path: root/regress/roff/string/escape.out_ascii
blob: fc8021aacb3210c3f17eae0c4aac596c00ddec32 (plain) (tree)

STRING-ESCAPE(1)            General Commands Manual           STRING-ESCAPE(1)

       string-escape - preventing string interpolation

   NNoorrmmaall iinntteerrppoollaattiioonn
       result: *[right]

       The above line must be "result: *[right]".

   IInntteerrvveenniinngg cchhaarraacctteerr
       result: \*[right]

       The above line must be "result: backslash*[right]", not "result: rong".

   EEssccaappeedd bbaacckkssllaasshh
       result: \*[right]

       The above line must be "result: backslash*[right]", not "result: rong".

   DDeellaayyeedd iinntteerrppoollaattiioonn
       result: *[right]

       The above line must be "result: *[right]", not "result: wrong".

                               December 3, 2010               STRING-ESCAPE(1)