s, T) [%d]", key, value, ++icount);
+ if( !TrieInsert(key, value, T, string(fname), hline_num) )
+ {
+ Error(36, 12, "hyphenation file %s%s is too large (at line %d)",
+ WARN, &fpos(fname), string(fname), HYPH_SUFFIX, hline_num);
+ *success = FALSE;
+ return (TRIE) NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(FALSE, "TrieRead: state");
+ break;
+ } /* end switch */
+ } /* end while */
+ } /* end while */
+ if( state != PATTERNS_STATE )
+ Error(36, 13, "format error in hyphenation file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ fclose(unpacked_fp);
+ CompressTrie(T);
+ /* write the compressed trie out to the packed file */
+ /* cannot use FileName(packed_fnum) because path won't be right */
+ StringCopy(buff, FileName(unpacked_fnum));
+ StringCopy(&buff[StringLength(buff) - StringLength(HYPH_SUFFIX)],
+ packed_fp = StringFOpen(buff, WRITE_BINARY);
+ if( packed_fp == NULL )
+ Error(36, 14, "cannot write to hyphenation file %s", FATAL,no_fpos,buff);
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->magic);
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->class_count);
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++ ) BePutChar(packed_fp, T->class[i]);
+ /* BePutInt(packed_fp, 0); */ /* placeholder for node_mem now omitted */
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->node_lim);
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->node_free);
+ /* BePutInt(packed_fp, 0); */ /* placeholder for string_mem now omitted */
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->string_lim);
+ BePutInt(packed_fp, T->string_first);
+ for( i=0; i < T->node_free; i++ ) BePutShort(packed_fp, T->node_mem[i]);
+ for( i=0; i < T->string_lim; i++) BePutChar(packed_fp, T->string_mem[i]);
+ fclose(packed_fp);
+ /* free T */
+ ifdebug(DMA, DD, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_HYPH_PATS, 1,
+ sizeof(struct trie_rec) + 120000*sizeof(short)+32767*sizeof(char)));
+ free(T);
+ /* now try again to open packed_fnum, the file just written */
+ packed_fp = OpenFile(packed_fnum, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if( packed_fp == NULL )
+ Error(36, 15, "cannot open hyphenation file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(packed_fnum));
+ } /* end if( packed_fp == NULL ) */
+ /* now packed hyphenation file is open, read it in */
+ fseek(packed_fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
+ len = (unsigned) ftell(packed_fp); rewind(packed_fp);
+ ifdebug(DMA, DD, DebugRegisterUsage(MEM_HYPH_PATS, 1, len));
+ /* the 2*sizeof(void*) is for the sizes of node_mem and string_mem */
+ T = (TRIE) malloc(len + 2*sizeof(void*));
+ if( T == (TRIE) NULL )
+ Error(36, 16, "run out of memory while reading hyphenation table",
+ FATAL, no_fpos);
+ if( BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->magic) != 0 )
+ Error(36, 17, "error on read from packed hyphenation file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(packed_fnum));
+ if( T->magic != TRIE_MAGIC )
+ Error(36, 18, "bad magic number in hyphenation file %s",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, FileName(packed_fnum));
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->class_count);
+ for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++ ) BeGetChar(packed_fp, &T->class[i]);
+ /* BeGetInt(packed_fp, &i); */ /* placeholder for node_mem now omitted */
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->node_lim);
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->node_free);
+ /* BeGetInt(packed_fp, &i); */ /* placeholder for string_mem now omitted */
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->string_lim);
+ BeGetInt(packed_fp, &T->string_first);
+ T->node_mem = (short *) ( (char *) T + sizeof(struct trie_rec) );
+ T->string_mem = (FULL_CHAR *) &(T->node_mem[T->node_lim]);
+ for( i = 0; i < T->node_free; i++ ) BeGetShort(packed_fp, &T->node_mem[i]);
+ for( i = 0; i < T->string_lim; i++ ) BeGetChar(packed_fp, &T->string_mem[i]);
+ fclose(packed_fp);
+ /* debug and exit */
+ debug0(DHY, DD, "TrieRead returning, T =");
+ *success = TRUE;
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, TriePrint(T, stderr));
+ return T;
+} /* end TrieRead */
+/* */
+/* AccumulateRating(x, y) */
+/* */
+/* Accumulate the hyphenation rating string x into y. */
+/* */
+#define AccumulateRating(x, y) \
+{ FULL_CHAR *p = x, *q = y; \
+ while( *p ) \
+ { if( *p > *q ) *q = *p; \
+ p++, q++; \
+ } \
+} /* end AccumulateRating */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN ReadHyphTable(lnum) */
+/* */
+/* Read hyphenation table for language lnum. */
+/* */
+{ BOOLEAN res;
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "ReadHyphTable(%d)", lnum);
+ assert(lnum > 0, "ReadHyphTable: lnum <= 0!");
+ assert(HyphTables[lnum]==(TRIE) NULL && !TriedFile[lnum], "ReadHyphTable!");
+ HyphTables[lnum] = TrieRead(lnum, &res);
+ TriedFile[lnum] = TRUE;
+ debug2(DHY, DD, "ReadHyphTable(%d) returning %s", lnum, bool(res));
+ return res;
+} /* end ReadHyphTable */
+/* */
+/* OBJECT Hyphenate(x) */
+/* */
+/* Hyphenate ACAT object x, returning the hyphenated result. */
+/* */
+OBJECT Hyphenate(OBJECT x)
+{ OBJECT link, y, z, next_link; TRIE T; LANGUAGE_NUM lnum;
+ FULL_CHAR str[MAX_WORD+2], rate[MAX_WORD+3], val[MAX_WORD+3],
+ *class, *key, *ss, *s, *p, *rem, *lig, *a, *b;
+ int start, stop, i, curr_node, next_node, pos;
+ BOOLEAN hyphenated, success;
+ assert( type(x) == ACAT, "Hyphenate: type(x) != ACAT!" );
+ debug1(DHY, D, "Hyphenate(%s)", EchoObject(x));
+ /* for each word y of x, try to hyphenate it */
+ for( link = Down(x); link != x; link = NextDown(link) )
+ { Child(y, link);
+ if( !is_word(type(y)) || string(y)[0] == '\0' || !word_hyph(y) )
+ {
+ if( type(y) == GAP_OBJ && mode(gap(y)) == HYPH_MODE )
+ nobreak(gap(y)) = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "Hyphenate() examining %s", EchoObject(y));
+ /* determine T, the trie to use */
+ lnum = word_language(y);
+ if( lnum == 0 )
+ Error(36, 19, "no current language for word %s",
+ FATAL, &fpos(y), string(y));
+ T = HyphTables[lnum];
+ /* if no trie is present, try to get it from a file */
+ if( T == (TRIE) NULL )
+ { if( !TriedFile[lnum] )
+ { T = HyphTables[lnum] = TrieRead(lnum, &success);
+ TriedFile[lnum] = TRUE;
+ }
+ if( T == (TRIE) NULL )
+ { debug1(DHY, DD, "Hyphenate continuing (no trie for %s)", string(y));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* start := index of first letter of y, stop := index following last */
+ key = string(y); class = T->class;
+ for( start = 0; class[key[start]] == PUNCT_CLASS; start++ );
+ for( stop = start; class[key[stop]] > PUNCT_CLASS; stop++ );
+ /* if a - ended the run, hyphenate there only */
+ if( key[stop] == CH_HYPHEN )
+ {
+ /* actually, don't hyphenate if the hyphen is last in the word [thanks Uwe] */
+ if( key[stop+1] == '\0' )
+ continue;
+ next_link = NextDown(link);
+ z = MakeWord(WORD, &key[stop+1], &fpos(y));
+ word_font(z) = word_font(y);
+ word_colour(z) = word_colour(y);
+ word_language(z) = word_language(y);
+ word_hyph(z) = word_hyph(y);
+ underline(z) = underline(y);
+ debug1(DHY, DD, "Hyphenate (hyph case) making fragment %s", string(z));
+ FontWordSize(z);
+ Link(NextDown(link), z);
+ New(z, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(z) = vspace(z) = 0;
+ underline(z) = underline(y);
+ Link(NextDown(link), z);
+ Link(z, MakeWord(WORD, STR_GAP_ZERO_HYPH, &fpos(y)));
+ key[stop + 1] = '\0';
+ FontWordSize(y);
+ /* *** link = PrevDown(next_link); */
+ link = NextDown(link);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* do not hyphenate if less than 5 letters, or a kill char is nearby */
+ if( stop - start < 5 ) continue;
+ if( key[stop] != '\0' && class[key[stop]] == KILL_CLASS ) continue;
+ /* let str[] be the converted substring, let rate[] be all CH_ZERO */
+ str[0] = PUNCT_CLASS; rate[0] = CH_ZERO;
+ for( i = 0; i < stop - start; i++ )
+ { str[i+1] = class[key[start + i]];
+ rate[i+1] = CH_ZERO;
+ }
+ str[i+1] = PUNCT_CLASS; rate[i+1] = CH_ZERO;
+ str[i+2] = '\0'; rate[i+2] = CH_ZERO;
+ rate[i+3] = '\0';
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, ShowRate(key, start, stop, rate, stderr));
+ /* for each suffix of str[], accumulate patterns matching its prefixes */
+ ss = str;
+ do
+ {
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD,
+ fprintf(stderr, "trying suffix \"");
+ for( p = ss; *p != 0; p++ ) fprintf(stderr, "%c", findrep(*p, T));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\"\n");
+ );
+ /* accumulate all prefixes of ss */
+ curr_node = 0; s = ss;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ /* if curr_node has empty string, that is one prefix */
+ pos = T->node_mem[curr_node];
+ if( pos < 0 )
+ { AltUncompressValue(&(T->string_mem[- pos]), val);
+ AccumulateRating(val, rate+(ss-str));
+ debug1(DHY, DD, " found %s", val);
+ }
+ /* if ss is finished, no other prefixes are possible */
+ if( *s == '\0' ) break;
+ /* determine next_node and break if empty */
+ next_node = T->node_mem[curr_node + *s];
+ if( next_node == 0 ) break;
+ /* if next_node is a string, check whether it is a prefix of ss */
+ if( next_node < 0 )
+ { rem = &(T->string_mem[-next_node]);
+ do
+ { if( *rem == '\0' )
+ { AltUncompressValue(rem+1, val);
+ AccumulateRating(val, rate+(ss-str));
+ debug1(DHY, DD, " found %s", val);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while( *++s == *rem++ );
+ break;
+ }
+ /* otherwise go on to the next trie node */
+ curr_node = NODE_MULT*next_node; s++;
+ }
+ } while( *(++ss + 1) != PUNCT_CLASS );
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, ShowRate(key, start, stop, rate, stderr));
+ /* set rate[i] to CH_ZERO whenever key[start+i-1] lies within a ligature */
+ lig = finfo[word_font(y)].lig_table;
+ for( p = key, i = 2; *p != '\0'; p++, i++ )
+ { if( lig[*p] > 1 )
+ { a = &lig[ lig[*p] + MAX_CHARS ];
+ while( *a++ == *p )
+ { b = p+1;
+ while( *a == *b && *(a+1) != '\0' && *b != '\0' ) a++, b++;
+ if( *(a+1) == '\0' )
+ { rate[i] = CH_ZERO;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ { while( *++a );
+ a++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ifdebug(DHY, DD, ShowRate(key, start, stop, rate, stderr));
+ /* now rate[] has accumulated ratings; use it to perform hyphenations */
+ hyphenated = FALSE;
+ next_link = NextDown(link);
+ for( i = stop - start - 1; i >= 3; i-- )
+ {
+ /* hyphenate at i if rate[i] is odd */
+ if( is_odd(rate[i]) )
+ { z = MakeWord(WORD, &key[start+i-1], &fpos(y));
+ word_font(z) = word_font(y);
+ word_colour(z) = word_colour(y);
+ word_language(z) = word_language(y);
+ word_hyph(z) = word_hyph(y);
+ underline(z) = underline(y);
+ debug1(DHY, D, "Hyphenate making fragment %s", string(z));
+ FontWordSize(z);
+ Link(NextDown(link), z);
+ New(z, GAP_OBJ);
+ hspace(z) = vspace(z) = 0;
+ underline(z) = underline(y);
+ Link(NextDown(link), z);
+ Link(z, MakeWord(WORD, STR_GAP_ZERO_HYPH, &fpos(y)));
+ key[start + i - 1] = '\0';
+ hyphenated = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if( hyphenated )
+ { FontWordSize(y);
+ link = PrevDown(next_link);
+ }
+ } /* end for each word */
+ debug3(DHY, D, "Hyphenate returning %s,%s %s",
+ EchoLength(back(x, COLM)), EchoLength(fwd(x, COLM)), EchoObject(x));
+ return x;
+} /* end Hyphenate */