path: root/13-DevilsNightPart2.rst
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authorMatěj Cepl <>2021-07-16 09:20:58 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <>2021-07-16 09:20:58 +0200
commitcc4cfa3efa778c21b69bb32dfc66e8e06c46e43d (patch)
tree31fe8cb15fce4d9628c8e862011f96b4f94637da /13-DevilsNightPart2.rst
Initial commitHEADmaster
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1 files changed, 1108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/13-DevilsNightPart2.rst b/13-DevilsNightPart2.rst
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+Episode 3.13, Devil’s Night, Part 2
+At the Police Station
+Toni – “The bomb squad is working on the device at St. Mary’s. A K-9
+handler has confirmed the device at St. Peter’s. We still haven’t
+been able to contact anyone from St. Paul’s.”
+Will – “Get a search warrant. Have the officers on the scene start
+knocking on doors. Maybe they can find someone who is a member of the
+church. Keep calling, but either way, we’ll enter the building when
+the bomb squad is finished at St. Peter’s.”
+At Home
+Joan has completed her poetry reading and has written her analysis.
+She has even finished her calculus assignment. She begins to look at
+the list of things Adam told her earlier. Too much information! She
+walks over to her dad’s record collection and leafs through. She
+finds an album called “Grand Funk Railroad.” She remembers them from
+the “Behind the Music” marathon. She puts the record on and turns the
+volume down low.
+She picks up the list again and gets an idea. She goes out to the
+garage where she has hidden some of her journals and retrieves those
+from last year. She goes through them, comparing what she had written
+with Adam’s perception of the same events. They correlate, but with
+different points of view. Why didn’t Adam tell her about his
+She gets to the part with Roger. A few songs have played through on
+the record and a song called, “Heartbreaker” begins to play. She
+reads what God had told her, “Real love is hard work. You have to
+decide if you want it in your story. Or...if you’d rather just stay
+in the dream.” She begins to cry as she comes to the realization of
+what God was trying to tell her. She says to herself aloud, “I didn’t
+work hard enough!”
+Grace has come downstairs and hears Joan’s words, “Work hard enough
+on what?”
+Joan quickly closes her journal and tries to dry her eyes, “Nothing.
+How are you doing?”
+Grace – “I’m okay, but you’re not. Tell me what’s wrong.”
+Joan – “No, let’s talk about you. I was thinking, maybe you should go
+back to Alateen. I’m sure Luke will go with you again, and I’ll go
+with you if you’d like.”
+Grace – “Yeah, I probably will, but no changing the subject. Tell me
+what is bothering you.”
+Joan can see that Grace isn’t going to drop the subject. She doesn’t
+want to burden Grace now, but she really wants to talk to her about
+Adam. After a pause, she responds, “I had a talk with Adam this
+morning. I asked him to tell me why he had sex with Bonnie. I really
+wasn’t expecting to hear what he told me.” She picks up her list and
+hands it to Grace, “This is what he told me. I’d like to know what
+you think.”
+Grace takes the notepad and reads through Joan’s notes. She thinks
+for a few moments and says, “Some of these points can be disputed,
+but I think Adam is telling the truth, from his point of view.”
+Joan – “I know and that’s what is so sad. Did you know he felt this
+Grace – “We’ve talked about it, but it was something that you and
+Adam needed to work out.”
+Joan – “Grace, why didn’t you tell me?”
+Grace – “Because you wouldn’t have believed me, and then you would
+have gotten mad, and I didn’t want to lose you as a friend.”
+Joan – “But you should have told me because you are my friend!
+Friends do that.”
+Grace – “You know, I only have two real friends, and you and Adam
+have made me walk a tightrope between you. Don’t lecture me on what I
+should have done, because no matter what I did, I would have come out
+the loser.”
+Joan – “Wait, what about Luke?”
+Grace – “That’s different; he’s more than a friend.”
+Joan – “I don’t want to fight with you over this. What I want is for
+you to tell me these things in the future. Will you do that?”
+Grace – “Girardi, you just need to start paying attention and get
+your head out of yourself.”
+Joan – “I know I have zero perception on a lot of things, but I need
+your help. Tell me when I’m messing up.”
+Grace – “And I’m supposed to believe you won’t get mad when I do it?”
+Joan – “I promise. Please! I want to try again with Adam, but I want
+to do it right this time. Be my friend. Help me.”
+Grace reluctantly agrees, “Okay. First of all, after you came back
+from crazy camp, you picked up with Adam as your boyfriend, but you
+stopped being his friend. You need to be both…”
+At Arcadia College
+Professor Steinholz can’t execute the network capture until he logs
+into the other computer. Ryan’s bookmarks are the key. “Auto password
+fill-in is quite a convenience! The computer is monitoring Ryan’s
+stock investments. It could be legitimate, but it’s odd that he is
+streaming almost identical data back out to the same network address.
+We’re going to have to find someone who understands this.”
+Luke – “My dad has a friend in the FBI. He can probably figure it
+Professor Steinholz – “Okay, I’ll write down all the steps to get
+there. You’ll have to give them Hunter’s log-on.”
+Friedman – “I’m having dinner with Luke tonight. We’ll talk to his
+dad after dinner.”
+Professor Steinholz – “Which reminds me, we skipped lunch. Shall we
+get something to eat?”
+At Home
+Helen and Kevin come in the front door together. Helen is carrying
+some of Kevin’s things.
+Kevin – “Hi Joan, Grace. I just hit a motherlode of a clothes sale.
+Let me show you what I bought.”
+Joan would rather continue her conversation about Adam, and Grace is
+dying to hear what Helen has to say, but they both act interested in
+Kevin’s purchases. Kevin begins to pull items out of the bags, “See
+this shirt? Only five dollars! He pulls out a pair of pants, “Only
+seven dollars!” This continues until he has shown everything he has
+purchased. Joan and Grace provide the appropriate compliments.
+Helen speaks up, “Grace, we need to talk, but it can wait until you
+and Joan are finished.”
+Kevin begins to leave as Joan continues talking to Grace, “Okay, so
+tomorrow, Roger and Cee-Cee will be coming by…”
+Kevin overhears Cee-Cee’s name and asks, “Are you talking about
+Cee-Cee Lin?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I’m having lunch tomorrow with Cee-Cee, her fiance
+Roger, and Adam. Do you know her?”
+Kevin – “Yeah, we are sort of friends. How do you know her?”
+Joan – “I don’t, I’ll meet her for the first time tomorrow. I know
+Roger. He was my tutor for a while last year.”
+Kevin – “She’s really nice. You’ll like her.”
+Kevin rolls into the kitchen as Helen prepares dinner, “Mom, are you
+planning to question Cee-Cee and Roger tomorrow?”
+Helen – “That’s the plan. We won’t be too hard on them. It’s
+something your dad and I feel we need to do.”
+Kevin – “Mom, please don’t ask Cee-Cee too many questions. Just keep
+them about the last few years.”
+Helen – “Does she have something to hide?”
+Kevin – “It’s nothing you need to be concerned about. Trust me on
+Helen – “Okay, I’ll talk to your father and we’ll limit our inquiry.”
+Kevin – “Thanks. I need something to eat.”
+Helen – “We finished the roast beef, but I bought ham, bologna, and
+Swiss cheese.”
+Kevin – “I’ll pass on the bologna and go for the ham and cheese,
+At Rebecca’s Apartment
+Rebecca wants to show Lilly the quilting project she’s working on, so
+while Lilly sits on the couch, Rebecca retrieves her project from the
+other room. She spreads it out on the carpet.
+Rebecca – “I’ve gone with a Maryland theme. This is the Naval Academy
+in Annapolis, and the boats represent the Chesapeake Bay. The Raven
+is for Edgar Allen Poe who lived in Baltimore. The black bear is for
+western Maryland. It was once near extinction, but hunting
+restrictions have allowed it to come back. The Blue Crab is for the
+bay, and the Old Bay® seasoning is for cooking them. The…”
+At St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
+Lt. Daghlian has received the search warrant, and the bomb squad is
+on its way from St. Peter’s. They have determined that, if they enter
+using the service entrance in the rear of the church, they can do so
+with the least amount of damage. Mike orders his officers to break in
+the door.
+Just as they begin, there is an explosion. The interior of the church
+becomes engulfed in flames, and shattered stained glass flies in all
+directions. Although badly injured by flying glass, Mike makes the
+call for help.
+At Rebecca’s Apartment
+Rebecca finishes showing her quilt, and Lilly notices the VCR and DVD
+player attached to Rebecca’s television, “Can you show me how the DVD
+is hooked up?”
+Rebecca – “Sure, it’s easy. You know, I bought this TV the day
+Kevin’s dad saved that girl at the community theater.” She has Lilly
+look at the back of the TV and DVD with her, “See, there are just two
+cables. This one is the video, and this one is the left and right
+audio. They’re color-coded. You just plug them in the right spots on
+the back of the TV and DVD.” She picks up the remote to demonstrate
+how it works.
+When Rebecca clicks on the TV, they see “Special Bulletin” painted
+across the screen. A studio reporter begins speaking, “Moments ago,
+there was an explosion at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. The police were
+on the scene, preparing to search the building for the bomb they had
+learned was planted there. Many of the officers at the scene were
+hurt in the blast. They are being taken to area hospitals. We have a
+crew en route to the scene and will provide on-site coverage as soon
+as they arrive.” She pauses to pick up some papers just placed on her
+desk. “The Arcadia police have been working most of the day disarming
+bombs they learned about from an anonymous tip. Bombs at the Church
+of Hope, St. Peter’s Catholic Church, and St. Mary’s Convent were
+successfully disarmed. Unfortunately, it appears that the last bomb
+was detonated before they could disarm it. We will provide additional
+information on this unfolding story as we receive it.”
+Lilly grabs the phone and calls the Girardi’s home. Kevin picks up,
+“Girardi residence.”
+Lilly – “Kevin, turn on the TV. I’ll be there soon.” She hangs up and
+heads for the door.
+At Home
+Kevin alerts everyone and they gather around the television. “…the
+fire department has arrived on the scene and is working to contain
+the fire. University Medical Center has reported receiving three
+police officers and Arcadia General has reported receiving two. Their
+identities and conditions have not yet been released.
+To recap the events unfolding, the Arcadia police were preparing to
+disarm a bomb at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church when it was detonated. At
+least five of the officers at the scene were injured. The police have
+been busy during the day disarming other bombs located at the Church
+of Hope, St. Peter’s Catholic Church, and St. Mary’s Convent. The
+last bomb was detonated before they could disarm it…”
+Joan – “Oh God, here we go again! Mom?”
+Helen is already dialing. When Will answers she says, “Will, are you
+Will – “Yeah, I’m fine. I wasn’t there. In fact, I’m on the way to
+UMC, and then I’ll be going to Arcadia General to check on the
+others. My cell phone never works once I get inside, so don’t worry.”
+Helen – “I love you.”
+Everyone has overheard Helen’s part of the conversation and knows
+that Will is okay. Lilly arrives, followed shortly by Luke. Both are
+given an update on what has happened. Luke wasn’t aware of the
+explosion, but obviously knew of its possibility. He does a good job
+of acting surprised, but he is only able to convince Helen and Lilly.
+The others plan to grill him later.
+Luke sits beside Grace, “Hi, I didn’t know you would be here.”
+Grace – “Well, I didn’t expect to be here, either. We need to talk.”
+Luke – “Ah, okay, let’s go up to my room.”
+Helen – “Grace, I’ll make an exception this time, but you know the
+Grace – “Got it, Mrs. Girardi.” Grace pushes a puzzled Luke toward
+the stairs, “Come on, brain boy, I’ll explain it to you.”
+Lilly sits down next to Kevin and says, “I guess this means your
+father won’t be here for dinner tonight.”
+Joan and Helen both begin to speak, but Joan lets Helen continue, “We
+have already canceled our dinner plans with the Goetzmann’s tonight.
+Will called earlier and told us he would have to work. Now, we know
+Joan is relieved that Helen didn’t mention Grace’s problem at home.
+Lilly and Kevin will probably find out anyway, but she hopes it won’t
+be until after Grace is back at home.
+At the University Medical Center
+Will arrives at the hospital to find Carlisle is already there. He
+asks him, “What do we know?”
+Carlisle – “Mike is still in surgery. A shard punctured his carotid
+artery and they had to repair it. Now they’re repairing the smaller
+Will – “Hmm… Blackburn, Lancashire. But he’ll be okay, right?”
+Carlisle – “The doctor said that he would be.”
+Will – “How about the others?”
+Carlisle – “Officer Cattrall received a lot of cuts like Mike, but
+none of them are life threatening. Darcy also got a lot of cuts, but
+she’ll be okay, too.”
+Will – “Darcy?”
+Carlisle – “Cattrall’s dog.The initial report was wrong. The third
+officer was Cattrall’s dog. Oh, and Officer Cattrall threatened to
+beat the crap out of the doctor when he refused to treat Darcy. A
+nurse, Susan Jordan, took Darcy and is treating her. I don’t know if
+the doctor plans to press charges. That’s a problem you may have to
+deal with.”
+Will – “I’ll have a talk with Officer Cattrall and then with the
+doctor. When I’m done, I’m going over to Arcadia General. Call me if
+there’s any change in Mike’s condition.”
+At Home
+Grace – “…so that’s what happened. She’s been lying the whole time,
+sneaking booze when no one was around.”
+Luke – “Are you sure? Maybe this was an isolated incident. A
+Grace – “There is no such thing as an isolated incident for an
+alcoholic. Either you are or you aren’t. She has to stop or I’m not
+going back.”
+Luke – “Yeah, I remember that from one of the Alateen meetings. Do
+you want to start going back to them?”
+Grace – “Yeah, but only if you go with me.”
+Luke – “Of course.”
+Grace – “Joan said she would go with me too, but I don’t know. It’s
+so personal and it was hard enough allowing you in.”
+Luke – “Whatever you decide, but you know Joan cares for you, too.”
+Grace – “Yeah, I know. That’s why I might reconsider, but not yet.”
+Downstairs, Joan learns to make Aunt Olive’s paella as initially
+planned. It’s been such a confusing day, but Grace really helped to
+put things into perspective. She’s actually in a good mood now,
+feeling optimistic about the future. Helen begins to tell a story
+about Aunt Olive, and Joan roars with laughter when she gets to the
+punch line.
+In the living room, Kevin and Lilly hear Joan laughing in the
+kitchen. Lilly says, “Hey, I would like to show you some things I
+bought today.” She goes out to her car and comes back. “I bought
+these books for Joan. They’re not a present, just something I thought
+she would like, but this is what I wanted to show you.” She pulls out
+the drawing of Joan of Arc. “Do you think she’ll like it?”
+Kevin – “Yeah, she really enjoyed reading that book this summer.”
+Lilly – “That’s what I was thinking, too. I’ll give it to her on her
+birthday.” She places it back into the bag and pulls out the statue
+of Athena. “I got this for me. Do you like it?”
+Kevin – “It’s very pretty. Who is it?”
+Lilly – “Don’t you know your Greek mythology? It’s Pallas Athena.”
+Kevin – “Well, I remember the name, but I just didn’t recognize the
+statue. Isn’t that kind of paganistic?”
+Lilly – “I’m not going to worship her, I find her story interesting.
+It’s just something pretty to look at.”
+Kevin – “Well, again, it is very pretty. Let’s go up to my room. I
+want to show you what I bought today.”
+At Arcadia General Hospital
+Will arrives in the ER to find Officer Palmer sitting with his wife
+and daughter. “Hello Mrs. Palmer.” He directs his attention to the
+little girl, “And what’s your name?”
+Officer Palmer’s daughter – “Stacy.”
+Will – “You have a very brave daddy.”
+Stacy – “I know, he’s a politeman.”
+Will smiles, “Jim, how are you doing?”
+Officer Palmer – “I’m okay. I have a lot of little cuts, but only two
+required stitches. It just hurts like a million paper cuts.”
+Will – “Well, I’m glad to see you weren’t hurt worse. Any word on
+your partner?”
+Officer Palmer – “Greg got about the same amount of glass as me, but
+he got some in his left eye. They’ve called in a specialist.”
+Will – “Is his wife here?”
+Officer Palmer – “She’s in pre-op with him.”
+Will – “Can I arrange a ride home for you?”
+Mrs. Palmer – “No, I drove, but thank you.”
+Will looks at Jim, “Well, you take whatever time of you need.” He
+leaves to visit Officer Gleason and his wife.”
+At Home
+Luke calls to cancel his evening with Friedman. Friedman is
+disappointed, but he understands Luke’s reason for wanting to spend
+the evening with Grace.
+Helen calls out, “Dinner is served.” They all gather around the table
+and Helen asks, “Joan, would you say the blessing tonight?”
+Joan – “Okay. God, please take care of the policemen that were hurt
+today and thank you for my friends and family.”
+Helen – “Thank you.”
+They serve the meal and Joan comments, “Ha, ha, hahaha, I know how to
+make this now.”
+Kevin – “Well, I’m just as happy not knowing what’s in it. I’ll bet
+those seven herbs and spices include ingredients like essence of
+cricket, ground Amazon ants, and eye of toad.”
+Joan gives him a smirk, “Well, you’re close.” Lilly gets a horrified
+expression on her face, so Joan smiles and continues, “Okay, there’s
+no eye of toad.”
+Kevin looks at Lilly, “It’s okay, just eat it.”
+After dinner, Helen gives Grace a brief synopsis of her conversation
+with Grace’s father. Luke and Grace spend the remainder of the
+evening talking on the couch.
+Kevin and Lilly decide to go out for ice cream. Helen and Joan do the
+dishes, then retire to their rooms to read. Joan browses through the
+topical Bible, then puts it down on her desk. As she does, she
+notices the paper she had the left there the other day, “1
+Corinthians 6:18 – 20.” She remembers the dream, “Cory Callahan!
+Corinth… Corinthians.”
+She opens her journal from this summer and finds where she wrote
+about the accident. Judith - Cory Callahan - 12:09 - Raphaela? She
+then opens the Bible (NASB) and leafs through until she finds 1
+Corinthians 12:9. She reads the passage, “to another faith by the
+same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit.” She
+lays the book down and slips into bed. She wonders as she goes to
+sleep, ‘I do have faith. I’ve seen the ripples. God knows that, so
+why bother to tell me that in a dream? And who is Raphaela?’
+When Joan wakes up, Grace is sleeping beside her. She loves her, but
+she will never become accustomed to her snoring. Mental note: Always
+go to sleep before Grace.
+She quietly leaves her bedroom and goes downstairs. Luke is there
+having breakfast, “Whatcha eating?”
+Luke – “Coco Puffs, breakfast of champions.”
+Joan gets herself a bowl, spoon, and sits down beside him, “Well, I
+don’t know about champions, but for low blood sugar, it’s a must.”
+They eat quietly for a while, then Joan breaks the silence, “I have a
+name, but I don’t know who it is. Do you think if I put it in your
+computer it will give me an answer?”
+Luke – “It will probably give you more answers than you want. Google
+is a great search tool, but you’re not touching my computer.”
+Joan – “When we’re done eating, can we go up to your room and see?”
+Luke agrees and when they finish, they go up to his room, “Okay, what
+is the name?”
+Joan – “Raphaela. I’m not sure how to spell it. Try R-A-P-H-A-E-L-A.”
+Luke types it in, and starts reading through the responses,
+Raphaela’s Kaifuu, Saint Raphaela Maria Porras, Behind the Name: View
+Name: Raphaela, Raphaela Pope…”
+Joan interrupts, “How about the saint?”
+Luke selects it and it calls up a biography. Joan reads it through
+and sees that she taught children, but she’s not sure if this is what
+she is looking for. “Go back to that name thing.”
+Luke does and it gives some information, but nothing that seems to
+help. “Try adding ‘name’ to the search.” He does while Joan watches,
+“There, ‘Name Meanings,’ click on that one.” When the screen comes
+up, she reads the meaning, “Divine healer or healed by God.” Joan
+stands stunned, now realizing the connection to the Bible verse.
+Luke – “Earth to Joan. Is this what you were looking for?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I think it is. Thanks.”
+She leaves and walks downstairs. Grace is coming out of the bedroom,
+“Morning, Luke’s awake in his room.”
+Grace – “No can do, rule number one, Luke and Grace can never be
+alone together in the same bedroom. Mom’s orders.”
+Joan – “Well, I’m going to take a shower. Why don’t you go downstairs
+and fix yourself something to eat?”
+Grace rushes into the bathroom, “Nature first, then a shower.”
+Later, Joan, Luke, and Grace are in the living room. Luke and Grace
+are talking about what they might do this afternoon. Joan is still
+wondering about the dream. She thinks to herself, ‘This is insane and
+I was bonkers when I had the dream.’ She decides she needs to take
+her mind off it, if only for a little while. She walks over to her
+father’s record collection, and leafs through it. “Sounds of Silence,
+just what I need.” She puts the record on and it begins to play. She
+sits quietly listening, while Luke and Grace continue to talk.
+Will comes downstairs and hears the record playing, “Joan, what are
+you doing?”
+Joan – “I’m sorry, I’ll put it away.”
+Will – “No, you can listen to my records. I’m just wondering why?”
+Joan begins to blush a little, “Well, I… I like some of your music.
+Not all of it, but some of it.”
+Will smiles, “I told you that you had good taste.” He continues into
+the kitchen and Joan follows. “Dad, how are your police officers?”
+Will – “They’ll all be fine. Don’t worry.”
+Joan – “Hey, Cee-Cee and Roger won’t be here for awhile. Would you
+like to play a game of chess?”
+Will – “I’m fine, really. Besides, you are too good for me.”
+Joan – “No, you’ve won several games.”
+Will – “And I know why.” He kisses her on the forehead. “I love you,
+Joan is both disappointed and happy that he knew, but she still feels
+she needs to do something, “Hey, why don’t I fix you breakfast? What
+would you like?”
+Will – “Oh, how about a ham and cheese omelet, with hash browns and
+Joan looks sadly at him, “I haven’t learned how to make that yet. Can
+you show me?”
+Will – “A father-daughter project. I’d love to.”
+After the meal is prepared, Joan sits with her father and watches him
+eat. “Are you going to have to work today?”
+Will – “Maybe, but I’m going to try to do it all over the phone.
+Right now, I just need to coordinate everything and make sure it all
+gets done.”
+Joan – “Do you like doing this better than being a detective?”
+Will – “Yes and no, but mostly yes. I’m finally going to meet the new
+mayor on Monday. I’m not sure how it will pan out.”
+Joan – “Max Doherty?”
+Will – “Yeah, he seems like a good guy. He only bent the rules once
+that I know of, but I may have done the same thing in his situation.
+Still, I have a bad taste in my mouth from the last mayor, so I’ll
+believe it when I see it.”
+Joan – “Some things have to be believed to be seen.” Joan pauses
+briefly, a little puzzled, wondering where that came from. “What did
+he do?”
+Will – “Never mind. Are you still going to the hayride tonight?”
+Joan – “Yeah and there’s a party in the barn, too. It should be a lot
+of fun.”
+Will – “And Luke and Grace are still going?”
+Joan – “Grace was not going to go, but I talked her back into it. She
+needs to have some fun.”
+Helen, Lilly, and Kevin return from church. Helen walks into the
+kitchen, “What smells good?”
+Will – “Joan cooked me breakfast.”
+Joan – “Well, I had a little help. Would you like an omelet?”
+Helen – “No thanks. I’ll wait and just have lunch… maybe leftover
+After a while, Adam arrives, and Joan meets him at the door. Instead
+of inviting him in, she walks outside with him. “We don’t have a lot
+of time, but I want to tell you something. Have a seat.”
+They sit on the step and Joan continues, “I’ve been thinking a lot
+about what you told me yesterday. I’m really sorry that I didn’t know
+how you were feeling, but you have to admit, having sex with Bonnie
+was over the top.”
+Adam – “Yeah, I agree. I shouldn’t have and I’m really sorry.”
+Joan – “Well, I forgive you, but that doesn’t fix everything. Why
+didn’t you tell me that you felt so distant from me?”
+Adam – “I was afraid. I loved you so much and I still love you. I
+just didn’t know what to do.”
+Joan – “What you need to do is talk to me. And not just about the
+little stuff, but the important stuff, like how you really feel. I
+will try to pay closer attention, but you have to be more open with
+me, too. I believe that’s the only way it’s going to work for us.”
+Adam – “I’ll try, but you know I don’t like to talk about myself that
+Joan – “Then how am I supposed to know what you’re thinking? I’m not
+Adam – “Okay, I’ll try.”
+Joan sees that he’s getting a little defensive, but she knows she’s
+made her point. She gives him a quick kiss, “Grace needs to tell you
+something.” They walk back inside, and Joan says to Luke, “Hey,
+square pants, kitchen! Grace and Adam need to talk.”
+Grace tells Adam about her troubles at home and that she has moved in
+with Joan’s family. As expected, Adam offers to do anything he can to
+help. They finish their conversation just as Roger and Cee-Cee
+Grace hurries into the kitchen, and Joan invites them in and
+introduces Adam. She shows them to the couch and goes to the stairs
+and calls, “Mom, Dad, Roger and Cee-Cee are here.”
+Will, Helen, and Kevin come down. Roger and Cee-Cee stand back up as
+Joan makes the introductions, “This is my dad, mom, and my brother
+Cee-Ceeimmediately recognizes Kevin and becomes uncomfortable, not
+knowing what Kevin will say. Kevin defuses the situation by saying,
+“Hi, Cee-Cee, it’s been awhile. It’s nice to see you again.”
+Will is speechless at first, overcome by Cee-Cee’s exquisite beauty.
+He’s married, but still a man, and he’s definitely not blind. Helen
+frees him from his stupor by commenting, “That’s a lovely dress you
+are wearing.”
+Cee-Cee– “Thank you, Mrs. Girardi. It’s very nice to meet both of
+They all have a seat, and Helen begins the conversation, “Joan tells
+me that you attend Dawson State and major in dance.”
+Cee-Cee– “Yes, I love to dance. I actually have two majors. I am also
+studying American history. I love this country so much. I just can’t
+learn enough about it.”
+Will is impressed and is poised to ask, ‘When did you come to this
+country?’ when Helen elbows him in the ribs. She continues instead,
+“That’s really impressive, having two majors. That must be hard
+Cee-Cee– “It is, especially with all the reading, but Roger has been
+helping me with that.”
+Will catches his breath and decides to join the discussion, “So
+Roger, Joan tells me you used to be her tutor.”
+Roger – “Yes, last year for awhile. She was such a fast learner that
+she didn’t need me for long.”
+Will – “And you attend Dawson State as well?”
+Roger – “Yes, I’ll graduate in the spring. I’m majoring in English
+literature and plan to write and teach.”
+Joan – “Roger is so good with poetry. He really helped me to
+understand what I was reading.”
+Helen directs her question to Cee-Cee, “You are having lunch today at
+your family’s restaurant?”
+Cee-Cee– “Yes, my uncle has the finest Chinese restaurant in Arcadia.
+You should come by and try our food, if you haven’t already visited.”
+Kevin has been sitting quietly, but decides to comment, “I can vouch
+for that. I’ve eaten there many times.”
+Will – “Well, it was nice to meet both of you. You all have a good
+time today.”
+When Joan, Adam, Cee-Cee, and Roger leave, Will asks, “Why did you
+jab me in the ribs?”
+Helen – “Because I knew what you were going to ask, and because your
+tongue was hanging out. I told you, no questions about her past.”
+Kevin was still there listening, “Thanks for going easy on Cee-Cee.”
+Helen – “She seems like a very nice girl.”
+Will goes back upstairs and continues his phone calls. He calls Toni
+to check on her status.
+Toni – “We’re just about done. The K-9 handler has checked out the
+barn and along the route the hayride will take tonight. Nothing was
+Will – “Good. I thought it would be okay, but I wanted to be sure.
+You’re still going to be there tonight, right?”
+Toni – “Yeah, I will be in the barn and be the substitute driver when
+Joan and her friends take their ride. I have my Jason mask and
+costume in the car. I’ll be back here about a half an hour before
+they arrive. I have even memorized a haunted story for the hayride.
+It’ll be fun.”
+Will – “Thanks for doing this.”
+At Lin’s Family Restaurant
+The waitress escorts them to their table, where everyone has a seat,
+“Hi, I’m China Faye, I hope you enjoy your meal. May I take your
+drink order?”
+Cee-Cee– “You don’t have to be so formal. You know Roger. This is
+Joan and Adam.”
+China Faye – “It is nice to meet friends of my sister.” Technically,
+China Faye is a cousin, as is her father, but ‘sister’ and ‘uncle’
+are the terms they have come to embrace to describe their
+relationship, and the technicalities are just that.
+Joan and Adam reply with the appropriate responses. Joan continues,
+“What drinks are available?”
+China Faye – “We have hot tea, sweet tea, Pepsi and Diet Pepsi,
+coffee, regular, and decaf, and we have just started offering sweet
+green tea.”
+Joan – “I would like the green tea.” The others order sweet tea.
+Music has been playing softly over the PA, but it suddenly stops. As
+China Faye leaves, she comments, “I’ll put another record on and be
+back with your drink order.”
+They all get up to fill their plates with a variety of food. When
+they return to their seats, they find China Faye has brought their
+drink orders, and they begin to enjoy their meal. Joan strikes up a
+conversation with Cee-Cee, “What kind of dance do they teach at
+Dawson State?”
+Cee-Cee– “Actually, I was surprised that a state college offered such
+a fine program. We study all kinds of dance, classical, pop, ballet,
+Middle Eastern, Scandinavian, Russian, even belly dancing. It’s
+really a lot of fun.”
+Joan – “That sounds neat. What other courses do they offer?”
+Cee-Cee– “I don’t know them all, but I can think of nursing,
+photography, geography, forestry, several courses in the sciences,
+mathematics and the arts, and of course, English literature. I know
+there are more, but I just can’t think of them all.”
+Roger – “The school’s web site has a listing of the available
+courses. I can e-mail you the link.”
+Joan – “That would be great! My email address is”
+Adam – “We went there last year to take a look. They offered me a
+scholarship, but the art teacher just didn’t impress me. I’ve been
+seriously considering the North Carolina School of the Arts. Jason
+Welsh is the head instructor. Some of his work was put on display
+last year here at the Arcadia Museum of Art. He is a brilliant
+When they finish their meal, Adam and Joan begin to get money out to
+pay their part of the bill. Cee-Cee interrupts, “No, it isn’t
+necessary. My uncle wants today’s meal to be a gift, and he hopes you
+will choose to return.”
+Joan – “That’s very nice. Please thank him for us, but your sister
+still deserves a tip.” She and Adam both leave money on the table.
+They leave the restaurant and walk out into the mall. Cee-Cee asks
+Joan, “Come on, let’s go for a walk and look at some of the stores.”
+Roger asks Adam to join him, but Adam responds, “I really don’t like
+the mall.” Roger offers a compromise, “Okay, let’s take a walk
+Joan knows why Cee-Cee wants to talk to her alone, so she begins the
+conversation, “Okay, I kissed Roger once, but I was confused. I do
+like Roger, but I love Adam.”
+Cee-Cee– “I know, Roger told me about it. I know he loves me, but we
+are both beautiful and intelligent women.”
+Joan – “Oh, I’m nowhere as beautiful as you. And smart? You haven’t
+seen my report card.”
+Cee-Cee– “Oh, but you are very pretty and intelligent. Being
+beautiful has always been a problem for me. In the past, my
+boyfriends seemed to be disappointed when they didn’t wake up next to
+Gilda. I know Roger loves me for who I am. That’s something I
+Joan – “And I know he loves you, too. I’m sure you will be very happy
+Cee-Ceepauses for a moment, “Joan, do you believe in God?”
+Joan – “Yes, I believe, with all of my heart.”
+Cee-Cee– “I’m glad to hear that. When I was young, my mother taught
+me about God, but we had to keep our beliefs a secret. Just before I
+left home, my mother told me to always do what God asks me to do.
+Anyway, one day there was this big confusion and I heard God calling
+me. I ran to him. It changed my life.”
+Joan begins to wonder, “God talks to you?”
+Cee-Cee– “Yes, but I just hear him in my head and I feel him like a
+warm blanket over me. That day, his voice was really loud, but
+usually, he just whispers. I’ve only told my mother, Roger, and now
+Joan – “Why me?”
+Cee-Cee– “On the way to your house, I heard Him again, just two
+words, ‘Tell her.’ I know it was only two words, but somehow I knew
+what He meant. I don’t know why He wants you to know, but I do as He
+asks, because when I do, things always work out.”
+Joan – “But how do you know it’s really God talking to you?”
+Cee-Cee– “Some things have to be believed to be seen.”
+Joan is speechless, amazed by Cee-Cee’s last remark. She simply
+smiles in agreement.
+Cee-Cee– “Let’s go find Roger and Adam.”
+When Adam and Roger are outside, Roger starts the discussion, “I know
+you don’t like me, but I hope that will change. I’m not sorry for
+what happened between Joan and me, but my heart belongs to Cee-Cee
+now. You don’t have to worry.”
+Adam – “Then why did you kiss Joan?”
+Roger – “For the same reasons you do. She is a wonderful person, so
+easy to fall in love with.”
+Adam – “But you don’t love her now?”
+Roger – “Love is something that never goes away, and I will always
+cherish the memory, but Cee-Cee is my life now. I can promise that
+Joan and I will just remain friends. You see, love is a decision, not
+just a feeling. I’ve chosen Cee-Cee. I’ve let go of Joan.”
+Adam – “So, I am to believe you won’t try to steal her from me?”
+Roger – “No one will steal her from you. You will have to lose her.
+Love is hard work. It’s your job to keep her.”
+With that, they turn around and head back into the mall. They meet up
+with Joan and Cee-Cee and Roger takes them home.
+At Home
+Luke knocks on his parent’s bedroom door and enters. Will is still
+talking on the phone, so Luke quietly takes a seat. When Will
+finishes, Luke says, “We discovered something else yesterday. Ryan
+has another computer that is monitoring stock investments. Professor
+Steinholz thinks it’s strange that it is also sending nearly the same
+information out again. Do you think your FBI friend could take a
+Will – “I don’t know, but I’ll certainly ask.” Luke hands him the
+paper with the information. “Thanks, Luke. You and Friedman have been
+a great help.”
+Luke – “Friedman came up with something yesterday. He referred to us
+as AoJ, Army of Joan. I think that’s neat.”
+Will – “Catchy title, too bad no one but us will ever know about it.”
+When Luke leaves, Will calls Victor. When he picks up, Will says,
+“Victor, Will Girardi. Do you remember that fraud case involving Ryan
+Hunter you have been investigating?”
+Victor – “Yeah, how can I forget? It’s been a dead end for years.”
+Will – “Well, I think I have your smoking gun.”
+When Joan arrives home, she finds Kevin and Lilly sitting on the
+couch. Kevin asks, “Where’s Adam?”
+Joan – “Roger dropped him off at home. We’ll pick him up later for
+the hayride.”
+Kevin – “Lilly and I have been talking. Would you mind if we went
+with you?”
+Joan – “No, it’ll be fine. In fact, can Adam and I ride with you?”
+Kevin – “Sure, but what about Luke?”
+Joan checks to make sure Luke isn’t around, “Quite frankly, it scares
+me to ride with him at the wheel, and he always gets mad when I point
+out his mistakes.”
+Kevin – “Ah, the backseat driver. I’ve ridden with him. He’s not so
+Joan – “Just the same, I would rather go with you.” She pauses to
+think for a moment. “Friedman was going to drive, too, but with you
+going, he and Glynis can ride with Luke… or maybe Luke and Grace can
+ride with him. I’ll talk to Luke and we’ll work something out.”
+Lilly – “Great.I’ll run home and get makeup and mousse, and be back
+in a few minutes.”
+Joan – “Makeup?”
+Lilly – “In a past life, I was Goth girl. Kevin and I will be the
+Goth kids tonight.”
+Joan – “Wow!” Joan begins to wonder why the house is so quiet.
