path: root/_posts
diff options
authorMatěj Cepl <>2015-06-22 08:31:08 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <>2015-06-22 08:31:08 +0200
commit64271f903c43d7cf81603dd0d3ef5455f2c74b47 (patch)
treeccdc82c187c1c8033f67541b2efa237a80e524ab /_posts
Current state
Diffstat (limited to '_posts')
73 files changed, 4374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_posts/Job_and_powerty_of_soul-blogpost.rst b/_posts/Job_and_powerty_of_soul-blogpost.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b537604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/Job_and_powerty_of_soul-blogpost.rst
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+title: Blessed are the poor
+date: "2013-10-26 09:40:34"
+ - sermon
+ - faith
+ - sociology
+ “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
+ -- Matthew 5:3
+Let me tell you yet another story of my failed legal career. For those
+fortunate enough not to hear my story many times, I will summarize that
+although I am from a lawyer’s family (my father was a professor in the
+school of law, my older brother and his wife are judges, and there are
+other members of my family who are lawyers as well) and even though
+I graduated from two law schools, I failed to enter a legal career and
+I am now very, very happy as a computer programmer.
+Back in a moment when I felt really down, at a time when my career was
+crumbling on my head, I was walking along Bartolomějská Street in Prague
+Old Town early one evening. I was surprised to find a mass in progress
+in a beautiful Baroque Catholic church. I was surprised because
+Bartolomějská Street is the last place most Praguers would expect
+anything spiritually uplifting, as this street was traditionally the
+headquarters of the Prague police (since at least the Austria-Hungary
+empire times). When people from Prague said that someone was in
+Bartolomějská, it meant he was being investigated. I discovered that in
+the middle of this street just opposite the main entry to the police
+headquarters was a small nunnery. In Communist times the convent was
+shut down (of course) and the buildings were used by the police as
+temporary prisons and places of interrogation and torture. After 1989,
+the nuns returned and they are now praying to clean this place and the
+surrounding area of unclean spirits. If you don’t believe spiritual
+warfare is something real, just ask them! So, I didn’t know it, but
+I entered a pretty dark place that evening. Some nuns were listening to
+a preacher whose sermon was based on the Biblical book of Job. This was
+the text:
+ After this Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth.
+ | And Job said:
+ | Let the day perish on which I was born,
+ | and the night that said,
+ | a man is conceived.
+ | Let that day be darkness!
+ | May God above not seek it,
+ | nor light shine upon it.
+ | Let gloom and deep darkness claim it.
+ | Let clouds dwell upon it;
+ | let the blackness of the day terrify it.
+ -- Job 3:1-5, ESV
+My first thought was, “Oh right, that’s exactly the sermon I need to
+cheer me up.” But I stayed. I don’t remember now exactly what the point
+of that sermon was, but it was interesting enough that later that day
+(more in the middle of the night), I sat down and read the whole book of
+Job in one setting. I found to my surprise that this book was much
+different from what I thought it was and it actually spoke to my
+situation really well.
+It was not the first time I read the book of Job. I had already read
+whole Bible, so I wasn’t surprised by the content of the book alone
+(well, I don’t think there are many who would not know the brief story
+behind the book). However, this was the first time I read the book
+intentionally **from the position of Job**. Let me explain what I mean
+by talking about the Parable of the Prodigal Son:
+ And He said, “A man had two sons. The younger of them said to his
+ father, ’Father, give me the share of the estate that falls to me.’ So
+ he divided his wealth between them. And not many days later, the younger
+ son gathered everything together and went on a journey into a distant
+ country, and there he squandered his estate with loose living. Now when
+ he had spent everything, a severe famine occurred in that country, and
+ he began to be impoverished. So he went and hired himself out to one of
+ the citizens of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed
+ swine. And he would have gladly filled his stomach with the pods that
+ the swine were eating, and no one was giving anything to him. But when
+ he came to his senses, he said, ’How many of my father’s hired men have
+ more than enough bread, but I am dying here with hunger! I will get
+ up and go to my father, and will say to him, Father, I have sinned
+ against heaven, and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called
+ your son; make me as one of your hired men.’ So he got up and came to
+ his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him
+ and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
+ And the son said to him, ’Father, I have sinned against heaven and in
+ your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father
+ said to his slaves, ’Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him,
+ and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; and bring the
+ fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of
+ mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been
+ found.’ And they began to celebrate.”
+ -- Luke 15:11-24, ESV
+It is no big surprise that generally most people study this Parable by
+reading it from the perspective of the younger son. This can lead us to
+admit we are sinners who are coming from our swine food to our Loving
+Father, who runs to us to meet us. After that we might think about the
+perspective or position of the older son, and perhaps (according to
+Henri Nouwen) we should strive to grow into being a loving father figure
+for others. I guess this initial “kneeling down” in the position of the
+younger son protects us against falling into self-righteousness and
+pride. We have to start from kneeling-down position.
+So, while it seems obvious to read this parable from the position of the
+younger son, it is surprisingly rare for people to read Job in the same
+way -- that is, from the position or perspective of Job. Whenever I read
+some commentary on Job, it always seems written from the outside. If the
+author of the commentary is present in the book at all, then mostly it
+is as the friends talking with Job. Mostly they would like to be Elihu,
+the younger friend who thinks he’s leading Job to God in the end. But
+mostly they seem to me like the other friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and
+Zophar, who were just talking to show how smart, right, and holy they
+are without the true ability to help their friend.
+When I was in that church listening to the reading from the book of Job,
+Job’s hopeless situation spoke to my situation quite clearly. The
+attachment to Job was so strong that when I was reading the whole book
+in one sitting, I was very careful not to put myself over Job, but to
+read from his lowly position.
+This exercise taught me a lot. When we get low down to the place of Job,
+we know that anything we get is just a pure mercy of God to us who are
+not worthy of anything. When we give up on our rights, suddenly the
+right priorities emerge. When one finds Job’s perspective, he finds how
+little value is in all those things he was fond of before.
+When we count all things as rubbish (Phil 3:8; literally “refuse” or
+“dung”) we suddenly find a new motivation for the following Christ. When
+we still hold on to some things of this world, we are very much limited
+by fear of loosing it, but when we leave everything behind, we suddenly
+find freedom. There is nothing we have to be afraid of loosing, because
+we know that God takes care of us. And then we can open to the love of
+God in a much more pure way, because then we can live our life **ONLY**
+for God. Not because of any profit we may get, not because of the glory
+we may achieve, not because of any happiness it may give us, not because
+of our salvation, not because of fear of Hell, but just because of God.
+ “Do not look on God’s hands, what you get from them; do not look on
+ his crown, because you would be crushed by his majesty, but look
+ into his eyes, where you find love and deepest friendship.”
+So, my prayer for this day and this week is that you would be poorer and
+poorer in spirit and that you would experience more and more changes in
+your life truly done by Jesus the Christ himself.
diff --git a/_posts/another-git-based-issue-tracker.rst b/_posts/another-git-based-issue-tracker.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..065e8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/another-git-based-issue-tracker.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+title: Another Git based issue tracker
+date: 2014-12-14T00:35:20
+ - computer
+ - Fedora
+ - DVCS
+ - issue tracking
+ - bugs
+ - computer
+Just as a follow-up to my blogpost_ about the distributed issue
+tracking, I have just found out there is another one (this time not only
+dead, but also not even claimed to be finished) system, gaskit_.
+.. _blogpost:
+ /blog/2014/04/30/current-state-of-the-distributed-issue-tracking/
+.. _gaskit:
diff --git a/_posts/another-zero-day-fedora-update.rst b/_posts/another-zero-day-fedora-update.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..896cab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/another-zero-day-fedora-update.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+title: 'Another upstream WordPress release, another zero-day Fedora update...'
+ - computer
+date: 2012-12-12T17:01:54
+All `packages are in`_ and waiting on Bodhi making them available.
+You can read `upstream release notes`_, watch `the release video`_, or
+(if you have enough time) `browse through closed upstream tickets`_.
+The most interesting change is completely rewritten media (images,
+video, audio) management, and more modern (more mobile-friendly) theme.
+.. _`packages are in`:
+.. _`upstream release notes`:
+.. _`the release video`:
+.. _`browse through closed upstream tickets`:
diff --git a/_posts/arent-czechs-awesome.rst b/_posts/arent-czechs-awesome.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3179b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/arent-czechs-awesome.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+title: "Aren't Czechs awesome? :)"
+ - computer
+date: 2011-03-09T12:42:00
+Just this made my day:
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+Yes, numbers are too small, etc. etc.
diff --git a/_posts/atompub-depression.rst b/_posts/atompub-depression.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffda4ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/atompub-depression.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+title: Atompub depression
+ - atompub
+ - computer
+ - lazyweb
+date: 2010-09-14T17:44:00
+So, looking at interesting presentation on `Wordpress APIs`_, I have hit
+on this slide:
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+Am I allowed as a friend of Atompub to feel depressed? What happened to
+`the promised world domination`_?
+On the related atompub and depression combination? I have a file with my
+complete blog in Atom format. Now I would like to create a simple script
+posting all entries there to Atompub store (let's say blogger, when I
+use it already)? Of course the condition is that if I add new entries to
+the Atom file and repost it again only new and updated entries will get
+published. So, of course I would need the way how uniquely identify each
+entry be it in the file or in the Atompub store (did I mention that I
+would like to be able for whatever reason be able to publish the same
+Atom file in different stores?). Of course, you cry, `that’s what
+<entry:id> was created for`_! Every entry has its **globally unique**
+ID, right?
+Except no Atompub store known to me allows you to publish entry with
+your own ID. Actually you have to remove <id> element before publishing
+to Livejournal, Wordpress, and Blogger otherwise they will reject this
+perfectly valid Atom entry, and you have to publish something which is
+not valid Atom (<id> element is MUST for Atom entry).
+So, lazyweb, do you know about any means how to publish my Atom file to
+blogger without having a separate database of local:published ID
+relations? If it would be possible to switch to another blogging
+platform, I’ll switch immediately just because of this.
+While collecting links for this post, I have found this_. Maybe just
+depression is what remains for us.
+.. _`Wordpress APIs`:
+.. _`the promised world domination`:
+.. _`that’s what <entry:id> was created for`:
+.. _this:
diff --git a/_posts/bibshare.rst b/_posts/bibshare.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..984890e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/bibshare.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+title: On bibshare
+ - computer
+ - TeX
+ - BibTeX
+ - bibliography
+ - metadata
+date: 2014-09-04T15:08:00
+(this is originally `a comment`_ on the post about “scientific Markdown”)
+.. _`a comment`:
+In my previous life I was using heavily TeX and BibTeX for writing
+a scholarly articles when working on my PhD in sociology. When doing
+a large BibTeX database of bibliopgraphy there is a certain moment when
+one needs to establish some order in creating new keys for the
+individual references. When I hit that moment, I started to look around
+whether somebody didn’t do some thinking about the design of the
+bibliography keys. I found almost nothing on the Web perhaps because
+there was actually a file *bibshare* (originally in
+``$TEXMF/doc/bibtex/base/bibshare`` now I cannot find it anywhere, so
+I have download a version from older ``tetex`` RPM to `my website`_).
+It describes pretty nice standard, which really should be rewritten into
+RFC or something of that sort. The two biggest advantages are stable
+keys (so bibliographies can be exchanged) and a more rememberable ones.
+So, whenever I see now ``granovetter:AJS-1973-1360`` I do remember (and it
+has been couple of years, since I used BibTeX last time) that it is an
+awesome article "`The Strength of Weak Ties`_" by Mark Granovetter.
+.. _`my website`:
+.. _`The Strength of Weak Ties`:
diff --git a/_posts/bugzilla-gnome-org-supported.rst b/_posts/bugzilla-gnome-org-supported.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..030410b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/bugzilla-gnome-org-supported.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+title: supported
+ - computer
+date: 2010-08-09T05:38:00
+So, `ticket 38`_ has been closed, so we have another officially
+supported bugzilla: When you start bleeding-edge
+(“nightly” :)) `.xpi from my site`_ (Firefox will complain, that the
+extension is downloaded from untrusted source), then you should have
+scripts working on by eliminating all additional
+buttons and not adding anything new (scripts default into support for On the bottom of the page you should be able to
+find a link ”\ `Triage configuration`_\ ”. Click on it and to the input
+enter URL for the Gnome configuration JSON, which is currently
+ Restart
+Firefox, and go back to the bug page. For the script
+to load, you have to be logged in to the bugzilla (otherwise it won't
+activate). I am also not sure, whether the texts of comments, and
+resolutions being set are correct for `File a
+ticket`_ with fixed JSON file, please. And of course, I believe that if
+the scripts happens eventually to be officially supported for b.g.o,
+Gnome bug triagers will host their own. Or maybe I should rather accept
+`ticket 39`_ and make only one default JSON? Let me know.
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+.. _ticket 38:
+.. _.xpi from my site:
+.. _Triage configuration:
+.. _File a ticket:
+.. _ticket 39:
diff --git a/_posts/bugzilla-triage-scripts-1-0rc1-please-test.rst b/_posts/bugzilla-triage-scripts-1-0rc1-please-test.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b03c6f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/bugzilla-triage-scripts-1-0rc1-please-test.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+title: 'bugzilla-triage-scripts 1.0RC1, please, test'
+ - bugTriage
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: 2011-05-10T16:51:31
+Hi, all my beloved BugZappers!
+If you have Firefox >= 4.0.1 (either in Fedora 15, from `remi repo`_,
+(apparently spot's F13/F14 repo at doesn't have
+it yet), or using the `upstream binary`_), please try to install `the
+1.0RC1 version of the script`_ and let me know how it works for you.
+If you encounter ANY issues (or you have some requests for
+enhancements), please, let me know at (in declining level of
+- `Fedorahosted issue tracker`_ (use Fedora login/password)
+- fedora-bugzappers on Freenode IRC
+- mcepl at redhat dot com email
+I will try to fix all issues ASAP, and if nothing very serious happens
+to release 1.0 in a week or so.
+``{originally posted as email to test@lists.fp.o}``
+.. _`remi repo`:
+.. _`upstream binary`:
+.. _`the 1.0RC1 version of the script`:
+.. _`Fedorahosted issue tracker`:
diff --git a/_posts/bugzilla-triage-scripts-ff-extension-for-ff4.rst b/_posts/bugzilla-triage-scripts-ff-extension-for-ff4.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9cfa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/bugzilla-triage-scripts-ff-extension-for-ff4.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+title: "So, where's bugzilla-triage-scripts FF extension for FF4, you ask?"
+ - bugTriage
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: "2011-03-30 02:12:00"
+The great `Firfeox 4`_ is out_, and the official version of
+bugzilla-triage-scripts_ is broken for you? I am sorry. I have
+a workaround for you, and working on the final solution of the problem.
+Let me explain what’s going on in the back office::
+ bradford:bugzilla-triage (next) $ git diff --shortstat maint
+  58 files changed, 8284 insertions(+), 3375 deletions(-)
+ bradford:bugzilla-triage (next) $
+I have rewritten most of the code (almost no line went unseen). The main
+change is that we are now using the official (not available when i wrote
+the first version of the script) page-mod_ module. This required a lot
+of work,  because page-mod provides isolated content-scripts which
+cannot get directly to the main script (which has chrome-level
+privileges), but they can only communicate in a very restricted manner
+with the main script via messages. On the other hand set of content
+-scripts share the same namespace, so inside of the scripts the
+situation is much more simple. Aside from using the official environment
+instead of my own hack (which I used before), the main advantage is that
+the chrome-privileged part of the script is isolated from code of web
+pages (and in the future it will be working even with Electrolysis),
+that it should be possible to create unit tests for testing the script
+(which would be awesome, my constant manual going to one particular and
+hoping that's good enough testing is ridiculous; I have tried it and it
+worked with much more simple `script for mass-closing of multiple
+duplicates at once`_). While going through whole code, of course massive
+amount of small bugs and typos was unearthed and fixed. I was working so
+that I should be ready to release FF4 compatible version of my script in
+the same moment FF4 would be released. However, then something happened
+… Ehsan Akhgari `continued to work`_ on his (mostly b.m.o targetting)
+scripts, and this time I have managed to get into contact with him, and
+started to work on including his modules into mine. So, in the end I
+cannot release 1.0 version of my scripts yet (which I hoped to do),
+because they don't have enough testing and they don’t most of the stuff
+i would like this release to have. However, given that my original
+scripts (of FF3.\* era) are now completely broken on FF4, I have decided
+what I have (without the Ehsan’s code), and so I have no three official
+versions of my script:
+1. `The version of the script`_ (numbered 0.27) working with Firefox
+ 3.6.\*. It is strictly maintenance only, bug reports are welcomed and
+ they will be hopefully fixed fast, but no improvements or RFEs will
+ be accepted.
+2. `The version of the
+ script <>`__
+ (numbered 0.92) which I originally thought to be 1.0. This is the
+ script I used for couple of weeks with just small bug fixes, so I
+ hope that it should be useful for general public. Of course, `bug
+ reports`_ are very very welcome (Fedora login & password are
+ required).
+3. `The last version of the script`_ (currently 0.93, but expect
+ updates). This version contains Ehsan’s scripts but with small fixes
+ to make it work on Red Hat’s bugzilla. So, what can you expect to
+ coming? For example this (it should be in future configurable, so
+ only those who are interested, will use it):
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+In the end I would need to introduce all functionality contained in
+`Ehsan’s original scripts`_ (also described here_). Updates are not
+working currently (if anybody is able to troubleshoot, any ideas are
+welcome), but go and install and use the script.
+.. _`Firfeox 4`:
+.. _out:
+.. _bugzilla-triage-scripts:
+.. _page-mod:
+.. _`script for mass-closing of multiple duplicates at once`:
+.. _`continued to work`:
+.. _`The version of the script`:
+.. _`bug reports`:
+.. _`The last version of the script`:
+.. _`Ehsan’s original scripts`:
+.. _here:
diff --git a/_posts/calvinism-purity-of-atonement.rst b/_posts/calvinism-purity-of-atonement.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dee248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/calvinism-purity-of-atonement.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+title: 'Calvinism & Purity of Atonement'
+ - faith
+date: 2012-08-01T13:13:13
+I randomly while searching for something else hit on these_ two_
+video presentations of one very fighting Calvinist. It felt to me like
+from the different world: it sounded most of all like the Chesterton’s
+lunatic who was perfectly rational. This guy is sitting in front of tons
+and tons of what I believe are deep Biblical thoughts, which people
+spent their whole lives thinking about and writing, and yet he doesn’t
+understand (and I am afraid doesn’t want to understand) a word of what
+is going on in the John 3:16 Conference.
+In the conference, another man comes and describes in a bit of emotional
+confusion his personal experience about how he met Jesus personally. He
+goes quite overboard, rejected all his past theology, and probably truly
+in his testimony suggests that God doesn’t accept Calvinists or
+something of that sort. Such revelation of sudden meaning of known words
+certainly exists. I can certainly testify to my similar experience when
+I found that things I happened to actually even teach were suddenly for
+me revealed as very personal and existential experience. I think I was
+very strongly warned by God, that I shouldn’t reject everything I
+believe before (although of course, that was tempting) and that I should
+rather work on better understanding of my experience and Scripture. Now,
+usually when one describes how she found purely rational understanding
+of Bible to be insufficient for her relationship with God, she don’t use
+many Biblical verses to support her thesis. Kind of makes sense to me.
+However, not to the Calvinist: existence of a personal revelation and a
+life-changing experience seems to be suspicious to the Chesterton’s
+And yet, I cannot exclude a possibility that the only mistake this man
+did was to mistake highly sophisticated academic discussion with the
+popular conference. Is this just misdirected legitimate theological
+discussion which is presented as a public show instead in the Journal of
+Theology? Or is whole Reformed theology just a Christian version of
+pilpul, deep, complicated and mostly useless discussion about the Bible?
+Not sure.
+.. _these:
+.. _two:
diff --git a/_posts/cepl-on-banking.rst b/_posts/cepl-on-banking.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a172c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/cepl-on-banking.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+title: Where are savings accounts?
+date: 2015-02-03T14:05:01
+ - politics
+ - economics
+(my comment on `the EconTalk show on banking`_)
+.. _`the EconTalk show on banking`:
+@John Reisink
+I am afraid the reason is that we don’t have that much choices.
+Which leads me to the issue which I am quite surprised nobody discusses
+at all (what am I missing?). As I understand the dim archaic past of
+something like thirty years ago, in a civilized country then (in that
+time I was growing up in the Communist Czechoslovakia, so no
+civilization for me), people took their excess money to their local bank and
+they got some reasonable interest on it. What I do remember is that when
+I was moving for our PhD studies to States in the year 2000 we got in
+the university FCU something like 4% p.a. on the savings account. Then
+the Internet Bubble burst, and of course rates went down to around 1%
+p.a., so I stopped bothering with savings account and I had to start to
+invest somewhere else. Meanwhile, we didn't have enough money so
+investing stopped being interesting to me at all. However, looking
+around me now, I don't see much change from those around-1%-pa times.
+Still the same FCU has today on 18month certificate rate 0.8% p.a. which
+kind of doesn’t make any sense to use.
+Is it just me, but this is all result of politicians (BOTH Republicans
+and Democrats) swindling their way out of the economical situation by
+robbing not only future (by creating incredible loans ... look at
+Greece to see where we are heading globally, IMHO) but also by stealing
+all savings by keeping the interest rate artificially low. It is funny
+to hear all those bankers to cry out for more loans, when they keep
+interest rate at 0%! Who in the world would loan a money, when a) they
+have none in the bank (because nobody saves anything), and b) the
+interest is so tiny, that it doesn't make much sense to loan.
+Am I completely wrong, or it is a big white elephant in the room which
+is constantly overlooked by everybody? Is there some show on EconTalk
+about this issue?
+Am I right thinking that Mr. Greenspan, Bernanke, and Ms. Yellen wiped
+out consumer banking and small people savings? Why should I invest on
+the market myself? I would rather handed my money down to some
+specialist who would do it better than me (considering, I would get some
+reasonable interest back)?
+What would actually happen if the central banks of whole world stopped
+meddling with the interest rate and let it stay at some higher level? Of
+course, the first reaction would be radical crash of the market, but if
+you stayed on this normal interest rate for longer time, wouldn't the
+market accommodate and result would be a bit more healthy in total?
diff --git a/_posts/christmas_cs-blogpost.rst b/_posts/christmas_cs-blogpost.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eadab6f
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+++ b/_posts/christmas_cs-blogpost.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+title: Z nebeské slávy sestoupil k nám
+ - sermon
+ - czech
+ - faith
+date: "2013-12-12 21:06:09"
+(Vánoční kázání pro Prague Christian Fellowship na 15. prosince 2013)
+Nevyrůstal jsem v křesťanské rodině, ani jeden z mých rodičů nechodil do
+kostela a nikdy mě neučili o Bibli nebo křesťanství více nežli co „vzdělaný
+člověk“ má vědět. Ale moji rodiče nebyli ateisti, nebyli proti křesťanství:
+vždycky jsme měli v knihovně Bibli a, abych se dostal k tématu tohoto mého
+povídání, moje matka vždy před štědrovečerní večeří četla zvěst o narození Pána
+Ježíše z Lukášova evangelia ze své Kralické Bible. Tím se stalo, že toto čtení
+a tento text se stal neoddělitelnou součástí mých Vánoc:
+ I stalo se v těch dnech, vyšlo poručení od císaře Augusta, aby byl popsán
+ všecken svět. (To popsání nejprvé stalo se, když vládařem Syrským byl
+ Cyrenius.) I šli všickni, aby zapsáni byli, jeden každý do svého města.
+ Vstoupil pak i Jozef od Galilee z města Nazarétu do Judstva, do města
+ Davidova, kteréž slove Betlém, (proto že byl z domu a z čeledi Davidovy),
+ aby zapsán byl s Marií, zasnoubenou sobě manželkou těhotnou. I stalo se,
+ když tam byli, naplnili se dnové, aby porodila. I porodila Syna svého
+ provorozeného, a plénkami ho obvinula, a položila jej v jeslech, proto že
+ neměli místa v hospodě. A pastýři byli v krajině té, ponocujíce, a stráž
+ noční držíce nad svým stádem. A aj, anděl Páně postavil se podlé nich,
+ a sláva Páně osvítila je. I báli se bázní velikou. Tedy řekl jim anděl:
+ Nebojtež se; nebo aj, zvěstuji vám radost velikou, kteráž bude všemu lidu.
+ Nebo narodil se vám dnes spasitel, kterýž jest Kristus Pán, v městě
+ Davidově. A toto vám bude za znamení: Naleznete nemluvňátko plénkami
+ obvinuté, ležící v jeslech. A hned s andělem zjevilo se množství rytířstva
+ nebeského, chválících Boha a řkoucích: Sláva na výsostech Bohu, a na zemi
+ pokoj, lidem dobrá vůle. I stalo se, jakž odešli od nich andělé do nebe,
+ že ti pastýři řekli vespolek: Poďme až do Betléma, a vizme tu věc, kteráž
+ se stala, o níž Pán oznámil nám. I přišli, chvátajíce, a nalezli Marii
+ a Jozefa, i to nemluvňátko ležící v jeslech. A viděvše, rozhlašovali, což
+ jim povědíno bylo o tom děťátku. I divili se všickni, kteříž slyšeli
+ o tom, což jim bylo mluveno od pastýřů. Ale Maria zachovávala všecky věci
+ tyto, skládajici je v srdci svém. I navrátili se pastýři, velebíce
+ a chválíce Boha ze všeho, což slyšeli a viděli, tak jakž bylo jim povědíno.
+ -- Lukáš 2:1-19 K
+Je asi celkem jasné, že tento text je tak naplněný různými významy, a že se na
+jeho interpretaci pracovalo přes dva tisíce let dlouho, že nemám sebemenší
+šanci provést jeho byť jenom minimální výklad. Ani to nemám v úmyslu. Chtěl
+bych k němu přičinit jenom několik poznámek.
+První je asi celkem zřejmá. Tento největší příběh, který byl kdy vyprávěn (jak
+zní název jednoho poměrně hloupého hollywoodského filmu o Pánu Ježíši), je
+spíše největší paradox lidských dějin. Ježíš je Pánem celého světa od svého
+narození, nebeské zástupy slaví Jeho narození, jeho život je jedno veliké
+povolání (kdyby si toho v daném okamžiku byl vědom, tak by nepochybně mohl
+hovořit o velkých snech pro svůj život a o nadšení pro ně, které ho pohánějí).
+Přesto teď nevypadá vůbec jako veliký nebo slavný. Vidíme akorát mladý
+manželský pár, který má prvního syna příliš brzy po své svatbě. Jsou velice
+chudí a žijí ve stáji. Je jim pravděpodobně asi trochu zima (i když téměř
+jistě nebyl prosinec, a mají volka a oslíka, aby je zahřívali). Pravděpodobně
+jako mladí novomanželé s prvním dítětem se poněkud bojí toho co je čeká.
+Nedostatek spánku, problémy s krmením, možné nemoci (což byl tehdy mnohem větší
+problém nežli dnes), a v delším horizontu obvyklé starosti rodičů o výchovu
+dítěte ke správnému životu a starosti o jeho bezpečnost. Dovolte mi také
+poznamenat, že ty plínčičky o kterých tak něžně zpívají české koledy budou brzy
+špinavé a rozmilý Ježíšek bude potřebovat přebalit.
+Jsme tak zaslepeni vší nádherou a leskem Vánoc, že nevidíme jak je tato scéna
+úplně bláznivá. Bůh Všemohoucí, který volá hvězdy jménem, v jehož dlaních jako
+potůčkové jsou osudy národů, který zná počet vlasů na hlavě každého z nás,
+tento Bůh, z lásky k nám, byl ochoten sestoupit do této bídy, byl ochoten být
+kompletně bezmocný a závislý na svých lidských nespolehlivých rodičích.
+A tento ubohoučký obraz lidské bezmoci je konečným naplněním Jeho Plánu Spásy
+Tento na první pohled zcela jednoduchý a jasný příběh ale obsahuje mnohem více
+nežli co je na první pohled viditelné. A jeden pohled za oponu tohoto příběhu
+je navržen sv. Pavlem (který byl jedním z prvních vůdců mladé křesťanské
+Církve, který byl také přítelem a učitelem Lukáše, autora výše citovaného
+životopisu Pána Ježíše). Ve svém dopisu adresovaném společenství učedníků Pána
+Ježíše ve Filipis píše:
+ Nechť je mezi vámi takové smýšlení, jako v Kristu Ježíši: Způsobem bytí byl
+ roven Bohu, a přece na své rovnosti nelpěl, nýbrž sám sebe zmařil, vzal na
+ sebe způsob služebníka, stal se jedním z lidí. A v podobě člověka se
+ ponížil, v poslušnosti podstoupil i smrt, a to smrt na kříži. Proto ho Bůh
+ vyvýšil nade vše a dal mu jméno nad každé jméno, aby se před jménem
+ Ježíšovým sklonilo každé koleno — na nebi, na zemi i pod zemí — a k slávě
+ Boha Otce každý jazyk aby vyznával: Ježíš Kristus jest Pán.
+ -- Filipským 2:5-11
+Kristus je král, osvoboditel a vůdce – a přece k nám přišel jako ubohé děťátko.
+Malé počátky (Zach 4:10) nějak připadly Pánu Ježíši smysluplné, a já si myslím,
+že bychom v nich smysl měli nalézt i my. Nepohrdal a neizoloval se od pomalu se
+valícího mlýnu každodenního života a my bychom to také neměli dělat. Často máme
+tendenci se upnout na velké vize, Povolání našeho života s velkým P a podobné
+vznešené a poněkud abstraktní záležitosti a připadá nám, že každodenní starosti
+nám brání v Této Opravdu Důležité Práci. A přesto, Pán Ježíš nepřeskočil třicet
+let svého života, které by nám mohli připadat více méně promarněné, když
+uvážíme jejich zcela minimální dopad na Lidstvo s velkým L. To je první lekce,
+kterou si z tohoto textu můžeme odnést.
+Připadlo mu důležité přijmout celý život včetně všech jeho složitostí a mlýnu
+každodenních starostí. Chtěl se zúčastnit tohoto skutečného života místo
+vybírání z něj jenom slavných a důležitých částí. Přijal svoji bezmoc, i když
+protože byl Bůh, věděl, že vstupuje do světa, ve kterém se ho místní král,
+Herodes, okamžitě pokusí zabít. Takže se máme vzdát našeho pohodlí
+a bezpečnosti našich schovaných životů, vykročit do světa a přijmout divoký
+život skutečných lidských vztahů a skutečných lidských problémů, skutečné
+bolesti a skutečné lásky. To je druhá věc, kterou si můžeme odnést.
+Poslední lekci se můžeme naučit od Marie. Vypadá jako že většina lidí v jejím
+okolí (snad s výjimkou Josefa, ale ten ji bohužel asi příliš brzy zemřel) vůbec
+nechápala co se děje, vůbec netušily jaké obrovské drama o spasení světa se
+odehrává v jejich blízkosti. Většina lidí v jejím okolí byla zaměstnána
+viditelným a zřejmým. Ale ona „zachovávala všecky věci tyto, skládajici je
+v srdci svém.“ Zachovávala je, protože asi tyto zkušenosti byly pro ní vzácné
+a důležité. Nemohla vědět jak celý příběh dopadne. Musela být připravena
+důvěřovat svému povolání jenom na základě velice divokých a pozoruhodných ale
+nemnoha zkušeností. Andělské navštívení, hold Tří králů a pastýřů nově
+narozenému děťátku, setkání v Chrámě se Simeónem a Annou, a pak už jenom třicet
+let starostí o dítě, podporováním ho a důvěřování Pánu Bohu, že učiní sen
+skutečností. Toto očekávání a důvěra v Hospodina po velice dlouhou dobu (nebo
+alespoň co nám připadne jako velice dlouhá doba) je poslední lekce, kterou bych
+si přál abychom si z tohoto povídání odnesli.
+Pán Bůh buď s námi.
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+title: From The Heavens’ Glory He Came to Us
+ - sermon
+ - faith
+date: "2013-12-12 21:15:52"
+(Christmas Sermon for the Prague Christian Fellowship on December 15, 2013)
+I haven’t grew up in the Christian home. None of my parents regularly attended
+church, and they have never taught me about Bible or Christianity outside of
+the general knowledge. However, neither they were anti-Christian: there was
+always Bible in our library, and, getting to the Christmas message, my Mom
+always read us before the Christmas Dinner this passage from the Luke’s gospel,
+and always in this a bit archaic, Kralická version. Therefore, this text is now
+inseparably linked to the Christmas for me: (translation to be from KJV)
+ And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Cæsar
+ Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first
+ made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every
+ one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the
+ city of Nazareth, into Judæa, unto the city of David, which is called
+ Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed
+ with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that,
+ while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be
+ delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in
+ swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for
+ them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in
+ the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of
+ the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them:
+ and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for,
+ behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all
+ people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,
+ which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find
+ the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly
+ there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and
+ saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward
+ men. And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into
+ heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto
+ Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath
+ made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph,
+ and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known
+ abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they
+ that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the
+ shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
+ And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things
+ that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.
+ -- Luke 2:1-19 KJV
+Obviously this is the text which is so rich with meaning, with tradition of its
+interpretation that I don’t have a chance to interpret it fully. I don’t mean
+to. Let me here just share couple of thoughts on this.
+First one is obviously, that this “the greatest story ever told” is the
+greatest paradox ever told. Jesus is the Lord from His birth, there are
+multitude of heavenly host praising his birth, he has great calling on his life
+(and if he was aware of it at the moment, then he would have great dreams and
+passions for his life). And yet, He doesn’t look great at all. We have here
+young couple too soon after their wedding having their first born son. They are
+very poor and now living in the manger. They are probably a little bit cold
+(although in fact it mostly likely is not December then) and as every young
+couple of freshly born first child they now expect with at least a little bit
+of fear all troubles of lack of sleep, nursing troubles, possible sickness,
+desperation over the teaching him all what’s necessary for good life, and other
+difficulties of raising up a human child. Let me note also, that those diapers
+mentioned in the text were not for decoration and pretty soon they were not to
+be unsullied.
+We are so blinded by hearing this story many times that we don’t appreciate its
+pure craziness. God Almighty, who calls the stars by name, who knows
+everything, who knows the very number of hairs on each of our heads, this God,
+for love to us was willing to step down to this poverty and be completely
+helpless and dependent on his human parents. And this pitiful picture of human
+poverty is the ultimate fulfillment of His Plan of Redemption of Humanity?
+This is in some manner a simple straightforward story covers obviously so much
+more than it says on its face. And one look behind the curtains so to say is
+suggested by Paul (an early Christian leader, who was a friend and leader of
+Luke, the author of the previously read part from the early biography of the
+Christ) in his letter to the community of followers of Christ in Philippa:
+ Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who,
+ though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing
+ to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant,
+ being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he
+ humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on
+ a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name
+ that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should
+ bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess
+ that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
+ -- Philippians 2:5-11
+Christ is the King, the Liberator, the Leader — but still he came to us as
+a humble child. There is apparently something about the small beginnings which
+made sense to Jesus, and I believe it should make sense to us as well. He
+didn’t despise the small necessities and troubles of life, and so we should not
+as well. We are often drawn to the higher visions, The Calling on our life and
+similar high-minded a bit abstract concepts, and everyday troubles seem to just
+distract us from this Really Important Stuff. And yet, Jesus didn’t skip thirty
+years of His life which would seem rather wasted considering their impact on
+the Humanity. That’s the first lesson.
+It seemed important to him to embrace life in all its complexities and everyday
+drudgery. He wanted to participate in the real life, instead of just picking
+from it famous and glorious parts. He embraced His helplessness, even though,
+because he was God, knew when he was entering a world in which the local King,
+Herod, was going to almost immediately try to kill him! So, giving up on the
+comfort and safety of our shelled lives, we need to step outside and embrace
+the wild life around us is the second lesson of this chapter.
+The last lesson we could learn from Mary. It seems that most people around here
+(except perhaps for Joseph) were mostly unaware of the high drama around them
+and they were mostly concerned with the visible and obvious. But she “treasured
+up all these things” (does it mean that these experiences were valuable for
+her?). She couldn’t know how the story turns about. She had to be prepared to
+trust in her calling just based on Wild and Significant but few experiences.
+Visitation by Angel, Hold by Magi, meeting in the Temple with Simeon and Anna,
+and then thirty years just caring for child and the standing behind and
+trusting God He will make the dream happening. This waiting and trusting the
+Lord even for (what we consider) very long time is the last lesson I want to
+learn from this message and talk to you about.
diff --git a/_posts/comments-on-Zarafa.rst b/_posts/comments-on-Zarafa.rst
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+++ b/_posts/comments-on-Zarafa.rst
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+title: Couple of thoughts on Zarafa
+ - Fedora
+ - ourcloud
+ - wordpress
+ - computer
+date: "2013-10-04 16:02:07"
+I have mentioned in one internal email discussion (yes, on the fabled
+memo-list) that I have my emails in Zarafa run by me on my own server
+down in the living room. And one of my colleagues asked me for some
+comments on IRC. After we have chatted for a moment, I thought it might
+be nice to have these comments collected and published as my record of
+the real experience with the life outside of the Cloud.
+First of all my colleague asked me about my experience with the biggest
+danger of self-hosting, downtime and possible data loss. I have to
+admit that this is a place where I cheat a bit. MX records for my domain
+are pointed towards hosted server of my relatives’ company. Messages are
+then pulled down via fetchmail (yes, I know there are better options for
+fetching mail, but so far fetchmail seems to do the job right). Yes,
+I don’t have UPS and only backup I do is to rsync key information to the
+other computer in the home LAN (I am still ignoring TWiT ads claiming
+that there must be one copy of backups off site … yes, they are right,
+but I am afraid it would be quite expensive both in terms of required
+bandwidth, which is not free here, and price of the service).
+The second obvious problem of self-hosting email is dealing with spam.
+I use dspam_ from Fedora EPEL 6 packages, but I am actually looking for
+something much more simple. Configuration of dspam is pretty tough thing
+to do and apparently I haven’t done it correctly, for example the admin
+inerface doesn’t work. I think it is time to switch to something more
+Unixy, simple standard tools for doing simple things. In this case I am
+thinking about going back to procmail and per-user bogofilter, but
+I haven’t enough time and courage to do it yet.
+**Update later:** So, I’ve got rid of the dspam, and with help of
+trivial (mostly out of the manpage) procmailrc and this `trivial Python
+script`_ (yes, the name of the repository is wrong) I have hacked
+together the three-folder system which works pretty well.
+.. _dspam:
+.. _`trivial Python script`:
+But, these are just tools around the central server, which is in my case
+Zarafa_. Well, Zarafa. There is a good news and bad news about Zarafa.
+The good news is that it actually really works. It serves for me as
+IMAP, CalDAV, ActiveSync server, taking care of my emails, calendars,
+and contacts. It works flawlessly with Thunderbird/Lightning combo (no
+Contacts though), my wife’s Android phone (together with CalDAV-Sync_,
+Tasks_, and ActiveSync it serves emails, calendars, contacts, and even
+todo list), and for my Firefox OS (for emails and calendars with native
+apps, unfortunately I haven’t found a good CardDAV support and all ToDo
+apps suck, so far). That’s the good news. Bad news is that Zarafa is
+AFAIK the **only** FLOSS application I know about which provides so
+complete service.
+.. _Zarafa:
+.. _CalDAV-Sync:
+.. _Tasks:
+It is not a crazy memory hog as I was afraid of C++/PHP/MySQL
+application. Configuration is a bit complicated and some parts have to
+be done using own scripts or third party applications (e.g., there is no
+anti spam bundled, support for CardDAV is community provided and
+unfinished hack, backup), but I guess some of these are better provided
+in the paid-for enterprise version (I use pure FLOSS packages from EPEL
+6; do you notice the pattern?). FLOSS version doesn’t allow calendar
+sharing (that’s only for enterprise version, which seems to me too much
+crippleware … why I cannot share my calendar with my wife?).
+Also, I have a huge problem with storing all my emails in some
+proprietary database storage. Both because of proprietary (meaning,
+non-standard) and database. Emails should in my opinion be stored in
+mbox/Maildir/MH storage and database should be used only for indexing of
+such store.
+I understand that Zarfa is a commercial enterprise and they need to make
+money for their salaries (and I am grateful they provide so much
+software as a free software), but it seems to me generally, their goals
+and mine are a bit different. I would like the best possible
+mail/calendar/contacts/task server using only open standards (BTW,
+I don’t like that the only way how to access contacts is via
+ActiveSync). Zarafa as a company has obviously as the biggest goal to be
+cheap/open-source alternative to Microsoft Exchange and it seems to me
+that people like me are just accidental beneficiaries of this other
+I would love to be able to replace Zarafa with truly free and
+open-standard based alternative. Dovecot would probably do as a email
+server, there are some webmails, but I don’t know about **well** working
+and **stable** CalDAV/CardDAV server (and Thunderbird sucks as a CardDAV
+client). I may try DaviCAL one of those days, but it still seems to me
+hacky and too large for solely a family server (Zimbra is completely out
+of my league with its hardware and other requirements).
+Also, webmail. It is quite popular application these days, so it must be
+said, that the Zarafa ones sucks. Both old one (the only one which has
+been packaged for EPEL 6) and which is an attempt to create 100%
+faithful bug-by-bug compatible copy of some ancient version of the
+Outlook Web Access. There is also a new more Web 2.0 like version of the
+webmail, but it has not been packaged in the Fedora yet (there are some
+problems with some Flash files or something), so I have to use upstream
+packages (which are kindly provided for all versions of RHEL, true).
+Also the new version seems to be a bit slow and I cannot say I would be
+keen on having it as my day-to-day client. On the other hand, it
+certainly gets job done when one is outside of the real computer, which
+I think is the most important role of webmail anyway.
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+title: cucutags and vim-behave
+ - Fedora
+ - python
+ - tags
+ - computer
+date: "2013-10-05 23:54:54"
+I have created a simple Python package cucutags_ for parsing behave_ feature and step files and vim plugin_ for jumping from feature file to appropriate step (using normal Ctrl-]). Creating similar plugin for other editors (especially Sublime Text) able to cooperate with Python module should be trivial as most logic is in the Python module. Vim plugin is originally based on tpope’s vim-cucumber, but not much remained from that, but thank you anywa.
+.. _cucutags:
+.. _behave:
+.. _plugin:
+Pull requests are welcome as well as any comments, complaints, requests for enhancements, and bug reports. Please send them to me via email mentioned in the code.
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+title: Culture wars? Why?
+ - culture
+ - desertstream
+ - faith
+ - homosexuality
+ - sociology
+date: 2011-01-11T01:22:00
+We were living as strangers (both me and my wife were born and now live
+again in Prague, Czechia) in the United States for couple of years, so
+I’ve managed to do couple of faux-pas during my time in Boston. One day,
+in very friendly party, among our very nice and lovely neighbors, I’ve
+heard one of my neighbors (very nice guy, a budding artist hoping to
+finally make it in the arts world) to say: “I just cannot stand all
+those fundamentalists around, I think we should be straight and call
+them who they are—anti–choice, dictating women what they should do with
+their body!” He said it with such passion and hatred in his voice, that
+I cannot hold myself (no, I haven’t had in that moment enough courage to
+admit that I consider abortion a murder of unborn baby) and replied to
+something in the sense, that the name calling is not nice, and how he
+would like to be called “anti-life”. I have never in my life heard such
+deep silence. All those nice, tolerant, diversity loving Bostonians were
+looking at me like at a calf with two heads. I had no time to say, that
+I think my point of view was more nuanced … I don't think I would
+support reintroduction of the legal ban of abortion (although I believe
+that purely from the jurisprudential and legal technology point of view
+Roe v. Wade and related decisions are examples of very bad ones), I
+think there are many better ways how to decrease number of abortions
+than by banning them, etc. I have not got though an opportunity to say
+it, because once I was labeled as one of **them** nobody was interested
+in hearing my opinions. And it seemed to me nobody was really interested
+in the discussion about (dis-)advantages of the anti-abortion law. I was
+just starting my PhD program in Law & Society at the Northeastern
+University and part of the program were courses in the political
+science. I have found that there is a big volume of study about cultural
+wars, the biggest one about the history of the alcohol prohibition
+movement (if anybody is interested the classical book on the subject,
+read Joseph R. Gusfield. Symbolic Crusade: Status Politics and The
+American Temperance Movement. ISBN 0-252-01312-3). The main conclusion
+of these studies (and this one particularly) is that the focus of the
+struggle in the prohibition politics wasn’t that much the question of
+alcohol itself, but struggle for preservation of status of the
+established Anglo-Saxon society threatened by the ongoing immigration
+wave of Irish, Italians, and Germans. And best dividing factor between
+**us** and **them** was then the attitude towards alcohol, because there
+are apparently much more casual non-addicted drinkers of alcohol among
+these new nations (where for example a glass of wine or beer is standard
+part of dinner) then in the Anglo-Saxon culture, where much bigger share
+of population tend to be on extremes in relation to alcohol.
+Generalization from the prohibition movement to current cultural wars
+was then obvious: these are much more status struggles than struggles
+for the issue itself. Should the America be governed and run by
+pro-life, marriage defending, gun holding (to mention just few most
+obvious examples) Bible belt Christians, or by pro-choice, gay marrying,
+anti-gun “Godless” population of coasts? Of course, the question is how
+does this rather obvious conclusion (when you think about it) relates to
+the topic of this blog. What is the proper Stage four relation to the
+cultural wars? It seems to me that if we accept these four stages as
+describing something about the groups in the society (and I have hard
+time to do it, but for lack of other models, I do accept it), then the
+fourth stage believers are back in their uncomfortably lonely position:
+on one side there are stage two conservatives fighting for the “Ol’ time
+religion” against the slaughter of stage three liberals from the coasts.
+And our 4th stage believer is somewhere between them trying to question
+firm conclusions and strongholds of both sides. One more piece of
+history: I was in Boston when the Massachusetts Supreme Court allowed
+gay marriages in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the parliament
+was discussing possibility of adopting some kind of “defense of
+marriage” amendment which would overrule the court’s decision. Suddenly
+whole pro-/anti-gay cultural war was very strictly localized, and the
+Boston Commons around Beacon Hill (seat of the government in
+Massachusetts) changed into one big battleground of this cultural war.
+Majority of participants were local supporters of gay marriage, but
+there were substantial groups of opponents mostly coming from the
+outside of Massachusetts. I remember watching the posters of both sides
+(something about extending human rights from African-Americans to gays,
+and on the other side I remember slogan “God hates fags” with some
+Biblical quotations by Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, owners of the
+website `God Hates Fags`_). I was thoroughly confused by both sides,
+which seemed to present these two positions as the only ones possible,
+and yet I knew very strongly that I would like to be as far as possible
+from both of them. A friend, apparently battling the same thoughts, said
+suddenly “This is as close to the Hell as I’ve ever got.” To be specific
+and considering the gay marriage issue as an example, let me show what I
+would think could be a reasonable thinking of a stage four Christian
+(and of course, I don’t think it is the only one, I guess many of you
+won’t agree with many of my premises and conclusions; it’s more about a
+way of thinking than about particular issues). So, first of all I have
+to declare that I believe homosexuality is a sin (in the sense “missing
+the best God prepared for us”, not that I would believe homosexuals are
+bad people). Although I have never struggled with homosexuality myself,
+I have been actively participating in the Desert Stream Ministries (the
+inner healing ministry founded and mostly still led by former
+homosexuals) and I count some former homosexuals as my friends. However,
+I am also persuaded that beating sinners with a big poster “You are a
+sinner” usually doesn’t bring healing, and my role is not to persuade
+gays to give up on their lifestyle, but to be present and willing to
+help them in the moment they decide they would like to find a way back
+to the fullness of life God has prepared for them (be it a single life
+or eventually even marriage). Given these two premises, I am in the wide
+arena of possible conclusions with not very certain opinion on possible
+legislative dealing (or non-dealing) with the matter. If I accept as
+given, that there are many people who are still living in the homosexual
+relationship (or in other words, who haven't accepted God’s plan for
+their life yet), then it would be probably humane to make for them
+living conditions acceptable. That includes certainly some kind of
+official acknowledgment of their relationship allowing them wide variety
+of legal advantages otherwise provided by law for husband and wife
+(e.g., right to visit each other in hospital, getting sick-leave when
+caring for a sick partner, inheritance, let’s abstain for sake of
+brevity from discussion on the issue of adoption by gay partners). I
+wouldn’t call this legal arrangement “marriage”, because that really
+signifies approval of what I believe is not a healthy lifestyle, but
+otherwise I would go long way towards making supportive environment for
+the life of gay couples. One observation from this side of the Pond. It
+is interesting that the “Godless Europe” has in this issue much less
+problems than people in America. Given the long history of ateism (and
+tendency towards socialism) most European countries have an institute of
+some kind of non-marriage official relationship (originally for
+heterosexuals who didn't want to have anything to do with Church in
+times when marriages were still closely linked to religious ceremony).
+They are usually not very popular (I believe every European country has
+now as an option secular marriages in the town hall), I think many
+Europeans don't even know such institute exists, but their mere
+existence made it very easy for most European countries to adopt some
+kind of registered partnership for homosexuals as an option and (with
+some exceptions) I don't know about much struggle to open classical
+marriages to gay couples. Again, I don’t think this is the only possible
+solution and I am not willing to defend it with putting on the line my
+honor, my property, and my life, but I would love to participate in the
+discussion about these questions with other people interested more in
+discussion than in cultural wars. However, even more importantly, I
+would hope that Christians would be able to distinguish when they are
+fighting for The Right Thing™ and when for promotion of their status in
+the society. And I am afraid, many times with many Christian
+organizations and politicians, I am not persuaded they see it.
+.. _God Hates Fags:
diff --git a/_posts/dancarlin-poking-the-bear.rst b/_posts/dancarlin-poking-the-bear.rst
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+title: On Nations Building (reply to Dan Carlin)
+date: "2014-07-08 11:20:00"
+ - faith
+ - politics
+ - DanCarlin
+ - LoTR
+ - Ukraine
+(Dan Carlin on his discussion board made some comments_ on the Ukraine
+situation, this is my reply_.)
+.. _comments:
+.. _reply:
+Dan wrote:
+ Moving NATO right next to Russia isn't just threatening to them, it
+ seems like a betrayal of what we told them after the USSR fell.
+Can you hear how incredibly patronizing this sounds to people from the
+area (yes, I am Czech)? “We won’t let you in NATO, but leave you as
+a *Kanonenfutter* (Cannon fodder) so that we may keep Russians happy”
+(that is not the same as honestly admitting “We have not enough power to
+help you, so we won’t promise you to do so.”) Is this what you really
+want to say? Besides, this strategy of the *Cordon sanitaire* has really
+a bad reputation here, because the last time we tried (between the World
+Wars) it wasn’t helping anything. Both sides (Soviets and Germans) have
+obviously understood it as a sign of weakness and they divied and
+swallowed whole area in one mighty gulp.
+Dan wrote:
+ We needed to re-integrate the Russians slowly back into the global
+ system, make them feel welcome and put them in a situation where
+ today they would be a liberalizing power instead of one that seems
+ reactionary.
+ [...]
+ I guess what I am saying is the very moves by NATO and the U.S. that
+ make you feel more secure now are the reason you NEED to feel more
+ secure now.
+I do not believe that your analysis behind this opinion is right. Yes,
+the only way how to have really a stable peace here is by getting Russia
+to be a normal civilized regime behaving peacefully towards its
+neighbors. Unfortunately, for that to happen you have to have Russians
+willing to be a peaceful country.
+That’s the whole idea of the nation building. I don’t think we can make
+a nation to build truly democratic and peaceful country from the
+outside. Only when they have enough power and momentum to overthrow the
+bad regime and enough sanity and civilization they can rule themselves
+the democracy may happen. But then they don’t need us much at all
+(perhaps, they may use some arms, but that’s very dangerous because it
+is too easy to give guns to wrong people). I am afraid that the best we
+can achieve from the outside is something unstable and messy like Kosovo
+or Afghanistan. And yes, in some situations (like these two) perhaps
+this is better than the then current situation and in such situation the
+military intervention and overthrow of the regime may be necessary. But
+we shouldn’t fool ourselves, this kind of messy unstable regime of thugs
+which needs to be kept together by us for a long long time is the best
+what we get.
+In case of Afghanistan when the current regime proudly declares that it
+helped a terrorist group who just killed three thousand (or how many) of
+your people and it will gladly do it again, there is probably not much
+else to do than to get rid off them. But the result wont be ever nice
+and peaceful state.
+With Russia we are (thanks ``$DEITY``!) not dealing with the situation
+like this, but I am afraid the same principle applies. Unless the
+civilized group in the country is large and powerful enough to run it,
+we cannot expect much better than what we have. With Germany it took two
+World Wars before they got their acts together. And even that was not
+enough, for example I was just yesterday reading about Fisher’s *“Griff
+nach der Weltmacht: Die Kriegzielpolitik des kaiserlichen Deutschland
+1914–1918”* (published in English_ as *“Germany's Aims in the First
+World War”*; I am sure you know about this book from your other podcast)
+and that was published only in 1961 to the complete outrage of the
+German public.
+.. _English:
+I hope and pray that it wouldn’t take a war to get Russia into civilized
+state, but just being nice to them won’t be enough either. And yes, if
+you understand me that I think Mr. Putin is in many aspects similar to
+Mr. Hitler, well I think there are some disturbing parallels. I just
+hope that Russia is much weaker (both economically and technologically),
+that the current balance of power is much stronger, and that perhaps Mr.
+Putin is a little bit more sane.
+Being from the Central Europe I was always thinking about the life in
+the land of Ithilien when the Mordor looms just next door. We now enjoy
+Spring and Beauty when we pushed Sauron back to his Tower, perhaps we
+have managed to take away even some regions of Núrn behind the Ephel
+Dúath, but let us not kid ourselves, the Imperial Evil has not left the
+Barad-dúr yet and being nice to Sauron won’t make him any better, it
+would be just understood as a sign of weakness.
diff --git a/_posts/dave-winer-20-years.rst b/_posts/dave-winer-20-years.rst
new file mode 100644
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+title: Dave Winder, suicide, and twenty years
+date: 2014-10-07T12:00:00
+ - computer
+ - blogging
+Just a reaction to `Dave Winer’s 20 years anniversary`_. Thank you very
+much, Dave, for all you did for me.
+.. _`Dave Winer’s 20 years anniversary`:
diff --git a/_posts/decentralized-like.rst b/_posts/decentralized-like.rst
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/_posts/decentralized-like.rst
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+title: Is there a better decentralized “Like” than
+ - computer
+ - Own cloud
+ - xmpp
+date: 2011-05-31T18:27:28
+So, I was reading through my daily avalanche of blogposts and emails and various links from various sources, and I was thinking about my current obsession: decentralized clouds. And on each webpage I read (for example on [this beautiful article from Slate]( I saw “Like” button. Of course, given it comes from Facebook, “Like” button is [an evil scheme to collect information]( to be sold later. So, the fact I cannot be tempted into pressing it is one of nice consequences (originally unintended) of me not having a Facebook account at all.
+However, looking at those pages today I felt very strongly need for something like “Like” button. Something to say to my friends (however we define them) “Hey, this is a great reading, go and read it! What do you think?”. When thinking about it, I’ve made an inventory of resources I have. Email and plain Jabber are out (it is not cool <abbr title="In My Humble Opinion">IMHO</abbr> to spam everybody in my address book or roster), Facebook (where I don’t even have an account) and Twitter (where [I am present at least read-only]( are too centralized to support them wholeheartedly. So the only thing which remains are decentralized social networks like (mostly [](, [OneSocialWeb](, or [Diaspora]( Unfortunately, from these only looks like having real life so far. Fortunately, it shouldn't matter that much, because if Diaspora and [OneSocialWeb]( (and [GNU/Social](, and [Appleseed](, and …) all follow unified standards (which I am not sure they do) it wouldn’t matter that much which implementation of protocols you use.
+Given this inventory, I am afraid is the only currently available solution with substantial following, so I will concentrate on it. So, I have sent my links and comments to with a bit of comment, and started to think how better could be if it actually expected to be used for like-equivalent functionality. For example, it would be nice to get all links (or only links from today) mentioning some particular URL (after expansion of all shortening URLs, of course) with notices mentioning to collect crowd opinion on it. I guess this is something similar to [Gina Trapani](’s [Think Up]( (few moments later) No, it isn’t. I didn’t mean purely data mining thing.
+Anybody any thoughts in this direction of decentralized “Like”? (of course, it would be also nice to have some tool, perhaps Firefox extension?, to send commented link from the page which I actually read).
+While looking for the resources for this post, I found []( I am not sure whether this is what I want … for example I am not sure whether it shares roster with my account. What I really don’t want is to build my roster again from scratch. I should research what it is about.
diff --git a/_posts/distributed-issue-tracking-2013-07.rst b/_posts/distributed-issue-tracking-2013-07.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58918b7
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+++ b/_posts/distributed-issue-tracking-2013-07.rst
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+title: Current State of the Distributed Issue Tracking
+date: 2010-06-29T21:42:00
+ - computer
+ - Fedora
+ - DVCS
+ - issue tracking
+ - bugs
+While listening to `the old issue of The Git Minutes`_ podcast,
+I was again reminded about the possibility of the distributed
+issue tracking. Albeit I have grown to be persuaded that the
+issue tracking has to have available **web input** (because
+“normals” won’t file bugs via git) and tried to work with normal
+Bugzilla (and found it surprisingly simple), I am still intrigued
+by the idea of the issues data (or metadata?) stored in the
+repository itself and followed with the git branches. Therefore,
+I have decided to write this brief overview of the current state
+(i.e., summer 2013) of the distributed issue trackers (mostly
+limited to those working with git), and to evaluate whether it
+would be possible to use some of them.
+Generally to introduce whole landscape of the distributed issue
+trackers let me present you this very old photograph of the
+landscape after `the Battle of Verdun`_
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+ :alt: Landscape after the battle of Verdun, dead bodies and destruction everywhere
+Unfortunately, this image really well represents the current
+situation of the distributed issue trackers. Most of the projects
+mentioned below are defunct and abandoned even by its original
+.. _`the old issue of The Git Minutes`:
+.. _`the Battle of Verdun`:
+Generally I would say that the thinking in this area ended up in
+one of the two camps:
+* Issue tracking data stored as normal data in repository — data
+ are either stored in file or (more often) in a special
+ directory and versioned like any other data. Such solution is
+ obviously very simple and moreover it could be independent of
+ the particular VCS (which used to be interesting, these
+ day almost everybody switched to git or hg). Moreover some_
+ reviewers were really excited over binding progress on tickets
+ to particular commits, which is obviously a big deal with some
+ organizations (e.g., for QA purposes). The most developed and
+ alive version of this type of distributed issue tracker is
+ `Bugs everywhere`_ which still shows some signs of life and it
+ is IMHO closest to the working program.
+* Issue tracking data stored in a separate git branch — after
+ some time working in the previous model, I got rather unhappy
+ with it and longing for a little bit more centralized model.
+ I have managed to file bugs to incorrect branches and
+ completely loose them, I hated a lot of mess BE did in my
+ commits (because of merging most DIT use plenty of UUIDs and
+ plenty of small files, which then clog all commit messages).
+ And after all, I have decided that issue tracking is something
+ which doesn’t have to bother everybody, but it should be
+ optional. If I want to track issues, I should be able to, and
+ I should be able to share my tickets with others, but if I use
+ DIT for project which has its own upstream tracker (BTW, import
+ and export from/to centralized issue trackers is a problem
+ which not many DIT deal with well if at all), then I shouldn’t
+ bother them with my mess. For this (and certainly other)
+ reasons there is now a class of DITs which store tickets in its
+ own git branch. Obviously such solution is not DVCS independent
+ and hidden writing to the git branch behind the back of the
+ normal code management makes it way more complex to debug, but
+ there are some contenders, the most interesting one being in my
+ opinion gitissius_ .
+.. _some:
+Bugs everywhere
+Seems like alive project (which is rare), the latest commit on master was just
+in the October last year (by me, true ;)). Also, written in Python, which is
+a plus (for me).
+gitissius is another rare example_ of the project which is not completely dead
+yet. Also, I have been working on some improvements_ , but nothing has been
+merged in the upstream yet (perhaps, because it is broken?)
+.. _example:
+.. _improvements:
+`Rubyforge homesite`_, also some bugs are listed on `Launchpad`_, and there is
+(dead) `email list`_
+Python clone ... pitz
+Ditz commander
+There is also `ditz-trac`_ to sync ditz database with Trac. Not working ATM.
+.. _Rubyforge homesite:
+.. _Launchpad:
+.. _email list:
+.. _ditz-trac:
+`Presentation`_ and `code`_
+.. _Presentation:
+ cil/index.html
+.. _code:
+DITrack – Distributed Issue Tracker
+ ... SVN based
+ declares project as dead and suggests
+This is the granddaddy of all issues-in-separate-branch systems.
+I have my own version with an attempt to bring a little bit of sanity to the
+code on but truly, one should use
+gitissius_ instead.
+ and
+Looks like yet another bugs-stored-in-hidden-directory issue tracker. Also, it
+is dead (last commit is four years old).
+, unfortunately the `link to the code`_ gives
+.. _`link to the code`:
+ and
+Not part of any DVCS, distributed only the meaning that it is based on the
+distributed database `Prophet`_. There is a nice `discussion by Lars
+Wirzenius`_ why he believes that’s The Right Thing™ to do, and why bugs
+shouldn’t be stored in the repository itself.
+.. _Prophet:
+.. _discussion by Lars Wirzenius:
+ with-sd/
+ ... Mercurial extension, doesn’t work
+with git.
+Completely dead projects
+`DisTract`_ `Linuxmafia article`_ has this to say about it:
+ We're all now familiar with working with distributed software control
+ systems, such as Monotone, Git, Darcs, Mercurial and others, but bug
+ trackers still seem to be fully stuck in the centralised model: Bugzilla
+ and Trac both have single centralised servers. This is clearly wrong, as if
+ you're able to work on the Train, off the network and still perform local
+ commits of code then surely you should also be able to locally close bugs
+ too.
+ DisTract allows you to manage bugs in a distributed manner through your Web
+ browser. Currently only Firefox is supported. The reason for this is that
+ there is no local server used, and so the Web browser must directly (via
+ Javascript) call programs on your local system. I only know how to do this
+ in Firefox. The distribution is achieved by making use of a distributed
+ software control system, Monotone. Thus Monotone is used to move files
+ across the network, perform merging operations and track the development of
+ every bug. Finally, the glue in the middle that generates the HTML
+ summaries and modifies the bugs is written in Haskell.
+ Other features include the use of Markdown markup syntax for bug
+ descriptions and comments, with live preview via a Javascript
+ implementation of Markdown.
+ Code is Haskell and Javascript. New BSD licence.
+.. _DisTract:
+.. _Linuxmafia article: #linuxmafia
+Other overviews
+Just to acknowledge that there also other reviews of this area:
+* `Distributed Issue Tracking with Git`_
+* `Wikipedia category “Distributed bug tracking systems”`_
+* `LWN article on Distributed bug tracking`_
+* `Distributed Bug Tracking`_ and `Distributed Bug Tracking - Again`_
+* `Distributed issue tracking – the next big thing`_
+* `LinuxMafia take on the issue trackers`_
+* `DVCS and Bug Tracking (mostly about Fossil)`_
+* `dist-bugs`_ and `dist-bugs software overview`_
+* `evan_tech on distributed bug tracking`_
+* `General article on DIT, mainly considering ditz`_
+* `Distributed Bug Tracking`_ (as of April 2012).
+.. _Distributed Issue Tracking with Git:
+.. _Wikipedia category “Distributed bug tracking systems”:
+.. _LWN article on Distributed bug tracking:
+.. _Distributed Bug Tracking - Again:
+.. _Distributed issue tracking – the next big thing:
+.. _LinuxMafia take on the issue trackers:
+.. _DVCS and Bug Tracking (mostly about Fossil):
+.. _dist-bugs:
+.. _dist-bugs software overview:
+.. _evan_tech on distributed bug tracking:
+.. _General article on DIT, mainly considering ditz:
+.. _Distributed Bug Tracking:
+.. vi:wrap:tw=0
diff --git a/_posts/do-whatever.rst b/_posts/do-whatever.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b06fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/do-whatever.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+title: 'Do whatever!'
+ - computer
+ - culture
+ - Own cloud
+ - privacy
+date: 2012-06-12T11:47:33
+(I had this post in draft queue for a long time, but for a moment I
+couldn't get into one of my projects which made me
+panick; it seems to be fixed now, but now when this panic made me to
+finish this post, I will publish it anyway.)
+I know that I am probably too late to the party discovering that Google
+had thrown their original motto down the drain. However, I would still
+like to write down a couple of points on their way which were somehow
+missed by most of bloggers and journalists.
+1. First sign that something is wrong came very soon after Larry Page
+ took over CEO position in Google (I don’t think there is a link,
+ project had to be prepared long time before) was when Google released
+ `Offline Google Mail`_ working only for their Chrome, although it
+ should be possible to create virtually same application using
+ platform-neutral standard HTML5 capabilities. Since then all talks
+ about Open Web and platform independence died, Dart came (and so far
+ fortunately doesn’t seem to make any waves), and almost everything
+ created by Google is if not Chrome-only, then certainly
+ Chrome-first-and-if-it-works-somewhere-else-good-but-we-don’t-care.
+ Not mentioning that I am with Firefox nightly constantly bombarded
+ with ads that I should upgrade to “modern browser”.
+2. Just months after Mr. Page took his throne, `Google codesearch`_ got
+ killed (don’t be mistaken, what’s there now searches only through
+ Android codebase now). I don’t think it cost Google much (after all,
+ if I understand correctly, they still go through all those pages and
+ index them), but it was clear signal, that Google fallen victim to
+ Apple envy and they turned their back on developers and want to be
+ mass-users company for those “normal” people.
+3. Of course, no whining against Google would be complete without
+ mentioning of Google+. From start completely closed and although
+ support for open API has been promised since start, it never
+ materialized (and probably it is not on horizon). Just by its
+ popularity among hackers it finally killed OStatus and
+ (noise of shatters banging in empty accounts is really
+ deafening). There seems to be still some life in Diaspora, but one
+ wonders for how long now, when its users will never come (I am
+ afraid). It isn't about privacy (that's relevant, but something
+ else), but about trust. It seems to me that trust is getting to be
+ really most important currency on the Internet for long-term growth
+ and many (I should probably mention Facebook here, right?) don’t get
+ it. I thought that Google did get it, but lately they seem to loosing
+ tons of trust every action they make. And although trust could be
+ supported by `sharing and giving back`_, in the end deed shout louder
+ than words.
+Friends of the free software used to have a friend in Mountain View. I
+am afraid, that we have lost one friend, and although I believe in
+possibility of repentance even on the dead bad, I honestly not expect
+anything than final turning of Google into AOL. Good luck and hope we’ll
+meet again on the crooked paths of the computer development.
+.. _`Offline Google Mail`:
+.. _`Google codesearch`:
+.. _`sharing and giving back`:
diff --git a/_posts/ecumenism-carl-trueman.rst b/_posts/ecumenism-carl-trueman.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c34a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/ecumenism-carl-trueman.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+title: On Practical Ecumenism; the reply to Carl R. Trueman
+date: 2014-06-05T12:00:00
+ - faith
+ - ecumenism
+ - firstthings
+(reply to `a nice article about ecumenism on The First
+Things <>`__)
+Good article! Thank you. It is really good to think not only about
+general platitudes and ecumenical Kumbaya but about the real life impact
+of our hope for unity.
+I think what’s crucial is to disentangle couple of things which got
+meshed together in the last couple of thousand years. First of all, my
+personal pet peeve, “Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is
+necessary that he hold  the catholic faith. Which faith except every one
+do keep whole and undefiled; without doubt he shall perish
+everlastingly.” It seems to me that this implies that a right Christian
+is the one who rationally agrees with some particular articles of faith.
+Without ANY article missing, which leads us to the crazy scenes, where
+my beloved compatriots Hussites are declared pagans because they require
+(under the penalty of damnation!) that every Christian accepts both body
+and blood of Jesus in the Lord’s Supper, because of course the other
+party claimed that (under the penalty of damnation!) every Christian
+must agree with whatever The Council of Constance agreed upon.
+And because this obviously didn’t lead to anything good, but because we
+still keep this faith being an intellectual assent with the articles of
+faith, we started to limit the articles which really matters. And so
+we’ve got to your “Nicene/Chalcedonian church” and feeling I have from
+your article that whichever Nicene/Chalcedonian church should be equal
+to other.
+And of course when I don't ascribe to the intellectual assent as the
+foundation of the Christian unity, I even less accept the idea of
+institutional unity as required (which BTW is a complete myth in my
+opinion … since St. Paul’s times there have never been completely
+institutionally unified Church and that is The Good Thing).
+I don’t think it leads anywhere. I think we have to really accept the
+idea that faith is something else than just an intellectual assent
+(what? that's a good question for which I don’t have well articulated
+answer), and that we can accept each other as a Christian (and for
+example accept from each other The Lord’s Supper as a visible sign of
+the Unity of this faith) even though we disagree on some matters which
+are really really important to us (Marian devotion, trust to the Roman
+bishop, or from the other side freedom of conscience and plurality of
+thought, equality of sexes, yes, even the unity of opinion).
+That’s the one thing (inclusivity in diversity), but than from the other
+side I don’t think any Christian Church is a good substitute for the
+other one. Let me say an example from my life. I am a Czech Protestant
+with a strong tradition of intellectualism and high culture, but also
+with inclinations for the Charismatic movement. Then I’ve got to live
+for two semesters in San Francisco. Before the first Sunday in town I
+have opened my Yellow Pages on the Church section and I was looking for
+the church to attend to in the morning. I found all kinds of
+denominations and of course I found that even two different
+congregations from one denomination are not the same (all-white
+intellectual Baptist church on the one side of the city and really wild
+super-excited Black Baptist Church on the other one). I had to admit
+that although I agree with theological propositions of almost all
+congregations I've attended to (I guess, I haven't checked that
+thoroughly) there were some congregations which were just clearly not
+working for me well, For example that Black Baptist church was just too
+loud for me (I couldn't even understand the sermon so my opinions about
+their theology are rather limited). In the end we stayed in a nice
+Presbyterian church (St. John on the Lake Street) not far from my school
+(yes, even that was the factor, that other Baptist church was awesome,
+but too far from my school and I didn’t have a car) and we’ve found
+there awesome friends.
+My point is that even though there could be a nice Orthodox (or in
+Czechia more likely Roman-Catholic) church down the road, and although I
+fully support that they are fully Christians, it doesn't mean that my
+Prague Christian Fellowship should shut down.
diff --git a/_posts/extremist-view-on-fascism.rst b/_posts/extremist-view-on-fascism.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e772392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/extremist-view-on-fascism.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+title: Couple of extremist notes on fascism
+ - faith
+ - politics
+date: "2013-11-21 22:58:11"
+(On `Dan Carlin’s`_ discussion board somebody asked about fascism. After
+he got reference to some basic texts and Wikipedia, I felt compelled to
+write down couple of thoughts which have been busy in my mind for the
+last couple of months.)
+.. _`Dan Carlin’s`:
+In the mainstream history (and literature) fascism (and Nazism) is
+considered to be a right-wing movement. However, there is not
+insignificant number of libertarian (non-extremist) thinkers who
+consider both of these to be leftist extremist movements. After all,
+NSDAP stood for “National Socialist Workers Party of Deutschland” and
+Mussolini is on record that his socialism will end with the last breath
+of his life (although his socialism was certainly mixed with
+ultra-nationalism and was anti-Marxist).
+Another variant of this thinking is linking Franklin Delano Roosvelt's
+New Deal as (perhaps a little less virulent) `form of fascism`_ (NOT of
+Nazism or Stalinism, which both have its own terrible additions to
+Mussolini's philosophy, also see this `definition in a dictionary`_).
+See for example these two_ blogposts_ (just first two pages of the web
+search for “franklin delano roosevelt diary fascism”). Also see the
+Wikipedia page on `Criticism of Franklin D. Roosevelt`_.
+.. _`form of fascism`:
+.. _`definition in a dictionary`:
+.. _two:
+.. _blogposts:
+.. _`Criticism of Franklin D. Roosevelt`:
+Of course, the problem is that history is written by the winners, and of
+course these winners tried to put themselves as far as possible from the
+defeated. However, if we broaden the definition of fascism to the
+extreme, than the idea that “interest of nation/class/community is
+always superior to the interest of individual” (shared by all three
+dictatorships and unfortunately also FDR) is something which is
+unpleasantly dominant in all our current political thinking of almost
+all ideological variants. Just a food of thought.
+I have to emphasize that I cannot say that I would stand firmly behind
+such opinions. It seems a bit too extreme. However, I have for long time
+suspected that FDR is less than the saint most of friends from Boston
+believed (I am especially unhappy with his government being very clear
+moment when the United States left traditions of federalism, strict
+constitutionalism, constitutional amendments). Certainly, it is a good
+food for thoughts.
diff --git a/_posts/few-thoughts-on-gnome-3.rst b/_posts/few-thoughts-on-gnome-3.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..208b1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/few-thoughts-on-gnome-3.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+title: Few thoughts on Gnome 3
+ - computer
+date: 2011-03-14T11:00:00
+While reading articles like `Jon’s`_ or `the Nicu’s one`_ (actually,
+`this one`_ is really funny, although IMHO wrong) I have couple of
+thoughts I would like to write down:
+1. Yes, the user interface will be VERY different. Deal with it! Take
+ `this book`_ (find it in the library or in a second hand bookstore)
+ as your good night companion. If you need a professional help, Fedora
+ won’t cover it though.
+2. Yes, given that all Gnome developers will most likely just struggle
+ with crashes and similar lovely stuff until GA, I don’t expect much
+ change in UI, and yes it will be probably kind of “1.0” (hopefully,
+ we’ll do better than KDE 4.0, but who knows?). Deal with it! Yes, I
+ have some pet peeves as well, but I won’t mention them here on
+ purpose.
+3. Yes, there will probably some people who will leave for
+ XFCE/LXDE/twm/Fluxbox or other distros which are not changing in
+ their user interface this release cycle (Debian, Arch, Gentoo?).
+4. No, I am afraid, in the end, it is not possible to do fundamental
+ changes in an user interface in more gentle way.
+5. No, I don’t think the current Gnome2 user interface is the Holy Grail
+ of user interfaces, and I would expect that other DE now holding
+ against the change, will either change in next few years as well
+ (with similar bumpy road on start), or they will become irrelevant
+ (which is not the worst thing to happen … I don’t see Google and
+ Microsoft exactly to fight over Fluxbox, but I know about many happy
+ Fluxbox users).
+.. _`Jon’s`:
+.. _`the Nicu’s one`:
+.. _`this one`:
+.. _`this book`:
diff --git a/_posts/fifth-sentence-meme.rst b/_posts/fifth-sentence-meme.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b5274a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/fifth-sentence-meme.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+title: Fifth sentence meme
+ - computer
+date: 2012-02-05T01:18:46
+This is **very** retro, but I like the idea. From `Norman Walsh’s
+ > “Grab the nearest book, open it to page 23, find the 5th sentence,
+ > and post its text along with these instructions. Point back to where
+ > you got the idea so that we can follow the threads.”
+So, I did and funny things, the nearest book was Bible (honestly!). So,
+it is “Připravil jim hostinu, dal napéci nekvašené chleby a pojedli.”
+For those who don’t understand my beautiful native language, it is
+Genesis 19:3, which is in NASB translation: “[…] he prepared a feast for
+them, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.” Nice text, thinking
+about it. I am getting hungry.
+.. _`Norman Walsh’s blog`:
diff --git a/_posts/firefox-os-phone-first-observations.rst b/_posts/firefox-os-phone-first-observations.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c31fea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/firefox-os-phone-first-observations.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+title: Firefox OS phone ... first observations
+ - computer
+ - firefoxOS
+date: 2013-05-24T15:26:02
+Yes, even I’ve got my Geeksphone Peak, and yes I like it. I am sure,
+that I have collectible item in my hands … it will be either that
+historical model which changed the world to the open standards on
+mobile, or maybe it will be in one of those `“10 biggest flops”`_
+articles (yes, I would love to have Lisa!). I am not sure about this
+mass success, but I feel like I may eventually like it for myself (which
+is actually all I care for; after all, I am a happy user of Linux). The
+first news is very good news: it works perfectly as a phone, which means
+I use it as my day to day phone (well, music player doesn't switch off
+on picking up the phone). Also, camera Just Works™, it is possible even
+lightly edit the image on the phone (a feat which the standard Android
+camera was not able to accomplish, BTW). Now the problematic parts.
+Calendar just doesn't work for me. It works with CalDAV on Firefox OS
+Simulator 3.0, but not `with my phone`_. Sad but expected (I don’t know
+why Calendars get so bad treatment by most software providers, not
+mentioning missing Tasks). Also, originally, Mail `didn’t work for me`_,
+but I was able to get it working more or less with some later images
+from Geeksphone (still from time to time the app doesn't load the body
+of the mail ever). Which leads to another problem: there are no OTA
+updates yet. I am willing to use Debian/unstable or Fedora/Rawhide, but
+I really need to be sure, that all those bugs which I hit will be soon
+fixed and delivered to me. Getting developing-quality with no updates,
+is really a bad experience for the user, I would say. In the end I at
+least found `the latest images from Geeksphone`_, but that still has
+only 1.0.1 version, although there are rumours of 1.1 already existing
+on the Mozilla servers. Other bad experience is that fonts are tiny,
+almost unreadable, and I haven’t a way (even a one which would include
+adb or something similarly drastic) to work around it.
+The worst and the best part of the phone is the situation with Contacts.
+Out of the box, FF OS imports just from SIM card (who still uses
+contacts there?) and from Facebook (I don’t have an account, and even if
+I had I would never ever store my main address book there). That was
+pretty bad, as I really didn't look forward typing of couple hundred
+contacts I had on pretty crappy keyboard (with unreadably small
+characters). So, my programmer’s pride raised its head, and I have wrote
+`Javascript LDIF parser`_ and with that I was able to write `a simple
+(and ugly) single-webapp for importing a LDIF file to the system address
+book`_. While doing that I have found that there is already `Importer
+from GMail Contacts`_. I don’t use GMail, so it wasn’t useful for me as
+such, but eventually I hope to merge my code into this app, because it
+has much better user interface.
+Generally I am enjoying the ride so far, and I am looking to the time
+where I could get my fix of nightlies everyday.
+.. _`“10 biggest flops”`:
+.. _`with my phone`:
+.. _`didn’t work for me`:
+.. _`the latest images from Geeksphone`:
+.. _`Javascript LDIF parser`:
+.. _`a simple (and ugly) single-webapp for importing a LDIF file to the system address book`:
+.. _`Importer from GMail Contacts`:
diff --git a/_posts/firefox-os-phone-second-observations.rst b/_posts/firefox-os-phone-second-observations.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bbe191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/firefox-os-phone-second-observations.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+title: Firefox OS phone … second observations
+ - computer
+ - firefoxOS
+date: 2013-06-07T12:10:02
+Just a brief update on `my previous post about Firefox OS phone`_.
+Geeksphone started to deliver updates_. For a brief moment I had both
+working EMail (via IMAP/SMTPs) and Calendar (via CalDAV), but with the
+latest update `CalDAV got broken again`_ and `I am not sure about the
+status of GPS`_. So, the situation gets better, but it is not good yet.
+.. _`my previous post about Firefox OS phone`:
+.. _updates:
+.. _`CalDAV got broken again`:
+.. _`I am not sure about the status of GPS`:
diff --git a/_posts/first-comparison-between-nexus-s-and-n900.rst b/_posts/first-comparison-between-nexus-s-and-n900.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21f00e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/first-comparison-between-nexus-s-and-n900.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+title: My first hand-on comparison between Nexus S and N900
+ - android
+ - computer
+date: 2011-09-29T18:12:08
+I was for a year more or less happy owner of the Nokia N900. Then a week
+or more ago, it suddenly stopped charging the phone. One day it was
+running on battery although the cable was plugged in and in the evening
+it just went down because the battery was completely depleted. I took
+the phone to the shop only to find out that they will ask me over 1800
+CZK (over $100) for the repair.
+In this situation I started to think. I had some complaints about N900
+already and I started to think about jumping the boat anyway. The
+biggest one being that the hardware was apparently not powerful enough
+to run applications I wanted to run. 256MB is just not enough for Python
+applications (e.g., an excellent gpodder which I sorely miss now) not
+mentioning Firefox (which is for many reasons *condition sine qua non*
+for me). When I run these two together, whole machine changed into
+something unbelievable. Of course, I was also worried about the future
+of the platform, now when the mission of Nokia is to sacrifice itself on
+the altar of saving Microsoft phone OS (or whole Microsoft?).
+So, I have asked my contact person with my phone carrier and I was
+offered subsidised Samsung Nexus S for around 4,000 CZK ($225). I have
+agreed and week later I got it by mail. The first impression was great …
+comparing to the N900’s brick-like design (and weight ;)), I got a slim
+gorgeous curved beauty. Given my FLOSS fascism I was decided to put
+CyanogenMod on it asap, which I managed to do in less than an hour or
+two. Which given I had absolutely no knowledge about unlocking, rooting
+etc. of phones (a witty remark about honest phones having nothing to
+hide to be inserted here), and some troubles between udev and USB cable
+seems like pretty decent time to me.
+Whole phone and Android seem comparing with N900 like a finished
+end-user product, comparing to sometimes hairy and hackish N900. There
+are no obvious gaps in the basic applications (who in the world thought
+that the Maemo calendar is supposed to be taken seriously?) and I was
+nicely surprised that the lock-in to Google Apps could be avoided and
+connecting to my own server (Zarafa 7.0.1 via Activesync) was completely
+painless (switching to open protocols, i.e., IMAP, CalDAV, and CardDAV,
+to be resolved later, but currently I have a working setup).
+Also, Firefox on my phone works quite well and I can happily use it as
+my default browser (so far, I am on Aurora, and contemplating switch to
+So, that's a good part. Now for the bad. It is like going through the
+beautiful meadows and from time to time fall into deep whole with mud
+and other junk. I heard in the past couple of years many complaints
+about Pulseaudio. Well, I have to say there are worse things than
+Pulseaudio. For example, not having Pulseaudio at all, which is the case
+with Android. So, suddenly instead of the integrated experience, I had
+to learn about HFP and HSP, A2DP and similar magic (and see bugs like
+`this one`_, or `another one`_; I am encouraged that these are most
+likely duplicates, because apparently bug triage at the Android issue
+tracker is even worse than in the Red Hat bugzilla ;)). So, now I have
+to battle with silly applications like BTmono_ while with N900 whole
+listening over BT headset Just Worked™ (needless to say, that free
+BTmono is just a crippleware made to induce users to buy a better one;
+those things didn’t happen with my Maemo repos either). And even BTmono
+doesn’t work correctly, so when I listen to the podcast, I cannot
+Second thing where N900 is clearly better than Android is the core
+function of the phone. Telepathy just rocks. Apparently Gingerbread made
+a breakthrough and it integrates at least a SIP client, however,
+surprisingly Google’s phone doesn’t include native support for Jingle
+over GTalk. I won’t mention for friends of free software native support
+for Skype at N900. Whenever I heard on some TWiT podcast how they
+discussed whether it would be possible to add Skype application to
+iPhone/Android/something I was amused because of course it was always
+included and well integrated in my previous phone (it is just a bit in
+the Maemo’s Addressbook which decides which protocol is used). The same
+goes for instant messages, and after a year of using N900 you will have
+a hard time to explain me why in the world I should I care about the
+difference between ICQ messages, IRC, Jabber, or even SMS message.
+The third sad story are FLOSS programs for Android. I thought that given
+the huge number of users and developers working on Android the situation
+should be same or better as on almost abandoned (or actually completely
+abandoned) Maemo. And yet, it is not so. Relation between free software
+and Android seems to me like a hopeless effort to reinvent the wheel.
+Software repositories, packaging community, isue trackers are in the
+Linux world all invented, working, and boring. I am not sure if I found
+everything but it seems to me that the biggest free Android repository
+f-droid_ is just a Wordpress blog. Feels embarrassing. There is no
+community of package managers, no issue tracker, nothing. I guess
+backtraces from the apps also go to nowhere, right?
+Moreover, I have a deep suspicion about the quality of FLOSS apps for
+Android. The second most important activity for me to do with my phone
+(or even the most important one, measured by the time I spend with it)
+is listening to podcasts. I know there are some paid-for apps which are
+probably pretty good, there is Google Listen (which is non-free and even
+more binding to the advertising agency, aka AA, ecosystem) which seems
+to work pretty well, and there are … as far as I was able to find so far
+two FLOSS apps (I don’t count `PonyExpress`_, because AFAIK it is just
+one-producer tool; LazyWeb, can you suggest me other application?):
+`SwallowCatcher`_ and `Car Cast`_. Testing of the second one was fast …
+podcatcher which doesn’t support import of OPML file with my current
+podcasts is out. So, now I have SwallowCatcher and I hate every moment I
+have to deal with it. I have to be fair, this is quite obviously
+pre-alpha release thing, so I shouldn’t be too harsh on its author, but
+given it is the only app I found, it makes me really sad. Is it just
+problem of the underlying libraries or the author’s problem it is not
+able to restart interrupted download? Combined with the fact that
+exactly during the download the app crashes constantly (so I have to try
+download of one show three times on average)? And yes, my wi-fi
+connection is quite crappy on my home network, but that’t probably just
+because Nokia can do much better hardware than Samsung, which was
+expected, and I won’t hold it against Android.
+I understand that multitasking on Android is
+broken\ :sup:`H`\ H\ :sup:`H`\ Hlimited, but playing of the long podcast
+just to happen in background. When I send SwallowCatcher to background
+(by pressing Home key) playback stops. Fortunately it stores the
+downloaded files so that Google’s Music is able to find them, and that
+works correctly, but I shouldn’t have to do it manually (e.g., gpodder
+just doesn’t pretend and uses a system music player for the actual
+Talking about an embarrassment, this post is way too long and I should
+stop it, and it structure is awful. Oh well. I will rather send it out
+now and not keep it in the Drafts folder anymore.
+.. _`this one`:
+.. _`another one`:
+.. _BTmono:
+.. _f-droid:
+.. _PonyExpress:
+.. _SwallowCatcher:
+.. _Car Cast:
diff --git a/_posts/first-steps-towards-support-for-bugzilla-gnome-org.rst b/_posts/first-steps-towards-support-for-bugzilla-gnome-org.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae5e27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/first-steps-towards-support-for-bugzilla-gnome-org.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+title: First steps towards support for
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: 2010-08-06T07:19:00
+After return from Guadec_ I was greatly encouraged by the interest
+I've met there. I thought on the spot about making a specific child
+object for Gnome bugzilla (similar to MozillaBugzilla), which would
+liquidate unnecessary buttons from bugzilla. However, another request
+I've got was from Luis_ and he asked me to get an ability to eliminate
+unnecessary buttons so he can use bugzilla for his MoFo legal work
+(which is an interesting idea in itself ;)).
+In the end I have decided that it would be actually easy to keep all
+business logic still in JSON file (and not having some
+``if (this.hostname === "")`` hardwired in the code).
+So with the current (`git`_, unreleased) version you can add this bit of
+code into configData of your JSON file::
+ "killNodes": {
+      "": [
+           "stocklinks", true
+       ]
+ },
+and the script will kill element with id ``'stocklinks'`` upon the
+startup. For Luis, instead of one string, it could be an array with more
+IDs. So this is the current look of in my Firefox
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+However, while testing the script I found that bgo is still very heavily
+modified (although apparently not `an obsolete one anymore`_) and my
+script breaks somewhere. I have fixed one inconsistency (apparently,
+``'mailto:'`` is not good enough for their email addresses ;)), but
+there is still something which breaks generation of new buttons. I'll
+work on it when I can.
+.. _Guadec:
+.. _Luis:
+.. _git:
+ git://
+.. _`an obsolete one anymore`:
diff --git a/_posts/fixed-bugzilla-mozilla-org-compatibility-problems.rst b/_posts/fixed-bugzilla-mozilla-org-compatibility-problems.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cbf7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/fixed-bugzilla-mozilla-org-compatibility-problems.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+title: Fixed compatibility problems
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: 2010-07-21T14:12:00
+My `GUADEC presentation`_ is getting nearer and nearer which makes me
+push commits in the even higher frequency. Yesterday I have finally
+fixed compatibility issues with and created
+`default JSON for Mozilla bug triagers`_, which is just a port of the
+original `Philip’s one`_.
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+In other news, I have created mirror of my official
+repo on GitHub_. Pull requests and any other means of providing
+patches are of course very welcome! (Sorry, I don't have a dovecote, so
+I am not `RFC 1149`_ compatible).
+In yet another news, does anybody have any idea, how to make `an addon
+on AMO`_ reviewed? Oh well :(.
+.. _`GUADEC presentation`:
+.. _`default JSON for Mozilla bug triagers`:
+.. _`Philip’s one`:
+.. _GitHub:
+.. _`RFC 1149`:
+.. _`an addon on AMO`:
diff --git a/_posts/gnome-3-0-is-out-whoopee.rst b/_posts/gnome-3-0-is-out-whoopee.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2be5c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/gnome-3-0-is-out-whoopee.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+title: 'Gnome 3.0 is out! Whoopee!'
+ - computer
+date: "2011-04-07 00:51:23"
+(except it has been part of Fedora 15 for some time already). It is
+crazy, it is radically new, and I like it more than I expected. Try it!
+.. image::ímek-obrazovky.png
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:ímek-obrazovky.png
+ :alt: Gnome 3.0 in reality
diff --git a/_posts/gnome-3-and-key-shortcuts.rst b/_posts/gnome-3-and-key-shortcuts.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a7fdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/gnome-3-and-key-shortcuts.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+title: Gnome 3 and key shortcuts
+ - computer
+date: "2011-05-15 21:02:50"
+One of the things which surprised me very much when using Gnome-shell on
+regular basis (which I have been doing with interruptions for more than
+the last year) is how pleasant experience is to use Gnome-shell for
+rodent haters. As I am used to the trend that software tends to move
+from useful to shiny and “cool” (the last word is meant to be an
+offense), I was surprised to find out that I actually use the rodent
+less than I used to with Gnome 2 and Metacity.
+Of course, Gnome-shell in Fedora 15 is `version 1.0`_
+so there are some obvious bugs present. For one, I haven’t found a way
+how to do assignment of a custom key shortcut to a menu item (in Gnome 2
+you would just print the short cut with the menu item selected) |Which
+'Z' wins?| Well, for second, what will happen when I press Alt+Z now? :)
+.. _`version 1.0`:
+ /blog/2011/03/few-thoughts-on-gnome-3/
+.. |Which 'Z' wins?| image::
+ :target:
diff --git a/_posts/good-bye-to-tt-rss-rss2email-i-am-coming-back.rst b/_posts/good-bye-to-tt-rss-rss2email-i-am-coming-back.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5bf23c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/good-bye-to-tt-rss-rss2email-i-am-coming-back.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+title: 'Good bye tt-rss, rss2email I am coming back!'
+ - atompub
+ - computer
+ - OwnCloud
+date: "2011-09-27 12:44:52"
+Fixed connectivity-problems (no more endless waiting with spinning
+While getting used to my new Android phone (which will be subject of
+another post(s)) I have found in the `f-droid repository`_ application
+`Tiny Tiny RSS Reader`_, which is a reader application for `Tiny Tiny
+RSS Reader <>`__, a RSS reader as webapp (aka
+„personal Google Reader”). I have been suddenly attacked by my periodic
+feelings of shame for still using (and preferring) good old email to all
+those current hip, web 2.\* AJAX webapps. So, I have installed the
+program on my server, added the following to my fcontexts for SELinux,
+started ``update-daemon`` and run it.::
+ /var/www/tt-rss/.*\.php? all files \
+ system_u:object_r:httpd_user_script_exec_t:s0
+Whole the app worked more or less as advertised, but I have in the end
+switched back to my old crusty ``rss2email``. Here are the reasons:
+- First of all that Android didn’t work in the end. Changelog for 1.08
+ says it “Fixed connectivity-problems (no more endless waiting with
+ spinning activity-wheel)”, but that’s exactly how it looked with 1.08
+ for me. I wasn’t able to find any help neither on fora, nor on IRC,
+ so no phone app for me. On the other hand, email works just fine on
+ the Android, so off-line access to my posts is already available.
+- I finally admitted that Simple HTML in Thunderbird of
+ ``rss2email``\ messages (with HTML on in ``rss2email``) is the best
+ reading experience out there. I really don’t like all those web apps
+ which try to cram all user interface into the webpage, so for reading
+ there is only tiny rectangle in the middle with tiny characters.
+- Web interface itself wouldn’t be the problem, but tt-rss contains
+ also ``update-daemon`` which is written in PHP and runs constantly.
+ It took more CPU and RAM than any of MySQL, apache, zarafa, or
+ postfix. Just say NO to PHP daemons (or any scripting language
+ daemons for that matter; jury is still out on Java daemons, but
+ suspicion remains). I am glad to be back, and sorry ``rss2email``
+ that I have doubt you.
+.. _f-droid repository:
+.. _Tiny Tiny RSS Reader:
diff --git a/_posts/happy-new-year-sword.rst b/_posts/happy-new-year-sword.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..452b7eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/happy-new-year-sword.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+title: Happy New Year!
+date: 2014-01-01T21:54:54
+ - Fedora
+What true hackers do on the New Year Eve? Of course, they hack! And
+apparently `Stephan Tetzels`_ is the one. During the festivities he
+achieved something which I frankly haven’t believed be possible just few
+months ago: he allowed me to create this screenshot of my `Firefox OS`_
+phone (that’s the beginning of Luke 2, for improved effect in the Czech
+translation from the 16th century)
+.. image::
+ :scale: 50%
+ :align: center
+ :alt: BibleZ showing Luke 2 on a FxOS phone
+.. _`Stephan Tetzels`:
+.. _`Firefox OS`:
+Thank you very much and happy new year everybody!
diff --git a/_posts/hello-wordpress.rst b/_posts/hello-wordpress.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c73e85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/hello-wordpress.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+title: 'Hello, Wordpress'
+ - atompub
+ - computer
+date: "2011-04-01 23:39:37"
+I had always a problem with Wordpress. On the one hand it is the right
+tool to use (comparing to my previous use of blogger, quite certainly
+better), but some things were just hard to swallow. I dream about using
+AtomPub for my posting, but then I hit `this bug`_ and it suddenly is
+not possible to post HTML to Wordpress without having it molested to
+awful mess (see also `this post`_ which seems to vent a similar
+.. _`this bug`:
+.. _`this post`:
+Today I have decided that I am either part of the problem or part of the
+solution, and it is hard to deal with this issue, if I am not using it
+(see also `other post`_ about my troubles with Atompub). So, my home
+server is now (among other things) running Wordpress.
+.. _`other post`:
+ /blog/2010/09/atompub-depression/
+I have still some problems and SELinux is not happy (something about
+symlinks and MySQL), but generally it works and when I switched off
+Visual Editor and allowed Raw HTML, it seems like a workable solution.
diff --git a/_posts/i-have-just-closed-my-linkedin-account-did-you.rst b/_posts/i-have-just-closed-my-linkedin-account-did-you.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6837fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/i-have-just-closed-my-linkedin-account-did-you.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+title: I have just closed my LinkedIn account. Did you?
+ - computer
+ - Own cloud
+ - privacy
+date: 2012-06-07T08:14:20
+When joining Red Hat I felt suddenly so professional that I have finally
+opened my LinkedIn account. Since then I wondered why I did so and
+whether there are any benefits of having been constantly spammed with
+various spew LinkedIn decided to throw in my direction. With every email
+and every other drop in the endless (but small, I admit) annoyance my
+tendency to delete the account grew. Finally `Stephen’s blogpost`_
+reminded that now is really time `to do so`_. So I did.
+.. _`Stephen’s blogpost`:
+.. _`to do so`:
diff --git a/_posts/i-will-say-just-one-very-crazy-thing.rst b/_posts/i-will-say-just-one-very-crazy-thing.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..244dd2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/i-will-say-just-one-very-crazy-thing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: I will say just one very crazy thing ...
+ - computer
+date: "2010-12-16 14:07:00"
+Looking at `Time's Person of the Year 2010`_ polls, I think I can see it
+as clearly as the sun: **In two years Facebook will be as dead as AOL is
+now**. Just sayin’, and so that this is recorded for posterity.
+.. _`Time's Person of the Year 2010`:
diff --git a/_posts/in_defense_of_kasper.rst b/_posts/in_defense_of_kasper.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c301f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/in_defense_of_kasper.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+title: In defense of Cardinal Kasper and liberal democracy
+ - faith
+ - politics
+date: 2015-06-18T07:39:00
+(comment on the blogpost_ on The First Things)
+.. _blogpost:
+I think problem of yours (and the author of the article, how much I look
+up to him otherwise) is that you don't distinguish between the role of
+the state and morality. I don’t believe, that purpose of the state and
+law is to uphold morality. If we follow this path we can get somewhere
+near the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of
+Vice (or the Christian variant thereof, and we had plenty of them in our
+According to the New Testament it seems to me that the role of the state
+is “that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in
+every way” (1Ti 2:2). Not that they would make us to live godly life,
+but provide peace and protection so that we MAY live such life.
+The ways how to organize government so that it would serve this purpose
+are many, some of them work better, some of them work worse, but
+currently the prevalent opinion at least in the West is that the plural
+democratic style of the government serves this purpose best. In
+democracy we agreed that what majority decides will be law (with some
+caveats like protection of minority against tyranny of majority,
+protection of the elementary human rights, etc.). It has two advantages:
+first, the democracy is based on the idea that by that process we get
+generally good laws (or at least not much worse than what the other
+systems, like aristocracy or tyranny). The second idea (and here we get
+back to the assumed purpose of the government) is that by this process
+we promote general peace and consensus, because the majority of
+population is satisfied with results and the rest at least has tendency
+to believe that laws were created in the just way, even though they
+don't agree with the results.
+Notice, that this has absolutely nothing to do with the absolute moral
+values. Of course, each citizen involves their own moral values when
+voting or doing other acts proper for the process of democracy, but
+nobody even pretends that the resulting laws and governing are in total
+expression of the moral values of any particular group. Expectation of
+the laws expressing absolute moral values therefore lead just to
+Of course, this system could lead to hugely immoral results, or what is
+even worse could lead to its own demise. Everybody knows that Nazis were
+elected in more or less free elections in 1933, and in the same manner
+in my own country, then Czechoslovakia, Communists were voted to power
+in 1946 (and in 1948, their coup d'état was a way how to avoid loosing
+that power in the upcoming elections). Yes, the system is not perfect
+but (to follow the Churchill’s maxim) it is just better than any other
+systems of government we know about and more persistently than others
+leads to the peaceful and secure environment 1Ti 2:2 talks about.
+In short I believe that Cardinal Kasper’s opinion in based on this
+understanding of the liberal democracy and the author is one of the many
+people frustrated by his expectations that government should promote
+virtues and decimate vices, as he understand them.
diff --git a/_posts/jetpack-which-turned-into-a-medium-range-missile.rst b/_posts/jetpack-which-turned-into-a-medium-range-missile.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb031ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/jetpack-which-turned-into-a-medium-range-missile.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+title: Jetpack which turned into a medium range missile
+ - bugTriage
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: 2010-01-13T08:24:00
+While reading `the story`_ about b.m.o jetpack, I decided that the time
+has come to reveal to the wider world existence of `the jetpack`_
+(originally a `Greasemonkey script`_), which is being used by the
+`Fedora BugZappers`_ (aka voluntary bug triagers). Let me show you first
+how Red Hat Bugzilla looks without any additional tweaking (this is the
+look a Bug Zapper see, both normal user and a Red Hat employee have page
+quite different; click the thumbnail for the full-size screenshot). This
+is the top of the page (forgive momentarily indisposition of some parts
+of the layout, we are in the process of upgrading to bugzilla 3.4 and
+there are apparently some small issues with layout):
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+and this is the middle part of the page:
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+When writing these scripts (first Greasemonkey and now Jetpack) I was
+not that much concerned about displaying the data about the bug
+(although there are some visual effects available as well, about which
+later), but making it more simple to change it as fast as possible.
+Therefore, the main bulk of my work was adding a lot of buttons
+everywhere which would add prefiled comments and change the state of the
+bug accordingly. Let me show you how the top of the page looks like:
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+There are not that many changes in the top of the page. The
+most visible one is changed background of whole page. One problem I had
+when dealing with tens (or sometimes hundreds) of bugs a day was a need
+to be conscious of what kind of reporter I am speaking to. Of course,
+one should use different tone and expect different level of knowledge
+from reporter of bug for Fedora Rawhide (a development version of
+Fedora, very bleeding-edge, sometimes with a stress on the word
+“bleeding” ;)) and from another reporter who has an issue with Red Hat
+Enterprise Linux communicating with us through our main support system.
+Different colors for different products (this green is for Rawhide) give
+me right subconscious feeling of what I should expect and what I could
+require from the reporter. Another interesting change is a button “Def.
+Assignee” next to the “Assigned To” text box. When the jetpack is
+loaded on the startup of the browser, it also loads a JSON file with
+a lot of configuration both local to the Red Hat bugzilla instance and
+specific to the particular bug triager (it is possible to change via
+tiny link “BugZap config” URL from which the JSON file is downloaded, so
+everybody can make her own settings and even buttons specific to the
+particular component she deals with; `one JSON file`_ is used as
+default). One of the things which are in the JSON is an object like this
+(in reality it is much larger)::
+ "defaultAssignee": [
+ {
+ "regexp": "xorg-x11-(server.*|drv-vesa|drv-mga)",
+ "addr": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "regexp": "xorg-x11-drv-(nv|nouveau)",
+ "addr": ""
+ }
+ ],
+and then I have in the script this function:::
+ filterByRegexp = function(list, chosingMark) {
+ var chosenPair = [];
+ if (list.length &gt; 0) {
+ chosenPair = list.filter (
+ function (pair) {
+ return new RegExp(pair.regexp, "i").test(chosingMark);
+ });
+ }
+ if (chosenPair.length &gt; 0) {
+ return chosenPair[0].addr.trim();
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+ };
+With this function I am then able to simply set default assignee of the
+bug with:::
+ this.changeOwner(filterByRegexp(defAssigneeList, this.component).
+ toLowerCase());
+I had created ``filterByRegexp`` construct just as a quick hack for
+picking the default assignee, but I disovered later that this is
+actually dictionary indexed by regular expression and that it is quite
+useful function to have. Let’s go to the middle of the page where I can
+explain the idea of generality of the script:
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+The most visible change here are many additional buttons we have here.
+Interesting thing about them is that two lines of buttons, one above and
+one below the comment box (from “X logs” to “flashCrash” and from
+“NEEDINFO” to “Retest”) are actually generated based on the JSON file,
+so every user can have her set of buttons (surprisingly, not everybody
+needs ``/var/log/Xorg.0.log``). The idea behind most of the business
+logic (so to say) pushed to configuration file was not only to make
+script configurable for individual users, but I hoped that I could make
+the script also independent of the quirks of the Red Hat bugzilla
+instance so that the same code could be used by other bugzillas. I am
+afraid I have failed in this respect, and there are many instances of
+redhatisms in my code. However, the basic infrastructure is there, so it
+should be possible to debug the script to be truly independent. The two
+buttons just below the “Additional comments” label are hard-wired to the
+script (although they can be switched on and off in the JSON file and
+they’re off per default). “Query for string” takes content of the
+clipboard and opens in the next tab a query for this text in the
+comments, summary, or content of attachments. I found this button to be
+a perfect tool for discovering duplicates. The second button “Send
+upstream” collects data from the bug (summary and text of all comments)
+and opens in the next tab entry page of the upstream bugzilla (currently
+tested only with MoFo bugzilla) and populates its fields with data
+collected from the Fedora bug. Of course, new upstream bug needs a lot
+of editing to be nice new bug, but it saves a lot of work, and it shows
+how Jetpack scripts are capable of a lot of very useful activity. The
+last thing shown on our image is that the comment 10 has a light yellow
+background. I found it quite useful to be able to easily recognize which
+comments on the bug are from the original reporter, and which are from
+developers or from random people commenting on the bug. For example, it
+happened to me couple of times, that somebody random commented that the
+bug has been fixed, and when I happily closed the bug as resolved, the
+real reporter came with venegance on me. By having yellow background (or
+rather by not-having it), I can clearly see how significant is any
+particular comment for the fate of the bug. As I said, I hope to make
+this script general enough to be used by other bug triagers in the
+similar situations. Yes, some features I have created in my script could
+be usefully pushed to the bugzilla itself, but I am quite certain that
+majority of the script is specific enough for the bug triagers work,
+that it doesn't make much sense to burden bugzilla itself with it. If
+you find that you are able to make my script work for you on another
+bugzilla, please, send me patches and I will try to accommodate my
+script to work for you.
+.. _`the story`:
+.. _`the jetpack`:
+.. _`Greasemonkey script`:
+.. _`Fedora BugZappers`:
+.. _`one JSON file`:
diff --git a/_posts/json-diff-structured-diff-for-json-files.rst b/_posts/json-diff-structured-diff-for-json-files.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ca1160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/json-diff-structured-diff-for-json-files.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+title: json_diff ... structured diff for JSON files
+ - computer
+date: 2011-10-24T23:16:59
+Just to let the world know that I have just created json\, which
+is very simple Python script to generate a JSON of differences between
+two JSON files. One would thing that such thing must exist already, but
+all what I was able to found was not working much
+( is kind of
+weird, and spits out HTML directly) or at all (I won't name them), or
+was incredibly complex
+(XDiff, which is super
+machine for comparing XML files, but 3+k lines of (mostly) uncommented
+So, my script generates from these two JSON files::
+ {
+     "a": 1,
+     "b": 2,
+     "son": {
+         "name": "Janošek"
+     }
+ }
+ {
+ "a": 2,
+ "c": 3,
+ "daughter": {
+ "name": "Maruška"
+ }
+ }
+this result::
+ {
+ "append": {
+ "c": 3,
+ "daughter": {
+ "name": "Maruška"
+ }
+ },
+ "remove": {
+ "b": 2,
+ "son": {
+ "name": "Janošek"
+ }
+ },
+ "update": {
+ "a": 2
+ }
+ }
+(yes, it should work correctly with Unicode strings). If anybody has any
+comments on the script or (especially) on the output format, let me
+know. Of course, patches welcome (I have forgotten to state the license,
+but let's say ``MIT/X11`` and if you want anything else, let me know as
+Also, if anybody wants to get into super boring debugging/refactoring
+task, then the branch ``rewrite_xdiff`` has syntactically correct, but
+non-working port of XDiff Java program. See the original `XDiff paper`_
+to see what beauty is (well) hidden there.
+.. _`XDiff paper`:
diff --git a/_posts/just-a-brief-reply-about-syncevolution.rst b/_posts/just-a-brief-reply-about-syncevolution.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02ea438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/just-a-brief-reply-about-syncevolution.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+title: Just a brief reply about SyncEvolution
+ - computer
+date: 2011-09-17T18:16:51
+Author of the SyncEvolution commented_ on mine_ and `Adam
+Williamson´s blogpost`_ about problems with synchronization. Patrick
+asks in his post: “I'm not sure what kind of problem Matěj had with
+SyncEvolution. He doesn't say in his blog post, only that it does not
+allow him to reliably sync with his server running Zarafa.” I am sorry
+for mixing two stories up.
+Of course, I know that syncevolution uses SyncML and Zarafa ActiveSync
+(or CalDAV/\ CardDAV_). My problems with syncevolution were much
+earlier when I was trying to sync my phone (then Nokia 3110 Classic,
+later Nokia N900) with Evolution, which given the name of the
+application should be doable. Maybe it was the horrible configuration,
+or some kind of PEBKAC, but I was never able to make it working
+.. _commented:
+.. _mine:
+.. _`Adam Williamson´s blogpost`:
+.. _CardDAV:
diff --git a/_posts/just-a-thought-e2-80-a6.rst b/_posts/just-a-thought-e2-80-a6.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5114107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/just-a-thought-e2-80-a6.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+title: Just a thought …
+ - computer
+date: "2011-08-20 10:42:09"
+If you are doing a web game in Flash (then don’t and write it in
+something more reasonable, but anyway) for little kids who are suspect
+of not being able to read, don’t interrupt the game with marketing
+questions (“Do you like the game? (Yes/No)”. Seems obvious, right?
diff --git a/_posts/just-do-it.rst b/_posts/just-do-it.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb33f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/just-do-it.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+title: Just do it ...
+ - computer
+date: 2011-10-24T14:00:18
+What are you doing reading this? You should be reading this post_. It
+is much better reading. And about more important stuff than the rest of
+this planet.
+.. _post:
diff --git a/_posts/lets-build-it-all-again-now-with-bunnies.rst b/_posts/lets-build-it-all-again-now-with-bunnies.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d27592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/lets-build-it-all-again-now-with-bunnies.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+title: "Let's build it all again ... now with bunnies!"
+ - computer
+ - xmpp
+date: 2011-10-03T13:31:15
+I was reading `a blogpost about WebSocket and NAT and all this stuff`_
+and I cannot stop thinking “Do we have to really `reinvent the wheel`_
+all the time?” Of course, when Apple et al. reinvent_ `the wheel`_, it
+is probably a deliberate attempt to lock in clueless customers. But when
+open communities `do it`_? And if you don’t know how to do all that
+stuff over secure and reliable connection, then `it all has been done`_
+(more information, example_). Oh well.
+.. _`a blogpost about WebSocket and NAT and all this stuff`:
+.. _`reinvent the wheel`:
+.. _reinvent:
+.. _`the wheel`:
+.. _`do it`:
+.. _`it all has been done`:
+.. _example:
diff --git a/_posts/linus-on-github.rst b/_posts/linus-on-github.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17922ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/linus-on-github.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+title: Linus on github
+ - computer
+date: 2012-06-14T06:35:10
+Just to record for myself link to `the awesome discussion about
+deficiencies of github`_. I have been tempted lately to the sweet
+proprietary arms of github lately (yes, their cheap commenting threads
+are a killer feature and as awesome as cheap branches in git itself). It
+also leads to `the very nice blogpost on git commit messages`_.
