path: root/why-yzis.rst
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authorMatěj Cepl <>2015-09-24 22:47:45 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <>2015-09-24 22:49:48 +0200
commit8fcd5369775dcb4b825f6728c9df93369539a853 (patch)
treee21025360e9c32c5be96bc5640b0c5a29ca92280 /why-yzis.rst
parent87b5b78bdab9f174795224f08eadfc8d79eae9ef (diff)
Initial rewrite of posts for pelican
Diffstat (limited to 'why-yzis.rst')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/why-yzis.rst b/why-yzis.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69e1cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/why-yzis.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+Why lua? or questions about yzis
+:date: 2005-04-13T23:45:00
+:category: computer
+(This article is a slightly edited version of my post to `comp.editors`_
+I just want to vent my frustration with state of vim on KDE. I hoped
+that in the Unix world we will get sooner or later even in GUI world to
+the situation equivalent to the one at console, where you have your
+$EDITOR set and everything just works (of course, I have it empty, so
+vim is what I get). However, as far as I can tell I have these options
+at the present (using KDE 3.3.2):
+* suck it up and use native KWrite & co. Not that this option wouldn’t
+ have some temptation for me (coming originally from M$-Windows,
+ although many years ago, I still feel rather well with Shift+arrows,
+ Ctrl+[xcvspo]), but there are two things missing:
+1. scripting -- although Kate is going to have support for KJS Very
+ Soon(TM) it will take years (if ever) to have so developed base of
+ scripts as there is currently available for vim (and Emacs, but my
+ religious needs are well satisfied by my Lord Jesus Christ, I do not
+ need any other religion, thank you :-)). Currently I am getting
+ really dependent on VimOutliner (I am a Debian maintainer of its
+ package), I am in the process of developing Qualitative analysis
+ tools based on Vim (and some Qt-C++ dialogs, maybe later KDE, but
+ I have to learn programming with KDE and C++ first), I have ongoing
+ flirt with vim-latexsuite, etc.
+2. and it wouldn’t help me anyway, because there are so many programs
+ which don’t use kpart technology for the editing (KMail, KNode --
+ that one at least is willing to open external editor in new window,
+ how is the situation with editing box in Konqueror?); shoot! I know
+ `it is not KVim’s developers’ fault`_, but it seems to me that
+ non-availability of any good KDE vim editor doesn’t help (see below).
+* Forget about KDE-only solution and use GVim for Gnome (which is what
+ I do now). Aside from being plain ugly (sorry, I am used to KDE
+ look&feel; consider my brain to be degenerated if you are Gnome user),
+ I get really crappy support for vimpart (it basically doesn’t work at
+ all) and of course full power of vim (which is what matters most, so
+ I am grinding my teeth and hold it).
+* Hope for something better.
+The most frustrating part of this situation is that there doesn’t seem
+to be any good solution coming, so point #3 sucks a lot. KVim is
+officially dead (although it sucked in many ways, it was by far the best
+solution to at least some of my problems and I was its somehow happy
+user, until it was eliminated from Debian) and there doesn’t seem to be
+any replacement coming.
+Now, we are getting to yzis. Of course, that I know about that, but I am
+afraid it won’t be answer to my problems. I have tried to install M3++
+(from the package 20050430-1) and I found it to be somehow nice but
+alpha quality. Nothing bad about that (I have a four month daughter, so
+I know that we were all young and we all did mess into diapers), but
+worse thing is that kyzis doesn’t seem to be much promising.
+However, before saying anything else, let me note one more thing. This
+message is about personal gripes and I do not want to say that you
+should even react to them -- I perfectly understand that you are
+volunteers doing what matters to you and you have no obligation towards
+me whatsoever. Let me just vent my frustration, please.
+1. NIH syndrom everywhere -- why in the h..ll, it is not just a KDE C++
+ clone of vim? Why it is not compatible with vim’s syntax files and
+ scripts? The most important reason, why I am not using
+ Kate/KWrite/etc. is that I have all these scripts available for vim.
+ And I do not think, that anybody will redevelop VimOutliner, and
+ myriad other small scripts in Lua, just because it is theoretically
+ better language than the vimscript one (and I don’t like it that
+ much, but it doesn’t matter -- Perl is also ugly as hell and yet how
+ successful it is). Have you ever saw `a list of Emacs clones`_? It is
+ quite long and impressive list of totally dead projects, and they are
+ all dead, because Gnus doesn’t work there (or Calc, or AucTeX, or
+ PSGML, or fill-in any other popular Emacs mode). And BTW, elvis and
+ vile are IMHO not doing that well against vim either (whenever, I ask
+ something about vi, it is assumed I mean vim), but I may be terribly
+ wrong in this respect.
+ Or in other words, isn’t creating yet another vi clone with GUI
+ extension, something similar to rewriting program (actually, it is
+ rewriting a program)? For that see, of course, `Joel on software`_
+ and `Jamie Zawinski’s comment about Apple choosing KHTML instead of
+ Gecko for Safari`_ or here_.
+2. Although I am not programmer, so I cannot comment much about reasons
+ why KVim was killed, I still do not feel right about it. After all,
+ it DID work. Poorly, but at least as a proof of concept it was
+ persuasive enough to make it work well, wasn’t it? Now, we will have
+ to wait for couple of years before yzis stabilize, before we can
+ repeat argument on KMail/KNode/etc. people to finally use kpart for
+ editor, and even after that the result will be suboptimal to well
+ working kvim. Oh, well.
+3. It is slow as molasses. I understand that it is alpha-version, but
+ having an experience with kvim (and to some extent with gvim and
+ kwrite as well), I am really afraid that it is going to be far from
+ vim, I was used to. There used to be a times, when vi users joked
+ about EMACS, that it is “Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping”.
+ Well, ``free`` shows that I have 250 MB of RAM, but still I think
+ that this joke went slightly out of popularity these days. Oh well.
+I wonder what reactions I will get on NG.
+.. _`comp.editors`:
+ news:comp.editors
+.. _`it is not KVim’s developers’ fault`:
+.. _`a list of Emacs clones`:
+.. _`Joel on software`:
+.. _`Jamie Zawinski’s comment about Apple choosing KHTML instead of Gecko for Safari`:
+.. _here: