path: root/faith/authenticity.rst
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+Authenticity and Fear of God
+:date: 2022-09-03T11:12:14
+:status: draft
+:category: faith
+:tags: tags
+.. Bázeň před Hospodinem
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ - The Hebrew words יִרְאַ֣ת (yir’aṯ, H3374) and פחד (p̄aḥaḏ, H6343)
+ are most commonly used to describe fear of God/El/Yahweh
+ - whole development
+ lead to existentialism and to the dead end (I believe),
+ because they were missing that love and “fear of sin” from
+ Saint Augustine (it was quoted as the early expression of
+ authenticity). Heidegger was Nazi and Sartre 50ies
+ French pro-Communist Marxist.
+ Without the fear of God, authenticity leads to moral disaster.
+ - Relationship between Authenticity/existentialism and the
+ third level of the spiritual development by M. Scott Peck.
+ Existentialism is great in destruction of the shallow blind
+ rule following (“I haven’t lived yet, I was lived.”), but it
+ never achieved the mystical synthesis.
+Saint Augustin writes in his letter to Anastasius [#]_ this:
+ He, then, is an enemy to righteousness who refrains from sin
+ only through fear of punishment; but he will become the friend of
+ righteousness if through love of it he sin not, for then he will
+ be really afraid to sin. For the man who only fears the flames of
+ hell is afraid not of sinning, but of being burned; but the man
+ who hates sin as much as he hates hell is afraid to sin. This is
+ the “fear of the Lord,” which “is pure, enduring for ever.” [#]_
+ For the fear of punishment has torment, and is not in love;
+ and love, when it is perfect, casts it out. [#]_
+This paragraph can be start to multi-volume deep inquiry into
+nature of our relation with God, oneself, universe, but I would
+limit myself to just one part of it. The author here equates love
+and the Fear of God. That sounds seriously strange. What is even
+more strange, that what one would consider the conventional
+interpretation of the term “Fear of God”, that is the fear of
+God’s punishing us for our sins, is qualified as a sign of
+enemies of righteousness. It doesn’t make sense whatsoever!
+What’s going on?
+.. strict definition of the Fear of God
+.. [#]
+.. [#] Ps. xix. 9.
+.. [#] 1 John iv. 18.