+It is unfortunately very rare to get a good comparison between GitHub
+and gitweb+git based on their technical merit, so the proprietary nature
+of github then stands as the only problem of github.
+I should also take a longer look at ``git request-pull (1)``. Apparently
+its documentation is its weakest part (see `example result`_ and
+`Linus’s comment on what consitutes a good pull request`_).
+.. _`the awesome discussion about deficiencies of github`:
+.. _`the very nice blogpost on git commit messages`:
+.. _`example result`:
+.. _`Linus’s comment on what consitutes a good pull request`:
diff --git a/_posts/living-in-the-avalanche.rst b/_posts/living-in-the-avalanche.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e17e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/living-in-the-avalanche.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+title: Living in the avalanche … or unexpected results of one bit
+ - bugTriage
+ - computer
+date: 2010-11-08T10:32:00
+While fighting with my bugs couple of months ago (around a F14 Beta,
+IIRC), I got annoyed by number of bugs waiting on being eliminated in
+EOS with unreplied needinfos. When going through them I discovered to my
+unhappy surprise that many of these `automatically created bugs`_ don’t
+have needinfo flag set, which made my life even worse. My defined
+queries filter out bugs with needinfo flag set, because they are not my
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+`Courtesy of DCSL on Flickr`_
+So, I’ve hoped to `#fedora-bugzappers`_ to find out what was it that
+those EOS warnings were not setting needinfo flag. I’ve found that
+basically just nobody thought about that or something and I was promised
+that this will be fixed for F12 EOS messages. I returned to my bugs and
+completely forgot about whole thing.
+With the release of F14, `the standard EOS message`_ was sent to
+thousands of bugs at once. Then a strange thing happened: instead of few
+dozen replies I was used to getting, an avalanche of messages started to
+flow in. I had to see over hundred messages yesterday and people were
+confirming bugs being fixed, or not, adding more interesting data and I
+was completely swallowed by the avalanche of this small tidbits. I was
+able to unearth some completely forgotten bugs, close tons of
+duplicates, and revive some bugs which were looking like heading towards
+sad fate of being EOSed.
+Interesting how much one bit matters.
+.. _`automatically created bugs`:
+.. _`Courtesy of DCSL on Flickr`:
+.. _`#fedora-bugzappers`:
+ irc://freenode/fedora-bugzappers
+.. _`the standard EOS message`:
diff --git a/_posts/llullaillaco-ftw.rst b/_posts/llullaillaco-ftw.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1941562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/llullaillaco-ftw.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+title: 'Llullaillaco FTW!'
+ - computer
+date: "2011-04-05 10:18:04"
+Just so that `other name`_ won’t win!
+.. _`other name`:
+Second and third post go to Bonnet and Verne. I could imagine nice 19th
+century artwork for it. When looking for examples, I was again surprised
+how great are proposals for the Fedora artwork and how bland and boring
+are then quite often final results. Look at `Fedora 12
+proposals <>`__. Almost any of
+these would be better than the result. Or this beautiful `Fedora 10
+Golden Gears <>`__
+.. figure::
+ :alt: F10 Art work
+And in the end we had something boring again. Why?
diff --git a/_posts/mirror-mercurial-repository-to-git.rst b/_posts/mirror-mercurial-repository-to-git.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30fd80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/mirror-mercurial-repository-to-git.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+title: Mirror Mercurial repository to git?
+ - computer
+ - lazyweb
+date: 2011-02-12T17:01:00
+I am a big fan of `Gajim, XMPP client`_ and for years I have followed
+its latest development versions with `my packages`_. Unfortunately,
+gajim’s development is tracked in a Mercurial repository. Please,
+understand correctly, I have nothing against Mercurial (and I am
+apparently `not alone`_), the first version of `bugzilla triage
+scripts`_ were hosted in the Mercurial repository. However, this
+experience taught me two things. First of all, my head is probably
+irreparably damaged by git, so I couldn’t get my head around randomly
+occurring multiple heads constantly erupting in my repository. I was
+constantly battling with it and generating `nonsensical commits`_ just
+to get rid of them. I never felt like pushing mercurial to the
+background just to work for me, in the same manner git already worked
+for me. However, the final nail to the coffin of my efforts to
+domesticate Mercurial was when I found out that the Jetpack repository
+itself will be most likely hosted predominantly `on github`_. So, I have
+mirrored for years gajim repository `on gitorious`_, and I was not that
+much surprised when I read today’s `blogpost about mirroring
+mozilla-central`_ in a git. However, I was reminded about Hg-Git_
+plugin. Chris reminded me again about the problem that I need to run
+``git checkout -f`` from time to time to clean the repository. I was
+also tickled by the idea of stable commit IDs. The idea that two git
+repositories converted from the same hg one would be compatible was
+interesting. However, I haven’t found hg-git that awesome:
+1. Speed ... I like Python, but using dulwich_ seems questionable at
+ the best. Git users are quite proud about the speed of git, but speed
+ of both ``hg gexport`` (the conversion itself) and ``hg push`` to git
+ repository is just depressive. Couldn’t somebody make version of
+ hg-git using native ``C`` git commands?
+2. Branches ... another thing git users tend to love IMHO are branches.
+ So the fact that hg-git hides all hg heads from me per default and
+ forces me to get back into fiddling with hg bookmarks and heads and
+ all that, doesn’t make me smile. hg-fast-export by default just
+ making all heads into branches makes me much much more happy.
+3. This not complaint just reminder about suggested change of defaults
+ (no I don’t complain, I promised never to fight over defaults ever).
+ Run, don’t just go to your ~/.hgrc and add there::
+ [git]
+ intree = True
+ The original default just, in my opinion, doesn’t make sense. So, the
+ only objection I have against hg-fast-export is the necessity to do
+ git checkout -f from time to time (and my uncertainty, what would
+ happen if I do hg-fast-export outside of master branch). This script
+ (called git-hgimport) makes me completely happy and secures
+ hg-fast-export future as the converter of my gajim git repo::
+ !/bin/sh
+ set -e
+ git checkout master hg pull --update hg-fast-export --quiet git checkout -f
+And of course, if this script is in ``$PATH``, then git suddenly knows
+about ``git hgimport`` command. Does anybody out there knows about some
+better comparisons between hg-fast-export and hg-git?
+.. _`Gajim, XMPP client`:
+.. _`my packages`:
+.. _`not alone`:
+.. _`bugzilla triage scripts`:
+.. _`nonsensical commits`:
+.. _`on github`:
+.. _`on gitorious`:
+.. _`blogpost about mirroring mozilla-central`:
+.. _Hg-Git:
+.. _dulwich:
diff --git a/_posts/multiple-accounts-on-the-death-of-email-apps.rst b/_posts/multiple-accounts-on-the-death-of-email-apps.rst
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/_posts/multiple-accounts-on-the-death-of-email-apps.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+title: Multiple accounts ... on the death of email apps
+ - computer
+date: 2012-08-28T15:55:18
+Reading `Charles’s blogpost on software obsolence`_ and I cannot help
+myself but to be confused ... on the one hand I hear everywhere, that
+web applications are dead, and everybody should write applications for
+mobile phones (I don’t think I need a reference for this statement, do
+I?), on the other hand apps (e.g., Gnome and Thunderbird) are dead and
+everything will be done through web applications. Weird.
+Concerning email clients are dead, because webmail, from GMail to
+RoundCube offers just about the same features than email clients I am
+still confused. For my work and family life I need at least two email
+accounts (I have four) and I read tens of newsgroups (sure most of
+newsgroups, not all of them, are from, so they could be meshed
+into email lists with just a small use of functionality). How can I do
+this with webmail? Sure I could have more tabs opened for more accounts,
+but can any webmail manage more accounts (can RoundCube do it)? Can I
+move a message between two accounts? I still haven’t seen anything like
+.. _`Charles’s blogpost on software obsolence`:
diff --git a/_posts/my_desktop.rst b/_posts/my_desktop.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..549cf86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/my_desktop.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+title: My desktop
+ - Uncategorized
+date: 2010-09-08T18:33:00
+`Adam is right`_: I am not getting it either.
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+1. except of background, I don't change my desktop either,
+2. I don't see much of my desktop under all those icons anyway (I have
+ $HOME as my desktop),
+3. usually most of my time I have desktop hopelessly hidden behind fully
+ maximized Firefox anyway.
+.. _Adam is right:
diff --git a/_posts/no-github-for-you-anymore.rst b/_posts/no-github-for-you-anymore.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be3b24e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/no-github-for-you-anymore.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+title: 'No Github for you anymore!'
+ - bugTriage
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: "2010-07-30 02:37:00"
+Github seems to be somehow broken, and I don't get any reactions about
+it anyway. So I have killed it. For all bugzilla-scripts project needs
+Thank you
diff --git a/_posts/odpoved-danu-drapalovi.rst b/_posts/odpoved-danu-drapalovi.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f30c4c
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+++ b/_posts/odpoved-danu-drapalovi.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+title: Odpověď Danu Drápalovi
+date: 2013-09-18T14:23:08
+ - faith
+ - politics
+ - czech
+(veřejná odpověď jako reakce na jeho `článek`_)
+Ahoj, Dane,
+strávil jsem teď pozdněvečerní chvíli čtením Tvých článků duchovních i
+politických a chtěl bych Ti moc poděkovat. Většina mi jich moc potěšila
+a i když se vším nesouhlasím na 100 %, tak jsem musel s překvapením
+konstatovat, že mám pocit, že se naše názory poněkud přiblížily za
+posledních sedm let co jsem měl to potěšení potkávat Tě trochu osobněji
+(nejsem si jist, kdo se více přiblížil komu, a je to celkem jedno).
+Důvod, proč Ti píšu (kromě toho, že Ti rád děkuji) je okomentovat celou
+situaci kolem současného vyšetřování bývalých poslanců pro korupci.
+Celkem mě fascinuje jak málo (jestli někdo) se věnuje podle mého dosti
+podstatnému problému celé diskuse. On totiž **do jisté míry** má pan
+Nečas pravdu. Pokud máme volební systém, který vede většinou ke
+koaličním vládám (a jestli je to dobře, je jiná otázka, ale moc bych
+nespěchal to rychle odsuzovat), tak je vyjednávání „vy nám dáte tyhle
+dva náměstky za tohohle ministra“ nevyhnutelné. A když se nad tím
+zamyslím, tak mi asi **tohle** moc nevadí. Stejně, ale když se nad celou
+kauzou zamyslím zcela volně (bez uvažování o platných zákonech, ale
+spíše *de lege ferenda*), tak mi připadne chování pánů poslanců (a těch
+kdo jim ty posty slíbili) jako hluboce nemravně a podle mého hodné
+trestu. Tak co s tím? Kde je ta hranice mezi politickým dohadováním a
+nemravnou korupcí? A právě tohle je podle mého otázka, kterou slyším
+strašně málo. Lidé buď (spolu s panem Nečasem) bezmocně rozhodí ruce a
+prohlásí, že se nedá nic dělat, anebo upadají do abstraktních nesmyslně
+náročných požadavků, které končí závěrem, že každá politika je svinstvo
+(a tudíž není nic lepšího nežli si dát další pivo a pokračovat v
+nadávání na ty hajzly nahoře).
+.. _článek:
+Když jsem si nad tímhle lámal chvíli hlavu, tak mi napadlo, co na tom je
+špatně. První důvod (který mi ale nepřipadne natolik překvapivý) je, že
+je něco jiného organizace společné vlády a rozdělení oblastí, kterým se
+má ta která strana (a ten který ministr) věnovat, a na druhé straně
+ovlivnění toho, kterak **jednotlivý poslanec** (který se zavázal slibem
+rozhodovat pouze podle svého vědomí a svědomí a v souladu se zákony) se
+zavazuje nějak rozhodnout **v jednotlivém případě**. Ale hlavně mě
+došlo, že se zde jedná o fundamentálně jinou oblast „odměny“. V případě
+zasedání v dozorčí radě společnosti částečně (nebo zcela) vlastněné
+státem, přece nejde o toho člověka. Zde jde o to, aby byl dobře
+spravování majetek vlastněný státem a ten člověk tam není sám za sebe,
+ale pouze jako zástupce státu (resp. vlastnických podílů vlastněných
+státem). Dokonce mě napadá že by takový zástupce (a vlastně všichni
+členové dozorčích rad) neměl být placen za svoji práci od dozorované
+společnosti ale od toho, koho zastupuje. Ale to je ještě jiná věc.
+Teď se chci zabývat něčím jiným. Pokud totiž posuzujeme všechny tyto
+členy dozorčích rad jako zástupce státu kontrolující společnost, že
+řádně hospodaří s majetkem státu, tak se přece jedná o jasné působení
+veřejné správy, tedy o činnost profesionální a odbornou. Výkřik
+kteréhosi politika (nepamatuji si přesně koho, tedy nebudu ani
+nadhazovat jméno), že neexistují odborníci na členství ve správních
+radách, je tudíž zhruba stejná hloupost jako to, že neexistují odborníci
+na kontrolu jaderných elektráren. Existují, jmenují se manažeři (nebo
+auditoři, nebo kombinace obojího) a dobří jsou natolik výjimeční, že
+jsou placeni zcela výjimečnými platy, které si zcela zaslouží.
+Specialisté na dozor nad firmami neexistují pouze tehdy, pokud (což
+předpokládám je standard současných členů dozorčích rad) členství v
+dozorčí radě znamená pouze podepisovat dokumenty bez čtení, účast na
+rautech, a pobírání platu.
+Čímž to se dostávám k té myšlence, kterou jsem zatím málo slyšel.
+Skandál kolem zkorumpovaných poslanců je jenom dalším z dlouhé série
+problémů způsobených neexistencí profesionální veřejné správy oddělené
+od politiky. Toto neoddělení považuji ostatně za jeden z největších
+problémů současného Česka, ale je zřejmé že většinu veřejnosti (a
+politických komentátorů) tento problém nechává zcela chladným. Součástí
+zákona o veřejné správě by samozřejmě mělo být i jasné stanovisko, které
+posty jsou politické a politicky obsazované a které jsou posty veřejné
+správy obsazované pouze na základě odbornosti. Za první republiky
+(kterou jinak nemíním brát za vrcholný vzor právě v otázce korupce) to
+byli pouze ministři a jejich náměstkové, vše od sekčních šéfů na
+ministerstvu níže byli ze zákona profesionálové. Problém státem
+vlastněných společností nikdo moc neřešil, protože takové nesmysly tehdy
+pokud vím neexistovaly.
+Pán Bůh s Tebou,
+P.S.: A i když se považuji za konzervativce, tak si myslím, že si máme
+vážit i zločinců, protože zločinci jsou pro mě především lidé nosící
+obraz Boží a nejsou primárně určeni svými zločiny, kterých si opravdu
+vážit nemáme. Ale předpokládám, že v tom spolu v podstatě souhlasíme a
+jenom jsem ne dobře porozuměl nikoli perfektně formulované větě.
diff --git a/_posts/oh-really.rst b/_posts/oh-really.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..289b6c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/oh-really.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+title: 'Oh, really?'
+ - computer
+date: "2011-03-29 07:54:00"
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+So, ``_ which is known to be a PR tool of the Firefox
+community proudly offers old version of Firefox? (fortunately, these
+buttons lie, it really leads to which offers the real
+thing). Interesting.
+.. _``:
diff --git a/_posts/out-frying-pan-fire.rst b/_posts/out-frying-pan-fire.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce62e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/out-frying-pan-fire.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+title: Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
+date: 2014-04-07T09:55:00
+ - computer
+ I’ve decided I will let my web browser provider think whatever they
+ want, so long as they don’t support fascist segregation of ideas
+ -- ertdfg in a discussion on `other blog post`_
+.. _`other blog post`:
+I have struggled since the start of this one particular battle of the
+Kulturkampf with a question how should I react. I certainly value
+honoring your opponents in the discussion (which is IMHO much better
+concept than mere freedom of expression, which is rather limited and
+legalistic) very highly, and if that was in stake, I wouldn’t mind to
+loose my browser for it (or job, or many other things; I grew up in the
+Communist Czechoslovakia, so I know a little bit what I am talking
+about). However, is this the case? And is loosing Firefox which
+otherwise IS the most freedom-loving browser around (switching to Chrome
+feels to me truly like jumping straight out of the frying pan into the
+center of the fire).
+Thinking about some other hot topic issues (actually participation of
+a Protestant in Eucharist; tell me about controversial issue, this was
+the one actual battles with dead people lying on the battlefield were
+fought for!) I came to the preliminary conclusion that the worst thing
+is when your opponents drive your decision by negation. Back to the
+issue of Firefox, Brendan, and tolerance. The worst thing we can do is
+to switch from Firefox, and let ourselves drawn on the shitty
+(literally, that's the stuff fought with over there) battlefield of
+these cultural wars. If we want to keep our discussion on more civilized
+level, we shouldn’t let be drawn to the level of bigots. “Answer not
+a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.”
+(Proverbs 6:24 KJV; or in the modern paraphrase “Don’t argue with idiots
+because they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with
diff --git a/_posts/pani-hagenova-a-pravo-azylu.rst b/_posts/pani-hagenova-a-pravo-azylu.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5956be7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/pani-hagenova-a-pravo-azylu.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+title: Paní Hagenová a právo azylu
+ - politics
+date: "2013-09-26 14:26:16"
+(odpověď na `diskusi na Facebooku`_)
+.. _`diskusi na Facebooku`:
+Nejprve technická poznámka k dlouhým komentářům na Facebooku. Psát je
+v tomhle okénku Facebooku je utrpení (navíc není možné vložit konec
+řádku), lepší je to napsat vedle v nějakém normálním textovém editoru
+a pak copy & paste. Nebo ještě lépší je udělat to, co dělám tady já,
+napíšu pořádný komentář na svůj blog (víš, že třeba na Wordpressu_ můžeš
+mít blog zadara?) a Facebooku obětuj jenom odkaz (pracuješ tak pro sebe
+a ne jako data entry assistant pro cizí firmu).
+.. _Wordpressu:
+Morálně mám k paní Hagenové (celkem pochopitelně) také poněkud
+nevyrovnaný postoj. Co se týče LinkedInu a spol., tak nevíš, jak dlouho
+to tam visí. Pokud tomu dobře rozumím, tak posledních několik let neměla
+potřebu aktivně hledat nové kšefty, takže ten záznam může být mnoho let
+starý. Jinak se mi velice líbil poněkud rozpačitý
+`článek Petry Procházkové`_ (taky poněkud obstarožnější). Řekl bych, že
+jako křesťan musím kající Maří Magdalenu hájit ze všech sil, ale na
+druhou stranu vím, že už jednou jako pornoherečka pracovala, a že to
+pokušení bude pro ní velmi veliké.
+.. _`článek Petry Procházkové`:
+Když jsem se s tím takhle morálně chvíli potýkal, tak jsem si uvědomil,
+že jsem vlastně (a se mnou většina novinářů) úplně mimo: tohle přece
+není otázka mravního stavu paní Hagenové a jejího manžela. Nejprve jsem
+se chtěl liberálně rozčilovat nad tím, že v současném bláznivém světě
+potřebuje člověk povolení aby mohl někde bydlet, ale pak jsem si
+uvědomil (ano, trapně pozdě na bývalého právníka) že tady se jedná o
+řízení o vydání, a že Ukrajina zjevně požádala o její vydání pro
+podezření ze spáchání trestného činu.
+No a to je složitá věc. Při každém povolení azylu, česká vláda (resp.
+její úředníci) říkají, že druhá země je natolik nespolehlivá, že
+nevěříme vůbec v možnost toho, že by v ní mohl proběhnout spravedlivý
+proces. Chceme tohle říci o Ukrajině, kandidátské zemi EU, člence Rady
+Evropy, atp.? Chceme opravdu říci, že se nám ukrajinská justice jeví být
+na úrovni Liberie, Severní Koreje a podobných nešťastníků? Možná ano,
+ale to je opravdu závažná věc, něco takového říci. A nebude mít takové
+prohlášení nějaké nechtěné důsledky? Např. pokud opravdu řekneme v tomto
+případě, že ukrajinská justice nefunguje, nebudeme muset rázem řešit
+případy mnoha skutečných zločinců, kteří u nás budou hledat azyl?
+Kdyby se jednalo o jednu maminku se třemi dětmi, která chce u nás bydlet
+(navíc, buďme upřímní, velmi pohlednou maminku, která navíc nebude chtít
+sociální dávky), tak bych ji nechal v Čechách bydlet bez problémů a
+vrazil bych ji rovnou trvalý pobyt. Nejsem si jist, že české úřady
+udělaly špatně, když ji nakonec ten pobyt (byť ohnuto přes roh, kvůli
+těm dětem) povolily, asi spíše to je správně, ale rozhodně to není
+jednoduché, a nejsem si úplně jist, jestli nebudeme litovat.
diff --git a/_posts/product_being_sold.rst b/_posts/product_being_sold.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22a6414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/product_being_sold.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+title: "If you are not paying for it, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold (even in the FLOSS universum)"
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: 2012-07-16T23:30:42
+When reading `this Evil Brain’s post`_ I was thinking about my mom and
+wife, how both of them hate ANY update of any software. And even more
+about the title of this post. Price paid might not be in money, but I
+guess it is still true. Developers who are not motivated primarily by
+the feedback of their users (because they don't depend on them) are
+motivated by other things.
+And although I am a happy user of Firefox (actually, running the Nightly
+... tell me about the rapid release cycle ;)) I can see how right this
+post is. And how unfortunately, when MoFo doesn't depend directly on its
+users, the decision process may lead to weird conclusions, weird both to
+programmers (did you try to develop for Jetpack? its non-design and
+sudden demise was clearly caused by complete ignorance of design, which
+is too difficult to MoFo programmers and benefits only API users) as
+well as users (which is what this article is about).
+And of course, I know that the situation is improving (see comments on
+the blog post), and no I don’t blame rapid release cycle on decline in
+the Firefox’s market share (it truly started before, and it had to
+decrease when the market shifted from one truly modern browser to at
+least three or four of them).
+.. _`this Evil Brain’s post`:
diff --git a/_posts/professional-christians.rst b/_posts/professional-christians.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b7d821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/professional-christians.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+title: Professional christians and monasticism
+date: 2015-01-16T11:09:57
+ - faith
+ - church
+We had on Tuesday very interesting debate during our regular
+Theology on Tap about postmodern apologetics. During the heat of
+discussion I passionately argued against the very idea of
+professional Christianity without regards that at least one but
+probably more professional Christians were sitting at the table.
