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authorMatěj Cepl <>2021-09-19 08:47:04 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <>2021-09-19 08:56:02 +0200
commit90cbe74785fe60dc36dbc148c2025ae0c96be5f2 (patch)
parent293cc01f794930557c844fe9438af2a6fa8c1e85 (diff)
4 files changed, 61 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/faith/breakfast_in_new_york_02.rst b/faith/breakfast_in_new_york_02.rst
index f69debd..5f542e4 100644
--- a/faith/breakfast_in_new_york_02.rst
+++ b/faith/breakfast_in_new_york_02.rst
@@ -65,18 +65,18 @@ are just too perfect, they don’t have any flaws, and they don’t
need any development.
And what’s true about any literature generally, is even more true
-about a story that at least tries to be inspired by Catholicism.
-Especially Catholic (or any Christian) literature should
-acknowledge that “There is no one righteous, not even one, there
-is no one who understands, there is no one who seeks God. All
-have turned away, together they have become worthless; there is
-no one who shows kindness, not even one.” (Romans 3:10-12)
+about a story that at least tries to be inspired by Catholicism
+as this story. Especially Catholic (or any Christian) literature
+should acknowledge that “There is no one righteous, not even one,
+there is no one who understands, there is no one who seeks God.
+All have turned away, together they have become worthless; there
+is no one who shows kindness, not even one.” (Romans 3:10-12)
Meaning, that all-perfect people, who don’t make mistakes (or who
don’t sin, to keep the lingo), are just dream-like creatures not
capable of real life. And the question is, how come these good
people, how come we, sometimes do really stupid things? Why would
a good Catholic girl sleep with a boy on a one-night stand while
-leaving to the other end of the world (and she thinks
+leaving to the other end of the world (and she thinks leaving
permanently)? Why would he? What would they do afterwards, when
the baby happens?
@@ -85,11 +85,12 @@ want to have a good Catholic writer) is exactly the place where
graphomania ends and literature may begin. “It was magic who did
it!” is just a valiant attempt to avoid making good literature.
-Another point, if the author wants to have their pair have
-a Quiverfull marriage, it is dishonest to hide their courageous
-decision behind the magic. They should have many children,
-because they are good Catholics, because they love to have a lot
-of children, or because they were too ashamed to learn proper
+Another point, if the author wants to have their pair have [the
+Quiverfull marriage](,
+it is dishonest to hide their courageous decision behind the
+magic. They should have many children, because they are good
+Catholics (in their opinion), because they love to have a lot of
+children, or because they were too ashamed to learn proper
anti-conception techniques, but not just because magic forces
them to it.
@@ -101,15 +102,15 @@ we stop pretending that all good guys are completely perfect, we
can see that most of them have some obvious flaws. So, for
example, the explanation of many problems in Hermione’s actions
could be explained by her parents. If Hermione was a daughter of
-two perfectionist overachievers, working hard was her only
-reaction to her guilt. So, when she lies to her parents about her
-second year, she drives herself to a breakdown in her third one.
-And when she is overcome by stress, loneliness, guilt (she did
-effectively enslave her parents, she, a founder of S.P.E.W.!),
-unfulfilled desire, and perhaps a bit of wine (of course,
-Catholics must drink wine, not Scotch!) and she sleeps with
-Harry, from all that stress. And when she finds later she is
-pregnant out of wedlock, she does the same: being the
+two perfectionist overachievers, working hard as small business
+owners do, was her only reaction to her guilt. So, when she lies
+to her parents about her second year, she drives herself to
+a breakdown in her third one. And when she is overcome by stress,
+loneliness, guilt (she did effectively enslave her parents, she,
+a founder of S.P.E.W.!), unfulfilled desire, and perhaps a bit of
+wine (of course, Catholics must drink wine, not Scotch!) and she
+sleeps with Harry, from all that stress. And when she finds later
+she is pregnant out of wedlock, she does the same: being the
overachiever, perfect student, perfect single mother (and by
God’s grace, she actually is). Fortunately, she is Hermione
Granger, so she has the brain to back up this drive, and she
diff --git a/faith/dark-magic.rst b/faith/dark-magic.rst
index 0fc74b2..c9af6fa 100644
--- a/faith/dark-magic.rst
+++ b/faith/dark-magic.rst
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ Moreover, the adult reader is left wondering whether Ms Rowling
is really honest when she says that a rather hygienic Killing
Curse, painful but time-limited hygienic Pain Curse
(time-limited, because they are useless for torture longer than
-few minutes), the Control Curse are the very worst Magic which
-anybody can impose on another being. Even us, poor Muggles, can
-do much worse and be much nastier than these three curses, and it
-doesn’t take too much imagination to imagine much worse and dark
-types of torture or killing than that: there is nothing sexual in
-nature, no real human sacrifice, not much real torture. Let me
-just mention without explanation the tortured child in “`Inner
-Demons by serendipity_50`_”. The reader is left to suspect that
-JKR sanitized this list of Dark curses to make it palatable for
-teenagers and young adult readers.
+few minutes), and the Control Curse, are the very worst Magic
+which anybody can impose on another being. Even us, poor Muggles,
+can do much worse and be much nastier than these three curses,
+and it doesn’t take too much imagination to imagine much worse
+and dark types of torture or killing than that: there is nothing
+sexual in nature, no real human sacrifice, not much real torture.
+Let me just mention without explanation the tortured child in
+“`Inner Demons by serendipity_50`_”. The reader is left to
+suspect that JKR sanitized this list of Dark curses to make it
+palatable for teenagers and young adult readers.
Let me suggest my theory about what is a better explanation of
these questions [#]_. Moreover, I hope, that the distinction
@@ -117,9 +117,10 @@ medicinal purposes.
Back to the intent. Yes, that’s another question. With my theory,
Dark Magic would certainly not cover all bad magical actions. Mrs
-Weasley with her enchanted knives (normally, chopping vegetables)
-can certainly make a lot of damage if she wishes, and household
-charms certainly fall into the original Neolithic magic.
+Weasley with her enchanted knives (which normally chop
+vegetables) can certainly make a lot of damage if she wishes, and
+household charms certainly fall into the original Neolithic
Concerning righteous killing. Yes, “Not everyone who wants to
kill is necessarily evil.”, certainly, it can happen (soldiers in
diff --git a/faith/o_utilitarismu.rst b/faith/o_utilitarismu.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c06bcdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faith/o_utilitarismu.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+On Utilitarianism
+:date: 2021-08-31T10:33:45
+:status: draft
+:category: faith
+:tags: tags
+1. synové budou mít brnění zubů
+2. miluj bližního svého
+3. jsme stvořeni k obrazu Božímu
+Osvícenství a racionalismu ... co to je (snaha přepracovat všechno myšlení na základech vědy); neshazovat kompletně … jsme všichni děti této myšlenky a všechny zázraky moderního světa jsou jeho produktem
+Ale zároveň ...
+Immanuel Kant „Jednej tak, jako by se maxima tvého jednání měla na základě tvé vůle stát obecným přírodním zákonem.“ resp. „Jednej tak, abys používal lidství jak ve své osobě, tak i v osobě každého druhého vždy zároveň jako účel a nikdy pouze jako prostředek.“ (druhá formulace je lepší, protože méně subjektivní, vždycky se dokážeme přesvědčit, že tak jak jednáme by měl jednat každý).
+Jeremy Bentham consequentialism … jednání se nedá posuzovat podle svého charakteru (nejsou akty objektivně nemravné), ale podle následků, které toto jednání má. Cílem je dosáhnout „největšího štěstí pro největší počet“ (Francis Hutcheson) a pokud k tomu pomůže krádež (třeba), budiž (bohatým brát a chudým dávat).
+Nechci se tady zabývat podstatou utilitarismu, pořádají se na to kurzy na vysokých školách, a nechci Vás uspat, ale jenom pracuji na jedné myšlence: zdali štěstí jednoho může být obětováno pro štěstí druhých a to jak je toto základem absolutně všeho současného myšlení.
+Procedurální a materiální spravedlnost
diff --git a/faith/one-more-anti-harmony.rst b/faith/one-more-anti-harmony.rst
index 077947b..79db954 100644
--- a/faith/one-more-anti-harmony.rst
+++ b/faith/one-more-anti-harmony.rst
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ much else. The only romantic scene in whole heptalogy is the
disastrous date between Harry and Cho at the Madam Pudifoot’s,
and that is not exactly the best example of romance. There is
even less collaboration between lovers on something else:
-ignoring Trace (which is just a hapless plot-crutch created in
-the last second) I don’t see any reason why Hermione and Ron
+ignoring Trace (which I see just as a hapless plot-crutch created
+in the last second) I don’t see any reason why Hermione and Ron
could be with Harry on the Horcrux action, and Ginny couldn’t.
Perhaps she couldn’t physically go with them (she was underage,
so she couldn’t leave Hogwarts without consent of her parents),