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-Foundations of The Dark Magic
-:date: 2021-02-06T09:11:36
-:category: faith
-:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment
-(my comments on “`The Light and the Dark`_” by Uncommonality)
-.. _`The Light and the Dark`:
-One of the many issues with the universe of the Harry Potter
-books, which has never been fully resolved in the books by Ms
-Rowling is the true nature of the Dark Magic. It is really not
-explained. Dark Magic is what Dark Wizards do, and Dark Wizards
-are Dark because they do Dark Magic. There is not much more to
-say, only that some curses are labelled as Dark, and they are so
-Dark, that one gets immediately life-long stay in Azkaban just
-for using them. That’s basically all we learn in the books.
-Moreover, the adult reader is left wondering whether Ms Rowling
-is really honest when she says that a rather hygienic Killing
-Curse, painful but time-limited hygienic Pain Curse
-(time-limited, because they are useless for torture longer than
-few minutes), and the Control Curse, are the very worst Magic
-which anybody can impose on another being. Even us, poor Muggles,
-can do much worse and be much nastier than these three curses,
-and it doesn’t take too much imagination to imagine much worse
-and dark types of torture or killing than that: there is nothing
-sexual in nature, no real human sacrifice, not much real torture.
-Let me just mention without explanation the tortured child in
-“`Inner Demons by serendipity_50`_”. The reader is left to
-suspect that JKR sanitized this list of Dark curses to make it
-palatable for teenagers and young adult readers.
-Let me suggest my theory about what is a better explanation of
-these questions [#]_. Moreover, I hope, that the distinction
-I want to develop here is useful even for Muggles in the
-non-magical world.
-The original point where I started is my pet peeve how some
-people tend to consider Dark Magic as something good. Most
-contrarian teenagers reading and authoring fanfiction stories
-love the idea that the wrong is right, and that only nasty old
-codgers like Dumbledore stops people from using wonderful Dark
-Magic. I don’t agree and yes I am an old codger myself. I really
-think that Dark Magic taints your soul and yes inability to
-produce the super-light magic like Patronus may be one of (many)
-The idea is that the “normal” magic (Lumos, etc. … most if not
-all spells taught at Hogwarts) are based on the power from the
-caster herself. It was the original magic discovered by the
-Neolithic people (think Stonehenge), who happily used this magic
-for their everyday lives and all was fine. However, then later
-somebody (probably some Celtic druids) discovered that one can
-harness the power of somebody or something else, and that even
-more power can be obtained when you don’t leave enough magic for
-the other to survive (e.g., human sacrifice). And that’s the
-foundation of all Dark Magic, using the power of somebody or
-something (animal, etc.) else.
-There is, not well studied (because nobody cares enough) the
-opposite Light Magic, which is not using your native power, but
-willing giving of own magic for others. And that is what Lily
-ultimately did when protecting Harry. However, as I said, it is
-very obscure and not a much-studied branch of magic, because of
-lack of interest.
-And it goes to rather deeper morale: either we are living for
-others (to serve them), or we are living for oneself (to be
-served). Think about the Kant’s categorical imperative (“Act in
-such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or
-in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end,
-but always at the same time as an end.”), or Mark 3:9 (NET): “If
-anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and servant of
-Let’s make an example of using this theory in analysing The
-Cruciatus Curse [#]_, which is the least defensible of the
-Unforgivable Curses. Redditer `/u/FUAllVeryMuch`_ asked me:
- So your comment was about dark magic being magic that takes
- from others while light magic is giving for others in
- a sense. Or at least that's what I understood from it.
- In that case, what do you gain from casting the Cruciatus?
- Next, and I'm sure this has come up before, wouldn't intent
- be more important? Like it is possible to kill using a basic
- levitation charm, so would it have no effect? Also, suppose
- someone was about to kill other people, and you kill him to
- protect the others, does it taint you? How many times can you
- cast dark magic before the taint is permanent?
-That ‘giving to others’ versus ‘taking from others’ distinction
-was just my basic very general premise. There are many details
-where it gets muddy and where the theory needs a lot of
-So, Cruciatus is certainly one such case. I am not sure how does
-the curse works. I would think the foundation of the curse is
-some energy for the torture coming from the tortured, so tortured
-people are effectively made to torture themselves, but this
-theory wouldn’t work for Muggles, who can quite certainly be
-tortured as well. By the way, concerning this curse, I was
-working for some time for a professor of pathophysiology who was
-researching pain. There are medicinal situations where part of
-the nervous system is intentionally so overwhelmed with pain,
-that it stops working, and so it allows some horrible surgery,
-e.g. amputation, be done. I wonder whether Cruciatus was
-originally meant to achieve something like this. The same goes
-for some variant of Imperio … it could be deadly useful for
-medicinal purposes.
-Back to the intent. Yes, that’s another question. With my theory,
-Dark Magic would certainly not cover all bad magical actions. Mrs
-Weasley with her enchanted knives (which normally chop
-vegetables) can certainly make a lot of damage if she wishes, and
-household charms certainly fall into the original Neolithic
-Concerning righteous killing. Yes, “Not everyone who wants to
-kill is necessarily evil.”, certainly, it can happen (soldiers in
-war, self-defence), but I don’t think even in such situations
-Dark Magic would be allowed. If I understand Bellatrix Lestrange
-correctly, you have to want to cause pain for the joy of causing
-pain, not out of the righteous anger. That of course leads to
-another side-question: how did Harry manage to curse Alecto
-Carrow? I have no idea, but it was just one bout of magic,
-effectively a rather painful Stunner, not sure. We probably
-should rather silently ignore it as one of many inconsistencies
-of Mrs Rowling. The same goes for the Killing Curse … you cannot
-use it for good reasons, in Self-Defence or in the war
-situations. You have to have your soul tainted, you have to want
-to have somebody killed just for the Death itself. Yes, Snape
-could do it as the former Death Eater, but that’s probably the
-only one from the anti-Riddle side. Soldiers in war just have to
-use some other curse … Reducto/Expulso/Confringo (I still have
-a problem to distinguish which is which) to your head would do
-just nicely. Notice, that for example we never saw Umbridge using
-Cruciatus. She was rather slowly making up her mind to curse
-Harry, and we don’t know if she could actually manage to do it.
-I have said that according to my theory using Killing Curse is
-necessarily evil. And yet, “good guys” once used Unforgivables.
-Sirius mentioned (in chapter 26 “Padfoot Returns” of Harry Potter
-and the Goblet of Fire):
- The Aurors were given new powers—powers to kill rather than
- capture, for instance. And I wasn’t the only one who was
- handed straight to the Dementors without trial. Crouch fought
- violence with violence, and authorized the use of the
- Unforgivable Curses against suspects.
-Which exactly supports my point, when Sirius talked about it, he
-was specifically saying that Aurors (I guess, those who followed
-this order) were getting really close to being as evil as Death
-Some situations just have to be chalked up as JKR
-inconsistencies. Harry using Sectumsempra without knowing what it
-is. It just doesn’t make any sense. Whole seven books we are told
-(heck, that’s the whole purpose of Hogwarts as a school), that
-doing magic is much more complicated than just random waving your
-wand and saying random weird incantations. Even with study most
-students don’t manage even the simplest spells (Lumos, Wingardium
-Leviosa) on their first try, and let us not mention whole
-theories about intent being significant (I am not sure whether it
-is or it isn’t, but it certainly makes more sense than this
-scene). Here we have spell without any diagram for wand movement,
-without Harry even knowing what it does (so, whole intent goes
-out of the window), and it on the first try makes significant
-damage to Malfoy. It just doesn’t compute for me.
-.. [#] Originally developed in `the Reddit thread on the nature
- of magic`_.
-.. [#] This part has been originally developed in `another Reddit
- thread`_.
-.. _`the Reddit thread on the nature of magic`:
-.. _`another Reddit thread`:
-.. _`/u/FUAllVeryMuch`:
-.. _`Inner Demons by serendipity_50`: