diff options
authorMatěj Cepl <mcepl@cepl.eu>2024-08-01 22:55:35 +0200
committerMatěj Cepl <mcepl@cepl.eu>2024-08-15 03:48:38 +0200
commitb14f846182978e0f8e7f579b0ce986fa3b974ea3 (patch)
parent003b1fae5dbd7b460eb095c55fbeb61c80b8f885 (diff)
chore: translated automatically to Golang
3 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/explanation.md b/explanation.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc5f0da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/explanation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+### Overall Explanation of the Code
+The provided Go code is a command-line utility designed to check the
+size of files passed as arguments and determine whether they should be
+compressed based on their size and file extension. The program utilizes
+the `gzip` command to compress files larger than 1 MB that do not have
+certain compressed file extensions. It also contains a configuration map
+(`URL_VARIANTS`) that allows the user to define different base URLs for
+various sections, although this part of the code is not actively used in
+the main logic.
+### Code Structure Overview
+- **Imports**: The code imports necessary packages for logging,
+ executing commands, handling file paths, and manipulating strings.
+- **Constants and Variables**:
+ - `COMPRESSED_EXTENSIONS`: A slice of strings representing file
+ extensions that are already considered compressed.
+ - `URL_VARIANTS`: A map that holds different configurations for
+ various sections, including base URLs and target URLs.
+- **Main Function**:
+ - Retrieves the command name and checks if it corresponds to any entry
+ - Validates that at least one file argument is provided.
+ - Iterates over each file argument, checks its size and extension, and
+ decides whether to compress it.
+- **Helper Function**:
+ - `contains`: Checks if a given item exists within a slice of strings.
+### Possible Bugs
+1. **Missing URL Variants Handling**: The code retrieves the
+ configuration for the command name but does not handle cases where the
+ command name does not exist in `URL_VARIANTS`, which could lead to
+ a `nil` dereference.
+2. **Error Handling**: The program exits with `os.Exit(1)` if no
+ arguments are provided, but it does not log a message indicating why it
+ exited, which could confuse users.
+3. **Compression Command**: The code assumes that the `gzip` command is
+ available in the system's PATH. If it is not, the program will fail
+ without a clear error message.
+### Possible Improvements
+1. **Error Messages**: Add more descriptive error messages when exiting
+ due to missing command variants or file arguments.
+2. **Configuration Validation**: Implement checks to ensure that the
+ `URL_VARIANTS` map contains the necessary keys before accessing them.
+3. **File Compression Feedback**: Provide feedback on successful
+ compression, such as logging the new file name created.
+4. **Command-Line Flags**: Consider using a command-line flag library to
+ improve argument parsing and provide help messages.
+### External Dependencies
+- The code relies on the `gzip` command-line utility for file
+ compression. It also uses standard Go libraries (`log`, `os`,
+ `os/exec`, `path/filepath`, `strconv`, and `strings`) which are part
+ of the Go standard library and do not require external installation.
+### Potential Security Concerns
+1. **Command Injection**: The use of `exec.Command` with user-provided
+ input could lead to command injection vulnerabilities if not properly
+ sanitized. Although the current implementation does not directly take
+ user input for command execution, it is a consideration for future
+ modifications.
+2. **File Permissions**: The program does not check for file permissions
+ before attempting to read or compress files, which could lead to
+ permission errors if the user does not have the necessary rights.
+3. **Resource Exhaustion**: If a large number of files are processed,
+ the program could exhaust system resources (e.g., memory or file
+ descriptors) if not properly managed, especially if the compression
+ command spawns many subprocesses.
+In summary, while the code serves its purpose of checking file sizes and
+compressing them as needed, it could benefit from improved error
+handling, validation, and security measures to enhance its robustness
+and usability.
+### Error Handling Analysis
+1. **Use of `log.Fatal`**: The code employs `log.Fatal(err)` to handle
+ errors, which logs the error message and exits the program. While this
+ is effective for critical failures, it does not allow for graceful
+ recovery or error reporting to the user.
+2. **Limited Error Context**: The error messages provided do not give
+ detailed context about where the error occurred, which can complicate
+ debugging.
+3. **Exit on Missing Arguments**: The program exits with `os.Exit(1)` if
+ no arguments are provided, which is a straightforward approach but could
+ be improved by providing a user-friendly message indicating the expected
+ usage.
+### Concurrency and Threading
+1. **Single-threaded Execution**: The code processes files sequentially
+ without any concurrency or parallelism. For large numbers of files, this
+ could lead to performance bottlenecks.
+2. **Potential for Blocking**: The use of `exec.Command` to run external
+ commands (like `gzip`) can block the main thread until the command
+ completes, further impacting performance.
+### Refactoring Suggestions
+1. **Error Handling Improvement**: Instead of using `log.Fatal`,
+ consider returning errors to the caller or logging them with more
+ context. This would allow for better error management and user feedback.
+2. **Command Execution Handling**: Wrap the command execution in
+ a function that can handle retries or provide more detailed error
+ messages.
+3. **Concurrency Implementation**: Introduce goroutines to process files
+ concurrently, which would significantly improve performance when dealing
+ with multiple files.
+4. **Configuration Management**: Consider externalizing the
+ `URL_VARIANTS` configuration to a separate file or environment variables
+ for easier management and updates.
+### Comparisons with Best Practices
+1. **Logging Practices**: While logging is used, it could be enhanced by
+ including timestamps and log levels (info, warning, error) for better
+ traceability.
+2. **Function Modularity**: The `main` function is doing multiple tasks
+ (argument parsing, file processing, logging), which could be broken down
+ into smaller, more focused functions to improve readability and
+ maintainability.
+3. **Use of Constants**: The use of constants for file extensions is
+ good practice, but consider using a more descriptive name for
+ `COMPRESSED_EXTENSIONS` to clarify its purpose.
+### Collaboration and Readability
+1. **Code Comments**: The code includes some comments, but they could be
+ expanded to explain the purpose of functions and complex logic, making
+ it easier for collaborators to understand.
+2. **Descriptive Variable Names**: Variable names like `cmdname` and
+ `processedFile` are reasonably descriptive, but further clarity could be
+ added by using more context-specific names.
+3. **Error Messages**: Providing more informative error messages would
+ enhance collaboration, as other developers would have a clearer
+ understanding of issues that arise.
+4. **Documentation**: Including a README or documentation that explains
+ how to use the program, its dependencies, and its configuration would
+ greatly benefit other developers and users.
+Overall, while the code is functional, there are several areas for
+improvement in error handling, concurrency, and readability that could
+enhance its robustness and maintainability.
diff --git a/tmp.go b/tmp.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..612fc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmp.go
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "net/url"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+var COMPRESSED_EXTENSIONS = []string{".jpg", ".webm", ".ogg", ".gz", ".bz2", ".zip",
+ ".xz", ".odp", ".odt", ".ods", ".mp4", ".mp3",
+ ".png", ".pdf", ".apk", ".rpm", ".epub", ".mkv",
+ ".avi", ".jar", ".opus", ".ogv", ".flac", ".msi",
+ ".m4a"}
+var URL_VARIANTS = map[string]map[string]string{
+ "wotan": {
+ "base_url": "wotan:Export/",
+ "target_url": "https://w3.suse.de/~mcepl/",
+ },
+ "tmp": {
+ "base_url": "fedorapeople.org:public_html/tmp/",
+ "target_url": "https://mcepl.fedorapeople.org/tmp/",
+ // "shorten_api": "http://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url="
+ "shorten_api": "https://da.gd/s?url=",
+ },
+func contains(slice []string, item string) bool {
+ for _, a := range slice {
+ if a == item {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+func main() {
+ if len(os.Args) < 2 {
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ cmdname := strings.ToLower(filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))
+ config := URL_VARIANTS[cmdname]
+ if _, err := os.Stat(os.Args[1]); os.IsNotExist(err) {
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ for _, processedFile := range os.Args[1:] {
+ st, err := os.Stat(processedFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ fileExt := filepath.Ext(processedFile)
+ log.Printf("size of %s is %d.", processedFile, st.Size())
+ log.Printf("extension is %s", fileExt)
+ var fname string
+ var COMPRESSED bool
+ if st.Size() > 1000000 && !contains(COMPRESSED_EXTENSIONS, strings.ToLower(fileExt)) {
+ log.Printf("file %s should be compressed (%d b)", processedFile, st.Size())
+ err := exec.Command("gzip", "--keep", "--best", processedFile).Run()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal("Compressing the file failed!")
+ }
+ fname = processedFile + ".gz"
+ } else {
+ log.Printf("file %s should not be compressed (%d b)", processedFile, st.Size())
+ fname = processedFile
+ COMPRESSED = false
+ }
+ err = os.Chmod(fname, 0o644)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ modifiedFname := strings.Replace(fname, ":", "_", 1)
+ err = os.Rename(fname, modifiedFname)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ log.Printf("Unshorten fname = %s", modifiedFname)
+ _, err = exec.Command("scp", modifiedFname, config["base_url"]).Output()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ targetURL := config["target_url"] + filepath.Base(modifiedFname)
+ safeTargetURL := url.QueryEscape(targetURL)
+ safeTargetURL = strings.Replace(safeTargetURL, "%3A", ":", 1)
+ fmt.Println(safeTargetURL)
+ if shortenAPI, ok := config["shorten_api"]; ok {
+ shortenedURLBytes, err := exec.Command("curl", "-s", shortenAPI+safeTargetURL).Output()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ shortenedURL := strings.TrimSpace(string(shortenedURLBytes))
+ fmt.Println(shortenedURL)
+ }
+ os.Remove(modifiedFname)
+ } else {
+ os.Rename(modifiedFname, fname)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tmp.py b/tmp.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..67e0145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tmp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
+# Matěj Cepl, <mcepl@cepl.eu> wrote this file. As long as you retain
+# this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet
+# some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer
+# in return. Matěj Cepl
+# Instructions for setting up appropriate folders on
+# file.rdu.redhat.com see https://mojo.redhat.com/docs/DOC-14590
+# See also variable URL_VARIANTS below for necessary configuration.
+import logging
+import os
+import os.path
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import urllib.parse
+ level=logging.INFO)
+COMPRESSED_EXTENSIONS = ['.jpg', '.webm', '.ogg', '.gz', '.bz2', '.zip',
+ '.xz', '.odp', '.odt', '.ods', '.mp4', '.mp3',
+ '.png', '.pdf', '.apk', '.rpm', '.epub', '.mkv',
+ '.avi', '.jar', '.opus', '.ogv', '.flac', '.msi',
+ '.m4a']
+# attributes to correspond to your situation.
+# If new section is added (as here I have also 'tmp' for fedorapeople.org)
+# and the script has a symlink named as the section (so I have tmp as
+# a symlink to this script) it saves the file to the location defined in
+# such section when called under the other name.
+# So, `tmp filename` saves file filename to fedorapeople for me.
+ 'barstool': {
+ 'base_url': 'mcepl@shell.eng.rdu.redhat.com:public_html/',
+ 'target_url': 'http://file.rdu.redhat.com/~mcepl/',
+ 'shorten_api': 'https://url.corp.redhat.com/new?'
+ },
+ 'wotan': {
+ 'base_url': 'wotan:Export/',
+ 'target_url': 'https://w3.suse.de/~mcepl/'
+ },
+ 'tmp': {
+ 'base_url': 'fedorapeople.org:public_html/tmp/',
+ 'target_url': 'https://mcepl.fedorapeople.org/tmp/',
+ # 'shorten_api': 'http://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url='
+ 'shorten_api': 'https://da.gd/s?url='
+ }
+cmdname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).lower()
+config = URL_VARIANTS[cmdname]
+if not os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):
+ sys.exit(1)
+for processed_file in sys.argv[1:]:
+ st = os.stat(processed_file).st_size
+ file_ext = os.path.splitext(processed_file)[1]
+ logging.debug('size of {} is {:,}.'.format(processed_file, st))
+ logging.debug('extension is {}'.format(file_ext))
+ if st > 1000000 and file_ext.lower() not in COMPRESSED_EXTENSIONS:
+ logging.debug(
+ "file {} should be compressed ({:,} b)".format(
+ processed_file, st))
+ try:
+ ret = subprocess.check_call(
+ ['gzip', '--keep', '--best', processed_file])
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ logging.error('Compressing the file failed!')
+ raise
+ fname = processed_file + '.gz'
+ else:
+ logging.debug(
+ 'file {} should not be compressed ({:,} b)'.format(
+ processed_file, st))
+ fname = processed_file
+ os.chmod(fname, 0o0644)
+ # To make scp happy
+ modified_fname = fname.replace(':', '_')
+ os.rename(fname, modified_fname)
+ logging.debug('Unshorten fname = {}'.format(modified_fname))
+ subprocess.check_call(['scp', '{}'.format(modified_fname),
+ config['base_url']])
+ target_URL = config['target_url'] + os.path.basename(modified_fname)
+ # Make target_URL into a safe URL
+ safe_target_URL = urllib.parse.quote(target_URL).replace('%3A', ':', 1)
+ print(safe_target_URL)
+ # curl -s 'http://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url=www.example.com'
+ # http://is.gd/MOgh5q
+ if 'shorten_api' in config:
+ shortened_URL = subprocess.check_output(
+ ['curl', '-s', config['shorten_api'] +
+ safe_target_URL]).decode().strip()
+ print(shortened_URL)
+ # The script should have no side-effects
+ os.unlink(modified_fname)
+ else:
+ os.rename(modified_fname, fname)