path: root/drafts
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authorMatěj Cepl <>2018-07-01 23:18:39 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <>2018-07-01 23:18:39 +0200
commitc2af4d0f1d3d0c1982b3db3b2a80fd9e84e16685 (patch)
treeea29458533b32890086309ab885930e35f7f2d8d /drafts
parentd3c2be265ceb565f2bc0e7862001cb0df1689a87 (diff)
Plenty of updates and new posts
Diffstat (limited to 'drafts')
3 files changed, 51 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/drafts/noty-z-Facebooku.rst b/drafts/noty-z-Facebooku.rst
index 8cfbbdd..e1c4af0 100644
--- a/drafts/noty-z-Facebooku.rst
+++ b/drafts/noty-z-Facebooku.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Různé poznámky z Facebooku
:category: faith
:tags: politics, czech, sociology
+(z diskuse
Jaké výhody proti ostatním? Pokud bych byl Žid (a jak víte, že nejsem?
Na Internetu nikdo neví, kdo je pes), nesměl bych nosit šábesdekl? Pokud
@@ -24,55 +26,61 @@ toho, když ve Francii nesmí řádová sestřička na úřad (nebo do školy)
v hábitu, a vy všichni bojovníci za evropské tradice neřeknete proti
tomu ani slovo. Bojím se, když v Německu začne nějaký magor vykládat
o tom, že by se Židům měla zakázat mužská obřízka novorozeňat (která se
-pochopitelně v dvacátém prvním roce provádí s umrtvením) protože se prý
+pochopitelně v dvacátém prvním roce provádí s umrtvením), protože se prý
jedná o trápení dětí. Teď mu to neprošlo, ale což takhle někdy
v budoucnu nebo někde jinde (kde nejsou lidé natolik zdravě přecitlivělí
na cokoliv co byť jenom vzdáleně připomíná antisemitismus)?
-Co se týče té šaríji. Xenofobie (ano, dojde na Godwinův zákon) je, jak
-věděl Goebbels nejúčinější nástroj, jak lidi přimět k tomu, aby dělali
-co chcete. Řekněte Němcům že mají vyvraždit šest milionů lidí a pošlou
-Vás do háje. Ale pokud v nich vyvoláte strach, že budou ohrožováni
-ohavnými Židy, pokud jim vysvětlíte, že za jejich selhání ve světové
-válce nemůžou ani oni, ani jejich polodebilní císař, který je nahnal do
-nesmyslného konfliktu, ale že oni hrdinný a statečný národ byli zrazeni,
-pokud budou mít pocit, že bojují o svoje holé přežití, najednou morální
-zábrany odpadnou (halt, když jde o přežití národa, tak to jde morálka
+Co se týče té šaríji. Xenofobie (ano, dojde na Godwinův zákon)
+je, jak věděl Goebbels nejúčinější nástroj, jak lidi přimět
+k tomu, aby dělali co chcete. Řekněte Němcům že mají vyvraždit
+šest milionů lidí a pošlou Vás do háje. Ale pokud v nich vyvoláte
+strach, že budou ohrožováni ohavnými Židy, pokud jim vysvětlíte,
+že za jejich selhání ve světové válce nemůžou ani oni, ani jejich
+polodebilní císař, který je nahnal do nesmyslného konfliktu, ale
+že oni hrdinný a statečný národ byli zrazeni, pokud budou mít
+pocit, že bojují o svoje holé přežití, najednou morální zábrany
+odpadnou (halt, abych ocitoval nesmrtelného soudce Pavla Kučeru,
+když jde o zachování vlády, tak musí jít nezávislost justice
stranou) a evropské židovstvo vyvraždí.
-Čímžto chci říci, že ani jedna ze zmíněných holek nehodlala nikoho
-z Čechů nutit k tomu, aby dodržovali cokoliv co jim předepisuje jejich
-víra. Nikde jsem neslyšel o tom, že bych nesměl halel maso, nikde jsem
-neslyšel o bombových útocích na moravské vinice, nebo něco podobného.
-Uvádím tak absurdní příklady hlavně proto, abych ukázal jak absurdní je
-obávat se ze šarijizace Evropy. Vidím zato zcela zřetelně právě
-probíhající sekularizaci Evropy a vidím konstatní útok
-levicovo-sekularizujících politiků na křesťanské kořeny Evropy (kterými
-se jinak tolik zaštiťují a honosí). A vidím jak xenofobie a rasismus
-jsou užitečnými nástroji k odvracení pozornosti. Pokud se budou křesťané
-zabývat pomyslným nebezpečím šaríi v Evropě, pokud se budou příslušníci
-různých věr považovat za svoje největší nepřátele a budou se navzájem
-potýkat, odvrátí se jejich pozornost o veřejné aktivity, a nebudou
-obtěžovat sekularisticko-fašisticko-socialistické politiky v jejich
-tlačení Evropy pryč od jejich křesťanských kořenů směrem k nesmyslným
-vzdušným zámkům a utopiím které socialisté a fašisté všech odstínů tak
-milují. Navíc také, pokud se křesťané budou věnovat pomyslným
-nebezpečím, nebudou mít čas a kredibilitu obtěžovat nás na naší cestě
-k zářné budoucnosti s nějakým evangeliem (okultismus a homosexualita se
-také nabízí jako další kandidáti na odvracení pozornosti; jistě, že pro
-někoho je to skutečně aktuální, ale rozhodně to nejsou tak důležité
-problémy, jak mnozí věří).
-V této situaci se podle mého musíme vrátit ke svým skutečným hodnotám:
-lásce ke svobodě, přesvědčením o tom, že svoboda je nedělitelná a pokud
-je ohrožována svoboda jednoho, je ohrožována svoboda nás všech
-(připomínáme si 17. listopad, že?), přesvědčení o tom, že účel nikdy
-nesvětí prostředky, ale naopak že správné prostředky činí čistým účel ke
-kterému směřují; myslím, že si znovu musíme připomínat Martina
-Niemöllera (který na rozdíl od různých současných bojovníků za Evropu,
-kvůli evropským hodnotám opravdu riskoval svůj život) a to, že musíme
-povstat na obranu těch `prvních pro které přijdou`_ (přečte si ten odkaz
-a co k němu měl pastor Niemöller co říci ... ještě lépe na anglické
+Čímžto chci říci, že ani jedna ze zmíněných holek nehodlala
+nikoho z Čechů nutit k tomu, aby dodržovali cokoliv co jim
+předepisuje jejich víra. Nikde jsem neslyšel o tom, že bych
+nesměl halel maso, nikde jsem neslyšel o bombových útocích na
+moravské vinice, nebo něco podobného. Uvádím tak absurdní
+příklady hlavně proto, abych ukázal jak absurdní je obávat se ze
+šarijizace Evropy. Vidím zato zcela zřetelně právě probíhající
+sekularizaci Evropy a vidím konstatní útok
+levicovo-sekularizujících politiků na křesťanské kořeny Evropy
+(kterými se jinak tolik zaštiťují a honosí). A vidím jak
+xenofobie a rasismus jsou užitečnými nástroji k odvracení
+pozornosti. Pokud se budou křesťané zabývat pomyslným nebezpečím
+šaríi v Evropě, pokud se budou příslušníci různých věr považovat
+za svoje největší nepřátele a budou se navzájem potýkat, odvrátí
+se jejich pozornost o veřejné aktivity, a nebudou obtěžovat
+sekularisticko-fašisticko-socialistické politiky v jejich tlačení
+Evropy pryč od jejich křesťanských kořenů směrem k nesmyslným
+vzdušným zámkům a utopiím které socialisté a fašisté všech
+odstínů tak milují. Navíc také, pokud se křesťané budou věnovat
+pomyslným nebezpečím, nebudou mít čas a kredibilitu obtěžovat nás
+na naší cestě k zářné budoucnosti s nějakým evangeliem
+(okultismus a homosexualita se také nabízí jako další kandidáti
+na odvracení pozornosti; jistě, že pro někoho je to skutečně
+aktuální, ale rozhodně to nejsou tak důležité problémy, jak mnozí
+V této situaci se podle mého musíme vrátit ke svým skutečným
+hodnotám: lásce ke svobodě, přesvědčením o tom, že svoboda je
+nedělitelná a pokud je ohrožována svoboda jednoho, je ohrožována
+svoboda nás všech (připomínáme si 17. listopad, že?), přesvědčení
+o tom, že účel nikdy nesvětí prostředky, ale naopak že správné
+prostředky činí čistým účel ke kterému směřují; myslím, že si
+znovu musíme připomínat Martina Niemöllera (který na rozdíl od
+různých současných bojovníků za Evropu, kvůli evropským hodnotám
+opravdu riskoval svůj život) a to, že musíme povstat na obranu
+těch `prvních pro které přijdou`_ (přečte si ten odkaz a co
+k němu měl pastor Niemöller co říci ... ještě lépe na anglické
Wikipedii, jste-li toho mocen), je to velice poučné.
.. _`prvních pro které přijdou`:
@@ -83,7 +91,6 @@ a slibuji, že toto je poslední příspěvek do tohoto threadu.
Miluju blížního svého ... grilovaného na rozmarýnu.
diff --git a/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst b/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 357e562..0000000
--- a/drafts/priesthood-of-all-believers.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-Priesthood of all believers and confession of sins
-:date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00
-:status: draft
-:category: faith
-:tags: theology, priesthood, Luther
-One of the unifying characteristics of the Protestant church (or
-at least most of the Protestant church) is the doctrine of “the
-priesthood of all believers”. Originally the idea comes
-indirectly from Martin Luther, although he never used this exact
- But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
- a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the
- excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his
- marvelous light.
- — 1. Peter 2:9 ESV
-This doctrine has two substantial parts: one oriented towards God
-and the other one oriented towards others. [#]_ We will deal in
-this article only with the first one: it means that every
-Christian is allowed through the Blood of Christ (and only then)
-to stand on his own in front of God and “to boldly access the
-Throne of Grace” (He 4:16) not only for himself but for others as
-well. Contrary to some other denominations (and especially
-contrary to many non-Christian religions), Protestants don’t see
-the need of a special consecrated person to mediate the access to
-God. We do not believe that there is a separate group of
-Christians who are responsible for serving others, but we believe
-that potentially all Christians are allowed to serve others as
-priests. Yes, “[…] all things should be done decently and in
-order” (1 Co 14:40), and yes, I do not undervalue the value of
-education and training for the particular kind of ministry, so
-there is obviously value in congregations being led by the
-trained professional ministers who are appointed to their office
-according to the rules of the particular denomination. But all
-Christians have at least the potential to minister to others, and
-it is absolutely appropriate to do so in positions where we have
-the authority to do so. For example, all parents should be
-priests to their families, or leaders to the small groups they
-lead. And yes, obviously, we all are responsible to educate
-ourselves and seek the training which would help us to fulfill
-this authority well.
-.. [#] The other part of the doctrine of the universal priesthood
- of all believers is not about all Christians serving as
- intermediaries between people and the God, but about all
- ministries (including the proverbial job of a cobbler or
- a mother caring for her children) are blessed holy service to
- the Lord. We don’t only need priests for the sacramental
- service, but we all are priests in whatever service we are
- called upon, because the Kingdom of God which should be the
- focus and goal of all our Christian activity, does not happen
- only in the church on Sunday, but everyday anywhere
- Christians show up.
- There is perhaps also a third, perhaps the most important
- part of the doctrine: meaning that there is no need of the
- further priestly sacrifice, because the one of the Jesus
- Christ himself is sufficient; however, this is mostly
- irrelevant to the topic of this article.
-I think that we in PCF do better in this priesthood than others in
-some areas. I really like how all members of PCF are called to
-serve others through the Lord’s Supper. We are also often
-encouraged to serve others in a very priestly ministry of
-intercession (which very word is derived from the position of
-a priest standing in between the prayee and the God). It is
-a very special ministry and we should use its blessings more both
-as ministers as well as those who are prayed for.
-However, still there are more ministries where we are called to
-serve in the priestly position. One particular ministry I would
-like to mention now, is the ministry of confession (or as The
-Catholics call it “The Sacrament of Reconciliation”) [#]_ . In James
-5:13-20 we read:
- Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone
- cheerful? Let him sing praise. // Is anyone among you sick?
- Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray
- over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. //
- And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and
- the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he
- will be forgiven. // Therefore, confess your sins to one
- another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The
- prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is
- working. // Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he
- prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years
- and six months it did not rain on the earth. // Then he
- prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its
- fruit. // My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the
- truth and someone brings him back, // let him know that
- whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his
- soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
-I quoted this a bit lengthy passage not only because the two
-separate ministries (confession and prayers for sick) are somehow
-meshed together and hard to separate. However, although I
-strictly reject the idea that the sickness is the punishment of
-the sin, still I see sickness as a good reminder for us to get
-our spiritual house in order when we are putting together back in
-shape our physical body. I am always reminded about this idea
-that sickness is an opportunity of healing when reading a bit
-obscure story from the Old Testament:
- In the thirty-ninth year of his reign [king] Asa was diseased
- in his feet, and his disease became severe. Yet even in his
- disease he did not seek the Lord, but sought help from
- physicians. // And **so** Asa slept with his fathers, dying
- in the forty-first year of his reign.
- — 2Par 16:12-13 (ESV, modified according to the Czech
- translation)
-What I read in these verses is not that his sickness was caused
-by his sin, but that his sickness (and perhaps every sickness?)
-is an opportunity and encouragement for us to seek the Lord, to
-go over our issues, to use available free time (as much as the
-sickness permits us) for reconciliation. And having this text
-about confession of sins in the middle of the James’ passage
-about healing seems to somehow support this idea as well.
-Certainly, I do not believe that a sickness is meant by the LORD
-God as a punishment for our sins, but I still I cannot resist the
-idea that some link between illness and being distant from the
-God exists.
-.. [#] And I do not think the lack of this Biblical ministry is
- limited only to Protestants. I believe Catholics has a lot
- work to do as well in this area: 2008 poll by Georgetown’s
- Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate found that 45
- percent of American Catholics report never taking part in
- Reconciliation. (cited by Grayson Clary in “`Uber, But For
- Penance`_”)
-.. _`Uber, But For Penance`:
-When we got through this introduction, let us turn now to the
-confession of sins itself. Whereas healing for the sick (in this
-passage, there are other passages about general prayer for sick)
-is specifically limited to the elders of the church, the Bible
-here is completely silent on any limits on the confessor. It
-seems that any Christian can act as a confessor. However, I would
-still put a little of limits on the choice of such person. First
-of all, there is I believe a general rule that the measure of the
-legitimate authority in other’s life is relative to the depth of
-relationship there is. Particularly in this case, it is good if
-the confessor is somebody who knows us well. Perhaps not directly
-husband or wife (they are usually too entangled in the issue of
-their spouse) but perhaps somebody who can have some level of
-knowledge of our inner life, who can be living reminder of our
-struggle in the following weeks, and even better is somebody who
-knows about our struggle already. So, it is better in my idea to
-have one long term person as the confessor of choice. [*]_ Which
-does not mean that if the need of confession arises and there is
-no close friend at hand, any Christian brother or sister is
-better than staying with our sin unreconciled. Just if this
-happens too often, I would question some level of unwillingness
-to be accountable.
-.. [*] It reminds me of the institute of Anam Cara (soul friend)
- in the Old Irish Church. I am a bit fuzzy on what it actually
- meant (and there may be some pagan part in it), but it seems
- to me that it could be useful to investigate and if possible
- to re-purpose this institute for the confessional ministry.
-* anybody can be a confessor, but it is better to have somebody
- fixed for a longer time; somebody, who is trustworthy, trained,
- wise? (however, with the only minimal confession, nearly
- anybody can serve)
-* Also of course somebody who routinely participates in the
- practice as a confessor.
-We can claim that the sins are forgiven because of the promise of
-the Scripture:
- This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to
- you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. //
- If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in
- darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. // But if we
- walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship
- with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us
- from all sin. // If we say we have no sin, we deceive
- ourselves, and the truth is not in us. // *If we confess our
- sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
- cleanse us from all unrighteousness.* // If we say we have
- not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
- — 1 John 1:5-10
-* technology: listen to the confession as if it was confessed to
- the God (in place of God)
-* declare forgiveness
-These two are the only **mandatory** parts of the
-ministry. Everything else is optional, if the Spirit leads us.
-* listen for and deliver any word from God
-* NO ADVICE!!! We are not qualified and it is not the right place
- even if we were.
-* secret of the confessional!!! (there is a question of the
- possible confessed crimes and duty to report to the police, but
- I think we can ignore it here)
-* it may be possible to consult the situation with other person
- (wife, pastor, counselor), but in such case ONLY WITH
- confessing brother.
-* vyslechnout vyznání, jako by ho říkal Bohu
-* zvěstovat odpuštění
- pokud své viny vyznáváme, on je věrný, naše viny nám odpouští
- a očišťuje nás od všelikého hříchu
diff --git a/drafts/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst b/drafts/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 75e1088..0000000
--- a/drafts/spotlight_liberal_movie.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-“Spotlight” — is this what a liberal movie looks like?
-:date: 1970-01-01T00:00:00
-:status: draft
-:category: faith
-:tags: cultureWar, Catholics, review, homosexuality
-So, we went to see the movie. After all, we were living in that
-time in Boston, our congregation (non-Catholic) bought its first
-church building from the Catholic church trying to collect money
-by selling empty church buildings, I am deeply interested in
-stories of hurt people, and yes, I hoped that with so many great
-actors, it will be a great movie.
-I was not disappointed, it is a great movie. I do not feel
-qualified to have much deep comments on the acting, so it seemed
-to me (as usual) almost perfect. Of course, every male is at
-least partially in love with awesome Rachel McAdams, so I really
-cannot comment on how perfect her acting was. Perhaps, the only
-small exception would be the person played by Mark Ruffalo. Is
-Michael Rezendes really such a nervous wreck with a tic, or was
-he bit overacting? I don’t know, but it was a bit distracting.
-Anyway, I really should not be allowed to comment on the artistic
-qualities of the movie, so I won’t.
-Obviously, even more important for this movie than movie-making
-technique is its message. So let me deal in this post just with
-one question put in as extreme tone as possible: is this
-a vicious anti-Catholic liberal [#]_ attack?
-First of all let make it clear that I do not think that being
-critical means to be an enemy. Even less, being a critical to the
-Church (or any parts of it) means that one is anti-Christian.
-I think Christians should be the first people to understand value
-of honesty, confession, of the Luther’s persuasion that “We are
-beggars”. I am Czech, I would consider myself reasonably
-patriotic, and yet I am a sharp critic (and lobbying for more
-admitting) of the `expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia`_. In
-all this I keep in front of me the person of Nehemiah, who in 1:7
-of the book named after him prays to the Lord God:
- We have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept
- the commandments, the statutes, and the rules that you
- commanded your servant Moses.
-Nehemiah here confesses sins as one of the sinners (although, he
-probably did not commit all those sins himself), he clearly
-speaks in the name of whole his nation. So, yes, I believe it
-right for me to confess, that, we, Christians [#]_, and we,
-Czechs, did plenty of quite horrible things. The only way to the
-wholeness, health, and freedom is to admit our sins, to repent,
-and seek new fresh way towards the God, towards the Life, towards
-Also, when standing in the place of confessing sins, it is
-probably no good to start with `pointing to others`_ who are
-doing the same thing. So, yes, for the movie to be complete
-balanced sociological scientific paper on the abuse of minors, it
-should mention that there are many other institutions caring for
-minors who have problems with sexual abuse (Scouts, Protestant
-.. _`expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia`:
-.. _`pointing to others`:
-.. [#] Yes, I know that Americans are confused when using the
- word “liberal” while meaning what we Europeans would call
- Social Democrat or generally lefty. Yes, I would consider
- myself friend of liberalism in the tradition of Adam
- Smith, Adam Ferguson, Edmund Burke, Frédéric Bastiat, or
- from more recent authors Friedrich August von Hayek and
- Milton Friedman, and I ask for forgiveness to all here
- mentioned (and my late father) for misusing the word, but
- we are talking here about the Boston of early 2000s, so
- I will follow their customs and talk about liberalism as
- the leading ideology of that time and that place.
-.. [#] This is certainly not the time to dwelt much on
- distinctions between denominations, so, as a Protestant,
- I do not think that I should complain too much, when
- accussed by unbelievers for sins of Inquisition. Yes,
- technically speaking, I have nothing to do with them, but
- if we take seriously our belief in one Body of Christ, we
- have to accept even the sins of our Catholic brethern.
-* yet, it is strange, that for its alleged liberalism the movie
- has no consideration for the priests themselves (yes, there is
- that one priest who admits he was raped himself, but the movie
- never develops on it, and all Catholics priests are viewed only
- as enemies, devils without character)
- It was probably understandable for the original Spotlight team,
- because they have literally no access to any of the priests,
- and it was more important to report on the case, than to
- develop some deep understanding of psychology of abusing
- priests, but now? Fifteen years later?
-* It is not anti-Catholic, because “Wir sind Kirche” and the
- people who violated the Catholic Church in the movie (and in
- the reality) were exactly the pedophile Catholic priests and
- people who covered their tracts, even so many of them were big
- heads in the structure of the Catholic Church. All those
- parishes which were forced to be closed, all those people whose
- faith was questioned, and of course first of all those minors
- who were abused, are the Church and they were all brutally
- violated.