import imaplib
import logging
import os.path
import re
import subprocess
from collections import namedtuple
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
log = logging.getLogger('check_bogofilter')
# imaplib.Debug = 4
pattern_uid = re.compile(r'\d+ \(UID (?P<uid>\d+)\)')
# Store capabilities present in the current server
# Add additional ones as needed
AvailableCapabilities = namedtuple('Capas', ['MOVE', 'UIDPLUS'])
def parse_uid(data):
match = pattern_uid.match(data)
return match.group('uid')
def move_messages(ids, target):
# Eventually we may move messages in groups of say 50
if len(ids) > 0:
ids_str = ','.join(ids)
client.uid('COPY', ids_str, target)
client.uid('STORE', ids_str, '+FLAGS', r'(\Deleted)')
if client._features_available.UIDPLUS:
client.uid('EXPUNGE', ids_str)
def process_folder(proc_fld_name, target_fld, unsure_fld, spam_fld=None,
ham_msgs = []
spam_msgs = []
unsure_msgs = []
_, resp = client.search(None, "UNSEEN")
log.debug('resp = %s', resp)
messages = resp[0].split()
logging.debug('messages = %s', messages)
proc_msg_count = len(messages)
for msgId in messages:
logging.debug('msgId = %s', msgId)
typ, msg_data = client.fetch(msgId, '(RFC822)')
log.debug('fetch RFC822 result = %s', typ)
# The -p (passthrough) option outputs the message with an
# X-Bogosity line at the end of the message header. This requires
# keeping the entire message in memory when it's read from stdin
# (or from a pipe or socket). If the message is read from a file
# that can be rewound, bogofilter will read it a second time.
# The -e (embed) option tells bogofilter to exit with code 0 if
# the message can be classified, i.e. if there is not an error.
# Normally bogofilter uses different codes for spam, ham, and
# unsure classifications, but this simplifies using bogofilter
# with procmail or maildrop.
ret = subprocess.Popen(['bogofilter'] + bogofilter_param,
out, err = ret.communicate(input=msg_data[0][1])
ret_code = ret.returncode
logging.debug("ret.returncode = %s", ret_code)
log.debug('----------------------------\nerr:\n%s', err)
typ, data = client.fetch(msgId, "(UID)")
log.debug('fetch UID result = %s, %s', typ, data)
uid = parse_uid(data[0])
log.debug('UID = %s', uid)
if ret_code == 0: # spam
elif ret_code == 1: # ham
elif ret_code == 2: # unsure
else: # 3 or something else I/O error
raise IOError('Bogofilter failed with error %d', ret_code)
move_messages(unsure_msgs, unsure_fld)
log.debug('ham_msgs = %s, spam_msgs = %s' % (ham_msgs, spam_msgs))
if ham_msgs:
if spam_fld is None:
client.uid('STORE', ','.join(ham_msgs), '-FLAGS', r'(\Seen)')
if spam_msgs:
if spam_fld is not None:
move_messages(spam_msgs, spam_fld)
client.uid('STORE', ','.join(spam_msgs),
'+FLAGS.SILENT', r'(\Deleted \Seen)')
client.uid('EXPUNGE', ','.join(spam_msgs))
return proc_msg_count
processedCounter = 0
config = ConfigParser()
login = config.get("imap-training", "login")
password = config.get("imap-training", "password")
server = config.get("imap-training", "server")
client = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(server)
client._features_available = AvailableCapabilities(False, False)
client.login(login, password)
ok, dat = client.capability()
if ok != 'OK':
raise client.error(dat[-1])
capas = dat[0].decode()
client._features_available = AvailableCapabilities._make(
['MOVE' in capas, 'UIDPLUS' in capas])
processedCounter += process_folder('INBOX', '_suspects', '_unsure', '_spam')
if processedCounter > 0:
logging.info("Processed %d messages.", processedCounter)