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Understanding of Platonism

:date: 2016-03-27T21:59:01
:category: faith
:tags: blogcomment, philosophy

(comment on the podcast `episode 250`_)

When listening to the Q & A episode #250, I was very excited by
the last question on the relationship between our understanding
of Platonism, or what actually Platonism because during the ages,
and the actual thinking of Plato.

I like what I understand be the meaning of the answer that for
many centuries what went under the label of Platonism was
actually more inheritance of Neoplatonism, which was the only
thing which actually was known to the medieval philosophers.

My question how much of that understanding of Platonism actually
survived the recovery of the true Plato’s works in the
Renaissance Italy. Particularly I have been persuaded for years
that generally Plato belongs to what the Marxists of my youth of
the Communist Czechoslovakia called the idealist type of
philosophy (or using the medieval terminology could be called
*realist*, I guess [#]_). However, when listening to Mr. Adamson’s
coverage of Plato, it seemed to me that his thoughts were a way
closer to nominalists. Or perhaps that Plato’s ideas were a way
more primitive; only the coverage of philosophy without any gaps
gave me better understanding of the time scale of the development
of philosophy, particularly how really incredibly ancient
Classical Athenian philosophers were. In the usual course on the
philosophy I experienced (which was rather short on the
Hellenistic and late Antique philosophy with some small
exceptions), Classical philosophers seemed to live just next to
the Boethius and Marcus Aurelius. For example I remember that
Stoicism was just one brief lecture, but when I look at the dates
more intentionally I see that there are 445 years between deaths
of Zeno of Citium and Marcus Aurelius, that is like from us to
the year 1574, when the pope Innocent X was born who was fighting
with Oliver Cromwell.

So, the question remains, was Plato actually Platonist, meaning a realist or idealist?

.. _`episode 250`:

.. [#] I guess this understanding of Plato was still prevalent when Raphael painted his `The School of Athens`_

.. _`The School of Athens`: