path: root/pygm2n
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1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pygm2n b/pygm2n
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..428ca5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygm2n
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""News to mail gateway script. Copyright 2000 Cosimo Alfarano
+Author: Cosimo Alfarano
+Date: June 11 2000
+pygs - Copyright 2000 by Cosimo Alfarano <Alfarano@Students.CS.UniBo.It>
+You can use this software under the terms of the GPL. If we meet some day,
+and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
+Thanks to md for this useful formula. Beer is beer.
+Gets news article and sends it via SMTP.
+import sys, os
+import getopt
+from string import split
+import pyginfo
+import mail2news
+def parse_cmdline(gw):
+ """Parses cmdline with getopt. and returns a dictionary with
+ smtp new header
+ """
+ opt, arg = None, None
+ test, verbose = 0, 0
+# retnull = (None, None)
+ retnull = None
+ retval = { 'test': 0,
+ 'verbose': 0 }
+ try:
+ opt, arg = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"a:s:n:u:p:P:hvVTM")
+ except (getopt.error), message:
+ print '%s: %s\n' % (sys.argv[0], message)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1 or opt == []:
+ gw.smtpheads = None
+ return retnull
+ for i in range(len(opt)):
+ if opt[i][0] == '-h':
+ gw.nntpheads = None
+ return retnull
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-v':
+ gw.nntpheads = None
+ return retnull
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-n':
+ gw.nntpheads['Newsgroups:'] = opt[i][1] + '\n'
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-a':
+ gw.nntpheads['Approved:'] = opt[i][1] + '\n'
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-s':
+ gw.newsserver = opt[i][1]
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-P':
+ gw.port = int(opt[i][1])
+# elif opt[i][0] == '-d':
+# gw.debug = 1
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-u':
+ gw.user = opt[i][1]
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-p':
+ gw.password = opt[i][1]
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-T':
+ retval['test'] = 1
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-V':
+ retval['verbose'] = 1
+ elif opt[i][0] == '-M':
+ gw.reader = 1
+ if not gw.nntpheads.has_key('Newsgroups:'):
+ print 'Error: Missing Newsgroups\n'
+ return retnull
+# By rfc822 [Resent-]Sender: should be ever set, unless == From:
+# (not this case). Should be a human, while [Resent-]From: may be a program.
+# if gw.rcpt == '' or gw.sender == '':
+# print 'missing command line option'
+# gw.smtpheads = None
+# return retnull
+# if gw.envelope == '' and gw.sender != '':
+# gw.smtpheads['Resent-From:'] = gw.sender + '\n'
+# gw.envelope = gw.sender
+# elif gw.envelope == -1:
+# gw.smtpheads = None
+# return retnull
+ sys.argv[1:] = arg
+# return (test, verbose)
+ return retval
+def usage():
+ i = pyginfo.pygsinfo()
+ print '%s version %s - Copyright 2000 Cosimo Alfarano' % (i.PROGNAME, i.VERSION)
+ print i.PROGDESC + ' - Mail to News'
+ print
+ print 'usage: %s -n newsgroup [-h] [-a approver] [-n newsgroup] [-T] [-V]' % split(sys.argv[0],'/')[-1]
+ print '-n newsgroup[s] (specified as comma separated without spaces list)'
+ print '-u user | -p passwword (for auth to newsserver)'
+ print '-a address of moderator/approver'
+ print '-s servername'
+# print '-d for debug'
+ print '-h or -v for this info'
+ print '-T for test mode (not send article via NNTP)'
+ print '-V for verbose output (usefull with -T option for debugging)'
+"""main is structured in 4 phases:
+ 1) check and set pyg's internal variables
+ 2) check whitelist for users' permission
+ 3) format rfc 822 headers from input article
+ 4) open smtp connection and send e-mail
+ """phase 1:
+ check and set pyg's internal variables
+ """
+ m2n = mail2news.mail2news()
+ owner = None
+ opt = parse_cmdline(m2n)
+ if(opt == None):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # check if m2n has some file prefercences set on commandline
+# if(m2n.wlfile == None):
+# wl = os.environ['HOME'] + '/pyg.whitelist'
+# else:
+# wl = m2n.wlfile
+# if(m2n.logfile == None):
+# log = os.environ['HOME'] + '/pyg.log'
+# else:
+# log = m2n.logfile
+# wl = whitelist.whitelist(wl,log)
+ # reads stdin and parses article separating head from body
+ m2n.readfile()
+ m2n.parseemail()
+# for line in m2n.email:
+# print line[:-1]
+# for line in m2n.smtpheads.keys():
+# print line
+# print m2n.smtpheads[line][:-1]
+ """phase 2:
+ check whitelist for user's permission
+ """
+ # make a first check of From: address
+# owner = wl.checkfrom(m2n.nntpheads['From:'])
+# if(owner == None):
+# if(sys.stdin.isatty()==1 or test or verbose):
+# print ('"%s" is not in whitelist!' % (m2n.nntpheads['From:'][:-1]))
+# else:
+# wl.logmsg(m2n.nntpheads,wl.DENY)
+# sys.exit(1)
+ """phase 3:
+ format rfc 822 headers from input article
+ """
+ m2n.mergeheads() # make unique dict from NNTP and SMTP dicts
+ m2n.addheads() # add some important heads
+ m2n.renameheads() # rename useless heads
+ m2n.removeheads() # remove other heads
+ m2n.sortheads() # sort remaining heads :)
+ if(opt['verbose']):
+ for line in m2n.headers:
+ print line[:-1]
+ """phase 4:
+ open smtp connection and send e-mail
+ """
+ if(len(m2n.headers) > 0 and len(m2n.body) > 0):
+# wl.logmsg(m2n.heads_dict,wl.ACCEPT,owner)
+ if(not opt['test']):
+ resp = m2n.sendemail()
+ if resp:
+ print resp
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print 'Keyboard Interrupt'
+ sys.exit(0)