// Released under the MIT/X11 license
// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
"use strict";
var Request = require("request").Request;
var xhrMod = require("xhr");
// Initialize myStorage if we don't have it.
var myStorage = require("simple-storage").storage;
if (!myStorage.cachedRequest) {
myStorage.cachedRequest = {};
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/582760 is still alive
var debugOption = true;
function debug(str) {
if (debugOption) {
* Decorating cached response object with a bit of additional
* functionality.
function CachedResponse (url) {
if (!myStorage.cachedRequest[url]) {
// FIXME myk's review comment
// This creates a record in the datastore for a URL if one doesn't exist,
// but it doesn't initialize the record. So if some code calls
// CachedResponse["http://example.com/"] twice without calling
// CachedResponse.saveCached() in between, it'll get different results the
// second time. Better to avoid creating the record until
// CachedResponse.savedCached() is called (alternately: initialize the record
// when creating it).
myStorage.cachedRequest[url] = {};
this.url = url;
this.text = null;
this.status = "";
this.statusText = "";
this.headers = {};
else {
var storedResponse = myStorage.cachedRequest[url];
this.url = url;
this.text = storedResponse.text;
this.status = storedResponse.status;
this.statusText = storedResponse.statusText;
this.headers = storedResponse.headers;
* getter returning object from this.text
* (so we don't save essentially the same object same)
* @return Object from this.text, if this.text isn't JSONable,
* return null
CachedResponse.prototype.__defineGetter__("json", function() {
try {
return JSON.parse(this.text);
catch (ex) {
if (ex instanceof SyntaxError) {
return null;
} else {
throw ex;
* save the current object's values to myStorage.
CachedResponse.prototype.saveCached = function() {
var storedResponse = myStorage.cachedRequest[this.url];
storedResponse.text = this.text;
storedResponse.status = this.status;
storedResponse.statusText = this.statusText;
storedResponse.headers = this.headers;
* getter returning Last-Modified header as a Date object.
* @return Date when this has Last-Modified header, or null otherwise
CachedResponse.prototype.__defineGetter__("lastModified", function() {
if (this.headers && (this.headers.hasOwnProperty("Last-Modified"))) {
return new Date(this.headers["Last-Modified"]);
return null;
* Emulates Request object, but caches the result for speedier access,
* and protection when the remote site is down.
* @opts Object with properties same as Request
* Limitations: does only GET requests, so it doesn't even have
* .post(), .get() or any other methods.
FIXME myk's request
I would still require consumers to call .get(), since the constructor's name
suggests it is a subclass of Request, and hewing to the original API (except
for the methods that aren't implemented) seems like the most understandable
implementation of such a subclass.
* Contrary to Request() opts can have onError callback, and
* getExpiredAnyway property to allow using expired cached value,
* if the remote connection returns error.
exports.CachedRequest = function CachedRequest(opts) {
var crStorage = new CachedResponse(opts.url);
var req = new xhrMod.XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("HEAD", opts.url, true);
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
if ((req.readyState != 4) || (req.status != 200)) {
return ;
var curETag = req.getResponseHeader("ETag");
// FIXME myk's review
// In bug 643156, bz discouraged use of HEAD requests due to server-side
// bugs and suggested using nsIURIChecker instead, which itself does a HEAD
// request for HTTP URLs but apparently works around those bugs. I'm not
// sure if you can use that interface here, but it would be worth looking
// into.
// http://www.oxymoronical.com/experiments/apidocs/interface/nsIURIChecker
* var linkChecker = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/urichecker;1"].
* createInstance(Ci.nsIURIChecker);
* linkChecker.init(ioService.newURI(url, null, null));
* linkChecker.loadFlags = Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BACKGROUND;
* linkChecker.asyncCheck(new AutoDownloader(url, savedTo, aWindow), null);
* or
* var linkChecker = gLinksBeingChecked[i].
* QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIURIChecker);
* // nsIURIChecker returns:
* // NS_BINDING_SUCCEEDED link is valid
* // NS_BINDING_FAILED link is invalid (gave an error)
* // NS_BINDING_ABORTED timed out, or cancelled
* var status = linkChecker.status;
* if (status ==0x804b0001) // NS_BINDING_FAILED
* dump(">> " + linkChecker.name + " is broken\n");
* else if (status == 0x804b0002) // NS_BINDING_ABORTED
* dump(">> " + linkChecker.name + " timed out\n");
* else if (status == 0) // NS_BINDING_SUCCEEDED
* dump(" " + linkChecker.name + " OK!\n");
* else
* dump(">> " + linkChecker.name + " not checked\n");
var curLastModified = new Date(req.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"));
if (crStorage && crStorage.headers &&
((curETag == crStorage.headers.eTag) ||
(curLastModified <= crStorage.lastModified))) {
debug("Loading from cache!");
// use cached values
else { // cache is not up-to-date
new Request({
url: opts.url,
onComplete: function(resp) {
if (resp.status == 200) {
debug("Too old cache! Reloaded");
crStorage.headers = resp.headers;
crStorage.text = resp.text;
crStorage.status = resp.status;
crStorage.statusText = resp.statusText;
else {
// If we cannot get response from the real URL,
// we may be happy with getting our fix from
// anywhere, including (possibly) expired cache
if (opts.getExpiredAnyway && crStorage && crStorage.text) {
debug("Nothing better to do! Returning expired cache.");
else {
// We definitively lost, just call .onComplete
// with what we have.
text: resp.text,
json: null,
status: resp.status,
statusText: resp.statusText,
headers: resp.headers
// to avoid call opts.onComplete below
return ;
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