@Title { Summary }
This section is a complete list of the symbols provided by
{@Code "@Eq"}. We divide them into auxiliary, parameterized, short names
(further divided into relations, binary operators, and punctuation),
and full names. The auxiliary symbols are:
@ID @Tab
vmargin { 0.5vx }
@Fmta { @Col A ! @Col B }
A { @Code "`" }
B { Thin space }
A { @Code "``" }
B { Medium space }
A { @Code "```" }
B { Thick space }
A { @Code "bin x" }
B { Treat @Code x as a binary operator }
A { @Code "rel x" }
B { Treat @Code x as a relation }
A { @Code "punct x" }
B { Treat @Code x as a punctuation symbol }
A { @Code "non x" }
B { Remove spaces normally put into @Code x }
A { @Code "vctr x" }
B { Centre @Code x vertically
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.vctr @SubIndex { @Code "vctr" symbol }
vctr.equations @Index { @Code "vctr" symbol (equations) }
A { @Code "big x" }
B { Make @Code x larger }
A { @Code "small x" }
B { Make @Code x smaller }
Here are all the parameterized symbols, shown in groups of equal
precedence, with the precedence itself at right:
@ID @OneRow lines @Break {
@Code "matrix pmatrix bmatrix brmatrix fmatrix cmatrix amatrix not" (100)
@Code "dot dotdot hat tilde vec dyad overbar underbar" (62)
@Code "sup sub tsub supp" (60) @Code "on ton" (61)
@Code "from to widefrom wideto" (58)
@Code "sqrt root" (56)
@Code "over frac" (54)
@Code "col lcol ccol rcol mcol" (52)
@Code "row axisrow" (50)
# @Code "above labove cabove rabove mabove" (52)
# @Code "nextcol" (50)
See Section {@NumberOf symbols} for examples of matrices. Here are some
examples of the other symbols:
@LI {
@Code "x dot"
@Eq { x dot }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.dot @SubIndex { @Code "dot" symbol }
dot.equations @Index { @Code "dot" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "x dotdot"
@Eq { x dotdot }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.dotdot @SubIndex { @Code "dotdot" symbol }
dotdot.equations @Index { @Code "dotdot" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "x hat"
@Eq { x hat }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.hat @SubIndex { @Code "hat" symbol }
hat.equations @Index { @Code "hat" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "x tilde"
@Eq { x tilde }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.tilde @SubIndex { @Code "tilde" symbol }
tilde.equations @Index { @Code "tilde" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "x vec"
@Eq { x vec }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.vec @SubIndex { @Code "vec" symbol }
vec.equations @Index { @Code "vec" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "x dyad"
@Eq { x dyad }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.dyad @SubIndex { @Code "dyad" symbol }
dyad.equations @Index { @Code "dyad" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "x+y overbar"
@Eq { x+y overbar }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.overbar @SubIndex { @Code "overbar" symbol }
overbar.equations @Index { @Code "overbar" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "x+y underbar"
@Eq { x+y underbar }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.underbar @SubIndex { @Code "underbar" symbol }
underbar.equations @Index { @Code "underbar" symbol (equations) }
These marks are centred over the preceding object, except the last two
which are extended to the width of the object.
@LI {
@Code "a sup b"
@Eq {a sup b}
@LI {
@Code "a sub b"
@Eq {a sub b}
@LI {
@Code "W tsub b"
@Eq {W tsub b}
@LI {
@Code "a supp b on c"
@Eq {a supp b on c}
@LI {
@Code "W supp b ton c"
@Eq {W supp b ton c}
Note that @Code "supp" and @Code "on" (or {@Code "ton"}) must be used
together as shown; @Code "tsub" and @Code "ton" are exactly like
@Code "sub" and @Code "on" except that the subscript is tucked in.
@LI {
@Code "big sum from i"
@Eq {big sum from i}
@LI {
@Code "big prod to j"
@Eq {big prod to j}
@LI {
@Code { "{a, ... , z} widefrom"
"{90d @Rotate blbrace}" }
@Eq { {a, ... , z} widefrom {90d @Rotate blbrace} }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.widefrom @SubIndex { @Code "widefrom" symbol }
widezzzfrom.equations @Index { @Code "widefrom" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "{a, ... , z} wideto minus"
@Eq { {a, ... , z} wideto minus }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.wideto @SubIndex { @Code "wideto" symbol }
widezzzto.equations @Index { @Code "wideto" symbol (equations) }
@Code "widefrom" and @Code "wideto" are like @Code "from" and
@Code "to" except that they horizontally scale the right parameter
to the width of the left.
@LI {
@Code "sqrt {x over y}"
@Eq { sqrt {x over y} }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.sqrt @SubIndex { @Code "sqrt" symbol }
sqrt.equations @Index { @Code "sqrt" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "3 root {x over y}"
@Eq { 3 root {x over y} }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.root @SubIndex { @Code "root" symbol }
root.equations @Index { @Code "root" symbol (equations) }
The left parameter of @Code "root" may be any object. Here are
four ways to denote division:
@LI {
@Code "2 over 3"
@Eq { 2 over 3 }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.over @SubIndex { @Code "over" symbol }
over.equations @Index { @Code "over" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "2 frac 3"
@Eq { 2 frac 3 }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.frac @SubIndex { @Code "frac" symbol }
frac.equations @Index { @Code "frac" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "2 div 3"
@Eq { 2 div 3 }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.div @SubIndex { @Code "div" symbol }
div.equations @Index { @Code "div" symbol (equations) }
@LI {
@Code "2 slash 3"
@Eq { 2 slash 3 }
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.slash @SubIndex { @Code "slash" symbol }
slash.equations @Index { @Code "slash" symbol (equations) }
The @Code "div" symbol is a binary operator (see below), and
@Code "slash" is the full name for the @Code "/" character from
the Adobe Symbol font. You can't use @Code "/" itself, because
it is one of Lout's special symbols.
The following short names define relations (that is, they have a thick
space on each side):
ragged @Break {
"<" @Dbl @Eq { < }
">" @Dbl @Eq { > }
"=" @Dbl @Eq { = }
"<=" @Dbl @Eq { <= }
"prec" @Dbl @Eq { prec }
"preceq" @Dbl @Eq { preceq }
"<<" @Dbl @Eq { << }
"subset" @Dbl @Eq { subset }
"subseteq" @Dbl @Eq { subseteq }
"sqsubseteq" @Dbl @Eq { sqsubseteq }
"in" @Dbl @Eq { in }
"vdash" @Dbl @Eq { vdash }
"smile" @Dbl @Eq { smile }
"frown" @Dbl @Eq { frown }
">=" @Dbl @Eq { >= }
"succ" @Dbl @Eq { succ }
"succeq" @Dbl @Eq { succeq }
">>" @Dbl @Eq { >> }
