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Good Petunia Stories

:date: 2021-02-12T17:22:29
:category: literature
:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment, zettelkasten

(my Reddit post “`LF: Petunia is a witch afterall`_”)

I know about these:

* magnificent series by mzzbee_, which is probably the best I know about,

* “`Petunia Snaps by Meester Lee`_”, which unfortunately finishes
  exactly in the point where it starts to be interesting

* “`By Baker Street Station, I Sat Down and Wept by Deco`_”,
  which I need to reread apparently, because I forgot most of
  it; oh, I see, it is that crack. I mean, sporting dragons,

* “`Petunia Evans, Tomb Raider by Starfox5`_”, or she is not
  exactly a witch, but it is a bit of crack.

* “`There Will Be No Foolish Wand Waving by kgfinkel`_”, which
  has the most awesome Petunia around (or How did I destroyed The
  Mightiest Dark Wizard of All Times with the Handbook of The
  Muggle Liaison Office) and one of the darkest Dumbledore’s
  I have ever read, and yet I still don’t think it is a stupid
  Dumbles bashing.

* “`the family evans by dirgewithoutmusic`_” with the most
  awesome Petunia, which is rather unpleasant, but still she
  cares about both of her boys.

* “`Petunia Takes Charge by Leath1`_” which is one of those
  Petunia-is-secretly-witch. The author meant well, but the
  result is weird, but I am certain some may like it.

* “`Harry Potter and the Magical Guardian`_” is absolutely
  perfect story, where Dursleys turn out to be very different
  than in the canon.

* Dursleys in the stories by `Stephen Ratliff`_ are not
  automatically good, but they are usually not comically bad, and
  their relationship with Harry is much more complicated and
  redeemable than in the canon.
There is a one where Petunia lives in Diagon Alley with both her
boys (Dudley and Harry) above the bookstore running a kind of
kindergarten for other kids, and eventually organizes destruction
of Voldemort, because Dumbledore is too inept to manage it
himself. Not much good, and I cannot find it ATM.


Readers on the thread added me also these:

* “`Sisters (Doing It for Themselves) by neymovirne`_” neymovirne
  wrote this oneshot after one of the discussions here a couple
  of months ago. Witch Petunia and muggle Lily. My comment on
  that was, that I thought more about the canonical universe and
  her finding out being a witch later in her life, but this is
  good nevertheless. So, what's next? Harry's adventures among

* “`The Day The Dursleys Came To Hogwarts by ordinaryguy2`_”
  Before the first task Snape brings the Dursleys to Hogwarts
  to taunt Harry. This breaks everything, including a binding
  on Petunia's magic. Tropey but i think it mixes up the
  tropes to good effect. H/Hr


I have found these later:

* “`Acceptance by AsphodelWolf15`_” If Vernon and Petunia were so
  concerned about their image why did they treat Harry the way
  they did? A child with a bad reputation living in their house
  forced them to tell tales, when it would have been much easier
  if they treated him like part of the family. How would Harry
  have turned out if he was accepted? (This is not for Dumbledore
  fans). 2BRead 

.. _`LF: Petunia is a witch afterall`:

.. _mzzbee:

.. _`Petunia Snaps by Meester Lee`:

.. _`By Baker Street Station, I Sat Down and Wept by Deco`:

.. _`Petunia Evans, Tomb Raider by Starfox5`:

.. _`There Will Be No Foolish Wand Waving by kgfinkel`:

.. _`the family evans by dirgewithoutmusic`:

.. _`Sisters (Doing It for Themselves) by neymovirne`:

.. _`The Day The Dursleys Came To Hogwarts by ordinaryguy2`:

.. _`Acceptance by AsphodelWolf15`:

.. _`Petunia Takes Charge by Leath1`:

.. _`Harry Potter and the Magical Guardian`:

.. _`Stephen Ratliff`: