path: root/test/ReadMetadataTestCase.py
blob: 3bf8e09e70f36fd463d8070c55ecc4a67589d1ee (plain) (tree)
































# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# ******************************************************************************
# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Olivier Tilloy <olivier@tilloy.net>
# This file is part of the pyexiv2 distribution.
# pyexiv2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# pyexiv2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with pyexiv2; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Authors: Olivier Tilloy <olivier@tilloy.net>
#          Mark Lee <pyexiv2@lazymalevolence.com>
# ******************************************************************************

import pyexiv2
from pyexiv2.utils import is_fraction, make_fraction

import unittest
import os.path
import datetime

import testutils

FRACTION = 'fraction'

class ReadMetadataTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    Test case on reading the metadata contained in a file.

    def check_type_and_value(self, tag, etype, evalue):
        if etype == FRACTION:
            self.assert_(isinstance(tag.value, etype))
        self.assertEqual(tag.value, evalue)

    def check_type_and_values(self, tag, etype, evalues):
        for value in tag.value:
            self.assert_(isinstance(value, etype))
        self.assertEqual(tag.value, evalues)

    def assertCorrectFile(self, filename, md5sum):
        Ensure that the filename and the MD5 checksum match up.
        self.assert_(testutils.CheckFileSum(filename, md5sum))

    def testReadMetadata(self):
        Perform various tests on reading the metadata contained in a file.
        # Check that the reference file is not corrupted
        filename = os.path.join('data', 'smiley1.jpg')
        filepath = testutils.get_absolute_file_path(filename)
        md5sum = 'c066958457c685853293058f9bf129c1'
        self.assertCorrectFile(filepath, md5sum)

        # Read the image metadata
        image = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(filepath)

        # Exhaustive tests on the values of EXIF metadata
        exifTags = [('Exif.Image.ImageDescription', str, 'Well it is a smiley that happens to be green'),
                    ('Exif.Image.XResolution', FRACTION, make_fraction(72, 1)),
                    ('Exif.Image.YResolution', FRACTION, make_fraction(72, 1)),
                    ('Exif.Image.ResolutionUnit', int, 2),
                    ('Exif.Image.Software', str, 'ImageReady'),
                    ('Exif.Image.DateTime', datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime(2004, 7, 13, 21, 23, 44)),
                    ('Exif.Image.Artist', str, 'No one'),
                    ('Exif.Image.Copyright', str, ''),
                    ('Exif.Image.ExifTag', long, 226L),
                    ('Exif.Photo.Flash', int, 80),
                    ('Exif.Photo.PixelXDimension', long, 167L),
                    ('Exif.Photo.PixelYDimension', long, 140L)]
        self.assertEqual(image.exif_keys, [tag[0] for tag in exifTags])
        for key, ktype, value in exifTags:
            self.check_type_and_value(image[key], ktype, value)

        # Exhaustive tests on the values of IPTC metadata
        iptcTags = [('Iptc.Application2.Caption', str, ['yelimS green faced dude (iptc caption)']),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.Writer', str, ['Nobody']),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.Byline', str, ['Its me']),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.ObjectName', str, ['GreeenDude']),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.DateCreated', datetime.date, [datetime.date(2004, 7, 13)]),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.City', str, ['Seattle']),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.ProvinceState', str, ['WA']),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.CountryName', str, ['USA']),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.Category', str, ['Things']),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.Keywords', str, ['Green', 'Smiley', 'Dude']),
                    ('Iptc.Application2.Copyright', str, ['\xa9 2004 Nobody'])]
        self.assertEqual(image.iptc_keys, [tag[0] for tag in iptcTags])
        for key, ktype, values in iptcTags:
            self.check_type_and_values(image[key], ktype, values)

    def testReadMetadataXMP(self):
        filename = os.path.join('data', 'exiv2-bug540.jpg')
        filepath = testutils.get_absolute_file_path(filename)
        md5sum = '64d4b7eab1e78f1f6bfb3c966e99eef2'
        self.assertCorrectFile(filepath, md5sum)

        # Read the image metadata
        image = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(filepath)

        xmpTags = [('Xmp.dc.creator', list, [u'Ian Britton']),
                   ('Xmp.dc.description', dict, {u'x-default': u'Communications'}),
                   ('Xmp.dc.rights', dict, {u'x-default': u'ian Britton - FreeFoto.com'}),
                   ('Xmp.dc.source', unicode, u'FreeFoto.com'),
                   ('Xmp.dc.subject', list, [u'Communications']),
                   ('Xmp.dc.title', dict, {u'x-default': u'Communications'}),
                   ('Xmp.exif.ApertureValue', FRACTION, make_fraction(8, 1)),
                   ('Xmp.exif.BrightnessValue', FRACTION, make_fraction(333, 1280)),
                   ('Xmp.exif.ColorSpace', int, 1),
                    datetime.datetime(2002, 7, 13, 15, 58, 28, tzinfo=pyexiv2.utils.FixedOffset())),
                   ('Xmp.exif.ExifVersion', unicode, u'0200'),
                   ('Xmp.exif.ExposureBiasValue', FRACTION, make_fraction(-13, 20)),
                   ('Xmp.exif.ExposureProgram', int, 4),
                   ('Xmp.exif.FNumber', FRACTION, make_fraction(3, 5)),
                   ('Xmp.exif.FileSource', int, 0),
                   ('Xmp.exif.FlashpixVersion', unicode, u'0100'),
                   ('Xmp.exif.FocalLength', FRACTION, make_fraction(0, 1)),
                   ('Xmp.exif.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit', int, 2),
                   ('Xmp.exif.FocalPlaneXResolution', FRACTION, make_fraction(3085, 256)),
                   ('Xmp.exif.FocalPlaneYResolution', FRACTION, make_fraction(3085, 256)),
                   ('Xmp.exif.GPSMapDatum', unicode, u'WGS84'),
                    datetime.datetime(2002, 7, 13, 14, 58, 24, tzinfo=pyexiv2.utils.FixedOffset())),
                   ('Xmp.exif.GPSVersionID', unicode, u''),
                   ('Xmp.exif.ISOSpeedRatings', list, [0]),
                   ('Xmp.exif.MeteringMode', int, 5),
                   ('Xmp.exif.PixelXDimension', int, 2400),
                   ('Xmp.exif.PixelYDimension', int, 1600),
                   ('Xmp.exif.SceneType', int, 0),
                   ('Xmp.exif.SensingMethod', int, 2),
                   ('Xmp.exif.ShutterSpeedValue', FRACTION, make_fraction(30827, 3245)),
                   ('Xmp.pdf.Keywords', unicode, u'Communications'),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.AuthorsPosition', unicode, u'Photographer'),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.CaptionWriter', unicode, u'Ian Britton'),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.Category', unicode, u'BUS'),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.City', unicode, u' '),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.Country', unicode, u'Ubited Kingdom'),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.Credit', unicode, u'Ian Britton'),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.DateCreated', datetime.date, datetime.date(2002, 6, 20)),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.Headline', unicode, u'Communications'),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.State', unicode, u' '),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.SupplementalCategories', list, [u'Communications']),
                   ('Xmp.photoshop.Urgency', int, 5),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.Artist', unicode, u'Ian Britton'),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.BitsPerSample', list, [8]),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.Compression', int, 6),
                    {u'x-default': u'ian Britton - FreeFoto.com'}),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.ImageDescription', dict, {u'x-default': u'Communications'}),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.ImageLength', int, 400),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.ImageWidth', int, 600),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.Make', unicode, u'FUJIFILM'),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.Model', unicode, u'FinePixS1Pro'),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.Orientation', int, 1),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.ResolutionUnit', int, 2),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.Software', unicode, u'Adobe Photoshop 7.0'),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.XResolution', FRACTION, make_fraction(300, 1)),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.YCbCrPositioning', int, 2),
                   ('Xmp.tiff.YResolution', FRACTION, make_fraction(300, 1)),
                    datetime.datetime(2002, 7, 13, 15, 58, 28, tzinfo=pyexiv2.utils.FixedOffset())),
                    datetime.datetime(2002, 7, 19, 13, 28, 10, tzinfo=pyexiv2.utils.FixedOffset())),
                   ('Xmp.xmpBJ.JobRef', list, []),
                   ('Xmp.xmpBJ.JobRef[1]', str, ''),
                   ('Xmp.xmpBJ.JobRef[1]/stJob:name', str, 'Photographer'),
                   ('Xmp.xmpRights.Marked', bool, True),
                   ('Xmp.xmpRights.WebStatement', str, 'www.freefoto.com')]
        self.assertEqual(image.xmp_keys, [tag[0] for tag in xmpTags])
        for key, ktype, value in xmpTags:
            self.check_type_and_value(image[key], ktype, value)