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authorMatěj Cepl <>2020-08-12 08:08:10 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <>2020-08-12 08:08:10 +0200
commit184b8de081bdf6dbad73e87c78934e44279397b6 (patch)
parentd6637a99198114519d82c83aca9d246868999bcc (diff)
Adding "One More Anti-Harmony" blog post.
2 files changed, 113 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/faith/one-more-anti-harmony.rst b/faith/one-more-anti-harmony.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc3948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/faith/one-more-anti-harmony.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+One More Anti-Harmony
+:date: 2020-08-06T20:02:58
+:category: faith
+:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment
+(my comments on the thread “`why does almost everyone hate the
+Harry/Hermione ship?`_” by patriot_man69420_)
+I don’t hate the ship, although I generally prefer Hinny, I could
+admit that `Ginny is extremely poorly written by JKR`_,
+and fanfiction has to add a lot of her personality to make her
+livable (which fortunately Northumbrian and other great Hinny
+writers did). I can even agree that when we limit ourselves just
+to what’s in the books, Harmony is even more likely. I also fully
+support the notion that foundation of every long-lasting romantic
+relationship must be deep friendship (yes, my wife is also my
+best friend, and I am very glad for it). It is one of the
+greatest things I have against JKR that her romance is just about
+physical relationship. What all pairs in HP universe do? They
+snog, or perhaps when appropriate they ended up in the bed, not
+much else. The only romantic scene in whole heptalogy is the
+disastrous date between Harry and Cho at the Madam Pudifoot’s,
+and that is not exactly the best example of romance. There is
+even less collaboration between lovers on something else:
+ignoring Trace (which is just a hapless plot-crutch created in
+the last second) I don’t see any reason why Hermione and Ron
+could be with Harry on the Horcrux action, and Ginny couldn’t.
+Perhaps she couldn’t physically go with them (she was underage,
+so she couldn’t leave Hogwarts without consent of her parents),
+but she would be certainly in know and she could organize some
+action at Hogwarts in coordination with the Trio. All those
+lovely communication coins stopped work? Kreacher couldn’t
+transport messages? Etc. No, the true problem is that in the JKR
+mind romance is just about snogging (and that’s getting too close
+to discuss her personal life, so I stop it right here).
+Having said that, my biggest problem with most Harmony stories is
+that they are just poorly written. Ron/Weasley/Dumbledore bashing
+is not just a cute feature of those stories, but a sign of
+insufficient plot and missing story. Strenuous effort to persuade
+us how Harry and Hermione fit together is just boring, because
+the only thing we ever learn about the development of their
+relationship is that there is none. They just so well work
+together, and they so love each other, and there is no conflict
+between them, and did I tell you how well they click together?
+Their chemistry is just awesome … [reader snores]. The only
+relational conflict in “`Notebooks and Letters by chem prof`_”
+(which is IMHO one of the best Harmony stories, don’t let me be
+misunderstood) is when almost(?) naked Cho literally jumps him,
+and Harry doesn’t run away from her kiss fast enough. Harry is
+then so much tormented by his guilt, that he almost breaks their
+engagement (until fortunately Hermione’s parents explain him he
+is stupid). Really, that’s it. And there is (comparing to most
+other Harmony stories) at least that relational conflict.
+Let us compare it with some random Hinny stories. In `Hunters and
+Prey by Northumbrian`_, Junior Auror Harry Potter arrests his
+beloved completely drunk Ginny when she shouts at him how she
+hates him while firing curses at him (it turns later she was
+under the influence of some potion given to her by Death Eaters).
+Harry is after couple of weeks he spent on the Auror mission in
+complete isolation when he was struggling with doubts whether
+their relationship will really grow as he would like, confronted
+with this. In `Inner Demons by serendipity_50`_, Ginny struggles
+with PTSD to the level she makes him leave England (and
+subsequently attempts suicide, when she recognizes what she did).
+Harry then spends two years on the overseas mission (while the
+tabloid press lies about his sexual achievements with strange
+beauties of the Eastern Europe). When Harry finally returns to
+England, Ginny continues to struggle with her fear and flashbacks
+whenever she considers how dangerous profession Harry has. In
+`Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire by Sovran`_ (it is
+a soul-bond story) eleven years old Harry and ten years Ginny get
+around their soul-bond conflicts with her parents (no, the story
+is not paedophile, I don’t think get to the true sex at all … the
+story has been abandoned after CoS) to the level they completely
+explode faces of both Molly Weasley and the Headmaster
+Would you agree with me that these examples look more realistic
+and more fun (as in interesting, not funny) than your average
+Harmony story? Did I forget to tell you how perfectly Hermione
+and Harry fit together?
+.. _`why does almost everyone hate the Harry/Hermione ship?`:
+.. _patriot_man69420:
+.. _`Ginny is extremely poorly written by JKR`:
+ {filename}what-wrong-with-Ginny.rst
+.. _`Notebooks and Letters by chem prof`:
+.. _`Hunters and Prey by Northumbrian`:
+.. _`Inner Demons by serendipity_50`:
+.. _`Meaning of One, Part One: Stone and Fire by Sovran`:
diff --git a/faith/what-wrong-with-Ginny.rst b/faith/what-wrong-with-Ginny.rst
index 044f279..0aca6c5 100644
--- a/faith/what-wrong-with-Ginny.rst
+++ b/faith/what-wrong-with-Ginny.rst
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ What’s wrong with Ginny?
(my comments on “`The Character Development of Ginny Weasley`_”
by `u/goodlife23`_)
-For me the main idea of everything written (originally I have
-this from an excellent book by Walter Kerr “`How Not to Write
-a Play`_”) is that the plot (and character development and many
-other things in any literary work) is about a character moving
-from point A to point B. That’s all the play (novel, short story)
-is about! Why did she move from A to B? What were the obstacles
-on the way? How did she overcame them? Actually points A and
+For me the main idea of everything written (originally, I have
+this from an excellent book by Walter Kerr “`How Not to Write
+a Play`_”) is that the plot (and character development and many
+other things in any literary work) is about a character moving
+from point A to point B. That’s all the play (novel, short story)
+is about! Why did she move from A to B? What were the obstacles
+on the way? How did she overcame them? Actually points A and
B are not so important as the travel between them.
One of the most horrible sins of every literary work is when in