path: root/jquery.rpc_5823.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jquery.rpc_5823.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 237 deletions
diff --git a/jquery.rpc_5823.js b/jquery.rpc_5823.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b7bd56..0000000
--- a/jquery.rpc_5823.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-window.jQuery = window.jQuery || {};
-jQuery.rpc = function(url, dataType, onLoadCallback, version, methods) {
- return new (function(url, dataType, onLoadCallback, version) {
- version = version || "1.0";
- dataType = dataType || "json";
- if(dataType != "json" && dataType != "xml") {
- new Error("IllegalArgument: Unsupported data type");
- }
- var _self = this;
- function pad2(f) {
- if(f<=9) {
- return "0"+f;
- } else {
- return ""+f;
- }
- }
- var serializeToXml = function(data) {
- switch (typeof data) {
- case 'boolean':
- return '<boolean>'+ ((data) ? '1' : '0') +'</boolean>';
- case 'number':
- var parsed = parseInt(data);
- if(parsed == data) {
- return '<int>'+ data +'</int>';
- }
- return '<double>'+ data +'</double>';
- case 'string':
- return '<string>'+ data +'</string>';
- case 'object':
- if(data instanceof Date) {
- return '<dateTime.iso8601>'+ data.getFullYear() + pad2(data.getMonth()) + pad2(data.getDate()) +'T'+ pad2(data.getHours()) +':'+ pad2(data.getMinutes()) +':'+ pad2(data.getSeconds()) +'</dateTime.iso8601>';
- } else if(data instanceof Array) {
- var ret = '<array><data>'+"\n";
- for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
- ret += ' <value>'+ serializeToXml(data[i]) +"</value>\n";
- }
- ret += '</data></array>';
- return ret;
- } else {
- var ret = '<struct>'+"\n";
- jQuery.each(data, function(key, value) {
- ret += " <member><name>"+ key +"</name><value>";
- ret += serializeToXml(value) +"</value></member>\n";
- });
- ret += '</struct>';
- return ret;
- }
- }
- }
- var xmlRpc = function(method, params) {
- var ret = '<?xml version="'+version+'"?><methodCall><methodName>'+method+'</methodName><params>';
- for(var i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
- ret += "<param><value>"+serializeToXml(params[i])+"</value></param>";
- }
- ret += "</params></methodCall>";
- return ret;
- }
- var parseXmlValue = function(node) {
- var jnode = jQuery(node);
- childs = jnode.children();
- // String not enclosed in a <string> tag
- if(childs.length==0) {
- var s="";
- for(var j=0; j<jnode[0].childNodes.length;j++) {
- s+=new String(jnode[0].childNodes[j].nodeValue);
- }
- return s;
- }
- for(var i=0; i < childs.length; i++) {
- switch(childs[i].tagName) {
- case 'boolean':
- return (jQuery(childs[i]).text() == 1);
- case 'int':
- return parseInt(jQuery(childs[i]).text());
- case 'double':
- return parseFloat(jQuery(childs[i]).text());
- case "string":
- return jQuery(childs[i]).text();
- case "array":
- var ret = [];
- jQuery("> data > value", childs[i]).each(
- function() {
- ret.push(parseXmlValue(this));
- }
- );
- return ret;
- case "struct":
- var ret = {};
- jQuery("> member", childs[i]).each(
- function() {
- ret[jQuery( "> name", this).text()] = parseXmlValue(jQuery("value", this));
- }
- );
- return ret;
- case "dateTime.iso8601":
- /* TODO: fill me :( */
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- var parseXmlResponse = function(data) {
- var ret = {};
- ret.version = version;
- jQuery("methodResponse params param > value", data).each(
- function(index) {
- ret.result = parseXmlValue(this);
- }
- );
- jQuery("methodResponse fault > value", data).each(
- function(index) {
- ret.error = parseXmlValue(this);
- }
- );
- return ret;
- }
- var rpc_contents = {
- 'xml':'text/xml'
- ,'json':'application/json'
- };
- var _rpc = function(method) {
- var params = [];
- var async; // whether we're async or not
- var callback;
- var nargs=arguments.length;
- if(nargs > 1 && typeof(arguments[nargs-1])=="function") {
- callback = arguments[nargs-1];
- nargs=nargs-1;
- async=true;
- } else {
- async=false;
- }
- for (var i=1; i<nargs; i++) {
- params.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- var data;
- if(dataType == 'json') {
- data = {"version":version, "method":method, "params":params};
- } else {
- data = xmlRpc(method, params);
- }
- if(async) {
- jQuery.ajax({
- url: url,
- dataType: dataType,
- type: "POST",
- data: data,
- success: function(inp) {
- var json = inp;
- if(dataType == "xml") {
- json = parseXmlResponse(inp);
- }
- // console.log("json response:", json);
- callback(json);
- },
- processData: false,
- contentType: rpc_contents[dataType]});
- } else {
- var result = jQuery.ajax({
- url: url,
- dataType: dataType,
- type: "POST",
- data: data,
- async: false,
- contentType: rpc_contents[dataType]});
- if(dataType=="json") {
- return eval("("+result.responseText+")");
- } else {
- var myresult=parseXmlResponse(result.responseXML);
- return myresult;
- }
- }
- };
- function populate(methods) {
- // console.log(json);
- /* get the functions */
- var proc = null;
- for(var i = 0; i<methods.length; i++) {
- proc = methods[i];
- var obj = _self;
- var objStack = proc.split(/\./);
- for(var j = 0; j < (objStack.length - 1); j++){
- obj[objStack[j]] = obj[objStack[j]] || {};
- obj = obj[objStack[j]];
- }
- /* add the new procedure */
- obj[objStack[j]] = (
- function(method, obj) {
- var _outer = {"method":method,"rpc":_rpc};
- return function() {
- var params = [];
- params.push(_outer.method);
- for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {
- params.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- return _rpc.apply(_self, params);
- }
- }
- )(proc, _rpc);
- }
- // console.log('Load was performed.');
- }
- function asyncCallback(json) {
- populate(json.result);
- if(onLoadCallback) {
- onLoadCallback(_self);
- }
- }
- if(!methods) {
- _rpc("system.listMethods", asyncCallback);
- } else {
- populate(methods);
- if(onLoadCallback) {
- // not sure this works - the intention is to call the callback as soon as this
- // javascript function returns control back to the browser, to emulate the behaviour
- // that the system.listMethods approach
- setTimeout(function(){onLoadCallback(_self);},0);
- }
- }
- })(url, dataType, onLoadCallback, version);