path: root/man
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'man')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 741 deletions
diff --git a/man/man/lout.1 b/man/man/lout.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bfc2c9..0000000
--- a/man/man/lout.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-.\" Use default p.i., so commented out here and in .TP
-.\" .nr oi 16 \" Prevailing indentation for options' .TP request
-.\" .de Sp
-.\" .if n .sp
-.\" .if t .sp 0.4
-.\" ..
-lout - prepare Lout document for printing
-\fBlout\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fIfile\fR...
-Invoke the Basser Lout interpreter on the concatenation of the named
-files, producing a PostScript file on standard output suitable for
-printing on PostScript printers using
-.IR lpr (1).
-If no files are named, stdin is used instead. The special file name
-.RB ` \|\-\| '
-may be used to denote standard input. White space between flags
-and their associated option values is optional.
-An optional
-.B .lt
-suffix may be used for Lout source and include files. When invoking
-files ending in this suffix the suffix may be omitted.
-.SS Output
-.TP \" \n(oi
-.BI \-o " filename"
-Direct output to
-.I filename
-instead of to stdout.
-.BI \-e " filename"
-Direct error messages to
-.I filename
-instead of to stderr.
-.B \-a
-Use "\c
-.IR filename :\c
-.IR linenum :\c
-.IR colnum :\c
-.I message\c
-\&" alternative error message format (useful with Emacs compilation
-mode and other tools).
-.SS Output format
-.TP \" \n(oi
-.B \-EPS
-Produce output in the form of an EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) file,
-suitable for inclusion in another document. Useful with stand-alone
-.B \-p
-Produce plain text output instead of PostScript.
-.B \-P
-.BR \-p ,
-but with a form-feed character between pages.
-.B \-Z
-Produce Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) output. This includes
-links, but the more advanced graphics packages of Lout are not supported.
-.B \-PDF
-Synonym for
-.BR \-Z.
-.B \-t
-Ignore texture-changing options; everything that would otherwise have
-been printed using a texture will be printed in solid colour.
-.SS Cross-reference database
-.TP \" \n(oi
-.B \-s
-Suppress all reading and writing of the cross reference database;
-other databases are not affected. Useful when many simple documents
-that don't do any cross referencing are stored in one directory.
-.B \-l
-Use ASCII order when sorting index entries etc.; the default depends on
-the COLLATE compilation option (use
-.B \-V
-option to find out your default value).
-.B \-L
-Use your locale's order when sorting index entries etc.; the default
-depends on the COLLATE compilation option (use
-.B \-V
-option to find out your default value).
-.SS Execution of filters
-.TP \" \n(oi
-.B \-S
-Safe execution: disable all calls to
-.IR system (3),
-instead echoing the commands that would have been executed. Although
-this makes the Lout run certainly safe, the PostScript output file may
-not be.
-.B \-U
-Unsafe execution: allow calls to
-.IR system (3).
-This is usually the default behavior, but it is possible to make safe
-execution the default during installation (use
-.B \-V
-option to find out whether this was done or not), hence the need for
-this flag.
-.SS Changing document setup options
-.TP \" \n(oi
-.BI \-\- option { value }
-Set setup file
-.I option
-.IR value ,
-overriding any value assigned to
-.I option
-in the setup file. For example,
-.B \-\-@PageType{Letter}
-will set the
-.B @PageType
-setup file option to
-.BR Letter .
-The value may be a sequence of words but not an arbitrary Lout object.
-If there are spaces you must ensure that it is passed to Lout as a
-single option; the usual way to do this is to enclose it in quotes.
-.SS Searching for files
-.TP \" \n(oi
-.BI \-i " filename"
-Search the directories of the include file path (see below) for
-.I filename
-.IR filename .lt
-and include it. There may be multiple
-.B \-i
-.BI \-I " dirname"
-.I dirname
-to the list of directories searched for
-.B @Include
-files and
-.B \-i
-option files.
-There may be multiple
-.B \-I
-.B @Include
-first searches the current directory, then searches the
-.B \-I
-directories in the order given, and finally searches the default
-include file directory (see below).
-.B @SysInclude
-and the
-.B \-i
-option omit the search of the current directory.
-.BI \-C " dirname"
-.I dirname
-to the list of directories searched for Lout character mapping (\c
-.BR .LCM )
-There may be multiple
-.B \-C
-options; the directories are searched in the order given, and finally
-the default character mappings directory is searched (see below).
-.BI -F " dirname"
-.I dirname
-to the list of directories searched for font metrics (formerly
-.BR .AFM )
-files. There may be multiple
-.B \-F
-options; the directories are searched in the order given, and finally
-the default font metrics directory is searched (see below).
-.BI \-H " dirname"
-.I dirname
-to the list of directories searched for hyphenation patterns files,
-both unpacked
-.RB ( .lh )
-and packed
-.RB ( .lp ).
-There may be multiple
-.B \-H
-options; the directories are searched in the order given, and finally
-the default hyphenation directory is searched (see below).
-.BI -D " dirname"
-.I dirname
-to the list of directories searched for Lout database files. There
-may be multiple
-.B \-D
-.B @Database
-searches the current directory, then the
-.B \-D
-directories in the order given, and finally searches the default
-databases directory (see below).
-.B @SysDatabase
-omits the search of the current directory.
-.SS Miscellaneous options
-.TP \" \n(oi
-.B \-r num
-Run Lout num times, producing output only on the last run. Useful for
-bringing cross references up to date quickly.
-.B \-x
-Initializing run, not for ordinary use: read and check all font files
-mentioned in font definitions, read and check all hyphenation files
-mentioned in language definitions and build compressed versions, read
-and check all database files mentioned in database clauses and build
-index files.
-.B \-u
-Print usage information on stderr and exit.
-.B \-V
-Print version information on stderr and exit.
-.B \-M
-Use less memory and run more slowly (the cross reference database index
-will be kept in a file rather than in memory).
-.B \-w
-Show the total number of non-empty words printed in the output file.
-This includes words and numbers in page headers and footers; section
-numbers and other numbers; every punctuation character in a font
-different from its adjacent word; and every little fragment of every
-equation; so it will always somewhat overestimate the true number.
-.\" NB: be careful with tabs in the table below
-.ta \w'Default character mappings dir.: 'u
-\&Default include file directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/include
-\&Default databases directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/data
-\&Default font metrics directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/font
-\&Default hyphenation directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/hyph
-\&Default character mappings dir.: \fILOUTLIB\fP/maps
-\&Default locales directory: \fILOUTLIB\fP/locale
-The default library directory, usually
-.BR /usr/local/lib/lout ,
-can be changed by setting environment variable
-to an alternative directory name.
-.BR prg2lout (1),
-.BR lpr (1),
-.BR ghostview (1)
-Jeffrey H. Kingston,
-\(lq\&A User's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System\(rq\c
-\&, and
-\(lq\&An Expert's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System\(rq\c
-Jeffrey H. Kingston
diff --git a/man/man/lout.txt b/man/man/lout.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d8d3c7c..0000000
--- a/man/man/lout.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-LOUT(1) LOUT(1)
- lout - prepare Lout document for printing
- lout [ options ] file...
- Invoke the Basser Lout interpreter on the concatenation of
- the named files, producing a PostScript file on standard
- output suitable for printing on PostScript printers using
- lpr(1). If no files are named, stdin is used instead.
- The special file name `-' may be used to denote standard
- input. White space between flags and their associated
- option values is optional.
- An optional .lt suffix may be used for Lout source and
- include files. When invoking files ending in this suffix
- the suffix may be omitted.
- Output
- -o filename
- Direct output to filename instead of to stdout.
- -e filename
- Direct error messages to filename instead of to
- stderr.
- -a Use "filename:linenum:colnum:message" alternative
- error message format (useful with Emacs compilation
- mode and other tools).
- Output format
- -EPS Produce output in the form of an EPS (Encapsulated
- PostScript) file, suitable for inclusion in another
- document. Useful with stand-alone illustrations.
- -p Produce plain text output instead of PostScript.
- -P Like -p, but with a form-feed character between
- pages.
- -Z Produce Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) out­
- put. This includes links, but the more advanced
- graphics packages of Lout are not supported.
- -PDF Synonym for -Z.
- -t Ignore texture-changing options; everything that
- would otherwise have been printed using a texture
- will be printed in solid colour.
- Cross-reference database
- -s Suppress all reading and writing of the cross ref­
- erence database; other databases are not affected.
- Useful when many simple documents that don't do any
- cross referencing are stored in one directory.
- -l Use ASCII order when sorting index entries etc.;
- the default depends on the COLLATE compilation
- option (use -V option to find out your default
- value).
- -L Use your locale's order when sorting index entries
- etc.; the default depends on the COLLATE compila­
- tion option (use -V option to find out your default
- value).
- Execution of filters
- -S Safe execution: disable all calls to system(3),
- instead echoing the commands that would have been
- executed. Although this makes the Lout run cer­
- tainly safe, the PostScript output file may not be.
- -U Unsafe execution: allow calls to system(3). This
- is usually the default behavior, but it is possible
- to make safe execution the default during installa­
- tion (use -V option to find out whether this was
- done or not), hence the need for this flag.
- Changing document setup options
- --option{value}
- Set setup file option to value, overriding any
- value assigned to option in the setup file. For
- example, --@PageType{Letter} will set the @PageType
- setup file option to Letter. The value may be a
- sequence of words but not an arbitrary Lout object.
- If there are spaces you must ensure that it is
- passed to Lout as a single option; the usual way to
- do this is to enclose it in quotes.
- Searching for files
- -i filename
- Search the directories of the include file path
- (see below) for filename or filename.lt and include
- it. There may be multiple -i options.
- -I dirname
- Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
- @Include files and -i option files. There may be
- multiple -I options. @Include first searches the
- current directory, then searches the -I directories
- in the order given, and finally searches the
- default include file directory (see below). @Sys­
- Include and the -i option omit the search of the
- current directory.
- -C dirname
- Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
- Lout character mapping (.LCM) files. There may be
- multiple -C options; the directories are searched
- in the order given, and finally the default charac­
- ter mappings directory is searched (see below).
- -F dirname
- Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
- font metrics (formerly .AFM) files. There may be
- multiple -F options; the directories are searched
- in the order given, and finally the default font
- metrics directory is searched (see below).
- -H dirname
- Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
- hyphenation patterns files, both unpacked (.lh) and
- packed (.lp). There may be multiple -H options;
- the directories are searched in the order given,
- and finally the default hyphenation directory is
- searched (see below).
- -D dirname
- Add dirname to the list of directories searched for
- Lout database files. There may be multiple -D
- options. @Database searches the current directory,
- then the -D directories in the order given, and
- finally searches the default databases directory
- (see below). @SysDatabase omits the search of the
- current directory.
- Miscellaneous options
- -r num Run Lout num times, producing output only on the
- last run. Useful for bringing cross references up
- to date quickly.
- -x Initializing run, not for ordinary use: read and
- check all font files mentioned in font definitions,
- read and check all hyphenation files mentioned in
- language definitions and build compressed versions,
- read and check all database files mentioned in
- database clauses and build index files.
- -u Print usage information on stderr and exit.
- -V Print version information on stderr and exit.
- -M Use less memory and run more slowly (the cross ref­
- erence database index will be kept in a file rather
- than in memory).
- -w Show the total number of non-empty words printed in
- the output file. This includes words and numbers
- in page headers and footers; section numbers and
- other numbers; every punctuation character in a
- font different from its adjacent word; and every
- little fragment of every equation; so it will
- always somewhat overestimate the true number.
- Default include file directory: LOUTLIB/include
- Default databases directory: LOUTLIB/data
- Default font metrics directory: LOUTLIB/font
- Default hyphenation directory: LOUTLIB/hyph
- Default character mappings dir.: LOUTLIB/maps
- Default locales directory: LOUTLIB/locale
- The default library directory, usually
- /usr/local/lib/lout, can be changed by setting environment
- variable LOUTLIB to an alternative directory name.
- prg2lout(1), lpr(1), ghostview(1)
- Jeffrey H. Kingston, "A User's Guide to the Lout Document
- Formatting System", and "An Expert's Guide to the Lout
- Document Formatting System".
- Jeffrey H. Kingston
- LOUT(1)
diff --git a/man/man/prg2lout.1 b/man/man/prg2lout.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 2598cae..0000000
--- a/man/man/prg2lout.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-prg2lout - convert computer program text into Lout
-\fBprg2lout\fR -l \fIlanguage\fR [ \fIoptions\fR ] \fIfiles\fR...
-Reformat computer program text for input to the Lout document formatting
-system, taking care of comments, character strings, tab characters, etc.
-.B prg2lout
-reads the named program source files and produces output
-suitable for input to
-.BR "lout -s" .
-.B "prg2lout -l C foo.c | lout -s | lpr"
-will print the C program
-.B foo.c
-on a PostScript printer. Each file will start on a new page, preceded
-by its name in bold.
-.B \-llanguage
-(Compulsory.) Files are written in this programmming language. Run
-\fIprg2lout -u\fR to see the list of languages available.
-.B \-pfixed
-Use a fixed width font (the default for C).
-.B \-pvarying
-Use a varying-width italic font with non-italic bold keywords (the
-default for Eiffel).
-.B \-psymbol
-Use a varying-width italic font with mathematical symbols and
-non-italic bold keywords.
-.B \-n
-Do not print the file name before each source file.
-.BI \-f " font"
-Select a font family.
-The default is
-.B \-fCourier
-.BR \-pfixed ,
-.B \-fTimes
-.B \-pvarying
-.BR \-psymbol .
-.BI \-s " size"
-Select a Lout font size. The default is
-.B -s9p
-(meaning 9 points) for
-.BR \-pfixed ,
-.B \-s10p
-.B \-pvarying
-.BR \-psymbol .
-These work well with 80-character-wide programs.
-.BI \-v " vsize"
-Select a Lout vertical inter-line gap. The default is
-.B -v1.1fx
-meaning 1.1 times the font size measured from baseline to baseline.
-.BI \-b " num"
-Select a blank line scale factor. The default is
-.B -b1.0
-meaning no scaling. A good alternative is 0.6.
-.BI \-t " num"
-Set the tab interval to
-.I num
-characters (default is
-.BR \-t8 ).
-.BI \-T " width"
-Without this option,
-.B prg2lout
-simulates tabs with spaces. With this option,
-.B prg2lout
-simulates tabs with Lout tabulation operators;
-.I width
-is the width of one tab interval in the final print, measured in Lout
-units. This guarantees alignment of characters following tabs even
-with varying-width fonts, provided
-.I width
-is sufficiently large. For example,
-.B -T0.5i
-produces half-inch tab intervals.
-.BI \-L " number"
-Attach line numbers to the program text, beginning with
-.I number
-or 1 if number is not given. You may need to give the 1 anyway to
-prevent .I prg2lout from taking a following file name as a number.
-.BI \-N
-Do not print line numbers on blank lines.
-.BI \-M
-Like \-N but do not assign line numbers to blank lines.
-.BI \-S " filename"
-.I filename
-as the setup file instead of the system default setup file. The setup
-file determines the value of all formatting options not given to
-.I prg2lout
-as command line arguments.
-.B \-u
-Print usage information on stderr, including available languages, and exit.
-.B \-V
-Print version information on stderr and exit.
-.SS Raw Mode
-There is a \(lq\&raw mode\(rq usage of
-.B prg2lout
-invoked by a
-.B -r
-flag (must be the first argument). This converts one program file into
-Lout-readable source without any heading or trailing information.
-.B prg2lout
-.B \-r
-.BI \-i \ infile
-.BI \-o \ out
-.BI \-e \ err
-.BI \-t \ num
-.BI \-T \ width
-Users should never need this mode; it is invoked automatically
-from within Lout by symbols supplied with the standard configuration
-(see reference).
-.BR lout (1),
-.BR lpr (1),
-.BR ghostview (1).
-Jeffrey H. Kingston,
-\(lq\&A User's Guide to the Lout Document Formatting System\(rq\c
-\&, Chapter 11.
-Jeffrey H. Kingston
diff --git a/man/man/prg2lout.txt b/man/man/prg2lout.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed3d11..0000000
--- a/man/man/prg2lout.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
- prg2lout - convert computer program text into Lout
- prg2lout -l language [ options ] files...
- Reformat computer program text for input to the Lout docu-
- ment formatting system, taking care of comments, character
- strings, tab characters, etc.
- prg2lout reads the named program source files and produces
- output suitable for input to lout -s. Thus,
- prg2lout -l C foo.c | lout -s | lpr
- will print the C program foo.c on a PostScript printer.
- Each file will start on a new page, preceded by its name in
- bold.
- -llanguage
- (Compulsory.) Files are written in this programmming
- language. Run prg2lout -u to see the list of languages
- available.
- -pfixed
- Use a fixed width font (the default for C).
- -pvarying
- Use a varying-width italic font with non-italic bold
- keywords (the default for Eiffel).
- -psymbol
- Use a varying-width italic font with mathematical sym-
- bols and non-italic bold keywords.
- -n Do not print the file name before each source file.
- -f font
- Select a font family. The default is -fCourier for
- -pfixed, and -fTimes for -pvarying and -psymbol.
- -s size
- Select a Lout font size. The default is -s9p (meaning
- 9 points) for -pfixed, and -s10p for -pvarying and
- -psymbol. These work well with 80-character-wide pro-
- grams.
- -v vsize
- Select a Lout vertical inter-line gap. The default is
- -v1.1fx meaning 1.1 times the font size measured from
- baseline to baseline.
- -b num
- Select a blank line scale factor. The default is -b1.0
- meaning no scaling. A good alternative is 0.6.
- -t num
- Set the tab interval to num characters (default is
- -t8).
- -T width
- Without this option, prg2lout simulates tabs with
- spaces. With this option, prg2lout simulates tabs with
- Lout tabulation operators; width is the width of one
- tab interval in the final print, measured in Lout
- units. This guarantees alignment of characters follow-
- ing tabs even with varying-width fonts, provided width
- is sufficiently large. For example, -T0.5i produces
- half-inch tab intervals.
- -L number
- Attach line numbers to the program text, beginning with
- number or 1 if number is not given. You may need to
- give the 1 anyway to prevent prg2lout from taking a
- following file name as a number.
- -N Do not print line numbers on blank lines.
- -M Like -N but do not assign line numbers to blank lines.
- -S filename
- Use filename as the setup file instead of the system
- default setup file. The setup file determines the
- value of all formatting options not given to prg2lout
- as command line arguments.
- -u Print usage information on stderr, including available
- languages, and exit.
- -V Print version information on stderr and exit.
- Raw Mode
- There is a raw mode usage of prg2lout invoked by a -r flag
- (must be the first argument). This converts one program
- file into Lout-readable source without any heading or trail-
- ing information. Synopsis:
- prg2lout -r -i infile -o out -e err -t num -T width
- Users should never need this mode; it is invoked automati-
- cally from within Lout by symbols supplied with the standard
- configuration (see reference).
- lout(1), lpr(1), ghostview(1).
- Jeffrey H. Kingston, A User's Guide to the Lout Document
- Formatting System, Chapter 11.
- Jeffrey H. Kingston