diff options
authorMatěj Cepl <>2017-10-30 15:00:59 +0100
committerMatěj Cepl <>2017-10-30 15:00:59 +0100
commit18132aaedb567c80fa2faa3ae0a9f73744bdd9d1 (patch)
parent99b5da9bb77aa5481eb6e3f172be14a8dbae565e (diff)
8 files changed, 462 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/computer/econtalk-future-cars.rst b/computer/econtalk-future-cars.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..205b195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/computer/econtalk-future-cars.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+EconTalk, Future of Cars and Telecommuting
+:date: 2017-08-31T14:50:41
+:category: computer
+:tags: blogComment, econtalk
+(This has been comment on `the episode`_ of EconTalk)
+It seems to me that however this interview was awesome (and it
+was) it is still in the danger of being the same kind as the
+prediction about colourful faxes.
+I think we are standing on the edge of the end of the Industrial
+(or Modern) age and something new is awaiting us. One particular
+aspect which relates to the transportation and cars is in my
+opinion that employees are moving back from their offices. With
+the advancement of Internet and other higher forms of
+communication it makes less and less sense to commute an hour or
+so to some other building and work there, when everything
+required for work can be at home. Why to build specialized
+expensive buildings just for working?
+The idea of “leaving home to work” was completely strange to
+people before year approximately 1800 and I am not sure whether
+we cannot be estranged to it again.
+Of course, there is zillion problems with it, but it seems to me
+that this could be as big revolution as was the Industrial
+revolution. And yes, everything will have to change: our homes
+(too small to spend most of our times there), our cities (too
+many now useless office buildings), our way of life (socializing
+won't be done primarily in the context of work). Perhaps we may
+see again rise of deurbanization and people moving out of the
+large metropolis to smaller communities. Who knows?
+But certainly, such process would completely change our
+expectations put on cars and transportation.
+More on this here_.
+.. _`the episode`:
+.. _here:
+ {filename}third-wave-telecommuting.rst
diff --git a/computer/vim_vs_ide.rst b/computer/vim_vs_ide.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a6b586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/computer/vim_vs_ide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+vim v. IDE for Python programming
+:date: 2017-10-30
+:category: computer
+:tags: blogComment, python, vim, emacs, git, FLOSS
+(somebody asked me in email about my opinions on vim v. IDE for
+Python programming, I think it could be worthy of being available
+to others as well)
+ Obviously you are interested in Python and Vim. Therefore I'd
+ like to ask you whether you use a Python IDE. If so, is it
+ a Vim-based one or a different tool like Eric or PyCharm (by
+ JetBrains with its headquarters in Prague).
+NetBeans was a Czech project, Eclipse and JetBrains just have
+labs here (JetBrains is more a Russian company, headquartered in
+St. Petersburg, as far as I know, although I wonder whether they
+won’t follow all smart Russians and move out of the reach of Mr.
+Concerning me and IDE. No, I don't write my emails in my $EDITOR,
+but that's just because I work for Red Hat as a Desktop QA, so
+I am trying to use our products as much as possible (i.e.,
+switching between Thunderbird and Evolution with local mails on
+IMAP server on localhost). Otherwise, everything else (from
+Python to writing a novel) I do in vim.
+However, I constantly feel in background that there is something
+wrong with using gqap in Normal mode when it is year 2017, so
+I tried I believe almost all alternatives (with Linux from 2000,
+most of the time having vim as my $EDITOR). From other editors
+(Emacs, gedit … I have even started
+, Sublime) to all possible
+IDEs (Eclipse with PyDev, NetBeans … just briefly, PyCharm, VS
+Code, yes, even Eric) and scenario is always the same. First
+moment is enchantment with new opportunities (e.g., I really
+liked Mylyn on Eclipse) and then hard life of trying to survive
+with the new environment. After grinding my teeth over the need
+to learn new stuff I always get to that state of uncontrollable
+rage when I have no clue how to do what I would like to do, but
+I know four keystrokes which would do it for me in vim. So, I am
+back with vim.
+Part of my problem is that I really don’t do large Python
+projects with zilion of files, classes, etc. in the Java meaning
+of the word. A colleague from the JBoss team was sitting next to
+me for many years. He was working almost all his hours on one
+project inside of the gigantic cloud of Java classes and symbols.
+For him there never was anything else than his IDE (originally
+Eclipse, now mostly IntelliJ IDEA), it was literally only program
+he run most of the day. He finally learnt how to run his unit
+tests inside of his IDE and then he just didn't use anything else
+(except, for some weird reason, he hated integrated support for
+git, so he used terminal just for that). When he needed that
+weird class in one of the other hundreds of classes it was just
+at his fingertips and love was good. The only other alternative
+of using editor was him using a debugger, which was again in his
+That is unfortunately (?) not how I work. I usually write just
+plenty of not so complicated Python scripts and I need to run
+them in bash all the time (or via some other command line utility
+in our testing server on the other side of the world). I don’t
+use complicated weird list of classes (aside from one or two
+external libraries we try to keep ourselves mostly inside of the
+stdlib), I mostly don't use debugger (usually ``logging.debug()``
+is the best debugging tool I can get anyway), so there is really
+not much I can expect from IDE.
+I tried some attempts to use some vim plugins for project-like
+organization, but I usually don’t use them in the end. I even use
+too little of vim-snippets (although these could be useful).
+In the end I have decided to stay with vim (and I maintain
+, but I think
+that your decision to use one or another depends a lot on the
+style of your work. I can imagine that with complicated large
+Django project you may be closer to my JBoss colleague and use
+good Python IDE (and if using professional PyCharm, you can use
+Django-specific support and/or SQL databases support). PyCharm
+has surprisingly good vim emulation (not just hjkl keys, which
+I don't use anyway, but really nice work with objects, like ci"
+or similar).
+The only thing which made me think for a second over VS Code from
+Microsoft was their debugger. Really slick, if you can use it,
+worthy of consideration.
+ Some of my colleagues developing big Python/Django projects
+ used PyDev ( or vim-pydjango
+ ( but switched to
+ PyCharm after a while.
+Just to note that vim-pydjango looks like one of those poorly
+stitched together collections of „everything I have currently on
+my disc“. I prefer to use original plug-ins themselves (ropevim
+or Jedi for code completion and jumping in the code, UltraSnips
+& vim-snippets, of course everybody has to have vim-fugitive
+installed, etc.). With the packages support now in vim8 (did
+I tell I maintain Fedora/RHEL builds of the latest vim8? ;), it
+is really no trouble to have multiple plug-ins constantly updated
+(put ~/.vim/pack into git repository and all individual modules
+as git submodules), and you get the latest code and the best
+ My younger colleagues say they were much more productive with
+ a good IDE and PyCharm is perhaps the best one, at least the
+ commercial version. I prefer open source tools with the full
+ feature set, so PyCharm would not be my first choice.
+There is free (both as in beer and as in free speech) version of
+PyCharm, but it doesn't have those special plugins for
+Django/SQL. Fedora/RHEL packages from one of my colleagues are on
+ but I am
+sure you get them somewhere for any Linux distribution.
+However, as I said, better means different things for different
+people. Try some IDE and you can see how it works for you.
+ Do you have a recommendation? In case you use a Vim-based IDE
+ which one do you prefer? If you use Vim as pure text editor
+ and not as IDE: Do you have special plugins and settings for
+ Python?
+By the way, vim-based IDE (i.e., those vim-pydjango or
+ are usually horrible
+combination of all worst parts of vim and IDE. Too heavy, not
+well maintained, and not as good as true IDE. Use vim plugins
+directly and sparingly.
+(yes, it is from marketing guy at JetBrains)
+are two articles worthy of consideration. However, the conclusion
+depends on you.
+ I myself take the standard Vim distribution maintained by
+ Bram and a small .vimrc with no real Python-specific
+ settings. For me that has been enough so far but I want to
+ find out if there is a better environment I can live with.
+I really believe that SOME plug-ins are worthy of installation.
+Below is the output of ``ls -1 -d ~/.vim/pack/*/*/*`` I have too
+many plugins, and there are many I don't use, but some (ALE for
+running pylint/flake8/etc. in background, fugitive for weirder
+aspects of life with git, vim-unimpaired, vim-textobj*,
+ultisnips, ropevim, Ack.vim with ripgrep) are seriously useful.::
+ $ /bin/ls -d ~/.vim/pack/*/*/*
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/own/start/slovnik-seznam
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/own/start/vim-diff_navigator
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/opt/vim-ditto
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/opt/vim-racer
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/ack.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/ale
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/asyncrun.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/closetag.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/ctrlp.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/editorconfig-vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/fugitive-gitlab.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/html5-natalian
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/lexima.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/mediawiki.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/pydoc.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/pyunit.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/Recover.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/ropevim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/todo.txt-vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/ultisnips
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/unicode.vim
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/VCard-syntax
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-behave
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-characterize
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-commentary
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-cuesheet
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-fugitive
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-gitlab
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-indent-object
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-makegreen
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vimoutliner
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-repeat
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-restructuredtext
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-rooter
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-scriptease
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-snippets
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-solarized8
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-speeddating
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-sticky-notes
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-surround
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-textobj-function
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-textobj-python
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-textobj-quote
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-textobj-user
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-unimpaired
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/thirdparty/start/vim-vinegar
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/vimballs/start/math-vba
+ /home/matej/.vim/pack/vimballs/start/vim-info
+ $
diff --git a/faith/on_bono_and_art.rst b/faith/on_bono_and_art.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409c33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faith/on_bono_and_art.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+On Bono and art and idols
+:date: 2017-10-20
+:status: draft
+:category: faith
+:tags: blogComment, celebrity, humility, orthoschesi, centered
+So, I was listening to another episode_ of the Blue Ocean Faith
+podcast (and boy, they should get `better URLs`_ for their
+website … anyway, focus!). And it was another of those Dave’s
+podcasts I put on so that I may fall asleep better and it
+completely didn’t work for tha purpose. I just had to get up and
+write what is whirling in my head.
+First about idols and to be cool I have to quote_ Martin Luther.
+ The First Commandment: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me
+ That is: Thou shalt have [and worship] Me alone as thy God.
+ What is the force of this, and how is it to be understood?
+ What does it mean to have a god? or, what is God? Answer: *A
+ god means that from which we are to expect all good and to
+ which we are to take refuge in all distress*, so that to have
+ a God is nothing else than to trust and believe Him from the
+ [whole] heart; as I have often said that the confidence and
+ faith of the heart alone make both God and an idol. If your
+ faith and trust be right, then is your god also true; and, on
+ the other hand, if your trust be false and wrong, then you
+ have not the true God; for these two belong together faith and
+ God. That now, I say, upon which you set your heart and put
+ your trust is properly your god.
+ -- Martin Luther: Large Catechism
+So, yes of course, all celebrity worshipping is bad, its worst.
+And yes it is so normal, because whenever we are not certain in
+our God, it is so easier to turn to something less we have
+crafted ourselves. However, this is not what I wanted to write
+about. For the next few paragraphs I wanted to finally explain
+with the absolute authority what is art and what art is not.
+Easy, right?
+And of course, the idea is not mine. After I have became
+Christian, I discovered whole new world of Christian music. Being
+who I am I was more interested in the non-worship folk Christian
+music. And in that time there was no bigger band in the Czech
+republic for the folk Christian music, than `Učedníci`_. And even
+better, when I was on one of the first Christian retreats with
+the poeple from my new church, they had concert just in the next
+village from us. So, of course, we all went there. I really liked
+their music, my freshly converted a bit puritanical soul was
+a bit easy with the motive of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull“ on
+which whole show was based a bit too ambiguous (years later
+I found that the show was a way better than the book). When the
+front man of the group was closing the evening, he wished us to
+see and enjoy great art. “What? You don’t know how to recognize
+what is art and what isn’t? It is easy. Just look on what the
+artists focuses.” And he mentioned Pink Floyd. They were
+certainly not shy to make the most bombastic show possible
+(arguably, they invented the idea of the most bombastic rock
+concerts on the stadium), but what’s remarkable that musicians
+themselves are obviously the least obvious part of everything.
+They are in the middle of crazy explosions, light, and
+everything, but they were usually in a bit shabby jeans and
+.. _episode:
+.. _`better URLs`:
+.. _quote:
+.. _`Učedníci`:
diff --git a/faith/review-of-aftershocks.rst b/faith/review-of-aftershocks.rst
index 9a49076..f28e36f 100644
--- a/faith/review-of-aftershocks.rst
+++ b/faith/review-of-aftershocks.rst
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ imperiused Death Eater, there is something wrong with his rule.
However, even in the middle of in my opinion rather disastrous
trial, there are scenes of utter brilliance. Of course, Neville’s
speach about the guilt of all teachers of Hogwarts, all those
-thoughts about keeping too many secrets by Dumbledore and Haryy,
+thoughts about keeping too many secrets by Dumbledore and Harry,
are excellent.
I really wish this novel was finished, it could be really lovely.
diff --git a/faith/salmon-fishing-in-the-yemen.rst b/faith/salmon-fishing-in-the-yemen.rst
index 4a8b64d..2c6cc2a 100644
--- a/faith/salmon-fishing-in-the-yemen.rst
+++ b/faith/salmon-fishing-in-the-yemen.rst
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ Salmon fishing in the Yemen
:date: 2016-10-12T11:30:00
-:status: draft
:category: faith
:tags: review, movie
@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ Now from complaining to the really positive part of the book
mostly about faith. Not exactly the religious kind, more faith is
put in salmons (and only indirectly sheik mentions Allah), but it
is one of more `authentic expressions of faith`_ I have met in
-a long time. $$$ FIXME
+a long time.
.. _`the review by Roger Ebert`:
diff --git a/faith/stifter-beidermaier.rst b/faith/stifter-beidermaier.rst
index 7f79012..10d2f93 100644
--- a/faith/stifter-beidermaier.rst
+++ b/faith/stifter-beidermaier.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Stifter, Witiko, and Biedermeier
+:author: Matěj Cepl
:date: 2016-09-25T20:11:50
:status: draft
:category: faith
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ of Rosenberg`_).
Stifter was known to be the master of the landscape descriptions and he
is obviously a big patriot of Böhmerwald_ (Šumava) mountains in the
Southern Bohemia. The results are absolutely charming descriptions of
-the Šumava’s landscape (which unfortunately take a bit from the action
+the Šumava’s landscape (which unfortunately takes a bit from the action
of the story).
.. FIXME put some more comments on the book itself here
@@ -31,8 +32,41 @@ considered seriously. Although when thinking about it, it feels
extremely familiar and natural to me, or perhaps because of it, I have
very hard to describe it coherently.
+* M. C. Putna: Biedermeier as a post-Baroque idyll and foundation
+ of heimat-kultur (or God und Boden kultur as a softer variant
+ of Blut and Boden). Což je zajímavé, protože to je vlastně
+ napětí mezi bourgeois (rozuměj městským) a vesnickým stylem.
+* Idyll and rejection of any internal conflict because whole idea
+ was based on covering actuall internal conflict of the time:
+ falling apart of the Baroque universe after the Napoleonic
+ wars, arrival of atheism, industrialism versus artificial
+ restoration of the *Ancien Régime* by the Vienna Congress.
+ About Stifter: “And yet passion is not eradicated, but
+ sublimated in the original.”
+First of all, of course, Biedermayer is a resistance to
+romanticism. Where the romantic hero is overpowered by his
+emotions, lives in the internal conflict, and he ends in the
+tragedy, in Biedermayer there are no conflicts, there are no
+dangerous emotions, the end is always happy.
+When I say there are no internal conflicts, it does not mean
+there are no negative persona (although quite often even that is
+the case, find anything negative in the “Mozart on the Journey to
+Prague”!), but if there is one (Načerad in Witiko), there are no
+deep psychoanalytical dives, he just decided clearly and
+rationally that he wants to get hold of power and so he makes
+clear-headed steps to get to his dream. Witiko in the novel falls
+in love with a girl, he promises her to make himself somebody to
+be worthy of her love, and he then goes and just does it. In the
+end, as he promised, he comes to her and marries her.
* Biedermeier as anti-romanticism
* Biedermeier as repressed unpoliticism, how similar to the Czech
historical literature of the Communist era.
@@ -60,7 +94,7 @@ very hard to describe it coherently.
* Gemütlichkeit_, including acceptance, being natural, environment of
friedliness and coziness.
* saving, homely and family joys (preferable to the worldly glory), but
also distrust (in future, in politics) … a bit opposite to the
Fukuyama’s Social capital and Trust (well, no, Germans are
diff --git a/faith/third_way_reply_to_dave.rst b/faith/third_way_reply_to_dave.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5664ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faith/third_way_reply_to_dave.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+On The Third Way or the Reply to Dave
+:date: 2017-09-08T17:03:00
+:category: faith
+:tags: politics, blogComment
+(Comment to `the article`_ by Dave Schmelzer on a Christian and
+Hi, Dave,
+let me add couple of comments from this side of The Pond.
+First of all, of course, I blame completely confused American
+terminology, especially in the political matters. Here Socialists
+are not afraid to call themselves such, so they don't have to
+misuse a label of Liberal, which doesn't belong to them. Liberals
+here are mostly "let us alone" kind of people, mostly middle
+class entrepreneurs; small government, small taxes, but strongly
+anti-monopoly politics … that slogan is targeted both at
+government and at the large supranational business giants. And
+what you are saying is exactly what we would call Conservatism
+here (represented now for example by the German CDU and Frau
+Merkel or in the times when they are not wrecked by the lunacy of
+Brexit by the British Conservatives).
+Let me here quote my beloved Conservative thinker `Michael
+Oakshott`_ (he was a professionally philosopher in Oxford, so
+sometimes his writing is a bit heavy, but on the other hand he
+was a don in Oxford so his writing is always perfect): “In
+political activity men sail a boundless and bottomless sea; there
+is neither harbor for shelter nor floor for anchorage, neither
+starting point nor appointed destination.” Which is to say, that
+the most important part of Conservatism for me is that it is not
+ideology, it doesn't have any Communism or any shining ideal for
+which we need to sacrifice today. The biggest goal of politician
+is to deal with the current problems, not to drag his/her nation
+towards his ideal. (Also read “In Defense of Politics” by
+`Bernard Crick`_)
+In the same time, it seems to me that people who claim to be this
+kind of original Conservatives, tend to share Christian (or even
+more Reformed) scepticism towards human nature. Particularly from
+the deep distrust of human goodness comes both distrust towards
+government (which is in the end created by sinful humans) and
+certainly towards the great businessmen (greed may be the best
+organizing power of economics, but it is not something to be
+celebrated too much). Of course, here I have to mention `Russel
+Kirk`_ “The Conservative Mind”.
+.. _`the article`:
+.. _`Michael Oakshott`:
+.. _`Bernard Crick`:
+.. _`Russel Kirk`:
diff --git a/faith/uvahy_postvolebni.rst b/faith/uvahy_postvolebni.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d203b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faith/uvahy_postvolebni.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Úvaha postvolební
+:date: 2017-10-22
+:category: faith
+:tags: politics, czech, cultureWar, conservatism
+Co jsem napsal dnes ráno jednomu kamarádovi na IM:
+ Tak já Ti nevím. Jsem hodně nešťastnej z té včerejší
+ post-volební diskuse předesedů vítězných stran. Kromě toho,
+ že jsou morálně radikální názory dost neuctivé k milionu
+ a půl našich spoluobčanů, tak efektivně dotlačili Bureše
+ k tomu, že v této chvíli jediná oficiální možnost jeho vlády
+ je s komunisty a Okamurou. Dáš přednost takové vládě (a
+ referendu o vystoupení z EU a NATO, např.) nebo třeba vládě
+ Ano, ODS a lidovců?
+ Neříkám, že jsem úplně pro tu druhou vládu, ale nežli tu
+ alternativu úplně odmítneš, tak je dobré uvážit všechny
+ důsledky. Berlusconiho (což mi připadne jako mnohem
+ případnější precedent pro Babiše nežli tolikrát omílaný
+ Trump) také nakonec nedostali ti, kteří proti němu bojovali
+ s pěnou u pusy, ale ti, kdo trpělivě nabízeli opravdové
+ řešení problémů, které se on tvářil řešit, a čekali až ho
+ jeho hříchy doženou.
+A myslel jsem při tom na Pithartovu Obranu politiky a na Michaela
+ In political activity men sail a boundless and bottomless
+ sea; there is neither harbor for shelter nor floor for
+ anchorage, neither starting point nor appointed destination.
+ -- Michael Oakeshott: Rationalism in Politics