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authorMatěj Cepl <>2014-11-11 10:34:43 +0100
committerMatěj Cepl <>2014-11-11 10:34:43 +0100
commit7aaf9b3e2cb71f26386fbbeafd6fd5d0c43b7ac6 (patch)
parent3f4481dd34af6bc54ff5cc7ffd224b669450ac23 (diff)
Další odstavce z článku XIX. a zangličtění první šesti článků.
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/ksaft_EN.rst b/ksaft_EN.rst
index 2afa4ef..7a55d28 100644
--- a/ksaft_EN.rst
+++ b/ksaft_EN.rst
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ XIX. This chapter, where The Unity turns to the Czech nation, whom it
6. better ways how to educate youth.
XX. In the end The Unity bids farewell to the Czech nation and blesses
- Him with the words of Moses. It wishes Him strength, plenty of man,
+ Him with the words of Moses. It wishes Him strength, plenty of men,
happiness in fight and in the work. His enemies should be always
@@ -209,40 +209,40 @@ In the name of the God Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear sons and everybody who hear my voice, listen to me!
It is proclaimed in the God’s Scriptures, that the one era passes and
-the other is coming while the earth stays for ever (Eccl. 1:4) it has
-been fulfilled on us all, who were here before us, and it is being
+the other is coming while the earth stays for ever (Eccl. 1:4), so it
+has been fulfilled on us all, who were here before us, and it is being
fulfilled on us who are alive now, and it will be fulfilled on those who
-are coming after us: that by coming to the world from the place, where
-the omnipotent Lord will lead us, from the place of the eternal silence,
-and after staying here for a while, how long He does measure us to live,
-we will go back to where, he will lead us (oh, let him lead us!) to the
-place of His stay. In the same way it goes for each person in his own
-body, the same it goes for every human society in houses, cities,
-kingdoms and unities, that everywhere one passes away and other comes;
-you can see what’s even now going on under the heavens; some kingdoms
-are passing away and change and their nations, languages, rights,
-religions: it happens certainly because the new era is coming; even
-churches of The Unity: it happens certainly because that the God wants
-to renew the face of his land (Psalm 104:30).
+are coming after us. That is that by coming to the world from the place,
+where the omnipotent Lord lead us from, from the place of the eternal
+silence, and after staying here for a while, how long He does measure us
+to live, we will go back to where, he will lead us (oh, let him lead
+us!) to the place of His stay. In the same way it is true for each
+person individually, the same is true for every human society in
+households, cities, kingdoms and unities, that everywhere one passes
+away and other comes; you can see what’s even now going on under the
+heavens; some kingdoms are passing away and change together with their
+nations, languages, rights, religions: it happens certainly because the
+new era is coming; even churches of The Unity: it happens certainly
+because the God wants to renew the face of his land (Psalm 104:30).
-I see in the midst of all these changes I see my own change and dying
-and passing aways, that I have been put under the God’s discipline and
-I have been pushed away to the middle of strangers, and I have been
-abandoned by my neighbors (who build peace for themselves and forgot
-about myself [#]_), so if The Lord affirms what people do, I see that
-while I had served to the will of god in my age, I am going to fall
-asleep (Acts 13:36): so I will do what the cautious according to the
-wisdom of the World do, that if they have anything to bequeath, they
-establish their heirs and they divide among them the blessings of God,
-so that it would not be lost or division and that they would not leave
-fights behind themselves. Which is the God’s order given to the
-Hezekiah: “Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live.”
-(Isa 38:1), and whoever gets a house from God to steward should not
-leave the world without doing The Last Will and Testament.
+I see in the midst of all these changes my own change and dying and
+passing away, and I have been put under the God’s discipline when I have
+been pushed away to the middle of strangers, and I have been abandoned
+by my neighbors (who build peace for themselves and forgot about myself
+[#]_). If The Lord affirms what people do, I see that while I had served
+to the will of the God in my age, I am going to fall asleep (Acts
+13:36); so I will do what the cautious according to the wisdom of the
+World do, if they have anything to bequeath, they establish their heirs
+and they divide among them the blessings of God, so that it would not be
+lost or there wouldn’t be division and that they would not leave fights
+behind themselves. Which is the God’s order given to the Hezekiah: “Set
+your house in order, for you shall die and not live.” (Isa 38:1), and
+whoever gets a house from God to steward should not leave the world
+without doing The Last Will and Testament.
.. [#] Here she talks about the Peace of Westfalia.
@@ -263,19 +263,19 @@ IV.
I will divide you into four groups, and speaking to the each group
individually about what’s needed, I will turn my speech to other
unities, my sisters, older and younger [#]_, with whom and amongst them
-I was cared for by The Lord, and now he calls me to himself before all
-of you, so that I divide amongst you what The Lord had given me to
+I was cared for by The Lord, and now when he calls me to himself before
+all of you, I divide amongst you what The Lord had given me to
administer from His Mercy. So, although my external likeness was that
-I could tell with the Apostle [#]_: „I have no silver and gold" (Acts
-3:6), and who did not have on Earth, in the same manner as my Lord, where
-to lay his head; and whatever I had from these smaller earthly things,
-homes and congregations, fields, vineyards, they have took off (when
-forcing me into exile) in the same manner as they robbed my Lord of his
-gown and divided among themselves, when they have nailed him to the
-cross; but I can boast in the Christ Jesus in the God’s matters, because
-he gave me a riches spiritual, so that His word could stay with me. So
-that I will bequest from those treasures given me to my care, how I will
-think fit, to give each of you sons and my friends what you need.
+I could tell with the Apostle [#]_: “I have no silver and gold” (Acts
+3:6), because I did not have on Earth, in the same manner as my Lord,
+where to lay his head; and whatever I had from these smaller earthly
+things, homes and congregations, fields, vineyards, they have took off
+(when forcing me into exile) in the same manner as they robbed my Lord
+of his gown and divided among themselves, when they have nailed him to
+the cross; but I can boast in the Christ Jesus in the God’s matters,
+because he gave me a riches spiritual, so that His word could stay with
+me. So that I will bequest from those treasures given me to my care, how
+I will think fit, to give each of you sons and my friends what you need.
.. [#] Younger sisters mean Lutheran and Calvin unities, older sister is
the Utraquist unity.
@@ -286,49 +286,49 @@ V.
You, my sons, whom I gave birth and brought you up, I do not see each of
-you same; and therefore I cannot speak to each of you in the same
-words, but in different manner. Because some of you betrayed me and The
-Father of Spirits, to whom I have born you, by not staying with me in my
+you same; and therefore I cannot speak to each of you in the same words,
+but in different manner. Because some of you betrayed me and The Father
+of Spirits, to whom I have born you, and you did not stay with me in my
temptations, but you have left me. Other ones of you persisted, and some
-of you may even still persist now, ih a half-way manner, while you
+of you may even still persist now, in a half-way manner, while you
flatter my enemies and warming yourself at their fires, you still long
-for me, your mother, you still long for the Lord to liberate me from the
-siege of my enemies and for you to return to my bosom. Others have more
-courageous spirit and you followed me falling down under the cross, you
+for me, your mother, from the Lord to liberate me from the siege of my
+enemies and that you would return to my bosom. Others have more
+courageous spirit and followed me falling down under the cross, and you
have not hesitated to share my sufferings, even drinking with me the
-chalice of bitterness, which the Lord poured me who leads us from the
-bitterness of the current age to sweetness of the world to come. But
+chalice of bitterness, which poured for me the Lord, who leads us from
+the bitterness of the current age to sweetness of the world to come. But
still I see some of you either because of your age or because of
destitution languish and die; about others I have still hope that the
-Lord will care for them until they get to better times.
+Lord will care for them until they get to next times.
-I delight you, who are still faithful and still remaining in that
-faithfulness and who are arriving the end of your faith, with delight
-which delighted us our most faithful Lord, with these holy words: “You
-are those who have stayed with me in my trials, and I assign to you, as
-my Father assigned to me, a kingdom, that you may eat and drink at my
-table in my kingdom.” (Luke 22:28-30) Accept this delight, oh my sons,
-and do not grief anymore for the loss of your earthly fatherland and
-tabernacles of your home and tabernacles of the Lord here on the Earth;
-we are led to the more glorious things by the One who said: “Tell my
-people that I will give them the kingdom of [eternal] Jerusalem, which
-I was going to give to Israel. Moreover, I will take back to myself
-their glory, and will give to these others the everlasting habitations,
-which I had prepared for Israel. The tree of life shall give them
-fragrant perfume [#]_, and they shall neither toil nor become weary.”
-(2. Esdras 2:10b-13 NRSV) Be ready for the rewards of the kingdom,
-because perpetual light will shine on you forevermore. Flee from the
-shadow of this age, receive the joy of your glory (ibid v. 35-36 NRSV)
-knowing that you shall be attached after your release from here to the
-great crowd which are before the throne and before the face of the Lamb,
-dressed in white and having palm branches of Victory; about those the
-heavenly voice says: “These are the ones coming out of the great
-tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the
-blood of the Lamb. Therefore they are before the throne of God, and
+I want to delight you, who are still faithful and still remaining in
+that faithfulness and who are arriving the end of your faith, with
+delight which delighted us our most faithful Lord, with these holy
+words: “You are those who have stayed with me in my trials, and I assign
+to you, as my Father assigned to me, a kingdom, that you may eat and
+drink at my table in my kingdom.” (Luke 22:28-30) Accept this delight,
+oh my sons, and do not grief anymore for the loss of your earthly
+fatherland and tabernacles of your home and tabernacles of the Lord here
+on the Earth; we are led to the more glorious things by the One who
+said: “Tell my people that I will give them the kingdom of [eternal]
+Jerusalem, which I was going to give to Israel. Moreover, I will take
+back to myself their glory, and will give to these others the
+everlasting habitations, which I had prepared for Israel. The tree of
+life shall give them fragrant perfume [#]_, and they shall neither toil
+nor become weary.” (2. Esdras 2:10b-13 NRSV) Be ready for the rewards
+of the Kingdom, because perpetual light will shine on you forevermore.
+Flee from the shadow of this age, receive the joy of your glory (ibid v.
+35-36 NRSV) knowing that you shall be attached after your release from
+here to the great crowd which are before the throne and before the face
+of the Lamb, dressed in white and having palm branches of Victory; about
+those the heavenly voice says: “These are the ones coming out of the
+great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in
+the blood of the Lamb. Therefore they are before the throne of God, and
serve him day and night in his temple …” etc. (Revelation 7:9, 14, 15)
.. [#] Tree of life symbolises the eternal life, whereas fragrant
@@ -877,21 +877,21 @@ impossible!
records, The Acts of the Unity of Brethern.
.. [#] Meaning the south and north kingdom of Juda and Israel.
-Páté, odevzdávám tobě také i synům tvým snažnost [#]_ v pulerování [#]_,
-vyčišťování a vzdělávání milého našeho a milostného otcovského jazyka,
-v čemž synů mých bedlivost známá byla časů předešlých, když od
-rozumnějších říkáno, že češtiny lepší není jako mezi Bratřími
-a v knihách jejich. Ale pilněji se na to ještě někteří vydali nyní, teď
-z vlasti vypuzeni byvše, aby přihotovením knih užitečných a nad předešlý
-způsob vybroušenějším perem psaných napomohli synům tvým k uvedení tím
-snáze všeliké ušlechtilé spanilosti ve věcech i v řeči, v moudrosti
+Fifth, I submit to you and your sons also diligence in cultivation,
+cleaning and building up of adored and beloved language of our fathers.
+My sons were always watchfulness was known for this in times past, so
+much so, that wise told us there was no better Czech language than the
+one among the Brethern and in their books.
+Ale pilněji se na to ještě někteří vydali nyní, teď z vlasti vypuzeni
+byvše, aby přihotovením knih užitečných a nad předešlý způsob
+vybroušenějším perem psaných napomohli synům tvým k uvedení tím snáze
+všeliké ušlechtilé spanilosti ve věcech i v řeči, v moudrosti
i výmluvnosti, k šťastnému vynahrazení podešlého [#]_ teď zpuštění, jakž
by jen časy k rozvlažení přivedl Pán. Cokoli tedy toho se nadejde [#]_,
knih starých neb nových, to od synů mých přijmouc, za své vlastní měj
k užití toho, jak nejlépe viděti budeš!
-.. [#] Snažnost = píle.
-.. [#] Pulerování = třibení.
.. [#] Podešlého = nastalého.
.. [#] Nadejde se = najde se.