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diff --git a/drafts/mluveni_v_jazycich.rst b/drafts/mluveni_v_jazycich.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4ec0f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drafts/mluveni_v_jazycich.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Poznámky ke studii „Jazyky“ od Daniela Kvasničky
+:date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00
+:status: draft
+:category: faith
+:tags: theology, x
+mluvení ve vytržení je kravina
diff --git a/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst b/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst
index 2045eef..d1f7809 100644
--- a/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst
+++ b/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst
@@ -105,45 +105,54 @@ obscure story from the Old Testament:
— 2Par 16:12-13 (ESV, modified according to the Czech
-And having this text about confession of sins in the middle of
-the passage about healing seems to somehow support this idea as
-well. Certainly, I do not believe that a sickness is meant by the
-LORD God as a punishment for our sins, but I still I cannot
-resist the idea that some link exists.
+What I read in these verses is not that his sickness was caused
+by his sin, but that his sickness (and perhaps every sickness?)
+is an opportunity and encouragement for us to seek the Lord, to
+go over our issues, to use available free time (as much as the
+sickness permits us) for reconciliation. And having this text
+about confession of sins in the middle of the James’ passage
+about healing seems to somehow support this idea as well.
+Certainly, I do not believe that a sickness is meant by the LORD
+God as a punishment for our sins, but I still I cannot resist the
+idea that some link exists.
When we got through this introduction, let us turn now to the
confession of sins itself. Whereas healing for the sick (in this
passage, there are other passages about general prayer for sick)
is specifically limited to the elders of the church, the Bible
-here is completely silent on any limits on the confessor.
-Apparently, any Christian can act as a confessor. However, I
-would still put a little of limits on choice of such person.
-First of all, there is I believe a general rule that the measure
-of the legitimate authority in other’s life is relative to the
-depth of relationship there is. Particularly in this case, it is
-good if the confessor is somebody who knows us well. Perhaps not
-directly husband or wife (they are usually to entangled in the
-issue of their spouse) but perhaps somebody who can have some
-level of knowledge of our inner life, who can be living reminder
-of our struggle in the following weeks, and even better is
-somebody who knows about our struggle already. So, it is better
-in my idea to have one long term person as the confessor of
-choice. [*]_
+here is completely silent on any limits on the confessor. It
+seems that any Christian can act as a confessor. However, I would
+still put a little of limits on choice of such person. First of
+all, there is I believe a general rule that the measure of the
+legitimate authority in other’s life is relative to the depth of
+relationship there is. Particularly in this case, it is good if
+the confessor is somebody who knows us well. Perhaps not directly
+husband or wife (they are usually to entangled in the issue of
+their spouse) but perhaps somebody who can have some level of
+knowledge of our inner life, who can be living reminder of our
+struggle in the following weeks, and even better is somebody who
+knows about our struggle already. So, it is better in my idea to
+have one long term person as the confessor of choice. [*]_ Which
+does not mean that if the need of confession arises and there is
+no close friend at hand, any Christian brother or sister is
+better than staying with our sin unreconciled. Just if this
+happens too often, I would question some level of unwillingness
+to be accountable.
.. [*] It reminds me of the institute of Anam Cara (soul friend)
- in the Old Irish Church. I am a bit fuzzy on what it
- actually meant (and there may be some pagan part in it),
- but it seems to me that it could be useful to investigate
- and if possible to re-purpose this institute for the
- confessional ministry.
+ in the Old Irish Church. I am a bit fuzzy on what it actually
+ meant (and there may be some pagan part in it), but it seems
+ to me that it could be useful to investigate and if possible
+ to re-purpose this institute for the confessional ministry.
+* the other side of the priestly ministry is our intercession
+ being in place of the prayed for in front of the God
-* the other side of the priestly ministry is our intercession being in place of the prayed for in front of the God
-We can claim that the sins are forgiven because of the promise of the Scripture:
+We can claim that the sins are forgiven because of the promise of
+the Scripture:
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to
you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. //
@@ -164,19 +173,33 @@ We can claim that the sins are forgiven because of the promise of the Scripture:
-* technology: listen to the confession as if it was confessed to the God (in place of God)
+* technology: listen to the confession as if it was confessed to
+ the God (in place of God)
* declare forgiveness
-These two are the only **mandatory** parts of the ministry. Everything else is optional, if the Spirit leads us.
+These two are the only **mandatory** parts of the
+ministry. Everything else is optional, if the Spirit leads us.
* listen for and deliver any word from God
-* NO ADVICE!!! We are not qualified and it is not the right place even if we were.
+* NO ADVICE!!! We are not qualified and it is not the right place
+ even if we were.
-* secret of the confessional!!! (there is a question of the possible confessed crimes and duty to report to the police, but I think we can ignore it here)
+* secret of the confessional!!! (there is a question of the
+ possible confessed crimes and duty to report to the police, but
+ I think we can ignore it here)
-* it may be possible to consult the situation with other person (wife, pastor, counselor), but in such case ONLY WITH PRELIMINARY EXPRESSED permission FOR EACH CASE from the confessing brother.
+* it may be possible to consult the situation with other person
+ (wife, pastor, counselor), but in such case ONLY WITH
+ confessing brother.
-* anybody can be a confessor, but it is better to have somebody fixed for a longer time; somebody, who is trustworthy, trained, wise? (however, with the only minimal confession, nearly anybody can serve)
+* anybody can be a confessor, but it is better to have somebody
+ fixed for a longer time; somebody, who is trustworthy, trained,
+ wise? (however, with the only minimal confession, nearly
+ anybody can serve)
-* a 2008 poll by Georgetown’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate found that 45 percent of American Catholics report never taking part in Reconciliation. (cited by
+* a 2008 poll by Georgetown’s Center for Applied Research in the
+ Apostolate found that 45 percent of American Catholics report
+ never taking part in Reconciliation. (cited by
diff --git a/drafts/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst b/drafts/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d8271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drafts/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+“Spotlight” — is this what a liberal movie looks like?
+:date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00
+:status: draft
+:category: faith
+:tags: cultureWar, Catholics, review, homosexuality
+So, we went to see the movie. After all, we were living in that
+time in Boston, our congregation (non-Catholic) bought its first
+church building from the Catholic church trying to collect money
+by selling empty church buildings, I am deeply interested in
+stories of hurt people, and yes, I hoped that with so many great
+actors, it will be a great movie.
+I was not disappointed, it is a great movie. I do not feel
+qualified to have much deep comments on the acting, so it seemed
+to me (as usual) almost perfect. Of course, every male is at
+least partially in love with awesome Rachel McAdams, so I really
+cannot comment on how perfect her acting was. Perhaps, the only
+small exception would be the person played by Mark Ruffalo. Is
+Michael Rezendes really such a nervous wreck with a tic, or was
+he bit overacting? I don’t know, but it was a bit
+distracting. Anyway, I really should not be allowed to comment on
+the artistic qualities of the movie, so I won’t.
+Obviously, even more important for this movie than movie-making
+technique is its message. So let me deal in this post just with
+one question put in as extreme tone as possible: is this a
+vicious anti-Catholic liberal [#]_ attack?
+First of all let make it clear that I do not think that being
+critical means to be an enemy. Even less, being a critical to the
+Church (or any parts of it) means that one is anti-Christian. I
+think Christians should be the first people to understand value
+of honesty, confession, of the Luther’s persuasion that “We are
+beggars”. I am Czech, I would consider myself reasonably
+patriotic, and yet I am a sharp critic (and lobbying for more
+admitting) of the `expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia`_. In
+all this I keep in front of me the person of Nehemiah, who in
+1:7-11 of the book named after him prays to the Lord God:
+ We have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept
+ the commandments, the statutes, and the rules that you
+ commanded your servant Moses. // Remember the word which You
+ commanded Your servant Moses, saying, “If you are unfaithful
+ I will scatter you among the peoples; // but if you return to
+ Me and keep My commandments and do them, though those of you
+ who have been scattered were in the most remote part of the
+ heavens, I will gather them from there and will bring them to
+ the place where I have chosen to cause My name to dwell.” //
+ They are Your servants and Your people whom You redeemed by
+ Your great power and by Your strong hand. // O Lord, I
+ beseech You, may Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your
+ servant and the prayer of Your servants who delight to revere
+ Your name, and make Your servant successful today and grant
+ him compassion before this man.
+Nehemiah here confesses sins as one of the sinners (although, he
+probably did not commit all those sins himself), he clearly
+speaks in the name of whole his nation. So, yes, I believe it
+right for me to confess, that, we, Christians [#]_, and we,
+Czechs, did plenty of quite horrible things. The only way to the
+wholeness, health, and freedom is to admit our sins, to repent,
+and seek new fresh way towards the God, towards the Life, towards
+Also, when standing in the place of confessing sins, it is
+probably no good to start with `pointing to others`_ who are
+doing the same thing. So, yes, for the movie to be complete
+balanced sociological scientific paper on the abuse of minors, it
+should mention that there are many other institutions caring for
+minors who have problems with sexual abuse (Scouts, Protestant
+.. _`expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia`:
+.. _`pointing to others`:
+.. [#] Yes, I know that Americans are confused when using the
+ word “liberal” while meaning what we Europeans would call
+ Social Democrat or generally lefty. Yes, I would consider
+ myself friend of liberalism in the tradition of Adam
+ Smith, Adam Ferguson, Edmund Burke, Frédéric Bastiat, or
+ from more recent authors Friedrich August von Hayek and
+ Milton Friedman, and I ask for forgiveness to all here
+ mentioned (and my late father) for misusing the word, but
+ we are talking here about the Boston of early 2000s, so I
+ will follow their customs and talk about liberalism as the
+ leading ideology of that time and that place.
+.. [#] This is certainly not the time to dwelt much on
+ distinctions between denominations, so, as a Protestant, I
+ do not think that I should complain too much, when
+ accussed by unbelievers for sins of Inquisition. Yes,
+ technically speaking, I have nothing to do with them, but
+ if we take seriously our believe in one Body of Christ, we
+ have to accept even the sins of our Catholic brethern.
+* it is not anti-Catholic to be critical of the Catholic church
+* yet, it is strange, that for its alleged liberalism the movie
+ has no consideration for the priests themselves (yes, there is
+ that one priest who admits he was raped himself, but the movie
+ never develops on it, and all Catholics priests are viewed only
+ as enemies, devils without character)
+ It was probably understandable for the original Spotlight team,
+ because they have literally no access to any of the priests,
+ and it was more important to report on the case, than to
+ develop some deep understanding of psychology of abusing
+ priests, but now? Fifteen years later?
+* It is not anti-Catholic, because “Wir sind Kirche” and the
+ people who violated the Catholic Church in the movie (and in
+ the reality) were exactly the pedophile Catholic priests and
+ people who covered their tracts, even so many of them were big
+ heads in the structure of the Catholic Church. All those
+ parishes which were forced to be closed, all those people whose
+ faith was questioned, and of course first of all those minors
+ who were abused, are the Church and they were all brutally
+ violated.
diff --git a/gitlab-and-OStatus.rst b/gitlab-and-OStatus.rst
index 180410d..f714654 100644
--- a/gitlab-and-OStatus.rst
+++ b/gitlab-and-OStatus.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-On GitLab growing and OStatus extension
+On GitLab growing an OStatus extension
:date: 2016-05-02T12:00:14+0200