path: root/include/dsf
diff options
authorJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 20:40:40 +0000
committerJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 20:40:40 +0000
commit51fe0cfa3e3ba27f55ff7d14a7fe077cc31ed0b7 (patch)
treefc13db71a563c042388b4a6b3a2bffc4151466b2 /include/dsf
parente4836c62b245d618866b6523ec2c892aeb7a76be (diff)
Lout 3.33.
git-svn-id: http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lout/trunk@35 9365b830-b601-4143-9ba8-b4a8e2c3339c
Diffstat (limited to 'include/dsf')
1 files changed, 351 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/include/dsf b/include/dsf
index 43a5ca1..619ab9b 100644
--- a/include/dsf
+++ b/include/dsf
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export
- @Figure @Table
+ @Figure @Table @Floater
@FootNote @AnotherFootNote @EndNote
@LeftNote @RightNote @OuterNote @InnerNote @Place
@Theorem @Proof @EndProof
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export
@IndexBlanks @IndexSpacer @InitialIndexSpacer @IndexLetters
@BypassContentsEntry @BypassMajorContentsEntry
- @BypassFigureContentsEntry @BypassTableContentsEntry
+ @BypassFigureContentsEntry @BypassTableContentsEntry @BypassFloaterContentsEntry
@BypassReference @BypassChapReference
@BypassBeginIndex @BypassRawIndex @BypassEndIndex
@BypassBeginIndexA @BypassRawIndexA @BypassEndIndexA
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ def @DocumentSetup
named @PageEnclose right @Body { @Body } # page enclose
named @ColumnNumber { 1 } # number of columns (1 to 10)
named @ColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # column gap
named @FigureLocation { PageTop } # default figure location
- named @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
named @FigureFormat
named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
@@ -95,6 +95,16 @@ def @DocumentSetup
named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
right @Body
{ @CC @Body } # default figure format
+ named @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
+ named @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
+ named @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ named @FigureCaptionFont { -2p } # figure caption font
+ named @FigureCaptionBreak { adjust hyphen 1.2fx } # figure caption break
+ named @FigureCaptionFormat named word {} named number {} named caption {}
+ { {@B { word @NumSep number. &2s }} @Insert caption }
+ named @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
+ named @TableLocation { PageTop } # default table location
named @TableFormat
named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
@@ -102,22 +112,32 @@ def @DocumentSetup
named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
right @Body
{ @CC @Body } # default table format
- named @FigureWord { figure } # "Figure" word else anything
named @TableWord { table } # "Table" word else anything
- named @FigureNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering figures
named @TableNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering tables
- named @FigureCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
named @TableCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
- named @FigureCaptionFont { -2p } # figure caption font
- named @FigureCaptionBreak { adjust hyphen 1.2fx } # figure caption break
- named @FigureCaptionFormat named word {} named number {} named caption {}
- { {@B { word @NumSep number. &2s }} @Insert caption }
named @TableCaptionFont { -2p } # figure caption font
named @TableCaptionBreak { adjust hyphen 1.2fx } # figure caption break
named @TableCaptionFormat named word {} named number {} named caption {}
{ {@B { word @NumSep number. &2s }} @Insert caption }
- named @MakeFigureContents { No } # list of figures at start
named @MakeTableContents { No } # list of tables at start
+ named @FloaterLocation { PageTop } # default floater location
+ named @FloaterFormat
+ named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
+ named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
+ named @CC right x { |0.5rt x | }
+ named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
+ right @Body
+ { @CC @Body } # default floater format
+ named @FloaterWord { floater } # "Floater" word else anything
+ named @FloaterNumbers { Arabic } # method of numbering floaters
+ named @FloaterCaptionPos { Below } # Above or Below
+ named @FloaterCaptionFont { -2p } # figure caption font
+ named @FloaterCaptionBreak { adjust hyphen 1.2fx } # figure caption break
+ named @FloaterCaptionFormat named word {} named number {} named caption {}
+ { {@B { word @NumSep number. &2s }} @Insert caption }
+ named @MakeFloaterContents { No } # list of floaters at start
named @MakeContents { No } # make contents? Yes or No
named @ContentsGap { 0.20v @OrIfPlain 0f } # extra gap above minor entry
named @ContentsGapAbove { 0.80v @OrIfPlain 1f } # extra gap above major entry
@@ -258,6 +278,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
named @GlossaryColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # glossary column gap
named @InGlossaryFont { smallcaps } # font for @InGlossary
named @InGlossaryFormat right @Body { @Body } # format for @InGlossary
named @MakeIndex { No } # make index? Yes or No
named @IndexText { @Null } # initial index text
named @IndexFont { } # index entries font
@@ -290,6 +311,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
named @IndexSpacerFont { +3p } # font of index spacer
named @IndexSpacerFormat
right @Body { @Body } # format of index spacer
named @MakeIndexA { No } # make index A? Yes or No
named @IndexAText { @Null } # initial index text
named @IndexAFont { } # index A entries font
@@ -322,6 +344,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
named @IndexASpacerFont { +3p } # font of index A spacer
named @IndexASpacerFormat
right @Body { @Body } # format of index A spacer
named @MakeIndexB { No } # make index B? Yes or No
named @IndexBText { @Null } # initial index text
named @IndexBFont { } # index B entries font
@@ -354,11 +377,13 @@ def @DocumentSetup
named @IndexBSpacerFont { +3p } # font of index B spacer
named @IndexBSpacerFormat
right @Body { @Body } # format of index B spacer
named @MakeColophon { No } # make colophon? Yes or No
named @ColophonFont { } # font for colophon
named @ColophonBreak { } # break style for colophon
named @ColophonColumnNumber { 1 } # colophon columns (1 to 10)
named @ColophonColumnGap { 1.00c @OrIfPlain 6s } # colophon column gap
named @TopGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap between figures
named @MidGap { 0.75c @OrIfPlain 2f } # gap above/below body text
@@ -742,6 +767,8 @@ def @DocumentSetup
Legal @Yield 612p
Statement @Yield 396p
Executive @Yield 540p
+ A0 @Yield 2380p
+ A1 @Yield 1684p
A2 @Yield 1190p
A3 @Yield 842p
A4 @Yield 595p
@@ -764,6 +791,8 @@ def @DocumentSetup
Legal @Yield 1008p
Statement @Yield 612p
Executive @Yield 720p
+ A0 @Yield 3368p
+ A1 @Yield 2380p
A2 @Yield 1684p
A3 @Yield 1190p
A4 @Yield 842p
@@ -1425,7 +1454,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
- def @EqualWidth right x { 50c @Wide x } # believe it or not
+ def @EqualWidth right x { 500c @Wide x } # believe it or not
def @ColList right num
@@ -2305,6 +2334,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
def @ContentsPlace { @Galley }
def @FigureContentsPlace { @Galley }
def @TableContentsPlace { @Galley }
+ def @FloaterContentsPlace { @Galley }
def @SendContents into { @ContentsPlace&&foll_or_prec }
right x
@@ -2324,6 +2354,12 @@ def @DocumentSetup
+ def @SendFloaterContents into { @FloaterContentsPlace&&foll_or_prec }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
def @ContentsEntry
left wanted
named indent { 0f }
@@ -2396,6 +2432,30 @@ def @DocumentSetup
+ def @FloaterContentsEntry
+ left wanted
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named crosstag {}
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ named pregap { @ContentsGap }
+ named postgap { 0c }
+ {
+ @MakeFloaterContents.wanted @Case {
+ Yes.Yes @Yield { @SendFloaterContents @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ crosstag { crosstag }
+ number { number }
+ title { title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { pregap }
+ postgap { postgap }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
def @MajorContentsEntry
left wanted
named indent { 0f }
@@ -2474,6 +2534,16 @@ def @DocumentSetup
+ def @FloaterContentsSection
+ {
+ def @FloaterContentsList { @FloaterContentsPlace // @FloaterContentsList }
+ @MakeFloaterContents @Case {
+ { Yes Bypass } @Yield @FloaterContentsList
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
# #
# Bypass table of contents. #
@@ -2543,6 +2613,27 @@ def @DocumentSetup
+ def @BypassFloaterContentsEntry into { @FloaterContentsPlace&&preceding }
+ named indent { 0f }
+ named crosstag {}
+ named number {}
+ named title {}
+ named pagenum {}
+ {
+ @MakeFloaterContents @Case {
+ Bypass @Yield { @ContentsItem
+ indent { indent }
+ crosstag { crosstag }
+ number { number }
+ title { title }
+ pagenum { pagenum }
+ pregap { @ContentsGap }
+ postgap { 0c }
+ }
+ else @Yield @Null
+ }
+ }
def @BypassMajorContentsEntry into { @ContentsPlace&&preceding }
named indent { 0f }
named crosstag {}
@@ -3978,16 +4069,6 @@ def @DocumentSetup
- #def @TableLabel
- #{
- # @TableNumbers @Case {
- # No @Yield @Null
- # else @Yield {
- # @CaptionFormat { {table @WordVal @TableWord} @NumSep @TableNumber }
- # }
- # }
- #}
def @CaptionVal
@TableCaptionFont @Font @TableCaptionBreak @Break
@@ -4113,6 +4194,241 @@ def @DocumentSetup
# #
+ # Floating floaters (exact clone of figure and table code above). #
+ # #
+ ###########################################################################
+ export @Tag prefix
+ def @FloaterPrefixMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named prefix {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ export @Tag count
+ def @FloaterCounterMarker
+ named @Tag {}
+ named count {}
+ {
+ @Null
+ }
+ def @RawFloaterNum right tag
+ {
+ @FloaterCounterMarker&&tag @Open { @Next count }
+ }
+ def @FloaterCounterIncrement
+ right tag
+ {
+ @FloaterCounterMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ // @FloaterPrefixMarker&&preceding @Tagged tag
+ // @FloaterCounterMarker count { @RawFloaterNum tag }
+ // @NumberMarker @Tag { tag }
+ @Value { { @FloaterPrefixMarker&&tag @Open { prefix } }
+ @Join {@FloaterNumbers @Num @RawFloaterNum tag}
+ }
+ }
+ def @BeginFloaterCounter
+ left condition
+ right prefix
+ {
+ condition @Do {
+ @FloaterPrefixMarker prefix { prefix }
+ // @FloaterCounterMarker count { 0 }
+ }
+ }
+ def @EndFloaterList { @Galley //@MidGap @EndFloaterList }
+ def @Floater
+ named @Tag {}
+ named @Caption { dft }
+ named @ShortCaption { dft }
+ named @CaptionPos { @FloaterCaptionPos }
+ named @Format
+ named @II right x { |@DisplayIndent x | }
+ named @QQ right x { |@DisplayIndent x |@DisplayIndent }
+ named @CC right x { |0.5rt x | }
+ named @RR right x { |1.0rt x | }
+ right @Body { @FloaterFormat @Body }
+ named @InitialLanguage { @InitialLanguage }
+ named @BypassNumber { dft }
+ named @OnePage { dft }
+ named @Location { @FloaterLocation }
+ right @Body
+ {
+ def @FloaterNumber
+ {
+ @BypassNumber @Dft @NumberOf @Tag
+ }
+ def @ContentsCaption
+ {
+ @ShortCaption @Dft @Caption
+ }
+ def @OnePg
+ {
+ @OnePage @Case {
+ { No no } @Yield No
+ { Yes yes } @Yield Yes
+ dft @Yield { @Location @Case {
+ PageTop @Yield No
+ EvenPageTop @Yield No
+ FullPage @Yield No
+ EvenFullPage @Yield No
+ PageFoot @Yield Yes
+ ColTop @Yield No
+ ColFoot @Yield Yes
+ ColEnd @Yield No
+ Display @Yield Yes
+ AfterLine @Yield Yes
+ TryAfterLine @Yield Yes
+ Raw @Yield No
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def @CaptionState
+ {
+ @Caption @Case {
+ dft @Yield None
+ else @Yield { @CaptionPos @Case {
+ { Below below } @Yield Below
+ { Above above } @Yield Above
+ } }
+ }
+ }
+ def @CaptionVal
+ {
+ @FloaterCaptionFont @Font @FloaterCaptionBreak @Break
+ { ||0.5rt @FloaterCaptionFormat
+ word { floater @WordVal @FloaterWord }
+ number { @FloaterNumber }
+ caption { @Caption }
+ }
+ }
+ def @FloaterVal
+ {
+ @InitialLanguage @Language
+ {
+ @MakeFloaterContents @FloaterContentsEntry
+ indent { 0f }
+ crosstag { @Tag }
+ number { @FloaterNumber }
+ title { @InitialLanguage @Language @ContentsCaption }
+ pagenum { @PageOf @Tag }
+ // @FloaterCounterIncrement @Tag
+ // @Body
+ // @PageMark @Tag
+ }
+ }
+ def @FloaterTarget
+ {
+ @Location @Case {
+ PageTop @Yield @PageTopPlace&&following
+ EvenPageTop @Yield @PageTopPlace&&following
+ FullPage @Yield @FullPagePlace&&following
+ EvenFullPage @Yield @FullPagePlace&&following
+ PageFoot @Yield @PageFootAndTopPlace&&following
+ ColTop @Yield @ColTopPlace&&following
+ ColFoot @Yield @ColFootAndTopPlace&&following
+ ColEnd @Yield @EndFloaterList&&following
+ Display @Yield @AfterLinePlace&&following
+ AfterLine @Yield @AfterLinePlace&&following
+ TryAfterLine @Yield @TryAfterLinePlace&&following
+ }
+ }
+ def @SendEncl into { @FloaterTarget }
+ right x
+ {
+ def @Enclose right x
+ {
+ @OnePg @Case {
+ No @Yield @Format x
+ Yes @Yield x
+ }
+ }
+ x
+ }
+ def @Send into { @FloaterTarget }
+ right x
+ {
+ x
+ }
+ def @EvenFullPageSend into { @EvenFullPagePlace&&following }
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneRow x
+ }
+ def @EvenPageSend into { @EvenPagePlace&&following }
+ right x
+ {
+ @OneRow x
+ }
+ def @RawFloaterVal
+ {
+ @OnePg.@CaptionState @Case
+ {
+ Yes.Below @Yield @OneRow { @Format @FloaterVal @DP @CaptionVal }
+ Yes.Above @Yield @OneRow { @CaptionVal @DP @Format @FloaterVal }
+ Yes.None @Yield @OneRow { @Format @FloaterVal }
+ No.Below @Yield { @Format @FloaterVal @DP @CaptionVal }
+ No.Above @Yield { @CaptionVal @DP @Format @FloaterVal }
+ No.None @Yield { @Format @FloaterVal }
+ }
+ }
+ def @NonRawFloaterVal
+ {
+ @OnePg.@CaptionState @Case
+ {
+ Yes.Below @Yield {
+ @Send @OneRow { @Format @FloaterVal @DP @CaptionVal // @DupRunner}
+ }
+ Yes.Above @Yield {
+ @Send @OneRow { @CaptionVal @DP @Format @FloaterVal // @DupRunner}
+ }
+ Yes.None @Yield {
+ @Send @OneRow { @Format @FloaterVal // @DupRunner }
+ }
+ No.Below @Yield {
+ @SendEncl { @FloaterVal // @Send { @CaptionVal // @DupRunner } }
+ }
+ No.Above @Yield {
+ @Send { @CaptionVal // @SendEncl { @FloaterVal // @DupRunner } }
+ }
+ No.None @Yield {
+ @SendEncl { @FloaterVal // @DupRunner }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Location @Case {
+ Raw @Yield @RawFloaterVal
+ Display @Yield { @NonRawFloaterVal &1rt }
+ EvenPageTop @Yield @EvenPageSend @NonRawFloaterVal
+ EvenFullPage @Yield @EvenFullPageSend @NonRawFloaterVal
+ else @Yield @NonRawFloaterVal
+ }
+ }
+ ###########################################################################
+ # #
# Glossary. #
# #
@@ -4846,6 +5162,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
named indisplays { No }
named infigures { No }
named intables { No }
+ named infloaters { No }
named inrunners { No }
named sendheader right @Body {}
named innergap {}
@@ -4855,6 +5172,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
//innergap @ChapRefSection
named wantindefinite { No }
+ named newpage { No }
right @Body
@@ -4973,14 +5291,22 @@ def @DocumentSetup
+ def @MinorTitle right x
+ {
+ newpage @Case {
+ { No no } @Yield @Protect {@LongNum headingformat title}
+ { Yes yes } @Yield { @Null @NP @LongNum headingformat title }
+ }
+ }
def @Heading
type @Case {
Minor @Yield {
- headingfont @Font
- headingbreak @Break @Protect {@LongNum headingformat title}
+ headingfont @Font headingbreak @Break
+ @MinorTitle {@LongNum headingformat title}
// @Run @StartIfMajor
// @PageMark tag
@DP headingtext
@@ -5026,6 +5352,7 @@ def @DocumentSetup
// indisplays @BeginDisplayCounter @ShortNum
// infigures @BeginFigureCounter @ShortNum
// intables @BeginTableCounter @ShortNum
+ // infloaters @BeginFloaterCounter @ShortNum
// @Body
//innergap @IfMajor endifmajor innergap
// @Run NonStart