blob: 890835d38882fe32d66c78cfc2aa442145a88f86 (
plain) (
char-unicode-input - Unicode characters in the input file
lowest valid: �
OOnnee--bbyyttee rraannggee
U+0000 0x00 �? lowest ASCII
U+001f 0x1f �? highest ASCII control character
U+007f 0x7f �? highest ASCII
0x80 ? leading lowest continuation
0xbf ? leading highest continuation
TTwwoo--bbyyttee rraannggee
U+0000 0xc080 ?? lowest obfuscated ASCII
U+007f 0xc1bf ?? highest obfuscated ASCII
0xc278 ?x ASCII continuation
U+0080 0xc280 �� lowest two-byte
0xc2c380 ?À high continuation
U+07FF 0xdfbf ߿߿ highest two-byte
TThhrreeee--bbyyttee rraannggee
U+0000 0xe08080 ??? lowest obfuscated ASCII
U+007f 0xe081bf ??? highest obfuscated ASCII
U+0080 0xe08280 ??? lowest obfuscated two-byte
U+07FF 0xe09fbf ??? highest obfuscated two-byte
U+0800 0xe0a080 ࠀࠀ lowest three-byte
U+0FFF 0xe0bfbf end of first middle byte
U+1000 0xe18080 ကက begin of second middle byte
U+CFFF 0xecbfbf 쿿쿿 end of last normal middle byte
U+D000 0xed8080 퀀퀀 begin of strange middle byte
U+D7FF 0xed9fbf highest public three-byte
U+D800 0xeda080 ??? lowest surrogate
U+DFFF 0xedbfbf ??? highest surrogate
U+E000 0xee8080 lowest private use
U+FFFF 0xefbfbf highest three-byte
FFoouurr--bbyyttee rraannggee
U+0000 0xf0808080 ???? lowest obfuscated ASCII
U+007f 0xf08081bf ???? highest obfuscated ASCII
U+0080 0xf0808280 ???? lowest obfuscated two-byte
U+07FF 0xf0809fbf ???? highest obfuscated two-byte
U+0800 0xf080a080 ???? lowest obfuscated three-byte
U+FFFF 0xf08fbfbf ???? highest obfuscated three-byte
U+10000 0xf0908080 𐀀𐀀 lowest four-byte
U+3FFFF 0xf0bfbfbf end of first middle byte
U+40000 0xf1808080 second middle byte
U+FFFFF 0xf3bfbfbf last normal middle byte
U+100000 0xf4808080 strange middle byte
U+10FFFF 0xf48fbfbf last valid four-byte
U+110000 0xf4908080 ???? lowest beyond Unicode
U+13FFFF 0xf4bfbfbf ???? end of strange middle byte
U+140000 0xf5808080 ???? lowest invalid middle byte
U+1FFFFF 0xf7bfbfbf ???? highest four-byte
U+200000 0xf888808080 ????? lowest five-byte
OpenBSD December 19, 2014 CHAR-UNICODE-INPUT(1)