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Conflict in TPC and payment for the Miracle

:date: 2005-08-28T20:37:00
:category: research

Reading an article from the Boston Globe (2001-11-02) “Friction among
clergy members seen in partnership” I begun to think again about some
totally non-scientific comments. First of them is the Honza Horálek’s
comment on difference between alliance and community—whereas in the
world, people organize into alliances given their shared interest or
goal, in the Church people should first organize into community and such
community can then organize some action (and he has even fancy examples
of this from the Book of Revelation; I guess from Rev. 13 about an
alliance between a beast and dragon). And really, I can see on the
Living Waters team in the church how much this principle is valid—unless
we work through all our internal conflict and unless we pray for each
other, we wouldn’t be able to work together well as a team towards
participants of the program.

It seems to me that the strength of the Ten Point Coallition (yes,
Coallition is probably closer to an alliance than to community) was
sufficient to hold its leaders together only in economically good times
when government supported all extra-curricular activities and such, but
it looks like that when the waters begun to be rough (because of an
economic crisis of early 2000s’) relationships and vision were not
strong enough to keep TPC together. I would like to ask Rev. Hammond and
Revers (if I will ever get hold of him), whether they invited each other
for dinner to their home or something in this sense.

However, getting back to more sociological and “scientific” level, it
could be really interesting to think how much is at least indirectly
level of federal support to after-school programs responsible for the
Boston Miracle.