path: root/previousAttempts/jython/imapArchive.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'previousAttempts/jython/imapArchive.py')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/previousAttempts/jython/imapArchive.py b/previousAttempts/jython/imapArchive.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f965c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/previousAttempts/jython/imapArchive.py
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# note http://docs.python.org/lib/module-doctest.html
+# resp. file:///usr/share/doc/python-docs-*/html/lib/module-doctest.html
+# for testing
+from __future__ import division
+from java.util import Properties, Date
+from java.lang import System
+from javax.mail import *
+from jarray import array
+import sys, os
+from datetime import date
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+def __getMessageDate(msg):
+ """
+ Return the date of the message
+ @param msg analyzed message
+ @return GregorianCalendar of the messages date
+ @throws MessagingException
+ """
+ dateMS = msg.getReceivedDate().getTime()//1000
+ dateStruct = date.fromtimestamp(dateMS)
+ return dateStruct
+class ArchivableFolder(list):
+ def __init__(self,source,year):
+ """
+ Constructor for the folder.
+ @param source folder from the messages should be archived
+ @param year int of the year for which the messages are
+ archived
+ """
+ self.sourceFolder = source
+ targetName = self.__getArchiveFolderName(source.getFullName(), year)
+ self.targetFolder = self.sourceFolder.getFolder(targetName)
+ def __getArchiveFolderName(self,srcFldName,year):
+ """
+ @param folder string with the folder name
+ @param year int
+ @return
+ """
+ archFolder = "INBOX/Archiv/"
+ rootLen = len("INBOX/")
+ if not(srcFldName[:rootLen]=="/INBOX/"):
+ raise FolderNotFoundException(\
+ "We expect all folders to be under INBOX folder.")
+ baseName = srcFldName[rootLen:]
+ archFolder = "/" + archFolder + year + "/" + baseName
+ return archFolder
+ def add(self,msg):
+ self.append(msg)
+ def doArchive(self):
+ if debug:
+ for message in self:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Moving %s from %s to %s." \
+ % (message,self.sourceFolder.getFullName(),
+ self.targetFolder.getFullName())
+ else:
+ self.sourceFolder.copyMessages(array(self,Message),\
+ self.targetFolder)
+ for message in self:
+ message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true)
+ self.sourceFolder.expunge()
+class Archives(dict):
+ """Collects archivable folders indexed by tuple of
+ folderName and year
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def add(self,msg):
+ """
+ Check whether the ArchivableFolder (@see ArchivableFolder)
+ for the particular year actually exists, and if not then create
+ it. In any event add
+ @param msg
+ """
+ fld = msg.getFolder()
+ msgDate = __getMessageDate(msg)
+ year = msgDate.year
+ if not(self.search(fld, year)):
+ archfld = ArchivableFolder(fld,year)
+ self[self.__createKey(fld,year)] = archfld
+ def __createKey(self,name,year):
+ """
+ Create a key for the list
+ @param fldName String with the full name of the folder
+ @param year int of the year of the messages to be stored
+ there
+ @return tuple consisting from the both parameters of
+ this function.
+ """
+ return(name,year)
+ def search(self,fld,year):
+ """
+ Find out whether the object with the key consisting of
+ the folder name and year exists in this object.
+ @param fld Folder where the message is stored
+ @param year int year of the message date
+ @return boolean saying whether the folder for this message
+ has been already added to this object.
+ """
+ key = self.__createKey(fld.getFullName(), year)
+ return self.has_key(key)
+ def archive(self):
+ for key in self:
+ self.doArchive()
+class ArchivedStore(object):
+ def __init__(self,paramServer="localhost",paramUser="",paramPassword=""):
+ self.props = System.getProperties()
+ self.session = Session.getInstance(self.props,None)
+ self.props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore", "/home/matej/.keystore")
+ self.props.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", "/home/matej/.keystore")
+ if debug:
+ self.session.setDebug(True)
+ try:
+ self.store = self.session.getStore("imaps")
+ except:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot get Store"
+ raise
+ self._threeMonthAgo = date.today()
+ newmonth = self._threeMonthAgo.month-3
+ self._threeMonthAgo = self._threeMonthAgo.replace(month=newmonth)
+ conffile = os.path.expanduser("~/.bugzillarc")
+ confUser = ConfigParser()
+ defSection = "localhost"
+ user,host,port,password = self.props.getProperty("user.name"),\
+ "localhost",993,""
+ if confUser.read(conffile):
+ if confUser.has_section(defSection):
+ if confUser.has_option(defSection, "name"):
+ user = confUser.get(defSection, "name")
+ if confUser.has_option(defSection, "host"):
+ host = confUser.get(defSection, "host")
+ if confUser.has_option(defSection, "port"):
+ port = confUser.get(defSection, "port")
+ if confUser.has_option(defSection, "password"):
+ password = confUser.get(defSection, "password")
+ if paramServer:
+ host=paramServer
+ if paramUser:
+ user=paramUser
+ if paramPassword:
+ password=paramPassword
+ print >>sys.stderr,"host = %s, user = %s, password = %s" % \
+ (host,user,password)
+ self.__login(host,user,password)
+ def __login(self,server,user,password):
+ try:
+ self.store.connect(server,user,password)
+ except:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot connect to %s as %s with password %s" %\
+ (server,user,password)
+ raise
+ def archive(self):
+ inboxfolder = self.store.getDefaultFolder().getFolder("INBOX")
+ folderList=inboxfolder.list('*')
+ for folder in folderList:
+ if folder.getFullName()[:len("INBOX/Archiv")] != "INBOX/Archiv":
+ archMsgsCnt = self.__archiveFolder(folder)
+ #folder.close(False)
+ print "Processed messages = %d" % archMsgsCnt
+ def __archiveFolder(self,fld):
+ fld.open(Folder.READ_WRITE)
+ for msg in fld.getMessages():
+ msgDate = __getMessageDate(msg)
+ print >>sys.stderr,str(msgDate),str(self._threeMonthAgo)
+ if msgDate < self._threeMonthAgo:
+ archFolder = self.__getArchiveFolderName(msg)
+# print >> sys.stderr, archFolder
+# fld.copyMessages(array([msg],type(msg)), archFolder)
+# msg.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true)
+ print "%s -> %s : %s" % (fld.getFullName(),
+ archFolder.getFullName(),msgDate)
+ folderLen = len(fld.getMessages())
+ fld.close(False)
+ return(folderLen)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+ myStore = ArchivedStore(paramPassword="lubdkc")
+ myStore.archive()
+ myStore.store.close() \ No newline at end of file