#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function
DEBUG_USE_ORDERED_DICTIONARY = False # OrderedDict is supoorted >= python 2.7.
""" set to True to use OrderedDict for K8RESCProcessor.parsetag.tattr."""
from collections import OrderedDict as dict_
dict_ = dict
from .compatibility_utils import unicode_str
from .mobi_utils import fromBase32
_OPF_PARENT_TAGS = ['xml', 'package', 'metadata', 'dc-metadata',
'x-metadata', 'manifest', 'spine', 'tours', 'guide']
class K8RESCProcessor(object):
def __init__(self, data, debug=False):
self._debug = debug
self.resc = None
self.opos = 0
self.extrameta = []
self.cover_name = None
self.spine_idrefs = {}
self.spine_order = []
self.spine_pageattributes = {}
self.spine_ppd = None
# need3 indicate the book has fields which require epub3.
# but the estimation of the source epub version from the fields is difficult.
self.need3 = False
self.package_ver = None
self.extra_metadata = []
self.refines_metadata = []
self.extra_attributes = []
# get header
start_pos = data.find(b'<')
self.resc_header = data[:start_pos]
# get resc data length
start = self.resc_header.find(b'=') + 1
end = self.resc_header.find(b'&', start)
resc_size = 0
if end > 0:
resc_size = fromBase32(self.resc_header[start:end])
resc_rawbytes = len(data) - start_pos
if resc_rawbytes == resc_size:
self.resc_length = resc_size
# Most RESC has a nul string at its tail but some do not.
end_pos = data.find(b'\x00', start_pos)
if end_pos < 0:
self.resc_length = resc_rawbytes
self.resc_length = end_pos - start_pos
if self.resc_length != resc_size:
print("Warning: RESC section length({:d}bytes) does not match its size({:d}bytes).".format(self.resc_length, resc_size))
# now parse RESC after converting it to unicode from utf-8
self.resc = unicode_str(data[start_pos:start_pos+self.resc_length])
except UnicodeDecodeError:
self.resc = unicode_str(data[start_pos:start_pos+self.resc_length], enc='latin-1')
def prepend_to_spine(self, key, idref, linear, properties):
self.spine_order = [key] + self.spine_order
self.spine_idrefs[key] = idref
attributes = {}
if linear is not None:
attributes['linear'] = linear
if properties is not None:
attributes['properties'] = properties
self.spine_pageattributes[key] = attributes
# RESC tag iterator
def resc_tag_iter(self):
tcontent = last_tattr = None
prefix = ['']
while True:
text, tag = self.parseresc()
if text is None and tag is None:
if text is not None:
tcontent = text.rstrip(' \r\n')
else: # we have a tag
ttype, tname, tattr = self.parsetag(tag)
if ttype == 'begin':
tcontent = None
prefix.append(tname + '.')
if tname in _OPF_PARENT_TAGS:
yield ''.join(prefix), tname, tattr, tcontent
last_tattr = tattr
else: # single or end
if ttype == 'end':
tattr = last_tattr
last_tattr = None
if tname in _OPF_PARENT_TAGS:
tname += '-end'
yield ''.join(prefix), tname, tattr, tcontent
tcontent = None
# now parse the RESC to extract spine and extra metadata info
def parseData(self):
for prefix, tname, tattr, tcontent in self.resc_tag_iter():
if self._debug:
print(" Parsing RESC: ", prefix, tname, tattr, tcontent)
if tname == 'package':
self.package_ver = tattr.get('version', '2.0')
package_prefix = tattr.get('prefix','')
if self.package_ver.startswith('3') or package_prefix.startswith('rendition'):
self.need3 = True
if tname == 'spine':
self.spine_ppd = tattr.get('page-progession-direction', None)
if self.spine_ppd is not None and self.spine_ppd == 'rtl':
self.need3 = True
if tname == 'itemref':
skelid = tattr.pop('skelid', None)
if skelid is None and len(self.spine_order) == 0:
# assume it was removed initial coverpage
skelid = 'coverpage'
tattr['linear'] = 'no'
idref = tattr.pop('idref', None)
if idref is not None:
idref = 'x_' + idref
self.spine_idrefs[skelid] = idref
if 'id' in tattr:
del tattr['id']
# tattr["id"] = 'x_' + tattr["id"]
if 'properties' in tattr:
self.need3 = True
self.spine_pageattributes[skelid] = tattr
if tname == 'meta' or tname.startswith('dc:'):
if 'refines' in tattr or 'property' in tattr:
self.need3 = True
if tattr.get('name','') == 'cover':
cover_name = tattr.get('content',None)
if cover_name is not None:
cover_name = 'x_' + cover_name
self.cover_name = cover_name
self.extrameta.append([tname, tattr, tcontent])
# parse and return either leading text or the next tag
def parseresc(self):
p = self.opos
if p >= len(self.resc):
return None, None
if self.resc[p] != '<':
res = self.resc.find('<',p)
if res == -1 :
res = len(self.resc)
self.opos = res
return self.resc[p:res], None
# handle comment as a special case
if self.resc[p:p+4] == '<!--':
te = self.resc.find('-->',p+1)
if te != -1:
te = te+2
te = self.resc.find('>',p+1)
ntb = self.resc.find('<',p+1)
if ntb != -1 and ntb < te:
self.opos = ntb
return self.resc[p:ntb], None
self.opos = te + 1
return None, self.resc[p:te+1]
# parses tag to identify: [tname, ttype, tattr]
# tname: tag name
# ttype: tag type ('begin', 'end' or 'single');
# tattr: dictionary of tag atributes
def parsetag(self, s):
p = 1
tname = None
ttype = None
tattr = dict_()
while s[p:p+1] == ' ' :
p += 1
if s[p:p+1] == '/':
ttype = 'end'
p += 1
while s[p:p+1] == ' ' :
p += 1
b = p
while s[p:p+1] not in ('>', '/', ' ', '"', "'",'\r','\n') :
p += 1
# some special cases
if tname == '?xml':
tname = 'xml'
if tname == '!--':
ttype = 'single'
comment = s[p:-3].strip()
tattr['comment'] = comment
if ttype is None:
# parse any attributes of begin or single tags
while s.find('=',p) != -1 :
while s[p:p+1] == ' ' :
p += 1
b = p
while s[p:p+1] != '=' :
p += 1
aname = s[b:p].lower()
aname = aname.rstrip(' ')
p += 1
while s[p:p+1] == ' ' :
p += 1
if s[p:p+1] in ('"', "'") :
p = p + 1
b = p
while s[p:p+1] not in ('"', "'"):
p += 1
val = s[b:p]
p += 1
else :
b = p
while s[p:p+1] not in ('>', '/', ' ') :
p += 1
val = s[b:p]
tattr[aname] = val
if ttype is None:
ttype = 'begin'
if s.find('/',p) >= 0:
ttype = 'single'
return ttype, tname, tattr
def taginfo_toxml(self, taginfo):
res = []
tname, tattr, tcontent = taginfo
res.append('<' + tname)
if tattr is not None:
for key in tattr:
res.append(' ' + key + '="'+tattr[key]+'"')
if tcontent is not None:
res.append('>' + tcontent + '</' + tname + '>\n')
return "".join(res)
def hasSpine(self):
return len(self.spine_order) > 0
def needEPUB3(self):
return self.need3
def hasRefines(self):
for [tname, tattr, tcontent] in self.extrameta:
if 'refines' in tattr:
return True
return False
def createMetadata(self, epubver):
for taginfo in self.extrameta:
tname, tattr, tcontent = taginfo
if 'refines' in tattr:
if epubver == 'F' and 'property' in tattr:
attr = ' id="%s" opf:%s="%s"\n' % (tattr['refines'], tattr['property'], tcontent)
tag = self.taginfo_toxml(taginfo)
tag = self.taginfo_toxml(taginfo)