path: root/19-TheChildPart2.rst
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authorMatěj Cepl <>2021-07-16 09:20:58 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <>2021-07-16 09:20:58 +0200
commitcc4cfa3efa778c21b69bb32dfc66e8e06c46e43d (patch)
tree31fe8cb15fce4d9628c8e862011f96b4f94637da /19-TheChildPart2.rst
Initial commitHEADmaster
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1 files changed, 1778 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Episode 3.19, The Child, Part 2
+At Home
+Luke – “Can’t you at least pay attention to the movie?”
+Grace – “I’m watching. I am able to multitask.”
+Luke – “Okay, what is the number that she doesn’t like?”
+Grace – “Five.Why did you rent this movie, anyway?”
+Luke – “Because she’s pregnant and I thought her experience might
+interest you.”
+Grace – “I’m not having my baby in a Wal-Mart.”
+Helen walks into the room, “Who’s having a baby at Wal-Mart?”
+Grace – “Nobody in her right mind.”
+Helen – “When did you take up knitting?
+Grace – “I had Joan teach me. What do you think?”
+Helen – ‘Booties, nice.” Helen pauses, trying to properly phrase her
+next question, “You know, if there is anything…”
+Grace interrupts her, “Do you remember Mrs. Finnegan?”
+Helen – “Joan’s friend with the twins.”
+Grace – “Joan and I are each making a pair of booties for her.”
+Helen is noticeably relieved, “Well, that’s really nice of the two of
+Just then, Joan peeks her head through the door, “Come out here, I
+want to show you something.”
+When they walk out onto the porch, Joan clobbers Luke with a
+Luke – “Why did you do that?”
+Joan – “I’ve been needing to do something, seulement par Grace étiez
+vous avez économisé.”
+Helen – “Where did all of this come from? It was only supposed to be
+Grace – “Look at those flakes, they’re huge!”
+Joan – “A guy on the bus said now they’re calling for three to eight
+As Luke throws a snowball at Joan, he says, “Ah, the butterfly effect
+and chaos theory. Why can’t they just say they don’t know?”
+Will – “Because then no one would pay them to make the predictions.”
+Helen – “Hi honey, see the snow?”
+Will – “How can I miss it?”
+Helen smirks, “That was a rhetorical question.”
+Will – “I know.” Joan throws another snowball at Luke, but misses and
+hits her father. “Oh, you want to play?” He joins her in the yard, as
+do the others. Soon, all of them are laughing, and covered with snow.
+They become tired and are about ready to quit when Joan is clobbered
+by a snowball from nowhere. She looks and sees Adam laughing as he
+walks across the street. “Guess what? No school tomorrow.”
+Joan – “Hi, well I’m glad you came over… you bum.” She gives him a
+kiss and smashes a snowball on his head, “Don’t you love snow?”
+Adam – “Yeah, on the ground.”
+Helen – “Come on, everyone inside.” Joan and Adam are the only ones
+sensible enough to have coats on.
+Grace – “Wait! I need to do one more thing.” She walks out to an
+untarnished spot in the snow, “Joan, come join me.”
+Joan – “Snow angels?”
+Grace – “Yep, come here.”
+They join hands, and before they fall into the snow, Grace says
+quietly, “I need two angels, one for me, and one for you know who.”
+At Lilly’s Apartment
+Kevin had planned to return home, but was surprised by the unexpected
+change in the weather. Although his car handles ice and snow rather
+well, he really should have changed the tires several months ago. He
+and Lilly decide he should spend the night.
+It’s Ginger’s turn to be sick. Fortunately, she is not as ill as
+Lilly was, but she still does not have the energy to do anything more
+than lay in bed or sit in the living room. Lilly enjoys caring for
+her, because Ginger always does so much for Lilly. It’s going to be
+hard for Lilly to leave her in June, but she has already decided that
+she will find her an appropriate roommate before she leaves.
+Lilly – “Who’s ready for another movie?”
+Kevin – “We already watched the two that I brought, and I’d rather
+not watch ‘\ The Sound of Music\ ’ again.”
+Lilly – “Well, I have a surprise.” She directs herself to Ginger, “I
+have your Christmas present already. I know how you love to read
+romances and westerns, so I thought these would be perfect. It’s a
+movie with two sequels. Would you like to watch the first one?”
+Ginger – “eisom ccm etoyt.”
+Lilly – “Good, it’s called ‘\ Love Comes Softly\ ’.”
+At Home
+The ones who need to, change into dry clothes. Helen warms Joan’s
+dinner, and makes hot chocolate for everyone. Will starts a fire.
+Luke and Grace sit on the couch and watch their movie. Joan and Will
+play a game of chess, while Helen and Adam are at the dining room
+table looking over some of his recent sketches.
+Adam – “Has Joan told you about Ole Paint?”
+Helen – “Several times. She likes to wave to him on the way to Mercer
+Adam – “That’s him. Anyway, they recently painted him and all the
+buildings. He really looks good now, but I want to paint him like
+Joan and I remember him. Have you ever seen him?”
+Helen – “No, I’ve never been to Mercer Creek.”
+Adam – “Okay, I’ll talk to Joan when she’s done. I feel like I’m
+forgetting something. What kind of paint do you think I should use?
+I’m not sure which would be best, acrylic or oil.”
+Helen – “What kind of surface are you painting on?”
+Joan – “Oh, you shouldn’t have done that.”
+Will – “What? You don’t know what I’m planning.”
+Joan – “Nor you.” She moves her rook, “Check.”
+Will – “I’ll just take him with my pawn.”
+Joan – “Uh-huh, but what about my bishop?”
+Will – “Oh, I didn’t see that.” He looks over the board and decides
+the only thing he can do is to move his king.
+Joan moves her queen, “Check.”
+Will is once again stuck with only one possible move. He places his
+queen in the way and Joan promptly takes his queen with her rook,
+“Dad, you’re slipping. You should have seen that coming.”
+Will – “I guess I’m a little tired tonight.”
+Joan has been trying to decide whether to beat him or let him win.
+She decides she will win, gently.
+Grace – “There, I have one done. What do you think?”
+Luke – “It really looks nice, but have you been watching the movie at
+Grace – “Americus is a stupid name!”
+Luke – “Okay, but ‘Brownie, Brownie, do not lasso your sister’ was
+Grace – “And there was Baby Ruth, Praline, Cherry, and was there
+another one?”
+Luke – “I don’t know, Twinkie or Pez, I lost track.”
+Grace – “Well, if you want me to learn something from this movie, I
+guarantee you…” She stops to look around. She lowers her voice and
+continues, “…that my baby will not be named after junk food. If you
+want a weird name, maybe it can go in the middle.”
+Luke – “You’re going to let me help pick the name?”
+Grace – “Your vote counts for a third, because I’m voting for two.”
+Joan – “Checkmate.”
+Will – “Well, that does it. Good game, but I still have to work in
+the morning.”
+Joan gives him a kiss, “Good night, Daddy.”
+Will – “Good night.”
+Joan walks out to the dining room, “Are you two done talking?”
+Adam – “Yeah, I just needed some pointers on painting the mural at
+the Historical Society.”
+Helen – “His sketches are really good. Have you seen them?”
+Joan looks at them, “No, not these.” She scans the drawing papers
+spread out on the table. “Oh, these are my favorites.”
+Adam – “Do they look right to you?”
+Joan looks closer, “Ole Paint had a rust spot on his chin.”
+Adam – “That’s it, I knew something was missing.”
+Joan – “Did you apply to Dawson State?”
+Adam – “Yeah, I submitted the paperwork after school.”
+Joan – “Good! Well, I’m going to bed. Can you come back tomorrow?”
+Helen – “Adam is sleeping on the couch. The wind has picked up and
+you can hardly see two feet in front of you.”
+Joan – “Oh, good! I’ll see you in the morning.” She gives Adam and
+her mother a kiss, and she goes to bed.
+When Joan’s head hits the pillow, sleep comes immediately. Tonight
+was a good night of dancing. Sister Sarah is thrilled with her
+performance and feels she has an excellent chance of being accepted
+into Dawson State’s dance program. “Change nothing, just practice
+until you can do it in your sleep. But smile, you need to smile. A
+smile is a whisper of a laugh. Show them the joy that you feel when
+you perform.”
+So, she dances in the dim light of the ballroom where she has danced
+before. China’s red dress swirls as she floats around the room. She
+is alone, but she can sense he is there. It doesn’t matter that she
+can’t see him. “Am I doing what you want?” There is no answer, just a
+hint of ‘\ Last Dance\ ’ playing low. She chortles, “Hey, Holey One,
+are you there?”
+She finishes her routine, and continues to turn slowly, gazing around
+the room. She sees a small white table, with two chairs. On the table
+is an arrangement of flowers with a candle burning in the center. God
+is seated and motions for her to join him.
+God – “Holey One?I have been called many things, but I think this is
+a first.”
+Joan – “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, please. I won’t ever say it
+again. It was supposed to be a joke.”
+God – “Humor is good. It is always based on a modicum of truth.” God
+smiles, “Have you ever heard a joke about a father-in-law?”
+Joan gets a confused look on her face, “No.”
+God smiles again at her answer, “Well, humor is a healthy way to put
+distance from a problem, a way of standing off and looking at a
+problem with perspective. However, do you understand what is
+bothering you?”
+Joan – “I don’t have a problem. Everything is going great!”
+God – “Is it? Remember, I know what you are thinking.”
+Joan – “You have been wonderful to me. I have no right to complain.”
+God – “But there is something.”
+Her eyes begin to water. She doesn’t want to say it, because it’s
+such an ungrateful thankless feeling. But she realizes that she
+cannot lie to God, “Yes, there’s sadness, a little sadness beneath
+the joy, but you’ve given me so much. You have given me Cee-Cee.
+She’s a wonderful friend!”
+God – “Yet you’re still lonely, you feel isolated from those you
+love, but you worry about the burden.”
+Joan – “That’s what you told me, that it would be a burden for them
+to believe me.”
+God – “What about the ones who suspect or even know the truth? They
+know that you have not been honest with them. Is that not a burden
+for them to bear?”
+Joan – “Who knows?”
+She opens her eyes and sees Grace is beside her. As she wonders, she
+gets up to fix a cup of warm milk for herself.
+Adam is painting the mural at the Historical Society. He is working
+on the sixth grid, the last portion of Allan’s apple orchard.
+Joan – “That’s really beautiful! It’s amazing how you can do the
+apple blossoms from memory.”
+Adam – “Photographic, remember?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I remember.”
+Adam – “I’m glad you could make it. I was getting worried.”
+Joan – “It took me a little longer to finish up, but I told you I
+would be here.”
+Adam steps down from the ladder, and takes her in his arms, “And
+that’s the only thing that matters.”
+Joan – “There is something I need to tell you.”
+Adam – “Oh, more secrets revealed? What is it?”
+Joan – “Secrets? Well, in time, but there is something I need you to
+know now.” Joan stops talking, and they just stand in front of each
+other, each gazing into the other’s eyes. “I love you.”
+Adam – “I love you, too.”
+Joan – “No, I really do love you. I just want you to know that.”
+Adam opens his eyes and stares into the darkness of the living room.
+He calls out, “Jane?” He is alone, but then he hears the voice that
+he desires, “Go back to sleep, Adam.” He smiles and rolls over,
+snuggling back into the comfort of the couch.
+The morning news reports the main streets have been cleared, but it
+will be some time before the secondary streets can be plowed. Before
+leaving for work, Will instructs Luke on how to use the snow blower.
+“I’m glad I didn’t get rid of this. It will save you a lot of time
+Joan awakens to the sound of the snow blower. Grace sleeps as Joan
+quietly slips out of bed and goes downstairs. She looks out of the
+window to see Adam brushing the snow off cars, and Luke clearing the
+driveway. She wanders out to the kitchen, where Helen is making
+breakfast, “Did you have a good nights sleep?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I guess so, but I had a weird dream.”
+Helen – “Is it something you would like to talk about, or is it
+Joan – “Just weird.I don’t always know what they mean, or if they
+actually mean anything at all. I still have normal dreams like
+everyone else.”
+Helen – “I know what you mean, but there is something different about
+some dreams, a clarity that others don’t have, and if God is present,
+you can feel the difference.”
+Joan – “But what if I don’t get it right? I could be making a really
+big mistake.”
+Helen – “Your mind may be confused, but your heart will never lie to
+you.” Helen places the meal in front of her daughter.
+Joan – “Mom?”
+Helen – “I know, when you’re ready.”
+Joan – “I’m ready now.” Helen takes a seat and Joan begins, “Do you
+remember when I saw that pervert in the yard?”
+At the Police Station
+Will – “Hey, they were playing ‘Winter Wonderland’ while I was coming
+in to work this morning. Are they trying to tell us something we
+don’t already know?”
+Carlisle– “Storm Sheppard, the one who predicted flurries, has been
+calling everywhere trying to get his street plowed. It seems everyone
+is busy.”
+Will – “What kind of weatherman doesn’t own a snow blower?”
+Toni – “The kind who predicts flurries.”
+Will – “Do we have any situations that need to be dealt with?”
+Lt. Daghlian – “Nothing major. We’re helping with traffic and
+emergency transportation. The biggest problem is on
+Dilcue Street
+. They lost power last night, and there are so many wires down, the
+electric company won’t even predict when they’ll have everyone’s
+power restored. The plows can’t get in, on account of the downed
+wires. It’s a mess.”
+Will – “Oh, that reminds me. I have a meeting with Brother Jimi at
+three o’clock.”
+Carlisle– “I wouldn’t plan on it. They won’t have the secondary roads
+cleared until this evening, so I doubt if many people will be able to
+make it.”
+Will – “Do we know what’s going on in that area?”
+Toni – “Not really. Our patrol cars are getting stuck, and our
+four-wheel-drive vehicles are being used for emergencies. Most of the
+phones are out, too.”
+Will – “Has anyone heard from the mayor?”
+Lt. Daghlian – “He’s stuck at home, but he’s coordinating things by
+Will – “Send one of the four-wheelers into the
+Dilcue Street
+area just to take a look around. See if they can plow Chamberlain and
+Churchill. That will give everyone a way in and out. I’ll try to call
+Brother Jimi.” He begins to go to his office but stops, “Any word on
+the Mitchell case?”
+Lt. Daghlian – “I haven’t talked to her husband since yesterday.”
+Will – “Call him and see if his wife is ready to look as some mug
+At the Herald
+Lilly’s apartment complex has a private service to plow their parking
+lots, so it was cleared by the time they got up. Lilly brushes the
+snow off his car and Kevin is on his way. Lilly had already scheduled
+to take the day off to care for Ginger.
+Kevin has a few stories to check, but soon finds himself with nothing
+to do. He rolls over to Rebecca to chat, “Do you have any more
+stories for me?”
+Rebecca – “Not yet.The only story is the snow, but everyone is still
+collecting information. Would you like to work the tip line today?”
+Kevin – “Sure, I’d rather do that than be bored.”
+Rebecca – “Okay, just enter the information into the form and then
+post it. If you receive anything hot, call me.”
+Kevin – “I won’t let you down, Lois.”
+Rebecca smiles, “You better not or you’ll be working for Jimmy.”
+At Home
+Joan – “…so I’m not as weird as you think. All of those things were
+assignments that he asked me to do.”
+Helen – “I’ve never thought you were weird… well, on occasion, but
+I’m glad you have decided to tell me. Can I ask you a question?”
+Joan – “You can ask, but I probably won’t know the answer.”
+Helen – “What is he like?”
+Joan – “He’s very elusive about himself, but he says I see him the
+way I want to see him. Lilly can probably tell you more about him
+than I can.”
+Helen – “But you talk to him! You must know him better than anyone.”
+Joan – “Mom, I can’t be your spiritual advisor. I need you to help
+me. I’m more confused than anyone. He almost never gives answers, but
+is great at providing more questions. When he talks, it’s about me,
+something he wants me to learn or do. I rarely know the reason for
+the things he asks me to do. I just do them, because I know that when
+I don’t, things always turn out badly. All I can say is that he does
+exist, and that he loves us.”
+Adam and Luke return from outside and Helen asks, “Can I fix you some
+Adam and Luke both say yes. Joan then says, “Mom, we can talk more
+later. I need to take a shower.” Before she gets to the stairs, the
+phone rings, and she decides to pick up, “Girardi’s party palace.”
+Cee-Cee– “Hi bee’s knees, how are you doing?”
+Joan – “Fine, everything is fine. Bee’s knees?”
+Cee-Cee– “I’ll explain later. Do you still want to practice today?”
+Joan – “Yeah, but can we, with the snow and all?”
+Cee-Cee– “Yes, my brothers have cleared our driveway, and I have
+four-wheel drive. I can pick you up, or we can practice there. Which
+would you prefer?”
+Joan – “I don’t care, whichever would be the easiest.”
+Cee-Cee– “I would prefer for us to work in my studio. Since neither
+of us has school, we can do it at anything time. Do you have a
+Joan – “Oh, why don’t you pick me up in about an hour. Would that be
+Cee-Cee– “That will be fine. I’ll see you soon.”
+Dilcue Street
+Officer Gibson and Swansiger are patrolling
+Dilcue Street
+, zigzagging across at the intersections that are passable. All seems
+quiet, until they come across several men pushing a car. Even with
+their help, the car’s rear tires continue to spin.
+One of the men approaches, “Can you help us? There is a woman inside
+who is having a baby.”
+Officer Swansiger – “Do we have time to get her to the hospital?”
+Brother Jimi – “I don’t believe we have a choice. I think the baby is
+Office Gibson calls on the radio, “Inform UMC that we are
+transporting a woman in labor. Her baby may be breached.”
+They get the woman and her husband into their SUV, and they prepare
+to leave. Brother Jimi asks, “Can you get a message to Chief
+Officer Swansiger – “Sure, what is it?”
+Brother Jimi – “Tell him our meeting today is canceled, but I’ll call
+and we’ll reschedule for next week.”
+Officer Swansiger – “I’ll give him the message.”
+The woman cries out, “¡Ah Dios, por favor salve a mi bebé!” They
+leave for the hospital.
+At Home
+Joan returns downstairs, clean and ready to go. Helen is in the
+kitchen doing dishes, “Where’s Adam and Luke?”
+Helen – “Today, they are entrepreneurs. Several of the neighbors have
+asked them to clear their sidewalks and driveways. I’ll bet they make
+a bit of money today.”
+Joan – “Cee-Cee will be here soon to pick me up. We’re going to
+practice at her place.”
+Helen – “You can practice here. I would love to see you dance.”
+Joan – “Cee-Cee’s studio is actually better. There’s a lot more
+Helen – “I know that Cee-Cee knows about you. Why did you tell her
+before telling me?”
+Joan – “I didn’t; she found me. I can’t say any more. I promised not
+to tell anyone about her.”
+Cee-Ceeknocks on the door, and Joan and Helen go to answer. “Good
+morning Mrs. Girardi. Isn’t it a beautiful day?”
+Helen – “Yes, it surely is.”
+At the Herald
+Kevin tediously enters the data from the tip line. It’s boring, but
+he’s glad to have chipped in. He enters the information diligently,
+then receives a call that sounds interesting. The caller reports
+hearing of a pregnant woman being taken to UMC with a breached baby.
+He calls Rebecca and tells her about the tip, “I’d like to go over to
+UMC and talk to this woman, and I can try again to see if Mrs.
+Mitchell will talk to me. I feel it would be a good follow up to my
+last story. What do you think?”
+Rebecca – “That sounds like a good idea. I’ll find someone else to
+take over the tip line.”
+At the Lin Residence
+Joan – “I told my mom.”
+Cee-Cee– “About God?”
+Joan – “Yeah, at least part of it. I’m glad I did. I’ve wanted to
+tell her for a long time. I’ve really needed my mom… all of her.”
+Cee-Cee– “I think she already knew.”
+Joan – “Why didn’t you tell me?”
+Cee-Cee– “I did give you a hint, but it had to be your decision to
+tell her.”
+Joan remembers that conversation, “Does Kevin know?”
+Cee-Cee– “I don’t believe so, but there might be another.”
+Joan – “Who?”
+Cee-Cee– “The one I thought was your sister.”
+Joan – “Grace?”
+Cee-Cee– “Yes, I think that was her name.”
+Joan – “What makes you think she knows?”
+Cee-Cee– “I said she might know. It’s just a feeling I get from her.
+She knows a lot more than people think.”
+They arrive at the studio. “Sister Sarah told me that she added some
+square dance moves to your routine. Show me those bee’s knees.”
+Joan – “What does that mean, anyway?”
+Cee-Cee– “Oh, it’s an old saying I learned from my dance instructor.
+It means you are a very good dancer. Dance for me.”
+At the University Medical Center
+Kevin arrives at the ER, surprised to see Friedman talking to Dr.
+Thompson, “Hi Dan. Friedman, what are you doing here?”
+Friedman – “I’ve been considering becoming a doctor. Ms. Jordan
+hooked me up with Dr. Thompson.”
+Dan – “Dr. Dan, I like that much better.”
+Friedman – “What are you doing here?”
+Kevin – “I’m trying to get a story. Was a pregnant woman brought in
+here a little while ago?”
+Dr. Dan – “Yeah, she’s in the ER.”
+Kevin – “How is she doing?”
+Dr. Dan – “She’s not my patient, but I couldn’t talk about her case
+anyway. You know the rules.”
+Kevin – “Can you see if she’ll talk to me?”
+Dr. Dan – “Her husband is in the waiting room. He’s wearing a red
+flannel shirt. Good luck.”
+Kevin – “Thanks.”
+Kevin enters the waiting room and introduces himself, “Hi, my name is
+Kevin Girardi. I work for the Arcadia Herald. May I ask you a few
+Man – “Ah, ah, ningunos reporteros.”
+Kevin – “Do you speak English?”
+Man – “Yes, sí, some.”
+Kevin – “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” He goes out and finds
+Friedman, “Joan mentioned once that you were taking Spanish. Is that
+Friedman – “Sí, estoy tomando a españoles avanzados.”
+Kevin – “Well, I understand ‘sí’. Can you help me talk to a man in
+the waiting room?”
+Friedman – “Sure, it’ll be fun.”
+They return to the waiting room, and Friedman introduces himself,
+“Hola, estoy aquí ayudar a Sr. Girardi a comunicarse.”
+Kevin – “Ask him if he will talk about his wife.”
+Friedman asks and he responds, “Es una cuestión privada. No hablaré
+con los reportero.”
+Friedman – “He won’t talk.”
+Kevin – “Ask him if he will if I promise not to reveal their names,
+and… and I give him twenty dollars.”
+Friedman asks, and he reluctantly agrees, “Qué usted desea saber?”
+Friedman translates and Kevin asks, “It was reported that your wife’s
+child was breached. How is she doing?”
