path: root/regress/char/unicode/input.out_utf8
blob: 429b427ad630b59dfd83056f0a7efdcafe03bda8 (plain) (tree)










CHAR-UNICODE-INPUT(1)       General Commands Manual      CHAR-UNICODE-INPUT(1)

     char-unicode-input - Unicode characters in the input file

     lowest valid: �

   OOnnee--bbyyttee rraannggee
     U+0000   0x00   �?   lowest ASCII
     U+001f   0x1f   �?   highest ASCII control character
     U+007f   0x7f   �?   highest ASCII
              0x80   ?    leading lowest continuation
              0xbf   ?    leading highest continuation

   TTwwoo--bbyyttee rraannggee
     U+0000   0xc080     ??   lowest obfuscated ASCII
     U+007f   0xc1bf     ??   highest obfuscated ASCII
     U+0080   0xc280     ��   lowest two-byte
     U+07FF   0xdfbf     ߿߿   highest two-byte
              0xc278     ?x   ASCII instead of continuation
              0xc2c380   ?À   start byte instead of continuation

   TThhrreeee--bbyyttee rraannggee
     U+0000   0xe08080   ???    lowest obfuscated ASCII
     U+007f   0xe081bf   ???    highest obfuscated ASCII
     U+0080   0xe08280   ???    lowest obfuscated two-byte
     U+07FF   0xe09fbf   ???    highest obfuscated two-byte
     U+0800   0xe0a080   ࠀࠀ     lowest three-byte
     U+0FFF   0xe0bfbf   ࿿࿿       end of first start byte
     U+1000   0xe18080   ကက     begin of second start byte
     U+CFFF   0xecbfbf   쿿쿿   end of last normal start byte
     U+D000   0xed8080   퀀퀀   begin of last start byte
     U+D7FF   0xed9fbf   ퟿퟿       highest public three-byte
     U+D800   0xeda080   ???    lowest surrogate
     U+DFFF   0xedbfbf   ???    highest surrogate
     U+E000   0xee8080        lowest private use
     U+F8FF   0xefa3bf        highest private use
     U+F900   0xefa480   豈豈   lowest post-private
     U+FFFF   0xefbfbf   ￿￿       highest three-byte

   FFoouurr--bbyyttee rraannggee
     U+0000     0xf0808080     ????    lowest obfuscated ASCII
     U+007f     0xf08081bf     ????    highest obfuscated ASCII
     U+0080     0xf0808280     ????    lowest obfuscated two-byte
     U+07FF     0xf0809fbf     ????    highest obfuscated two-byte
     U+0800     0xf080a080     ????    lowest obfuscated three-byte
     U+FFFF     0xf08fbfbf     ????    highest obfuscated three-byte
     U+10000    0xf0908080     𐀀𐀀      lowest four-byte
     U+3FFFF    0xf0bfbfbf     𿿿𿿿        end of first start byte
     U+40000    0xf1808080     񀀀񀀀        begin of second start byte
     U+EFFFF    0xf2bfbfbf     󯿿򿿿        highest public character
     U+F0000    0xf3808080     󰀀󀀀       lowest plane 15 private use
     U+FFFFF    0xf3bfbfbf     󿿿󿿿        highest plane 15 private use
     U+100000   0xf4808080     􀀀􀀀      lowest plane 16 private use
     U+10FFFF   0xf48fbfbf     􏿿􏿿        highest valid four-byte
     U+110000   0xf4908080     ????    lowest beyond Unicode
     U+13FFFF   0xf4bfbfbf     ????    end of last start byte
     U+140000   0xf5808080     ????    lowest invalid start byte
     U+1FFFFF   0xf7bfbfbf     ????    highest invalid four-byte
     U+200000   0xf888808080   ?????   lowest five-byte

OpenBSD                          June 2, 2021            CHAR-UNICODE-INPUT(1)