path: root/doc/user/ap_qck
blob: 092673d69b9e7bf42c622fdc298f071e7591f560 (plain) (tree)


    @Title { Lout Quick Reference Guide }
10p @Font 1.15fx @Break @OneCol
@Tab @Fmta { @Col 20c @Wide A ! @Col 20c @Wide B }
@Rowa A {
@Heading { 1.  Running Lout }
@LD @Code {
"lout filename > postscript.ps"

@Heading { 2.  Ordinary documents (simple form) }
@LD @Code {
"@SysInclude { doc }"
"@Doc @Text @Begin"
"@End @Text"

@Heading { 3.  Ordinary documents (full form) }
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"@SysInclude { doc }"
"    @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }"
"    @InitialBreak { adjust 1.2fx hyphen }"
"    @InitialLanguage { English }"
"    @PageHeaders { Simple }"
"    @FirstPageNumber { 1 }"
"    @ColumnNumber { 1 }"
"    @PageOrientation { Portrait }"
"@Text @Begin"
"@Section ... @End @Section"
"@End @Text"

@Heading { 4.  Technical reports }
@LD @Code {
"@SysInclude { report }"
"    @Title { ... }"
"    @Author { ... }"
"    @Institution { ... }"
"    @DateLine { No }"
"    @CoverSheet { Yes }"
"    @InitialFont { Times Base 12p }"
"    @InitialBreak { adjust 1.2fx hyphen }"
"    @InitialLanguage { English }"
"    @PageHeaders { Simple }"
"    @FirstPageNumber { 1 }"
"    @ColumnNumber { 1 }"
"    @Abstract { ... }"
"@Section ... @End @Section"
"@Appendix ... @End @Appendix"

B {
@Heading { 5.  Large-scale structure symbols }
@LI @Code {
"    @Title { ... }"
"    @RunningTitle { ... }"
"    @Tag { ... }"
"@End @Section"
@LI lines @Break {
@Code "@Section / @SubSection / @SubSubSection"
@Code "@Appendix / @SubAppendix / @SubSubAppendix"
@Code "@BeginSubSections" ... @Code "@EndSubSections" if inner.

@Heading { 6.  Cross references }
@LD @Tab
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    B { "@PageOf foo" }
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@Heading { 7.  Font changes }
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@LI @Code {
"{ family face size } @Font { ... }"
@LI @Code {
"Times  Helvetica  Courier  ..."
"Base  Slope  Bold  BoldSlope  ..."
"10p  12p  +2p  -2p  2.0f  ..."

@Heading { 8.  Paragraph breaking styles }
@LI @Code {
"{ breakstyle linesep hyphen } @Break { ... }"
@LI @Code {
"adjust  ragged  lines  clines  ..."
"1.2fx  2vx  0.9vx  ..."
"hyphen  nohyphen"

@Heading { 9.  New paragraph and new page }
@LD @Tab
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@Rowa A { "@PP"  } B { Plain paragraph }
@Rowa A { "@LP"  } B { Left paragraph }
@Rowa A { "@LLP" } B { New line }
@Rowa A { "@DP"  } B { Display paragraph }
@Rowa A { "@NP"  } B { New page }
@Rowa A { "@CNP" } B { Conditional new page }

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10p @Font 1.15fx @Break @OneCol
@Tab @Fmta { @Col 20c @Wide A ! @Col 20c @Wide B }
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@Heading { 10.  Displays and headings }
@LI @Code {
"@CD @Heading { A centred heading }"
"@ID { An indented display }"
@LI @Tab
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@Rowa A { "@D"  } B { "@Display" }
@Rowa A { "@LD" } B { "@LeftDisplay" }
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@Rowa A { "@CD" } B { "@CentredDisplay" }
@Rowa             B { "@CenteredDisplay" }
@Rowa             B { "@RightDisplay" }

@Heading { 11. Lists}
@LI @Code {
"@ListItem { A list item }"
"@ListItem { Another list item }"
@LI @Tab
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@LI @Code {
"@TagItem { label } { A list item }"
"@TagItem { label } { Another list item }"
@LI @Tab
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@Heading { 12.  Footnotes, endnotes, margin notes }
@LD @Tab
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    vmargin { 0.5vx }
    A { "@FootNote { ... }"  }
    B { "@EndNote { ... }"   }
    A { "@LeftNote { ... }"  }
    B { "@RightNote { ... }" }
    A { "@OuterNote { ... }" }
    B { "@InnerNote { ... }" }

B {
@Heading { 13.  Floating figures and tables }
@LD @Tab
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    A {
"    @Caption { ... }"
"    @Tag { ... }"
"@End @Figure"
    B {
"    @Caption { ... }"
"    @Tag { ... }"
"@End @Table"

@Heading { 14.  Tables }
@LD @Code {
"@SysInclude { tbl }"
"@SysInclude { doc }"
"    aformat { @Cell A | @Cell B }"
"    marginvertical { 0.5vx }"
"    A { ... }"
"    B { ... }"
"    ..."

@Heading { 15.  Equations }
@LD @Code {
"@SysInclude { eq }"
"@SysInclude { doc }"
"@Eq { sum from i=0 to n { r sup i over sqrt pi } }"

@Heading { 16.  Basic graphics }
@LD @Code {
"grey @Colour { ... }"
"gray @Color { ... }"
"@Box { ... }"
"@CurveBox { ... }"
"@ShadowBox { ... }"
"60d @Rotate { ... }"
"0.71 @Scale { ... }"
"@QuotedDisplay @Scale { ... }"
"@IncludeGraphic filename.eps"

@Heading { 17.  Miscellaneous }
@LD lines @Break {
@Code "@Underline { will be underlined }"
@Code "@Date"
@Code "@Time"
@Code "German @Language { ... }"
@Code "\# comment to end of line"
@Code "\"#&/@^{}|~\""   (enclose these characters in quotes)
} # end second table
@End @Appendix