+I certainly didn’t want to offend anybody and I very much like
+and value work done by at least one such person, so I should
+probably explain more what I think about the idea of professional
+First of all, whatever else I think theoretically we have to take
+into consideration current reality. If there ever was
+Christianity based on the authentic intentional communities (or
+whatever is the current trendy name) and I am certainly not
+persuaded about that (see below), then it had to be very much
+limited temporarily or locally. Puritans in the Early New
+England, kibbutzim in Israel, Jerusalem congregation in the time
+of the Acts of Apostles, some early monastic communities, and of
+course many village communities, would be just part of the
+authentic community maintaining itself and pastor was there truly
+just to serve The Word and Sacraments (as is still the job
+description of many pastors in Czechia). But I cannot imagine
+that large communities in rather anonymous cities (trend which
+I guess started already with the Roman congregation) could be
+sustained without some ministers working full-time on the
+organization of the congregation. Even less I could imagine
+something like that in the modern and postmodern cities, where
+churches are almost the only close community around. I can see
+all ministers truly busy and it is hard to imagine that even
+small congregation like PCF would work without a full-time
+However, there is yet another category of Christian ministers who
+I think are very valuable for the life of the church. From the
+five-fold ministries (Eph 4:11; apostles, prophets, evangelists,
+pastors, and teachers) I can see at least teachers and pastors
+(meaning organizers of congregations) as very naturally being
+professionals. I know something about scholarly life and I know
+that it is almost impossible to do really deep thinking and still
+be bothered with something else (life and family are more than
+enough). I would think that apostles and evangelists will be in
+similar positions, although Paul managed his business in the same
+time while being a Saint Paul. We don’t know much about the
+sources of income of other apostles … Peter most likely didn’t
+carry his nets around the Mediterranean sea, and I don’t know if
+my namesake St. Matthias carried on job of a carpenter.
+When thinking about this I was suddenly struck by the similarity
+of current ministers (missionaries, teachers, Bible translators,
+etc.) living of universities or other NGOs and medieval monks.
+Both of them are typical professional Christians and both of them
+are doing work essential for maintaining Church working. And it
+is strange, but at least in the Czech lands, sharp decline of the
+importance of monastic orders (during the reign of Joseph II in
+the late 18th century) was time of sharp rise of the universities
+as the predominant place of the intellectual life. Actually few
+first important modern scientists, for example, Dobner,
+Dobrovský, and Bolzano were monks. If we accept this analogy, it
+is suddenly somehow strange that especially Protestants have no
+problem with all those people who are working in not completely
+ultra-practical professions, considering ultra-vicious criticism
+of monasticism by the original Reformers.
+But what is even more important for me is that using this image,
+I can suddenly see myself in the position of a medieval
+bourgeoisie who is passionately arguing against wasteful monks
+(see for example The Cantebury Tales). However, there is
+a difference between monks then and professional Christians now.
+Then, most of their audience (Christian AND non-Christian) was to
+some extent religious, so I guess they very more or less willing
+to accept a religious figure as an authority.
+Hmm, … I started to write something about the limited role of
+professional ministers on the current secular culture, but I was
+not able to finish it in the coherent thought. I started to think
+about the role of the pastor John Mullen has on his surroundings,
+and I can clearly see that he has managed to get a lot of impact
+with his Úvaly neighbors although he obviously cannot represent
+to them anything else than a religious figure. Perhaps we here in
+Czechia are so post-post-religious and post-secularist than
+honestly behaving religious person not trying to hide it is
+acceptable. Or perhaps it is not about religiosity at all and the
+difference between the situation of the postmodern Church in
+America and here is that obviously most of the Church in Europe
+(and especially in Czechia) has no secular power and quite
+obviously it is not threatening to anybody (compare with the
+discussion about restitution of the Church property which is
+quite vicious … John probably profits a bit on the fact we won’t
+get anything).
+So this post doesn’t have proper exhortation in the end.
diff --git a/_posts/reply-tim-bray-conservatives.rst b/_posts/reply-tim-bray-conservatives.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e22461c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/reply-tim-bray-conservatives.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+title: Reply to Tim Bray’s “What Conservatives are For”
+ - culture
+ - faith
+ - sociology
+date: "2012-12-05 12:17:06"
+(reply to `Tim Bray’s “What Conservatives are For”`_)
+.. _`Tim Bray’s “What Conservatives are For”`:
+To avoid “nobody tried our ideals really” argument (which I have heard
+from both Communists, Catholics, and conservatives) I would suggest
+clearing up a classification a bit. One of nice systems how to
+distinguish libertarians (or liberals in the European meaning of the
+word), conservatives, and socialists (or liberals, if you are an
+American) I’ve heard about is to find out which person(s) they are
+suspicious of. Socialists are suspicious of the big business,
+libertarians of the big government, and conservatives (being quite often
+Christians, so having some opinions about the sinful nature of humans)
+are suspicious of both.
+This classification conveniently allows me to disown self-labeled
+conservatives like Mr. George Bush II. (the largest spending **before**
+the Iraq war begun) and on the other hold my stand against socialist,
+Communists and similar creatures (I have been born in the Communist
+Czechoslovakia, enough said).
diff --git a/_posts/routine-and-the-real-world.rst b/_posts/routine-and-the-real-world.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee5047a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/routine-and-the-real-world.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: Routine and the real world
+ - computer
+ - culture
+ - faith
+date: "2011-12-19 17:09:21"
+Our former president, Mr. Václav Havel, died yesterday.
+A `congregation where we are members`_ organized yesterday a benefit
+concert for the relief of `the hunger in the Horn of Africa`_. Our
+pastor, being American, immediately asked me and two other Czech members
+of the congregation before the concert, whether he shouldn’t say
+something about Mr. Havel. We somehow stood there helpless and in the
+end we didn’t do anything special (as far as I know). Then we Czechs
+were kind of ashamed how we don’t have a proper procedure for case of
+death of beloved politician. It happened so rarely in this land ;).
+I was thinking whole day how to continue in this post. I was thinking a
+lot about how everybody ignores in my opinion the most relevant message
+of Mr. Havel for us, which is the life in truth (and thinking about some
+comparison with the over-celebrated life of virtual hero Steve Jobbs),
+how our virtual life we all live is so different from `the Lebenswelt`_.
+However, I was struggling to find a proper formulation and never written
+Then I looked at CNN_ page for some inspiration and found this:
+.. image::
+ :scale: 66%
+ :align: center
+ :target:
+I think the idea of report about Mr. Havel’s being completely encircled
+by the reports of the death of Kim Jong Il would fit well into some of
+his best dramas.
+Thank you Mr. Havel.
+.. _`congregation where we are members`:
+.. _`the hunger in the Horn of Africa`:
+.. _`the Lebenswelt`:
+.. _CNN:
diff --git a/_posts/scrapping-of-Google-groups.rst b/_posts/scrapping-of-Google-groups.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ba586e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/scrapping-of-Google-groups.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+title: Scrapping of the Google Groups
+date: 2014-01-05T21:30:00
+ - Fedora
+ - google
+ - lock-in
+ - email
+ - liberation
+ - owncloud
+ - computer
+As a followup to my previous rant_ on the locked-in nature of the Google
+Groups, I have created this `Python script`_ for scrapping the messages
+from Google webpages.
+Thanks to `Sean Hogan`_ for the first inspiration for the script. Any
+comments would be welcome via email (I am sure you can find my addresses
+somewhere on the Web).
+**Update:** Apparently_, scrapping_ is not the same as scraping_. And
+although, there are some_, who wouldn’t mind, I am able to do just the
+.. _`Python script`:
+.. _rant:
+ /blog/2013/09/19/we-should-stop-even-pretending-google-is-trying-to-do-the-right-thingtm/
+.. _`Sean Hogan`:
+ /blog/2013/09/19/we-should-stop-even-pretending-google-is-trying-to-do-the-right-thingtm/#comment-133-by-sean-hogan
+.. _Apparently:
+.. _scrapping:
+.. _scraping:
+.. _some:
diff --git a/_posts/stop-pretending-google.rst b/_posts/stop-pretending-google.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcaca66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/stop-pretending-google.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+title: We should stop even pretending Google is trying to do The Right Thing™
+ - computer
+date: "2013-09-18 22:09:37"
+ - google
+ - ourcloud
+ - liberation
+ - identity
+ - privacy
+ - xmpp
+While reading `blogpost by Karl Dubost of Mozilla`_ I was again
+irritated by the quotation Karl used which mentioned Google’s claim of
+the universal access to the world knowledge. I have `replied in probably
+not the best way on Twitter`_ and lead Karl into confusion on what
+I wanted to say.
+.. _`blogpost by Karl Dubost of Mozilla`:
+.. _`replied in probably not the best way on Twitter`:
+I am one of the co-maintainers of almost dead project jBrout_. In order
+to make the communication around the project at least more lively,
+I have created `GMane group`_ for it. In order to make the group
+complete on Gmane, I have also tried to export all messages from `the
+Google Group for jBrout`_ only to find that there is no way how to do
+it. `Data Liberation Front`_ is completely mum on the Groups and I found
+that new JavaScript-only design of the web pages preclude any script to
+scrap those messages. So much for the universal access when even Lynx
+cannot open these pages.
+.. _jBrout:
+.. _`GMane group`:
+.. _`the Google Group for jBrout`:
+.. _`Data Liberation Front`:
+When `I was writing last year`_ about the problems I have with Google,
+`one Google engineer`_ seemed offended by my despect towards Google’s
+lack of openness. However, if I am not mistaken, there is still no
+offline Gmail support for non-Chrome and I haven’t heard anywhere else
+about plans of creating one. And offenses towards the open Web still
+continue: not only my petty problem with Google Groups (although, didn’t
+Google named itself a steward of all Usenet content?), but also
+ActiveX^H^H^H^H\ NaCl_ proprietary technology which seems to sneak
+silently into their platform, `weird state of Google Hangout`_ (yes,
+XMPP S2S communication as of today still works, but for how long?
+I don’t see any Google’s commitment to the open standards anymore),
+`breaking OpenID delegation`_ (actually, `I may be wrong on this one`_),
+and some_ others_.
+.. _`I was writing last year`:
+ /blog/2012/06/12/do-whatever/
+.. _`one Google engineer`:
+ /blog/2012/06/12/do-whatever/#comment-89-by-peter-kasting
+.. _NaCl:
+.. _`weird state of Google Hangout`:
+.. _`breaking OpenID delegation`:
+.. _`I may be wrong on this one`:
+.. _some:
+.. _others:
+Concerning Google Groups I have also found `this post`_ which seems to
+follow the same logic as I am poorly trying to express.
+.. _`this post`:
+**Update:** After comments on this post, I have actually managed to
+create `a script for semi-automatical scraping of Google Groups`_
+.. _`a script for semi-automatical scraping of Google Groups`:
diff --git a/_posts/swallowcatcher-2-0.rst b/_posts/swallowcatcher-2-0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2b61a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/swallowcatcher-2-0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+title: 'Yes, there *IS* SwallowCatcher 0.2.0 … but you won’t find it on F-Droid'
+ - android
+ - computer
+date: "2011-10-01 17:12:42"
+After writing `previous rant against SwallowCatcher`_ (among other
+things) I re-checked author’s blog to find out that actually `he has
+already released version 0.2.0`_ without pushing it to f-droid (yet?). I
+have built it from `his git repository`_ (yay, gitorious!), but there is
+also a binary on his page. Seems to be a bit more stable, at least
+clicking on the download notification doesn’t make the app crash 100%.
+So far I haven’t met interrupted download, we’ll see how it goes.
+.. _`previous rant against SwallowCatcher`:
+ /blog/2011/09/my-first-hand-on-comparison-between-nexus-s-and-n900/
+.. _`he has already released version 0.2.0`:
+.. _`his git repository`:
diff --git a/_posts/synchronization-sucks.rst b/_posts/synchronization-sucks.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..036fc01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/synchronization-sucks.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+title: 'Synchronization sucks!'
+ - computer
+date: "2011-04-14 12:08:01"
+One of my biggest pet-peeves in the free software world hit me again.
+Whenever I asked my friends what are their biggest blockers against
+switching to Linux, I get two questions. The first one is "Will my Word
+documents work? Will I get something equivalent to MS Office?" And I am
+happy to say that I can point to `Libre/OpenOffice`_ and with a kind
+help_ from our friends in Redmont, I usually can persuade them that we
+have a good alternative here.
+.. _`Libre/OpenOffice`:
+.. _help:
+The second question is though "Will it synchronize calendar/addressbook
+with my cell phone?" and there I get always sad. Given the frequency
+this question comes up and up again, I am constantly surprised how
+little major Linux players do in this regard. The last time
+synchronization reliably worked for me was when I was using Psion PDA
+and {KDE,Gnome}-pilot. Not that there wouldn’t be enough trying
+(OpenSync_, SyncEvolution_ mentioned by Adam and many others), but none
+of them is really reliably allowing me to share my contacts, calendar,
+and TODO list between my N900, Thunderbird on desktop and my server
+(which runs `Zarafa 7.0beta3`_ currently). Currently the only working
+solution for me is to use … ehm … ActiveSync_ from above mentioned
+friends on the west Coast of the United States. Yes, it is quite
+unreliable (especially with regards to emails) and it omits
+synchronization of contacts in Thundebird, but at least I have calendars
+more or less in sync.
+.. _OpenSync:
+.. _SyncEvolution:
+.. _`Zarafa 7.0beta3`:
+.. _ActiveSync:
+In relation to `the recent news`_ I have chatted on IRC with Ludovico_
+and we agreed that actually well working Lightning_ and `Address book`_
+synchronization/sharing is must for any serious deployment outside of
+hobbyist area.
+.. _`the recent news`:
+.. _Ludovico:
+.. _Lightning:
+.. _`Address book`:
+And now I am reading `Adam’s blogpost`_ on his suffering with the state
+of synchronization and I feel at least a bit of consolation that I am
+not alone with my pain. I cannot add much to his blogpost than couple of
+.. _`Adam’s blogpost`:
+- I am not completely persuaded that synchronization is not the way to
+ go, or that the difference isn’t mostly lexical. At least git_ seems
+ to show that synchronization of two repositories is possible, and
+ synchronization of changes from cache to the central repository
+ doesn’t seem to be too different from synchronization.
+- I am not sure how reliable the information is, but `some birdie`_
+ told me that the next version of Zarafa (after 7.0) should have the
+ official support for CardDAV_ (CalDAV_ is already supported) and
+ I really hope it will be so.
+.. _git:
+.. _`some birdie`:
+ irc://freenode/zarafa
+.. _CardDAV:
+.. _CalDAV:
+I still hope that future is bright, but I really wish it was closer than
+it is.
diff --git a/_posts/third-wave-telecommuting.rst b/_posts/third-wave-telecommuting.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff95ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/third-wave-telecommuting.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+title: Third Wave and Telecommuting
+date: 2014-12-19T12:48:48
+ - computer
+ - politics
+ - sociology
+I have been reading Tim Bray’s blogpost_ on how he started to work in
+Amazon, and I got ignited by the comment_ by len_ and particularly by
+this (he starts quoting Tim):
+ “First, I am to­tally sick of working remotely. I want to go and
+ work in rooms with other people working on the same things that
+ I am.”
+ And that says a lot. Whatever the web has enabled in terms of
+ access, it has proven to be isolating where human emotions matter
+ and exposing where business affairs matter. I can’t articulate that
+ succinctly yet, but there are lessons to be learned worthy of
+ articulation. A virtual glass of wine doesn’t afford the pleasure of
+ wine. Lessons learned.
+Although I generally agree with your sentiment (these are really not
+your Friends, except if they already are), I believe the situation with
+the telecommuting is more complex. I have been telecommuting for the
+past eight years (or so, yikes, the time fly!) and I do like it most of
+the time. However, it really requires special type of personality,
+special type of environment, special type of family, and special type of
+work to be able to do it well. I know plenty of people who do well
+working from home (with occasional stay in the coworking office) and
+some who just don’t. It has nothing to do with IQ or anything like that.
+Just for some people it works, and I have some colleagues who left Red
+Hat just because they cannot work from home and the nearest Red Hat
+office was just too far from them.
+However, this trivial statement makes me think again about stuff which
+is much more profound in my opinion. I am a firm believer in the coming
+of what Alvin and Heidi Toffler called “`The Third Wave`_”. That after
+the mainly agricultural and mainly industrial societies `the world is
+changing`_, so that “much that once was is lost” and we don’t know
+exactly what is coming. One part of this change is substantial change in
+the way we organize our work. It really sounds weird but there were
+times when there were no factories, no offices, and most people were
+working from their homes. I am not saying that the future will be like
+the distant past, it never is, but the difference makes it clear to me
+that what is now is not the only possible world we could live in.
+I believe that the standard of people leaving their home in the morning
+to work will be in future very very diminished. Probably some parts of
+the industrial world will remain around us (after all, there are still
+big parts of the agricultural world around us), but I think it might
+have the same impact (or so little impact) as the agricultural world has
+on the current world. If the trend of the offices dissolution will
+continue (and I don’t see the reason why it wouldn’t, in the end all
+those office buildings and commuting is terrible waste of money) we can
+expect really massive change in almost everything: ways we build homes
+(suddenly your home is not just the bedroom to survive night between two
+workshifts), transportation, ways we organize our communities (suddenly
+it does matter who is your neighbor), and of course a lot of social
+rules will have to change. I think we are absolutely not-prepared for
+this and also we are not talking about this enough. But we should_.
+.. _len:
+.. _blogpost:
+.. _comment:
+.. _`The Third Wave`:
+.. _`the world is changing`:
+.. _should:
diff --git a/_posts/tocqueville-freedom-of-discussion.rst b/_posts/tocqueville-freedom-of-discussion.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8279d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/tocqueville-freedom-of-discussion.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+title: Tocqueville on the Freedom of Discussion in America
+date: 2014-04-03T12:00:00
+ - computer
+ - culture
+ - faith
+ - politics
+ - privacy
+It is a sad day today. … Or let’s start from somewhere else. I have
+grown up in the Communist Czechoslovakia. I remember that moment, I was
+probably something around seven years old, and I was sitting on the
+floor of our living room and thinking where to hide a tape with
+anti-Communist protest songs so that it wouldn’t be found by the secret
+police if we were blessed with the house search. Yes, seven years. Yes,
+it was shortly after the Charter 77 and there was a lot of hysteria in
+the air, but yes couple of years later my father (who was an university
+professor) was falsely accused of committing rape on some female
+students (fortunately, police was then so sloppy, they made a mistake
+and provided him with the best alibi possible … he was interrogated by
+them in time when the rape was supposed to happen; or perhaps it was not
+mistake at all), so just a house search was not that improbable.
+I remember reading a couple of years later a poem_ by a famous
+nineteenth century Czech poet, Karel Havlíček Borovský, written about
+the time when he was illegally arrested and deported by the Austrian
+police because of his anti-government journalism (yes, we have a long
+history of bad regimes here). This particularly interesting part
+described the situation when he was drawn out of the bed by the police
+early in the morning (the translation is mine and very very rough):
+ | Ale Džok, můj černý buldog,
+ | ten je grobián,
+ | na habeas corpus tuze zvyklý —
+ | on je Angličan.
+ |
+ | Málem by byl chlap přestoupil
+ | jeden paragraf,
+ | již na slavný ouřad zpod postele
+ | uďál: Vrr! haf! haf!
+ |
+ | Hodil jsem mu tam pod postel
+ | říšský zákoník,
+ | dobře že jsem měl ten moudrý nápad,
+ | již ani nekvík. —
+ |
+ | //
+ |
+ | However, Jock, my black bulldog,
+ | he is a lout,
+ | he is too much used to the Habeas Corpus —
+ | being an English dog.
+ |
+ | He would almost step over
+ | one rule of the law,
+ | because he started from below the bad
+ | doing on the honorable officers: Grrr! Woof! Woof!
+ |
+ | I have thrown him under the bad
+ | the imperial code of law,
+ | that was really a smart idea,
+ | he haven’t make a sound anymore. —
+.. _poem:
+I have asked my Dad (who was a lawyer) what that Habeas Corpus means,
+and when he explained it to me my conclusion from this poem was that
+there is something awesome about the rule of law, and particularly there
+is something great about the English (and by association American)
+law. Apparently it is not possible for a policemen to draw you out of
+the bad without a reason, luxury which I was certain we were not blessed
+Yet later I have learned another standard of the free society (even more
+relevant to what I would like to talk about anyway). I have been told
+that this standard is fairly displayed in the famous saying attributed
+to Voltaire:
+ Monsieur l’abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life
+ to make it possible for you to continue to write
+Then the so called Velvet Revolution of 1989 happened, and I have found
+that the reality is a little bit complicated, but I think these rules of
+freedom of expression and honor to other peoples’ opinion stayed with me
+forever. So, I was terribly surprised and frankly confused later on when
+I was reading very excellent de Tocqueville’s book about the democracy
+in America which contained a statement
+ I know of no country in which there is so little independence of
+ mind and real freedom of discussion as in America.
+Isn’t he talking about the country which gave us the First Amendment,
+which gave us whole concept of the freedom of expression? Isn’t he
+talking about the country founded by the dissenters? I thought that
+there must be something wrong with this statement, or that I had
+misunderstood something in what he was saying. Yet later on I have been
+blessed with an opportunity to live and study for couple of years in
+Boston so I have learned that the protection against the government
+attacking somebody for his expression is very much real, but that there
+is also present very high level of pressure to conform to the prevalent
+opinion of the community. And although everybody talks all the time
+about the value of diversity, there is really a little of it allowed.
+So, I read in the last two weeks these two stories.
+World Vision, one of the largest Christian charity organization in the
+world, decided that `their employee won’t be fired`_ because they were
+living in the same-sex marriage sanctioned by their state and their
+denomination. They were arguing for the decision because they are
+non-denominational organization and they didn’t want to overrule policy
+of their employees’ denominations, not mentioning they didn’t want to
+overrule state laws. I don’t know whether I agree with this argument,
+but it is obvious that the situation of non-denominational organizations
+is difficult and whichever decision they make it will be attacked by
+somebody. Of course, I don’t know what happened thereafter but couple of
+days later after the unbelievable firestorm of criticism from the
+evangelical circles World Vision reversed their decision.
+.. _`their employee won’t be fired`:
+Second story. Shortly after `Brendan Eich`_ was named CEO of the Mozilla
+Corporation, somebody picked up an old case of his financial support for
+`the Proposition 8`_ (if I understand correctly, the issue at stake
+about that proposition was declaring a marriage to be an union of one
+man and one woman; if you don’t know who Brendan Eich is, look at his
+wikipage_ ). Even couple of LBGT employees of Mozilla Corp. defended
+Brendan Eich on their blogs claiming that there is no discrimination
+against them in Mozilla, just to the contrary conditions for LGBT people
+are way above the legal level and on the highest level in the industry.
+Also, nobody was able to explain questions of `some senior Mozilla
+developers`_ what has Brendan’s opinions to do with his position of CEO
+of the company developing computer programs. And whole story again ended
+the same, most extreme participants in the Kulturkampf won, and Mozilla
+lost_ in my opinion one of the most brilliant leaders in the industry.
+.. _`Brendan Eich`:
+.. _wikipage:
+.. _`the Proposition 8`:
+.. _`some senior Mozilla developers`:
+.. _lost:
+What would de Tocqueville and Voltaire say?
diff --git a/_posts/two-types-of-objects.rst b/_posts/two-types-of-objects.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bab118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/two-types-of-objects.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+title: Two types of objects
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: 2010-07-03T01:05:00
+I was reminded by `the Ehsan’s blogpost`_ of one still not fully
+resolved problem with my bugzilla-triage_ script. The principal reason
+why I started working on my third rewrite of scripts (still in
+jetpack-prototype) was to make the script *really* useful over the
+different bugzilla instances (specifically `MoFo bugzilla`_). I have
+found lovely variant of `a similar script by Philipp Kewisch`_ which I
+wanted to merge in mine.
+Philipp uses quite a different style of UI than I do. I am persuaded
+that things like `muscle memory and mouse clicks minimalization`_ are
+important considerations so I generally prefer a lot of buttons spread
+all over the page (or in the places which I think are most appropriate),
+Phillip prefers to have a minimal disruptions to the page with just one
+scroll-up ``SELECT`` element. The second problem is of course what Ehsan
+mentioned: there are just things too different between different
+instances which cannot be coded over in one script. Ehsan mentions
+interleaving text between commemtns, I could see on the Red Hat bugzilla
+methods of XML-RPC (e.g., ``bugzilla.updateAttachMimeType``) which
+are very important to me, but most likely not supported in the upstream
+In the end I have decided to go after making the script palatable to
+everybody by two ways. First of all I have modified my configuration
+JSON file to allow adding items to the ``SELECT`` in the style Philipp
+prefers, so that I believe his style of bugzilla page modifications can
+be done only by the changes in the configuration file.
+The second line of attack was to create inheritance of objects. There is
+a base object ``BZPage``, which contains methods and properties useful
+on all bugzilla instances. And there are two (so far) child objects of
+it: ``RHBugzillaPage`` and ``MozillaBugzilla`` (the latter is just
+stub). RHBugzillaPage then contains a lot of code which is specific for
+`RH Bugzilla`_ but not for anybody else.
+This is the idea, but the problem is that I work almost exclusively on (and bit of b.m.o but I cannot do much there) so I
+am afraid those two concepts got incredibly mixed together. I would
+really need somebody else to start using my code on b.m.o (or elsewhere)
+and hitting all those RH-centric warts.
+The good news in all of this is that I have finally some real users in
+the BugZappers land (Fedora bug triagers) and after some little warts,
+it seems to work! Yay! So, now and then. **WORLD
+In other news, I have repented and switched the repository back to Git.
+So the repository is now available at
+``git://`` (and we have
+gitweb_ as well).
+.. _`the Ehsan’s blogpost`:
+.. _bugzilla-triage:
+.. _`MoFo bugzilla`:
+.. _`a similar script by Philipp Kewisch`:
+.. _`muscle memory and mouse clicks minimalization`:
+.. _`RH Bugzilla`:
+.. _gitweb:
diff --git a/_posts/video-of-my-guadec-presentation-is-now-available.rst b/_posts/video-of-my-guadec-presentation-is-now-available.rst
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/video-of-my-guadec-presentation-is-now-available.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+title: 'Video of my GUADEC presentation is now available!'
+ - bugTriage
+ - jetpack
+date: "2011-02-22 16:06:00"
+So, finally being made active by Ehsan_, I have cut a relevant portion
+of GUADEC 2010 video streams and posted it on blip.tv_. Slides (not
+very helpful, I am afraid, the real meat was in demos) are also
+available_. I had constant struggles with microphone falling behind my
+T-shirt, so sound is sometimes awful.
+.. raw:: html
+ <video controls src="" height="480" width="640"></video>
+.. _Ehsan:
+.. _available:
diff --git a/_posts/we-are-shocked-shocked.rst b/_posts/we-are-shocked-shocked.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5f86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/we-are-shocked-shocked.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+title: 'We are shocked, shocked ... !'
+ - culture
+date: 2012-01-30T09:35:04
+I was listening to my regular dose of `This American Life`_, this time
+about `the possible breakup of the European continent`_. It made me to
+remember on the early 2000s, and what we were thinking then. I
+remembered all those news stories about Italian government “suddenly”
+getting its debt under control, which nobody believed (`La Piovra`_
+anybody?). What were we thinking? And I remember well, what I was
+thinking. That European (mainly German) economy is strong enough to
+carry one crazy Greece to get among truly developed countries, and
+perhaps if we get couple of years to Italians they will get into shape
+as well. Thinking about it from this point of view, it was very expected
+that all those southern countries would be very much in debt currently,
+because all those debts should cover investments (yes, of course, some
+of them silly, like an international airport in La Mancha) which would
+need some time to bring money back. But then 2008 crisis happened, and
+all I could think was the Captain Louis Renault from Casablanca: “\ `I
+am shocked, shocked, to find out that the gambling is going on in
+here!`_\ ” And no, I don’t think I am shocked by this hypocrisy. When
+one gets into gambling in the Nazi occupied country, or into this amount
+of debt (and yes, swindling books) he gets knowingly into danger that
+somebody gets shocked and let him down to save his own neck. But it
+certainly makes me less shocked now.
+.. _`This American Life`:
+.. _`the possible breakup of the European continent`:
+.. _`La Piovra`:
+.. _`I am shocked, shocked, to find out that the gambling is going on in here!`:
diff --git a/_posts/what-do-i-know-about-the-xorg-bug-triage.rst b/_posts/what-do-i-know-about-the-xorg-bug-triage.rst
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+++ b/_posts/what-do-i-know-about-the-xorg-bug-triage.rst
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+title: Letter to my successors (or what do I know about the Xorg bug triage)
+ - bugTriage
+ - computer
+date: 2011-11-22T15:28:36
+For various reasons we have agreed with my supervisor, that my working
+on the Xorg bug triage as a full time job will be terminated (feels like
+a relief) and I will switch to working as a programmer for the Red Hat
+internal Desktop QA team (which is a good thing!). As the last act in my
+old position I was asked to write down brain dump of my experience
+working on the Xorg bug triage for my potential successors. I am trying
+also to pay some debts I feel I have in documenting some parts of my bug
+triage workflow and tools.
+First of all, it is not like there isn't any information available
+already. We as a BugZappers team tried to collect as much information as
+possible so anybody who would like to join our ranks would have
+something to chew upon without us repeating it again and again. So,
+there is `How to Triage`_ page and other pages coming from `this
+navigation page`_ (e.g., you are expected to know `bug workflow`_ by
+heart if drawn in the midnight from your bad).
+Probably the most important thing which can help you to survive a terror
+of the never-ending inflow of new bugs are well prepared queries. Red
+Hat Bugzilla (or any other bugzilla for that matter, as far as I know),
+doesn't have a really good way to create coarser (or finer) organization
+of bugs than on the level of components and products. The situation is
+especially bad, because products are occupied by, well, products (like
+Fedora, RHEL, etc.), so in fact the only classification of bugs we have
+is on the basis of components. Which is obviously crazy huge group of
+bugs for some components (kernel) and too little for many others. Other
+options (using keywords in whiteboards, for example) requires much
+manual additional work (although we use it as well, see below for Xorg
+bugs categories).
+The only way I found how to make dissecting bugs in useful ways possible
+is by using queries. It is normal state of things for me to have more
+than 50 defined queries in the bottom of my bugzilla pages. As an
+example (and possibly foundation of your further development) I could
+present you `this search`_. Notice that it selects just some components
+of bugs (using a regular expression), eliminates bugs with needinfo flag
+set (which is thus a very important variable to care for), and
+eliminates already Triaged bugs. Of course, this is just a basic search
+which can be further narrowed by selecting only bugs in some states
+(although bug triagers deal mostly with NEW bugs), bugs changed in the
+recent time (when the time is short, it is probably better to deal with
+the active bugs, not stale ones), bugs for some versions of products,
+Firefox addon
+Although there has been concerned spent lately on making bugzilla work
+better for developers, it is still true that its user interface is (if
+for anybody) optimized for users and so there is little help for
+avoiding repetitive work. In order to make my work with bugzilla more
+palatable, I have created a Firefox addon which provides tools for
+mechanizing a lot of stereotypic work. For example, reporters in the Red
+Hat bugzilla have no meaningful guidance when filing Xorg bugs, so many
+filed bugs are lacking logs and other information which is required for
+developers to effectively diagnose the issue. Actually, making sure that
+all this information is provided is the main task of Xorg bug triage
+(where normal other tasks of bug triage, e.g., deduplication and testing
+reproducers is hardly possible or completely impossible given the limits
+on available hardware and knowledge of the code itself).
+Back to the firefox addon. The main functionality has been described on
+this blog, so just in the way of summary. The main point which you need
+to understand is that almost all functionality can be controlled and
+substantially changed by editing a JSON file which is loaded on the
+startup of the addon. Per default it is `this JSON`_, but clicking on
+“Triage configuration” link you can enter URL of any JSON file anywhere
+on the Internet. All possible options are switched on in `my JSON`_,
+which can be used as an example for developing of your own file. Let me
+go through the main options available in such file.
+Most famous and probably still most used are buttons filling
+standardized comments. That's the biggest parts of JSON file in the
+object (using Javascript terminology) commentPackages. The name evokes
+that there are multiple packages which can be switched on for particular
+bugzillas (one bug triager can certainly work on multiple bugzilla
+instances ... see configData.enabledPackages for examples how to switch
+on some packages for particular bugzillas). Each packages contains
+multiple objects one for each button which looks like this::
+ "addnoresponse": {
+ "name": "NoRespns",
+ "position": "topRow",
+ "commentIdx": "noResponseString",
+ "markTriaged": true,
+ "status": "CLOSED",
+ "resolution": "INSUFFICIENT_DATA"
+ },
+Each object has its own one-word name, which serves as an index and id
+for the button itself. Each object is best understood as a package of
+commands which will be executed when the button is pressed. Some of
+these “commands” actually don’t are not commands but metadata ("name"
+contains the label on the button, "position" shows to the addon where
+the button should be located), but most of them actually do something.
+So in this example, “commentIdx” points to the comment string in
+“commentString” section of the JSON file. For shorter comment texts,
+button package can contain directly “comment” property with the text
+itself. Either of these texts can be included in the comment.
+“markTriaged” will obviously make all necessary steps to make bug
+triaged, and the remaining two commands will close the bug. “position”
+deserves a little bit special treatment. It can be either “topRow” or
+“bottomRow” which means that the button will be inserted into the row of
+buttons above or below the comment box respectively. “position” property
+can also contain the ID of the element after or before which the button
+should be included (such string starts with “+” or “-” before the ID
+string). So for example, “addexternalbugid” package contains
+``"position": "+external_bugs_headline",`` which means that the button
+should follow HTML element with “external\_bugs\_headline” ID.
+After “commentPackages” and “commentStrings” sections, the next one is
+“configData” which is a collection of various configuration options. I
+have in my JSON file almost all of possible ones on. I will return to
+this configuration section in a minute, but now let me just the mention
+the last section “constantData” which contains various constants for
+Xorg bug triagers, and which you should probably just take for your
+Back to the “configData” section. The biggest object (at least in my
+file) is “killNodes” which is an object which for each bugzilla instance
+where the triager is supposed to work lists IDs of all elements you
+would like to remove from the page (some people especially from Mozilla
+complained that there is just too much stuff on every page, so that for
+some people the bugzilla is almost useless, but I had to admit I used it
+well even with “downloadJSON” contains URLs for
+additional data files which can be loaded for data which are just too
+big to be included into “constantData” section (take a look at `that
+file`_). “suspiciousComponents” is for situations when reporters
+continuously file bugs into components which are there just for legacy
+or organizational reasons (``xorg-x11`` and ``xorg-x11-drivers``). The
+last is set of couple of Booleans, which directly allow some features of
+the addon, which are usually not useful for “normal” bug triagers, but
+were useful for me:
+ This is mostly legacy option, for large piece of functionality,
+ which pulled just a important part of backtrace from the attached
+ abrt-produced log.
+ This is a switch for a functionality which is completely useless for
+ anybody who is not hired for being a bug triager. This addons could
+ ask you for every click on the Submit button to provide short
+ message, which could be then collated into something which goes to
+ my weekly status report. Obviously it should be set to ``false`` for
+ almost everybody.
+ This is a switch for unfinished attempt to merge in functionality
+ from `Bugzilla Tweaks`_ `functionality of which`_ was `later
+ included into the upstream bugzilla itself`_.
+ This is a tool which could be very useful for any Xorg bug triager.
+ However, it is kind of dangerous, because if misused it could lead
+ to quite sloppy work. What it does is that it adds to every
+ Xorg.0.log (and dmesg output) a button which makes the addon to run
+ the log through regular expressions which selects lines which can be
+ interesting. Obviously it is useful for fast overview of what's
+ going on, but certainly detailed inspection of the log is required
+ for any decision.
+So, this is finally written down documentation for the mythical JSON
+file, which I promised for so long.
+A bit on process of treating a bug
+I will skip technical issues (they are described reasonably well on the
+above mentioned BugZappers pages), but let me add here couple of notes
+on the background of the process. First of all, although bug triage is
+kind of lonely job, we stand on shoulders of some giants (or at least we
+could if we knew about them). Luis Villa (former bugmaster of Ximian and
+Gnome project) has `a nice collection of his presentations and talks`_.
+Highly recommended. Also a lot of discussion about bugs management
+(obviously) happens in the Bugzilla community, for which `Bugzilla
+Planet`_ is a great entry point (or you can go all the way to `Mozilla
+(... to be continued ...)
+.. _`How to Triage`:
+.. _`this navigation page`:
+.. _`bug workflow`:
+.. _`this search`:
+.. _`this JSON`:
+.. _`my JSON`:
+.. _`that file`:
+.. _`Bugzilla Tweaks`:
+.. _`functionality of which`:
+.. _`later included into the upstream bugzilla itself`:
+.. _`a nice collection of his presentations and talks`:
+.. _`Bugzilla Planet`:
+.. _`Mozilla Planet`:
diff --git a/_posts/what-have-the-eventemitter-framework-ever-done-for-us.rst b/_posts/what-have-the-eventemitter-framework-ever-done-for-us.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e06db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/what-have-the-eventemitter-framework-ever-done-for-us.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+title: What have the EventEmitter framework ever done for us?
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: 2011-08-31T14:08:10
+So, I was one of the people behind `the bug request`_ which lead to `the
+EventEmitter framework`_.
+So, when I have now a moment I was looking at my scripts how to make to
+use it. The situation before was that I had this ``pageMod`` creator::
+ pageMod.PageMod({
+ include : interestingURLsArray,
+ contentScriptWhen : 'ready',
+ contentScriptFile : contentScriptLibraries,
+ onAttach : function onAttach(worker, msg) {
+ worker.on('message', function(msg) {
+ messageHandler(worker, msg);
+ });
+ });
+and ``messageHandler`` handler was just one very ugly
+``switch(msg.cmd)`` which contained sections like::
+ case "GetURL":
+ libbz.getURL(,
+ function(stuff) {
+ worker.postMessage(new Message(,
+ stuff));
+ });
+ break;
+Not nice but useable. All the ugly switching logic was hidden behind the
+corner and it was obvious what it does. Now with the advent of
+``EventEmitter`` framework I should change my pageMod’s ``onAttach``
+handler to contain endless list of very ugly spaghetti calls like::
+ worker.port.on('GetURL', function (command) {
+ libbz.getURL(command.url,
+ function(stuff) {
+ worker.port.emit(command.backMessage,
+ stuff);
+ });
+ });
+What is the advantage? `What have the EventEmitter framework ever done
+for us?`_ I am not sure I know what is the answer,
+I guess we could improve the situation a bit if page.PageMod creator was
+actually returning an instance variable and event handlers could be
+hooked on it (in the similar pattern as the ``Widget``\ ’s on the
+instance variable. Why it isn't possible to do so with PageMod?
+.. _`the bug request`:
+.. _`the EventEmitter framework`:
+.. _`What have the EventEmitter framework ever done for us?`:
diff --git a/_posts/world-domination-is-one-step-closer.rst b/_posts/world-domination-is-one-step-closer.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e721c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/world-domination-is-one-step-closer.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+title: 'World Domination is one step closer!'
+ - computer
+ - jetpack
+date: 2010-07-16T11:22:00
+My `bugzilla triage addon`_ is now on ``_!
+And I have already upgraded the version there to 0.13, which stores
+passwords in the Firefox encrypted password storage and is much more
+closer to be compatible with other bugzillas.
+.. _`bugzilla triage addon`:
+.. _``:
diff --git a/_posts/yet-another-on-identity.rst b/_posts/yet-another-on-identity.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f83a481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/yet-another-on-identity.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+title: Yet another on identity
+ - computer
+ - identity
+ - Own cloud
+ - privacy
+date: 2012-08-08T00:31:05
+I am not sure I have written it somewhere here, but I have been
+persuaded that identity is the most important and yet unresolvable issue
+circling around Internet `since at least 1997`_ (don’t bother to read
+the paper, it is pretty poorly written and I didn’t have courage to
+state my conclusions clearly). The paper was about legal aspects of
+EDI_ (if you know what it is, then you are probably in 0. 00001 % of
+population), but during the research I found that whole idea of
+Internet-wide EDI is basically dead not because of technological
+challenges (they are real, but probably solvable), but because of lack
+of universal government-backed legally binding identity system, and such
+system will be never be introduced, while `electorate of some
+countries`_ opposes any attempt to introduce any `system of IDs`_. Of
+course, I don’t want to say that USA is the only country opposing
+identity documents, that they don’t have good reasons for their
+rejection of IDs, or that REAL ID Act wasn’t horribly mangled (in the
+post-9/11 era I wouldn’t expect anything else). Just that without
+well-functioning IDs we will never experience **full** potential what
+Internet can bring to us.
+This experience is probably the reason why I was always skeptical to all
+attempts to create Internet based identity systems (mainly OpenID), and
+why I stay skeptical when I read `this post by Tim Bray`_. There are
+problems which are not technological, but political/social, and such
+problems cannot be resolved by improvements in technology, although most
+programmers never believe it and will try to develop new and new
+technology to solve it. I don’t believe Google will ever introduce any
+system of Internet-wide identity which they would be willing to accept
+even from other identity providers. Of course, Google (and Facebook,
+Twitter, and others) will pretend that OAuth is such system, because it
+allows innocent third party website to give up all their most valuable
+data to them. But until I will be able to login to GMail with my
+identity from Yahoo/Facebook, I won’t believe that Google will be a
+honest member of the identity community. Many people on that webpage (me
+included) asked Tim about BrowserID_. I am afraid that’s one things he
+is not allowed to talk about. When Facebook/Google/Yahoo/AOL/Microsoft
+killed by turning their blind eye OpenID, I don’t see any reasons why we
+should expect any other attitude towards BrowserID. Which doesn’t mean
+that BrowserID is doomed, but that we should expect it to be just
+limited tool for independent openweb loving parties.
+.. _`since at least 1997`:
+.. _EDI:
+.. _`electorate of some countries`:
+.. _`system of IDs`:
+.. _`this post by Tim Bray`:
+.. _BrowserID:
diff --git a/_posts/yubikey-with-non-us-keyboards.rst b/_posts/yubikey-with-non-us-keyboards.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73bd1dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/yubikey-with-non-us-keyboards.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+title: Make Yubikey working with non-us keyboard layouts
+ - computer
+date: 2013-04-09T23:59:41
+My employer started to use system which allows using Yubikey for
+authentication [*added later*: the most important thing is that whole
+system is `Open Source`_, which is very very good thing], so I have
+finally gave up and bought one myself as well. It works really well, and
+comparing to the previous system it is both smaller and more convenient
+to use (not mentioning that `the previous system has been
+The only problem I had with it is, that in order to be ultra-secure it
+doesn't allow much configuration (my version of Yubikey doesn't have
+``use-numeric-keypad`` option) so with my default Czech keyboard, it
+didn't work, and I had to switch all the time between Czech and US
+keyboard manually.
+The first option seemed to be to use custom configuration snippet as
+described in the Fedora Wiki and create a file in
+``/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/`` directory with content like::
+ Section "InputClass"
+ Identifier "keyboard defaults"
+ MatchProduct "Yubic Yubico Yubikey II"
+ Option "XkbModel" "pc104"
+ Option "XkbLayout" "us"
+ Option "XKbOptions" ""
+ EndSection
+Unfortunately, this solution doesn’t work with Gnome, which controls
+input devices dynamically and overrides Xorg defaults.
+Finally, I have found the solution with very kind help of Peter Hutterer
+and his blogpost on `Custom input device configuration in GNOME`_. When
+the example script from ``gnome-settings-daemon`` is modified to include
+the configuration, it could also set Yubikey (and only Yubikey) input
+device to us keyboard layout. The key part is::
+ case "$1" in
+ Yubico*)
+ echo "Setting Yubikey layout"
+ setxkbmap -device $2 -layout us
+ ;;
+ esac
+Whole script is
+.. _`Open Source`:
+.. _`the previous system has been compromised`:
+.. _`Custom input device configuration in GNOME`: