path: root/hacking.md
blob: 5a21f2dba1c3b911265bb833a4e2da550539d7ce (plain) (tree)

title: Hacking on SourceHut
toc: false

For developers interested in hacking on SourceHut, an expedited installation
procedure is available. The bare minimum is a PostgreSQL database and a Redis
server, and you can generally skip the webhooks daemons unless you need them.
It is recommended that you still use our distribution packages to obtain the
dependencies, though.

If you don't intend to work on core.sr.ht, install the package to skip this
step. If you don't intend to work on meta.sr.ht, it may be easier to install the
package and configure it normally on localhost than to try and get it up and
running from source.

You can also *usually* get away without configuring the outgoing mail settings,
but you may still have to generate a PGP key to get things started up. You can
also skip the reverse proxy and use our development servers via `python3

# Sending patches

We use [git send-email](https://git-send-email.io) and discuss patches (and
other development topics) on the
[sr.ht-dev](https://lists.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-dev) list. Please send your
patches and development questions there.