path: root/modules/mt-lxx-parallel/00.ReadMe.txt
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authorMartin Gruner <>2005-04-13 20:05:33 +0000
committerMartin Gruner <>2005-04-13 20:05:33 +0000
commit3a69f07c65abe0bfa32f0e22ffcc657bc7342ea5 (patch)
tree73f466333a9293ab315e325f21a33794604568aa /modules/mt-lxx-parallel/00.ReadMe.txt
parent5c7c3784f16eaf492ff6f345dd4106ea8b239178 (diff)
Beginnings of upcoming MT-LXX-Parallel module from CCAT.
This is going to really rock! git-svn-id: 07627401-56e2-0310-80f4-f8cd0041bdcd
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/mt-lxx-parallel/00.ReadMe.txt')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/mt-lxx-parallel/00.ReadMe.txt b/modules/mt-lxx-parallel/00.ReadMe.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e478dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/mt-lxx-parallel/00.ReadMe.txt
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+READ ME File for CCAT Diskettes (version 1.0 [11/7/86 rak])
+(adapted for Macintosh files [7/4/87 jct], revised 12/16/88)
+ Please communicate corrections and comments to:
+ CCAT (R. Kraft)
+ Box 36 College Hall
+ University of Pennsylvania
+ Philadelphia, PA 19104-6303
+ (tel. 215-898-5827).
+The materials on the accompanying diskettes are distributed by
+the Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT) at the
+University of Pennsylvania for the use of students, teachers and
+scholars in study and education contexts. They are not to be
+used, either directly or indirectly, for commercial purposes
+without prior written consent of the various legal authors and
+developers identified below. If copies are made and given to
+other persons for NON-COMMERCIAL use, those persons are also
+required to register with CCAT by completing the standard
+"User Declaration" (included as a separate file on the diskettes) and returning it to CCAT at the address indicated above. This is for
+legal and collaborative purposes only; no fees are involved.
+The CCAT repository contains a wide variety of materials obtained
+from various sources. The following are standard items for which
+requests are regularly received. It is expected that, in accord
+with normal scholarly etiquette, use of such materials in
+publications, etc., will be acknowledged appropriately.
+BHS = Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, ed. K. Elliger and W.
+Rudolph (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1967/77).
+Copyright held by the German Bible Society, in cooperation with
+the United Bible Societies (UBS).
+Michigan-Claremont BHS = The computer text produced initially
+under the direction of H. Van Dyke Parunak (then at Univ.
+Michigan) and Richard E. Whitaker (representing the Claremont
+Grad. Schools), with funding from the David and Lucile Packard
+Foundation. Subsequent revisions and verification have been
+coordinated by Whitaker with input from a variety of sources and
+special support from the CATSS (Computer Assisted Tools for
+Septuagint Studies) Project and its teams at the Hebrew
+University (Jerusalem; under E. Tov) and at the Westminster
+Theological Seminary (Elkins Park, PA; under A. Groves) as well
+as at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). An early
+form of the Michigan-Claremont text provided the basis for the
+MIKRAH version, which in turn was further improved through
+cooperation with the Bar Ilan (Israel) computer center and the
+Maredsous (Belgium) based Centre: Informatique et Bible (CIB)
+directed by R. F. Poswick. The Michigan-Claremont text also has
+been collated against the CIB text. The latest revision (done at
+Westminster Seminary in July of 1987) corrected the text according
+to facsimiles of Codex Leningradensis.
+LXX = Septuaginta, ed. A. Rahlfs (Stuttgart: WŸrttembergische
+Bibelanstalt, 1935; repr. in 9th ed., 1971).
+VULG = Biblia Sacra Vulgata, ed. R. Weber and B. Fischer. (Stuttgart:
+Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1963; 4th ed., 1983).
+CATSS LXX = The computer form prepared by the TLG (Thesaurus
+Linguae Graecae) Project directed by T. Brunner at the University
+of California, Irvine, with further verification and adaptation
+(in process) by CATSS towards conformity with the individual
+Gšttingen editions that have appeared since 1935.
+GNT = The Greek New Testament, 3nd corrected ed., ed. K. Aland,
+M. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren (Stuttgart:
+WŸrttemberg Bible Society, 1983). Copyright is held by the
+United Bible Societies (UBS).
+PAR = Parallel Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek texts of Jewish
+Scripture, based on the Michigan-Claremont BHS consonantal text
+and the TLG LXX, created by the CATSS project under the direction
+of E. Tov (Jerusalem team). This data base currently is in a
+provisional form that will undergo continued modification as the
+CATSS project proceeds to its goals. Portions of PAR can be
+supplied by special arrangement.
+LXXM = The morphologically analyzed text of CATSS LXX prepared by CATSS under the direction of R. Kraft (Philadelphia team).
+BHSM = In the near future, the morphologically analyzed
+Michigan-Claremont BHS materials will also be released.
+GNTM = In the future, the morphologically analyzed
+United Bible Societies NT3 will also be released.
+LXXV = The CATSS LXX plus the textual variants as encoded from the apparatuses of the best available editions (especially
+Gšttingen, Cambridge), and reformatted for computer by the
+Philadelphia team of CATSS under the direction of R. Kraft. Only
+small portions of this data base are currently available.
+Programs and Fonts
+CCAT provides programs and fonts appropriate to the files it supplies. English files come with the Explicit program so that the citation system can be changed. Greek files come with Transcribe and with Philadelphia, and Boroea fonts. Hebrew files come with Transcribe and a Hebrew font called Shibboleth. We recommend that you back-up the original files and work with copies. Open the text-file "Explicit.Doc" or "Transcribe.Doc" with a word processor for more information.
+[If the following charts looked jumbled, try 9-point Monaco.]
+Hebrew Greek (Greek=Coptic) Coptic
+ alef ) alfa A =
+ bet B beta B =
+ gimel G gamma G =
+ dalet D delta D =
+ he H epsilon E =
+ waw W digamma/vau (=6) V
+ zayin Z zeta Z =
+ het X eta H =
+ tet + theta Q =
+ yod Y iota I =
+ kaf K kappa K =
+ lamed L lamda L =
+ mem M mu M =
+ nun N nu N =
+ samek S ksi C =
+ ayin ( omicron O =
+ pe P pi P =
+ zade C koppa (=90) #3
+ qof Q rho R =
+ resh R sigma (both) S =
+ sin/shin # sigma final J
+ sin & tau T =
+ shin $ upsilon U =
+ taw T phi F =
+ chi X =
+ psi Y =
+ omega W =
+ patah A sampi(=900) #5
+ qametz F
+ hireq I
+ segol E
+ tsere " smooth breathing ) shai s
+ holam O rough breathing ( fai f
+ qibbuts U iota subscript | chai(Bo)
+ shureq W.
+ schwa : acute accent / hori h
+ holem waw OW grave accent \ janjia j
+ hateph-pathah :A circumflex acc. = gima g
+ hateph-qametz :F
+ hateph-segol :E
+ maqqeph - diaeresis + ti t
+ dagesh . midpoint punct. : dash -
+ rape ,
+ ketiv * capital letter * (precedes)
+ qere **
+[named and cross referenced as in the TABULA ACCENTUM insert-card in BHS; alternate coding used by the French and Belgian projects also noted]
+ Michigan-Claremont BHS CATAB CIB
+ at end (to left) of word, above:
+ 00 ; --- sop pasuq [end of verse] - -
+ 01 .:--- segolta I.3 14 7
+ 02 )--- zarqa, sinnor I.9,II.7 20 -
+ 03 \--- pashta, azla legarmeh I.10,II.12 21 -
+ 04 &--- telisha parvum I.25 47 30
+ 05 |--- paseq [separator] "Nota" 11 -
+ - |-,-- legarmeh (74 + 05) I.18 40 + 11 -
+ at start (to right) of word, below:
+ 10 ---< yetib (yetiv) I.11 23 (42)
+ 13 ---\ dehi or tipha II.9 (49) -
+ at start (to right) of word, above:
+ 11 ---/ (81 + ) mugrash II.5 - -
+ 14 ---% telisha magnum I.17 27 31
+ above word:
+ 24 -&-- telisha qetannah (med) - - -
+ 33 --\- pashta (preceding 03) 1.10b 45=46 8
+ 44 -%-- telisha magnum (med) - - -
+ 60 --<- ole or mahpakatum (II.2) - 43
+ 61 -/-- geresh or teres I.13 25 81
+ 62 -"-- garshajim I.14 26 82
+ 63 -\-- azla, azla or qadma I.24,II.19 45=46 8
+ 64 -,-- illuj II.15 - 44
+ 65 -#-- shalshelet (magn,parv) I.4,II.6+20 15 33
+ 80 -:-- zaqep parvum I.5 16 6
+ 81 -.-- rebia (magnum=parvum) I.7,II.4=8 19 5 (cf 80)
+ 82 --)- sinnorit II.21 (20) 9
+ 83 -+-- pazer I.15,II.10 28 90
+ 84 -&%-- pazer mag. or qarne para I.16 29 32
+ 85 -|:-- zaqep magnum I.6 17 60
+ below word:
+ 35 -F|:-- meteg (med) - (12) (,)
+ 70 -<-- mahpak or mehuppak I.20,II.11+18 43 42
+ 71 -/-- mereka I.21,II.14 41 1
+ 72 -//-- mereka kepulah (duplex) I.22 42 11
+ 73 -\-- tipha, tarha I.8,II.16 18 2 (munah)
+ - --\-- majela [= 73] I.27 49 -
+ 74 -,-- munah I.18-19,II.13 40 4 (dehi/tarha)
+ 75 -|-- silluq [meteg (left)] I.1,II.1 12 ,
+ 91 -./-- tebir I.12 22 10
+ 92 -^-- atnah I.2,II.3 13 3
+ 93 -v-- galgal or jerah I.26,II.17 48 41
+ 94 -s-- darga I.23 44 40
+ 95 -|-- meteg (right) [cf 35,75] - (12) -