path: root/doc/user/tbl_plai
diff options
authorJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
committerJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 19:21:41 +0000
commit71bdb35d52747e6d7d9f55df4524d57c2966be94 (patch)
tree480ee5eefccc40d5f3331cc52d66f722fd19bfb9 /doc/user/tbl_plai
parentb41263ea7578fa9742486135c762803b52794105 (diff)
Lout 3.17.
git-svn-id: http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lout/trunk@2 9365b830-b601-4143-9ba8-b4a8e2c3339c
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/user/tbl_plai')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/user/tbl_plai b/doc/user/tbl_plai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0813717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/tbl_plai
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+ @Title { Plain text tables }
+ @Tag { tbl_plai }
+Tables work well with plain text output (Section {@NumberOf plain}):
+plain.text.tables @Index { plain text tables }
+@CD @OneRow -1px @Break @F @Verbatim {
+. . .
+. Johnson . Johnson suddenly uttered an .
+. suddenly . apophegm, at which many will .
+. uttered an . start: `Patriotism is the .
+. apophegm, at . last refuge of a scoundrel.' .
+. which many . .
+. will start: . .
+. `Patriotism .................................
+. is the last . . .
+. refuge of a . Johnson . Johnson .
+. scoundrel.' . suddenly . suddenly .
+. . uttered an . uttered an .
+. . apophegm, at . apophegm, at .
+. . which many . which many .
+. . will start: . will start: .
+. . `Patriotism . `Patriotism .
+. . is the last . is the last .
+. . refuge of a . refuge of a .
+. . scoundrel.' . scoundrel.' .
+. . . .
+. . . .
+................................... .
+. . .
+. Johnson suddenly uttered an . .
+. apophegm, at which many will . .
+. start: `Patriotism is the . .
+. last refuge of a scoundrel.' . .
+. . .
+. . .
+This table was produced by a separate run of Lout and pasted into this
+@Code "@Tbl" changes the default values of several options when used
+in a plain text document:
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+ marginvertical { 2f }
+ marginhorizontal { 2s }
+ rulehorizontalwidth { 1f }
+ ruleverticalwidth { 1s }
+ rulehorizontalgap { 0f }
+ ruleverticalgap { 0s }
+When using plain text it is advisable to make vertical distances whole
+multiples of {@Code "1f"}, and horizontal distances whole multiples of
+{@Code "1s"}, since this avoids fractional spacing which cannot be successful
+in plain text files and produces quite messy results. There is also a
+@Code ruleplainchar option for changing the character used to
+draw rules. For example,
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+ ruleplainchar { - }
+would be a good choice if you plan to draw only horizontal rules. This
+option can be set anywhere as usual.
+If you do use rules it is worth pondering the implications of the last
+part of Section {@NumberOf tbl_rule}. Right and below rules are drawn
+outside the boundary of the cell, which is unimportant
+in ordinary output, but means that they will appear one space to the
+right and one line below the cell in plain text output. This explains
+the slight asymmetry in the example above; you can correct it with
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+ marginright { 1s }
+ marginbelow { 1f }
+but you still have to worry about rules at the extreme right of the
+page going off the edge, and rules below the last line bumping into
+whatever follows the table. The first can be fixed by not using
+full width tables with right rules; the second by inserting an extra
+@Code "@DP" after a table that ends with a below rule.
+@End @Section