This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2361

Simple script that helps navigation in unified diffs (patches).

Together with external utility filterdiff (part of patchutils) it provides DiffAnnotate command that tags all hunks with their number and name of the changed file.

DiffShowHunk command displays annotation of the current hunk (useful when inside a big hunk).

DiffNextFile and DiffPrevFile command can be used to quickly skip to next/previous changed file.

DiffNextHunk and DiffPrevHunk quickly skips to next/previous hunk.

Since the default (,),{ and } mappings are not much useful in diffs, the plugin remaps these in the following way:
}  => DiffNextFile
{  => DiffPrevFile
)  => DiffNextHunk
(  => DiffPrevHunk