+“Where’s Grace?”
+Kevin – “Grace forgot to pack her hat for tonight, and Mom took her
+home to get it.”
+Joan – “I sure hope there aren’t any fireworks.”
+Lilly – “That’s why Helen went with her. They should be back soon.”
+Luke comes down stairs, “Hey, can you help me hem my pants?”
+Joan – “Yeah, I can do it. Mom showed me how to use the stitch
+witchery stuff.”
+Luke – “How was lunch? Wasn’t it great? Kevin took me there this
+Joan – “The food was delicious! And Kevin, you were right. Cee-Cee is
+a wonderful person.”
+Kevin – “I knew you would like her.”
+When Helen and Grace return, Joan asks, “Did everything go okay?”
+Grace – “They weren’t home. What do you think of my hat?”
+The\ `hat <>`__\ is
+from the early 60’s, similar to one John Lennon used to wear.
+Joan – “It’s kind of odd looking, but the color goes well with your
+Grace – “That’s why I bought it, and because it’s radical, dude.”
+They have an early dinner, and Glynis, Friedman, and Adam arrive.
+Everyone is thrilled with Glynis’ costume.
+Glynis– “Hi, I’m Kimberly and I’m the coolest Power Ranger. Make fun
+of me and I’ll blast you.” Luke chuckles, so she pulls out her Blade
+Blaster and squirts him twice in the face, “That goes double for
+Joan lowers her voice to imitate Napoleon Dynamite, “Ah, well, ah,
+yah know, that’s cool. Can I hold it?”
+Glynis– “Okay, but just this once.”
+Joan takes it and squirts Adam, “Hey, stop it, you’ll make my emblem
+fall off.”
+Joan – “Huh, some wizard you are.”
+Luke – “Hey bugsy, if you guys don’t behave, I’ll have to fill you
+full of lead.”
+Friedman – “Or we’ll make you cement overshoes for the evening.”
+Lilly – “Hey, Marilyn and I can think of a few worse things to do to
+Kevin – “Yeah, like I’ll make you wear this nose ring.”
+Will and Helen enter the living room.Helen observes the motley crew,
+“You all look wonderful tonight, a classic collection of
+Grace – “Oh, gee, no way, for sure, how could you ever compare me to
+them? They’re so yesterday!”
+Helen smiles, “And you’re all in character. I’m sure you’ll have fun
+At the Orban Farm
+All of them, except for Lilly and Kevin, have prepaid. This allows
+them to go ahead of the line. It’s good that Grace read the fine
+print on the flyer.
+When they get up to the table, Joan asks, “My brother and his
+girlfriend have decided to join us. Can they come in too?” A rather
+tall person in a Jason mask gives a nod. “Thank you.” Kevin and Lilly
+pay the fee and they all enter together.
+The organizers have been controlling the entry, so there is a good
+size crowd in the barn, but it’s not overcrowded. There are a lot of
+children and adults. All are playing games and appear to be having a
+great time. Over the PA, a rather odd song is playing. Joan asks,
+“Hey, ah, that looks cool, does anyone want to play pin the electrode
+on the Frankenstein?”
+Grace – “No way, that’s so uncool. It’s for kids. Act your age.”
+Joan – “Not tonight. Anything goes.”
+Adam – “I’ll do it with you. I’ll wand you in the right direction.”
+The others join in and none of them gets the electrode in the right
+place. When Glynis finishes, she squirts the cardboard Frankenstein,
+blows the imaginary smoke of her Blade Blaster, and says, “So there.”
+They enter the dark room, which is used to store Frankenstein’s spare
+parts. They touch brains, intestines, eyeballs, and various other
+disgusting, slimy things. Eeeuw, yuck, and gross mix with laughs and
+Joan has been struggling for some time, but finally must submit,
+“Hey, I’ll be back in a few minutes. I have to brave the Port-a-Potty
+She walks outside and stands in line. A man comes up behind her,
+“Don’t you just love long lines when you really have to go, Joan.”
+She turns around and lifts his mask. She then lets it snap back into
+place, “Don’t you think it’s a conflict of interest for God to dress
+like the devil?”
+God – “Why is it that no one will believe that I have a sense of
+Joan – “Well, I’m not in the mood to get it from you. What’s with the
+dream? Was it real?”
+God – “By definition, no dreams are real.”
+Joan – “Come on, Socrates, you know what I mean. Is that why you told
+Cee-Cee to talk to me? What does ‘Chun Chen’ mean in English? Is she
+come kind of healer? If so, what am I supposed to do with her? And, I
+thought you said no miracles?”
+God – “What, where, when, why, how, you know I don’t answer
+questions. And I didn’t say, ‘no miracles’. I said, ‘miracles happen
+within the rules’.”
+Joan – “So what are the rules?”
+God ignores her, “All you need to know is that both you and Cee-Cee
+are in the process of fulfilling your nature. Embrace it, and
+remember, some things…”
+Joan interrupts, “…have to be believed to be seen. Yeah, yeah, that’s
+the third time I’ve heard that today. What does it even mean?”
+God – “You already have faith, Joan. You’ll figure out the rest.”
+A woman next in line behind them speaks out, “Hey, if you’re not
+going in, I really have to go.” Joan can see this conversation is
+going nowhere, so she gets into the Port-a-Potty and slams the door.