#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:softtabstop=4:smarttab:expandtab
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function
import os
__path__ = ["lib", os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "kindleunpack"]
import sys
import codecs
import traceback
from .compatibility_utils import PY2, binary_type, utf8_str, unicode_str
from .compatibility_utils import unicode_argv, add_cp65001_codec
from .compatibility_utils import hexlify
from .unipath import pathof
if PY2:
range = xrange
# since will be printing unicode under python 2 need to protect
# against sys.stdout.encoding being None stupidly forcing forcing ascii encoding
if sys.stdout.encoding is None:
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(sys.stdout)
encoding = sys.stdout.encoding
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(encoding)(sys.stdout)
# Changelog
# 0.11 - Version by adamselene
# 0.11pd - Tweaked version by pdurrant
# 0.12 - extracts pictures too, and all into a folder.
# 0.13 - added back in optional output dir for those who don't want it based on infile
# 0.14 - auto flush stdout and wrapped in main, added proper return codes
# 0.15 - added support for metadata
# 0.16 - metadata now starting to be output as an opf file (PD)
# 0.17 - Also created tweaked text as source for Mobipocket Creator
# 0.18 - removed raw mobi file completely but kept _meta.html file for ease of conversion
# 0.19 - added in metadata for ASIN, Updated Title and Rights to the opf
# 0.20 - remove _meta.html since no longer needed
# 0.21 - Fixed some typos in the opf output, and also updated handling
# of test for trailing data/multibyte characters
# 0.22 - Fixed problem with > 9 images
# 0.23 - Now output Start guide item
# 0.24 - Set firstaddl value for 'TEXtREAd'
# 0.25 - Now added character set metadata to html file for utf-8 files.
# 0.26 - Dictionary support added. Image handling speed improved.
# For huge files create temp files to speed up decoding.
# Language decoding fixed. Metadata is now converted to utf-8 when written to opf file.
# 0.27 - Add idx:entry attribute "scriptable" if dictionary contains entry length tags.
# Don't save non-image sections as images. Extract and save source zip file
# included by kindlegen as kindlegensrc.zip.
# 0.28 - Added back correct image file name extensions, created FastConcat class to simplify and clean up
# 0.29 - Metadata handling reworked, multiple entries of the same type are now supported.
# Several missing types added.
# FastConcat class has been removed as in-memory handling with lists is faster, even for huge files.
# 0.30 - Add support for outputting **all** metadata values - encode content with hex if of unknown type
# 0.31 - Now supports Print Replica ebooks, outputting PDF and mysterious data sections
# 0.32 - Now supports NCX file extraction/building.
# Overhauled the structure of mobiunpack to be more class oriented.
# 0.33 - Split Classes ito separate files and added prelim support for KF8 format eBooks
# 0.34 - Improved KF8 support, guide support, bug fixes
# 0.35 - Added splitting combo mobi7/mobi8 into standalone mobi7 and mobi8 files
# Also handle mobi8-only file properly
# 0.36 - very minor changes to support KF8 mobis with no flow items, no ncx, etc
# 0.37 - separate output, add command line switches to control, interface to Mobi_Unpack.pyw
# 0.38 - improve split function by resetting flags properly, fix bug in Thumbnail Images
# 0.39 - improve split function so that ToC info is not lost for standalone mobi8s
# 0.40 - make mobi7 split match official versions, add support for graphic novel metadata,
# improve debug for KF8
# 0.41 - fix when StartOffset set to 0xffffffff, fix to work with older mobi versions,
# fix other minor metadata issues
# 0.42 - add new class interface to allow it to integrate more easily with internal calibre routines
# 0.43 - bug fixes for new class interface
# 0.44 - more bug fixes and fix for potnetial bug caused by not properly closing created zip archive
# 0.45 - sync to version in the new Mobi_Unpack plugin
# 0.46 - fixes for: obfuscated fonts, improper toc links and ncx, add support for opentype fonts
# 0.47 - minor opf improvements
# 0.48 - ncx link fixes
# 0.49 - use azw3 when splitting mobis
# 0.50 - unknown change
# 0.51 - fix for converting filepos links to hrefs, Added GPL3 notice, made KF8 extension just '.azw3'
# 0.52 - fix for cover metadata (no support for Mobipocket Creator)
# 0.53 - fix for proper identification of embedded fonts, added new metadata items
# 0.54 - Added error-handling so wonky embedded fonts don't bomb the whole unpack process,
# entity escape KF8 metadata to ensure valid OPF.
# 0.55 Strip extra StartOffset EXTH from the mobi8 header when splitting, keeping only the relevant one
# For mobi8 files, don't generate duplicate guide entries from the metadata if we could extract one
# from the OTH table.
# 0.56 - Added further entity escaping of OPF text.
# Allow unicode string file paths to be passed as arguments to the unpackBook method without blowing up later
# when the attempt to "re"-unicode a portion of that filename occurs in the process_all_mobi_headers method.
# 0.57 - Fixed eror when splitting Preview files downloaded from KDP website
# 0.58 - Output original kindlegen build log ('CMET' record) if included in the package.
# 0.58 - Include and extend functionality of DumpMobiHeader, replacing DEBUG with DUMP
# 0.59 - Much added DUMP functionality, including full dumping and descriptions of sections
# 0.60 - Bug fixes in opf, div tables, bad links, page breaks, section descriptions
# - plus a number of other bug fixed that were found by Sergey Dubinets
# - fixs for file/paths that require full unicode to work properly
# - replace subprocess with multiprocessing to remove need for unbuffered stdout
# 0.61 - renamed to be KindleUnpack and more unicode/utf-8 path bug fixes and other minor fixes
# 0.62 - fix for multiprocessing on Windows, split fixes, opf improvements
# 0.63 - Modified to process right to left page progression books properly.
# - Added some id_map_strings and RESC section processing; metadata and
# - spine in the RESC are integrated partly to content.opf.
# 0.63a- Separated K8 RESC processor to an individual file. Bug fixes. Added cover page creation.
# 0.64 - minor bug fixes to more properly handle unicode command lines, and support for more jpeg types
# 0.64a- Modifed to handle something irregular mobi and azw3 files.
# 0.64b- Modifed to create k8resc.spine for no RECS files.
# 0.65 - Bug fixes to shorten title and remove epub3 "properties" to make the output epub2 compliant
# 0.65a- Bug fixes to extract RESC section correctly, to prevent item id confliction
# - and to process multiline comments in RESC.
# 0.66 - Bug fix to deal with missing first resource information sometimes generated by calibre
# 0.66a- Fixed minor bugs, which probably do not affect the output anything
# 0.67 - Fixed Mobi Split functionality bug with azw3 images not being properly copied
# 0.68 - preliminary support for handling PAGE sections to create page-map.xml
# 0.69 - preliminary support for CONT and CRES for HD Images
# 0.70 - preliminary support for decoding apnx files when used with azw3 ebooks
# 0.71 - extensive refactoring of kindleunpack.py to make it more manageable
# 0.72 - many bug fixes from tkeo: fix pageProcessing, fix print replica, fix resc usage, fix font mangling, etc.
# 0.72a- fix for still broken PrintReplica support
# 0.72b- preview for primary epub3 support. A parameter epubver(default='2') is added to process_all_mobi_headers(), unpackBook().
# 0.72c- preview for apnx page support
# 0.72d- more bugs fixed in preview features, much improved GUI with ability to dynaically grow the Log Window with preference support
# 0.72e- more bug fixes, Tk GUI adds support for epub version and HDImage use
# 0.72f- more bug fixes, implement use hd images if present
# 0.72g- minor bug fixes and cleanups from tkeo
# 0.72h- updated mobi_header and mobi_k8proc to use the correct fragment and guide terms in place of div and other
# to better match the terms that both Calibre and Amazon use internally to their own software
# 0.72x- very experimental conversion to use new mobi_k8resc.py and some of its associated changes
# 0.72y- more changes to simplify and integrate in epub3 support in a simpler manner
# 0.72z- remove redundancy in mobi_opf.py and bug fixes for mobi_k8resc.py
# 0.73 faster mobi split, numerous bug fixes in mobi_k8proc, mobi_header, mobi_opf, mobi_k8resc, etc
# 0.74 added refines metadata, fixed language code in ncx and title in nav, added support for opf: from refines
# 0.75 much improved dictioanry support including support for multiple inflection sections, minor mobi_opf fixes
# 0.76 pre-release version only fix name related issues in opf by not using original file name in mobi7
# 0.77 bug fix for unpacking HDImages with included Fonts
# 0.80 converted to work with both python 2.7 and Python 3.3 and later
# 0.81 various fixes
# 0.82 Handle calibre-generated mobis that can have skeletons with no fragments
# 0.83 Fix header item 114 being mistakenly treated as a string instead of a value
DUMP = False
""" Set to True to dump all possible information. """
""" Set to True to create additional files with raw data for debugging/reverse engineering. """
""" Set to True to split combination mobis into mobi7 and mobi8 pieces. """
CREATE_COVER_PAGE = True # XXX experimental
""" Create and insert a cover xhtml page. """
EOF_RECORD = b'\xe9\x8e' + b'\r\n'
""" The EOF record content. """
TERMINATION_INDICATOR3 = b'\x00\x00\x00'
KINDLEGENSRC_FILENAME = "kindlegensrc.zip"
""" The name for the kindlegen source archive. """
KINDLEGENLOG_FILENAME = "kindlegenbuild.log"
""" The name for the kindlegen build log. """
""" The section data that divides K8 mobi ebooks. """
import os
import struct
import re
import zlib
import getopt
class unpackException(Exception):
# import the kindleunpack support libraries
from .unpack_structure import fileNames
from .mobi_sectioner import Sectionizer, describe
from .mobi_header import MobiHeader, dump_contexth
from .mobi_utils import toBase32
from .mobi_opf import OPFProcessor
from .mobi_html import HTMLProcessor, XHTMLK8Processor
from .mobi_ncx import ncxExtract
from .mobi_k8proc import K8Processor
from .mobi_split import mobi_split
from .mobi_k8resc import K8RESCProcessor
from .mobi_nav import NAVProcessor
from .mobi_cover import CoverProcessor, get_image_type
from .mobi_pagemap import PageMapProcessor
from .mobi_dict import dictSupport
def processSRCS(i, files, rscnames, sect, data):
# extract the source zip archive and save it.
print("File contains kindlegen source archive, extracting as %s" % KINDLEGENSRC_FILENAME)
srcname = os.path.join(files.outdir, KINDLEGENSRC_FILENAME)
with open(pathof(srcname), 'wb') as f:
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Zipped Source Files")
return rscnames
def processPAGE(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, mh, pagemapproc):
# process any page map information and create an apnx file
pagemapproc = PageMapProcessor(mh, data)
apnx_meta = {}
acr = sect.palmname.decode('latin-1').rstrip('\x00')
apnx_meta['acr'] = acr
apnx_meta['cdeType'] = mh.metadata['cdeType'][0]
apnx_meta['contentGuid'] = hex(int(mh.metadata['UniqueID'][0]))[2:]
apnx_meta['asin'] = mh.metadata['ASIN'][0]
apnx_meta['pageMap'] = pagemapproc.getPageMap()
if mh.version == 8:
apnx_meta['format'] = 'MOBI_8'
apnx_meta['format'] = 'MOBI_7'
apnx_data = pagemapproc.generateAPNX(apnx_meta)
if mh.isK8():
outname = os.path.join(files.outdir, 'mobi8-'+files.getInputFileBasename() + '.apnx')
outname = os.path.join(files.outdir, 'mobi7-'+files.getInputFileBasename() + '.apnx')
with open(pathof(outname), 'wb') as f:
return rscnames, pagemapproc
def processCMET(i, files, rscnames, sect, data):
# extract the build log
print("File contains kindlegen build log, extracting as %s" % KINDLEGENLOG_FILENAME)
srcname = os.path.join(files.outdir, KINDLEGENLOG_FILENAME)
with open(pathof(srcname), 'wb') as f:
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Kindlegen log")
return rscnames
# fonts only exist in KF8 ebooks
# Format: bytes 0 - 3: 'FONT'
# bytes 4 - 7: uncompressed size
# bytes 8 - 11: flags
# flag bit 0x0001 - zlib compression
# flag bit 0x0002 - obfuscated with xor string
# bytes 12 - 15: offset to start of compressed font data
# bytes 16 - 19: length of xor string stored before the start of the comnpress font data
# bytes 20 - 23: start of xor string
def processFONT(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, obfuscate_data, beg, rsc_ptr):
fontname = "font%05d" % i
ext = '.dat'
font_error = False
font_data = data
usize, fflags, dstart, xor_len, xor_start = struct.unpack_from(b'>LLLLL',data,4)
print("Failed to extract font: {0:s} from section {1:d}".format(fontname,i))
font_error = True
ext = '.failed'
if not font_error:
print("Extracting font:", fontname)
font_data = data[dstart:]
extent = len(font_data)
extent = min(extent, 1040)
if fflags & 0x0002:
# obfuscated so need to de-obfuscate the first 1040 bytes
key = bytearray(data[xor_start: xor_start+ xor_len])
buf = bytearray(font_data)
for n in range(extent):
buf[n] ^= key[n%xor_len]
font_data = bytes(buf)
if fflags & 0x0001:
# ZLIB compressed data
font_data = zlib.decompress(font_data)
hdr = font_data[0:4]
if hdr == b'\0\1\0\0' or hdr == b'true' or hdr == b'ttcf':
ext = '.ttf'
elif hdr == b'OTTO':
ext = '.otf'
print("Warning: unknown font header %s" % hexlify(hdr))
if (ext == '.ttf' or ext == '.otf') and (fflags & 0x0002):
obfuscate_data.append(fontname + ext)
fontname += ext
outfnt = os.path.join(files.imgdir, fontname)
with open(pathof(outfnt), 'wb') as f:
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Font {0:s}".format(fontname))
if rsc_ptr == -1:
rsc_ptr = i - beg
return rscnames, obfuscate_data, rsc_ptr
def processCRES(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, beg, rsc_ptr, use_hd):
# extract an HDImage
global DUMP
data = data[12:]
imgtype = get_image_type(None, data)
if imgtype is None:
print("Warning: CRES Section %s does not contain a recognised resource" % i)
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Mysterious CRES data, first four bytes %s" % describe(data[0:4]))
if DUMP:
fname = "unknown%05d.dat" % i
outname= os.path.join(files.outdir, fname)
with open(pathof(outname), 'wb') as f:
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Mysterious CRES data, first four bytes %s extracting as %s" % (describe(data[0:4]), fname))
rsc_ptr += 1
return rscnames, rsc_ptr
if use_hd:
# overwrite corresponding lower res image with hd version
imgname = rscnames[rsc_ptr]
imgdest = files.imgdir
imgname = "HDimage%05d.%s" % (i, imgtype)
imgdest = files.hdimgdir
print("Extracting HD image: {0:s} from section {1:d}".format(imgname,i))
outimg = os.path.join(imgdest, imgname)
with open(pathof(outimg), 'wb') as f:
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Optional HD Image {0:s}".format(imgname))
rsc_ptr += 1
return rscnames, rsc_ptr
def processCONT(i, files, rscnames, sect, data):
global DUMP
# process a container header, most of this is unknown
# right now only extract its EXTH
dt = data[0:12]
if dt == b"CONTBOUNDARY":
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"CONTAINER BOUNDARY")
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"CONT Header")
if DUMP:
cpage, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L', data, 12)
contexth = data[48:]
print("\n\nContainer EXTH Dump")
dump_contexth(cpage, contexth)
fname = "CONT_Header%05d.dat" % i
outname= os.path.join(files.outdir, fname)
with open(pathof(outname), 'wb') as f:
return rscnames
def processkind(i, files, rscnames, sect, data):
global DUMP
dt = data[0:12]
if dt == b"kindle:embed":
if DUMP:
print("\n\nHD Image Container Description String")
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"HD Image Container Description String")
return rscnames
# spine information from the original content.opf
def processRESC(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, k8resc):
global DUMP
if DUMP:
rescname = "RESC%05d.dat" % i
print("Extracting Resource: ", rescname)
outrsc = os.path.join(files.outdir, rescname)
with open(pathof(outrsc), 'wb') as f:
if True: # try:
# parse the spine and metadata from RESC
k8resc = K8RESCProcessor(data[16:], DUMP)
else: # except:
print("Warning: cannot extract information from RESC.")
k8resc = None
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"K8 RESC section")
return rscnames, k8resc
def processImage(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, beg, rsc_ptr, cover_offset, thumb_offset):
global DUMP
# Extract an Image
imgtype = get_image_type(None, data)
if imgtype is None:
print("Warning: Section %s does not contain a recognised resource" % i)
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Mysterious Section, first four bytes %s" % describe(data[0:4]))
if DUMP:
fname = "unknown%05d.dat" % i
outname= os.path.join(files.outdir, fname)
with open(pathof(outname), 'wb') as f:
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Mysterious Section, first four bytes %s extracting as %s" % (describe(data[0:4]), fname))
return rscnames, rsc_ptr
imgname = "image%05d.%s" % (i, imgtype)
if cover_offset is not None and i == beg + cover_offset:
imgname = "cover%05d.%s" % (i, imgtype)
if thumb_offset is not None and i == beg + thumb_offset:
imgname = "thumb%05d.%s" % (i, imgtype)
print("Extracting image: {0:s} from section {1:d}".format(imgname,i))
outimg = os.path.join(files.imgdir, imgname)
with open(pathof(outimg), 'wb') as f:
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Image {0:s}".format(imgname))
if rsc_ptr == -1:
rsc_ptr = i - beg
return rscnames, rsc_ptr
def processPrintReplica(metadata, files, rscnames, mh):
global DUMP
rawML = mh.getRawML()
outraw = os.path.join(files.outdir,files.getInputFileBasename() + '.rawpr')
with open(pathof(outraw),'wb') as f:
fileinfo = []
print("Print Replica ebook detected")
numTables, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L', rawML, 0x04)
tableIndexOffset = 8 + 4*numTables
# for each table, read in count of sections, assume first section is a PDF
# and output other sections as binary files
for i in range(numTables):
sectionCount, = struct.unpack_from(b'>L', rawML, 0x08 + 4*i)
for j in range(sectionCount):
sectionOffset, sectionLength, = struct.unpack_from(b'>LL', rawML, tableIndexOffset)
tableIndexOffset += 8
if j == 0:
entryName = os.path.join(files.outdir, files.getInputFileBasename() + ('.%03d.pdf' % (i+1)))
entryName = os.path.join(files.outdir, files.getInputFileBasename() + ('.%03d.%03d.data' % ((i+1),j)))
with open(pathof(entryName), 'wb') as f:
except Exception as e:
print('Error processing Print Replica: ' + str(e))
fileinfo.append([None,'', files.getInputFileBasename() + '.pdf'])
usedmap = {}
for name in rscnames:
if name is not None:
usedmap[name] = 'used'
opf = OPFProcessor(files, metadata, fileinfo, rscnames, False, mh, usedmap)
def processMobi8(mh, metadata, sect, files, rscnames, pagemapproc, k8resc, obfuscate_data, apnxfile=None, epubver='2'):
global DUMP
# extract raw markup langauge
rawML = mh.getRawML()
outraw = os.path.join(files.k8dir,files.getInputFileBasename() + '.rawml')
with open(pathof(outraw),'wb') as f:
# KF8 require other indexes which contain parsing information and the FDST info
# to process the rawml back into the xhtml files, css files, svg image files, etc
k8proc = K8Processor(mh, sect, files, DUMP)
# collect information for the guide first
guidetext = unicode_str(k8proc.getGuideText())
# if the guide was empty, add in any guide info from metadata, such as StartOffset
if not guidetext and 'StartOffset' in metadata:
