diff options
133 files changed, 7582 insertions, 5581 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index ab5095a..7c73969 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-BASSER LOUT VERSION 3 COPYRIGHT (C) 1994, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston
+BASSER LOUT VERSION 3 COPYRIGHT (C) 1994, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston
Jeffrey H. Kingston
School of Information Technologies
diff --git a/blurb b/blurb
index 968979f..f4f7248 100644
--- a/blurb
+++ b/blurb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Version 3.30 of the Lout document formatting system is now available
+Version 3.31 of the Lout document formatting system is now available
(free of charge). The system reads a high-level description of a
document similar in style to LaTeX and produces a PostScript, PDF or
plain text output file.
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ project that went back to the beginning.
Lout is written in highly portable ANSI C. It is distributed under the
GNU public license as follows:
- ftp://ftp.it.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout/lout-3.30.tar.gz
+ ftp://ftp.it.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout/lout-3.31.tar.gz
-In other words, in a gzipped tar file called "lout-3.30.tar.gz" in the
+In other words, in a gzipped tar file called "lout-3.31.tar.gz" in the
"jeff/lout" subdirectory of the home directory of "ftp ftp.it.usyd.edu.au"
with login name "ftp" or "anonymous" using any non-empty password. The
distribution contains
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ distribution contains
For those who want to browse first, a PostScript version of the User's
Guide may be found in the same ftp directory:
- ftp://ftp.it.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout/lout-3.30.user.ps.gz
+ ftp://ftp.it.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout/lout-3.31.user.ps.gz
Lout was created by Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) of the
School of Information Technologies at the University of Sydney.
diff --git a/data/standard.ld b/data/standard.ld
index 2b76594..f17d4f5 100644
--- a/data/standard.ld
+++ b/data/standard.ld
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
# @UCRoman upper case Roman numerals #
# @Alpha lower case Roman alphabet #
# @UCAlpha upper case Roman alphabet #
+# @FnBullets bullets as footnote markers #
+# @FnSymbols traditional footnote markers #
# @Months months of the year #
# @ShortMonths months of the year, abbreviated #
# @WeekDays days of the week #
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Inhoudsopgave }
English @Yield { Contents }
EnglishUK @Yield { Contents }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Enhavo }
Finnish @Yield { Sis{@Char adieresis}lt{@Char odieresis} }
French @Yield { Table des Mati{@Char egrave}res }
German @Yield { Inhalt }
@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Referenties }
English @Yield { References }
EnglishUK @Yield { References }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Referencoj }
Finnish @Yield { Viitteet }
French @Yield { R{@Char eacute}f{@Char eacute}rences }
German @Yield { Literaturverzeichnis }
@@ -78,6 +82,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Bibliografie }
English @Yield { Bibliography }
EnglishUK @Yield { Bibliography }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Bibliografio }
Finnish @Yield { Kirjallisuusluettelo }
French @Yield { Bibliographie }
German @Yield { Literaturverzeichnis }
@@ -102,6 +107,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Figuur }
English @Yield { Figure }
EnglishUK @Yield { Figure }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Figuro }
Finnish @Yield { Kuva }
French @Yield { Figure }
German @Yield { Abbildung }
@@ -126,6 +132,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Lijst van figuren } # Figuren, Figurenlijst
English @Yield { List of Figures }
EnglishUK @Yield { List of Figures }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Figurolisto }
Finnish @Yield { Kuvat }
French @Yield { Liste des figures }
German @Yield { Abbildungsverzeichnis }
@@ -150,6 +157,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Tabel }
English @Yield { Table }
EnglishUK @Yield { Table }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Tabelo }
Finnish @Yield { Taulukko }
French @Yield { Table }
German @Yield { Tabelle }
@@ -174,6 +182,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Lijst van tabellen } # Tabellen, Tabellenlijst
English @Yield { List of Tables }
EnglishUK @Yield { List of Tables }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Tabelolisto }
Finnish @Yield { Taulukot }
French @Yield { Liste des tables }
German @Yield { Tabellenverzeichnis }
@@ -198,6 +207,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Definitie }
English @Yield { Definition }
EnglishUK @Yield { Definition }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Difino }
Finnish @Yield { M{@Char adieresis}{@Char adieresis}ritelm{@Char adieresis} }
French @Yield { D{@Char eacute}finition }
German @Yield { Definition }
@@ -222,6 +232,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Lemma }
English @Yield { Lemma }
EnglishUK @Yield { Lemma }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Lemo }
Finnish @Yield { Lemma }
French @Yield { Lemme }
German @Yield { Lemma }
@@ -246,6 +257,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Theorema }
English @Yield { Theorem }
EnglishUK @Yield { Theorem }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Teoremo }
Finnish @Yield { Lause }
French @Yield { Th{@Char eacute}or{@Char egrave}me }
German @Yield { Theorem }
@@ -270,6 +282,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Propositie } # Bewering
English @Yield { Proposition }
EnglishUK @Yield { Proposition }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Propozicio }
Finnish @Yield { Propositio }
French @Yield { Proposition }
German @Yield { Satz }
@@ -294,6 +307,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Corollaar }
English @Yield { Corollary }
EnglishUK @Yield { Corollary }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Korolario }
Finnish @Yield { Seuraus }
French @Yield { Corollaire }
German @Yield { Korollar }
@@ -318,6 +332,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Voorbeeld }
English @Yield { Example }
EnglishUK @Yield { Example }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Ekzemplo }
Finnish @Yield { Esimerkki }
French @Yield { Exemple }
German @Yield { Beispiel }
@@ -342,6 +357,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Stelling }
English @Yield { Claim }
EnglishUK @Yield { Claim }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Aserto }
Finnish @Yield { V{@Char adieresis}ite }
French @Yield { Affirmation }
German @Yield { Behauptung }
@@ -366,6 +382,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Bewijs }
English @Yield { Proof }
EnglishUK @Yield { Proof }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Pruvo }
Finnish @Yield { Todistus }
French @Yield { Preuve }
German @Yield { Beweis }
@@ -390,6 +407,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Samenvatting }
English @Yield { Abstract }
EnglishUK @Yield { Abstract }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Resumo }
Finnish @Yield { Yleiskatsaus }
French @Yield { R{@Char eacute}sum{@Char eacute} }
German @Yield { Zusammenfassung }
@@ -414,6 +432,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Voorwoord } # or { Woord vooraf }
English @Yield { Preface }
EnglishUK @Yield { Preface }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Preface }
Finnish @Yield { Esipuhe }
French @Yield { Pr{@Char eacute}face }
German @Yield { Vorwort }
@@ -438,6 +457,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
English @Yield { Abbreviations }
EnglishUK @Yield { Abbreviations }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Mallongigo }
Finnish @Yield { Lyhenteet }
French @Yield { Abr{@Char eacute}viation }
German @Yield { Abk{@Char udiaresis}rzungsverzeichnis }
@@ -462,6 +482,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Afkortingen }
English @Yield { Introduction }
EnglishUK @Yield { Introduction }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Enkonduko }
Finnish @Yield { Johdanto }
French @Yield { Introduction }
German @Yield { Einleitung }
@@ -486,6 +507,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Hoofdstuk }
English @Yield { Chapter }
EnglishUK @Yield { Chapter }
+ Esperanto @Yield { {@Char Ccircumflex}apitro }
Finnish @Yield { Luku }
French @Yield { Chapitre }
German @Yield { Kapitel }
@@ -510,6 +532,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Appendix }
English @Yield { Appendix }
EnglishUK @Yield { Appendix }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Aldono }
Finnish @Yield { Liite }
French @Yield { Annexe }
German @Yield { Anhang }
@@ -534,9 +557,10 @@
Dutch @Yield { Lecture }
English @Yield { Lecture }
EnglishUK @Yield { Lecture }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Prelego }
Finnish @Yield { Luento }
French @Yield { Conf{@Char eacute}rence }
- German @Yield { Lecture }
+ German @Yield { Vorselung }
Hungarian @Yield { Lecture }
Italian @Yield { Conferenza }
Norwegian @Yield { Lecture }
@@ -558,6 +582,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
English @Yield { Glossary }
EnglishUK @Yield { Glossary }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Glosaro }
Finnish @Yield { ?? }
French @Yield { Glossaire }
German @Yield { Glossar }
@@ -582,6 +607,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Index }
English @Yield { Index }
EnglishUK @Yield { Index }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Indekso }
Finnish @Yield { Hakemisto }
French @Yield { Index }
German @Yield { Index }
@@ -606,9 +632,10 @@
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
English @Yield { Colophon }
EnglishUK @Yield { Colophon }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Kolofono }
Finnish @Yield { ?? }
French @Yield { ?? }
- German @Yield { ?? }
+ German @Yield { Kolophon }
Hungarian @Yield { ?? }
Italian @Yield { ?? }
Norwegian @Yield { ?? }
@@ -630,6 +657,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Zonder titel }
English @Yield { No title }
EnglishUK @Yield { No title }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Sen titolo }
Finnish @Yield { Ei nime{@Char adieresis} }
French @Yield { Sans titre }
German @Yield { Ohne Titel }
@@ -654,6 +682,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { pagina's } # or {bladzijden}, {pag.}, {blz.}
English @Yield { pages }
EnglishUK @Yield { pages }
+ Esperanto @Yield { pa{@Char gcircumflex}oj }
Finnish @Yield { sivut }
French @Yield { pages }
German @Yield { Seiten }
@@ -678,6 +707,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { pagina } # or {bladzijde}, {pag.}, {blz.}
English @Yield { page }
EnglishUK @Yield { page }
+ Esperanto @Yield { pa{@Char gcircumflex}o }
Finnish @Yield { sivu }
French @Yield { page }
German @Yield { Seite }
@@ -702,6 +732,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Ongepubliceerd } # or {Zonder uitgever}
English @Yield { No publisher }
EnglishUK @Yield { No publisher }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Sen eldonisto }
Finnish @Yield { Ei kustantajaa }
French @Yield { Sans {@Char eacute}diteur }
German @Yield { Ohne Verleger }
@@ -726,6 +757,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Technisch rapport }
English @Yield { Tech. Rep. }
EnglishUK @Yield { Tech. Rep. }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Teknika raporto }
Finnish @Yield { Tekn. rap. }
French @Yield { Rapport technique }
German @Yield { Techn. Ber. }
@@ -750,6 +782,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Proefschrift } # or {Dissertatie}
English @Yield { Ph.D. thesis }
EnglishUK @Yield { Ph.D. thesis }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Doktoriga tezo }
Finnish @Yield { tohtorinv{@Char adieresis}it{@Char odieresis}skirja }
French @Yield { Th{@Char egrave}se de Doctorat }
German @Yield { Doktorarbeit }
@@ -775,6 +808,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { Doctoraalscriptie }
English @Yield { Master's thesis }
EnglishUK @Yield { Master's thesis }
+ Esperanto @Yield { Magistriga tezo }
Finnish @Yield { diplomity{@Char odieresis} }
French @Yield { M{@Char eacute}moire de Ma{@Char icircumflex}trise }
German @Yield { Magisterarbeit }
@@ -800,6 +834,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { In }
English @Yield { In }
EnglishUK @Yield { In }
+ Esperanto @Yield { En }
Finnish @Yield { teoksessa }
French @Yield { dans }
German @Yield { In }
@@ -824,6 +859,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
English @Yield { ctd. }
EnglishUK @Yield { ctd. }
+ Esperanto @Yield { sekva{@Char jcircumflex}o }
Finnish @Yield { jatk. }
French @Yield { suite }
German @Yield { Fortsetzung }
@@ -848,6 +884,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { a.m. }
English @Yield { a.m. }
EnglishUK @Yield { a.m. }
+ Esperanto @Yield { a.t.m. } # antauxtagmeze
Finnish @Yield { a.m. }
French @Yield { a.m. }
German @Yield { a.m. }
@@ -872,6 +909,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { p.m. }
English @Yield { p.m. }
EnglishUK @Yield { p.m. }
+ Esperanto @Yield { p.t.m. } # posttagmeze
Finnish @Yield { p.m. }
French @Yield { p.m. }
German @Yield { p.m. }
@@ -896,6 +934,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { am }
English @Yield { am }
EnglishUK @Yield { am }
+ Esperanto @Yield { atm }
Finnish @Yield { am }
French @Yield { am }
German @Yield { am }
@@ -920,6 +959,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { pm }
English @Yield { pm }
EnglishUK @Yield { pm }
+ Esperanto @Yield { ptm }
Finnish @Yield { pm }
French @Yield { pm }
German @Yield { pm }
@@ -1344,32 +1384,32 @@
{ ?? @Alpha ?? }
-{ 1 @Alpha a }
-{ 2 @Alpha b }
-{ 3 @Alpha c }
-{ 4 @Alpha d }
-{ 5 @Alpha e }
-{ 6 @Alpha f }
-{ 7 @Alpha g }
-{ 8 @Alpha h }
-{ 9 @Alpha i }
-{ 10 @Alpha j }
-{ 11 @Alpha k }
-{ 12 @Alpha l }
-{ 13 @Alpha m }
-{ 14 @Alpha n }
-{ 15 @Alpha o }
-{ 16 @Alpha p }
-{ 17 @Alpha q }
-{ 18 @Alpha r }
-{ 19 @Alpha s }
-{ 20 @Alpha t }
-{ 21 @Alpha u }
-{ 22 @Alpha v }
-{ 23 @Alpha w }
-{ 24 @Alpha x }
-{ 25 @Alpha y }
-{ 26 @Alpha z }
+{ 1 @Alpha "a" }
+{ 2 @Alpha "b" }
+{ 3 @Alpha "c" }
+{ 4 @Alpha "d" }
+{ 5 @Alpha "e" }
+{ 6 @Alpha "f" }
+{ 7 @Alpha "g" }
+{ 8 @Alpha "h" }
+{ 9 @Alpha "i" }
+{ 10 @Alpha "j" }
+{ 11 @Alpha "k" }
+{ 12 @Alpha "l" }
+{ 13 @Alpha "m" }
+{ 14 @Alpha "n" }
+{ 15 @Alpha "o" }
+{ 16 @Alpha "p" }
+{ 17 @Alpha "q" }
+{ 18 @Alpha "r" }
+{ 19 @Alpha "s" }
+{ 20 @Alpha "t" }
+{ 21 @Alpha "u" }
+{ 22 @Alpha "v" }
+{ 23 @Alpha "w" }
+{ 24 @Alpha "x" }
+{ 25 @Alpha "y" }
+{ 26 @Alpha "z" }
{ 27 @Alpha @CurrLang @Case {
Croatian @Yield { ?? }
@@ -1377,6 +1417,7 @@
Danish @Yield { @Char ae }
English @Yield { ?? }
EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char ccircumflex }
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
Finnish @Yield { @Char aring }
French @Yield { @Char ae }
@@ -1401,6 +1442,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
English @Yield { ?? }
EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char gcircumflex }
Finnish @Yield { @Char adieresis }
French @Yield { ?? }
German @Yield { ?? }
@@ -1424,6 +1466,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
English @Yield { ?? }
EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char hcircumflex }
Finnish @Yield { @Char odieresis }
French @Yield { ?? }
German @Yield { ?? }
@@ -1440,33 +1483,43 @@
UpperSorbian @Yield { ?? }
} }
+{ 30 @Alpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char jcircumflex }
+ else @Yield { ?? }
+} }
+{ 31 @Alpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char ubreve }
+ else @Yield { ?? }
+} }
{ ?? @UCAlpha ?? }
-{ 1 @UCAlpha A }
-{ 2 @UCAlpha B }
-{ 3 @UCAlpha C }
-{ 4 @UCAlpha D }
-{ 5 @UCAlpha E }
-{ 6 @UCAlpha F }
-{ 7 @UCAlpha G }
-{ 8 @UCAlpha H }
-{ 9 @UCAlpha I }
-{ 10 @UCAlpha J }
-{ 11 @UCAlpha K }
-{ 12 @UCAlpha L }
-{ 13 @UCAlpha M }
-{ 14 @UCAlpha N }
-{ 15 @UCAlpha O }
-{ 16 @UCAlpha P }
-{ 17 @UCAlpha Q }
-{ 18 @UCAlpha R }
-{ 19 @UCAlpha S }
-{ 20 @UCAlpha T }
-{ 21 @UCAlpha U }
-{ 22 @UCAlpha V }
-{ 23 @UCAlpha W }
-{ 24 @UCAlpha X }
-{ 25 @UCAlpha Y }
-{ 26 @UCAlpha Z }
+{ 1 @UCAlpha "A" }
+{ 2 @UCAlpha "B" }
+{ 3 @UCAlpha "C" }
+{ 4 @UCAlpha "D" }
+{ 5 @UCAlpha "E" }
+{ 6 @UCAlpha "F" }
+{ 7 @UCAlpha "G" }
+{ 8 @UCAlpha "H" }
+{ 9 @UCAlpha "I" }
+{ 10 @UCAlpha "J" }
+{ 11 @UCAlpha "K" }
+{ 12 @UCAlpha "L" }
+{ 13 @UCAlpha "M" }
+{ 14 @UCAlpha "N" }
+{ 15 @UCAlpha "O" }
+{ 16 @UCAlpha "P" }
+{ 17 @UCAlpha "Q" }
+{ 18 @UCAlpha "R" }
+{ 19 @UCAlpha "S" }
+{ 20 @UCAlpha "T" }
+{ 21 @UCAlpha "U" }
+{ 22 @UCAlpha "V" }
+{ 23 @UCAlpha "W" }
+{ 24 @UCAlpha "X" }
+{ 25 @UCAlpha "Y" }
+{ 26 @UCAlpha "Z" }
{ 27 @UCAlpha @CurrLang @Case {
Croatian @Yield { ?? }
@@ -1475,6 +1528,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
English @Yield { ?? }
EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char Ccircumflex }
Finnish @Yield { @Char Aring }
French @Yield { @Char AE }
German @Yield { ?? }
@@ -1498,6 +1552,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
English @Yield { ?? }
EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char Gcircumflex }
Finnish @Yield { @Char Adieresis }
French @Yield { ?? }
German @Yield { ?? }
@@ -1521,6 +1576,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { ?? }
English @Yield { ?? }
EnglishUK @Yield { ?? }
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char Hcircumflex }
Finnish @Yield { @Char Odieresis }
French @Yield { ?? }
German @Yield { ?? }
@@ -1537,6 +1593,32 @@
UpperSorbian @Yield { ?? }
} }
+{ 30 @UCAlpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char Jcircumflex }
+ else @Yield { ?? }
+} }
+{ 31 @UCAlpha @CurrLang @Case {
+ Esperanto @Yield { @Char Ubreve }
+ else @Yield { ?? }
+} }
+{ ?? @FnBullets ?? }
+{ 1 @FnBullets @Bullet }
+{ 2 @FnBullets { @Bullet @Bullet } }
+{ 3 @FnBullets { @Bullet @Bullet @Bullet } }
+{ 4 @FnBullets { @Bullet @Bullet @Bullet @Bullet } }
+{ ?? @FnSymbols ?? }
+{ 1 @FnSymbols @Star }
+{ 2 @FnSymbols @Dagger }
+{ 3 @FnSymbols @DaggerDbl }
+{ 4 @FnSymbols @SectSym }
+{ 5 @FnSymbols @ParSym }
+{ 6 @FnSymbols "||" }
+{ 7 @FnSymbols { @Star @Star } }
+{ 8 @FnSymbols { @Dagger @Dagger } }
+{ 9 @FnSymbols { @DaggerDbl @DaggerDbl } }
{ 1 @Months @CurrLang @Case {
Croatian @Yield { sije{@Char ccaron}anj }
@@ -1545,6 +1627,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { januari }
English @Yield { January }
EnglishUK @Yield { January }
+ Esperanto @Yield { januaro }
Finnish @Yield { tammikuu }
French @Yield { janvier }
German @Yield { Januar }
@@ -1568,6 +1651,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { februari }
English @Yield { February }
EnglishUK @Yield { February }
+ Esperanto @Yield { februaro }
Finnish @Yield { helmikuu }
French @Yield { f{@Char eacute}vrier }
German @Yield { Februar }
@@ -1591,6 +1675,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { maart }
English @Yield { March }
EnglishUK @Yield { March }
+ Esperanto @Yield { marto }
Finnish @Yield { maaliskuu }
French @Yield { mars }
German @Yield { M{@Char adieresis}rz }
@@ -1614,6 +1699,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { april }
English @Yield { April }
EnglishUK @Yield { April }
+ Esperanto @Yield { aprilo }
Finnish @Yield { huhtikuu }
French @Yield { avril }
German @Yield { April }
@@ -1637,6 +1723,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { mei }
English @Yield { May }
EnglishUK @Yield { May }
+ Esperanto @Yield { majo }
Finnish @Yield { toukokuu }
French @Yield { mai }
German @Yield { Mai }
@@ -1660,6 +1747,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { juni }
English @Yield { June }
EnglishUK @Yield { June }
+ Esperanto @Yield { junio }
Finnish @Yield { kes{@Char adieresis}kuu }
French @Yield { juin }
German @Yield { Juni }
@@ -1684,6 +1772,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { juli }
English @Yield { July }
EnglishUK @Yield { July }
+ Esperanto @Yield { julio }
Finnish @Yield { hein{@Char adieresis}kuu }
French @Yield { juillet }
German @Yield { Juli }
@@ -1707,6 +1796,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { augustus }
English @Yield { August }
EnglishUK @Yield { August }
+ Esperanto @Yield { a{@Char ubreve}gusto }
Finnish @Yield { elokuu }
French @Yield { ao{@Char ucircumflex}t }
German @Yield { August }
@@ -1730,6 +1820,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { september }
English @Yield { September }
EnglishUK @Yield { September }
+ Esperanto @Yield { septembro }
Finnish @Yield { syyskuu }
French @Yield { septembre }
German @Yield { September }
@@ -1753,6 +1844,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { oktober }
English @Yield { October }
EnglishUK @Yield { October }
+ Esperanto @Yield { oktobro }
Finnish @Yield { lokakuu }
French @Yield { octobre }
German @Yield { Oktober }
@@ -1776,6 +1868,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { november }
English @Yield { November }
EnglishUK @Yield { November }
+ Esperanto @Yield { novembro }
Finnish @Yield { marraskuu }
French @Yield { novembre }
German @Yield { November }
@@ -1799,6 +1892,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { december }
English @Yield { December }
EnglishUK @Yield { December }
+ Esperanto @Yield { decembro }
Finnish @Yield { joulukuu }
French @Yield { d{@Char eacute}cembre }
German @Yield { Dezember }
@@ -1823,6 +1917,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { jan }
English @Yield { Jan }
EnglishUK @Yield { Jan }
+ Esperanto @Yield { jan }
Finnish @Yield { tammikuu }
French @Yield { jan }
German @Yield { Jan }
@@ -1846,6 +1941,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { feb }
English @Yield { Feb }
EnglishUK @Yield { Feb }
+ Esperanto @Yield { feb }
Finnish @Yield { helmikuu }
French @Yield { f{@Char eacute}v }
German @Yield { Feb }
@@ -1869,6 +1965,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { mrt }
English @Yield { Mar }
EnglishUK @Yield { Mar }
+ Esperanto @Yield { mar }
Finnish @Yield { maaliskuu }
French @Yield { mar }
German @Yield { M{@Char adieresis}r }
@@ -1892,6 +1989,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { apr }
English @Yield { Apr }
EnglishUK @Yield { Apr }
+ Esperanto @Yield { apr }
Finnish @Yield { huhtikuu }
French @Yield { avr }
German @Yield { Apr }
@@ -1915,6 +2013,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { mei }
English @Yield { May }
EnglishUK @Yield { May }
+ Esperanto @Yield { maj }
Finnish @Yield { toukokuu }
French @Yield { mai }
German @Yield { Mai }
@@ -1938,6 +2037,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { jun }
English @Yield { Jun }
EnglishUK @Yield { Jun }
+ Esperanto @Yield { jun }
Finnish @Yield { kes{@Char adieresis}kuu }
French @Yield { juin }
German @Yield { Jun }
@@ -1961,6 +2061,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { jul }
English @Yield { Jul }
EnglishUK @Yield { Jul }
+ Esperanto @Yield { jul }
Finnish @Yield { hein{@Char adieresis}kuu }
French @Yield { juil }
German @Yield { Jul }
@@ -1984,6 +2085,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { aug }
English @Yield { Aug }
EnglishUK @Yield { Aug }
+ Esperanto @Yield { a{@Char ubreve}g }
Finnish @Yield { elokuu }
French @Yield { ao{@Char ucircumflex} }
German @Yield { Aug }
@@ -2007,6 +2109,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { sep }
English @Yield { Sep }
EnglishUK @Yield { Sep }
+ Esperanto @Yield { sep }
Finnish @Yield { syyskuu }
French @Yield { sep }
German @Yield { Sep }
@@ -2030,6 +2133,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { okt }
English @Yield { Oct }
EnglishUK @Yield { Oct }
+ Esperanto @Yield { okt }
Finnish @Yield { lokakuu }
French @Yield { oct }
German @Yield { Okt }
@@ -2053,6 +2157,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { nov }
English @Yield { Nov }
EnglishUK @Yield { Nov }
+ Esperanto @Yield { nov }
Finnish @Yield { marraskuu }
French @Yield { nov }
German @Yield { Nov }
@@ -2076,6 +2181,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { dec }
English @Yield { Dec }
EnglishUK @Yield { Dec }
+ Esperanto @Yield { dec }
Finnish @Yield { joulukuu }
French @Yield { d{@Char eacute}c }
German @Yield { Dez }
@@ -2100,6 +2206,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { zondag }
English @Yield { Sunday }
EnglishUK @Yield { Sunday }
+ Esperanto @Yield { diman{@Char ccircumflex}o }
Finnish @Yield { sunnuntai }
French @Yield { dimanche }
German @Yield { Sonntag }
@@ -2123,6 +2230,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { maandag }
English @Yield { Monday }
EnglishUK @Yield { Monday }
+ Esperanto @Yield { lundo }
Finnish @Yield { maanantai }
French @Yield { lundi }
German @Yield { Montag }
@@ -2146,6 +2254,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { dinsdag }
English @Yield { Tuesday }
EnglishUK @Yield { Tuesday }
+ Esperanto @Yield { mardo }
Finnish @Yield { tiistai }
French @Yield { mardi }
German @Yield { Dienstag }
@@ -2169,6 +2278,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { woensdag }
English @Yield { Wednesday }
EnglishUK @Yield { Wednesday }
+ Esperanto @Yield { merkredo }
Finnish @Yield { keskiviikko }
French @Yield { mercredi }
German @Yield { Mittwoch }
@@ -2192,6 +2302,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { donderdag }
English @Yield { Thursday }
EnglishUK @Yield { Thursday }
+ Esperanto @Yield { {@Char jcircumflex}a{@Char ubreve}do }
Finnish @Yield { torstai }
French @Yield { jeudi }
German @Yield { Donnerstag }
@@ -2215,6 +2326,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { vrijdag }
English @Yield { Friday }
EnglishUK @Yield { Friday }
+ Esperanto @Yield { vendredo }
Finnish @Yield { perjantai }
French @Yield { vendredi }
German @Yield { Freitag }
@@ -2238,6 +2350,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { zaterdag }
English @Yield { Saturday }
EnglishUK @Yield { Saturday }
+ Esperanto @Yield { sabato }
Finnish @Yield { lauantai }
French @Yield { samedi }
German @Yield { Samstag }
@@ -2262,6 +2375,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { zo }
English @Yield { Sun }
EnglishUK @Yield { Sun }
+ Esperanto @Yield { dim }
Finnish @Yield { su }
French @Yield { dim }
German @Yield { So }
@@ -2285,6 +2399,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { ma }
English @Yield { Mon }
EnglishUK @Yield { Mon }
+ Esperanto @Yield { lun }
Finnish @Yield { ma }
French @Yield { lun }
German @Yield { Mo }
@@ -2308,6 +2423,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { di }
English @Yield { Tue }
EnglishUK @Yield { Tue }
+ Esperanto @Yield { mar }
Finnish @Yield { ti }
French @Yield { mar }
German @Yield { Di }
@@ -2331,6 +2447,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { wo }
English @Yield { Wed }
EnglishUK @Yield { Wed }
+ Esperanto @Yield { mer }
Finnish @Yield { ke }
French @Yield { mer }
German @Yield { Mi }
@@ -2354,6 +2471,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { do }
English @Yield { Thu }
EnglishUK @Yield { Thu }
+ Esperanto @Yield { {@Char jcircumflex}a{@Char ubreve} }
Finnish @Yield { to }
French @Yield { jeu }
German @Yield { Do }
@@ -2377,6 +2495,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { vr }
English @Yield { Fri }
EnglishUK @Yield { Fri }
+ Esperanto @Yield { ven }
Finnish @Yield { pe }
French @Yield { ven }
German @Yield { Fr }
@@ -2400,6 +2519,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { za }
English @Yield { Sat }
EnglishUK @Yield { Sat }
+ Esperanto @Yield { sab }
Finnish @Yield { la }
French @Yield { sam }
German @Yield { Sa }
@@ -2528,6 +2648,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { @DayNum @Month @Year }
English @Yield { @DayNum @Month, @Year }
EnglishUK @Yield { @DayNum @Month, @Year }
+ Esperanto @Yield { @DayNum"a" "de" @Month "de" @Year }
Finnish @Yield { @DayNum. @Month"ta" @Year }
French @Yield { @DayNum @Month @Year }
German @Yield { @DayNum. @Month @Year }
@@ -2552,6 +2673,7 @@
Dutch @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
English @Yield { @TwelveHour.@Minute @MeriDiem }
EnglishUK @Yield { @TwelveHour.@Minute @MeriDiem }
+ Esperanto @Yield { @ShortHour:@Minute }
Finnish @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
French @Yield { @ShortHour"h"@Minute }
German @Yield { @ShortHour.@Minute }
diff --git a/doc/design/README b/doc/design/README
index 4757d95..30170ee 100644
--- a/doc/design/README
+++ b/doc/design/README
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ messages (although changing the paper size might
produce one or two benign ones).
Jeffrey H. Kingston
-27 October 2004
+24 August 2005
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diff --git a/doc/expert/README b/doc/expert/README
index 98a66c8..57b8745 100644
--- a/doc/expert/README
+++ b/doc/expert/README
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ which just warns about a figure that is not able to be placed on
the first possible page, and so has to appear on the next page.
Jeffrey H. Kingston
-27 October 2004
+24 August 2005
diff --git a/doc/expert/all b/doc/expert/all
index c5f48c4..f00ffe9 100644
--- a/doc/expert/all
+++ b/doc/expert/all
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ Lout
Document Formatting System }
@Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
- @Edition { Version 3.30
-Ocrober, 2004 }
- @Publisher { @I { @CopyRight Copyright 1991, 2004, Jeffrey
+ @Edition { Version 3.31
+August, 2005 }
+ @Publisher { @I { @CopyRight Copyright 1991, 2005, Jeffrey
H. Kingston, School of Information Technologies, The University
of Sydney 2006, Australia.} }
@InitialLanguage { English }
diff --git a/doc/expert/outfile.ps b/doc/expert/outfile.ps
index d069ec6..5b28002 100644
--- a/doc/expert/outfile.ps
+++ b/doc/expert/outfile.ps
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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-%%CreationDate: Wed Oct 27 18:33:09 2004
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+%%CreationDate: Wed Aug 24 10:26:03 2005
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720 11837(3.20.)m 1304(@HCo)s 3(v)k 3(er)k
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720 11492(3.21.)m 1304(@StartHSpan,@StartVSpan,)s
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720 9077(3.28.)m
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720 8732(3.29.)m
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6522(..)s 6866(..)s 7210(..)s 7554(..)s 7898(..)s
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6522(..)s 6866(..)s 7210(..)s 7554(..)s 7898(..)s
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720 5684(3.37.)m
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7210(..)s 7554(..)s 7898(..)s 8242(..)s
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720 5339(3.38.)m 1304(@Open and @Use)s 3426(..)s 3770(..)s 4114(..)s
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6866(..)s 7210(..)s 7554(..)s 7898(..)s 8242(..)s
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7210(..)s 7554(..)s 7898(..)s 8242(..)s
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6866(..)s 7210(..)s 7554(..)s 7898(..)s 8242(..)s
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4694(the)s 5032(tw)s 2(o)k 5432(paragraphs;)s 6583(that)s
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640(are)s 985(equal)s 1555(in)s 1796(the)s 2142(tw)s 2(o)k
2549(paragraphs.)s 3760(In)s 4013(the)s 4359(e)s 3(xample)k
5220(abo)s 3(v)k 3(e,)k 5890(the)s 6236(result)s
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-240 fnt1 7949 7825(.)m 8111(The)s 8536(result)s 0 7537(of)m
-220 fnt2 271 7534(@Rump)m 240 fnt1 1131 7537(is)m 1341(that)s
+6824(is)s 220 fnt2 7031 8223(Aardv)m 5(ar)k -3(k,)k
+240 fnt1 7949 8226(.)m 8111(The)s 8536(result)s 0 7938(of)m
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-567 6540(.)m 480 6166(If)m 698(the)s 1034(tw)s 2(o)k
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4959(If)s 5185(the)s 5528(tw)s 2(o)k 5934(objects)s
6658(are)s 7001(identical,)s 7926(the)s 8270(result)s 8855(of)s
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3037(original)s 3835(paragraphs)s 4935(as)s 5185(subsequences.)s 6652(F)s 3(or)k
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1724(if)s 1969(one)s 2399(is)s 2638(immediately)s 3914(adjacent)s
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1210(component)s 2333(in)s 2574(the)s 2921(\207rst)s 3351(e)s 3(xample)k
4213(and)s 4615(tw)s 2(o)k 5024(in)s 5266(the)s
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1015(b)s 4(ut)k 1381(it)s 1577(w)s 2(ould)k
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907(adjacent)s 1777(w)s 2(ords.)k 2537(These)s 3177(confusing)s
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754(See)s 1176(Section)s 1971(4.6)s 2345(for)s 2704(an)s
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480 4153( @Title { )m 11(The Elements of Style })k 480 3865( @Pub)m 4(lisher { MacMillan, third edition })k 480 3577( @Y)m 30(ear { 1979 })k
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+1208(38)s 220 fnt2 0 2881(@Y)m 4(ield)k
240 fnt1 753 2884(symbol)m 1460(,)s
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0 2593(@YUnit)m 240 fnt1 814 2596(symbol)m 1521(,)s
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220 fnt2 0 2017(@ZUnit)m 240 fnt1 802 2020(symbol)m 1509(,)s
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1417 -15423 translate
240 fnt1 0 0 0 0 240 288 60 LoutGraphic
-1 LoutMargSet
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@@ -22143,5 +22199,5 @@ showpage
%%+ procset LoutFigPrependGraphic
%%+ procset LoutBasicSetup
%%+ encoding vec2
-%%Pages: 117
+%%Pages: 118
diff --git a/doc/expert/pre_brea b/doc/expert/pre_brea
index 81871d2..e4db184 100644
--- a/doc/expert/pre_brea
+++ b/doc/expert/pre_brea
@@ -144,9 +144,10 @@ last lines of the paragraphs of {@I object}.
These options work by adding the @Code "u" (unbreakable) suffix to the
appropriate gaps during paragraph breaking, so their precise effect is
as described for this suffix. These options may be countermanded by
-@Code "breakablefirst @Break" and @Code "breakablelast @Break". The
-width of the outdenting used in the @Code "outdent" style may be changed
-like this:
+@Code "breakablefirst @Break" and @Code "breakablelast @Break".
+The width of the outdenting used in the @Code "outdent" style may be
+changed like this:
@LI {
@@ -158,6 +159,9 @@ switch to outdenting style. The width may be preceded by @Code "+" or
+Margin kerning, in which small (usually punctuation) characters protrude
+into the margin, may be obtained by @Code "marginkerning @Break" and turned
+off by @Code { "nomarginkerning @Break" }.
Several options may be given to the @@Break symbol simultaneously, in
any order. For example,
diff --git a/doc/expert/preface b/doc/expert/preface
index 5da3b5d..8681172 100644
--- a/doc/expert/preface
+++ b/doc/expert/preface
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ This manual presents Version 3 of Basser Lout, publicly released in
September 1994 @Cite { $kingston1995lout.program } and developed
continuously since then. This manual was rendered into PostScript
postscript @Index { PostScript }
-by Version 3.30 of the Basser Lout interpreter, using the symbols
+by Version 3.31 of the Basser Lout interpreter, using the symbols
described in the User's Guide @Cite { $kingston1995lout.user }.
@Heading { Acknowledgment. } Version 3 has benefited from hundreds of
diff --git a/doc/slides/README b/doc/slides/README
index cbcaa2d..fbcb1ee 100644
--- a/doc/slides/README
+++ b/doc/slides/README
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ after the second run. A copy of the final
outfile.ps is included.
Jeff Kingston
-27 October 2004
+24 August 2005
diff --git a/doc/slides/outfile.ps b/doc/slides/outfile.ps
index cc5bb5f..d501830 100644
--- a/doc/slides/outfile.ps
+++ b/doc/slides/outfile.ps
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-%%Creator: Basser Lout Version 3.30 (October 2004)
-%%CreationDate: Wed Oct 27 18:34:56 2004
+%%Creator: Basser Lout Version 3.31 (August 2005)
+%%CreationDate: Wed Aug 24 10:27:34 2005
%%DocumentData: Binary
%%DocumentNeededResources: (atend)
%%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)
@@ -2570,7 +2570,7 @@ gsave
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800 8686(@Heading { Introduction })m 800 8206(@PP)m 800 7726(The design of the Lout f)m 10(or)k -9(matting)k
800 7246(system w)m 5(as under)k -14(tak)k 7(en with the)k 800 6766(needs of the @I { ordinar)m -10(y user })k
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800 9172(his of\207ce and repor)m -14(t:)k 800 8692(@ID { r)m 3(agged noh)k 10(yphen } @Break @I {)k
800 8212(`I can't \207nd an ef\207cient algor)m -5(ithm, I)k 800 7732(guess I'm just too dumb)m 14(.)k 36(')k
@@ -2977,7 +2977,7 @@ gsave
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800 8282(@ListItem { )m 14(W)k 14(ait appro)k 10(ximately 10 seconds)k 800 7802(until red light \210ashes)m 5(.)k 21( })k
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800 7726( @Institution { ...)m 21( })k 800 7246( @DateLine { ...)m 21( })k 800 6766(//)m
@@ -3228,7 +3228,7 @@ gsave
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800 7800(@PP)m 800 7320(W)m 10(e tur)k -9(n no)k 5(w to our \207rst algor)k -5(ithm)k
@@ -3281,7 +3281,7 @@ gsave
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800 8763(F)m 10(or the details)k 5(, consult the User')k 18(s)k 800 8283(Guide @Cite { $kingston1995lout.user }.)m
@@ -3506,7 +3506,7 @@ gsave
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800 7724( @Title { A User')m 18(s Guide to the Lout)k 800 7244(Document F)m 10(or)k -9(matting System \(V)k 28(ersion 3\) })k
@@ -3634,32 +3634,32 @@ gsave
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800 8686(@I P)m 14(ar)k -14(tition procedure)k 5(,)k 800 8206(par)m -14(tition @Inde)k 10(x { @I P)k 14(ar)k -14(tition \(in {@I Quic)k 7(ksor)k -14(t}\) })k
800 7726(b)m 7(ut the f)k 10(ollo)k 5(wing seems to be the best.)k 21( Star)k -14(ting ...)k
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360 fnt2 800 9645(@SysInclude { eq })m 800 9165(...)m 800 8685(Since @Eq { )m 18(T\(n-i\) = )k 18(T\(0\) = 0 } w)k 3(e ha)k 7(v)k 9(e)k
800 8205(@IndentedDispla)m 10(y @Eq {)k 800 7725(T\(n\) = big sum from i=0 to n-1 2 sup i = 2 sup n - 1)m 800 7245(})m 800 6765(f)m 10(or the n)k 3(umber of disk mo)k 5(v)k 9(es made b)k 7(y the )k 18(T)k 43(o)k 5(w)k 3(ers)k
800 6285(of Hanoi algor)m -5(ithm, giv)k 9(en @Eq { n } disks)k 5(.)k
@@ -3890,7 +3890,7 @@ gsave
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800 8684(dx o)m 5(v)k 9(er sqr)k -14(t { 1 - x sup 2 })k 800 8204(= pi o)m 5(v)k 9(er 2)k
800 7724(})m
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800 6849( A { F)m 10(or)k -14(tr)k 3(an })k 800 6369( B { )m 18(The \207rst ...)k 21( language })k
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800 7321({)m 800 6361(@Ro)m 5(w)k 5(a abo)k 5(v)k 9(e { single })k
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800 7731(begin)m 800 7251( if root^.leftchild <> nil then begin)m 800 6771( DoPr)m -5(iAbstr)k 3(act\(root^.leftchild\);)k
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800 8685(})m
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+[ /Dest /LOUT26_229_all_36 /DEST pdfmark
360 fnt2 800 9645(@Fig {)m 800 9165(A::)m 800 8685({)m
800 8205( 1::)m 18( @Ellipse { 3c @Wide 2c @High })k 800 7725( //3c)m 800 7245( 2::)m 18( @Bo)k 10(x { 3c @Wide 2c @High })k
800 6765(})m 800 6285(@Sho)m 5(wLabels)k 800 5805(})m
@@ -5166,7 +5166,7 @@ gsave
0 LoutMargSet
-[ /Dest /LOUT26_224_all_37 /DEST pdfmark
+[ /Dest /LOUT26_229_all_37 /DEST pdfmark
8640 10080 1440 8414 400 480 100 0 667 LoutGr2
LoutBox stroke
@@ -5265,7 +5265,7 @@ gsave
1 LoutMargSet
400 fnt4 3895 11375(Graphs)m
-[ /Dest /LOUT26_224_all_38 /DEST pdfmark
+[ /Dest /LOUT26_229_all_38 /DEST pdfmark
340 fnt2
800 9036(@Gr)m 3(aph)k 800 8556( abo)m 5(v)k 8(ecaption { Ne)k 6(w South )k 13(W)k 13(ales road deaths)k
800 8076(\(per 100 million v)m 8(ehicle km\) })k 800 7596({)m 800 7116( @Data points { plus } pairs { dashed })m 800 6636( { 1963 5.6 1971 4.3 1976 3.7 1979 3.4)m
@@ -5313,7 +5313,7 @@ gsave
0 LoutMargSet
-[ /Dest /LOUT26_224_all_39 /DEST pdfmark
+[ /Dest /LOUT26_229_all_39 /DEST pdfmark
8640 10080 1440 8640 400 480 100 0 667 LoutGr2
LoutBox stroke
@@ -5393,7 +5393,7 @@ gsave
1 LoutMargSet
-[ /Dest /LOUT26_224_all_40 /DEST pdfmark
+[ /Dest /LOUT26_229_all_40 /DEST pdfmark
360 fnt2 800 10484(-2p @F)m 10(ont @Gr)k 3(aph)k
800 10004( style { ax)m 10(es })k 800 9524( xor)m -5(igin { 0 } y)k 7(or)k -5(igin { 0 })k
800 9044( xtic)m 7(ks { 10@ 50@ 100@ 200@ 500@ })k 800 8564( objects { @NE at { 300 2 } @I { Exponential })m 800 8084( @SE at { ...)m 21( } @I { Unif)k 10(or)k -9(m } })k
@@ -5448,7 +5448,7 @@ gsave
0 LoutMargSet
-[ /Dest /LOUT26_224_all_41 /DEST pdfmark
+[ /Dest /LOUT26_229_all_41 /DEST pdfmark
8640 10080 1440 8640 400 480 100 0 668 LoutGr2
LoutBox stroke
diff --git a/doc/user/README b/doc/user/README
index 715d867..e65b183 100644
--- a/doc/user/README
+++ b/doc/user/README
@@ -17,19 +17,17 @@ nearly all beginning with "unresolved cross reference". These
should gradually go away on later runs. The following shows the
error message output on the later runs for A4 size printing:
-lout file "str_foot" (from "str" line 8, from "all" line 38):
- 11,13: 1.0c object too high for 0.6c space; will try elsewhere
-lout file "str_indx" (from "str" line 16, from "all" line 38):
- 54,1: 0.3c object too high for 0.2c space; will try elsewhere
-lout file "dia_synt" (from "dia" line 50, from "all" line 45):
- 80,1: 1.0c object too high for 0.8c space; will try elsewhere
-lout file "gra_summ" (from "gra" line 44, from "all" line 46):
- 10,1: 24.1c object too high for 23.6c space; @Scale inserted
-lout file "prg_tabs" (from "prg" line 141, from "all" line 48):
- 66,23: prg2lout 2,1: program text ended within comment
- 68,35: prg2lout 2,1: program text ended within comment
-The first three warnings are about footnotes that did not fit onto
+ lout file "str_foot" (from "str" line 8, from "all" line 38):
+ 11,13: 1.0c object too high for 0.6c space; will try elsewhere
+ lout file "str_indx" (from "str" line 16, from "all" line 38):
+ 54,1: 0.3c object too high for 0.2c space; will try elsewhere
+ lout file "gra_summ" (from "gra" line 44, from "all" line 46):
+ 10,1: 24.1c object too high for 23.6c space; @Scale inserted
+ lout file "prg_tabs" (from "prg" line 141, from "all" line 48):
+ 66,23: prg2lout 2,1: program text ended within comment
+ 68,35: prg2lout 2,1: program text ended within comment
+The first two warnings are about footnotes that did not fit onto
the first available page. The next is about a large table that had
to be scaled down slightly to fit on the page. The last two warnings
point to two places where a C program text ended inside a comment,
@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ repeated failure to converge, caused by footnotes and floating figures
close to large unbreakable displays.
A copy of the final PostScript output file (A4 paper size) is
-stored at "ftp://ftp.it.su.edu.au/jeff/lout/lout-3.30.user.ps.gz".
+stored at "ftp://ftp.it.su.edu.au/jeff/lout/lout-3.31.user.ps.gz".
Jeffrey H. Kingston
-27 October 2004
+August 2005
diff --git a/doc/user/all b/doc/user/all
index 937eb4d..76a8366 100644
--- a/doc/user/all
+++ b/doc/user/all
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ Lout
Document Formatting System
@Author { Jeffrey H. Kingston }
- @Edition { Version 3.30
-October, 2004 }
+ @Edition { Version 3.31
+August, 2005 }
@Publisher {
-Copyright @CopyRight 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston,
+Copyright @CopyRight 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston,
School of Information Technologies,
The University of Sydney 2006, Australia. ISBN 0 86758 951 5.
diff --git a/doc/user/bas b/doc/user/bas
index 253abd8..a947d77 100644
--- a/doc/user/bas
+++ b/doc/user/bas
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ simple to use.
@Include { bas_par2 }
@Include { bas_line }
@Include { bas_hyph }
+@Include { bas_marg }
@Include { bas_unde }
@Include { bas_lang }
@Include { bas_date }
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_char b/doc/user/bas_char
index 4f4b8a6..3805021 100644
--- a/doc/user/bas_char
+++ b/doc/user/bas_char
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ or not, inside one pair of double quotes:
A { "\"@PP\"" }
B { "\"\\\"@PP\\\"\"" }
-Next we have some miscellaneous characters which have been deemed
-sufficiently important to deserve their own symbols:
+The following characters have been deemed important enough to deserve
+their own symbols:
@ID @OneRow @Tab
vmargin { 0.5vx }
@Fmta { @Col A ! @Col @Code B ! @Col ! @Col C ! @Col @Code D !
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ exotic characters obtained with the @Code "@Sym" symbol:
There is only one Symbol font; it does not come in bold or italic faces
like the other fonts. Typing @Code "@B @Sym alpha" is therefore useless,
and anyway there is no bold @Sym alpha character in any font distributed
-with Lout (except see Section {@NumberOf teq}).
+with Lout. # (except see Section {@NumberOf teq}).
Next there are the dingbats. Here they are with their
dingbats. @Index { dingbats characters }
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_lang b/doc/user/bas_lang
index 7468076..7270b39 100644
--- a/doc/user/bas_lang
+++ b/doc/user/bas_lang
@@ -38,17 +38,19 @@ At the time of writing, the following languages were available:
A { EnglishUK en-GB }
B { Slovak Slovensky Slovencina }
- A { Finnish Suomi fi }
+ A { Esperanto eo }
B { Slovenian Slovenia Slovenija sl }
- A { French Francais Fran{@Char ccedilla}ais fr }
+ A { Finnish Suomi fi }
B { Spanish Espa{@Char ntilde}ol es }
- A { German Deutsch de }
+ A { French Francais Fran{@Char ccedilla}ais fr }
B { Swedish Svenska sv }
- A { Hungarian Magyar hu }
+ A { German Deutsch de }
B { UpperSorbian hornjoserbsce serbsce }
+ A { Hungarian Magyar hu }
File @Code "include/langdefs" in the distribution always has the exact
list of known languages. As shown, most languages have alternative
diff --git a/doc/user/bas_marg b/doc/user/bas_marg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..416378c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bas_marg
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ @Title { Margin kerning }
+ @Tag { mkern }
+The @Code "@Break" symbol offers a variant of ordinary paragraph
+breaking called @I { margin kerning }, in which small characters
+margin.kerning. @Index { margin kerning }
+that happen to end up at the start or end of a line protrude
+slightly into the margin. This is said to make documents
+look better, particularly in narrow columns. For example,
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+2i @Wide marginkerning @Break {
+This is a test, just a little test, of
+margin kerning. It should kern small
+characters at the margins.
+@ID 2i @Wide marginkerning @Break {
+This is a test, just a little test, of
+margin kerning. It should kern small
+characters at the margins.
+in which the comma at the end of the first line protrudes. (For the
+@Code "@Wide" symbol, which produces a two-inch column here,
+see Section {@NumberOf precise}.)
+As with most @Code "@Break" options, you probably want this in your
+@Code "@InitialBreak" option, described in Section {@NumberOf paras},
+if you use it at all. By default there is no margin kerning. To turn
+it off in a context where it is on, use @Code {"nomarginkerning @Break"}.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr b/doc/user/bgr
index 9855287..9646edb 100644
--- a/doc/user/bgr
+++ b/doc/user/bgr
@@ -18,5 +18,6 @@ get them beyond the usual @Code "@SysInclude { doc }" or whatever.
@Include { bgr_scal }
@Include { bgr_mirr }
@Include { bgr_incl }
+@Include { bgr_prec }
@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr_incl b/doc/user/bgr_incl
index 0299b6d..3b91070 100644
--- a/doc/user/bgr_incl
+++ b/doc/user/bgr_incl
@@ -32,18 +32,16 @@ called @Code "lout.eps" in the current directory, and removed after
being copied into the output file.
If you place an included illustration in a line of text, or anywhere
-where you care about its alignment with things on either side of it,
+where you care about its alignment with things on each side,
it will be positioned with its centre at the same height as the
-centre of the letter x. If this is not where you want it, use the
-@Code "@VShift" symbol:
+centre of the letter x. If this is not what you want, use the
+@Code "@VShift" symbol from Section {@NumberOf precise}:
vshift. @Index @Code "@VShift"
@ID @Code "... +0.5f @VShift @IncludeGraphic ..."
prints the illustration half of the current font size higher on the
page than would otherwise have been the case, and
@ID @Code "... -0.5f @VShift @IncludeGraphic ..."
-prints it half the current font size lower. Any length (Section
-{@NumberOf objects}) is allowed, and the object following @Code "@VShift"
-may in fact be arbitrary as usual.
+prints it half the current font size lower.
Sometimes you need to include the same EPS file many times, for
example once per page. If it is a large file it can make the
@@ -72,6 +70,6 @@ output file a lot shorter, and it usually makes it print faster as
well. On the other hand, {@Code "@IncludeGraphicRepeated"} uses
Level 2 PostScript features which some older printers may not have,
and it consumes a lot of memory in the printer. If memory runs out
-your job will not print properly, so @Code "@IncludeGraphicRepeated"
-must be used with caution.
+your job will not print properly, so use @Code "@IncludeGraphicRepeated"
+with caution.
@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr_prec b/doc/user/bgr_prec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bd0d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user/bgr_prec
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ @Title { Precise object placement }
+ @Tag { precise }
+This section offers some tips on placing objects precisely where you
+want them. This isn't a subject with any clear boundaries, so the
+section is mainly a list of examples, covering the use of the
+@Code {"@OneCol"}, @Code {"@OneRow"}, @Code {"@Wide"}, @Code {"@High"},
+@Code {"@HExpand"}, @Code {"@VExpand"}, @Code {"@HShift"}, @Code {"@VShift"},
+@Code {"@VStrut"}, @Code {"@OverStrike"}, @Code {"@ZeroHeight"},
+and @Code {"@ZeroWidth"} symbols.
+The @Code "@OneCol" symbol causes the following object to be kept
+onecol. @Index @Code "@OneCol"
+on one line. (The name stands for `one column', which is a bit
+confusing unless you are an expert.) For example, you could use
+it to prevent hyphenation in a particular word, or to keep someone's
+name together on one line:
+@ID @Code "@OneCol { Mr. Jones }"
+although there is also the @Code "~" symbol for that. Similarly,
+@Code "@OneRow" causes the following object to be kept in one
+onerow. @Index @Code "@OneRow"
+column. It is commonly used to keep displays and list items
+@ID @Code "@IndentedDisplay @OneRow ..."
+@ID @Code "@ListItem @OneRow ..."
+are the usual uses.
+Loosely speaking, the @Code {"@Wide"} symbol causes the object following
+wide. @Index @Code "@Wide"
+it to have a particular width. It also has a @Code "@OneCol" effect.
+Paragraphs within the object will be broken if necessary in order to
+satisfy the width restriction. More precisely, the result of the
+@Code {"@Wide"} symbol is an object with the given width, with the
+following object fitting inside it, so having at most that width. Compare
+@ID @Code "5c @Wide @Box { A box }"
+which produces
+@ID 5c @Wide @Box { A box }
+@ID @Code "@Box 5c @Wide { A box }"
+which produces
+@ID @Box 5c @Wide { A box }
+In the first example, the only obligation on the box is to be
+at most five centimetres wide, so that it fits into the space
+allowed it. In the second example, the box is drawn around
+an object guaranteed to be exactly five centimetres wide.
+The width of the box itself will be five centimetres plus twice the
+box margin width. Any length (Section {@NumberOf objects}) is allowed,
+and the object following @Code "@Wide" may be arbitrary as usual.
+The @Code "@High" symbol is like @Code {"@Wide"}, only vertical. The two
+high. @Index @Code "@High"
+may be used together:
+@ID @Code "@Box 5c @Wide 5c @High { A box }"
+@ID @Box 5c @Wide 5c @High { A box }
+Be careful when using @Code "@High" to allow enough space for
+whatever is inside. An error message will be printed if you
+don't, and the @Code "@High" symbol will be ignored.
+Instead of a particular width, it is quite common to want something
+to be as wide as possible. For this there is the @Code "@HExpand"
+hexpand. @Index @Code "@HExpand"
+@ID @Code "@IndentedDisplay @Box @HExpand { A box }"
+@IndentedDisplay @Box @HExpand { A box }
+Notice how @Code "@HExpand" is placed after the @Code "@Box" symbol,
+to ensure that the box is drawn around something as wide as possible,
+analogously to the second @Code "@Wide" example above. Lout has
+carefully worked out that `as wide as possible' means the column width
+minus the indent width and box margins.
+Here is an example of @Code "@Wide" and @Code "@HExpand" working
+@ID @Box margin { 0.3c } 8c @Wide {
+Name: @Underline @HExpand
+Address: @Underline @HExpand
+The problem is to get the underlines to be as wide as possible.
+The solution is
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+@Box margin { 0.3c } 8c @Wide {
+Name: @Underline @HExpand
+Address: @Underline @HExpand
+Each @Code "@HExpand" symbol produces for its result an object
+which is as wide as possible, in this example containing nothing.
+When that object is underlined, the underline is as wide as possible.
+Although there is a corresponding @Code "@VExpand" symbol, it is not very
+vexpand. @Index @Code "@VExpand"
+useful alone because `as high as possible' does not mean `down to the foot
+of the page' as you would expect. It is mainly useful within
+{@Code "@High"}.
+The @Code {"@HShift"} and @Code {"@VShift"} symbols control the alignment
+hshift. @Index @Code "@HShift"
+vshift. @Index @Code "@VShift"
+of objects with neighbouring objects. There are not many places in document
+formatting where alignment actually matters. Ordinary lines of text are
+one of them:
+@ID @Code "faults such as {-0.3f @VShift s}lipped letters"
+@ID { faults such as {-0.3f @VShift s}lipped letters }
+with the object following @Code "@VShift" aligned with neighbouring
+objects such that it appears 0.3 times the current font size lower
+than it normally would. The object following @Code {"@VShift"} may
+be arbitrary as usual. Examples requiring @Code "@HShift" are very
+rare; one appears below.
+The @Code "@VStrut" symbol is used to compensate for missing
+vstrut. @Index @Code "@VStrut"
+letter ascenders and descenders. For example, the three
+boxes @Box { e }, @Box { f }, and @Box { g } look ragged
+because their contents differ in their ascenders and descenders.
+The solution is to insert a @I strut into each box: an invisible
+object of zero width whose height is that of a letter with both
+an ascender and a descender. This is done with the
+@Code "@VStrut" symbol, which attaches such a strut to the
+following object:
+@ID @Code "@Box { @VStrut e }, @Box { @VStrut f }, and @Box { @VStrut g }"
+@ID { @Box { @VStrut e }, @Box { @VStrut f }, and @Box { @VStrut g } }
+The @Code "@VStrut" symbol has @Code "above" and @Code "below" options
+which determine how high and low (relative to the middle of the letter
+`x') the strut is to go. Their default values are both @Code { "0.5f" }.
+Missing descenders can cause list items to appear unequally spaced,
+because the space between list items is ordinarily measured from
+the bottom edge of the higher list item to the top edge of the lower
+one, rather than from baseline to baseline. Enclosing the last word
+of the troublesome items in @Code "@VStrut" will fix this problem.
+The @Code "@OverStrike" symbol causes the objects on
+overstrike. @Index @Code "@OverStrike"
+each side of it to be overstruck:
+@ID @Code "= @OverStrike \"/\""
+@ID { = @OverStrike "/" }
+The objects to be overstruck may be arbitrary as usual. For example,
+Section {@NumberOf overall} recommends this symbol for overstriking
+two graphs, to get what appears to be one graph with two coordinate
+systems superimposed. The second object is printed after the first
+and will paint over it.
+Sometimes the best way to get Lout to do what you want is to make it
+pretend that some object has zero width or height, using the
+zerowidth. @Index @Code "@ZeroWidth"
+zeroheight. @Index @Code "@ZeroHeight"
+@Code "@ZeroWidth" and @Code "@ZeroHeight" symbols. Lout will
+format the overall document as though the object in question had
+zero width or height, but it will still print the entire object.
+For example, you might have an inline equation that causes the
+line spacing to increase to accommodate it -- @E { 2 sup 2 sup N } say --
+but you would rather it didn't. Writing
+@ID @Code "@ZeroHeight @E { 2 sup 2 sup N }"
+causes Lout to pretend that the object has zero height, and so
+it will not increase the line spacing around this version of
+{@ZeroHeight @E { 2 sup 2 sup N }}, as you can see.
+The @Code "@HShift" and @Code "@VShift" symbols provide a way to move
+the printed object with respect to the zero-width one:
+@ID @Code @Verbatim {
+{@ZeroWidth 1w @HShift ``}My dear Sir Thomas!'' cried
+Mrs. Norris, red with anger, ``Fanny can walk.''
+This example produces `hanging punctuation':
+@ID 5c @Wide ragged @Break {
+{@ZeroWidth 1w @HShift ``}My dear Sir Thomas!'' cried
+Mrs. Norris, red with anger, ``Fanny can walk.''
+The double quotes are printed at zero width, and @Code "1w @HShift"
+ensures that they appear just to the left of the empty object that
+Lout thinks it is placing, so that they protrude into the margin
+rather than overstriking the next word (the Expert's Guide
+@Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert } explains the @Code "w" unit of
+Some of the symbols described in this section are Lout primitives, described
+in full detail in the Expert's Guide @Cite { $kingston1995lout.expert };
+and that is also the place to look for more information about precise
+object placement.
+@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr_rota b/doc/user/bgr_rota
index 4a35764..202d129 100644
--- a/doc/user/bgr_rota
+++ b/doc/user/bgr_rota
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ As usual, the object to be rotated may be arbitrary. However, it is
difficult for Lout to choose appropriate column widths for paragraphs
inside rotated objects, so if a rotated object contains paragraphs that
should be broken it is best to define the object's width explicitly,
-using the @Code "@Wide" symbol:
-wide @RawIndex { @Code "@Wide" }
+using the @Code "@Wide" symbol from Section {@NumberOf precise}:
+wide. @RawIndex { @Code "@Wide" }
wide.rotate @SubIndex { with @Code "@Rotate" }
@ID @OneRow @Code @Verbatim {
-90d @Rotate 4.5c @Wide {
diff --git a/doc/user/bgr_scal b/doc/user/bgr_scal
index 7623967..05f1074 100644
--- a/doc/user/bgr_scal
+++ b/doc/user/bgr_scal
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ takes no account of the available @I vertical space when choosing the
scale factor. The chosen scale factor could enlarge the vertical size so
much that the object no longer fits on the page, with disastrous results.
-By using a @Code "@Wide" symbol to restrict the available horizontal
-space, this form of scaling can also be used to scale to a nominated
-width. For example,
-wide @RawIndex { @Code "@Wide" }
+By using the @Code "@Wide" symbol from Section {@NumberOf precise} to
+restrict the available horizontal space, this form of scaling can also
+be used to scale to a nominated width. For example,
+wide. @RawIndex { @Code "@Wide" }
wide.scale @SubIndex { with @Code "@Scale" }
@ID @Code "5c @Wide @Scale @Box WARNING!"
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_synt b/doc/user/dia_synt
index 921b918..614cc54 100644
--- a/doc/user/dia_synt
+++ b/doc/user/dia_synt
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ options, @Code "A" and {@Code "B"}:
B { @ACell body }
-Although the concept extends to more than two options, the symnbol
+Although the concept extends to more than two options, the symbol
doesn't. The summary at the end of this chapter shows the other
three directions.
diff --git a/doc/user/dia_tree b/doc/user/dia_tree
index 3b1b6d1..dd8ad1a 100644
--- a/doc/user/dia_tree
+++ b/doc/user/dia_tree
@@ -239,9 +239,7 @@ end of the stub path:
@Code @Verbatim {
@Tree {
@Circle @Eq { a }
- from { SW }
- to { SE }
+@StubSub from { SW } to { SE }
@Box outlinestyle { noline }
@Eq { T tsub a }
@@ -250,9 +248,7 @@ end of the stub path:
@Diag {
@Tree {
@Circle @Eq { a }
- from { SW }
- to { SE }
+@StubSub from { SW } to { SE }
@Box outlinestyle { noline }
@Eq { T tsub a }
diff --git a/doc/user/equ b/doc/user/equ
index 6e3525d..0d0b0ca 100644
--- a/doc/user/equ
+++ b/doc/user/equ
@@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ you, and it provides several hundred mathematical symbols.
@Include { equ_disp }
@Include { equ_defs }
@Include { equ_summ }
-@Include { equ_tequ }
+# @Include { equ_tequ } apparently not offered any more, forget why
@End @Chapter
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_intr b/doc/user/equ_intr
index e6f742f..1c3ea37 100644
--- a/doc/user/equ_intr
+++ b/doc/user/equ_intr
@@ -32,16 +32,6 @@ Equations may appear within a paragraph of text, or they may be
displayed. {@Code "@Eq"}'s job is to produce an object containing the
equation; it neither knows nor cares where this equation goes.
-To get an equation within a paragraph, simply place @Code "@Eq { ... }"
-at the desired point. To make the optimal paragraph breaker work hard to
-arrange the paragraph so that the equation does not spread over two
-lines, use {@Code "@OneCol @Eq { ... }"}. This is needed so frequently
-that a symbol @Code "@E" is defined in @Code "eq" along with @Code "@Eq"
-equations. @RawIndex { equations }
-equations.e @SubIndex { @Code "@E" }
-eaaa.equations @Index { @Code "@E" (equations) }
-which is an abbreviation for {@Code "@OneCol @Eq"}.
To display an equation, use a display symbol like @Code "@IndentedDisplay"
or @Code "@CentredDisplay" (Section {@NumberOf displays}). For example,
@ID @Code "@CentredDisplay @Eq { int supp pi on 0 sin ` x = 0 }"
@@ -51,6 +41,14 @@ There are also symbols for aligned and numbered displays, which are
very commonly used with equations. These symbols are the subject of
Section {@NumberOf mathdisplays}.
+To get an equation within a paragraph, it is best to use a variant of
+@Code "@Eq" called {@Code "@E"}. An equation within @Code "@E { ... }"
+will be prevented from breaking across two lines, and its superscripts
+will appear slightly lower, which is desirable within paragraphs.
+equations. @RawIndex { equations }
+equations.e @SubIndex { @Code "@E" }
+eaaa.equations @Index { @Code "@E" (equations) }
In this chapter we show the Lout input at the left, and its
result at the right:
@ID {
diff --git a/doc/user/equ_summ b/doc/user/equ_summ
index 8f5b738..5b3c1aa 100644
--- a/doc/user/equ_summ
+++ b/doc/user/equ_summ
@@ -582,9 +582,8 @@ ragged @Break {
Finally, here is the long list of full names from the Adobe Symbol font;
-these are the same characters as you get with the @Code "@Sym" symbol
-of Section {@NumberOf characters}, but within equations you don't need
-to type {@Code "@Sym"}:
+these are as for the @Code "@Sym" symbol of Section {@NumberOf characters},
+but within equations you don't type {@Code "@Sym"}:
ragged @Break {
"space" @Dbl @Eq { space }
diff --git a/doc/user/gra_over b/doc/user/gra_over
index b459da8..a2f5467 100644
--- a/doc/user/gra_over
+++ b/doc/user/gra_over
@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ graphs.style @SubIndex { @Code style option }
style. @RawIndex { @Code "style" option }
style.in.graphs @SubIndex { in graphs }
axes. @Index { axes in graphs }
-graph, whose value may be either {@Code "frame"}, {@Code "none"},
-or {@Code "axes"}. The default value is {@Code "frame"}, and it produces
-a frame around the graph with ticks and labels along its left and bottom
-edges, as in previous examples. Value @Code "grid" is similar except
-that the ticks are converted into grid lines crossing the entire
-frame. The {@Code "none"} style prints nothing (no frame, no ticks,
-no labels), which is useful for producing graphs that don't look like
-graphs, as it were.
+graph, whose value may be either {@Code "frame"}, {@Code "grid"},
+{@Code "none"}, or {@Code "axes"}. The default value is {@Code "frame"},
+and it produces a frame around the graph with ticks and labels along
+its left and bottom edges, as in previous examples. Value @Code "grid"
+is similar except that the ticks are converted into grid lines crossing
+the entire frame. The {@Code "none"} style prints nothing (no frame,
+no ticks, no labels), which is useful for producing graphs that don't
+look like graphs, as it were.
-If the other value, {@Code "axes"}, is chosen, two other options called
-{@Code xorigin} and {@Code yorigin} become compulsory:
+If {@Code "axes"} is chosen, two other options called {@Code xorigin}
+and {@Code yorigin} become compulsory:
graphs. @RawIndex { graphs (statistical) }
graphs.xorigin @SubIndex { @Code xorigin option }
xorigin.graph @Index { @Code "xorigin" option (graphs) }
diff --git a/doc/user/gra_summ b/doc/user/gra_summ
index d0ca103..15662c1 100644
--- a/doc/user/gra_summ
+++ b/doc/user/gra_summ
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ their possible values are:
A { style }
B { frame }
- C { {@Code frame}, {@Code axes}, or {@Code none} }
+ C { {@Code frame}, {@Code grid}, {@Code axes}, or {@Code none} }
A { width }
B { 6.0c }
diff --git a/doc/user/preface b/doc/user/preface
index e9c9bab..a97008b 100644
--- a/doc/user/preface
+++ b/doc/user/preface
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ gnu. @Index { GNU Public License }
primary source is directory
@ID @Code "ftp://ftp.it.usyd.edu.au/jeff/lout"
containing a gzipped tar file of the current version
-(currently {@Code "lout-3.30.tar.gz"}), and various other things including
+(currently {@Code "lout-3.31.tar.gz"}), and various other things including
a PostScript version of this guide. The distribution contains source code,
libraries, documentation, license, and installation instructions.
diff --git a/doc/user/prg b/doc/user/prg
index 5f8aa71..8643d6b 100644
--- a/doc/user/prg
+++ b/doc/user/prg
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ programs. @Index { programs }
computer.programs. @RawIndex { computer programs @I see programs }
in conjunction with the @Code prg2lout
prg2lout. @Index { @Code prg2lout filter program }
-@FootNote {
-Prior to Version 3.18 of Lout, this chapter described how to typeset
-programs written in the C programming language using the
-@Code c2lout filter, and Eiffel programs using the @Code eif2lout
-filter. These have now been withdrawn and replaced by {@Code prg2lout},
-which handles multiple languages. Ordinary Lout documents require no
-modifications as a result of this change.
filter program, which is always installed wherever Lout is.
+# @FootNote {
+# Prior to Version 3.18 of Lout, this chapter described how to typeset
+# programs written in the C programming language using the
+# @Code c2lout filter, and Eiffel programs using the @Code eif2lout
+# filter. These have now been withdrawn and replaced by {@Code prg2lout},
+# which handles multiple languages. Ordinary Lout documents require no
+# modifications as a result of this change.
+# }
It is possible to simply print out one or more program files independently
of any document. Alternatively, the program text may be printed as part of
diff --git a/doc/user/prg_chan b/doc/user/prg_chan
index ae67eea..35c102f 100644
--- a/doc/user/prg_chan
+++ b/doc/user/prg_chan
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ file. Here is part of the @Code "@Use" clause from {@Code cprint}:
@Rowb A { "fixedfont" } B { Courier }
@Rowb A { "fixedsize" } B { -1.0p }
@Rowb A { "fixedline" } B { 1.0vx }
+@Rowb A { "fixedspace" } B { lout }
@Rowb A { "fixedtabin" } B { 8 }
@Rowb A { "fixedtabout" } B { 8s }
@@ -67,10 +68,10 @@ shown, which apply when @Code style is {@Code varying} and {@Code symbol}.
We can see in this extract that the default value of @Code style is
{@Code fixed}, and of @Code "numbers" is {@Code No}. We can also see the
-default font family, font face, font size,
-line spacing, and tab settings when the style is {@Code "fixed"}. The
-font family name for @Code "fixed" style is {@Code "Courier"}, but for the
-other styles (not shown) it is empty. This causes the @Code "fixed" style
+default font family, font face, font size, line spacing, spacing mode,
+and tab settings when the style is {@Code "fixed"}. The font family
+name for @Code "fixed" style is {@Code "Courier"}, but for the other
+styles (not shown) it is empty. This causes the @Code "fixed" style
to always switch to Courier, and the other styles to use the same font
family as in the surrounding document.
diff --git a/doc/user/prg_opti b/doc/user/prg_opti
index f48e662..292f26a 100644
--- a/doc/user/prg_opti
+++ b/doc/user/prg_opti
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ default values:
font { Courier }
size { -1.0p }
line { 1.0vx }
+ space { lout }
tabin { 8 }
tabout { 8s }
identifiers { Base }
@@ -116,8 +117,13 @@ size.programs @Index { @Code "size" option (programs) }
programs. @RawIndex { programs }
programs.line @SubIndex { @Code "line" option }
line.programs @Index { @Code "line" option (programs) }
-the font size to use, and {@Code "line"}, the inter-line spacing. The
-default value for @Code "size" asks for one point smaller than in the
+the font size to use, {@Code "line"}, the inter-line spacing, and
+{@Code "space"}, the spacing mode (as for the @Code "@Space" symbol
+of Section {@NumberOf white}).
+programs. @RawIndex { programs }
+programs.space @SubIndex { @Code "space" option }
+space.programs @Index { @Code "space" option (programs) }
+The default value for @Code "size" asks for one point smaller than in the
surrounding document; this was done to compensate for Courier's relatively
large appearance compared to other fonts of the same nominal size.
diff --git a/doc/user/str_foot b/doc/user/str_foot
index 70e50a2..8165a6b 100644
--- a/doc/user/str_foot
+++ b/doc/user/str_foot
@@ -115,11 +115,16 @@ through the document (or through each chapter in the case of books);
page. @Code "@FootNoteLocation" determines the default value of
footnotelocatin. @Index @Code "@FootNoteLocation"
the @Code "@Location" option mentioned above; it may be either
-@Code "ColFoot" or {@Code "PageFoot"}. @Code "@FootNoteNumbers"
-determines how the footnotes are numbered;
+@Code "ColFoot" or {@Code "PageFoot"}.
+@Code "@FootNoteNumbers" determines how the footnotes are numbered;
footnotenumbers. @Index @Code "@FootNoteNumbers"
it may be {@Code Arabic}, {@Code Roman}, {@Code UCRoman}, {@Code Alpha},
-or {@Code UCAlpha}.
+or {@Code UCAlpha}, which give the obvious results. It may also be
+{@Code Bullets}, which uses sequences of bullets to mark the footnotes,
+following a style proposed by typographer Jan Tschichold, and it
+may be {@Code Symbols}, which produces the traditional sequence of
+daggers and similar symbols.
@Code "@FootNoteFont" and @Code "@FootNoteBreak" determine the
footnotefont. @Index @Code "@FootNoteFont"
diff --git a/doc/user/str_marg b/doc/user/str_marg
index fdb58f4..f7057c0 100644
--- a/doc/user/str_marg
+++ b/doc/user/str_marg
@@ -147,12 +147,14 @@ may be used inside the @Code "x" and @Code "y" options:
A { "ymark" }
B { The row mark of the object being placed (for expert users) }
-The usual precedences and associativities apply to the mathematical
-operators; braces (not parentheses) may be used for grouping. It is
-best to give values to @Code "x" and @Code y that do not depend on
-any assumptions about where the coordinate system's origin is; this
-is true of the examples above. At the point where @Code "@Place" occurs,
-the result is an empty object. As with margin notes, Lout does not know
-what is happening and will not lay out the rest of the page around the
+Negative numbers have to be enclosed in double quotes to avoid the
+initial @Code "-" being mistaken for subtraction. The usual precedences
+and associativities apply to the mathematical operators; braces (not
+parentheses) may be used for grouping. It is best to give values to
+@Code "x" and @Code y that do not depend on any assumptions about
+where the coordinate system's origin is; this is true of the examples
+above. At the point where @Code "@Place" occurs, the result is an
+empty object. As with margin notes, Lout does not know what is
+happening and will not lay out the rest of the page around the
placed object.
@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_book b/doc/user/typ_book
index 1e9c081..c62885e 100644
--- a/doc/user/typ_book
+++ b/doc/user/typ_book
@@ -381,6 +381,7 @@ symbol whose options control the appearance of features specific to books
" # @ChapterHeadingFormat { number @DotSep title }"
" # @AboveChapterGap { 3.00f }"
" # @ChapterInContents { Yes }"
+" # @ChapterContentsIndent { 0f }"
This is just a representative sample of these options. Section
@@ -492,4 +493,10 @@ much space is left before each one.
the table of contents for each chapter; it may be @Code Yes or {@Code No},
but would always be {@Code Yes}. The default value of the corresponding
options for sub-subsections and sub-subappendices, however, is {@Code No}.
+@Code "@ChapterContentsIndent" determines how far from the left margin
+the contents entry is indented if it is printed at all. The default
+value shown above causes no indenting; but the default values for
+the corresponding @Code "@SectionrContentsIndent" and
+@Code "@SubSectionrContentsIndent" symbols are @Code 3f and @Code 6f
+respectively, producing the familiar indenting structure.
@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_illu b/doc/user/typ_illu
index 532b42b..ec62140 100644
--- a/doc/user/typ_illu
+++ b/doc/user/typ_illu
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ makes things very awkward for filled paragraphs and centring, which depend
on knowing how much space is available to be occupied. So you should either
avoid filled paragraphs and all displays and lists altogether in
illustrations, or else enclose your object in a @Code "@Wide" symbol:
-wide @RawIndex { @Code "@Wide" }
+wide. @RawIndex { @Code "@Wide" }
wide.illustrations @SubIndex { with illustrations }
@ID @OneRow @Code {
"@Illustration 5c @Wide {"
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_ordi b/doc/user/typ_ordi
index e171115..36feefa 100644
--- a/doc/user/typ_ordi
+++ b/doc/user/typ_ordi
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ ordinary.setup @Index @Code "@OrdinarySetup"
" # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold }"
" # @SectionGap { 2.00v }"
" # @SectionInContents { Yes }"
+" # @SectionContentsIndent { 0f }"
Section {@NumberOf setup} explains how to make your own setup file and
@@ -309,4 +310,7 @@ before each one.
the table of contents for each section; it may be @Code Yes or {@Code No},
but would always be {@Code Yes}. The default value of the corresponding
options for sub-subsections and sub-subappendices, however, is {@Code No}.
+@Code "@SectionContentsIndent" determines the indent of the contents
+entry if printed at all; the default value shown above, @Code {0f},
+asks for zero indenting, so the entry will appear at the left margin.
@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/typ_repo b/doc/user/typ_repo
index ece7fe0..fe41acc 100644
--- a/doc/user/typ_repo
+++ b/doc/user/typ_repo
@@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ is a representative sample of these options, showing their default values:
" # @SectionHeadingFont { Bold }"
" # @SectionGap { 2.00v }"
" # @SectionInContents { Yes }"
+" # @SectionContentsIndent { 0f }"
@Code "@CoverSheet" and @Code "@DateLine" are as for {@Code "@Report"};
@@ -349,6 +350,8 @@ section title; the default value shown above is twice the current
inter-line spacing. The special value @Code "2b" may be used to get a
page break rather than a space. @Code "@SectionInContents" determines
whether or not an entry is made in the table of contents for each section;
-it may be @Code Yes or {@Code No}. There are similar options for other
+it may be @Code Yes or {@Code No}. @Code "@SectionContentsIndent"
+determines how far the contents entry is indented from the left
+margin if printed at all. There are similar options for other
large-scale structure symbols.
@End @Section
diff --git a/doc/user/vtyp b/doc/user/vtyp
index 003ff0b..a360b04 100644
--- a/doc/user/vtyp
+++ b/doc/user/vtyp
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-vi typ typ_ordi typ_repo typ_book typ_over typ_illu typ_plai \
+gvim typ typ_ordi typ_repo typ_book typ_over typ_illu typ_plai \
typ_apdf typ_orga
diff --git a/externs.h b/externs.h
index c00f2d8..1c66de4 100644
--- a/externs.h
+++ b/externs.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@externs.h:External Declarations:Directories and file conventions@**********/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ extern nl_catd MsgCat;
/* */
-#define LOUT_VERSION AsciiToFull("Basser Lout Version 3.30 (October 2004)")
+#define LOUT_VERSION AsciiToFull("Basser Lout Version 3.31 (August 2005)")
#define CROSS_DB AsciiToFull("lout")
#define SOURCE_SUFFIX AsciiToFull(".lt")
#define INDEX_SUFFIX AsciiToFull(".li")
@@ -574,6 +574,8 @@ typedef void *POINTER;
#define STR_BREAK_NOLAST AsciiToFull("unbreakablelast")
#define STR_BREAK_LAST AsciiToFull("breakablelast")
#define STR_BREAK_SETOUTDENT AsciiToFull("setoutdent")
+#define STR_BREAK_MARGINKERNING AsciiToFull("marginkerning")
+#define STR_BREAK_NOMARGINKERNING AsciiToFull("nomarginkerning")
#define STR_SPACE_LOUT AsciiToFull("lout")
#define STR_SPACE_COMPRESS AsciiToFull("compress")
@@ -674,6 +676,7 @@ typedef struct
BOOLEAN onobreaklast : 1; /* no break after last line of para */
BOOLEAN obaselinemark : 1; /* baseline metrics */
BOOLEAN oligatures : 1; /* use ligatures */
+ BOOLEAN omarginkerning : 1; /* perform margin kerning */
#define line_gap(x) (x).osu1.oline_gap
@@ -695,6 +698,7 @@ typedef struct
#define nobreaklast(x) (x).onobreaklast
#define baselinemark(x) (x).obaselinemark
#define ligatures(x) (x).oligatures
+#define marginkerning(x)(x).omarginkerning
#define yunit(x) (x).oyunit
#define zunit(x) (x).ozunit
#define outdent_len(x) (x).ooutdent_len
@@ -716,6 +720,7 @@ typedef struct
nobreaklast(x) = nobreaklast(y), \
baselinemark(x) = baselinemark(y), \
ligatures(x) = ligatures(y), \
+ marginkerning(x) = marginkerning(y), \
vadjust(x) = vadjust(y), \
hadjust(x) = hadjust(y), \
padjust(x) = padjust(y), \
@@ -3379,6 +3384,8 @@ extern void FontPrintPageResources(FILE *fp);
extern void FontAdvanceCurrentPage(void);
extern void FontPageUsed(OBJECT face);
extern BOOLEAN FontNeeded(FILE *fp);
+extern FULL_LENGTH FontGlyphHeight(FONT_NUM fnum, FULL_CHAR chr);
+extern FULL_LENGTH FontGlyphWidth(FONT_NUM fnum, FULL_CHAR chr);
/***** z38.c Character Mappings **************************************/
extern MAP_VEC MapTable[];
diff --git a/hyph/README b/hyph/README
index c4f8632..9f77f51 100644
--- a/hyph/README
+++ b/hyph/README
@@ -120,5 +120,5 @@ patterns, and hyphenated. The hyphen character "-" is treated specially.
Extreme lengths were resorted to to compress the .lp file as much as
possible. Files significantly larger than german.lh are likely to cause
-Lout to abort with an error message. Please contact jeff@cs.usyd.edu.au
+Lout to abort with an error message. Please contact jeff@it.usyd.edu.au
if you have problems with this or anything else.
diff --git a/hyph/esperanto.lh b/hyph/esperanto.lh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78e406a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyph/esperanto.lh
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+Lout hyphenation information
+% Created by Ludovic Courtès, 2005-05-20, based on the file `eohyph.tex'
+% available from the `textex-texmf-3.0.tar.gz' package.
+% Permission was granted on 15/6/05 by the original author, Sergio
+% Pokrovskij, for his file to be redistributed under the GPL.
+% Since that file actually relies on several TeX macros which Lout isn't
+% able to understand, the following changes had to be done:
+% o accented chars were rewritten from, e.g., `^c' to `\^c' to allow Lout
+% to recognize them as regular TeX escaped sequences;
+% o `\nom', `\adj' and `\ver' are expanded as needed;
+% o all other TeX macros are commented out;
+% o text below `\endinput' is removed.
+% This task is automatically performed by the `clear-tex-commands.sh'
+% shell script.
+% Additionally, Lout's z36.c had to be extended in order to recognize
+% certain unusual TeX escaped sequences, like `\^c', etc.
+% \message{Esperanto Hyphenation Patterns `eohyph', 1999-08-10}
+% Copyright (C) 1999 Sergei B. Pokrovsky <pok@iis.nsk.su>
+% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
+% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
+% More documentation can be found near the end of this file.
+% \begingroup
+% First we define some commands to be used inside the patterns.
+% To keep them local, we enclose the rest of the file in a group
+% (The \patterns command globally changes the hyphenation trie!).
+% \def\E{\errmessage{Esperanto hyphenation pattern file is corrupted}}
+% \catcode`\!=7 % use !!xy instead of ^^xy (because of TeX-2)
+% \catcode`\^=13 % for Esperanto's diacritics
+% \def^#1{\ifx#1c!!e6\else \ifx#1g!!f8%
+% \else \ifx#1h!!b6\else \ifx#1j!!bc%
+% \else \ifx#1s!!fe\else \ifx#1u!!fd%
+% \else \E \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+% Assign appropriate \catcode and \lccode values for all
+% accented characters used in the patterns:
+% \catcode230 = 11 \lccode230 = 230 % \^c
+% \catcode248 = 11 \lccode248 = 248 % \^g
+% \catcode182 = 11 \lccode182 = 182 % \^h
+% \catcode188 = 11 \lccode188 = 188 % \^j
+% \catcode254 = 11 \lccode254 = 254 % \^s
+% \catcode253 = 11 \lccode253 = 253 % \~u
+% Makrooj por la fina\^joj:
+% \def\adj#1{#1a. #1aj. #1ajn. #1an. #1e.}
+% \edef\nom#1{#1a. #1aj. #1ajn. #1an. #1e. #1o. #1oj. #1ojn. #1on.}
+% \def\ver#1{#1as. #1i. #1is. #1os. #1u. #1us.}
+% \patterns{
+a1 e1 i1 o1 u1 % ebligu tran\^con post la vokaloj,
+2aj. 2ajn. 2an. 2as. % krom se anta\~u fina\^jo,
+en. is. 2oj. 2ojn. 2on. 2os. 2us.
+a3a e3a i3a o3a u3a % krom se post vokalo
+a3e e3e i3e o3e u3e
+a3i e3i i3i o3i u3i
+a3o e3o i3o o3o u3o
+a3u e3u i3u o3u u3u
+% konsonantaj fina\^joj:
+2jn. 2lp. 2lt. 2nk. 2ns. 2nt. 2st.
+.bl4 .br4 .dr4 .dl4 .fl4 .fr4 .gl4 .gn4 .gr4 .kl4 .kn4 .kr4 .kv4 .pl4 .pr4
+.ps4 .pt4 .sf4 .sk4 .skl4 .skr4 .skv4 .sl4 .sm4 .sn4 .sp4 .spl4 .spr4
+.st4 .str4 .sv4 .\^sl4 .\^sm4 .\^sn4 .\^sp4 .\^sr4 .\^spr4 .\^st4 .\^str4 .\^sv4 .tr4
+% A\^C
+1a2\^ca. 1a2\^caj. 1a2\^cajn. 1a2\^can. 1a2\^ce. 1a2\^co. 1a2\^coj. 1a2\^cojn. 1a2\^con.
+% AD:
+1a2da. 1a2daj. 1a2dajn. 1a2dan. 1a2de. 1a2do. 1a2doj. 1a2dojn. 1a2don. 1a2das. 1a2di. 1a2dis. 1a2dos. 1a2du. 1a2dus.
+.avok2a3d .bal2a3d \^cokol2a3d .fas2a3d .inv2a3d kamar2a3d .kan2a3d limon2a3d
+persv2a3d .pom2a3d seren2a3d
+% A\^J:
+1a2\^ja. 1a2\^jaj. 1a2\^jajn. 1a2\^jan. 1a2\^je. 1a2\^jo. 1a2\^joj. 1a2\^jojn. 1a2\^jon.
+% ALT-
+al3tabl al3t2a3r al3ter al3trui
+% AN:
+1a2na. 1a2naj. 1a2najn. 1a2nan. 1a2ne. 1a2no. 1a2noj. 1a2nojn. 1a2non. 1a2nas. 1a2ni. 1a2nis. 1a2nos. 1a2nu. 1a2nus. 1a2nism 1a2n1i2n
+afg2a3n akomp2a3n arg2a3n ark2a3n ban2a3n but2a3n cig2a3n \^cambel2a3n
+\^camp2a3n \^carlat2a3n \^cik2a3n dek2a3n dog2a3n el2a3n faz2a3n font2a3n
+galv2a3n germ2a3n \^gentlem2a3n hisp2a3n .\^ha3n inf2a3n ir2a3n jap2a3n
+.ka3n kalk2a3n kank2a3n kapit2a3n kard2a3n karav2a3n kor2a3n
+.ma3n marcip2a3n membr2a3n met2a3n nirv2a3n .on2a3n org2a3n
+.pa3n partiz2a3n pelik2a3n porcel2a3n prof2a3n .ra3n rum2a3n
+.sa3n 3s2log2a3n sopr2a3n stef2a3n sufrag2a3n sult2a3n
+\^sam2a3n teher2a3n tir2a3n turb2a3n .va3n vatik2a3n veter2a3n vulk2a3n
+.ka3n2i3n safr2a3n2i3n .ta3n2i3n
+% ANT:
+1an2ta. 1an2taj. 1an2tajn. 1an2tan. 1an2te. 1an2to. 1an2toj. 1an2tojn. 1an2ton.
+adjut2an3t .arog2an3t .atl2an3t .ban3t .brok2an3t .diam2an3t dilet2an3t
+disk2an3t elef2an3t .gal2an3t .gig2an3t inf2a4n3t inst2an3t konson2an3t
+.kan3t konst2an3t kvadr2an3t .kv2an3t le\~uten2an3t mom2an3t .okt2an3t
+.ped2an3t .plan3t tal2an3t batal3an4t
+% ant-ar, -ig, -ec:
+1an2t3ar an3t2arkt kan3t2arel
+1an2t1ig 1an2t1ec
+% APUD:
+% AR:
+1a2ra. 1a2raj. 1a2rajn. 1a2ran. 1a2re. 1a2ro. 1a2roj. 1a2rojn. 1a2ron. 1a2rig 1a2ri\^g
+am2a3r barb2a3r baz2a3r biz2a3r boj2a3r bulg2a3r .ci3d2a3r cig2a3r
+din2a3r dol2a3r er2a3r fanf2a3r .f2a3r formul2a3r garg2a3r git2a3r
+.ha3r2 hung2a3r invent2a3r izob2a3r jug2u3l2a3r
+kalend2a3r kap2i3l2a3r kla3r komp2a3r kulin2a3r kvatern2a3r
+lap2i3d2a3r .mol2a3r najb4a1r om2a3r ordin2a3r partik2u3l2a3r .pol2a3r
+pop2u3l2a3r prep2a3r prim2a3r rad2a3r remp2a3r rip2a3r sa3m2ov2a3r sanit2a3r
+sek2u3l2ar sekund2a3r sing2u3l2ar skal2a3r .st2a3r sol2i3d2a3r tal2a3r tat2a3r
+.vel2a3r vulg2a3r
+% AT:
+1a2ta. 1a2taj. 1a2tajn. 1a2tan. 1a2te. 1a2to. 1a2toj. 1a2tojn. 1a2ton. 1a2t1ec
+adiab2a3t agreg2a3t a\~utom2a3t a\~utorit2a3t .ab2a3t .adekv2a3t
+advok2a3t afrik2a3t .ag2a3t akrob2a3t .akur2a3t alop2a3t .apar2a3t
+apost2a3t arom2a3t .ba3t .bl2a3t .brok2a3t .deb2a3t delik2a3t
+diplom2a3t .duk2a3t .et2a3t fakult2a3t .fr2a3t .gefr2a3t .gla3t .gran2a3t
+kandid2a3t .kar2a3t .kazem2a3t .klim2a3t .kom2a3t .komit2a3t .komp2a3t
+konkord2a3t .konst2a3t .krav2a3t kro3m2a3t .kvadr2a3t magistr2a3t .magn2a3t
+majorit2a3t malgl2a3t .mals2a3t .mand2a3t .mecen2a3t minorit2a3t .mon2a3t
+.mul2a3t .musk2a3t ordin2a3t .pal2a3t .pir2a3t .prel2a3t .prim2a3t
+priorit2a3t .priv2a3t .rab2a3t .ren2a3t .ril2a3t .sab2a3t .sal2a3t
+.sen2a3t sindik2a3t .skarl2a3t .sold2a3t .son2a3t .sp2a3t stigm2a3t
+substr2a3t surog2a3t .tok2a3t .tom2a3t .ultim2a3t universit2a3t .vulg2a3t
+% \^CEF-
+% \^CIUtaga ktp:
+.\^ci4a .\^cia4m1 .\^ci4e .\^cie4s .\^ci4o .\^cio4m .\^ci4u
+% \^CJ:
+% DIS:
+.di3s2ert .di3s2erv .di3s2ip .di3s2oci
+.di3s2a. .di3s2aj. .di3s2ajn. .di3s2an. .di3s2e. .di3s2en.
+% DUM-
+% DUON-
+% EBL:
+1e2bla. 1e2blaj. 1e2blajn. 1e2blan. 1e2ble. 1e2blo. 1e2bloj. 1e2blojn. 1e2blon. 1e2blas. 1e2bli. 1e2blis. 1e2blos. 1e2blu. 1e2blus. 1e2bl1ec 1e2bl1a\^j
+.fe3b1l .me3b1l
+% EC:
+1e2ca. 1e2caj. 1e2cajn. 1e2can. 1e2ce. 1e2co. 1e2coj. 1e2cojn. 1e2con.
+.apr2e3c .de3c .pe3c sp2e3c
+% EG:
+1e2ga. 1e2gaj. 1e2gajn. 1e2gan. 1e2ge. 1e2go. 1e2goj. 1e2gojn. 1e2gon. 1e2gas. 1e2gi. 1e2gis. 1e2gos. 1e2gu. 1e2gus.
+.del2e3g .fl2e3g kol2e3g .om2e3g .prel2e3g .strat2e3g .norv2e3g
+% EJ:
+1e2ja. 1e2jaj. 1e2jajn. 1e2jan. 1e2je. 1e2jo. 1e2joj. 1e2jojn. 1e2jon. 1e2j1ig 1e2j1i\^g
+.be3j .pl2ej malpl2ej
+% EK-, EKS-
+.ek2s1 .ek3s2ci ek4s3cit ek4s3ciz .ek3s2id .ek1i2r .ek1rid
+.ekste3ra. .ekste3raj. .ekste3rajn. .ekste3ran. .ekste3re. .ekste3ro. .ekste3roj. .ekste3rojn. .ekste3ron. .ekste3ras. .ekste3ri. .ekste3ris. .ekste3ros. .ekste3ru. .ekste3rus.
+% EL-
+.el1i2r .el1a\^cet .el1uz
+% EM:
+1e2ma. 1e2maj. 1e2majn. 1e2man. 1e2me. 1e2mo. 1e2moj. 1e2mojn. 1e2mon. 1e2mas. 1e2mi. 1e2mis. 1e2mos. 1e2mu. 1e2mus. 1e2m1ec
+.alpr2e3m .anat2e3m blasf2e3m .boh2e3m diad2e3m .dil2e3m .ed2e3m ekstr2e3m
+.ektr2e3m .ekpr2e3m embl2e3m emfiz2e3m .ekz2e3m .har2e3m jerusal2e3m
+krizant2e3m .le3m .po2e3m .pr2e3m .probl2e3m .sk2e3m .te3m .tand2e3m .teor2e3m
+.tot2e3m .tr2e3m sist2e3m
+% EN-
+% END:
+1en2da. 1en2daj. 1en2dajn. 1en2dan. 1en2de. 1en2das. 1en2di. 1en2dis. 1en2dos. 1en2du. 1en2dus. 1en2do. 1en2don.
+.am2en3d .at2en3d .def2en3d .et2en3d .kal2en3d kres\^c2en3d .men3d .of2en3d
+.pen3d .pl2en3d pret2en3d rekom2en3d .sen3d sc2en3d .ten3d .ven3d
+% ET:
+1e2ta. 1e2taj. 1e2tajn. 1e2tan. 1e2te. 1e2to. 1e2toj. 1e2tojn. 1e2ton. 1e2taas. 1e2tai. 1e2tais. 1e2taos. 1e2tau. 1e2taus.
+a2\^c2e3t alfab2e3t alum2e3t amul2e3t .ask2e3t .atl2e3t .be3t
+bajon2e3t bil2e3t .bol2e3t bracel2e3t brev2e3t .bu\^g2e3t .deb2e3t .dem2e3t
+diab2e3t elizab2e3t .enk2e3t epit2e3t .form2e3t .gaz2e3t .herm2e3t .\^he3t
+.\^jak2e3t \^j2e3t kabin2e3t .kad2e3t kastanj2e3t .kin2e3t klarn2e3t
+kloz2e3t .kom2e3t kompl2e3t .konf2e3t kors2e3t korv2e3t kotl2e3t .krik2e3t
+.krok2e3t kvodlib2e3t .me3t magn2e3t marion2e3t .mot2e3t .ne3t .oml2e3t
+pamfl2e3t parg2e3t .pl2e3t .po2e3t .prof2e3t .prol2e3t .rak2e3t .rem2e3t
+.rip2e3t sekr2e3t skel2e3t .son2e3t .sov2e3t spag2e3t spin2e3t staf2e3t
+.stil2e3t \^sibol2e3t .tib2e3t tual2e3t .ve3t .veg2e3t .vend2e3t vinj2e3t
+% FOR-
+.fo3r2in3t .fo3r2u3m
+.fo3r2a. .fo3r2aj. .fo3r2ajn. .fo3r2an. .fo3r2e. .fo3r2o. .fo3r2oj. .fo3r2ojn. .fo3r2on. .fo3r2en .fo3r2as. .fo3r2i. .fo3r2is. .fo3r2os. .fo3r2u. .fo3r2us.
+% \^GIS-
+% ID:
+1i2da. 1i2daj. 1i2dajn. 1i2dan. 1i2de. 1i2do. 1i2doj. 1i2dojn. 1i2don.
+.abs2i3d .ac2i3d .akr2i3d .aps2i3d .ar2i3d .askar2i3d .asp2i3d .av2i3d
+.bi3d .bol2i3d .br2i3d cirkumc2i3d .dav2i3d .dec2i3d .e\~ukl2i3d
+.eg2i3d .fi3d .flor2i3d .fr2i3d frig2i3d genoc2i3d .gv2i3d hibr2i3d
+hum2i3d \^hlam2i3d .inc2i3d .ins2i3d inval2i3d .ji3d kan3t2ar2i3d koinc2i3d
+.konf2i3d krizal2i3d .li3d .lib2i3d likv2i3d .liv2i3d .luc2i3d
+.madr2i3d morb2i3d .muc2i3d perf2i3d piram2i3d .prez2i3d .ri3d
+rap2i3d rez2i3d rig2i3d .si3d .sol2i3d .str2i3d telev2i3d .tim2i3d
+.vi3d .val2i3d
+1i2d1ar 1i2d1i2n .pir2i3d2in
+% IG:
+1i2ga. 1i2gaj. 1i2gajn. 1i2gan. 1i2ge. 1i2go. 1i2goj. 1i2gojn. 1i2gon. 1i2gas. 1i2gi. 1i2gis. 1i2gos. 1i2gu. 1i2gus.
+.br2i3g .di3g .fi3g .in3d2i3g .inst2i3g .intr2i3g .kvadr2i3g
+.li3g pfen2i3g .pi3g .prod2i3g .ri3g .rodr2i3g .str2i3g .ti3g .nav2i3g
+1i2gant 1i2gint 1i2gont
+1i2gat al2i3g2a3tor l2i3g2a3turo
+1i2git 1i2got
+1i2g1a2d br2i3g2a3d
+1i2g1e2m 1i2g1i2l
+% I\^G:
+1i2\^ga. 1i2\^gaj. 1i2\^gajn. 1i2\^gan. 1i2\^ge. 1i2\^go. 1i2\^goj. 1i2\^gojn. 1i2\^gon. 1i2\^gas. 1i2\^gi. 1i2\^gis. 1i2\^gos. 1i2\^gu. 1i2\^gus. 1i2\^gant 1i2\^gint 1i2\^gont
+.br2i3\^g .negl2i3\^g .prest2i3\^g .vert2i3\^g .vest2i3\^g
+% -i\^g-ad, -em
+1i2\^g1a2d 1i2\^g1e2m
+% IL:
+1i2la. 1i2laj. 1i2lajn. 1i2lan. 1i2le. 1i2lo. 1i2loj. 1i2lojn. 1i2lon.
+abut2i3l acet2i3l .ang2i3l .apr2i3l .arg2i3l .az2i3l .bab2i3l .bac2i3l
+.baz2i3l .ber2i3l .bi3l .br2i3l .braz2i3l .ced2i3l .civ2i3l .\^ci3l
+\^cin\^c2i3l .dakt2i3l .deb2i3l .def2i3l .dist2i3l .domic2i3l .dr2i3l
+.ed2i3l .ekz2i3l .eps2i3l .et2i3l .fi3l .fac2i3l .fus2i3l .gor2i3l
+.gr2i3l .\^gent2i3l .hum2i3l .jub2i3l .ki3l .kamar2i3l kamom2i3l
+.komp2i3l .kons2i3l krokod2i3l .mi3l .mant2i3l .met2i3l mob2i3l
+.mut2i3l na\~ut2i3l of2i3l .osc2i3l paskv2i3l .ps2i3l pterodakt2i3l
+.pup2i3l sen2il sim2i3l .st2i3l .stab2i3l stenc2i3l strob2i3l subt2i3l
+svah2i3l trankv2i3l .ut2i3l .vi3l .van2i3l .vig2i3l vodev2i3l volat2i3l
+% -il-ar:
+b2i3l2a3rd dakt2i3l2a3rb pl2i3l2a3r\^g f2i3l2a3ri frit2i3l2a3ri f2i3l2a3rb
+% IN (nur estrin istin ulin; patrin fratin knabin prefere restu senanalizaj):
+1e2str1i2na. 1e2str1i2naj. 1e2str1i2najn. 1e2str1i2nan. 1e2str1i2ne. 1e2str1i2no. 1e2str1i2noj. 1e2str1i2nojn. 1e2str1i2non.
+% ist-in:
+1i2s2t1i2na. 1i2s2t1i2naj. 1i2s2t1i2najn. 1i2s2t1i2nan. 1i2s2t1i2ne. 1i2s2t1i2no. 1i2s2t1i2noj. 1i2s2t1i2nojn. 1i2s2t1i2non.
+% ul-in:
+1u2l1i2na. 1u2l1i2naj. 1u2l1i2najn. 1u2l1i2nan. 1u2l1i2ne. 1u2l1i2no. 1u2l1i2noj. 1u2l1i2nojn. 1u2l1i2non.
+% ant-in:
+1an2t1i2na. 1an2t1i2naj. 1an2t1i2najn. 1an2t1i2nan. 1an2t1i2ne. 1an2t1i2no. 1an2t1i2noj. 1an2t1i2nojn. 1an2t1i2non.
+adam2a4n3t2i3n a4n3t2i3nom brig2a4n3t2i3n gal2a4n3t2i3n .k2a4n3t2i3n
+% IND:
+1in2da. 1in2daj. 1in2dajn. 1in2dan. 1in2de. 1in2das. 1in2di. 1in2dis. 1in2dos. 1in2du. 1in2dus. 1in2do. 1in2don. 1in2d3ec 1in2d3ig 1in2d3i\^g
+.bin3d .hin3d .lin3d rozal4in3d .bl4in3d .pin3d tamar4in3d .\^sin3d .vin3d
+.in3d2ign in3d2i\^gen
+% ING:
+1in2ga. 1in2gaj. 1in2gajn. 1in2gan. 1in2ge. 1in2go. 1in2goj. 1in2gojn. 1in2gon. 1in2gig
+.din3g .pud2in3g .vik2in3g 3s2mok2in3g \^sil2in3g .klin3g sterl2in3g
+dom2in3g men2in3g salp2in3g .rin3g .far2in3g .har2in3g
+.lar2in3g .mer2in3g .fr2in3g .sir2in3g .krin3g str2in3g vrin3g
+.at2in3g .mit2in3g .est2in3g .dist2in3g .svin3g
+% INT:
+1in2ta. 1in2taj. 1in2tajn. 1in2tan. 1in2te. 1in2to. 1in2toj. 1in2tojn. 1in2ton. 1in2t3ar 1in2t3ec 1in2t3us
+.abs2in3t .fin3t hiac2in3t .jac2in3t .kvin3t labir2in3t .pin3t .pl2in3t
+.tin3t tereb2in3t
+.inte3r2es .inte3r2ez .inte3r2upt
+.inte3ra. .inte3raj. .inte3rajn. .inte3ran. .inte3re. .inte3ro. .inte3roj. .inte3rojn. .inte3ron. .inte3ras. .inte3ri. .inte3ris. .inte3ros. .inte3ru. .inte3rus. .inte3ren.
+% ISM:
+1is2ma. 1is2maj. 1is2majn. 1is2man. 1is2me. 1is2mo. 1is2moj. 1is2mojn. 1is2mon. 1i2s2m3ec
+.pr2is3m .ris3m .sk2is3m .sis3m
+% IST:
+1i2s2ta. 1i2s2taj. 1i2s2tajn. 1i2s2tan. 1i2s2te. 1i2s2to. 1i2s2toj. 1i2s2tojn. 1i2s2ton. 1i2s2t3ec 1i2s2t3ar
+.amet2i3s3t antikr2i3s3t aor2i3s3t .ar2i3s3t .bal2i3s3t .bat2i3s3t .ci3s3t
+.di3s3t ekz2i3s3t .gen2i3s3t .gi3s3t .hi3s3t ins2i3s3t kons2i3s3t .ki3s3t
+.kr2i3s3t .li3s3t .pi3s3t pers2i3s3t .rez2i3s3t .sk2i3s3t .vi3s3t
+% IT:
+1i2ta. 1i2taj. 1i2tajn. 1i2tan. 1i2te. 1i2to. 1i2toj. 1i2tojn. 1i2ton. 1i2t3ec p2i3t4eci
+.ag2i3t akred2i3t antrac2i3t .apet2i3t .bi3t .band2i3t biskv2i3t
+.br2i3t .ci3t .cenob2i3t .cirkv2i3t .civ2i3t .deb2i3t defic2i3t .di3g2i3t
+dinam2i3t .efr2i3t .eksc2i3t eksplic2i3t .el2i3t .emer2i3t .erm2i3t
+.erud2i3t .ev2i3t .fr2i3t .gamb2i3t .gl2i3t .graf2i3t .gran2i3t
+.grav2i3t hermafrod2i3t .hez2i3t hipokr2i3t .im2i3t .inc2i3t
+infin2i3t inkogn2i3t interm2i3t .inv2i3t kapac2i3t komprom2i3t
+.konf2i3t .kred2i3t .kv2i3t .kval2i3t .kviv2i3t .li3t .mi3t
+malak2i3t .margar2i3t .marm2i3t .med2i3t megal2i3t .mer2i3t
+mil2i3t asimil3i4t
+.mosk2i3t .neof2i3t okcip2i3t ol2i3t .orb2i3t palp2i3t .paraz2i3t
+.pir2i3t plebisc2i3t precip2i3t prestid2i3g2i3t preter2i3t prof2i3t
+prozel2i3t .ri3t rehabil2i3t .rekviz2i3t sanskr2i3t .satel2i3t
+sibar2i3t .sk2i3t .sp2i3t .spir2i3t .spl2i3t .spr2i3t stalagm2i3t
+stalakt2i3t .stil2i3t .su3b2i3t .\^sv2i3t .term2i3t .trans2i3t
+troglod2i3t .vi3t .viz2i3t .zen2i3t
+% KELK-
+% KROM-
+.kro2m1 .kro3ma. .kro3maj. .kro3majn. .kro3man. .kro3me. krom2o % kromoforo, -foto, -lito, -sfero, -somo ...
+% KUN-
+% LIA-
+li5an li5as
+% MAL:
+.ma2l1 ma3l2ic
+% MEM:
+.me2m1 me3m2or
+% MIA-
+mi5asm mi5a\~u
+% MIS:
+.mi3s2al mi3s2il .mi3s2ia .mi3s2ie .mi3s2ii .mi3s2io .mi3s2iu
+% MEZ-
+mez2alianc me3z2embri me3z2enter .me3z2ere .mez2o me3z2ur
+% NIA-
+% NJ:
+3nja. 3njaj. 3njajn. 3njan. 3nje. 3njo. 3njoj. 3njojn. 3njon.
+% NOV-
+% OBL:
+1o2bla. 1o2blaj. 1o2blajn. 1o2blan. 1o2ble. 1o2blo. 1o2bloj. 1o2blojn. 1o2blon. 1o2bl1ec
+gren2o3bl malno3bl .no3bl .vo3bl
+% ON:
+du3ona. du3onaj. du3onajn. du3onan. du3one. du3ono. du3onoj. du3onojn. du3onon.
+.trio2n .kvar3o2n .kvin3o2n .ses3o2n .sep3o2n .ok3o2na. .ok3o2naj. .ok3o2najn. .ok3o2nan. .ok3o2ne. .ok3o2no. .ok3o2noj. .ok3o2nojn. .ok3o2non. .na\~uo4n
+dek3o2na. dek3o2naj. dek3o2najn. dek3o2nan. dek3o2ne. dek3o2no. dek3o2noj. dek3o2nojn. dek3o2non. cent3o2na. cent3o2naj. cent3o2najn. cent3o2nan. cent3o2ne. cent3o2no. cent3o2noj. cent3o2nojn. cent3o2non. mil3o2na. mil3o2naj. mil3o2najn. mil3o2nan. mil3o2ne. mil3o2no. mil3o2noj. mil3o2nojn. mil3o2non.
+% ONT:
+1on2ta. 1on2taj. 1on2tajn. 1on2tan. 1on2te. 1on2to. 1on2toj. 1on2tojn. 1on2ton.
+disk2on3t .fon3t .fr2on3t .hon3t horiz2on3t .kon3t konfr2on3t
+.mon3t mastod2on3t .melol2on3t .pon3t .rak2on3t .rem2on3t .renk2on3t
+.sp2on3t vol2on3t
+% OP:
+duo2pa. duo2paj. duo2pajn. duo2pan. duo2pe. duo2po. duo2poj. duo2pojn. duo2pon. .trio2p kvar3o2p kvin3o2p ses3o2p sep3o2p
+.ok3o2pa. .ok3o2paj. .ok3o2pajn. .ok3o2pan. .ok3o2pe. .ok3o2po. .ok3o2poj. .ok3o2pojn. .ok3o2pon. na\~uo4p dek3o2pa. dek3o2paj. dek3o2pajn. dek3o2pan. dek3o2pe. dek3o2po. dek3o2poj. dek3o2pojn. dek3o2pon. cent3o2pa. cent3o2paj. cent3o2pajn. cent3o2pan. cent3o2pe. cent3o2po. cent3o2poj. cent3o2pojn. cent3o2pon. mil3o2pa. mil3o2paj. mil3o2pajn. mil3o2pan. mil3o2pe. mil3o2po. mil3o2poj. mil3o2pojn. mil3o2pon.
+% OT:
+1o2ta. 1o2taj. 1o2tajn. 1o2tan. 1o2te. 1o2to. 1o2toj. 1o2tojn. 1o2ton.
+abrik2o3t anekd2o3t antid2o3t asimpt2o3t .az2o3t .bo3t .bal2o3t
+bankr2o3t .behem2o3t bergam2o3t .bi3g2o3t .bisk2o3t bojk2o3t .do3t
+.dep2o3t .desp2o3t .dev2o3t dorl2o3t .ekz2o3t .er2o3t .erg2o3t .fo3t
+.fag2o3t .fakt2o3t .fl2o3t fokstr2o3t .fr2o3t .go3t .gav2o3t
+.golg2o3t .gr2o3t .herod2o3t hipn2o3t hotent2o3t .jo3t \^jab2o3t
+.ko3t .ka\^cal2o3t kalik2o3t .kaml2o3t .kan2o3t .kap2o3t .kar2o3t
+.koj2o3t .komp2o3t kompl2o3t kreoz2o3t .kul2o3t .kv2o3t .alikv2o3t
+.lo3t .lit2o3t .mo3t .mar2o3t .mark2o3t marm2o3t .mioz2o3t .no3t
+nark2o3t .po3t perlam2o3t .pier2o3t .pil2o3t .piv2o3t .pl2o3t
+poligl2o3t .ro3t .rab2o3t reding2o3t .rob2o3t .sab2o3t sacerd2o3t
+.sk2o3t .skler2o3t .skr2o3t .sp2o3t .\^so3t \^sevj2o3t .terak2o3t
+.tr2o3t .trik2o3t .vo3t .zel2o3t
+% POR-
+% POST-
+pos3t2ament pos3t2iljon pos3t2u3l
+.re2f3l2ig .re2spond .re2spublik .re2storaci
+% SAM-
+sam2ar .sa3m2u3m sa3m2uraj
+% SEN-
+.se3n2aa .se3n2ao sen2at sen2eskal
+% SIA-
+% SUB-
+.supe3ra. .supe3raj. .supe3rajn. .supe3ran. .supe3re. .supe3ro. .supe3roj. .supe3rojn. .supe3ron. .supe3ras. .supe3ri. .supe3ris. .supe3ros. .supe3ru. .supe3rus.
+% \^SIA-
+tran3scend tran3sept tran3sistor tran3sit tran3s2pir
+% TUT-
+.tu3ta. .tu3taj. .tu3tajn. .tu3tan. .tu3te. .tu3to. .tu3toj. .tu3tojn. .tu3ton.
+% UJ:
+1u2ja. 1u2jaj. 1u2jajn. 1u2jan. 1u2je. 1u2jo. 1u2joj. 1u2jojn. 1u2jon. 1u2j1ig 1u2j1i\^g
+.and2u3j .halel2u3j
+% UL:
+1u2la. 1u2laj. 1u2lajn. 1u2lan. 1u2le. 1u2lo. 1u2loj. 1u2lojn. 1u2lon. 1e2m1u2l e3m2u3ls 1u2l3ec 1u2l3ej
+.akum2u3l .ang2u3l .bu3l .bet2u3l .bru3l .ejak2u3l .fist2u3l
+form2u3l .fu3l galin2u3l .gran2u3l .grat2u3l .herk2u3l
+hierod2u3l homunk2u3l .inok2u3l .ins2u3l .instanb2u3l .ju3l .\^ju3l
+.ku3l .kab2u3l kalend2u3l kalk2u3l kapit2u3l kaps2u3l koag2u3l
+.kons2u3l .kop2u3l korpusk2u3l .kum2u3l .lu3l .liverp2u3l .mu3l
+.mak2u3l manip2u3l matrik2u3l .mod2u3l molek2u3l .nu3l .neb2u3l
+.ok2u3l .pu3l .pa\^c2u3l partik2u3l .pust2u3l .ru3l
+.reg2u3l retik2u3l .ruk2u3l .sim2u3l skrup2u3l somnamb2u3l speg2u3l
+.spek2u3l .stim2u3l .tu3l .tab2u3l tarant2u3l .tru3l tuberk2u3l
+turb2u3l .ul2u3l .uv2u3l .vist2u3l
+1u2l1ar 2u3l2ari 2u3l2ard .pedik2u3l2ar
+% UM:
+1u2ma. 1u2maj. 1u2majn. 1u2man. 1u2me. 1u2mo. 1u2moj. 1u2mojn. 1u2mon. 1u2mas. 1u2mi. 1u2mis. 1u2mos. 1u2mu. 1u2mus. 1u2m3ec
+.alb2u3m .bu3m .opid2u3m referend2u3m .fu3m parf2u3m .gu3m
+.hu3m .kuk2u3m .luk2u3m .lu3m vol2u3m .plu3m .stern2u3m
+.pu3m .ru3m .ser2u3m .gru3m .kvor2u3m .tru3m .stru3m
+.su3m .res2u3m kons2u3m opos2u3m .bit2u3m .kost2u3m .zu3m
+% VIA-
+vi5and vi5atik
+% VIC-
+.vi3ca. .vi3caj. .vi3cajn. .vi3can. .vi3ce. .vi3co. .vi3coj. .vi3cojn. .vi3con.
+.vi3c2ia .vi3c2io
+% VIR-
+vir2us vi1r2ulent
+% ===
+1a2fabl 1a2gra 1a2kr 1a2per 1a2va1r
+4ologi 4ografi 2fik
+4b1c 4b1b2 4b1d 4b1f 4b1g 4b1h4 4b1j2 4b1k 4b1m 4b1n 4b1p 4b1s 4b1s2k 4b1t 4b1v
+4b1z 4b1\^c 4b1\^g 4b1\^j 4b1\^s
+4c1b 4c1c2 4c1\^c 4c1d 4c1f 4c1g 4c1\^g 4c1h4 4c1j2 4c1\^j 4c1k 4c1l 4c1m 4c1n
+4c1p 4c1r 4c1s 4c1\^s 4c1t 4c1v 4c1z
+4\^c1b 4\^c1c 4\^c1d 4\^c1f 4\^c1g 4\^c1h4 4\^c1j2 4\^c1k 4\^c1l 4\^c1m 4\^c1n 4\^c1p
+4\^c1s 4\^c1t 4\^c1v 4\^c1z 4\^c1\^c 4\^c1\^g 4\^c1\^j 4\^c1\^s
+4d1b 4d1c 4d1d2 4d1f 4d1g 4d1h4 4d1j2 4d1k 4d1l 4d1m 4d1n 4d1p 4d1s 4d1t 4d1v
+4d1z 4d1\^c 4d1\^g 4d1\^j 4d1\^s
+1e2ben 1e2d2z 1e2gal 1e2le1g2an3t
+4f1b 4f1c 4f1\^c 4f1d 4f1f2 4f1g 4f1\^g 4f1h4 4f1j2 4f1\^j 4f1k 4f1m 4f1n 4f1p
+4f1s 4f1\^s f1t 4f1v 4f1z
+4g1b 4g1c 4g1\^c g1d 4g1f 4g1g2 4g1\^g 4g1h4 4g1j2 4g1\^j 4g1k g1m g1n 4g1p
+4g1s 4g1\^s 4g1t g1v 4g1z
+4\^g1b 4\^g1c 4\^g1d 4\^g1f 4\^g1g 4\^g1h4 4\^g1j2 4\^g1k 4\^g1l 4\^g1m 4\^g1n 4\^g1p
+4\^g1s 4\^g1t 4\^g1v 4\^g1z 4\^g1\^c 4\^g1\^g 4\^g1\^j 4\^g1\^s
+4h1\^c 4h1\^g 4h1\^j 4h1\^s
+4\^h1b 4\^h1c 4\^h1d 4\^h1f 4\^h1g 4\^h1h4 4\^h1j2 4\^h1k 4\^h1m 4\^h1n 4\^h1p
+4\^h1s 4\^h1t 4\^h1v 4\^h1z 4\^h1\^c 4\^h1\^g 4\^h1\^j 4\^h1\^s
+4j1b 4j1c 4j1d 4j1f 4j1g 4j1h4 4j1k 4j1l 4j1m 4j1n 4j1p 4j1r 4j1s
+4j1t 4j1v 4j1z 4j1\^c 4j1\^g 4j1\^j 4j1\^s
+4\^j1b 4\^j1c 4\^j1d 4\^j1f 4\^j1g 4\^j1h4 4\^j1j2 4\^j1k 4\^j1l 4\^j1m 4\^j1n 4\^j1p
+4\^j1s 4\^j1t 4\^j1v 4\^j1z 4\^j1\^c 4\^j1\^g 4\^j1\^j 4\^j1\^s
+4k1b 4k1c 4k1d 4k1f 4k1g 4k1h4 4k1j2 4k1m 4k1n 4k1p 4k1s
+4k1t k1v 4k1z 4k1\^c 4k1\^g 4k1\^j 4k1\^s
+4l1b 4l1c 4l1d 4l1f 4l1g 4l1h4 4l1j2 4l1k 4l1l2 4l1m 4l1n 4l1p 4l1r 4l1s2
+4l1t 4l1v 4l1z 4l1\^c 4l1\^g 4l1\^j 4l5\^s2 % mal^pari, el\^sra\~ubi
+4m1b 4m1c 4m1d 4m1f 4m1g 4m1h4 4m1j2
+4m1k 4m1l 4m1m2 4m1n 4m1p 4m1r 4m1s 4m1t 4m1v 4m1z 4m1\^c 4m1\^g 4m1\^j 4m1\^s
+mul2t1 mult2e mul2t3eg mul3ta mul3te. mul3to mul4t3obl
+4n1b 4n1c 4n1d 4n1f 4n1g 4n1h4 4n1j 4n1k
+4n1l n1m 4n1n 4n1p 4n1r 4n1s
+n1s2c n1s2t
+4n1z 4n1\^c 4n1\^g 4n1\^j 4n1\^s
+n2k1c n2s1f
+nor2d1af nor2d1am nor2d1az nor2d1e\~u nor2d1rus nor2d1germ
+1o2be 1o2kup 1o2por1tun
+4p1b 4p1c 4p1d p1f 4p1g 4p1h4 p1j2 p1k p1m p1n p1s p1t 4p1v 4p1z 4p1\^c
+4p1\^g 4p1\^j p1\^s
+4r1b 4r1c 4r1d 4r1f 4r1g 4r1h4 4r1j2 4r1k 4r1l 4r1m 4r1n 4r1p 4r1s 4r1t
+4r1v 4r1z 4r1\^c 4r1\^g 4r1\^j 4r1\^s
+s1b s1c 4s1\^c 4s1d s1f s1g 4s1\^g 4s1h4 4s1j2 4s1\^j s1k
+4s1l 3s2lab 3s2lalom 3s2lang 3s2lav 3s2led 3s2lip 3s2lojd 3s2lovak
+3s2loven 3s2lup 3s2lofoks
+4s1m 3s2malt 3s2merald 3s2milak 3s2mirg 3s2mut % smokING
+4s1n 3s2nob 3s2nuf
+s1p s1r 4s1s 4s1\^s
+s1t 1s2tu1d
+s1v 4s1z
+.su2d1af .su2d1am .su2d1azi .su2d1e\~ur .su2d1rus
+4\^s1b 4\^s1c 4\^s1d 4\^s1f 4\^s1g 4\^s1h4 4\^s1j2 4\^s1k \^s1m \^s1n \^s1p
+4\^s1s \^s1t \^s1v 4\^s1z 4\^s1\^c 4\^s1\^g 4\^s1\^j 4\^s1\^s
+4t1b 4t1c 4t1d 4t1f 4t1g 4t1h4 4t1j2 4t1k 4t1m 4t1n 4t1p 4t1s 4t1t 4t1v
+4t1z 4t1\^c 4t1\^g 4t1\^j 4t1\^s
+4\~u1 \~u2s1k
+4v1b 4v1c 4v1d 4v1f 4v1g 4v1h4 4v1j2 4v1k 4v1l 4v1m 4v1n 4v1p 4v1s 4v1t 4v1v
+4v1z 4v1\^c 4v1\^g 4v1\^j 4v1\^s
+4z1b 4z1c 4z1d 4z1f 4z1g 4z1h4 4z1j2 4z1k 4z1l
+4z1m 4z1n 4z1p 4z1r 4z1s 4z1t 4z1v 4z1\^c 4z1\^g 4z1\^j 4z1\^s
+%} % Pattern end}
+% \endgroup % of local redefinitions
diff --git a/include/blue b/include/blue
index cfe1c3c..6395b96 100644
--- a/include/blue
+++ b/include/blue
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
# fixedfont { Courier } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
# varyingfont { } # font family
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/bluef b/include/bluef
index 8a8ff13..c4fdb48 100644
--- a/include/bluef
+++ b/include/bluef
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def @BlueSetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def @BlueSetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ def @BlueSetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ def @BlueSetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
@@ -219,6 +223,15 @@ def @BlueSetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PI # for formatting identifiers
right x
@@ -369,7 +382,7 @@ def @BlueSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
@@ -382,7 +395,7 @@ def @BlueSetup
macro "$>" { {} & }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @Blue
diff --git a/include/book b/include/book
index ea0b494..74e0a3a 100644
--- a/include/book
+++ b/include/book
@@ -411,7 +411,25 @@
# @IndexAInContents { Yes } # add index A to contents
# @IndexBInContents { Yes } # add index B to contents
# @ColophonInContents { Yes } # add colophon to contents
- # @PartContentsIndent { 0.5rt } # indent of part contents entry
+ # @PrefaceContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of preface
+ # @SubPrefaceContentsIndent { 3f } # indent in contents of sub-preface
+ # @AbbreviationsContentsIndent{ 0f } # indent in contents of abbreviations
+ # @IntroductionContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of introduction
+ # @SubIntroductionContentsIndent { 3f } # indent in contents of sub-intro
+ # @PartContentsIndent { 0.5rt } # indent in contents of part (dft is ctr)
+ # @ChapterContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of chapter
+ # @SectionContentsIndent { 3f } # indent in contents of section
+ # @SubSectionContentsIndent { 6f } # indent in contents of subsection
+ # @SubSubSectionContentsIndent{ 9f } # indent in contents of sub-subsection
+ # @AppendixContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of appendix
+ # @SubAppendixContentsIndent { 3f } # indent in contents of sub-appendix
+ # @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent { 6f } # indent in contents of sub-subappendix
+ # @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of references
+ # @GlossaryContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of gloassary
+ # @IndexContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of index
+ # @IndexAContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of index A
+ # @IndexBContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of index B
+ # @ColophonContentsIndent { 0f } # indent in contents of colophon
# @SubPrefaceNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-preface num
# @SubIntroductionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-intro num
# @ChapterNumInTheorems { Yes } # theorem num has chapter num
diff --git a/include/bookf b/include/bookf
index 9dd1a96..b62619c 100644
--- a/include/bookf
+++ b/include/bookf
@@ -131,7 +131,26 @@ def @BookSetup
named @IndexAInContents { Yes }
named @IndexBInContents { Yes }
named @ColophonInContents { Yes }
+ named @PrefaceContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @SubPrefaceContentsIndent { 3f }
+ named @AbbreviationsContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IntroductionContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @SubIntroductionContentsIndent{ 3f }
named @PartContentsIndent { 0.5rt }
+ named @ChapterContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @SectionContentsIndent { 3f }
+ named @SubSectionContentsIndent { 6f }
+ named @SubSubSectionContentsIndent { 9f }
+ named @AppendixContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @SubAppendixContentsIndent { 3f }
+ named @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent { 6f }
+ named @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @GlossaryContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IndexContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IndexAContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IndexBContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @ColophonContentsIndent { 0f }
named @SubPrefaceNumInTheorems { No }
named @SubIntroductionNumInTheorems { No }
@@ -490,6 +509,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @ReferencesInContents }
+ contentsindent { @ReferencesContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @ReferencesPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
sendheader { @ChapterFull @Body }
@@ -523,6 +543,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @GlossaryText }
incontents { @GlossaryInContents }
+ contentsindent { @GlossaryContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @GlossaryPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
sendheader { @Full @Body }
@@ -556,6 +577,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @IndexText }
incontents { @IndexInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IndexContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @IndexPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
sendheader { @Full @Body }
@@ -589,6 +611,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @IndexAText }
incontents { @IndexAInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IndexAContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @IndexAPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
sendheader { @Full @Body }
@@ -622,6 +645,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @IndexAText }
incontents { @IndexBInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IndexBContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @IndexBPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
sendheader { @Full @Body }
@@ -654,6 +678,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @ColophonInContents }
+ contentsindent { @ColophonContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @ColophonPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
sendheader { @Full @Body }
@@ -886,7 +911,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @SubPrefaceHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubPrefaceHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubPrefaceInContents }
- contentsindent { 3f }
+ contentsindent { @SubPrefaceContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubPrefaceNumbers }
attachnum { @SubPrefaceList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubPrefaceList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -913,6 +938,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @PrefaceInContents }
+ contentsindent { @PrefaceContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @PrefacePrefix }
sendheader { @ChooseFull @Body }
innergap { @SectionGap }
@@ -947,6 +973,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @AbbreviationsInContents }
+ contentsindent { @AbbreviationsContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @AbbreviationsPrefix }
sendheader { @Full @Body }
innergap { @SectionGap }
@@ -1010,7 +1037,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @SubIntroductionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubIntroductionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubIntroductionInContents }
- contentsindent { 3f }
+ contentsindent { @SubIntroductionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubIntroductionNumbers }
attachnum { @SubIntroductionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubIntroductionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -1037,6 +1064,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @IntroductionInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IntroductionContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @IntroductionPrefix }
sendheader { @Full @Body }
innergap { @SectionGap }
@@ -1177,7 +1205,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubSubSectionInContents }
- contentsindent { 9f }
+ contentsindent { @SubSubSectionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubSubSectionNumbers }
attachnum { @SubSubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubSubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -1203,7 +1231,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @SubSectionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubSectionInContents }
- contentsindent { 6f }
+ contentsindent { @SubSectionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubSectionNumbers }
attachnum { @SubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -1230,7 +1258,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @SectionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SectionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SectionInContents }
- contentsindent { 3f }
+ contentsindent { @SectionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SectionNumbers }
attachnum { @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -1260,6 +1288,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingformat { @Num @PartHeadingFormat @Body }
bypassnumber { @PartNumber }
incontents { @PartInContents }
+ contentsindent { @PartContentsIndent }
sendheader { @Full @Body }
inrunners { Yes }
tag { @Tag }
@@ -1287,7 +1316,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @ChapterHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @ChapterHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @ChapterInContents }
- contentsindent { 0f }
+ contentsindent { @ChapterContentsIndent }
word { chapter @WordVal @ChapterWord }
numbers { @ChapterNumbers }
attachnum { @ChapterList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
@@ -1407,7 +1436,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubSubAppendixInContents }
- contentsindent { 6f }
+ contentsindent { @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubSubAppendixNumbers }
attachnum { @SubSubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubSubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -1434,7 +1463,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @SubAppendixHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubAppendixInContents }
- contentsindent { 3f }
+ contentsindent { @SubAppendixContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubAppendixNumbers }
attachnum { @SubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -1464,6 +1493,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingformat { @Num @PartHeadingFormat @Body }
bypassnumber { @PartNumber }
incontents { @PartInContents }
+ contentsindent { @PartContentsIndent }
sendheader { @Full @Body }
inrunners { Yes }
tag { @Tag }
@@ -1491,7 +1521,7 @@ def @BookSetup
headingbreak { @AppendixHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @AppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @AppendixInContents }
- contentsindent { 0f }
+ contentsindent { @AppendixContentsIndent }
word { appendix @WordVal @AppendixWord }
numbers { @AppendixNumbers }
attachnum { @AppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
diff --git a/include/bsf b/include/bsf
index 76b0f1a..be86f21 100644
--- a/include/bsf
+++ b/include/bsf
@@ -107,8 +107,9 @@ export
@ListGap @ListIndent @ListRightIndent @ListLabelWidth
- @Word @Roman @UCRoman @Alpha @UCAlpha @Months @ShortMonths @WeekDays
- @ShortWeekDays @TwelveHours @ShortHours @MeriDiems @ShortMeriDiems
+ @Word @Roman @UCRoman @Alpha @UCAlpha @FnBullets @FnSymbols
+ @Months @ShortMonths @WeekDays @ShortWeekDays
+ @TwelveHours @ShortHours @MeriDiems @ShortMeriDiems
@Sym @Ding @R @I @B @BI @S @F @II
"~" "~~" "``" "''" ",," "--" "---" "..."
@@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ export
@Date @Time @DateTimeFormat @DropCapTwo @DropCapThree @Centre @Right
@NoDotSep @NoDotJoin @Join @Sep @DotSep @ColonSep @DotJoin @DashJoin
- @NumSep @OverStrike @Sup @Sub @FullWidthRule @LocalWidthRule
- @Box @CurveBox @ShadowBox @BoundaryMarks
+ @NumSep @VStrut @ZeroWidth @ZeroHeight @OverStrike @Sup @Sub
+ @FullWidthRule @LocalWidthRule @Box @CurveBox @ShadowBox @BoundaryMarks
@NumberMarker @NumberOf @TitleMarker @TitleOf
@PageMarker @PageMark @NoLinkPageMark @PageOf @CrossLink @ExternalLink
@@ -360,6 +361,8 @@ def @BasicSetup
# @UCRoman upper case Roman numerals I, II, ... , CC #
# @Alpha lower case Roman alphabet a, b, ... , z #
# @UCAlpha upper case Roman alphabet A, B, ... , Z #
+ # @FnBullets bullets as footnote markers #
+ # @FnSymbols traditional footnote symbols asterisk, dagger, etc. #
# @Months months of the year: January, ... , December #
# @ShortMonths months of the year, abbreviated: Jan, ..., Dec #
# @WeekDays days of the week: Sunday, ... , Saturday #
@@ -375,6 +378,8 @@ def @BasicSetup
def @UCRoman left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @Alpha left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @UCAlpha left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @FnBullets left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
+ def @FnSymbols left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @Months left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @ShortMonths left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
def @WeekDays left @Tag right @Val { @Val }
@@ -405,8 +410,8 @@ def @BasicSetup
- @SysDatabase @Word @Roman @UCRoman @Alpha @UCAlpha @Months
- @ShortMonths @WeekDays @ShortWeekDays @TwelveHours
+ @SysDatabase @Word @Roman @UCRoman @Alpha @UCAlpha @FnBullets @FnSymbols
+ @Months @ShortMonths @WeekDays @ShortWeekDays @TwelveHours
@ShortHours @MeriDiems @ShortMeriDiems @DateTimeFormat
{ standard }
@@ -686,6 +691,27 @@ def @BasicSetup
# #
+ # @VStrut, @ZeroWidth, @ZeroHeight #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ def @VStrut
+ named above { 0.5f }
+ named below { 0.5f }
+ right x
+ {
+ x &0iu @VContract { above @High ^/ below @High }
+ }
+ def @ZeroWidth right x { @HContract { |0io x |0io } }
+ def @ZeroHeight right x { @VContract { /0io x /0io } }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
# @OverStrike, @Sup and @Sub #
# #
@@ -1451,7 +1477,8 @@ def @BasicSetup
labelwidth @Wide {
# @NumberMarker @Value {style num} {style num} &0io
- @NumberMarker @Value {num} {style type num} &0io
+ # @NumberMarker @Value {num} {style type num} &0io
+ @NumberMarker @Value {type num} {style type num} &0io
|itemindent @ItemPlace |rightindent
//gap @MakeList @NotRevealed @Next num
diff --git a/include/cprint b/include/cprint
index 4c15d72..4974888 100644
--- a/include/cprint
+++ b/include/cprint
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
# fixedfont { Courier } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
# varyingfont { } # font family
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # varyingspace { lout } # varying mode
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/cprintf b/include/cprintf
index 0307c29..2d2e680 100644
--- a/include/cprintf
+++ b/include/cprintf
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def @CPSetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def @CPSetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ def @CPSetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ def @CPSetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
@@ -219,6 +223,15 @@ def @CPSetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PI # for formatting identifiers
right x
@@ -369,7 +382,7 @@ def @CPSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
@@ -382,7 +395,7 @@ def @CPSetup
macro "$>" { {} & }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @CP
diff --git a/include/doc b/include/doc
index d5df7e3..49ae1d6 100644
--- a/include/doc
+++ b/include/doc
@@ -373,6 +373,16 @@
# @IndexInContents { Yes } # add index to contents
# @IndexAInContents { Yes } # add index A to contents
# @IndexBInContents { Yes } # add index B to contents
+ # @SectionContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of sections
+ # @SubSectionContentsIndent { 3f } # contents indent of subsections
+ # @SubSubSectionContentsIndent{ 6f } # contents indent of sub-subsections
+ # @AppendixContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of appendices
+ # @SubAppendixContentsIndent { 3f } # contents indent of sub-appendices
+ # @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent { 6f } # contents indent of sub-subappendices
+ # @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of references
+ # @IndexContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of index
+ # @IndexAContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of index A
+ # @IndexBContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of index B
# @SectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has section num
# @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has subsect num
# @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-ss. num
diff --git a/include/docf b/include/docf
index cfc9d19..38b562f 100644
--- a/include/docf
+++ b/include/docf
@@ -101,6 +101,17 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
named @IndexAInContents { Yes }
named @IndexBInContents { Yes }
+ named @SectionContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @SubSectionContentsIndent { 3f }
+ named @SubSubSectionContentsIndent { 6f }
+ named @AppendixContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @SubAppendixContentsIndent { 3f }
+ named @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent { 6f }
+ named @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IndexContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IndexAContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IndexBContentsIndent { 0f }
named @SectionNumInTheorems { No }
named @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
named @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
@@ -242,6 +253,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingbreak { @ReferencesHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @ReferencesHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @ReferencesInContents }
+ contentsindent { @ReferencesContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @ReferencesPrefix }
majornum {}
majortitle {}
@@ -279,6 +291,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingformat { @IndexHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @IndexText }
incontents { @IndexInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IndexContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @IndexPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
majornum {}
@@ -316,6 +329,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingformat { @IndexAHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @IndexAText }
incontents { @IndexAInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IndexAContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @IndexAPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
majornum {}
@@ -353,6 +367,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingformat { @IndexBHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @IndexBText }
incontents { @IndexBInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IndexBContentsIndent }
pnprefix { @IndexBPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
majornum {}
@@ -546,7 +561,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingbreak { @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubSubSectionInContents }
- contentsindent { 6f }
+ contentsindent { @SubSubSectionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubSubSectionNumbers }
attachnum { @SubSubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubSubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -573,7 +588,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingbreak { @SubSectionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubSectionInContents }
- contentsindent { 3f }
+ contentsindent { @SubSectionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubSectionNumbers }
attachnum { @SubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -600,6 +615,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingbreak { @SectionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SectionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SectionInContents }
+ contentsindent { @SectionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SectionNumbers }
attachnum { @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -707,7 +723,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingbreak { @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubSubAppendixInContents }
- contentsindent { 6f }
+ contentsindent { @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubSubAppendixNumbers }
attachnum { @SubSubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubSubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -734,7 +750,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingbreak { @SubAppendixHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubAppendixInContents }
- contentsindent { 3f }
+ contentsindent { @SubAppendixContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubAppendixNumbers }
attachnum { @SubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -760,7 +776,7 @@ def @OrdinarySetup
headingbreak { @AppendixHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @AppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @AppendixInContents }
- contentsindent { 0f }
+ contentsindent { @AppendixContentsIndent }
word { appendix @WordVal @AppendixWord }
numbers { @AppendixNumbers }
attachnum { @AppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
diff --git a/include/dsf b/include/dsf
index e992795..394fd1e 100644
--- a/include/dsf
+++ b/include/dsf
@@ -531,12 +531,17 @@ def @DocumentSetup
# @Protect x #
# #
# Like @CNP, this reserves space on the current page or else makes sure #
- # x appears on the following page. Lookahead is proportional to font #
- # size. #
+ # x appears on the following page. #
+ # #
+ # Prior to Version 3.31 the amount of lookahead was just 3.0f. But #
+ # in Version 3.31, following a suggestion of Ludovic Courtes, this #
+ # was changed to @OneRow { 1.0f @High @LP 2.0v @High }, which #
+ # approximates the height of a title line, a paragraph separator, and #
+ # the first two lines of the section, and so works somewhat better. #
# #
- def @Protect right x { 3.0f @High //0io // x }
+ def @Protect right x { @OneRow { 1.0f @High @LP 2.0v @High } //0io // x }
@@ -688,6 +693,8 @@ def @DocumentSetup
UCRoman @Yield @UCRoman&&num
Alpha @Yield @Alpha&&num
UCAlpha @Yield @UCAlpha&&num
+ Bullets @Yield @FnBullets&&num
+ Symbols @Yield @FnSymbols&&num
@@ -4822,7 +4829,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
left @Num right @Body {}
named headingtext { @Null } # heading text
named incontents { No } # entry in table of contents required
- named contentsindent { 0f } # only if type is Major
+ named contentsindent { 0f } # only used if type is Minor
named word {}
named numbers { None }
named attachnum {} # only if numbers is not None
@@ -4947,6 +4954,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
{ Yes.Major Yes.MajorIntro Yes.ExtraMajor Yes.ExtraMajorIntro } @Yield {
incontents @MajorContentsEntry
+ indent { contentsindent }
crosstag { tag }
number { @LongNum }
title { initiallanguage @Language title }
@@ -4955,6 +4963,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
{ Yes.VeryMajor } @Yield {
incontents @VeryMajorContentsEntry
+ indent { contentsindent }
title { initiallanguage @Language {
bypassnumber @ColonSep title } }
diff --git a/include/eiffel b/include/eiffel
index 3708d86..8ce7973 100644
--- a/include/eiffel
+++ b/include/eiffel
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
# fixedfont { Courier } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
# varyingfont { } # font family
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/eiffelf b/include/eiffelf
index 573e8a9..f456392 100644
--- a/include/eiffelf
+++ b/include/eiffelf
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def @EiffelSetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def @EiffelSetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ def @EiffelSetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ def @EiffelSetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
@@ -219,6 +223,15 @@ def @EiffelSetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PI # for formatting identifiers
right x
@@ -369,7 +382,7 @@ def @EiffelSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
@@ -382,7 +395,7 @@ def @EiffelSetup
macro "$>" { {} & }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @Eiffel
diff --git a/include/eqf b/include/eqf
index 6f9113c..6898b5d 100644
--- a/include/eqf
+++ b/include/eqf
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ export "`" "``" "```" bin rel punct non vctr big small
matrix pmatrix bmatrix brmatrix fmatrix cmatrix amatrix
def @Eq
+ named initzunit { 1f }
body @Body
@@ -138,7 +139,9 @@ def @Eq
# Lout but is used by the @SupGap symbol. #
# #
# Knuth also recommends some changes that depend on whether the #
- # equation is displayed or inline; these are not implemented. #
+ # equation is displayed or inline; these are not implemented, #
+ # except that the @E symbol for inline equations (defined as #
+ # a macro at the bottom of this file) includes a @VSqueeze. #
# #
@@ -1690,8 +1693,8 @@ def @Eq
macro amatrix { matrix atleft { blangle } atright { brangle } }
{ Slope xheight2mark } @Font { separate @SpaceGap } @Space
- 1f @ZUnit 1f @YUnit @Body
+ initzunit @ZUnit 1f @YUnit @Body
@End @Eq
-macro @E { @OneCol @Eq }
+macro @E { @OneCol @Eq initzunit { 0.7f } }
diff --git a/include/haskell b/include/haskell
index 7fa9b41..52d5448 100644
--- a/include/haskell
+++ b/include/haskell
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
# fixedfont { Courier } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
# varyingfont { } # font family
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/haskellf b/include/haskellf
index e7a2d14..8a019f2 100644
--- a/include/haskellf
+++ b/include/haskellf
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def @HaskellSetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 4 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 4s } # tab width
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ def @HaskellSetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 4 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 1.5f } # tab width
@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ def @HaskellSetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 4 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 1.7f } # tab width
@@ -115,6 +118,7 @@ def @HaskellSetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named braces { dft } # braces font
@@ -229,6 +233,15 @@ def @HaskellSetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PO # for formatting operators
right x
@@ -247,7 +260,7 @@ def @HaskellSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
@@ -459,7 +472,7 @@ def @HaskellSetup
macro "$>" { {} & }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @Haskell
diff --git a/include/java b/include/java
index f406d39..41fd1f7 100644
--- a/include/java
+++ b/include/java
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
# fixedfont { Courier } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
# varyingfont { } # font family
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/javaf b/include/javaf
index 466a099..fb84541 100644
--- a/include/javaf
+++ b/include/javaf
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def @JavaSetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def @JavaSetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ def @JavaSetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ def @JavaSetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
@@ -219,6 +223,15 @@ def @JavaSetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PI # for formatting identifiers
right x
@@ -369,7 +382,7 @@ def @JavaSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
@@ -382,7 +395,7 @@ def @JavaSetup
macro "$>" { {} & }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @Java
diff --git a/include/langdefs b/include/langdefs
index 95af454..3df4bae 100644
--- a/include/langdefs
+++ b/include/langdefs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ langdef Danish Dansk da { danish . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
langdef Dutch Nederlands nl { dutch . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
langdef English en { english . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
langdef EnglishUK "en-GB" { engluk . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
+langdef Esperanto eo { esperanto . : ! ? .) ?) !) .' !' ?' }
langdef Finnish Suomi fi { finnish }
langdef French Francais "Fran\347ais" fr { french }
langdef German Deutsch de { german }
diff --git a/include/np b/include/np
index 247da10..1ccd4bb 100644
--- a/include/np
+++ b/include/np
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
# fixedfont { Courier } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
# varyingfont { } # font family
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # varyingspace { lout } # varying mode
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -87,6 +89,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/npf b/include/npf
index a45a94c..258529d 100644
--- a/include/npf
+++ b/include/npf
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ def @NonpareilSetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ def @NonpareilSetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ def @NonpareilSetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -105,6 +108,7 @@ def @NonpareilSetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
@@ -218,6 +222,15 @@ def @NonpareilSetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PI # for formatting identifiers
right x
@@ -368,7 +381,7 @@ def @NonpareilSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
@@ -381,7 +394,7 @@ def @NonpareilSetup
macro "$>" { {} & }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @Nonpareil
diff --git a/include/perl b/include/perl
index 7b723b9..4a886f3 100644
--- a/include/perl
+++ b/include/perl
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
# fixedfont { Courier } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
+ # varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
# varyingidentifiers { Slope } # identifier face
@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/perlf b/include/perlf
index b82f3a8..8a12ceb 100644
--- a/include/perlf
+++ b/include/perlf
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def @PerlSetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def @PerlSetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ def @PerlSetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ def @PerlSetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
@@ -219,6 +223,15 @@ def @PerlSetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PI # for formatting identifiers
right x
@@ -369,7 +382,7 @@ def @PerlSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
@@ -382,7 +395,7 @@ def @PerlSetup
macro "$>" { {} & }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @Perl
diff --git a/include/podf b/include/podf
index 1a64654..709cb06 100644
--- a/include/podf
+++ b/include/podf
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ def @PodSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
diff --git a/include/python b/include/python
index 0db2ea5..9216ca5 100644
--- a/include/python
+++ b/include/python
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
# fixedfont { Courier } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
# varyingfont { } # font family
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/pythonf b/include/pythonf
index f70111f..712c399 100644
--- a/include/pythonf
+++ b/include/pythonf
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def @PythonSetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def @PythonSetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ def @PythonSetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ def @PythonSetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
@@ -219,6 +223,15 @@ def @PythonSetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PI # for formatting identifiers
right x
@@ -372,7 +385,7 @@ def @PythonSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
@@ -386,7 +399,7 @@ def @PythonSetup
def "''" { "''" }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @Python
diff --git a/include/report b/include/report
index 4cf0a5a..7f2523d 100644
--- a/include/report
+++ b/include/report
@@ -409,6 +409,17 @@
# @IndexInContents { Yes } # add index to contents
# @IndexAInContents { Yes } # add index A to contents
# @IndexBInContents { Yes } # add index B to contents
+ # @SectionContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of sections
+ # @SubSectionContentsIndent { 3f } # contents indent of subsections
+ # @SubSubSectionContentsIndent{ 6f } # contents indent of sub-subsections
+ # @AppendixContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of appendices
+ # @SubAppendixContentsIndent { 3f } # contents indent of sub-appendices
+ # @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent { 6f } # contents indent of sub-sub-appendices
+ # @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of references
+ # @GlossaryContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of glossary
+ # @IndexContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of index
+ # @IndexAContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of index A
+ # @IndexBContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of index B
# @SectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has section num
# @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has subsect num
# @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has sub-ss. num
diff --git a/include/reportf b/include/reportf
index f0b3779..ebef8b5 100644
--- a/include/reportf
+++ b/include/reportf
@@ -139,6 +139,18 @@ def @ReportSetup
named @IndexAInContents { Yes }
named @IndexBInContents { Yes }
+ named @SectionContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @SubSectionContentsIndent { 3f }
+ named @SubSubSectionContentsIndent { 6f }
+ named @AppendixContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @SubAppendixContentsIndent { 3f }
+ named @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent { 6f }
+ named @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @GlossaryContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IndexContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IndexAContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @IndexBContentsIndent { 0f }
named @SectionNumInTheorems { No }
named @SubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
named @SubSubSectionNumInTheorems { No }
@@ -360,6 +372,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingbreak { @ReferencesHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @ReferencesHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @ReferencesInContents }
+ contentsindent { @ReferencesContentsIndent }
majornum {}
majortitle {}
minornum {}
@@ -394,6 +407,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingformat { @GlossaryHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @GlossaryText }
incontents { @GlossaryInContents }
+ contentsindent { @GlossaryContentsIndent }
prefix { @GlossaryPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
majornum {}
@@ -432,6 +446,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingformat { @IndexHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @IndexText }
incontents { @IndexInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IndexContentsIndent }
prefix { @IndexPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
majornum {}
@@ -469,6 +484,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingformat { @IndexAHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @IndexAText }
incontents { @IndexAInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IndexAContentsIndent }
prefix { @IndexAPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
majornum {}
@@ -506,6 +522,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingformat { @IndexBHeadingFormat @Body }
headingtext { @IndexBText }
incontents { @IndexBInContents }
+ contentsindent { @IndexBContentsIndent }
prefix { @IndexBPrefix }
inrunners { Yes }
majornum {}
@@ -728,7 +745,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingbreak { @SubSubSectionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubSubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubSubSectionInContents }
- contentsindent { 6f }
+ contentsindent { @SubSubSectionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubSubSectionNumbers }
attachnum { @SubSubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubSubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -755,7 +772,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingbreak { @SubSectionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubSectionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubSectionInContents }
- contentsindent { 3f }
+ contentsindent { @SubSectionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubSectionNumbers }
attachnum { @SubSectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubSectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -781,7 +798,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingbreak { @SectionHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SectionHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SectionInContents }
- contentsindent { 0f }
+ contentsindent { @SectionContentsIndent }
numbers { @SectionNumbers }
attachnum { @SectionList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SectionList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -895,7 +912,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingbreak { @SubSubAppendixHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubSubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubSubAppendixInContents }
- contentsindent { 6f }
+ contentsindent { @SubSubAppendixContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubSubAppendixNumbers }
attachnum { @SubSubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubSubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -922,7 +939,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingbreak { @SubAppendixHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @SubAppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @SubAppendixInContents }
- contentsindent { 3f }
+ contentsindent { @SubAppendixContentsIndent }
numbers { @SubAppendixNumbers }
attachnum { @SubAppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @SubAppendixList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -949,7 +966,7 @@ def @ReportSetup
headingbreak { @AppendixHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @AppendixHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @AppendixInContents }
- contentsindent { 0f }
+ contentsindent { @AppendixContentsIndent }
word { appendix @WordVal @AppendixWord }
numbers { @AppendixNumbers }
attachnum { @AppendixList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
diff --git a/include/rsl b/include/rsl
index 09427b6..3411034 100644
--- a/include/rsl
+++ b/include/rsl
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
# fixedfont { Courier } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@
# varyingfont { } # font family
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -89,6 +91,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/rslf b/include/rslf
index f6c0bdf..0680138 100644
--- a/include/rslf
+++ b/include/rslf
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def @RSLSetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def @RSLSetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ def @RSLSetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ def @RSLSetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
@@ -219,6 +223,15 @@ def @RSLSetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PI # for formatting identifiers
right x
@@ -385,7 +398,7 @@ def @RSLSetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
{ { Symbol Base } @Font @Char sym } @FA x
@@ -440,7 +453,7 @@ def @RSLSetup
macro "$>" { {} & }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @RSL
diff --git a/include/ruby b/include/ruby
index 8ee57d5..6a82b55 100644
--- a/include/ruby
+++ b/include/ruby
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
# fixedfont { LetterGothic } # font family
# fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
# fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
# fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
# varyingfont { } # font family
# varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
# varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
# varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
# varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@
# symbolfont { } # font family
# symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
# symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ # symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
# symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
# symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
diff --git a/include/rubyf b/include/rubyf
index 89f38e0..e7f607a 100644
--- a/include/rubyf
+++ b/include/rubyf
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def @RubySetup
named fixedfont { Courier }# font family
named fixedsize { -1.0p } # font size
named fixedline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named fixedspace { lout } # spacing mode
named fixedtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named fixedtabout { 8s } # tab width
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def @RubySetup
named varyingfont { } # font family
named varyingsize { 1.0f } # font size
named varyingline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named varyingspace { lout } # spacing mode
named varyingtabin { 8 } # tab interval
named varyingtabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ def @RubySetup
named symbolfont { } # font family
named symbolsize { 1.0f } # font size
named symbolline { 1.0vx } # line-space
+ named symbolspace { lout } # spacing mode
named symboltabin { 8 } # tab interval
named symboltabout { 3f } # tab width
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ def @RubySetup
named font { dft } # font family
named size { dft } # font size
named line { dft } # line-space
+ named space { dft } # spacing mode
named tabin { dft } # tab interval
named tabout { dft } # tab width
named identifiers { dft } # ident. font
@@ -219,6 +223,15 @@ def @RubySetup
+ def @InitSpace
+ {
+ space @Test
+ iffixed { fixedspace }
+ ifvarying { varyingspace }
+ ifsymbol { symbolspace }
+ }
def @PI # for formatting identifiers
right x
@@ -372,7 +385,7 @@ def @RubySetup
def @A # get characters from the Adobe Symbol font
- left sym
+ named sym {}
right x
style @Case {
@@ -385,7 +398,7 @@ def @RubySetup
macro "$>" { {} & }
- { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font
+ { @InitFontFamily Base @InitSize } @Font @InitSpace @Space
{ @InitLine lines nohyphen } @Break @Body
@End @Ruby
diff --git a/include/slides b/include/slides
index 86218ca..b3fb95c 100644
--- a/include/slides
+++ b/include/slides
@@ -344,6 +344,10 @@
# @LectureInContents { Yes } # add lectures to contents
# @OverheadInContents { No } # add overheads to contents
# @ReferencesInContents { Yes } # add references to contents
+ # @LectureContentsIndent { 0f } # contents indent of lectures
+ # @OverheadInLectureContentsIndent { 2f } # .. of overhead within lec
+ # @OverheadContentsIndent { 0f } # .. of stand-alone overhead
+ # @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f } # .. of references
# @LectureNumInTheorems { Yes } # theorem num has lecture num
# @OverheadNumInTheorems { No } # theorem num has overhead num
# @LectureNumInDisplays { Yes } # display num has lecture num
diff --git a/include/slidesf b/include/slidesf
index 3823ccd..5194ff6 100644
--- a/include/slidesf
+++ b/include/slidesf
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ def @OverheadSetup
named @LectureInContents { Yes }
named @OverheadInContents { No }
named @ReferencesInContents { Yes }
+ named @LectureContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @OverheadContentsIndent { 0f }
+ named @OverheadInLectureContentsIndent { 2f }
+ named @ReferencesContentsIndent { 0f }
named @LectureNumInTheorems { Yes }
named @OverheadNumInTheorems { No }
named @LectureNumInDisplays { Yes }
@@ -167,6 +171,7 @@ def @OverheadSetup
@LectureHeadingFormat { @RefHeading @RefListTitle } |
// @PageMark @Tag
// @ReferencesInContents @ContentsEntry
+ indent { @ReferencesContentsIndent }
title { @RefHeading @RefListTitle }
pagenum { @PageOf @Tag }
// Start @Runner @MajorTitle { @GetTitle }
@@ -248,7 +253,7 @@ def @OverheadSetup
headingbreak { @OverheadHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @OverheadHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @OverheadInContents }
- contentsindent { 0f }
+ contentsindent { @OverheadContentsIndent }
numbers { @OverheadNumbers }
attachnum { @OverheadsList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @OverheadsList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -326,7 +331,7 @@ def @OverheadSetup
headingbreak { @OverheadHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @OverheadHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @OverheadInContents }
- contentsindent { 2f }
+ contentsindent { @OverheadInLectureContentsIndent }
numbers { @OverheadNumbers }
attachnum { @LecOverheadsList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
retrievenum { @LecOverheadsList&&@Tag @Open { num } }
@@ -354,7 +359,7 @@ def @OverheadSetup
headingbreak { @LectureHeadingBreak }
headingformat { @Num @LectureHeadingFormat @Body }
incontents { @LectureInContents }
- contentsindent { 0f }
+ contentsindent { @LectureContentsIndent }
word { lecture @WordVal @LectureWord }
numbers { @LectureNumbers }
attachnum { @LectureList&&preceding @Tagged @Tag }
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index 162d573..55a4ca5 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# #
-# Make file for installing Basser Lout Version 3.30 #
+# Make file for installing Basser Lout Version 3.31 #
# #
# Jeffrey H. Kingston #
# undated #
@@ -253,11 +253,11 @@ DBFIX = 0
+# TRACING = -g
BINDIR = /home/jeff/bin
LIBDIR = /home/jeff/lout.lib
diff --git a/maps/LtLatin3.LCM b/maps/LtLatin3.LCM
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d04b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/maps/LtLatin3.LCM
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+# #
+# LtLatin3.LCM #
+# #
+# LCM (Lout Character Mapping) file for the ISO Latin-3 #
+# Encoding. #
+# #
+# This covers mostly Esperanto and Maltese, and it covered #
+# Turkish before the introduction of Latin5 in 1988. #
+# #
+# Six (!) character codes are unused in Latin-3. I re-used #
+# three of them (i.e. in a non-standard fashion) to #
+# incorporate useful characters such as the Euro symbol and #
+# French "guillemets" (quotation marks). Suggestions for #
+# remaining codes are welcome. #
+# #
+# Ludovic Courtès <ludo@chbouib.org>. #
+# #
+# Dec- Octal Character Functions ... #
+# imal code name #
+# code #
+# #
+000 000 -none-
+001 001 -none-
+002 002 -none-
+003 003 -none-
+004 004 -none-
+005 005 -none-
+006 006 -none-
+007 007 -none-
+008 010 -none-
+009 011 -none-
+010 012 -none-
+011 013 -none-
+012 014 -none-
+013 015 -none-
+014 016 -none-
+015 017 -none-
+016 020 -none-
+017 021 -none-
+018 022 -none-
+019 023 -none-
+020 024 -none-
+021 025 -none-
+022 026 -none-
+023 027 -none-
+024 030 -none-
+025 031 -none-
+026 032 -none-
+027 033 -none-
+028 034 -none-
+029 035 -none-
+030 036 -none-
+031 037 -none-
+032 040 space
+033 041 exclam
+034 042 quotedbl
+035 043 numbersign
+036 044 dollar
+037 045 percent
+038 046 ampersand
+039 047 quoteright
+040 050 parenleft
+041 051 parenright
+042 052 asterisk
+043 053 plus
+044 054 comma
+045 055 hyphen
+046 056 period
+047 057 slash
+048 060 zero
+049 061 one
+050 062 two
+051 063 three
+052 064 four
+053 065 five
+054 066 six
+055 067 seven
+056 070 eight
+057 071 nine
+058 072 colon
+059 073 semicolon
+060 074 less
+061 075 equal
+062 076 greater
+063 077 question
+064 100 at
+065 101 A LC a;
+066 102 B LC b;
+067 103 C LC c;
+068 104 D LC d;
+069 105 E LC e;
+070 106 F LC f;
+071 107 G LC g;
+072 110 H LC h;
+073 111 I LC i;
+074 112 J LC j;
+075 113 K LC k;
+076 114 L LC l;
+077 115 M LC m;
+078 116 N LC n;
+079 117 O LC o;
+080 120 P LC p;
+081 121 Q LC q;
+082 122 R LC r;
+083 123 S LC s;
+084 124 T LC t;
+085 125 U LC u;
+086 126 V LC v;
+087 127 W LC w;
+088 130 X LC x;
+089 131 Y LC y;
+090 132 Z LC z;
+091 133 bracketleft
+092 134 backslash
+093 135 bracketright
+094 136 asciicircum
+095 137 underscore
+096 140 quoteleft
+097 141 a UC A;
+098 142 b UC B;
+099 143 c UC C;
+100 144 d UC D;
+101 145 e UC E;
+102 146 f UC F;
+103 147 g UC G;
+104 150 h UC H;
+105 151 i UC I;
+106 152 j UC J;
+107 153 k UC K;
+108 154 l UC L;
+109 155 m UC M;
+110 156 n UC N;
+111 157 o UC O;
+112 160 p UC P;
+113 161 q UC Q;
+114 162 r UC R;
+115 163 s UC S;
+116 164 t UC T;
+117 165 u UC U;
+118 166 v UC V;
+119 167 w UC W;
+120 170 x UC X;
+121 171 y UC Y;
+122 172 z UC Z;
+123 173 braceleft
+124 174 bar
+125 175 braceright
+126 176 asciitilde
+127 177 -none-
+128 200 quotesinglebase
+129 201 quotedblbase
+130 202 ellipsis
+131 203 -none-
+132 204 -none-
+133 205 quotedblleft
+134 206 quotedblright
+135 207 fi
+136 210 fl
+137 211 endash
+138 212 emdash
+139 213 bullet
+140 214 dagger
+141 215 daggerdbl
+142 216 florin
+143 217 fraction
+144 220 dotlessi
+145 221 grave
+146 222 acute
+147 223 circumflex
+148 224 tilde
+149 225 macron
+150 226 breve
+151 227 dotaccent
+152 230 dieresis
+153 231 -none-
+154 232 ring
+155 233 cedilla
+156 234 -none-
+157 235 -none-
+158 236 ogonek
+159 237 caron
+160 240 space
+161 241 Hbar LC hbar; UA H; AC bar;
+162 242 breve
+163 243 sterling
+164 244 currency
+# Char #165 is unused in Latin-3. So we use it for the Euro sign.
+# In Latin-9 (ISO-8859-15), the Euro symbol sits at char #164, and the
+# currency sign is removed. But we want to keep the latter for real
+# Latin-3 compatibility.
+165 245 euro
+166 246 Hcircumflex LC hcircumflex; UA H; AC circumflex;
+167 247 section
+168 250 dieresis
+169 251 Idot LC i; UA I;
+170 252 Scedilla LC scedilla; UA S; AC cedilla;
+171 253 Gbreve LC gbreve; UA G; AC breve;
+172 254 Jcircumflex LC jcircumflex; UA J; AC circumflex;
+173 255 hyphen
+# Char #174 is unused in Latin-3. We use it for French guillemet.
+174 256 guillemotleft
+175 257 Zdotaccent LC zdotaccent; UA Z; AC dotaccent;
+176 260 degree
+177 261 hbar UC Hbar; UA h; AC bar;
+178 262 twosuperior
+179 263 threesuperior
+180 264 acute
+181 265 mu
+182 266 hcircumflex UC Hcircumflex; UA h; AC circumflex;
+# FIXME: Char #183 should be "middle dot".
+183 267 dotaccent
+184 270 cedilla
+185 271 dotlessi UC I;
+186 272 scedilla UC Scedilla; UA s; AC cedilla;
+187 273 gbreve UC Gbreve; UA g; AC breve;
+188 274 jcircumflex UC Jcircumflex; UA j; AC circumflex;
+189 275 onehalf
+# Char #190 is unused in Latin-3. We use it for French guillemet.
+190 276 guillemotright
+191 277 zdotaccent UC Zdotaccent; UA z; AC dotaccent;
+192 300 Agrave LC agrave; UA A; AC grave;
+193 301 Aacute LC aacute; UA A; AC acute;
+194 302 Acircumflex LC acircumflex; UA A; AC circumflex;
+# Char #195 is unused.
+195 303 Abreve LC abreve; UA A; AC breve;
+196 304 Adieresis LC adieresis; UA A; AC dieresis;
+197 305 Cdotaccent LC cdotaccent; UA C; AC dotaccent;
+198 306 Ccircumflex LC ccircumflex; UA C; AC circumflex;
+199 307 Ccedilla LC ccedilla; UA C; AC cedilla;
+200 310 Egrave LC egrave; UA E; AC grave;
+201 311 Eacute LC eacute; UA E; AC acute;
+202 312 Ecircumflex LC ecircumflex; UA E; AC circumflex;
+203 313 Edieresis LC edieresis; UA E; AC dieresis;
+204 314 Igrave LC igrave; UA I; AC grave;
+205 315 Iacute LC iacute; UA I; AC acute;
+206 316 Icircumflex LC icircumflex; UA I; AC circumflex;
+207 317 Idieresis LC idieresis; UA I; AC dieresis;
+# Char #208 is unused.
+208 320 Dcroat LC dcroat; UA D;
+209 321 Ntilde LC ntilde; UA N; AC tilde;
+210 322 Ograve LC ograve; UA O; AC grave;
+211 323 Oacute LC oacute; UA O; AC acute;
+212 324 Ocircumflex LC ocircumflex; UA O; AC circumflex;
+213 325 Gdotaccent LC gdotaccent; UA G; AC dotaccent;
+214 326 Odieresis LC odieresis; UA O; AC dieresis;
+215 327 multiply
+216 330 Gcircumflex LC gcircumflex; UA G; AC circumflex;
+217 331 Ugrave LC ugrave; UA U; AC grave;
+218 332 Uacute LC uacute; UA U; AC acute;
+219 333 Ucircumflex LC ucircumflex; UA U; AC circumflex;
+220 334 Udieresis LC udieresis; UA U; AC dieresis;
+221 335 Ubreve LC ubreve; UA U; AC breve;
+222 336 Scircumflex LC scircumflex; UA S; AC circumflex;
+223 337 germandbls
+224 340 agrave UC Agrave; UA a; AC grave;
+225 341 aacute UC Aacute; UA a; AC acute;
+226 342 acircumflex UC Acircumflex; UA a; AC circumflex;
+# Char #227 is unused.
+227 343 abreve UC Abreve; UA a; AC breve;
+228 344 adieresis UC Adieresis; UA a; AC dieresis;
+229 345 cdotaccent UC Cdotaccent; UA c; AC dotaccent;
+230 346 ccircumflex UC Ccircumflex; UA c; AC circumflex;
+231 347 ccedilla UC Ccedilla; UA c; AC cedilla;
+232 350 egrave UC Egrave; UA e; AC grave
+233 351 eacute UC Eacute; UA e; AC acute;
+234 352 ecircumflex UC Ecircumflex; UA e; AC circumflex;
+235 353 edieresis UC Edieresis; UA e; AC dieresis;
+236 354 igrave UC Igrave; UA i; AC grave;
+237 355 iacute UC Iacute; UA dotlessi; AC acute;
+238 356 icircumflex UC Icircumflex; UA dotlessi; AC circumflex;
+239 357 idieresis UC Idieresis; UA i; AC dieresis;
+# Char #240 is unused.
+240 360 dcroat UC Dcroat; UA d;
+241 361 ntilde UC Ntilde; UA n; AC tilde;
+242 362 ograve UC Ograve; UA o; AC grave;
+243 363 oacute UC Oacute; UA o; AC acute;
+244 364 ocircumflex UC Ocircumflex; UA o; AC circumflex;
+245 365 gdotaccent UC Gdotaccent; UA g; AC dotaccent;
+246 366 odieresis UC Odieresis; UA o; AC dieresis;
+247 367 divide
+248 370 gcircumflex UC Gcircumflex; UA g; AC circumflex;
+249 371 ugrave UC Ugrave; UA u; AC grave;
+250 372 uacute UC Uacute; UA u; AC acute;
+251 373 ucircumflex UC Ucircumflex; UA u; AC circumflex;
+252 374 udieresis UC Udieresis; UA u; AC dieresis;
+253 375 ubreve UC Ubreve; UA u; AC breve;
+254 376 scircumflex UC Scircumflex; UA s; AC circumflex;
+255 377 dotaccent
diff --git a/prg2lout.c b/prg2lout.c
index 896a9e1..2a356d3 100644
--- a/prg2lout.c
+++ b/prg2lout.c
@@ -1284,43 +1284,45 @@ TOKEN PercentToken = FixedToken("%", "@PO");
TOKEN HatToken = FixedToken("^", "@PO");
TOKEN AmpersandToken = FixedToken("&", "@PO");
TOKEN SlashToken = FixedToken("/", "@PO");
-TOKEN ArrowToken = FixedToken("->", "arrowright @A @PO");
+TOKEN ArrowToken = FixedToken("->", "@A sym {arrowright} @PO");
TOKEN BackSlashToken = FixedToken("\\", "@PO");
TOKEN LeftParenToken = FixedToken("(", "@PO");
TOKEN RightParenToken = FixedToken(")", "@PO");
-TOKEN PlusToken = FixedToken("+", "plus @A @PO");
-TOKEN EqualToken = FixedToken("=", "equal @A @PO");
+TOKEN PlusToken = FixedToken("+", "@A sym {plus} @PO");
+TOKEN EqualToken = FixedToken("=", "@A sym {equal} @PO");
TOKEN LeftBraceToken = FixedToken("{", "@PO");
TOKEN RightBraceToken = FixedToken("}", "@PO");
TOKEN BarToken = FixedToken("|", "@PO");
TOKEN CircumToken = FixedToken("~", "@PO");
TOKEN LeftBracketToken = FixedToken("[", "@PO");
+TOKEN LeftBracketBarToken = FixedToken("[|", "@PO");
TOKEN RightBracketToken = FixedToken("]", "@PO");
+TOKEN RightBracketBarToken = FixedToken("|]", "@PO");
TOKEN SemicolonToken = FixedToken(";", "@PO");
TOKEN ColonToken = FixedToken(":", "@PO");
-TOKEN LessToken = FixedToken("<", "less @A @PO");
-TOKEN GreaterToken = FixedToken(">", "greater @A @PO");
+TOKEN LessToken = FixedToken("<", "@A sym {less} @PO");
+TOKEN GreaterToken = FixedToken(">", "@A sym {greater} @PO");
TOKEN QuestionToken = FixedToken("?", "@PO");
TOKEN CommaToken = FixedToken(",", "@PO");
TOKEN DotToken = FixedToken(".", "@PO");
TOKEN DotDotToken = FixedToken("..", "@PO");
TOKEN DotDotDotToken = FixedToken("...","@PO");
-TOKEN LessEqualToken = FixedToken("<=", "lessequal @A @PO");
-TOKEN GreaterEqualToken = FixedToken(">=", "greaterequal @A @PO");
-TOKEN CNotEqualToken = FixedToken("!=", "notequal @A @PO");
-TOKEN EiffelNotEqualToken = FixedToken("/=", "notequal @A @PO");
-TOKEN BlueNotEqualToken = FixedToken("<>", "notequal @A @PO");
+TOKEN LessEqualToken = FixedToken("<=", "@A sym {lessequal} @PO");
+TOKEN GreaterEqualToken = FixedToken(">=", "@A sym {greaterequal} @PO");
+TOKEN CNotEqualToken = FixedToken("!=", "@A sym {notequal} @PO");
+TOKEN EiffelNotEqualToken = FixedToken("/=", "@A sym {notequal} @PO");
+TOKEN BlueNotEqualToken = FixedToken("<>", "@A sym {notequal} @PO");
TOKEN AssignToken = FixedToken(":=", "@PO");
TOKEN QuestionAssignToken = FixedToken("?=", "@PO");
TOKEN DollarToken = FixedToken("$", "@PO");
-TOKEN ImpliesToken = FixedToken("=>", "arrowdblright @A @PO");
-TOKEN LeftArrowToken = FixedToken("<-", "arrowleft @A @PO");
+TOKEN ImpliesToken = FixedToken("=>","@A sym {arrowdblright} @PO");
+TOKEN LeftArrowToken = FixedToken("<-", "@A sym {arrowleft} @PO");
TOKEN HaskellLambdaToken = FixedToken("\\", "@PLAMBDA");
TOKEN DoubleColonToken = FixedToken("::", "@PDOUBLECOLON");
TOKEN FunctionCompositionToken = FixedToken(" . ", "@PCIRC");
-TOKEN HaskellEquivalenceToken = FixedToken("==", "equivalence @A @PO");
+TOKEN HaskellEquivalenceToken = FixedToken("==", "@A sym {equivalence} @PO");
TOKEN HaskellConcatenationToken = FixedToken("++", "@PPLUSPLUS");
-TOKEN EqvToken = FixedToken("<=>", "arrowdblboth @A @PO");
+TOKEN EqvToken = FixedToken("<=>","@A sym {arrowdblboth} @PO");
TOKEN HaskellOrToken = FixedToken("||", "@PO");
TOKEN HaskellAndToken = FixedToken("&&", "@PO");
TOKEN HaskellBacktickToken = FixedToken("`", "@PO");
@@ -1445,42 +1447,42 @@ TOKEN RSLIdentifierToken = {
FALSE, /* don't need to see end delimiter twice to stop */
-TOKEN RSLProductToken = FixedToken( "><", "multiply @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLPartialMapToken = FixedToken( "-~m->", "@PartialMap @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLAndToken = FixedToken( "/\\", "logicaland @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLAlwaysToken = FixedToken( "always", "@Eq { square } @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLIsInToken = FixedToken( "isin", "element @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLSubsetToken = FixedToken( "<<=", "reflexsubset @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLUnionToken = FixedToken( "union", "union @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLListStartToken = FixedToken( "<.", "angleleft @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLParToken = FixedToken( "@Eq { dbar } @FA @PO", "@PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLIntChoiceToken = FixedToken( "|^|", "@IntChoice @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLTurnstileToken = FixedToken( "|-", "@Eq { vdash } @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLListToken = NoParameterToken( "-list", "{*}" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLPartialFnToken = FixedToken( "-~->", "@PartialFn @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLRelationToken = FixedToken( "<->", "arrowboth @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLOrToken = FixedToken( "\\/", "logicalor @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLNotIsInToken = FixedToken( "~isin", "notelement @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLProperSupersetToken = FixedToken( ">>", "propersuperset @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLInterToken = FixedToken( "inter", "intersection @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLListEndToken = FixedToken( ".>", "angleright @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLInterlockToken = FixedToken( "++", "@Interlock @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLLambdaToken = FixedToken( "-\\", "lambda @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLImplementsRelToken = FixedToken( "{=", "@Eq { preceq } @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLInfListToken = FixedToken( "-inflist", "@InfList @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLMapToken = FixedToken( "-m->", "@Map @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLSTToken = FixedToken( ":-", "dotmath @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLNotEqualToken = FixedToken( "~=", "notequal @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLPowerToken = FixedToken( "**", "arrowup @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLProperSubsetToken = FixedToken( "<<", "propersubset @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLSupersetToken = FixedToken( ">>=", "reflexsuperset @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLOverrideToken = FixedToken( "!!", "@Dagger @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLMapletToken = FixedToken( "+>", "@Eq { mapsto } @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLExtChoiceToken = FixedToken( "|=|", "@ExtChoice @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLApplyToken = FixedToken( "#", "degree @A @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLImplementsExprToken = FixedToken( "[=", "@Eq { sqsubseteq } @FA @PO" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLPrimeToken = NoParameterToken( "'", "{'}" ) ;
-TOKEN RSLExistsOneToken = FixedToken( "exists!", "{@Sym existential}! @FA @PO" );
+TOKEN RSLProductToken = FixedToken("><", "@A sym{multiply} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLPartialMapToken = FixedToken("-~m->", "@PartialMap @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLAndToken = FixedToken("/\\", "@A sym{logicaland} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLAlwaysToken = FixedToken("always", "@Eq { square } @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLIsInToken = FixedToken("isin", "@A sym{element @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLSubsetToken = FixedToken("<<=", "@A sym{reflexsubset} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLUnionToken = FixedToken("union", "@A sym{union} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLListStartToken = FixedToken("<.", "@A sym{angleleft} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLParToken = FixedToken("@Eq { dbar } @FA @PO", "@PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLIntChoiceToken = FixedToken("|^|", "@IntChoice @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLTurnstileToken = FixedToken("|-", "@Eq { vdash } @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLListToken = NoParameterToken( "-list", "{*}" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLPartialFnToken = FixedToken("-~->", "@PartialFn @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLRelationToken = FixedToken("<->", "@A sym{arrowboth} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLOrToken = FixedToken("\\/", "@A sym{logicalor} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLNotIsInToken = FixedToken("~isin", "@A sym{notelement }@PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLProperSuperToken= FixedToken(">>", "@A sym{propersuperset} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLInterToken = FixedToken("inter", "@A sym{intersection} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLListEndToken = FixedToken(".>", "@A sym{angleright} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLInterlockToken = FixedToken("++", "@Interlock @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLLambdaToken = FixedToken("-\\", "@A sym{lambda} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLImplRelToken = FixedToken("{=", "@Eq { preceq } @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLInfListToken = FixedToken("-inflist", "@InfList @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLMapToken = FixedToken("-m->", "@Map @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLSTToken = FixedToken(":-", "@A sym{dotmath} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLNotEqualToken = FixedToken("~=", "@A sym{notequal} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLPowerToken = FixedToken("**", "@A sym{arrowup} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLProperSubsetToken = FixedToken( "<<", "@A sym{propersubset} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLSupersetToken = FixedToken(">>=", "@A sym{reflexsuperset} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLOverrideToken = FixedToken("!!", "@Dagger @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLMapletToken = FixedToken("+>", "@Eq { mapsto } @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLExtChoiceToken = FixedToken("|=|", "@ExtChoice @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLApplyToken = FixedToken("#", "@A sym{degree} @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLImplExprToken = FixedToken("[=", "@Eq { sqsubseteq } @FA @PO" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLPrimeToken = NoParameterToken( "'", "{'}" ) ;
+TOKEN RSLExistsOneToken = FixedToken("exists!", "{@Sym existential}! @FA @PO" );
@@ -3092,7 +3094,9 @@ LANGUAGE NonpareilLanguage = {
+ &LeftBracketBarToken,
+ &RightBracketBarToken,
@@ -3105,12 +3109,12 @@ LANGUAGE NonpareilLanguage = {
- "builtin", "case", "class", "creation", "coerce", "else", "elsif", "end",
- "extend", "extension", "false", "from", "fun", "if", "in", "infix",
- "inherit", "introduce", "invariant", "is", "let", "local", "meet",
- "module", "noncreation", "norename", "prefix", "private", "postfix",
- "rename", "require", "self", "system", "then", "to", "true", "use",
- "when", "yield",
+ "as", "builtin", "case", "class", "coerce", "creation", "else", "elsif",
+ "end", "enum", "extend", "extension", "false", "filter", "fun",
+ "genesis", "if", "in", "infix", "infixr", "inherit", "introduce",
+ "invariant", "is", "let", "local", "meet", "module", "noncreation",
+ "norename", "predefined", "prefix", "private", "postfix", "rename",
+ "require", "self", "system", "then", "true", "use", "when", "yield",
/* not reserved words strictly speaking, but conventionally set like them */
"and", "or", "not"
@@ -3181,13 +3185,13 @@ LANGUAGE RSLLanguage = {
&RSLIntChoiceToken, &RSLTurnstileToken, &RSLListToken,
&RSLPartialFnToken, &RSLRelationToken, &RSLOrToken,
- &RSLNotIsInToken, &RSLProperSupersetToken, &RSLInterToken,
+ &RSLNotIsInToken, &RSLProperSuperToken, &RSLInterToken,
&RSLListEndToken, &RSLInterlockToken, &RSLLambdaToken,
- &RSLImplementsRelToken, &RSLInfListToken, &RSLMapToken, &ImpliesToken,
+ &RSLImplRelToken, &RSLInfListToken, &RSLMapToken, &ImpliesToken,
&RSLSTToken, &RSLNotEqualToken, &RSLPowerToken,
&RSLProperSubsetToken, &RSLSupersetToken, &RSLOverrideToken,
&RSLMapletToken, &RSLExtChoiceToken, &RSLApplyToken,
- &RSLImplementsExprToken, &CCommentEscapeToken, &EiffelCommentToken,
+ &RSLImplExprToken, &CCommentEscapeToken, &EiffelCommentToken,
&EiffelCommentEscapeToken, &BackSlashToken, &RSLExistsOneToken, &StarToken
{ "Bool", "Char", "Int", "Nat", "Real", "Text", "Unit", "abs", "any",
@@ -4047,6 +4051,7 @@ void EndEmit(TOKEN *current_token, unsigned char *end_delim)
case '^':
case '~':
case '-':
+ case '\'':
if( !quoted_now )
{ putc('"', out_fp);
diff --git a/whatsnew b/whatsnew
index f5698f6..9a2968b 100644
--- a/whatsnew
+++ b/whatsnew
@@ -399,4 +399,25 @@ Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.30 [October 2004]
of contents. On second thoughts I'm unwilling to do this. I need
to be convinced that Lout should encourage this strange thing.
+Changes and new features introduced in Version 3.31 [August 2005]
+ Bug fixes:
+ Ludovic Courtes's fix for ligatures problem
+ Kingston and Piotrowski's fix for list number referencing problem
+ Fix for things adjacent to relations disappearing in program texts
+ Added @VStrut, @ZeroWidth, @ZeroHeight symbols to basic setup module
+ New User's Guide section ("Precise object placement") documenting
+ @VStrut, @ZeroWidth, @ZeroHeight, and similar already existing symbols
+ Improved rule for avoiding orphan section headings, following a
+ suggestion by Ludovic Courtes
+ Added @ChapterContentsIndent, @SectionContentsIndent etc. to setup files
+ Latin3 and Esperanto (contributed by Ludovic Courtes)
+ "Bullets" and "Symbols" footnote numbering styles (contributed by
+ Michael Piotrowski)
+ "marginkerning @Break" (contributed by Ludovic Courtes)
+ @E inline equation symbol now squeezes superscripts, more like TeX
+ "lout @Space" now used throughout program texts by default (can be
+ changed by setup file options)
Jeff Kingston
diff --git a/z01.c b/z01.c
index ab3a4e5..25bb4ca 100644
--- a/z01.c
+++ b/z01.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z01.c:Supervise:StartSym, AllowCrossDb, etc.@******************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* wrapup */
- ifdebug(DST, DD, CheckSymSpread() );
+ ifdebug(DST, D, CheckSymSpread() );
ifdebug(ANY, D, DeleteEverySym() );
debug0(DMA, D, "at end of run:");
ifdebug(DMA, D, DebugMemory() );
diff --git a/z02.c b/z02.c
index 5b217c0..7f2a276 100644
--- a/z02.c
+++ b/z02.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z02.c:Lexical Analyser:Declarations@***************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z03.c b/z03.c
index 962efce..c670e11 100644
--- a/z03.c
+++ b/z03.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z03.c:File Service:Declarations, no_fpos@******************************** */
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z04.c b/z04.c
index 32f22aa..ce9409e 100644
--- a/z04.c
+++ b/z04.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z04.c:Token Service:NewToken(), CopyTokenList()@***************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z05.c b/z05.c
index 7d702af..da25984 100644
--- a/z05.c
+++ b/z05.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z05.c:Read Definitions:ReadLangDef()@**************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z06.c b/z06.c
index 3e779cf..d382dc2 100644
--- a/z06.c
+++ b/z06.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z06.c:Parser:PushObj(), PushToken(), etc.@*********************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
static OBJECT cross_name; /* name of the cr database */
-#define MAX_STACK 100 /* size of parser stacks */
+#define MAX_STACK 200 /* size of parser stacks */
static OBJECT obj_stack[MAX_STACK]; /* stack of objects */
static int otop = -1; /* top of obj_stack */
static OBJECT tok_stack[MAX_STACK]; /* stack of tokens */
diff --git a/z07.c b/z07.c
index 015f731..08aaa31 100644
--- a/z07.c
+++ b/z07.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z07.c:Object Service:SplitIsDefinite(), DisposeObject()@*******************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z08.c b/z08.c
index 2dde9e0..733e745 100644
--- a/z08.c
+++ b/z08.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z08.c:Object Manifest:ReplaceWithSplit()@**********************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z09.c b/z09.c
index 51c7334..1f77925 100644
--- a/z09.c
+++ b/z09.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z09.c:Closure Expansion:SearchEnv()@***************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z10.c b/z10.c
index d80f2fd..90ca60a 100644
--- a/z10.c
+++ b/z10.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z10.c:Cross References:CrossInit(), CrossMake()@***************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z11.c b/z11.c
index 36d17b4..1dc5796 100644
--- a/z11.c
+++ b/z11.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z11.c:Style Service:EchoStyle()@*******************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ FULL_CHAR *EchoStyle(STYLE *style)
if( nobreakfirst(*style) ) StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":NBF"));
if( nobreaklast(*style) ) StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":NBL"));
+ if( marginkerning(*style) ) StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(":MK"));
sprintf(buff, ":C%d:P%d", colour(*style), texture(*style));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull(buff));
StringCat(res, AsciiToFull("]"));
@@ -212,6 +213,10 @@ static void changebreak(STYLE *style, OBJECT x)
nobreaklast(*style) = TRUE;
else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_LAST) )
nobreaklast(*style) = FALSE;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_MARGINKERNING) )
+ marginkerning(*style) = TRUE;
+ else if( StringEqual(string(x), STR_BREAK_NOMARGINKERNING) )
+ marginkerning(*style) = FALSE;
else Error(11, 5, "found unknown option to %s symbol (%s)",
WARN, &fpos(x), KW_BREAK, string(x));
diff --git a/z12.c b/z12.c
index 0ffed05..432c269 100644
--- a/z12.c
+++ b/z12.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z12.c:Size Finder:MinSize()@***********************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z13.c b/z13.c
index 0eaccb6..02ddc3c 100644
--- a/z13.c
+++ b/z13.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z13.c:Object Breaking:BreakJoinedGroup()@**********************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z14.c b/z14.c
index ebb2a6c..7562c1d 100644
--- a/z14.c
+++ b/z14.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z14.c:Fill Service:Declarations@*******************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -234,7 +234,8 @@ typedef struct {
} \
mode(gap(newg)) = ADD_HYPH; \
- I.nat_width += size(hyph_word, COLM); \
+ if( !marginkerning(save_style(x)) ) \
+ I.nat_width += size(hyph_word, COLM); \
debug0(DOF, DDD, " adding hyph_word from nat_width"); \
} \
} \
@@ -317,7 +318,9 @@ typedef struct {
/* if hyphenation case, must take away width of hyph_word */ \
/* and increase the badness to discourage breaks at this point */ \
if( mode(gap(g)) == ADD_HYPH ) \
- { I.nat_width -= size(hyph_word,COLM); \
+ { \
+ if( !marginkerning(save_style(x)) ) \
+ I.nat_width -= size(hyph_word,COLM); \
save_badness(g) += HYPH_BAD_INCR; \
debug0(DOF, DDD, " subtracting hyph_word from nat_width"); \
} \
@@ -495,6 +498,248 @@ static FULL_CHAR *IntervalPrint(INTERVAL I, OBJECT x)
} /* end IntervalPrint */
+/* */
+/* BOOLEAN SmallGlyphHeight(FONT_NUM fnum, FULL_CHAR chr) */
+/* */
+/* Part of margin kerning, contributed by Ludovic Courtes. */
+/* */
+/* Return true if CHAR's glyph height in font FONTNUM is "small". A */
+/* glyph's height is considered small when it is lower than or equal to */
+/* three fourth of the height of the glyph for `x'. Initially, I */
+/* considered that anything strictly smaller than `x' would be enough, */
+/* but some fonts (namely Palatino) have a glyph for `v' which is */
+/* slightly smaller than that for `x', hence weird results. */
+/* */
+#define SmallGlyphHeight(fnum, chr) \
+(FontGlyphHeight((fnum), (chr)) <= (3*(FontGlyphHeight((fnum), 'x') >> 2)))
+/*@KernWordLeftMargin ()@*****************************************************/
+/* */
+/* Part of margin kerning, contributed by Ludovic Courtes */
+/* */
+/* Perform left margin kerning of word FIRST_ON_LINE, whose parent is */
+/* PARENT. If FIRST_ON_LINE's first glyph(s) deserve margin kerning, then */
+/* a new word object containing this/these glyph(s) is prepended to */
+/* */
+static void KernWordLeftMargin(OBJECT first_on_line, OBJECT parent)
+ /* It's a word: look at its first characters' glyph height. */
+ FONT_NUM font;
+ FULL_CHAR *word_content, *wordp;
+ FULL_CHAR kerned_glyphs[20];
+ FULL_LENGTH kerned_glyphs_width = 0;
+ unsigned kerned_glyph_count = 0, word_len;
+ assert( is_word( type(first_on_line) ), "KernWordLeftMargin");
+ font = word_font(first_on_line);
+ word_content = string(first_on_line);
+ word_len = StringLength(word_content);
+ if(font >= 1)
+ {
+ /* Determine how many subsequent characters beginning WORD_CONTENT
+ deserve margin kerning. Glyphs wider than the glyph for `x' will
+ _not_ be kerned at all, and only up to the width of the glyph for `x'
+ can be protruded in other cases. */
+ FULL_LENGTH x_width = FontGlyphWidth(font, 'x');
+ for(wordp = word_content;
+ (*wordp) && (SmallGlyphHeight(font, *wordp));
+ wordp++, kerned_glyph_count++)
+ {
+ FULL_LENGTH glyph_width;
+ glyph_width = FontGlyphWidth(font, *wordp);
+ if(kerned_glyphs_width + glyph_width > x_width)
+ break;
+ if(kerned_glyph_count >= sizeof(kerned_glyphs))
+ break;
+ kerned_glyphs_width += glyph_width;
+ kerned_glyphs[kerned_glyph_count] = *wordp;
+ }
+ kerned_glyphs[kerned_glyph_count] = '\0';
+ }
+ if(kerned_glyph_count > 0)
+ { OBJECT z;
+ FULL_CHAR *unacc = NULL;
+ FULL_LENGTH glyph_width;
+ debug2(DOF, DD, " margin-kerning %u glyph from "
+ "word \"%s\" (left margin)",
+ kerned_glyph_count, word_content);
+ /* Get font information. */
+ if(finfo[font].font_table)
+ {
+ m = font_mapping(finfo[font].font_table);
+ unacc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UNACCENTED];
+ }
+ /* Add the first characters. */
+ z = MakeWord(WORD, kerned_glyphs, &fpos(first_on_line));
+ word_font(z) = word_font(first_on_line);
+ word_colour(z) = word_colour(first_on_line);
+ word_texture(z) = word_texture(first_on_line);
+ word_outline(z) = word_outline(first_on_line);
+ word_language(z) = word_language(first_on_line);
+ word_baselinemark(z) = word_baselinemark(first_on_line);
+ word_ligatures(z) = word_ligatures(first_on_line);
+ word_hyph(z) = hyph_style(save_style(z)) == HYPH_ON;
+ underline(z) = underline(first_on_line);
+ FontWordSize(z);
+ /* Make it zero-width.
+ FIXME: This awful trick allows Z to expand outside of the
+ paragraph itself while still appearing as having a null
+ width. */
+ glyph_width = size(z, COLM);
+ back(z, COLM) = -glyph_width;
+ fwd(z, COLM) = glyph_width;
+ Link(parent, z);
+ /* Add a zero-width gap object. */
+ New(z, GAP_OBJ);
+ vspace(z) = 0;
+ if ((word_content[kerned_glyph_count]) && (unacc))
+ hspace(z) = FontKernLength(font, unacc,
+ word_content[kerned_glyph_count - 1],
+ word_content[kerned_glyph_count]);
+ else
+ hspace(z) = 0;
+ underline(z) = underline(first_on_line);
+ Link(parent, z);
+ /* Remove the first char from FIRST_ON_LINE and recompute its size. */
+ {
+ unsigned s;
+ for (s = 0; s < word_len - kerned_glyph_count; s++)
+ word_content[s] = word_content[s + kerned_glyph_count];
+ word_content[word_len - kerned_glyph_count] = '\0';
+ }
+ FontWordSize(first_on_line);
+ }
+/*@KernWordRightMargin ()@****************************************************/
+/* */
+/* Perform right margin kerning of word LAST_ON_LINE, whose parent is */
+/* PARENT. If LAST_ON_LINE's first glyph(s) deserve margin kerning, then */
+/* a new word object containing this/these glyph(s) is prepended to */
+/* */
+static void KernWordRightMargin(OBJECT last_on_line, OBJECT parent)
+ FONT_NUM font;
+ FULL_CHAR *word_content, *wordp;
+ FULL_CHAR kerned_glyphs[20];
+ FULL_LENGTH kerned_glyphs_width = 0;
+ unsigned kerned_glyph_count = 0, word_len;
+ assert( is_word( type(last_on_line) ), "KernWordRightMargin");
+ font = word_font(last_on_line);
+ word_content = string(last_on_line);
+ word_len = StringLength(word_content);
+ if(font >= 1)
+ {
+ /* Determine how many subsequent characters ending WORD_CONTENT deserve
+ margin kerning. Glyphs wider than the glyph for `x' will _not_ be
+ kerned at all, and only up to the width of the glyph for `x' can be
+ protruded in other cases. */
+ FULL_LENGTH x_width = FontGlyphWidth(font, 'x');
+ for(wordp = &word_content[word_len - 1];
+ (wordp >= word_content) && (SmallGlyphHeight(font, *wordp));
+ wordp--, kerned_glyph_count++)
+ {
+ FULL_LENGTH glyph_width;
+ glyph_width = FontGlyphWidth(font, *wordp);
+ if(kerned_glyphs_width + glyph_width > x_width)
+ break;
+ if(kerned_glyph_count >= sizeof(kerned_glyphs))
+ break;
+ kerned_glyphs_width += glyph_width;
+ kerned_glyphs[kerned_glyph_count] = *wordp;
+ }
+ kerned_glyphs[kerned_glyph_count] = '\0';
+ }
+ if(kerned_glyph_count > 0)
+ { OBJECT z;
+ FULL_CHAR *unacc = NULL;
+ /* Get font information. */
+ if (finfo[font].font_table)
+ {
+ m = font_mapping(finfo[font].font_table);
+ unacc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UNACCENTED];
+ }
+ debug2(DOF, DD, " margin-kerning %u glyph from "
+ "word \"%s\" (right margin)",
+ kerned_glyph_count, word_content);
+ /* Add a zero-width gap object. */
+ New(z, GAP_OBJ);
+ vspace(z) = 0;
+ if((word_len > 1) && (unacc))
+ hspace(z) = FontKernLength(font, unacc,
+ word_content[word_len - kerned_glyph_count - 1],
+ word_content[word_len - kerned_glyph_count]);
+ else
+ hspace(z) = 0;
+ underline(z) = underline(last_on_line);
+ Link(parent, z);
+ /* Add the last characters. */
+ z = MakeWord(WORD, &word_content[word_len - kerned_glyph_count],
+ &fpos(last_on_line));
+ word_font(z) = word_font(last_on_line);
+ word_colour(z) = word_colour(last_on_line);
+ word_texture(z) = word_texture(last_on_line);
+ word_outline(z) = word_outline(last_on_line);
+ word_language(z) = word_language(last_on_line);
+ word_baselinemark(z) = word_baselinemark(last_on_line);
+ word_ligatures(z) = word_ligatures(last_on_line);
+ word_hyph(z) = hyph_style(save_style(last_on_line)) == HYPH_ON;
+ underline(z) = underline(last_on_line);
+ FontWordSize(z);
+ /* Make it zero-width. */
+ fwd(z, COLM) = 0;
+ back(z, COLM) = 0;
+ /* Remove the last char from LAST_ON_LINE and recompute its size. */
+ word_content[word_len - kerned_glyph_count] = '\0';
+ FontWordSize(last_on_line);
+ Link(parent, z);
+ }
/* */
@@ -748,6 +993,19 @@ OBJECT FillObject(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT multi, BOOLEAN can_hyphenate,
back(y, COLM) = 0;
fwd(y, COLM) = max_width;
+ if( marginkerning(save_style(x)) )
+ {
+ /* Margin kerning: look at this line's first character. */
+ OBJECT first_on_line, parent;
+ /* Get the first object on this line. */
+ parent = NextDown(llink);
+ Child(first_on_line, parent);
+ if( is_word( type(first_on_line) ) )
+ KernWordLeftMargin(first_on_line, parent);
+ }
/* if outdented paragraphs, add 2.0f @Wide & to front of new line */
if( display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_OUTDENT ||
display_style(save_style(x)) == DISPLAY_ORAGGED )
@@ -784,17 +1042,38 @@ OBJECT FillObject(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT multi, BOOLEAN can_hyphenate,
Child(lgap, llink);
if( mode(gap(lgap)) == ADD_HYPH )
{ OBJECT z, tmp;
+ FONT_NUM font;
+ FULL_CHAR *unacc = NULL, *word_content;
+ unsigned word_len;
/* find word hyphen attaches to, since need its underline and font */
Child(tmp, PrevDown(LastDown(x))); /* last is lgap, so one before */
debug2(DOF, D, "tmp = %s %s", Image(type(tmp)), EchoObject(tmp));
assert(is_word(type(tmp)), "FillObject: !is_word(type(tmp))!");
+ word_content = string(tmp);
+ word_len = StringLength(word_content);
+ /* get font information */
+ font = word_font(tmp);
+ if (finfo[font].font_table)
+ {
+ m = font_mapping(finfo[font].font_table);
+ unacc = MapTable[m]->map[MAP_UNACCENTED];
+ }
/* add zero-width gap object */
New(z, GAP_OBJ);
debug0(DOF, DD, " adding hyphen");
debug0(DOF, DD, "");
hspace(z) = vspace(z) = 0;
+ vspace(z) = 0;
+ if (unacc)
+ hspace(z) =
+ FontKernLength(font, unacc, word_content[word_len - 1], CH_HYPHEN);
+ else
+ hspace(z) = 0;
underline(z) = underline(tmp);
Link(x, z);
@@ -811,8 +1090,24 @@ OBJECT FillObject(OBJECT x, CONSTRAINT *c, OBJECT multi, BOOLEAN can_hyphenate,
word_hyph(z) = hyph_style(save_style(x)) == HYPH_ON;
underline(z) = underline(tmp);
+ if( marginkerning(save_style(x)) )
+ {
+ /* Margin kerning: set the hyphen's width to zero. */
+ back(z, COLM) = 0;
+ fwd(z, COLM) = 0;
+ }
Link(x, z);
+ else if( marginkerning(save_style(x)) )
+ {
+ /* Margin kerning: look at the height of this line's last char. */
+ OBJECT last_on_line;
+ /* Get the last object on this line. */
+ Child(last_on_line, PrevDown(LastDown(x)));
+ if( is_word(type(last_on_line)) )
+ KernWordRightMargin(last_on_line, x);
+ }
/* attach y to res, recycle lgap for gap separating the two lines */
Link(NextDown(res), y);
diff --git a/z15.c b/z15.c
index 068ae5a..f9a6836 100644
--- a/z15.c
+++ b/z15.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z15.c:Size Constraints:MinConstraint(), EnlargeToConstraint()@*************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z16.c b/z16.c
index f63bbc8..4dd7759 100644
--- a/z16.c
+++ b/z16.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z16.c:Size Adjustment:SetNeighbours(), CatAdjustSize()@********************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z17.c b/z17.c
index f190f76..9930aec 100644
--- a/z17.c
+++ b/z17.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z17.c:Gap Widths:GetGap()@*************************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z18.c b/z18.c
index b50b496..efe5555 100644
--- a/z18.c
+++ b/z18.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z18.c:Galley Transfer:Declarations@****************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ void TransferInit(OBJECT InitEnv)
smallcaps_len(InitialStyle) = 0.7 * FR; /* i.e. 0.7 scale */
nobreakfirst(InitialStyle) = FALSE;
nobreaklast(InitialStyle) = FALSE;
+ marginkerning(InitialStyle) = FALSE;
baselinemark(InitialStyle) = FALSE; /* i.e. not baseline */
ligatures(InitialStyle) = TRUE; /* i.e. ligatures */
diff --git a/z19.c b/z19.c
index 7b7f96c..ac2ee9a 100644
--- a/z19.c
+++ b/z19.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z19.c:Galley Attaching:DetachGalley()@*************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z20.c b/z20.c
index 0b7b387..51749e8 100644
--- a/z20.c
+++ b/z20.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z20.c:Galley Flushing:DebugInnersNames()@**********************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z21.c b/z21.c
index d9c27cf..a7e3ab4 100644
--- a/z21.c
+++ b/z21.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z21.c:Galley Maker:SizeGalley()@*******************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z22.c b/z22.c
index 294b671..98fec6f 100644
--- a/z22.c
+++ b/z22.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z22.c:Galley Service:Interpose()@******************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z23.c b/z23.c
index 37c9022..ddfc69e 100644
--- a/z23.c
+++ b/z23.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z23.c:Galley Printer:ScaleFactor()@****************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z24.c b/z24.c
index 69c4b86..8a0181b 100644
--- a/z24.c
+++ b/z24.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z24.c:Print Service:PrintInit()@*******************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z25.c b/z25.c
index 4207d6c..e1e421e 100644
--- a/z25.c
+++ b/z25.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z25.c:Object Echo:aprint(), cprint(), printnum()@**************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z26.c b/z26.c
index 83346b7..48feb28 100644
--- a/z26.c
+++ b/z26.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z26.c:Echo Service:BeginString()@******************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z27.c b/z27.c
index d9a64e0..4eaa5cd 100644
--- a/z27.c
+++ b/z27.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z27.c:Debug Service:Debug flags@*******************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z28.c b/z28.c
index de08474..6d01133 100644
--- a/z28.c
+++ b/z28.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z28.c:Error Service:ErrorInit(), ErrorSeen()@******************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z29.c b/z29.c
index a6667d9..818882f 100644
--- a/z29.c
+++ b/z29.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z29.c:Symbol Table:Declarations, hash()@***********************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ unsigned xpredefined, OBJECT xenclosing, OBJECT xbody)
len = StringLength(str);
hash(str, len, sum);
- ifdebug(DST, DD, sym_spread[sum]++; sym_count++);
+ ifdebug(DST, D, sym_spread[sum]++; sym_count++);
entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[sum];
for( plink = Down(entry); plink != entry; plink = NextDown(plink) )
{ Child(p, plink);
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ void InsertAlternativeName(FULL_CHAR *str, OBJECT s, FILE_POS *xfpos)
len = StringLength(str);
hash(str, len, sum);
- ifdebug(DST, DD, sym_spread[sum]++; sym_count++);
+ ifdebug(DST, D, sym_spread[sum]++; sym_count++);
entry = (OBJECT) &symtab[sum];
for( plink = Down(entry); plink != entry; plink = NextDown(plink) )
{ Child(p, plink);
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ OBJECT ChildSymWithCode(OBJECT s, unsigned char code)
void CheckSymSpread(void)
{ int i, j, sum, usum; OBJECT entry, plink;
- debug2(DST, DD, "Symbol table spread (table size = %d, symbols = %d):",
+ fprintf(stderr, "Symbol table spread (table size = %d, symbols = %d):",
MAX_TAB, sym_count);
usum = sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_TAB; i++ )
diff --git a/z30.c b/z30.c
index 05116be..f358009 100644
--- a/z30.c
+++ b/z30.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z30.c:Symbol uses:InsertUses()@********************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z31.c b/z31.c
index 8c01c55..21ba99a 100644
--- a/z31.c
+++ b/z31.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z31.c:Memory Allocator:DebugMemory()@**************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z32.c b/z32.c
index a337422..a763c31 100644
--- a/z32.c
+++ b/z32.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z32.c:Counter Service:Next()@**********************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z33.c b/z33.c
index a514207..4e793cc 100644
--- a/z33.c
+++ b/z33.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z33.c:Database Service:OldCrossDb(), NewCrossDb(), SymToNum()@*************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z34.c b/z34.c
index bed4679..1263ae2 100644
--- a/z34.c
+++ b/z34.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z34.c:Rotation Service:Declarations@***************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z35.c b/z35.c
index 8a9d8b7..9d8abbc 100644
--- a/z35.c
+++ b/z35.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z35.c:Time Keeper: MomentSym(), TimeString()@******************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z36.c b/z36.c
index 7d794c9..7cb26cd 100644
--- a/z36.c
+++ b/z36.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z36.c:Hyphenation: Declarations@*******************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
/* TeX hyphenation files often contain escape sequences consisting of a */
/* backslash and two or three characters to denote 8-bit characters. This */
/* code will read and translate such sequences if they are in the following */
-/* list. */
+/* list. Latin-3 and a few other codes supplied by Ludovic Courtes and */
+/* added for Version 3.31. */
/* */
@@ -60,6 +61,8 @@ static char *tex_codes[] = {
"adieresis", "\"a", "\344",
"ccedilla", "cc", "\347",
+ "Ccircumflex", "^C", "\306", /* Latin-3 */
+ "ccircumflex", "^c", "\346", /* Latin-3 */
"Egrave", "`E", "\310",
"Eacute", "'E", "\311",
@@ -70,6 +73,12 @@ static char *tex_codes[] = {
"ecircumflex", "^e", "\352",
"edieresis", "\"e", "\353",
+ "Gcircumflex", "^G", "\330", /* Latin-3 */
+ "gcircumflex", "^g", "\370", /* Latin-3 */
+ "Hcircumflex", "^H", "\246", /* Latin-3 */
+ "hcircumflex", "^h", "\266", /* Latin-3 */
"Igrave", "`I", "\314",
"Iacute", "'I", "\315",
"Icircumflex", "^I", "\316",
@@ -79,6 +88,9 @@ static char *tex_codes[] = {
"icircumflex", "^\\i", "\356",
"idieresis", "\"\\i","\357",
+ "Jcircumflex", "^J", "\254", /* Latin-3 */
+ "jcircumflex", "^j", "\274", /* Latin-3 */
"Ograve", "`O", "\322",
"Oacute", "'O", "\323",
"Ocircumflex", "^O", "\324",
@@ -90,14 +102,21 @@ static char *tex_codes[] = {
"otilde", "~o", "\365",
"odieresis", "\"o", "\366",
+ "Scircumflex", "^S", "\336",
+ "scircumflex", "^s", "\376",
"Ugrave", "`U", "\331",
"Uacute", "'U", "\332",
"Ucircumflex", "^U", "\333",
"Udieresis", "\"U", "\334",
+ "Ubreve", "~U", "\335", /* Latin-3 */
"ugrave", "`u", "\371",
"uacute", "'u", "\372",
"ucircumflex", "^u", "\373",
"udieresis", "\"u", "\374",
+ "ubreve", "~u", "\375", /* Latin-3 */
"", "", ""
@@ -122,8 +141,9 @@ static void DecodeEscapes(FULL_CHAR *str, FULL_CHAR *fname, int hline_num)
- Error(36, 1, "in hyphenation file %s, unknown escape sequence (line %d)",
- FATAL, no_fpos, fname, hline_num);
+ Error(36, 1,
+ "in hyphenation file %s, unknown escape sequence \"%s\" (line %d)",
+ FATAL, no_fpos, fname, q + 1, hline_num);
else *p++ = *q++;
diff --git a/z37.c b/z37.c
index bf1c602..6afefd2 100644
--- a/z37.c
+++ b/z37.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z37.c:Font Service:Declarations@*******************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ static void ReadCharMetrics(OBJECT face, BOOLEAN fixed_pitch, int xheight2,
FULL_CHAR *lig, int *ligtop, FILE_NUM fnum, struct metrics *fnt,
int *lnum, FILE *fp)
{ FULL_CHAR buff[MAX_BUFF], command[MAX_BUFF], ch, ligchar;
- int i, wx = 0, llx = 0, lly = 0, urx = 0, ury = 0;
+ int prev_ligtop, prev_lig, i, wx = 0, llx = 0, lly = 0, urx = 0, ury = 0;
float fl_wx, fl_llx, fl_lly, fl_urx, fl_ury;
BOOLEAN wxfound, bfound;
OBJECT AFMfilename;
@@ -317,7 +317,10 @@ static void ReadCharMetrics(OBJECT face, BOOLEAN fixed_pitch, int xheight2,
else if( StringEqual(command, "L") &&
BackEnd->uses_font_metrics && ch != '\0' )
- { if( lig[ch] == 1 ) lig[ch] = (*ligtop) - MAX_CHARS;
+ {
+ prev_ligtop = *ligtop;
+ prev_lig = lig[ch];
+ if( lig[ch] == 1 ) lig[ch] = (*ligtop) - MAX_CHARS;
lig[(*ligtop)++] = ch;
i++; /* skip L */
while( buff[i] == ' ' ) i++;
@@ -328,7 +331,8 @@ static void ReadCharMetrics(OBJECT face, BOOLEAN fixed_pitch, int xheight2,
{ Error(37, 1, "ignoring unencoded ligature character %s in font file %s (line %d)",
WARN, &fpos(AFMfilename), command, FileName(fnum), *lnum);
- lig[ch] = 1;
+ lig[ch] = prev_lig; /* patch by Ludovic Courtes, added v. 3.31 */
+ *ligtop = prev_ligtop;
if( *ligtop > 2*MAX_CHARS - 5 )
Error(37, 2, "too many ligature characters in font file %s (line %d)",
@@ -336,7 +340,8 @@ static void ReadCharMetrics(OBJECT face, BOOLEAN fixed_pitch, int xheight2,
while( buff[i] != ' ' && buff[i] != ';' ) i++;
while( buff[i] == ' ' ) i++;
- lig[(*ligtop)++] = '\0';
+ if( *ligtop != prev_ligtop ) /* this test by Ludovic Courtes, 3.31 */
+ lig[(*ligtop)++] = '\0';
while( buff[i] != ';' && buff[i] != '\0' ) i++;
if( buff[i] == ';' )
@@ -1977,3 +1982,50 @@ BOOLEAN FontNeeded(FILE *fp)
return first_need;
} /* end FontNeeded */
+/* */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH FontGlyphHeight(fnum, chr) */
+/* */
+/* Contributed as part of margin kerning by Ludovic Courtes. */
+/* */
+/* Return the height of the glyph that corresponds to character chr in */
+/* font fnum. */
+/* */
+FULL_LENGTH FontGlyphHeight(FONT_NUM fnum, FULL_CHAR chr)
+ struct metrics *fnt;
+ assert ((fnum >= 1) && (fnum <= font_count), "FontGlyphHeight");
+ fnt = finfo[fnum].size_table;
+ return (fnt ? fnt[chr].up - fnt[chr].down : 0);
+/* */
+/* SHORT_LENGTH FontGlyphWidth(fnum, chr) */
+/* */
+/* Contributed as part of margin kerning by Ludovic Courtes. */
+/* */
+/* Return the width of the glyph that corresponds to character chr in */
+/* font fnum. */
+/* */
+FULL_LENGTH FontGlyphWidth(FONT_NUM fnum, FULL_CHAR chr)
+ struct metrics *fnt;
+ assert ((fnum >= 1) && (fnum <= font_count), "FontGlyphWidth");
+ fnt = finfo[fnum].size_table;
+ return (fnt ? fnt[chr].right - fnt[chr].left : 0);
diff --git a/z38.c b/z38.c
index 5fea90b..01077a5 100644
--- a/z38.c
+++ b/z38.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z38.c:Character Mappings:Declarations@*************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z39.c b/z39.c
index 74a4a57..853ab7b 100644
--- a/z39.c
+++ b/z39.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z39.c:String Handler:AsciiToFull(), StringEqual(), etc.@*******************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z40.c b/z40.c
index 4684871..50bfc5b 100644
--- a/z40.c
+++ b/z40.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z40.c:Filter Handler:FilterInit()@*****************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z41.c b/z41.c
index af12189..e4dcac6 100644
--- a/z41.c
+++ b/z41.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z41.c:Object Input-Output:AppendToFile, ReadFromFile@**********************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z42.c b/z42.c
index 03ab0f8..7f594d4 100644
--- a/z42.c
+++ b/z42.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z42.c:Colour Service:ColourChange, ColourCommand@**************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z43.c b/z43.c
index 6f75b0b..cbd7ea5 100644
--- a/z43.c
+++ b/z43.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z43.c:Language Service:LanguageChange, LanguageString@*********************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z44.c b/z44.c
index 6064b7a..2a22521 100644
--- a/z44.c
+++ b/z44.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z44.c:Vertical Hyphenation:VerticalHyphenate()@****************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z45.c b/z45.c
index 4e54d20..7219bac 100644
--- a/z45.c
+++ b/z45.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z45.c:External Sort:SortFile()@********************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z46.c b/z46.c
index c90ef80..7928f87 100644
--- a/z46.c
+++ b/z46.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z46.c:Optimal Galleys:FindOptimize()@**************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
@@ -180,7 +180,10 @@ void SetOptimize(OBJECT hd, STYLE *style)
New(opt_constraints(hd), ACAT);
StyleCopy(save_style(opt_components(hd)), *style);
if( gall_dir(hd) == ROWM )
+ {
hyph_style(save_style(opt_components(hd))) = HYPH_OFF;
+ marginkerning(save_style(opt_components(hd))) = FALSE;
+ }
debug0(DOG, D, "SetOptimize returning:");
ifdebug(DOG, D, DebugOptimize(hd));
diff --git a/z47.c b/z47.c
index fdc4679..a76e5c4 100644
--- a/z47.c
+++ b/z47.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z47.c:Environment Table:EnvReadRetrieve()@*********************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z48.c b/z48.c
index a0377ed..bd7faba 100644
--- a/z48.c
+++ b/z48.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z48.c:PDF back end@********************************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z49.c b/z49.c
index cbea89f..6ceffbf 100644
--- a/z49.c
+++ b/z49.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z49.c:PostScript Back End:PS_BackEnd@**************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z50.c b/z50.c
index 3faa510..7fe3e6e 100644
--- a/z50.c
+++ b/z50.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z50.c:PDF Back End:PDF_BackEnd@********************************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z51.c b/z51.c
index ea87f63..9bc159c 100644
--- a/z51.c
+++ b/z51.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z51.c:Plain Text Back End:Plain_BackEnd@***********************************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */
diff --git a/z52.c b/z52.c
index 5959141..5887793 100644
--- a/z52.c
+++ b/z52.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/*@z52.c:Texture Service:TextureChange, TextureCommand@***********************/
/* */
-/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2004 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
+/* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991, 2005 Jeffrey H. Kingston */
/* */
/* Jeffrey H. Kingston (jeff@it.usyd.edu.au) */
/* School of Information Technologies */