+Friedman has some difficulty translating the question, because
+‘breached’ just doesn’t translate correctly. After several attempts,
+he finds an alternate word. The man responds, “Sí, el bebé no saldrá.
+El doctor está intentando moverlo.”
+Friedman translates and Kevin continues, directing his question to
+the husband, “How…?”
+At Home
+Grace comes downstairs with bed hair adding an appropriate statement
+to how she feels.
+Helen – “Good morning.”
+Grace – “Hi! No school, it’s a good thing.”
+Helen – “Are you not feeling well?”
+Grace – “I just slept nine hours, and I’m still tired. Maybe I need
+to start taking vitamins with iron.”
+Helen feels her head, “You don’t seem to have a fever.”
+Grace – “I’m not sick. Where is everybody?”
+Helen – “Joan went with Cee-Cee to practice, and Adam and Luke are
+out making money.”
+Grace – “Oh yeah? How much snow did we get?”
+Helen – “About eight inches followed by freezing rain. Our street has
+been plowed and the rest are supposed to be finished by tonight. Can
+I fix you some breakfast?”
+Grace – “No, I’m just going to have cereal.” She rummages through the
+cupboard, “Ah, frosted shredded tweet!”
+Helen – “Boy, that’s an old joke!”
+Grace – “Yeah, I don’t even remember what it means. I’ve just always
+called it that.”
+Helen – “Well, it has a lot of fiber and tastes good. Would you like
+anything else to go with it?”
+Grace – “No, thank you. I’ll be fine.”
+Luke and Adam return. They enter the kitchen and Luke asks, “What’s
+for lunch?”
+Grace – “I’m still working on breakfast.”
+Adam – “Hey, what’s with the Meg Ryan look?”
+Grace – “I couldn’t find my brush and I didn’t feel like brushing it
+Luke – “Are you okay?”
+Grace – “Yeah, I’m just tired. Mrs. Girardi, would it be okay if I
+have a cup of that coffee?”
+Helen – “Sure, how would you like it?”
+Grace – “With just a little milk.”
+Luke – “Are you supposed to drink coffee?”
+Grace knows why he asked, so she tries to deflect, “Unlike you, I
+haven’t been prohibited from drinking coffee. I’m only having one
+cup, just to get me kick started.”
+Adam – “I wouldn’t mind some hot chocolate. Mrs. G., would it be okay
+if I made some?”
+Helen – “Sure, the can’s in the cupboard. I’ll start the water.”
+Luke – “Adam and I have made some good money. Where would you like me
+to take you?”
+Grace – “We’re still going to the ‘Battle of the Bands’ on Saturday,
+Luke – “Yeah, but I thought we could do something else, too?”
+Grace – “You can buy me some treats from the bake sale and a raffle
+Luke – “I was going to do that anyway. Lilly’s making a German
+chocolate cake.”
+Grace – “Why don’t you be adventurous and try something else? There
+will be all kinds of baked goods there. All the church groups are
+Luke – “We’ll try stuff together, okay?”
+Grace – “Yeah, okay.” She drinks the last of her coffee, “Well, I
+have to go scrape the dirt off.” She imitates Arnold Schwarzenegger,
+“I’ll be back.”
+At the Lin Residence
+Cee-Cee– “It’s perfect and you’re smiling!”
+Joan – “I feel good about this, I really do, it’s perfect.”
+Cee-Cee– “Well, I will take credit along with Sister Sarah for the
+routine, but you make it work. I want you to know something. You are
+a much better dancer than I was when I started college. I know you
+want to become a nurse, and that is fine, but you should really
+continue dancing as well.”
+Joan laughs, “I’ve already figured it out. I’ll be the Dancing
+Cee-Cee– “Let’s have a bite to eat. My uncle brought home a lot of
+food from the restaurant last night.”
+At the Police Station
+Will – “Thanks for giving me the message.”
+Officer Swansiger – “You’re welcome, sir.”
+Officer Swansiger leaves and Lt. Daghlian approaches, “Mrs. Mitchell
+has agreed talk about what happened and to look at some mug shots.
+I’m heading over there now.”
+Will – “Good! While you’re there, check on a woman who was brought in
+with a breached baby. I’d just like to know how it turned out.”
+Mike – “Sure, do you have a name?”
+Will – “No, but I doubt there will be more than one with a breached
+Mike – “I’ll see what I can find out.”
+At the University Medical Center
+Kevin and Friedman continued their interview with the man. He refused
+to answer some questions, but answered others. The interview was
+finally interrupted when all heard the sound of a baby crying. The
+man stands up excited, and a nurse invites him in to see his wife and
+After awhile, the proud father comes out to the waiting area carrying
+his baby. He shows it to everyone who was there. He dances, rocking
+his baby from side to side, as he goes from person to person. When he
+finishes, he holds his baby close in his arms and looks upwards to
+say, “Behold Leocadia, la única cosa mayor que usted mismo.”
+After he returns to his wife, Kevin asks Friedman what he said. “He
+named his daughter Leocadia, and he’s very happy and proud.”
+Kevin – “Well, I’m glad everything worked out for them. Thanks for
+helping me.”
+Friedman finds Dr. Dan, and continues his conversation. When Kevin
+sees Lt. Daghlian arrive, he asks, “Hello Lt. Daghlian, why are you
+Lt. Daghlian – “I’m here to interview Mrs. Mitchell. Why are you
+Kevin – “I’m here to do the same.”
+Lt. Daghlian – “Well, you can come with me to her room, but our
+interviews will have to be separate. Hey, do you know anything about
+the woman who was brought in with a breached baby?”
+Kevin – “Yeah, they were able to move it and she had a baby girl.”
+Lt. Daghlian – “Great! Your father will be happy to hear the news.”
+When they arrive at the hospital room, Mr. Mitchell comes out to meet
+them. He was expecting Mike, but he gives Kevin a questioning look,
+“Hi, I’m Kevin Girardi with the Arcadia Herald. I was wondering if I
+might speak to your wife about the shooting.”
+Mr. Mitchell – “Are you related to Chief Girardi?”
+Kevin – “He is my father, but like I said, I am a reporter for the
+Arcadia Herald.”
+Mr. Mitchell – “Lt. Daghlian, you can go in. Mr. Girardi, my wife
+doesn’t want to talk to reporters. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave.”
+Kevin – “Could you at least give me a statement?”
+Mr. Mitchell – “My wife is still in a great deal of physical pain
+from her wound, and emotional pain from losing our child. Good day,
+Mr. Girardi.”
+At Home
+Luke and Adam have gone to Adam’s house to clear his driveway. When
+they finish, they solicit work in his neighborhood.
+Grace has cleaned up and brushed her hair. She found her brush behind
+the nightstand. She is sitting on the couch, working on the second
+bootie. She has Luke’s Norah Jones CD in the player, wanting to hear
+their song again. ‘\ Come Away With Me\ ’ will always remind her of
+Luke’s marriage proposal. Misguided as it was, she will still cherish
+it forever.
+Helen comes into the living room, “You’re being awfully quiet today.
+May I join you?”
+Grace – “Have a seat, there’s something I want to ask you anyway.”
+Helen lays her book across her lap and listens, “You know that Joan
+has really become interested in working with children.”
+Helen – “Yeah, that’s what the nursing is all about.”
+Grace – “Well, I’ve been thinking about the little munchkins, too,
+although I don’t want to become a nurse. I’ve been considering
+something more like a combination of teaching and childcare. In a lot
+of ways, that’s like becoming a parent. How did you prepare to become
+a parent?”
+Helen – “I wish there was an instructor’s manual, but mostly it’s
+learn as you go. I did do a lot of reading, and I talked to my
+parents and others, but in the end, you just have to do what you feel
+is right.”
+Grace – “But what if you don’t get it right? I mean, messing up a
+child is very serious!”
+Helen – “I once stuck Kevin with a pin when I was changing his
+diaper. I cried almost as much as he did. Everyone makes mistakes. I
+just learned the correct way to do it, and it never happened again.
+And there are some situations when you really don’t know what the
+right thing is to do. Joan once had an imaginary friend she called
+YaYa. She really believed he was real. We decided to pretend and go
+along with her. I think now that we made the right choice, but at the
+time, we really weren’t sure if that was the right thing to do.”
+Grace – “Joan’s never told me about that.”
+Helen – “It was when she was very young. She probably doesn’t
+remember it.”
+Grace – “My parents have taught me about religion, since I was old
+enough to understand. What do you think about my doing that?”
+Helen – “During day care?No, I don’t think teaching religion would be
+appropriate, not unless all of your children are Jewish. The teaching
+of religion is the responsibility of parents. It should be left to
+them, or to those they designate. You must also respect the religious
+beliefs of the children, and that of their parents. Not doing so can
+have dire consequences.”
+Grace – “What if I were to teach just moral values, without religion?
+Do you think that would be okay?”
+Helen – “Moral values often derive from religious values. Even if you
+just taught Judeo-Christian moral values, there could be a conflict.
+What if one of your children is Muslim? It might be okay, but you
+would have to talk to the parents before hand, review what you plan
+to teach, and be in agreement before you proceed.”
+Grace – “I never thought that just teaching moral values could be
+such a problem.”
+Helen – “Not as a parent, but in your case, yes.Morals based on
+religious values do call for codes of conduct, that there are moral
+absolutes, there is good and evil, right and wrong, and that one must
+adhere, and in some cases, have blind faith. The other extreme is
+that there are no fixed truths, that morality is anything one wishes
+it to be, everything is morally relative, or blind feelings. Most
+people are somewhere between those extremes. Reason is the moderating
+factor. An individual’s life is the primary value. From that, it can
+be reasoned what mode of behavior is required to sustain that life,
+and the lives of others.”
+Grace – “That sounds like you’re talking about Luke.”
+Helen – “Luke is a good example of someone who has high moral values,
+but is not religious. He has reasoned his belief in God, and has
+modeled his behavior according to what he believes God would want.”
+Grace – “I want to do more than just change diapers and keep them out
+of trouble. I would like to be a positive influence.”
+Helen – “Reading to them and teaching them how to read is probably
+one of the best things you can do. Kevin, Joan, and Luke all learned
+how to read before kindergarten. Once a child has learned to read,
+they begin to teach themselves. You just need to make sure what they
+are reading is appropriate. Again, you should discuss what you plan
+to read or let the children read with their parents.”
+Luke returns, so Grace decides to end the conversation, “Thank you,
+Mrs. Girardi. You have given me a lot to think about.” She smiles and
+directs herself to Luke, “Have you finished giving your blow jobs?”
+Luke – “Hah hah.” He answers by paraphrasing the lyrics to a song,
+but I worked hard for the money. So hard for it, honey. I worked hard
+for the money, so you better treat me right. I just want to use the
+money to do something special with you.”
+Grace – “We’ve already talked about that. You should save your money.
+I’m sure you can find something more important to spend it on.”
+Joan returns, singing as she gracefully dances through the doorway,
+“\ Last dance
+Last chance for love
+Yes, it’s my last chance
+*For* romance tonight…
+Hey, whatcha doing?”
+Helen – “Just talking. How was your practice?”
+Joan – “Good, really good. Cee-Cee says I’m ready. We’ll practice one
+more time after school tomorrow, and then Saturday is the big day.”
+Helen – “I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
+Joan wonders, “Thanks, Mom. By the way, where’s Adam?”
+Luke – “Home.He decided Pax needed some play time.”
+Joan – “Mom, is it okay if I go over? I really haven’t had much time
+to spend with Adam this week.”
+Helen – “Go ahead, but I want you home for dinner.”
+Joan – “Thanks.” She pulls on her blouse because it’s sticking to her
+skin, “I just need to get the sweat off, change, and go.”
+Helen – “Girls don’t sweat, they glow.”
+Joan chortles, “Okay, then I must be radiant! I’ll just douse and
+stir the embers.” Joan starts to leave, but she notices Grace’s
+knitting, “Oh, let me see.”
+Grace shows her the bootie, “I’m going to have to pull a lot of this
+She shows Joan her mistake, “That’s not so bad. It’s a Persian flaw.”
+Grace – “It’s a gift. I’ll do it over.”
+Helen – “That’s nice of you two to make booties for Mrs. Finnegan.”
+Joan – “Ah, ah, yeah, she’s a real nice lady. I still have to start
+my left one.”
+Joan and Grace exchange knowing smiles as Joan dances up the stairs
+to the bathroom, still happy from her practice with Cee-Cee.
+At the Police Station
+Much of the city is back to normal. The mayor is free from his home,
+and even Storm Sheppard finds his way back to the TV station. Most
+streets are plowed, except for parts of
+Dilcue Street
+. Electricians are still working to restore power lines; they plan to
+work through the evening to have all power restored by morning.
+Will is caught up on reports and listens to the tip line. One good
+thing about an unexpected storm is that the criminals have just as
+much trouble getting around as everyone else. At least for the day,
+no new cases have been reported.
+Lt. Daghlian returns from UMC and knocks on Will’s door, “Hey Chief,
+can I come in?”
+Will – “Sure, what do you have to tell me?”
+Lt. Daghlian – “Mrs. Mitchell picked Leroy Johnson from the mug shots
+I took with me. It looks like he is our man.”
+Will – “Did she agree to testify?”
+Lt. Daghlian – “Yes, and she appears to have a clear recollection of
+what happened.”
+Will – “Good, write up your report, and we’ll send it to the DA this
+afternoon. Any word on the other woman?”
+Lt. Daghlian – They were able to move the baby, and she had a natural
+childbirth… a girl.”
+Will – “I’m glad to hear this one had a happy ending.”
+At the Herald
+Rebecca – “Did you have a good excursion?”
+Kevin – “Yeah, it was interesting, but I’m afraid I didn’t get much
+information. Just a few facts: the woman with the breached baby was
+able to have a natural childbirth, and I have a statement from Mr.
+Mitchell about his wife. It’s really not enough to write a story
+Rebecca – “Perhaps we can still use it. We are collecting information
+about last night’s storm and the events of today for tomorrow’s
+edition. Send your information to Andy. He might be able to work it
+Kevin – “No byline?”
+Rebecca – “Not this time.”
+At the Rove Residence
+Joan wants to surprise Adam, so she does not call first. When she
+arrives, she finds Mr. Rove there alone. She asks, “Where’s Adam?”
+Carl Rove – “You just missed him. He took Pax over to the park.”
+Joan – “Thanks, I’ll go find him.”
+Carl Rove – “Hey, thank your father for letting us use the snow
+blower. It really made the job easier.”
+Joan – “I’ll tell him. Bye.”
+Joan walks to the park, and finds Adam throwing a Frisbee for Pax.
+Adam is actually sitting on a bench, letting Pax do all the work.
+Joan sits beside him, “Nice lazy kind of day, don’t you think?”
+Adam – “Luke and I worked hard this morning. I really don’t feel like
+more exercise. How was your practice?”
+Joan – “Good, Cee-Cee says I’m ready. We’re still going to practice
+after school tomorrow, but Saturday is the big day.”
+Adam – “I was supposed to work at the Historical Society tonight, but
+they didn’t open today. I’m going to try to set it up for tomorrow
+after school. Would you like to come?”
+Joan – “Can we go after my practice?”
+Adam – “I have to get there before they close. Can you meet me there
+Joan – “Yeah, I’ll figure something out, but I won’t be able to stay
+too late. I have to get up early on Saturday morning.”
+Adam – “I’ll get you home on time.”
+At Home
+Luke cleans up, shaves his peach fuzz, and puts on a touch of
+‘essence of pimp’ aftershave. He returns to the living room where
+Helen and Grace are still quietly sitting, “The movie starts in 45
+Grace – “What movie?”
+Luke – “\ Chicken Little, you wanted to see it, right?”
+Grace – “Yeah, but you don’t.”
+Luke – “Well, we’re going, my treat.”
+Grace decides not to argue, and just gets ready to go. Helen asks,
+“Will you be home in time for dinner?”
+Luke – “We’ll be here. We’ll skip the popcorn and be hungry when we
+get home. What are we having?”
+Helen – “I’m making beef stew in the crock-pot. Well, it’s half beef.
+I threw in the last of the turkey. It’ll be good.”
+Luke – “Great! The end of turkey surprise.”
+Helen – “Will you say the blessing for us?”
+Joan smiles,
+“\ In the name of the bee
+*And* of the butterfly
+And of the breeze, amen\ ”
+Everyone smiles, including Helen, but Helen adds, “I suppose Emily
+Dickinson is appropriate for a dinner prayer.”
+Joan – “Emily sent me an e-mail and told me about it. She thought it
+was so cute.”
+Helen – “How is Emily?”
+Joan – “She’s fine. She’s taking singing lessons. She really didn’t
+say a whole lot.”
+Helen – “Well I’m glad you two will be able to keep in touch.” She
+asks Grace, “How was your movie?”
+Grace – “I enjoyed it. It was good, but ‘\ Wallace & Gromit\ ’ it was
+Luke – “I always thought Chicken Little was a girl.”
+Grace – “I guess they decided to change that. There were a lot of
+good jokes. I thought watching all the town’s people get zapped was
+funny, but I notice that some of the real little kids were scared to
+death. And what’s with Disney’s bizarre tradition of creating single
+father families? Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, all
+of their mothers were departed for the great unknown.”
+Joan – “I don’t know, maybe they’re trying to make up for the fact
+that in a lot of other movies, a father seems nowhere to be found. I
+like having both.”
+Will smiles, loving Joan’s comment, “Well, it sounds like we have
+another mixed review. Maybe we’ll rent the DVD for movie night when
+it comes out.”
+Helen – “How was your day, Lilly?”
+Lilly – “It was a good day. I didn’t have to work, so I took Ginger
+shopping. She doesn’t like to go out, but I talked her into it. I
+called the thrift shop and found out they were open. I figured there
+wouldn’t be many people there, and I was right. Both of us found some
+nice things, and it was half price today.”
+Helen – “It’s nice that you could get her out of the house for
+awhile. She seemed nervous when Joan and I showed up the other day,
+but that could have been because she was worried about you.”
+Kevin – “She does pretty well with people she knows. It just takes
+Helen – “And how is the Herald?”
+Kevin – “Pretty slow today. I tried to get a story at UMC, but I
+wasn’t able to get much information. There was a woman with a
+breached baby. The doctors were able to move it and it came out all
+right.” Kevin smiles and chuckles at what he just said, “But Mrs.
+Mitchell, the one who was shot the other day, her husband wouldn’t
+let me talk to her. No byline this time.”
+Will – “One of our patrols took the woman with the baby to the
+hospital. I’m glad to hear everything worked out for her.”
+Kevin – “Her husband didn’t speak English very well, so I had
+Friedman translate for me.”
+Luke – “Friedman was there?”
+Kevin – “Yeah, he was talking to Dr. Dan when I arrived. They named
+their daughter Leocadia. I thought that was a rather odd name so I
+looked it up. She was a saint in the fourth century. Joan’s ‘\ Lives
+of Saints\ ’ has a write up on her.”
+Joan – “You went in my room?”
+Helen interrupts, “No, you put it on the bookshelf in the study.”
+Joan – “Oh sorry, I forgot.”
+Helen – “So, is everyone ready to go back to school?” All give a
+resounding “No.” “Well, I have projects due, and since everyone had
+today off, I shouldn’t hear any excuses for them not being done.”
+Joan – “Adam showed me his when we returned from the park. He calls
+it Pax Vobiscum, but he made her really goofy looking. Her eyes are
+bugging out and her tongue is so long, it lies on the floor. It’s
+really kind of neat!”
+Helen – “Well, the assignment was to make an exaggerated image of
+something you love. I guess his will pass.”
+Joan – “Can I be excused? I have calculus homework to get done.”
+Helen – “Go ahead.”
+Joan – “Can you check it for me when I’m done?”
+Grace – “Yeah, but don’t be too long. My brain is already shutting
+down. I’m going to bed early tonight.”
+At the Historical Society
+Joan passes her calculus exam, and dance practice is as expected.
+Cee-Cee drops Joan off at the Historical Society when they finish.
+Joan calls Adam when she arrives, and he lets her in.
+Joan – “This is great. Everyone will see your painting as soon as
+they walk in the door. What are all of those boxes for?”
+Adam – “It’s a grid. Not all of my sketches are the same size. This
+helps me to make everything proportional.”
+Adam climbs the ladder and resumes painting. Joan quietly watches for
+a long time. Adam asks, “Do you have any questions about what I’m
+Joan – “No, this I can see. You’re turning white squares into an
+apple orchard. It’s so wonderful how you can do that.”
+Adam – “Your mom helped me to pick just the right paint. The blossoms
+really stand out, don’t you think?”
+Joan – “They’re beautiful.”
+Adam – “How was your practice?”
+Joan – “It was fine, but I’m still really nervous about tomorrow.”
+Adam climbs down from the ladder and gives her a hug, “You’ll do
+fine. Grace told me how good you are, a majestic Northern Dancer.”
+Joan – “Adam.” She pauses, looks deep into his eyes, “There is
+something I want to tell you.”
+Adam – “¿Usted me ama?”
+Joan smiles, “I’m French, you and Grace are Spanish.”
+Adam – “Ok, tell me.”
+Joan – “I love you.”
+As they begin to kiss, Adam says, “I love you, too.”
+At Home
+Joan wakes up and notices Grace is not there. She looks out in the
+hall, and the bathroom door is open. A quick shower follows her dart
+into the bathroom. She puts her pajamas back on and goes downstairs.
+To her surprise, everyone is seated at the dining room table, ready
+to eat. Helen says, “Have a seat, breakfast will be ready in a few
+Joan – ‘Why are all of you up so early?”
+Will – “We’re going with you.”
+Joan – “But you’re not going to be able to watch. I’ve already told
+you that.”
+Adam – “We all know how important this is to you.”
+Grace – “Yeah, we’re moral support. We’ll be there to cheer you on
+your way.”
+Luke – “And sooth your feelings if you fall on your butt.”
+Joan gives Luke a snarl, “Well, I might just do that. I’m so
+Lilly – “You’ll do fine. Cee-Cee called to remind you that she will
+be picking you up at eight. I told her we were all going, so she’ll
+meet us there. Oh, she said she will be picking up Sister Sarah.”
+Joan – “Good, I was hoping she would come.”
+Kevin – “Where’s your dress?”
+Joan – “After breakfast, I’m not taking a chance of slopping
+something on it.”
+Helen returns from the kitchen with Joan’s breakfast, a bowl of
+granola with milk, a banana, an English muffin, and orange juice.
+Joan – “Wow, this is great! Not too big and it will get me through
+the audition. Thanks.”
+Helen smiles but doesn’t say a word. She and Will return to the
+kitchen, and over the next few minutes, they prepare everyone else
+Will’s cell phone rings. He picks up and Carlisle speaks, “Hey boss,
+I’m sorry to bother you, but there’s a problem at UMC. Mrs. Mitchell
+is hysterical, insisting that you come talk to her.”
+Will – “What is she upset about, and why does she want to talk to
+Carlisle– “Originally she wanted to talk to Mike, but he’s off today,
+and I haven’t been able to locate him.She’s upset about the charges
+against Leroy Johnson. She’s just learned what they are.”
+Will – “I just enforce the law, I don’t make it.” Will would rather
+not have to talk to her, but he agrees to visit the hospital. He
+looks at Joan, “Sorry, I’ll try to be there when you’re done.”
+Joan – “Dad, don’t worry about it. No one’s going to be able to see
+anything anyway.”
+Will gets up, hugs Joan, and kisses her on the forehead, “I wanted to
+go because I love you.”
+At Dawson State
+As Cee-Cee had predicted, all the girls and the few boys are wearing
+tights. Joan sticks out like a sore thumb. Cee-Cee and Sister Sarah
+meet them as they walk into the gymnasium, “I look like an idiot!”
+Cee-Cee– “No, you look beautiful. You do stand out, but that’s the
+Sister Sarah – “You need to sign in. Come with me.”
+Joan goes with her to register and then returns. The other students
+appear to be practicing their routines. Joan asks, “Should I run
+through my routine again?”
+Sister Sarah – “No, you’re ready, but I do want you to do your warm
+up exercise.”
+While Joan is doing her exercise, a man’s voice comes over the PA,
+“May I have your attention please.” He pauses while the room quiets
+down, “Two of our judges have been unexpectedly delayed. The
+auditions will continue, but they will be delayed by about an hour.
+We are sorry for the inconvenience.”
+Joan – “An hour!I’m already going crazy!”
+Cee-Cee– “Just relax. The other students are nervous, too. Why don’t
+you walk around and talk to some of them?”
+Joan – “Should I? Isn’t that like consorting with the enemy?”
+Sister Sarah – “Many of these students will be your classmates. Wish
+them all luck. It will pay off in the future.”
+Joan begins to browse among the students, learning their background,
+hopes, and dreams. Many seem to be just like her.”
+At the University Medical Center
+Will enters Mrs. Mitchell’s room in the ICU. She appears to be
+resting, but awakes as he enters, “Hello Mrs. Mitchell, I’m Will
+Mrs. Mitchell – “You don’t remember me, do you?”
+Will – “Yes, I remember you. I’m so sorry for your loss. I have a
+teenage daughter of my own.”
+Mrs. Mitchell sits up a little, obviously a little groggy, “They made
+me take a sedative, but I still want to talk to you.”
+Will – “About your baby?”
+Mrs. Mitchell – “Why is Leroy Johnson only being charged with
+burglary and attempted murder?”
+Will – “I’m the Chief of Police, not a lawyer, but the law states
+that manslaughter or murder can only be charged if the fetus is
+viable. Your baby was only five months old.”
+Mrs. Mitchell – “But he was viable; I could feel him growing inside
+me. I already had a name picked out.”
+Will – “I understand your feelings, but I don’t make the law, I just
+enforce it.”
+Mrs. Mitchell lies back down on the bed in despair and begins to cry,
+“Well, when I bury Colin next to Lindsay, you can tell me again that
+no one has died here.”
+Will is nearly as heartbroken as Mrs. Mitchell, but he cannot think
+of anything appropriate to say in response. He just sincerely says,
+“I’m sorry, Mrs. Mitchell,” and leaves the room.
+At Dawson State
+Will arrives and sees Elizabeth and Mrs. Goetzmann in the parking
+lot, “Hello Elizabeth, June, are you here for the dance audition?”
+Elizabeth– “Yeah, I’m hoping to go here next year.”
+Will – “Joan is already inside. I’ll walk with you.”
+As they enter the gym, Joan is chatting with the other students. She
+sees Elizabeth and hurries over to greet her, “I didn’t know you
+would be here!”
+Elizabeth– “Yeah, me either. We haven’t talked in awhile. I’ve been
+so busy with the Mirror Ball committee. My audition is at ten-thirty,
+when’s yours?”
+Joan – “It was to be at nine-thirty, but they have all been delayed
+for an hour. Some of the judges are late.”
+Elizabeth– “What’s with the dress?”
+Joan – “It was Cee-Cee’s idea. I’m the sore thumb.”
+Elizabeth’s dance instructor approaches, “Hello Sister Sarah,
+Cee-Cee, it’s good to see you again.”
+Sister Sarah – “It’s only a few times a year, but it’s always a
+Elizabeth’s instructor – “Are you ready?”
+Elizabeth– “Ready as I’ll ever be, but now I have an hour to kill.”
+Elizabeth’s instructor – “Come with me and we’ll get you signed in.”
+Elizabethleaves, and Cee-Cee says to Joan, “I would like you to do
+your warm up routine again. It’s almost time.”
+Joan does her warm up routine again and hears her name called over
+the PA. All give her hugs and best wishes.
+Grace – “Break a leg, hah hah.”
+Adam – “Good luck, Jane.”
+Joan smiles and gives Adam a kiss. All of her anxiety melts away. She
+is ready.
+After Joan leaves, Cee-Cee says, “Come with me, but be quiet.”
+All are curious, but remain silent as requested. She takes them to an
+elevator, and then into a room with a large window. “This is a
+two-way mirror. We can watch from here.”
+Helen – “I didn’t think we were going to be able to watch!”
+Cee-Cee– “I decided not to tell her, because I knew she would be
+nervous enough already. We will tell her after it’s over, but we do
+have to be quiet.”
+Before Joan enters the room downstairs, she says a prayer to herself,
+“I don’t know if this is allowed, but if you can, please help me not
+to mess this up.”
+One of the judges explains the rules and instructs Joan to put her
+music in the player. Joan starts the CD at the end of the previous
+song and stands waiting for her song to begin.
+As described before, the song, ‘Last Dance’, starts out slow. She
+begins to float around the room, doing the slower dance moves she has
+practiced. Then, when the pace picks up, she erupts into the faster
+dances, demonstrating her versatility like the toe of a bird.
+Everyone, including the judges, are awestruck. It is rare that the
+judges see such a performance during an audition. They thank Joan and
+tell her she will learn of their decision when the evaluations are
+When Joan returns to the gym, her family greets her and informs her
+that they were allowed to watch.
+Helen – “You were wonderful!”
+Grace – “Well, I wasn’t surprised. I saw her practice.”
+Adam – “They have to let you in, you’re so good!”
+Luke – “I’m proud of you. Adam is right, you are really good.”
+Will catches Joan’s eye. He’s just standing there, glowing at her. He
+gives her a hug and says, “Ginger Rogers, take note.”
+Joan laughs, “Yeah, but I didn’t have to do it in high heels or
+Joan lets go of her father, “Thank all of you, but I was so scared.
+She looks at Sister Sarah and Cee-Cee, “I said a prayer before I went
+in. Was that cheating?”
+Sister Sarah – “No, not at all.All talent is on loan from God.”
+At Home
+They all sit down to lunch. While they eat, each of them comments on
+different parts of Joan’s routine. Joan is getting tired of all the
+“thank you’s,” but is still pleased with the attention. After lunch,
+she decides to take a nap. She bids Adam farewell, and she and Grace
+retire to the bedroom.
+Grace – “Do you want me to set the alarm?”
+Joan – “No, we’ll be fine. We’ll wake up before it’s time to leave
+for the ‘Battle of the Bands’.”
+At the Beachland Ballroom
+Joan has assumed her duties collecting money. She is happy to be
+working with Mrs. Villa again. Adam is up preparing the lighting, and
+Grace and Luke are setting up the refreshments.
+Mrs. Villa – “It’s nice to see you again. It’s been a long time,
+Joan – “I know. When Rahav stopped teaching dance, she recommended
+that I go to St. Mary’s Convent. I just haven’t needed to come to
+this side of town.”
+Mrs. Villa – “That’s okay. I grill Alex occasionally to find out how
+you are. Going to college at Dawson State, that’s impressive.”
+Joan – “Well, it’s not for sure yet, but I have a good chance.”
+Upstairs, Grace, Luke, and Lilly are helping to place the baked goods
+on tables. There is actually more than they expected, and men are
+setting up additional tables for the goodies. Cakes, pies, cookies,
+cupcakes, tarts, if you can bake it, it’s there. Ladies from church
+groups all across town are present with their baked goods.
+People arrive, and as Joan asks for the donation, she also offers to
+sell a raffle ticket, “Would you like to buy a raffle ticket for
+baked goods? It’s only a dollar, and there are all kinds of goodies
+to choose from. There will be ten winners.”
+The ballroom is nearly full when the ‘\ Quaker Sisterhood\ ’ begins
+to play. They begin to play their unique style of music, and they
+have a new member, a pianist, adding another instrument to their
+sound. All, young and old, begin to dance and enjoy the music.
+Joan continues to greet the new arrivals and sell raffle tickets.
+Elizabeth, Jim, and her parents arrive, “The music sounds great! This
+is Jim.”
+Joan – “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”
+Jim – “Elizabeth wants us to have at least one dance. Will that be
+Joan – “Let me talk to Adam, and then I’ll let you know.”
+Will, Helen, and Kevin arrive. Joan goes through her sales pitch and
+is pleased when her father buys ten raffle tickets, “Thanks Dad, I
+hope you win.”
+Will – “It’s for a good cause. Actually, I hope I don’t win. I have
+enough trouble keeping my weight down as it is.”
+Joan – “I’ll come see you on a break later.”
+Mrs. Villa – “Why don’t you take one now. I know you want to talk to
+Joan thanks Mrs. Villa and heads up to the balcony to be with Adam.
+Lilly sees Kevin enter the refreshment area. She announces to Kevin,
+Luke, and Grace, “It’s time to go to the ballroom.”
+Grace – “But we’re needed here.”
+Lilly – “Don’t argue with me, it’s a surprise. Come on.”
+Joan meets with Adam in the balcony, “Hi, oh you’re alone tonight.
+Would you like some company?”
+Adam – “Always, and you’re just in time.”
+Joan – “Time for what?”
+Adam – “Watch.”
+Will and Helen walk out onto the dance floor as Brother Jimi comes on
+stage, “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention.” He waits
+for a moment until the commotion dies down, “I want to thank all of
+you for coming tonight, but I also want to take this opportunity to
+introduce an honored guest.” Adam turns the spotlight on Will and
+Helen. “Let me present Police Chief Will Girardi and his lovely wife
+Helen. If it wasn’t for Chief Girardi and the Arcadia Police
+Department, we wouldn’t be here tonight.” There is an uncomfortable
+silence as the crowd wonders what he will say next. “As you know,
+they were not able to disarm the bomb that destroyed St. Paul’s
+Lutheran Church. However, thanks to their great work, three other
+religious institutions were saved. Please join me in giving him a
+warm round of applause.”
+The crowd applauds, cheers, and whistles. When the noise dies down,
+Alice takes the microphone, “Mr. and Mrs. Girardi, would you do us
+the honor of beginning the next dance?”
+Alicesignals to her group, and they begin to play the song, ‘Don't It
+Make My Brown Eyes Blue’. Will and Helen dance slowly to the music.
+Elizabethenters the balcony, “Have you asked him yet?”
+Joan – “No, I haven’t had a chance. This is sooo cool!”
+Elizabeth– “Well, it’s not over yet. Adam, can Joan have a dance with
+Jim? I really want her to see what a good dancer he is.”
+Joan looks at Adam, “I won’t if it’s going to upset you.”
+Adam – “No, go ahead. We’ll have our dance at the Mirror Ball.”
+Elizabethtakes Joan down to Jim and continues to the stage. When the
+song ends, she takes the microphone, “Last summer, Mr. Girardi saved
+my life by carrying me out of the fire at the Community Theater. I
+only got to sing this song once. I would like to sing it again for
+him.” She nods to Alice, and she begins to sing the ‘I Don't Know How
+To Love Him’. All just watch and listen while she sings.
+When she finishes, Brother Jimi returns to the stage, “Thank you
+Elizabeth, that was beautiful. Our next group is from Charles Town,
+West Virginia. Let’s give a warm welcome to ‘\ The Southern Cross.’”
+The crowd applauds, and they begin to play their first number, ‘Sweet
+Home Alabama’ by Lynyrd Skynyrd. All begin to dance. Adam has fun
+with the spotlight, periodically spotlighting different people he
+knows. Joan and Jim, Grace and Luke, Kevin and Lilly, Rebecca and Dr.
+Dan, Glynis and Friedman, and Alice with someone.
+After this song, Joan and Lilly return to their duties. Luke walks
+with Grace to the restroom. As he waits outside, he hears Grace
+getting sick. He enters and finds her hugging the toilet, “It looks
+like I need to take you home.”
+Grace – “No, if you do, how will Joan and Adam get home?”
+Luke – “My dad can take them.”
+Grace – “Your parents don’t plan to stay that long. Adam needs to
+stay until the end of the show.”
+Luke – “I’ll have Kevin take us.”
+Grace – “No. Ask your dad if he’s ready to go home. I’ll go with
+Luke – “I’ll go with you.”
+Grace – “No, you’re staying here. I want you to have fun. Besides,
+they haven’t had the raffle yet.”
+At Home
+Joan goes to bed to find Grace sound asleep, purring with a soft
+snore. “Rats! I have to remember to get to sleep before Grace.” At
+least it’s not as bad as some nights. She lays her head on the pillow
+and thinks about how much she enjoyed the evening. Despite Grace’s
+song of saws, she falls asleep quickly.
+Judith – “Hey, I saw your dance routine today. You were fantastic!”
+Joan – “Thanks, I was so nervous. I’m really glad that I didn’t mess
+up. How have you been?”
+Judith – “Oh, just being me, a free spirit, playing with the angels,
+but this isn’t just a social call. I need to tell you something.”
+Joan – “What?”
+Judith – “Grace needs you.”
+Joan – “Yeah, I know. It’s going to be hard for her, now that she’s
+decided to keep the baby.”
+Judith – “You need to go to her, now.”
+Joan looks around, “Where is she? It’s just you and me here.”
+Judith – “She’s in the bathroom. WAKE UP!!!”
+Joan sits up in bed with a start. She looks around her dimly lit
+room. She’s alone. She slips out of bed and walks to the bathroom.
+She listens. She can hear Grace crying through the door. She quietly
+calls out her name, “Grace, are you all right?” Grace doesn’t answer,
+but Joan can still hear her crying. She turns the doorknob and finds
+it’s not locked. She walks in to find Grace sitting on the toilet,
+sobbing, “Grace, what’s wrong?”
+Grace looks up with tears still flowing from her eyes, “I… I lost my
+Joan kneels beside her and just holds her while she continues to sob,
+“Why did God do this to me? I didn’t want to get pregnant in the
+first place.”
+Joan remembers something she once heard, “The truth of God’s love is
+not that he allows bad things to happen. It’s his promise that he’ll
+be here with us when they do.” She stands up, “Come on, let’s get you
+back into bed.” Grace stands up, but she staggers slightly. Joan
+catches her, “Just lean on me.”
+Joan helps her back into bed. After Grace falls asleep, she takes
+her hand and prays silently. She then joins her in silken repose.