# Apparently, KG 2.5 carries over the StartOffset from the mobi7 part...
# Taking that into account, we only care about the *last* StartOffset, which
# should always be the correct one in these cases (the one actually pointing
# to the right place in the mobi8 part).
starts = metadata['StartOffset']
last_start = starts[-1]
last_start = int(last_start)
if last_start == 0xffffffff:
last_start = 0
seq, idtext = k8proc.getFragTblInfo(last_start)
filename, idtext = k8proc.getIDTagByPosFid(toBase32(seq), b'0000000000')
linktgt = filename
idtext = unicode_str(idtext, mh.codec)
if idtext != '':
linktgt += '#' + idtext
guidetext += '<reference type="text" href="Text/%s" />\n' % linktgt
# if apnxfile is passed in use it for page map information
if apnxfile is not None and pagemapproc is None:
with open(apnxfile, 'rb') as f:
apnxdata = b"00000000" + f.read()
pagemapproc = PageMapProcessor(mh, apnxdata)
# generate the page map
pagemapxml = ''
if pagemapproc is not None:
pagemapxml = pagemapproc.generateKF8PageMapXML(k8proc)
outpm = os.path.join(files.k8oebps,'page-map.xml')
with open(pathof(outpm),'wb') as f:
if DUMP:
print("\n\nPage Map")
# process the toc ncx
# ncx map keys: name, pos, len, noffs, text, hlvl, kind, pos_fid, parent, child1, childn, num
print("Processing ncx / toc")
ncx = ncxExtract(mh, files)
ncx_data = ncx.parseNCX()
# extend the ncx data with filenames and proper internal idtags
for i in range(len(ncx_data)):
ncxmap = ncx_data[i]
[junk1, junk2, junk3, fid, junk4, off] = ncxmap['pos_fid'].split(':')
filename, idtag = k8proc.getIDTagByPosFid(fid, off)
ncxmap['filename'] = filename
ncxmap['idtag'] = unicode_str(idtag)
ncx_data[i] = ncxmap
# convert the rawML to a set of xhtml files
print("Building an epub-like structure")
htmlproc = XHTMLK8Processor(rscnames, k8proc)
usedmap = htmlproc.buildXHTML()
# write out the xhtml svg, and css files
# fileinfo = [skelid|coverpage, dir, name]
fileinfo = []
# first create a cover page if none exists
cover = CoverProcessor(files, metadata, rscnames)
cover_img = utf8_str(cover.getImageName())
need_to_create_cover_page = False
if cover_img is not None:
if k8resc is None or not k8resc.hasSpine():
part = k8proc.getPart(0)
if part.find(cover_img) == -1:
need_to_create_cover_page = True
if "coverpage" not in k8resc.spine_idrefs:
part = k8proc.getPart(int(k8resc.spine_order[0]))
if part.find(cover_img) == -1:
k8resc.prepend_to_spine("coverpage", "inserted", "no", None)
if k8resc.spine_order[0] == "coverpage":
need_to_create_cover_page = True
if need_to_create_cover_page:
filename = cover.getXHTMLName()
fileinfo.append(["coverpage", 'Text', filename])
guidetext += cover.guide_toxml()
n = k8proc.getNumberOfParts()
for i in range(n):
part = k8proc.getPart(i)
[skelnum, dir, filename, beg, end, aidtext] = k8proc.getPartInfo(i)
fileinfo.append([str(skelnum), dir, filename])
fname = os.path.join(files.k8oebps,dir,filename)
with open(pathof(fname),'wb') as f:
n = k8proc.getNumberOfFlows()
for i in range(1, n):
[ptype, pformat, pdir, filename] = k8proc.getFlowInfo(i)
flowpart = k8proc.getFlow(i)
if pformat == b'file':
fileinfo.append([None, pdir, filename])
fname = os.path.join(files.k8oebps,pdir,filename)
with open(pathof(fname),'wb') as f:
# create the opf
opf = OPFProcessor(files, metadata.copy(), fileinfo, rscnames, True, mh, usedmap,
pagemapxml=pagemapxml, guidetext=guidetext, k8resc=k8resc, epubver=epubver)
uuid = opf.writeOPF(bool(obfuscate_data))
if opf.hasNCX():
# Create a toc.ncx.
ncx.writeK8NCX(ncx_data, metadata)
if opf.hasNAV():
# Create a navigation document.
nav = NAVProcessor(files)
nav.writeNAV(ncx_data, guidetext, metadata)
# make an epub-like structure of it all
print("Creating an epub-like file")
files.makeEPUB(usedmap, obfuscate_data, uuid)
def processMobi7(mh, metadata, sect, files, rscnames):
global DUMP
# An original Mobi
rawML = mh.getRawML()
outraw = os.path.join(files.mobi7dir,files.getInputFileBasename() + '.rawml')
with open(pathof(outraw),'wb') as f:
# process the toc ncx
# ncx map keys: name, pos, len, noffs, text, hlvl, kind, pos_fid, parent, child1, childn, num
ncx = ncxExtract(mh, files)
ncx_data = ncx.parseNCX()
positionMap = {}
# if Dictionary build up the positionMap
if mh.isDictionary():
if mh.DictInLanguage():
metadata['DictInLanguage'] = [mh.DictInLanguage()]
if mh.DictOutLanguage():
metadata['DictOutLanguage'] = [mh.DictOutLanguage()]
positionMap = dictSupport(mh, sect).getPositionMap()
# convert the rawml back to Mobi ml
proc = HTMLProcessor(files, metadata, rscnames)
srctext = proc.findAnchors(rawML, ncx_data, positionMap)
srctext, usedmap = proc.insertHREFS()
# write the proper mobi html
# fname = files.getInputFileBasename() + '.html'
fname = 'book.html'
fileinfo.append([None,'', fname])
outhtml = os.path.join(files.mobi7dir, fname)
with open(pathof(outhtml), 'wb') as f:
# extract guidetext from srctext
guidetext =b''
# no pagemap support for older mobis
# pagemapxml = None
guidematch = re.search(br'''<guide>(.*)</guide>''',srctext,re.IGNORECASE+re.DOTALL)
if guidematch:
guidetext = guidematch.group(1)
# sometimes old mobi guide from srctext horribly written so need to clean up
guidetext = guidetext.replace(b"\r", b"")
guidetext = guidetext.replace(b'<REFERENCE', b'<reference')
guidetext = guidetext.replace(b' HREF=', b' href=')
guidetext = guidetext.replace(b' TITLE=', b' title=')
guidetext = guidetext.replace(b' TYPE=', b' type=')
# reference must be a self-closing tag
# and any href must be replaced with filepos information
ref_tag_pattern = re.compile(br'''(<reference [^>]*>)''', re.IGNORECASE)
guidepieces = ref_tag_pattern.split(guidetext)
for i in range(1,len(guidepieces), 2):
reftag = guidepieces[i]
# remove any href there now to replace with filepos
reftag = re.sub(br'''href\s*=[^'"]*['"][^'"]*['"]''',b'', reftag)
# make sure the reference tag ends properly
if not reftag.endswith(b"/>"):
reftag = reftag[0:-1] + b"/>"
guidepieces[i] = reftag
guidetext = b''.join(guidepieces)
replacetext = br'''href="'''+utf8_str(fileinfo[0][2])+ br'''#filepos\1"'''
guidetext = re.sub(br'''filepos=['"]{0,1}0*(\d+)['"]{0,1}''', replacetext, guidetext)
guidetext += b'\n'
if 'StartOffset' in metadata:
for value in metadata['StartOffset']:
if int(value) == 0xffffffff:
value = '0'
starting_offset = value
# get guide items from metadata
metaguidetext = b'<reference type="text" href="'+utf8_str(fileinfo[0][2])+b'#filepos'+utf8_str(starting_offset)+b'" />\n'
guidetext += metaguidetext
if isinstance(guidetext, binary_type):
guidetext = guidetext.decode(mh.codec)
# create an OPF
opf = OPFProcessor(files, metadata, fileinfo, rscnames, ncx.isNCX, mh, usedmap, guidetext=guidetext)
def processUnknownSections(mh, sect, files, K8Boundary):
global DUMP
if DUMP:
print("Unpacking any remaining unknown records")
beg = mh.start
end = sect.num_sections
if beg < K8Boundary:
# then we're processing the first part of a combination file
end = K8Boundary
for i in range(beg, end):
if sect.sectiondescriptions[i] == "":
data = sect.loadSection(i)
type = data[0:4]
description = "Termination Marker 3 Nulls"
description = "Termination Marker 2 Nulls"
description = "Termination Marker 1 Null"
elif type == "INDX":
fname = "Unknown%05d_INDX.dat" % i
description = "Unknown INDX section"
if DUMP:
outname= os.path.join(files.outdir, fname)
with open(pathof(outname), 'wb') as f:
print("Extracting %s: %s from section %d" % (description, fname, i))
description = description + ", extracting as %s" % fname
fname = "unknown%05d.dat" % i
description = "Mysterious Section, first four bytes %s" % describe(data[0:4])
if DUMP:
outname= os.path.join(files.outdir, fname)
with open(pathof(outname), 'wb') as f:
print("Extracting %s: %s from section %d" % (description, fname, i))
description = description + ", extracting as %s" % fname
sect.setsectiondescription(i, description)
def process_all_mobi_headers(files, apnxfile, sect, mhlst, K8Boundary, k8only=False, epubver='2', use_hd=False):
global DUMP
rscnames = []
rsc_ptr = -1
k8resc = None
obfuscate_data = []
for mh in mhlst:
pagemapproc = None
if mh.isK8():
sect.setsectiondescription(mh.start,"KF8 Header")
mhname = os.path.join(files.outdir,"header_K8.dat")
print("Processing K8 section of book...")
elif mh.isPrintReplica():
sect.setsectiondescription(mh.start,"Print Replica Header")
mhname = os.path.join(files.outdir,"header_PR.dat")
print("Processing PrintReplica section of book...")
if mh.version == 0:
sect.setsectiondescription(mh.start, "PalmDoc Header".format(mh.version))
sect.setsectiondescription(mh.start,"Mobipocket {0:d} Header".format(mh.version))
mhname = os.path.join(files.outdir,"header.dat")
print("Processing Mobipocket {0:d} section of book...".format(mh.version))
if DUMP:
# write out raw mobi header data
with open(pathof(mhname), 'wb') as f:
# process each mobi header
metadata = mh.getMetaData()
if mh.isEncrypted():
raise unpackException('Book is encrypted')
pagemapproc = None
# first handle all of the different resource sections: images, resources, fonts, and etc
# build up a list of image names to use to postprocess the ebook
print("Unpacking images, resources, fonts, etc")
beg = mh.firstresource
end = sect.num_sections
if beg < K8Boundary:
# processing first part of a combination file
end = K8Boundary
# Not sure the try/except is necessary, but just in case
thumb_offset = int(metadata.get('ThumbOffset', ['-1'])[0])
thumb_offset = None
cover_offset = int(metadata.get('CoverOffset', ['-1'])[0])
cover_offset = None
for i in range(beg, end):
data = sect.loadSection(i)
type = data[0:4]
# handle the basics first
if type in [b"FLIS", b"FCIS", b"FDST", b"DATP"]:
if DUMP:
fname = unicode_str(type) + "%05d" % i
if mh.isK8():
fname += "_K8"
fname += '.dat'
outname= os.path.join(files.outdir, fname)
with open(pathof(outname), 'wb') as f:
print("Dumping section {0:d} type {1:s} to file {2:s} ".format(i,unicode_str(type),outname))
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Type {0:s}".format(unicode_str(type)))
elif type == b"SRCS":
rscnames = processSRCS(i, files, rscnames, sect, data)
elif type == b"PAGE":
rscnames, pagemapproc = processPAGE(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, mh, pagemapproc)
elif type == b"CMET":
rscnames = processCMET(i, files, rscnames, sect, data)
elif type == b"FONT":
rscnames, obfuscate_data, rsc_ptr = processFONT(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, obfuscate_data, beg, rsc_ptr)
elif type == b"CRES":
rscnames, rsc_ptr = processCRES(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, beg, rsc_ptr, use_hd)
elif type == b"CONT":
rscnames = processCONT(i, files, rscnames, sect, data)
elif type == b"kind":
rscnames = processkind(i, files, rscnames, sect, data)
elif type == b'\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0':
rsc_ptr += 1
elif type == b"RESC":
rscnames, k8resc = processRESC(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, k8resc)
elif data == EOF_RECORD:
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"End Of File")
elif data[0:8] == b"BOUNDARY":
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"BOUNDARY Marker")
# if reached here should be an image ow treat as unknown
rscnames, rsc_ptr = processImage(i, files, rscnames, sect, data, beg, rsc_ptr, cover_offset, thumb_offset)
# done unpacking resources
# Print Replica
if mh.isPrintReplica() and not k8only:
processPrintReplica(metadata, files, rscnames, mh)
# KF8 (Mobi 8)
if mh.isK8():
processMobi8(mh, metadata, sect, files, rscnames, pagemapproc, k8resc, obfuscate_data, apnxfile, epubver)
# Old Mobi (Mobi 7)
elif not k8only:
processMobi7(mh, metadata, sect, files, rscnames)
# process any remaining unknown sections of the palm file
processUnknownSections(mh, sect, files, K8Boundary)
def unpackBook(infile, outdir, apnxfile=None, epubver='2', use_hd=False, dodump=False, dowriteraw=False, dosplitcombos=False):
global DUMP
if DUMP or dodump:
DUMP = True
if WRITE_RAW_DATA or dowriteraw:
if SPLIT_COMBO_MOBIS or dosplitcombos:
infile = unicode_str(infile)
outdir = unicode_str(outdir)
if apnxfile is not None:
apnxfile = unicode_str(apnxfile)
files = fileNames(infile, outdir)
# process the PalmDoc database header and verify it is a mobi
sect = Sectionizer(infile)
if sect.ident != b'BOOKMOBI' and sect.ident != b'TEXtREAd':
raise unpackException('Invalid file format')
if DUMP:
print("Palm DB type: %s, %d sections." % (sect.ident.decode('utf-8'),sect.num_sections))
# scan sections to see if this is a compound mobi file (K8 format)
# and build a list of all mobi headers to process.
mhlst = []
mh = MobiHeader(sect,0)
# if this is a mobi8-only file hasK8 here will be true
K8Boundary = -1
if mh.isK8():
print("Unpacking a KF8 book...")
hasK8 = True
# This is either a Mobipocket 7 or earlier, or a combi M7/KF8
# Find out which
hasK8 = False
for i in range(len(sect.sectionoffsets)-1):
before, after = sect.sectionoffsets[i:i+2]
if (after - before) == 8:
data = sect.loadSection(i)
if data == K8_BOUNDARY:
sect.setsectiondescription(i,"Mobi/KF8 Boundary Section")
mh = MobiHeader(sect,i+1)
hasK8 = True
K8Boundary = i
if hasK8:
print("Unpacking a Combination M{0:d}/KF8 book...".format(mh.version))
# if this is a combination mobi7-mobi8 file split them up
mobisplit = mobi_split(infile)
if mobisplit.combo:
outmobi7 = os.path.join(files.outdir, 'mobi7-'+files.getInputFileBasename() + '.mobi')
outmobi8 = os.path.join(files.outdir, 'mobi8-'+files.getInputFileBasename() + '.azw3')
with open(pathof(outmobi7), 'wb') as f:
with open(pathof(outmobi8), 'wb') as f:
print("Unpacking a Mobipocket {0:d} book...".format(mh.version))
if hasK8:
process_all_mobi_headers(files, apnxfile, sect, mhlst, K8Boundary, False, epubver, use_hd)
if DUMP:
def usage(progname):
print(" Unpacks an unencrypted Kindle/MobiPocket ebook to html and images")
print(" or an unencrypted Kindle/Print Replica ebook to PDF and images")
print(" into the specified output folder.")
print(" %s -r -s -p apnxfile -d -h --epub_version= infile [outdir]" % progname)
print(" -h print this help message")
print(" -i use HD Images, if present, to overwrite reduced resolution images")
print(" -s split combination mobis into mobi7 and mobi8 ebooks")
print(" -p APNXFILE path to an .apnx file associated with the azw3 input (optional)")
print(" --epub_version= specify epub version to unpack to: 2, 3, A (for automatic) or ")
print(" F (force to fit to epub2 definitions), default is 2")
print(" -d dump headers and other info to output and extra files")
print(" -r write raw data to the output folder")
def main(argv=unicode_argv()):
global DUMP
print("KindleUnpack v0.83")
print(" Based on initial mobipocket version Copyright © 2009 Charles M. Hannum <root@ihack.net>")
print(" Extensive Extensions and Improvements Copyright © 2009-2020 ")
print(" by: P. Durrant, K. Hendricks, S. Siebert, fandrieu, DiapDealer, nickredding, tkeo.")
print(" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify")
print(" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by")
print(" the Free Software Foundation, version 3.")
progname = os.path.basename(argv[0])
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "dhirsp:", ['epub_version='])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
if len(args)<1:
apnxfile = None
epubver = '2'
use_hd = False
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-h":
if o == "-i":
use_hd = True
if o == "-d":
DUMP = True
if o == "-r":
if o == "-s":
if o == "-p":
apnxfile = a
if o == "--epub_version":
epubver = a
if len(args) > 1:
infile, outdir = args
infile = args[0]
outdir = os.path.splitext(infile)[0]
infileext = os.path.splitext(infile)[1].upper()
if infileext not in ['.MOBI', '.PRC', '.AZW', '.AZW3', '.AZW4']:
print("Error: first parameter must be a Kindle/Mobipocket ebook or a Kindle/Print Replica ebook.")
return 1
print('Unpacking Book...')
unpackBook(infile, outdir, apnxfile, epubver, use_hd)
except ValueError as e:
print("Error: %s" % e)
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':