# #
# Lout @Math package for formatting mathematics #
# #
# @Math is based on the earlier @Eq package. @Eq revision history: #
# #
# Version 1.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, December 1990. #
# Version 2.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, 22 December 1992. #
# Version 3.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston and Robert Marsa, March 1996. #
# #
# @Math revision history: #
# #
# Version 4.0 by Ludovic Courtès, June 2007. #
# Version 5.0 by Jeffrey H. Kingston, September 2008. #
# #
# Acknowledgement: @Eq and @Math are based closely on the Eqn language #
# of B. W. Kernighan and L. L. Cherry; the spacing rules are similar to #
# those of the TeX system by D. E. Knuth. #
# #
# Version 4.0 makes use of `@SetContext' and `@GetContext' (introduced in #
# Lout 3.34) to better honor the typesetting conventions outlined by Knuth. #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation; either Version 3, or (at your option) #
# any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307 USA #
# #
# As a special exception, when this file is read by Lout when processing #
# a Lout source document, you may use the result without restriction. #
# #
# Helper symbols
above below wideabove widebelow
"`" "``" "```" non big small vctr
@SuperScriptStyle @SubScriptStyle @NumeratorStyle
@DenominatorStyle @SquareRootStyle
# Ordinary symbols (Symbol font)
space exclam universal numbersign existential percent
ampersand suchthat parenleft parenright asteriskmath
plus comma minus period slash zero one two three four
five six seven eight nine colon semicolon less equal
greater question congruent Alpha Beta Chi Delta Epsilon
Phi Gamma Eta Iota thetaone Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Omicron
Pi Theta Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon sigmaone Omega Xi Psi Zeta
bracketleft therefore bracketright perpendicular underscore
radicalex alpha beta chi delta epsilon phi gamma eta iota
phione kappa lambda mu nu omicron pi theta rho sigma tau
upsilon omegaone omega xi psi zeta braceleft bar braceright
similar Upsilonone minute lessequal fraction infinity florin
club diamond heart spade arrowboth arrowleft arrowup
arrowright arrowdown degree plusminus second greaterequal
multiply proportional partialdiff bullet divide notequal
equivalence approxequal ellipsis arrowvertex arrowhorizex
carriagereturn aleph Ifraktur Rfraktur weierstrass
circlemultiply circleplus emptyset intersection union
propersuperset reflexsuperset notsubset propersubset
reflexsubset element notelement angle gradient registerserif
copyrightserif trademarkserif product radical dotmath
logicalnot logicaland logicalor arrowdblboth arrowdblleft
arrowdblup arrowdblright arrowdbldown lozenge angleleft
registersans copyrightsans trademarksans summation parenlefttp
parenleftex parenleftbt bracketlefttp bracketleftex
bracketleftbt bracelefttp braceleftmid braceleftbt braceex
angleright integral integraltp integralex integralbt
parenrighttp parenrightex parenrightbt bracketrighttp
bracketrightex bracketrightbt bracerighttp bracerightmid
# Ordinary symbols (arrows)
leftarrow longleftarrow dblleftarrow dbllongleftarrow
rightarrow longrightarrow dblrightarrow dbllongrightarrow
leftrightarrow longleftrightarrow dblleftrightarrow
dbllongleftrightarrow mapsto longmapsto hookleftarrow
hookrightarrow leadsto leftharpoonup rightharpoonup
leftharpoondown rightharpoondown rightleftharpoons
uparrow dbluparrow downarrow dbldownarrow updownarrow
dblupdownarrow nearrow searrow swarrow nwarrow
# Ordinary symbols (to get Roman font)
arccos arcsin arctan arg cos cosh cot coth csc deg det dim exp
gcd hom inf ker lg lim liminf limsup ln log max min Pr sec sin
sinh supr tan tanh mod "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"
"!" "?" "%" "(" ")" "[" "]"
# Ordinary symbols (for atleft and atright)
lpar blpar rpar brpar lbrack blbrack rbrack brbrack lbrace blbrace
rbrace brbrace lfloor blfloor rfloor brfloor lceil blceil
rceil brceil langle blangle rangle brangle
# Ordinary symbols (miscellaneous)
hbar Re Im partial infty prime nabla surd top bot dbar triangle
backslash forall exists neg circle filledcircle square ldots cdots
vdots ddots del grad "..." ",...," "'" "''" "'''" "''''" empty
triangleup triangledown half third
# Variable-building symbols
dot dotdot hat tilde vec dyad overbar underbar
sup sub tsub supp on ton
# Large operator symbols
largeop sum prod coprod bcap bcup bvee bwedge bodot botimes
boplus buplus int oint
# Unary operator symbols
sqrt root zroot
matrix pmatrix bmatrix brmatrix fmatrix cmatrix amatrix
# Binary operator symbols
over frac
bin "+" "-" "+-" "-+" setminus cdot times "*" circ div
cap cup uplus sqcap sqcup triangleleft triangleright
wr bigcirc bigtriangleup bigtriangledown vee wedge oplus ominus
otimes oslash odot dagger daggerdbl amalg
# Relation symbols
rel "<" ">" "=" "<=" prec preceq "<<" subset subseteq sqsubseteq
in vdash smile frown ">=" succ succeq ">>" supset supseteq
sqsupseteq ni dashv mid parallel "==" "~" "-~" asymp "~~"
"=~" bowtie propto models doteq trieq perp notsub notin "!="
"<->" "<--" "-->" up down "<=>" "<==" "==>" dblup dbldown
":" "::" ":="
# not
# Punctuation symbols
punct ";" "," col
def @Math
named symbolfont { Symbol Base }
named basefont { Times Base }
named initialstyle { "display" }
named initiallycramped { "No" }
named initialspace { separate 0.05f }
body @Body
# #
# Operator Precedences (private) #
# #
# All @Math symbols with parameters have explicit precedences #
# defined by invoking one of the following macros. Symbols #
# that are typically used to build variables have high #
# precedence (84-80), then come unary operators (70), then #
# binary operators (66-60), then relations and the rest. #
# See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations . #
# #
macro @MaxPrec { 100 }
macro @HatPrec { 84 }
macro @SubPrec { 82 }
macro @SupPrec { 80 }
macro @UnaryOpPrec { 70 }
macro @BinaryOpTimesPrec { 64 }
macro @BinaryOpDividePrec { 62 }
macro @BinaryOpPrec { 60 }
macro @RelationPrec { 50 }
macro @PunctuationPrec { 40 }
macro @HelperNonPrec { 26 }
macro @HelperAbovePrec { 24 }
macro @HelperColPrec { 22 }
macro @HelperRowPrec { 20 }
# #
# Context-sensitive format changes (private) #
# #
# Equation formatting (according to Knuth) demands changes in #
# the appearance of equations depending on context. Knuth #
# distinguishes four major styles (the TeXbook, Ch. 17): #
# #
# display formulas displayed on lines by themselves #
# text formulas embedded in the text #
# script formulas used as superscripts or subscripts #
# scriptscript second-order superscripts or subscripts #
# #
# Each style has its own font size and spacing rules. #
# Additionally, each of these styles can be ``cramped'', #
# meaning that exponents are not raised as much. To these #
# four styles @Math adds a fifth: #
# #
# nohspace formulas enclosed in "non" #
# #
# which implements the "non" operator by causing all #
# style-dependent horizontal space to be 0. #
# #
macro @CurrStyleVar { "EqCurrStyle" }
macro @CrampedVar { "EqCramped?" }
def @CurrStyle { @GetContext @CurrStyleVar }
def @Cramped { @GetContext @CrampedVar }
def @EqDebug
# Uncomment the following line to get debugging information.
#{ { Helvetica Base 0.7f } @Font @CurrStyle } |0.2f
def @WithStyle
named style { "display" }
named cramped { "No" }
right x
def @NewFontSize
@CurrStyle @Case {
"scriptscript" @Yield 1.0f # can't be smaller
"script" @Yield {
style @Case {
"script" @Yield 1.0f
else @Yield 0.8f } }
"text" @Yield {
style @Case {
"text" @Yield 1.0f
else @Yield 0.7f } }
"display" @Yield {
style @Case {
# display and text styles yield the same font size
{ "display" "text" } @Yield 1.0f
else @Yield 0.7f } }
"nohspace" @Yield 1.0f
#{ Helvetica Base 0.4f } @Font { @CurrStyle -> style } |0.2f
@NewFontSize @Font
{ @CurrStyleVar @Yield style } @SetContext {
{ @CrampedVar @Yield cramped } @SetContext {
# FIXME: Space is not properly inherited, hence this
# `@Space' invocation.
{ initialspace @Space x }
def @CurrSuperScriptGap
@Cramped @Case {
"Yes" @Yield 0.23fk
"No" @Yield 0.35fk
def @SubScriptGap { 0.35fk }
# Space around relational operators.
def @CurrRelSpaceGap
@CurrStyle @Case {
{ "display" "text" } @Yield 0.300fe
"nohspace" @Yield 0i
else @Yield 0.030ce
# Space around binary operators.
def @CurrBinarySpaceGap
@CurrStyle @Case {
{ "display" "text" } @Yield 0.240fe
"nohspace" @Yield 0i
else @Yield 0.024ce
# Space around punctuation marks, including matrix braces.
def @CurrPunctSpaceGap
@CurrStyle @Case {
{ "display" "text" } @Yield 0.180fe
"nohspace" @Yield 0i
else @Yield 0.018ce
# Gap above/below math expressions (see, e.g., `to' and `from').
def @AboveGap { 0.15f }
def @BelowGap { 0.15f }
def @SkewGap { 0.05f }
def @ColGap { 0.8f }
def @RowGap { 0.5f }
# #
# Miscellaneous helper definitions (private) #
# #
def @Base precedence @MaxPrec right x { basefont @Font x }
def @Sym precedence @MaxPrec right x { symbolfont @Font x }
def @HLine
named line { @BackEnd @Case { PostScript @Yield { "0.05 ft setlinewidth" } PDF @Yield { "__mul(__loutf, 0.05) w" } } }
@BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
{ "0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto" line "stroke" } @Graphic {}
PDF @Yield { # note re-arrangement of commands (setlinewidth (='w') not allowed in a path)
{ line "0 0 m __xsize 0 l s" } @Graphic {}
def @VLine
@BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"0 0 moveto 0 ysize lineto 0.05 ft setlinewidth stroke" @Graphic {}
PDF @Yield {
"__mul(__loutf, 0.05) w 0 0 m 0 __ysize l s" @Graphic {}
def @Strut
precedence @MaxPrec
right x
@OneCol { x | @OneRow { 0.5f @High ^/ 0.5f @High } }
def @OrDefault
left l
right r
l @Case {
"dft" @Yield r
else @Yield l
# #
# Helper symbols (public, exc @ScriptStyle and @FractionStyle) #
# #
def above
precedence @HelperAbovePrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { @BelowGap }
named skew { 0c }
right y
@HContract @VContract
{ |0.5rt x
//gap |0.5rt &skew y
def below
precedence @HelperAbovePrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { @AboveGap }
named skew { 0c }
right y
@HContract @VContract
{ |0.5rt &skew y
^//gap |0.5rt x
def wideabove
precedence @HelperAbovePrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { @BelowGap }
right y
@HContract @VContract
x //gap @HScale y
def widebelow
precedence @HelperAbovePrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { @AboveGap }
right y
@HContract @VContract
@HScale y ^//gap x
def "`" { &@CurrPunctSpaceGap }
def "``" { &@CurrBinarySpaceGap }
def "```" { &@CurrRelSpaceGap }
def non
precedence @HelperNonPrec
right x
{ @CurrStyleVar @Yield "nohspace" } @SetContext x
def big
precedence @MaxPrec
right x
1.3f @Font x
def small
precedence @MaxPrec
right x
0.6f @Font x
def vctr
precedence @MaxPrec
right x
0.5w @VShift x
def @ScriptStyle
named level { "sup" }
right script
style { @CurrStyle @Case {
{ "display" "text" } @Yield "script"
{ "script" "scriptscript" } @Yield "scriptscript"
"nohspace" @Yield "nohspace"
} }
cramped { level @Case {
"sub" @Yield "Yes"
"sup" @Yield @Cramped
} }
{ script }
def @SuperScriptStyle right superscript
@ScriptStyle level { "sup" } superscript
def @SubScriptStyle right subscript
@ScriptStyle level { "sub" } subscript
def @FractionStyle
named level { "numerator" }
right x
style { @CurrStyle @Case {
"display" @Yield "text"
"text" @Yield "script"
{ "script" "scriptscript" } @Yield "scriptscript"
"nohspace" @Yield "nohspace"
} }
cramped { level @Case {
"numerator" @Yield @Cramped
"denominator" @Yield "Yes"
} }
{ x }
def @NumeratorStyle right x
@FractionStyle level { "numerator" } x
def @DenominatorStyle right x
@FractionStyle level { "denominator" } x
def @SquareRootStyle right x
@WithStyle style { @CurrStyle } cramped { "Yes" } x
# #
# Ordinary symbols (Symbol font) #
# #
# These symbols and their names are taken directly from the #
# Adobe Systems Inc. Symbol font (see PostScript Language #
# Reference Manual, pp. 256-257). The only differences are: #
# #
# Adobe: theta1 @Math: thetaone #
# sigma1 sigmaone #
# phi1 phione #
# omega1 omegaone #
# Upsilon1 Upsilonone #
# #
# These were needed since Lout identifiers do not have digits. #
# #
def space { @Sym @Char "space" }
def exclam { @Sym @Char "exclam" }
def universal { @Sym @Char "universal" }
def numbersign { @Sym @Char "numbersign" }
def existential { @Sym @Char "existential" }
def percent { @Sym @Char "percent" }
def ampersand { @Sym @Char "ampersand" }
def suchthat { @Sym @Char "suchthat" }
def parenleft { @Sym @Char "parenleft" }
def parenright { @Sym @Char "parenright" }
def asteriskmath { @Sym @Char "asteriskmath" }
def plus { @Sym @Char "plus" }
def comma { @Sym @Char "comma" }
def minus { @Sym @Char "minus" }
def period { @Sym @Char "period" }
def slash { @Sym @Char "slash" }
def zero { @Sym @Char "zero" }
def one { @Sym @Char "one" }
def two { @Sym @Char "two" }
def three { @Sym @Char "three" }
def four { @Sym @Char "four" }
def five { @Sym @Char "five" }
def six { @Sym @Char "six" }
def seven { @Sym @Char "seven" }
def eight { @Sym @Char "eight" }
def nine { @Sym @Char "nine" }
def colon { @Sym @Char "colon" }
def semicolon { @Sym @Char "semicolon" }
def less { @Sym @Char "less" }
def equal { @Sym @Char "equal" }
def greater { @Sym @Char "greater" }
def question { @Sym @Char "question" }
def congruent { @Sym @Char "congruent" }
def Alpha { @Sym @Char "Alpha" }
def Beta { @Sym @Char "Beta" }
def Chi { @Sym @Char "Chi" }
def Delta { @Sym @Char "Delta" }
def Epsilon { @Sym @Char "Epsilon" }
def Phi { @Sym @Char "Phi" }
def Gamma { @Sym @Char "Gamma" }
def Eta { @Sym @Char "Eta" }
def Iota { @Sym @Char "Iota" }
def thetaone { @Sym @Char "theta1" }
def Kappa { @Sym @Char "Kappa" }
def Lambda { @Sym @Char "Lambda" }
def Mu { @Sym @Char "Mu" }
def Nu { @Sym @Char "Nu" }
def Omicron { @Sym @Char "Omicron" }
def Pi { @Sym @Char "Pi" }
def Theta { @Sym @Char "Theta" }
def Rho { @Sym @Char "Rho" }
def Sigma { @Sym @Char "Sigma" }
def Tau { @Sym @Char "Tau" }
def Upsilon { @Sym @Char "Upsilon" }
def sigmaone { @Sym @Char "sigma1" }
def Omega { @Sym @Char "Omega" }
def Xi { @Sym @Char "Xi" }
def Psi { @Sym @Char "Psi" }
def Zeta { @Sym @Char "Zeta" }
def bracketleft { @Sym @Char "bracketleft" }
def therefore { @Sym @Char "therefore" }
def bracketright { @Sym @Char "bracketright" }
def perpendicular { @Sym @Char "perpendicular" }
def underscore { @Sym @Char "underscore" }
def radicalex { @Sym @Char "radicalex" }
def alpha { @Sym @Char "alpha" }
def beta { @Sym @Char "beta" }
def chi { @Sym @Char "chi" }
def delta { @Sym @Char "delta" }
def epsilon { @Sym @Char "epsilon" }
def phi { @Sym @Char "phi" }
def gamma { @Sym @Char "gamma" }
def eta { @Sym @Char "eta" }
def iota { @Sym @Char "iota" }
def phione { @Sym @Char "phi1" }
def kappa { @Sym @Char "kappa" }
def lambda { @Sym @Char "lambda" }
def mu { @Sym @Char "mu" }
def nu { @Sym @Char "nu" }
def omicron { @Sym @Char "omicron" }
def pi { @Sym @Char "pi" }
def theta { @Sym @Char "theta" }
def rho { @Sym @Char "rho" }
def sigma { @Sym @Char "sigma" }
def tau { @Sym @Char "tau" }
def upsilon { @Sym @Char "upsilon" }
def omegaone { @Sym @Char "omega1" }
def omega { @Sym @Char "omega" }
def xi { @Sym @Char "xi" }
def psi { @Sym @Char "psi" }
def zeta { @Sym @Char "zeta" }
def braceleft { @Sym @Char "braceleft" }
def bar { @Sym @Char "bar" }
def braceright { @Sym @Char "braceright" }
def similar { @Sym @Char "similar" }
def Upsilonone { @Sym @Char "Upsilon1" }
def minute { @Sym @Char "minute" }
def lessequal { @Sym @Char "lessequal" }
def fraction { @Sym @Char "fraction" }
# For Adobe Symbol, `infinity' used to be "1.2f @Font { ... }"
def infinity { @Sym @Char "infinity" }
def florin { @Sym @Char "florin" }
def club { @Sym @Char "club" }
def diamond { @Sym @Char "diamond" }
def heart { @Sym @Char "heart" }
def spade { @Sym @Char "spade" }
def arrowboth { @Sym @Char "arrowboth" }
def arrowleft { @Sym @Char "arrowleft" }
def arrowup { @Sym @Char "arrowup" }
def arrowright { @Sym @Char "arrowright" }
def arrowdown { @Sym @Char "arrowdown" }
def degree { @Sym @Char "degree" }
def plusminus { @Sym @Char "plusminus" }
def second { @Sym @Char "second" }
def greaterequal { @Sym @Char "greaterequal" }
def multiply { @Sym @Char "multiply" }
def proportional { @Sym @Char "proportional" }
def partialdiff { @Sym @Char "partialdiff" }
def bullet { @Sym @Char "bullet" }
def divide { @Sym @Char "divide" }
def notequal { @Sym @Char "notequal" }
def equivalence { @Sym @Char "equivalence" }
def approxequal { @Sym @Char "approxequal" }
def ellipsis { @Sym @Char "ellipsis" }
def arrowvertex { @Sym @Char "arrowvertex" }
def arrowhorizex { @Sym @Char "arrowhorizex" }
def carriagereturn { @Sym @Char "carriagereturn" }
def aleph { @Sym @Char "aleph" }
def Ifraktur { @Sym @Char "Ifraktur" }
def Rfraktur { @Sym @Char "Rfraktur" }
def weierstrass { @Sym @Char "weierstrass" }
def circlemultiply { @Sym @Char "circlemultiply" }
def circleplus { @Sym @Char "circleplus" }
def emptyset { @Sym @Char "emptyset" }
def intersection { @Sym @Char "intersection" }
def union { @Sym @Char "union" }
def propersuperset { @Sym @Char "propersuperset" }
def reflexsuperset { @Sym @Char "reflexsuperset" }
def notsubset { @Sym @Char "notsubset" }
def propersubset { @Sym @Char "propersubset" }
def reflexsubset { @Sym @Char "reflexsubset" }
def element { @Sym @Char "element" }
def notelement { @Sym @Char "notelement" }
def angle { @Sym @Char "angle" }
def gradient { @Sym @Char "gradient" }
def registerserif { @Sym @Char "registerserif" }
def copyrightserif { @Sym @Char "copyrightserif" }
def trademarkserif { @Sym @Char "trademarkserif" }
def product { @Sym @Char "product" }
def radical { @Sym @Char "radical" }
def dotmath { @Sym @Char "dotmath" }
def logicalnot { @Sym @Char "logicalnot" }
def logicaland { @Sym @Char "logicaland" }
def logicalor { @Sym @Char "logicalor" }
def arrowdblboth { @Sym @Char "arrowdblboth" }
def arrowdblleft { @Sym @Char "arrowdblleft" }
def arrowdblup { @Sym @Char "arrowdblup" }
def arrowdblright { @Sym @Char "arrowdblright" }
def arrowdbldown { @Sym @Char "arrowdbldown" }
def lozenge { @Sym @Char "lozenge" }
def angleleft { @Sym @Char "angleleft" }
def registersans { @Sym @Char "registersans" }
def copyrightsans { @Sym @Char "copyrightsans" }
def trademarksans { @Sym @Char "trademarksans" }
def summation { @Sym @Char "summation" }
def parenlefttp { @Sym @Char "parenlefttp" }
def parenleftex { @Sym @Char "parenleftex" }
def parenleftbt { @Sym @Char "parenleftbt" }
def bracketlefttp { @Sym @Char "bracketlefttp" }
def bracketleftex { @Sym @Char "bracketleftex" }
def bracketleftbt { @Sym @Char "bracketleftbt" }
def bracelefttp { @Sym @Char "bracelefttp" }
def braceleftmid { @Sym @Char "braceleftmid" }
def braceleftbt { @Sym @Char "braceleftbt" }
def braceex { @Sym @Char "braceex" }
def angleright { @Sym @Char "angleright" }
def integral { @Sym @Char "integral" }
def integraltp { @Sym @Char "integraltp" }
def integralex { @Sym @Char "integralex" }
def integralbt { @Sym @Char "integralbt" }
def parenrighttp { @Sym @Char "parenrighttp" }
def parenrightex { @Sym @Char "parenrightex" }
def parenrightbt { @Sym @Char "parenrightbt" }
def bracketrighttp { @Sym @Char "bracketrighttp" }
def bracketrightex { @Sym @Char "bracketrightex" }
def bracketrightbt { @Sym @Char "bracketrightbt" }
def bracerighttp { @Sym @Char "bracerighttp" }
def bracerightmid { @Sym @Char "bracerightmid" }
def bracerightbt { @Sym @Char "bracerightbt" }
# #
# Ordinary symbols (arrows) #
# #
def leftarrow { arrowleft }
def longleftarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowleft }
def dblleftarrow { arrowdblleft }
def dbllongleftarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowdblleft }
def rightarrow { arrowright }
def longrightarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowright }
def dblrightarrow { arrowdblright }
def dbllongrightarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowdblright }
def leftrightarrow { arrowboth }
def longleftrightarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowboth }
def dblleftrightarrow { arrowdblboth }
def dbllongleftrightarrow { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowdblboth }
def mapsto
@HContract @VContract {
@BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"0 ymark 0.16 ft sub moveto 0 ymark 0.16 ft add lineto stroke"
@Graphic arrowright
PDF @Yield {
"0 __sub(__ymark, __mul(__loutf, 0.16)) m 0 __add(__ymark, __mul(__loutf, 0.16)) l S"
@Graphic arrowright
def longmapsto
@HContract @VContract {
@BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"0 ymark 0.16 ft sub moveto 0 ymark 0.16 ft add lineto stroke"
@Graphic { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowright }
PDF @Yield {
"0 __sub(__ymark, __mul(__loutf, 0.16)) m 0 __add(__ymark, __mul(__loutf, 0.16)) l S"
@Graphic { { 1.6 1 } @Scale arrowright }
def hookleftarrow
@HContract @VContract {
@BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"xsize ymark moveto xsize ymark 0.1 ft add 0.1 ft -90 90 arc stroke"
@Graphic leftarrow
PDF @Yield {
# VT: draws a counterclockwise 180 degree arc from -90 to +90 degree positions
# (straight down to straight up) with centre = (xsize, ymark + 0.1 ft)
# and radius = 0.1 ft
# the control points therefore are:
# pt1 = (xsize + (4/3 * 0.1 ft), ymark) and pt2 = (xsize + (4/3 * 0.1 ft), ymark + 0.2 ft)
"__xsize __ymark m" # pt0
"__add(__xsize, __div(__mul(0.4, __loutf), 3)) __ymark" # pt1
"__add(__xsize, __div(__mul(0.4, __loutf), 3)) __add(__ymark, __mul(0.2, __loutf))" # pt2
"__xsize __add(__ymark, __mul(0.2, __loutf)) c S" # pt3
@Graphic leftarrow
def hookrightarrow
@HContract @VContract {
@BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"0 ymark moveto 0 0.1 ft ymark add 0.1 ft -90 90 arcn stroke"
@Graphic rightarrow
PDF @Yield {
# VT: draws a clockwise 180 degree arc from -90 to +90 degree positions
# (straight down to straight up) with centre = (0, ymark + 0.1 ft)
# and radius = 0.1 ft
# the control points therefore are:
# pt1 = (-4/3 * 0.1 ft, ymark) and pt2 = (-4/3 * 0.1 ft, ymark + 0.2 ft)
"0 __ymark m" # pt0
"__div(__mul(-0.4, __loutf), 3) __ymark" # pt1
"__div(__mul(-0.4, __loutf), 3) __add(__ymark, __mul(0.2, __loutf))" # pt2
"0 __add(__ymark, __mul(0.2, __loutf)) c S" # pt3
@Graphic rightarrow
def @ClipToSize right x
@HContract @VContract
@BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"grestore newpath 0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto"
"0 ysize lineto closepath clip gsave"
} @Graphic x
PDF @Yield {
"Q n 0 0 __xsize __ysize re W n q" @Graphic x
def @ClipAboveMark
left amount
right x
@ClipToSize { ^//{{amount}o} x }
def @ClipBelowMark
left amount
right x
@ClipToSize { x //{{amount}o} }
def leftharpoonup
0.04f @ClipBelowMark leftarrow
def rightharpoonup
0.04f @ClipBelowMark rightarrow
def leftharpoondown
0.02f @ClipAboveMark leftarrow
def rightharpoondown
0.02f @ClipAboveMark rightarrow
def rightleftharpoons
@HContract @VContract {
def leadsto { @HContract { similar &0.4fo arrowright } }
def uparrow { arrowup }
def dbluparrow { arrowdblup }
def downarrow { arrowdown }
def dbldownarrow { arrowdbldown }
def updownarrow { @HContract { arrowup &0io arrowdown } }
def dblupdownarrow { @VContract { arrowdblup ^//0.2fo arrowdbldown } }
def nearrow { 0.5w @VShift 0.5w @HShift 45d @Rotate arrowright }
def searrow { 0.5w @VShift 0.5w @HShift 315d @Rotate arrowright }
def swarrow { 0.5w @VShift 0.5w @HShift 225d @Rotate arrowright }
def nwarrow { 0.5w @VShift 0.5w @HShift 135d @Rotate arrowright }
# #
# Ordinary symbols (to get Roman font) #
# #
# These symbols are defined to yield themselves, but in Roman #
# font rather than the Italic that would otherwise be used. #
# See Knuth p. 162 and 132. The definitions of "0" ... "9" #
# should logically appear here, but they have been moved to #
# the end since it is awkward to enter numeric lengths after #
# they are defined. #
# #
def arccos { @Base "arccos" }
def arcsin { @Base "arcsin" }
def arctan { @Base "arctan" }
def arg { @Base "arg" }
def cos { @Base "cos" }
def cosh { @Base "cosh" }
def cot { @Base "cot" }
def coth { @Base "coth" }
def csc { @Base "csc" }
def deg { @Base "deg" }
def det { @Base "det" }
def dim { @Base "dim" }
def exp { @Base "exp" }
def gcd { @Base "gcd" }
def hom { @Base "hom" }
def inf { @Base "inf" }
def ker { @Base "ker" }
def lg { @Base "lg" }
def lim { @Base "lim" }
def liminf { @OneCol { @Base "lim" ` @Base "inf" } }
def limsup { @OneCol { @Base "lim" ` @Base "sup" } }
def ln { @Base "ln" }
def log { @Base "log" }
def max { @Base "max" }
def min { @Base "min" }
def Pr { @Base "Pr" }
def sec { @Base "sec" }
def sin { @Base "sin" }
def sinh { @Base "sinh" }
def supr { @Base "sup" }
def tan { @Base "tan" }
def tanh { @Base "tanh" }
def mod { @Base "mod" }
def "!" { exclam }
def "?" { question }
def "%" { percent }
def "(" { parenleft }
def ")" { parenright }
def "[" { bracketleft }
def "]" { bracketright }
# #
# Ordinary symbols (for atleft and atright) #
# These are Knuth's Groups 11 and 12 - openings and closings. #
# #
def lpar { parenleft }
def rpar { parenright }
def lbrack { bracketleft }
def rbrack { bracketright }
def lbrace { braceleft }
def rbrace { braceright }
def lfloor { ` "-0.15f" @VShift bracketleftbt }
def rfloor { "-0.15f" @VShift bracketrightbt ` }
def lceil { ` "-0.1f" @VShift bracketlefttp }
def rceil { "-0.1f" @VShift bracketrighttp ` }
def langle { angleleft }
def rangle { angleright }
def blpar { @OneRow {parenlefttp ^/ parenleftex / parenleftbt } }
def brpar { @OneRow {parenrighttp ^/ parenrightex / parenrightbt } }
def blbrack { @OneRow {bracketlefttp ^/ bracketleftex / bracketleftbt } }
def brbrack { @OneRow {bracketrighttp ^/ bracketrightex / bracketrightbt} }
def blbrace { @OneRow {bracelefttp ^/ braceleftmid / braceleftbt } }
def brbrace { @OneRow {bracerighttp ^/ bracerightmid / bracerightbt } }
def blfloor { @OneRow {bracketleftex ^/ bracketleftex / bracketleftbt } }
def brfloor { @OneRow {bracketrightex ^/ bracketrightex / bracketrightbt} }
def blceil { @OneRow {bracketlefttp ^/ bracketleftex / bracketleftex } }
def brceil { @OneRow {bracketrighttp ^/ bracketrightex / bracketrightex} }
def blangle
@HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
{ "xsize 0 moveto 0 ysize 2 div lineto"
"xsize ysize lineto 0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
} @Graphic { 0.5f @Wide 2f @High ^/ 2f @High }
PDF @Yield {
{ "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w __xsize 0 m"
"0 __div(__ysize, 2) l __xsize __ysize l S"
} @Graphic { 0.5f @Wide 2f @High ^/ 2f @High }
def brangle
@HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
{ "0 0 moveto xsize ysize 2 div lineto"
"0 ysize lineto 0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
} @Graphic { 0.5f @Wide 2f @High ^/ 2f @High }
PDF @Yield {
{ "__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w 0 0 m"
"__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) l 0 __ysize l S"
} @Graphic { 0.5f @Wide 2f @High ^/ 2f @High }
# #
# Ordinary symbols (miscellaneous) #
# #
# Not all of Knuth's symbols are available. The four suits #
# (heartsuit, etc.), have definitions above. #
# #
def hbar { @HContract @VContract {&0.1f @Base "-" ^/0.30fo h }}
def Re { Rfraktur }
def Im { Ifraktur }
def partial { partialdiff }
def infty { infinity }
def prime { minute }
#def emptyset { defined above }
def nabla { gradient }
def surd { radical }
def top { 180d @Rotate perpendicular }
def bot { perpendicular }
def dbar { @Base "||" }
#def angle { defined above }
def backslash { "\\" }
def forall { universal }
def exists { existential }
def neg { logicalnot }
def circle
{ @HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"xsize ysize 2 div moveto"
"xsize 2 div ysize 2 div xsize 2 div 0 360 arc"
"0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
} @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
PDF @Yield {
# VT: draws a counterclockwise 360 degree arc from 0 to +360
# degree positions (straight right to straight right) with
# centre = (xsize/2, ysize/2) and radius = xsize/2,
# implemented as two counterclockwise 180 degree arcs.
# start at (xsize, ysize/2); the control points are:
# pt1 = (xsize, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
# pt2 = (0, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
# end at (0, ysize/2). Then start at (0, ysize/2); control points
# pt1 = (0, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
# pt2 = (xsize, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
# and end at (xsize, ysize/2).
"__mul(0.04, __loutf) w"
"__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) m"
"__xsize __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
"0 __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
"0 __div(__ysize, 2) c"
"0 __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
"__xsize __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
"__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) c S"
} @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
def filledcircle
{ @HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"xsize ysize 2 div moveto"
"xsize 2 div ysize 2 div xsize 2 div 0 360 arc"
"0.04 ft setlinewidth fill"
} @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
PDF @Yield {
# JK: I don't know how to fill in PDF, so this doesn't!
# VT: draws a counterclockwise 360 degree arc from 0 to +360
# degree positions (straight right to straight right) with
# centre = (xsize/2, ysize/2) and radius = xsize/2,
# implemented as two counterclockwise 180 degree arcs.
# start at (xsize, ysize/2); the control points are:
# pt1 = (xsize, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
# pt2 = (0, ysize/2 + (4/3 * xsize/2))
# end at (0, ysize/2). Then start at (0, ysize/2); control points
# pt1 = (0, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
# pt2 = (xsize, ysize/2 - (4/3 * xsize/2))
# and end at (xsize, ysize/2).
"__mul(0.04, __loutf) w"
"__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) m"
"__xsize __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
"0 __add(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
"0 __div(__ysize, 2) c"
"0 __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
"__xsize __sub(__div(__ysize, 2), __div(__mul(2, __xsize), 3))"
"__xsize __div(__ysize, 2) c S"
} @Graphic { 0.7f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
def square
{ @HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto xsize ysize lineto"
"0 ysize lineto closepath"
"0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
} @Graphic { 0.6f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
PDF @Yield {
"__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
"0 0 m __xsize 0 l __xsize __ysize l"
"0 __ysize l s"
} @Graphic { 0.6f @Wide 0.3f @High ^/ 0.3f @High }
def triangle
{ @HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
"0 0 moveto xsize 0 lineto"
"xsize 2 div ysize lineto closepath"
"0.04 ft setlinewidth stroke"
} @Graphic { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/ 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High }
PDF @Yield {
"__mul(__loutf, 0.04) w"
"0 0 m __xsize 0 l"
"__div(__xsize, 2) __ysize l s"
} @Graphic { 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High ^| ^/ 0.3f @Wide 0.3f @High }
# other symbols taken from TeX
def ldots { . &0.3f . &0.3f . }
def cdots { dotmath &0.3f dotmath &0.3f dotmath }
def vdots { @OneRow { dotmath ^/0.3f dotmath /0.3f dotmath } }
def ddots { @OneCol @OneRow
{ dotmath
^/0.3f |0.3f dotmath
/0.3f | |0.3f dotmath
# symbols taken from eqn (Kernighan and Cherry 1975). #
def del { gradient }
def grad { gradient }
def "..." { ellipsis }
def ",...," { , ellipsis ``` , }
def "'" { minute }
def "''" { minute minute }
def "'''" { minute minute minute }
def "''''" { minute minute minute minute }
def empty { emptyset }
# forget where these are from
def triangleup { 0.8f @Font triangle }
def triangledown { 180d @Rotate 0.8f @Font triangle }
# half and third defined later, since they use frac
# #
# Variable-building symbols #
# #
# These symbols are essentially those of eqn, with some #
# changes and additions. #
# #
def dot
precedence @HatPrec
left x
named gap { @AboveGap }
x below gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } @SuperScriptStyle .
def dotdot
precedence @HatPrec
left x
named gap { @AboveGap }
x below gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } @SuperScriptStyle ..
def hat
precedence @HatPrec
left x
named gap { @AboveGap }
x below gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } @SuperScriptStyle @Base "^"
def tilde
precedence @HatPrec
left x
named gap { @AboveGap }
x below gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } @SuperScriptStyle @Base "~"
def vec
precedence @HatPrec
left x
named gap { @AboveGap }
x below gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } @SuperScriptStyle arrowright
def dyad
precedence @HatPrec
left x
named gap { @AboveGap }
x below gap { gap } skew { @SkewGap } @SuperScriptStyle arrowboth
def overbar
precedence @HatPrec
left x
named gap { @AboveGap }
{ @WithStyle style { @CurrStyle } cramped { "Yes" } x }
widebelow gap { gap } @SuperScriptStyle minus
def underbar
precedence @HatPrec
left x
named gap { @BelowGap }
x wideabove gap { gap } @SuperScriptStyle minus
def sup
precedence @SupPrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { "dft" }
right y
@HContract @VContract
{ | @SuperScriptStyle y
^/{ gap @OrDefault @CurrSuperScriptGap } x
def sub
precedence @SubPrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { @SubScriptGap }
right y
@HContract @VContract
"." @KernShrink x
/gap | @SubScriptStyle y
def tsub
precedence @SubPrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { @SubScriptGap }
right y
@HContract @VContract
/gap | &0io 0.2f @HShift @SubScriptStyle y
def supp
precedence @SupPrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { "dft" }
right y
@HContract @VContract
{ ^/{ gap @OrDefault @CurrSuperScriptGap } x
/{ gap @OrDefault @CurrSuperScriptGap } }
| y
def on
precedence @SubPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
{ @SuperScriptStyle x } ^/ /
{ @SubScriptStyle y }
def ton
precedence @SubPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
@SuperScriptStyle x ^/ /
&0io 0.3f @HShift @SubScriptStyle y
# #
# Large operator symbols (Knuth's Group 6 "Large" operators) #
# #
# Layout of large operators differs in several ways, depending #
# on whether they are in display mode or not. #
# #
# 1. The operator itself is larger in display mode. We #
# achieve this by automatically prepending `big' to the #
# operator's symbol when in display mode. #
# #
# 2. The "bounds" of these operators (i.e., `from' and `to') #
# are set as limits (i.e., above and below the operator #
# symbol) when in display mode, and displayed to the #
# right of the symbol otherwise. Integrations are an #
# exception (the only exception?). #
# #
# See ``The TeXbook'', Chapter 17. #
# #
def largeop
named symbol { "largeop" }
named limits { "dft" } # whether to set `from' and `to' as limits
named from { "" }
named to { "" }
def @Symbol
@CurrStyle @Case {
"display" @Yield { big symbol }
else @Yield symbol
def @Limits
limits @OrDefault {
@CurrStyle @Case {
"display" @Yield "Yes"
else @Yield "No" }
def @LimitsBody
@Symbol above { @SuperScriptStyle from }
below { @SubScriptStyle to }
def @NoLimitsBody
0.5w @VShift {
1.0w @VShift @OneRow {
{ | 0.3w @VShift @SuperScriptStyle to }
^/0.0fo { 0w @VShift @Symbol | }
{ | 0.7w @VShift @SubScriptStyle from }
|{ @CurrPunctSpaceGap }
@Limits @Case {
{ "Yes" "yes" } @Yield @LimitsBody
{ "No" "no" } @Yield @NoLimitsBody
# Ludovic's symbol, no longer used
def largeoperator
named symbol { "largeop" }
named from { "" }
named to { "" }
named limits { "Yes" } # whether to set `from' and `to' as limits
def @NoLimitsBody {
0.5w @VShift {
1.0w @VShift @OneRow {
{ | 0.3w @VShift @SuperScriptStyle to }
^/0.0fo { 0w @VShift symbol | }
{ | 0.7w @VShift @SubScriptStyle from }
|{ @CurrPunctSpaceGap }
def @LimitsBody {
symbol above { @SuperScriptStyle from }
below { @SubScriptStyle to }
limits @Case {
{ "Yes" "yes" } @Yield @LimitsBody
{ "No" "no" } @Yield @NoLimitsBody
# Ludovic's symbol, no longer used
def simplelargeoperator
named symbol { "simplelargeop" }
named limits { "dft" }
named from { }
named to { }
symbol { @CurrStyle @Case {
"display" @Yield { big symbol }
else @Yield symbol }
limits { limits @OrDefault {
@CurrStyle @Case {
"display" @Yield "Yes"
else @Yield "No" }
from { from }
to { to }
def sum
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { summation } limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def prod
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { product } limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def coprod
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { 180d @Rotate vctr product }
limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def bcap
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { big intersection } limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def bcup
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { big union } limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def bvee
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { big logicalor } limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def bwedge
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { big logicaland } limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def circledot
def @PureDot # dot with no extra space
@HContract { &0io 0.4w @HShift dotmath }
@OneRow @HContract { circle /0io &0.5rt @PureDot /0io circle }
def bodot
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { circledot }
limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def botimes
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { circlemultiply } limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def boplus
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { circleplus } limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def buplus
named limits { "dft" }
named from {}
named to {}
symbol { & big @HContract { &0.5rt 0.7f @Font plus ^/0.2fo union } }
limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
# #
# Integrations are slightly different in that, according to #
# Knuth (Chapter 17, p. 144), ``superscripts and subscripts #
# are not set as limits, even in display style''. Still, as #
# in TeX, we give users the possibility to override this. #
# #
# Ludovic's symbol, no longer used
def integration
named symbol { "integration" }
named limits { "No" }
named from { }
named to { }
symbol { @CurrStyle @Case {
"display" @Yield { big symbol }
else @Yield symbol }
limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def int
named limits { "No" }
named from { }
named to { }
symbol { vctr big integral } limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
def oint
named limits { "No" }
named from { }
named to { }
symbol { @OneCol { vctr degree |0.015fo big integral } }
limits { limits } from { from } to { to }
# #
# Unary operator symbols #
# #
def sqrt
precedence @UnaryOpPrec
named gap { @AboveGap }
right x
@BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
@HContract @VContract
@VScale surd | @OneRow
@HLine line { "0.03 ft setlinewidth 2 setlinecap" }
^//gap |gap @SquareRootStyle @Strut x # //gap
PDF @Yield {
@HContract @VContract
# VT: this PDF is correct but it renders badly in Acrobat (?problem
# with scaling by fractional factors)
# In other words, the @VScale value comes through correctly but it
# looks ugly; GhostScript's translation actually expands the
# "draw surd" instruction into raw moveto's and lineto's which
# it presumably gets from the font's definition of the glyph!
@VScale surd | @OneRow
@HLine line { "__mul(__loutf, 0.03) w 2 J" }
^//gap |gap @SquareRootStyle @Strut x # //gap
def root
precedence @UnaryOpPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
"" sup x &0io sqrt y
def zroot
precedence @UnaryOpPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
def zsup right x { "+0.3f" @VShift 0.5f @Font x }
"-0.4f" @HShift { 1w @HShift { zsup x } } &0co sqrt y
export row axisrow col lcol ccol rcol mcol
def matrix
precedence @UnaryOpPrec
named gap { @CurrBinarySpaceGap }
named strut
named no { }
named No { }
named yes { 0.5f }
named Yes { 0.5f }
{ No }
named atleft {}
named atright {}
named userow { No }
named shiftdelim { Yes }
body x
def @Strut
strut @Case {
"" @Yield {}
else @Yield { @OneRow { strut @High ^/ strut @High } }
def newrow
precedence @HelperRowPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
x @Case {
"" @Yield { y | @Strut }
else @Yield { x /@RowGap y | @Strut }
macro row { newrow "" }
def newaxisrow
precedence @HelperRowPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
x @Case {
"" @Yield { y | @Strut }
else @Yield { x ^/@RowGap y | @Strut }
macro axisrow { newaxisrow "" }
def col
precedence @HelperColPrec
associativity left
left x
named indent { 0.5rt }
right y
x @Case {
"" @Yield { &indent @OneCol y }
else @Yield { x |@ColGap &indent @OneCol y }
def lcol
precedence @HelperColPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
x col indent { 0i } y
def ccol
precedence @HelperColPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
x col indent { 0.5rt } y
def rcol
precedence @HelperColPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
x col indent { 1rt } y
def mcol
precedence @HelperColPrec
associativity left
left x
right y
x @Case {
"" @Yield { @OneCol y }
else @Yield { x |@ColGap @OneCol y }
def delim right x
x @Case
"" @Yield @Null
else @Yield
shiftdelim @Case {
{ Yes yes } @Yield { @VScale x }
else @Yield { @VCover x }
@HContract @VContract {
delim atleft &@CurrPunctSpaceGap
userow @Case {
{Yes yes} @Yield @HContract @VContract {^//gap @OneRow x //gap}
else @Yield vctr @HContract @VContract { //gap x //gap }
&@CurrPunctSpaceGap delim atright
macro pmatrix { matrix atleft {1.5f @Font (} atright {1.5f @Font )} }
macro bmatrix { matrix atleft { blbrack } atright { brbrack } }
macro brmatrix { matrix atleft { blbrace } atright { brbrace } }
macro fmatrix { matrix atleft { blfloor } atright { brfloor } }
macro cmatrix { matrix atleft { blceil } atright { brceil } }
macro amatrix { matrix atleft { blangle } atright { brangle } }
# #
# Binary operator symbols #
# #
# #
# over and frac (also half and third) #
# #
def over
precedence @BinaryOpDividePrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { "dft" }
named belowgap { "dft" }
right y
def @AboveLineGap
gap @Case {
"dft" @Yield {
@CurrStyle @Case {
"display" @Yield 0.20f
else @Yield 0.10f
else @Yield gap
def @BelowLineGap
belowgap @Case {
"dft" @Yield {
@CurrStyle @Case {
"display" @Yield 0.15f
else @Yield 0.09f
else @Yield belowgap
@HContract @VContract
{ |0.5rt @OneCol @NumeratorStyle x
^//@AboveLineGap @HLine
//@BelowLineGap |0.5rt @OneCol @DenominatorStyle @Strut y
def frac
precedence @BinaryOpDividePrec
associativity left
left x
named gap { 0.2f }
right y
@HContract @VContract
{ 1w @VShift { @SuperScriptStyle { x } /gap }
| fraction &0io
| 0w @VShift { |gap @SubScriptStyle { y } }
def half { one frac two }
def third { one frac three }
# #
# Knuth's Group 7 (binary operations) #
# #
# All of Knuth's symbols are available except \star, \diamond #
# and \bullet; a few have been given more mnemonic names. #
# #
def bin
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
named op { "binop" }
right r
l &@CurrBinarySpaceGap op &@CurrBinarySpaceGap r
def "+"
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { plus } r
def "-"
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { minus } r
def "+-"
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { plusminus } r
def "-+"
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { 180d @Rotate plusminus } r
def setminus
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { backslash } r
def cdot
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { dotmath } r
def times
precedence @BinaryOpTimesPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { multiply } r
def "*"
precedence @BinaryOpTimesPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { asteriskmath } r
#def diamond { name used above }
def circ
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { circle } r
#def bullet { name used above }
def div
precedence @BinaryOpDividePrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { divide } r
def cap
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { intersection } r
def cup
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { union } r
def uplus
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op {@OneRow @HContract { &0.5rt 0.7f @Font plus ^/0.2fo union}} r
def sqcapshape
@HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
PostScript @Yield {
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def sqcap
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { sqcapshape } r
def sqcup
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { "180d" @Rotate sqcapshape } r
def triangleleft
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { "90d" @Rotate 0.8f @Font triangle } r
def triangleright
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { "-90d" @Rotate 0.8f @Font triangle } r
def wr
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { vctr {90d @Rotate similar } } r
def bigcirc
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { 1.2f @Font circle} r
def bigtriangleup
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { 1.2f @Font triangle } r
def bigtriangledown
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { 180d @Rotate 1.2f @Font triangle } r
def vee
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { logicalor } r
def wedge
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { logicaland } r
def oplus
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { circleplus } r
def ominus
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { @OneRow @HContract { circle /0io &0.5rt minus } } r
def otimes
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { circlemultiply } r
def oslash
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
#l bin op { `vctr 60d @Rotate @HContract {circle /0io &0.5rt minus`} } r
l bin op {@OneRow @HContract {circle /0io &0.5rt "-0.1f" @VShift slash}} r
def odot
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { circledot } r
def dagger
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { @Base @Char "dagger" } r
def daggerdbl
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { @Base @Char "daggerdbl" } r
def amalg
precedence @BinaryOpPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l bin op { 180d @Rotate vctr product } r
# #
# Group 8 (relations) #
# #
# All Knuth's operators are available, but many have been #
# given different, more mnemonic names. Also included is #
# a not operator for negating the relations. #
# #
# "not" done by an option now
# def not right x { @HContract {@OneCol x /0co &0.5rt slash}}
def rel
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named op { "relop" }
named neg { "no" }
right r
def @Op
neg @Case {
{ "No" "no" } @Yield op
{ "Yes" "yes" } @Yield
{ @HContract {@OneCol { & op } /0co &0.5rt slash} }
l &@CurrRelSpaceGap @Op &@CurrRelSpaceGap r
def "<"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { less } r
def ">"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { greater } r
def "="
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { equal } r
def "<="
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { lessequal } r
def precsym
0i @HShift 0.45f @Font "-90d" @Rotate {parenrighttp ^| parenlefttp}
def prec
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { precsym } r
def preceq
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { @VContract { precsym /0.1f minus } } r
def "<<"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { less less } r
def subset
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { propersubset } r
def subseteq
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { reflexsubset } r
def sqsubsetshape
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/0.1f minus
def sqsubseteq
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { sqsubsetshape } r
def in
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { element } r
def vdash
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { vctr {"-90d" @Rotate perpendicular} } r
def smile
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { vctr 90d @Rotate parenleft } r
def frown
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { vctr 90d @Rotate parenright } r
def ">="
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { greaterequal } r
def succsym
0.45f @Font 90d @Rotate { parenrighttp ^| parenlefttp }
def succ
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { succsym } r
def succeq
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { @OneRow non succ /0.1f minus } r
def ">>"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { greater greater } r
def supset
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { propersuperset } r
def supseteq
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { reflexsuperset } r
def sqsupseteqshape
@HContract @VContract @BackEnd @Case {
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/0.1f minus
def sqsupseteq
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { sqsupseteqshape } r
def ni
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { 180d @Rotate element } r
def dashv
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { vctr {90d @Rotate perpendicular} } r
def mid
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { @Base "|" } r
def parallel
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { @Base "||" } r
def "=="
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { equivalence } r
def "~"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { similar } r
def "-~"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { @OneRow { similar ^/0.07f /0.07f minus } } r
def asymp
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
{ l
rel neg { neg } op { 0.7f @Font @OneRow
{ 90d @Rotate parenleft ^/0.008f
/0.008f 90d @Rotate parenright } }
def "~~"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { approxequal } r
def "=~"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { congruent } r
def bowtie
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { non triangleright non triangleleft } r
def propto
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { proportional } r
def models
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { @Base vctr "|" &0.05fo vctr equal } r
def trieqsym
@OneRow @HContract {&0.5rt small triangle^/0.15f equal}
def trieq
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { trieqsym } r
def doteqsym
@OneRow @HContract { &0.5rt dotmath^/0.15f equal }
def doteq
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { doteqsym } r
def perp
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { perpendicular } r
def notsub
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { notsubset } r
def notin
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { notelement } r
def "!="
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { notequal } r
def "<->"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowboth } r
def "<--"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowleft } r
def "-->"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowright } r
def up
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowup } r
def down
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowdown } r
def "<=>"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowdblboth } r
def "<=="
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowdblleft } r
def "==>"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowdblright } r
def dblup
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowdblup } r
def dbldown
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { arrowdbldown } r
def ":"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { colon } r
def "::"
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { @OneCol {colon ` colon} } r
def ":="
precedence @RelationPrec
associativity left
left l
named neg { "no" }
right r
l rel neg { neg } op { colon{ //0.05fo equal } } r
# #
# Punctuation symbols (Knuth's Group 13) #
# #
def punct
precedence @PunctuationPrec
associativity left
left l
named symbol { "punct" }
right r
l &0.0ce symbol &@CurrPunctSpaceGap r
def ";"
precedence @PunctuationPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l punct symbol { semicolon } r
def ","
precedence @PunctuationPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l punct symbol { comma } r
def col
precedence @PunctuationPrec
associativity left
left l
right r
l punct symbol { colon } r
# #
# Ordinary symbols (to get Roman font) - continued #
# #
def "0" { zero }
def "1" { one }
def "2" { two }
def "3" { three }
def "4" { four }
def "5" { five }
def "6" { six }
def "7" { seven }
def "8" { eight }
def "9" { nine }
# #
# The result object #
# #
basefont @Font
{ Slope xheight2mark nostrut } @Font { initialspace } @Space
{ @CurrStyleVar @Yield initialstyle } @SetContext {
{ @CrampedVar @Yield initiallycramped } @SetContext {
@End @Math
# #
# In-line equations #
# #
macro @M { @HContract @VContract @Math initialstyle { "text" } }