path: root/faith/what-wrong-with-Ginny.rst
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-What’s wrong with Ginny?
-:date: 2019-07-17T23:50:28
-:category: faith
-:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment, zettelkasten, plot, story
-(my comments on “`The Character Development of Ginny Weasley`_”
-by `u/goodlife23`_)
-For me the main idea of everything written (originally, I have
-this from an excellent book by Walter Kerr “`How Not to Write
-a Play`_”) is that the plot (and character development and many
-other things in any literary work) is about a character moving
-from point A to point B. That’s all the play (novel, short story)
-is about! Why did she move from A to B? What were the obstacles
-on the way? How did she overcame them? Actually points A and
-B are not so important as the travel between them.
-One of the most horrible sins of any literary work is when in the
-first act of a drama the character (let’s say Draco Malfoy or
-Severus Snape) is in point A (marked Death Eater believing
-honestly in the pureblood ideals), and in the second act he is in
-point B (member of the Order of Phoenix fighting pureblood
-mentality). Change happened sometime during the intermission.
-That’s completely and absolutely wrong! The most important part,
-the only part we are interested in, is how he changed. What moved
-him to leave the Voldemort’s camp? Was it difficult? What
-obstacles he had to overcome? What precious things he had to
-sacrifice and leave behind? This is for example problem of most
-stories with Severus Snape as the main character. In books we
-have rather horrible person persecuting Harry just because he
-looks like his dad. Then suddenly in the story he is fair, a bit
-hurt by the nasty Dumbledore, smart guy who is the best friend
-with Harry without much problems. WHAT? How did they get there?
-Why Severus changed his attitude towards Harry? How did Harry
-struggle to accept this change? etc. The story in this area
-I rather like (“`Becoming Harriet`_” by Teao; another problem is
-that amount of smut is so big that it hurts the narrative) is
-exactly with this problem. Suddenly without any transition, Snape
-is the only professor who was always honest with Harry (WHAT?),
-desperately hoping for just treatment for his Slytherins, etc.,
-and Harry (well, Harriet, it is a gender bending story) accepts
-it immediately without any objections (WHAT?).
-The similar thing happened to Ginny in the books. She starts as
-a very shy girl with her elbow in the butter dish when seeing
-Harry, then she is a damsel in distress (OK, that part is
-covered, that’s what CoS is about), a princess saved by her
-knight in (not so much) shining armour from a dragon, and then
-… she is completely forgotten. Suddenly she shows up two and half
-books later as a self-confident sport-loving the most pretty girl
-at Hogwarts well prepared to be the girl for Harry (and there is
-not much else for her goals in life apparently). We are told,
-that Hermione had told her (behind the scenes, we don’t even know
-when that conversation happened) to date around to get
-a confidence (pretty stupid idea, if I may say so) and she
-changes somewhere behind the scenes (aside from one scene when
-Harry and Ron found her kissing somebody, we don’t even know
-anything about that process). There is a hint to something in my
-beloved line ‘“Lucky you,” said Ginny coolly.’, but it has never
-been developed into proper substory (which is huge mistake,
-IMHO). That’s COMPLETELY WRONG! We are interested in the process
-how a girl, who was shy and horribly abused by Tom Riddle
-(emotionally, physically, perhaps even otherwise), changes into
-the fiery Ginny we all know and love. We don’t know and we are
-never told.
-Difference between Luna and Ginny is interesting. The story arch
-we are here following is not actually change in Luna herself (she
-is mostly the same all time she is present), but the journey is
-Harry’s (and ours) discovery who she is. He first thinks (with
-everybody else including Hermione) she is just Loony, crazy girl
-spitting out nonsense. And gradually he finds out she is actually
-rather smart, shockingly honest, and absolutely faithful to her
-friends, so he ends to take her to the Slughorn’s party, and she
-then follows the group to the Department of Mysteries and
-co-leads the Dumbledore Army during DH (another horribly
-situation where everything interesting with Ginny happens
-somewhere in background). However, given Luna is not the main
-heroine of the story (contrary to Ginny, who should be the one),
-it is possibly easier to forgive her disappearance in the
-background, when she is not needed for the main storyline.
-.. _`The Character Development of Ginny Weasley`:
-.. _`u/goodlife23`:
-.. _`How Not to Write a Play`:
-.. _`Becoming Harriet`: