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Werewolf stories

:date: 2021-01-08T00:31
:category: faith
:tags: review, harryPotter, blogComment

(my entry on “`What are you reading? Weekly Post for 2021-01-06`_”)

After the discussion on `other
thread <>`__,
I was given reference to three Harmony+werewolves stories (Lupin bites
somebody in the end of the third year). I found them surprisingly good:

* “`In Bocca Al Lupo by morpholomeg`_” is very well executed.
  The idea is simple: story of poor Muggle family (Grangers) who
  has to deal with the fact that their daughter is not only witch
  (which is strange enough), but she is handicapped for the rest
  of her life (Remus even pushes his theory that Hermione as
  a witch should be sterilised, because she is not capable to
  carry baby through transformations; I really prefer “`Tuum
  Fatum by DragonsAndOtters`_”) Beauty of the story is that it is
  very clearly focused and it doesn’t get bogged down into
  romance or into seven year story, but it keeps it just in the
  length of normal summer story. Other thing I really liked was
  how it describe the frontier between the magical and Muggle
  story and it doesn’t limit the story to all those tired places
  (Hogwarts, Burrow, Gringotts, Ministry).

* “`The Wolf Doesn’t Lose Sleep Over the Bleating of Sheep by
  Chelonie`_” is kind of similar story (although it is still
  ongoing story, so I am not sure, how it will develop), but it
  is more explicit Harmony story (both Harry and Hermione are
  bitten, and they quickly move to the old ancestral Potter
  building Pottery). The thing which was created very well is
  explicitly pissed off both victims with Lupin, which ends up in
  the end to kicking Lupin out of their company and house. I am
  very much looking forward to future instalments of the story.

* “`A Werewolf and a Veela Walk Into a Pub by Ares.Granger`_”
  After previous two mostly excellent stories, I was a bit
  disappoint by this one. It is mostly opposite of them: whereas
  these are mostly about hardship of living with the curse
  (particularly in the Muggle world), here Harry’s (only)
  lycanthropy is mostly just waved over (“if you accept who you
  are, you don’t need any Wolfsbane Potion and you can control
  yourself well”) and to make things even more weird, Hermione
  promptly and conveniently finds out that she is actually
  a Veela, which leads to immediate (the story is when they are
  fourteen) very very active sex life (fortunately, acts are only
  mentioned in the background, it is not overly lemony). Then
  lycanthropy/veelism is just soup on the top of rather standard
  Triwizard Tournament story (but there are really only three
  participants, Harry is by literally acts of god saved and
  Voldemort vanquished on time). Not sure about this.

To clear my palate, I have read also this beauty:

* “`When Is It a Contract by Aealket`_” which is beautifully
  balancing on complete crack story with completely awesome Luna
  (who always correctly answers any direct question, except the
  answer doesn’t make any sense, and she doesn’t remember neither
  question nor the answer), Amelia Bones ex machina, and
  completely outplayed Dumbledore. Delightful.

.. _`What are you reading? Weekly Post for 2021-01-06`:

.. _`In Bocca Al Lupo by morpholomeg`:

.. _`Tuum Fatum by DragonsAndOtters`:

.. _`The Wolf Doesn’t Lose Sleep Over the Bleating of Sheep by Chelonie`:

.. _`A Werewolf and a Veela Walk Into a Pub by Ares.Granger`:

.. _`When Is It a Contract by Aealket`: