path: root/faith/breakfast_in_new_york_02.rst
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-One more on “Breakfast in New York”
-:date: 2021-03-23T14:08:24
-:category: faith
-:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment, characterDevelopment, zettelkasten, catholic
-(second round of my comments on “`Breakfast in New York`_” by
-Radaslab; `the first post`_)
-.. _`the first post`:
- {filename}breakfast_in_new_york.rst
-There is this author’s note:
- Eros Syndrome was not named or defined back then, but it was
- there. Eros Syndrome was needed to explain certain things.
- Namely, how could Hermione have let that happen after she
- made it clear she was not that kind of girl? Before I wrote
- the first sentence, I knew she was going to have Harry's kids
- out of wedlock and knew she would be pregnant again
- following their reunion. I needed a way to explain it,
- because both of my main character are not that way as people
- — absent the Syndrome. Hermione would never give her virtue
- up absent a wedding ring — or at least almost never. Yes,
- Harry may have been (and was) and exception, but I needed and
- explanation.
-First, author notes are what programmers call a code smell. Not
-necessarily an error, but something suggesting that not
-everything is right, and the programmer should check that part of
-the code much more thoroughly. When you feel the need to explain
-something in the author notes, it usually means you haven’t
-explained it well in the story itself, and that’s the only place
-where such an explanation should happen.
-But more importantly, this whole explanation is completely wrong!
-Before I got to this awkward explanation, I was perfectly happy
-with Hermione and Harry forgetting themselves and having
-a one-night stand. Of course, not happy meaning I would support
-their behaviour, but it made their story interesting.
-Explanation, why not-that-girl did this is exactly the main
-point of any literature! See the awesome short film “`The Saga
-Of Biorn`_” by The Animation Workshop. It starts with this line:
-“Some might ask: who is this Viking and what made him throw a
-dwarf off a cliff?” Many good stories start exactly with this:
-why somebody did something very strange, against their character
-or against what we would expect from a person like him? Why this
-not-that-girl does things which she shouldn’t do is exactly this
-question that made me interested in the story.
-Jim Chamberlain writes in `one of her interviews`_ how the
-character flaw is the required element of every good film plot:
-not only a hero needs to get `from point A to point B`_ but that
-moving from that point A to point B must be *struggle*,
-particular fight in overcoming of some of her character flaw:
-Michael Dorsey in Tootsie_ is bit of a sexist pig who despises
-women and yet he must pretend to be one to overcome this flaw,
-Holly Golightly in “`Breakfast at Tiffany’s`_” must step out of
-her cynicism which builds a cage around her heart to find her
-true love (and cat), and so on and so forth. That is exactly my
-biggest problem_ with most Harmony stories: their protagonists
-are just too perfect, they don’t have any flaws, and they don’t
-need any development.
-And what’s true about any literature generally, is even more true
-about a story that at least tries to be inspired by Catholicism
-as this story. Especially Catholic (or any Christian) literature
-should acknowledge that “There is no one righteous, not even one,
-there is no one who understands, there is no one who seeks God.
-All have turned away, together they have become worthless; there
-is no one who shows kindness, not even one.” (Romans 3:10-12)
-Meaning, that all-perfect people, who don’t make mistakes (or who
-don’t sin, to keep the lingo), are just dream-like creatures not
-capable of real life. And the question is, how come these good
-people, how come we, sometimes do really stupid things? Why would
-a good Catholic girl sleep with a boy on a one-night stand while
-leaving to the other end of the world (and she thinks leaving
-permanently)? Why would he? What would they do afterwards, when
-the baby happens?
-Where good people do bad things (think `Graham Greene`_, if you
-want to have a good writer who is a Catholic) is exactly the
-place where graphomania ends and literature may begin. “It was
-magic who did it!” is just a valiant attempt to avoid making good
-Another point, if the author wants to have their pair have `the
-Quiverfull marriage`_, it is dishonest to hide their courageous
-decision behind the magic. They should have many children,
-because they are good Catholics (in their opinion), because they
-love to have a lot of children, or because they were too ashamed
-to learn proper anti-conception techniques, but not just because
-magic forces them to it.
-So, why would not-that-girl do that? Another pair of completely
-perfect boring people in all Harmony stories are her parents.
-They are always supportive, always accepting, always perfect (in
-sharp contract to Dursleys, who are not), always enabling_. When
-we stop pretending that all good guys are completely perfect, we
-can see that most of them have some obvious flaws. So, for
-example, the explanation of many problems in Hermione’s actions
-could be explained by her parents. If Hermione was a daughter of
-two perfectionist overachievers, and which successful
-entrepreneur is not a perfectionist overachiever, she would learn
-that all her problems could be resolved by more hard work, and
-that her approval is based upon the amount of work she produces.
-And it seems that canonical Hermione acts exactly based on this
-template! Whenever she screws up, whenever she feels guilty, she
-works harder to ease her conscience. So, for example, when she
-lies to her parents about her second year, she drives herself to
-a breakdown in her third one.
-And when she is overcome by stress, loneliness, guilt (she did
-effectively enslave her parents, she, a founder of S.P.E.W.!),
-unfulfilled desire, and perhaps a bit of wine (of course,
-Catholics must drink wine, not Scotch!), she breaks down and
-sleeps with Harry, from all that stress. And when she finds later
-that she is pregnant out of wedlock, she does the same: being the
-overachiever, perfect student, perfect single mother (and by
-God’s grace, she actually is). Fortunately, she is Hermione
-Granger, so she has the brain to back up this drive, and she
-manages to pull it off.
-Perhaps, you have another explanation, but anything is better
-than the Eros Syndrome.
-.. _`Breakfast in New York`:
-.. _`The Saga Of Biorn`:
-.. _`one of her interviews`:
-.. _problem:
- {filename}one-more-anti-harmony.rst
-.. _`Graham Greene`:
-.. _`from point A to point B`:
- {filename}what-wrong-with-Ginny.rst
-.. _Tootsie:
-.. _`Breakfast at Tiffany’s`:
-.. _`the Quiverfull marriage`:
-.. _enabling:
- {filename}singularoddities-review-escape.rst