"supset" @Dbl @Eq { supset }
"supseteq" @Dbl @Eq { supseteq }
"sqsupseteq" @Dbl @Eq { sqsupseteq }
"ni" @Dbl @Eq { ni }
"dashv" @Dbl @Eq { dashv }
"mid" @Dbl @Eq { mid }
"parallel" @Dbl @Eq { parallel }
"==" @Dbl @Eq { == }
"~" @Dbl @Eq { ~ }
"-~" @Dbl @Eq { -~ }
"asymp" @Dbl @Eq { asymp }
"~~" @Dbl @Eq { ~~ }
"=~" @Dbl @Eq { =~ }
"bowtie" @Dbl @Eq { bowtie }
"propto" @Dbl @Eq { propto }
"models" @Dbl @Eq { models }
"doteq" @Dbl @Eq { doteq }
"trieq" @Dbl @Eq { trieq }
"perp" @Dbl @Eq { perp }
"notsub" @Dbl @Eq { notsub }
"notin" @Dbl @Eq { notin }
"!=" @Dbl @Eq { != }
"<->" @Dbl @Eq { <-> }
"<--" @Dbl @Eq { <-- }
"-->" @Dbl @Eq { --> }
"up" @Dbl @Eq { up }
"down" @Dbl @Eq { down }
"<=>" @Dbl @Eq { <=> }
"<==" @Dbl @Eq { <== }
"==>" @Dbl @Eq { ==> }
"dblup" @Dbl @Eq { dblup }
"dbldown" @Dbl @Eq { dbldown }
":" @Dbl @Eq { : }
"::" @Dbl @Eq { :: }
":=" @Dbl @Eq { := }
These can be negated by preceding them with {@Code "not"}, as in
equations. @RawIndex { equations }
equations.not @SubIndex { @Code "not" symbol }
not.equations @Index { @Code "not" symbol (equations) }
negation. @Index { negation of equation symbols }
{@Code "not =="}, for example, which yields {@Eq { not == }}. The
following short names define binary operators (medium space on each side):
ragged @Break {
"+" @Dbl @Eq { + }
"-" @Dbl @Eq { - }
"+-" @Dbl @Eq { +- }
"-+" @Dbl @Eq { -+ }
"setminus" @Dbl @Eq { setminus }
"cdot" @Dbl @Eq { cdot }
"times" @Dbl @Eq { times }
"*" @Dbl @Eq { * }
"circ" @Dbl @Eq { circ }
"div" @Dbl @Eq { div }
"cap" @Dbl @Eq { cap }
"cup" @Dbl @Eq { cup }
"uplus" @Dbl @Eq { uplus }
"sqcap" @Dbl @Eq { sqcap }
"sqcup" @Dbl @Eq { sqcup }
"triangleleft" @Dbl @Eq { triangleleft }
"triangleright" @Dbl @Eq { triangleright }
"wr" @Dbl @Eq { wr }
"bigcirc" @Dbl @Eq { bigcirc }
"bigtriangleup" @Dbl @Eq { bigtriangleup }
"bigtriangledown"@Dbl @Eq { bigtriangledown }
"vee" @Dbl @Eq { vee }
"wedge" @Dbl @Eq { wedge }
"oplus" @Dbl @Eq { oplus }
"ominus" @Dbl @Eq { ominus }
"otimes" @Dbl @Eq { otimes }
"oslash" @Dbl @Eq { oslash }
"odot" @Dbl @Eq { odot }
"dagger" @Dbl @Eq { dagger }
"daggerdbl" @Dbl @Eq { daggerdbl }
"amalg" @Dbl @Eq { amalg }
The following names define arrow symbols (no extra space):
ragged @Break {
"leftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { leftarrow }
"longleftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { longleftarrow }
"dblleftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dblleftarrow }
"dbllongleftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dbllongleftarrow }
"rightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { rightarrow }
"longrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { longrightarrow }
"dblrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dblrightarrow }
"dbllongrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dbllongrightarrow }
"leftrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { leftrightarrow }
"longleftrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { longleftrightarrow }
"dblleftrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dblleftrightarrow }
{ 1.15i @Wide @HScale "dbllongleftrightarrow" } @Dbl @Eq { dbllongleftrightarrow }
"mapsto" @Dbl @Eq { mapsto }
"longmapsto" @Dbl @Eq { longmapsto }
"hookleftarrow" @Dbl @Eq { hookleftarrow }
"hookrightarrow" @Dbl @Eq { hookrightarrow }
"leadsto" @Dbl @Eq { leadsto }
"leftharpoonup" @Dbl @Eq { leftharpoonup }
"rightharpoonup" @Dbl @Eq { rightharpoonup }
"leftharpoondown" @Dbl @Eq { leftharpoondown }
"rightharpoondown" @Dbl @Eq { rightharpoondown }
"rightleftharpoons" @Dbl @Eq { rightleftharpoons }
"uparrow" @Dbl @Eq { uparrow }
"dbluparrow" @Dbl @Eq { dbluparrow }
"downarrow" @Dbl @Eq { downarrow }
"dbldownarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dbldownarrow }
"updownarrow" @Dbl @Eq { updownarrow }
"dblupdownarrow" @Dbl @Eq { dblupdownarrow }
"nearrow" @Dbl @Eq { nearrow }
"searrow" @Dbl @Eq { searrow }
"swarrow" @Dbl @Eq { swarrow }
"nwarrow" @Dbl @Eq { nwarrow }
The following names define punctuation symbols (thin space on the
right-hand side):
ragged @Break {
";" @Dbl @Eq { ; }
"," @Dbl @Eq { , }
"col" @Dbl @Eq { col }
The following symbols are used in ways typified by the large sum and
product symbols. In display equations they should be preceded by the
@Code "big" symbol:
ragged @Break {
"sum" @Dbl @Eq { sum }
"prod" @Dbl @Eq { prod }
"coprod" @Dbl @Eq { coprod }
"int" @Dbl @Eq { int }
"oint" @Dbl @Eq { oint }
"bcap" @Dbl @Eq { bcap }
"bcup" @Dbl @Eq { bcup }
"bvee" @Dbl @Eq { bvee }
"bwedge" @Dbl @Eq { bwedge }
"bodot" @Dbl @Eq { bodot }
"botimes" @Dbl @Eq { botimes }
"boplus" @Dbl @Eq { boplus }
"buplus" @Dbl @Eq { buplus }
The following symbols are defined so that they will appear in Roman,
as is conventional for them in equations:
ragged @Break {
"arccos" @Dbl @Eq { arccos }
"arcsin" @Dbl @Eq { arcsin }
"arctan" @Dbl @Eq { arctan }
"arg" @Dbl @Eq { arg }
"cos" @Dbl @Eq { cos }
"cosh" @Dbl @Eq { cosh }
"cot" @Dbl @Eq { cot }
"coth" @Dbl @Eq { coth }
"csc" @Dbl @Eq { csc }
"deg" @Dbl @Eq { deg }
"det" @Dbl @Eq { det }
"dim" @Dbl @Eq { dim }
"exp" @Dbl @Eq { exp }
"gcd" @Dbl @Eq { gcd }
"hom" @Dbl @Eq { hom }
"inf" @Dbl @Eq { inf }
"ker" @Dbl @Eq { ker }
"lg" @Dbl @Eq { lg }
"lim" @Dbl @Eq { lim }
"liminf" @Dbl @Eq { liminf }
"limsup" @Dbl @Eq { limsup }
"ln" @Dbl @Eq { ln }
"log" @Dbl @Eq { log }
"max" @Dbl @Eq { max }
"min" @Dbl @Eq { min }
"Pr" @Dbl @Eq { Pr }
"sec" @Dbl @Eq { sec }
"sin" @Dbl @Eq { sin }
"sinh" @Dbl @Eq { sinh }
"supr" @Dbl @Eq { supr }
"tan" @Dbl @Eq { tan }
"tanh" @Dbl @Eq { tanh }
"mod" @Dbl @Eq { mod }
The following symbols are also defined to ensure that they will appear
in Roman:
ragged @Break {
"0" @Dbl @Eq { 0 }
"1" @Dbl @Eq { 1 }
"2" @Dbl @Eq { 2 }
"3" @Dbl @Eq { 3 }
"4" @Dbl @Eq { 4 }
"5" @Dbl @Eq { 5 }
"6" @Dbl @Eq { 6 }
"7" @Dbl @Eq { 7 }
"8" @Dbl @Eq { 8 }
"9" @Dbl @Eq { 9 }
"!" @Dbl @Eq { ! }
"?" @Dbl @Eq { ? }
"%" @Dbl @Eq { % }
"(" @Dbl @Eq { ( }
")" @Dbl @Eq { ) }
"[" @Dbl @Eq { [ }
"]" @Dbl @Eq { ] }
The following symbols make good @Code atleft and @Code atright parameters
of the @Code matrix symbol:
ragged @Break {
"lpar" @Dbl @Eq { lpar }
"blpar" @Dbl @Eq { blpar }
"rpar" @Dbl @Eq { rpar }
"brpar" @Dbl @Eq { brpar }
"lbrack" @Dbl @Eq { lbrack }
"blbrack" @Dbl @Eq { blbrack }
"rbrack" @Dbl @Eq { rbrack }
"brbrack" @Dbl @Eq { brbrack }
"lbrace" @Dbl @Eq { lbrace }
"blbrace" @Dbl @Eq { blbrace }
"rbrace" @Dbl @Eq { rbrace }
"brbrace" @Dbl @Eq { brbrace }
"lfloor" @Dbl @Eq { lfloor }
"blfloor" @Dbl @Eq { blfloor }
"rfloor" @Dbl @Eq { rfloor }
"brfloor" @Dbl @Eq { brfloor }
"lceil" @Dbl @Eq { lceil }
"blceil" @Dbl @Eq { blceil }
"rceil" @Dbl @Eq { rceil }
"brceil" @Dbl @Eq { brceil }
"langle" @Dbl @Eq { langle }
"blangle" @Dbl @Eq { blangle }
"rangle" @Dbl @Eq { rangle }
"brangle" @Dbl @Eq { brangle }
Here are some miscellaneous symbols:
ragged @Break {
"hbar" @Dbl @Eq { hbar }
"Re" @Dbl @Eq { Re }
"Im" @Dbl @Eq { Im }
"partial" @Dbl @Eq { partial }
"infty" @Dbl @Eq { infty }
"prime" @Dbl @Eq { prime }
"nabla" @Dbl @Eq { nabla }
"surd" @Dbl @Eq { surd }
"top" @Dbl @Eq { top }
"bot" @Dbl @Eq { bot }
"dbar" @Dbl @Eq { dbar }
"triangle" @Dbl @Eq { triangle }
"backslash" @Dbl @Eq { backslash }
"forall" @Dbl @Eq { forall }
"exists" @Dbl @Eq { exists }
"neg" @Dbl @Eq { neg }
"circle" @Dbl @Eq { circle }
"filledcircle" @Dbl @Eq { filledcircle }
"square" @Dbl @Eq { square }
"ldots" @Dbl @Eq { ldots }
"cdots" @Dbl @Eq { cdots }
"vdots" @Dbl @Eq { vdots }
"ddots" @Dbl @Eq { ddots }
"del" @Dbl @Eq { del }
"grad" @Dbl @Eq { grad }
"triangleup" @Dbl @Eq { triangleup }
"triangledown" @Dbl @Eq { triangledown }
"..." @Dbl @Eq { ... }
",...," @Dbl @Eq { ,..., }
"half" @Dbl @Eq { half }
"third" @Dbl @Eq { third }
"'" @Dbl @Eq { ' }
"empty" @Dbl @Eq { empty }
Finally, here is the long list of full names from the Adobe Symbol font;
these are as for the @Code "@Sym" symbol of Section {@NumberOf characters},
but within equations you don't type {@Code "@Sym"}:
ragged @Break {
"space" @Dbl @Eq { space }
"exclam" @Dbl @Eq { exclam }
"universal" @Dbl @Eq { universal }
"numbersign" @Dbl @Eq { numbersign }
"existential" @Dbl @Eq { existential }
"percent" @Dbl @Eq { percent }
"ampersand" @Dbl @Eq { ampersand }
"suchthat" @Dbl @Eq { suchthat }
"parenleft" @Dbl @Eq { parenleft }
"parenright" @Dbl @Eq { parenright }
"asteriskmath" @Dbl @Eq { asteriskmath }
"plus" @Dbl @Eq { plus }
"comma" @Dbl @Eq { comma }
"minus" @Dbl @Eq { minus }
"period" @Dbl @Eq { period }
"slash" @Dbl @Eq { slash }
"zero" @Dbl @Eq { zero }
"one" @Dbl @Eq { one }
"two" @Dbl @Eq { two }
"three" @Dbl @Eq { three }
"four" @Dbl @Eq { four }
"five" @Dbl @Eq { five }
"six" @Dbl @Eq { six }
"seven" @Dbl @Eq { seven }
"eight" @Dbl @Eq { eight }
"nine" @Dbl @Eq { nine }
"colon" @Dbl @Eq { colon }
"semicolon" @Dbl @Eq { semicolon }
"less" @Dbl @Eq { less }
"equal" @Dbl @Eq { equal }
"greater" @Dbl @Eq { greater }
"question" @Dbl @Eq { question }
"congruent" @Dbl @Eq { congruent }
"Alpha" @Dbl @Eq { Alpha }
"Beta" @Dbl @Eq { Beta }
"Chi" @Dbl @Eq { Chi }
"Delta" @Dbl @Eq { Delta }
"Epsilon" @Dbl @Eq { Epsilon }
"Phi" @Dbl @Eq { Phi }
"Gamma" @Dbl @Eq { Gamma }
"Eta" @Dbl @Eq { Eta }
"Iota" @Dbl @Eq { Iota }
"thetaone" @Dbl @Eq { thetaone }
"Kappa" @Dbl @Eq { Kappa }
"Lambda" @Dbl @Eq { Lambda }
"Mu" @Dbl @Eq { Mu }
"Nu" @Dbl @Eq { Nu }
"Omicron" @Dbl @Eq { Omicron }
"Pi" @Dbl @Eq { Pi }
"Theta" @Dbl @Eq { Theta }
"Rho" @Dbl @Eq { Rho }
"Sigma" @Dbl @Eq { Sigma }
"Tau" @Dbl @Eq { Tau }
"Upsilon" @Dbl @Eq { Upsilon }
"sigmaone" @Dbl @Eq { sigmaone }
"Omega" @Dbl @Eq { Omega }
"Xi" @Dbl @Eq { Xi }
"Psi" @Dbl @Eq { Psi }
"Zeta" @Dbl @Eq { Zeta }
"bracketleft" @Dbl @Eq { bracketleft }
"therefore" @Dbl @Eq { therefore }
"bracketright" @Dbl @Eq { bracketright }
"perpendicular" @Dbl @Eq { perpendicular }
"underscore" @Dbl @Eq { underscore }
"radicalex" @Dbl @Eq { radicalex }
"alpha" @Dbl @Eq { alpha }
"beta" @Dbl @Eq { beta }
"chi" @Dbl @Eq { chi }
"delta" @Dbl @Eq { delta }
"epsilon" @Dbl @Eq { epsilon }
"phi" @Dbl @Eq { phi }
"gamma" @Dbl @Eq { gamma }
"eta" @Dbl @Eq { eta }
"iota" @Dbl @Eq { iota }
"phione" @Dbl @Eq { phione }
"kappa" @Dbl @Eq { kappa }
"lambda" @Dbl @Eq { lambda }
"mu" @Dbl @Eq { mu }
"nu" @Dbl @Eq { nu }
"omicron" @Dbl @Eq { omicron }
"pi" @Dbl @Eq { pi }
"theta" @Dbl @Eq { theta }
"rho" @Dbl @Eq { rho }
"sigma" @Dbl @Eq { sigma }
"tau" @Dbl @Eq { tau }
"upsilon" @Dbl @Eq { upsilon }
"omegaone" @Dbl @Eq { omegaone }
"omega" @Dbl @Eq { omega }
"xi" @Dbl @Eq { xi }
"psi" @Dbl @Eq { psi }
"zeta" @Dbl @Eq { zeta }
"braceleft" @Dbl @Eq { braceleft }
"bar" @Dbl @Eq { bar }
"braceright" @Dbl @Eq { braceright }
"similar" @Dbl @Eq { similar }
"Upsilonone" @Dbl @Eq { Upsilonone }
"minute" @Dbl @Eq { minute }
"lessequal" @Dbl @Eq { lessequal }
"fraction" @Dbl @Eq { fraction }
"infinity" @Dbl @Eq { infinity }
"florin" @Dbl @Eq { florin }
"club" @Dbl @Eq { club }
"diamond" @Dbl @Eq { diamond }
"heart" @Dbl @Eq { heart }
"spade" @Dbl @Eq { spade }
"arrowboth" @Dbl @Eq { arrowboth }
"arrowleft" @Dbl @Eq { arrowleft }
"arrowup" @Dbl @Eq { arrowup }
"arrowright" @Dbl @Eq { arrowright }
"arrowdown" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdown }
"degree" @Dbl @Eq { degree }
"plusminus" @Dbl @Eq { plusminus }
"second" @Dbl @Eq { second }
"greaterequal" @Dbl @Eq { greaterequal }
"multiply" @Dbl @Eq { multiply }
"proportional" @Dbl @Eq { proportional }
"partialdiff" @Dbl @Eq { partialdiff }
"bullet" @Dbl @Eq { bullet }
"divide" @Dbl @Eq { divide }
"notequal" @Dbl @Eq { notequal }
"equivalence" @Dbl @Eq { equivalence }
"approxequal" @Dbl @Eq { approxequal }
"ellipsis" @Dbl @Eq { ellipsis }
"arrowvertex" @Dbl @Eq { arrowvertex }
"arrowhorizex" @Dbl @Eq { arrowhorizex }
"carriagereturn"@Dbl @Eq { carriagereturn }
"aleph" @Dbl @Eq { aleph }
"Ifraktur" @Dbl @Eq { Ifraktur }
"Rfraktur" @Dbl @Eq { Rfraktur }
"weierstrass" @Dbl @Eq { weierstrass }
"circlemultiply"@Dbl @Eq { circlemultiply }
"circleplus" @Dbl @Eq { circleplus }
"emptyset" @Dbl @Eq { emptyset }
"intersection" @Dbl @Eq { intersection }
"union" @Dbl @Eq { union }
"propersuperset"@Dbl @Eq { propersuperset }
"reflexsuperset"@Dbl @Eq { reflexsuperset }
"notsubset" @Dbl @Eq { notsubset }
"propersubset" @Dbl @Eq { propersubset }
"reflexsubset" @Dbl @Eq { reflexsubset }
"element" @Dbl @Eq { element }
"notelement" @Dbl @Eq { notelement }
"angle" @Dbl @Eq { angle }
"gradient" @Dbl @Eq { gradient }
"registerserif" @Dbl @Eq { registerserif }
"copyrightserif"@Dbl @Eq { copyrightserif }
"trademarkserif"@Dbl @Eq { trademarkserif }
"product" @Dbl @Eq { product }
"radical" @Dbl @Eq { radical }
"dotmath" @Dbl @Eq { dotmath }
"logicalnot" @Dbl @Eq { logicalnot }
"logicaland" @Dbl @Eq { logicaland }
"logicalor" @Dbl @Eq { logicalor }
"arrowdblboth" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdblboth }
"arrowdblleft" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdblleft }
"arrowdblup" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdblup }
"arrowdblright" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdblright }
"arrowdbldown" @Dbl @Eq { arrowdbldown }
"lozenge" @Dbl @Eq { lozenge }
"angleleft" @Dbl @Eq { angleleft }
"registersans" @Dbl @Eq { registersans }
"copyrightsans" @Dbl @Eq { copyrightsans }
"trademarksans" @Dbl @Eq { trademarksans }
"summation" @Dbl @Eq { summation }
"parenlefttp" @Dbl @Eq { parenlefttp }
"parenleftex" @Dbl @Eq { parenleftex }
"parenleftbt" @Dbl @Eq { parenleftbt }
"bracketlefttp" @Dbl @Eq { bracketlefttp }
"bracketleftex" @Dbl @Eq { bracketleftex }
"bracketleftbt" @Dbl @Eq { bracketleftbt }
"bracelefttp" @Dbl @Eq { bracelefttp }
"braceleftmid" @Dbl @Eq { braceleftmid }
"braceleftbt" @Dbl @Eq { braceleftbt }
"braceex" @Dbl @Eq { braceex }
"angleright" @Dbl @Eq { angleright }
"integral" @Dbl @Eq { integral }
"integraltp" @Dbl @Eq { integraltp }
"integralex" @Dbl @Eq { integralex }
"integralbt" @Dbl @Eq { integralbt }
"parenrighttp" @Dbl @Eq { parenrighttp }
"parenrightex" @Dbl @Eq { parenrightex }
"parenrightbt" @Dbl @Eq { parenrightbt }
"bracketrighttp"@Dbl @Eq { bracketrighttp }
"bracketrightex"@Dbl @Eq { bracketrightex }
"bracketrightbt"@Dbl @Eq { bracketrightbt }
"bracerighttp" @Dbl @Eq { bracerighttp }
"bracerightmid" @Dbl @Eq { bracerightmid }
"bracerightbt" @Dbl @Eq { bracerightbt }
The names given are the same as Adobe's, as used by the @Code "@Sym"
symbol, except in a few places where the Adobe name contains a digit,
which is not possible for a symbol name in Lout.
@End @Section