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Stand in the breach

:date: 2005-04-02T07:00:00
:category: faith
:tags: Bible, desertstream, Catholics


    Therefore He said that He would destroy them, Had not Moses His
    chosen one stood in the breach before Him, To turn away His wrath
    from destroying them. `Ps 106:23 NASB`_

I wonder, whether Moses was not chosen just because he was willing to
stand in the breach for his nation, for others.

Of course, the breach (Strong’s no. 06556 perets peh’-rets; dictionary
shows how incredibly dynamic word it is—something about “breaking out”)
is a great word for me (see `Ez 22:30`_) and something which really
makes me closer to what I feel to be my personal vocation. However, what
is interesting on this verse is that Moses actually exemplifies what
does it mean to stand in the breach. It is not about hopeless crying to
the God—“Please, do not kill!”, but much more hopeful position, where we
can trust in the God’s promises for the life of others or for our own
life. And just for future reference—a list of all verses in the Bible
with 06556: Genesis 38:29, Judges 21:15, II Samuel 5:20, 6:8, I Kings
11:27, I Chronicles 13:11, 14:11, Nehemiah 6:1, Job 16:14, 30:14, Psalms
106:23, 144:14, Isaiah 30:13, 58:12, Ezekiel 13:5, 22:30, Amos 4:3,

The pope John Paul II. died today. What his dying shown for me again was
a tremendous power of `Strength in Weakness`_. His willingness to be
powerless (while trying in vain to bless crowds with his “Urbi et orbi”
blessing). And all the rest of his death and post-humous pompous
celebrations were for me just sweet cherry on pie, but not the pie in

.. _`Ps 106:23 NASB`:
.. _`Ez 22:30`:
.. _`Strength in Weakness`: