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authorMatěj Cepl <>2015-07-10 15:18:48 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <>2015-09-10 20:58:59 +0200
commit3c1e3a549ddf67a23abd04079504888ddee0724a (patch)
parent29a39d5b96db557206a78e338f4f8dfbe2f898ef (diff)
The first draft of “What Can I Do To Make You Love Me?”
3 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..490ac0e
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+title: Poznámky z KChO 2015-07-09
+draft: True
+date: 2015-07-09T16:00:00
+ - faith
+ - czech
+P. Vojtěch Kodet … příběh o bohatém mladíkovi (Mk 10)
+Prvoplánová zvěst tohoto příběhu je skutečně znepokující (konec konců po
+otci jsem zdědil nějaké jměni). To je otázka velice osobní, ale myslím,
+že to není hlavní otázka tohoto textu. Konec konců Kristus nepřinesl nový
+zákon, takže je hloupé udělat z tohoto příběhu paragraph tvrdící, že každý
+katolík se musí vzdát všeho svého majektu.
+Myslím, že to více znamená, že každý z nás máme nějaké zatvrdlé místo v srdci,
+nějakou smradlavou hromádku svinstva, kterou se snažíme ignorovat, nebo schovat
+před Pánem a vyčistit bez Jeho pomoci (protože se bojíme, že by ta hromádka nás
+mohla odradit). Jeho hromádka byly peníze, co je naše?
+Markéta dodala, že podstatné je, že to co právě děláme jako svoje poslání musíme
+dělat naplno. Nemůžeme to dělat jenom napůl, nemůžeme si nechávat něco stranou.
+Ale to kam nás Pán Bůh povovlává musíme přjmout naplno.
+Michelle Moran: Když zavolá Pán
+(vedoucí organizace koordinující Katolické charistmatické hnutí a šéfka
+jeho evropské části)
+Žijeme v sekulární společnosti, ve společnosti která nevychází
+z duchovních zásad a musíme se za ní modlit.
+„Adame, kde jsi?“ Adam se skrává, když nás Bůh hledá.
+Nebezpečí je, že na začátku jsme rychlí v následování, ale pak nalezneme
+svoji pohodu, odpočinutí, odpočinutí a Pána Boha ve spánku neslyšíme.
+Nejsme povoláni k odpočívání ale k tomu abychom byli poutníci, kteří
+jsou vedeni dál a dále mocí Ducha Božího.
+Pastor rostoucího sboru dostal slovo o tom, že jeho sbor poroste. Jeho reakce
+bylo, že padl na kolena a rozplakal se. Ptali se ho proč a jeho odpověď byla,
+že ví, kolik ho stál růst jeho sboru dosud.
+Evangelium není "Buď křesťanem a všechno bude v pořádku". Je to pravda, ale ne
+celá. Pravda je, že nás to bude stát všechno. Bude nás to stát náš život. Ale
+samozřejmě i tato cena je v pořádku za to, co dostaneme.
+Na začátku knihy Deuteronomium Mojžíš znovu ujišťuje děti Boží. „Viděli jste
+Boha v poušti …“ I v poušti, kde jsme možná teď, můžeme vidět Boha. Na poušti
+můžeme dojít k vodám.
+Jdnou z metod jak slyšet Pána Boha je „zabydlet se v Slově Božím“ (prý z Jana).
+Jsme skutečně zabydleni v Slově Božím?
+Druhou metodou jak slyšet Boha je žít ve společenství. Potřebujeme se navzájem!
+Jsem Kristem pro druhé anebo jsem jedním z těch komu se ostatní chtějí vyhnout.
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index 0000000..fbc1b93
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+title: Poznámky z KChO 2015-07-10
+date: 2015-07-10
+ - faith
+ - czech
+Michelle Moran: Jen jedno Ti schází
+Co je hřích o kterém vím a se kteým jsem nic neudělal? Odpovědět na
+dopis Frankovi.
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+title: What Can I Do To Make You Love Me?
+ - faith
+ - relationships
+I cannot stop the angelic voice of Andrea Corr singing in my head her
+song_ “What Can I Do”. Verses “What can I do to make you love me? //
+What can I do to make you care?” got me stuck in the seemingly endless
+loop. The feeling is so persistent that I started to contemplate what
+I should understand my head to be telling me. Given that I have been
+happily married for almost twenty years I don’t think I should take this
+song too literally for myself. Also rather obvious was my first
+reaction; “to make you love me”? That does sound awfully manipulative
+and thus not very much as the faith-filled solution.
+.. _song:
+The song is very simple with a very simple (and perhaps because of that
+so beautiful) melody and similarly simple story: a lady is in love with
+a man but her love is not reciprocated and so she cannot sleep in the
+night and she is tormented by these questions. Her heart aches, she
+feels trapped in her feelings, and she is desperately looking for an
+Many “good Christians” would consider the feelings themselves wrong or
+even sinful. After all, the ideal image of the marriage is preserved for
+us in Genesis 2:22: “And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the
+man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.” God will bring
+a woman to a man and so the right marriage is just a matter of faith and
+obedience and falling in love doesn’t have any place in the heart of
+a faithful Christian. Is this perhaps the right answer for the lady’s
+heart? Just confess those feelings as a sin, repent, and trust the Lord!
+The wisdom of this world revealed to us in almost all movies, TV shows,
+songs, and elsewhere is the exact opposite. Feelings of love are
+something which most closely resembles the secular variant of the voice
+of God: we have to follow them in order to achieve the true love (which
+is as close as you can get to the concept of salvation in the secular
+philosophy), and there is nothing which can stand against this call,
+because resistance to it is the root of all evil. This secular mysticism
+of following our feelings gets a bit more complicated with other
+feelings. What to do with our feeling of hate, envy, or sorrow, when we
+want to be “honest to our feelings” as the phrase goes?
+I remember a discussion with one young friend who was in a similar
+situation as the lady in the song. He is hopelessly in love with a girl,
+but she doesn’t reciprocate the love to him. What did I understand from
+his talk that he obviously didn’t want to force his feelings on her (“to
+make her love him”), but he was stuck with the unrequited feelings of
+love in his heart and he didn’t know what to do. I felt from him
+a little bit of guilt that he cannot control his emotions.
+I was thinking about a moment in my life when I was in a similar
+situation. I had asked out a girl and I had understood her answer as
+refusing me. I felt as my duty not to bother her anymore, but still
+I was struggling in the same manner as this guy with all those feelings
+for my lady I had which I could not get rid off. Actually, how we are
+supposed to control our feelings? I can, and I should, control my
+decisions and deeds, I should not let my feelings control my decisions,
+but how to get rid of the feelings themselves? I don’t know about that.
+I prayed about this and after a long time I believe the answer was
+something like: you are right, you cannot control your feelings, and you
+shouldn’t. There are those moments in our lives when we are supposed to
+live in the discomfort (or even pain) of unanswered questions. Feelings
+are signs of the things going on deeper in our hearts and one of the
+ways how to get in touch with them. We could, and we should, keep our
+decisions right (so, in my case, I was sure I really shouldn’t bother
+the lady of my heart with the unwelcome attention; whether I was right
+in being mostly passive is another question, but that isn’t the point
+now). Feelings should make us to query whether our attitudes are right;
+so in my case I went once again to the place where I was able to
+proclaim to the God that I want not mine but God’s will to happen (Luke
+22:42). For somebody else the issue could be forgiveness or asking for
+it. However, even though we may be in the right place with our hearts,
+even though we may not sin with our feelings controlling our decisions,
+there is still no guarantee that the pain will go away.
+Many times Bible calls true believers as “those who wait for the Lord".
+Let us see for example Isaiah 40:31 (ESV):
+ […] they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they
+ shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be
+ weary; they shall walk and not faint.
+This promise is not a universal promise for every believer. It is only
+for those who wait for the Lord. It seems we must be willing to wait, to
+suffer an amount of pain from the unresolved situation, to be able to
+gain from this promise.
+Presence of painful feelings doesn’t mean that our attitudes or deeds
+are sinful. There are many alternatives and we shouldn’t be too quick to
+exclude anyone of them. In this case of the unrequited love, it may be
+that the guy is really wrong and he just needs to wait until the Lord
+heals his wounded heart, and perhaps helps him to recover trust in God
+in places where he didn’t trust him before (which will probably require
+some amount of repentance). However, of course, there are other
+variants. Any relationship, and especially the love between man and
+woman, is the work of two, and it is very much possible that the lady is
+wrong in this case and the guy needs to wait for the change of her heart
+(or perhaps even help her to achieve such change?). Or perhaps they need
+to live through the time of purification of their hearts before they are
+prepared for their love to start in purity. Or perhaps some other
+circumstances need to change for their acquittance to start well. Or
+… there are just so many possible situations we cannot control. And if
+we are in the situation of somebody who is asked for help, there are so
+many situations that we cannot give good advice for. Of course, even for
+advisers it is a question of their pain of uncertainty whether the other
+person finds the right answer to their questions.
+We all need to pray and wait for the Lord to come.