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On Harriet Potter

:date: 2018-06-13T22:49:55
:status: draft
:category: literature
:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment

While looking for some nice fanfiction story I randomly hit on 
the story with the enticing title
“`Harriet Potter: What it is like to be a witch`_”. It had also 
rather interesting summary. Only later I woke up to how many 
Harry turns to girl stories there, and most of them are trash.  
However, my first half-conscious thought when looking at this 
was: “That’s a splendid idea, I wonder whether the happy world of 
magic would be so magic for a girl. Crossover between Harry 
Potter and feminism?  Interesting.” I don’t want to write about
that particular story too much, because unfortunately I found it
to be a complete piece of trash. I am not sure about the author,
but it seems like the author was actually not a woman, but a gay
(transgender? something) male, and the story not much more than
a graphomaniac description of his fantasies without much touch of
a story. After spending a (long) chapter on endlessly describing
process of physical transformation with details of every part of
her body changed, and after (another!) long chapter spent on
shopping for clothes with her friends (Fleur Weasley & Nimphadora
Tonks! Can you imagine her to go for a shopping spree?), it went
straight to sex. I haven’t finished reading more than first few
chapters, and then left it where it belongs, in trash. So, this
is not a proper review of that particular story, just the highly
disgusted impression.

However, the idea of taking on the patriarchy inside of the 
magical world still seemed tempting to me. So, I went to 
intentionally search for some story like this, but better 
written. Only then I found that this story is probably just the 
second one in numbers after “Do you wonder what would happen if 
Harry Potter had a sister-twin?” (no, I am not), and most of them 
are not better than that one. However, in the end, I found one 
which seems interesting. “`Becoming Harriet`_” by Teao. 

.. _`Harriet Potter: What it is like to be a witch`:

.. _`Becoming Harriet`: