path: root/wee_slack.py
blob: 66e2e4b699a27fd150951938b209c559e1c4a2cf (plain) (tree)












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ryan Huber <rhuber@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen@err.no>
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Trygve Aaberge <trygveaa@gmail.com>
# Released under the MIT license.

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from functools import partial, wraps
from io import StringIO
from itertools import chain, count, islice

import copy
import errno
import textwrap
import time
import json
import hashlib
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
import collections
import ssl
import random
import socket
import string

# Prevent websocket from using numpy (it's an optional dependency). We do this
# because numpy causes python (and thus weechat) to crash when it's reloaded.
# See https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/11925
sys.modules["numpy"] = None

from websocket import ABNF, create_connection, WebSocketConnectionClosedException

    basestring     # Python 2
    str = unicode
except NameError:  # Python 3
    basestring = unicode = str

    from collections.abc import Mapping, Reversible, KeysView, ItemsView, ValuesView
    from collections import Mapping, KeysView, ItemsView, ValuesView
    Reversible = object

    from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib import quote, urlencode

    from json import JSONDecodeError
    JSONDecodeError = ValueError

# hack to make tests possible.. better way?
    import weechat
except ImportError:

SCRIPT_NAME = "slack"
SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Ryan Huber <rhuber@gmail.com>"
SCRIPT_DESC = "Extends weechat for typing notification/search/etc on slack.com"
REPO_URL = "https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack"


RECORD_DIR = "/tmp/weeslack-debug"

    "channel": {
        "history": "channels.history",
        "join": "conversations.join",
        "leave": "conversations.leave",
        "mark": "channels.mark",
        "info": "channels.info",
    "im": {
        "history": "im.history",
        "join": "conversations.open",
        "leave": "conversations.close",
        "mark": "im.mark",
    "mpim": {
        "history": "mpim.history",
        "join": "mpim.open",  # conversations.open lacks unread_count_display
        "leave": "conversations.close",
        "mark": "mpim.mark",
        "info": "groups.info",
    "group": {
        "history": "groups.history",
        "join": "conversations.join",
        "leave": "conversations.leave",
        "mark": "groups.mark",
        "info": "groups.info"
    "private": {
        "history": "conversations.history",
        "join": "conversations.join",
        "leave": "conversations.leave",
        "mark": "conversations.mark",
        "info": "conversations.info",
    "shared": {
        "history": "conversations.history",
        "join": "conversations.join",
        "leave": "conversations.leave",
        "mark": "channels.mark",
        "info": "conversations.info",
    "thread": {
        "history": None,
        "join": None,
        "leave": None,
        "mark": "subscriptions.thread.mark",


CONFIG_PREFIX = "plugins.var.python." + SCRIPT_NAME

###### Decorators have to be up here

def slack_buffer_or_ignore(f):
    Only run this function if we're in a slack buffer, else ignore
    def wrapper(data, current_buffer, *args, **kwargs):
        if current_buffer not in EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers:
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
        return f(data, current_buffer, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def slack_buffer_required(f):
    Only run this function if we're in a slack buffer, else print error
    def wrapper(data, current_buffer, *args, **kwargs):
        if current_buffer not in EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers:
            command_name = f.__name__.replace('command_', '', 1)
            w.prnt('', 'slack: command "{}" must be executed on slack buffer'.format(command_name))
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
        return f(data, current_buffer, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def utf8_decode(f):
    Decode all arguments from byte strings to unicode strings. Use this for
    functions called from outside of this script, e.g. callbacks from weechat.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        return f(*decode_from_utf8(args), **decode_from_utf8(kwargs))
    return wrapper


sslopt_ca_certs = {}
if hasattr(ssl, "get_default_verify_paths") and callable(ssl.get_default_verify_paths):
    ssl_defaults = ssl.get_default_verify_paths()
    if ssl_defaults.cafile is not None:
        sslopt_ca_certs = {'ca_certs': ssl_defaults.cafile}

EMOJI = {}

###### Unicode handling

def encode_to_utf8(data):
    if sys.version_info.major > 2:
        return data
    elif isinstance(data, unicode):
        return data.encode('utf-8')
    if isinstance(data, bytes):
        return data
    elif isinstance(data, collections.Mapping):
        return type(data)(map(encode_to_utf8, data.items()))
    elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable):
        return type(data)(map(encode_to_utf8, data))
        return data

def decode_from_utf8(data):
    if sys.version_info.major > 2:
        return data
    elif isinstance(data, bytes):
        return data.decode('utf-8')
    if isinstance(data, unicode):
        return data
    elif isinstance(data, collections.Mapping):
        return type(data)(map(decode_from_utf8, data.items()))
    elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable):
        return type(data)(map(decode_from_utf8, data))
        return data

class WeechatWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, wrapped_class):
        self.wrapped_class = wrapped_class

    # Helper method used to encode/decode method calls.
    def wrap_for_utf8(self, method):
        def hooked(*args, **kwargs):
            result = method(*encode_to_utf8(args), **encode_to_utf8(kwargs))
            # Prevent wrapped_class from becoming unwrapped
            if result == self.wrapped_class:
                return self
            return decode_from_utf8(result)
        return hooked

    # Encode and decode everything sent to/received from weechat. We use the
    # unicode type internally in wee-slack, but has to send utf8 to weechat.
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        orig_attr = self.wrapped_class.__getattribute__(attr)
        if callable(orig_attr):
            return self.wrap_for_utf8(orig_attr)
            return decode_from_utf8(orig_attr)

    # Ensure all lines sent to weechat specifies a prefix. For lines after the
    # first, we want to disable the prefix, which is done by specifying a space.
    def prnt_date_tags(self, buffer, date, tags, message):
        message = message.replace("\n", "\n \t")
        return self.wrap_for_utf8(self.wrapped_class.prnt_date_tags)(buffer, date, tags, message)

class ProxyWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.proxy_name = w.config_string(w.config_get('weechat.network.proxy_curl'))
        self.proxy_string = ""
        self.proxy_type = ""
        self.proxy_address = ""
        self.proxy_port = ""
        self.proxy_user = ""
        self.proxy_password = ""
        self.has_proxy = False

        if self.proxy_name:
            self.proxy_string = "weechat.proxy.{}".format(self.proxy_name)
            self.proxy_type = w.config_string(w.config_get("{}.type".format(self.proxy_string)))
            if self.proxy_type == "http":
                self.proxy_address = w.config_string(w.config_get("{}.address".format(self.proxy_string)))
                self.proxy_port = w.config_integer(w.config_get("{}.port".format(self.proxy_string)))
                self.proxy_user = w.config_string(w.config_get("{}.username".format(self.proxy_string)))
                self.proxy_password = w.config_string(w.config_get("{}.password".format(self.proxy_string)))
                self.has_proxy = True
                w.prnt("", "\nWarning: weechat.network.proxy_curl is set to {} type (name : {}, conf string : {}). Only HTTP proxy is supported.\n\n".format(self.proxy_type, self.proxy_name, self.proxy_string))

    def curl(self):
        if not self.has_proxy:
            return ""

        if self.proxy_user and self.proxy_password:
            user = "{}:{}@".format(self.proxy_user, self.proxy_password)
            user = ""

        if self.proxy_port:
            port = ":{}".format(self.proxy_port)
            port = ""

        return "-x{}{}{}".format(user, self.proxy_address, port)

##### Helpers

def colorize_string(color, string, reset_color='reset'):
    if color:
        return w.color(color) + string + w.color(reset_color)
        return string

def print_error(message, buffer='', warning=False):
    prefix = 'Warning' if warning else 'Error'
    w.prnt(buffer, '{}{}: {}'.format(w.prefix('error'), prefix, message))

def token_for_print(token):
    return '{}...{}'.format(token[:15], token[-10:])

def format_exc_tb():
    return decode_from_utf8(traceback.format_exc())

def format_exc_only():
    etype, value, _ = sys.exc_info()
    return ''.join(decode_from_utf8(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)))

def get_nick_color(nick):
    info_name_prefix = "irc_" if int(weechat_version) < 0x1050000 else ""
    return w.info_get(info_name_prefix + "nick_color_name", nick)

def get_thread_color(thread_id):
    if config.color_thread_suffix == 'multiple':
        return get_nick_color(thread_id)
        return config.color_thread_suffix

def sha1_hex(s):
    return hashlib.sha1(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

def get_functions_with_prefix(prefix):
    return {name[len(prefix):]: ref for name, ref in globals().items()
            if name.startswith(prefix)}

def handle_socket_error(exception, team, caller_name):
    if not (isinstance(exception, WebSocketConnectionClosedException) or
            exception.errno in (errno.EPIPE, errno.ECONNRESET, errno.ETIMEDOUT)):

            'Lost connection to slack team {} (on {}), reconnecting.'.format(
                team.domain, caller_name))
    dbg('Socket failed on {} with exception:\n{}'.format(
        caller_name, format_exc_tb()), level=5)

MESSAGE_ID_REGEX_STRING = r'(?P<msg_id>\d+|\$[0-9a-fA-F]{3,})'
REACTION_PREFIX_REGEX_STRING = r'{}?(?P<reaction_change>\+|-)'.format(MESSAGE_ID_REGEX_STRING)

EMOJI_CHAR_REGEX_STRING = '(?P<emoji_char>[\U00000080-\U0010ffff]+)'
EMOJI_NAME_REGEX_STRING = ':(?P<emoji_name>[a-z0-9_+-]+):'

def regex_match_to_emoji(match, include_name=False):
    emoji = match.group(1)
    full_match = match.group()
    char = EMOJI.get(emoji, full_match)
    if include_name and char != full_match:
        return '{} ({})'.format(char, full_match)
    return char

def replace_string_with_emoji(text):
    if config.render_emoji_as_string == 'both':
        return EMOJI_NAME_REGEX.sub(
            partial(regex_match_to_emoji, include_name=True),
    elif config.render_emoji_as_string:
        return text
    return EMOJI_NAME_REGEX.sub(regex_match_to_emoji, text)

def replace_emoji_with_string(text):
    emoji = None
    key = text
    while emoji is None and len(key):
        emoji = EMOJI_WITH_SKIN_TONES_REVERSE.get(key)
        key = key[:-1]
    return emoji or text

###### New central Event router

class EventRouter(object):

    def __init__(self):
        Eventrouter is the central hub we use to route:
        1) incoming websocket data
        2) outgoing http requests and incoming replies
        3) local requests
        It has a recorder that, when enabled, logs most events
        to the location specified in RECORD_DIR.
        self.queue = []
        self.slow_queue = []
        self.slow_queue_timer = 0
        self.teams = {}
        self.subteams = {}
        self.context = {}
        self.weechat_controller = WeechatController(self)
        self.previous_buffer = ""
        self.reply_buffer = {}
        self.cmds = get_functions_with_prefix("command_")
        self.proc = get_functions_with_prefix("process_")
        self.handlers = get_functions_with_prefix("handle_")
        self.local_proc = get_functions_with_prefix("local_process_")
        self.shutting_down = False
        self.recording = False
        self.recording_path = "/tmp"
        self.handle_next_hook = None
        self.handle_next_hook_interval = -1

    def record(self):
        Toggles the event recorder and creates a directory for data if enabled.
        self.recording = not self.recording
        if self.recording:
            if not os.path.exists(RECORD_DIR):

    def record_event(self, message_json, team, file_name_field, subdir=None):
        Called each time you want to record an event.
        message_json is a json in dict form
        file_name_field is the json key whose value you want to be part of the file name
        now = time.time()

        if team:
            team_subdomain = team.subdomain
            team_json = message_json.get('team')
            if team_json:
                team_subdomain = team_json.get('domain')
                team_subdomain = 'unknown_team'

        directory = "{}/{}".format(RECORD_DIR, team_subdomain)
        if subdir:
            directory = "{}/{}".format(directory, subdir)
        if not os.path.exists(directory):
        mtype = message_json.get(file_name_field, 'unknown')
        f = open('{}/{}-{}.json'.format(directory, now, mtype), 'w')

    def store_context(self, data):
        A place to store data and vars needed by callback returns. We need this because
        weechat's "callback_data" has a limited size and weechat will crash if you exceed
        this size.
        identifier = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(40))
        self.context[identifier] = data
        dbg("stored context {} {} ".format(identifier, data.url))
        return identifier

    def retrieve_context(self, identifier):
        A place to retrieve data and vars needed by callback returns. We need this because
        weechat's "callback_data" has a limited size and weechat will crash if you exceed
        this size.
        return self.context.get(identifier)

    def delete_context(self, identifier):
        Requests can span multiple requests, so we may need to delete this as a last step
        if identifier in self.context:
            del self.context[identifier]

    def shutdown(self):
        This toggles shutdown mode. Shutdown mode tells us not to
        talk to Slack anymore. Without this, typing /quit will trigger
        a race with the buffer close callback and may result in you
        leaving every slack channel.
        self.shutting_down = not self.shutting_down

    def register_team(self, team):
        Adds a team to the list of known teams for this EventRouter.
        if isinstance(team, SlackTeam):
            self.teams[team.get_team_hash()] = team
            raise InvalidType(type(team))

    def reconnect_if_disconnected(self):
        for team in self.teams.values():
            time_since_last_ping = time.time() - team.last_ping_time
            time_since_last_pong = time.time() - team.last_pong_time
            if team.connected and time_since_last_ping < 5 and time_since_last_pong > 30:
                        'Lost connection to slack team {} (no pong), reconnecting.'.format(
            if not team.connected:
                dbg("reconnecting {}".format(team))

    def receive_ws_callback(self, team_hash, fd):
        This is called by the global method of the same name.
        It is triggered when we have incoming data on a websocket,
        which needs to be read. Once it is read, we will ensure
        the data is valid JSON, add metadata, and place it back
        on the queue for processing as JSON.
        team = self.teams[team_hash]
        while True:
                # Read the data from the websocket associated with this team.
                opcode, data = team.ws.recv_data(control_frame=True)
            except ssl.SSLWantReadError:
                # No more data to read at this time.
                return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
            except (WebSocketConnectionClosedException, socket.error) as e:
                handle_socket_error(e, team, 'receive')
                return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

            if opcode == ABNF.OPCODE_PONG:
                team.last_pong_time = time.time()
                return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
            elif opcode != ABNF.OPCODE_TEXT:
                return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

            message_json = json.loads(data.decode('utf-8'))
            if self.recording:
                self.record_event(message_json, team, 'type', 'websocket')
            message_json["wee_slack_metadata_team"] = team
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    def receive_httprequest_callback(self, data, command, return_code, out, err):
        Receives the result of an http request we previously handed
        off to weechat (weechat bundles libcurl). Weechat can fragment
        replies, so it buffers them until the reply is complete.
        It is then populated with metadata here so we can identify
        where the request originated and route properly.
        request_metadata = self.retrieve_context(data)
        dbg("RECEIVED CALLBACK with request of {} id of {} and  code {} of length {}".format(request_metadata.request, request_metadata.response_id, return_code, len(out)))
        if return_code == 0:
            if len(out) > 0:
                if request_metadata.response_id not in self.reply_buffer:
                    self.reply_buffer[request_metadata.response_id] = StringIO()
                    j = json.loads(self.reply_buffer[request_metadata.response_id].getvalue())
                    # dbg("Incomplete json, awaiting more", True)
                    j["wee_slack_process_method"] = request_metadata.request_normalized
                    if self.recording:
                        self.record_event(j, request_metadata.team, 'wee_slack_process_method', 'http')
                    j["wee_slack_request_metadata"] = request_metadata
                    dbg("HTTP REQUEST CALLBACK FAILED", True)
            # We got an empty reply and this is weird so just ditch it and retry
                dbg("length was zero, probably a bug..")
        elif return_code == -1:
            if request_metadata.response_id not in self.reply_buffer:
                self.reply_buffer[request_metadata.response_id] = StringIO()
            self.reply_buffer.pop(request_metadata.response_id, None)
            if request_metadata.request.startswith('rtm.'):
                retry_text = ('retrying' if request_metadata.should_try() else
                        'will not retry after too many failed attempts')
                w.prnt('', ('Failed connecting to slack team with token {}, {}. ' +
                        'If this persists, try increasing slack_timeout. Error (code {}): {}')
                        .format(token_for_print(request_metadata.token), retry_text, return_code, err))
                dbg('rtm.start failed with return_code {}. stack:\n{}'
                        .format(return_code, ''.join(traceback.format_stack())), level=5)
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    def receive(self, dataobj):
        Receives a raw object and places it on the queue for
        processing. Object must be known to handle_next or
        be JSON.
        dbg("RECEIVED FROM QUEUE")

    def receive_slow(self, dataobj):
        Receives a raw object and places it on the slow queue for
        processing. Object must be known to handle_next or
        be JSON.
        dbg("RECEIVED FROM QUEUE")

    def handle_next(self):
        Main handler of the EventRouter. This is called repeatedly
        via callback to drain events from the queue. It also attaches
        useful metadata and context to events as they are processed.
        wanted_interval = 100
        if len(self.slow_queue) > 0 or len(self.queue) > 0:
            wanted_interval = 10
        if self.handle_next_hook is None or wanted_interval != self.handle_next_hook_interval:
            if self.handle_next_hook:
            self.handle_next_hook = w.hook_timer(wanted_interval, 0, 0, "handle_next", "")
            self.handle_next_hook_interval = wanted_interval

        if len(self.slow_queue) > 0 and ((self.slow_queue_timer + 1) < time.time()):
            dbg("from slow queue", 0)
            self.slow_queue_timer = time.time()
        if len(self.queue) > 0:
            j = self.queue.pop(0)
            # Reply is a special case of a json reply from websocket.
            kwargs = {}
            if isinstance(j, SlackRequest):
                if j.should_try():
                    if j.retry_ready():
                        local_process_async_slack_api_request(j, self)
                    dbg("Max retries for Slackrequest")


                if "reply_to" in j:
                    dbg("SET FROM REPLY")
                    function_name = "reply"
                elif "type" in j:
                    dbg("SET FROM type")
                    function_name = j["type"]
                elif "wee_slack_process_method" in j:
                    dbg("SET FROM META")
                    function_name = j["wee_slack_process_method"]
                    dbg("SET FROM NADA")
                    function_name = "unknown"

                request = j.get("wee_slack_request_metadata")
                if request:
                    team = request.team
                    channel = request.channel
                    metadata = request.metadata
                    team = j.get("wee_slack_metadata_team")
                    channel = None
                    metadata = {}

                if team:
                    if "channel" in j:
                        channel_id = j["channel"]["id"] if type(j["channel"]) == dict else j["channel"]
                        channel = team.channels.get(channel_id, channel)
                    if "user" in j:
                        user_id = j["user"]["id"] if type(j["user"]) == dict else j["user"]
                        metadata['user'] = team.users.get(user_id)

                dbg("running {}".format(function_name))
                if function_name.startswith("local_") and function_name in self.local_proc:
                    self.local_proc[function_name](j, self, team, channel, metadata)
                elif function_name in self.proc:
                    self.proc[function_name](j, self, team, channel, metadata)
                elif function_name in self.handlers:
                    self.handlers[function_name](j, self, team, channel, metadata)
                    dbg("Callback not implemented for event: {}".format(function_name))

def handle_next(data, remaining_calls):
        if config.debug_mode:
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

class WeechatController(object):
    Encapsulates our interaction with weechat

    def __init__(self, eventrouter):
        self.eventrouter = eventrouter
        self.buffers = {}
        self.previous_buffer = None

    def iter_buffers(self):
        for b in self.buffers:
            yield (b, self.buffers[b])

    def register_buffer(self, buffer_ptr, channel):
        Adds a weechat buffer to the list of handled buffers for this EventRouter
        if isinstance(buffer_ptr, basestring):
            self.buffers[buffer_ptr] = channel
            raise InvalidType(type(buffer_ptr))

    def unregister_buffer(self, buffer_ptr, update_remote=False, close_buffer=False):
        Adds a weechat buffer to the list of handled buffers for this EventRouter
        channel = self.buffers.get(buffer_ptr)
        if channel:
            del self.buffers[buffer_ptr]
            if close_buffer:

    def get_channel_from_buffer_ptr(self, buffer_ptr):
        return self.buffers.get(buffer_ptr)

    def get_all(self, buffer_ptr):
        return self.buffers

    def get_previous_buffer_ptr(self):
        return self.previous_buffer

    def set_previous_buffer(self, data):
        self.previous_buffer = data

###### New Local Processors

def local_process_async_slack_api_request(request, event_router):
    Sends an API request to Slack. You'll need to give this a well formed SlackRequest object.
    DEBUGGING!!! The context here cannot be very large. Weechat will crash.
    if not event_router.shutting_down:
        weechat_request = 'url:{}'.format(request.request_string())
        weechat_request += '&nonce={}'.format(''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(4)))
        params = {'useragent': 'wee_slack {}'.format(SCRIPT_VERSION)}
        context = event_router.store_context(request)
        # TODO: let flashcode know about this bug - i have to 'clear' the hashtable or retry requests fail
        w.hook_process_hashtable('url:', params, config.slack_timeout, "", context)
        w.hook_process_hashtable(weechat_request, params, config.slack_timeout, "receive_httprequest_callback", context)

###### New Callbacks

def ws_ping_cb(data, remaining_calls):
    for team in EVENTROUTER.teams.values():
        if team.ws and team.connected:
                team.last_ping_time = time.time()
            except (WebSocketConnectionClosedException, socket.error) as e:
                handle_socket_error(e, team, 'ping')
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def reconnect_callback(*args):
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def buffer_closing_callback(signal, sig_type, data):
    Receives a callback from weechat when a buffer is being closed.
    EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.unregister_buffer(data, True, False)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def buffer_input_callback(signal, buffer_ptr, data):
    Handles everything a user types in the input bar. In our case
    this includes add/remove reactions, modifying messages, and
    sending messages.
    data = data.replace('\r', '\n')
    eventrouter = eval(signal)
    channel = eventrouter.weechat_controller.get_channel_from_buffer_ptr(buffer_ptr)
    if not channel:
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR

    def get_id(message_id):
        if not message_id:
            return 1
        elif message_id[0] == "$":
            return message_id[1:]
            return int(message_id)

    reaction = re.match(r"{}{}\s*$".format(REACTION_PREFIX_REGEX_STRING, EMOJI_CHAR_OR_NAME_REGEX_STRING), data)
    substitute = re.match("{}?s/".format(MESSAGE_ID_REGEX_STRING), data)
    if reaction:
        emoji = reaction.group("emoji_char") or reaction.group("emoji_name")
        if reaction.group("reaction_change") == "+":
            channel.send_add_reaction(get_id(reaction.group("msg_id")), emoji)
        elif reaction.group("reaction_change") == "-":
            channel.send_remove_reaction(get_id(reaction.group("msg_id")), emoji)
    elif substitute:
        msg_id = get_id(substitute.group("msg_id"))
            old, new, flags = re.split(r'(?<!\\)/', data)[1:]
        except ValueError:
            print_error('Incomplete regex for changing a message, '
                    'it should be in the form s/old text/new text/')
            # Replacement string in re.sub() is a string, not a regex, so get
            # rid of escapes.
            new = new.replace(r'\/', '/')
            old = old.replace(r'\/', '/')
            channel.edit_nth_previous_message(msg_id, old, new, flags)
        if data.startswith(('//', ' ')):
            data = data[1:]
        # this is probably wrong channel.mark_read(update_remote=True, force=True)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

# Workaround for supporting multiline messages. It intercepts before the input
# callback is called, as this is called with the whole message, while it is
# normally split on newline before being sent to buffer_input_callback.
# WeeChat only splits on newline, so we replace it with carriage return, and
# replace it back in buffer_input_callback.
def input_text_for_buffer_cb(data, modifier, current_buffer, string):
    if current_buffer not in EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers:
        return string
    return re.sub('\r?\n', '\r', decode_from_utf8(string))

def buffer_switch_callback(signal, sig_type, data):
    Every time we change channels in weechat, we call this to:
    1) set read marker 2) determine if we have already populated
    channel history data 3) set presence to active
    eventrouter = eval(signal)

    prev_buffer_ptr = eventrouter.weechat_controller.get_previous_buffer_ptr()
    # this is to see if we need to gray out things in the buffer list
    prev = eventrouter.weechat_controller.get_channel_from_buffer_ptr(prev_buffer_ptr)
    if prev:

    new_channel = eventrouter.weechat_controller.get_channel_from_buffer_ptr(data)
    if new_channel:
        if not new_channel.got_history or new_channel.history_needs_update:

    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def buffer_list_update_callback(data, somecount):
    A simple timer-based callback that will update the buffer list
    if needed. We only do this max 1x per second, as otherwise it
    uses a lot of cpu for minimal changes. We use buffer short names
    to indicate typing via "#channel" <-> ">channel" and
    user presence via " name" <-> "+name".

    for buf in EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.values():
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def quit_notification_callback(signal, sig_type, data):
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def typing_notification_cb(data, signal, current_buffer):
    msg = w.buffer_get_string(current_buffer, "input")
    if len(msg) > 8 and msg[0] != "/":
        global typing_timer
        now = time.time()
        if typing_timer + 4 < now:
            channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)
            if channel and channel.type != "thread":
                identifier = channel.identifier
                request = {"type": "typing", "channel": identifier}
                channel.team.send_to_websocket(request, expect_reply=False)
                typing_timer = now
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def typing_update_cb(data, remaining_calls):
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def slack_never_away_cb(data, remaining_calls):
    if config.never_away:
        for team in EVENTROUTER.teams.values():
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def typing_bar_item_cb(data, item, current_window, current_buffer, extra_info):
    Privides a bar item indicating who is typing in the current channel AND
    why is typing a DM to you globally.
    typers = []
    current_channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)

    # first look for people typing in this channel
    if current_channel:
        # this try is mostly becuase server buffers don't implement is_someone_typing
            if current_channel.type != 'im' and current_channel.is_someone_typing():
                typers += current_channel.get_typing_list()

    # here is where we notify you that someone is typing in DM
    # regardless of which buffer you are in currently
    for team in EVENTROUTER.teams.values():
        for channel in team.channels.values():
            if channel.type == "im":
                if channel.is_someone_typing():
                    typers.append("D/" + channel.name)

    typing = ", ".join(typers)
    if typing != "":
        typing = colorize_string(config.color_typing_notice, "typing: " + typing)

    return typing

def away_bar_item_cb(data, item, current_window, current_buffer, extra_info):
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)
    if not channel:
        return ''

    if channel.team.is_user_present(channel.team.myidentifier):
        return ''
        away_color = w.config_string(w.config_get('weechat.color.item_away'))
        if channel.team.my_manual_presence == 'away':
            return colorize_string(away_color, 'manual away')
            return colorize_string(away_color, 'auto away')

def channel_completion_cb(data, completion_item, current_buffer, completion):
    Adds all channels on all teams to completion list
    current_channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)
    should_include_channel = lambda channel: channel.active and channel.type in ['channel', 'group', 'private', 'shared']

    other_teams = [team for team in EVENTROUTER.teams.values() if not current_channel or team != current_channel.team]
    for team in other_teams:
        for channel in team.channels.values():
            if should_include_channel(channel):
                w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, channel.name, 0, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)

    if current_channel:
        for channel in sorted(current_channel.team.channels.values(), key=lambda channel: channel.name, reverse=True):
            if should_include_channel(channel):
                w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, channel.name, 0, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING)

        if should_include_channel(current_channel):
            w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, current_channel.name, 0, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def dm_completion_cb(data, completion_item, current_buffer, completion):
    Adds all dms/mpdms on all teams to completion list
    for team in EVENTROUTER.teams.values():
        for channel in team.channels.values():
            if channel.active and channel.type in ['im', 'mpim']:
                w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, channel.name, 0, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def nick_completion_cb(data, completion_item, current_buffer, completion):
    Adds all @-prefixed nicks to completion list
    current_channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)
    if current_channel is None or current_channel.members is None:
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    base_command = w.hook_completion_get_string(completion, "base_command")
    if base_command in ['invite', 'msg', 'query', 'whois']:
        members = current_channel.team.members
        members = current_channel.members

    for member in members:
        user = current_channel.team.users.get(member)
        if user and not user.deleted:
            w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, user.name, 1, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
            w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, "@" + user.name, 1, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def emoji_completion_cb(data, completion_item, current_buffer, completion):
    Adds all :-prefixed emoji to completion list
    current_channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)
    if current_channel is None:
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    base_word = w.hook_completion_get_string(completion, "base_word")
    reaction = re.match(REACTION_PREFIX_REGEX_STRING + ":", base_word)
    prefix = reaction.group(0) if reaction else ":"

    for emoji in current_channel.team.emoji_completions:
        w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, prefix + emoji + ":", 0, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def thread_completion_cb(data, completion_item, current_buffer, completion):
    Adds all $-prefixed thread ids to completion list
    current_channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)
    if current_channel is None or not hasattr(current_channel, 'hashed_messages'):
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    threads = current_channel.hashed_messages.items()
    for thread_id, message_ts in sorted(threads, key=lambda item: item[1]):
        message = current_channel.messages.get(message_ts)
        if message and message.number_of_replies():
            w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, "$" + thread_id, 0, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def topic_completion_cb(data, completion_item, current_buffer, completion):
    Adds topic for current channel to completion list
    current_channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)
    if current_channel is None:
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    topic = current_channel.render_topic()
    channel_names = [channel.name for channel in current_channel.team.channels.values()]
    if topic.split(' ', 1)[0] in channel_names:
        topic = '{} {}'.format(current_channel.name, topic)

    w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, topic, 0, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def usergroups_completion_cb(data, completion_item, current_buffer, completion):
    Adds all @-prefixed usergroups to completion list
    current_channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)
    if current_channel is None:
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    subteam_handles = [subteam.handle for subteam in current_channel.team.subteams.values()]
    for group in subteam_handles + ["@channel", "@everyone", "@here"]:
        w.hook_completion_list_add(completion, group, 1, w.WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def complete_next_cb(data, current_buffer, command):
    """Extract current word, if it is equal to a nick, prefix it with @ and
    rely on nick_completion_cb adding the @-prefixed versions to the
    completion lists, then let Weechat's internal completion do its
    current_channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(current_buffer)
    if not hasattr(current_channel, 'members') or current_channel is None or current_channel.members is None:
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    line_input = w.buffer_get_string(current_buffer, "input")
    current_pos = w.buffer_get_integer(current_buffer, "input_pos") - 1
    input_length = w.buffer_get_integer(current_buffer, "input_length")

    word_start = 0
    word_end = input_length
    # If we're on a non-word, look left for something to complete
    while current_pos >= 0 and line_input[current_pos] != '@' and not line_input[current_pos].isalnum():
        current_pos = current_pos - 1
    if current_pos < 0:
        current_pos = 0
    for l in range(current_pos, 0, -1):
        if line_input[l] != '@' and not line_input[l].isalnum():
            word_start = l + 1
    for l in range(current_pos, input_length):
        if not line_input[l].isalnum():
            word_end = l
    word = line_input[word_start:word_end]

    for member in current_channel.members:
        user = current_channel.team.users.get(member)
        if user and user.name == word:
            # Here, we cheat.  Insert a @ in front and rely in the @
            # nicks being in the completion list
            w.buffer_set(current_buffer, "input", line_input[:word_start] + "@" + line_input[word_start:])
            w.buffer_set(current_buffer, "input_pos", str(w.buffer_get_integer(current_buffer, "input_pos") + 1))
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def script_unloaded():
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def stop_talking_to_slack():
    Prevents a race condition where quitting closes buffers
    which triggers leaving the channel because of how close
    buffer is handled
    if 'EVENTROUTER' in globals():
        for team in EVENTROUTER.teams.values():
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

##### New Classes

class SlackRequest(object):
    Encapsulates a Slack api request. Valuable as an object that we can add to the queue and/or retry.
    makes a SHA of the requst url and current time so we can re-tag this on the way back through.

    def __init__(self, team, request, post_data=None, channel=None, metadata=None, retries=3, token=None):
        if team is None and token is None:
            raise ValueError("Both team and token can't be None")
        self.team = team
        self.request = request
        self.post_data = post_data if post_data else {}
        self.channel = channel
        self.metadata = metadata if metadata else {}
        self.retries = retries
        self.token = token if token else team.token
        self.tries = 0
        self.start_time = time.time()
        self.request_normalized = re.sub(r'\W+', '', request)
        self.domain = 'api.slack.com'
        self.post_data['token'] = self.token
        self.url = 'https://{}/api/{}?{}'.format(self.domain, self.request, urlencode(encode_to_utf8(self.post_data)))
        self.params = {'useragent': 'wee_slack {}'.format(SCRIPT_VERSION)}
        self.response_id = sha1_hex('{}{}'.format(self.url, self.start_time))

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("SlackRequest(team={}, request='{}', post_data={}, retries={}, token='{}', "
                "tries={}, start_time={})").format(self.team, self.request, self.post_data,
                        self.retries, token_for_print(self.token), self.tries, self.start_time)

    def request_string(self):
        return "{}".format(self.url)

    def tried(self):
        self.tries += 1
        self.response_id = sha1_hex("{}{}".format(self.url, time.time()))

    def should_try(self):
        return self.tries < self.retries

    def retry_ready(self):
        return (self.start_time + (self.tries**2)) < time.time()

class SlackSubteam(object):
   Represents a slack group or subteam

   def __init__(self, originating_team_id, is_member, **kwargs):
       self.handle = '@{}'.format(kwargs['handle'])
       self.identifier = kwargs['id']
       self.name = kwargs['name']
       self.description = kwargs.get('description')
       self.team_id = originating_team_id
       self.is_member = is_member

   def __repr__(self):
       return "Name:{} Identifier:{}".format(self.name, self.identifier)

   def __eq__(self, compare_str):
       return compare_str == self.identifier

class SlackTeam(object):
    Team object under which users and channels live.. Does lots.

    def __init__(self, eventrouter, token, team_hash, websocket_url, team_info, subteams,  nick, myidentifier, my_manual_presence, users, bots, channels, **kwargs):
        self.slack_api_translator = copy.deepcopy(SLACK_API_TRANSLATOR)
        self.identifier = team_info["id"]
        self.active = True
        self.team_hash = team_hash
        self.ws_url = websocket_url
        self.connected = False
        self.connecting_rtm = False
        self.connecting_ws = False
        self.ws = None
        self.ws_counter = 0
        self.ws_replies = {}
        self.last_ping_time = 0
        self.last_pong_time = time.time()
        self.eventrouter = eventrouter
        self.token = token
        self.team = self
        self.subteams = subteams
        self.team_info = team_info
        self.subdomain = team_info["domain"]
        self.domain = self.subdomain + ".slack.com"
        self.preferred_name = self.domain
        self.nick = nick
        self.myidentifier = myidentifier
        self.my_manual_presence = my_manual_presence
            if self.channels:
                for c in channels.keys():
                    if not self.channels.get(c):
                        self.channels[c] = channels[c]
            self.channels = channels
        self.users = users
        self.bots = bots
        self.name = self.domain
        self.channel_buffer = None
        self.got_history = True
        self.history_needs_update = False
        self.set_muted_channels(kwargs.get('muted_channels', ""))
        self.set_highlight_words(kwargs.get('highlight_words', ""))
        for c in self.channels.keys():
        # Last step is to make sure my nickname is the set color
        # This highlight step must happen after we have set related server
        self.type = "team"

    def __repr__(self):
        return "domain={} nick={}".format(self.subdomain, self.nick)

    def __eq__(self, compare_str):
         return compare_str == self.token or compare_str == self.domain or compare_str == self.subdomain

    def members(self):
        return self.users.keys()

    def load_emoji_completions(self):
        self.emoji_completions = list(EMOJI.keys())
        if self.emoji_completions:
            s = SlackRequest(self, "emoji.list")

    def add_channel(self, channel):
        self.channels[channel["id"]] = channel

    def generate_usergroup_map(self):
        return {s.handle: s.identifier for s in self.subteams.values()}

    def create_buffer(self):
        if not self.channel_buffer:
            alias = config.server_aliases.get(self.subdomain)
            if alias:
                self.preferred_name = alias
            elif config.short_buffer_names:
                self.preferred_name = self.subdomain
                self.preferred_name = self.domain
            self.channel_buffer = w.buffer_new(self.preferred_name, "buffer_input_callback", "EVENTROUTER", "", "")
            self.eventrouter.weechat_controller.register_buffer(self.channel_buffer, self)
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_type", 'server')
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_nick", self.nick)
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_server", self.preferred_name)

    def buffer_merge(self, config_value=None):
        if not config_value:
            config_value = w.config_string(w.config_get('irc.look.server_buffer'))
        if config_value == 'merge_with_core':
            w.buffer_merge(self.channel_buffer, w.buffer_search_main())
            w.buffer_unmerge(self.channel_buffer, 0)

    def destroy_buffer(self, update_remote):

    def set_muted_channels(self, muted_str):
        self.muted_channels = {x for x in muted_str.split(',') if x}
        for channel in self.channels.values():

    def set_highlight_words(self, highlight_str):
        self.highlight_words = {x for x in highlight_str.split(',') if x}
        for channel in self.channels.values():

    def formatted_name(self):
        return self.domain

    def buffer_prnt(self, data, message=False):
        tag_name = "team_message" if message else "team_info"
        w.prnt_date_tags(self.channel_buffer, SlackTS().major, tag(tag_name), data)

    def send_message(self, message, subtype=None, request_dict_ext={}):
        w.prnt("", "ERROR: Sending a message in the team buffer is not supported")

    def find_channel_by_members(self, members, channel_type=None):
        for channel in self.channels.values():
            if channel.members == members and (
                    channel_type is None or channel.type == channel_type):
                return channel

    def get_channel_map(self):
        return {v.name: k for k, v in self.channels.items()}

    def get_username_map(self):
        return {v.name: k for k, v in self.users.items()}

    def get_team_hash(self):
        return self.team_hash

    def generate_team_hash(team_id, subdomain):
        return str(sha1_hex("{}{}".format(team_id, subdomain)))

    def refresh(self):

    def is_user_present(self, user_id):
        user = self.users.get(user_id)
        if user and user.presence == 'active':
            return True
            return False

    def mark_read(self, ts=None, update_remote=True, force=False):

    def connect(self, reconnect=False):
        if not self.connected and not self.connecting_ws:
            if self.ws_url:
                self.connecting_ws = True
                    # only http proxy is currently supported
                    proxy = ProxyWrapper()
                    if proxy.has_proxy == True:
                        ws = create_connection(self.ws_url, sslopt=sslopt_ca_certs, http_proxy_host=proxy.proxy_address, http_proxy_port=proxy.proxy_port, http_proxy_auth=(proxy.proxy_user, proxy.proxy_password))
                        ws = create_connection(self.ws_url, sslopt=sslopt_ca_certs)

                    self.hook = w.hook_fd(ws.sock.fileno(), 1, 0, 0, "receive_ws_callback", self.get_team_hash())
                            'Failed connecting to slack team {}, retrying.'.format(self.domain))
                    dbg('connect failed with exception:\n{}'.format(format_exc_tb()), level=5)
                    return False
                    self.connecting_ws = False
                self.ws = ws
            elif not self.connecting_rtm:
                # The fast reconnect failed, so start over-ish
                for chan in self.channels:
                    self.channels[chan].history_needs_update = True
                s = initiate_connection(self.token, retries=999, team=self, reconnect=reconnect)
                self.connecting_rtm = True

    def set_connected(self, reconnect):
        self.connected = True
        self.last_pong_time = time.time()
        self.buffer_prnt('Connected to Slack team {} ({}) with username {}'.format(
            self.team_info["name"], self.domain, self.nick))
        dbg("connected to {}".format(self.domain))

        if not config.background_load_all_history:
            current_channel = self.eventrouter.weechat_controller.buffers.get(w.current_buffer())
            if isinstance(current_channel, SlackChannelCommon) and current_channel.team == self:
        elif reconnect:
            for channel in self.channels.values():
                if channel.channel_buffer:

    def set_disconnected(self):
        self.connected = False

    def set_reconnect_url(self, url):
        self.ws_url = url

    def next_ws_transaction_id(self):
        self.ws_counter += 1
        return self.ws_counter

    def send_to_websocket(self, data, expect_reply=True):
        data["id"] = self.next_ws_transaction_id()
        message = json.dumps(data)
            if expect_reply:
                self.ws_replies[data["id"]] = data
            dbg("Sent {}...".format(message[:100]))
        except (WebSocketConnectionClosedException, socket.error) as e:
            handle_socket_error(e, self, 'send')

    def update_member_presence(self, user, presence):
        user.presence = presence

        for c in self.channels:
            c = self.channels[c]
            if user.id in c.members:
                c.buffer_name_needs_update = True

    def subscribe_users_presence(self):
        # FIXME: There is a limitation in the API to the size of the
        # json we can send.
        # We should try to be smarter to fetch the users whom we want to
        # subscribe to.
        users = list(self.users.keys())[:750]
        if self.myidentifier not in users:
            "type": "presence_sub",
            "ids": users,
        }, expect_reply=False)

class SlackChannelCommon(object):
    def prnt_message(self, message, history_message=False, no_log=False, force_render=False):
        text = self.render(message, force_render)
        thread_channel = isinstance(self, SlackThreadChannel)

        if message.subtype == "join":
            tagset = "join"
            prefix = w.prefix("join").strip()
        elif message.subtype == "leave":
            tagset = "leave"
            prefix = w.prefix("quit").strip()
        elif message.subtype == "topic":
            tagset = "topic"
            prefix = w.prefix("network").strip()
            channel_type = self.parent_channel.type if thread_channel else self.type
            if channel_type in ["im", "mpim"]:
                tagset = "dm"
                tagset = "channel"

            if message.subtype == "me_message":
                prefix = w.prefix("action").rstrip()
                prefix = message.sender

        extra_tags = None
        if isinstance(message, SlackThreadMessage) and not thread_channel:
            if config.thread_messages_in_channel or message.subtype == "thread_broadcast":
                extra_tags = [message.subtype]

        self.buffer_prnt(prefix, text, message.ts, tagset=tagset,
                tag_nick=message.sender_plain, history_message=history_message,
                no_log=no_log, extra_tags=extra_tags)

    def send_add_reaction(self, msg_id, reaction):
        self.send_change_reaction("reactions.add", msg_id, reaction)

    def send_remove_reaction(self, msg_id, reaction):
        self.send_change_reaction("reactions.remove", msg_id, reaction)

    def send_change_reaction(self, method, msg_id, reaction):
        if type(msg_id) is not int:
            if msg_id in self.hashed_messages:
                timestamp = self.hashed_messages[msg_id]
        elif 0 < msg_id <= len(self.messages):
            keys = self.main_message_keys_reversed()
            timestamp = next(islice(keys, msg_id - 1, None))

        reaction_name = replace_emoji_with_string(reaction)
        if method == "toggle":
            message = self.messages.get(timestamp)
            reaction = message.get_reaction(reaction_name)
            if reaction and self.team.myidentifier in reaction["users"]:
                method = "reactions.remove"
                method = "reactions.add"

        data = {"channel": self.identifier, "timestamp": timestamp, "name": reaction_name}
        s = SlackRequest(self.team, method, data, channel=self, metadata={'reaction': reaction})

    def edit_nth_previous_message(self, msg_id, old, new, flags):
        message = self.my_last_message(msg_id)
        if message is None:
        if new == "" and old == "":
            s = SlackRequest(self.team, "chat.delete", {"channel": self.identifier, "ts": message['ts']}, channel=self)
            num_replace = 0 if 'g' in flags else 1
            f = re.UNICODE
            f |= re.IGNORECASE if 'i' in flags else 0
            f |= re.MULTILINE if 'm' in flags else 0
            f |= re.DOTALL if 's' in flags else 0
            new_message = re.sub(old, new, message["text"], num_replace, f)
            if new_message != message["text"]:
                s = SlackRequest(self.team, "chat.update",
                        {"channel": self.identifier, "ts": message['ts'], "text": new_message}, channel=self)
                print_error("The regex didn't match any part of the message")

    def my_last_message(self, msg_id):
        if type(msg_id) is not int:
            ts = self.hashed_messages.get(msg_id)
            m = self.messages.get(ts)
            if m is not None and m.message_json.get("user") == self.team.myidentifier:
                return m.message_json
            for key in self.main_message_keys_reversed():
                m = self.messages[key]
                if m.message_json.get("user") == self.team.myidentifier:
                    msg_id -= 1
                    if msg_id == 0:
                        return m.message_json

    def change_message(self, ts, message_json=None, text=None):
        ts = SlackTS(ts)
        m = self.messages.get(ts)
        if not m:
        if message_json:
        if text:

        if type(m) == SlackMessage or config.thread_messages_in_channel:
            new_text = self.render(m, force=True)
            modify_buffer_line(self.channel_buffer, ts, new_text)
        if type(m) == SlackThreadMessage:
            thread_channel = m.parent_message.thread_channel
            if thread_channel and thread_channel.active:
                new_text = thread_channel.render(m, force=True)
                modify_buffer_line(thread_channel.channel_buffer, ts, new_text)

    def hash_message(self, ts):
        ts = SlackTS(ts)

        def calc_hash(ts):
            return sha1_hex(str(ts))

        if ts in self.messages and not self.messages[ts].hash:
            message = self.messages[ts]
            tshash = calc_hash(message.ts)
            hl = 3

            for i in range(hl, len(tshash) + 1):
                shorthash = tshash[:i]
                if self.hashed_messages.get(shorthash) == ts:
                    message.hash = shorthash
                    return shorthash

            shorthash = tshash[:hl]
            while any(x.startswith(shorthash) for x in self.hashed_messages):
                hl += 1
                shorthash = tshash[:hl]

            if shorthash[:-1] in self.hashed_messages:
                col_ts = self.hashed_messages.pop(shorthash[:-1])
                col_new_hash = calc_hash(col_ts)[:hl]
                self.hashed_messages[col_new_hash] = col_ts
                col_msg = self.messages.get(col_ts)
                if col_msg:
                    col_msg.hash = col_new_hash
                    if col_msg.thread_channel:

            self.hashed_messages[shorthash] = message.ts
            message.hash = shorthash
            return shorthash
        elif ts in self.messages:
            return self.messages[ts].hash

    def mark_read(self, ts=None, update_remote=True, force=False, post_data={}):
        if self.new_messages or force:
            if self.channel_buffer:
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "unread", "")
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "hotlist", "-1")
            if not ts:
                ts = next(reversed(self.messages), SlackTS())
            if ts > self.last_read:
                self.last_read = SlackTS(ts)
            if update_remote:
                args = {"channel": self.identifier, "ts": ts}
                mark_method = self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type].get("mark")
                if mark_method:
                    s = SlackRequest(self.team, mark_method, args, channel=self)
                    self.new_messages = False

class SlackChannel(SlackChannelCommon):
    Represents an individual slack channel.

    def __init__(self, eventrouter, channel_type="channel", **kwargs):
        self.active = False
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)
        self.eventrouter = eventrouter
        self.team = kwargs.get('team')
        self.identifier = kwargs["id"]
        self.type = channel_type
        self.slack_purpose = kwargs.get("purpose", {"value": ""})
        self.topic = kwargs.get("topic", {"value": ""})
        self.last_read = SlackTS(kwargs.get("last_read", SlackTS()))
        self.channel_buffer = None
        self.got_history = False
        self.history_needs_update = False
        self.messages = OrderedDict()
        self.hashed_messages = {}
        self.thread_channels = {}
        self.new_messages = False
        self.typing = {}
        # short name relates to the localvar we change for typing indication
        self.set_members(kwargs.get('members', []))
        self.unread_count_display = 0
        self.last_line_from = None
        self.buffer_name_needs_update = False
        self.last_refresh_typing = False

    def __eq__(self, compare_str):
        if compare_str == self.slack_name or compare_str == self.formatted_name() or compare_str == self.formatted_name(style="long_default"):
            return True
            return False

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Name:{} Identifier:{}".format(self.name, self.identifier)

    def muted(self):
        return self.identifier in self.team.muted_channels

    def set_name(self, slack_name):
        self.slack_name = slack_name
        self.name = self.formatted_name()
        self.buffer_name_needs_update = True

    def refresh(self):
        typing = self.is_someone_typing()
        if self.buffer_name_needs_update or typing != self.last_refresh_typing:
            self.last_refresh_typing = typing
            self.buffer_name_needs_update = False

    def rename(self, typing=None):
        if self.channel_buffer:
            if typing is None:
                typing = self.is_someone_typing()
            present = self.team.is_user_present(self.user) if self.type == "im" else None

            name = self.formatted_name("long_default", typing, present)
            short_name = self.formatted_name("sidebar", typing, present)
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "name", name)
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "short_name", short_name)

    def set_members(self, members):
        self.members = set(members)

    def set_unread_count_display(self, count):
        self.unread_count_display = count
        self.new_messages = bool(self.unread_count_display)
        if self.muted and config.muted_channels_activity != "all":
        for c in range(self.unread_count_display):
            if self.type in ["im", "mpim"]:
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "hotlist", "2")
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "hotlist", "1")

    def formatted_name(self, style="default", typing=False, present=None):
        if style == "sidebar" and typing and config.channel_name_typing_indicator:
            prepend = ">"
        elif self.type == "group" or self.type == "private":
            prepend = config.group_name_prefix
        elif self.type == "shared":
            prepend = config.shared_name_prefix
            prepend = "#"

        if style == "sidebar":
            sidebar_color = config.color_buflist_muted_channels if self.muted else ""
            return colorize_string(sidebar_color, prepend + self.slack_name)
        elif style == "long_default":
            return "{}.{}{}".format(self.team.preferred_name, prepend, self.slack_name)
            return prepend + self.slack_name

    def render_topic(self, fallback_to_purpose=False):
        topic = self.topic['value']
        if not topic and fallback_to_purpose:
            topic = self.slack_purpose['value']
        return unhtmlescape(unfurl_refs(topic))

    def set_topic(self, value=None):
        if value is not None:
            self.topic = {"value": value}
        if self.channel_buffer:
            topic = self.render_topic(fallback_to_purpose=True)
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "title", topic)

    def update_from_message_json(self, message_json):
        for key, value in message_json.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

    def open(self, update_remote=True):
        if update_remote:
            join_method = self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type].get("join")
            if join_method:
                s = SlackRequest(self.team, join_method, {"channel": self.identifier}, channel=self)
        self.active = True

    def check_should_open(self, force=False):
        if hasattr(self, "is_archived") and self.is_archived:

        if force:

        # Only check is_member if is_open is not set, because in some cases
        # (e.g. group DMs), is_member should be ignored in favor of is_open.
        is_open = self.is_open if hasattr(self, "is_open") else self.is_member
        if is_open or self.unread_count_display:
            if config.background_load_all_history:

    def set_related_server(self, team):
        self.team = team

    def highlights(self):
        nick_highlights = {'@' + self.team.nick, self.team.myidentifier}
        subteam_highlights = {subteam.handle for subteam in self.team.subteams.values()
                if subteam.is_member}
        highlights = nick_highlights | subteam_highlights | self.team.highlight_words
        if self.muted and config.muted_channels_activity == "personal_highlights":
            return highlights
            return highlights | {"@channel", "@everyone", "@group", "@here"}

    def set_highlights(self):
        # highlight my own name and any set highlights
        if self.channel_buffer:
            h_str = ",".join(self.highlights())
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "highlight_words", h_str)

            if self.muted and config.muted_channels_activity != "all":
                notify_level = "0" if config.muted_channels_activity == "none" else "1"
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "notify", notify_level)
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "notify", "3")

            if self.muted and config.muted_channels_activity == "none":
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "highlight_tags_restrict", "highlight_force")
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "highlight_tags_restrict", "")

            for thread_channel in self.thread_channels.values():

    def create_buffer(self):
        Creates the weechat buffer where the channel magic happens.
        if not self.channel_buffer:
            self.active = True
            self.channel_buffer = w.buffer_new(self.formatted_name(style="long_default"), "buffer_input_callback", "EVENTROUTER", "", "")
            self.eventrouter.weechat_controller.register_buffer(self.channel_buffer, self)
            if self.type == "im":
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_type", 'private')
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_type", 'channel')
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_channel", self.formatted_name())
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_nick", self.team.nick)
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "short_name", self.formatted_name(style="sidebar"))
            if self.channel_buffer:
                w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_server", self.team.preferred_name)

        info_method = self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type].get("info")
        if info_method:
            s = SlackRequest(self.team, info_method, {"channel": self.identifier}, channel=self)

        if self.type == "im":
            join_method = self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type].get("join")
            if join_method:
                s = SlackRequest(self.team, join_method, {"users": self.user, "return_im": True}, channel=self)

    def reprint_messages(self, history_message=False, no_log=True, force_render=False):
        for message in self.messages.values():
            self.prnt_message(message, history_message, no_log, force_render)

    def clear_messages(self):
        self.messages = OrderedDict()
        self.got_history = False

    def destroy_buffer(self, update_remote):
        self.channel_buffer = None
        self.active = False
        if update_remote and not self.eventrouter.shutting_down:
            s = SlackRequest(self.team, self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type]["leave"],
                    {"channel": self.identifier}, channel=self)

    def buffer_prnt(self, nick, text, timestamp, tagset, tag_nick=None, history_message=False, no_log=False, extra_tags=None):
        data = "{}\t{}".format(format_nick(nick, self.last_line_from), text)
        self.last_line_from = nick
        ts = SlackTS(timestamp)
        # without this, DMs won't open automatically
        if not self.channel_buffer and ts > self.last_read:
        if self.channel_buffer:
            # backlog messages - we will update the read marker as we print these
            backlog = ts <= self.last_read
            if not backlog:
                self.new_messages = True

            no_log = no_log or history_message and backlog
            self_msg = tag_nick == self.team.nick
            tags = tag(tagset, user=tag_nick, self_msg=self_msg, backlog=backlog, no_log=no_log, extra_tags=extra_tags)

                if (config.unhide_buffers_with_activity
                        and not self.is_visible() and not self.muted):
                    w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "hidden", "0")

                w.prnt_date_tags(self.channel_buffer, ts.major, tags, data)
                modify_last_print_time(self.channel_buffer, ts.minor)
                if backlog or self_msg:
                    self.mark_read(ts, update_remote=False, force=True)
                dbg("Problem processing buffer_prnt")

    def send_message(self, message, subtype=None, request_dict_ext={}):
        message = linkify_text(message, self.team)
        if subtype == 'me_message':
            s = SlackRequest(self.team, "chat.meMessage", {"channel": self.identifier, "text": message}, channel=self)
            request = {"type": "message", "channel": self.identifier,
                    "text": message, "user": self.team.myidentifier}

    def store_message(self, message):
        if not self.active:
        self.messages[SlackTS(message.ts)] = message

        sorted_messages = sorted(self.messages.items())
        messages_to_delete = sorted_messages[:-SCROLLBACK_SIZE]
        messages_to_keep = sorted_messages[-SCROLLBACK_SIZE:]
        for message_hash in [m[1].hash for m in messages_to_delete]:
            if message_hash in self.hashed_messages:
                del self.hashed_messages[message_hash]
        self.messages = OrderedDict(messages_to_keep)

    def is_visible(self):
        return w.buffer_get_integer(self.channel_buffer, "hidden") == 0

    def get_history(self, slow_queue=False, full=False, no_log=False):
        post_data = {"channel": self.identifier, "count": BACKLOG_SIZE}
        if self.got_history and self.messages and not full:
            post_data["oldest"] = next(reversed(self.messages))

        w.prnt_date_tags(self.channel_buffer, SlackTS().major,
                tag(backlog=True, no_log=True), '\tgetting channel history...')
        s = SlackRequest(self.team, self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type]["history"],
                post_data, channel=self, metadata={"no_log": no_log})
        if not slow_queue:
        self.got_history = True
        self.history_needs_update = False

    def main_message_keys_reversed(self):
        return (key for key in reversed(self.messages)
                if type(self.messages[key]) == SlackMessage)

    # Typing related
    def set_typing(self, user):
        if self.channel_buffer and self.is_visible():
            self.typing[user.name] = time.time()
            self.buffer_name_needs_update = True

    def is_someone_typing(self):
        Walks through dict of typing folks in a channel and fast
        returns if any of them is actively typing. If none are,
        nulls the dict and returns false.
        typing_expire_time = time.time() - TYPING_DURATION
        for timestamp in self.typing.values():
            if timestamp > typing_expire_time:
                return True
        if self.typing:
            self.typing = {}
        return False

    def get_typing_list(self):
        Returns the names of everyone in the channel who is currently typing.
        typing_expire_time = time.time() - TYPING_DURATION
        typing = []
        for user, timestamp in self.typing.items():
            if timestamp > typing_expire_time:
                del self.typing[user]
        return typing

    def user_joined(self, user_id):
        # ugly hack - for some reason this gets turned into a list
        self.members = set(self.members)

    def user_left(self, user_id):

    def update_nicklist(self, user=None):
        if not self.channel_buffer:
        if self.type not in ["channel", "group", "mpim", "private", "shared"]:
        w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "nicklist", "1")
        # create nicklists for the current channel if they don't exist
        # if they do, use the existing pointer
        here = w.nicklist_search_group(self.channel_buffer, '', NICK_GROUP_HERE)
        if not here:
            here = w.nicklist_add_group(self.channel_buffer, '', NICK_GROUP_HERE, "weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1)
        afk = w.nicklist_search_group(self.channel_buffer, '', NICK_GROUP_AWAY)
        if not afk:
            afk = w.nicklist_add_group(self.channel_buffer, '', NICK_GROUP_AWAY, "weechat.color.nicklist_group", 1)

        # Add External nicklist group only for shared channels
        if self.type == 'shared':
            external = w.nicklist_search_group(self.channel_buffer, '', NICK_GROUP_EXTERNAL)
            if not external:
                external = w.nicklist_add_group(self.channel_buffer, '', NICK_GROUP_EXTERNAL, 'weechat.color.nicklist_group', 2)

        if user and len(self.members) < 1000:
            user = self.team.users.get(user)
            # External users that have left shared channels won't exist
            if not user or user.deleted:
            nick = w.nicklist_search_nick(self.channel_buffer, "", user.name)
            # since this is a change just remove it regardless of where it is
            w.nicklist_remove_nick(self.channel_buffer, nick)
            # now add it back in to whichever..
            nick_group = afk
            if user.is_external:
                nick_group = external
            elif self.team.is_user_present(user.identifier):
                nick_group = here
            if user.identifier in self.members:
                w.nicklist_add_nick(self.channel_buffer, nick_group, user.name, user.color_name, "", "", 1)

        # if we didn't get a user, build a complete list. this is expensive.
            if len(self.members) < 1000:
                    for user in self.members:
                        user = self.team.users.get(user)
                        if user.deleted:
                        nick_group = afk
                        if user.is_external:
                            nick_group = external
                        elif self.team.is_user_present(user.identifier):
                            nick_group = here
                        w.nicklist_add_nick(self.channel_buffer, nick_group, user.name, user.color_name, "", "", 1)
                    dbg("DEBUG: {} {} {}".format(self.identifier, self.name, format_exc_only()))
                for fn in ["1| too", "2| many", "3| users", "4| to", "5| show"]:
                    w.nicklist_add_group(self.channel_buffer, '', fn, w.color('white'), 1)

    def render(self, message, force=False):
        text = message.render(force)
        if isinstance(message, SlackThreadMessage):
            thread_id = message.parent_message.hash or message.parent_message.ts
            return colorize_string(get_thread_color(thread_id), '[{}]'.format(thread_id)) + ' {}'.format(text)

        return text

class SlackDMChannel(SlackChannel):
    Subclass of a normal channel for person-to-person communication, which
    has some important differences.

    def __init__(self, eventrouter, users, **kwargs):
        dmuser = kwargs["user"]
        kwargs["name"] = users[dmuser].name if dmuser in users else dmuser
        super(SlackDMChannel, self).__init__(eventrouter, "im", **kwargs)
        self.members = {self.user}
        if dmuser in users:

    def set_related_server(self, team):
        super(SlackDMChannel, self).set_related_server(team)
        if self.user not in self.team.users:
            s = SlackRequest(self.team, 'users.info', {'user': self.user}, channel=self)

    def create_buffer(self):
        if not self.channel_buffer:
            super(SlackDMChannel, self).create_buffer()
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_type", 'private')

    def update_color(self):
        if config.colorize_private_chats:
            self.color_name = get_nick_color(self.name)
            self.color_name = ""

    def formatted_name(self, style="default", typing=False, present=True):
        if style == "sidebar":
            if typing and config.channel_name_typing_indicator:
                prepend = ">"
            elif present and config.show_buflist_presence:
                prepend = "+"
            elif config.channel_name_typing_indicator or config.show_buflist_presence:
                prepend = " "
                prepend = ""
            name = prepend + self.slack_name

            if config.colorize_private_chats:
                return colorize_string(self.color_name, name)
                return name
        elif style == "long_default":
            return "{}.{}".format(self.team.preferred_name, self.slack_name)
            return self.slack_name

    def open(self, update_remote=True):
        info_method = self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type].get("info")
        if info_method:
            s = SlackRequest(self.team, info_method, {"name": self.identifier}, channel=self)
        if update_remote:
            join_method = self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type].get("join")
            if join_method:
                s = SlackRequest(self.team, join_method, {"users": self.user, "return_im": True}, channel=self)

class SlackGroupChannel(SlackChannel):
    A group channel is a private discussion group.

    def __init__(self, eventrouter, channel_type="group", **kwargs):
        super(SlackGroupChannel, self).__init__(eventrouter, channel_type, **kwargs)

class SlackPrivateChannel(SlackGroupChannel):
    A private channel is a private discussion group. At the time of writing, it
    differs from group channels in that group channels are channels initially
    created as private, while private channels are public channels which are
    later converted to private.

    def __init__(self, eventrouter, **kwargs):
        super(SlackPrivateChannel, self).__init__(eventrouter, "private", **kwargs)

    def get_history(self, slow_queue=False):
        # Fetch members since they aren't included in rtm.start
        s = SlackRequest(self.team, 'conversations.members', {'channel': self.identifier}, channel=self)
        super(SlackPrivateChannel, self).get_history(slow_queue)

class SlackMPDMChannel(SlackChannel):
    An MPDM channel is a special instance of a 'group' channel.
    We change the name to look less terrible in weechat.

    def __init__(self, eventrouter, team_users, myidentifier, **kwargs):
        kwargs["name"] = ','.join(sorted(
                getattr(team_users.get(user_id), 'name', user_id)
                for user_id in kwargs["members"]
                if user_id != myidentifier
        super(SlackMPDMChannel, self).__init__(eventrouter, "mpim", **kwargs)

    def open(self, update_remote=True):
        self.active = True
        info_method = self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type].get("info")
        if info_method:
            s = SlackRequest(self.team, info_method, {"channel": self.identifier}, channel=self)
        if update_remote:
            join_method = self.team.slack_api_translator[self.type].get("join")
            if join_method:
                s = SlackRequest(self.team, join_method, {'users': ','.join(self.members)}, channel=self)

    def formatted_name(self, style="default", typing=False, present=None):
        if style == "sidebar":
            if typing and config.channel_name_typing_indicator:
                prepend = ">"
                prepend = "@"
            return prepend + self.slack_name
        elif style == "long_default":
            return "{}.{}".format(self.team.preferred_name, self.slack_name)
            return self.slack_name

class SlackSharedChannel(SlackChannel):
    def __init__(self, eventrouter, **kwargs):
        super(SlackSharedChannel, self).__init__(eventrouter, "shared", **kwargs)

    def get_history(self, slow_queue=False, full=False, no_log=False):
        # Get info for external users in the channel
        for user in self.members - set(self.team.users.keys()):
            s = SlackRequest(self.team, 'users.info', {'user': user}, channel=self)
        # Fetch members since they aren't included in rtm.start
        s = SlackRequest(self.team, 'conversations.members', {'channel': self.identifier}, channel=self)
        super(SlackSharedChannel, self).get_history(slow_queue, full, no_log)

class SlackThreadChannel(SlackChannelCommon):
    A thread channel is a virtual channel. We don't inherit from
    SlackChannel, because most of how it operates will be different.

    def __init__(self, eventrouter, parent_channel, thread_ts):
        self.eventrouter = eventrouter
        self.parent_channel = parent_channel
        self.thread_ts = thread_ts
        self.messages = SlackThreadChannelMessages(self)
        self.hashed_messages = {}
        self.channel_buffer = None
        self.type = "thread"
        self.got_history = False
        self.history_needs_update = False
        self.label = None
        self.team = self.parent_channel.team
        self.last_line_from = None
        self.new_messages = False
        self.buffer_name_needs_update = False

    def members(self):
        return self.parent_channel.members

    def parent_message(self):
        return self.parent_channel.messages[self.thread_ts]

    def last_read(self):
        return self.parent_message.last_read

    def last_read(self, ts):
        self.parent_message.last_read = ts

    def identifier(self):
        return self.parent_channel.identifier

    def muted(self):
        return self.parent_channel.muted

    def formatted_name(self, style="default"):
        hash_or_ts = self.parent_message.hash or self.thread_ts
        styles = {
            "default": " +{}".format(hash_or_ts),
            "long_default": "{}.{}".format(self.parent_channel.formatted_name(style="long_default"), hash_or_ts),
            "sidebar": " +{}".format(hash_or_ts),
        return styles[style]

    def mark_read(self, ts=None, update_remote=True, force=False, post_data={}):
        args = {"thread_ts": self.thread_ts}
        super(SlackThreadChannel, self).mark_read(ts=ts, update_remote=update_remote, force=force, post_data=args)

    def buffer_prnt(self, nick, text, timestamp, tagset, tag_nick=None, history_message=False, no_log=False, extra_tags=None):
        data = "{}\t{}".format(format_nick(nick, self.last_line_from), text)
        self.last_line_from = nick
        ts = SlackTS(timestamp)
        if self.channel_buffer:
            # backlog messages - we will update the read marker as we print these
            backlog = ts <= self.last_read
            if not backlog:
                self.new_messages = True

            no_log = no_log or history_message and backlog
            self_msg = tag_nick == self.team.nick
            tags = tag(tagset, user=tag_nick, self_msg=self_msg, backlog=backlog, no_log=no_log, extra_tags=extra_tags)

            w.prnt_date_tags(self.channel_buffer, ts.major, tags, data)
            modify_last_print_time(self.channel_buffer, ts.minor)
            if backlog or self_msg:
                self.mark_read(ts, update_remote=False, force=True)

    def get_history(self, slow_queue=False, full=False, no_log=False):
        self.got_history = True
        self.history_needs_update = False
        self.reprint_messages(history_message=True, no_log=no_log)
        if len(self.messages) < self.parent_message.number_of_replies() or full:
            w.prnt_date_tags(self.channel_buffer, SlackTS().major,
                    tag(backlog=True, no_log=True), '\tgetting channel history...')
            post_data = {"channel": self.identifier, "ts": self.thread_ts, "limit": BACKLOG_SIZE}
            s = SlackRequest(self.team, "conversations.replies",
                    post_data, channel=self.parent_channel,
                    metadata={"thread_channel": self, "no_log": no_log})
            if slow_queue:

    def main_message_keys_reversed(self):
        return reversed(self.messages)

    def send_message(self, message, subtype=None, request_dict_ext={}):
        if subtype == 'me_message':
            w.prnt("", "ERROR: /me is not supported in threads")
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
        message = linkify_text(message, self.team)
        request = {"type": "message", "text": message,
                "channel": self.parent_channel.identifier,
                "thread_ts": str(self.thread_ts),
                "user": self.team.myidentifier}

    def open(self, update_remote=True):
        self.active = True

    def refresh(self):
        if self.buffer_name_needs_update:
            self.buffer_name_needs_update = False

    def rename(self):
        if self.channel_buffer and not self.label:
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "name", self.formatted_name(style="long_default"))
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "short_name", self.formatted_name(style="sidebar"))

    def set_highlights(self, highlight_string=None):
        if self.channel_buffer:
            if highlight_string is None:
                highlight_string = ",".join(self.parent_channel.highlights())
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "highlight_words", highlight_string)

    def create_buffer(self):
        Creates the weechat buffer where the thread magic happens.
        if not self.channel_buffer:
            self.channel_buffer = w.buffer_new(self.formatted_name(style="long_default"), "buffer_input_callback", "EVENTROUTER", "", "")
            self.eventrouter.weechat_controller.register_buffer(self.channel_buffer, self)
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_type", 'channel')
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_nick", self.team.nick)
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_channel", self.formatted_name())
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "localvar_set_server", self.team.preferred_name)
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "short_name", self.formatted_name(style="sidebar"))
            time_format = w.config_string(w.config_get("weechat.look.buffer_time_format"))
            parent_time = time.localtime(SlackTS(self.thread_ts).major)
            topic = '{} {} | {}'.format(time.strftime(time_format, parent_time),
                    self.parent_message.sender, self.render(self.parent_message))
            w.buffer_set(self.channel_buffer, "title", topic)

    def print_messages(self, history_message=False, no_log=False, force_render=False):
        for message in chain([self.parent_message], self.messages.values()):
            self.prnt_message(message, history_message, no_log, force_render)

    def reprint_messages(self, history_message=False, no_log=True, force_render=False):
        self.print_messages(history_message, no_log, force_render)

    def destroy_buffer(self, update_remote):
        self.channel_buffer = None
        self.got_history = False
        self.active = False

    def render(self, message, force=False):
        return message.render(force)

class SlackThreadChannelMessages(Mapping, Reversible):
    Class with a reversible mapping interface (like a read-only OrderedDict)
    which looks up messages using the parent channel and parent message.

    def __init__(self, thread_channel):
        self.thread_channel = thread_channel

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key not in self.thread_channel.parent_message.submessages:
            raise KeyError(key)
        return self.thread_channel.parent_channel.messages[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.thread_channel.parent_message.submessages)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.thread_channel.parent_message.submessages)

    def __reversed__(self):
        return reversed(self.thread_channel.parent_message.submessages)

    def keys(self):
        return KeysViewReversible(self)

    def items(self):
        return ItemsViewReversible(self)

    def values(self):
        return ValuesViewReversible(self)

class KeysViewReversible(KeysView, Reversible):
    def __reversed__(self):
        return reversed(self._mapping)

class ItemsViewReversible(ItemsView, Reversible):
    def __reversed__(self):
        for key in reversed(self._mapping):
            yield (key, self._mapping[key])

class ValuesViewReversible(ValuesView, Reversible):
    def __reversed__(self):
        for key in reversed(self._mapping):
            yield self._mapping[key]

class SlackUser(object):
    Represends an individual slack user. Also where you set their name formatting.

    def __init__(self, originating_team_id, **kwargs):
        self.identifier = kwargs["id"]
        # These attributes may be missing in the response, so we have to make
        # sure they're set
        self.profile = {}
        self.presence = kwargs.get("presence", "unknown")
        self.deleted = kwargs.get("deleted", False)
        self.is_external = (not kwargs.get("is_bot") and
                kwargs.get("team_id") != originating_team_id)
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)

        self.name = nick_from_profile(self.profile, kwargs["name"])
        self.username = kwargs["name"]

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Name:{} Identifier:{}".format(self.name, self.identifier)

    def force_color(self, color_name):
        self.color_name = color_name

    def update_color(self):
        # This will automatically be none/"" if the user has disabled nick
        # colourization.
        self.color_name = get_nick_color(self.name)

    def update_status(self, status_emoji, status_text):
        self.profile["status_emoji"] = status_emoji
        self.profile["status_text"] = status_text

    def formatted_name(self, prepend="", enable_color=True):
        name = prepend + self.name
        if enable_color:
            return colorize_string(self.color_name, name)
            return name

class SlackBot(SlackUser):
    Basically the same as a user, but split out to identify and for future
    def __init__(self, originating_team_id, **kwargs):
        super(SlackBot, self).__init__(originating_team_id, is_bot=True, **kwargs)

class SlackMessage(object):
    Represents a single slack message and associated context/metadata.
    These are modifiable and can be rerendered to change a message,
    delete a message, add a reaction, add a thread.
    Note: these can't be tied to a SlackUser object because users
    can be deleted, so we have to store sender in each one.
    def __init__(self, subtype, message_json, team, channel):
        self.team = team
        self.channel = channel
        self.subtype = subtype
        self.message_json = message_json
        self.submessages = []
        self.hash = None
        self.ts = SlackTS(message_json['ts'])
        self.subscribed = message_json.get("subscribed", False)
        self.last_read = SlackTS(message_json.get("last_read", SlackTS()))

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.ts)

    def thread_channel(self):
        return self.channel.thread_channels.get(self.ts)

    def open_thread(self, switch=False):
        if not self.thread_channel or not self.thread_channel.active:
            self.channel.thread_channels[self.ts] = SlackThreadChannel(EVENTROUTER, self.channel, self.ts)
        if switch:
            w.buffer_set(self.thread_channel.channel_buffer, "display", "1")

    def render(self, force=False):
        # If we already have a rendered version in the object, just return that.
        if not force and self.message_json.get("_rendered_text"):
            return self.message_json["_rendered_text"]

        blocks = self.message_json.get("blocks", [])
        blocks_rendered = unfurl_blocks(blocks)
        has_rich_text = any(block["type"] == "rich_text" for block in blocks)
        if has_rich_text:
            text = self.message_json.get("text", "")
            if blocks_rendered:
                if text:
                    text += "\n"
                text += blocks_rendered
        elif blocks_rendered:
            text = blocks_rendered
            text = self.message_json.get("text", "")

        if self.message_json.get('mrkdwn', True):
            text = render_formatting(text)

        if (self.message_json.get('subtype') in ('channel_join', 'group_join') and
            inviter_id = self.message_json.get('inviter')
            text += " by invitation from <@{}>".format(inviter_id)

        text = unfurl_refs(text)

        if (self.subtype == 'me_message' and
                not self.message_json['text'].startswith(self.sender)):
            text = "{} {}".format(self.sender, text)

        if "edited" in self.message_json:
            text += " " + colorize_string(config.color_edited_suffix, '(edited)')

        text += unfurl_refs(unwrap_attachments(self.message_json, text))
        text += unfurl_refs(unwrap_files(self.message_json, text))
        text = unhtmlescape(text.lstrip().replace("\t", "    "))

        text += create_reactions_string(
                self.message_json.get("reactions", ""), self.team.myidentifier)

        if self.number_of_replies():
            text += " " + colorize_string(get_thread_color(self.hash), "[ Thread: {} Replies: {}{} ]".format(
                    self.hash, self.number_of_replies(), " Subscribed" if self.subscribed else ""))

        text = replace_string_with_emoji(text)

        self.message_json["_rendered_text"] = text
        return text

    def change_text(self, new_text):
        self.message_json["text"] = new_text

    def get_sender(self, plain):
        user = self.team.users.get(self.message_json.get('user'))
        if user:
            name = "{}".format(user.formatted_name(enable_color=not plain))
            if user.is_external:
                name += config.external_user_suffix
            return name
        elif 'username' in self.message_json:
            username = self.message_json["username"]
            if plain:
                return username
            elif self.message_json.get("subtype") == "bot_message":
                return "{} :]".format(username)
                return "-{}-".format(username)
        elif 'service_name' in self.message_json:
            service_name = self.message_json["service_name"]
            if plain:
                return service_name
                return "-{}-".format(service_name)
        elif self.message_json.get('bot_id') in self.team.bots:
            bot = self.team.bots[self.message_json["bot_id"]]
            name = bot.formatted_name(enable_color=not plain)
            if plain:
                return name
                return "{} :]".format(name)
        return ""

    def sender(self):
        return self.get_sender(False)

    def sender_plain(self):
        return self.get_sender(True)

    def get_reaction(self, reaction_name):
        for reaction in self.message_json.get("reactions", []):
            if reaction["name"] == reaction_name:
                return reaction
        return None

    def add_reaction(self, reaction_name, user):
        reaction = self.get_reaction(reaction_name)
        if reaction:
            if user not in reaction["users"]:
            if "reactions" not in self.message_json:
                self.message_json["reactions"] = []
            self.message_json["reactions"].append({"name": reaction_name, "users": [user]})

    def remove_reaction(self, reaction_name, user):
        reaction = self.get_reaction(reaction_name)
        if user in reaction["users"]:

    def has_mention(self):
        return w.string_has_highlight(unfurl_refs(self.message_json.get('text')),

    def number_of_replies(self):
        return max(len(self.submessages), self.message_json.get("reply_count", 0))

    def notify_thread(self, action=None, sender_id=None):
        if config.auto_open_threads:
        if sender_id != self.team.myidentifier and (config.notify_subscribed_threads == True or
                config.notify_subscribed_threads == "auto" and not config.auto_open_threads and
                not config.thread_messages_in_channel):
            if action == "mention":
                template = "You were mentioned in thread {hash}, channel {channel}"
            elif action == "subscribed":
                template = "New message in thread {hash}, channel {channel} to which you are subscribed"
                template = "Notification for message in thread {hash}, channel {channel}"
            message = template.format(hash=self.hash, channel=self.channel.formatted_name())

            self.team.buffer_prnt(message, message=True)

class SlackThreadMessage(SlackMessage):

    def __init__(self, parent_message, message_json, *args):
        super(SlackThreadMessage, self).__init__(message_json['subtype'], message_json, *args)
        self.parent_message = parent_message

class Hdata(object):
    def __init__(self, w):
        self.buffer = w.hdata_get('buffer')
        self.line = w.hdata_get('line')
        self.line_data = w.hdata_get('line_data')
        self.lines = w.hdata_get('lines')

class SlackTS(object):

    def __init__(self, ts=None):
        if ts:
            self.major, self.minor = [int(x) for x in ts.split('.', 1)]
            self.major = int(time.time())
            self.minor = 0

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, SlackTS):
            if self.major < other.major:
                return -1
            elif self.major > other.major:
                return 1
            elif self.major == other.major:
                if self.minor < other.minor:
                    return -1
                elif self.minor > other.minor:
                    return 1
                    return 0
        elif isinstance(other, str):
            s = self.__str__()
            if s < other:
                return -1
            elif s > other:
                return 1
            elif s == other:
                return 0

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.__cmp__(other) < 0

    def __le__(self, other):
        return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__cmp__(other) == 0

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.__cmp__(other) > 0

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash("{}.{}".format(self.major, self.minor))

    def __repr__(self):
        return str("{0}.{1:06d}".format(self.major, self.minor))

    def split(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return [self.major, self.minor]

    def majorstr(self):
        return str(self.major)

    def minorstr(self):
        return str(self.minor)

###### New handlers

def handle_rtmstart(login_data, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    This handles the main entry call to slack, rtm.start
    metadata = login_data["wee_slack_request_metadata"]

    if not login_data["ok"]:
        w.prnt("", "ERROR: Failed connecting to Slack with token {}: {}"
               .format(token_for_print(metadata.token), login_data["error"]))
        if not re.match(r"^xo\w\w(-\d+){3}-[0-9a-f]+$", metadata.token):
            w.prnt("", "ERROR: Token does not look like a valid Slack token. "
                   "Ensure it is a valid token and not just a OAuth code.")


    self_profile = next(
        for user in login_data["users"]
        if user["id"] == login_data["self"]["id"]
    self_nick = nick_from_profile(self_profile, login_data["self"]["name"])

    # Let's reuse a team if we have it already.
    th = SlackTeam.generate_team_hash(login_data['team']['id'], login_data['team']['domain'])
    if not eventrouter.teams.get(th):

        users = {}
        for item in login_data["users"]:
            users[item["id"]] = SlackUser(login_data['team']['id'], **item)

        bots = {}
        for item in login_data["bots"]:
            bots[item["id"]] = SlackBot(login_data['team']['id'], **item)

        subteams = {}
        for item in login_data["subteams"]["all"]:
            is_member = item['id'] in login_data["subteams"]["self"]
            subteams[item['id']] = SlackSubteam(
                    login_data['team']['id'], is_member=is_member, **item)

        channels = {}
        for item in login_data["channels"]:
            if item["is_shared"]:
                channels[item["id"]] = SlackSharedChannel(eventrouter, **item)
            elif item["is_private"]:
                channels[item["id"]] = SlackPrivateChannel(eventrouter, **item)
                channels[item["id"]] = SlackChannel(eventrouter, **item)

        for item in login_data["ims"]:
            channels[item["id"]] = SlackDMChannel(eventrouter, users, **item)

        for item in login_data["groups"]:
            if item["is_mpim"]:
                channels[item["id"]] = SlackMPDMChannel(eventrouter, users, login_data["self"]["id"], **item)
                channels[item["id"]] = SlackGroupChannel(eventrouter, **item)

        t = SlackTeam(

        t = eventrouter.teams.get(th)
        if t.myidentifier != login_data["self"]["id"]:
                'The Slack team {} has tokens for two different users, this is not supported. The '
                'token {} is for user {}, and the token {} is for user {}. Please remove one of '
                'them.'.format(t.team_info["name"], token_for_print(t.token), t.nick,
                    token_for_print(metadata.token), self_nick)
        elif not metadata.metadata.get('reconnect'):
                'Ignoring duplicate Slack tokens for the same team ({}) and user ({}). The two '
                'tokens are {} and {}.'.format(t.team_info["name"], t.nick,
                    token_for_print(t.token), token_for_print(metadata.token)),
            t.connecting_rtm = False


def handle_rtmconnect(login_data, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    metadata = login_data["wee_slack_request_metadata"]
    team = metadata.team
    team.connecting_rtm = False

    if not login_data["ok"]:
        w.prnt("", "ERROR: Failed reconnecting to Slack with token {}: {}"
               .format(token_for_print(metadata.token), login_data["error"]))


def handle_emojilist(emoji_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if emoji_json["ok"]:

def handle_channelsinfo(channel_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    channel.set_unread_count_display(channel_json['channel'].get('unread_count_display', 0))

def handle_groupsinfo(group_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadatas):
    channel.set_unread_count_display(group_json['group'].get('unread_count_display', 0))

def handle_conversationsopen(conversation_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata, object_name='channel'):
    # Set unread count if the channel isn't new
    if channel:
        unread_count_display = conversation_json[object_name].get('unread_count_display', 0)

def handle_mpimopen(mpim_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata, object_name='group'):
    handle_conversationsopen(mpim_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata, object_name)

def handle_history(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    channel.got_history = True
    for message in reversed(message_json["messages"]):
        process_message(message, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata, history_message=True)
    channel.reprint_messages(history_message=True, no_log=metadata["no_log"])
    for thread_channel in channel.thread_channels.values():
        thread_channel.reprint_messages(history_message=True, no_log=metadata["no_log"])

handle_channelshistory = handle_history
handle_conversationshistory = handle_history
handle_groupshistory = handle_history
handle_imhistory = handle_history
handle_mpimhistory = handle_history

def handle_conversationsreplies(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    for message in message_json['messages']:
        process_message(message, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata, history_message=True)
    metadata['thread_channel'].reprint_messages(history_message=True, no_log=metadata["no_log"])
    if config.thread_messages_in_channel:
        channel.reprint_messages(history_message=True, no_log=metadata["no_log"])

def handle_conversationsmembers(members_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if members_json['ok']:
        w.prnt(team.channel_buffer, '{}Couldn\'t load members for channel {}. Error: {}'
                .format(w.prefix('error'), channel.name, members_json['error']))

def handle_usersinfo(user_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    user_info = user_json['user']
    if not metadata.get('user'):
        user = SlackUser(team.identifier, **user_info)
        team.users[user_info['id']] = user

    if channel.type == 'shared':
    elif channel.type == 'im':

def handle_usergroupsuserslist(users_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    header = 'Users in {}'.format(metadata['usergroup_handle'])
    users = [team.users[key] for key in users_json['users']]
    return print_users_info(team, header, users)

def handle_usersprofileset(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if not json['ok']:
        w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Failed to set profile: {}'.format(json['error']))

def handle_conversationsinvite(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    nicks = ', '.join(metadata['nicks'])
    if json['ok']:
        w.prnt(team.channel_buffer, 'Invited {} to {}'.format(nicks, channel.name))
        w.prnt(team.channel_buffer, 'ERROR: Couldn\'t invite {} to {}. Error: {}'
                .format(nicks, channel.name, json['error']))

def handle_chatcommand(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    command = '{} {}'.format(metadata['command'], metadata['command_args']).rstrip()
    response = unfurl_refs(json['response']) if 'response' in json else ''
    if json['ok']:
        response_text = 'Response: {}'.format(response) if response else 'No response'
        w.prnt(team.channel_buffer, 'Ran command "{}". {}' .format(command, response_text))
        response_text = '. Response: {}'.format(response) if response else ''
        w.prnt(team.channel_buffer, 'ERROR: Couldn\'t run command "{}". Error: {}{}'
                .format(command, json['error'], response_text))

def handle_chatdelete(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if not json['ok']:
        print_error("Couldn't delete message: {}".format(json['error']))

def handle_chatupdate(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if not json['ok']:
        print_error("Couldn't change message: {}".format(json['error']))

def handle_reactionsadd(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if not json['ok']:
        print_error("Couldn't add reaction {}: {}".format(metadata['reaction'], json['error']))

def handle_reactionsremove(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if not json['ok']:
        print_error("Couldn't remove reaction {}: {}".format(metadata['reaction'], json['error']))

def handle_subscriptionsthreadmark(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if not json["ok"]:
        if json['error'] == 'not_allowed_token_type':
            team.slack_api_translator['thread']['mark'] = None
            print_error("Couldn't set thread read status: {}".format(json['error']))

def handle_subscriptionsthreadadd(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if not json["ok"]:
        if json['error'] == 'not_allowed_token_type':
            print_error("Can only subscribe to a thread when using a session token, see the readme: https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack#4-add-your-slack-api-tokens")
            print_error("Couldn't add thread subscription: {}".format(json['error']))

def handle_subscriptionsthreadremove(json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if not json["ok"]:
        if json['error'] == 'not_allowed_token_type':
            print_error("Can only unsubscribe from a thread when using a session token, see the readme: https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack#4-add-your-slack-api-tokens")
            print_error("Couldn't remove thread subscription: {}".format(json['error']))

###### New/converted process_ and subprocess_ methods
def process_hello(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):

def process_reconnect_url(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):

def process_presence_change(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    users = [team.users[user_id] for user_id in message_json.get("users", [])]
    if "user" in metadata:
    for user in users:
        team.update_member_presence(user, message_json["presence"])
    if team.myidentifier in users:

def process_manual_presence_change(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    team.my_manual_presence = message_json["presence"]

def process_pref_change(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if message_json['name'] == 'muted_channels':
    elif message_json['name'] == 'highlight_words':
        dbg("Preference change not implemented: {}\n".format(message_json['name']))

def process_user_change(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    Currently only used to update status, but lots here we could do.
    user = metadata['user']
    profile = message_json['user']['profile']
    if user:
        user.update_status(profile.get('status_emoji'), profile.get('status_text'))
        dmchannel = team.find_channel_by_members({user.identifier}, channel_type='im')
        if dmchannel:

def process_user_typing(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if channel:

def process_team_join(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    user = message_json['user']
    team.users[user["id"]] = SlackUser(team.identifier, **user)

def process_pong(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    team.last_pong_time = time.time()

def process_message(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata, history_message=False):
    if not history_message and "ts" in message_json and SlackTS(message_json["ts"]) in channel.messages:

    if "thread_ts" in message_json and "reply_count" not in message_json and "subtype" not in message_json:
        if message_json.get("reply_broadcast"):
            message_json["subtype"] = "thread_broadcast"
            message_json["subtype"] = "thread_message"

    subtype = message_json.get("subtype")
    subtype_functions = get_functions_with_prefix("subprocess_")

    if subtype in subtype_functions:
        message = subtype_functions[subtype](message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, history_message)
        message = SlackMessage(subtype or "normal", message_json, team, channel)
        channel.unread_count_display += 1

    if message:
        if not history_message:
            channel.prnt_message(message, history_message)

    if not history_message:
        download_files(message_json, team)

def download_files(message_json, team):
    download_location = config.files_download_location
    if not download_location:
    download_location = w.string_eval_path_home(download_location, {}, {}, {})

    if not os.path.exists(download_location):
            w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Failed to create directory at files_download_location: {}'

    def fileout_iter(path):
        yield path
        main, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
        for i in count(start=1):
            yield main + "-{}".format(i) + ext

    for f in message_json.get('files', []):
        if f.get('mode') == 'tombstone':

        filetype = '' if f['title'].endswith(f['filetype']) else '.' + f['filetype']
        filename = '{}_{}{}'.format(team.preferred_name, f['title'], filetype)
        for fileout in fileout_iter(os.path.join(download_location, filename)):
            if os.path.isfile(fileout):
                "url:" + f['url_private'],
                    'file_out': fileout,
                    'httpheader': 'Authorization: Bearer ' + team.token
                config.slack_timeout, "", "")

def subprocess_thread_message(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, history_message):
    parent_ts = message_json.get('thread_ts')
    if parent_ts:
        parent_message = channel.messages.get(SlackTS(parent_ts))
        if parent_message:
            message = SlackThreadMessage(parent_message, message_json, team, channel)
            if message.ts not in parent_message.submessages:

            if parent_message.thread_channel and parent_message.thread_channel.active:
                if not history_message:
                    parent_message.thread_channel.prnt_message(message, history_message)
            elif message.ts > channel.last_read and message.has_mention():
                parent_message.notify_thread(action="mention", sender_id=message_json["user"])
            elif message.ts > parent_message.last_read and parent_message.subscribed:
                parent_message.notify_thread(action="subscribed", sender_id=message_json["user"])

            return message

subprocess_thread_broadcast = subprocess_thread_message

def subprocess_channel_join(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, history_message):
    message = SlackMessage("join", message_json, team, channel)
    return message

def subprocess_channel_leave(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, history_message):
    message = SlackMessage("leave", message_json, team, channel)
    return message

def subprocess_channel_topic(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, history_message):
    message = SlackMessage("topic", message_json, team, channel)
    return message

subprocess_group_join = subprocess_channel_join
subprocess_group_leave = subprocess_channel_leave
subprocess_group_topic = subprocess_channel_topic

def subprocess_message_replied(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, history_message):

def subprocess_message_changed(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, history_message):
    new_message = message_json.get("message")
    channel.change_message(new_message["ts"], message_json=new_message)

def subprocess_message_deleted(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, history_message):
    message = colorize_string(config.color_deleted, '(deleted)')
    channel.change_message(message_json["deleted_ts"], text=message)

def process_reply(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    reply_to = int(message_json["reply_to"])
    original_message_json = team.ws_replies.pop(reply_to, None)
    if original_message_json:
        channel = team.channels[original_message_json.get('channel')]
        process_message(original_message_json, eventrouter, team=team, channel=channel, metadata={})
        dbg("REPLY {}".format(message_json))
        dbg("Unexpected reply {}".format(message_json))

def process_channel_marked(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    ts = message_json.get("ts")
    if ts:
        channel.mark_read(ts=ts, force=True, update_remote=False)
        dbg("tried to mark something weird {}".format(message_json))

process_group_marked = process_channel_marked
process_im_marked = process_channel_marked
process_mpim_marked = process_channel_marked

def process_thread_marked(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    subscription = message_json.get("subscription", {})
    ts = subscription.get("last_read")
    thread_ts = subscription.get("thread_ts")
    channel = team.channels.get(subscription.get("channel"))
    if ts and thread_ts and channel:
        thread_channel = channel.thread_channels.get(SlackTS(thread_ts))
        if thread_channel: thread_channel.mark_read(ts=ts, force=True, update_remote=False)
        dbg("tried to mark something weird {}".format(message_json))

def process_channel_joined(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):

def process_channel_created(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    item = message_json["channel"]
    item['is_member'] = False
    channel = SlackChannel(eventrouter, team=team, **item)
    team.channels[item["id"]] = channel
    team.buffer_prnt('Channel created: {}'.format(channel.name))

def process_channel_rename(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):

def process_im_created(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    item = message_json["channel"]
    channel = SlackDMChannel(eventrouter, team=team, users=team.users, **item)
    team.channels[item["id"]] = channel
    team.buffer_prnt('IM channel created: {}'.format(channel.name))

def process_im_open(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    w.buffer_set(channel.channel_buffer, "hotlist", "2")

def process_im_close(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    if channel.channel_buffer:
                'IM {} closed by another client or the server'.format(channel.name))
    eventrouter.weechat_controller.unregister_buffer(channel.channel_buffer, False, True)

def process_group_joined(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    item = message_json["channel"]
    if item["name"].startswith("mpdm-"):
        channel = SlackMPDMChannel(eventrouter, team.users, team.myidentifier, team=team, **item)
        channel = SlackGroupChannel(eventrouter, team=team, **item)
    team.channels[item["id"]] = channel

def process_reaction_added(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    channel = team.channels.get(message_json["item"].get("channel"))
    if message_json["item"].get("type") == "message":
        ts = SlackTS(message_json['item']["ts"])

        message = channel.messages.get(ts)
        if message:
            message.add_reaction(message_json["reaction"], message_json["user"])
        dbg("reaction to item type not supported: " + str(message_json))

def process_reaction_removed(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    channel = team.channels.get(message_json["item"].get("channel"))
    if message_json["item"].get("type") == "message":
        ts = SlackTS(message_json['item']["ts"])

        message = channel.messages.get(ts)
        if message:
            message.remove_reaction(message_json["reaction"], message_json["user"])
        dbg("Reaction to item type not supported: " + str(message_json))

def process_subteam_created(subteam_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    subteam_json_info = subteam_json['subteam']
    is_member = team.myidentifier in subteam_json_info.get('users', [])
    subteam = SlackSubteam(team.identifier, is_member=is_member, **subteam_json_info)
    team.subteams[subteam_json_info['id']] = subteam

def process_subteam_updated(subteam_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    current_subteam_info = team.subteams[subteam_json['subteam']['id']]
    is_member = team.myidentifier in subteam_json['subteam'].get('users', [])
    new_subteam_info = SlackSubteam(team.identifier, is_member=is_member, **subteam_json['subteam'])
    team.subteams[subteam_json['subteam']['id']] = new_subteam_info

    if current_subteam_info.is_member != new_subteam_info.is_member:
        for channel in team.channels.values():

    if config.notify_usergroup_handle_updated and current_subteam_info.handle != new_subteam_info.handle:
        message = 'User group {old_handle} has updated its handle to {new_handle} in team {team}.'.format(
            name=current_subteam_info.handle, handle=new_subteam_info.handle, team=team.preferred_name)
        team.buffer_prnt(message, message=True)

def process_emoji_changed(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):

def process_thread_subscribed(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    dbg("THREAD SUBSCRIBED {}".format(message_json))
    channel = team.channels[message_json["subscription"]["channel"]]
    parent_ts = message_json["subscription"]["thread_ts"]
    channel.messages.get(SlackTS(parent_ts)).subscribed = True

def process_thread_unsubscribed(message_json, eventrouter, team, channel, metadata):
    dbg("THREAD UNSUBSCRIBED {}".format(message_json))
    channel = team.channels[message_json["subscription"]["channel"]]
    parent_ts = message_json["subscription"]["thread_ts"]
    channel.messages.get(SlackTS(parent_ts)).subscribed = False

###### New module/global methods
def render_formatting(text):
    text = re.sub(r'(^| )\*([^*\n`]+)\*(?=[^\w]|$)',
                                       w.color('-' + config.render_bold_as)),
    text = re.sub(r'(^| )_([^_\n`]+)_(?=[^\w]|$)',
                                       w.color('-' + config.render_italic_as)),
    return text

def linkify_text(message, team, only_users=False):
    # The get_username_map function is a bit heavy, but this whole
    # function is only called on message send..
    usernames = team.get_username_map()
    channels = team.get_channel_map()
    usergroups = team.generate_usergroup_map()
    message_escaped = (message
        # Replace IRC formatting chars with Slack formatting chars.
        .replace('\x02', '*')
        .replace('\x1D', '_')
        .replace('\x1F', config.map_underline_to)
        # Escape chars that have special meaning to Slack. Note that we do not
        # (and should not) perform full HTML entity-encoding here.
        # See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting for details.
        .replace('&', '&amp;')
        .replace('<', '&lt;')
        .replace('>', '&gt;'))

    def linkify_word(match):
        word = match.group(0)
        prefix, name = match.groups()
        if prefix == "@":
            if name in ["channel", "everyone", "group", "here"]:
                return "<!{}>".format(name)
            elif name in usernames:
                return "<@{}>".format(usernames[name])
            elif word in usergroups.keys():
                return "<!subteam^{}|{}>".format(usergroups[word], word)
        elif prefix == "#" and not only_users:
            if word in channels:
                return "<#{}|{}>".format(channels[word], name)
        return word

    linkify_regex = r'(?:^|(?<=\s))([@#])([\w\(\)\'.-]+)'
    return re.sub(linkify_regex, linkify_word, message_escaped, flags=re.UNICODE)

def unfurl_blocks(blocks):
    block_text = []
    for block in blocks:
            if block["type"] == "section":
                fields = block.get("fields", [])
                if "text" in block:
                    fields.insert(0, block["text"])
                block_text.extend(unfurl_block_element(field) for field in fields)
            elif block["type"] == "actions":
                elements = []
                for element in block["elements"]:
                    if element["type"] == "button":
                            '<<Unsupported block action type "{}">>'.format(element["type"])))
                block_text.append(" | ".join(elements))
            elif block["type"] == "call":
                block_text.append("Join via " + block["call"]["v1"]["join_url"])
            elif block["type"] == "divider":
            elif block["type"] == "context":
                block_text.append(" | ".join(unfurl_block_element(el) for el in block["elements"]))
            elif block["type"] == "image":
                if "title" in block:
            elif block["type"] == "rich_text":
                    '<<Unsupported block type "{}">>'.format(block["type"])))
                dbg('Unsupported block: "{}"'.format(json.dumps(block)), level=4)
        except Exception as e:
            dbg("Failed to unfurl block ({}): {}".format(repr(e), json.dumps(block)), level=4)
    return "\n".join(block_text)

def unfurl_block_element(text):
    if text["type"] == "mrkdwn":
        return render_formatting(text["text"])
    elif text["type"] == "plain_text":
        return text["text"]
    elif text["type"] == "image":
        return "{} ({})".format(text["image_url"], text["alt_text"])

def unfurl_refs(text):
    input : <@U096Q7CQM|someuser> has joined the channel
    ouput : someuser has joined the channel
    # Find all strings enclosed by <>
    #  - <https://example.com|example with spaces>
    #  - <#C2147483705|#otherchannel>
    #  - <@U2147483697|@othernick>
    #  - <!subteam^U2147483697|@group>
    # Test patterns lives in ./_pytest/test_unfurl.py

    def unfurl_ref(match):
        ref, fallback = match.groups()

        resolved_ref = resolve_ref(ref)
        if resolved_ref != ref:
            return resolved_ref

        if fallback and fallback != ref and not config.unfurl_ignore_alt_text:
            if ref.startswith("#"):
                return "#{}".format(fallback)
            elif ref.startswith("@"):
                return fallback
            elif ref.startswith("!subteam"):
                prefix = "@" if not fallback.startswith("@") else ""
                return prefix + fallback
            elif ref.startswith("!date"):
                return fallback
                match_url = r"^\w+:(//)?{}$".format(re.escape(fallback))
                url_matches_desc = re.match(match_url, ref)
                if url_matches_desc and config.unfurl_auto_link_display == "text":
                    return fallback
                elif url_matches_desc and config.unfurl_auto_link_display == "url":
                    return ref
                    return "{} ({})".format(ref, fallback)
        return ref

    return re.sub(r"<([^|>]*)(?:\|([^>]*))?>", unfurl_ref, text)

def unhtmlescape(text):
    return text.replace("&lt;", "<") \
               .replace("&gt;", ">") \
               .replace("&amp;", "&")

def unwrap_attachments(message_json, text_before):
    text_before_unescaped = unhtmlescape(text_before)
    attachment_texts = []
    a = message_json.get("attachments")
    if a:
        if text_before:
        for attachment in a:
            # Attachments should be rendered roughly like:
            # $pretext
            # $author: (if rest of line is non-empty) $title ($title_link) OR $from_url
            # $author: (if no $author on previous line) $text
            # $fields
            t = []
            prepend_title_text = ''
            if 'author_name' in attachment:
                prepend_title_text = attachment['author_name'] + ": "
            if 'pretext' in attachment:
            link_shown = False
            title = attachment.get('title')
            title_link = attachment.get('title_link', '')
            if title_link and (title_link in text_before or title_link in text_before_unescaped):
                title_link = ''
                link_shown = True
            if title and title_link:
                t.append('%s%s (%s)' % (prepend_title_text, title, title_link,))
                prepend_title_text = ''
            elif title and not title_link:
                t.append('%s%s' % (prepend_title_text, title,))
                prepend_title_text = ''
            from_url = attachment.get('from_url', '')
            if (from_url not in text_before and from_url not in text_before_unescaped
                    and from_url != title_link):
            elif from_url:
                link_shown = True

            atext = attachment.get("text")
            if atext:
                tx = re.sub(r' *\n[\n ]+', '\n', atext)
                t.append(prepend_title_text + tx)
                prepend_title_text = ''

            image_url = attachment.get('image_url', '')
            if (image_url not in text_before and image_url not in text_before_unescaped
                    and image_url != from_url and image_url != title_link):
            elif image_url:
                link_shown = True

            for field in attachment.get("fields", []):
                if field.get('title'):
                    t.append('{}: {}'.format(field['title'], field['value']))

            files = unwrap_files(attachment, None)
            if files:

            footer = attachment.get("footer")
            if footer:
                ts = attachment.get("ts")
                if ts:
                    ts_int = ts if type(ts) == int else SlackTS(ts).major
                    time_string = ''
                    if date.today() - date.fromtimestamp(ts_int) <= timedelta(days=1):
                        time_string = ' at {time}'
                    timestamp_formatted = resolve_ref('!date^{}^{{date_short_pretty}}{}'
                            .format(ts_int, time_string)).capitalize()
                    footer += ' | {}'.format(timestamp_formatted)

            fallback = attachment.get("fallback")
            if t == [] and fallback and not link_shown:
            if t:
                attachment_texts.append("\n".join([x.strip() for x in t if x]))
    return "\n".join(attachment_texts)

def unwrap_files(message_json, text_before):
    files_texts = []
    for f in message_json.get('files', []):
        if f.get('mode', '') == 'tombstone':
            text = colorize_string(config.color_deleted, '(This file was deleted.)')
        elif f.get('mode', '') == 'hidden_by_limit':
            text = colorize_string(config.color_deleted, '(This file is hidden because the workspace has passed its storage limit.)')
        elif f.get('url_private', None) is not None and f.get('title', None) is not None:
            text = '{} ({})'.format(f['url_private'], f['title'])
            dbg('File {} has unrecognized mode {}'.format(f['id'], f['mode']), 5)
            text = colorize_string(config.color_deleted, '(This file cannot be handled.)')

    if text_before:
        files_texts.insert(0, '')
    return "\n".join(files_texts)

def resolve_ref(ref):
    if ref in ['!channel', '!everyone', '!group', '!here']:
        return ref.replace('!', '@')
    for team in EVENTROUTER.teams.values():
        if ref.startswith('@'):
            user = team.users.get(ref[1:])
            if user:
                suffix = config.external_user_suffix if user.is_external else ''
                return '@{}{}'.format(user.name, suffix)
        elif ref.startswith('#'):
            channel = team.channels.get(ref[1:])
            if channel:
                return channel.name
        elif ref.startswith('!subteam'):
            _, subteam_id = ref.split('^')
            subteam = team.subteams.get(subteam_id)
            if subteam:
                return subteam.handle
        elif ref.startswith("!date"):
            parts = ref.split('^')
            ref_datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(parts[1]))
            link_suffix = ' ({})'.format(parts[3]) if len(parts) > 3 else ''
            token_to_format = {
                    'date_num': '%Y-%m-%d',
                    'date': '%B %d, %Y',
                    'date_short': '%b %d, %Y',
                    'date_long': '%A, %B %d, %Y',
                    'time': '%H:%M',
                    'time_secs': '%H:%M:%S'

            def replace_token(match):
                token = match.group(1)
                if token.startswith('date_') and token.endswith('_pretty'):
                    if ref_datetime.date() == date.today():
                        return 'today'
                    elif ref_datetime.date() == date.today() - timedelta(days=1):
                        return 'yesterday'
                    elif ref_datetime.date() == date.today() + timedelta(days=1):
                        return 'tomorrow'
                        token = token.replace('_pretty', '')
                if token in token_to_format:
                    return ref_datetime.strftime(token_to_format[token])
                    return match.group(0)

            return re.sub(r"{([^}]+)}", replace_token, parts[2]) + link_suffix

    # Something else, just return as-is
    return ref

def create_user_status_string(profile):
    real_name = profile.get("real_name")
    status_emoji = replace_string_with_emoji(profile.get("status_emoji", ""))
    status_text = profile.get("status_text")
    if status_emoji or status_text:
        return "{} | {} {}".format(real_name, status_emoji, status_text)
        return real_name

def create_reaction_string(reaction, myidentifier):
    if config.show_reaction_nicks:
        nicks = [resolve_ref('@{}'.format(user)) for user in reaction['users']]
        users = '({})'.format(','.join(nicks))
        users = len(reaction['users'])
    reaction_string = ':{}:{}'.format(reaction['name'], users)
    if myidentifier in reaction['users']:
        return colorize_string(config.color_reaction_suffix_added_by_you, reaction_string,
        return reaction_string

def create_reactions_string(reactions, myidentifier):
    reactions_with_users = [r for r in reactions if len(r['users']) > 0]
    reactions_string = ' '.join(create_reaction_string(r, myidentifier) for r in reactions_with_users)
    if reactions_string:
        return ' ' + colorize_string(config.color_reaction_suffix, '[{}]'.format(reactions_string))
        return ''

def hdata_line_ts(line_pointer):
    data = w.hdata_pointer(hdata.line, line_pointer, 'data')
    ts_major = w.hdata_time(hdata.line_data, data, 'date')
    ts_minor = w.hdata_time(hdata.line_data, data, 'date_printed')
    return (ts_major, ts_minor)

def modify_buffer_line(buffer_pointer, ts, new_text):
    own_lines = w.hdata_pointer(hdata.buffer, buffer_pointer, 'own_lines')
    line_pointer = w.hdata_pointer(hdata.lines, own_lines, 'last_line')

    # Find the last line with this ts
    while line_pointer and hdata_line_ts(line_pointer) != (ts.major, ts.minor):
        line_pointer = w.hdata_move(hdata.line, line_pointer, -1)

    # Find all lines for the message
    pointers = []
    while line_pointer and hdata_line_ts(line_pointer) == (ts.major, ts.minor):
        line_pointer = w.hdata_move(hdata.line, line_pointer, -1)

    # Split the message into at most the number of existing lines as we can't insert new lines
    lines = new_text.split('\n', len(pointers) - 1)
    # Replace newlines to prevent garbled lines in bare display mode
    lines = [line.replace('\n', ' | ') for line in lines]
    # Extend lines in case the new message is shorter than the old as we can't delete lines
    lines += [''] * (len(pointers) - len(lines))

    for pointer, line in zip(pointers, lines):
        data = w.hdata_pointer(hdata.line, pointer, 'data')
        w.hdata_update(hdata.line_data, data, {"message": line})

    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def modify_last_print_time(buffer_pointer, ts_minor):
    This overloads the time printed field to let us store the slack
    per message unique id that comes after the "." in a slack ts
    own_lines = w.hdata_pointer(hdata.buffer, buffer_pointer, 'own_lines')
    line_pointer = w.hdata_pointer(hdata.lines, own_lines, 'last_line')

    while line_pointer:
        data = w.hdata_pointer(hdata.line, line_pointer, 'data')
        w.hdata_update(hdata.line_data, data, {"date_printed": str(ts_minor)})

        if w.hdata_string(hdata.line_data, data, 'prefix'):
            # Reached the first line of the message, so stop here

        # Move one line backwards so all lines of the message are set
        line_pointer = w.hdata_move(hdata.line, line_pointer, -1)

    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def nick_from_profile(profile, username):
    full_name = profile.get('real_name') or username
    if config.use_full_names:
        nick = full_name
        nick = profile.get('display_name') or full_name
    return nick.replace(' ', '')

def format_nick(nick, previous_nick=None):
    if nick == previous_nick:
        nick = w.config_string(w.config_get('weechat.look.prefix_same_nick')) or nick
    nick_prefix = w.config_string(w.config_get('weechat.look.nick_prefix'))
    nick_prefix_color_name = w.config_string(w.config_get('weechat.color.chat_nick_prefix'))

    nick_suffix = w.config_string(w.config_get('weechat.look.nick_suffix'))
    nick_suffix_color_name = w.config_string(w.config_get('weechat.color.chat_nick_prefix'))
    return colorize_string(nick_prefix_color_name, nick_prefix) + nick + colorize_string(nick_suffix_color_name, nick_suffix)

def tag(tagset=None, user=None, self_msg=False, backlog=False, no_log=False, extra_tags=None):
    tagsets = {
        "team_info": {"no_highlight", "log3"},
        "team_message": {"irc_privmsg", "notify_message", "log1"},
        "dm": {"irc_privmsg", "notify_private", "log1"},
        "join": {"irc_join", "no_highlight", "log4"},
        "leave": {"irc_part", "no_highlight", "log4"},
        "topic": {"irc_topic", "no_highlight", "log3"},
        "channel": {"irc_privmsg", "notify_message", "log1"},
    nick_tag = {"nick_{}".format(user).replace(" ", "_")} if user else set()
    slack_tag = {"slack_{}".format(tagset or "default")}
    tags = nick_tag | slack_tag | tagsets.get(tagset, set())
    if self_msg or backlog:
        tags -= {"notify_highlight", "notify_message", "notify_private"}
        tags |= {"notify_none", "no_highlight"}
        if self_msg:
            tags |= {"self_msg"}
        if backlog:
            tags |= {"logger_backlog"}
    if no_log:
        tags |= {"no_log"}
        tags = {tag for tag in tags if not tag.startswith("log") or tag == "logger_backlog"}
    if extra_tags:
        tags |= set(extra_tags)
    return ",".join(tags)

def set_own_presence_active(team):
    slackbot = team.get_channel_map()['Slackbot']
    channel = team.channels[slackbot]
    request = {"type": "typing", "channel": channel.identifier}
    channel.team.send_to_websocket(request, expect_reply=False)

###### New/converted command_ commands

def invite_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args):
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    split_args = args.split()[1:]
    if not split_args:
        w.prnt('', 'Too few arguments for command "/invite" (help on command: /help invite)')
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    if split_args[-1].startswith("#") or split_args[-1].startswith(config.group_name_prefix):
        nicks = split_args[:-1]
        channel = team.channels.get(team.get_channel_map().get(split_args[-1]))
        if not nicks or not channel:
            w.prnt('', '{}: No such nick/channel'.format(split_args[-1]))
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
        nicks = split_args
        channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]

    all_users = team.get_username_map()
    users = set()
    for nick in nicks:
        user = all_users.get(nick.lstrip('@'))
        if not user:
            w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Unknown user: {}'.format(nick))
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    s = SlackRequest(team, "conversations.invite", {"channel": channel.identifier, "users": ",".join(users)},
            channel=channel, metadata={"nicks": nicks})
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def part_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args):
    args = args.split()
    if len(args) > 1:
        team = e.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
        cmap = team.get_channel_map()
        channel = "".join(args[1:])
        if channel in cmap:
            buffer_ptr = team.channels[cmap[channel]].channel_buffer
            e.weechat_controller.unregister_buffer(buffer_ptr, update_remote=True, close_buffer=True)
            w.prnt(team.channel_buffer, "{}: No such channel".format(channel))
        e.weechat_controller.unregister_buffer(current_buffer, update_remote=True, close_buffer=True)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def parse_topic_command(command):
    _, _, args = command.partition(' ')
    if args.startswith('#'):
        channel_name, _, topic_arg = args.partition(' ')
        channel_name = None
        topic_arg = args

    if topic_arg == '-delete':
        topic = ''
    elif topic_arg:
        topic = topic_arg
        topic = None

    return channel_name, topic

def topic_command_cb(data, current_buffer, command):
    Change the topic of a channel
    /topic [<channel>] [<topic>|-delete]
    channel_name, topic = parse_topic_command(command)
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team

    if channel_name:
        channel = team.channels.get(team.get_channel_map().get(channel_name))
        channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]

    if not channel:
        w.prnt(team.channel_buffer, "{}: No such channel".format(channel_name))
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    if topic is None:
                'Topic for {} is "{}"'.format(channel.name, channel.render_topic()))
        s = SlackRequest(team, "conversations.setTopic",
                {"channel": channel.identifier, "topic": linkify_text(topic, team)}, channel=channel)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def whois_command_cb(data, current_buffer, command):
    Get real name of user
    /whois <nick>
    args = command.split()
    if len(args) < 2:
        w.prnt(current_buffer, "Not enough arguments")
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
    user = args[1]
    if (user.startswith('@')):
        user = user[1:]
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    u = team.users.get(team.get_username_map().get(user))
    if u:
        def print_profile(field):
            value = u.profile.get(field)
            if value:
                team.buffer_prnt("[{}]: {}: {}".format(user, field, value))

        team.buffer_prnt("[{}]: {}".format(user, u.real_name))
        status_emoji = replace_string_with_emoji(u.profile.get("status_emoji", ""))
        status_text = u.profile.get("status_text", "")
        if status_emoji or status_text:
            team.buffer_prnt("[{}]: {} {}".format(user, status_emoji, status_text))

        team.buffer_prnt("[{}]: username: {}".format(user, u.username))
        team.buffer_prnt("[{}]: id: {}".format(user, u.identifier))

        team.buffer_prnt("[{}]: No such user".format(user))
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def me_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args):
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    message = args.split(' ', 1)[1]
    channel.send_message(message, subtype='me_message')
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def command_register(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack register [-nothirdparty] [code/token]
    Register a Slack team in wee-slack. Call this without any arguments and
    follow the instructions to register a new team. If you already have a token
    for a team, you can call this with that token to add it.

    By default GitHub Pages will see a temporary code used to create your token
    (but not the token itself). If you're worried about this, you can use the
    -nothirdparty option, though the process will be a bit less user friendly.
    CLIENT_ID = "2468770254.51917335286"
    CLIENT_SECRET = "dcb7fe380a000cba0cca3169a5fe8d70"  # Not really a secret.
    REDIRECT_URI_GITHUB = "https://wee-slack.github.io/wee-slack/oauth"
    REDIRECT_URI_NOTHIRDPARTY = "http://not.a.realhost/"

    args = args.strip()
    if " " in args:
        nothirdparty_arg, _, code = args.partition(" ")
        nothirdparty = nothirdparty_arg == "-nothirdparty"
        nothirdparty = args == "-nothirdparty"
        code = "" if nothirdparty else args
    redirect_uri = quote(REDIRECT_URI_NOTHIRDPARTY if nothirdparty else REDIRECT_URI_GITHUB, safe='')

    if not code:
        if nothirdparty:
            nothirdparty_note = ""
            last_step = "You will see a message that the site can't be reached, this is expected. The URL for the page will have a code in it of the form `?code=<code>`. Copy the code after the equals sign, return to weechat and run `/slack register -nothirdparty <code>`."
            nothirdparty_note = "\nNote that by default GitHub Pages will see a temporary code used to create your token (but not the token itself). If you're worried about this, you can use the -nothirdparty option, though the process will be a bit less user friendly."
            last_step = "The web page will show a command in the form `/slack register <code>`. Run this command in weechat."
        message = textwrap.dedent("""
            ### Connecting to a Slack team with OAuth ###{}
            1) Paste this link into a browser: https://slack.com/oauth/authorize?client_id={}&scope=client&redirect_uri={}
            2) Select the team you wish to access from wee-slack in your browser. If you want to add multiple teams, you will have to repeat this whole process for each team.
            3) Click "Authorize" in the browser.
               If you get a message saying you are not authorized to install wee-slack, the team has restricted Slack app installation and you will have to request it from an admin. To do that, go to https://my.slack.com/apps/A1HSZ9V8E-wee-slack and click "Request to Install".
            4) {}
        """).strip().format(nothirdparty_note, CLIENT_ID, redirect_uri, last_step)
        w.prnt("", "\n" + message)
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
    elif code.startswith('xox'):
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    uri = (
    ).format(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri, code)
    params = {'useragent': 'wee_slack {}'.format(SCRIPT_VERSION)}
    w.hook_process_hashtable('url:', params, config.slack_timeout, "", "")
    w.hook_process_hashtable("url:{}".format(uri), params, config.slack_timeout, "register_callback", "")
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

command_register.completion = '-nothirdparty %-'

def register_callback(data, command, return_code, out, err):
    if return_code != 0:
        w.prnt("", "ERROR: problem when trying to get Slack OAuth token. Got return code {}. Err: {}".format(return_code, err))
        w.prnt("", "Check the network or proxy settings")
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    if len(out) <= 0:
        w.prnt("", "ERROR: problem when trying to get Slack OAuth token. Got 0 length answer. Err: {}".format(err))
        w.prnt("", "Check the network or proxy settings")
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    d = json.loads(out)
    if not d["ok"]:
               "ERROR: Couldn't get Slack OAuth token: {}".format(d['error']))
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    add_token(d['access_token'], d['team_name'])
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def add_token(token, team_name=None):
    if config.is_default('slack_api_token'):
        w.config_set_plugin('slack_api_token', token)
        # Add new token to existing set, joined by comma.
        existing_tokens = config.get_string('slack_api_token')
        if token in existing_tokens:
            print_error('This token is already registered')
        w.config_set_plugin('slack_api_token', ','.join([existing_tokens, token]))

    if team_name:
        w.prnt("", "Success! Added team \"{}\"".format(team_name))
        w.prnt("", "Success! Added token")
    w.prnt("", "Please reload wee-slack with: /python reload slack")
    w.prnt("", "If you want to add another team you can repeat this process from step 1 before reloading wee-slack.")

def msg_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args):
    aargs = args.split(None, 2)
    who = aargs[1].lstrip('@')
    if who == "*":
        who = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].name
        join_query_command_cb(data, current_buffer, '/query ' + who)

    if len(aargs) > 2:
        message = aargs[2]
        team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
        cmap = team.get_channel_map()
        if who in cmap:
            channel = team.channels[cmap[who]]
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def print_team_items_info(team, header, items, extra_info_function):
    if items:
        max_name_length = max(len(item.name) for item in items)
        for item in sorted(items, key=lambda item: item.name.lower()):
            extra_info = extra_info_function(item)
            team.buffer_prnt("    {:<{}}({})".format(item.name, max_name_length + 2, extra_info))
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def print_users_info(team, header, users):
    def extra_info_function(user):
        external_text = ", external" if user.is_external else ""
        return user.presence + external_text
    return print_team_items_info(team, header, users, extra_info_function)

def command_teams(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack teams
    List the connected Slack teams.
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    teams = EVENTROUTER.teams.values()
    extra_info_function = lambda team: "token: {}".format(token_for_print(team.token))
    return print_team_items_info(team, "Slack teams", teams, extra_info_function)

def command_channels(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack channels
    List the channels in the current team.
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    channels = [channel for channel in team.channels.values() if channel.type not in ['im', 'mpim']]
    def extra_info_function(channel):
        if channel.active:
            return "member"
        elif getattr(channel, "is_archived", None):
            return "archived"
            return "not a member"
    return print_team_items_info(team, "Channels", channels, extra_info_function)

def command_users(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack users
    List the users in the current team.
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    return print_users_info(team, "Users", team.users.values())

def command_usergroups(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack usergroups [handle]
    List the usergroups in the current team
    If handle is given show the members in the usergroup
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    usergroups = team.generate_usergroup_map()
    usergroup_key = usergroups.get(args)

    if usergroup_key:
        s = SlackRequest(team, "usergroups.users.list", {"usergroup": usergroup_key},
                metadata={'usergroup_handle': args})
    elif args:
        w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Unknown usergroup handle: {}'.format(args))
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
        def extra_info_function(subteam):
            is_member = 'member' if subteam.is_member else 'not a member'
            return '{}, {}'.format(subteam.handle, is_member)
        return print_team_items_info(team, "Usergroups", team.subteams.values(), extra_info_function)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

command_usergroups.completion = '%(usergroups) %-'

def command_talk(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack talk <user>[,<user2>[,<user3>...]]
    Open a chat with the specified user(s).
    if not args:
        w.prnt('', 'Usage: /slack talk <user>[,<user2>[,<user3>...]]')
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
    return join_query_command_cb(data, current_buffer, '/query ' + args)

command_talk.completion = '%(nicks)'

def join_query_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args):
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    split_args = args.split(' ', 1)
    if len(split_args) < 2 or not split_args[1]:
        w.prnt('', 'Too few arguments for command "{}" (help on command: /help {})'
                .format(split_args[0], split_args[0].lstrip('/')))
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
    query = split_args[1]

    # Try finding the channel by name
    channel = team.channels.get(team.get_channel_map().get(query))

    # If the channel doesn't exist, try finding a DM or MPDM instead
    if not channel:
        if query.startswith('#'):
            w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Unknown channel: {}'.format(query))
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

        # Get the IDs of the users
        all_users = team.get_username_map()
        users = set()
        for username in query.split(','):
            user = all_users.get(username.lstrip('@'))
            if not user:
                w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Unknown user: {}'.format(username))
                return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

        if users:
            if len(users) > 1:
                channel_type = 'mpim'
                # Add the current user since MPDMs include them as a member
                channel_type = 'im'

            channel = team.find_channel_by_members(users, channel_type=channel_type)

            # If the DM or MPDM doesn't exist, create it
            if not channel:
                s = SlackRequest(team, team.slack_api_translator[channel_type]['join'], {'users': ','.join(users)})

    if channel:
        if config.switch_buffer_on_join:
            w.buffer_set(channel.channel_buffer, "display", "1")
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def command_showmuted(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack showmuted
    List the muted channels in the current team.
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    muted_channels = [team.channels[key].name
            for key in team.muted_channels if key in team.channels]
    team.buffer_prnt("Muted channels: {}".format(', '.join(muted_channels)))
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def get_msg_from_id(channel, msg_id):
    if msg_id[0] == '$':
        msg_id = msg_id[1:]
    ts = channel.hashed_messages.get(msg_id)
    return channel.messages.get(ts)

def command_thread(data, current_buffer, args):
    /thread [message_id]
    Open the thread for the message.
    If no message id is specified the last thread in channel will be opened.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]

    if not isinstance(channel, SlackChannelCommon):
        print_error('/thread can not be used in the team buffer, only in a channel')
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR

    if args:
        msg = get_msg_from_id(channel, args)
        if not msg:
            w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Invalid id given, must be an existing id')
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
        for message in reversed(channel.messages.values()):
            if type(message) == SlackMessage and message.number_of_replies():
                msg = message
            w.prnt('', 'ERROR: No threads found in channel')
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

command_thread.completion = '%(threads) %-'

def subscribe_helper(current_buffer, args, usage, api):
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    team = channel.team

    if args:
        msg = get_msg_from_id(channel, args)
    elif isinstance(channel, SlackThreadChannel):
        msg = channel.parent_message
        w.prnt('', usage)
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR

    s = SlackRequest(team, api,
            {"channel": channel.identifier, "thread_ts": msg.ts}, channel=channel)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def command_subscribe(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack subscribe <thread>
    Subscribe to a thread, so that you are alerted to new messages. When in a
    thread buffer, you can omit the thread id.

    This command only works when using a session token, see the readme: https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack#4-add-your-slack-api-tokens
    return subscribe_helper(current_buffer, args, 'Usage: /slack subscribe <thread>', "subscriptions.thread.add")

command_subscribe.completion = '%(threads) %-'

def command_unsubscribe(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack unsubscribe <thread>
    Unsubscribe from a thread that has been previously subscribed to, so that
    you are not alerted to new messages. When in a thread buffer, you can omit
    the thread id.

    This command only works when using a session token, see the readme: https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack#4-add-your-slack-api-tokens
    return subscribe_helper(current_buffer, args, 'Usage: /slack unsubscribe <thread>', "subscriptions.thread.remove")

command_unsubscribe.completion = '%(threads) %-'

def command_reply(data, current_buffer, args):
    /reply [-alsochannel] [<count/message_id>] <message>

    When in a channel buffer:
    /reply [-alsochannel] <count/message_id> <message>
    Reply in a thread on the message. Specify either the message id or a count
    upwards to the message from the last message.

    When in a thread buffer:
    /reply [-alsochannel] <message>
    Reply to the current thread.  This can be used to send the reply to the
    rest of the channel.

    In either case, -alsochannel also sends the reply to the parent channel.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    parts = args.split(None, 1)
    if parts[0] == "-alsochannel":
        args = parts[1]
        broadcast = True
        broadcast = False

    if isinstance(channel, SlackThreadChannel):
        text = args
        msg = channel.parent_message
            msg_id, text = args.split(None, 1)
        except ValueError:
            w.prnt('', 'Usage (when in a channel buffer): /reply [-alsochannel] <count/message_id> <message>')
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT
        msg = get_msg_from_id(channel, msg_id)

    if msg:
        if isinstance(msg, SlackThreadMessage):
            parent_id = str(msg.parent_message.ts)
            parent_id = str(msg.ts)
    elif msg_id.isdigit() and int(msg_id) >= 1:
        mkeys = channel.main_message_keys_reversed()
        parent_id = str(next(islice(mkeys, int(msg_id) - 1, None)))
        w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Invalid id given, must be a number greater than 0 or an existing id')
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    channel.send_message(text, request_dict_ext={'thread_ts': parent_id, 'reply_broadcast': broadcast})
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

command_reply.completion = '%(threads)|-alsochannel %(threads)'

def command_rehistory(data, current_buffer, args):
    /rehistory [-remote]
    Reload the history in the current channel.
    With -remote the history will be downloaded again from Slack.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    if args == "-remote":
        channel.get_history(full=True, no_log=True)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

command_rehistory.completion = '-remote'

def command_hide(data, current_buffer, args):
    Hide the current channel if it is marked as distracting.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    name = channel.formatted_name(style='long_default')
    if name in config.distracting_channels:
        w.buffer_set(channel.channel_buffer, "hidden", "1")
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def slack_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args):
    split_args = args.split(' ', 1)
    cmd_name = split_args[0]
    cmd_args = split_args[1] if len(split_args) > 1 else ''
    cmd = EVENTROUTER.cmds.get(cmd_name or 'help')
    if not cmd:
        w.prnt('', 'Command not found: ' + cmd_name)
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
    return cmd(data, current_buffer, cmd_args)

def command_help(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack help [command]
    Print help for /slack commands.
    if args:
        cmd = EVENTROUTER.cmds.get(args)
        if cmd:
            cmds = {args: cmd}
            w.prnt('', 'Command not found: ' + args)
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
        cmds = EVENTROUTER.cmds
        w.prnt('', '\n{}'.format(colorize_string('bold', 'Slack commands:')))

    script_prefix = '{0}[{1}python{0}/{1}slack{0}]{1}'.format(w.color('green'), w.color('reset'))

    for _, cmd in sorted(cmds.items()):
        name, cmd_args, description = parse_help_docstring(cmd)
        w.prnt('', '\n{}  {} {}\n\n{}'.format(
            script_prefix, colorize_string('white', name), cmd_args, description))
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def command_distracting(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack distracting
    Add or remove the current channel from distracting channels. You can hide
    or unhide these channels with /slack nodistractions.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    fullname = channel.formatted_name(style="long_default")
    if fullname in config.distracting_channels:
    w.config_set_plugin('distracting_channels', ','.join(config.distracting_channels))
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def command_slash(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack slash /customcommand arg1 arg2 arg3
    Run a custom slack command.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    team = channel.team

    split_args = args.split(' ', 1)
    command = split_args[0]
    text = split_args[1] if len(split_args) > 1 else ""
    text_linkified = linkify_text(text, team, only_users=True)

    s = SlackRequest(team, "chat.command",
            {"command": command, "text": text_linkified, 'channel': channel.identifier},
            channel=channel, metadata={'command': command, 'command_args': text})
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def command_mute(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack mute
    Toggle mute on the current channel.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    team = channel.team
    team.muted_channels ^= {channel.identifier}
    muted_str = "Muted" if channel.identifier in team.muted_channels else "Unmuted"
    team.buffer_prnt("{} channel {}".format(muted_str, channel.name))
    s = SlackRequest(team, "users.prefs.set",
            {"name": "muted_channels", "value": ",".join(team.muted_channels)}, channel=channel)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def command_linkarchive(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack linkarchive [message_id]
    Place a link to the channel or message in the input bar.
    Use cursor or mouse mode to get the id.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    url = 'https://{}/'.format(channel.team.domain)

    if isinstance(channel, SlackChannelCommon):
        url += 'archives/{}/'.format(channel.identifier)
        if args:
            if args[0] == '$':
                message_id = args[1:]
                message_id = args
            ts = channel.hashed_messages.get(message_id)
            message = channel.messages.get(ts)
            if message:
                url += 'p{}{:0>6}'.format(message.ts.majorstr(), message.ts.minorstr())
                if isinstance(message, SlackThreadMessage):
                    url += "?thread_ts={}&cid={}".format(message.parent_message.ts, channel.identifier)
                w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Invalid id given, must be an existing id')
                return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    w.command(current_buffer, "/input insert {}".format(url))
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

command_linkarchive.completion = '%(threads) %-'

def command_nodistractions(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack nodistractions
    Hide or unhide all channels marked as distracting.
    global hide_distractions
    hide_distractions = not hide_distractions
    channels = [channel for channel in EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.values()
            if channel in config.distracting_channels]
    for channel in channels:
        w.buffer_set(channel.channel_buffer, "hidden", str(int(hide_distractions)))
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def command_upload(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack upload <filename>
    Uploads a file to the current buffer.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    weechat_dir = w.info_get("weechat_dir", "")
    file_path = os.path.join(weechat_dir, os.path.expanduser(args))

    if channel.type == 'team':
        w.prnt('', "ERROR: Can't upload a file to the team buffer")
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR

    if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
        unescaped_file_path = file_path.replace(r'\ ', ' ')
        if os.path.isfile(unescaped_file_path):
            file_path = unescaped_file_path
            w.prnt('', 'ERROR: Could not find file: {}'.format(file_path))
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR

    post_data = {
        'channels': channel.identifier,
    if isinstance(channel, SlackThreadChannel):
        post_data['thread_ts'] = channel.thread_ts

    url = SlackRequest(channel.team, 'files.upload', post_data, channel=channel).request_string()
    options = [

    proxy_string = ProxyWrapper().curl()
    if proxy_string:

    options_hashtable = {'arg{}'.format(i + 1): arg for i, arg in enumerate(options)}
    w.hook_process_hashtable('curl', options_hashtable, config.slack_timeout, 'upload_callback', '')
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

command_upload.completion = '%(filename) %-'

def upload_callback(data, command, return_code, out, err):
    if return_code != 0:
        w.prnt("", "ERROR: Couldn't upload file. Got return code {}. Error: {}".format(return_code, err))
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

        response = json.loads(out)
    except JSONDecodeError:
        w.prnt("", "ERROR: Couldn't process response from file upload. Got: {}".format(out))
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    if not response["ok"]:
        w.prnt("", "ERROR: Couldn't upload file. Error: {}".format(response["error"]))
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

def away_command_cb(data, current_buffer, args):
    all_servers, message = re.match('^/away( -all)? ?(.*)', args).groups()
    if all_servers:
        team_buffers = [team.channel_buffer for team in EVENTROUTER.teams.values()]
    elif current_buffer in EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers:
        team_buffers = [current_buffer]
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    for team_buffer in team_buffers:
        if message:
            command_away(data, team_buffer, args)
            command_back(data, team_buffer, args)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def command_away(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack away
    Sets your status as 'away'.
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    s = SlackRequest(team, "users.setPresence", {"presence": "away"})
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def command_status(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack status [<emoji> [<status_message>]|-delete]
    Lets you set your Slack Status (not to be confused with away/here).
    Prints current status if no arguments are given, unsets the status if -delete is given.
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team

    split_args = args.split(" ", 1)
    if not split_args[0]:
        profile = team.users[team.myidentifier].profile
        team.buffer_prnt("Status: {} {}".format(
            replace_string_with_emoji(profile.get("status_emoji", "")),
            profile.get("status_text", "")))
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    emoji = "" if split_args[0] == "-delete" else split_args[0]
    text = split_args[1] if len(split_args) > 1 else ""
    new_profile = {"status_text": text, "status_emoji": emoji}

    s = SlackRequest(team, "users.profile.set", {"profile": new_profile})
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

command_status.completion = "-delete|%(emoji) %-"

def line_event_cb(data, signal, hashtable):
    buffer_pointer = hashtable["_buffer"]
    line_timestamp = hashtable["_chat_line_date"]
    line_time_id = hashtable["_chat_line_date_printed"]
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.get(buffer_pointer)

    if line_timestamp and line_time_id and isinstance(channel, SlackChannelCommon):
        ts = SlackTS("{}.{}".format(line_timestamp, line_time_id))

        message_hash = channel.hash_message(ts)
        if message_hash is None:
            return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
        message_hash = "$" + message_hash

        if data == "auto":
            reaction = EMOJI_CHAR_OR_NAME_REGEX.match(hashtable["_chat_eol"])
            if reaction:
                emoji = reaction.group("emoji_char") or reaction.group("emoji_name")
                channel.send_change_reaction("toggle", message_hash[1:], emoji)
                data = "message"
        if data == "message":
            w.command(buffer_pointer, "/cursor stop")
            w.command(buffer_pointer, "/input insert {}".format(message_hash))
        elif data == "delete":
            w.command(buffer_pointer, "/input send {}s///".format(message_hash))
        elif data == "linkarchive":
            w.command(buffer_pointer, "/cursor stop")
            w.command(buffer_pointer, "/slack linkarchive {}".format(message_hash[1:]))
        elif data == "reply":
            w.command(buffer_pointer, "/cursor stop")
            w.command(buffer_pointer, "/input insert /reply {}\\x20".format(message_hash))
        elif data == "thread":
            w.command(buffer_pointer, "/cursor stop")
            w.command(buffer_pointer, "/thread {}".format(message_hash))
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def command_back(data, current_buffer, args):
    /slack back
    Sets your status as 'back'.
    team = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer].team
    s = SlackRequest(team, "users.setPresence", {"presence": "auto"})
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def command_label(data, current_buffer, args):
    /label <name>
    Rename a thread buffer. Note that this is not permanent. It will only last
    as long as you keep the buffer and wee-slack open.
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    if channel.type == 'thread':
        new_name = " +" + args
        channel.label = new_name
        w.buffer_set(channel.channel_buffer, "short_name", new_name)
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def set_unread_cb(data, current_buffer, command):
    for channel in EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers.values():
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def set_unread_current_buffer_cb(data, current_buffer, command):
    channel = EVENTROUTER.weechat_controller.buffers[current_buffer]
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK


class InvalidType(Exception):
    Raised when we do type checking to ensure objects of the wrong
    type are not used improperly.
    def __init__(self, type_str):
        super(InvalidType, self).__init__(type_str)

###### New but probably old and need to migrate

def closed_slack_debug_buffer_cb(data, buffer):
    global slack_debug
    slack_debug = None
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

def create_slack_debug_buffer():
    global slack_debug, debug_string
    if slack_debug is None:
        debug_string = None
        slack_debug = w.buffer_new("slack-debug", "", "", "closed_slack_debug_buffer_cb", "")
        w.buffer_set(slack_debug, "notify", "0")
        w.buffer_set(slack_debug, "highlight_tags_restrict", "highlight_force")

def load_emoji():
        DIR = w.info_get('weechat_dir', '')
        with open('{}/weemoji.json'.format(DIR), 'r') as ef:
            emojis = json.loads(ef.read())
            if 'emoji' in emojis:
                print_error('The weemoji.json file is in an old format. Please update it.')
                emoji_unicode = {key: value['unicode'] for key, value in emojis.items()}

                emoji_skin_tones = {skin_tone['name']: skin_tone['unicode']
                        for emoji in emojis.values()
                        for skin_tone in emoji.get('skinVariations', {}).values()}

                emoji_with_skin_tones = chain(emoji_unicode.items(), emoji_skin_tones.items())
                emoji_with_skin_tones_reverse = {v: k for k, v in emoji_with_skin_tones}
                return emoji_unicode, emoji_with_skin_tones_reverse
        dbg("Couldn't load emoji list: {}".format(format_exc_only()), 5)
    return {}, {}

def parse_help_docstring(cmd):
    doc = textwrap.dedent(cmd.__doc__).strip().split('\n', 1)
    cmd_line = doc[0].split(None, 1)
    args = ''.join(cmd_line[1:])
    return cmd_line[0], args, doc[1].strip()

def setup_hooks():
    w.bar_item_new('slack_typing_notice', '(extra)typing_bar_item_cb', '')
    w.bar_item_new('away', '(extra)away_bar_item_cb', '')
    w.bar_item_new('slack_away', '(extra)away_bar_item_cb', '')

    w.hook_timer(5000, 0, 0, "ws_ping_cb", "")
    w.hook_timer(1000, 0, 0, "typing_update_cb", "")
    w.hook_timer(1000, 0, 0, "buffer_list_update_callback", "")
    w.hook_timer(3000, 0, 0, "reconnect_callback", "EVENTROUTER")
    w.hook_timer(1000 * 60 * 5, 0, 0, "slack_never_away_cb", "")

    w.hook_signal('buffer_closing', "buffer_closing_callback", "")
    w.hook_signal('buffer_switch', "buffer_switch_callback", "EVENTROUTER")
    w.hook_signal('window_switch', "buffer_switch_callback", "EVENTROUTER")
    w.hook_signal('quit', "quit_notification_callback", "")
    if config.send_typing_notice:
        w.hook_signal('input_text_changed', "typing_notification_cb", "")

    command_help.completion = '|'.join(EVENTROUTER.cmds.keys())
    completions = '||'.join(
            '{} {}'.format(name, getattr(cmd, 'completion', ''))
            for name, cmd in EVENTROUTER.cmds.items())

        # Command name and description
        'slack', 'Plugin to allow typing notification and sync of read markers for slack.com',
        # Usage
        '<command> [<command options>]',
        # Description of arguments
        'Commands:\n' +
        '\n'.join(sorted(EVENTROUTER.cmds.keys())) +
        '\nUse /slack help <command> to find out more\n',
        # Completions
        # Function name
        'slack_command_cb', '')

    w.hook_command_run('/me', 'me_command_cb', '')
    w.hook_command_run('/query', 'join_query_command_cb', '')
    w.hook_command_run('/join', 'join_query_command_cb', '')
    w.hook_command_run('/part', 'part_command_cb', '')
    w.hook_command_run('/topic', 'topic_command_cb', '')
    w.hook_command_run('/msg', 'msg_command_cb', '')
    w.hook_command_run('/invite', 'invite_command_cb', '')
    w.hook_command_run("/input complete_next", "complete_next_cb", "")
    w.hook_command_run("/input set_unread", "set_unread_cb", "")
    w.hook_command_run("/input set_unread_current_buffer", "set_unread_current_buffer_cb", "")
    w.hook_command_run('/away', 'away_command_cb', '')
    w.hook_command_run('/whois', 'whois_command_cb', '')

    for cmd_name in ['hide', 'label', 'rehistory', 'reply', 'thread']:
        cmd = EVENTROUTER.cmds[cmd_name]
        _, args, description = parse_help_docstring(cmd)
        completion = getattr(cmd, 'completion', '')
        w.hook_command(cmd_name, description, args, '', completion, 'command_' + cmd_name, '')

    w.hook_completion("irc_channel_topic", "complete topic for slack", "topic_completion_cb", "")
    w.hook_completion("irc_channels", "complete channels for slack", "channel_completion_cb", "")
    w.hook_completion("irc_privates", "complete dms/mpdms for slack", "dm_completion_cb", "")
    w.hook_completion("nicks", "complete @-nicks for slack", "nick_completion_cb", "")
    w.hook_completion("threads", "complete thread ids for slack", "thread_completion_cb", "")
    w.hook_completion("usergroups", "complete @-usergroups for slack", "usergroups_completion_cb", "")
    w.hook_completion("emoji", "complete :emoji: for slack", "emoji_completion_cb", "")

    w.key_bind("mouse", {
        "@chat(python.*):button2": "hsignal:slack_mouse",
    w.key_bind("cursor", {
        "@chat(python.*):D": "hsignal:slack_cursor_delete",
        "@chat(python.*):L": "hsignal:slack_cursor_linkarchive",
        "@chat(python.*):M": "hsignal:slack_cursor_message",
        "@chat(python.*):R": "hsignal:slack_cursor_reply",
        "@chat(python.*):T": "hsignal:slack_cursor_thread",

    w.hook_hsignal("slack_mouse", "line_event_cb", "auto")
    w.hook_hsignal("slack_cursor_delete", "line_event_cb", "delete")
    w.hook_hsignal("slack_cursor_linkarchive", "line_event_cb", "linkarchive")
    w.hook_hsignal("slack_cursor_message", "line_event_cb", "message")
    w.hook_hsignal("slack_cursor_reply", "line_event_cb", "reply")
    w.hook_hsignal("slack_cursor_thread", "line_event_cb", "thread")

    # Hooks to fix/implement
    # w.hook_signal('buffer_opened', "buffer_opened_cb", "")
    # w.hook_signal('window_scrolled', "scrolled_cb", "")
    # w.hook_timer(3000, 0, 0, "slack_connection_persistence_cb", "")

##### END NEW

def dbg(message, level=0, main_buffer=False, fout=False):
    send debug output to the slack-debug buffer and optionally write to a file.
    # TODO: do this smarter
    if level >= config.debug_level:
        global debug_string
        message = "DEBUG: {}".format(message)
        if fout:
            with open('/tmp/debug.log', 'a+') as log_file:
                log_file.writelines(message + '\n')
        if main_buffer:
                w.prnt("", "slack: " + message)
            if slack_debug and (not debug_string or debug_string in message):
                w.prnt(slack_debug, message)

###### Config code
class PluginConfig(object):
    Setting = collections.namedtuple('Setting', ['default', 'desc'])
    # Default settings.
    # These are, initially, each a (default, desc) tuple; the former is the
    # default value of the setting, in the (string) format that weechat
    # expects, and the latter is the user-friendly description of the setting.
    # At __init__ time these values are extracted, the description is used to
    # set or update the setting description for use with /help, and the default
    # value is used to set the default for any settings not already defined.
    # Following this procedure, the keys remain the same, but the values are
    # the real (python) values of the settings.
    default_settings = {
        'auto_open_threads': Setting(
            desc='Automatically open threads when mentioned or in'
            'response to own messages.'),
        'background_load_all_history': Setting(
            desc='Load history for each channel in the background as soon as it'
            ' opens, rather than waiting for the user to look at it.'),
        'channel_name_typing_indicator': Setting(
            desc='Change the prefix of a channel from # to > when someone is'
            ' typing in it. Note that this will (temporarily) affect the sort'
            ' order if you sort buffers by name rather than by number.'),
        'color_buflist_muted_channels': Setting(
            desc='Color to use for muted channels in the buflist'),
        'color_deleted': Setting(
            desc='Color to use for deleted messages and files.'),
        'color_edited_suffix': Setting(
            desc='Color to use for (edited) suffix on messages that have been edited.'),
        'color_reaction_suffix': Setting(
            desc='Color to use for the [:wave:(@user)] suffix on messages that'
            ' have reactions attached to them.'),
        'color_reaction_suffix_added_by_you': Setting(
            desc='Color to use for reactions that you have added.'),
        'color_thread_suffix': Setting(
            desc='Color to use for the [thread: XXX] suffix on messages that'
            ' have threads attached to them. The special value "multiple" can'
            ' be used to use a different color for each thread.'),
        'color_typing_notice': Setting(
            desc='Color to use for the typing notice.'),
        'colorize_private_chats': Setting(
            desc='Whether to use nick-colors in DM windows.'),
        'debug_mode': Setting(
            desc='Open a dedicated buffer for debug messages and start logging'
            ' to it. How verbose the logging is depends on log_level.'),
        'debug_level': Setting(
            desc='Show only this level of debug info (or higher) when'
            ' debug_mode is on. Lower levels -> more messages.'),
        'distracting_channels': Setting(
            desc='List of channels to hide.'),
        'external_user_suffix': Setting(
            desc='The suffix appended to nicks to indicate external users.'),
        'files_download_location': Setting(
            desc='If set, file attachments will be automatically downloaded'
            ' to this location. "%h" will be replaced by WeeChat home,'
            ' "~/.weechat" by default. Requires WeeChat 2.2 or newer.'),
        'group_name_prefix': Setting(
            desc='The prefix of buffer names for groups (private channels).'),
        'map_underline_to': Setting(
            desc='When sending underlined text to slack, use this formatting'
            ' character for it. The default ("_") sends it as italics. Use'
            ' "*" to send bold instead.'),
        'muted_channels_activity': Setting(
            desc="Control which activity you see from muted channels, either"
            " none, personal_highlights, all_highlights or all. none: Don't"
            " show any activity. personal_highlights: Only show personal"
            " highlights, i.e. not @channel and @here. all_highlights: Show"
            " all highlights, but not other messages. all: Show all activity,"
            " like other channels."),
        'notify_subscribed_threads': Setting(
            desc="Control if you want to see a notification in the team buffer when a"
            " thread you're subscribed to receives a new message, either auto, true or"
            " false. auto means that you only get a notification if auto_open_threads"
            " and thread_messages_in_channel both are false. Defaults to auto."),
        'notify_usergroup_handle_updated': Setting(
            desc="Control if you want to see a notification in the team buffer when a"
            "usergroup's handle has changed, either true or false."),
        'never_away': Setting(
            desc='Poke Slack every five minutes so that it never marks you "away".'),
        'record_events': Setting(
            desc='Log all traffic from Slack to disk as JSON.'),
        'render_bold_as': Setting(
            desc='When receiving bold text from Slack, render it as this in weechat.'),
        'render_emoji_as_string': Setting(
            desc="Render emojis as :emoji_name: instead of emoji characters. Enable this"
            " if your terminal doesn't support emojis, or set to 'both' if you want to"
            " see both renderings. Note that even though this is"
            " disabled by default, you need to place {}/blob/master/weemoji.json in your"
            " weechat directory to enable rendering emojis as emoji characters."
        'render_italic_as': Setting(
            desc='When receiving bold text from Slack, render it as this in weechat.'
            ' If your terminal lacks italic support, consider using "underline" instead.'),
        'send_typing_notice': Setting(
            desc='Alert Slack users when you are typing a message in the input bar '
            '(Requires reload)'),
        'server_aliases': Setting(
            desc='A comma separated list of `subdomain:alias` pairs. The alias'
            ' will be used instead of the actual name of the slack (in buffer'
            ' names, logging, etc). E.g `work:no_fun_allowed` would make your'
            ' work slack show up as `no_fun_allowed` rather than `work.slack.com`.'),
        'shared_name_prefix': Setting(
            desc='The prefix of buffer names for shared channels.'),
        'short_buffer_names': Setting(
            desc='Use `foo.#channel` rather than `foo.slack.com.#channel` as the'
            ' internal name for Slack buffers.'),
        'show_buflist_presence': Setting(
            desc='Display a `+` character in the buffer list for present users.'),
        'show_reaction_nicks': Setting(
            desc='Display the name of the reacting user(s) alongside each reactji.'),
        'slack_api_token': Setting(
            default='INSERT VALID KEY HERE!',
            desc='List of Slack API tokens, one per Slack instance you want to'
            ' connect to. See the README for details on how to get these.'),
        'slack_timeout': Setting(
            desc='How long (ms) to wait when communicating with Slack.'),
        'switch_buffer_on_join': Setting(
            desc='When /joining a channel, automatically switch to it as well.'),
        'thread_messages_in_channel': Setting(
            desc='When enabled shows thread messages in the parent channel.'),
        'unfurl_ignore_alt_text': Setting(
            desc='When displaying ("unfurling") links to channels/users/etc,'
            ' ignore the "alt text" present in the message and instead use the'
            ' canonical name of the thing being linked to.'),
        'unfurl_auto_link_display': Setting(
            desc='When displaying ("unfurling") links to channels/users/etc,'
            ' determine what is displayed when the text matches the url'
            ' without the protocol. This happens when Slack automatically'
            ' creates links, e.g. from words separated by dots or email'
            ' addresses. Set it to "text" to only display the text written by'
            ' the user, "url" to only display the url or "both" (the default)'
            ' to display both.'),
        'unhide_buffers_with_activity': Setting(
            desc='When activity occurs on a buffer, unhide it even if it was'
            ' previously hidden (whether by the user or by the'
            ' distracting_channels setting).'),
        'use_full_names': Setting(
            desc='Use full names as the nicks for all users. When this is'
            ' false (the default), display names will be used if set, with a'
            ' fallback to the full name if display name is not set.'),

    # Set missing settings to their defaults. Load non-missing settings from
    # weechat configs.
    def __init__(self):
        self.settings = {}
        # Set all descriptions, replace the values in the dict with the
        # default setting value rather than the (setting,desc) tuple.
        for key, (default, desc) in self.default_settings.items():
            w.config_set_desc_plugin(key, desc)
            self.settings[key] = default

        # Migrate settings from old versions of Weeslack...
        # ...and then set anything left over from the defaults.
        for key, default in self.settings.items():
            if not w.config_get_plugin(key):
                w.config_set_plugin(key, default)
        self.config_changed(None, None, None)

    def __str__(self):
        return "".join([x + "\t" + str(self.settings[x]) + "\n" for x in self.settings.keys()])

    def config_changed(self, data, full_key, value):
        if full_key is None:
            for key in self.settings:
                self.settings[key] = self.fetch_setting(key)
            key = full_key.replace(CONFIG_PREFIX + ".", "")
            self.settings[key] = self.fetch_setting(key)

        if (full_key is None or full_key == CONFIG_PREFIX + ".debug_mode") and self.debug_mode:
        return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

    def fetch_setting(self, key):
            return getattr(self, 'get_' + key)(key)
        except AttributeError:
            # Most settings are on/off, so make get_boolean the default
            return self.get_boolean(key)
            # There was setting-specific getter, but it failed.
            return self.settings[key]

    def __getattr__(self, key):
            return self.settings[key]
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(key)

    def get_boolean(self, key):
        return w.config_string_to_boolean(w.config_get_plugin(key))

    def get_string(self, key):
        return w.config_get_plugin(key)

    def get_int(self, key):
        return int(w.config_get_plugin(key))

    def is_default(self, key):
        default = self.default_settings.get(key).default
        return w.config_get_plugin(key) == default

    get_color_buflist_muted_channels = get_string
    get_color_deleted = get_string
    get_color_edited_suffix = get_string
    get_color_reaction_suffix = get_string
    get_color_reaction_suffix_added_by_you = get_string
    get_color_thread_suffix = get_string
    get_color_typing_notice = get_string
    get_debug_level = get_int
    get_external_user_suffix = get_string
    get_files_download_location = get_string
    get_group_name_prefix = get_string
    get_map_underline_to = get_string
    get_muted_channels_activity = get_string
    get_render_bold_as = get_string
    get_render_italic_as = get_string
    get_shared_name_prefix = get_string
    get_slack_timeout = get_int
    get_unfurl_auto_link_display = get_string

    def get_distracting_channels(self, key):
        return [x.strip() for x in w.config_get_plugin(key).split(',') if x]

    def get_server_aliases(self, key):
        alias_list = w.config_get_plugin(key)
        return dict(item.split(":") for item in alias_list.split(",") if ':' in item)

    def get_slack_api_token(self, key):
        token = w.config_get_plugin("slack_api_token")
        if token.startswith('${sec.data'):
            return w.string_eval_expression(token, {}, {}, {})
            return token

    def get_string_or_boolean(self, key, *valid_strings):
        value = w.config_get_plugin(key)
        if value in valid_strings:
            return value
        return w.config_string_to_boolean(value)

    def get_notify_subscribed_threads(self, key):
        return self.get_string_or_boolean(key, 'auto')

    def get_render_emoji_as_string(self, key):
        return self.get_string_or_boolean(key, 'both')

    def migrate(self):
        This is to migrate the extension name from slack_extension to slack
        if not w.config_get_plugin("migrated"):
            for k in self.settings.keys():
                if not w.config_is_set_plugin(k):
                    p = w.config_get("{}_extension.{}".format(CONFIG_PREFIX, k))
                    data = w.config_string(p)
                    if data != "":
                        w.config_set_plugin(k, data)
            w.config_set_plugin("migrated", "true")

        old_thread_color_config = w.config_get_plugin("thread_suffix_color")
        new_thread_color_config = w.config_get_plugin("color_thread_suffix")
        if old_thread_color_config and not new_thread_color_config:
            w.config_set_plugin("color_thread_suffix", old_thread_color_config)

def config_server_buffer_cb(data, key, value):
    for team in EVENTROUTER.teams.values():
    return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK

# to Trace execution, add `setup_trace()` to startup
# and  to a function and sys.settrace(trace_calls)  to a function
def setup_trace():
    global f
    now = time.time()
    f = open('{}/{}-trace.json'.format(RECORD_DIR, now), 'w')

def trace_calls(frame, event, arg):
    global f
    if event != 'call':
    co = frame.f_code
    func_name = co.co_name
    if func_name == 'write':
        # Ignore write() calls from print statements
    func_line_no = frame.f_lineno
    func_filename = co.co_filename
    caller = frame.f_back
    caller_line_no = caller.f_lineno
    caller_filename = caller.f_code.co_filename
    print('Call to %s on line %s of %s from line %s of %s' % \
        (func_name, func_line_no, func_filename,
         caller_line_no, caller_filename), file=f)

def initiate_connection(token, retries=3, team=None, reconnect=False):
    return SlackRequest(team,
                        'rtm.{}'.format('connect' if team else 'start'),
                        {"batch_presence_aware": 1},
                        metadata={'reconnect': reconnect})

if __name__ == "__main__":

    w = WeechatWrapper(weechat)

                  SCRIPT_DESC, "script_unloaded", ""):

        weechat_version = w.info_get("version_number", "") or 0
        weechat_upgrading = w.info_get("weechat_upgrading", "")

        if int(weechat_version) < 0x1030000:
            w.prnt("", "\nERROR: Weechat version 1.3+ is required to use {}.\n\n".format(SCRIPT_NAME))
        elif weechat_upgrading == "1":
            w.prnt("", "NOTE: wee-slack will not work after running /upgrade until it's"
                " reloaded. Please run `/python reload slack` to continue using it. You"
                " will not receive any new messages in wee-slack buffers until doing this.")

            global EVENTROUTER
            EVENTROUTER = EventRouter()

            receive_httprequest_callback = EVENTROUTER.receive_httprequest_callback
            receive_ws_callback = EVENTROUTER.receive_ws_callback

            # Global var section
            slack_debug = None
            config = PluginConfig()
            config_changed_cb = config.config_changed

            typing_timer = time.time()

            hide_distractions = False

            w.hook_config(CONFIG_PREFIX + ".*", "config_changed_cb", "")
            w.hook_config("irc.look.server_buffer", "config_server_buffer_cb", "")
            w.hook_modifier("input_text_for_buffer", "input_text_for_buffer_cb", "")

            EMOJI, EMOJI_WITH_SKIN_TONES_REVERSE = load_emoji()

            if config.record_events:

            hdata = Hdata(w)

            auto_connect = weechat.info_get("auto_connect", "") != "0"

            if auto_connect:
                tokens = [token.strip() for token in config.slack_api_token.split(',')]
                w.prnt('', 'Connecting to {} slack team{}.'
                        .format(len(tokens), '' if len(tokens) == 1 else 's'))
                for t in tokens:
                    s = initiate_connection(t)