diff options
authorMatěj Cepl <>2024-01-17 18:10:39 +0100
committerMatěj Cepl <>2024-01-17 18:10:39 +0100
commit5c6e575fd5cf29018da5c6175122320d03dfac6d (patch)
parentb3588e07d18e45b13cfdc79959067c1c2f991bcd (diff)
Few HP reviewes (mostly added).
7 files changed, 262 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/faith/effortless_genius.rst b/faith/effortless_genius.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..672f4a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faith/effortless_genius.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+Effortless genius?
+:date: 2023-10-02T16:38:13
+:category: literature
+:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment
+(my comments on “`Is Hermione actually that smart?`_” by `/u/sullivanbri966`_)
+ I heard someone once claim that she is ‘a genius through
+ effort, not an effortless genius.’
+I don’t think there is such thing as an effortless genius. Thomas
+Alva Edison (who could be easily qualified as a genius himself)
+said somewhere (`the source is difficult to find`_): “Genius is
+one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
+There is also his statement, that “Opportunity is missed by most
+people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”,
+which is quite unpleasant when you think about it.
+ Your argument could just as easily say we all made an effort
+ to start breathing after we left the womb so nothing we do is
+ effortless. I'd say genius is more sporadic rather than being
+ a culmination of life experience to the point where one
+ becomes “a genius”.
+I am not saying there are no geniuses in the world who come with
+unexpected and awesome and change the whole world’s understanding
+of the point (I had a great honour to have of those in my life
+even), but what I am saying is that behind that a short moment of
+brilliance there is usually A LOT of work, and that without that
+work that brilliance would not show up.
+I like what both `Robert Heinlein`_ (also `this summary`_) and
+`Ray Bradbury`_ (essay, not the collection) are unanimous in
+their writing advice (using Bradbury’s words; both of these are
+certainly geniuses in their world): write five thousand words
+every day ready to be published, and after ten or so years doing
+so (and being published), you may actually write a story or two,
+which are what you want to write.
+I have here a letter from my grandfather `Jiří Trnka`_ who
+bitterly complained that his very good friend `Jan Werich`_ (a
+very famous Czech actor) is too lazy and too comfortable in his
+success, so he will not probably do anything good in his later
+years. Which was actually true: Werich made the last great things
+in the 1950s’ and then he just drifted without doing much for the
+next thirty years.
+.. _`/u/VisenyaMartell`:
+.. _`/u/Ch1pp`:
+.. _`/u/sullivanbri966`:
+.. _`Is Hermione actually that smart?`:
+.. _`the source is difficult to find`:
+.. _`Robert Heinlein`:
+.. _`this summary`:
+.. _`Ray Bradbury`:
+.. _`Jiří Trnka`:
+.. _`Jan Werich`:
diff --git a/literature/JAFF_resources.rst b/literature/JAFF_resources.rst
index 9d9d539..fdd4982 100644
--- a/literature/JAFF_resources.rst
+++ b/literature/JAFF_resources.rst
@@ -71,6 +71,14 @@ See these posts on the Regency Era on Reddit by /u/Basic_Bichette:
* “`Field Sports`_”
+* “`Marriage`_”
+* “`Non-Alcoholic Drinks`_”
+* “`Engagement, Marriage, Divorce, etc.`_”
+* “`Professions for Younger Sons`_”
.. _`of the same name`:
@@ -137,3 +145,15 @@ See these posts on the Regency Era on Reddit by /u/Basic_Bichette:
.. _`Field Sports`:
+.. _`Marriage`:
+.. _`Non-Alcoholic Drinks`:
+.. _`Engagement, Marriage, Divorce, etc.`:
+.. _`Professions for Younger Sons`:
diff --git a/literature/disappearance-lizzy-bennet.rst b/literature/disappearance-lizzy-bennet.rst
index dd1532d..d171b6f 100644
--- a/literature/disappearance-lizzy-bennet.rst
+++ b/literature/disappearance-lizzy-bennet.rst
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ The Strange Disappearance of Lizzy Bennet
:category: literature
:tags: review, austeniana, blogComment, fromReddit
-(my comments on “`The Strange Disappearance of Lizzy Bennet`_” by HelenaMira, originally
-published on Reddit_)
+(my comments on “`The Strange Disappearance of Lizzy Bennet`_” by
+HelenaMira, originally published on Reddit_)
I really wanted to like this story. The beginning of the story
promised a good plot and I like neglectful!Mr Bennet and evil!Mrs
diff --git a/literature/elsewhere-fics.rst b/literature/elsewhere-fics.rst
index dedfff6..31452e9 100644
--- a/literature/elsewhere-fics.rst
+++ b/literature/elsewhere-fics.rst
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ later reference):
- “`Lessons`_”
- “`Lessons With Hagrid`_”
- “`Letters on Yellow Parchment`_”
-- “[Lightness-violet-hpff-322079
+- “Lightness” by teh tarik (used to be on
- “`Lightskirt`_”
- “`Lip Locker Curse`_”
- “`Louder Than a Howler`_”
diff --git a/literature/hp_redemption.rst b/literature/hp_redemption.rst
index e22df2f..83365e2 100644
--- a/literature/hp_redemption.rst
+++ b/literature/hp_redemption.rst
@@ -50,6 +50,45 @@ much of the path-to-hell-pavement with the redemption and it
sometimes balances quite close to making excuses for his
behaviour (BTW, I **love** Molly Weasley in this story).
+**{update 2023-12-03}***
+As a comment on thread “`Malfoy redemption`_” by `/u/Kaennal/`_:
+The word “redemption” is rather complicated, let’s distinguish
+two versions of it:
+1. Draco returns among normal decent people, says “I am sorry”,
+ turns the right way, and that’s it, no heavy punishment
+ required, and anything he did could be waived away with “if
+ you don’t regret your decisions when you were sixteen, then
+ you are no more than seventeen”.
+2. He did things which just require punishment, and then
+ redemption must include it. As G. K. Chesterton’s Father Brown
+ reminded us, it is does not contradict each other, “Save your
+ soul and admit to murder” (which then always included capital
+ punishment). Perhaps that punishment could be lessened given
+ his age and other circumstances, but some punishment must be
+ included nevertheless.
+I think the link between these two situations lies somewhere
+around Christmas of their sixth year. When two attempted murders
+are committed, there is just no other way for a decent human
+being than to work against the plan (i.e., in this situation,
+start to talk with the Headmaster). Let’s hope that they will be
+able to develop some clandestine way how to protect both Malfoys
+(or at least Draco and Narcissa, Lucius is in my opinion gone too
+far) and students of Hogwarts.
+And actually nothing changes much if those attempted murders
+were committed by Draco or not (one strange characteristic
+of both attempts is that they could be committed from the
+outside of Hogwarts, so there is an explanation that it was
+actually desperate Narcissa who in her fear for her son cursed
+Madam Rosmerta). When you see that all your schoolmates are in
+danger, you just have to do something effective to protect them,
+otherwise you are an accomplice.
.. _`Angela Merkel in Auschwitz`:
@@ -70,3 +109,9 @@ behaviour (BTW, I **love** Molly Weasley in this story).
.. _SSwomen:
+.. _`Malfoy redemption`:
+.. _`/u/Kaennal/`:
diff --git a/literature/post-witchhunt-faith.rst b/literature/post-witchhunt-faith.rst
index 816dfb4..8d641a7 100644
--- a/literature/post-witchhunt-faith.rst
+++ b/literature/post-witchhunt-faith.rst
@@ -44,6 +44,16 @@ is something very similar to what’s the current situation in UK:
people are perhaps nominally CoE, but there are just few of take
it seriously.
+**(update 2024-01-06)**
+Somebody_ noticed that most of the so called pagan religion is
+a product of the Romantic/Victorian raving and the so called
+The Old Wizarding ways (spread all over the fandom) could be
+very well `created by Dumbledore and Grindelwald as a tool for
+subjugating masses`_. An absolutely awesome assumption.
.. _`Doesn't it make sense for wizards to be Christian? A Historical Perspective`:
@@ -52,3 +62,9 @@ it seriously.
.. _Wicca:
+.. _Somebody:
+.. _`created by Dumbledore and Grindelwald as a tool for subjugating masses`:
diff --git a/literature/sexy_lamp_test.rst b/literature/sexy_lamp_test.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3436240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/literature/sexy_lamp_test.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Kind of sexy lamp test
+:date: 2023-12-06
+:category: literature
+:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment, fromReddit
+(another `discussion on the nature of bashing`_ by `/u/Chocokuki1993`_)
+It is not about bashing, it is always (as with everywhere in
+writing) about the plot. I would suggest something like `the
+sexy lamp test`_: “What would happen to the plot if you remove
+this particular paragraph, chapter negatively portraying that
+character?” I see three possible outcomes, where only one is
+* Plot breaks, because this character *behaves exactly as the
+ plot and their character development demands them to* (see
+ also `Dorothy Sayers on the Trinity and art of writing`_, but
+ it is a difficult book to read). That is the only acceptable
+ outcome. I don’t like much story “`Yule Ball Drama`_” by
+ FurySerenity for other reasons, and I really `don’t like the
+ trope of Molly Weasley, the evil Potioneer`_, but if Molly,
+ Ron, and Ginny Weasley don’t behave as they do in this story,
+ its whole plot collapses and nothing remains.
+* *Nothing happens.* See for example “`Thank You Ms Bones`_” by
+ old-crow and these two paragraphs in the end of the story
+ (which I find frankly unbelievable, that anybody can write
+ anything like this; to get a context: Ron was captured by Death
+ Eaters and then as a consequence of other events in the story
+ left locked in his prison, where he starved to death):
+ McGonagall persisted, “What about young Mr. Weasley?” She couldn’t
+ imagine a worse fate than slow starvation for the young man.
+ […] ‘If he’d ever bothered to learn anything from his brothers,
+ rather than his endless obsession with chess, he would have picked
+ the lock the first night that he was there and escaped. Instead he
+ sat there playing with his pieces as he slowly starved to death.’
+ Personally, Crow couldn’t envision a more ironic fate for the
+ always-hungry lad. He supposed that it was unfortunate that
+ Weasley’s remains were never found.
+ This is completely unnecessary, it brings absolutely nothing to the
+ story, it is just kicking him while he is down. Perhaps the author
+ compensated for his shame that he completely forgot about Ron and
+ didn’t know how to finish the story.
+ I won’t be listing another examples, there are too many of them, but
+ every other non-Harmony and non-canonical story, where Ron & Hermione
+ are part of the large paranoia-induced whole-world conspiracy against
+ Harry (they usually pretend to be his friends for many years just for
+ money and fame). Every other Harmony story, where there is absolutely
+ nothing good in Ron Weasley, who ends up regularly unemployed,
+ abusing poor Lavender (usually) and their children, or where he
+ marries post-War Hermione and then physically (and otherwise) abuses
+ her. There are so many of them.
+* *Nothing happens, because there is no plot.* See “`A
+ Different Halloween`_” by RobSt. It is a nice little
+ ultra-super-teeth-rottening-sweet story of two and half
+ chapters, which concludes rather surprisingly but otherwise
+ organically in the middle of the third chapter. Then for the
+ next seventeen-and-half chapters there is absolutely no plot
+ going on, but fluff and shiny vacuum. Because the author
+ heard somewhere that the easiest plot can be achieved with an
+ antagonist he covered up a piece of vacuum and pretended it is
+ Albus Dumbledore who is such an antagonist. If you remove him
+ from the story, nothing changes, because there is nothing to be
+ changed.
+.. _`discussion on the nature of bashing`:
+.. _`/u/Chocokuki1993`:
+.. _`the sexy lamp test`:
+.. _`Dorothy Sayers on the Trinity and art of writing`:
+.. _`Yule Ball Drama`:
+.. _`don’t like the trope of Molly Weasley, the evil Potioneer`:
+.. _`Thank You Ms Bones`:
+.. _`A Different Halloween`: