path: root/include/diagf
diff options
authorJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 20:38:56 +0000
committerJeffrey H. Kingston <jeff@it.usyd.edu.au>2010-09-14 20:38:56 +0000
commit7d292f1247e3287fb07a9a12377217ce8942cf09 (patch)
treeffe937ba04fb59a72b785040cf29db1476f7282a /include/diagf
parent68c155de3c3e83f53404288a318c5e29f0c4610f (diff)
Lout 3.29.
git-svn-id: http://svn.savannah.nongnu.org/svn/lout/trunk@27 9365b830-b601-4143-9ba8-b4a8e2c3339c
Diffstat (limited to 'include/diagf')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/include/diagf b/include/diagf
index 5142dc8..ab1e059 100644
--- a/include/diagf
+++ b/include/diagf
@@ -49,11 +49,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named angle { "dup 180 exch div" }
named translate { }
named outlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ solid }
import @Geometry named outlinedashlength { 0.2f }
import @Geometry named outlinewidth
@@ -162,11 +168,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named aangle { "dup 180 exch div" }
named atranslate { }
named aoutlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ solid }
import @Geometry named aoutlinedashlength { 0.2f }
import @Geometry named aoutlinewidth
@@ -275,11 +287,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named bangle { "dup 180 exch div" }
named btranslate { }
named boutlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ solid }
import @Geometry named boutlinedashlength { 0.2f }
import @Geometry named boutlinewidth
@@ -388,11 +406,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named cangle { "dup 180 exch div" }
named ctranslate { }
named coutlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ solid }
import @Geometry named coutlinedashlength { 0.2f }
import @Geometry named coutlinewidth
@@ -519,11 +543,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named frompt { 0 0 }
import @Geometry named topt { 0 0 }
named pathstyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ solid }
import @Geometry named pathdashlength { 0.2f }
import @Geometry named pathwidth
@@ -666,9 +696,9 @@ def @DiagSetup
@Tree @HTree
@StartRight @StartUp @StartLeft @StartDown
- @StartRightRight @StartRightDown
+ @StartRightRight @StartRightRightRight @StartRightDown
@Skip @XCell @ACell @BCell @CCell
- @Sequence @Select @Optional @OptionalDiverted @Diverted
+ @Sequence @OneOrBoth @Select @Optional @OptionalDiverted @Diverted
@Loop @LoopOpposite @Repeat @RepeatOpposite @RepeatDiverted
def @Diag
@@ -704,11 +734,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
named translate { translate }
named nodetag { }
named outlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ outlinestyle }
import @Geometry named outlinedashlength{ outlinedashlength }
import @Geometry named outlinewidth
@@ -766,11 +802,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
named atranslate { atranslate }
named anodetag { }
named aoutlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ aoutlinestyle }
import @Geometry named aoutlinedashlength{ aoutlinedashlength }
import @Geometry named aoutlinewidth
@@ -828,11 +870,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
named btranslate { btranslate }
named bnodetag { }
named boutlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ boutlinestyle }
import @Geometry named boutlinedashlength{ boutlinedashlength }
import @Geometry named boutlinewidth
@@ -890,11 +938,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
named ctranslate { ctranslate }
named cnodetag { }
named coutlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ coutlinestyle }
import @Geometry named coutlinedashlength{ coutlinedashlength }
import @Geometry named coutlinewidth
@@ -980,11 +1034,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named frompt { frompt }
import @Geometry named topt { topt }
named pathstyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ pathstyle }
import @Geometry named pathdashlength { pathdashlength }
import @Geometry named pathwidth
@@ -2267,11 +2327,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named angle { angle }
named nodetag { nodetag }
named outlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ outlinestyle }
import @Geometry named outlinedashlength { outlinedashlength}
import @Geometry named outlinewidth
@@ -2611,11 +2677,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named angle { aangle }
named nodetag { anodetag }
named outlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ aoutlinestyle }
import @Geometry named outlinedashlength { aoutlinedashlength}
import @Geometry named outlinewidth
@@ -2955,11 +3027,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named angle { bangle }
named nodetag { bnodetag }
named outlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ boutlinestyle }
import @Geometry named outlinedashlength { boutlinedashlength}
import @Geometry named outlinewidth
@@ -3299,11 +3377,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named angle { cangle }
named nodetag { cnodetag }
named outlinestyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ coutlinestyle }
import @Geometry named outlinedashlength { coutlinedashlength}
import @Geometry named outlinewidth
@@ -3977,11 +4061,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named frompt { frompt }
import @Geometry named topt { topt }
named pathstyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ pathstyle }
import @Geometry named pathdashlength { pathdashlength }
import @Geometry named pathwidth
@@ -5209,8 +5299,19 @@ def @DiagSetup
def @Direct
pathstyle @Case {
- { "/ldiagsolid" "/ldiagdashed" "/ldiagcdashed"
- "/ldiagdotted" "/ldiagnoline" } @Yield 1
+ {
+ "/ldiagsolid"
+ "/ldiagdashed"
+ "/ldiagdotted"
+ "/ldiagnoline"
+ "/ldiagcdashed"
+ "/ldiagdotdashed"
+ "/ldiagdotcdashed"
+ "/ldiagdotdotdashed"
+ "/ldiagdotdotcdashed"
+ "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed"
+ "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed"
+ } @Yield 1
else @Yield 0
@@ -5299,11 +5400,17 @@ def @DiagSetup
import @Geometry named frompt { frompt }
import @Geometry named topt { topt }
named pathstyle
- named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
- named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
- named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
- named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
- named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
+ named solid { "/ldiagsolid" }
+ named dashed { "/ldiagdashed" }
+ named cdashed { "/ldiagcdashed" }
+ named dotdashed { "/ldiagdotdashed" }
+ named dotcdashed { "/ldiagdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotdashed" }
+ named dotdotdotcdashed { "/ldiagdotdotdotcdashed" }
+ named dotted { "/ldiagdotted" }
+ named noline { "/ldiagnoline" }
{ pathstyle }
import @Geometry named pathdashlength { pathdashlength }
import @Geometry named pathwidth
@@ -5992,6 +6099,41 @@ def @DiagSetup
back @ArrowLeftFrom BB@EMK
+ def @StartRightRightRight
+ named A {}
+ named B {}
+ named C {}
+ {
+ AA:: @LabelMarks { @HSkip & @GoRight A }
+ //syntaxgap
+ //syntaxgap
+ |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap
+ XX:: @LabelMarks {}
+ //syntaxgap
+ //syntaxgap
+ |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap
+ BB:: @LabelMarks { @GoRight B & @HSkip }
+ //syntaxgap
+ //syntaxgap
+ |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap
+ YY:: @LabelMarks {}
+ //syntaxgap
+ //syntaxgap
+ |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap |syntaxgap
+ CC:: @LabelMarks { @GoRight C & @HSkip }
+ //syntaxgap
+ //syntaxgap
+ // @RVLCurve from { AA@EMK } to { XX@WMK }
+ bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ // @LVRCurve from { XX@WMK } to { BB@WMK }
+ bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ // @RVLCurve from { BB@EMK } to { YY@WMK }
+ bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ // @LVRCurve from { YY@WMK } to { CC@WMK }
+ bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ back @ArrowLeftFrom CC@EMK
+ }
def @StartRightDown
named A {}
named B {}
@@ -6114,6 +6256,149 @@ def @DiagSetup
# #
+ # @OneOrBoth #
+ # #
+ #######################################################################
+ def @OneOrBoth
+ named A {}
+ named B {}
+ {
+ def @ALH {
+ @HContract {
+ |syntaxgap
+ "AX":: restrict { "(WMK) (EMK)" } @LabelMarks A
+ |syntaxgap
+ }
+ }
+ def @BLH {
+ @HContract {
+ |syntaxgap
+ "BX":: restrict { "(WMK) (EMK)" } @LabelMarks B
+ |syntaxgap
+ }
+ }
+ def @ALV {
+ @VContract {
+ /syntaxgap
+ "AX":: restrict { "(NMK) (SMK)" } @LabelMarks A
+ /syntaxgap
+ }
+ }
+ def @BLV {
+ @VContract {
+ /syntaxgap
+ "BX":: restrict { "(NMK) (SMK)" } @LabelMarks B
+ /syntaxgap
+ }
+ }
+ def @RightOneOrBoth
+ {
+ @LRLine {
+ @HContract @VContract { @ALH | /syntaxgap | @BLH }
+ //
+ @HVCurve from { "BX@WMK" } to { 0 ycoord "AX@WMK" }
+ arrow { no } bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ //
+ @HVCurve from { "BX@EMK" } to { xsize ycoord "AX@WMK" }
+ arrow { yes } bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ //
+ @Line from { 0 ycoord "AX@WMK" } to { "AX@WMK" }
+ //
+ @Line from { "AX@EMK" } to { xsize ycoord "AX@WMK" }
+ //
+ @Arrow
+ from { {xcoord "AX@EMK" * 0.5 + xcoord "BX@WMK" * 0.5}
+ ycoord "AX@EMK" }
+ to { {xcoord "AX@EMK" * 0.5 + xcoord "BX@WMK" * 0.5}
+ ycoord "BX@WMK" }
+ }
+ }
+ def @LeftOneOrBoth
+ {
+ @LRLine {
+ @HContract @VContract { | @ALH /syntaxgap @BLH | }
+ //
+ @HVCurve from { "BX@WMK" } to { 0 ycoord "AX@WMK" }
+ arrow { yes } bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ //
+ @HVCurve from { "BX@EMK" } to { xsize ycoord "AX@WMK" }
+ arrow { no } bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ //
+ @Line from { 0 ycoord "AX@WMK" } to { "AX@WMK" }
+ //
+ @Line from { "AX@EMK" } to { xsize ycoord "AX@WMK" }
+ //
+ @Arrow
+ from { {xcoord "AX@WMK" * 0.5 + xcoord "BX@EMK" * 0.5}
+ ycoord "AX@WMK" }
+ to { {xcoord "AX@WMK" * 0.5 + xcoord "BX@EMK" * 0.5}
+ ycoord "BX@EMK" }
+ }
+ }
+ def @DownOneOrBoth
+ {
+ @UDLine {
+ @HContract @VContract { @ALV |syntaxgap / | @BLV }
+ ||
+ @VHCurve from { "BX@NMK" } to { xcoord "AX@NMK" ysize }
+ arrow { no } bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ ||
+ @VHCurve from { "BX@SMK" } to { xcoord "AX@NMK" 0 }
+ arrow { yes } bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ ||
+ @Line from { xcoord "AX@NMK" ysize } to { "AX@NMK" }
+ ||
+ @Line from { "AX@SMK" } to { xcoord "AX@SMK" 0 }
+ ||
+ @Arrow
+ from { xcoord "AX@SMK"
+ {ycoord "AX@SMK" * 0.5 + ycoord "BX@NMK" * 0.5} }
+ to { xcoord "BX@NMK"
+ {ycoord "AX@SMK" * 0.5 + ycoord "BX@NMK" * 0.5} }
+ }
+ }
+ def @UpOneOrBoth
+ {
+ @UDLine {
+ @HContract @VContract { |syntaxgap @BLV / @ALV | }
+ ||
+ @VHCurve from { "BX@NMK" } to { xcoord "AX@NMK" ysize }
+ arrow { yes } bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ ||
+ @VHCurve from { "BX@SMK" } to { xcoord "AX@NMK" 0 }
+ arrow { no } bias { pssyntaxbias } radius { pssyntaxradius }
+ ||
+ @Line from { xcoord "AX@NMK" ysize } to { "AX@NMK" }
+ ||
+ @Line from { "AX@SMK" } to { xcoord "AX@SMK" 0 }
+ ||
+ @Arrow
+ from { xcoord "AX@NMK"
+ {ycoord "AX@NMK" * 0.5 + ycoord "BX@SMK" * 0.5} }
+ to { xcoord "BX@SMK"
+ {ycoord "AX@NMK" * 0.5 + ycoord "BX@SMK" * 0.5} }
+ }
+ }
+ @CurrDirection @Case {
+ @Right @Yield @RightOneOrBoth
+ @Up @Yield @UpOneOrBoth
+ @Left @Yield @LeftOneOrBoth
+ @Down @Yield @DownOneOrBoth
+ }
+ }
+ #######################################################################
+ # #
# @Select and @Optional #
# #