path: root/include/report
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/report')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/report b/include/report
index a33257b..aa79533 100644
--- a/include/report
+++ b/include/report
@@ -149,33 +149,67 @@
# @RefListBreak { } # break style of ref list
# @RefListLabelWidth { @ListLabelWidth } # Labels column width
# @RefListSortKey { @Tag } # sorting key
+ # @MakeGlossary { No } # make glossary? Yes or No
+ # @GlossaryText { @Null } # glossary initial text
+ # @GlossaryFont { } # glossary entries font
+ # @GlossaryBreak { } # glossary entries break
+ # @GlossaryFormat { +3p @Font @S @Name # glossary entries format
+ # @Right @I { @Word&&page @PageNum }
+ # @DP @RawIndentedDisplay @Body }
+ # @GlossaryGap { @DisplayGap } # gap between glossary entries
+ # @GlossaryColumnNumber{ 2 } # glossary columns (1 to 10)
+ # @GlossaryColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # glossary column gap
+ # @InGlossaryFont { smallcaps } # font for @InGlossary
+ # @InGlossaryFormat { @Body } # format for @InGlossary
+ # @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
# @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
# @IndexText { @Null } # index initial text
# @IndexFont { } # index entries font
# @IndexBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexFormat { @Body } # @Index format
+ # @SubIndexFormat { {1f @Wide}@Body } # @SubIndex format
+ # @SubSubIndexFormat { {2f @Wide}@Body } # @SubSubIndex format
# @IndexColumnNumber { 2 } # index columns (1 to 10)
# @IndexColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index column gap
# @IndexCtd { Yes } # include (ctd.) lines
# @IndexCtdWord { continued } # "ctd." in current lang.
# @IndexCtdFormat { @Body @I (@CtdWord) } # format of ctd.
+ # @IndexSpacerAbove { 2v } # space above index spacer
+ # @IndexSpacerBelow { 1v } # space below index spacer
+ # @IndexSpacerFont { +3p } # font of index spacer
+ # @IndexSpacerFormat { @Body } # format of index spacer
# @MakeIndexA { No } # make index A? Yes or No
# @IndexAText { @Null } # index A initial text
# @IndexAFont { } # index A entries font
# @IndexABreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexAFormat { @Body } # @IndexA format
+ # @SubIndexAFormat { {1f @Wide}@Body } # @SubIndexA format
+ # @SubSubIndexAFormat { {2f @Wide}@Body } # @SubSubIndexA format
# @IndexAColumnNumber { 2 } # index A columns (1 to 10)
# @IndexAColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index A column gap
# @IndexACtd { Yes } # include (ctd.) lines
# @IndexACtdWord { continued } # "ctd." in current lang.
# @IndexACtdFormat { @Body @I (@CtdWord) } # format of ctd.
+ # @IndexASpacerAbove { 2v } # space above index A spacer
+ # @IndexASpacerBelow { 1v } # space below index A spacer
+ # @IndexASpacerFont { +3p } # font of index A spacer
+ # @IndexASpacerFormat { @Body } # format of index A spacer
# @MakeIndexB { No } # make index B? Yes or No
# @IndexBText { @Null } # index B initial text
# @IndexBFont { } # index B entries font
# @IndexBBreak { {oragged 1.2fx} @OrIfPlain {oragged 1fx} } # and break
+ # @IndexBFormat { @Body } # @IndexB format
+ # @SubIndexBFormat { {1f @Wide}@Body } # @SubIndexB format
+ # @SubSubIndexBFormat { {2f @Wide}@Body } # @SubSubIndexB format
# @IndexBColumnNumber { 2 } # index B columns (1 to 10)
# @IndexBColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # index B column gap
# @IndexBCtd { Yes } # include (ctd.) lines
# @IndexBCtdWord { continued } # "ctd." in current lang.
# @IndexBCtdFormat { @Body @I (@CtdWord) } # format of ctd.
+ # @IndexBSpacerAbove { 2v } # space above index B spacer
+ # @IndexBSpacerBelow { 1v } # space below index B spacer
+ # @IndexBSpacerFont { +3p } # font of index B spacer
+ # @IndexBSpacerFormat { @Body } # format of index B spacer
# @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
# @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
# @FootNoteNumbers { Arabic } # footnote numbers
@@ -291,6 +325,7 @@
# @AbstractWord { abstract } # word for "Abstract"
# @ContentsWord { contents } # word for "Contents"
# @AppendixWord { appendix } # word for "Appendix"
+ # @GlossaryWor { glossary } # word for "Glossary"
# @IndexWord { index } # word for "Index"
# @IndexAWord { index } # word for "Index" (A)
# @IndexBWord { index } # word for "Index" (B)
@@ -333,6 +368,9 @@
# @ReferencesHeadingFont { Bold } # references head font
# @ReferencesHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # references head break
# @ReferencesHeadingFormat { title } # references head fmt
+ # @GlossaryHeadingFont { Bold } # glossary head font
+ # @GlossaryHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # glossary head break
+ # @GlossaryHeadingFormat { title } # glossary head fmt
# @IndexHeadingFont { Bold } # index head font
# @IndexHeadingBreak { ragged 1.2fx nohyphen } # index head break
# @IndexHeadingFormat { title } # index head fmt
@@ -355,6 +393,7 @@
# @SubAppendixInContents { Yes } # add subappendices to contents
# @SubSubAppendixInContents { No } # add sub-subapps to contents
# @ReferencesInContents { Yes } # add references to contents
+ # @GlossaryInContents { Yes } # add glossary to contents
# @IndexInContents { Yes } # add index to contents
# @IndexAInContents { Yes } # add index A to contents
# @IndexBInContents { Yes } # add index B to contents
@@ -393,6 +432,7 @@
# @SectionPrefix { } # for structured page nums
# @AppendixPrefix { } # for structured page nums
# @ReferencesPrefix { } # for structured page nums
+ # @GlossaryPrefix { } # for structured page nums
# @IndexPrefix { } # for structured page nums
# @IndexAPrefix { } # for structured page nums
# @IndexBPrefix { } # for structured page nums